Geography of a Pencil
Table 1. What is a Pencil Made Of?
Material Description
Graphite A gray to black, opaque mineral that is soft enough to
leave a black mark. Graphite is used to make the writing
cores of pencils.
Wood (Softwood) Softwoods are coniferous trees, such as pines or spruces.
Cedar wood is most commonly used in pencil production.
The wood encases the graphite, making it easier for the
writer to hold.
Paint The paint is the yellow casing around the pencil. It is used
as both a protective and decorative coating. Non-toxic
paint is usually used in pencil production.
Rubber Rubber is used to make the eraser of the pencil. It is
derived from certain tropical plants and is an elastic sub-
Metal (Aluminum) Aluminum is used to make the metal ferrule that is at-
tached to the end of the pencil and holds the eraser in
place. It is a lightweight metal, and its compounds are very
abundant on Earth.
Table 2. Where do Pencils Come From?
Material Countries
Graphite Brazil
Wood (Softwood) Sweden
South Africa
Paint Kazakhstan
Rubber Thailand
Metal (Aluminum) China