European Medicines Agency
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EMEA 2005 Reproduction and/or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is
London, 14 November 2005
October 2001- June 2004
June 2004
December 2004
September - October 2005
November 2005
May 2006
EMEA 2005
Scope of the guideline
Aspects not covered in the guideline
Legal basis
INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................... 5
Assessing the need for information on drug exposure
Specific recommendations for surveillance
Human Pregnancy Data from Pre-Authorisation studies
Human Pregnancy Data collected Post-Authorisation
Sources of data information ....................................................................................................... 7
Clinical studies............................................................................................................................. 8
Other Potential sources of information ..................................................................................... 9
Quality of collected data
Exposure data .............................................................................................................................. 9
Outcome data............................................................................................................................. 10
Data standardisation ................................................................................................................. 10
Content of a report
General recommendations........................................................................................................ 11
Special situations:...................................................................................................................... 11
Follow-up data ........................................................................................................................... 12
Expedited reporting requirements
REPORTING PREGNANCY EXPOSURE IN PSURS......................................................... 13
Post-Authorisation Data
Case reports ............................................................................................................................... 14
Epidemiology studies................................................................................................................. 14
Pregnancy registries.................................................................................................................. 14
Signal detection.......................................................................................................................... 14
... 15
.......... 18
.......................................................... 19
....................................................................................................................... 20
EMEA 2005
The clinical trial program of a medicinal product under development rarely includes pregnant women,
(unless the product is intended specifically for use during pregnancy), however, some pharmacological
treatments cannot be discontinued during pregnancy. In most clinical trials in which women of
childbearing age are included, effective contraception must be used. For this reason, the only data
available to evaluate reproductive risk when a new medicinal product is approved for marketing is
virtually from non-clinical studies, and although these non-clinical studies can be useful to predict
human risk, the extent of prediction needs to be taken with caution.
Consequently, many medicinal products are subject to contraindications or special warnings because
they have not been sufficiently studied during pregnancy or studies in animals have revealed adverse
effects on the foetus (teratogenic, foetotoxic or other).
Once a product is marketed, the major objective of pharmacovigilance with regard to the exposure of
pregnant women is to collect information on safety in pregnancy so that better information can be
provided to health care practitioners and patients. Information on drug exposure in pregnancy is
necessary to identify agents harmful to the developing foetus. Conversely, data on pregnancy exposure
can also establish that the foetal toxicity of a product is limited.
Use of medicines in pregnancy is not uncommon and different studies have shown that there is a high
variability in the frequency of drug use during pregnancy among different countries. It is also
recognised that many pregnancies are unplanned, and some prescription and non-prescription medicinal
products are frequently used by women of childbearing age, despite the fact that the benefits and risks
are often unknown or poorly characterised.
Scope of the guideline
This guideline aims at providing criteria to select medicinal products for which active surveillance for
collecting post-authorisation data in pregnancy is necessary. It provides guidance on how to monitor
accidental or intended exposure to medicinal products during pregnancy and specific requirements for
reporting data and adverse outcomes of pregnancy exposure. The guideline also includes detailed
recommendations regarding presentation of data collected on exposure in pregnant women.
The guideline relates in particular to new products, for which a summary of the potential risks of
exposure in pregnancy and of the potential need for the product during pregnancy should be included in
the Pharmacovigilance Specification provided by the Marketing Authorisation Holder (MAH) at the
time of the MA application. The aim of these specifications is that the MAH proposes a
Pharmacovigilance Plan in order to evaluate the potential risk of a product and/or to provide missing
information on the safety of the product in pregnancy.
It is recommended that a similar pharmacovigilance plan is developed for established products, when a
new major safety concern has arisen, and for “old products”, for which reliable data in animals are
lacking and experience in humans is poorly documented.
The guideline also concerns the use of medicinal products in men, as products might have effects on the
foetus via semen due to their mutagenic or teratogenic potential.
Aspects not covered in the guideline
It should be noted that this guideline will not cover specific aspects of safety and efficacy of medicinal
products authorised for pregnancy-related symptoms and disorders or pro-fertility drugs. Other products
like herbal medicines and the use of medicinal products during breast-feeding are not covered either in
this guideline.
Legal basis
This guideline should be read in conjunction with the Council Regulation (EEC) 2309/93 (Title II,
Chapter 3), European Parliament and Council Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended (Title IX),
EMEA 2005
Commission Regulation (EC) 540/95, Council Regulation (EEC) No 2309/93 and with other EU and
ICH Guidance documents, especially:
Volume 9 of the Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union
(Pharmacovigilance - Medicinal Products for Human Use)
ICH topic E2C - Note for Guidance on Clinical Safety Data Management: Periodic Safety
Update Reports for Marketed Drugs (CPMP/ICH/288/95, adopted in December 1996)
Addendum to ICH topic E2C (CPMP/ICH/4679/02, adopted in February 2003)
ICH topic E1A: The Extent of Exposure to Assess Clinical Safety for Drugs Intended for
Long-Term Treatment of Non-Life-Threatening Conditions (CPMP/ICH/375/95, adopted in
November 1994)
ICH topic E2B(M): Note for Guidance on Clinical Safety Data Management: Data Elements
for Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (CPMP/ICH/287/95,– adopted in
November 2000)
ICH topic E2B(M): Questions and answers to CPMP/ICH/287/95. (CPMP/ICH/3943/03,
adopted in November 2003)
ICH topic E2A: Note for Guidance on Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and
Standards for expedited reporting (CPMP/ICH/377/95, adopted in November 1994)
Detailed guidance on the European database of Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse
Reactions (ENTR//F2/BL D (2003)-adopted in April 2003, Eudravigilance-CT Module)
ICH E2E: Note for Guidance for Pharmacovigilance Planning (CPMP/ICH/5716/03 released
for 6 months consultation in November 2003)
ICH E2D: Note for Guidance on Post-Approval Safety Data Management: Definitions and
Standards for expedited reporting (CPMP/ ICH/3945/03, adopted in
November 2003)
All applicable ICH guidelines and standards for electronic reporting of Individual Case Safety
Reports (i.e. M1, M2).
The ‘Note for Guidance on the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) of Individual Case Safety
Reports (ICSRs) and Medicinal Product Reports (MPRs) in pharmacovigilance during the pre-
and post- authorisation phase in the European Economic Area (EEA)’, Doc. Ref.
EMEA/115735/2004 (adopted at Community level in September 2004).
The EMEA guidance ‘Technical Documentation - EudraVigilance Human Version 7.0
Processing of Safety Messages and ICSRs’ (Doc. Ref. EMEA/H/20665/04) (adopted at
Community level in July 2004).
‘Detailed guidance on the European database of Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse
Reactions (EudraVigilance - Clinical Trial Module), (Doc. Ref. ENTR/CT4, Revision 1,
adopted at Community level in April 2004).
Guideline on Risk Management Systems for Medicinal Products for human use
EMEA 2005
The majority of medicinal products or chemical substances administered to a pregnant woman could
have effects on the foetus either before the placenta is fully developed or subsequently, if they can cross
the placenta to at least some extent. Substances used for therapeutic purposes in the mother have the
potential to reach the foetus with the consequential potential for harmful effects, depending on whether
the rate and extent of drug transfer results in sufficient concentrations within the foetus.
Medicinal products may have a different impact at different stages of pregnancy. The spectrum of
effects varies according to the period of exposure. For example, the exposure to a teratogenic agent
during the period of organogenesis may induce major malformation, growth retardation or death, while
exposure during the second or third trimester may induce growth retardation, renal insufficiency,
neurological disorders, stillbirth, etc. On the other hand, exposure to a teratogenic agent during the first
two weeks of pregnancy (3rd and 4th gestational week) may lead either to the death or to a normal
preembryo according to the "all or nothing rule"; at this period zygotes and blastocysts contain
omnipotent stem cells without any differentiation, therefore, teratogenic agents may lead to seriously
damaged preembryos, which will not survive, or to less seriously damaged preembryos, which will
survive with complete regeneration.
Drug treatment of male patients prior to or around the time of conception and/or during pregnancy could
affect the offspring due to a drug-induced defect in the spermatozoon itself such as an effect on the
DNA or chromosome or due to an effect caused by the presence of the drug in the seminal fluid.
Two important conclusions can be drawn from the above considerations:
In order to minimise the foetal risk of exposure, drug therapy of the mother should be restricted as much
as possible. This principle, however, cannot be applied in all cases. The mother may have a serious
illness which requires treatment, or a condition that untreated may pose significant risk to the foetus.
In order to optimise the knowledge about any potential teratogenic or embryotoxic/foetotoxic effects of
a medicinal product and the doses and concentrations at which such effects will develop, it is desirable
to gather information about all medicinal products taken by pregnant women.
Assessing the need for information on drug exposure
It is good practice to always try to collect information on medicinal exposure during pregnancy.
However, there are various situations in which an assessment of the foetal effects following exposure of
pregnant women to medicinal products is particularly important:
Conditions and diseases where drug therapy is essential for maternal and/or foetal benefit and
where discontinuation or omission of treatment would result in increased risk for the mother
and/or the foetus.
In these situations, the potential harm posed by drug therapy to the foetus must be weighed
against the risk of lack of therapy both to the mother and the foetus. Examples of such
conditions and diseases include asthma, autoimmune disorders, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy,
high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, infections, intoxications, malignant diseases, severe
psychiatric disorders, thromboembolic events, as well as use of general anaesthetics and
treatments for prevention of transplant rejection.
There is a special need for information in situations when available treatment options are
already limited due to known or suspected risks established from animal studies or human
experience. Examples of these situations include: antiepileptic, antineoplastic, antithyroid
agents, antiretrovirals. This must not, however, be equated with a waiver for other products,
for which only limited or no information about their impact during pregnancy exists. The
database established for collecting information on antiretroviral therapy is a good example of a
EMEA 2005
solution to the problems of collecting information, which could be followed for other
Conditions and symptoms where drug treatment, although not necessarily required, is
frequently given, with or without prescription. This group mainly comprises treatment of
common symptoms such as constipation, fatigue, mild to moderate forms of allergic
symptoms, common cold, fever, mood alterations, nausea/vomiting and pain.
Safety concerns emphasise the need for data collection on exposure during pregnancy and the
importance of pregnancy databases in revealing potential teratogenic/embryo-foetotoxic
signals. On the other hand, medicinal products for which well-conducted epidemiological
studies in pregnant women failed to demonstrate a risk to the foetus may be exempted.
Treatment with drugs belonging to a class of substances having a similar chemical structure or
mechanism of action to:
- Substances of which the teratogenic, embryotoxic, foetotoxic or mutagenic effects in humans
is suspected from case reports and animal studies;
- Substances of which the potential for teratogenic or embryotoxic/foetotoxic or mutagenic
effects in humans has already been established;
In these cases, it is of special importance to monitor any exposure to the substance in case
pregnancy is diagnosed or appropriate contraceptive measures were either not taken or failed.
Drugs either representing a completely new chemical entity or exhibiting a new mode of
action (e.g. biotechnology products), if not already covered by the previous categories.
Specific recommendations for surveillance
The medicinal products for which there is a special need for surveillance during pregnancy are
identified according to the above-mentioned criteria. For these medications, the MAH should develop
appropriate measures of active surveillance as laid down in a risk minimisation plan. The choice of
method of surveillance will depend on how frequently the medicinal product is used, the type of adverse
outcome to be monitored (e.g. birth defects, malignancy, psychomotor retardation) and the magnitude of
the risk.
A commitment from the MAH to introduce such pro-active monitoring is expected especially for those
products referred to under the first and third bullet points above.
In general, exposure during the whole pregnancy should be monitored. For medicinal products with
long half-lives, data on exposure before the start of pregnancy should also be provided, with an
appropriate time frame to be chosen according to the pharmacokinetics of the individual drugs.
In accordance with ICH E2E on Pharmacovigilance Plans and the CHMP Risk Management System
Guideline, the MAH should describe in the safety specifications a summary of the identified risks of a
drug, potential risks, and missing information for pregnancy. The MAH should take into account
information such as possible teratogenicity or foetotoxicity observed in preclinical studies, or class
effects (like neonatal reactions observed in a given drug class, e.g. withdrawal syndrome)
In all cases, the MAH should state which specific actions will be taken for risk management and on
what basis these actions will be reported upon.
This section provides a list of the key methods which can be used to evaluate the potential risk of
exposure to a specific medicinal product during pregnancy (or to provide missing information). The list
is not all-inclusive.
EMEA 2005
Human Pregnancy Data from Pre-Authorisation studies
In clinical trials which include female patients of reproductive age, there may be occasional inadvertent
pregnancy exposure to the medicinal product. This inadvertent exposure is usually restricted to the early
first trimester. Efforts should be made to collect data on the drug effects as well as the outcome for both
mother and foetus.
For individuals who must have a medicine during pregnancy for treatment of an underlying disease and
have been fully informed of the known benefits and risks, opportunities for collecting pharmacokinetic
information, comparing blood levels in pregnant women in different trimesters and in non-pregnant
women receiving the same dose should be considered. Again there should be assiduous collection of
data on the outcome for both mother and child.
Data from physiological studies, for example of hepatic and renal blood flow or CYP3A4 activity
during pregnancy, may also predict changes in activation or clearance of specified products during
Human Pregnancy Data collected Post-Authorisation
Sources of data information
Spontaneous reports / Case series
Spontaneous reports of pregnancy exposure are the most common source of post-authorisation data
available on the safety of medicinal products in pregnancy.
Sources include databases of regulatory authorities, national congenital anomaly registries, MAHs and
the National Association of Medical Examiner’s Pediatric Toxicology (PedTox registry (US).
Data are often limited to spontaneous reports of adverse outcomes. Even if the nature of spontaneous
reports from pregnancies rarely permits determination of a causal link between a single product and an
outcome, the occurrence of several reports of a distinct congenital abnormality associated with exposure
may constitute a signal and a number of teratogens have been identified in this way. Existing systems
for spontaneous reports of toxicity should, however, be optimised. Specific recommendations and
requirements for reporting data and adverse outcomes of pregnancy exposure are provided in section 4
of this guideline.
It is also important to collect information on pregnancies which have a normal outcome. Not
infrequently, pregnant women or health care professionals will contact MAHs or local
pharmacovigilance centres to request information on the teratogenic potential of a drug which has been
taken either before the woman realised she was pregnant or without realising the possible effects on the
foetus. This is an ideal opportunity to collect data on the exposure. Every effort should be made to
contact the health care professional, who is caring for the woman, for the outcome of the pregnancy.
Record linkage
For long-term ‘structural’ effects and some ‘non-structural’ – (and therefore not immediately detectable)
problems, registry data could be a source of information, provided that a registry containing exposure
data could be linked with subsequent information collected later in life on the exposed individuals. If
information is available from computerised medical files on a defined exposed group of individuals with
unique identification numbers, the files can be cross-linked to other files, containing information on
subsequent progress of those individuals.
Record linkage has been used to assess effects of parental alcohol and/or smoking habits or occupation
on certain neonatal outcomes. In another example, a lack of association between intra-muscular
administration of vitamin K to newborn infants and subsequent childhood cancer (an association that
had been postulated in a previous smaller study) was demonstrated with high statistical power by
linking the Swedish Medical Birth Registry to a cancer registry.
EMEA 2005
Registries Birth defect registries
A population-based registry of children born with congenital malformations is one of the available tools
for the investigations of birth defects, and has been used for conducting case-control studies (see Pregnancy registries
Prospective pregnancy registries for screening and analysis have been used to identify and estimate risks
associated with exposure to medicinal products. Registries may also be used to identify risk modifiers
and to quantify longer-term effects. Possible sources for European registry studies include the Swedish
Medical Birth Registry, a national population based registry, accumulating data on drug exposure
during pregnancy for the whole pregnant population of Sweden (>90,000 per annum).
Registries may focus on different aspects, depending on whether they are set up and coordinated
centrally by government agencies, such as the Swedish Medical Birth Registry, by industry or academia.
Thus, a registry can be organised to monitor a specific medicinal product, to follow patients suffering
from a specific medical condition or have a wider focus on a whole population. The accuracy of the
registry information will be highly dependent on the access to case records of mother and neonate, i.e.
both exposure and outcome data must be available.
Those set up by industry to monitor specific medicinal products such as the AntiRetroviral Pregnancy
Registry are named “pregnancy registry” but do not correspond to a “registry” from a pharmaco-
epidemiological viewpoint since they don’t register all cases of pregnancy exposure to the concerned
medicinal product. Indeed they are based on voluntary reporting.
Clinical studies
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
Where the study is in the best interest of both mother and infant, an RCT may be feasible. Despite
barriers, particularly the ethical considerations, conducting RCTs in pregnant women, there are
occasional reports of such studies in the literature (e.g. asthma, HIV). Studies may also aim to prove a
beneficial effect of a medicinal product on the foetus (e.g. studies on the use of folic acid in women
around the time of conception to investigate potential preventive effects on the development of neural
tube defects).
Comparative observational studies Cohort studies
There are several publications from cohort studies investigating the effects of drugs in pregnant women.
The advantage with cohort studies is that identification of patients before the outcome is known will
eliminate recall bias. Cohort studies need to be adequately controlled for underlying medical conditions,
disease severity, multiple medications and demographic factors. Despite the fact that these conditions
may be difficult to fulfil, cohort studies may be interpretable and useful. Case control studies
These studies identify individuals with a specific outcome (e.g. a congenital malformation), against a
control group and assess both groups with regards to exposure. In the case of specific malformations,
these studies often have sufficient statistical power, but they might be subject to recall bias if data are
collected retrospectively.
EMEA 2005
The Hungarian case control surveillance of congenital abnormalities, which also includes some
prospectively collected data, includes data on more than 22,000 cases, 38,000 population controls and
more than 800 patient controls with a specific genetic abnormality (Down Syndrome). It is the largest
case control data set in the world and has been used for the analysis of more than 500 drugs.
Study areas of specific interest Foetal therapy studies
Efficacy and safety information from studies with predefined outcomes (e.g. use of corticosteroids in
mothers with preterm labour to induce foetal pulmonary maturation), should be collected. Outcome
measures include foetal loss and infant mortality rates, gestational age at delivery (as determined by
LMP and/or ultrasound), birth weight, premature rupture of membranes, neonatal complications,
congenital malformations and developmental delay. Pharmacokinetic studies
A number of studies in the literature have addressed the pharmacokinetics (PK) of specific medicines in
pregnancy (notably antibiotics, valaciclovir, theophylline, methadone, antiepileptics, nortriptyline and
enoxaparin). Studies have particularly addressed the PK of agents for which a benefit from therapy is
known, particularly addressing the late second and third trimesters and early post-partum period.
Population PK studies have been suggested as a preliminary step prior to conducting more invasive and
intensive PK studies (or possibly as their replacement). Pharmacogenetic studies
It has been suggested that high maternal concentrations of both the active compound and poor
elimination of toxic metabolites may be major determinants of malformations. Data on gene expression
in pregnancy and metabolic variation may, in specific instances, help to predict effects and to identify
individuals at a higher risk.
Other Potential sources of information
Some sources providing information on congenital birth defects are listed below:
Organisation of Teratogen Information Services (OTIS) (
European network of Teratogen Information Services (ENTIS) (
International Clearinghouse for
Birth Defects Monitoring Systems (
European collaboration of craniofacial anomalies (
Apart from these sources, information may be available elsewhere, for example through regulatory
authorities, pharmaceutical companies, national antenatal records, patient societies, professional
societies, (e.g. obstetricians, neonatologists, teratologists, geneticists, pathologists, pharmacists, primary
care, nurses/midwives).
Quality of collected data
Exposure data
All studies, including those based on registries, should try to address exposure in specified time periods
of the pregnancy. Information on timing, dose and duration should be recorded as accurately as
possible. High levels of recruitment have been achieved using direct prospective enrolment, either
specifically for pregnancy exposure studies, or in addition to routine contact with a healthcare provider
such as at prenatal care visits.
EMEA 2005
Ideally, medicinal products should be studied individually as all members of a given drug class do not
necessarily have the same potential for adverse effects on pregnancy and/or the foetal development.
Outcome data
Adverse outcome data of foetal exposure comprise both structural malformations, (‘typical’ birth
defects, often – but not always – detected in the neonatal period) and non-structural or long-term
functional effects (not easily detected in the immediate neonatal period) that can be potentially
important but also difficult to detect or define.
Some cardiac, renal and intestinal malformations are not always diagnosed immediately postpartum, and
incidence is significantly influenced by duration of follow-up and availability of diagnostic tests.
Therefore, long-term follow-up is recommended when possible and appropriate.
It is important to note that the incidence of a given malformation may be influenced by the degree of use
of antenatal diagnosis and subsequent abortion. This is particularly important with the most severe
malformations, for example anencephaly. Such outcome data may be difficult to retrieve, but should be
To detect an increase in abnormalities incompatible with life, it is important to collect information on
autopsy results at stillbirth and, if possible, on examinations of the foetus after spontaneous or induced
Additionally, reviewing birth certificates is not an accurate method of ascertaining pregnancy outcome
as individuals who have not examined the neonate often complete the forms, while neonatal hospital
records are more reliable. However, diagnoses may arise or can be modified as the child is more
thoroughly examined and undergoes additional testing. Involvement of mothers could minimise lack of
follow-up. Registries involving examination by a group of professionals (ideally including a
paediatrician) following a specific protocol and allowing for blinding to maternal exposure could
generate more informative data also from a smaller number of patients, e.g. an epilepsy registry.
It is important to collect details of “normal” outcomes to provide not only reassurance but also
information on possible exposure times when other outcomes have been abnormal.
Data standardisation
The validity of information is dependent on the accuracy of diagnosis and recording. Exposure dates are
important, as susceptible periods for specific malformations may be less than one week.
The critical developmental stages for individual human organs should be used to optimise data
collection and interpretation.
Most reports and studies focus on lethal or serious/major malformations using standard international
medical terminology (most often WHO ICD10). Minor malformations, especially if several occur in a
neonate, may point to the risk of major malformations and, therefore, information on minor
malformations should not be dismissed..
Universal pregnancy-specific normal ranges of laboratory values should be also used to enable
judgements to be made quickly and accurately.
As for all Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reporting, the MAH is responsible for reporting data on and
adverse outcomes after pregnancy exposure with all medicinal products, regardless of the procedure of
authorisation (i.e. centralized, national and mutual recognition procedures).
EMEA 2005
Cases reported spontaneously by health-care professionals, cases originating from pre- or post-
authorisation studies and those originating from the worldwide literature should be included.
Content of a report
General recommendations
It is essential that MAHs collects and provide as many elements as possible for all cases to facilitate the
The minimum required data elements for the reports of adverse outcomes (e.g. congenital abnormality
etc) and data on pregnancy exposure with or without ADR are similar to those required for any ADR
report, i.e. an identifiable patient, an identifiable reporter, a suspected ADR and a suspected medicinal
All the specific data elements necessary for the assessment of cases of pregnancy exposure should be
included in the narrative, such as:
The type of report: retrospective or prospective
Prospective data of pregnancy exposure are data acquired prior to the knowledge of the
pregnancy outcome or prior to the detection of a congenital malformation at prenatal
examination (e.g. foetal ultrasound, serum markers).
Retrospective data of pregnancy exposure are data acquired after the outcome of the
pregnancy is known or after the detection of a congenital malformation on prenatal test.
Information on exposure to medicinal products during pregnancy should include dates of
exposure as accurately as possible. Gestational length, should be specified by method of
assessment and expressed as weeks + days, preferably calculated from early foetal ultrasound.
This information is necessary to establish the causal relationship between the adverse events
reported and the period of exposure to a product.
Exposure to other teratogens (e.g. infections, maternal disease, environmental factors, co-
administered medicinal product), familial history of congenital anomaly etc.
The results of examinations performed: foetal ultrasound, amniocentesis, laboratory tests, etc.
In order to obtain standardised and detailed information from the reporter, MAHs are recommended to
set up and use a structured questionnaire. A list of data elements to be considered when establishing a
questionnaire is provided in annex 1.
In certain circumstances, MAHs can be requested to submit the structured questionnaire to regulatory
agencies (e.g. for products with a highly teratogenic potential).
Special situations:
Special efforts should be made by the MAH in the following situations:
For cases of congenital malformations, to get this medically confirmed and to provide a full
description of the congenital malformation. Whenever possible all investigations done in the
paediatric ward and the medical records should be provided.
For cases of spontaneous abortion, to specify the time of occurrence and history of
spontaneous abortion.
For cases of termination of pregnancy after the first trimester of pregnancy, to obtain and
provide the results of foetal autopsy and prenatal tests (e.g. ultrasound, amniocentesis, serum
EMEA 2005
For cases of late foetal death, to collect results of prenatal tests (e.g. ultrasound, amniocentesis,
serum markers), results of the autopsy (if available) and other factors that may have had an
impact on foetal loss (e.g. concomitant disease).
For cases of paternal exposure, to collect information on the father (e.g. date of exposure,
occupation, environmental factors, medical history and drugs co-administered) and on the
mother (e.g. concomitant diseases, possible date of conception, course of pregnancy,
Where medicinal products are known (or suspected) to induce teratogenic or foetotoxic effects
and are therefore contra-indicated (or not recommended) in pregnant women, the
circumstances relating to the pregnancy should be documented (e.g. patient “not aware” of the
risk, contraception failure) and MAH should provide information on the outcome of the
Follow-up data
At the time of their first contact with the MAH, health care professionals should systematically be made
aware of the usefulness of providing data on both the exposure and the outcome of pregnancy.
Cases from health-care professionals should be monitored until the pregnancy outcome. Attempts
should be made by the MAH to follow up cases from patients through health care providers in all cases.
In order to obtain follow-up information, the MAH is recommended to set up and use a specified
procedure. This can consist on a telephone interview or mailing a questionnaire to the
obstetrician/physician involved with the care of the patient after the expected date of delivery.
The scope of a report of exposure in pregnancy does not end at birth. In case of congenital anomalies,
the MAH should try to provide an assessment of the severity of the malformation (surgery planned) and
the final diagnosis, if available (e.g. the conclusions of a genetic counselling).
Expedited reporting requirements
As for ADR reporting in general, expedited reports should be reported immediately, and in no case later
than 15 calendar days from receipt (see Vol. 9 of the Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the
European Union).
This includes
Reports of congenital anomaly(ies) in foetus, child
Reports of late foetal death
Reports of spontaneous abortion
Reports of ADRs in a newborn/neonate that is fatal, life-threatening, resulting in persistent or
significant disability/incapacity or resulting in or prolonging hospitalisation.
Other cases, i.e. reports of termination of pregnancy without information on congenital malformation
and reports of pregnancy exposure without outcome data should not normally be reported on an
expedited basis. These and reports of normal outcomes of pregnancy should be reported in PSURs.
In certain circumstances, MAHs can be requested to treat any reports of pregnancy exposure as
expedited cases, e.g. pregnancy exposure to products contra-indicated in pregnancy due to a high
teratogenic potential (e.g. thalidomide, isotretinoin).
In accordance with Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended and Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, the MAH
should use the same method to submit this data as used for ADR reporting, therefore save in exceptional
circumstances, these reports should be transmitted electronically using the ICH E2B(M) format through
the EudraVigilance system.
EMEA 2005
The ICH E2B(M) format includes a specific section for parent-child/foetus reports that contains
information on the parent and this section should be completed in accordance with the ICH E2B(M)
specifications. The route of administration of the drug for the child would normally be transplacental, in
cases where the father has taken the drug the route of administration should be marked as unknown. The
route of administration of how the parent took the drug should be captured in the field ICH E2B(M)
"parent's route of administration". Specific recommendations for the transmission of Individual Case
Safety Reports (ICSR) of pregnancy exposure are provided in annex 2. Since the E2B(M) fields do not
capture all the elements listed in Annex 2, In all cases a case narrative capturing these data elements
should systematically provided with the case report.
Specific recommendations for the transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSR) of pregnancy
exposure are provided in annex 2.
In all cases, the MedDRA terminology
which has very extensive obstetrical and neonatal terms
be used for the medical terms.
The follow-up information of serious cases should be transmitted to regulatory authorities on an
expedited basis.
As stated in both the ICH E2C guideline as well in the Notice to Marketing Authorisation Holders, part
of Volume 9 of the Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union, positive or negative
experiences during pregnancy should be reported. These data will be reported in a section of chapter 9
of the PSUR. In addition, bibliographical data, cumulative figures together with a summary table (see
annex 3) should also be provided.
In case there is an issue regarding for instance teratogenicity , foetotoxicity , neonatal adverse reactions
stated in the Pharmacovigilance Plan and/or Risk Management Plan for a certain active substance the
MAH will provide an update on these issues in every PSUR to be submitted.
Post-Authorisation Data
Sources of pregnancy outcome data reported during post-authorisation (see section 3.2 Post-
Authorisation Human Pregnancy Data) can be case reports, epidemiology studies, data from pregnancy
registries etc.
Pregnancy outcomes may be:
Live birth, normal,
Live birth, abnormal:
Pre-term, term, post-term birth
Small for gestational age infants/ Intrauterine growth retardation
Drug withdrawal syndrome in the neonate
Foetal death:
Termination of pregnancy
EMEA 2005
In cases of induced or spontaneous abortions and intra-uterine death, it should be mentioned whether the
embryo/foetus had apparent congenital malformation.
Case reports
Case reports should be analysed separately from studies and registries. Case reports can be spontaneous
reports by healthcare professionals, published case reports, or case reports from studies and reports
received from regulatory authorities. Cases from patients are to be validated by a healthcare
professional. If not, these cases must be analysed and presented separately from the others.
Recommendations for the content of a case report have been provided above in section 4.3.
The MAH should present the outcome of these case reports in a summary table and categorise the
malformations according to the MedDRA SOC (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities, System
Organ Class. From 1 January 2003 the MAHs must report Adverse Events in MedDRA terms). The
prevalence of the cases should be defined and analysed taking into account the background prevalence
of pregnancy outcome in the general childbearing population.
Data collected prospectively should be separated from data collected retrospectively. Different ways for
calculating the prevalence are given in the glossary (see annex 4).
In PSURs of products which have suspected teratogenic/mutagenic potential, or new chemical entities,
the MAH should enclose the individual case reports received during the reporting period of a PSUR,
and also analyse and provide cumulative pregnancy data.
Epidemiology studies
Epidemiological studies, as described in the pharmacovigilance specifications, and their results, should
be discussed in detail in chapter 7 ("Studies") of the PSUR with reference to the specific section in
chapter 9, and summarised in chapter 9.
Results of epidemiological studies should be analysed as defined in the study protocol. Pregnancy
outcome of congenital malformation, possibly suggestive of a treatment related effect, should be
investigated for a possible trend and outcomes must be summarised in chapter 9.
Pregnancy registries
Data from registries (internal or external) should be analysed on a regular basis and the analyses should
be discussed in the PSUR. The data in those registries are in the majority of cases prospective; therefore
the outcome results will contain also pregnancies with healthy infants born at term. Usually an analysis
of the data collected by the Pregnancy Exposure Registry is performed periodically. In addition to the
summary, the MAH should provide in the PSUR a copy of the last interim report of the Pregnancy
Registry. Preferably, in case of registry for a given product, the data lock point for the analysis will be
the same as the data lock point of the PSUR.
In special situations (e.g. exposure to known or suspected teratogens/foetotoxic compounds) a report of
the data analysed from the Registry may be requested in intervals more frequent than the PSURs.
Pregnancy outcome should be summarised in a table (see annex 3).
Signal detection
The purpose of collection of pregnancy data is to detect certain trends in pregnancy outcome, which
could be a signal for specific adverse effects. Therefore, such data should be analysed on a regular basis.
In the event a signal is identified, the MAH is encouraged to inform the CHMP and/or the relevant
National Competent Authorities. In addition, the MAH is encouraged to provide Statement Report with
a scientific assessment of this signal from an appropriate expert with or shortly after submission of the
EMEA 2005
This annex provides a number of possible parental and neonatal data elements from which relevant
points can be selected when establishing a questionnaire of pregnancy exposure to medicinal products.
What is to be collected should be defined appropriately according to the specific condition / disease or
exposure of interest. It is acknowledged that, in some instances, data may be difficult to obtain, but, in
general, the more comprehensive the data collection, the more reliable will be the results.
- Prospective / Retrospective case
- Date of initial contact with MAH
- Source of information (e.g. pregnant woman, primary care physician, obstetrician,
paediatrician, other)
- Identification of reporter
- Additional identification of the gynaecologist-obstetrician (if reporter is the patient or the
primary physician), and the address of the place where the mother plans to deliver
- Identification of patient
- Date of birth (or age)
- Occupation, education level
- Weight, height
Obstetrical history
- Number of previous pregnancies and outcome (live birth, miscarriage, elective termination
with specification of gestational length and context, late foetal death, ectopic pregnancy, molar
- Previous maternal pregnancy complications
- Previous foetal/neonatal abnormalities and type
- History of subfertility
Maternal medical history
Risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes including environmental or occupational exposures e.g.
hypertension, diabetes, seizure disorder, thyroid disorder, asthma, allergic disease, heart disease,
depression or other psychiatric disorders, sexual transmitted disorders, hepatitis, AIDS (specify viral
load, CD4 count), other.
EMEA 2005
Current pregnancy
- Date of last menstrual period (LMP)
- Gestational age at the time of the first contact with MAH (specify if based on ultrasound or
- Gestational age at the time of drug exposure, preferably given as gestational week+days, based
on ultrasound
- Estimated date of delivery
- Number of foetuses
- Treatment for infertility (specify)
- Exposure to products subject to medical prescription, OTC products, pregnancy supplements
such as folic acid, multivitamins:
Dosage & route
Date of first use, date of end of treatment, duration
- Recreational drug use, e.g. tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs (specify amount and if stopped
during pregnancy)
- Results of serology tests, e.g. rubella, toxoplasmosis etc.
- Complications during pregnancy and date (including any adverse drug reactions)
- Disease course(s) during pregnancy and any complications
- Antenatal check-up (specify dates and results), e.g. foetal ultrasound, serum markers (AFP,
other), chorionic villi biopsy (CVS), amniocentesis
- Mode of delivery
- Labour / Delivery complications (foetal distress, amniotic fluid abnormal)
- Abnormal placenta
Family history
- History of congenital abnormality, psychomotor retardation in the family (specify
paternal/maternal and relationship)
- Consanguinity between parents (specify degree)
General information
- Age or birth date
- Occupation
EMEA 2005
Medical history (if appropriate)
Medical products exposure
- Source of information
- Date of receipt of information
- Outcome of pregnancy and date (live birth, miscarriage, late foetal death, elective termination,
ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy)
- Date of birth
- Gestational age at birth
- Gender of neonate
- Results of neonatal physical examination including:
Weight at birth
Length, head circumference at birth
- Malformation/anomalies diagnosed at birth
- Conditions at birth (including Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes, need for resuscitation,
admission to intensive care unit)
- Dysmaturity
- Neonatal illness, hospitalisation, drug therapies
- Source and date of information
- Malformation/anomalies diagnosed since initial report
- Developmental assessment
- Infant illnesses, hospitalisations, drug therapies, breastfeeding
E. FOETAL INFORMATION in case of elective termination, spontaneous abortion and
late foetal death
- Source of information
- Date of receipt of information
- Reason for termination
- Gestational age at termination
- Results of physical examination (gender, external anomalies) and pathology
EMEA 2005
For additional information, refer to the ICH guideline topic E2B(M)
1st situation: Adverse drug reaction (ADR) reported in mother
Spontaneous abortion 1 case « mother »
Foetal death without information on
1 case « mother »
Foetus with defects
2 cases: 1 case « mother » and
1 case « foetus » but cases linked
(see section A.1. 12 in guideline
Birth defects or ADR in baby
2 cases: 1 case « mother » and
1 case « baby » but cases linked
(see A 1 12 ICH E2B)
No ADR in child 1 case « mother »
situation: No ADR in mother
Spontaneous abortion 1 case « mother »
Foetal death without information on
1 case « mother »
Foetus with defects 1 case « foetus »
Birth defects or ADR in baby 1 case « baby»
No ADR in child No case
Particular situation:
1 case for each twin
EMEA 2005
This table must be regarded as the most extended table regarding timing of exposure, data should be provided as available. However, for teratogenic products the table
should be filled in completely.
Pregnancy outcome Prospective cases Retrospective cases
Number Number
Timing of exposure in pregnancy Timing of exposure in pregnancy
After 1
During all
Unknown Before
After 1
During all
Ectopic pregnancy
Spontaneous abortion
Elective termination (foetal
Elective termination (no foetal
defects or unknown)
Stillbirth with foetal defects
Stillbirth without foetal defects
Live birth with congenital
Live birth without congenital
EMEA 2005
A) Terms used to define the foetus at the different stages of the pregnancy
- Zygote: the single diploid cell formed from the fusion of the ovum and spermatozoon.
- Preembryo: the first stage of prenatal (see below under foetus) development from conception
until the end of implantation in the uterus and the start of organogenesis, i.e. until the
postconceptional day 15 or gestational day 29.
- Embryo: the second stage of prenatal development including the organ-forming period (i.e.
organogenesis) between gestational day 29 (beginning at 4 completed weeks) and gestational
day 84 (i.e. the ending at 12 completed weeks of gestation). The critical period for most major
congenital abnormalities includes the most vulnerable period of foetal development, i.e.
organogenesis, which occurs visibly during weeks 4 to 12 of gestation. However, each
congenital abnormality has its specific critical period, e.g. neural tube defect between the
gestational days 29 and 42 (i.e. between days 15 and 28 post-conception).
- Foetus: this term has two meanings, the narrow definition of foetus reflects the stage of foetal
development after organ-forming periods (i.e. organogenesis) until the birth while the broad
definition of foetus covers the whole prenatal development from the conception until the birth.
B) Pregnancy outcome
- Pregnancy outcome: the end products of pregnancy which include three main categories:
foetal death, termination of pregnancy and live birth.
- Foetal death (intrauterine death, in utero death): death prior to complete expulsion or
extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of
pregnancy; the death is indicated by the fact that after such separation the foetus does not
show any evidence of life (WHO ICD 10). Early foetal death (before 22 completed weeks of
gestation) comprises ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage and late foetal death (after 22
completed weeks of gestation) is known as stillbirth.
- Ectopic pregnancy: extrauterine pregnancy, early foetal death most often in the Fallopian tube.
- Miscarriage: spontaneous abortion, molar pregnancy.
- Termination of pregnancy (induced abortion, elective abortion): artificial interruption of
- Live birth: the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception,
irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy which, after such separation, breathes or shows
any evidence of life. (WHO ICD 10).
- Gestational age or length: the duration of gestation is measured from the first day of the last
normal menstrual period. Gestational age is expressed in completed days or completed weeks
(e.g. events occurring 280 to 286 days after the onset of the last menstrual period are
considered to have occurred at 40 weeks of gestation).
- Last menstrual period (abbreviation LMP): according to international consensus, the
gestational age is measured from the first day of the LMP.
- Birth weight: the initial weight of the infant at birth.
- Pre-term birth (previous term: premature birth): less than 37 completed weeks (less than 259
days) of gestation.
According to WHO-ICD 10, national regulations might be different
EMEA 2005
- Term birth: from 37 to less than 42 completed weeks (259 to 293 days).
- Post-term birth: 42 completed weeks or more (294 days or more).
- Low birth weight: less than 2,500 gram (up to and including 2,499 g) of body weight of the
newborn at birth.
- Intrauterine growth retardation (small for gestational age): the observed weight of a live born
infant or size of a foetus is lower than expected on the basis of gestational age.
C) Congenital anomalies (birth defects)
Congenital anomaly: morphological, functional and/or biochemical developmental disturbance
in the embryo or foetus whether detected at birth or not. The term congenital anomaly is broad
and includes congenital abnormalities, foetopathies, genetic diseases with early onset,
developmental delay, etc.
Congenital abnormality (structural birth defect, sometimes congenital malformation, foetal
defect): a consequence of error of morphogenesis, i.e. structural-morphological defect, grossly
or microscopically present at birth whether detected at birth or not.
Congenital malformation: a morphological defect of an organ, part of an organ, or larger
region of the body resulting from an intrinsically abnormal developmental process.
Isolated congenital abnormality: a single localised error of morphogenesis.
Multiple congenital abnormalities: a concurrence of two or more different morphogenetical
errors, i.e. component congenital abnormalities in the same person.
Teratogens: environmental factors which can cause congenital abnormalities.
Major abnormalities: a life threatening structural anomaly or one likely to cause significant
impairment of health or functional capacity and which needs medical or surgical treatment.
The incidence of major abnormalities recognized at birth among liveborn infants is 2%-4% in
most series published.
Minor anomalies: relatively frequent structural anomaly not likely to cause any medical or
cosmetic problems.
Prevalence: number of instances of an occurrence in a given population at a designated time.
For convenience these rates are usually multiplied by 1000 or 10,000 to avoid small decimal
numbers. The numerator is the number of cases of the subject of interest. The denominator is
the population from which the numerator came.
Live birth prevalence rate:
Number of cases among live born infants
Total number of live born infants
Birth prevalence rate:
Number of cases among live and stillborn infants
Total number of (live + still) born infants
Total prevalence rate:
Number of cases among live births, stillborn and terminated pregnancies
Number of live births, stillbirths and terminated pregnancies