Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Effective: November 9, 2022
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Directive 2010.05, “The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Security Investment Program,” December 13, 2004, as amended
Incorporates and Cancels: Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Designation of United States
Host Nation Program and Financial Management Responsibilities under
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program,”
December 5, 2017
Approved by: Kathleen H. Hicks, Deputy Secretary of Defense
Purpose: This issuance:
Establishes policies governing DoD participation in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
NATO Security Investment Program (NSIP).
Assigns responsibilities for DoD participation in the NSIP.
Assigns U.S. host nation program and financial management responsibility under the NSIP.
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SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 3
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Policy. ............................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S))................... 5
2.2. USD(P). ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.3. USD(C)/CFO. ................................................................................................................... 6
2.4. DoD Component heads. .................................................................................................... 6
2.5. The Secretaries of the Military Departments. ................................................................... 6
2.6. Secretary of the Army. ...................................................................................................... 7
2.7. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. .............................................................................. 8
2.8. Combatant Commanders. .................................................................................................. 8
2.9. Commander, USEUCOM. ................................................................................................ 9
2.10. DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO. ...................................................................... 10
SECTION 3: APPROPRIATED FUNDS ............................................................................................... 12
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 14
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 14
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 14
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 20
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This issuance applies to:
a. OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of the Department
of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities
within the DoD (referred to collectively in this issuance as the “DoD Components”).
b. Military construction; equipment procurement; consultation, command and control and
communication information systems capabilities procurement; and other projects eligible for
funding through the NSIP, to include restoration as defined by NATO.
c. The use of appropriated funds available to the DoD for projects that may become eligible
for NSIP funding.
d. NSIP direct funded projects for which the U.S. is designated by NATO as the user nation
or as the host nation.
1.2. POLICY.
It is DoD policy that:
a. NSIP-eligible projects required for U.S. support to NATO will be funded, when possible,
through the NSIP. All U.S. supported NATO operational requirements should be considered
“over and above” those requirements that can reasonably be expected to be made available from
U.S. national resources (i.e., meeting the NATO over and above principle for NSIP eligibility).
b. U.S. operational requirements will be based on the Joint Strategic Campaign Plan. Per
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 3100.01E, requirements supporting
NATO operations are identified in United States European Command’s (USEUCOM’s)
Combatant Commander’s Campaign Plan (Annex A, “Theater Posture Plan,” and Annex D,
Theater Distribution Plan).
(1) In accordance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 3000.12, these requirements will be
identified by DoD Components to the Commander, USEUCOM, to ensure coherence of U.S.
operational planning with NATO operational planning and that U.S. operational requirements
supporting Combatant Commander’s campaign plans are incorporated into NATO operational
requirements statements.
(2) U.S. requirements supporting NATO crisis response operations potentially eligible
for the NSIP will also be identified in NATO planning processes by the appropriate Combatant
Command with geographic areas of responsibility, and submitted to the Commander,
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USEUCOM, for NSIP eligibility determination by the U.S. prior to submittal to NATO in
conformance with NATO policies.
c. To the extent allowed by law and international agreements, DoD will undertake U.S. host
nation NSIP projects, after designation by NATO as the host nation, as military construction in
accordance with DoD Directive 4270.5, including the use of DoD criteria and specifications.
d. The design and construction of potentially NSIP-eligible project requirements to be
procured by or for the U.S. in NATO countries will conform to established NATO criteria and
standards. U.S. operational, safety, environmental, and energy conservation requirements that
exceed the NATO standard normally are not eligible for NATO common funding, and if
authorized, are funded conjunctively by DoD Components subject to the availability of funds.
e. U.S. appropriated funds may only be expended in support of, or in connection with, an
NSIP project when authorized by law using funding properly available for such purposes.
f. U.S. appropriated funds (i.e., pre-financing) will not be expended on a project, or part of a
project, likely to be eligible for NSIP funds except as outlined in Section 3.
g. When advantageous to U.S. interests, capability requirements for operational needs not
covered by NATO will be identified and pursued by the DoD Components with NATO.
h. For requirements and projects approved by NATO in capability packages (CPs), U.S.
participation in the NSIP will conform with the NSIP Manual, NATO Bi-Strategic Command
Directive 85-1, and implementation policies issued by the Commander, USEUCOM.
i. For requirements submitted and projects in capability program plans (CPPs), U.S.
participation in the NSIP will conform with NATO Document PO(2018)0259, applicable NATO
directives, and USEUCOM implementation policies.
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The USD(A&S):
a. Conducts all long-range planning and review of the NSIP in relation to U.S. posture
planning and the U.S. military construction program.
b. Coordinates with the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) on all policy
matters for U.S. participation in the NSIP.
c. In coordination with the USD(P), the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief
Financial Officer, Department of Defense (USD(C)/CFO), and the Defense Advisor (DEFAD)
for the U.S. Mission to NATO:
(1) Determines the level of annual and future year funding required to meet U.S.
obligations to the NSIP.
(2) Prepares and submits the annual U.S. NSIP budget request and associated
justification material to the USD(C)/CFO.
(3) Supports and advocates for annual NSIP funding requests before Congress.
d. In cooperation with the DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO and the Secretary of
Commerce, promotes increased participation by U.S. companies in procurements under the
e. Establishes guidance on international competitive bidding for DoD Components.
f. Designates the DoD construction agent (DCA) for NSIP projects where the U.S. accepts a
host nation designation by NATO. This authority may be delegated in writing.
2.2. USD(P).
The USD(P):
a. Develops all policy guidance on U.S. participation in the NSIP.
b. Acts as the principal point of contact with the Department of State for all NSIP-related
c. In coordination with the USD(A&S), the USD(C)/CFO, and the DEFAD for the U.S.
Mission to NATO, assists in the determination of the level of annual and future year funding
required to meet U.S. obligations to the NSIP.
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2.3. USD(C)/CFO.
a. Establishes the fiscal guidance and procedures that govern U.S. participation in the NSIP.
b. In coordination with the USD(A&S), the USD(P), and the DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to
NATO, assists in the determination of annual and future U.S. NSIP funding requirements,
reviews U.S. NSIP budget requests, and submits associated budget justification material to the
Office of Management and Budget and U.S. Congress as required.
c. Acts as the principal point of contact on all NATO financial-related matters with the
Office of Management and Budget.
The DoD Component heads, prior to programming a U.S. appropriated funds military
construction project that supports NATO operational requirements, will coordinate with the
Commander, USEUCOM, to evaluate NSIP eligibility of the project.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.4., the Secretaries of the Military Departments:
a. Submit a NATO User NationIdentified Facilities and Condition Report, of those
facilities required to support U.S. operational plans supporting NATO to the Commander,
USEUCOM, and the DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO.
b. Coordinate U.S. NSIP requirements with design, construction, and equipment
procurement planning to support NATO operational and crisis response plans. Submits
requirements to the Commander, USEUCOM, for inclusion in the NSIP.
c. Coordinate with the host nation to ensure all U.S. requirements are considered for
inclusion to a project when the U.S. will be the user nation.
d. Pursue maximum direct NATO funding of U.S. construction projects eligible under the
NSIP, rather than through U.S. military appropriated funds construction programs (pre-
financing) in accordance with DoD Directive 4270.5. If the decision is made that pre-financing
is required:
(1) Coordinate approval with the Commander, USEUCOM, prior to project submission
for U.S. funding to include planning action(s) to be taken to expedite future NATO processing
through the NSIP.
(2) Pursue the recoupment of U.S. pre-financing expenditures when NATO funds are
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e. Plan, program, budget, and seeks authorization, when necessary, for U.S. requirements
and authorized incidental expenses not eligible for NSIP funding under NATO rules. Such
efforts may be accomplished through the submission of programmatic DD Form 1391, “FY___
Military Construction Project Datasheets, located on the DoD Website, “DoD Issuances,”, for line item authorization under National Defense Authorization
Acts, and corresponding military construction appropriations.
f. Serve as the DCA pursuant to DoD Directive 4270.5 for NSIP projects where the United
States accepts a NATO host nation designation. When a host nation, responsibilities as a DCA
(1) Design, construct, and schedule joint formal acceptance inspections; corrects
deficiencies; and schedules and participates in NATO audits.
(2) Report the progress and financial status of NATO-funded projects from project
initiation through audit and issuance of a certificate of final financial acceptance.
(3) Ensure that records of all project solicitation documents, invoices, and as-built
drawings are maintained by the DCA until financial close-out by the International Board of
Auditors for NATO (IBAN).
g. In instances where the U.S. accepts host nation designation for execution of a NSIP
project, and NATO does not agree to contribute funding for all costs necessary for the DCA to
carry out the project, determines whether completion of the project is in the national interest of
the United States; and, if so, identifies appropriate funding for and authorizes execution of such
conjunctively funded requirements pursuant to Section 2350q(e) of Title 10, United States Code
h. After project acceptance in the NATO inventory:
(1) When a host nation, track, maintain, restore, and dispose of NATO inventory as
required in accordance with the NATO definition of maintenance as clarified in the Glossary.
(2) When a user nation, identify all NATO inventory required to support U.S.
operational plans supporting NATO, track facility condition, and report the status to the
Commander, USEUCOM, annually for inclusion in the NATO Joint Force Command Operation
and Maintenance Inspection Program.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraphs 2.4. and 2.5., the Secretary of the Army:
a. Through the Commander, USEUCOM, manages DoD host nation program and financial
responsibilities when the U.S. acts as the host nation. Exercises responsibility for resourcing and
manning the administrative and program management support requirements, as determined by
and in direct support to the Commander, USEUCOM.
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b. Provides financial management support for the U.S. contributions to the NSIP and
supports the Commander, USEUCOM, with a monthly status of NSIP funds report.
c. Supports Commander, USEUCOM, with production of the annual NSIP pre-financing and
recoupment status report.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.4., and in coordination with the U.S. Military
Representative to the NATO Military Committee (MC), the U.S. National Military
Representative at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, and the U.S. National Liaison
Representative at Allied Command Transformation, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
a. Provides recommendations on NSIP operational requirements and related matters to the
Secretary of Defense.
b. Represents U.S interests on the NATO MC, recommends U.S. positions, and helps the
exchange of information between NATO and the U.S.
c. Provides guidance on NATO operational and contingency requirements to the U.S.
Delegation to the NATO MC, and the Commander, USEUCOM.
d. Prepares U.S. operational, posture, and capability requirements to support NATO
planning, as identified in the Joint Strategic Planning System, in accordance with CJCSI
3100.01E. Ensures that these requirements are synchronized with the Commander, USEUCOM,
in U.S. responses, policy positions, and inputs to operational requirements statements (ORSs),
capability requirements briefs, and CPPs within the NATO Strategic Domain. Oversees
alignment of USEUCOM strategic plans with the NATO strategic plans.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.4., the Combatant Commanders:
a. Provide NATO operational requirements to the Commander, USEUCOM, in accordance
with CJCSI 3100.01E, and Combatant Commander’s Campaign Plan in Annex A, “Theater
Posture Plan” requirements, in accordance with DoDI 3000.12, to merge into NATO ORSs.
b. Submit NATO crisis response operations requirements to the Commander, USEUCOM,
for NSIP eligibility determination by the U.S. prior to submittal to NATO in conformance with
NATO policies to maximize NSIP funding for contingency requirements.
c. Participate, as needed, in the Commander, USEUCOM, NSIP quarterly program
management reviews.
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In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraphs 2.4., the Commander, USEUCOM:
a. Confirms DoD Components have planned for any necessary conjunctive funding for an
NSIP project prior to submission of a project to the NATO Investment Committee (IC) for
authorization and oversees synchronization between the NSIP and the DoD military construction
b. Manages and directs operational requirements development, CPP, project execution, and
implementation of U.S. projects (host nation and user nation) funded by the NSIP based on
policy in Paragraph 1.2., to appropriate Combatant Commands, theater Component commands,
and the other DoD Components. In the case of projects where the United States will be the user
nation, USEUCOM ensures coordination occurs between its Military Service Component
Commands and the host nation for full consideration of U.S. requirements.
c. Maintains direct liaison with the NATO military commanders and host nations on all
NSIP-related matters.
d. Directs Combatant Commands strategic requirements, as identified in the Joint Strategic
Campaign Plan in accordance with CJCSI 3100.01E, supporting NATO operations are included
in USEUCOMs Combatant Commander’s Campaign Plan in Annex A, “Theater Posture Plan,”
and Annex D, “Theater Distribution Plan,” in accordance with DoDI 3000.12. Ensures these
strategic requirements are provided to NATO to inform the NATO Defense Operational and
Crisis Response Operational Plans. Coordinates DoD Components’ engagement with NATO
strategic commands to combine U.S. priority requirements into ORSs, capability requirements
briefs, and CPPs.
e. Reviews and approves all DoD Component requests for NSIP pre-financing projects to
ensure synchronization with the U.S. military construction program. Each project proposal from
the DoD Components will also identify when the project(s) will be submitted for NSIP
programming. Carries out an effective program to recoup funds.
f. Coordinates with DoD Components and recommends designation of U.S. as the host
nation for the execution of NSIP projects to the Allied Command Transformation, territorial host
nation, U.S. Military Representative, and the DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO. Confirms
DoD Component requirements for conjunctive funding are aligned for planning, programming,
and budgeting by a DoD Component prior to submission of a project for NATO approval.
Accepts host nation designation from NATO for execution of a NSIP project pursuant to
Subsection (a) of Section 2350q of Title 10, U.S.C., and oversees project coordination with the
DCA. Monitors lifecycle program execution, acceptance, facility condition, and disposal of U.S.
host nation and user nation projects.
g. Organizes and conducts quarterly NSIP program management reviews for all DoD
h. Provides training on NSIP planning, programming, and project implementation for U.S.
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i. Submits a monthly status of NSIP funds report to the USD(A&S), the USD(C)/CFO, and
the DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO.
j. Submits an annual NSIP pre-financing and recoupment status report to the USD(A&S), the
USD(P), the USD(C)/CFO, and the DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO.
k. In coordination with the DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO, represents the DoD as
the U.S. Requirements Stakeholder at internal conferences and meetings on the NSIP.
l. Establishes implementation guidance for execution of NSIP direct funded projects and
procedures for international competitive bidding contracting, when required by NATO for DoD
The DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO:
a. In coordination with the USD(A&S) and the USD(C)/CFO, assists in the determination of
annual and future U.S. NSIP funding requirements.
b. Provides information and assistance to U.S. companies on NSIP project bidding and
c. Recommends U.S. position on discussion items and decisions.
d. Provides U.S. representation on NATO committees (Resource Policy and Planning Board
(RPPB), IC, Budget Committee (BC)) to:
(1) Set NSIP policy.
(2) Approve CPs and CPPs supporting NATO capabilities.
(3) Establish NSIP procedures.
(4) Oversee the management of the NSIP.
(5) Designate host nation for projects.
(6) Authorize NSIP projects.
(7) Establish level of NSIP funding as captured in the Medium Term Resource Plan.
e. Reports on projects to NATO boards and committees for which NATO has designated the
U.S. as the host nation.
f. Coordinates the exchange of NSIP information between NATO and Federal agencies of
the U.S. Government.
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g. Represents the United States as the principal delegate at all international conferences and
meetings on the NSIP.
h. Supports presentation of and advocates for annual funding requirements before Congress
in coordination with the USD(A&S), USD(P), and the USD(C)/CFO.
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U.S. appropriated funds (i.e., pre-financing) will not be expended on a project, or part of a
project likely to be eligible for NSIP funds, except:
a. For a project already approved by NATO, for example, in an approved CP or CPP:
(1) The use of appropriated funds for the design or construction of NSIP-eligible
elements within the project will be limited to those elements that are of a high operational
priority, and may not be completed or acquired through the NSIP in the time frame required as
determined by the Commander, USEUCOM.
(2) Procurement procedures will follow the NATO IC authorization decision. NATO
international competitive bidding will be used in accordance with NATO documents AC/4-
D/2261, AC/4-D/2261-ADD2 (Annex X), and AC/4-D(2008)0002-REV2, unless a waiver is
sought and obtained from the IC. When the U.S. acts as the host nation, the Federal Acquisition
Regulation and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement will be used as the
authorities to award contracts.
(3) When the U.S. acts as the host nation, records of all project solicitation documents,
invoices, and as-built drawings will be maintained by the DCA (or as applicable by other DoD
Components) until no earlier than financial close-out by the IBAN. This retention is required
despite any conflicting provisions in records management and disposition schedules.
b. For a project not yet approved by NATO:
(1) The use of appropriated funds for the design or construction of potentially NSIP-
eligible elements within the project will be limited to those elements that are of a high
operational priority, and may not be completed or acquired through the NSIP in the necessary
time frame as determined by the Commander, USEUCOM.
(2) Pre-financing statements will be prepared and coordinated with host nations by the
DoD Components, and be submitted through the Commander, USEUCOM, to the DEFAD for
the U.S. Mission to NATO for submission to the NATO IC for all projects that are likely to
become eligible for future NSIP funding. DoD Component’s submissions must also outline
actions to be taken to hasten future NATO programming and funding of these requirements.
(3) The Commander, USEUCOM, will notify the NATO IC through the DEFAD for the
U.S. Mission to NATO of the United States’ intent to pre-finance, including the planned method
of procurement, before contract solicitation. Any exceptions to NATO bidding and contracting
procedures under NATO Documents AC/4-D/2261, AC/4-D/2261-ADD2 (Annex X), and AC/4-
D(2008)0002-REV2 must be requested and noted by the IC before contract solicitation. Any
national concerns raised in the IC regarding alternative procurement methods must be addressed.
(4) If only partial pre-financing (i.e., NSIP funds become available during project
implementation), DoD asset accounts will be adjusted as appropriate. NSIP funds authorized by
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the IC will be used instead of national funds and un-invoiced U.S. funds allocated to a project
will be promptly de-obligated.
(5) Recoupment of all pre-financed projects will be pursued. If NATO approves the
project (e.g., by including the project or partial project in a CP or CPP), then documentation for
the recoupment of a pre-financed project will be submitted for authorization by the Commander,
USEUCOM, through the U.S. IC representative at the DEFAD for the U.S. Mission to NATO.
Alternatively, if the U.S. provided pre-financing but was not designated the host nation, the U.S.
will require that the host nation submit the required documentation for recoupment and transfer
NATO funds to the United States once authorized.
(6) When the U.S. acts as the host nation, records of all project solicitation documents,
invoices, and as-built drawings will be maintained by the DCA (or as applicable by other DoD
Components executing the NSIP project) until financial close-out by the IBAN.
c. DoD records management requirements.
(1) Records created and received by DoD Components per this issuance that lack NATO
classification markings will be maintained pursuant to DoDI 5015.02, records disposition
schedules, and authorized retentions.
(2) Records created and received by DoD Components with NATO classification
markings will be maintained pursuant to administrative and security requirements defined in
NATO Document C-M(2002)49-REV1, and DoD security policies cited in United States
Security Authority for NATO Affairs Instruction 1-07.
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budget committee
common funded capability delivery
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
capability package
capability program plan
DoD Construction Agent
defense advisor
DoD instruction
International Board of Auditors for North Atlantic Treaty
investment committee
military committee
North Atlantic Council
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program
operational requirements statement
Resource Policy and Planning Board
United States Code
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquistion and Sustainment
Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer,
Department of Defense
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
United States European Command
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this issuance.
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capability requirements
A step in NATO requirements development that includes
doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, personnel,
facilities, and interoperability line of development; rough order
of magnitude cost (investment, operations and maintenance, and
manpower, as applicable); scope; schedule; performance and
certificate of final
financial acceptance
Issued by the IBAN on completion of an audit of an NSIP-
funded project.
common funding
The formal arrangements that have been put in place by which
nations, collectively, provide funds to NATO for the provision
of requirements which are over and above those which could
reasonably be expected to be made available from national
conjunctive funding
The use of U.S. appropriated funds for qualifying project
expenses not eligible for NATO funding. These expenses
include additive U.S. requirements that exceed NSIP-eligible
criteria and expenses such as land acquisition necessary for a
complete and usable facility when not provided for within a
NATO authorization, but for which authorization exists under
U.S. law. The term also refers to funding of additional
overhead and design costs not provided by NATO.
A combination of national (military and civilian) and NATO
funded infrastructure; operations, maintenance; manpower; and
associated costs that, with the military forces and other essential
requirements, enable a NATO commander to achieve a specific
military required capability.
A step in NATO requirements development that includes
doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, personnel,
facilities, and interoperability capability components; refined
assessment of through-life cost (investment, operations and
maintenance, and manpower, as applicable); scope; schedule;
performance; risk; proposed tolerances at program level;
options analysis (including acquisition strategy); and planning
for phasing-out systems or services no longer required.
criteria and standards
Common NATO standards that ensure that facilities constructed
for NATO use, although designed and built according to host
nations national codes and standards, will favor interoperability
and multi-national operations.
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direct funding
Process through which NSIP funds are provided quarterly to
pay invoices based on a forecast of anticipated project costs.
Where the U.S. is the host nation, DCAs incur obligations for
direct funded projects in advance of receipt of direct funding
based on NATO project authorization amounts, pursuant to
Section 2350q of Title 10, U.S.C.
Categories and types of projects that the NATO allies have
agreed will be funded through the NSIP. Currently, the nine
categories of requirements eligible for NSIP funding are:
Alliance operations and missions.
Readiness capabilities.
Deployable assets.
Capabilities supporting deploying forces.
Command, control, and consultation capabilities.
Air command and control capabilities.
Training, exercise, and education.
NATO command structure.
Nuclear deterrent posture.
All actions and decisions taken by consensus by NATO allies.
Conducted through the North Atlantic Council (NAC), RPPB,
MC, IC, and BC.
host nation
The entity which implements a NSIP project on behalf of
NATO. The host nation may be the territorial host nation, a
NATO agency, a user nation, or a strategic command.
NATO’s resource committee responsible for the oversight of
the implementation of the NSIP, as endorsed by the RPPB and
approved by the NAC. For common funded capability delivery
(CFCD), authorized project cost, scope, schedule, technical
approach, procurement method, and project tolerances.
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Buildings, pavements, piers, and other fixed facilities or
structures to include certain mobile projects (e.g., radars and
mobile operational war headquarters) and equipment essential
to NATO operations and war plans (e.g., communications and
information technology systems).
international competitive
The default procedure for the contracting of NSIP projects.
Only firms of NATO countries participating in the financing of
projects may be invited to bid.
Work required to sustain existing facilities or equipment.
Examples of maintenance work are replacement of expendable
items, minor repair, painting, grading, and repair of road
shoulders or ditches. Routine maintenance is a user nation’s
responsibility and is not eligible for common funding.
However, some work classified as maintenance under U.S.
programming procedures may be programmed as restoration in
NATO infrastructure, and therefore be eligible for common
funding. NATO conducts periodic operations and maintenance
inspections to confirm proper maintenance of NATO facilities
by the peacetime user nations. The frequency of the inspections
depends on the status and operational role of the infrastructure.
For facilities in a caretaker status during peacetime,
maintenance is the responsibility of the wartime user nation.
NATO committee primarily responsible for approving
operational requirements, capability requirements, and analysis
across the full capability lines of effort and military priorities.
For CFCD, the MC approves operational requirements,
capability requirements brief, endorses CPP and tolerances
(with RPPB), approves capability acceptance report (with
RPPB), and approves retirement (disposal with RPPB).
military construction
Defined in Section 2801 of Title 10, U.S.C.
A statement of established need justifying the timely allocation
of resources to achieve a capability to accomplish approved
military objectives, operations, missions, or actions.
over and above principle
NATO common funding eligibility will focus on the provision
of requirements which are over and above those which could
reasonably be expected to be made available from national
DoDD 2010.05, November 9, 2022
pre-financing statement
The declaration of a host nation to NATO that it has the
intention to fund from national resources a project which may
later qualify for NSIP funding. It is the document which is
noted by the IC and contains the scope of work, costs, and
proposed procurement strategy.
project proposal
The document under the CFCD governance model which
includes updated assessments of through-life-cost (investment,
operations and maintenance, and manpower, as applicable),
schedule, performance and risk, finalized scope, proposed
tolerances at project level, and implementation strategy or
procurement method.
NATO reimbursement of U.S. funds previously used to pre-
finance an NSIP-eligible project.
Actions required, beyond normal maintenance, to bring NATO
facilities up to the criteria in force when originally built.
Senior advisory body to the NAC on the level and management
of all NATO resources. Responsible for the overall
management of NATO’s civil and military budgets, as well as
the NSIP and manpower. The RPPB is responsible for resource
policy, including eligibility and affordability, and is tasked with
planning and performance assessment. The RPPB receives
strategic guidance from the NAC and provides coherence and
guidance to the work of the IC and BC. For CFCD, the RPPB
confirms eligibility, approves capability requirements briefs,
designates host nation, approves acquisition strategy, authorizes
advanced planning funds, endorses CPP and tolerances,
approves capability acceptance reports, and approves retirement
or disposal.
strategic command
The highest level of the NATO command structure. There are
two strategic commands: allied command operations; and allied
command transformation.
territorial host nation
The country on whose territory an NSIP project is to be
U.S. Mission
The U.S. diplomatic mission to NATO located at NATO
Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. The DEFAD for the U.S.
Mission to NATO provides representation of the U.S. on all
NATO resource committees including RPPB, IC, and BC. The
DoDD 2010.05, November 9, 2022
mission is led by the U.S. Permanent Representative to the
user or user nation
A nation, NATO command, or agency that will occupy, operate
or maintain a facility acquired or constructed as an NSIP
DoDD 2010.05, November 9, 2022
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 3100.01E, “Joint Strategic Planning System”,
May 21, 2021
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, current edition
DoD Directive 4270.5, “Military Construction,” February 12, 2005, as amended
DoD Instruction 3000.12, “Management of U.S. Global Defense Posture (GDP),” May 6, 2016,
as amended
DoD Instruction 5015.02, “DoD Records Management Program,” February 24, 2015, as
Federal Acquisition Regulation, current edition
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Bi-Strategic Command Directive 85-1, “Capability Package
(Edition 5),” April 7, 2017
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Directive for the Management Aspects of the NATO
Common Funded Capability Delivery Governance Model, November 19, 2019
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Document C-M(2002)49-REV1, “Security Within the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),” November 20, 2020
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Document PO(2018)0259, “The Common Funded Capability
Delivery Governance Model,” June 6, 2018
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Investment Committee Document AC/4-D/2261 (1996
Edition), “Procedures for International Competitive Bidding,” January 12, 1996
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Investment Committee AC/4-D/2261-ADD2 (Annex X),
“Policy for Conducting International Competitive Bidding Using Best Value Evaluation
Methodology,” July 24, 2009
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Investment Committee AC/4-D(2008)0002-REV2,
“Procedures and Practices for Conducting NSIP International Competitive Bidding Using
Best Value Evaluation Methodology,” July 15, 2015
North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Medium Term Resource Plan, various
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Programme Manual, Version 2011, July
12, 2012
North Atlantic Treaty Organization User Nation – Identified Facilities and Condition Report,
The North Atlantic Treaty, Article 5, April 4, 1949
United States Code, Title 10
United States European Command, “Combatant Commanders Campaign Plan”, current edition
United States Security Authority for NATO Affairs (USSAN) Instruction 1-07, “Implementation
of NATO Security Requirements,” April 5, 2007
Copies may be obtained from HQ USEUCOM ECJ4, Attn: NATO Infrastructure Support
Program Office, Geb. 2304 Room 231, Patch Barracks, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany