Medical Policy
Joint Medical Policies are a source for BCBSM and BCN medical policy information only. These documents
are not to be used to determine benefits or reimbursement. Please reference the appropriate certificate or
contract for benefit information. This policy may be updated and is therefore subject to change.
*Current Policy Effective Date: 9/1/24
(See policy history boxes for previous effective dates)
Breast Reduction for Breast-Related Symptoms
Macromastia, or gigantism, is a condition that describes breast hyperplasia or hypertrophy.
Macromastia may result in clinical symptoms such as shoulder, neck, or back pain, or recurrent
intertrigo in the mammary folds. Also, macromastia may be associated with psychosocial or
emotional disturbances related to the large breast size.
Juvenile Breast Hypertrophy
Juvenile (or virginal) breast hypertrophy is a rare, incapacitating condition where rapid and
continued breast growth occurs during puberty. It is often defined as a six-month period of
extreme breast enlargement, superseded by a longer period of slower, but sustained breast
growth. This enlargement may be unilateral or bilateral and can occur at any time during
Breast reduction (also referred to as reduction mammaplasty) is a surgical procedure designed
to remove a variable proportion of breast tissue to address emotional and psychosocial issues
and/or relieve the associated clinical symptoms.
While literature searches have identified many articles that discuss the surgical technique of
breast reduction and have documented that breast reduction is associated with relief of physical
and psychosocial symptoms,
an important issue is whether breast reduction is a functional
need or cosmetic. For some patients, the presence of medical indications is clear-cut: a clear
documentation of recurrent intertrigo or ulceration secondary to shoulder grooving. For some
patients, the documentation differentiating between a cosmetic and a medically necessary
procedure will be unclear. Criteria for medically necessary breast reduction are not well-
addressed in the published medical literature.
Some protocols on the medical necessity of breast reduction are based on the weight of
removed breast tissue. The basis of weight criteria is not related to the outcomes of surgery, but
to surgeons retrospectively classifying cases as cosmetic or medically necessary. Schnur et al
(1991), at the request of third-party payers, developed a sliding scale.
This scale was based
on survey responses from 92 of 200 solicited plastic surgeons, who reported the height, weight,
and amount of breast tissue removed from each a breast from the last 15 to 20 reduction
mammaplasties they had performed. Surgeons were also asked if the procedures were
performed for cosmetic or medically necessary reasons. The data were then used to create a
chart relating the body surface area and the cutoff weight of breast tissue removed that
differentiated cosmetic and medically necessary procedures. Based on their estimates, those
with a breast tissue removed weight above the 22nd percentile likely had the procedure for
medical reasons, while those below the 5th percentile likely had the procedure performed for
cosmetic reasons; those falling between the cut points had the procedure performed for mixed
Schnur (1999) reviewed use of the sliding scale as a coverage criterion and reported that, while
many payers had adopted it, many had also misused it.
Schnur pointed out that if a payer
used weight of resected tissue as a coverage criterion, then if the weight fell below the 5th
percentile, the breast reduction would be considered cosmetic; if above the 22nd percentile, it
would be considered medically necessary; and if between these cut points, it would be
considered on a case-by-case basis. Schnur also questioned the frequent requirement that a
woman be within 20% of her ideal body weight. While weight loss might relieve symptoms,
durable weight loss is notoriously difficult and might be unrealistic in many cases.
Regulatory Status:
Breast reduction is a surgical procedure and, as such, is not subject to regulation by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration.
Medical Policy Statement
The safety and effectiveness of breast reduction have been established. It may be considered
a useful therapeutic option (and not considered cosmetic) when:
Individual selection guidelines in this policy are met, or
Performed in conjunction with medically necessary breast reconstruction for the purposes
of attaining breast symmetry*
*Refer to the medical policy “Reconstructive Breast Surgery / Management of Implants”
Inclusionary and Exclusionary Guidelines
Patients under the age of 18 years cannot give legal consent for surgery. The parent or
legal guardian must support and authorize a reduction mammaplasty (breast reduction).
Emancipated minors may be extended individual consideration.
*** Must meet A, OR must meet both B and C ***
A. Must meet both 1 and 2:
1. Patient’s breasts are fully grown (ie, breast size stable for approximately one year)
2. Removal of more than 500 grams of tissue from each breast
Must meet both B and C:
B. One of the following (1 or 2 or 3) must be met:
1. Pain
a. Documented pain in the neck and/or shoulders or postural backache which must be
of long-standing duration, AND
b. Failure of conservative therapy (eg, an appropriate support bra, exercises, heat/cold
treatments, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents or muscle relaxants)
2. Shoulder grooving
3. Recurrent intertrigo between the breasts and the chest wall
C. Both of the following criteria must be met:
1. Individuals breasts are fully grown (ie, breast size stable for approximately one year)
2. The amount of tissue to be removed from each breast must be greater than or equal to
the 22nd percentile on the Schnur Scale.*
*If one breast meets the tissue amount based on the Schnur Scale, (even if the other
breast does not), this criterion is met.
If one breast meets the Schnur scale criteria, and all other criteria for breast reduction are met;
breast tissue may be removed from the other breast in order to achieve symmetry.
The Schnur Sliding Scale (see below) is used by physicians to evaluate individuals being
considered for breast reduction surgery.
Body surface area, along with average weight of breast tissue removed is incorporated into the
chart. If the individual's body surface area and weight of breast tissue removed fall below the
22nd percentile, then the surgery is not medically necessary. If the individual's body surface
area and weight of breast tissue removed is above the 22nd percentile, then the surgery is
considered medically necessary if other applicable criteria are met.
*Calculation of Body Surface Area
Body surface area = the square root of height (cm) times weight (kg) divided by 3600.
To convert pounds to kilograms, multiply pounds by 0.45.
To convert inches to meters, multiply inches by .0254.
To calculate body surface area (BSA) see:
< http://www-users.med.cornell.edu/~spon/picu/calc/bsacalc.htm >
Schnur Sliding Scale
Body Surface Area
(in meters squared)*
Lower 22
(Grams to be removed
per breast)
1.35 199
1.40 218
1.45 238
1.50 260
1.55 284
1.60 310
1.65 338
1.70 370
1.75 404
1.80 441
1.85 482
1.90 527
1.95 575
2.00 628
2.05 687
2.10 750
Breast reduction is not covered for either of the following indications because it is considered
cosmetic in nature and not medically necessary:
Surgery is being performed to treat psychological symptomatology or psychosocial
complaints, in the absence of significant physical, objective signs.
Surgery is being performed for the sole purpose of improving appearance.
CPT/HCPCS Level II Codes (Note: The inclusion of a code in this list is not a guarantee of
coverage. Please refer to the medical policy statement to determine the status of a given procedure)
Established codes:
Other codes (investigational, not medically necessary, etc.):
Note: Individual policy criteria determine the coverage status of the CPT/HCPCS code(s)
on this policy. Codes listed in this policy may have different coverage positions (such as
established or experimental/investigational) in other medical policies.
Evidence reviews assess the clinical evidence to determine whether the use of a technology
improves the net health outcome. Broadly defined, health outcomes are length of life, quality of
life, and ability to function, including benefits and harms. Every clinical condition has specific
outcomes that are important to patients and to managing the course of that condition.
Validated outcome measures are necessary to ascertain whether a condition improves or
worsens; and whether the magnitude of that change is clinically significant. The net health
outcome is a balance of benefits and harms.
To assess whether the evidence is sufficient to draw conclusions about the net health outcome
of a technology, 2 domains are examined: the relevance and the quality and credibility. To be
relevant, studies must represent 1 or more intended clinical use of the technology in the
intended population and compare an effective and appropriate alternative at a comparable
intensity. For some conditions, the alternative will be supportive care or surveillance. The
quality and credibility of the evidence depend on study design and conduct, minimizing bias
and confounding that can generate incorrect findings. The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is
preferred to assess efficacy; however, in some circumstances, nonrandomized studies may be
adequate. RCTs are rarely large enough or long enough to capture less common adverse
events and long-term effects. Other types of studies can be used for these purposes and to
assess generalizability to broader clinical populations and settings of clinical practice.
Clinical Context and Therapy Purpose
The purpose of breast reduction (also referred to as reduction mammaplasty) is to provide a
treatment option that is an alternative to or an improvement on existing therapies, such as
nonsurgical treatment, in individuals with symptomatic macromastia.
The following PICO was used to select literature to inform this review.
The relevant population of interest is individuals with symptomatic macromastia, or
gigantomastia, a condition that describes breast hyperplasia or hypertrophy.
The therapy being considered is breast reduction, a surgical procedure that removes a variable
proportion of breast tissue to relieve the associated clinical symptoms and address emotional
and psychosocial issues related to large breast size.
Comparators of interest include nonsurgical treatment which primarily involves analgesia,
clothing modifications, physical therapy and other measures to address symptoms.
The general outcomes of interest are symptoms and functional outcomes. Symptoms of
symptomatic macromastia can include mastalgia, pain in the shoulders, back, and neck, and
recurrent intertrigo in the mammary fold. The condition may also be associated with
psychosocial or emotional disturbances.
Study Selection Criteria
Methodologically credible studies were selected using the following principles:
To assess efficacy outcomes, comparative controlled prospective trials were sought, with a
preference for RCTs;
In the absence of such trials, comparative observational studies were sought, with a
preference for prospective studies.
To assess longer term outcomes and adverse events, single-arm studies that capture
longer periods of follow-up and/or larger populations were sought.
Studies with duplicative or overlapping populations were excluded.
Review of Evidence
Randomized Controlled Trials
Sabino Neto et al (2008) assessed functional capacity for 100 patients, ages 18 to 55 years,
who were randomized to reduction mammaplasty or to waiting list control.
Forty-six patients
from each group completed the study. At baseline and 6 months later, patients were assessed
for functional capacity using the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (0=best performance,
24=worst performance) and for pain using a visual analog scale (VAS). The breast reduction
mammaplasty group showed improvement in functional status, with an average score of 5.9
preoperatively and 1.2 within 6 months postoperatively (p<.001 for pre-post comparison within
the mammaplasty group) versus an unchanged average score of 6.2 in the control group on
the first and second evaluations. Additionally, pain in the lower back decreased on the VAS
from an average of 5.7 preoperatively to 1.3 postoperatively (p<.001 for pre-post comparison
within the mammaplasty group) versus VAS average scores in the control group of 6.0 and 5.3
on the first and second evaluations, respectively (p=not significant).
Saariniemi et al (2008) reported on the quality of life (QOL) and pain in 82 patients randomized
to reduction mammaplasty or a nonoperative group and evaluated at baseline and 6 months
The authors reported that the mammaplasty group had significant improvements in
QOL from baseline to 6 months, as measured by the Physical Component Summary score of
the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36; change, +9.7 vs +0.7, p<.001), the Utility Index
score (SF-6D; change, +17.5 vs +0.6), the index score of QOL (SF-15D; change, +8.6 vs
+0.06, p<.001), and SF-36 Mental Component Summary score (change, +7.8 vs -1.0, p<.002).
There were also improvements in breast-related symptoms from baseline to 6 months, as
measured by Finnish Breast-Associated Symptoms questionnaire scores (-47.9 vs -3.5,
p<.001), and Finnish Pain Questionnaire scores (-21.5 vs -1.0, p<.001).
Iwuagwu et al (2006) reported on 73 patients randomized to reduction mammaplasty within 6
weeks or after a 6-month waiting period to assess lung function.
All patients had symptoms
related to macromastia. Postoperative lung function correlated with the weight of breast tissue
removed, but there were no significant improvements in any lung function parameters for the
mammaplasty group compared with the control group.
Key trials are reported in Tables 1 and 2 below.
Table 1. Summary of Key Randomized Controlled Trial Characteristics
Study; Trial
Sabino Neto (2008)
Female patients (age 18 to
55 yrs) with breast
hypertrophy (n=100)
Waiting list control
Saariniemi (2008)
Female patients with
symptomatic breast
hypertrophy (n=82)
NR: not reported
Table 2. Summary of Key Randomized Controlled Trial Results
Change (Pre- to
Change (Pre- to
Change (Pre- to
in VAS
Change (Pre- to
in SF-36 Utility
Index Score
Change (Pre- to
in Mental
Summary Score
Change (Pre- to
in Pain Score
Sabino Neto
8.9 to 4.9
5.9 to 1.2
(p<0 001)
5.7 to 1.3
9.1 to 9.0
6.2 to 6.2 (NR)
6.0 to 5.3
0.645 to 0.820
46.0 to 53.8
28.5 to 7.0
0.657 to 0.663
47.2 to 46.2
27.5 to 26.5
RSES: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale; RMDQ: Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; VAS: visual analog scale; NR: Not
The purpose of the limitations tables (Table 3 and 4) is to display notable limitations identified
in each study. This information is synthesized as a summary of the body of evidence following
each table and provides the conclusions on the sufficiency of evidence supporting the position
Table 3. Study Relevance Limitations
Duration of
Sabino Neto
3. Comparator group on waiting list
without additional intervention
5. Clinical significant
difference not
3. Comparator group did not receive
surgery and had no other
intervention described
5. Clinical significant
difference not
The study limitations stated in this table are those notable in the current review; this is not a comprehensive gaps assessment.
a Population key: 1. Intended use population unclear; 2. Clinical context is unclear; 3. Study population is unclear; 4. Study
population not representative of
intended use.
b Intervention key: 1. Not clearly defined; 2. Version used unclear; 3. Delivery not similar intensity as comparator; 4.Not the
intervention of interest.
c Comparator key: 1. Not clearly defined; 2. Not standard or optimal; 3. Delivery not similar intensity as intervention; 4. Not
delivered effectively.
d Outcomes key: 1. Key health outcomes not addressed; 2. Physiologic measures, not validated surrogates; 3. No CONSORT
reporting of harms; 4. Not
established and validated measurements; 5. Clinical significant difference not prespecified; 6. Clinical significant difference not
e Follow-Up key: 1. Not sufficient duration for benefit; 2. Not sufficient duration for harms.
Table 4. Study Design and Conduct Limitations
Sabino Neto
1,2,3. No
3. Some p-values
not reported
1,2,3. No
1. 22% of patients
lost to follow-up
The evidence gaps stated in this table are those notable in the current review; this is not a comprehensive gaps assessment.
a Allocation key: 1. Participants not randomly allocated; 2. Allocation not concealed; 3. Allocation concealment unclear; 4.
Inadequate control for selection bias.
b Blinding key: 1. Not blinded to treatment assignment; 2. Not blinded outcome assessment; 3. Outcome assessed by treating
c Selective Reporting key: 1. Not registered; 2. Evidence of selective reporting; 3. Evidence of selective publication.
d Follow-Up key: 1. High loss to follow-up or missing data; 2. Inadequate handling of missing data; 3. High number of
crossovers; 4. Inadequate handling of crossovers; 5. Inappropriate exclusions; 6. Not intent to treat analysis (per protocol
e Power key: 1. Power calculations not reported; 2. Power not calculated for primary outcome; 3. Power not based on clinically
important difference.
f Statistical key: 1. Intervention is not appropriate for outcome type: (a) continuous; (b) binary; (c) time to event; 2. Intervention
is not appropriate for multiple observations per patient; 3. Confidence intervals and/or p values not reported; 4.Comparative
treatment effects not calculated.
Observational Studies
Singh and Losken (2012) reported on a systematic review of studies reporting outcomes after
reduction mammaplasty.
In 7 studies reporting on physical symptoms (n range, 11 to 92
patients), reviewers found reduction mammaplasty improved functional outcomes including
pain, breathing, sleep, and headaches. Additional psychological outcomes noted included
improvements in self-esteem, sexual function, and quality of life. Torresetti et al (2022)
conducted another systematic review to examine the potential association between bilateral
breast reduction and improvement in lung function in women with macromastia.
The review
included 15 studies published from 1974 to 2018 (n range, 1 to 50 patients). The findings
showed that reduction mammaplasty can lead to changes in objective respiratory parameters,
such as spirometric tests or arterial blood gas measurements, but the clinical significance of
these changes was unclear.
Hernanz et al (2016) reported on a descriptive cohort study of 37 consecutive obese patients
who underwent reduction mammoplasty for symptomatic macromastia, along with 37 age-
matched women hospitalized for short-stay surgical procedures.
In the preoperative state,
SF-36 physical health component subscore was significantly lower for patients with
symptomatic macromastia (40) than for age-matched controls (53; P<.001), with differences in
5 of the 8 subscales. At 18 months postprocedure, there were no significant differences in any
SF-36 subscores except the body pain subscale between patients who had undergone
reduction mammoplasty and age-matched controls.
Kerrigan et al (2002) published the results of the BRAVO (Breast Reduction: Assessment of
Value and Outcomes) study, a registry of 179 women undergoing reduction mammaplasty.
Women were asked to complete quality of life questionnaires and a physical symptom count
both before and after surgery. The physical symptom count focused on the number of
symptoms present that were specific to breast hypertrophy and included upper back pain,
rashes, bra strap grooves, neck pain, shoulder pain, numbness, and arm pain. Also, the weight
and volume of resected tissue were recorded. Results were compared with a control group of
patients with breast hypertrophy, defined as size DD bra cup, and normal-sized breasts, who
were recruited from the general population. The authors proposed that the presence of 2
physical symptoms might be an appropriate cutoff for determining medical necessity for breast
reduction. For example, while 71.6% of the hypertrophic controls reported none or 1 symptom,
only 12.4% of those considered surgical candidates reported none or 1 symptom. This
observation is difficult to evaluate because the study did not report how surgical candidacy was
determined. The authors also reported that none of the traditional criteria for determining
medical necessity for breast reduction surgery (height, weight, body mass index , bra cup size,
or weight of resected breast tissue) had a statistically significant relation with outcome
improvement. The authors concluded that the determination of medical necessity should be
based on patients’ self-reported symptoms rather than more objectively measured criteria (eg,
weight of excised breast tissue).
Adverse Events
Thibaudeau et al (2010), conducted a systematic review to evaluate breastfeeding after
reduction mammaplasty.
After a review of literature from 1950 through 2008, reviewers
concluded that reduction mammaplasty does not reduce the ability to breastfeed. In women
who have had reduction mammaplasty, breastfeeding rates were comparable in the first month
postpartum to rates in the general population in North America.
Chen et al (2011) reported on a review of claims data to compare complication rates after
breast surgery in 2,403 obese and ,5597 nonobese patients.
Of these patients, breast
reduction was performed in 1,939 (80.7%) in the study group and in ,3569 (63.8%) in the
control group. Obese patients had significantly more claims for complications within 30 days
after breast reduction surgery (14.6%) than nonobese patients (1.7%; p<.001). Complications
included inflammation, infection, pain, and seroma/hematoma development. Shermak et al
(2011) reported on a review of claims data comparing complication rates by age after breast
reduction surgery in 1,192 patients.
Infection occurred more frequently in patients older than
50 years of age (odds ratio , 2.7; p=.003). Additionally, women older than 50 years
experienced more wound healing problems (odds ratio, 1.6; p=.09) and reoperative wound
debridement (odds ratio, 5.1; p=.07). Other retrospective evaluations (2013, 2014) of large
population datasets have reported increased incidences of perioperative and postoperative
complications with high body mass index.
Section Summary: Breast Reduction for Macromastia-Efficacy in Reducing Symptoms
Systematic reviews, randomized trials, and observational studies have shown that several
measures of function and quality of life improve after breast reduction.
Summary of Evidence
For individuals who have symptomatic macromastia who receive breast reduction, the
evidence includes systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, and case
series. Relevant outcomes are symptoms and functional outcomes. Studies have indicated
that reduction mammaplasty is effective at decreasing breast-related symptoms such as pain
and discomfort. There is also evidence that functional limitations related to breast hypertrophy
are improved after breast reduction. These outcomes are achieved with acceptable
complication rates. The evidence is sufficient to determine that the procedure results in an
improvement in the net health outcome.
Juvenile Breast Hypertrophy
Wolfswinkle et al (2013)
discussed hyperplastic breast anomalies in the adolescent, including
juvenile breast hypertrophy. The authors reviewed treatment for this rare but alarming
condition. Surgical options include reduction mammoplasty. The authors stressed that
confirmation of breast growth stabilization is recommended as surgery in the active growth
phase has been associated with recurrence of breast enlargement postoperatively.
The purpose of the following information is to provide reference material. Inclusion does not
imply endorsement or alignment with the evidence review conclusions.
Practice Guidelines and Position Statements
Guidelines or position statements will be considered for inclusion in ‘Supplemental Information
if they were issued by, or jointly by, a US professional society, an international society with US
representation, or National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Priority will be
given to guidelines that are informed by a systematic review, include strength of evidence
ratings, and include a description of management of conflict of interest.
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
In 2011, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) issued practice guidelines and a
companion document on criteria for third-party payers for reduction mammaplasty.
guideline was updated and reaffiredin March 2021. Based on high quality evidence, the ASPS
strongly recommends that "postmenarche female patients presenting with breast hypertrophy
should be offered reduction mammaplasty surgery as first-line therapy over nonoperative
therapy based solely on the presence of multiple symptoms rather than resection weight." The
guideline goes on to state that "reduction mammaplasty surgery is considered standard of care
for symptomatic breast hypertrophy." The companion document notes that medical records
should document the symptoms associated with the hypertrophy the patient has experienced,
and lists the following:
"Documentation may include pain that patient experiences in the neck, back, or breasts
related to movement
Difficulties in daily activities such as grocery shopping, banking, using transportation,
preparing meals, feeding, showering, etc
Documentation of any secondary complications or infections that may have occurred as
a result of hypertrophy or macromastia including intertrigo, chronic rash, cervicalgia,
dorsalgia, or kyphosis
Documentation of prior procedures or therapies may be included but not required for
Photographs demonstrating the patient’s breast appearance, possible shoulder grooves
and kyphosis can be included in the medical documentation
Significant scientific evidence supports non-operative therapies should not be required
prior to approval of the procedure."
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations
Not applicable
Ongoing and Unpublished Clinical Trials
A search of ClinicalTrials.gov did not identify any ongoing or unpublished trials that would likely
influence this review.
Government Regulations
There is no national coverage determination (NCD) on this topic. In the absence of an NCD,
coverage decisions are left to the discretion of the local Medicare carriers.
Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corporation (WPS)
Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery (L39051)
Original effective date 11/14/2021 Revision 11/30/2023
[Note: following is information in the LCD that is specific to breast reduction]
Medical necessity for a breast reduction is limited to circumstances in which:
There are signs and/or symptoms resulting from the enlarged breasts (macromastia)
that have not responded adequately to non-surgical interventions,
To improve or correct asymmetry following cancer surgery on one breast.
Note: either the involved breast or contralateral breast may be treated to achieve
Note: For coverage indications for contralateral reconstruction of an unaffected breast
following a medically necessary mastectomy, refer to the CMS Internet-Only Manual,
Pub. 100-03, Medicare National Coverage Determinations Manual, Chapter 1, Part 2,
Non-surgical interventions preceding breast reduction should include as appropriate, but are
not limited to, the following:
Determining the macromastia is not due to an active endocrine or metabolic process.
Determining the symptoms are refractory to appropriately fitted supporting garments, or
following unilateral mastectomy, persistent with an appropriately fitted prosthesis or
reconstruction therapy at the site of the absent breast.
Determining that dermatologic signs and/or symptoms are refractory to, or recurrent
following, a completed course of medical management.
A medically reasonable and necessary breast reduction could be indicated in the presence of
significantly enlarged breasts and the presence of at least one of the following signs and/or
Back, neck or shoulder pain from macromastia and unrelieved by 6 months of:
- Conservative analgesia,
- Supportive measures (garment, etc.),
- Physical Therapy, or
Significant arthritic changes in the cervical or upper thoracic spine, optimally managed
with persistent symptoms and/or significant restriction of activity, or
Intertriginous maceration or infection of the inframammary skin refractory related to
dermatologic measures.
Permanent shoulder grooving with skin irritation by supporting garment (bra strap).
The amount of breast tissue to be removed must be proportional to the body surface area
(BSA) per the Schnur18 scale below. If the individual’s body surface area and weight of breast
tissue removed fall above the 22
percentile, then the surgery is considered medically
reasonable and necessary with the appropriate criteria. If only one breast meets the Schnur
scale criteria; breast tissue may be removed from the other breast in order to achieve
Schnur Scale:
Body Surface
Area (m2)
Average grams of tissue per breast to
be removed
Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corporation (WPS)
Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery (L34698)
Original effective date 10/01/2015
Revision effective date 01/01/2021; Revision ending date 11/13/2021
Retirement Date 11/13/2021
(The above Medicare information is current as of the review date for this policy. However, the coverage issues
and policies maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services [CMS, formerly HCFA] are updated
and/or revised periodically. Therefore, the most current CMS information may not be contained in this
document. For the most current information, the reader should contact an official Medicare source.)
Related Policies
Reconstructive Breast Surgery/Management of Breast Implants
Prophylactic Mastectomy (Retired)
1. Wolfswinkle EM, et al. Hyperplastic Breast Anomalies in the Female Adolescent Breast.
Semin Plast Surg. 2013 Feb; 27(1):49-55.
2. Dabbah A, Lehman JA, Jr., Parker MG et al. Reduction mammaplasty: an outcome
analysis. Ann Plast Surg 1995; 35(4):337-41. PMID 8585673
3. Schnur PL, Schnur DP, Petty PM et al. Reduction mammaplasty: an outcome study. Plast
Reconstr Surg 1997; 100(4):875-83. PMID 9290655
4. Hidalgo DA, Elliot LF, Palumbo S et al. Current trends in breast reduction. Plast Reconstr
Surg 1999; 104(3):806-15; quiz 16; discussion 17-8. PMID 10456536
5. Glatt BS, Sarwer DB, O'Hara DE et al. A retrospective study of changes in physical
symptoms and body image after reduction mammaplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg 1999;
103(1):76-82; discussion 83-5. PMID 9915166
6. Collins ED, Kerrigan CL, Kim M et al. The effectiveness of surgical and nonsurgical
interventions in relieving the symptoms of macromastia. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002;
109(5):1556-66. PMID 11932597
7. Iwuagwu OC, Walker LG, Stanley PW et al. Randomized clinical trial examining
psychosocial and quality of life benefits of bilateral breast reduction surgery. Br J Surg
2006; 93(3):291-4. PMID 16363021
8. Sabino Neto M, Dematte MF, Freire M et al. Self-esteem and functional capacity outcomes
following reduction mammaplasty. Aesthet Surg J 2008; 28(4):417-20. PMID 19083555
9. Iwuagwu OC, Platt AJ, Stanley PW et al. Does reduction mammaplasty improve lung
function test in women with macromastia? Results of a randomized controlled trial. Plast
Reconstr Surg 2006; 118(1):1-6; discussion 7. PMID 16816661
10. Saariniemi KM, Keranen UH, Salminen-Peltola PK et al. Reduction mammaplasty is
effective treatment according to two quality of life instruments. A prospective randomised
clinical trial. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2008; 61(12):1472-8. PMID 17983882
11. Schnur PL, Hoehn JG, Ilstrup DM et al. Reduction mammaplasty: cosmetic or
reconstructive procedure? Ann Plast Surg 1991; 27(3):232-7. PMID 1952749
12. Schnur PL. Reduction mammaplasty-the Schnur sliding scale revisited. Ann Plast Surg
1999; 42(1):107-8. PMID 9972729
13. Singh KA, Losken A. Additional benefits of reduction mammaplasty: a systematic review of
the literature. Plast Reconstr Surg 2012; 129(3):562-70. PMID 22090252
14. Torresetti M, Zuccatosta L, Di Benedetto G. The effects of breast reduction on pulmonary
functions: A systematic review. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. Dec 2022; 75(12): 4335-4346.
PMID 36229312
15. Hernanz F, Fidalgo M, Munoz P, et al. Impact of reduction mammoplasty on the quality of
life of obese patients suffering from symptomatic macromastia: A descriptive cohort study.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. Aug 2016;69(8):e168-173. PMID 27344408
16. Kerrigan CL, Collins ED, Kim HM, et al. Reduction mammaplasty: defining medical
necessity. Med Decis Making. May-Jun 2002;22(3):208-217. PMID 12058778
17. Thibaudeau S, Sinno H, Williams B. The effects of breast reduction on successful
breastfeeding: a systematic review. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. Octr 2010; 63(10):1688-
93. PMID 19692299
18. Chen CL, Shore AD, Johns R et al. The impact of obesity on breast surgery complications.
Plast Reconstr Surg. Nov 2011; 128(5):395e-402e. PMID 21666541
19. Shermak MA, Chang D, Buretta K et al. Increasing age impairs outcomes in breast
reduction surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg. Dec 2011; 128(6):1182-7. PMID 22094737
20. Gust MJ, Smetona JT, Persing JS, et al. The impact of body mass index on reduction
mammaplasty: a multicenter analysis of 2492 patients. Aesthet Surg J. Nov 1
2013;33(8):1140-1147. PMID 24214951
21. Nelson JA, Fischer JP, Chung CU, et al. Obesity and early complications following
reduction mammaplasty: An analysis of 4545 patients from the 2005-2011 NSQIP datasets.
J Plast Surg Hand Surg. Oct 2014;48(5):334-339. PMID 24506446
22. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Reduction Mammaplasty: ASPS Recommended
Insurance Coverage Criteria for Third-Party Payers. 2021;
reduction-mammaplasty.pdf. Accessed 4/8/24
23. Perdikis G, Dillingham C, Boukovalas S, et al. American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline Revision: Reduction Mammaplasty. Plast
Reconstr Surg. Mar 01 2022; 149(3): 392e-409e. PMID 35006204
The articles reviewed in this research include those obtained in an Internet based literature search
for relevant medical references through 4/8/24, the date the research was completed.
Joint BCBSM/BCN Medical Policy History
Effective Date
Signature Date
Signature Date
6/27/02 6/27/02 6/27/02 Joint policy established
7/20/04 7/20/04 6/30/04 Routine maintenance
3/23/06 3/23/06 3/23/06 Routine maintenance
7/1/08 5/17/08 5/18/08 Routine maintenance
11/1/08 8/19/08 9/23/08 Criteria updated
3/1/09 12/9/08 12/30/08 Routine maintenance, added
weight/height chart, BMI calculator
and link
9/1/10 6/15/10 6/15/10 Criteria Updated, removed BMI
calculator and link
9/1/11 6/21/11 6/21/11 Routine maintenance
7/1/13 4/16/13 4/22/13 Routine maintenance; reformatted
description, rationale and references
to mirror BCBSA.
Title changed from “Breast
Reduction Mammoplasty” to
Reduction Mammaplasty for Breast-
Related Symptoms”.
11/1/14 8/21/14 8/25/14 Routine maintenance
7/1/16 4/19/16 4/19/16 Routine maintenance
7/1/17 4/18/17 4/18/17 Routine maintenance
7/1/18 4/17/18 4/17/18 Routine maintenance
7/1/19 6/24/19 Routine maintenance
Revision to inclusions: statement
regarding reduction mammaplasty
surgery in patients under the age of
18 years; criterion for minimum
tissue removal of 1000mg without
requirement of functional issues
changed to 500gm; clarification of
criteria under functional
issues/conservative therapies;
“breasts are fully grown” further
defined to “breast size stable over
one year”.
9/1/20 6/16/20 Routine maintenance
Changes to inclusions: only one
functional issue is required; if one
breast meets criteria per Schnur
scale, that criterion is met. If one
breast meets all criteria, other breast
may be reduced for symmetry.
Addition: description of adolescent
macromastia, Ref 23
9/1/21 6/15/21 Routine maintenance
Code 19318 was revised
Verbiage changes in title, medical
policy statement, background
section, summary from “reduction
mammaplasty” to “breast reduction”.
9/1/22 6/21/22 Routine maintenance.
9/1/23 6/13/23 Routine maintenance (jf)
Vendor managed NA
1/1/24 10/17/23
Routine maintenance (jf)
Vendor managed NA
Revision of Medical Policy Statement
Gender affirming language removed
9/1/24 6/11/24
Routine maintenance (jf)
Vendor managed NA
Next Review Date: 2nd Qtr, 2025
Coverage Determination:
Commercial HMO
(includes Self-Funded
groups unless otherwise
Covered; policy criteria apply.
BCNA (Medicare
See Government Regulations section.
BCN65 (Medicare
Coinsurance covered if primary Medicare covers the
Administrative Guidelines:
The member's contract must be active at the time the service is rendered.
Coverage is based on each member’s certificate and is not guaranteed. Please
consult the individual member’s certificate for details. Additional information regarding
coverage or benefits may also be obtained through customer or provider inquiry
services at BCN.
The service must be authorized by the member's PCP except for Self-Referral Option
(SRO) members seeking Tier 2 coverage.
Services must be performed by a BCN-contracted provider, if available, except for
Self-Referral Option (SRO) members seeking Tier 2 coverage.
Payment is based on BCN payment rules, individual certificate and certificate riders.
Appropriate copayments will apply. Refer to certificate and applicable riders for
detailed information.
CPT - HCPCS codes are used for descriptive purposes only and are not a guarantee
of coverage.