06-052 JUN11
American National Standard for
Residential Inground Swimming Pools ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011
P.O. Box 400 1017 S.W. Berg Parkway
Canby, Oregon 97013
Phone (503) 266-2231 Fax (503) 266-4334
105 Challenger Drive
Portland, Tennessee 37148
Phone (615) 325-0770 Fax (615) 325-0775
American National Standard for Residential Inground Swimming Pools ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011
Article 5 Pool Dimensions and Tolerances…………………………………….…….. 1
Appendix F Recommendations to Warn Against Shallow Water Diving……………… 5
Appendix G
Safety Considerations and Warning Recommendations………………… 5
Appendix H
Safety Brochures and Education Programs……………………………….. 7
For a copy of the complete ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011 American National Standard for Residential Inground
Swimming Pools contact:
Association of Pool and Spa Professionals
2111 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 838-0083
5 Pool Dimensions and Tolerances
5.1 General requirements. Design dimensions shall
comply with the specifications in this standard. The pool
shall be constructed to these design dimensions within
the tolerances listed in 5.1.1.
5.1.1 Construction tolerances. There shall be
construction tolerances allowed on dimensional
designs. The length, width, and depth shall be
limited to a tolerance of plus or minus 3 in. (±76
mm). All other dimensions shall be limited to a
tolerance of ±2 in. (±51 mm), unless otherwise
NOTE: Negative construction tolerances shall not be
applied to the shallow area dimensions of the
Minimum Diving Envelope given in Table 1, p. 4.
5.2 Perimeter shape. No limits are specified for shapes
of pools. Consideration shall be given to circulation and
safety to the user.
5.3 Walls–Requirements
5.3.1 Walls in the shallow area and deep area of the
pool shall not slope greater than 11° (5:1 slope
ratio) to a transition point of the floor (see Figure
1). The transition to the bottom of the pool
between points D and E (see Figure 3, p. 5) shall not
be less than 2 ft 3 in. (686 mm) below the
5.3.2 As shown in Figure 2, at the depths of (A) and (B),
the walls are permitted to continue to join the floor.
5.4 Offset Ledges
5.4.1 Offset ledges shall be a maximum of 8 in. (203
mm) wide. Offset ledges located less than 42 in. (1.07 m)
below waterline shall be proportionately less than 8
in. (203 mm) wide and fall within 11° from plumb,
measured from the top of the waterline (see Figure
5.5 Floor slopes. Floor slopes shall be reasonably uniform and
comply with paras. 5.5.1 through 5.5.3.
5.5.1 The slope of the floor from the shallow end wall
towards the deep area shall not exceed a 1:7 incline to
the point of the first slope change, if any (D–E) as shown
in Figure 5.
5.5.2 Changes in slope between shallow and deep areas
shall be at a minimum water depth of 2 ft 9 in. (838
mm) and be at least 6 ft (1.83 m) from the shallow end,
except as specified in para. 6.3.
5.5.3 The slope of the floor shall not exceed a 1:3 incline
under the lengths (B–D) of the Diving Envelope (see
Figure 5).
5.6 Shallow end water depths. Water depth in the shallow
area shall be a minimum of 2 ft 9 in. (838 mm), except
for those locations specified in para. 6.3 “Shallow End
Detail for Beach and Sloping Entries.”
5.7 Manufactured diving equipment for in-ground
swimming pools (diving board/stand combination,
manufactured platform, or field fabricated)
5.7.1 When manufactured or field fabricated diving
equipment is installed, it shall conform to the
specifications set forth in paras. 5.7–5.9. It shall be
located in the deep area of the pool to provide the
minimum dimensions as shown in para. 5.8, and shall be
installed in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions. Manufactured or field fabricated diving
equipment shall be located directly above Point A.
Diving equipment shall not be installed on Type O pools
(see Table 1). Maximum elevation of a diving board above the
water shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s
installation instructions. Raised decking may be installed
around the diving board up to level with the top of the
5.7.2 Manufactured diving equipment installation and use
instructions shall be provided by the diving equipment
manufacturer and shall specify the minimum water
dimensions required for each diving board and diving
stand combination. They shall refer to the diving
envelope type of their choice by dimensionally relating
their products to Point A on the diving envelopes as
shown in Figure 3, Table 1, and paras. 5.8.1–5.8.3 Diving equipment shall be permanently labeled
and affixed to the diving equipment or jump boards and
include, but not be limited to the following:
manufacturer’s diving equipment name and
date of manufacture
minimum diving envelope
maximum weight limitations. Diving equipment shall have slip-
resisting tread surfaces.
5.8 Figure 3 diagrams show dimension points referred
to in Table 1.
5.8.1 Point A: Point A is the point from which all
other forward dimensions of width, length, and
depth are then established for the Minimum Diving
Water Envelope. If the tip of the diving board or
diving platform overhang is located at a distance of
WA or greater from the deep end wall and the
water depth at that location is equal to or greater
than the water depth requirement at Point A (see
Table 1), then the point on the water surface
directly below the center of the tip of the diving
board or diving platform shall be identified as Point
4 Location of Point A: The minimum
Diving Water Envelope dimensions for pools
with manufactured diving equipment shall be
taken from Point A as shown in Figure 3. Point
A shall be defined as the point on the water
surface where the water depth is required at
Point A and is provided at a distance of WA as
shown in Table 1 from the deep end wall. The
center of the tip of the diving board, platforms,
manufactured or field fabricated shall be
located directly above Point A. Point A as shown in Figure 3 and Table
1 shall be the reference point of origin for all
dimensions defining the minimum diving
5.8.2 Type O pools (where diving is prohibited) shall
not be limited in width, length, or water depth
except as specifically provided for in this standard.
Pool Type I 42 in. (1.07 m)
Pool Type II 42 in. (1.07 m)
Pool Type III 50 in. (1.27 m)
Pool Type IV 60 in. (1.52 m)
Pool Type V 69 in. (1.75 m).
5.8.3 Location of equipment and pool features in
the minimum diving envelope. If the pool is
designed for use with diving equipment, all steps,
pool stairs, ladders, underwater benches, offset
ledges special features and other accessory items
or any parts thereof, these features shall be located
outside the Minimum Diving Envelope (see Figure
5.9 Stationary diving platform(s) and diving rock(s).
Stationary diving platform(s) and diving rock(s) built on
site field fabricated shall be allowed to be flush with the
wall and located in the diving area of the pool. Point A
shall be in front of the wall at the platform or diving
rock centerline. Diving rocks or platforms are prohibited
on Pool Type O.
5.10 Stationary diving platform(s) and diving rock(s)
5.10.1 Stationary diving platform(s) and diving
rock(s) shall not be permitted on Pool Type O.
5.10.2 The maximum height of the stationary diving
platform or diving rock above the waterline shall be
as follows:
Pool Type I 42 in. (1.07 m)
Pool Type II 42 in. (1.07 m)
Pool Type III 50 in. (1.27 m)
Pool Type IV 60 in. (1.52 m)
Pool Type V 69 in. (1.75 m).
5.10.3 The diving equipment manufacturer shall
specify minimum headroom above water.
5.11 Swimming pool slides
5.11.1 Slides, where installed, shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications
and comply with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) Standard for Swimming Pool
Slides as published in the Code of Federal
Regulations, 16 CFR Ch. II, Part 1207.
5.11.2 Slides constructed on-site are not covered by
this standard.
NOTE: For consumer safety information, warnings,
and education programs, see Appendices F, G, and
Appendix F
Recommendations to Warn Against Shallow Water Diving
This appendix is not part of the American National Standard ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011. It is included for
information only.
Recommended methods to warn against shallow
water diving may include, but not be limited to:
A. Safety Signs
It is an open question before the Human Factors
Society and others whether signage is an effective
means that will modify human behavior to prevent
If warning signs are used to warn against shallow
water diving, the signage should be in compliance
with ANSI-Z535 1998 Series of standards for safety
signs and colors or the latest revision.
This sign is based upon a study entitled “Design of
Swimming Pool Warnings.” This sign has been
reviewed by the staff of the U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission and supports its use.
B. Additional Signage Use
The ANSI-Z535 Series of Standards reflects the
consensus of various experts on warning sign
appearance and content. Signage, which is
consistent with the ANSI-Z535 Standards, is
permitted to be added to components, equipment,
facilities, or installations, to provide additional
Manufacturers are permitted to either affix
additional signage to their products or packaging, or
to supply the signage with the product to be affixed
at the time of installation.
Appendix G
Safety Considerations and Warning Recommendations
This appendix is not part of the American National Standard ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011. It is included for
information only.
The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP)
suggests that the builders/installers of swimming
pools advise the initial owner/operator of a
residential pool of the following:
Warning Recommendations: The APSP suggests the
builder/installer advise the pool owner of the risk of
drowning, especially for children under the age of
five, and the risk of diving into shallow water in one
or more of the following ways: verbally, through
publications or signage. The following are suggested
Lifesaving Equipment: The APSP suggests the
builder/installer advise the pool owner/operator
that basic lifesaving equipment including one or
more of the following items should be on hand at all
• A light, strong, rigid pole not less than twelve feet
(12', 3.7 m) long
• A minimum one fourth inch (6 mm) diameter
throwing rope as long as one and one-half (1½)
times the maximum width of the pool or 50 feet
(15.2 m), whichever is less, which has been firmly
attached to a Coast Guard-approved ring buoy
having an outside diameter of approximately 15
in. (381 mm), or some other similar flotation
Safety Considerations for Pool Owner/Operators:
For additional safety information see
This standard does not replace good judgment and
personal responsibility. In permitting use of the pool
by others, owners/operators must consider the skill,
attitude, training, and experience of the expected
user. It is the pool owner/operator’s responsibility to
learn, understand, and enforce these basic safety
principles and rules:
• Encourage children to learn how to swim.
• Never allow diving, jumping or sliding into shallow
• Adequate adult supervision is required when the
pool is in use.
• Adequate adult supervision is always required
when children are present.
• Encourage parents to learn CPR.
• Encourage children to never swim alone.
• Keep all electrical radios, speakers and other
appliances away from the swimming pool.
• Do not allow roughhousing and horseplay.
• Keep deck clean and clear of objects that may
create a hazard.
• Keep all breakable objects out of the pool area.
• Alcohol consumption and pool activities do not
mix. Never allow anyone to swim, dive or slide under
the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Do’s and Don’ts for Diving into swimming pools
with manufactured diving equipment, diving rocks,
and stationary diving platforms:
• Do know the shape of the pool bottom and the
water depth before you dive or slide headfirst.
• Do plan you path to avoid submerged obstacles,
surface objects, or other swimmers.
• Do hold your head up, arms up, and steer up with
your hands.
• Do practice carefully before you dive or slide.
• Do test the diving board for its spring before using.
• Do remember that when you dive down, you must
steer up.
• Do dive straight ahead, not off the side of the
diving board.
• Don't drink and dive.
• Don't dive or slide headfirst in the shallow part of
the pool.
• Don't dive from any place that is not specifically
designed for diving .
• Don’t ever dive head first into shallow water (5
feet or less).
• Don't dive across the narrow part of the pool.
• Don't run and dive.
• Don't dive from any place that is not specifically
designed for diving.
• Don't engage in horseplay on diving or sliding
• Don't use diving equipment as a trampoline.
• Don't do a back dive.
• Don't try fancy dives; keep the dives simple.
• Don't dive or slide headfirst at or through objects
such as inner tubes.
• Don't put diving or sliding equipment on a pool
that wasn't designed for it.
• Don't swim or dive alone.
• Don't dive into unfamiliar bodies of water.
Rules for General Use of Swimming Pool Slides.*
Under all circumstances you should prohibit:
• All headfirst entry from slide.
• Horseplay.
• Any slide entries by non-swimmers into deep
water, to protect them from drowning.
• Standing on the top of a slide or outside the
• Jumping from a slide.
• Diving from a slide.
• Sliding into areas with submerged obstacles,
surface objects, or other swimmers.
• Do not engage in extended breath holding
activities underwater
* Consult safe use instructions of the pool slide
Appendix H
Safety Brochures and Education Programs
This appendix is not part of the American National Standard ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011. It is included for
information only.
Consumer awareness information is available from
the following sources:
• “The Sensible Way to Enjoy Your Inground
Swimming Pool” Published by the Association of
Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP)
• “Children Aren't Waterproof” Published by the
• “Be Safety Aware” Published by the APSP
• “Layers of Protection” Published by the APSP
• “Pool and Spa Emergency Procedures for Infants
and Children” Published by the APSP
• “Knowing How to Dive” Published by the APSP
Copies of the above brochures are available free
from the APSP at 703-838-0083, ext. 301.
Also, visit APSP’s website at www.APSP.org and
consult “Consumer Information.”
Safety Education Programs and Materials
Educational programs and materials (i.e., seminars,
workshops, brochures, videos, instructional guides,
etc.) are available from APSP, NSPF, other aquatic
safety groups, and by private firms. As a means of
communicating useful safety information to pool
owners/operators and users, industry members are
permitted to provide such information to
owners/operators and to request or require
owners/operators to sign a statement that they have
received, read and will follow the guidelines.
2111 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22314