A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and
9th Edition
Telling About Society
Howard S. Becker
Tricks of the Trade
Howard S. Becker
Writing for Social Scientists
Howard S. Becker
The Craft of Research
Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup,
and William T. FitzGerald
The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking
Brooke Borel
Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes
Robert M. Emerson, Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw
The Chicago Guide to Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation
Bryan A. Garner
From Dissertation to Book
William Germano
From Notes to Narrative
Kristen Ghodsee
Thinking Like a Political Scientist
Christopher Howard
Write No Matter What
Joli Jensen
How to Write a BA Thesis
Charles Lipson
The Writers Diet
Helen Sword
Student’s Guide to Writing College Papers
Kate L. Turabian
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses,
and Dissertations
Chicago Style for Students and Researchers
9th Edition
Kate L. Turabian
Revised by
Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup,
William T. FitzGerald, and the University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff
The University of Chicago Press
Chicago and London
Portions of this book have been adapted from The Craft of Research, 4th edition, by
Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and
William T. FitzGerald, © 1995, 2003, 2008, 2016 by The University of Chicago; and
The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, © 2017 by The University of Chicago.
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637
The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London
© 2007, 2013, 2018 by The University of Chicago
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations in critical
articles and reviews. For more information, contact the University of Chicago Press,
1427 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637.
Published 2018
Printed in the United States of America
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 181 2 3 4 5
ISBN-13: 978-0-226-49442-5 (cloth)
ISBN-13: 978-0-226-43057-7 (paper)
ISBN-13: 978-0-226-43060-7 (e-book)
DOI: https:// doi.org/ 10.7208/ chicago/ 9780226430607.001.0001
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Turabian, Kate L., author. | Booth, Wayne C., editor. | Colomb, Gregory G.,
editor. | Williams, Joseph M., editor. | Bizup, Joseph, 1966– editor. | FitzGerald,
William T., editor.
Title: A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago Style
for students and researchers / Kate L. Turabian ; revised by Wayne C. Booth,
Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, William T. FitzGerald, and
the University of Chicago Press editorial staff.
Other titles: Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing.
Description: Ninth edition. | Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press,
2018. | Series: Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017047620 | ISBN 9780226494425 (cloth : alk. paper) | ISBN
9780226430577 (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780226430607 (e-book)
Subjects: LCSH: Dissertations, Academic—Handbooks, manuals, etc. | Academic
writing—Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Classification: LCC LB2369 .T8 2018 | DDC 808.06/6378—dc23
LC record available at https:// lccn.loc.gov/ 2017047620
This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of
A Note to Students
Part IResearch and Writing
Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and
William T. FitzGerald
Overview of Part I
1 What Research Is and How Researchers Think about It
1.1What Research Is
1.2How Researchers Think about Their Aims
1.3Conversing with Your Readers
2 Defining a Project: Topic, Question, Problem, Working
2.1Find a Question in Your Topic
2.2Understanding Research Problems
2.3Propose a Working Hypothesis
2.4Build a Storyboard to Plan and Guide Your Work
2.5Join or Organize a Writing Group
3 Finding Useful Sources
3.1Three Kinds of Sources and Their Uses
3.2Search for Sources Systematically
3.3Evaluate Sources for Relevance and Reliability
3.4Look beyond the Usual Kinds of References
3.5Record Your Sources Fully, Accurately, and Appropriately
4 Engaging Your Sources
4.1Read Generously to Understand, Then Critically to Engage
4.2Take Notes Systematically
4.3Take Useful Notes
4.4Review Your Progress
4.5Manage Moments of Normal Anxiety
5 Constructing Your Argument
5.1What a Research Argument Is and Is Not
5.2Build Your Argument around Answers to Readers’ Questions
5.3Turn Your Working Hypothesis into a Claim
5.4Assemble the Elements of Your Argument
5.5Prefer Arguments Based on Evidence to Arguments Based on
5.6Assemble an Argument
6 Planning a First Draft
6.1Avoid Unhelpful Plans
6.2Create a Plan That Meets Your Readers’ Needs
6.3File Away Leftovers
7 Drafting Your Paper
7.1Draft in the Way That Feels Most Comfortable
7.2Develop Effective Writing Habits
7.3Keep Yourself on Track through Headings and Key Terms
7.4Quote, Paraphrase, and Summarize Appropriately
7.5Integrate Quotations into Your Text
7.6Use Footnotes and Endnotes Judiciously
7.7Show How Complex or Detailed Evidence Is Relevant
7.8Be Open to Surprises
7.9Guard against Inadvertent Plagiarism
7.10Guard against Inappropriate Assistance
7.11Work Through Chronic Procrastination and Writers Block
8 Presenting Evidence in Tables and Figures
8.1Choose Verbal or Visual Representations of Your Data
8.2Choose the Most Effective Graphic
8.3Design Tables and Figures
8.4Communicate Data Ethically
9 Revising Your Draft
9.1Check for Blind Spots in Your Argument
9.2Check Your Introduction, Conclusion, and Claim
9.3Make Sure the Body of Your Report Is Coherent
9.4Check Your Paragraphs
9.5Let Your Draft Cool, Then Paraphrase It
10 Writing Your Final Introduction and Conclusion
10.1Draft Your Final Introduction
10.2Draft Your Final Conclusion
10.3Write Your Title Last
11 Revising Sentences
11.1Focus on the First Seven or Eight Words of a Sentence
11.2Diagnose What You Read
11.3Choose the Right Word
11.4Polish It Up
11.5Give It Up and Turn It In
12 Learning from Comments on Your Paper
12.1Two Kinds of Feedback: Advice and Data
12.2Find General Principles in Specific Comments
12.3Talk with Your Reader
13 Presenting Research in Alternative Forums
13.1Plan Your Oral Presentation
13.2Design Your Presentation to Be Listened To
13.3Plan Your Poster Presentation
13.4Plan Your Conference Proposal
14 On the Spirit of Research
Part IISource Citation
15 General Introduction to Citation Practices
15.1Reasons for Citing Your Sources
15.2The Requirements of Citation
15.3Two Citation Styles
15.4Electronic Sources
15.5Preparation of Citations
15.6Citation Management Tools
16 Notes-Bibliography Style: The Basic Form
16.1Basic Patterns
16.4Short Forms for Notes
17 Notes-Bibliography Style: Citing Specific Types of Sources
17.2Journal Articles
17.3Magazine Articles
17.4Newspaper Articles
17.5Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
17.6Interviews and Personal Communications
17.7Papers, Lectures, and Manuscript Collections
17.8Older Works and Sacred Works
17.9Reference Works and Secondary Citations
17.10Sources in the Visual and Performing Arts
17.11Public Documents
18 Author-Date Style: The Basic Form
18.1Basic Patterns
18.2Reference Lists
18.3Parenthetical Citations
19 Author-Date Style: Citing Specific Types of Sources
19.2Journal Articles
19.3Magazine Articles
19.4Newspaper Articles
19.5Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
19.6Interviews and Personal Communications
19.7Papers, Lectures, and Manuscript Collections
19.8Older Works and Sacred Works
19.9Reference Works and Secondary Citations
19.10Sources in the Visual and Performing Arts
19.11Public Documents
Part IIIStyle
20 Spelling
20.3Compounds and Words Formed with Prefixes
20.4Line Breaks
21 Punctuation
21.5Question Marks
21.6Exclamation Points
21.7Hyphens and Dashes
21.8Parentheses and Brackets
21.10Quotation Marks
21.12Multiple Punctuation Marks
22 Names, Special Terms, and Titles of Works
22.2Special Terms
22.3Titles of Works
23 Numbers
23.1Words or Numerals?
23.2Plurals and Punctuation
23.3Date Systems
23.4Numbers Used outside the Text
24 Abbreviations
24.1General Principles
24.2Names and Titles
24.3Geographical Terms
24.4Time and Dates
24.5Units of Measure
24.6The Bible and Other Sacred Works
24.7Abbreviations in Citations and Other Scholarly Contexts
25 Quotations
25.1Quoting Accurately and Avoiding Plagiarism
25.2Incorporating Quotations into Your Text
25.3Modifying Quotations
26 Tables and Figures
26.1General Issues
Appendix: Paper Format and Submission
A.1General Format Requirements
A.2Format Requirements for Specific Elements
A.3File Preparation and Submission Requirements
A Note to Students
Known by many as simply “Turabian” in honor of its original author, A
Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations is the
authoritative student resource on “Chicago style.” This book has helped
generations of students successfully research, write, and submit papers in
virtually all academic disciplines. Its guidelines for source citations and
style have been condensed and adapted for student writers from another,
more comprehensive reference work, The Chicago Manual of Style.
Part 1 covers every step of the research and writing process. It provides
practical advice to help you formulate the right questions, read critically,
and build arguments. It also shows you how to draft and revise your papers
to strengthen both your arguments and your writing.
Part 2 offers a comprehensive guide to the two methods of Chicago-style
source citation, beginning with helpful information on general citation
practices in chapter 15. In the humanities and most social sciences, you will
likely use the notes-bibliography style detailed in chapters 16 and 17; in the
natural and physical sciences and some social sciences, you will more likely
use the author-date style described in chapters 18 and 19.
Part 3 covers Chicago’s recommended editorial style, which will help
you bring consistency to your writing in matters such as punctuation,
capitalization, and abbreviations; this section also includes guidance on
incorporating quotations into your writing and on properly presenting tables
and figures.
The appendix presents formatting and submission requirements for theses
and dissertations that many academic institutions use as a model, but be
sure to follow any local guidelines provided by your institution.
Students writing research papers, theses, and dissertations in today’s
colleges and universities inhabit a world filled with digital technologies that
were unimagined in 1937—the year dissertation secretary Kate L. Turabian
first assembled a booklet of guidelines for student writers at the University
of Chicago. The availability of word-processing software and new digital
sources has changed the way students conduct research and write up the
results. But these technologies have not altered the basic task of the student
writer: doing well-designed research and presenting it clearly and
accurately while following accepted academic standards for citation, style,
and format.
Turabian’s 1937 booklet reflected guidelines found in an already classic
resource for writers and editors published by the University of Chicago
Press that would ultimately be known as The Chicago Manual of Style
(CMOS). The Press began distributing Turabian’s booklet in 1947 and first
published the work in book form in 1955, under the title A Manual for
Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Over time, Turabian’s
book has become a standard reference for students of all levels at
universities and colleges across the country. Turabian died in 1987 at age
ninety-four, a few months after publication of the book’s fifth edition.
Beginning with that edition, members of the Press editorial staff have
carried out the revisions to the chapters on source citation, style, and paper
format. For the seventh edition (2007), Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G.
Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams expanded the focus of the book by adding
extensive new material adapted from their book The Craft of Research, also
published by the University of Chicago Press and now in its fourth edition
(2016). Among the new topics covered in their chapters were the nature of
research, finding and engaging sources, taking notes, developing an
argument, drafting and revising, and presenting evidence in tables and
figures. Following the deaths of this remarkable trio of authors, whose
collective voice will always animate this work, Joseph Bizup and William
T. FitzGerald have with this edition assumed the mantle of revising their
chapters for a new generation of students, as they had previously for The
Craft of Research.
Part 1, now aligned with the most recent edition of that book,
incorporates updated advice for writers and responds to recent
developments in information literacy, including the use of digital materials.
Part 2 offers a comprehensive guide to the two Chicago styles of source
citation—the notes-bibliography format used widely in the humanities and
most social sciences and the author-date format favored in many of the
sciences and some social sciences. Thoroughly updated guidance related to
online citation practices has been supplemented throughout by new
examples featuring the types of sources students are most likely to consult.
Part 3 addresses matters of spelling, punctuation, abbreviation, and
treatment of numbers, names, special terms, and titles of works. The final
two chapters in this section treat the mechanics of using quotations and
graphics (tables and figures), topics that are discussed from a rhetorical
perspective in part 1. Both parts 2 and 3 have been updated for this edition
in accordance with the seventeenth edition (2017) of The Chicago Manual
of Style. The recommendations in this manual in some instances diverge
from CMOS in small ways, to better suit the requirements of academic
papers as opposed to published works.
The appendix presents guidelines for paper format and submission that
have become the primary authority for dissertation offices throughout the
United States. These guidelines have been updated to reflect the nearly
universal electronic submission of papers and to feature new examples from
recently published dissertations. This appendix is intended primarily for
students writing PhD dissertations and masters and undergraduate theses,
but the sections on format requirements and electronic file preparation will
also aid those writing class papers. An extensive bibliography, organized by
subject area and fully updated, lists sources for research and style issues
specific to various disciplines.
The guidelines in this manual offer practical solutions to a wide range of
issues encountered by student writers, but they may be supplemented—or
even overruled—by the conventions of specific disciplines or the
preferences of particular institutions, departments, or instructors. All of the
chapters on style and format remind students to review the requirements of
their university, department, or instructor, which take precedence over the
guidelines presented in this book.
Updating a book that has been used by millions of students over eighty
years is no small task, and many people participated in preparing this ninth
edition. The Press staff welcomed Bizup and FitzGerald to their new role in
revising part 1. Russell David Harper, the principal reviser of the sixteenth
and seventeenth editions of CMOS, revised parts 2 and 3 and the appendix.
Several recent PhD recipients from the University of Chicago allowed the
use of excerpts from their dissertations in the appendix, where they are
credited individually.
Within the Press, the project was developed under the guidance of editors
Mary E. Laur and David Morrow, editorial director Christie Henry, and
editorial associates Rachel Kelly and Susan Zakin. Lucy Johnson and
Kristin Zodrow offered additional research support. Ruth Goring edited the
manuscript, June Sawyers proofread the pages, and James Curtis prepared
the index. Michael Brehm provided the design, while Joseph Claude
supervised the production. Carol Kasper, Jennifer Ringblom, Lauren Salas,
and Carol Fisher Saller brought the final product to market.
The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff
Part I
Research and Writing
Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup,
and William T. FitzGerald
Overview of Part I
We know how daunting it can feel to start a substantial research project,
whether it’s a doctoral dissertation, a masters or senior thesis, or just a long
class paper. But you can handle any project if you break it into its parts,
then work on them one step at a time. Part I of this book shows you how.
We first discuss the aims of research and what readers will expect of any
research paper (a term we use broadly to refer to all varieties of research-
based writing). We then focus on how to find a research question and
problem whose answer is worth your time and your readers’ attention; how
to find and use information from sources to back up your answer; and then
how to plan, draft, and revise your paper so your readers will see that your
answer is based on sound reasoning and reliable evidence.
Several themes run through this part.
You can’t plunge into a project blindly; you must plan it, then keep the
whole process in mind as you take each step. So think big, but break the
process down into small goals that you can meet one at a time.
Your best research will begin with a question that you want to answer.
But you must then imagine readers asking questions of their own: So
what if you don’t answer it? Why should I care?
From the outset, you should try to write every day, not just to record the
content of your sources but to clarify what you think of them. You should
also write down your own developing ideas to get them out of the cozy
warmth of your head and into the cold light of day, where you can see if
they still make sense. You probably won’t use much of this writing in
your final draft, but it is essential preparation for it.
No matter how carefully you do your research, readers will judge it by
how well you present it, so you must know what they will look for in a
clearly written paper that earns their respect.
If you’re an advanced researcher, skim chapters 1–4. You will see there
much that’s familiar; but if you’re also teaching, it may help you explain
what you know to your students more effectively. Many experienced
researchers tell us that chapters 5–12 have helped them not only to explain
to others how to conduct and report research, but also to draft and revise
their own writing more quickly and effectively.
If you’re just starting your career in research, you’ll find every chapter of
part 1 useful. Skim it all for an overview of the process; then as you work
through your project, reread chapters relevant to your immediate task.
You may feel that the steps described here are too many to remember, but
you can manage them if you take them one at a time, and as you do more
research they’ll become habits of mind. Don’t think, however, that you
must follow these steps in exactly the order we present them. Researchers
regularly think ahead to future steps as they work through earlier ones and
revisit earlier steps as they deal with a later one. (That explains why we so
often refer you ahead to anticipate a later stage in the process and back to
revisit an earlier one.) And even the most systematic researcher has
unexpected insights that send her off in a new direction. Work from a plan,
but be ready to depart from it, even to discard it for a new one.
If you’re a very new researcher, you may also think that some matters we
discuss are beyond your immediate needs. We know that a ten-page class
paper differs from a dissertation. But both require a kind of thinking that
even the newest researcher can start practicing. You begin your journey
toward full competence when you not only know what lies ahead but also
can start practicing the skills that experienced researchers began to learn
when they were where you are now.
No book can prepare you for every aspect of every research project. And
this one won’t help you with the specific methodologies in fields such as
psychology, economics, and philosophy, much less physics, chemistry, and
biology. Nor does it tell you how to adapt what you learn about academic
research to business or professional settings.
But it does provide an overview of the processes and habits of mind that
underlie all research, wherever it’s done, and of the plans you must make to
assemble a paper, draft it, and revise it. With that knowledge and with help
from your teachers, you’ll come to feel in control of your projects, not
intimidated by them, and eventually you’ll learn to manage even the most
complex projects on your own, in both the academic and the professional
The first step in learning the skills of sound research is to understand how
experienced researchers think about its aims.
1 What Research Is and How Researchers
Think about It
1.1 What Research Is
1.2 How Researchers Think about Their Aims
1.3 Conversing with Your Readers
Whenever we read about a scientific breakthrough or a crisis in world
affairs, we benefit from the research of others, who likewise benefited from
the research of countless others before them. When we walk into a library,
we are surrounded by more than twenty-five centuries of research. When
we go on the internet, we can read the work of millions of researchers who
have posed questions beyond number, gathered untold amounts of
information from the research of others to answer them, and then shared
their answers with the rest of us. We can carry on their work by asking and,
we hope, answering new questions in turn. Governments spend billions on
research, businesses even more. Research goes on in laboratories and
libraries, in jungles and ocean depths, in caves and in outer space, in offices
and, in the information age, even in our own homes. Research is in fact the
world’s biggest industry.
So what, exactly, is it?
1.1 What Research Is
You already have a basic understanding of research: answering a question
by obtaining information. In this sense, research can be as simple as
choosing a new phone or as complex as discovering the origin of life. In
this book we use research in a specific way to mean a process of systematic
inquiry to answer a question that not only the researcher but also others
want to solve. Research thus includes the steps involved in presenting or
reporting it. To be a true researcher, as we are using the term, you must
share your findings and conclusions with others.
If you are new to research, you may think that your paper will add little
to the world’s knowledge. But done well, it will add a lot to your
knowledge and to your ability to communicate that knowledge. As you
learn to do your own research, you also learn to use and judge that of
others. In every profession, researchers must read and evaluate the work of
others before they make a decision. This is a job you will do better after you
have learned how others judge yours.
This book focuses on research in the academic world, but every day we
read or hear about research that affects our lives. Often we get news of
research secondhand, and it can be difficult to know what reasoning and
evidence support a claim. But research doesn’t ask for our blind trust or that
we accept something on the basis of authority. It invites readers to think
critically about evidence and reasoning.
That is how research-based writing differs from other kinds of persuasive
writing: it must rest on shared facts that readers accept as truths
independent of your feelings and beliefs. Your readers must be able to
follow your reasoning from evidence they accept to the claim you draw
from it. Your success as a researcher thus depends not just on how well you
gather and analyze data but also on how clearly you report your reasoning
so that your readers can test and judge it before making your claims part of
their knowledge and understanding.
1.2 How Researchers Think about Their Aims
All researchers collect information, what we’re calling data. But
researchers do not merely gather facts on a topic—stories about the Battle
of the Alamo, for example. They look for specific data to test and support an
answer to a question that their topic inspired them to ask, such as Why has
the Alamo story become a national legend? In doing so, they also imagine a
community of readers who they believe will share their interest and help
them test and support an answer to that question.
Experienced researchers, however, know that they must do more than
convince us that their answer is sound. They must also show us why their
question was worth asking, how its answer helps us understand some bigger
issue in a new way. If we can figure out why the Alamo story has become a
national legend, we might then answer a larger question: how have
regional myths shaped the American character?
You can judge how closely your thinking tracks that of an experienced
researcher by describing your project in a sentence like this:
1. Topic: I am working on X (stories about the Battle of the Alamo)
2. Question: because I want to find out Y (why its story became
a national legend)
3. Significance: so that I can help others understand Z (how
such regional myths have shaped the American
That sentence is worth a close look, because it describes not just the
progress of your research but your personal growth as a researcher.
1. Topic: “I am working on X...”: Those new to research often begin with
a simple topic like the Battle of the Alamo. But too often they stop there,
with nothing but a broad topic to guide their work. Beginning this way,
they may pile up dozens or hundreds of notes but then can’t decide what
data to keep or discard. When it comes time to write, their papers become
“data dumps” that leave readers wondering what all those data add up to.
2. Question: “...because I want to find out Y...”: More experienced
researchers begin not just with a topic but with a research question, such
as Why has the story of the Alamo become a national legend? They know
that readers will think their data add up to something only when they
serve as evidence to support an answer. Indeed, only with a question can
a researcher know what information to look for and, once obtained, what
to keep—and not just data that support a particular answer but also data
that test or discredit it. With sufficient evidence to support an answer, a
researcher can respond to data that seem to contradict it. In writing a
paper, the researcher tests that answer and invites others to test it too.
3. Significance: “...so that I can help others understand Z”: The best
researchers understand that readers want to know not only that an answer
is sound but also why the question is worth asking: So what? Why should
I care why the Alamo story has become a national legend? Think of it
this way: what will be lost if you don’t answer your question? Your
answer might be Nothing. I just want to know. Good enough to start but
not to finish, because eventually your readers will want an answer
beyond Just curious.
Answering So what? is tough for all researchers, beginning and
experienced alike, because when you only have a question stemming from a
topic of personal interest, it’s hard to predict whether others will find its
answer significant. Some researchers therefore work backwards: they begin
not by following their own curiosity but by crafting questions with
implications for bigger ones that others in their field already care about. But
many researchers, including us, find that they cannot address that third step
until they finish a first draft. So it’s fine to begin your research without
being able to answer So what?, and if you are a student, your teacher may
even let you skip that last step. But if you are doing advanced research, you
must take it, because your answer to So what? is what makes your research
matter to others.
In short, not all questions are equally good. We might ask how many cats
slept in the Alamo the night before the battle, but so what if we find out? It
is hard to see how an answer would help us think about any larger issue
worth understanding, so it’s a question that’s probably not worth asking
(though as we’ll see, we could be wrong about that).
How good a question is depends on its significance to some community
of readers. Exactly what community depends on your field but also on how
you frame your research. You can try to expand your potential readership by
connecting Z to even broader questions: And if we can understand what has
shaped the American character, we might understand better who Americans
think they are. And when we know that, we might better understand why
others in the world judge them as they do. Now perhaps political scientists
will be as interested in this research as historians. On the other hand, if you
try to widen your audience too much, you risk losing it altogether.
Sometimes it’s better to address a smaller community of specialists.
We can’t tell you the right choice, but we can tell you two wrong ones:
trying to interest everyone (some people just won’t care no matter how you
frame your research) or not trying to interest anyone at all.
1.3 Conversing with Your Readers
When you can explain the significance of your research, you enter into a
kind of conversation with your research community. Some people, when
they think of research, imagine a lone scholar or scientist in a hushed
library or lab. But no places are more crowded with the presence of others
than these. When you read a book or an article or a report, you silently
converse with its authors—and through them with everyone else they have
read. In fact, every time you go to a written source for information, you join
a conversation between writers and readers that began millennia ago. And
when you report your own research, you add your voice and hope that other
voices will respond to you, so that you can in turn respond to them. And so
it goes.
Experienced researchers understand that they are participating in such
conversations and that genuine research must matter not only to the
researcher but also to others. That is why our formula—I am working on X
to find out Y so that others can better understand Z—is so powerful:
because it makes informing others the end of research.
But these silent conversations differ from the face-to-face conversations
we have every day. We can judge how well everyday conversations are
going as we have them, and we can adjust our statements and behavior to
repair mistakes and misunderstandings as they occur. But in writing we
don’t have that opportunity: readers have to imagine writers in conversation
with one another, as well as with themselves, and writers have to imagine
their readers and their relationship to them. In other words, writers have to
offer readers a social contract: I’ll play my part if you play yours.
Doing this is one of the toughest tasks for beginning researchers: get that
relationship wrong and your readers will think you are naive or, worse,
won’t read your work at all. Too many beginning researchers offer their
readers a relationship that caricatures a bad classroom: Teacher, I know less
than you. So my role is to show you how many facts I can dig up. Yours is to
say whether I’ve found enough to give me a good grade. Do that and you
turn your project into a pointless drill, casting yourself in a role exactly
opposite to that of a true researcher. In true research, you must switch the
roles of student and teacher. You must imagine a relationship that goes
beyond Here are some facts I’ve dug up about fourteenth-century Tibetan
weaving. Are they enough of the right ones?
There are three better reasons to share what you’ve found. You could say
to your reader, Here is some information that you may find interesting. This
offer assumes, of course, that your reader wants to know. You could also
say not just Here is something that should interest you but Here is
something that will help you remedy a situation that troubles you. People do
this kind of research every day in business, government, and the professions
when they try to figure out how to address problems ranging from insomnia
to falling profits to climate change. In chapter 2 we call such situations and
their consequences practical problems. When academic researchers address
such practical problems, we say they are doing applied research. Most
commonly, though, academic researchers do pure research that addresses
what we call conceptual problems—that is, not troubling situations in the
world but the limitations of our understanding of it (again see chapter 2). In
this case, you say to your readers, Here is something that will help you
better understand something you care about. When you make this last sort
of appeal, you imagine your readers as a community of receptive but also
skeptical colleagues who are open to learning from you and even changing
their minds—if you can make the case.
We now understand the goal of research, at least in its pure form: it is not
to have the last word but to keep the conversation going. The best questions
are those whose answers raise several more. When that happens, everyone
in the research community benefits.
2 Defining a Project: Topic, Question,
Problem, Working Hypothesis
2.1 Find a Question in Your Topic
2.1.1 Search Your Interests
2.1.2 Make Your Topic Manageable
2.1.3 Question Your Topic
2.1.4 Evaluate Your Questions
2.2 Understanding Research Problems
2.2.1 Understanding Practical and Conceptual Problems
2.2.2 Distinguishing Pure and Applied Research
2.3 Propose a Working Hypothesis
2.3.1 Beware the Risks in a Working Hypothesis
2.3.2 If You Can’t Find an Answer, Argue for Your Question
2.4 Build a Storyboard to Plan and Guide Your Work
2.4.1 State Your Question and Working Hypotheses
2.4.2 State Your Reasons
2.4.3 Sketch in the Kind of Evidence You Should Look For
2.4.4 Look at the Whole
2.5 Join or Organize a Writing Group
A research project begins well before you search the internet or head for the
library and continues long after you have collected all the data you think
you need. Every project involves countless specific tasks, so it is easy to get
overwhelmed. But in all research projects, you have just five general aims:
Ask a question worth answering.
Find an answer that you can support with good reasons.
Find good data that you can use as reliable evidence to support your
Draft an argument that makes a good case for your answer.
Revise that draft until readers will think you met the first four goals.
You might even post those five goals in your workspace.
Research projects would be much easier if we could march straight
through these steps. But you will discover (if you have not already) that the
research process is not so straightforward. Each task overlaps with others,
and frequently you must go back to an earlier one. The truth is, research is
messy and unpredictable. But that’s also what makes it exciting and
ultimately rewarding.
2.1 Find a Question in Your Topic
Researchers begin projects in different ways. Many experienced researchers
begin with a question that others in their field want to answer: What caused
the extinction of most large North American mammals? Others begin with
just basic curiosity, a vague intellectual itch that they have to scratch. They
might not know what puzzles them about a topic, but they’re willing to
spend time to find out whether that topic can yield a question worth
They realize, moreover, that the best research question is not one whose
answer they want to know just for its own sake; it is one that helps them
and others understand some larger issue. For example, if we knew why
North American sloths disappeared, we might be able to answer a larger
question that puzzles many historical anthropologists: Did early Native
Americans live in harmony with nature, as some believe, or did they hunt its
largest creatures to extinction? And if we knew that, then we might also
understand... (So what? again. See 1.2.)
Then there are those questions that just pop into a researchers mind with
no hint of where they’ll lead, sometimes about matters so seemingly trivial
that only the researcher thinks they’re worth answering: Why does a coffee
spill dry up in the form of a ring? Such a question might lead nowhere, but
you can’t know that until you see its answer. In fact, the scientist puzzled by
coffee rings made discoveries about the behavior of fluids that others in his
field thought important—and that paint manufacturers found valuable. If
you cultivate the ability to see what’s odd in the commonplace, you’ll never
lack for research projects as either a student or a professional.
If you already have a focused topic, you might skip to 2.1.3 and begin
asking questions about it. If you already have some questions, skip to 2.1.4
to test them using the criteria listed there. Otherwise, here’s a plan to help
you search for a topic.
2.1.1 Search Your Interests
Beginning researchers often find it hard to pick a topic or believe they lack
the expertise to research a topic they have. But a research topic is an interest
stated specifically enough for you to imagine becoming a local expert on it.
That doesn’t mean you already know a lot about it or that you’ll know more
about it than others, including a teacher or advisor. You just want to know
more about it than you do now.
If you can work on any topic, we offer only a cliché: start with what
interests you. Ask these questions:
What special interests do you have—chess, old comic books, scouting?
The less common, the better. Choose one and investigate something
about it that you don’t know.
Where would you like to travel? Find out all you can about your
destination. What particular aspect surprises you or makes you want to
learn more?
Can you find an online discussion list or social media page focused on
issues that interest you?
Visit a museum or a “virtual museum” on the internet with exhibitions
that appeal to you. What catches your interest that you would like to
know more about?
Have you taken positions on issues in your field or in debates with others
but found that you couldn’t back up your views with good reasons and
What issues in your field do people outside your field misunderstand?
What topic is your instructor or advisor working on? Would she like you
to explore a part of it? Don’t be too shy to ask.
Does your library have rich resources in some field? Ask your instructor
or a librarian.
What intrigues you in your reading? What connections do you see among
different things you are reading?
What other courses will you take in your field or out of it? Find a
textbook and skim it for study questions.
If you have a job in mind, what kind of writing might help you get it?
Employers often ask for samples of an applicant’s work.
Once you have a list of possible topics, choose one or two that interest
you most and explore their research potential. Sometimes beginning
researchers choose a topic because they already know what they want to say
about it, even before they’ve done any research. That’s a mistake: the best
topics provoke good questions; the worst come with ready-made answers.
To gauge a topic’s potential, do these things:
In the library, look up your topic in a general guide such as CQ
Researcher and skim the subheadings. In an online database such as
Academic Search Premier, you can explore your topic through subject
terms. If you have a narrower focus, you can do the same with
specialized guides such as Women’s Studies International. At most
libraries today, such guides are found online.
On the internet, google your topic, but don’t surf indiscriminately. Look
first for websites that are roughly like the sources you would find in a
library, such as online encyclopedias. Read the entries on your general
topic, and then copy their lists of references for a closer look. Few
experienced researchers trust Wikipedia as a reliable source to cite as
evidence, but most would use the site to find ideas and more specific
Finally, think ahead: you may be in for a long relationship with your
topic, so be sure it interests you enough to get you through the inevitable
rocky stretches.
2.1.2 Make Your Topic Manageable
If you pick a topic that sounds like an encyclopedia entry—bridges, birds,
masks—you’ll find so many sources that you could spend a lifetime reading
them. You must carve out of your topic a manageable piece. Before you
start searching, limit your topic to reflect a special interest in it: What is it
about, say, masks that made you choose them? What particular aspect of
them interests or puzzles you? Think about your topic in a context that you
know something about, and then add words and phrases to reflect that
masks in religious ceremonies
masks as symbols in Hopi religious ceremonies
mudhead masks as symbols of sky spirits in Hopi fertility ceremonies
You might not be able to focus your topic until after you start reading
about it. That takes time, so start early (you can do much of this preliminary
work online):
Begin with an overview of your topic in a general encyclopedia (in the
bibliography, see items in category 2 in the general sources); then read
about it in a specialized one (see items in category 2 in your field).
Skim a survey of your topic (encyclopedia entries usually cite a few).
Skim subheads under your topic in an annual bibliography in your field
(in the bibliography, see items in category 4 in your field). That will also
give you a start on a reading list.
Search the internet for the topic (but evaluate the reliability of what you
find; see 3.3.2).
Especially useful are topics that spark debate: Fisher claims that Halloween
masks reveal children’s archetypal fears, but do they? Even if you can’t
resolve the debate, you can learn how such debates are conducted (for more
on this, see 3.1.2).
2.1.3 Question Your Topic
Once they have a focused topic, many new researchers start plowing
through all the sources they can find, taking notes on everything they read.
They then dump it all into a report with little sense of purpose or direction.
Experienced researchers, however, document information not for its own
sake but to support an answer to a question they (and they hope their
readers) think worth asking. So the best way to begin working on a focused
topic is to pose questions that direct you to just the information you need to
answer them.
Do this not just once, early on, but throughout your project. Ask
questions as you read, especially how and why (see also 4.1.1–4.1.2). Try
the following kinds of questions (the categories are loose and overlap, so
don’t worry about keeping them distinct).
1. Ask how the topic fits into a larger context (historical, social, cultural,
geographic, functional, economic, and so on):
How does your topic fit into a larger story? What came before
masks? How did masks come into being? Why? What changes have
they caused in other parts of their social or geographic setting?
How and why did that happen? Why have masks become a part of
Halloween? How and why have masks helped make Halloween the
biggest American holiday after Christmas?
How is your topic a functioning part of a larger system? How do
masks reflect the values of specific societies and cultures? What
roles do masks play in Hopi dances? In scary movies? In
masquerade parties? For what purposes are masks used other than
disguise? How has the booming market for kachina masks
influenced traditional designs?
How does your topic compare to and contrast with other topics like
it? How do masks in Native American ceremonies differ from those
in Africa? What do Halloween masks have to do with Mardi Gras
masks? How are masks and cosmetic surgery alike?
2. Ask questions about the nature of the thing itself, as an independent
How has your topic changed through time? Why? What is its future?
How have Halloween masks changed? Why? How have Native
American masks changed? Why?
How do the parts of your topic fit together as a system? What parts
of a mask are most significant in Hopi ceremonies? Why? Why do
some masks cover only the eyes? Why do so few masks cover just the
bottom half of the face?
How many different categories of your topic are there? What are the
different kinds of Halloween masks? What are the different qualities
of masks? What are the different functions of Halloween masks?
3. Turn positive questions into a negative ones: Why have masks not
become a part of Christmas? How do Native American masks not differ
from those in Africa? What parts of masks are typically not significant in
religious ceremonies?
4. Ask speculative questions: Why are masks common in African religions
but not in Western ones? Why are children more comfortable wearing
Halloween masks than are most adults? Why don’t hunters in camouflage
wear masks?
5. Ask What if? questions: how would things be different if your topic never
existed, disappeared, or were put into a new context? What if no one ever
wore masks except for safety reasons? What if everyone wore masks in
public? What if movies and TV were like Greek plays and all the actors
wore masks? What if it were customary to wear masks on blind dates? In
marriage ceremonies? At funerals?
6. Ask questions that reflect disagreements with a source: if a source makes
a claim you think is only weakly supported or even wrong, make that
disagreement a question (see also 4.1.2). Martinez claims that carnival
masks uniquely allow wearers to escape social norms. But I think
religious masks also allow wearers to escape from the material realm to
the spiritual. Is there a larger pattern of all masks creating a sense of
alternative forms of social or spiritual life?
7. Ask questions that build on agreement: if a source offers a claim you
think is persuasive, ask questions that extend its reach (see also 4.1.1).
Elias shows that masked balls became popular in eighteenth-century
London in response to anxiety about social mobility. Is the same anxiety
responsible for similar developments in other European capitals? You
can also ask a question that supports the same claim with additional
evidence. Elias supports his claim about masked balls entirely with
published sources. Is it also supported by evidence from unpublished
sources such as letters and diaries?
8. Ask questions analogous to those that others have asked about similar
topics. Smith analyzed the Battle of Gettysburg from an economic point of
view. What would an economic analysis of the Battle of the Alamo turn
9. Look for questions that other researchers pose but don’t answer. Many
journal articles end with a paragraph or two about open questions, ideas
for more research, and so on. You might not be able to do all the research
they suggest, but you might carve out a piece of it.
10. Find a professional discussion forum on your topic, then “lurk,” just
reading the exchanges to understand the kinds of questions being asked.
If you can’t find one using a search engine, ask a teacher or visit websites
of professional organizations in your field. Look for questions that spark
your interest. If questions from students are welcomed, you can even post
one yourself, so long as it is very specific and narrowly focused.
2.1.4 Evaluate Your Questions
After asking all the questions you can think of, evaluate them. Not all
questions are equally good. Look for questions whose answers might make
you (and your readers) think about your topic in a new way. Avoid
questions like these:
Their answers are settled fact that you could just look up. What was
Audre Lorde’s first published poem? Questions that ask how and why call
for interpretations, not just the discovery of facts. That’s why they invite
deeper thinking than questions beginning who, what, when, or where, and
deeper thinking leads to more interesting answers.
Their answers can’t be plausibly disproved. How important are masks in
Inuit culture? The answer is obvious: Very. If you can’t imagine
disproving a claim, then proving it is pointless. (On the other hand,
world-class reputations have been won by those who questioned a claim
that seemed self-evidently true—for instance, that the sun circled the
earth—and dared to disprove it.)
Their answers would be merely speculative. Would church services be as
well attended if the congregation all wore masks? If you can’t imagine
finding data that would settle the question, it’s not a question you can
Their answers are dead ends. How many black cats slept in the Alamo the
night before the battle? It’s hard to see how an answer would help us
think about any larger issue worth understanding better, so the question is
probably not worth asking.
Their answers require different capacities from the ones you have. How
do Japanese translations of The Great Gatsby treat early twentieth-
century America? If you can’t read Japanese, this question is not for you
to answer.
Their answers require more or different resources—materials,
technology, money, especially time—than you have. How is childhood
represented in the Victorian novel? Can you read enough of them in the
time you have to arrive at a reasonable answer?
Don’t reject a question because you think someone must already have
asked it. Until you know, pursue its answer as if you asked first. Even if
someone has answered it, you might come up with a better answer or at
least one with a new slant. In fact, in the humanities and social sciences the
best questions usually have more than one good answer. You can also
organize your project around comparing and contrasting competing answers
and supporting the best one (see 6.2.5).
The point is to find a question that you want to answer. Too many
students, both graduate and undergraduate, think that the aim of education
is to learn settled answers to someone else’s questions. It’s not. It is to find
your own answers to your own questions. To do that, you must learn to
wonder about things, to let them puzzle you—particularly things that seem
2.2 Understanding Research Problems
In chapter 1 we gave you a formula that expresses how experienced
researchers think about their work:
1. Topic: I am working on X (stories about the Battle of the Alamo)
2. Question: because I want to find out Y (why its story became
a national legend)
3. Significance: so that I can help others understand Z (how
such regional myths have shaped the American
When you can state that significance from the point of view of your readers,
you have more than a question: you have posed a research problem that
they recognize needs a solution.
Among researchers, the term problem has a special meaning that
sometimes confuses beginners. In our everyday world, a problem is
something we try to avoid. But in academic research, a problem is
something we seek out, even invent. Indeed, without a problem to work on,
a researcher is out of work.
Experienced researchers often talk about their problems in shorthand.
When asked what they are working on, they often answer with what sounds
like a general topic: adult measles, mating calls of Wyoming elk. As a result,
beginners may think that having a topic to read about is the same thing as
having a problem to solve. But without a specific question to answer and a
reason to find that answer significant, researchers have no way of knowing
when they have enough. So they can be tempted to throw in everything just
to be safe.
To avoid the judgment that your paper is just a data dump, you need a
problem, one that focuses on finding just those data that will help you solve
it. To find one, you need to know how problems work.
2.2.1 Understanding Practical and Conceptual Problems
There are two kinds of research problems: practical and conceptual. Each
of them has a two-part structure:
a situation or condition, and
undesirable costs or consequences caused by that condition.
Your research question is about your problem’s condition; its significance
follows from your problem’s cost or consequence.
What differentiates practical and conceptual problems is the nature of
those conditions and costs/consequences. The condition of a practical
problem can be any state of affairs in the world that troubles you or, better,
your readers: a traffic jam, foreign competition, a disease we can’t
effectively treat. The cost of a practical problem is always some tangible
effect we don’t like: inconvenience, expense, pain, even death. Practical
problems are often a matter of perspective: if my company’s products are
outselling yours, that’s a problem for you but not for me.
The condition of a conceptual problem is always some version of not
knowing or understanding something. A conceptual problem does not have
a tangible cost but a consequence. This consequence is a particular kind of
ignorance: a lack of understanding that keeps us from understanding
something else that is even more significant. Put another way, because we
haven’t answered one question, we can’t answer another that is more
In short, practical problems concern what we should do; conceptual
problems concern what we should think. Practical problems are most
common in the professional world; conceptual problems are most common
in academe.
2.2.2 Distinguishing Pure and Applied Research
We call research pure when it addresses a conceptual problem that does not
have any direct practical consequences, when it only improves the
understanding of a community of researchers. We call research applied
when it addresses a conceptual problem that does have practical
consequences. You can tell whether research is pure or applied by
considering the significance of your project: is it about understanding or
1. Topic: I am studying how readings from the Hubble telescope
differ from readings for the same stars measured by earthbound
2. Question: because I want to find out how much the
atmosphere distorts measurements of electromagnetic
3. Practical Significance: so that astronomers can use data
from earthbound telescopes to measure more accurately
the density of electromagnetic radiation.
Applied research is common in academic fields such as business,
engineering, and medicine and in companies and government agencies that
do research to understand what must be known before they can solve a
Some new researchers may be uneasy with pure research because the
consequence of a conceptual problem—not knowing something—seems so
abstract. Since they are not yet part of a community that cares deeply about
understanding its part of the world, they feel that their findings aren’t good
for much. So they try to show the importance of their conceptual answer by
cobbling onto it an implausible practical use:
1. Topic: I am studying differences among nineteenth-century
versions of the Alamo story
2. Question: because I want to find out how politicians used
stories of such events to shape public opinion
3. Potential Practical Significance: in order to protect
ourselves from unscrupulous politicians.
Most readers will find the link between this research question and its
asserted significance a stretch. But for researchers in American history, the
question does not need to have practical significance. As the term pure
suggests, many researchers value the pursuit of knowledge “for its own
sake” as a reflection of humanity’s highest calling to know more.
So if you are doing academic research, resist the urge to turn a conceptual
problem into a practical one—unless you’ve specifically been asked to do
so. You are unlikely to solve any genuine practical problem in a course
project. And in any case, most academic researchers see their mission not as
fixing the problems of the world but as understanding them better (which
may or may not lead to fixing them).
2.3 Propose a Working Hypothesis
Before you get deep into your project, try one more step. It is one that some
beginners resist but that experienced researchers usually attempt. Once you
have a question, imagine some plausible answers, no matter how sketchy or
speculative. At this stage, don’t worry whether they’re right. That comes
For example, suppose you ask, Why do some religions use masks in
ceremonies while others don’t? You might speculate:
Maybe cultures with many spirits need masks to distinguish them.
Maybe masks are common in cultures that mix religion and
Maybe religions originating in the Middle East were influenced by the
Jewish prohibition against idolatry.
Even a general answer can suggest something worth studying:
Maybe it has to do with the role of masks in nonreligious areas of a
Try to imagine at least one plausible answer, no matter how tentative or
speculative. If one answer seems promising, call it your working hypothesis
and use it to guide your research. You can, of course, start gathering data
with no more than a question to guide you, but even a tentative working
hypothesis will help you think about the kind of data you’ll need as
evidence to support it: numbers? quotations? observations? images?
historical facts? In fact, until you have a hypothesis, you can’t know
whether any data you collect are relevant to your project.
If you can’t imagine any working hypotheses, reconsider your question.
You may even decide to start over with a new topic. That costs time in the
short run, but it may save you from a failed project. Under no circumstances
should you put off thinking about a hypothesis until you begin drafting your
paper or, worse, until you’ve almost finished it. You might not settle on the
best answer to your question until you’re well into writing your paper, for
writing is an act of discovery. But you can’t wait until that last draft to start
thinking about some answer.
2.3.1 Beware the Risks in a Working Hypothesis
Don’t settle on a final answer too soon: working hypotheses are meant to
change. But many new researchers and some experienced ones are afraid to
consider any working hypothesis early in their project, even one they hold
lightly, because they fear it might bias their thinking. There is some risk of
that, but a working hypothesis need not close your mind to a better one.
Even the most objective scientist devises an experiment to test for just a few
predicted outcomes, often just one. A working hypothesis is a risk only if it
blinds you to a better one or if you can’t give it up when the evidence says
you should. So as in all relationships, don’t fall too hard for your first
hypothesis: the more you like it, the less easily you’ll see its flaws. Despite
that risk, it’s better to start with a flawed hypothesis than with none at all.
2.3.2 If You Can’t Find an Answer, Argue for Your Question
We have focused so much on questions that you might think your project
fails if you can’t answer yours. Not so. Much important research explains
why a question no one has yet asked should be asked: Do turtles dream?
Why is yawning contagious? Papers addressing such questions don’t argue
for answers; they explain why the question is important and what a good
answer might look like.
Or perhaps you find that someone has answered your question, but
incompletely or even—if you’re lucky—incorrectly. If you can’t find the
right answer, you still help your research community by showing that a
widely accepted one is wrong. You can even organize your paper around a
working hypothesis you abandon. If after lots of research, you can’t confirm
it, you can explain why that answer seemed reasonable at the time but
turned out to be wrong and so isn’t worth the time of other researchers. That
in itself can be a valuable contribution to the conversation on your topic.
(See 10.1.1–10.1.2 for how to use an apparently good idea that turns out to
be wrong.)
Only by asking question after question will you develop the critical
imagination you need to excel at research. Experienced researchers know
there are few, if any, final answers, because there are no final questions.
They know that it’s as important to ask a new question as it is to answer an
old one, and that one day their new question will become old and yield to a
newer researchers still newer one. That’s how the conversations of research
communities progress.
2.4 Build a Storyboard to Plan and Guide Your Work
For a short paper, you might not need a detailed plan—a sketch of an
outline might do. But for a long project, you’ll usually need more,
especially for one as long as a thesis or dissertation. The first plan that
comes to mind is usually an outline, with its Is and IIs and As and Bs and so
on (see If you prefer an outline, use one, especially if your project
is relatively short. The problem is that an outline can force you to specify
too much too soon and so lock up a final form before you’ve done your best
To avoid that risk, many researchers, including those outside the
academic world, use a storyboard to plan and guide their work. A
storyboard is like an outline spread over several pages, with lots of space
for adding data and ideas as you go. But it is more flexible than an outline
because storyboard pages can be moved around, allowing you to try out
new ways of organizing your ideas. You can spread its pages across a wall,
group related pages, and put minor sections below major ones to create a
“picture” of your project that shows you at a glance the design of the whole
and your progress through it. For this reason, a storyboard is useful at every
stage of your project. It can help you plan your research, develop your
argument, organize your paper, write a first draft, and test a final one.
Someday you may have the time to amble through sources, reading just
what interests you. Such random browsing has opened up many important
lines of research. But if your paper is due in a month or so, or even sooner,
you need a plan. A storyboard is a simple and reliable device to help you
create one.
2.4.1 State Your Question and Working Hypotheses
To start a storyboard, state at the top of its first page your question and
working hypothesis as precisely as you can. Then add plausible alternatives
and new hypotheses as you think of them, and cross off those you prove
wrong. But save them, because you might be able to use one of them in
your introduction (see 10.1.1).
2.4.2 State Your Reasons
We say more about the structure of arguments in chapter 5. For now, the
commonsense understanding of an argument as a claim supported by
reasons and evidence is enough. Put at the top of separate pages each reason
that might support your best hypothesis, even if you have only one or two.
Imagine explaining your project to a friend. You say, I want to show that
Alamo stories helped develop a unique Texan identity, and your friend asks,
Why do you think so? Your reasons are the general statements that you offer
to support your answer: Well, first, the stories distorted facts to emphasize
what became central to Texan identity; second, the stories were first used to
show that Texas (and the Wild West) was a new kind of frontier; third,...
and so on.
If you can’t think of more than one or two reasons, put placeholders at
the tops of pages: Reason 3: Something about Alamo stories making Texans
feel special. If you know only how you want a reason to support your
answer, state that: Reason 4: Something to show that Alamo stories were
more than just myth. Each reason, of course, needs support, so for each
reason, ask, Why do I think that? What evidence will I need to prove it?
That will help you focus your search for evidence (see 2.4.3 and 5.4.2).
If you’re new to your topic or early in your project, your reasons may be
only educated guesses that you’ll later change. But a list of reasons, no
matter how speculative, can not only guide your research but also focus
your thinking and help you anticipate the argument you will eventually
2.4.3 Sketch the Kind of Evidence You Should Look For
Every field prefers its own kinds of evidence—numbers, quotations,
observations, historical facts, images, and so on. So for each reason, sketch
the kind of evidence that you think you’ll need to support it. Even imagine
what the most convincing evidence would look like. If you can’t imagine
the kind of evidence you’ll need, leave that part of the page blank, then read
secondary sources to find out the kind of evidence researchers in your field
typically use (see 3.1.2).
2.4.4 Look at the Whole
Lay the pages on a table or tape them on a wall. Then step back and look at
their order. When you plan a first draft, you must put its parts in some order,
so you might as well think about one now. Can you see a logic in your
storyboard? Cause and effect? Narrative time? Relative importance?
Complexity? Length? (See 6.2.5 for more principles of order.) Try out
different orders. This storyboard isn’t your final plan; it’s only a tool to
guide your thinking and organize what you find. When you fill a page, try
drafting that section, because writing out your ideas can improve your
thinking at every stage of your project.
2.5 Join or Organize a Writing Group
One of the best ways to stay on track with your project is to join or organize
a writing group. In many fields, especially in the humanities and social
sciences, scholars read, think, and write mostly alone. But it doesn’t have to
be that way, at least not entirely. Find someone other than your instructor or
advisor to talk with about your progress, to review your drafts, even to
pester you about how much you have written. That person might be a
generous friend or, better, another writer with whom you can trade feedback
on ideas and drafts.
Better yet is a writing group: four or five people working on their own
projects who meet regularly to discuss each others work. Early on, start
each meeting with a summary of each person’s project in that three-part
sentence: I’m working on the topic X, because I want to find out Y, so that I
(and you) can better understand Z. As your projects develop, start with an
“elevator story,” a short summary of your research that you might give
someone in the elevator on the way to the meeting. It should include that
three-part sentence, a working hypothesis, and the major reasons supporting
it (see 13.4). In later stages, share outlines and drafts so that the members of
the group can serve as surrogate readers. If your group has a problem with
your draft, so will your final readers. Your group can even help you
brainstorm when you bog down. All of this support is valuable. But for
many writers, a writing group is valuable simply for the discipline it
imposes. It is easier to meet a schedule when you know you must report
your progress to others.
Writing groups are standard practice for those preparing theses or
dissertations. But the rules may differ for class papers. Some teachers worry
that writing groups or writing partners might provide more help than they
should. So if you join a group, be clear with your teacher about what it will
do. If you don’t, she may decide the assistance you have received is
inappropriate (see 7.10).
3 Finding Useful Sources
3.1 Three Kinds of Sources and Their Uses
3.1.1 Consult Primary Sources for Evidence
3.1.2 Read Secondary Sources to Learn from Other Researchers
3.1.3 Read Tertiary Sources for Introductory Overviews
3.2 Search for Sources Systematically
3.2.1 Ask a Librarian
3.2.2 Consult Reference Works
3.2.3 Explore Online Databases
3.2.4 Search Your Library Catalog
3.2.5 Search Guides to Periodical Literature
3.2.6 Prowl the Stacks
3.2.7 Follow Bibliographic Trails
3.2.8 Search the Internet
3.2.9 Look for Someone Who Knows Something about Your Topic
3.3 Evaluate Sources for Relevance and Reliability
3.3.1 Evaluate Sources for Relevance
3.3.2 Evaluate Source for Reliability
3.4 Look beyond the Usual Kinds of References
3.5 Record Your Sources Fully, Accurately, and Appropriately
3.5.1 Determine Your Citation Style
3.5.2 Record Complete Bibliographic Information
Once you have a research question and perhaps a working hypothesis, you
can start looking for the data you’ll need to test your hypothesis and
develop your argument. In this chapter we explain how to find those data in
sources and in the next how to work with them. But don’t think of finding
sources and reading them as separate steps. Once you have a promising
source, read it to find other sources. And as you fill your storyboard with
notes, you’ll discover gaps and new questions that only more sources can
fill. So while we discuss finding and using sources as distinct steps, you’ll
more often do them repeatedly and simultaneously.
3.1 Three Kinds of Sources and Their Uses
Sources are conventionally categorized into three kinds: primary,
secondary, and tertiary (think first-, second-, and thirdhand). Their
boundaries are fuzzy, but knowing these categories can help you conduct
your research.
3.1.1 Consult Primary Sources for Evidence
Primary sources are “original” materials that provide you with the “raw”
data or evidence you will use to develop, test, and ultimately justify your
hypothesis or claim. In history, primary sources are artifacts or documents
that come directly from the period you are studying: letters, diaries, objects,
maps, even clothing. In literature or philosophy, your main primary sources
are usually the texts you are analyzing, and your data are the words on the
page. In the arts, your primary source would be the works of art you are
interpreting. In social sciences, such as sociology or political science,
census or survey data would also count as primary sources, as would data
obtained through observation or experiment in many fields. The primary
sources for those collected data are reports of original research in scholarly
journals or government and commercial databases.
3.1.2 Read Secondary Sources to Learn from Other Researchers
Secondary sources are books, articles, papers, or reports that are based on
primary sources and intended for scholarly or professional audiences. An
article in a scholarly journal analyzing Alamo stories would be a secondary
source for researchers working on those stories. The body of secondary
sources in a field is sometimes called that field’s literature. The best
secondary sources are books from reputable university presses and articles
or reports that have been peer reviewed, meaning that they were vetted by
experts in the field before they were published (see 3.3.2). Secondary
sources also include specialized encyclopedias and dictionaries that offer
essays written by scholars in a field.
You use secondary sources for three purposes:
1. To keep up with current research. Researchers read secondary sources to
keep up with the work of other researchers, to inform and refine their
thinking, and to motivate their own work by adding to a published line of
2. To find other points of view. A research paper is not complete until the
researcher acknowledges and responds to the views of others and to his
readers’ predictable questions and disagreements. You can find most of
those other points of view in secondary sources. What alternatives to
your ideas do they offer? What evidence do they cite that you must
acknowledge? Some new researchers think they weaken their case if they
mention any view opposing their own. The opposite is the truth. When
you acknowledge competing views, you show readers that you not only
know those views but can confidently respond to them. (For more on this,
see 5.4.3.)
3. To find models for your own research and analysis. You can use
secondary sources to find out not just what others have written about
your topic but how they have written about it, as models for the form and
style of your own paper. Imagine a secondary source as a colleague
talking to you about your topic. As you respond, you’d want to sound
like someone who knows the field, and so you’d try to learn how she
reasons, the language she uses, the kinds of evidence she offers, and the
kinds she rarely or never uses. The “conversation” would be in writing,
so you’d even imitate stylistic details such as whether she writes in long
paragraphs or breaks up her pages with subheads and bullet points
(common in the social sciences, less common in the humanities).
You can also use a secondary source as a model for your conceptual
analysis. If, for example, you were analyzing Alamo stories, you might
study how a source treats Custers Last Stand. Is its approach
psychological, social, historical, political? Its particular reasons or evidence
will probably be irrelevant to your project, but you might support your
answer with the same kinds of data and reasoning, perhaps even following
the same organization.
So if you come across a source that’s not exactly on your topic but treats
one like it, skim it to see how that researcher thinks about his material and
presents it. (You don’t have to cite that source if you use only its general
logic, but you may cite it to give your own approach more authority.)
You can even borrow evidence from secondary sources to use in your
own arguments, but you should do so only if you do not have access to the
primary sources from which that evidence was originally taken. If you’re
doing advanced work, check the accuracy of important quotations, facts, or
numbers you draw from secondary sources.
Of course, if you were studying how the Alamo story has been analyzed,
then secondary sources offering those analyses would be your primary
If you’re new to a field, you may find secondary sources hard to read:
they assume a lot of background knowledge, and many aren’t clearly
written (see 11.2). If you’re working on a topic new to you, you might
begin with an overview in a specialized encyclopedia or reliable tertiary
3.1.3 Read Tertiary Sources for Introductory Overviews
Tertiary sources are books and articles that synthesize secondary sources for
general readers. They include textbooks, encyclopedias (including
Wikipedia), and dictionaries, as well as articles in publications for broad
audiences, like Time and the Atlantic. In the early stages of research, you
can use tertiary sources to get a broad overview of your topic. But if you are
making a scholarly argument, you should rely on secondary sources
because these make up the conversation in which you are seeking to
participate. If you cite tertiary sources in a scholarly argument, you will
mark yourself as a novice or outsider, and many readers won’t take you—or
your argument—seriously.
3.2 Search for Sources Systematically
Knowing where to begin your search for sources can be overwhelming at
first. It is tempting to simply enter terms into a familiar search engine (e.g.,
Google) and see what comes up. We do this too, but we also know that
there are more systematic and productive ways for discovering useful,
credible sources. Make the library the focus of your search strategies even
as you draw on the expertise of others inside or outside the academic
community and use the resources of the internet.
3.2.1 Ask a Librarian
The best advice we can offer is to draw on the research expertise of
librarians. Both general reference librarians and (in larger libraries) subject
area specialists can help you refine your search parameters and direct you to
the right tools for your specific research question. They can help you use
the catalog to locate materials held by your library or by other libraries (and
obtainable through interlibrary loan). These same librarians typically design
research guides that identify reference works and online databases for
specific fields. If you’re a new researcher, seize every opportunity to learn
online search techniques in your field.
And don’t be shy. Librarians love to assist researchers of all levels and at
all stages of the research process. They can help you formulate your
research question and plan, develop search terms, and inventory your
results to ensure you haven’t overlooked something of value. The only
embarrassing question is the one you failed to ask. If you already have a
research question, share it: I’m looking for data on X because I want to find
out... If you have a working hypothesis and reasons, share them too: I’m
looking for data to show Y [your reason] because I want to claim Z [your
hypothesis]. Rehearse your questions to avoid wasting your time and theirs.
3.2.2 Consult Reference Works
Researchers in all fields share common values and habits of thought, but
every field has its own ways of doing things. To learn about the ways of
your field, browse the shelves in your library’s reference room that hold
guides to your field’s particular research methods, databases, and special
resources (in the bibliography, see items in category 3 in your field). At
least familiarize yourself with the following resources (in the bibliography,
see category 4 for lists of sources in your field; many are also online):
a bibliography of works published each year in your field, such as
Philosophers Index or Education Index
summary bibliographies of works on a specific topic collected over
several years (Bibliographic Index is a bibliography of bibliographies)
annual literature reviews; look for a title in your field beginning with
Reviews in...
specialized reference works such as the Encyclopedia of Philosophy or
the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, where you may find an
overview of your topic and often a list of standard primary and secondary
sources (in the bibliography, see items in categories 1 and 2 in your
3.2.3 Explore Online Databases
What sets libraries apart from the internet are subscriptions to indexes and
databases. After books, these are arguably a library’s most valuable assets,
since they give researchers access to materials they could not obtain
otherwise. Each library’s subscriptions will differ, with major research
libraries offering the most comprehensive access to specialized indexes and
databases. However, academic libraries and many public libraries offer
powerful online tools that greatly extend their actual collections. You will
certainly want to make use of these general and specialized resources in
your research. At least become familiar with the major databases to which
your library subscribes, such as Academic Search Premier, MLA
International Bibliography, or PubMed. Many academic databases either
provide abstracts or direct you to articles that include abstracts. Looking at
these can help you decide if an article itself is worth reading carefully.
Some databases allow you to access full-text articles or books. But beware:
if your library does not subscribe to a particular journal included in a
database, you might be asked to pay a fee to access a full-text article.
Before doing so, always speak with a librarian about other means of access.
3.2.4 Search Your Library Catalog
In your research, you will likely use your library’s catalog in two ways:
keyword searching and browsing. When you have examined some sources
to identify a list of keywords related to your topic, you are ready to use
these terms to search the catalog. In most libraries you must choose the
category (books, articles, journals, etc.) you wish to use for your search.
If your sources include books, you can use the Library of Congress
subject headings, found either on the back of their title page or on their
“details” page in the online catalog, to search for related materials. For
example, the online entry for this book includes these two topics:
1. Dissertations, Academic. 2. Academic writing.
If you search an online catalog, you will find all the books on that subject in
that library. A book may be cross-listed under multiple subject headings. In
that case, look at titles listed under those headings as well. You can also
browse the catalog for books with similar call numbers.
Also search your online catalog using keywords from your question or
working hypothesis—Alamo, Texas independence, James Bowie. If you find
too many titles, start with those published in the last ten or fifteen years by
well-known university presses. For a wider selection, search WorldCat if
your library subscribes. Otherwise, search the Library of Congress catalog
at https://www.loc.gov. It has links to large university catalogs. Start early if
you expect to get books on interlibrary loan.
If most sources on your topic are articles, locate a recent one in your
library’s online databases. Its database entry will include a list of keywords.
Search for them to find more articles on your topic. In most cases you can
just click on them. Use the keywords to search the library catalog as well.
Some databases also provide abstracts of journal articles that you can skim
for search terms.
3.2.5 Search Guides to Periodical Literature
If you’ve done research before, you’re probably familiar with annual guides
such as Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, which cites sources such
as magazines and newspapers. Most specialized fields also have yearly
guides to secondary sources, such as Art Abstracts, Historical Abstracts,
and Abstracts in Anthropology (in the bibliography, see items in category 4
in your field). Most are available online or in other digital forms.
All those resources will direct you to more sources, but none of them can
substitute for the kind of in-library search that turns up an unexpectedly
useful source.
3.2.6 Prowl the Stacks
Doing research online is faster than on foot, but if you never go into the
stacks of your library (assuming you have access), you may miss crucial
sources that you’d find only there. More important, you’ll miss the benefits
of serendipity—a chance encounter with a source that you find only in
person. If you can get to the stacks, find the shelf with books on your topic,
then scan the titles on that shelf and the ones above, below, and on either
side, especially for books with new bindings published by university
presses. Then turn around and skim titles behind you; you never know.
When you spot a promising title, skim its table of contents, then its index
for keywords related to your question or its answer. Then skim its
bibliography for titles that look relevant to your project. You can do all that
faster with books on a shelf than you can online.
If the book looks promising, skim its preface or introduction. If it still
looks promising, set it aside for a closer look. Even if it doesn’t seem
relevant, record its Library of Congress call number and bibliographic data
(author, title, publisher, date of publication and so on; see part 2 of this
manual for the details), and in a few words summarize what the book seems
to be about. A month later, you might realize that it’s more useful than you
You can check tables of contents for many journals online, but browsing
in the journals area of a library can be more productive. Find the journals
that have promising articles. Skim tables of contents for the prior ten years.
Most volumes include a yearly summary table of contents. Then take a
quick look at the journals shelved nearby. Skim their most recent tables of
contents. You will be surprised at how often you find a relevant article that
you would have missed had you done your work entirely online.
If you are new to a field, you can get a rough impression of the academic
quality of a journal by its look. If it’s on glossy paper with lots of
illustrations, even advertisements, it might be more journalistic than
scholarly. Those are not infallible signs of unreliable scholarship, but they
are worth considering.
3.2.7 Follow Bibliographic Trails
Most sources will give you trailheads for bibliographic searches. When you
find a book or article that seems useful, skim its bibliography or works
cited. Its index will list the authors cited most often. Journal articles usually
begin with a review of previous research, all cited. Finally, look for recent
PhD dissertations even marginally related to your topic. Almost every
dissertation reviews research in its first of second chapter. By following
these bibliographic trails, you can navigate the most difficult research
territory, because one source leads to another, and another...
3.2.8 Search the Internet
Your practical experience using the internet for everyday research might
lead you to believe that it is comprehensive and reliable, but that would be a
mistake. Your library’s catalog and databases provide access to information
that you cannot get through a search engine. When doing research online,
maintain a healthy skepticism: most of what we retrieve using Google or
some other search engine is perfectly reliable, but not everything is. In
contrast to your library’s catalog and databases, the internet is essentially
unmonitored. There is no one to vouch for the credibility of materials
posted to countless websites. And finally, keep in mind that companies
offering free search engines make their money by acquiring data about you
through online behavior and by selling advertising, and that webmasters
routinely modify their sites to make them appear higher in search results.
But if you keep these limitations in mind, the internet can be an
enormously valuable resource. In particular, you can do useful preliminary
work with a scholarly search engine such as Google Scholar or with a
tertiary source such as Wikipedia (which you should never cite as a
reference). Of course, the internet can also be a primary source if you are
researching the internet itself, including social media.
3.2.9 Look for Someone Who Knows Something about Your Topic
You might also ask around or search online to find someone who knows
something about your topic and standard reference works on it: advanced
students, faculty, even people outside the academic community. You won’t
always find someone, but you might get lucky.
3.3 Evaluate Sources for Relevance and Reliability
You will probably find more sources than you can use, so you must evaluate
their usefulness by skimming quickly for two criteria: relevance and
3.3.1 Evaluate Sources for Relevance
Once you decide a book might be relevant, do this:
Skim its index for your keywords, then skim the pages on which those
words occur.
Skim the first and last paragraphs in chapters that use a lot of your
Skim the book’s introduction, especially its last page, where authors and
editors often outline their text.
Skim its last chapter or conclusion, especially the first and last several
Skim prologues, summary chapters, and so on.
Check the bibliography for titles relevant to your topic.
Be sure that you’re looking at a book’s most recent edition. Researchers
change their views over time, refining them, even rejecting earlier ones. If
your source is an e-book, still follow these steps, but you can also search
the whole text for your keywords. If you are an advanced researcher, read
book reviews of promising sources (see section 4 of the bibliography of
resources in your field).
If your source is a journal article, do this:
Read the abstract, if it has one.
Skim the introduction and conclusion; if they are not marked off by
headings, skim the first six or seven paragraphs and the last four or five.
Skim for section headings, and read the first and last paragraphs of those
Check the bibliography for titles relevant to your topic.
If your source is online, do this:
If it looks like a printed article, follow the steps for journal article, and
also search for your keywords.
Skim sections labeled “Introduction,” “Overview,” “Summary,” or the
like. If there are none, look for a link labeled “About the Site” or
something similar.
If the site has a link labeled “Site Map” or “Index,” check it for your
keywords and skim the referenced pages.
If the site has a search function, type in your keywords.
3.3.2 Evaluate Sources for Reliability
You can’t judge a source until you read it, but there are signs of its
1. Is the source published by a reputable press? Most books and journals
published by university presses, whether in print or in electronic editions,
are reliable, especially if you recognize the name of the university. You
can also trust some commercial presses in some fields, such as Norton in
literature, Ablex in sciences, or West in the law. Be skeptical of a
commercial book that makes sensational claims, even if its author has a
PhD after his name. Be especially careful on contested social issues such
as gun control or climate change. Many books and articles are published
by individuals or organizations driven more by ideology than by
2. Is the book or article peer reviewed? Most reputable presses and
journals ask experts to review a book or article before it is published; this
is called peer review. Essay collections published by university presses
are often but not always peer reviewed; sometimes they are reviewed
only by the named editor or editors. Few commercial magazines use peer
review, and fewer still check an authors facts. If a book or article hasn’t
been peer reviewed, use it cautiously.
3. Is the author a reputable scholar? This is a hard question to answer if
you are new to a field. Most established scholars are reliable, but use
good judgment: even reputable scholars can have axes to grind,
especially if their research is supported by a special interest group.
4. If the source is available only online, is it sponsored by a reputable
organization? A website is only as reputable as its sponsor. You can
usually trust one that is sponsored and maintained by a reputable
organization. Some sites run by individuals are reliable; most are not. Do
a web search for the name of the sponsor.
5. Is the source current? You must use up-to-date sources, but what counts
as current depends on the field. In computer science, a journal can be out
of date in months; in the social sciences, ten years pushes the limit.
Publications have a longer shelf life in the humanities: literary or art
criticism, for example, can remain relevant for decades, even centuries.
6. If the source is a book, does it have notes and a bibliography? If not,
be suspicious, because you have no way to follow up on anything that the
source claims.
7. If the source is a website, does it include bibliographic data? You
cannot judge the reliability of a site that does not indicate who sponsors
and maintains it, who wrote what’s posted there, and when it was posted
and last updated.
8. If the source is a website, does it approach its topic judiciously? Your
readers are unlikely to trust a site that engages in heated advocacy,
attacks other researchers, makes wild claims, uses abusive language, or
makes errors of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
The following criteria are especially important for advanced researchers.
9. If the source is a book, has it been well reviewed? Many fields have
indexes to published reviews that tell you how others evaluate a source.
10. Has the source been frequently cited by others? You can roughly
estimate how influential a source is by how often others cite it. To
determine that, consult a citation index (in the bibliography, see section 4
in your field). If you find that a source has been cited repeatedly by other
scholars, you can infer that experts in the field regard it as reliable and
significant. Such sources are said to have an “high impact factor.”
Those signs don’t guarantee that a source is reliable, but they should give
you reasonable confidence in it. If you can’t find reliable sources,
acknowledge the limits of the ones you have. Of course, you may find an
exciting research problem when you discover that a source thought to be
reliable is not.
3.4 Look beyond the Usual Kinds of References
For a class paper, you’ll probably use sources typical in your field. But if
you are doing an advanced project such as an MA thesis or PhD
dissertation, search beyond them. If, for example, you were doing a project
on the economic effects of agricultural changes in late sixteenth-century
England, you might read some Elizabethan plays, look at woodcuts of
agricultural life, find commentary by religious figures on rural social
behavior. Conversely, if you were working on visual representations of
daily life in London, you might work up the economic history of the period
and place. When you look beyond the standard kinds of references relevant
to your question, you enrich not only your analysis but also your range of
intellectual reference and your ability to synthesize diverse kinds of data, a
crucial competence of an inquiring mind. Don’t ignore a work on your topic
that is not mentioned in the bibliographies of your most relevant sources—
you’ll get credit for originality if you turn up good sources others have
3.5 Record Your Sources Fully, Accurately, and Appropriately
Once you decide a source is worth reading, record all of its bibliographic
information. Your first obligation as a researcher is to cite your sources
accurately and fully so that your readers can find them.
3.5.1 Determine Your Citation Style
Most fields require a specific citation style. The two most common ones are
described in detail in part 2:
notes-bibliography style (or simply notes style), used widely in the
humanities and in some social sciences (see chapters 16 and 17)
author-date style, used in most social sciences and in the natural sciences
(see chapters 18 and 19)
If you are uncertain which style to use, consult your instructor or advisor.
Before you start compiling your list of sources, read the general
introduction to citations in chapter 15 and then, depending on the citation
style you are required to use, read the introduction to notes style (chapter
16) or author-date style (chapter 18).
3.5.2 Record Complete Bibliographical Information
To save time and avoid errors, record all the citation information you will
need when you first find a source. Most of this information appears on the
title page of a book or at the head of a journal article. The specific
information you need depends on the type of source, but for each source,
answer the following:
Who wrote or assembled the source?
editor(s) (if any)
translator(s) (if any)
What data identify the source?
title (including subtitle)
page numbers (if the source appears in a larger work)
volume number
issue number
edition number
Who published the source and in what context?
publishers name
place of publication
name of the journal, collection, or other work in which the source
When was the source published?
year of publication
season, month, or specific day (and, in some cases, time)
for online sources, the date you accessed the material (whether or
not you include this date in your citation)
Where can the source be found?
for online sources, a URL or the name of the database
for physical items in a one-of-a-kind collection, the place that
houses the collection
For your own use, you might record Library of Congress call numbers.
You won’t include them in bibliographic citations, but you may find them
helpful if you must consult the source again.
If you access a printed text online, record the URL and any other data for
the online version in addition to the full bibliographic data for the original
If you scan or photocopy a passage from a book, also scan or photocopy
its title page and the bibliographic information on the reverse side. Then
add the library call number if you know it.
At some point, you’ll need to format this bibliographic information into
your required citation style, so you should record your sources in that style
now. (You can find templates and examples for notes style in figure 16.1
and chapter 17; for author-date style, refer to figure 18.1 and chapter 19.)
For many types of sources, you can copy and paste citation data online if
you know where to look. And there are a number of programs that will help
you collect and organize your citations and automatically insert them in
your paper in the proper format. These are useful aids, but they are not
perfect, so plan on double-checking your citations not only as you acquire
them but also later, after they’ve been inserted in your paper.
4 Engaging Your Sources
4.1 Read Generously to Understand, Then Critically to Engage
4.1.1 Look for Creative Agreement
4.1.2 Look for Creative Disagreement
4.2 Take Notes Systematically
4.2.1 Taking Notes on Paper
4.2.2 Taking Notes Electronically
4.2.3 Decide Whether to Summarize, Paraphrase, or Quote
4.2.4 Guard against Inadvertent Plagiarism
4.3 Take Useful Notes
4.3.1 Use Note-Taking to Advance Your Thinking
4.3.2 Take Notes Relevant to Your Question and Working Hypothesis
4.3.3 Get the Context Right
4.4 Review Your Progress
4.4.1 Search Your Notes for an Answer
4.4.2 Invent Your Question
4.4.3 Re-sort Your Notes
4.5 Manage Moments of Normal Anxiety
Once you have a research problem, use it to guide your search for evidence,
models, and arguments to respond to. But if you don’t yet have one firmly
in hand, you won’t know which data, models, or arguments will prove
relevant. So read sources not randomly but deliberately to find a problem.
Look for claims that seem puzzling, inaccurate, or simplistic—anything you
can disagree with. You’re more likely to find a research problem when you
disagree with a source, but you can also find one in sources you agree with.
Experienced researchers don’t read passively; they engage their sources
actively, entering into conversation with them. Once you find a source
worth a close look, don’t read it mechanically, just mining it for data to
record. Note-taking is not clerical work. When you take notes on a source
thoughtfully, you engage not just its words and ideas but also its
implications, consequences, shortcomings, and new possibilities.
4.1 Read Generously to Understand, Then Critically to Engage
If you can, read promising sources twice. First, read generously. Pay
attention to what sparks your interest. Reread passages that puzzle or
confuse you. Don’t look for disagreements right away, but read in ways that
help the source make sense. Disagree too soon and you will misunderstand
your source or exaggerate a weakness if it presents an argument that
challenges yours.
Then, if a source seems important or challenges your own position, read
it a second time slowly and more critically. When you read a passage, think
not only about what it says but about how you would respond. Record those
responses in your notes or—if you own the source or a copy of it—in the
margins of the source. Test your understanding by summarizing; if you
can’t sum up a passage in your mind, you don’t understand it well enough
to disagree.
You probably won’t be able to engage your sources fully until you’ve
done a bit of reading and have developed your own ideas further. But from
the outset, be on alert for ways to engage your sources, actively and
creatively. At some point, the earlier the better, you must look for ways to
go beyond your sources, too, even when you agree with them.
4.1.1 Look for Creative Agreement
It’s a happy moment when a source confirms our views. But if we just
passively agree, we don’t develop our own ideas. So if you believe what a
source claims, try to extend that claim: What new cases might it cover?
What new insights can it provide? Is there confirming evidence the source
hasn’t considered? Here are some ways to find a problem through creative
1. Offer additional support. You can offer new evidence to support a
source’s claim.
Smith uses anecdotal evidence to show that the Alamo story had
mythic status beyond Texas, but editorials in big-city newspapers
offer better evidence.
Source supports _____ with old evidence, but maybe you can offer
new evidence.
Source supports _____ with weak evidence, but maybe you can
offer stronger evidence.
2. Confirm unsupported claims. You can prove something that a source
has only assumed or speculated.
Smith recommends visualization to improve sports performance,
but a study of the mental activities of athletes shows why that is
good advice.
Source speculates _____ might be true, but you can offer evidence
to show that it is.
Source assumes _____ is true, but maybe you can prove it.
3. Apply a claim more widely. You can extend a position to new areas.
Smith argues that medical students learn physiological processes
better when they are explained with many metaphors rather than
with just one. The same appears to be true for engineers learning
physical processes.
Source correctly applies _____ to one situation, but maybe it can
apply to new ones.
Source claims that _____ is true in a specific situation, but maybe
it’s true in general.
4.1.2 Look for Creative Disagreement
If you read actively, you’ll inevitably find yourself disagreeing with your
sources. Don’t brush those disagreements aside, because they often point to
new research problems. So instead of just noting that you disagree with
another writers views, use that disagreement to encourage your own
productive thinking. Look for these types (the list is not exhaustive, and
some overlap).
1. Contradictions of kind. A source says something is one kind of thing,
but maybe it’s another kind.
Smith says that certain religious groups are considered “cults”
because of their strange beliefs, but those beliefs are no different
in kind from standard religions.
Source claims that ____ is a kind of ____, but it’s not.
Source claims that ____ always has ____ as one of its features or
qualities, but it doesn’t.
Source claims that ____ is
normal/good/significant/useful/moral/interesting, but it’s not.
You can reverse those claims and the ones that follow to state the
Though a source says ____ is not a kind of ____, you can show that
it is.
2. Part-whole contradictions. You can show that a source mistakes how
the parts of something are related.
Smith has argued that coding is irrelevant to a liberal education,
but in fact, it is essential.
Source claims that ___ is a part of ____, but it’s not.
Source claims that one part of ____ relates to another in a certain
way, but it doesn’t.
Source claims that every ____ has ____ as one of its parts, but it
3. Developmental or historical contradictions. You can show that a
source mistakes the origin and development of a topic.
Smith argues that the world population will rise, but it won’t.
Source claims that ____ is changing, but it’s not.
Source claims that ____ originated in ____, but it didn’t.
Source claims that ____ develops in a certain way, but it doesn’t.
4. External cause-effect relations. You can show that a source mistakes a
causal relationship.
Smith claims that legalizing marijuana will increase its use among
teenagers, but evidence shows that it doesn’t.
Source claims that _____ causes _____, but it doesn’t.
Source claims that _____ causes _____, but it doesn’t; they are both
caused by _____.
Source claims that ____ is sufficient to cause _____, but it’s not.
Source claims that ____ causes only _____, but it also causes
5. Contradictions of perspective. Most contradictions don’t change a
conceptual framework, but when you can contradict a “standard” view of
things, you urge others to think in a new way.
Smith assumes that advertising has only an economic function,
but it also serves as a laboratory for new art forms.
Source discusses ____ from the point of view of _____, but a new
context or point of view reveals a new truth. (The new or old
context can be social, political, philosophical, historical, economic,
ethical, gender specific, etc.)
Source analyzes _____ using theory / value system _____, but you
can analyze it from a new point of view and see it in a new way.
As we said, you probably won’t be able to engage sources in these ways
until after you’ve read enough to form some views of your own. But if you
keep these ways of thinking in mind as you begin to read, you’ll engage
your sources sooner and more productively.
Of course, once you discover that you can productively agree or disagree
with a source, you should ask So what? So what if you can show that while
Smith claims that easterners did not embrace the story of the Alamo
enthusiastically, in fact many did?
4.2 Take Notes Systematically
Once you find and record a source you think you can use, you must read it
purposefully and carefully. Then take notes in a way that will help you not
only to remember and use what you have read but also to further your own
thinking. Like the other steps in a research project, note-taking goes better
with a plan.
4.2.1 Taking Notes on Paper
Years ago, the standard way to take notes on sources was to create a file of
index cards (see figure 4.1). At the top left is the author, short title, and page
number. At the top right are keywords that let the researcher sort and re-sort
notes into different categories and orders. The body of the card summarizes
the source, records a direct quotation, and includes a comment or thought
about further research that is clearly distinguished from the quotation. At
the bottom left is the call number for the source.
Figure 4.1. Example of a note card
A card like this seems old-fashioned, but it provides a template for
efficient note-taking:
Record complete bibliographic information for each source so that you
can cite it properly and find it again easily.
Separate notes on different topics, even if they come from the same
Make sure your notes are accurate, because you need to be able to rely on
them later. (If you want to quote more than a few lines, copy or save the
passage or the whole document.)
Clearly distinguish (1) what you quote from a source, (2) what you
paraphrase or summarize from a source, and (3) your own thoughts. If
you are writing on paper, use headings or brackets or distinct colors to
differentiate these three different kinds of notes. You might also create a
section specifically dedicated to your own responses, agreements,
disagreements, speculations, and so on (see the italicized section in figure
4.1). That will encourage you to do more than simply record the content
of what you read.
4.2.2 Taking Notes Electronically
When you take notes electronically, you have some options:
You can use a word processor. Create a separate file (or at least a separate
page) for each source, and be sure to unambiguously distinguish your
words from those of your source. Though word processors are easy to
use, they also limit your ability to index, organize, sort, and search your
notes. For long or complex projects, you might consider other options.
You can use a dedicated note-taking application to create and organize
your notes. Such applications can help you to index, sort, and access your
notes. But since they sometimes use proprietary formats, they can make it
difficult to share your notes or use them with other programs.
You can use a full-featured citation management program. In addition to
allowing you to make your own notes, these programs can often pull
information directly from online library catalogs and databases, and they
can format and update your bibliographies as you write. Some will even
store full electronic copies of your sources, creating a personal library for
your project. But like note-taking applications, these programs
sometimes use proprietary formats.
In electronic notes, as in notes on paper, you must clearly distinguish your
own words and ideas from those of your source.
Record quotations from your source in a distinctive color or font so that
you can recognize them at a glance, and enclose them in large quotation
marks in case the file loses its formatting.
Record paraphrases from your source in a second color or font so that
you can’t possibly mistake them for your own ideas, and enclose them in
curly brackets in case the file loses its formatting.
Record your own thoughts in a third color or font, and enclose them in
square brackets. Put longer responses in a separate section so there is no
chance you will mistake your own ideas for your source’s, or vice versa.
4.2.3 Decide Whether to Summarize, Paraphrase, or Quote
If you can photocopy, scan, or otherwise reproduce your source, or you
know you can access it online when you write, you can focus less on
preserving its exact words than on your engagement with it. Summarize the
source, which will help you understand it, and note passages you might
want to quote or paraphrase when you write. Note also your response to the
source. Where did you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with it?
If you can’t preserve your source and you don’t know whether you will
be able to access it later, you have a tougher choice. It takes too long to
transcribe the exact words of every passage you might want to use, so when
taking notes, you must choose as you go whether to quote, paraphrase, or
summarize. Every choice depends on how you plan to use your source:
Summarize when you need only the point of a passage, section, or even
whole article or book. Summary is useful for context and for data or
claims that are related—but not directly relevant—to your project. A
summary of a source can never serve as good evidence (see 5.4.2).
Paraphrase when the specific words of a passage are less important than
its meaning. Paraphrase doesn’t mean changing just a word or two. You
must replace most of the words and phrasing of the original with your
own (see 7.9.2). As evidence, a paraphrase is never as good as a direct
Record exact quotations for these purposes:
The quoted words are evidence that backs up your reasons. If, for
example, you claimed that different regions responded to the Battle
of the Alamo differently, you would quote exact words from
different newspapers. You would paraphrase them if you needed
only their general sentiments.
The words are from an authority you plan to rely on or challenge.
The words are strikingly original or so compelling that the quotation
can frame the rest of your discussion.
The words express a claim that you disagree with, and to be fair you
want to state it exactly.
If you don’t record important words now, you can’t quote them later. So
copy or photocopy more passages than you think you’ll need (for more on
photocopying, see 4.3.1).
Never abbreviate a quotation thinking you can accurately reconstruct it
later. You can’t. And if you misquote, you’ll damage your credibility.
4.2.4 Guard against Inadvertent Plagiarism
For students and professionals alike, sloppy note-taking has caused grief
ranging from ridicule for trivial errors to professional exile for inadvertent
plagiarism. To avoid that risk, commit to heart these two iron rules for
recording information in notes:
Always unambiguously identify words and ideas from a source so that
weeks or months later you cannot possibly mistake them for your own.
As recommended above, record quotations and paraphrases with
quotation marks, as well as in a font or color that unambiguously
distinguishes them from your own ideas.
Never paraphrase a source so closely that a reader can match the phrasing
and sense of your words with those in your source (see 7.9.2).
In fact, rather than retyping quotations of more than a few lines, download
or photocopy them. Add to the top of the downloaded or photocopied pages
the name of the source and keywords for sorting.
This is important: never assume that you can use what you find online
without citing its source, even if it’s free and publicly available. You must
acknowledge your use of anything you did not create yourself. (For more on
plagiarism, see 7.9.)
4.3 Take Useful Notes
Readers will judge your work not just by the quality of your sources and
how accurately you report them but also by how deeply you engage them.
To do that, you must take notes in a way that not only reflects but
encourages a growing understanding of your project.
4.3.1 Use Note-Taking to Advance Your Thinking
Many inexperienced researchers think that note-taking is a matter of merely
recording data. Recording or photocopying can help you quote or
paraphrase accurately, but if you don’t engage your sources, you simply
accumulate inert data. To advance your thinking, on any pages you’ve
copied, annotate key sentences and passages by highlighting or labeling
them in the margin. Mark ideas or data that you expect to use in your paper.
Summarize what you have highlighted, or sketch a response to it, or add
notes in the margin that help you interpret your highlighting. The more you
write about a source now, the better you will understand it later.
4.3.2 Take Notes Relevant to Your Question and Working Hypothesis
For sources you think especially useful, record not just facts that you think
you can use as evidence but also other information that helps you explain
those facts and their relationship to your claim. You can create a template to
help with this (see 4.2.1).
The first three items directly support or challenge your working
reasons that support your hypothesis or suggest a new one
evidence that supports your reasons
views that undermine or even contradict your hypothesis (see 5.4.3)
These next items might not support or challenge your hypothesis, but
they may help you explain its context or simply make your paper more
historical background of your question and what authorities have said
about it, particularly earlier research (see 6.2.2 and 10.1.1)
historical or contemporary context that explains the importance of your
important definitions and principles of analysis
analogies, comparisons, and anecdotes that might not directly support
your hypothesis but do explain or illustrate complicated issues or simply
make your analysis more interesting
strikingly original language relevant to your topic
4.3.3 Get the Context Right
You can’t record everything, but you have to record enough to ensure that
you accurately capture the source’s meaning. As you use material from
sources, record not just what they say but how they use the information.
Here are some ways to guard against misleading your reader.
1. When you quote, paraphrase, or summarize, be sure to capture the
context. When you note an important conclusion, record the authors line
of reasoning:
Not Bartolli (p. 123): The war was caused by Z.
But Bartolli: The war was caused by X, Y, and Z (p. 123). But
the most important cause was Z (p. 123), for two reasons: reason
1 (pp. 124–26); reason 2 (p. 126).
Sometimes you care only about a conclusion, but readers usually want
to see how a conclusion emerges from the argument supporting it. So
when you take notes, record not only conclusions but also the arguments
that support them.
2. When you record a claim, note its role in the original. Is it a main
point? A minor point? A qualification or concession? By noting these
distinctions, you avoid this kind of mistake:
Original by Jones: “Researchers recognize that lung cancer has a
number of causes, including genetic predisposition and exposure
to environmental factors such as asbestos, radon, and fine
particulates. But no one who has studied the data doubts that lung
cancers leading cause is smoking.”
Misleading report about Jones: Smoking is just one cause of lung
cancer among many. Jones, for example, claims that “lung cancer
has a number of causes, including genetic predisposition and
exposure to environmental factors such as asbestos, radon, and
fine particulates.”
Jones did not make that point at all. He conceded a point to set up a
point he wanted to make. Anyone who deliberately misrepresents an
author in this way violates basic standards of truth. But you can make
such a mistake inadvertently if you note only a source’s words and not
their role in an argument.
3. Record the scope and confidence of a claim. These are not the same:
Chemicals in french fries cause cancer.
Chemicals in french fries may be a factor in causing cancer.
Some chemicals in french fries correlate with a higher incidence of
4. Don’t mistake a summary of another writers views for those of an
author summarizing them. Some writers do not clearly indicate when
they summarize anothers argument, so it’s easy to quote them as saying
what they set out to disprove rather than what they in fact believe.
5. Note why sources agree and disagree. Two social scientists might claim
that a social problem is caused by personal factors, not by environmental
forces, but one might cite evidence from genetic inheritance while the
other points to religious beliefs. How and why sources agree is as
important as the fact that they do. In the same way, sources might
disagree because they interpret the same evidence differently or take
different approaches to the problem.
It is risky to attach yourself to what any one researcher says about an
issue. It is not “research” when you uncritically summarize anothers
work. If you rely on at least two sources, you’ll usually find that they do
not agree entirely, and that’s where your own research can begin.
4.4 Review Your Progress
Regularly review your notes and storyboard to see where you are and where
you have to go. In a storyboard, full pages indicate reasons with support;
empty pages indicate work to do. Consider whether your working
hypothesis is still plausible. Do you have good reasons supporting it? Good
evidence to support those reasons? Can you add new reasons or evidence?
4.4.1 Search Your Notes for an Answer
We have urged you to find a working hypothesis or at least a question to
guide your research. But some writers start with a question so vague that it
evaporates as they pursue it. If that happens to you, search your notes for a
generalization that might be a candidate for a working hypothesis, then
work backward to find the question it answers.
Look first for questions, disagreements, or puzzles in your sources and in
your reaction to them (see 2.1.3 and 4.1). What surprises you might surprise
others. Try to state that surprise:
I expected the first mythic stories of the Alamo to originate in Texas,
but they didn’t. They originated in . . .
That working hypothesis suggests that the Alamo myth began as a national,
not a regional, phenomenon—a modest but promising start.
If you can’t find a working hypothesis in your notes, look for a pattern of
ideas that might lead you to one. If you gathered data with a vague
question, you probably sorted them under predictable keywords. For masks,
the categories might be their origins (African, Indian, Japanese,...), uses
(drama, religion, carnival,...), materials (gold, feather, wood,...), and so
on. For example:
Egyptians—mummy masks of gold for nobility, wood for others
Aztecs—masks from gold and jade buried only in the graves of the
New Guinea tribes—masks for the dead from feathers from rare
Those facts could support a general statement such as Mask-making
cultures use the most valuable materials available to create religious masks,
especially for the dead.
Once you can generate two or three such statements, try to formulate a
still larger generalization that might include them all:
Many cultures invest great material and human resources in
creating masks that represent their deepest values.
Egyptians, Aztecs, and Oceanic cultures all created religious masks
out of the rarest and most valuable materials.
If you think that some readers might plausibly disagree with that
generalization, you might be able to offer it as a claim that corrects their
4.4.2 Invent Your Question
Now comes a tricky part. It’s like reverse engineering: you’ve found the
answer to a question that you haven’t yet asked, so you have to reason
backward to invent the question that your new generalization answers. In
this case, it might be What signs indicate the significance of masks in the
societies of those who make and use them? As paradoxical as it may seem,
experienced researchers often discover their question after they answer it,
the problem they should have posed after they solve it.
4.4.3 Re-sort Your Notes
If none of that helps, try re-sorting your notes. When you first selected
keywords for your notes, you identified general concepts that could
organize not just your evidence but your thinking. If you chose keywords
representing those concepts carefully, you can re-sort your notes in different
ways to get a new slant on your material. If your keywords no longer seem
relevant, review your notes to create new ones and reshuffle again.
4.5 Manage Moments of Normal Anxiety
As you get deeper into your project, you may experience moments when
everything seems to run together into a hopeless muddle. That usually
happens when you accumulate notes faster than you can sort them. Such
moments can be stressful, but they can also be a sign that you are on the
verge of a new insight or discovery.
You can minimize the anxiety by taking every opportunity to organize
and summarize what you have gathered by writing as you go and by
returning to the central questions: What question am I asking? What
problem am I posing? Keep rehearsing that formula: I am working on X to
learn more about Y, so that my readers can better understand Z. Writing
regularly about these questions does more than help you stay focused; it
also helps you think.
You can turn to friends, classmates, teachers—anyone who will serve as a
sympathetic but critical audience. Explain how what you have learned bears
on your question and helps you resolve your problem. Ask them, Does this
make sense? Am I missing something important? What else would you like
to know? You will profit from their reactions and even more from the mere
act of explaining your ideas to nonspecialists.
5 Constructing Your Argument
5.1 What a Research Argument Is and Is Not
5.2 Build Your Argument around Answers to Readers’ Questions
5.3 Turn Your Working Hypothesis into a Claim
5.4 Assemble the Elements of Your Argument
5.4.1 State and Evaluate Your Claim
5.4.2 Support Your Claim with Reasons and Evidence
5.4.3 Acknowledge and Respond to Anticipated Questions and Objections
5.4.4 Establish the Relevance of Your Reasons
5.5 Prefer Arguments Based on Evidence to Arguments Based on Warrants
5.6 Assemble an Argument
Most of us would rather read than write. There is always another article to
read, one more source to track down, just a bit more data to gather. But well
before you’ve done all the research you’d like to do, there comes a point
when you must start thinking about the first draft of your paper. You might
be ready when your storyboard starts to fill up and you’re satisfied with how
it looks. You will know you’re ready when you think you can sketch a
reasonable case to support your working hypothesis (see 2.3). If your
storyboard is full and you still can’t pull together a case strong enough to
plan a draft, you may have to rethink your hypothesis, perhaps even your
question. But you can’t be certain where you stand in that process until you
at least try to plan that first draft.
In this chapter we explain how to build your argument; in the next, how
to organize it. As you gain experience, you’ll learn to combine those two
steps into one.
5.1 What a Research Argument Is and Is Not
The word argument has negative associations these days because it evokes
images of people shouting at one another. In that kind of argument the goal
is to win, to bludgeon or intimidate one’s opponent into assent or silence.
But a research argument isn’t like that. As we suggested in chapter 1, it is
more like a conversation with a community of receptive but skeptical
colleagues. Such readers won’t necessarily oppose your claims (although
they might), but they also won’t accept them until they see good reasons
based on reliable evidence and until you respond to their questions and
When you make (not have) an argument in a face-to-face conversation,
you cooperate with your listeners. You state your reasons and evidence not
as a lecturer would to a silent audience but as you would engage friends
sitting around a table: you offer a claim and reasons to believe it; they probe
for details, raise objections, or offer their points of view; you respond,
perhaps with questions of your own; they ask more questions. At its best,
it’s an amiable but thoughtful back-and-forth that develops and tests the
best case that you and they can make together.
In writing, even when done collaboratively, that kind of cooperation is
harder. You must not only answer your imagined readers’ questions but also
ask them on their behalf—as often and as sharply as real readers will. Your
aim isn’t to think up clever rhetorical strategies that will persuade readers to
accept your claim regardless of how good it is. It is to test your claim and
especially its support, so that you offer your readers the best case you can
make. In a good research paper, readers hear traces of that imagined
As we’ve said, reasoning based on evidence isn’t the only way to reach a
sound conclusion, sometimes not even the best way. We often make good
decisions by relying on intuition, feeling, even spiritual inspiration. But
when we try to explain why we believe our claims are sound and why
others should too, we have no way to demonstrate how we reached them,
because we can’t offer intuitions, feelings, or inspirations as evidence for
readers to evaluate. We can only say we had them and ask readers to take
our claim on faith, a request that readers of research papers rarely grant.
When you make a research argument, therefore, you must lay out your
reasons and evidence so that your readers can consider them; then you must
imagine both their questions and your answers. Doing all this is hard, but
remembering how arguments work in everyday conversations will help you.
5.2 Build Your Argument around Answers to Readers’
Consider the kind of conversation you have every day:
Abby: I hear you had a hard time last semester. How do you think
this one will go? [Abby poses a problem in the form of a question.]
Brett: Better, I hope. [Brett answers the question.]
Abby: Why so? [Abby asks for a reason to believe Bretts answer.]
Brett: I’m taking courses in my major. [Brett offers a reason.]
Abby: Like what? [Abby asks for evidence to back up Bretts reason.]
Brett: History of Art, Intro to Design. [Brett offers evidence to back up
his reason.]
Abby: Why will taking courses in your major make a difference?
[Abby doesn’t see the relevance of Bretts reason to his claim that he
will do better.]
Brett: When I take courses I’m interested in, I work harder. [Brett
offers a general principle that relates his reason to his claim that he
will do better.]
Abby: What about that math course you have to take? [Abby objects
to Bretts reason.]
Brett: I know I had to drop it last time I took it, but I found a good
tutor. [Brett acknowledges Abbys objection and responds to it.]
If you can imagine yourself in that conversation, you’ll find nothing strange
about assembling a research argument. That’s because the five elements of
any argument are just answers to the kinds of questions Abby asks Brett—
and that you must ask yourself on your readers behalf.
Claim: What do you want me to believe? What is your point?
Reason: Why do you say that? Why should I agree?
Evidence: How do you know? Can you back it up?
Acknowledgment and response: But what about...?
Warrant: How does that follow? Can you explain your reasoning?
Think of your research as the process of figuring out answers to those
5.3 Turn Your Working Hypothesis into a Claim
We described the early stages of research as finding a question and
imagining a tentative answer. We called that answer your working
hypothesis. Now as we discuss building an argument to support that
hypothesis, we change our terminology one last time. When you think you
can back up your hypothesis with good reasons and evidence, you’ll present
that hypothesis as your argument’s claim. A claim is an assertion (which
could be one sentence or several) that demands support. Your main claim is
the assertion supported by your whole research argument. Some call this
assertion your thesis.
5.4 Assemble the Elements of Your Argument
At the core of your argument are three elements: your claim, your reasons
for accepting it, and the evidence on which those reasons are based. To that
core you’ll add one and perhaps two more elements: one responds to
questions, objections, and alternative points of view; the other answers
those who do not understand how your reasons are relevant to your claim.
5.4.1 State and Evaluate Your Claim
Start a new first page of your storyboard (or outline). At the bottom, state
your claim in a sentence or two. Be as specific as you can, because the
words in this claim will help you plan and execute your draft. Avoid vague
value words like important, interesting, and significant. Compare the two
following claims:
Masks play a significant role in many religious ceremonies.
In cultures from pre-Columbian America to Africa and Asia, masks
allow religious celebrants to bring deities to life so that worshipers
experience them directly.
Now judge the significance of your claim (So what? again). A significant
claim doesn’t make a reader think I know that, but rather Really? How
interesting. What makes you think so? (Review 2.1.4.) These next two
claims are too trivial to justify reading, much less writing, an argument to
back them up:
This paper discusses teaching popular legends such as the Battle of
the Alamo to elementary school students. (So what if it does?)
Teaching United States history through popular legends such as the
Battle of the Alamo is common in elementary education. (So what if it
Of course, what your readers will count as interesting depends on what
they know, and if you’re early in your research career, that’s something you
can’t predict. If you’re writing one of your first papers, assume that your
most important reader is you. It is enough if you alone think your answer is
significant, if it makes you think, Well, I didn’t know that when I started. As
you become more experienced and come to understand your particular
research community better, you’ll learn to frame your arguments in terms of
your readers’ interests (see chapter 1). If, however, you think your own
claim is vague or trivial, you’re not ready to assemble an argument because
you have no reason to make one.
5.4.2 Support Your Claim with Reasons and Evidence
At the core of every research argument is the answer to your research
question, the solution to your problem—your main claim. You have to back
up that claim with two kinds of support: reasons and evidence.
A reason is a statement that leads readers to accept a claim. We often join
a reason to a claim with because:
Elementary schools should make teaching foreign languages a
because we acquire languages best and most easily
when we are young.
You often need more than one reason to support a claim, and in a complex
argument, your reasons will be claims themselves, requiring support with
additional reasons in turn.
Evidence is the data on which you base your reasons. It may seem
obvious that you must back up a claim with reasons and evidence, but it’s
easy to confuse those two words because we often use them as if they mean
the same thing:
You have to base your claim on good reasons.
You have to base your claim on good evidence.
Reasons and evidence are not the same thing, and distinguishing them is
crucial in making sound arguments. Compare these two sentences:
On what evidence do you base your reasons?
On what reasons do you base your evidence?
That second sentence is odd: we don’t base evidence on reasons; we base
reasons on evidence. We use our minds to think up reasons. We have to
search for evidence “out there” in the world and then make it available for
everyone to see. Reasons need the support of evidence; evidence should
need no support beyond careful demonstration or a reference to a reliable
When assembling your evidence, be aware that what you think is a true
fact and therefore hard evidence, your readers might not. For example,
suppose a researcher offers this claim and reason:
Early Alamo stories reflected values already in the American
The story almost instantly became a legend of
American heroic sacrifice.
To support that reason, she offers this “hard” evidence:
Soon after the battle, many newspapers used the story to celebrate
our heroic national character.
The researcher treats this statement as fact. But skeptical readers, the kind
you should expect (even hope for), might ask How soon is “soon”? How
many is “many”? Which papers? In news stories or editorials? What
exactly did they say? How many papers didn’t mention it? Such readers will
accept that statement as evidence only when they’re satisfied their questions
about it have been answered.
To be sure, readers may accept a claim based only on a reason, without
any evidence at all, if that reason comes from a trusted authority or seems
clearly—or self-evidently—true:
We are all created equal,
so no one has a natural right to
govern us.
In research papers written for introductory courses, it is often sufficient to
support reasons only by what authoritative sources say: Wilson says X, Yang
says Y, Schmidt says Z. But in advanced work, readers expect more: they
want evidence drawn not just from secondary sources but from primary
sources or your own observations, demonstrations, or experiments.
Review your storyboard: Can you support each reason with what your
readers will think is evidence of the right kind, quantity, and quality? Might
your readers challenge what you offer as evidence? If so, how? Do you
need to offer a better demonstration or a better source? If so, you must
produce more or better data or acknowledge the limits of what you have.
Your claim, reasons, and evidence make up the core of your argument,
but it needs at least one more element, maybe two.
5.4.3 Acknowledge and Respond to Anticipated Questions and
Careful readers will be fair, but they will also question every part of your
argument. So you must anticipate as many of their questions as you can and
then acknowledge and respond to the most important ones. Doing this may
be hard because you know your own argument too well and may believe in
it too much to seriously challenge it. Still, you must imagine your readers’
questions and take their views into account. That’s how you establish a
cooperative relationship with your readers.
Readers can challenge both the intrinsic and extrinsic soundness of your
argument: they might point to problems inside your argument, usually with
its evidence, or they might raise questions from outside your argument by
noting alternatives or exceptions. Try to imagine and respond to both sorts
of challenges.
1. To address potential challenges to your argument’s intrinsic soundness,
imagine a reader making any of these criticisms, and then construct a
subargument in response.
Imagine a reader challenging the nature of your evidence:
“I want to see a different sort of evidence—hard numbers, not
anecdotes.” Or “...stories about real people, not cold statistics.”
Imagine a reader questioning its quality:
“It isn’t accurate. The numbers don’t add up.”
“It isn’t precise enough. What do you mean by ‘many’?”
“It isn’t current. There’s newer research than this.”
“It isn’t representative. You didn’t get data on all the groups.”
“It isn’t authoritative. Smith is no expert on this matter.”
Now imagine a reader questioning its quantity (usually the strongest
objection of all):
“You need more evidence. A single data point / quotation / number /
anecdote is not sufficient.”
Most researchers have difficulty finding enough good evidence to
make an airtight case, especially when working to a deadline. Research is
always a compromise between being thorough and being timely. If you
feel that your evidence is less than unassailable, you might want to admit
its limitations candidly, before readers reject your argument because you
overstated it.
Next, imagine these kinds of reservations about your reasons and how
you would answer them:
Your reasons are inconsistent or contradictory.
They are too weak or too few to support your claim.
They are irrelevant to your claim. (We discuss this matter in 5.4.4.)
2. To address potential challenges to your argument’s extrinsic soundness,
you have to step back and view your argument from other perspectives.
Doing this is difficult, but you must try. It’s important to get into the habit
of asking yourself, What could cast doubt on my claim?
Those who see the world differently from you are likely to define
terms differently, reason differently, even offer evidence that you find
irrelevant. If you and your readers see the world differently, you must
acknowledge and respond to these issues as well. Do not treat differing
points of view simply as objections. You will lose readers if you argue
that your view is right and theirs is wrong. Instead, acknowledge the
differences, then compare them so that readers can understand your
argument on its own terms. They still might not agree, but you’ll show
them that you understand and respect their views; they are then more
likely to try to understand and respect yours.
If you’re a new researcher, you’ll find these questions hard to imagine
because you might not know how your readers’ views differ from your
own. Even so, try to think of plausible questions and objections. But if
you’re writing a thesis or dissertation, you are responsible not just for
supporting your own claim but also for knowing the positions of others in
your research community and the issues they are likely to raise.
Whatever your level of experience, practice imagining and responding to
objections and alternative arguments. By doing so, you’ll cultivate a habit
of mind that your readers will respect and that may keep you from
jumping to questionable conclusions.
Add those acknowledgments and responses to your storyboard where
you think readers will raise them.
5.4.4 Establish the Relevance of Your Reasons
The last element of an argument is called a warrant, and even experienced
researchers find it hard to grasp. You add a warrant to your argument when
you think a reader might reject your claim not because a reason supporting
it is factually wrong or is based on insufficient evidence, but because it
seems irrelevant and so doesn’t count as a reason at all.
For example, imagine a researcher writes this claim.
The Alamo stories spread quickly
because in 1836 the United
States wasn’t yet a confident player on the world stage.
Imagine that she suspects that her readers will likely object, It’s true that
the Alamo stories spread quickly and that in 1836 the United States wasn’t
yet a confident player on the world stage. But I don’t see how not being
confident is relevant to the story’s spreading quickly. The writer can’t
respond simply by offering more evidence that this country was not a
confident player on the world stage or that the stories in fact spread quickly:
her reader already accepts both as true. Instead, she has to explain the
relevance of that reason—why its truth supports the truth of her claim. To
do that, she needs a warrant. HOW A WARRANT WORKS IN CASUAL CONVERSATION.
Suppose you make this little argument to a new friend from a faraway land:
It’s 5° below zero,
so you should wear a hat.
To most of us, the reason seems obviously to support the claim and so needs
no explanation of its relevance. But suppose your friend asks this odd
So what if it is 5° below? Why does that mean I should wear a hat?
That question challenges not the truth of the reason (it is 5° below) but its
relevance to the claim (you should wear a hat). You might think it odd that
anyone would ask that question, but you could answer with a general
Well, when it’s cold, people should dress warmly.
That sentence is a warrant. It states a general principle based on our
experience in the world: when a certain general condition exists (it’s cold),
we’re justified in saying that a certain general consequence regularly
follows (people should dress warmly). We think that the general warrant
justifies our specific claim that our friend should wear a hat on the basis of
our specific reason that it’s 5° below, because we’re reasoning according to
this principle of logic: if a general condition and its consequence are true,
then specific instances of it must also be true.
In more detail, it works like this (warning: what follows may sound like a
lesson in Logic 101):
In the warrant, the general condition is it’s cold. It regularly leads us to
draw a general consequence: people should dress warmly. We state that
as a true and general principle: When it’s cold, people should dress
The specific reason, it’s 5° below, is a valid instance of the general
condition it’s cold.
The specific claim, you should wear a hat, is a valid instance of the
general consequence, people should dress warmly.
Since the general principle stated in the warrant is true and the reason and
claim are valid instances of it, we’re “warranted” to assert as true and
valid the claim wear a hat.
But now suppose six months later you visit your friend and he says this:
It’s above 80° tonight,
so wear a long-sleeved shirt.
That might baffle you: How could the reason (it’s above 80°) be relevant to
the claim (wear a long-sleeved shirt)? You might imagine this general
principle as a warrant:
When it’s a warm night, people should dress warmly.
But that isn’t true. And if you think the warrant isn’t true, you’ll deny that
the reason supports the claim, because it’s irrelevant to it.
But suppose your friend adds this:
Around here, when it’s a warm night, you should protect your arms
from insect bites.
Now the argument would make sense, but only if you believe all this:
The warrant is true (when it’s a warm night, you should protect your arms
from insect bites).
The reason is true (it’s above 80° tonight).
The reason is a valid instance of the general condition (80° is a valid
instance of being warm).
The claim is a valid instance of the general consequence (wearing a long-
sleeved shirt is a valid instance of protecting your arms from insect
No unstated limitations or exceptions apply (a cold snap didn’t kill all
insects the night before, the person can’t use insect repellent instead, and
so on).
If you believe all that, then you should accept the argument that when it’s
80° at night, it’s a good idea to wear a long-sleeved shirt, at least at that
time and place.
We all know countless such principles, and we learn more every day. If
we didn’t, we couldn’t make our way through our daily lives. In fact, we
express our folk wisdom in the form of warrants, but we call them proverbs:
When the cat’s away, the mice will play. Out of sight, out of mind. Cold
ARGUMENT. Here is a more scholarly example, but it works in the same
Encyclopedias must not have been widely owned in early
nineteenth-century America,
because wills rarely mentioned
Assume the reason is true: there is lots of evidence that encyclopedias were
in fact rarely mentioned in early nineteenth-century wills. Even so, a reader
might wonder why that statement is relevant to the claim: You may be right
that most such wills didn’t mention encyclopedias, but so what? I don’t see
how that is relevant to your claim that few people owned one. If a writer
expects that question, she must anticipate it by offering a warrant, a general
principle that shows how her reason is relevant to her claim.
That warrant might be stated like this:
When a valued object wasn’t mentioned in early nineteenth-century
wills, it usually wasn’t part of the estate.
Wills at that time rarely
mentioned encyclopedias,
so few people must have owned
We would accept the claim as sound if and only if we believe the
The warrant is true.
The reason is both true and a valid instance of the general condition of
the warrant (encyclopedias were valued objects in the early nineteenth
The claim is a valid instance of the general consequence of the warrant
(not owning an encyclopedia is a valid instance of something valuable
not being part of an estate).
And if the researcher feared that a reader might doubt any of those
conditions, she would have to make an argument supporting it.
But that’s not the end of the problem: is the warrant true always and
without exception? Readers might wonder whether in some parts of the
country wills mentioned only land and buildings, or whether few people
made wills in the first place. If the writer thought that readers might wonder
about such qualifications, she would have to make yet another argument
showing that those exceptions don’t apply.
Now you can see why we so rarely settle arguments about complex
issues: even when we agree on the evidence, we can still disagree over how
To test the relevance of a reason to a claim, construct a warrant that bridges
them. First, state the reason and claim, in that order. Here’s the original
reason and claim from the beginning of this section:
In 1836, this country wasn’t a confident player on the world
so the Alamo stories spread quickly.
Now construct a general principle that includes that reason and claim.
Warrants come in all sorts of forms, but the most convenient is the When–
then pattern. This warrant “covers” the reason and claim.
When a country lacks confidence in its global stature, it quickly
embraces stories of heroic military events.
We can formally represent those relationships as in figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1. Argument structure
To accept that claim, readers must accept the following:
The warrant is true.
The specific reason is true.
The specific reason is a valid instance of the general condition side of the
The specific claim is a valid instance of the general consequence side of
the warrant.
No limiting conditions keep the warrant from applying.
If the writer thought that readers might deny the truth of that warrant or
reason, she would have to make an argument supporting it. If she thought
they might think the reason or claim wasn’t a valid instance of the warrant,
she’d have to make yet another argument that it was.
As you gain experience, you’ll learn to check arguments in your head,
but until then you might try to sketch out warrants for your most debatable
reasons. After you test a warrant, add it to your storyboard where you think
readers will need it. If you need to support a warrant with an argument,
RESEARCHERS NEW TO A FIELD. If you’re new in a field, you may
find warrants difficult for these reasons:
Advanced researchers rarely spell out their principles of reasoning,
because they know their colleagues take them for granted. New
researchers must figure them out on their own. (It’s like hearing someone
say, “Wear a long-sleeved shirt because it’s above 80° tonight.”) Prefer
Arguments Based on Evidence
Warrants typically have exceptions that experts also take for granted and
therefore rarely state, forcing new researchers to figure them out as well.
Experts also know when not to state an obvious warrant or its limitations,
one more thing new researchers must learn on their own. For example, if
an expert wrote It’s early June, so we can expect that we’ll soon pay more
for gasoline, he wouldn’t state the obvious warrant: When summer
approaches, gas prices rise.
If you offer a well-known but rarely stated warrant, you’ll seem
condescending or naive. But if you fail to state one that readers need, you’ll
seem illogical. You just need to know when readers need one and when they
don’t. And that takes time and familiarity with the conventions of your
So don’t be dismayed if warrants seem confusing; they’re difficult even
for experienced writers. But knowing about them should encourage you to
ask this crucial question: in addition to the truth of your reasons and
evidence, will your readers see their relevance to your claim? If they might
not, you should consider making an argument to demonstrate it.
5.5 Prefer Arguments Based on Evidence to Arguments Based
on Warrants
Finally, it’s important to note that readers judge arguments based on
warrants and arguments based on evidence differently.
The first type of argument infers a claim from a reason and warrant. The
claim in that kind of argument is believed to be certainly true.
The second type supports a claim with reasons based on evidence. The
claim in that kind of argument is considered to be probably true.
Contemporary readers generally trust the second kind more than the first.
Compare these two examples:
We should do what we can to discourage teenagers from texting and
because that behavior increases the risk of having an
reason 1
Driving is difficult and texting a distraction,
reason 2
supporting reason 1
and we know that when people are distracted while
performing complex tasks, their performance suffers.
warrant linking
reason 2 and reason 1
We should do what we can to discourage teenagers from texting and
because distracted driving is a leading cause of teenage
According to the CDC, motor vehicle accidents are
responsible for over a third of all fatalities among people aged 12–
19, and texting while driving exponentially increases the likelihood
that any driver will be involved in one. Moreover, . . .
If you are like most contemporary readers, you probably preferred the
second of these arguments to the first. That’s because its warrant is not
controversial (and therefore goes without saying) and its claim is supported
by a reason based on solid evidence. That first argument seems plausible
because an uncontroversial (and therefore unstated) warrant connects
reason 1 to the claim, and an explicit warrant connects reason 2 to reason 1
(reason 1 is the claim reason 2 supports). In other words, reason 1 and
reason 2 are good instances of that warrant’s general consequence and
condition, respectively. Even so, as tight as that argument is, most readers
still want some hard evidence.
In particular, you can rarely support a claim of fact with a warrant and
reason alone. Generally, we can’t just reason our way to the facts; we have
to discover them through research. Except in a few fields—some branches
of mathematics, philosophy, theology—the way to demonstrate a claim of
fact is to show with evidence that what you are claiming is, in fact, the case.
All arguments rely on warrants, but readers of research arguments are
likely to mistrust arguments from principle alone. So whenever you can,
rely not on elaborate lines of reasoning based on warrants but on hard
5.6 Assemble an Argument
Here is a small argument that fits together all five parts:
Video games aimed at children can aid their intellectual
development, but that contribution is largely offset by a factor that
could damage their emotional development—too much violence.
Example, parents and child psychologists agree, is a major influence
on children’s development. It seems plausible, then, that when
children see images of degrading or disturbing behavior, they will be
adversely affected by it.
In a single day, children see countless
examples of violence.
Every day the average child plays over
three hours of video games and sees over twenty acts of violence
(Duarte 2012).
Kim has shown that children don’t confuse
video-game violence with real life (2015),
acknowledgment of alternative point
of view
but because of their interactivity, video-game violence may
affect them nonetheless.
We cannot ignore the possibility that
childhood exposure to violent video games encourages the
development of violent adults.
claim restated and amplified
Most of those elements could be expanded to fill many paragraphs.
Arguments in different fields look different, but they all consist of
answers to just these five questions:
What are you claiming?
What are your reasons?
What evidence supports your reasons?
But what about other points of view?
What principle makes your reasons relevant to your claim?
Your storyboard should answer those questions many times. If it doesn’t,
your paper will seem incomplete and unconvincing.
6 Planning a First Draft
6.1 Avoid Unhelpful Plans
6.2 Create a Plan That Meets Your Readers’ Needs
6.2.1 Convert Your Storyboard into an Outline
6.2.2 Sketch a Working Introduction
6.2.3 Identify Key Concepts That Will Run through Your Paper
6.2.4 Use Key Terms to Create Subheads That Uniquely Identify Each
6.2.5 Order Your Paper
6.2.6 Make Your Order Clear with Transitional Words
6.2.7 Sketch a Brief Introduction to Each Section and Subsection
6.2.8 For Each Section, Sketch Evidence, Acknowledgments, Warrants,
and Summaries
6.2.9 Sketch a Working Conclusion
6.3 File Away Leftovers
Once you have assembled your argument, you might be ready to draft it.
But experienced writers know that the time they invest in planning a draft
more than pays off when they write it. To draft effectively, you need more
than just the elements of a sound argument; you need a plan to assemble
those elements into a coherent draft. Some plans, however, are better than
6.1 Avoid Unhelpful Plans
When you are doing research, it is good to write early, but your early
writing should not determine the plan for your final paper: the real purpose
of that early writing is to help you discover your ideas, not to communicate
them to your readers. If you find yourself adopting one of the following
plans, pause. It means that you are not yet ready to draft your paper.
1. Narrative of discovery. If you find yourself telling the story of your
project—First I investigated... Then I compared...—you are probably
still too close to the activity of research to put your readers’ needs before
your own. Most readers want to know your ideas, not necessarily the
steps through which you arrived at them.
2. Patchwork of sources. If your draft is just a series of quotations,
paraphrases, and summaries of sources, you are probably overwhelmed
by your sources and have not yet developed a controlling claim of your
own. Readers want to know that you’ve done your research thoroughly,
but they also want to know what you think. Note: if you submit a paper
that is stitched together from other sources, especially if you have cut-
and-pasted from the web, you also risk being seen not just as an amateur
but also as a plagiarist (see 7.9).
3. Mirror of the assignment. If you are writing for a course and your draft
simply mirrors the organization of your assignment, you have to ask why.
Are you just playing it safe or going through the motions? You owe it to
yourself and your teacher to do more. Are you still developing your own
ideas? Let the structure of your paper reflect them. Are you struggling to
organize your paper another way? (See section 6.2.5 for some
6.2 Create a Plan That Meets Your Readers’ Needs
Some fields stipulate the plan of a paper. In the experimental sciences, for
example, readers expect papers to follow an organization like this:
Introduction—Methods and Materials—Results—Discussion—
If your paper must follow a conventional plan, find a model in a secondary
source or ask your mentor, teacher, or advisor for guidance. In most fields,
however, you have to create a plan of your own, but that plan must make
sense to your readers. To create one, start with your storyboard or outline.
6.2.1 Convert Your Storyboard into an Outline
If you prefer to work from an outline, you can turn your storyboard into
Start with a sentence numbered I that states your claim.
Add complete sentences under it numbered II, III,..., each of which
states a reason supporting your claim.
Under each reason, use capital letters to list sentences summarizing your
evidence; then list by numbers the evidence itself. For example (the data
are invented for the illustration):
I. Introduction: Educational benefits of writing on laptops are
II. Different uses have different effects.
A. All uses increase number of words produced.
1. Study II.A.1: 950 vs. 780
2. Study II.A.2: 1,103 vs. 922
B. Study II.B: Using laptops encourages writers block.
III. Studies show limited benefit on revision.
A. Study III.A: Writers using laptops are more wordy.
1. Average of 2.3 more words per sentence
2. Average of 20% more words per essay
B. Study III.B: Writers need hard copy to revise effectively.
1. 22% fewer typos when done on hard copy vs.
computer screen
2. 2.26% fewer spelling errors
IV. Conclusion: Disadvantages of laptops may outweigh
A sparer outline is just phrases, with no formal layers of I, A, 1, and so
Introduction: Benefits uncertain
Different uses / different effects
More words
Writers block
Revision studies
Study 1 longer sentences
Study 2 longer essays
Study 3 hardcopy better
Conclusion: Disadvantages outweigh advantages
When you start a project, a spare outline may be the best you can do, and
for a short project it may be all you need, so long as you know the point of
each item. But an outline of complete sentences is usually more useful.
More useful yet is a storyboard, especially for a long project.
6.2.2 Sketch a Working Introduction
Writers are often advised to write their introduction last, but most of us
need a working introduction to start us on the right track. Expect to write
your introduction twice, first a sketch for yourself and later a final one for
your readers. That final introduction will usually have four parts (see
chapter 9), so you might as well sketch your working introduction to
anticipate them.
1. At the top of the first page of your storyboard, sketch a brief summary of
only the key points in only those sources most relevant to your argument.
Include only the sources that you intend to challenge, modify, or expand
on. Then order those sources in a way that is useful to your readers:
chronologically, by quality, significance, point of view, or the like. Don’t
just follow the order in which you happened to read them or record them
in your notes.
2. Rephrase your research question as a statement about a flaw or gap that
you see in your sources:
Why is the Alamo story so important in the United States’ national
→ Few of these historians, however, have explained why the
Alamo story has become so important in the United States’
national mythology.
3. If you can, sketch an answer to So what? What larger issue will your
readers not understand if you don’t answer your question? You may be
only guessing, but try to find some answer.
If we understood how such stories become national legends, we
would better understand the United States’ national values,
perhaps even what makes the American character distinct.
If you can’t think of any answer, skip it; we return to it in chapter 10.
4. State the answer to your question as your claim, or promise an answer in
a launching point. You have two choices here:
State your claim at the end of your introduction to frame what
follows and again near the beginning of your conclusion.
State it only in your conclusion, as a climax to your reasoning.
This is a crucial choice, because it creates your social contract with
your readers (see 1.2). If you state your main claim toward the end of
your introduction, you put your readers in charge: they know what’s
coming, and they can decide to read on—or not. On the other hand, if
you wait until your conclusion to state your main claim, you create a
more controlling relationship: you ask them to trust that they’ll find your
claim—when you eventually reveal it—worth the investment of their
time. Most readers prefer to see your main claim at the end of your
introduction, because that lets them read what follows faster, understand
it better, and remember it longer. In your storyboard, put that claim at the
bottom of your introduction page. Then restate it in different words at the
top of your storyboard’s conclusion page. If you can, make this
concluding claim more specific than the one in the introduction.
Some new researchers fear that if they reveal their main point too
early, readers will be “bored” and stop reading. Others worry about
repeating themselves. Both fears are baseless. If you ask an interesting
question, readers will want to see how well you can answer it, and
knowing where your argument is going will help your readers follow it.
But if you do decide to announce your claim only in your conclusion,
you still need a sentence at the end of your introduction that launches
your reader into the body of your paper. That sentence should include the
key terms that will run through your paper (see 6.2.3). You’ll be better
prepared to write that sentence after you draft your final introduction, so
when planning, just put your main claim at the bottom of your
storyboard’s introduction page (you can move it later).
Finally, some writers add a “road map” at the end of their introduction:
In part 1, I discuss the issue of . . . Part 2 addresses . . . Part 3
examines . . .
Road maps are common in the social sciences, but many in the
humanities find them clumsy. You can add a road map to your storyboard
to guide your drafting, then cut it from your final draft. If you keep it,
make it short.
6.2.3 Identify Key Concepts That Will Run through Your Paper
For your paper to seem coherent, readers must see a few key concepts
running through all its parts. But readers won’t recognize those repeated
concepts if you refer to them in many different words. Readers need to see
specific terms that repeatedly refer to those concepts, not every time you
mention them but often enough that readers can’t miss them. You might find
them among the terms you used to categorize your notes, but they must
include keywords from the sentences stating your problem and main point.
On the introduction page, circle four or five words or phrases that express
those concepts. Ignore words that name your general topic; focus on those
relevant to your specific question:
gender, education level, major, choice of profession, wage gap
If you find few words or phrases that can serve as key terms, your topic and
point might be too general (review 5.4.1).
You can also use this procedure to identify concepts that distinguish your
sections from each other. Look at the reason you stated at the top of each
reason page, and circle its important words. Some of those words should be
related to the words circled in the introduction and conclusion, but others
will be specific to that section. When you draft, you can use these lists of
key terms to keep yourself on track and to recognize when you might be
saying something new (see 7.3).
6.2.4 Use Key Terms to Create Subheads That Uniquely Identify Each
Even if papers in your field don’t use subheads (see A.2.2.4 in the
appendix), we recommend that you use them in your drafts. Create them out
of your key terms. If you cannot find key terms that distinguish a section,
consider its contribution to the whole: if little differentiates that section
from others, readers may find it repetitive or irrelevant.
If your field avoids subheads, use them to keep yourself on track, and
delete them from your last draft.
6.2.5 Order Your Paper
When you assembled your argument, you may not have put your reasons in
any particular order (one benefit of a storyboard). But when you plan a
draft, you must impose some order on them. That is not easy, especially
when you’re writing on a new topic in a new field.
The best order is the one that best meets your readers’ needs. When
you’re not sure how to order your reasons, consider the following options.
You can organize your paper according to your subject matter:
Chronological. This is the simplest: earlier-to-later or cause-to-effect.
Part by part. If you can break your topic into its constituent parts, you
can deal with each in turn, but you must still order those parts in some
way that helps readers understand them: by their functional relationships,
hierarchy, or the like.
Comparison and contrast. Choose this form if you are comparing two or
more entities, concepts, or objects. You have two options, and one is
usually better than the other. If you were comparing Hopi masks to Inuit
masks, you might decide to devote the first half of your paper to the
former and the second half to the latter. But this kind of organization
often results in a pair of disconnected summaries. Instead, try to treat the
objects of comparison together, aligning parallel aspects as you go. In our
example, you might write first about the masks’ designs, then about the
stages of their evolution, then about their use of symbolism, and so on.
You can also organize your paper to accommodate your readers’ prior
knowledge and to facilitate their efforts to grasp your argument:
Short to long, simple to complex. Most readers prefer to deal with less
complex issues before they work through more complex ones.
More familiar to less familiar. Most readers prefer to read what they
know about before they read what they don’t.
Less contestable to more contestable. Most readers move more easily
from what they agree with to what they don’t.
Less important to more important (or vice versa). Readers prefer to read
more important reasons first, but those reasons may have more impact
when they come last.
Earlier understanding as a basis for later understanding. Readers may
have to understand some events, principles, definitions, and so on before
they understand another thing.
Often these principles cooperate: what readers agree with and easily
understand might also be short and familiar. But these principles may also
conflict: readers might reject most quickly reasons that are most important.
Whatever your order, it must reflect your readers’ needs, not the order that
the material seems to impose on itself (such as chronology), least of all the
order in which those reasons occurred to you.
6.2.6 Make Your Order Clear with Transitional Words
Your readers must be able to recognize the order you choose. In your
storyboard, start each page of reasons with words that make the principle of
order clear: First, Second, Later, Finally, More important, A more complex
issue is..., As a result. Don’t worry if these words feel awkwardly
obvious. At this point, they’re more for your benefit than for your readers’.
You can revise or even delete the clumsy ones from your final draft.
6.2.7 Sketch a Brief Introduction to Each Section and Subsection
Just as your whole paper needs an introduction that frames what follows, so
does each of its sections. If a section is only a page or two, you need just a
short paragraph; for a section several pages long, you might need to sketch
in two or more paragraphs. This introduction should announce the key
terms that are special to the section, ideally in a sentence at its end
expressing the section’s point, which might be a reason, a response to a
different point of view, or a warrant you must explain.
6.2.8 For Each Section, Sketch Evidence, Acknowledgments, Warrants,
and Summaries
In their relevant sections, sketch out the parts of your argument. Remember
that many of those parts will themselves make points that must be
supported by smaller subarguments. EVIDENCE. Most sections consist primarily of evidence
supporting reasons. Sketch the evidence after the reason it supports. If you
have different kinds of evidence supporting the same reason, group and
order them in a way that will make sense to your readers. EXPLANATIONS OF EVIDENCE. You may have to explain your
evidence—where it came from, why it’s reliable, exactly how it supports a
reason. Usually these explanations follow the evidence, but you can sketch
them before if that seems more logical. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND RESPONSES. Imagine what
readers might object to in your argument and sketch responses. Responses
are typically subarguments with at least a claim and reasons, often including
evidence and even another response to an imagined objection to your
response. WARRANTS. If you think you need a warrant to justify the
relevance of a reason, develop it before you state the reason. (If you’re
using a warrant only for emphasis, put it after the reason.) If you think
readers will question the truth of the warrant, sketch a subargument to
support it. If readers might think that your reason or claim isn’t a valid
instance of the warrant, sketch a subargument showing that it is. SUMMARIES. If your paper is long and “fact heavy” with dates,
names, events, or numbers, you might end each major section by briefly
summarizing the progress of your argument. What have you established in
that section? How does your argument shape up so far? If in your final draft
those summaries seem clumsy, cut them.
Writers in different fields may arrange these elements in slightly different
ways, but the elements themselves and their principles of organization are
the same in every field and profession. What’s crucial in every paper,
regardless of field, is that you must order the parts of your argument not
merely to reflect your own thinking but to help your readers understand it.
6.2.9 Sketch a Working Conclusion
You should have stated your concluding claim at the top of the conclusion
page of your storyboard. If you can add to the significance of that claim
(another answer to So what?), sketch it after the claim (see 10.2 for more on
6.3 File Away Leftovers
Once you have a plan, you may discover that you have a lot of material left
over that doesn’t fit into it. Resist the impulse to shoehorn these leftovers
into your paper just to show your work. In fact, if you don’t have more
leftovers than what you used, you may not have done enough research.
Leftovers aren’t waste: at a minimum, they helped you discover your ideas.
You might decide that you need to use them after all. And they could even
contain the seeds of another project.
7 Drafting Your Paper
7.1 Draft in the Way That Feels Most Comfortable
7.2 Develop Effective Writing Habits
7.3 Keep Yourself on Track through Headings and Key Terms
7.4 Quote, Paraphrase, and Summarize Appropriately
7.5 Integrate Quotations into Your Text
7.6 Use Footnotes and Endnotes Judiciously
7.7 Show How Complex or Detailed Evidence Is Relevant
7.8 Be Open to Surprises
7.9 Guard against Inadvertent Plagiarism
7.9.1 Signal Every Quotation, Even When You Cite Its Source
7.9.2 Don’t Paraphrase Too Closely
7.9.3 Usually Cite a Source for Ideas Not Your Own
7.9.4 Don’t Plead Ignorance, Misunderstanding, or Innocent Intentions
7.10 Guard against Inappropriate Assistance
7.11 Work Through Chronic Procrastination and Writers Block
Some writers think that once they have an outline or storyboard, they can
draft by just grinding out sentences. If you’ve written a lot to explore your
ideas, you may even think that you can plug that preliminary writing into a
draft. Experienced writers know better. They know two things: exploratory
writing is crucial but often not right for a draft, and thoughtful drafting can
be an act of discovery that planning and storyboarding can prepare them for
but never replace. In fact, most writers don’t know what they can think until
they see it appear in words before them. Indeed, you experience one of the
most exciting moments in research when you discover yourself expressing
ideas that you did not know you had until that moment.
So don’t treat drafting as merely translating a storyboard or outline into
words. If you draft with an open mind, you can discover lines of thought
that you couldn’t have imagined before you started. But like other steps in
the process, even surprises work better with a plan.
7.1 Draft in the Way That Feels Most Comfortable
Writers draft in different ways. Some are slow and careful: they have to get
every paragraph right before they start the next one. To do that, they need a
meticulous plan. So if you draft slowly, plan carefully. Other writers let the
words flow, skipping ahead when they get stuck, omitting quotations,
statistics, and so on that they can plug in later. If they are stopped by a
stylistic issue such as whether to represent numbers in words or numerals,
they insert a “[?]” and keep on writing until they run out of gas, then go
back and fix it. But quick drafters need lots of time to revise. So if you draft
quickly, start early. Draft in whatever way works for you, but experienced
writers usually draft quickly, then revise extensively.
7.2 Develop Effective Writing Habits
Most of us learn to write in the least efficient way—under pressure, rushing
to meet a deadline, with a quick draft the night before and maybe a few
minutes in the morning for proofreading. That rarely works for a short
paper, almost never for a longer one. You need time and a plan that sets
small, achievable goals but keeps your eye on the whole.
Most important, draft regularly and often, not in marathon sessions that
dull your thinking and kill your interest. Set a small goal and a reasonable
quota of words for each session, and stick to it. When you resume drafting,
you need not start where you left off: review your storyboard to decide what
you’re ready to draft today. Review how it will fit into its section and the
whole: What reason does this section support? Where does it fit in the
overall logic? Which key terms state the concepts that distinguish this
section? If you’re blocked, skip to another section. Whatever you do, don’t
substitute more reading for writing. Chronic procrastinators are usually so
intimidated by the size of their project that it paralyzes them, so they just
keep putting off getting started. You can overcome that destructive habit by
breaking your project into small, achievable goals (see 7.11).
7.3 Keep Yourself on Track through Headings and Key Terms
Here are two techniques you can use to keep yourself on track as you draft.
Use headings—ideally full sentences—to break your draft into
manageable chunks and to show how your sections are related to one
another. Even if papers in your field don’t ordinarily use headings and
subheadings, you can still use them as you draft and delete them later.
You can also use lists of key terms to keep yourself on track. As you
draft, keep in front of you both the terms that should run through your
whole paper and those specific to individual sections (see 6.2.3 and 6.2.4).
From time to time, check how often you’ve used those words, both those
that run through the whole paper and those that distinguish one section from
another. If you find yourself writing something that lacks those terms, pause
and reflect: are you just off track, or are you discovering something new?
You need not stay yoked to your original plan: you are free to follow a new
path to see where it leads, but do that as a choice—not just because you got
lost along the way.
7.4 Quote, Paraphrase, and Summarize Appropriately
We covered this issue when we discussed note-taking (4.2.2). You should
build most of your paper out of your own words that reflect your own
thinking. But you’ll support much of that thinking with the words of others,
delivered in quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. As we’ve said,
different fields use these techniques differently: researchers in the
humanities quote more than do social and natural scientists, who typically
paraphrase and summarize. But you must decide each case for itself,
depending on how you use the information. Here again are some principles:
Summarize when details are irrelevant or a source isn’t important enough
to warrant much space.
Paraphrase when you can state what a source says more clearly or
concisely or when your argument depends on the details in a source but
not on its specific words.
Quote for these purposes:
The words themselves are evidence that backs up your reasons.
The words are from an authority who backs up your claims.
The words are strikingly original or express your key concepts so
compellingly that the quotation can frame an extended discussion.
The words express a claim you disagree with, and to be fair you
want to state it exactly.
Readers value research only to the degree that they trust its sources. So for
every summary, paraphrase, or quotation you use, cite its bibliographic data
in the appropriate style (see 15.5). Under no circumstances should you
stitch together passages from the internet with a few sentences of your own.
Teachers grind their teeth reading such papers, dismayed by their lack of
original thinking. Readers of advanced projects reject such patchworks out
of hand.
7.5 Integrate Quotations into Your Text
Signal direct quotations in one of two ways:
For four or fewer quoted lines, run them into your text, surrounded by
quotation marks.
For five or more lines, set them off as an indented block.
You can insert run-in and block quotations in your text in three ways.
1. Drop in the quotation with a few identifying words (Author says,
According to Author, As Author puts it, etc.).
Diamond says, “The histories of the Fertile Crescent and
China . . . hold a salutary lesson for the modern world:
circumstances change, and past primacy is no guarantee of future
primacy” (417).
2. Introduce the quotation with a sentence that interprets or characterizes it.
Diamond suggests what we can learn from the past: “The histories
of the Fertile Crescent and China . . . hold a salutary lesson for the
modern world” (417).
3. Weave the grammar of the quotation into the grammar of your own
Diamond suggests that the chief “lesson for the modern world” in
the history of the Fertile Crescent and China is that “circumstances
change, and past primacy is no guarantee of future primacy”
You can modify a quotation, so long as you don’t change its meaning and
you signal deletions with three dots (called ellipses) and changes with
square brackets. This sentence quotes the original intact:
As Hariman argues, “The realist style radically separates power and
textuality, constructing the political realm as a state of nature and the
political actor as someone either rationally calculating vectors of
interest and power or foolishly believing in such verbal illusions as
laws or ethical ideals” (4).
This version modifies the quotation to emphasize one part of it and to fit
the grammar of the writers sentence:
Hariman argues that “the realist style radically separates power and
textuality, constructing . . . the political actor as someone either
rationally calculating vectors of interest and power or foolishly
believing in such verbal illusions as laws or ethical ideals” (4).
See chapter 25 for more on integrating quotations with your text.
When you refer to a source the first time, use the authors full name. Do
not precede it with Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Professor (see 24.2.2 for the use of
Dr., Reverend, Senator, and so on). When you mention a source thereafter,
use just the authors last name:
According to Steven Pinker, “claims about a language instinct . . .
have virtually nothing to do with possible genetic differences
between people.”
Pinker goes on to explain that . . .
Except when referring to royalty, never refer to an author only by his or her
first name. You might write this:
In a recent speech, Prince Charles described his efforts to preserve
the village pubs that are such a part of British culture.
But never this:
According to Steven Pinker, “claims about a language instinct . . .”
Steven goes on to explain that . . .
7.6 Use Footnotes and Endnotes Judiciously
If you are using notes-style citations (see 3.5.1), you will have to decide as
you draft how to use footnotes and endnotes (for their formal requirements,
see chapter 16). You must cite every source in a note, of course, but you
may also decide to use footnotes and endnotes for substantive material that
you don’t want to include in the body of your text but also don’t want to
omit. (You might also use such substantive notes in combination with
parenthetical citations in author-date style; see 18.3.3.)
If you cite sources in endnotes, put substantive material in footnotes.
Otherwise you force readers to keep flipping to the back of your paper to
check every endnote to see whether it is substantive or bibliographical.
Use substantive footnotes sparingly. If you create too many, you risk
damaging the flow of your writing with asides and digressions.
In any event, keep in mind that many readers ignore substantive footnotes
on the principle that information not important enough for you to include in
the main text is not important enough for them to read in a footnote.
7.7 Show How Complex or Detailed Evidence Is Relevant
By this point you may be so sure that your evidence supports your reasons
that you’ll think readers can’t miss its relevance. But evidence never speaks
for itself, especially not long quotations or complex sets of numbers. You
must therefore speak for it: introduce it by stating what you want your
readers to get out of it. For example, this passage bases a claim about
Hamlet on the evidence of the following quotation:
When Hamlet comes upon his stepfather Claudius at prayer, he
demonstrates cool rationality:
Now might I do it [kill him] pat, now ’a is a-praying,
And now I’ll do’t. And so ’a goes to heaven,
And so am I reveng’d. . . . [Hamlet pauses to think]
[But this] villain kills my father, and for that,
I, his sole son, do this same villain send
To heaven.
Why, this is hire and salary, not revenge. (3.3)
report of evidence
Since that quotation doesn’t explicitly refer to Hamlet’s rationality, readers
might not see how it supports the claim. So show them what is means by
introducing it with a reason:
When Hamlet comes upon his stepfather Claudius at prayer, he
demonstrates cool rationality.
He impulsively wants to kill
Claudius but pauses to reflect: if he kills the praying Claudius, he will
send his soul to heaven, but he wants Claudius damned to hell, so
he coolly decides to kill him later:
Now might I do it [kill him] pat, . . .
report of evidence
Now we see the connection. This kind of explanatory introduction is even
more important when you present data in a table or figure (see 8.3.1).
7.8 Be Open to Surprises
If you write as you go and plan your best case before you draft, you’re
unlikely to be utterly surprised by how your draft develops. Even so, be
open to new directions from beginning to end:
When your drafting starts to head off on a tangent, go with it for a bit to
see whether you’re onto something better than you planned.
When reporting your evidence leads you to doubt a reason, don’t ignore
that feeling. Follow it up.
When the order of your reasons starts to feel awkward, experiment with
new ones, even if you thought you were almost done.
Even when you reach your final conclusion, you may think of a way to
restate your claim more clearly and pointedly.
If you get helpful new ideas early enough before your deadline, invest the
time to make the changes. It is a small price to pay for a big improvement.
7.9 Guard against Inadvertent Plagiarism
It will be as you draft that you risk making one of the worst mistakes a
researcher can make: leading readers to think that you’re trying to pass off
the work of another writer as your own. Do that and you risk being accused
of plagiarism, a charge that, if sustained, could mean for a professional
writer an irreparably damaged reputation, or for a student writer a failing
grade or even expulsion.
Students know they cheat when, say, they submit as their own work
papers bought online. Most also know they cheat when they pass off as their
own long passages copied directly from their sources. For those cases,
there’s nothing to say beyond Don’t.
But many inexperienced researchers fail to realize that they risk being
charged with plagiarism even if they were not intentionally dishonest but
only misinformed or careless. You run that risk when you do any of the
You quote, paraphrase, or summarize a source but fail to cite it.
You use ideas or methods from a source but fail to cite it.
You use the exact words of a source and you do cite it, but you fail to put
those words in quotation marks or in a block quotation.
You paraphrase a source and cite it, but paraphrase too closely (see
7.9.1 Signal Every Quotation, Even When You Cite Its Source
Even if you cite the source, readers must know exactly which words are
yours and which you quote. If, however, you borrow only a few words, you
enter a gray area. Read this:
Because technology begets more technology, the importance of an
invention’s diffusion potentially exceeds the importance of the
original invention. Technology’s history exemplifies what is termed an
autocatalytic process: that is, one that speeds up at a rate that
increases with time, because the process catalyzes itself (Diamond
1998, 301).
If you were writing about Jared Diamond’s ideas, you would probably have
to use some of his words, such as the importance of an invention. But you
might not put that phrase in quotation marks, because it shows no
originality of thought or expression.
Two of his phrases, however, are so striking that they do require
quotation marks: technology begets more technology and autocatalytic
process. For example:
The power of technology goes beyond individual inventions because
“technology begets more technology.” It is, as Diamond puts it, an
“autocatalytic process” (301).
Once you cite those words, you can use them again without quotation marks
or citation:
As one invention begets another one and that one still another, the
process becomes a self-sustaining catalysis that spreads across
national boundaries.
This is a gray area: words that seem striking to some are not to others. If
you put quotation marks around too many ordinary phrases, readers might
think you’re naive, but if you fail to use them when readers think you
should, they may suspect you of plagiarism. Since it’s better to seem naive
than dishonest, especially early in your career, use quotation marks freely.
(You must, however, follow the standard practices of your field. Lawyers,
for example, often use the exact language of a statute or judicial opinion
with no quotation marks.)
7.9.2 Don’t Paraphrase Too Closely
You paraphrase appropriately when you represent an idea in your own
words more clearly or pointedly than the source does. But readers will think
that you plagiarize if they can match your words and phrasing with those of
your source.
For example, here is a passage from page 38 of Malcolm Gladwell’s
Outliers: The Story of Success:
Achievement is talent plus preparation. The problem with this view is
that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the
smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role
preparation seems to play.
This too-close paraphrase is plagiarism:
Success seems to depend on a combination of talent and
preparation. However, when psychologists closely examine the gifted
and their careers, they discover that innate talent plays a much
smaller role than preparation (Gladwell 2008, 38).
This paraphrase does not plagiarize:
As Gladwell (2008, 38) observes, summarizing studies on the highly
successful, we tend to overestimate the role of talent and
underestimate that of preparation.
This phrasing is not a close match to the original. And notice that we chose
not to put talent or preparation in quotes. We decided that those words are
common enough to use as our own.
To avoid seeming to plagiarize, read the passage, look away, think about
it for a moment; then, still looking away, paraphrase it in your own words.
Then check whether you can run your finger along your sentence and find
synonyms for the same ideas in the same order in your source. If you can,
try again.
7.9.3 Usually Cite a Source for Ideas Not Your Own
This rule is more complicated than it seems, because few ideas are entirely
new. Readers don’t expect you to cite a source for the idea that the earth is
round. But they do expect you to cite a source for an idea when (1) it is
associated with a specific person and (2) it is new enough not to be part of a
field’s common knowledge. For example, psychologists claim that we think
and feel in different parts of our brains. No knowledgeable reader would
expect you to cite a source for that idea, because it’s so familiar that no one
would think you are implying it is yours. On the other hand, some
psychologists argue that emotions are crucial to rational decision-making.
That idea is so new and tied to particular researchers that you’d have to cite
7.9.4 Don’t Plead Ignorance, Misunderstanding, or Innocent Intentions
To be sure, what looks like plagiarism is often just honest ignorance of how
to use and cite sources. Some students sincerely believe that they don’t have
to cite material downloaded from the Web because it’s free and publicly
available. They are wrong. Others defend themselves by claiming they
didn’t intend to mislead. The problem is that we read words, not minds. So
think of plagiarism not as an intended act but as a perceived one. Here is the
best way to think about this: If the author of the source you borrowed from
were to read your paper, would she recognize any of it as hers, including
paraphrases and summaries, or even general ideas or methods from her
original work? If so, you must cite those borrowings.
7.10 Guard against Inappropriate Assistance
Experienced writers regularly show their drafts to others for criticism and
suggestions, and you should too (see chapter 12). But check how much
assistance is appropriate and how you should acknowledge the assistance
you receive.
1. How much help is appropriate?
For a class paper, most instructors encourage students to get general
criticism and minor editing, but not detailed rewriting or substantive
For work submitted for publication, writers are free to get all the
help they can from colleagues, reviewers, and others so long as
these people don’t become virtual ghostwriters.
Theses and dissertations lie between these extremes. If you are in
doubt, ask someone with authority—your teacher or your advisor—
where the line is drawn. Then get all the help you can on the right side of
2. What help must you acknowledge?
For a class paper, you usually aren’t required to acknowledge
general criticism, minor editing, or help from a school writing tutor,
but you must acknowledge help that’s special or extensive. Your
instructor sets the rules, so ask.
For a thesis, dissertation, or published work, you’re not required to
acknowledge routine help, though it’s courteous and often politic to
do so in a preface (see A.2.1.9 and A.2.1.10). But you must
acknowledge special or extensive editing and cite in a note major
ideas or phrases provided by others.
7.11 Work Through Chronic Procrastination and Writers Block
If you can’t seem to get started on a first draft or if you struggle to draft
more than a few words, you may have writers block. Writers block is
tremendously frustrating. Some cases of it arise from mental health issues
related to school pressures, and for those you should consider seeking
professional help. But most cases have causes you can address: you may be
stuck because you have no goals or have goals that are too high; you may
feel so intimidated by the size of the task that you don’t know where to
begin; you may feel that you have to make every sentence or paragraph
perfect before you move on to the next one; you may just allow yourself to
be easily distracted. Here are some good practices that can help with all of
these causes:
Create a routine and set small, achievable goals.
Use devices to keep yourself moving, such as a progress chart or a timer
for writing sessions.
Write routinely as you research, not just after.
Lower the bar by telling yourself that you’re not writing a draft but only
sketching out some ideas.
Write without looking at the page or with your screen turned off.
Disconnect your computer from your network, or turn off wifi.
Find a writing partner or join a writing group.
Visit your school’s learning center or writing center, which will be staffed
with consultants who can help.
And remember that if you take perfection as your goal, you will never finish
or, worse, never start. We all have to compromise to get the job done.
On the other hand, sometimes writers block is a sign that you need to let
your ideas simmer in the back of your mind, where they might combine and
recombine into something new and surprising. If you’re stuck but have time
(another reason to start early), do something else for a few hours: go on a
run, read a book, take a nap. If you have even more time, put your draft
aside for a day or two. Then return to the task to see if you can get back on
8 Presenting Evidence in Tables and Figures
8.1 Choose Verbal or Visual Representations of Your Data
8.2 Choose the Most Effective Graphic
8.3 Design Tables and Figures
8.3.1 Frame Each Graphic to Help Your Readers Understand It
8.3.2 Keep All Graphics as Simple as Their Content Allows
8.3.3 Follow Guidelines for Tables, Bar Charts, and Line Graphs
8.4 Communicate Data Ethically
If your data are in the form of numbers, most readers grasp them more
easily if you present them graphically. But you face many choices of graphic
forms, and some forms will suit your data and message better than others. In
this chapter we show you how to choose the right graphic form and design it
so that readers can see both what your data are and how they support your
argument. (See pp. 426–28 in the bibliography for guides to creating and
using graphics; see chapter 26 for details on formatting graphics.)
8.1 Choose Verbal or Visual Representations of Your Data
Ordinarily, present quantitative data verbally when they include only a few
numbers. (See chapter 23 for presenting numbers in text.) Present them
graphically when most of your evidence is quantitative or you must
communicate a large set of data. But when the data are few and simple,
readers can grasp them as easily in a sentence as in a table like table 8.1.
In 2013, on average, men earned $50,033 a year, women $39,157, a
difference of $10,876.
Table 8.1. Male-female salaries ($), 2013
Men 50,033
Women 39,157
Difference 10,876
But if you present more than four or five numbers in a passage, readers will
struggle to keep them straight, particularly if they must compare them, like
Between 1970 and 2010, the structure of families changed in two
ways. In 1970, 85 percent of families had two parents, but by 1980
that number had declined to 77 percent, then to 73 percent by 1990,
to 68 percent by 2000, and to 64 percent by 2010. The number of
one-parent families rose, particularly families headed by a mother. In
1970, 11 percent of families were headed by a single mother. By
1980 that number rose to 18 percent, by 1990 to 22 percent, to 23
percent by 2000, and to 27 percent by 2010. There were some
marginal changes among single fathers (headed 1 percent of families
in 1970, 2 percent in 1980, 3 percent in 1990, and 4 percent in 2000
and 2010). Families with no adult in the home have remained stable
at 3–4 percent.
Those data can be presented more effectively in graphic form, as in table
Table 8.2. Changes in family structure, 1970–2010
Percentage of total families
Family type 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
2 parents 85 77 73 68 64
Mother 11 18 22 23 27
Father 1 2 3 4 4
No adult 3 4 3 4 4
8.2 Choose the Most Effective Graphic
When you graphically present data as complex as in that paragraph, you
have many choices. The simplest and most common are tables, bar charts,
and line graphs, each of which has a distinctive rhetorical effect.
To emphasize specific values, use a table like table 8.2.
To emphasize comparisons that can be seen at a glance, use a bar chart
like figure 8.1.
To emphasize trends, use a line graph like figure 8.2.
Figure 8.1. Changes in family structure, 1970–2010
Figure 8.2. Changes in family structure, 1970–2010
While each of these forms communicates the same data, readers respond
to them in different ways:
A table seems precise and objective. It emphasizes individual numbers
and forces readers to infer relationships or trends (unless you state them).
Both charts and graphs emphasize an image that communicates values
less precisely but more quickly than do the exact numbers of a table. But
they differ:
A bar chart emphasizes comparisons among discrete items.
A line graph emphasizes trends, usually over time.
Choose the graphic form that best achieves the effect you intend.
Your choices also depend on your experience. If you’re new to
quantitative research, limit your choices to basic tables, bar charts, and line
graphs. Your computer software may offer more choices, but ignore those
that you aren’t familiar with.
If you’re doing advanced research, readers will expect you to draw from a
larger range of graphics favored in your field. In that case, consult table 8.7,
which describes the rhetorical uses of other common forms. You may have
to consider more creative ways of representing data if you are writing a
dissertation or article in a field that routinely display complex relationships
in large data sets.
8.3 Design Tables and Figures
Computer programs create graphics so dazzling that you might be tempted
to let your software determine their design. But readers don’t care how
fancy a graphic looks if it doesn’t communicate your point clearly. Here are
some principles for designing effective graphics. To follow them, you may
have to change default settings in your graphics software. (See A.3.1.3 and
A.1.3.4 on creating and inserting tables and figures in your paper.)
8.3.1 Frame Each Graphic to Help Your Readers Understand It
A graphic representing complex numbers rarely speaks for itself. You must
frame it to show readers know what to see in it and how to understand its
relevance to your argument.
1. Introduce tables and figures with a sentence in your text that states how
the data support your point. Include in that sentence any specific number
that you want readers to focus on. That number must also appear in the
table or figure.
2. Label every table and figure in a way that describes its data and, if
possible, their important relationships. For a table, the label is called a
title and is set flush left above the table; for a figure, the label is called a
caption and is set flush left below the figure. (For the forms of titles and
captions, see chapter 26.) Keep titles and captions short but descriptive
enough to distinguish every graphic from every other one.
Avoid making the title or caption a general topic:
Not Heads of households
But Changes in one- and two-parent heads of households,
Use noun phrases; avoid relative clauses in favor of participles:
Not Number of families that subscribe to online streaming
But Number of families subscribing to online streaming
Do not give background information or characterize what the data
Not Weaker effects of counseling on depressed children
before professionalization of staff, 1995–2014
But Effect of counseling on depressed children, 1995–2014
Be sure labels distinguish graphics presenting similar data:
Not Risk factors for high blood pressure
But Risk factors for high blood pressure among men in
Maywood, Illinois
Or Risk factors for high blood pressure among men in
Kingston, Jamaica
3. Insert into the table or figure information that helps readers see how the
data support your point. For example, if numbers in a table show a trend
and the size of the trend matters, indicate the change in a final column. If
a line on a graph changes in response to an influence not mentioned on
the graph, as in figure 8.3, add text to the image to explain it:
Although reading and math scores initially declined by almost 100
points following redistricting, that trend was substantially reversed
by the introduction of supplemental math and reading programs.
Figure 8.3. SAT scores for Mid-City High, 1990–2005
4. Introduce the table or figure with a sentence that explains how to interpret
it. Then highlight the part of the table or figure that you want readers to
focus on, particularly any number or relationship mentioned in that
introductory sentence. For example, we have to study table 8.3 to see how
it supports the sentence that introduces it:
Most predictions about gasoline consumption have proved wrong.
We need another sentence explaining how the numbers support or
explain the claim. We also need a more informative title and visual help
that focuses us on what we should see in the table (table 8.4):
Gasoline consumption has not grown as predicted. Though
Americans drove 28 percent more miles in 2010 than in 1970, they
used 32 percent less fuel.
The added sentence tells us how to interpret the key data in table 8.4,
and the highlight tells us where to find it.
Table 8.3. Gasoline consumption
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Annual miles (000)
9.5 10.3 10.5 11.7 12.2
Annual consumption (gal.) 760 760 520 533 515
Table 8.4. Per capita mileage and gasoline consumption, 1970–
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Annual miles (000)
9.5 10.3 10.5 11.7 12.2
(% change vs. 1970) 8.4% 10.5% 23.1% 28.4%
Annual consumption (gal.) 760 760 520 533 515
(% change vs. 1970) (31.5%) (31.6%) (32.2%)
8.3.2 Keep All Graphics as Simple as Their Content Allows
Some guides encourage you to put as much data as you can into a graphic.
But readers want to see only the data relevant to your point, free of
For All Graphics
1. Include only relevant data. If you include data only for the record,
label it accordingly and put it in an appendix (see A.2.3.2).
2. Keep the visual impact simple.
Box a graphic only if you group two or more figures.
Use caution in employing shading or color to convey meaning.
Even if you print your paper on a color printer or submit it as a
PDF, it may be printed or copied later in black and white.
Do not use a three-dimensional background for a two-
dimensional graphic. The added depth contributes nothing and
can distort how readers judge values.
3. Use clear labels.
Label rows and columns in tables and both axes in charts and graphs.
(See chapter 26 for punctuation and spelling in labels.)
Use tick marks and labels to indicate intervals on the vertical axis of a
graph (see fig. 8.4).
If possible, label lines, bar segments, and the like on the image rather than
in a caption set to the side. Do so in the caption only if labels would make
the image too complex to read.
When specific numbers matter, add them to bars, segments or segments in
charts or to dots on lines in graphs.
For Tables
Never use both horizontal and vertical lines to divide columns and
rows. Use light gray lines if you want to direct your readers eyes in
one direction to compare data or if the table is unusually complex.
For tables with many rows, lightly shading every fifth row will
improve legibility.
To ensure legibility, do not use a font size smaller than eight points.
For Charts and Graphs
Use grid lines only if the graphic is complex or readers need to see
precise numbers. Make all grid lines light gray.
Color or shade lines or bars only to show a contrast. If you do use
shading, make sure it does not obscure any text, and do not use
multiple shades, which might not reproduce distinctly.
Plot data on three dimensions only when you cannot display the data
in any other way and your readers are familiar with such graphs.
Never use iconic bars (for example, images of cars to represent
automobile production). They can distort how readers judge values,
and they look amateurish.
8.3.3 Follow Guidelines for Tables, Bar Charts, and Line Graphs TABLES. Tables with lots of data can seem dense, so organize them
to help readers.
Order the rows and columns by a principle that lets readers quickly find
what you want them to see. Do not automatically choose alphabetic order.
Round numbers to relevant values. If differences of less than 1,000 don’t
matter, then 2,123,499 and 2,124,886 are irrelevantly precise.
Sum totals at the bottom of a column or at the end of a row, not at the top
or left. Compare tables 8.5 and 8.6. Table 8.5 has a vague title and its
items aren’t helpfully sorted. Table 8.6 is clearer because it has an
informative title and its items are organized to let us see patterns more
Table 8.5. Unemployment in major industrial nations, 2010–2015
2010 2015 Change
Australia 5.2 6.2 1.0
Canada 8.0 6.9 (1.1)
France 9.7 10.7 1.0
Germany 7.1 5.2 (1.9)
Italy 8.4 11.9 3.5
Japan 5.0 3.9 (1.1)
Sweden 8.6 7.7 (0.9)
United Kingdom 7.9 6.6 (1.3)
United States 9.6 6.2 (3.4)
Table 8.6. Changes in unemployment rates of industrial nations,
2010 2015 Change
United States 9.6 6.2 (3.4)
Germany 7.1 5.2 (1.9)
United Kingdom 7.9 6.6 (1.3)
Canada 8.0 6.9 (1.1)
Japan 5.0 3.9 (1.1)
Sweden 8.6 7.7 (0.9)
Australia 5.2 6.2 1.0
France 9.7 10.7 1.0
Italy 8.4 11.9 3.5 BAR CHARTS. Bar charts communicate as much by visual impact
as by specific numbers. But bars arranged in no pattern imply no point. If
possible, group and arrange bars to create an image that matches your point.
For example, look at figure 8.4 in the context of the explanatory sentence
before it. The items are listed alphabetically, an order that doesn’t help
readers see the point. In contrast, figure 8.5 supports the claim with a
coherent image.
Figure 8.4. World’s ten largest deserts
Figure 8.5. World distribution of large deserts
In standard bar charts, each bar represents 100 percent of a whole. But
sometimes readers need to see specific values for parts of the whole. You
can do that in two ways:
Divide the bars into proportional parts, creating a “stacked bar,” as in the
chart on the left in figure 8.6.
Give each part of the whole its own bar, then group the bar into clusters,
as in the chart on the right in figure 8.6.
Figure 8.6. Stacked bar chart compared to grouped bar chart
Use stacked bars only when it’s more important to compare whole values
than it is to compare their segments. Readers, however, can’t easily gauge
proportions by eye alone, so if you do use stacked bars, do this:
Arrange segments in a logical order. If possible, put the largest segment at
the bottom in the darkest shade.
Label segments with specific numbers and connect corresponding
segments with gray lines to help clarify proportions.
Figure 8.7 shows how a stacked bar chart is more readable when irrelevant
segments are eliminated and those kept are logically ordered and fully
Figure 8.7. Stacked bar charts showing generators of nuclear energy,
A grouped bar chart makes it easy for readers to compare parts of a
whole, but difficult for them to compare different wholes because they must
do mental arithmetic. If you group bars because the segments are more
important than the wholes, do this:
Arrange groups of bars in a logical order; if possible, put bars of similar
size next to one another (order bars within groups in the same way).
Label groups with the number for the whole, either above each group or
below the labels on the bottom.
Most data that fit a bar chart can also be represented in a pie chart. Pie
charts are popular in magazines, tabloids, and annual reports, but they’re
harder to read than bar charts and invite misinterpretation because readers
must compare proportions of segments whose sizes are often hard to judge.
Most researchers avoid pie charts, especially to convey quantitative data.
They use bar charts. LINE GRAPHS. Because a line graph emphasizes trends, readers
must see a clear image to interpret it correctly. Do the following:
Choose the variable that makes the line go in the direction, up or down,
that supports your point. If the good news is a reduction (down) in high
school dropouts, you can more effectively represent the same data as an
increase in retention (up). If you want to emphasize bad news, find a way
to represent your data as a falling line.
Plot more than six lines on one graph only if you cannot make your point
in any other way.
Do not depend on different shades of gray to distinguish lines, as in figure
If you plot fewer than ten or so values (called data points), indicate each
with a dot, as in figure 8.9. If those values are relevant, you can add
numbers above the dots. Do not add dots to lines plotted from ten or more
data points.
Compare figure 8.8 and figure 8.9. Beyond its general story, figure 8.8 is
harder to read because the shades of gray do not distinguish the lines well
and because our eyes have to flick back and forth to connect lines with
variables and their numbers. Figure 8.9 makes those connections clearer.
Figure 8.8. Foreign-born residents in the United States, 1870–1990
Figure 8.9. Foreign-born residents in the United States, 1870–1990
These different ways of showing the same data can be confusing. To cut
through that confusion, test different ways of representing the same data.
(Your software program will usually let you do that quickly.) Then ask
someone not familiar with your data to judge the representations for their
impact and clarity. Be sure to introduce your graphics with a sentence that
states the claim you want the figures to support.
8.4 Communicating Data Ethically
Your graphics must be not only clear and accurate but also honest. Do not
distort the image of your data to make a point. For example, the two bar
charts in figure 8.10 display identical data yet send different messages. The
0–100 scale in the figure on the left creates a fairly flat slope, which makes
the drop in pollution seem small. The vertical scale in the figure on the right,
however, begins not at 0 but at 80. When a scale is truncated, its sharper
slope exaggerates small contrasts.
Figure 8.10. Capitol City pollution index, 2002–2014
Graphs can also mislead by implying false correlations. Someone
claiming that unemployment goes down when union membership goes
down might offer figure 8.11 as evidence. And indeed, in that graph, union
membership and the unemployment rate do seem to move together so
closely that a reader might infer one causes the other. But the scale for the
left axis in figure 8.11 (union membership) differs from the scale for the
right axis (unemployment rate). The two scales have been deliberately
skewed to make it seem the two downward trends are related. They may be,
but the distorted image doesn’t prove it.
Figure 8.11. Union membership and unemployment rate, 2004–2010
Graphs can also mislead when the image encourages readers to misjudge
values. The two charts in figure 8.12 represent exactly the same data but
seem to communicate different messages. These “stacked area” charts
represent differences in values not by the angles of the lines but by the areas
between them. In both charts, the bands for south, east, and west are roughly
the same width throughout, indicating little change in the values they
represent. The band for the north, however, widens sharply, representing a
large increase in the value it represents. In the chart on the left, readers are
likely to misjudge the top three bands because they are on top of the rising
north band, making those bands seem to rise as well. In the chart on the
right, on the other hand, those three bands do not rise because they are on
the bottom. Here only the band for the north rises.
Figure 8.12. Representation of collar counties among State U.
undergraduates (percentage of total)
Here are four guidelines for avoiding visual misrepresentations:
Do not manipulate a scale to magnify or reduce a contrast.
Do not use a figure whose image distorts values.
Do not make a table or figure unnecessarily complex or misleadingly
If the table or figure supports a point, state it.
Table 8.7. Common graphic forms and their uses
Bar chart
Compares the value
of one variable
across a series of
items called cases
(e.g., average
salaries for service
in six
Creates strong
visual contrasts
For specific
values, add
numbers to
bars. Can
show ranks or
trends. Vertical
bars (called
columns) are
most common,
but bars can be
horizontal if
cases are
numerous or
have complex
labels. See
Bar chart, grouped or split
Bar chart
Compares the value
of one variable,
divided into
subsets, across a
series of cases
(e.g., average
men and women
in six
subsets within
and across
cases; not
useful for
comparing total
values for
cases. For
specific values,
add numbers
to bars.
Grouped bars
show ranking
or trends
poorly; useful
for time series
only if trends
See section
Bar chart, stacked
Bar chart
Compares the value
of one variable,
divided into two or
more subsets,
across a series of
cases (e.g.,
segmented by
in six
Best for
totals across
cases and
subsets within
cases; difficult
to compare
subsets across
cases (use
grouped bars).
For specific
values, add
numbers to
bars and
Useful for time
series. Can
show ranks or
trends for total
values only.
See section
Bar chart
Compares two
variables, with one
segmented into
ranges that function
like the cases in a
bar graph (e.g.,
whose salary is $0–
5,000, $5–10,000,
segmented variable
Best for
data sets.
Shows trends
segments (e.g.,
a sudden spike
at $5–10,000
workers). For
specific values,
add numbers
to bars.
Image chart
Bar chart
Shows value of one
or more variables
for cases displayed
on a map, diagram,
or other image
(e.g., states
colored red or blue
to show voting
Shows the
distribution of
the data in
relation to
specific values.
Best when the
image is
familiar, as in a
map or
diagram of a
Pie chart
Bar chart
Shows the
proportion of a
single variable for a
series of cases
(e.g., the budget
of US
Best for
comparing one
segment to the
whole. Useful
only with few
segments or
segments that
are very
different in
size; otherwise
segments are
difficult. For
specific values,
add numbers
to segments.
Common in
frowned on by
Line graph
Bar chart
variables for one or
more cases (e.g.,
and viscosity
in two fluids
Best for
specific values.
Useful for time
series. To show
specific values,
add numbers
to data points.
To show the
significance of
a trend,
segment the
grid (e.g.,
below or above
Area chart
Bar chart
Compares two
variables for one or
more cases (e.g.,
reading test
in a
school district
Shows trends;
specific values.
Can be used
for time series.
To show
specific values,
add numbers
to data points.
Areas below
the lines add
no information
and will lead
some readers
to misjudge
Confusing with
Area chart, stacked
Bar chart
Compares two
variables for two or
more cases (e.g.,
Shows the
trend for the
total of all
cases, plus
how much
each case
contributes to
that total.
Likely to
readers on the
value or the
trend for any
individual case,
as explained in
section 8.4.
Bar chart
Compares two
variables at multiple
data points for a
single case (e.g.,
housing sales
and distance from
one city
) or at
one data point for
multiple cases (e.g.,
brand loyalty
and repair
Best for
showing the
distribution of
data, especially
when there is
no clear trend
or when the
focus is on
outlying data
points. If only a
few data points
are plotted, it
allows a focus
on individual
Bubble chart
Bar chart
Compares three
variables at multiple
data points for a
single case (e.g.,
distance from
and prices
one city
) or at
one data point for
multiple cases (e.g.,
and brand
for ten
the relationship
between the
third variable
(bubbles) and
the first two;
most useful
when the
question is
whether the
third variable is
a product of
the others.
Readers easily
relative values
shown by
mitigates that
1. A note on terminology: In this chapter we use the term graphics to refer to all
visual representations of evidence. Another term sometimes used for such
representations is illustrations. Traditionally, graphics are divided into tables and
figures. A table is a grid with columns and rows that present data in numbers or words
organized by categories. Figures are all other graphic forms, including graphs, charts,
photographs, drawings, and diagrams. Figures that present quantitative data are divided
into charts, typically consisting of bars, circles, points, or other shapes, and graphs,
typically consisting of continuous lines. For a survey of common figures, see table 8.7.
9 Revising Your Draft
9.1 Check for Blind Spots in Your Argument
9.2 Check Your Introduction, Conclusion, and Claim
9.3 Make Sure the Body of Your Paper Is Coherent
9.4 Check Your Paragraphs
9.5 Let Your Draft Cool, Then Paraphrase It
Some new researchers think that once they have a draft, they’re practically
done. Experienced researchers know better. They write that first draft not
for their readers but for themselves, to see whether they can make the case
they hoped to (or even a better one). Then they revise until they think their
draft meets the needs and expectations of their readers. That’s hard, because
we all know our own work too well to read it as others will. To revise
effectively, you must know what readers look for and whether your draft
helps them find it. To that end, our advice may seem mechanical. But only
when you can analyze your draft objectively can you avoid reading into it
what you want your readers to get out of it.
We suggest first revising overall organization, especially the “outer
frame” of the introduction and conclusion; then sections, paragraphs,
sentences; and finally stylistic issues such as spelling and punctuation (for
guidance on these issues, see part 3). Of course no one revises so neatly. All
of us fiddle with words as we move paragraphs around and reorganize as we
revise a sentence. But you’re likely to work best if you revise from whole to
Many experienced researchers find that they can edit hard copy more
reliably than they can edit text on a screen. Even if you prefer to edit on a
screen, consider reading at least one later draft on paper. You may catch
more errors, and you’ll get a better sense of your papers overall structure
than you can from the screen alone.
9.1 Check for Blind Spots in Your Argument
Completing a draft is an accomplishment, but don’t move immediately to
fine-tuning sentences. After the first draft, parts of your argument will likely
still not stand up to a robust challenge. If you spend a lot of time polishing
sentences, it can be hard to later accept that whole sections need to be
rearranged or even cut. Instead, check your argument’s reasoning. Have you
considered the strongest relevant counterarguments? Have you looked for
evidence that challenges or complicates your reasons? Have you considered
alternative interpretations of your evidence? If not, now is the time. If you
find it difficult to think of significant alternatives to your argument now that
you have completed a draft, talk with your instructor or advisor about where
your argument overlooks likely objections.
9.2 Check Your Introduction, Conclusion, and Claim
Your readers must recognize three things quickly and unambiguously:
where your introduction ends
where your conclusion begins
what sentences in one or both state your claim
To make the first two clearly visible, you might insert a subhead or extra
space between your introduction and body and another between the body
and conclusion. (Chapter 10 discusses revising your introduction and
conclusion in detail.)
9.3 Make Sure the Body of Your Paper Is Coherent
Once you frame your paper clearly, check its body. Readers will find your
paper coherent when they can see the following:
what key terms run through all of its sections
where each section and subsection ends and the next begins
how each section relates to the one before it
what role each section plays in the whole
what sentence in each section and subsection states its point
what distinctive key terms run through each section
To ensure that your readers will see those features, check for the
1. Do key terms run through your whole paper?
Circle key terms in the claim as stated in your introduction and
conclusion (review 7.3).
Circle those same terms in the body of your paper.
Underline other words related to concepts named by those circled
If readers don’t see at least one of your key terms in most paragraphs,
they may think your paper wanders. Revise by working those terms into
parts that lack them. If you underlined many more words than you
circled, be sure that readers will recognize how the underlined words
relate to the concepts named in your circled key terms. If readers might
miss the connections, change some of those related words to the key
terms. If that’s difficult, you may have gotten off track and will need to
rewrite or discard some passages.
2. Is the beginning of each section and subsection clearly signaled?
You can use headings to mark transitions from one section or
subsection to the next (review 6.2.4). In a relatively short paper, rather
than use headings, you might add an extra space at the major joints. If
you can’t decide what words to use in headings or even where to put
them, your readers will likely have a problem with your papers
organization. (For styles of different levels of heads, see A.2.2.4.)
3. Does each major section begin with words that signal how that section
relates to the one before it?
Readers must not only recognize where sections begin and end but also
understand why they are ordered as they are (see 6.2.5–6.2.6). Signal the
logic of your order with words such as Consequently..., In
contrast..., Some have objected that..., or even just
4. Is it clear how each section relates to the whole?
For each section, ask, What question does this section answer? If it
doesn’t help to answer one of the five questions whose answers constitute
an argument (see 5.2), think about its relevance: does it create a context,
explain a background concept or issue, or help readers in some other
way? If you can’t explain how a section relates to your claim, consider
cutting it.
5. Is the point of each section stated in a sentence at the end of a brief
introduction to that section (or at its end)?
If you have a choice, state the point of a section at the end of its
introduction. Under no circumstances should you bury the point of a
section in its middle. If a section is longer than four or five pages, you
might conclude by restating your point and summarizing your argument.
6. Do the specific terms that distinguish a section run through it?
Each section and subsection needs its own key terms to unify and
distinguish it from others. Repeat step 1 for each section: find the
sentence that expresses its point and circle in it the key terms that
distinguish that section from the others. Then check whether those terms
run through that section. If you find no terms that differ from those
running through the whole, then you readers might not see what distinct
ideas that section contributes to the whole.
9.4 Check Your Paragraphs
Each paragraph should be relevant to the point of its section. And like
sections, each paragraph should have a sentence or two introducing it,
usually stating its point and including the key concepts that the rest of the
paragraph develops. If the opening sentences of a paragraph don’t state its
point, then its last one should. Order your sentences by some principle and
make them relevant to the point of the paragraph (for principles of order,
see 6.2.5).
Paragraphs vary in length depending on the type of writing in which they
appear. For example, they tend to be shorter in brief research reports and
longer in critical essays or book chapters. If you find yourself stringing
together several short paragraphs, it may mean your points are not well
developed. If your paragraphs run more than a page, it may mean you are
losing focus. Reserve the use of two- or three-sentence paragraphs for lists,
transitions, introductions and conclusions to sections, and statements that
you want to emphasize. (We use short paragraphs here so that readers can
more easily skim—rarely a consideration in scholarly writing.)
9.5 Let Your Draft Cool, Then Paraphrase It
If you start your project early, you’ll have time to let your revised draft
cool. What seems good one day often looks different the next. When you
return to your draft, don’t read it straight through; skim its top-level parts:
its introduction, the first paragraph of each major section, and the
conclusion. Then, based only on what you have read, paraphrase it for
someone who hasn’t read it. Does the paraphrase hang together? Does it
fairly sum up your argument? Even better, ask someone else to skim your
paper by reading just its introduction and the introduction to each major
section: how well that person summarizes your paper will predict how well
your readers will understand it.
Finally, be receptive to feedback, especially from more experienced
researchers and your teacher or advisor. You don’t have to follow every
suggestion, but you should consider each carefully. In chapter 12 we tell
you how to get the most out of comments on writing.
10 Writing Your Final Introduction and
10.1 Draft Your Final Introduction
10.1.1 Establish a Context of Prior Research
10.1.2 Restate Your Question as Something Not Known or Fully
10.1.3 State the Significance of Your Question
10.1.4 State Your Claim
10.1.5 Draft a New First Sentence
10.2 Draft Your Final Conclusion
10.2.1 Restate Your Claim
10.2.2 Point Out a New Significance, a Practical Application, or
Opportunities for Further Research (or All Three)
10.3 Write Your Title Last
Once you have a final draft and can see what you have actually written, you
can write your final introduction and conclusion. These two framing parts
of your paper crucially influence how readers will understand and
remember the rest of it, so it’s worth your time to make them as clear and
compelling as you can. In chapter 2 we showed you how to develop a
project around a research problem. Here we show you how to use that
problem to craft an introduction likely to engage your readers and a
conclusion likely to solidify their understanding and prompt new questions.
What seizes readers’ attention in a research paper is not a snappy hook
but a problem they think needs a solution, and what holds their attention is a
promise that you’ve found it. As we’ve said, you can always work with
readers who say I don’t agree. What you can’t survive are those who shrug
and say I don’t care.
Your introduction has three aims. It should do the following:
put your research in the context of other research
make readers understand how your paper addresses a problem they care
give them a framework for understanding it (which sometimes, but not
always, includes announcing your claim)
Most introductions run about 10 percent of the whole (in the sciences they
are often shorter).
Your conclusion also has three aims. It should do the following:
leave readers with a clear idea of your claim
make readers understand its importance
suggest further research
Conclusions are usually shorter than introductions. In article-length papers,
they are usually sections; in theses and dissertations, they are usually
separate chapters.
10.1 Draft Your Final Introduction
Introductions to papers in different fields can seem different, but behind
most of them is a pattern with the four parts described in 6.2.2:
1. Opening context or background. When this summarizes relevant
research, it’s called a literature review that puts your project in the
context of other research and sets up the next step. Keep it short.
2. A statement of your research question, or your research problem’s
condition. This is typically a statement of what isn’t known or understood
or of what is flawed about the research you cited in step 1. It often begins
with but, however, or another word signaling a qualification.
3. A statement of the significance of your question, or your research
problem’s consequence. This answers So what? It is key to motivating
your readers.
4. Your claim or a promise of one. This addresses the research problem
expressed in step 2. Here is an abbreviated example (each sentence could
be expanded to a paragraph or more):
For centuries, risk analysts have studied risk as a problem in
statistics and the rational uses of probability theory.
But risk
communicators have discovered that ordinary people think about risk
in ways that seem unrelated to statistically based
Until we understand how
nonexperts think about risk, an important aspect of human cognition
will remain a puzzle.
It appears that
nonexperts judge risk by visualizing worst-case scenarios, then
assessing how frightening the image is.
10.1.1 Establish a Context of Prior Research
Not every paper opens with a survey of research. Some begin directly with
a research question stated as something not known or understood, followed
by a review of the relevant literature. This is a common strategy when the
gap in knowledge or understanding is well known:
The relationship between secondhand smoke and heart disease is
still contested.
But if that gap isn’t well known, such an opening can feel abrupt, like this
Researchers do not understand how ordinary people think about
As a rule, a research paper prepares readers by describing the prior
research that it will extend, modify, or correct. If the paper is intended for
general readers, the context it provides can be brief:
We all take risks every day—when we cross the street or eat high-fat
food, and even when we take a bath. The study of risk began with
games of chance, so it has long been treated mathematically. By the
twentieth century, researchers used mathematical tools to study risk
in many areas: investments, commercial products, even war. As a
result, most researchers think that risk is a statistically quantifiable
problem and that decisions about it should be rationally based.
In a paper intended for other researchers, this opening context typically
describes the specific research the paper will extend or modify. It is
important to represent this prior research fairly, so describe it as you think
the researchers who conducted it would.
Ever since Girolamo Cardano thought about games of chance in
quantitative terms in the sixteenth century (Cardano 1545), risk has
been treated as a purely mathematical problem. Analyses of risk
significantly improved in the seventeenth century when Pascal,
Leibniz, and others developed the calculus (Bernstein 1996). In the
twentieth century, researchers widened their focus to study risk in all
areas of life: investments, consumer products, the environment,
even war (Stimson 1990; 1998). These problems, too, have been
addressed almost exclusively from a mathematical perspective.
[Detailed discussion of contemporary research follows.]
Some papers, especially theses and dissertations, go on like that for
pages, citing scores of books and articles only marginally relevant to the
topic, usually to show how widely the researcher has read. That kind of
survey can provide helpful bibliography to other researchers, especially
new ones, but busy readers want to know about only the specific research
that the researcher intends to extend, modify, or correct.
Early in your career you might not be able to write this review of prior
research with much confidence, because you’re unlikely to know much of
it. If so, imagine your reader as someone like yourself before you started
your research. What would you have wanted to know? What did you get
wrong that your research has corrected? How has it improved your own
flawed understanding? This is where you can use a working hypothesis that
you rejected: It might seem that X is so, but... (see also 4.1.2).
10.1.2 Restate Your Question as Something Not Known or Fully
After establishing the context, state what that prior research hasn’t done or
how it’s incomplete, even wrong. Introduce that statement with but,
however, or some other term indicating that you’re about to modify the
received knowledge and understanding that you just surveyed:
Ever since Girolamo Cardano . . . mathematical perspective.
But risk communicators have discovered that ordinary people think
about risk in ways that are irrational and unrelated to statistically
realistic probabilities. What is not understood is whether such
nonexpert risk assessment is based on random guesses or whether
it has systematic properties.
question restated
10.1.3 State the Significance of Your Question
Now you must show your readers the significance of answering your
research question. Imagine a reader asking So what?, then answer it. Frame
your response as the consequence of not knowing the answer to your
research question:
Ever since Girolamo Cardano . . . mathematical perspective.
But risk communicators have discovered that . . . What is not
understood is whether such nonexpert risk assessment is based on
random guesses or whether it has systematic properties.
[So what?] Until we understand how risk is understood by
nonexperts, an important aspect of human reasoning will remain a
puzzle: the kind of cognitive processing that seems systematic but
lies outside the range of what is called “rational thinking.”
Alternatively, you can phrase the consequence as a benefit:
Ever since Girolamo Cardano . . . mathematical perspective.
But risk communicators have discovered that . . . What is not
understood is whether such nonexpert risk assessment is based on
random guesses or whether it has systematic properties.
[So what?] If we could understand how ordinary people make
decisions about risks in their daily lives, we could better understand
a kind of cognitive processing that seems systematic but lies outside
the range of what is called “rational thinking.”
You may struggle to answer that So what? It is a problem that only
experience can solve, but the fact is, even experienced researchers can be
vexed by it.
10.1.4 State Your Claim
Once you state that something isn’t known or understood and why it should
be, readers want to see your claim, the answer to your research question (we
abbreviate a good deal in what follows):
Ever since Girolamo Cardano . . . mathematical perspective.
But risk communicators have discovered that ordinary people think
about risk in ways that are systematic but irrational and unrelated to
statistically realistic probabilities.
[So what?] Until we
understand how risk is understood by nonexperts, an important kind
of human reasoning will remain a puzzle: the kind of cognitive
processing that seems systematic but lies outside the range of what
is called “rational thinking.”
It appears that nonexperts
assess risk not by assigning quantitative probabilities to events that
might occur but by visualizing worst-case scenarios, then assigning
degrees of risk according to how vivid and frightening the image
If you have reason to withhold your claim until the end of your paper,
write a sentence to conclude your introduction that uses the key terms from
that claim and that frames what follows:
It appears that nonexperts assess risk not by assigning quantitative
probabilities but by systematically using properties of their visual
promise of claim
Those four steps may seem mechanical, but they constitute the
introductions to most research papers in every field, both inside the
academic world and out. As you read your sources, especially journal
articles, watch for that four-part framework. You will not only learn a range
of strategies for writing your own introductions but better understand the
ones you read.
10.1.5 Draft a New First Sentence
Some writers find it so difficult to write their first sentence that they fall into
clichés. Avoid these:
Do not repeat the language of your assignment.
Do not quote a dictionary definition: Webster defines risk as...
Do not begin too generally: For centuries, philosophers have debated the
question of... (Remember that you are not writing to everyone, only to
your research community.)
If you want to begin with something livelier than prior research, try one
or more of these openers (but note the warning that follows):
1. A pithy quotation:
As Dale Carnegie once said, “All life is a chance.”
2. A striking fact:
Many people drive rather than fly because the vivid image of an
airplane crash terrifies them, even though they are many times
more likely to die in a car crash than a plane wreck.
3. A relevant anecdote:
George Miller always drove long distances to meet clients
because he believed that the risk of an airplane crash was too
great. Even when he broke his back in an automobile accident, he
still thought he had made the right calculation. “At least I survived.
The odds of surviving an airplane crash are zero!”
You can combine all three:
As Dale Carnegie once said, “All life is a chance.” For example,
many people drive rather than fly because the vivid image of an
airplane crash terrifies them, even though they are more likely to die
in a car crash than a plane wreck. George Miller always drove long
distances to meet clients because he believed that the risk of an
airplane crash was too great. Even after he broke his back in an
automobile accident, he still thought he had made the right
calculation. “At least I survived. The odds of surviving an airplane
crash are zero!”
Be sure to include in these openers terms that refer to the key concepts
you’ll use when you write the rest of the introduction (and the rest of the
paper). In this case, they include calculating, risk, vivid image, more likely.
Now the warning: before you write a snappy opening, be sure that others
in your field use them. In some fields they’re considered too journalistic for
serious scholarship.
10.2 Draft Your Final Conclusion
Your conclusion sums up your argument, but just as important, it offers an
opportunity to raise new questions suggested by your research. You can
build your conclusion around the same elements as your introduction, only
in reverse order.
10.2.1 Restate Your Claim
Restate your claim early in your conclusion, more fully than in your
Ordinary people make decisions about risk not on a rational or
quantifiable basis but on the basis of at least six psychological
factors that not only involve emotion but systematically draw on the
power of visual imagination.
At this point you’re probably sure what your claim is, but even so, take this
last chance to rephrase it to make it as specific and complete as you can.
10.2.2 Point Out a New Significance, a Practical Application, or
Opportunities for Further Research (or All Three)
After stating your claim, remind readers of its significance, or better, state a
new significance or a practical application:
These findings suggest a hitherto unsuspected aspect of human
cognition, a quantitative logic independent of statistical probabilities
involving degrees of precision or realism in visualization. Once we
understand this imaginative but systematic assessment of risk, it
should be possible for risk communicators to better explain risk in
everyday life.
Finally, suggest further research. This gesture suggests how the community
of researchers can continue the conversation. It mirrors the opening context:
Although these factors improve our understanding of risk, they do
not exhaust the “human” factors in judgments of it. We must also
investigate the relevance of age, gender, education, and intelligence.
For example, . . .
When you state what remains to do, you keep the conversation alive. So
before you write your final words, imagine other researchers who are
intrigued by your work and want to follow it up. What more would you like
to know, as their reader? What research would you suggest they do?
10.3 Write Your Title Last
Your title is the first thing your readers read, but it should be the last thing
you write. It should both announce your topic and communicate its
conceptual framework, so build it out of the key terms that you earlier
identified (review 9.3). Compare these three titles:
Thinking about Risk
Irrational but Systematic Risk Assessment: The Role of Visual
Imagination in Calculating Relative Risk
The first title is accurate but too general to give us much guidance about
what is to come. The second is a bit more specific, but the third uses both a
title and a subtitle to give us advance notice of the papers key terms. When
readers see the key terms from the introduction turn up throughout a paper,
they are more likely to think it coheres, or holds together. Two-part titles—a
main title followed by a subtitle—give you more room for key terms.
11 Revising Sentences
11.1 Focus on the First Seven or Eight Words of a Sentence
11.1.1 Get to the Subject of Your Sentence Quickly
11.1.2 Make Subjects Short and Concrete
11.1.3 Avoid Separating Subjects and Verbs with More than a Word or
11.1.4 Put Key Actions in Verbs, Not in Nouns
11.1.5 Put Information Familiar to Readers at the Beginning of a Sentence,
New Information at the End
11.1.6 Choose Active or Passive Verbs to Reflect the Previous Principles
11.1.7 Use First-Person Pronouns Appropriately
11.2 Diagnose What You Read
11.3 Choose the Right Word
11.4 Polish It Up
11.5 Give It Up and Turn It In
Your final task is to make your writing as understandable as you can for
your readers, for it is their judgment of your ideas—as you have expressed
them in your writing—that matters most. Readable writing, of course,
depends on more than clear sentences, but clear sentences will go a long
way toward making your writing readable. In this chapter, therefore, we
offer some advice on how to revise your sentences so that readers will find
them clear.
Sometimes you will know your writing is awkward, especially if you’re
writing about an unfamiliar and complex topic for intimidating readers.
Other times, though, you may overestimate your writing, thinking it clear
when your readers won’t. You need a way to revise sentences in both of
these situations: to revise those you know need help and, even more, to
identify and improve those that you think are fine but that readers might
We can’t tell you how to fix every problem in every sentence, but we can
tell you how to deal with those that most often afflict writers who, in
struggling to sound like “serious scholars,” end up sounding merely
pretentious. Here is a short example:
1a. A better understanding of student learning could achieve
improvement in teaching effectiveness.
However impressive that sounds, the student who wrote it meant only this:
1b. If we better understood how students learn, we could teach them
more effectively.
To diagnose 1a and revise it into 1b, you must know a few grammatical
terms: noun, verb, active verb, passive verb, whole subject, simple subject,
main clause, subordinate clause. If they’re only a dim memory, skim a
grammar guide before you go on.
11.1 Focus on the First Seven or Eight Words of a Sentence
Just as the key to a clearly written paper, section, or paragraph is in its first
few sentences, so the key to a clearly written sentence is in its first few
words. When readers grasp those first seven or eight words easily, they read
what follows faster, understand it better, and remember it longer. It is the
difference between these two sentences:
2a. The United Nations’ insistence on acceptance by all nations of
the principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples is a
product of its recognition that maintenance of stability in the world
order requires that nations be guided by values beyond narrow self-
2b. The United Nations insists that all nations accept the principles of
equal rights and self-determination of peoples, because it recognizes
that maintaining a stable world order requires that nations be guided
by values beyond narrow self-interest.
To write a sentence like 2b, or to revise one like 2a into 2b, follow these
seven principles:
Get to the subject of your sentence quickly; begin sentences with long
phrases and clauses only occasionally.
Make subjects short and concrete, ideally naming the character that
performs the action expressed by the verb that follows.
Avoid separating the subject and verb with more than a word or two.
Put key actions in verbs, not in nouns.
Put information familiar to readers at the beginning of a sentence, new
information at the end.
Choose an active or passive verb based on which lets you best apply the
preceding principles.
Use first-person pronouns appropriately.
Those principles are not inviolable rules but guidelines you can rely on to
communicate clearly with your readers. They add up to this: readers want to
get past a short, concrete, familiar subject quickly and to a verb expressing
a specific action. When a sentence lets them do that, the rest of the sentence
will usually take care of itself. To diagnose your own writing, skim the first
seven or eight words of every sentence. Look for sentences in which you
don’t follow our seven principles, and then revise them as follows.
11.1.1 Get to the Subject of Your Sentence Quickly
Compare these two sentences (introductory phrases are boldfaced, whole
subjects italicized):
3a. In view of claims by researchers on higher education
indicating at least one change by most undergraduate students
of their major field of study, first-year students may need better
guidance when they choose a major.
3b. Researchers on higher education claim that most students
change their major field of study at least once during their
undergraduate career. If that is so, then first-year students may
need better guidance when they choose a major.
Most readers find 3a harder to read than 3b, because it makes them work
through a twenty-four-word phrase before they reach its subject (first-year
students). In the two sentences in 3b, readers immediately start with the
subject (Researchers on higher education) or reach it after a very short
clause (If that is so).
The principle is this: start most of your sentences directly with their
whole subjects. Begin only a few sentences with introductory phrases or
clauses longer than ten or so words. You can usually revise long
introductory phrases and subordinate clauses into separate independent
sentences, as in 3b.
11.1.2 Make Subjects Short and Concrete
Readers must grasp the subject of a sentence easily, but they can’t when the
subject is long, complex, and abstract. Compare these two sentences (the
whole subject in each is italicized; the one-word simple subject is
4a. A school system’s successful adoption of a new reading
curriculum for its elementary schools depends on the demonstration
in each school of the commitment of its principal and the cooperation
of teachers in setting reasonable goals.
4b. A school system will adopt a new reading curriculum for
elementary schools successfully only when each principal
demonstrates that she is committed to it and teachers cooperate to
set reasonable goals.
In 4a, the whole subject is fourteen words long, and its simple subject is an
abstraction—adoption. In 4b, the clearer version, the whole subject of every
verb is short, and each simple subject is relatively concrete: school system,
each principal, she, teachers. Moreover, each of those subjects performs the
action in its verb: system will adopt, principal demonstrates, she is
committed, teachers cooperate.
The principle is this: readers tend to judge a sentence readable when the
subject of its verb names the main character in a few concrete words,
ideally a character that is also the “doer” of the action expressed by the verb
that follows.
But there’s a complication. We are not saying that to be clear you must
write only about people and concrete things. In fact, writers often tell clear
stories about abstract characters:
5. No skill is more valued in the professional world than problem
solving. The ability to solve problems quickly requires us to frame
situations in different ways and to find more than one solution. In
fact, effective problem solving may define general intelligence.
Few readers have trouble with those abstract subjects, because they’re short
and familiar: no skill, the ability to solve problems quickly, and effective
problem solving. What gives readers trouble is an abstract subject that is
long and unfamiliar.
To fix sentences with long, abstract subjects, revise in three steps:
Identify the main character in the sentence.
Find its key action, and if that is buried in an abstract noun, make it a
Make the main character the subject of that new verb.
For example, compare 6a and 6b (actions are boldfaced; verbs are
6a. Without a means for analyzing interactions between social
class and education in regard to the creation of job opportunities,
success in understanding economic mobility will REMAIN limited.
6b. Economists do not entirely UNDERSTAND economic mobility,
because they cannot ANALYZE how social class and education
INTERACT to CREATE job opportunities.
In both sentences the main character is economists, but in 6a that character
isn’t the subject of any verb; in fact, it’s not in the sentence at all: we must
infer it from actions buried in nouns—analyzing and understanding (what
economists do). We revise 6a into 6b by making the main characters,
economists, social class, and education, subjects of the explicit verbs
understand, analyze, interact, and create.
Readers want subjects to name the main characters in your story, ideally
flesh-and-blood characters, and specific verbs to name their key actions.
11.1.3 Avoid Separating Subjects and Verbs with More than a Word or
Once past a short subject, readers want to get to a verb quickly, so avoid
splitting a verb from its subject with long phrases and clauses:
7a. Some economists, because they write in a style that is
impersonal and objective, do not communicate with laypeople easily.
In 7a, the because clause separates the subject some economists from the
verb do not communicate, forcing us to mentally suspend our breath. To
revise, move the interrupting clause to the beginning or end of its sentence,
depending on whether it connects more closely to the sentence before or the
one after. When in doubt, put it at the end (for more on this, see 11.1.5).
7b. Because some economists write in a style that is impersonal and
objective, they do not communicate with laypeople easily. This
inability to communicate . . .
7c. Some economists do not communicate with laypeople easily
because they write in a style that is impersonal and objective. They
use passive verbs and . . .
Readers manage short interruptions more easily:
8. Few economists deliberately write in a style that is impersonal and
11.1.4 Put Key Actions in Verbs, Not in Nouns
Readers want to get to a verb quickly, but they also want that verb to
express a key action. So avoid using an empty verb such as have, do, make,
or be to introduce an action buried in an abstract noun. Make the noun a
Compare these two sentences (nouns naming actions are boldfaced; verbs
naming actions are capitalized; verbs expressing little action are italicized):
9a. During the early years of the First World War, the Great Powers’
attempt at enlisting the United States on their side was met with
9b. During the early years of the First World War, the Great Powers
ATTEMPTED to ENLIST the United States on their side but FAILED.
In 9a, three important actions aren’t verbs but nouns: attempt, enlisting,
failure. Sentence 9b seems more direct because it expresses those actions in
verbs: attempted, enlist, failed.
11.1.5 Put Information Familiar to Readers at the Beginning of a
Sentence, New Information at the End
Readers understand a sentence most readily when they grasp its subject
easily, and the easiest subject to grasp is not just short and concrete but also
familiar. Compare how the second sentence in each of the following
passages does or doesn’t contribute to a sense of “flow”:
10a. New insights into global weather patterns are emerging from
recent research on the large low-pressure zones rotating above the
Earth’s poles, known as the polar vortices. Environmental changes
that are leading temperatures at the poles to rise, this research
suggests, are affecting the vortices. These temperature increases
cause the vortices to deviate toward the equator, bringing with them
the frigid air responsible for our recent colder winters.
10b. New insights into global weather patterns are emerging from
recent research on the large low-pressure zones rotating above the
Earth’s poles, known as the polar vortices. The vortices, this
research suggests, are being affected by environmental changes
that are leading temperatures at the poles to rise. These temperature
increases cause the vortices to deviate toward the equator, bringing
with them the frigid air responsible for our recent colder winters.
Most readers think 10b flows better than 10a, partly because the subject of
the second sentence, The vortices, is shorter than the longer subject of 10a:
Environmental changes that are leading temperatures at the poles to rise.
But 10b also flows better because the order of its ideas is different.
In 10a, the first words of the second sentence express new information:
10a . . . the polar vortices. Environmental changes that are leading
temperatures at the poles to rise . . .
Those words about rising temperatures seem to come out of nowhere. But
in 10b, the first words echo the end of the previous sentence:
10b . . . the polar vortices. The vortices . . .
Moreover, once we make that change, the end of that second sentence
introduces the third more cohesively:
10b . . . leading temperatures at the poles to rise. These temperature
increases . . .
Contrast 10a; the end of its second sentence doesn’t flow into the beginning
of the third as smoothly:
10a. . . . the vortices. These temperature increases . . .
That is why readers think that passage 10a feels choppier than 10b: the end
of one sentence does not flow smoothly into the beginning of the next.
The corollary of the old-information-first principle is to put new
information last, especially new technical terms. So when you introduce a
new term, put it at the end of its sentence. Compare these:
11a. Calcium blockers can control muscle spasms. Sarcomeres are
the small units of muscle fibers in which these drugs work. Two
filaments, one thick and one thin, are in each sarcomere. The
proteins actin and myosin are contained in the thin filament. When
actin and myosin interact, your heart contracts.
11b. Muscle spasms can be controlled with drugs known as calcium
blockers. They work in small units of muscle fibers called
sarcomeres. Each sarcomere has two filaments, one thick and one
thin. The thin filament contains two proteins, actin and myosin. When
actin and myosin interact, your heart contracts.
In 11a, the new technical terms are calcium blockers, sarcomeres, filaments,
the proteins actin and myosin, but they first appear early in their sentences.
In contrast, in 11b those new terms first appear toward the ends of their
sentences. After that, they’re old information and so can appear at the
beginning of the next sentences.
No principle of writing is more important than this: old before new;
familiar information introduces unfamiliar information.
11.1.6 Choose Active or Passive Verbs to Reflect the Preceding
You may recall advice to avoid passive verbs—good advice when a passive
verb allows you to write a sentence that contradicts the principles we have
discussed, as in the second sentence of this passage:
12a. Climate change may have many catastrophic effects. Tropical
diseases and destructive insect life even north of the Canadian
border could be increased
passive verb
by it.
That second sentence opens with an eleven-word subject conveying new
information: Tropical diseases... Canadian border. It is the subject of a
passive verb, be increased, and that verb is followed by a short, familiar bit
of information from the sentence before: the concept of climate change
represented by the pronoun it. That sentence would be clearer if its verb
were active:
12b. Climate change may have many catastrophic effects. It could
active verb
tropical diseases and destructive insect life even
north of the Canadian border.
Now the subject is familiar, and the new information in the longer phrase is
at the end. In this case, the active verb is the right choice.
But if you always use active verbs, avoiding passive verbs entirely, you’ll
write sentences that contradict the old-new principle. We saw an example in
10a. New insights into global weather patterns are emerging from
recent research on the large low-pressure zones rotating above the
Earth’s poles, known as the polar vortices. Environmental changes
that are leading temperatures at the poles to rise, this research
suggests, are affecting
active verb
the vortices.
The verb in the second sentence is active, but the passage flows better when
it’s passive:
10b. New insights into global weather patterns are emerging from
recent research on the large low-pressure zones rotating above the
Earth’s poles, known as the polar vortices. The vortices, this
research suggests, are being affected
passive verb
by environmental
changes that are leading temperatures at the poles to rise.
A sentence is more readable when its subject is short, concrete, and
familiar, regardless of whether its verb is active or passive. So choose active
or passive voice by considering which gives you the right kind of subject:
short, concrete, and familiar.
11.1.7 Use First-Person Pronouns Appropriately
Almost everyone has heard the advice to avoid using I or we in academic
writing. In fact, opinions differ on this point. Some teachers tell students
never to use I, because it makes their writing “subjective.” Others
encourage using I as a way to make writing more lively and personal.
Most instructors and editors do agree that two uses of I should be
Insecure writers begin too many sentences with I think or I believe (or
their equivalent, In my opinion). Readers assume that you think and
believe what you write, so you don’t have to say you do.
Inexperienced writers too often narrate their research: First I
consulted..., then I examined..., and so on. Readers care less about
the story of your research than about its results (see 6.1).
But we believe, and most editors of scholarly journals agree, that the first
person is appropriate on two occasions. That last sentence illustrates one of
them: we believe... that the first person...
An occasional introductory I (or we) believe can soften the dogmatic
edge of a statement. Compare this blunter, less qualified version:
13. But we believe, and most editors of scholarly journals agree,
that the first person is appropriate on two occasions.
The trick is not to hedge so often that you sound uncertain or so rarely
that you sound smug.
A first-person I or we is also appropriate when it’s the subject of a verb
naming an action unique to you as the writer of your argument. Verbs
referring to such actions typically appear in introductions (I will
show/argue/prove/claim that X) and in conclusions (I have
demonstrated/concluded that Y). Since only you can show, prove, or
claim what’s in your argument, only you can say so with I:
14. In this report, I will show that social distinctions at this
university are . . .
On the other hand, researchers rarely use the first person for an action
that others must repeat to replicate their research. Those words include
divide, measure, weigh, examine, and so on. Researchers rarely write
sentences with active verbs like this:
15a. I calculated the coefficient of X.
Instead, they’re likely to write in the passive, because anyone can do
15b. The coefficient of X was calculated.
Those same principles apply to we, if you’re one of two or more authors.
But many instructors and editors object to two other uses of we:
the royal we used to refer reflexively to the writer
the all-purpose we that refers to people in general
For example:
16. We must be careful to cite sources when we use data from them.
When we read writers who fail to do that, we tend to distrust them.
In the end, though, those having authority decide. If your instructor or
editor flatly forbids I or we, then so be it. When you have that authority, you
can make a different choice.
Here is a final piece of advice. If you follow our seven principles, your
readers will likely find your writing clear. But you can test your writing by
having someone read it back to you. If that person stumbles over a passage,
you can bet your readers will struggle with it too.
11.2 Diagnose What You Read
Once you understand how readers judge what they read, you know not only
how to write clear prose but also why so much of what you must read seems
so dense. You might struggle with some writing because its content is
difficult. But you may also struggle because the writer didn’t write clearly.
This next passage, for example, is by no means the thickest ever written:
15a. Recognition of the fact that grammars differ from one language
to another can serve as the basis for serious consideration of the
problems confronting translators of the great works of world literature
originally written in a language other than English.
But in half as many words, it means only this:
15b. Once we recognize that languages have different grammars,
we can consider the problems of those who translate great works of
literature into English.
So when you struggle to understand some academic writing (and you will),
don’t blame yourself, at least not first. Diagnose its sentences. If they have
long subjects stuffed with abstract nouns expressing new information, the
fault is probably not yours.
Unfortunately, the more experience you get reading unclear academic
prose, the greater your risk of imitating it. In fact, that risk is common to all
professions, academic or not. So remain aware of it as you grow in
11.3 Choose the Right Word
Another bit of standard advice is Choose the right word.
1. Choose the word with the right meaning. Affect doesn’t mean effect; elicit
doesn’t mean illicit. Commonly confused words are listed in many
handbooks. If you’re an inexperienced writer, invest in one.
2. Choose the word with the right level of usage. If you draft quickly, you
risk choosing words that might mean roughly what you think they do but
are too casual for a formal paper. Someone can criticize another writer or
knock him; a risk can seem frightening or scary. Those pairs have similar
meanings, but most readers would judge the second in each pair to be a
bit loose for academic writing.
On the other hand, if you try too hard to sound like a real “academic,”
you risk using words that are too formal. You can think or cogitate, drink
or imbibe. Those pairs are close in meaning, but the second in each is too
fancy for a paper written in ordinary English. Whenever you’re tempted
to use a word that you think is especially fine, look for a more familiar
The obvious advice is to look up words you’re not sure of. But they’re
not the problem; the problem is the ones you are sure of. Worse, no
dictionary tells you that a word like visage or perambulate is too fancy
for just about any context. The short-term solution is to ask someone to
read your paper before you turn it in (but be cautious before accepting
too many suggestions; see 7.10). The long-term solution is to read a lot,
write a lot, endure a lot of criticism, and learn from it.
11.4 Polish It Up
Before you submit your paper, read it one last time to fix errors in grammar,
spelling, and punctuation. Many experienced writers read from the last
sentence back to the first to keep from getting caught up in the flow of their
ideas and missing the words. Do not rely solely on your word-processing
program’s spelling and grammar checker. It will sometimes miss words that
are spelled correctly but used incorrectly—their/there/they’re, it’s/its, too/to,
accept/except, affect/effect, already/all ready, complement/compliment,
principal/principle, discrete/discreet, and so on—and it will flag
constructions like the passive voice when they may be the best choice. (See
chapter 20 for more on spelling.)
If you have used a lot of non-English words, numbers, abbreviations, and
so on, check the relevant chapters in part 3 of this manual.
Finally, if your paper has a table of contents that lists titles and numbers
for chapters and sections, be certain that they exactly match the
corresponding wording and numbering in your papers body. If in your text
you refer back or forward to other sections or chapters, be sure the
references are accurate.
Some students think they have to worry about the quality of their writing
only in English courses. That’s not true. Instructors in every discipline
appreciate clear and coherent writing, and every course in which you write
is an opportunity for you to practice writing better.
11.5 Give It Up and Turn It In
If one thing is harder than starting to write, it’s stopping. We all want
another day to get the organization right, another hour to tweak the opening
paragraph, another minute to... (you get the idea). Experienced
researchers know that nothing they write will ever be perfect and that the
benefit of getting the last 1 percent or even 5 percent exactly right is rarely
worth the cost. Less experienced researchers should take this lesson to
heart. Dissertation students in particular agonize over reaching a standard of
perfection that exists largely in their own minds. No thesis or dissertation
has to be utterly perfect; what it has to be is done. At some point, enough is
Page through it one last time to be sure that it looks the way you want it
to: look at page breaks, spacing in margins, positions of tables and figures,
and so on. Then give it up and turn it in.
12 Learning from Comments on Your Paper
12.1 Two Kinds of Feedback: Advice and Data
12.2 Find General Principles in Specific Comments
12.3 Talk with Your Reader
Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced researcher, you can learn much
from the feedback of careful readers. But to get the most benefit from such
comments—whether they are on a draft of a final version—you need to
know how to use them.
As you develop as a writer and researcher, you will receive feedback
from many different readers, some (like teachers and editors) having
authority over you and others being people whose responses you seek out.
Experienced writers know that nothing is more valuable than comments
from a trusted reader. None of us can accurately judge the way readers will
respond to our writing, for the simple reason that we know too much about
it. We need readers to show us, through their responses, what we got right
and where we went wrong.
12.1 Two Kinds of Feedback: Advice and Data
Commenting on a paper is hard (even if a reader is being paid to do it).
When giving feedback, that readers responsibility is to be honest and to try
to be helpful. Your responsibility as a writer is to make the most of the
comments you receive.
To do that, you must decide whether to treat a readers comments as
advice—observations about what you could do (or should have done) to
make the paper better—or as data documenting a particular readers
response. When you treat comments as advice, you must decide whether to
accept or reject them. Good advice, especially from a trusted reader, can be
invaluable to new and experienced researchers alike. Sometimes you might
feel a strong obligation to accept a readers advice, such as when it comes
from teacher, advisor, or editor. But even in those instances, you are not
obligated to accept it wholesale: as a writer, you are responsible not only for
your ideas but also for the choices you make in expressing them.
When you treat comments as data, you don’t accept or reject them; you
analyze them to understand why your reader responded to your paper as she
did. And when you understand that, you can revise the paper or make a
different decision the next time. You might know what you wanted your
paper to say, but only your reader can tell you what it in fact said—at least
to her. Again, the writer is ultimately responsible: if a careful reader
misunderstood your paper, you should not blame her for that
misunderstanding but use the data of her feedback to figure out how and
why that misunderstanding occurred.
In this sense, bad advice can be great data. Even the most dedicated and
careful reader is not infallible. She might misunderstand your intentions or
argument, or give you wrongheaded advice (even if she is a teacher). In
such cases, ignore the advice but ask yourself, What about my paper
created that misunderstanding? How did I lead my reader astray? If you
can answer those questions, you can still improve your paper, or the next
Here are some tips for making the most of the comments you receive,
however you choose to interpret them.
12.2 Find General Principles in Specific Comments
When you review your readers comments, focus on those that you can
apply to your next project.
Look for a pattern of errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. If you
see one, you know what to work on.
If your reader says you made factual errors, check your notes: Did you
take bad notes or misreport them? Were you misled by an unreliable
source? Whatever you find, you know what to do in your next project.
If your reader reports only her judgments of your writing, look for what
causes them. If she says your writing is choppy, dense, or awkward,
check your sentences using the steps in chapter 11. If she says it’s
disorganized or wandering, check it against chapter 9. You won’t always
find what caused the complaints, but when you do you’ll know what to
work on next time.
12.3 Talk with Your Reader
If you receive comments that include words like disorganized, illogical, and
unsupported but cannot find what triggered them, make an appointment
with your reader to ask. Such words are not descriptions of your paper but
descriptions of the readers impressions of it. You need to find out what it is
in the paper itself that is provoking those impressions. Following these
guidelines will help that conversation go well:
If your reader marked up your spelling, punctuation, and grammar,
correct those errors before your meeting to show that you took her
comments seriously. You might also jot responses to more substantive
comments, so that you can discuss them.
If your reader is your teacher, don’t complain about your grade. Be clear
that you want to understand the comments so that you can do better next
Prioritize: focus on those comments that address the most important
issues, like your papers argument and organization. It’s tempting to zero
in on local concerns that can be quickly corrected, especially if your
reader has done a lot of line editing, or to quibble over minor points of
Rehearse your questions so that they’ll seem amiable: not “You say this
is disorganized but you don’t say why,” but rather “Can you help me see
where I went wrong with my organization so I can do better next time?”
Ask your reader to point to passages that illustrate her judgments and to
explain what those passages should have looked like. Don’t ask “What
didn’t you like?” but rather “Where exactly did I go wrong and what
could I have done to fix it?”
A final word for students: you might think that meeting with your teacher is
helpful only when a paper or yours receives a low grade. But that would be
wrong. Even after a high grade, it’s useful to know how you earned it. Your
next project will likely be more challenging, so it’s good to know what
successful practices you can build on. Of course, in that new project you
might again feel like a beginner. That’s the way it goes with research.
13 Presenting Research in Alternative Forums
13.1 Plan Your Oral Presentation
13.1.1 Narrow Your Focus
13.1.2 Understand the Difference between Listeners and Readers
13.2 Design Your Presentation to Be Listened To
13.2.1 Sketch Your Introduction
13.2.2 Design Notes You Can Understand at a Glance
13.2.3 Model Your Conclusion on Your Introduction
13.2.4 Anticipate Questions
13.2.5 Create Handouts
13.3 Plan Your Poster Presentation
13.4 Plan Your Conference Proposal
It may be too early in your career to think about publishing your work, but
it’s not too early to present. Researchers at all stages communicate their
work to others in oral presentations to a class or at a conference or through
research posters, a form especially common in the sciences. Increasingly,
undergraduate researchers share their work with audiences beyond the
classroom by participating in local research fairs or symposia. Experienced
researchers also present their work to colleagues before publishing it in
professional journals. Indeed, the ability to stand up and talk about your
work clearly and confidently is a crucial skill for any career.
In this chapter we show you how to use your plan for a written text to
prepare a talk. We also discuss the research poster, which combines
elements of speech and writing. Finally, we discuss how to prepare a
conference proposal as a first step, often, in presenting your research.
13.1 Plan Your Oral Presentation
An oral presentation may be easier to prepare than a written paper, but to
benefit from the experience of delivering it, you must plan just as carefully.
In giving a talk, you get immediate feedback that can be very helpful if you
are testing new ideas or new data. You want to design your presentation to
elicit responses that help you refine your arguments and your analysis.
13.1.1 Narrow Your Focus
Typically, a talk delivered at a conference runs about twenty minutes (or
about eight to ten double-spaced pages for text read aloud). This is not
much time to communicate your ideas, so you must boil down your work to
its essence or present just a part of it. Here are three common options:
Problem statement with a sketch of your argument. If your problem is
new, focus on its originality. Start with a short introduction (review
chapter 10), then explain your reasons, summarizing your evidence for
Summary of a subargument. If your argument is too big, focus on a key
subargument. Mention your larger problem in your introduction and
conclusion, but be clear that you’re addressing only part of it.
Methodology or data report. If you offer a new methodology or source of
data, explain why it matters. Start with a brief problem statement, then
focus on how your new methods or data solve it.
13.1.2 Understand the Difference between Listeners and Readers
Unless you know and respect the difference between listening and reading,
your audience will find your presentation tedious or hard to follow. When
we read, we can pause to reflect and puzzle over difficult passages. To keep
on track, we can look at headings and even paragraph indentations. If we
wander, we can reread. But as listeners in an audience, we can do none of
these things. We must be motivated to pay attention, and we need help to
follow a complicated line of thought. If we lose its thread, we may drift off
into our own thoughts.
That’s why it’s important to not simply read your paper with little or no
eye contact or, if using slides, merely introduce them and repeat their
content. You must engage your audience as in a conversation but with extra
care for what listeners need. You have to be explicit about your purpose and
your organization. Further, you have to make your sentence structure far
simpler than in a written paper. So favor shorter sentences with consistent
subjects (see 11.1.2). Use “I,” “we,” and “you” a lot. What seems clumsily
repetitive to readers is usually welcomed by listeners.
13.2 Design Your Presentation to Be Listened To
To hold your listeners’ attention, you must seem to be not lecturing at but
conversing with them. This is a skill that does not come easily, since few of
us can write as we would speak and most of us need notes to stay on track.
If you do read your paper, read no faster than about 150 words per minute.
That’s about two minutes per page. This is faster than you speak ordinarily,
so time yourself. Inexperienced presenters tend to read more quickly than
their listeners can comfortably hear and digest.
It’s important that your audience see you and not just the top of your
head, so build in moments when you look straight out at your audience,
especially when saying something important. Do so at least once or twice
per page, ideally at the end of a paragraph.
Remember as well that a paper delivered orally differs in style from a
written one. For one, effective sentences tend to be much shorter and use
consistent subjects (see 11.1.2). Overall, you need more repetition than you
would use in writing to help your listeners stay on track with you.
It is far better to talk from notes than just to read aloud, but to do that
well you need to prepare and practice. In the next section we give advice on
how to structure your talk and notes for this kind of delivery.
13.2.1 Sketch Your Introduction
For a twenty-minute talk, you get one shot at motivating your audience
before they tune out, so prepare your introduction more carefully than any
other part of your talk. Base it on the four-part problem statement described
in section 10.1, plus a road map. (The times in parentheses in the list below
are rough estimates.)
Use your notes only to remind yourself of the four parts, not as a word-
for-word script. If you can’t remember the content, you’re not ready to give
your talk. Sketch enough in your notes to remind yourself of the following:
1. What research you extend, modify, or correct (no more than a minute).
2. What question your research addresses—the gap in knowledge or
understanding (thirty seconds or less).
3. Why your research matters—an answer to So what? (thirty seconds).
Those three steps are crucial in motivating your listeners. If your
question is new or controversial, give it more time. If your listeners know
its significance, mention it quickly and go on.
4. Your claim, the answer to your research question (thirty seconds or less).
Listeners want to know your answer up front even more than readers do,
so state at least its gist, unless you have a compelling reason to wait for
the end. If you do choose to wait to give your answer, at least forecast it.
5. A forecast of the structure of your presentation (ten to twenty seconds).
The most useful forecast is an oral table of contents: “First I will
discuss...” That can seem clumsy in print, but listeners need more help
than readers do. Repeat that structure as you work through the body of
your talk on the spirit of research
Rehearse your introduction, not only to get it right but also so you can
look your audience in the eye as you give it. You can look down at notes
All told, spend no more than three minutes or so on your introduction.
13.2.2 Design Notes You Can Understand at a Glance
Do not write your notes as complete sentences (much less paragraphs) that
you read aloud; notes should help you see at a glance the structure of your
talk and cue what to say at crucial points. So do not cut and paste sentences
from a written text; create your notes from scratch.
Use a separate page for each main point. On each page, write out your
main point not as a topic but as claims, either in shortened form or (if you
must) in complete sentences. Above each point, you might add an explicit
transition as the oral equivalent of a subhead: “The first issue is...”
Visually highlight those main points so that you spot them instantly.
Under them, list the evidence that supports them. If your evidence consists
of numbers or quotations, you’ll probably have to write them out.
Otherwise, know your evidence well enough to be able to talk about it
directly to your audience.
Organize your points so that you cover the most important ones first. If
you run long (most of us do), you can skip a later section or even jump to
your conclusion without losing anything crucial to your argument. Never
build up to a climax that you might not reach. If you must skip something,
use the question-and-answer period to return to it.
13.2.3 Model Your Conclusion on Your Introduction
As in a written paper, your conclusion is your last opportunity to
communicate your claim and its significance (see 10.2). Make your
conclusion memorable, because listeners will repeat it when asked, What
did Jones say? Learn it well enough to present it looking at your audience,
without reading from notes. It should have these three parts:
your claim, in more detail than in your introduction (if listeners are
mostly interested in your reasons or data, summarize them as well)
your answer to So what? (you can restate an answer from your
introduction, but try to add a new one, even if it’s speculative)
suggestions for more research, what’s still to be done
Rehearse your conclusion so that you know exactly how long it takes (no
more than a minute or two). Then when you have that much time
remaining, conclude, even if you haven’t finished your last (relatively
unimportant) points. If you had to skip one or two points, work them into an
answer during the question-and-answer period. If your talk runs short, don’t
ad lib. If another speaker follows you, make her a gift of your unused time.
13.2.4 Anticipate Questions
If you’re lucky, you’ll get questions after your talk, so prepare answers for
predictable ones. Expect questions about data or sources, especially if you
didn’t cover them much in your talk. If you address matters associated with
well-known researchers or schools of research, be ready to expand on how
your work relates to theirs, especially if you contradict or complicate their
results or approach. Also be ready to answer questions about a source you
never heard of. The best policy is to acknowledge that you haven’t seen it
but that you’ll check it out. If the question seems friendly, ask why the
source is relevant. Don’t prepare only defensive answers. Use answers to
questions to reemphasize your main points or cover matters that you may
have left out.
Listen to every question carefully; then, to be sure you understand the
question, pause before you respond and think about it for a moment. If you
don’t understand the question, ask the questioner to rephrase it. Don’t snap
back an answer reflexively and defensively. Good questions are invaluable,
even when they seem hostile. Use them to refine your thinking.
13.2.5 Create Handouts
You can read short quotations or important data aloud for your listeners, but
if you have many, create a handout. If you use slides, pass out printed
copies. You can also hand out an outline of your main points, with white
space for notes.
13.3 Plan Your Poster Presentation
A poster is a large board on which you lay out a summary of your research
along with your most relevant evidence. It is a cross between a talk
delivered orally and a written paper. In a poster presentation you can go into
more detail than you can in a twenty-minute talk. But a poster is not just a
research paper transferred to a larger canvas. It’s a selection of key elements
of a research project (question, claim, data, significance) designed to
welcome an audience of individuals who choose to stop and visit.
Poster sessions are usually held in hallways or in a large room filled with
many presenters. People move from poster to poster, reading as their
interests dictate but also asking questions of the presenters, who typically
stand by their posters at designated times ready to discuss their research. In
this sense, a good poster can turn your imagined conversation with your
research community (see chapter 1) into a real one. Posters combine the
advantages of writing and speaking. While posters, like written reports,
should be self-explanatory, they also encourage presenters and their
audiences (typically fellow researchers) to interact one on one. Those who
read your poster have more control than a listener, and they can rely on
prominent visual signals that you use to organize your material—boxes,
lines, colors, and larger and smaller titles.
You can design your poster using available software and templates that
produce a serviceable final product. For the text of the poster itself,
however, follow the guidelines for a paper to be read aloud, with two
additional considerations:
1. Layer your argument. Present your argument visually in three levels of
Highlight an abstract or a problem statement and summary at the top
of the poster (box it, use larger type, etc.).
Under that introductory material, list your reasons as subheads in a
section that summarizes your argument.
Under that section, restate your reasons and group your evidence
under them.
2. Explain all graphs and tables. In addition to providing a caption for each
graphic, add a sentence or two explaining what is important in the data
and how they support your reason and claim (review 7.7 and 8.3.1).
13.4 Plan Your Conference Proposal
Conferences are good opportunities to share your work, but to be invited to
speak, you usually have to submit a proposal. Write it not as a paragraph-
by-paragraph summary of your work but as a thirty-second “elevator
story”—what you would tell someone who asked, as you both stepped into
an elevator on the way to your talk, What are you saying today? In fact, a
carefully prepared and rehearsed elevator story is very useful for any
conversation about your work, particularly interviews.
An elevator story has three parts:
a problem statement that highlights an answer to So what?
a sketch of your claim and major reasons
a summary of your most important evidence
Conference reviewers are less interested in your exact words than in why
anyone should want to listen to them. Your aims are to pose your research
question and to answer the reviewers So what? So focus on how your
claim contributes to your field of research, especially on what’s novel or
controversial about it. If you address a question established by previous
research, mention it, then focus on your new data or your new claim,
depending on which is more original. Be aware that reviewers will often
know less about your topic than you do and may need help to see the
significance of your question.
Besides gaining acceptance to the conference, a conference proposal has
one other objective. Its title and often its abstract (or even the full proposal)
are used to attract an audience to the session in which the proposed talk will
be scheduled. A good conference proposal thus has a clear and substantive
title (see 10.3), one that lets an audience know what to expect.
14 On the Spirit of Research
As we’ve said, we can reach good conclusions in many ways other than
research. But the truths we reach in those ways are personal. We can’t
present our intuitions and feelings as evidence to convince others of our
claims; we can ask only that they take our report of our inner experience—
and our claims—on faith.
In contrast, the truths of research and how we reached them must be
available for public scrutiny. We base research claims on evidence available
to everyone and on principles of reasoning that, we hope, our readers accept
as sound. And then those readers test all of that in all the ways that they and
others can imagine. That may be a high standard, but it must be if we expect
others to base their understanding and actions, even their lives, on what we
ask them to believe.
When you accept the principles that shape public, evidence-based belief,
you accept two more that can be hard to live by. One concerns our
relationship to authority. No more than five centuries ago, the search for
better understanding based on evidence was often regarded as a threat.
Among the powerful, many believed that all the important truths were
already known and that the scholars job was to preserve and transmit them,
certainly not to challenge them. If new facts cast doubt on an old belief, the
belief usually trumped the facts. Many who dared to follow evidence to
conclusions that challenged authority were banished, imprisoned, or even
Even today, those who reason from evidence can elicit anger among
those who hold a cherished belief. For example, most historians hold, based
on the sum of the evidence, that Thomas Jefferson fathered several if not all
of his slave Sally Hemings’s children. Others disagree, not because they
have better counterevidence but because of a fiercely held belief: a person
of Jefferson’s stature couldn’t do such a thing (see 5.5). But in the world of
research, both academic and professional, good evidence and sound
reasoning trump belief every time, or at least they should.
In some parts of the world it’s still considered more important to guard
settled beliefs than to test them. But in places informed by the values of
research, we think differently: we believe not only that we may question
settled beliefs but that we must, no matter how much authority cherishes
them—so long as we support our answers with sound reasons based on
reliable evidence.
But that principle requires another. When we make a claim, we must
expect, even encourage, others to question not just our claim but how we
reached it—to ask, Why do you believe that? It’s often hard to welcome
such questions, but we’re obliged to listen with goodwill to objections,
reservations, and qualifications that collectively imply I don’t agree, at least
not yet. And the more we challenge old ideas, the more we must be ready to
acknowledge and answer those questions, because we may be asking others
to give up deeply held beliefs.
When some students encounter these values, they find it difficult, even
painful, to live by them. Some feel that a challenge to what they believe
isn’t a lively search for truth but a personal attack on their deepest values.
Others retreat to a cynical skepticism, doubting everything and believing
nothing. Others fall into mindless relativism: We’re all entitled to our own
beliefs, and so all beliefs are right for those who hold them! Many turn
away from an active life of the mind, rejecting not only answers that might
disturb their settled beliefs but even the questions that inspired them.
But in our worlds of work, scholarship, civic action, and even politics,
we can’t replace tested knowledge and hard-won understanding with
personal opinion, cynicism, a relativistic view of truth, or the comfortable,
settled knowledge of “authority.”
That does not mean we reject long-held and time-tested beliefs lightly.
We replace them only after we’re persuaded by sound arguments backed by
good reasons based on the best evidence available, and after an amiable but
searching give-and-take that tests those arguments as severely as we can. In
short, we become responsible believers when we can make our own sound
arguments that test and evaluate those of others.
You may find it difficult to see all of this at work in a paper written for a
class. But despite its cold type, a research paper written for any audience is
a conversation, imagined to be sure, but still a cooperative yet rigorous
inquiry into what we should and should not believe.
Part II
Source Citation
15 General Introduction to Citation Practices
15.1 Reasons for Citing Your Sources
15.2 The Requirements of Citation
15.2.1 Situations Requiring Citations
15.2.2 Information Required in Citations
15.3 Two Citation Styles
15.3.1 Notes Style
15.3.2 Author-Date Style
15.4 Electronic Sources
15.4.1 Sources Consulted Online
15.4.2 Other Electronic Media
15.5 Preparation of Citations
15.6 Citation Management Tools
Your first duty as a researcher is to get the facts right. Your second duty is
to tell readers where the facts came from. To that end, you must cite the
sources of the facts, ideas, or words that you use in your paper.
15.1 Reasons for Citing Your Sources
There at least four reasons to cite your sources:
1. To give credit. Research is hard work. Doing it well can bring rewards—
good grades and a degree and, later, money and promotions. But no less
important is recognition, the pride and prestige of seeing your name
associated with knowledge that others value and use. In fact, for some
researchers that is the only reward. So when you cite the work of others,
you give them the recognition they have earned.
2. To reassure readers about the accuracy of your facts. Researchers cite
sources to be fair to other researchers but also to earn their readers’ trust.
It is not enough to get the facts right. You must also tell readers the
source of the facts so that they can judge their reliability and check them
if they wish. Readers do not trust a source they do not know and cannot
find. If they do not trust your sources, they will not trust your facts; and if
they do not trust your facts, they will not trust your argument. You
establish the first link in that chain of trust by citing your sources fully,
accurately, and appropriately.
3. To show readers the research tradition that informs your work.
Researchers cite sources whose data they use, but they also cite work that
they extend, support, contradict, or correct. These citations help readers
not only understand your specific project but connect it to other research
in your field.
4. To help readers follow or extend your research. Many readers use sources
cited in a research paper not to check its reliability but to pursue their
own work. So your citations help others not only to follow your footsteps
but to strike out in new directions.
You must never appear to take credit for work that is not your own (see
7.9), and proper citation guards against the charge of plagiarism. But it also
strengthens your argument and assists others who want to build on your
15.2 The Requirements of Citation
To fulfill the requirements of citation, you need to know when to include a
source citation in your paper and what information about the source to
15.2.1 Situations Requiring Citations
Chapter 7, particularly 7.9, discusses in depth when you should cite
materials from other sources. Briefly, you should always provide a citation
in the following situations:
when you quote exact words from a source (see also chapter 25 on
when you paraphrase ideas that are associated with a specific source,
even if you don’t quote exact words from it
when you use any ideas, data, or methods attributable to any source you
As noted in 15.1, you may also use citations to point readers to sources that
are relevant to a particular portion of your argument but not quoted or
paraphrased. Such citations demonstrate that you are familiar with these
sources, even if they present claims at odds with your own.
15.2.2 Information Required in Citations
Over the long tradition of citing sources, as researchers in different fields
began to write in different ways, they also developed distinctive ways of
citing and documenting their sources. When citation methods became
standardized, researchers had to choose from not just one or two standards
but many.
Citation styles differ in the elements included and in the format of these
elements, but they have the same aim: to give readers the information they
need to identify and find a source. For most sources, including books,
articles, and other written material, that information must answer these
Who wrote, edited, or translated the text (sometimes all three)? In other
words, who created it?
What data identify the text? This includes the title and subtitle of the
work; volume number, edition number, or other identifying information;
and page numbers or other locating information if the reference is to a
specific part of a larger text.
Who published the text and in what context? This includes the name of
the publisher, journal, or other entity responsible for making the text
available and, in some cases, the title of any collection or series in which
the work appears.
When was the text published? This will consist of a year of publication
and sometimes a season, month, or specific day (and sometimes a time).
Where can the text be found? Most printed sources can be found in a
library or bookstore, information that does not need to be mentioned in a
citation. For a source consulted online, a link to the work (in the form of
a URL) or the name of a commercial database will help readers find it.
For a physical document from a one-of-a-kind collection, data will
include the place where the collection is housed.
Details vary for other types of sources, such as sound and video recordings,
but they answer the same five questions: Who was responsible for creating
the source? What title or other data identify it? Who published it? When?
Where can it be found?
Your readers will expect you to use the citation style appropriate to their
particular field, not just because they are familiar with this style but because
when you use it, you show them that you understand their values and
practices. The details may seem trivial: Quotation marks or italics? Capitals
or lowercase? Periods or commas (or parentheses and colons)? But if you
do not get these small matters right, at least some of your readers will
question whether they can trust you on the bigger ones. Fortunately, you
don’t have to memorize all these details. Instead, you can learn the forms of
the citations you use most so that you do not need to look them up
repeatedly. The latest citation management tools can help, especially for
more common source types. For sources that are less common or have
unusual elements, and for double-checking your final draft, you can consult
a book like this one.
15.3 Two Citation Styles
This book covers the two most common citation forms: notes-bibliography
style, or simply notes style (used widely in the humanities and in some
social sciences), and author-date style (used in most social sciences and in
the natural and physical sciences). (Together, these two styles are often
referred to as the Turabian or Chicago systems of source citation.) If you
are not certain which style to use, consult your instructor.
You may be asked to use different styles in different settings (for
example, an art history course and a political science course). Within a
given paper, however, always follow a single style consistently.
If you are new to research, read this section for a brief description of how
the two citation styles work. Then, if you are using notes style, read chapter
16 for an overview of this style, and refer to chapter 17 for detailed
guidelines and examples that show how to cite most types of sources,
including the ones you are most likely to consult. If you are using author-
date style, the overview and detailed guidelines are in chapters 18 and 19,
15.3.1 Notes Style
In notes-style citations, you signal that you have used a source by placing a
superscript number at the end of the sentence in which you quote it or refer
to it:
By 1911, according to one expert, an Amazon was “any woman rebel
—which, to a lot of people, meant any girl who left home and went to
You then cite the source of that quotation in a correspondingly numbered
note that provides information about the source (author, title, and facts of
publication) plus relevant page numbers. Notes are placed at the bottom of
the page (called footnotes) or in a list collected at the end of your paper or
the end of each chapter (called endnotes). All notes have the same general
1. Jill Lepore, The Secret History of Wonder Woman (New York:
Vintage Books, 2015), 17.
If you cite the same text again, you can shorten subsequent notes:
2. Lepore, Wonder Woman, 28–29.
In most cases, you also list sources at the end of the paper in a
bibliography. That list normally includes every source you cited in a note
and sometimes others you consulted but did not cite. Each bibliography
entry includes the same information contained in a full note, but in a
slightly different form:
Lepore, Jill. The Secret History of Wonder Woman. New York:
Vintage Books, 2015.
15.3.2 Author-Date Style
In author-date citations, you signal that you have used a source by placing a
parenthetical citation (including author, date, and relevant page numbers)
next to your reference to it:
By 1911, according to one expert, an Amazon was “any woman rebel
—which, to a lot of people, meant any girl who left home and went to
college” (Lepore 2015, 17).
At the end of the paper, you list all sources in a reference list. That list
normally includes every source you cited in a parenthetical citation and
sometimes others you consulted but did not cite. Each reference list entry
includes complete bibliographical information for a source. The publication
date immediately follows the name of the author, making it easy to follow a
parenthetical citation to its corresponding entry in the reference list:
Lepore, Jill. 2015. The Secret History of Wonder Woman. New
York: Vintage Books.
15.4 Electronic Sources
The standard citation forms evolved in the age of print, but researchers now
not only find their sources online but also increasingly consult them online
and in a variety of electronic formats. These sources have been used long
enough for researchers to have created standard citation forms adapted to
their special characteristics.
15.4.1 Sources Consulted Online INFORMATION IN CITATIONS. When you cite sources
consulted online, you include many of the same pieces of information as
you would for print sources. For some types of sources, such as published
books and journal articles, it makes little difference what format you
consult. Readers will be able to follow your citations and find the same
sources in the same formats. But other types of sources can be difficult to
find or subject to change, or disappear without notice. These factors may
make you question the authority and reliability of a source.
A lot of content found online has no identifiable author, publisher, or
sponsor. This makes it the equivalent of any other anonymous source,
unlikely to be authoritative or reliable enough to use without serious
qualification (see 3.3.2).
Online content can be revised without notice, and though some websites
are meticulous about documenting revisions, many are not. Further, a
revision date on one site may indicate correction of a spelling error while
on another it may mark changes in factual data or claims.
Online content may be simultaneously available from more than one site,
some more reliable than others.
Most online sources are located through a URL (uniform resource
locator) or a search, but URLs come and go, and search results vary over
time. You cannot always be certain that a given source will be available
at the same URL months, weeks, or even days later, and its disappearance
could make it difficult or impossible for you or your readers to find the
content you originally consulted.
Choose online sources carefully. When information is available from
multiple websites or in multiple media (print and online), consult the most
reliable version available, and always cite the version you consulted. As
you do your research, save a screenshot or other permanent copy of any
source that is likely to change or disappear. TWO CATEGORIES OF SOURCES. Online sources fall into
two categories.
1. Many online sources are like print sources in everything except medium
—for example, an article published in an online journal instead of in a
printed journal. Other sources of this type include online books,
newspaper and magazine articles, and public documents. To cite these,
begin with the standard facts of publication (authors name, title, date,
and so forth). At the end of the citation, add the URL (see or the
name of the database through which you accessed the source (see You can find examples of how to cite such items under the
relevant type of source in chapter 17 (for notes style) and chapter 19 (for
author-date style).
2. Other types of online sources, such as institutional or personal websites
and social media, are unique to the medium and must be cited
accordingly. In addition to recording each of the details relevant to the
particular source, add a URL and, for undated content, an access date
(see Examples of how to cite these items appear in 17.5 (for
notes style) and 19.5 (for author-date style). URLS. For any source you consult online, you must always cite
the full facts of publication in addition to a URL. If the URL changes,
interested readers will often be able to find your source by searching for the
author, title, and other facts of publication.
Copy the URL exactly as it appears with the source. Do not make any
adjustments to capitalization. If the URL ends in a slash, include it. Do not
enclose the URL in brackets. It is best not to break a URL at the end of a
line, but if you need to do so, see 20.4.2 for some guidelines.
Sometimes you can find a shorter version of a very long URL. If a
“permalink” or other preferred form of the URL is included along with the
citation data for a source, use that rather than the URL in your browsers
address bar. Some sources are identified by a DOI (digital object identifier).
URLs based on DOIs are more reliable (and often shorter) than most other
types of URLs. To cite a source that includes a DOI, append the DOI to
https://doi.org/ in your citation. For examples, see the sections on journal
articles in figure 16.1 (for notes style) or figure 18.1 (for author-date style)
and in chapters 17 and 19. COMMERCIAL DATABASES. Many online sources, including
certain books as well as articles in journals and other types of periodicals,
are accessible only through a commercial database with restricted access
(often through a university or other major library). If such a database lists a
recommended URL along with the source, use that one instead of the one in
your address bar. A URL based on a DOI, if available, is the best option
(see If no suitably short and direct URL exists, however, you may
substitute the name of the database for the URL (e.g., LexisNexis
Academic). For examples, see 17.1.10 and 17.4.2 (notes style) and 19.1.10
and 19.4.2 (author-date style). ACCESS DATES. Most sources found online list either a date of
publication or posting or the date the source was last modified or updated,
but many do not. For those that do not, your citation must include the date
that you accessed or retrieved the content in addition to the URL. An access
date stands in for the date of publication and helps readers assess the
source. For examples of cited access dates, see 17.5.1 and 17.9.1 (for notes
style) or 19.5.1 and 19.9.1 (for author-date style). Note that some instructors
in some fields may require access dates even for sources that include a date
of publication or revision (check with your instructor). For this reason, it is
generally a good idea to record access dates as part of your research.
Citation management tools can help to automate this task.
15.4.2 Other Electronic Media
Sources consulted in other electronic media—for example, a book
downloaded for a specific app or device, or a reference work published on
disk—can usually be cited similarly to a source consulted online, but with
the addition of information about the format rather than a URL. For
examples, see 17.1.10 and 17.9.1 (for notes style) or 19.1.10 and 19.9.1 (for
author-date style).
If a source is available in more than one format, consult the most reliable
and authoritative version (see 3.3), and always cite the version you
15.5 Preparation of Citations
You can ease the process of preparing and checking citations if you
anticipate what you will need.
Use the most authoritative sources, in their most reliable version. If you
find second- or thirdhand information, track down the original source.
If a source is available in multiple versions, always cite the one you
actually consulted. There may be small but important differences
between the versions that could affect the accuracy of your quotations or
other references to the source.
Record all bibliographical information for your sources as you consult
them and before you take notes. See figure 16.1 (for notes style) or figure
18.1 (for author-date style) for templates showing what information is
needed for several common types of sources.
Record the page number(s) for every quotation and paraphrase.
As you draft, clearly indicate every place where you may need to cite a
source. It is much easier to remove an unnecessary citation when you
revise than to remember where you may have relied on someone else’s
When your draft is in its final form, consult chapter 17 or 19 to ensure
that each citation is in the correct form and includes all the required data.
You can assemble your bibliography or reference list either as you
consult your sources or as you draft and revise. Be sure to check each
detail carefully.
Getting each citation right can be tedious, even with the help of the latest
tools. But as with every other phase of research, if you anticipate what
you’ll need and manage the process from the beginning, you can complete
even this least exciting part of research faster, more easily, and more
15.6 Citation Management Tools
As you do your research, you may want to consider using one of a number
of available citation management tools to collect data about your sources.
Most sources available online or listed in a library catalog or other database
include bibliographic information that can be used as the basis of your
source citations. Programs like EndNote, RefWorks, and Zotero are
designed to help you by capturing this information and adding it to a library
of citations, where it is filtered by source type and can be further organized
by research topic or paper. You can also add sources and edit information
manually. Then citations can be plugged directly into your paper as needed
in one of the citation styles described in this manual (and referred to in most
programs as either “Turabian” or “Chicago” notes or author-date style). A
few things to keep in mind:
Double-check your data. As you build your library, check each field
against the actual source as soon as you acquire the data for it. Make sure
that authors’ names, titles of works, dates, and so forth are accurate and
that they are entered in the appropriate fields. Check also for missing or
redundant data. (It is okay, however, to collect more data than you will
use in your citations.) You will need to do this whether you entered the
data yourself or exported the citation from a library catalog or other
Double-check your citations. Once they’ve been inserted in your paper,
make sure your citations are correctly formatted according to the citation
style you’ve chosen. Things to look for include errant punctuation or
capitalization and, more important, missing or superfluous data. Enter
corrections in the citation management program (or adjust its settings, as
applicable) and double-check the results. Review your final draft with
extra care. These tools do make errors, and it remains your responsibility
to ensure that your citations are accurate. For examples of notes-style
citations, see chapters 16 and 17; for author-date style, see chapters 18
and 19.
Always keep at least two copies of your citations library. If your school
lets you keep a copy on its server, make sure you also have a copy on a
local drive. Such backups might be needed in the event your paper must
be resubmitted for any reason or if you plan to do research in the same
subject area after graduation.
Citation management tools work best for papers that cite only a few types
of the most common sources. Articles in academic journals, especially, are
easy to work with. If you cite many different types of sources, expect to
spend extra time making adjustments to your citations library and editing
your final paper.
16 Notes-Bibliography Style: The Basic Form
16.1 Basic Patterns
16.1.1 Order of Elements
16.1.2 Punctuation
16.1.3 Capitalization
16.1.4 Italics and Quotation Marks
16.1.5 Numbers
16.1.6 Abbreviations
16.1.7 Indentation
16.2 Bibliographies
16.2.1 Types of Bibliographies
16.2.2 Arrangement of Entries
16.2.3 Sources That May Be Omitted
16.3 Notes
16.3.1 Footnotes versus Endnotes
16.3.2 Referencing Notes in Text
16.3.3 Numbering Notes
16.3.4 Formatting Notes
16.3.5 Complex Notes
16.4 Short Forms for Notes
16.4.1 Shortened Notes
16.4.2 Ibid.
16.4.3 Parenthetical Notes
A citation style used widely in the humanities and in some social sciences is
the notes-bibliography style, or notes style for short (also known as
Turabian or Chicago notes-bibliography or notes style). This chapter
presents an overview of the basic pattern for citations in notes style,
including bibliography entries, full notes, shortened notes, and parenthetical
notes. Examples of notes are identified with an N; examples of bibliography
entries are identified with a B.
In notes style, you signal that you have used a source by placing a
superscript number at the end of the sentence in which you quote or
otherwise refer to that source:
According to one scholar, “The railroads had made Chicago the most
important meeting place between East and West.”
You then cite the source of that information in a correspondingly numbered
note that provides information about the source (author, title, and facts of
publication) plus relevant page numbers. Notes are placed at the bottom of
the page (called footnotes) or in a list collected at the end of your paper or
the end of each chapter (called endnotes). All notes have the same general
1. William Cronon, Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great
West (New York: W. W. Norton, 1991), 92–93.
If you cite the same source again, you can refer to it in a shortened form:
2. Cronon, Nature’s Metropolis, 383.
In most cases, you also list sources at the end of the paper in a
bibliography. That list normally includes every source you cited in a note
and sometimes others you consulted but did not cite. Each bibliography
entry includes the same information contained in a full note, but in a
slightly different form:
Cronon, William. Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great
West. New York: W. W. Norton, 1991.
Readers expect you to follow all the rules for correctly citing your
sources. These rules cover not only what data you must include and in what
order but also punctuation, capitalization, italics, and so on. To get your
citations exactly right, you must pay close attention to the kinds of details
that few researchers can easily remember and that even the best citation
management tools can help with only part of the way. Read this chapter for
an overview. Then use chapter 17 to look up the details.
16.1 Basic Patterns
Although sources and their citations come in almost endless variety, you are
likely to use only a few kinds. While you may need to look up details to cite
some unusual sources, you can easily learn the basic patterns for the few
kinds you will use most often. This will help you to record accurate and
reliable bibliographical data quickly and efficiently as you do your research.
The rest of this section describes the basic patterns, and figure 16.1
provides templates for and examples of several common types of sources.
Chapter 17 includes examples of a wide range of sources, including
exceptions to the patterns discussed here.
Figure 16.1. Templates for notes and bibliography entries
The following templates show what elements should be included in what
order when citing several common types of sources in notes (N) and
bibliographies (B). They also show punctuation, capitalization of titles,
and when to use italics or quotation marks. Gray shading shows
abbreviations (or their spelled-out versions) and other terms as they
would actually appear in a citation. ## stands in for footnote number. XX
stands in for page number(s) actually cited, YY–YY for a full span of page
numbers for an article or a chapter.
For further examples, explanations, and variations, see chapter 17. For
templates of shortened note forms, see figure 16.2.
1. Single Author or Editor
##. Authors First and Last Names, Title of Book: Subtitle of Book
(Place of Publication: Publishers Name, Date of Publication), XX.
1. Angela Duckworth, Grit: The Power of Passion and
Perseverance (New York: Scribner, 2016), 82.
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. Title of Book: Subtitle of
Book. Place of Publication: Publishers Name, Date of Publication.
Duckworth, Angela. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. New
York: Scribner, 2016.
For a book with an editor instead of an author, adapt the pattern as
##. Editors First and Last Names, ed., Title of Book...
2. Gyan Prakash, ed., Noir Urbanisms...
Editors Last Name, Editors First Name, ed. Title of Book...
Prakash, Gyan, ed. Noir Urbanisms...
For more than one editor, adapt the examples in template 2 and use eds.
2. Multiple Authors
For a book with two authors, use the following pattern:
##. Author #1’s First and Last Names and Author #2’s First and
Last Names, Title of Book: Subtitle of Book (Place of Publication:
Publishers Name, Date of Publication), XX.
3. Susanne Y. P. Choi and Yinni Peng, Masculine Promise:
Migration, Family, and Gender in China (Oakland: University of
California Press, 2016), 111–12.
Author #1’s Last Name, Author #1’s First Name, and Author #2’s First
and Last Names. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Place of Publication:
Publishers Name, Date of Publication.
Choi, Susanne Y. P., and Yinni Peng. Masculine Promise: Migration,
Family, and Gender in China. Oakland: University of California Press,
For a book with three authors, adapt the pattern as follows:
##. Author #1’s First and Last Names, Author #2’s First and Last
Names, and Author #3’s First and Last Names, Title of Book...
4. Karen White, Beatriz Williams, and Lauren Willig, The Forgotten
Author #1’s Last Name, Author #1’s First Name, Author #2’s First and
Last Names, and Author #3’s First and Last Names. Title of Book...
White, Karen, Beatriz Williams, and Lauren Willig. The Forgotten
For a book with four or more authors, adapt the note pattern only, as
##. Author #1’s First and Last Names et al. , Title of Book...
5. Barry Eichengreen et al., The Korean Economy...
3. Author Plus Editor or Translator
For a book with an author plus an editor, use the following pattern:
##. Authors First and Last Names, Title of Book: Subtitle of Book,
ed. Editors First and Last Names (Place of Publication: Publishers
Name, Date of Publication), XX.
6. Jane Austen, Mansfield Park: An Annotated Edition, ed. Deidre
Shauna Lynch (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University
Press, 2016), 223–24.
If a book has more than one editor in addition to the author, use ed. (not
eds.) in the note.
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. Title of Book: Subtitle of
Book. Edited by Editors First and Last Names. Place of Publication:
Publishers Name, Date of Publication.
Austen, Jane. Mansfield Park: An Annotated Edition. Edited by Deidre
Shauna Lynch. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University
Press, 2016.
If a book has a translator instead of an editor, substitute the words trans.
and Translated by and the translators name for the editor data.
4. Edition Number
##. Authors First and Last Names, Title of Book: Subtitle of Book,
Edition Number ed. (Place of Publication: Publishers Name, Date of
Publication), XX.
7. Mary Kinzie, A Poet’s Guide to Poetry, 2nd ed. (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2013), 83.
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. Title of Book: Subtitle of
Book. Edition Number ed. Place of Publication: Publishers Name,
Date of Publication.
Kinzie, Mary. A Poet’s Guide to Poetry. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2013.
5. Single Chapter in an Edited Book
##. Chapter Authors First and Last Names, “Title of Chapter:
Subtitle of Chapter,” in Title of Book: Subtitle of Book, ed. Editors
First and Last Names (Place of Publication: Publishers Name, Date of
Publication), XX.
8. Kelly Gillespie, “Before the Commission: Ethnography as Public
Testimony,” in If Truth Be Told: The Politics of Public Ethnography,
ed. Didier Fassin (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017), 72.
Chapter Authors Last Name, Chapter Authors First Name. “Title of
Chapter: Subtitle of Chapter.” In Title of Book: Subtitle of Book,
edited by Editors First and Last Names, YY–YY. Place of
Publication: Publishers Name, Date of Publication.
Gillespie, Kelly. “Before the Commission: Ethnography as Public
Testimony.” In If Truth Be Told: The Politics of Public Ethnography,
edited by Didier Fassin, 69–95. Durham, NC: Duke University Press,
Journal Articles
6. Journal Article—Basic Format
##. Authors First and Last Names, “Title of Article: Subtitle of
Article,” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Date of
Publication): XX.
9. Ben Mercer, “Specters of Fascism: The Rhetoric of Historical
Analogy in 1968,” Journal of Modern History 88, no. 1 (March 2016):
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. “Title of Article: Subtitle of
Article.” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Date of
Publication): YY–YY.
Mercer, Ben. “Specters of Fascism: The Rhetoric of Historical Analogy
in 1968.” Journal of Modern History 88, no. 1 (March 2016): 96–129.
For an article with multiple authors, follow the relevant pattern for
authors’ names in template 2.
7. Journal Article Online
For a journal article consulted online, include a URL. For articles that
include a DOI, form the URL by appending the DOI to https:// doi.org/
rather than using the URL in your address bar. The DOI for the
Fernandez article in the example below is 10.1086/ 685998.
##. Authors First and Last Names, “Title of Article: Subtitle of
Article,” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Date of
Publication): XX, URL.
10. Patricio A. Fernandez, “Practical Reasoning: Where the Action
Is,” Ethics 126, no. 4 (July 2016): 872, https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. “Title of Article: Subtitle of
Article.” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Date of
Publication): YY–YY. URL.
Fernandez, Patricio A. “Practical Reasoning: Where the Action Is.”
Ethics 126, no. 4 (July 2016): 869–900. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/
See 15.4.1 for more details.
16.1.1 Order of Elements
The elements in notes and bibliography entries follow the same general
order for all types of sources: author, title, facts of publication. However,
notes present authors’ names in standard order (first name first), while
bibliography entries present them in inverted order (last name first) for
alphabetical listing. Notes citing specific passages usually include page
numbers or other locating information; bibliography entries do not, though
they do include a full span of page numbers for a source that is part of a
larger work, such as an article in a periodical or a chapter in a book.
16.1.2 Punctuation
In notes, separate most elements with commas; in bibliography entries,
separate them with periods. In notes, enclose facts of publication in
parentheses; in bibliography entries, do not. The styles are different because
a note is intended to be read like text, where a period might signal the end
of a citation. Bibliographies are designed as lists in which each source has
its own entry, so periods can be used without confusion to separate such
elements as author, title, and publication data.
16.1.3 Capitalization
Most titles can be capitalized using headline style. But for titles in
languages other than English, use sentence style. (See 22.3.1 for both
styles.) Capitalize proper nouns in the usual way (see chapter 22).
16.1.4 Italics and Quotation Marks
Use italics for titles of larger entities (books, journals); for titles of smaller
entities (chapters, articles), use roman type and quotation marks. Also use
roman type and quotation marks for titles of works that have not been
formally published (such as manuscripts or dissertations), even if they are
book length. See also 22.3.2.
16.1.5 Numbers
In titles, any numbers are spelled out or given in numerals exactly as they
are in the original. Use lowercase roman numerals to refer to page numbers
that are in roman numerals in the original. References to all other numbers
(such as chapter numbers or figure numbers) are given in arabic numerals,
even if in the original they are in roman numerals or spelled out.
16.1.6 Abbreviations
In notes, abbreviate terms such as editor or edited by (ed.) and translator or
translated by (trans.). In bibliography entries, these terms are often spelled
out when they introduce a name (Edited by) but abbreviated when they
follow it (ed.). The plural of a noun form is usually formed by adding s
(eds.) unless the abbreviation ends in an s (use trans. for both singular and
plural). Abbreviations for edited by (ed.) and the like are never plural.
Terms such as volume, edition, and number (vol., ed., and no.) are always
16.1.7 Indentation
Notes are indented like other paragraphs in the text: the first line of each
note is indented, and anything that runs over to a new line is flush left.
Bibliography entries have hanging indents: the first line of each entry is
flush left, and anything that runs over is indented.
16.2 Bibliographies
Papers that use the notes-bibliography citation style typically include both
notes and a bibliography that lists all sources cited in the notes. Although
the same information appears in both notes and bibliography, readers need
it in both places because they use notes and bibliographies differently.
Notes let readers quickly check the source for a particular reference without
disrupting the flow of their reading. A bibliography shows readers the
extent of your research and its relationship to prior work. A bibliography
also helps readers use your sources in their own research. So unless you
have only a handful of sources or your instructor tells you otherwise,
always include both notes and a bibliography in your papers. If you do not
include a bibliography, make sure that your notes present complete
information for each source, at least the first time you cite it.
16.2.1 Types of Bibliographies
In most cases, your bibliography should include every work you cite in your
text. (For exceptions, see 16.2.3.) You may also include works that were
important to your thinking but that you did not specifically mention in the
text. Label this kind Bibliography or Sources Consulted. See figure A.15 in
the appendix for a sample page of a bibliography.
There are other options:
Selected bibliography. Some bibliographies do not include all works
cited in notes, either to save space or to omit minor references unlikely to
interest readers. You may use a selected bibliography if you have good
reasons and your instructor or advisor approves. Label it Selected
Bibliography and add a headnote that explains your principle of
Single-author bibliography. Some writers list works by one person,
usually as a separate list in addition to a standard bibliography, but
sometimes as the only bibliography in a single-author study with few
other sources. Label such a list Works of [Authors Name] or use a more
descriptive title (Published Works of, Writings of, or whatever is
appropriate). You can arrange it chronologically or alphabetically by title.
If your list is chronological, titles published in the same year are listed
Annotated bibliography. Some writers annotate each bibliography entry
with a brief description of the work’s contents or relevance to their
research. In most cases, if you annotate one entry you should annotate
them all. But researchers sometimes annotate only the most important
works or those whose relevance to their research may not be evident. If
your annotations are brief phrases, add them in brackets after the
publication data (note that there is no period within or after the bracketed
Toulmin, Stephen. The Uses of Argument. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1958. [a seminal text
describing argument in nonsymbolic language]
You may also add full-sentence annotations on a new line indented
from the left margin:
Toulmin, Stephen. The Uses of Argument. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1958.
This is the seminal text describing the structure of an
argument in nonsymbolic language.
16.2.2 Arrangement of Entries ALPHABETICAL BY AUTHOR. A bibliography is normally a
single list of all sources arranged alphabetically by the last name of the
author, editor, or whoever is first in each entry. (For alphabetizing names
from languages other than English, compound names, and other special
cases, see Most word processors and citation management tools
can sort entries alphabetically. For all but the simplest of lists, however, the
results will typically need some adjusting. If you are writing a thesis or
dissertation, your department or university may specify that you should
alphabetize the entries letter by letter or word by word; see 16.58–61 of The
Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017), for an explanation of these
two systems.
If your bibliography includes two or more works written, edited, or
translated by the same individual, arrange the entries alphabetically by title
(ignoring articles such as a and the). For all entries after the first, replace
the individual’s name with a long dash, called a 3-em dash (see 21.7.3). For
edited or translated works, put a comma and the appropriate designation
(ed., trans., or the like) after the dash. List all such works before any that
the individual coauthored or coedited. Successive entries by two or more
authors in which only the first authors name is the same are alphabetized
according to the coauthors’ last names. Note that it is best to make all these
adjustments manually—after you have sorted your complete bibliography
alphabetically by name.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. America behind the Color Line: Dialogues
with African Americans. New York: Warner Books, 2004.
———. Black in Latin America. New York: New York University
Press, 2011.
———, ed. The Classic Slave Narratives. New York: Penguin
Putnam, 2002.
———. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American
Literary Criticism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
———. Tradition and the Black Atlantic: Critical Theory in the
African Diaspora. New York: BasicCivitas, 2010.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., and Cornel West. The African-American
Century: How Black Americans Have Shaped Our Country. New
York: Free Press, 2000.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., and Donald Yacovone. The African
Americans: Many Rivers to Cross. Carlsbad, CA: SmileyBooks,
The same principles apply to works by a single group of authors named
in the same order.
Marty, Martin E., and R. Scott Appleby, eds. Accounting for
Fundamentalisms. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
———. The Glory and the Power: The Fundamentalist Challenge
to the Modern World. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992.
Marty, Martin E., and Micah Marty. When True Simplicity Is
Gained: Finding Spiritual Clarity in a Complex World. Grand
Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1998.
If a source does not have a named author or editor, alphabetize it based
on the first element of the citation, generally a title. Ignore articles such as a
and the.
Account of the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of
India. 22 vols. Dehra Dun: Survey of India, 1870–1910.
“The Great Trigonometrical Survey of India.” Calcutta Review 38
(1863): 26–62.
“State and Prospects of Asia.” Quarterly Review 63, no. 126
(March 1839): 369–402. SPECIAL TYPES OF NAMES. Some authors’ names consist of
more than a readily identifiable “first name” and “last name.” In many cases
you can determine the correct order by consulting your library’s catalog.
For historical names, the biographical entries at Merriam-Webster.com can
be helpful. This section outlines some general principles for alphabetizing
such names in your bibliography. In shortened or parenthetical notes, use
the last name exactly as inverted (shown below in bold). If your paper
involves names from languages other than English, follow the conventions
for those languages.
Compound names. Alphabetize compound last names, including
hyphenated names, by the first part of the compound. If a woman uses
both her own family name and her husband’s but does not hyphenate
them, generally alphabetize by the second surname. While many
languages have predictable patterns for compound names (see below),
others—such as French and German—do not.
Hine, Darlene Clark
Kessler-Harris, Alice
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
Names with particles. Depending on the language, particles such as de,
di, D’, and van may or may not be considered the first part of a last name
for alphabetizing. Consult one of the resources noted above if you are
unsure about a particular name. Note that particles may be either
lowercased or capitalized, and some are followed by an apostrophe.
Beauvoir, Simone de
de Gaulle, Charles
di Leonardo, Micaela
Kooning, Willem de
Medici, Lorenzo de’
Van Rensselaer, Stephen
Names beginning with “Mac,” “Saint,” or “O’.” Names that begin with
Mac, Saint, or O’ can have many variations in abbreviation (Mc, St.),
spelling (Sainte, San), capitalization (Macmillan, McAllister), and
hyphenation or apostrophes (O’Neill or Odell; Saint-Gaudens or St.
Denis). Alphabetize all such names based on the letters actually present;
do not group them because they are similar.
Spanish names. Many Spanish last names are compound names
consisting of an individual’s paternal and maternal family names,
sometimes joined by the conjunction y. Alphabetize such names under
the first part.
Ortega y Gasset, José
Sánchez Mendoza, Juana
Arabic names. Alphabetize Arabic last names that begin with the particle
al- or el- (the) under the element following the particle. Names that begin
with Abu, Abd, and Ibn, like English names beginning with Mac or Saint,
should be alphabetized under these terms.
Abu Zafar Nadvi, Syed
Hakim, Tawfiq al-
Ibn Saud, Aziz
Jamal, Muhammad Hamid al-
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean names. If an author with a Chinese,
Japanese, or Korean name follows traditional usage (family name
followed by given name), do not invert the name or insert a comma
between the “first” and “last” names. If the author follows Westernized
usage (given name followed by family name), treat the name as you
would an English name.
Traditional usage Westernized usage
Chao Wu-chi Kurosawa, Noriaki
Kim Dae-jung Lee, Chang-rae
Yoshida Shigeru Tsou, Tang OTHER THAN ALPHABETICAL. Occasionally readers will
find an order other than alphabetical more useful. Single-author
bibliographies are often more usefully arranged chronologically, as are
specialized listings such as newspaper articles, archival records, and so on.
You may also find it useful to invent an order for a specific purpose—for
example, a list of topographical maps arranged by state or region. If you do
use an order other than alphabetical or chronological, explain your choice in
a headnote. CATEGORIZED LISTINGS. You may organize a longer
bibliography into categories to help readers see related sources as a group.
Common ways of categorizing longer bibliographies into sections include
By format. You can create separate lists for manuscripts, archival
collections, recordings, and so on.
By primacy. You can separate primary sources from secondary and
tertiary ones, as in a single-author bibliography.
By field. You can group sources by field, either because your readers will
have different interests (as in the bibliography to this book) or because
you mix work from fields not usually combined. For example, a work on
the theory and psychology of comic literature might categorize sources as
follows: Theory of Comedy, Psychological Studies, Literary Criticism,
Comic Works.
If you categorize sources, present them either in separate bibliographies
or in a single bibliography divided into sections. Introduce each separate
bibliography or section with a subheading and, if necessary, a headnote. In a
single bibliography, use the same principle of order within each section
(usually alphabetical), and do not list a source in more than one section
unless it clearly could be categorized in two or more ways. If you use
different principles of order, create separate bibliographies, each with its
own explanatory heading.
16.2.3 Sources That May Be Omitted
By convention, you may omit the following types of sources from a
brief published items, such as abstracts (17.2.7), pamphlets and reports
(17.7.3), and reviews of published works or performances (17.9.2)
newspaper articles (see 17.4)
blog posts and comments (17.5.2), postings to social media (17.5.3) or to
online forums or mailing lists (17.5.4), and interviews and personal
communications (17.6)
individual documents in manuscript collections (17.7.4 and 17.7.5)
classical, medieval, and early English literary works (17.8.1) and (in
some cases) well-known English-language plays (
the Bible and other sacred works (17.8.2)
well-known reference works, such as major dictionaries and
encyclopedias (17.9.1)
some sources in the visual and performing arts, including artworks
(17.10.1) and live performances (17.10.2)
the US Constitution (17.11.5), legal cases (17.11.7), and some other types
of public documents (
You may choose to include in your bibliography a specific item from one of
these categories that is critical to your argument or frequently cited.
If you use many such sources from a single larger entity—for example,
several documents from a single manuscript collection—you may cite the
larger entity, as discussed in the relevant sections of chapter 17.
16.3 Notes
Writers use several different kinds of notes, depending on their field, their
readers, and the nature of their project. This section explains your options
and how to choose among them.
16.3.1 Footnotes versus Endnotes
Your department may specify whether you should use footnotes or
endnotes, especially for a thesis or dissertation. If not, you should generally
choose footnotes, which are easier to read. Endnotes force readers to flip to
the back of the paper or of each chapter to check every citation. If you
include substantive comments in endnotes (see 16.3.5), readers may ignore
them because they cannot tell without turning to the back which notes are
substantive and which only cite sources.
On the other hand, choose endnotes when your footnotes are so long or
numerous that they take up too much space on the page, making your report
unattractive and difficult to read. Also, endnotes better accommodate tables,
quoted poetry, and anything else that requires a lot of room or complex
If you use endnotes and include only a few substantive notes, you can
reduce the risk that readers will miss them by separating substantive notes
from source notes. Number source notes and present them as endnotes.
Signal substantive notes with asterisks and other symbols (see 16.3.3) and
present them as footnotes.
16.3.2 Referencing Notes in Text
Whenever you refer to or otherwise use material from a source, you must
insert into your text a superscript number that directs your reader to a note
that gives bibliographical information about that source. Put the number at
the end of the sentence or clause containing the quotation or other material
(see also 25.2). Normally the note number should follow any mark of
punctuation, including a closing parenthesis.
Magic was a staple of the Kinahan charm.
“This,” wrote George Templeton Strong, “is what our tailors can do.”
(In an earlier book he had said quite the opposite.)
If, however, the note refers to material before a dash, put the reference
number before the dash:
The bias surfaced in the Shotwell series
—though not obviously.
Do not include more than one reference number at the same location
(such as
5, 6
). Instead, use one number and include all citations or comments
in a single note (see 16.3.5).
Avoid putting a note number inside or at the end of a chapter title or
subtitle. If your note applies to the entire chapter, omit the number and put
an unnumbered footnote on the first page, before any numbered notes. You
may, on the other hand, attach a note number to a subhead.
16.3.3 Numbering Notes
Number notes consecutively, beginning with 1. If your paper has separate
chapters, restart each chapter with note 1. Do not skip a number or use
numbers such as 5a.
If you use endnotes for source citations but footnotes for substantive
comments (see 16.3.1), do not number the footnotes. Instead label the first
footnote on a page with an asterisk (*). If you have more than one footnote
on a page, use superscript symbols in the sequence * † ‡ §.
For notes to tables, see 26.2.7.
16.3.4 Formatting Notes
Use regular paragraph indents for both footnotes and endnotes. Begin each
note with its reference number, formatted not as a superscript but as regular
text. Put a period and a space between the number and the text of the note.
For notes labeled with symbols (see 16.3.3), a space but not a period should
appear between the symbol and the text of the note.
If your local guidelines allow it, you may instead use superscripts for
reference numbers and symbols in notes. (By default, word processors
typically apply identical formatting to the number or symbol in the text and
its corresponding number or symbol in the note, making this the easier
option.) You should then begin the text of each note with an intervening
space but no period. Footnotes. Begin every footnote on the page on which you
reference it. Put a short rule between the last line of text and the first
footnote on each page, including any notes that run over from previous
pages (your word processor should do this automatically). If a footnote runs
over to the next page, it is best if it breaks in midsentence, so that readers
do not think the note is finished and overlook the part on the next page.
Single-space each footnote. If you have more than one footnote on a page,
put a blank line between notes. See figure A.10 for a sample page of text
with footnotes. Endnotes. Endnotes should be listed together after the end of the
text and any appendixes but before the bibliography. Single-space each
note, and put a blank line between notes. Label the list Notes. If you restart
numbering for each chapter, add a subheading before the first note to each
chapter: “Chapter 1” and so forth. See figure A.14 for a sample page of
16.3.5 Complex Notes CITATIONS. If you cite several sources to make a single point,
group them into a single note to avoid cluttering your text with reference
numbers. List the citations in the same order in which the references appear
in the text; separate citations with semicolons.
Only when we gather the work of several scholars—Walter Sutton’s
explications of some of Whitman’s shorter poems; Paul Fussell’s
careful study of structure in “Cradle”; S. K. Coffman’s close readings
of “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” and “Passage to India”—do we begin to
get a sense of both the extent and the specificity of Whitman’s
1. Sutton, “The Analysis of Free Verse Form, Illustrated by a
Reading of Whitman,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18, no.
2 (December 1959): 241–54; Fussell, “Whitman’s Curious Warble:
Reminiscence and Reconciliation,” in The Presence of Whitman, ed.
R. W. B. Lewis (New York: Columbia University Press, 1962), 28–51;
Coffman, “‘Crossing Brooklyn Ferry’: A Note on the Catalogue
Technique in Whitman’s Poetry,” Modern Philology 51, no. 4 (May
1954): 225–32; Coffman, “Form and Meaning in Whitman’s ‘Passage
to India,’” PMLA 70, no. 3 (June 1955): 337–49.
It is also useful to group citations when you refer readers to a number of
additional sources (called a “string cite”):
2. On activists, school reforms, and school protests, see Ray
Santana and Mario Esparza, “East Los Angeles Blowouts,” in
Parameters of Institutional Change: Chicano Experiences in
Education, ed. Armando Valdéz (Hayward, CA: Southwest Network,
1974), 1–9; Mario T. García and Sal Castro, Blow Out! Sal Castro
and the Chicano Struggle for Educational Justice (Durham:
University of North Carolina Press, 2011); and Henry J. Gutierrez,
“The Chicano Education Rights Movement and School Segregation,
Los Angeles, 1962–1970” (PhD diss., University of California, Irvine,
1990). CITATIONS AND COMMENTS. If a note includes both a
citation and a substantive comment, put the citation first with a period after
it, followed by the comment in a separate sentence.
To come to Paris was to experience the simultaneous pleasures of
the best contemporary art and the most vibrant art center.
1. Natt, “Paris Art Schools,” 269. Gilded Age American artists
traveled to other European art centers, most notably Munich, but
Paris surpassed all others in size and importance.
When you include a quotation in a note, put the citation after the terminal
punctuation of the quotation.
Property qualifications dropped out of US practice for petit juries
gradually during the nineteenth century but remained in force for
grand juries in some jurisdictions until the mid-twentieth century.
2. “A grand jury inquires into complaints and accusations brought
before it and, based on evidence presented by the state, issues bills
of indictment.” Kermit Hall, The Magic Mirror: Law in American
History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 172.
Be judicious in your use of substantive comments in notes. If a point is
critical to your argument, include it in the text. If it is peripheral, think
carefully about whether it is important enough to mention in a note.
16.4 Short Forms for Notes
In some fields, your instructor may expect you to give full bibliographical
data in each note, but in most you can give a complete citation the first time
you cite a work and a shortened one in subsequent notes. In a few fields,
writers use a shortened form for all citations, with complete data listed only
in the bibliography.
If you don’t know the practice common in your field, consult your local
16.4.1 Shortened Notes
A shortened note should include enough information for readers to find the
full citation in your bibliography or in an earlier note. The two main choices
are author-only notes and author-title notes. In some fields, writers use the
author-title form for all shortened notes; in others, writers use the author-
only form for most shortened notes, but the author-title form when they cite
more than one work by the same author. (Unless your local guidelines
specify otherwise, prefer the author-title form.) If a source does not have an
author (or editor), you can use a title-only note. Figure 16.2 provides
templates for each type of shortened note.
Figure 16.2. Templates for shortened notes
The following templates show what elements should be included in what
order in the three types of shortened notes (see 16.4.1 for when to use
each type). They also show punctuation, capitalization of titles, and
typography of the elements. Gray shading shows terms as they would
actually appear in a citation. ## stands in for note number; XX stands in
for page numbers cited.
Author-Only Notes
1. Single Author
##. Authors Last Name, XX.
1. Duckworth, 88.
For a work cited by editor or translator instead of author (see 17.1.1), use
the editor or translator in place of the author. Do not add ed. or trans., as
in a full note.
##. Editors or Translators Last Name, XX.
2. Prakash, 41–42.
If two or more authors have the same last name, distinguish them by
adding first names or initials.
2. Two or Three Authors
##. Author #1’s Last Name and Author #2’s Last Name, XX.
3. Choi and Peng, 140.
##. Author #1’s Last Name, Author #2’s Last Name, and Author
#3’s Last Name, XX.
4. White, Williams, and Willig, 122.
3. Four or More Authors
N: ##. Author #1’s Last Name et al., XX.
5. Eichengreen et al., 215.
Author-Title Notes
4. Books
N: ##. Authors Last Name, Shortened Title, XX.
6. Duckworth, Grit, 88.
For books by more than one author, follow the pattern for authors’ names
in templates 2 and 3.
5. Articles
##. Authors Last Name, “Shortened Title,” XX.
7. Fernandez, “Practical Reasoning,” 880–81.
For articles by more than one author, follow the pattern for authors’
names in templates 2 and 3.
Title-Only Notes
6. Books without an Author
##. Shortened Title, XX.
8. Account of Operations, 252.
7. Articles without an Author
##. “Shortened Title,” XX.
9. “Great Trigonometrical Survey,” 26–27.
An author-only note includes the authors last name and page numbers
(or other locator), separated by a comma and followed by a period. If the
work has an editor rather than an author, use the editors last name but do
not add ed. An author-title note adds a shortened title composed of up to
four distinctive words from the full title. Use a comma to separate the
author and the shortened title, and put the title in italics or quotation marks
as you would in a full note.
1. Dana Velasco Murillo, Urban Indians in a Silver City: Zacatecas,
Mexico, 1546–1810 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2016),
2. Velasco Murillo, Urban Indians, 142.
2. Velasco Murillo, 142.
3. Charles W. Collier, “The Death of Gun Control: An American
Tragedy,” Critical Inquiry 41, no. 1 (2014): 102.
4. Collier, “Gun Control,” 127–28.
4. Collier, 127–28.
5. Hasan Kwame Jeffries, “Remaking History: Barack Obama,
Political Cartoons, and the Civil Rights Movement,” in Civil Rights
History from the Ground Up: Local Struggles, a National Movement,
ed. Emilye Crosby (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2011), 260.
6. Jeffries, “Remaking History,” 261–62.
6. Jeffries, 261–62.
For multiple authors or editors, list the last names in the same order in
which they appear in a full note.
7. Ellen G. Friedman and Miriam Fuchs, eds., Breaking the
Sequence: Women’s Experimental Fiction (Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2014), 312.
8. Friedman and Fuchs, Women’s Experimental Fiction, 320.
8. Friedman and Fuchs, 320.
16.4.2 Ibid.
At one time, writers shortened citations in notes by using Latin terms and
abbreviations: idem, “the same”; op. cit., for opere citato, “in the work
cited”; and loc. cit., for loco citato, “in the place cited.” This practice has
fallen out of favor, so avoid all Latin citation terms except one—ibid., from
ibidem or “in the same place.” Some writers still use ibid. to shorten a
citation to a work cited in the immediately preceding note.
1. Buchan, Advice to Mothers, 71.
2. Ibid., 95.
3. Ibid.
In notes, ibid. should not be italicized; at the start of a note, it should be
capitalized. Since ibid. is an abbreviation, it must end with a period; if the
citation includes a page number, put a comma after ibid. If the page number
of a reference is the same as in the previous note, do not include a page
number after ibid. Do not use ibid. after a note that contains more than one
citation, and avoid using ibid. to refer to footnotes that do not appear on the
same page.
Unless your local guidelines require the use of ibid., you may instead use
one of the shortened forms discussed in 16.4.1 to refer to an immediately
preceding note.
ENDNOTES. You may want to use parenthetical notes if you are
discussing a particular work at length and need to cite it frequently. Such in-
text references can make your text easier to follow. The first time you cite
the work, provide full bibliographical data in a footnote or endnote; for
subsequent references, use parenthetical notes instead of shortened notes
(see 16.4.1). For examples, see
You may also use parenthetical notes for certain types of sources that
readers can identify with only a few elements, such as a newspaper article
(see 17.4), a legal case (17.11.7), an older literary work (17.8.1), a biblical
or other sacred work (17.8.2), or a source in the visual and performing arts
(17.10). These sources can often be omitted from your bibliography (see
In studies of language and literature, parenthetical notes have generally
replaced footnotes or endnotes for most source citations, including the first
reference to each work. FORMATTING PARENTHETICAL NOTES. Insert a
parenthetical note where you would place a reference number for a note: at
the end of a quotation, sentence, or clause. The note comes before rather
than after any comma, period, or other punctuation mark when the
quotation is run into the text. With a block quotation, the note follows the
terminal punctuation mark (not shown here; see for an example).
The fullest parenthetical note includes the same information as the
author-title form of a shortened note, with the elements separated by
commas. (Note that both the elements and the punctuation are slightly
different from those used in parenthetical citations in author-date style,
described in chapters 18 and 19; do not confuse or combine the two styles.)
“What on introspection seems to happen immediately and without
effort is often a complex symphony of processes that take time to
complete” (LeDoux, Synaptic Self, 116).
According to one expert, the norms of friendship are different in the
workplace (Little, “Norms of Collegiality,” 330).
For most types of sources, you will have three additional options for
shortening parenthetical notes, as follows:
Page numbers only. You may include in the parentheses only the page
number(s) or other locator if readers can readily identify the specific
source from your text, either because it is a main object of your study (as
in the first example below referring to a particular edition of Harriet
Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin) or because you mention the author
or title in your text. Either way, you must provide full bibliographic
information elsewhere.
“Poor John!” interposes Stowe’s narrative voice, “It was rather
natural; and the tears that fell, as he spoke, came as naturally as if
he had been a white man” (169).
Ernst Cassirer notes this in Language and Myth (59–60).
Author and page number. You should include the author and page
number(s) or other locator if readers cannot readily identify the source
from your text, as long as you cite only one work by that author.
While one school claims that “material culture may be the most
objective source of information we have concerning America’s
past” (Deetz, 259), others disagree.
Title and page number. You should include a shortened title and page
number(s) or other locator if readers can readily identify the author from
your text but you cite more than one work by that author.
According to Furet, “the Second World War completed what the
First had begun—the domination of the great political religions
over European public opinion” (Passing of an Illusion, 360).
If you cite a work often, you can abbreviate the title. If the abbreviation
is not obvious, you may specify it in the note for its first citation. (If you use
more than five such abbreviations in your citations, list them in a separate
section of your paper; see A.2.1.11.)
1. François Furet, The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of
Communism in the Twentieth Century, trans. Deborah Furet
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), 368 (cited in text as
According to Furet, “the Second World War completed what the First
had begun—the domination of the great political religions over
European public opinion” (PI, 360).
For newspaper articles and other types of sources in which author, title,
and page number are not the key identifying elements (see and the
relevant sections of chapter 17), modify the parenthetical note style as
needed. For an example, see 17.4.3.
17 Notes-Bibliography Style: Citing Specific
Types of Sources
17.1 Books
17.1.1 Authors Name
17.1.2 Title
17.1.3 Edition
17.1.4 Volume
17.1.5 Series
17.1.6 Facts of Publication
17.1.7 Page Numbers and Other Locators
17.1.8 Chapters and Other Parts of a Book
17.1.9 Letters and Other Communications in Published Collections
17.1.10 Electronic Books
17.2 Journal Articles
17.2.1 Authors Name
17.2.2 Article Title
17.2.3 Journal Title
17.2.4 Issue Information
17.2.5 Page Numbers
17.2.6 Special Issues and Supplements
17.2.7 Abstracts
17.3 Magazine Articles
17.4 Newspaper Articles
17.4.1 Name of Newspaper
17.4.2 Citing Newspapers in Notes
17.4.3 Citing Newspapers in Text
17.5 Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
17.5.1 Website Content
17.5.2 Blog Posts
17.5.3 Social Media
17.5.4 Online Forums and Mailing Lists
17.6 Interviews and Personal Communications
17.6.1 Interviews
17.6.2 Personal Communications
17.7 Papers, Lectures, and Manuscript Collections
17.7.1 Theses and Dissertations
17.7.2 Lectures and Papers Presented at Meetings
17.7.3 Pamphlets and Reports
17.7.4 Manuscript Collections
17.7.5 Online Collections
17.8 Older Works and Sacred Works
17.8.1 Classical, Medieval, and Early English Literary Works
17.8.2 The Bible and Other Sacred Works
17.9 Reference Works and Secondary Citations
17.9.1 Reference Works
17.9.2 Reviews
17.9.3 One Source Quoted in Another
17.10 Sources in the Visual and Performing Arts
17.10.1 Artworks and Graphics
17.10.2 Live Performances
17.10.3 Multimedia
17.10.4 Texts in the Visual and Performing Arts
17.11 Public Documents
17.11.1 Elements to Include, Their Order, and How to Format Them
17.11.2 Congressional Publications
17.11.3 Presidential Publications
17.11.4 Publications of Government Departments and Agencies
17.11.5 US Constitution
17.11.6 Treaties
17.11.7 Legal Cases
17.11.8 State and Local Government Documents
17.11.9 Canadian Government Documents
17.11.10 British Government Documents
17.11.11 Publications of International Bodies
17.11.12 Unpublished Government Documents
Chapter 16 presents an overview of the basic pattern for citations in the
notes-bibliography style, including bibliography entries, full notes,
shortened notes, and parenthetical notes. If you are not familiar with this
citation style, read that chapter before consulting this one.
This chapter provides detailed information on the form of notes and
bibliography entries for a wide range of sources. It starts with the most
commonly cited sources—books and journal articles—before addressing a
wide variety of other sources. The sections on books (17.1) and journal
articles (17.2) discuss variations in such elements as authors’ names and
titles of works in greater depth than sections on less common sources.
Examples of sources consulted online are included alongside most other
types of examples. Electronic book formats are discussed at 17.1.10. For
some general considerations, especially if you are new to research, see 15.4.
For tips related to citation management tools, see 15.6.
Examples of notes are identified with an N and bibliography entries with
a B. In some cases, the examples show the same work cited in both forms to
illustrate the similarities and differences between them; in other cases, they
show different works to illustrate variations in elements even within a
specific type of source. For shortened forms of notes, see 16.4.
If you cannot find an example in this chapter, consult chapter 14 of The
Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017). You may also create your
own style, adapted from the principles and examples given here. Most
instructors, departments, and universities accept such adaptations as long as
you apply them consistently.
17.1 Books
Citations of books may include a wide range of elements. Many of the
variations in elements discussed in this section are also relevant to other
types of sources.
17.1.1 Authors Name
Give the name of each author (and editor, translator, or other contributor)
exactly as it appears on the title page, and in the same order. If a name
includes more than one initial, use spaces between them (see 24.2.1). For
multiple authors, see figure 16.1.
In notes, list authors’ names in standard order (first name first):
1. Ankhi Mukherjee, What Is a Classic? Postcolonial Rewriting and
Invention of the Canon (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,
2013), 184–85.
2. G. J. Barker-Benfield, Abigail and John Adams: The
Americanization of Sensibility (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2010), 499.
3. Donald R. Kinder and Allison Dale-Riddle, The End of Race?
Obama, 2008, and Racial Politics in America (New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, 2012), 47.
In bibliography entries, put the first-listed authors name in inverted order
(last name first), except for some non-English names and other cases
explained in Names of any additional authors should follow but
should not be inverted.
Barker-Benfield, G. J. Abigail and John Adams: The
Americanization of Sensibility. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2010.
Kinder, Donald R., and Allison Dale-Riddle. The End of Race?
Obama, 2008, and Racial Politics in America. New Haven, CT:
Yale University Press, 2012.
Mukherjee, Ankhi. What Is a Classic? Postcolonial Rewriting and
Invention of the Canon. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,
AUTHOR. If a title page lists an editor or a translator in addition to an
author, treat the authors name as described above. Add the editor or
translators name after the book’s title. If there is a translator as well as an
editor, list the names in the same order as on the title page of the original. If
the authors name appears in the title, you may omit it from the note but not
from the bibliography entry.
In notes, insert the abbreviation ed. (never eds., since in this context it
means “edited by” rather than “editor”) or trans. before the editors or
translators name.
1. Elizabeth I, Collected Works, ed. Leah S. Marcus, Janel
Mueller, and Mary Beth Rose (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2000), 102–4.
2. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Science of Logic, ed. and
trans. George di Giovanni (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2010), 642–43.
3. The Noé Jitrik Reader: Selected Essays on Latin American
Literature, ed. Daniel Balderston, trans. Susan E. Benner (Durham,
NC: Duke University Press, 2005), 189.
In bibliography entries, insert the phrase Edited by or Translated by
before the editors or translators name.
Elizabeth I. Collected Works. Edited by Leah S. Marcus, Janel
Mueller, and Mary Beth Rose. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2000.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. The Science of Logic. Edited and
translated by George di Giovanni. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2010.
Jitrik, Noé. The Noé Jitrik Reader: Selected Essays on Latin
American Literature. Edited by Daniel Balderston. Translated by
Susan E. Benner. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005.
When a title page identifies an editor or translator with a complicated
description, such as “Edited with an Introduction and Notes by” or
“Translated with a Foreword by,” you can simplify this phrase to edited by
or translated by and follow the above examples. In general, if a foreword or
an introduction is written by someone other than the author, you need not
mention that person unless you cite that part specifically (see 17.1.8). EDITOR OR TRANSLATOR IN PLACE OF AN AUTHOR.
When an editor or a translator is listed on a book’s title page instead of an
author, use that person’s name in the authors slot. Treat it as you would an
authors name (see the beginning of this section), but add the abbreviation
ed. or trans. following the name. If there are multiple editors or translators,
use eds. or trans. (singular and plural) and follow the principles for multiple
authors shown in figure 16.1.
1. Seamus Heaney, trans., Beowulf: A New Verse Translation
(New York: W. W. Norton, 2000), 55.
2. María del Mar Logroño Narbona, Paulo G. Pinto, and John Tofik
Karam, eds., Crescent over Another Horizon: Islam in Latin America,
the Caribbean, and Latino USA (Austin: University of Texas Press,
2015), 140–41.
Heaney, Seamus, trans. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation. New
York: W. W. Norton, 2000.
Logroño Narbona, María del Mar, Paulo G. Pinto, and John Tofik
Karam, eds. Crescent over Another Horizon: Islam in Latin
America, the Caribbean, and Latino USA. Austin: University of
Texas Press, 2015. ORGANIZATION AS AUTHOR. If a publication issued by an
organization, association, commission, or corporation has no personal
authors name on the title page, list the organization itself as author in the
bibliography, even if it is also given as publisher. For public documents, see
American Bar Association. The 2016 Federal Rules Book.
Chicago: American Bar Association, 2016.
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States.
The 9/11 Commission Report. New York: W. W. Norton, 2004. PSEUDONYM. Treat a widely recognized pseudonym as if it
were the authors real name. If the name listed as the authors is known to
be a pseudonym but the real name is unknown, add pseud. in brackets after
the pseudonym.
1. Mark Twain, The Prince and the Pauper: A Tale for Young
People of All Ages (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1899), 34.
Centinel [pseud.]. “Letters.” In The Complete Anti-Federalist,
edited by Herbert J. Storing. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1981. ANONYMOUS AUTHOR. If the authorship is known or guessed
at but omitted from the book’s title page, include the name in brackets (with
a question mark if there is uncertainty). If the author or editor is unknown,
avoid the use of Anonymous in place of a name (but see below), and begin
the note or bibliography entry with the title.
1. [James Hawkes?], A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party, with a
Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, by a Citizen of New-York (New-York,
1834), 128–29.
2. A True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and Ends of the
Plantation Begun in Virginia, of the Degrees Which It Hath Received,
and Means by Which It Hath Been Advanced (London, 1610), 17.
[Hawkes, James?]. A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party, with a
Memoir of George R. T. Hewes. By a Citizen of New-York. New-
York, 1834.
A True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and Ends of the
Plantation Begun in Virginia, of the Degrees Which It Hath
Received, and Means by Which It Hath Been Advanced.
London, 1610.
If the author is explicitly listed as “Anonymous” on the title page, cite the
book accordingly.
Anonymous. The Secret Lives of Teachers. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2015.
17.1.2 Title
List complete book titles and subtitles. Italicize both, and separate the title
from the subtitle with a colon. (In the rare case of two subtitles, either
follow the punctuation in the original or use a colon before the first and a
semicolon before the second.)
1. Philip Marsden, Rising Ground: A Search for the Spirit of Place
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016), 113–14.
Capitalize most titles and subtitles headline-style; that is, capitalize the
first letter of the first and last words of the title and subtitle and all major
words. For titles in languages other than English, use sentence-style
capitalization—that is, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the
title and subtitle and any proper nouns or other terms that would be
capitalized under the conventions of the original language (in some
Romance languages, proper adjectives and some proper nouns are not
capitalized). (See 22.3.1 for a more detailed discussion of the two styles.)
(headline style) How to Do It: Guides to Good Living for Renaissance
(sentence style) A quoi rêvent les algorithmes: Nos vies à l’heure
des big data
Preserve the spelling, hyphenation, and punctuation of the original title,
with two exceptions: change words in full capitals (except for initialisms or
acronyms; see chapter 24) to upper- and lowercase, and change an
ampersand (&) to and. Spell out numbers or give them as numerals
according to the original (Twelfth Century or 12th Century) unless there is a
good reason to make them consistent with other titles in the list.
For titles of chapters and other parts of a book, see 17.1.8. SPECIAL ELEMENTS IN TITLES. Several elements in titles
require special treatment.
Dates. Use a comma to set off dates at the end of a title or subtitle, even
if there is no punctuation in the original source. But if the source
introduces the dates with a preposition (for example, “from 1920 to
1945”) or a colon, do not add a comma.
1. Romain Hayes, Subhas Chandra Bose in Nazi Germany:
Politics, Intelligence, and Propaganda, 1941–43 (New York:
Columbia University Press, 2011), 151–52.
Sorenson, John L., and Carl L. Johannessen. World Trade
and Biological Exchanges before 1492. Bloomington, IN:
iUniverse, 2009.
Titles within titles. When the title of a work that would normally be
italicized appears within the italicized title of another, enclose the quoted
title in quotation marks. (If the title-within-a-title would normally be
enclosed in quotation marks, keep the quotation marks.)
2. Elisabeth Ladenson, Dirt for Art’s Sake: Books on Trial
from “Madame Bovary” to “Lolita” (Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press, 2007), 17.
McHugh, Roland. Annotations to “Finnegans Wake.” 2nd ed.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.
However, when the entire main title of a book consists of a title within
a title, do not add quotation marks (but keep any quotation marks used in
the source).
3. Alan Light, Let’s Go Crazy: Prince and the Making of
“Purple Rain” (New York: Atria Books, 2014), 88.
Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray: An Annotated,
Uncensored Edition. Edited by Nicholas Frankel.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011.
Italicized terms. When an italicized title includes terms normally
italicized in text, such as species names or names of ships, set the terms
in roman type.
4. T. Hugh Pennington, When Food Kills: BSE, E. coli, and
Disaster Science (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003),
Lech, Raymond B. The Tragic Fate of the U.S.S. Indianapolis:
The U.S. Navy’s Worst Disaster at Sea. New York: Cooper
Square Press, 2001.
Question marks and exclamation points. When a title or a subtitle ends
with a question mark or an exclamation point, no other punctuation
normally follows. One exception: if the title would normally be followed
by a comma, as in a shortened note (see 16.4.1), keep the comma. See
also 21.12.1.
5. Jafari S. Allen, ¡Venceremos? The Erotics of Black Self-
Making in Cuba (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011),
6. Allen, ¡Venceremos?, 212.
Wolpert, Stanley. India and Pakistan: Continued Conflict or
Cooperation? Berkeley: University of California Press,
2010. OLDER TITLES. For titles of works published in the eighteenth
century or earlier, retain the original punctuation and spelling. Also retain
the original capitalization, even if it does not follow headline style. Words
in all capital letters, however, should be given in upper- and lowercase. If
the title is very long, you may shorten it, but provide enough information
for readers to find the full title in a library or publishers catalog. Indicate
omissions in such titles by three ellipsis dots. Put the dots in square brackets
to show that they are not part of the original title. (Square brackets are also
used in the first example to show that the place of publication is known but
did not appear with the source.) If the omission comes at the end of a title in
a bibliography entry, add a period after the bracketed dots.
1. John Ray, Observations Topographical, Moral, and
Physiological: Made in a Journey Through part of the Low-Countries,
Germany, Italy, and France: with A Catalogue of Plants not Native of
England [ . . . ] Whereunto is added A Brief Account of Francis
Willughby, Esq., his Voyage through a great part of Spain ([London],
1673), 15.
Escalante, Bernardino. A Discourse of the Navigation which the
Portugales doe make to the Realmes and Provinces of the East
Partes of the Worlde [ . . . ]. Translated by John Frampton.
London, 1579. NON-ENGLISH TITLES. Use sentence-style capitalization for
non-English titles, following the capitalization principles for proper nouns
and other terms within the relevant language. If you are unfamiliar with
these principles, consult a reliable source.
1. José Reveles, Échale la culpa a la heroína: De Iguala a
Chicago (New York: Vintage Español, 2016), 94.
2. Ljiljana Piletić Stojanović, ed. Gutfreund i češki kubizam
(Belgrade: Muzej savremene umetnosti, 1971), 54–55.
Kelek, Necla. Die fremde Braut: Ein Bericht aus dem Inneren des
türkischen Lebens in Deutschland. Munich: Goldmann Verlag,
If you add the English translation of a title, place it after the original.
Enclose it in brackets, without italics or quotation marks, and capitalize it
3. Henryk Wereszycki, Koniec sojuszu trzech cesarzy [The end of
the Three Emperors’ League] (Warsaw: PWN, 1977), 5.
Yu Guoming. Zhongguo chuan mei fa zhan qian yan tan suo [New
perspectives on news and communication]. Beijing: Xin hua chu
ban she, 2011.
If you need to cite both the original and a translation, use one of the
following forms, depending on whether you want to focus readers on the
original or the translation.
Furet, François. Le passé d’une illusion. Paris: Éditions Robert
Laffont, 1995. Translated by Deborah Furet as The Passing of
an Illusion (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999).
Furet, François. The Passing of an Illusion. Translated by Deborah
Furet. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. Originally
published as Le passé d’une illusion (Paris: Éditions Robert
Laffont, 1995).
17.1.3 Edition
Some works are published in more than one edition. Each edition differs in
content or format or both. Always include information about the edition you
actually consulted (unless it is a first edition, which is usually not labeled as
such). REVISED EDITIONS. When a book is reissued with significant
content changes, it may be called a “revised” edition or a “second” (or
subsequent) edition. This information usually appears on the book’s title
page and is repeated, along with the date of the edition, on the copyright
When you cite an edition other than the first, include the number or
description of the edition after the title. Abbreviate such wording as
“Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged” as 2nd ed.; abbreviate “Revised
Edition” as rev. ed. Include the publication date only of the edition you are
citing, not of any previous editions (see 17.1.6).
1. Paul J. Bolt, Damon V. Coletta, and Collins G. Shackelford Jr.,
eds., American Defense Policy, 8th ed. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2005), 157–58.
Foley, Douglas E. Learning Capitalist Culture: Deep in the Heart of
Tejas. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
Levitt, Steven D., and Stephen J. Dubner. Freakonomics: A Rogue
Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. Rev. ed.
New York: HarperCollins, 2006. REPRINT EDITIONS. Many books are reissued or published in
more than one format—for example, in a paperback edition (by the original
publisher or a different publisher) or in electronic form (see 17.1.10).
Always record the facts of publication for the version you consulted. If the
edition you consulted was published more than a year or two after the
original edition or is a modern printing of a classic work, you may include
the publication dates of both the original and the edition you are citing (see
1. Randall Jarrell, Pictures from an Institution: A Comedy (1954;
repr., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 79–80.
Dickens, Charles. Pictures from Italy. 1846. Reprint, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2011.
17.1.4 Volume
If a book is part of a multivolume work, include this information in your
citations. SPECIFIC VOLUME. To cite a specific volume that carries its
own title, list the title for the multivolume work as a whole, followed by the
volume number and title of the specific volume. Give the publication date
of the individual volume. Abbreviate vol. and use arabic numbers for
volume numbers.
1. Hamid Naficy, A Social History of Iranian Cinema, vol. 4, The
Globalizing Era, 1984–2010 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press,
2012), 44.
Naficy, Hamid. A Social History of Iranian Cinema. Vol. 4, The
Globalizing Era, 1984–2010. Durham, NC: Duke University
Press, 2012.
If the volumes are not individually titled, list each volume that you cite in
the bibliography (see also In a note, put the specific volume
number (without vol.) immediately before the page number, separated by a
colon and no intervening space.
2. Muriel St. Clare Byrne, ed., The Lisle Letters (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1981), 4:243.
Byrne, Muriel St. Clare, ed. The Lisle Letters. Vols. 1 and 4.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.
Some multivolume works have both a general editor and editors or
authors for each volume. When citing a specific volume in such a work,
include information about the volume editor(s) or author(s) (see 17.1.1) as
well as information about the editor(s) of the multivolume work as a whole.
The example from The History of Cartography shows not only how to cite
an individual contribution to such a work (see 17.1.9) but also how to cite a
volume published in more than one physical part (vol. 2, bk. 3). The
examples from The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr. show how to cite a
specific volume under the editor(s) of the work as a whole (useful when
citing more than one volume from the same work; see also or
under the editor(s) of an individual volume.
3. Barbara E. Mundy, “Mesoamerican Cartography,” in The History
of Cartography, ed. J. Brian Harley and David Woodward, vol. 2, bk.
3, Cartography in the Traditional African, American, Arctic,
Australian, and Pacific Societies, ed. David Woodward and G.
Malcolm Lewis (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 233.
Carson, Clayborne, ed. The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr. Vol.
7, To Save the Soul of America, January 1961–August 1962,
edited by Tenisha Armstrong. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2014.
Armstrong, Tenisha, ed. To Save the Soul of America, January
1961–August 1962. Vol. 7 of The Papers of Martin Luther King,
Jr., edited by Clayborne Carson. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1992–. MULTIVOLUME WORK AS A WHOLE. To cite a multivolume
work as a whole, give the title, the total number of volumes, and, if the
volumes have been published over several years, the full span of
publication dates.
Aristotle. Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford
Translation. Edited by J. Barnes. 2 vols. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1983.
Tillich, Paul. Systematic Theology. 3 vols. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1951–63.
For works that include individual volume titles or volume editors (see, it is usually best to cite the volumes individually.
17.1.5 Series
If a book belongs to a series, you may choose to include information about
the series to help readers locate the source and understand the context in
which it was published. Place the series information after the title (and any
volume or edition number or editors name) and before the facts of
Put the series title in roman type with headline-style capitalization,
omitting any initial The. If the volumes in the series are numbered, include
the number of the work cited following the series title. The name of the
series editor is often omitted, but you may include it after the series title. If
you include both an editor and a volume number, the number is preceded by
1. Blake M. Hausman, Riding the Trail of Tears, Native Storiers: A
Series of American Narratives (Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 2011), 25.
Lunning, Frenchy, ed. World Renewal. Mechademia 10.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
Stein, Gertrude. Selections. Edited by Joan Retallack. Poets for
the Millennium, edited by Pierre Joris and Jerome Rothenberg,
vol. 6. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008.
17.1.6 Facts of Publication
The facts of publication usually include three elements: the place (city) of
publication, the publishers name, and the date (year) of publication. In
notes these elements are enclosed in parentheses; in bibliography entries
they are not.
1. Ta-Nehisi Coates, Between the World and Me (New York:
Spiegel & Grau, 2015), 122–23.
Coates, Ta-Nehisi. Between the World and Me. New York: Spiegel
& Grau, 2015.
For books published before the twentieth century, you may omit the
publishers name.
2. Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation
to Sex (London, 1871), 1:16–17.
Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to
Sex. 2 vols. London, 1871. PLACE OF PUBLICATION. The place of publication is the city
where the book publishers main editorial offices are located. If you do not
see it listed on the title page, look for it on the copyright page instead.
Where two or more cities are given (“Chicago and London,” for example),
include only the first.
Los Angeles: Getty Publications
New York: Columbia University Press
If the city of publication might be unknown to readers or confused with
another city of the same name, add the abbreviation of the state (see 24.3.1),
province, or (if necessary) country. When the publishers name includes the
state name, no state abbreviation is needed.
Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press
Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press
Prefer current, commonly used English names for cities whenever such
forms exist. (When in doubt about which form to use, record the name of
the city as it appears with the source.)
Belgrade (not Beograd)
Milan (not Milano)
When the place of publication is not known (an uncommon occurrence
for older works, which typically specify a city of publication), you may use
the abbreviation n.p. in a note (or N.p. in a bibliography entry) before the
publishers name. If the place can be guessed, include it in brackets and add
a question mark to indicate uncertainty.
(n.p.: Windsor, 1910)
[Lake Bluff, IL?]: Vliet and Edwards, 1920
It is common for books published more recently through modern self-
publishing platforms not to list a place of publication. If you cite such a
source, the place of publication can usually be omitted (see for an
example). PUBLISHER’S NAME. Give the publishers name for each book
exactly as it appears on the title page, even if you know that the name has
since changed or appears in a different form for other books in your
Harcourt Brace and World
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Harcourt, Brace
You may, however, omit an initial The and such abbreviations as Inc., Ltd.,
S.A., Co., & Co., and Publishing Co. (and the spelled-out forms of such
corporate abbreviations).
University of Texas Press instead of The University of Texas Press
Houghton Mifflin instead of Houghton Mifflin Co.
Little, Brown instead of Little, Brown & Co.
For non-English publishers, do not translate or abbreviate any part of the
publishers name, but give the city name in its English form (as noted in When the publisher is unknown, use just the place (if known) and
date of publication. If a book has been self-published, however, this fact
may be noted (see also
Albin, Eleazar. A Natural History of Birds: Illustrated with a
Hundred and One Copper Plates, Engraven from the Life.
London: printed by the author, 1738.
Rai, Alisha. Serving Pleasure. Self-published, CreateSpace, 2015. DATE OF PUBLICATION. The publication date for a book
consists only of a year, not a month or day, and is usually identical to the
copyright date. It generally appears on the copyright page and sometimes
on the title page.
Revised editions and reprints may include more than one copyright date.
In this case, the most recent indicates the publication date—for example,
2017 in the string “© 2003, 2010, 2017.” See 17.1.3 for citing publication
dates in such works.
If you cannot determine the publication date of a printed work, use the
abbreviation n.d. in place of the year. If no date is provided but you believe
you know it, you may add it in brackets, with a question mark to indicate
Agnew, John. A Book of Virtues. Edinburgh, n.d.
Miller, Samuel. Another Book of Virtues. Boston, [1750?].
If a book is under contract with a publisher and is already titled but the
date of publication is not yet known, use forthcoming in place of the date.
Treat any book not yet under contract as an unpublished manuscript (see
1. Jane Q. Author, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher’s
Name, forthcoming).
17.1.7 Page Numbers and Other Locators
Page numbers and other information used to identify the location of a cited
passage or element generally appear in notes but not in bibliographies. One
exception: if you cite a chapter or other section of a book in a bibliography,
give the page range for that chapter or section (see 17.1.8 for examples).
For guidelines on expressing a span of numbers, see 23.2.4. For page
numbers and other locators in e-book formats, see 17.1.10. PAGE, CHAPTER, AND DIVISION NUMBERS. The locator is
usually the last item in a note. Before page numbers, the word page or the
abbreviation p. or pp. is generally omitted. Use arabic numbers except for
pages numbered with roman numerals in the original.
1. Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, Academically Adrift: Limited
Learning on College Campuses (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2011), 145–46.
2. Jacqueline Jones, preface to the new edition of Labor of Love,
Labor of Sorrow: Black Women, Work, and the Family, from Slavery
to the Present, rev. ed. (New York: Basic Books, 2010), xiv–xv.
Sometimes you may want to refer to a full chapter (abbreviated chap.),
part (pt.), book (bk.), or section (sec.) instead of a span of page numbers.
3. Srikant M. Datar, David A. Garvin, and Patrick G. Cullen,
Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads (Boston:
Harvard Business Press, 2010), pt. 2.
Some books printed before 1800 do not carry page numbers but are
divided into signatures and then into leaves or folios, each with a front side
(recto, or r) and a back side (verso, or v). To cite such pages, include the
relevant string of numbers and identifiers, run together without spaces or
italics: for example, G6v, 176r, 232r–v, or (if you are citing entire folios)
fol. 49. OTHER TYPES OF LOCATORS. Sometimes you will want to
cite a specific note, a figure or table, or a numbered line (as in some works
of poetry).
Note numbers. Use the abbreviation n (plural nn) to cite notes. If the note
cited is the only footnote on its page or is an unnumbered footnote, add n
after the page number (with no intervening space or punctuation). If there
are other footnotes or endnotes on the same page as the note cited, list the
page number followed by n or (if two or more consecutive notes are
cited) nn and the note number(s).
1. Anthony Grafton, The Footnote: A Curious History
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997), 72n.
2. Dwight Bolinger, Language: The Loaded Weapon
(London: Longman, 1980), 192n23, 192n30, 199n14,
Illustration and table numbers. Use the abbreviation fig. for figure, but
spell out table, map, plate, and names of other types of illustrations. Give
the page number before the illustration number.
3. Richard Sobel, Public Opinion in U.S. Foreign Policy:
The Controversy over Contra Aid (Boston: Rowman and
Littlefield, 1993), 87, table 5.3.
Line numbers. For poetry and other works best identified by line number,
avoid the abbreviations l. (line) and ll. (lines); they are too easily
confused with the numerals 1 and 11. Use line or lines, or use numbers
alone where you have made it clear that you are referring to lines.
4. Ogden Nash, “Song for Ditherers,” lines 1–4.
17.1.8 Chapters and Other Parts of a Book
In most cases you can cite the main title of any book that offers a
continuous argument, narrative, or theme, even if you actually use only a
section of it. But sometimes you will want to cite an independent essay or
chapter if that is the part most relevant to your research. By doing so, you
help readers see how the source fits into your project.
Nishizaki, Yoshinori. “Big Is Good: The Banharn-Jaemsai
Observatory Tower in Suphanburi.” In A Sarong for Clio: Essays
on the Intellectual and Cultural History of Thailand—Inspired by
Craig J. Reynolds, edited by Maurizio Peleggi, 143–62. Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University Press, 2015.
instead of
Peleggi, Maurizio, ed. A Sarong for Clio: Essays on the Intellectual
and Cultural History of Thailand—Inspired by Craig J. Reynolds.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2015. PARTS OF SINGLE-AUTHOR BOOKS. If you cite a chapter
or other titled part of a single-author book, include the title of the part first,
in roman type and enclosed in quotation marks. After the designation in,
give the book title. In a bibliography entry, include the full span of page
numbers for that part following the book title; in a note, give the page
number(s) for a specific reference as you would for any other quotation.
1. Roxane Gay, “The Careless Language of Sexual Violence,” in
Bad Feminist (New York: Harper Perennial, 2014), 130.
Gay, Roxane. “The Careless Language of Sexual Violence.” In
Bad Feminist, 128–36. New York: Harper Perennial, 2014.
If you cite a part with a generic title such as introduction, preface, or
afterword, add that term before the title of the book in roman type without
quotation marks. If the part is written by someone other than the main
author of the book, give the part authors name first and the book authors
name after the title.
2. Grant H. Kester, preface to the 2013 edition of Conversation
Pieces: Community and Communication in Modern Art, updated ed.
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013), xii.
3. Craig Calhoun, foreword to Multicultural Politics: Racism,
Ethnicity, and Muslims in Britain, by Tariq Modood (Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 2005), xii.
If the author of the generic part is the same as the author of the book, cite
the book as a whole in the bibliography, not just the part.
Calhoun, Craig. Foreword to Multicultural Politics: Racism,
Ethnicity, and Muslims in Britain, by Tariq Modood, ix–xv.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005.
Kester, Grant H. Conversation Pieces: Community and
Communication in Modern Art. Updated ed. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 2013. PARTS OF EDITED COLLECTIONS. If you cite part of an
edited collection with contributions by multiple authors, list the part author
and title (in roman type, enclosed in quotation marks) first. After the
designation in, give the book title and the name of the editor. In a
bibliography entry, include the full span of page numbers for that part
following the book title; in a note, give the page number(s) for a specific
reference as you would for any other quotation.
1. Cameron Binkley, “Saving Redwoods: Clubwomen and
Conservation, 1900–1925,” in California Women and Politics: From
the Gold Rush to the Great Depression, ed. Robert W. Cherny, Mary
Ann Irwin, and Ann Marie Wilson (Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 2011), 155.
Binkley, Cameron. “Saving Redwoods: Clubwomen and
Conservation, 1900–1925.” In California Women and Politics:
From the Gold Rush to the Great Depression, edited by Robert
W. Cherny, Mary Ann Irwin, and Ann Marie Wilson, 151–74.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2011.
If you cite two or more contributions to the same edited collection, you
may use one of the space-saving shortened forms discussed in 16.4.1. The
first time you cite any part from the book in a note, give full bibliographical
information about both the part and the book as a whole. Thereafter, if you
cite another part from the book, provide the full authors name and title of
the part, but give the information about the book in shortened form.
Subsequent notes for individual parts follow one of the shortened note
forms (author-only, shown here, or author-title).
2. Robert Bruegmann, “Built Environment of the Chicago Region,”
in Chicago Neighborhoods and Suburbs: A Historical Guide, ed. Ann
Durkin Keating (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008), 259.
3. Janice L. Reiff, “Contested Spaces,” in Keating, 55.
4. Bruegmann, 299–300.
5. Reiff, 57.
In your bibliography, provide a full citation for the whole book and a
variation on the shortened note form for individual parts.
Bruegmann, Robert. “Built Environment of the Chicago Region.” In
Keating, 76–314.
Keating, Ann Durkin, ed. Chicago Neighborhoods and Suburbs: A
Historical Guide. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008.
Reiff, Janice, L. “Contested Spaces.” In Keating, 55–63. WORKS IN ANTHOLOGIES. Cite a short story, poem, essay, or
other work published in an anthology in the same way you would a
contribution to an edited collection with multiple authors. Give the titles of
most works published in anthologies in roman type, enclosed in quotation
marks. An exception is a book-length poem or prose work that is
anthologized in full or in part; its title should be italicized (see 22.3.2).
1. Isabel Allende, “The Spirits Were Willing,” in The Oxford Book
of Latin American Essays, ed. Ilan Stavans (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1997), 463–64.
Wigglesworth, Michael. Excerpt from The Day of Doom. In The
New Anthology of American Poetry, vol. 1, Traditions and
Revolutions, Beginnings to 1900, edited by Steven Gould
Axelrod, Camille Roman, and Thomas Travisano, 68–74. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2003.
If the original publication date of a work is important in the context of
your paper, include it after the title of the work and before the title of the
anthology in both your notes and your bibliography.
2. Isabel Allende, “The Spirits Were Willing” (1984), in The Oxford
Book . . .
Wigglesworth, Michael. Excerpt from The Day of Doom. 1662. In
The New Anthology . . .
17.1.9 Letters and Other Communications in Published Collections
To cite a letter, memorandum, or other such item collected in a book, give
the names of the sender and recipient followed by the date of the
correspondence. (For unpublished personal communications, see 17.6.2; for
unpublished letters in manuscript collections, see 17.7.4.) The word letter is
unnecessary, but label other forms, such as a report or memorandum. Give
the title and other data for the collection in the usual form for an edited
book. Subsequent notes to the same item can be shortened to the names of
the sender and recipient (plus a date if necessary).
1. Henry James to Edith Wharton, November 8, 1905, in Letters,
ed. Leon Edel, vol. 4, 1895–1916 (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of
Harvard University Press, 1984), 373.
2. James to Wharton, 375.
3. E. B. White to Harold Ross, memorandum, May 2, 1946, in
Letters of E. B. White, ed. Dorothy Lobrano Guth (New York: Harper
and Row, 1976), 273.
In the bibliography, cite the whole collection.
James, Henry. Letters. Edited by Leon Edel. Vol. 4, 1895–1916.
Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,
White, E. B. Letters of E. B. White. Edited by Dorothy Lobrano
Guth. New York: Harper and Row, 1976.
17.1.10 Electronic Books
Electronic books, or e-books, are cited just like print books, as discussed
throughout 17.1. In addition, you will need to include information about the
format you consulted. If you read the book online, include a URL. If you
consulted the book in a commercial database, you can instead give the name
of the database. See 15.4.1 for more details.
On the other hand, if you downloaded a book from Amazon or Apple or
the like in a format that requires a specific app or device, include that
information instead.
Many e-book formats lack fixed page numbers. Avoid citing app- or
device-specific screen or location numbers, which may not be the same for
others even if they consult the same format. Instead, cite by chapter or
section number (see or, if these are unnumbered, by the name of
the chapter or section (see 17.1.8). Especially for a frequently cited source,
it may be better simply to consult a version that reproduces the pagination
of a printed edition. In the Dostoevsky example below, the page images
from the Internet Archive are easier to cite than the reflowable Project
Gutenberg text, and because they reproduce the original text exactly, they
are also more authoritative.
1. Janet M. Davis, The Gospel of Kindness: Animal Welfare and
the Making of Modern America (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2016), 144–45, https:// doi.org/ 10.1093/ acprof:oso/
2. Eric Schlosser, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the
American Meal (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001), 88, ProQuest
3. Jessa Crispin, The Dead Ladies Project: Exiles, Expats, and Ex-
Countries (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015), 100–101,
Adobe Digital Editions PDF.
4. Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success (Boston:
Little, Brown, 2008), chap. 1, sec. 4, Kindle.
5. Harper Lee, Go Set a Watchman (New York: Harper, 2015),
chap. 19, iBooks.
6. Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, trans. Constance
Garnett (Project Gutenberg, last updated November 5, 2012), pt. 6,
chap. 1, http:// gutenberg.org/ files/ 2554/ 2554-h/ 2554-h.htm.
or, better,
6. Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, trans. Constance
Garnett, ed. William Allan Neilson (New York: P. F. Collier & Son,
1917), 444, https:// archive.org/ details/ crimepunishment00dostuoft.
Crispin, Jessa. The Dead Ladies Project: Exiles, Expats, and Ex-
Countries. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. Adobe
Digital Editions PDF.
Davis, Janet M. The Gospel of Kindness: Animal Welfare and the
Making of Modern America. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2016. https:// doi.org/ 10.1093/ acprof:oso/
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment. Translated by
Constance Garnett. Edited by William Allan Neilson. New York:
P. F. Collier, 1917. https:// archive.org/ details/
Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers: The Story of Success. Boston: Little,
Brown, 2008. Kindle.
Lee, Harper. Go Set a Watchman. New York: Harper, 2015.
Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the American
Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. ProQuest Ebrary.
17.2 Journal Articles
Journals are scholarly or professional periodicals available primarily in
academic libraries and by subscription. They often include the word journal
in their title (Journal of Modern History), but not always (Signs). Journals
are not the same as magazines, which are usually intended for a more
general readership. This distinction is important because journal articles and
magazine articles are cited differently (see 17.3). If you are unsure whether
a periodical is a journal or a magazine, see whether its articles include
citations; if so, treat it as a journal.
Many journal articles are available online, often through your school’s
library website or from a commercial database. To cite an article that you
read online, include a URL. If a URL is listed along with the article, use
that instead of the one in your browsers address bar. If a DOI is listed,
append the DOI to https://doi.org/ to form the URL. If you consulted the
article in a commercial database, you may give the name of the database
instead of a URL. See 15.4.1 for more details.
17.2.1 Authors Name
Give authors’ names exactly as they appear at the heads of their articles.
Names in the notes are listed in standard order (first name first). In the
bibliography, the name of the first-listed author is inverted. For some
special cases, see
17.2.2 Article Title
List complete article titles and subtitles. Use roman type, separate the title
from the subtitle with a colon, and enclose both in quotation marks. Use
headline-style capitalization (see 22.3.1).
1. Quentin Taylor, “The Mask of Publius: Alexander Hamilton and
the Politics of Expediency,” American Political Thought 5, no. 1
(Winter 2016): 63, https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 684559.
Taylor, Quentin. “The Mask of Publius: Alexander Hamilton and the
Politics of Expediency.” American Political Thought 5, no. 1
(Winter 2016): 55–79. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 684559.
Terms normally italicized in text, such as species names and book titles,
remain italicized within an article title; terms quoted in the title are enclosed
in single quotation marks because the title itself is within double quotation
marks. Do not add either a colon or a period after a title or subtitle that ends
in a question mark or an exclamation point. If the title would normally be
followed by a comma, as in the shortened note example below (see 16.4.1),
use both marks. See also 21.12.1.
2. Lisa A. Twomey, “Taboo or Tolerable? Hemingway’s For Whom
the Bell Tolls in Postwar Spain,” Hemingway Review 30, no. 2
(Spring 2011): 55.
3. Twomey, “Taboo or Tolerable?,” 56.
Lewis, Judith. “‘’Tis a Misfortune to Be a Great Ladie’: Maternal
Mortality in the British Aristocracy, 1558–1959.” Journal of
British Studies 37, no. 1 (January 1998): 26–53. http://
www.jstor.org/ stable/ 176034.
Titles in languages other than English should generally be capitalized
sentence-style (see 22.3.1) according to the conventions of the particular
language. If you add an English translation, enclose it in brackets, without
quotation marks.
4. Antonio Carreño-Rodríguez, “Modernidad en la literatura
gauchesca: Carnavalización y parodia en el Fausto de Estanislao
del Campo,” Hispania 92, no. 1 (March 2009): 13–14, http://
www.jstor.org/ stable/ 40648253.
Kern, W. “Waar verzamelde Pigafetta zijn Maleise woorden?”
[Where did Pigafetta collect his Malaysian words?]. Tijdschrift
voor Indische taal-, land-en volkenkunde 78 (1938): 271–73.
17.2.3 Journal Title
After the article title, list the journal title in italics, with headline-style
capitalization (see 22.3.1). Give the title exactly as it appears on the title
page or on the journal website; do not use abbreviations, although you can
omit an initial The (see also If the official title is an initialism
such as PMLA, do not expand it. For non-English journal titles, you may
use either headline-style or sentence-style capitalization, but retain all initial
articles (Der Spiegel).
17.2.4 Issue Information
Most journal citations include volume number, issue number, month or
season, and year. Readers may not need all of these elements to locate an
article, but including them all guards against a possible error in one of them. VOLUME AND ISSUE NUMBERS. The volume number
follows the journal title without intervening punctuation and is not
italicized. Use arabic numerals even if the journal itself uses roman
numerals. If there is an issue number, it follows the volume number,
separated by a comma and preceded by no.
1. Campbell Brown, “Consequentialize This,” Ethics 121, no. 4
(July 2011): 752, https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 660696.
Ionescu, Felicia. “Risky Human Capital and Alternative Bankruptcy
Regimes for Student Loans.” Journal of Human Capital 5, no. 2
(Summer 2011): 153–206. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 661744.
When a journal uses issue numbers only, without volume numbers, a
comma follows the journal title.
Beattie, J. M. “The Pattern of Crime in England, 1660–1800.” Past
and Present, no. 62 (February 1974): 47–95. DATE OF PUBLICATION. The date of publication appears in
parentheses after the volume number and issue information. Follow the
practice of the journal regarding date information; it must include the year
and may include a season, a month, or an exact day. Capitalize seasons in
journal citations, even though they are not capitalized in text.
1. Marjorie Garber, “Over the Influence,” Critical Inquiry 42, no. 4
(Summer 2016): 735, https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 686960.
Bartfeld, Judi, and Myoung Kim. “Participation in the School
Breakfast Program: New Evidence from the ECLS-K.” Social
Service Review 84, no. 4 (December 2010): 541–62. https://
doi.org/ 10.1086/ 657109.
If an article has been accepted for publication but has not yet appeared,
use forthcoming in place of the date and page numbers. Treat any article not
yet accepted for publication as an unpublished manuscript (see 17.7.4).
2. Margaret M. Author, “Article Title,” Journal Name 98
Author, Margaret M. “Article Title.” Journal Name 98 (forthcoming).
17.2.5 Page Numbers
If you cite a particular passage in a note, give only the specific page(s)
cited. For a bibliography entry or a note that cites the entire article, give the
full span of page numbers for the article (see 23.2.4). By convention, page
numbers of journal articles follow colons rather than commas.
1. Tim Hitchcock, “Begging on the Streets of Eighteenth-Century
London,” Journal of British Studies 44, no. 3 (July 2005): 478, https://
doi.org/ 10.1086/ 429704.
Wang, ShiPu. “We Are Scottsboro Boys: Hideo Noda’s Visual
Rhetoric of Transracial Solidarity.” American Art 30, no. 1
(Spring 2016): 16–20. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 686545.
17.2.6 Special Issues and Supplements
A journal issue devoted to a single theme is known as a special issue. It
carries a normal volume and issue number. If a special issue has a title and
an editor of its own, include both in the citations. The title is given in roman
type and enclosed in quotation marks.
1. Rajeswari Sunder Rajan, “Zeitgeist and the Literary Text: India,
1947, in Qurratulain Hyders My Temples, Too and Salman
Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children,” in “Around 1948: Interdisciplinary
Approaches to Global Transformation,” ed. Leela Gandhi and
Deborah L. Nelson, special issue, Critical Inquiry 40, no. 4 (Summer
2014): 440–41, https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 676415.
Sunder Rajan, Rajeswari. “Zeitgeist and the Literary Text: India,
1947, in Qurratulain Hyders My Temples, Too and Salman
Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.” In “Around 1948:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Transformation,” edited
by Leela Gandhi and Deborah L. Nelson. Special issue, Critical
Inquiry 40, no. 4 (Summer 2014): 439–65. https:// doi.org/
10.1086/ 676415.
If you need to cite the issue as a whole, omit the article information.
Gandhi, Leela, and Deborah L. Nelson, eds. “Around 1948:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Transformation.” Special
issue, Critical Inquiry 40, no. 4 (Summer 2014).
A journal supplement may also have a title and an author or editor of its
own. Unlike a special issue, it is numbered separately from the regular
issues of the journal, often with S as part of its page numbers. Use a comma
between the volume number and the supplement number.
2. Ivar Ekeland, James J. Heckman, and Lars Nesheim,
“Identification and Estimation of Hedonic Models,” in “Papers in
Honor of Sherwin Rosen,” Journal of Political Economy 112, S1
(February 2004): S72, https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 379947.
Ekeland, Ivar, James J. Heckman, and Lars Nesheim.
“Identification and Estimation of Hedonic Models.” In “Papers in
Honor of Sherwin Rosen,” Journal of Political Economy 112, S1
(February 2004): S60–S109. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 379947.
17.2.7 Abstracts
You can cite information in the abstract of a journal article or other work in
a note. Include the full citation for the journal article (or other work, such as
a dissertation) and insert the word abstract within the citation, following the
1. Campbell Brown, “Consequentialize This,” abstract, Ethics 121,
no. 4 (July 2011): 749.
In your bibliography, cite the full article (or other work) and not the
17.3 Magazine Articles
Articles in magazines are cited much like journal articles (see 17.2), but
dates and page numbers are treated differently.
Cite magazines by date only, even if they are numbered by volume and
issue. Do not enclose the date in parentheses. If you cite a specific passage
in a note, include its page number. But you may omit the article’s inclusive
page numbers in a bibliography entry, since magazine articles often span
many pages that include extraneous material. If you include page numbers,
use a comma rather than a colon to separate them from the date of issue. As
with journals, you can omit an initial The from the magazine title (see also
1. Jill Lepore, “The Woman Card,” New Yorker, June 27, 2016, 23.
Lepore, Jill. “The Woman Card.” New Yorker, June 27, 2016.
If you cite a department or column that appears regularly, capitalize it
headline-style and do not enclose it in quotation marks.
2. Barbara Wallraff, Word Court, Atlantic Monthly, June 2005, 128.
Magazine articles consulted online should include a URL (see
or the name of a commercial database (see Typically there will be
no page numbers to cite.
3. Gabriel Roth, “Old England’s Overthrow,” Slate, June 24, 2016,
http:// www.slate.com/ articles/ news_ and_ politics/ politics/ 2016/ 06/ the_
british_ establishment_ conspired_ with_ voters_ to_ destroy_ itself.html.
4. Michael K. Williams, interview by Eliana Dockterman, Time, July
25, 2016, EBSCOhost.
Lukianoff, Greg, and Jonathan Haidt. “The Coddling of the
American Mind.” Atlantic, September 2015. http://
www.theatlantic.com/ magazine/ archive/ 2015/ 09/ the-coddling-of-
the-american-mind/ 399356/.
Magazine articles published online sometimes include readers’
comments. These are cited like comments on blog posts (see 17.5.2).
17.4 Newspaper Articles
17.4.1 Name of Newspaper
You can usually omit an initial The from the name of an English-language
newspaper (see also If the name of a local newspaper does not
include a city, it may be added to the official title. If a name is shared by
many cities or is obscure, you may add the state or province in parentheses
(for abbreviations, see 24.3.1); for national papers, you may need to identify
the country. For non-English newspapers, you may use headline-style
capitalization, but retain an initial article if it is formally part of the name;
add city or other information after titles for clarity, if necessary.
Chicago Tribune
New York Times
Hackensack (NJ) Record
Saint Paul (Alberta or AB) Journal
Le Monde
La Crónica de Hoy (Mexico City)
Al-Akhbar (Beirut)
Times (UK)
The name of a news website can usually be treated in a similar way, except
that a location will rarely be necessary.
Huffington Post
For blogs, which are treated similarly, see 17.5.2. For websites, see 17.5.1.
17.4.2 Citing Newspapers in Notes
In most cases, cite articles and other pieces from newspapers (or news
websites) only in notes. Include a specific article in your bibliography only
if it is critical to your argument or frequently cited.
Follow the general pattern for citation of articles in magazines (see 17.3).
Omit page numbers, even for a printed edition, because a newspaper may
have several editions in which items may appear on different pages or may
even be dropped. You may clarify which edition you consulted by adding
final edition, Midwest edition, or whatever applies. Articles read online
should include a URL. For articles obtained through a commercial database,
you may give the name of the database instead. See 15.4.1 for more details.
1. “Residency Ruling: State Supreme Court Guts Local Control,”
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, editorial, June 24, 2016.
2. Fergus McIntosh, letter to the editor, New York Times, June 24,
3. John Pareles, obituary for David Bowie, New York Times,
January 26, 2016, New York edition.
4. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, interview by Simon Denyer, Washington
Post, April 17, 2011.
5. Rob Pegoraro, “Apple’s iPhone Is Sleek, Smart and Simple,”
Washington Post, July 5, 2007, LexisNexis Academic.
6. Associated Press, “Ex UConn Student Applies for Probation
over Mac and Cheese Meltdown,” USA Today College, November
23, 2015, http:// college.usatoday.com/ 2015/ 11/ 23/ mac-and-cheese-
7. Erin Anderssen, “Through the Eyes of Generation Z,” Globe and
Mail (Toronto), June 25, 2016, http:// www.theglobeandmail.com/
news/ national/ through-the-eyes-of-generation-z/ article30571914/.
8. Dara Lind, “Moving to Canada, Explained,” Vox, September 15,
2016, http:// www.vox.com/ 2016/ 5/ 9/ 11608830/ move-to-canada-how.
Svrluga, Susan. “Harvard Law School Will No Longer Require
LSAT for Admission.” Washington Post, March 9, 2017. https://
www.washingtonpost.com/ news/ grade-point/ wp/ 2017/ 03/ 08/
To cite a comment, refer to a shortened form of the article (which must
be cited or mentioned in full elsewhere). See also 17.5.2.
9. Lauren K., March 9, 2017, comment on Svrluga, “Harvard Law
Articles from Sunday “magazine” supplements or other special sections
should be treated as you would magazine articles (see 17.3).
17.4.3 Citing Newspapers in Text
Often you will be able to cite an article by weaving several key elements
into your text. At a minimum, include the name and date of the paper and
the author of the article (if any). Some of this information can appear in
parentheses, even if it does not follow the form for parenthetical notes
described in 16.4.3.
In his op-ed in support of a challenge by students over the use of
Woodrow Wilson’s name at Princeton (New York Times, November
24, 2015), Davis traces the negative impact of Wilson’s policies on
his paternal grandfathers career at the Government Printing Office.
17.5 Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
17.5.1 Website Content
Cite web pages and related content by identifying the following elements:
author, title of the page (in roman type, enclosed in quotation marks), title
(or description) of the site (usually in roman type; see, the owner
or sponsor of the site (if not the same as the title), and a publication or
revision date. Include a URL as the final element (see
For a frequently updated source (such as a wiki), you can record a time
stamp if the source includes one. If no date can be determined from the
source, include an access date (see Cite website content in the
notes; include a specific item in your bibliography only if it is critical to
your argument or frequently cited.
1. “Privacy Policy,” Privacy & Terms, Google, last modified March
25, 2016, http:// www.google.com/ policies/ privacy/.
2. “Balkan Romani,” Endangered Languages, Alliance for
Linguistic Diversity, accessed June 10, 2016, http://
www.endangeredlanguages.com/ lang/ 5342.
3. “Wikipedia: Manual of Style,” Wikimedia Foundation, last
modified June 27, 2016, 09:57, http:// en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/
Wikipedia:Manual_ of_ Style.
4. Susan B. Higgins, “High School Students Explore Key Issues
Facing American Indian Communities,” News at Princeton, Princeton
University, June 23, 2016, https:// www.princeton.edu/ main/ news/
archive/ S46/ 66/ 02A46/.
5. “History,” Columbia University, accessed July 1, 2016, http://
www.columbia.edu/ content/ history.html.
In a bibliography, list a source that doesn’t include an author under the
title of the website or the name of its owner or sponsor.
Google. “Privacy Policy.” Privacy & Terms. Last modified March
25, 2016. http:// www.google.com/ intl/ en/ privacypolicy.html.
Articles from news websites can usually be cited like articles in newspapers
(see 17.4). For blogs, see 17.5.2.
17.5.2 Blog Posts
Blog posts (also called entries) are similar to articles in magazines and
newspapers and can be cited in much the same way (see 17.3 and 17.4). Put
the title of the post in quotation marks and the title of the blog in italics
(you can indicate “blog” in parentheses if it is not clear from the title). If the
blog is part of a larger publication such as a newspaper or website, give the
name of the publication after the title of the blog. Citations of blog posts
can usually be limited to notes. Include a specific item in your bibliography
only if it is critical to your argument or frequently cited; if you cite multiple
posts from the same blog, you may choose to cite the blog as a whole in the
1. Sharon Jayson, “Is Selfie Culture Making Our Kids Selfish?,”
Well (blog), New York Times, June 23, 2016, http://
well.blogs.nytimes.com/ 2016/ 06/ 23/ is-selfie-culture-making-our-kids-
2. Lindy West, “Sweden Introduces New Gender-Neutral Pronoun,
Makes Being a Man ILLEGAL,” Jezebel, April 11, 2013, http://
jezebel.com/ sweden-introduces-new-gender-neutral-pronoun-
3. William Germano, “Futurist Shock,” Lingua Franca (blog),
Chronicle of Higher Education, February 15, 2017, http://
www.chronicle.com/ blogs/ linguafranca/ 2017/ 02/ 15/ futurist-shock/.
Germano, William. “Futurist Shock.” Lingua Franca (blog).
Chronicle of Higher Education, February 15, 2017, http://
www.chronicle.com/ blogs/ linguafranca/ 2017/ 02/ 15/ futurist-
Lingua Franca (blog). Chronicle of Higher Education. http://
www.chronicle.com/ blogs/ linguafranca/.
Comments can be cited in terms of a shortened form of the original post
(which must be cited or mentioned in full elsewhere). Cite the name exactly
as it appears, along with any identifying information in parentheses. List the
date of the comment rather than the date of the post (though they may be
the same).
4. Muberra (Istanbul), June 26, 2016, comment on Jayson, “Selfie
17.5.3 Social Media
Social media content is normally cited in the text or notes but not in the
bibliography. Include a specific item in your bibliography only if it is
critical to your argument or frequently cited. To cite direct messages and
other personal or private content, follow the guidelines for citing personal
communications (see 17.6.2). For publicly posted content, model your
citations on the examples shown here. Include the following elements:
1. The author of the post. List a screen name in addition to the name of the
person or group on the account, if known. Otherwise, just use the screen
2. In place of a title, the text of the post. Quote up to the first 160 characters
(enough to capture the typical text message), capitalized as in the
original. (If you quoted the post in your text, there is no need to repeat it
in a note.)
3. The type of post. This can include a description (photo, video, etc.).
4. The date, including month, day, and year. You can also include a time
stamp to help differentiate a post from others on the same day.
5. A URL. A URL can often be found via the date stamp for the item.
Comments are cited in reference to a shortened form of the original post,
which must be cited in full elsewhere. Like newspaper articles or blog
posts, social media can often be cited in the text, as in the first example. If it
is especially important to link back to the original post, use a note instead.
Conan O’Brien’s tweet was characteristically deadpan: “In honor of
Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets” (@ConanOBrien, April 22,
1. Junot Díaz, “Always surprises my students when I tell them that
the ‘real’ medieval was more diverse than the fake ones most of us
consume,” Facebook, February 24, 2016, https:// www.facebook.com/
junotdiaz.writer/ posts/ 972495572815454.
2. Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien), “In honor of Earth Day, I’m
recycling my tweets,” Twitter, April 22, 2015, 11:10 a.m., https://
twitter.com/ ConanOBrien/ status/ 590940792967016448.
3. Chicago Manual of Style, “Is the world ready for singular they?
We thought so back in 1993,” Facebook, April 17, 2015, https://
www.facebook.com/ ChicagoManual/ posts/ 10152906193679151.
4. Pete Souza (@petesouza), “President Obama bids farewell to
President Xi of China at the conclusion of the Nuclear Security
Summit,” Instagram photo, April 1, 2016, https:// www.instagram.com/
p/ BDrmfXTtNCt/.
5. Kristaps Licis, February 24, 2016, comment on Díaz, “Always
6. Michele Truty, April 17, 2015, comment on Chicago Manual of
Style, “singular they.”
Chicago Manual of Style. “Is the world ready for singular they? We
thought so back in 1993.” Facebook, April 17, 2015. https://
www.facebook.com/ ChicagoManual/ posts/ 10152906193679151.
Items shared on social media tend to disappear; always keep a screenshot
of whatever you cite in case you need to refer to it later (see also
17.5.4 Online Forums and Mailing Lists
To cite material from an online forum or mailing list, include the name of
the correspondent, the title of the subject or thread (in quotation marks and
capitalized as in the original), the name of the forum or list, and the date
and time of the post or message. Omit email addresses. (Posts on private
forums or lists should be cited as personal communications; see 17.6.2.)
Include a URL (see As with social media (see 17.5.3), such items
should normally be cited in a note but may instead be incorporated into the
1. Caroline Braun, reply to “How did the ‘cool kids’ from high
school turn out?,” Quora, August 9, 2016, https:// www.quora.com/
2. Sharon Naylor, “Removing a Thesis,” email to Educ. & Behavior
Science ALA Discussion List, August 23, 2011 (1:47:54 p.m. ET),
http:// listserv.uncc.edu/ archives/ ebss-1.html.
Sharon Naylor, in her email of August 23, 2011, to the Educ. &
Behavior Science ALA Discussion List (http:// listserv.uncc.edu/
archives/ ebss-1.html), pointed out that . . .
17.6 Interviews and Personal Communications
17.6.1 Interviews
Unpublished interviews (including those you have conducted yourself)
should usually be cited only in notes. Include a specific interview in your
bibliography only if it is critical to your argument or frequently cited. Begin
the note with the names of the person interviewed and the interviewer; also
include the place and date of the interview (if known) and the location of
any recordings or transcripts (if available). Notice the form for a shortened
note, which differs from the usual pattern (see 16.4.1).
1. David Shields, interview by author, Seattle, July 22, 2016.
2. Benjamin Spock, interview by Milton J. E. Senn, November 20,
1974, interview 67A, transcript, Senn Oral History Collection,
National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD.
3. Shields, interview; Spock, interview.
If you cannot reveal the name of the person interviewed, cite it in a form
appropriate to the context. Explain the absence of a name (“All interviews
were confidential; the names of interviewees are withheld by mutual
agreement”) in a note or a preface.
4. Interview with a home health aide, July 31, 2017.
Cite a published interview according to the rules for that type of
publication, with one difference: the interviewee is treated as author. If the
identity of the interviewee is clear from the title, it need not be repeated in a
note but should be listed in a bibliography.
5. “Edward Snowden Explains How to Reclaim Your Privacy,”
interview by Micah Lee, The Intercept, November 12, 2015, https://
theintercept.com/ 2015/ 11/ 12/ edward-snowden-explains-how-to-
Snowden, Edward. “Edward Snowden Explains How to Reclaim
Your Privacy.” Interview by Micah Lee. The Intercept, November
12, 2015. https:// theintercept.com/ 2015/ 11/ 12/ edward-snowden-
For more examples, see 17.3 (magazine), 17.4.2 (newspaper),
(video). See also
17.6.2 Personal Communications
Cite conversations, letters, email or text messages, and direct or private
messages shared through social media only in notes. The key elements are
the name of the other person, the type of communication, and the date of
the communication. In many cases, you may be able to use a parenthetical
note (see 16.4.3) or include some or all of this information in the text. Omit
email addresses. To cite content shared publicly through social media, see
17.5.3; for online forums and mailing lists, see 17.5.4. To cite letters in
published collections, see 17.1.9. For items in manuscript collections, see
In a conversation with me on March 1, 2017, Carla C. Ramirez
confirmed that . . .
A copy of the postcard, postmarked San Diego, March 7, 1965
(Emma Fenton to author, Instagram direct message, March 25,
2017), . . .
1. Roland J. Zuckerman, email message to author, June 1, 2017.
17.7 Papers, Lectures, and Manuscript Collections
17.7.1 Theses and Dissertations
Theses and dissertations are cited much like books except for the title,
which is in roman type and enclosed in quotation marks. After the author
and title, list the kind of paper, the academic institution, and the date. Like
the publication data for a book, these are enclosed in parentheses in a note
but not in a bibliography. Abbreviate dissertation as diss. If you’ve
consulted the paper online, include a URL. If you consulted the paper in an
institutional repository or commercial database, you can list the name of the
repository or database instead. See 15.4.1 for more details.
1. Karen Leigh Culcasi, “Cartographic Representations of
Kurdistan in the Print Media” (masters thesis, Syracuse University,
2003), 15.
2. Dana S. Levin, “Let’s Talk about Sex . . . Education: Exploring
Youth Perspectives, Implicit Messages, and Unexamined
Implications of Sex Education in Schools” (PhD diss., University of
Michigan, 2010), 101–2, http:// hdl.handle.net/ 2027.42/ 75809.
3. Guadalupe Navarro-Garcia, “Integrating Social Justice Values in
Educational Leadership: A Study of African American and Black
University Presidents” (PhD diss., University of California, Los
Angeles, 2016), 44, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Navarro-Garcia, Guadalupe. “Integrating Social Justice Values in
Educational Leadership: A Study of African American and Black
University Presidents.” PhD diss., University of California, Los
Angeles, 2016. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
17.7.2 Lectures and Papers Presented at Meetings
Cite a lecture or a paper presented at a meeting by the name of the speaker
or presenter and the title of the speech or presentation (in quotation marks),
followed by the sponsorship and location of the meeting and the date of the
speech or presentation. Information about the meeting is enclosed in
parentheses in a note but not in a bibliography. If you consulted a text or
transcript of the lecture or paper online, include a URL (see If
you watched or listened to the presentation online, adapt the examples here
to the advice at
1. Viviana Hong, “Censorship in Children’s Literature during
Argentina’s Dirty War (1976–1983)” (lecture, University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL, April 30, 2015).
2. Julie Leininger Pycior, “Trailblazers and Harbingers: Mexicans in
New York before 1970” (paper presented at the 130th annual
meeting of the American Historical Society, Atlanta, GA, January 8,
Carvalho Filho, Irineu de, and Renato P. Colistete. “Education
Performance: Was It All Determined 100 Years Ago? Evidence
from São Paulo, Brazil.” Paper presented at the 70th annual
meeting of the Economic History Association, Evanston, IL,
September 24–26, 2010. http:// mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/
24494/ 1/ MPRA_ paper_ 24494.pdf.
17.7.3 Pamphlets and Reports
Cite a pamphlet, corporate report, brochure, or similar freestanding
publication as you would a book. If you lack data for some of the usual
elements, such as author and publisher, give enough other information to
identify the document. Such sources should usually be cited only in notes.
Include such an item in your bibliography only if it is critical to your
argument or frequently cited. Sources consulted online should include a
URL (see
1. Hazel V. Clark, Mesopotamia: Between Two Rivers
(Mesopotamia, OH: Trumbull County Historical Society, 1957).
2. Elisabeth Hirschhorn Donahue, ed., Woodrow Wilson School of
Public and International Affairs: Annual Report 2014–15 (Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University, 2015), http:// wws.princeton.edu/ about-wws/
17.7.4 Manuscript Collections
Documents from physical collections of unpublished manuscripts involve
more complicated and varied elements than published sources. In your
citations, include as much identifying information as you can, format the
elements consistently, and adapt the general patterns outlined here as
identify the author and date of each item, the title or type of document, the
name of the collection, and the name of the depository. In a note, begin with
the authors name; if a document has a title but no author, or the title is
more important than the author, list the title first.
1. George Creel to Colonel House, September 25, 1918, Edward
M. House Papers, Yale University Library, New Haven, CT.
2. James Oglethorpe to the Trustees, January 13, 1733, Phillipps
Collection of Egmont Manuscripts, 14200:13, University of Georgia
Library, Athens (hereafter cited as Egmont MSS).
3. Burton to Merriam, telegram, January 26, 1923, box 26, folder
17, Charles E. Merriam Papers, University of Chicago Library.
4. Minutes of the Committee for Improving the Condition of Free
Blacks, Pennsylvania Abolition Society, 1790–1803, Papers of the
Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery, Historical Society
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (hereafter cited as Minutes,
Pennsylvania Society).
5. Memorandum by Alvin Johnson, 1937, file 36, Horace Kallen
Papers, YIVO Institute, New York.
6. Joseph Purcell, “A Map of the Southern Indian District of North
America” [ca. 1772], MS 228, Ayer Collection, Newberry Library,
For shortened notes, adapt the usual pattern of elements (see 16.4.1) to
accommodate the available information and identify the document
7. R. S. Baker to House, November 1, 1919, House Papers.
8. Minutes, April 15, 1795, Pennsylvania Society.
If you cite only one document from a collection and it is critical to your
argument or frequently cited within your paper, you may choose to include
it in your bibliography. Begin the entry with the authors name; if a
document has a title but no author, or the title is more important than the
author, list the title first.
Dinkel, Joseph. Description of Louis Agassiz written at the request
of Elizabeth Cary Agassiz. 1869. Agassiz Papers. Houghton
Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
If you cite multiple documents from a collection, list the collection as a
whole in your bibliography, under the name of the collection, the author(s)
of the items in the collection, or the depository. For similar types of
unpublished material that have not been placed in archives, replace
information about the collection with such wording as “in the authors
possession” or “private collection,” and do not mention the location.
Egmont Manuscripts. Phillipps Collection. University of Georgia
Library, Athens.
House, Edward M., Papers. Yale University Library, New Haven,
Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery. Papers.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Strother, French, and Edward Lowry. Undated correspondence.
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, IA.
Women’s Organization for National Prohibition Reform. Papers.
Alice Belin du Pont files, Pierre S. du Pont Papers. Eleutherian
Mills Historical Library, Wilmington, DE. HOW TO FORMAT THE ELEMENTS. Here are some special
formatting recommendations for documents in manuscript collections.
Specific versus generic titles. Use quotation marks for specific titles of
documents but not for generic terms such as report and minutes.
Capitalize generic names of this kind only if they are part of a formal
heading in the manuscript, not if they are merely descriptive.
Locating information. Although some manuscripts may include page
numbers that can be included in notes, many will have other types of
locators, or none at all. Older manuscripts are usually numbered by
signatures only or by folios (fol., fols.) rather than by page. Some
manuscript collections have identifying series or file numbers that you
can include in a citation. Items on microfilm may have roll (or sheet) and
frame numbers.
Papers and manuscripts. In titles of manuscript collections the terms
papers and manuscripts are synonymous. Both are acceptable, as are the
abbreviations MS and MSS (plural).
Letters. To cite a letter in a note, start with the name of the letter writer,
followed by to and the name of the recipient. You may omit first names if
the identities of the sender and the recipient are clear from the text. Omit
the word letter, which is understood, but for other forms of
communication, specify the type (telegram, memorandum). For letters in
published collections, see 17.1.9.
17.7.5 Online Collections
Some manuscript collections have been scanned and organized for
consultation online. Cite such items by adapting the rules for manuscript
collections in 17.7.4. Include a URL for the item or items cited (see also
1. Daily Expenses, July 1787, images 7–8, George Washington
Papers, Series 5: Financial Papers, 1750–96, Library of Congress,
Washington, DC, http:// memory.loc.gov/ ammem/ gwhtml/
Washington, George, Papers. Series 5: Financial Papers, 1750–
96. Library of Congress, Washington, DC. http:// memory.loc.gov/
ammem/ gwhtml/ gwseries5.html.
17.8 Older Works and Sacred Works
17.8.1 Classical, Medieval, and Early English Literary Works
Literary works produced in classical Greece and Rome, medieval Europe,
and Renaissance England are cited differently from modern literary works.
These sources are often organized into numbered sections (books, lines,
stanzas, and so forth) that are generally cited in place of page numbers.
Because such works have been published in so many versions and
translations over the centuries, the facts of publication for modern editions
are generally less important than in other types of citations.
For this reason, classical, medieval, and early English literary works
should usually be cited only in footnotes or, for frequently cited works, in
parenthetical notes (see 16.4.3), as in the first example below. Include the
authors name, the title, and the section number (given in arabic numerals).
See below regarding differences in punctuation, abbreviations, and numbers
among different types of works.
The eighty days of inactivity reported by Thucydides (8.44.4) for the
Peloponnesian fleet at Rhodes, terminating before the end of winter
(8.60.2–3), suggests . . .
1. Ovid, Amores 1.7.27.
2. Beowulf, lines 2401–7.
3. Spenser, The Faerie Queene, bk. 2, canto 8, st. 14.
If your paper is in literary studies or another field concerned with close
analysis of texts, or if differences in translations are relevant, include such
works in your bibliography. Follow the rules for other translated and edited
books in
4. Propertius, Elegies, ed. and trans. G. P. Goold, Loeb Classical
Library 18 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990), 45.
Aristotle. Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford
Translation. Edited by J. Barnes. 2 vols. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1983. CLASSICAL WORKS. In addition to the general principles listed
above, the following rules apply to citations of classical works.
Use no punctuation between the title of a work and a line or section
number. Numerical divisions are separated by periods without spaces. Use
arabic numerals (and lowercase letters, if needed) for section numbers. Put
commas between two or more citations of the same source and semicolons
between citations of different sources.
1. Aristophanes, Frogs 1019–30.
2. Cicero, In Verrem 2.1.21, 2.3.120; Tacitus, Germania 10.2–3.
3. Aristotle, Metaphysics 3.2.996b5–8; Plato, Republic 360e–361b.
You can abbreviate the names of authors, works, collections, and so forth.
The most widely accepted abbreviations appear in the Oxford Classical
Dictionary. Use these abbreviations rather than ibid. in succeeding
references to the same work. In the first example, the author (Thucydides)
stands in for the title so no comma is needed.
4. Thuc. 2.40.2–3.
5. Pindar, Isthm. 7.43–45. MEDIEVAL WORKS. The form for classical references works
equally well for medieval works written in languages other than English.
1. Augustine, De civitate Dei 20.2.
2. Abelard, Epistle 17 to Heloïse (Migne, PL 180.375c–378a). EARLY ENGLISH WORKS. In addition to the general principles
listed above, the following rules apply to citations of early English literary
Cite poems and plays by book, canto, and stanza; stanza and line; act,
scene, and line; or similar divisions.
1. Chaucer, “Wife of Bath’s Prologue,” Canterbury Tales, lines
2. Milton, Paradise Lost, book 1, lines 83–86.
You may shorten numbered divisions by omitting words such as act and
line, using a system similar to the one for classical references (see
Be sure to explain your system in the first note.
3. Milton, Paradise Lost 1.83–86 (references are to book and line
If editions differ in wording, line numbering, and even scene division—
common in works of Shakespeare—include the work in your bibliography,
with edition specified. If you do not have a bibliography, specify the edition
in the first note.
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Edited by Ann Thompson and Neil
Taylor. Arden Shakespeare 3. London: Arden Shakespeare,
17.8.2 The Bible and Other Sacred Works
Cite the Bible and sacred works of other religious traditions in footnotes,
endnotes, or parenthetical notes (see 16.4.3). You do not need to include
these works in your bibliography.
For citations from the Bible, include the abbreviated name of the book,
the chapter number, and the verse number—never a page number.
Depending on the context, you may use either traditional or shorter
abbreviations for the names of books (see 24.6); consult your instructor if
you are unsure which form is appropriate. Use arabic numerals for chapter
and verse numbers (with a colon between them) and for numbered books.
Traditional abbreviations:
1. 1 Thess. 4:11, 5:2–5, 5:14.
Shorter abbreviations:
2. 2 Sm 11:1–17, 11:26–27; 1 Chr 10:13–14.
Since books and numbering differ among versions of the scriptures,
identify the version you are using in your first citation with either the
spelled-out name or an accepted abbreviation (see 24.6.4).
3. 2 Kings 11:8 (New Revised Standard Version).
4. 1 Cor. 6:1–10 (NAB).
For citations from the sacred works of other religious traditions, adapt the
general pattern for biblical citations as appropriate (see 24.6.5).
17.9 Reference Works and Secondary Citations
17.9.1 Reference Works
Well-known reference works, such as major dictionaries and encyclopedias,
should usually be cited only in notes. You generally need not include them
in your bibliography, although you may choose to include a specific work
that is critical to your argument or frequently cited. Within the note, you
may omit the facts of publication, but you must specify the edition (if not
the first, or unless no edition is specified). Items consulted online will
require a URL (see; for undated items, include an access date (see For a work arranged by key terms such as a dictionary or
encyclopedia, cite the item (not the volume or page number) preceded by
s.v. (sub verbo, “under the word”; pl. s.vv.).
1. Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “ROFL,” accessed March 9,
2017, http:// www.oed.com/ view/ Entry/ 156942#eid1211161030.
2. Encyclopaedia Britannica, s.v. “Dame Margaret Drabble,”
accessed June 26, 2016, http:// www.britannica.com/ biography/
Reference works on disk should include information about the medium.
Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2009. CD-ROM, version 4.0.
For reference works that are more specialized or less well known, include
the publication details in your notes, and list the work in your bibliography.
3. MLA Handbook, 8th ed. (New York: Modern Language
Association of America, 2016), 3.3.2.
Aulestia, Gorka. Basque–English Dictionary. Reno: University of
Nevada Press, 1989.
An individual entry by a named author can be cited like a chapter in a book
(see 17.1.8).
17.9.2 Reviews
Reviews of books, performances, and so forth may appear in a variety of
periodicals and other sources and should usually be cited only in a note.
Include a specific review in your bibliography only if it is critical to your
argument or frequently cited.
Include the name of the reviewer; the words review of, followed by the
name of the work reviewed and its author (or composer, director, or the
like); any other pertinent information (such as film studio or location of a
performance); and, finally, the periodical or other source in which the
review appeared. If the review was consulted online, include a URL (see
1. Richard Williams, review of Bob Dylan in concert at the Royal
Albert Hall, London, UK, Guardian, October 22, 2015, https://
www.theguardian.com/ music/ 2015/ oct/ 22/ bob-dylan-review-royal-
2. Richard Brody, review of Gravity, directed by Alfonso Cuarón,
Warner Bros. Pictures, New Yorker, October 4, 2013.
Cox, Katharine. Review of Covered in Ink: Tattoos, Women, and
the Politics of the Body, by Beverly Yuen Thompson. Journal of
Gender Studies 25, no. 3 (2016): 349–50. https:// doi.org/
10.1080/ 09589236.2016.1171889.
17.9.3 One Source Quoted in Another
Responsible researchers avoid repeating quotations that they have not
actually seen in the original. If one source includes a useful quotation from
another source, readers expect you to obtain the original to verify not only
that the quotation is accurate but also that it fairly represents what the
original meant.
If the original source is unavailable, however, cite it as “quoted in” the
secondary source in your note. For the bibliography entry, adapt the “quoted
in” format as needed.
1. Louis Zukofsky, “Sincerity and Objectification,” Poetry 37
(February 1931): 269, quoted in Bonnie Costello, Marianne Moore:
Imaginary Possessions (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
1981), 78.
Zukofsky, Louis. “Sincerity and Objectification.” Poetry 37
(February 1931): 269. Quoted in Bonnie Costello, Marianne
Moore: Imaginary Possessions (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1981).
The same situation may arise with a quotation you find in a secondary
source drawn from a primary source (see 3.1). Often you will not be able to
consult the primary source, especially if it is in an unpublished manuscript
collection. In this case, follow the principles outlined above.
If, however, you consult a primary document or other work exhibited by
the holding institution as part of an online collection (as opposed to a copy
posted by someone else), such a source can usually be considered primary
for the purposes of research. See 17.7.5 and for examples.
17.10 Sources in the Visual and Performing Arts
The visual and performing arts generate a variety of sources, including
artworks, live performances, broadcasts and streams, recordings in various
media, and texts. Citing these sources involves determining which elements
are needed to fully identify them, formatting the elements consistently, and
adapting the general patterns outlined here as needed.
Some of the sources covered in this section, where noted, can be cited in
notes only or by weaving the key elements into your text, although you may
choose to include a specific item in your bibliography that is critical to your
argument or frequently cited. If your paper is for a course in the arts, media
studies, or a similar field, consult your instructor.
17.10.1 Artworks and Graphics PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES, AND PHOTOGRAPHS. Cite
paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, and the like only in notes.
Include the name of the artist, the title of the artwork (in italics) and date of
its creation (preceded by “ca.” [circa] if approximate), and the name of the
institution that houses it (if any), including location. You may also include
the medium and related information, if relevant. For images consulted
online, include a URL (see also Whenever possible, consult the
item through the website of the institution at which the item is physically
1. Georgia O’Keeffe, The Cliff Chimneys, 1938, oil on canvas,
Milwaukee Art Museum, http:// collection.mam.org/ details.php?
2. Michelangelo, David, 1501–4, Galleria dell’Accademia,
3. Ansel Adams, North Dome, Basket Dome, Mount Hoffman,
Yosemite, ca. 1935, silver print, 16.5 × 21.9 cm, Smithsonian
American Art Museum, Renwick Gallery, Washington, DC, http://
edan.si.edu/ saam/ id/ object/ 1994.91.1.
4. Erich Buchholz, Untitled, 1920, gouache on paper, Museum of
Modern Art, New York, http:// www.moma.org/ collection/ works/ 38187.
Instead of using a note, you can sometimes cite artworks by weaving the
elements into your text. Some of the elements can appear in parentheses,
even if they do not follow the form for parenthetical notes described in
O’Keeffe first demonstrated this technique in The Cliff Chimneys
(1938, Milwaukee Art Museum).
If you viewed the artwork in the context of another work such as a book
and your local guidelines require you to identify this source, give the
publication information in place of the institutional name and location.
5. Georgia O’Keeffe, The Cliff Chimneys, 1938, in Barbara Buhler
Lynes, Lesley Poling-Kempes, and Frederick W. Turner, Georgia
O’Keeffe and New Mexico: A Sense of Place (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 2004), 25. GRAPHIC ARTS. Cite graphic sources such as print
advertisements, maps, cartoons, and so forth only in notes, adapting the
basic patterns for artworks and giving as much information as possible.
Give any title or caption in roman type, enclosed in quotation marks, and
identify the type of graphic, in parentheses, if it is unclear from the title. For
items consulted online, include a URL (see; for undated sources,
also include an access date (see
1. Apple Inc., “Shot on iPhone 6S by Anh N.,” full-page
advertisement, New Yorker, July 4, 2016, back cover.
2. Yu ji tu [Map of the tracks of Yu], AD 1136, Forest of Stone
Steles Museum, Xi’an, China, stone rubbing, 1933?, 84 × 82 cm,
Library of Congress, http:// www.loc.gov/ item/ gm71005080/.
3. Chrissy Teigen crying at the 2015 Golden Globe Awards,
animated GIF, GIPHY, accessed July 3, 2016, http:// giphy.com/ gifs/
4. Evan Brown, “The 10 Commandments of Typography,”
infographic, DesignMantic, April 11, 2014. http://
www.designmantic.com/ blog/ infographics/ ten-commandments-of-
17.10.2 Live Performances
Cite live theatrical, musical, or dance performances only in notes. Include
the title of the work performed, the author, any key contributors or
performers and an indication of their roles, the venue and its location, and
the date. Italicize the titles of plays and long musical compositions, but set
the titles of shorter works in roman type, enclosed in quotation marks
except for musical works referred to by genre (see
1. Hamilton, music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, directed by
Thomas Kail, choreographed by Andy Blakenbuehler, Richard
Rodgers Theatre, New York, NY, February 2, 2016.
2. Simone Dinnerstein, pianist, Intermezzo in A, op. 118, no. 2, by
Johannes Brahms, Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Portland,
OR, January 15, 2012.
Instead of using a note, you may be able to weave the elements into your
text. Some of the elements can appear in parentheses, even if they do not
follow the form for parenthetical notes described in 16.4.3.
Simone Dinnerstein’s performance of Brahms’s Intermezzo in A, op.
118, no. 2 (January 15, 2012, at Portland Center for the Performing
Arts), was anything but intermediate . . .
To cite recordings and broadcasts of live performances, add information
about the medium. See 17.10.3 for similar types of examples.
3. Artur Rubinstein, pianist, “Spinning Song,” by Felix
Mendelssohn, Ambassador College, Pasadena, CA, January 15,
1975, on The Last Recital for Israel (BMG Classics, 1992), VHS.
17.10.3 Multimedia
Citations of movies, television and radio programs, recorded music, and
other works in multimedia formats will vary depending on the type of
source. At a minimum, identify the title of the work, the date it was created
or published or otherwise made available, the name of the studio or other
entity responsible for producing or distributing the work, and information
about the medium in which you consulted it. If you consulted the source
online, include a URL (see MOVIES. In the notes, list the title of the movie (in italics)
followed by the name of the director, the name of the company that
produced or distributed the movie, and year the movie was released or
created or otherwise made available. (You may also include a publication
date for the recording.) Include information about writers, actors, producers,
and so forth if it is relevant to your discussion. Finish with any relevant
information about the medium (including timings as displayed with the
source). If you watched online, include a URL (see
1. Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love
the Bomb, directed by Stanley Kubrick, featuring Peter Sellers,
George C. Scott, and Sterling Hayden (Columbia, 1964), 0:11:43 to
0:14:54, https:// www.amazon.com/ dp/ B000P407K4.
2. Gravity, directed by Alfonso Cuarón (2013; Warner Bros.
Pictures, 2014), Blu-ray Disc, 1080p HD.
3. Dope, directed by Rick Famuyiwa (Open Road Films, 2015),
https:// www.netflix.com/ watch/ 80037759.
4. A. E. Weed, At the Foot of the Flatiron (American Mutoscope
and Biograph, 1903), 35mm film, from Library of Congress, The Life
of a City: Early Films of New York, 1898–1906, MPEG video, 2:19 at
15 fps, https:// www.loc.gov/ item/ 00694378.
In the bibliography, you can list the movie either under the name of the
director or under the title.
Dope. Directed by Rick Famuyiwa. Open Road Films, 2015. 1 hr.,
43 min. https:// www.netflix.com/ watch/ 80037759.
Famuyiwa, Rick, director. Dope. Open Road Films, 2015. 1 hr., 43
min. https:// www.netflix.com/ watch/ 80037759.
Information about ancillary material included with the movie should be
woven into the text.
In a special feature titled “Complete Silence,” Cuarón acknowledges
a tension between realism and audience expectations . . . TELEVISION AND RADIO PROGRAMS. To cite a television
or radio program include, at a minimum, the title of the program, the name
of the episode or segment, the date on which it was first aired or made
available, and the entity that produced or broadcast the work. You may also
include an episode number, the name of the director or author of the episode
or segment, and (if relevant to your discussion) the names of key
performers. Italicize the titles of programs, but put the titles of episodes or
segments in roman type, enclosed in quotation marks. Finish with any
relevant information about the medium. If you watched online, include a
URL (see
1. “Pen-Pal Passion Is Revived In Broadway’s ‘She Loves Me,’”
hosted by David Bianculli, Fresh Air, on NPR, June 24, 2016, http://
www.npr.org/ 2016/ 06/ 23/ 483245382/ pen-pal-passion-is-revived-in-
2. Mad Men, season 1, episode 12, “Nixon vs. Kennedy,” directed
by Alan Taylor, featuring Jon Hamm, Elisabeth Moss, and Vincent
Kartheiser, aired October 11, 2007, on AMC (Lions Gate Television,
2007), DVD, disc 4.
3. Jane the Virgin, season 2, chapter 36, directed by Uta
Briesewitz, aired March 7, 2016, on the CW Television Network.
4. American Crime Story: The People v. O. J. Simpson, episode 6,
“Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” directed by Ryan Murphy, written by D. V.
DeVincentis, featuring Sterling K. Brown, Kenneth Choi, and Sarah
Paulson, aired March 8, 2016, on FX, https:// www.amazon.com/ dp/
5. The Brady Bunch, season 3, episode 10, “Her Sisters Shadow,”
directed by Russ Mayberry, aired November 19, 1971, on ABC,
https:// www.hulu.com/ the-brady-bunch.
Instead of using a note, you can often cite such programs by weaving the
key elements into your text, especially if some or all of the additional
elements are not relevant to the citation.
By alluding to The Brady Bunch (specifically “Her Sisters Shadow,”
from 1971), the title of episode 6 (“Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” March 8,
2016) not only calls attention to the central role of television in the
trial but also . . .
In the bibliography, radio and television programs are normally cited by
the title of the program or series.
Brady Bunch, The. Season 3, episode 10, “Her Sisters Shadow.”
Directed by Russ Mayberry. Aired November 19, 1971, on ABC.
https:// www.hulu.com/ the-brady-bunch. VIDEOS AND PODCASTS. To cite videos other than movies
( or television programs (, adapt the examples in those
sections accordingly. To cite a podcast, adapt the example for citing a radio
program at
1. Beyoncé, “Sorry,” directed by Kahlil Joseph and Beyoncé
Knowles, June 22, 2016, music video, 4:25, https:// youtu.be/
2. Fred Donner, “How Islam Began,” Alumni Weekend 2011,
University of Chicago, June 3, 2011, video of lecture, https://
youtu.be/ 5RFK5u51khA.
3. Mike Danforth and Ian Chillag, “F-Bombs, Chicken, and
Exclamation Points,” April 21, 2015, in How to Do Everything,
produced by Gillian Donovan, podcast, MP3 audio, 18:46, http://
www.npr.org/ podcasts/ 510303/ how-to-do-everything.
4. Aaron M. Kessler, “The Driverless Now,” produced by Poh Si
Teng and Jessica Naudziunas, New York Times, May 2, 2015, video,
2:01, http:// www.nytimes.com/ video/ business/ 100000003662208/ the-
Citations of videos and podcasts can normally be limited to the notes or,
like citations of newspaper articles, woven into the text (see 17.4.3). If a
source is critical to your paper or frequently cited, however, you may
include it in your bibliography.
Lyiscott, Jamila. “3 Ways to Speak English.” Filmed February 2014
in New York, NY. TED video, 4:29. https:// www.ted.com/ talks/
jamila_ lyiscott_ 3_ ways_ to_ speak_ english. SOUND RECORDINGS. To cite recorded music and the like,
include as much information as you can to distinguish it from similar
recordings, including the date of the recording, the name of the recording
company, the identifying number of the recording, the copyright date (if
different from the year of the recording), and any relevant information
about the medium. Titles of albums should be in italics; individual
selections should be in quotation marks except for musical works referred
to by genre (see Abbreviate compact disc as CD. Recordings
consulted online should include a URL (see; in some cases the
name of a music service can stand in for a URL.
1. Billie Holiday, vocalist, “I’m a Fool to Want You,” by Joel Herron,
Frank Sinatra, and Jack Wolf, recorded February 20, 1958, with Ray
Ellis, track 1 on Lady in Satin, Columbia CL 1157, 33⅓ rpm.
2. Rihanna, “Umbrella,” featuring Jay-Z, track 1 on Good Girl Gone
Bad, Island Def Jam, 2007, Spotify streaming audio, 320 kbps.
3. Richard Strauss, Don Quixote, with Emanuel Feuermann
(violoncello) and the Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by Eugene
Ormandy, recorded February 24, 1940, Biddulph LAB 042, 1991,
4. Pink Floyd, “Atom Heart Mother,” recorded April 29, 1970,
Fillmore West, San Francisco, Concert Vault streaming audio, http://
www.concertvault.com/ pink-floyd/ fillmore-west-april-29-1970.html.
In the bibliography you can list the recording under the name of the
composer or the performer, depending on which is more relevant to your
Rubinstein, Artur, pianist. The Chopin Collection. Recorded 1946,
1958–67. RCA Victor/BMG 60822–2-RG, 1991. 11 CDs.
Shostakovich, Dmitri. Symphony no. 5 / Symphony no. 9.
Conducted by Leonard Bernstein. Recorded with the New York
Philharmonic, October 20, 1959 (no. 5), and October 19, 1965
(no. 9). Sony SMK 61841, 1999. CD.
Treat recordings of drama, prose or poetry readings, lectures, and the like
as you would musical recordings.
5. Dylan Thomas, Under Milk Wood, performed by Dylan Thomas
et al., recorded May 14, 1953, on Dylan Thomas: The Caedmon
Collection, Caedmon, 2002, 11 CDs, discs 9–10.
Strayed, Cheryl. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest
Trail. Read by Bernadette Dunne. New York: Random House
Audio, 2012. Audible audio ed., 13 hr., 6 min. VIDEO GAMES AND APPS. To cite video games and apps,
adapt the examples included throughout this section on multimedia as
needed. Titles of video games, like titles of movies, can be italicized.
Include a version number and information about the device or operating
system required to run the game or app. In the first bibliography entry
example, the publishing information for Gems and Gemstones is in
parentheses because such annotations are styled like notes.
1. Gems and Jewels, iPad ed., v. 1.01 (Touchpress, 2011),
adapted from Lance Grande and Allison Augustyn, Gems and
Gemstones: Timeless Natural Beauty of the Mineral World (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2009).
2. Angry Birds Transformers, v. 1.4.25 (Rovio Entertainment,
2014), Android 4.0 or later. Soundtrack by Vince DiCola and Kenny
Grande, Lance, and Allison Augustyn. Gems and Jewels. iPad ed.,
v. 1.01. Touchpress, 2011. Adapted from Lance Grande and
Allison Augustyn, Gems and Gemstones: Timeless Natural
Beauty of the Mineral World (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2009).
Rovio Entertainment. Angry Birds Transformers. V. 1.4.25. Rovio
Entertainment, 2014. Android 4.0 or later. Soundtrack by Vince
DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth. INTERVIEWS. To cite interviews in multimedia formats, treat
the person interviewed as the author, and identify the interviewer in the
context of the citation. Also include the program or publication and date of
the interview (or publication or air date). Interviews are normally cited only
in the notes. List the interview in your bibliography only if it is critical to
your paper or frequently cited. For unpublished interviews and interviews in
other types of published sources, see 17.6.1.
1. Bernie Sanders, interview by Rachel Maddow, The Rachel
Maddow Show, September 18, 2015, on MSNBC, video, 19:51,
https:// youtu.be/ 8jV4sv9waB0. ADVERTISEMENTS. Cite advertisements from television,
radio, and the like only in notes or by weaving the elements into your text.
1. Fitbit, “Dualities,” advertisement, aired February 7, 2016, during
Super Bowl 50 on CBS, 30 sec., http://
www.superbowlcommercials2016.0rg/ fitbit/.
As with television shows (, you can often cite advertisements
by weaving the key elements into your text rather than using a note,
especially if some or all of the additional elements are not available or
relevant to the citation.
Fitbit’s “Duality,” a thirty-second spot that aired during the third
quarter of Super Bowl 50 (CBS, February 7, 2016) . . .
17.10.4 Texts in the Visual and Performing Arts ART EXHIBITION CATALOGS. Cite an art exhibition catalog
as you would a book. In the bibliography entry only, include information
about the exhibition following the publication data.
1. Jennifer Y. Chi, ed., The Eye of the Shah: Qajar Court
Photography and the Persian Past (Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2015), 33.
Chi, Jennifer Y., ed. The Eye of the Shah: Qajar Court
Photography and the Persian Past. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 2015. Published in conjunction with an
exhibition of the same name at New York University’s Institute
for the Study of the Ancient World, October 22, 2015–January
17, 2016. PLAYS. In some cases you can cite well-known English-
language plays in notes only. (See also 17.8.1.) Omit publication data, and
cite passages by act and scene (or other division) instead of by page
1. Eugene O’Neill, Long Day’s Journey into Night, act 2, scene 1.
If your paper is in literary studies or another field concerned with close
analysis of texts, or if you are citing a translation or an obscure work, cite
every play as you would a book, and include each in your bibliography. Cite
passages either by division or by page, according to your local guidelines.
2. Enid Bagnold, The Chalk Garden (New York: Random House,
1956), 8–9.
Anouilh, Jean. Becket, or The Honor of God. Translated by
Lucienne Hill. New York: Riverhead Books, 1996. MUSICAL SCORES. Cite a published musical score as you
would a book.
1. Giuseppe Verdi, Giovanna d’Arco, dramma lirico in four acts,
libretto by Temistocle Solera, ed. Alberto Rizzuti, 2 vols., Works of
Giuseppe Verdi, ser. 1, Operas (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press; Milan: G. Ricordi, 2008).
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Sonatas and Fantasies for the Piano.
Prepared from the autographs and earliest printed sources by
Nathan Broder. Rev. ed. Bryn Mawr, PA: Theodore Presser,
Cite an unpublished score as you would unpublished material in a
manuscript collection.
2. Ralph Shapey, “Partita for Violin and Thirteen Players,” score,
1966, Special Collections, Joseph Regenstein Library, University of
17.11 Public Documents
Public documents include a wide array of sources produced by governments
at all levels throughout the world. This section presents basic principles for
some common types of public documents available in English; if you need
to cite other types, adapt the closest model.
Such documents involve more complicated and varied elements than
most types of published sources. In your citations, include as much
identifying information as you can, format the elements consistently, and
adapt the general patterns outlined here as needed.
The bulk of this section is concerned with documents published by US
governmental bodies and agencies. For documents published by the
governments of Canada and the United Kingdom and by international
bodies, see 17.11.9–11. For unpublished government documents, see
17.11.1 Elements to Include, Their Order, and How to Format Them
In your citations, include as many of the following elements as you can:
name of the government (country, state, city, county, or other division)
and government body (legislative body, executive department, court
bureau, board, commission, or committee) that issued the document
title, if any, of the document or collection
name of individual author, editor, or compiler, if given
report number or other identifying information (such as place of
publication and publisher, for certain freestanding publications or for
items in secondary sources)
date of publication
page numbers or other locators, if relevant
a URL, or the name of the database, for sources consulted online (see
15.4.1 and, for examples,, 17.11.3, 17.11.7, and 17.11.11)
In general, list the relevant elements in the order given above. Certain
elements may be left out of the notes but should be included in the
bibliography. Other types of exceptions are explained in the following
sections of 17.11.
1. Select Committee on Homeland Security, Homeland Security
Act of 2002, 107th Cong., 2d sess., 2002, HR Rep. 107–609, pt. 1,
US Congress, House of Representatives, Select Committee on
Homeland Security. Homeland Security Act of 2002. 107th
Cong., 2d sess., 2002. HR Rep. 107–609, pt. 1.
Note that, by convention, ordinals in public documents end in d instead of
nd (2d instead of 2nd).
17.11.2 Congressional Publications
For congressional publications, bibliography entries usually begin with the
designation US Congress, followed by Senate or House of Representatives
(or House). (You may also simplify this to US Senate or US House.) In
notes, US is usually omitted. Other common elements include committee
and subcommittee, if any; title of document; number of the Congress and
session (abbreviated Cong. and sess. respectively in this position); date of
publication; and number and description of the document (for example, H.
Doc. 487), if available. DEBATES. Since 1873, congressional debates have been
published by the government in the Congressional Record (in notes, often
abbreviated as Cong. Rec.). Whenever possible, cite the permanent
volumes, which often reflect changes from the daily editions of the Record.
(For citations of the daily House or Senate edition, retain the H or S in page
1. Cong. Rec., 110th Cong., 1st sess., 2008, vol. 153, pt. 8:
US Congress. Congressional Record. 110th Cong., 1st sess.,
2008. Vol. 153, pt. 8.
Occasionally you may need to identify a speaker in a debate, the subject,
and a date in a note.
2. Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts, speaking for the Joint
Resolution on Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Reductions, on March
10, 1982, to the Committee on Foreign Relations, SJ Res. 163, 97th
Cong., 1st sess., Cong. Rec. 128, pt. 3: 3832–34.
Before 1874, congressional debates were published in Annals of the
Congress of the United States (also known by other names and covering the
years 1789–1824), Register of Debates (1824–37), and Congressional
Globe (1833–73). Cite these works similarly to the Congressional Record. REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS. When you cite reports and
documents of the Senate (abbreviated S.) and the House (H. or HR), include
both the Congress and session numbers and, if possible, the series number.
Notice the form for a shortened note, which differs from the usual pattern
(see 16.4.1). The bibliography example was consulted online using an
official government resource (the US Government Publishing Office). See
1. Select Committee on Homeland Security, Homeland Security
Act of 2002, 107th Cong., 2d sess., 2002, HR Rep. 107–609, pt. 1,
2. Declarations of a State of War with Japan, Germany, and Italy,
77th Cong., 1st sess., 1941, S. Doc. 148, serial 10575, 2–5.
3. Select Committee, Homeland Security Act, 11.
4. Reorganization of the Federal Judiciary, 75th Cong., 1st sess.,
1937, S. Rep. 711.
US Congress, House. Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of
Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-
Enabled Activities. 114th Cong., 1st sess., 2015. H. Doc. 114–
22. https:// www.gpo.gov/ fdsys/ pkg/ CDOC-114hdoc22. BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Congressional bills (proposed
laws) and resolutions are published in pamphlet form. In citations, bills and
resolutions originating in the House of Representatives are abbreviated HR
or H. Res., and those originating in the Senate S. or S. Res. Include
publication details in the Congressional Record (if available). If a bill has
been enacted, cite it as a statute (see
1. Email Privacy Act, H. Res. 699, 114th Cong., 2d sess.,
Congressional Record 162, no. 65, daily ed. (April 27, 2016): H2022.
US Congress, House. Email Privacy Act. H. Res. 699. 114th
Cong., 2d sess. Congressional Record 162, no. 65, daily ed.
(April 27, 2016): H2022–28. HEARINGS. Records of testimony given before congressional
committees are usually published with formal titles, which should be
included in citations (in italics). The relevant committee is normally listed
as part of the title. Notice the form for a shortened note, which differs from
the usual pattern (see 16.4.1).
1. Hearing before the Select Committee on Homeland Security,
HR 5005, Homeland Security Act of 2002, day 3, 107th Cong., 2d
sess., July 17, 2002, 119–20.
2. HR 5005, Hearing, 203.
US Congress, Senate. Famine in Africa: Hearing before the
Committee on Foreign Relations. 99th Cong., 1st sess., January
17, 1985. STATUTES. Statutes, which are bills or resolutions that have
been passed into law, are first published separately and then collected in the
annual bound volumes of the United States Statutes at Large, which began
publication in 1874. Later they are incorporated into the United States
Code. Cite US Statutes, the US Code, or both. Section numbers in the Code
are preceded by a section symbol (§; use §§ and et seq. to indicate more
than one section).
Cite statutes in notes only; you do not need to include them in your
bibliography. Notice the form for a shortened note, which differs from the
usual pattern (see 16.4.1).
1. Atomic Energy Act of 1946, Public Law 585, 79th Cong., 2d
sess. (August 1, 1946), 12, 19.
2. Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970, US Code 15 (2000), §§ 1681
et seq.
3. Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Law 107–296, US
Statutes at Large 116 (2002): 2163–64, codified at US Code 6
(2002), §§ 101 et seq.
4. Homeland Security Act, 2165.
Before 1874, laws were published in the seventeen-volume Statutes at
Large of the United States of America, 1789–1873. Citations of this
collection include the volume number and its publication date.
17.11.3 Presidential Publications
Presidential proclamations, executive orders, vetoes, addresses, and the like
are published in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents and in
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. Proclamations and
executive orders are also carried in the daily Federal Register and then
published in title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Once they have
been published in the Code, use that as your source. Put individual titles in
quotation marks. The example of a proclamation was consulted online from
an official government resource (see also
1. Barack Obama, Proclamation 9465, “Establishment of the
Stonewall National Monument,” Federal Register 81, no. 125 (June
29, 2016): 42215, https:// federalregister.gov/ a/ 2016-15536.
2. William J. Clinton, Executive Order 13067, “Blocking Sudanese
Government Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Sudan,”
Code of Federal Regulations, title 3 (1997 comp.): 230.
US President. Proclamation 9465. “Establishment of the Stonewall
National Monument.” Federal Register 81, no. 125 (June 29,
2016): 42215–20. https:// federalregister.gov/ a/ 2016-15536.
The public papers of US presidents are collected in two multivolume
works: Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789–
1897 and, starting with the Hoover administration, Public Papers of the
Presidents of the United States. (Papers not covered by either of these
works are published elsewhere.) To cite items in these collections, follow
the recommendations for multivolume books (see 17.1.4).
17.11.4 Publications of Government Departments and Agencies
Executive departments, bureaus, and agencies issue reports, bulletins,
circulars, and other materials. Italicize the title, and include the name of any
identified author(s) after the title.
1. US Department of the Treasury, Report of the Secretary of the
Treasury Transmitting a Report from the Register of the Treasury of
the Commerce and Navigation of the United States for the Year
Ending the 30th of June, 1850, 31st Cong., 2d sess., House
Executive Document 8 (Washington, DC, 1850–51).
US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service,
Environmental Division. Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf of Mexico
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sales, Central Planning
Area and Western Planning Area, 2007–2012, and Gulfwide
OCS Program, 2007–2046, by Zhen-Gang Ji, Walter R.
Johnson, and Charles F. Marshall. Edited by Eileen M. Lear.
MMS 2007–040, June 2007.
17.11.5 US Constitution
The US Constitution should be cited only in notes; you need not include it
in your bibliography. Include the article or amendment, section, and, if
relevant, clause. Use arabic numerals and, if you prefer, abbreviations for
terms such as amendment and section.
1. US Constitution, art. 2, sec. 1, cl. 3.
2. US Constitution, amend. 14, sec. 2.
In many cases you can use a parenthetical note (see 16.4.3) or even
include the identifying information in your text. Spell out the part
designations in text. Capitalize the names of specific amendments when
used in place of numbers.
The US Constitution, in article 1, section 9, forbids suspension of the
writ “unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety
may require it.”
The First Amendment protects the right of free speech.
17.11.6 Treaties
The texts of treaties signed before 1950 are published in United States
Statutes at Large; the unofficial citation is to the Treaty Series (TS) or the
Executive Agreement Series (EAS). Those signed in 1950 or later appear in
United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST, 1950–) or
Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS, 1945–). Treaties
involving more than two nations may be found in the United Nations Treaty
Series (UNTS, 1946–) or, from 1920 to 1946, in the League of Nations
Treaty Series (LNTS).
Italicize titles of the publications mentioned above and their abbreviated
forms. Unless they are named in the title of the treaty, list the parties subject
to the agreement, separated by hyphens. An exact date indicates the date of
signing and is therefore preferable to a year alone, which may differ from
the year the treaty was published. Notice the form for a shortened note,
which differs from the usual pattern (see 16.4.1).
1. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in
Outer Space, and Under Water, US-UK-USSR, August 5, 1963, UST
14, pt. 2, 1313.
2. Convention concerning Military Service, Denmark-Italy, July 15,
1954, TIAS 250, no. 3516, 45.
3. Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 1317–18.
United States. Naval Armament Limitation Treaty with the British
Empire, France, Italy, and Japan. February 6, 1922. US Statutes
at Large 43, pt. 2.
17.11.7 Legal Cases
Citations of legal cases generally take the same form for courts at all levels.
In notes, give the full case name (including the abbreviation v.) in italics.
Include the volume number (arabic), name of the reporter (abbreviated; see
below), ordinal series number (if applicable), opening page number of the
decision, abbreviated name of the court and date (together in parentheses),
and other relevant information, such as the name of the state or local court
(if not identified by the series title). Actual pages cited follow the opening
page number, separated by a comma.
Cite cases in notes only; you do not need to include them in your
1. United States v. Christmas, 222 F.3d 141, 145 (4th Cir. 2000).
2. Profit Sharing Plan v. MBank Dallas, N.A., 683 F. Supp. 592
(ND Tex. 1988).
A shortened note may consist of the case name and, if needed, a page
3. Christmas, 146.
The one element that depends on the level of the court is the name of the
reporter. The most common ones are as follows.
US Supreme Court. For Supreme Court decisions, cite United States
Supreme Court Reports (abbreviated US) or, if not yet published there,
Supreme Court Reporter (abbreviated S. Ct.).
4. AT&T Corp. v. Iowa Utilities Bd., 525 US 366 (1999).
5. Brendlin v. California, 127 S. Ct. 2400 (2007).
Lower federal courts. For lower federal-court decisions, cite Federal
Reporter (F.) or Federal Supplement (F. Supp.).
6. United States v. Dennis, 183 F. 201 (2d Cir. 1950).
7. Eaton v. IBM Corp., 925 F. Supp. 487 (SD Tex. 1996).
State and local courts. For state and local court decisions, cite official
state reporters whenever possible. If you use a commercial reporter, cite
it as in the second example below. If the reporter does not identify the
court’s name, include it before the date, within the parentheses.
8. Williams v. Davis, 27 Cal. 2d 746 (1946).
9. Bivens v. Mobley, 724 So. 2d 458, 465 (Miss. Ct. App.
Cases consulted online should normally be cited to the appropriate
reporter(s) as described above. A URL that points directly to an official
resource may be added as the final element (see also
10. State v. Griffin, 211 W. Va. 508, 566 S.E.2d 645 (2002), http://
www.courtswv.gov/ supreme-court/ docs/ spring2002/ 30433.htm.
Many researchers use Lexis or Westlaw to research court cases and other
legal materials. To cite a case in one of those databases, add any identifying
date and number supplied by the database (see also Page or
screen numbers are typically preceded by an asterisk.
11. Family Service Association of Steubenville v. Wells Township,
2015 US Dist. LEXIS 75017, *7 (SD Ohio, June 10, 2015),
LexisNexis Academic.
17.11.8 State and Local Government Documents
Cite state and local government documents as you would federal
documents. Use roman type (no quotation marks) for state laws and
municipal ordinances; use italics for codes (compilations) and the titles of
freestanding publications.
1. Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality (IIEQ), Review and
Synopsis of Public Participation regarding Sulfur Dioxide and
Particulate Emissions, by Sidney M. Marder, IIEQ Document 77/21
(Chicago, 1977), 44–45.
2. Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act,
Illinois Compiled Statutes, chap. 720, no. 646, sec. 10 (2005).
3. Page’s Ohio Revised Code Annotated, title 35, sec. 3599.01
4. New Mexico Constitution, art. 4, sec. 7.
Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality (IIEQ). Review and
Synopsis of Public Participation regarding Sulfur Dioxide and
Particulate Emissions, by Sidney M. Marder. IIEQ Document
77/21. Chicago, 1977.
17.11.9 Canadian Government Documents
Cite Canadian government documents similarly to US public documents.
End citations with the word Canada (in parentheses) unless it is obvious
from the context.
Canadian statutes appeared through 1985 in the Revised Statutes of
Canada, a consolidation that was published every fifteen to thirty years;
federal statutes enacted since then are cited as session laws in the annual
Statutes of Canada. Identify the statute by title, reporter, year of
compilation, chapter, and section.
1. Canada Wildlife Act, Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, chap.
W-9, sec. 1.
2. Assisted Human Reproduction Act, Statutes of Canada 2004,
chap. 2, sec. 2.
Canadian Supreme Court cases since 1876 are published in Supreme
Court Reports (SCR). Federal Court cases are published in Federal Courts
Reports (FC, 1971–2003; FCR, 2004–) or Exchequer Court Reports (Ex.
CR, 1875–1971). Cases not found in any of these sources may be found in
Dominion Law Reports (DLR). Include the name of the case (in italics),
followed by the date (in parentheses), the volume number (if any), the
abbreviated name of the reporter, and the opening page of the decision.
3. Robertson v. Thomson Corp., (2006) 2 SCR 363 (Canada).
4. Canada v. CBC/Radio-Canada, (2014) 1 FCR 142.
17.11.10 British Government Documents
Cite British government documents similarly to US public documents. End
citations with the phrase United Kingdom (in parentheses) unless it is
obvious from the context.
Acts of Parliament should usually be cited only in a note. Include a
specific act in your bibliography only if it is critical to your argument or
frequently cited. Identify acts by title, date, and chapter number (arabic
numeral for national number, lowercase roman for local). Acts from before
1963 are cited by regnal year and monarch’s name (abbreviated) and ordinal
(arabic numeral).
1. Act of Settlement, 1701, 12 & 13 Will. 3, chap. 2.
2. Consolidated Fund Act, 1963, chap. 1 (United Kingdom).
3. Manchester Corporation Act, 1967, chap. xl.
Most British legal cases can be found in the applicable report in the Law
Reports, among these the Appeal Cases (AC), Queen’s (King’s) Bench (QB,
KB), Chancery (Ch.), Family (Fam.), and Probate (P.) reports. Until
recently the courts of highest appeal in the United Kingdom (except for
criminal cases in Scotland) had been the House of Lords (HL) and the
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (PC). In 2005 the Supreme Court
of the United Kingdom (UKSC) was established.
Include the name of the case, in italics (cases involving the Crown refer
to Rex or Regina); the date, in parentheses; the volume number (if any) and
abbreviated name of the reporter; and the opening page of the decision. If
the court is not apparent from the name of the reporter, or if the jurisdiction
is not clear from context, include either or both, as necessary, in
4. Regina v. Dudley and Stephens, (1884) 14 QBD 273 (DC).
5. Regal (Hastings) Ltd. v. Gulliver, (1967) 2 AC 134 (HL) (appeal
taken from Eng.).
6. NML Capital Limited (Appellant) v. Republic of Argentina
(Respondent), (2011) UKSC 31.
17.11.11 Publications of International Bodies
Documents published by international bodies such as the United Nations
can be cited much like books. Identify the authorizing body (and any author
or editor), the title or topic of the document, the publisher or place of
publication (or both), and the date, followed by a page reference in the
notes. Also include any series or other identifying publication information.
For documents consulted online, include a URL (see
1. League of Arab States and United Nations, The Third Arab
Report on the Millennium Development Goals 2010 and the Impact
of the Global Economic Crises (Beirut: Economic and Social
Commission for Western Asia, 2010), 82.
United Nations Security Council. Resolution 2222, Protection of
Civilians in Armed Conflict. S/RES/2222. New York: UN, May
27, 2015. http:// www.un.org/ en/ sc/ documents/ resolutions/
17.11.12 Unpublished Government Documents
If you cite unpublished government documents, follow the patterns given
for unpublished manuscripts in 17.7.4.
Most unpublished documents of the US government are housed in the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington,
DC, or in one of its branches, and cataloged online. Cite them all, including
films, photographs, and sound recordings as well as written materials, by
record group (RG) number.
The comparable institution for unpublished Canadian government
documents is the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) in Ottawa, Ontario.
The United Kingdom has a number of depositories of unpublished
government documents, most notably the National Archives (NA) and the
British Library (BL), both in London. Each of these resources has been
cataloged online.
18 Author-Date Style: The Basic Form
18.1 Basic Patterns
18.1.1 Order of Elements
18.1.2 Punctuation
18.1.3 Capitalization
18.1.4 Italics and Quotation Marks
18.1.5 Numbers
18.1.6 Abbreviations
18.1.7 Indentation
18.2 Reference Lists
18.2.1 Arrangement of Entries
18.2.2 Sources That May Be Omitted
18.3 Parenthetical Citations
18.3.1 Placement in Text
18.3.2 Special Elements and Format Issues
18.3.3 Footnotes and Parenthetical Citations
A citation style used widely in most social sciences and in the natural and
physical sciences is the author-date style, so called because the authors
name and the date of publication are the critical elements for identifying
sources. This chapter presents an overview of the basic pattern for citations
in author-date style, including both reference list entries and parenthetical
citations. (The citation style presented in this chapter is also known as the
Turabian or Chicago author-date or reference list style.) Examples of
parenthetical citations are identified with a P; examples of reference list
entries are identified with an R.
In author-date style, you signal that you have used a source by placing a
parenthetical citation (including author, date, and relevant page numbers)
next to your reference to that source:
According to one scholar, “The railroads had made Chicago the most
important meeting place between East and West” (Cronon 1991, 92–
At the end of the paper, you list all sources in a reference list. That list
normally includes every source you cited in a parenthetical citation and
sometimes others you consulted but did not cite. Since parenthetical
citations do not include complete bibliographical information for a source,
you must include that information in your reference list. All reference list
entries have the same general form:
Cronon, William. 1991. Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the
Great West. New York: W. W. Norton.
Readers expect you to follow all the rules for correctly citing your
sources. These rules cover not only what data you must include and in what
order but also punctuation, capitalization, italics, and so on. To get your
citations exactly right, you must pay close attention to the kinds of details
that few researchers can easily remember and that even the best citation
management tools can help with only part of the way. Read this chapter for
an overview. Then use chapter 19 to look up the details.
18.1 Basic Patterns
Although sources and their citations come in almost endless variety, you are
likely to use only a few kinds. While you may need to look up details to cite
some unusual sources, you can easily learn the basic patterns for the few
kinds you will use most often. This will help you to record accurate and
reliable bibliographical data quickly and efficiently as you do your research.
The rest of this section describes the basic patterns, and figure 18.1
provides templates for several common types of sources. Chapter 19
includes examples of a wide range of sources, including exceptions to the
patterns discussed here.
Figure 18.1. Templates for reference list entries and parenthetical
The following templates show what elements should be included in what
order when citing several common types of sources in reference lists (R)
and parenthetical citations (P). They also show punctuation,
capitalization of titles, and when to use italics or quotation marks. Gray
shading shows abbreviations (or their spelled-out versions) and other
terms as they would actually appear in a citation. XX stands in for page
number(s) actually cited, YY–YY for a full span of page numbers for an
article or a chapter.
For further examples, explanations, and variations, see chapter 19.
1. Single Author or Editor
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. Year of Publication. Title of
Book: Subtitle of Book. Place of Publication: Publishers Name.
Duckworth, Angela. 2016. Grit: The Power of Passion and
Perseverance. New York: Scribner.
(Authors Last Name Year of Publication, XX)
(Duckworth 2016, 82)
For a book with an editor instead of an author, adapt the pattern as
Editors Last Name, Editors First Name, ed. Year of Publication...
Prakash, Gyan, ed. 2010...
(Editors Last Name Year of Publication, XX)
(Prakash 2010, 89–90)
For more than one editor, adapt the examples in template 2 and use eds.
2. Multiple Authors
For a book with two authors, use the following pattern:
Author #1’s Last Name, Author #1’s First Name, and Author #2’s First
and Last Names. Year of Publication. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book.
Place of Publication: Publishers Name.
Choi, Susanne Y. P., and Yinni Peng. 2016. Masculine Promise:
Migration, Family, and Gender in China. Oakland: University of
California Press.
(Author #1’s Last Name and Author #2’s Last Name Year of
Publication, XX)
(Choi and Peng, 111–12)
For a book with three authors, adapt the pattern as follows:
Author #1’s Last Name, Author #1’s First Name, Author #2’s First and
Last Names, and Author #3’s First and Last Names. Year of
White, Karen, Beatriz Williams, and Lauren Willig. 2016...
(Author #1’s Last Name, Author #2’s Last Name, and Author #3’s Last
Name Year of Publication, XX)
(White, Williams, and Willig 2016, 6–7)
For a book with four or more authors, adapt the parenthetical citation
pattern only, as follows:
(Author #1’s Last Name et al. Year of Publication, XX)
(Eichengreen et al. 2015, 120)
3. Author Plus Editor or Translator
For a book with an author plus an editor, use the following pattern:
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. Year of Publication. Title of
Book: Subtitle of Book. Edited by Editors First and Last Names.
Place of Publication: Publishers Name.
Austen, Jane. 2016. Mansfield Park: An Annotated Edition. Edited by
Deidre Shauna Lynch. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press.
(Authors Last Name Year of Publication, XX)
(Austen 2016, 223–24)
If a book has a translator instead of an editor, substitute the phrase
Translated by and the translators name for the editor data in the
reference list entry.
4. Edition Number
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. Year of Publication. Title of
Book: Subtitle of Book. Edition Number ed. Place of Publication:
Publishers Name.
Kinzie, Mary. 2013. A Poet’s Guide to Poetry. 2nd ed. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
(Authors Last Name Year of Publication, XX)
(Kinzie 2013, 83)
5. Single Chapter in an Edited Book
Chapter Authors Last Name, Chapter Authors First Name. Year of
Publication. “Title of Chapter: Subtitle of Chapter.” In Title of Book:
Subtitle of Book, edited by Editors First and Last Names, YY–YY.
Place of Publication: Publishers Name.
Gillespie, Kelly. 2017. “Before the Commission: Ethnography as Public
Testimony.” In If Truth Be Told: The Politics of Public Ethnography,
edited by Didier Fassin, 69–95. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
(Chapter Authors Last Name Year of Publication, XX)
(Gillespie 2017, 72)
Journal Articles
6. Journal Article—Basic Format
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. Year of Publication. “Title of
Article: Subtitle of Article.” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue
Number (Additional Date Information): YY–YY.
Mercer, Ben. 2016. “Specters of Fascism: The Rhetoric of Historical
Analogy in 1968.” Journal of Modern History 88, no. 1 (March): 96–
(Authors Last Name Year of Publication, XX)
(Mercer 2016, 98)
For an article with multiple authors, follow the relevant pattern for
authors’ names in template 2.
7. Journal Article Online
For a journal article consulted online, include a URL. For articles that
include a DOI, form the URL by appending the DOI to https://doi.org/
rather than using the URL in your address bar. The DOI for the
Fernandez article in the example below is 10.1086/685998.
Authors Last Name, Authors First Name. Year of Publication. “Title of
Article: Subtitle of Article.” Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue
Number (Additional Date Information): YY–YY. URL.
Fernandez, Patricio A. 2016. “Practical Reasoning: Where the Action
Is.” Ethics 126, no. 4 (July): 869–900. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 685998.
(Authors Last Name Year of Publication, XX)
(Fernandez 2016, 872)
See 15.4.1 for more details.
18.1.1 Order of Elements
The order of elements in reference list entries follows the same general
pattern for all types of sources: author, date (year) of publication, title, other
facts of publication. Parenthetical citations include only the first two of
these elements. If they cite specific passages, they also include page
numbers or other locating information; reference list entries do not, though
they do include a full span of page numbers for a source that is part of a
larger work, such as an article in a periodical or a chapter in a book.
18.1.2 Punctuation
In reference list entries, separate most elements with periods; in
parenthetical citations, do not use a punctuation mark between the author
and the date, but separate the date from a page number with a comma.
18.1.3 Capitalization
Most titles can be capitalized using headline style. But for titles in
languages other than English, use sentence style. (See 22.3.1 for both
styles.) Capitalize proper nouns in the usual way (see chapter 22). In some
fields, you may be required to use sentence style for most titles except for
titles of journals, magazines, and newspapers; check your local guidelines.
18.1.4 Italics and Quotation Marks
Use italics for titles of larger entities (books, journals); for titles of smaller
entities (chapters, articles), use roman type and quotation marks. Also use
roman type and quotation marks for titles of works that have not been
formally published (such as manuscripts or dissertations), even if they are
book length. See also 22.3.2.
18.1.5 Numbers
In titles, any numbers are spelled out or given in numerals exactly as they
are in the original. Use lowercase roman numerals to refer to page numbers
that are in roman numerals in the original. References to all other numbers
(such as chapter numbers or figure numbers) are given in arabic numerals,
even if in the original they are in roman numerals or spelled out.
18.1.6 Abbreviations
Abbreviate terms such as editor and translator (ed. and trans.) when they
come after a name, but spell them out when they introduce it (Edited by).
The plural is usually formed by adding s (eds.) unless the abbreviation ends
in an s (use trans. for both singular and plural). Terms such as volume,
edition, and number (vol., ed., and no.) are always abbreviated.
18.1.7 Indentation
Reference list entries have hanging indents: the first line of each entry is
flush left, and anything that runs over to a new line is indented.
Parenthetical citations are placed within the text and are not indented.
18.2 Reference Lists
In papers that use author-date style, the reference list presents full
bibliographical information for all the sources cited in parenthetical
citations (other than a few special types of sources; see 18.2.2). You may
also include works that were important to your thinking but that you did not
specifically mention in the text. In addition to providing bibliographical
information, a reference list shows readers the extent of your research and
its relationship to prior work, and it helps readers use your sources in their
own research. If you use the author-date citation style, you must include a
reference list in your paper.
Label the list References. See figure A.16 in the appendix for a sample
page of a reference list.
reference list is normally a single list of all sources arranged alphabetically
by the last name of the author, editor, or whoever is first in each entry. (For
alphabetizing names from languages other than English, compound names,
and other special cases, see Most word processors and citation
management tools can sort entries alphabetically. For all but the simplest of
lists, however, the results will typically need some adjusting. If you are
writing a thesis or dissertation, your department or university may specify
that you should alphabetize the entries letter by letter or word by word; see
16.58–61 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017), for an
explanation of these two systems.
If your reference list includes two or more works written, edited, or
translated by the same individual, arrange the entries chronologically by
publication date. For all entries after the first, replace the individual’s name
with a long dash, called a 3-em dash (see 21.7.3). For edited or translated
works, put a comma and the appropriate designation (ed., trans., or the like)
after the dash. List all such works before any that the individual coauthored
or coedited. Successive entries by two or more authors in which only the
first authors name is the same are alphabetized according to the coauthors’
last names. Note that it is best to make all these adjustments manually—
after you have sorted your complete reference list alphabetically by name.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. 1988. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of
African-American Literary Criticism. New York: Oxford University
———, ed. 2002. The Classic Slave Narratives. New York:
Penguin Putnam.
———. 2004. America behind the Color Line: Dialogues with
African Americans. New York: Warner Books.
———. 2010. Tradition and the Black Atlantic: Critical Theory in
the African Diaspora. New York: BasicCivitas.
———. 2011. Black in Latin America. New York: New York
University Press.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., and Cornel West. 2000. The African-
American Century: How Black Americans Have Shaped Our
Country. New York: Free Press.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., and Donald Yacovone. 2013. The African
Americans: Many Rivers to Cross. Carlsbad, CA: SmileyBooks.
The same principles apply to works by a single group of authors named
in the same order.
Marty, Martin E., and R. Scott Appleby. 1992. The Glory and the
Power: The Fundamentalist Challenge to the Modern World.
Boston: Beacon Press.
———, eds. 2004. Accounting for Fundamentalisms. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Marty, Martin E., and Micah Marty. 1998. When True Simplicity Is
Gained: Finding Spiritual Clarity in a Complex World. Grand
Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans.
If your reference list includes more than one work published in the same
year by an author or group of authors named in the same order, arrange the
entries alphabetically by title (ignoring articles such as a and the). Add the
letters a, b, c, and so forth to the year, in roman type without an intervening
space. Your parenthetical citations to these works should include the letters
(see 18.3.2).
Fogel, Robert William. 2004a. The Escape from Hunger and
Premature Death, 1700–2100: Europe, America, and the Third
World. New York: Cambridge University Press.
———. 2004b. “Technophysio Evolution and the Measurement of
Economic Growth.” Journal of Evolutionary Economics 14, no.
2: 217–21.
If a book or journal article does not have an author or editor (or other
named compiler, such as a translator), put the title first in your reference list
entry and alphabetize based on it, ignoring articles such as a and the.
Account of the Operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of
India. 1870–1910. 22 vols. Dehra Dun: Survey of India.
“The Great Trigonometrical Survey of India.” 1863. Calcutta
Review 38:26–62.
“State and Prospects of Asia.” 1839. Quarterly Review 63, no. 126
(March): 369–402.
For magazine and newspaper articles without authors, use the title of the
magazine or newspaper in place of the author (see 19.3 and 19.4). For other
types of sources, see the relevant section in chapter 19 for guidance; if not
stated otherwise, use a title in this position. SPECIAL TYPES OF NAMES. Some authors’ names consist of
more than a readily identifiable “first name” and “last name.” In many cases
you can determine the correct order by consulting your library’s catalog.
For historical names, the biographical entries at Merriam-Webster.com can
be helpful. This section outlines some general principles for alphabetizing
such names in your reference list. In shortened or parenthetical notes, use
the last name exactly as inverted (shown below in bold). If your paper
involves names from languages other than English, follow the conventions
for those languages.
Compound names. Alphabetize compound last names, including
hyphenated names, by the first part of the compound. If a woman uses
both her own family name and her husband’s but does not hyphenate
them, generally alphabetize by the second surname. While many
languages have predictable patterns for compound names (see below),
others—such as French and German—do not.
Hine, Darlene Clark
Kessler-Harris, Alice
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
Names with particles. Depending on the language, particles such as de,
di, D,’ and van may or may not be considered the first part of a last name
for alphabetizing. Consult one of the resources noted above if you are
unsure about a particular name. Note that particles may be either
lowercased or capitalized, and some are followed by an apostrophe.
Beauvoir, Simone de
de Gaulle, Charles
di Leonardo, Micaela
Kooning, Willem de
Medici, Lorenzo de’
Van Rensselaer, Stephen
Names beginning with “Mac,” “Saint,” or “O’.” Names that begin with
Mac, Saint, or O’ can have many variations in abbreviation (Mc, St.),
spelling (Sainte, San), capitalization (Macmillan, McAllister), and
hyphenation or apostrophes (O’Neill or Odell; Saint-Gaudens or St.
Denis). Alphabetize all such names based on the letters actually present;
do not group them because they are similar.
Spanish names. Many Spanish last names are compound names
consisting of an individual’s paternal and maternal family names,
sometimes joined by the conjunction y. Alphabetize such names under
the first part.
Ortega y Gasset, José
Sánchez Mendoza, Juana
Arabic names. Alphabetize Arabic last names that begin with the particle
al- or el- (the) under the element following the particle. Names that begin
with Abu, Abd, and Ibn, like English names beginning with Mac or Saint,
should be alphabetized under these terms.
Abu Zafar Nadvi, Syed
Hakim, Tawfiq al-
Ibn Saud, Aziz
Jamal, Muhammad Hamid al-
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean names. If an author with a Chinese,
Japanese, or Korean name follows traditional usage (family name
followed by given name), do not invert the name or insert a comma
between the “first” and “last” names. If the author follows Westernized
usage (given name followed by family name), treat the name as you
would an English name.
Traditional usage Westernized usage
Chao Wu-chi Kurosawa, Noriaki
Kim Dae-jung Lee, Chang-rae
Yoshida Shigeru Tsou, Tang CATEGORIZED LISTINGS. Because readers following a
parenthetical citation will have only an author and a date to help them
identify the relevant reference list entry, organize the list as described above
except in rare cases. Under the following circumstances, you may consider
dividing the list into separate categories:
If you have more than three or four entries for a special type of source,
such as manuscripts, archival collections, recordings, and so on, list them
separately from the rest of your entries.
If it is critical to distinguish primary sources from secondary and tertiary
ones, list the entries in separate sections.
If you categorize sources, introduce each separate section with a subheading
and, if necessary, a headnote. Order the entries within each section
according to the principles given above, and do not list a source in more
than one section unless it clearly could be categorized in two or more ways.
18.2.2 Sources That May Be Omitted
By convention, you may omit the following types of sources from a
reference list:
comments on online magazine or newspaper articles and blog posts
(19.3, 19.4.2, 19.5.2), postings to social media (19.5.3) or to online
forums or mailing lists (19.5.4), and anonymous unpublished interviews
and personal communications (19.6)
classical, medieval, and early English literary works (19.8.1) and (in
some cases) well-known English-language plays (
the Bible and other sacred works (19.8.2)
well-known reference works, such as major dictionaries and
encyclopedias (19.9.1)
some sources in the visual and performing arts, including artworks
(19.10.1) and live performances (19.10.2)
certain types of public documents (19.11), including the US Constitution
You may choose to include in your reference list a specific item from one of
these categories that is critical to your argument or frequently cited.
18.3 Parenthetical Citations
Parenthetical citations include enough information for readers to find the
full citation in your reference list—usually the authors name, the date of
publication, and (if you are citing a specific passage), a page number or
other locating information. The name and date must match those in the
relevant reference list entry exactly. (Note that both the elements and the
punctuation in parenthetical citations are slightly different from those used
in notes-style parenthetical notes, which are described in 16.4.3; do not
confuse or combine the two styles.)
18.3.1 Placement in Text
Whenever you refer to or otherwise use material from a source, you must
insert into your text a parenthetical citation with basic identifying
information about that source. Normally the parenthetical citation should be
placed at the end of the sentence or clause containing the quotation or other
material. But if the authors name is mentioned in the text, put the rest of
the citation (in parentheses) immediately after the authors name. The
closing parenthesis precedes a comma, period, or other punctuation mark
when the quotation is run into the text. See also 25.2.
“What on introspection seems to happen immediately and without
effort is often a complex symphony of processes that take time to
complete” (LeDoux 2003, 116).
While one school claims that “material culture may be the most
objective source of information we have concerning America’s past”
(Deetz 1996, 259), others disagree.
The color blue became more prominent in the eighteenth century
(Pastoureau 2001, 124).
According to Gould (2007, 428), the song “spreads a deadpan
Liverpudlian irony over the most clichéd sentiment in all of popular
With a block quotation, however, the parenthetical citation follows the
terminal punctuation mark.
He concludes with the following observation:
The new society that I sought to depict and that I wish to judge
is only being born. Time has not yet fixed its form; the great
revolution that created it still endures, and in what is happening
in our day it is almost impossible to discern what will pass away
with the revolution itself and what will remain after it.
(Tocqueville 2000, 673)
See figure A.11 for a sample page of text with parenthetical citations.
18.3.2 Special Elements and Format Issues
The basic pattern for parenthetical citations is described in 18.1, and
templates for several common types of sources appear in figure 18.1. This
section covers special elements that may need to be included and special
format issues that may arise in parenthetical citations of all types.
In the following situations, treat the name of an editor, translator, or other
compiler of a work as you would an authors name, unless otherwise
specified. AUTHORS WITH SAME LAST NAME. If you cite works by
more than one author with the same last name, add the authors first initial
to each parenthetical citation, even if the dates are different. If the initials
are the same, spell out the first names.
(J. Smith 2011, 140)
(T. Smith 2008, 25–26)
(Howard Bloom 2005, 15)
(Harold Bloom 2010, 270) WORKS WITH SAME AUTHOR AND DATE. If you cite more
than one work published in the same year by an author or group of authors
named in the same order, arrange the entries alphabetically by title in your
reference list and add the letters a, b, c, and so forth to the year (see Use the same designations in your parenthetical citations (letters
in roman type, without an intervening space after the date).
(Hsu 2017a, 74)
(Hsu 2017b, 59–60) NO AUTHOR. If you cite a book or journal article without an
author, use the title in place of the author in your reference list (see 18.2.1).
In parenthetical citations, use a shortened title composed of up to the first
four words from the full title (though you can usually omit a, an, or the),
and put the title in italics or roman as in the reference list.
(Account of Operations 1870–1910)
(“Great Trigonometrical Survey” 1863, 26)
For magazine and newspaper articles without authors, use the title of the
magazine or newspaper in place of the author in both locations (see 19.3
and 19.4). For other types of sources, see the relevant section in chapter 19
for guidance; if not stated otherwise, use a shortened title in this position. NO DATE. If you cite a published work without a date, use the
designation n.d. (no date) in place of the date in both your reference list and
parenthetical citations. Use roman type and lowercase letters.
(Smith n.d., 5)
For other types of sources, see the relevant section in chapter 19 for
guidance. MORE THAN ONE WORK CITED. If you cite several sources
to make a single point, group them into a single parenthetical citation. List
them alphabetically, chronologically, or in order of importance (depending
on the context), and separate them with semicolons.
Several theorists disagreed strongly with this position (Armstrong
and Malacinski 2003; Pickett and White 2009; Beigl 2010).
Additional works by the same author can be cited by date only.
(Wiens 1989a; 1989b)
18.3.3 Footnotes and Parenthetical Citations
If you wish to make substantive comments on the text, use footnotes instead
of parenthetical citations. See 16.3.2–16.3.4 for note placement, numbering,
and format. To cite a source within a footnote, use the normal parenthetical
citation form.
1. As Jill Lepore (2015, 228) observed, “Marston wanted the kids
who read his comics to imagine a woman as president of the United
19 Author-Date Style: Citing Specific Types of
19.1 Books
19.1.1 Authors Name
19.1.2 Date of Publication
19.1.3 Title
19.1.4 Edition
19.1.5 Volume
19.1.6 Series
19.1.7 Facts of Publication
19.1.8 Page Numbers and Other Locators
19.1.9 Chapters and Other Parts of a Book
19.1.10 Electronic Books
19.2 Journal Articles
19.2.1 Authors Name
19.2.2 Date of Publication
19.2.3 Article Title
19.2.4 Journal Title
19.2.5 Issue Information
19.2.6 Page Numbers
19.2.7 Special Issues and Supplements
19.2.8 Abstracts
19.3 Magazine Articles
19.4 Newspaper Articles
19.4.1 Name of Newspaper
19.4.2 Citing Newspapers in Reference Lists and Parentheses
19.4.3 Citing Newspapers in Text
19.5 Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
19.5.1 Website Content
19.5.2 Blog Posts
19.5.3 Social Media
19.5.4 Online Forums and Mailing Lists
19.6 Interviews and Personal Communications
19.6.1 Interviews
19.6.2 Personal Communications
19.7 Papers, Lectures, and Manuscript Collections
19.7.1 Theses and Dissertations
19.7.2 Lectures and Papers Presented at Meetings
19.7.3 Pamphlets and Reports
19.7.4 Manuscript Collections
19.7.5 Online Collections
19.8 Older Works and Sacred Works
19.8.1 Classical, Medieval, and Early English Literary Works
19.8.2 The Bible and Other Sacred Works
19.9 Reference Works and Secondary Citations
19.9.1 Reference Works
19.9.2 Reviews
19.9.3 One Source Quoted in Another
19.10 Sources in the Visual and Performing Arts
19.10.1 Artworks and Graphics
19.10.2 Live Performances
19.10.3 Multimedia
19.10.4 Texts in the Visual and Performing Arts
19.11 Public Documents
19.11.1 Elements to Include, Their Order, and How to Format Them
19.11.2 Congressional Publications
19.11.3 Presidential Publications
19.11.4 Publications of Government Departments and Agencies
19.11.5 US Constitution
19.11.6 Treaties
19.11.7 Legal Cases
19.11.8 State and Local Government Documents
19.11.9 Canadian Government Documents
19.11.10 British Government Documents
19.11.11 Publications of International Bodies
19.11.12 Unpublished Government Documents
Chapter 18 presents an overview of the basic pattern for citations in the
author-date style, including both reference list entries and parenthetical
citations. If you are not familiar with this citation style, read that chapter
before consulting this one.
This chapter provides detailed information on the form of reference list
entries (and, to a lesser extent, parenthetical citations) for a wide range of
sources. It starts with the most commonly cited sources—books and journal
articles—before addressing a wide variety of other sources. The sections on
books (19.1) and journal articles (19.2) discuss variations in such elements
as authors’ names and titles of works in greater depth than sections on less
common sources.
Examples of sources consulted online are included alongside most other
types of examples. Electronic book formats are discussed at 19.1.10. For
some general considerations, especially if you are new to research, see 15.4.
For tips related to citation management tools, see 15.6.
Most sections include guidelines and examples for reference list entries
(identified with an R). Since most parenthetical citations follow the basic
pattern described in chapter 18, they are discussed here (and identified with
a P) only for clarification or if unusual elements might cause confusion in
preparing a parenthetical citation (for example, when a work has no author).
If you cannot find an example in this chapter, consult chapter 15 of The
Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017). You may also create your
own style, adapted from the principles and examples given here. Most
instructors, departments, and universities accept such adaptations, as long
as you apply them consistently.
19.1 Books
Citations of books may include a wide range of elements. Many of the
variations in elements discussed in this section are also relevant to other
types of sources.
19.1.1 Authors Name
In your reference list, give the name of each author (and editor, translator,
or other contributor) exactly as it appears on the title page, and in the same
order. If a name includes more than one initial, use spaces between them
(see 24.2.1). Put the first-listed authors name in inverted order (last name
first), except for some non-English names and other cases explained in Names of any additional authors should follow but should not be
Barker-Benfield, G. J. 2010. Abigail and John Adams: The
Americanization of Sensibility. Chicago: University of Chicago
Kinder, Donald R., and Allison Dale-Riddle. 2012. The End of
Race? Obama, 2008, and Racial Politics in America. New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Mukherjee, Ankhi. 2013. What Is a Classic? Postcolonial Rewriting
and Invention of the Canon. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
In parenthetical citations, use only the authors last name, exactly as
given in the reference list. For works with three or more authors, see figure
(Barker-Benfield 2010, 499)
(Kinder and Dale-Riddle 2010, 47)
AUTHOR. If a title page lists an editor or a translator in addition to an
author, treat the authors name as described above. Add the editor or
translators name after the book’s title. If there is a translator as well as an
editor, list the names in the same order as on the title page of the original.
In reference list entries, insert the phrase Edited by or Translated by
before the editors or translators name.
Elizabeth I. 2000. Collected Works. Edited by Leah S. Marcus,
Janel Mueller, and Mary Beth Rose. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. 2010. The Science of Logic.
Edited and translated by George di Giovanni. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Jitrik, Noé. 2005. The Noé Jitrik Reader: Selected Essays on Latin
American Literature. Edited by Daniel Balderston. Translated by
Susan E. Benner. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
When a title page identifies an editor or translator with a complicated
description, such as “Edited with an Introduction and Notes by” or
“Translated with a Foreword by,” you can simplify this phrase to edited by
or translated by and follow the above examples. In general, if a foreword or
an introduction is written by someone other than the author, you need not
mention that person unless you cite that part specifically (see 19.1.9).
In parenthetical citations, do not include the name of an editor or
translator if the work appears in your reference list under the authors name.
(Elizabeth I 2000, 102–4)
(Hegel 2010, 642–43)
When an editor or a translator is listed on a book’s title page instead of an
author, use that person’s name in the authors slot. Treat it as you would an
authors name (see the beginning of this section), but in the reference list,
add the abbreviation ed. or trans. following the name. If there are multiple
editors or translators, use eds. or trans. (singular and plural) and follow the
principles for multiple authors shown in figure 18.1.
Heaney, Seamus, trans. 2000. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation.
New York: W. W. Norton.
Logroño Narbona, María del Mar, Paulo G. Pinto, and John Tofik
Karam, eds. 2015. Crescent over Another Horizon: Islam in
Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latino USA. Austin:
University of Texas Press.
(Heaney 2000, 55)
(Logroño Narbona, Pinto, and Karam 2015, 140–41) ORGANIZATION AS AUTHOR. If a publication issued by an
organization, association, commission, or corporation has no personal
authors name on the title page, list the organization itself as author, even if
it is also given as publisher. For public documents, see 19.9.
American Bar Association. 2016. The 2016 Federal Rules Book.
Chicago: American Bar Association.
(American Bar Association 2016, 192) PSEUDONYM. Treat a widely recognized pseudonym as if it
were the authors real name. If the name listed as the authors is known to
be a pseudonym but the real name is unknown, add pseud. in brackets after
the pseudonym in a reference list entry, though not in a parenthetical
Centinel [pseud.]. 1981. “Letters.” In The Complete Anti-Federalist,
edited by Herbert J. Storing. Chicago: University of Chicago
Twain, Mark. 1899. The Prince and the Pauper: A Tale for Young
People of All Ages. New York: Harper and Brothers.
(Twain 1899, 34)
(Centinel 1981, 2) ANONYMOUS AUTHOR. If the authorship is known or guessed
at but omitted from the book’s title page, include the name in brackets (with
a question mark if there is uncertainty). If the author or editor is unknown,
avoid the use of Anonymous in place of a name (but see below), and begin
the reference list entry with the title. In parenthetical citations, use a
shortened title (see 18.3.2).
[Hawkes, James?]. 1834. A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-Party,
with a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes. By a Citizen of New-York.
A True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and Ends of the
Plantation Begun in Virginia, of the Degrees Which It Hath
Received, and Means by Which It Hath Been Advanced. 1610.
([Hawkes, James?] 1834, 128–29)
(True and Sincere Declaration 1610, 17)
If the author is explicitly listed as “Anonymous” on the title page, cite the
book accordingly.
Anonymous. 2015. The Secret Lives of Teachers. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
(Anonymous 2015, 202)
19.1.2 Date of Publication
The publication date for a book consists only of a year, not a month or day,
and is usually identical to the copyright date. It generally appears on the
copyright page and sometimes on the title page.
In a reference list entry, set off the date as its own element with periods.
In a parenthetical citation, put it after the authors name without intervening
Chen, Cheng. 2016. The Return of Ideology: The Search for
Regime Identities in Postcommunist Russia and China. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
(Chen 2016, 34–35)
Revised editions and reprints may include more than one copyright date.
In this case, the most recent indicates the publication date—for example,
2017 in the string “© 2003, 2010, 2017.” See 19.1.4 for citing publication
dates in such works.
If you cannot determine the publication date of a printed work, use the
abbreviation n.d. in place of the year. If no date is provided but you believe
you know it, you may add it in brackets, with a question mark to indicate
uncertainty. (For the use of access dates for undated sources consulted
online, see 19.5.1.)
Agnew, John. n.d. A Book of Virtues. Edinburgh.
Miller, Samuel. [1750?]. Another Book of Virtues. Boston.
(Agnew n.d., 5)
(Miller [1750?], 5)
If a book is under contract with a publisher and is already titled but the
date of publication is not yet known, use forthcoming in place of the date.
To avoid confusion, include a comma after the authors name in a
parenthetical citation of this type. Treat any book not yet under contract as
an unpublished manuscript (see 19.6).
Author, Jane Q. Forthcoming. Book Title. Place of Publication:
Publishers Name.
(Author, forthcoming, 16)
19.1.3 Title
List complete book titles and subtitles in reference list entries. Italicize
both, and separate the title from the subtitle with a colon. (In the rare case
of two subtitles, either follow the punctuation in the original or use a colon
before the first and a semicolon before the second.)
Marsden, Philip. 2016. Rising Ground: A Search for the Spirit of
Place. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Capitalize all titles and subtitles headline-style; that is, capitalize the first
letter of the first and last words of the title and subtitle and all major words.
For titles in languages other than English, use sentence-style capitalization
—that is, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the title and
subtitle and any proper nouns or other terms that would be capitalized under
the conventions of the original language (in some Romance languages,
proper adjectives and some proper nouns are not capitalized). (See 22.3.1
for a more detailed discussion of the two styles.)
(headline style) How to Do It: Guides to Good Living for Renaissance
(sentence style) A quoi rêvent les algorithmes: Nos vies à l’heure
des big data
Preserve the spelling, hyphenation, and punctuation of the original title,
with two exceptions: change words in full capitals (except for initialisms or
acronyms; see chapter 24) to upper- and lowercase, and change an
ampersand (&) to and. Spell out numbers or give them as numerals
according to the original (twelfth century or 12th century) unless there is a
good reason to make them consistent with other titles in the list.
For titles of chapters and other parts of a book, see 19.1.9. SPECIAL ELEMENTS IN TITLES. Several elements in titles
require special treatment.
Dates. Use a comma to set off dates at the end of a title or subtitle, even
if there is no punctuation in the original source. But if the source
introduces the dates with a preposition (for example, “from 1920 to
1945”) or a colon, do not add a comma.
Hayes, Romain. 2011. Subhas Chandra Bose in Nazi
Germany: Politics, Intelligence, and Propaganda, 1941–43.
New York: Columbia University Press.
Sorenson, John L., and Carl L. Johannessen. 2009. World
Trade and Biological Exchanges before 1492. Bloomington,
IN: iUniverse.
Titles within titles. When the title of a work that would normally be
italicized appears within the italicized title of another, enclose the quoted
title in quotation marks. (If the title-within-a-title would normally be
enclosed in quotation marks, keep the quotation marks.)
Ladenson, Elisabeth. 2007. Dirt for Art’s Sake: Books on Trial
from “Madame Bovary” to “Lolita.” Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press.
McHugh, Roland. 1991. Annotations to “Finnegans Wake.”
2nd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
However, when the entire main title of a book consists of a title within
a title, do not add quotation marks (but keep any quotation marks used in
the source).
Light, Alan. 2014. Let’s Go Crazy: Prince and the Making of
“Purple Rain.” New York: Atria Books.
Wilde, Oscar. 2011. The Picture of Dorian Gray: An
Annotated, Uncensored Edition. Edited by Nicholas
Frankel. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Italicized terms. When an italicized title includes terms normally
italicized in text, such as species names or names of ships, set the terms
in roman type.
Pennington, T. Hugh. 2003. When Food Kills: BSE, E. coli,
and Disaster Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lech, Raymond B. 2001. The Tragic Fate of the U.S.S.
Indianapolis: The U.S. Navy’s Worst Disaster at Sea. New
York: Cooper Square Press.
Question marks and exclamation points. When a title or a subtitle ends
with a question mark or an exclamation point, no other punctuation
normally follows (but see 21.12.1).
Allen, Jafari S. 2011. ¡Venceremos? The Erotics of Black Self-
Making in Cuba. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Wolpert, Stanley. 2010. India and Pakistan: Continued Conflict
or Cooperation? Berkeley: University of California Press. OLDER TITLES. For titles of works published in the eighteenth
century or earlier, retain the original punctuation and spelling. Also retain
the original capitalization, even if it does not follow headline style. Words
in all capital letters, however, should be given in upper- and lowercase. If
the title is very long, you may shorten it, but provide enough information
for readers to find the full title in a library or publishers catalog. Indicate
omissions in such titles by three ellipsis dots. Put the dots in square brackets
to show that they are not part of the original title. (Square brackets are also
used in the second example to show that the place of publication is known
but did not appear with the source.) If the omission comes at the end of a
title, add a period after the bracketed dots.
Escalante, Bernardino. 1579. A Discourse of the Navigation which
the Portugales doe make to the Realmes and Provinces of the
East Partes of the Worlde [ . . . ]. Translated by John Frampton.
Ray, John. 1673. Observations Topographical, Moral, and
Physiological: Made in a Journey Through part of the Low-
Countries, Germany, Italy, and France: with A Catalogue of
Plants not Native of England [ . . . ] Whereunto is added A Brief
Account of Francis Willughby, Esq., his Voyage through a great
part of Spain. [London]. NON-ENGLISH TITLES. Use sentence-style capitalization for
non-English titles, following the capitalization principles for proper nouns
and other terms within the relevant language. If you are unfamiliar with
these principles, consult a reliable source.
Kelek, Necla. 2006. Die fremde Braut: Ein Bericht aus dem
Inneren des türkischen Lebens in Deutschland. Munich:
Goldmann Verlag.
Piletić Stojanović, Ljiljana, ed. 1971. Gutfreund i češki kubizam.
Belgrade: Muzej savremene umetnosti.
Reveles, José. 2016. Échale la culpa a la heroína: De Iguala a
Chicago. New York: Vintage Español.
If you add the English translation of a title, place it after the original.
Enclose it in brackets, without italics or quotation marks, and capitalize it
Wereszycki, Henryk. 1977. Koniec sojuszu trzech cesarzy [The
end of the Three Emperors’ League]. Warsaw: PWN.
Yu Guoming. 2011. Zhongguo chuan mei fa zhan qian yan tan suo
[New perspectives on news and communication]. Beijing: Xin
hua chu ban she.
If you need to cite both the original and a translation, use one of the
following forms, depending on whether you want to focus readers on the
original or the translation.
Furet, François. 1995. Le passé d’une illusion. Paris: Éditions
Robert Laffont. Translated by Deborah Furet as The Passing of
an Illusion (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999).
Furet, François. 1999. The Passing of an Illusion. Translated by
Deborah Furet. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Originally
published as Le passé d’une illusion (Paris: Éditions Robert
Laffont, 1995).
19.1.4 Edition
Some works are published in more than one edition. Each edition differs in
content or format or both. Always include information about the edition you
actually consulted (unless it is a first edition, which is usually not labeled as
such). REVISED EDITIONS. When a book is reissued with significant
content changes, it may be called a “revised” edition or a “second” (or
subsequent) edition. This information usually appears on the book’s title
page and is repeated, along with the date of the edition, on the copyright
When you cite an edition other than the first, include the number or
description of the edition after the title. Abbreviate such wording as
“Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged” as 2nd ed.; abbreviate “Revised
Edition” as Rev. ed. Include the publication date only of the edition you are
citing, not of any previous editions (see 19.1.2).
Foley, Douglas E. 2010. Learning Capitalist Culture: Deep in the
Heart of Tejas. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
Levitt, Steven D., and Stephen J. Dubner. 2006. Freakonomics: A
Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. Rev.
ed. New York: HarperCollins. REPRINT EDITIONS. Many books are reissued or published in
more than one format—for example, in a paperback edition (by the original
publisher or a different publisher) or in electronic form (see 19.1.10).
Always record the facts of publication for the version you consulted. If the
edition you consulted was published more than a year or two after the
original edition, you may include the date of the original (see 19.1.2) in
parentheses in the reference list entry.
Jarrell, Randall. 2010. Pictures from an Institution: A Comedy.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Orig. pub. 1954.)
(Jarrell 2010, 79–80)
If the reprint is a modern printing of a classic work, you should still cite
the reprint edition, but if the original publication date is important in the
context of your paper, include it in brackets before the reprint date in both
your reference list and your parenthetical citations.
Dickens, Charles. 2011. Pictures from Italy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. (Orig. pub. 1846.)
(Dickens 2011, 10)
Dickens, Charles. [1846] 2011. Pictures from Italy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
(Dickens [1846] 2011, 10)
19.1.5 Volume
If a book is part of a multivolume work, include this information in your
citations. SPECIFIC VOLUME. To cite a specific volume that carries its
own title, list the title for the multivolume work as a whole, followed by the
volume number and title of the specific volume. Use the publication date of
the individual volume. Abbreviate vol. and use arabic numbers for volume
numbers. See also 18.2.1.
Naficy, Hamid. 2011. A Social History of Iranian Cinema. Vol. 2,
The Industrializing Years, 1941–1978. Durham, NC: Duke
University Press.
———. 2012. A Social History of Iranian Cinema. Vol. 4, The
Globalizing Era, 1984–2010. Durham, NC: Duke University
(Hamid 2011, 119)
(Hamid 2012, 44)
If the volumes are not individually titled, list each volume that you cite in
the reference list (see also In a parenthetical citation, put the
specific volume number immediately before the page number, separated by
a colon and no intervening space.
Byrne, Muriel St. Clare, ed. 1981. The Lisle Letters. Vols. 1 and 4.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(Byrne 1981, 4:243)
Some multivolume works have both a general editor and editors or
authors for each volume. When citing a specific volume in such a work,
include information about the volume editor(s) or author(s) (see 19.1.1) as
well as information about the editor(s) of the multivolume work as a whole.
The example from The History of Cartography shows not only how to cite
an individual contribution to such a work (see 19.1.9) but also how to cite a
volume published in more than one physical part (vol. 2, bk. 3).
Armstrong, Tenisha, ed. 2014. To Save the Soul of America,
January 1961–August 1962. Vol. 7 of The Papers of Martin
Luther King, Jr., edited by Clayborne Carson. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Mundy, Barbara E. 1998. “Mesoamerican Cartography.” In The
History of Cartography, edited by J. Brian Harley and David
Woodward, vol. 2, bk. 3, Cartography in the Traditional African,
American, Arctic, Australian, and Pacific Societies, edited by
David Woodward and G. Malcolm Lewis, 183–256. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
(Armstrong 2014, 182)
(Mundy 1998, 233) MULTIVOLUME WORK AS A WHOLE. To cite a multivolume
work as a whole, give the title and the total number of volumes. If the
volumes have been published over several years, list the full span of
publication dates in both your reference list and your parenthetical citations.
Aristotle. 1983. Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford
Translation. Edited by J. Barnes. 2 vols. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Tillich, Paul. 1951–63. Systematic Theology. 3 vols. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
(Tillich 1951–63, 2:41)
For works that include individual volume titles or volume editors (see, it is usually best to cite each volume in the reference list
19.1.6 Series
If a book belongs to a series, you may choose to include information about
the series to help readers locate the source and understand the context in
which it was published. Place the series information after the title (and any
volume or edition number or editors name) and before the facts of
Put the series title in roman type with headline-style capitalization,
omitting any initial The. If the volumes in the series are numbered, include
the number of the work cited following the series title. The name of the
series editor is often omitted, but you may include it after the series title. If
you include both an editor and a volume number, the number is preceded by
Hausman, Blake M. 2011. Riding the Trail of Tears. Native
Storiers: A Series of American Narratives. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press.
Lunning, Frenchy, ed. 2014. World Renewal. Mechademia 10.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Stein, Gertrude. 2008. Selections. Edited by Joan Retallack. Poets
for the Millennium, edited by Pierre Joris and Jerome
Rothenberg, vol. 6. Berkeley: University of California Press.
19.1.7 Facts of Publication
The facts of publication usually include two elements: the place (city) of
publication and the publishers name. (A third fact of publication, the date,
appears as a separate element following the authors name in this citation
style; see 19.1.2.)
Coates, Ta-Nehisi. 2015. Between the World and Me. New York:
Spiegel & Grau.
For books published before the twentieth century, you may omit the
publishers name.
Darwin, Charles. 1871. The Descent of Man, and Selection in
Relation to Sex. 2 vols. London. PLACE OF PUBLICATION. The place of publication is the city
where the book publishers main editorial offices are located. If you do not
see it listed on the title page, look for it on the copyright page instead.
Where two or more cities are given (“Chicago and London,” for example),
include only the first.
Los Angeles: Getty Publications
New York: Columbia University Press
If the city of publication might be unknown to readers or confused with
another city of the same name, add the abbreviation of the state (see 24.3.1),
province, or (if necessary) country. When the publishers name includes the
state name, no state abbreviation is needed.
Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press
Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin Books
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press
Prefer current, commonly used English names for cities whenever such
forms exist. (When in doubt about which form to use, record the name of
the city as it appears with the source.)
Belgrade (not Beograd)
Milan (not Milano)
When the place of publication is not known (an uncommon occurrence
for older works, which typically specify a city of publication), you may use
the abbreviation N.p. before the publishers name. If the place can be
guessed, include it in brackets and add a question mark to indicate
N.p.: Windsor.
[Lake Bluff, IL?]: Vliet and Edwards.
It is common for books published more recently through modern self-
publishing platforms not to list a place of publication. If you cite such a
source, the place of publication can usually be omitted (see for an
example). PUBLISHER’S NAME. Give the publishers name for each book
exactly as it appears on the title page, even if you know that the name has
since changed or appears in a different form for other books in your
reference list.
Harcourt Brace and World
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Harcourt, Brace
You may, however, omit an initial The and such abbreviations as Inc., Ltd.,
S.A., Co., & Co., and Publishing Co. (and the spelled-out forms of such
corporate abbreviations).
University of Texas Press instead of The University of Texas Press
Houghton Mifflin instead of Houghton Mifflin Co.
Little, Brown instead of Little, Brown & Co.
For non-English publishers, do not translate or abbreviate any part of the
publishers name, but give the city name in its English form (as noted in When the publisher is unknown, use just the place (if known). If a
book has been self-published, however, this fact may be noted (see also
Albin, Eleazar. 1738. A Natural History of Birds: Illustrated with a
Hundred and One Copper Plates, Engraven from the Life.
London: printed by the author.
Rai, Alisha. 2015. Serving Pleasure. Self-published, CreateSpace.
19.1.8 Page Numbers and Other Locators
Page numbers and other information used to identify the location of a cited
passage or element generally appear in parenthetical citations but not in
reference lists. One exception: if you cite a chapter or other section of a
book in a reference list, give the page range for that chapter or section (see
19.1.9 for examples).
For guidelines for expressing a span of numbers, see 23.2.4. For page
numbers and other locators in e-book formats, see 19.1.10. PAGE, CHAPTER, AND DIVISION NUMBERS. The locator is
usually the last item in a parenthetical citation. Before page numbers, the
word page or the abbreviation p. or pp. is generally omitted. Use arabic
numbers except for pages numbered with roman numerals in the original.
(Arum and Roksa 2011, 145–46)
(Jones 2010, xiv–xv)
Sometimes you may want to refer to a full chapter (abbreviated chap.),
part (pt.), book (bk.), or section (sec.) instead of a span of page numbers.
(Datar, Garvin, and Cullen 2010, pt. 2)
Some books printed before 1800 do not carry page numbers but are
divided into signatures and then into leaves or folios, each with a front side
(recto, or r) and a back side (verso, or v). To cite such pages, include the
relevant string of numbers and identifiers, run together without spaces or
italics: for example, G6v, 176r, 232r–v, or (if you are citing entire folios)
fol. 49. OTHER TYPES OF LOCATORS. Sometimes you will want to
cite a specific note, a figure or table, or a numbered line (as in some works
of poetry).
Note numbers. Use the abbreviation n (plural nn) to cite notes. If the note
cited is the only footnote on its page or is an unnumbered footnote, add n
after the page number (with no intervening space or punctuation). If there
are other footnotes or endnotes on the same page as the note cited, list the
page number followed by n or (if two or more consecutive notes are
cited) nn and the note number(s).
(Grafton 1997, 72n)
(Bolinger 1980, 192n23, 192n30, 199n14, 201nn16–17)
Illustration and table numbers. Use the abbreviation fig. for figure, but
spell out table, map, plate, and names of other types of illustrations. Give
the page number before the illustration number.
(Sobel 1993, 87, table 5.3)
Line numbers. For poetry and other works best identified by line number,
avoid the abbreviations l. (line) and ll. (lines); they are too easily
confused with the numerals 1 and 11. Use line or lines, or use numbers
alone where you have made it clear that you are referring to lines.
(Nash 1945, lines 1–4)
19.1.9 Chapters and Other Parts of a Book
In most cases you can cite the main title of any book that offers a
continuous argument, narrative, or theme, even if you actually use only a
section of it. But sometimes you will want to cite an independent essay or
chapter if that is the part most relevant to your research. By doing so, you
help readers see how the source fits into your project.
Nishizaki, Yoshinori. 2015. “Big Is Good: The Banharn-Jaemsai
Observatory Tower in Suphanburi.” In A Sarong for Clio: Essays
on the Intellectual and Cultural History of Thailand—Inspired by
Craig J. Reynolds, edited by Maurizio Peleggi, 143–62. Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University Press.
(Nishizaki 2015, 143)
instead of
Peleggi, Maurizio, ed. 2015. A Sarong for Clio: Essays on the
Intellectual and Cultural History of Thailand—Inspired by Craig
J. Reynolds. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
(Peleggi 2015, 143) PARTS OF SINGLE-AUTHOR BOOKS. If you cite a chapter
or other titled part of a single-author book, the reference list should include
the title of the part first, in roman type and enclosed in quotation marks.
After the designation In, give the book title, followed by the full span of
page numbers for that part.
Gay, Roxane. 2014. “The Careless Language of Sexual Violence.”
In Bad Feminist, 128–136. New York: Harper Perennial.
Some books attributed to a single author include a separately authored
part with a generic title such as preface or afterword. To cite such a part,
add that term before the title of the book in roman type without quotation
marks, and capitalize the first word only. Parenthetical citations mention
only the part authors name.
Calhoun, Craig. 2005. Foreword to Multicultural Politics: Racism,
Ethnicity, and Muslims in Britain, by Tariq Modood, ix–xv.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
(Calhoun 2005, xii)
If the author of the generic part is the same as the author of the book,
however, cite the book as a whole in the reference list, not just the part (the
part, if relevant, can be mentioned in the text). PARTS OF EDITED COLLECTIONS. In a reference list, if you
cite part of an edited collection with contributions by multiple authors, first
list the part author, the date, and the part title (in roman type, enclosed in
quotation marks). After the designation In, give the book title, the name of
the editor, and the full span of page numbers for that part. Parenthetical
citations mention only the part authors name.
Binkley, Cameron. 2011. “Saving Redwoods: Clubwomen and
Conservation, 1900–1925.” In California Women and Politics:
From the Gold Rush to the Great Depression, edited by Robert
W. Cherny, Mary Ann Irwin, and Ann Marie Wilson, 151–74.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
(Binkley 2011, 155)
If you cite two or more contributions to the same edited collection, you
may use a space-saving shortened form. In your reference list, provide a full
citation for the whole book and shortened citations for each individual part.
For the latter, provide the full authors name, the publication date, and the
full title of the part; after the designation In, add the shortened name of the
book’s editor, the publication date, and the full span of page numbers for
that part.
Bruegmann, Robert. 2008. “Built Environment of the Chicago
Region.” In Keating 2008, 76–314.
Keating, Ann Durkin, ed. 2008. Chicago Neighborhoods and
Suburbs: A Historical Guide. Chicago: University of Chicago
Reiff, Janice, L. 2008. “Contested Spaces.” In Keating 2008, 55–
If you use this form, your parenthetical citations should refer to the parts
only, not to the book as a whole.
P: (Bruegmann 2008, 299–300) not (Keating 2008, 299–300)
(Reiff 2008, 57) not (Keating 2008, 57) WORKS IN ANTHOLOGIES. Cite a short story, poem, essay, or
other work published in an anthology in the same way you would a
contribution to an edited collection with multiple authors. Give the titles of
most works published in anthologies in roman type, enclosed in quotation
marks. An exception is a book-length poem or prose work that is
anthologized in full or in part; its title should be italicized (see 22.3.2).
Allende, Isabel. 1997. “The Spirits Were Willing.” In The Oxford
Book of Latin American Essays, edited by Ilan Stavans, 461–67.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Wigglesworth, Michael. 2003. Excerpt from The Day of Doom. In
The New Anthology of American Poetry, vol. 1, Traditions and
Revolutions, Beginnings to 1900, edited by Steven Gould
Axelrod, Camille Roman, and Thomas Travisano, 68–74. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
(Allende 1997, 463–64)
(Wigglesworth 2003, 68)
If the original publication date of a work is important in the context of
your paper, include it in brackets before the anthology’s publication date in
both your reference list and your parenthetical citations.
Wigglesworth, Michael. [1662] 2003. Excerpt from . . .
(Wigglesworth [1662] 2003, 68) LETTERS AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS IN
PUBLISHED COLLECTIONS. Cite a letter, memorandum, or other such
item in a published collection by the date of the collection. (For
unpublished personal communications, see 19.6.2; for unpublished letters in
manuscript collections, see 19.7.4.) The word letter is unnecessary, but
label other forms, such as a report or memorandum. Give the title and other
data for the collection in the usual form for an edited book. The dates of
individual correspondence should be woven into the text.
James, Henry. 1984. Letters. Edited by Leon Edel. Vol. 4, 1895–
1916. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University
White, E. B. 1976. Letters of E. B. White. Edited by Dorothy
Lobrano Guth. New York: Harper & Row.
In a letter to Edith Wharton on November 8, 1905 (James 1984,
373), James wrote . . .
White (1976, 273) sent Ross an interoffice memo on May 2, 1946,
pointing out that . . .
19.1.10 Electronic Books
Electronic books, or e-books, are cited just like print books, as discussed
throughout 19.1. In addition, you will need to include information about the
format you consulted. If you read the book online, include a URL. If you
consulted the book in a commercial database, you can instead give the name
of the database. See 15.4.1 for more details.
On the other hand, if you downloaded a book from Amazon or Apple or
the like in a format that requires a specific app or device, include that
information instead.
Many e-book formats lack fixed page numbers. Avoid citing app- or
device-specific screen or location numbers, which may not be the same for
others even if they consult the same format. Instead, cite by chapter or
section number (see or, if these are unnumbered, by the name of
the chapter or section (see 19.1.9). Especially for a frequently cited source,
it may be better simply to consult a version that reproduces the pagination
of a printed edition. In the Dostoevsky example below, the page images
from the Internet Archive are easier to cite than the reflowable Project
Gutenberg text, and because they reproduce the original text exactly, they
are also more authoritative.
Crispin, Jessa. 2015. The Dead Ladies Project: Exiles, Expats,
and Ex-Countries. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Adobe
Digital Editions PDF.
Davis, Janet M. 2016. The Gospel of Kindness: Animal Welfare
and the Making of Modern America. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. https:// doi.org/ 10.1093/ acprof:oso/
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. 2012. Crime and Punishment/ Translated by
Constance Garnett. Project Gutenberg. Last updated November
5, 2012. http:// gutenberg.org/ files/ 2554/ 2554-h/ 2554-h.htm.
or, better,
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. 1917. Crime and Punishment. Translated by
Constance Garnett. Edited by William Allan Neilson. New York:
P. F. Collier & Son. https:// archive.org/ details/
Gladwell, Malcolm. 2008. Outliers: The Story of Success. Boston:
Little, Brown, 2008. Kindle.
Lee, Harper. 2015. Go Set a Watchman. New York: Harper.
Schlosser, Eric. 2001. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the
American Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ProQuest Ebrary.
(Crispin 2015, 100–101)
(Davis 2016, 144–45)
(Dostoevsky 2012, pt. 6, chap. 1)
or, better,
(Dostoevsky 1917, 444)
(Gladwell 2008, 193)
(Lee 2015, chap. 19)
(Schlosser 2001, 88)
19.2 Journal Articles
Journals are scholarly or professional periodicals available primarily in
academic libraries and by subscription. They often include the word journal
in their title (Journal of Modern History) but not always (Signs). Journals
are not the same as magazines, which are usually intended for a more
general readership. This distinction is important because journal articles and
magazine articles are cited differently (see 19.3). If you are unsure whether
a periodical is a journal or a magazine, see whether its articles include
citations; if so, treat it as a journal.
Many journal articles are available online, often through your school’s
library website or from a commercial database. To cite an article that you
read online, include a URL. If a URL is listed along with the article, use
that instead of the one in your browsers address bar. If a DOI is listed,
append the DOI to https://doi.org/ to form the URL. If you consulted the
article in a commercial database, you may give the name of the database
instead of a URL. See 15.4.1 for more details.
19.2.1 Authors Name
Give authors’ names exactly as they appear at the heads of their articles.
Use last names in parenthetical citations. In the reference list, the name of
the first-listed author is inverted. For some special cases, see
19.2.2 Date of Publication
The main date of publication for a journal article consists only of a year. In
a reference list entry, set it off as its own element with periods following the
authors name. In a parenthetical citation, put it after the authors name
without intervening punctuation.
Bartfeld, Judi, and Myoung Kim. 2010. “Participation in the School
Breakfast Program: New Evidence from the ECLS-K.” Social
Service Review 84, no. 4 (December): 541–62. https:// doi.org/
10.1086/ 657109.
Garber, Marjorie. 2016. “Over the Influence,” Critical Inquiry 42,
no. 4 (Summer): 731–59. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 686960.
(Bartfeld and Kim 2010, 550–51)
(Garber 2016, 735)
Notice that additional date information appears in parentheses later in a
reference list entry, after the volume number and issue information (see
If an article has been accepted for publication but has not yet appeared,
use forthcoming in place of the date (and page numbers). To avoid
confusion, include a comma after the authors name in a parenthetical
citation of this type. Treat any article not yet accepted for publication as an
unpublished manuscript (see 19.6).
Author, Margaret M. Forthcoming. “Article Title.” Journal Name 98.
(Author, forthcoming)
19.2.3 Article Title
List complete article titles and subtitles. Use roman type, separate the title
from the subtitle with a colon, and enclose both in quotation marks. Use
headline-style capitalization (see 22.3.1).
Taylor, Quentin. 2016. “The Mask of Publius: Alexander Hamilton
and the Politics of Expediency.” American Political Thought 5,
no. 1 (Winter): 55–79. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 684559.
Terms normally italicized in text, such as species names and book titles,
remain italicized within an article title; terms quoted in the title are enclosed
in single quotation marks because the title itself is within double quotation
marks. Do not add either a colon or a period after a title or subtitle that ends
in a question mark or an exclamation point. But see 21.12.1.
Lewis, Judith. 1998. “‘’Tis a Misfortune to Be a Great Ladie’:
Maternal Mortality in the British Aristocracy, 1558–1959.”
Journal of British Studies 37, no 1 (January): 26–40. http://
www.jstor.org/ stable/ 176034.
Twomey, Lisa A. 2011. “Taboo or Tolerable? Hemingway’s For
Whom the Bell Tolls in Postwar Spain.” Hemingway Review 30,
no. 2 (Spring): 54–72.
Titles in languages other than English should generally be capitalized
sentence-style (see 22.3.1) according to the conventions of the particular
language. If you add an English translation, enclose it in brackets, without
quotation marks.
Carreño-Rodríguez, Antonio. 2009. “Modernidad en la literatura
gauchesca: Carnavalización y parodia en el Fausto de
Estanislao del Campo.” Hispania 92, no. 1 (March): 12–24.
http:// www.jstor.org/ stable/ 40648253.
Kern, W. 1938. “Waar verzamelde Pigafetta zijn Maleise
woorden?” [Where did Pigafetta collect his Malaysian words?].
Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land-en volkenkunde 78:271–73.
19.2.4 Journal Title
After the article title, list the journal title in italics, with headline-style
capitalization (see 22.3.1). Give the title exactly as it appears on the title
page or on the journal website; do not use abbreviations, although you can
omit an initial The (see also If the official title is an initialism
such as PMLA, do not expand it. For non-English journal titles, you may
use either headline-style or sentence-style capitalization, but retain all initial
articles (Der Spiegel).
19.2.5 Issue Information
In addition to a date of publication, most reference list entries include
volume number, issue number, and month or season. Readers may not need
all of these elements to locate an article, but including them all guards
against a possible error in one of them.
The volume number follows the journal title without intervening
punctuation and is not italicized. Use arabic numerals even if the journal
itself uses roman numerals. If there is an issue number, it follows the
volume number, separated by a comma and preceded by no.
Include additional date information beyond the year of publication (see
19.2.2) in parentheses after the volume and issue number. Follow the
practice of the journal regarding such information; it may include a season,
a month, or an exact day. Capitalize seasons in journal citations, even
though they are not capitalized in text.
Brown, Campbell. 2011. “Consequentialize This.” Ethics 121, no. 4
(July): 749–71. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 660696.
Ionescu, Felicia. 2011. “Risky Human Capital and Alternative
Bankruptcy Regimes for Student Loans.” Journal of Human
Capital 5, no. 2 (Summer): 153–206. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/
When a journal uses issue numbers only, without volume numbers, a
comma follows the journal title.
Beattie, J. M. 1974. “The Pattern of Crime in England, 1660–
1800.” Past and Present, no. 62 (February): 47–95.
19.2.6 Page Numbers
For a reference list entry, give the full span of page numbers for the article
(see 23.2.4). By convention, page numbers of journal articles in reference
lists follow colons rather than commas.
Hitchcock, Tim. 2005. “Begging on the Streets of Eighteenth-
Century London.” Journal of British Studies 44, no. 3 (July):
478–98. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 429704.
Wang, ShiPu. 2016. “We Are Scottsboro Boys: Hideo Noda’s
Visual Rhetoric of Transracial Solidarity.” American Art 30, no. 1
(Spring): 16–20. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 686545.
If you cite a particular passage in a parenthetical citation, give only the
specific page(s) cited, preceded by a comma (not a colon).
(Hitchcock 2005, 478)
(Wang 2016, 16–17)
19.2.7 Special Issues and Supplements
A journal issue devoted to a single theme is known as a special issue. It
carries a normal volume and issue number. If a special issue has a title and
an editor of its own, include both in a reference list entry. The title is given
in roman type and enclosed in quotation marks. In a parenthetical citation,
give only the author of the part cited.
Sunder Rajan, Rajeswari. 2014. “Zeitgeist and the Literary Text:
India, 1947, in Qurratulain Hyders My Temples, Too and
Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.” In “Around 1948:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Transformation,” edited
by Leela Gandhi and Deborah L. Nelson. Special issue, Critical
Inquiry 40, no. 4 (Summer): 439–65. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/
(Sunder Rajan 2014, 440–41)
If you need to cite the issue as a whole, omit the article information.
Gandhi, Leela, and Deborah L. Nelson, eds. 2014. “Around 1948:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Transformation.” Special
issue, Critical Inquiry 40, no. 4 (Summer).
A journal supplement may also have a title and an author or editor of its
own. Unlike a special issue, it is numbered separately from the regular
issues of the journal, often with S as part of its page numbers. Use a comma
between the volume number and the supplement number.
Ekeland, Ivar, James J. Heckman, and Lars Nesheim. 2004.
“Identification and Estimation of Hedonic Models.” In “Papers in
Honor of Sherwin Rosen,” Journal of Political Economy 112, S1
(February): S60–S109. https:// doi.org/ 10.1086/ 379947.
19.2.8 Abstracts
You can cite information in the abstract of a journal article or other work in
a parenthetical citation. In the reference list, include the full citation for the
journal article (or other work, such as a dissertation). In the parenthetical
citation, insert the word abstract, set off by commas, after the year of
publication and before any page number.
Brown, Campbell. 2011. “Consequentialize This.” Ethics 121, no. 4
(July): 749–71.
(Brown 2011, abstract, 749)
19.3 Magazine Articles
Articles in magazines are cited much like journal articles (see 19.2), but
dates and page numbers are treated differently.
Cite magazines by date only, even if they are numbered by volume and
issue. In reference list entries, put the year in the usual position and the
month and day (if specified) after the magazine title (but not in
parentheses). You can repeat the year with the month and day in the
reference list entry to avoid any confusion regarding the exact date. If you
cite a specific passage in a parenthetical citation, include its page number.
But you may omit the article’s inclusive page numbers in a reference list
entry, since magazine articles often span many pages that include
extraneous material. (If you do include page numbers, use a comma rather
than a colon to separate them from the date of issue.) As with journals, you
can omit an initial The from the magazine title (see also
Lepore, Jill. 2016. “The Woman Card.” New Yorker, June 27,
(Lepore 2016, 23)
If you cite a department or column that appears regularly, capitalize it
headline-style and do not enclose it in quotation marks.
Walraff, Barbara. 2005. Word Court. Atlantic Monthly, June 2005.
(Walraff 2005, 128)
Magazine articles consulted online should include in the reference list
entry a URL (see also or the name of a commercial database (see Typically there will be no page numbers to cite.
Lukianoff, Greg, and Jonathan Haidt. 2015. “The Coddling of the
American Mind.” Atlantic, September 2015. http://
www.theatlantic.com/ magazine/ archive/ 2015/ 09/ the-coddling-of-
the-american-mind/ 399356/.
Williams, Michael K. 2016. Interview by Eliana Dockterman. Time,
July 25, 2016. EBSCOhost.
(Lukianoff and Haidt 2015)
(Williams 2016)
Magazine articles published online sometimes include readers’
comments. These are cited like comments on blog posts (see 19.5.2).
19.4 Newspaper Articles
19.4.1 Name of Newspaper
You can usually omit an initial The from the name of an English-language
newspaper (see also If the name of a local newspaper does not
include a city, it may be added to the official title. If a name is shared by
many cities or is obscure, you may add the state or province in parentheses
(for abbreviations, see 24.3.1); for national papers, you may need to identify
the country. For non-English newspapers, you may use headline-style
capitalization, but retain an initial article if it is formally part of the name;
add city or other information after titles for clarity, if necessary.
Chicago Tribune
New York Times
Hackensack (NJ) Record
Saint Paul (Alberta or AB) Journal
Le Monde
La Crónica de Hoy (Mexico City)
Al-Akhbar (Beirut)
Times (UK)
The name of a news website can usually be treated in a similar way, except
that a location will rarely be necessary.
Huffington Post
For blogs, which are treated similarly, see 19.5.2. For websites, see 19.5.1.
19.4.2 Citing Newspapers in Reference Lists and Parentheses
In your reference list, cite articles and other pieces from newspapers (or
news websites) generally as you would articles in magazines (see 19.3). As
with magazine articles, you can repeat the year with the month and day in
the reference list entry to avoid any confusion regarding the exact date. For
an unsigned article, use the name of the newspaper in place of the author.
Because a newspaper may have several editions with slightly different
contents, you may clarify which edition you consulted by adding final
edition, Midwest edition, or some such identifier. Articles read online
should include a URL. For articles obtained through a commercial database,
you may give the name of the database instead. See 15.4.1 for more details.
Anderssen, Erin. 2016. “Through the Eyes of Generation Z.” Globe
and Mail (Toronto), June 25, 2016. http://
www.theglobeandmail.com/ news/ national/ through-the-eyes-of-
generation-z/ article30571914/.
Associated Press. 2015. “Ex UConn Student Applies for Probation
over Mac and Cheese Meltdown.” USA Today College,
November 23, 2015. http:// college.usatoday.com/ 2015/ 11/ 23/
Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam. 2011. Interview by Simon Denyer.
Washington Post, April 17, 2011.
Lind, Dara. 2016. “Moving to Canada, Explained.” Vox. September
15, 2016. http:// www.vox.com/ 2016/ 5/ 9/ 11608830/ move-to-
McIntosh, Fergus. 2016. Letter to the editor, New York Times,
June 24, 2016.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 2016. “Residency Ruling: State
Supreme Court Guts Local Control.” Editorial. June 24, 2016.
Pareles, John. 2016. Obituary for David Bowie. New York Times,
January 26, 2016. New York edition.
Pegoraro, Rob. 2007. “Apple’s iPhone Is Sleek, Smart and
Simple.” Washington Post, July 5, 2007. LexisNexis Academic.
Svrluga, Susan. 2017. “Harvard Law School Will No Longer
Require LSAT for Admission.” Washington Post, March 9, 2017.
https:// www.washingtonpost.com/ news/ grade-point/ wp/ 2017/ 03/
08/ harvard-law-school-will-no-longer-require-the-lsat-for-
Omit page numbers in parenthetical citations because the item may
appear on different pages or may even be dropped in different editions of
the newspaper.
(Anderssen 2016)
(Associated Press 2015)
(Gaddafi 2011)
(Lind 2016)
(McIntosh 2016)
(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 2016)
(Pareles 2016)
(Pegoraro 2007)
(Svrluga 2017)
Comments to online articles are cited in the text in reference to the
article, which must be cited in the reference list or elsewhere in the text. See
also 19.4.3 and 19.5.2.
. . . according to a comment by Lauren K. (Svrluga 2017).
Articles from Sunday “magazine” supplements or other special sections
should be treated as you would magazine articles (see 19.3).
19.4.3 Citing Newspapers in Text
Instead of using a standard parenthetical citation, you can include some of
the elements of the citation in your text. You should still give a full citation
to the article in your reference list.
In his op-ed in support of a challenge by students over the use of
Woodrow Wilson’s name at Princeton (New York Times, November
24, 2015), Davis traces the negative impact of Wilson’s policies on
his paternal grandfathers career at the Government Printing Office.
19.5 Websites, Blogs, and Social Media
19.5.1 Website Content
Cite web pages and related content by identifying the following elements in
your reference list entries: author, publication or revision date, title of the
page (in roman type, enclosed in quotation marks), title (or description) of
the site (usually in roman type; see, and the owner or sponsor of
the site (if not the same as the title). Include a URL as the final element (see
If there is no author, the source should be listed under the name of the
owner or sponsor of the site or its title. For a frequently updated source
(such as a wiki), you can record a time stamp if the source includes one.
You can repeat the year with the month and day in the reference list entry to
avoid any confusion regarding the exact date. If no date can be determined
from the source, use n.d. (see 19.1.2) and include an access date (see
Alliance for Linguistic Diversity. n.d. “Balkan Romani.” Endangered
Languages. Accessed June 10, 2016. http://
www.endangeredlanguages.com/ lang/ 5342.
Columbia University. n.d. “History.” Accessed July 1, 2016. http://
www.columbia.edu/ content/ history.html.
Google. 2016. “Privacy Policy.” Privacy & Terms. Last modified
March 25, 2016. http:// www.google.com/ intl/ en/
Higgins, Susan B. 2016. “High School Students Explore Key
Issues Facing American Indian Communities.” News at
Princeton, Princeton University, June 23, 2016. https://
www.princeton.edu/ main/ news/ archive/ S46/ 66/ 02A46/.
Wikipedia. 2016. “Wikipedia: Manual of Style.” Wikimedia
Foundation. Last modified June 27, 2016, 09:57. http://
en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Wikipedia:Manual_ of_ Style.
(Alliance for Linguistic Diversity n.d.)
(Columbia University n.d.)
(Google 2016)
(Higgins 2016)
(Wikipedia 2016)
Articles from news websites can usually be cited like articles in newspapers
(see 19.4). For blogs, see 19.5.2.
19.5.2 Blog Posts
Blog posts (also called entries) are similar to articles in magazines and
newspapers and can be cited in much the same way (see 19.3 and 19.4). In
the reference list, put the title of the post in quotation marks and the title of
the blog in italics (you can indicate “blog” in parentheses if it is not clear
from the title). If the blog is part of a larger publication such as a newspaper
or website, give the name of the publication after the title of the blog. You
can repeat the year with the month and day in the reference list entry to
avoid any confusion regarding the exact date.
Germano, William. 2017. “Futurist Shock.” Lingua Franca (blog).
Chronicle of Higher Education, February 15, 2017, http://
www.chronicle.com/ blogs/ linguafranca/ 2017/ 02/ 15/ futurist-
Jayson, Sharon. 2016. “Is Selfie Culture Making Our Kids Selfish?”
Well (blog). New York Times, June 23, 2016. http://
well.blogs.nytimes.com/ 2016/ 06/ 23/ is-selfie-culture-making-our-
West, Lindy. 2013. “Sweden Introduces New Gender-Neutral
Pronoun, Makes Being a Man ILLEGAL.” Jezebel, April 11,
2013. http:// jezebel.com/ sweden-introduces-new-gender-
(Germano 2017)
(Jayson 2016)
(West 2013)
Comments are cited in the text, in reference to the original post, which
must be cited in the reference list or elsewhere in the text. Identify the
commenter and the date of the comment. Cite the name exactly as it
appears, along with any identifying information. You can include the
information either parenthetically or directly in the text.
(Muberra [Istanbul], June 26, 2016, comment on Jayson 2016)
According to a comment on June 26, 2016, by Muberra of Istanbul
(Jayson 2016), . . .
References to an entire blog should also be made in the text rather than in a
reference list. The URL can be listed in parentheses.
Lingua Franca, a blog published by the Chronicle of Higher
Education (http:// www.chronicle.com/ blogs/ linguafranca/), . . .
19.5.3 Social Media
Social media content can normally be cited in the text or in parenthetical
citations. Include a specific item in your reference list only if it is critical to
your argument or frequently cited. To cite direct messages and other
personal or private content, follow the guidelines for citing personal
communications (see 19.6.2). For publicly posted content, model your
citations on the examples shown here. Include the following elements:
1. The author of the post. List a screen name in addition to the name of the
person or group on the account, if known. Otherwise just use the screen
2. The year of the post. List the year after the authors name to facilitate
parenthetical citations.
3. In place of a title, the text of the post. Quote up to the first 160 characters
(enough to capture the typical text message), capitalized as in the
4. The type of post. This can include a description (photo, video, etc.).
5. The exact date of the post, including month and day. You can repeat the
year with the month and day in the reference list entry to avoid any
confusion regarding the exact date. You can also include a time stamp to
help differentiate a post from others on the same day.
6. A URL. A URL can often be found via the date stamp for the item.
Social media can often be cited in the text, as in the first example. (If it is
especially important to link back to the original post and there is no
reference list entry to refer to, add the URL in parentheses, after the date.)
Conan O’Brien’s tweet was characteristically deadpan: “In honor of
Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets” (@ConanOBrien, April 22,
Chicago Manual of Style. 2015. “Is the world ready for singular
they? We thought so back in 1993.” Facebook, April 17, 2015.
https:// www.facebook.com/ ChicagoManual/ posts/
Díaz, Junot. 2016. “Always surprises my students when I tell them
that the ‘real’ medieval was more diverse than the fake ones
most of us consume.” Facebook, February 24, 2016. https://
www.facebook.com/ junotdiaz.writer/ posts/ 972495572815454.
O’Brien, Conan [@ConanOBrien]. 2015. “In honor of Earth Day,
I’m recycling my tweets.” Twitter, April 22, 2015, 11:10 a.m.
https:// twitter.com/ ConanOBrien/ status/ 590940792967016448.
Souza, Pete [@petesouza]. 2016. “President Obama bids farewell
to President Xi of China at the conclusion of the Nuclear
Security Summit.” Instagram photo, April 1, 2016. https://
www.instagram.com/ p/ BDrmfXTtNCt/.
(Chicago Manual of Style 2015)
(Díaz 2016)
(O’Brien 2015)
(Souza 2016)
Comments are cited in the text, in reference to the original post, which
must be cited in the reference list or elsewhere in the text.
Michele Truty agreed, saying that “we do need a gender-neutral
pronoun” (April 17, 2015, comment on Chicago Manual of Style
Items shared on social media tend to disappear; always keep a screenshot
of whatever you cite in case you need to refer to it later (see also
19.5.4 Online Forums and Mailing Lists
Material posted or sent to an online forum or mailing list should normally
be cited only in the text. Include the name of the correspondent, the title of
the subject or thread (in quotation marks and capitalized as in the original),
the name of the forum or list, and the date and time of the post or message.
Omit email addresses. (Posts on private forums or lists should be cited as
personal communications; see 19.6.2.) Include a URL (see
As with newspaper articles (see 19.4.3), you may choose to weave much
of this information into the text. Be sure to preserve enough information to
allow readers to identify the source.
(Caroline Braun, reply to “How did the ‘cool kids’ from high school
turn out?,” Quora, August 9, 2016, https:// www.quora.com/ How-
Sharon Naylor, in her email of August 23, 2011, to the Educ. &
Behavior Science ALA Discussion List (http:// listserv.uncc.edu/
archives/ ebss-1.html), pointed out that . . .
If you cite several items from a particular group or list, you may choose
to include a particular thread or subject as a whole in your reference list.
For the date, use the year (or span of years) for the posts cited in the text.
Quora. 2016. “How did the ‘cool kids’ of high school turn out?”
https:// www.quora.com/ How-did-the-cool-kids-from-high-school-
19.6 Interviews and Personal Communications
19.6.1 Interviews
To cite an unpublished interview (including one you have conducted
yourself), begin a reference list entry with the name of the person
interviewed, followed by the date and the name of the interviewer. Also
include the place and specific day of the interview (if known) and the
location of any recordings or transcripts (if available). (You can repeat the
year with the month and day in the reference list entry to avoid any
confusion regarding the exact date.)
Shields, David. 2016. Interview by author. Seattle. July 22, 2016.
Spock, Benjamin. 1974. Interview by Milton J. E. Senn. November
20, 1974. Interview 67A, transcript, Senn Oral History
Collection, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD.
In parenthetical citations, use the name of the person interviewed, not
that of the interviewer.
(Shields 2016)
(Spock 1974)
If you cannot reveal the name of the person interviewed, use only a
parenthetical citation or weave the information into the text; you do not
need to include the interview in your reference list. Explain the absence of a
name (“All interviews were confidential; the names of interviewees are
withheld by mutual agreement”) in a footnote or a preface.
(interview with a home health aide, July 31, 2017)
Cite a published interview according to the rules for that type of
publication, with one difference: the interviewee is treated as author.
Snowden, Edward. 2015. “Edward Snowden Explains How to
Reclaim Your Privacy.” Interview by Micah Lee. The Intercept,
November 12, 2015. https:// theintercept.com/ 2015/ 11/ 12/
(Snowden 2015)
For more examples, see 19.3 (magazine), 19.4.2 (newspaper),
(video). See also
19.6.2 Personal Communications
Cite conversations, letters, email or text messages, and direct or private
messages shared through social media only in parenthetical citations. The
key elements, which should be separated with commas, are the name of the
other person, the date, and the type of communication. In many cases you
may be able to include some or all of this information in the text. Omit
email addresses. To cite content shared publicly through social media, see
19.5.3; for online forums and mailing lists, see 19.5.4. To cite letters in
published collections, see For items in manuscript collections, see
(Roland J. Zuckerman, email message to author, June 1, 2017)
In a conversation with me on March 1, 2017, Carla C. Ramirez
confirmed that . . .
A copy of the postcard, postmarked San Diego, March 7, 1965
(Emma Fenton to author, Instagram direct message, March 25,
2017), . . .
19.7 Papers, Lectures, and Manuscript Collections
19.7.1 Theses and Dissertations
Theses and dissertations are cited much like books except for the title,
which is in roman type and enclosed in quotation marks. After the author,
date, and title, list the kind of paper and the academic institution.
Abbreviate dissertation as diss. If you’ve consulted the paper online,
include a URL. If you consulted the document in an institutional repository
or commercial database, you can list the name of the repository or database
instead. See 15.4.1 for more details.
Culcasi, Karen Leigh. 2003. “Cartographic Representations of
Kurdistan in the Print Media.” Masters thesis, Syracuse
Levin, Dana S. 2010. “Let’s Talk about Sex . . . Education:
Exploring Youth Perspectives, Implicit Messages, and
Unexamined Implications of Sex Education in Schools.” PhD
diss., University of Michigan. http:// hdl.handle.net/ 2027.42/
Navarro-Garcia, Guadalupe. 2016. “Integrating Social Justice
Values in Educational Leadership: A Study of African American
and Black University Presidents.” PhD diss., University of
California, Los Angeles. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
19.7.2 Lectures and Papers Presented at Meetings
After the author, date, and title of the lecture or paper, list the sponsorship,
location of the meeting, and the specific date(s) of the meeting at which it
was given. (You can repeat the year with the month and day in the reference
list entry to avoid any confusion regarding the exact date.) If you consulted
a text or transcript of the lecture or paper online, include a URL (see If you watched or listened to the presentation online, adapt the
examples here to the advice at
Carvalho Filho, Irineu de, and Renato P. Colistete. 2010.
“Education Performance: Was It All Determined 100 Years Ago?
Evidence from São Paulo, Brazil.” Paper presented at the 70th
annual meeting of the Economic History Association, Evanston,
IL, September 24–26, 2010. http:// mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/
24494/ 1/ MPRA_ paper_ 24494.pdf.
Hong, Viviana. 2015. “Censorship in Children’s Literature during
Argentina’s Dirty War (1976–1983).” Lecture, University of
Chicago, Chicago, IL, April 30, 2015.
Pycior, Julie Leininger. 2016. “Trailblazers and Harbingers:
Mexicans in New York before 1970.” Paper presented at the
130th annual meeting of the American Historical Society,
Atlanta, GA, January 8, 2016.
19.7.3 Pamphlets and Reports
Cite a pamphlet, corporate report, brochure, or similar freestanding
publication as you would a book. If you lack data for some of the usual
elements, such as author and publisher, give enough other information to
identify the document. Sources consulted online should include a URL (see
Clark, Hazel V. 1957. Mesopotamia: Between Two Rivers.
Mesopotamia, OH: Trumbull County Historical Society.
Donahue, Elisabeth Hirschhorn, ed. 2015. Woodrow Wilson
School of Public and International Affairs: Annual Report 2014–
15. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University. http://
wws.princeton.edu/ about-wws/ wws-annual-report.
19.7.4 Manuscript Collections
Documents from physical collections of unpublished manuscripts involve
more complicated and varied elements than published sources. In your
citations, include as much identifying information as you can, format the
elements consistently, and adapt the general patterns outlined here as
multiple documents from a collection, list the collection as a whole in your
reference list, under the name of the collection, the author(s) of the items in
the collection, or the depository. For similar types of unpublished material
that have not been placed in archives, replace information about the
collection with such wording as “in the authors possession” or “private
collection,” and do not mention the location. Do not include a date, since
most collections contain items from various dates.
Egmont Manuscripts. Phillipps Collection. University of Georgia
Library, Athens. House, Edward M., Papers. Yale University
Library, New Haven, CT.
Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery. Papers.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Strother, French, and Edward Lowry. Undated correspondence.
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, West Branch, IA.
Women’s Organization for National Prohibition Reform. Papers.
Alice Belin du Pont files, Pierre S. du Pont Papers. Eleutherian
Mills Historical Library, Wilmington, DE.
To cite an individual document from such a collection in your text,
identify the author and date, the title or type of document, and the name of
the collection or the depository used in the reference list entry. Separate the
elements with commas. In many cases you may be able to include some or
all of this information in the text.
(James Oglethorpe to the trustees, January 13, 1733, Egmont
In his letter of January 13, 1733, to the trustees (Egmont
Manuscripts), James Oglethorpe declared . . .
If you cite only one document from a collection, list it individually in
your reference list, and follow the usual pattern for parenthetical citations.
Dinkel, Joseph. 1869. Description of Louis Agassiz written at the
request of Elizabeth Cary Agassiz. Agassiz Papers. Houghton
Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
(Dinkel 1869) HOW TO FORMAT THE ELEMENTS. Here are some special
formatting recommendations for documents in manuscript collections.
Specific versus generic titles. Use quotation marks for specific titles of
documents but not for generic terms such as report and minutes.
Capitalize generic names of this kind only if they are part of a formal
heading in the manuscript, not if they are merely descriptive.
Locating information. Although some manuscripts may include page
numbers that can be included in parenthetical citations, many will have
other types of locators, or none at all. Older manuscripts are usually
numbered by signatures only or by folios (fol., fols.) rather than by page.
Some manuscript collections have identifying series or file numbers that
you can include in a citation. Items on microfilm may have roll (or sheet)
and frame numbers.
Papers and manuscripts. In titles of manuscript collections the terms
papers and manuscripts are synonymous. Both are acceptable, as are the
abbreviations MS and MSS (plural).
Letters. To cite a letter in a parenthetical citation, start with the name of
the letter writer, followed by to and the name of the recipient. Omit the
word letter, which is understood, but for other forms of communication,
specify the type (telegram, memorandum). For letters in published
collections, see
19.7.5 Online Collections
Some manuscript collections have been scanned and organized for
consultation online. Cite such items by adapting the rules for manuscript
collections in 19.7.4. Include a URL for the collection in the reference list
entry (see also
Washington, George, Papers. 1750–96. Series 5: Financial
Papers. Library of Congress, Washington, DC. http://
memory.loc.gov/ ammem/ gwhtml/ gwseries5.html.
(Daily Expenses, July 1787, images 7–8, Washington Papers
19.8 Older Works and Sacred Works
19.8.1 Classical, Medieval, and Early English Literary Works
Literary works produced in classical Greece and Rome, medieval Europe,
and Renaissance England are cited differently from modern literary works.
These sources are often organized into numbered sections (books, lines,
stanzas, and so forth) that are generally cited in place of page numbers.
Because such works have been published in so many versions and
translations over the centuries, the date and other facts of publication for
modern editions are generally less important than in other types of citations.
For this reason, classical, medieval, and early English literary works
should usually be cited only in parenthetical citations. If the authors name
and the title are not already mentioned in the surrounding text, include them
along with the section number upon first reference. If subsequent citations
clearly refer to the same work, list only the section number. See below
regarding differences in punctuation, abbreviations, and numbers among
different types of works.
The eighty days of inactivity for the Peloponnesian fleet at Rhodes
(Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War 8.44.4),
terminating before the end of winter (8.60.2–3), suggests . . .
The eighty days of inactivity reported by Thucydides for the
Peloponnesian fleet at Rhodes (The History of the Peloponnesian
War 8.44.4), terminating before the end of winter (8.60.2–3),
suggests . . .
If your paper is in literary studies or another field concerned with close
analysis of texts, or if differences in translations are relevant, include such
works in your reference list. Follow the rules for other translated and edited
books in
Propertius. 1990. Elegies. Edited and translated by G. P. Goold.
Loeb Classical Library 18. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Aristotle. 1983. Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford
Translation. Edited by J. Barnes. 2 vols. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press. CLASSICAL WORKS. In addition to the general principles listed
above, the following rules apply to citations of classical works.
Use no punctuation between the title of a work and a line or section
number. Numerical divisions are separated by periods without spaces. Use
arabic numerals (and lowercase letters, if needed) for section numbers. Put
commas between two or more citations of the same source and semicolons
between citations of different sources.
(Aristophanes, Frogs 1019–30)
(Cicero, In Verrem 2.1.21, 2.3.120; Tacitus, Germania 10.2–3)
(Aristotle, Metaphysics 3.2.996b5–8; Plato, Republic 360e–361b)
You can abbreviate the names of authors, works, collections, and so forth.
The most widely accepted abbreviations appear in the Oxford Classical
Dictionary. Use these abbreviations rather than ibid. in succeeding
references to the same work. In the first example, the author (Thucydides)
stands in for the title so no comma is needed.
(Thuc. 2.40.2–3)
(Pindar, Isthm. 7.43–45) MEDIEVAL WORKS. The form for classical references works
equally well for medieval works written in languages other than English.
(Augustine, De civitate Dei 20.2)
(Abelard, Epistle 17 to Heloïse, in Migne, PL 180.375c–378a) EARLY ENGLISH WORKS. In addition to the general principles
listed above, the following rules apply to citations of early English literary
Cite poems and plays by book, canto, and stanza; stanza and line; act,
scene, and line; or similar divisions. Separate the elements with commas for
(Chaucer, “Wife of Bath’s Prologue,” Canterbury Tales, lines 105–
(Milton, Paradise Lost, book 1, lines 83–86)
You may shorten numbered divisions by omitting words such as act and
line, using a system similar to the one for classical references (see
Be sure to explain your system in a footnote (“References are to book and
line numbers”).
(Milton, Paradise Lost 1.83–86)
If editions differ in wording, line numbering, and even scene division—
common in works of Shakespeare—include the work in your reference list,
with edition specified.
Shakespeare, William. 2006. Hamlet. Edited by Ann Thompson
and Neil Taylor. Arden Shakespeare 3. London: Arden
19.8.2 The Bible and Other Sacred Works
Cite the Bible and sacred works of other religious traditions in parenthetical
citations. You do not need to include them in your reference list.
For citations from the Bible, include the abbreviated name of the book,
the chapter number, and the verse number—never a page number.
Depending on the context, you may use either traditional or shorter
abbreviations for the names of books (see 24.6); consult your instructor if
you are unsure which form is appropriate. Use arabic numerals for chapter
and verse numbers (with a colon between them) and for numbered books.
Traditional abbreviations:
(1 Thess. 4:11, 5:2–5, 5:14)
Shorter abbreviations:
(2 Sm 11:1–17, 11:26–27; 1 Chr 10:13–14)
Since books and numbering differ among versions of the scriptures,
identify the version you are using in brackets in your first citation with
either the spelled-out name or an accepted abbreviation (see 24.6.4).
(2 Kings 11:8 [New Revised Standard Version])
(1 Cor. 6:1–10 [NAB])
For citations from the sacred works of other religious traditions, adapt the
general pattern for biblical citations as appropriate (see 24.6.5).
19.9 Reference Works and Secondary Citations
19.9.1 Reference Works
Well-known reference works, such as major dictionaries and encyclopedias,
should usually be cited only in parenthetical citations. You generally need
not include them in your reference list, although you may choose to include
a specific work that is critical to your argument or frequently cited. Omit the
date, but specify the edition (if not the first, or unless no edition is
specified). Articles consulted online will require a URL (see; for
undated items, include an access date (see For a work arranged by
key terms such as a dictionary or encyclopedia, cite the item (not the
volume or page number) preceded by s.v. (sub verbo, “under the word”; pl.
(Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed., s.v. “ROFL,” accessed March
9, 2017, http:// www.oed.com/ view/ Entry/
(Encyclopaedia Britannica, s.v. “Dame Margaret Drabble,”
accessed June 26, 2016, http:// www.britannica.com/ biography/
Reference works on disk should include information about the medium.
(Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., CD-ROM, version 4.0, s.v.
Treat reference works that are more specialized or less well known as
you would a book (see 19.1).
MLA Handbook. 2016. 8th ed. New York: Modern Language
Association of America.
Aulestia, Gorka. 1989. Basque–English Dictionary. Reno:
University of Nevada Press.
(MLA Handbook 2016, 6.8.2)
(Aulestia 1989, 509)
An individual entry by a named author can be cited like a chapter in a book
(see 19.1.9).
19.9.2 Reviews
Reviews of books, performances, and so forth may appear in a variety of
periodicals and other sources. In your reference list, include the name of the
reviewer; the words review of, followed by the name of the work reviewed
and its author (or composer, director, or the like); any other pertinent
information (such as film studio or location of a performance); and, finally,
the periodical in which the review appeared. (You can repeat the year with
the month and day in the reference list entry to avoid any confusion
regarding the exact date.) If the review was consulted online, include a
URL (see
Brody, Richard. 2013. Review of Gravity, directed by Alfonso
Cuarón. Warner Bros. Pictures. New Yorker, October 4, 2013.
Cox, Katharine. 2016. Review of Covered in Ink: Tattoos, Women,
and the Politics of the Body, by Beverly Yuen Thompson.
Journal of Gender Studies 25, no. 3: 349–50. https:// doi.org/
10.1080/ 09589236.2016.1171889.
Williams, Richard. 2015. Review of Bob Dylan in concert at the
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK. Guardian, October 22, 2015.
https:// www.theguardian.com/ music/ 2015/ oct/ 22/ bob-dylan-
19.9.3 One Source Quoted in Another
Responsible researchers avoid repeating quotations that they have not
actually seen in the original. If one source includes a useful quotation from
another source, readers expect you to obtain the original to verify not only
that the quotation is accurate but also that it fairly represents what the
original meant.
If the original source is unavailable, however, cite it as “quoted in” the
secondary source in your reference list. In a parenthetical citation, give only
the name of the original author.
Zukofsky, Louis. 1931. “Sincerity and Objectification.” Poetry 37
(February): 269. Quoted in Bonnie Costello, Marianne Moore:
Imaginary Possessions (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1981).
(Zukofsky 1931, 269)
The same situation may arise with a quotation you find in a secondary
source drawn from a primary source (see 3.1). Often you will not be able to
consult the primary source, especially if it is in an unpublished manuscript
collection. In this case, follow the principles outlined above.
If, however, you consult a primary document or other work exhibited by
the holding institution as part of an online collection (as opposed to a copy
posted by someone else), such a source can usually be considered primary
for the purposes of research. See 19.7.5 and for examples.
19.10 Sources in the Visual and Performing Arts
The visual and performing arts generate a variety of sources, including
artworks, live performances, broadcasts and streams, recordings in various
media, and texts. Citing these sources involves determining which elements
are needed to fully identify them, formatting the elements consistently, and
adapting the general patterns outlined here as needed.
Some of the sources covered in this section, where noted, can be cited in
parenthetical citations only or by weaving the key elements into your text,
although you may choose to include a specific item in your reference list
that is critical to your argument or frequently cited. If your paper is for a
course in the arts, media studies, or a similar field, consult your instructor.
19.10.1 Artworks and Graphics PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES, AND PHOTOGRAPHS. Cite
paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, and the like only in
parenthetical citations. Include the name of the artist, the title of the artwork
(in italics) and date of its creation (preceded by “ca.” [circa] if
approximate), and the name of the institution that houses it (if any),
including location. Separate the elements with commas. You may also
include the medium and related information, if relevant.
(Georgia O’Keeffe, The Cliff Chimneys, 1938, oil on canvas,
Milwaukee Art Museum)
(Michelangelo, David, 1501–4, Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence)
(Ansel Adams, North Dome, Basket Dome, Mount Hoffman,
Yosemite, ca. 1935, silver print, 16.5 × 21.9 cm, Smithsonian
American Art Museum, Washington, DC)
(Erich Buchholz, Untitled, 1920, gouache on paper, Museum of
Modern Art, New York)
Instead of using a parenthetical citation, you can sometimes cite artworks
by weaving the elements into your text.
O’Keeffe first demonstrated this technique in The Cliff Chimneys
(1938, Milwaukee Art Museum).
If you viewed the artwork in a published source or online and your local
guidelines require you to identify this source, include it in your reference
list. For images consulted online, include a URL (see also
Whenever possible, consult the item through the website of the institution at
which it is physically located. In your parenthetical citation, if the source is
different from the artist, give the usual author-date citation in place of the
institutional name and location.
Buchholz, Erich. 1920. Untitled. Gouache on paper. Museum of
Modern Art, New York. http:// www.moma.org/ collection/ works/
Lynes, Barbara Buhler, Lesley Poling-Kempes, and Frederick W.
Turner. 2004. Georgia O’Keeffe and New Mexico: A Sense of
Place. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
(Buchholz 1920)
(Georgia O’Keeffe, The Cliff Chimneys, 1938, in Lynes, Poling-
Kempes, and Turner 2004, 25) GRAPHIC ARTS. Cite graphic sources such as print
advertisements, maps, cartoons, and so forth only in parenthetical citations,
adapting the basic patterns for artworks and giving as much information as
possible. Give any title or caption in roman type, enclosed in quotation
marks, and identify the type of graphic if it is unclear from the title. For
items consulted online, include a URL (see; for undated sources,
also include an access date (see
(Apple Inc., “Shot on iPhone 6S by Anh N.,” full-page
advertisement, New Yorker, July 4, 2016, back cover)
(Yu ji tu [Map of the tracks of Yu], AD 1136, Forest of Stone Steles
Museum, Xi’an, China, stone rubbing, 1933?, 84 × 82 cm,
Library of Congress, http:// www.loc.gov/ item/ gm71005080/)
(Chrissy Teigen crying at the 2015 Golden Globe Awards,
animated GIF, GIPHY, accessed July 3, 2016, http:// giphy.com/
gifs/ girl-lol-crying-P2kEMJjHosUUg)
(Evan Brown, “The 10 Commandments of Typography,”
infographic, DesignMantic, April 11, 2014. http://
www.designmantic.com/ blog/ infographics/ ten-commandments-
Any information included in the text need not be repeated in the
parenthetical citation.
Apple’s full-page New Yorker ad (“Shot on iPhone 6S by Anh N.,”
back cover, July 4, 2016) . . .
19.10.2 Live Performances
Cite live theatrical, musical, or dance performances only in parenthetical
citations. Include the title of the work performed, the author, any key
contributors or performers and an indication of their roles, the venue and its
location, and the date. Italicize the titles of plays and long musical
compositions, but set the titles of shorter works in roman type, enclosed in
quotation marks except for musical works referred to by genre (see If the citation is focused on an individual’s performance, list that
person’s name before the title of the work. Separate the elements with
(Hamilton, music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, directed by
Thomas Kail, choreographed by Andy Blakenbuehler, Richard
Rodgers Theatre, New York, NY, February 2, 2016)
(Simone Dinnerstein, pianist, Intermezzo in A, op. 118, no. 2, by
Johannes Brahms, Portland Center for the Performing Arts,
Portland, OR, January 15, 2012.)
Instead of relying entirely on a parenthetical citation, you can usually
weave some of the elements into your text.
Simone Dinnerstein’s performance of Brahms’s Intermezzo in A, op.
118, no. 2 (January 15, 2012, at Portland Center for the Performing
Arts), was anything but intermediate . . .
If you viewed or listened to a live performance in a recorded medium,
cite the recording in your reference list. See 19.10.3 for similar types of
Rubinstein, Artur, pianist. 1975. “Spinning Song,” by Felix
Mendelssohn. Ambassador College, Pasadena, CA, January
15, 1975. On The Last Recital for Israel. BMG Classics, 1992.
19.10.3 Multimedia
Citations of movies, television and radio programs, recorded music, and
other works in multimedia formats will vary depending on the type of
source. At a minimum, identify the title of the work, the date it was created
or published or otherwise made available, the name of the studio or other
entity responsible for producing or distributing the work, and information
about the medium in which you consulted it. If you consulted the source
online, include a URL (see MOVIES. In the reference list, cite a movie under the name of the
director. After the date (the year the movie was released or created or
otherwise made available), give the title of the movie (in italics), followed
by the name of the company that produced or distributed it. (You may also
include a publication date for the recording.) Include information about
writers, actors, producers, and so forth if it is relevant to your discussion.
Finish with any relevant information about the medium. If you watched
online, include a URL (see
Cuarón, Alfonso, director. 2013. Gravity. Warner Bros. Pictures,
2014. Blu-ray Disc, 1080p HD.
Famuyiwa, Rick, director. Dope. Open Road Films, 2015. 1 hr., 43
min. https:// www.netflix.com/ watch/ 80037759.
Kubrick, Stanley, director. 1964. Dr. Strangelove, or: How I
Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Featuring Peter
Sellers, George C. Scott, and Sterling Hayden. Columbia. 1 hr.,
34 min. https:// www.amazon.com/ dp/ B000P407K4.
Weed, A. E. 1903. At the Foot of the Flatiron. American
Mutoscope and Biograph. 35mm film. From Library of Congress,
The Life of a City: Early Films of New York, 1898–1906. MPEG
video, 2:19 at 15 fps. https:// www.loc.gov/ item/ 00694378.
In the text you can include information about timings, in the form
displayed with the source.
(Kubrick 1964, 0:11:43 to 0:14:54)
Information about ancillary material included with the movie should be
woven into the text, with the parenthetical reference referring to the movie
as a whole.
In a special feature titled “Complete Silence” (Cuarón 2013), the
director acknowledges a tension between realism and audience
expectations . . . TELEVISION AND RADIO PROGRAMS. To cite a television
or radio program, include, at a minimum, the title of the program, the name
of the episode or segment, the date on which it was first aired or made
available, and the entity that produced or broadcast the work. (You can
repeat the year with the month and day in the reference list entry to avoid
any confusion regarding the exact date.) You may also include an episode
number, the name of the director or author of the episode or segment, and
(if relevant to your discussion) the names of key performers. Italicize the
titles of programs, but put the titles of episodes or segments in roman type,
enclosed in quotation marks. Finish with any relevant information about the
medium. If you watched online, include a URL (see
American Crime Story: The People v. O. J. Simpson. 2016.
Episode 6, “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.” Directed by Ryan Murphy.
Written by D. V. DeVincentis. Featuring Sterling K. Brown,
Kenneth Choi, and Sarah Paulson. Aired March 8, 2016, on FX.
https:// www.amazon.com/ dp/ B01ARVPCOA/.
Brady Bunch, The. 1971. Season 3, episode 10, “Her Sisters
Shadow.” Directed by Russ Mayberry. Aired November 19,
1971, on ABC. https:// www.hulu.com/ the-brady-bunch.
Fresh Air. 2016. “Pen-Pal Passion Is Revived In Broadway’s ‘She
Loves Me.’” Hosted by David Bianculli. NPR, June 24, 2016.
http:// www.npr.org/ 2016/ 06/ 23/ 483245382/ pen-pal-passion-is-
Jane the Virgin. 2016. Season 2, chapter 36. Directed by Uta
Briesewitz. Aired March 7, 2016, on the CW Television Network.
Mad Men. 2007. Season 1, episode 12, “Nixon vs. Kennedy.”
Directed by Alan Taylor. Featuring Jon Hamm, Elisabeth Moss,
and Vincent Kartheiser. Aired October 11, 2007, on AMC. Lions
Gate Television. DVD, disc 4.
(People v. O. J. Simpson 2016)
Instead of using a parenthetical citation, you can often cite such programs
by weaving the key elements into your text, especially if some or all of the
additional elements are not relevant to the citation.
By alluding to The Brady Bunch (specifically “Her Sisters Shadow,”
from 1971), the title of episode 6 (“Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” March 8,
2016) not only calls attention to the central role of television in the
trial but also . . . VIDEOS AND PODCASTS. To cite videos other than movies
( or television programs (, adapt the examples in those
sections accordingly. To cite a podcast, adapt the example for citing a radio
program (
Beyoncé. 2016. “Sorry.” Directed by Kahlil Joseph and Beyoncé
Knowles. June 22, 2016. Music video, 4:25. https:// youtu.be/
Danforth, Mike, and Ian Chillag. 2015. “F-Bombs, Chicken, and
Exclamation Points.” April 21, 2015. In How to Do Everything,
produced by Gillian Donovan. Podcast, MP3 audio, 18:46. http://
www.npr.org/ podcasts/ 510303/ how-to-do-everything.
Donner, Fred. 2011. “How Islam Began.” Alumni Weekend 2011,
University of Chicago, June 3. Video of lecture. https:// youtu.be/
Kessler, Aaron M. 2015. “The Driverless Now.” Produced by Poh
Si Teng and Jessica Naudziunas. New York Times, May 2,
2015. Video, 2:01. http:// www.nytimes.com/ video/ business/
100000003662208/ the-driverless-now.html.
If relevant, you may include the time at which the cited material appears
in the file in your parenthetical citation.
(Beyoncé 2016, at 1:09–1:24) SOUND RECORDINGS. To cite recorded music and the like,
include as much information as you can to distinguish it from similar
recordings, including the date of the recording, the name of the recording
company, the identifying number of the recording, the copyright date (if
different from the year of the recording), and any relevant information
about the medium. List the recording under the name of the composer or the
performer, depending on which is more relevant to your discussion. Titles
of albums should be in italics; individual selections should be in quotation
marks except for musical works referred to by genre (see
Abbreviate compact disc as CD. Recordings consulted online should
include a URL (see; in some cases the name of a music service
can stand in for a URL. In general, cite by year of recording, but you may
repeat dates to avoid any confusion.
Holiday, Billie, vocalist. 1958. “I’m a Fool to Want You,” by Joel
Herron, Frank Sinatra, and Jack Wolf. Recorded February 20,
1958, with Ray Ellis. Track 1 on Lady in Satin. Columbia CL
1157. 33⅓ rpm.
Pink Floyd. 1970. “Atom Heart Mother.” Recorded April 29, 1970,
at Fillmore West, San Francisco. Concert Vault streaming audio.
http:// www.concertvault.com/ pink-floyd/ fillmore-west-april-29-
Rihanna. 2007. “Umbrella.” Featuring Jay-Z. Track 1 on Good Girl
Gone Bad, Island Def Jam. Spotify streaming audio, 320 kbps.
Rubinstein, Artur, pianist. 1946 and 1958–67. The Chopin
Collection. RCA Victor/BMG 60822–2-RG, 1991. 11 CDs.
Shostakovich, Dmitri. 1959 and 1965. Symphony no. 5 /
Symphony no. 9. Conducted by Leonard Bernstein. Recorded
with the New York Philharmonic, October 20, 1959 (no. 5), and
October 19, 1965 (no. 9). Sony SMK 61841, 1999. CD.
Strauss, Richard. 1940. Don Quixote. With Emanuel Feuermann
(violoncello) and the Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by
Eugene Ormandy. Recorded February 24, 1940. Biddulph LAB
042, 1991. CD.
(Holiday 1958)
(Shostakovich 1959 and 1965)
Treat recordings of drama, prose or poetry readings, lectures, and the like
as you would musical recordings.
Strayed, Cheryl. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest
Trail. Read by Bernadette Dunne. New York: Random House
Audio, 2012. Audible audio ed., 13 hr., 6 min.
Thomas, Dylan. 1953. Under Milk Wood. Performed by Dylan
Thomas et al. Recorded May 14, 1953. On Dylan Thomas: The
Caedmon Collection, discs 9–10. Caedmon, 2002. 11 CDs. VIDEO GAMES AND APPS. To cite video games and apps,
adapt the examples included throughout this section on multimedia as
needed. Titles of video games, like titles of movies, can be italicized.
Include a version number and information about the device or operating
system required to run the game or app. In the first example, the publishing
information for Gems and Gemstones is in parentheses because such
annotations are styled like regular text.
Grande, Lance, and Allison Augustyn. 2011. Gems and Jewels.
iPad ed., v. 1.01. Touchpress. Adapted from Lance Grande and
Allison Augustyn, Gems and Gemstones: Timeless Natural
Beauty of the Mineral World (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2009).
Rovio Entertainment. 2014. Angry Birds Transformers. V. 1.4.25.
Rovio Entertainment. Android 4.0 or later. Soundtrack by Vince
DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth. INTERVIEWS. To cite interviews in multimedia formats, treat
the person interviewed as the author, and identify the interviewer in the
context of the citation. Also include the program or publication and date of
the interview (or publication or air date). For unpublished interviews and
interviews in other types of published sources, see 19.6.1.
Sanders, Bernie. 2015. Interview by Rachel Maddow. The Rachel
Maddow Show. September 18, 2015, MSNBC. Video, 19:51.
https:// youtu.be/ 8jV4sv9waB0.
(Sanders 2015) ADVERTISEMENTS. Cite advertisements from television,
radio, and the like only in parenthetical citations or by weaving the
elements into your text, or both.
(Fitbit, “Dualities,” advertisement, aired February 7, 2016, during
Super Bowl 50, CBS, 30 sec., http://
www.superbowlcommercials2016.0rg/ fitbit/)
As with television shows (, you can often cite advertisements
by weaving the key elements into your text, especially if some or all of the
additional elements are not available or relevant to the citation.
Fitbit’s “Duality,” a thirty-second spot that aired during the third
quarter of Super Bowl 50 (CBS, February 7, 2016) . . .
19.10.4 Texts in the Visual and Performing Arts ART EXHIBITION CATALOGS. Cite an art exhibition catalog
as you would a book. In your reference list, include information about the
exhibition following the publication data.
Chi, Jennifer Y., ed. 2015. The Eye of the Shah: Qajar Court
Photography and the Persian Past. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press. Published in conjunction with an exhibition of
the same name at New York University’s Institute for the Study
of the Ancient World, October 22, 2015–January 17, 2016. PLAYS. In some cases you can cite well-known English-
language plays in parenthetical citations only. (See also 19.8.1.) Separate
the elements with commas. Omit publication data, and cite passages by act
and scene (or other division) instead of by page number.
(Eugene O’Neill, Long Day’s Journey into Night, act 2, scene 1)
If your paper is in literary studies or another field concerned with close
analysis of texts, or if you are citing a translation or an obscure work, cite
every play as you would a book, and include each in your reference list.
Cite passages either by division or by page, according to your local
Anouilh, Jean. 1996. Becket, or The Honor of God. Translated by
Lucienne Hill. New York: Riverhead Books.
Bagnold, Enid. 1956. The Chalk Garden. New York: Random
(Bagnold 1956, 8–9)
(Anouilh 1996, act 1, scene 1) MUSICAL SCORES. Cite a published musical score as you
would a book.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. 1960. Sonatas and Fantasies for the
Piano. Prepared from the autographs and earliest printed
sources by Nathan Broder. Rev. ed. Bryn Mawr, PA: Theodore
Verdi, Giuseppe. 2008. Giovanna d’Arco, dramma lirico in four
acts. Libretto by Temistocle Solera. Edited by Alberto Rizzuti. 2
vols. Works of Giuseppe Verdi, ser. 1, Operas. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press; Milan: G. Ricordi.
Cite an unpublished score as you would unpublished material in a
manuscript collection.
Shapey, Ralph. 1966. “Partita for Violin and Thirteen Players.”
Score. Special Collections, Joseph Regenstein Library.
University of Chicago.
19.11 Public Documents
Public documents include a wide array of sources produced by governments
at all levels throughout the world. This section presents basic principles for
some common types of public documents available in English; if you need
to cite other types, adapt the closest model.
Such documents involve more complicated and varied elements than
most types of published sources. In your citations, include as much
identifying information as you can, format the elements consistently, and
adapt the general patterns outlined here as needed.
The bulk of this section is concerned with documents published by US
governmental bodies and agencies. For documents published by the
governments of Canada and the United Kingdom and by international
bodies, see 19.11.9–11. For unpublished government documents, see
19.11.1 Elements to Include, Their Order, and How to Format Them
In your reference list, include as many of the following elements as you
name of the government (country, state, city, county, or other division)
and government body (legislative body, executive department, court
bureau, board, commission, or committee) that issued the document
date of publication
title, if any, of the document or collection
name of individual author, editor, or compiler, if given
report number or other identifying information (such as place of
publication and publisher, for certain freestanding publications or for
items in secondary sources)
page numbers or other locators, if relevant
a URL, or the name of the database, for sources consulted online (see
15.4.1 and, for examples,, 19.11.3, 19.11.7, and 19.11.11)
In general, list the relevant elements in the order given above. Exceptions
for certain types of documents are explained in the following sections of
US Congress, House of Representatives, Select Committee on
Homeland Security. 2002. Homeland Security Act of 2002.
107th Cong., 2d sess. HR Rep. 107–609, pt. 1.
For parenthetical citations, treat the information listed before the date in
your reference list as the author. If this information is lengthy, you may
shorten it, as long as you do so logically and consistently in your citations.
In many cases you may be able to include some or all of this information in
the text instead of a parenthetical citation.
(US House 2002, 81–82)
. . . as the Select Committee decreed in its report accompanying the
Homeland Security Act of 2002 (81–82).
Note that, by convention, ordinals in public documents end in d instead if
nd (2d instead of 2d).
19.11.2 Congressional Publications
For congressional publications, reference list entries usually begin with the
designation US Congress, followed by Senate or House of Representatives
(or House). (You may also simplify this to US Senate or US House.) Other
common elements include committee and subcommittee, if any; date of
publication; title of document; number of the Congress and session
(abbreviated Cong. and sess. respectively in this position); and number and
description of the document (for example, H. Doc. 487), if available. DEBATES. Since 1873, congressional debates have been
published by the government in the Congressional Record. Whenever
possible, cite the permanent volumes, which often reflect changes from the
daily editions of the Record. Begin parenthetical citations with the
abbreviation Cong. Rec., and identify the volume and part numbers as well
as the page numbers. (For citations of the daily House or Senate edition,
retain the H or S in page numbers.)
US Congress. Congressional Record. 2008. 110th Cong., 1st
sess. Vol. 153, pt. 8.
(Cong. Rec. 2008, 153, pt. 8: 11629–30)
If you need to identify a speaker and the subject in a debate, do so in text,
and include a parenthetical citation for the publication only.
Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts spoke for the Joint Resolution
on Nuclear Weapons Freeze and Reductions (Cong. Rec. 1982,
128, pt. 3: 3832–34).
Before 1874, congressional debates were published in Annals of the
Congress of the United States (also known by other names and covering the
years 1789–1824), Register of Debates (1824–37), and Congressional
Globe (1833–73). Cite these works similarly to the Congressional Record. REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS. When you cite reports and
documents of the Senate (abbreviated S.) and the House (H. or HR), include
both the Congress and session numbers and, if possible, the series number.
This example was consulted online using an official government resource
(the US Government Publishing Office). See also
US Congress, House. 2015. Blocking Property and Suspending
Entry of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious
Cyber-Enabled Activities. 114th Cong., 1st sess. H. Doc. 114–
22. https:// www.gpo.gov/ fdsys/ pkg/ CDOC-114hdoc22.
(US House 2015, 1–2) BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Congressional bills (proposed
laws) and resolutions are published in pamphlet form. In citations, bills and
resolutions originating in the House of Representatives are abbreviated HR
or H. Res. and those originating in the Senate, S. or S. Res. Include
publication details in the Congressional Record (if available). If a bill has
been enacted, cite it as a statute (see
US Congress, House. 2016. Email Privacy Act. H. Res. 699. 114th
Cong., 2d sess. Congressional Record 162, no. 65, daily ed.
(April 27): H2022–28.
(US House 2016, H2022) HEARINGS. Records of testimony given before congressional
committees are usually published with formal titles, which should be
included in reference list entries (in italics). The relevant committee is
normally listed as part of the title.
US Congress, House. 2002. Hearing before the Select Committee
on Homeland Security. HR 5005, Homeland Security Act of
2002, day 3. 107th Cong., 2d sess., July 17.
(US House 2002, 119–20) STATUTES. Statutes, which are bills or resolutions that have
been passed into law, are first published separately and then collected in the
annual bound volumes of the United States Statutes at Large, which began
publication in 1874. Later they are incorporated into the United States
Code. Cite US Statutes, the US Code, or both. Section numbers in the Code
are preceded by a section symbol (§; use §§ and et seq. to indicate more
than one section).
In a parenthetical citation, indicate the year the act was passed; in your
reference list, also include the publication date of the statutory compilation,
which may differ from the year of passage.
Atomic Energy Act of 1946. Public Law 585. 79th Cong., 2d sess.
August 1.
Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970. US Code 15 (2000), §§ 1681 et
Homeland Security Act of 2002. Public Law 107–296. US Statutes
at Large 116 (2002): 2135–321. Codified at US Code 6 (2002),
§§ 101 et seq.
(Atomic Energy Act of 1946, 12, 19)
(Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970)
(Homeland Security Act of 2002, 2163–64)
Before 1874, laws were published in the seventeen-volume Statutes at
Large of the United States of America, 1789–1873. Citations of this
collection include the volume number and its publication date.
19.11.3 Presidential Publications
Presidential proclamations, executive orders, vetoes, addresses, and the like
are published in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents and in
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. Proclamations and
executive orders are also carried in the daily Federal Register and then
published in title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Once they have
been published in the Code, use that as your source. Put individual titles in
quotation marks. The example of a proclamation was consulted online from
an official government resource (see also
US President. 1997. Executive Order 13067. “Blocking Sudanese
Government Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Sudan.”
Code of Federal Regulations, title 3 (1997 comp.): 230–31.
US President. 2016. Proclamation 9465. “Establishment of the
Stonewall National Monument.” Federal Register 81, no. 125
(June 29): 42215–20. https:// federalregister.gov/ a/ 2016-15536.
(US President 1997)
(US President 2016)
The public papers of US presidents are collected in two multivolume
works: Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789–
1897 and, starting with the Hoover administration, Public Papers of the
Presidents of the United States. (Papers not covered by either of these
works are published elsewhere.) To cite items in these collections, follow
the recommendations for multivolume books (see 19.1.5).
19.11.4 Publications of Government Departments and Agencies
Executive departments, bureaus, and agencies issue reports, bulletins,
circulars, and other materials. Italicize the title, and include the name of any
identified author(s) after the title.
US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service,
Environmental Division. 2007. Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf of
Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sales, Central
Planning Area and Western Planning Area, 2007–2012, and
Gulfwide OCS Program, 2007–2046, by Zhen-Gang Ji, Walter
R. Johnson, and Charles F. Marshall. Edited by Eileen M. Lear.
MMS 2007–040, June 2007.
US Department of the Treasury. 1850–51. Report of the Secretary
of the Treasury Transmitting a Report from the Register of the
Treasury of the Commerce and Navigation of the United States
for the Year Ending the 30th of June, 1850. 31st Cong., 2d sess.
House Executive Document 8. Washington, DC.
(US Department of the Interior 2007, 23)
(US Department of the Treasury 1850–51, 15–16)
19.11.5 US Constitution
The US Constitution should be cited only in parenthetical citations; you
need not include it in your reference list. Include the article or amendment,
section, and, if relevant, clause. Use arabic numerals and, if you prefer,
abbreviations for terms such as amendment and section.
(US Constitution, art. 2, sec. 1, cl. 3)
(US Constitution, amend. 14, sec. 2)
In many cases you can include the identifying information in your text,
but spell out the part designations. Capitalize the names of specific
amendments when used in place of numbers.
The US Constitution, in article 1, section 9, forbids suspension of the
writ “unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety
may require it.”
The First Amendment protects the right of free speech.
19.11.6 Treaties
The texts of treaties signed before 1950 are published in United States
Statutes at Large; the unofficial citation is to the Treaty Series (TS) or the
Executive Agreement Series (EAS). Those signed in 1950 or later appear in
United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST, 1950–) or
Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS, 1945–). Treaties
involving more than two nations may be found in the United Nations Treaty
Series (UNTS, 1946–) or, from 1920 to 1946, in the League of Nations
Treaty Series (LNTS).
Italicize titles of the publications mentioned above and their abbreviated
forms. Unless they are named in the title of the treaty, list the parties subject
to the agreement, separated by hyphens. An exact date indicates the date of
signing and may be included in addition to the year the treaty was
published. (You can repeat the year with the month and day in the reference
list entry to avoid any confusion regarding the exact date.)
United States. 1922. Naval Armament Limitation Treaty with the
British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan. February 6, 1922. US
Statutes at Large 43, pt. 2.
US Department of State. 1963. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon
Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Under Water. US-
UK-USSR. August 5, 1963. UST 14, pt. 2.
(United States 1922)
(US Department of State 1963, 1313)
19.11.7 Legal Cases
Citations of legal cases generally take the same form for courts at all levels.
In your reference list, italicize the full case name (including the
abbreviation v.). Include the volume number (arabic), name of the reporter
(abbreviated; see below), ordinal series number (if applicable), opening
page number of the decision, abbreviated name of the court and date
(together in parentheses), and other relevant information, such as the name
of the state or local court (if not identified by the reporter title).
Profit Sharing Plan v. Mbank Dallas, N.A. 683 F. Supp. 592 (N.D.
Tex. 1988).
United States v. Christmas. 222 F.3d 141 (4th Cir. 2000).
The one element that depends on the level of the court is the name of the
reporter. The most common ones are as follows.
US Supreme Court. For Supreme Court decisions, cite United States
Supreme Court Reports (abbreviated US) or, if not yet published there,
Supreme Court Reporter (abbreviated S. Ct.).
AT&T Corp. v. Iowa Utilities Bd. 525 US 366 (1999).
Brendlin v. California. 127 S. Ct. 2400 (2007).
Lower federal courts. For lower federal-court decisions, cite Federal
Reporter (F.) or Federal Supplement (F. Supp.).
Eaton v. IBM Corp. 925 F. Supp. 487 (S.D. Tex. 1996).
United States v. Dennis. 183 F. 201 (2d Cir. 1950).
State and local courts. For state and local court decisions, cite official
state reporters whenever possible. If you use a commercial reporter, cite
it as in the first example below. If the reporter does not identify the
court’s name, include it before the date, within parentheses.
Bivens v. Mobley. 724 So. 2d 458 (Miss. Ct. App. 1998).
Williams v. Davis. 27 Cal. 2d 746 (1946).
To cite a legal case in your text, give the name of the case and the date (if
citing specific language, provide the page number as well). In many
instances you may be able to include either or both elements in the text.
(United States v. Christmas 2000)
. . . this principle was best exemplified by United States v. Christmas
Cases consulted online should normally be cited to the appropriate
reporter(s) as described above. A URL that points directly to an official
resource may be added as the final element (see also
State v. Griffin. 211 W. Va. 508, 566 S.E.2d 645 (2002). http://
www.courtswv.gov/ supreme-court/ docs/ spring2002/ 30433.htm.
Many researchers use Lexis or Westlaw to research court cases and other
legal materials. To cite a case in one of those databases, add any identifying
date and number supplied by the database (see also Page or
screen numbers are typically preceded by an asterisk.
Family Service Association of Steubenville v. Wells Township.
2015 US Dist. LEXIS 75017, *7 (SD Ohio, June 10, 2015).
LexisNexis Academic.
19.11.8 State and Local Government Documents
Cite state and local government documents as you would federal
documents. Use roman type (no quotation marks) for state laws and
municipal ordinances; use italics for codes (compilations) and the titles of
freestanding publications. State constitutions are cited only in parenthetical
citations or in the text (see also 19.11.5).
Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality (IIEQ). 1977. Review
and Synopsis of Public Participation regarding Sulfur Dioxide
and Particulate Emissions. By Sidney M. Marder. IIEQ
Document 77/21. Chicago.
Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act. 2005.
Illinois Compiled Statutes, chap. 720, no. 646 (2005).
Page’s Ohio Revised Code Annotated. 2011. Title 35, Elections.
(IIEQ 1977, 44–45)
(Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act 2005,
sec. 10)
(Page’s Ohio Revised Code Annotated 2011, sec. 3599.01)
(New Mexico Constitution, art. 4, sec. 7)
19.11.9 Canadian Government Documents
Cite Canadian government documents similarly to US public documents.
End citations with the word Canada (in parentheses) unless it is obvious
from the context.
Canadian statutes appeared through 1985 in the Revised Statutes of
Canada, a consolidation that was published every fifteen to thirty years;
federal statutes enacted since then are cited as session laws in the annual
Statutes of Canada. Identify the statute by title, reporter, year of
compilation, chapter, and section.
Assisted Human Reproduction Act. Statutes of Canada 2004,
chap. 2, sec. 2.
Canada Wildlife Act. Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, chap. W-
9, sec. 1.
(Canada Wildlife Act 1985)
Canadian Supreme Court cases since 1876 are published in Supreme
Court Reports (SCR). Federal Court cases are published in Federal Courts
Reports (FC, 1971–2003; FCR, 2004–) or Exchequer Court Reports (Ex.
CR, 1875–1971). Cases not found in any of these sources may be found in
Dominion Law Reports (DLR). Include the name of the case (in italics),
followed by the date (in parentheses), the volume number (if any), the
abbreviated name of the reporter, and the opening page of the decision.
Canada v. CBC/Radio-Canada. (2014) 1 FCR 142.
Robertson v. Thomson Corp. (2006) 2 SCR 363 (Canada).
19.11.10 British Government Documents
Cite British government documents similarly to US public documents. End
citations with the phrase United Kingdom (in parentheses or brackets)
unless it is obvious from the context.
Acts of Parliament should usually be cited only in parenthetical citations
or in the text. Include a specific act in your reference list only if it is critical
to your argument or frequently cited. Identify acts by title, date, and chapter
number (arabic numeral for national number, lowercase roman for local).
Acts from before 1963 are cited by regnal year and monarch’s name
(abbreviated) and ordinal (arabic numeral).
(Act of Settlement 1701, 12 & 13 Will. 3, c. 2)
(Consolidated Fund Act 1963, chap. 1 [United Kingdom])
(Manchester Corporation Act 1967, chap. xl)
Most British legal cases can be found in the applicable report in the Law
Reports, among these the Appeal Cases (AC), Queen’s (King’s) Bench (QB,
KB), Chancery (Ch.), Family (Fam.), and Probate (P.) reports. Until
recently the courts of highest appeal in the United Kingdom (except for
criminal cases in Scotland) had been the House of Lords (HL) and the
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (PC). In 2005 the Supreme Court
of the United Kingdom (UKSC) was established.
Include the name of the case, in italics (cases involving the Crown refer
to Rex or Regina); the date, in parentheses; the volume number (if any) and
abbreviated name of the reporter; and the opening page of the decision. If
the court is not apparent from the name of the reporter, or if the jurisdiction
is not clear from context, include either or both, as necessary, in
NML Capital Limited (Appellant) v. Republic of Argentina
(Respondent). (2011) UKSC 31.
Regal (Hastings) Ltd. v. Gulliver. (1967) 2 AC 134 (HL) (appeal
taken from Eng.).
Regina v. Dudley and Stephens. (1884) 14 QBD 273 (DC).
19.11.11 Publications of International Bodies
Documents published by international bodies such as the United Nations
can be cited much like books. Identify the authorizing body (and any author
or editor), the date, the title or topic of the document, and the publisher or
place of publication (or both). Also include any series or other identifying
publication information. For documents consulted online, include a URL
League of Arab States and United Nations. 2010. The Third Arab
Report on the Millennium Development Goals 2010 and the
Impact of the Global Economic Crises. Beirut: Economic and
Social Commission for Western Asia.
United Nations Security Council. 2015. Resolution 2222,
Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict. S/RES/2222. New
York: UN, May 27. http:// www.un.org/ en/ sc/ documents/
resolutions/ 2015.shtml.
League of Arab States and United Nations 2010, 82)
(UN General Assembly 2015)
19.11.12 Unpublished Government Documents
If you cite unpublished government documents, follow the patterns given
for unpublished manuscripts in 19.7.4.
Most unpublished documents of the US government are housed in the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington,
DC, or in one of its branches, and cataloged online. Cite them all, including
films, photographs, and sound recordings as well as written materials, by
record group (RG) number.
The comparable institution for unpublished Canadian government
documents is the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) in Ottawa, Ontario.
The United Kingdom has a number of depositories of unpublished
government documents, most notably the National Archives (NA) and the
British Library (BL), both in London. Each of these resources has been
cataloged online.
Part III
20 Spelling
20.1 Plurals
20.1.1 General Rule
20.1.2 Special Cases
20.2 Possessives
20.2.1 General Rule
20.2.2 Special Cases
20.3 Compounds and Words Formed with Prefixes
20.3.1 Compounds Used as Adjectives
20.3.2 Compounds Used as Both Nouns and Adjectives
20.3.3 Words Formed with Prefixes
20.4 Line Breaks
20.4.1 Breaks within Words
20.4.2 Breaks over Spaces and Punctuation
Model your spelling on American usage and be consistent, except in
quotations, where you should usually follow the original spelling exactly
(see chapter 25). When in doubt, consult a dictionary. Be aware, however,
that dictionaries may differ on how to spell the same word and that some
are more accurate and up-to-date than others.
The most reliable authority for spelling is Merriam-Webster. Both
Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary and a larger, unabridged
dictionary are available from Merriam-Webster.com (the unabridged
version is available only online). For the names of people and places,
consult the biographical and geographical listings in either of those
resources or in Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Where Merriam-Webster offers a choice between spellings, use the
following principles to select one: Where variants are separated by or,
choose either one and use it consistently; where variants are separated by
also, use the first. If the preferred spelling in Merriam-Webster differs from
the conventional one in your discipline, follow the spelling of the discipline.
For style guides in various disciplines, see the bibliography.
The spell-checking feature in most word processors can catch certain
spelling errors but not others. It will normally fail to recognize, for
example, that you typed lead when you meant led, or quite instead of quiet.
It won’t always help with proper nouns or terms from other languages, and
it may lead you to make global spelling changes that in some cases are
inaccurate. A spell-checker is not a substitute for a good dictionary and
careful proofreading.
This chapter offers general guidelines for spellings not found in most
dictionaries. If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, your department or
university may have specific requirements for spelling (including use of
particular dictionaries). Those requirements are usually available from the
office of theses and dissertations. If you are writing a class paper, your
instructor may also ask you to follow certain principles of spelling. Review
these requirements before you prepare your paper. They take precedence
over the guidelines suggested here.
20.1 Plurals
20.1.1 General Rule
For most common nouns, form the plural by adding s (or es for words
ending in ch, j, s, sh, x, or z). Most dictionaries give plural forms only for
words that do not follow the general rule.
The general rule applies to the names of persons and to other proper
nouns. If a proper noun ends in y, however, do not change the y to ie, as
required for many common nouns. (Do not confuse plural forms with
possessives, which are described in 20.2.)
the Costellos
the Frys (not the Fries)
the Rodriguezes
the two Germanys
20.1.2 Special Cases COMPOUND WORDS. For compound words consisting of two
nouns, make the last noun plural (usually by adding s or es).
district attorneys
When the compound consists of a noun followed by a prepositional
phrase or adjective, make the main noun plural.
attorneys general
men-of-war LETTERS AND NUMERALS. In most cases, form the plurals of
capital letters and numerals by adding s alone (not ’s).
three As, one B, and two Cs
the 1950s
With lowercase letters, however, an s without an apostrophe can seem to
create a different word (is) or an abbreviation (ms), so add an apostrophe.
The apostrophe and s are roman even if the letter is italic (see 22.2.2).
xs and ys ABBREVIATIONS. Form plurals of abbreviations without
internal periods by adding s alone. If the singular form of the abbreviation
ends in a period, put the s before the period. (See 24.1.3 on the punctuation
of abbreviations. For academic degrees, see 24.2.3.)
A few abbreviations have irregular plurals (see also 24.7).
pp. (plural of p., page)
nn. (plural of n., note)
If you are writing in the sciences and using abbreviations for units of
measure (see 24.5), use the same abbreviation for both the singular and the
6 kg
37 m
plural of a term in italics by adding s alone (not ’s) in roman type. Form the
plural of a term in quotation marks by adding s—or, better, rephrase the
two Chicago Tribunes
. . . included many “To be continueds”
or, better,
. . . included many instances of “To be continued”
20.2 Possessives
20.2.1 General Rule
Form the possessive of most singular common and proper nouns, including
those that end in s, x, or z, by adding an apostrophe and s. This rule also
applies to letters and numerals used as singular nouns, and to abbreviations.
It also applies to proper names ending in s (whether or not the s is
pronounced), as in the last three examples. (Do not confuse possessives
with plural forms, which are described in 20.1.) For special cases, see
an argument’s effects
the horse’s mouth
2018’s economic outlook
the phalanx’s advance
the waltz’s tempo
JFK’s speech
Russ’s suggestion
Descartes’s Discourse on Method
Aristophanes’s plays
Inanimate nouns—except for references to time—rarely take the
possessive form.
a day’s length but not the house’s door
Form the possessive of most plural common and proper nouns by adding
only an apostrophe. For special cases, see 20.2.2.
politicians’ votes not politicians’s votes
the Rodriguezes’ house not the Rodriguezes’s house
For irregular plurals that do not end in s, add s after the apostrophe.
the mice’s nest
children’s literature
20.2.2 Special Cases SINGULAR NOUNS ENDING IN “S.” Form the possessive of
the following types of nouns with only an apostrophe:
nouns that name a group or collective entity but are treated as
grammatically singular
politics’ true meaning
the United States’ role
nouns in a few traditional For... sake expressions that end in an s or an
s sound
for goodness’ sake
for righteousness’ sake
for appearance’s sake
To avoid an awkward result, rephrasing is sometimes the better option. (For
use of the abbreviation US in a case like the first one below, see 24.3.1.)
the role of the United States instead of the United States’ role
for the sake of appearance instead of for appearance’s sake COMPOUND WORDS. Form the possessives of singular
compound words by adding an apostrophe and s to the last word, even if the
main noun is first.
his sister-in-law’s business
the attorney general’s decision
Form the possessives of plural compounds in the usual way (by adding
an apostrophe alone), unless the plural part comes first (see 20.1.2). In that
case, rephrase.
district attorneys’ decisions
decisions of the attorneys general
attorneys’ general decisions
and not
attorneys general’s decisions MULTIPLE NOUNS. If a possessive indicates that two or more
entities each possess something separately, make all the nouns possessive.
New York’s and Chicago’s teams
historians’ and economists’ methods
If a possessive indicates that two or more entities possess something
jointly, make only the last noun possessive.
Minneapolis and St. Paul’s teams
historians and economists’ data TERMS IN ITALICS AND QUOTATION MARKS. If a term in
italics is possessive, both the apostrophe and the s should be in roman type.
Do not add a possessive to a term in quotation marks; rephrase the sentence.
the Atlantic Monthlys editor
admirers of “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
If the term ends in a plural form, add only an apostrophe (in roman type).
If it already ends in a possessive form, leave it alone or rephrase.
the New York Times’ online revenue
Harpers editors (or the editors of Harpers)
20.3 Compounds and Words Formed with Prefixes
Compounds come in three forms: hyphenated, open (with a space, not a
hyphen, between elements), or closed (spelled as one word). Choosing the
right one can be difficult. The best authority is your dictionary. If you
cannot find a compound there, follow the principles in the following
paragraphs to decide whether or not to hyphenate. If you cannot find the
form in either place, leave the compound open.
The patterns outlined below are not hard-and-fast rules. You will have to
decide many individual cases on the basis of context, personal taste, or
common usage in your discipline. Although much of the suggested
hyphenation is logical and aids readability, some is only traditional.
20.3.1 Compounds Used as Adjectives
Some compounds are used only as adjectives. In most cases, hyphenate
such a compound when it precedes the noun it modifies; otherwise leave it
Before noun After noun
open-ended question most of the questions were open
full-length treatment treatment is full length
well-read students students who are well read
commentary was thought provoking
over-the-counter drug drug sold over the counter
the third-largest town the town was the third largest
spelled-out numbers numbers that are spelled out
There are a few exceptions:
If a compound that would normally be hyphenated is preceded and
modified by an adverb (such as very), omit the hyphen.
Before noun without adverb Before noun with adverb
a well-known author a very well known author
an ill-advised step a somewhat ill advised step
Hyphenate compounds that begin with all or end with free.
Before noun After noun
all-encompassing treatment treatment was all-encompassing
toll-free call the call was toll-free
Hyphenate compounds that end with the terms borne, like, and wide
(both before and after the noun) unless the term is listed as closed in
Hyphenated Closed (per Merriam-Webster)
food-borne airborne
bell-like childlike
Chicago-wide worldwide
Comparative constructions beginning with such terms as more/most,
less/least, and better/best should be hyphenated only when there may be
confusion about whether the comparative term is modifying the adjective
that follows within the compound or the noun after the compound.
Modifying adjective Modifying noun
colleges produce more- we hired more skilled workers for
skilled workers the holidays
Constructions that consist of an adverb ending in -ly followed by an
adjective are not compounds and should not be hyphenated in any
Before noun After noun
highly developed species the species was highly developed
widely disseminated
literature has been widely
20.3.2 Compounds Used as Both Nouns and Adjectives
Some compounds are primarily nouns but can also function as adjectives
when they precede and modify another noun. (Unlike some of the examples
in 20.3.1, these compounds are rarely used as adjectives after a noun, and
then only with a linking verb such as was or are, as in the third example
below.) In most cases, hyphenate such a compound when it precedes a noun
that it modifies; otherwise leave it open.
Adjective before noun Noun, or adjective after noun
a mountain-climbing
mountain climbing became her
a continuing-education
a program of continuing education
a middle-class neighborhood her neighborhood was middle class
There are a few exceptions:
Some compounds are common enough to appear as nouns in standard
dictionaries either as one word or hyphenated.
For a compound that begins with e (short for electronic), ex, or self, use a
hyphen in all contexts. Two exceptions: email is spelled without the
hyphen, and if self is preceded by un, the compound should be closed (as
in unselfconscious).
For a compound that ends with elect, use a hyphen in all contexts when
the name of the office is only one word, but leave it open when the name
is two or more words.
district attorney elect
For a compound formed by two coordinated nouns that could be joined
by and, use a hyphen in all contexts.
mother-daughter relationship
parent-teacher conference
For a compound composed of directional words, use a closed compound
when the term describes a single direction. Use a hyphen if the
compound consists of coordinated nouns that could be joined with and or
a street running north-south
east-southeast winds
Compounds that identify family relationships vary in whether they are
closed up or hyphenated. When in doubt, consult your dictionary. (For
the plural and possessive forms of in-law compounds, see 20.1.2 and
20.2.2, respectively.)
Some familiar phrases are always hyphenated.
jack-of-all-trades COMPOUNDS INCLUDING PROPER NOUNS. Leave open
most compounds that include proper nouns, including names of ethnic
Adjective before noun Noun, or adjective after noun
African American culture an African American has written
French Canadian explorer the explorer was French Canadian
Middle Eastern geography the geography of the Middle East
State Department employees employed by the State Department
Korean War veterans veterans of the Korean War
If, however, the first term is shortened, use a hyphen.
Indo-European languages
origins that were Indo-European
If coordinated terms could be joined by and, hyphenate them.
Israel-Egypt peace treaty
Spanish-English dictionary COMPOUNDS INCLUDING NUMBERS. If a compound
includes a number, hyphenate it if it precedes a noun that it modifies;
otherwise leave it open. (For the use of numerals versus spelled-out
numbers, see chapter 23.)
Adjective before noun Noun, or adjective after noun
fifty-year project the project took fifty years
the student was twenty-one years old
studied the literature of the twentieth
third-floor apartment she lived on the third floor
214-day standoff standoff that lasted 214 days
There are a few exceptions:
Always hyphenate an age term used as a noun.
a twenty-one-year-old
three six-year-olds
Always leave open a compound including the word percent, and give the
number in arabic numerals (see 23.1.3).
a 15 percent increase
increased by 15 percent
Always use a hyphen to spell a fraction with words. (See 23.1.3 for use
of numerals versus spelled-out numbers in fractions.)
a two-thirds majority
a majority of two-thirds
For a fraction beginning with half or quarter, use a hyphen when it
precedes a noun that it modifies; otherwise leave it open.
Adjective before noun Noun, or adjective after noun
a half-hour session after a half hour had passed
a quarter-mile run ran a quarter mile
When the second part of a hyphenated expression is omitted, the
suspended hyphen is retained, followed by a space (or, in a series, by a
comma). But if the compounds are joined by to (as in a span of numbers),
hyphenate the whole expression.
fifteen- and twenty-year mortgages
five-, ten-, and twenty-dollar bills
a three-to-five-year gap (a single range)
20.3.3 Words Formed with Prefixes
Words formed with prefixes are normally closed, whether they are nouns
(postmodernism), verbs (misrepresent), adjectives (antebellum), or adverbs
(prematurely). Use a hyphen, however, in these cases:
when the prefix is combined with a capitalized word
sub-Saharan but subdivision
pro-Asian but pronuclear
when the prefix is combined with a numeral
pre-1950 but predisposed
mid-80s but midlife
to separate two is, two as, or other combinations of letters or syllables
that might cause misreading
anti-intellectual but antidepressant
intra-arterial but intramural
when the prefix precedes a compound word that is hyphenated or open
non-coffee-drinking but nonbelief
post-high school but postgame
to separate repeated terms in a double prefix
when a prefix stands alone
pre- and postwar
macro- and microeconomics
These patterns apply to words formed with the following prefixes, among
Where two prefixes apply to the same word, use a hyphen followed by a
space for the first prefix.
over- and underused
20.4 Line Breaks
20.4.1 Breaks within Words
For most papers, the only words that should be hyphenated at the ends of
lines are those you have deliberately hyphenated, such as compounds (see
20.3). Set your word processor to align text flush left (with a “ragged” right
margin), and do not use its automated hyphenation feature.
If, however, you are required to use full justification (where both the left
and right margins are aligned), you may have to hyphenate lines to avoid
large gaps between words. If you use your word processors automatic
hyphenation feature, set it to limit to three the number of consecutive lines
ending with hyphens. As your paper nears completion, review word breaks
in case you need to make any exceptions. You may need to turn off
hyphenation for individual paragraphs or words. To manually add an end-
of-line hyphen, insert an optional hyphen from your word processors menu
for special formatting characters. When in doubt, consult a your dictionary,
which should indicate acceptable breaks with centered dots or similar
devices in the main word entry.
20.4.2 Breaks over Spaces and Punctuation
Your word processor may allow certain types of undesirable or even
unacceptable line breaks to occur over spaces or punctuation. Especially if
you will be submitting a PDF file or a printout, it is a good idea to review
the final draft of your paper for such breaks.
Initials. If initials are used in place of both a person’s first and middle
names, include a space between them but do not allow them to break
over a line (you can, however, allow a break before the last name).
Because lines will reflow as you write your paper, it is best to replace
such spaces with nonbreaking spaces, available in most word processors.
See also 24.2.1.
M. F. K. Fisher
M. F. K. / Fisher
but not
M. / F. K. Fisher
Numbers and dates. Never allow a line break within numbers expressed
as numerals (25,000) or any terms consisting of numerals plus symbols,
abbreviations, or units of measure (10%; £6 4s. 6d.; 6:40 p.m.; AD 1895;
245 ml). Use nonbreaking spaces as needed. See chapter 23 for more on
numbers and date systems.
Punctuation. Never allow a line to begin with a closing quotation mark,
parenthesis, or bracket (and if this happens, it may be a sign of an extra,
unneeded space before the mark). Never allow a line to end with an
opening quotation mark, parenthesis, or bracket (also a sign of a possible
errant space, after the mark). It is also best to avoid ending a line with (a)
or (1), as at the beginning of a list. Use nonbreaking spaces as needed.
See chapter 21 for more on punctuation and 23.4.2 for lists. Never allow
an ellipsis (...) to break over the line; use your word processors
ellipsis character to prevent this problem. For more on ellipses, see
URLs and email addresses. Avoid breaking URLs and email addresses
over lines. If you have to break one, insert the break after a colon or a
double slash; before or after an equals sign or ampersand; or before a
single slash, a period, or any other punctuation or symbol. (Avoid
inserting a hard return; instead use the optional break character in your
word processor.) Hyphens are frequently included as part of a URL or
email address, and it’s okay if a URL or email breaks at such a hyphen.
To avoid confusion, however, never add a hyphen to indicate the break.
/books/ subject.html
21 Punctuation
21.1 Periods
21.2 Commas
21.2.1 Independent Clauses
21.2.2 Series
21.2.3 Nonrestrictive Clauses and Phrases
21.2.4 Other Uses
21.3 Semicolons
21.4 Colons
21.5 Question Marks
21.6 Exclamation Points
21.7 Hyphens and Dashes
21.7.1 Hyphens
21.7.2 Dashes
21.7.3 Multiple Dashes
21.8 Parentheses and Brackets
21.8.1 Parentheses
21.8.2 Brackets
21.9 Slashes
21.10 Quotation Marks
21.11 Apostrophes
21.12 Multiple Punctuation Marks
21.12.1 Omission of Punctuation Marks
21.12.2 Order of Punctuation Marks
This chapter offers general guidelines for punctuation in the text of your
paper. Some rules are clear-cut but others are not, so you often have to
depend on sound judgment and a good ear.
Special elements such as abbreviations, quotations, and source citations
have their own guidelines for punctuation, which are treated in relevant
chapters in this book.
If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, your department or university
may have specific requirements for punctuation, which are usually available
from the office of theses and dissertations. If you are writing a class paper,
your instructor may also ask you to follow certain principles for
punctuation. Review these requirements before you prepare your paper.
They take precedence over the guidelines suggested here. For style guides
in various disciplines, see the bibliography.
21.1 Periods
A period ends a sentence that is a declarative statement, an imperative
statement, or an indirect question. A period can also end a sentence
fragment, if the context makes its rhetorical function clear, but this usage is
rare in academic writing. In all these cases, the period is a terminal period
and, between sentences, should be followed by a single space.
Consider the advantages of this method.
The question was whether these differences could be reconciled.
Put a period at the end of items in a vertical list only if the items are
complete sentences (see 23.4.2). Otherwise, omit terminal periods, even for
the last item, and do not capitalize the first words.
The report covers three areas:
1. the securities markets
2. the securities industry
3. the securities industry in the economy
Individual periods can also be used in other contexts, including
abbreviations (see especially 24.1.3) and citations (16.1.2 and 18.1.2), and
also in URLs (20.4.2), where they are often called dots. Strings of periods,
or dots, can be used in quotations (see 25.3.2), where they are called
ellipses, and in tables (26.2.6) and front matter pages (A.2.1), where they
are called leaders.
Do not use periods after chapter and part titles and most subheadings (see
A.2.2) or after table titles (26.2.2). For periods in figure captions, see
21.2 Commas
Commas separate items within a sentence, including clauses, phrases, and
individual words. They are especially important when a reader might
mistake where a clause or phrase ends and another begins:
Before leaving the members of the committee met in the assembly
Before leaving, the members of the committee met in the assembly
For use of commas in numbers, see 23.2.2. For use of commas in citations,
see 16.1.2 and 18.1.2.
21.2.1 Independent Clauses
In a sentence containing two or more independent clauses joined by a
coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet), put a comma
before the conjunction. This is not a hard-and-fast rule; no comma is needed
between two short independent clauses with no internal punctuation.
Students around the world want to learn English, and many young
Americans are eager to teach them.
The senator arrived at noon and the president left at one.
In a sentence containing three or more short and simple independent
clauses with no internal punctuation, separate the clauses with commas and
add a coordinating conjunction before the last one. (Always include a
comma before the coordinating conjunction.) If the clauses are longer and
more complex, separate them with semicolons (see 21.3)—or, better,
rewrite the sentence.
The committee designed the questionnaire, the field workers
collected responses, and the statistician analyzed the results.
The committee designed the questionnaire, which was short; the
field workers, who did not participate, collected responses; and the
statistician analyzed the results, though not until several days later.
Ordinarily, do not insert a comma before a conjunction joining two
subjects or two predicates.
The agencies that design the surveys and the analysts who evaluate
the results should work together.
They do not condone such practices but attempt to refute them
When a sentence with two independent coordinate clauses opens with a
phrase or dependent clause that modifies both, put a comma after the
introductory element but not between the two independent clauses.
Within ten years, interest rates surged and the housing market
21.2.2 Series
In a series consisting of three or more words, phrases, or clauses with no
internal punctuation of their own, separate the elements with commas.
Always use a comma before the conjunction that introduces the last item.
The governor wrote his senators, the president, and the vice
Attending the conference were Fernandez, Sullivan, and Kendrick.
The public approved, the committee agreed, but the measure failed.
Do not use commas when all the elements in a series are joined by
The palette consisted of blue and green and orange.
If a series of three or more words, phrases, or clauses ends with an
expression indicating continuation (and so forth, and so on, and the like, or
etc.), punctuate that final expression as though it were the final item in the
series. You may, however, add a comma after the continuation expression to
prevent confusion after a long series.
They discussed movies, books, plays, and the like until late in the
Using such techniques, management can improve not only
productivity but also hours, working conditions, training, benefits, and
so on, without reducing wages.
Use semicolons to separate the items in a series if one or more includes
commas, or if the items are long and complex (see 21.3). If such a series
comes before the main verb of a sentence, however, rephrase the sentence.
The three cities that we compare are Hartford, Connecticut;
Kalamazoo, Michigan; and Pasadena, California.
but not
Hartford, Connecticut; Kalamazoo, Michigan; and Pasadena,
California, are the three cities that we compare.
21.2.3 Nonrestrictive Clauses and Phrases
Use paired commas to set off a nonrestrictive clause. A clause is
nonrestrictive if it is not necessary to uniquely identify the noun it modifies.
These five books, which are on reserve in the library, are required
Here the noun phrase These five books uniquely identifies the books that the
writer has in mind; the nonrestrictive clause is not necessary to identify the
books further. On the other hand, in the following sentence, the dependent
clause (that are required reading) is restrictive, because it identifies a
specific subset of books that are on reserve at the library. Commas are
therefore not used around the clause.
The books that are required reading are on reserve in the library.
Although which is often used with restrictive clauses, American writers
generally preserve the distinction between restrictive that (no comma) and
nonrestrictive which (comma).
The principles delineated above apply also to restrictive and
nonrestrictive phrases.
The president, wearing a red dress, attended the conference.
The woman wearing a red dress is the president.
21.2.4 Other Uses
Commas are used in a variety of other situations. (For commas in dates, see
Introductory words and phrases. When you begin a sentence with an
introductory element of more than a few words, follow it with a comma.
A comma is not necessary after a short prepositional phrase unless the
sentence could be misread without one.
If the insurrection is to succeed, the army and police must stand
side by side.
Having accomplished her mission, she returned to headquarters.
To Anthony, Blake remained an enigma.
After this week the commission will be able to write its report.
Two or more adjectives preceding a noun. Separate two or more
adjectives preceding a noun with commas when they could, without
affecting meaning, be joined by and. Do not use a comma if one or more
of the adjectives is essential to (i.e., forms a unit with) the noun. (Test: if
it feels awkward to change the order of the adjectives, do not use
It was a large, well-placed, beautiful house.
They strolled out into the warm, luminous night.
She refused to be identified with a traditional political label.
Clarifying comments. Words and phrases such as namely, that is, and for
example, which usually introduce a clarifying comment, should be
followed by a comma but preceded by something stronger (such as a
semicolon or a period). When you use or in the sense of “in other
words,” put a comma before it. (These and similar expressions may be
set off by dashes or parentheses instead; see 21.7.2 and 21.8.1.)
Many people resent accidents of fate; that is, they look on illness
or bereavement as undeserved.
The compass stand, or binnacle, must be visible to the helmsman.
Appositives. A word or phrase is said to be in apposition to a noun when
it follows the noun and provides an explanatory equivalent for it.
Nonrestrictive appositives are set off by commas; restrictive appositives
are not (see 21.2.3).
Chua, a Harvard College graduate, taught at Duke for several
Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher, asked, “What is anxiety?”
The Danish philosopher Kierkegaard asked, “What is anxiety?”
Place-names. Use commas to set off multiple individual elements in
names of places. (For commas in addresses, see 23.1.7.)
Cincinnati, Ohio, is on the Ohio River.
The next leg of the trip was to Florence, Italy.
Interjections and conjunctive adverbs. Set off interjections, conjunctive
adverbs, and the like to suggest a break in the flow of thought or the
rhythm of the sentence. But omit commas when such elements do not
break the continuity of the sentence.
Nevertheless, it is a matter of great importance.
It is, perhaps, the best that could be expected.
Perhaps it is therefore clear that no deposits were made.
Contrasted elements. Put commas around an interjected phrase beginning
with not, not only, or similar expressions. But when such a phrase
consists of two components (not... but, not only... but also, and the
like), commas are usually unnecessary. Use a comma between clauses of
the more... the more type unless they are very short.
The idea, not its expression, is significant.
She was delighted with, but also disturbed by, her new freedom.
He was not only the team’s president but also a charter member.
The more it stays the same, the less it changes.
The more the merrier.
Parenthetical elements. Use paired commas to set off a parenthetical
element between a subject and a verb or a verb and its object. If you find
yourself setting off more than one such interrupting element in a
sentence, consider rewriting the sentence.
The Quinn Report was, to say the least, a bombshell.
Wolinski, after receiving instructions, left for Algiers.
Repeated words. Use a comma to separate identical words. An exception
is normally made for the word that.
They marched in, in twos.
Whatever is, is right.
She implied that that did not matter.
21.3 Semicolons
A semicolon is stronger than a comma and marks a greater break in the
continuity of a sentence. Use a semicolon in a compound sentence to
separate independent clauses that are not connected by a coordinating
conjunction (and, but, or, nor, yet, for, so).
One hundred communities are in various stages of completion; more
are on the drawing board.
You can also use a semicolon with a coordinating conjunction if the
clauses are long and have commas or other punctuation within them. But if
the result seems unwieldy, consider replacing the semicolon with a period.
Although productivity per capita in the United States is much higher
than it is in China, China has an increasingly well educated young
labor force; but the crucial point is that knowledge—which is
transferable between peoples—has become the most important
world economic resource.
Use a semicolon before the words then, however, thus, hence, indeed,
accordingly, besides, and therefore when those words are used transitionally
between two independent clauses.
Some think freedom always comes with democracy; however, many
voters in many countries have voted for governments that they know
will restrict their rights.
When items in a series have internal punctuation, separate them with
semicolons (see also 21.2.2).
The original version of the chart included three colors: green, for
vegetation that remained stable; red, for vegetation that
disappeared; and yellow, for new vegetation.
Semicolons are also sometimes used in titles (see 17.1.2 and 19.1.3) and
to separate citations to more than one source (see and
21.4 Colons
A colon introduces a clause, phrase, or series of elements that expands,
clarifies, or exemplifies the meaning of what precedes it. Between
independent clauses, it functions much like a semicolon, though more
strongly emphasizing balance or consequence.
People expect three things of government: peace, prosperity, and
respect for civil rights.
Chinese culture is unrivaled in its depth and antiquity: it is
unmatched in its rich artistic and philosophical records.
Use a colon to introduce illustrative material or a list. A colon should
follow only a complete independent clause; often an introductory element
such as the following or as follows should precede the colon. (See also
The qualifications are as follows: a doctorate in economics and an
ability to communicate statistical data to a lay audience.
but not
The qualifications are: a doctorate in economics . . .
Note that the first word following a colon within a sentence is generally not
capitalized unless it is a proper noun or unless the colon introduces more
than one sentence. For capitalization in quotations introduced by a colon,
see chapter 25.
Colons are also used in titles (see 17.1.2 and 19.1.3), in notations of time
(23.1.5), in URLs (20.4.2), and in various ways in citations.
21.5 Question Marks
Put a question mark at the end of a complete sentence phrased as a question.
Who would lead the nation in its hour of need?
Put a question mark after a clause phrased as a question and included as
part of a sentence. Do not use quotation marks unless the question is a
quotation and the rest of the sentence is not.
Would the union agree? was the critical question.
If the included question is at the end of the sentence, do not add a period
after the question mark. You are not required to capitalize the first word of
the included question, but an initial capital helps readers identify the
question, especially if it includes internal punctuation. If the sentence
becomes awkward, you may instead rephrase the question as a declarative
Several legislators raised the question, Can the fund be used in an
emergency, or must it remain dedicated to its original purpose?
Several legislators raised the question of using the fund in an
emergency, which was not its original purpose.
A question mark may also indicate doubt or uncertainty, as in a date.
The painter Niccolò dell’Abbate (1512?–71) assisted in the
decorations at Fontainebleau.
21.6 Exclamation Points
Exclamation points are rarely appropriate for academic writing, except
when they are part of quoted material or part of the title of a work (the
musical Oklahoma!). See also
21.7 Hyphens and Dashes
21.7.1 Hyphens
Hyphens are used in a variety of contexts, including compound words (see
20.3) and inclusive numbers (23.2.4).
21.7.2 Dashes
A dash is an elongated hyphen used to set off text in a way similar to but
more prominent than commas (see 21.2) or parentheses (21.8.1). Also
called an em dash (because in most fonts it is approximately the width of
the capital letter M), this character is available in all word processors.
can be represented with two consecutive hyphens, but most word processors
can be set to convert double hyphens to em dashes automatically. Do not
leave space on either side of the dash.
When you use dashes to set off a parenthetical element, pair them as you
would commas or parentheses. But avoid using more than one pair in any
one sentence; instead, use parentheses for the second layer of parenthetical
The influence of three impressionists—Monet (1840–1926), Sisley
(1839–99), and Degas (1834–1917)—is obvious in her work.
You can also use a single dash to set off an amplifying or explanatory
It was a revival of a most potent image—the revolutionary idea.
Use a dash or a pair of dashes enclosing a phrase to indicate a strong
break in thought that also disrupts the sentence structure.
Rutherford—how could he have misinterpreted the evidence?
Some characters in Tom Jones are “flat”—if you do not object to this
borrowing of E. M. Forsters somewhat discredited term—because
they are caricatures of their names.
A dash may also introduce a summarizing subject after a list of several
The statue of the discus thrower, the charioteer at Delphi, the poetry
of Pindar—all represent the great ideal.
21.7.3 Multiple Dashes
When you quote from a mutilated or illegible text, indicate a missing word
or missing letters with a 2-em dash (formed with two consecutive em
dashes, or four hyphens). For a missing word, leave a space on either side
of the dash; for missing letters, leave no space between the dash and the
existing part of the word.
The vessel left the —— of July.
H——h? [Hirsch?]
The same technique can be used when you want to obscure a particular
It was a d—— shame.
A 3-em dash (formed with three consecutive em dashes, or six hyphens)
is used in bibliographies and reference lists to represent the repeated name
of an author or editor (see 16.2.2 and 18.2.1).
21.8 Parentheses and Brackets
21.8.1 Parentheses
Parentheses usually set off explanatory or interrupting elements of a
sentence, much like paired commas (see 21.2) and dashes (21.7.2). In
general, use commas for material closely related to the main clause, dashes
and parentheses for material less closely connected. The abbreviations e.g.
and i.e., which may introduce a clarifying comment (see 24.7), are used
only in parentheses or in notes.
The conference has (with some malice) divided into four groups.
Each painting depicts a public occasion; in each—a banquet, a
parade, a coronation (though the person crowned is obscured)—
crowds of people are pictured as swarming ants.
There are tax incentives for “clean cars” (e.g., gasoline-electric
hybrids and vehicles powered by compressed natural gas and
liquefied propane).
Parentheses can also be used with citations (see chapters 16 and 18) and
to set off the numbers or letters in a list or an outline (see 23.4.2).
21.8.2 Brackets
Brackets are most often used in quotations, to indicate changes made to a
quoted passage (see 25.3 for examples); similarly, brackets are used in
source citations to enclose an authors name or a date or other substantive
information not present in the source itself (see or for an
example). They can also be used to enclose a second layer of parenthetical
material within parentheses.
He agrees with the idea that childhood has a history (first advanced
by Philippe Ariès [1914–84] in his book Centuries of Childhood
21.9 Slashes
The forward slash (/) is used in a few contexts, such as fractions (see
23.1.3) and quotations of poetry (see Single and double slashes
appear in URLs and other electronic identifiers (see 20.4.2). The backward
slash (or backslash, \) has various meanings in different computer languages
and operating systems.
21.10 Quotation Marks
For the use of quotation marks in quoted material, see For use in
titles and other special situations, see 22.3.2. For use in citations, see 16.1.4
and 18.1.4.
Some fields—linguistics, philosophy, and theology, for example—use
single quotation marks to set off words and concepts. The closing quotation
mark should precede a comma or period in this case (compare 21.12.2).
kami ‘hair, beard’
The variables of quantification, ‘something,’ ‘nothing’, . . .
In most other fields, follow the guidelines in 22.2 for using quotation marks
and italics with definitions of terms.
21.11 Apostrophes
For the use of apostrophes in plural and possessive forms, see 20.1 and
20.2. Apostrophes are also used in forming contractions (don’t). If your
word processor is enabled to use directional or “smart” quotation marks,
make sure not to confuse an apostrophe for a left single quotation mark
(’twas, not ‘twas).
21.12 Multiple Punctuation Marks
The guidelines given throughout this chapter sometimes call for the use of
two punctuation marks together—for example, a period and a closing
parenthesis. The guidelines below show when to omit one of the marks and
the order of the marks when both are used.
21.12.1 Omission of Punctuation Marks
Except for ellipses, never use two periods together, even when a period in
an abbreviation ends a sentence. Keep the abbreviation period when a
sentence ends with a question mark or an exclamation point.
The exchange occurred at 5:30 p.m.
Could anyone match the productivity of Rogers Inc.?
If a situation calls for both a comma and a stronger punctuation mark,
such as a question mark or a dash, omit the comma.
“What were they thinking?” he wondered to himself.
While the senator couldn’t endorse the proposal—and he certainly
had doubts about it—he didn’t condemn it.
An exception can be made for titles of works that end in a question mark
or an exclamation point. Because such punctuation is not strictly related to
the rest of the sentence, retain commas where needed.
“Are You a Doctor?,” the fifth story in Will You Please Be Quiet,
Please?, treats modern love.
Films such as Airplane!, This Is Spinal Tap, and Austin Powers offer
parodies of well-established genres.
21.12.2 Order of Punctuation Marks
Adjacent marks of punctuation most often occur with quotation marks,
parentheses, or brackets. American usage follows a few reliable guidelines
for ordering multiple marks. WITH QUOTATION MARKS. A final comma or period nearly
always precedes a closing quotation mark, whether it is part of the quoted
matter or not.
In support of the effort “to bring justice to our people,” she joined the
She made the argument in an article titled “On ‘Managing Public
There are two exceptions. When single quotation marks are used to set
off special terms in certain fields, such as linguistics, philosophy, and
theology (see 21.10), put a period or comma after the closing quotation
Some contemporary theologians, who favored ‘religionless
Christianity,’ were proclaiming the ‘death of God’.
And if a computer file name or command must be put in quotation marks,
a period or comma that is not part of the name or the command should
come after the closing mark.
Click on Save As; name your file “appendix A, v. 10”.
Question marks and exclamation points precede a closing quotation mark
if they are part of the quoted matter. They follow the quotation mark if they
apply to the entire sentence in which the quotation appears.
Her poem is titled “What Did the Crow Know?”
Do we accept Jefferson’s concept of “a natural aristocracy”?
Semicolons and colons always follow quotation marks. If the quotation
ends with a semicolon or a colon, change it to a period or a comma (or
delete it) to fit the structure of the main sentence (see 25.3.1).
He claimed that “every choice reflects an attitude toward Everyman”;
his speech then enlarged on the point in a telling way.
The Emergency Center is “almost its own city”: it has its own
services and governance. WITH PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS. When you enclose
a complete sentence in parentheses, put the terminal period (or other
terminal punctuation mark) for that sentence before the last parenthesis.
However, put the period outside when material in parentheses, even a
grammatically complete sentence, is included within another sentence. The
same principles apply to material in brackets.
We have noted similar motifs in Japan. (They can also be found in
Korean folktales.)
Use periods in all these situations (your readers will expect them).
Myths have been accepted as allegorically true (by the Stoics) and
as priestly lies (by Enlightenment thinkers).
(The director promised completion “on time and under budget
[italics mine].)
For terminal punctuation with citations given parenthetically, see 25.2.
1. There is a second type of dash, called an en dash (because it is approximately the
width of the capital letter N), that is used in published works to mean “through,”
usually in connection with numbers or dates (e.g., 1998–2008). It can also be used in
other contexts, as discussed in 6.78–84 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition
(2017). If your local guidelines require it, this character is available in most word
processors; otherwise use a hyphen in these contexts. Note that this book uses en
dashes where they are appropriate, as in the preceding reference to CMOS.
22 Names, Special Terms, and Titles of Works
22.1 Names
22.1.1 People, Places, and Organizations
22.1.2 Historical Events, Cultural Terms, and Designations of Time
22.1.3 Other Types of Names
22.2 Special Terms
22.2.1 Terms from Other Languages
22.2.2 Words Defined as Terms
22.3 Titles of Works
22.3.1 Capitalization
22.3.2 Italics or Quotation Marks
22.3.3 Punctuation
This chapter offers general guidelines for presenting names, special terms,
and titles of works, including advice on when to use capital letters and
when to use quotation marks or italic type (as opposed to regular roman
type) to set off words, phrases, or titles.
If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, your department or university
may have specific requirements for presenting names, special terms, and
titles. Those requirements are usually available from the office of theses and
dissertations. If you are writing a class paper, your instructor may also ask
you to follow certain principles for presenting such items. Review these
requirements before you prepare your paper. They take precedence over the
guidelines suggested here. For style guides in various disciplines, see the
22.1 Names
Proper nouns, or names, are always capitalized, but it is sometimes difficult
to distinguish a name from a generic term. This section covers the most
common cases. For more detailed information, see chapter 8 of The
Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017).
In text, names are normally presented in roman type, but there are a few
exceptions noted in 22.1.3.
22.1.1 People, Places, and Organizations
In general, capitalize the first letter in each element of the names of specific
people, places, and organizations. However, personal names that contain
particles (such as de and van) or compound last names may vary in
capitalization. When in doubt, consult the biographical listings from
Merriam-Webster or another reliable authority. Prepositions (of) and
conjunctions (and) that are parts of names are usually lowercase, as is the
when it precedes a name. For possessive forms of names, see 20.2. For
abbreviations with names, see 24.2. For names with numbers, see 23.1.6.
Eleanor Roosevelt
W. E. B. Du Bois
Ludwig van Beethoven
Victoria Sackville-West
Chiang Kai-shek
Sierra Leone
Central America
New York City
the Atlantic Ocean
the Republic of Lithuania
the United States Congress
the State Department
the European Union
the University of North Carolina
the Honda Motor Company
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
the University of Chicago Press
the National Conference for Community and Justice
the Roman Catholic Church
the Allied Expeditionary Force
A professional title that immediately precedes a personal name is treated
as part of the name and should be capitalized. If you use the title alone or
after the personal name, it becomes a generic term and should be
lowercased. The same principle applies to other generic terms that are part
of place or organization names.
President Harry Truman announced the president announced
Professors Liu and Prakash wrote the professors wrote
next to the Indian Ocean next to the ocean
students at Albion College students at the college
Names of ethnic and national groups are also capitalized. Terms denoting
socioeconomic level, however, are not. (For hyphenation of compounds of
both types, see 20.3.2.)
Arab Americans
the middle class
white-collar workers
Capitalize adjectives derived from names, unless they have lost their
literal associations with particular persons or places and have become part
of everyday language.
Machiavellian scheme
Roman and Arabic art
french fries
roman and arabic numerals
22.1.2 Historical Events, Cultural Terms, and Designations of Time
The names of many historical periods and events are traditionally
capitalized; more generic terms usually are not, unless they include names.
Follow the conventions of your discipline.
the Bronze Age
the Depression
the Industrial Revolution
the Seven Years’ War
ancient Rome
the nineteenth century
the Shang dynasty
the colonial period
the baby boom
Nouns and adjectives designating cultural styles, movements, and
schools are generally capitalized only when derived from names or when
they need to be distinguished from generic terms (as in Stoicism). Again,
follow the conventions of your discipline.
Aristotelian reasoning
Hudson River school
Romanesque architecture
Names of days of the week, months, and holidays are capitalized, but
names of seasons are not. For more on date systems, see 23.3.
Independence Day
22.1.3 Other Types of Names
Other types of names also follow specific patterns for capitalization, and
some require italics.
Academic courses and subjects. Capitalize the names of specific courses
but not of general subjects or fields of study, except for the names of
Archaeology 101
Topics in Victorian Literature
art history
English literature
Acts, treaties, and government programs. Capitalize the formal or
accepted titles of acts, treaties, government programs, and similar
documents or entities, but lowercase informal or generic titles.
the United States (or US) Constitution
the Treaty of Versailles
Head Start
the due process clause
the treaty
Brand names. Capitalize the brand names of products, but do not use the
symbol ® or ™ after such a name. Unless you are discussing a specific
product, however, use a generic term instead of a brand name.
Electronic technology. Capitalize branded names of computer hardware
and software, networks, browsers, systems, and languages. Most terms
that are not trademarked (such as internet), however, can be lowercased,
as can generic terms (such as web) when used alone or in combination
with other generic terms.
Apple iOS 11; iPhone
the Camera app in iOS 11; a camera app
the Kindle app for Android; Kindle
Google Chrome
the internet
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); World Wide Web; the
web; website; web page
Legal cases. Capitalize and italicize the names of legal cases; italicize the
v. (versus). You may shorten the case name after a full reference to it
(usually to the name of the plaintiff or the nongovernmental party). For
citations of legal cases, see 17.11.7 and 19.11.7.
First reference Subsequent references
Miranda v. Arizona Miranda
United States v. Carlisle Carlisle
Ships, aircraft, and other vessels and vehicles. Capitalize and italicize the
names of ships, individual aircraft, and the like. If the names are
preceded by an abbreviation such as USS (United States ship) or HMS
(Her [or His] Majesty’s ship), do not italicize these abbreviations or use
the word ship in addition to the name. Capitalize makes, models, and
classes of other vehicles but do not italicize them.
USS Constitution
HMS Saranac
Spirit of St. Louis
the space shuttle Atlantis
Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Subaru Forester
Plants and animals. In papers in the humanities and social sciences, do
not capitalize the names of plants and animals unless they include other
proper nouns, such as geographical names. Binomial Latin species names
should be italicized, with the genus name capitalized and the species
name (or specific epithet) lowercase. The names of phyla, orders, and
such should be in roman type. For papers in the sciences, follow the
conventions of your discipline.
rhesus monkey
Rocky Mountain sheep
Rosa caroliniana
22.2 Special Terms
Some special terms require use of italics, quotation marks, and
22.2.1 Terms from Other Languages
Italicize isolated words and phrases in languages likely to be unfamiliar to
readers of English, and capitalize them as in the original language. (If you
are unfamiliar with the capitalization principles of a language, consult a
reliable authority such as chapter 11 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th
edition [2017].) For titles of works in languages other than English, see
This leads to the idea of Übermensch and to the theory of the acte
gratuit and surrealism.
Do not italicize terms from another language that are familiar enough to
appear in a standard dictionary.
de facto
Do not italicize proper names from other languages or personal titles that
accompany them.
Padre Pio
the Académie Française
the Puerto del Sol
If you define a non-English term, put the definition in parentheses or
quotation marks, either following the term in the text or in a note.
The usual phrase was ena tuainu-iai, “I wanted to eat.”
According to Sartrean ontology, man is always de trop (in excess).
For longer quotations from another language, use roman type. (Italicize
the quotation as a whole or any words within it only if they are italicized in
the original.) Enclose the quotation in quotation marks within the text or use
a block quotation following the principles in 25.2.
The confusion of le pragmatisme is traced to the supposed failure to
distinguish “les propriétés de la valeur en général” from the
22.2.2 Words Defined as Terms
To emphasize key terms that you define, italicize them on their first use;
thereafter use roman type. You can use quotation marks (called scare
quotes) to alert readers that you are using a term in a nonstandard or ironic
way. When overused, both techniques become less effective.
The two chief tactics of this group, obstructionism and
misinformation, require careful analysis.
Government “efficiency” resulted in a huge deficit.
Italicize a term when you refer to it as a term.
The term critical mass is more often used metaphorically than
How did she define the word existential?
A critical mass of students took existential philosophy.
Italicize letters referred to as letters, and present them in lowercase.
Letters used to denote grades and to identify exemplars should be roman
and capitalized. For plural forms of letters used in these ways, see 20.1.2.
Many of the place-names there begin with the letters h and k.
In her senior year, she received an A and six Bs.
Imagine a group of interconnected persons: A knows B, B knows C,
and C knows D.
22.3 Titles of Works
When you cite a work, present its title exactly as it appears in the original
work or, if the original is unavailable, in a reliable authority.
Always preserve the original spelling (including hyphenation) in such
titles, even if it does not conform to current American usage as described in
chapter 20. See 17.1.2 for some permissible changes to the punctuation of
titles, such as the use of a colon between a title and a subtitle, and the
addition of a comma before dates.
Academic convention prescribes that titles follow specific patterns of
capitalization and the use of italics or quotation marks (or neither),
regardless of how they appear in the original.
22.3.1 Capitalization
Titles have two patterns of capitalization: headline style and sentence style.
Present most titles in headline style. For titles in languages other than
English, use sentence style.
Both citation styles described in this manual prescribe headline-style
capitalization for English-language titles. See 16.1.3 and 18.1.3.
Also use headline-style capitalization for the title of your paper and the
titles of any parts or chapters within it unless your discipline prefers
sentence style (see A.1.5). HEADLINE-STYLE CAPITALIZATION. Headline-style
capitalization is intended to distinguish titles clearly from surrounding text.
In this style, capitalize the first letter of the first and last words of the title
and subtitle and all other words, except as follows:
Do not capitalize articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions (and,
but, or, nor, for), or the word to or as except as the first or last word in
the title or subtitle.
Do not capitalize prepositions (of, in, at, above, under, and so forth)
unless they are used as adverbs (up in Look Up) or adjectives (on in The
On Button).
Capitalize the second part (or subsequent parts) of a hyphenated
compound unless it is an article, preposition, or coordinating conjunction
(and, but, or, nor, for), or a modifier such as sharp or flat following a
musical key; or unless the first part is a prefix (anti, pre, and so forth).
(Remember to follow the original hyphenation of a title even if it differs
from the principles discussed in 20.3.)
Lowercase the second part of a species name, such as fulvescens in
Acipenser fulvescens, even if it is the last word in a title or subtitle (see
also 22.1.3).
Do not capitalize parts of proper nouns that are normally in lowercase, as
described in 22.1.1 (van in Ludwig van Beethoven).
The Economic Effects of the Civil War in the Mid-Atlantic States
To Have and to Hold: A Twenty-First-Century View of Marriage
All That Is True: The Life of Vincent van Gogh, 1853–90
Four Readings of the Gospel according to Matthew
Self-Government and the Re-establishment of a New World Order
Global Warming: What We Are Doing about It Today
Still Life with Oranges
From Homo erectus to Homo sapiens: A Black-and-White History
E-flat Concerto
Although many short words are lowercase in this style, length does not
determine capitalization. You must capitalize short verbs (is, are),
adjectives (new), personal pronouns (it, we), and relative pronouns (that),
because they are not among the exceptions listed above. Use lowercase for
long prepositions (according), since prepositions are among the exceptions.
Two kinds of titles should not be presented in headline style even if you
use it for all other titles:
For titles in languages other than English, use sentence-style
capitalization (see
For titles of works published in the eighteenth century (1700s) or earlier,
retain the original capitalization (and spelling), except that words spelled
out in all capital letters should be given with an initial capital only.
A Treatise of morall philosophy Contaynyge the sayings of the
capitalization is a simpler, though less distinct, way of presenting titles than
headline style. In this style, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of
the title and subtitle and any proper nouns and proper adjectives thereafter.
Seeing and selling late-nineteenth-century Japan
Natural crisis: Symbol and imagination in the mid-American farm
Religious feminism: A challenge from the National Organization for
Starry night
Unless your discipline says otherwise, reserve sentence style for titles of
works in languages other than English.
Note that other languages have different conventions for capitalization.
For example, German nouns are generally capitalized, whereas German
adjectives, even those derived from proper nouns, are not. If you are
uncertain about the conventions of a particular language, consult a reliable
Speculum Romanae magnificentiae
Historia de la Orden de San Gerónimo
Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte
Phénoménologie et religion: Structures de l’institution chrétienne
22.3.2 Italics or Quotation Marks
Most titles of works are set off from the surrounding text by italics or
quotation marks, depending on the type of work. The guidelines listed here
apply not only to titles used in text but also to most titles in source citations
(see chapters 15–19).
The examples below are presented with headline-style capitalization, but
the guidelines also apply to titles with sentence-style capitalization (see ITALICS. Italicize the titles of most longer works, including the
types listed here. For parts of these works and shorter works of the same
type, see
books (Culture and Anarchy, The Chicago Manual of Style)
plays (A Winters Tale) and very long poems, especially those of book
length (Dante’s Inferno)
journals (Signs), magazines (Time), newspapers (the New York Times),
and blogs (Dot Earth); an initial The in periodical titles is normally
treated as part of the surrounding text (and omitted in source citations)
but may be capitalized and italicized along with the title if it forms an
integral part of a name that otherwise consists of a single word (The
long musical compositions (The Marriage of Figaro) or titles of albums
(Michael Jackson’s Thriller)
paintings (the Mona Lisa), sculptures (Michelangelo’s David), and other
works of art, including photographs (Ansel Adam’s North Dome)
movies (Citizen Kane) and television (Sesame Street) and radio programs
(All Things Considered) QUOTATION MARKS. Enclose in quotation marks, but do not
italicize, the title of a shorter work, whether or not it is part of a longer
work (such as those listed in
chapters (“The Later Years”) or other titled parts of books
short stories (“The Dead”), short poems (“The Housekeeper”), and essays
(“Of Books”)
articles or other features in journals (“The Function of Fashion in
Eighteenth-Century America”), magazines (“Who Should Lead the
Supreme Court?”), newspapers (“Election Comes Down to the Wire”),
and websites or blogs (“An Ice Expert Muses on Greenhouse Heat”)
individual episodes of television programs (“The Opposite”)
short musical compositions (“The Star-Spangled Banner”) and recordings
(“All You Need Is Love”)
Also use quotation marks and roman type for titles of whole works that
have not been formally published, including the following:
theses and dissertations (“A Study of Kant’s Early Works”)
lectures and papers presented at meetings (“Voice and Inequality: The
Transformation of American Civic Democracy”)
titled documents in manuscript collections (“A Map of the Southern
Indian District of North America”) NEITHER. Capitalize but do not use italics or quotation marks
with these special types of titles:
book series (Studies in Legal History)
manuscript collections (Egmont Manuscripts)
scriptures (the Bible) and other revered works (the Upanishads), as well
as versions of the Bible (the King James Version) and its books (Genesis;
see 24.6 for a complete list)
musical works referred to by their genre (Symphony no. 41, Cantata
BWV 80), though the popular titles for such works should be italicized
(the Jupiter Symphony) or placed in quotation marks (“Ein feste Burg ist
unser Gott”) depending on their length, as noted above
websites (Google Maps, Facebook, Apple.com, the Internet Movie
Database, IMDb, Wikipedia), though exceptions may be made for sites
that are closely analogous to a type of work listed in (the
Huffington Post)
Treat generic terms for parts of books or other works as you would any
other word. Do not capitalize them or use italics or quotation marks unless
you would do the same for an ordinary word (such as at the beginning of a
sentence). If a part includes a number, give it in arabic numerals, regardless
of its appearance in the original work (see 23.1.8).
in Lionel Trilling’s preface
a comprehensive bibliography
as discussed in chapters 4 and 5
killed off in act 3, scene 2
22.3.3 Punctuation
Preserve any punctuation that is part of a title when using the title in a
sentence (see 17.1.2). If the title is used as a restrictive clause or in another
position in the sentence that would normally be followed by a comma (see
21.2), add the comma.
Love, Loss, and What I Wore was later adapted for an off-Broadway
Her favorite book, Love, Loss, and What I Wore, is an autobiography
recounted largely through drawings.
Punctuation within a title should not affect any punctuation called for by the
surrounding sentence. One exception: omit a terminal period after a title
ending in a question mark or an exclamation point. See also 21.12.2.
“Are You a Doctor?” is the fifth story in Will You Please Be Quiet,
23 Numbers
23.1 Words or Numerals?
23.1.1 General Rule
23.1.2 Special Cases
23.1.3 Percentages and Decimal Fractions
23.1.4 Money
23.1.5 Time
23.1.6 Names with Numbers
23.1.7 Addresses and Thoroughfares
23.1.8 Parts of Published Works
23.1.9 Equations and Formulas
23.2 Plurals and Punctuation
23.2.1 Plurals
23.2.2 Commas within Numbers
23.2.3 Other Punctuation within Numbers
23.2.4 Inclusive Numbers
23.3 Date Systems
23.3.1 Month, Day, and Year
23.3.2 Decades, Centuries, and Eras
23.4 Numbers Used outside the Text
23.4.1 Numbers in Tables, Figures, and Citations
23.4.2 Enumerations
This chapter offers general guidelines for presenting numbers. These
guidelines are appropriate for most humanities and social science
disciplines, but disciplines that rely heavily on numerical data may have
more specific guidelines. If you are writing a paper in the natural or
physical sciences, mathematics, or any other very technical field, follow the
conventions of the discipline. For style guides in various disciplines, see the
bibliography. For advice on numbering the pages and parts of your paper,
see the appendix.
If you are writing a thesis or a dissertation, your department or university
may have specific requirements for presenting numbers, which are usually
available from the office of theses and dissertations. If you are writing a
class paper, your instructor may also ask you to follow certain principles for
presenting numbers. Review these requirements before you prepare your
paper. They take precedence over the guidelines suggested here.
23.1 Words or Numerals?
The most common question in presenting numbers is whether to spell them
out in words (twenty-two) or give them in numerals (22). When the number
is followed by a unit of measure, you must also decide whether to give that
unit in words (percent) or as a symbol (%) or an abbreviation.
The guidelines presented in 23.1–23.3 pertain to numbers used in the text
of your paper. For numbers used in tables, figures, and citations, see 23.4.
Unless otherwise specified, numerals here means arabic numerals (1, 2,
3, etc.). For roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.), see table 23.1.
Table 23.1. Roman numerals
Arabic Roman Arabic Roman Arabic Roman
1 I 11 XI 30 XXX
2 II 12 XII 40 XL
3 III 13 XIII 50 L
4 IV 14 XIV 60 LX
5 V 15 XV 70 LXX
6 VI 16 XVI 80 LXXX
7 VII 17 XVII 90 XC
8 VIII 18 XVIII 100 C
9 IX 19 XIX 500 D
10 X 20 XX 1,000 M
Note: Roman numerals are shown capitalized; for lowercase, use the same forms as
in letters (i for I, v for V, etc.). For numbers not listed, follow the patterns shown.
23.1.1 General Rule
Before you draft your paper, you should decide on a general rule for
presenting numbers and follow it consistently. Which rule you choose
depends on how often you use numerical data and the conventions of your
discipline. For situations in which you might modify this rule, see 23.1.2–
In the humanities and social sciences, if you use numerical data only
occasionally, spell out numbers from one through one hundred. If the
number has two words, use a hyphen (fifty-five). Also spell out round
numbers followed by hundred, thousand, hundred thousand, million, and so
on (but see For all other numbers, use arabic numerals. Follow
this pattern for numbers that are part of physical quantities (distances,
lengths, temperatures, and so on), and do not use abbreviations for the units
in such quantities (see 24.5).
After seven years of war came sixty-four years of peace.
The population of the three states was approximately twelve million.
He cataloged more than 527 works of art.
Within fifteen minutes the temperature dropped twenty degrees.
If your topic relies heavily on numerical data, follow a different rule:
spell out only single-digit numbers and use numerals for all others.
This study of 14 electoral districts over seven years included 142
He hit the wall at 65 miles per hour, leaving skid marks for nine feet.
In the sciences, your general rule may be to use numerals for all numbers,
except when they begin a sentence (see You may also use
abbreviations for quantities (see 24.5).
The mean weight proved to be 7 g, which was far less than
With any of these rules, use the same principles for ordinal numbers
(first, second, etc.) that you use for standard ones. Add st, nd, rd, or th as
On the 122nd and 123rd days of his trip, he received his eighteenth
and nineteenth letters from home.
23.1.2 Special Cases
In a few common situations, the general rule discussed in 23.1.1 requires
modification. NUMBERS BEGINNING A SENTENCE. Never begin a
sentence with a numeral. Either spell out the number or recast the sentence,
especially when there are other numerals of a similar type in the sentence.
Two hundred fifty soldiers in the unit escaped injury; 175 sustained
minor injuries.
or, better,
Of the soldiers in the unit, 250 escaped injury and 175 sustained
minor injuries.
When spelling out numbers over one hundred, omit the word and within
the term (not two hundred and fifty). RELATED NUMBERS. Ignore the general rule when you have a
series of related numbers in the same sentence that are above and below the
threshold, especially when those numbers are being compared. In these
examples, all are expressed in numerals.
Of the group surveyed, 78 students had studied French and 142 had
studied Spanish for three years or more.
We analyzed 62 cases; of these, 59 had occurred in adults and 3 in
If you are discussing two sets of items in close proximity, ignore the
general rule and, for clarity, spell out all numbers in one set and use
numerals for all numbers in the other.
Within the program, 9 children showed some improvement after six
months and 37 showed significant improvement after eighteen
months. ROUND NUMBERS. Spell out a round number (a whole number
followed by hundred, thousand, hundred thousand, million, and so on) in
isolation (see 23.1.1), but give several round numbers close together in
numerals. You may also express large round numbers in a combination of
numerals and words. (See also 23.1.4.)
Approximately fifteen hundred scholars attended the conference.
They sold 1,500 copies in the first year and 8,000 in the second.
These changes will affect about 7.8 million people in New York
23.1.3 Percentages and Decimal Fractions
Use numerals to express percentages and decimal fractions, except at the
beginning of a sentence (see Spell out the word percent, except
when you use many percentage figures and in the sciences, where the
symbol % is usually preferred (with no intervening space after the number).
Notice that the noun percentage should not be used with a number.
Scores for students who skipped summer school improved only 9
percent. The percentage of students who failed was about 2.4 times
the usual rate.
Within this system, the subject scored 3.8, or 95%.
but not
The average rose 9 percentage points.
When you use fractional and whole numbers for the same type of item in
the same sentence or paragraph, give both as numerals.
The average number of children born to college graduates dropped
from 2.4 to 2.
Put a zero in front of a decimal fraction of less than 1.00 if the quantity
expressed is capable of exceeding 1.00. When decimal quantities must be
1.00 or less, as in probabilities, correlation coefficients, and the like, omit
the zero before the decimal point.
a mean of 0.73
a loss of 0.08
p < .05
a .406 batting average
For fractions standing alone, follow the general rule (see 23.1.1) for
spelling out the parts. If you spell the parts, include a hyphen between them.
Express in numerals a unit composed of a whole number and a fraction. If
you use a symbol for the fraction, there is no intervening space between the
number and the fraction.
Trade and commodity services accounted for nine-tenths of all
international receipts and payments.
One year during the Dust Bowl era, the town received only 15/16 of
an inch of rain.
The main carving implement used in this society measured 2½ feet.
23.1.4 Money US CURRENCY. If you refer only occasionally to US currency,
follow the general rule (see 23.1.1), and spell out the words dollars and
cents. Otherwise use numerals along with the symbol $ (or, if needed, ¢).
Omit the decimal point and following zeros for whole-dollar amounts,
unless you refer to fractional amounts as well.
Rarely do they spend more than five dollars a week on recreation.
The report showed $135 collected in fines.
Prices ranged from $0.95 up to $10.00.
Express large round numbers in a combination of numerals and words.
The deficit that year was $420 billion. OTHER CURRENCIES. For currencies other than that of the
United States, follow the pattern for the US dollar. Most currencies put unit
symbols before numerals. Even though European nations represent decimal
points with commas instead of periods, you may use periods, except in
direct quotations from sources. In contexts where the symbol $ may refer to
non-US currencies, these currencies should be clearly identified.
When she returned, she had barely fifty euros to her name.
The household records show that it cost only £36.50.
Its current estimated worth is ¥377 million.
If you subtract Can$15.69 from US$25.00, . . .
Most European nations now use the unified currency called the euro (€),
but if you are writing about topics from the period before 2002, you may
encounter such currencies as the French franc (F), German deutsche mark
(DM), and Italian lira (Lit). British currency is still expressed in pounds (£)
and pence (p.), though before decimalization in 1971, it was expressed in
pounds, shillings, and pence (for example, £12 17s. 6d.). Note that billion in
traditional British usage as well as in certain languages other than English
means a million million, not a thousand million; to avoid confusion, be sure
to accurately represent such distinctions.
In more technical contexts, it may be best to use the three-letter codes for
current and historical currencies defined by the International Organization
for Standardization in standard ISO 4217, which is available on the
organization’s website. Use a space between the code and the amount.
If you subtract EUR 15.69 from USD 25.00, . . .
23.1.5 Time
For references to times of day in even increments of an hour, half hour, or
quarter hour, spell out the times, with a hyphen between parts. If necessary,
specify in the morning or in the evening. You may use o’clock, although it
is now rare in research writing.
The participants planned to meet every Thursday around ten-thirty in
the morning.
When emphasizing exact times, use numerals and, if necessary, a.m. or
p.m. (lowercase and roman; see also 24.4.1). Always include zeros after the
colon for even hours.
Although scheduled to end at 11:00 a.m., the council meeting ran
until 1:37 p.m.
In either situation, use the words noon and midnight (rather than
numerals) to express these specific times of day.
For use of words or numerals in dates, see 23.3.
23.1.6 Names with Numbers
Some types of personal, governmental, and organizational names include
numbers given in either words or numerals. (See also 22.1.)
Leaders. Emperors, sovereigns, or popes with the same first name are
differentiated by capitalized roman numerals (see table 23.1).
Charles V
Napoleon III
Elizabeth II
Benedict XVI
Family members. Male family members with identical full names are
often differentiated with roman or arabic numerals (see also 24.2.1). Note
that there are no commas between the name and the numeral, unless the
name is inverted, as in a list.
Adlai E. Stevenson III
Michael F. Johnson 2nd
Stevenson, Adlai E., III
Governments and political divisions. Certain dynasties, governments,
governing bodies, political and judicial divisions, and military units are
commonly designated by an ordinal number before the noun. Spell out
and capitalize numbers through one hundred (with a hyphen between the
parts of the number, if relevant); use numerals for those over one
Nineteenth Dynasty
Fifth Republic
Eighty-First Congress
109th Congress
Fourteenth Congressional District
Forty-Seventh Ward
Tenth Circuit
101st Airborne Division
Churches and religious organizations. Spell out and capitalize numbers
before the names of churches or religious organizations in ordinal form
(with a hyphen between the parts of the number, if relevant).
Twenty-First Church of Christ, Scientist
Secular organizations. Express local branches of fraternal lodges and
unions in numerals following the name.
American Legion, Department of Illinois, Crispus Attucks Post
No. 1268
United Auto Workers Local 890
23.1.7 Addresses and Thoroughfares
Follow the general rule (see 23.1.1) for the names of local numbered streets.
State, federal, and interstate highways are always designated with numerals,
as are street or building addresses and telephone and fax numbers. Note that
in text the elements of a full address are separated by commas, except
before a zip code. See 24.3.2 for abbreviations in addresses.
The National Park Service maintains as a museum the house where
Lincoln died (516 10th Street NW, Washington, DC 20004; 202-426-
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designed the apartments at 860–880
North Lake Shore Drive.
Interstate 95 serves as a critical transportation line from Boston to
23.1.8 Parts of Published Works
With the exception of roman-numeral page numbers (as in the front matter
of a book; see 16.1.5, 18.1.5), numbers in parts of published works are
given in arabic numerals, regardless of the general rule (see 23.1.1) or their
appearance in the work itself. See also, 23.2.2.
chapter 14
part 2
act 1, scene 3
page 1024
23.1.9 Equations and Formulas
Numbers in equations and formulas are always given as numerals,
regardless of the general rule (see 23.1.1). For detailed guidance on
presenting mathematical expressions, see chapter 12 of The Chicago
Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017).
23.2 Plurals and Punctuation
23.2.1 Plurals
Form the plurals of spelled-out numbers like the plurals of other nouns (see
Half the men surveyed were in their thirties or forties.
Form the plurals of numbers expressed in numerals by adding s alone
(not s).
The pattern changed in the late 1990s as more taxpayers submitted
1040s online.
To fly 767s, the pilots required special training.
23.2.2 Commas within Numbers
In most numbers of four or more digits, set off thousands, hundreds of
thousands, millions, and so on with commas. (In the sciences, commas are
often omitted from four-digit numbers.)
Do not use a comma within a four-digit year; do use one for a year with
five or more digits (see also 23.3).
10,000 BC
Do not use a comma in page numbers, street addresses, telephone or fax
numbers, zip codes, decimal fractions of less than one, or numbers included
in organization names.
page 1012
0.1911 centimeters
15000 Elm Street
Committee of 1000
23.2.3 Other Punctuation within Numbers
Numbers sometimes include internal punctuation other than commas. For
periods (decimals), see 23.1.3 and 23.1.4; for colons, see 23.1.5; for
hyphens, see 23.1.1 and 23.1.3; for dashes, see 23.2.4.
23.2.4 Inclusive Numbers
To express a range of numbers, such as pages or years, give the first and last
(or inclusive) numbers of the sequence. If the numbers are spelled out,
express the range with the words from and to; if they are expressed in
numerals, use either these words or a connecting hyphen with no space on
either side. In some settings, such as citations, always use hyphens (see
chapters 16–19). Do not combine words and hyphens in expressing
inclusive numbers.
from 45 to 50 but not from 45–50
45–50 but not forty-five–fifty
For inclusive numbers of one hundred or greater, you may either use full
numbers on either side of a hyphen (245–280 or 1929–1994) or abbreviate
the second number. Table 23.2 shows one system of abbreviation.
This system works well for page numbers, which never include commas
(see 23.2.2). For numbers that include commas, use the system shown in
table 23.2, but repeat all digits if the change extends to the thousands place
or beyond. Never abbreviate roman numerals (see table 23.1).
Table 23.2. Abbreviation system for inclusive numbers
First number Second number Examples
1–99 Use all digits 3–10, 71–72, 96–117
100 or
multiples of
Use all digits 100–104, 1100–1113
101 through
109, 201
through 209,
Use changed part only 101–8, 808–33, 1103–4
110 through
199, 210
through 299,
Use two digits unless
more are needed to
include all changed parts
321–28, 498–532,
1087–89, 1496–500,
11564–615, 12991–3001
For years, give all digits for a span that includes more than one century.
Also give full dates in a system in which dates are counted backward from a
specific point (most notably BC, “before Christ,” and BCE, “before the
common era”). Otherwise use the system shown in table 23.2. See 23.3 for
more on date systems.
the years 1933–36
the winter of 1999–2000
15,000–14,000 BCE
115 BC–AD 10
23.3 Date Systems
23.3.1 Month, Day, and Year
Spell out the names of months when they occur in text, whether alone or in
dates. Express days and years in numerals, and avoid using them at the
beginning of a sentence, where they would have to be spelled out (see Do not abbreviate references to the year (“the great flood of
’05”). For abbreviations acceptable in tables, figures, and citations, see
Every September, we recall the events of 2001.
but not
Two thousand one was a memorable year.
For full references to dates, give the month, the day (followed by a
comma), and the year, in accordance with US practices. If you omit the day,
omit the comma. Also omit the comma for dates given with seasons instead
of months; do not capitalize the names of seasons (see 22.1.2). If you are
quoting material that uses British-style dates (15 March 2007), do not alter
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22,
By March 1865, the war was nearly over.
The research was conducted over several weeks in spring 2006.
Note that within complete dates, days are generally not given as ordinals
—that is, the numerals are not followed by st, nd, rd, or th. Use these
endings only with spelled-out numbers when you specify the day without
the month or year.
The date chosen for the raid was the twenty-ninth.
but not
The events occurred on June 11th, 1968.
23.3.2 Decades, Centuries, and Eras
In general, refer to decades using numerals, including the century (see
23.2.1 for plurals). If the century is clear, you may spell out the name of the
decade; do not abbreviate numerals (“the ’90s”). The first two decades of
any century do not lend themselves to either style and, for clarity, should
not be referred to in a shortened form.
The 1920s brought unheralded financial prosperity.
During the fifties, the Cold War dominated the headlines.
Many of these discoveries were announced during the first decade of
the twenty-first century.
Refer to centuries using either numerals or lowercase spelled-out names
(see 23.2.1 for plurals). If the century is spelled out and used as an adjective
preceding a noun that it modifies, as in the second example, include a
hyphen; otherwise do not (see 20.3.2).
The Ottoman Empire reached its apex in the 1600s.
She teaches nineteenth-century novels but would rather teach poetry
from the twentieth century.
The most common designations for eras use the abbreviations BC
(“before Christ”) and AD (anno Domini, “in the year of the Lord”). Some
disciplines use different designations, such as BCE and CE (see 24.4.3). AD
precedes the year number; the other designations follow it. For inclusive
numbers with eras, see 23.2.4.
Solomon’s Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC and
again by the Romans in AD 70.
23.4 Numbers Used outside the Text
The preceding sections provide guidelines for presenting numbers in the
text of your paper. Numbers used in tables, figures, source citations, and
lists are subject to some of their own rules. For additional advice, see the
23.4.1 Numbers in Tables, Figures, and Citations
In general, use arabic numerals to present numerical data in tables and
figures. For a discussion of numbers in tables, including table titles, see
26.2; for numbers in figures, including figure captions, see 26.3.
With few exceptions, arabic numerals are also used to cite volume
numbers, edition numbers, and page numbers and other locators. For a
discussion of numbers in notes-style citations, see 16.1.5 and chapter 17;
for numbers in author-date citations, see 18.1.5 and chapter 19.
23.4.2 Enumerations
You may use numerals (and letters) to enumerate points discussed in the
text, in appendixes, or in materials related to drafting your paper. LISTS. Your text may contain lists of items that you choose to
enumerate for emphasis. When such a list is relatively short, incorporate it
into a single sentence. Be sure that all the items are grammatically parallel
(all noun phrases, all adjectives, or the like). Each item should be preceded
by an arabic numeral in parentheses. If there are more than two items, each
should be followed by a comma (or, if the item is complex in structure, a
semicolon; see 21.3). If the list is an appositive, use a colon to introduce it;
otherwise do not use punctuation in this position (see 21.4).
Wilson’s secretary gave three reasons for his resignation: (1)
advancing age, (2) gradually failing eyesight, and (3) opposition to
the war.
The committee strongly endorsed the policies of (1) complete
executive power, except as constitutionally limited; (2) strong
legislative prerogatives; and (3) limited judicial authority, especially
when it interfered with the committee’s own role.
If you are already using arabic numerals in parentheses for other purposes,
substitute lowercase letters for the numbers.
Haskin’s latest theory has more than one drawback: (a) it is not
based on current evidence, and (b) it has a weak theoretical
If the items in the list are longer or you wish to give them greater
emphasis, arrange them in a vertical list. Introduce the list with a complete
sentence followed by a colon. Again, be sure that all the items are
grammatically parallel, and begin each one with a bullet or with an arabic
numeral followed by a period. If the items are complete sentences,
capitalize the first letter in each item and use terminal periods; otherwise
use lowercase letters and no periods (see 21.1). Align the numerals on the
periods and any lines that run over with the first word in the first line.
My research therefore suggests the following conclusions:
1. The painting could not have been a genuine Picasso, regardless of the
claims of earlier scholars.
2. It is impossible to identify the true artist without further technical analysis. OUTLINES. In some situations you may include an outline or a
similar enumeration in an appendix to your paper, or in a draft stage of the
paper (see 6.2.1). Use the following system of notation, consisting of letters
and roman and arabic numerals, and indent each level by one further tab
(usually a half inch). You should have at least two items to list at each level;
if you do not, reconsider the structure of the outline. If the items are
phrases, capitalize them sentence-style (see 22.3.1) and do not use terminal
punctuation. If they are complete sentences, capitalize and punctuate them
as you would any other sentence (see 6.2.1 for an example).
I. Wars of the nineteenth century
A. United States
1. Civil War, 1861–65
a) Cause
(1) Slavery
(a) Compromise
i) Missouri Compromise
ii) Compromise of 1850 . . .
b) Result
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
II. Wars of the twentieth century
A. United States
1. First World War . . .
24 Abbreviations
24.1 General Principles
24.1.1 Types of Abbreviations
24.1.2 When to Use Abbreviations
24.1.3 How to Format Abbreviations
24.2 Names and Titles
24.2.1 Personal Names
24.2.2 Professional Titles
24.2.3 Academic Degrees
24.2.4 Agencies, Companies, and Other Organizations
24.3 Geographical Terms
24.3.1 Place-Names
24.3.2 Addresses
24.4 Time and Dates
24.4.1 Time
24.4.2 Days and Months
24.4.3 Eras
24.5 Units of Measure
24.6 The Bible and Other Sacred Works
24.6.1 Jewish Bible / Old Testament
24.6.2 Apocrypha
24.6.3 New Testament
24.6.4 Versions of the Bible
24.6.5 Other Sacred Works
24.7 Abbreviations in Citations and Other Scholarly Contexts
This chapter offers general guidelines for using abbreviations.
Abbreviations in formal writing were once limited to a few special
circumstances, but they are now widely used in writing of all kinds. Even
so, their use must reflect the conventions of specific disciplines. The
guidelines presented here are appropriate for most humanities and social
science disciplines. If you are writing a paper in the natural or physical
sciences, mathematics, or any other technical field, follow the conventions
of the discipline.
The dictionaries from Merriam-Webster include entries for many
abbreviations from many fields. Another resource is chapter 10 of The
Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017). For style guides in various
disciplines, see the bibliography.
If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, your department or university
may have specific requirements for using abbreviations, which are usually
available from the office of theses and dissertations. If you are writing a
class paper, your instructor may also ask you to follow certain principles for
using abbreviations. Review these requirements before you prepare your
paper. They take precedence over the guidelines suggested here.
24.1 General Principles
24.1.1 Types of Abbreviations
Terms can be shortened, or abbreviated, in several ways. When a term is
shortened to only the first letters of each word and pronounced as a single
word (NATO, AIDS), it is called an acronym; if the letters are pronounced
as a series of letters (EU, PBS), it is called an initialism. Other terms are
shortened through contraction: just the first and last letters of the term are
retained (Mr., Dr., atty.), or the last letters are dropped (ed., Tues.). This
chapter treats all of these forms under the general term abbreviations, with
distinctions between types noted as relevant.
24.1.2 When to Use Abbreviations
In most papers, use abbreviations only sparingly in text because they can
make your writing seem either too informal or too technical. This chapter
covers types of abbreviations that are preferred over spelled-out terms and
others that are considered acceptable in academic writing if used
If your local guidelines allow it, you may use abbreviations for names,
titles, and other terms used frequently in your paper. Give the full term on
first reference, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. For subsequent
references, use the abbreviation consistently. If you use more than a few
such abbreviations, consider adding a list of abbreviations to the front
matter of the paper to aid readers who might miss your first reference to an
abbreviation (see A.2.1).
Abbreviations are more common, and are often required, outside the text
of the paper. This chapter discusses some abbreviations that may be used in
tables, figures, and citations. For additional discussion of abbreviations in
tables and figures, see chapter 26; for abbreviations in notes-style citations,
see 16.1.6 and chapter 17; for abbreviations in author-date citations, see
18.1.6 and chapter 19.
24.1.3 How to Format Abbreviations
Although abbreviations follow the general principles discussed here, there
are many exceptions.
Capitalization. Abbreviations are given in all capital letters, all lowercase
letters, or a combination.
Dist. Atty.
Punctuation. In general, abbreviations given in all capital letters do not
include periods, while those given in lowercase or a combination of
capital and lowercase letters have a period after each abbreviated
element. However, as you can see from the examples above, there are
exceptions: metric units of measure (see 24.5) are in lowercase without
periods; and no periods are used for academic degrees, whether or not
they include lowercase letters (see 24.2.3). Other exceptions are noted
throughout this chapter.
Spacing. In general, do not leave a space between letters in acronyms
(NATO) and initialisms (PBS), but do leave a space between elements in
abbreviations formed through shortening (Dist. Atty.), unless the first
element is a single letter (S.Sgt.). If an abbreviation contains an
ampersand (&), do not leave spaces around it (Texas A&M). For spaces
in personal names, see 24.2.1.
Italics. Abbreviations are not normally italicized unless they stand for an
italicized term (OED, for Oxford English Dictionary).
Indefinite articles. When an abbreviation follows an indefinite article,
choose between a and an depending on how the abbreviation is read
aloud. Acronyms (NATO, AIDS) are pronounced as words; initialisms
(EU, FDA) are read as a series of letters.
member nation of NATO a NATO member
person with AIDS an AIDS patient
member nation of the EU an EU member
the FDA an FDA mandate
24.2 Names and Titles
24.2.1 Personal Names
In general, do not abbreviate a person’s first (Benj. Franklin) or last name.
Once you have used a full name in text, use just the person’s last name in
subsequent references. However, if you are referring to more than one
person with that last name, use first names as necessary to avoid confusion
(Alice James, William James). If you refer to these names very frequently
in your paper, you may instead use abbreviations that you devise (AJ, WJ),
but be sure to use these abbreviations as specified in 24.1.2.
Some individuals are known primarily by initials in place of a first and/or
middle name. Such initials should be followed by a period and a space. If
you abbreviate an entire name, however, omit periods and spaces.
G. K. Chesterton but JFK
M. F. K. Fisher but FDR
Social titles such as Ms. and Mr. should always be abbreviated and
capitalized, followed by a period. In most papers, however, you need not
use such titles unless there is a possibility of confusion, such as referring to
either a husband or a wife.
Write abbreviations such as Sr., Jr., III (or 3rd), and IV (or 4th) without
commas before them. Normally these abbreviations are used only after a
full name, although royal and religious figures may be known only by a first
name. In frequent references to a father and a son, shortened versions may
be used (Holmes Sr.), but only after the full name has been presented. Do
not spell out the term when it is part of a name (for example, not John Smith
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
William J. Kaufmann III
Mary II
24.2.2 Professional Titles
Some individuals have civil, military, or religious titles such as the
following along with their personal names. Many of these titles are
conventionally abbreviated rather than spelled out in text when they
precede and are capitalized as part of a personal name.
Adm. Admiral Dr. Doctor
Ald. Alderman, Alderwoman Fr. Father
Atty. Gen. Attorney General Gen. General
Capt. Captain Gov. Governor
Col. Colonel Hon. Honorable
Dist. Atty. District Attorney Lt. Lieutenant
Lt. Col. Lieutenant Colonel Sen. Senator
Maj. Major Sgt. Sergeant
Pres. President S.Sgt. Staff Sergeant
Rep. Representative Sr. Sister
Rev. Reverend St. Saint
On first reference to an individual with such a title, use the abbreviation
with the person’s full name. (If you prefer, you may spell out the titles, but
do so consistently.) For subsequent references you may usually give just the
person’s last name, but if you need to repeat the title (to distinguish two
people with similar names, or as a disciplinary sign of respect), give the
spelled-out title with the last name. Never use Honorable or Hon. except
with a full name. If you spell out Honorable or Reverend before a full
name, the title should be preceded by the.
Sen. Richard J. Durbin Senator Durbin
Adm. Cecil D. Haney Admiral Haney
Rev. Jane Schaefer Reverend Schaefer
Hon. Patricia Birkholz Birkholz
the Honorable Patricia Birkholz
If you use one of these titles alone or after a personal name, it becomes a
generic term and should be lowercased and spelled out.
the senator from Illinois
Haney served as an admiral
An exception to the general pattern is Dr. Use either the abbreviation Dr.
before the name or the official abbreviation for the degree (see 24.2.3), set
off with commas, after the name. Do not use both together.
Dr. Lauren Shapiro discovered the cause of the outbreak.
Lauren Shapiro, MD, discovered . . .
Dr. Shapiro discovered . . .
The doctor discovered . . .
In addition to academic degrees (24.2.3), here are a few professional
titles that may be abbreviated following a personal name. Like MD in the
example above, such titles should be set off with commas.
JP justice of the peace
LPN licensed practical nurse
MP member of Parliament
SJ Society of Jesus
24.2.3 Academic Degrees
You may use abbreviations in text and elsewhere for the common academic
degrees. Some of the more common degrees are noted in the following list.
Most are initialisms (see 24.1.1), which are written in capital letters without
periods or spaces. Others contain both initials and shortened terms and
therefore both capital and lowercase letters, also without periods or spaces.
Traditionally all these forms appeared with periods (M.A., Ph.D., LL.B.), a
style still preferred by some institutions.
AB artium baccalaureus (bachelor of arts)
AM artium magister (master of arts)
BA bachelor of arts
BD bachelor of divinity
BFA bachelor of fine arts
BM bachelor of music
BS bachelor of science
DB divinitatis baccalaureus (bachelor of divinity)
DD divinitatis doctor (doctor of divinity)
DMin doctor of ministry
DO osteopathic physician (doctor of osteopathy)
EdD doctor of education
JD juris doctor (doctor of law)
LHD litterarum humaniorum doctor (doctor of humanities)
LittD litterarum doctor (doctor of letters)
LLB legum baccalaureus (bachelor of laws)
LLD legum doctor (doctor of laws)
MA master of arts
MBA master of business administration
MD medicinae doctor (doctor of medicine)
MFA master of fine arts
MS master of science
PhB philosophiae baccalaureus (bachelor of philosophy)
PhD philosophiae doctor (doctor of philosophy)
SB scientiae baccalaureus (bachelor of science)
SM scientiae magister (master of science)
STB sacrae theologiae baccalaureus (bachelor of sacred
24.2.4 Agencies, Companies, and Other Organizations
You may use abbreviations in text and elsewhere for the names of
government agencies, broadcasting companies, associations, fraternal and
service organizations, unions, and other groups that are commonly known
by acronyms or initialisms (see 24.1.1). Spell out the full name on first
reference, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses (see 24.1.2). Such
abbreviations are in full capitals with no periods. Here is a representative
list of such abbreviations; other names within these categories (for example,
ABA, CBS, and NEH) should be treated similarly.
If a company is not commonly known by an abbreviation, spell out and
capitalize its name in the text. The names of some companies contain
abbreviations and ampersands. If in doubt about the correct form, look up
the company name at its corporate website or, for historical forms, in an
authoritative reference. You may omit such terms as Inc. or Ltd. from the
name, and do not capitalize the word the at the beginning of the name.
Subsequent references can drop terms such as & Co. or Corporation.
Merck & Co.
RAND Corporation
the University of Chicago Press
In tables, figures, and citations, you may use any of the following
abbreviations in company names.
LP (limited partnership)
PLC (public limited company)
RR (railroad)
Ry. (railway)
24.3 Geographical Terms
24.3.1 Place-Names
In text, always spell out and capitalize the names of countries, states,
counties, provinces, territories, bodies of water, mountains, and the like (see
Always spell out United States when using it as a noun. When using it as
an adjective, you may either abbreviate it to US or spell it out (for a more
formal tone).
She was ineligible for the presidency because she was not born in
the United States.
His US citizenship was revoked later that year.
In tables, figures, citations, and mailing addresses, abbreviate the names
of US states using the two-letter postal codes created by the US Postal
District of Columbia
North Carolina
North Dakota
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
You may also abbreviate the names of Canadian provinces and territories
where state names would be abbreviated.
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
Prince Edward Island
24.3.2 Addresses
In text, spell out and capitalize terms that are part of addresses, including
those listed below and similar ones (other synonyms for street, for
example). In tables, figures, citations, and mailing addresses, use the
abbreviations. Note that all the abbreviations use periods except for the
two-letter initialisms (such as NE). See 23.1.7 for an example of an address
in text.
Ave. Avenue St. Street
Blvd. Boulevard N. North
Ct. Court S. South
Dr. Drive E. East
Expy. Expressway W. West
Pkwy. Parkway NE Northeast
Rd. Road NW Northwest
Sq. Square SE Southeast
Pl. Place SW Southwest
24.4 Time and Dates
24.4.1 Time
You may use the abbreviations a.m. (ante meridiem, or before noon) and
p.m. (post meridiem, or after noon) in text and elsewhere to designate
specific times. The abbreviations should be lowercase and in roman type.
Do not combine them with in the morning, in the evening, or o’clock; see
also 23.1.5.
24.4.2 Days and Months
In text, spell out and capitalize the names of days of the week and months
of the year; see also 23.3.1. In tables, figures, and citations, you may
abbreviate them if you do so consistently. (Note that some months in this
system are not abbreviated.)
24.4.3 Eras
There are various systems for designating eras, all of which use
abbreviations with numerical dates. BC and AD are the most common
designations, though BCE and CE may be used instead. To refer to the very
distant past, a designation such as BP or MYA may become necessary. AD
precedes the year number; the other designations follow it (see also 23.2.4
and 23.3.2).
BC before Christ
AD anno Domini (in the year of the Lord)
BCE before the common era
CE common era
BP before the present
MYA (or mya) million years ago
24.5 Units of Measure
In the humanities and social sciences, spell out the names of units of
measure such as dimensions, distances, volumes, weights, and degrees.
Spell out the numbers or use numerals according to the general rule you are
following (see 23.1.1).
five miles
150 kilograms
14.5 meters
In the sciences, use standard abbreviations for units of measure when the
amount is given in numerals. (You may use abbreviations in other
disciplines, depending on your local guidelines.) Leave a space between the
numeral and the unit, except where convention dictates otherwise (36°;
10%; see also 23.1.3). Note that abbreviations are the same in singular and
plural. Spell out units of measure when they are not preceded by a number
or when the number is spelled out (as at the beginning of a sentence; see
We injected 10 μL of virus near the implants.
Results are given in microliters.
Twelve microliters of virus was considered a safe amount.
For a list of abbreviations including common units of measure, see 10.49 of
The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017).
24.6 The Bible and Other Sacred Works
When you refer in text to whole chapters or books of the Bible or the
Apocrypha, spell out the names of the books but do not italicize them.
Jeremiah 42–44 records the flight of the Jews to Egypt.
The Revelation of St. John the Divine, known as Revelation, closes
the New Testament.
When you cite biblical passages by verse (see 17.5.2 and 19.5.2),
abbreviate the names of the books, using arabic numerals if they are
numbered (2 Kings). Also use arabic numerals for chapter and verse
numbers, with a colon between them. Since versions of the scriptures do not
all use the same names and numbers for books, identify the version you are
citing. Depending on the context, you may either spell out the name of the
version, at least on first occurrence, or use abbreviations (see 24.6.4), as
shown here.
Song of Sol. 2:1–5 NRSV
Ruth 3:14 NAB
The following sections list both traditional and shorter abbreviations for the
books of the Bible, arranged in alphabetical order. If you are unsure which
form of abbreviation is appropriate, consult your instructor. Where no
abbreviation is given, use the full form.
24.6.1 Jewish Bible / Old Testament
Note that the abbreviation for Old Testament is OT.
Traditional Shorter Full name
Amos Am Amos
1 Chron. 1 Chr 1 Chronicles
2 Chron. 2 Chr 2 Chronicles
Dan. Dn Daniel
Deut. Dt Deuteronomy
Eccles. Eccl Ecclesiastes
Esther Est Esther
Exod. Ex Exodus
Ezek. Ez Ezekiel
Ezra Ezr Ezra
Gen. Gn Genesis
Hab. Hb Habakkuk
Hag. Hg Haggai
Hosea Hos Hosea
Isa. Is Isaiah
Jer. Jer Jeremiah
Job Jb Job
Joel Jl Joel
Jon. Jon Jonah
Josh. Jo Joshua
Judg. Jgs Judges
1 Kings 1 Kgs 1 Kings
2 Kings 2 Kgs 2 Kings
Lam. Lam Lamentations
Lev. Lv Leviticus
Mal. Mal Malachi
Mic. Mi Micah
Nah. Na Nahum
Neh. Neh Nehemiah
Num. Nm Numbers
Obad. Ob Obadiah
Prov. Prv Proverbs
Ps. (plural Pss.) Ps (plural Pss) Psalms
Ruth Ru Ruth
1 Sam. 1 Sm 1 Samuel
2 Sam. 2 Sm 2 Samuel
Song of Sol. Sg Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)
Zech. Zec Zechariah
Zeph. Zep Zephaniah
24.6.2 Apocrypha
The books of the Apocrypha are included in Roman Catholic but not Jewish
or Protestant versions of the Bible. Note that the traditional abbreviation for
Apocrypha is Apoc. (no shorter abbreviation).
Traditional Shorter Full name
Bar. Bar Baruch
Bel and Dragon Bel and the Dragon
Ecclus. Sir Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
1 Esd. 1 Esdras
2 Esd. 2 Esdras
Jth. Jdt Judith
1 Macc. 1 Mc 1 Maccabees
2 Macc. 2 Mc 2 Maccabees
Pr. of Man. Prayer of Manasses (Manasseh)
Song of Three
Song of the Three Holy Children
Sus. Susanna
Tob. Tb Tobit
Wisd. of Sol. Ws Wisdom of Solomon
Additions to Esther (Rest of
24.6.3 New Testament
Note that the abbreviation for New Testament is NT.
Traditional Shorter Full name
Acts Acts of the Apostles
Apoc. Apocalypse (Revelation)
Col. Col Colossians
1 Cor. 1 Cor 1 Corinthians
2 Cor. 2 Cor 2 Corinthians
Eph. Eph Ephesians
Gal. Gal Galatians
Heb. Heb Hebrews
James Jas James
John Jn John (Gospel)
1 John 1 Jn 1 John (Epistle)
2 John 2 Jn 2 John (Epistle)
3 John 3 Jn 3 John (Epistle)
Jude Jude
Luke Lk Luke
Mark Mk Mark
Matt. Mt Matthew
1 Pet. 1 Pt 1 Peter
2 Pet. 2 Pt 2 Peter
Phil. Phil Philippians
Philem. Phlm Philemon
Rev. Rv Revelation (Apocalypse)
Rom. Rom Romans
1 Thess. 1 Thes 1 Thessalonians
2 Thess. 2 Thes 2 Thessalonians
1 Tim. 1 Tm 1 Timothy
2 Tim. 2 Tm 2 Timothy
Titus Ti Titus
24.6.4 Versions of the Bible
These abbreviations cover many standard versions of the Bible. If the
version you are citing is not listed here, consult your instructor.
ARV American Revised Version
ASV American Standard Version
AT American Translation
AV Authorized (King James) Version
CEV Contemporary English Version
DV Douay Version
ERV English Revised Version
EV English version(s)
JB Jerusalem Bible
NAB New American Bible
NEB New English Bible
NRSV New Revised Standard Version
RSV Revised Standard Version
RV Revised Version
Vulg. Vulgate
24.6.5 Other Sacred Works
Many sacred works of other religious traditions are divided into parts
similar to those of the Bible. Capitalize and set in roman type the names of
the works themselves (Qur’an [or Koran], Vedas), but italicize the names of
their parts (al-Baqarah, Rig-Veda). Although there is no widely accepted
method for abbreviating the names of these works or their parts, you may
punctuate citations from them similarly to those from the Bible (see also
17.5.2 and 19.5.2). If a work has multiple numbered divisions, you may
substitute periods or commas for colons or make other adaptations to clarify
the location of the cited passage.
Qur’an 2:257 or Qur’an 2 (al-Baqarah): 257
Mahabharata 1.2.3
If your paper is in religious studies, consult your instructor for more specific
24.7 Abbreviations in Citations and Other Scholarly Contexts
Many abbreviations are commonly used and even preferred in citations,
especially for identifying the roles of individuals other than authors (ed.,
trans.), the parts of works (vol., bk., sec.), and locating information (p., n.).
For guidelines on using abbreviations in citations, see 16.1.6 and chapter 17
or 18.1.6 and chapter 19.
In text it is usually better to spell things out. Common abbreviations like
e.g., i.e., and etc., if used, should be confined to parentheses (see 21.8.1).
Following is a list of some of the most common abbreviations
encountered in citations and other scholarly contexts. Unless otherwise
shown, most form the plural by adding s or es. None of them are normally
abbr. abbreviated, abbreviation
abr. abridged, abridgment
anon. anonymous
app. appendix
assn. association
b. born
bib. Bible, biblical
bibliog. bibliography, bibliographer
biog. biography, biographer
bk. book
ca. circa, about, approximately
cap. capital, capitalize
CD compact disc
cf. confer, compare
chap. chapter
col. color (best spelled out); column
comp. compiler, compiled by
cont. continued
corr. corrected
d. died
dept. department
dict. dictionary
diss. dissertation
div. division
DOI digital object identifier
DVD digital versatile (or video) disc
ed. editor, edition, edited by
e.g. exempli gratia, for example
enl. enlarged
esp. especially
et al. et alii or et alia, and others
etc. et cetera, and so forth
ex. example
fig. figure
ff. and following
fol. folio
fps frames per second
frag. fragment
ftp file transfer protocol
http hypertext transfer protocol
ibid. ibidem, in the same place
id. idem, the same
i.e. id est, that is
ill. illustrated, illustration, illustrator
inf. infra, below
intl. international
intro. introduction
1. (pl. 11.) line (best spelled out to avoid confusion with numerals
1 and 11)
loc. cit. loco citato, in the place cited (best avoided)
misc. miscellaneous
MS (pl.
n. (pl. nn.) note (used without periods in citations)
natl. national
n.b. or NB nota bene, take careful note
n.d. no date
no. number
n.p. no place; no publisher; no page
NS New Style (dates)
n.s. new series
op. cit. opera citato, in the work cited (best avoided)
org. organization
OS Old Style (dates)
o.s. old series
p. (pl. pp.) page
para. or
personal communication
pl. plate (best spelled out); plural
PS postscriptum, postscript
pseud. pseudonym
pt. part
pub. publication, publisher, published by
q.v. quod vide, which see
r. recto, right
repr. reprint
rev. revised, revised by, revision; review, reviewed by
ROM read-only memory
sd. sound
sec. section
ser. series
sing. singular
soc. society
sup. supra, above
supp. supplement
s.v. (pl.
sub verbo, sub voce, under the word
syn. synonym, synonymous
t.p. title page
trans. translated by, translator
univ. university
URL uniform resource locator
usu. usually
v. (pl. vv.) verse; verso, right
viz. videlicet, namely
vol. volume
vs. or v. versus (in legal contexts, use v.)
25 Quotations
25.1 Quoting Accurately and Avoiding Plagiarism
25.2 Incorporating Quotations into Your Text
25.2.1 Run-in Quotations
25.2.2 Block Quotations
25.3 Modifying Quotations
25.3.1 Permissible Changes
25.3.2 Omissions
This chapter offers general guidelines for presenting quotations. Although
all of the examples are in English, the guidelines also apply to quotations
from other languages (see also 22.2.1).
Quoting directly from a source is just one of several options for
representing the work of others in your paper; for a discussion of the
alternatives and when to use them, see 7.4. Whichever option you choose,
you must cite the source of the words or ideas. Chapter 15 provides an
introduction to citation practices, and the following chapters describe two
common citation styles (chapters 16 and 17, notes style; chapters 18 and 19,
author-date style).
If you are writing a thesis or a dissertation, your department or university
may have specific requirements for presenting quotations, which are usually
available from the office of theses and dissertations. If you are writing a
class paper, your instructor may also ask you to follow certain principles for
presenting quotations. Review those requirements before you prepare your
paper. They take precedence over the guidelines suggested here. For style
guides in various disciplines, see the bibliography.
If your dissertation will be submitted to an external dissertation
repository, you may need to obtain formal permission from copyright
holders for certain types of quotations. See chapter 4 of The Chicago
Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017).
25.1 Quoting Accurately and Avoiding Plagiarism
Accurate quotation is crucial to the scholarly enterprise, so you must
use only reliable, relevant sources (see 3.3)
transcribe words exactly as they are in the original, or modify them only
as described in 25.3
accurately report the sources in your bibliography or reference list (see
chapters 16 and 18) so that readers can consult them for themselves
The ethics of scholarship also require that whenever you quote words or
rely on tables, graphics, or data from another source, you clearly indicate
what you borrowed and from where, using the appropriate citation style
(see chapter 15). If you do not, you risk a charge of plagiarism. But even if
you do cite a source accurately, you still risk a charge of plagiarism if you
use the exact words of the source but fail to identify them as a quotation in
one of the ways given in 25.2. For a fuller discussion of plagiarism, see 7.9.
25.2 Incorporating Quotations into Your Text
You can incorporate a quotation into your text in one of two ways,
depending on its length. If the quotation is four lines or less, run it into your
text and enclose it in quotation marks. If it is five lines or longer, set it off as
a block quotation, without quotation marks. Follow the same principles for
quotations within footnotes or endnotes.
You may use a block quotation for a quotation shorter than five lines if
you want to emphasize it or compare it to a longer quotation.
25.2.1 Run-in Quotations
When quoting a passage of less than five lines, enclose the exact words
quoted in double quotation marks. There are several ways to integrate a
quotation into the flow of your text; see 7.5. You may introduce it with the
name of the author accompanied by a term such as notes, claims, argues, or
according to. (Note that these terms are usually in the present tense, rather
than noted, claimed, and so forth, but some disciplines follow different
practices.) In this case, put a comma before the quotation.
Ricoeur writes, “The boundary between plot and argument is no
easier to trace.”
As Ricoeur notes, “The boundary between plot and argument is no
easier to trace.”
If you weave a quotation more tightly into the syntax of your sentence,
such as with the word that, do not put a comma before it.
Ricoeur warns us that “the boundary between plot and argument is
no easier to trace.”
If you put the attributing phrase in the middle or at the end of a quotation,
set it off with a pair of commas when it occurs in the middle or with a
single comma when it occurs at the end.
“The boundary between plot and argument,” says Ricoeur, “is no
easier to trace.”
“The boundary between plot and argument is no easier to trace,”
says Ricoeur.
For the use of commas, periods, and other punctuation marks relative to
quotations, see 21.12.2 and 25.3.1; for permissible changes to capitalization
and other elements, see 25.3.1. PLACEMENT OF CITATIONS. If you cite the source of a
quotation in a footnote or endnote, where you place the superscript note
number (see 16.3.2) depends on where the quotation falls within a sentence.
If the quotation is at the end of the sentence, put the number after the
closing quotation mark.
According to Litwack, “Scores of newly freed slaves viewed
movement as a vital expression of their emancipation.”
If the quotation ends in the middle of a sentence, put the number at the
end of the clause that includes the quotation, which often is the end of the
“Scores of newly freed slaves viewed movement as a vital
expression of their emancipation,” according to Litwack.
Litwack argues that “scores of newly freed slaves viewed movement
as a vital expression of their emancipation,”
and he proceeds to
prove this assertion.
The same placement options apply to citations given parenthetically with
either notes-style (16.4.3) or author-date citations (see 18.3.1), with two
notable differences:
If a period or comma would normally precede the closing quotation
mark, place it outside the quotation, following the closing parenthesis.
The authors seek to understand “how people categorize the
objects they encounter in everyday situations” (Bowker and Star
1999, 59).
To determine “how people categorize the objects they encounter in
everyday situations” (Bowker and Star 1999, 59), the authors
devised a study.
When the authors name is mentioned in text along with the quotation,
place the date next to the authors name, regardless of where it appears
relative to the quotation.
“Scores of newly freed slaves viewed movement as a vital
expression of their emancipation,” according to Litwack (1999,
Litwack’s (1999, 482) observation that “scores of newly freed
slaves . . .” SPECIAL PUNCTUATION. For a quotation within a quotation,
use single quotation marks for the inner set of quoted words.
Rothko, argues Ball, “wanted to make works that wrought a
transcendent effect, that dealt with spiritual concerns: ‘Paintings
must be like miracles,’ he once said.”
If you run two or more lines of poetry into your text, separate them with
a slash (/), with a space before and after it. In most cases, however, use
block quotations for poetry (see
They reduce life to a simple proposition: “All things have rest, and
ripen toward the grave; / In silence, ripen, fall, and cease.”
25.2.2 Block Quotations PROSE. Present a prose quotation of five or more lines as a block
quotation. Introduce the quotation in your own words in the text; see 7.5. If
you introduce the quotation with a complete sentence, end the sentence with
a colon. If you use only an attribution phrase such as notes, claims, argues,
or according to along with the authors name, end the phrase with a comma.
If you weave the quotation into the syntax of your sentence, do not use any
punctuation before the quotation if no punctuation would ordinarily appear
there (see the second example below).
Single-space a block quotation, and leave a blank line before and after it.
Do not add quotation marks at the beginning or end, but preserve any
quotation marks in the original. Indent the entire quotation as far as you
indent the first line of a paragraph. (In literary studies and other fields
concerned with close analysis of texts, you should indent the first line of a
block quotation farther than the rest of the quotation if the text is indented
in the original; see also 25.3.) For other punctuation and capitalization
within the quotation, see 25.3.1.
Jackson begins by evoking the importance of home:
Housing is an outward expression of the inner human nature; no
society can be fully understood apart from the residences of its
members. A nineteenth-century melody declares, “There’s no
place like home,” and even though she had Emerald City at her
feet, Dorothy could think of no place she would rather be than at
home in Kansas. Our homes are our havens from the world.
In the rest of his introduction, he discusses . . .
If you quote more than one paragraph, do not add extra line space
between them, but indent the first line of the second and subsequent
paragraphs farther than the rest of the quotation.
He observed that
governments ordinarily perish by powerlessness or by
tyranny. In the first case, power escapes them; in the other, it
is torn from them.
Many people, on seeing democratic states fall into anarchy,
have thought that government in these states was naturally
weak and powerless. The truth is that when war among their
parties has once been set aflame, government loses its action
on society. (Tocqueville, 248)
If you cite the source in a footnote or endnote, place the note number as a
superscript at the end of the block quotation, as in the first example above
(see also 16.3.2). If you cite the source parenthetically, put the citation after
the terminal punctuation of a block quotation, as in the second example
above. (Note that this differs from its placement with a run-in quotation, as
explained in POETRY AND DRAMA. Present a quotation of two or more
lines from poetry as a block quotation. Begin each line of the poem on a
new line, with punctuation at the ends of lines as in the original. For most
papers, indent a block of poetry as you would a prose quotation; if a line is
too long to fit on a single line, indent the runover farther than the rest of the
quotation. (In a dissertation or other longer paper that includes many poetry
quotations, center each left-aligned quotation on the page relative to the
longest line.)
Whitman’s poem includes some memorable passages:
My tongue, every atom of my blood, form’d from this
soil, this air,
Born here of parents born here from parents the same,
and their parents the same,
I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,
Hoping to cease not till death.
If you are quoting a poem with an unusual alignment, reproduce the
alignment of the original to the best of your ability.
This is what Herbert captured so beautifully:
Sure there was wine
Before my sighs did drie it: there was corn
Before my tears did drown it.
Is the yeare onely lost to me?
Have I no bayes to crown it?
No flowers, no garlands gay? all blasted?
All wasted?
If you quote two or more lines of dialogue from a dramatic work, set the
quotation apart in a block quotation formatted as you would prose. Present
each speakers name so that it is distinct from the dialogue, such as in all
capital letters or in a different font. Begin each speech on a new line, and
indent runovers farther than the rest of the quotation.
Then the play takes an unusual turn:
R. ROISTER DOISTER. Except I have her to my wife, I shall run
M. MERYGREEKE. Nay, “unwise” perhaps, but I warrant you for
“mad.” EPIGRAPHS. An epigraph is a quotation that establishes a theme
of your paper. For epigraphs used in the front matter of a thesis or
dissertation, see A.2.1. Treat an epigraph at the beginning of a chapter or
section as a block quotation. On the line below it, give the author and the
title, flush right and preceded by an em dash (or two hyphens; see 21.7.2).
You do not need a more formal citation for an epigraph. Leave two blank
lines between the source line and the beginning of text. See also figure A.9.
The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains it like the
lines of a hand.
—Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
25.3 Modifying Quotations
When you do your research, you must record the exact wording, spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation of any text you plan to quote, even if they do
not follow the guidelines in this manual. When you incorporate the
quotation into your paper, however, you may make minor adjustments to fit
the syntax of the surrounding text or to emphasize certain parts of the
Note that disciplines have different standards for issues discussed in this
section, such as modifying initial capital and lowercase letters and using
ellipses for omissions. For papers in most disciplines, follow the general
guidelines. For papers in literary studies and other fields concerned with
close analysis of texts, follow the stricter guidelines given under some
topics. If you are not sure which set to follow, consult your local guidelines
or your instructor.
25.3.1 Permissible Changes SPELLING. If the original source contains an obvious
typographic error, correct it without comment.
Original: These conclusions are not definate, but they are certainly
Clayton admits that his conclusions are “not definite.”
If, however, such an error reveals something significant about the source
or is relevant to your argument, preserve it in your quotation. Immediately
following the error, insert the Latin word sic (“so”), italicized and enclosed
in brackets, to identify it as the authors error. It is considered bad manners
to call out errors just to embarrass a source.
Original: The average American does not know how to spell and
cannot use a coma properly.
Russell exemplifies her own argument by claiming that the average
American “cannot use a coma [sic] properly.”
When quoting from an older source or one that represents dialect with
nonstandard spelling, preserve idiosyncrasies of spelling, and do not use sic.
If you modernize or alter all of the spelling and punctuation for clarity,
inform your readers in a note or preface. CAPITALIZATION AND PUNCTUATION. In most disciplines
you may change the initial letter of a quoted passage from capital to
lowercase or from lowercase to capital without noting the change. If you
weave the quotation into the syntax of your sentence, begin it with a
lowercase letter. Otherwise begin it with a capital letter if it begins with a
complete sentence, with a lowercase letter if it does not. You may also make
similar changes when you use ellipses; see 25.3.2.
Original: As a result of these factors, the Mexican people were
bound to benefit from the change.
Fernandez claims, “The Mexican people were bound to benefit from
the change.”
Fernandez claims that “the Mexican people were bound to benefit
from the change.”
Fernandez points out that “as a result of these factors, the Mexican
people were bound to benefit from the change.”
“The Mexican people,” notes Fernandez, “were bound to benefit from
the change.”
Depending on how you work the quotation in the text, you may also omit
a final period or change it to a comma.
Fernandez notes that the Mexicans were “bound to benefit from the
change” as a result of the factors he discusses.
“The Mexican people were bound to benefit from the change,”
argues Fernandez.
Likewise, if the original passage ends with a colon or semicolon, you
may delete it or change it to a period or a comma, depending on the
structure of your sentence (see
In literary studies and other fields concerned with close analysis of texts,
indicate any change in capitalization by putting the altered letter in
brackets. (For the use of ellipsis dots in literary studies, see
“. . . [T]he Mexican people were bound to benefit from the change,”
argues Fernandez.
Fernandez points out that “[a]s a result of these factors, the Mexican
people were bound to benefit from the change.”
In any discipline, if you put double quotation marks around a passage
that already includes double quotation marks, change the internal marks to
single quotation marks for clarity (see ITALICS. You may italicize for emphasis words that are not
italicized in the original, but you must indicate the change with the notation
italics mine or emphasis added, placed either in the quotation or in its
citation. Within the quotation, add the notation in square brackets
immediately after the italicized words. In a citation, add the notation after
the page number, preceded by a semicolon (see also 16.3.5). In general,
avoid adding italics to passages that include italics in the original; if it
becomes necessary, you may distinguish these with the notation italics in
original or, for example, Flaubert’s italics.
According to Schultz, “By the end of 2010, every democracy
[emphasis added] will face the challenge of nuclear terrorism.”
Brown notes simply that the destruction of the tribes “had all
happened in less than ten years” (271; italics mine). INSERTIONS. If you need to insert a word or more of
explanation, clarification, or correction into a quotation, enclose the
insertion in brackets. If you find yourself making many such insertions,
consider paraphrasing or weaving smaller quotations into your text instead.
As she observes, “These masters [Picasso, Braque, Matisse]
rebelled against academic training.”
She observes that Picasso, Braque, and Matisse “rebelled against
academic training.” NOTES. If you quote a passage that includes a superscript note
number but do not quote the note itself, you may omit the note number. On
the other hand, parenthetical text references in the original should usually
be retained.
25.3.2 Omissions
If you omit words, phrases, sentences, or even paragraphs from a quotation
because they seem irrelevant, be careful not to change or misrepresent the
meaning of the original source. Not only must you preserve words whose
absence might change the entire meaning of the quotation (such as not,
never, or always), but you must also preserve important qualifications. The
quotation shown in the following example would be a misrepresentation of
the authors meaning. (See also 4.2.4.)
Original: The change was sure to be beneficial once the immediate
troubles subsided.
Yang claims, “The change was sure to be beneficial.” INSERTING ELLIPSES. To indicate the omission of a word,
phrase, or sentence, use ellipsis dots—three periods with spaces between
them. To avoid breaking an ellipsis over the line, use your word processors
ellipsis character or, alternatively, use a nonbreaking space before and after
the middle dot. You will also need to use a nonbreaking space between the
ellipsis and any punctuation mark that follows. (Any mark that precedes the
ellipsis, including a period, may appear at the end of the line above.) Since
the dots stand for words omitted, they always go inside the quotation marks
or block quotation.
How you use ellipses in certain situations depends on your discipline. For
most disciplines, follow the general method; for literary studies and other
fields concerned with close analysis of texts, follow the textual studies
method (see If you are not sure which method to follow, consult
your local guidelines or your instructor. See 25.3.1 for adjustments to
capitalization and punctuation with omissions. GENERAL METHOD FOR ELLIPSES. You may shorten a
quotation such as the following in several different ways.
Original: When a nation is wrong, it should say so and apologize to
the wronged party. It should conduct itself according to the standards
of international diplomacy. It should also take steps to change the
If you omit words within a sentence, use three ellipsis dots as described
above (
“When a nation is wrong, it should . . . apologize to the wronged
If you omit material between sentences and the material preceding the
omission is a grammatically complete sentence, use a terminal punctuation
mark immediately following that sentence. Leave a space between that
punctuation mark and the first ellipsis dot. Follow this practice even if the
omission includes the end of the preceding sentence as long as what is left
is grammatically complete (as in the second example here).
“When a nation is wrong, it should say so and apologize to the
wronged party. . . . It should also take steps to change the situation.”
“When a nation is wrong, it should say so. . . . It should also take
steps to change the situation.”
If you omit material between sentences so that the material preceding and
following the omission combines to form a grammatically complete
sentence, do not include terminal punctuation before the ellipsis. To avoid
misrepresenting the authors meaning, however, it is generally better to use
one of the shortening options above or to use two separate quotations in this
“When a nation is wrong, it should say so and . . . take steps to
change the situation.”
The same principles apply with other types of punctuation marks, which
precede or follow an ellipsis depending on where the words are omitted. In
some situations, such as the second example below, consider using a more
selective quotation.
“How hot was it? . . . No one could function in that climate.”
“The merchant’s stock included dry goods and sundry other
items . . . , all for purchase by the women of the town.”
The merchant stocked “dry goods and sundry other items” for the
town’s women.
Since in many contexts it is obvious when a quotation has been
shortened, you need not use ellipsis points in the following situations:
before or after a quoted phrase, incomplete sentence, or other fragment
from the original that is clearly not a complete sentence; if you omit
anything within the fragment, however, use ellipsis points at the
appropriate place:
Smith wrote that the president had been “very much impressed” by
the paper that stressed “using the economic resources . . . of all the
major powers.”
at the beginning of a quotation, even if the beginning of the sentence
from the original has been omitted (but see for the textual
studies method for ellipses)
at the end of a quotation, even if the end of the sentence from the original
has been omitted TEXTUAL STUDIES METHOD FOR ELLIPSES. The textual
studies method uses ellipses more strictly than the general method to
represent omissions of material at the beginning and end of quoted
sentences. If you use this method, follow the principles of the general
method except as noted below.
Original: When a nation is wrong, it should say so and apologize to
the wronged party. It should conduct itself according to the standards
of international diplomacy. It should also take steps to change the
If you omit material between sentences but quote the sentence preceding
the omission in full, include the terminal punctuation mark from the
original. Leave a space between that punctuation mark and the first
ellipsis dot, as in the general method, shown in the first example below.
However, if the omission includes the end of the preceding sentence
(even if what is left is a grammatically complete sentence), put a space
instead of a punctuation mark immediately following that sentence. After
the space, use three ellipsis dots to represent the omission, followed by a
space and the terminal punctuation mark from the original (as in the
second example here).
“When a nation is wrong, it should say so and apologize to the
wronged party. . . . It should also take steps to change the
“When a nation is wrong, it should say so . . . . It should also take
steps to change the situation.”
If you begin a quotation with a sentence that is grammatically complete
despite an omission at the beginning of the sentence, indicate the
omission with an ellipsis. If the first word is capitalized in the quotation
but not in the original, indicate the changed letter in brackets (see 25.3.1).
“. . . [I]t should say so and apologize to the wronged party.”
If you end a quotation with a sentence that is grammatically complete
despite an omission at the end of the sentence, indicate the omission with
a space and a three-dot ellipsis, followed by a space and the terminal
punctuation from the original, as you would for an omitted ending
between sentences.
“When a nation is wrong, it should say so . . . .” OMITTING A PARAGRAPH OR MORE. The following
practice applies to both the general and textual studies methods of handling
If you omit a full paragraph or more within a block quotation, indicate
that omission with a period and three ellipsis dots at the end of the
paragraph before the omission. If the quotation includes another paragraph
after the omission, indent the first line of the new paragraph. If it starts in
the middle of a paragraph, begin with three ellipsis points after the
Merton writes:
A brand-new conscience was just coming into existence as an
actual, operating function of a soul. My choices were just
about to become responsible. . . .
. . . Since no man ever can, or could, live by himself and for
himself alone, the destinies of thousands of other people were
bound to be affected. OMITTING A LINE OR MORE OF POETRY. For both the
general and textual studies methods, show the omission of one or more
complete lines of a poem quoted in a block quotation by a line of ellipsis
points about as long as the line above it.
The key passage reads as follows:
Weep no more, woeful shepherds, weep no more,
For Lycidas your sorrow is not dead,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To all that wander in that perilous flood.
26 Tables and Figures
26.1 General Issues
26.1.1 Position in the Text
26.1.2 Size
26.1.3 Source Lines
26.2 Tables
26.2.1 Table Structure
26.2.2 Table Numbers and Titles
26.2.3 Rules
26.2.4 Column Heads
26.2.5 The Stub
26.2.6 The Body of a Table
26.2.7 Footnotes
26.3 Figures
26.3.1 Charts and Graphs
26.3.2 Figure Numbers and Captions
Many research papers use tables and figures to present data. Tables are grids
consisting of columns and rows that present numerical or verbal facts by
categories. Figures include charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs, maps,
musical examples, drawings, and other images. All these types of tabular and
nontextual materials are collectively referred to as illustrations (a term
sometimes used interchangeably with figures) or graphics.
When you have data that could be conveyed in a table or figure, your first
task is to choose the most effective of these formats; some kinds of data are
better represented in a table, some in a chart, others in a graph. Your choice
will affect how your readers respond to your data. These are rhetorical issues,
discussed in chapter 8. This chapter focuses on how to construct the
particular form you choose, looking specifically at tables and two types of
figures—charts and graphs.
Most tables, charts, and graphs are created with software. You cannot rely
on software, however, to select the most effective format or to generate such
items in the correct style, nor will software ensure logical or formal
consistency. Expect to change some default settings before creating tables,
charts, and graphs and to fine-tune these items once they are produced.
Your department or university may have specific requirements for
formatting tables and figures, usually available from the office of theses and
dissertations. If you are writing a class paper, check with your instructor for
any special requirements. Review these requirements before you prepare your
paper. They take precedence over the guidelines suggested here. For style
guides in various disciplines, see the bibliography.
For more information on creating and formatting tables and figures and
inserting them into your paper, see A.3.1.
26.1 General Issues
There are several issues common to the presentation of tables and figures in
26.1.1 Position in the Text
Normally you should place a table or figure immediately after the paragraph
in which you first mention it. Sometimes, however, such placement will cause
a short table to break unnecessarily across the page or a figure to jump to the
top of the next page, leaving more than a few lines of white space at the
bottom of the previous page. To prevent either of these from happening, you
may (a) place the table or figure farther along in the text, as long as it remains
within a page of its first mention, or (b) place the table or figure just before
the first mention, as long as it appears on the same page as the mention.
(Such adjustments are best made after the text of your paper is final.)
You may group smaller tables or figures on a page, as long as they are
clearly distinct from one another. Grouped tables generally retain their own
titles (see 26.2.2). If grouped figures are closely related, give them a single
number and a general caption; otherwise use separate numbers and captions
(see 26.3.2). (Depending on your local guidelines, you may instead group
tables and figures together in a section labeled Illustrations in the back matter
of your paper; see A.2.3.1.)
If a table or figure is only marginally relevant to your topic, or if it is too
large to put in the text, put it in an appendix in the back matter of your paper
(see A.2.3).
For more information on inserting tables and figures into your paper, see
26.1.2 Size
Whenever you can, format tables and figures to fit on one page in normal, or
portrait, orientation. If they do not fit, try shortening long column heads or
abbreviating repeated terms.
If you cannot make a table or figure fit on a page, you have several options.
Landscape. If a table or figure is too wide for a page, turn it ninety degrees
so that the left side is at the bottom of the page; this orientation is called
landscape or broadside. Do not put any of your main text on a page
containing a landscape table or figure. Set the table title or figure caption in
either landscape or portrait orientation. See figure A.13 for an example.
(You may need to convert a table into an image file in order to rotate it.)
Side by side. If a table is longer than a page but less than half a page wide,
break it in half and position the two halves side by side in one table on the
same page. Separate the two halves with a vertical rule, and include the
column heads on both sides.
Multiple pages. If a table or figure is too long to fit on a single page in
portrait orientation or too wide to fit in landscape, divide it between two
(or more) pages. For tables, repeat the stub column and all column heads
(see 26.2) on every page. Omit the bottom rule on all pages except the last.
Reduction. If the figure is a photograph or other image, consider reducing
it. Consult your local guidelines for any requirements related to resolution,
scaling, cropping, and other parameters.
Separate items. If none of the above solutions is appropriate, consider
presenting the data in two or more separate tables or figures.
Appendix. If the table or figure consists of supplementary material that
cannot be presented in print form, such as a large data set or a multimedia
file, treat it as an appendix, as described in A.2.3.
26.1.3 Source Lines
You must acknowledge the sources of any data you use in tables and figures
that you did not collect yourself. You must do this even if you present the
data in a new form—for example, you create a graph based on data originally
published in a table, add fresh data to a table from another source, or combine
data from multiple sources by meta-analysis.
Treat a source line as a footnote to a table (see 26.2.7) or as part of a
caption for a figure (see 26.3.2). For tables, introduce the source line with the
word Source(s) (capitalized, in italics, followed by a colon). If the source line
runs onto more than one line, the runovers should be flush left, single-spaced.
End a source line with a period.
If you are following notes style for your citations, cite the source as in a
full note (see chapter 16), including the original table or figure number or the
page number from which you took the data. Unless you cite this source
elsewhere in your paper, you need not include it in your bibliography.
Source: Data from David Halle, Inside Culture: Art and Class in the
American Home (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993), table
Sources: Data from Richard H. Adams Jr., “Remittances, Investment,
and Rural Asset Accumulation in Pakistan,” Economic Development
and Cultural Change 47, no. 1 (1998): 155–73; David Bevan, Paul
Collier, and Jan Gunning, Peasants and Government: An Economic
Analysis (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989), 125–28.
If you are following author-date style for your citations, cite the source as
in a parenthetical citation (minus the parentheses) and include full
bibliographical information about it in your reference list (see chapter 18).
Source: Data from Halle 1993, table 2.
Sources: Data from Adams 1998, 155–73; Bevan, Collier, and
Gunning 1989, 125–28.
If you have adapted the data in any way from what is presented in the
original source, include the phrase adapted from in the source line, as shown
in tables 26.1 and 26.3.
For photographs, maps, and other figures that you did not create yourself,
include an acknowledgment of the creator in place of a source line.
Map by Gerald F. Pyle.
Photograph by James L. Ballard.
If your dissertation will be submitted to an external dissertation repository,
you may also need to obtain formal permission to reproduce tables or figures
protected by copyright. See chapter 4 of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th
edition (2017). If you need to include credit lines in connection with such
permissions, see CMOS 3.29–37 (figures) and 3.77 (tables).
26.2 Tables
In many situations, you may choose to present data in a table. Chapter 8
describes criteria for using tables as well as general design principles for
them. This section covers most of the issues you are likely to encounter in
their preparation. Tables 26.1–26.3 provide examples of the principles
discussed here.
Tables vary widely in the complexity of their content and therefore in their
structure, but consistency both within and across tables is essential to ensure
that readers will understand your data.
Use arabic numerals for all numerical data in tables unless otherwise
noted. To save space, you can use abbreviations and symbols more freely
than you can in text, but use them sparingly and consistently. If standard
abbreviations do not exist, create your own and explain them either in a
footnote to the table (see 26.2.7) or, if there are many, in a list of
abbreviations in your papers front matter (see A.2.1).
26.2.1 Table Structure
A table has elements analogous to horizontal and vertical axes on a graph. On
the horizontal axis along the top are column heads. On the vertical axis along
the left are headings that constitute what is called the stub column.
This grid of columns (vertical) and rows (horizontal) in a table usually
correlates two sets of variables called independent and dependent. The
independent variables are traditionally defined on the left, in the stub column.
The dependent variables are traditionally defined in the column heads. If you
include the same set of variables in two or more tables in your paper, be
consistent: put them in the same place in each table, as column heads or in
the stub.
The data, which may be words, numbers, or both (see table 26.1), are
entered in the cells below the column heads and to the right of the stub
Table 26.1. Selected churches in Four Corners, Boston
tradition Attendance Ethnicity/origin Class
of God
Pentecostal 100 Caribbean,
of the
Pentecostal 10 Southern Black Working
Baptist 70 Southern Black Middle
Pentecostal 50 Haitian Working
Mt. Nebo
Apostolic 30 Southern Black Working/middle
Source: Data adapted from Omar M. McRoberts, Streets of Glory: Church and
Community in a Black Urban Neighborhood (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2003), 53.
26.2.2 Table Numbers and Titles
In general, every table should have a number and a title. Place these items
flush left on the line above the table, with the word Table (capitalized, in
roman type), followed by the table number (in arabic numerals), followed by
a period. After a space, give the title without a terminal period. Capitalize the
title sentence-style (see 22.3.1). If a title runs onto more than one line, the
runovers should be flush left, single-spaced.
Table 13. Yen-dollar ratios in Japanese exports, 1995–2005
A simple tabulation that can be introduced clearly in the text, such as a
simple two-column list, need not be numbered or titled.
Chicago’s population grew exponentially in its first century:
1840 4,470
1870 298,977
1900 1,698,575
1930 3,376,438 TABLE NUMBERS. Number tables separately from figures, in the
order in which you mention them in the text. If you have only a few tables,
number them consecutively throughout the paper, even across chapters. If
you have many tables and many chapters, use double numeration: that is, the
chapter number followed by a period followed by the table number, as in
“Table 12.4.”
When you refer to a table in the text, specify the table number (“in table
3”) rather than its location (“below”) because you may end up moving the
table while editing or formatting the paper. Do not capitalize the word table
in text references to tables. TABLE TITLES. Keep table titles short but descriptive enough to
indicate the specific nature of the data and to differentiate tables from one
another. For discussion of good titling practices, see 8.3.1. Table titles may be
presented in a smaller font than the rest of your text.
26.2.3 Rules
Rules (lines) separate different types of data and text. Too many rules create a
confusing image, so use them sparingly and consistently (see also 8.3.2).
Insert full-width horizontal rules to separate the table’s title from the
column heads (see 26.2.4), the column heads from the body of the table,
and the body of the table from footnotes. A rule above a row of totals is
traditional but not essential (see table 26.2). Unnumbered tables run into
the text can usually be set with no rules, as long as any column heads are
set off typographically.
Use partial-width horizontal rules to indicate which column heads and
columns are governed by special types of heads, if you use them (see
26.2.4, table 26.2).
Leave enough space between data cells to avoid the need for additional
rules. Do not use vertical rules to enclose the table in a box. But if you
need to double up a long and narrow table (see 26.1.2), use a vertical rule
to separate the two halves.
Use caution in employing shading or color to convey meaning (see 8.3.2).
Even if you print the paper on a color printer or submit it as a PDF, it may
be printed or copied later in black and white. If you use shading, make sure
it does not obscure the text of the table, and do not use multiple shades,
which might not reproduce distinctly.
Table 26.2. Election results in Gotefrith Province, 1950–60
1950 1956 1960
% of
% of
% of
Provincial Assembly
35.5 47 26.0 37 30.9 52
Socialist 12.4 18 27.1 44 24.8 39
49.2 85 41.2 68 39.2 59
Other 2.9 0 5.7
5.1 0
100.0 150 100.0 150 100.0 150
National Assembly
32.6 4 23.8 3 28.3 3
Socialist 13.5 1 27.3 3 24.1 2
52.1 7 42.8 6 46.4 8
Other 1.8 0 6.1 0 1.2 0
Total 100.0 12 100.0 12 100.0
1950 1956 1960
% of
% of
% of
Provincial Assembly
Source: Data from Erehwon 1950, 1956, 1960.
This seat was won by a Radical Socialist, who became a member of the Conservative
Reapportionment in 1960 gave Gotefrith an additional seat in the National Assembly.
26.2.4 Column Heads
A table must have at least two columns, each with a head or heading at the
top that names the data in the column below.
When possible, use noun phrases for column heads. Keep them short to
avoid an excessively wide table or heads that take up too many lines.
Capitalize column heads sentence-style (see 22.3.1).
Align the stub head flush left (see 26.2.5); column heads can be set flush
left or centered over the widest entry in the column below. Align the
bottom of all heads horizontally.
You may need to include special types of heads in addition to the column
heads. Such a head may apply to two or more columns of data. Center the
head over the relevant columns with a partial-width horizontal rule beneath
(and, if necessary, above) it. Table 26.2 shows heads both above the main
column heads (“1950,” “1956,” and “1960”) and below them (“Provincial
Assembly” and “National Assembly”).
Heads may have explanatory tags to clarify or to indicate the unit of
measure for data in the column below. Enclose such tags in parentheses. You
may use abbreviations and symbols (mpg, km, lb., %, $M, and so on), but be
consistent within and among your tables.
Responses (%)
Pesos (millions)
26.2.5 The Stub
The leftmost column of a table, called the stub, lists the categories of data in
each row.
Include a column head for the stub whenever possible, even if it is generic
(“Typical Characteristic” or “Variable”). Omit the head only if it would
merely repeat the table title or if the categories in the stub are too diverse
for a single head.
Make stub entries nouns or noun phrases whenever possible, and keep
them consistent in form: “Books,” “Journal articles,” “Manuscripts,” rather
than “Books,” “Articles published in journals,” “Manuscripts.” Use the
same word for the same item in all of your tables (for example, if you use
“Former USSR” in one table, do not use “Former Soviet Union” in
Capitalize all stub entries sentence-style (see 22.3.1), with no terminal
Set the stub head and entries flush left; indent any runover lines, unless
you’ve left enough space between rows to distinguish entries from each
To show the sum of the numbers in a column, include an indented stub
entry titled Total (see table 26.2).
If the stub column includes subentries as well as main entries (see table
26.3), distinguish them through indentation, italics, or both. Follow the same
principles listed above for main entries for capitalization and so forth.
Table 26.3. Unemployment rates for working-age New Yorkers,
As % of labor force
Unemployment rate Female Male Both sexes
All workers 6.1 5.4 . . .
By education (ages 25–64)
Less than high school 11.9 5.8 . . .
High school degree 5.4 5.0 . . .
Some college 4.2 4.5 . . .
BA or more 2.6 2.3 . . .
By age
16–19 . . . . . . 19.3
20–34 . . . . . . 6.5
35–54 . . . . . . 4.7
55–64 . . . . . . 2.9
Source: Data adapted from Mark Levitan, “It Did Happen Here: The Rise in Working
Poverty in New York City,” in New York and Los Angeles: Politics, Society, and
Culture—A Comparative View, ed. David Halle (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2003), table 8.2.
Note: “Working age” is defined as ages 16 to 64. Educational level is not tracked below
the age of 25 in census data.
26.2.6 The Body of a Table
The body of a table consists of cells containing your data, which may be
words, numbers, or both (see table 26.1).
If the data are numerical and all values in a column or in the entire table
are in thousands or millions, omit the rightmost zeros and note the unit in an
explanatory tag in the relevant column head (see 26.2.4), in the table title
(26.2.2), or in a footnote (26.2.7). Indicate an empty cell with three spaced
periods (ellipsis dots), centered as in table 26.3. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT. Align the data in each row with the
stub entry for that row.
If the stub entry runs over onto two or more lines but the related data does
not, align the row with the bottom line of the stub entry.
If both the stub entry and the data in the same row run over onto two or
more lines, align the row with the top line of the stub entry.
If necessary, insert leaders (lines of periods, or dots) to lead the readers
eye from the stub to the data in the first column. (For an example of leaders
in a similar context, see fig. A.5.) VERTICAL ALIGNMENT. Align a column of numbers vertically
on their real or implied decimal points, so that readers can compare the
values in the column. If all numerical values in a column have a zero before a
decimal point, you may omit the zeros (see fig. A.13).
Align dollar signs, percent signs, degrees, and so on. But if they occur in
every cell in the column, delete them from the cells and give the unit as a tag
in the column head (see 26.2.4, table 26.2, and fig. A.13).
If the data consist of words, either center each column under the column
head or, especially if the data consist of longer items or items that include
runovers, align each column flush left.
26.2.7 Footnotes
If a table has footnotes, position them flush left, single-spaced. Leave a blank
line between the bottom rule of the table and the first note, and also between
notes. Footnotes may be presented in a smaller font than the rest of the text;
consult your local guidelines.
Footnotes for tables can be of four kinds: (1) source lines (discussed in
26.1.3), (2) general footnotes that apply to the whole table, (3) footnotes that
apply to specific parts of the table, and (4) notes on levels of statistical
significance. If you have more than one kind of note, put them in that order. GENERAL NOTES. General notes apply to the entire table. They
define abbreviations, expand on the table title, specify how data were
collected or derived, indicate rounding of values, and so on. Gather all such
remarks into a single note. Do not put a note number (or other symbol)
anywhere in the table or the table title, or with the note itself. Simply begin
the note with the word Note (capitalized, in italics, followed by a colon). See
also table 26.3.
Note: Since not all data were available, there is disparity in the totals.
SPECIFIC NOTES. Notes to explain specific items in a table can be
attached to any part of the table except the table number or title. Designate
such notes with lowercase superscript letters rather than numbers, both within
the table and in the note itself. Do not begin the note with the word note but
with the same superscript letter, with no period or colon following.
Total excludes trade and labor employees.
If you include more than one such note in a table (as in table 26.2), use letters
in sequential order, beginning at the upper left of the table, running left to
right and then downward, row by row. If a note applies to two or more items
in the table, use the same letter for each item; if it applies to all items in a
column or row, put the letter in the relevant column head or stub entry. NOTES ON STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE. If you include
notes on the statistical significance of your data (also called probability
notes), and if the significance levels are standard, designate notes with
asterisks, both within the table and in the note itself. Use a single asterisk for
the lowest level of probability, two for the next higher, and three for the level
after that. If, however, you are noting significance levels other than standard
ones, use superscript letters instead. Because these footnotes are short and
they share a single purpose, you may combine them on the same line, spaced,
without intervening punctuation. The letter p (for probability, no period after
it) should be lowercase and italic. Omit zeros before decimal points (see
*p < .05
**p < .01
***p < .001
26.3 Figures
The term figure refers to a variety of images, including charts, graphs,
diagrams, photographs, maps, musical examples, and drawings. Most such
materials can be prepared and inserted into a paper electronically. The
technical details are software-specific and too complex to be covered in this
book, but some general guidelines are presented in A.3.1.
This section describes some principles for presenting two types of figures
created from data: charts and graphs. It also discusses captions for figures of
all kinds.
Treat a video, an animation, or any other multimedia file that cannot be
presented in print form as an appendix (see A.2.3).
26.3.1 Charts and Graphs
In many situations you may choose to present data in a chart or graph.
Chapter 8 lays out criteria for using these graphic forms as well as general
design principles for them. It also provides examples of several different
types of graphics. For detailed guidance on constructing charts and graphs,
consult a reliable authority.
Each chart and graph in your paper should take the form that best
communicates its data and supports its claim, but consistency both within and
across these items is essential to ensure that readers will understand your
data. Keep in mind the following principles when presenting charts and
graphs of any type:
Represent elements of the same kind—axes, lines, data points, bars,
wedges—in the same way. Use distinct visual effects only to make
distinctions, never just for variety.
Use arabic numerals for all numerical data.
Label all axes using sentence-style capitalization. Keep the labels short,
following the principles outlined in 8.3.1. Use the figure caption (see
26.3.2) to explain any aspects of the data that cannot be captured in the
labels. To save space, you can use abbreviations and symbols more freely
than you can in text, but use them sparingly and consistently. If standard
abbreviations do not exist, create your own and explain them either in the
caption or, if there are many, in a list of abbreviations in your papers front
matter (see A.2.1).
Label lines, data points, and other items within the chart or graph that
require explanation using either all lowercase letters (for single words) or
sentence-style capitalization (for phrases). If phrases and single words both
appear, they should all be styled the same (as in fig. 8.3). The other
principles described above for axis labels also apply to labels of this type.
Use caution in employing shading or color to convey meaning (see 8.3.2).
Even if you print the paper on a color printer or submit it as a PDF, it may
be printed or copied later in black and white. If you use shading, make sure
it does not obscure any text in the figure, and do not use multiple shades,
which might not reproduce distinctly.
26.3.2 Figure Numbers and Captions
In general, every figure in your paper should have a number and a caption.
But if you include only a few figures in your paper and do not specifically
refer to them in the text, omit the numbers. Figure captions may be presented
in a smaller font than the rest of your text; consult your local guidelines.
On the line below the figure, write the word Figure (flush left, capitalized,
in roman type), followed by the figure number (in arabic numerals), followed
by a period. After a space, give the caption, usually followed by a terminal
period (but see If a caption runs onto more than one line, the
runovers should be flush left, single-spaced.
Figure 6. The Great Mosque of Córdoba, eighth to tenth century.
An exception: in examples from musical scores, place the figure number and
caption above the figure rather than below. FIGURE NUMBERS. Number figures separately from tables, in
the order in which you mention them in the text. If you have only a few
figures, number them consecutively throughout the paper, even across
chapters. If you have many figures and many chapters, use double
numeration: that is, the chapter number followed by a period followed by the
figure number, as in “Figure 12.4.”
When you refer to a figure in the text, specify the figure number (“in figure
3”) rather than its location (“below”), because you may end up moving the
figure while editing or formatting the paper. Do not capitalize the word figure
in text references to figures, and do not abbreviate it as fig. except in
parenthetical references—for example, “(see fig. 10).” FIGURE CAPTIONS. Figure captions are more varied than table
titles. In some cases, captions can consist solely of a noun phrase, capitalized
sentence-style (see 22.3.1), without a terminal period.
Figure 9. Mary McLeod Bethune, leader of the Black Cabinet
More complex captions begin with a noun phrase followed by one or more
complete sentences. Such captions are also capitalized sentence-style but
have terminal periods, even after the initial incomplete sentence. If your
captions include a mix of both types, you may include a terminal period in
those of the first type for consistency.
Figure 16. Benito Juárez. Mexico’s great president, a contemporary
and friend of Abraham Lincoln, represents the hard-fought triumph of
Mexican liberalism at midcentury. Courtesy of Bancroft Library,
University of California at Berkeley.
When a figure has a source line, put it at the end of the caption, following
the guidelines in 26.1.3.
Figure 2.7. The Iao Valley, site of the final battle. Photograph by
Anastasia Nowag.
Figure 11.3. US population growth, 1900–1999. Data from US Census
Bureau, “Historical National Population Estimates,” revised June 28,
2000, http:// www.census.gov/ popest/.
Sometimes a caption is attached to a figure consisting of several parts.
Identify the parts in the caption with terms such as top, bottom, above, left to
right, and clockwise from left (italicized to distinguish them from the caption
itself) or with lowercase italic letters.
Figure 6. Above left, William Livingston; right, Henry Brockholst
Livingston; below left, John Jay; right, Sarah Livingston Jay.
Figure 15. Four types of Hawaiian fishhooks: a, barbed hook of
tortoise shell; b, trolling hook with pearl shell lure and point of human
bone; c, octopus lure with cowrie shell, stone sinker, and large bone
hook; d, barbed hook of human thigh bone.
If the caption for a figure will not fit on the same page as the figure itself,
put it on the nearest preceding text page (see A.3.1.4), with placement
identification in italics before the figure number and caption.
Next page: Figure 19. A toddler using a fourth-generation iPhone.
Refinements in touchscreen technology helped Apple and other
corporations broaden the target market for their products.
Appendix: Paper Format and Submission
A.1 General Format Requirements
A.1.1 Margins
A.1.2 Font
A.1.3 Spacing and Indentation
A.1.4 Pagination
A.1.5 Titles
A.2 Format Requirements for Specific Elements
A.2.1 Front Matter
A.2.2 Text
A.2.3 Back Matter
A.3 File Preparation and Submission Requirements
A.3.1 Preparing Your Files
A.3.2 Submitting Electronic Files
A.3.3 Submitting Hard Copy
When you are writing a thesis, a dissertation, or a class paper, you must
observe certain format and style requirements.
For a thesis or dissertation,
these requirements are set by your department or your university’s office of
theses and dissertations; for a class paper, they are set by your instructor.
You may also have to follow specific procedures for submitting the paper,
whether in hard copy or electronically. If your paper will be submitted to an
electronic repository maintained by a service like ProQuest or by your
university, additional guidelines may apply.
Be particularly aware of these requirements if you are writing a thesis or
dissertation. You will be judged on how well you follow the academic
conventions of your field. Also, many of the rules for format and
submission are intended to make the preserved copy, bound or electronic, as
accessible as possible for future readers.
The guidelines presented here are widely accepted for the format and
submission of theses and dissertations, but most universities have their own
requirements, which are usually available from the office of theses and
dissertations. Review the current guidelines of your department or
university before you submit your thesis or dissertation. Those local
guidelines take precedence over the recommendations provided here.
In general, the requirements for a class paper are less extensive and strict
than those for a thesis or dissertation. Such papers usually have fewer
elements, and since they are not likely to be bound or preserved
electronically, there are fewer submission requirements. Even so, you may
be expected to follow certain guidelines set by your instructor or
department, and those guidelines take precedence over the guidelines
suggested here.
This appendix assumes that you will prepare your paper on a computer
and submit it as an electronic file, hard copy, or both. A full-featured word
processor like Microsoft Word can be used to set margin size, number
pages, place and number footnotes, and insert tables and figures according
to the guidelines in this appendix. If you are using a different application,
make sure it includes all the formatting options that you will need. And if
you are following specific guidelines set by your instructor or institution,
make sure to check your papers format carefully against those guidelines
before submitting it; if you are submitting an electronic file and a printout,
review the formatting of both.
A.1 General Format Requirements
This section addresses general format issues that apply to your paper as a
whole. For discussion of specific elements and their individual format
requirements, see A.2. Your instructor, department, or university may have
guidelines (or templates) that differ from the advice offered here. If so,
those guidelines take precedence.
A.1.1 Margins
Nearly all papers in the United States are produced on standard pages of 8½
× 11 inches, regardless of whether they are submitted electronically or as
hard copy. Leave a margin of at least one inch on all four edges of the page.
For a thesis or dissertation intended to be bound, you may need to leave a
bigger margin on the left side—usually 1½ inches.
Be sure that any material placed in headers or footers, including page
numbers and other identifiers (see A.1.4), falls within the margins specified
in your local guidelines.
A.1.2 Font
Choose a single, readable, and widely available font (also called typeface),
such as Times New Roman or Arial. To ensure your text displays correctly,
you may need to embed the font in the electronic file (see also A.3.2).
Avoid ornamental fonts, which can distract readers and make your work
seem less serious. (For the characteristics of specific fonts, see Robert
Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style, 4th ed. [Seattle: Hartley and
Marks, 2013].) In general, use the equivalent of at least ten-point Arial or
twelve-point Times New Roman for the body of the text. (Some fonts, like
Arial, take up more space on a line and appear larger than other fonts at the
same point size.) Footnotes or endnotes, headings, tables, and other
elements might require other type sizes or fonts; check your local
A.1.3 Spacing and Indentation
Double-space all text in papers except the following items, which should be
block quotations (see 25.2.2)
table titles and figure captions
lists in appendixes
The following items should be single-spaced internally but with a blank
line between items:
certain elements in the front matter (see A.2.1), including the table of
contents and any list of figures, tables, or abbreviations
footnotes or endnotes
bibliographies or reference lists
For single spacing, a setting of up to 1.15 lines may be allowed. And
some departments or universities allow or require single spacing or one and
a half spaces between lines in the body of the text. Check your local
Put only one space, not two, between sentences. Use tabs or indents
rather than spaces for paragraph indentation and to adjust other content
requiring consistent alignment. Block quotations have their own rules for
indentation, depending on whether they are prose or poetry (see 25.2.2).
A.1.4 Pagination
A.1.4.1 NUMBERING. If your only front matter is a title page, do not
number that page. Number pages in the body of the paper and the back
matter with arabic numerals, starting on the first page of text (page 2 if you
count the title page).
If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, number front matter separately
from the rest of the text. (You may need to insert a section break in your
document in order to accomplish this task.)
Front matter includes the title page and various other elements (see
A.2.1). Number these pages consecutively with lowercase roman
numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.; see table 23.1). Every page of front matter except
the submission page is usually counted in numbering, but not all of these
pages have numbers displayed on them. Departments and universities
often provide specific directions for numbering front matter pages; if
yours does not, follow the guidelines in this appendix.
The rest of the text, including back matter (see A.2.3), is numbered
consecutively with arabic numerals (usually starting with page 1).
A.1.4.2 PLACEMENT. Page numbers are usually placed in one of four
locations: centered or flush right in the footer (at the bottom of the page) or
centered or flush right in the header (at the top of the page). For class
papers, choose one of these locations and follow it consistently.
Traditionally, page numbers for theses and dissertations have been placed
in different locations depending on the part of the paper (as shown in the
samples in this appendix).
In the footer: all front matter pages; pages in the text and back matter that
bear titles, such as the first page of a chapter or an appendix
In the header: all other pages in the text and back matter
Many departments and universities have eliminated these distinctions and
now require consistent placement of page numbers throughout a thesis or
dissertation. Some specify a location, while others allow you to choose. In
any position, the number should be at least half an inch from the edge of the
page. Check your local guidelines.
A.1.4.3 OTHER IDENTIFIERS. In some settings you may be allowed or
even encouraged to include identifying information besides the page
number in the header or footer. For a class paper, your instructor may ask
you to include your last name, the date of the paper, or a designation such as
“First Draft.” For longer papers, chapter or section titles help readers keep
track of their location in the text. The requirements for headers and footers
in theses and dissertations vary, so consult your local guidelines.
A.1.5 Titles
Depending on its complexity, your paper may consist of many elements, as
listed in A.2, and most of them should have a title.
Use the same font, type size, and formatting style (bold, italic, etc.) for
the titles of like elements. In general, and unless your local guidelines say
otherwise, titles should appear in bold. A more traditional method calls for
full capitalization (LIKE THIS), but this has the undesirable effect of
obscuring the capitalization of individual words in a title.
On the title page, center each element and use headline-style
capitalization for all, including the title of your paper. (Your local guidelines
may require sentence-style capitalization for the title of your paper; see
22.3.1 for the two styles.)
Titles for the front and back matter are also typically centered, as are
chapter number designations and chapter titles. For chapter titles, use
headline-style capitalization unless your local guidelines specify sentence
All such elements may be in a larger type size than the text of your paper.
Check your local guidelines. For subheadings within chapters, see A.2.2.4.
If your local guidelines are flexible, you may use different typography
and format from those described here for various types of titles, as long as
you are consistent. Titles of larger divisions (parts, chapters) should be
more visually prominent than subheadings. In general, titles are more
prominent when larger or centered (or both), in bold or italic type, or
capitalized headline-style than when flush left, in regular type, or
capitalized sentence-style.
The most efficient way to ensure consistency in titles is to use your word
processor to define and apply a unique style (specifying font, size, bold or
italic, position, line spacing, and so forth) for each type of title. See also
A.2 Format Requirements for Specific Elements
In addition to the general requirements outlined in A.1, specific elements of
a paper have specific format requirements. This section describes elements
most commonly found in class papers, theses, and dissertations, and it
provides samples of many of them. All of the samples except figures A.1
and A.8 are pages drawn from dissertations written at the University of
Chicago. As needed, the pages have been edited to match the style and
format recommendations in this manual. If your instructor, department, or
university has specific guidelines that differ from these samples, they take
Most long papers and all theses and dissertations have three main
divisions: (1) front matter, (2) the text of the paper itself, and (3) back
matter. The front and back matter are also divided into elements that will
vary depending on your paper.
In a class paper, the front matter will probably be a single title page and
the back matter just a bibliography or reference list.
A.2.1 Front Matter
The front matter of your thesis or dissertation may include some or all of
the following elements. Departments and universities usually provide
specific directions for the order of elements; if yours does not, follow the
order given here.
A.2.1.1 SUBMISSION PAGE. Most theses and dissertations include a
submission page, usually as the first page of the document. If it appears in
this position, it does not bear a page number and is not counted in
paginating the front matter.
The submission page states that the paper has been submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for an MA (or MS) or PhD degree (the
wording varies), and it includes space for the signatures of the examining
committee members. Most departments and universities provide model
submission pages that should be followed exactly for wording and form. In
electronic submissions the signatures may need to be omitted and submitted
separately on paper. Consult your local guidelines.
A.2.1.2 TITLE PAGE. Class papers should begin with a title page (but
some put the title on the first page of the text; consult your instructor). Place
the title of the paper a third of the way down the page, usually centered (see
A.1.5). If the paper has both a main title and a subtitle, put the main title on
a single line, followed by a colon, and begin the subtitle on a new line with
an intervening line space. Several lines below it, place your name along
with any information requested by your instructor, such as the course title
(including its department and number) and the date. Figure A.1 shows a
sample title page for a class paper. For most such papers, this is the only
front matter needed.
Figure A.1. Title page for a class paper
For a thesis or dissertation, most departments and universities provide
model title pages that should be followed exactly for wording and form.
Otherwise use figure A.2 as a model. Count the title page as page i, but do
not put that number on it.
Figure A.2. Title page for a dissertation. Reprinted with permission
from Julia Akinyi Brookins, “Immigrant Settlers and Frontier Citizens:
German Texas in the American Empire, 1835–1890” (PhD diss.,
University of Chicago, 2013).
A.2.1.3 COPYRIGHT PAGE. In a thesis or dissertation, insert a copyright
page after the title page. Count this page as page ii, but do not put that
number on it unless directed by your local guidelines. Include the copyright
notice near the top of this page, usually flush left, in this form:
Copyright © 20XX by Your Name
All rights reserved
You need not apply for a formal copyright. However, in cases of
infringement formal registration provides additional protections. For more
information, see chapter 4 in The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed., 2017).
A.2.1.4 ABSTRACT. Most departments and universities require that a
thesis or dissertation include an abstract summarizing its contents
(including any supplementary materials; see A.2.3.2). Abstracts of papers
submitted to ProQuest will be featured as part of its Dissertations and
Theses database. Count the first page of the abstract as page iii, and number
all pages. Label the first page Abstract at the top of the page. Leave two
blank lines between the title and the first line of text. Double-space the text
of the abstract, and format it to match the main text. Most departments or
universities have specific models for abstracts that you should follow
exactly for content, word count, format, placement, and pagination. The
abstract may also need to be submitted as a separate document, usually as
part of an online submission form (see also A.3.2). At the same time, a list
of keywords may be required. Consult your local guidelines.
A.2.1.5 DEDICATION. If your department or university allows
dedications, you may include a brief one to acknowledge someone who has
been especially important to you. Number the dedication page with a roman
numeral. Place the dedication a third of the way down the page, centered,
and set it in regular type with no terminal punctuation. You need not include
the word dedication or dedicated; simply say to:
To Jamillah
You may identify the person to whom you dedicate the work (“To my
father, Sebastian Wells”) and give other information such as birth and death
A.2.1.6 EPIGRAPH. If your department or university allows epigraphs,
you may include a brief one in addition to or instead of a dedication. An
epigraph is a quotation that establishes a theme of the paper. It is most
appropriate when its words are especially striking and uniquely capture the
spirit of your work. Number the epigraph page with a roman numeral. You
should not include the word epigraph on the page.
Place the epigraph a third of the way down the page, either centered or
treated as a block quotation (see 25.2.2). Do not enclose it in quotation
marks. Give the source on a new line, set flush right and preceded by an em
dash (see 21.7.2). Often the authors name alone is sufficient, but you may
also include the title of the work (see 22.3.2) and, if it seems relevant, the
date of the quotation.
Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been
produced by His hand . . . and, as one small candle may light
a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many,
yea in some sort to our whole nation.
—William Bradford
Some people think the women are the cause of modernism,
whatever that is.
New York Sun, February 13, 1917
Epigraphs may also appear at the beginning of a chapter or section; see and figure A.9.
A.2.1.7 TABLE OF CONTENTS. All papers divided into chapters require
a table of contents. Number all pages of this element with roman numerals.
Label the first page Contents at the top of the page. Leave two blank lines
between the title and the first item listed. Single-space individual items
listed, but add a blank line after each item. Between the lists for the front
and back matter and the chapters, or between parts, leave two blank lines.
Two blank lines can also intervene between an introduction and the first
chapter or between the last chapter and a conclusion.
A table of contents does not list pages that precede it (submission page,
title page, copyright page, abstract, dedication, epigraph) or the table of
contents itself but should begin with the front matter pages that follow it.
Following these items, list in order the parts, chapters, or other units of the
text, and then the elements of the back matter. If you have subheads in the
text (see A.2.2.4), you need not include them in your table of contents. If
you do include them, list only the first level unless further levels are specific
enough to give readers an accurate overview of your paper. Be sure that the
wording, capitalization, number style (arabic, roman, or spelled out), and
punctuation of all titles (see A.1.5) and subheads match exactly those in the
Give page numbers only for the first page of each listed item (not the full
span of pages), and use lowercase roman or arabic numerals as on the pages
themselves. List page numbers flush right, and, if you choose, use a line of
periods or dots (called leaders, a feature available from the tab setting of
most word processors) to lead a readers eye from each title to the page
To ensure consistency between the table of contents and the items that it
lists, you can use your word processor to generate the table of contents
automatically. This will also ensure that the page-number listings remain
accurate. Just be sure to double-check for proper formatting and to make
sure that no items have been inadvertently omitted.
Figure A.3 shows a sample table of contents for a paper with a simple
structure. Chapter titles appear flush left, with page numbers flush right.
Figure A.3. Table of contents. Reprinted with permission from Daniel
W. Pratt, “Aesthetic Selves: Non-narrative Constructions of Identity in
Central Europe” (PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2014).
For a more complex paper, follow the logic of your papers organization
unless your local guidelines require a specific format. Figure A.4 shows the
first page of a long table of contents. To distinguish chapter titles from
subheadings, you may indent the subheadings, with each level consistently
indented half an inch to the right of the preceding level.
Figure A.4. First page of a table of contents with part number and
subheadings. Reprinted with permission from Julia Akinyi Brookins,
“Immigrant Settlers and Frontier Citizens: German Texas in the
American Empire, 1835–1890” (PhD diss., University of Chicago,
thesis or dissertation (or long class paper) includes figures, tables, or both,
you may choose to list them in the front matter. Number all pages of such a
list with roman numerals. If your paper includes only figures (see chapter
26 for definitions), label the first page Figures at the top of the page; if it
includes only tables, label it Tables instead. Leave two blank lines between
the title and the first item listed. Single-space individual items listed, but
leave a blank line between items. Figure A.5 shows a sample list of tables.
Figure A.5. List of tables. Reprinted with permission from Mary
Channen Caldwell, “Singing, Dancing, and Rejoicing in the Round:
Latin Sacred Songs with Refrains, circa 1000–1582” (PhD diss.,
University of Chicago, 2013).
If your paper includes both figures and tables, you may provide a
separate list for each, or your local guidelines may allow you to combine
them into a single list. In the latter case label the list Illustrations (following
the pattern described above), but divide it into two sections labeled Figures
and Tables, as in figure A.6.
Figure A.6. List of illustrations. Reprinted with permission from Julia
Akinyi Brookins, “Immigrant Settlers and Frontier Citizens: German
Texas in the American Empire, 1835–1890” (PhD diss., University of
Chicago, 2013).
Give each table or figure number in arabic numerals, and vertically align
the list on the last digit. If you are using double numeration (as in fig. A.5),
align the numbers on the decimals instead. (Your word processor should
allow you to set a right- or decimal-aligned tab stop as needed.)
Figure captions and table titles should match the wording and
capitalization of those in the paper itself, but if they are very long, shorten
them in a logical way for the entries in the list. (See 26.2.2 and 26.3.2 for
more on table titles and figure captions.) List page numbers flush right and,
if you choose, use leader dots (see A.2.1.7) to connect the captions and
titles to page numbers.
A.2.1.9 PREFACE. In a thesis or dissertation you may include a preface to
explain what motivated your study, the background of the project, the scope
of the research, and the purpose of the paper. The preface may also include
acknowledgments, unless they are so numerous and detailed that they merit
their own section (see A.2.1.10). Number all pages of this element with
roman numerals. Label the first page Preface at the top of the page. Leave
two blank lines between the title and the first line of text. Double-space the
text of the preface, and format it to match the main text.
A.2.1.10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. In a thesis or dissertation you may
have a separate section of acknowledgments in which you thank mentors
and colleagues or name the individuals or institutions that supported your
research or provided special assistance (such as consultation on technical
matters or aid in securing special equipment and source materials). You
may also be required to acknowledge the owners of copyrighted material
who have given you permission to reproduce their work. If your only
acknowledgments are for routine help by an advisor or a committee, include
them in the preface (see A.2.1.9) or omit them entirely. Number all pages of
the acknowledgments with roman numerals. Label the first page
Acknowledgments at the top of the page. Leave two blank lines between the
title and the first line of text. Double-space the text of the
acknowledgments, and format it to match the main text.
A.2.1.11 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. If your thesis or dissertation (or
long class paper) includes an unusual number of abbreviations other than
the common types discussed in chapter 24, list them in the front matter.
Examples of items to include would be abbreviations for sources cited
frequently (see 16.4.3) or for organizations that are not widely known
Number all pages of such a list with roman numerals. Label the first page
Abbreviations at the top of the page. Leave two blank lines between the title
and the first item listed. Single-space individual items listed, but leave a
blank line between items. Figure A.7 shows a sample list of abbreviations.
(The abbreviations in this sample are italic only because they correspond to
titles of published works.)
Figure A.7. List of abbreviations. (The abbreviations are italicized
because they correspond to titles of published works.) Reprinted with
permission from Mary Channen Caldwell, “Singing, Dancing, and
Rejoicing in the Round: Latin Sacred Songs with Refrains, circa
1000–1582” (PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2013).
Note that the items are arranged alphabetically by the abbreviation, not
by the spelled-out term. The abbreviations themselves are flush left;
spelled-out terms (including runovers) are set on a consistent indent that
allows about half an inch of space between the longest abbreviation in the
first column and the first word in the second column.
A.2.1.12 GLOSSARY. You may need a glossary if your thesis or
dissertation (or long class paper) includes many words from other
languages or technical terms and phrases that may be unfamiliar to your
readers. Some departments and universities allow or require the glossary to
be placed in the back matter, after any appendixes and before the endnotes
and bibliography or reference list. If you are free to choose, put it in the
front matter only if readers must know the definitions before they begin
reading. Otherwise put it in the back matter (see A.2.3.3).
If it appears in the front matter, number all pages of a glossary with
roman numerals. Label the first page Glossary at the top of the page. Leave
two blank lines between the title and the first item listed. Single-space
individual items listed, but leave a blank line between items. Figure A.8
shows a sample glossary.
Figure A.8. Glossary
Note that the terms are arranged alphabetically, flush left and followed by
a period (a colon or dash is sometimes used). You may put the terms in bold
type to make them stand out. The translation or definition follows, with its
first word capitalized and a terminal period. If, however, the definitions
consist of only single words or brief phrases, do not use terminal periods. If
a definition is more than one line, indent the runovers by half an inch.
A.2.1.13 EDITORIAL OR RESEARCH METHOD. If your thesis or
dissertation requires an extensive preliminary discussion of your editorial
method (such as your choices among variant texts) or research method,
include it as a separate element. You can also briefly discuss method in the
preface. If all you need to clarify is that you have modernized capitalization
and punctuation in quoted sources, put that in the preface or in a note
attached to the first such quotation.
Number all pages of a discussion on method with roman numerals. Label
the first page Editorial Method or Research Method at the top of the page.
Leave two blank lines between the title and the first line of text. Double-
space the text of this section, and format it to match the main text.
A.2.2 Text
The text of a paper includes everything between the front matter and the
back matter. It begins with your introduction and ends with your
conclusion, both of which may be as short as a single paragraph or as long
as several pages. In a thesis or dissertation, the text is usually separated into
chapters and sometimes into parts, sections, and subsections. Many longer
class papers are also divided in this way.
Since most of the text consists of paragraphs laying out your findings,
there are few format requirements for the body of the text. The only
additional issues are how to begin divisions of the text, how to format notes
or parenthetical citations, and how to position tables and figures within the
Begin the arabic numbering of your paper with the first page of the text
(normally page 1 or 2; see A.1.4.1).
A.2.2.1 INTRODUCTION. Many theses and dissertations (and some long
class papers) begin with a section that previews the contents and argument
of the entire paper and is so distinct that the writer separates it from the rest
of the paper. (The background of the project and any issues that informed
the research should be covered in the preface; see A.2.1.9.) If you begin
with such an introduction, label the first page Introduction at the top of the
page. Leave two blank lines between the title and the first line of text. If the
substance of your introductory material is not clearly distinct from the
chapters that follow it, consider incorporating it into your first chapter.
A.2.2.2 PARTS. If you divide the text of your thesis or dissertation into
two or more parts, each including two or more chapters, begin each part
with a part-title page. The first part-title page follows the introduction (even
if the introduction is labeled chapter 1). Count a part-title page in
paginating, but do not put a page number on it except in the case described
below or unless directed by your local guidelines. Label this page Part
followed by the part number at the top of the page. Depending on your local
guidelines, give the part number either in capitalized roman numerals (II) or
spelled out (Two); be sure to number the chapters in a different style (see
A.2.2.3). If the part has a descriptive title in addition to its number, place
this title two lines down, following a blank line.
If you include text introducing the contents of the part on the part-title
page, number the page with an arabic numeral. Leave two blank lines
between the title and the first line of text.
Follow a consistent format for all of your part-title pages: if one part has
a descriptive title in addition to a number, then give all parts descriptive
titles; if one part has introductory text, then include introductory text in all
A.2.2.3 CHAPTERS. Most theses and dissertations, and many long class
papers, consist of two or more chapters. Each chapter begins on a new page.
Label this page Chapter followed by the chapter number at the top of the
page. You may give the chapter number either in arabic numerals (4) or
spelled out (Four). If your paper has parts, choose a different style of
numbering for the chapter numbers (for example, Part II but Chapter Four).
If the chapter has a descriptive title in addition to its number, place this title
two lines down, following a blank line. Leave two blank lines between the
title and the first line of text. Figure A.9 shows a sample first page of a
chapter with an epigraph (see and A.2.1.6).
Figure A.9. First page of a chapter. Reprinted with permission from
Mary Channen Caldwell, “Singing, Dancing, and Rejoicing in the
Round: Latin Sacred Songs with Refrains, circa 1000–1582” (PhD
diss., University of Chicago, 2013).
An alternative format is to omit the word Chapter and use only the
chapter number and title, which can then appear on the same line, separated
by a colon. Do not use this format, however, if your paper has parts as well
as chapters, if it does not have chapter titles, or if there is any possibility of
confusing a new chapter with any other division of the paper.
A.2.2.4 SECTIONS AND SUBSECTIONS. Long chapters in theses,
dissertations, and long class papers may be further divided into sections,
which in turn may be divided into subsections, and so on. If your paper, or a
chapter within it, has only a few sections, you may signal the division
between sections informally by centering three spaced asterisks (* * *) on
their own line.
If you create formal sections in a paper or in its chapters, you may give
each one its own title, also called a subheading or subhead. You may have
multiple levels of subheads, which are designated first-level, second-level,
and so on. Unless you are writing a very long and complex paper, think
carefully before using more than two or three levels of subheads. Rather
than being helpful, they can become distracting. You should have at least
two subheads at any level within a chapter; if you do not, your divisions
may not be logically structured. Two consecutive subhead levels may
appear together without intervening text.
Unless your local guidelines have rules for subheads, you may devise
your own typography and format for them. Each level of subhead should be
consistent and different from all other levels, and higher-level subheads
should be more visually prominent than lower-level ones. In general,
subheads are more prominent when centered, in bold or italic type, or
capitalized headline-style than when flush left, in regular type, or
capitalized sentence-style. Except for run-in subheads (see fifth level,
below), put more space before a subhead than after (up to two blank lines
before and one line, or double line spacing, after) and do not end a subhead
with a period. To maintain consistency, use your word processor to define a
style for each level.
Here is one plan for five levels of subheads.
First level: centered, boldface or italic type, headline-style capitalization
Contemporary Art
Second level: centered, regular type, headline-style capitalization
What Are the Major Styles?
Third level: flush left, boldface or italic type, headline-style capitalization
Abstract Expressionism
Fourth level: flush left, regular type, sentence-style capitalization
Major painters and practitioners
Fifth level: run in at beginning of paragraph (no blank line after),
boldface or italic type, sentence-style capitalization, terminal period
Pollock as the leader. The role of leading Abstract Expressionist
painter was filled by Jackson Pollock . . .
Never end a page with a subhead. Set your word processor to keep all
headings attached to the ensuing paragraph. (The built-in heading styles
may already be set to stay with the next paragraph by default.)
notes-style citations with footnotes, see 16.3 for a discussion of how to
format footnotes. Figure A.10 shows a sample page of text with footnotes.
Figure A.10. Page of text with footnotes. Reprinted with permission
from Julia Akinyi Brookins, “Immigrant Settlers and Frontier Citizens:
German Texas in the American Empire, 1835–1890” (PhD diss.,
University of Chicago, 2013).
If you are using author-date citations, see 18.3 for a discussion of how to
format parenthetical citations. Figure A.11 shows a sample page of text
with parenthetical citations.
Figure A.11. Page of text with parenthetical citations. Reprinted with
permission from José Antonio Hernández Company, “The Legacies
of Authoritarianism: Party Origins and the Development of
Programmatic Capacity in Mexico” (PhD diss., University of Chicago,
A.2.2.6 TABLES AND FIGURES. If your paper includes tables or figures,
see chapter 26 for a discussion of how to format tables, some types of
figures, and figure captions, and see A.3.1 for information about inserting
these elements into your paper. Figure A.12 shows a sample page of text
with a figure positioned on it, and figure A.13 shows a sample of a table in
landscape orientation on its own page.
Figure A.12. Page with text and a figure. Reprinted with permission
from Marjorie Elizabeth Wood, “Emancipating the Child Laborer:
Children, Freedom, and the Moral Boundaries of the Market in the
United States, 1853–1938” (PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2011).
Figure A.13. Page with a landscape table. Reprinted with permission
from Nathaniel Baum-Snow, “Essays on the Spatial Distribution of
Population and Employment” (PhD diss., University of Chicago,
A.2.2.7 CONCLUSION. In a thesis or dissertation (or, in some cases, a
long class paper), you will probably end with a conclusion that is long
enough to treat as a separate element. If you include such a conclusion,
label the first page Conclusion at the top of the page. Leave two blank lines
between the title and the first line of text.
You may also make the conclusion the last numbered chapter of your
paper if you want to emphasize its connection to the rest of your text. If so,
treat the word Conclusion as a chapter title (see A.2.2.3).
A.2.3 Back Matter
The back matter of your paper may consist of all or some or none of the
following elements. Departments and universities usually provide specific
directions for the order of elements; if yours does not, follow the order
given here. Number the back matter continuously with the text using arabic
A.2.3.1 ILLUSTRATIONS. If you group all of your illustrations together
at the end of your thesis or dissertation (or long class paper) instead of
including them in the text (see 26.1.1), make them the first element in the
back matter. Label the first page of such a section Illustrations at the top of
the page. For information about inserting figures into your paper, see A.3.1.
If some illustrations are placed in the text, however, any that are grouped
in the back matter must be placed in an appendix; see A.2.3.2.
A.2.3.2 APPENDIXES. If your thesis or dissertation (or long class paper)
includes essential supporting material that cannot be easily worked into the
body of your paper, put the material in one or more appendixes in the back
matter. (Do not put appendixes at the ends of chapters.) Examples of such
material would be tables and figures that are marginally relevant to your
topic or too large to put in the text; schedules and forms used in collecting
materials; copies of documents not available to the reader; and case studies
too long to put into the text.
Label the first page Appendix at the top of the page. Leave two blank
lines between the title and the first line of text or other material.
If the appendix material is of different types—for example, a table and a
case study—divide it among two or more appendixes. In this case, give
each appendix a number or letter and a descriptive title. The numbers can
be either arabic numerals (1, 2) or spelled out (One, Two), or you may use
single letters of the alphabet in sequential order (A, B). Put the number or
letter following the word Appendix, and place the descriptive title on the
next line. (If your paper has only one appendix, you may also give it a
descriptive title, but do not give it a number or letter.)
If the appendix consists of your own explanatory text, double-space it
and format it to match the main text. If it is in list form or consists of a
primary document or a case study, you may choose to single-space the text,
especially if it is long.
Treat supporting material that cannot be presented in print form, such as
a large data set or a multimedia file, as an appendix. Include a brief
description of the material and its location, including a hyperlink (if
relevant). Such supplementary materials may also need to be described in
your abstract (see A.2.1.4). Consult your local guidelines for specific
requirements for file format, presentation, and submission; see also A.3.1.
A.2.3.3 GLOSSARY. If your thesis or dissertation (or long class paper)
needs a glossary (see A.2.1.12), you may include it in either the front or
back matter, where it follows any appendixes and precedes endnotes and the
bibliography or reference list. All of the special format requirements
described in A.2.1.12 apply, except that the back-matter glossary pages
should be numbered with arabic instead of roman numerals. Figure A.8
shows a sample glossary (paginated for the front matter).
A.2.3.4 ENDNOTES. If you are using notes-style citations, and unless
your local guidelines require footnotes or end-of-chapter notes, you may
include notes in the back matter as endnotes. Label the first page of this
element Notes at the top of the page. Leave two blank lines between the title
and the first note, and one blank line between notes. The notes themselves
should be single-spaced, with a standard paragraph indent at the start of
each one. If you restart numbering for each chapter, add a subheading
before the first note to each chapter. Figure A.14 shows a sample page of
endnotes for a paper divided into chapters. See also 16.3.3 and A.2.2.4.
If you are using author-date citations, you will not have endnotes.
Figure A.14. Endnotes. Reprinted with permission from Mary
Channen Caldwell, “Singing, Dancing, and Rejoicing in the Round:
Latin Sacred Songs with Refrains, circa 1000–1582” (PhD diss.,
University of Chicago, 2013).
notes-style citations, you will probably include a bibliography in the back
matter. Label the first page of this element Bibliography at the top of the
page. Leave two blank lines between the title and the first entry, and one
blank line between entries. The entries themselves should be single-spaced,
with runovers indented half an inch. Figure A.15 shows a sample page of a
Figure A.15. Bibliography. Reprinted with permission from Julia
Akinyi Brookins, “Immigrant Settlers and Frontier Citizens: German
Texas in the American Empire, 1835–1890” (PhD diss., University of
Chicago, 2013).
For some types of bibliographies you should use a different title, such as
Sources Consulted. If you do not arrange the bibliography alphabetically by
author, include a headnote, subheadings (formatted consistently), or both to
clarify the arrangement. See 16.2 for these variations.
If you are using author-date citations, you must include a reference list in
the back matter. Label the first page of the list References at the top of the
page. Leave two blank lines between the title and the first entry, and one
blank line between single-spaced entries. Indent runovers half an inch (use
a hanging indent). Figure A.16 shows a sample page of a reference list.
Figure A.16. Reference list. Reprinted with permission from José
Antonio Hernández Company, “The Legacies of Authoritarianism:
Party Origins and the Development of Programmatic Capacity in
Mexico” (PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2015).
In the rare case that you do not arrange the reference list alphabetically
by author (see 18.2.1), include a headnote, subheadings (formatted
consistently), or both to clarify the arrangement.
A.3 File Preparation and Submission Requirements
A.3.1 Preparing Your Files
By following some basic practices for good electronic file management and
preparation, you can avoid problems and produce a legible, properly
formatted paper. These practices apply whether you will be submitting your
paper electronically, as hard copy, or both.
A.3.1.1 FILE MANAGEMENT. Try to minimize the risk that your data
will be lost or corrupted at some point.
Prepare your paper as a single electronic file, regardless of its length.
Working with a single file makes it easier to use your word processor to
number pages, footnotes, and the like and to define and apply styles
consistently (see A.3.1.2). Working in a single file will also make it easier
to search and make global changes. Papers submitted electronically must
almost always consist of a single file (though certain supplementary
materials may need to be prepared and submitted as separate files; see
A.2.3.2). You may need to use your word processor to divide your
document into sections to meet certain formatting requirements, such as
presenting notes at the end of a chapter (as chapter endnotes) or changing
the way page numbers display in headers or footers in different parts of
the document.
Name the file simply and logically. If you save different versions of the
file over time, name them consistently (always ending in the date, for
example) to avoid any confusion. Before final submission, check your
local guidelines for naming conventions that apply to the file for the
paper and to any supplemental materials.
If possible, stick with the same application to draft and edit your paper.
Conversions always involve some risk of formatting errors and lost data,
even when moving between word processors that are supposed to be
Save your work often during each writing session.
Back up your work in more than one location after each writing session.
In addition to a local drive, save it to a network or cloud storage service.
Print out the file for your paper or convert it to the required electronic
format before your submission date. Look it over carefully for any
formatting glitches, such as special characters that are not displaying
properly, while there is time to correct them. Label the printout or name
the new file “Draft” and keep it at least until you submit the final version.
In an emergency (such as a computer problem or a serious illness), you
can use it to show that you did indeed produce a draft.
For considerations related to citation management tools, see 15.6.
A.3.1.2 TEXT COMPONENTS. Present all components of your text
clearly and consistently.
Format each text component consistently, including regular text, block
quotations, footnotes, and each type of title and subhead. The most
efficient way to ensure consistency is to use your word processor to
define and apply a unique style (specifying font, size, position, line
spacing, and so forth) for each component.
Set your word processor to align text flush left with a ragged right margin
unless your local guidelines recommend otherwise, and do not use its
automated hyphenation feature (see 20.4.1).
To avoid stranding headings at the bottom of the page, use your word
processor to define them to keep with the next element. And to avoid
stranding single lines of text at the top or bottom of the page, use your
word processors option for widow and orphan control.
Use your word processors menu for special characters (also called
symbols) to insert letters with accents and other diacritics, characters
from Greek and other non-Latin alphabets, mathematical operators (but
see below), paragraph or section symbols, and the like. If a particular
character is not available, you may need to select a different font for that
Insert any linked cross-references (for the table of contents, figure
references, or other elements) and external hyperlinks (for cited sources
and the like) that your local guidelines recommend.
Avoid font colors other than black. Even if you submit your paper as a
PDF or print it on a color printer, it may be printed or copied later in
black and white, and the color might not reproduce well.
Create equations and formulas with the equation editor in your word
processor, if possible. If not, create these items in another application and
insert them into your file as images (see A.3.1.3). Leave at least one
blank line between the equation and the text both above and below.
A.3.1.3 TABLES. Use your software to present tables that are clear, well
formatted, and easily readable. For more information, see 8.3.
Create tables with the table editor in your word processor, if possible. If
not, create them in a spreadsheet program and insert them into your file
as unlinked (embedded) tables. Format them to match the surrounding
text. See chapter 26 for discussion of table structure, format, and
placement in text.
Place a table number and title on the line above each numbered table (see
26.2.2). Run the title the full width of the table.
Put any source notes, general notes, or footnotes under the bottom rule of
a table, with a blank line between the rule and the first note, and also
between notes. Notes to tables may be presented in a smaller font than
the text of your paper; consult your local guidelines.
Leave at least one blank line (and preferably two) between the table title
and any text above it on the page, and also between the bottom rule (or
last note) and any text below it.
Use caution in employing shading or color to convey meaning. Even if
you print the paper on a color printer or submit it as a PDF, it may be
printed or copied later in black and white. If you use shading, make sure
it does not obscure the text of the table, and do not use multiple shades,
which might not reproduce distinctly.
Repeat the stub column and all column heads (see 26.2.4 and 26.2.5) on
every page of a multipage table. Omit the bottom rule on all pages except
the last.
Remain within your papers standard margins for a table that takes up an
entire page or is in landscape orientation (see 26.1.2). Do not put any
regular text on a page containing a landscape table. Set the table title in
either landscape or portrait orientation, and include a page number
(preferably in portrait orientation, so that it lines up with the rest of the
page numbers in your paper).
Keep a table that cannot be presented in print form, such as one
containing a large data set, as a separate file, and treat it as an appendix to
your paper (see A.2.3.2).
A.3.1.4 FIGURES. Take care that your graphics are easy to read, accurate,
and to the point. For more information, see 8.3.
Some charts, graphs, and diagrams can be created with the tools built in
to your word processor. If you create them in a different application,
insert them into your file as images. Format them to match the
surrounding text. See chapter 26 for discussion of figure types, format,
and placement in text.
Insert photographs, maps, and other types of figures into your file as
images. If an item is available to you only in hard copy, scan and insert it
if possible.
Put a figure number and caption on the line below the figure (see 26.3.2).
(An exception: with examples from musical scores, put the number and
caption on the line above the figure rather than below.) Run the caption
the full width of the figure. If there is not enough room for both figure
and caption within the margins of a page, put the caption at the bottom
(or, if necessary, the top) of the nearest preceding text page.
Leave at least one blank line (and preferably two) between the figure and
any text above it on the page, and also between the caption and any text
below it.
Use caution in employing shading or color to convey meaning. Even if
you print the paper on a color printer or submit it as a PDF, it may be
printed or copied later in black and white. If you use shading, make sure
it does not obscure any text in the figure, and do not use multiple shades,
which might not reproduce distinctly.
Consult your local guidelines for any requirements related to resolution,
scaling, cropping, and other parameters.
Remain within your papers standard margins for a figure that takes up an
entire page or is in landscape orientation (see 26.1.2). Do not put any
regular text on a page containing a landscape figure. Set the figure
caption in either landscape or portrait orientation, and include a page
number (preferably in portrait orientation, so that it lines up with the rest
of the page numbers in your paper).
Keep a figure that cannot be presented in print form, such as a
multimedia file, as a separate file, and treat it as an appendix to your
paper (see A.2.3.2).
A.3.2 Submitting Electronic Files
Most departments and universities now require electronic submission of a
thesis or dissertation instead of or in addition to hard copy (see A.3.3).
Instructors may also request electronic copies of class papers. For class
papers, consult your instructor regarding acceptable file types.
The requirements for theses and dissertations are more stringent. Well in
advance of the deadline, review the specific guidelines of your department
or university regarding any forms or procedures that must be completed
before you can submit your paper. If possible, get an official to review your
paper for proper format and other requirements before you submit the final
Most dissertations and some theses will be submitted to an electronic
repository. Many universities work with ProQuest Dissertations and Theses,
a commercial repository; others maintain their own. In either case, follow
your university’s guidelines for formatting your paper and creating the
electronic file. Most papers will need to be submitted as a single PDF
document. To ensure that all text displays correctly for other readers, make
sure that all fonts used in your paper have been embedded according to the
guidelines provided by ProQuest or your university. If a copy of your
abstract will be submitted separately, double-check formatting and special
characters to make sure they have been maintained in the copy. If your
paper includes supplemental files that cannot be included in the PDF (see
A.2.3.2), follow all applicable guidelines for preparing and submitting
Once the full text of your paper is published in an electronic repository,
others will have access to your work. You may be given the option to
publish “traditionally” or to provide free, open access to your work online,
sometimes in conjunction with a Creative Commons license that specifies
how others may use or distribute your work. If you choose a traditional
publishing option, your paper may still be visible to search engines, and
readers may have free access to your abstract and in some cases a portion of
your text; full access is typically provided through a subscription database
or a library. If you are concerned about limiting access to your paper for a
specific period, you may be able to apply for an embargo; check your local
Whichever publishing option you select, copyright restrictions apply. If
you include copyrighted material beyond the conventions of fair use, you
must obtain written permission from the copyright holder, and you may be
required to submit that documentation with your paper. Failure to provide
such material may delay acceptance or publication of your dissertation.
Consult your local guidelines and those offered by the repository. For more
information, see chapter 4 in The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (2017),
or Copyright and Your Dissertation or Thesis: Ownership, Fair Use, and
Your Rights and Responsibilities, by Kenneth D. Crews, available online
from ProQuest.
A.3.3 Submitting Hard Copy
Even if you submit your paper electronically (A.3.2), you may also be
asked to submit one or more hard copies of the full paper or of specific
pages. In some cases you may be asked to submit only the hard copy. If you
are writing a class paper, submitting it may be as simple as printing out a
single copy and handing it in to your instructor. Or you may instead be
asked to submit multiple copies to multiple individuals (your classmates, or
other faculty members). Follow instructions exactly, and always keep both a
hard copy and the electronic file for your records. All copies should exactly
match the original.
The requirements for theses and dissertations are more stringent, in part
because such papers may be preserved in bound form by the university or
by a commercial repository. Well in advance of the deadline, review the
specific guidelines of your department or university regarding such matters
as the number of copies required and any paperwork or procedures that
must be completed before you can submit your paper. (If your thesis or
dissertation is very long, your department or university may bind it in
multiple volumes. Check your local guidelines.) If possible, get an official
to review your paper for proper format before you produce the final copies.
Follow your university’s recommendations for paper stock. Most will
specify a paper that is 8½ × 11 inches (in US universities) and suitable for
long-term preservation of the work. If the guidelines do not specify the
paper stock, follow the American Library Association’s recommendation
for twenty-pound weight, neutral-pH (acid-free) paper that is labeled either
“buffered” or as having a minimum 2 percent alkaline reserve. Some but
not all stock referred to as “dissertation bond” meets these requirements, so
be sure to examine the paper specifications before making any copies.
Unless your guidelines specify otherwise, print your paper on only one side
of each page.
1. A thesis is a paper submitted as part of the requirements for a masters-level or
undergraduate degree. A dissertation, which is typically longer than a thesis, is a paper
submitted toward fulfillment of a doctoral degree.
There is a large literature on finding and presenting information, only some
of which can be listed here. For a larger and more current selection, consult
the Library of Congress catalog or an online bookseller. URLs are provided
here for sources that are available online (in addition to or in place of
traditional print formats). Other sources may also be available online or in
an e-book format; consult your library. This list is divided as follows:
Internet Databases (Bibliographies and Indexes)
Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
Print and Electronic Resources
Visual Representation of Data (Tables, Figures, Posters, Etc.)
Literary Studies
Social Sciences
Communication, Journalism, and Media Studies
Political Science
Women’s Studies
Natural Sciences
Computer Sciences
Geology and Earth Sciences
For most of those areas, six kinds of resources are listed:
1. specialized dictionaries that offer short essays defining concepts in a field
2. general and specialized encyclopedias that offer more extensive
overviews of a topic
3. guides to finding resources in different fields and using their
4. bibliographies, abstracts, and indexes that list past and current
publications in different fields
5. writing manuals for different fields
6. style manuals that describe required features of citations in different
Internet Databases (Bibliographies and Indexes)
cademic OneFile. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Cengage Learning, 2006–.
cademic Search Premier. Ipswich, MA: Ebsco Information Services, 1975–.
https:// www.ebscohost.com/ academic/ academic-search-premier.
rticleFirst. Dublin, OH: OCLC, 1990–. http://www.oclc.org/.
ooklist Online. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006–.
Clase and Periódica. Mexico City: UNAM, 2003–. http://www.oclc.org/.
CQ Researcher. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1991–. http://
library.cqpress.com/ cqresearcher/.
RIC (Educational Resources Information Center). Washington, DC: US
Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 2004–.
ssay and General Literature Index (H. W. Wilson). Ipswich, MA: EBSCO
Publishing, 2000s–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
General OneFile. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Cengage Learning, 2006–.
SI Web of Science (formerly Web of Knowledge). New York: Thomson
Reuters, 1990s–. http://wokinfo.com/.
exisNexis Academic. Dayton, OH: LexisNexis, 1984–.
ibrary Literature and Information Science Full Text (H. W. Wilson). Ipswich,
MA: EBSCO Publishing, 1999–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
ibrary of Congress Online Catalog. Washington, DC: Library of Congress.
Omnifile Full Text Select (H. W. Wilson). Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing,
1990–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
eriodicals Index Online. ProQuest Information and Learning, 1990–.
roQuest Dissertations and Theses. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Information
and Learning, 2004–. http://www.proquest.com/.
roQuest Research Library. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Information and
Learning, 1998–. http://www.proquest.com/.
eference Reviews. Bradford, UK: MCB University Press, 1997–. http://
www.emeraldinsight.com/ journals.htm?issn=0950-4125.
WorldCat. Dublin, OH: Online Computer Library Center. http:// www.oclc.org/
rts and Humanities Citation Index. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific
Information, 1990s–. http:// ip-science.thomsonreuters.com/ mjl/.
Humanities Full Text (H. W. Wilson). Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing,
2011–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
Humanities International Index (formerly American Humanities Index).
Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing, 2005–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/
U.S. History in Context. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group, 2007–.
Social Sciences
nthropological Literature. Cambridge, MA: Tozzer Library, Harvard
University, 1984–. http:// hcl.harvard.edu/ libraries/ tozzer/ anthrolit/
nthroSource. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association. http://
www.aaanet.org/ publications/ anthrosource/.
nthropology Plus. Rutgers, NJ: Rutgers University Library. http://
www.libraries.rutgers.edu/ indexes/ anthropology_ plus.
PA PsycNET. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association,
1990s–. http:// www.apa.org/ pubs/ databases/ psycnet/.
SSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts. Rutgers, NJ: Rutgers
University Library. http:// www.libraries.rutgers.edu/ indexes/ assia.
AIS International with Archive. Public Affairs Information Service; CSA
Illumina. Bethesda, MD: CSA, 1915–. http://www.proquest.com/.
olitical Science. Research Guide. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan. http://
guides.lib.umich.edu/ polisci/.
ocial Sciences Abstracts (H. W. Wilson). Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing,
1990s–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
ocial Sciences Citation Index. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific
Information, 1990s–. http://wokinfo.com/.
ociological Abstracts. Sociological Abstracts; Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts. Bethesda, MD: ProQuest CSA, 1990s–.
Natural Sciences
pplied Science and Technology Index (H. W. Wilson). Ipswich, MA: EBSCO
Publishing, 1997–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA). Washington, DC: National Agricultural Library,
1970–. http://agricola.nal.usda.gov/.
ubMed.gov. US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed.
Web of Science. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1990s–.
Print and Electronic Resources
. American National Biography. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000–.
. Bowman, John S., ed. The Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
. World Biographical Information System. [Munich:] Thomson Gale, n.d.
http:// db.saur.de/ WBIS/.
. Matthew, H. C. G., and Brian Howard Harrison, eds. Oxford Dictionary of
National Biography, in Association with the British Academy: From the
Earliest Times to the Year 2000. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Also at http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
. Jackson, Kenneth T., Karen Markoe, and Arnie Markoe, eds. The Scribner
Encyclopedia of American Lives. 8 vols. covering 1981–2008. New York:
Charles Scribners Sons, 1998–2010.
. Lagassé, Paul, ed. The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. New York:
Columbia University Press, 2008.
. New Encyclopaedia Britannica. 16th ed. 32 vols. Chicago: Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 2010. Also at http://www.britannica.com/.
. Abbott, Andrew Delano. Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and
Writing with Library and Internet Materials. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2014.
. Balay, Robert, ed. Guide to Reference Books. 11th ed. Chicago: American
Library Association, 1996.
. Hacker, Diana, and Barbara Fister. Research and Documentation in the
Digital Age, with 2016 MLA Update. 6th ed. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin’s,
. Kane, Eileen, and Mary O’Reilly-de Brún. Doing Your Own Research.
London: Marion Boyars, 2001.
. Kieft, Robert, ed. Guide to Reference. Chicago: American Library
Association, 2008–16.
. Lipson, Charles. Doing Honest Work in College: How to Prepare Citations,
Avoid Plagiarism, and Achieve Real Academic Success. 2nd ed. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2008.
. Mann, Thomas. Oxford Guide to Library Research. 4th ed. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2015.
. Reference Universe. Sterling, VA: Paratext, 2002–.
. Rowely, Jennifer, and John Farrow. Organizing Knowledge: An
Introduction to Managing Access to Information. 4th ed. Aldershot,
Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2008.
. Sears, Jean L., and Marilyn K. Moody. Using Government Information
Sources: Electronic and Print. 3rd ed. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 2001.
. Alternative Press Index. Chicago: Alternative Press Centre; Ipswich, MA:
EBSCO Publishing, 1969–. https:// www.ebscohost.com/ academic/
. Bibliographic Index Plus. Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing; Bronx: H. W.
Wilson, 2003.
. Book Review Digest Plus. New York: H. W. Wilson; Ipswich, MA: EBSCO
Publishing, 2002–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
. Book Review Digest Retrospective: 1903–1982 (H. W. Wilson). Bronx: H.
W. Wilson Co.; Ipswich, MA: EBSCO Publishing, 2011–. http://
www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
. Book Review Index. Detroit: Gale Research, 1965–. Also at
. Books in Print. New Providence, NJ: R. R. Bowker, 2011. Also at
. Brigham, Clarence S. History and Bibliography of American Newspapers,
1690–1820. 2 vols. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1976.
. Conference Papers Index. Bethesda, MD: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts,
. Farber, Evan Ira, ed. Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in
Scholarly Journals, 1886–1974. 15 vols. Arlington, VA: Carrollton Press,
. Gregory, Winifred, ed. American Newspapers, 1821–1936: A Union List of
Files Available in the United States and Canada. New York: H. W. Wilson,
. Kirkus Reviews. New York: Kirkus Media, 1933–. Also at
. National Newspaper Index. Menlo Park, CA: Information Access, 1982–
. Newspapers in Microform. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1948–83.
Also at https://www.loc.gov/.
. New York Times Index. New York: New York Times, 1913–.
. Periodicals Index Online. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Information and
Learning, 1990–. http:// proquest.com/ pio.
. Poole, William Frederick, and William Isaac Fletcher. Poole’s Index to
Periodical Literature. Rev. ed. Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith, 1971.
. Popular Periodical Index. Camden, NJ: Rutgers University, 1973–93.
. Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature (H. W. Wilson). Ipswich, MA:
EBSCO Publishing, 2003–. http:// www.ebscohost.com/ wilson/.
. Reference Books Bulletin. Chicago: American Library Association, 1989.
Also at http:// www.ala.org/ offices/ reference-books-bulletin.
. Serials Review. New York: Taylor and Francis, 1975–2013. Also at http://
www.sciencedirect.com/ science/ journal/ 00987913.
. Subject Guide to Books in Print. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1957–. Also at
. Bolker, Joan. Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide
to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis. New York: H.
Holt, 1998.
. Crews, Kenneth D. Copyright Law and Graduate Research: New Media,
New Rights, and Your Dissertation. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 2002.
. Eco, Umberto. How to Write a Thesis. Translated by Caterina Mongiat
Farina and Geoff Farina. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 2015.
. Few, Stephen. Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to
Enlighten. Burlingame, CA: Analytics Press, 2012.
. Miller, Jane E. The Chicago Guide to Writing about Numbers. 2nd ed.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.
. Sternberg, David. How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation.
New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1981.
. Strunk, William, and E. B. White. The Elements of Style. 50th anniversary
ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2009.
. Williams, Joseph M., and Joseph Bizup. Style: Lessons in Clarity and
Grace. 11th ed. Boston: Pearson Longman, 2014.
. The Chicago Manual of Style. 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2017. Also at http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/.
Visual Representation of Data (Tables, Figures, Posters, Etc.)
. Harris, Robert L. Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated
Reference. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
. Cleveland, William S. The Elements of Graphing Data. Rev. ed. Summit,
NJ: Hobart Press, 1994.
. Cleveland, William S. Visualizing Data. Summit, NJ: Hobart Press, 1993.
. Monmonier, Mark. Mapping It Out: Expository Cartography for the
Humanities and Social Sciences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
. Tufte, Edward R. Envisioning Information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics, 1990.
. Tufte, Edward R. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. 2nd ed.
Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 2001.
. Tufte, Edward R. Visual and Statistical Thinking: Displays of Evidence for
Making Decisions. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 1997.
. Wainer, Howard. Visual Revelations: Graphical Tales of Fate and
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. Smith, Jacqueline, ed. The Facts on File Dictionary of Earth Science. Rev.
ed. New York: Facts on File, 2006. Also at
. Bishop, Arthur C., Alan R. Woolley, and William R. Hamilton. Cambridge
Guide to Minerals, Rocks, and Fossils. Rev. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2001.
. Bowes, Donald R., ed. The Encyclopedia of Igneous and Metamorphic
Petrology. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989.
. Dasch, E. Julius, ed. Macmillan Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences. 2 vols.
New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 1996.
. Good, Gregory A., ed. Sciences of the Earth: An Encyclopedia of Events,
People, and Phenomena. 2 vols. New York: Garland, 1998.
. Hancock, Paul L., and Brian J. Skinner, eds. The Oxford Companion to the
Earth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Also at
. Nierenberg, William A., ed. Encyclopedia of Earth System Science. 4 vols.
San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1992.
. Selley, Richard C., et al., eds. Encyclopedia of Geology. 5 vols. Amsterdam:
Elsevier Academic, 2005.
. Seyfert, Carl K., ed. The Encyclopedia of Structural Geology and Plate
Tectonics. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987.
. Singer, Ronald, ed. Encyclopedia of Paleontology. 2 vols. Chicago: Fitzroy
Dearborn, 1999.
. Steele, John H., S. A. Thorpe, and Karl K. Turekian, eds. Encyclopedia of
Ocean Sciences. 2nd ed. 6 vols. Boston: Elsevier, 2009. Also at http://
www.sciencedirect.com/ science/ referenceworks/ 9780122274305/.
. Bibliography and Index of Geology. Alexandria, VA: American Geological
Institute, 1966–2005. Also at http://www.proquest.com/ (as GeoRef).
. Geobase. New York: Elsevier Science. Also at http:// www.elsevier.com/
online-tools/ engineering-village/ geobase/.
. Wood, David N., Joan E. Hardy, and Anthony P. Harvey. Information
Sources in the Earth Sciences. 2nd ed. London: Bowker-Saur, 1989.
. Bates, Robert L., Marla D. Adkins-Heljeson, and Rex C. Buchanan, eds.
Geowriting: A Guide to Writing, Editing, and Printing in Earth Science.
Rev. 5th ed. Alexandria, VA: American Geological Institute, 2004.
. Dunn, J., et al. Organization and Content of a Typical Geologic Report.
Rev. ed. Arvada, CO: American Institute of Professional Geologists, 1993.
. Borowski, E. J., and J. M. Borwein, eds. Collins Dictionary: Mathematics.
2nd ed. Glasgow: HarperCollins, 2002.
. Nelson, David, ed. The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics. 4th ed.
London: Penguin, 2008.
. Nicholson, James. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics. 5th ed.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
. Schwartzman, Steven. The Words of Mathematics: An Etymological
Dictionary of Mathematical Terms Used in English. Washington, DC:
Mathematical Association of America, 1994.
. Darling, David J. The Universal Book of Mathematics: From Abracadabra
to Zeno’s Paradoxes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004.
. Ito, Kiyosi, ed. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. 2nd ed. 2 vols.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.
. Weisstein, Eric W. CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics. 3rd ed.
Boca Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall / CRC, 2009.
. Pemberton, John E. How to Find Out in Mathematics: A Guide to Sources
of Information. 2nd rev. ed. Oxford: Pergamon, 1969.
. DoD Public Access Search. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical
Information Center. https:// publicaccess.dtic.mil/ padf_ public/.
. Mathematical Reviews: 50th Anniversary Celebration. Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society, 1990.
. MathSci. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Also at http://
www.ams.org/ mathscinet/.
. A Manual for Authors of Mathematical Papers. Rev. ed. Providence, RI:
American Mathematical Society, 1990.
. Miller, Jane E. The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis.
2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
. Basu, Dipak, ed. Dictionary of Pure and Applied Physics. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press, 2001.
. Daintith, John, ed. A Dictionary of Physics. 7th ed. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2015. Also at http://www.oxfordreference.com/.
. Sube, Ralf. Dictionary: Physics Basic Terms; English-German. Berlin: A.
Hatier, 1994.
. Thewlis, James. Concise Dictionary of Physics and Related Subjects. 2nd
ed. rev. and enl. Oxford: Pergamon, 1979.
. Lerner, Rita G., and George L. Trigg, eds. Encyclopedia of Physics. 3rd ed.
Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2005.
. McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Physics. New York: McGraw-Hill,
. Meyers, Robert A., ed. Encyclopedia of Modern Physics. San Diego, CA:
Academic Press, 1990.
. Trigg, George L., ed. Encyclopedia of Applied Physics. 23 vols. Weinheim,
Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2004. https:// doi.org/ 10.1002/ 3527600434.
. Woan, Graham. The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas. 2003 ed.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
. Shaw, Dennis F. Information Sources in Physics. 3rd ed. London: Bowker-
Saur, 1994.
. American Institute of Physics. Journals. College Park, MD: AIP.
. Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1969–.
. Current Physics Index. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1975–
2005. Also at http://aip.scitation.org.
. IEEE Xplore. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
http:// ieeexplore.ieee.org/ Xplore/.
. Inspec. Stevenage, UK: Institution of Electrical Engineers. Also at http://
www.ebscohost.com/ academic/.
. Institute of Physics. Journals. London: IOP. http:// iopscience.iop.org/
. Physics Abstracts. London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1967–.
. Katz, Michael J. Elements of the Scientific Paper. New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press, 1985.
. American Institute of Physics. AIP Style Manual. 4th ed. New York:
American Institute of Physics, 1990.
Kate L. Turabian (1893–1987) was the graduate school dissertation
secretary at the University of Chicago for nearly three decades. She is the
original author of this work and the Student’s Guide to Writing College
Papers, also published by the University of Chicago Press and currently in
its fourth edition (2010).
Wayne C. Booth (1921–2005) was the George M. Pullman Distinguished
Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago, where he taught in
the English Department, the Committee on Ideas and Methods, and the
College. His many books include The Rhetoric of Fiction, A Rhetoric of
Irony, Critical Understanding, The Vocation of a Teacher, and For the Love
of It: Amateuring and Its Rivals, all published by the University of Chicago
Gregory G. Colomb (1951–2011) was professor of English at the
University of Virginia and the author of Designs on Truth: The Poetics of
the Augustan Mock-Epic.
Joseph M. Williams (1933–2008) was professor emeritus of English and
linguistics at the University of Chicago. He is the author of Style: Lessons
in Clarity and Grace. Colomb and Williams jointly wrote The Craft of
Joseph Bizup is associate professor of English and associate dean for
undergraduate academic programs and policies in the College of Arts &
Sciences at Boston University. He is the author of Manufacturing Culture,
coeditor of recent editions of the Norton Reader, and editor of recent
editions of Williams’s Style.
William T. FitzGerald is associate professor of English and director of
the Writing Program and the Teaching Matters and Assessment Center at
Rutgers University–Camden. He is the author of Spiritual Modalities.
Together Booth, Colomb, and Williams authored The Craft of Research,
which Bizup and FitzGerald revised for its fourth edition (University of
Chicago Press, 2016). And first Colomb and Williams, and now Bizup and
FitzGerald, have revised Turabian’s Student’s Guide.
The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff produces The Chicago
Manual of Style, currently in its seventeenth edition (2017).
References are to section numbers except where specified as page (p.),
figure (fig.), table, or note (n) number.
abbreviations, pp. 342–43
for academic degrees, 24.2.3
in addresses, 24.3.2
for agencies, companies, and other organizations, 24.2.4
in author-date style citations, 18.1.6
the Bible, applicable to, 24.6; books of the Apocrypha, 24.6.2; books of
the Jewish Bible/Old Testament, 24.6.1; books of the New Testament,
24.6.3; versions of the Bible, 24.6.4
for Canadian provinces and territories, 24.3.1
capitalization of, 24.1.3
in charts and graphs, 26.3.1
in citations and other scholarly contexts, 24.7
conventions for use of, 24.1.2
in date and time references, 23.1.5, 23.3, 24.4
formatting of, 24.1.3
indefinite articles and, 24.1.3
italics in, 24.1.3
list of, A.2.1.11, fig. A.7
in notes-bibliography style citations, 16.1.6
number ranges, system for, table 23.2
in parenthetical citations,
in personal names, 24.2.1
for place-names, 24.3.1
plural forms of,
possessive forms of, 20.2.1
of professional titles, 24.2.2
punctuation of, 24.1.3
spacing in, 24.1.3
in tables and figures, 24.2.4, 24.3.1, 24.4.2, 26.2
types of, 24.1.1
for units of measure, 23.1.1, 24.5
for US states, 24.3.1
citation of: in author-date style, 19.2.8; in notes-bibliography style,
for a dissertation or thesis, A.2.1.4
Academic Search Premier, 2.1.1, 3.2.3
academic terms
abbreviations for degrees, 24.2.3
names of courses and subjects, 22.1.3
scholarly abbreviations, 24.7
acknowledgments, A.2.1.10
acronyms, 24.1.1
email, 20.4.2
street, 23.1.7, 23.2.2, 24.3.2
compound forms of, 20.3.1, 20.3.2
multiple preceding a noun, use of commas to separate, 21.2.4
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
aircraft, names of, 22.1.3
models for, 3.1.2
of sources: creative agreement, looking for, 4.1.1; creative disagreement,
looking for, 4.1.2
Annals of the Congress of the United States,,
anonymous authors,,
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
Apocrypha, abbreviations applicable to, 24.6.2. See also Bible
apostrophes, 20.1, 20.2, 21.11
figures and tables in, 26.1.2
format requirements for, A.2.3.2
appositives, punctuation of, 21.2.4
apps (computer)
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
Arabic names,,
argument, building an
“argument,” commonsense understanding of, 2.4.2
based on evidence vs. warrants, 5.5
blind spots, checking for, 9.1
challenges to, 5.4.3,
claim, turning your working hypothesis into a, 5.3
elements of, assembling, 5.4, 5.6
readers’ questions as guide to, 5.2
research argument, meaning of, 5.1
warrants, 5.4.4,
See also storyboard; working hypothesis
art exhibition catalogs
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
author-date style citations, 3.5.1, 15.3.2, pp. 223–24, pp. 237–38
access dates,
parenthetical citations (see parenthetical citations)
patterns of: abbreviations, 18.1.6; capitalization, 18.1.3; indentation,
18.1.7; italics and quotation marks, 18.1.4; numbers, 18.1.5; order of
elements, 18.1.1; punctuation, 18.1.2
placement of,
reference lists (see reference lists)
in specific types of sources: advertisements,; art exhibition
catalogs,; the Bible and other sacred works, 19.8.2; blogs,
19.5.2; books (see books: author-date style citations in); classical,
medieval, and early English literary works, 19.8.1; graphic arts,; interviews, 19.6.1,; journal articles (see journals
and journal articles: author-date style citations in); lectures, 19.7.2;
legal cases, 19.11.7; live performances, 19.10.2; magazine articles,
19.3; manuscript collections, 19.7.4; movies,; musical
scores,; newspaper articles, 19.4; one source quoted in
another, 19.9.3; online collections, 19.7.5; online forums and mailing
lists, 19.5.4; paintings, sculptures, and photographs,;
pamphlets and reports, 19.7.3; papers presented at meetings, 19.7.2;
personal communications, 19.6.2; plays,; podcasts,; public documents (see Congress, US: author-date style
citations of; public documents: author-date style citations of);
reference works, 19.9.1; reviews, 19.9.2; social media, 19.5.3; sound
recordings,; television and radio programs,; theses
and dissertations, 19.7.1; video games and apps,; videos,; websites, 19.5.1
authors name
in author-date style citations, 19.1.1, 19.2.1
in notes-bibliography style citations, 17.1.1, 17.2.1
bar charts. See charts
beliefs, 14
abbreviations applicable to, 24.6; books of the Apocrypha, 24.6.2; books
of the Jewish Bible/Old Testament, 24.6.1; books of the New
Testament, 24.6.3; versions of the Bible, 24.6.4
author-date style citations of, 19.8.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.8.2
titles in,
abbreviations in, 16.1.6
arrangement of entries: alphabetical by author,; by categories,; other than alphabetical,; special types of names,
citing for every summary, paraphrase, or quotation, 7.4
in a dissertation or thesis, A.2.3.5
example of, fig. A.15
indentation in, 16.1.7
with notes-bibliography style citations, 15.3.1, 16.2, p. 150
order of elements in, 16.1.1
punctuation in, 16.1.2
recording information for, 3.5.2
searching for sources in, 3.2.2, 3.2.7
sources that may be omitted, 16.2.3
templates for entries in, fig. 16.1
types of, 16.2.1
See also notes-bibliography style citations
author-date style citations of, 19.5.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.5.2
author-date style citations in: anonymous author,; authors name,
19.1.1; chapters and other parts of a book, 19.1.9; date of publication,
19.1.2; editor or translator in addition to author,; editor or
translator in place of an author,; electronic books, 19.1.10;
letters and other communications,; multivolume works as a
whole,; non-English titles,; older titles,;
organization as author,; page numbers and other locators,
19.1.8; parts of edited collections,; parts of single-author
books,; place of publication,; pseudonyms,;
publishers name,; reprint editions,; revised editions,; a series, 19.1.6; special elements in title,; specific
volume of multivolume works,; titles, 19.1.3; works in
electronic, 17.1.10, 19.1.10
generic terms for parts of,
notes-bibliography style citations in: anonymous authors,;
authors name, 17.1.1; chapters and other parts of books, 17.1.8; date
of publication,; editor or translator in addition to author,; editor or translator in place of author,; electronic
books, 17.1.10; letters and other communications, 17.1.9; multivolume
works as a whole,; non-English titles,; older titles,; organization as author,; page numbers and other
locators, 17.1.7; parts of edited collections,; parts of single-
author books,; place of publication,; pseudonyms,; publishers name,; reprint editions,; revised
editions,; a series, 17.1.5; special elements in titles,;
specific volume of multivolume works,; titles, 17.1.2; works
in anthologies,
numbers/numerals for parts of, 23.1.8
templates for notes and bibliography entries, fig. 16.1
templates for reference lists and parenthetical citations, fig. 18.1
titles of,
book series
author-date style citations of, 19.1.6
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.1.5
titles of,
brackets, 21.8.2
around insertion into quotation,
around notation of modification of quotation, 7.5,,
end-of-line breaks and, 20.4.2
multiple punctuation marks and,
note-taking, use in, 4.2.2
brand names, 22.1.3
British government documents
author-date style citations of, 19.11.10
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.10
Canadian government documents
author-date style citations of, 19.11.9
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.9
Canadian provinces and territories, abbreviations for, 24.3.1
in abbreviations, 24.1.3
in author-date style citations, 18.1.3
of churches and religious organizations, 23.1.6
colon, following a, 21.4
of foreign language terms, 22.2.1
of names, 22.1
in notes-bibliography style citations, 16.1.3
in quotations, modifying,
of sacred works, 24.6.5
in tables and figures, 26.2
of titles and works, 22.3.1,
CD-ROMs, citation of, 17.9.1, 19.9.1
chapters and other parts of books
in author-date style citations, 19.1.9
of a dissertation or thesis, A.2.2.2–A.2.2.4
first page of, fig. A.9
in notes-bibliography style citations, 17.1.8
titles of,
abbreviations in, 26.3.1
bar: examples of, fig. 8.4, fig. 8.5, fig. 8.6, fig. 8.7, fig. 8.10; guidelines
for,; misrepresentation of data in, 8.4
as best choice for graphic representation, 8.2
definition of, p. 86n
design of, 26.3.1
examples of, fig. 8.1
keep it simple, 8.3.2
kinds and uses of, table 8.7
shading and color in, 26.3.1
“stacked area”: examples of, fig. 8.12; misrepresentation of data in, 8.4
See also figures
Chicago Manual of Style
abbreviations, as a resource on, 24.5, p. 343
on alphabetization systems,,
on author-date style citations, p. 238
citations, as source for examples of, p. 171
on copyright registration, 26.1.3, A.2.1.3, A.3.2, p. 238
em dash, use of, p. 314n
on foreign languages, 22.2.1
on mathematical expressions, 23.1.9
on names, 22.1
Chinese names,,
abbreviations used in, 24.2.4, 24.7
author-date style (see author-date style citations)
citation management tools, 15.6
determining style of, 3.5.1, 15.3
information required for, 3.5.2, 15.2.2
notes-bibliography style (see notes-bibliography style citations)
numbers in, 23.4.1
of online sources, 15.4
placement of note number, (see also note numbers)
preparation of, 15.5
reasons for, 15.1
situations requiring, 15.2.1
See also notes
based on evidence vs. warrants, 5.5
checking your, 9.2
evaluation of, 5.4.1
introduction/conclusion, stating in your, 6.2.2
main (thesis), 5.3
relevance of a reason to,, fig. 5.1 (see also warrants)
restatement of in your conclusion, 10.2.1
statement of, 5.4.1, 10.1.4
supporting, 5.4.2
turning your working hypothesis into, 5.3
classical, medieval, and early English literary works
author-date style citations of, 19.8.1
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.8.1
class papers
requirements for, pp. 383–84
title page for, fig. A.1
colons used in punctuation of, 21.4
commas used in punctuation of, 21.2.1–21.2.3, 21.8.1
semicolons used in punctuation of, 21.3
colons, 21.4
in lists,
multiple punctuation marks and,
commas, 21.2
in addresses, 23.1.7
in bibliographies,
in dates, 23.3.1
foreign currencies, as decimal point in,
independent clauses, separating, 21.2.1
in lists,
miscellaneous uses of, 21.2.4
multiple punctuation marks and, 21.12.1, 21.12.2
nonrestrictive clauses, setting off, 21.2.3, 21.8.1
numbers, used in, 23.2.2, 23.2.4
in a series, 21.2.2
in titles of works, 22.3.3
Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789–1897,
17.11.3, 19.11.3
compound words
adjectives, used as, 20.3.1
both nouns and adjectives, used as, 20.3.2
forms of, 20.3
numbers, including,
plural forms of,
possessive forms of,
proper nouns, including,
aims of, p. 107
checking your, 9.2
of a dissertation or thesis, A.2.2.7
drafting your final, 10.2
for oral presentations, 13.2.3
working, 6.2.9
conference proposals, 13.4
Congress, US
author-date style citations of: bills and resolutions,; debates,; hearings,; publications, 19.11.2; reports and
documents,; statutes,
notes-bibliography style citations of: bills and resolutions,;
debates,; hearings,; publications, 17.11.2; reports
and documents,; statutes,
Congressional Globe,,
Congressional Record,,,,
page, A.2.1.3
permission to reproduce material protected by, 26.1.3, A.3.2
cultural terms, names of, 22.1.2
dance. See live performances
dashes, 21.7
em, 21.7.2
en, p. 314n
multiple punctuation marks and, 21.12.1
2-em and 3-em,, 21.7.3
ethical communication of, 8.4
verbal or visual representations of, choosing between, 8.1
See also sources
online, 3.2.3
date of publication
in author-date style citations: in books, 17.1.2; in journal articles, 19.2.2
in notes-bibliography style citations: in books,; in journal
dates and time, references to
abbreviations used for, 24.4
a.m. and p.m., 24.4.1
BC and AD or BCE and CE, 23.3.2, 24.4.3
commas used in years with five or more digits, 23.2.2
decades, centuries, and eras, 23.3.2, 24.4.3
month, day, and year, 23.3.1, 24.4.2
names of, 22.1.2
ranges of years, 23.2.4
decimal points, 23.1.4
decimals and fractions, 23.1.3, 23.2.2
dedication, A.2.1.5
dissertations and theses
abstract, A.2.1.4
acknowledgments, A.2.1.10
appendixes, A.2.3.2
author-date style citations of, 19.7.1
back matter, A.2.3
bibliography or reference list, A.2.3.5, fig. A.15, fig. A.16
copyright page, A.2.1.3
dedication, A.2.1.5
defined, p. 383n
departmental and university requirements, pp. 383–84
editorial or research method, discussion of, A.2.1.13
endnotes, A.2.3.4, fig. A.14
epigraphs, A.2.1.6
file preparation: figures, A.3.1.4; file management, A.3.1.1; tables,
A.3.1.3; text components, A.3.1.2
format requirements for specific elements, A.2
front matter, A.1.4.1, A.2.1
general format requirements: font, A.1.2; margins, A.1.1; pagination,
A.1.4; spacing and indentation, A.1.3; titles, A.1.5
glossary, A.2.1.12, A.2.3.3, fig. A.8
illustrations, A.2.3.1
list of abbreviations, A.2.1.11, fig. A.7
list of figures, tables, or illustrations, A.2.1.8, fig. A.5
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.7.1
preface, A.2.1.9
submission page, A.2.1.1
submitting electronic files, A.3.2
submitting hard copy, A.3.3
table of contents, A.2.1.7, fig. A.3, fig. A.4
text, A.2.2; chapters, A.2.2.3, fig. A.9; conclusion, A.2.2.7; introduction,
A.2.2.1; notes or parenthetical citations, A.2.2.5, fig. A.10, fig. A.11;
parts, A.2.2.2; sections and subsections, A.2.2.4; tables and figures,
A.2.2.6, fig. A.12, fig. A.13
title page, A.2.1.2, fig.A.2
titles of,, A.1.5
Dominion Law Reports (Canada), 17.11.9, 19.11.9
as an act of discovery, pp. 75–76
different ways to approach, 7.1
effective writing habits and, 7.2
evidence, introducing, 7.7
a first sentence, 10.1.5
inappropriate assistance, guarding against, 7.10
integrate quotations, 7.5
keeping on track with headings and key terms, 7.3
plagiarism, guarding against, 7.9
procrastination and writers block, 7.11
quote, paraphrase, and summarize appropriately, 7.4
sentences (see sentences)
surprises, be open to, 7.8
use of footnotes and endnotes, 7.6
your final conclusion, 10.2
your final introduction, 10.1
your title, 10.3
See also feedback; first draft; revising
early English literary works
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
e-books, citation of
in author-date style, 19.1.10
in notes-bibliography style, 17.1.10
editions of books in citations
in author-date style citations,
in notes-bibliography style, 17.1.3,
editors name in citations,–,–, fig. 16.1,
fig. 18.1
electronic technology, names of, 22.1.3. See also online sources
Elements of Typographic Style, The (Bringhurst), A.1.2
elevator stories, 2.5, 13.4
empty cells in tables, to indicate, 26.2.6
general method for using,
inserted in quotations, 7.5, 21.1,
omission of a full paragraph or more from a block quotation,
omission of a line or more of poetry,
textual studies method for using,
email addresses, 20.4.2
Encyclopaedia Britannica, p. 293
in a dissertation or thesis, A.2.3.4
example of, fig. A.14
footnotes vs., 16.3.1
in notes-bibliography style citations, 15.3.1, p. 150
parenthetical notes vs.,
use of while drafting, 7.6
See also notes
end-of-line breaks, 20.4
epigraphs,, A.2.1.6
equations, 23.1.9
European currency,
arguments based on, 5.5
beliefs and, 14
challenges to, 5.4.3
introducing in drafts, 7.7
note-taking and, 4.3.3
sketch out for each section of your paper,–
supporting claims with, 5.4.2
Exchequer Court Reports (Canada), 17.11.9, 19.11.9
exclamation points, 21.6
in author-date style citations,
multiple punctuation marks and, 21.12.1,
in notes-bibliography style citations,
Federal Courts Reports (Canada), 17.11.9, 19.11.9
Federal Register, 17.11.3, 19.11.3
Federal Reporter, 17.11.7, 19.11.7
Federal Supplement, 17.11.7, 19.11.7
find general principles in specific comments, 12.2
talk with your reader, 12.3
treat comments as advice or data, 12.1
figures, 26.3
abbreviations used in, 24.2.4
captions for, 8.3.1, 26.3.2
charts (see charts)
definition of, 26.3, p. 86n, p. 370
designing, 8.3
explanatory introductions in, 7.7
graphs (see graphs)
list of, A.2.1.8, fig. A.6
numbering for, 26.3.2
numbers in, 23.4.1
permission to reproduce, 26.1.3
position in the text, 26.1.1
presentation of in a dissertation or thesis, A.3.1.4
size and orientation of, 26.1.2
source lines for, 26.1.3
first draft, p. 51
avoiding unhelpful plans, 6.1
leftovers, file away, 6.3
plan for: if conventional, find a model, 6.2; introduction to each section
and subsection, sketch a brief, 6.2.7; key concepts, identifying, 6.2.3;
organization, options for, 6.2.5; outline, converting your storyboard
into an, 6.2.1; parts of your argument for each section, sketch the,
6.2.8; subheads created from key terms, 6.2.4; transitional words that
make the order clear, 6.2.6; working conclusion, sketch a, 6.2.9;
working introduction, sketch a, 6.2.2
revising, p. 102; blind spots in your argument, checking for, 9.1;
coherence of the body, checking for, 9.3; introduction, conclusion, and
claim, checking your, 9.2; let it cool, then paraphrase, 9.5; paragraphs,
checking your, 9.4
See also drafting; feedback
first-person pronouns, 11.1.7
font, general guidelines for, A.1.2
endnotes vs., 16.3.1
example of, fig. A.10
labeling when endnotes are numbered, 16.3.3
in notes-bibliography style citations, 15.3.1, p. 150
parenthetical citations vs.,, 18.3.3
for tables, 26.2.7
use of while drafting, 7.6
See also notes
foreign languages
names in, 22.2.1
terms in, 22.2.1
titles of works in, 22.3.2
formulas, 23.1.9
front matter, A.1.4.1
abstract, A.2.1.4
copyright page, A.2.1.3
dedication, A.2.1.5
epigraph, A.2.1.6
periods used as leaders in, 21.1
submission page, A.2.1.1
table of contents, A.2.1.7
title page, A.2.1.2
glossary, A.2.1.12, A.2.3.3, fig. A.8
Google, 3.2, 3.2.8,
Google Scholar, 3.2.8
governmental and political organizations
abbreviations for, 24.2.4
citation of publications of: author-date style citations, 19.11.4 (see also
Congress, US: author-date style citations of); notes-bibliography style,
17.11.4 (see also Congress, US: notes-bibliography style citations of)
names of, 22.1.3, 23.1.6
graphic arts
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
choosing between forms of, p. 86
choosing the most effective, 8.2
common forms and their uses, table 8.7
data best represented by, 8.1
definition of, p. 370
designing, 8.3; follow guidelines, 8.3.3; framing to help readers
understand, 8.3.1; keep it simple, 8.3.2
ethical communication of data, 8.4
meaning of, p. 86n
shading and color in, 8.3.2
source lines for, 26.1.3
See also charts; figures; graphs; tables
abbreviations in, 26.3.1
adding text to, 8.3.1
as best choice for graphic representation, 8.2
definition of, p. 86n
design of, 26.3.1
examples of, fig. 8.2, fig. 8.3
examples of line, fig. 8.8, fig. 8.9, fig. 8.11
guidelines for line,
keep it simple, 8.3.2
line, uses of, table 8.7
misrepresentation of data in line, 8.4
shading and color in, 26.3.1
See also figures
handouts for oral presentations, 13.2.5
histogram, table 8.7
historical events and periods. See dates and time, references to
hyperlinks, A.3.1.2
hyphens, 21.7.1
in compounds and words with prefixes, 20.3
end-of-line breaks, used at, 20.4
in hyperlinks, 20.4.2
in number spans,
in spelled-out centuries, 23.3.2
hypothesis, working. See working hypothesis
ibid., 16.4.2
illustrations. See graphics
in author-date style citations, 18.1.7
general guidelines for, A.1.3
in notes-bibliography style citations, 16.1.7
initialisms, 24.1.1
international bodies, publications of
author-date style citations of, 19.11.11
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.11
internet. See online sources
author-date style citations of, 19.6.1,
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.6.1,
aims of, pp. 106–7
checking your, 9.2
of a dissertation or thesis, A.2.2.1
first sentence, drafting a, 10.1.5
for oral presentations, 13.2.1
parts of, 10.1; context of prior research, establishing, 10.1.1; significance
of your question, state the, 10.1.3; your claim, 10.1.4; your question,
restate, 10.1.2
road maps at the end of, 6.2.2
working, sketching a, 6.2.2
in abbreviations, 24.1.3
in author-date style citations, 18.1.4,
foreign language terms and quotations, 22.2.1
key terms, used for, 22.2.2
letters referred to as letters, use for, 22.2.2
in names, 22.1.3
in notes-bibliography style citations, 16.1.4,
plural forms of terms in,
possessive forms of terms in,
in quotations, modifying,
sacred works, names of parts of, 24.6.5
term referred to as a term, use for, 22.2.2
titles of works in,
Japanese names,,
Jewish Bible, abbreviations in, 24.6.1
journals and journal articles
author-date style citations in, 19.2; abstracts, 19.2.8; article title, 19.2.3;
authors name, 19.2.1; date of publication, 19.2.2; journal title, 19.2.4;
page numbers, 19.2.6; special issues and supplements, 19.2.7; volume
and issue numbers, 19.2.5
notes-bibliography style citations in, 17.2; abstracts, 17.2.7; article title,
17.2.2; authors name, 17.2.1; date of publication,; journal
title, 17.2.3; page numbers, 17.2.5; special issues and supplements,
17.2.6; volume and issue numbers,
templates for notes and bibliography entries, fig. 16.1
templates for reference lists and parenthetical citations, fig. 18.1
titles of, 17.2.3, 19.2.4,,
key terms/keywords
creating subheads from, 6.2.4
drafting and, 7.3
identifying in your paper, 6.2.3
identifying sources using, 3.2.4
re-sorting notes and, 4.4.3
revising and, 9.3
in your title, 10.3
Korean names,,
Law Reports (United Kingdom), 17.11.9, 19.11.9
League of Nations Treaty Series, 17.11.6, 19.11.6
author-date style citations of, 19.7.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.7.2
titles of,
legal cases
author-date style citations of, 19.11.7
names of, 22.1.3
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.7
letters and other communications
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.1.9
letters of the alphabet
grades, used to denote, 22.2.2
letters, referred to as, 22.2.2
plural forms of,
possessive forms of, 20.2.1
libraries, searching for sources in, 3.2
line graphs,, table 8.7. See also graphs
punctuation in, 21.1, 21.4
in text,
literature review, 10.1.1
live performances
author-date style citations of, 19.10.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.10.2,
local government documents
author-date style citations of, 19.11.8
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.8
magazines and magazine articles
author-date style citations of, 19.3
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.3
manuscript collections
author-date style citations of: elements to include and their order,; formatting,
notes-bibliography style citations of: elements to include and their order,; formatting,
titles of,,
maps, 6.2.2, 26.1.3
margins, general guidelines for, A.1.1
medieval literary works
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
Merriam-Websters Biographical Dictionary, 22.1.1
Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 20.3.1, p. 293, p. 343
foreign currencies,
US currency,
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
titles of,
scores, author-date style citations of,
scores, notes-bibliography style citations of,
titles of compositions,,,
See also live performances; sound recordings
of academic courses and subjects, 22.1.3
alphabetizing by,,
beginning with “Mac,” “Saint,” or “O,”,
brand, 22.1.3
capitalization of, 22.1
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean,,
of churches and religious organizations, 23.1.6
compound forms of,,,, 22.1.1
in compound words,
of electronic technology, 22.1.3
of ethnic and national groups,, 22.1.1
governmental and political, 22.1.3, 23.1.6
of historical events, cultural terms, and designations of time, 22.1.2
of legal cases, 22.1.3
numbers in, 23.1.6
of organizations: abbreviations for, 24.2.4; capitalization of, 22.1.1;
numbers in, 23.1.6
with particles,,
personal: abbreviations in, 24.2.1; capitalization of, 22.1.1; end-of-line
breaks and, 20.4.2; family members with identical, 23.1.6; in foreign
languages, 22.2.1; numbers in, 23.1.6; plural forms of, 20.1.1;
possessive forms of, 20.2.1
of places: abbreviations for, 24.3.1; capitalization of, 22.1.1; commas
used in, 21.2.4
of plants and animals, 22.1.3
professional titles and, 22.1.1, 24.2.2
of royalty, 7.5
of ships, aircraft, and other vessels or vehicles, 22.1.3
special types of,
titles of works (see titles of works)
of treaties, acts, and government programs, 22.1.3
use of first, 7.5
newspapers and newspaper articles
author-date style citations of: name of newspaper, 19.4.1; in reference
lists and parentheses, 19.4.2; in text, 19.4.3
notes-bibliography style citations of: citing in notes, 17.4.2; citing in text,
17.4.3; name of newspaper, 17.4.1
note numbers
for notes-bibliography style citations, 16.3.2, pp. 149–50
numbering of, 16.3.3
placement of,
abbreviations in, 16.1.6
complex: citations and comments,; multiple citations,
footnotes vs. endnotes, 16.3.1 (see also endnotes; footnotes)
formatting, 16.3.4
indentation in, 16.1.7
numbering of, 16.3.2–16.3.3 (see also note numbers)
for an oral presentation, 13.2.2
order of elements in, 16.1.1
parenthetical: vs. footnotes or endnotes,; formatting,
punctuation in, 16.1.2
short forms for, 16.4; ibid., 16.4.2; shortened notes, 16.4.1, fig. 16.2
templates for, fig. 16.1
notes-bibliography style citations, 3.5.1, 15.3.1, pp. 149–50
access dates,
bibliographies for, 16.2 (see also bibliographies)
patterns of: abbreviations, 16.1.6; capitalization, 16.1.3; indentation,
16.1.7; italics, 16.1.4; numbers, 16.1.5; order of elements, 16.1.1;
punctuation, 16.1.2; quotation marks, 16.1.4
placement of,
in specific types of sources: advertisements,; art exhibition
catalogs,; the Bible and other sacred works, 17.8.2; blogs,
17.5.2; books (see books: notes-bibliography style citations in);
classical, medieval, and early English literary works, 17.8.1; graphic
arts,; interviews, 17.6.1,; journal articles (see
journals and journal articles: notes-bibliography style citations in);
lectures, 17.7.2; legal cases, 17.11.7; live performances, 17.10.2;
magazine articles, 17.3; manuscript collections, 17.7.4; movies,; musical scores,; newspaper articles, 17.4; one
source quoted in another, 17.9.3; online collections, 17.7.5; online
forums and mailing lists, 17.5.4; paintings, sculptures, and
photographs,; pamphlets and reports, 17.7.3; papers
presented at meetings, 17.7.2; personal communications, 17.6.2; plays,; public documents (see Congress, US: notes-bibliography
style citations of; public documents, notes-bibliography style citations
of); reference works, 17.9.1; reviews, 17.9.2; social media, 17.5.3;
sound recordings,; television and radio programs,;
theses and dissertations, 17.7.1; video games and apps,;
videos and podcasts,; websites, 17.5.1
templates for notes and bibliography entries, fig. 16.1
use of in drafts, 7.6
electronically, 4.2.2
on paper, 4.2.1
plagiarism, guarding against, 4.2.4
reviewing for progress: inventing your question, 4.4.2; re-sorting your
notes, 4.4.3; searching for an answer, 4.4.1
summary, paraphrase, or quote, 4.2.3
useful: advancing your thinking, 4.3.1; context, recording the, 4.3.3;
relevance to your working hypothesis, 4.3.2
plural forms of, 20.1
possessive forms of, 20.2
proper (see names)
in addresses, 23.1.7
in author-date style citations, 18.1.5
in citations, 23.4.1
commas within, 23.2.2
in compound words,
dates and time periods, 23.2.4, 23.3 (see also dates and time, references
decimals and fractions, 23.1.3
disciplinary variations regarding, pp. 329–30
end-of-line breaks and, 20.4.2
in figures, 23.4.1
in lists,
in names, 23.1.6
in notes-bibliography style citations, 16.1.5
ordinal, 23.1.1, 23.3.1
in outlines,
percentages, 23.1.3
plural forms of,, 23.2.1
possessive forms of, 20.2.1
punctuation within, 23.2.2, 23.2.3
ranges of, 23.2.4, table 23.2
spelled out vs. numerals, 23.1; addresses and thoroughfares, 23.1.7; date
systems, 23.3; equations and formulas, 23.1.9; general rule, 23.1.1;
money, 23.1.4; numbers beginning a sentence,; parts of
published works, 23.1.8; percentages and decimals, 23.1.3; related
numbers in the same sentence,; round numbers,
in tables, 23.4.1
roman, 23.2.4
Roman and Arabic equivalents, table 23.1
online collections
author-date style citations of, 19.7.5
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.7.5
online sources, 15.4
author-date style citations of, 19.5.4
categories of,
commercial databases,
databases, 3.2.3
evaluating for relevance, 3.3.1
evaluating for reliability, 3.3.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.5.4
searching the internet, 3.2.8
stitching together passages from the internet, 7.4
See also websites
oral presentations
designing, 13.2; anticipate questions, 13.2.4; conclusion, 13.2.3;
handouts, 13.2.5; introduction, 13.2.1; notes, 13.2.2
planning, 13.1; narrow your focus, 13.1.1; understand the difference
between listeners and readers, 13.1.2
outlines, 6.2.1, See also storyboard
page numbers and other locators
in author-date style citations: in books, 19.1.8; in journal articles, 19.2.6
commas not used in, 23.2.2
in dissertations and theses: numbering, A.1.4.1; other identifiers, A.1.4.3;
placement, A.1.4.2
in notes-bibliography style citations: in books, 17.1.7; in journal articles,
paintings, titles of,
pamphlets and reports
author-date style citations of, 19.7.3
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.7.3
papers presented at meetings
author-date style citations of, 19.7.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.7.2
titles of,
paraphrasing, 4.2.3, 7.4, 7.9.2
parentheses, 21.8.1
definitions in, 22.2.1
end-of-line breaks and, 20.4.2
multiple punctuation marks and,
parenthetical citations
abbreviations in,
authors name in, 19.1.1
example of, fig. A.11
footnotes and, 18.3.3
vs. footnotes or endnotes,
formatting: author-date style, 18.1.1, 18.3; notes-bibliography style,
newspapers cited in, 19.4.2
placement in text, 18.3.1
public documents in, 19.11.1
reference works in, 19.9.1
special elements and format issues: authors with same last name,; more than one work cited,; no author,; no
date,; works with same author and date,
templates for, fig. 18.1
See also author-date style citations
parenthetical elements, 21.2.4
peer review, 3.1.2, 3.3.2
percentages, 23.1.3
evaluating for relevance, 3.3.1
guides to, 3.2.5
See also journals and journal articles; newspapers and newspaper articles
periods, 21.1
in abbreviations, 24.1.3, 24.2.1
as decimal points in money, 23.1.4
ellipses, used to form (see ellipses)
multiple punctuation marks and, 21.12.1, 21.12.2
in titles of works, 22.3.3
personal communications
author-date style citations of, 19.6.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.6.2
acknowledgment of photographer, 26.1.3
author-date style citations of,
example of in text, fig. A.12
notes-bibliography style citations of,
place-names, 21.2.4
abbreviations for, 24.3.1
capitalization of, 22.1.1
commas used in, 21.2.4
place of publication
in author-date style citations,
in notes-bibliography style citations,
plagiarism, 4.2.4, 6.1, 25.1
guarding against, 7.9; citing sources for ideas not your own, 7.9.3;
paraphrase appropriately, 7.9.2; pleas of ignorance, misunderstanding,
or innocent intentions, 7.9.4; signal quotations, 7.9.1
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
titles of,
plural terms
numbers, 23.2.1
spelling of: general rule, 20.1.1; possessive forms of, 20.2.1; special
cases, 20.1.2
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
ellipsis points used to show omission from,
quotations from,,
possessives, spelling of, 20.2.1
poster presentations, 13.3
prefaces, A.2.1.9
prefixes, spelling of words with, 20.3.3
presidential publications
author-date style citations of, 19.11.3
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.3
problem, research, 2.2. See also research; research questions
procrastination, 7.2, 7.11
professional titles, 22.1.1, 24.2.2
proper nouns. See names
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, A.2.1.4, A.3.2
public documents
author-date style citations of: British government documents, 19.11.10;
Canadian government documents, 19.11.9; congressional publications
(see Congress, US: author-date style citations of); elements of and
formatting, 19.11.1; international bodies, publications of, 19.11.11;
legal cases, 19.11.7; presidential publications, 19.11.3; publications of
government departments and agencies, 19.11.4; state and local
government documents, 19.11.8; treaties, 19.11.6; unpublished
government documents, 19.11.12; US Constitution, 19.11.5
notes-bibliography style citations of: British government documents,
17.11.10; Canadian government documents, 17.11.9; congressional
publications (see Congress, US: notes-bibliography style citations of);
elements of and formatting, 17.11.1; international bodies, publications
of, 17.11.11; legal cases, 17.11.7; presidential publications, 17.11.3;
publications of government departments and agencies, 17.11.4; state
and local government documents, 17.11.8; statutes,; treaties,
17.11.6; unpublished government documents, 17.11.12; US
Constitution, 17.11.5
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 17.11.3, 19.11.3
publishers name
in author-date style citations, in books,
in notes-bibliography style citations, in books,
in abbreviations,, 24.1.3
apostrophes, 20.1, 20.2, 21.11
in author-date style citations, 18.1.2
brackets (see brackets)
colons, 21.4,,
commas (see commas)
dashes (see dashes)
ellipses (see ellipses)
end-of-line breaks and, 20.4.2
exclamation points,,, 21.6, 21.12.1,
hyphens (see hyphens)
multiple marks, 21.12; omitting one mark, 21.12.1; order of, 21.12.2
in notes-bibliography style citations, 16.1.2
parentheses, 20.4.2, 21.8.1,, 22.2.1
periods (see periods)
question marks,,, 21.5, 21.12.1
quotation marks (see quotation marks)
quotations: block style,; run-in style, 25.2.1
in quotations, modifying,
semicolons, 21.2.2, 21.3,,
slashes,, 21.9,
in titles of works, 22.3
titles of works, within and around, 22.3.3
question marks, 21.5
in author-date style citations,
multiple punctuation marks and, 21.12.1
in notes-bibliography style citations,
questions, research. See research questions
quotation marks, 21.10
around quoted material, 25.2–25.3
in author-date style citations, 18.1.4
definitions in, 22.2.1
multiple punctuation marks and,
in notes-bibliography style citations, 16.1.4
plagiarism, use of to avoid, 7.9.1
plural forms of terms in,
possessive forms of terms in,
quotations in, 22.2.1
for quotations within quotations,
scare quotes, used as, 22.2.2
titles of works in,
quotations, p. 358
accuracy of, 25.1
block style: epigraphs,; from poetry and drama,; from
brackets used in, 21.8.2,,,
drafting and, 7.4, 7.5
ellipses used in, 21.1,–
from foreign languages, 22.2.1
incorporating into text, 7.5, 25.2
modifying, 25.3; capitalization and punctuation,; insertions, 7.5,; italics,; note number omitted,; omissions
and use of ellipses, 7.5, 25.3.2; spelling,
in note-taking, 4.2.3
one source quoted in another: author-date style citations of, 19.9.3; notes-
bibliography style citations of, 17.9.3
placement of source citations,,
plagiarism and, 7.9.1, 25.1
within quotations,
run-in style, 25.2.1
spelling of words in, p. 293
Qur’an, 24.6.5
radio programs
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, 3.2.5
reason(s), 5.4.2–5.4.4, 5.5
reference lists, 18.2
arrangement of entries: alphabetical and chronological by author,; by category,; special types of names, accounting for,
with author-date style citations, 15.3.2
citing newspapers in, 19.4.2
in a dissertation or thesis, A.2.3.5
example of, fig. A.16
order of elements in, 19.1.1
public documents in, 19.11.1
sources that may be omitted from, 18.2.2
templates for, fig. 18.1
reference works
author-date style citations of, 19.9.1
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.9.1
searching for sources in, 3.2.2
Register of Debates,,
religious works. See Bible; sacred works
repeated words, 21.2.4
reports. See pamphlets and reports
aims of, 1.2, p. 10
argument, 5.1 (see also argument, building an)
conversing with readers as goal of, 1.3
leftovers, file away, 6.3
managing anxiety during, 4.5
meaning of, 1.1
models for, 3.1.2
problems: practical and conceptual, 2.2.1; special meaning of, 2.2
pure and applied, 1.3, 2.2.2
sources for (see sources)
spirit of, pp. 134–35
suggesting further, 10.2.2
talking about, p. 127 (see also oral presentations)
themes applicable to, p. 3
warrants, difficulty of,
as world’s biggest industry, p. 5
research questions
answers and, 2.3.2
conference proposals, posed in, 13.4
evaluating, 2.1.4
finding a topic, 2.1
main claim as answer to, 5.3, 5.4.2 (see also claims)
manageable, making them, 2.1.2
quality of, shaping the, 1.2
questioning, 2.1.3
restating, 10.1.2
significance of, 10.1.3
See also storyboard; working hypothesis
author-date style citations of, 19.9.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.9.2
Revised Statutes of Canada, 17.11.9, 19.11.9
drafts, p. 102; blind spots in your argument, checking for, 9.1; coherence
of the body, checking for, 9.3; introduction, conclusion, and claim,
checking your, 9.2; let it cool, then paraphrase, 9.5; paragraphs,
checking your, 9.4
sentences, pp. 113–14; choose the right word, 11.3; diagnose what you
read, 11.2; focus on the first seven or eight words, 11.1; give it up and
turn it in, 11.5; polishing, 11.4
sacred works
the Bible (see Bible)
other sacred works: author-date style citations of, 19.8.2; capitalization
and italicization applicable to, 24.6.5; notes-bibliography style
citations of, 17.8.2
titles in,
scatterplot, table 8.7
scholarly contexts, abbreviations used in, 24.7
scientific names of plants and animals, 22.1.3
semicolons, 21.3
in lists,
multiple punctuation marks and,
in a series, 21.2.2
choose the right word, 11.3
diagnose what you read, 11.2
drafting first, 10.1.5
focus on the first seven or eight words, 11.1; avoid separating subjects
and verbs, 11.1.3; choosing active or passive verbs, 11.1.6; get to the
subject, 11.1.1; put familiar information at the beginning, 11.1.5; put
key actions in verbs, 11.1.4; subjects should be short and concrete,
11.1.2; using first-person pronouns, 11.1.7
give it up and turn it in, 11.5
polishing, 11.4
revising, pp. 113–14
series titles
in author-date style citations, 19.1.6
in notes-bibliography style citations, 17.1.5
ships, names of, 22.1.3
short stories, titles of,
slashes,, 21.9,
social media
author-date style citations of, 19.5.3
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.5.3
software functions
citation management tools, 15.6
graphics, pp. 370–71
note-taking, 4.2.2
spell-checking, p. 294
sound recordings
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
bibliographies, listed in (see bibliographies)
citations of (see citations)
engaging, 4.1, pp. 38–39; creative agreement, looking for, 4.1.1; creative
disagreement, looking for, 4.1.2; note-taking and, 4.3.1
finding and using, pp. 25–26
of ideas not your own, 7.9.3
kinds of, 3.1
looking beyond the usual, 3.4
online (see online sources)
primary, 3.1.1
recording: citation style, 3.5.1; complete bibliographic information, 3.5.2
reference lists, listed in (see reference lists)
references to in the text, 7.5
relevance, evaluating for, 3.3.1
reliability, evaluating for, 3.3.2
searching for: bibliographic trails, following, 3.2.7; guides to periodical
literature, 3.2.5; the internet, searching, 3.2.8; librarians, 3.2.1; the
library catalog, 3.2.4; online databases, 3.2.3; reference works, 3.2.2;
someone who knows about your topic, finding, 3.2.9; the stacks,
prowling, 3.2.6
secondary, 3.1.2
taking notes on (see note-taking)
tertiary, 3.1.3
spacing, general guidelines for, A.1.3
Spanish names,,
authorities for, p. 293
of compounds and words with prefixes, 20.3
end-of-line breaks and, 20.4
of plurals, 20.1
of possessives, 20.2
in quotations, modifying,
software for checking, p. 294
of titles of works, 22.3
state government documents
author-date style citations of, 19.11.8
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.8
Statutes at Large of the United States of America, 1789–1873,,
Statutes of Canada, 17.11.9, 19.11.9
building a, 2.4; evidence you should look for, 2.4.3; looking at the whole,
2.4.4; state your question/working hypotheses, 2.4.1; state your
reasons, 2.4.2
claims and, 5.4.1–5.4.2
main claim, stating your, 6.2.2
outline, converting to, 6.2.1
questions outlining an argument, answers for, 5.6
See also outlines; working hypothesis
subheads, A.2.2.4
submission page, A.2.1.1
summaries, in drafts,, 7.4
Supreme Court Reporter, 17.11.7, 19.11.7
Supreme Court Reports (Canada), 17.11.9, 19.11.9
table of contents, A.2.1.7, fig. A.3, fig. A.4
abbreviations used in, 24.2.4, 24.3.1, 24.4.2, 26.2
as best choice for graphic representation, 8.2
body of, 26.2.6
citation of source, 26.1.3
color and shading in, 26.2.3
column heads, 26.2.1, 26.2.4
definition of, p. 86n, p. 370
designing, 8.3.1–8.3.2
examples of, fig. A.13, table 8.1, table 8.2, table 8.3, table 8.4, table 8.5,
table 8.6, table 26.1, table 26.2, table 26.3
explanatory introductions in, 7.7
footnotes for, 26.2.7
guidelines for,
horizontal alignment,
list of, A.2.1.8, fig. A.5
numbering of, 26.2.2
numbers in, 23.4.1
periods used as leaders in, 21.1
permission to reproduce, 26.1.3
position in the text, 26.1.1
presentation of in a dissertation or thesis, A.3.1.3
rules in, 26.2.3
size and orientation of, 26.1.2
source lines for, 26.1.3
statistical significance, notes on,
structure of, 26.2.1
stub column, 26.2.1, 26.2.5
titles of, 8.3.1, 26.2.2
vertical alignment,
television programs
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
titles of episodes,
theater. See live performances; plays
theses. See dissertations and theses
thesis. See claims
time. See dates and time, references to
titles for your work
title pages, A.2.1.2, fig. A.1, fig. A.2
your dissertation or thesis, A.1.5
your paper, 10.3
titles of works
in author-date style citations, 19.1.3, 19.2.3
capitalization of, 22.3.1,; headline-style,; sentence-
in foreign languages,
in italics,
in notes-bibliography style citations, 17.1.2, 17.2.2
punctuation within and around, 22.3.3
in quotation marks,
spelling of, 22.3
topics. See research questions
translators name in citations,–,–, fig.
16.1, fig. 18.1
author-date style citations of, 19.11.6
names of, 22.1.3
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.6
Treaties and Other International Acts Series, 17.11.6, 19.11.6
United Nations Treaty Series, 17.11.6, 19.11.6
United States, abbreviation of, 24.3.1
United States Code,,
United States Statutes at Large,, 17.11.6,, 19.11.6
United States Supreme Court Reports, 17.11.7, 19.11.7
United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, 17.11.6, 19.11.6
changes in,
in citations, 15.4.1
end-of-line breaks and, 20.4.2
periods used in, 21.1
recording for bibliographic information, 3.5.2
slashes used in, 21.9
US Constitution
author-date style citations of, 19.11.5
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.11.5
US currency,
US states
abbreviations of, 24.3.1
Vedas, 24.6.5
video games
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
author-date style citations of,
notes-bibliography style citations of,
volume numbers in citations
in author-date style, 19.1.5
in notes-bibliography style, 17.1.4
warrants, 5.4.4, 5.5,, fig. 5.1
author-date style citations of, 19.5.1
evaluating reliability of, 3.3.2
notes-bibliography style citations of, 17.5.1
searching for ideas on, 2.1.1
titles of,
See also online sources
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, 17.11.3, 19.11.3
Wikipedia, 2.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.2.8,
working hypothesis
a claim and, 5.3
note-taking and, 4.3.2, 4.4.1
proposing, 2.3
reviewing progress on, 4.4
risks in, 2.3.1
using a rejected, 10.1.1
See also argument, building an; research questions; storyboard
writers block, 7.11. See also procrastination
drafting (see drafting)
effective habits for, 7.2
feedback on: find general principles in specific comments, 12.2; talk with
your reader, 12.3; treat comments as advice or data, 12.1
a first draft (see first draft)
managing anxiety and, 4.5
research-based, 1.1
revising (see revising)
writing groups, 2.5