Undergraduate Catalog 2017/2018
Table of Contents
About the Catalog ..................................................................................................................... 1
The Online Catalog ................................................................................................................. 1
About the University ................................................................................................................. 2
Academic Calendar 2017-2018 .............................................................................................. 2
Accreditation ........................................................................................................................... 3
Campus Administration and Deans ........................................................................................ 4
Chapter 1. Requirements and Application Procedures ......................................................... 5
Admission to Limited Enrollment Programs (LEP) .............................................................. 5
Freshman Admission .............................................................................................................. 5
Graduate School ...................................................................................................................... 9
International Student Admission .......................................................................................... 10
Office of Extended Studies (Summer Session, Winter Session, Freshmen Connection, Pre-
College Programs, and Professional Graduate, Post-Baccalaureate, and Continuing
Education Programs) ............................................................................................................. 12
Readmission and Reinstatement ........................................................................................... 13
Residency Information .......................................................................................................... 15
Special Applicants ................................................................................................................ 15
Transfer Admission ............................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 2. Fees, Expenses and Financial Aid ...................................................................... 19
College and Departmental Scholarships ............................................................................... 19
Explanation of Fees .............................................................................................................. 22
Merit-Based Financial Assistance ........................................................................................ 27
Need-Based Financial Assistance ......................................................................................... 30
Office of Student Financial Aid ............................................................................................ 32
Tuition and Bill Payment Information .................................................................................. 36
Undergraduate Tuition and Fees ........................................................................................... 38
Chapter 3. Campus Administration, Resources, and Student Services ............................. 40
ACADEMIC RESOURCES AND SERVICES ................................................................ 40
Academic Achievement Programs ..................................................................................... 40
Admissions ......................................................................................................................... 40
Computing Services: Division of Information Technology ............................................... 40
Education Abroad............................................................................................................... 41
Honor Societies .................................................................................................................. 43
Intercollegiate Athletics ..................................................................................................... 44
International Student and Scholar Services........................................................................ 47
Learning Assistance Service (LAS) ................................................................................... 48
Letters and Sciences ........................................................................................................... 48
Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR) ................................................... 49
Maryland English Institute (MEI) ...................................................................................... 49
Oak Ridge Associated Universities .................................................................................... 50
Office of Extendend Studies (Summer Session, Winter Session, Freshmen Connection,
Pre-College Programs, and Professional Graduate, Post-Baccalaureate, and Continuing
Education Programs) ............................................................................................................. 51
Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE) .......................................................... 52
Office of the Registrar ........................................................................................................ 53
Orientation.......................................................................................................................... 53
Pre-College Programs ........................................................................................................ 53
Pre-Health Professions Advising and Programs ................................................................ 54
Pre-Law Advising Program................................................................................................ 54
Pre-Transfer Advising ........................................................................................................ 55
Student Success Office ....................................................................................................... 55
Tutoring .............................................................................................................................. 56
CAMPUS ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................ 56
Academic Affairs ............................................................................................................... 56
Division of Administration and Finance ............................................................................ 57
Equity Council ................................................................................................................... 57
Office of Diversity and Inclusion ....................................................................................... 58
Office of the President ....................................................................................................... 58
Office of Undergraduate Studies ........................................................................................ 59
Student Affairs ................................................................................................................... 59
University Relations ........................................................................................................... 60
University Senate ............................................................................................................... 60
STUDENT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES..................................................................... 61
Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life ................................................ 61
Alumni Association ............................................................................................................ 62
Book Center ....................................................................................................................... 63
Department of Fraternity and Sorority Life ....................................................................... 63
Dining Services .................................................................................................................. 64
Engagement and Activities ................................................................................................ 66
Housing: Resident Life ...................................................................................................... 66
Leadership and Community Service-Learning .................................................................. 67
Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy ..................................................... 69
Nyumburu Cultural Center ................................................................................................. 70
Off-Campus Housing Services ........................................................................................... 71
Office of Student Conduct ................................................................................................. 71
Religious Programs ............................................................................................................ 72
Transportation Services ...................................................................................................... 74
University Career Center & The President's Promise (UCC/TPP) .................................... 76
University Counseling Center ............................................................................................ 78
University Health Center (UHC) ....................................................................................... 81
University Recreation and Wellness .................................................................................. 84
Veteran Student Life .......................................................................................................... 86
Chapter 4. Registration, Academic Requirements, and Regulations ................................. 87
Academic Advising ............................................................................................................. 87
Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy ..................................................... 90
Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Codes ............................................................. 90
Academic Integrity ............................................................................................................. 90
Honor Pledge ...................................................................................................................... 91
Summary of Policies and Regulations Pertaining to Students ........................................... 92
Student Conduct ................................................................................................................. 93
Academic Records and Regulations .................................................................................. 95
Academic Clemency Policy ............................................................................................... 95
Academic Probation and Dismissal ................................................................................... 96
Computation of Grade Point Average ................................................................................ 99
Graduation Applications and Latin Honors ....................................................................... 99
Honors (Semester Academic) .......................................................................................... 101
Incompletes ...................................................................................................................... 101
Marking System ............................................................................................................... 102
Mid-Term Grades ............................................................................................................. 104
Pass-Fail Policy ................................................................................................................ 105
Repeat Policy ................................................................................................................... 106
Statement on Classroom Climate ..................................................................................... 107
Syllabus, Attendance, Absences, and Assessment ........................................................... 108
Degree Information ........................................................................................................... 111
Combined Bachelor's/Master's Programs......................................................................... 111
Degree Requirements ....................................................................................................... 113
Minors .............................................................................................................................. 115
Second Majors and Second Degrees ................................................................................ 115
Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy ................................................... 116
Prior Learning Credit - AP, IB, A-Level/AS-Level, CLEP, BMT, Credit-by-Exam ......... 117
Registration ....................................................................................................................... 121
Change of Address ........................................................................................................... 121
Classification of Students ................................................................................................. 121
Concurrent Undergraduate-Graduate Registration .......................................................... 122
Courses Taken at Other Institutions ................................................................................. 122
Credit Hours and Maximum Semester Credits ................................................................ 123
Use of Email for Official Communication ....................................................................... 124
Identification Cards .......................................................................................................... 124
Registering for Classes ..................................................................................................... 125
Cancellation of Registration ............................................................................................. 125
Schedule Adjustment and Drop Period ............................................................................ 125
Student ID Numbers ......................................................................................................... 127
Undergraduate Credit for Graduate Level Courses .......................................................... 127
Veterans Benefits ............................................................................................................. 127
Withdrawal and Leave of Absence .................................................................................. 127
Transfer Credit ................................................................................................................. 129
Chapter 5. General Education Requirements .................................................................... 136
General Education Program and Requirements .................................................................. 136
Chapter 6. The Colleges and Schools .................................................................................. 147
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) .................................................... 147
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (ARCH) ............................................. 154
College of Arts and Humanities (ARHU) ........................................................................... 160
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS) ........................................................... 169
The Robert H. Smith School of Business (BMGT) ............................................................ 178
College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) ................................ 184
College of Education (EDUC) ........................................................................................... 191
A. James Clark School of Engineering (ENGR) ................................................................ 201
College of Information Studies, Maryland's iSchool (INFO) ............................................. 216
The Philip Merrill College of Journalism (JOUR) ............................................................. 220
School of Public Health (SPHL) ......................................................................................... 237
School of Public Policy (PLCY) ........................................................................................ 242
The Universities at Shady Grove ........................................................................................ 247
Biological Sciences .......................................................................................................... 248
The Robert H. Smith School of Business ........................................................................ 249
Communication ................................................................................................................ 253
Criminology and Criminal Justice ................................................................................... 257
Public Health Science ...................................................................................................... 262
Office of Undergraduate Studies (UGST) .......................................................................... 264
Academic Achievement Programs ................................................................................... 265
Academic Common Market ............................................................................................. 267
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) ................................................... 269
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) .............................................................. 270
Asian American Studies Program (AAST) ...................................................................... 272
Beyond the Classroom ..................................................................................................... 274
Carillon Communities ...................................................................................................... 274
College Park Scholars Program (CPSP) .......................................................................... 275
Federal Fellows Program ................................................................................................. 276
First Year Book Program ................................................................................................. 277
General Education ............................................................................................................ 277
Global Fellows in Washington DC Program ................................................................... 278
Global Studies .................................................................................................................. 279
Honors College ................................................................................................................ 280
Individual Studies Program ............................................................................................. 280
Letters and Sciences ......................................................................................................... 282
Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR) ................................................. 284
Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (Naval ROTC) .................................... 284
Orientation ....................................................................................................................... 286
Pre-College Programs ...................................................................................................... 287
Pre-Transfer Advising ...................................................................................................... 288
National Scholarship Office ............................................................................................. 288
Student Success Office .................................................................................................... 289
Chapter 7. Departments, Majors, and Programs .............................................................. 290
Accounting (BMGT) ........................................................................................................... 290
Aerospace Engineering (ENAE) ......................................................................................... 293
African American Studies (AASP) ..................................................................................... 299
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) ................................................................. 307
Agricultural Science and Technology (AGST) .................................................................. 316
American Studies (AMST) ................................................................................................. 319
Animal Sciences (ANSC) ................................................................................................... 325
Anthropology (ANTH) ....................................................................................................... 337
Arabic Studies (ARAB) ...................................................................................................... 342
Architecture (ARCH) .......................................................................................................... 347
Art (ARTT) ......................................................................................................................... 351
Art Education (TLPL) ......................................................................................................... 358
Art History and Archaeology (ARTH) ............................................................................... 358
Asian American Studies Program ....................................................................................... 363
Astronomy (ASTR) ............................................................................................................. 364
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC) ....................................................................... 370
Behavioral and Community Health (HLTH) ...................................................................... 374
Bioengineering (BIOE) ....................................................................................................... 379
Biological Sciences Program (BSCI) ................................................................................. 386
Biology (BIOL) ................................................................................................................... 389
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (CEBG) .................................................................. 392
Central European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERE) ................................................. 394
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (CHBE) .............................................................. 397
Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM, BCHM) ................................................................. 403
Chinese (CHIN) .................................................................................................................. 408
Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENCE) .................................................................. 412
Classical Languages and Literature (CLAS) ...................................................................... 420
Communication (COMM) .................................................................................................. 427
Comparative Literature Program (CMLT) ......................................................................... 435
Computer Engineering (ENCP) .......................................................................................... 436
Computer Science (CMSC) ................................................................................................ 443
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE) ......................................... 448
Special Education (CHSE) ............................................................................................... 448
Special Education ............................................................................................................. 454
Leadership Studies ........................................................................................................... 456
Criminology & Criminal Justice (CCJS) ............................................................................ 457
Decision, Operations and Information Technologies (BMGT) .......................................... 464
Dietetics .............................................................................................................................. 467
Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education ........................................................ 467
Economics (ECON) ............................................................................................................ 467
Electrical Engineering (ENEE) ........................................................................................... 473
Elementary Education (TLPL) ............................................................................................ 481
English Language and Literature (ENGL) .......................................................................... 481
English Education (TLPL) .................................................................................................. 489
Entomology (ENTM) .......................................................................................................... 489
Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP) ........................................................................ 491
Environmental Science and Technology (ENST) ............................................................... 494
Environmental Science and Technology: Ecological Technology Design (ENST) ........... 497
Environmental Science and Technology: Environmental Health (ENST) ...................... 500
Environmental Science and Technology: Natural Resources Management (ENST)....... 504
Environmental Science and Technology: Soil and Watershed Science (ENST) ............. 507
Family Science (FMSC) ..................................................................................................... 509
Film Studies (FILM) ........................................................................................................... 516
Finance (BMGT) ................................................................................................................. 519
Fire Protection Engineering (ENFP) ................................................................................... 521
French Language and Literature (FREN) ........................................................................... 527
Geology (GEOL) ................................................................................................................ 530
Geographical Sciences (GEOG) ......................................................................................... 549
Germanic Studies (GERM) ................................................................................................. 559
Government and Politics (GVPT) ....................................................................................... 563
Health .................................................................................................................................. 570
Hearing and Speech Sciences (HESP) ................................................................................ 570
History (HIST) .................................................................................................................... 577
Human Development and Quantitative Methodology (HDQM) ........................................ 582
Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education (HDQM) ...................................... 583
Human Development/Institute for Child Study (HDQM) ............................................... 583
Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation (EDMS) ........................................................... 590
Individual Studies Program ................................................................................................ 591
International Agriculture and Natural Resources ............................................................... 591
Information Science (INFO) ............................................................................................... 593
Information Systems: Specialization Business ................................................................... 598
International Business ......................................................................................................... 598
Italian Studies (ITAL) ......................................................................................................... 599
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies (LGBT) ................................................ 602
Japanese (JAPN) ................................................................................................................. 603
Jewish Studies (JWST) ....................................................................................................... 606
Journalism (JOUR) ............................................................................................................. 618
Kinesiology (KNES) ........................................................................................................... 619
Landscape Architecture (LARC) ........................................................................................ 624
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, School of (SLLC) ................................................... 628
Letters and Sciences (LTSC) .............................................................................................. 632
Linguistics (LING) ............................................................................................................. 632
Logistics, Business, and Public Policy (BMGT) ................................................................ 637
Management (M&O) .......................................................................................................... 640
Marketing (BMGT) ............................................................................................................. 642
Materials Science and Engineering (ENMA, ENNU) ........................................................ 644
Mathematics (MATH) ........................................................................................................ 652
Mathematics Education (TLPL) ......................................................................................... 665
Mechanical Engineering (ENME) ...................................................................................... 666
Meteorology ........................................................................................................................ 670
Middle School Education (TLPL) ...................................................................................... 671
School of Music (MUSC) ................................................................................................... 671
Nutrition and Food Science (NFSC) ................................................................................... 676
Operations Management and Business Analytics ............................................................... 680
Other For-Credit Programs ................................................................................................. 680
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (AFROTC) ................................... 680
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (ROTC) .............................................. 680
College Park Scholars Program (CPSP) ......................................................................... 681
Education Abroad ........................................................................................................... 681
Hearing and Speech in the Evening (HESPIE) ............................................................... 683
Honors College ............................................................................................................... 683
Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (Naval ROTC) ................................... 683
Science in the Evening (SIE) .......................................................................................... 684
Persian Studies (PERS) ....................................................................................................... 684
Philosphy (PHIL) ................................................................................................................ 689
Physics (PHYS) .................................................................................................................. 693
Plant Sciences (PLSC) ........................................................................................................ 699
Pre-Health Professions Advising and Programs ................................................................. 707
Pre-Dental Hygiene ......................................................................................................... 708
Pre-Dentistry ................................................................................................................... 709
Pre-Medicine (Allopathic, Osteopathic, Optometry, Podiatry) ...................................... 710
Pre-Nursing ..................................................................................................................... 711
Pre-Occupational Therapy............................................................................................... 711
Pre-Pharmacy .................................................................................................................. 712
Pre-Physical Therapy ...................................................................................................... 713
Pre-Physician Assistant ................................................................................................... 713
Other Health Programs .................................................................................................... 714
Pre-Professional Advising: Law ......................................................................................... 715
Pre-Law Advising Program ............................................................................................. 715
Pre-Professional Advising: Pre-Veterinary Medicine ........................................................ 716
Pre-Veterinary Medicine ................................................................................................. 716
Psychology (PSYC) ............................................................................................................ 717
Public Health Science (PHSC) ........................................................................................... 726
Public Policy (PLCY) ......................................................................................................... 731
Romance Languages (ROML) ............................................................................................ 735
Russian Language and Literature (RUSS) .......................................................................... 737
Science Education (TLPL) .................................................................................................. 741
Social Studies Education (TLPL) ....................................................................................... 741
Sociology (SOCY) .............................................................................................................. 741
Spanish Language, Literatures, and Culture (SPAN) ......................................................... 745
Speech Communication ...................................................................................................... 752
Supply Chain Management ................................................................................................. 752
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL) .................................................... 753
Curriculum and Instruction - Middle School (EDCI) ...................................................... 753
Curriculum and Instruction - Elementary Education (EDCI) .......................................... 757
Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education (EDCI) ............................................ 761
Second Language Education ............................................................................................ 777
Secondary Education ........................................................................................................ 778
Secondary Education Certificate ...................................................................................... 779
School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies .......................................................... 779
Dance (DANC)................................................................................................................. 780
Theatre (THET) ................................................................................................................ 785
Women's Studies (WMST) ................................................................................................. 791
World Langauge Education (TLPL) ................................................................................... 799
Chapter 8. Minors ................................................................................................................. 800
Actuarial Mathematics ........................................................................................................ 800
Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students ............................................................. 801
Agribusiness Economics ..................................................................................................... 802
Arabic .................................................................................................................................. 803
Archaeology ........................................................................................................................ 805
Army Leadership Studies .................................................................................................... 805
Art History .......................................................................................................................... 807
Asian American Studies ...................................................................................................... 807
Astronomy .......................................................................................................................... 810
Atmospheric Chemistry ...................................................................................................... 812
Atmospheric Sciences ......................................................................................................... 813
Black Women's Studies ...................................................................................................... 814
Business Analytics .............................................................................................................. 815
Chinese Language ............................................................................................................... 815
Classical Mythology ........................................................................................................... 817
Computer Engineering ........................................................................................................ 817
Computer Science ............................................................................................................... 818
Construction Project Management ...................................................................................... 819
Creative Writing ................................................................................................................. 820
Earth History ....................................................................................................................... 821
Earth Material Properties .................................................................................................... 821
Education - Secondary ........................................................................................................ 822
Education – Second Language ............................................................................................ 823
Engineering Leadership Development ................................................................................ 824
Environmental Economics and Policy ................................................................................ 825
French Studies ..................................................................................................................... 826
General Business ................................................................................................................. 827
Germanic Language, Literature and Culture ...................................................................... 827
Geochemistry ...................................................................................................................... 827
Geographic Information Science ........................................................................................ 828
Geophysics .......................................................................................................................... 829
Global Poverty .................................................................................................................... 830
Global Studies ..................................................................................................................... 830
Global Terrorism ................................................................................................................. 832
Greek Language and Culture .............................................................................................. 834
Hearing and Speech Sciences ............................................................................................. 834
History ................................................................................................................................ 836
Human Development and Quantitavie Methodology ......................................................... 837
Hydrology ........................................................................................................................... 838
Innovation & Entrepreneurship .......................................................................................... 838
International Development and Conflict Management ....................................................... 839
International Engineering ................................................................................................... 839
Israel Studies ....................................................................................................................... 840
Italian Language and Culture .............................................................................................. 842
Japanese .............................................................................................................................. 843
Jewish Studies ..................................................................................................................... 844
Korean Studies .................................................................................................................... 845
Landscape Management ..................................................................................................... 846
Latin Language and Literature ............................................................................................ 847
Law and Society .................................................................................................................. 848
Leadership Studies .............................................................................................................. 848
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies ............................................................... 850
Linguistics ........................................................................................................................... 851
Mathematics ........................................................................................................................ 852
Meteorology ........................................................................................................................ 853
Middle Eastern Studies ....................................................................................................... 854
Military Studies ................................................................................................................... 855
Music Performance ............................................................................................................. 856
Nanoscale Science and Technology ................................................................................... 857
Neuroscience ....................................................................................................................... 857
Nuclear Engineering ........................................................................................................... 858
Persian Studies .................................................................................................................... 859
Philosophy .......................................................................................................................... 860
Physics ................................................................................................................................ 861
Planetary Sciences .............................................................................................................. 862
Portuguese Language, Literature, and Culture ................................................................... 863
Professional Writing ........................................................................................................... 864
Project Management ........................................................................................................... 867
Public Leadership ............................................................................................................... 868
Real Estate Development .................................................................................................... 870
Religious Studies ................................................................................................................ 871
Remote Sensing of Environmental Change ........................................................................ 872
Resource and Agricultural Policy in Economic Development ........................................... 874
Rhetoric ............................................................................................................................... 875
Russian Studies ................................................................................................................... 876
Soil Science ......................................................................................................................... 877
Spanish Language and Cultures .......................................................................................... 879
Spanish Language, Business, and Cultures ........................................................................ 880
Surficial Geology ................................................................................................................ 882
Survey Methodology ........................................................................................................... 883
Sustainability Studies .......................................................................................................... 887
Technology Entrepreneurship ............................................................................................. 888
U.S. Latina/o Studies .......................................................................................................... 888
Chapter 9. Certificates.......................................................................................................... 890
Upper Division Certificates .............................................................................................. 890
African American Studies Certificate ............................................................................. 890
Asian American Studies Certificate ................................................................................ 891
Computational Science Certificate .................................................................................. 891
East Asian Studies Certificate ......................................................................................... 892
International Agriculture and Natural Resources Certificate .......................................... 893
Latin American Studies Certificate ................................................................................. 895
Leadership Studies Certificate ........................................................................................ 896
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies Certificate ......................................... 897
Science, Technology and Society Certificate .................................................................. 898
Women's Studies Certificate ............................................................................................ 900
Lower Division Certificates .............................................................................................. 903
Applied Agriculture ........................................................................................................ 903
University Policies ................................................................................................................. 905
PROCEDURES VI-1.00B .................................................................................................. 905
PROCEDURES VI-1.60(A) ............................................................................................... 905
CONDUCT V-1.00(B) ........................................................................................................ 905
6.30(A) ................................................................................................................................ 905
............................................................................................................................................. 914
INTEGRITY III-1.00(A) .................................................................................................... 914
PROGRAMS....................................................................................................................... 914
TUITION PURPOSES VIII-2.70 ....................................................................................... 915
1.00(A) ................................................................................................................................ 921
STUDENTS III-1.20(B) ..................................................................................................... 921
THAT INVOLVE ANIMALS ............................................................................................ 922
Appendix L: COMPLETION OF INTERRUPTED DEGREE .......................................... 922
AND PROTECTION OF ID NUMBERS VI-26.00(A) ..................................................... 923
COMMISSION (TITLE 13 B)............................................................................................ 928
EMERGENCIES V-1.00(J) ................................................................................................ 928
Appendix Q: POLICY ON STUDENT SOCIAL MEDIA PRIVACY V-1.20 .................. 929
ATHLETICS V-2.20........................................................................................................... 930
POLICY AND PROCEDURES VI-1.00(D) ...................................................................... 930
1.00(G) ................................................................................................................................ 930
NOTATIONS USED ON ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPTS III.6.20(A) ............................... 930
ACADEMIC CLEMENCY III-1.30(A) ............................................................................. 930
Approved Courses ................................................................................................................. 931
Administrators, Officials and Faculty............................................................................... 1420
About the Catalog
Undergraduate Catalog: The current undergraduate catalog, and previous editions, are
available on this site.
Graduate Catalog: The graduate catalog is available online at:
www.gradschool.umd.edu/catalog. For additional information, call 301-405-0376.
Registration Guide: The registration guide outlines registration dates and procedures, and
provides information on deadlines, fees, and other student services at the university.
The registration guide and schedule of classes are available at www.registrar.umd.edu.
The Online Catalog
Welcome to the University of Maryland Undergraduate Catalog website. The Undergraduate
Catalog provides information pertaining to undergraduate academic programs, including course
descriptions and program requirements, and sets forth the university's academic, registration and
graduation policies and regulations. A listing of University of Maryland policies and procedures
is available at http://www.president.umd.edu/policies/. Program requirements contained in the
Undergraduate Catalog supersede any information which may be contained in any bulletin of any
school or department. This Undergraduate Catalog also contains hyperlinks to other
informational resources at the University of Maryland. The information contained in these
hyperlinks is provided as a convenience to the reader and is not part of the Undergraduate
Catalog itself.
The provisions of the Undergraduate Catalog are not to be regarded as a contract between the
student and the University of Maryland. The University reserves the right to change its policies,
rules, regulations, requirements for graduation, course offerings, tuition, fees, other charges, or
any other contents of this catalog at any time.
Changes are effected from time to time in the general policies, and academic and graduation
requirements. The Undergraduate Catalog will be updated to reflect such changes, as
appropriate, but updates may not appear immediately. There are established procedures for
making changes that protect the institution's integrity and the individual student's interest and
welfare. A curriculum or graduation requirement, when altered, is not normally retroactive
unless the change is to the students' advantage and can be accommodated within the span of
years normally required for graduation.
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About the University
Academic Calendar 2017-2018
Fall Semester - 2017
First Day of Classes
August 28 (Monday)
Labor Day
September 4 (Monday)
Thanksgiving Recess
November 22- 26 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Last Day of Classes
December 11 (Monday)
Reading Day
December 12 (Tuesday)
Final Exams
December 13-19 (Wednesday-Tuesday)
Commencement - Main/College/Department
December 19 (Tuesday)
Commencement - College/Department
December 20 (Wednesday)
*See http://commencement.umd.edu for any updates.
Winter Term - 2018
Classes Begin
January 2 (Tuesday)
Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday
January 15 (Monday)
Classes End
January 22 (Monday)
Spring Semester - 2018
First Day of Classes
January 24 (Wednesday)
Spring Break
March 18-25 (Sunday-Sunday)
Last Day of Classes
May 10 (Thursday)
Reading Day
May 11 (Friday)
Final Exams
May 12-18 (Saturday-Friday)
Senior Day
May 19 (Saturday)
Commencement - Main Ceremony*
May 20 (Sunday)
Commencement - College/Department
May 21 (Monday)
*See http://commencement.umd.edu for any updates.
Summer Term - 2018
Sessions I and I-A Begin
May 29 (Tuesday)
Session I-A Ends
June 15 (Friday)
Session I-B Begins
June 18 (Monday)
Independence Day Holiday
July 4 (Wednesday)
Sessions I and I-B End
July 6 (Friday)
Sessions II and II-C Begin
July 9 (Monday)
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Session II-C Ends
July 27 (Friday)
Session II-D Begins
July 30 (Monday)
Sessions II and II-D End
August 17 (Friday)
All dates are potentially subject to change. Updates and future academic calendars can be
viewed at www.provost.umd.edu/calendar/.
The University of Maryland, College Park is accredited by the Middle States Commission on
Higher Education (MSCHE), http://www.msche.org/, under the authority of the U.S. Department
of Education. In addition, individual colleges, schools, and departments are accredited by a
number of other groups:
Accreditors Approved by U.S. Secretary of Education: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics; American Psychological
Association, Committee on Accreditation; American Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology; American
Veterinary Medical Association, Council on Education; Council on Education for Public Health;
National Association of Schools of Dance, Commission on Accreditation; National Association
of Schools of Music, Commission on Accreditation; Commission on English Language Program
Other Accreditors: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Commission on
Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education; American Library Association
(ALA); Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB); Council for the
Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP); Accreditation Board of Engineering and
Technology (ABET); Accrediting Council on Education on Journalism and Mass
Communications (ACEJMC); Institute of Food Technologists; Landscape Architecture
Accreditation Board (LAAB); Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE); National
Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB); National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and
Administration; Planning Accreditation Board.
Evaluated Rather Than Accredited:
Maryland Sea Grant College (National Sea Grant Review Panel), Water Resources Center
(United States Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey).
For more information about Accreditation see
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Campus Administration and Deans
College Park Administration
President Wallace D. Loh
Senior Vice President and Provost Mary Ann Rankin
Vice President for Student Affairs Linda Clement
Vice President for Administration and Finance Carlo Colella
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer Eric Denna
Vice President for Research Laurie Locascio
Vice President and General Counsel Michael Poterala
Vice President for University Relations Peter Weiler
College Park Administrative Deans
Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Studies William A. Cohen
Interim Dean of Libraries Babak Hamidzadeh
Associate Dean and Chair, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Maryland Campus Siba Samal
Interim Dean of the Graduate School Jeffrey Franke
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Chapter 1. Requirements and Application Procedures
The University has taken steps to limit enrollment in certain majors in order to maintain high-
quality programs. These majors include business, engineering, journalism, biological sciences,
biochemistry, chemistry, environmental sciences and policy (biodiversity and conservation),
communication, criminology and criminal justice, government and politics, and psychology.
Students should check the LEP website at www.lep.umd.edu or contact the Coordinator for
Admission and Limited Enrollment Programs at 301-314-8385 or [email protected] for updated
Freshmen: Admission of new freshmen to some LEPs is highly selective. LEPs with highly
selective admission for freshmen include business, engineering, biological sciences,
biochemistry, and chemistry. Because space may be limited for a particular major, early
application is encouraged. Freshmen who are directly admitted to an LEP will be subject to a
performance review when they complete 45 college credits. The review varies from program to
program, but always includes satisfactory performance in a set of appropriate courses. Students
not passing the review will be required to choose another major. See the academic program
description for specific details.
Freshmen not directly admitted to an LEP may be assigned to Letters and Sciences. Students are
not guaranteed admission to an LEP at a later date, although they may gain admission by
meeting the requirements outlined in their particular program. See the following section on LEP
transfer admission and the LEP program descriptions for further details about this option.
Transfers: Prospective transfer students and current UMD students wishing to change their
major to an LEP must meet a set of gateway courses with minimum grades and obtain the
required GPA in order to be considered for admission to the program (space limitations may
apply). Additional information for each of the LEPs may be found in the descriptions of
academic majors in Chapter 7.
Transfer students who are not directly admitted to an LEP upon application to the university will
be assigned to Letters and Sciences. Those with fewer than 60 credits will be assigned to Letters
and Sciences, and will be allowed the opportunity to meet the gateway requirements. Students
with more than 60 credits will be admitted to an interim advising program in Letters and
Sciences where they will be advised regarding their qualifications for the LEP and, in some
cases, students will need to choose another major.
Second Major: Enrolled students interested in adding an LEP as a second major should see
"Degree Requirements" in Chapter 4.
The University of Maryland is a publicly funded land grant institution and the flagship of the
University System of Maryland. The University's Mission Statement expresses a commitment to
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achieving excellence as the state's primary center for research and graduate education and the
institution of choice for undergraduate students of exceptional ability and promise. Consistent
with this mission, the University counts the diversity of its students among its greatest strengths
and as an integral component of the educational process and a contributing factor to the
academic excellence of the institution.
The undergraduate admission process, which reflects the University's educational mission, seeks
to identify those applicants, who as individuals and as a group, will enrich and benefit from the
campus learning environment, and thus benefit the entire student body. The process is structured
to build entering classes of students whose varied backgrounds and experiences provide
substantial evidence of their potential to:
1. Meet the University's requirements for academic success.
2. Enrich the University as a heterogeneous community.
3. Add new perspectives to the University's curriculum and scholarly pursuits.
4. Develop personal skills, including leadership, self-confidence, and intellectual engagement.
5. Contribute to the intellectual, cultural, social and political life of the University, state, and
As the University must make fine distinctions among large numbers of highly qualified
applicants, the ability to assess consistently all information presented in the application becomes
increasingly important. Therefore, the University employs a rigorous review process that
engages the expertise of professional educators in performing individualized and holistic
evaluations of each application. Each applicant is assessed on the basis of achievements and
potential in a broad range of academic categories, viewed in the context of the opportunities and
challenges the applicant has faced.
These categories include:
1. Strength of educational performance, as measured by the nature and rigor of high school
curriculum and academic achievements.
2. Potential for college success, as evidenced by performance on nationally normed standardized
3. Potential to promote beneficial educational outcomes and to make a positive contribution to
campus and community life.
4. Persistence, and commitment to educational excellence, as evidenced by demonstrated success
in facing adversity and overcoming obstacles.
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Application Forms
The undergraduate application and supporting documents may be completed and submitted
online via the web at www.admissions.umd.edu.
Fall Semester Freshman Admission
The University of Maryland strongly encourages all applicants to apply by our November 1st
priority application deadline to assure best consideration for admission, merit scholarships, and
invitation to the Honors College, College Park Scholars and other living and learning programs.
Admission to the University of Maryland is competitive. We typically receive more than 30,000
applications for a fall freshman class of approximately 4,100. As a result, we are unable to offer
admission to all students who have the ability to be academically successful at Maryland. A
completed application includes a submitted application form, official high school transcript, SAT
or ACT scores, essays and activity statement, school counselor and teacher recommendations
and the application fee.
Applying by the November 1st priority deadline is encouraged. For updated deadline
information, please visit our undergraduate admissions website:
Spring Semester Freshman Admission
Students may be admitted for the spring semester by applying directly for spring admission or by
having their fall application identified for spring admission through the application review
process (as a result of space limitations). A completed application includes an application form,
official high school transcript, SAT or ACT scores, essays and activities, school counselor and
teacher recommendations and the application fee.
Applying by the priority deadline is encouraged. For updated deadline information, please visit
our undergraduate admissions website: http://www.admissions.umd.edu/apply/.
Freshman Admission Deadlines:
Priority deadline: November 1st
Regular deadline: January 20th
Financial Aid Applications
The priority deadline for Financial Aid is January 1st. Students seeking financial assistance
should complete the FAFSA before receiving their letter of admission. More information is
available about Financial Aid in Chapter 2.
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Early Admission Options for High-Achieving High School Students
Concurrent Enrollment: Talented high school seniors have the opportunity to enroll at the
University of Maryland for two courses, or seven credits, each semester. Successful applicants
will have pursued a rigorous high school program and will have indicated exceptional
performance and ability achieved over time. To apply, students must submit: the completed
application and fee; high school transcript; an essay explaining why they are interested in the
program; a letter of recommendation from the high school; and a letter of permission from the
parents or guardian. Students must live within commuting distance. Tuition is assessed on a per-
credit-hour basis. All mandatory fees apply in full.
Summer Enrollment: High school students with a strong high school record may be considered
for enrollment in courses during the summer preceding their junior or senior year. They must file
an application for admission, and submit an official high school transcript. Tuition is assessed on
a per-credit-hour basis. All mandatory fees apply in full. For more information, students should
visit the Office of Extended Studies – www.oes.umd.edu.
Early Admission: Although the University of Maryland generally requires applicants to earn a
high school diploma prior to their first full-time registration, the University will admit a limited
number of well-qualified students without high school diplomas. Successful applicants will have
pursued a rigorous high school program and will have indicated exceptional performance and
ability achieved over time. Students must be within two credits of high school graduation and
have the commitment of the high school to award a diploma after successful completion of the
freshman year at Maryland. To apply, students must submit: the completed application and fee,
high school transcript and SAT or ACT results, an essay explaining how they will benefit from
the program, a letter of permission from the parents or guardian and a letter of support from the
high school which details the school's agreement to award the high school diploma. Early
admission students are eligible for on-campus housing, scholarships based on academic
achievement, the Honors College, College Park Scholars, and other living learning programs.
Early application is strongly advised.
High School Equivalency Examination (GED)
Maryland residents who are at least 16 years of age and who have not received a high school
diploma may be considered for admission provided they have earned the high school General
Education Equivalency (GED) certificate. In order to be considered for admission, the applicant
must submit a completed application (including SAT scores if the applicant has been out of high
school for less than three years) and present an above average total score as well as above
average scores on each of the five parts of the test.
Non-Accredited/Non-Approved High School
Students from non-accredited/non-approved high schools who seek admission to the University
of Maryland should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for additional information.
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Home-Schooled Students
Home-schooled applicants should meet the same minimum high school course requirements
expected of all applicants. Additional information from home-schooled students is required in
the following areas of the application:
Transcript: should provide course descriptions, books used, methods of evaluation, and the
grades received, as well as a statement providing general information about the home-school
curriculum. If college-level courses have been taken simultaneously, an official college
transcript should be included with the application.
Letters of Recommendation: the University of Maryland requires two recommendations from
all freshman applicants. In the case of home-schooled students these recommendations should be
provided by 1) an individual acting in a supervisory or evaluative capacity with regard to the
student's curriculum, and 2) from a teacher in any setting (home-school program, community
college course, etc.).
Prior Learning Credit
The University of Maryland awards credit for Advanced Placement (AP), International
Baccalaureate (IB), and Advanced Level (A-Level)/Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS-Level)
exams when an appropriate score has been achieved. It is important to note that not all exams are
awarded credit. All departments reserve the right to re-evaluate the content of exams and to
change the assignment of credit and course equivalencies. There are other types of college level
exams that may be awarded credit on a case-by-case basis. These include Caribbean Advance
Proficiency Exam (CAPE), or Abitur. For additional information on the transferability of these
exams, please see Prior Learning Credit - AP, IB, A-Level/AS-Level, CLEP, Credit-by-Exam,
Basic Military Training section in Chapter 4.
Applicants who have earned or will earn a bachelor's degree at a regionally accredited college or
university in the United States (or the equivalent of a baccalaureate degree in another country)
are eligible to be considered for admission to the Graduate School at the University of Maryland.
Graduate School and degree program criteria for admission are available in the Graduate
Catalog, available online at www.gradschool.umd.edu/catalog. For more information on
graduate degree programs, financial aid for graduate study, deadlines, and online application
instructions, please visit the Graduate School's website at www.gradschool.umd.edu, email
[email protected], or call the Graduate School Information Center at 301-405-3644. Hard-
copy correspondence can be addressed to the Graduate School, 2123 Lee Building, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-5121.
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The University of Maryland seeks to enroll international students who demonstrate strong
academic performance with records suggesting potential for success at Maryland. Admission to
the University of Maryland is competitive. Typically, admission is offered to applicants whose
academic credentials indicate marks of "very good" to "excellent." Due to space limitations and
the competitive nature of undergraduate admission at the University of Maryland, an
international applicant should submit a complete application as early as possible, and always
before the deadlines listed in this section. Evaluation of an applicant's credentials will take place
only after all application materials are received.
Applicants currently holding or intending to seek an F-1 Student or J-1 Exchange Visitor visa to
study in the United States are considered international applicants and should observe the
following instructions. All other non-immigrant visa holders (including A, E, G, H, I, and L)
should follow the domestic Freshman and Transfer instructions. However, please refer to the
Undergraduate Admissions website
(https://www.admissions.umd.edu/requirements/EnglishLanguageProficiency.php) for more
information regarding English proficiency requirements.
Freshman Admission - International
You are considered a freshman applicant if you have completed fewer than 12 semester hours of
university-level credit beyond secondary school at the time you plan to enter the University of
Maryland. Successful freshman applicants demonstrate satisfactory completion of diverse
college-preparatory subjects in secondary school, proficiency in English, and evidence of
sufficient funds to cover all expenses. Due to space limitations, we are unable to offer admission
to all students who have the ability to be successful academically at the University of Maryland.
The Fall (August) deadline for applications to be received is November 1. The Spring (January)
general deadline is August 1.
For a listing of required documents, please visit our website:
Transfer Admission - International
Students who graduate from high/secondary school and subsequently complete a minimum of 12
semester hours or 18 quarter hours during a regular term excluding summer school, at a
regionally accredited college or university are considered transfer applicants. Students who
complete fewer than 30 semester or 45 quarter hours are expected to submit high/secondary
school records and SAT I and/or ACT scores for review. When an applicant has attended more
than one institution, a cumulative average for all previous college/university work attempted will
be computed and included in the review process. To be considered, course work must have been
completed at a regionally accredited college or university.
Admission is competitive. Transfer applicants demonstrate better than average grades in strong
academic courses, proficiency in English, and evidence of sufficient funds to cover all expenses.
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Due to space limitation, we are unable to offer admission to all students who have the ability to
be academically successful at the University of Maryland.
The fall priority deadline for applications to be received is March 1. The spring regular deadline
is August 1st. https://go.umd.edu/AppDeadlines
For a listing of required documents, please visit our website: https://go.umd.edu/InternationalReq
English Proficiency
Non-native English speakers (regardless of citizenship) who seek admission to the University of
Maryland must verify their proficiency in English by taking and submitting an official score
report from one of the following English proficiency exams: Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Test System (IELTS). Please note that
while TOEFL or IELTS scores are required to satisfy proficiency in English, the Office of
Undergraduate Admissions will conduct a full file review considering all application materials
submitted in the application package to make a determination about the student's level of English
proficiency. Transfer credit for an English composition course from a U.S. institution does not
waive the English proficiency exam. Please refer to the Undergraduate Admissions
website (https://go.umd.edu/InternationalReq) for more information regarding English
proficiency requirements.
Visa Requirements
Applicants Residing Outside of the United States: To enter the United States, international
students residing abroad will need a passport from their government and a visa from the U.S.
Consulate. In order to obtain a visa for the purposes of studying in the United States, the
applicant must present a Certificate of Eligibility form (I-20) to the U.S. Consulate for non-
immigrant student status. The university will issue this form to admitted students who have
submitted proof of having sufficient funds to cover the cost of a program of study. Admitted
students with personal, family, or other source of private funding will be issued the Certificate of
Eligibility form (I-20) in order to obtain the F-1 Student Visa. Admitted students who are
sponsored by agencies, foundations, or their home government, or are participating in an
established exchange program may be issued the Certificate of Eligibility form (DS-2019) in
order to obtain the J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa.
Applicants Currently Residing in the United States: Applicants currently holding F-1 Student or
J-1 Exchange Visitor status in the United States need to submit a photocopy of their I-94
Arrival/Departure Record, visa stamp, and current I-20 or DS-2019 form along with proof of
having sufficient funds to cover the cost of a program of study. Applicants holding another type
of non-immigrant status need to submit a photocopy of their I-94 Arrival/Departure Record and
visa stamp, and must indicate if they intend to seek a change to F-1 Student or J-1 Exchange
Visitor status. Upon admission and submission of the appropriate financial support
documentation, the university will issue the appropriate Certificate of Eligibility form (I-20 or
DS-2019) to the student.
For more information, please visit the Office of International Student and Scholar Services
website: http://globalmaryland.umd.edu/offices/international-students-scholar-services.
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International External Exam
The University of Maryland awards credit for some Advanced Level/Advanced Subsidiary Level
(A-Level/AS-Level) Exams taken through Cambridge International Exams (CIE) or other
recognized organizations. There are other types of college level exams that may be awarded
credit on a case-by-case basis. For additional information on the transferability of these exams,
please see Prior Learning Credit - AP, IB, A-Level/AS-Level, BMT, Credit-by-Exam in Chapter
OFFICE OF EXTENDED STUDIES (Summer Session, Winter Session,
Freshmen Connection, Pre-College Programs, and Professional Graduate, Post-
Baccalaureate, and Continuing Education Programs)
0132 Main Administration Building
Phone: 301-405-7762
Fax: 301-314-9572
Web: oes.umd.edu
The Office of Extended Studies administers Summer Session, Winter Session, Freshmen
Connection, Pre-College Programs, and Professional Graduate, Post-Baccalaureate, and
Continuing Education Programs.
Summer Session serves current UMD students, visiting students from other universities and
colleges, graduates, professionals, and high school students who can satisfy a requirement, catch
up on credits, and get closer to graduation. Summer Session features more than 1,200 courses
that are offered morning, afternoon, evening, and online during three-week or six-week sessions.
Winter Session serves current UMD students, visiting students from other universities and
colleges, graduates and professionals who can fulfill prerequisites, meet eligibility requirements
for certain majors, and accelerate progress for graduation. Held in January, the three-week
Winter Session features more than 350 courses that meet morning, afternoon, evening, and
In Freshmen Connection, spring-admitted freshmen begin their University of Maryland
education in the fall semester, earn up to 17 university credits toward their undergraduate degree,
and get on track to graduate in four years.
In Pre-College Programs, Terp Young Scholars (a three-week summer program) invites
academically talented rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to pursue academic
interests, discover career opportunities, earn university credits, and explore university life during
three weeks in Summer Session.
In addition, Terp Discovery (a two-week summer program), invites academically promising
middle school students to explore education and career opportunities and learn about university
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Professional Graduate Programs offer master degrees and graduate certificates to
professionals who want to advance their knowledge and career goals.
Post-Baccalaureate Programs prepare students for professional schools, graduate programs,
and professional achievement.
Continuing Education Programs include workforce training, enrichment programs,
professional school exam preparation, seminars, non-credit workshops, and more.
Students who are admitted and do not register for their first semester or cancel registration prior
to beginning their first semester must apply again for admission (see Freshman or Transfer
Admission). Students who are admitted as "Term Only" also must apply again for admission if
they wish to register for a subsequent term. Students admitted as "Non-Degree" seeking
students, who would like to become degree-seeking students, must apply again for admission
(see Transfer Admission).
Students who have matriculated and registered and did not maintain that registration
continuously (Fall and Spring semesters) to graduation, must apply for readmission or
reinstatement to re-enroll at the University of Maryland.
See "Withdrawal and Leave of Absence from the University" in Chapter 4 for more detailed
Students must apply for readmission if they interrupt registration for one or more semesters and
were not academically dismissed at the conclusion of the last semester of attendance.
Students who are academically dismissed from the university must apply for reinstatement. All
applications for reinstatement are reviewed by a Faculty Petition Board. Students may apply for
reinstatement for the semester immediately following dismissal or for any subsequent
semester. Only the Faculty Petition Board can grant reinstatement.
Students who are denied reinstatement may be required to comply with specific
recommendations made by the Faculty Petition Board in order to be considered for reinstatement
in a future semester.
Reinstatement After Withdrawal
Students who withdraw from the university must apply for reinstatement if they interrupt
enrollment for one or more semesters.
Students may apply for readmission or reinstatement at www.studentsuccess.umd.edu.
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Application Deadlines (readmission and reinstatement)*
Fall: April 1st
Spring: November 1st
*Students who wish to reenroll for summer term must apply for fall reenrollment. Students who
wish to enroll for winter term must apply for spring reenrollment.
Students who have been academically dismissed and wish to return the following semester must
apply by:
June 1st for fall enrollment
January 6th for spring enrollment
All students are encouraged to apply early in order to take advantage of early registration.
Summer School
Students who are dismissed or withdraw at the end of the fall semester are not eligible to attend
Summer Sessions unless or until they are approved for reinstatement. Students dismissed at the
end of a spring semester may attend any Summer Sessions prior to being reinstated, provided the
student registered for Summer Session courses prior to dismissal or withdrawal, or has applied
for reenrollment.
Winter Term
Students who are dismissed or who withdraw at the end of the fall semester may attend Winter
Term prior to being reinstated provided the student registered for Winter Term prior to dismissal
or withdrawal. Winter Term is offered to students who have attended during the preceding fall
semester. Students with a break in attendance must be reenrolled to be eligible to attend Winter
Term. Students readmitted/reinstated for a spring semester may also attend Winter Term.
Clearances from Office of Student Conduct, the Office of the Bursar, Health Center,
International Education Services and/or the Graduate School may be requested of the applicant.
Applications for readmission and reinstatement may be accessed via the web at
Additional Information
Student Success Office, 0110 Hornbake Library, Office of Undergraduate Studies, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Email: rr[email protected].
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Residency Reclassification Services, 1130 Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building
Phone: 301-314-9596; Fax: 301-314-7915
E-mail: rescla[email protected]
Petitions, related documents and questions concerning the Board of Regents Policy on Student
Classification for Admission and Tuition Purposes should be directed to Residency
Reclassification Services in the Office of the Registrar.
Determination of In-State Status for Admission and Tuition Purposes: See
www.usmd.edu/regents/bylaws/SectionVIII/viii270r.pdf for the complete text of this policy.
An initial determination of in-state status will be made by the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions at the time a students' application for admission is considered. The determination
made at that time, and any determination made thereafter, shall prevail in each semester until the
determination is successfully challenged. Students may challenge their classification by
submitting a timely petition to Residency Reclassification Services. Determinations are based on
the residency policy and requirements. The deadline for submitting a complete petition along
with all supporting documents, is the first day of the semester in which the student wishes to be
classified as in-state.
The volume of requests for reclassification may necessitate a delay in completing the review
process. A decision in each case will be made within 6 weeks of receipt of a complete petition
and all required documentation. During this period of time, or any further period of time required
by the university, any fees and charges based on the previous determination must be paid. The
student is solely responsible for any late charges incurred by the residency process. If the
determination is changed, any excess fees and charges will be refunded.
Students classified as in-state for admission and tuition purposes are responsible for notifying
Residency Reclassification Services in writing within 15 days of any change in their
circumstances that might in any way affect their classification at the University of Maryland.
Golden Identification (Golden ID) Program
The University of Maryland participates in the Golden ID Program. This program allows eligible
senior citizens to take advantage of the wide variety of course offerings at College Park. To be
eligible to participate, the individual must: be 60 years of age or older, be a legal resident of the
State of Maryland, and is retired (not engaged in gainful employment for more than 20 hours a
Students who are interested in participating in this program must first be admitted to the
University. They can apply through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. The appropriate
application fee will be accessed.
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Additional information on how to apply may be obtained from the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions at 301-314-8385. For more information about the Golden ID Program, go to:
Non-Degree Seeking Students
Applicants who qualify for admission but do not desire to work toward a baccalaureate degree
may be admitted as non-degree seeking students.
Non-degree seeking students who have received a baccalaureate degree are advised that no credit
earned while enrolled may be applied at a later date to a graduate program. These post-
baccalaureate students may enroll in undergraduate courses for which they possess the necessary
prerequisites, but may not enroll in courses restricted to graduate students only. Students who
wish to take courses at the graduate level (600 and above) must contact the Graduate School for
information concerning admission requirements for Advanced Special Student status.
Non-degree seeking students who do not have a baccalaureate degree must submit transcripts
and meet regular admission standards. Transcripts are not required from students with
baccalaureate degrees from a regionally accredited institution. Because of space limitation,
several departments require that permission be given in advance to register for classes as a non-
degree student. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for further information.
Non-degree seeking students who wish to take classes must submit the transfer application,
official transcript and a letter of permission from an academic advisor or dean at their home
Returning Students
Applicants who have not attended school for more than five years should contact the Student
Success Office (http://studentsuccess.umd.edu/). Veterans should also contact the University of
Maryland Veterans Certification Services at 301-314-8239.
Students returning to the University of Maryland after a separation of five calendar years may
petition the appropriate dean to have a number of grades and credits from courses previously
taken at the University of Maryland, College Park, removed from the calculation of their
cumulative grade point averages and from the credits applied toward graduation requirements.
See information under "Registration, Academic Requirements and Regulations" in Chapter 4.
Admission to the University of Maryland is competitive. Review the Admission Review Factors
and Process (https://go.umd.edu/AdmissionFactors) for more information regarding our
admission process. Admission is based on the overall strength of the student's academic
performance and is assessed through a holistic review process as described in the Statement of
Philosophy of Undergraduate Admissions.
In accordance with Maryland Higher Education Commission and Board of
Regents (http://www.dsd.state.md.us/comar/comarhtml/13b/13b.06.01.02-1.htm) transfer
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polices, certain applicants from Maryland public institutions are given special consideration and
are admitted when space is available.
The Admission Committee considers the student's academic record and grades received in all
college-level courses. Students are expected to have completed English Composition (the
equivalent of UMD's ENGL101) and college level mathematics (Fundamental Studies Math or
higher) for best consideration in the review process.
Students who graduate from high school and subsequently complete a minimum of 12 semester
hours or 18 quarter hours during a regular term excluding summer school, at a regionally
accredited college or university are considered transfer applicants. Students who complete fewer
than 30 semester or 45 quarter hours are expected to submit high school records and SAT I
and/or ACT scores for review. When an applicant has attended more than one institution, a
cumulative average for all previous college work attempted will be computed and included in the
review process. To be considered, course work must have been completed at a regionally
accredited college or university. Due to space limitations, we are unable to offer admission to all
students who have the ability to be successful academically at the University of Maryland.
Application Deadline Dates
Spring Priority
August 1st
November 15th
Fall Priority
March 1st
June 1st
Transfer from Maryland Public Institutions
Currently, applicants who have attended Maryland public institutions may be admitted in
accordance with the criteria outlined in the previous paragraph. The university subscribes to the
policies set forth in the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) and Board of Regents
transfer policies. When the number of students desiring admission exceeds the number that can
be accommodated in a particular professional or specialized program, admission will be based on
criteria developed by the university to select the best qualified students.
Articulated transfer programs are available at each Maryland public community college. An
articulated transfer program is a list of courses that best prepare applicants for a particular course
of study at the University of Maryland. Applicants who take appropriate courses specified in the
articulated program and earn acceptable grades are guaranteed transfer with no loss of
credit. Articulated transfer programs help students plan their new programs after changing
career objectives. More information about ARTSYS, the articulation system, is available online
at http://artsys.usmd.edu/. Applicants are encouraged to follow articulated programs to enhance
their transition to the University of Maryland.
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Transfer Credit
For more information on receiving transfer credit at the University of Maryland, please see the
Transfer Credit section in Chapter 4.
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Chapter 2. Fees, Expenses and Financial Aid
0102 Lee Building
Some UM colleges and departments offer merit-based scholarships. Most departments will only
consider students who enroll for 12 credits per semester, and who have a grade point average of
at least 3.0. Some of these scholarships are open to prospective freshman and transfer
students. Some of them are only open to continuing UM students. For additional information
regarding departmental scholarships please contact the appropriate college or department or visit
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Animal & Avian Sciences
Environmental Science and Policy
Environmental Science and Technology
Nutrition & Food Science
Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
Veterinary Medicine
Urban Studies and Planning
American Studies
Arabic Studies
Art History & Archaeology
Art (Studio Art)
Central European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
Film Studies
French Language & Literature
Germanic Studies
19 | Page
Italian Language & Literature
Jewish Studies
Persian Studies
Roman Languages
Russian Language, Literature & Culture
Spanish Language, Literature & Cultures
Women's Studies
African American Studies
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Environmental Science and Policy
Geographical Sciences
Government & Politics
Hearing and Speech Sciences
Information Systems
International Business
Supply Chain Management
Operations Management & Business Analytics
Dual BS/MS Degrees
Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
Biological Sciences
Computer Science
Environmental Sciences - Biodiversity and Conservation
Environmental Sciences - Environmental Geosciences and Restoration
20 | Page
Human Development and Quantitative Methodology
Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
5-Year BS/MEd Combined Programs
Aerospace Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Broadcast Journalism
Multiplatform Journalism
Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism
Information Science
Behavioral and Community Health
Family Studies
Public Health Science
Chemical Physics Program
Environmental Science and Policy
Systems Engineering
Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation Scholarship
Gerald G. Portney Memorial Scholarship
Marilyn K. Brown Memorial Loan
21 | Page
Academic Achievement Programs
Air Force ROTC
Asian American Studies
College Park Scholars
General Education Program
Hillman Entrepreneurs Program
Honors College
Individual Studies Program
Letters and Sciences
Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research
National Scholarships Office
Naval ROTC
Phi Beta Kappa Society, Gamma of Maryland
Phi Kappa Phi
Alumni Association
1135 Lee Building
301-405-0659 fax
Financial Services Center
All amounts are estimated and subject to change as final approval has not been granted by the
time of publication.
Mandatory Fees
Student Fees: The mandatory fee assessment for undergraduate students is based on a number of
requested credit hours as follows: Students registered for 9 or more credits: $967.50 per
semester; students registered for 8 or fewer credits: $451 per semester. For more information,
see http://bursar.umd.edu/t_ug1718.php.
Student Activities Fee (Refundable): Charged to all undergraduate students at the request of the
Student Government Association. It is used in sponsoring various student activities, student
publications, and cultural programs.
Auxiliary Facilities Fee (Refundable): Charged to all students. This fee is paid into a fund that
is used for capital improvement, expansion, and construction of various campus facilities such as
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open recreation areas (tennis courts, basketball courts, etc.), transportation alternatives, and the
Stamp Student Union. These projects are not funded or are funded only in part from other
Athletic Fee (Refundable): Charged to all students for the support of the Department of
Intercollegiate Athletics. All students are encouraged to participate in all of the activities of this
department or to attend the contests if they do not participate.
Shuttle Bus Fee (Refundable): Charged to all students for the support of the shuttle bus
transportation system.
Stamp Student Union and Recreational Fee (Refundable): Charged to all students and is used
to expand recreational facilities and the Stamp Student Union services.
Recreation Services Fee (Refundable): Charged to all students specifically to support the
construction and operation of Ritchie Coliseum and the Campus Recreation Center, a multi-use
facility that includes basketball and racquetball courts, indoor and outdoor pools, an indoor
jogging track, and multipurpose activity spaces.
Performing Arts and Cultural Center Fee: Charged to all students to support the operation of
the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center.
Telecommunications Fee: Assessed to all students living in university residence halls.
Technology Fee: Charged to undergraduate students, to support the improvement of the
computer systems on campus.
Other Fees
Undergraduate Application Fee: A non-refundable fee of $75 is charged to all new applicants.
Enrollment Confirmation Deposit: All newly admitted undergraduate students who intend to
matriculate in the Fall or Spring semester must submit a non-refundable $400 deposit, which is
credited to their tuition charges when they enroll. Should the student decide not to enroll for the
specific semester of application, the $400 deposit is forfeited and cannot be used to offset any
charges, including orientation charges, the student may incur.
Students admitted for the Fall semester must submit this deposit by May 1 or within 30 days
from their date of admission, whichever is later, to reserve their place in the entering class.
Students admitted for the Spring semester must submit this deposit by December 1 or within 14
days of their date of admission, whichever is later, to reserve their place in the entering class.
Pre-College Orientation Program Registration Fee: $176 Freshmen (two-day program), $116
Transfer (one-day program), $66 Parent (per person).
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Late Registration Fee: All students are expected to complete their registration on the regular
registration days. Those who do not complete their registration during the prescribed days must
pay a $20 late registration fee.
Special Fee for students requiring additional preparation in Mathematics (MATH003, 010,
011, 013 and 015) per semester: A fee of $280 is required of students whose curriculum calls
for MATH110 or 115 and who do not pass the qualifying examination for these courses. This
Special Math Fee is in addition to course charge. Students enrolled in this course and
concurrently enrolled for nine or more credit hours will be considered as full-time students for
purposes of assessing fees.
Cooperative Education in Liberal Arts, Business, and Science
(UNIV098-099) Per Semester: $60
Engineering COOP Program (ENCO098-099) Per Semester: $60
Other Special Fees: The University offers a number of courses (MBA, ENTS, Chemical and
Life Sciences, Animal Sciences) that have special course fees in addition to, or in lieu of, the
standard tuition charges. Students are encouraged to contact the department prior to registering
for the class to determine the total cost of the course.
Fees for Auditors: Fees for auditors and courses taken for audit are the same as those charged
for courses taken for credit at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Audited credit hours
will be added to hours taken for credit to determine full-time or part-time status for fee
assessment purposes. Special Students are assessed fees in accordance with the schedule for the
comparable undergraduate or graduate classification.
Special Examination Fee (Credit-by-Exam): $30 per course for all undergraduates and full-
time graduate students; credit-hour charge for part-time graduate students.
Parking Registration Fees: All students enrolled in classes at the university and who drive or
park a vehicle anywhere or anytime on the campus must register to park on campus each
academic year. For additional information, please refer to Department of Transportation
Textbooks and Supplies: Textbooks and classroom supplies vary with the course pursued, but is
estimated to be $1,250 for 2017-2018 (two semesters).
Service Charges for Dishonored Checks: Payable for each check which is returned unpaid by
the drawee bank on initial presentation because of insufficient funds, payment stopped, post-
dating, drawn against uncollected items, etc.
For checks up to $100: $10
For checks from $100.01 to $500: $25
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For checks over $500: $50
When a check is returned unpaid, the student must redeem the check and pay any outstanding
balance in the account within 10 days or late fees may be assessed and the account transferred to
the Central Collection Unit for legal follow-up. Additionally, a minimum 17% collection charge
is added to the charges posted to the student's account at the time the transfer is made. When a
check is returned unpaid due to an error made by the student's bank, the student must obtain a
letter from the branch manager of the bank or a person of equivalent status admitting the error.
This letter must be submitted to the Office of the Bursar to have the service charge waived.
Overdue Library Charges: For items from the library's main circulating collections, charges
are .50 cents per day per item, and recalled item fines are $2 per day. If an item is lost or
mutilated, the borrower is charged the estimated cost of the item plus a processing fee to cover
acquisition and cataloging costs. Different fine rates may apply to other library collections, such
as reserve collections.
Maryland English Institute Fees: Students enrolled with the Maryland English Institute pay
these fees in support of the Institute. The Intensive English program (UMEI001, UMEI002,
UMEI003, and UMEI004*) is $6,222. The Semi-intensive program (UMEI005) is $4,812 for
Undergraduate and $6,165 for Graduate. Students enrolled in the Semi-intensive program may
also enroll for regular academic courses and pay the tuition and fees associated with those
offerings. The program also offers courses in English Pronunciation (UMEI 006) for $2,055,
Advanced Writing (UMEI007) for $3,083, and Advanced Oral Communication Skills
(UMEI008) for $2,055. Interview Fee is $75 and Microteaching Fee is $100. These charges are
subject to change. For more information, please refer
to: http://marylandenglishinstitute.com/wpdir/dates-costs/.
Property Damage Charge: Students will be charged for damage to property or equipment.
When responsibility for the damage can be fixed, the individual student will be billed for it;
when responsibility cannot be fixed, the cost of repairing the damage or replacing equipment will
be prorated among the individuals involved.
Late Payment Fee: Per-semester fee of 5% for past due amount, or $10, whichever is greater,
plus an additional 1.5% on each subsequent billing.
Withdrawal and Refund of Fees: Students compelled to leave the university at any time during
the academic year should meet with their academic college advising office and secure a form for
withdrawal. The completed form and identification card are to be submitted to the academic
college advising office which will communicate results to the Office of the Registrar. Students
will forfeit their right to a refund if the withdrawal action described above is not adhered to. The
effective date used in computing refunds is the date the withdrawal form is filed in the academic
college advising office. Stop payment on a check, failure to pay the semester bill, or failure to
attend classes does not constitute withdrawal. Refund requests should be processed by students
with the Office of the Bursar otherwise, any credit on the student account could be carried over
to the next semester. If a Cancellation of Registration is submitted to the Office of the
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Registrar before the official first day of classes the student is entitled to a full credit of
semester tuition.
Undergraduate students withdrawing from the university will be credited for tuition and fees in
accordance with the following schedule:
Prior to 1st day of classes
1st 10 days of classes
3rd week
4th week
5th week
After 5th week
No refund
Note: First-semester freshmen who receive Title IV aid and who withdraw will receive a refund
in accordance with federal regulations.
Prior to the first day of classes, if full-time undergraduates drop a course or courses, thereby
changing the total number of credits for which they are registered to 11 or fewer, charges for the
semester will be assessed on the basis of the per-credit-hour fee for part-time students. However,
if students later add a course or courses thereby changing the total number of credits for which
they are registered to 12 or more, they will be billed for the difference between per-credit-hour
fees paid and the general fees for full-time undergraduates.
If during the first five days of classes full-time undergraduates drop a course or courses thereby
changing the total number of credits for which they are registered to 11 or fewer, charges for the
semester will be assessed on the basis of part-time charges plus 20% of the difference between
the full-time fees and appropriate part-time charges. After the first five days of classes, there is
no refund for changing from full-time to part-time status. Students who register as part-time
undergraduate students and apply for a refund for courses dropped during the first week of
classes will be given an 80% refund. No refund will be made for courses dropped thereafter.
No part of the charges for room and board is refundable except when students officially
withdraw from the university or when they are given permission by the appropriate officials of
the university to move from the residence halls and/or to discontinue dining hall privileges. In
these cases, the room refund will be computed by multiplying the number of periods remaining
by the pro rata weekly rate after adjusting for a service charge. Refunds to students having full
board contracts will be calculated in a similar manner. No room and/or board refunds will be
made after the 14th week of the semester. Students are reminded that reservations for room and
board must be canceled by the date published in the residence hall and dining services
In computing refunds to students who have received the benefit of scholarships and loans from
university funds, the computation will be made to return the maximum amount to the scholarship
and loan accounts without loss to the university.
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1135 Lee Building
Several scholarships are available to the highest-achieving students at the University of
Maryland, College Park. The two types of scholarships that are available are based solely on
academic or creative talent (merit-based), and those based on financial need. The eligibility
criteria for the different University of Maryland merit scholarships are listed below. Please also
see the list of departmental scholarships at the end of this chapter. Students are encouraged to
contact the office or department responsible for selecting the recipients for more information on
these programs. Current information about merit scholarships offered through the University of
Maryland is also available on the web at www.admissions.umd.edu.
Banneker/Key Scholarship: The University of Maryland seeks to identify and select some of
the brightest high school seniors in the nation to continue their education as Banneker/Key
Scholars. There are two award levels for Banneker Key Scholarships. The first award level
covers the costs of tuition, mandatory fees, room and board, and a book allowance each year for
eight consecutive semesters. The second award level provides a partial scholarship to go
towards tuition, and a book allowance each year for eight consecutive semesters. Scholarship
recipients will also be admitted to the Honors College and will be afforded many other
opportunities as they participate in intellectual enrichment programs. For full consideration,
students must submit an admission application, application fee, official transcript, essay,
recommendations, and official copies of SAT or ACT scores to the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions by November 1st for the following academic year. Selected semifinalists are given a
personal interview by the Banneker/Key Selection committee. Factors such as a candidate's
involvement in community service, talents or skills, leadership, and character all play a part in
the final awards. Contact the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions at www.admissions.umd.edu for more information.
President's Scholarship: This award provides talented prospective freshmen with scholarship
support for eight consecutive semesters. Awards ranging from $2,000 to $12,000 per year are
offered to incoming freshmen. Students are selected through the admissions process with
primary consideration given to academic performance in high school (high school courses and
achievement), results of standardized test scores (SAT or ACT), extracurricular activities,
awards, honors, recommendations, and the essay. For full consideration, students must submit a
complete application for admission by November 1st. Contact the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions at www.admissions.umd.edu for more information.
Deans' Scholarship: This award provides talented prospective freshmen with scholarship
support for two to four consecutive semesters. Awards ranging from $1,500 for one year to
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$4,500 for two years are offered to incoming freshmen. To be considered, students must submit
a complete application for admission by November 1st. Contact the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions at www.admissions.umd.edu for more information.
President's Transfer Scholarship: This scholarship is a two-year $5,000 per year scholarship
for transfer students. Students do not have to fill out a separate application to be considered as
they will be evaluated based on their application to the University of Maryland. The scholarship
will be awarded to the most competitive transfer students with the strongest academic records
and college grade point averages. Students who are awarded the scholarship will receive
notification by mail about two weeks after they receive their letter of admission. Contact the
Office of Undergraduate Admissions at www.admissions.umd.edu for more information.
Regents Scholars Program: The Regents Scholars Program recognizes the extraordinary
achievement of outstanding freshmen students. New awards are made each year in the amount
of full in-state tuition, mandatory fees, room, board, and a $1000 stipend. Recipients are
automatically admitted to the Honors College. A select number of the top high school scholars
in the state will be considered for this most prestigious award. A complete admission
application, application fee, official transcript, essay, recommendations, and SAT or ACT scores
must be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by November 1st for
consideration for the Regents Scholars Program for the following academic year. Contact the
Office of Undergraduate Admissions at www.admissions.umd.edu for more information.
Kelly, Shipley or Weinberg Regents Scholarships: In order to continue the commitment to
outstanding students, the Board of Regents has designated several Regents Scholarships to be
awarded to Maryland community college transfer students. To be selected for this award, the
transfer student must have exceptional qualifications, including achievement of a 4.0 grade point
average, completion of the associate’s degree at a Maryland community college, evidence of
creative and intellectual activities or scholarly potential, and have been admitted to one of the
University System of Maryland institutions. The deadline for submitting the candidate's
application material is May 15th. The winner may receive the scholarship for two years, totaling
no more than four semesters including summer sessions. For information, contact the University
System of Maryland System Office at 301-445-1992.
Transfer Academic Excellence Scholarship: These awards are available to outstanding
students transferring from Maryland community colleges. The awards cover in-state tuition for
four consecutive semesters of undergraduate study. To be eligible students must have completed
56 or more credits or have an Associates of Arts degree and have a cumulative grade point
average of 3.5 or better. Students who have previously attended the University of Maryland,
College Park, are ineligible for this scholarship. Candidate nomination forms are available in
early January from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or from community college
advisors. The deadline for receipt of the application, official transcripts, and scholarship
materials is March 1st. Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
at www.admissions.umd.edu for more information.
University of Maryland Departmental Scholarships: Some Colleges and departments at the
university offer a variety of merit scholarships. Most departmental scholarships require a student
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to have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and be registered for a minimum of 12 credits per
semester. For information regarding departmental scholarships, please contact the appropriate
College or department.
Creative and Performing Arts Scholarships: These are competitive scholarships which are
awarded annually. Primary consideration will be given to entering freshmen and transfer students
from community colleges that have outstanding talent in art, dance, music, or theater. The
scholarships cover in-state tuition and mandatory fees and are renewable for up to three years
based upon an acceptable level of performance as defined by the respective
departments. Additional application materials and information about required auditions are
available directly from the Departments of Art, Dance, Music and Theatre at
Maryland State Scholarships: The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), awards
both need- and merit-based scholarships to Maryland residents. There are many different
programs available, including the Guaranteed Access Grant, Educational Assistance Grant, the
Senatorial Scholarship, and the Delegate Scholarship. You may obtain more information about
these and other awards by calling MHEC at 800-974-0203. All Maryland residents are expected
to apply for State scholarship assistance. Initial application for many of the awards is made
through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Please note that filing the
FAFSA is sufficient to apply for most Maryland State Scholarships at UMD, although some may
require additional application forms. The application deadline for most programs is March
1st. The FAFSA is available on the Office of Student Financial Aid web site
at www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Scholarships from Other States: Several states have reciprocal agreements with the State of
Maryland. Students who are residents of these states may receive funds for study in eligible post-
secondary institutions in Maryland. Interested students should contact their state scholarship
agencies for information.
Scholarship Searches: A broad range of scholarships are available from private
sources. Usually, these awards are not as well publicized as state and university
programs. Therefore, students should conduct a scholarship search to locate such sources. The
University of Maryland offers access to several services to students to aid them in their
searches. Access our website at www.financialaid.umd.edu/scholarships to use these services.
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0102 Lee Building
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA) administers several grant programs for
undergraduates. Awards are made based on financial need as determined by the FAFSA. Grants
do not have to be repaid. Access the Financial Aid web site at www.financialaid.umd.edu for
more information.
Federal Pell Grant: This grant provides a "foundation" of financial aid, to which aid from other
sources may be added. Only undergraduates who are seeking their first bachelor's degree and
have exceptional need may receive a Federal Pell Grant. All undergraduates will be considered
for this grant regardless of when their applications were received. Students may receive the
Federal Pell Grant for less than full-time attendance, although the award will be pro-rated based
on the number of credits attempted. Awards range from $606 to $5,920.
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH)
Grant: Through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress created the
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program that
provides grants of up to $3,724 per year to students who intend to teach in a public or private
elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families.
To receive the TEACH Grant students must complete the FAFSA, be a U.S. citizen or eligible
non-citizen, enrolled as an undergraduate, post-baccalaureate or graduate student, enrolled in a
coursework necessary to begin a career in teaching or plan to complete such coursework,
maintain a cumulative 3.25 GPA and sign a TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve. Questions
regarding the TEACH Grant Program can be directed to the Office of Student Financial Aid.
Institutional Grants: The University of Maryland (UM) grant is awarded to full-time students
who demonstrate financial need and meet the OSFA priority application deadline of January
1st. The OSFA selects the recipients of this award based on availability of funds and the
qualifications of the applicants. The UM grant may be awarded to undergraduates who
demonstrated need and high academic achievement. The UM Grant may be awarded to any
undergraduate with demonstrated need. For more information, please visit our website at
Self-Help (Employment and Student Loan Programs)
Federal Work-Study: The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program provides students with the
opportunity to earn money to meet their educational and personal expenses. Money earned from
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the FWS program does not have to be paid back. To be considered for FWS, students must meet
the OSFA priority application deadline of January 1st. Pay rates depend on the level of
complexity of the work, but will be at least the federal minimum wage. Like all university
employees, FWS employees receive a paycheck every other week for the hours worked. Most
FWS jobs are on campus, though opportunities exist through the Community Service Program
for FWS students to work off campus at several Federal Government Agencies. The number of
hours students may work is limited to 20 per week while school is in session and 40 per week
during vacations and summer break.
Paid Internships: Students with paid internships sign a contract at the beginning of the
semester that states the payment amount for the number of hours to be worked during that
semester. The payment amount is advanced to the student's account at the start of each
semester. This program differs from Federal Work-Study in that students receive all "wages" at
the start of each semester, as opposed to a bi-weekly pay check, and those funds are applied
directly to the student's account. Several offices and departments on campus, including Shuttle
UM, Residential Facilities, and Dining Services, offer paid internships. Students should contact
the department or office for which they are interested in working.
Federal Perkins Loan: The Perkins loan is a low-interest rate (5%) loan for students with
exceptional financial need. This is a loan borrowed from the school, and must be repaid. To be
eligible, students must meet the OSFA priority application deadline of January 1st. New
borrowers (those who first receive a federal Perkins Loan after July 1, 1988) have a grace period
of nine months after graduating or leaving school before they must begin repayment of their
federal Perkins Loan(s). Interest will begin accruing at the time of repayment. This loan is
interest-free while students are attending school and enrolled at least half time in a degree-
seeking program.
Direct Stafford Loan: This is a low-interest-rate loan for students who attend at least half-time.
Application is made through the school's financial aid office via the FAFSA. Eligibility for this
loan is based on need, not credit worthiness. This loan is borrowed by the student and must be
There are two types of Direct Stafford Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. The Direct Stafford
subsidized loan is awarded to students with demonstrated financial need; this loan is interest-free
while students are attending school and enrolled at least half-time in a degree-seeking
program. Students who do not demonstrate financial need, or who do not demonstrate sufficient
need to borrow a fully Direct Stafford subsidized loan, may borrow a Direct Stafford
unsubsidized loan. The Direct Stafford unsubsidized loan is interest bearing. Students
borrowing a Direct Stafford unsubsidized loan will be required to repay the principle and any
interest that may accrue during school attendance. All students who want to apply for either
Direct Stafford loan must complete the FAFSA. As of July 1, 2016, the Direct Stafford
subsidized and unsubsidized loans for undergraduates has a 3.76% fixed interest rate. Students
who graduate or drop below half-time status are granted a six-month grace period before
repayment of the Direct Stafford loan is required.
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The following are the maximum loan amounts per academic year: $5,500 for undergraduates
with freshman status, $6,500 for undergraduates attaining sophomore status, and $7,500 for
undergraduate students who attain junior or senior status. If students do not demonstrate
sufficient need to borrow the maximum Direct Stafford subsidized loan, they may borrow the
difference in a Direct Stafford unsubsidized loan. The maximum borrowing limit for most
undergraduates is $31,000.
Direct PLUS (Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students) Loan: This is a non-need-based
loan, which parents may borrow to help defray the cost of their dependent children's
education. The Direct PLUS enables parents to borrow the full yearly cost of attendance (as
determined by the school) minus all other financial aid. Otherwise, there is no yearly or
cumulative borrowing limit. As of July 1, 2011, the student is required to complete a Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to apply for the Direct PLUS loan. After
the FAFSA is completed, borrowers must submit the Direct PLUS loan application to the school
for calculation and certification of the maximum loan amount that the parent may borrow per
student per year. The Direct PLUS loan application can be completed with the Department of
Education at www.studentloans.gov.
The Direct PLUS is granted to borrowers based on credit-worthiness as determined by the
Department of Education whom the borrower selects. The Direct PLUS loan has a 6.31% fixed
interest rate. The borrower has the option of beginning repayment on the Direct PLUS loan
either 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed or not until six (6) months after the dependent
student on whose behalf the parent borrowed ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time basis.
0102 Lee Building
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. The primary responsibility for
financing attendance at the University of Maryland, College Park, lies with students and families.
Scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study positions are awarded on the basis of academic
ability and/or financial need as determined by a federal needs analysis system. It is the intent of
OSFA to provide assistance to students who might not otherwise be able to pursue college
studies due to financial constraints.
Financial aid funds are limited; therefore, all new, readmitted, and returning students must follow
these steps to receive priority consideration for financial aid:
1. Student admissions applications and all necessary supporting documents to the Office of
Admissions by the appropriate deadlines (Deadlines are listed in Chapter 1).
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2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on or after October
1. The FAFSA is available on the OSFA web site at www.financialaid.umd.edu. A new
FAFSA is required for each academic year of the student's enrollment.
New students should not wait to be admitted before filing the FAFSA. A financial aid
application has no bearing on a student's admission application. However, students will not
receive final consideration for aid until they are admitted to a degree program.
3. Complete the FAFSA no later than December 15 so that it is received by the federal
processor by January 1. Applying online helps to expedite the process.
Applications received before January 1 will be given priority consideration.
General Regulations Applicable to All Forms of Aid
Full-Time Status: For most types of aid, students must attempt at least 12 credit hours through
the schedule adjustment period each semester in order to receive the full financial aid
award. Please refer to the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) when considering
dropping below 12 credit hours for any given semester. Please visit the Office of Student
Financial Aid website at www.financialaid.umd.edu to review the Satisfactory Academic
Progress policy.
Citizenship Status: In order to be eligible for federal, state, or university financial assistance,
students must be United States citizens or eligible non-citizens.
Default/Owe Refund: Students cannot be in default on an educational loan, nor can they owe
any refund on a Pell Grant or Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) previously
awarded at any post-secondary institution.
Degree-Seeking: Students must be working toward a degree or certificate. Students must be
admitted to the university as "degree-seeking."
Satisfactory Progress: Students must be making satisfactory progress toward a degree or
certificate according to the Standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) published in the
Schedule of Classes. Please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid website
at www.financialaid.umd.edu to review the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.
Selective Service: To receive federal financial aid, male students must register with Selective
Service if they are at least 18 years old and born after December 31, 1959, unless they are not
required by law. The federal government will verify compliance of this registration requirement.
Students who have questions about Selective Service registration may contact the Selective
Service at 847-688-6888/1-888-655-1825 or www.sss.gov.
Receiving a Non-University Award: If a student receives assistance (scholarship or loan) from
a non-university source, the university may reduce the financial aid awarded by the university. It
is the student's responsibility to notify the Office of Student Financial Aid of all outside awards.
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Change in Financial Situation: It is the student's responsibility to notify the Office of Student
Financial Aid of any changes to his or her financial circumstances during the year.
Reapplication Requirement: Need-based assistance is not automatically renewed from year to
year. All students requesting need-based aid must reapply by submitting a new or renewal
FAFSA annually. Such reapplication must indicate continued financial need and maintain
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid website
at www.financialaid.umd.edu to review the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.
Award Policy: Financial aid is normally a combination of grants, loans, and student
employment. The financial aid "package" is determined by the availability of financial aid and
the financial circumstances of each student. It is not necessary to make any special application
for university grants. The Office of Student Financial Aid will determine awards that best fit the
needs and qualifications of the candidates.
Estimating Educational Cost
Costs of Attendance Budgets are estimates of the educational expenses incurred by students
during the nine-month academic year. These budgets include direct university charges (tuition,
fees and on campus room and board) and estimates of indirect expenses (transportation, books,
supplies, miscellaneous living expenses, and off-campus room and board).
Off-campus cost of living expenses are determined based on the average room and board charges
for the local area. These are indirect costs, not billed by the University.
Actual College Park tuition and fees can be found by contacting the Office of the Bursar
Dependent student living on campus (not with parent/relative)
Tuition and Fees
In-State: Maryland Resident
Out-of-State: DC, other states, other countries
Personal and Transportation expenses
Subtotal In-State (Tuition, Fees &
Total In-State
Subtotal Out-of-State (Tuition, Fees &
34 | Page
Total Out-of-State
Dependent student commuting from parents home
Tuition and Fees
In-State: Maryland Resident
Out-of-State: DC, other states, other countries
Personal and Transportation expenses
Subtotal In-State (Tuition, Fees &
Total In-State
Subtotal Out-of-State (Tuition, Fees &
Total Out-of-State
Dependent student living off campus (not with parent/relative)
Tuition and Fees
In-State: Maryland Resident
Out-of-State: DC, other states, other countries
Personal and Transportation expenses
Subtotal In-State (Tuition, Fees &
Total In-State
Subtotal Out-of-State (Tuition, Fees &
Total Out-of-State
*These figures are averages and will vary from student to student.
**They are indirect costs not billed by the bursar.
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1135 Lee Building
301-405-0659 fax
Financial Services Center
Tuition and fees for the University of Maryland, College Park, are listed in the next section. The
university requires that all deposits and fees be paid by stated deadlines, or penalties must be
imposed. Many potential administrative difficulties can be avoided if students carefully follow
published procedures and notify the appropriate office(s) of any changes that might affect their
financial obligation to the university. This includes updating your email address so
communication concerning your billing is prompt, and notifying the Bursar's Office of changes
of address so that mail affecting the student's financial relationship with the university will not be
delayed or returned.
Tuition and bill payment information for Summer Session, Winter Session, Freshmen
Connection and Professional Programs may be found at oes.umd.edu.
College Park sponsors a deferred-payment plan for the Fall and Spring semesters only.
Information regarding the Terp Payment Plan is available by calling 301-314-9000 or 1-888-313-
2404 or at bursar.umd.edu.
All charges incurred during a semester are payable immediately. Returning students will not be
permitted to complete registration until all financial obligations to the university, including
library fines, parking violations, and other penalty fees and service charges, are paid in full.
Payment for past due balances and current semester fees is due on or before the first day of
classes. Students who register in advance must pay their bills in full prior to the general
registration period. Students who register after the initial registration period are required to make
full payment by the due date indicated to avoid cancellation of their enrollment and loss of their
classroom seats to other students.
Although the university bills students monthly, it cannot assume responsibility for their receipt.
Students are reminded that it is their responsibility to notify the University of any change in their
email address. If a student bill is not received on or before the beginning of each semester, it is
the student's responsibility to obtain a copy of the bill. To check your account balance or view
your monthly billing statement go to bursar.umd.edu and choose "View Your Monthly Bill" or
go to the Financial Service Center, 1135 Lee Building. The office is open Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
All checks or money orders should be made payable to the University of Maryland for the exact
amount due. Student's name and student's University ID number should be written on the
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front side of the check. University grants and scholarships will be posted to the student's
account. However, the first bill mailed prior to the beginning of each semester may not include
these credits.
Students are urged to check their residence hall and dining service agreements for procedures for
cancellation of reservations and for deadlines for receiving refunds of deposits. Refunds cannot
be made after these deadlines, even if the student decides not to attend the University of
Maryland, College Park.
Students will incur a late payment fee in the event of failure to pay a balance on their student
account by its due date. A late payment fee of $10.00 or 5%, whichever is higher, will be
assessed in addition to the total past due amount. An additional 1.5% finance charge will be
charged monthly if the account is not settled.
Students who fail to pay the indebtedness during the semester in which delinquency occurs will
be ineligible to register for subsequent semesters until the debt and the penalty fees are cleared.
In the event a student with a delinquent account becomes registered for a future semester, the
account must be settled in full prior to the onset of the future semester, to avoid cancellation of
The state has established, under legislative mandate, a Central Collections Unit (CCU) within the
Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning. The university is required by state law to refer all
delinquent accounts to the State Collections Unit. Please note that Maryland law allows the
Central Collections Unit to intercept state income tax refunds for individuals with delinquent
accounts, and that CCU is authorized to notify a National Credit Bureau of the delinquency at the
time the account is referred to it for collection.
All accounts due from students, faculty, staff, non-students, etc., are included within these
Central Collections Unit costs incurred in collecting delinquent accounts will be charged to the
student. The minimum collection fee is 17% plus attorney and/or court costs.
No degrees, diplomas, certificates, or transcripts of records will be issued to students who have
not made satisfactory settlement of their accounts.
Note: Additional Information on Student Financial Obligations, Disclosure of Information,
Delinquent Accounts, and Special Fees, can be found in the "Policy Statements" section at the
beginning of this catalog.
Payment of Fees
In person or mailed: All checks, money orders, or postal notes should be made payable
to "University of Maryland." The student's University ID number must be written on the front of
the check.
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Online: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards; VISA and
MasterCard debit cards; and ACH (electronic checking or savings account) payments are
accepted. Online payments can be made by clicking on the blue box, "Pay Online Here" at
bursar.umd.edu. There is a 2% processing fee for credit and debit card payments. There is no fee
for ACH payments.
1135 Lee Building
301-405-0659 fax
Financial Services Center
An Important Fee Notice: Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other University
publication, the University reserves the right to make changes in tuition, fees, and other charges
at any time deemed necessary by the University and the University System of Maryland Board of
Regents. Tuition and fee information is published in the Registration Guide each semester and is
also available on-line at bursar.umd.edu.
2017-2018 Academic Year (Estimated)
Full-time Undergraduate Students
(For billing purposes, a student is considered full-time if the number of credit hours enrolled is 12 or more.)
Maryland Residents (In-state)
Total Academic
Year Cost
$ 8,481
Add Differential tuition for full-time juniors and seniors majoring in Business, Engineering, or
Computer Science regardless of residency
Mandatory Fees
(includes Tech fee)
Maximum charged to all students registered for 9 or more credits
(Resident Dining Plan - Basic)
Room (Standard 2-person w/AC, includes Telecom fee)
Residents of the District of Columbia, Other States, and Other Countries
Total Academic
Year Costs
$ 31,688
Add Differential tuition for full-time juniors and seniors majoring in Business, Engineering, or
Computer Science regardless of residency
Mandatory Fees
(includes Tech fee)
Maximum charged to all students registered for 9 or more credits
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Board Contract
(Resident Dining Plan - Basic)
Room (Standard 2-person w/AC, includes Telecom fee)
Tuition and Fees for Part-time Undergraduate Students
(For billing purposes, a student is considered part-time if the number of credit hours enrolled is 11 or fewer)
In-State Tuition
(per credit hour)
$ 353
Out-of-State Tuition
(per credit hour)
Add Differential tuition for part-time juniors and seniors majoring in Business, Engineering, or
Computer Science regardless of residency (per credit hour)
Mandatory Fees
(per semester)
9-11 credit hours (per semester)
8 or fewer credit hours
(per semester)
For more information regarding the Differential Tuition, please go to:
bursar.umd.edu/Differential Tuition FAQ.pdf.
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Chapter 3. Campus Administration, Resources, and Student
Academic Achievement Programs
2204 Marie Mount Hall
301-405-4736 (phone)
301-314-9162 (fax)
Executive Director: Dr. Jerry L. Lewis
The Academic Achievement Programs (AAP) primarily provides resources and opportunities for
low-income individuals, first generation college students, disabled students and traditionally
under-represented students.
For more information, see Office of Undergraduate Studies section in Chapter 6.
Ground Floor Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management: Barbara Gill
The services offered by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions are designed to meet the
individual needs of prospective students. The office provides general information about the
University of Maryland through brochures, letters, website, electronic communication, social
media, information sessions, campus tours and other personal interactions. Admissions staff
evaluate both freshman and transfer applicants in order to shape the entering class of
students. For more information about undergraduate admission, see Chapter 1.
Computing Services: Division of Information Technology
1221 McKeldin Library
Phone: 301-405-1500
The Division of Information Technology is part of a University of Maryland student's everyday
academic and social life. The division plans, develops, supports, and maintains computing,
networking, and telecommunications services for the university community to enhance both day-
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to-day academic and business goals and to further the university's standard of excellence in
education and research.
Many faculty members have integrated technology into courses, both inside and outside of the
classroom. Some professors use clickers to collect student feedback during class. Through
ELMS, the university's Enterprise Learning Management System (www.elms.umd.edu),
instructors can provide online course materials, collect assignments, post grades electronically,
and hold discussion sessions.
The university's robust wireless network gives students the ability to connect to the Internet from
almost anywhere on campus. Every student living in a residence hall also has a dedicated high-
speed data jack to use when connecting to the university network from his or her room.
Computer labs across campus feature Windows and Macintosh environments, offer printing
services (from lab or personal computers), and provide course-related software. UMD’s Box
service (https://go.umd.edu/umd-box) gives students 50 GB of storage space to use for backing
up files, synching files on multiple devices, and collaborating with others.
Service Desk staff (itsc.umd.edu, 301-405-1500) are available to answer IT questions and
provide tech support, and they can be contacted in person, over the telephone, and via live chat.
The Service Desk's IT Service Center website enables you to consult an IT Library of how-to
articles and a catalog of IT services, check and subscribe to service alerts, and initiate and track
help requests online 24/7.
Discounts on computers and cellular devices and service are also available to University of
Maryland students. Some popular software is available at no cost via downloads or subscriptions.
Visit it.umd.edu/terrapin-tech for more information.
Education Abroad
1118 H.J. Patterson Hall
Phone: 301-314-7746
Fax: 301-314-9135
Ross Lewin (OIA)
Front Desk: 301-314-7473
Through Education Abroad (EA), UMD students participate in academically rigorous overseas
programs designed to broaden and enrich their major fields of study, deepen their understanding
of other languages and cultures, and strengthen their ability to compete for successful careers in
today’s global economy. These programs provide coursework in a wide range of disciplines so
that participants can study abroad for a semester or academic year and still complete their
degrees on schedule. A growing number of EA programs combine the concepts of global
citizenship, civic engagement, and entrepreneurship by engaging students in innovative projects
designed to address health, economic, and environmental issues in the communities that host
them during their overseas studies.
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EA collaborates with UMD faculty and staff as well as international institutions and affiliated
organizations to support more than 400 international programs in over 65 countries and to
integrate overseas coursework into campus curricula. Professional advisors guide students in the
selection of suitable programs and the arrangement of academic credit, assist with applications
for financial aid, conduct pre-departure orientations, and provide on-call support to participants
overseas. Recognizing that substantive international experience is a crucial part of any
undergraduate education, EA continually seeks to enable every UMD student to study abroad
regardless of his or her major field of study or financial profile. EA is especially attentive to the
diverse needs of the UMD campus community and is committed to developing and delivering
programs and resources that facilitate access for and representation of diverse identities.
Study Abroad Process
Students interested in overseas studies should ideally visit EA one year before actually
submitting an application in order to explore program options and learn more about the next
steps in arranging academic credit, completing pre-requisites, and obtaining financial aid for
their intended programs. When a student is prepared to begin an application, he or she should
arrange to meet with an advisor by making an appointment through the on-line system
at: www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Types of Study Abroad Programs
Exchange programs: Exchange programs allow UMD students to study for a semester or year at
leading universities throughout the world while paying little more than their regular UMD
tuition, travel, and overseas living expenses. In exchange for each outgoing student, one from the
overseas host university studies at the College Park campus for an equivalent period. While some
exchange programs require foreign language proficiency, many are open to students who speak
only English. These programs offer UMD students an outstanding opportunity to develop lasting
bonds with local students. UMD students earn transfer credit applied to their UMD degree on all
exchange programs.
Maryland Semester (Maryland-in), Maryland Short Term & Freshmen Abroad programs: EA
directly sponsors and administers a wide array of semester and short term opportunities in
partnership with UMD academic departments. These options allow students to receive UMD
resident credit. These include semester programs in Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Florence,
Perugia, Nice, Seville, Berlin, Barcelona, Rome and Beijing, as well as more than 70 short term
courses taught by Maryland faculty during the summer, winter term, and spring break in
locations ranging from Morocco to Brazil. This also includes Terrapin Takeoff pre-freshman
summer programs and Destination fall semester programs in Rome and Sydney for spring
admitted freshmen. In addition to high-quality instruction, UMD programs offer cultural
activities, internships, and service opportunities to help students maximize their engagement with
the host-country culture.
Approved Programs and Affiliate Programs: EA administers a wide range of programs in
collaboration with vetted study abroad providers and universities, including The Council on
International Educational Exchange (CIEE), the Institute for the International Education of
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Students (IES), The Education Abroad Network (TEAN), American Councils (ACTR), and the
University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC).
Non-Approved programs: UMD students who wish to study abroad through other institutions
must petition to do so. The first step in this process is to speak with an EA advisor. Petitioners
must demonstrate a compelling academic reason to participate in a non-approved program and
that the program in question meets the same standards required of approved programs. EA
strongly encourages students to explore its extensive list of affiliated and approved programs
before beginning the petition process.
More information and applications are available at the EA website:
Honor Societies
Students who excel in scholarship and leadership may be invited to join the appropriate honor
society. Honor societies at Maryland include:
Alpha Chi Sigma (Chemistry)
*Alpha Epsilon (Agricultural Engineering)
*Alpha Epsilon Delta (Pre-Med)
Alpha Epsilon Rho (Broadcast Journalism)
*Alpha Kappa Delta (Sociology)
*Alpha Lambda Delta (Freshman Scholarship)
Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice)
Alpha Zeta (Agriculture)
Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting)
Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Management)
Black Honors Caucus
*Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering)
Delta Nu Alpha (Transportation)
Delta Phi Alpha (German)
Delta Sigma Pi (Business)
Eta Beta Rho (Hebrew)
*Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering)
*Gamma Theta Upsilon (Geography)
*Golden Key Honor Society (Leadership/Scholarship)
*Kappa Delta Pi (Education)
*Kappa Tau Alpha (Journalism)
*Lambda Pi Eta (Speech Communication)
*Mortar Board National Honor Society (Scholarship)
*National Society of Collegiate Scholars
*Omega Chi Epsilon (Chemistry Engineering)
*Omega Rho (Business)
*Omicron Delta Epsilon (Economics)
*Omicron Delta Kappa (Scholarship/Leadership)
43 | Page
*Order of Omega (Fraternity/Sorority Leadership)
Phi Alpha Epsilon (Health/Human Resources)
*Phi Alpha Theta (History)
Phi Beta Kappa (Scholarship)
Phi Chi Theta (Business and Economics)
*Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman Scholarship)
*Phi Kappa Phi (Senior/Graduate Scholarship)
*Phi Sigma (Biology)
*Phi Sigma Pi (Scholarship/Leadership)
*Phi Sigma Iota (French/Italian)
*Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science)
*Phi Sigma Theta
Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical Engineering)
*Primannum Honor Society
*Psi Chi (Psychology)
Sigma Alpha Omicron (Microbiology)
Sigma Delta Chi (Journalism)
*Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish)
*Sigma Tau Delta (English)
*Tau Beta Pi (Engineering)
Tau Beta Sigma
*Member of Association of College Honor Societies
Intercollegiate Athletics
Director of Athletics: Kevin Anderson
The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is responsible for directing intercollegiate athletic
programs for both women and men, and for managing the campus' athletic facilities.
Women's intercollegiate athletic teams include cross country, field hockey, soccer and volleyball
in the fall; basketball, indoor track/field and gymnastics during the winter; and lacrosse, softball
and outdoor track/field in the spring. Tennis and golf competition is scheduled in both the fall
and spring seasons.
There are men's teams in football and soccer in the fall; basketball and wrestling during the
winter; and baseball, lacrosse and outdoor track/field in the spring. Golf competition is
scheduled in both the fall and spring seasons.
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Men's and women's intercollegiate athletic teams compete in the National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA) at the Division I level and in the Big Ten Conference.
Eligibility Requirements
Student-athletes must meet all NCAA, Big Ten and University of Maryland requirements for
eligibility. The chart below serves only as a guideline to eligibility rules and does not provide
complete detail. All NCAA requirements are available via www.NCAA.org.
NCAA Continuing Eligibility and Progress Towards Degree Guidelines
Year of Initial
Collegiate Enrollment
Semester of Full-
Time Enrollment
NCAA Requirements
Fall 2003
- present
Entering 1st semester
(1st year)
Must be certified by the NCAA Eligibility
Entering 2nd semester
* 6 degree applicable credits earned previous
* 1.29 UMD GPA
Entering 3rd semester
(2nd year)
* 18 hours earned during previous regular
academic year and 24 for the
year earned at
*6 degree applicable credits earned in previous
Entering 4th semester
* 6 degree applicable credits previous semester
* 1.80 NCAA GPA
Entering 5th semester
(3rd year)
* declaration of degree program
* 40% of
degree requirement completed
* 18 degree applicable credits during previous
regular academic year
* 6 degree applicable credits earned previous
* 1.90 NCAA GPA
Entering 6th semester
* 6 degree applicable credits earned previous
* 1.90 NCAA GPA
Entering 7th semester
(4th year)
* 60% of degree requirement completed
* 18
degree applicable credits during previous
regular academic year
* 6 degree applicable credits earned previous
* 2.00 NCAA GPA
45 | Page
Entering 8th semester
* 6 degree applicable credits earned in previous
* 2.00 NCAA GPA
Entering 9th semester
(5th year)
* 80% of degree requirement completed
* 18
degree applicable credits earned in
previous regular academic year
6 degree applicable credits earned previous
* 2.00 NCAA GPA
*Based on 120 credit degree program
1. Student-athletes are allowed 4 seasons of competition within 5 calendar years from the time
they first enroll full-time in a collegiate institution. When they participate in any competition in
their sport (including a scrimmage with outside competition), whether it is for one minute or an
entire contest, they have used one of the four seasons of competition.
2. Student-athletes must be enrolled full-time to be eligible to practice or compete with their
team. If a student-athlete drops below full-time, he/she will immediately be ineligible to practice
or compete, and his/her athletics grant-in-aid will be revoked unless otherwise approved by the
Department of Athletics. Graduating student-athletes who need less than full-time hours to
complete degree requirements may receive an exception to enroll in less than full-time credit
hours by completing a prescribed form available in the ASCDU and approved by the college and
certification officer.
3. Student-athletes are required to meet multiple sets of academic standards in order to maintain
eligibility for athletic competition. These standards are dictated by the NCAA, Big Ten
Conference, and the Athletics Council. In addition, student-athletes may be required to maintain
standards dictated by the college of their major for either admission into a degree program, or
maintaining enrollment.
4. Transfer student-athletes must meet all NCAA, Big Ten and UMD requirements in order to be
immediately eligible. Please note that in certain cases NCAA and BIG Ten eligibility
requirements are more stringent than UMD admissions requirements.
5. Ineligible student-athletes are not permitted to compete or travel.
6. First semester freshman who do not meet UMD cumulative GPA requirements, may seek an
appeal under certain circumstances. Transfer student-athletes are required to attain the
appropriate cumulative GPA based upon the number of full-time semesters they have been
enrolled in any institution.
7. Dismissed and later reinstated student-athletes are ineligible for competition until they meet
designated grade point averages.
The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) also sponsors a number of awards for
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achievement in athletics and/or scholarship. For further information, contact the Academic
Support and Career Development Unit (ASCDU), 301-314-7043.
International Student and Scholar Services
1126 H.J. Patterson Hall
Director: Susan Dougherty
International students and faculty receive a wide variety of services designed to help them
benefit from their experience in the United States. International Student and Scholar Services
(ISSS) works closely with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions on the admission of
international students. ISSS services include: university sponsorship of international students,
orientation programs, immigration and employment seminars and coffee hours. ISSS advisors
counsel international undergraduate students concerning immigration, personal and campus life
F-1 and J-1 status students. The ISSS is the only office on campus authorized to sign
immigration documents and advise on the following topics: extension of stay, transfers, off-
campus employment authorization, practical training, and course loads.
Students with F-1 or J-1 status are responsible for following the regulations of the
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and the Department of State (DOS)
pertaining to their visa status.
Maintaining Status
Full-time registration: In order to maintain full-time student status for immigration
purposes, F-1 and J-1 undergraduate students are expected to register for and complete a
minimum credit load of 12 hours per semester. Pre-approval from ISSS is required if you
are going to complete the semester with fewer than 12 credits.
Documents: International students must have a valid passport at all times unless exempt
from passport requirements. If your I-20 or DS-2109 will soon expire you should apply
for an extension at least 30 days prior to the program completion date on the document.
To travel outside the U.S. and re-enter as an F-1 or J-1, an advisor in ISSS must sign your
I-20 or DS-2109 before you leave.
Health Insurance: All undergraduate students, regardless of visa status, are required by
the University Health Center to carry adequate health insurance. In addition, J-1 students
must present copies of their health insurance to ISSS in order to comply with Department
of State requirements.
We hope you will find the resources you need in this catalog or by visiting our office. Please
contact us if we can be of any further assistance to you.
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Thanks for being a part of our global UMD community!
Learning Assistance Service (LAS)
2202 Shoemaker Building
The Learning Assistance Service (LAS) is the academic support unit of the University
Counseling Center. LAS provides services that support students in developing personal and
academic strategies and behaviors which empower them to be successful in college and life. All
LAS services are free to University of Maryland students.
Students can meet individually with our dedicated academic skills coaches to learn how to
manage their time and the demands of their courses, apply efficient learning strategies, and
enhance their study habits. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the full range of
services provided including workshops, study tables, learning strategies courses, and Guided
Study Sessions.
To schedule an appointment, call 301-314-7693 or sign up online at:
https://lasonline.umd.edu. Visit our website at www.counseling.umd.edu/LAS.
Letters and Sciences
1117 Hornbake Library
301-314-8418 (phone)
301-314-9394 (fax)
Assistant Dean/Director: Deborah Reid Bryant, Ph. D.
Letters and Sciences is the academic home for students exploring a variety of fields before
selecting a major, for post-baccalaureate students taking additional course work, and for non-
degree seeking students taking undergraduate courses. Letters and Sciences may also serve as the
academic home for students completing requirements for entry into a Limited Enrollment
Program. Letters and Sciences advisors help students to select and schedule courses, plan
academic programs, and learn about campus-wide resources. Letters and Sciences collaborates
closely with college advising offices, academic departments, and programs across campus and
provides a coordinated advising network.
For more information, see Office of Undergraduate Studies section in Chapter 6.
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Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR)
1201 (first floor) Marie Mount Hall
Director: Francis DuVinage
The Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR) is an initiative of the Office of the
Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Created as a resource for students and faculty, the Center serves
as a clearinghouse for both on-campus and off-campus research opportunities for
undergraduates. Major programs of the MCUR include Maryland Student Researchers, which
permits faculty to list research opportunities open to undergraduates during the academic year,
and Maryland Summer Scholars, which provides funding for students to conduct summer
research (on-campus or elsewhere in the US or abroad as needed) under the mentorship of a
Maryland faculty member. MCUR also presents Undergraduate Research Day, a campus-wide
poster event, every spring.
For more information, see Office of Undergraduate Studies section in Chapter 6.
Maryland English Institute (MEI)
1117 Cole Student Activities Building
Director: Dr. Elizabeth Driver
The mission of Maryland English Institute (MEI) is to provide English language instruction and
assessment at the postsecondary level for speakers of other languages who wish to learn English
for academic, professional, or personal reasons. MEI fulfills its mission by providing:
courses for matriculated University of Maryland students
courses for international teaching assistants
short courses for members of the campus and local community
custom-designed programs
evaluation of the English language proficiency of provisionally admitted students
assessment of oral communication skills of international teaching assistants
a full-time, multi-level Intensive English Program
MEI offers rigorous courses of study while providing a positive and supportive learning
community and promoting cross-cultural understanding.
Two regular instructional programs are offered for conditionally admitted and prospective
undergraduate and graduate students who are non-native speakers of English: a bridge program
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for provisionally admitted students and a full-time intensive program for provisionally
admitted or prospective students.
Bridge Program: Advanced English as a Foreign Language (UMEI005): This course is open
only to students who are admitted to the University of Maryland. Students who are admitted as
bridge program students must satisfactorily complete UMEI005 in their first semester in order to
become fully admitted. UMEI005 course sections usually meet five days a week, two hours per
day. The program is designed to strengthen the language skills necessary for academic work at
the University of Maryland. Undergraduates may enroll in two additional courses totaling eight
credits at maximum while they are enrolled in UMEI 005. No credit is given toward the
university degree for UMEI 005.
Intensive English Program (UMEI001-004): This full-time English language program is open
to non-native speakers who wish to improve their English for academic, professional or personal
Students may be admitted to the Intensive English Program in two ways: 1) as a result of the
University of Maryland's admissions process for degree programs, or 2) through independent
application directly to MEI.
There are three intensive English sessions per year: one for fall semester, one for spring, and a
seven-week session in the summer. Each consists of approximately 23 hours of instruction
weekly. The fall and spring programs offer five levels of instruction, beginning through
advanced. The summer program offers varied levels of instruction with the opportunity to choose
from a variety of electives for part of the program.
For independent applicants to MEI, satisfactory completion of the intensive program does not
guarantee acceptance at the University for prospective students who enroll at MEI. Students
who already have provisional admission when they enroll at MEI will matriculate into degree
programs if they successfully complete the required courses.
No credit is granted toward any university degree. Tuition remission cannot be applied to MEI
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Interim Vice President for Research: Amitabh Varshney
ORAU Councilor, University of Maryland
Since 1951, students and faculty of University of Maryland have benefited from its membership
in Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). ORAU is a consortium of 98 colleges and
universities and a contractor for the US Department of Energy (DOE) located in Oak Ridge,
Tennessee. ORAU works with its member institutions to help their students and faculty gain
access to federal research facilities throughout the country; to keep its members informed about
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opportunities for fellowship, scholarship, and research appointments; and to organize research
alliances among its members.
Through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), the DOE facility that
ORAU operates, undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates, as well as faculty enjoy access to a
multitude of opportunities for study and research. Students can participate in programs covering
a wide variety of disciplines including business, earth sciences, epidemiology, engineering,
physics, geological sciences, pharmacology, ocean sciences, biomedical sciences, nuclear
chemistry, and mathematics. Appointment and program length range from one month to four
years. Many of these programs are especially designed to increase the numbers of
underrepresented minority students pursuing degrees in science and engineering related
disciplines, and details on locations and benefits can be found in the ORISE Catalog of
Education and Training Programs, which is available at www.orau.gov/orise/educ.htm, or by
calling the contacts below.
ORAU's Office of Partnership Development seeks opportunities for partnerships and alliances
among ORAU's members, private industry, and major federal facilities. Activities include faculty
development programs, such as the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards, the
Visiting Industrial Scholars Program, consortium research funding initiatives, faculty research
and support programs as well as services to chief research officers.
For more information about ORAU and its programs, contact:
Amitabh Varshney
Interim Vice President for Research
ORAU Councilor for University of Maryland
Rachel F. Lokitx
ORAU Corporate Secretary
Visit the ORAU home page at www.orau.org.
OFFICE OF EXTENDED STUDIES (Summer Session, Winter Session,
Freshmen Connection, Pre-College Programs, and Professional Graduate, Post-
Baccalaureate, and Continuing Education Programs)
0132 Main Administration Building
Phone: 301-405-7762
Fax: 301-314-9572
Web: oes.umd.edu
The Office of Extended Studies administers Summer Session, Winter Session, Freshmen
Connection, Pre-College Programs, and Professional Graduate, Post-Baccalaureate, and
Continuing Education Programs.
51 | Page
Summer Session serves current UMD students, visiting students from other universities and
colleges, graduates, professionals, and high school students who can satisfy a requirement, catch
up on credits, and get closer to graduation. Summer Session features more than 1,200 courses
that are offered morning, afternoon, evening, and online during three-week or six-week sessions.
Winter Session serves current UMD students, visiting students from other universities and
colleges, graduates and professionals who can fulfill prerequisites, meet eligibility requirements
for certain majors, and accelerate progress for graduation. Held in January, the three-week
Winter Session features more than 350 courses that meet morning, afternoon, evening, and
In Freshmen Connection, spring-admitted freshmen begin their University of Maryland
education in the fall semester, earn up to 17 university credits toward their undergraduate degree,
and get on track to graduate in four years.
In Pre-College Programs, Terp Young Scholars (a three-week summer program) invites
academically talented rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to pursue academic
interests, discover career opportunities, earn university credits, and explore university life during
three weeks in Summer Session.
In addition, Terp Discovery (a two-week summer program), invites academically promising
middle school students to explore education and career opportunities and learn about university
Professional Graduate Programs offer master degrees and graduate certificates to
professionals who want to advance their knowledge and career goals.
Post-Baccalaureate Programs prepare students for professional schools, graduate programs,
and professional achievement.
Continuing Education Programs include workforce training, enrichment programs,
professional school exam preparation, seminars, non-credit workshops, and more.
Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education (OMSE)
1101 Hornbake Library
301-314-9512 (fax)
The Office of Multi-ethnic Student Education provides programs and resources to support the
academic, personal, and professional excellence of students. The mission of the Office of Multi-
ethnic Student Education is directly linked to the elimination of the achievement gap at the
University of Maryland. With that goal in mind, OMSE provides programs such as a walk-in
tutorial program, study lab, a computer lab with disability services software, affinity groups,
drop in OMSE Check Ups, the OMSE Academic Excellence Society, College Success Scholars,
and a myriad of services and annual events that recognize the multiple identities of students. The
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OMSE team is dedicated to our motto of high expectations, high standards and excellence.
Office of the Registrar
First Floor Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building
University Registrar: Adrian Cornelius
The Office of the Registrar is committed to providing the highest level of customer satisfaction
in all aspects of its operation, which includes coordinating course enrollment and student
registration; maintaining students' permanent academic records; administering academic policy
compliance; and producing official transcripts, certifications, and diplomas. Detailed information
on the Registrar's Office services is published in Chapter 4 of this catalog.
1102 Cole Student Activities Building
Phone: 301-314-8217
Fax: 301-314-1063
Gerry Strumpf, PhD
Other Phone: 301-314-8212
The goal of the New Student Orientation is to introduce new students to the University of
Maryland community. The Orientation Office offers a wide range of transitional programming
and services for students and their families as they prepare to attend the University of Maryland.
For more information, see Office of Undergraduate Studies section in Chapter 6.
Pre-College Programs
4111 John S. Toll Physics Building
Phone: 301-405-6776
Fax: 301-314-9155
Executive Director: Georgette Hardy
Other Phone: 301-405-1224
Upward Bound Programs: 301-405-6776
Upward Bound Math and Science Program (UB-MS): 301-405-1224
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The University of Maryland Pre-College Programs in Undergraduate Studies is comprised of
three federally and state supported programs:
Two Upward Bound Programs (UB) and
Upward Bound-Math and Science Program (UB-MS)
These programs generate the skills and motivation necessary for success in post-secondary
education. They immerse high school participants in rigorous academic instruction, tutoring,
counseling, and innovative educational experiences throughout the school year and during the
six-week summer residential program. Pre-College Programs are part of the Federal TRIO
Programs that provide educational opportunity outreach programs designed to motivate and
support students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The UB Programs are open to low-income and/or first-generation college bound high school
students in grades 9 through 12, who demonstrate an academic need and want to pursue a four-
year postsecondary education. Eligible students must attend target high schools in Prince
George's and Montgomery Counties. High school principals, teachers, and counselors
recommend students to the program.
Eligibility for the Upward Bound Programs require students attend Northwood High School in
Montgomery County and Bladensburg, Central, High Point, Parkdale or Northwestern High
Schools in Prince George's County.
The UBMS is open to students in grades 9 through 12, who demonstrate an academic need and
want to pursue post-secondary education programs in fields related to mathematics and science.
UBMS recruits high school students who have successfully completed Algebra I and attend
Potomac and Fairmont Heights High Schools in Prince George's County, MD; Watkins Mill
High School in Montgomery County, MD; and Bell High School in Washington, DC.
Pre-Health Professions Advising and Programs
1210 H.J. Patterson Hall
Director: Wendy Loughlin; Advisor: Nick Celedon
The Reed-Yorke Health Professions Advising Office (HPAO), part of the College of Computer,
Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, serves University of Maryland students and alumni
interested in pursuing careers in medicine, dentistry, or allied health fields.
Pre-Law Advising Program
0110 Hornbake Library
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The Pre-Law Advising Office within Letters and Sciences serves all current and former students
at the University of Maryland interested in pursuing law school and careers in law. The program
provides students with law school planning, including individual and group advising, career
preparation workshops, admission information, and much more. While law schools do not
require, favor, or prefer specific majors, the pre-law advisor can provide guidance concerning the
choice of major. Pre-law does not serve as an undergraduate major, nor does the program require
completion of a specific academic curriculum.
Pre-Transfer Advising
0110 Hornbake
301-405-9449 or 301-405-9448
Assistant Dean: Lisa Kiely
Assistant Director: Leah Howell
Assistant Director: Megan Cleaver
The Pre-Transfer Advising Program promotes academic success and excellence by assessing the
readiness of students who wish to transfer to UM. Pre-Transfer Advising assists students in
estimating time to degree completion and advises on which courses to take prior to transfer.
Advisors also serve as a resource for community college staff.
Student Success Office
0110C Hornbake
Assistant Dean: Lisa Kiely; Coordinator: Paulanne Walker; Advisor for Retention Initiatives:
Peter DeCresenzo
The Student Success Office is a clearinghouse for services and resources to assist students in the
completion of their undergraduate degrees. This includes:
Coordinating reenrollment
Centralizing tutoring resources
Managing data from exiting students
Providing leadership on other retention initiatives
For more information, please see www.studentsuccess.umd.edu.
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2204 Marie Mount Hall (MMH)
301-405-4745 (phone)
301-314-9794 (fax)
Christal Dimas
The Academic Success and Tutorial Services initiative of the Academic Achievement Programs
(AAP) offers free tutoring for many lower-level general education courses, as well as several
math- and science-intensive courses for all University of Maryland students. Visit MMH 2204
for a complete schedule of tutoring, study skills, math, and English sessions.
To inquire about courses offered, tutor availability, and/or additional services offered by AAP,
please contact the Tutorial Coordinator at 301-405-4745, or [email protected]. Visit
http://www.aap.umd.edu/tutoring.html to learn more about schedules, job opportunities, and the
mission of the Academic Achievement Programs.
Additional tutoring resources can be found at www.tutoring.umd.edu.
Academic Affairs
1119 Main Administration Building
Mary Ann Rankin, Senior Vice President and Provost
The Senior Vice President and Provost is the chief academic officer of the university with
responsibility for guiding the academic development and direction of the institution in
accordance with the University's mission. As Senior Vice President, the Provost has budgetary
responsibility for campus academic programs and resources and works directly with the
President on campus-wide resource allocation. The Provost oversees the development, review,
and implementation of all academic policies and regulations; consults closely with the University
Senate and other faculty advisory groups on academic programs and policies; and serves as
liaison with other university divisions in strategic and long-range planning. The deans of the 12
academic colleges and schools report to the Provost as do the deans for Undergraduate Studies,
of the Graduate School, and of the University Libraries. The director of the Institute for
Bioscience and Biotechnology Research and the Executive Director of the Universities at Shady
Grove, both situated in Rockville, also report to the Provost. Other major academic
administrative offices that report to the Provost include: Academic Planning and Programs;
Diversity and Inclusion; Faculty Affairs; Enrollment Management; Institutional Research,
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Planning, and Assessment; International Affairs; Finance and Personnel; Records, Registration,
and Extended Studies; the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center; and the Academy for
Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Division of Administration and Finance
2119 Main Administration Building
Carlo Colella, Vice President, Administration and Finance
The Division of Administration and Finance develops and maintains the university's
infrastructure and services. Our eight units support the University of Maryland's mission of
education, research, and public service. Our operations include: Community Engagement;
Environmental Safety, Sustainability and Risk; Facilities Management; Finance (which includes
Business Services, Student Financial Services and Cashiering, and the Comptroller);
Procurement and Strategic Sourcing; Public Safety; Real Estate and University Human
Of particular interest to students are the safety and security resources offered by the Department
of Public Safety, information and billing services provided by the Office of Student Financial
Services and Cashiering, and campus efforts related to community engagement and
Equity Council
2411 Marie Mount Hall
The Equity Council serves as an advisory group to the President and supports the longstanding
and continuous goal of the University of Maryland to be a national leader in recruiting and
retaining a diverse community of faculty, staff and students. The council provides leadership in
the articulation and development of affirmative action policies and procedures for the campus
community. A particular focus of the Equity Council is to review and recommend, as
appropriate, search and selection policies and procedures for the university and its colleges and
departments. The Council consists of equity administrators from each Vice President and Dean's
office and the Office of the President. The Chief Diversity Officer serves as Chair of the Council.
The current list of equity administrators at the university can be found at the Equity Council
website: www.president.umd.edu/EqCo/.
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Office of Diversity and Inclusion
2411 Marie Mount Hall
Phone: 301-405-6810
Fax: 301-314-9992
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI) provides active oversight, coordination, and
evaluation of the University of Maryland’s equity, diversity and inclusion activities; manages
and tracks implementation of the Strategic Plan for Diversity; and encourages and supports the
efforts of units to achieve their diversity goals. We invite you to explore our website for
information about our office, its activities and programs, as well as equity and diversity
initiatives on campus and beyond.
To foster "inclusive excellence," the Office of Diversity & Inclusion offers funding for diversity
and inclusion initiatives that address the goals of the Strategic Plan for Diversity. Campus units
and student organizations are invited to apply for annual Moving Maryland Forward Grants of up
to $15,000, and for Rise Above Isms Grants of up to $750, awarded on a rolling basis.
For more information about ODI please go to http://www.diversity.umd.edu/.
Office of the President
1101 Main Administration Building
Wallace D. Loh, President
The president is the chief executive officer of the University of Maryland. Seven vice
presidents, who report directly to the president, manage different divisions of the campus
administration. The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, the Maryland Fire and Rescue
Institute, and the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct report to the Office of the
President. The University Senate, a representative legislative body of the university, advises the
president on academic and other matters.
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Office of Undergraduate Studies
2110 Marie Mount Hall
Dean William Cohen
Associate Provost and Dean: William A. Cohen
Director of Administration and External Relations: Jacqueline Kautzer
Director of Development and Alumni Relations: Heidi Bruce
Associate Dean for General Education: Douglas Roberts
Associate Dean: Cynthia Kay Stevens
Assistant Deans: Deborah Reid Bryant, Lisa Kiely, Kathryn Robinson, Ann Smith
Director of Communications and Web Development: Mark Kuhn
Through its many programs, the Office of Undergraduate Studies serves all undergraduate
students at the University and the faculty and staff that support the undergraduate mission of the
campus. The Office of Undergraduate Studies is the primary division at the University of
Maryland responsible for leadership and oversight of undergraduate curricular and co-curricular
Student Affairs
2108 Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building
Phone: 301-314-8428
Fax: 301-314-9606
Linda M. Clement, Vice President
The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs provides administrative leadership for 14
departments which oversee student life: Resident Life, Dining Services, Residential Facilities,
Transportation Services, Counseling Center, Health Center, Recreation & Wellness, Career
Center, Student Conduct, The Stamp, Fraternity & Sorority Life, Conferences & Visitor
Services, Parent & Family Affairs, and Development.
This office serves as a point of contact for non-academic student services and concerns. In
addition, the office provides support for the Senior Council, Parents and Family Affairs, and
Omicron Delta Kappa.
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University Relations
3140 Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center
Vice President: Peter Weiler
The Division of University Relations encompasses a variety of units whose shared mission is to
advance the goals of the University by increasing resources and support, enhancing awareness
and affinity, and strengthening and developing relationships with the Maryland family and the
greater community. Units of this division include Development (including school-, college- and
unit-based staff, Annual Giving, Corporate and Foundation Relations), Alumni Relations,
Marketing and Communications, Special Events, Donor Relations and Stewardship and the
University of Maryland College Park Foundation. The Fearless Ideas campaign, which will be
launched by University Relations in October 2017, has a goal to raise $1.5 billion in private
support for University priorities such as undergraduate scholarships and faculty
support. Through this endeavor, University Relations staff will encourage internal and external
stakeholders to contribute toward discovering new knowledge, inspiring Maryland pride,
transforming the student experience and turning imagination into innovation.
University Senate
1100 Marie Mount Hall
Phone: 301-405-5805
Fax: 301-405-5749
Director: Reka S. Montfort
The University Senate, an integral part of the University's system of shared governance, has
representation from all segments of the campus community: faculty, staff, undergraduate
students, and graduate students. Participation in the Senate or any of its 10 Standing Committees
is an honor and a responsibility.
The full Senate meets approximately nine times a year to consider matters of concern to the
institution, including academic issues, university policies, plans of organization, facilities, and
the welfare of faculty, staff, and students. The Senate advises the president, the chancellor, or the
Board of Regents, as appropriate. To become an undergraduate student senator, students must be
elected by students in their college or school or the Office of Undergraduate Studies in
centralized, online elections. Elections are held every year during the spring semester. All
students are also encouraged to participate in Senate Standing Committees, such as Student
Affairs and Campus Affairs. These committees draw membership from the campus community
at large and cover every aspect of campus life and function. Details about the election and
committee volunteer processes can be found at www.senate.umd.edu.
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Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life
Adele H. Stamp Student Union
The Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life is the University's "community
center." More than 17,000 students, faculty, staff members, and campus guests visit STAMP
daily to take advantage of its services, programs, and facilities. Our mission is to create and
sustain a student-centered environment that promotes academic success and personal
development; serves as a safe and inviting campus center; and is characterized by a strong
commitment to multiculturalism, excellence, and a positive work environment.
STAMP offers lounge and study areas, a variety of information services, recreation and leisure
activities, leadership development programs, multicultural involvement and community
advocacy programs, arts and entertainment, food and retail outlets (including the official
University Book Center), and reservable space for numerous educational events, conferences,
and more. The building's total square footage is more than 300,000 square feet.
Information Services
Information Center located on the first floor, 301-314-DESK or visit
Bulletin boards located throughout the building
Display showcases located throughout the building
Recreation and Leisure
Terp Zone, including full-service bowling lanes, "Cosmic Bowling", billiard tables, video
games, and three big-screen TVs, 301-314-BOWL or visit
Student-Sponsored Programs
Student Entertainment Events (SEE), a student-directed program board whose
committees plan games, tournaments, concerts, lectures, outdoor recreation trips, 301-
314-8359 or visit http://see.umd.edu/.
Graduate Student Government, 301-314-8630
Art and Learning Center
Art and Learning Center, a visual arts work and teaching center, offering mini-courses
and arts services
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Stamp Gallery, located on the first floor, 301-314-ARTS or visit
Food and Retail Outlets
Capital One Bank, 301-864-8722
Copy Services, offering printing and copying, 301-405-2679
University Book Center (on two floors: ground and basement level), 301-314-BOOK
Food Services: Maryland Food Co-op (301-314-8089), Saladworks (301-314-0947), Taco
Bell (301-314-6569), McDonald's (301-314-1489), Adele's Restaurant (301-314-8022),
Coffee Bar (301-314-CAFE), Panda Express (301-314-6111), Sbarros (301-314-4105),
Sushi by Panda (301-314-6111), Chick-Fil-A (301-314-6568), Subway (301-266-7827),
Moby Dick (301-405-6531), Auntie Anne's (301-314-6569), Maryland Dairy (301-405-
The UPS Store, a full-service postal and packaging facility, 301-314-9982
Ticket Office, offering campus performance tickets, 301-314-TKTS
Union Shop, featuring snacks, sodas, newspapers, and magazines, 301-314-7467
Reservable Space
The Stamp offers meeting rooms that accommodate groups from 8 to 1,000 people. For
reservations, or catering information, contact the Event and Guest Services Office, 301-314-8488
or visit http://thestamp.umd.edu/event_guest_services.
Adele H. Stamp Student UnionCenter for Campus Life Hours
STAMP is open Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to midnight; Friday, 7 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.;
Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m. to midnight during the academic year with
modified hours during the summer and university breaks. For more information, see
See other Adele H. Stamp Student Union – Center for Campus Life hours, offices, and services
elsewhere in Chapter 3.
Community Service-Learning Office
Engagement and Activities
Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy
Religious Programs
Alumni Association
Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center
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The University of Maryland Alumni Association exists to foster a spirit of loyalty, involvement
and life-long commitment to the university for its more than 350,000 living alumni. The
association is a nonprofit, membership organization for alumni of the University of Maryland,
College Park.
Through traditional and innovative programming, the Alumni Association provides hundreds of
programs and initiatives each year which strive to fulfill its mission of connecting, cultivating
and channeling the power of Terps to both enrich themselves and advance the University.
The alumni association offers all graduates access to the dynamic network of Terrapins who
share interests, common acquaintances, professions, locations and more. It promotes
opportunities for alumni to volunteer in their communities or travel the world with fellow
Terps. Most important, the alumni association seeks to build Terrapin spirit through over 60
alumni regional, affinity and academic networks throughout the country.
While the association serves all alumni, it also provides special programs and services to
members of the association, including consumer discounts, a Terp to Terp mentorship program,
access to members-only events, and special pricing at association events.
The alumni association is governed by a board of alumni volunteers and is supported by
countless other alumni volunteers around the world.
Book Center
STAMP, Ground Floor and Basement Level
The University Book Center, operated by Barnes & Noble, is the official bookstore for the
University of Maryland. The Book Center is the only store that carries textbooks for all of your
classes. The store has a large selection of used, digital, and rental textbooks that are available in
many courses. General-interest books, literature, technical books, and best sellers can be found
on the lower level of the store. The Book Center also carries a wide selection of school supplies,
and imprinted sportswear and related items. The Book Center's hours of operation and a
complete listing of their products and services can be found at www.umcp.bncollege.com.
Department of Fraternity and Sorority Life
0221 Stamp Student Union
Director: Matt Supple
Office Hours: Monday - Friday. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
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The Department of Fraternity and Sorority Life oversees all recognized social and
cultural/multicultural based fraternities and sororities. Staff within the department provide
advising and support for the chapter members, their leadership, and the leadership of four student
governing councils: the Interfraternity Council (IFC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), the
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and the Panhellenic Association (PHA). The department
also manages the 21 university-owned fraternity and sorority houses and provides resources for
the off-campus fraternity and sorority houses.
Dining Services
1109 South Campus Dining Hall
Dining Plans:301-314-8069
Terrapin Express: 301-314-8068
Student Employment: 301-314-8058
Dining Services at the University of Maryland is one of the largest self-operated and self-
supported dining programs in the country. In addition to three resident dining halls we operate
nineteen cafés, seven brand-name quick-service locations, five convenience shops, and two
restaurants scattered across campus. We welcome students, faculty, staff, and visitors into all
locations across campus. For a complete list of dining locations, hours, menus, and detailed
information about our program visit dining.umd.edu.
The Diner and South Campus Dining Hall open at 7:00 am Monday to Friday, 10:00 am
Saturday and Sunday. These two dining halls serve dinner until midnight Sunday to Thursday,
and until 10:00 pm on Friday and Saturday. 251 North Dining Hall is open Sunday to Friday
11:00 am to 8:30 pm. Restaurants serve lunch and dinner. Convenience shops in resident
communities are open long hours (the 24 Shop, in the Denton Community, is open around the
clock!). Popular brand-name quick-service franchises clustered in food courts, full-service
restaurants, and cafés tucked in academic buildings have hours that coordinate with the schedules
of people using those facilities.
Resident Anytime Dining Plans
All Maryland Resident Dining Plans offer seven-day unlimited dining hall access. Plan members
can come in to any dining hall any time we’re open and choose anything we’re serving. They can
return any number of times, any day of the week, all semester long. Plan members enter the
dining hall using touchless biometric technology; guests may enter using a Guest Pass, cash,
credit or Terrapin Express. Come in for meals, between meals for snacks, stop by late at night for
a bedtime treat, and meet up with friends to study or socialize. We hope to be part of your
campus home base.
Three dining halls feature over 42 culinary stations serving classic lunches and dinners, self-
serve salad bars and specially-assembled salads, build-your-own pasta, stuffed-to-order burritos,
hot and cold wraps and sandwiches, and rotisserie meats with healthy homemade side
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dishes. Students will find internationally themed shops, smoothie stations, bakeries, vegan
stations, and Mongolian grills.
Students who live in traditional, on-campus resident halls select one of four Seven-Day Resident
Dining Plans:
Base Anytime Dining + 2 Guest Passes
Base Plus – Anytime Dining + 4 Guest Passes + 200 Dining Dollars
Preferred Anytime Dining + 6 Guest Passes + 300 Dining Dollars
Premium – Anytime Dining + 8 Guest Passes + 400 Dining Dollars
Dining Dollars are accepted in all Dining Services permanent locations including six campus
cafés brewing Starbucks coffee and espresso beverages and Dining Services operated brand-
name locations in the Adele H. Stamp Student Union and Glenn Martin Engineering.
Dining Dollars can be used in campus convenience shops for dorm room snacks, school supplies
and toiletries and in cafés on campus for a fresh grab-n-go sandwich, salad or sushi.
Dining Dollars are discounted when you purchase them as part of an upgraded dining plan and
there’s no tax when you use them.
Guest Passes can be used to bring an occasional guest into the dining halls. Alternately, guests
are welcome to pay at the door using cash, credit or Terrapin Express.
Optional Dining Plans
We are always pleased to welcome students, faculty, staff and guests in dining halls, restaurants,
shops and cafés on campus! Members of the campus community can become members of the
dining plan program in several ways:
Any student can purchase a Seven-Day Anytime Dining Plan. This plan provides
unlimited access to the three dining halls any time we’re open, any number of times, any
day of the week, all semester long.
To non-resident students we offer a Five-Day Anytime Dining Plan. This plan provides
unlimited access to dining halls Monday morning through Friday evening.
We offer Dining Dollars - accepted at all permanent Dining Services locations. When
you purchase Dining Dollars, you get a discount! And there is no tax when you use
Dining Dollars.
And remember, we accept cash, credit and Terrapin Express at all locations.
Terrapin Express
Terrapin Express is a prepaid debit account: money you set aside to use at over 50 locations
across campus including the University Book Center and University Health Center. Cashiers,
copiers, printers and washing machines use your UMD ID card to access account information.
To activate your account, call the office or visit the website listed above. Funds roll over from
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semester to semester; additional funds can be added at any time. Find a complete listing of
participating locations at www.dining.umd.edu/terrapin .
Engagement and Activities
0110 Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life
The mission of Engagement and Activities areas is to support and complement the University's
academic mission and to enhance the educational experience of students through exposure and
participation in social, cultural, recreational, leadership, intellectual, and governance activities.
Student Organization Resource Center. Registers all student organizations at the university
and provides an online directory of more than 850 groups. Organization support services
includes: accounting assistance, advisors' workshops, leadership training programs for
organization leaders, involvement sessions offered for classes and semester orientations are some
of the ways involvement is nurtured for organizations and individuals. In addition, First Look
Fair and Stampfest are large-scale involvement fairs held at the beginning of each semester to
showcase the student groups and organizations.
Organization Advising. Major student groups such as the Student Government Association,
Graduate Student Government, Peer Leadership Council, TerpVets, the Homecoming
Committee, and Student Entertainment Events receive direct advising from Engagement and
Activities staff. Other student groups can also obtain help by request. Assistance in
programming, securing a faculty advisor, officer transitions, and efforts to create a new
organization is available.
Programs and Leisure Learning Opportunities. Staff mentors student volunteers and leaders
to provide options for out of class engagement through recreational options that includes: the
Art and Learning Center (offering non-credit courses), the Stamp Gallery (featuring regular
displays of the visual arts), the TerpZone (bowling, billiards, and more), as well as Stamp
Special Events and Programs.
Engagement Area. Staff members work directly with some distinct and growing student
constituencies on campus. The staff are available as resources for students and encourage student
involvement in all areas of campus. The areas served by the Engagement Team include
Graduate Student Life, Veteran Student Life, Transfer and Off-Campus Student Life,
Transfer 2 Terp (a learning community for students who have transferred from local
community college), and the Memorial Chapel as well as its affiliated 14 chaplaincies' work in
spiritual diversity. Students are engaged and integrated into the campus community through
social, educational, and outreach programs to assist in the transition to collegiate life.
Housing: Resident Life
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1102 Annapolis Hall
The Department of Resident Life is responsible for management of the residence halls as well as
the cultural, educational, recreational and social programs and activities that create the Maryland
Residential Experience for residential students. The department is committed to students’
academic and social success in their lives on campus and to the role the residential living
experience will play in their successful lives beyond the University of Maryland.
While living in a Maryland residence hall is not required, nine of every ten students in
Maryland's freshman class make the choice to live on campus. More than 90 professional and
graduate staff and over 400 undergraduate student employees meet the needs of resident
There are rooms for approximately 9,500 undergraduate students in 38 residence halls. Three
different styles of living are available to campus residents: traditional halls, suites, and
apartments. Within traditional housing, where most first-year residents live, single, double, triple
and quadruple room occupancy exists. All rooms have a cable and data jack for each
student. One telephone jack is provided in each room.
Our nationally acclaimed living-learning programs include: Advanced Cybersecurity Experience
for Students (ACES), Beyond the Classroom, BioFIRE Living & Learning Center, Carillon
Communities, CIVICUS, College Park Scholars, Digital Cultures and Creativity,
Entrepreneurship and Innovation, FLEXUS: The Dr. Marilyn Berman Pollans' Women in
Engineering Living & Learning Community, Gemstone, Global Communities, Hinman CEOs,
Honors Humanities, Integrated Life Sciences, Jiménez-Porter Writers' House, Language
House, University Honors, and the Virtus Men in Engineering Program. All of these programs
add to the diversity and quality of on-campus housing options.
First-time freshmen are guaranteed on-campus housing provided they complete their Enrollment
Confirmation and Housing and Dining Services Agreement along with the $400 enrollment
deposit, by May 1st. Transfer students who want to live on campus should complete these items
as well and will be allotted housing on a space available basis. No housing reservation deposit is
Leadership and Community Service-Learning
1110 Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life
Leadership & Community Service-Learning (LCSL) promotes socially responsible leadership
through transformative learning and community engagement. Through our values (collective
approach, social responsibility, principled practice, critical inquiry, and engaged scholarship), we
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work with students, staff, faculty, and community members to achieve our vision of a just world
through the practice of socially responsible leadership.
Maryland LEAD
Out-of-classroom leadership conference, institutes, retreats, and programs focused on teaching
socially responsible leadership for personal, professional and civic experiences. The program
recognizes leadership as an ability that can be developed in all people, opening doors for
individual growth and social change. Signature programs include the Peer Facilitators, The
Terrapin Leadership Institute (TLI), Activation Academy, the Maryland Leadership Conference,
Maryland Leadership Summit and Maryland Leadership Advance.
Maryland Leadership Studies Program
Curricular offerings include credit-bearing coursework covering a range of topics including
leadership theory and practice, leadership ethics, diversity in leadership, and group and
organizational processes. Courses on leadership and identity and other special topics are also
available. Students may also pursue a Minor in Leadership Studies and a certificate, offered
through the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education in the College
of Education.
Other curricular programs include online resources for faculty to support service-learning
initiatives in the classroom, including a faculty fellow program to enhance service-learning
across curriculums.
America Reads*America Counts & Partners in Print (AR*AC)
In collaboration with the Prince George's County Public School system, America
Reads*America Counts (AR*AC) provides high quality mentoring in local schools that enriches
learning opportunities for both college and elementary school students. Approximately 250
Maryland federal work-study, volunteer, and intern students serve as reading and math mentors
and work with families on literacy in 18 Prince George's County elementary schools. The three
core mentoring programs are America Reads (1
and 2
graders, working on reading and writing
skills), America Counts (4
graders, working on math skills), and Partners in Print (working with
Spanish-speaking families on techniques to encourage reading at home).
Terp Service
Community Service-Learning programs engage students on campus in meaningful service-
learning with the local community through resources, programs, and events. We seek to explore
the complexities of social issues, encourage critical thinking, and take action to address
community needs and build upon community assets. Signature programs include: Terps for
Change, Terp Service Days, UMServes (a listserv for volunteer opportunity), and Service 24/7 (a
community partner database).
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Immersion Experiences - Alternative Breaks & Alternative Weekends
The Alternative Breaks (AB) and Alternative Weekends programs engages students in substance
free, short-term service-learning experiences. Student participants travel locally, nationally, and
internationally in teams during the university’s winter, spring, and summer breaks to engage in
active service, gain new perspectives on social issues, meet direct community needs and build
upon community assets. Students also have the opportunity to engage in alternative week
experiences through are AWE program. AB and AWE experiences explore social issues
including disaster relief, environmental restoration, immigration, HIV/AIDS, education,
homelessness, and healthcare. UMD Alternative Breaks main goal is to develop globally-
conscious citizens who are transforming communities for good. Opportunities to be involved
include serving as trip participants, trip leaders, interns and staff/faculty advisors.
National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs (NCLP) – www.nclp.umd.edu
The National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs (NCLP), through the development of
cutting edge resources, information sharing, and symposia, supports leadership development in
college students by serving as a central source of professional development for leadership
educators across the globe. Housed at the University of Maryland since its creation in the 1990s,
NCLP works to connect leadership educators to one another and support those developing
leadership programs on their own campuses. NCLP is known world-wide for promoting the
Social Change Model of Leadership Development.
VOICES of Social Change
Voices of Social Change invites engaging storytellers to share their experiences as active leaders
in the local community. The purpose of the program is to honor the social change work of these
leaders, to connect people and resources, and to inspire people to engage in social change.
Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy
1120 Stamp Student Union
The Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy Office (MICA), is a unit within the
Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center for Campus Life and the Division of Student
Affairs. In support of the University's commitment to diversity, multiculturalism, and social
justice, we advance a purposeful campus climate that capitalizes on the educational benefits of
diversity, through student-centered advising, advocacy, programs, research, and practices. We
encourage student involvement and engagement in the campus and community. MICA serves all
students and seeks to empower them through education on issues of race, ethnicity, sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion and their intersections. All of the
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activities, programs, services and research of MICA strive towards meeting the common
outcome of developing "good citizens" and committed leaders.
Nyumburu Cultural Center
Nyumburu Cultural Center
301-314-0383 (fax)
Director: Dr. Ronald Zeigler
The Nyumburu Cultural Center has served as a major resource of cultural, historical, and social
programming at the University of Maryland, College Park for forty-six years. The Center works
closely with student, faculty, and community organizations. The Nyumburu Cultural Center
offers a variety of socio-cultural, musical, educational and artistic programs to the campus
community. The nature of the diverse programming and activities is based on the African
American, African, and Caribbean Diaspora experience(s). Nyumburu is home of the Maryland
Gospel Choir, Shades of Harlem (performing arts ensemble), The Black Explosion Newspaper,
Male Spokesmodel Competition, Miss Unity Scholarship Pageant, Juke Joint, Gospel Happy
Hour, Leadership Series, Nyumburu Jazz Club, Kwanzaa Celebration, Cultural Dinner during
Black History Month, Literature Conference, Homecoming Alumni Tailgate, Annual Talent
Showcase, Annual Student Awards Banquet, Black Male Initiative (BMI) Program, and
Sisterhood of Unity and Love (SOUL).
Nyumburu's staff are advisors to many campus student organizations: Black Student Union,
African Student Association (ASA), The Maryland Gospel Choir, The Black Explosion
Newspaper, Sigma Gamma Rho sorority Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity, inc., and Dimensions Modeling Group to name a few.
Nyumburu presents Blues, Jazz, and Gospel music concerts as well as academic courses in
Creative Writing (ENGL274), Blues (AASP298V) and Jazz (AASP298Z) for three credits
each. Maryland Gospel Choir students earn 1-credit (MUSC329E), and students who take
EDCP108N, College and Career Advancement earn 1-credit. Academic and collaborative
programming is also done with colleges/departments such as: School of Public Health,
Department of African American Studies, and the Clark School of Engineering.
During the summer, Nyumburu sponsors a Summer Camp Program for students from the age of
five to sixteen. Through this dynamic eight week program, opportunities for youth to explore
academic, artistic, and athletic interests in a relaxed and creative environment are
provided. Camp Shule was established to provide the children of Maryland faculty/staff and
local youth with a diverse educational experience.
The Multipurpose Room, Conference Rooms, Computer Labs, and the Nyumburu Amphitheatre
of the Nyumburu Cultural Center are open to the students, faculty and staff of the University of
Maryland. Room reservations are also available at a nominal cost for departmental and off-
campus events and programs. Come in and interact with us, meet other students and make your
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ideas and wishes known. Our staff goal is to make Nyumburu a cultural center that is, "Your
Home Away from Home."
Off-Campus Housing Services
0232 Stamp Student Union
The Off-Campus Housing Services Office provides information and resources about housing and
off-campus living. Resources available online include a searchable web-based housing database
listing available rental properties in the area; a roommate finder database where students create a
profile and search for others with similar housing needs and interests; as well as an extensive
array of educational materials. For assistance in locating housing, please visit www.och.umd.edu
or contact our office.
Office of Student Conduct
2117 Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building
Phone: 301-314-8204
Fax: 301-314-9533
Director: Andrea Goodwin, Ph.D.
The mission of the Office of Student Conduct is to resolve allegations of misconduct under the
Code of Student Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity in a manner consistent with the
core values of fairness, honesty, and integrity, while promoting the University's educational
mission. Enhancing the development of character, civility, citizenship, individual/community
responsibility, and ethics is essential to this mission. University students play a significant role
in considering the behavior of their peers and are asked to assume positions of responsibility as
members of the university's student judiciary. The following tenets guide this mission:
To regard each student as an individual deserving of individual attention, consideration,
and respect
To consider the facts fully and carefully before resolving any case
To speak candidly and honestly with each student
To hold each student to a high standard of behavior, both to protect the campus
community, and to promote student ethical development
To recognize the reality of human fallibility, as well as the stresses associated with
collegiate life, and to demonstrate compassion, understanding, and a sense of humor
To contribute to the educational mission of the University by designing policies,
conducting programs, and offering instruction that contribute to the intellectual and
ethical development of the entire student body
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General Statement of Student Responsibility: Students are expected to conduct themselves at
all times in a manner consistent with the University responsibility of protecting the safety,
welfare, rights, and property of all members of the campus community as well as ensuring to all
members of the campus community the opportunity to pursue their educational objectives. The
Office of Student Conduct extends jurisdiction of the Code of Student Conduct to include
conduct which occurs off-campus as a means to enhance the safety and security of students
living both on- and off-campus. Specific expectations for student behavior are outlined in the
Code of Student Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity (See
Disciplinary Procedures: Students accused of violating university regulations are accorded
fundamental due process in disciplinary proceedings. Formal rules of evidence, however, shall
not be applicable, nor shall deviations from prescribed procedures necessarily invalidate a
decision or proceeding unless significant prejudice to one of the parties may result. University
procedures are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct and Code of Academic Integrity
supplemented by materials provided by the Office of Student Conduct to assist students who are
facing accusations of misconduct.
Religious Programs
1101 Memorial Chapel
The following chaplains and their services are available:
Mrs. Jessica Senasack
2120 Memorial Chapel
Black Ministries
Rev. Dr. Ruby Moone
1112 Memorial Chapel
Christian Science
Mr. Robert Snyder
2118 Memorial Chapel
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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
Mr. Richard Bracey
7601 Mowatt Lane, College Park
Orthodox Christian
Rev. Kosmas Karavellas
2647 Riva Road, Annapolis
2116 Memorial Chapel
Rev. Kristen Pitts
Ms. Kiran Sankhla
2112 Memorial Chapel
Jewish - Chabad
Rabbi Eli Backman
Chabad Jewish Student Center
7403 Hopkins Ave., College Park
Jewish - Hillel
Rabbi Ari Israel
Hillel Jewish Student Center
7612 Mowatt Lane, College Park
Rev. Raymond Ranker
2103 Memorial Chapel
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Mr. Tarif Shraim
2118 Memorial Chapel
Roman Catholic
Fr. Rob Walsh
Catholic Student Center
4141 Guilford Rd., College Park
United Campus Ministry (Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, United Church of Christ)
Rev. Holly Ulmer
2101 Memorial Chapel
United Methodist
Rev. Brett Pinder
2102 Memorial Chapel
Transportation Services
Regents Drive Garage
301-314-DOTS (x3687)
Please consider a sustainable transportation option such as walking, biking, ridesharing or
riding Shuttle-UM as alternatives to driving alone to campus.
The Shuttle-UM transit system, operated by the Department of Transportation Services (DOTS),
is supported mainly by student fees. Shuttle-UM provides commuter, evening, NITE Ride,
paratransit and charter services to university students, faculty and staff while classes are in
session. DOTS publishes a Campus Connections transit guide each semester. Campus
Connections guides contain current bus schedules as well as general information about getting
around in the DC Metro area. Campus Connections guides are available at the DOTS office in
Regents Drive Garage, the information desk at Stamp, residence halls and on the DOTS website.
More information about Shuttle-UM is available online at transportation.umd.edu.
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For students who only need occasional access to a vehicle, Zipcar is a great alternative to storing
a car on campus. Zipcar is a membership-based carsharing network available on campus to UMD
students. Members as young as 18 years old have access to any of the 24 Zipcars located on and
around campus. Zipcars can be reserved in advance for short trips to the store or day trips
throughout the region. Membership includes the cost of gas and insurance. To learn more or
become a member, visit transportation.umd.edu/zipcar.html.
The University of Maryland is a gold-level Bicycle Friendly Campus. The BikeUMD program, a
partnership between DOTS and the Department of Recreation and Wellness, is responsible for
bicycle education and encouragement on campus. BikeUMD offers classes, discounted safety
gear, sponsored events, group rides and bicycle registration. The RecWell Bike Shop offers free
bike maintenance and semester bike rentals. All bicycles on campus are required to be registered.
Visit bikeindex.org/umd for free registration.
mBike is a bikeshare program designed to offer a convenient, affordable and fun way to get
around. Members have access to 135 bikes at 15 stations on and around campus, including five
adaptive bikes for those with special needs. Users simply unlock bikes through a free mobile app
or via text message and end trips by returning bikes to any mBike station. More information is
available at zagster.com/mbike.
DOTS is responsible for managing and maintaining more than 18,000 parking spaces at UMD.
All students who plan to park on campus must register online before bringing a car to campus.
Online student parking registration begins in July and August, in January for spring-only parking
and in April for summer parking. Parking registration fees are billed to student accounts. Parking
is assigned on a first come, first served basis according to credit level and housing status. Please
visit the DOTS website at transportation.umd.edu for specific parking lot assignment
information. Beginning fall 2017, parking will not be available for freshman resident students.
Transportation to New York, New Jersey and BWI Airport
DOTS provides transportation to and from New York and New Jersey for Thanksgiving, winter
and spring breaks. Registration opens approximately one month before the scheduled trip date.
Free shuttle service to and from Baltimore/Washington Thurgood Marshall International Airport
(BWI) is available every three hours throughout the day for Thanksgiving, winter and spring
breaks. This is a first come, first served service.
Motorized Scooters
Parking registration is required for any motorized scooter parked on campus. Motorized scooter
drivers are required to wear a helmet and eye protection while operating or riding a scooter. Any
motorized scooter left unattended in an area not designated for scooter or motorcycle parking is
subject to towing. Please visit the DOTS website for more information about motorized scooters
and a map of motorized scooter parking locations.
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Social Media
While the DOTS website is the best place to get transportation information, alerts and additional
information can be found via the @DOTS_UMD and @Shuttle_UM twitter accounts, BikeUMD
and DOTS UMD Facebook pages, and @DOTS_UMD on Instagram.
University Career Center & The President's Promise (UCC/TPP)
3100 Hornbake Library, South Wing
Director: Kelley Bishop
Refer to Careers.umd.edu for current hours of operation.
We provide valuable programs and services to address the diverse career development and
employment needs of our Terps. Decide on career interests, employment and furthering
educational pursuits such as professional or graduate school. Our Center collaborates with
academic departments, employers, and alumni to deliver workshops, services, and Career &
Internship Fairs throughout the year. Over 17,000 Terps subscribe to the Center's E-Newsletter
for weekly, Terp-specific career and internship news.
Through The President's Promise, every student has the chance to achieve extraordinary personal
growth by engaging in a special experience outside of the classroom through activities such as
internships, research, service-learning, living and learning programs, leadership and international
experiences. Drastically increase your future career options by gaining this competitive
edge. Though opportunities within The President's Promise dwell within many offices across
campus, President's Promise staff are available at the University Career Center to help you
individually navigate through all of your options and select the best opportunities for your goals.
CAREER the Turtle!
Center staff can help you:
address educational and career decisions
identify useful resources
take advantage of internships, full-time, part-time and summer employment opportunities
improve resume and cover letters
sharpen job search skills and strategies
plan for graduate and professional school
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The Terp Guide
Dozens of helpful “cheat sheets” about the career planning process and successful job searches in
one free booklet! Contents include resume and cover letter samples, successful interviewing
techniques and job search tips. Stop in for a physical copy or visit our website for the most up-to-
date digital copy.
Careers4Terps (Virtual Career Center 24.7.365)
Update your Careers4Terps profiles to manage your career. C4T is your gateway to:
schedule individual career advising appointments
access internship and job postings
receive job and internship notifications related to your specific interests
receive e-newsletter with event information related to your career interests
participate in On-Campus Interviewing to discuss your qualifications with recruiters
engage with employers through information sessions/networking opportunities
You will also gain access to:
Candid Career: Career-related informational videos by UMD alumni
FOCUS2: Career testing/self-assessment
InterviewStream: Practice interviewing 24/7/365
Going Global: Working abroad, visas, international student resources
Vault: Employer/industry insights, rankings and reviews
Networking Events
Connect with alumni and employers during the academic year. Opportunities include:
resume and mock interview clinics
career and employment panels
job shadowing and informational interviews
career and internship fairs
employer networking sessions
Intern for a Day
Connects undergraduate students with host sites for one day internship/shadowing experiences.
You may attend meetings, participate in informational interviews with other staff members or
work on small projects.
Career Shuttles
Center-sponsored field trips to employer sites from various industries. Shuttle seats are limited.
Students should RSVP early.
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Career Courses
PSYC123: The Psychology of Getting Hired • 1-credit
Looks at what’s behind the hiring process, applies psychological principles and strategies for
landing internships or other jobs. Freshman/Sophomore standing.
EDCP108i: College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills; Academic Transitions to
Internships • 1-credit
This course is designed to provide students with the full experience of searching for an
internship. Themes include the importance of targeting your resume and cover letter to internship
postings, communicating interests and skills to potential employers, searching for internships,
networking with alumni and professionals in your intended career field, and more.
UNIV099: Internship Seminar • 0-credit
Complements supervised work experiences and assures that experiences are noted on your
Evisors - UMD Alumni Advisor Network
Connects students with alumni and webinars for career and job search advice.
University Counseling Center
Shoemaker Building, 4281 Chapel Lane
Phone: 301-314-7651
Fax: 301-314-9206
Director: Sharon Kirkland-Gordon, Ph.D.
Seeking help is a sign of strength! Many students encounter a variety of personal, emotional,
social, career, and academic issues that call for assistance beyond the advice provided by friends
and family. The Counseling Center in Shoemaker Building is staffed by licensed psychologists
and counselors who provide free and confidential counseling services for University of Maryland
students. To schedule an appointment, call 301-314-7651 or stop by the front desk on the first
floor of Shoemaker Building. Drop-in counseling is available to students of color who would
like to consult with a counselor of color and LGBTQ students who prefer to consult with a gay,
lesbian or gay affirming counselor. Drop in hours are also available for international students
and military veterans. Students are encouraged to visit our website or call 301-314-7651 for
current drop-in hour schedules. An after-hours counseling service staffed by professional
counselors is available for urgent mental health concerns after business hours, during weekends,
breaks, and holidays. Call 301-314-7651.
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Counseling Center Services
Personal and Psychological Counseling. You don't have to face your problems alone. In a
warm and supportive environment, you can meet with a counselor to discuss any concern you
may have related to your personal, emotional, and social well-being. Among the topics that
students discuss in counseling are academic stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, self-esteem,
relationship issues, grief and loss, and family problems. You may see a counselor for short-term
individual counseling or couples counseling or join one of the many counselor-led support
groups. Call 301-314-7651 or visit our website at www.counseling.umd.edu.
Career Counseling. Whether you are choosing a major, changing a major, or establishing career
goals, it is important to understand how your personality, values, and interests relate to your
future professional life. You can get help with this process at the Counseling Center. Your
exploration may include taking career interest tests and interpreting the results with a counselor
or taking advantage of a computerized career information system. Call 301-314-7651 or visit
our website at www.counseling.umd.edu.
Support for Parents of College Students. The Parent Warmline is a telephone consultation
resource available to any parent or guardian concerned about his or her student's adjustment at
college. Counselors will help callers address a range of concerns related to academic, social, and
emotional issues and overall mental health. Parent Warmline staff are available at 301-314-
Group Counseling and Workshops. You can gain strength to deal with your concerns by
getting together with other people who share similar problems, interests, and goals. Each
semester, the Counseling Center offers interpersonal psychotherapy groups and weekly support
groups that address a variety of topics, such as relationships, sexual assault, eating disorders,
dissertation support, and stress management. Facilitated by psychologists and counselors, the
typical group size is 6 to 8 students. Our group program includes International Student Support,
Creating Confidence, LGBTQIA Support, Circle of Sisters, and Women’s Graduate Student
Support Group. One hour workshops that teach basic coping skills also are available. Call 301-
314-7651 or visit our website at www.counseling.umd.edu.
Academic Skills Counseling. Students can meet individually with our dedicated academic
skills coaches to learn how to manage their time and the demands of their courses, apply efficient
learning strategies, and enhance their study habits. To schedule an appointment in the Learning
Assistance Service (LAS), call 301-314-7693 or sign up online at:
https://lasonline.umd.edu. Visit our website at www.counseling.umd.edu/LAS.
Guided Study Sessions (GSS). GSS provides peer-led collaborative academic support in
traditionally difficult lower level gateway courses. GSS helps students learn more and perform
better in these important gateway courses by encouraging active engagement in the learning
process. Students who perform better in the lower level courses and develop effective learning
strategies are more likely to persist and perform better in upper level courses. For more
information call the Learning Assistance Service at 301-314-7693.
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Accessibility and Disability Service. The University of Maryland is committed to the principle
that no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from
participation in or be denied the benefit of services, programs or activities at the University. The
Accessibility and Disability Service (ADS) provides reasonable accommodations to qualified
individuals to ensure equal access to services, programs, and activities sponsored by the
University of Maryland. Through a variety of services, ADS works to ensure that your
accommodation and accessibility needs are met. The ADS office is staffed by dedicated
professionals who are available to assist, consult, support, and advocate on behalf of individuals
requesting disability services.
ADS provides a range of accommodations for students with disabilities, including:
(1) interpreters and transcribing services for deaf or hard-of-hearing students; (2) enlarged print
and alternate text format of textbooks and written materials for individuals with print material
disabilities (e.g., blind or low vision, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders, or
physical disabilities); (3) extended time and private or reduced distraction testing space for
exams; and (4) assistance with access to various buildings and facilities on campus including
access to the campus' paratransit service.
To register, visit the Accessibility and Disability Service on the Ground Floor of Shoemaker
Building or call 301-314-7682 - (voice and TTY). Students can also email the office at
[email protected], or visit the ADS website at www.counseling.umd.edu/ads.
Testing Services. The Testing Office in the Counseling Center administers career and
personality tests for counseling purposes and also administers national standardized educational
tests, such as the GRE, LSAT, MCAT, PRAXIS, GMAT, and Miller Analogies. The Testing
Office also provides test proctoring for courses that students may be completing at other
universities in order to transfer course credit to their University of Maryland transcripts. Call
301-314-7688 or visit our website at http://counseling.umd.edu/testing
Research Services. The Research Unit produces a variety of research briefs and publishes
articles on college student development, retention, multiculturalism, and clinical service
delivery. For more information about our research projects, call 301-314-7651 or visit our
website at www.counseling.umd.edu/RESEARCH.
Counseling Center Hours
Counseling Service appointments
8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Students of Color Walk-In Hours
Monday - Friday
no appointment needed
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Rainbow Walk-In Hours
Monday - Friday
no appointment needed
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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Veterans Walk-in Hours
Monday – Thursday
no appointment needed
call for hours
International Students Walk
-in Hour
no appointment needed
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Learning Assistance Service
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Disability Support Services
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Testing Office
- Friday
Evening and weekend hours for testing
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
University Health Center (UHC)
Campus Drive, Building 140
301-405-9755 (fax)
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
About the University Health Center
The University Health Center (UHC) is a nationally accredited ambulatory health care
facility located on Campus Drive (across from STAMP). All registered students living on or off-
campus are eligible to use the UHC. The UHC is open during the hours listed above, with varied
hours during semester breaks, holidays and summer sessions. Visit the UHC
website, www.health.umd.edu, for up-to-date information. For life-threatening or Mental
Health Emergencies, call 911 or (301) 405-3333 (University of Maryland Police Department,
http://www.umpd.umd.edu/). For a list of area hospitals or urgent care centers and their contact
information, see: http://www.health.umd.edu/about/emergency.
University Health Center offers comprehensive health services including:
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Primary Care (http://www.health.umd.edu/clinicalservices/primary)
Walk-In Clinic (http://www.health.umd.edu/clinicalservices/triage)
Mental Health (http://www.health.umd.edu/mentalhealth/services)
Pharmacy (http://www.health.umd.edu/clinicalservices/pharmacy)
Acupuncture (www.health.umd.edu/clinicalservices/complementary/acupuncture)
Massage Therapy (http://www.health.umd.edu/clinicalservices/complementary/massage)
HIV and STI testing
Meditation (http://www.health.umd.edu/meditation) and Smoking Cessation
Nutrition (http://www.health.umd.edu/nutritionservices)
Health Promotion and Wellness Services (http://www.health.umd.edu/healthpromotion)
Substance Use Intervention and Treatment (http://www.health.umd.edu/suit)
Men's (http://www.health.umd.edu/menshealth)
and Women's (http://www.health.umd.edu/clinicalservices/womenshlth) Reproductive
health care
International Travel/Allergy/Immunizations Clinic
Campus Advocates Respond and Educate to Stop Violence Program
How to Access Care
Students are seen by appointment (http://www.health.umd.edu/about/appointment) for routine
care 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Medical services are limited after 5:00 p.m. and on
Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Some appointments can be scheduled online at www.myuhc.umd.edu.
Same-day appointments are available.
A Walk-In Clinic is available, though waits tend to be longer for walk-in care. Walk-in
patients are triaged and seen based on urgency.
Fees will be assessed if an appointment is not canceled or rescheduled within: 4 hours for
a medical appointment, at least 24 hours for a mental
health/acupuncture/massage/physical therapy/travel clinic/nutrition/smoking
cessation appointment, and 72 hours if the acupuncture/massage appointment is on a
Monday. You may cancel or change an appointment on-line at www.myuhc.umd.edu or
by calling (301) 314-8184.
An After Hours Nurseline (877-610-9809) is available for free medical information when
the UHC is closed.
The UHC and the University assumes no financial responsibility for care received off
Paying for Your Care
There are charges for almost all services provided at the University Health Center (UHC). We
participate with many insurance plans and can bill those plans for our medical services. Your
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financial responsibility will vary depending on the type of insurance and service provided. We
do allow the option to pay for service directly without using health insurance.
Patients should always bring their health insurance card to the UHC when seeking
Patients are to check with their health insurance company and not assume that the health
plan will pay for services provided at the UHC as some plans do not cover services
outside their geographic area.
We are considered out-of-network with Point of Service
(POS) (http://www.health.umd.edu/node/1883#InsuranceTerms) plans.
We cannot bill HMOs (http://www.health.umd.edu/node/1883#InsuranceTerms, e.g.
Kaiser Permanente), Medicare, or out of state Medicaid plans and non-students with
Charges not covered by insurance are posted to the student's Bursar Account or can be
paid at the time of visit in the UHC. Charges can be paid by cash, check, credit cards, or
Terrapin Express at the UHC.
The University Health Center Pharmacy (http://www.health.umd.edu/clinicalservices/pharmacy)
participates with many pharmacy insurance plans.
Mental Health (http://www.health.umd.edu/mentalhealth/services)
and Nutrition (http://www.health.umd.edu/nutritionservices) services are not billed through
Mental Health Services are available to registered students only. There is a fee for each
mental health session.
Nutrition Services are available to students and non-students; there are fees for
appointments with the Registered Dietitian.
Please call (301) 314-9144 if you have further questions about fees or using your health
insurance at the UHC. You may also refer to our health insurance Frequently Asked
Questions (http://www.health.umd.edu/HealthInsuranceFAQs) page.
Students younger than 18 years will need permission
(http://www.health.umd.edu/sites/default/files/ImmunizationRecordForm.pdf) from a parent or
legal guardian to be treated, except for mental health and sexual health services. Treatment and
visit information will only be given to parents with the student's consent or through a court
ordered subpoena. If the visit is billed through an insurance policy, the insurance company may
send detailed information concerning a medical visit to the policy holder (i.e. parent).
Mandatory Health Insurance (http://www.health.umd.edu/insurance-info)
The University of Maryland requires all undergraduate students enrolled in 6 or more credits to
show proof of health insurance. This is an active process that must be completed each year.
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Each year, students who have health insurance can go directly to
www.firststudent.com and complete an insurance waiver.
Students without coverage or those who wish to purchase the student health insurance
plan can enroll at www.firststudent.com
Graduate Students are generally exempt from this requirement.
Additional information on student insurance and Frequently Asked Questions can be found on
the University Health Center’s web site: http://www.health.umd.edu/HealthInsuranceFAQs.
Immunization Requirements
The University of Maryland requires ALL new students, including graduate and transfer
students, to provide proof of two immunization dates for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
(MMR). The Immunization Record
Form (http://www.health.umd.edu/sites/default/files/ImmunizationRecordForm.pdf) must be
submitted to the University Health Center at Orientation, but no later than the first day of
class. Completed forms can also be faxed to 301-314-5234.
In addition to the above MMR requirement, INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS from
selected countries with a high incidence of Tuberculosis must also provide
documentation of a Tuberculosis (TB) test completed within the past six months.
Maryland State Law requires students living in residence halls to provide proof of
vaccination against meningococcal meningitis or a signed waiver
(http://www.health.umd.edu/sites/default/files/ImmunizationRecordForm.pdf) stating that
they have chosen not to receive the vaccination.
Failure to submit a completed Immunization Record Form
(http://www.health.umd.edu/sites/default/files/ImmunizationRecordForm.pdf) will result
in a Registration Block for the future semester and a non-compliance fee may be
assessed. The Registration Block will be removed after the Immunization Record has
been submitted and processed.
University Recreation and Wellness
Director: Jay Gilchrist
Being physically active as a college student is a crucial component of success in and out of the
classroom. Activity helps students manage stress, boosts their immune system against illness,
aids sleep, improves mood, increases energy and provides a social connection to other students.
Perhaps most importantly, movement primes the brain for learning and makes it easier to focus
when studying.
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University Recreation & Wellness (RecWell) encourages Terps to make the most of their college
experience by incorporating movement and activity into their daily lives. There are many
opportunities for students to find an activity they enjoy through RecWell.
Membership with RecWell and access to all its facilities, programs and services are included in
the student fee. Students simply need their university ID to enter recreation facilities on campus.
Facilities include the Eppley Recreation Center (ERC), Ritchie Coliseum, Reckord Armory
Gym, the fitness studios in Regents Drive Garage, and multiple outdoor playing fields.
The ERC is the largest recreation facility on campus and offers a cardio fitness center, weight
rooms, matted room, indoor track, and a functional training studio as well as courts for
basketball, racquetball, wallyball, and squash. The ERC also features indoor and outdoor pools
for lap swimming and diving, a sauna, and steam room. When school is in session, the ERC is
open 6 a.m.–midnight on weekdays, 8 a.m.–10 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10 a.m.– midnight on
Sundays for students to enjoy their favorite activity on their own schedule. Weight rooms and
cardio fitness centers are also located in Ritchie Coliseum.
For students motivated by a structured workout in a high-energy group setting, RecWell offers
over 100 group fitness classes each week, including yoga, Zumba®, BODYPUMP™, cycling,
BODYCOMBAT™, and high intensity interval training. Classes are no additional charge and are
drop-in only—there’s no need to sign up ahead of time. Students may also take advantage of
working with a certified personal trainer to meet their individual fitness goals at a discounted rate
for students.
Students who enjoy playing sports have many opportunities to do so through RecWell’s sport
club and intramural sports programs. These programs are open to everyone and you don’t have to
consider yourself an athlete to play. Many sport clubs do compete regionally and nationally
against other schools, but they are also a great way to learn a new sport or simply enjoy the
comradery that comes from playing for fun. There are 40+ student-led sport clubs, including
ballroom dance, lacrosse, black belt, equestrian, sailing, figure skating, paintball, and soccer.
Students can also participate in intramural sports that are open to all members of the university
community. Participants select their own level of competition and play in either men’s, women’s
or coed leagues over the course of a weekend, a week or a tournament lasting several weeks.
Intramural sports include basketball, flag football, softball, soccer, racquetball, table tennis and
For students who prefer to be active outdoors, RecWell’s adventure program offers outdoor
adventure trips, clinics and social bike rides throughout the year. Students can take a day or
weekend trip to go backpacking, caving, mountain biking, kayaking, rock climbing, or other
various outdoor activities. Students may also use the adventure program resource library and rent
gear to pursue their own outdoor adventure. The climbing wall and challenge course are located
at the ERC, where students can challenge themselves physically and mentally to increase
interpersonal skills and self-confidence. Maryland also has a vibrant cycling community. The
RecWell Bike Shop in Cole Field House offers free repairs and maintenance and will even teach
students how to repair their own bikes.
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RecWell also offers community programs open to students including swimming lessons, water
safety instructor and lifeguard training, and tennis instruction.
Veteran Student Life
0110 Stamp Student Union
Brian Bertges, Coordinator for Veteran Student Life
Veteran Student Life (VSL) serves to the build and maintain a community of University of
Maryland students, staff, faculty, and alumni who have served in the US military. The Veteran
Student Life office is located on the ground floor of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union - Center
for Campus Life. VSL programs and services support a seamless transition from military life to
civilian college life providing extra support for continued growth in mind, body, and spirit. We
carry the pride and confidence established in the military into the college experience as well as
future careers for veteran alumni.
For more information about programming or overall Veteran Student Life at the University of
Maryland, please contact Brian Bertges ([email protected]) or visit
Veteran Center
In addition to support and programming, Veteran Student Life offers a Veterans Center is
available exclusively for UMD student veterans located in Cole Field House (Room 1122),
thanks to a generous donation from Board of Trustee member and former Secretary of the Navy
Gordon England. This center includes:
Free Printing
Free Coffee
Study Lounge
Conference Room
Video Conferencing
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Chapter 4. Registration, Academic Requirements, and
Academic Advising
Role of Advising
Academic advising is an integral part of each student's educational experience and it takes many
forms. Academic advisors provide students with information on academic requirements needed
for degree completion, help students plan for future graduate study or a career, and serve as a
research person. Academic advising is a shared responsibility between the student and the
Provide information on academic requirements needed for graduation. Advisors
assist students in developing an academic and career plan, monitor students in the major,
and discuss how a course of study fits a particular academic or career interest. Advisors
answer questions concerning a specific academic concern, such as problems with a
particular class, and guide students through the registration process, including providing
information on various registration blocks and what needs to be done to remove them.
Help students plan for future graduate study or career. Advisors discuss how an
academic major can prepare a student for his/her career, and what career options are
available. Advisors refer students to the Career Center which provides career counseling
and workshops on issues such as writing resumes and preparing for job interviews. They
also inform students about internship opportunities and how credit can be earned, and
provide information on study abroad programs that might enrich a student's academic
experience as well as enhance their resume. Advisors inform students about graduate
school opportunities and application procedures.
Serve as a campus resource. Advisors assist students in obtaining support from other
offices of the university. This includes informing students about possible scholarships or
fellowships, and referring students to academic support units that provide tutoring or
workshops on study skills, time management, and stress management. They may
recommend that students seek counseling for stress, addictions, or trauma that may be
affecting their academic work. Advisors inform students with physical and learning
disabilities of the support available to them. They also encourage students to enrich their
experiences by becoming involved on campus via social, political, academic,
ethnic/cultural, sport and/or recreational student organizations and activities.
Some advisors are able to provide information on all of the above. Others specialize in a
particular topic or area of concern. For example, a college/department may have a specific
career advisor or study abroad coordinator. Students in upper level courses are often advised by
faculty members who can assist with graduate school and career issues. Furthermore, some
advisors work with specific populations, such as returning students, athletes, students with
physical or learning disabilities, and students of color.
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If you are not sure where to seek advising, contact your academic college. When requesting to
meet with an advisor, specify what topics you wish to discuss to ensure that you are directed to
the appropriate individual. Advising at the University of Maryland is normally a combination of
professional advisors, located in many of the college office, and faculty advisors. Please check
your individual college to find out whom you need to see for academic advising. For more
information, visit www.advising.umd.edu.
Academic Advising and Degree Completion
All new students are required to attend Orientation where they will register for classes. During
their first semester, students develop a four year plan based on templates provided for each major
(see www.4yearplans.umd.edu). Each plan includes specific benchmark courses to be completed
within a specific period of time. Four year plans must be approved by an advisor in order to
register for subsequent semesters.
Students are required to complete the benchmark courses in their major in order to progress to
graduation (see Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy below). Outlined in each
four year plan, benchmark courses guide students in a step by step process to degree completion
and demonstrate satisfactory progress in the major. Academic units conduct regular reviews of
students' progress, and those students who are in danger of falling behind benchmarks will be
required to work with an advisor to develop a plan to get back on track. Students who do not
make progress may be required to select a new major in which they can be successful.
Many students change their majors over the course of their academic career. When doing so,
students must first complete and have approved a new four year plan. Any student who
completes ten semesters or 130 credits without completing a degree is subject to mandatory
advising prior to registration for any subsequent semester. Students with exceptional
circumstances or those who are enrolled in special programs are required to develop a modified
graduation plan that is appropriate to their situations. In all cases, students are responsible for
meeting progress expectations and benchmarks required for their degree programs.
It is recommended that all students seek advising assistance prior to course registration. Students
should also consult with an advisor as circumstances change and four year plans need to be
updated. Many colleges have mandatory advising for prior to registering for a new semester.
Students placed on probation are required to consult an academic advisor in their college prior to
the beginning of a new semester but no later than the end of the schedule adjustment period.
Students will not be allowed to add or drop courses, or to register during any probation semester
without the approval of an academic advisor in their college.
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Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy
The goal of the Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy is to promote
undergraduate student success. The policy establishes a structured framework and criteria to
guide all students to completion of an undergraduate degree within a reasonable period of time.
Full-time degree seeking students normally are expected to complete the undergraduate program
in four years. Within this timeframe, all students are expected to demonstrate continuing
progress in their majors by completing prerequisite or required courses with the appropriate
grades, and by completing other requirements consistent with graduation progress or benchmarks
established by their academic units (see 2, below). It is ultimately the responsibility of the
student to meet these requirements. To help students meet these requirements the university will
facilitate student progress to degree by providing enhanced student advising through the
following measures:
1. Academic units will create 4-year graduation templates that will specify the degree
requirements for each major and provide semester-by-semester course schedule models that
achieve graduation within four years. Students will prepare individualized plans for completing
their degrees in accordance with the academic units' 4-year graduation plans. Students are also
encouraged to periodically update their plans with the assistance of their academic advisors.
2. Academic units will establish graduation progress benchmarks for each academic major.
These will specify the credit and course criteria that will indicate satisfactory progress to degree.
Academic units will establish schedules for regular periodic reviews of student progress, and
students who are in danger of falling behind the program benchmarks will be required to consult
with an advisor prior to registration.
3. Students who do not achieve the progress expectations or benchmarks will be permitted to
continue in the major only upon the approval of the dean of their college. If it becomes necessary
for students to change majors, they will be given assistance in identifying and enrolling in a
suitable alternative major.
4. When students change majors, they will be required to present an academic plan to the new
major unit that demonstrates their ability to complete their degree in a timely manner.
While some students will have valid reasons to take additional time to degree, any student who
completes 10 semesters or 130 credits (see footnote 1 for credits not counted towards these
limits) without completing a degree will require mandatory advising in his/her college prior to
registration for subsequent semesters. Students with exceptional circumstances, students whose
programs include minors, double majors/degrees, enrichment activities or who need to pursue a
degree part time will have on record approved plans with approved program benchmarks.
Program benchmarks will be developed by the student in consultation with and approved by an
Footnote 1: Degree credits include University of Maryland credits and all applicable transfer
credits from other postsecondary institutions. The equivalent semesters applicable to the
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enrollment limit for transfer credits will be determined by dividing all transfer credits applicable
to the degree by 15. However, Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB)
credits, and credits earned for college courses taken while in high school and prior to
matriculation at a postsecondary institution, will not count toward this semester or credit
limitation. Such courses may, however, count toward degrees. Summer Session and Winter term
will not be included in the semester count. Credits earned during Summer Sessions or Winter
terms will be included in the credit count.
Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy
The goal of the Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy is to promote
undergraduate student success. The policy establishes a structured framework to guide all
students to completion of an undergraduate degree within a reasonable period of time. Academic
units provide 4-year templates that students can use to develop a program of study that will meet
the course requirements for a degree. Students are responsible for developing plans of study,
with the assistance of their academic advisers. Academic units monitor student progress and
assist students at risk of falling behind benchmarks in their plans. The policy in essence
establishes a process to provide a pathway to completion of a degree for each student, initially
created and then adjusted over time as needed to meet each student’s particular circumstances.
The policy is described in more detail in the section on Academic Advising.
(References to the policy: www.ugst.umd.edu/academicsuccess.html and to frequently asked
questions: www.ugst.umd.edu/faqs-successpolicy.html).
Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Codes
Academic Integrity
The University of Maryland is an academic community. Its fundamental purpose is the pursuit of
knowledge. Like all other communities, the University can function properly only if its members
adhere to clearly established goals and values. Essential to the fundamental purpose of the
University is the commitment to the principles of truth and academic honesty. Accordingly, the
Code of Academic Integrity is designed to ensure that the principle of academic honesty is
upheld. While all members of the University share this responsibility, the Code of Academic
Integrity is designed so that special responsibility for upholding the principle of academic
honesty lies with the students.
The University's Code of Academic Integrity is a nationally recognized honor code, administered
by a Student Honor Council. Any of the following acts, when committed by a student, shall
constitute academic dishonesty:
Cheating: fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in any academic course or exercise in an attempt to gain
an unfair advantage and/or intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials,
information, or study aids in any academic course or exercise.
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Fabrication: intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or
citation in any academic course or exercise.
Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help
another to violate any provision of the Code of Academic Integrity.
Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one's own
in any academic course or exercise.
If it is determined that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, a grade of "XF" is considered
the normal sanction for undergraduate students. The grade of "XF" is noted on the academic
transcript as failure due to academic dishonesty. Lesser or more severe sanctions may be
imposed when there are circumstances to warrant such consideration. Suspension or expulsion
from the University may be imposed even for a first offense.
Students should consult the Code of Academic Integrity, at
http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-academic-affairs/iii-100a for
further information regarding procedures for reporting and resolving allegations of academic
Honor Pledge
In 2002, the University adopted an honor pledge. The honor pledge is a reminder that University
of Maryland students carry primary responsibility for academic integrity because the value of
their degrees depends on it. On every examination, paper or other academic exercise not
specifically exempted by the instructor, the student shall write by hand and sign the honor
pledge. Signing the honor pledge affirms a sense of pride and integrity of students' work. The
honor pledge states:
"I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this
Faculty are urged to emphasize the importance of academic honesty and of the honor pledge as
its symbol. Failure to sign the honor pledge is not a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity
(Code), but neither is it a defense in case of violation of the Code. Students who do not sign the
honor pledge will be given the opportunity to do so. Refusal to sign the honor pledge must be
explained to the instructor. Signing or non-signing of the honor pledge will not be considered in
grading or disciplinary procedures. Material submitted electronically should contain the honor
pledge; submission implies signing the honor pledge.
For more information regarding the Code of Academic Integrity, the honor pledge, or the
Student Honor Council please refer to www.studentconduct.umd.edu or contact the Office of
Student Conduct at 301-314-8204.
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Summary of Policies and Regulations Pertaining to Students
Descriptions of these policies are for general information only. Please refer to specific texts for
official language. Modifications may be made, or other policies added, throughout the year.
Please contact the Office of Student Conduct for additional information.
In addition to the Code of Student Conduct
(https://president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-v-student-affairs/v-100b) and the Code
of Academic Integrity (https://president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-academic-
affairs/iii-100a) students enrolled at College Park are expected to be aware of, and to abide by,
the policies summarized below. Information about where the complete texts may be consulted
(other than the Code of Student Conduct) follows each summary.
Policy on Amplifying Equipment restricts the hours and locations of use of certain forms of
sound amplifying equipment, provides a procedure for the authorization of otherwise restricted
uses of sound amplifying equipment, and locates responsibility for complaints with those using
the equipment. (Adopted by the University Senate, June 2, 1970.) For more information visit:
Stamp Student Union Policies regulate reservation of university facilities, advertising, co-
sponsorship, cancellation and postponement, and various other matters relating to programs of
student organizations. (Published in the Event Management Handbook. For more information,
contact the Event and Guest Services Office.) For more information visit:
Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy defines standards for reasonable
and acceptable use of university computer resources, including electronic mail. For more
information visit: https://president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-x-miscellaneous-
Policy on Demonstrations establishes guidelines for demonstrations and picketing stipulates
that the university will take steps necessary both to protect the right of individuals or groups to
demonstrate and to protect the freedom of speech, assembly, and movement of any individual or
group. (Adopted by the University Senate, June 2, 1970) For more information
visit: http://thestamp.umd.edu/event_guest_services/policies#demonstrations
Examination Rules set general standards for student conduct during examinations. They are
applicable to all examinations given at the College Park campus unless contrary instructions are
provided by the faculty member administering the examination.
Policy on Hazing The University defines Hazing as recklessly or intentionally: 1) engaging in
or enabling an act or situation that subjects another person to the risk of a) physical harm b)
emotional distress, humiliation, degradation; c) harm from unreasonable requirements which
interfere with a student’s ability to function as a student, including financial requirements outside
of membership dues; d) diminished physical or mental capacity, or 2) causing or encouraging
another person to violate any law or University regulation. The implied or express consent of
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another person is not a defense under this section. For more information visit:
Campus Parking Regulations cover registration, permits, fees, violations, enforcement, fines,
towing and impounding, reviews, carpool programs, special events parking, emergency parking,
and a number of other areas. The parking regulations are in effect to help ensure safe and
adequate parking for the campus community and are designed to provide parking spaces as
equitable as possible for students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. Parking regulations are
updated annually and are provided electronically to all who register for parking. For more
information visit:
Residence Hall Rules define prohibited conduct in and around campus residence halls,
buildings, and at Department of Resident Life sponsored activities, in addition to that which falls
under the Residence Halls/Dining Services Agreement, Code of Student Conduct, and federal,
state and local laws. The rules also specify standard sanctions for rule violations, and provide for
an adjudication process. For more information, contact the Department of Resident Life or visit
Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures defines prohibited behavior including possible
sanctions for violations of the policy, offers guidance for complainants including how to make a
formal report to the University and to the police. Additionally, the policy defines confidential
resources on campus for reporting. A collection of university and community resources are
provided for parties, including possible interim protective measures. For more information
contact the Office of Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct at http://www.ocrsm.umd.edu/ or visit:
Student Organization Registration Guidelines define student organizations, responsibilities of
officers, and registration, and establish types of registration, a registration process, certain
privileges of registered student organizations in good standing, sanctions which may result from
registration review, and guidelines for constitutions. For more information contact the Student
Organization Resource Center located on the ground floor in the Stamp Student Union. For more
information visit:
Student Conduct
The primary purpose for the imposition of discipline in the university setting is to protect the
campus community. Consistent with that purpose, reasonable efforts are also made to foster the
personal and social development of those students who are held accountable for violations of
university regulations. Compared to disciplinary systems at many universities, University of
Maryland students are given unusual authority and responsibility for management of the campus
process. Membership on the student judiciary is an extraordinary educational experience, and
opportunity to be of service to the community, and a personal honor.
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Cases that may result in suspension or expulsion are heard by conduct boards, comprised entirely
of students. In such cases, students are accorded substantial procedural protections, including an
opportunity for a hearing and an appeal. Less serious cases are resolved in disciplinary
conferences conducted by University staff members. Acts of violence, intimidation, disruption,
or rioting; substantial theft or vandalism; fraud or forgery; use or distribution of illegal drugs; are
forms of misconduct that most frequently result in dismissal from the University. Students
accused of violating University disciplinary regulations are encouraged to discuss the allegations
with their parents or guardians, legal counsel, and with appropriate university staff members.
Prohibited Conduct
A complete list of conduct considered prohibited as well procedures for resolving allegations of
misconduct may be found in the Code of Student Conduct at www.president.umd.edu/policies or
through the Office of Student Conduct website at www.studentconduct.umd.edu.
The following is general notice of what constitutes prohibited conduct and is subject to
disciplinary action:
Use, possession or storage of any weapon
Causing physical harm or apprehension of harm
Initiating or causing to be initiated a false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or
other emergency
A criminal offense committed off-campus
Violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction
Misusing or damaging fire safety equipment
Distribution or possession for purposes of distribution of any illegal drug
Furnishing false information to the University
Making, possessing, or using any forged, altered, or falsified instrument of identification
Interfering with the freedom of expression of others
Theft of property or of services; possession of stolen property
Destroying or damaging the property of others
Engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct
Failure to comply with the directions of university officials
Use or possession of any illegal drug or controlled substances
Use or possession of fireworks
Use or possession of any alcoholic beverage under the age of 21 or providing alcoholic
beverages to a person known to be under the age of 21
Violation of published university regulations or policies including the residence hall
contract, as well as those regulations relating to entry and use of University facilities, sale
of alcoholic beverages, use of vehicles and amplifying equipment, campus
demonstrations, misuse of identification cards, sexual misconduct, hazing, acceptable
use, and parking regulations.
Note: This Code does not apply to student sexual misconduct. The policy and procedures
applicable to student sexual misconduct is VI-1.60(A) University of Maryland Sexual
Misconduct Policy & Procedures at
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Note: Effective April 2006, students who violate the following section will be dismissed from
the University:
Rioting, assault, theft, vandalism, fire-setting, or other serious misconduct related to a
University-sponsored event, occurring on- or off-campus, that results in harm to persons or
property or otherwise poses a threat to the stability of the campus or campus community may
result in disciplinary action regardless of the existence, status, or outcome of any criminal
charges in a court of law related to misconduct associated with a university-sponsored event.
For more information regarding student conduct issues, contact the Office of Student Conduct at
301-314-8204 or visit www.studentconduct.umd.edu.
Academic Records and Regulations
The Office of the Registrar, located on the first floor of the Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building, is
responsible for maintaining student records and issuing official transcripts.
Academic Clemency Policy
CLEMENCY (Approved by the President August 1, 1991, Amended April 21, 2016)
Undergraduate degree-seeking students who have reenrolled at the University of Maryland in
pursuit of their initial baccalaureate degree are eligible, after a separation of at least five calendar
years from the University (determined by the last day of the last attended semester), for academic
clemency. Academic clemency is granted one time only, and subsequent requests will be denied.
Application for academic clemency must be filed with the Office of Undergraduate Studies (or
designee) as soon as possible, and before the end of the first semester of the student’s return to
the University. Clemency will be recorded on the student’s record following the completion of
the student’s first semester of reenrollment. Under clemency, up to 16 attempted credits of D+,
D, D-, and F grades from courses previously completed at the University of Maryland will be
removed from the calculation of the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA).
Attempted credits and grades for which clemency is granted will:
1. remain on the student’s transcript;
2. not be used to satisfy degree requirements;
3. be excluded from the student’s cumulative GPA calculation;
4. remain included in the calculation of Latin Honors; and
5. adhere to the institution’s repeat guidelines and be included in the student’s repeat limits.
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The granting of clemency is contingent upon the student’s satisfactory completion of the initial
semester of reenrollment, and will be recorded by the university at that time. If the student’s first
semester of registration upon reenrollment is canceled, or the student withdraws from the
semester, clemency will not be granted (and the student will retain the option of filing for
clemency in the future).
(Policy can be found here: http://president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-academic-
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Consistent with the University of Maryland Student Academic Success - Degree Completion
Policy, it is the intent of the University that its students make satisfactory progress toward their
degree objectives, and achieve academic success. If a student has special circumstances that
make it impossible to complete a normal course load, the student must meet with an advisor to
discuss the circumstances, the student's plans for continued progress toward a degree, and the
implications for continued enrollment.
The following guidelines for retention of students refer separately to semester (Fall and Spring)
and Winter or Summer terms:
a. Academic retention is based solely on grade point average (GPA). A minimum of 120
successfully completed course credits is required for graduation in any degree curriculum.
Individual colleges, schools, and departments may establish higher requirements for graduation.
Students must consult the appropriate college, school, or department for specific
b. Satisfactory Performance is defined as the achievement of a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.
Students whose semester GPA falls below 2.0 are encouraged to meet with their advisors
regarding the development of a plan that will appropriately respond to the student's academic
difficulties and lead to academic improvement. Individual colleges, schools and departments
may establish separate requirements for mandatory advising. Students must consult the
appropriate college, school, or department for specific information.
c. Unsatisfactory Performance is defined as the achievement of a cumulative GPA of less than
2.0. Students will be placed on Academic Probation following any semester in which a 2.0
cumulative GPA is not achieved. Normally, students will be placed on Academic Dismissal if
they are unable to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher at the end of their probationary
Academic Probation:
Students will be placed on academic probation if their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0.
Normally, a student is expected to attain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of any probationary
semester. Students who fail to achieve a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of their probationary
semester may be academically dismissed, depending on their credit level as detailed below.
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1. Students who have earned 60 credits or more will be dismissed from the University in the
event their cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 at the end of their probationary semester.
Students who are on probation and attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the end of a winter or
summer term will not be subject to dismissal in the subsequent semester.
2. Students who are on academic probation and have earned fewer than 60 credits will be
permitted to continue on academic probation if a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 is achieved in
each semester of probation.
a. Full-time students must complete 9 or more credits in each semester of probation. A
completed credit is defined as credit for any course in which a student receives a grade of A+, A,
A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-. F, P, or S.
b. Students who meet this requirement will be permitted to continue on probation until the close
of the semester (excluding winter and summer terms) in which they attain a cumulative GPA of
c. However, students who are on probation will be dismissed if they have not achieved a
cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the end of the semester in which they complete 60 credits.
d. Students who are on probation and attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the end of a winter or
summer term will not be subject to dismissal in the subsequent semester.
3. The Office of the Registrar will notify students when they are placed on academic probation.
Such notices will include a requirement that the students consult an academic advisor in their
colleges early in the probationary semester and in no event later than the beginning of the early
registration period for the next semester. The Office of the Registrar will notify the colleges of
students who are placed on academic probation and will note the academic probationary status
on the students' academic record.
a. The academic advisors will assist students in developing appropriate plans for achieving
satisfactory academic performance.
b. Students who are placed on probation will not be allowed to add or drop courses, or register
without the approval of an academic advisor in their college.
Academic Dismissal:
1. Students who have earned 60 or more credits will be dismissed if their cumulative GPA
remains below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters (excluding winter and summer terms). Students
who attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the preceding winter or summer term will not be subject
to dismissal.
2. Students who have earned fewer than 60 credits will be dismissed following any probationary
semester in which they fail to attain a minimum 2.0 semester GPA and complete the requisite
credits detailed under Academic Probation. Students who attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the
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preceding winter or summer term will not be subject to dismissal.
3. Students who have been academically dismissed and who are reinstated will be academically
dismissed again if a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 is not achieved by the end of the first
semester after reinstatement. Reinstated students will not be allowed to add or drop courses, or to
register during any semester without the approval of an academic advisor in their college, unless
a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 is achieved.
4. The Office of the Registrar will notify the appropriate University offices when students are
academically dismissed and will note the dismissal on the student's academic record.
5. The Student Success Office will notify students via email. The email will include a statement
that registration for the next semester (excluding winter or summer terms) will be canceled.
Application for Academic Reinstatement:
1. Students who have been dismissed may apply to the Faculty Petition Board for reinstatement
on the grounds of mitigating circumstance.
2. The application for reinstatement must include a written statement explaining the
circumstances leading to dismissal and a proposed plan to remedy those circumstances. Students
are encouraged to consult with their academic advisors prior to submitting their applications to
the Faculty Petition Board.
3. Applications for reinstatement can be completed
at http://www.studentsuccess.umd.edu/application.php.
Faculty Petition Board:
1. The Student Success Office is responsible for submitting the reinstatement applications for
review to the Faculty Petition Board, which is comprised of faculty appointed by the Senior Vice
President for Academic Affairs and Provost. The Board is the sole arbiter of reinstatement
2. The Faculty Petition Board has the discretion to establish the terms for reinstatement,
including the requirements for achieving academic improvement and developing an academic
plan for success.
3. The Student Success Office will forward the Board's decision to students at the email address
supplied on the application.
Dismissal of Delinquent Students:
The University reserves the right to request at any time the withdrawal of a student who cannot
or does not maintain the required standard of scholarship, or whose continuance in the University
would be detrimental to his or her health, or the health of others, or whose conduct is not
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satisfactory to the authorities of the university. Additional information about the dismissal of
delinquent students may be found in the Code of Student Conduct.
Computation of Grade Point Average
GPA is computed by dividing the total number of quality points accumulated in courses for
which a grade of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, or XF has been assigned by the
total number of credits attempted in those courses. Courses for which a mark of P, S, I, NGR or
W has been assigned are not included in computing the GPA. Each letter grade has a numerical
value: A+=4, A=4, A- = 3.7; B+=3.3, B=3, B- = 2.7; C+=2.3, C=2, C- = 1.7; D+=1.3, D=1, D- =
0.7; F = 0. Multiplying this value by the number of credits for a particular course gives the
number of quality points earned for that course.
See Repeat Policy to determine the effect of repeated courses in the calculation of GPA.
Graduation Applications and Latin Honors
Graduation Applications
Each candidate for a degree or certificate must file a formal application with the Office of the
Registrar. The deadline for application is the end of the schedule adjustment period for the
semester in which the student plans to graduate, or at the end of the first week of the second
summer session for August degrees.
In all cases, graduation applications must be filed at the beginning of the student's final semester
before receiving a degree. The graduation applications are available on the internet at
www.testudo.umd.edu or at the Registrar's Office, 1st floor Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building.
Latin Honors
Summa cum laude, magna cum laude and cum laude are the highest Latin honors that the
University bestows for sustained excellence in scholarship. They are awarded to the top 10% of
all students graduating in each College or School. Summa cum laude is awarded to students with
a GPA equal to or greater than the highest two percent of GPAs from the specific College or
School averaged over the previous academic year, magna cum laude to the next highest three
percent, and cum laude to the following five percent. To be eligible for this recognition, at least
60 semester hours must be earned at the University or at a program in which credit earned is
counted as University of Maryland, College Park, resident credit (contact the Office of the
Registrar to determine program eligibility). No more than 6 credits taken pass/fail or
satisfactory/fail grade modes shall count toward the 60-hour minimum. No student with a grade-
point average of less than 3.3 will be considered for a Latin honor. See the Office of the
Registrar's website (www.registrar.umd.edu) for a list of minimum GPA cut-offs (for the current
year) for each honor designation, published by College or School.
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Election to Phi Beta Kappa
Organized in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most widely respected academic honorary
society in the United States. Invitation to membership is based on outstanding scholastic
achievement in studies of the liberal arts and sciences. Student members are chosen entirely on
the basis of academic excellence; neither extracurricular leadership nor service to the community
is considered. Election is held twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring semester.
The process for election to Phi Beta Kappa involves a review in November for those who
graduated the previous August or those who will graduate in December, and a review in March
for those graduating in May. For juniors the review occurs in March. The review is conducted by
a select committee of faculty members representing the humanities, social sciences, and natural
sciences. The committee reviews transcripts of all students with qualifying grade point averages.
Whether a student qualifies for membership in Phi Beta Kappa depends on the quality, depth,
and breadth of the student's record in liberal courses. The final decision for election rests with the
faculty committee and faculty Phi Beta Kappa members.
Requirements for consideration of membership in Phi Beta Kappa at the University of Maryland,
College Park campus chapter include:
1. Grade Point Average: For seniors a grade point average of at least 3.75 overall as well as in
all liberal arts and sciences courses taken. For juniors the minimum grade point average is at
least 3.85. National PBK rules, however, require that no more than 20 percent of the students
elected in any one year can be juniors, so the actual minimum grade point average for junior
admission may be higher than 3.85.
2. Residence: At least 60 credit hours must be taken at the University of Maryland, College
3. Liberal Courses: For seniors, at least 90 credit hours in courses in the liberal arts and
sciences (where "liberal" courses are to be distinguished from professional or technical courses),
at least 45 of which must be taken at the University of Maryland, College Park. For juniors, at
least 75 total credit hours must be completed, at least 60 of which are in courses in the liberal arts
and sciences; of these, at least 45 must be taken at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Students would ordinarily be majors in one of the programs in the liberal arts and sciences.
However, students with the requisite number of liberal credit hours can be admitted if they have
completed at least 5 courses (15 credit hours or more) for seniors and for juniors in a single
liberal arts and sciences department/program at UMCP.
4. Required courses: One semester of mathematics, which must be fulfilled by college-level
credit hours (including AP or IB credit, but not exemption by SAT), and two college semesters
of the same foreign language at the elementary level, or at least one semester above that level.
The language requirement may also be satisfied by completion of four years of the same
language other than English at the high-school level or above, or the equivalent. Students with
such a foreign language background who wish to be considered for admission to Phi Beta Kappa
should notify the Phi Beta Kappa office (2110 Marie Mount Hall) in writing and provide the
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appropriate documentation (an official high school transcript) prior to the month of
consideration. Juniors providing late documentation (after March 1) will be considered only as
5. Distribution: The credit hours presented for Phi Beta Kappa must contain at least nine liberal
arts credit hours in each of the three following areas: (a) arts and humanities, (b) behavioral and
social sciences, (c) natural sciences and mathematics (including a laboratory science course). The
laboratory science course cannot be fulfilled by AP or IB credit. All the courses in at least two of
the three required areas must be completed at the University of Maryland, College Park, and in
the remaining area no more than one AP or IB course can be used to fulfill the requirement. In
general, Phi Beta Kappa will accept the General Education classification of courses. AP or IB
History courses will be considered as satisfying only the arts and humanities requirement.
Students with more challenging courses and moderately high grade point averages are preferred
by the committee to those with higher grade point averages but a narrow range of courses.
Minimal qualifications in more than one area may preclude election to Phi Beta Kappa.
Recommended Criteria Include:
Regular grades (rather than pass/fail) in mathematics, foreign language courses, and
distribution areas.
Some traditional social sciences and humanities courses that require written essays and
papers. (Note that internships may be counted as professional courses and not as liberal
Meeting the above requirements does not guarantee election to Phi Beta Kappa. The judgment of
the resident faculty members of Phi Beta Kappa on the quality, depth, and breadth of the
student's record is the deciding factor in every case. Any questions about criteria for election to
Phi Beta Kappa (including equivalency examinations in foreign languages) should be directed to
the Phi Beta Kappa Office, Dr. Denis Sullivan, and 301-405-8986.
Honors (Dean's List)
Semester Academic Honors (Dean's List) are awarded to students who - within any given
semester (excluding winter and summer terms) - complete 12 or more credits with a semester
GPA of 3.5 or higher. This recognition is noted on the student's academic record.
Please Note: Courses with grades of P and S are excluded from the calculation.
The mark of 'I' is an exceptional mark that is an instructor option. It is given only to a student
whose work in a course has been qualitatively satisfactory, when, because of illness or other
circumstances beyond the student's control, he or she has been unable to complete some small
portion of the work of the course. In no case will the mark 'I' be recorded for a student who has
not completed the major portion of the work of the course.
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1. This Incomplete Contract form must be submitted to the dean of the college offering the
course within six weeks after the grade submission deadline (if a grade hasn't already been
submitted). If any Incomplete Contract isn't completed within the six week period, the instructor
will convert the 'I' to the appropriate grade.
2. The student will remove the 'I' by completing work assigned by the instructor; it is the
student's responsibility to request arrangements for the completion of the work. The work must
be completed by the time stipulated in the contract, usually by the end of the next semester, but
in any event, no later than one year. If the remaining work for the course as defined by the
contract is not completed on schedule, the instructor will convert the 'I' to the grade indicated by
the contract.
3. Exceptions to the stated deadline may be granted by the student's dean (in negotiation with the
faculty member or the faculty member's dean) upon the written request of the student if
circumstances warrant further delay.
4. If the instructor is unavailable, the department chair, upon request of the student will make
appropriate arrangements for the student to complete the course requirements.
5. It is the responsibility of the instructor or department chair concerned to submit the grade
promptly upon completion of the conditions of the Incomplete Contract.
6. The 'I' cannot be removed through re-registration for the course or through credit by
examination. An 'I' mark is not used in the computation of quality points or cumulative grade
point averages.
Marking System
The following symbols are used on the student's permanent record for all courses in which the
student is enrolled after the initial registration and schedule adjustment period: A+, A, A-, B+, B,
B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, XF, I, P, S, W, and AU. These marks remain as part of the student's
permanent record and may be changed only by the original instructor on certification, approved
by the department chair and the dean, that an actual mistake was made in determining or
recording the grade.
A+, A, A- denotes excellent mastery of the subject and outstanding scholarship. In
computations of cumulative or semester averages, a grade of A+ or A will be assigned a
value of 4.0 quality points per credit hour. A grade of A- will be assigned 3.7 quality
points per credit hour.
B+, B, B- denotes good mastery of the subject and good scholarship. A grade of B+ is
assigned a value of 3.3 quality points per hour. A grade of B is assigned a value of 3.0
quality points per credit hour. A grade of B- is assigned a value of 2.7 quality points per
C+, C, C- denotes acceptable mastery of the subject. A grade of C+ is assigned a value of
2.3 quality points per hour. A grade of C is assigned a value of 2.0 points per credit hour.
A grade of C- is assigned a value of 1.7 quality points per credit hour.
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D+, D, D- denotes borderline understanding of the subject, marginal performance, and it
does not represent satisfactory progress toward a degree. A grade of D+ is assigned 1.3
points per credit hour. A grade of D is assigned a value of 1.0 quality point per credit
hour. A grade of D- is assigned 0.7 quality points per credit.
F denotes failure to understand the subject and unsatisfactory performance. A grade of F
is assigned a value of 0.0 quality points per credit hour.
XF denotes failure due to academic dishonesty. An XF is treated in the same way as F for
the purposes of cumulative average.
The mark of 'I' is an exceptional mark that is an instructor option. It is only given to a
student whose work has been qualitatively satisfactory, when, because of illness or other
circumstances beyond the student's control, he or she has been unable to complete some
small portion of the work of the course. In no case will the mark 'I' be recorded for a
student who has not completed the major portion of the work of the course. For further
explanation see "Incompletes" below.
The mark of P is a student option mark, equivalent to a grade of D- or better. This grade
is not used in any computation of quality points or cumulative average totals at the end of
the semester. The student must inform the Office of the Registrar of the selection of this
option by the end of the schedule adjustment period. For a full explanation see "Pass-Fail
Policy" below.
S is a department option mark that may be used to denote satisfactory performance by a
student in progressing thesis projects, orientation courses, practice teaching, and the
like. In computation of cumulative averages a mark of S will not be included.
W is used to indicate withdrawal from a course after the end of the schedule adjustment
period. For information and completeness, the grade of W is placed on the student's
permanent record by the Office of the Registrar. The instructor will be notified that the
student has withdrawn from the course. This grade is not used in any computation of
quality points or cumulative average totals at the end of the semester.
AU denotes a student registering to audit a course or courses which have been designated
as available under the audit option and in which space is available. The notation AU will
be placed on the transcript for each course audited. A notation to the effect that this
symbol does not imply attendance or any other effort in the course will be included on the
transcript in the explanation of the grading system.
(Policy can be found here: http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-
Additional Record Notations
In addition to the above marks, there are provisions for other record or transcript notations that
may be used based on university policy and individual circumstances.
Duplicate course: Used to indicate two courses with the same course content. The second
course is counted in the cumulative totals unless an exception is made by the dean.
Excluded Credit (Excl Crd): Excluded credit is noted when academic clemency has been
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Incompletes: The mark of 'I' is an exceptional mark that is an instructor option. It is given only
to a student whose work in a course has been qualitatively satisfactory, when, because of illness
or other circumstances beyond the student's control, he or she has been unable to complete some
small portion of the work of the course. In no case will the mark 'I' be recorded for a student who
has not completed the major portion of the work of the course.
1. This Incomplete Contract form must be submitted to the dean of the college offering the
course within six weeks after the grade submission deadline (if a grade hasn't already been
submitted). If any Incomplete Contract isn't completed within the six week period, the instructor
will convert the 'I' to the appropriate grade.
2. The student will remove the 'I' by completing work assigned by the instructor; it is the
student's responsibility to request arrangements for the completion of the work. The work must
be completed by the time stipulated in the contract, usually by the end of the next semester, but
in any event, no later than one year. If the remaining work for the course as defined by the
contract is not completed on schedule, the instructor will convert the 'I' to the grade indicated by
the contract.
3. Exceptions to the stated deadline may be granted by the student's dean (in negotiation with the
faculty member or the faculty member's dean) upon the written request of the student if
circumstances warrant further delay.
4. If the instructor is unavailable, the department chair, upon request of the student will make
appropriate arrangements for the student to complete the course requirements.
5. It is the responsibility of the instructor or department chair concerned to submit the grade
promptly upon completion of the conditions of the Incomplete Contract.
6. The 'I' cannot be removed through re-registration for the course or through credit by
examination. An 'I' mark is not used in the computation of quality points or cumulative grade
point averages.
Mid-Term Grades
Mid-Term Grades shall be submitted for undergraduate students as detailed below. These grades
are an important component of student success, as they provide timely feedback to students
about the University’s academic expectations. Mid-term Grades are used to inform students of
their performance in the course during roughly the first half of the semester; they are used for
advising purposes and are not recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
1. Mid-Term Grades must be submitted for all of the following:
Undergraduate students enrolled in their first year (fewer than 30 credits earned at the
University of Maryland),
Undergraduate students in all 0xx, 1xx, and 2xx level courses,
Student athletes in undergraduate courses.
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2. Mid-Term Grades are due eight (8) weeks after the start of the semester.
3. Department Chair or Unit Head must approve any courses for which Mid-Term Grades
cannot be issued.
4. Instructors who have students who require Mid-Term Grades will be prompted to submit
Mid-Term Grades. If instructors do not have such students, they will not need to submit Mid-
Term Grades.
5. Mid-Term Grades should be issued in the grading mode for the course.
6. Satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) marks may be used.
7. All Mid-Term Grades must be submitted as specified by the Office of the Registrar.
For more information, see http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-
Pass-Fail Policy
Pass-Fail Policy: The following Pass-Fail policy was approved by the Board of Regents for
implementation beginning with the Spring 1989 semester:
1. To register for a course under the pass-fail option, an undergraduate must have completed 30
or more credit hours of college credit with a GPA of at least 2.0. At least 15 of these credit hours
must have been completed at the University of Maryland, College Park with a University of
Maryland GPA of at least 2.0.
2. Courses for which this option applies must be electives in the student's program. The courses
may not be college, major, field of concentration, or general education program requirements.
3. Only one course per semester may be registered for under the pass-fail option.
4. No more than 12 semester hours of credit may be taken under the pass-fail option during a
student's college career.
5. Students may not choose this option when re-registering for a course.
6. When registering under the pass-fail option, a course that is passed will count as hours in the
student's record but will not be computed in the grade point average. A course that is failed will
appear on the student's record and will be computed both in the overall average and the semester
7. Students registering for a course under the pass-fail option are required to complete all
regular course requirements. Their work will be evaluated by the instructor by the normal
procedure for letter grades. The instructor will submit the normal grade. The grades A+, A, A-,
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B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D or D- will automatically be converted by the Office of the Registrar
to the grade P on the student's permanent record. The grade F will remain as given. The choice of
grading option may be changed only during the schedule adjustment period for courses in which
the student is currently registered.
Repeat Policy
The following Campus Repeat Policy applies to ALL courses that may not be repeated for
additional credit.
1. The following students are required to follow the repeat policy effective Fall 1990:
a. All new freshmen who began at University of Maryland, College Park Fall 1990 and
b. Transfer students from schools other than Maryland community colleges who began
at University of Maryland, College Park, Fall 1990 and after. This includes transfer
students from another University of Maryland institution.
2. There is a limit to the number of times a student may repeat a course. Students may have one
repeat of any course in which they earned an A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, P, S,
W, NG or Audit; they cannot be registered (after the schedule adjustment period) for any given
course more than twice. A student’s deans office may grant an exception allowing an additional
course repeat. In this case, students must present a plan for successfully completing the course.
All attempts will be counted toward the total limit for repeatable credits.
Note: Students may not choose the Pass-Fail option when re-registering for a course or re-
register for a course in which a grade of "I" has been noted.
3. Students may repeat no more than 18 credits. Additionally, if a student withdraws from all
courses during a semester, those courses are not included in this limit.
4. The grade point average will include all attempts at a given course that result in a grade of
A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, or F. However, to help freshmen and transfer
students adjust to the University of Maryland, College Park, the following two exceptions allow
for the cumulative GPA to be calculated so that only the higher grade is included:
a. When the repeated course was taken within the students first semester at University of
Maryland, College Park, or
b. When the repeated course was taken within the students first 24 credit hours attempted
(including transfer credits) or within the semester during which the student reached the
24th credit hour attempted. Advanced Placement Exam credits do not count toward the
24 credit count.
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5. Any grade earned in prior attempts of a repeated course will appear on the student's transcript,
regardless of whether the grade is dropped from, or included in, the cumulative grade point
6. Repeat by transfer: If a student repeats by transfer a course that was taken before or during the
semester in which the student reached 24 credits attempted (including transfer credits) and the
transfer grade is higher, then the original grade in the course will be excluded from the GPA
a. If the course was taken after the semester in which the student reached 24 credits
attempted, the original grade remains in the GPA calculation.
Repeat Policy Prior to Fall 1990:
The following students follow the previous repeat policy:
Students who began at University of Maryland, College Park, before the Fall 1990
semester (including students who enter University of Maryland, College Park for summer
Transfer students who began at a Maryland community college before Fall 1990.
UMBC College of Engineering students who began before 1990.
The highest grade received in the repeated course is used to calculate the GPA. A student may
repeat any course; however no student may be registered for a course more than three times.
If a student repeats a course in which he or she has already earned a mark of A, B, C, D, P, or S,
the subsequent attempt shall not increase the total hours earned toward the degree. Only the
highest mark will be used in computation of the student's cumulative average. Under unusual
circumstances, the student's dean may grant an exception to this policy.
Statement on Classroom Climate
The University of Maryland values the diversity of its student body and is committed to
providing a classroom atmosphere that encourages the equitable participation of all students.
Patterns of interaction in the classroom between the faculty member and students and among the
students themselves may inadvertently communicate preconceptions about student abilities based
on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, religion, or sexual orientation. These
patterns are due in part to the differences the students themselves bring to the classroom.
Classroom instructors should be particularly sensitive to being equitable in the opportunities they
provide students to answer questions in class, to contribute their own ideas, and to participate
fully in projects in and outside of the classroom.
Of equal importance to equity in the classroom is the need to attend to potential devaluation of
students that can occur by reference to demeaning stereotypes of any group and/or overlooking
the contributions of a particular group to the topic under discussion. Joking at the expense of any
group creates an inhospitable environment and is inappropriate. Moreover, in providing
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evaluations of students, it is essential that instructors avoid distorting these evaluations with
preconceived expectations about the intellectual capacities of any group.
It is the responsibility of individual faculty members to review their classroom behaviors, and
those of any teaching assistants they supervise, to ensure that students are treated equitably and
not discouraged or devalued based on their differences. Resources for self-evaluation and
training for faculty members on classroom climate and interaction patterns are available from the
Office of Human Relations.
Syllabus, Attendance, Absences, and Assessment
There shall be a complete course syllabus for the current term made available to students no later
than the first day of class at the beginning of each undergraduate course. Any changes to the
syllabus made after the first day of class must be announced and must be clearly represented with
the date of the revision. The course syllabus will specify in general terms:
a course description including course objectives;
the content and nature of assignments;
the schedule of major graded assessments (e.g., examinations and due dates for projects
and papers);
the examination and/or assessment procedures;
the mode of communication for excused absences;
the basis for determining final grades, including if the plus/minus grading system will be
used and the relationship between in-class participation and the final course grade;
reference to the list of course-related policies maintained by the Office of Undergraduate
Students are expected to take full responsibility for their own academic work and progress.
Students, to progress satisfactorily, must meet all of the requirements of each course for which
they are registered. Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Consistent attendance
offers students the most effective opportunity to gain command of course concepts and
In-class participation may be an ongoing requirement and an integral part of the work of some
courses. In-class assessments may occur, sometimes without advance notice. The syllabus will
specify expectations about in-class participation and its relationship to the final course grade.
Except in cases where in-class participation forms a significant part of the work of the course,
attendance should not be used in the computation of grades; assignment of a course grade on
some basis other than performance in the course is prohibited by University policy. Recording
student attendance is not required of the faculty.
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Absences from courses in which in-class participation forms a significant part of the work of the
course (such as lab or discussion courses) shall be handled by instructors in accordance with the
general policies of their academic units.
An excused absence is an absence for which the student has the right to receive, and the
instructor has the responsibility to provide, academic accommodation.
Excused absences must be requested promptly and must be supported by appropriate
documentation. Excused absences do not alter the academic requirements for the course.
Students are responsible for information and material missed on the day of absence. Students are
within reason entitled to receive any materials provided to the class during the absence. Students
are responsible for determining what course material they have missed and for completing
required exercises in a timely manner.
Events that justify an excused absence include: religious observances; mandatory military
obligation; illness of the student or illness of an immediate family member; participation in
university activities at the request of university authorities; and compelling circumstances
beyond the student’s control (e.g., death in the family, required court appearance). Absences
stemming from work duties other than military obligation (e.g., unexpected changes in shift
assignments) and traffic/transit problems do not typically qualify for excused absence.
Students claiming excused absence must notify the course instructor in a timely manner and
provide appropriate documentation. The notification should be provided either prior to the
absence or as soon afterwards as possible. In the case of religious observances, athletic events,
and planned absences known at the beginning of the semester, the student must inform the
instructor during the schedule adjustment period. All other absences must be reported as soon as
is practical. The student must provide appropriate documentation of the absence. The
documentation must be provided in writing to the instructor by the means specified in the
a. For medically necessitated absences: Students may, one time per course per semester,
provide a self-signed excuse as documentation of an absence from a single class (e.g.,
lecture, recitation, or laboratory session) that does not coincide with a major assessment
or assignment due date. For all other medically necessitated absences, students must
provide documentation from a physician or the University Health Center, upon request of
the course instructor.
b. For all other absences students must provide verifiable documentation upon request
(e.g., religious calendar, court summons, death announcement, etc.).
In keeping with USM policy, students shall not be penalized because of observances of their
religious holidays and shall be given an opportunity, whenever feasible, to make up within a
reasonable time any academic assignment that is missed due to individual participation in
religious observances. For all other excused absences, the student must be provided academic
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accommodation. The accommodation provided should, within reason, neither advantage nor
disadvantage either the student or the rest of the class.
If the accommodation is a makeup assessment, it must be timely, at a time and place agreed upon
by the instructor and student, cover the same material, and be at the same level of difficulty as
the original assessment. In the event that a group of students requires the same makeup
assessment, one time and place may be scheduled. The makeup assessment must not interfere
with the student's regularly scheduled classes. If makeup work is not feasible, an alternate
accommodation for excused absences will be provided. Alternate accommodations will be
according to the principles established by the unit offering the course. Students who miss a
substantial number of class sessions or course assignments should seek guidance from an
academic advisor with respect to academic options.
Extended absences stemming from active military duty are addressed in the USM V-7.00
Policy on Students who are called to Active Military Duty during a National or International
Crisis or Conflict. Absences related to a student’s disability are addressed in the VI-1.00(D)
University of Maryland Disability & Accessibility Policy and Procedures.
Although the university attempts to accommodate the religious beliefs of all of its members, it
functions within a secular environment and is limited in the extent to which it can interrupt its
normal operations. The president shall determine when it is appropriate for the campus
community to restrict rescheduling examinations or other significant assessments on the dates of
religious observance.
Students can expect to receive a reasonable number of graded assessments or progress reports to
permit evaluation of their performance. These assessments shall be returned to the students in a
timely manner. Students will have reasonable opportunity to review graded assignments, such as
papers and examinations (including the final examination or assessment), after evaluation by the
instructor and while materials are reasonably current. Information about assessments and
determination of the final course grade will be presented in a course syllabus.
Ordinarily, in-class assessments are given during class hours in accordance with the regularly
scheduled time and place of each course. Students are responsible for knowing the information in
the syllabus, including dates of assessments and due dates of graded assignments. Assessments
may take a variety of forms and need not be classroom-based written examinations.
Final Examination: There shall be a final examination and/or assessment in every
undergraduate course. Exceptions may be made with the written approval of the department chair
or other appropriate unit administrator.
Each faculty member shall retain, for one full semester (either fall or spring) after a course is
ended, the students’ final assessments in the appropriate medium. If a faculty member goes on
leave for a semester or longer, or leaves the university, the faculty member shall leave the final
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assessments and grade records for the course with the department chair, the program director, or
the dean of the College or School, as appropriate.
All in-class final examinations must be held on the date and at the time listed in the official final
examination schedule. Out-of-class final examination or equivalent assessments shall be due on
the date and at a time listed in the official final examination schedule. Changes to final
examination schedules and locations must be approved by the chair of the department or the dean
of the College, or the appropriate designee. However, final examinations or assessments may not
be rescheduled to the final week of classes or to Reading Day.
Students may seek to reschedule final examinations so that they have no more than three
examinations on any given day. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the rescheduling
or be responsible for taking the examination as originally scheduled. When rescheduling is
desired, students should first contact their instructors. Students who encounter difficulty
rescheduling examinations with their instructors are advised to contact the dean's office of their
academic program for help. Faculty members are expected to accommodate students with
legitimate rescheduling requests.
Resolution of Problems
Any concerns regarding the syllabus, attendance, absences and assessment should be addressed
to the course instructor. In the case of unresolved concerns, students are encouraged to consult
the following policies for appropriate resolution.
Relevant University Policies:
o http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-v-student-affairs/v-
o http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-academic-
o http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-v-student-affairs/v-
Degree Information
Combined Bachelor's/Master's Programs
In a combined bachelor's/master's program, some graduate level courses initially taken for
undergraduate credit may also be applied towards the graduate credit requirements for a master's
degree program at the University of Maryland. A bachelor's/master's program may be developed
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for an individual student, or it may be a structured program.
Individual Student Bachelor's/Master's Program: A program may be developed by an
individual student in consultation with his/her academic advisor. Such a program is available
only to students whose academic performance is exceptional. It is to be developed according to
the individual career interests and goals of the student and should be an integrated learning
experience rather than merely the completion of a certain number of graduate and undergraduate
credits. The program requires the approval of the directors of both the undergraduate and the
graduate programs involved and of the Dean for Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Dean
of the Graduate School. Normally, no more than nine credits of graduate courses applied to the
bachelor's degree may be counted also for graduate credit in an individual student program.
Courses to be double-counted must be at the 600-level or above and must be passed with at least
a 'B' grade. Individual study courses, internships, or courses given credit by examination are not
eligible. The credits to be double-counted will be designated as applicable to the graduate
program after the student receives the bachelor's degree and matriculates in the Graduate School.
This designation will be canceled if the student withdraws from the graduate program before
completing the master's degree.
Structured Bachelor's/Master's Program: A structured bachelor's/ master's program is an
articulated curriculum combining an existing undergraduate program and an existing master's
program at the University of Maryland, offered by the same or by different departments. Such a
program is to be designed for students whose academic performance is exceptional and should be
an integrated learning experience rather than merely the completion of a certain number of
graduate and undergraduate credits. A proposal for such a program should be submitted by the
college(s) housing the academic programs concerned and requires the approval of the Graduate
Council, the Graduate Dean, the Senate PCC Committee, and the Provost.
Necessary features of a structured bachelor's/master's program include the following:
a. There must be specific requirements for admission to the combined program
that speak to the exceptional performance of the students to be admitted. At a
minimum, students accepted for the program must be clearly admissible to the
graduate program portion.
b. The program should be designed so as not to unduly delay the student's receipt
of their bachelor's degrees. Taking graduate credits should not unduly limit the
breadth of the student's experience through premature specialization.
c. All requirements of the bachelor's program and of the master's program must be
completed to receive the two degrees. Where appropriate, graduate courses taken
while an undergraduate may substitute for courses required in the undergraduate
major program.
d. The student may be offered deferred admission to the graduate school at the
end of the Junior year program, subject to completion of the senior year program
in a timely fashion and with a specified level of achievement. Formal admission
to the graduate school will require completion of all requirements for the
bachelor's degree.
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e. The credits to be double-counted will be designated as applicable to the
graduate program after the student receives the bachelor's degree and matriculates
in the Graduate School. This designation will be canceled if the student withdraws
from the graduate program before completing the master's degree.
A structured bachelor's/master's program may normally include up to nine credits of graduate
level courses (600-level and above) that are counted both for the bachelor's program and the
master's program. More than nine double-counted credits may be allowed if both of the
following conditions are satisfied.
a. The additional graduate credits applied to the undergraduate program do not
unduly limit the breadth of the student's experience through premature
specialization. This condition may be satisfied, for example, if the graduate
credits substitute for courses required in the undergraduate program that would
have been taken in any case, but at a less advanced level.
b. The master's program requires substantially more than thirty credits. This
condition will be deemed to be satisfied if the combined program, with double-
counting, still requires 150 or more credit hours to complete.
Degree Requirements
The requirements for graduation vary according to the character of work in the different colleges,
schools, departments and academic units. It is the responsibility of the colleges, schools,
departments and other academic units to establish and publish clearly defined degree
requirements. Responsibility for knowing and meeting all degree requirements for graduation in
any curriculum rests with the student. Specific degree requirements are listed in this catalog
under the college and/or department as appropriate.
Each student should check with the proper academic authorities no later than the close of the
junior year to ascertain his or her standing with respect to advancement toward a degree. For this
purpose, each student should be sure to review their semester grades and unofficial transcript on
the Testudo website (www.testudo.umd.edu) at the close of each semester or request a semester
grade report.
1. Residency Requirement
a. All candidates for undergraduate degrees from the University of
Maryland, College Park, must take a minimum of 15 credits in
courses numbered 300 or above, including at least 12 credits in the
major field.
b. All candidates for undergraduate degrees from the University of
Maryland, College Park must take a minimum of 30 credits in
residence. Normally these 30 credits will be the final 30 credits
counted toward the degree. However, credits from University-
approved study abroad and internship programs, and a maximum
of 6 credits that are not part of such programs, may be included in
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the final 30 if approved in advance by the dean of the academic
unit from which the student expects to receive the degree.
2. Enrollment in Majors
A student who is eligible to remain at the University of Maryland, College Park, may transfer
among curricula, colleges, or other academic units except where limitations on enrollments have
been approved. By the time they complete 60 credits, students are expected to declare a degree-
granting major. Students must be enrolled in the major program from which they plan to
graduate, when registering for the final fifteen hours of the baccalaureate program. This
requirement also applies to the third year of the combined, pre-professional degree programs.
Also see information on double majors and double degrees elsewhere in this chapter.
3. Credit Requirements
No baccalaureate degree will be awarded in instances where fewer than 120 credit hours have
been earned. Many undergraduate curricula at the University of Maryland, College Park, require
more than 120 credits. It is the responsibility of each student to familiarize himself or herself
with the requirements of particular curricula. The student is urged to seek advice on these matters
from the departments, colleges, or the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Studies. To earn a
baccalaureate from the University of Maryland, College Park, a minimum of 30 credits must be
taken in residence (see above).
4. Grade Point Average
A minimum cumulative 2.0 grade point average is required for graduation in all curricula. A
higher average may be required by the individual department, college, school, or program.
Students who matriculated to the University in Fall 2012 and after must have a minimum "C"
(2.00) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy major degree
requirements, minor requirements, and undergraduate certificate requirements, respectively.
Individual department, college, school, or program requirements may exceed this minimum.
5. Completion of Interrupted Degree
Students whose registration at the University of Maryland, College Park, has lapsed for more
than 10 years shall be required to complete a minimum of 15 credit hours at College Park after
their return to campus in order to earn a baccalaureate degree.
Recommendations about courses needed to satisfy the remaining degree requirements will be
made at the department level, with approval of the Dean's Office required. The reason for
requiring these credits is that many fields change sufficiently in 10 years to require that students
take current courses if they are to be awarded a current degree. Exceptions to the requirement for
a minimum of 15 credits earned at College Park upon return to the campus can be recommended
by the Deans for approval in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
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(Policy can be found here: http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-
Minors afford students the opportunity to pursue a limited but structured concentration in a
coherent field of study outside their major. The minor may be a truncated version of a major or a
distinctive intellectual subset of a discipline. Minors are not offered in every field of study.
Students should inquire with departments for current availability of minors or see individual
listings on this site.
The structures of minors vary in detail, but, with rare exceptions, they all require no fewer than
15 and no more than 24 credits with at least 9 credits in upper division courses (300-level or
above). No more than six credits (or two courses) may be applied to satisfy both the
requirements of a minor and a major program. No course may be used to satisfy the requirements
of more than one minor. All courses taken for a minor must be completed with a minimum grade
of "C-". A minimum C (2.00) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy
the minor is also required.
To ensure appropriate academic advising, students who wish to pursue a minor should inform
both the college responsible for their major and the unit offering the minor as early as possible,
but in no case later than one full academic year before the expected date of graduation. When a
student has completed all requirements for the minor, the unit offering the minor shall notify the
student's college, which verifies that the student has met all requirements and officially notifies
the Registrar's Office. The completion of a minor is posted on the student's official transcript
only when the student completes all requirements for the bachelor's degree.
In February 2004, the University Senate voted to phase out academic citations and replace them
with minors. Students pursuing an academic citation should contact the respective department or
program for information on this conversion process.
Second Majors and Second Degrees
Second majors
A student who wishes to complete a second major concurrently with his or her primary major of
record must obtain written permission in advance from the appropriate departments or programs
and colleges. As early as possible, but in no case later than one full academic year before the
expected date of graduation, the student must file with the department or programs involved and
with the appropriate deans, formal programs showing the courses to be offered to meet
requirements in each of the majors and supporting areas as well as those of the college and
general education programs. A student who wishes to add a Limited Enrollment Program as a
second major must do so at the earliest possible opportunity to assure that specific credit and
GPA requirements can be met. In order to obtain approval, students must complete all of the
requirements specified for both the primary and secondary major. Courses taken for one major
may be counted as appropriate as part of the degree requirements for the general education
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programs. If two colleges are involved in the double major program, the student must designate
which college will be responsible for the maintenance of records and certification of general
education requirements. Final approval of a double major program must be obtained from each
of the appropriate departments and college(s).
Second Degrees Taken Simultaneously
A student who wishes to receive two bachelor's degrees simultaneously must satisfactorily
complete the regularly prescribed requirements of both degree programs and a minimum of 150
credits (180 credits if one of the degrees is in Special Education). At least 18 of the credits
applied to one degree must be in course work not applied to the requirements of the other degree
program. As early as possible, but in no case later than one full academic year before the
expected date of graduation, the student must file with the department or programs involved, as
well as with the appropriate deans, formal programs showing the courses to be offered to meet
the major, supporting area, college, and general education programs. If two colleges are involved
in the double degree program, the student must designate which college will be responsible for
the maintenance of records and certification of general education requirements. Final approval of
a double degree program must be obtained from each of the appropriate departments and
Second Degrees Taken Sequentially
A student who has completed the requirements for, and has received one baccalaureate and who
wishes to earn a second degree from the university must satisfactorily complete all of the
prescribed requirements for the second degree and enough additional credits so that the total,
including all applicable credits earned at the university or elsewhere, is at least 150 credits (180
credits if one of the degrees is in Special Education). At least 18 of the credits applied to one
degree must be in course work not applied to the requirements of the other degree program. In no
case will a second baccalaureate be awarded to a student who has not completed a minimum of
30 credits in residence at the university.
Post-Baccalaureate Second Degree
Students who matriculate to the University with a bachelor's degree from any regionally
accredited college or university will be considered to have satisfied the University's general
education requirements, regardless of when the degree was received.
Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy
The goal of the Student Academic Success-Degree Completion Policy
(http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-academic-affairs/iii-800a) is to
promote undergraduate student success. The policy establishes a structured framework to guide
all students to completion of an undergraduate degree within a reasonable period of time.
Academic units provide 4-year templates that students can use to develop a program of study that
will meet the course requirements for a degree. Students are responsible for developing plans of
study, with the assistance of their academic advisers. Academic units monitor student progress
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and assist students at risk of falling behind benchmarks in their plans. The policy in essence
establishes a process to provide a pathway to completion of a degree for each student, initially
created and then adjusted over time as needed to meet each student’s particular circumstances.
The policy is described in more detail in the section on Academic Advising. (References to the
policy: www.ugst.umd.edu/academicsuccess.html and to frequently asked questions:
Prior Learning Credit - AP, IB, A-Level/AS-Level, CLEP, BMT, Credit-by-
The University of Maryland provides students with several opportunities to receive
undergraduate credit for knowledge and achievements gained through prior
learning/competency-based education. Students may earn up to one-half of the credits required
for their baccalaureate degree through Prior Learning Credit (PLC). Usually, this is no more than
60 credits. No more than 30 of these credits can be from College Level Examination Program
The University recognizes the following as PLC: Advanced Placement (AP), International
Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Level/Advanced Subsidiary Level (A-Level/AS-Level), College-
Level Examination Program (CLEP), Basic Military Training (BMT) and Departmental
Proficiency Exams (Credit-by-Exam). All PLC that is awarded credit by the University of
Maryland, with the exception of Credit-by-Exam, is recorded as prior learning credit at the top of
the student’s transcript and will be included in the total number of credits earned. Credits earned
through Credit-by-Exam are considered resident credit and posted under the semester in which
the exam was taken. Students will not receive credit for both passing an examination and
completing an equivalent course.
Students should inform their advisor they have received or anticipate receiving credit for AP, IB,
or A-Level/AS-Level exams. This information may impact placement into courses required for
their degree.
Credit for AP, IB, A-Level/AS-Level and CLEP is awarded based on the approval of the
department overseeing the course content and is subject to ongoing departmental reevaluation.
Even if a student has already been awarded credit for one of these exams at another institution,
the credit will be reevaluated by the University of Maryland. The score received on the exam
must be equal to the minimum score the University of Maryland accepted at the time the test was
taken, otherwise, the exam will not be awarded PLC. The University of Maryland must receive
an official score report directly from the organization/board that administered the exam for PLC
to be awarded.
Duplicate credit will not be awarded for passing an exam and completing an equivalent course.
Credit received in a course at the University of Maryland shall supersede any credit from AP,
IB, A-Level/AS-Level, or CLEP. A student who has earned any grade, passing or otherwise, in a
course at the University of Maryland shall not subsequently receive credit for that course by AP,
IB, A-Level/AS-Level, or CLEP. If a student has been awarded exam credit for an equivalent
University of Maryland course in which they have also earned credit, the course from the exam
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will be marked on their record as being a repeated course and the credits will be removed from
the total number of credits earned. No credit will be awarded for AP, IB, or A-Level/AS-Level
exams that are repeated or taken after a student has matriculated to the University of Maryland.
Information about the Prior Learning Credit, including the acceptance and awarding of credit,
along with course equivalency charts, can be found online at
http://www.transfercredit.umd.edu/plc.html. The University of Maryland Policy and Procedures
Concerning Credit for Prior Learning can be found at
http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-academic-affairs/iii-141a. The
University System of Maryland Policy on Credit for Competency-Based Education and Prior
Learning can be found at https://www.usmd.edu/regents/bylaws/SectionIII/. Questions regarding
PLC should be directed to Transfer Credit Services (http://www.transfercredit.umd.edu).
Advanced Placement (AP)
The University of Maryland encourages applicants to seek AP credit so that academically
successful students may move forward in their programs at an appropriate pace. However, credit
is not awarded for all exams offered by College Board. Credits for AP exams are awarded based
on departmental approval when the designated minimum score is earned. All departments
reserve the right to reevaluate the content of exams and to change the assignment of credit,
minimum required score and course equivalencies. The year in which the student took the AP
exam will determine how the University of Maryland awards credit. For example, if a student
takes an AP exam in year 2016, the credit awarded is based on the evaluation of the exam during
the 2016 year. Students need to have their scores sent directly to the University of Maryland
from College Board; the University’s code is 5814.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
The year in which the student took the IB exam will determine how the University of Maryland
awards credit. For example, if a student takes an IB exam in year 2016, the credit awarded is
based on the evaluation of the exam during the 2016 year. Credit is not awarded for all exams
offered by IB and is based on departmental approval. All departments reserve the right to
reevaluate the content of exams, and to change the assignment of credit, minimum required score
and course equivalencies. Students should have their scores sent directly to the University of
Maryland from the International Baccalaureate Results Service. The University’s code is
Advanced Level/Advanced Subsidiary Level (A-Level/AS-Level)
The University of Maryland awards credit for A-Level/AS-Level exams taken through
Cambridge International Exams (CIE) or one of the other approved boards. All departments
reserve the right to reevaluate the content of exams and to change the assignment of credit,
minimum required score and course equivalencies.The year in which the student took the A-
Level/AS-Level exam will determine how the University of Maryland awards credit. For
example, if a student takes an A-Level/AS-Level exam in year 2016, the credit awarded is based
on the evaluation of the exam during the 2016 year. Students are not permitted to earn credit for
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both A-Level and AS-Level exams within the same subject areas. Official scores must be sent by
CIE or the approved exam board to the University of Maryland. For additional information about
A-Level/AS-Level, visit http://www.transfercredit.umd.edu/plc.html.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
CLEP recognizes college-level competence achieved outside the college classroom. Two types
of CLEP tests are available:
General Examinations - cover the content of a broad field of study
Subject Examinations - cover the specific content of a college course
Credit is not awarded for all CLEP General and Subject Examinations. CLEP credits are
awarded when satisfactory scores are attained. All departments reserve the right to reevaluate the
content of exams, and to change the assignment of credit, minimum required score and course
equivalencies. The year in which the student took the CLEP exam will determine how the
University of Maryland awards credit. For example, if a student takes a CLEP exam in year
2016, the credit awarded is based on the evaluation of the exam during the 2016 year. Current
University of Maryland students must obtain permission from their advising college prior to
taking a CLEP exam. This ensures the CLEP credits are acceptable and will apply toward the
student's degree requirements. CLEP exams are administered at approved CLEP testing centers
throughout the country. The University of Maryland is an approved CLEP Test Center (Test
Center Code: 5814). Students who want to earn credit through CLEP must request their official
score reports to be sent to the University of Maryland. The Score Recipient Code is 5814.
Basic Military Training (BMT)
Students who are currently on active duty or former service members in the United States Armed
Forces are eligible to be awarded six credits of lower-level general elective credits. The credits
are awarded for the completion of basic physical fitness and basic military science as part of
basic military training for the United States Armed Forces.
To qualify, students must have been enrolled as an undergraduate student in the Fall 2013
semester or beyond, along with one of the following:
Currently serving as an active duty member in the United States Armed Forces.
Currently serving as a member of a reserve or National Guard branch of the United States
Armed Forces.
Has been Honorably Discharged from service in the United States Armed Forces.
Has been Honorably Discharged from a reserve or National Guard branch of the United
States Armed Forces.
Departmental Proficiency Examination (Credit-by-Exam)
At the University of Maryland, Credit-by-Exam is comparable to a comprehensive final
examination in a course. Although the mathematics department receives the most applications
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for Credit-by-Exam, many departments will provide opportunities for certain courses. Initial
inquiry as to whether an examination in a specific course is available should be directed to the
academic department which offers the course in question.
Credit-by-Exam may not be taken for courses in which the student has remained registered at the
University of Maryland, beyond the Schedule Adjustment Period even with a transcript notation
of W.
In order to be considered for Credit-by-Exam, a student must meet the following eligibility
a) A minimum of 12 (twelve) credit hours completed at the University of Maryland;
b) A minimum grade point average of 2.0;
c) Completion of all prerequisite courses or the approval of the department
chairperson (or, in non-departmentalized units, the dean) and the Senior Vice President
and Provost.
Note: Requirements a. and b. may be waived for students in their first semester at the University
of Maryland by the department chairperson and the dean.
The following applies to the grading associated with Credit-by-Exam:
a) A student may cancel application for credit-by-exam at any time prior to the
completion of the examination with no entry on the permanent record.
b) The examination instructor shall make the grade available to the student prior to the
formal submission of the grade.
c) A grade of “C-” or better must be obtained to establish credit-by-exam.
d) If a student elects not to have the grade posted, a grade of “W” shall be recorded.
No course may be attempted more than once using credit-by-exam.
e) Grades earned using credit-by-exam shall be posted on the transcript as resident
credit in the semester the examination was taken and used in computing semester and
cumulative grade point averages. Such grades shall be accompanied by the notation “By
examination” as applicable.
Credit-by-exam will not be accepted for any part of the final 30 (thirty) semester hours without
permission of the Senior Vice President and Provost. With such permission, 6 (six) of the final
30 (thirty) credit hours may be by credit-by-exam. Applications for examinations shall be
approved on an individual course basis. The instructor must certify on the report of examination
that copies of the examination questions and the student's answers shall be retained in
accordance with the University of Maryland’s Records and Retention and Disposal Schedule.
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If an examination for a course is available, the department will provide information regarding
when and where the exam is administered, type of examination, and material which might be
helpful in preparing for the examination. After making arrangements with the department,
students must apply through the Division of Letters and Sciences, 1117 Hornbake Library, 301-
405-2793. See http://ltsc.umd.edu/forms-ltsc.html for additional information regarding Credit-
Other Non-Traditional Experience
There are some instances of prior learning/competency-based education for which the University
of Maryland generally does not award credit. These include, but are not limited to: American
Council on Education (ACE), Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
(DANTES), Program on Non-Collegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI), StraighterLine,
departmental credit-by-exam from institutions other than Maryland public institutions of higher
education, and life experiences.
Students may contact the Office of the Registrar to appeal the acceptance of prior learning
experiences. For prior learning credit to be awarded during an appeal, the student must provide
evidence that the prior learning experience falls within the level, scope, content and expected
learning outcomes of courses offered at the University of Maryland. The determination of the
Office of the Registrar shall be final.
Change of Address
Students are expected to notify the Office of the Registrar of any change in their local,
permanent or e-mail address. Change of address can be completed online at
(http://registrar.umd.edu/current/index.html#online-transactions) or forms are available at the
following places:
Office of the Bursar, Room 1115 or 1135, Lee Building
Office of the Registrar, First Floor, Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building
Please be advised that changing your permanent address could affect your residency status for
tuition and billing purposes. For further information about these potential implications, please
contact Residency Reclassification Services at [email protected].
Classification of Students
Official classifications of undergraduate students are based on cumulative credits as
follows: freshman, 0-29 credit hours; sophomore, 30-59 credit hours; junior, 60-89 credit hours;
and senior, 90 or more credit hours.
(Policy can be found here: http://www.president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-iii-
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Concurrent Undergraduate-Graduate Registration
An undergraduate degree seeking student at the University of Maryland may, with the approval
of his or her Dean, the department and the instructor offering the course, and of the Graduate
School, register for graduate courses (600 level and above) that will be recorded as for graduate
credit only and that may be applied towards an advanced degree at this university or elsewhere.
Students eligible for this option normally will have achieved junior standing, will have a GPA of
at least 3.0, and will have successfully completed the prerequisite courses with a grade of "B-" or
better. The student must submit a plan of study that shows that taking graduate courses will not
unduly delay completion of requirements for the bachelor's degree. The total of graduate and
undergraduate credits attempted in any semester may not be more than eighteen. The graduate
credits so earned will not count towards any of the requirements for the Baccalaureate degree. A
maximum of twelve credits may be taken for graduate credit by a student while enrolled as an
Courses Taken at Other Institutions
Eligible students may enroll in courses at other universities via the University System of
Maryland's Inter-Institutional Registration Program or the Consortium of Universities of the
Washington Metropolitan Area. Courses taken at another institution may not be credited toward
a degree program without prior approval of the dean of the college from which the student
expects to earn a degree.
Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area:
The Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area consists of American
University, The Catholic University of America, Gallaudet University, The George Washington
University, George Mason University, Georgetown University, Howard University, Marymount
University, National Defense University, National Intelligence University,
Trinity Washington University, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,
University of the District of Columbia and the University of Maryland College Park. Students
enrolled in degree-seeking programs at these institutions are able to attend certain classes at the
other campuses and have the credit considered as resident credit at their home institutions. The
intention is to allow students to take an occasional course to augment a program rather than to
develop an individual program. Payment of tuition for courses will be made to the student's
home campus however, special fees may be assessed by the host institution. Comparable courses
offered at University of Maryland may not be taken through the Consortium.
Currently registered, degree seeking University of Maryland students with at least junior
standing may participate in the Consortium program according to the stipulations listed in the
current edition of the Registration Guide. Enrollment in courses is available only on a space-
available basis. Visiting students are expected to meet prerequisites or other criteria set by the
host institution and comply with the host institution's registration procedures and deadlines.
Golden ID students are not eligible to enroll in courses through the Consortium with waiver of
fees. Faculty and staff tuition remission programs (e.g. assistantships, fellowships, etc.) will not
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cover the cost of courses registered through the consortium program. University of Maryland
students may only enroll in courses offered on the campus of the host institution. Students
interested in additional information about the Consortium program should review the Office of
the Registrar website at: http://registrar.umd.edu/current/registration/consortium.html or contact
the Consortium Coordinator on the first floor of the Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building.
University System of Maryland Inter-Institutional Registration Program:
Currently registered, degree seeking University of Maryland College Park students have the
opportunity to take courses at certain University System of Maryland Institutions to augment
their degree program at University of Maryland under the Inter-Institutional Registration
Program. The provisions for such are contained in the Board of Regents Policy on Student
Concurrent Inter-Institutional Registration (BOR III 2.40;III 2.41) found at
www.usmd.edu/regents/. Participating institutions include Bowie State University, Coppin State
University, Frostburg State University, Salisbury University, Towson University, University of
Baltimore, University of Maryland at Baltimore, University of Maryland, Baltimore County,
University of Maryland College Park and University of Maryland Eastern Shore. University of
Maryland College Park students may not enroll in courses at the University of Maryland
University College through this program. Currently registered, degree seeking University of
Maryland students with at least sophomore standing may enroll in courses for credit, and have
that credit considered as resident credit at their home institution. Enrollment in courses is
available only on a space available basis and visiting students are expected to meet prerequisites
or other criteria set by the host institution. Payment of tuition for courses will be made to the
student's home campus however special fees may be assessed by the host institution. Students
interested in additional information about the Inter-Institutional Registration program should
review the office of the Registrar website at: http://registrar.umd.edu/current/registration/inter-
institutional.html or contact the Inter-institutional Coordinator on the first floor of the Clarence
M. Mitchell Jr. Building.
Inter-Institutional Registration is only applicable for the Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Hours and Maximum Semester Credits
No baccalaureate curriculum requires fewer than 120 semester hours. The semester hour, which
is the unit of credit, is the equivalent of a subject pursued one period a week for one semester.
Two or three hours of laboratory or field work are equivalent to one lecture or recitation period.
In order for undergraduate students to complete most curricula in four academic years, their
semester load must range from 12 to 19 hours (30 to 36 hours each year) toward the degree. By
policy, undergraduates may not exceed the following maximum credit loads without the prior
approval of their Dean:
15 week semester: 20 credits (16 credits prior to the first day of classes)
6 week session: 8 credits
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3 week session: 4 credits
Use of Email for Official Communication
The University has adopted email as the primary means for sending official communications to
students. Academic advisors, faculty, and campus administrative offices use email to convey
important information and time-sensitive notices. All enrolled students are provided a University
email address. Students are responsible for keeping their email address up to date or for
forwarding email to another address. Changes of email address can be completed online at
http://registrar.umd.edu/current/index.html#online-transactions. Failure to check email, errors in
forwarding email, and returned email due to mailbox full or user unknown will not excuse a
student from missing announcements or deadlines.
Identification Cards
The photo ID card is issued at the time the student first registers for classes. This card is to be
used for the entire duration of enrollment. Additionally, students who have food service contracts
will use this photo identification card to access these services. Contact Dining Services directly
for further information.
The photo ID card can be used by students for admission to most athletic, social, and cultural
events, to withdraw books from the libraries, and as a general form of identification on campus.
There is a $20 charge for a replacement ID card in cases where the card is lost, stolen, has
intentional damage (e.g. holes punched in the card, snapped in two, etc.), or the cardholder
wishes to retake their photo. The replacement fee is waived in cases where the replacement is
due to normal wear and tear (i.e. the bar code is no longer visible or the magnetic strip is non-
functioning). A replacement ID card can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, First
Floor, Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building, Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder to keep their ID card safe and secure and to deactivate a
lost or stolen ID card. You should immediately deactivate your ID card (https://id-
card.umd.edu/lost/user) to prevent use by unauthorized individuals. The University assumes no
responsibility for misuse of your card, or for charges to your accounts due to your ID card being
lost or stolen.
Once deactivated, you must obtain a new ID card at the Office of the Registrar, First Floor,
Clarence Mitchell Building, Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm. The charge for a new ID card is $20.
A deactivated ID card cannot be reactivated.
For more information, visit http://www.registrar.umd.edu/current/Policies/id-cards.html.
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Registering for Classes
Office of the Registrar
Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building, 301-314-8240
To attend classes at the University of Maryland, it is necessary to process an official registration.
Specific registration dates and instructions are available on www.registrar.umd.edu.
Newly admitted students are required to attend an orientation session (see Chapter 3 for
Orientation information). Advising and course registration are part of the orientation process. All
newly admitted students must meet with an advisor prior to registration. Likewise, newly
admitted freshmen and transfer students are required to provide proof of immunization for
measles, rubella, mumps and tetanus/diphtheria. Additionally, Maryland law requires residence
hall students to either provide proof of vaccination against meningococcal disease or seek an
exemption from this requirement. For more information, see:
Registration Process: Currently enrolled undergraduate students are invited to early registration
by appointment. Students can register at, or any time after, their assigned registration
appointment date and time. Registration appointments for the Fall semester begin in late March,
and appointments for the Spring semester begin in late October. Registration can be processed on
Testudo (http://www.testudo.umd.edu/) or in person. Open registration follows early registration,
and continues up to the first day of classes. During this time, students may process an original
registration or make schedule adjustments. The schedule adjustment period begins on the first
day of classes. All registration transactions, either on-line or in person, are final unless a student
processes a cancellation of registration.
Registration information for Summer Term, Winter Term, Freshmen Connection, and
Professional Programs may be found at www.oes.umd.edu.
Cancellation of Registration
Students who register and later decide not to attend the University must cancel their registration
in writing with the Office of the Registrar prior to the official first day of classes. Failure to
cancel registration will result in a financial obligation to the University of Maryland even if a
student does not attend class. The University reserves the right to cancel registration for students
who fail to meet their financial obligations.
Schedule Adjustment and Drop Period
Schedule Adjustment Period: Courses may be added, when space is available, during the
schedule adjustment period, and will appear on the student's permanent record. Courses dropped
during this period will not appear on the student's permanent record. The schedule adjustment
period is the first 10 days of classes for the fall and spring semesters.
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For the standard 6-week Summer Sessions I and II, the schedule adjustment period is typically
the first 5 days of classes; for the Winter Session and the standard 3-week Summer sessions, the
schedule adjustment period is the first day of classes. Complete information on schedule
adjustment and drop period for Summer Session, Winter Session, Freshmen Connection, and
Professional Programs may be found at www.oes.umd.edu.
Information on non-standard courses can be found
at: http://www.registrar.umd.edu/current/registration/non-standard.htm
During the schedule adjustment period full-time undergraduates may drop or add courses, or
change sections or credit level without financial penalty provided they remain full-time students
(registered for 12 or more credits). See Penalties for Drops During Schedule
Adjustment (http://registrar.umd.edu/current/registration/ScheduleAdjustment.html) for
information and penalties associated with changing from full-time to part-time.
Part-time undergraduates (fewer than 12 credits) may also add, drop and change sections, as well
as change credit level, but should consult the Penalties for Drops During Schedule Adjustment
section (http://registrar.umd.edu/current/registration/ScheduleAdjustment.html) to avoid
incurring additional charges.
Grading Method (including pass-fail) may be changed only during the schedule adjustment
After Schedule Adjustment
Courses may not be added without special permission of the department and the dean of the
academic unit in which the student is enrolled.
All courses for which the student is enrolled shall remain as a part of the student's permanent
record. The student's status shall be considered full-time if the number of credit hours enrolled at
this time is 12 or more.
Drop Period
The drop period for undergraduate students will begin at the close of the schedule adjustment
period and terminate at the end of the tenth week of classes for the fall and spring semesters.
Consult the academic calendar at http://registrar.umd.edu/deadlines.html for dates.
Drops during this period will be recorded on the student's permanent record with a notation of W
and will not be used in the computation of a student's cumulative grade point average. During
this period a student may drop a maximum of four credits. However, if the course carries more
than four credits, the student may drop the entire course, or in the case of a variable credit
course, reduce the credit level by up to four credits.
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Student ID Numbers
University of Maryland assigns all students a unique nine-digit university identification number
(UID). The UID is the student identifier for most university transactions. Use of the social
security number is limited to necessary business transactions or where it is required by law.
See http://www.president.umd.edu/sites/president.umd.edu/files/documents/policies/VI-
2600a.pdf for the University of Maryland Policy on the Collection, Use and Protection of ID
Numbers and a list of currently approved uses.
Undergraduate Credit for Graduate Level Courses
Subject to requirements determined by the graduate faculty of the department or program
offering the course, undergraduate degree-seeking students may register for graduate-level
courses, i.e., those numbered from 600 to 898, with the exception of 799, for undergraduate
credit. The student must obtain the prior approval of the department and instructor offering the
Students eligible for this option normally will have achieved Junior standing, will have a GPA of
at least 3.0, and will have successfully completed the prerequisite courses with a grade of "B-" or
Enrollment in a graduate-level course does not in any way imply subsequent departmental or
graduate school approval for admission into a graduate program, nor may the course be used as
credit for a graduate degree at the University of Maryland.
Veterans Benefits
Students attending the university under the Veterans Education Assistance Act (Title 38, U.S.
Code) may receive assistance and enrollment certification at the Office of the Registrar, 1113
Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Building. Consult www.registrar.umd.edu/veteran-benefits.html for
more information.
Withdrawal and Leave of Absence
Students admitted to the University of Maryland are expected to make regular and consistent
progress towards the completion of their degree. However, the University understands that in
exceptional circumstances a student may find it necessary to completely withdraw from all
classes. The University considers such an interruption to be very serious as it delays normal
progress towards the degree. Students should not withdraw for frivolous reasons or to avoid the
consequences of ignoring their academic responsibilities. Any student considering withdrawal is
strongly encouraged to meet with his or her academic college advisor before leaving the
Potential Implications: Withdrawing or taking a leave of absence from the University may have
serious implications for international students, students receiving financial aid or students
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residing in on-campus housing. Students are advised to contact the appropriate offices before
finalizing withdrawal or leave of absence plans.
Student Financial Services Office, 1135 Lee Building, 301-314-9000
Department of Resident Life, 2100 Annapolis Hall, 301-314-2100
Office of International Services, 2111 Holzapfel Hall, 301-314-7740
Withdrawal: A withdrawal is available anytime between the first and last day of classes.
Students must submit written notice of withdrawal to the Office of the Registrar no later than the
last day of classes. In exceptional cases, a retroactive withdrawal may be granted based on
documented requests in which extenuating circumstances significantly impaired the student's
ability to complete the semester and officially withdraw by the established semester deadlines.
Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, medical or psychological causes. A student's
return to the University is contingent upon the conditions outlined in Return to the University
Leave of Absence: A leave of absence is a type of withdrawal and is available for students
wishing to take time away from the University with the intention of returning the following
semester. The leave of absence status is especially helpful for recipients of federal financial aid
because they are not considered to be withdrawn provided they do return and complete the
following semester. Students may apply for a leave of absence only during the last 60 days of the
semester. A student's return to the University is contingent upon the conditions outlined in
Return to the University below.
Return to the University: Normally, a student may withdraw or take a leave of absence from
the University only once during matriculation as an undergraduate. Students who find it
necessary to leave the University are required to petition the Faculty Review Board in order to
return. Students who have earned a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA, with no previous withdrawal
or leave of absence, are exempt from this requirement. Students who withdraw or take a leave of
absence while on academic probation, or those returning from dismissal, are always required to
petition the Faculty Review Board. For information on returning to the university, please see
Additional Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Information: The effective date of withdrawal or
leave of absence for the purposes of refunds is the date that the notice is received by the Office
of the Registrar. Notation of withdrawal/leave of absence and the effective date will be posted to
the student's academic record. Instructors and college offices will be notified of all withdrawn
students. The deadline date for submitting the withdrawal for each semester is the last day of
classes. Students should contact the Student Success Office for reenrollment information.
The repeat policy will not apply to courses taken during the academic semester from which the
student is officially withdrawn.
Military Call-ups: It is the intent of the University of Maryland, College Park, to facilitate the
withdrawal or change in registration and the reenrollment of students who are called to active
military duty during the semester. The student (or a representative) should take a copy of the
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military orders to the Office of the Registrar and process a withdrawal or change in registration
papers. Detailed information about this process may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar.
Withdrawal for active military service will have no effect on any subsequent request to withdraw
from the University.
Transfer Credit
Acceptability of Undergraduate Transfer Credits
Generally, college-level courses completed at regionally-accredited institutions will be
acceptable and awarded transfer credit, provided the course is similar in level, scope, content
and expected learning outcomes to courses offered at the University of Maryland and a grade
of "C-" or higher is earned. Regional accrediting bodies include: Middle States Association of
Colleges and Schools; New England Association of Schools and Colleges; North Central
Association of Colleges and Schools; Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges; Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools; and Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The
University of Maryland typically does not award undergraduate transfer credit for courses that
are pre-collegiate, remedial, vocational, technical, graduate, professional (e.g. law, medicine,
dentistry, nursing), or religious in nature. For a transfer course to receive credit, the course must
be similar in level, scope, content and expected learning outcomes of courses offered at the
University of Maryland. Other types of transfer courses that usually are not awarded transfer
credits are independent study, internships, externship, practicum, or co-op work experiences that
are not supervised by University of Maryland faculty. In addition, transfer credit is not awarded
for these types of experiences completed through other institutions.
The Office of the Registrar at the University of Maryland posts all undergraduate transfer
courses to an undergraduate degree seeking student’s academic record from regionally-
accredited institutions of higher education in the United States and international institutions
recognized by the countrys Ministry of Education. Only transfer courses that are acceptable and
awarded credit by the University of Maryland will be noted on the student’s official transcript.
The notation will include the course title and number of credits awarded; the grade for a course is
not included. Grades from transfer courses are not included in the University of Maryland grade
point average calculation.
Transfer courses from non-regionally accredited institutions in the United States will be
reviewed for acceptability on an individual basis at the request of the student. Only transfer
courses that have been determined to be acceptable for transfer to the University of Maryland
will be posted to the students’ academic record. For a course to be deemed acceptable for
transfer, the course must be similar in level, scope, content and expected learning outcomes to
courses offered at the University of Maryland. Transfer courses from international institutions
that are not recognized by the country’s Ministry of Education are not accepted for transfer and
will not be awarded credit by the University of Maryland.
Transfer courses completed at public institutions of higher education in the State of Maryland, in
accordance to COMAR (Code of Maryland Regulations) policy 13B.06.01.05
(http://www.dsd.state.md.us/comar/subtitle_chapters/13B_Chapters.aspx), are acceptable for
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transfer with a grade of “D-“ (as of Fall 2012) or higher. The transfer course must be similar in
level, scope, content and expected learning outcomes to courses offered at the University of
Maryland. In addition, the University of Maryland has direct articulation transfer programs
(http://www.artsys.usmd.edu/) with all Maryland public community colleges. An articulated
transfer program is a list of courses that best prepares applicants for a particular program of study
at the University of Maryland. It is important to note that as per University of Maryland
academic policies, the minimum grade required to satisfy a degree requirement may be higher
than the minimum grade to be awarded transfer credit.
Transfer of General Education Requirements from Maryland Public Institutions
As directed by the MHEC Policy (13B.06.01.04), transferable courses taken in fulfillment of
general education requirements at a Maryland public institution will be applied toward
University of Maryland's general education requirements. Careful planning with an academic
advisor will ensure that students take appropriate credit and maximize their credit transfer. The
total number of general education credits for a Maryland public institution transfer or post
baccalaureate credits will not exceed that required of native students.
A student transferring from a Maryland public community college with an earned
associate’s degree has completed general education at the University of Maryland, except
for any upper-level requirements and the number of credits required to complete general
education (40 credits for GenEd or 43 credits for CORE). An official transcript from the
transfer institution must be received by the University of Maryland with a notation the
associate’s degree was awarded.
A student who has completed the general education program at a Maryland public
community college has completed general education at the University of Maryland,
except for any upper-level requirements and the number of credits required to complete
general education (40 credits for GenEd or 43 credits for CORE). The transfer institution
must provide documentation on or with the student’s official transcript stating the student
has complete the general education program.
A student who earned a baccalaureate degree from the University of Maryland and is
pursuing a second degree has completed all general education for the University of
A student who has earned a baccalaureate degree at a Maryland public four-year
institution has completed all general education at the University of Maryland. An official
transcript from the transfer institution must be received by the University of Maryland
with a notation the baccalaureate degree was awarded.
A student who has completed the general education program at a Maryland public four-
year institution has completed all general education at the University of Maryland. The
transfer institution must provide documentation on or with the student’s official transcript
stating the student has complete the general education program.
Transfer of General Education Requirements from Non-Maryland Public Institutions
Students transferring from non-Maryland public institutions are required to complete all general
education requirements at the University of Maryland with the following exceptions:
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A student who has earned a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution
in the United States has completed all general education at the University of Maryland.
An official transcript from the transfer institution must be received by the University of
Maryland with a notation the baccalaureate degree was awarded.
A student who has earned a baccalaureate degree from an international institution that is
recognized by that country’s ministry of education and the degree has been determined to
be equivalent to a baccalaureate degree in the United States has completed all general
education at the University of Maryland. An official transcript from the transfer
institution must be received by the University of Maryland with a notation the
baccalaureate degree was awarded.
Transfer Credit Services
Transfer Credit Services (TCS) is a division of the Office of the Registrar at the University of
Maryland. TCS oversees course subject matter to determine the acceptability and awarding of
transfer credit for the University; and consults with the academic departments for course
clarifications and guidance. This review is based on a comparison of the transfer course to
courses offered for undergraduate degree programs at the University of Maryland.
A course that is accepted for transfer to the University of Maryland will receive one of the
following types of evaluations:
direct equivalency to a University of Maryland course (whether within or outside of the
no direct equivalency, but satisfies general education requirement, or
no direct equivalency, but is accepted as a general elective.
TCS provides information and assistance to academic advisors as they work with undergraduate
student transfer issues. Students and advisors work together to decide how courses satisfy a
student’s degree program, while TCS provides information to the campus advising community
on transfer credit and prior learning credit policies, course evaluations, credit reports and
articulation through an online course equivalency database at
For additional information about Transfer Credit Services, visit
Transfer Course Preliminary Evaluation
Admitted students can obtain access to their preliminary transfer credit evaluation of domestic
transfer courses starting approximately two weeks after the receipt of their admission letter. The
preliminary evaluation can be reviewed via their University of Maryland unofficial transcript
(http://www.testudo.umd.edu). An official review of transfer courses completed at institutions in
the United States will occur automatically upon admission to the University. For courses that
have not previously been evaluated or state NS (Needs Syllabus) or PE (Pending Evaluation) on
the student’s unofficial transcript, the student needs to request the course be evaluated by
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following the steps for the Transfer Credit Evaluation Process
(http://www.transfercredit.umd.edu/tceval.html). The student will need to provide a detailed
syllabus to request a transfer course evaluation. Occasionally, additional information about a
course may be required by the departmental evaluator to complete the evaluation. The evaluation
of transfer credit is an ongoing process that may continue through the student’s first semester at
the University of Maryland or as updated transcripts for the student are received.
Students are responsible for submitting all official final transcripts detailing their entire academic
record prior to matriculation to the University of Maryland. Credit will post to a student’s
University of Maryland record only from official transcripts received from the institution at
which the credits were earned.
An academic advisor in the student’s advising college will review and determine the
applicability of the already evaluated courses during orientation. It is important for admitted
students to continually monitor their unofficial transcript for updates and to consult with their
advisor when updates occur. Note: a transfer course CANNOT be applied toward satisfying a
degree requirement until the course has been deemed acceptable for transfer by the University
of Maryland.
Transfer Course Level
At the University of Maryland, lower-level courses refer to freshman and
sophomore level courses (100 or 200) and upper-level courses refer to junior and
senior level courses (300 or 400). It is important to note that NOT all institutions use the same
course numbering system as the University of Maryland to identify lower-level and upper-
level courses. Additional research may be needed to make an appropriate determination of
course level.
Generally, courses are transferred to the University of Maryland at the equivalent level in which
the course was taken at the transfer institution.
a lower-level course transfers to UMD as a lower-level course
an upper-level course transfers to UMD as an upper-level course
lower-level course can equate to an upper-level course at UMD, but the course is still
considered lower-level
an upper-level course can equate to a lower-level course at UMD, but the course is still
considered upper-level
ALL courses from a community college are considered lower-level
Students should work with their major and/or advising college to determine how these
courses may apply toward satisfying degree requirements at the University of Maryland.
Transfer Credit Conversion to Semester System
The University of Maryland operates on a semester calendar system. Transfer courses taken at
institutions on quarter, unit or other types of calendar systems will be converted to semester
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credit hours. For transfer courses taken on a quarter calendar system, the University awards .67
semester credits per quarter credit hour of study. For transfer courses taken on a unit or other
type of credit system, the University bases the number of semester credit hours on the number of
units required to earn a degree from the institution. It is important to note the University of
Maryland does not round transfer credits up or down to the nearest whole number.
Applicability of Transfer Courses to Degree Requirements
Once a course has been approved as acceptable for transfer to the University of Maryland, the
advising college in which the student is enrolled determines which transfer courses are
applicable to the student's degree program. In cases when a student is majoring within more than
one advising college, the primary advising college is responsible for determining applicability of
transfer courses in collaboration with the secondary advising college. It is important to note a
transfer course must first be evaluated as being acceptable for transfer to the University of
Maryland before the course can be applied toward satisfying any degree requirements. For
additional information about the Transfer Credit Evaluation Process, visit
It is imperative that the advising college makes note of the required semester hours for the degree
the student is pursuing. In addition, students should be warned that changing their major could
impact the number of transfer credits that may be applied to their degree requirements. If a
student changes the degree they are pursuing, the advising college will need to reevaluate the
applicability of the transfer credits and adjust accordingly to ensure the most appropriate transfer
courses are being applied toward the degree requirements.
The University of Maryland requires a minimum of 120 semester hours have been earned to
award a baccalaureate degree. In general, the maximum number of transfer credits applicable
toward degree requirements at the University of Maryland is as follows:
No more than 60 transfer credits may be applied toward degree requirements from a 2-
year institution.
No more than 90 transfer credits may be applied toward degree requirements from:
a) a 4-year institution or any combination of 4-year institutions.
b) a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions and prior learning
Regardless of the total number of semester hours required for a degree program, all candidates
for undergraduate degrees from the University of Maryland must complete a minimum of 30
credits in residence at the University.
Fundamental Studies Academic Writing Minimum Grade Requirement of C- or higher
Starting Fall 2017
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In accordance with Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR 13B.06.01.03), students who enroll
in Fundamental Studies Academic Writing (FSAW) must earn a grade of C- or higher. Students
who have completed FSAW with a grade of D- or higher prior to Fall 2017 at a Maryland public
institution will have met the Academic Writing General Education requirement.
Prior Learning Credit
For information about Prior Learning Credit, please see Chapter 4 Prior Learning Credit AP,
IB, A-Level/AS-Level, CLEP, BMT, Credit-by-Exam.
Permission to Enroll at Another Institution
Obtaining Permission to Enroll at Another Institution (Transfer Credit)
Undergraduate students already enrolled at the University of Maryland must obtain permission
prior to taking courses at another institution using the following forms:
Permission to Enroll at Another Institution (PTE) form must be submitted to, and
approved by, the advising college prior to enrolling at another U.S. institution. This form
is available online at http://www.registrar.umd.edu/petitions-
forms/PermissionToEnroll.html or in the student’s advising college office.
Permission to Study Abroad (PSA) form must be submitted to, and approved by, the
advising college prior to enrolling at an International Institution. This form is available
through the Education Abroad office (http://globalmaryland.umd.edu/offices/education-
All transfer courses taken away from the University of Maryland must be evaluated for
acceptability to the University prior to the PTE or PSA form being submitted for approval. See
http://www.transfercredit.umd.edu/tceval.html for instructions on how to request a transfer
course be evaluated for acceptability.
This permission is required for courses taken away from the University of Maryland in all
semesters, summer and winter terms. Failure to obtain permission prior to enrolling in course(s)
away from the University of Maryland may result in the course not being accepted for transfer by
the University and/or applied to the student's degree requirements.
Upon completion of the course(s), the student must request an official sealed transcript be sent
from the institution they attended to the University of Maryland.
The student and advisor will work together to decide how the transfer course(s) are applicable to
the student’s degree program. The title of the course, term in which the course was taken and the
number of transfer credits awarded will be noted on the student’s official transcript; but the grade
earned will not be displayed. Grades from transferred courses are not included in the University
of Maryland grade point average calculation.
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Questions regarding Courses Taken at Another Institution (Transfer Credit) should be directed to
the student’s advising college: http://www.transfercredit.umd.edu/advcollege.html.
Courses Taken at Other University of Maryland Institutions
For students who began their attendance at the University of Maryland in Fall 1989 or later, all
course work taken at any University System of Maryland institution will be posted as transfer
credit. For all students who attended the University of Maryland prior to Fall 1989, courses taken
at another University System of Maryland institution (UMBC, UMAB, UMES, UMUC) prior to
Fall 1989 will be included in the cumulative GPA. Courses taken at any other institution may not
be credited toward a degree without advance approval.
For information about Consortium or Inter-Institutional Programs, please see Chapter 4 –
Registration, Courses at Other Institutions.
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Chapter 5. General Education Requirements
General Education Program and Requirements
General Education Program and Requirements
Office of the Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Studies
2100 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-9363
Contact: Douglas Roberts, Associate Dean for General Education
New freshmen for fall 2012 and after will follow the General Education@UMD
Program: www.gened.umd.edu. Students enrolled at the university prior to fall 2012 will be
under the CORE Program: www.ugst.umd.edu/core. Transfer and other students should
check the General Education Program: Effective Dates information below.
General Education Program: Effective Dates
Students matriculating* to the University of Maryland (including freshmen and students
transferring from private institutions and from non-Maryland public institutions) beginning
in fall 2012 will be subject to the University’s General Education Program requirements
www.gened.umd.edu, except as provided below:
1. The University of Maryland, College Park requires students to complete a minimum of 40
credits of general education. Students transferring to the University who have completed their
general education requirements at another Maryland public institution of higher education will be
considered to have completed their general education requirements with the exception of an
upper-level writing course and any additional credits necessary to complete the minimum
number of general education credits.
2. Students transferring to the University from another Maryland public institution of higher
education who have not completed their general education requirements at another Maryland
public institution of higher education will be treated as follows:
a. Students who matriculate to college beginning in fall 2012 and thereafter will be subject to
the new General Education Program requirements upon transfer to the University of Maryland.
b. Students who matriculate to college prior to fall 2012 but transfer to the University of
Maryland prior to fall 2016 will be subject to the CORE general education requirements
c. Students who transfer to the University of Maryland beginning in fall 2016 and thereafter
will be subject to the General Education Program requirements, regardless of the date of their
matriculation at another Maryland public institution of higher education following award of the
high school diploma.
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3. Students returning or transferring to College Park after a separation from college of five or
more continuous years must follow the requirements in effect at the time of reentry. Students
who matriculate to the University with a bachelor’s degree from any regionally accredited
college or university will be considered to have satisfied the University’s general education
requirements, regardless of when the degree was received.
*For purposes of this transfer policy, matriculation means to be admitted to college and enrolled
in classes following award of the high school diploma.
General Education at the University of Maryland
Through the General Education program you will discover that education at the University of
Maryland is an experience that reaches from the campus classroom and lab to across the
globe. As a student you will engage with that larger universe by acquiring new skills and
understandings. General Education exposes you to different disciplines, improves your
fundamental academic skills, and strengthens your commitment to using knowledge and abilities
to better yourself and others.
The General Education program will assist you in preparing for a new "multiverse" of learning,
and for the demanding and constantly changing world beyond graduation. It provides necessary
skills and basic knowledge, complements and expands the university's course offerings, and
connects you more fully to the intellectual community of the Washington-Baltimore
metropolitan area, the nation, and the world beyond.
General Education program goals for all students:
Develop the skills necessary to succeed in academic careers and in professional lives by
establishing habits and understanding of clear writing, effective speaking and
presentation, and critical and analytic reasoning.
Strengthen knowledge in major areas of study.
Broaden knowledge of civilizations past and present.
Establish the ability to thrive both intellectually and materially and to support themselves,
their families, and their communities through a broad understanding of the world in
which they live and work.
Define the ethical imperatives necessary to create a just society in their own communities
and in the larger world.
IMPORTANT NOTES: General Education courses:
MUST be selected from the courses coded as meeting General Education requirements.
See list of approved General Education courses at Testudo:
https://ntst.umd.edu/soc/. Click on the General Education list for the term you wish to
MAY also be used to satisfy college, major, and/or supporting area requirements
MAY NOT be taken on a Pass-Fail basis.
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Fundamental Studies
Master the skills. (5 courses, 15 credits)
Analytic Reasoning
Academic Writing
Professional Writing
Oral Communication
Mathematics: The goal of the Mathematics requirement is to convey the power of mathematics,
demonstrated by the variety of problems that can be modeled and solved by quantitative
means. Ability in mathematics is a critical measure of how well students are prepared to meet
the challenges they will face in their lives beyond school. Must be attempted by 30 credits and
successfully completed by 60 credits.*
Analytic Reasoning: Courses in Analytic Reasoning foster a student's ability to use
mathematical or formal methods or structured protocols and patterns of reasoning to examine
problems or issues by evaluating evidence, examining proofs, analyzing relationships between
variables, developing arguments, and drawing conclusions appropriately.
If a student passes an Analytical Reasoning course that requires Fundamental Studies Math as a
prerequisite, the Math requirement has also been fulfilled.
Academic Writing: The Fundamental Studies Academic Writing requirement prepares students
with a foundational understanding of the writing skills needed for success in further studies at
Maryland and beyond. All students must earn a C- or better. Must be attempted by 30 credits
and successfully completed by 60 credits.*
Professional Writing: The Fundamental Studies Professional Writing requirement strengthens
writing skills and prepares students for the range of writing expected of them after graduation.
Oral Communication: Human relationships, from the most formal to the most personal, rest in
large measure on skilled listening and effective speaking. Skillful listening and speaking support
success in personal relationships, educational undertakings, professional advancement, and civic
* No exemption is allowed for SAT scores. Scores on AP and IB exams may provide
exemption. Refer to the 2012-13 Undergraduate Catalog for exemption information.
Distributive Studies
Experience a variety of disciplines. (8 courses, 25 credits)
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Natural Sciences
History and Social Sciences
Scholarship in Practice
The Program has three additional categories that may be taken on their own or, through double-
counting, may be rolled up into the Distributive Studies categories. Two of these comprise the
Diversity requirement: Understanding Plural Societies and Cultural Competence. The third is
the I-Series program which offers students two courses that deal with major issues. With double-
counting, students will have a minimum of 40 credits in General Education.
Natural Sciences courses introduce the concepts and methods of studying the natural world.
Courses include the traditional physical and life sciences, environmental science, animal and
avian science, and plant science, among others. One of the two courses selected must include a
substantial, rigorous laboratory experience.
History and Social Science courses introduce students to history and to the social science
disciplines, with their combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. They include courses
in criminology, economics, history, psychology, sociology, and other social sciences.
Humanities courses study the history and the genres of human creativity. They include courses
in literatures in any language, art and art history, classics, and music and music history, as well
as in the disciplines of linguistics and philosophy, among others.
Scholarship in Practice courses engage students in applying a body of knowledge to create
professional products or works of art. Architecture, business, education, engineering, and
journalism offer courses that lead to products such as architectural designs, new technologies,
innovative publications, new computer software, business plans, advertising campaigns,
educational curricula, and bioengineering. Creative and artistic performance courses lead
students to produce writing portfolios, plays, operas, dance productions, art exhibits, and creative
media. Scholarship in Practice also includes courses that combine competency in speaking,
writing, and translation in a foreign language. One of the two Scholarship in Practice courses
selected must be outside the student’s major requirements.
To fulfill the Distributive Studies requirement:
Students must complete two courses in each of the four Distributive Studies areas for a
total of eight courses in Distributive Studies. One of the courses in the Natural Sciences
must include a laboratory experience.
Two of the eight courses must be I-Series courses. I-Series courses double-count with
Distributive Studies. AP credit may not be used to satisfy the I-Series requirement.
AP credit for Distributive Studies is limited to six of the eight courses.
One of the two Scholarship in Practice courses must be outside the major requirements.
Coursework within one's major is permitted to satisfy both the major and general
education requirements.
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A Diversity requirement may be fulfilled by a course that is approved for both a Diversity
category and for a Distributive Studies category.
Explore human, social, and cultural differences. (2 courses, 4-6 credits that normally double-
count with Distributive Studies)
Understanding Plural Societies
Cultural Competence
To fulfill the Diversity requirement:
Students must complete two Understanding Plural Societies courses (6 credits total)
One Understanding Plural Societies course (3 credits) and one Cultural Competence
course (1-3 credits).
Courses fulfilling the Diversity requirement may double-count in an approved Distributive
Studies category.
Students will not be able to fulfill Understanding Plural Societies and/or Cultural Competence by
a study abroad experience unless the study abroad course carries that specific designation.
Choose from a unique suite of courses that form the cornerstone of Distributive Studies. (2
courses, 6 credits that double-count with Distributive Studies)
The I-Series is the signature program of General Education at the University of Maryland. I-
Series courses are lively and contemporary. They speak to important issues that spark the
imagination, demand intellect, and inspire innovation. They challenge students to wrestle with
big questions, and examine the ways that different disciplines address them. I-Series courses are
not surveys of particular fields of knowledge. Instead, I-Series courses provide students with the
basic concepts, approaches, and vocabulary of particular disciplines and fields of study as well as
an understanding of how experts in those disciplines and fields employ terms, concepts, and
approaches. Visit www.iseries.umd.edu for all the details and course offerings.
To view the General Education Requirement Checklist, see:
To view Frequently Asked Questions, see: http://www.gened.umd.edu/faqs-gened.php
To obtain a General Education@UMD Academic Planner and Record Keeper, visit your
college advising office, or the Office of Undergraduate Studies (2110 Marie Mount Hall).
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CORE Program Requirements
Office of the Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Studies
2100 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-9363
Contact: Douglas Roberts, Associate Dean for General Education
IMPORTANT: See “General Education Program: Effective Dates” above to determine
whether you are under the CORE Program Requirements or the General Education
Program Requirements.
To view Learning Outcome Goals for the CORE Program see:
To view the CORE Program Requirements Outline:
To obtain a CORE Academic Planner and Record Keeper, visit your college advising
office, or the Office of Undergraduate Studies, 2110 Marie Mount Hall.
CORE Program Elements
1. Fundamental Studies build competence and confidence in basic writing and
mathematics. Mastery of these basics enhances success both during and after college. Students
begin fulfilling Fundamental Studies requirements in their first year at the
University. www.ugst.umd.edu/core/elements/FundaSt.html
2. Distributive Studies focus on breadth, including courses in the following categories:
Literature; The History or Theory of the Arts; Humanities; Physical Sciences; Life Sciences;
Mathematics and Formal Reasoning; Social or Political History; Behavioral and Social Sciences;
and Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues. Students generally pursue Distributive Studies in the
first two years of their course work. www.ugst.umd.edu/core/elements/DistrSt.html
3. Advanced Studies allow students to enhance their degree and strengthen their critical thinking
and writing skills by taking two upper-level courses outside their major after 60 credits. Students
may substitute an approved CORE Capstone course in their major or a senior or honors thesis for
one of these two courses. www.ugst.umd.edu/core/elements/AdvanSt.html
4. Human Cultural Diversity gives students the opportunity to examine their ideas and values
in the light of various cultural, intellectual, and social contexts. Diversity courses increase
knowledge of what constitutes difference and increase students' ability to learn from and
appreciate people, cultures, ideas, and art forms that are often different from those they know
best. Students may complete the Cultural Diversity requirement at any time before graduation.
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IMPORTANT NOTES: Fundamental and Distributive Studies courses:
MUST be selected from the approved CORE course lists to count toward CORE
requirements. At www.ugst.umd.edu/core, click on “What are the CORE Courses?” for
links to the current lists of approved courses in each CORE category.
MAY also be used to satisfy college, major, and/or supporting area requirements if the
courses also appear on CORE Fundamental or Distributive Studies lists.
CORE courses MAY NOT be taken on a Pass-Fail basis.
I. CORE Fundamental Studies
Three Courses (9 credits) Required
1. One course in Academic Writing (Must be attempted within the first 30 credits; must be
passed within the first 60 credits.) See: http://www.english.umd.edu/academics/academicwriting
Approved CORE Academic Writing Courses:
ENGL101 Academic Writing
ENGL101A Academic Writing (Must be taken if student has TSWE [SAT verbal
subtest] score below 33)
ENGL101H Academic Writing (Honors Students)
ENGL101X Academic Writing (Students for whom English is a second language may
register for ENGL101X instead of ENGL101.)
Note: Based on scores from either the TOEFL or MEIP, students may be required to
complete a program of English language instruction for non-native speakers through the
MEI before being allowed to register for ENGL101X.
Exemptions from Academic Writing requirement (CORE Program Only):
AP English Language and Composition test score of 4 or 5, OR
SAT verbal score 670 or above for scores achieved between May 1995 and February
2005. (In April 1995, the Educational Testing Service re-centered the scores on the
SAT. Students whose test scores are from before April 1995 must have received a score
of 600 or above to be exempt from Academic Writing. This re-centering does not reflect
a raising of the requirement for exemption, but a change in the scoring system used by
In March 2005, ETS began the use of a new SAT test for writing. Information about
exemption in connection with SAT tests taken after March 2005 will be available at
Beginning in fall 2012, students under the new General Education program will not be
exempted from the Academic Writing requirement based on SAT scores.
2. One course in Mathematics (Must be attempted within the first 30 credits; must be passed
within the first 60 credits.) See www.ugst.umd.edu/core/courses/Fundamental/FundaSt-
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Approved CORE Fundamental Studies Mathematics Courses:
MATH110 Elementary Mathematical Models; OR
MATH112 College Algebra with Applications and Trigonometry; OR
MATH113 College Algebra with Applications; OR
MATH115 Pre-calculus; OR
Any 100- or 200-level MATH or STAT course except MATH199, 210, 211, 212,213, 214, and
Exemptions from Mathematics requirement (CORE Program Only):
SAT Math score of 600 or above; OR
AP score of 4 or above in Calculus AB or BC; OR
AP score of 4 or above in Statistics; OR
CLEP Calculus Exam score of 50 or higher.
Beginning in fall 2012, students under the new General Education program will not be
exempted from the Mathematics requirement based on SAT scores.
Note: If you are placed in the Developmental Math Program by the Mathematics Placement
Exam, you may be offered the opportunity to combine your Developmental course with the
appropriate subsequent course of MATH110, 111, 113, or 115 and thus finish both in one
semester. For further information, please see the Developmental Math Program web site:
3. One course in Professional Writing (taken after 60
credits). www.ugst.umd.edu/core/courses/Fundamental/Funda-St-professional.html
Approved CORE Professional Writing Courses:
ENGL390 Science Writing
ENGL391 Advanced Composition
ENGL392 Legal Writing
ENGL393 Technical Writing
ENGL394 Business Writing
ENGL395 Writing for Health Professions
ENGL398 Topics in Professional Writing
Suffixed versions of the above course numbers also fulfill the CORE Professional Writing
Exemption from Professional Writing Requirement (CORE Program Only):
Grade of "A" in ENGL101 (NOT ENGL101A or ENGL101X), except for students
majoring in Engineering. All Engineering majors must take ENGL393.
Beginning in fall 2012, students under the new General Education program will not be
exempted from the Professional Writing requirement based on a grade of "A" in
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Note: No exemption from the Professional Writing requirement will be granted for achievement
on SAT verbal exam. Professional Writing courses cannot be used to fulfill Advanced Studies
II. CORE Distributive Studies
Nine Courses (28 credits) Required
See the listings of approved CORE courses in the online Schedule of Classes at
1. Humanities and the Arts-three courses required
One course from Literature (HL), and
One course from The History or Theory of the Arts (HA), and
One more course from Literature (HL), OR The History or Theory of the Arts (HA), OR
Humanities (HO).
Note: There is no specific CORE requirement for a Humanities (HO) course.
2. The Sciences and Mathematics - three courses required:
Up to two courses from Physical Sciences (PL/PS)
Up to two courses from Life Sciences (LL/LS)
Up to one course from Mathematics and Formal Reasoning (MS)
Notes: At least one science course MUST include or be accompanied by a lab taken in the same
semester (LL or PL only). More than one lab course may be taken. Courses must be taken from
at least two of the three categories. There is no specific CORE requirement for a Mathematics
and Formal Reasoning (MS) course. At least two life and/or physical science courses must be
taken (PL, PS, LL, and LS). The third Sciences and Mathematics course may be another science
selection or may be chosen from Mathematics and Formal Reasoning (MS) courses.
3. Social Sciences and History-three courses required:
One course from Social or Political History (SH) and
Two courses from Behavioral and Social Sciences (SB)
4. Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues (CORE CODE: IE)
FALL 2005
Details at: http://www.ugst.umd.edu/core/elements/DistrSt.html#IE
IE is an optional CORE distributive studies category; Students may fulfill CORE
requirements without taking an IE course.
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Only one IE course may be counted toward fulfilling CORE Distributive Studies
Whether a student takes an IE course or not, total CORE Distributive Studies course and
credit requirements remain the same: at least 9 courses and 28 credits.
III. CORE Advanced Studies
Two Courses (6 credits) Required
Students may choose their two Advanced Studies courses from a wide range of upper-level
offerings outside their majors. Good choices include courses that mesh with or expand
educational goals or other interests, increase knowledge, and strengthen critical thinking and
writing skills.
CORE Advanced Studies Requirement: Two upper-level (300- or 400-level) courses outside
the major taken after 60 credits. Students may substitute a CORE approved senior capstone
course in their major or a senior or honors thesis for one of the two required Advanced Studies
courses. Enrollment in CORE Capstone courses will be subject to departmental guidelines. The
other course must be outside the major. Students completing double majors or double degrees
will have fulfilled the campus Advanced Studies requirement, unless their primary major or
college has additional requirements. The student's academic college determines whether or not a
course is "outside the major" for the purpose of fulfilling CORE Advanced Studies.
The following may NOT be used to fulfill Advanced Studies requirements:
Professional Writing courses (courses that meet the Fundamental Studies upper-level
writing requirement);
courses used to meet Distributive Studies requirements;
internships, practica, or other experiential learning types of courses;
courses taken on a pass/fail basis.
One independent studies course (minimum of three credits, outside the major) may be used
toward Advanced Studies requirements as long as it is consistent with the rules above and the
faculty member supervising the independent study agrees that it is appropriate for Advanced
Notes: CORE Capstone courses must be taken within the major. A senior thesis (minimum of 3
credits) or successful completion and defense of an honors thesis in either the Honors College or
a Departmental Honors Program (minimum of 3 credits) counts as CORE Capstone credit.
See list of approved CORE Capstone courses at https://ntst.umd.edu/soc/
IV. CORE Human Cultural Diversity
One Course (3 credits) Required
See the CORE Diversity List in the online Schedule of Classes at https://ntst.umd.edu/soc/
Cultural Diversity courses focus primarily on: (a) the history, status, treatment, or
accomplishment of women or minority groups and subcultures; (b) non-Western culture, or (c)
concepts and implications of diversity.
Note: A number of CORE Human Cultural Diversity courses also satisfy CORE Distributive
Studies, Advanced Studies, or a college, major, and/or supporting area requirement.
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Study Abroad and Satisfying CORE Requirements see:
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Chapter 6. The Colleges and Schools
0108 Symons Hall, 301-405-2078
Dean: Craig Beyrouty
Associate Dean(s): Adel Shirmohammadi and Joseph Sullivan
Assistant Dean(s): Evelyn E. Cooper and Daniel Kugler
The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources offers a variety of academic programs that
apply science, management, design, and engineering to improve the world in which we live and
work. Feeding the world's population, developing scientifically-based land use practices and
policies, understanding animal and plant biology, improving nutrition and its effects on human
health, conserving and restoring ecosystems, and profitably managing farms and agribusinesses
in harmony with the environment are all vital concerns of the College. Integrating the use and
protection of natural resources in the production of food and nursery crops is a challenge facing
In addition to course work, undergraduates have opportunities to work closely with faculty in
state-of-the-art facilities including those for animal sciences, dietetics, environmental science and
technology, landscape architecture, plant sciences, and veterinary medicine. The College also
serves as the academic home of the Maryland Campus of the Virginia-Maryland Regional
College of Veterinary Medicine. Nearby resources such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
Beltsville Agricultural National Research Center, the National Institutes of Health, the Food and
Drug Administration, the Smithsonian Institution and the National Zoo, Maryland's Departments
of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center enhance
teaching, research, internship, and career opportunities for students. Field study courses offered
in Azerbaijan, Brazil, Belize, Costa Rica, Italy, Peru, Russia, and Taiwan, and a study-abroad
program in Angers, France expose students to other cultures and environments. Learning
opportunities are also strengthened through student involvement in such co-curricular activities
as the College Honors Program, AGNR Undergraduate Research Program, career programs,
leadership workshops, and student clubs.
Special Advantages and Facilities
Educational opportunities in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources are enhanced by
the proximity of several research units of the federal government. Teaching and research
activities in the College are conducted with the cooperation of scientists and professional people
in government positions. Of particular interest are the National Agricultural Research Center at
Beltsville, the National Agricultural Library, the National Arboretum, and the Food and Drug
Instruction in the basic biological and social sciences, and landscape design is conducted
in modern, technologically-equipped classrooms and laboratories. The application of basic
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principles to practical situations is demonstrated for the student in numerous ways. In addition to
on-campus facilities, the college operates several education and research facilities throughout
Maryland. Horticultural and agronomic crops, turf, beef, horses, dairy cattle, and poultry are
maintained under practical and research conditions and may be used by our students. These
centers, as well as other selected locations on and off campus also serve as living laboratories for
environmental studies.
Admission Requirements
It is recommended that students entering the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources have
completed a high school preparatory course that includes: English, 4 units; mathematics, 3 units;
biological and physical sciences, 3 units; and history or social sciences, 2 units.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
Departments in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources offer the following programs
of study:
Agricultural and Resource Economics: Business Management; Agricultural Science;
Environmental and Resource Policy; Food Production; International Agriculture; and Political
Animal Sciences: Animal Care and Management; Equine Studies; Laboratory Animal Care;
Science/Pre-professional; and Animal Biotechnology
Combined Agriculture/Veterinary Medicine
Environmental Science and Policy: Environment & Agriculture, Environmental Economics,
Environmental Restoration, Soil, Water, & Land Resources, and Wildlife Resources &
Environmental Science and Technology: Concentrations in Ecological Technology Design,
Environmental Health, Soil and Watershed Science, or Natural Resources Management
Plant Sciences: Horticulture and Crop Production, Landscape Management, Plant Sciences,
Turf and Golf Course Management, and Urban Forestry
Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Landscape Architecture
Nutrition and Food Science: Dietetics; Food Science; and Nutritional Science
Students graduating from the college must complete at least 120 credits with a grade point
average of 2.0 in all courses applicable toward the degree. Requirements of the major and
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supporting areas are listed under individual program headings in the Departments, Majors and
Programs section of this site.
Each student in the College is assigned a faculty advisor to assist in selecting courses, accessing
academic enrichment opportunities, and making strategic career decisions. Advisors normally
work with a limited number of students and are able to give individual
guidance. Both freshmen entering with a definite choice of curriculum and transfer students are
assigned to departmental advisors for counsel and planning of all academic programs as soon as
possible. Students have access to additional advising through their home department's
undergraduate program office and through the college's student services office. AGNR Peer
Mentors, academically talented and university-engaged upperclassmen, provide an additional
advising resource for students in the college.
Specifics of advisor assignment are available in the undergraduate office of each department.
Departments and Centers
Undergraduate credit instruction is offered by the Departments of Animal and Avian Sciences
(ANSC), Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC), Environmental Science and
Technology (ENST), Nutrition and Food Science (NFSC), and Plant Science and Landscape
Architecture (PSLA). Additionally, the Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP) major is
based and administered within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; it offers
specializations advised within this college as well the colleges of Behavioral and Social
Sciences, Chemical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Also, the Agricultural Science and
Technology major within PSLA offers students the opportunity to double major in Agriculture
Education. Additional courses are provided through the 2-year certificate program in the Institute
of Applied Agriculture.
Academic Minors provide students an opportunity to expand or complement their major by
taking additional courses (15-24 credits) in a coherent field of study. Students interested in a
minor should contact the undergraduate program office of the department offering the
minor. Currently the following are approved minors (with the offering department in
parentheses) in the college:
Agribusiness Economics (Agricultural and Resource Economics)
Environmental Economics and Policy (Agricultural and Resource Economics)
Resource and Agricultural Policy in Economic Development (Agricultural and Resource
Global Poverty (Agricultural and Resource Economics)
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Landscape Management (Plant Science and Landscape Architecture)
Soil Science (Environmental Science and Technology)
Sustainability Studies (Environmental Science and Policy)
Living-Learning Programs
The college sponsors, through its Environmental Science and Policy Program, the Environment,
Technology and Economy curriculum in College Park Scholars. Admission to College Park
Scholars is selective and by invitation only. For further information, see Undergraduate Studies,
College Park Scholars Program in the Colleges and Schools section of this site.
Specialized Academic Programs
The Institute of Applied Agriculture offers 60-credit certificate programs designed primarily for
professional development. Options offered include Agribusiness Management, Equine Business
Management, Golf Course Management, Golf Course Construction Management, Landscape
Management, Ornamental Horticulture, Sports Turf Management, Sustainable Agriculture and
Turfgrass Management. Some two-year program students continue on in regular four-year
programs in the college and several of the college's majors allow limited use of Institute courses
in their programs.
Pre-Veterinary Medicine
The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is the most popular choice for students who
wish to pursue veterinary medicine. Two excellent majors not to be missed are housed in the
Department of Animal and Avian Sciences. The Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine major
offers a student an accelerated academic path with all recommended courses for veterinary
school and the opportunity to apply at the end of the junior year. The Sciences/Pre-Professional
major offers a student a four year academic path with all recommended courses for veterinary
school and the opportunity to apply upon receipt of the bachelor of science (B.S.) degree.
College Honors Program
Students may apply for admission to the College Honors program after completing 60 credits
with a minimum 3.2 GPA in a program within the College. Honors students work with a faculty
mentor and must take at least 12 credits of honors courses including a senior thesis. Interested
students should contact their faculty advisor.
Approved Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Student participation in professional societies, clubs, and interest groups is extensive in the
college, and students find opportunity for varied expression and growth in the following
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AGNR Peer Mentors; AGNR Student Ambassadors; AGNR Student Council; Alpha Zeta; Alpha
Gamma Rho; Animal and Avian Sciences Graduate Student Association; Block and Bridle;
Collegiate 4-H; Food and Nutrition Club; Landscape Architecture Student Association; Natural
Resources Management Society; Sigma Alpha; UM Equestrian Club; UM Food Science Club;
UM Student Chapter of Golf Course Superintendents Association of America; Minorities in
Agriculture and Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) and Veterinary Science
Financial Assistance
A number of scholarships are available for students enrolled in the College of Agriculture and
Natural Resources. These include:
AGNR Alumni Association Scholarship; AGNR General Scholarship; Arthur M. Ahalt
Memorial Scholarship; Attorney General's Agricultural and Natural Resources Scholarship;
Professor John Axley Memorial Scholarship; Eileen Barnett Scholarship; Beltsville Garden Club
Scholarship; Bruce and Donna Berlage Scholarship; Chester F. Bletch Endowment; Bowie-
Crofton Garden Club Scholarship; Frank D. Brown Memorial Scholarship; Joseph Byrd
Foundation Scholarship; Jonas and Joan Cash Student Award Scholarship; Chapel Valley
Landscape Honorary Scholarship; George Earle Cook, Jr. Scholarship; Ernest T. Cullen
Memorial Scholarship; Jaime Dannemann Scholarship; R.F. Davis Memorial Scholarship; Jerry
V. DeBarthe Memorial Scholarship; William R. DeLauder Scholarship; Frank J. Duda Turfgrass
Scholarship; Mylo S. Downey Memorial Scholarship; Equine Studies Scholarship; Explore
AGNR Scholarship; James R. Ferguson Memorial Scholarship; Kenneth S. Fowler Memorial
Endowed Scholarship; Thomas A. Fretz Agriculture and Natural Resources Scholarship; James
& Sarah Goddard Memorial Scholarship; William D. Godwin Endowed Scholarship; Golf
Course Builders of America Association Foundation Scholarship; Manasses J. & Susanna Jarboe
Grove Scholarship; Tom Hartsock Animal Management Scholarship; H. Palmer Hopkins
Scholarship established by Charles W. Coale, Jr. & Ellen Kirby Coale; Charles & Judy Iager
Scholarship; Land Grant Scholarship; James & Gertrude Leamer Scholarship; Donald Leishear
International Travel Scholarship; Lee Majeskie Dairy Youth Scholarship; Maryland Greenhouse
Growers Association Scholarship; James R. & Patricia M. Miller Outstanding Senior
Scholarship; John and Marjorie Moore International Agriculture & Natural Resources Student
Travel Scholarship; James and Dessie Moxley Scholarship; Paul R. Poffenberger Memorial
Scholarship; Jennifer Russo Memorial Scholarship; Ross & Pauline Smith Scholarship; J.
Herbert Snyder Educational Scholarship; Southern States Cooperative Scholarship; Hiram I.
Stine Memorial Scholarship; T.B. Symons Memorial Scholarship; TIC Gums Scholarship;
Vansville Farmers Club Scholarship; A.V. Vierheller Scholarship; Siegfried Weisberger, Jr.
Memorial Scholarship; Theo & Georgianna Miles Weiss Memorial Scholarship; and the William
R. Winslow Scholarship.
The College is privileged to offer additional support in the form of interest-free loans through the
Catherine Brinkley Loan Fund which are available to students who are residents of Maryland and
progressing in programs within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
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The Agriculture and Natural Resources Alumni Chapter provides recognition each year for the
Outstanding Senior in the two-year and four-year programs.
Research Units
Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station
The Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) supports research conducted primarily
by 120 faculty scientists located within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Faculty use state-of-the-art facilities such as a new Research Greenhouse Complex and
Environmental Simulator, as well as 10 off-campus research locations, for research in the
science, business, policy, and practice of agriculture. MAES supports research that benefits
consumers and producers alike; for example, our significant focus on the environment protects
valuable natural resources such as the Chesapeake Bay. Undergraduate students also benefit
from mentoring by MAES-supported faculty and instructional use of MAES facilities statewide.
University of Maryland Extension
The University of Maryland Extension educates citizens in the application of practical, research-
based knowledge to critical issues in agricultural and agribusiness including aquaculture; natural
resources and the environment; human development, nutrition, diet, and health; youth
development and 4-H; and family and community leadership. The statewide program includes
more than 180 faculty and support staff located in 23 counties, the City of Baltimore, four
regional centers, and the University of Maryland's College Park and Eastern Shore campuses. In
addition, more than 15,000 volunteers and citizens in Maryland give generously of their time and
Center for Food Safety and Security Systems (CFS
The Center for Food Safety and Security Systems (CFS
) provides world-class research,
education and outreach on issues related to food and water defense, safety and
protection. Housed in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science, this new center will
provide additional opportunity for students to become involved in issues of significance for
homeland security. For information on CFS
, please see http://cfs3.umd.edu/ or call 301-405-
Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, Inc.
The Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology, Inc. is a private, non-profit 501 (c) 3
organization affiliated with the University of Maryland. The Center brings together diverse
interests from the agricultural, forestry, and environmental communities for the purpose of
retaining Maryland's working landscapes and the industries they support while protecting and
improving the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. For further information see
http://agresearch.umd.edu/agroecol or call at 410-827-6202.
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Joint Institute For Food Safety and Nutrition
The Joint Institute For Food Safety and Nutrition (JIFSAN), established between the US
FDA and the University of Maryland in 1996, is a jointly administered research and education
program. For information on JIFSAN, see www.jifsan.umd.edu/ or call 301-405-8382.
Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
The Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center (NRAC) is one of five Regional Aquaculture
Centers established by the U. S. Congress for the United States. Funded by the USDA, and
representing 12 states and the District of Columbia, NRAC develops and sponsors cooperative
regional research and extension projects in support of the aquaculture industry in the
northeastern United States. For further information see https://agresearch.umd.edu/nrac or call
Student Engagement and Service Units
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Maryland Campus
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Dr. Nathaniel Tablante, Associate Director, Center for Public and Corporate Veterinary
1202 Gudelsky Veterinary Center, 301-314-6820
The Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine is operated by the University
of Maryland and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Each year, 30 Maryland
and 50 Virginia residents comprise the entering class of a four-year program leading to a Doctor
of Veterinary Medicine (DVM).
The first three years are given at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in
Blacksburg, Virginia. The final year of instruction is given at several locations, including the
University of Maryland, College Park.
A student desiring admission to the college must complete the pre-veterinary requirements and
apply for admission to the professional curriculum. Admission to this program is competitive,
and open to all Maryland residents. All Maryland residents' applications are processed at the
College of Veterinary Medicine, Maryland Campus, University of Maryland, College Park.
Institute of Applied Agriculture (Two-Year Certificate Program)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Glori Hyman, Director
2123 Jull Hall, 301-405-4685
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The Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) awards academic certificates in Agricultural Business
Management, Golf Course Management, Golf Course Construction Management, Landscape
Management, Ornamental Horticulture, Sports Turf Management, Sustainable Agriculture and
Turfgrass Management. As a two-year program, the IAA has a separate admission policy. Upon
completion of the program, students are welcome to transfer to the University of Maryland,
College Park; University of Maryland University College; and other schools.
For more information about the IAA, its admissions procedures, and requirements, contact the
Institute of Applied Agriculture, 2123 Jull Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
1200 Architecture Building, 301-405-8000
Dean: Sonia Hirt
Associate Dean(s): Donald Linebaugh, Gerrit Knaap
Assistant Dean(s): Ingrid Farrell, Laura Mikolajko
The undergraduate program in architecture develops critical thinkers, problem solvers and skilled
professionals ready to take on the challenges of sustainable design. Our prime location between
Washington, D.C., and Baltimore offers many advantages: a faculty of highly respected scholars
and practitioners; alumni connections and careers at countless architectural firms; and rich
architectural diversity. Begin your journey to a more sustainable and environmentally balanced
world right here.
The first two years of the curriculum focus on developing a broad-based and well-rounded liberal
education, complemented by courses that introduce you to architecture. You’ll be exposed to the
many resources and opportunities of the university while refining your academic and career
interests. We offer you two degree options that are tailored to fit your particular academic and
career interests. The Bachelor of Science curriculum is centered on design studios, with
complementary coursework in architectural history, theory, technology and visual media. The
studio courses offer unique experiences where you’ll not only have the opportunity to show your
design skills but also work with communities to help solve real-world problems.
One unique feature of the Bachelor of Arts program is your ability to pursue an academic path
that reflect your passions and interests. It’s not uncommon for students to discover that their
interest in architecture reveals other career aspirations. Earning a bachelor of arts in architecture
allows you to build a foundation in architecture while preparing for careers in business, urban
planning, real estate development or historic preservation, just to name a few.
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Students receive rigorous and comprehensive instruction from a faculty whose members are
active in professional practice and research. Their individual areas of expertise include
architectural design and theory, history, architectural archaeology, technology, urban design and
planning, and historic preservation.
Special Advantages and Facilities
NAAB - In the United States, most state registration boards require a degree from an accredited
professional degree program as a prerequisite for licensure. The National Architectural
Accrediting Board (NAAB), which is the sole agency authorized to accredit U.S. professional
degree programs in architecture, recognizes three types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture,
the Master of Architecture, and the Doctor of Architecture. A program may be granted a 6-year,
3-year, or 2-year term of accreditation, depending on the extent of its conformance with
established educational standards.
Doctor of Architecture and Master of Architecture degree programs may consist of a pre-
professional undergraduate degree and a professional graduate degree that, when earned
sequentially, constitute an accredited professional education. However, the pre-professional
degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.
The University of Maryland's School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation offers the
following NAAB-accredited degree programs:
M.Arch (pre-professional degree + 60 graduate credits)
M.Arch (non-pre-professional degree + 109 credits)
The school is housed in a modern building providing design workstations for each student, a 300
seat auditorium, and seminar and classroom facilities. The Great Space, an atrium at the center of
the School, is the location for collaborative projects, design reviews, critiques, and a variety of
events that that bring the architecture program together. Facilities include a well-equipped
woodworking and model shop, computer labs, digital output and digital fabrication. The
Architecture Library, one of the finest in the nation, offers convenient access to a current
circulating collection of more than 34,000 volumes, 8,000 periodicals, and an extensive selection
of reference materials. Rare books and special acquisitions include a collection relating to
international expositions and the 11,000-volume National Trust for Historic Preservation
Upper level summer programs include travel to Rome, Paris, Turkey, Great Britain, and other
countries. Students may earn direct credit doing hands-on restoration work and by attending
lectures by visiting architects, preservationists, and scholars. Undergraduate seniors and graduate
students may also participate in a Studio Abroad in Florence: Live, study, and learn in the city
where Architecture began. You’ll take classes in Leon Battista Alberti’s masterpiece, the Palazzo
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Ruccellai, and attend studio in a newly renovated building on the banks of the Arno. In addition
to learning in the classroom, you will have plenty of opportunity to visit museums, draw in
piazzas, learn to speak Italian, and absorb the history of Italy while learning local customs.
Admission Requirements
http://arch.umd.edu/arch/degree/bachelor-science-architecture for admissions questions.
Freshman Admission. Students from high school gain admission to the Undergraduate
Architecture Program through the University's Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Admitted
freshmen have access to the necessary advising through their initial semesters to determine if
architecture is an appropriate major for their interests and abilities.
Before a student enrolls in either the BA or BS during their third year of study, they must
complete the Degree Placement Review Process. This will determine which degree program best
fits their interests and talents, as well as, the duration of their studies until graduation. Students
should complete the following courses as prerequisites before beginning their junior year:
ARCH170 or 171, 225, 226, 200, and 300 with a grade of "C-"
MATH120, PHYS121 and one natural science course with a minimum grade of "C-" in
all three
Transfer Admission Requirements. Transfer students who wish to study Architecture must
first gain admission to the University and concurrently submit for the Degree Placement Review
Process if they wish to be considered for junior standing. Please see above for the requirements.
Transfer applicants are strongly encouraged to apply by the priority deadline and should contact
the Undergraduate Architecture Advisors as soon as possible at [email protected].
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
All students must complete the following courses in Architecture:
ARCH171 – Design Thinking
ARCH225 – Architectural World History I
ARCH200 – Design Media I
ARCH226 – Architectural World History II
ARCH300 – Design Media II
ARCH201 – Elements & Principles
ARCH462 – Methods & Materials I
ARCH400 – Architectural Design Studio I
ARCH463 – Sustainable Systems
For the Bachelor of Science degree option, students must complete three additional 6-credit
design studios and accompanying technical/structures courses.
ARCH401, ARCH402, ARCH403
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ARCH464, ARCH465, ARCH466
ARCH4XX – 12 credits
For the Bachelor of Arts degree option, students must complete 36 additional credits in upper
level Architecture electives and a minimum of 9 additional credits in directed electives inside or
outside the major.
ARCH4XX – 36 credits
Entering students are advised by the Undergraduate Advisors located in the School's Main
Office. Advising is mandatory for all undergraduate architecture majors each semester. Students
must meet with an academic advisor to discuss their academic plan and course selection.
Students can make an appointment for advising online by visiting www.arch.umd.edu. Students
may also contact the advising office via [email protected]. Walk-in appointments are also
available. Students may use the archadvise@umd.edu email at any time. Students should always
include their full name, UID and contact information in any email correspondence.
Construction Project Management:
A minor in Construction Project Management will prepare students for employment in one of the
many careers related to the built environment, such as project management, architectural
engineering, design and commercial construction. Students will learn how to manage multiple
phases of operation and management in the construction process including building information
modeling, cost estimating, project scheduling, construction financing and planning. The
Construction Project Management minor is ideal for students in Architecture, Engineering and
similar fields. This minor is designed to give students a competitive advantage when applying for
a job in the construction industry.
Requirements for the Minor:
1. 12 credits of required courses:
ENCE325 - Introduction to Construction Project Management
ENCE423 - Project Planning, Estimating & Scheduling
ENCE424 - Communication for Project Managers
ARCH472 - Building Information Modeling (BIM) Communication & Collaboration
2. 3 credits of approved upper level electives
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Real Estate Development:
Undergraduates with an interest in real estate can now complete a minor in real estate
development. The minor will provide students with an overview of sustainable real estate
development, including the development process; the basics of real estate finance; urban
planning and design; and the unique roles of government and the private sector.
Requirements for the Minor:
1. 12 credits of required courses:
RDEV250 - People, Planet and Profit: Building Sustainable Places
RDEV270/Accounting - Tax & Accounting for Real Estate Development
RDEV350 - Principles, Process and Practice of Real Estate Development
RDEV450 - Foundations of Real Estate Finance and Investment
2. 3 credits of approved upper level electives
Approved Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Architecture Student Assembly represents the student body. Assembly members are elected
from undergraduate and graduate classes. Representatives attend Faculty Meetings, serve on
committees, and organize the Architecture Program Retrospective at the end of each semester.
The School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation sponsors a chapter of the American
Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), the national association for architecture students. The
AIAS chapter sponsors a variety of activities including an annual Career Fair, Beaux Arts Ball,
field trips, conferences, workshops, and other events throughout the academic year.
The University of Maryland chapter of NOMAS is affiliated with the national professional
organization NOMA. NOMAS is a group of students from a variety of backgrounds pursuing
architecture degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levels, interested in contributing to the
UMD School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation by building a sense of community
based on shared experiences unique to our diverse student body.
Women in Architecture In a field that is predominantly male dominated, it is vital to fill the
absence of a well established community to specifically empower women. Through weekly
meetings and planned events, members can discuss and understand how to spread the
empowerment of all women as well as build a network of a aspiring and established female
architects and designers. If this is something you are interested in being apart of, please join our
professional organization. Both men and women are encouraged to participate and become
members of WIA.
Alpha Rho Chi (APX) is the national co-ed fraternity for architecture and the allied arts. Its
brotherhood unites men and women for the purpose of fellowship and lifelong friendships, as
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well as professional development. This is exemplified by the fraternity's motto: Fidelitas, Amor
et Artes or "Fidelity and Love of the Arts."
Financial Assistance
Many financial awards are offered to freshman upon admission. Any questions about financial
aid for freshman admits should be directed to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the
Office of Student Financial Aid.
Each year, the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation offers a number of merit-based
scholarships to qualifying undergraduate students. Many are offered to students participating in
study abroad programs. Interested students are encouraged to apply for these in early Spring.
Information is available at www.arch.umd.edu. Please note that most of these scholarships are
reserved for students in the studio sequence of the program.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. Freshmen and sophomores are
strongly encouraged to visit the OFSA early in their tenure at the University of Maryland to
determine any scholarships they may be eligible for in the following years.
For more information, visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Research Units
National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education
1112 Preinkert Fieldhouse, College Park,301-405-6788
Dr. Gerrit Knaap
The National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education is a non-partisan center for
research and leadership training on Smart Growth and related land use issues nationally and
internationally. Founded in 2000, the National Center for Smart Growth is a cooperative venture
of four University of Maryland schools: Architecture, Planning and Preservation; Public Policy;
Agriculture and Natural Resources; and Engineering. The mission of the Center is to bring the
diverse resources of the University of Maryland and a network of national experts to bear on
issues of land development, resource preservation and urban growth -- the nature of our
communities, our landscape and our quality of life -- through interdisciplinary research, outreach
and education, thereby establishing the University as the national leader in this field.
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1102 Francis Scott Key Hall, 301-405-2088
Dean: Bonnie Thornton Dill
The College of Arts and Humanities embraces a heterogeneous group of disciplines that study
human experience, thought, expression and creativity. All value the development of critical
thinking, fluent expression in writing and speech, sensitivity to ethical and aesthetic issues, and a
complex understanding of history and culture. Departments and programs in Arts and
Humanities prize vigorous intellectual debate in a diverse community. While they have strong
individual identities, they are also involved in interdisciplinary studies. Thus students will find,
for example, courses in the Department of English that approach literature in its historical
contexts, courses in the Department of History that adopt feminist perspectives, courses in the
Department of Art History and Archaeology that study African politics, and so on.
Further examples of the special opportunities available to students in this richly variegated
college include an exceptional visual resource center in Art History and Archaeology, the
English Department's computer-based writing classroom, and the School of Languages,
Literatures, and Culture's Foreign Language Media Lab. Additionally, students may add an
international experience to their undergraduate education by participating in an ARHU-
sponsored study abroad program in Chile, China, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland,
Israel, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom. The educational
vistas open to students in the School of Music and the School of Theatre, Dance, and
Performance Studies are enhanced enormously by the Clarice Smith Center for the Performing
Arts, which houses those departments. Students may also participate in one of the College's five
living-learning programs: Honors Humanities, College Park Scholars in the Arts, Design I
Cultures + Creativity, Jimenez-Porter Writers' House, and Language House (see below).
Admission Requirements
Freshmen and transfer students interested in applying for admission should refer to the general
university admissions information provided in the catalog. Admission to the college's School of
Music is a two-step process: undergraduate applicants must apply to both the Office of
Undergraduate Admissions and to the School of Music. Visit www.music.umd.edu for
information. Further, students wishing to major in creative or performing arts are encouraged to
seek training in the skills associated with such an area prior to matriculation. Applicants to these
programs may be required to audition or submit a portfolio as a part of the admission
requirements. For more information about the college's academic programs, please contact Mr. J.
Darius Greene, Associate Director at arhu[email protected] or 301-405-2096.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
The College of Arts and Humanities offers the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the following fields
of study:
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American Studies: www.amst.umd.edu
Arabic Studies: www.arabic.umd.edu
Art: www.art.umd.edu
Art History and Archeology: www.arthistory-archaeology.umd.edu
Central European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies: www.ceres.umd.edu
Chinese Language and Literature: www.chinese.umd.edu
Classics: www.classics.umd.edu
Classical Humanities (see Classics)
Communication: www.comm.umd.edu
Dance: www.tdps.umd.edu
English Language and Literature: www.english.umd.edu
Film Studies: www.film.umd.edu
French Language and Literature: www.french.umd.edu
Germanic Studies: www.german.umd.edu
Greek (see Classics)
History: www.history.umd.edu
Italian Language and Literature: www.italian.umd.edu
Japanese Language and Literature: www.japanese.umd.edu
Jewish Studies: www.jewishstudies.umd.edu
Latin (see Classics)
Latin and Greek (see Classics)
Linguistics: www.ling.umd.edu
Music: www.music.umd.edu (Students majoring in Music may pursue a Bachelor of Music
Persian Studies: www.persian.umd.edu
Philosophy: www.philosophy.umd.edu
Romance Languages: www.romancelanguages.umd.edu
Russian: www.russian.umd.edu
Spanish: www.spanish.umd.edu
Theatre: www.tdps.umd.edu
Women's Studies: www.womensstudies.umd.edu
The College also offers certificate programs in East Asian Studies; Latin American Studies;
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies; and Women's Studies.
Major Requirements
All students must complete a program of study consisting of a major (a field of
concentration) and sometimes supporting courses as specified by one of the academic
units of the college. No program of study shall require in excess of 60 semester hours.
A major shall consist, in addition to the lower-division departmental prerequisites, of 24
to 40 hours, at least 12 of which must be in courses numbered 3xx or 4xx and at least 12
of which must be taken at the University of Maryland, College Park.
A major program sometimes requires a secondary field of concentration (supporting
courses). The nature and number of these courses are determined by the major
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No grade lower than "C-" may be used to fulfill major or supporting course
requirements. No course for the major or support module may be taken Pass-Fail.
Students must earn at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA to graduate from the University of
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
Students should consult the unit in which they will major for specific details; certain units
have mandatory advising.
Students must take a Foreign Language Placement Assessment
(http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/flpa) prior to adding a major in the College of
Arts and Humanities unless the student has fulfilled the required language prerequisites.
Students who enter the University as Arts and Humanities majors must take the
assessment by the end of their first semester on campus. Bachelor of Music students are
exempt from taking the foreign language placement assessment. For more information
about Bachelor of Music requirements, please see www.music.umd.edu.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate, all students must earn at least 120 credits and at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA.
Additionally, students must complete College of Arts and Humanities requirements.
The following college requirements apply only to students earning Bachelor of Arts degrees
from the College of Arts and Humanities. These requirements are in addition to or in fulfillment
of campus and departmental requirements. For information concerning the Bachelor of Music in
the School of Music, students should consult a Music advisor.
Students who double major in ARHU and another college on campus must complete the ARHU
Global Engagement requirement and 45 hours of 3xx or 4xx-level credit.
All Arts and Humanities freshmen (excluding students in College Park Scholars, Design I
Cultures + Creativity, Honors Humanities, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Gemstone,
Integrated Life Sciences, or University Honors) must take ARHU158, Explorations in the Arts
and Humanities, during their first semester on campus.
Distribution: To encourage advanced mastery of material, a minimum of 45 of the total of 120
semester hours must be 3xx-4xx level work.
For more information about the CORE program, please visit www.ugst.umd.edu/core/
For more information about the General Education program, please visit www.gened.umd.edu/
The Global Engagement Requirement
To expand ARHU students' understanding of other cultures and language in an increasingly
global society, ARHU students must complete the "Global Engagement Requirement." Learning
a second language produces deep knowledge of cultural as well as linguistic differences while
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opening pathways for common understanding. The requirement may be satisfied in one of three
Option 1: Study of a Foreign Language
Requirement: Students will take foreign language coursework to the designated level at
UMD. Please consult an ARHU advisor for a list of the approved course sequences.
Option 2: Cultural Immersion through Study Abroad
Requirement: Students will participate in a semester long Study Abroad experience in a country
where English is not the primary language.
The study abroad experience must include:
1. At least the first year/elementary level language of the host country before or during the
experience (or equivalent as determined by the ARHU foreign language placement
2. A reflection component that will challenge students to assess their pre-departure, in
country and post study abroad experience;
3. Participation in one of the following pre-approved engagement experiences:
Service Learning
A living situation involving daily interaction with host nationals (e.g., a pre-approved
home stay with a host national family)
Other - an engagement experience approved in advance of departure
Students must develop a learning contract with an ARHU advisor in advance of studying abroad
in order for the experience to count for the Global Engagement Requirement. Past study abroad
experiences will not be considered retroactively.
Option 3: Individually-designed Engagement Experience
Requirement: Students may also create an individually-designed experience that achieves the
learning outcomes of the global engagement requirement.
This option must include:
1. At least the first year/elementary level language of the host country before or during the
experience (or equivalent as determined by the ARHU foreign language placement
2. A pre-approved short- or long-term study abroad program that has been deemed
appropriate for inclusion in this option by ARHU in conjunction with the Education
Abroad Office;
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3. Students must develop a learning contract with an ARHU advisor and petition to have the
experience approved in advance.
Students proposing study abroad in an English-speaking country must choose to study a
language that has significance to the historical or current culture of the host country. Students
will need to research and discuss the intersection of the chosen language and culture in their
Important notes:
1. Students already beyond the required language needed to fulfill the Global Engagement
Requirement must document their language proficiency by taking a placement
assessment or equivalent as determined by the ARHU foreign language placement policy.
2. Students taking a foreign language class at the University of Maryland on or after
9/15/2011 will need to take a foreign language placement assessment. Please see an
ARHU advisor for details.
3. Students seeking exemption from the Global Engagement Requirement must take the
foreign language placement assessment in an on-campus proctored environment. Please
see an ARHU advisor or see www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/flpa for the proctored
exam schedule.
For more information, please see an advisor in the ARHU Office of Student Affairs, call 301-
405-2108, or visit www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/globalengagement.
Freshmen and new transfer students have advisors in the College of Arts and Humanities, Office
of Student Affairs (301-405-2108) who assist them in the selection of courses. Students must see
an advisor in their department for assistance in the selection of courses for the major. All first-
year students (both freshmen and transfers), students who have completed 45-55 credits, and
seniors who have completed 86-100 credits have mandatory advising with both the College and
the department. For further information about advising, students should call the ARHU Office of
Student Affairs, 301-405-2108.
Most departments within Arts and Humanities have well-established internship options. For
more information on internships taken for academic credit, students should contact their
departmental academic advisor. Internship credit is also available directly through the College
for students who have fewer than 60 credits, have already completed an internship in their major,
or would like to explore an area outside their major. Typically, students must have a 2.5 GPA.
They need to complete an application process and the experience usually lasts for a full semester
or over the summer. Students must be enrolled for the internship during the semester in which
they intern. Retroactive credit and credit for continuing internships will not be
awarded. Internships are not considered to be a "credit for work" experience. In addition to
participating in the on-site experience, students will also fulfill an academic component. For
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assistance in locating an internship, visit the University Career Center at ARHU at 1118 Francis
Scott Key Hall. Visit www.arhu.umd.edu/careers for more information about walk-in hours and
appointment scheduling.
Secondary Education Teacher Certification
A student interested in a career as a secondary education teacher in a subject represented in this
college is encouraged to speak with an advisor in the College of Education Office of Student
Services (1204 Benjamin Building) to discuss the different pathways available for
certification. The College of Education offers programs that lead to certification for grades
PreK-12 in Studio Art and World Language (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian,
Spanish), and grades 7-12 in English and Social Studies (History). Degree pathways that lead to
certification include the following: 1) an undergraduate double major in the content area and
secondary education, 2) the five-year integrated master's program, which allows for the content
major as an undergraduate degree and completion of certification and graduate degree
requirements in a fifth year, or 3) the one-year intensive master's plus certification program.
Departments and Centers
Academic Computing Services
1111 Francis Scott Key Hall, 301-405-2104
Assistant Dean: Kathleen R. Cavanaugh
Academic Computing Services (ACS) supports the use of technology by faculty, staff, and
students in the College of Arts and Humanities. ACS provides desktop support services for
faculty and staff, support for the use of technology to support teaching and learning, and
classroom technology support services.
University of Maryland Art Gallery
1202 Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building
3884 Campus Drive
College Park, MD 20742
Assistant Director: Taras W. Matla
The University of Maryland Art Gallery presents exhibitions, lectures, film series, residencies,
and publications focusing on art and visual culture. Opportunities for museum training and arts
management experience are available to students through intern and work-study positions.
David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the Visual Arts and Culture of African
Americans and the African Diaspora
1214 Cole Student Activities Building, 301-405-6835
email: driskellcente[email protected]
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Executive Director: Professor Curlee R. Holton
The David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the Visual Arts and Culture of African Americans
and the African Diaspora at the University of Maryland, College Park, honors the legacy of
David C. Driskell - Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Art, Artist, Art Historian,
Collector, and Curator - by preserving the rich heritage of African American visual art and
culture. Established in 2001, the Center provides an intellectual home for artists, museum
professionals, art administrators, and scholars, who are interested in broadening the field of
African Diasporic studies. The Driskell Center is committed to collecting, documenting, and
presenting African American art as well as replenishing and expanding the field.
Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity (CRGE)
1208 Cole Student Activities Bldg., 301-405-5223
Director: Ruth E. Zambrana
Associate Director: Diana M. Guelespe
Founded in 1998, the Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity (CRGE) is the first university-
wide interdisciplinary research center of its kind and has been integral to the process of
advancing intersectional qualitative and mixed-methods research on the University of Maryland,
College Park campus. CRGE's work explores the intersections of race, gender, ethnicity and
other dimensions of inequality as they shape the construction and representation of identities,
behavior and complex social relations.
CRGE makes a central contribution to university diversity initiatives through three major areas:
research, mentorship and collaboration. We have been awarded nearly 2 million dollars in grants
over the last decade and have mentored over 40 undergraduate and graduate students and faculty.
CRGE provides a one-week Intersectional Qualitative Research Methods Institute to early career
faculty and facilitates a writing group. Its sponsoring of research grants and lecture series has
brought great salience to the work done by minority scholars and enabled the development of a
university environment sensitive to racial and ethnic diversity.
Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL)
1202 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4925; Fax: 301-314-9752
Email: lang[email protected]
Faculty Director: Dr. Mary Ellen Scullen
Instructional Designer: Janel Brennan-Tillmann
Coordinator: Jeff Maurer
The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) is a unit within the School of
Languages, Literatures and Cultures whose mission is to enhance and support excellence in
teaching, learning and research. The Center provides equipment, web support, training, and
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instructional design for SLLC faculty and staff as well as first tier support for the technology
classrooms located in Jimenez Hall and Big 10 Academic Alliance CourseShare courses.
Consultation services are available for course development, assessment, hybrid and blended
course redesign, distance learning (via teleconference), grant support, and digitization of course
and research materials. The Center also maintains a small media library. Fee-based services for
non-SLLC faculty include reserving a technology cart or teleconferencing equipment for use in
Jimenez Hall and reserving the SLLC Collaborative Technology Classroom for occasional class
Living-Learning Programs
Honors Humanities
Director: Professor Gregory A. Staley
0111 Anne Arundel Hall, 301-405-1537
Entering freshmen participate by invitation in Honors Humanities, a two-year living/learning
program. Honors Humanities is the University of Maryland's premier undergraduate program for
academically talented students who have diverse intellectual ambitions in the humanities and arts
or a desire to develop their education on a liberal arts foundation. The program is organized
around an integrated and advanced humanities curriculum and a final independent research or
creative project (the Keystone Project) that a student designs and executes with the guidance of a
faculty mentor. Honors Humanities provides students with stimulating seminars, life-long
friendships, a lively home base in Anne Arundel Hall, and opportunities to take advantage of the
intellectual, cultural, and artistic riches of the Washington, D.C. region. Upon completion of the
program, students earn an Honors Humanities citation, and this prestigious award is recorded on
their university transcripts.
College Park Scholars-Arts
Director: Dr. Harold Burgess
1110 Bel Air Hall, 301-405-0522
The Arts Program, sponsored by the College of Arts and Humanities and Undergraduate Studies,
fosters a collaborative learning environment of students, faculty and artists/scholars from the arts
community at large to stimulate thoughtful discourse on the practical and theoretical applications
of art in connection to communicating big ideas with imagination and purpose.
An extraordinary learning community of spirited and creative individuals, the Arts Scholars
program attracts a diverse student population from a wide range of academic disciplines. Arts
Scholars share common interests in the desire for creative expression and engagement with the
arts while being introduced to a broad selection of interdisciplinary topics through thematically
inspired colloquia and supporting courses. Beyond the classroom, students participate in service-
learning engagements with local schools and arts non-profit organizations, and attend
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performances and exhibitions at local and regional cultural institutions. The program nurtures
students' familiarity with the creative and artistic processes necessary to develop and present
works of art while providing a supportive and fertile environment to build upon their successes
(and failures) as a community of engaged learners, creative thinkers and responsible citizens.
Jiménez-Porter Writers' House
Director: Johnna Schmidt
Queen Anne's Hall, 301-405-0671
The Jiménez-Porter Writers' House (JPWH) is a living and learning program open to all
majors. The program was conceived and developed primarily for upper-division students, but
will consider applications from academically talented incoming freshmen who have a solid focus
on creative writing. Located in Queen Anne's Hall, the Writers' House creates a campus-wide
literary center to study creative writing especially in its cross-cultural dimensions. Participants
live in a close community of students who share an interest in creating stories, poems, plays, and
imaginative non-fiction. Students work with visiting writers, publish a literary magazine, attend
special readings and colloquia, produce an annual literary festival, and receive notation upon
successful completion of the program. Class sizes are small, and include one-on-one faculty
advising sessions. Admission to the Writers' House is competitive, with only fifty to sixty
students living and writing together each year. Applications can be submitted at
https://apply.arhu.umd.edu, or by visiting www.writershouse.umd.edu. Final deadline for
admission every year is March 1 for currently enrolled University of Maryland students, May 1st
for transfer students and incoming freshmen.
Design Cultures + Creativity
Director: Professor Jason Farman
For more information, please contact:
Phone: 301.405.2866
Twitter: @umd_dcc
Design Cultures + Creativity (DCC) is a living-learning program in the Honors College that
builds a collaborative and experimental environment to explore the relationship between
emerging media, society, and creative practices. We are passionate about emerging technologies
and their impact on the world. We pursue out-of-the-box thinking on topics such as identity,
connectivity, social justice, art, design, and all things creative in an era when digital media links
us on a scale unprecedented in human history. Through hands-on collaborative projects, students
think beyond disciplinary boundaries and approach problems from multiple perspectives. Our
courses (16 credits taken during the first two years), lab space, and workshops provide spaces for
exploration, for thinking through ideas, and experimenting with the process of building,
designing, and creating. DCC strongly values inclusivity and aims to cultivate life long learners
who are critically engaged thinkers. Our students will become the makers and doers of
tomorrow, able to expand our notions of human potential, not merely technologically but also
socially and creatively.
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Language House
Program Director: Dr. Phoenix Liu
0107 St. Mary's Hall, 301-405-6996
The Language House Immersion Program was the first living-learning program on campus for
students wishing to immerse themselves in the study of foreign languages and cultures. A total
of 101 students live in one of ten clusters (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian,
Japanese, Persian, Russian or Spanish), which are housed in 19 apartments in St. Mary's Hall.
Students must commit to speaking their target language as they prepare meals, do household
chores, study and socialize together, etc. Faculty liaisons work with students in each of the
language clusters, and a graduate mentor, a native speaker of the language, assists students in the
immersion environment. The goal of language immersion is achieved through activities
organized by the native mentors, a language-learning computer lab, an audio-visual multi-
purpose room, and unlimited access to foreign news and film programs via Internet.
College Honors Program
Most departments in the College of Arts and Humanities offer Departmental Honors Programs
(DHP). DHPs are upper-division programs within the individual academic units. Students
enrolled in Departmental Honors work independently with faculty members in subjects of special
interest, develop and deepen their research skills, and, in the process, earn an even stronger
degree. Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 to be admitted. For further
information about individual Departmental Honors Programs and policies, consult with
departmental advisors.
2141 Tydings Hall, 301-405-1679
Dean: Gregory Ball
Associate Dean(s): Katherine Russell, Wayne McIntosh, Jeffrey Lucas
Assistant Dean(s): Ann Holmes, Mengxue Li, Kim Nickerson, Deborah Rhebergen
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland (BSOS) increases
understanding of and pursues innovative solutions to the challenges facing our global
community. BSOS draws on its Washington, D.C., and worldwide connections to enrich its
teaching, research and service. The BSOS community works to enhance international relations,
advance global sustainability, understand societies and cultures and improve the human
In all that we do, BSOS aims to Be the Solution to the world’s great challenges.
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Students interested in human behavior and in solving human and social problems will find many
exciting opportunities through the programs and courses offered by the College of Behavioral
and Social Sciences.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
Each student must complete a minimum of 120 hours of credit with at least a 2.0
cumulative grade point average. Courses must include the credits required in the
University's general education requirements and the specific major and supporting course
and grade requirements of the programs in the academic departments offering bachelor's
Students must have a minimum “C” (2.00) cumulative grade point average across all
courses used to satisfy major degree requirements.
Upon entering BSOS as a freshman, transfer, or by major change, students must complete
and submit a graduation plan to the college advising office for review and approval.
In accordance with university policy, fundamental English and Math requirements must
be attempted by 30 credits and successfully completed by 60 credits.
Students must complete 15 upper level credits in the student's final 30 credits.
All students are urged to speak with an academic advisor in their major and an advisor in
the College Advising Office at least two semesters before graduation to review their
academic progress and discuss final graduation requirements.
The BSOS Advising Center, located in 2148 Tydings Hall, coordinates undergraduate advising
and maintains student records for behavioral and social science students. Advising services are
designed to support students from the time they enter the college through graduation. Students
may come to the advising center for information concerning University requirements and
policies, transfer credit processes, orientation, academic planning, academic support, and career
or other post-graduation questions. Appointments are made online
(http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu/advising/contact-us) or by calling the front desk. Undergraduate
advisors for each undergraduate major are located in the department offices. These advisors are
available to assist students in selecting courses and guiding educational experiences in their
major area of study consistent with major requirements and students' educational goals. For
additional information please visit www.bsosundergrad.umd.edu or call 301-405-1697.
Career Planning and Engagement
The University Career Center @ BSOS is a branch of the UMD University Career Center & The
President's Promise. UCC @ BSOS, located in 2148 Tydings Hall, is focused on providing
customized services and resources for majors in the College of Behavioral and Social
Sciences. UCC @ BSOS works to complement the Career Center’s existing resources and
programs. Visit the University Career Center @ BSOS website
http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu/your-career/your-career) to learn about the resources and
upcoming events available for students.
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Internships (http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu/engagement/internships) and research experiences
(http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu/opportunities/research), education abroad
service learning (http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu/engagement/service-learning), and student
leadership opportunities (http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu/engagement/student-leadership) round
out a student’s academic career and personal development beyond what the traditional academic
classroom setting can offer. These important experiences allow students to integrate and apply
their learning and to build life-long professional and personal networks of colleagues and friends.
Follow the links provided to learn more about these out-of-classroom experiences or schedule an
individual consultation with UCC @ BSOS (http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu/your-
career/appointments) to take full advantage of the out-of-classroom experiences available at
Departments and Centers
The college is composed of the following departments, each offering a major program that leads
to the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science degree, as appropriate:
Department of African American Studies
Department of Anthropology
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Department of Economics
Department of Geographical Sciences (including GIS)
Department of Government and Politics (including International Relations)
Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences
Department of Psychology
Department of Sociology
In addition, the college is a major contributor to the Environmental Science and Policy Program
and sponsors several of its areas of concentration.
*The Department of African American Studies also offers an undergraduate certificate requiring
21 semester hours of course work.
Departments and Research Centers are linked from the College website homepage at
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The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences offers the following minors. See individual
department or center websites for more information.
Black Women's Studies (Departments of African American Studies and Women's
Geographic Information Science (Department of Geographical Sciences)
Global Studies (two tracks): International Development and Conflict Management or
Global Terrorism
Hearing and Speech Sciences (Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences)
Law and Society (MLAW Programs)
International Development and Conflict Management (Department of Government and
Neuroscience (Departments of Psychology and Biology)
Remote Sensing of Environmental Change (Department of Geographical Sciences)
Survey Methodology (Joint Program in Survey Methodology)
Global Terrorism (National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to
Living-Learning Programs
Participating in one of Maryland’s living-learning communities is one great way for first and
second year BSOS students to share their common interests with each other and with faculty in a
small, academic, residential community.
Students who are not in a living-learning program are invited to enroll in a special BSOS one-
semester course (UNIV100) in their first semester so that they can work closely with an
academic advisor and be part of a small, personalized learning community during their first
semester on campus.
BSOS students are members of all of the campus living-learning communities, including Honors
College, College Park Scholars, CIVICUS, Global Communities, and Carillon Communities.
The BSOS College is the academic home for four of these living-learning programs.
0107 Somerset Hall, 301-405-8759
Interim Faculty Director: Dr. Korey Rothman
CIVICUS is a two-year living and learning program in the College of Behavioral and Social
Sciences. This academic citation program is centered on five themes of civil society: citizenship,
leadership, community service-learning, community building in a diverse society, and
scholarship. CIVICUS was founded on the belief that to be engaged members of civil society, we
have an obligation to be aware of the world outside of the classroom and to act upon issues that
affect the world in which we live.
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Global Communities
0119 Dorchester Hall, 301-314-7100
Faculty Director: Dr. Virginia Haufler
Global Communities is a two-year living-learning program sponsored by the College of
Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS). Students participate in a combination of courses, co-
curricular opportunities, and residential living organized around the theme of globalization and
its challenges and opportunities. The program enriches student understanding of the causes and
consequences of the world’s interconnectedness, and provides academic and intercultural skills
to help them address the issues it raises. We value diversity—cultural, intellectual, and
ideological—and seek to provide a tolerant place where differences are celebrated. Participants
in the program are part of a network of relationships beyond campus and outside the country.
College Park Scholars, International Studies
1104 Centreville Hall, 301-405-9304
Faculty Director: Dr. James Glass
The International Studies Program brings together undergraduate students from a variety of
disciplines who share an interest in global issues, politics, and events. Each entering class of
approximately sixty-five students takes courses together during the freshman and sophomore
years. The majority of International Studies Scholars reside in Centreville Hall. International
Studies was one of the original four College Park Scholars programs launched in 1994,
sponsored by the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS) and the Department of
Government and Politics (GVPT). The Faculty Director and the Teaching Assistants all have
their roots in the Department of Government and Politics.
College Park Scholars, Justice and Legal Thought
1121 Cumberland Hall, 301-405-3225
Faculty Director: Dr. Robert Koulish
The Justice and Legal Thought Program brings together undergraduate students from a variety of
disciplines to share an interest in law and justice. Each entering class of approximately seventy-
five students takes courses together during the freshman and sophomore years. The majority of
Justice and Legal Thought Scholars reside in Cumberland Hall, which is also where the JLT
office is located. Justice and Legal Thought is the most recent addition to the College Park
Scholars Program and is sponsored by the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS). It
features faculty from multiple disciplines, including the UMD Carey School of Law. The
program is designed for each course to complement the one that preceded it, for example to
address big questions in new and more advanced ways. It is also designed to allow students to
deepen their classroom learning through experiential projects, field trips and social activities.
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College Honors Program
Departmental Honors Programs are offered in the departments of African American Studies,
Anthropology, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Economics, Geography, Government and
Politics, Psychology, and Sociology. Students in a Departmental Honors Program are also
members of the campus Honors College.
Dean's List. Any student who has passed at least 12 hours of academic work under the regular
grading method in the preceding semester, without failure of any course, and with an overall
average grade of at least 3.5, will be placed on the Dean's List. The Distinguished Dean's List
consists of students who have completed successfully a minimum of 12 credit hours in a
semester with a 4.0.
Honor Societies. Students who excel in their academic discipline may be selected for
membership in an honorary society. Examples include:
Alpha Kappa Delta -- Sociology
Alpha Phi Sigma -- Criminal Justice
Gamma Theta Upsilon -- Geography
Pi Sigma Alpha -- The National Political Science Honor Society
Psi Chi -- Psychology
Approved Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Students who major in the Behavioral and Social Sciences have a wide range of interests.
Students who are interested in student organizations in the disciplines and fields of the
Behavioral and Social Sciences should consult with departmental websites for approved student
organizations: http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu.
For more information about these student organizations or starting a new student group, please
contact the Office of Campus Programs, Adele H. Stamp Student Union, 301-314-7174
or http://orgsync.umd.edu.
Financial Assistance
The college offers scholarship opportunities to current students on a competitive basis. Each
scholarship has eligibility criteria. Scholarship information and applications are available on the
scholarships page on the BSOS
website: http://bsosundergrad.umd.edu/opportunities/scholarships.
Scholarships are sometimes given at the department level. Check with your departmental advisor
or your director of undergraduate programs for more information regarding scholarship
opportunities that may be available to you.
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The National Scholarship Office at the University of Maryland provides information on
nationally competitive scholarships at the undergraduate (and graduate) level. For more
information, please visit: www.scholarships.umd.edu.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA) administers offers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For more information, visit:
Research Units
The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences sponsors several special purpose, college-wide
research centers. These interdisciplinary centers often offer internships and a selected number of
undergraduate research assistant opportunities for interested students. These research experiences
offer excellent preparation for future graduate study and/or job opportunities in the private and
public sectors. Examples include:
Center for the Study of Business, Ethics, Regulation & Crime (C-
BERC) (http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/centers-excellence/cberc) is a diverse unit aimed to
generate new ideas and information at the intersection of theory, policy, and practice that will
serve as a resource for business leaders, policymakers, and practitioners. The center embraces a
unique interdisciplinary approach to the legal and ethical challenges of modern business
operations by integrating and extending research in the fields of business ethics, regulation, and
Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) (http://www.cesar.umd.edu/) works to gather,
analyze, and disseminate timely information on issues of substance abuse and monitor alcohol-
and drug-use indicators throughout Maryland. CESAR aids state and local governments in
responding to the problem of substance abuse by providing the above-stated information, as well
as technical assistance and research. CESAR is located at 4321 Hartwick Rd., College Park, MD.
Phone: 301-405-9770.
Interindustry Forecasting Project at the University of Maryland
(INFORUM) (http://inforumweb.umd.edu/) is dedicated to improving business planning,
government policy analysis, and the general understanding of the economic
environment. Inforum accomplishes this mission through: Building and using structural
economic models of U.S. and other economies; working with government and private sector
research sponsors to investigate a variety of issues; serving as a training crucible for University
of Maryland graduate and undergraduate students who receive valuable training in empirical
economics; and maintaining active and productive ties with a world-wide network of research
associates, each of which uses Inforum modeling methods and software. INFORUM is located in
the Department of Economics at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Phone: 301-
Maryland Neuroimaging Center (MNC) (http://www.mnc.umd.edu/home) is the home for
neuroimaging research at the University of Maryland. The MNC is an initiative of the
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university's interdepartmental Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NACS) Program. MNC is
located at 8077 Greenmead Dr., Avrum Gudelsky Bldg #795, University of Maryland, College
Park, MD. Phone: 301-405-2092.
Maryland Population Research Center (MPRC) (https://www.popcenter.umd.edu/) draws
together leading scholars from diverse disciplines to support, produce, and promote population-
related research. The MPRC's members include faculty from the departments of African
American Studies, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Anthropology, Criminology and
Criminal Justice, Economics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Family Studies, Geographical
Sciences, Health Services Administration, Human Development, the Joint Program in Survey
Methodology, the MD Institute for Applied Environmental Health, Psychology, Behavioral and
Community Health, the School of Public Policy, Sociology, and the Consortium on Race,
Gender, and Ethnicity. MPRC is located in 0124N Cole Student Activities Building, University
of Maryland, College Park, MD. Phone: 301-405-6403.
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
(START) (http://www.start.umd.edu/) is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security Center of
Excellence, tasked by the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology
Directorate with using state-of-the-art theories, methods, and data from the social and behavioral
sciences to improve understanding of the origins, dynamics, and social and psychological
impacts of terrorism. START is located on 8400 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 250, College Park,
MD. Phone: 301-405-6600.
Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences Program (NACS) (http://nacs.umd.edu/) offers research
and training opportunities in neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience and computational
neuroscience. These research activities are carried out in laboratories housed in six colleges and
17 different departments on the UMD campus. NACS is located in 2131 Biology-Psychology
Bldg, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Phone: 301-405-8910.
Center for Safe Solutions (http://www.psttap.com/) provides the highest quality managerial,
operational and technical support and training to combat drug trafficking and drug abuse; reduce
violent crime; reduce gang activity; provide action-oriented criminal intelligence; support
Maryland’s Department of Public Safety and Correctional Service’s distributed database
development; and offer internships and jobs to University students. CSS is located at 9001
Edmonston Rd. Ste. 300, Greenbelt, MD 20770. Phone: 301-489-1700.
Office of International and Executive Programs (OIEP) (http://oiep.umd.edu/) initiates, facilitates
and coordinates research, teaching, training and associated activities undertaken jointly between
departments of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland with
partner universities, agencies and organizations in the United States and abroad. By providing
strategic advice, programmatic guidance and administrative support, OIEP fosters innovative
international collaborations in the form of degree programs, research projects, student and
faculty visitor and exchange programs, short-term training courses and more. OIEP is located
in 3106 Morrill Hall, College Park, MD. Phone: 301-405-8443.
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The Law in Society Minor and Justice and Legal Thought (MLAW) (http://mlaw.umd.edu/)
interdisciplinary and experiential approaches to the study of law and its impact on society.
MLAW has its academic home in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences but partners
closely with other departments, offices, programs and schools to offer a full range of rich
educational experiences and opportunities for students. MLAW is located in 0101 Taliaferro Hall
College Park, MD. Phone: 301-405-3179.
In addition to these college-wide research centers, BSOS hosts several departmental research
centers (http://bsos.umd.edu/academics-research/all-centers). Please contact individual
departments for more information.
Student Engagement and Service Units
Dean's Student Advisory Council
The Dean's Student Advisory Council (DSAC) is charged with advising the dean on various
topics affecting students and their educational and social experiences at the University of
Maryland. Each academic year, the group hosts academic and social events for students, faculty,
and alumni, initiates and implements independent and group projects, and hears ideas and
concerns from constituent students.
This council consists of representatives from each department in the College of Behavioral and
Social Sciences, the living/learning programs, the Student Government Association, University
Senate representatives for the college, and a peer advisor. DSAC members enroll in a credit-
bearing course each semester in which they serve on the Council.
For more information, contact the Dean's Student Advisory Council: [email protected]
BSOS Ambassadors
Ambassadors assist with the planning, coordination and execution of special events hosted by the
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, including all major recruiting events. Ambassadors
build a strong knowledge base of the behavioral and social science academic disciplines as well
as other programs offered by the college so that they may inform prospective students and the
public during special events. Ambassadors will have the opportunity to learn valuable leadership,
networking and communication skills. Ambassadors enroll in a credit-bearing course each
semester they serve on the committee.
For more information contact Margo Shear, Coordinator for Undergraduate Communications &
Recruitment at 301-405-4134 or [email protected].
BSOS Peer Mentors
Peer Mentors teach the BSOS Graduation Planning workshops in the BSOS Adivising Center
each semester and conduct presentations in BSOS UNIV100 sections. Through the services they
provide to fellow students, Peer Mentors gain leadership, presentation, and public speaking
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skills. In preparation for their required tasks, all Peer Mentors are expected to attend weekly
class sessions and serve for at least two semesters. Students will earn 1 credit after successful
completion of each semester.
For more information contact the BSOS Advising Center 301-405-1697 or Brandon Clark
1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-2286
Dean: Dr. Alexander Trianits
Associate Dean(s): Dr. Victor Mullins
Assistant Dean(s): Brian Horick
The Robert H. Smith School of Business is an internationally recognized leader in management
education and research, and its mission is to create knowledge, promote a learning environment
that fosters intellectual discovery, and equip current and future leaders to assess complex
problems and deliver innovative solutions.
The Smith School is accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance
Collegiate Schools of Business, the premier accrediting agency for bachelor's, master's and
doctoral degree programs in business administration and accounting, www.aacsb.edu.
A student in the Smith School of Business, selects a major(s) in one of the
following curricula: (1) Accounting; (2) Finance; (3) Information Systems; (4) International
Business; (5) Management; (6) Marketing; (7) Operations Management & Business Analytics; or
(8) Supply Chain Management. Upper-division BMGT programs are offered at College Park
and at the Universities at Shady Grove (http://www.shadygrove.umd.edu/) in Montgomery
County. For details on the majors offered at Shady Grove visit
Admission Requirements
See "Admission Requirements and Application Procedures" chapter for general LEP admissions
Freshman Admission
Direct admission to the Smith School is offered on space-available basis to first-time applicants
who present the most competitive academic records. All students admitted directly to BMGT as
freshmen must demonstrate satisfactory progress.
All students admitted as freshmen must demonstrate satisfactory progress (2.0 GPA or
better) plus completion of Gateway courses (BMGT220, BMGT230, and MATH120, 130
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or 140 - each with a minimum grade of "C-" or better) by the semester they reach 45
credits (excluding AP and ESL), at which time they will be reviewed in order to continue
in the Smith School major. (Note: Only one repeat of one single course to the set of
Gateway courses will be accepted to remain in BMGT. Appeals will be considered.)
Transfer Admission for Students from On or Off Campus
All students applying for admission to BMGT as transfer students, whether internal transfers
already enrolled at UMCP or external transfer students entering the university for the first time,
will be subject to competitive admission for a limited number of spaces in the Smith School of
Business program at each program location. Internal and external transfer students may apply to
compete for admission to the Smith School of Business in the semester they have earned 45
credits. Below are the current admission standards.
Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (preferred, may vary based upon the applicant pool)
Completion of the following Gateway courses, all with "C-" or better:
BMGT220: Accounting
MATH120, 130 or 140: Calculus
BMGT230*or BMGT231
: Business Statistics
*The following courses are approved substitutes for BMGT230: BIOM301, ECON230,
ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG305, PSYC200, and SOCY201.
The following courses are approved substitutes for BMGT231: ENCE302, ENEE324,
ENME392, or STAT400
Co-curricular involvement, leadership experience and honors and awards will also be
considered in the admission decision. Students are strongly encouraged to submit with
their applications a resume and letter detailing their accomplishments and experience.
Application Deadlines for Transfer Students: Complete applications and all supporting
documents must be received no later than:
Fall Semester:
March 15th
Spring Semester:
October 15th
Applicants who have earned 45 credits and completed all required gateway courses at the time of
their application will be notified of their admission decision in early April for fall admission and
early December for spring admission. Students who are in the process of completing the
required gateways or accumulating 45 credits at the time of their application will be notified of
their admission decision after the semester has ended and final grades for the semester have been
For additional details visit http://lep.umd.edu/ and http://lep.umd.edu/bmgt-lep.pdf.
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Applications to the Smith School can be accessed at
http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-programs/admissions. For questions,
call 301-314-8385 or email [email protected].
Any student denied admission or dismissed from the major may appeal to the Associate Dean of
the College.
Statement of Policy on Transfer of Credit from Community Colleges
It is the practice of the Smith School of Business to consider for transfer from a regionally
accredited community college only the following courses in business administration: an
introductory business course, business statistics, introduction to computing (equivalent to
BMGT201), or elementary accounting. Thus, it is anticipated that students transferring from
another regionally accredited institution will have devoted the major share of their academic
effort below the junior year to the completion of basic requirements in the liberal arts. A total of
60 semester hours from a community college may be applied toward a degree from the Smith
School of Business.
Other Institutions
The Smith School of Business normally accepts transfer credits from regionally accredited four-
year institutions. Junior- and senior-level business courses are accepted from colleges accredited
by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Junior- and senior-
level business courses from other than AACSB-accredited schools are evaluated on a course-by-
course basis to determine transferability.
The Smith School of Business requires that at least 50 percent of the business and management
credit hours required for a business degree be earned at the University of Maryland, College
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
The University confers the following degrees: Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Business
Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Science (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D.). Information concerning admission to the M.B.A. or M.S. program is available at
Undergraduate Program
The undergraduate program recognizes the need for professional education in business and
management based on a foundation in the liberal arts. In addition, the program's internationally
integrated curriculum prepares students to be effective and responsible managers in today's
dynamic business environment.
A student in business and management selects a major in one of several curricula: (1)
Accounting; (2) Information Systems: Specialization Business; (3) Finance; (4) General
Business; (5) International Business; (6) Operations Management & Business Analytics; (7)
Marketing; (8) Supply Chain Management.
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Summary of Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements (all curricula)
At least 45 hours of the 120 semester hours of academic work required for graduation must be in
business and management subjects. 50% of the required BMGT credit hours must be completed
at the University of Maryland, College Park. A minimum of 58 hours of the required 120 hours
must be in 300- or 400-level courses. In addition to the requirement of an overall cumulative
grade point average of 2.0 ("C" average) in all university course work, all business majors must
earn a "C-" or better in all required courses, including Economics, Mathematics, and
Communication. Beginning with students matriculating in Fall 2012, to be awarded a
baccalaureate degree, students must have a minimum "C" (2.00) cumulative grade point average
across all courses used to satisfy major degree requirements. Electives outside the curricula of
the School may be taken in any department of the university, if the student has the necessary
Freshman-Sophomore School
Intro to the Business Value Chain
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
One from:
Elementary Calculus I
Calculus I
Note: MATH130 Calculus I for the Life Sciences is an
acceptable substitute for MATH120/220/140 if the
student completed MATH130 as a part of work toward a
previous major, as well as those who were working
toward that major while in Letters & Sciences.
One from:
Business Statistics
Statistical Models for Business
One from:
Foundations of Speech
Speech Communication
Critical Thinking and Speaking
Note: Any course that fulfills the
Oral Communication
General Education requirement will
also satisfy the Smith School's public
speaking requirement.
Junior-Senior School Requirements
Introduction to Information Systems
Business Finance
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Marketing Principles and
Management and Organizational
Career Search Strategies in Business
Business Law
Business Policies
Economics - see below
Economics Requirements
0-3 credits of approved upper-level economics courses are required by the Smith School of
Business. The specific requirements for each major are listed with the majors' specific
Major Requirements
In addition to the Smith School of Business Bachelor of Science requirements listed above,
generally another 18-24 credits are required for each major. See individual major listings in
Chapter 7.
A Typical Program for the Freshman and Sophomore Years
Freshman Year
General Education and/or Electives
ENGL101 or equivalent
MATH (depending on placement)*
First Semester Total
General Education and/or Electives
COMM100, 107 or 200
MATH or BMGT230/231*
Second Semester Total
Sophomore Year
General Education and/or Electives
BMGT220 (Prereq Sophomore Standing)
Third Semester Total
General Education and/or Electives
BMGT221 (Prereq BMGT220)
BMGT230 or 231 or Elective
Fourth Semester Total
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*See Freshman-Sophomore School requirements for appropriate math and statistics courses.
General advising for students admitted to the Smith School of Business is available Monday
through Friday in the Office of Undergraduate Programs, 1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-
2286, [email protected]. It is recommended that students visit this office each
semester to ensure that they are informed about current requirements and procedures. Transfer
students entering the university can be advised during spring, summer, and fall transfer
orientation programs. Contact the Orientation Office for further information, 301-314-8217, or
visit http://www.orientation.umd.edu.
The Smith School offers a minors in Business Analytics, General Business, and Innovation &
Entrepreneurship. For details on these minors visit
Specialized Academic Programs
The Smith School offers innovative special programs that create small communities of scholars
within the larger Smith School community. For more information on the Smith School's special
programs please visit http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-
College Honors Program
The Smith School Business Honors program offers students with superior academic
achievements special opportunities and resources, including the opportunity to participate in
cutting-edge research on business issues, and to graduate with honors. Students in the honors
program take their upper-level BMGT core courses in small, seminar-style honors sections
which allow in-depth exploration of business topics in marketing, finance, management and
organization, business law, and policy and strategy. The Business Honors Program provides
both a non-thesis and a thesis option, in which students work on an original research project
under the supervision of a Smith School faculty member. Admission to the Smith School
Honors Program is competitive. Students are selected on the basis of the following
Minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average
Minimum 45 credit hours earned
Completion of all BMGT pre-requisite courses by the end of the semester during which
the student is applying to the program:
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Principles of Accounting I and II: BMGT220 and 221
Business Statistics: BMGT230 (or 231)
Calculus: MATH120 or 140
Principles of Micro- and Macro- Economics: ECON200 and 201
Admission to the Smith School Honors Program takes place in both the fall and spring
semesters. For more information on the Smith School's Honors Program, please visit
Approved Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Student Professional Organizations
Students may choose to associate themselves with one or more professional organizations
offered under the umbrella organization, Smith Undergraduate Student Association (SUSA). For
more details, visit http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-
For details on available scholarships, please click on the scholarships tab at
2300 Symons Hall, 301-405-4906
Dean: Jayanth R. Banavar
Associate Dean(s): Robert Infantino, Wolfgang Losert
Assistant Dean(s): Lisa Bradley-Klemko, Joelle Presson
Nationally and internationally recognized for our educational programs, research excellence,
distinguished faculty and students, the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
(CMNS) (http://cmns.umd.edu/) is a critical educational and scientific resource benefiting the
region and the nation. The College offers every student a high-quality, innovative, and cross-
disciplinary educational experience. Strongly committed to making studies in the sciences
available to all, the College actively encourages and supports the recruitment and retention of
women and minorities underrepresented in our disciplines.
Our students participate in the Honors College (http://www.honors.umd.edu/), College Park
Scholars (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/), the First-Year Innovation & Research Experience
(FIRE) Program (http://fire.umd.edu/), Quest
184 | Page
programs/quest) and the Hinman CEOs programs (http://www.mtech.umd.edu/hinman/), other
living learning communities, departmental honors programs, and many other co-curricular
opportunities. Our students pursue research projects in faculty laboratories, or in the rich cluster
of federal and private research institutions in proximity to our campus; they apply their lab and
classroom skills through internships at area companies, non-governmental organizations, and in
clinical settings. Excellent advising and career services guide our students through their
academic program, and facilitate transition to graduate programs and professional schools,
private-sector employment, and public service careers. Our innovative and entrepreneurial
graduates pursue careers in a great many fields and professions.
In collaboration with the College of Education, we are working to increase the quality and
number of teachers prepared to teach science and mathematics in secondary schools. In Fall
2014, we launched an innovative new program, Terrapin Teachers (http://www.tt.umd.edu/),
support in part by a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Our students in this new
program are gaining experience through their science and pedagogy coursework, and are making
an impact through work in local K-12 schools beginning in their first semester in the program.
Admission Requirements
Freshmen and transfer students interested in applying for admission should consult with the
general university admissions information provided in Chapter 1 of this catalog. Admission to
some CMNS majors is limited - please consult the information in Chapter 1 or the following link
for information about Limited Enrollment Programs (http://lep.umd.edu/). Freshmen considering
a major in a CMNS discipline should pursue a high school program of studies that includes four
years of mathematics - preferably including algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, and calculus or
more advanced topics. Students interested in pursuing majors in the life sciences and physical
sciences should take three to four courses in the biological and physical sciences with
laboratory. Students interested in Computer Science are encouraged to take high school
Computer Science coursework, including AP Computer Science if it is available. Math and
science courses work at the honors/AP/IB level is strongly encouraged.
For more information about admissions to the College, please contact Ms. Eden Garosi, CMNS
Coordinator of Admissions Counseling and Recruitment, [email protected], 301-314-8375.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
Please see individual department/major entries in Chapter 7 for specific information about
specific undergraduate major requirements.
Every student in the College is assigned an academic advisor, who may be a faculty member or a
professional staff member of the College or academic department. Advisors work with students
to develop their programs and to ensure that they are making required progress toward the
degree. Educational and career goals, academic progress, and pre-registration course planning
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are among the topics discussed during advising sessions. Advisors can also help students connect
to valuable opportunities and resources on- and off-campus.
Advising is mandatory for most CMNS students, and all are encouraged to take advantage of this
service. Specific information about advising appears on the College website at
The University Career Center & The President’s Promise (https://careers.umd.edu/) provides a
diverse array of resources and opportunities for students to explore and develop career-related
aspirations – beginning as new students and even serving Terp alumni. The University Career
Center@CMNS is a partnership that provides college-level career services support and activities
more focused on the needs of CMNS majors. For more information, contact UCC@CMNS
Program Director Rachel Wobrak ([email protected]) 1320 Symons Hall.
Students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions can find additional advising
support from the Reed-Yorke Health Professions Advising Office
(http://www.prehealth.umd.edu/), 1210 H.J Patterson Hall, 301-405-7805.
Departments and Centers
The following academic departments deliver undergraduate courses and degree programs in
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (http://www.atmos.umd.edu/)
Department of Astronomy (http://www.astro.umd.edu/)
Department of Biology (http://biology.umd.edu/)
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (http://cbmg.umd.edu/)
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (http://www.chem.umd.edu/)
Department of Computer Science (http://www.cs.umd.edu/)
Department of Entomology (http://entomology.umd.edu/)
Department of Geology (http://www.geol.umd.edu/)
Department of Mathematics (http://www-math.umd.edu/)
Department of Physics (http://umdphysics.umd.edu/)
Undergraduates in CMNS also participate in research and co-curricular activities of the research
programs, institutes, and centers of the college listed in the Research Units section below.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Biological Sciences
Computer Science
Environmental Science and Policy - Biodiversity and Conservation
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Physical Sciences
The College offers minors in the following areas: Actuarial Mathematics, Astronomy,
Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Science, Computer Science, Earth History, Earth Material
Properties, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Hydrology, Mathematics, Meteorology, Physics,
Planetary Science, Statistics, and Surficial Geology.
Living-Learning Programs
The College sponsors several living-learning programs which offer special academic and co-
curricular opportunities to participants.
Advanced Cybersecurity Experiences for Students (ACES) (http://www.aces.umd.edu/) is the
newest living learning program in the Honors College (http://www.honors.umd.edu/). It exposes
students to the breadth of technical and non-technical aspects of this emerging field, preparing
future leaders in the field of cybersecurity through an interdisciplinary curriculum, hands-on
experience with real-world problems, and internships with companies and government
agencies. Program Director - Dr. Michel Cukier.
The Integrated Life Sciences Program (ILS) (http://www.ils.umd.edu/) in the University Honors
College was created to offer students enhanced cross-disciplinary training in the life sciences
through an innovative curriculum and research and internship opportunities. The ILS program is
directed by Dr. Todd Cooke.
CMNS faculty members also contribute to the course offerings of the Design Cultures &
Creativity (http://dcc.umd.edu/) honors program that emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches to
exploring emerging technologies and their global impacts.
The College sponsors three programs in the College Park Scholars (CPS)
(http://www.scholars.umd.edu/) living-learning program which draw upon the breadth of the
academic disciplines and faculty expertise in CMNS. Each of these two-year programs brings
students together around a common disciplinary focus through courses, seminars, and
experiential learning opportunities. The programs inspire students to develop their interests and
intellectual capacity by building a community in which everyone has shared interests in scholarly
pursuits, in close contact with faculty who are working at the forefront of their fields of
CPS - Life Sciences (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/ls)
Director: Dr. Reid Compton
Assistant Director: Ms. Jess Wilke
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CPS - Science, Discovery & the Universe (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/sdu)
Director: Dr. Alan C. Peel
CPS - Science and Global Change (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/sgc)
Director: Dr. Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
Associate Director: Dr. John Merck, Jr.
Specialized Academic Programs
An important part of the content of CMNS majors is delivered outside the classroom, with the
greatest emphasis being on leveraging our strength: research. Our students experience scientific
discovery first hand, as conceptual learning in class is integrated and applied. Each major
provides access to a variety of research experiences that will provide opportunities to collaborate
with faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, graduate, and undergraduate students. Our
geographic location also offers many unique opportunities for students to gain research and
internship experience in federal laboratories and agencies, private companies, and non-
governmental organizations. Employers and graduate schools look for research experience in
applicants. Be a part of the science discovery in CMNS, which places the college among the top
public and private universities worldwide. More information about research opportunities are
provided on the college website (http://cmns.umd.edu/undergraduate/research-internships), and
on departmental webpages.
College Honors Program
In addition to our living learning programs described above, CMNS departments offer research-
intensive departmental honors programs to which students may apply. Based on a student's
performance in a multi-semester mentored research project and defense of a written thesis, the
department may recommend that candidates receive their bachelor's degree with Departmental
Honors or Departmental High Honors. Successful completion of departmental honors is
recognized on a student's diploma and transcript. Participation in the University Honors College
is not a prerequisite for participation in departmental honors programs. See individual CMNS
department websites (http://cmns.umd.edu/departments) for more information.
Financial Assistance
The College Scholarships page (http://cmns.umd.edu/undergraduate/scholarships) provides a list
of scholarships and awards administered at the College level for currently enrolled students, and
information about the application process. Students complete an electronic application to be
considered for all merit and need-based scholarships administered by the College for which they
are eligible. The annual application deadline for scholarship applications for returning students is
in May.
See department websites (http://cmns.umd.edu/departments) for more information about
undergraduate scholarships based in the departments of CMNS.
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See the College website for a complete listing of undergraduate scholarships and awards
Research Units
In addition to our academic departments, many undergraduate students pursue mentored research
projects in the College's research centers and institutes. Contact information for the centers and
institutes are provided below. Information about the scope of research in the unit, as well as
affiliated faculty, is provided on the website of each center or institute.
Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/)
3115 Biomolecular Sciences Building, 301-405-5936
Professor and Director: Eytan Ruppin
Center for Health-related Informatics and Bioimaging (http://www.chib.umd.edu/)
2119 A.V. Williams Building, 301-405-6722
Professor and Director: Amitah Varshney
Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials (http://www.cnam.umd.edu/)
0368 Physics Building, 301-405-8285
Professor and Director: Johnpierre Paglione
Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling
4149 Computer Science Instructional Center, 301-405-0648
Professor and Director: Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (http://essic.umd.edu/)
5825 University Research Court, 301-405-5599
Professor and Interim Director: Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/)
2119 A.V. Williams Building, 301-405-6722
Professor and Interim Director: Mihai Pop
Institute for Physical Science and Technology (http://www.ipst.umd.edu/)
4211 Computer and Space Sciences Building, 301-405-4814
Professor and Director: Christopher Jarzynski
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (http://ireap.umd.edu/)
Energy Research Facility, 301-405-4951
Associate Professor and Director: Thomas E. Murphy
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Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (http://quics.umd.edu/)
3100 Computer and Space Sciences Building, 301-314-1840
Associate Professor and Co-Director: Andrew Childs
Co-Director: Jacob Taylor
Joint Quantum Institute (http://jqi.umd.edu/)
2207 Computer and Space Sciences Building, 301-405-1300
Professor and Co-Director: Frederick Wellstood
Co-Director: Charles Clark
Joint Space-Science Institute (https://jsi.astro.umd.edu/)
Professor and Co-Director: James Drake
Maryland Cybersecurity Center (http://www.cyber.umd.edu/)
3400 A.V. Williams Building
Professor and Director: Jonathan Katz
Maryland Nanocenter (https://www.nanocenter.umd.edu/)
1119 Kim Engineering Building
Professor and Director: Gary Rubloff
Maryland Pathogen Research Institute (http://cbmg.umd.edu/mpri)
3102 Bioscience Research Building, 301-405-2156
Professor and Director: David Mosser
Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications
2211 Mathematics Building, 301-405-5058
Professor and Director: John J. Benedetto
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) (http://www.sesync.org/)
One Park Place, Suite 300, Annapolis MD, 410-919-4810
Professor and Director: Margaret Palmer
Student Engagement and Service Units
The College Student Services Office coordinates orientation and advising services, reviews
dean's exception to policy requests, and fields inquiries about academic regulations, transfer
credit review, study abroad, and other undergraduate program matters. Each department is also
served by an undergraduate program office which coordinates departmental academic advising
CMNS Student Services Office
1300 Symons Hall
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Students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions can find additional advising
support from the Reed-Yorke Health Professions Advising Office
(http://www.prehealth.umd.edu/), 1210 H.J Patterson Hall, 301-405-7805.
1204 Benjamin Building, 301-405-2344
Dean: Donna L. Wiseman
Associate Dean(s): Margaret J. McLaughlin, Jennifer King Rice
Assistant Dean(s): Kathleen A. Angeletti
The College of Education is a professional college committed to preparing accomplished
beginning and advanced-level professionals who can advance the learning and development of
their students and who are ready to become leaders in their fields. The College seeks to foster the
learning and development of PK-16 students through our educator preparation programs,
leadership, research, advocacy, and partnerships. Educational inequities exist on multiple levels;
therefore, we aim to prepare educators with the skills and commitments necessary to ensure
equity for all students in the public schools and classrooms they will lead.
The college programs prepare educators, counselors, psychologists, administrators, researchers,
and educational specialists. Graduates work with individuals from infancy through adulthood in
schools, community agencies, colleges and universities. Educational programs are
accredited/approved by the following: Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
(CAEP)/National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), Maryland State
Department of Education (MSDE), and the American Psychological Association. Accreditation
provides reciprocal certification with most other states that recognize national accreditation.
MSDE issues certificates to teach in the public schools of the state. In addition to graduation
from an approved program, MSDE requires satisfactory scores on the state Praxis licensure
exams for certification. At the time of graduation, the College informs MSDE of the graduates'
eligibility for certification. Under Maryland law, criminal background checks may be required
and considered by MSDE in the awarding of teaching certification, and by employers before
granting employment in the teaching field. Certification may be denied or revoked for
individuals who have been convicted of crimes of violence and/or crimes against children.
Additionally, some Maryland counties require a criminal background check prior to placement in
an internship.
Special Advantages and Facilities
Students in the College of Education have the opportunity to work with an exemplary faculty.
Among our ranks are nationally known faculty researchers who have made significant
contributions to advancing theory and improving professional practice. In addition, the College's
strategic location provides students with research opportunities that are unparalleled. Teacher
candidates can complete their teaching internship and conduct research in school districts with
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highly diverse populations. The region also provides access to several research libraries,
government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and educational associations.
The College of Education offers many special resources and facilities to students, faculty, and
the community, including the following centers:
The Center for Mathematics Education provides a mathematics laboratory for
undergraduate and graduate students. Occasionally there are tutoring services for
children and adolescents. These services are offered in conjunction with special graduate
and undergraduate courses in elementary and secondary school mathematics. Center
faculty are engaged in research in mathematics education, serve as consultants to school
systems and instructional publishers, and provide in-service teacher education in
addition to graduate degree programs.
The Center for Young Children is part of the Institute for Child Study/Human
Development in the College of Education. It offers a creative learning experience for
children three, four, and five years old. The Center engages in child study, curriculum
development, and teacher preparation. Its research and observation facilities are
available to parents, faculty, and other persons concerned with the care and education of
young children.
Admission Requirements
Admission to Teacher Education Professional Course Work
Applicants to the University of Maryland who have declared an interest in education are
admitted to a department in the College. All majors must meet the selective admission
requirements for full admission into the College of Education in order to enroll in the
professional sequence of the teacher education degree programs.
The admission process includes three steps:
1. Pre-Admission Review: Candidates must (1) complete the English and math lower-level
fundamental studies (six credits) with a grade of "C-" or better; (2) earn 45 semester
hours with an overall cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale; (3)
complete gateway and/or specialization or major requirements for the program area with
a minimum 2.70 GPA, and earn at least a "B" in any Education course identified by the
program as a specific gateway prerequisite; (4) submit a personal goal statement that
indicates an appropriate commitment to professional education; (5) have prior
experiences in the education field; (6) submit three letters of recommendation/reference;
(7) receive satisfactory ratings on the College of Education Technical
Standards/Foundational Competencies (or submit a signed copy of the College of
Education Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards Self-Assessment if formal
evaluations have not yet occurred); (8) submit criminal history disclosure statement; and,
(9) have passing scores on the Praxis I.
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2. Program Faculty review the applications of the candidates who meet the above criteria
and rate them on six components: (1) overall GPA, (2) GPA in
gateway/specialization/major, (3) rating for prior experience, (4) rating of
recommendations, (5) rating of application essay, and (6) review of Foundational
Competencies evaluation/self-report.
3. The faculty sets a minimum cut score for eligibility based upon several factors (e.g.,
instructional resource capacity of the program/department, Professional Development
School (PDS) placement capacity in the certification area, availability of high quality
mentors in the certification area, work force need in the state, etc.). Candidates meeting at
least minimum cut scores are scheduled for interviews. Program faculty re-ranks
candidates based on aggregate scores from the complete profile - i.e., the six factors in
step 2 plus the interview. The highest ranking individuals using the aggregate score are
offered admission. [The total number admitted is based on target enrollment guidelines.]
Admission application forms are available in Room 1204 of the Benjamin Building. Only those
who are admitted are able to enroll in the professional education sequence. An overall grade
point average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher Education to continue in the
professional education programs. The program faculty is able to recommend selected other
candidates for Discretionary Admission based on any of a variety of special considerations.
Consult the Student Services Office (Room 1204 Benjamin Bldg.) for policies and procedures
regarding Discretionary Admission.
Criteria for admission to the Teacher Education program apply to any teacher preparation
program offered by the University of Maryland. Thus, undergraduates desiring a major in music
or physical education should apply to the College of Education for admission to the professional
program in Teacher Education. Individuals who are not enrolled in the College of Education but
who, through an established cooperative program with another college are preparing to teach,
must meet all admission, scholastic and curricular requirements of the College of Education. The
courses in the professional education sequence are restricted to teacher candidates who are
enrolled in an approved teacher preparation program and degree-seeking majors who have met
College of Education requirements for admission and retention.
Gateway Requirements for Early Childhood and Elementary Education Programs
In order to meet the Maryland State Department of Education's (MSDE's) institutional
performance criteria for the Redesign (i.e. strong math and science background for early
childhood and elementary education teacher candidates), prospective majors in these programs
need to fulfill additional performance criteria. In addition to the requirements for admission to
teacher education that are listed above, early childhood and elementary education majors must
satisfy the following gateway requirements:
1. Completion of a four-credit general education laboratory physical science, a four-credit
general education laboratory biological science, Elements of Numbers and Operations
(MATH212), and Elements of Geometry and Measurement (MATH213) with a minimum grade of
"C-" in each class and a 2.7 cumulative GPA across all four courses.
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2.Completion of Looking Inside Schools and Classrooms (EDCI280) or Exploring Teaching in
Early Childhood (EDHD220) with a grade of "B-" or better.
3. Passing scores on the Praxis I: Academic Skills Assessments (Applicants will be required to
meet the individual cut-off scores for each of the three Praxis I assessments. A composite score
will not be accepted for admission.)
In keeping with the campus undergraduate admissions policy, the College of Education will
admit as many freshmen as possible as "pre-service" education majors. Internal and external
transfers who have completed fewer than 60 credits and who have not yet met the standards
required for enrollment in the professional degree programs also will be admitted as "pre-
service" education majors. For directly admitted freshmen, the above admission requirements
will serve as the criteria for the sophomore (early childhood, elementary, and special education)
or junior (secondary education) level review. For internal and external transfers, these criteria
make up the "gateway." Teacher candidates who pass the sophomore/junior level review or the
gateway will be admitted into the professional degree programs. Transfers with sixty or more
credits will be granted permission to enroll as a pre-service major in education, provided they
have maintained at least a 2.75 GPA and successfully completed the lower-level fundamental
studies with a minimum grade of "C-" or better. These individuals will be given one semester to
meet the requirements for admission to teacher education.
Detailed information regarding admission to the Teacher Education program, including the
gateway requirements for Early Childhood or Elementary Education, is available in the Student
Services Office, Room 1204 Benjamin (301-405-2344).
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
The College of Education confers the degrees of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science
(B.S.) depending on the amount of liberal arts study included in a particular degree program.
Minimum requirements for graduation are 120 semester hours. Specific departmental program
requirements for more than the minimum must be fulfilled.
In addition to the university's general education requirements and the specific requirements for
each curriculum, the College requires that all majors complete a Foundations of Education
course (e.g., EDPS301) and, depending upon the teacher education major, six to twelve semester
hours of reading course requirements. A grade of "C-" or better is required in all pre-professional
and professional course work required for the major. An overall grade point average of 2.75 must
be maintained after admission to Teacher Education. A grade of "S" is required in the teaching
internship. All teacher candidates are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College
of Education Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards and attain qualifying scores for
the State of Maryland on the Praxis I and Praxis II assessments. Detailed information about the
Praxis assessments is available in the Student Services Office, Room 1204 Benjamin.
Exceptions to curricular requirements and rules of the College of Education must be
recommended by the teacher candidate's advisor and department chairperson and approved by
the Dean.
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Yearlong Internship
The yearlong internship, which is the culminating experience in the teacher preparation program,
takes place in a collaborating school (i.e., partner school - Professional Development School
(PDS)). Each teacher candidate's internship will vary according to the unique attributes of their
teacher education program. All internships will provide teacher candidates with the opportunity
to integrate theory and practice through a comprehensive, reality-based experience. The yearlong
internship is arranged through the College of Education in collaboration with the school site
coordinators, PDS Coordinators, and the designated schools in the partnership.
The yearlong internship is a full-time commitment. Interference with this responsibility because
of employment or course work is strongly discouraged. Teacher candidates assigned to schools
for this internship are responsible for their own transportation and living arrangements and
should be prepared to travel to whichever school has been assigned. The final semester of the
yearlong internship requires a special fee. Please consult the course listings within Testudo for
the current lab fee. During the teaching internship, teacher candidates should be prepared to
adhere to the academic schedule/calendar for the school system in which they are placed.
In order to receive a yearlong internship placement, all teacher candidates must make application
the semester prior to the internship year. Prospective interns must have been admitted to Teacher
Education and have completed all prerequisites. Prior to assignment, all candidates in teacher
preparation programs must have: (1) maintained a minimum overall grade point average of at
least 2.75 with a minimum grade of "C-" in every course required for the major; (2) satisfactorily
completed all other required course work in their program; (3) received a favorable
recommendation from their department; (4) attained qualifying scores for the State of Maryland
on the Praxis I and Praxis II assessments; (5) applied for a year-long internship placement
through the College of Education during the semester prior to the internship year; (6) received
favorable ratings from prior supervised experiences in school settings; (7) received favorable
evaluations on the College of Education Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards; and
(8) submitted a criminal history disclosure statement. In addition, state law gives the local school
to which the intern is assigned the discretion to require a criminal background check prior to
placement. Early Childhood Education majors must have a certificate indicating freedom from
tuberculosis and proof of immunization.
Note: All registrations in the teaching internship, regardless of whether an intern withdraws or
takes a leave of absence, will be counted as an attempt under the campus repeat policy. Only
two registrations will be allowed. After two registrations, further attempts at the teaching
internship must be approved by the department and the school system professionals involved in
the teacher candidate's internship experience.
College of Education Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards
All candidates in the UM professional preparation programs are expected to demonstrate that
they are prepared to work with children and youth in educational settings. This preparation
results from the combination of successful completion of university coursework and
field/internship experiences and the demonstration of important human characteristics and
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dispositions that all educators should possess. These characteristics and dispositions, the College
of Education Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards, are grouped into seven
categories: English Language Competence, Interpersonal Competence, Work and Task
Management, Analytic/Reasoning Competencies, Professional Conduct, Physical Abilities, and
Professional Dispositions.
Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards serve several important functions, including,
but not limited to: (a) providing information to those considering pre K-12 and community
professional careers that will help such individuals in their career decision-making; (b) advising
applicants of non-academic criteria considered in admissions decisions made by the University's
pre K-12 and community professional preparation programs; (c) serving as the basis for feedback
provided to candidates in these programs regarding their progress toward mastery of all program
objectives; and (d) serving as the basis for the final assessment of attainment of graduation
requirements and recommendation for certification.
Candidates in the undergraduate teacher preparation programs will be required to achieve
satisfactory ratings on the College of Education Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards
(or, if evaluations are not yet available, submit a College of Education Foundational
Competencies/Technical Standards Acknowledgment Form) as part of the College's selective
admissions review in the sophomore or junior year. Self-assessments of candidates and faculty
evaluations on the Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards also will occur during each
field/internship experience. Teacher candidates will be monitored and given feedback throughout
the program. At specified points, they will be notified of inadequacies that may prevent them
from progressing through their program. Documentation and consensus regarding the teacher
candidate's functioning will be sought before any action is taken. Candidates who experience
deficiencies in any areas will be encouraged to seek appropriate professional help from
university or other sources. If the problem seems to be beyond remediation, admission and/or
continuation in the professional programs, graduation, or recommendation for certification may
be denied.
Foundational Competencies/Technical standards may be met with, or without, accommodations.
The University complies with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Therefore, the College of Education will endeavor to
make reasonable accommodations with respect to these standards for an applicant with a
disability who is otherwise qualified. For detailed information on the College of Education-
Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards, see
LiveText Portfolio Requirement:
The College recently instituted a new learning electronic portfolio and accreditation management
system for its teacher preparation programs. An active subscription to LiveText is a requirement
for the courses that comprise the professional education curriculum. Teacher candidates will be
expected to submit a number of their course and portfolio assignments through LiveText.
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The LiveText account, which can be purchased at the University Book Center, is a one-time
purchase that is comparable in price to the cost of a textbook. These accounts will last for a full
year after graduation so that education majors can use their electronic LiveText portfolios in the
job seeking process. For more information about LiveText, contact Dr. Kathy Angeletti,
Assistant Dean ([email protected]).
The Office of Student Services provides academic advising for education majors regarding
admission, orientation, registration, graduation, and certification. Advising is mandatory in the
College of Education: Education majors must be advised prior to registration each semester.
Teacher candidates are required to complete an academic audit in the Office of Student Services
upon admission to the professional teacher education degree program. Undergraduates are
expected to complete their degree program in a timely manner and to adhere to program
benchmarks. Information about program benchmarks and four-year plans is available on the
Student Services website at
Departments and Centers
The College includes a number of centers that offer special resources and facilities to students,
faculty, and the community, including the following:
Center for Children, Relationships, and Culture
Center for Educational Policy and Leadership
Center for Mathematics Education
Center for Young Children
Institute for Child Study
Institute for Exceptional Children and Youth
International Center for Transcultural Education
Maryland Institute for Minority Achievement and Urban Education
Maryland Assessment Research Center for Education Success
Reading Center
Science Teaching Center
The College of Education offers five minors:
1. The Minor in Secondary Education includes 15 credits and provides opportunities for
undergraduate subject area majors to enroll in a sequence of education courses that helps them to
determine if teaching is a viable career option for them. For more information about the
secondary education minor, contact the program advisor, 1204 Benjamin Building.
2. The Minor in Second Language Education (TESOL) provides opportunities for undergraduate
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subject area majors to complete a sequence of courses that helps them prepare for careers as
teachers of English as a second language in US schools and/or prepares them for roles as
teachers of English as a foreign language in international settings. It includes coursework from
Curriculum and Instruction and from Human Development. For more information about the
TESOL minor, contact the program advisor, [email protected] Benjamin Building.
3. The Minor in Special Education provides opportunities for undergraduates to enroll in a
sequence of education courses to determine if working with students with disabilities is a viable
career option. For individuals who are interested in pursuing this career option, a one-year
M.Ed. program, leading to certification as a special educator, is also available. The minor is
under review. For more information about the 18-credit special education minor, contact the
Office of Student Services, 1204 Benjamin Building. NOTE: This program is currently under
4. The Minor in Human Development provides a rigorous foundation in human development for
undergraduates who wish to support their major field of study with knowledge of human growth
and development across multiple domains and developmental stages, as well as knowledge
related to principles of teaching and learning, and/or who desire active participation in human
development research under the supervision of Human Development faculty in laboratory
settings. Contact the Office of Student Services, 1204 Benjamin, [email protected], or 301-
405-2364, for more information or to arrange an advising appointment.
5. The EDCP Minor in Leadership Studies promotes college student leadership development by
educating undergraduate students for and about leadership in a complex world. The goal of the
minor is to prepare students to serve effectively in formal and informal leadership roles in
campus, local, national, and global contexts. Faculty and students in the minor are dedicated to
advancing the field of leadership studies by building upon and critically evaluating existing
theoretical, research-based, and practical knowledge. For the list of approved courses and
additional details regarding the EDCP Minor in Leadership Studies, please
visit http://umddepartments.orgsync.com/org/leadershipstudies/.
Specialized Academic Programs
Secondary Education Program Options: The College of Education has multiple pathways for
individuals who are interested in teaching at the secondary level:
The Dual Major option, which is designed for incoming freshmen or sophomores, leads to the
Bachelor's degree with a major in an academic content area plus a second major in secondary
education. All secondary majors are required to have an academic content major which satisfies
the requirements of the academic department and meets the standards for teacher certification.
Candidates who follow the proposed sequencing of courses can complete both majors in four
years with careful advisement and scheduling.
The Certificate Program requires completion of an academic major - including coursework
specific to meet certification standards in the certificate area - and a bachelor's degree in an
approved academic content area, plus the completion of a certificate program in secondary
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education to meet requirements in UM's approved program for MSDE certification. Selected
coursework from the Minor in Secondary Education may be taken prior to admission to the
Certificate Program option. (The Certificate Program is currently under review. For additional
information, contact the Office of Student Services, 1204 Benjamin.)
The Five-Year Integrated Master's with Certification Program for content majors entering
the junior or senior year, is for talented undergraduates with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who seek to
combine undergraduate studies in the content area and professional education as a foundation for
a focused professional year at the graduate level leading to secondary-level certification in the
subject field and the Master's of Education degree. Candidates who are admitted to the program
complete their baccalaureate degrees with a major in the relevant content area and a minimum of
12 credits in professional education studies related to teacher certification requirements. In their
fifth year, they enroll in a full-year internship and complete graduate-level professional studies
that make them eligible for teacher certification and the master's of education degree.
The Mathematics Education and Science Education programs are currently under review. For
more information, please visit the Terrapin Teachers website http://terrapinteachers.umd.edu/
For detailed information about these secondary education program options, contact the Office of
Student Services, 1204 Benjamin Building.
College Honors Program
Undergraduate teacher education majors meeting certain scholastic requirements may participate
in the College of Education Honors Program. The objective of this program is to examine the
field of education at levels of depth and breadth that go beyond that provided by any one teacher
preparation sequence. The program consists of three components: group, cross-disciplinary, and
individual study. The Honors Program represents an excellent springboard for teacher candidates
with aspirations to go on to graduate school. For further information contact the College of
Education Office of Student Services (1204 Benjamin). NOTE: Program is currently under
Approved Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The College sponsors chapters of Phi Delta Kappa; the Teacher Education Association of
Maryland Students (TEAMS), a state/national education association; the College of Education
Student Assembly, a student governance organization; and Kappa Delta Pi, an honor society in
education. The Mary McLeod Bethune Society is a pre-professional organization concerned
with minority issues and education. Student Educators of Young Children (SEYC) is a student
organization sponsored by the Maryland Association for the Education of Young Children
(MDAEYC), an affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children
(NAEYC). A chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children is open to teacher candidates in
Special Education.
The Plan of Organization for the College of Education calls for undergraduate student
representation on both the College of Education Assembly and College Senate. These
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organizations assume a critical role in policy development for the College of Education. The
Assembly meets at least once a year during the fall semester for its annual meeting. Senate
meetings typically occur once a month during the fall and spring semesters. Nine full-time
undergraduates are elected as voting members of the College Assembly. The chair of the
Undergraduate Student Assembly also serves as a voting member of the College of Education
Assembly. Of the nine Assembly members, one is elected to serve as a delegate to the College of
Education Senate. For further information about the College Assembly or Senate, contact the
Office of Student Services, Room 1204 Benjamin.
In several departments there are informal organizations of students. Students should contact the
individual departments or, in the case of College-wide groups, the Student Services office, for
additional information regarding these organizations.
Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information (including
details regarding TEACH grants), visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
In addition, contributions from the College of Education Alumni and Friends have made it
possible to award a number of $1,000 scholarships to deserving teacher education candidates
each academic year. These awards are based on the following criteria:
academic performance
financial need
leadership and contributions to the field of education or
commitment to potential leadership in the field of education
encouragement of a diverse and multicultural community
Scholarship applications may be obtained in the Office of Student Services (1204 Benjamin).
Applications also are available on-line:
For more information about the College of Education Scholarships, including deadlines and
application materials, contact the Office of Student Services (1204 Benjamin).
Maryland Teachers of Promise Program
Each year, the College identifies five to seven of its most promising gifted pre-service educators,
who are seniors and who plan to teach in the state of Maryland. These individuals become part
of a select group of outstanding pre-service and veteran teachers participating in a mentor-
protégé program and educational Institute. As part of the program, each teacher candidate is
paired with an award-winning veteran teacher mentor (Teacher of the Year, Milken National
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Educator, Blue Ribbon School Master Teacher, etc.), who provides guidance and support during
the transition period into teaching. For more information about this program, contact Dr. Kathy
Angeletti, Assistant Dean (kange[email protected]).
Student Engagement and Service Units
Student Services Office
1204 Benjamin Building, 301-405-2344
The Student Services Office provides academic advising for education majors regarding
admission, orientation, registration, graduation, and certification. Information about the Praxis
assessments and the College of Education Scholarships also is available in Student Services.
Educational Technology Services
0234 Benjamin Building, 301-405-3611
Educational Technology Services helps the College advance the effective use of technology in
support of student learning. The Center provides a range of technology and media resources and
services to faculty and students. The Center also offers professional development courses,
technology planning, consulting assistance, and other outreach services to educators and policy
makers throughout the state and region. A number of research, development, and demonstration
activities in educational technology also are conducted through the Center's grants and contracts
with federal, state, and private funding sources.
Career Center
3100 Hornbake Library; 301-314-7225
The Employment Registration Program (TERP) includes job listings in private and public
schools and institutions of higher learning, on-campus interviews with in-state and out-of-state
school systems, and resume referral to employers interested in hiring education
majors. Information and applications from school systems throughout the country, job search
publications, and various employment directories also are available in the Career Center.
3110 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building, 301-405-8335
Dean: Darryll Pines
Associate Dean(s): William Fourney, Peter Kofinas, Robert Briber
The University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering is a premier program,
ranked among the top 20 in the world. Located just a few miles from Washington, D.C., the
Clark School is at the center of a constellation of high-tech companies and federal laboratories,
offering students access to unique opportunities to prepare for and launch rewarding careers.
201 | Page
We combine rigorous classroom learning with opportunities for hands-on educational
experiences, including the autonomous vehicle project in freshman year and capstone courses in
junior and senior years; participation in numerous national and international engineering
competitions in which the school is consistently successful; a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem;
and extensive internship opportunities.
We offer students the chance to engage in cutting-edge research, whether in the many labs run by
prominent faculty members in state-of-the-art facilities, or with potential employers in nearby
federal research labs and corporations. Research enables students to dig deeper into their majors
or explore new areas of possible interest.
With one of the nation’s most active chapters of Engineers Without Borders, Clark School
students can apply their skills and energies in the service of less fortunate people all around the
world. Service options closer to home are available through the many student societies,
alternative spring breaks and targeted initiatives started by fellow students.
It is this range of opportunities that makes the Clark School so valuable to talented, ambitious
students who want a deeper university experience. We encourage you to explore further by
visiting www.eng.umd.edu.
Admission Requirements
Freshmen Admission
Direct Admissions Requirements
Admission to the A. James Clark School of Engineering is limited. Freshmen applicants are
reviewed and will be admitted directly on a competitive basis. Evaluation is based on high school
grades, standardized test scores, activities, leadership and demonstrations of potential to succeed.
An applicant may apply to any of the majors offered within the School. An applicant also has the
option of entering as an Undecided Engineering major and will typically choose a degree
program in the first year.
Directly admitted freshmen will be subject to an academic review at the end of the semester in
which they attain 45 University of Maryland credits. In order to successfully complete the
review, students must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0 and have completed ENES100,
Fundamental Studies English, and the following sequence of Gateway requirements: MATH141,
PHYS161, and either CHEM 135 or CHEM 271 or CHEM134 with a minimum grade of "C-".
Students who take CHEM134 must also have completed CHEM131 with a minimum grade of
Only one repeat of a single Gateway course, either at the University of Maryland or at any other
university or college, will be considered to meet the review requirements. A course in which a
grade of W (withdrawn) is earned is counted as an attempt. Students who fail to meet these
requirements by the semester in which they attain 45 University of Maryland credits may be
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dismissed from the Clark School and may not reapply. Dismissed students may appeal in writing
directly to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs in the Clark School.
Transfer Admission
Direct Admissions Requirements
Internal and external transfer students will be directly admitted to the Clark School if they meet
the following Gateway requirements: MATH141 with a "B-", PHYS161 with a "B-", either
CHEM135 or CHEM271 or CHEM134 with a minimum grade of "C-" (Students who take
CHEM134 must also have completed CHEM131 with a minimum grade of "C-"). Students must
also have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in all college-level coursework, and have not
previously been admitted to the Clark School of Engineering. Students interested in
transferring to the Department of Bioengineering must also complete BIOE120 with a
minimum grade of "B-" or better for admission. Only one repeat of a single Gateway course,
either at the University of Maryland or at any other university or college, will be considered to
meet the review requirements. A course in which a grade of W (withdrawn) is earned is counted
as an attempt. Students should wait until all gateway requirements are complete before applying
for admission to the School.
Appeal Process
All students denied admission to the Clark School may appeal the decision in writing directly to
the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Affairs in the Clark School. External transfer students who
are denied admission to the University may appeal to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions of
the University.
Maryland Community College Transfer Students
Students who complete an Associate of Science degree at a Maryland community college may be
prepared to enter into the sophomore or junior year in engineering at the University of Maryland
if they have completed the required engineering coursework. To ensure that you are enrolling in
the correct courses to transfer, please consult the Engineering four-year plans and the Transfer
Credit Services website. There may be some courses which are not offered at Maryland
community colleges. Students should investigate the feasibility of completing these courses
during the summer session at the University of Maryland before starting their junior course work
in the fall semester. A maximum of one-half of the degree credits (approximately 60 semester
hours) may be transferred from a two-year community college program.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
Structure of Engineering Curricula: Courses in the normal curriculum or program and prescribed
credit hours leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science (with curriculum designation) are
outlined in the sections describing each department in the Clark School of Engineering. No
student may modify the prescribed number of hours without special permission from the Dean of
the School. The courses in each curriculum may be classified in the following categories:
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1. Courses in the General Education Program,
2. Courses in mathematics, chemistry, and physics.
3. Related technical courses, engineering sciences and other courses approved for one
curriculum but offered by another department.
4. Courses in the major department. A student should obtain written approval for any
substitution of courses from the department chair and the Dean of the School. The courses in
each engineering curriculum, as classified below, form a sequential and developmental pattern in
subject matter. In this respect, curricula in engineering may differ from curricula in other
colleges. Some regulations which are generally applicable to all students may need clarification
for purposes of orderly administration among engineering students (see the Academic
Regulations in Chapter 4). Moreover, the Clark School of Engineering establishes policies which
supplement university regulations.
School Regulations
1. The responsibility for proper registration and for satisfying stated prerequisites for any course
must rest with the student as does the responsibility for proper achievement in courses in which
the student is enrolled. Each student should be familiar with the provisions of this catalog,
including the Academic Regulations.
2. Required courses in mathematics, physics, and chemistry have highest priority. It is strongly
recommended that every engineering student register for mathematics and chemistry or
mathematics and physics each semester until the student has fully satisfied requirements of the
Clark School of Engineering in these subjects.
3. To be eligible for a bachelor's degree in the Clark School of Engineering, a student must have
an overall cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0, a "C-" or better in all engineering
degree requirements including (but not limited to): BIOE, BCHM, BSCI, CHBE, CMSC, ENXX,
ENSP and GEOL. Students matriculating to UM in the fall of 2012 or after must also have a 2.0
cumulative GPA in their major courses, minor courses and classes used to satisfy certificate
4. In addition to the requirement for a "C-" or better in all engineering, CMSC, and degree
requirements, all students who begin college-level work, either at the University of Maryland or
any other institution in the Spring 2005 semester or later, must receive a grade of "C-" or higher
in all technical courses (e.g. mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.) used to satisfy major
5. A course taken at UMD in which a grade has been earned may not be repeated via transfer
from another institution.
6. Students in the Clark School of Engineering must have a minimum 2.0 University of
Maryland GPA to enroll in courses at another institution.
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7. All students are required to complete a number of general education courses and must follow
the university's requirements regarding completion of the General Education Program. Consult
the Academic Regulations section of this catalog for additional information. Engineering
students who began college-level work (either at the University of Maryland or at other
institutions) during the Fall 1989 semester or later are required to complete a Professional
Writing course, ENGL393, regardless of their performance in freshman English classes.
8. All degree programs in the Clark School of Engineering require a minimum of 120 credits
plus satisfaction of all department, School, and University general education program
requirements (Aerospace Engineering majors are required to complete a minimum of 124
credits). Students should be aware that for all currently existing engineering programs the total
number of credits necessary for the degree exceeds 120 by some number that depends on the
specific major.
Curricula for the various engineering departments are given in this catalog to illustrate how the
programs can be completed in four years. These curricula are rigorous and relatively difficult.
Studies have shown that only 61% of students complete their degree in four years. It is quite
feasible for a student to stretch out any curriculum; this may be necessary or desirable for a
variety of reasons. However, students should seek competent advising in order to ensure that
courses are taken in the proper sequence.
All students are urged to complete a senior audit using uAchieve and to review the audit with
their departmental advisor at least two semesters prior to graduation. The purpose of the senior
audit is to discuss academic progress and confirm that graduation requirements are being
Departments and Degrees
The Clark School of Engineering consists of eight academic departments and offers the degree of
Bachelor of Science in the following fields of study: Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering,
Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Fire
Protection Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. All of
the above programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
www.abet.org, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, telephone: (410) 347-
Freshmen-Sophomore Years
The freshman and sophomore years in engineering are designed to lay a strong foundation in
mathematics, physical sciences, and the engineering sciences upon which the student will later
develop a professional program during the upper division (junior and senior) years. During the
first two years, students are introduced to the concepts of engineering design and work in
multidisciplinary teams. The School course requirements for the freshman and sophomore years
are similar for all students, regardless of their intended academic program, thus affording the
student maximum flexibility in choosing a specific engineering specialization.
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Engineering Sciences
Engineering Science courses represent a common core of basic material offered to students of
several different departments. All freshman and sophomore students of engineering are required
to take ENES100. Other ENES courses, 102, 220, 221, and 232 are specified by the different
departments. The responsibility for teaching the engineering science courses is shared among
faculty from different departments by means of the Keystone Program. In addition to the core
courses noted above, several courses of general interest to engineering or non-engineering
students have been given ENES designations.
Freshman Curriculum
See individual department requirements in the Departments and Majors section of this site. For
entering freshmen, the math placement is determined solely by performance on the University
math placement exam and not on the Math SAT score. Placement in MATH115 or lower will
delay by a semester eligibility to take certain engineering courses.
Sophomore Year
No later than the sophomore year, a student should select an academic degree program
(Aerospace, Bioengineering, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Fire Protection, Mechanical,
or Materials Science and Engineering) and this department assumes the responsibility for the
student's academic guidance, counseling, and program planning from that point until the
completion of the degree requirements of that program as well as the School. For the specific
requirements, see the curriculum listing in each engineering department.
Advising is mandatory prior to registration each semester for all students in the Clark School.
Each engineering department has a representative who advises students in their respective
discipline. Undecided engineering students are advised by the Office of Undergraduate Advising
& Academic Support until they have declared a major. Refer to the individual program for
additional advising information. During orientation to the University, all students will receive
advising from the Office of Undergraduate Advising & Academic Support in collaboration with
departmental advising representatives.
Computer Engineering: 18 credits. The minor in Computer Engineering is a program offered
by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The minor will introduce students to
core hardware concepts, such as computer architecture, digital logic design, and digital circuit
design, as well as core software concepts, such as algorithms, discrete mathematics, and
programming. Students will also learn how hardware and software interact at the interface. With
a minor in computer engineering, students will not only receive preparation for entry into the
computer industry, but they will also become more effective at applying computing in their
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primary field of study. For more information, please visit the minor website at
Construction Project Management: 15 credits. A minor in Construction Project Management
will prepare students for employment in one of the many careers related to the built environment,
such as project management, architectural engineering, design and commercial construction.
Students will learn how to manage multiple phases of operation and management in the
construction process including building information modeling, cost estimating, project
scheduling, construction financing and planning. The Construction Project Management minor is
ideal for students in Architecture, Engineering and similar fields. This minor is designed to give
students a competitive advantage when applying for a job in the construction industry. This
minor is only available to undergraduate students in the Clark School of Engineering and the
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation who have earned at least 60 credit hours
(Junior standing) and have a UMD grade point average of 3.0 or higher. For more information on
this minor, students in the School of Engineering should contact Dr. Qingbin Cui at
[email protected], and students in the School of Architecture should contact Heidi Bulich at
Engineering Leadership Development: 16 credits. The goal of the minor in engineering
leadership development is to prepare engineering students for leadership roles in industry and to
develop the skills most attractive to employers. The minor will complement the technical skills
and knowledge students acquire in their engineering coursework to better prepare them to engage
in leadership within industry. Students may earn the minor and a notation on their official
transcript by completing coursework which focuses on communication, leadership theory, global
awareness, project management, understanding oneself, and working effectively with others.
Contact the minor advisor, Ramsey Jabaji ([email protected]), or visit the web at
www.ilp.umd.edu for more information.
International Engineering: Minimum of 15 credits. In addition to a strong engineering
background, there is a need for engineers with cross-cultural experience and foreign language
abilities. Students may earn the minor by completing a course in International Business Cultures
for Engineering and Technology, a Global Studies Minor Program signature course, and
additional courses in language, culture studies, or internationally related studies, plus an
engineering experience abroad. Contact the minor advisor, Jane Fines ([email protected]), or visit
the web at www.ilp.umd.edu for more information. Students who fulfill minor requirements will
receive a notation on their official transcript.
Nanoscience and Technology: 15 credits. Continued growth in the field of nanometer scale
science and technology (NS&T) has led in the past several years to many technological advances
in devices and materials structured at the nanometer scale. The Interdisciplinary Minor Program
of Study in Nanoscience and Technology is intended to prepare participating students for a
career in this rapidly developing field. This program draws upon the considerable expertise in
nanoscience at the University of Maryland, in departments distributed among two schools: The
Clark School of Engineering, and the College of Computer, Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Students take courses in Fabrication/Synthesis and Characterization, which emphasize the
experimental side of NS&T, as well as Fundamental Science and Specialization Electives, which
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teach the underlying principles and directions, and include underlying theory and the motivations
for NS&T. Visit the website http:www.mse.ume.edu/undergraduate/nanominor for more
Nuclear Engineering: 15 credits. The need for engineers with knowledge of nuclear
engineering topics will grow significantly in the coming years, with new nuclear plants being
planned, existing plants continuing operation, and increasing industrial and medical uses of
radiation sources. The minor in Nuclear Engineering provides an engineering student with an
understanding of nuclear engineering and its application to many different fields, such as power
generation, reactor operation, and industrial uses. Students in the minor will learn the
fundamentals of nuclear reactor engineering, radiation interactions and measurement, power
plant design concepts, and reactor safety and risk assessment. The minor is open to any student
in the Clark School of Engineering. Contact Dr. G.A. Pertmer (pertmer@umd.edu) for further
information. Students who fulfill minor requirements will receive a notation on their official
Project Management: 15 credits. A basic understanding of project management is becoming
increasingly important for engineers. Such knowledge enables them to contribute immediately to
employers, and to advance their careers. In addition to a strong engineering background, there is
significant need for engineers to understand the fundamentals of managing projects in order to
effectively participate as members of project teams. Students who successfully complete minor
requirements will receive a notation on their official transcript. Contact Dr. Qingbin Cui, Project
Management Minor Advisor ([email protected]) or visit the web site: http://pm.umd.edu/
Technology Entrepreneurship: 15 credits. The Minor in Technology Entrepreneurship prepares
students for launching successful technology ventures and bringing life-changing products and
services to market. The minor develops the entrepreneurial mind-set and functional skillsets of
students to improve their ability to create, launch, and manage technology ventures. Students
earn the minor by completing coursework which focuses on entrepreneurial opportunity analysis,
marketing high-technology products, strategies for managing innovation, and international
entrepreneurship and innovation. For details and contact information, visit
Living-Learning Programs
Flexus: The Dr. Marilyn Berman Pollans Women in Engineering Living & Learning
Women in Engineering Program
0110 Easton Hall/1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall
Director: Paige Smith
The Women in Engineering Living & Learning Community (WIE LLC) is open to any first-year
female engineering student with an interest in promoting gender diversity in the field of
engineering. Students who complete the first year of the program are invited to participate in a
second year. The program seeks to promote community among first and second year engineering
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students committed to gender diversity in the field and to provide encouragement and support for
academic and professional success by:
1. introducing students to women mentors and role models;
2. offering professional and personal development opportunities;
3. helping students make connections with peers in engineering and
4. reinforcing important technical skills needed to succeed in engineering.
The components of this living and learning community include a one credit seminar course,
taking the first math, science and engineering courses together, residential housing on a common
floor in Easton Hall and resources provided in the residence hall. Participants will also have the
opportunity to work closely with Virtus: a Living and Learning Community for Success in
Virtus: A Living and Learning Community for Success in Engineering
Successful Engineering Education and Development Support Program
0110 Easton Hall/1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall
Director: Paige Smith
Virtus provides first-year male engineering students access to an engineering based living and
learning environment. The primary goal of Virtus is to promote community among first and
second year engineering students and to provide support for academic and professional success.
Living in Easton Hall, participants will be introduced to a diverse range of mentors and role
models and offered professional and personal development opportunities. In addition to a
common residence floor, the components of this living and learning community include a one
credit seminar, taking the first math, science and engineering courses together, and resources
provided in the residence hall. Participants also have the opportunity to make connections with
peers in engineering and work closely with Flexus: the Dr. Marilyn Berman Pollans' Women in
Engineering Living and Learning Community. Virtus is funded through the National Science
Foundation's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program
(STEP, Award# 0969232).
College Park Scholars - Science, Technology, and Society
1125 Cumberland Hall
301-405-7219; https://scholars.umd.edu/programs/sts
Director: David Tomblin
Co-sponsored by the Clark School of Engineering, the Science, Technology and Society (STS)
program is one of 12 living-learning programs offered by the College Park Scholars Program.
This 2-year program for academically talented freshmen and sophomores welcomes all majors,
who live together in Cambridge Hall. While building close relationships with program faculty,
STS explores the influential social, ethical, and political relationships that drive research and
innovation. The program delves into the challenges of living and innovating in a world where
emerging science and technologies are becoming increasingly interconnected, pervasive, and
powerful. The program’s primary goal is to give students career development and analytical
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skills that help connect science and technology to broader social needs. STS pursues this goal
through individual research projects, collaborative problem solving activities, user-centered
design projects, and service-learning.
STS students participate in a number of field trips to further their understanding of the program
themes and objectives. Sites include the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NASA
Goddard Spaceflight Center, United States Patent and Trademark Office and the National
Building Museum. Students also have the opportunity to engage in service actives related to the
program such as volunteering for Maryland Robotics Day, Women In Engineering's annual
DREAM Conference, Maryland Regional Science Bowl, the Science and Engineering Festival,
and BitCamp.
STS features three rewarding practicum opportunities: 1) Robotics service-learning program,
students explore innovative ways of encouraging STEM education in Prince Georges County
schools; 2) Infrastructure and Society, students work with professional engineers on a service-
learning project that assesses the safety and viability of infrastructure; 3) Sustainability and
Design: Work with real clients from local communities to design the implementation of
sustainable technologies.
Specialized Academic Programs
Science, Technology and Society Certificate
1125 Cumberland Hall, 301-405-7219
Director, David Tomblin, [email protected]
The undergraduate University Certificate program in Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
enables students to learn about the dynamic, interactive and creative relationships among
science, technology, and society. This 21-credit program helps structure a student’s general
education and elective requirements into a unifying theme. The end product of the program is a
research project of the student’s own choosing, which is developed under faculty mentorship.
The STS University Certificate is especially helpful to students who are seeking jobs that require
understanding policy decisions as they relate to scientific and engineering endeavors, those
students hoping to seek a graduate degree that integrates science, technology, and policy, or
students simply interested in developing a greater understanding of social issues related to
science and technology.
STS is an interdisciplinary field that has been taught for more than 30 years at universities in the
United States and Europe, notably in those with strong engineering and public policy
programs. In recent years, STS University Certificate students have chosen to write their
capstone term papers about timely topics, including the interactions among science, technology
and society related to nanotechnology, fuel cell applications, physics research funding, climate
change modeling, religious principles as a basis for climate action, integration of SONAR into
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underwater vehicles, nuclear power in developing countries, and interpersonal impacts of social
The STS program requires 9 credits of Lower Level (100-200) and 9 credits of Upper Level
courses (300-400) and the STS Capstone (ENES 440, 3 credits). Students must obtain prior
approval of the director before counting courses toward their individualized STS
curriculum. Many of these credits may overlap with major and minor requirements. For
guidance, see the website for a list of approved courses, and note that students may ask the
director to approve a course not listed on the website.
Lower Level (100- and 200-level) Courses (9 credits):
Three courses that relate science to society, technology to society, or science to technology; one
of the courses should be CPSS 225 (STS sophomore survey course)
Upper Level (300- and 400-level) Courses (12 credits):
These courses have an interdisciplinary orientation that demonstrates inter-relationships between
science and society, between technology and society, or between science and technology.
Students choose three courses and the fourth course is ENES440, the STS University Certificate
Joining the Program and Program Requirements:
Students interested in STS should contact the director to obtain advice and approval prior to
enrolling in courses that fulfill the program. Students record their progress with the STS program
office as they complete requirements, participate in a semi-annual advising meeting, and write a
brief evaluation upon completing the program. Students must earn a minimum grade of "C-" in
each course they wish to credit toward the STS University Certificate. A student's individual
course of study may not exceed these maximums: 9 credits of courses applied to the student's
major; 3 credits of Special or Selected Topics courses; 9 credits of courses taken outside UMCP;
and 6 credits of courses with the AREC, ECON and GVPT prefixes. Once all requirements are
met and the director affirms that the student has completed the program, the Registrar includes a
notation of this University Certificate on the student's transcript.
College Honors Program
Students in the A. James Clark School of Engineering may participate in the University's Honors
College, College Park Scholars, Quest, and/or departmental honors programs (see the individual
department section for details).
Clark School Engineering Honors Program
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The Clark School offers an Engineering Honors Program that provides eligible students the
opportunity to pursue an enriched program of studies that will broaden their perspectives and
increase the depth of their knowledge. Engineering students meeting all of the following criteria
are eligible to apply:
1. Upper fourth of engineering juniors and seniors;
2. Junior standing or 60 applicable credits;
3. Completion of at least one semester at UMD.
The requirements for completing the program are as follows:
1. An Honors Research Project which often can be used as a technical elective, a written report,
and an oral presentation to a faculty panel of the EHP;
2. Successful completion of both Engineering Honors Seminars (ENES480 and ENES481, one
credit hour each);
3. Maintenance of a GPA to remain in the upper third of the class.
For more information see http://www.eng.umd.edu/current/honors-program.
Approved Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Professional Societies
Each of the engineering departments sponsors student chapters or student sections of a national
engineering society. The student chapters sponsor a variety of activities including technical
meetings, social gatherings, and School or University service projects. All students are strongly
encouraged to join one or more of these chapters.
These organizations are: American Helicopter Society-Intl.; American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; American Nuclear Society;
American Society of Civil Engineers; American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air
Conditioning Engineering; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; ASM International;
Black Engineers Society; BMES-UMD (Biomedical Engineering Society, UMD chapter);
Engineers Without Borders; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Material
Advantage (American Ceramic Society, ASM International and TMS joint chapters); Mechanical
Contracting Association (MCA); Society of Asian Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers;
Society of Fire Protection Engineers; Society of Hispanic Engineers; Society of Manufacturing
Engineers; and Society of Women Engineers.
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Honor Societies
The Clark School of Engineering and each of the engineering departments sponsor honors
societies. Nominations or invitations for membership are usually extended to junior and senior
students based on scholarship, service, and/or other selective criteria. Some of the honors
organizations are branches of national societies; others are local groups: Tau Beta Pi (College
Honorary); Alpha Eta Mu Beta (Biomedical Engineering ); Alpha Nu Sigma (Nuclear
Engineering); Alpha Sigma Mu (Materials Science and Engineering); Chi Epsilon (Civil
Engineering); Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical and Computer Engineering); Omega Chi Epsilon
(Chemical Engineering); Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical Engineering); Salamander (Fire Protection
Engineering); and Sigma Gamma Tau (Aerospace Engineering).
Financial Assistance
The Clark School offers scholarships to talented undergraduate engineering students. This is a
competitive scholarship program with scholarships awarded for merit. Financial need and a
variety of other factors may also be considered. New freshmen are automatically considered for
most Clark School scholarships and are not required to apply for funding. Current and new
transfer students must complete the online scholarship application by May 31st for best
consideration. Visit the website www.ursp.umd.edu/scholarships/index.html for more
The Benjamin T. Rome Scholarship is a full-ride scholarship awarded to a new freshman
student each year. The Rome Scholarship, in conjunction with other university
scholarships, covers all expenses (tuition and fees, room and board) plus a book allowance and a
stipend. The award is renewable for up to three additional years provided the recipient maintains
good academic standing and makes progress toward an engineering degree.
The Herbert Rabin Scholarship is awarded to one or two entering freshman students each year
based on merit. The Rabin Scholarship, in conjunction with other university scholarships, covers
tuition and fees, and room and board. The award is renewable for three additional years provided
the recipient is an undergraduate engineering student, maintains good academic standing and
makes progress toward an engineering degree.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For more information, visit:
Research Units
Undergraduate Research Programs
Undergraduate research programs allow qualified undergraduate students to work with research
laboratory directors in departments, thus giving students a chance for a unique experience in
research and engineering design. Projects in engineering allow undergraduate students to do
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independent study under the guidance of faculty members in an area of mutual interest. For more
information, contact the department or research center you are interested in performing research.
Student Engagement and Service Units
Office of Undergraduate Advising and Academic Support
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-9973
Director: Jenna Bucci
The Office of Undergraduate Advising and Academic Support Office provides a broad variety of
services to assist students during their collegiate careers. Individual advising may focus on a
number of student related issues including: schedule planning, course selection, university policy
interpretations, career choices, social and personal adjustments, as well as identification and
support for students with specific academic concerns. The office also provides orientation to new
students, certifies students for graduation, and is instrumental in helping students process
administrative forms. The staff works closely with other campus offices to identify resources that
address the various needs of our students.
Engineering Co-op and Career Services
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-3863
Director: Heidi Sauber
CareerEngr@umd.edu, http://www.coop.eng.umd.edu/
The Engineering Co-op and Career Services Office assists students in finding cooperative
education (co-op), internship, and post-graduation positions. Co-op and internship positions
complement classroom learning and provide students with professional level experience,
mentoring relationships, integration of theory and practice, confirmation of career choices, and
financial compensation. To assist students in their job search we offer a wide variety of
workshops on topics such as effective resumes, interview strategies, professionalism, career fair
preparation, salary negotiation, and advanced job search techniques. We also provide one-on-
one resume critiques, career advising appointments, mock interviews, job-search handouts, an e-
newsletter, and a jobs database called Careers4Engineers. In addition, students have the
opportunity to meet employers by participating in career fairs, networking events. employer
information sessions, and special job search presentations conducted by engineering recruiters.
Office of International and Leadership Programs
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-3857
Director: Jane F. Fines
The Office of International and Leadership Programs is responsible for developing international
and leadership opportunities for engineering students. Services include advising students
studying abroad, advising students completing the minors in International Engineering and
Engineering Leadership Development, developing faculty-led programs abroad, advising the
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Breakaway Program (alternative spring break service program), and leadership development
programs for engineering students.
Undergraduate Recruitment
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-0287
Director: Bruk Berhane
The Office of Undergraduate Recruitment and Scholarship Programs is responsible for outreach
and new student recruitment activities in the A. James Clark School of Engineering. Services
include undergraduate recruitment, meeting with prospective students, providing K-12 and
community college outreach activities, and administering the Clark School's scholarship program
for new students.
The Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-3878
Director: Rosemary L. Parker
The Center is dedicated to increasing the enrollment and graduation rates of African American,
Hispanic, and Native American students majoring in engineering. The Center provides a
complete package of services designed to assist students from pre-college through completion of
the PhD. Services include academic advising, tutorial assistance, scholarship information, the
BRIDGE Program, the BRIDGE to the Doctorate Fellowship, outreach programs, job
information and support of student organizations.
Women in Engineering Program
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-3931
Director: Paige E. Smith
The Women in Engineering Program (WIE) Program is dedicated to increasing the enrollment,
retention, and graduation rates of females in the School, as well as identifying and addressing
this group's unique needs. The Program provides a comprehensive set of initiatives designed to
encourage and assist women students to become successful professional engineers.
Services offered include research and teaching fellowships, information listserv, website, living
and learning communities, first year peer mentoring program, workshops on careers, outreach
programs, speakers, student advisory board, and support of women engineering organizations.
Engineering Information Technologies (EIT)
2125 J.M. Patterson Building
Executive Director: Jim Zahniser [email protected]
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Keeping pace with the latest developments in the area of information technologies worldwide,
the Clark School of Engineering provides a state of-the-art computing environment that will be
the standard for engineers in the years ahead. Faculty and students have access to computer
workstations with a wide range of engineering software and technology enabled classrooms with
the latest presentation capabilities. In addition, EIT provides access and support on the latest
tools and services for online collaboration, presentation technologies, and infrastructure services.
Distance Education Technology and Services
2125 J.M. Patterson Bldg, 301-405-4907; Fax: 301-314-9639
Assistant Director: Marty Ronning, 301-405-4899
Distance Education Technology and Services, DETS, provides distance education technology
and support service to the A. James Clark School of Engineering and the UMCP campus. We
serve over 1000 students per year by providing graduate and undergraduate courses in
engineering and other related fields. In addition, we also provide technical, services to the
campus such as video conferencing, video capturing, satellite services and more.
0217 Hornbake Library, 301-405-2038
Dean: Keith Marzullo
Associate Dean(s): Brian Butler; Susan Winter
Maryland's iSchool is a leader in shaping the future of information access and management, and
is fully committed to creating an inclusive and equitable environment. We design new and
leverage existing techniques and technologies to solve information challenges. We work with
communities and institutions, including private and public archives, libraries, and information
product startups. We prepare future information leaders, researchers, and both business and
social entrepreneurs. Together, we turn information into power to unlock our full potential.
Special Advantages and Facilities
The College operates six research centers: the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL), the
Information Policy and Access Center (iPAC), and the Center for Advanced Study of
Communities and Information (CASCI), the Cloud Computing Center (CCC), the Trace Center,
and the Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC).
iSchool faculty and doctoral students also participate in or have affiliations with the University
of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), the Maryland Institute for
Technology in the Humanities (MITH), and the Computational Linguistics and Information
Processing Laboratory (CLIP), as well as the Departments of Computer Science, English, and
Sociology, the Robert H. Smith School of Business, and the College of Education.
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Advising is mandatory for all Information Science (InfoSci) students. Each semester prior to
registration, current InfoSci students are required to meet with the advisor to review courses
taken and identify courses students plan to take. This review will ensure students are progressing
through the major in a satisfactory manner. Be sure to schedule regular advising meetings and
make sure you are on track to meet your academic and professional goals.
Departments and Centers
Students in the program may submit a request that courses from an outside college or department
be counted towards their major electives. Students interested in doing so should contact their
advisor for more information.
The iSchool does not currently offer a minor.
Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For more information, visit:
Research Units
Trace Research & Development Center
Room 2117 Hornbake Bldg, South Wing, College Park, 301-405-2043
Director: Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden
The Trace Center’s purpose is to apply engineering, computer science, disability studies, public
policy, and information science to prevent the barriers to, and capitalize on the opportunities
presented by, current and emerging information and communication technologies. Our vision is
of a world that is accessible and usable by people of all ages and all abilities each experiencing
ICT in a way they can understand and use. Founded in 1971, Trace has been a pioneer known for
high-impact research and development, including access features implemented in computer
operating systems, leadership in development of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and
many other accessibility standards, and techniques used to increase the accessibility of self-
service kiosks in post offices, train stations, and airports. Trace is currently a leader in the
development and large-scale deployment of a Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure that
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combines cloud computing, web, and platform services to make online information and services
available for people facing accessibility barriers.
The Center for Advanced Study of Communities and Information (CASCI)
Hornbake Bldg, South Wing, College Park, 301-405-2033
Director: Dr. Jessica Vitak
The Center for the Advanced Study of Communities and Information (CASCI) is a
multidisciplinary research network, based at University of Maryland. CASCI exists to facilitate
research and education that advances our understanding of the technology, information, and
organization approaches needed to realize the potential of 21st century communities to support
learning, facilitate innovation, transform science and scholarship, promote economic
development, and enhance individual and civic well-being.
Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC)
4110 Hornbake Bldg, South Wing, College Park, 301-405-2033
Director: Dr. Richard Marciano, Associate Director: Dr. Michael Kurtz
The mission of DCIC is to lead research and education in digital curation and foster
interdisciplinary partnerships using Big Records and archival analytics through public / industry /
government partnerships. DCIC sponsors interdisciplinary projects that explore the integration of
archival research data, user-contributed data, and technology to generate new forms of analysis
and historical research.
The Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL)
2117 Hornbake Bldg, South Wing, College Park, 301-405-2769
Director: Niklas Elmqvist
The Human-Computer Interaction lab transforms the experience people have with new
technologies. From understanding user needs to developing and evaluating the technologies that
support users’ needs, the lab’s faculty, staff, and students have been leading the way in HCI
research and teaching for over 30 years. We believe it is critical to understand how the needs and
dreams of people can be reflected in future technologies. To this end, the HCIL develops
advanced user interfaces and design methodology. Our primary activities include collaborative
research, publication and the sponsorship of seminars and brown bag talks, workshops and an
annual symposium. The HCIL, though referred to as a lab, is actually a research center that is
jointly administered by the iSchool and UMIACS, and has multiple labs, faculty, and students
associated with it.
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The Information Policy and Access Center (IPAC)
4121 Hornbake Bldg, South Wing, College Park, 301-405-9445
Co-Directors: Dr. John Bertot & Dr. Paul Jaeger
The Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC) is a response to the pressing need for research
on the processes, practices, policies, and social issues that govern access to information in our
increasingly digital information society. We at iPAC are committed to studying what policies
and/or technologies lead to equitable and inclusive information access, a digitally-ready
population, an informed and engaged public, access to Internet-enabled resources and
technologies, or preservation of the cultural record, among key examples.
Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (CLIP)
Director: Dr. Hal Daumé III
The CLIP laboratory at Maryland creates and evaluates systems that allow computers to
effectively and efficiently use human language - together with large-scale information networks -
to perform tasks such as search, translation, summarization and ontological reasoning. It is a part
of the broader language science initiative at Maryland and of the University of Maryland
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
0301 Hornbake Library, College Park, 301-405-8927
Director: Dr. Neil Fraistat
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) is a leading digital humanities
center that pursues disciplinary innovation and institutional transformation through applied
research, public programming, and educational opportunities. Jointly supported by the University
of Maryland, College of Arts and Humanities and the University of Maryland Libraries, MITH
engages in collaborative, interdisciplinary work at the intersection of technology and humanistic
inquiry. MITH specializes in text and image analytics for cultural heritage collections, data
curation, digital preservation, linked data applications, and data publishing.
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1100 Knight Hall, 301-405-2399
Dean: Lucy Dalglish
Associate Dean(s): Rafael Lorente, Olive Reid
Assistant Dean(s): Lele Ashworth, Vanessa Nichols-Holmes
Professors: M. Feldstein, K. Klose, S. Moeller, S. Oates, D. Priest, L. Steiner, C. Stepp
Associate Professors: I. Chinoy, C. Hanson, D. Nelson, R. Yaros
Assistant Professors: K. Chadha, N. Diakopoulos
Lecturers: J. Carroll, C. Clayton, J. Davidsburg, K. Denny, A. Flynn, C. Harvey, S. Katcef, S.
Mussenden, B. Swain
Affiliate Professors: K. Blackistone (Prof of Practice), G. Solomon (Prof Of Practice)
Research Scientist: J. Stark
Professors Emeriti: M. Beasley, J. Blumler, J. Franklin, P. Geraci, D. Gomery, R. Hiebert, L.
Martin, K. McAdams (Assoc Prof Emerita), J. Newhagen (Assoc Prof Emeritus), E. Roberts, C.
Rogers (Prof of Practice Emerita)
Visiting Faculty: S. Banisky, C. Ford, L. Walker
The Major
The Philip Merrill College of Journalism prepares students for careers in newspapers, magazines,
TV news, newsletters and online journalism outlets. The undergraduate journalism program
culminates in a B.A. degree in journalism.
The College is fully accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass
Communications (ACEJMC).
Students learn in college programs such as Capital News Service, a daily wire service in College
Park, Washington, D.C., and Annapolis and UMTV, a cable station operated by the college.
Students majoring in journalism take approximately one-third (42-45 credits) of their total
coursework in the Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Journalism courses are designed to
provide students with a working knowledge of the tools and concepts they will need to perform
as top-flight professional communicators. Courses offered by this department may be found
under the following acronym: JOUR.
The remaining approximately two-thirds (77-80 credits) of undergraduate coursework consists of
a variety of other subjects such as history, economics, government, sociology and psychology.
This exposure acquaints students with fundamental problems and issues they will encounter in
their careers. Within these credits, journalism students must choose a "Concentration" (a core of
advanced work in a substantive field) to establish competency in a specialized area of knowledge
they will be able to use as professionals.
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Program Objectives
About the College
The Philip Merrill College of Journalism is widely considered one of the best journalism
programs in the nation, blending a mix of prize-winning journalists, communication scholars and
nationally recognized professional programs. The school's mission is simple: to produce the best
possible journalists for leading newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and online news outlets.
Recent graduates are editors, reporters and producers at The New York Times, The Washington
Post, CBS, Los Angeles Times, CNN and many of the nation's other top news organizations.
Located less than 10 miles from the news capital of Washington, students participate in
internships during the academic year at The Washington Post, The (Baltimore) Sun, CNN, and a
wide array of Washington news bureaus. In the summer, students intern at top news
organizations around the country. Broadcast news students produce and anchor a 30-minute
nightly news show that reaches more than 400,000 households in suburban Washington on the
College-operated UMTV station, and advanced students enroll in Capital News Service, an
intensive full-time reporting program in Washington, Annapolis and College Park. Students also
participate in some of the school's professional programs.
The Vision
The Philip Merrill College of Journalism is shaping the future of news and media. As the top
journalism school in the Washington, D.C. region and a global leader in journalism education,
the College is committed to promoting a strong and independent free press.
Through its faculty and curriculum, the Merrill College champions the fundamental
journalistic values of accuracy, accountability, and fairness, and is a trailblazer in using
digital and multimedia technologies in dynamic storytelling.
It prepares its undergraduate students for success in today’s exciting and innovative
journalism landscape and gives its graduate students the skills and confidence to rise to
the top of today’s demanding news and media-dependent professions.
The Mission
The college educates students at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels within a liberal
arts context, preparing them for careers in journalism and related fields, as well as careers in
academic research and teaching.
The College works to elevate professional and ethical standards of practice, as well as
advocates for increased public knowledge and involvement in democratic processes
through dissemination of news.
The mission of the College is to improve the production, delivery, and access to news, as
well as to enhance the understanding of journalism’s political, cultural, and social roles in
the United States and around the globe.
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Our undergraduate mission is an uncompromising dedication to the principles of the journalism
profession, with training in evolving types of news gathering and delivery.
Our professional master’s program provides a post-graduate education to those with a host of
undergraduate degrees seeking to enter the field and intensive specialized training for mid-career
journalists with a particular focus on investigative, sports, security, and computational
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate the ability to research, write, report and edit relevant news stories acceptable
by a professional news outlet.
2. Understand the history of journalism, its relationship with diverse groups in society and
its historic special role in a democratic society.
3. Understand the ethical guidelines and practices that govern the profession and the legal
implications and considerations that inform the profession.
4. Demonstrate the ability to apply tools, concepts and technology appropriate for the
5. Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the profession.
6. Apply basic numerical and statistical concepts appropriate for the profession.
7. Demonstrate knowledge of grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax and an ability to
apply Associated Press style to news stories in a manner acceptable to professional news
Special Advantages and Facilities
The Merrill College is home to many unique programs and opportunities available to
undergraduate students:
UMTV: Broadcast journalism students study and learn at UMTV, the college-owned cable TV
station that houses state-of-the-art equipment, including DVCPro, Avid and ENPS systems used
in the field today. Students begin their broadcast education from their first semester at the
College, volunteering as crew members for programs produced under the guidance of renowned
broadcast faculty members.
Capital News Service: The College's Capital News Service operates news-editorial and multi-
platform bureaus in College Park, Washington, D.C., and Annapolis, and a daily television
newscast. CNS provides students with real-life reporting experiences covering a beat, developing
sources, generating story ideas and writing on deadline under the supervision of a faculty editor.
Real-World Experience: Students take their education out of the classroom and into the real
world. Using internships, student media and in-class reporting, our students don't just learn why,
but how. The college is located just outside Washington, D.C., the country's seventh largest
media market.
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Top-Notch Faculty: The Merrill College is home to internationally renowned journalists and
media scholars. Courses are also taught by working journalists who serve as adjunct professors.
Access to Centers of Journalism Study: The Merrill College is home to several centers for
journalism study and professional development. Undergraduates have opportunities to interact
with these programs.
Technology for the Real World: Students use the same technologies used by professional
journalists and media specialists. From the latest in non-linear editing systems, to updated
technologies for digital art and pagination, every undergraduate will have access to the software
used by professionals in TV/radio production, visual journalism, online news and media
Admission Requirements
Journalism is a Limited Enrollment Program (LEP). See the Admissions section in Chapter 1 for
general LEP admission policies.
Freshman Admission and the 45-Credit Review
First-time entering freshmen will gain admission to the Philip Merrill College of Journalism
directly from high school on an available basis. Early application is encouraged. Freshmen
admitted to the program will have access to the necessary advising through their initial semesters
to help them determine if Journalism is an appropriate area for their interests and abilities.
Academic and career advising is provided to journalism students throughout their academic
career by qualified academic counselors and the College's faculty.
Freshmen who are admitted directly to Journalism will be subject to a performance review by the
time they have completed 45 credits. To meet the provisions of the review, these students must
complete: (1) The two, first-year Fundamental Studies courses: ENGL101 and mathematics; (2)
JOUR201 with a grade of "C-" or higher (JOUR181, ENGL101 AND JOUR200 are prerequisites
for JOUR201); and (3) a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students must prove grammar skills
competency through attainment of a minimum of a "C-" in JOUR181 or an 80 or higher on the
grammar competency exam offered in JOUR181. Students who do not meet these requirements
will not be allowed to continue in the LEP and will be required to select another major. In
addition freshmen are expected to complete JOUR200 by the end of their first year.
Transfer Admission
These requirements apply to new transfer students to the University as well as on-campus
Note: No more than 12 transfer credits of communications courses from an accredited
journalism program may be approved by the College to be applied toward the degree. Transfer
students who wish to receive credit for JOUR201 based on work done in a non-accredited
journalism program must pass a proficiency exam.
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In order to be admitted to Journalism, transfer students will be required to meet the following set
of gateway requirements: (1) The two, first-year Fundamental Studies courses: ENGL101 and
mathematics; (2) JOUR201 with a grade of "C-" or higher (JOUR181, ENGL101 and JOUR200
are prerequisites for JOUR201); and (3) attainment of a 2.8 GPA for all college-level work
Students who are unsuccessful in gaining admission to Journalism at the freshman or transfer
level, and believe they have extenuating or special circumstances that should be considered, may
appeal in writing to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. The student will be notified in
writing of the appeal decision.
Students admitted to Journalism as freshmen that do not pass the 45-credit review but believe
they have special circumstances that should be considered, may appeal directly to the College.
For further information, contact the College's Student Services office at 301-405-2399.
Requirements for the Major
Effective for students matriculating Fall 2015 or later. (Student matriculating before Fall 2015
should contact an advisor about requirements).
Students are required to earn a minimum of 122 credits. Accredited journalism programs require
majors to complete successfully approximately two-thirds of their coursework in areas other than
journalism and communication. The Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of
Maryland adheres to this nationwide policy. In practical terms, this means that of the 122
minimum credits required for graduation, a journalism student must take 42 credits (and may
take up to 45) in journalism (numbered 100 or above). Of the remaining 77-80 credits, a
minimum of 65 must be earned in liberal-arts designated courses.
The Philip Merrill College of Journalism stipulates that 57 of the total credits must be taken in
upper-level courses (courses numbered 300-499).
Required courses for all journalism majors, whether primary or secondary major:
I. Journalism requirements outside the College
Students must complete the following liberal arts coursework complementing the university's
general education requirements. For the university's general education requirements, consult the
General Education program in the current Undergraduate Catalog.
Abstract thinking skills requirement (9 credits)
1. One three-credit statistics course from the following list:
BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306,
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GVPT422, HLTH300, JOUR405, PSYC200, SOCY201, STAT400 or a more
advanced statistics course.
2. A minimum of six credits through one or a combination of the following options.
Should a student choose to combine the options, at least one language course must
be at the intermediate level:
Language: up to two courses with at least one course at the intermediate
level and no more than one course at the introductory level. (High school
equivalency does not satisfy this requirement.)
Math/Statistics/Computer Science: up to two courses
Any mathematics (MATH) course numbered 107 or higher.
Any computer science (CMSC) course numbered 102 or higher (at
least three credits).
Public Speaking: one course from COMM100, 107, 200, or 230.
History: one course from HIST200 or 201.
Behavioral or Social Science: one course from ANTH260; PSYC100 or 221; SOCY100
or 105.
Economics: one course from ECON200 or 201.
Government and Politics: GVPT170.
Supporting Area: Four upper-level (numbered 300 or higher) courses for a minimum of
12 credits in a supporting field (cannot be in Communication). Upper Level Electives:
Four additional upper-level (numbered 300 or higher) courses for a minimum of 12
credits (cannot be in Communication).
II. Journalism course requirements:
JOUR200: Journalism History Roles and Structures (3 credits)
JOUR201: News Writing and Reporting I (3 credits)
JOUR203: Introduction to Multimedia Skills (3 credits)
JOUR300: Journalism Ethics (3 credits)
JOUR352: Interactive Design and Development (3 credits)
JOUR396: Supervised Internship (2 credits)
JOUR400: Media Law (3 credits)
JOUR410-469: Journalism and Society (3 credits)
JOUR470-479: Media Research (3 credits)
Journalism Capstone Experience (3 credits)
JOUR480: Capstone Colloquium: The Business of News (1 credit)
JOUR202: News Editing (3 credits)
JOUR320: News Writing and Reporting II: Multiplatform (3 credits)
JOUR321-389: One Journalism Skills Elective (3 credits)
JOUR321-389: One Journalism Skills Elective (3 credits)
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JOUR262: News Videography (3 credits)
JOUR360: News Writing and Reporting II: Broadcast (3 credits)
JOUR361: Television Reporting and Production (3 credits)
JOUR321-389: One Journalism Skills Elective (3 credits)
Total JOUR credits (42)*
*Student can count three additional JOUR credits toward their degree if they take an additional
course from JOUR321-389, JOUR410-469 or JOUR470-479 in place of an UL Elective.
III. Specific Journalism Requirements
Completion of JOUR201: Students must complete JOUR201 with a "C-" or higher.
Consult the Undergraduate Catalog or online Schedule of Classes for a list of
prerequisites and restrictions for journalism courses.
"C-" Requirement: Students must earn a "C-" or better in JOUR201, JOUR203,
JOUR202/262 and JOUR320/JOUR360 prior to taking any courses for which they serve
as a prerequisite.
Placement in Courses
Enrollment in JOUR201 requires proof of grammar competency through the attainment of at
least a "C-" in JOUR181 or a score of 80 or higher on the grammar diagnostic exam, completion
of ENGL101 (or another FSAW course) with at least a "C-" and completion of JOUR200 with at
least a "C-".
The Office of Student Services provides academic advising to journalism majors on an
appointment basis. It is located at 1100 Knight Hall. The phone number is 301-405-2399.
Living-Learning Programs
College Park Scholars - Media, Self & Society
Dr. Kalyani Chadha, Director, Media, Self & Society Program
Co-sponsored by the Philip Merrill College of Journalism, the Media, Self and Society Program
is one of the living/learning programs offered by the College Park Scholars Program (CPSP).
This two-year program for incoming freshmen is designed to give students the opportunity to
undertake a critical examination of media organizations, institutions and practices as well as gain
practical experience through involvement in a media-related activity of their choice. For more
information, see the College Park Scholars Program entry in the "Office of Undergraduate
Studies" section under "The Colleges and Schools."
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Honors Program
Although no departmental honors program currently exists within the College, academically
outstanding students are recognized through Kappa Tau Alpha, the Journalism academic honor
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The college sponsors student chapters of the Society for Professional Journalists, the National
Association of Hispanic Journalists, and the National Association of Black Journalists. These
organizations provide students with opportunities to practice skills, establish social relationships
with other students both on and off campus, and meet and work with professionals in the field.
For information on the organizations listed, contact the Student Services Office, 1100 Knight
Hall, 301-405-2399.
Financial Assistance
The College is committed to enrolling the most qualified students, regardless of ability to
pay. Toward that end, the College, through donor-sponsored awards, gives annual scholarships
to undergraduates. Additionally, the University awards scholarships and financial aid including
low-interest loans, grants and work-study opportunities.
Sources for Incoming Students
All incoming freshman are automatically considered for scholarships granted by the College.
Frank R. Cormier White House Correspondents' Association Scholarship. Established in
1991 by the White House Correspondents’ Association, this award was renamed in 1994 to
honor the memory of Frank R. Cormier, who for two decades exemplified the best qualities of
White House correspondents with a blend of gentleness, humor and professionalism that
endeared him to the readers of his dispatches for The Associated Press. This renewable
scholarship is awarded to four undergraduate students from Washington, D.C. or Prince
George’s County, Maryland on the basis of financial need.
Baltimore Sun Diversity in Journalism Scholarship. Established by the Times Mirror
Foundation, this non-renewable award is granted to an incoming freshman with high academic
achievement in high school and wide-ranging cultural and economic background, who resides in
the Baltimore Sun’s circulation area.
William Randolph Hearst Scholarship. Established in honor of William Randolph Hearsts’s
82nd birthday, these are among the college’s first scholarships. A limited number of non-
renewable awards are granted to outstanding Maryland high school students admitted to the
Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
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William C. Huffman Scholarship. This fund was established by Diana L. Huffman, the
Baltimore Sun Distinguished Lecturer at Merrill College, in honor of her father, Dr. William C.
Huffman (1910-1988), and his commitment to education and philanthropy. This renewable
scholarship is awarded to incoming freshmen at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism who are
in good academic standing and remain so throughout the term of the award, demonstrate
financial need, and are residents of Washington, D.C. or Prince George’s County, Maryland.
Students are eligible to re-apply for the award in subsequent years as long as they still qualify for
the award criteria.
Jonathan Ledecky Sports Journalism Scholarship. Funded by New York Islanders minority
owner Jonathan Ledecky to support scholarships for students in the Philip Merrill College of
Journalism who have interest in sports journalism. Recipients must have an expressed interest in
sports journalism, be accepted for full-time enrollment, and maintain good academic standing.
Sources for Current Students
Students are selected on a basis of need, merit, donors' intent or a combination of these factors.
Below is a selection of scholarships students may apply for:
The Steven C. Affens Broadcast Journalism Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to an
undergraduate broadcast student. Recipients shall be selected from applications that include
evidence of the student’s on-air TV work. A combination of overall academic performance, and
judging of a sample of a student’s on-air programming that emphasizes potential in visual
storytelling and high-quality video news photography, will be used by the [PMC] scholarship
committee in making the award.
Carolyn A. and Howard F. Ahrens Scholarship. Established by a bequest from Carolyn A.
Ahrens, this scholarship is awarded to sophomores or juniors enrolled in the Philip Merrill
College of Journalism. Students must be Maryland residents.
Fred I., Edna O. and Fred J. Archibald Scholarship. Established by a bequest from Fred I.
Archibald of Baltimore News-American and Frederick News-Post newspaper editors, this
scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students enrolled in the Philip Merrill College of
Professor Thomas Aylward Journalism Scholarship. Awarded to a Merrill College Ph.D.
Paul Berg Diamondback Scholarship. Funded by friends and family and The Washington Post
in memory of Paul Berg, Diamondback editor-in-chief 1978-79 and assistant editor of The Post’s
Health section at the time of his death in 1989. This scholarship is awarded to a Diamondback
editor or news staff member who displays special achievement and effort while working for the
campus daily newspaper. Applicants must have served at least one semester on the Diamondback
staff, and must return to campus for the following fall semester. All majors may apply for this
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Bonnie Bernstein Scholarship. Bernstein is a 1992 Merrill College graduate who was an
Academic All-American gymnast. Applicants must be a full-time, upperclass multi-platform
journalism major (with preference for students in the broadcast component) who participates in
an NCAA-sanctioned sport at the University of Maryland. Applicants also need to show
evidence of financial need, have a GPA of 3.0 or above and submit an essay describing why they
should receive the award.
John Story Cleghorn and Nona Reese Cleghorn Scholarship. Funded by the late College
Dean Reese Cleghorn in honor of his parents, this scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or
graduate journalism students based on academic merit, with preference given to students with
financial need.
Reese Cleghorn Excellence in Journalism Scholarship. Created in memory of the late College
Dean Reese Cleghorn, this scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or graduate journalism
students based on academic merit, with preference given to students with financial need.
Frank R. Cormier White House Correspondents’ Association Scholarship. Established in
1991 by the White House Correspondents’ Association, this award was renamed in 1994 to
honor the memory of Frank R. Cormier, who for two decades exemplified the best qualities of
White House correspondents with a blend of gentleness, humor and professionalism that
endeared him to the readers of his dispatches for The Associated Press. This renewable
scholarship is awarded to four undergraduate students from Washington, D.C. or Prince
George’s County, Maryland on the basis of financial need. Students must re-apply each year to
be considered for renewal.
Theodore Crown, Sr. and Joseph T. Crown, Jr. Scholarship. Created by Kathryn Crown ’66
in memory of her father and brother, this scholarship is awarded to undergraduate journalism
students with junior or senior class standing.
Ralph Crosby Journalism Excellence Award. Funded by Mr. Crosby, a 1956 graduate of the
College who is a member of the Merrill College Board of Visitors and chairman of Crosby
Marketing Communications, Inc., in Annapolis. This scholarship provides an award toward
tuition and fees to an undergraduate journalism student based on academic performance and
financial need, with preference (in order) given to a student from Annapolis, Anne Arundel
County or the State of Maryland.
The Ralph and Carlotta Crosby TerpStart Endowed Scholarship in Journalism. Ralph
Crosby ‘56 said, “Being a journalism major at the University of Maryland helped form my
character, gave me a profession, and trained me academically and socially. Good reasons
for giving back.” This scholarship provides annual need-based funds, under the auspices of the
TerpStart Matching Scholarship Program, with preference given (in order) to undergraduate
students from Anne Arundel County or the State of Maryland who are enrolled in the Philip
Merrill College of Journalism. (Students can not apply for this scholarship.)
Entravision. Awarded to a broadcast student in the Merrill College with high academic
achievement. Preference is given to those who have demonstrated interest or experience
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covering issues or stories related to the Hispanic community, those who double major or minor
in a Spanish language, who have studied abroad in Spain, Central America, or Latin America,
and students who have worked or interned at a Spanish-language media organization.
Penny Bender Fuchs Scholarship. This scholarship was established by colleagues, family and
friends of Penny Bender Fuchs, an admired and respected member of the Merrill College faculty
from 1999 until her death in 2013. Rising Merrill College juniors and seniors are eligible for this
award. Preference is given to students who have earned a grade point average of 3.0 or higher in
journalism courses.
Lawrence L. Goldberg and Lillie Z. Goldberg Journalism Scholarships. Funded by Mr. and
Mrs. Goldberg and their relatives and friends in honor of former Knight Chair Professors
Hodding Carter III and Haynes Johnson, and former professor David Broder, three faculty
members who taught classes that the Goldbergs attended at the Merrill College as retirees.
Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate or graduate journalism students based on academic
merit, with preference given to students with financial need.
Gridiron Scholarship. The Gridiron Foundation Journalism Scholarship was established in
2002 by the Gridiron Club and Foundation. The Gridiron Club is the oldest and most prestigious
journalistic organization in Washington D.C., and its foundation makes charitable contributions
and provides scholarship to journalism students. The Gridiron Foundation Journalism
Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students based upon outstanding academic
achievements and a stated commitment to pursue a career in journalism. Students must re-apply
each year to be considered for renewal.
The Michael Gurevitch Journalism Scholarship. The Michael Gurevitch Journalism
Scholarship was established in January 2009 by Patricia Gurevitch, in memory of her husband.
An internationally renowned mass communication scholar, Professor Emeritus Michael
Gurevitch taught at the University of Maryland’s College of Journalism from 1983 until 2008.
Much of his work was grounded in case studies and original research relating to how journalists
grasped the practical problems of keeping the public informed. Professor Gurevitch would not
have been able to be in the United States to earn his 2 degrees if he did not have help from
others. This scholarship provides non- renewable funds for doctoral students in the Merrill
College. Preference will be given to international students with financial need.
The Ralph M. Hamaker TerpStart Endowed Scholarship. Started by Ralph M. Hamaker ’53,
this scholarship provides annual need-based funds, under the auspices of the TerpStart Matching
Scholarship Program, for undergraduate students enrolled in the Philip Merrill College of
Journalism. (Students cannot apply for this scholarship.)
The Ray Hiebert Scholarship Fund. This scholarship is awarded to graduate broadcast
Carol Horner Journalism Scholarship. This scholarship was established by family, friends and
colleagues of the late Ms. Horner, a dedicated journalist and woman of wonderful good humor
who forged a distinguished career as a reporter and editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer and Wall
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Street Journal before serving as director of the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism at the
University of Maryland. This non-renewable scholarship is awarded to a high-achieving
undergraduate student with financial need in the Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
Christopher Houston ’85 Scholarship. The K. Christopher Houston Scholarship was
established in memory of K. Christopher “Chris” Houston, ’85, a distinguished journalist who
worked for CNN Headline News in Atlanta and WUSA-TV in Washington, D.C. Funded by
Karen Gray Houston, family and friends, this scholarship is awarded to a student at the Philip
Merrill College of Journalism who has demonstrated a strong interest in pursuing a career in
broadcast journalism.
Jay Jackson Scholarship. Funded by former Annapolis newspaper executive Allen Jackson in
memory of his brother Jay, an honors graduate of Maryland’s second journalism class. This
scholarship is awarded based on merit and need, to a multi-platform student who will be a senior
the following semester.
Haynes Johnson Scholarship Fund. The Haynes Johnson Scholarship Fund was established in
2013 by funds donated from the faculty, staff and friends of Haynes Johnson. This scholarship
will be awarded to an outstanding student in the Merrill College based on financial need and
academic merit.
Robert C. Keith Fund for Investigative Journalism. The Fund shall be used to provide
support for scholarships and teaching grants to faculty and students and support for other
investigative journalism endeavors at the discretion of the dean of the Philip Merrill College of
Phyllis and Frank Kopen Broadcast Journalism Scholarship. Endowed by broadcast faculty
member and College alumna Sue Kopen Katcef ’76 in honor of her parents, this scholarship is
awarded to a sophomore or junior broadcast student (radio or TV) in recognition of their
contributions to the College’s broadcast journalism program. Consideration may be given to
financial need and academic performance. Awards may be renewable for up to two years if
recipients continue to make satisfactory academic progress. Students must re-apply each year to
be considered for renewal.
Tom Kunkel Journalism Excellence Scholarship. Created by colleagues and friends of former
dean Tom Kunkel (2000-2008), this scholarship is awarded to outstanding undergraduate
students based on academic merit, with preference given to students with financial need.
Jonathan Ledecky Sports Journalism Scholarship. Funded by New York Islanders minority
owner Jonathan Ledecky to support scholarships for students in the Philip Merrill College of
Journalism who have interest in sports journalism. Recipients must have an expressed interest in
sports journalism, be accepted for full-time enrollment. and maintain good academic standing.
Rick Martin ’92 Scholarship in Journalism. The Rick Martin ’92 Scholarship in Journalism
was established in 2015 by Mr. Rick Martin. Mr. Martin has worked in the television news
industry for more than 20 years as an assignment editor and manager – at CNN as well as other
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local news markets in Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Philadelphia. He has covered the White
House, Congress, the Pentagon and the State Department. He has covered major breaking news,
including the White House shooting by gunman Francisco Duran, the D.C. Sniper Attacks, and
the September 11th terrorist attacks. Martin was born in Washington, D.C., and grew up in the
West Indies’ twin-island nation of Trinidad & Tobago. The Scholarship shall be awarded to an
undergraduate student in the Philip Merrill College of Journalism who demonstrates financial
need and maintains good academic standing. This scholarship may be renewed each year if the
student meets these criteria. Students must re-apply each year to be considered for renewal.
Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association Scholarship. This scholarship is funded by the
MDDC Press Association and is awarded to full-time undergraduate multi-platform (non-
broadcast) students who are residents of Maryland, Delaware, or D.C. Recipients and must also
have completed at least three semesters with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Ron Menchine Broadcast Journalism Scholarships. Established in 2013 with a bequest from
the estate of Mr. Menchine, a 1956 Maryland graduate who was the last baseball broadcasting
voice of the Washington Senators. In his earlier career, he was sports director of WBAL radio in
Baltimore and WDCA-TV in Washington, and was a play-by-play announcer for Temple and
Navy football games. The Menchine fund awards scholarships to high-achieving broadcast
students in the Merrill College.
The David Mills Scholarship (The Diamondback). The David Mills Scholarship is awarded
annually to at least one student who will receive a $5,000 scholarship. The requirements include:
they be a Diamondback (DBK) staffer with at least two semesters of experience; be full time (12
or more credits); and that they continue to work at the DBK for the two semesters that follow the
award. The students are asked to submit an application and materials which should include
writing, multi-media or other journalism samples. The final decision is made by David Simon
(DBK and UMD alumnus), a current UMD professor from the English Department and a relative
of the late David Mills for whom the award is named.
Gertrude Poe Fund for Journalism Excellence. An endowed fund established in 1988 by the
former editor, publisher and owner of the weekly Laurel News Leader in Maryland. Ms. Poe was
the first female president of the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association and was inducted
into to the MDDC Hall of Fame in 1987. Spendable income from the Poe fund supports student
scholarships in the Merrill College, with preference given to students with an interest in
community journalism.
Frank Quine and Mary Ellen Doran-Quine Journalism Scholarship. Funded by the
College’s former Assistant Dean Frank Quine and his wife, this scholarship is awarded to a high
achieving multi-platform student (grad or undergrad) with financial need and high potential as a
professional journalist.
Stanley E. Rubenstein Memorial Journalism Scholarship. Established by Ruth Ann
Rubenstein ’53 in memory of her husband, a 1953 economics graduate of Maryland, who
became a leading New York City public relations executive. This scholarship is awarded to an
outstanding undergraduate student based on financial need and academic merit.
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Richard W. Worthington Journalism Scholarship. Named in memory of the late publisher of
the weekly Bel Air, Md. Aegis newspaper. This scholarship is awarded to a multi-platform
major (undergraduate or graduate) based on a combination of academic excellence, evidence of
potential as a journalist and financial need. Preference given to a resident of Harford County,
From the University
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
The National Scholarships Office is committed to helping students of the University of Maryland
identify, apply for, and win national scholarships and fellowships in their pursuit of higher
education. They also help students find research opportunities in their fields of study.
From Outside Sources
The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences — Fred Rogers Memorial Scholarship
(www.emmys.com/foundation/programs/mister-rogers) - The Academy of Television Arts &
Sciences and the accounting firm, Ernst & Young, have created this $10,000 scholarship to
support and encourage college students to go into the field of children’s television. The
scholarship is open to graduating seniors who are continuing on to graduate school and graduate
students (Masters/Ph.D.)
Peter Agris Memorial Scholarships (www.alphaomegacouncil.org/scholarships/application-3/) -
Five scholarships of $5,000 are available to journalism or communications graduate and
undergraduate students of Greek American heritage. March 1 Deadline.
American Copy Editors Society Scholarships (www.copydesk.org/education-fund/apply/) - All
ACES scholarships are for potential professional copy editors. The scholarships are open to
students who will be juniors, seniors or graduate students in the fall, and graduating students who
will take full-time copy editing jobs or internships. Late November deadline.
American Society of Newspaper Editors (www.schooljournalism.org/scholarships/) -
Comprehensive listing of various journalism scholarships from ASNE via schooljournalism.org.
Asian American Journalist Association (www.aaja.org/apply-for-a-scholarship-now/) - AAJA
offers a variety of scholarships.
Association for Women in Sports Media Scholarship (awsmonline.org/?s=scholarship) - AWSM
offers an annual scholarship program for female college students who plan to pursue careers in
any sports communications fields: writing, copy editing, public relations, broadcasting, Internet
or photography. Winners in each category receive a $1,000 scholarship.
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The John Bayliss Broadcast Foundation (www.beaweb.org/bayliss/radio.html) - Juniors, seniors
and graduate-level broadcast majors are encouraged to apply for the Bayliss Radio Scholarship.
CCNMA: Latino Journalists of California Scholarship (ccnma.org/scholarships-and-
awards/scholarships/) - Open to residents of California only.
Chips Quinn Scholars Program (www.newseuminstitute.org/initiatives/chips-quinn-scholars-
program-for-diversity-in-journalism/) - Sponsored by the Freedom Forum, the program offers
journalism students of color hands-on training, paid internships and $1,000 awards. Candidates
must be nominated by the College to be considered for the program. Recent graduates are also
encouraged to apply.
Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award for Young Science Journalists (casw.org/evert-clark-award) - For
nearly three decades, the Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award has recognized the contributions to
journalism of both Ev Clark and Seth Payne. The Award is intended to encourage young science
writers by recognizing outstanding reporting and writing in any field of science. The winner will
receive $1,000 and expenses to attend the annual meeting of the National Association of Science
Writers (NASW) and the New Horizons briefing of the Council for the Advancement of Science
Writing (CASW) in October.
Freedom Forum — Al Neuharth Free Spirit Scholarship (freespirit.org/) - The Al Neuharth Free
Spirit Scholarship and Conference Program annually awards $1,000 college scholarships to each
of 102 high school seniors (a male and female from each state and the District of Columbia) who
are interested in pursuing a career in journalism and who demonstrate qualities of “free spirit.”
Garden State Scholastic Press Association (www.gsspa.org/scholarships/index.html) - Two
scholarships are available from GSSPA for New Jersey high school students.
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Chesapeake Bay Chapter — Betty Endicott
Scholarship (www.capitalemmys.tv/students/scholarships/) - NATAS-DC will award
scholarships ranging from $1000 to $5000 to full-time college sophomores, juniors or non-
graduating seniors with a declared major in communications, television or broadcast journalism.
March application with May announcement check website for announcement.
National Association of Black Journalists Sustaining Scholarship Awards
(www.nabj.org/?SEEDScholars2015) - This competition for two four-year sustaining
scholarships is open to any graduating foreign or U.S. high school senior who plans to pursue a
career in journalism. NABJ offers a number of additional scholarships as well. February
The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.
(www.nanbpwc.org/index-11.html) - Offers two scholarships for African American students
whose major can include journalism. March deadlines.
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National Association of Hispanic Journalists Scholarships (www.nahj.org/scholarshipinfo/) -
Open to high school grads, college and graduate students who are interested in a career in
broadcast, photojournalism or print journalism. March 1 deadline.
The National Italian American Foundation (www.niaf.org/programs/scholarships/) -
Scholarships open to Italian American students who demonstrate outstanding potential and high
academic achievements or those students from any ethnic background majoring or minoring in
Italian language, Italian studies, Italian American studies or a related field, who demonstrate
outstanding potential and high academic achievements. Must have a membership in NIAF to
apply and an ancestor who immigrated to the U.S. from Italy.
National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Leroy F. Aarons Scholarship Award
(www.nlgja.org/students/aarons.htm) - Leroy F. Aarons and the Kay Longcope scholarships are
awarded annually to students who demonstrate a commitment to providing fair and accurate
coverage of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. These annual
scholarships are presented in honor of two prominent journalists. Applications will be available
in late February. They will also have the Kay Longcope Scholarship which will be available at
the same time.
National Press Club — Persina Scholarship for Minorities in Journalism
(www.press.org/about/scholarships) - Renewable scholarship for $2,500 per year for up to 4
years. For minority students planning to pursue a career in journalism. New: Richard G.
Zimmerman Scholarship of $5000 (non-renewable.) The Press Club also offers a graduate-level
New York Women In Communications Foundation Scholarship Program
(www.nywici.org/students/scholarships) - Open to high school seniors as well as undergraduate
and graduate students. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence, need and a
demonstrated commitment to the field of communications.You must be a permanent resident of
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut or Pennsylvania. Deadline January 30.
The NewsGuild The David S. Barr Award (www.newsguild.org/david-s-barr-award-student-
journalism) - The David S. Barr Award is intended to recognize one high school and one college
student for their journalistic achievement and to encourage young journalists to focus on issues
of social justice. (Check the Newspaper Guild (now Newsguild.org) website for information
about when applications will be accepted.)
The Overseas Press Club of America Foundation
(www.overseaspressclubfoundation.org/programs.html) - Aspiring foreign correspondents and
students interested in international journalism are encouraged to apply for OPC Foundation’s
scholarship. The winners receive $2,000 checks each.
Radio Television Digital News Association and Foundation
(www.rtdna.org/content/scholarship_info#.UiiKoLzFaZs) - RTDNA and RTDNF honor
professional achievements in electronic journalism through numerous prestigious awards,
scholarships, fellowships and internship programs. April 30 deadline to apply.
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Society of Professional Journalists Maryland Pro Chapter College Scholarship
(www.spj.org/grants.asp) - Applicants must have regular home residence in the State of
Maryland, but may attend colleges or universities outside Maryland in nearby Virginia, D.C. or
Pennsylvania. NOTE: This scholarship has not been given in a number of years but there are
plans to reactivate it in 2013-2014. We’ll provide a link when it is announced.
SPJ Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Scholarships
(www.sdxdc.org/SDXDC%20Scholarship.html) - The SDX Foundation of Washington, the
educational arm of the Washington, D.C., Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional
Journalists, will be awarding scholarships totaling up to $15,000 to full-time juniors or
seniors. Late February deadline.
South Asian Journalists Association Scholarships (www.saja.org/scholarships) - The South
Asian Journalists Association awards one $500 scholarship to a high school senior about to enter
college and one $500 scholarship to a college student.
For more information, and eligibility requirements, visit
Awards and Recognition
Maryland-Delaware-District of Columbia Press Association Top News-Editorial Student
- Awarded annually to an outstanding top broadcast journalism student and top multimedia
journalism student at commencement.
Julie Galvan Outstanding Campus Member Award - The Society of Professional Journalists
chapter selects one graduate in journalism who is outstanding in his or her class on the basis of
character, service to the community, scholarship, proficiency in practical journalism and
significant contributions to their SPJ chapter.
Kappa Tau Alpha Top Scholar Award - Awarded at each commencement to the journalism
student earning the highest academic achievement for all undergraduate study.
Kappa Tau Alpha National Honor Society - The top ten percent of the journalism graduating
class is inducted into this national organization each commencement.
Fieldwork Opportunities
Supervised internships are essential. Adrianne Flynn is the Internships and Career Development
Director, 3105A Knight Hall, 301-405-7247.
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Professional Experience Opportunities
Capital News Service
Capital News Service is a student-powered news organization run by the Philip Merrill College
of Journalism. For more than two decades, we have provided deeply reported, award-winning
coverage of issues of import to Marylanders.
With bureaus in College Park, Annapolis and Washington run by professional journalists, we
deliver news in multiple multimedia formats via partner news organizations, a destination
website, a nightly on-air television newscast and affiliated social media channels. We provide
breaking news coverage, in-depth investigative and enterprise journalism, and serve as a
laboratory for students to test and develop innovative new methods of reporting and telling
For students interested in broadcast news, opportunities to gain experience with cable news
programs are presented in the curriculum and by volunteering at the campus television station,
Student-Run Campus Media Outlets
Students can gain broadcast news and sports reporting experience through the campus radio
station, WMUC. There are numerous student-run publications on campus. These include, The
Diamondback, an independent daily newspaper that appears in print and online. The
Diamondback is one of the most-read campus dailies in the nation. Among the many campus
publications there are literary magazines, newspapers and websites of interest to special
populations. These include the Eclipse, La Voz Latina, The Mitzpeh, Public Asian, Stories
Beneath the Shell, and Unwind magazine.
2242 SPH Building, 301-405-2438
Dean: Boris Lushniak
Associate Dean(s): Dushanka Kleinman, Stephen Roth
Assistant Dean(s): Coke Farmer, Amanda Grimes
The School of Public Health provides preparation leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in
the following professional areas: Kinesiology, Community Health, Family Science and Public
Health Science. In addition, each department offers a wide variety of courses for all university
students. These courses may be used to fulfill the general education requirements and as
Programs combining service and instruction are provided by the Children's Health and
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Developmental Clinic (see KNES389E) and the Adult Health and Developmental Program (see
The School of Public Health is fully accredited through the Council on Education for Public
Special Advantages and Facilities
The Friedgen Family Student Lounge, located in the SPH Building is available for use by all
students in the college between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Access is through the student ID card. See
the Director of Facilities in 3310 SPH Bldg if you do not have access. The Student Service
Center, 2242C SPH, has study areas and computers available to SPH students from 8:00 am -
4:30 pm daily. Occasionally, availability and access are limited due to classes and student
The School also offers several specialized laboratories related to student success, technology and
specific course applications.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
The School of Public Health offers four undergraduate degree programs: Community Health,
Family Science, Kinesiology and Public Health Science. The Public Health Science program is
offered at both the College Park and Shady Grove campuses.
The School of Public Health's Center for Academic Success and Achievement serves all
students, particularly upon entry into the major. Following the first semester at College Park,
students are encouraged to see their departmental advisors. It is strongly recommended that
students seek regular advising throughout their academic career.
For student athletes and students currently on probation, advising is mandatory. Please see the
CASA website: http://sph.umd.edu/%3Cfront%3E/undergraduate-center-academic-success-and-
Departments and Centers
The School is composed of several centers, departments and institutes. The Centers for
Health Equity, Health Literacy, Prevention Research, Aging, Health Behavior Research and
Young Adult Health and Development offer multiple opportunities for students to engage with
faculty mentors in funded research projects. The following departments offer major programs
that lead to a Bachelor of Science degree:
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
Department of Family Science
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Department of Kinesiology
Public Health Science (at the College Park campus and also the Shady Grove Campus)
Living-Learning Programs
Global Public Health Scholars Living and Learning Community
The School of Public Health offers a Global Public Health Scholars program within the College
Park Scholars Living and Learning Communities. For more information please refer to
College Honors Program
For specific departmental honors program admissions information and requirements, please refer
to the individual departments.
Approved Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Phi Alpha Epsilon: Honorary Society of the School of Public Health. The purpose of this
organization is to recognize academic achievement and to promote professional growth by
sponsoring activities in the fields of kinesiology, family science, community health, public health
science and related areas.
Students qualify for membership when they attain junior standing in kinesiology, family science,
public health science or community health, and have a minimum overall average of 3.5 and a
minimum of 24 credits at the University of Maryland, College Park. For additional information,
please contact the Center for Academic Success and Achievement.
The School of Public Health is also home to the university- wide Public Health Without Borders
organization. For more information, please see http://sph.umd.edu/content/public-health-
Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For more information, visit:
Awards within the School of Public Health include the Jerry P. Wrenn Scholarships, the Noel
Myricks Endowed Scholarship, the Ned Gaylin Endowed Scholarship, the Jeanette Spier Beavers
Memorial Scholarship the Andrew Billingsley Endowed Scholarship, the David Hyde
Scholarship, the Doris Sands Scholarship, the Quinn Scholarship, the Alice Morgan Love
Scholarships, NASPE Major of the Year Award, EDA/AAPHERD Outstanding Future
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Professionals Awards, the Dean's Senior Scholars Awards the Fraley Award, and several
TerpStart Scholarships.
Research Units
Center on Aging
The Center on Aging, as part of the Department of Health Services Administration (a graduate
program), stimulates and supports aging-related activities within existing departments, colleges,
and schools throughout all of the various institutions of the University System of Maryland. The
Center coordinates the Graduate Gerontology Certificate (master's and doctoral levels), the
university's first approved graduate certificate program. The Center assists undergraduate and
graduate students interested in the field of gerontology and helps them to devise educational
programs to meet their goals. It is a research center working in health and aging policy, lifelong
learning and civic engagement, disability and aging, behavioral and social aspects of aging, and
health service delivery systems. It also conducts community education programs, assists faculty
in pursuing research activities in the field of aging, conducts conferences on adulthood and
aging-related topics, provides on- and off-campus technical assistance to practitioners who serve
older adults and sponsors the University of Maryland Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Legacy
Leadership Institutes, the University of Maryland Retirees Association, and Retired and Senior
Volunteer Programs International (RSVPI).
Herschel S. Horowitz Center for Health Literacy
The Herschel S. Horowitz Center for Health Literacy has been established to address the major
public health problem of poor health literacy and its effect on health outcomes. This is the
nation's first academic based health literacy center and is devoted to improving health through
the lifespan with emphasis on closing the health disparities gap. Research is needed to establish
the nature of the casual relationships between and among the various factors including culture
and society, education systems, health systems and health outcomes and costs to develop
effective interventions and health policy. The Center was established with a generous gift from
Alice Horowitz and her family.
Maryland Center for Health Equity
The Maryland Center for Health Equity is designed to address issues connected with health
disparities. The emphasis is on creating effective change from the level of the individual to issues
at the macro policy level. The Director is Dr. Stephen Thomas. For more information, please
contact the Center at 3302E, School of Public Health Building, 301 405-8859.
The University of Maryland Prevention Research Center
Bradley O. Boekeloo, ScM, PhD
Professor, Department of Public and Community Health
Director, Prevention Research Center
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University of Maryland School of Public Health
College Park, MD 20742
Office: 301-405-8546
Cell: 202-841-8546
Student Engagement and Service Units
Center for Academic Success and Achievement
0222 School of Public Health Building, 301-405-2753
The Center for Academic Success and Achievement provides advising on admissions,
orientation, academic policy, 4-year planning, career information, and required advising for
students on academic probation or dismissal and all college athletes. The Center collaborates
with the departments in recruitment, retention and graduation initiatives. The Center is open
from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. week days for use by students for studying and group
meetings. There are twelve computers available for student use.
Gymkana Troupe
1120 SPH Building, 301-405-2566
Director: Scott Welsh
For over 60 years, the University of Maryland Gymkana Troupe has been influencing young
people to live healthy lifestyles. Founded at the University of Maryland College Park campus in
1946, the troupe has traveled throughout Maryland and neighboring states promoting drug-free
living. Each of its 60+ members pledges themselves to be drug-free. Through their role-modeling
and unique gymnastic performances, they have influenced hundreds of thousands of people to
join them in living a drug-free life. The troupe, which is open to all University of Maryland
students of all abilities, is considered a one-of-a-kind organization and is believed to be the only
collegiate exhibitional gymnastic troupe actively touring the United States. As an outreach
program of the School of Public Health, Publthe Gymkana Troupe uses peer role models who
share their experiences and their message of healthy living with others. Students influencing
students to avoid drugs is the heart of Gymkana's program.
Public Health Without Borders
Director: Dr. Elisabeth Maring
Website: http://sph.umd.edu/content/public-health-without-borders
Half the Sky Movement
Director: Dr. Elisabeth Maring
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2101 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-6330
Dean: Robert Orr
Assistant Dean(s): Nina P. Harris
The school currently offers a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy, as well as minors in
Sustainability Studies and Public Leadership. Courses may be found under PLCY. These
courses are suggested for students wishing to develop knowledge and experience in public policy
and leadership. The school, in collaboration with the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences,
also offers a 5-year bachelor's/master of public policy program for selected students. For
additional information on the wide range of undergraduate opportunities see
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
PLCY Major Requirements
C- or better is required in all major courses and the cumulative
average of these courses must be a 2.0.
Benchmark Requirement One
Must be completed by the end of two semesters into the major
PLCY100—Foundations of Public Policy
HIST201 Interpreting American History: From 1865
to the Present (HU)
Benchmark Requirement Two
Must be completed by the end of four semesters into the major
PLCY 101 Great Thinkers on Public Policy (HS/IS)
STAT 100 (AR) Elementary Statistics and Probability
or higher
Required Major Courses
ECON 200 Principles of Microeconomics (HS)
PLCY 202 Public Leaders and Active Citizens (SP/IS
pending) OR PLCY201 Leadership for the Common
Good (SP/IS)
PLCY 203 Liberty and Justice for All: Ethics and
Moral Issues in Public Policy
Introduction to Public Policy Focus
PLCY 303 Public Economics: Raising and Spending
the People’s Money (Pre
-req: ECON200)
PLCY 300 Governance: Collective Action in the
Public Interest (Pre-req: PLCY100 and PLCY101)
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PLCY 304 Evaluating Evidence: Finding Truth in
Numbers (Pre-req: STATS100)
PLCY302 Examining Pluralism in Public Policy (Pre-
req: PLCY203) (UP pending)
PLCY 305 Internship Class OR Approved Study
PLCY306: Public Policy Analysis in Action (Taken
after 60 credits)
PLCY 401 Contemporary Issues in Public Policy
(Taken after 90 credits)
PLCY 400 Senior Capstone (Taken after 90 credits;
Pre-req: PLCY306)
Focus or PLCY electives (9 credits)
Focus/PLCY Elective Course 1
Focus/PLCY Elective Course 2
Focus/PLCY Elective Course 3
TOTAL Major Credits
The Public Policy Major has mandatory advising every semester. Academic advising is an
ongoing process that helps students clarify their educational and career goals, and then chart a
meaningful plan for achieving those goals. Advising is the joint responsibility of the student and
the advisor. The advisor assists students in evaluating their degree progress and helps them select
appropriate courses and other educational experiences tailored to their personal goals.
Ultimately, students are responsible for making decisions, setting and meeting identified goals
and published requirements. Students can contact the Public Policy advising office by calling
(301) 405-2370 or emailing [email protected].
Minor in Sustainability Studies
The minor in Sustainability Studies provides students the opportunity to learn how natural
resources, human relationships, policies, economics, and the environment are related. The minor
encourages critical thinking to creatively and positively address global challenges that affect
future human populations, cultures, and the environment. It can complement any major on
campus, and provide both intellectual breadth and depth in a challenging area of inquiry that is
gaining interest in businesses, government agencies, and non-governmental
organizations. Together with a major, the Sustainability Studies Minor will provide students
with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to work on sustainability issues as
citizens, employees, or graduate students.
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The minor includes (a) one required course, AGNR/PUAF301: Sustainability; (b) one course
from each of three approved course lists (for a total of 3 courses); and (c) and 3 credits
comprised of an additional approved course, an internship, or an approved study abroad
For more information, visit www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/sust or e-mail [email protected].
Minor in Public Leadership
The Public Leadership minor will allow students to examine today’s most pressing issues.
Matters facing our world leaders such as, the global environment, human rights, the criminal
justice system, equity in education, diversity, poverty, and inequality will be analyzed on
multiple levels. Students will face these same challenges in their courses while learning to
critically assess and recommend viable solutions through effective leadership for the public
good. In order to achieve this, the School proposes a minor to engage students in leadership for
the public good and effective citizenship. Additionally, the minor serves as a feeder for the
School’s graduate program.
For more information, visit www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/plminor or e-mail [email protected].
Living-Learning Programs
Public Leadership Program in College Park Scholars
Public Leadership explores the theory and practice of leadership, empowering students to
become social change agents through hands-on public service projects and examination of
pressing social, political, and economic issues. Public Leadership is defined as “the inspiration
and mobilization of others to undertake collective action in pursuit of the common good.”
The mission of the College Park Scholars Public Leadership Program is to develop social change
agents who provide ethically based leadership from the local to the global level. Students
become informed citizens able to reason critically and persuasively about public matters and to
apply diverse approaches to leadership and citizenship in a multicultural society. Students learn
to form an ethical vision and develop their own leadership potential as they explore and assess
personal values, beliefs, and purpose.
Public Leadership is a community of students from all majors who are committed to developing
their leadership skills for the common good. Through small classes and discussions, active
learning, and living together in the shared community of Cumberland Hall, the Public Leadership
program prepares students with a set of skills that will serve them in every aspect of their adult
For more information see: http://www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/pl.
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iGive: Carillon Community
The iGIVE program gives first year students an opportunity to learn about philanthropy,
innovation, and social change through rigorous class work and hands-on experience. Through
iGIVE, part of the Carillon Community, students live together in Easton Hall and develop
camaraderie through hard work, shared interests, and common academic experiences. Over the
course of the year, students study theories of philanthropy, design a philanthropic fund, award
$10,000 to an area nonprofit, and design their own social action projects. The iGIVE courses are
team-based, interactive, and provide an opportunity for students to work on issues they are
passionate about. Students complete the year with an understanding of some of the world’s most
pressing problems and the actions being taken to address them. Most importantly, students will
finish their freshman year having practiced social change and energized to use their talents to
continue doing good. For more information see: http://carillon.umd.edu.
Specialized Academic Programs
Rawlings Undergraduate Leadership Fellows Program
The prestigious Rawlings Undergraduate Leadership Fellows Program honors the legacy of
Howard Peters "Pete" Rawlings and the work he did as a Maryland Delegate. Participants in the
Fellows program are provided specialized opportunities to develop as leaders and become
champions for those whose voices may otherwise go unheard in the leadership and decision-
making process. Maintaining a commitment to those historically underrepresented in leadership
positions is central to this program.
Fellows develop community action projects, take courses on leadership, serve at an internship in
government or the non-profit sector, and meet both elected officials and non-profit leaders.
For more information: www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/rulf
Financial Assistance
Senator John A. Cade Public Leadership Scholarship
Senator John A. Cade was one of Maryland's most extraordinary and exemplary public servants.
As a member of the Maryland Senate from 1975-1996, his dedication to government, public
service and education helped enhance the lives of his constituents.
"As much as any legislator, Jack Cade understood that it was education that made a difference.
He was a champion for higher education funding throughout his career."
--Senator Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.
This scholarship was created to honor the memory of Senator John A. Cade by enabling students
to carry on his legacy of public service and leadership.
Eligible candidates must:
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be a current Maryland resident
be an undergraduate student
have a 3.0 GPA or higher
have an interest in public service, government involvement, or political leadership.
For more information: http://www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/cade
Rosalie Reilly Gubernatorial Fellowship
Rosalie Reilly was one of Maryland's most extraordinary and exemplary public servants who
was a role model for young leaders as they prepared to enter public life.
This fellowship was created to honor the memory of Ms. Reilly by enabling female students to
carry on her legacy of public service and leadership. As a part of the fellowship, students commit
to completing a project of significant impact to the community during their fellowship year.
Eligible candidates must:
be available to serve at least 135 fellowship
hours have an interest in public service, government involvement, or political leadership
be a female undergraduate or graduate student
have a 3.0 GPA or higher
For more information: http://www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/reilly
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OFSA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For more information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
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Camille Kendall Academic Center Building III, 301-738-6000
9636 Gudelsky Drive Rockville MD 20850
USG Executive Director and Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, USM:
Dr. Stewart L. Edelstein
The Universities at Shady Grove (USG) is part of the University System of Maryland and a
partner campus of nine Maryland universities that collaborate to offer their top degree programs,
as well as certificate and continuing education programs, at one convenient location in
Montgomery County. USG currently serves more than 4,000 graduate and undergraduate
students, with more than 1,400 undergraduates enrolled in daytime programs.
With coursework beginning at the junior level, USG provides all the prestige and benefits of a
Maryland education during a student's final two years of undergraduate study. Most credit
earned at Maryland community colleges will transfer, and students can choose from a variety of
majors, with classes offered at times that meet their schedules. At the Universities at Shady
Grove campus, students work closely with professors from nationally ranked academic
programs. Everything you need to be successful as a student can be found on USG's campus,
including advising, financial aid assistance, career and internship opportunities, academic
support, a library, fitness center, and cafe. Students can also take advantage of a growing number
of social events, community service activities and student leadership opportunities.
The University of Maryland, College Park is one of the powerful partners that make up
USG. Students can earn a University of Maryland, College Park degree at USG and
celebrate Terrapin traditions no matter which campus they call home.
The University of Maryland, the Universities at Shady Grove, and Montgomery College have
worked together to offer the The Terp Transfer Partnership, which benefits students while they
are still enrolled at Montgomery College and creates a seamless pathway to one of the University
of Maryland programs offered at the Universities at Shady Grove. Students with at least one
semester left at Montgomery College gain early access to advising, workshops, and events
related to their University of Maryland program of interest at Shady Grove through the Terp
Transfer Partnership program.
The University of Maryland, College Park offers seven undergraduate degrees within five
different academic departments at Shady Grove.
B.S. Biological Sciences
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B.S. Accounting
B.S. Management with Specialization in Entrepreneurship
B.S. Marketing
B.A. Communication
B.A. Criminology and Criminal Justice
B.S. Public Health Science
Biological Sciences
The Universities at Shady Grove, Building 2, room 4082, 301-738-6007
The Major
Biological Sciences at the University of Maryland at the Universities at Shady Grove
The Biological Sciences Program at the University of Maryland offers a degree program
in Physiology and Neurobiology (PHNB) at the Universities at Shady Grove. The Biological
Sciences Program at Shady Grove offers the Advanced Program courses normally taken in the
junior and senior years.
All Biological Sciences majors complete a common sequence of introductory and supporting
courses referred to as the Basic Program. For students matriculating at the Universities at Shady
Grove most of these introductory and supporting courses are taken at a community college or at
another four-year institution prior to admission to the Biological Sciences Program. Depending
on space available, students who matriculated at College Park may transfer to the Shady Grove
Program in their junior year, where they may complete the Advanced Program in Physiology and
Requirements for the Biological Sciences Major in Physiology and Neurobiology (PHNB) at
Shady Grove
Courses equivalent to these to be taken at an institution that offers lower level course work
I. General Education Program Requirements
II. Basic Program in Biological Sciences
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
General Microbiology
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Principles of Genetics
MATH130 or
Calculus for Life Sciences I or
Calculus I
MATH131 or
Calculus for Life Sciences II or
Calculus II
General Chemistry I w/Lab
General Chemistry II w/Lab
Organic Chemistry II w/ Lab
General Chemistry II w/ Lab
* CHEM272 Bioanalytical Chemistry Lab is not offered at most institutions. Students accepted
into the UMCP Shady Grove Biological Sciences may substitute a General Chemistry II Lab for
this course
III. Courses taken at the Universities at Shady Grove
Fundamentals of Physics for Life Sciences I
Fundamentals of Physics for Life Sciences II
Advanced Program in Physiology and Neurobiology
27 minimum
Total credits required to graduate
Advising is mandatory during each pre-registration period for all Biological Sciences majors.
Advising for students interested in or enrolled in the Shady Grove Program is available from the
Director. Call 301-738-6007 for an advising appointment.
The Robert H. Smith School of Business
Suite 2022 Building II, 9630 Gudelsky Dr., Rockville, MD, 301-738-6079
Director of Programs at Shady Grove: Luke Glasgow
College Park Location: 1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-2286
Dean: Dr. Alex Trianits
Associate Dean: Dr. Victor Mullins
Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs: Dr. Rebecca Ratner
Assistant Dean: Brian Horick
The Robert H. Smith School of Business is an internationally recognized leader in management
education and research for the digital economy. The faculty are scholars, teachers, and
professional leaders with a commitment to superior education in business and management,
specializing in accounting, finance, information systems, operations management, management
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and organization, marketing, logistics, transportation and supply chain management. The Smith
School is accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools
of Business, the premier accrediting agency for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree
programs in business administration and accounting, http://www.aacsb.edu.
The Smith School of Business offers students the opportunity to complete the junior-senior
curriculum in three majors at the Shady Grove campus in Rockville, MD including (1)
Accounting; (2) Management; and (3) Marketing. For details on the majors offered at Shady
Grove visit http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-programs/shady-grove.
Admission Requirements
All students applying for admission to the Robert H. Smith School of Business as transfer
students, whether internal transfers already enrolled at UMCP or external transfer students
entering the university for the first time, will be subject to competitive admission for a limited
number of spaces in the Smith School at either the College Park or Shady Grove location. For
complete details on admission to the Smith School at Shady Grove
visit http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-programs/shady-grove.
Statement of Policy on Transfer of Credit from Community Colleges
It is the practice of the Smith School of Business to consider for transfer from a regionally
accredited community college only the following courses in business administration: an
introductory business course, business statistics, or elementary accounting. Thus, it is
anticipated that students transferring from another regionally accredited institution to Shady
Grove will have devoted the major share of their academic effort below the junior year to the
completion of basic requirements in the liberal arts. A total of 60 semester hours from a
community college may be applied toward a degree from the Smith School of Business.
Other Institutions
The Smith School of Business normally accepts transfer credits from regionally accredited four-
year institutions. Junior- and senior-level business courses are accepted from colleges accredited
by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Junior- and senior-
level business courses from other than AACSB-accredited schools are evaluated on a course-by-
course basis to determine transferability.
The Smith School of Business requires that at least 50 percent of the business and management
credit hours required for a business degree be earned at the University of Maryland, College
Undergraduate Degree Requirements/Degree Options
Upon completion of all degree requirements, students at the Smith School at Shady Grove will
earn a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the
University of Maryland College Park. In addition, the Smith School of Business awards Master
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of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Science (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D.). Information concerning admission to the M.B.A. or M.S. program is available at
Summary of Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements (all curricula)
At least 45 hours of the 120 semester hours of academic work required for graduation must be in
business and management subjects. A minimum of 58 hours of the required 120 hours must be
in 300- or 400-level courses. Fifty percent of the required BMGT credit hours must be
completed at the Smith School of Business (College Park or Shady Grove campus). A "C-" or
higher is required in all Smith School required courses, and students must have an overall
combined 2.000 GPA in Smith required courses. In addition, students are required to have an
overall cumulative grade point average of 2.000 (C average) in all university course work.
Freshman-Sophomore School Requirements
Introduction to the Business Value Chain (3 credits)
BMGT220 Principles of Accounting I (3 credits)
BMGT221 Principles of Accounting II (3 credits)
ECON200 Principles of Microeconomics (3/4 credits)
ECON201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3/4 credits)
One from: 3/4 credits
MATH120 Elementary Calculus I
MATH130 Calculus I for the Life Sciences
MATH140 Calculus I
One from: 3 credits
Business Statistics
Statistical Models for Business
One from: 3 credits
Foundations of Speech Communication
Speech Communication
Critical Thinking and Speaking
Total: 24-27
BMGT110 provides a useful introduction to business as an academic program and exposes
students to potential career opportunities. As a result, this course best serves students early in
their college careers. However, this particular course is redundant for students who have already
begun their upper level BMGT coursework and thus, have already received more in-depth
exposure to business functions. Therefore this course is only required for students who enter the
Smith School as freshmen. Students who transfer to the Smith School and have not completed
BMGT110 will not be required to complete this course for graduation.
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The following courses are approved substitutes for BMGT230: BIOM301, CCJS200,
ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG305, PSYC200, and SOCY201.
The following courses are approved substitutes for BMGT231: ENEE324, ENME392, or
Any course that fulfills the University's Oral Communication General Education requirement
will also satisfy the Smith School's public speaking requirement.
Junior-Senior School Requirements
BMGT301 Introduction to Information Systems (3 credits)
BMGT340 Business Finance (3 credits)
BMGT350 Marketing Principles and Organization (3 credits)
BMGT364 Management and Organizational Theory (3 credits)
BMGT367 Career Search Strategies in Business (1 credit)
BMGT380 Business Law (3 credits)
BMGT495 Business Policies (3 credits)
Total: 19
Economics Requirements 3-6 credits
0-3 credits of approved upper-level economics courses are required by the Smith School of
Business. Visit http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-programs/shady-grove to
view the specific requirements for each major offered at the Smith School at Shady Grove.
Major Requirements
In addition to the Smith School of Business Bachelor of Science requirements listed above,
generally another 18-24 credits are required for each
major. See http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-programs/shady-grove to view
the specific requirements for each major offered at the Smith School at Shady Grove.
Additional Information
For more information on the Smith School of Business undergraduate program at Shady Grove
visit http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-programs/shady-grove.
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5119 Camille Kendall Academic Center (Universities at Shady Grove), 301-738-6208
Lindsi Baltz
9636 Gudelsky Drive
Rockville, MD 20750
Chair: S. Parry-Giles
Director: L. Waks
Assistant Director: Lindsi Baltz
Program Manager: Elizabeth Maliakos
Professors: S. Parry-Giles, T. Parry-Giles, A. Wolvin
Associate Professors: L. Aldoory, D. Hample, B. Liu, K. Maddux, S. Khamis
Assistant Professors: N. Joyce, A. Seate
Professional Track Facuty: S. Bae, R. Coleman , A Nixon, J. Tenney
Professors Emeriti: E. Fink, R. Gaines, J. Grunig, L. Grunig, J. Klumpp
The Major at Shady Grove
The department offers an exciting curriculum that prepares students for academic and
professional careers in business, government, health, education, social and human services, and
related fields. Courses offered by the department include persuasion and social influence,
rhetoric and the analysis of messages, communication and new media, digital communication,
organizational communication, public relations strategies, and intercultural communication. All
students in the program at Shady Grove are required to complete mandatory advising each
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the degree program in Communication, students should be able to
demonstrate the following knowledge and skills:
1. An ability to distinguish among a variety of theoretical approaches in the communication
discipline and use them appropriately and effectively in academic work.
2. An ability to conduct research and write research reports employing social scientific and/or
humanistic approaches in the communication discipline.
3. An ability to argue clearly and effectively in a speech.
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Admission to the Major
Students interested in Communication should have an overall GPA of 2.7 or better, and a grade
of "C-" or better in each of the three courses specifically required by the major (COMM250,
COMM107, Statistics, or their equivalents). Applicants should also attain junior standing (56 or
more transferable college credits) by the time of enrollment. For more information on admission
and 1xx or 2xx-level coursework requirements, please visit the Communication web site
at http://www.shadygrove.umd.edu/academics/undergraduate/communication/umcp or the
Transfer Credit Services website at www.transfercredit.umd.edu. Requirements for the major
are as follows:
a. Complete one of the following courses with a grade of "C-" or better: BMGT230, CCJS200,
EDMS451, PSYC200, SOCY201, STAT100 or equivalent.
b. Complete COMM107, COMM200, COMM230, or equivalent with a grade of "C-" or better
c. Complete COMM250 or equivalent with a grade of "C-" or better
d. A cumulative GPA of 2.7 or better
Students may repeat only one of the Gateway courses and that may be repeated only once in their
attempt to meet the requirements.
Transfer Students
Internal and external transfer students who meet the Gateway requirements specified above and
have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 in all college-level coursework may apply to the program.
All students may appeal admission decisions. Those students denied admission may appeal to
the University's Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Requirements for the Major
The course of study for a Communication major must satisfy all of the following requirements:
Oral Communication: Principles and Practices,
Critical Thinking and Speaking, OR
Argumentation and Debate
Introduction to Communication Inquiry
Research Methods in Communication
Interpreting Strategic Discourse
Communication Studies Track
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Communication Theory and Process
One from:
Theories of Group Discussion
Communication in Complex Organizations
Negotiation and Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Theories of Interpersonal Communication
Discourse Analysis
Intercultural Communications
One from:
Argumentation and Public Policy
The Rhetoric of Black America
Ancient and Medieval Rhetorical Theory
Renaissance & Modern Rhetoric Theory
The Power of Discourse in American Life
Public Life in American Communities, 1634-
Voices of Public Leadership in the Twentieth
The Discourse of Social Movements
Public Communication Campaigns
Language, Communication, and Action
COMM Elective
3xx or 4xx-Level COMM Electives
One Statistical Analysis from:
Elementary Statistics and Probability
Introductory Statistics for Sociology
Business Statistics
Introduction to Educational Statistics or an
equivalent course - see advisor
One Structural Analysis of Language from:
Introductory Linguistics
Introduction to Linguistics
Culture and Discourse or an equivalent course -
see advisor
Communications Studies: Courses related to
Communication Studies in one department other
than COMM
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Because the department's curriculum changes over time, the department's Undergraduate
Director may approve other appropriate Communication courses to meet the requirements
for each track.
Courses required for the Communication major, but taken outside COMM, may be used
to satisfy general education requirements.
Only 3 credits of COMM386 may apply toward the major.
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the major.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
Advising is available throughout the year in the Camille Kendall Academic Center, Suite
5119. Students should check Testudo (http://testudo.umd.edu/) for their registration date and for
any mandatory advising blocks.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Research experiences include assisting on faculty research projects, participating in special team
research projects.
Fieldwork Opportunities
To further enhance learning and career training, the department incorporates special hands-on
classes such as Health Communication Campaigns, Visual Communication, and Web
Design. The department also strongly promotes internship and service learning opportunities
with local and state businesses and institutions, and encourages students' participation in student-
run clubs.
The department's internship program helps communication majors gain professional experience,
build a professional portfolio, and take the first steps toward a career. The department structures
its internship program around a course, COMM386: Experiential Learning, offered each school
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Social and academic activities are available to students by participating in the following student
organizations: the Undergraduate Communication Association and the Lambda Pi Eta Honor
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The department offers the Chaim and Miriam Bentzlovitch Scholarship to students who exhibit
academic excellence. Each year the department distributes a call for applications through e-mail.
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Criminology and Criminal Justice
5105 Camille Kendall Academic Center, 301-738-6307
Director: Wendy Stickle, Ph.D.
9630 Gudelsky Drive, Room 5105
Chair: J. Lynch
Shady Grove Program Director: W. Stickle, Ph.D.
Lecturers: N. Romeiser, S. Eastman, T. Jordan, T. Alexander, L. Morlier, A. Drew, R. Shusko, J.
Conroy, H. Bresee, A. Kaplan, J., Trusty, L. Korossy, E. Pallas
The Major
Criminology and criminal justice encompasses the study of both the causes of, and responses to
crime. It involves studying individual, group, and mass behavior, as well as the institutions,
professions, and laws that exist to detect, control, and ameliorate the effects of crime. As a
discipline, criminology and criminal justice is situated at the nexus of other social science
disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and government, in addition to public policy and legal
The University of Maryland, College Park offers its Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal
Justice at the Universities at Shady Grove. Students transfer into this Program after completing
their freshman and sophomore years elsewhere, typically at a junior college. Through this
Program, students complete their junior- and senior-year coursework at USG with the option to
attend full- or part-time. Upon completion of this Program, students are awarded a University of
Maryland, College Park B.A. degree.
Program Learning Outcomes
Having completed the CCJS degree program, students should have acquired the following
knowledge and skills:
Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of major criminology and criminal justice
content areas.
Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of descriptive and inferential statistics
appropriate to the social sciences.
Students will demonstrate competence in basic social science research methods.
The requirements below are in effect for all students who matriculated into the UM system Fall
2015 or later and for students who are currently changing their major to CCJS. Older
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requirements for students who declared the major prior to Fall 2017 and matriculated into the
UM system prior to Fall 2015 are listed at the end.
The CCJS major is comprised of 36 credit hours of coursework in the CCJS department and
either MATH 107 (formerly MATH 111) or STAT 100. A calculus class (MATH 120, 130, or
140) with a grade of C- or higher may be substituted for MATH 107 or STAT 100.
Required CCJS Courses:
CCJS 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
CCJS 105 - Introduction to Criminology
CCJS 200 - Statistics for Criminology & Criminal Justice
CCJS 230 - Criminal Law in Action
CCJS 300 - Criminological and Criminal Justice Research Methods
2 CCJS Criminal Justice Courses
(Select two from the following three classes)
CCJS 340 - Policing
CCJS 345- Courts and Sentencing
CCJS 342- Corrections
1 CCJS Criminology/Theory Course
(Select one from the following three classes)
CCJS 450 - Advanced Juvenile Delinquency
CCJS 451 - Crime and Delinquency Prevention
CCJS 454 - Contemporary Criminological Theory
4 CCJS Courses of Choice
Two CCJS Courses of Choice must be at the 400 level
(Completed using one or a combination of the followings ways)
Complete additional CCJS courses that are not required (i.e., CCJS 325, 360, 418)
Complete 1 Independent Study for credit (max 3 credits)
Complete 1 Internship for credit (max 3 credits)
Total CCJS Credits: 36 Credits
Additionally students must complete one of the following math courses for the CCJS LEP
gateway requirements:
Choose one of the following:
MATH 107 - Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability (formerly MATH 111)
STAT 100 - Elementary Statistics and Probability
*A calculus class, MATH 120 (formerly MATH 220), 130 or 140, with a grade of C- or higher
may be substituted
Total Credits for the CCJS Major: 39 Credits
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Please keep the following information in mind:
No grade lower than a C- may be used toward the major
Students must achieve a combined grade point average of a 2.0 in the CCJS major
Older CCJS Major Requirements
Older CCJS major requirements are in effect for students who have declared the major prior to
Fall 2017 and matriculated into the UM system prior to Fall 2015. Current students are no
longer admitted under older CCJS major requirements.
The Criminology and Criminal Justice (CCJS) major is comprised of 33 credit hours of
coursework in the CCJS department, either MATH 107 or STAT 100, and 18 credit hours of
supporting sequence coursework from outside of the CCJS Department.
Required CCJS Courses:
CCJS 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
CCJS 105 - Introduction to Criminology
CCJS 200 - Statistics for Criminology & Criminal Justice
CCJS 230 - Criminal Law in Action
CCJS 300 - Criminological and Criminal Justice Research Methods
CCJS 340 - Policing
CCJS 350 - Juvenile Delinquency
CCJS 451, 452, 454 (Choose one)
451 - Crime and Delinquency Prevention
452 - Treatment of Criminals and Delinquents
454 - Contemporary Criminological Theory
3 CCJS Courses of Choice
(Completed using one or a combination of the followings ways)
Complete additional CCJS courses that are not required (i.e., CCJS 325, 360, 418)
Complete an Independent Study (CCJS 399)
Complete an Internship (CCJS 359 & 398)
Total CCJS Credits: 33 Credits
Additionally students must complete one of the following math courses for the CCJS LEP
gateway requirements:
Choose one of the following:
MATH 107- Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability (formerly MATH 111)
STAT 100 - Elementary Statistics and Probability
*A calculus class (MATH 120, 130 or 140) with a grade of C- or higher may be substituted
Supporting Sequence
(Supporting Sequence courses must be taken off the approved Supporting Sequence list found at
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3 lower level courses from the approved supporting sequence list found at
3 upper level courses from the approved supporting sequence list found at
Total Supporting Sequence credits: 18 Credits
Total Credits for the CCJS Major: 54 Credits
Please keep the following information in mind:
No grade lower than a C- may be used toward the major
Students must achieve a combined grade point average of a 2.0 in supporting sequence
A minimum of 9 hours of Supporting Sequence must be at the 300/400 level
Students must achieve a combined grade point average of a 2.0 in the CCJS major
Other Requirements for the Major
The CCJS Department enforces all prerequisites and does not oversubscribe students to courses
that are closed.
All majors are strongly encouraged to see an advisor at least once each semester. Advising is
available by appointment in the Camille Kendall Academic Center (Building III), room
5105. Students must complete all course prerequisites and obtain department permission from
the Program Director to enroll in most CCJS classes. Call 301-738-6307 or email
The internship must be a learning experience involving work in a criminal justice or
criminological setting. Interns are expected to gain valuable information which will add to their
overall understanding of the field of criminology and criminal justice. Internship positions must
center around gaining new material over the course of the semester and are expected to involve
some degree of ongoing training/learning for the intern. Internship placements are subject to the
approval of the Internship Director.
Internship Eligibility
Interns must meet the following criteria:
Interns must be CCJS majors
Interns must have completed a minimum of 56 credits at the time of application
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Interns must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 at the time of application
Interns must work 45 hours per credit over the course of the semester
A maximum of 6 internship credits per semester and a total of 12 internship credits
overall will be permitted
Internship credit will not be approved for current or previously held jobs
Interns must register themselves for the internship prior to the end of the semester's schedule
adjustment period. Obtaining Departmental approval for the internship does NOT register the
student for the class. Additional information about internships can be picked up from the CCJS
advising office in Building III, room 5105.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
There are two Student Societies available for membership for CCJS majors: the Criminal Justice
Student Association (CRIMSA) and Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society (APS).
The Criminal Justice Student Association (CRIMSA) is dedicated to supplementing our
members' academic experience by providing extracurricular opportunities to further explore
critical issues involving criminology and criminal justice. Through a regular program of
speakers, agency demonstrations, and community service projects, the CRIMSA provides
students with valuable information for making decisions about career choices, further graduate
level study, and law school. CRIMSA provides students with opportunities for academic and
social interaction, and access to criminology and criminal justice researchers, teachers, and
practitioners representing a variety of government, academic and commercial corporate and non-
profit organizations. All Universities at Shady Grove students, regardless of home institution or
major, are eligible for CRIMSA membership. CRIMSA meetings and programs are held at least
monthly during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Alpha Phi Sigma (APS) is a National Criminal Justice Honor Society founded 1942
and membership is open to CCJS majors who have completed at least 40 total credits with at
least 12 credits in CCJS courses. Undergraduate Applicants must have an overall GPA of at
least a 3.2 and a major GPA of at least 3.4. Graduate student applicants must have a 3.4 overall
GPA. Applicants must fill out an application, submit an official or unofficial transcript, and a
check (personal check is fine) made out to Alpha Phi Sigma for $55. The local chapter's name is
Omega Iota. Completed applications, check, and transcripts should be submitted to Dr. Stickle
in Building III, room 5105. Applications are processed throughout the academic year. You will
be notified when you have been officially accepted. Applications are available from Dr. stickle
or at www.ccjs.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
Each year the department selects the outstanding graduating senior for the Peter J. Lejins
award. A graduating senior is also selected for the Shady Grove Academic Achievement Award
and is eligible to receive the USG Student Leadership Award.
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Public Health Science
5127 Building III, 301-738-6181
School of Public Health

Universities at Shady Grove

9630 Gudelsky Drive, Bldg III Room 5127


Director: Stephen Roth, PhD
Assistant Director of Curriculum Development: Jessica O'Hara, PhD

Program Coordinator: Emily Nelson
The Major
Public Health Science combines a robust curriculum in the natural sciences with training in the
basic fields of public health. The Public Health Science major provides students with
interdisciplinary training that is essential to recognizing and addressing public health issues at
the state, national and global levels.
With a degree in Public Health Science, students can follow many career paths, from allied
health professions to medical school. More specifically, graduates can:
Pursue degrees in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and allied health professions,
such as occupational and physical therapy.
Continue with graduate work to earn Masters, Ph.D., or MPH degrees in such disciplines
as biostatistics and epidemiology, environmental health, health services and policy, as
well as behavioral sciences.
Work in interdisciplinary teams, both governmental and nongovernmental, at the local,
state, national, and international levels in disease prevention, environmental protection,
and health promotion.
The BS in Public Health Science is offered on both the College Park and Shady Grove campus.
At College Park students can enter the program at any time during the college career, while at
Shady Grove, students begin their studies with us in their junior year.
Shady Grove Curriculum
The Bachelor of Science in Public Health Science at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG)
(http://www.shadygrove.umd.edu/) consists of 120 credit hours, of which 60 are transferred from
either a community college or another accredited 4-year institution. The remaining 60 credits are
completed at USG and can be completed in 4 full-time semesters or on a part-time basis. Classes
are offered Monday through Thursday including some evening classes. All undergraduate
coursework at USG begins at the junior level.
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Admissions Requirements
To be admitted to the Public Health Science program at USG, students must have
-A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better for all college level work
-Earned a C- or better in all 100- and 200-level Public Health Science Prerequisite courses (see
It is also strongly recommended that students either earn an Associate of Arts or Science degree
from a Maryland state institution OR complete all University of Maryland General
Education (http://www.gened.umd.edu/) requirements prior to transfer.
Degree Requirements
For full details of degree requirements, please view the Shady Grove curriculum online at:
Prerequisite Courses (31 credits)
Certain mathematical techniques and scientific principles serve as a foundation for future study
in Public Health Science. These courses cover the scientific concepts essential to advanced study
in the field and are prerequisites for admission to the Public Health Science program at USG.
Transfer credit is given based on a review of the syllabus and a determination of its equivalence
to the following UMCP courses. To determine the equivalent course at your current institution
please visit the UMD Transfer Credit Database (https://ntst.umd.edu/tce/).
Foundation in Behavioral and Social Science
Elementary Calculus I
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology
and Lab
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General
Chemistry/General Chemistry I Lab
Organic Chemistry I/Organic Chemistry I
Essentials of Organic and Biochemistry
Principles of Genetics
General Microbiology
*Courses that satisfy the Foundation in Behavioral and Social Science include: Introduction to
Public and Community Health (HLTH130), Introduction to Health Behaviors (HLTH230),
Anthropology (ANTH260), Sociology (SOCY100 or SOCY105), or Psychology (PSYC100).
Public Health Science Foundation Courses (31 credits)
In addition to the scientific foundation courses, the major also studies discipline specific courses
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that lead to advanced study in the field. These courses include, but are not limited to, the five
core disciplines of public health (behavioral science, biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental
health, and health services administration) as well as kinesiology and are instructed through the
Behavioral and Community Issues in Public Health
History of Public Health
Introduction to Environmental Health
Introduction to Global Health
Exercise Physiology of Exercise
Introduction to Health Policy and Services
Biostatistics for Public Health Practice
Epidemiology for Public Health Practice
Essentials of Public Health Biology: The Cell, The
Individual, and Disease
Social, Political, and Ethical Issues in Public Health
Public Health Science Options (12 Credits)
The Public Health Science option courses build upon the Scientific and Public Health Science
Foundation courses. The option courses are 300 and 400 level courses offered within the major.
By choosing from these courses, students have an opportunity to customize their program.
Students are encouraged to specifically choose courses that best align with a particular career
2110 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-9363
Associate Provost and Dean: William A. Cohen
Director of Administration and External Relations: Jacqueline Kautzer
Director of Development and Alumni Relations: Heidi Bruce
Associate Dean for General Education: Douglas Roberts
Associate Dean: Cynthia Kay Stevens
Assistant Deans: Deborah Reid Bryant, Lisa Kiely, Kathryn Robinson, Ann Smith
Director of Communications and Web Development: Mark Kuhn
Through its many programs, the Office of Undergraduate Studies serves all undergraduate
students at the university, and the faculty and staff that support the undergraduate mission of the
campus. The Office of Undergraduate Studies is the primary division at the University of
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Maryland responsible for leadership and oversight of undergraduate curricular and co-curricular
education. The responsibilities of Undergraduate Studies include:
Living-learning programs
Academic enrichment programs
Interdisciplinary and individual studies programs
Academic advising policy and assessment
General Education
Academic planning and policy
Enrollment management
University learning outcomes assessment
Academic Achievement Programs
2204 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-4736
Executive Director: Dr. Jerry L. Lewis
The Academic Achievement Programs (AAP) primarily serves traditionally under-represented
and low-income and first-generation college students. Academic support, skill enhancement,
academic advising and counseling, and tutoring are provided for these populations and for
students with disabilities. Academic Achievement Programs include the Intensive Educational
Development (IED), Educational Opportunity Center (EOC), the Ronald E. McNair Post-
Baccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair), the Summer Transitional Program, and Student
Support Services (SSS). EOC, McNair, and SSS, are part of the Federal TRIO programs and are
funded by the U.S. Department of Education to promote access, provide support services,
motivate, and traditionally underrepresented students for retention in and graduation from
undergraduate programs and to prepare for doctoral programs.
Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)
Dr. Marcal Graham, Associate Director
UM-EOC is supported by a U.S. Department of Education grant designed to assist persons 19
and older, low-income, and first-generation in pursuing post-secondary educational
opportunities. UM-EOC serves primarily Inner-Beltway communities in Prince George's County
and provides assistance in the application process for admission to and financial aid for post-
secondary education. Specific guidance is given in selecting colleges, completing the FAFSA,
and promoting post-secondary education for target populations. EOC also works with high
school seniors in some Prince George's County High Schools.
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Summer Transitional Program (STP)
Dr. Tilahun Beyene, Director, IED and Associate Director, AAP
The Summer Transitional Program (STP) assists students in both their academic and personal
adjustment to the University. It includes very intensive skills enhancement in math, English, and
college study strategies, coupled with enrollment in a selected three-credit university course with
tutoring to facilitate students' academic adjustment. In addition, students enroll in a one-credit
orientation course and participate in weekly individual and/or group counseling sessions. The
six-week STP is required of all students admitted to the University through SSS/IED.
Intensive Educational Development (IED)
Dr. Tilahun Beyene, Director, IED and Associate Director, AAP
IED provides an array of intensive academic and tutorial services to first-year and second-year
students who participate in the Summer Transitional Program (STP), eligible first- and second-
year transfer students, and other eligible students who seek academic support. The IED program
begins with the STP; prospective students who are admitted to the University through the IED
program are required to attend this six-week transitional program. Successful completion of the
STP is required for admission to the University. Admitted students continue to receive program
services throughout their undergraduate career at the University.
Student Support Services (SSS)
Dr. Jerry L. Lewis, Director
SSS is a U.S. Department of Education grant supported program geared toward low-income and
first-generation college students. It works in conjunction with the IED Program focusing much of
its support to first- and second- year students. SSS provides academic and career advising,
tutoring, stress management, and study-skill and test-taking support to eligible low-income and
first-generation undergraduate students throughout their time at the University. The SSS program
also provides financial aid workshops and assistance, individual and group counseling, and
leadership development workshops. In limited cases, SSS provides supplemental grant aid to
eligible participants in the program.
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program
Dr. Rhea Roper Nedd, Associate Director
The McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Program) is funded and
designed principally to prepare low-income, first-generation college juniors and seniors and/or
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students from traditionally underrepresented groups to matriculate and retain in graduate
programs and earn doctoral degrees. The McNair Program is a year round commitment that
consists of monthly workshops during the academic year and a six-week summer research
experience that affords McNair Scholars the opportunity to work intimately with faculty mentors
on specific research projects. McNair Scholars are required to complete a research abstract/paper
for publication, and receive financial support towards presenting their research at conferences.
The McNair Program offers instructional courses and workshops, as well as expert training and
advice on written and oral communication skills, research methodologies, the preparation of
compelling personal statements, admission and financial aid applications, and graduate school
admission tests. “Whether or not you reach your goals in life depends entirely on how well you
prepare for them and how badly you want them” and the McNair Program is committed to
providing services to best equip students with a skill set that leads to the successful completion
of doctoral degrees (Dr. Ronald E. McNair).
Educational Talent Search Programs North and Central
Ms. Bridget Brandon, Associate Director Talent Search North
Mr. Cameron Poles, Associate Director Talent Search Central
Educational Talent Search programs (ETS) are federally funded by the Department of Education
to serve a total of 1,000 students from targeted Prince Georges’ County schools. ETS is designed
to identify academically talented and promising college students who are in the ninth and tenth
grades and are highly likely candidates for competitive higher educational institutions
admission/enrollment across the United States. The programs provide guidance, academic
advising, coaching, tutoring, parent involvement training/support through high school and
assistance with the college enrollment and financial aid process.
Academic Common Market
2110 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-9363
Dawn Simounet, Coordinator
August 23, 2012
(Updated April 12, 2014)
The University of Maryland, College Park has discontinued participation in the Academic
Common Market.
The last ACM certifications the University of Maryland, College Park accepted were those
specifying spring 2013 as the first term of enrollment in the certified major. The University
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of Maryland, College Park will not accept ACM certifications for later semesters. Only
students with ACM certifications for spring 2013 or earlier semesters and who enroll in the
certified program at UMD in their ACM certified semester may continue to receive the
ACM in-state tuition benefit.
Transition Plans
Fall 2012 and earlier:
Undergraduate students approved for participation in an Academic Common Market (ACM)
major and enrolled in their certified majors as of fall 2012 or earlier may continue to receive
benefits as long as they are continuously enrolled full time in the ACM approved major, maintain
permanent residency in their certifying state, a 2.0 overall grade point average, and satisfactory
progress toward the degree. Benefits will not exceed six (6) years beginning in the first term of
enrollment in the ACM certified major.
Undergraduate students admitted for fall 2012 who deferred their admission to spring 2013
or fall 2013 will be treated according to the rules for undergraduate students admitted fall 2012.
They must be approved for participation in an Academic Common Market (ACM) major and
enrolled in their certified majors as of the semester to which they deferred. They may continue to
receive benefits as long as they are continuously enrolled full time in the ACM approved major,
maintain permanent residency in their certifying state, a 2.0 overall grade point average, and
satisfactory progress toward the degree. Benefits will not exceed six (6) years beginning in the
first term of enrollment in the ACM certified major.
Graduate students approved for participation in an Academic Common Market (ACM) major and
enrolled in their certified majors as of fall 2012 or earlier may continue to receive benefits as
long as they are continuously enrolled full time in the ACM approved major, maintain permanent
residency in their certifying state, a 3.0 overall grade point average, and satisfactory progress
toward the graduate degree. Benefits will not exceed six (6) years beginning in the first term of
enrollment in the ACM certified program.
Graduate students admitted for fall 2012 who deferred their admission to spring 2013 or
fall 2013 will be treated according to the rules for graduate students admitted fall 2012. They
must be approved for participation in an Academic Common Market (ACM) major and enrolled
in their certified majors as of the semester to which they deferred. They may continue to receive
benefits as long as they are continuously enrolled full time in the ACM approved major, maintain
permanent residency in their certifying state, a 3.0 overall grade point average, and satisfactory
progress toward the degree. Benefits will not exceed six (6) years beginning in the first term of
enrollment in the ACM certified major.
Spring 2013:
Undergraduate students, who receive ACM certification for spring 2013 and who are admitted
to and enrolled in their approved ACM inventory majors for spring 2013, may receive benefits as
long as they are continuously enrolled full time in the ACM approved major, maintain permanent
residency in their certifying state, a 2.0 overall grade point average, and satisfactory progress
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toward the degree. Students may not pursue multiple degrees while receiving ACM benefits.
Benefits will not exceed six (6) years beginning in the first term of enrollment in the ACM
certified major.
Undergraduate students admitted for spring 2013 who deferred their admission to fall 2013
or spring 2014 will be treated according to the rules for undergraduate students admitted spring
2013. They must be approved for participation in an Academic Common Market (ACM) major
and enrolled in their certified majors as of the semester to which they deferred. They may
continue to receive benefits as long as they are continuously enrolled full time in the ACM
approved major, maintain permanent residency in their certifying state, a 2.0 overall grade point
average, and satisfactory progress toward the degree. Students may not pursue multiple degrees
while receiving ACM benefits. Benefits will not exceed six (6) years beginning in the first term
of enrollment in the ACM certified major.
Graduate students, who receive ACM certification for spring 2013 and who are admitted to and
enrolled in their approved ACM inventory majors for spring 2013, may receive benefits as long
as they are continuously enrolled full time in the ACM approved major, maintain permanent
residency in their certifying state, a 3.0 overall grade point average, and satisfactory progress
toward the graduate degree. Students may not pursue multiple degrees while receiving ACM
benefits. Benefits will not exceed six (6) years beginning in the first term of enrollment in the
ACM certified program.
Graduate students admitted for spring 2013 who deferred their admission to fall 2013 or
spring 2014 will be treated according to the rules for undergraduate students admitted spring
2013. They must be approved for participation in an Academic Common Market (ACM) major
and enrolled in their certified majors as of the semester to which they deferred. They may
continue to receive benefits as long as they are continuously enrolled full time in the ACM
approved major, maintain permanent residency in their certifying state, a 3.0 overall grade point
average, and satisfactory progress toward the degree. Students may not pursue multiple degrees
while receiving ACM benefits. Benefits will not exceed six (6) years beginning in the first term
of enrollment in the ACM certified major.
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)
0121 Reckord Armory, 301-314-3242
Director: Colonel David Morrissey
The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) provides students the opportunity to
earn a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force while completing their
undergraduate or graduate degree. It is highly recommended that students seeking a commission
contact the AFROTC department for full program details before registering for classes.
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Program Requirements
AFROTC is designed to be a 4-year experience, but the schedule can be compressed (minimum
of 3 years) for qualified candidates. A full four-year program is composed of the two-year
General Military Course (GMC) and the two-year Professional Officer Course (POC). GMC
students receive an introduction to the Air Force and various career fields, and may have a
chance to compete for scholarships. Non-scholarship GMC students incur no military service
obligation and may elect to discontinue the program at any time. Students wishing to continue in
the POC must pass all cadet standards by their last semester in the GMC, successfully compete
for acceptance into summer field training course, and complete field training. POC students
concentrate on the development of leadership skills and the study of United States defense
policy. Additionally, all POC students receive a monthly allowance of $450-$500.
Scholarships and Incentives
If the Air Force is offering scholarships, members of AFROTC in all degree programs are
eligible to compete for scholarships based on a competitive selection process. Scholarship
recipients receive money for tuition up to $18,000 per year, a book allowance (currently
$600/year), and a monthly allowance from $300 to $500, depending on the student's AFROTC
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
2100 Reckord Armory, 301-314-9939
Director: Lieutenant Colonel Larry Rentz
The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps offers students the opportunity to develop leadership
skills plus earn a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army (Active,
Reserve, or National Guard) while completing their undergraduate degree.
Four-Year Program
The four-year program is composed of the Basic Leadership Course and the Advanced
Leadership Course. The first two years (Basic Course) consist of a general introduction to
military customs and courtesy, soldier skills, communication skills, personal development, and
introductory leadership skills. Students enrolled in the Basic Course incur no obligation and
may discontinue the program at any time. In the final two years (Advanced Course), students
concentrate on developing leadership skills in organizations. Students must have permission of
the Director of Army ROTC to enroll in the advanced course. The Advanced Course
requires four weeks of field training at Fort Knox, Kentucky (Advanced Camp) the summer after
their junior year.
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Two-Year Program
The two-year program is available to students with two years remaining in their university
studies. The academic requirements for this program are identical to the Advanced Course in the
four-year program, and students are eligible to receive the same benefits. Prerequisites for the
Advanced Course must be fulfilled prior to enrollment. The following options exist to help
students fulfill Basic Course requirements before enrolling in the Advanced Course:
1. Basic Camp: Students may attend a five week adventure challenge course at Fort Knox,
Kentucky. Students should start the application process for this option no later than January of
their sophomore year.
2. Veterans: Students with prior military service.
3. Basic Training: Constructive credit will be awarded for students who have completed Basic
Training prior to starting their junior year.
4. JROTC: Students who completed 3-4 years of JROTC in High School.
5. Service Academy or Senior ROTC: Two year attendance at a service academy or successful
completion of two years in a sister service Senior ROTC training can qualify for constructive
Scholarships and Incentives
Army ROTC Scholarships are available for four, three or two years on a competitive basis. The
scholarships are based solely on merit, not financial need. Scholarship awardees may apply
benefits for either Room and Board or Tuition and Mandatory Fees. An additional book
allowance ($1,200 a year) and a non-taxable monthly stipend ranging from $300-$500 based on
academic year is extended to students.
Army ROTC students/cadets may compete for summer training opportunities to include
Airborne, Air Assault, Sapper School, Combat Diver Qualification, or Northern Warfare
Training during the summer and winter breaks. Additionally, students/cadets may compete for
summer abroad opportunities. Previous Army ROTC cadets have completed summer abroad in
Brazil, Greece, India, Morocco, Panama, Slovakia, and Estonia (to name a few).
Basic Leadership Course
Freshman Year: ARMY106 (Fall) ARMY105 (Spring)
Sophomore Year: ARMY201 (Fall) ARMY202 (Spring)
Advanced Leadership Course
Junior Year: ARMY301 (Fall) ARMY302 (Spring)
Senior Year: ARMY401 (Fall) ARMY402 (Spring)
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Cadets must complete an approved course in Military History prior to graduation
All ROTC classes are open to any student for college credit, whether or not he or she is
considered a cadet in the Army ROTC program. Students who complete the Advanced Course
requirements (ARMY301,302,401,402 and Military History) may be conferred a Minor in
Leadership Studies.
Asian American Studies Program (AAST)
2117 Susquehanna Hall, 301-405-0996
Director: Janelle Wong, Ph.D.
In the Asian American Studies Program (AAST), students undertake an interdisciplinary and
critical study of race, immigration, and political and social representation through examination of
the experiences of Asian Americans. Students study the experiences of Asian Americans
compared to and connected with other groups in the United States, as well as situated within a
global and transnational context. Through this approach, students examine the histories,
communities and cultures of Asian Americans as both distinctive and connected to the broader
themes for diversity, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation and migration in the Americas.
AAST offers a 15 credit-hour minor. For the minor, courses may be cross-listed in other
departments and some may satisfy general education requirements.
Minor Requirements:
1. Introduction to Asian American Studies (AAST200/AMST298C)
2. Asian American History (AAST201/HIST221/HIST219M/HIST219G)
Three (3) additional AAST or other approved courses, two of which must be upper division and
one of which must be comparative ethnic or global/transnational/international (see courses below
with an asterisk*). Students may take a course not on this list with approval of the AAST
Director. The following list of regular and special topics include:
AAST200 Introduction to Asian American Studies
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AAST201 Asian American History
AAST223 Introduction to Asian American Literature
AAST222/HIST222 Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States
AAST443 Asian American Politics
AAST378 Experiential Learning
AAST388 Independent Research
AAST498M Asian American Public Policy
AAST498I Asian American Leadership
AAST498G Asian American Women and Gender
AAST498O Asian American Health
*THET498D Special Topics in Theatre History from 1800 to Present: Asian American Theatre
*AAST498B Confucius’ Many Lives in East Asia and Asian America
*AASP499T Advanced Topics in Public Policy and the Black Community: Race, Poverty,
Violence, and the Juvenile Justice System: A Theoretical and Contextual Analysis of Social
*AASP202H Black Culture in the United States
*USLT498B Special Topics: Latinas/os and US Popular Culture
*USLT498B Special Topics: Latinas/os and Racial Formation
*EALL300 The Languages of East Asia
*ARTH290 Art and Society in Asia
*AAST498W/AMST498R Selected Topics in American Studies: Transnational American
*ARTH489F Special Topics in Art History: Modern Chinese Film and Visual Culture
*ENGL428Y Seminar in Language and Literature: Authors of the Early Black Atlantic
*USLT202 Overview US Latino/a Studies
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*PSYC354 Cross-Cultural Psychology
*300-Level Asian language course (only 1 language class can count toward AAST minor)
AAST 499 Senior Thesis. Prerequisite: AAST200 or AAST201. This advanced colloquium in
Asian American Studies is designed as a senior seminar. The course offers an intensive learning
experience and students are required to complete a thesis, applied research project, or take part in
and write about a sustained community experience.
One additional 400-level AAST course
Beyond the Classroom
1104 South Campus Commons, Building 1, 301-314-6622
Director: James V. Riker
Beyond the Classroom (BTC) is an interdisciplinary living-learning program that prepares
students to be active and responsible citizens and leaders in a complex, multi-cultural, and global
society. Students develop the educational and professional leadership skills to understand and to
contribute constructively to civic engagement and social change in a global context. Students
address significant civic and social issues through exciting internship, community service, and
civic learning experiences with nonprofit, nongovernmental and civil society organizations in the
greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Through its integrated academic, experiential, and
service components that offer students real-world learning opportunities outside the classroom,
BTC enables students from all disciplines and majors to develop and to realize their potential for
civic leadership at the local, national and global levels. BTC is a three-semester program open to
all sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Carillon Communities
2110 Marie Mount Hall, 301-314-6620
Coordinator: Melissa Del Rios
Carillon Communities is a one year living and learning option for first-year students who want to
accelerate their engagement with the University. Each of the communities is anchored by a 3
credit I-Series course and a 1 credit Carillon Studio. Students invited into the program have the
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opportunity to choose from among three options under the Carillon Communities umbrella:
Engaging Cultures, iGive, and Once and Future Planet. The admission process for this
opportunity is managed by the Admissions Office.
College Park Scholars Program (CPSP)
1125 Cumberland Hall, 301-314-2777
Executive Director: Marilee Lindemann, PhD
College Park Scholars is a nationally acclaimed living and learning program that offers
outstanding students the interpersonal benefits of a small college paired with the intellectual
advantages of a major research university. Each of its 12, two-year programs for freshmen and
sophomores provides a close-knit community and a challenging, interdisciplinary academic
experience. Students attend weekly, faculty-led colloquia that encourage active discussion and
debate. Other courses in the curriculum satisfy General Education requirements. In the second
semester of their sophomore year, students choose from independent research, service-learning
projects, or internships -- both on- and off-campus -- to satisfy their Scholars practicum
The Programs' focus on community offers many advantages. Program faculty maintain offices in
Cambridge Community residence halls which facilitates meeting with students. Several program
faculty lead study-abroad experiences during the winter term or summer semester. Living
together in the residence halls helps students form study groups for common courses. Scholars
also engage with guest speakers and have the opportunity to continue conversations outside the
classroom. Program directors encourage students to pursue leadership opportunities in co-
curricular activities, design and implement community service and social events, participate
in mentoring programs (http://scholars.umd.edu/student-life/student-groups/peer-mentors),
recruitment activities (http://scholars.umd.edu/student-life/student-groups/scholars-
ambassadors) or serve on the Student Advisory Board (http://scholars.umd.edu/student-
Upon successful completion of the program, students earn an academic Citation (requirements
vary by program, http://scholars.umd.edu/citation-requirements). In their junior year, students
are encouraged to build on their Scholars experiences by participating in departmental honors
programs and other research and internship opportunities.
Admission to College Park Scholars is selective and by invitation. Upon invitation to College
Park Scholars, students indicate their preference from the following programs:
Arts (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/arts)
Business, Society and the Economy (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/bse)
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Environment, Technology and Economy (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/ete)
Global Public Health (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/gph)
International Studies (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/is)
Justice and Legal Thought (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/jlt)
Life Sciences (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/ls)
Media, Self and Society (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/mss)
Public Leadership (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/pl)
Science, Discovery and the Universe (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/sdu)
Science and Global Change (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/sgc)
Science, Technology and Society (http://www.scholars.umd.edu/programs/sts)
Federal Fellows Program
2407 Marie Mount Hall, 301-314-0261
Director: Dr. Joan Burton
The Federal Fellows Program is a selective, yearlong program offered within the Office of
Undergraduate Studies, in conjunction with other colleges, programs and campus initiatives. The
program brings together students from all disciplines to learn, discuss, and explore issues related
to federal policy, and galvanizes them toward public service careers. Rising sophomores, juniors,
and seniors with strong academic backgrounds and an interest in exploring the possibility of
public service are encouraged to apply.
Students who successfully complete all program requirements will earn a "Federal Fellows"
notation on their transcript.
The Federal Fellows Program consists of three primary components:
1. The Federal Fellows Seminar: FGSM320, 330, or 340 (3 credits, fall semester). A choice
of seminar courses, each focused on a specific theme (for example, public health policy,
homeland security policy, or energy and environmental policy). The seminars benefit
from the diversity of students who participate in the program. The small setting allows
students to bring knowledge from their disciplinary focus into the discussion. Taught by
expert practitioners, the seminars examine the policy-making process and discuss vital
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current issues within each theme. Guest speakers provide real-world perspectives on how
governments and other actors create and implement policy.
2. The Internship: FGSM398 (3-9 credits, spring semester). The Federal Fellows
experiential learning course offers credit for an internship with a federal agency or related
organization (including the White House, NGOs, etc.). In class, students work on
professional development and reflect on their internship experiences through journal
assignments. With permission, students may complete the internship under the course
number for internships in the student's major or other programs.
3. Supporting course work: Two regular UM courses, approved by the Federal Fellows
program, that complement the Federal Fellows mission (6 credits). With permission,
students may apply courses completed prior to the Federal Fellows year.
Students also participate in Federal Fellows Program activities including visits to Capitol Hill
and federal agencies, conversations with leaders in public policy, professional development
workshops, one-on-one advising check-ins, and an end-of-the-year reception. The program offers
a lively, engaged community of students and supportive alumni.
Students in the program must have completed 45 credits by the end of the semester in which they
apply and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. For details and application please see
First Year Book Program
Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Studies
2110 Marie Mount Hall
Director: Lisa Kiely
Each year since 1993, the University has selected a book for all first year students. The goal of
the First Year Book Program (FYB) is to provide a shared intellectual experience for all new
students along with the opportunity to discuss the book from a variety of disciplines. Courses,
departmental lectures, living/learning programs, and student groups all sponsor events that
complement a major address by the author and/or other important visitors to campus.
General Education
2100 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-9363
Contact: Douglas Roberts, Associate Dean for General Education
General Education
To earn a baccalaureate at the University of Maryland all students complete both a major course
of study and a campus-wide general education program. For more information, see Chapter 5,
General Education.
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General Education@umd
CORE Liberal Arts and Sciences Program
Global Fellows in Washington DC Program
2407 Marie Mount Hall, 301-314-0261
Director: Dr. Joan Burton
The Global Fellows in Washington, D.C. Program is an innovative internship program
designed to equip undergraduate students of all majors with the knowledge, skills, and
experience to become leaders in an increasingly globalized society. The aim is to increase
student involvement in and access to opportunities within the global arena. The program
combines a fall academic seminar on global leadership and policy related to a specific theme
with a spring internship experience in the Washington, D.C. area. Classes bring students in
contact with professionals who share their knowledge, expertise, and perspectives. The spring
internship placements are with international organizations, federal agencies, foreign embassies,
NGOs, and non-profit organizations. The program is open to students from all majors. Rising
sophomores, juniors, and seniors with strong academic backgrounds and an interest in the global
arena are encouraged to apply. The program offers a lively, engaged community of students and
supportive alumni. Global Fellows in Washington, DC is a program of the Office of
Undergraduate Studies in collaboration with the Office of International Affairs and the College
of Behavioral and Social Sciences, with stakeholders and supporters across the University. The
program is designed to support students of all majors and colleges.
Students who successfully complete all program requirements will earn a "Global Semester DC
Fellow" notation on their transcript.
The Global Fellows in Washington, D.C. Program consists of four primary components:
1. The Global Fellows in Washington, D.C. Seminar: FGSM350, 360, 370, or 380 (3
credits, fall semester). Students in the program choose from several seminar courses
based in global leadership and policy and designed especially for program participants.
The courses are taught by expert practitioners and provide a deep understanding of global
leadership and policy related to a specific theme. Guest speakers offer additional real-
world and professional perspectives.
2. The Internship: FGSM398 (3-9 credits, spring semester). The experiential internship
course offered by the Global Fellows in Washington, D.C. Program enables students to
earn credits for their professional experience in the global arena. Students registering
for FGSM398 will provide signed confirmation of an internship position, submit guided
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journal entries, and complete a final reflective report on their internship experience.
(Important note: Students may substitute another departmental internship course, offered
in the student's major or elsewhere at the University, for FGSM398 in the Global Fellows
in Washington, D.C. Program.)
3. Supporting course work: To round out the Global Fellows experience, two additional
UMD courses, approved by the Global Fellows program, are required of students
participating in the program. These courses complement the fall seminar and spring
internship by providing greater depth and context to the academic experience (6 credits).
With permission, courses completed prior to beginning the program may be used to
satisfy this requirement.
4. Supplemental Activities: Throughout the year, students attend workshops and roundtable
discussions and participate in off-campus activities, including visits to Capitol Hill and
federal agencies, to learn more about real-world applications. Program staff offer one-on-
one consultations regarding cover letters, resumes, and interviews.
Minimum requirements: Students in the program must have completed 45 credits by the end of
the semester in which they apply and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. For
further details and application see www.globalfellowsdc.umd.edu.
Global Studies
The Global Studies Minor Program provides opportunities for students from any discipline or
major to study how evolving global connections affect the well-being of people throughout the
world. Students in this interdisciplinary program develop an understanding and appreciation of
how and why interactions across national and ethnic borders are shaped by language, culture,
politics, economic development, and conflict.
The program is comprised of a number of specialization tracks which address issues from the
perspective of different disciplines. The tracks are:
International Development and Conflict Management
International Engineering (http://www.ilp.umd.edu/coursework)
Global Poverty (http://arec.umd.edu/undergraduate/minors/global-poverty)
Global Terrorism (http://www.start.umd.edu/)
All students choose one course from a set of "signature" courses outside of their chosen track for
exposure to major global issues addressed by the other Global Studies Minors. The minors
provide an opportunity for an experiential component within a student's elective courses,
including a study abroad experience. The Global Studies Minor Program includes special
activities that involve students across the minors, such as special speaker forums, participation in
major events, and experiences in Washington, D.C.
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Honors College
Anne Arundel Hall, 301-405-6771
Executive Director: Susan Dwyer
The Honors College (http://www.honors.umd.edu/), a vibrant and diverse intellectual community
on the doorstep of the nation's capital, engages the University of Maryland's highest achieving
undergraduates by providing academic challenges and boundless opportunities for discovery,
setting them on paths to extraordinary futures. Small classes and outstanding teachers encourage
discussion and foster innovative thinking across academic disciplines. Honors students have
exclusive access to Honors living-learning program courses, Honors seminars, and Honors
versions of courses offered by the academic departments on campus.
Students in the Honors College may earn an Honors College Citation on the transcript by
completing coursework and satisfying all requirements in an Honors Living-Learning Program
(http://www.honors.umd.edu/livinglearningprograms.html). Honors Living-Learning Programs
include: University Honors (http://www.universityhonors.umd.edu/), Gemstone
(http://www.gemstone.umd.edu/), ACES (http://www.aces.umd.edu/), Design Cultures &
Creativity (http://dcc.umd.edu/), Entrepreneurship and Innovation (http://www.eip.umd.edu/),
Honors Humanities (http://www.honorshumanities.umd.edu/), and Integrated Life Sciences
(http://www.ils.umd.edu/). Acceptance of first-year students into the Honors College is
competitive and by invitation based on the standard application to the University of Maryland
(by November 1st for best consideration for Honors College and merit scholarships).
In addition to joining an Honors College Living-Learning Program, Honors students may apply
to one of 40 Departmental Honors Programs
(http://www.honors.umd.edu/departmentalhonors.html) offered by the academic departments and
colleges on campus to take full advantage of advanced, discipline-based Honors coursework and
research opportunities in their major area of study. Most departmental honors programs begin in
the sophomore or junior year. Students in a Departmental Honors Program may earn
departmental honors on the transcript and diploma.
Individual Studies Program
2407 Marie Mount Hall, 301-314-0023
Director: Dr. Joan Burton
The Individual Studies Program (IVSP) is a degree-granting academic program administered
through the Office of Undergraduate Studies. The program enables students to design their own
interdisciplinary majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. Students
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draw primarily from the University of Maryland's course offerings to form an academic
concentration not otherwise available to them at the institution. A written proposal defining the
student's major and outlining the curriculum is required to apply to the program. Recent
individually-created student majors have included such titles as Global Health, Civic
Engagement and Media, Design and the Built Environment, Global Economic Development,
Middle Eastern Studies, Immigration and Ethnic Studies, Neuroscience, Maternal and Child
Health, Environmental Business, Medieval Studies, Modern Ethnomusicology, and Urban
Planning and Renewal. The program provides a supportive community of highly engaged and
self-motivated students, alumni, and staff.
Students must seek the guidance and approval of a Faculty Mentor prior to having their proposal
reviewed by the Individual Studies Faculty Review Board. If approved, the courses agreed upon
by the Faculty Review Board become the basis for the student's major requirements. These listed
requirements from numerous academic departments, along with the general education
requirements, are analogous to the academic requirements given to students who select from the
University's traditional majors. However, each student is required to design a unique program of
study and defend it in order to be a part of IVSP.
Individual Studies students must complete a senior capstone project and are encouraged to
engage in internships, research projects, independent studies, and study abroad to supplement
their work in the classroom. Drawing from real-world experience as a supplement to the
academic curriculum is generally encouraged. Such projects often serve as a way for students to
develop academic connections among the multiple disciplines involved in their programs.
While IVSP allows students the opportunity to create a unique academic program focused on a
specific area of study, using courses from multiple academic departments, it does not substitute
for or replicate the educational goals of existing University programs, including the Limited
Enrollment Programs (LEPs). IVSP programs may not include substantial numbers of courses
from LEP departments.
Developing a successful IVSP proposal takes time and involves several meetings to review and
edit the draft proposal. Ideally, interested students should contact the IVSP staff and begin the
application process early in their academic career. Working closely with the IVSP staff and their
prospective Faculty Mentor, students should plan to complete and submit their IVSP proposal,
preferably during their sophomore year or in their junior year before reaching 90 credits.
To be admitted into the Individual Studies Program, the student must:
1. Have a clearly defined academic goal that cannot be reasonably satisfied in an existing
curriculum at the University of Maryland, College Park.
2. Have at least 30 earned college credits with at least 12 credits completed at College Park.
3. Have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA in each of their previous two semesters of college and at least
a 2.0 GPA overall.
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4. Complete at least 30 additional credits beginning the term following admission to IVSP.
5. Identify an appropriate faculty mentor, preferably tenured or tenure track, with significant
undergraduate education experience related to the field of study.
6. Complete a detailed plan of study (proposal) that is approved by their Faculty Mentor and
then approved by the Individual Studies Faculty Review Board. This proposal will include:
a. A clear statement of the central academic purpose for their major.
b. Specific course requirements including at least 27 credits of upper-division major coursework
(300- and 400-level) beyond the IVSP courses (IVSP317, IVSP318, and IVSP420).
c. The list of courses must include at least one Writing Craft course (in addition to the CORE
Fundamental Studies Academic Writing and the Professional Writing requirements) selected
from an approved list that is available from the Individual Studies staff.
d. A semester-by-semester plan for the completion of their undergraduate degree within a
reasonable period of time.
Following admission, students must:
1. Earn a grade of "C-" or better in all courses required in their IVSP program of study,
including IVSP420 as well as a satisfactory grade in IVSP317.
2. Complete mandatory advising sessions with their Faculty Mentor and the IVSP staff every
semester, including a review of their semester-by-semester academic plan for completion of their
IVSP program.
3. If not already completed, work towards immediate completion of the Fundamental Studies
For details and further information, you may visit the IVSP website at www.ivsp.umd.edu,
Students are also encouraged to visit the program office at 2407 Marie Mount Hall.
Letters and Sciences
1117 Hornbake Library, 301-314-8418
Assistant Dean/Director: Deborah Reid Bryant, Ph. D.
Letters and Sciences is the academic home for students exploring a variety of fields before
selecting a major, for post-baccalaureate students taking additional course work, and for non-
degree seeking students taking undergraduate courses. Letters and Sciences may also serve as the
academic home for students completing requirements for entry into a Limited Enrollment
Program. Letters and Sciences advisors help students to select and schedule courses, plan
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academic programs, and learn about campus-wide resources. Letters and Sciences collaborates
closely with college advising offices, academic departments, and programs across campus and
provides a coordinated advising network that features:
Choosing a Major
Letters and Sciences students receive information about and referral to a wide range of academic
programs and services including specialized workshop sessions. Letters and Sciences staff
specialize in assisting students to develop strategies and plans for entering Limited Enrollment
Business Exploration Series
The Letters and Sciences Business Exploration Series (BES) is a multidimensional advising
resource that provides LTSC students with an opportunity to explore the world of business
through: exploratory seminars; business focused introduction to the University courses; valuable
leadership opportunities; and access to guidance and support from knowledgeable advisors.
S.T.E.M. Exploration Series
The Letters and Sciences S.T.E.M. Exploration Series (SES) is a multidimensional advising
resource that provides LTSC students with an opportunity to explore the world of Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics through: exploratory seminars; S.T.E.M. focused
introduction to the University courses; valuable research and leadership opportunities; and access
to guidance and support from knowledgeable advisors.
Interim Advising Program
Newly admitted transfer students with more than 60 credits, who were unsuccessful in gaining
admission to a Limited Enrollment Program, receive advising and assistance from a Letters and
Sciences professional staff member during their first two semesters on campus. For this group of
students, the University waives the requirement that all students must declare a major by 60
Transitional Advising Program
Currently enrolled students with more than 60 credits, who are moving between colleges due to
change of interest, inability to meet benchmarks, or lack of sufficient GPA, receive advising and
academic support. For this group of students, the University waives the requirement that all
students must be in a declared major after 60 credits, for one semester.
Pre-Law Advising
Letters and Sciences offers specialized advising for students interested in law. For further
information, see the section on Pre-Law Advising in this catalog, visit www.prelaw.umd.edu, or
email prela[email protected].
Credit by Exam
Any University of Maryland student interested in Credit by Exam can pick up the form at the
Letters and Sciences office.
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Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR)
1201 (first floor) Marie Mount Hall, 301-314-6786
Director: Francis DuVinage
The Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR) is an initiative of the Office of the
Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Created as a resource for students and faculty, the Center serves
as a clearinghouse for information about both on-campus and off-campus research opportunities
for undergraduates.
Major programs of the MCUR include Maryland Student Researchers, which permits faculty to
list research opportunities open to undergraduates during the academic year, and Maryland
Summer Scholars, which provides funding for students to conduct summer research (on campus
or elsewhere in the US or abroad as needed) under the mentorship of Maryland faculty members.
Students new to research as well as students with previous research experience participate in
these programs. MCUR also sponsors Undergraduate Research Day, the University's largest and
broadest undergraduate research event, every spring.
Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (Naval ROTC)
0110 Reckord Armory, 301-314-6289
Director: Captain Troy Mong
The Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) Program was established to educate and
train qualified young men and women for service as commissioned officers in the US Navy
(unrestricted line), or in the Marine Corps while completing their undergraduate degree. The
NROTC Scholarship Program fills a vital need in preparing mature young men and women for
leadership and management positions in an increasingly technical Navy and Marine Corps. It is
highly recommended that students seeking a commission contact the Department of Naval
Science/NROTC unit for full program details before registering for classes.
Program Requirements
The UMD NROTC Program was established to educate and train qualified young men and
women for service as commissioned officers in the United States Navy and Marine Corps. The
NROTC Scholarship Program plays an important role in preparing mature young men and
women for leadership and management positions in an increasingly technical military
environment. NROTC midshipmen are required to complete the naval science courses and attend
weekly professional seminars. During the summer, NROTC midshipmen participate in active
duty at sea or shore-based training cruises for approximately four weeks. Upon receiving their
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Baccalaureate Degree and completing the NROTC program, qualified midshipmen are
commissioned as ensigns in the U.S. Navy or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps.
Commissioned naval officers go on to training in various warfare specialties and serve as surface
or submarine officers, naval aviators, explosive ordinance disposal officers or SEALs. Marine
Corps officers attend “The Basic School” in Quantico, Virginia, and serve in fields such as
infantry, artillery, combat engineers, and aviation. Staff positions (intelligence, law, medicine)
are not normally offered through NROTC.
The NROTC Program was established to develop midshipmen mentally, morally and physically
and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, and loyalty, and with the core values of honor,
courage and commitment in order to commission college graduates as naval officers who possess
a basic professional background, are motivated toward careers in the naval service, and have a
potential for future development in mind and character so as to assume the highest
responsibilities of command, citizenship and government.
Academic requirements
The Naval Science curriculum includes courses on topics such as Navy and Marine Corps
organization, at-sea navigation, leadership, naval history, amphibious warfare, engineering, and
weapons systems. Courses emphasize development of professional knowledge and leadership
skills, which are placed in the context of military service immediately following graduation from
University of Maryland.
Students in the NROTC program enroll in one Naval Science course per term. Some courses are
required for both Navy and Marine option students, while others are specific to the branch of
service. All NROTC students must also enroll in the Naval Science Laboratory (NAVY108) each
Navy option students must complete eight core curriculum courses offered by University of
Maryland, including two term courses in calculus to be completed by the sophomore year, two
term courses in calculus-based physics, with laboratory, to be completed by the junior year, two
term courses in English or equivalent writing courses, one term course in history or national
security policy, and one term course in world culture or regional studies.
Navy Option students typically will take:
Freshman Year: Navy100 (Fall), NAVY101 (Spring)
Sophomore Year: Navy200 (Fall), NAVY201 (Spring)
Junior Year: Navy300 (Fall), NAVY301 (Spring)
Senior Year: Navy400 (Fall), NAVY401 (Spring)
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Marine Option typically will take:
Freshman Year: Navy100 (Fall), NAVY101 (Spring)
Sophomore Year: Navy200 (Fall)
Junior Year: Navy302 (Fall), NAVY402 (Spring)
Senior Year: NAVY401 (Spring)
Scholarships and Incentives
Recipients of National Scholarships are selected from applicants to a national competition
(https://www.nrotc.navy.mil/). Additionally, through the NROTC 3 year and 2 year scholarship
process, freshmen and sophomore members of NROTC in all degree programs are eligible to
compete for scholarships also based on a competitive NROTC selection process. Scholarship
recipients receive money for full tuition and fees, a book allowance (currently $700/year), and a
monthly allowance from $250 to $400, depending on the student's NROTC year. If unqualified
for a scholarship but recommended for "advanced standing", a student will have the ability to
commission in the U.S. Navy and will receive a book stipend and monthly allowance. There are
no scholarship opportunities for juniors or seniors.
Campus Involvement
The NROTC unit values well-rounded future officers and encourages battalion members to get
involved with numerous activities on campus. With participation in an internship, a semester
abroad, intramural and varsity sports teams, fraternities or sororities, music or performance
groups and countless clubs and groups, many members find outside activities an enjoyable aspect
of their college experience.
1102 Cole Student Activities Building, 301-314-8217
Director: Dr. Gerry Strumpf
The goal of New Student Orientation is to introduce new students to the University of Maryland
community. The Orientation Office offers a wide range of transitional programming and services
for students and their families as they prepare to attend the University of Maryland.
New Student Orientation
Held prior to the semester a student enrolls at the University of Maryland, New Student
Orientation for first-time freshmen traditionally covers two days; New Student Orientation for
new transfer students covers one day. During New Student Orientation, individuals meet with
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representatives from their academic college for advising and course scheduling. Undergraduate
Orientation Advisors (OA) introduce students to academic and student life at the University of
Maryland, including student campus services and resources, and opportunities for involvement
on campus.
Parent and Family Orientation
Parents and family members of new University of Maryland students are strongly encouraged to
attend a one-day Parent and Family Orientation program specifically designed to introduce them
to the academic, social, and cultural opportunities of the university, to better prepare them for the
issues that are likely to affect their son(s) or daughter(s) throughout their matriculation at the
University of Maryland, and provide them with numerous resources and information to help their
student succeed inside and outside the classroom.
Terp Trips
Terp Trips focus on the continuing transition of parents and family members. Offered to parents
and family members on the second day of summer first year freshmen New Student Orientation
programs only, these one-day programs combine a trip to an area attraction with a small group of
other parents/family members and a campus faculty or staff host.
Introduction to the University (UNIV) Seminars
The Orientation Office coordinates new student seminar courses, UNIV100 and UNIV101.
These courses introduce students to the world of higher education and, more specifically, to the
University of Maryland. Course topics include career/major exploration, successful
studying/test-taking strategies, diversity, time management, and involvement within the
University of Maryland. UNIV seminar courses are led by a faculty or staff member and often an
undergraduate TA.
Pre-College Programs
4111 John S. Toll Physics Building, 301-405-6776
Executive Director: Georgette Hardy
Upward Bound Programs: 301-405-6776
Upward Bound-Math and Science Program (UB-MS): 301-405-1224
The University of Maryland Pre-College Programs in Undergraduate Studies is comprised of
three federally and state supported programs:
Two Upward Bound Programs (UB) and
Upward Bound-Math and Science Program (UB-MS)
These programs generate the skills and motivation necessary for success in post-secondary
education. They immerse high school participants in rigorous academic instruction, tutoring,
counseling, and innovative educational experiences throughout the school year and during the
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six-week summer residential program. Pre-College Programs are part of the Federal TRIO
Programs that provide educational opportunity outreach programs designed to motivate and
support students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The UB Programs are open to low-income and/or first-generation college bound high school
students in grades 9 through 12, who demonstrate an academic need and want to pursue a four-
year postsecondary education. Eligible students must attend target high schools in Prince
George's and Montgomery Counties. High school principals, teachers, and counselors
recommend students to the program.
Eligibility for the Upward Bound Programs require that students attend Northwood High School
in Montgomery County. Bladensburg, Central, High Point, Parkdale, or Northwestern High
Schools in Prince George's County.
The UB-MS is open to students in grades 9 through 12, who demonstrate an academic need and
want to pursue post-secondary education programs in fields related to mathematics and science.
UB-MS recruits high school students who have successfully completed Algebra I, and attend
Potomac and Fairmont Heights High Schools in Prince George's County, MD; Watkins Mill
High School in Montgomery County, MD; and Bell High School in Washington, DC.
Pre-Transfer Advising
0110 Hornbake, 301.405.9449 or 9448
Assistant Dean: Lisa Kiely
The Pre-Transfer Advising Program promotes academic success and excellence by assessing the
readiness of students who wish to transfer to UM. Pre-Transfer Advising assists students in
estimating time to degree completion and advises on which courses to take prior to transfer.
Advisors also serve as a resource for community college staff.
National Scholarship Office
2403 Marie Mount Hall, 301-314-1289
Director: Francis DuVinage, Ph.D.
The National Scholarships Office at the University of Maryland, College Park aims to provide
undergraduates with the best possible information, guidance and support as they learn about and
apply for national scholarships.
National scholarships are competitive, prestigious awards that provide opportunities and support
for a wide range of enriching experiences, including study abroad, graduate study (and
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sometimes undergraduate study also), federal employment, teaching, research, and public
service. National scholarships are looking for students (with or without financial need) who are
developing strong interests and goals - academic and extracurricular - and who want to take
advantage of every constructive opportunity that will help them reach their objectives. Just as
each national scholarship offers a different kind of opportunity, each is also looking for a
different range of strengths and interests in its applicants. If you develop a strong academic
record, are thoughtful about your choices and devote yourself to activities you care about, you
may well find one or more scholarship opportunities of interest to you.
The National Scholarships Office strives to make learning about and applying for national
scholarships an enlightening experience. In addition to providing information about national
scholarships through our website, through group presentations and through individual advising,
we also provide individualized guidance and support at every stage of the application process.
We invite you to visit our website and to make an appointment with us to learn more about
national scholarships that may help you attain your goals.
Student Success Office
0110C Hornbake,www.studentsuccess.umd.edu
Coordinator: Paulanne Walker; Assistant Dean: Lisa Kiely
The Student Success Office is a clearinghouse for services and resources to assist students in the
completion of their undergraduate degrees. This includes:
Coordinating reenrollment
Centralizing tutoring resources
Managing data from exiting students
Providing leadership on other retention initiatives
For more information, please see www.studentsuccess.umd.edu.
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Chapter 7. Departments, Majors, and Programs
The Robert H. Smith School of Business
1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-2286
Chair: E. Cantor (Associate Chair), M. Loeb
Professors: L. Gordon, O. Kim, M. Loeb, S. Loeb
Associate Professors: S. Cheng, R. Hann, M. Kimbrough, N. Seybert
Assistant Professors: H. Lee, J. Staihar (Asst Prof), M. Subasi (Asst Prof), T. W Ranasinghe
(Asst Prof), E. Zur
Lecturers: P. Basu (Clinical), S. Brown (Clinical), G. Bulmash (Clinical), E. Cantor (Lecturer,
Assoc Clin Prof), M. Finch, E. Folsom (Lecturer), P. Ford (Lecturer), M. Gagnon (Lecturer), S.
Handwerger, M. Keim, R. Martin (Lecturer), E. Martinez (Lecturer), J. McKinney (Clinical), J.
Milton (Lecturer), L. Mostow (Lecturer), A. Ramirez (Lecturer), S. Rose (Lecturer), A. Siegfried
(Lecturer), D. Sites (Lecturer), D. Weber (Lecturer), H. Weiner (Lecturer)
Visiting Faculty: S. Demirkan (Visit Asst Prof), L. Zhou
The Major
Accounting, in a limited sense, is the analysis, classification, and recording of financial events
and the reporting of the results of such events for an organization. In a broader sense, accounting
consists of all financial systems for planning, controlling, and appraising performance of an
organization. Accounting includes among its many facets: financial planning, budgeting,
accounting systems, financial management controls, financial analysis of performance, financial
reporting, internal and external auditing, and taxation. The accounting curriculum provides an
educational foundation for careers in public accounting and management, whether in private
business organizations, government or nonprofit agencies, or consulting. Two tracks are
provided: The Public Accounting Track leading to the CPA (Certified Public Accounting) and
the Management Accounting/Consulting Track. Please note: Currently, only the Public
Accounting track is available.
Admission to the Major
See Robert H. Smith School of Business entry in chapter 6 for admission requirements.
Requirements for the Major
All Accounting Majors:
Intermediate Accounting I
Intermediate Accounting II
Managerial Accounting
Accounting Systems
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Accounting Majors must complete an
additional 12 credits from one of the
following tracks.
Public Accounting Track:
Taxation of Individuals*
Ethics and Professionalism in Accounting*
Auditing Theory & Practice*
One of the following:
Government Accounting
Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships and
Fraud Examination
Advanced Accounting
Advanced Auditing Theory & Practice
Special Topics in Accounting
Management Accounting/Consulting Track:
Advanced Managerial Accounting
Three of the following:
Survey of Business Information Systems
and Technology
Taxation of Individuals*
Operations Research for Management
Operations Management
Database Systems
Systems Analysis and Design
Government Accounting
Ethics and Professionalism in
Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships and
Fraud Examination
Advanced Accounting
Special Topics in Accounting
Linear Statistical Models in Business
Introduction to Optimization
Advanced Financial Management
International Finance
Upper Level Economics Requirement
One of the following courses:
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and
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Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Money and Banking
International Economics
Total Credits for Accounting
and Economics
* Required for CPA in Maryland
In addition to the major requirements listed above, please consult Chapter 6 or
www.rhsmith.umd.edu for a listing of additional Smith School degree requirements that apply to
all Smith School majors.
The basic educational requirements of the Maryland State Board of Public Accountancy to sit for
the CPA examination are a baccalaureate or higher degree with a major in Accounting or with a
non-accounting degree supplemented by course work the Board determines to be substantially
the equivalent of an Accounting major. Students planning to take the CPA examination for
certification and licensing outside Maryland should determine the educational requirements for
that state and arrange their program accordingly.
120 credits are required to complete a degree in Accounting; however, students seeking to
become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) must meet the certification requirements for the
state in which they wish to practice. Most states, including Maryland, require a minimum of 150
credit hours of college education to fulfill the education requirements to obtain a CPA license.
However many of these states, including Maryland, will allow applicants to take the CPA exam
prior to earning 150 credits if they have accumulated 120 credits, earned a degree, and meet
specified education requirements. In addition, do not assume the course and credit requirements
for the accounting major are sufficient for all states. For details on various states' CPA
requirements visit www.nasba.org.
General advising for students admitted to the Smith School of Business is available Monday
through Friday in the Office of Undergraduate Programs, 1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-
2286, [email protected]. It is recommended that students visit this office each
semester to ensure that they are informed about current requirements and procedures. Transfer
students entering the university can be advised during spring, summer, and fall transfer
orientation programs. Contact the Orientation Office for further information, 301-314-8217.
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Aerospace Engineering (ENAE)
A. James Clark School of Engineering
3179 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-2376
Chair: N. Wereley (Minta Martin Professor of Aerospace Engineering)
Director: J. Barlow (Director of Glenn L. Martin Wind Tunnel), R. Sanner (Assoc Prof &
Director of Undergraduate Studies), R. Sedwick (Assoc Prof & Director of Honors Program)
Professors: J. Baeder, O. Bauchau, R. Celi, I. Chopra (Alfred Gessow Professor of Rotorcraft
Engineering), A. Flatau, W. Fourney (Professor, Associate Dean of Engineering), J. Hubbard
(Samuel P. Langley Distinguished Professor), S. Lee, M. Lewis, E. Oran (Glenn L. Martin
Institute Professor), D. Pines (Dean, Clark School of Engineering))
Associate Professors: D. Akin, C. Cadou, A. Datta (Assoc Res Sci, Visit Assoc Prof), A. Jones,
P. Martin, D. Paley (Willis H. Young Jr. Professor of Aerospace Engineering Education), R.
Sanner, R. Sedwick, A. Winkelmann, K. Yu
Assistant Professors: C. Hartzell, S. Laurence, H. Xu
Lecturers: B. Barbee, A. Becnel (Lecturer), C. Carignan, Y. Choi (Assoc Res Sci), L. Healy, D.
Israel, K. Lewy, J. Mitchell, E. Morelli, V. Nagaraj (Sr Res Sci), A. Nedungadi (Lecturer), D.
Affiliate Professors: A. Trouve
Affiliate Associate Professors: M. Gollner, J. Humbert, A. Marshall
Associate Research Scientist: Y. Choi (Assoc Res Sci), S. Na (Assoc Res Sci)
Assistant Research Scientist: V. Hrishikeshavan (Asst Res Sci), B. Madapusi Govindarajan (Asst
Res Sci), J. Park (Asst Res Sci)
Assistant Research Professor: I. Faruque (Asst Rsch Prof), R. Houim (Asst Res Sci)
Professors Emeriti: J. Anderson, E. Jones, J. Leishman (Prof Emeritus)
Visiting Faculty: M. Bowden, C. Kaplan-Solomond (Visiting Assoc Res Prof), F. Schmitz
The Major
Aerospace engineering concerns processes involved in design, manufacture and operation of
aerospace vehicles within and beyond planetary atmospheres. Vehicles range from helicopters
and other vertical takeoff aircraft at the low-speed end of the flight spectrum, to spacecraft
traveling thousands of miles per hour during launch, orbit, trans-planetary flight or re-entry at the
high-speed end. Between are general aviation and commercial transport aircraft flying at speeds
well below and close to the speed of sound, and supersonic transports, fighters and missiles.
Although each speed regime and each vehicle poses its special problems, all aerospace vehicles
can be addressed by a common set of technical specialties or disciplines.
Sub-disciplines of Aerospace Engineering are: aerodynamics, flight dynamics, propulsion,
structures, and "design". Aerodynamics addresses the flow of air and associated forces,
moments, pressures, and temperature changes. Flight-dynamics addresses the motion of vehicles
including trajectories, rotational dynamics, sensors, and control laws required for successful
accomplishment of missions. Propulsion addresses the engines which have been devised to
convert chemical (and occasionally other forms) energy into useful work to produce the thrust
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needed to propel aerospace vehicles. Structures addresses material properties, stresses, strains,
deflection, and vibration along with manufacturing processes required to produce very light
weight and rugged elements needed in aerospace vehicles. Aerospace "design" addresses the
process of synthesizing vehicles and systems to meet defined missions and more general needs.
This process draws on information from other sub-disciplines while embodying its own unique
elements. The Aerospace Engineering program is designed to provide a firm foundation in
various sub-disciplines.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the acronym: ENAE
The Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org, 415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD
21201, telephone: (410) 347-7700.
Program Objectives
(1) Our graduates will be successful in their professional careers, including industry, government
service, and academia, in the State of Maryland and beyond.
(2) Our graduates will contribute to the creation of useful new products, or the generation of
original research, by analyzing and implementing solutions to relevant problems in the
component disciplines of Aerospace Engineering.
(3) Our graduates will contribute effectively when part of an integrated team, clearly
communicating with team members, supervisors, and clients.
(4) Our graduates will understand the societal context in which their profession is practiced, and
will successfully adapt to future developments in both technology and the employment market.
Program Learning Outcomes
As a result of completing our undergraduate program, our students should have developed the
following skills:
1) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics
2) Ability to apply knowledge of basic science (chemistry, physics)
3) Ability to apply knowledge of engineering principles
4) Ability to use computers to solve engineering problems
5) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
6) Ability to design and conduct experiments
7) Ability to analyze and interpret data
8) Ability to design a component, system, or process to meet desired needs under realistic
9) Ability to use the techniques, skills, and tools of modern engineering practice
10) Ability to write effectively
11) Ability to speak effectively
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12) Ability to function effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team
13) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
14) Knowledge of contemporary issues in engineering
15) Understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental,
and societal context
16) Awareness of the need to continually upgrade my technical knowledge base and skills
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Aerospace Engineering Department has a number of facilities to support education and
research across a range of special areas. The department has subsonic wind tunnels with test
sections ranging from a few inches up to 7.75 feet by 11.00 feet as well as a supersonic tunnel
with a 6 inch by 6 inch test section. There are a number of structural test machines with
capabilities up to 220,000 pounds for static loads and 50,000 pounds for dynamic loads. The
department also has experimental facilities to test helicopter rotors in hover, in forward flight,
and in vacuum to isolate inertial loads from aerodynamic loads. There is an anechoic chamber
for the investigation of noise generated by helicopters, and an autoclave and other facilities for
manufacturing and inspecting composite structures. The neutral buoyancy facility, which
investigates the assembly of space structures in a simulated zero gravity environment, is
supported by robots and associated controllers. There are also many computers and workstations
that provide local computing capability and extensive network access to campus mainframes,
supercomputing centers, and all the resources of the Internet.
Admission to the Major
Admission requirements are the same as those of other Engineering Departments. For admission
information please see A. James Clark School of Engineering under The Colleges and School
section of this site.
Requirements for the Major
Freshman Year
Introduction to Engineering Design
(**can be taken first or second semester)
The Aerospace Engineering
General Chemistry for Engineers
Calculus I, II
General Physics I
Mechanics I (**can be taken first or
second semester)
Aerospace Computing
General Education Program
3 3
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Total Credits
Sophomore Year
Mechanics II
Introduction to Aerospace Systems
Calculus III
The Aerospace Engineering
Profession II
Differential Equations
Linear Algebra for Scientists and
Engineers or
MATH 240
Introduction to Linear Algebra
General Physics II
General Physics III
General Education Program
3 3
Total Credits
Junior Year
Aerodynamics I
Dynamics of Aerospace Systems
Aerospace Instrumentation and
Aerospace Structures
Control of Aerospace Systems
Flight Software Systems
Technical Writing
General Education Program
3 3
Aeronautical Track:
Aerodynamics II
Space System Track:
Space Flight Dynamics
Total Credits
Senior Year
Aerospace Engineering Lab
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Vibration & Aeroelasticity
Honors Research Project, or
ENAE 400s*
one 400 level ENAE course
Technical Elective; see note below
General Education Program
3 3
Aeronautical Track:
Aircraft Flight Dynamics
Aircraft Propulsion & Power
Principles of Aircraft Design
Aeronautical Systems Designs
Space System Track:
Space Navigation & Guidance
Space Propulsion & Power
Principles of Space Systems Design
Space Systems Design
Total Credits
* Only one of ENAE 398, 488 or 499 may be used for these
One 300/400 level course in Engineering, Mathematics, or
Physical Sciences that has been approved for this purpose by the
Undergraduate Program Director.
Minimum Degree Requirements: The fulfillment of all department, school, and university
requirements. A minimum of 124 credits are required for an Aerospace Engineering degree.
Students must select a track. All courses in either the Aeronautical or Astronautical track must be
completed. Students in either track who wish to gain a broader education across the aeronautical
or space application areas can take courses required in the other track as electives.
Academic Benchmarks: Students pursuing the major should review the academic benchmarks
established for this program. See: www.4yearplans.umd.edu. Students will be periodically
reviewed to insure they are meeting benchmarks and progressing to the degree. Students who fall
behind program benchmarks are subject to special advising requirements and other interventions.
Aerospace Electives
The department offers a range of electives. The following courses have recently been offered as
electives for the undergraduate degree:
Honors Research
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Helicopter Theory
Viscous Flow & Aerodynamic Heating
Design &Manufacture of Composite
Mechanics of Composite Structures
Computer-Aided Structural Analysis
and Design
Aircraft Flight Testing
Intro to Computational Structural
High Speed Aerodynamics
Product Design
Hybrid Rocket Design
Design of Remotely Piloted Vehicles
Elective Research (Repeatable to 6 credits)
Other Requirements for the Major
See Chapter 6 for minimum grade requirements in key prerequisite courses for engineering
students. Students should follow the sequence of courses as outlined in the aerospace engineering
degree requirements and four-year plan.
Advising is mandatory each semester. First year students are primarily advised by the Assistant
Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Undergraduate Programs Coordinator. After the first
year, students are assigned to a faculty advisor whose permission is required for course
registration each semester. The list of advisor assignments is available on the department's
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Students can be employed and perform research in any of the department's research labs, centers,
or facilities. Participation in an on or off campus internship, co-op, or other experiential learning
opportunity is strongly encouraged. See the aerospace engineering undergraduate studies staff for
information on performing research in a department lab and contact the Engineering Co-op and
Career Services office for assistance in obtaining off campus positions or experiences.
Honors Program
The Aerospace Engineering Honors Program at the University of Maryland provides a rigorous
and comprehensive education for a career in technical leadership and scientific or engineering
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research. Honors coursework encompasses the required curriculum for all University of
Maryland Aerospace Engineering students at an advanced level.
At the end of their first academic year, each aerospace student is evaluated and students are
invited to join the program based on their University of Maryland cumulative grade point
average and progress toward their degree in Aerospace Engineering. Honors sections of
ENAE283, ENAE311, and ENAE423 (designated by an 'H' following the course number) are
offered as part of this program, in addition to an honors research project, ENAE398H, which
culminates in a scholarly paper and presentation at a professional conference. Students who
complete the honors curriculum graduate with Aerospace Honors at the time of commencement.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Department is home to student chapters of the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, American Helicopter Society - International, and the Sigma Gamma Tau aerospace
engineering honors society. Aerospace Engineering students are also frequent participants in
student activities of the Society for Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Department offers academic scholarships, and recipients are chosen based on merit. All
admitted and current students in the department are automatically considered for these awards.
No separate application is required. The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all
types of federal, state and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with
other university offices, participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For
information, visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The Department offers the following awards: Gessow Academic Achievement Awards for the
seniors with the highest overall academic average at graduation; R.M. Rivello Scholarship
Award and the Joseph Guthrie Memorial Award for highest overall academic average through
the junior year; Chair Award for leadership and service to the department, Sigma Gamma Tau
Outstanding Achievement Award for scholarship and service to the student chapter and the
department; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Outstanding Achievement
Award for scholarship and service to the student chapter and the department; John Anderson
Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering for the best paper and poster presentation based on
research performed at the University of Maryland.
African American Studies (AASP)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
1119 Taliaferro Hall, 301-405-1158
Chair: O. Barbarin (Prof & Chair, Prof)
Director: V. Skeeter (Dir Admin Srv)
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Associate Professors: S. Harley, S. Madhavan, J. Richardson
Assistant Professors: C. Hardaway
Lecturers: L. Batties, J. Clark, T. Clarke (Lecturer), J. England, R. Hall (Lecturer), J. Nichols, J.
Adjunct Professors: A. Williams (Res Prof)
The Major
The African American Studies Department offers a Bachelor of Arts degree with two highly-
regarded options: a Cultural and Social Analysis Concentration with emphasis on culture and
history; or the Public Policy Concentration with an emphasis on problem-solving, analytical
decision-making, and practical applications of policy analysis and management skills. In
addition, students who elect majors in other departments can earn a Certificate in African
American Studies. In September 2004, we introduced a minor in Black Women's Studies which
is a collaborative program with the University's Department of Women's Studies.
Courses offered in this department may be found under the acronym AASP.
Program Objectives
The African American Studies Department (AASD) fosters an intellectual environment in which
majors learn to critically examine, analyze, interpret and discuss the experiences, culture,
traditions, and dynamics of people of the African Diaspora. A primary goal of the program is to
develop strong critical thinking, analytical skills, research and writing skills, through our
curriculum, such that AASD majors learn the interdisciplinary methods used in examining the
socio-economic, historical, and political experiences and contributions of people of African
descent. Our curriculum is organized and structured to introduce AASD majors to African
American Studies and to ensure that they receive appropriate grounding in the major themes of
the field and can place these themes in the historical context of the African Diaspora such that
they are better prepared to address the social scientific issues of race, racism, and
inequality. The program provides preparation in fundamental research methodology so that
AASD majors are able to explore research questions with sufficient rigor.
Relevance of goals to the mission statements and/or strategic plans of the university, college, or
program as applicable:
The University of Maryland's stated goals for undergraduates include the ability to learn and
develop critical reasoning and research skills; written and oral communications skills; science
and quantitative reasoning, and technological fluency. AASD majors are well prepared upon
graduation in these areas through the department's curriculum and extensive one-on-one
mentoring by the AASD faculty.
Program Learning Outcomes
A primary goal of the African American Studies Department is to develop strong critical
thinking, research and writing skills, through our curriculum, such that AASD majors learn the
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interdisciplinary methods used in examining the socio-economic, historical, and political
experiences and contributions of people of African descent. Students should acquire the
following knowledge and skills:
Goal 1: Competency in critical analysis:
AASD students will be able to demonstrate critical reading and analytical skills, including
understanding an argument's major assertions and assumptions and how to evaluate its
supporting evidence.
Students will be able to articulate how historical change shapes ideas and social and political
Students will be able to analyze forms and traditions of thought or expression in relation to
cultural, historical, political, and social context, as, for example, dance, literature, music, and
philosophical and religious traditions.
Goal 2: Competency in written communications:
AASD majors will be able to demonstrate research skills, integrate their own ideas with those of
others and apply the conventions of attribution and citation correctly.
Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to formulate a thesis related to a specific topic
and to support the thesis with evidence and argumentation.
Goal 3: Technological competency and critical analysis:
AASD majors will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the differences among appropriate
and inappropriate methods for drawing conclusions through the use of formal analytical, or
computational techniques to address real-world problems.
Goal 4: Critical/Analytical Reasoning:
AASD majors will be able to distinguish between premises and conclusions, or between data and
inferences from data.
Goal 5: Competency in oral communications:
AASD majors will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the connection between writing
and thinking and will be able to utilize writing and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking and
communicating in an academic setting. They will use effective presentation techniques drawn
from interdisciplinary research methods.
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Admission to the Major
Students wishing to major in African American Studies must make an advising appointment for
an orientation to the major. Students must complete an application and attend a BSOS academic
plan workshop.
Please call the AASD office at 301-405-1158 to make an advising appointment.
Requirements for the Major
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or better in each course that is to be counted toward
completion of degree requirements. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point
average across all courses used to satisfy major degree requirements. All related or supporting
courses in other departments must be approved by an AASP faculty advisor.
Foundation courses required for all majors:
Introduction to African American Studies
Public Policy and the Black Community (Formerly AASP300)
African Civilization
Black Culture in the United States
Research Methods in African American Studies (Formerly
General Education
Cultural and Social Analysis Concentration Requirements:
-Division Electives in African American Studies 18
One from:
Senior Thesis
Experiential Learning/Independent Study Non-Thesis Option
Fundamentals of Quantitative Research
One from:
Directed Readings in African American Studies
Classic Readings in African American Studies
Public Policy Concentration Requirements:
Analytic Component
Applied Policy Analysis and the Black Community (Formerly
Computer Applications in African American
Studies (Formerly AASP428P)
Theoretical, Methodological, and Policy Research Issues in
African American Studies (Formerly AASP401)
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
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One additional analytical skills course outside of AASP, with
AASP approval
One from:
Elementary Statistics and Probability
Introductory Statistics for Sociology
Equivalent Statistics Course (Sophomore Year)
Policy Electives in African American Studies*
Final Option
One from:
Senior Thesis
Experiential Learning / Independent Study Non-Thesis
Total Credits
*Upper-division AASP electives in the policy area (AASP numbers 499A-Z) or, with approval, elective courses
outside of AASP
Requirements for the Minor
Black Women's Studies
Joint Minor in Black Women's Studies
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
2169 Lefrak Hall
The joint minor in Black Women's Studies focuses on the lives and experiences of women of
Africa and the African Diaspora. As a specialty in the fields of Women's Studies and African
American Studies, it will provide students with tools for understanding the social and cultural
contexts in which race, gender, class, sexuality, ethnicity, nation and other dimensions of
difference intersect to influence the lives and experiences of Black women.
Fifteen (15) credits of coursework are required, distributed below. A number of courses may
count in more than one category. No course with a grade less than "C-" may be used to satisfy
the minor. Students will design their program in consultation with the Women's Studies or
African American Studies advisor. No more than two courses may count toward a major in
African American Studies or Women's Studies.
Foundation courses (6 credits)
WMST263/AASP203 Introduction to Black Women's Studies or
WMST265/AASP213 Constructions of Manhood and Womanhood in the Black Community
AASP313/WMST314 Black Women in U.S. History
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Distributive Requirements (9 credits)
Area I - Comparative or Non-US Course - indicated by a * below (3 credits)
Area II - Humanities (3 credits)
WMST263/AASP203 Introduction to Black Women's Studies
THET240 African Americans in Film and Theater
*ENGL362 Caribbean Literature in English
*FREN478B Themes and Movements of French Literature in Translation: Francophone
Women Writers
Area III - Social Sciences (3 credits)
WMST265/AASP213 Constructions of Manhood and Womanhood in the Black
HIST319 Women and the Civil Rights Movement
*WMST360 Caribbean Women
*WMST410 Women of the African Diaspora
WMST488 Senior Seminar: Black Women in the Public Eye
AASP493 Feminist and Nationalist Thought in the Black Community
WMST498 Black Feminist Thought WMST498 Womanisms and Feminisms: Theories
and Methods
AASP483 Gender, Sexuality and the Black Family
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
The Certificate in African American Studies offers undergraduate students an excellent
opportunity to develop a specialization in African American issues while pursuing a major in
another field. Certificate students learn about the social, economic, political and cultural history
of the African American people through a concentration of courses they plan with the AASD
Academic Advisor. Courses taken toward the certificate also may be used to satisfy General
Education requirements and electives.
Earning a Certificate in African American Studies gives students a competitive advantage in the
job market by adding greater focus to their undergraduate experience.
Please see catalog section on "Certificate Programs" for more information and requirements for a
Certificate in African American Studies.
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The African American Studies Department has mandatory advising for all AASD majors.
Undergraduates in good academic standing may enroll in the African American Studies
Department or obtain more information about available options and services by contacting the
Undergraduate Academic Advisor, African American Studies Department, 1119 Taliaferro Hall,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, 301-405-1158.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
African American Studies majors and certificate students are welcome and encouraged to apply
for undergraduate research assistantships as part of AASP386, Experiential Learning. The
student must be in good standing and have at least 56 cumulative credit hours to apply.
Additionally, AASD majors with an overall GPA of 3.0 or above may enroll, with department
permission, in the AASP397, Senior Thesis, working with one or more core AASD faculty
members. The student must have successfully completed AASP297, Research Methods in
African American Studies.
For more information and details, please call the AASD Academic Advisor at 301-405-1158.
Fieldwork Opportunities
Experiential Learning, AASP386, in African American Studies is an academic seminar for
majors and certificate students who are working at internship or service sites and organizations
whose mission and goals related to the African American experience. Through course work and
class discussions, students are challenged to integrate their experiential experiences with the
interdisciplinary study of past and present African American communities. To successfully earn
credit for experiential learning students must fulfill the requirements at the internship or service
site, participate in a weekly seminar, and complete the assigned projects aimed at bringing
together academic research, reflective work, and professional development.
The internship or service portion of the course requires students to work closely with their site
supervisors. Students are required to fulfill the job responsibilities and work the number of hours
per week that is outlined in their learning proposals. Site supervisors define specific job
responsibilities and assignments, monitor their training, and evaluate their performance at the
end of the semester by completing an evaluation form and submitting a letter of recommendation
to be included in their portfolios.
Students are also required to participate in a weekly seminar and complete assignments that
examine the relationship between classroom, work, and service experiences. The seminar will
give students the opportunity to discuss their internships and how their experiences are enhanced
by their understanding of African American studies. During the seminar, students will share
information about assignments and give each other feedback. Students will evaluate their
internship sites and the roles the sites play in black communities and in promoting social change.
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AASP386 - Experiential Learning in African American Studies was developed to enable
majors and certificate students to formally link their academic studies to experiences as
undergraduate teaching assistants, undergraduate research assistants, and through external
internships, while doing so in a structured learning context.
Undergraduate teaching assistants and undergraduate research assistants work directly with an
AASD faculty member who provides supervision and mentoring to the student in all aspects of
their undergraduate assistantship.
Student participating in external internships work closely with their site supervisors. Students
are required to fulfill the job responsibilities and work the number of hours per week that is
outlined in their learning proposals. Site supervisors define specific job responsibilities and
assignments, monitor their training, and evaluate their performance at the end of the semester by
completing an evaluation form and submitting a letter of recommendation to be included in their
All students must participate in a weekly seminar, and complete assigned projects aimed at
bringing together academic research, reflective work, and professional development.
Honors Program
AASD offers honors sections for many of our General Education and upper-level elective
AASP397, Senior Thesis, is a capstone course that offers AASD majors who have a cumulative
GPA of 3.0 or higher and who complete AASP297, Research Methods in African America
Studies, with a "B+" or better, the opportunity to work with a tenured or tenured-track AASD
faculty member in an independent study to complete a senior thesis project.
Senior thesis students have the opportunity to research, write, and orally defend their thesis
project before a panel of AASD faculty.
Please make an appointment to see the AASD Academic Advisor about the honors sequence by
calling 301-405-1158.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
AASD majors have the opportunity of being well prepared for leadership positions in campus
organizations. AASD majors have historically held notable positions at the University of
Maryland in such organizations as the NAACP, Alpha Nu Omega Sorority, Incorporated and
The Black Student Union.
The Society of African American Studies is the student-run organization associated with and
supported by the department. The Society provides community service in local schools, hosts
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on-campus programs and events, and annually has supported a local family through its "Adopt-a-
Family" program.
The Society annually sponsors a "Saturday Freedom School" program which brings middle
school children from a local Prince George's County Public School to campus for seven
consecutive Saturdays. The program provides mentoring and academic support that seeks to
foster the development of positive Black identities in the student participants, while
strengthening their academic performance.
Students are recruited from across the UMD campus to serve as mentors to Saturday Freedom
School participants.
Please call 301-405-1158 to inquire about the Society of African American Studies.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, please visit
Awards and Recognition
Graduating seniors with an overall GPA of a 3.2 who have earned a 3.5 GPA within the major
are recognized with departmental honors.
Graduating seniors with an overall GPA of a 3.5 who have earned a 3.7 GPA within the major
are recognized with departmental high honors.
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
2200 Symons Hall, 301-405-1293
Chair: J. Hanson
Professors: A. Alberini, R. Chambers, J. Hanson, R. Just, E. Lichtenberg, L. Lynch, M. Nerlove,
L. Olson, S. Salant (Res Prof), R. Williams
Associate Professors: H. Leathers, K. Leonard
Assistant Professors: S. Gunnsteinsson, J. Holzer Bilbao, S. Houde, P. Jakiela, D. Newburn, M.
Instructors: A. Ellixson (Extension Legal Specialist), P. Goeringer (Extension Legal Specialist),
D. Johnson (Farm Management Specialist)
Affiliate Professors: P. Cramton, M. Cropper
Adjunct Professors: J. Chavas, R. Fare, J. Hoddinott, A. Lange, J. List, J. Quiggin
Adjunct Associate Professors: K. McNew
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Professors Emeriti: N. Bockstael, E. Brown, J. Cain, I. Hardie, D. Hueth, D. Lipton, J. Moore, I.
Strand, D. Tuthill
The Major
Agricultural and Resource Economics majors complete a set of prerequisite courses, a core of
classes offered by the Agricultural and Resource Economics Department, and one or more fields
comprised of selected courses from outside the department. The core includes courses in
economic reasoning, agribusiness management, environmental and resource policy, agricultural
policy, economic development, and analytical methods. The program permits students flexibility
in choosing fields to fit their career interests. Majors must complete one and are strongly
encouraged to complete two fields. The curriculum balances breadth and depth, and lets students
develop academic skills in two or more areas. The program provides a good foundation for
careers in economics, resource or environmental policy, agribusiness, and international
agriculture. Students are also able to minor in Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the degree program, students should have acquired the following knowledge
and skills:
An understanding of economic terms and concepts.
An ability to draw inferences from data.
A knowledge of relevant laws, institutions, and policies.
Requirements for the Major
Prerequisite Courses
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 3
Economic Statistics, OR
Business Statistics
Elementary Calculus I, OR
Calculus I
Elementary Statistics and Probability, OR
Math Modeling and Probability
Major Core Courses
Seven of these courses must be successfully
Applied Price Analysis
Economics of Production
Econometric Applications in Agriculture
Economics of the Food Sector
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Economics of Commodity Marketing
Introduction to Agriculture and Resource
Food and Agricultural Policy
Commodity Futures and Options
Agricultural Development in the Third
Sustainable Economic Development
Economics of Natural Resource Use
Economics of Land Use
Energy and Environmental Economics
Introduction to Econometrics in
Farm Management
Computer-Based Analysis in Agricultural
and Resource Economics
any other 3 credit 400-level AREC course may be
substituted with permission of advisor
All majors must complete one of the following fields.
Two are strongly encouraged.
Business Management
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Business Finance
Marketing Principles
Management and Organization
Business Law I
Other 300-level BMGT courses may be
substituted, with permission of advisor.
(The AREC department cannot authorize
students to take BMGT courses that are
restricted to business majors.)
Total Credits
Agricultural Science
Six (or more) courses in agricultural
science, including:
Fundamentals of Agricultural Mechanics
Introduction to Horticulture, OR
Introduction to Crop Science
Soil and Environmental Quality
Principles of Animal Science
Other courses in agricultural science,
chosen in consultation with an advisor.
Substitutions to the above listed courses
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may be made with the permission of
Total Credits
Food Production
Six courses from the following list:
Introduction to Physics, OR
Fundamentals of Physics
Principles of Molecular and Cellular
Biology and Lab
General Microbiology
Elements of Nutrition
Food Science and Technology
Food Microbiology
Food Quality Control
Other courses related to food science can
be substituted with permission of advisor.
Total Credits
Environmental and Resource Policy
Six courses from the following list:
Environmental Economics
Theory and Practice of Environmental
Environmental History
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems
Introduction to Environmental Politics
Global Ecopolitics
Other courses related to environmental
policies or sciences can be substituted with
permission of advisor.
Total Credits
International Agriculture
Six courses from the following list:
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Economic Development of
Underdeveloped Areas
International Economics
Population Geography
International Political Relations
International Relations in the Third World
Crops, Soils and Civilization
International Crop Production
Other courses related to international
economics, business, politics, or
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agriculture can be substituted with
permission of advisor.
Total Credits
Political Process
Any six courses in government and
politics, chosen with permission of the
Total Credits
Advanced Degree Preparation
Six (or more) courses from the following
Advanced Macroeconomics
Game Theory
Strategic Behavior and Incentives
Econometrics I
Econometrics II
Mathematical Economics
Calculus II
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Calculus III
Other courses in mathematics, statistics, or
econometrics may be substituted with
permission of advisor.
Total Credits
Student Designed Field
This field requires a written proposal listing
at least six courses totaling at least 18
credits. The proposal must
be submitted to
the Undergraduate Committee of the
AREC department. Committee approval
must be obtained 30 or more credit hours
before graduation. A student designed field
may be used to study a foreign language as
part of the AREC curriculum.
Total Credits
Other Requirements for the Major
All courses must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better to count towards prerequisite courses,
major core courses, or field requirements. "C- or better" means any grade for which the
University awards 1.7 or more quality points in calculating GPA. Beginning with students
matriculating Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate degree, students must have a minimum
"C" (2.00) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy major degree
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Requirements for the Minor
Four minors exist in AREC, Agribusiness Economics, Resource and Agricultural Policy in
Economic Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, and Global
Poverty. Requirements are listed below:
Agribusiness Economics
Choose five courses from the following list. Nine credits must be at the 300-400 level.
Introduction to Economics and the Environment
Elements of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Farm Management and Sustainable Food Production
Applied Price Analysis
Economics of Production
Economics of Food Sector
Economics of Commodity Marketing Systems
Food and Agricultural Policy
Commodity Futures and Options
Econometric Applications in Agricultural and Natural Resource
Another AREC course can be substituted for one of the courses listed with permission
of the AREC Undergraduate Coordinator.
15 Total Credits
Resource and Agricultural Policy in Economic Development
Choose five courses from the following list. Nine credits must be at the 300-400 level.
Introduction to Economics and the Environment
Elements of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Global Poverty and Economic Development
World Hunger, Population and Food Supplies
Food and Agricultural Policy
Agricultural Development, Population Growth, and Environment
Natural Resources and Public Policy
Econometric Applications in Agricultural and Natural Resource
Sustainable Economic Development
Another AREC course can be substituted for one of the courses listed with permission
of the AREC Undergraduate Coordinator.
15 Total Credits
Environmental Economics and Policy
Choose five courses from the following list. Nine credits must be at the 300-400 level.
The Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem: Intersection of Science, Economics, and
Introduction to Economics and the Environment
Elements of Agricultural and Resource Economics
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Computer-based Analysis in Agricultural and Resource Economics
(Prerequisites: AREC 240 and MATH 111, STAT 100, or equivalent)
Agricultural Development, Population Growth, and Environment
Natural Resources and Public Policy
The Economics of Climate Change
Economics of Land Use
Econometric Applications in Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics
Another AREC course can be substituted for one of the courses listed with permission
of the AREC Undergraduate Coordinator.
15 Total Credits
Global Poverty
Students must complete at least 15 credits in the Minor including at least one of the following
Signature courses in the Global Poverty Minor:
AREC345 Global Poverty and Economic Development (3 credits)
AREC365 World Hunger, Population, and Food Supplies (3 credits)
and at least one signature course from another track in the Global Studies Minor Program:
BSST330 Terrorist Motivations and Behaviors (3 credits)
ENES472 International Business Cultures in Engineering and Technology (3 credits)
GEOG130 Developing Countries (3 credits)
GEOG330 As the World Turns: Society and Sustainability in a Time of Great Change (3
GVPT306 Global Ecopolitics (3 credits)
The remaining credits must be completed from the following:
AREC445 Agricultural Development, Population Growth and the Environment (3 credits)
ANTH265 Anthropology of Global Health (3 credits)
GVPT282 Politics and the Developing World (3 credits)
GVPT350 International Relations of the Third World (3 credits)
GEOG423 Latin America (3 credits)
ECON314 Economic History, Development and Policy (3 credits)
ECON315 Economic Development of Underdeveloped Areas (3 credits)
ECON317 Global Economic Policies (3 credits)
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ECON375 Economics of Poverty and Discrimination (3 credits)
ECON416 Theory of Economic Development (3 credits)
ECON418 Economic Development of Selected Areas (3 credits)
ENST100 International Crop Production-Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century (3 credits)
FMSC381 Poverty, Affluence, and Families (3 credits)
GEOG130 Developing Countries (3 credits)
HIST496 Africa Since Independence (3 credits)
HONR228N Evaluating Global Development Assistance (3 credits)
HONR228R Parenting and Poverty: The Effects of Growing Up Poor on Children's
Development (3 credits)
NFSC425 International Nutrition (3 credits)
3 credits of study abroad or 3 credits of an internship or experiential learning related to poverty
and approved by advisor.
A second Global Poverty signature course and additional signature courses from another Global
Studies Minor may serve as electives provided they are not being used to satisfy the
requirements of a different minor. Students may also propose other courses to meet the elective
requirement. No course may be used to satisfy the requirements of more than one minor.
At least 9 credits must be at the 300-400 level.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. Beginning
with students matriculating in Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate degree, students must
have a minimum “C” (2.00) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy
minor requirements.
Because the program is flexible, advising is mandatory every semester. Please visit this link for
more information:
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Undergraduate Research Experiences
Because it is part of a land grant university, the Department also has responsibility for research
and technology transfer. During undergraduate study, students are encouraged to conduct
independent research in faculty laboratories on campus or at the nearby U.S. Department of
Agriculture Beltsville Agricultural Research Center and other area locations.
AREC faculty members provide a unique and rewarding research experience for undergraduates
through the UMD First-Year Innovation & Research Experience (FIRE) program. The research
agenda is continually updated and is designed to engage multiple focus areas in the
department’s advanced computational collaborative learning center. Current examples include
how species characteristics, ecosystems, markets, technology and trade influence the
conservation or overexploitation of natural resources, the impact of renewable energy systems
and vehicle ownership on environmental quality and interventions that encourage households
and small businesses to invest in cost-effective, energy-saving technologies. Students develop
quantitative research skills including: framing research questions for quantitative policy
analysis, preparing large data sets for analysis, data analytics and visualization techniques, and
preparing research results for presentation, publication and outreach. This opportunity is
available to first-year students of all majors. For more information please visit:
Internship Program
This internship experience is open to current AREC undergraduate students and students in the
Global Poverty minor.
Internship Program Description
Students will identify an internship and start the process of getting approval from the Assistant
Director. If students need help with identifying an internship, the Assistant Director can provide
assistance. Once approval is given and all paperwork is signed, the student will register for the
internship course, AREC386. A students must complete the internship in the same semester
he/she register for the course.
Please visit this link for additional information:
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
AREC offers scholarships to AREC undergrads. These awards are based on merit and are in
addition to any funding received from the campus or from the college. Currently, scholarship
awards are available to the full-time AREC majors with the highest GPAs. They are determined
on a semester basis and depend on the availability of funds. Scholarship awardees are required
to conduct themselves in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University.
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The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Agricultural Science and Technology (AGST)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
2139 Plant Sciences Building, 301-405-4359
Chair: A. Murphy (Prof & Chair)
Director: B. Phillips (Asst Clin Prof)
Professors: S. Cohan (Clin Prof, Lecturer), J. Culver (Prof, Affiliate Prof), J. Sullivan (Prof,
Lecturer, Affiliate Prof), C. Walsh (Prof)
Associate Professors: S. Xiao (Assoc Prof)
The Major
The Major
Agricultural Science and Technology is an interdisciplinary major about sustainable crop
production. Students can choose either agronomy or environmental horticulture. This major is a
science based curriculum that allows students to obtain technological skills in a broad area of
agricultural studies. There are two specializations to choose from: Agronomy or Environmental
Agronomy students will be educated in a broad range of agricultural disciplines providing them
with a comprehensive education in crop, soil and animal sciences. Students will take courses in
Animal Science, Crop Science, Soil Science, Agricultural Economics and Pest Management.
This specialization has electives that allows students to design their curriculum and develop
knowledge in areas that meet their future goals. Students in this specialization may take
coursework in a program designed to prepare them to teach high school agriculture. Graduates
will be prepared to work in the agricultural industry in agricultural extension, management,
marketing, regulatory, support services, teaching, etc.
Environmental Horticulture
The Environmental Horticulture specialization focuses on the science, technology and
management of fruit, vegetable, flower and woody ornamental plant production. The applied
aspects of the curriculum include training in plant propagation, greenhouse crop production
systems, containerized nursery production, and the application of high tunnels for extending the
fruit and vegetable crop production season. Courses are taken in plant science, soil science, plant
protection and food safety practices. Graduates of this program pursue careers in urban
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agriculture, horticultural enterprises and public education programs. Students can prepare for
plant science graduate programs by taking additional courses.
The Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture offers two other undergraduate
degrees: the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Plant Sciences and the Bachelor of Landscape
Architecture (BLA).
Courses offered by this department are under: PLSC and LARC.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will develop technical and knowledge-based skills in the required areas of study.
Students will use technical and basic learned knowledge to collaborate, solve problems,
and then articulate conclusions.
Students shall develop effective communication skills and demonstrate the ability to
present ideas with clarity to an appropriate audience.
Students will connect and build relationships with external groups in the appropriate
fields of study.
Requirements for the Major
Both specializations:
Principles of Animal Science
Principles of Animal Science Laboratory
Elements of Agricultural and Resource
Restricted Elective
BSCI337 or
Biology of Insects
Insects of Ornamentals and Turf
Chemistry I Fundamentals of General
Chemistry and Laboratory
Fundamentals of Soil Science
College Algebra with Applications
Plant Structure and Function
Fundamentals of Agricultural Mechanics
PLSC275 or
Agricultural Chemistry
Organic Chemistry and Laboratory
Plant Pathology
Weed Science
Application of Knowledge in Plant Sciences
**Students may take any course having the required hours in the area indicated.
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Agronomy Specialization:
Accounting, Education, Computer
Science or Policy
Restricted Elective
Livestock Management
Principles of Ecology and
Evolution and Laboratory
Restricted Elective
Introduction to Crop Science
Restricted Elective
Agronomy Specialization Requirements
Core Major Requirements
Additional General Education Requirements
Environmental Horticulture Specialization:
Principles of Molecular and Cellular
Biology and Laboratory
ENST411 or
Principles of Soil Fertility
Cultural Management of Nursery and
Greenhouse Systems
Irrigation, Surface Water, Nutrients)
Plants, Genes and Biotechnology
Introduction to Horticulture
Plant Propagation
International Crop Production
Environmental Plant Physiology
Greenhouse Crop Production
Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Crop
Environmental Horticulture Specialization
Core Major Requirements
Additional General Education Requirements
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The Department has mandatory faculty advising for each of its major and minor
programs. Students are required to meet with their faculty advisor at least twice a year. See the
Director, Dr. B. Phillips (301-405-1061), or the Coordinator of Academic Programs in 2139
Plant Sciences Building (301-405-4359) for additional information.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Students are encouraged to take part in faculty mentored research. Please contact an advisor for
more information.
Internships are a part of the required curriculum and can be readily arranged for students
interested in private or government sector employment.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The department sponsors student teams that participate in regional and national contests. These
teams participate in competitions in the following areas: turf, weed and crop science, and
landscape contracting.
Students enrolled in this major enjoy taking part in one or more of these teams.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Several scholarships and awards are available to AGST students. Contact the Associate Dean's
office at 301-405-2078 for additional information. The Department also maintains a listing of
scholarships. For more information regarding these scholarships contact Sharde Davenport in
2104 Plant Sciences, 301-405-6244.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
American Studies (AMST)
College of Arts and Humanities
1328 Tawes Hall, 301-405-1354
Chair: P. Williams-Forson
Professors: J. Paoletti, J. Wong
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Associate Professors: J. Farman, C. Hanhardt, N. Mirabal, S. Parks, M. Sies (Undergrad Prog
Dir), P. Williams-Forson
Assistant Professors: L. Bruce, P. Guerrero, J. Padios (Grad Prog Dir)
Instructors: M. Arnoldi (Res Assoc), M. Salazar-Porzio
Senior Lecturer: J. Maffie
Lecturers: A. Ali, R. Chester, L. Gordon, C. LaRoche, S. Pramschufer
Affiliate Professors: J. Auerbach, I. Berlin (Dist Univ Prof), A. Cabrera, C. Caramello, W.
Cohen, B. Dill (Dean), J. Donawerth, W. Falk, M. Feldstein, J. Freidenberg, J. Greene, R.
Grimm, R. Harrison, S. Kim, K. King, J. Klumpp, M. Leone, R. Levine, D. Linebaugh, B.
Pearson, J. Quintero-Herencia, S. Ray, B. Richardson, G. Ritzer (Dist Univ Prof), P. Shackel, B.
Shneiderman (Dist Univ Prof), S. Simpson, M. Smith, N. Stromquist, O. Wang, M. Washington,
D. Wyatt, R. Zambrana, M. Zilfi
Affiliate Associate Professors: R. Ater, S. Barkin, E. Barkley Brown, R. Bauer, M. Bell, F.
Carpenter, C. Eades, D. Freund, M. Geores, S. Giovacchini, I. Gournay, M. Graber, S. Harley,
M. Kirschenbaum, M. Lindemann, S. Madhavan, R. Muncy, Z. Nunes, R. Ontiveros, J.
Richardson, A. Rodriguez, L. Rowland, M. Rowley, D. Sicilia, J. Sullivan, O. Wang, P. Warfield
Affiliate Assistant Professors: S. Balachandran Orihuela, A. Lothian, W. Lung Amam
Adjunct Professors: B. Finn
Professors Emeriti: J. Caughey (Prof Emeritus), R. Kelly (Prof Emeritus), L. Mintz (Assoc Prof
Emeritus), N. Struna
The Major
American Studies provides students with a flexible, coherent, and interdisciplinary program of
study. We focus on the cultures of everyday lives and cultural constructions of identity and
difference in Americans' lives, past and present, in a transnational and global framework. The B.
A. degree prepares students for graduate work or careers in fields such as law, government and
social policy, media, non-profit and social justice organizations, cultural institutions, education,
and business. The department provides opportunities for internships, research, study abroad,
and departmental honors. Each student meets every semester with a faculty advisor to plan an
individualized course of study tailored to each student's interests and goals. American studies is a
small department with a friendly atmosphere, faculty dedicated to teaching, and an excellent
national academic reputation. Courses offered by the Department of American Studies may be
found under the acronym AMST.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to engage fully with the curriculum, faculty, their fellow students, and the
opportunities available for learning and research. Upon completion of the degree program,
students will have demonstrated an understanding of multiple dimensions of diversity, possess
the ability to answer research questions by using appropriate American Studies methodologies,
and have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
Understanding and applying interdisciplinary theories and methods.
Understanding American Studies as a field, including current and emerging issues.
Understanding of cultural literacy, including visual, textual and cybercultural literacies.
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Understanding the political and historical dimensions of culture.
Understanding the importance of cultural diversity in American society.
An ability to connect classroom and extracurricular learning in fostering active, engaged
Admission to the Major
Students interested in declaring the American Studies major should make an appointment with
the Undergraduate Program Director.
Requirements for the Major
The major in American Studies requires a minimum of 42 credits distributed as follows:
AMST101 (required of all majors) - 3 credits
One AMST 1xx or 2xx-level course, e.g. AMST202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 212, 260, 298 -
3 credits
Two Americanist Foundation courses from a list of approved choices. Americanist
Foundation courses are 1xx or 2xx-level courses in departments such as AASP, ARTH,
ENGL, HIST, SOCY, and WMST. (The current list of courses approved for the
requirement is posted on the department's web site: www.amst.umd.edu) - 6 credits
Some or all of the 2xx-level courses may also fulfill General Education Requirements.
Four 3xx or 4xx-level AMST courses - 12 credits
AMST340 - History, Theory and Methods in American Studies (required) - 3 credits
AMST450 - Seminar in American Studies (required) - 3 credits
AMST340 and AMST450 constitute a sequence emphasizing independent research based on
original sources and culminating in a senior thesis. AMST340 is a prerequisite for AMST450
and must be completed before enrollment in the senior seminar. The sequence is usually taken in
the student's senior year.
A Focus Area consisting of four 3xx or 4xx-level courses in another department or
university approved minor. (A list of suggested Focus Areas can be found on the
department's web site: www.amst.umd.edu.) - 12 credits
At least twelve of the 3xx or 4xx-level credits must be at the 4xx-level. A grade of "C-" or better
is required in every course submitted in fulfillment of major requirements. An overall GPA of 2.0
in the major is required for graduation.
Total credits: 42
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Requirements for the Minor
Minor in U.S. Latina/o Studies
College of Arts and Humanities
4114 Susquehanna, 301-405-1354
The minor, which requires a total of 15 credits, is intended for students who wish to develop a
specialization in U.S. Latina/o Studies alongside their degree pursuits. It is optimal for students
engaged in work with U.S. Latina/o communities in a variety of professions and academic fields
including history, literature, education, urban studies and planning, health care, social services,
business, government, public policy, among others.
Requirements (15 credits)
A. Two 1xx or 2xx-level Foundation Courses (6 credits) - All students are required to take the
two foundational courses:
USLT201 - U.S. Latina/o Studies I: An Historical Overview to 1960s
USLT202 - US. Latina/o Studies II: A Contemporary Overview, 1960s-Present.
B. One 3xx or 4xx-level Course (3 credits)
All students are required to take the 3xx or 4xx-level course: USLT 488/Senior Seminar in U.S.
Latina/o Studies
C. Two 3xx or 4xx-level Elective Courses (6 credits)
In addition to the three required foundational courses, students will select two elective courses in
consultation with the USLT advisor.
The elective courses will come from two of the following categories: Humanities, Social
Sciences, Languages, and Education.
For these electives, students can choose USLT498/Special Topics in U.S. Latina/o Studies and
from a list of pre-approved courses offered through other departments or programs. Elective
courses will explore the historical, cultural, political, economic, and sociological dimensions of
U.S. Latina/o experiences. These courses will be approved by the faculty advisory committee.
Additional courses that include comparative U.S. Latino content, such as in LASC or GVPT,
would be eligible for inclusion in the minor with the approval of the USLT advisor.
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
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To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Advising in American Studies is mandatory every semester for all majors. Students pursuing the
major should review the academic benchmarks established for this program. See:
www.4yearplans.umd.edu. Students will be periodically reviewed to insure they are meeting
benchmarks and progressing to the degree. Students who fall behind program benchmarks are
subject to special advising requirements and other interventions.
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Majors in American Studies complete a research project for the senior seminars, AMST340 and
450. They are encouraged to gain additional research experience by working with individual
faculty members and advanced graduate students or participating in one of the Department's
Working Groups. See the Department website for more information about
research: www.amst.umd.edu.
Juniors and seniors with a 2.5 GPA or better may apply 3 credits of internship (AMST386) to the
42 credits required for the major. Students must consult with a faculty advisor about a
prospective internship prior to registration and complete and sign an internship contract. All
internships must have an approved academic component. For further information, contact the
Undergraduate Studies Director.
Honors Program
The departmental honors program offers outstanding students an opportunity to add distinction to
their academic records by undertaking an independent research project in an area of particular
interest to them.
The program is intended to allow students preparing for graduate study or a professional career
to apply and further develop their research, analytic, and writing skills in an independent project
of their own design, in consultation with a faculty mentor. Students are encouraged to make use
of the rich resources of the Washington-Baltimore area, including major research institutions
such as the Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress, and the National Archives.
Students in the honors program take two honors-designated courses and two semesters of
AMST388 Honors Thesis, a total of twelve credits. Students enrolled in honors are excused from
AMST450 Senior Seminar. These requirements fit within the 42 credits required to complete the
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major. Participation in honors does not require additional coursework beyond the required 42
Eligibility: Students must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the time of entry into the
program, and must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA overall to remain in good standing. To
graduate with honors in American Studies, students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a GPA
of 3.2 or higher in their major coursework.
Application: Students who wish to pursue Honors work should contact the Director of
Undergraduate Studies at (301) 405.1354 during their junior year to discuss the program and
application procedures.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The department awards the David Ellis Memorial Scholarship annually. For information and
requirements, contact the American Studies office (301-405-1354).
In addition, the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state,
and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For more information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The department recognizes outstanding accomplishments by undergraduates at its
commencement ceremony. Monetary prizes are awarded to the graduate with the highest
cumulative GPA, to the author of the best Honors thesis, and to a graduate who has provided
exceptional service to the campus or the community. The department also awards the Savneet
Talwar Best Senior Paper Prize to an undergraduate who has authored an outstanding senior
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College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
1415 Animal Sciences Center, 301-405-1373
Chair: C. Stahl
Professors: C. Angel, R. Erdman, I. Hamza, C. Keefer, R. Kohn, R. Peters, T. Porter
Associate Professors: A. Burk, J. Song, W. Stricklin, L. Taneyhill, L. Woods, Z. Xiao, L. Yu, N.
Assistant Professors: D. Biswas, R. Dennis (Asst Prof), B. Kim, L. Ma (Asst Prof), K. Moyes, E.
Orlando, B. Telugu
Lecturers: R. Apter, S. Balcom, A. Black (Coordinator), C. Hakenkamp
Affiliate Professors: S. Schoenian
Professors Emeriti: J. Doerr, L. Douglass, T. Hartsock, J. Heath, J. Majeskie, I. Mather, M.
Ottinger, J. Soares, J. Vandersall, M. Varner, I. Vijay, D. Westhoff, W. Williams
The Major
The Department of Animal and Avian Sciences provides a challenging program for academically
talented students interested in the application of biology and technology to the care, management
and study of domestic and aquatic animals. In addition to emphasizing the traditional farm
species of dairy and beef cattle, sheep, swine and poultry, our program includes options in equine
studies, animal biotechnology, and sciences which prepare students for veterinary or graduate
school. Animal sciences majors explore a wide range of subjects - from fundamental biology to
animal nutrition, physiology and genetics - while integrating science and economics into animal
management. Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym:
Our department offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. Roughly one-third of our animal sciences
seniors enter veterinary school, while others go on to graduate school. Our graduates also pursue
a variety of careers such as research technicians, sales or marketing representatives, or animal
Program Objectives
The Department of Animal and Avian Sciences was formed in 1997 through the merger of the
Animal Science, Dairy Science and Poultry Science Departments. Animal science is the study of
domesticated animals used for food, biomedical research, and leisure. Our department fulfills a
tripartite mission of research, teaching, and extension.
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the ANSC undergraduate program will be able to:
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Articulate the basic housing, husbandry, dietary, and behavioral needs of the common
domestic species.
Safely handle horses, sheep, cows, pigs, and chickens.
Select, understand, and critically evaluate scientific studies in animal sciences disciplines.
Apply animal science knowledge to the creation of animal management programs
(husbandry, health, reproduction, nutrition, etc).
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Our facilities in the Animal Sciences Center include classrooms, an inviting lecture hall, and a
large social area for students. The entire building is Wi-Fi accessible, and numerous charging
outlets are available for student use. Our teaching facilities also includes two fully-equipped
teaching labs and an aquaculture lab, while our animal wing contains animal rooms and a surgery
The Campus Farm (http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/campus-farm) has been described as a
“jewel” to the ANSC undergraduate program activities. It is used extensively in teaching
laboratories in undergraduate courses, and includes three barns separately used for horses, sheep,
and dairy cows with temporary occupancy for pigs and beef heifers during short parts of the
year. We are one of the few animal science departments with the presence of animals directly on
campus. Three student organizations, the Institute for Applied Agriculture, and many “Ag Day”
visitors use the farm as well, making it a focal point of our teaching facilities.
Admission to the Major
The Animal Science curriculum for all options is a rigorous and science-based programs.
Students receive a solid foundation in basic biological sciences and ANSC courses are largely
taught on a comparative basis, where students can then apply the knowledge they gain to a
variety of species and situations.
Requirements for the Major
Animal Sciences prepares students for veterinary school, graduate school, and careers in
research, sales and marketing, biotechnology, aquaculture, and animal production. The curricula
apply the principles of biology and technology to the care, management, and study of dairy and
beef cattle, horses, fish, sheep, swine, and poultry. Students complete the Animal Sciences core
courses and choose a specialization area: Animal Biotechnology, Animal Care and
Management, Equine Studies, or Sciences/Professional Option to prepare for admission to
graduate, veterinary, pharmacy, nursing or medical school.
Students pursuing the major should review the academic benchmarks established for this
program. See www.4yearplans.umd.edu or visit the ANSC Program Requirements
(https://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/program-requirements) website. Students will be
periodically reviewed to insure they are meeting benchmarks and progressing to the degree.
Students who fall behind program benchmarks are subject to special advising requirements and
other interventions.
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Please note: there is a $50 per course fee for Animal Science Laboratory courses.
All undergraduates majoring in Animal Sciences
must complete the following
Principles of Animal Sciences
Principles of Animal Sciences Laboratory
Animal Anatomy
Animal Physiology
Animal Physiology Laboratory
Comparative Animal Nutrition
Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology
and Lab
General Microbiology
General Chemistry I/Laboratory
One from:
Elementary Calculus I
Calculus I
One from:
Elements of Agricultural and Resource
Principles of Micro-Economics
All students must complete 30-40 credits in one
of the following six options.
(0104A) Required Courses
Applied Animal Nutrition
Health Management of Animal Populations
Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
Farm Management
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Organic Chemistry
Plus take 9 credits from the following courses
(Advanced ANSC Electives):
Equine Science
Experimental Embryology
Animal Biotechnology
Zoonotic Diseases and Control
Physiology of Lactation
Domestic Animal Endocrinology
Animal Breeding Plans
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Avian Physiology
Animal Welfare and Bioethics
Applied Animal Behavior
Comparative Vertebrate Immunology
Animal Biotechnology Recombinant DNA
Plus take 9 credits from the following courses
(Management Courses):
Livestock Management
Horse Management
Dairy Cattle Management
Companion Animal Management
Introduction to Aquaculture
Laboratory Animal Management
Commercial Poultry Management
2. EQUINE STUDIES (0104C) Required
Livestock Management
Horse Management
Equine Science
Applied Animal Nutrition
Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
Farm Management
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Organic Chemistry
Plus take 9 credits from the following courses
(Advanced ANSC Electives):
Health Management of Animal Populations
Experimental Embryology
Animal Biotechnology
Zoonotic Diseases and Control
Physiology of Lactation
Domestic Animal Endocrinology
Animal Breeding Plans
Avian Physiology
Animal Welfare and Bioethics
Applied Animal Behavior
Comparative Vertebrate Immunology
Animal Biotechnology Recombinant DNA
Plus take ONE COURSE from the following
Hay and Pasture Management
Equine Behavior
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Equine Business Management
Equine Reproduction
VET SCI (0104E and 1299D) Required
Applied Animal Nutrition
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
One from:
Biochemistry of Physiology
Cell Biology and Physiology
Organic Chemistry I/Laboratory
Organic Chemistry II/Laboratory
General Chemistry and Energetics/ Laboratory
Fundamentals of Physics I
Fundamentals of Physics II
Plus take 9 credits from the following courses
(Advanced ANSC Electives):
Health Management of Animal Populations
Animal Biotechnology
Critical Thinking in Animal Sciences
Physiology of Lactation
Domestic Animal Endocrinology
Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
Animal Breeding Plans
Avian Physiology
Animal Welfare and Bioethics
Applied Animal Behavior
Animal Biotechnology Recombinant DNA
Plus take 3 credits from the following courses
(Management Courses):
Livestock Management
Horse Management
Dairy Cattle Management
Companion Animal Management
Introduction to Aquaculture
Laboratory Animal Management
Required Courses
Animal Biotechnology
Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
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Animal Biotechnology Recombinant DNA
Biochemistry of Physiology
Cell Biology and Physiology
Organic Chemistry I/Laboratory
Organic Chemistry II/Laboratory
General Chemistry and Energetics/ Laboratory
Plus take 3 credits from the following course
Management Courses):
Livestock Management
Dairy Cattle Management
Introduction to Aquaculture
Laboratory Animal Management
Commercial Poultry Management
Plus take 6 credits from the following courses
(Advanced ANSC Electives):
Equine Science
Health Management of Animal Populations
Experimental Embryology
Zoonotic Diseases and Control
Physiology of Lactation
Domestic Animal Endocrinology
Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction
Animal Breeding Plans
Avian Physiology
Animal Welfare and Bioethics
Applied Animal Behavior
Comparative Vertebrate Immunology
Equine Science
Health Management of Animal Populations
Experimental Embryology
Animal Biotechnology
Zoonotic Diseases and Control
*A complete listing of all Management and Advanced ANSC Elective
courses is available online
: http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/course-
Other Requirements for the Major
Animal sciences majors select one of five options as an area of specialization. Program
requirements (http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/program-requirements) for all options are
available on our website, along with a list of ANSC courses
(http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/course-listing) and when they are offered.
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Science/Professional (0104E) - Prepares students for admission to veterinary or medical schools
and/or graduate school. Graduate school study can open the door to an exciting research career
in specialty areas of animal or biological sciences such as genetics, nutrition, physiology or cell
biology. The curriculum emphasizes advanced courses in the biological and physical sciences
and includes all the pre-veterinary and pre-medicine requirements.
Combined Ag & Vet Sci (1299D) - A combined degree program is available to students who
gain admission to veterinary school prior to completing their bachelor's degree. College of
Agriculture and Natural Resources students who have completed at least ninety hours, including
all college and university requirements, are awarded a bachelor of science degree upon
successful completion of at least thirty semester hours in an accredited college of veterinary
medicine. Early planning with your advisor is encouraged if you choose this option.
Equine Studies (0104C) - Offers hands-on learning opportunities in the area of equine science
and management. The Department of Animal and Avian Sciences at the University of Maryland
offers undergraduate students the opportunity to emphasize on horses while pursuing a Bachelor
of Science degree in Animal Science. Students may take equine courses that explore a wide
range of topics including anatomy and physiology, nutrition, reproduction, exercise, law,
insurance, facilities, health and disease, pasture management, and more. Our courses are
designed to provide valuable hands-on learning experiences to better prepare students to be
future leaders in the horse industry as well as other industries. In addition, ANSC students may
take one or more equine courses within the Institute of Applied Agriculture.
Animal Biotechnology (0104F) - The Animal Biotechnology option is a relatively new addition
to our program. It combines the basic required animal science courses with a focus on biology
and technology. This option has a heavy emphasis on science courses, to prepare students for a
professional career. Some of the career options with this track include: an industry career in
animal biotechnology; a graduate degree in biotechnology (either MS and/or PHD); or a
professional degree and career (Veterinary or Human Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy.)
Animal Care & Management (0104A) - Is designed for students whose career plans include
animal management, production and the marketing of animal products. The curriculum provides
basic courses in genetics, nutrition, physiology and reproduction while allowing students to focus
on the management of one particular livestock species. You will be encouraged to supplement
academic work with practical experience by completing an internship. Dairy science students,
for example, intern at local farms where they participate in decisions about breeding, feeding,
health practices, milk production and other aspects of herd management. This option will
prepare you for ownership or management positions with dairy, livestock or poultry production
enterprises; positions with marketing and processing organizations; breed associations; and
positions in agribusiness fields such as sales of feed, pharmaceutical products and agricultural
equipment. Graduates also work with state and federal agencies.
Minimum Grade Policy:
ANSC has a minimum grade policy which states that ANSC students must earn a “C-“ or
better in all major required courses, including ANSC courses and required supporting
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courses in other departments. More information on this policy is available on the ANSC
website (http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/program-requirements/minimum-grade-policy).
The Animal Science Department has mandatory advising, which means that a student must fulfill
their advising requirement every semester prior to being allowed to register. Students in ANSC
currently progress through advising in a system determined to help them explore their goals and
get the most accurate information possible in their early advising. We want to help students
transition from a typical high school model of advising being about school counselors helping
them choose courses to students learning to make their own, independent education, career, and
life choices under the mentorship of faculty. We refer to this as a program of “structured
independence.” For more information on Advising in ANSC
(http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising), including a detailed Advising Guide FAQ
(http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/advising-guide), please visit our website.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Because it is part of a land grant university, the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences also
has responsibility for research and technology transfer to the animal industry throughout
Maryland. During undergraduate study, students are encouraged to conduct independent
research in faculty laboratories on campus or at the nearby U.S. Department of Agriculture
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. Students interested in a faculty member's research
should directly contact that faculty member. Research jobs and opportunities are also frequently
posted on the ANSC Undergraduate listserv, to which all ANSC students are subscribed.
Students are encouraged to gain practical hands-on and career experience by pursuing
internships. Students have completed internships in locations ranging from the area around the
University, to cattle farms in the Midwest, agribusiness firms in California, and places like the
National Zoo in DC and the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Many animal sciences students use
the summer to gain additional applied experience in animal sciences, veterinary medicine or
agribusiness. Students can find information about internships, including the process for gaining
academic credit for an internship, on the ANSC website
(http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/internships-careers). Internship opportunities are also
frequently posted on the ANSC Undergraduate listserv, to which all ANSC students are
Honors Program
Students admitted to the AGNR Honors Program are eligible to take 3 - 6 credits of Honors
Thesis Research within the ANSC Department (ANSC388). Undergraduate honors thesis
research is conducted under the direction of an AGNR faculty member in partial fulfillment of
the requirements of the College of AGNR Honors Program. The thesis will be defended before a
faculty committee.
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Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The clubs and organizations affiliated with the Animal Science department allow ample
opportunities for leadership, development, hands-on animal experience, and fun!
Alpha Gamma Rho is a social/professional fraternity that has been a training ground for leaders
in the agriculture and life sciences community since it was established at College Park in 1928.
AGR has a rich tradition of alumni contacts with over 50,000 brothers nationwide, including
over 700 brothers in the Washington area alone. AGR men are leaders in various clubs within the
college and the fraternity is an active member of both the Inter-fraternity Council (IFC) and the
Ag Student Council. Alpha Gamma Rho stresses scholarship, leadership and fellowship, and it is
well respected among Greek organizations because of their no pledging, substance free, scholars
environment. In addition, the chapter house on Princeton Avenue offers the opportunity to live
with brothers who are taking the same classes and share many of the same interests which makes
it much easier to find a niche on such a large campus.
Website: http://www.marylandagr.com/home
Alpha Zeta is an agricultural professional honor society whose membership is selected from
undergraduate and graduate students excelling in scholarship, leadership, character, and
service. Organizational events include coordinating the Partners in Education program with the
USDA Agriculture Research Service, Beltsville Area, fund raising activities, community service
projects, awards and recognition programs, and an annual student/faculty/alumni banquet. A
popular annual event is coordinating a Field Day for young children at the nearby National
Agricultural Research Visitor Center at Beltsville.
The Animal Husbandry Club at The University of Maryland, provides opportunities for students
to gain animal handling experience, build interpersonal relationship skills, and students are given
the encouragement to excel! Activities and experiences specifically designed for students of
diversified interests in animal agriculture are provided, including experiences with many
different domestic species. Membership is open to all undergraduate students interested in
getting hands-on experience working with dairy, beef, sheep or swine, and learning more about
general animal sciences. Activities include the Ag Day Dairy and Livestock Shows, Harvest
Stomp/Fall Festival, fitting of animals for the annual Wye Angus Sale, and other activities
working with dairy animals. One can gain further leadership skills by holding an office. Each
Spring, elections are held for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian.
Visit the Web Site: http://umdblockandbridle.wix.com/blockandbridle
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Many colleges and universities have Collegiate 4-H clubs. Collegiate 4-H is an organization that
provides its members with a sense of identity on campus, enriches their lives through group
projects and recreation, and develops confidence and leadership skills. Clubs provide service
and support to their local and state 4-H programs, such as serving as judges and conducting
training workshops. They are also a service and social group for campus students. Collegiate 4-
H is open to all college students who wish to support youth and the 4-H program. It is not
necessary to have prior 4-H experience, only to have an interest in the 4-H ideals and in serving
your community.
UMCP Chapter Contact Info: [email protected]
Visit the Web Site: http://northeastregion.collegiate4h.org
MANNRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences)
MANRRS Missions:
This club was reinstated on University of Maryland's campus to provide academic and
professional advancement by empowering minorities in agriculture, natural resources and related
MANRRS Activities:
MANRRS’ purpose is to promote exposure to agricultural related professions including
veterinarians, lab animal techs, and jobs in the USDA, along with others to minorities. It lists
internship opportunities, and holds annual conferences for its members from all chapters. It also
serves as a networking tool for students interested in agriculture and related science professions.
Activities include: Club Meetings once a month; Fundraisers to provide funding for field trips to
meetings at possibly University of Maryland at Eastern Shore; annual MANRRS conferences
and job fairs; Volunteer Opportunities at SPCA; Guest Speakers in the veterinary medicine,
agriculture, and lab animal medicine field.
Visit the Web Site: http://www.manrrs.org
The Maryland Equestrian Club provides on-campus horseback riding lessons and equine learning
opportunities for campus students and faculty at beginner through advanced levels. The ANSC
department provides the barn, equipment, riding arenas and horses while the students provide
care for the horses. There is a riding fee of $200 per semester for 1 riding lesson a week for the
entire semester. Large deductions are easily earned for help with feeding, cleaning stalls or
teaching. Club members not riding are strongly encouraged to participate in other club activities,
such as educational and fun seminars, field trips and monthly meetings. In the past, MEC
members have attended the Columbia Grand Prix and the Washington International Horse Show
and taken field trips to the DuPont Veterinary Medical Center in Leesburg, Va. and Days End
Horse Rescue Farm in Maryland. Members have also participated in clinics on tack fitting and
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identifying lameness in horses. Club members, under the leadership of the Executive Board and
Directors, make most MEC club decisions. We offer a great opportunity to all students and
we're always open to suggestions. We also try to have something for everyone including basic
English equitation, Western equitation, dressage, bareback and trail riding, horse and farm
management, veterinary care, teaching skills and much more. The MEC is located at the campus
horse barn, and our office is in the Shack, right next to the paddocks. There is very limited space
in the riding lessons, so e-mail us right away to reserve yourself a spot in the most educational
equine club provided by the University of Maryland.
Contact: president.mec@gmail.com
Visit the Web Site: https://sites.google.com/site/marylandequestrianclub/
The Pre-Veterinary Society
The primary objectives of the The Pre-Veterinary Society are to: Promote a deeper
understanding of the numerous opportunities in veterinary medicine; exchange information on
veterinary and animal experiences, and. keep students updated on the latest veterinary school
What does the The Pre-Veterinary Society do?
A variety of guest speakers are invited to club meetings to talk about their specialties or
field of interest. A sample of topic include wildlife rehabilitation, laboratory animal
medicine, exotic pet care and veterinary ethics.
Each year, faculty from the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
speak to club members about veterinary medical school. Mock interviews are held in
January to prepare our club members for the admissions process.
Club sponsored trips offer our members the ability to tour various veterinary medical
facilities and talk to veterinary students and faculty and to visit local zoos and animal
care facilities.
Each year we participate in the APVMA National Symposium which is held at different
veterinary schools annually. This is an excellent opportunity to visit a vet school, plus
hear over 30 speakers on numerous topics and participate in a variety of wet and dry lab.
Volunteer with the Prince George's County Animal Shelter in partnership with PetSmart
to help find homes for abandoned animals
Website: http://umd.orgsync.com/org/prevetumd/home
Sigma Alpha is a national professional agricultural sorority. The objective of the sorority is to
promote its members in all facets of agriculture and to strengthen the friendships among
them. Members strive for achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, and to further the
development of women pursuing careers in agriculture. Sigma Alpha works to promote
agriculture, and women’s role, on our campus, in our community and throughout the
state. Activities include: attending regional and national conferences/conventions; participating
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in college events (Fall Bash, ANSC orientation, Cook-Offs); service activities - including
teaching agriculture to local elementary students and judging contests for the Maryland FFA;
professional Guest speakers, and participating in MD day/Ag day Membership rush is held on a
semester basis. To be eligible, potential members must have: 2.25 cumulative GPA, Agriculture
major or sincere interest in agriculture, be a member of 1 other group or Enrolled in 18 credits or
working 10 hours a week.
Visit the Web Site: http://www.sigmaalphaumd.org/home
The University of Maryland Equestrian Team is a sports club that competes in intercollegiate
competition through the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (ihsainc.com). Throughout the
year we compete against area schools such as Goucher, UMW, American, and many
others. Though showing is available to all team members, it is not required. Our team rides
once a week at Oatland Stables in Gaithersburg, MD. Additionally, our members have the
opportunity to participate in clinics and other horse-related events. Riders ranging from the levels
of walk/trot to open jumping (3' courses) are welcome to join our team. Please feel free to send
any questions to the email below. Also, like our page "Terps Equestrian Team" on Facebook
Terps Roots and Shoots
Our club is based on the belief that no world issue can be solved by only helping animals or
people or the environment. Therefore, our mission is to create programs each semester, which
will help benefit all three. Members will be involved in volunteer work such as organizing food
packages for the homeless, cleaning the Chesapeake Bay, and working at animal rescues. We
look forward to seeing the impact our club will have on the community through its diverse
volunteering experiences.
Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Terps-Roots-Shoots/162513503778223?v=info
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The ANSC program administers several scholarships, including:
Judith E. Brocksmith Pre-Veterinary Scholarship, Dodson Memorial Scholarship, C.W. England,
Tom Hartsock Animal Management Scholarship, the Kinghorne Fund Fellowship, and the
Lillian Hildebrandt Rummel Scholarship. For eligibility criteria, visit the ANSC website:
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
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participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
ANSC Faculty and students have been the recipients of numerous prestigious awards and honors.
To read more about our exceptional community, visit the ANSC website
Anthropology (ANTH)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
1111 Woods Hall, 301-405-1423
Chair: P. Shackel
Professors: J. Chernela, J. Freidenberg, M. Leone, M. Paolisso
Associate Professors: S. Brighton, B. Pavao-Zuckerman
Assistant Professors: S. Downey, C. Getrich, G. Hambrecht, A. Heller, K. Lafrenz Samuels, A.
Lopez, T. Sangaramoorthy, L. Shaffer
Lecturers: M. London, J. Messing
Affiliate Professors: A. Bolles (WMST), L. Frederik Meer (THET), J. Hanna, R. Harrison
(CMLT, LASC), S. Kim (WMST), D. Linebaugh (HISP)
Adjunct Professors: S. Abbott-Jamieson (NOAA), M. Butler, T. Cederstrom, C. Crain (LTG
Associates), S. Fiske (NOAA), A. Froment, S. Huertin-Roberts, J. Kunen (USAID), B. Little
(National Park Service), F. McManamon (National Park Service), M. Mieri (Smithsonian), C.
Puentes-Markides, D. Russell (USAID), J. Schablitsky (MD SHA), J. Schneider, R. Sobel
(Smithsonian), N. Tashima (LTG Associates), R. Winthrop (BLM)
Professors Emeriti: M. Agar, E. Chambers, N. Gonzalez, F. Jackson, T. Whitehead
The Major
Anthropology, the study of culture, seeks to understand humans as a whole - as social beings
who are capable of symbolic communication through which they produce a rich cultural record.
Anthropologists try to explain differences among cultures - differences in physical characteristics
as well as in customary behavior. Anthropologists study how culture has changed through time
as the human genus has spread over the earth. Anthropology is the science of the biological
evolution of human species, and the disciplined scholarship of the cultural development of
human beings' knowledge and customary behavior.
Anthropology at the University of Maryland offers rigorous training for many career options. A
strong background in anthropology is a definite asset in preparing for a variety of academic and
professional fields, ranging from the law and business, to comparative literature, philosophy and
the fine arts. Whether one goes on to a Master's or a Ph.D., the anthropology B.A. prepares one
for a wide range of non-academic employment, such as city and public health planning,
development consulting, program evaluation, and public archaeology. A Bachelor of Science in
Anthropology degree offers more concentrated training including physical science in the areas of
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archaeology, ecological anthropology and medical anthropology. Courses offered by this
department may be found under the acronym ANTH.
Program Learning Outcomes
Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the following knowledge
and skills:
Students shall have an integrated knowledge, awareness and understanding of a culturally
and biologically diverse world.
Students shall demonstrate an understanding of culture and society.
Students shall demonstrate the ability to understand complex research problems, and
articulate appropriate methods and theory.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Anthropology department offers beginning and advanced course work in four principal
subdivisions of the discipline: archaeology, cultural anthropology, ecological anthropology, and
medical anthropology. Within each area, the department offers some degree of specialization and
provides a variety of opportunities for research and independent study. Laboratory courses are
offered in ecological anthropology. Field schools are offered in archaeology. The
interrelationship of all branches of anthropology is emphasized.
The Anthropology department has a total of five laboratories, which are divided into teaching
labs and research labs. The department's four archaeology labs, containing materials collected
from field schools and research projects of the past several years, serve both teaching and
research purposes. The other laboratory is a teaching laboratory in ecological anthropology. The
Center for Heritage Research Studies, located in the Department of Anthropology, focuses on
research devoted to understanding the cultural characteristics of heritage and its uses.
The undergraduate curriculum is tied to the department's Master in Applied Anthropology
(M.A.A.) program; accordingly, preparation for non-academic employment upon graduation is a
primary educational goal of the department's undergraduate course work and internship and
research components. The department also has a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program. Students
at the graduate level are asked to focus in one of three areas of faculty expertise: Health,
Heritage, and Environment.
Requirements for the Major
Students may seek an undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degree or a Bachelor of Science
degree. Every course used to satisfy anthropology major requirements must be completed with a
grade of "C-" or higher. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average
across all courses used to satisfy major degree requirements.
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All courses are three credits unless otherwise indicated.
I. Foundational Courses (3)
Three of the following four foundation courses are required for all anthropology majors:
· ANTH210: Introduction to Medical Anthropology and Global Health
· ANTH222: Introduction to Evolutionary and Ecological Anthropology (4 credits)
· ANTH240- Introduction to Archaeology
· ANTH260- Introduction to Socio-cultural Anthropology and Linguistics
II. Method and Theory Courses (2)
Two of the following four method and theory courses are required for all anthropology majors:
· ANTH310: Method & Theory in Medical Anthropology and Global Health
· ANTH322- Method & Theory in Ecological Anthropology
· ANTH340- Method and Theory of Archaeology
· ANTH360- Method and Theory of Socio-Cultural Anthropology
III. Anthropology Electives (minimum of 12 credits)
All Anthropology majors are required to complete at least 12 credits of courses offered in
anthropology, not double-counted for other Anthropology requirements.
IV. Applied Field Methods (minimum of 3 credits)
ANTH271: Digital Ethnography, ANTH341: Introduction to Zooarchaeology, ANTH447:
Material Culture Studies in Archaeology, ANTH451: Environmental Archaeology, ANTH464:
Anthropology of Cultural Heritage, ANTH467: Researching Environment and Culture,
ANTH468P: Anthropology, War & Security, ANTH472: Medical Anthropology, ANTH491:
Applied Urban Ethnography (4 cr.), ANTH492: Anthropology of the Immigrant Life Course,
ANTH498C: Environmental Conservation and Indigenous People in Brazil (6 cr.)
ANTH496: Field Methods in Archaeology, 6 cr. (Students with an archaeological focus must
take this class)
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V. Quantitative Skills Requirement
For a Bachelor of Arts BIOM301, ECON201, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, PSYC200,
SOCY200, STAT100, MATH107 or a higher level MATH class is required.
For a Bachelor of Science two courses of the following are required: STAT100: Introduction to
Statistics, MATH140: Calculus I (4 cr.), MATH141: Calculus II (4 cr.), MATH120: Elementary
Calculus I (4 cr.), MATH121: Elementary Calculus II (4 cr.)
VI. Supporting Course Work
For a Bachelor of Arts degree 18 credits of supporting courses approved by a faculty member
For a Bachelor of Science degree 3 courses from the following are required:
AGNR301 Sustainability, AREC241 Environment, Economics and Policy (4 cr.), *AREC326
Intermediate Applied Microeconomics, AREC345 Global Poverty and Economic Development,
AREC365 World Hunger, Population and Food Supplies, AREC433 Food and Agricultural
Policy, *AREC453 Natural Resources and Public Policy, AOSC 123 Causes and Implications of
Global Change, BSCI103: World of Biology, BSCI170/1 Principles of Ecology and Evolution (4
cr.), BSCI160/1 Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology (4 cr.), BSCI135 Plants that
Transformed the World (4 cr.), BSCI189 Beyond Race: Human Biological Diversity (4
cr.), BSCI201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 cr.), BSCI202 Human Anatomy and
Physiology II (4 cr.), *BSCI222 Principles of Genetics (4 cr.), BSCI223 General Microbiology
(4 cr.), *BSCI360 Principles of Animal Behavior, *BSCI361 Principles of Ecology (4 cr.),
*BSCI363 Biology of Conservation and Extinction, *BSCI370 Principles of Evolution,
*BSCI462 Population Ecology, *BSCI471 Molecular Evolution, CMSC 131 Object-Oriented
Programming I (4 cr.), CMSC 132 Object-Oriented Programming II (4 cr.), ENST233
Introduction to Environmental Health, ENST440 Crops, Soils, and Civilizations, GEOL100/110:
Physical Geology and Laboratory (4 cr.), *GEOL 340: Geomorphology, *GEOL 342:
Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, *GEOL 446: Geophysics, GEOG 330 Society and
Sustainability, GEOG 332 Economic Geography, GEOG 372: Remote Sensing, GEOG 373:
Geographic Information System, *GEOG 416 Conceptualizing and Modeling Human
Environment Interactions, GEOG 431 Culture and Natural Resource Management, *GEOG 472:
Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis, *GEOG 473: Geographic Information System
and Spatial Analysis, *MIEH300 Introduction to Environmental Health, MIEH321 Syphilis to
SARS: Climate Change, Development and Emergence of Infectious Diseases, HLTH130:
Introduction to Public and Community Health, HLTH200: Introduction to Research in
Community Health, *HLTH300: Biostatistics for Public Health Practice, HIST 204: History of
*prerequisites apply
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The primary advisor for students in the Anthropology major is the Undergraduate Advisor. The
advisor is available to students during appointments, walk-in hours, and by phone and
email. The advisor is responsible for helping students plan their successful completion of the
Anthropology major. Students will work with the advisor for an orientation to the department,
status on degree progress, administrative approval for special course enrollment, academic
audits, and graduation clearance. In addition, students should consider the Undergraduate
Advisor a resource for general academic and career advice during their time at Maryland.
The office of the Undergraduate Advisor is supervised and supported by the Director of
Undergraduate Studies (a faculty member) in the Department of Anthropology. In addition, all
faculty members in the department may serve as faculty advisors to students. For more
information, or to contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies or Undergraduate Advisor,
please call 301-405-1423 or go to www.bsos.umd.edu/anth.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
There are several undergraduate research experiences available for students. For more
information, please see our website: www.bsos.umd.edu/anth.
Fieldwork Opportunities
The Department of Anthropology encourages students to explore its field school and study
abroad opportunities which include, summer archaeology field schools including field schools in
Iceland and Ireland, and an ethnographic field school in the Brazilian Amazon.
For more information, see our website: www.bsos.umd.edu/anth.
All undergraduate students are encouraged to do an internship. There are many non-profit and
government agencies in the Baltimore-Washington area that are willing to support Anthropology
interns. For more information, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies or the
Undergraduate Advisor.
Honors Program
The Anthropology department also offers an Honors Program that provides the student an
opportunity to pursue in-depth study of his or her interests. Acceptance is contingent upon a 3.5
GPA in anthropology courses and a 3.0 overall average. The Honors Citation is awarded upon
completion and review of a thesis to be done within the field of anthropology. For additional
information, students should contact the Director of Departmental Honors Program, Dr. Stephen
Brighton, 301-405-3700; E-mail: [email protected].
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Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Anthropology Student Association (ASA): An anthropology student association that meets
regularly to plan student events and to help coordinate various student and faculty activities. For
meeting times contact the Undergraduate Advisor.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Arabic Studies (ARAB)
College of Arts and Humanities
3125 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Associate Professors: V. Anishchenkova
Assistant Professors: S. Elsisi, P. Glanville
Senior Lecturer: L. Alkebsi, D. El-Hefnawy
Lecturers: Z. El Amine
The Major
This 42-credit major in Arabic Studies provides students with a solid background in linguistic,
literary, and cultural aspects of the modern Arab World, including the cultural domains of North
Africa, Egypt, Arab Middle East, Arab diasporas in the U.S. and Europe, and minority
communities in Arab countries (Armenian, Kurdish, Berber, Copts, etc.). The B.A. in Arabic
Studies (ARAB) prepares students for a range of professional opportunities, including careers in
government, education, business, and international development and communication. Students
work toward competence in speaking, reading, writing, and listening. The Arabic Program offers
extensive linguistic training in both literary Arabic (fusHa) and Arabic dialects (Egyptian and
Levantine). Students will achieve cultural fluency by exploring diverse Arab societies and
cultural zones and will learn to approach them from a global perspective. Many undergraduates
will choose to double major or do a double degree in Arabic and another subject, including arts
and humanities majors, business, computer science, and journalism.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to interact at the Advanced level of proficiency in a way that mirrors
native-speaker norms in a variety of non-specialist contexts.
Students will demonstrate comprehension of authentic written and oral texts intended for a
native-speaker audience, including news articles, editorials, and literary texts.
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Students will produce written texts in Modern Standard Arabic at the advanced level of
Students will demonstrate awareness of important issues in Middle Eastern culture, and the
ability to pursue a topic in depth at a level of analysis appropriate to an area specialist.
Placement in Courses
Requirements for the Major
Prerequisites (12 credits)
Students must take the prerequisite courses or satisfy these requirements by placement:*
ARAB104 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I-II (6 credits)
ARAB105 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic III-IV (6 credits)
Core Sequence: 24 credits
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
(6 credits; prereq ARAB105)*
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II
(6 credits; prereq ARAB204)
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic I
(prereq ARAB205)
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic II
(prereq ARAB304)
Intermediate Egyptian Colloquial Arabic III
(prereq ARAB205)*
Intermediate Egyptian Colloquial Arabic IV
(prereq ARAB206)
Intermediate Levantine Colloquial Arabic III
(prereq ARAB205)*
Intermediate Levantine Colloquial Arabic IV
(prereq ARAB210)
*Modern Standard Arabic is the formal variety of Arabic used throughout the Arab world,
particularly for reading and writing. Egyptian Colloquial Arabic and Levantine Colloquial
Arabic are among the major spoken varieties in the Middle East. All Arabic language courses
implement the integrated method where Modern Standard Arabic and colloquial Arabic are
taught simultaneously, as two registers of the Arabic linguistic discourse. Upon completing four
semesters of Arabic (104, 105, 204, 205), students may choose to take either the Egyptian dialect
sequence (206, 207) or the Levantine dialect sequence (210, 211) to deepen their knowledge of
the dialect and culture.
Once credits have been received for a higher-level language focus course, a lower-level course in
the same strand (written or spoken) may not be taken for credit. (ARAB204 may not be taken
after ARAB205, for example. ARAB107 may not be taken after ARAB206, etc.)
The Arabic language curriculum is designed for second language acquisition and targets non-
native speakers. None of the Arabic language courses are open to fluent and native speakers of
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Electives: a minimum of 18 credits
A. Required 3xx or 4xx level in Arabic (a minimum of 9 credits)
The Arab World Today
(pre-coreq ARAB304)
Islamic Culture
(pre-coreq ARAB304)
Arab Media
(pre-coreq ARAB304)
Commercial Arabic
(pre-coreq ARAB304)
Readings in Arabic Literature
(prereq ARAB305)
Arabic Translation
(prereq ARAB305)
U.S. - Arab Relations
(prereq ARAB305)
Modern Arabic Literature: A Survey
(prereq ARAB305)
Special Topics in Arabic Studies
Other ARAB courses may be included on written approval of UG advisor.
All pre-requisites imply "or equivalent knowledge." In cases of equivalent knowledge,
required language-focus credits are replaced in consultation with, and with the written
approval of, the undergraduate advisor.
The majority of content courses taught in Arabic are not open to fluent and native
speakers of Arabic.
B. Optional Electives in English: a maximum of 9 credits (no prereqs)
Arabic Cinema
Arabic Literature in Translation
The Arabian Nights and the Art of Storytelling
Arab Culture and Civilization
Special Topics in Arabic Studies
Certain courses in Middle Eastern Studies taught in English in other departments (depending on
the content of the courses) can be substituted with the approval of the Undergraduate advisor and
Program Director.
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
For information on study abroad programs see the program advisor and/or the Education Abroad
website: www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
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Requirements for the Minor
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The minor in Arabic (21 credits) provides a solid grounding in Modern Standard Arabic and
colloquial Arabic. Students who satisfy the requirements of the minor in Arabic can expect to be
able to read and write and communicate orally in Modern Standard Arabic and one of the Arabic
dialects at a level that would allow them to interact with native speakers and perform
effectively in a daily environment, watch TV and films in Arabic, engage with authentic texts,
write short papers in Arabic, and perform other tasks expected from an Advanced Level learner.
The materials used to further language acquisition are culturally rich resources, and students
completing the minor will have become familiar with many of the cultural patterns, social issues,
historical events, artistic traditions, and elements of daily life of the people whose cultures are
rooted in Arabic. Students interested in pursuing the minor in Arabic should contact the
undergraduate advisor, who will be responsible for oversight and record keeping.
Students should declare the minor in Arabic at least one year prior to graduation.
Prerequisites (12 credits):
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I-II
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic III-IV
No prerequisites are required for students with equivalent knowledge. Placement testing is
Courses required for Minor (21 credits):
All prerequisites imply "or equivalent knowledge."
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic
Additional 3xx or 4xx level course taught in Arabic*
*Contact the minor advisor for approved courses
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Once credits have been received for a higher-level language focus course, a lower-level
course in the same strand may not be taken for credit. (For example, ARAB204 may not
be taken after ARAB205).
In cases where a student has equivalent knowledge, required courses are replaced in
consultation with minor advisor. All courses applied to the minor must be taught in
Students who begin their study as heritage speakers must seek the advice and written
permission of the advisor before choosing the courses they will use to replace any
required minor courses.
A maximum of 6 credits can be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions. No more than 6 credits of the minor may be used to satisfy the requirements
of a major. No courses in the minor may count toward another minor.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to: www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
Advisor: Zein Elamine [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information, see the SLLC
website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
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participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Architecture (ARCH)
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
1200 Architecture Building, 301-405-8000
Director: B. Kelly (Prof & Area Chair, Prof)
Professors: M. Bell (Prof, Affiliate Prof), D. Cronrath (Prof And Dean, Prof), S. Hurtt (Prof), B.
Kelly (Prof & Area Chair, Prof), G. Rockcastle (Prof)
Associate Professors: C. Bovill (Assoc Prof), R. Eisenbach (Assoc Prof), I. Gournay (Assoc
Prof), H. Koliji (Assoc Prof), M. Simon (Assoc Prof)
Assistant Professors: M. Hu (Asst Prof), M. Lamprakos (Asst Prof), P. Noonan (Prof Of
Lecturers: M. Allen (Lecturer), K. Ambrose (Lecturer), M. Binder (Lecturer), L. Escobal
(Lecturer), C. Field (Lecturer), B. Grieb (Lecturer, Proj Mgr), B. Leggs (Lecturer), E. Northen
(Lecturer), A. Rubeling (Lecturer), J. Tilghman (Lecturer)
Associate Clinical Professor: M. Ambrose (Assoc Clin Prof)
Assistant Clinical Professor: A. Gardner (Asst Clin Prof)
Professors Emeriti: W. Bechhoefer (Prof Emeritus), R. Bennett (Prof Emeritus, Lecturer), K. Du
Puy (Prof Emeritus), R. Etlin (Dist Univ Prof Emeritus), G. Francescato (Prof Emeritus), J. Hill
(Prof Emeritus), R. Lewis (Prof Emeritus), J. Loss (Prof Emeritus), B. Schlesinger (Prof
Emeritus), R. Vann (Prof)
The Major
The undergraduate program in architecture develops critical thinkers, problem solvers and skilled
professionals ready to take on the challenges of sustainable design. Our prime location between
Washington, D.C., and Baltimore offers many advantages: a faculty of highly respected scholars
and practitioners; alumni connections and careers at countless architectural firms; and rich
architectural diversity. Begin your journey to a more sustainable and environmentally balanced
world right here.
The first two years of the curriculum focus on developing a broad-based and well-rounded liberal
education, complemented by courses that introduce you to architecture. You’ll be exposed to the
many resources and opportunities of the university while refining your academic and career
interests. We offer you two degree options that are tailored to fit your particular academic and
career interests. The Bachelor of Science curriculum is centered on design studios, with
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complementary coursework in architectural history, theory, technology and visual media. The
studio courses offer unique experiences where you’ll not only have the opportunity to show your
design skills but also work with communities to help solve real-world problems.
One unique feature of the Bachelor of Arts program is your ability to pursue an academic path
that reflect your passions and interests. It’s not uncommon for students to discover that their
interest in architecture reveals other career aspirations. Earning a bachelor of arts in architecture
allows you to build a foundation in architecture while preparing for careers in business, urban
planning, real estate development or historic preservation, just to name a few.
Students receive rigorous and comprehensive instruction from a faculty whose members are
active in professional practice and research. Their individual areas of expertise include
architectural design and theory, history, architectural archaeology, technology, urban design and
planning, and historic preservation.
Program Objectives
The School's mission is to educate Architects, Planners, Preservationists, Developers and the
many allied stakeholders whose work and scholarship focuses on the quality of the built
environment and promotes social justice, cultural value, resource conservation and economic
We take advantage of our unique location—in a region that features the nation's capital and the
post-industrial City of Baltimore, and links the Appalachian Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean
while surrounding the Chesapeake Bay. Maryland's opportunities and challenges are found in its
diverse communities, explosive growth and extensive historic resources.
Our faculty, students and alumni collaboratively advance their vision and commitment through
research, teaching, colloquia, writing, creative design, planning, policy formation and
professional work. Our mission is historically rooted in our land grant mandate and enhanced by
our regional and international activities.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Architecture Library
Located on the second floor of the Architecture Building, the Architecture library has planning
and architecture books and periodicals, as well as Urban Studies and Planning studio reports.
There is also a slide collection available in the Elizabeth D. Alley Visual Resources Collection
on the same floor. Librarians are available by appointment to assist with your research needs.
Visual Resources Center
The VRC consists of more than 400,000 digital images documenting architecture and the urban
scene from pre-historic times to the present. Related topics include urban design, historic
preservation, real estate development, art, landscape architecture, as well as events around the
School. Other visual materials include over 400 DVDs and videotapes, along with lantern slides
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and photographs. Images are acquired through site photography, scanning materials, commercial
vendors, and donations from faculty and students.
Images and other materials may be used for presentations in school classes and for research.
Fabrication Lab
The FabLab at the School of Architecture Planning and Preservation emphasizes the notion of
learning to design through the process of making. Our students learn to influence the form and
meaning of the built environment by working directly with its material and physical nature. We
stress the integration of digital and hand fabrication methods, and explore how traditional
technology is affected and transformed by new materials and technique.
Admission to the Major
Freshman applicants:
Transfer applicants:
Advising appointments and school tours are conducted by the Office of Student Services, who
can help you navigate admissions, course registration, degree planning and other issues.
Contact Advising by E-mail
Undergraduate Architecture students
Contact [email protected] with advising questions.
To schedule an appointment with the advisors, please visit: http://arch.umd.edu/arch/student-
Advising for undergraduates in the School is mandatory each semester.
A career fair is organized annually and all internship/career opportunities are handled by the
Director of Career Services within the School itself and in conjunction with the University
Career Center.
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Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Architecture Student Assembly represents the student body. Assembly members are elected
from undergraduate and graduate classes. Representatives attend Faculty Meetings, serve on
committees, and organize the Architecture Program Retrospective at the end of each semester.
The School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation sponsors a chapter of the American
Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), the national association for architecture students. The
AIAS chapter sponsors a variety of activities including an annual Career Fair, Beaux Arts Ball,
field trips, conferences, workshops, and other events throughout the academic year.
The University of Maryland chapter of NOMAS is affiliated with the national professional
organization NOMA. NOMAS is a group of students from a variety of backgrounds pursuing
architecture degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levels, interested in contributing to the
UMD School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation by building a sense of community
based on shared experiences unique to our diverse student body.
Women in Architecture In a field that is predominantly male dominated, it is vital to fill the
absence of a well established community to specifically empower women. Through weekly
meetings and planned events, members can discuss and understand how to spread the
empowerment of all women as well as build a network of a aspiring and established female
architects and designers. If this is something you are interested in being apart of, please join our
professional organization. Both men and women are encouraged to participate and become
members of WIA.
Alpha Rho Chi (APX) is the national co-ed fraternity for architecture and the allied arts. Its
brotherhood unites men and women for the purpose of fellowship and lifelong friendships, as
well as professional development. This is exemplified by the fraternity's motto: Fidelitas, Amor
et Artes or "Fidelity and Love of the Arts."
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Please visit our website for scholarship opportunities for current students:
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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Art (ARTT)
College of Arts and Humanities
1211-E Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building, 301-405-7790
Chair: W.C. Richardson - Painting/Drawing
Professors: J. Ruppert - Sculpture, F. Sham - Sculpture
Associate Professors: A. Buck-Coleman - Graphic Design/Social Practice, P. Craig -
Painting/Drawing, H. Elahi - Media Arts/Art Theory/Social Practice, R. Klank - Painting/Art
Theory, B. Morse - Digital Media, J. Strom - Printmaking; Graduate Director, J. Thorpe -2D
Foundation/Design and Illustration
Assistant Professors: S. Collis - Digital Media/Printmaking, L. Zahabi - Graphic Design,
Interactive Design
Senior Lecturer: W. Jacobs - Undergraduate Director; 2D Foundation; (Associate Dean-ARHU),
R. Weil - Art Theory/Senior Lecturer
Lecturers: L. Berns - 2D Foundation/Drawing/Art Theory, T. Bunnell (Lecturer), E. Conover -
Painting/Drawing, L. Hoover - Painting/Drawing/Theory, S. Jones -
Sculpture/Foundation/Drawing, R. Kheiriyeh (Consultant PT, Lecturer), M. McLaughlin -
Printmaking/Drawing/2D Foundation, N. Ratnapala - Digital Media/Video, J. Wyszomirska
Professors Emeriti: C. Demonte (Distinguished Scholar-Teacher), D. Driskell (Distinguished
University Professor), T. Lapinski, R. Lozner - Graphic Design
The Major
The Department of Art provides its students with the technical and conceptual tools needed to
make innovative contributions to a visual culture in which traditional boundaries between the
visual arts, design, film, video, and architecture have become increasingly blurred. The
accomplished faculty members bring their professional experiences to the studio, providing a
contemporary context for the development of skills and ideas. The department’s creative
environment encourages creative problem solving, interdisciplinary experimentation, and the
production of images, objects, and experiences that reflect a sophisticated visual literacy. From a
shared foundation emphasizing traditional fundamentals of art and design, students move into
media concentrations that encourage interdisciplinary interaction, particularly in developing
digital technologies. This flexible interaction between traditional and new media is central to the
department’s vision and the success of its mission.
In a society that increasingly defines itself in visual terms, artists and designers are critical in
shaping its future. The creative atmosphere of the Department of Art’s studios is a fertile ground
for the development of the complex skills and ideas needed to navigate and contribute to an
evolving visual culture. Our location, just outside Washington, DC, and less than an hour away
from Baltimore provides access to numerous museums, galleries, embassies and international
institutions, which brings important real-world experience to students in our program.
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Program Objectives
Please go to Department of Art website for more information: www.art.umd.edu.
Program Learning Outcomes
Please go to Department of Art website for more information: www.art.umd.edu.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Please go to Department of Art website for more information: www.art.umd.edu.
Admission to the Major
The Department of Art offers three tracks to the B.A. degree. Track 1 is an open major, which
requires no portfolio review, and requires 48 total credits for completion. All majors enter the
department in Track 1.
Tracks 2 and 3 are specialized tracks with portfolio reviews for admission in the Junior and
Senior years, and require 60 total credits for completion. Track 2 is for a B.A. with an Advanced
Specialization in Digital Media, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, or Intermedia. Track 3 is for a
B.A. with a concentration in Graphic Design.
See the department website for more information: www.art.umd.edu
Placement in Courses
With appropriate AP or IB credit and scores, students may receive credit for ARTT100,
ARTT110, or both. Contact Department advisors for more information.
Requirements for the Major
The Department of Art offers three tracks to a Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.). All majors enter
the Department in Track 1, the open B.A., and take a required group of six Foundation courses
(18 credits). After completion of the Foundation courses, students may continue in Track 1
without portfolio review, or choose to submit a portfolio of work completed in Track 1 courses
for admission into Track 2 or Track 3. Portfolio reviews for both specializations will take place
during the Spring semester, usually during late March.
Track 1: B.A. in Studio Art. This is an open program with no portfolio admission
requirement. This track provides ample space for outside electives, encourages
interdisciplinary interaction, and provides double major or double degree
possibilities. The Art Education Curriculum works with Track 1. Credit requirements:
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36 credits in Studio Art, and 12 credits in supporting courses in Art History and/or Art
Theory, for a total of 48 credits.
Track 2: B.A. in Studio Art with Advanced Specialization. This track is restricted to
students admitted by competitive portfolio review, and is aimed at students who envision
graduate study or professional careers in art. Students accepted into this track will
complete, in addition to the requirements for Track 1, a 12 credit advanced specialization
in specific media areas, including ARTT481: Advanced Specialization Seminar. Areas
of specialization include: Digital Media, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, and
Intermedia. Credit requirements: 48 credits listed in Track 1 plus 12 credits in Advanced
Specializations, for a total of 60 credits.
Track 3: B.A. in Studio Art with a concentration in Graphic Design. This track is
restricted to students admitted into the Graphic Design concentration through a
competitive portfolio review. This program provides a pre-professional orientation
emphasizing interactive design, graphic design theory, and interdisciplinary research.
Students accepted into the Graphic Design program must complete a specific sequence of
courses at both the 3xx- and 4xx-level. Graphic Design courses are only available to
students who have been admitted to the Graphic Design concentration. Credit
requirements: 21 credits in Foundation and studio art electives, and 12 credits in
supporting courses in Art History and/or Theory (ARTT361 Design Literacy: Decoding
Our Visual Culture, a Graphic Design Concentration requirement, satisfies 3 credits of
the supporting area for Graphic Design students) for a total of 60 credits.
Students interested in Track 2 may apply after the completion of at least two 3xx-level courses,
plus completion or enrollment in ARTT418. Students may re-apply one time.
Students interested in Track 3 must have completed or be enrolled in the required Foundation
courses to apply to the specialization. The strict course requirements in Graphic Design make
early application to Track 3 optimal. Students may re-apply one time.
Transfer students who have completed courses equivalent to the Foundation and intermediate
courses at UMCP may apply immediately to Tracks 2 or 3 if they choose.
These are competitive programs with a limit of approximately 20 new students per year in the
combined Art areas, and approximately 20 students per year in Graphic Design. For information
about the Portfolio review process for Tracks 2 and 3 please see the Department of Art website.
No course grade below the grade of C- may count toward the major. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the major is required for graduation.
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Track 1: BA in Studio Art - 48 total credits required to complete major
Foundation Courses: 18 Credits
ARTT100: Two Dimensional Design Fundamentals
ARTT110: Elements of Drawing I
ARTT150: Introduction to Art Theory
ARTT200: Three Dimensional Art Fundamentals
ARTT210: Elements of Drawing II
ARTT255: Introduction to Digital Art and Design Processes
Intermediate Courses: 9 Credits
Choose three courses total from at least two areas on this list:
Painting (ARTT320)
Sculpture (ARTT330, 331, 332, 333)
Printmaking (ARTT340, 341, 343, 344)
Digital Media (ARTT370)
Advanced Courses: 9 Credits
ARTT418: Advanced Drawing Studio
One 3xx-/4xx-level ARTT elective
One 4xx-level ARTT or Art Theory elective
Supporting Area: 12 Credits
ARTH200, ARTH201, plus two 3xx-/4xx-level ARTH or Art Theory electives
(Department recommends ARTH351: Twentieth Century 1945 to present)
Track 2: B.A. in Studio Art with an Advanced Specialization:
12 credits in addition to 48 credits required in Track 1; 60 total credits required to
complete major.
Course Requirements for Areas of Advanced Specialization in Studio Art: Advanced media
courses ending in 8 or 9 are repeatable up to 12 credits.
Digital Media:
ARTT479: Advanced Digital Media Studio (2 repeatable 3 cr. courses) - 6 credits
Option: ARTT479 or ARTT353/449 (Photo) or 34x/448 (Printmaking) - courses that
emphasize digital processes. (3 cr. of ARTT 498 Directed Studies may be substituted for
ARTT479 cr.) - 3 credits
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ARTT481: Advanced Specialization Seminar. Track 2 students only. Students in
Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. - 3
ARTT428: Advanced Painting Studio (Three repeatable 3 cr. courses) (3 cr. of ARTT498
Directed Studies in Art may be substituted for ARTT428) - 9 credits
ARTT481: Advanced Specialization Seminar. Track 2 students only. Students in
Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. - 3
Option: ARTT34x or ARTT448 - 3 credits
ARTT448: Advanced Printmaking Studio (Two repeatable 3 cr. courses) (3 cr. of 498
Directed Studies may be substituted for 448 credit) - 6 credits
ARTT481: Advanced Specialization Seminar. Track 2 students only. Students in
Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. - 3
Option: ARTT33x or ARTT418* or ARTT438 - 3 credits
ARTT438: Advanced Sculpture Studio (Two repeatable 3cr. Courses) (3 cr. of ARTT498
Directed Studies in Art may be substituted for 438 credit.) - 6 credits
ARTT481: Advanced Specialization Seminar. Track 2 students only. Students in
Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. - 3
ARTT4xx Advanced Studios (combination of inter-related courses) (3 cr. of ARTT498
Directed Studies in Art may be used for 4xx credit.) - 9 credits
ARTT481: Advanced Specialization Seminar. Track 2 students only. Students in
Department Honors Program may substitute the Honors Seminar for this course. - 3
Track 3: B.A. in Studio Art w/ Concentration in Graphic Design
60 total credits required to complete major.
Intermediate and Advanced Graphic Design courses are restricted to students who have been
accepted into the Design Concentration by an application process and competitive portfolio
review. All Track 3 students must satisfy the following requirements:
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Foundation and Supporting Area courses listed in Track 1 BA (see ARTT361 below) - 27
ARTT386 or 45x Graphic Design Electives - 6 credits
ARTT3xx / 4xx Art Electives - 6 credits
Required Graphic Design Area of Concentration Courses - 21 credits
Graphic Design required courses - 21 credits
ARTT355: Intermediate Graphic Design Principles
ARTT356: Graphic Design Processes
ARTT357: Interactive Graphic Design
ARTT454: Advanced Graphic Design Principles
ARTT455: Three-Dimensional Graphic Design
ARTT458: Graphic Design Portfolio
ARTT361: Design Literacy: Decoding Visual Culture. Satisfies 3cr. of the Art History or
Theory supporting area.
Graphic Design elective courses: Student choice – 6 credits.
Not all courses are offered every semester. Some are offered during Summer and Winter terms.
ARTT386: Experiential Learning (Graphic Design Internship only)
ARTT456: Motion Design
ARTT457: Advanced Interactive Design
ARTT459: Advanced Graphic Design Studio
ARTT488: Special Topics in Graphic Design
ARTT499: Directed Studies in Graphic Design
Other Requirements for the Major
Please go to Department of Art Website for more information: www.art.umd.edu
The Department of Art offers no formal Certificate programs.
The Department has a single advisor, Emily Conover ([email protected]). She makes
appointments by email. You can call Undergraduate Administrative Assistant, Kathie Boyle
(301-405-7790) if you have questions. Each second-semester sophomore and first-semester
senior is required to meet with their advisor.
Students are strongly encouraged to see their advisor in the department annually.
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To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
A variety of undergraduate research and/or internship experiences are available. Please go to
Department of Art Website for more information: www.art.umd.edu
Fieldwork Opportunities
A variety of undergraduate fieldwork and/or internship opportunities are available. Please go to
Department of Art website for more information: www.art.umd.edu.
Students have worked in a variety of internship settings. These have included assisting
professionals with public commissions, commercial or cooperative gallery and exhibition duties,
and working in professional artists' workshops in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C.
metropolitan areas. The Graphic Design concentration maintains a variety of internship
connections with the professional design communities from Baltimore to Washington,
DC. Additional information is available in the Department of Art office or on the website
Honors Program
The Departmental Honors Program provides Art majors with opportunities for in-depth study
and enrichment in areas of special and creative interest. Students are admitted to this program by
competitive portfolio review. To qualify, students must be Art majors with junior or senior
status, a major GPA of 3.2, and an overall GPA of 3.0. The program requires a total of 12
credits in Honors course work, and is completed over the student's senior year. Two courses (3
credits each) may be taken at the 3xx- or 4xx-level, and two courses (3 credits each) at the 4xx-
level. There is a thesis component in one of the 4xx-level courses and includes a Thesis
Exhibition in the Herman Maril Gallery.
Please consult the department website and/or the Honors Director for additional information.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Student Art League is an active student organization that encourages membership and
participation for all majors. Art majors participate in many campus-wide organizations.
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Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Department of Art administers eight Creative and Performing Arts Scholarships (CAPAs)
that are available to continuing students as well as entering freshman or transfer students. This is
a merit-based scholarship that is awarded on a one-year basis and may be renewed. Additional
information is available in the main office of the department. The Van Crews Scholarships and
Clarvit Scholarships are designated for outstanding Art majors concentrating in Graphic Design.
Further details are available on the department website: www.art.umd.edu
Awards and Recognition
Each semester the faculty votes for students to receive 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place cash prizes for the
James P. Wharton Award, given at graduation. Students are given the awards based on works
exhibited in the Graduating Seniors Exhibition in the Herman Maril Gallery.
When funds are available, the department holds a competition for the John Dorsey Prize for
Curatorial Excellence. The winner receives a cash award and funds towards the production of a
curated exhibition in the Herman Maril Gallery.
Other awards are given on an intermittent basis, depending on the funding.
For more information, go to the department website: www.art.umd.edu
Art Education (TLPL)
For more information see Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in Chapter 7.
College of Arts and Humanities
1211-B Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building, 301-405-1479
Chair: M. Gill
Professors: A. Colantuono, M. Gill, J. Hargrove, J. Kuo, S. Mansbach, A. Wheelock
Associate Professors: R. Ater, J. Shannon, Y. Suzuki, A. Volk
Assistant Professors: E. Egan, M. Gensheimer, A. McEwen
Lecturers: B. Bland, A. Georgievska-Shine, L. Martinez, G. Metcalf
Affiliate Professors: F. Kelly, R. Spear
Professors Emeriti: D. Denny (Prof Emeritus), W. Pressly (Prof Emeritus), M. Spiro (Assoc Prof
Emerita), M. Venit (Prof Emeritus), J. Withers (Assoc Prof Emerita)
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The Major
The goal of the Department is to develop the student's critical understanding of visual culture in
both art historical and archaeological contexts. The program provides a diverse selection of
courses in the art and archaeology of Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe.
The location of the University between Washington and Baltimore gives students the opportunity
to use some of the finest museum and archival collections in the world for their coursework and
independent research. Curator/professors, exhibitions in the Art Gallery and Stamp Gallery at the
University of Maryland, and the extensive use of study collections bring regional and distant
museums into the classroom.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym: ARTH.
Program Objectives
The Department of Art History and Archaeology's B.A. program equips its majors with critical
knowledge of art history and visual culture. The program promotes visual literacy in the history
of art from around the world and from prehistoric times to the present. It cultivates strong
research, written, and critical thinking skills and develops students' abilities to synthesize
cultural, historical, political, and social information as it bears upon the visual arts.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to fully engage with the curriculum and the opportunities presented for
learning and research. Having completed the B.A. in Art History, students should have acquired
the following abilities:
1. An ability to demonstrate knowledge of a large set of artistic monuments, objects, and
performances in their cultural, historical, political, and/or social contexts.
2. An ability to communicate effectively about art in writing, using clear and concise prose to
advance logical arguments supported by adequate and appropriately cited research materials.
3. An ability to employ the appropriate technologies for conducting research in the history of art,
including print sources and/or electronic information.
4. An ability to recognize the methods and theories used to ask and address significant questions
about works of art, and understand the values informing them.
5. An ability to demonstrate skills in visual and critical analysis and sensitivity to diversity in
comparing works of art across time, geography, and/or culture.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
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The location of the university between Washington and Baltimore gives students the opportunity
to use some of the finest museum and archival collections in the world for their course work and
independent research. The department encourages students to hold internships at a number of
these institutions. Curator/professors, exhibitions in galleries at the University of Maryland,
interactive technologies, and the extensive use of study collections complement traditional
classroom learning.
The department is in the forefront of exploring digital imaging technologies for art historical and
archaeological teaching, research, and publication. The Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual
Culture, located in the department on the fourth floor of the Art-Sociology Building, is central in
creating a nurturing environment for academic research and creative learning. This new space
permits ample workspace for meetings, workshops, forums, and the execution of large-scale
technical projects.
Admission to the Major
Students must meet either with the undergraduate advisor or Director of Undergraduate Studies
for admission to the Major. The advisor and student will complete the departmental portion of
the College of Arts and Humanities and Art History Academic Plan Checklist. The student must
take the form to the College and meet with the ARHU advisor. The ARHU advisor will make the
official change in the university records.
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for the major in Art History are as follows:
One from:
Two Dimensional Art Fundamentals
Elements of Drawing I
ARTH required courses:
three ARTH courses at the 2xx level
or 4xx
seven ARTH courses at the 3xx or 4xx
Of those seven courses, at least one must
be ARTH488 (Colloquium in Art History).
Enrollment for ARTH488 is limited to (a)
majors with at least 75 total credits and at
least 9 credits in ARTH at
the 3xx level, or
(b) those given permission by the
Supporting Area:
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A supporting area of four courses outside
the department of Art History and
Archaeology at the 3xx or 4xx level.
Course should cohere around a
broad area
of study, and must be related to the
student's studies in the department. All
supporting courses must be approved by an
ARTH advisor.
No credit toward the major can be received for ARTH 100 or 355.
No course with a grade lower than "C-" may be used to satisfy major or supporting area
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
Other Requirements for the Major
In the Department of Art History and Archaeology, 3xx-level and 4xx-level courses are
differentiated. 3xx-level courses focus on period or topical surveys and 4xx-level courses
highlight content- or theme-based material. Majors should complete the 2xx-level surveys before
they enroll in 3xx- or 4xx-level courses. Students are strongly encouraged to take supporting area
courses that complement the art history major. No course with a grade lower than “C-" may be
used to satisfy major or supporting area requirements.
Requirements for the Minor
The minor in Art History introduces students to a range of art-historical periods, problems, and
methodologies and is intended at once to broaden and deepen the student's knowledge of arts and
humanities. A total of 18 credits is required.
1. Nine (9) credits of 2xx-level surveys in the history of art are required. Choose any three (3)
broad surveys from among the following 3-credit courses:
ARTH200: Art and Society in Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean
ARTH201: Art and Society in the West from the Renaissance to the Present
ARTH250: Art and Society in the Ancient American World
ARTH255: Art and Society in the Modern American World
ARTH275: Art and Society in Africa
ARTH290: Art and Society in Asia
2. In addition, nine (9) credits of 3xx or 4xx-level art history courses are required. Choose any
three (3) (3xx- or 4xx-level) 3-credit courses in Art History (ARTH prefix).
A total of six (6) credits may be transferred into the minor from other institutions or programs.
These transferred credits include those from study-abroad programs. Study-abroad credit
requires the prior approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
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All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. Beginning
with students matriculating in Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate degree, students must
have a minimum C (2.00) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy minor
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor,
go to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
For advising about the art history major and minor programs, please consult our Undergraduate
Advisor or Director of Undergraduate Studies. For updated details regarding ARTH advising go
to: http://arthistory.umd.edu/undergraduate-advising
Departmental advising is mandatory for all majors. Once registration begins, students must come
in for departmental advising before the department can remove their registration block. Students
should check for registration blocks and advising hours.
Students should consult the department's Undergraduate Advisor for general and mandatory
advising matters including registration and advising block removal, study abroad questions and
museum internships. For specific questions regarding the major and minor programs and
requirements, special situations, issues with academic probation, as well as for special
permissions, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
To review the academic plan for this major, go to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
The location of the University between Washington and Baltimore gives students the opportunity
to use some of the finest museums and archival collections in the world for their coursework,
independent research and internships. Art History majors are encouraged to supplement their art
historical and archaeological studies by applying to internships at local museums and
galleries. For more information regarding local museum and gallery internships in the DC-
Baltimore region, please consult the departmental website: http://arthistory.umd.edu/internships
ARTH 386: Experiential Learning
Students of junior standing or higher may receive academic credit for unpaid spring or fall
museum/gallery internships via ARTH386. This course may count as one of the seven 3xx/4xx-
level ARTH courses required for completion of the ARTH major. Prerequisites: permission of
department and 60 credit hours completed.
For details outlining the process for securing such credit and for museum internship information,
go to: http://arthistory.umd.edu/internships
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Students must complete all of the required steps outlined on the website and register for ARTH
386 before the end of the schedule adjustment period for that semester. The department does not
give credit for museum and gallery internships that have already been completed.
Honors Program
If you have completed at least 12 credits in Art History and Archaeology courses and if you have
an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher (in all course work, not just ARTH courses) you are qualified to
work toward departmental honors at graduation. Such honors will be noted on your official
transcript. Consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies for details. Among your seven
3xx/4xx-level ARTH courses required for the major, you must take at least one colloquium
(ARTH488) and you also must take Methods of Art History (ARTH496). In addition to the
regular requirements for the major, you must research and write an Honors Thesis (ARTH499),
normally in the year when you will graduate. Before registering for this course you must identify
and gain the support of a faculty supervisor. The faculty supervisor must be a regular member of
the ARTH department faculty. Adjunct faculty members do not supervise honors theses.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Department of Art History and Archaeology has an active Undergraduate Art History
Association (AHA) and is also affiliated with OrgSync. Interested students should contact the
Director of Undergraduate Studies or the undergraduate advisor for more information or go
to http://www.arthistory.umd.edu/art-history-association-aha and
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The Department of Art History and Archaeology offers four undergraduate awards each year at
spring commencement. The Judith K. Reed Scholarship is awarded to an exemplary ARTH
major of junior standing. The Judith K. Reed Commencement Award, the George Levitine
Award and Frank DiFederico Award are granted to outstanding graduating ARTH seniors.
Asian American Studies Program
Office of Undergraduate Studies
2117 Susquehanna Hall, 301-405-0996
363 | Page
Note: The Certificate in Asian American Studies is suspended. Information on the Certificate is
for reference only.
The Certificate in Asian American Studies involves students in critical study of the experiences
of Asian Americans. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students examine the histories,
communities, and cultures of Asian Americans as both distinctive from and connected to the
broader themes for diversity, ethnicity, race, gender and migration in the Americas.
Requirements for Certificate:
The Certificate in Asian American Studies requires at least 21 credits: 6 credits in core courses
(AAST200 and AAST201); 12 credits in elective courses (from among AAST offerings or, with
program approval, from among courses offered outside AAST); and a capstone course of 3
credits (AAST378 or AAST388). Students must earn a grade of "C-" or better in any course that
counts toward the Certificate in Asian American Studies.
Note: The Certificate in Asian American Studies was suspended beginning fall 2009. The Asian
American Studies Program currently offers a 15-credit academic minor; see Chapter 6 for details
on the Asian American Studies Minor.
Astronomy (ASTR)
College of Computer, Mathematical & Natural Sciences
1208 Physical Sciences Complex, 301-405-3001
Chair: S. Vogel
Director: E. McKenzie
Professors: A. Bolatto, M. C. Miller, L. D. Deming, D. Hamilton, A. Harris, L. Mundy, R.
Mushotzky, K. Papadopoulos, C. Reynolds, D. Richardson, J. Sunshine, S. Veilleux
Associate Professors: M. Ricotti
Assistant Professors: S. Gezari
Senior Lecturer: M. Hayes-Gehrke (Prin Lect), A. Peel
Adjunct Professors: E. Dwek, M. Mumma
Adjunct Assistant Professors: S. B. Cenko
Professors Emeriti: M. A'Hearn, J. Earl, J. Harrington, M. Leventhal
Visiting Faculty: D. Neufeld
The Major
The Astronomy Department offers courses leading to a Bachelor of Science in Astronomy as
well as a series of courses of general interest to non-majors. Astronomy majors are given a
strong undergraduate preparation in Astronomy, Mathematics, and Physics. The degree program
is designed to prepare students for positions in government and industry laboratories or for
graduate work in Astronomy or related fields. Courses offered by this department may be found
under the following acronym: ASTR.
364 | Page
Program Objectives
The Department of Astronomy B.S. program educates majors toward achieving an understanding
of modern astronomical concepts, applying physics and mathematics to astrophysical situations,
and gaining experience in gathering and reducing data using astronomical instrumentation and
computational tools. Completion of this program provides the opportunity for majors to acquire
the knowledge and skills necessary for graduate school or employment after graduation.
Program Learning Outcomes
Identify basic concepts from the many areas of astronomy, including motions in the sky,
gravity, electromagnetic radiation, solar system, stars, and galaxies.
Develop mathematical skills, acquire physics knowledge, and practice applying these
skills and knowledge in astrophysical situations.
Use astronomical telescopes/instruments and reduce astronomical data using modern
computational methods.
Demonstrate advanced level knowledge in several different areas of astronomy.
For further details, see the department's assessment plan:
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Department of Astronomy is a full partner in the 4.3m Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT)
(https://lowell.edu/research/research-facilities/4-3-meter-dct/), one of the largest and most
technologically advanced telescopes in the continental U.S. We have joined Caltech and other
partners in the Zwicky Transient Facility (http://www.ptf.caltech.edu/ztf), a time-domain survey
for studying rare and exotic transient phenomena with first light at Palomar Observatory in
2017. The Department is involved with major space missions, such as NASA's Deep Impact,
EPOXI, and Rosetta missions which have explored comets. Additionally, the Department
operates a small observatory (http://www.astro.umd.edu/openhouse/) on campus which has four
fixed telescopes ranging in aperture from 20" to 7" and six portable 8" telescopes. This facility is
used for undergraduate majors' classes and for small-scale research projects, as well as for an
Open House Program for the public. The Department operates a modern computer cluster
(http://www.astro.umd.edu/rareas/ctc/#ctcfacilities) for computation-intensive science projects,
and we have a new visualization laboratory for state-of-the-art simulations and displays of large
datasets. Opportunities are available for undergraduates to become involved in research with all
of these facilities. Many of our students also conduct research and instrumentation projects with
distinguished scientists at the nearby NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and other sites.
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Requirements for the Major
Required Basic Astronomy Courses (14 credits):
ASTR120 - Astrophysics I: The Solar System (3 credits)
ASTR121 - Astrophysics II: Stars and Beyond (4 credits)
ASTR310 - Observational Astronomy (4 credits)
ASTR320 - Theoretical Astrophysics (3 credits)
Advanced Astronomy Courses (6 credits):
Any two 400 level Astronomy courses are required:
ASTR406 - Stellar Evolution (3 credits)
ASTR410 - Radio Astronomy Techniques (3 credits)
ASTR415 - Computational Astrophysics (3 credits)
ASTR421 - Galaxies (3 credits)
ASTR422 - Cosmology (3 credits)
ASTR430 -The Solar System (3 credits)
ASTR435 - Exoplanets (3 credits)
ASTR450 - Orbital Dynamics (3 credits)
ASTR480 - High Energy Astrophysics (3 credits)
Optional Astronomy Seminars
ASTR288C - Astronomy Research Techniques (2 credits)
ASTR288M - Current Events in Astronomy Research (1 credit)
ASTR288P - Introduction to Astronomical Programming (1 credit)
Required Introductory Physics Courses (17 credits)
PHYS165 - Introduction to Programming for the Physical Sciences (3 credits)
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For students with experience with computer programming this course can be replaced
by PHYS474 Computational Physics or ASTR415 Computational Astrophysics. If
students complete ASTR415 for this requirement, it cannot be counted as an advanced
astronomy course (400-level course) requirement.
PHYS171 - Mechanics and Thermal Physics (3 credits)
PHYS174 - Laboratory Introduction (1 credit)
PHYS272 - Fields (3 credits)
PHYS273 - Waves (3 credits)
PHYS275 - Experimental Physics I: Mechanics, Heat and Fields (2 credits)
PHYS276 - Experimental Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism (2 credits)
Also accepted with consent of advisor: PHYS161, 165, 260, 261, 270, 271 (14 credits)
Advanced Physics Courses (13 credits):
PHYS371 - Modern Physics (3 credits)
PHYS373 - Mathematical Methods for Physics II (3 credits)
PHYS401 - Quantum Mechanics I (4 credits)
PHYS404 - Statistical Thermodynamics (3 credits)
Supporting Mathematics/Mathematical Methods Courses (15 credits):
MATH140 - Calculus I (4 credits)
MATH141 - Calculus II (4 credits)
MATH241 - Calculus III (4 credits)
PHYS274 - Mathematical Methods for Physics I (3 credits)
Completion of both MATH246 and either 240 or 461 will be accepted in place of PHYS274.
Total Credits required for the Astronomy Major = 65 credits
Grades in all of the above required courses must be “C-” or better.
Requirements for the Minor
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A minor in Astronomy may be earned by completing the following with grades of "C-" or
better. Beginning with students matriculating in Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate
degree, students must have a minimum "C" (2.0) cumulative grade point average across all
courses used to satisfy minor requirements. An appointment must be made to register for the
minor before final 30 credits are taken. Please contact Department for complete rules and
One from:
Introduction to Astronomy
General Astronomy
any other Introductory sequence in
One from:
Collisions in Space - The Threat of
Asteroid Impact
The Science and Fiction of Planetary
Three from:
Stars and Stellar Systems
Astronomy and the Media
Astronomy in Practice
Solar System Astronomy
Origin of the Universe
Black Holes
Life in the Universe - Astrobiology
Special Problems in Astronomy
Or a course approved by the
Planetary Sciences
The Departments of Astronomy and Geology jointly sponsor a minor program in Planetary
Science. Details about this minor and its course requirements are provided in Chapter 8.
Further information about the program can be obtained by calling the Department of Astronomy
office at 301-405-3001.
Students who have been away more than two years may find that due to curriculum changes the
courses they have taken may no longer be adequate preparation for the courses required to
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complete the major. Students in this situation must meet with the Departmental Advisor to make
appropriate plans.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Undergraduates have many research opportunities both on and off campus. More information is
available on the department website under 'Undergraduate Research'
Many undergraduate students do astronomy research internships at the NASA/Goddard Space
Flight Center. See the department website under 'Undergraduate Research'
Honors Program
The Honors Program offers students of exceptional ability and interest in Astronomy
opportunities for research participation. Honors students work with a faculty advisor on a
research project for which academic credit is earned. Certain graduate courses are open for credit
toward the bachelor's degree.(Students are accepted into the Honors Program by the
Department's Honors Committee on the basis of grade point average or recommendation of
faculty.) Honors candidates enroll in ASTR399, complete a research project, write a thesis and
do an oral presentation before a committee. Satisfactory grades lead to graduation With Honors
(or High Honors) in Astronomy. Further information about the Honors Program can be obtained
by calling the Department of Astronomy office at 301-405-3001.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
AstroTerps is a student club open to all undergraduates with an interest in astronomy. The club
invites guest speakers and coordinates many outreach activities, field trips, and special events.
AGN is a group of astronomy undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers.
Their goals include facilitating community among astronomy undergraduates, discussing the
challenges that women in science face, and giving graduate students a chance to share their
experiences with undergraduates through this mentoring opportunity. See the AGN webpage for
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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Awards and Recognition
For information about external and university awards which our undergraduate students have
won, see the department's Fellowships and Prizes webpage
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC)
College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
3417 Computer and Space Sciences Building, 301-405-5391
Chair: J. Carton
Professors: A. Busalacchi, J. Carton, R. Dickerson, E. Kalnay, Z. Li, X. Liang, F. Miralles-
Wilhelm, R. Murtugudde, S. Nigam, R. Pinker, R. Salawitch, N. Zeng, D. Zhang
Associate Professors: K. Ide
Assistant Professors: D. Lampkin (Asst Prof)
Affiliate Professors: E. Berbery (Res Prof, Aff Res Prof)
Affiliate Associate Professors: M. Tzortziou (Asst Res Sci, Affiliate Asst. Rsch Scientist)
Adjunct Professors: E. Berbery, C. Brown, R. Colwell (Dist Univ Prof Emerita, Affiliate Prof),
P. Decola (Visit Asst Res Sci, Adjunct Prof), B. Doddridge, M. Evans, R. Higgins, M. King, D.
Kirk-Davidoff, D. Kleist (Asst Prof), V. Kousky, I. Laszlo (Adjunct Prof), M. McGill (Visit Sr
Res Sci), L. Miller (Adjunct Prof), K. Pickering, A. Thompson, L. Uccellini, H. Van Den Dool,
F. Weng (Visit Sr Res Sci), R. Zhang
Adjunct Assistant Professors: N. Nidzieko (Asst Prof, Visit Asst Prof)
Professors Emeriti: F. Baer, R. Ellingson, R. Hudson, E. Rasmusson (Sr Res Sci Emeritus), A.
The Major
Fundamental concepts from mathematics, chemistry, physics, and computer science are applied
to understand the basic principles that control our weather and climate, from extreme events like
tornadoes to the millennial changes of ice ages and the results of human modification of our
environment. Coursework in the first two years emphasizes mastery of these fundamentals.
Coursework in the last two years provides a comprehensive survey of atmospheric and oceanic
science, while specialty courses and guided research allow the student to develop expertise in an
area of concentration. The Department has particular strengths in computer modeling and remote
sensing of the atmosphere and ocean, atmospheric chemistry, and climate studies. In addition to
the Department, nearby research laboratories such as the NOAA National Centers for
Environmental Prediction and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center offer the student many
research opportunities. Courses offered by this department may be found under the following
acronyms: AOSC
Program Objectives
The Atmospheric and Oceanic Science B.S. program seeks to educate majors in the basic
principles that control our weather and the interactions between atmosphere and ocean that
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regulate Earth’s climate. Students will be provided with practical experience as researchers and
creators of knowledge, and equipped with the requirements for a full range of careers in
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, as well as for related areas in secondary education, graduate
school, industry, and public service.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Our department hosts an undergraduate major, three undergraduate minors, a professional
masters and a full academic graduate program. The overlap between the professional masters
program and the undergraduate program allows incoming freshman to earn both a bachelors and
a masters degree in five years. We believe that research is an essential part of an undergraduate
experience, and require all our majors to complete a senior thesis as part of their education!
We maintain computer labs for the use of our students in addition to the computer facilities
provided by the university, with all major operating systems represented. Several of our research
groups also have their own compute clusters, and those who need to access still more powerful
computing resources can use NASA, NOAA and NCAR machines. The department hosts
several large disk arrays for local data storage and general-use compute clusters for student use
in classes and on small projects. All are accessible from our laboratories. We are in the process
of completing and advance forecasting/data visualization lab for students to prepare forecasts,
analyze data, and general classroom use.
We have a state of the art rooftop meteorological laboratory, which currently houses standard
meteorological instruments and more than a dozen atmospheric chemistry measurements. This
facility also frequently hosts instruments from nearby research laboratories such as NASA and
NOAA. A short distance away, our department runs an atmospheric chemistry, precipitation and
deposition field site at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center.
Closely affiliated departments and programs, the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
(ESSIC) and the Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI) are in the MSquare
development immediately east of the main campus, and numerous world-class federal facilities
are a short walk or drive away. The new NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction
with 700 NOAA researchers is housed next to ESSIC and JGCRI in the MSquare development
just east of US Route 1. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is five miles down the road, and
the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Naval Research Labs, Environmental
Protection Agency, and many more are also located in the Washington, D.C. Metro area. All
have hired our graduates and host frequent collaborations with our faculty and students.
Admission to the Major
The major in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science is not a limited enrollment program (LEP), so
there are no formal requirements for entry into the major. Successful students generally have a
solid background, earning good grades in mathematics, physics and chemistry.
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Requirements for the Major
Weather and Climate
3 credits
Weather and Climate Laboratory
1 credit
Atmospheric Thermodynamics
3 credits
Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Oceans
3 credits
1 credit
Senior Research Project I
3 credits
Senior Research Project II
3 credits
Computing and Data Analysis: Deciphering Climate
Change Clues
3 credits
Upper Level Major Electives
6 credits
Four of the following five classes:
Physical Meteorology of the Atmosphere
3 credits
Climate Dynamics and Earth System Science
3 credits
Remote sensing
3 credits
Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
3 credits
Synoptic Meteorology
3 credits
General Chemistry for Engineers
3 credits
General Chemistry Laboratory for Engineers
1 credit
Calculus I
4 credits
Calculus II
4 credits
Calculus III
4 credits
Differential Equations
3 credits
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
3 credits
Physics Laboratory Introduction
1 credit
General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat,
Electricity and Magnetism
3 credits
PHYS 261
General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat,
Electricity and Magnetism (Laboratory)
1 credit
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity
and Modern Physics
3 credits
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity
and Modern Physics Laboratory
1 credit
*Or another AOSC course at the 200-level
**For a detailed list, see our website for AOSC majors
The sequence for math majors may also be used: MATH340, 341
The sequence for physics majors may also be used: PHYS171, PHYS174, PHYS272, PHYS275,
The program requires that a grade of "C-" or better be obtained in all courses required for the
major. Beginning with students matriculating in Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate degree,
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students must have a minimum C (2.0) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to
satisfy major degree requirements.
Detailed information on the major can be obtained by consulting our major website and making
an appointment with an AOSC advisor.
Advising for Atmospheric and Oceanic Science majors is mandatory every semester. Students
who need to make an advising appointment should contact the Director of the undergraduate
program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (Tim Canty: tcanty@umd.edu).
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Many of our present undergraduate students have sought out and obtained productive internships
in the Washington, D.C. area. These experiences (whether at NASA, NOAA, EPA, DOE or other
federal or state agencies) are important both to our students’ academic careers, as they provide
context and generate ideas for independent research projects, and to their professional careers. In
light of this importance, we have made an undergraduate senior thesis mandatory for all AOSC
majors (see the courses AOSC493 and AOSC498). Our majors have the opportunity and are
required to perform research! Non-majors may also participate in undergraduate research
through AOSC499 or informally with individual professors and research scientists.
Internships are an integral part of our program. All AOSC majors must complete and defend a
full year research project during their senior year. Many opportunities are available at nearby
research facilities such as NASA and NOAA.
Honors Program
Each year, the AOSC Honors Program Committee reviews the academic records of AOSC
majors. Students with a minimum 3.00 overall GPA and a minimum 3.30 major GPA will be
added to the AOSC Honors List. For students on the AOSC Honors list certain graduate courses
are open. To receive a citation of "with honors in atmospheric and oceanic science" the student
Have earned a 3.00 or higher overall GPA and a 3.30 or higher GPA for all AOSC major
required courses at graduation time
Pass two approved AOSC graduate level classes with a grade of “B-“ or better.
Pass an Honors Oral Examination in his or her senior year.
To receive a citation of "with high honors in atmospheric and oceanic science" he or she must
complete the requirements for honors and receive a high pass for the thesis.
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Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The undergraduate program features an active student chapter of the American Meteorological
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The department maintains awards for highly qualified undergraduate students. Please contact the
department for details.
In addition, the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state
and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
School of Public Health
2387 School of Public Health Building, 301-405-2463
Chair: B. Curbow
Professors: K. Beck, B. Boekeloo, P. Clark (Res Prof), R. Feldman, R. Gold, M. Wang
Associate Professors: A. Arria (Assoc Prof), D. Borzekowski (Res Assoc Prof, Res Prof), S.
Desmond, K. Green, C. Holt, D. Howard, R. Sawyer, F. Zanjani (Assoc Prof)
Assistant Professors: J. Butler, C. Fryer, M. Garza
Instructors: A. Anderson-Sawyer, J. Hodgson, S. La Touche-Howard (Lecturer), M. Reynolds,
K. Sharp, T. Zeeger
Professors Emeriti: J. Greenberg
The Major
Students graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health which prepares
students for entry-level health education positions in a variety of community health settings:
worksite health promotion, research and development, hospitals, and health agencies. Courses
offered by this department may be found under the following acronym: HLTH.
Program Objectives
The Department of Behavioral and Community Health promotes the development of behavioral
and community health educators who understand the science, theory, and practice of public
health and can apply this knowledge toward the enhancement of population health status.
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Program Learning Outcomes
As a result of the undergraduate program in community health, students will be able to:
1. Identify individual and community level needs for health promotion and disease
2. Identify principles of community health that are needed for the development of effective
health promotion and disease prevention strategies.
3. Apply statistics and research methods to accurately describe the distribution and examine
the determinants of population health.
4. Apply statistics and research methods to community health program evaluations.
5. Describe how to plan, implement and administer short and long term community health
6. Communicate and disseminate the results of community health program evaluations.
7. Describe how to advocate for effective community health initiatives at the local, state and
federal levels.
8. Identify strategies that effectively incorporate cultural competence within health
promotion and community health initiatives.
9. Demonstrate competency in planning, preparing, and delivering effective community
health presentations.
Requirements for the Major
In addition to the University's general education requirements, students must fulfill four other
general sets of requirements: General Electives, Supportive Requirements, Health Electives, and
Professional Preparation. HLTH491, the Community Health Internship, is completed during the
student's final semester and after all other course work has been successfully completed.
Community Health Major
Supportive Requirements
Introduction to Public & Community Health
Personal and Community Health
Introduction to Health Behavior
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology II
Health Electives
Drug Use and Abuse
Controlling Stress and Tension
Communicating Health and Safety
Human Sexuality
Peer Education
Health Education in the Workplace
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Consumer Behavior
Minority Health(summer only)
Women's Health
Death Education
Medical Terminology (Summer & Winter)
Physiology of Exercise
Elements of Nutrition
Professional Preparation
Introduction to Research in Community Health
Introduction to Biostatistics
Introduction to Epidemiology
Principles of Community Health I
Methods and Materials in Health
Principles of Community Health II
Community Health Internship
Advising is not mandatory, but it is recommended that students periodically schedule an
appointment via departmental website to appropriately track their progress in the major. The
Community Health major has two advisors:
1. Jennifer Hodgson: [email protected], 301-405-2523
2. Dr. Nancy Smith: [email protected], 301-405-9146
The final semester of the program is dedicated to a full-time, 16-week internship that the student
will have identified in the previous semester's required course HLTH490. The internship
coordinator is Anne Anderson-Sawyer, MA, [email protected].
Honors Program
The Department's Honors program began in Fall 2015. Interested students should check the
departmental web site or contact Dr. Kerry Green for details.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
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participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
DBCH Undergraduate Award Descriptions
The Department of Behavioral and Community Health has evolved significantly over the past
few years, and is currently comprised of faculty, staff and hundreds of students who share in a
passion to improve health outcomes of individuals and communities. Each year, our Department
recognizes some exceptional students by honoring them with awards in recognition of their
achievements. A listing of all Behavioral and Community Health sponsored awards follows.
Please note that students may apply for only one award.
Sharon M. Desmond Community Service Award
This award honors Dr. Sharon Desmond’s more than 20-year involvement and commitment to
improving health within the local community. Serving as a professor within the Department of
Behavioral and Community Health since 1989, she teaches about public health from a social
justice perspective, addressing health disparities that result from racism and lack of access to
care. Dr. Desmond has worked diligently with communities surrounding the University to
empower them through health education. In 1999, she was instrumental in founding a health
partnership between the city of Seat Pleasant, MD and the university. Since its birth, she has
served as secretary, chairperson, and co-chairperson of the Seat Pleasant-University of Maryland
Health Partnership (SP-UMHP) and has been actively involved in all partnership programs and
Each spring, the Department of Behavioral and Community Health presents this award to an
undergraduate who has demonstrated dedication to his or her community in a health-related
capacity. The award will be given to a student with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, who has
completed at least 2 semesters in the Community Health major, and who has regularly
participated in community service activities. To apply, please email your full name and
university ID, as well as a 1-2 page (maximum) narrative about why you deserve this award, to
Beverly Monis at [email protected] by February 1st. The subject line of your email should read,
“Desmond Community Service Award.”
Robin G. Sawyer Health Teaching/Communication Award
This award honors Dr. Robin Sawyer’s more than 25-year commitment to a high standard of
teaching excellence and health communication. Dr. Sawyer has received numerous awards for
his exciting and effective classroom teaching methods, including the most prestigious University
of Maryland Regent’s Award for Teaching Excellence, which identifies the most outstanding
teacher among 5,000 faculty in the University of Maryland System. His unwavering commitment
to teaching has led to over 450 presentations at schools, colleges, and universities throughout the
United States, and his innovative approach to education has made his Human Sexuality course
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one of the most popular classes on our campus. Dr. Sawyer has also written and produced 5
sexuality films that have garnered 14 national and international film awards. Through his
Methods and Materials in Health course, Dr. Sawyer continues to teach our majors how to
become effective communicators of health information.
Each spring, the Department of Behavioral and Community Health presents this award to an
undergraduate who demonstrates promise and involvement in public/community health
presentations and teaching. The award will be given to a student with a cumulative GPA of 3.0
or higher, who has completed at least 2 semesters in the Community Health major, and who has
effectively taught or presented on a health-related topic. To apply, please email your full name
and university ID, as well as a 1-2 page (maximum) narrative of why you deserve this award, to
Beverly Monis at [email protected] by February 1st. The subject line of your email should read,
“Sawyer Health Teaching/Communication Award.”
Beck-Feldman Public Health Research Award
This award honors Drs. Kenneth Beck and Robert Feldman’s more than 30-year commitment to
public health research. Both serve as full professors within the Department of Behavioral and
Community Health. Dr. Beck has worked with numerous federal, state, and local agencies to
research issues surrounding injury prevention, traffic safety, graduated licensing and risk-taking
behaviors. He has focused specifically on the effectiveness of breath alcohol ignition locks at
preventing impaired driving, and the effects of parental monitoring on teen alcohol involvement.
Dr. Feldman’s major areas of research have focused on investigating worksite smoking cessation
among government workers in Costa Rica and Latino immigrant construction workers in
Maryland. He has also examined the effectiveness of interventions to encourage healthier eating
among low income women in the Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program and infant
nutrition programs for Latina mothers.
Each spring, the Department of Behavioral and Community Health presents this award to an
undergraduate who has a demonstrated involvement in health research projects. The award will
be given to a student with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, who has completed at least 2
semesters in the Community Health major, and who has had some involvement in research. To
apply, please email your full name and university ID, as well as a 1-2 page (maximum) narrative
of why you deserve this award, to Beverly Monis at [email protected] by February 1st. The
subject line of your email should read, “Beck-Feldman Public Health Research Award.”
David Hyde Award
This award honors Dr. David Hyde’s more than 20 year involvement with the Department of
Behavioral and Community Health. As the former Undergraduate Program Director, Dr. Hyde
advised literally hundreds of students, assisting them in reaching their academic, professional,
and personal goals. His open door policy, personable demeanor, and realistic approach to
problem solving made him popular among Community Health students. Dr. Hyde also taught
courses in stress management and was passionate about helping students cope with and control
stress in their academic and personal lives. Retiring in 2010, Dr. Hyde has had the opportunity to
pursue his long time interest in photography.
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Each spring, the Department of Behavioral and Community Health presents this award to an
undergraduate who has demonstrated strength in the face of adversity. The award will be given
to a student with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, who has completed at least 2 semesters in
the Community Health major, and who has experienced adversity during his or her
undergraduate career. To apply, please email your full name and university ID, as well as a 1-2
page (maximum) narrative of why you deserve this award, to Beverly Monis at
[email protected] by February 1st. The subject line of your email should read, “David Hyde
Doris Sands Award
This award honors Dr. Doris Sands, a renowned sexuality educator who was recognized for her
tremendous teaching skills and ability to reach thousands of students during her time at the
University of Maryland (1964-1986). Dr. Sands began her career as a school nurse and happened
to identify and diagnose a serious illness in a young high school student. This early intervention
saved the young man’s life, and many years later, in honor of this action, the grateful man set up
a scholarship in the name of Dr. Sands. Throughout her teaching career here at Maryland, Dr.
Sands was well known for her direct manner and fearlessness regarding education around human
sexuality. She was a trailblazer in this regard, and helped to normalize issues of sexual health in
her immensely popular Human Sexuality course.
Each spring, the Department of Behavioral and Community Health’s Undergraduate Program
Committee selects (no application) a student to receive this award based on strong motivation
and promise in the field.
A. James Clark School of Engineering
2330 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building, 301-405-8268
Chair: J. Fisher (Prof; Chair)
Director: J. Aranda-Espinoza (Assoc Prof; Assoc Chair; Director, Graduate Program), W.
Bentley (Prof; Director, Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices ), I. White (Assoc
Prof; Assoc Chair; Director, Undergraduate Program)
Professors: W. Bentley, J. Fisher, P. Kofinas, G. Payne, B. Shapiro, Y. Tao
Associate Professors: J. Aranda-Espinoza, Y. Chen, E. Eisenstein, K. Herold, C. Jewell, H.
Montas, S. Muro, I. White
Assistant Professors: S. Jay, S. Matysiak, G. Scarcelli, K. Stroka
Lecturers: A. Jones, L. Ma
Professors Emeriti: A. Johnson
The Major
Bioengineering is a field rooted in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and the life sciences. These
areas are applied in quantitative and integrative ways to approach problems in the biological
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systems, medical research, and clinical practice. The objective is to advance fundamental
concepts, create knowledge from the molecular to organ to system levels, and develop innovative
processes for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. In short, bioengineering seeks
to improve the health and life of humankind on many levels.
Bioengineers specialize in those products and processes made from, used with, or applied to
biological organisms. In addition to engineering science and design, bioengineers study cell
biology, physiology, bioinformatics, bioimaging, and biomechanics. The synthesis of
engineering and biology gives bioengineers unique capabilities in our modern world.
For more information about the Bioengineering major, please visit
The Bachelor of Science degree in Bioengineering is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org, 415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD
21201, telephone: (410) 347-7700.
Program Objectives
The undergraduate program in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering provides students with
a broad and fundamental education relating engineering with the biological sciences. The
program has focuses in biomedical devices, human health, biotechnology, and
ecosystems. These focuses all contain components of fundamental sciences, design, and
communications skills. The students' educational achievements all contribute to enabling a wide
range of career paths after graduation.
Our graduates are grounded in fundamentals that will serve them throughout their professional
careers. They will have an understanding of human behavior, societal needs and forces, and the
dynamics of human efforts and their effects on human health and that of our environment. With
these underpinnings and abilities, we have defined several Program Educational Objectives we
expect our graduates to attain in 3-5 years after graduation:
1. Prepare our graduates for continuing their education and for gaining employment in a
bioengineering or related profession;
2. Instill in our graduates a desire to participate in lifelong learning activities that will
further their careers and their impact on society;
3. Encourage our graduates to serve their profession and community.
Program Learning Outcomes
Maryland bioengineers gain a broad-based education in which engineering approaches are used
to understand and improve living systems and their environments. We educate students to excel
in the field of bioengineering and carry out research, development, and commercialization of
bioscience systems and tools that will improve the lives of people throughout the world. The
specific Student Outcomes detailed by the Bioengineering Program are detailed below.
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a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. An ability to communicate effectively.
h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
j. A knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Additional Bioengineering Outcomes:
1. Applying principles of engineering, biology, human physiology, chemistry, calculus-
based physics, mathematics (through differential equations), and statistics.
2. Solving bio/biomedical engineering problems, including those associated with the
interaction between living and non-living systems.
3. Analyzing, modeling, designing and realizing bio/biomedical engineering devices,
systems, components, or processes.
4. Making measurements on and interpreting data from living systems.
Admission to the Major
Students who wish to study at the A. James Clark School of Engineering apply for admission to
the University of Maryland; there is no separate application for engineering. When filling out the
university application, you may choose bioengineering as your intended major. You may also
apply as an undecided engineering major.
All Bioengineering majors must meet admission, progress, and retention standards of the A.
James Clark School of Engineering.
Please note: If you are applying to Bioengineering as a transfer student (whether you are
changing majors within the Clark School, transferring from another major within UMD, or
transferring from an outside institution), then you must complete BIOE120 with a "B-" or
better before you will be admitted into the department. If you wish to enroll, please send an e-
mail with your UID to [email protected]. You will be will be notified by e-mail when
permission has been granted.
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Requirements for the Major
Following is the list of the course requirements for the Bioengineering Undergraduate
Program. Each student following the course template should be able to graduate in four
years. Each student will meet with his/her Faculty Advisor every semester to plan the schedule
of courses for the subsequent semester. Some of the students in the bioengineering program may
elect to pursue professional degrees such as Medical, Dental, Law, etc., thus they may need
certain courses that those professional schools require and should discuss their plans with their
Faculty Advisor. Some of these courses may count as electives towards the major. Students
interested in health professions may also view the requirements at www.prehealth.umd.edu.
Year 1
ENES100 - Introduction to Engineering Design
MATH140 - Calculus I
CHEM135 - Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM136 - Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory
BIOE120 - Biology for Engineers
BIOE121 - Biology for Engineers Laboratory
ENES102 - Mechanics I
MATH141 - Calculus II
PHYS161 - General Physics I
ENGL101 - Introduction to Writing
General Education Requirement I
Year 2
CHEM231 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM232 - Organic Chemistry I, Lab
MATH241 - Calculus III
BIOE241 - Biocomputational Methods
PHYS260 - General Physics II
PHYS261 - General Physics II, Lab
General Education Requirement II
MATH246 - Differential Equations
BIOE232 - Thermodynamics
BIOE371 - Linear Systems and ODEs for Bioengineering Applications
Biological Science Elective I (BSCI 2xx)
General Education Requirement III
BIOE221 - Intro to the Bioengineering Major
Year 3
BIOE331 - Biofluids
BIOE372 - Biostatistics for Experimental Design and Data Analysis
BSCI330 - Cell Biology and Physiology
BIOE Foundational I
BIOE Elective I
BIOE340 - Modeling Physiological Systems and Laboratory
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BIOE457 - Biomedical Electronics & Instrumentation
BIOE Foundational II
BIOE Elective II
General Education Requirement IV
Year 4
BIOE485 - Capstone I
BIOE Elective III
Breadth Elective
General Education Requirement V
General Education Requirement VI
ENGL393 - Technical Writing
BIOE486 - Capstone II
BIOE Elective IV spring
Biological Science Elective II
General Education Requirement VII*
Oral Communications Requirement
*see http://bioe.umd.edu/undergraduate/electives for details on courses approved for BIOE
Foundational courses and for BIOE, Biological Science, and Breadth electives
*Students are advised to take advantage of Gen Ed courses that double-count for more than one
distributive studies requirement
**Students pursuing the major should review the academic benchmarks established for this
program. See: www.4yearplans.umd.edu. Students will be periodically reviewed to insure they
are meeting benchmarks and progressing to the degree. Students who fall behind program
benchmarks are subject to special advising requirements and other interventions.
The Fischell Department of Bioengineering is committed to student advising and aims to provide
comprehensive curricular support to all of its students towards their academic success. Students
will find that at various points during their academic careers, they may need a certain kind of
guidance. Students may always begin by addressing their questions to bioe-undergra[email protected],
and we will point you in the right direction. Generally, advising is handled by one or a
combination of the following: faculty advisor, departmental advisor, and/or college advisor.
Faculty Advising
All bioengineering majors are assigned to a faculty advisor. Students are required to meet with
their faculty advisors at least once per semester. For currently enrolled majors, the mandatory
advising period occurs in the weeks prior to registration for the next semester. The advising
meeting with the faculty member generally covers the following: course selection for upcoming
semester, four-year planning, and career goals. Students should prepare for every advising
meeting by completing and updating the BIOE Advising Worksheet.
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Freshmen will be assigned to faculty advisors and notified during their first semesters. All other
students may contact [email protected] if they are not sure who their advisor is. For
faculty contact information, please see the faculty list (http://www.bioe.umd.edu/faculty).
Departmental Advising
Bioengineering majors and prospective transfer students may also need to meet with a
departmental (staff) advisor. Some examples of departmental advising include: Benchmarks
(academic progress), planning for study abroad, C.A.R.E (academic probation), double-
major/double-degree planning, graduation audit (seniors), and additional help with four-year
For departmental advising, please send an email including your name, UID, and general question
to [email protected]. All students seeking advising should read and make sure that they
understand the policies and requirements stated in the BIOE Undergraduate Handbook
College Advising
The Clark School of Engineering’s Office of Undergraduate Advising and Academic Support
(UA&AS) (http://www.eng.umd.edu/advising) also provides a broad range of services and
support for engineering students. Some policies are the oversight of the College, so your faculty
or departmental advisor may at times refer you to a Clark School advisor. For example, transfer
admission/transfer credit, 45-credit benchmark review, and permission to enroll at another
institution are handled by the College.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The Bioengineering Department offers a two-year research based Bioengineering
Undergraduate Honors program. Interested students should apply to the honors program in the
spring of their sophomore year. Those accepted into the program will begin research in their
junior year. For more information please see: http://www.bioe.umd.edu/undergraduate/honors
The Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research also assists students in finding on and off
campus research opportunities www.ugresearch.umd.edu.
Honors Program
The Fischell Department of Bioengineering Undergraduate Honors Program is a research-
oriented, thesis-based enrichment experience that serves to augment the curriculum by providing
practical, hands-on learning opportunities. The primary goal of the Honors program is to develop
BIOE graduates who will be among the most competitive applicants for graduate and medical
school programs, as well as industry jobs. Toward this end, the program provides exceptional
undergraduate students with training in academic and professional pursuits while offering a
formal mechanism to be recognized for scholarly achievements.
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For more information, including program admission and completion requirements, see
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
BMES-UMD is the University of Maryland, College Park chapter of the Biomedical Engineering
Society (BMES). BMES-UMD's mission is to unite and promote the future of the biomedical
engineering profession; and to offer rising biomedical engineers the chance to establish
leadership, publish their work, and participate in a wide range of activities that will enhance their
careers. For more information, visit umdbmes.weebly.com
Alpha Eta Mu Beta (AEMB) is the National Biomedical Engineering Honor Society, and the
University of Maryland Fischell Department of Bioengineering established its chapter in spring
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The University and the A. James Clark School of Engineering offer a range of financial support
to talented undergraduate students enrolled at the School. Offerings include the A. James Clark
Endowed Scholarship fund and the Benjamin T. Rome Scholarship. Our program is competitive,
with awards made on the basis of merit, financial need, and other factors. For more information
on a variety of scholarships, please visit www.ursp.umd.edu
In addition, the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state
and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, please visit
We also have several departmental annual awards and scholarships for which students may apply
and be selected based on their scholastic achievements, service to the department and the
profession. These award are open to juniors and seniors in the program. Information on these
annual awards and scholarship may be obtained from the faculty advisors in the department.
Awards and Recognition
Fischell Dept of Bioengineering Outstanding Junior Award
Fischell Dept of Bioengineering Outstanding Senior Award
Fischell Dept of Bioengineering Outstanding Research Award
Fischell Dept of Bioengineering Outstanding Leadership Award
Fischell Dept of Bioengineering Outstanding Citizen Award
Seymour & Faye Wolfe Scholarship: Bioengineering student
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Jeffrey C. and Sandra W. Huskamp Scholarship: Bioengineering student
Biological Sciences Program (BSCI)
College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences
1322 Symons Hall, 301-405-6892
The Major
The Biological Sciences major is jointly offered by the Departments of Biology, Cell Biology &
Molecular Genetics, and Entomology in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural
Sciences. The central Biological Sciences Program office is in 1322 Symons Hall is staffed by:
Dr. Joelle Presson, Assistant Dean. [email protected]
Dr. Francisca Saavedra, Assistant Director. s[email protected]
Ms. Elaine Shaw-Taylor [email protected]
Departmental contacts for Biological Sciences are:
Dr. Reid Compton, Undergraduate Director Biology. [email protected]
Dr. Dave Straney, Undergraduate Director Cell Biology & Molecule
Genetics. straney@umd.edu
Dr. Brett Kent, Undergraduate Director Entomology. [email protected]
All Biological Sciences majors complete a common sequence of introductory and supporting
courses referred to as the Basic Program. In addition, students must complete an Advanced
Program within one of the following specialization areas:
Cell Biology & Genetics (CEBG)
Ecology & Evolution (ECEV)
General Biology (GENB)
Microbiology (MICB)
Physiology & Neurobiology (PHNB)
Individualized Studies (BIVS)
A complete list of specialization area requirements can be found on our website, bsci.umd.edu.
Note that the Individualized Studies specialization (BIVS) requires permission of the Assistant
Dean of Undergraduate Academic Programs, and involves an approved proposal to do
coursework in the College and in other disciplines. Further questions about Biological Sciences
can be directed to the Undergraduate Academic Program Office at 301-405-6892.
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Biological Sciences at the University of Maryland at Shady Grove
The Biological Sciences Program at the University of Maryland offers a degree program at
Universities at Shady Grove. The Biological Sciences Program at Shady Grove offers the
Advanced Program courses normally taken in the junior and senior years. More information is
available at: bsci.umd.edu/shady-grove/.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Students should have mastered the critical knowledge at each level in the curriculum that
is necessary to move on to the next level in the curriculum.
2. Students should demonstrate an ability to use and apply quantitative methods, especially:
interpretation of graphical or tabular data; expression of physical, chemical, or biological
process in mathematical form; solving equations to determine the value of physical,
chemical, or biological variables.
3. Students at the lower level should demonstrate an ability to carry out key experimental
techniques used in the chemical and life sciences disciplines.
4. Students at the lower level should have a basic understanding of how to express questions
as a hypothesis, how to design a test of a hypothesis, and how to gather and analyze
simple data.
5. Students at the upper level should be able to integrate and apply a relevant body of basic
knowledge to the evaluation of existing scientific studies and to design studies to test
specific hypotheses that includes design elements typically found in a specific field of the
chemical and life sciences.
6. Students should effectively communicate in writing the processes of science and the
results of scientific inquiry.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
In addition to offering high quality undergraduate specializations in the Biological Sciences, the
BSCI program participates in the collaborative program in secondary teaching, Terrapin
Teachers, terrapinteachers.umd.edu. This program allows students to develop their expertise at
communicating science to diverse audiences and provides a path toward certification to teach
secondary school science or math.
Admission to the Major
The Biological Sciences major is a Limited Enrollment Program. Please see the admission
requirements and procedures at: lep.umd.edu.
Placement in Courses
Enrollment in BSCI170&171 and BSCI160&161 requires placement into MATH130, 120 or 140
(i.e. completion of MATH113 or 115).
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Students who earn Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate Placement which grants
equivalency for BSCI170&171 and/or BSCI161&161 are encouraged not to repeat these courses
at UMD, but can continue to courses for which BSCI170&171 and/or 160&161 satisfy
prerequisite requirements.
Requirements for the Major
General Education Program Requirements
Basic Program in Biological Sciences
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Principles of Biology III
Principles of Genetics
Supporting courses
MATH130 or
Calculus I
MATH131 or
Calculus II
Fundamentals of General Chemistry /Lab
Organic Chemistry I / Lab
Organic Chemistry II / Lab
Gen Chem & Energetics / Gen Bioanalytical Lab
PHYS131 or
Fundamentals of Physics I, or
Principles of Physics
PHYS132 or
Fundamentals of Physics II, or
Principles of Physics
Advanced Program in Specialization Area
See website for details of specialization Area
Information on BSCI advising can be found at: http://bsci.umd.edu/advising/.
All freshmen and new transfer students will be assigned an advisor from the College of
Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences Student Services advising staff. Students will be
assigned to a departmental faculty advisor once a basic sequence of courses has been
successfully completed. The departmental faculty advisors are coordinated by the following
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persons for the indicated specialization areas. These coordinating advising offices can be
contacted for making appointments with an advisor or for any other information regarding that
specialization area.
1225 H.J. Patterson
2227 Biology-
3142 Plant Sciences
1322 Symons Hall
BIVS, Secondary Education Terrapin Teachers,
Science in the Evening
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Laboratory research, fieldwork, and internships are valuable co-curricular experiences which add
value to a student’s academic experience in CMNS disciplines. We encourage students to pursue
one or more of these experiences during their undergraduate studies. Please see the College
website (http://cmns.umd.edu/undergraduate/research-internships) for more information about
experiential learning for CMNS undergraduates.
See http://cmns.umd.edu/undergraduate/research-internships.
Honors Program
Outstanding students are encouraged to apply to departmental Honors Programs. Through the
Honors Programs students will become actively involved in the ongoing scientific research at the
university. Information about these honors programs may be obtained from the Undergraduate
Academic Programs Office, 1322 Symons Hall, 301-405-6892.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Biological Sciences student representatives serve on the CMNS Student Advisory Board. For
more information see http://cmns.umd.edu/sab.
Biology (BIOL)
College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
2227 Biology-Psychology Building, 301.405.6904
Chair: W. Fagan (Prof)
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Professors: G. Borgia, C. Carr, M. Colombini, W. Jeffery, P. Kanold, T. Kocher, K. Lips, R.
Payne, E. Quinlan, M. Rankin, M. Reaka, J. Simon, S. Sukharev, G. Wilkinson
Associate Professors: I. Ades, R. Araneda, A. Bely, D. Butts, K. Carleton, M. Cummings, E.
Haag, C. Machado, J. Singer, N. Swenson
Assistant Professors: H. Fisher, Q. Gaudry, P. Johnson, S. Juntti, C. Speer
Senior Lecturer: R. Compton, R. Infantino, J. Opoku-Edusei, B. Parent
Lecturers: H. Bierman, C. Fox, S. Lombardi, K. Paczolt, D. Sandstrom, H. Woodham
Professors Emeriti: G. Anastos, A. Cohen, D. Gill, W. Higgins (Assoc. Prof. Emeritus), R.
Highton, D. Inouye, S. Pierce, A. Popper
The Major
The Department of Biology is committed to an integrative understanding of organisms ranging
from processes occurring at the level of molecules to human impacts on global ecological scales.
This integrative approach is evident in the variety of courses we offer. Courses offered by
Biology focus on the function of molecules or cells (e.g., Membrane Biophysics, Mammalian
Histology, Neurophysiology), on the integration of organ systems (e.g., Vertebrate Form and
Function, Mammalian Physiology), on the interaction of organisms with each other and their
environment (e.g. Animal Behavior, Plant Ecology, Population Ecology), on evolutionary
process and diversification (e.g., Principles of Evolution), and/or on the relationship between
humans and their environment (e.g., Biology of Conservation and Extinction).
In addition to a strong foundation in basic biology, our faculty provide students interested in
medical careers with courses that discuss medical applications (Biology of Cancer, Diseases of
the Nervous System) and evolutionary considerations. Our program has particular strengths in
neuroscience, evolutionary developmental biology, and ecology. Our diverse faculty and our
linkages with other institutions, such as the National Institutes of Health and the Smithsonian
Institution, provide students with a wealth of research opportunities to prepare them for careers
in medicine, conservation biology, public policy, education, and more.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym(s): BSCI, BIOL,
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will master the critical knowledge in biology relevant to the next stage in their
Students will demonstrate an ability to use and apply appropriate quantitative methods in
the biological sciences.
Students will be able to critically evaluate and integrate scientific findings in the
biological sciences and apply this understanding to areas of professional and public
Students will be able to effectively communicate though speaking and writing the
processes of science and the results of scientific inquiry.
Students will master experimental design and laboratory skills relevant to the next stage
in their career.
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Admission to the Major
The Biology Department offers undergraduate courses in the Biological Sciences Program.
Biological Sciences is a limited-enrollment program. Specific information about admission
requirements for the major can be found at the following link: http://www.lep.umd.edu/cmns-
Requirements for the Major
See Biological Sciences Program elsewhere in this chapter, or contact the Department of Biology
Undergraduate Office.
Other Requirements for the Major
Students receiving a degree in the Biological Sciences from the University of Maryland must
earn at least 120 credits with a cumulative minimum GPA of 2.000 in all courses being counted
toward the degree as well as in all courses associated with the major. Additionally, all Biological
Sciences major courses must have a grade of "C-" or better.
A list of required and optional courses for both the Physiology and Neurobiology and for the
Ecology and Evolution specializations, as well as model four-year plans to graduation, can be
found at the following link: http://bsci.umd.edu/major-requirements.
Students are assigned an academic advisor on the basis of their area of specialization. The
Department of Biology faculty coordinate and advise students who specialize in Physiology and
Neurobiology (PHNB), Ecology and Evolution (ECEV), and the Environmental Science and
Policy-Biodiversity & Conservation Biology concentration (ENSP-BIOD). Contact the
Department of Biology Undergraduate Office, 301-405-6904, for information about advising or
to schedule an appointment. For advising in other Biological Sciences Specialization areas, see
the Biological Sciences Program listing in this catalog.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The Biology Department offers a wealth of undergraduate research opportunities. Students doing
undergraduate research with a Biology Department faculty member serving as advisor or co-
advisor may sign up for credit under BSCI399, BSCI399L, or BSCI399H or may do research on
a volunteer basis. More general information on research opportunities in the Biological Sciences
may be found at: http://cmns.umd.edu/undergraduate/research-internships.
Honors Program
The Department of Biology Honors Program offers highly motivated and academically qualified
students the opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor on an original, independent,
391 | Page
research project. Students are required to participate in the program for at least three semesters
and need not have been previously admitted to the Honors College to participate. Contact the
Biology Undergraduate Office (301-405-6904) for more information.
College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
1109 Microbiology Building, 301-405-5435
Chair: J. Dinman (Chair)
Director: D. Straney (Assoc. Prof)
Professors: N. Andrews, C. Chang, T. Cooke, J. DeStefano, C. Delwiche, N. El-Sayed, J. Feijo,
T. Fuerst (Prof & Dir IBBR), S. Hannenhalli (CBCB), S. Hutcheson, Z. Liu, R. Mariuzza
(IBBR), K. McIver, D. Mosser, J. Moult (IBBR), D. Nuss (IBBR), A. Simon, W. Song, D. Stein,
H. Sze
Associate Professors: V. Briken, K. Cao, A. Jose, V. Lee, S. Mount, R. Stewart, W. Winkler, L.
Assistant Professors: D. Dwyer, S. Roy, M. Scull
Senior Lecturer: P. Shields
Lecturers: J. Buchner, K. Frauwirth, M. Keller, E. Moctezuma
Affiliate Professors: M. Colombini (Biol), J. Culver (AGNR), I. Hamza (AGNR), W. Jeffery
(Biol), I. Mather (ANGR), D. Perez (AGNR)
Affiliate Associate Professors: I. Ades (Biol), D. Perez (AGNR), L. Pick (Ent), M. Pop (CBCB),
L. Taneyhill (AGNR), S. Xiao (IBBR)
Affiliate Assistant Professors: Y. Li (BSOS)
Adjunct Professors: P. Hobart (USAMRIID), A. McBride (Adjunct Prof), B. Moss (NIH), V.
Vakharia (UMBI), O. White (TIGR), R. Wickner (NIH)
Adjunct Associate Professors: E. Freed (NCI), K. Green (NIH)
Professors Emeriti: N. Allewell, T. Cook (Prof Emeritus), R. Doetsch, E. Gantt (Dist Univ Prof),
F. Hetrick, S. Joseph, G. Patterson, M. Pelczar, J. Reveal, B. Roberson, R. Weiner, S. Wolniak
(Prof Emeritus), R. Yuan
The Major
The department participates in the teaching and advising of students in the Biological Sciences
Program, specifically in the Specialization Areas of Cell Biology & Genetics (CEBG),
Microbiology (MICB), and General Biology (GENB). Our courses are taught in four basic areas
that represent faculty research interests and expertise including:
Cell and Developmental Biology
Genetics and Genomics
Microbiology, Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology
Plant Biology
Requirements for the Specialization Areas
See Biological Sciences Program catalog entry for more information on the degree requirements.
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Admission to the Major
The BSCI major is a limited enrollment program. Please refer to the limited enrollment programs
page at http://www.lep.umd.edu/ for further information.
Requirements for the Major
See Biological Sciences Program catalog entry for more information on the degree requirements.
Advising is mandatory for certain students (freshmen, change in major, GPA of 2.5 or below).
The Department in coordination with the Student Affairs Office of the College of Chemical and
Life Sciences administers the advising of students in the Biological Sciences specialization areas
of Microbiology, Cell Biology and Genetics, and General Biology (N-Z). Advising assignments
can be found by contacting the Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Undergraduate Program
Office, 1109 Microbiology (301-405-5435).
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Students may participate in Department hosted research experiences in faculty laboratories or
laboratories at off campus locations. Please contact the Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Undergraduate Office (301-405-2766) for more information or see the site:
http://bsci.umd.edu/ under "Research and Internships".
Specific courses in the department that offer credit for the research are described
at: http://cbmg.umd.edu/undergraduate/undergrad-research/
Areas of research in the CBMG department are described at: http://cbmg.umd.edu/research-
areas/ with listing of faculty and their research.
Honors Program
The Departmental Honors Program involves a long term (three semester) independent research
project undertaken with a faculty advisor. Students register for BSCI378H (research) and
BSCI379H (seminar) each semester. Admission is based upon GPA. Students must arrange the
research opportunity prior to application. Please contact the Cell Biology and Molecular
Genetics Undergraduate Office for more information or see the
site: http://cbmg.umd.edu/undergraduate/undergrad-research/undergrad-honors/.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
All students interested in microbiology are encouraged to join the University of Maryland
Student Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology. Sigma Alpha Omicron is the honors
chapter of this group. The groups meet regularly on campus. Information is available through the
Undergraduate Program Office.
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Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The department recognizes graduating seniors with awards funded by generous donors. These
are listed at http://cbmg.umd.edu/cbmg-home/scholarships-awards/.
Central European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERE)
College of Arts and Humanities
2115 Francis Scott Key Hall, 301-405-4284
Director: M. Dolbilov
Professors: J. Herf, S. Mansbach, P. Murrell, J. Robinson, V. Tismaneanu
Associate Professors: M. Dolbilov, J. Kaminski, M. Lekic, C. Martin, E. Papazian, C. Schuler
Assistant Professors: E. Adler (Visit Asst Prof), S. Cameron (Asst Prof), P. Kosicki (Asst Prof),
M. Landa (Asst Prof)
Lecturers: Z. Gerus-Vernola (Lecturer)
The Major
The CERES program fosters in-depth knowledge of the region stretching from Prague in the
West to Vladivostok in the East. This includes three main areas: Central and Eastern Europe,
Russia, and Eurasia (the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union). Our majors
prepare for careers and graduate programs in which an in-depth knowledge of Russia, Central
Europe, and Eurasia can be applied with great benefit, such as journalism, government service,
diplomacy, business, a variety of professional schools, and M.A. and Ph.D. programs in the
humanities and social sciences. Our majors take courses in a range of different departments,
gaining a firm grounding in the languages, literatures, history, politics, and economics of their
area of study. They have the flexibility to do coursework in other fields related to the area as
well. Students learn to examine our area of study with the tools of many scholarly fields. Courses
that count toward this major may be found under the following acronyms: ARTH, ECON,
Program Objectives
The program strives to promote interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to studying the
languages, history and culture across the vast region of the former Soviet Union and Eastern and
Central Europe.
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Program Learning Outcomes
Having completed the multi-disciplinary degree program, students are expected to attain the
following learning outcomes: 1. Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively
in writing in either Russian, German, or a Central/East European language (including Czech,
Polish, Hungarian, Serbian and Croatian, Bulgarian, and Romanian); or in a Eurasian language
(i.e., a language from a country formerly part of the Soviet Union). 2. Students will demonstrate
the ability to conduct research using primary and secondary sources including archival, print and
non-print, and web-based texts. 3. Students will demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to
cultural diversity by studying a variety of cultures and societies within the CERE region.
Admission to the Major
Admission is open to all interested students but should be approved in a meeting with the
Placement in Courses
Placement in language courses is determined by the advisor for a given language. Before you
enroll in a Russian or German language class, you must take the on-line "Foreign Language
Placement Assessment": https://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/flpa. However, final
placement into the correct level will be determined by the advisor for the language you wish to
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for the CERES major include the College of Arts and Humanities' mandated
completion of 45 3xx or 4xx-level credits. The College's Global Engagement Requirement will
be automatically fulfilled in the process of fulfilling the CERES requirement of taking either
Russian, German, or a Central/East European language (including Czech, Polish, Hungarian,
Serbian and Croatian, Bulgarian, and Romanian). The language requirement may also be
fulfilled by a Eurasian language (i.e., a language from a country formerly part of the Soviet
Union). Those interested in fulfilling the CERES language requirement through a Central/East
European or Eurasian language should consult the director upon entering the program.
Students who elect the Russian language track must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in
Russian language and literature selected from among the following courses (or their equivalents):
Intensive Elementary Russian I
Intensive Elementary Russian II
Intermediate Russian I
Intermediate Russian II
Advanced Russian I
Advanced Russian II
395 | Page
Russian Conversation: Functional
Survey of Russian Literature I
Survey of Russian Literature II
Advanced Russian Composition
Practicum in Written Russian
Russian Conversation: Advanced
Practicum in Spoken Russian
Students interested in specializing primarily on Central/Eastern Europe may opt for the German
language track, and must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in the Department of Germanic
Studies from among the following courses (or their equivalents):
Intensive Elementary German
Intensive Intermediate German
Conversation and Composition I
Conversation and Composition II
Also accepted will be 16 credit hours of Russian or German and the equivalent of 8 credit
hours of a Central/East European language.
Fulfilling the language requirement through a Eurasian language will be decided on a
case-by-case basis in consultation with the director.
In addition to language courses, students must complete 24 hours of CERES approved
courses at the 3xx-level or above. These 24 hours must be taken in at least four different
departments (with the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures counting as a single
department), and may include language-literature courses beyond the required 24 hours.
Of the 24 hours, at least 9 hours must be in courses with substantial or specific focus on
Central/East Europe (for example, ARTH350 or 488C, GVPT359, 409, HIST319, 340,
443 and other special courses offered in the CERES area with the approval of the
director) and at least 9 hours must be in those CERES courses with substantial or specific
Russian/Eurasian focus (for example, GEOG325, GVPT445, 451, 459A, 481, HIST344,
424, 425, 442, SOCY474, THET499, and other special courses offered in the CERES
area with the approval of the director).
For a full listing of this year's CERES courses, see the website www.ceres.umd.edu, and click on
The various cooperating departments also offer special (i.e. non-permanent) seminars and
courses in the Russian, East European, and Eurasian fields. HIST237-Russian Civilization is
recommended as a general introduction to the program but does not count toward the fulfillment
of the program's requirements.
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the major. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the major is required for graduation.
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Course selection and progress toward programmatic requirements are to be discussed
individually through meetings with the CERES director.
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Students are encouraged to pursue research, internship and study abroad experiences. Such
opportunities should be discussed individually with the Director.
Students are encouraged to seek off-campus internships that may be available in the greater DC-
Baltimore area. Earning academic credit for such experiences should be discussed individually
with the Director.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
CERES majors are eligible for nomination to national honor societies related to their studies,
including Dobro Slovo, the National Slavic Honor Society.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
A. James Clark School of Engineering
2113 Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building, 301-405-1935
Chair: S. Ehrman
Professors: R. Adomaitis, M. Anisimov, R. Calabrese, K. Choi, S. Raghavan, E. Wachsman, W.
Weigand, M. Zachariah
Associate Professors: A. Asa-Awuku (Assoc Prof), P. Dimitrakopoulos, J. Klauda, G. Sriram, C.
Wang, N. Wang
Assistant Professors: A. Karlsson, D. Liu, T. Woehl (Asst Prof)
Affiliate Professors: M. Al-Sheikhly, W. Bentley, D. DeVoe, J. Fisher, G. Jackson, P. Kofinas,
S. Lee
Adjunct Professors: V. Dwivedi (Adjunct Asst Prof), M. Klapa, C. Peters (Adjunct Prof)
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Professors Emeriti: S. Greer (Affiliate Prof, Prof Emerita), T. McAvoy, T. Regan, J. Sengers, T.
The Major
Students in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of
Maryland learn to use a combination of mathematical, physical, chemical, and biological science
concepts within a rigorous engineering design framework, graduating with a unique set of skills
highly valued by a wide range of employers in industry, academia, and the government. The
wide breadth of this profession and the Department's unique strengths in nanotechnology and
biotechnology prepare our students for outstanding careers.
Because of the wide range of ultimate applications, the chemical engineer finds interesting and
diverse career opportunities in such varied fields as chemical (inorganic and organic), food
processing and manufacturing, metallurgical, polymer, energy conversion, environmental
engineering, petroleum (refining, production, or petrochemical), and pharmaceutical
industries. Additional opportunities are presented by the research and development activities of
many public and private research institutes and all government agencies. Our graduates have
taken jobs with companies like DuPont, ExxonMobil, Proctor & Gamble, the Food and Drug
Administration, and the Department of Defense.
On top of all the options and opportunities, chemical and biomolecular engineers have
traditionally ranked at or near the top of starting salaries among all of the engineering
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronyms: ENCH &
The Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org, 415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD
21201, telephone: (410) 347-7700.
Program Objectives
Graduates with a solid foundation in chemical engineering science fundamentals as well
as a broad background in science and mathematics to equip them to enter professional
and chemical engineering practice and to enter graduate study at leading universities.
Graduates who will excel in traditional chemical engineering careers and diverse careers
in areas such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, medicine, law or business.
Graduates who are equipped with solid quantitative problem solving, teamwork,
communication skills, adaptability to new technologies and a strong ethical foundation
that will serve them throughout their careers.
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Program Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to fully engage with the curriculum and the opportunities presented for
learning and research. Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the
following knowledge and skills:
An ability to apply knowledge of chemical engineering fundamentals to identify and
solve chemical engineering problems.
An ability to identify and solve problems in specialized areas related to chemical
An ability to apply mathematics relevant to engineering and the physical and chemical
sciences to identify and solve technical problems.
A broad knowledge necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global and societal context.
An ability to identify engineering problems and propose appropriate solutions.
An ability to perform step-by-step design of engineered systems and chemical processes.
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
The knowledge of computers and information technology necessary to function
effectively as chemical engineers
An awareness of safety and environmental issues as an integral part of the chemical
engineering profession.
An ability to successfully participate in teams.
An ability to communicate effectively through oral presentations and written reports.
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities
Skills necessary for employment in a variety of positions in industry or government or for
continued study in graduate or professional schools.
An understanding of current technological issues related to chemical engineering.
An ability to engage in structured research.
An appreciation for excellence and diversity.
An ability and the motivation to engage in life-long learning, and the ability to conduct
research using resources beyond the undergraduate curriculum.
Requirements for the Major
IMPORTANT: This section contains requirements for incoming freshman or transfer
students entering the B.S. program in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Fall 2010 and
later. For students entering the program before Fall 2010 see requirements here
The undergraduate program is designed to be completed in four years. It is important to follow
the sample program as closely as possible, as nearly all CHBE classes are offered only once a
year. All Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering students must participate in an advising
session prior to registering each semester. Students are assigned a faculty advisor at the start of
their first semester in the major. Questions about the undergraduate program may be sent to
Kathy Lopresti at lopr[email protected].
399 | Page
Courses appearing in bold are offered by the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Freshmen Year: Fall semester
Introduction to Engineering Design
Calculus I
General Chemistry for Engineers
General Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory
General Education
Total Credits
Freshmen Year: Spring semester
Introduction to Writing
Calculus II
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle
Biology for Engineers
Introduction to Chemistry & Biomolecular
Total Credits
Sophomore Year: Fall semester
Calculus III
General Physics II
General Physics II Laboratory
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Thermodynamics I
Total Credits
400 | Page
Sophomore Year: Spring semester
Differential Equations for Scientists and
General Physics III
General Physics III Laboratory
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Thermodynamics II
General Education
Total Credits
Junior Year: Fall Semester
Statistics and Experimental Design
Chemical and Biomolecular Transport
Phenomena I
Chemical Kinetics & Reactor Design
General Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory
Technical Writing
General Education
Total Credits
Junior Year: Spring Semester
BCHM461 or
Biochemistry I or
Biochemistry of Physiology
ENMA300 or
ENMA425 or
Intro to Materials and Their Applications or
Introduction to Biomaterials or
Chemical and Biomolecular Transport
Phenomena II
Chemical and Biomolecular Separation
Communication Skills for Engineers
General Education
Total Credits
Senior Year: Fall Semester
401 | Page
Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering Lab
Chemical & Biomolecular Systems Analysis
Process Engineering Economics and Design I
Technical Elective*
General Education
Total Credits
Senior Year: Spring Semester
Process Engineering Economics & Design II
Technical Elective*
Technical Elective*
General Education
General Education
Total Credits
Technical Elective list of approved courses: http://www.chbe.umd.edu/undergraduate/current
Degree Credits: 128 credits and fulfillment of all departmental, college, and university
requirements with a cumulative grade point average of 2.
All students choosing Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering as their primary field must see
their assigned undergraduate advisor each semester. Please contact Kathy Gardinier (Lopresti) at
301-405-5888 or [email protected] for your assigned advisor information.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
A unique aspect of the Department's undergraduate program is its high level of students’
participation in cutting-edge research. Approximately half of our students graduate with
significant lab experience and most find it to be one of the high points of their undergraduate
Honors Program
The A. James Clark School of Engineering hosts a chapter of the Omega Chi Epsilon National
Honor Society for chemical engineering, as well as a chapter of the engineering honor society,
Tau Beta Pi.
402 | Page
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Students operate a campus student chapter of the professional organization, the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers. Omega Chi Episilon is the honorary Chemical Engineering
Society. OXE is our Honors Society.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Financial aid based upon need is available through the Office of Student Financial Aid. A
number of scholarships are available through the A. James Clark School of Engineering. The
department offers opportunities for research and other part-time employment.
Awards and Recognition
Annual awards are given to recognize scholarship and outstanding service to the Department,
College, and University.
College of Computer, Mathematical & Natural Sciences
0107H Chemistry Building, 301-405-1788
Chair: J. Reutt-Robey
Professors: M. Alexander, D. Beckett, N. Blough, J. Davis, P. DeShong, B. Eichhorn, D. Falvey,
C. Fenselau, J. Fourkas, D. Fushman, O. Herzberg, L. Isaacs, C. Jarzynski, S. Lee, G. Lorimer,
A. Mignerey, A. Mullin, J. Ondov, J. Orban, G. Papoian, R. Salawitch, L. Sita, A. Vedernikov,
W. Walters, L. Wang, J. Weeks, M. Zachariah
Associate Professors: T. Dayie, D. Julin, J. Kahn, N. LaRonde, C. Lee, P. Paukstelis, Y. Wang
Assistant Professors: O. Gutierrez, Z. Nie, M. Poulin, E. Rodriguez, P. Tiwary
Senior Lecturer: B. Dixon, M. Montague-Smith
Lecturers: C. Addei-Maanu, C. Capp, L. Friedman, E. Griffith, M. Koppel, L. Stocker, E. Stone,
B. Walters, N. White
Affiliate Professors: N. Allewell, M. Colombini, R. Dickerson, J. Dinman, W. McDonough, S.
Raghavan, W. Winkler
Adjunct Professors: H. Bluhm, P. Dagdigian, M. Doyle, A. Grishaev, L. Locascio, J. Marino, E.
Mazzola, B. Nikoobakht, R. Nussinov, J. Petersen, C. Ridge, H. Sintim, D. Thirumalai
Associate Research Scientist: K. Gaskell
Assistant Research Scientist: R. Singh
Assistant Research Professor: J. Klos
Professors Emeriti: J. Bellama, H. DeVoe, D. Freeman, S. Greer, S. Grim, J. Hansen, G. Helz, J.
Huheey, B. Jarvis, P. Mazzocchi, G. Miller, T. O'Haver
403 | Page
The Major
The study of molecular and atomic properties and interactions that encompass Chemistry and
Biochemistry are central to many scientific disciplines including biology, geology, astronomy,
environmental science, materials science and numerous others. Chemistry and Biochemistry
majors continue to graduate or professional school, and obtain employment as educators and
technical scientists. Courses offered by this department may be found under the following
acronyms: BCHM, CHEM
Admission to the Major
Chemistry and Biochemistry are part of a Limited Enrollment program (LEP) within the College
of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS). Current UMCP students who wish
to declare in CHEM or BCHM must complete a series of gateway courses (CHEM146/177 (or
CHEM131/132), CHEM237 (or CHEM231/232), and MATH140 and MATH141) prior to
applying to the program. Information is available at: http://www.lep.umd.edu.
Placement in Courses
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry rigorously enforce all of its prerequisites.
Enrollment in CHEM131/132 or CHEM146/177 requires placement in calculus (MATH120 or
MATH130 or MATH140).
Requirements for the Major
Note: The lower-level courses offered by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
changed starting in the Fall 2013 semester. The lower-level requirements for chemistry and
biochemistry majors are reflected in the requirements listed below. For details, contact the
Undergraduate Office or visit the undergraduate section of the Department's website.
Chemistry Majors
All required chemistry and biochemistry courses must be passed with a minimum grade of "C-
". Required supporting courses, including BSCI170&171, must be passed with a 2.0 grade point
Required Courses
Principles of General Chemistry /
Introduction to
Laboratory Practices
and Research in the Chemical
Principles of Organic Chemistry I
Principles of Organic Chemistry II
404 | Page
General Chemistry and
Energetics(Majors) / Lab
Professional Issues in Chemistry
and Biochemistry
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Physical Chemistry I / Lab
Introduction to Writing
The Student in the University
Supporting Courses
Principles of Molecular and Cellular
Biology and Lab
Principles of Physics
Calculus I
Calculus II
NOTE: All majors and potential majors are
encouraged to take MATH241-Calculus III (4)
prior to beginning Physical Chemistry.
Departmental Requirements
Lower level courses
Supporting courses
Upper level courses
must include:
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry II / Lab
approved upper level
CHEM/BCHM courses
In order to meet requirements for a degree approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS),
students must complete a specific set of courses in addition to this curriculum. Information about
ACS certification can be obtained in the undergraduate office.
Biochemistry Majors
All required chemistry, biochemistry, and upper-level biological sciences courses must be passed
with a minimum grade of "C-". Required supporting courses, including BSCI170&171, must be
passed with a 2.0 grade point average.
Required Courses
Principles of General Chemistry /
Introduction to Laboratory Practices
and Research in the Chemical
Principles of Organic Chemistry I
Principles of Organic Chemistry II
405 | Page
General Chemistry and Energetics -
Majors / Lab
Professional Issues in Chemistry
and Biochemistry
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Physical Chemistry I / Lab
Introduction to Writing
The Student in the University
Supporting Courses
Principles of Molecular and Cellular
Biology and Lab
Principles of Physics
Calculus I
Calculus II
NOTE: All majors and potential majors are
encouraged to take MATH241
-Calculus III (4)
prior to beginning Physical Chemistry.
Departmental Requirements
Lower level courses
Supporting courses
Upper level courses
must include:
Biochemistry I
Biochemistry II
Biochemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry III
Physical Biochemistry
approved biological science courses
* Specific information about course requirements can be obtained in the undergraduate office.
* Students who enroll in the chemistry or biochemistry program at any time following the first
semester of study typically will complete all or part of the non-majors introductory sequence
(CHEM131,132, 231/232, 241/242 and 271/272; CHEM132, 232, 242 and 272 are co-requisite
laboratory courses). In this situation, completion of an additional approved upper level CHEM
or BCHM course may be required to fulfill the lower-level departmental major requirements.
Transfer students who wish to pursue chemistry or biochemistry majors will have their previous
chemistry course work carefully evaluated for placement in the appropriate courses.
Other Requirements for the Major
Information about and requirements of the CHEM and BCHM majors can be found
at: http://www.chem.umd.edu/undergraduateprogram/current-students/majoradvising.
406 | Page
There is mandatory advising for all Chemistry and Biochemistry majors each
semester. Advising appointments can be made by contacting the undergraduate office,
1206 Chemistry Building, 301-405-1791. Information can be found
at: http://www.chem.umd.edu/undergraduateprogram/current-students/majoradvising
Honors Program
Students with a GPA of 3.0 or better who have completed at least two semesters of CHEM399
(Introduction to Chemical Research) have an opportunity to sign up for CHEM398 (Honors
Research) in their senior year and be considered for departmental honors. After successful
completion of a senior honors thesis and seminar, graduation with honors or with high honors in
chemistry or biochemistry can be attained. Details are available
here: http://www.chem.umd.edu/undergraduateprogram/current-students/chemistry-
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry Fraternity is a professional fraternity which recruits men and
women students from chemistry, biochemistry, and related science majors during each fall and
spring semester. The fraternity holds weekly meetings and provides tutoring for students in
lower-level chemistry courses. The office is in Room 2106A Chemistry Building. Dr. Joseph
Houck is the faculty advisor (Room 1102 Chemistry Building, 301-405-9289).
The student affiliate program of the American Chemical Society (SA-ACS) is designed to
introduce students in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields to a variety of professional
activities. Student affiliates will gain skills and make contacts aimed at launching a successful
career in science. Activities include networking and meeting with professionals, attending
national meetings, and participating in public outreach programs. Affiliates also receive
subscriptions to Chemical & Engineering News, the undergraduate career magazine, in
Chemistry, as well as gaining on-line access to announcements regarding job and intern
opportunities. The student affiliate office is located in Room 2112A of the Chemistry Building.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Department awards several scholarships to undergraduate majors with financial need and
outstanding academic records, including the Isidore and Annie Adler Scholarship, the Leidy
Foundation Scholarship, the G. Forrest Woods Scholarship, the James H. & Patricia H. Rich
Scholarship, the Bruce Jarvis Scholarship, the Francesco Barone Scholarship, and the James
Stewart Scholarship. Scholarship amounts are contingent on available funds and some may be
divided among multiple awardees. Any given scholarship is not necessarily awarded every
year. There is no application process; all declared chemistry and biochemistry majors are
automatically reviewed annually by the Departmental Awards Committee. The Office of
Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and institutional financial
assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices, participates in the
407 | Page
awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Chinese (CHIN)
College of Arts and Humanities
2106 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Associate Professors: A. Schonebaum, M. Zhou
Assistant Professors: S. Hashimoto
Senior Lecturer: G. Hu, M. Kong, J. Lee-Heitz
Lecturers: Y. Wang
The Major
The Chinese major (CHIN) provides the training and cultural background needed for entering
East Asia-related careers in such fields as higher education, the arts, business, government,
international relations, agriculture, or the media. Students may also consider a double major in
Chinese and another discipline such as business, government and politics, economics, or
journalism. Chinese students have the option of applying to live in St. Mary's Hall (Language
House) and participating in a study abroad program.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to ask and answer simple questions on familiar topics, and handle
communicative tasks in immediate survival needs, using basic grammar and vocabulary. They
will be able to find unfamiliar words in a Chinese dictionary, using both phonetic and graphic
look-up methods (i.e., looking up a word by sound or by the structure of the character), and be
able to read connected sentences in Chinese and analyze their grammar accurately.
Placement in Courses
Requirements for the Major
As of Fall 2007, the Chinese major requires 39 credits: 18 of language and 18 of non-language
electives, as described below.
I. Language requirements. 18 credits of Chinese language at the 2xx level or above. Students
placing into the program at higher levels should reach at least the level of CHIN302 or CHIN306
but may substitute non-language courses on China-related subjects for some of these 18 credits.
(The final decision on what substitute courses may be used for the major rests with the Chinese
Program and Chinese Advisor.) Language courses accepted for the major include:
408 | Page
Intermediate Spoken Chinese I and Intermediate Written
Chinese I (must be taken and passed together)
Intermediate Spoken Chinese II and Intermediate Written
Chinese II (must be taken together and passed together)
Advanced Chinese I
Advanced Chinese II
Life in China through TV Plays I
Life in China through TV Plays II
Readings in Modern Chinese I
Readings in Modern Chinese II
Special Topics in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film:
Sex and the City: Literary
and Filmic Representations of
Women (taught in Chinese)
Special Topics in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film:
The Representation of Youth (taught in Chinese)
Traditional Chinese Fiction (taught in Chinese)
Modern Chinese Fiction (taught in Chinese)
II. Literature. 3 credits of Chinese literature at 3xx level or above. Courses accepted include:
Chinese Fiction and Drama in Translation
Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
Traditional Chinese Values
Special Topics in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film: Sex
and the City: Literary and Filmic Representations of Women
(taught in Chinese)
Special Topics in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film: The
Representation of Youth (taught in Chinese)
Modern Chinese Fiction
III. Linguistics. CHIN307 and 3 credits of Chinese linguistics at 3xx level or above. Courses
accepted include:
Sounds and Transcriptions of Mandarin Chinese
Advanced Chinese Grammar
Chinese Historical Phonology
Linguistics of the Chinese Writing System
Selected Topics in Chinese Linguistics
The Languages of East Asia
IV. History/Civilization. 6 credits of Chinese history/civilization offered by other departments.
Courses accepted include, but are not limited to:
409 | Page
Asian Culture and the Sinosphere
East Asian Civilization I
East Asian Civilization II
History of Traditional China
A History of Modern China
"Special Topics" and "Colloquium" courses (those with variable numbers, ending in 8 or 9 and
followed by a letter) may be acceptable depending on the actual title and content of the course at
the time it is offered. The final determination is in the hands of the Chinese Program and the
Chinese advisor.
Electives. 6 credits of electives at 3xx level or above, subject to the advisor's approval. In
addition to all the specific courses listed under "Non-language Requirements" above, language
courses and independent study may also be used toward this requirement.
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Study Abroad
For information on study abroad programs see the program advisor and/or the Education Abroad
website www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Requirements for the Minor
Chinese Language
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The 15-credit minor in Chinese language will provide students with a sophisticated
understanding of Chinese linguistic knowledge and a 3xx or 4xx level Chinese language skill.
Students attempting this minor will need a strong background in Chinese at the level of Chinese
101 and CHIN102/103, which are prerequisites for some of the required courses. This minor will
be of particular relevance to students with broad interest in learning Chinese language. Students
interested in taking this minor program should contact the Chinese advisor in the Department of
Asian and East European Languages and Literatures of the School of Languages, Literatures, and
A: Four 3-credit language courses from among the following - 12 credits
CHIN201 Intermediate Spoken Chinese I
CHIN202 Intermediate Written Chinese I
410 | Page
CHIN203 Intermediate Spoken Chinese II
CHIN204 Intermediate Written Chinese II
CHIN205 Intermediate Chinese - Accelerated Track
CHIN207 Linguistic Resources for Students of Chinese
CHIN301 Advanced Chinese I
CHIN302 Advanced Chinese II
CHIN305 Life in China through TV Plays I
CHIN306 Life in China through TV Plays II
CHIN321 Classical Chinese I
CHIN322 Classical Chinese II
CHIN401 Readings in Modern Chinese I
CHIN402 Readings in Modern Chinese II
CHIN408 Classical Chinese II
CHIN411 Business Chinese I
CHIN412 Business Chinese II
CHIN413 Advanced Conversation and Composition
CHIN415 Readings in Current Newspapers and Periodicals
CHIN431 Translation and Interpretation I
CHIN432 Translation and Interpretation II
CHIN441 Traditional Chinese Fiction
CHIN442 Modern Chinese Fiction
B: One 3-credit linguistics-oriented course from the following - 3 credits
CHIN421 Sounds and Transcriptions of Mandarin Chinese
CHIN422 Advanced Chinese Grammar
CHIN423 Chinese Historical Phonology
CHIN424 Linguistics of the Chinese Writing System
CHIN428 Selected Topics in Chinese Linguistics
The course CHIN 331 "Chinese Calligraphy: Theory and Practice" may not be used for
the Chinese major or minor.
Students must receive a "C-" or better in all courses used for the minor. 9 of the 15
credits must be 3xx or 4xx level.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
No more than six of the fifteen credits toward the minor may be taken at an institution
other than UMCP.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Advisor: Dr. Gloria Hu
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
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Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
Annual Language Career and Internship Fair
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information see the SLLC website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Individual SLLC departments hold annual induction ceremonies for students who are eligible for
honor society membership.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENCE)
A. James Clark School of Engineering
1173 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-7768
Chair: C. Schwartz
Professors: M. Aggour, A. Amde, A. Aydilek, B. Ayyub, G. Baecher, G. Chang, A. Davis, A.
Haghani, D. Lovell, R. McCuen, P. Schonfeld, M. Skibniewski, A. Torrents, Y. Zhang
Associate Professors: M. Austin, K. Brubaker, P. Chang, C. Cirillo, Q. Cui, D. Goulias, L. Zhang
Assistant Professors: B. Forman, B. Kjellerup, B. Phillips
Instructors: N. Andrade
Affiliate Professors: J. Gansler, B. Golden, E. Kalnay, M. Ruth
412 | Page
Professors Emeriti: P. Albrecht, F. Birkner, J. Colville, B. Donaldson, O. Hao, R. Ragan, D.
Schelling, Y. Sternberg, D. Vannoy, M. Witczak
The Major
The B.S. degree requires a total of 122 credit hours with emphasis in basic science (mathematics,
chemistry, and physics), engineering science (mechanics of materials, statics, and dynamics), and
basic civil and environmental engineering core courses (computations, materials, fluid
mechanics, probability & statistics, and Geographic Information Systems). By the Junior year,
each student chooses one of three tracks: Geotechnical and Structural Engineering,
Environmental and Water Resources, or Transportation/ Project Management. Each track
specifies junior- and senior-level requirements. All three tracks include technical electives that
may be selected from a combination of the six Civil Engineering specialties and other approved
courses (the six specialty areas are: Environmental, Geotechnical, Project Management,
Structural, Transportation, and Water Resources). The curriculum provides a sensible blend of
required courses and electives, permitting students to pursue their interests without the risk of
The degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET
The Bachelor of Science degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering is accredited by the
Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org, 415 North Charles Street,
Baltimore, MD 21201, telephone: (410) 347-7700.
Program Objectives
The mission of the Department is threefold:
1. Provide a high quality, challenging education that encompasses breadth and depth; and
prepare graduates to be proficient in both analysis and synthesis facets of civil engineering
2. Maintain a strong research program that is recognized for excellence in major areas of civil
and environmental engineering;
3. Provide service to the University, the civil engineering profession, and the community at large.
The Department provides an educational program of basic and specialized engineering
knowledge necessary for its graduates to be proficient in recognized specialties of civil
engineering. This preparation provides graduates with the tools needed for successful practice in
the period following graduation. In addition to general and technical education, the educational
program stresses professional and ethical responsibilities, an awareness of societal issues, and the
need for life-long learning.
413 | Page
The Department contributes to the advancement of knowledge through research on important
engineering problems. The research results are communicated through recognized channels of
knowledge dissemination.
The Department serves the needs of the community by emphasizing global and societal
issues. The Department addresses these issues through University and professional channels and
contributes to their solutions.
The Department, building upon the above mission, established three program educational
1. Prepare our graduates for competent professional practice within civil engineering related
industries of Maryland and the mid-Atlantic region.
2. Create a cadre of graduates with the breadth of interests and skills to take on challenging new
areas of engineering practice.
3. Instill in our graduates a recognition of the importance of continuing professional
Program Education Objectives
The faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering has established the following Program
Educational Objectives:
To understand, apply and develop fundamental knowledge in science, technology,
engineering and mathematics.
To attain advanced qualification in both specialization and breadth.
To understand and apply business sensitive criteria in meeting professional
To incorporate societally sensitive criteria into professional decisions.
To develop forward-thinking attitudes that enhance communication and exemplary
Decisions are to be based on assessments of the quality of our graduates and alumni, feedback
from employers of our graduates, and self- assessment of the faculty and program in meeting our
objectives and learning outcomes goals.
Program Learning Outcomes
Student Outcomes
In addition to ensuring technical competency of all graduates in the broad discipline areas of
civil engineering, the Department must encourage the development of skills and abilities that will
enhance the marketability of its graduates and provide them with the best possible opportunity
414 | Page
for success in the work place. As a result, the faculty has agreed to develop the following
abilities and skills within each graduate and has approved the following Student Outcomes:
1. Mathematics
13. Teamwork
2. Natural sciences
14. Professional and ethical responsibility
3. Materials science
15. Humanities
4. Mechanics
16. Social Sciences
5. Experiments
17. Sustainability
6. Problem recognition and solving
18. Risk/uncertainty
7. Design
19. Globalization
8. Breadth in civil engineering areas
20. Contemporary issues and historical
9. Technical specialization
21. Communication
10. Project management
22. Leadership
11. Public Policy
23. Attitudes
12. Business and public
24. Lifelong learning
Admission to the Major
See the entrance requirements for the A. James Clark School of Engineering in the Colleges and
Schools section of this site.
Requirements for the Major
The Department offers a program of study leading to an ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science in
Civil Engineering (BSCE) degree. Each student specializes in one of three tracks: Infrastructure
Engineering (Structural and Geotechnical), Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, or
Transportation Systems and Project Management. A total of 122 credit hours (123 for the
Environmental and Water Resources Track) are required for a BSCE degree with emphasis in
basic science (mathematics, chemistry, and physics), engineering science (mechanics of
materials, statics, and dynamics), basic civil and environmental engineering courses; required
courses in the selected track; technical electives; and a senior capstone design course. The
curriculum provides a sensible blend of required courses and electives, permitting students to
pursue their interests without the risk of overspecialization.
415 | Page
Freshman Year (All Civil & Environmental
Calculus I
Calculus II
General Chemistry for Engineers
Introduction to Engineering Design (**can be taken
first or second semester)
Mechanics I (**can be taken first or second semester)
Introduction to Writing
General Physics
Introduction to Civil & Environmental
General Education Program Requirements
Sophomore Year (All Civil & Environmental
Calculus III
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
General Physics II with Lab
Mechanics II
Civil Engineering Computation
Engineering Information Processing
Engineering for Sustainability
Fundamentals of Engineering Fluids
General Education Program Requirements
Junior Year
Infrastructure Engineering Track
Technical Writing
Fundamentals of Engineering Materials
Probability and Statistics for Civil &
Environmental Engineers
Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
Introduction to Structural Analysis
Analysis of Civil Engineering Systems
General Education Program Requirements
Transportation Systems & Engineering
Management Track
416 | Page
Technical Writing
Fundamentals of Engineering Materials
Probability and Statistics for Civil &
Environmental Engineers
Engineering Project Management
Analysis of Civil Engineering Systems
Introduction to Transportation Engineering &
Transportation Engineering
General Education Program Requirements
Environmental & Water Resources Engineering
Technical Writing
Biology for Engineers
Fundamentals of Engineering Materials
Probability and Statistics for Civil &
Environmental Engineers
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Analysis of Civil Engineering Systems
Hydrologic Engineering
Breadth Electives*
General Education Program Requirements
Senior Year
Infrastructure Engineering Track
Engineering Project Management
Experimental Methods in Geotechnical &
Structural Engineering
Design of Concrete Structures
Foundation Design
Design of Civil Engineering Systems
Electives *
General Education Program Requirements
Transportation Systems & Engineering
Management Track
Simulation and Design of Experiments for
Project Cost Accounting & Economics
Project Planning, Scheduling & Control
417 | Page
Highway Engineering
Design of Civil Engineering Systems
General Education Program Requirements
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Environmental Engineering Science
Project Cost Accounting & Economics
Environmental Engineering Unit Operations
Ground Water Hydrology
Design of Civil Engineering Systems
General Education Program Requirements
Minimum Degree Requirements: 122 credits and the fulfillment of all departmental, school, and
university requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. Additional
semester credits will be involved to the extent that courses carrying more than three credits are
+ENCE 466, Design of Civil Engineering Systems, may only be taken in the semester in which
the student graduates.
For all tracts:
- 3XX, 4XX or 6XX. At least two must be ENCE courses
- No more than one ENCE489
- No more than 3 total ENCE with the same first two numbers
Breadth Electives
Geotechnical/Structure Track will include two electives from:
ENCE370,402,422,423,470,472 -- OR--
Transportation/Project Management Track will include two electives from:
ENCE340, 353, 441, 444, 454 -- OR --
ENCE 310, 411, 412, 431, 432
Environmental/Water Resources Track will include two electives from:
418 | Page
ENCE 340, 353, 441, 444, 454 -- OR --
ENCE 320, 370, 402, 423, 470, 472
All Civil and Environmental Engineering majors are advised by the following department faculty
and staff:
1. Dr. Dimitrios Goulias, Director Undergraduate Program, 0147A Glenn L. Martin Hall,
[email protected], 301-405-2624).
2. Alan Santos, Director of Undergraduate Student Services, 0147C, Glenn L. Martin Hall,
[email protected], 301-405-1977.
3. Dr. Isabella Cooper, Academic Advisor, 0147E, Glenn L. Martin Hall, [email protected],
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Department faculty frequently have research opportunities for undergraduate students. Students
are encouraged to contact faculty members whose research specialties are of interest. For further
information, students are encouraged to contact the Department advisors.
Career fairs are organized regularly throughout the academic years by the American Society of
Civil Engineers (ASCE) (http://www.ascemaryland.org/) and the Chi Epsilon student chapters,
and the Engineering Co-op & Career Services office.
Co-op Programs
Several excellent co-op opportunities are available for Civil and Environmental Engineering
students. See the A. James Clark School of Engineering entry in Chapter 6 of this catalog for a
full description of the Engineering co-op program.
Honors Program
See the A. James Clark School of Engineering Honors Program.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
American Society of Civil Engineers
Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society (by invitation)
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Engineers Without Borders
ITS Student Chapter
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering awards a number of academic
scholarships. These awards are designated primarily for junior and senior students and are listed
on the Department web site http://www.cee.umd.edu/undergrad/awards. The Department
evaluates applications each year. See the School of Engineering web site for further information
and application instructions.
Awards and Recognition
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering assigns awards to students for
excellence in academics, leadership, and service. The awards are listed in the Department web
site: http://www.cee.umd.edu/undergrad/awards.
Classical Languages and Literature (CLAS)
College of Arts and Humanities
1210 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-2013 or -2014
[email protected] (Chair) or [email protected] (UG advisor)
Chair: L. Doherty
Professors: L. Doherty, J. Hallett (Distinguished Scholar-Teacher), G. Staley
Associate Professors: E. Adler
Assistant Professors: F. Barrenechea, J. Bravo
Lecturers: G. Bucher, M. Pittas-Herschbach
Affiliate Professors: J. Burton
Affiliate Associate Professors: J. Scholten
Professors Emeriti: H. Lee, S. Rutledge (Assoc Prof Emeritus), E. Stehle
Visiting Faculty: P. Parara (Visit Asst Prof)
The Major
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym(s): CLAS,
Classics is the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture in all its aspects. Greek and Roman
culture provided the foundation of western culture, including its literature, ideas, art, politics, and
conceptions of the individual. Greek myth is still a shared fund of images and narratives that
express human experience. Latin is a major source of English vocabulary, and Greek provides
technical language in many fields. Classics explores all of these aspects through over fifteen
hundred years of history. It helps us understand the relationship of western culture to other
cultural systems and situate ourselves better in the world.
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Classics is an intellectually rich and versatile liberal arts major which teaches core skills,
including effective communication, critical thinking, and an appreciation of diversity. Because it
is interdisciplinary and holistic, a student of classics gets a three-dimensional view of cultures
and literatures that are still major forces today. Studying Athenian democracy and the Roman
Republic sharpens understanding of competing philosophical and political ideas. Studying Latin
not only develops English vocabulary, but makes English grammar comprehensible. Both
languages provide excellent analytic training and Classics students score among the top in the
Analytic Writing section of the GRE exams.
Classics is a pre-professional major for law school or for graduate school in any aspect of the
ancient world. Classics majors have also gone on to medical school and library school. Latin
teachers are in demand and numerous students have found rewarding jobs teaching secondary
school, with continued involvement in the Classics community. Others have gone into business
or gotten jobs in (among other fields) professional writing or editing, archival work, academic
administration, information technology, or social services.
Program Objectives
Classics provides students with a liberal arts education: skills in written and oral use of
language, close reading, critical thinking, and the appreciation of art, literature, and culture. The
core subject matter of Classics consists of the Greek and Latin languages, the texts originally
written in these languages, and the art and material culture of the peoples who spoke them. The
program also studies the reception of these works in modern times and their relevance to us
Program Learning Outcomes
Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the following knowledge
and skills:
1. Students must demonstrate the ability to interpret the cultural context of primary sources
through a variety of methodological approaches.
2. Majors who take Latin and Greek are expected to demonstrate some level of language
Latin majors must be able to read and translate Latin at the advanced level.
Latin and Greek majors must be able to read and translate either Latin or Greek at the
advanced level and the other language at the intermediate level.
Classical Humanities majors must be able to demonstrate the ability to assess Classical
texts in translation, or primary evidence, through a variety of methodological approaches
at the advanced level.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Classics Department has its own Classics library as well as a Classics Club for its
undergraduate students. It conducts annual study abroad programs in Italy, Greece, and France.
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These programs abroad are open to non-majors as well as to Classics majors and minors. We
also host a chapter of the national Classics honor society, Eta Sigma Phi; students are invited to
join when they reach the 3xx level in either Latin or Greek with a B+ average in the language
courses and a B average overall.
Admission to the Major
Admission to the major simply requires a meeting with the undergraduate advisor. No prior
knowledge of Latin or Greek is required.
Placement in Courses
Students with a score of 4 or 5 in the AP Latin test receive credit for LATN201 (4 credits) and
may not take LATN201 or lower for credit. For further information, and for placement in Latin
or Greek courses, contact the department's undergraduate advisor. We do not yet have online
placement exams for these languages but can place you based on our assessment of your
previous course work. We offer four partial tuition scholarships each year to students who took
Latin in high school and who continue their studies at UMCP.
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for the Classics major include the College of Arts and Humanities requirement of
45 3xx- or 4xx-level credits completed.
The College's Global Engagement Requirement will be automatically fulfilled in the process of
taking language courses in the Latin, Greek, and Latin and Greek tracks of the major. Students in
the Classical Humanities track who elect to study Latin or Greek to the intermediate level
(LATN201 or GREK201) will also satisfy the Global Engagement Requirement.
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the major. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the major is required for graduation.
Option A: Latin
Courses at the 2xx/3xx level
Courses at the 4xx level or higher
Supporting courses
Any level CLAS, GREK, or related fields such as HIST and
Option B: Greek
Courses at the 2xx/3xx level
Courses at the 4xx level or higher
Supporting courses
Any level CLAS, LATN, or related fields such as HIST and
Option C: Latin and Greek
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Latin courses
Greek courses*
Greek courses
Latin courses*
Supporting Courses
For example, CLAS170, HIST110, and a 3xx- or 4xx-level
course in Greek or Roman history
*Students with no previous training in the second language may count
introductory level courses as part of the 12
-hour requirement.
Option D: Classics in Translation (Classical
I. Foundation Courses - 12 credits at the 1xx-2xx level, at least 6 of which must be in Classics
(CLAS courses).*
*The introductory Latin or Greek sequence (101, 102, and 201), if taken at College Park,
fulfills this requirement. If LATN120 and 201 are taken at College Park, only one additional
course at the 1xx-2xx level is required. If no language is taken, four courses in English
translation, including at least two in Classics, are required. Students who are capable of working
at a higher level may request departmental approval to substitute 3xx or 4xx-level courses for
some of the introductory credits.
II. Advanced Courses - eight courses at the 3xx-level or above, of which four must be in
Classics and one must be CLAS409X (capstone seminar), to be taken in the junior or senior
year. As a special exception, either LATN201 or GREK201, intermediate Latin or Greek, may
be counted as one of the advanced courses. Students are still required to fulfill the ARHU
requirement of 45 3xx-4xx level credits.
Other Requirements for the Major
Students in the Classical Humanities track should work with their advisor to craft a meaningful
set of courses with a focus on some particular aspect of the classical world, such as myth and
religion, literature in its historical context, visual and material culture, or classical reception.
Requirements for the Minor
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
The interdisciplinary minor in Archaeology is intended to introduce students to the global
importance of archaeology and its value as a mode of scholarly inquiry.
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The minor requires a minimum of 15 credits and consists of three elements:
1. A required 3-credit, 3xx-level course, Archaeological Methods and Practice, cross-listed as
ANTH305, CLAS305, and ARTH305, to be offered once each year. There is a one-course
prerequisite, to be chosen from among the following: ANTH240, CLAS180, ARTH200.
2. 3 to 6 credits in approved courses offering fieldwork experience. There are many options at
UMCP, including historical archaeology courses in ANTH that do not require travel
abroad. Study-abroad programs at other institutions must be approved in advance by a UMCP
faculty member with the appropriate specialization.
3. 6 to 9 credits in supporting courses involving subject matter that includes a significant focus
on archaeology (in, e.g., ARCH, ANTH, ARTH, CLAS, HIST, JWST, LARC, RELS). A list of
approved courses will be made available to students interested in the minor. The list will be
updated as course offerings change.
Advising will be coordinated in any given year by the faculty member who is teaching the
required, cross-listed course. Contact Prof. Lillian Doherty in the Classics Department for
As required for all minors, at least 9 credits overall must be in courses at the 3xx- or 4xx-
level. The grade point average in the minor must be at least 2.0 and no grade below "C-" can be
counted toward the minor. A maximum of 6 credits may be counted toward both the minor and
the student’s major. A maximum of 6 credits earned at other institutions may be counted toward
the minor.
Classical Mythology
This minor will introduce students to classical mythology, its uses within ancient Greek and
Roman culture, and its subsequent influence on art and literature. The minor requires 15 credits.
Required courses:
CLAS170 Greek and Roman Mythology (3)
CLAS470 Approaches to Greek Myth (3)
In addition, the student must choose three courses from the following list, two of which must be
at the 3xx- or 4xx-level:
CLAS270 Greek Literature in Translation (3)
CLAS271 Roman Literature in Translation (3)
CLAS320 Women in Classical Antiquity (3)
CLAS330 Ancient Greek Religion: Gods, Myths, Temples (3)
CLAS331 Ancient Roman Religion: From Jupiter to Jesus (3)
CLAS370 Classical Myths in America (3)
CLAS374 Greek Tragedy in Translation (3)
CLAS419 The Classical Tradition (3)
424 | Page
Students interested in pursuing this minor should consult with the Undergraduate Advisor in the
Department of Classics.
This minor introduces students to the Latin language and enables them to read, in Latin,
important works of Latin literature. For students with no prior experience of Latin, the minor
requires 21 credits, consisting of the following courses:
Latin101 Elementary Latin I (4)
Latin102 Elementary Latin II (4)
Latin201 Intermediate Latin (4)
Latin3xx Two reading courses chosen from the following: Plautus, Petronius, Ovid or Horace
and Catullus (6)
Latin4xx A reading course in a major Latin author (3)
Students who enter with advanced standing in Latin can complete the minor by taking a total of
five courses in Latin at the 2xx-level and beyond. Students interested in pursuing this minor
should consult with the Undergraduate Advisor in the Department of Classics.
Greek Language and Culture
This minor may be earned in EITHER the ancient or the modern Greek language (not a
combination). In completing it, the student will reach an intermediate or advanced level of
proficiency in the language and will also be introduced to the history and culture of Greece.
The minor requires 9 to15 credits in ancient OR modern Greek language courses, i.e., courses
with the GREK prefix; at least one language course must be at the 3xx- or 4xx-level. All the
language courses counted toward the minor must be in either ancient OR modern Greek, not a
The minor also requires 3 to 6 credits in courses taught in English; these may focus on either
ancient or modern Greek literature, history, and culture.
As required for all minors, at least 9 credits overall must be in courses at the 3xx- or 4xx-
level. The grade point average in the minor must be at least 2.0 and no grade below "C-" can be
counted toward the minor. A maximum of 6 credits may be counted toward both the minor
and the student's major. A maximum of 6 credits earned at other institutions may be counted
toward the minor.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, contact the department chair, Dr. Lillian
Doherty ([email protected]). She will put you in touch with the undergraduate director in
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Departmental advising is mandatory for all majors every semester and is recommended for those
seeking minors.
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The major culminates in a Capstone Course, in which students develop and present research
which has grown out of their work in the field. Majors are encouraged to participate in
undergraduate research conferences locally and nationally. The Department enables students to
become involved in summer research opportunities and encourages all majors to seek
Fieldwork Opportunities
Classics students have the opportunity to participate in summer archaeological fieldwork through
our department and others in the university. Students may also pursue an interdisciplinary minor
in archaeology. Contact Prof. Jorge Bravo ([email protected]) or Prof. Lillian Doherty
([email protected]) for further information.
All Classics majors are encouraged to seek internships and there are many opportunities to do so
in the Washington area.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Eta Sigma Phi is the national undergraduate Honor Society in Classics founded in 1914 at the
University of Chicago. The University of Maryland's chapter, Zeta Nu, was established in
1994. Students are invited to join in the spring semester. To qualify, a student must be
registered in a 3xx- or 4xx-level Greek or Latin course, must have at least a "B+" average in all
language courses, and an overall GPA of "B" or better.
Students can submit abstracts for papers to be presented at regional and national Classics
conferences. They can also join the Society for Classical Studies, which is the national classics
professional organization, and the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, which is our
regional classical organization.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
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participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
The Classics Department awards a number of special scholarships and awards, some reserved for
Classics majors and others awarded to them in preference.
For Classics majors only: The Avery Prize is awarded annually to a Latin student of special merit
and the Hubbe Prize to a Greek student of special merit. The Mildred Steyer Undergraduate
Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding major in Classics. The Odyssey scholarships support
students who study abroad and other student needs. To honor the memory of Sylvia Gerber, who
taught Latin for many years in the Washington, DC public schools, her son Louis has provided
the department with funding to support the training of Latin teachers and Latin pedagogical
studies, including an undergraduate award for an aspiring Latin teacher.
Thanks to a generous grant from the National Italian American Foundation, the department now
offers a number of full or partial scholarships for its winter term and early summer study abroad
programs in Italy. These scholarships are awarded by preference to students majoring in
Classics and related fields. Summer scholarship money is also available through this grant for
student research on the influence of ancient Roman culture in America.
Awards and Recognition
Outstanding students in Greek and Latin are invited to join Eta Sigma Phi, the national
undergraduate Honor Society in Classics (see Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The department also annually awards the Avery Prize for excellence in Latin, the Hubbe Prize
for excellence in Greek, and the Steyer and Gerber Scholarships (see Scholarships and Financial
Assistance above).
Communication (COMM)
College of Arts and Humanities
2130 Skinner Building, 301-405-6519
Chair: S. Parry-Giles
Director: L. Waks
Professors: S. Parry-Giles, T. Parry-Giles, A. Wolvin
Associate Professors: L. Aldoory, D. Hample, S. Khamis, B. Liu, K. Maddux, X. Nan, D. Pfister
Assistant Professors: L. Anderson, N. Joyce, A. Seate, E. Sommerfeldt, C. Steele, C. Woods, M.
Lecturers: S. Bae, M. Cohen, R. Coleman, L. Edelstein, L. Gordon, J. Gowin, P. Grant, J.
Hoffman, S. Hubbard, M. Kaufer (Lecturer), K. Lamb, A. Nixon, J. Olson, E. Pombo Lopez-
Barron, C. Pope (Lecturer), S. Rubin, R. Schwartz, S. Simon, C. Swift, J. Tenney, J.
Vandenbosch, R. Winkler
427 | Page
Affiliate Professors: J. Fahnestock (ENGL), M. Gelfand (PSYC), A. Kruglanski (PSYC), Y. Peri
(Prof & Dir), D. Rosenfelt (WMST)
Affiliate Associate Professors: S. McDaniel (KNES)
Professors Emeriti: E. Fink, R. Gaines, J. Grunig, L. Grunig, J. Klumpp
Visiting Faculty: K. Kendall
The Major
Communication takes as its subject matter the history, processes, and effects of human
communication through speech and its extensions. The departmental curriculum is designed to
provide a liberal education in the arts and sciences of human communication as well as
preparation for career opportunities in business, government, education, law, and related
fields. Students pursue academic programs that emphasize many disciplinary areas, including
intercultural communication, political communication, public relations, negotiation and conflict
management, cognition and persuasion, rhetorical theory, risk communication, history of
rhetoric, and criticism of public discourse. Departmental advising is mandatory for new majors,
second semester sophomores, and seniors.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the degree program in Communication, students should be able to
demonstrate the following knowledge and skills:
1. An ability to distinguish among a variety of theoretical approaches in the communication
discipline and use them appropriately and effectively in academic and professional work.
2. An ability to conduct research and write research reports employing social scientific and/or
humanistic approaches in the communication discipline.
3. An ability to argue clearly and effectively in a speech.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Center for Political Communication and Civic Leadership unites research, education, and
public engagement to foster democratic communication by a diverse
people. See: www.comm.center.umd.edu.
The Center for Health and Risk Communication (CHRC) advances dialogue and understanding
about communication's role in controlling and preventing risk, how publics perceive risk
communication, and about the political, economic, and social contexts for risk communication.
Scholars associated with the CHRC examine health, food safety, security, and environmental
risks. See: www.healthriskcenter.umd.edu.
The Department's Oral Communication Center is designed to provide one-on-one tutoring and
instructional support to further students' oral communication skills and confidence. The Oral
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Communication Center is equipped with cameras and recording equipment to tape speeches and
presentations for practice and critique.
Admission to the Major
First-time Freshman
All first-time freshmen who designate Communication as a major prior to the end of the final
exam period of their first semester will be admitted directly to the program. They must sign a
Memorandum of Understanding that states that they understand that by the semester in which
they attain 45 University of Maryland credits (excluding AP), they must meet the following
Gateway requirements:
a. Complete one of the following courses with a grade of "C-" or better: BMGT230, CCJS200,
EDMS451, PSYC200, SOCY201, STAT100, or equivalent.
b. Complete COMM107, COMM 200, or COMM230 with a grade of "C-" or better
c. Complete COMM250 with a grade of "C-" or better and
d. A GPA of 2.0 or better
Students may repeat only one of the Gateway requirements and that requirement may be repeated
only once in their attempt to meet the requirements. Students who fail to meet the Gateway
requirements by the semester in which they attain 45 credits will be dismissed from the program
and cannot reapply.
Transfer Students
Internal and external transfer students who meet the Gateway requirements specified above must
also have a cumulative GPA of 2.70 in all college-level coursework to apply to the program.
All students may appeal admission decisions. Students directly admitted as freshmen, who are
dismissed because of failure to meet Gateway requirements or a failure to be in good academic
standing at 45 credits, may appeal directly to the Undergraduate Director in the Department of
Communication. All other students who are denied admission may appeal to the University's
Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Requirements for the Major
The course of study for a Communication major must satisfy all of the following requirements:
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Oral Communication: Principles and Practices, OR
Critical Thinking and Speaking, OR
Argumentation and Debate
Introduction to Communication Inquiry
Research Methods in Communication
Interpreting Strategic Discourse
Completion of one of the following tracks:
Social Influence Track
Communication Theory and Process
Five from:
Theories of Group Discussion
Communication in Complex Organizations
Negotiation and Conflict Management
Conflict Management
Theories of Interpersonal Communication
Discourse Analysis
Intercultural Communications
COMM Elective
COMM 3xx
or 4xx-level
3xx or 4xx
-Level COMM Elective 3
One Statistical Analysis from:
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Introductory Statistics for Sociology
Business Statistics
Introduction to Educational Statistics
Elementary Statistics and Probability
(or an equivalent course - see advisor)
One Structural Analysis of Language from:
Introductory Linguistics
Introduction to Linguistics
Culture and Discourse
(or an equivalent course - see advisor)
Courses related to Social Influence in one department other
than COMM
Communication Studies Track
Communication Theory and Process
One from:
Theories of Group Discussion
Communication in Complex Organizations
Negotiation and Conflict Management
430 | Page
Conflict Management
Theories of Interpersonal Communication
Discourse Analysis
Intercultural Communications
One from:
Argumentation and Public Policy
The Rhetoric of Black America
Ancient and Medieval Rhetorical Theory
Renaissance & Modern Rhetoric Theory
The Power of Discourse in American Life
Public Life in American Communities, 1634-1900
Voices of Public Leadership in the Twentieth Century
The Discourse of Social Movements
Public Communication Campaigns
Language, Communication, and Action
COMM Elective
COMM3xx or
3xx or 4xx
-Level COMM Electives 12
One Statistical Analysis from:
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Introductory Statistics for Sociology
Business Statistics
Introduction to Educational Statistics
Elementary Statistics and Probability
(or an equivalent course - see advisor)
One Structural Analysis of Language from:
Introductory Linguistics
Introduction to Linguistics
Culture and Discourse
or an equivalent course - see advisor
Courses related to Communication Studies in one
department other than COMM
Public Relations Track
The requirements below are effective for incoming Fall
2015 freshmen and transfers admitted to Communication.
Grammar for Journalists
News Writing and Reporting for Public Relations
News Editing for Public Relations
Introduction to Public Relations
Public Relations Techniques
New Media Writing for Public Relations
431 | Page
Experiential Learning*
* only 3 credits apply to major
Senior Seminar in Public Relations
COMM3xx or
3xx or 4xx
-Level COMM Electives 6
One Statistical Analysis from:
Statistical Methods in Psychology
Introductory Statistics for Sociology
Business Statistics
Introduction to Educational Statistics
Elementary Statistics and Probability
(or an equivalent course - see advisor)
Courses related to Public Relations in one department
other than COMM or JOUR
Rhetoric and Political Culture Track
Ancient and Medieval Rhetorical Theory
Five from:
Argumentation and Public Policy
The Rhetoric of Black America
Renaissance & Modern Rhetoric Theory
The Power of Discourse in American Life
Public Life in American Communities, 1634-1900
Voices of Public Leadership in the Twentieth Century
The Discourse of Social Movements
Public Communication Campaigns
Language, Communication, and Action
COMM Elective
COMM3xx or
3xx or 4xx
-Level COMM Elective 3
One Critical Analysis of Discourse from:
Literature and American Society
Literary Theory
Hebrew Bible: Poetry and Prophecy
Philosophy in Literature
One Structural Analysis of Language from:
Introductory Linguistics
Introduction to Linguistics
Culture and Discourse
or an equivalent course - see advisor
Courses related to Rhetoric and Political Culture in one
department other than COMM
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Because the Department's curriculum changes over time, the Department's Undergraduate
Director may approve other appropriate Communication courses to meet the requirements
for each track.
Courses required for the Communication major, but taken outside COMM, may be used
to satisfy general education requirements.
Only 3 credits of COMM386 may apply toward the major.
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the major.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
Requirements for the Minor
Department of Communication and Department of English
Rhetoric is the theory of persuasive communication, both written and spoken. The minor in
Rhetoric has been designed for students who want to know the principles and skills of practical
persuasion in its varied contexts. The program will be of value for all students wishing to
improve their writing and speaking skills and especially useful for those students who plan
careers in business, management, law, government, and education. The minor in Rhetoric is an
interdisciplinary program offered through the cooperation of the Department of English and the
Department of Communication.
Fifteen semester hours of coursework are required:
A. Six semester hours from the course list in Rhetorical Theory and Analysis of Discourse
B. Six semester hours from the course list in Writing and Speaking Skills
C. Three semester hours in electives from either section of the Rhetoric Course List
D. At least nine of the fifteen semester hours must at the 3xx-level or higher (including at
least six hours at the University of Maryland, College Park)
E. No more than six of the fifteen semester hours may be taken at an institution other than
the University of Maryland, College Park
F. No more than six of the fifteen semester hours may count toward the student's major and
supporting courses
G. At least 3 semester hours must be taken in the English Department, and at least 3
semester hours must be taken from the Department of Communication
H. No course used to satisfy a Fundamental Studies requirement may count toward the
I. No course used to satisfy the requirements of another minor may count toward the
rhetoric minor
J. No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor
K. An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation
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Entering the Minor:
The College of Arts and Humanities has established a maximum enrollment in the rhetoric
minor. Students wishing to pursue the minor should check the Arts and Humanities minor
website: www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors, or the Rhetoric Minor website:
http://rhetoric.umd.edu, for the current status of minor admissions.
When enrollment in the minor is open, students should review the requirements above, make
tentative selections of courses to satisfy these requirements, and meet with one of the advisors
below. Students will officially declare the minor in rhetoric during this advising session. The
earliest possible advising meeting is recommended, however, because, under university rules for
minors, no student may declare the minor during their final year of coursework.
Current course lists for the minor in Rhetoric can be found at: http://rhetoric.umd.edu.
Minor Advisors:
Michelle Murray Yang
Department of Communication
2114 Skinner Building
Michael Israel
Department of English
3126 Tawes Hall
Students are encouraged to communicate with a Rhetoric Minor advisor at least once a semester
to ensure that all courses being applied to the minor are eligible, and that all of the requirements
for the minor are being fulfilled. For a senior-year audit of your minor requirements, or answers
to other advising questions, please contact the advisor with whom you worked when adding the
Advising is available throughout the year in 2101D Skinner Building. Students should check
Testudo (http://testudo.umd.edu/) for their registration date and for any mandatory advising
blocks. Advising questions can be sent to [email protected] or you may call 301-405-
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Research experiences include assisting on faculty research projects, participating in special team
research projects, and working with the department's Center for Political Communication and
Civic Leadership and/or the Center for Health and Risk Communication.
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The department's internship program helps communication majors gain professional experience,
build a professional portfolio, and take the first steps toward a career. The department structures
its internship program around a course, COMM386: Experiential Learning, which is offered
each term.
Honors Program
The Honors Program provides students with an opportunity for intensive study of
Communication. The program provides participants with opportunities to deepen their
understanding of the discipline through supervised research with faculty, graduate-level
coursework, and involvement in the intellectual life of the department.
Students interested in the Honors Program apply for the program, ordinarily during the second
semester of the sophomore year or the first semester of the junior year. The application is filed
with the Undergraduate Director. Students should have the following qualifications:
An overall GPA of 3.3 or above.
Completion of nine semester hours in Communication including COMM250.
GPA of 3.5 or above in Communication.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Social and academic activities are available to students by participating in the following student
organizations: the Undergraduate Communication Association, the Lambda Pi Eta Honor
Society, and the Maryland chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The department offers the June Dowler Buteau Scholarship to a freshman student who exhibits
academic excellence.
Comparative Literature Program (CMLT)
College of Arts and Humanities
2116 Tawes Hall, 301-405-3839
Chair: A. Bailey
Director: G. Passannante
Professors: M. Collins (English), V. Orlando (French), S. Ray (English), B. Richardson
(English), O. Wang (English)
Associate Professors: H. Baer (German), R. Bauer (English), C. Eades (French), O. Gaycken
(English), S. Jelen (English and Jewish Studies), R. Long (Spanish), Z. Nunes (English), R.
Ontiveros (English), E. Papazian (Russian), G. Passannante (English), K. Robertson (English),
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V. Valiavitcharska (English), E. Zakim (Jewish Studies)
Assistant Professors: L. Arsenjuk (Film), S. Balachandran Orihuela (English), M. Resmini (Film
and Italian)
Lecturers: E. Robinson (English)
Affiliate Professors: W. Cohen (English), L. Doherty (Classics), J. Hallett (Classics), R. Igel
(Spanish), F. Keshavarz-Karamustafa (Arabic Studies), J. Levinson (Philosophy)
Affiliate Associate Professors: F. Carpenter (Theater), A. Frisch (French), M. Mason (East Asian
Affiliate Assistant Professors: V. Anishchenkova (Arabic Studies), F. Barrenechea (Classics), A.
Schonebaum (Chinese)
Professors Emeriti: A. Berlin, J. Donawerth, R. Harrison, L. Kauffman, C. Peterson
Program Objectives
Courses in Comparative Literature offer students the opportunity to engage in literary and film
studies outside of a single national or linguistic range. Students with expertise in/or interest in
multiple languages and cultures may take courses that help them to contextualize different
literary and artistic traditions within a global rubric. Courses on Literature and Global Change,
World Literature by Women, Black Diaspora, Literature of the Americas, and Film Art in a
Global Society, among other courses, cultivate a sense of the transnational nature of cultural
production and consumption. Knowledge of a language other than English is not required.
Computer Engineering (ENCP)
A. James Clark School of Engineering
2426 A.V. Williams Building, 301-405-3685
Chair: R. Chellappa (Distinguished Scholar Teacher; Minta Martin Prof and Chair)
Professors: E. Abed, T. Antonsen, J. Baras, A. Barg, R. Barua, S. Bhattacharyya, G. Blankenship
(Associate Chair, External Relations), M. Dagenais, C. Davis (Distinguished Scholar Teacher;
Minta Martin Prof), A. Ephremides (Distinguished University Professor), C. Espy-Wilson
(Distinguished Scholar Teacher), R. Ghodssi (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), V. Gligor (Res
Prof), J. Goldhar, N. Goldsman, R. Gomez (Associate Chair, Undergrad Education), A. Iliadis, J.
JaJa, B. Jacob, J. Kim (Prof Of Practice), P. Krishnaprasad, R. La, W. Lawson, W. Levine (Res
Prof), K. Liu (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), A. Makowski, S. Marcus (Distinguished Scholar
Teacher), I. Mayergoyz (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), H. Milchberg (Distinguished Scholar
Teacher), T. Murphy, K. Nakajima, P. Narayan, R. Newcomb, P. O'Shea (Distinguished Scholar
Teacher), Y. Oruc, E. Ott (Distinguished University Professor), G. Qu, S. Shamma, M. Shayman
(Associate Dean, Graduate School), J. Simon, P. Sprangle, A. Srivastava (Interim Associate
Chair, Graduate Education), A. Tits, S. Ulukus, T. Venkatesan (Res Prof), U. Vishkin, M.
Vorontsov (Res Prof), M. Wu (Distinguished Scholar Teacher)
Associate Professors: P. Abshire, P. Dowd (Res Assoc Prof), M. Franklin, M. Hafezi, T.
Horiuchi, A. Khaligh, N. Martins, J. Munday, A. Papamarcou, E. Waks, D. Yeung (Director of
Computer Engineering)
Assistant Professors: B. Babadi (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof), D. Dachman-Soled (Asst Prof, Aff
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Asst Prof), T. Dumitras (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof), C. Papamanthou (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof),
M. Rotkowitz
Lecturers: D. Bowen (Lecturer), W. Hawkins, P. McAvoy (Res Assoc, Lecturer), N. Mogul
(Lecturer), S. Picozzi (Lecturer), D. Romero (Lecturer), C. Walden (Lecturer), J. Wu (Lecturer)
Affiliate Professors: A. Agrawala, J. Aloimonos, S. Anlage, S. Bhattacharjee, L. Davis, M. Fu,
A. Harris, J. Hollingsworth, D. Lathrop, D. O'Leary, R. Phaneuf, G. Rubloff, E. Smela, F.
Affiliate Associate Professors: I. Appelbaum, M. Cukier, R. Duraiswami, R. Kishek
Affiliate Assistant Professors: Y. Chen
Professors Emeriti: D. Barbe, L. Davisson, N. De Claris, F. Emad, N. Farvardin, V. Granatstein,
R. Harger, P. Ho, C. Lee, P. Ligomenides, J. Melngailis, J. Orloff, M. Peckerar, J. Pugsley, H.
Rabin, M. Reiser, M. Rhee, C. Silio, C. Striffler, L. Taylor, S. Tretter, K. Zaki
The Major
The computer engineering major combines the strengths of both the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science to prepare students for careers
in the computer industry. The program encompasses the study of hardware, software, and
systems questions that arise in the design, development, and application of computers and
embedded systems. Specifically, computer engineering students will have a knowledge of
hardware systems (electrical networks, electronics, and VLSI); a knowledge of software systems
(algorithms, data structures, and operating systems); and a knowledge of how these two domains
interact (digital logic, signal and system theory, computer architectural and performance
analysis). Computer Engineering students will learn about everything that goes into digital and
computing systems, from solid state physics to CMOS VLSI design, to computer architecture to
programming, and from operating systems to compiler and language theory. Courses offered by
this department may be found under the following acronym: ENEE and CMSC.
The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.
Program Objectives
Broadly stated, the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for the undergraduate major in
computer engineering pertain to the accomplishments and performance of our students 3-5 years
after graduation. These objectives are determined in consultation with the various constituencies
of the computer engineering program and agreed upon and approved by a consensus of the
1. Achieve a leadership position in a reputable industry or government institution.
2. Achieve a graduate degree in a highly ranked academic program.
3. Become an innovator and creative entrepreneur.
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Program Learning Outcomes
A comprehensive set of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) has been derived from the Program
Educational Objectives (PEOs). These SLOs comprise the knowledge and skills all Computer
Engineering students are expected to possess by the time they graduate so the PEOs can be
accomplished. The SLOs are:
(a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data
(c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
(e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) An ability to communicate effectively
(h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
(i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning
(j) A knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) An ability to use modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Admission to the Major
Admission requirements for the Computer Engineering major are determined by the A. James
Clark School of Engineering. See Chapter 6 for the Clark School admission requirements. For
details on the University's requirements and general admission procedures, please see Chapter 1.
Requirements for the Major
As in all engineering degrees, the student starts out with a core curriculum in mathematics and
basic science. Subsequent years of study involve courses covering a balanced mixture of
hardware, software, hardware-software trade-offs, and basic modeling techniques used to
represent the computing process. Courses covering algorithms, data structures, digital systems,
computer organization and architecture, software and hardware design and testing, operating
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systems, and programming languages will be included. Elective courses must include electrical
engineering and computer science courses and technical courses outside the departments.
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in all engineering, mathematics, and science
courses as well as the prerequisites for these courses. A sample program is shown below.
Freshman Year
General Education**
General Chemistry for Engineers
General Physics
Calculus I / Calculus II
Object Oriented Programming II
Intro. to Engineering Design
Total Credits
Sophomore Year++
General Education**
Differential Equations
Introduction to Computer Systems
Discrete Structure
Organization of Programming Languages
General Physics II with Lab
Elements of Discrete Signal Analysis
Social & Ethical Dimensions of ECE
Electric Circuits
Fund. Digital Circuits & Systems Lab
Total Credits
Junior Year
General Education**
Operating Systems
Analog and Digital Electronics
Electronics Circuits Design Lab
Signal and System Theory
Engineering Probability
Computer Organization
Computer Design
Total Credits
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Senior Year
General Education**
Computer Engineering Technical Electives
Technical Writing
Total Credits
++ Effective with the Fall 2010 freshmen admit class, students will be required
to follow the new curriculum above. Students enrolled
prior to Fall 2010 or
students enrolled in parallel programs at other 2 and 4 year institutions should
follow the old requirements.
However, records will be reviewed when
necessary on an individual basis during the phase in/out period, and
adjustments mad
e in degree requirements.
* Students may need to take CMSC131, Object Oriented Programming I, or the
computer science exemption exam before taking CMSC132.
** Note: Please see www.4yearplans.umd.edu
Technical Elective Requirements
Effective Spring 2010, all BSCP graduates must distribute their 22 credits of
technical electives among the following course categories:
Category A
Mathematics and Basic Science Electives
minimum of 6
Category B
Computer Science Theory and Applications
minimum of 3
Category C
Electrical Engineering Theory and
minimum of 3
Category D
Advanced Laboratory
minimum of 2
Category E
Capstone Design
minimum of 3
Category F
General Technical Electives
minimum of 3
Please read carefully, and make a note of the following special cases and other items:
1. General Technical Electives. They may be any upper-level course (300 level or
higher) from the math, engineering, and basic science disciplines whose courses
start with the following prefixes and who do not appear on the list of unacceptable
courses available from the Undergraduate Studies Office: AMSC, BCHM, BIOE,
ENME, ENNU, ENRE, MATH, PHYS, and STAT. Students may use upper level
course (300 level or higher) whose prefix is not given in the list above, assuming
they received approval to use such courses and the following conditions are met:
(i) a student selects two or more such courses which are closely related by a
theme and (ii) the student demonstrates how these courses complement their
professional goals. The most up-to-date list of approved and unacceptable
courses will always be available from the Undergraduate Studies Office and on
the ECE website.
2. Two credits of ENEE499, Senior Projects in Electrical and Computer
Engineering, may be used to satisfy the Advanced Laboratory requirement subject
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to approval by the faculty supervisor and the Associate Chair. The maximum
number of ENEE499 credits that may be applied towards EE technical elective
requirements if five.
3. Additional Capstone Design courses can be used as substitutes for the required
Electrical Engineering Theory and Applications course, and/or the required
Advanced Laboratory course, provided one of the following is completed:
ENEE408A, 408B or 408C.
4. If you have any questions on how these requirements affect your current
selection of technical electives, please contact an advisor.
All ECE students have mandatory advising every single semester, provided by the professional
advising staff of the ECE Undergraduate Studies Office. Departmental permission is required in
order for students to register and for all courses in the major. The Department's Undergraduate
Studies Office (2426 A.V. Williams Building, 301-405-3685) is the primary point of contact for
undergraduates with advising questions and detailed curriculum requirements, registration
information, and advising and mentoring procedures can be found on the ECE Undergraduate
Advising website: http://www.ece.umd.edu/undergrad/advising.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is affiliated with more than 40
specialized laboratories, supporting activities including: speech and image processing, high
performance systems, mobile computing and multimedia, communication networks, robotics,
control systems, neural systems, systems integration, VLSI design and testing, experimental
software engineering, semiconductor materials and devices, photonics, fiber optics, ion beam
lithography, real-time systems, human- computer interaction, and virtual reality. Undergraduate
students are encouraged to engage in research at some point during their education. Active
participation in research not only allows students to apply what they have learned in class, it also
gives them greater insight into a specific area within ECE and an appreciation for the subtleties
and difficulties associated with the production of knowledge and fundamental new
applications. Research experience also prepares students for the demands of graduate school and
the work force. Information on participating in undergraduate research can be found at
The ECE department also offers unique summer research programs. The Maryland Engineering
Research Internship Team program offers research opportunities for top undergraduates from
across the country interested in using computer engineering skills and tools to address important
biosystems applications. The Transportation Electrification (http://reu.ece.umd.edu/)program
offers research opportunities for students interested in sustainable transportation systems,
particularly in power electronics, energy storage (battery, ultracapacitor and fuel cell),
optimization and mathematical modeling of grid-integrated vehicles, and sustainable
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Information on internships can be found at www.coop.eng.umd.edu. Other internships are
advertised through the ECE Department's Office of External Relations and Office of
Undergraduate Studies.
Co-op Programs
Participation in a Cooperative Education Program or internship with private industry or a
government agency is strongly encouraged. See the A. James Clark School of Engineering
catalog entry for details.
Honors Program
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Honors Program
(www.ece.umd.edu/undergrad/honors) is intended to provide a more challenging and rewarding
undergraduate experience for students pursuing the baccalaureate in Electrical or Computer
Engineering. Please visit the ECE Honors website (www.ece.umd.edu/undergrad/honors) for
program course requirements. Students completing all program requirements with a "B" average
(3.0 on a 4.0 scale) and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all undergraduate work will have their
participation noted on their B.S. diploma. Students with the necessary academic qualifications
are invited to apply to the program, typically after the completion of their sophomore year.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The ECE Department has an active student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE). Information and instructions for joining can be found on their website
(http://umd.orgsync.com/org/ieee/home). Equally active is the Gamma Xi chapter of Eta Kappa
Nu honor society which is dedicated to recognizing excellence in electrical and computer
engineering. Information on eligibility can be obtained by visiting their website
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Several scholarships are administered through the department and many others through the Clark
School of Engineering. To be considered for these awards, students must submit an application
by May 31st of each year for the following academic year. For more information
visit: www.ursp.umd.edu/scholarships/index.html.
In addition, the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state
and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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Awards and Recognition
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers the following awards: 1.
Outstanding academic performance award presented to a junior for academic excellence; 2.
Service Award to the graduating senior who has shown a commitment of service to fellow
students; and 3. Chair's Award for outstanding academic performance to a graduating senior.
Job Opportunities
Computer engineers were primarily responsible for the recent revolutions in the music,
telecommunications and medical device industries. They remain at the forefront of cutting edge
developments and innovations in nanotechnology, robotics, and other technologies. Electrical
engineers also have wide ranging employment opportunities in other fields including electronics,
microelectronics, communications and signal processing, power systems, electrophysics,
computer architecture, circuits, and control systems. Specific jobs include developing fiber optic
technology, lasers for biomedical applications, software for robots, electronic weapons systems,
advanced wireless networks, and neuron-like sensors for various applications.
Computer Science (CMSC)
College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
1119 A.V. Williams Building, 301-405-2672
Chair: S. Khuller
Professors: A. Agrawala, J. Aloimonos, B. Bederson, S. Bhattacharjee, W. Cleaveland, L. Davis,
A. Deshpande, R. Duraiswami, H. Elman, J. Foster (Assoc Chair), W. Gasarch, M. Hajiaghayi,
M. Hicks, J. Hollingsworth, D. Jacobs, J. Katz, A. Memon, D. Mount, D. Nau, D. Perlis, M. Pop,
A. Porter, J. Reggia, N. Roussopoulos, E. Ruppin, H. Samet (Distinguished University
Professor), A. Shankar, B. Shneiderman (Distinguished University Professor), A. Srinivasan, V.
Subrahmanian, A. Sussman (Assoc Chair), A. Varshney, M. Zwicker
Associate Professors: A. Childs, H. Corrada Bravo, H. Daume, P. Keleher, C. Kruskal, J. Purtilo,
N. Spring
Assistant Professors: M. Carpuat, J. Dickerson, J. Froehlich, T. Goldstein, Z. Khan, D. Levin, M.
Mazurek, D. Van Horn
Senior Lecturer: E. Golub, J. Plane
Lecturers: F. Emad, J. Filippou, L. Herman, M. Hugue, A. Mamat, N. Padua-Perez, T. Reinhardt,
P. Sadeghian, V. Sazawal
Professors Emeriti: W. Arbaugh, V. Basili, B. Dorr, L. Kanal, R. Miller, J. Minker, D. O'Leary
(Distinguished University Professor Emerita), W. Pugh, G. Stewart (Distinguished University
Professor Emeritus), M. Zelkowitz
The Major
Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems: their application,
design, development and theory. Principal areas within computer science include artificial
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intelligence, computer systems, database systems, human factors, numerical analysis,
programming languages, software engineering, and theories of computing. A computer scientist
is concerned with problem solving. Problems range from abstract questions of what problems
can be solved with computers to practical matters such design of computer systems which are
easy for people to use. Computer scientists build computational models of systems including
physical phenomena (weather forecasting), human behavior (expert systems, robotics), and
computer systems themselves (performance evaluation). Such models often require extensive
numeric or symbolic computation.
Admission to the Major
Students who are accepted to the university and list Computer Science as the preferred major
will start directly in our program. Students who wish to add Computer Science as a major must
attend a workshop. More details can be found at http://undergrad.cs.umd.edu/prospective-cs-
Placement in Courses
Much of the knowledge at the early stage of the degree program is cumulative. To ensure that
transfer and new students start with the appropriate courses, the department offers exemption
exams for CMSC131, 132, 216, and 250. Students who have had CS courses prior to starting at
Maryland can visit http://undergrad.cs.umd.edu/exemption-exams for more information.
Requirements for the Major
Much of the knowledge at the early stage of the degree program is cumulative. To ensure that
transfer students start with the appropriate courses, the department offers exemption exams for
CMSC131, 132, 216, and 250. Students who have had CS courses prior to starting at Maryland
should schedule and take
exemption exams.
A "C-" or better must be earned in all major requirements.
Required Lower Level Courses (Unless Exempt)
MATH140 (4) Calculus I
MATH141 (4) Calculus II
CMSC131 (4) Object-Oriented Programming I
CMSC132 (4) Object-Oriented Programming II
CMSC216 (4) Introduction to Computer Systems
CMSC250 (4) Discrete Structures
**Students may fulfill CMSC131, 132, 216 or 250 course requirements by passing proficiency
exams before they start the sequence of classes.
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Additional Required Courses
CMSC330 (3) Organization of Programming Languages
CMSC351 (3) Algorithms
STAT4xx (3) This course must have prerequisite of MATH141 or higher; cannot be cross-listed
with CMSC
MATH/AMSC/STAT xxx (3/4) This course must have prerequisite of MATH141 or higher;
cannot be cross-listed with CMSC
Upper Level Computer Science Courses
At the upper level, students take five (5) 400 level courses from at least three different areas with
no more than two courses in a given area. An additional two (2) electives, totaling 6 credits, for
the general computer science degree are also required. If students take more than two courses
from an area, they will be counted as electives. Students can count one credit winter courses
towards the elective requirement, as well as independent research or study with a faculty
member, and other courses at the 300 or 400 level.
Area 1: Systems (No more than two courses not counting electives)
CMSC411 (3) Computer Systems Architecture
CMSC412 (4) Operating Systems
CMSC414 (3) Computer and Network Security
CMSC417 (3) Computer Networks
Area 2: Information Processing (No more than two courses not counting electives)
CMSC420 (3) Data Structures
CMSC421 (3) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CMSC422 (3) Machine Learning
CMSC423 (3) Bioinformatic Algorithms, Databases, and Tools
CMSC424 (3) Database Design
CMSC426 (3) Image Processing
CMSC427 (3) Computer Graphics
Area 3: Software Engineering and Programming Languages (No more than two courses not
counting electives)
CMSC430 (3) Introduction to Compilers
CMSC433 (3) Programming Language Technologies and Paradigms
CMSC434 (3) Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
CMSC435 (3) Software Engineering
CMSC436 (3) Hand Held Programming Devices
Area 4: Theory (No more than two courses not counting electives)
CMSC451 (3) Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
CMSC452 (3) Elementary Theory of Computation
CMSC456 (3) Cryptology
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Area 5: Numerical Analysis (choose one)
CMSC460 (3) Computational Methods (Credit will only be given for CMSC460 or CMSC466)
CMSC466 (3) Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Credit will only be given for CMSC466 or
Upper Level Concentration Requirement
Students must also take at least 12 credits of 300-400 level courses from one discipline outside of
CMSC. No course in or cross-listed with CMSC can be counted. An overall 2.0 average must be
earned in these courses. Each course must be a minimum of 3 credits. Only 1 special topics or
independent study course may be used.
Cybersecurity Specialization
Students looking to pursue the cybersecurity specialization are required to complete the lower
level courses (MATH140, MATH141, CMSC131, CMSC132, CMSC216, CMSC250), the
additional required courses (CMSC330, CMSC351, MATH/STATXXX and STAT4xx beyond
MATH141), and the upper level concentration requirements as detailed above. The difference in
the specialization is the upper level computer science courses.
Students are required to take:
Students must choose:
CMSC411 OR CMSC430 (may not take both to complete requirements)
CMSC420 OR CMSC451 (may not take both to complete requirements)
Data Science Specialization
Students looking to pursue the data science specialization are required to complete the lower
level courses (MATH140, MATH141, CMSC131, CMSC132, CMSC216, CMSC250), the
additional required courses (CMSC330, CMSC351, MATH/STATXXX beyond MATH141),
and the upper level concentration requirements as detailed above. The difference in the
specialization is the upper level computer science courses.
Students are required to take:
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Students must choose one course from:
Students must choose one course from:
Students must choose two courses from:
Requirements for the Minor
The purpose of the minor in Computer Science is not only to give students a strong foundation
in, and understanding of, algorithmic reasoning, problem solving methods involving computers
and computation, and a solid base to help students adapt to future changes in technology, but to
complement and enhance any student's major program of study. The computer science minor
may be earned by students not majoring in computer science and computer engineering. A grade
of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses required for the
minor. See http://undergrad.cs.umd.edu/cs-minor for detailed information. The award of a
minor will be noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
All advising for CS students is done in the Computer Science Department. All CS majors must
attend an advising session each semester prior to registering for classes. Additional advising
information is available at http://undergrad.cs.umd.edu/academic-advising.
Honors Program
Students looking for opportunities to enhance their computer science education are encouraged
to participate in the Computer Science Undergraduate Honors Program. The program is open to
students in the CS major who have earned a GPA of 3.5 in computer science courses and a GPA
of 3.25 overall. Some of the benefits of the program include the following: (1) learning how to
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conduct research, (2) working closely with faculty members, and (3) increasing preparedness for
graduate school.
For more information about the honors program, please visit the CS Honors website:
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
There are multiple endowed scholarships available to students majoring in computer
science. Additional details can be found at http://undergrad.cs.umd.edu/scholarships.
Students may find employment as tutors, as undergraduate teaching assistants, or as members of
the department's laboratory staff. Professors may also have funds to hire undergraduates to assist
in research. Many students also participate in internship experiences, working in the computer
industry during the summer after their sophomore and/or junior years.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE)
Special Education (CHSE)
College of Education
3214 Benjamin, 301-405-6515/4
Chair: R. Worthington (Prof & Chair)
Director: S. Mallory (Asst Clin Prof & Program Area Director)
Professors: P. Beckman, P. Burke, P. Leone, J. Lieber, D. Neubert
Associate Professors: S. De La Paz, F. Kohl, R. Silverman, A. Taboada Barber
Assistant Professors: K. Cummings, J. Wexler
Assistant Research Professor: G. Yakubova (Asst Rsch Prof)
Professors Emeriti: A. Egel, J. Hebeler, S. Moon, D. Speece
The Major
Special Education offers a rigorous undergraduate teacher preparation program that prepares
teachers with the necessary skills to assess, plan, teach, and evaluate children and young adults
with disabilities. The program is nationally ranked, recognized as one of the top preparation
programs in the country, and focuses on students with high incidence disabilities (autism
spectrum disorders, learning and developmental disabilities, behavior disorders, intellectual
disabilities, ADHD/ADD, etc.) and low incidence disabilities (autism, physical disabilities,
intellectual disabilities, etc.). Students who complete the program graduate with a Bachelor of
Science in Special Education, which leads to special education teacher certification in the State
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of Maryland and certification reciprocity in most states throughout the country. Special
education coursework meets state, university, and college requirements and is designed to
provide an understanding of human development, including the basic psychological and
sociological principles of human behavior. There is an instructional focus on universal design of
learning/assistive technology; academic, language, motor, and cognitive development; social and
educational needs of individuals with disabilities; diagnostic and educational assessment;
evidenced-based instructional procedures and materials; national standards and curriculum
development; classroom and behavior management; effective communication and partnership
with parents and families of children with disabilities; community resource planning; and local,
state, and federal laws and policies concerning children and youth with disabilities. The program
ends with a required two-semester internship during the senior year that focuses on the
application of teaching skills. Courses offered in the special education program may be found
under the acronym EDSP.
NOTE: Please contact an advisor in the Office of Student Services (1204 Benjamin) for
additional information.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Special Education teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter they
teach as described in professional (Council for Exceptional Children), state (MSDE), and
University standards.
2. Special Education teacher candidates practice evidence-based instruction and decision-
making through the use of assessment as well as the critical interpretation of research and inquiry
to improve educational practice. They accurately assess, plan, and analyze student learning,
make appropriate modifications to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive
effect on learning for all students.
3. Special Education teacher candidates demonstrate understanding of learners and their social
and cultural contexts with a global perspective and intentional sensitivity to other cultures. They
are able to work with students, families, and communities in ways that reflect the dispositions
expected of professional educators as delineated in professional (CEC), state (MSDE), and
University standards.
4. Special Education teacher candidates competently integrate technology and universal design
in learning in instruction to support student learning and develop data-driven solutions for
instructional and school improvement. They demonstrate proficiency in the Maryland Teacher
Technology Standards.
Admission to the Major
Prior to formal acceptance as a special education major, undergraduates are required to enroll in
a special education introductory course (EDSP210/470), which provides a survey of the history
and current issues in special education. Upon successful completion of the introductory course
and 45 semester hours of requirements, teacher candidates apply for formal admission to the
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professional program by submitting an application with a statement of intent specifying their
professional goals. To be accepted as a full special education major, teacher candidates must
fulfill the College of Education requirements for admission to Teacher Education, as well as the
following program requirements:
1. Completion of course work indicated below:
HIST200 or 201, STAT100, Lab Science, ENGL Literature, PSYC100, SOCY100 or 105,
HESP202, MATH212, EDHD411, and EDSP210.
2. Admission is competitive beyond the minimum 2.75 grade point average required for
3. Submission of an application together with a statement of intent specifying the applicant's
professional goals.
4. Submission of three letters of recommendation.
5. Completion of College of Education Foundational Competencies Acknowledgment Form.
Admittance will be based on a variety of criteria, including completion of the required courses,
the grade point average, the applicant's experience with persons with disabilities, and the
appropriateness and clarity of the professional goal statement. For more information, see the
admission section of the College of Education entry.
Placement in Courses
The Special Education program includes both pre-professional and professional education course
work. Before teacher candidates may enroll in courses identified as part of the professional
sequence, they must complete the selective admissions requirements and be fully admitted to the
College of Education's Teacher Education program.
Requirements for the Major
Undergraduates who are interested in majoring in Special Education must consult a program
advisor as early as possible after matriculation at the university since the curriculum requires an
extensive and sequenced program of studies. Individuals accepted as Special Education majors
take a two-semester sequence of foundation special education courses and practicum experiences
during the third year (Semesters V and VI). These courses provide the teacher candidate with a
solid foundation in theory and practice related to the education of all children with disabilities
across a wide range of ages.
Teacher candidates work directly with children or youth with disabilities during each semester,
leading up to the teaching internship during the last semester.
To be completed with a “B-” or better
EDSP210 Introduction to Special Education (UP)
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To be completed with a “C-” or better
*PSYC100 Introduction to Psychology (HS or NS)
*SOCY100 or 105
*HIST200 (HS or HU) or
201 U.S. History (HS or HU and DVUP)
HESP202 Introduction to Hearing and Speech Science
*Physical or Biological Science with Lab (NL)
*STAT100 Statistics & Probability (AR)
(MATH 111will NOT satisfy this requirement)
EDHD411(HS) or PSYC355
MATH212 Elements of Mathematics
*ENGL Literature (HU)
*EDPS301 Foundations of Education (HS) or
*EDPS210 (HU) Historical & Philosophical
Perspectives on Education
*May double count for GenEd and major requirement
Professional Semester I (Fall Only)
EDSP411 Universal Design for Learning
EDSP413 Behavior and Classroom Management in Special Education
EDSP400 Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities I
EDSP451 Instruction & Curriculum in Elementary/Middle Special
EDSP443 Language and Literacy Acquisition in Children with
Professional Semester II (Spring Only)
EDSP403 Instruction of Students with Physical Disabilities
EDSP415 Assessment in Special Education
EDSP416 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education I (HU)
EDSP410 Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities II
EDSP485 Assessment & Instruction in Mathematics in Special
Professional Semester III (Fall Only)
EDSP484 Reading & Writing Instruction in Special Education II
EDSP487 Family Partnerships in Special Education
EDSP404 Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDSP452 Internship I: Elementary/Middle Special Education (SP)
Professional Semester IV (Spring Only)
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EDSP490 Teacher Candidate Research Seminar in Special Education
EDSP495 Internship II: Elementary/Middle Special Education
Other Requirements for the Major
A minimum overall grade point average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher
Education. All teacher candidates are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College
of Education Foundational Competencies and attain qualifying scores for the State of Maryland
on a Test of Basic Skills assessment . A Test of Basic Skills assessment is required for
admission, and Praxis II Special Education is required for the teaching internship and graduation.
The culminating experience of the program is the yearlong internship, which takes place in a
partner school or a professional development school (PDS).
Requirements for the Minor
NOTE: The minor in Special Education is under review. For further information, please contact
the Office of Student Services, 1204 Benjamin Bldg, 301-405-2364 or ed[email protected].
The minor in Special Education provides opportunities for undergraduates to enroll in a sequence
of education courses to determine if working with students with disabilities is a viable career
option. For individuals interested in pursuing this career option, a one-year M.Ed. program,
leading to certification as a special educator, is also available.
18 credits are required for this minor
Two courses (6 credits) may overlap with a student's major
Individuals pursuing the minor must select one of three age-based specializations: Early
Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary Special Education.
The minor incorporates coursework to meet the Maryland State Department of Education
(MSDE) reading requirements that are part of the special education teacher certification
A cumulative 2.75 GPA and junior status (60 credits) is required for enrollment in all
professional education courses (i.e., all courses required for the minor except EDSP
All courses for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
No more than two courses (6 credits) may be taken at an institution other than the
University of Maryland.
Core Courses required for the Minor:
Introduction to Special Education
Behavior & Classroom Management in Special Education
Assessment in Special Education
Reading & Writing Instruction in Special Education I
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Additional Courses Required for Early Childhood Special Education:
Language Development & Reading Acquisition
Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education
Additional Courses Required for Elementary Special Education:
Language Development & Reading Acquisition
Assessment & Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education
Additional Courses Required for Secondary Special Education:
EDHD426 or
Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas or
Reading in the Secondary School
Assessment & Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education
Minor and M.Ed. Teacher Certification Program
For individuals interested in pursuing special education teacher certification, a one year M.Ed.
program is available after completing the 18-hour minor in special education and an
undergraduate degree. To be admitted to this M.Ed. Special Education program, program
applicants must apply to the graduate school (www.gradschool.umd.edu) during their senior year
and pass the Praxis CORE at scores established by the Maryland State Department of Education
www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo/teacher_education/praxisinfo.html. All teacher candidates
at the University of Maryland must pass Praxis II prior to the teaching internship.
For further information, please contact Office of Student Services, 1204 Benjamin Bldg, 301-
405-2364 or ed[email protected].
Advising is mandatory for all special education majors. For more information or to schedule an
advising appointment, contact the Office of Student Services (301-405-2364).
Fieldwork Opportunities
Candidates participate in a number of early field experiences during their junior year. A two-
semester internship is arranged for teacher candidates in their senior year. The internship and
other field experiences allow teacher candidates to apply concepts and techniques presented in
university-based courses in a field placement setting.
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The yearlong, two-semester internship, which is the culminating experience in the teacher
preparation program, takes place in a partner school or a Professional Development School
(PDS) during the senior year of the program.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Special Education program encourages student participation in extracurricular activities
within and outside of the University. Opportunities include the Council for Exceptional Children.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Services in 1204 Benjamin Building.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Special Education Endowed Fund in honor of Jean R. Hebeler is devoted to supporting
candidates preparing to work with individuals with disabilities. Awards are competitive.
Applications are accepted in the spring semester for the following academic year.
In addition, the College of Education offers a number of scholarships. Please
visit http://www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo/scholarships.html for more information. The
Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers federal, state and institutional financial
assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices, participates in the
awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Special Education
Office of Student Services
1204 Benjamin Bldg, 301-405-2364
NOTE: The Minor in Special Education is under review. For further information, please contact
the Office of Student Services, 1204 Benjamin Bldg, 301-405-2364 or ed[email protected].
The minor in Special Education provides opportunities for undergraduates to enroll in a sequence
of education courses to determine if working with students with disabilities is a viable career
option. For individuals interested in pursuing this career option, a one-year M.Ed. program,
leading to certification as a special educator, is also available.18 credits are required for this
Two courses (6 credits) may overlap with a student's major.
Individuals pursuing the minor must select one of three age-based specializations: Early
Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary Special Education.
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The minor incorporates coursework to meet the Maryland State Department of Education
(MSDE) reading requirements that are part of the special education teacher certification
A cumulative 2.75 GPA and junior status (60 credits) is required for enrollment in all
professional education courses (i.e., all courses required for the minor except
All courses for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
No more than two courses (6 credits) may be taken at an institution other than the
University of Maryland.
Core Courses required for the Minor:
Introduction to Special Education
Behavior & Classroom Management in Special Education
Assessment in Special Education
Reading & Writing Instruction in Special Education I
Additional Courses Required for Early Childhood Special Education:
Language Development & Reading Acquisition
Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education
Additional Courses Required for Elementary Special Education:
Language Development & Reading Acquisition
Assessment & Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education
Additional Courses Required for Secondary Special Education:
EDHD426 or
Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas or
Reading in the Secondary School
ent & Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education
Minor and M.Ed. Teacher Certification Program
For individuals interested in pursuing special education teacher certification, a one year M.Ed.
program is available after completing the 18-hour minor in special education and an
undergraduate degree. To be admitted to this M.Ed. Special Education program, program
applicants must apply to the graduate school (www.gradschool.umd.edu) during their senior year
and pass the Praxis CORE test at scores established by the Maryland State Department of
Education (http://www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo/teacher_education/praxisinfo.html). All
teacher candidates at the University of Maryland must pass Praxis II prior to the teaching
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Leadership Studies
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE)
3214 Benjamin Building, 301-314-1347
The Leadership Studies program promotes college student leadership development by educating
undergraduate students for and about leadership in a complex world. The goal of the Minor is to
prepare students to serve effectively in formal and informal leadership roles in campus, local,
national, and global contexts. The Minor also encourages students to identify a working
philosophy of leadership that can advance students’ thinking around ethics, civic engagement,
and the importance of working within diverse and multicultural environments. These areas are
critical aspects of leadership that require faculty and students to build and critically evaluate
existing theoretical, research-based, and practical knowledge of leadership. Students in the
Minor can use their knowledge, skills, and competencies gained from this academic program to
enhance their sense of self, engagement with others, and better identify their values in future
aspirations. Core courses in the Minor are sequenced to meet increasingly complex sets of
learning outcomes across cognitive, personal development, and group/organizational domains.
In order to apply for the Certificate or Minor in Leadership Studies, students must:
1. You have completed at least 30 credit hours of college credit
2. You are in good academic standing
3. You are enrolled in HESI 217 or have completed EDCP 217/HESI 217 with a C- or
4. You have completed no more than 9 credits of the Leadership Studies program
5. You have more than one full academic year before you graduate
Application Procedures and Forms:
Applications will be made available as an online form, during select times each semester, for a
period of two weeks. The application will ask eligible students to identify demographic
information, a list of (on and off-campus) involvements (if any), and respond to three short-essay
questions. Applicants must also provide a resume and an unofficial University transcript.
After the closing application date, applications will be reviewed and applicants will be notified
within two to three weeks by email.
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Selection Criteria:
Demonstrates a commitment or experience in leadership, either in studying or practicing
Contributes to the diversity of students in the Minor
Illustrates capacity to utilize leadership theories and skills
Exhibits a commitment to intrapersonal and interpersonal growth and development
through the study of leadership
Minor Completion Requirements
The CHSE Minor in Leadership Studies consists of 15 credit hours. No more than six credits
can also be applied to a student's major, and no more than six credits may be taken at an
institution other than the University of Maryland College Park. No course with an earned grade
below "C-" may count towards the Minor.
Requirements for the Minor (15 total hours)*
HESI217 - Introduction to Leadership (3 credits)
HESI315 - Leadership in Groups and Organizations (3 credits)
HESI318 - Applied Contextual Leadership OR HESI418 - Special Topics in Leadership
(3 credits)
HESI417 - Advanced Leadership Seminar (3 credits)
ONE elective course, from our pre-approved elective list (total 3 credits)
Contact Leadership Studies at [email protected] with questions and interests in the
The Leadership Studies program is a partnership between the College of Education and the
Adele H. Stamp Student Union, Center for Campus Life. More information is also listed at:
Criminology & Criminal Justice (CCJS)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
2220 LeFrak Hall, 301-405-4699
Chair: J. Lynch (Prof & Chair)
Director: L. Brooks (Undergraduate Director)
Professors: D. Gottfredson, G. LaFree (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), J. Laub (Distinguished
University Professor), J. McGloin, R. Paternoster (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), P. Reuter, L.
Sherman (Distinguished University Professor), S. Simpson
Associate Professors: L. Dugan, B. Johnson (Graduate Director), E. Wish, M. Xie
Assistant Professors: D. Maimon (Honors Director), K. Nakamura, L. Porter, S. Tahamont
Lecturers: C. Fisher, R. Hamill, A. Lehman, J. Madoo, T. Mauriello, D. Mitchell, C. Roberts
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White, D. Salem, K. Zafft
Professors Emeriti: C. Wellford
The Major
The mission of the Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology is to provide a supportive
academic and professional environment for faculty and students. The Department promotes
study and teaching concerning crime and delinquency and their prevention and control. The
University of Maryland's Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice is a national and
international leader in research and criminal justice education, and its Graduate Program is
ranked number one in the field. Courses offered by this department may be found under the
following acronym: CCJS. Both UMD and Shady Grove offer the CCJS Bachelor of Arts
Program Learning Outcomes
Having completed the CCJS degree program, students should acquire the following knowledge
and skills:
1. Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of major criminology and criminal justice
content areas.
2. Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of descriptive and inferential statistics
appropriate to the social sciences.
3. Students will demonstrate competence in basic social science research methods.
Admission to the Major
In accordance with University policy, the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at
UMD has been designated a Limited Enrollment Program (LEP). All first-time freshmen admits
who request Criminology and Criminal Justice will be directly admitted into the major. Other
first-time freshman that wish to declare Criminology and Criminal Justice as a major prior to the
last day of classes of the first semester in residence will be allowed to do so. The LEP does not
apply to the CCJS Shady Grove program.
In order to remain a Criminology and Criminal Justice major, newly admitted freshman will be
required to complete the following gateway/entrance requirements on or before the end of the
semester in which they attempt 45 University of Maryland credits:
a. Completion of CCJS100 with a grade of "C-" or higher
b. Completion of CCJS105 with a grade of "C-" or higher
c. Completion of MATH107 or STAT100 with a grade of "C-" or higher. A calculus class
(MATH120 or MATH130, MATH140 with a grade of "C-" or higher may be substituted.
d. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00
All other students, including both internal and external transfer students, will not be admitted to
the program until they have met the following requirements:
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a. Completion of CCJS100 with a grade of "C-" or higher
b. Completion of CCJS105 with a grade of "C-" or higher
c. Completion of MATH107 or STAT100 with a grade of "C-" or higher. A
calculus class (MATH120 or MATH130, MATH140) with a grade of "C-" or
higher may be substituted.
d. A minimum cumulative GPA based on all previous college-level coursework of
2.50 or higher
Policies for Limited Enrollment Programs:
-Only one gateway or performance review course may be repeated to earn the required grade and that course may only
be repeated once.
-When more than one course can satisfy a gateway requirement, taking a second course from the list will count as a
-Students may apply only once to an LEP. Students who are directly admitted and fail to meet the performance review
criteria will be dismissed from the major and may not reapply.
-Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the major.
Any student denied admission or dismissed from the major may appeal. Dismissed students
appeal directly to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Criminology and Criminal
Justice. Internal transfer students appeal to the Office of the Dean for Behavioral and Social
Sciences. External transfer students appeal to the Office of Admissions.
Requirements for the Major
The requirements below are in effect for all students who matriculated into the UM system Fall
2015 or later and for students who are currently changing their major to CCJS. Older
requirements for students who declared the major prior to Fall 2017 and matriculated into the
UM system prior to Fall 2015 are listed at the end.
The CCJS major is comprised of 36 credit hours of coursework in the CCJS department and
either MATH 107 (formerly MATH 111) or STAT 100. A calculus class (MATH 120, 130, or
140) with a grade of C- or higher may be substituted for MATH 107 or STAT 100.
Required CCJS Courses:
CCJS 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
CCJS 105 - Introduction to Criminology
CCJS 200 - Statistics for Criminology & Criminal Justice
CCJS 230 - Criminal Law in Action
CCJS 300 - Criminological and Criminal Justice Research Methods
2 CCJS Criminal Justice Courses
(Select two from the following three classes)
CCJS 340 - Policing
CCJS 345- Courts and Sentencing
CCJS 342- Corrections
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1 CCJS Criminology/Theory Course
(Select one from the following three classes)
CCJS 450 - Advanced Juvenile Delinquency
CCJS 451 - Crime and Delinquency Prevention
CCJS 454 - Contemporary Criminological Theory
4 CCJS Courses of Choice
Two CCJS Courses of Choice must be at the 400 level
(Completed using one or a combination of the followings ways)
Complete additional CCJS courses that are not required (i.e., CCJS 325, 360, 418)
Complete 1 Independent Study for credit (max 3 credits)
Complete 1 Internship for credit (max 3 credits)
Total CCJS Credits: 36 Credits
Additionally students must complete one of the following math courses for the CCJS LEP
gateway requirements:
Choose one of the following:
MATH 107 - Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability (formerly MATH 111)
STAT 100 - Elementary Statistics and Probability
*A calculus class, MATH 120 (formerly MATH 220), 130 or 140, with a grade of C- or higher
may be substituted
Total Credits for the CCJS Major: 39 Credits
Please keep the following information in mind:
No grade lower than a C- may be used toward the major
Students must achieve a combined grade point average of a 2.0 in the CCJS major
Older CCJS Major Requirements
Older CCJS major requirements are in effect for students who have declared the major prior to
Fall 2017 and matriculated into the UM system prior to Fall 2015. Current students are no
longer admitted under older CCJS major requirements.
The Criminology and Criminal Justice (CCJS) major is comprised of 33 credit hours of
coursework in the CCJS department, either MATH 107 or STAT 100, and 18 credit hours of
supporting sequence coursework from outside of the CCJS Department.
Required CCJS Courses:
CCJS 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
CCJS 105 - Introduction to Criminology
CCJS 200 - Statistics for Criminology & Criminal Justice
CCJS 230 - Criminal Law in Action
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CCJS 300 - Criminological and Criminal Justice Research Methods
CCJS 340 - Policing
CCJS 350 - Juvenile Delinquency
CCJS 451, 452, 454 (Choose one)
451 - Crime and Delinquency Prevention
452 - Treatment of Criminals and Delinquents
454 - Contemporary Criminological Theory
3 CCJS Courses of Choice
(Completed using one or a combination of the followings ways)
Complete additional CCJS courses that are not required (i.e., CCJS 325, 360, 418)
Complete an Independent Study (CCJS 399)
Complete an Internship (CCJS 359 & 398)
Total CCJS Credits: 33 Credits
Additionally students must complete one of the following math courses for the CCJS LEP
gateway requirements:
Choose one of the following:
MATH 107- Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability (formerly MATH 111)
STAT 100 - Elementary Statistics and Probability
*A calculus class (MATH 120, 130 or 140) with a grade of C- or higher may be substituted
Supporting Sequence
(Supporting Sequence courses must be taken off the approved Supporting Sequence list found at
3 lower level courses from the approved supporting sequence list found at
3 upper level courses from the approved supporting sequence list found at
Total Supporting Sequence credits: 18 Credits
Total Credits for the CCJS Major: 54 Credits
Please keep the following information in mind:
No grade lower than a C- may be used toward the major
Students must achieve a combined grade point average of a 2.0 in supporting sequence
A minimum of 9 hours of Supporting Sequence must be at the 300/400 level
Students must achieve a combined grade point average of a 2.0 in the CCJS major
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Other Requirements for the Major
The CCJS Department enforces all prerequisites and does not oversubscribe students to courses
that are closed.
All majors are strongly encouraged to see an advisor at least once each semester. Advising is
available on both a walk-in and appointment basis between 9 am and 4 pm weekdays in 2201
Lefrak Hall. Students must complete all course prerequisites and obtain department permission
from CCJS Advising to enroll in most CCJS classes. Call 301-405-4729 or email
Requirements for Internship Placements
The internship must be a learning experience involving work in a criminal justice or
criminological setting. Interns are expected to gain valuable information which will add to their
overall understanding of the field of criminology and criminal justice. Internship positions must
center around gaining new material over the course of the semester and are expected to involve
some degree of ongoing training/learning for the intern. Internship placements are subject to the
approval of the Internship Director.
Internship Eligibility
Interns must meet the following criteria:
Interns must be CCJS majors
Interns must have completed a minimum of 56 credits at the time of application
Interns must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 at the time of application
Interns must work 45 hours per credit over the course of the semester
A maximum of 6 internship credits per semester and a total of 12 internship credits
overall will be permitted
Internship credit will not be approved for current or previously held jobs
Interns must register themselves for the internship prior to the end of the semester's schedule
adjustment period. Obtaining Departmental approval for the internship does NOT register the
student for the class. Additional information about internships can be picked up from the CCJS
advising office in 2201 Lefrak Hall or online.
Honors Program
The Honors Program is a three-semester (9 required credit hours) sequence, which a student
begins in the fall semester of his or her junior year. CCJS388H, the first course in the sequence,
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will provide an in-depth understanding of various contemporary criminological issues and the
production of criminological research. CCJS388H will only be offered in the fall semester. In
the spring semester of the junior year, students will complete CCJS389H, where students will
solidify their honors thesis topic and begin preliminary research. In the fall semester of the
senior year, students will complete CCJS489H, a writing intensive course, during which the
student will complete an honors thesis. At the end of the semester, each student must orally
defend his or her honors thesis. Honors students may count their honors courses toward
completion of the CCJS Course of Choice major curriculum requirement.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
There are two Student Societies available for membership for CCJS majors: the Criminal Justice
Student Association (CJSA) and Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society (APS).
The Criminal Justice Student Association (CJSA) is dedicated to supplementing our members'
academic experience by providing extracurricular opportunities to further explore critical issues
involving criminology and criminal justice. Through a regular program of speakers, agency
demonstrations, community service projects and career fairs, the CJSA provides students with
valuable information for making decisions about career choices, further graduate level study, and
law school. The CJSA provides students with opportunities for academic and social interaction,
and access to criminology and criminal justice researchers, teachers, and practitioners
representing a variety of government, academic and commercial corporate and non-profit
organizations. All graduate and undergraduate students, regardless of major, are eligible for
membership in the CJSA. CJSA meetings and programs are held at least monthly during the Fall
and Spring semesters. CJSA does not assess membership dues or fees.
Alpha Phi Sigma (APS) is a National Criminal Justice Honor Society founded 1942
and membership is open to CCJS majors who have completed at least 40 total credits with at
least 12 credits in CCJS courses. Undergraduate Applicants must have an overall GPA of at least
a 3.2 and a major GPA of at least 3.4. Graduate student applicants must have a 3.4 overall
GPA. Applicants must fill out and print the application available at
http://www.alphaphisigma.org/resources.html. Choose Student Member Application (US
chapters), submit an official or unofficial transcript, and a check (personal is fine) made out to
Alpha Phi Sigma for $55 ($50 of which goes to the National fee and $5 goes to the local
chapter). The CCJS degree is a Bachelor of Arts. The name of the local chapter is Omega
Iota. Put the completed application, check, and transcript in Nicole Jackson's mailbox inside
2220 Lefrak Hall. Applications are processed once at the beginning of the Fall semester and
once at the beginning of the Spring semester each year, and it generally takes a few months to
get official acceptance. Ms. Jackson will notify you when your certificate and pin have been
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
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participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
Each semester the department selects the outstanding graduating senior for the Peter J. Lejins
The Robert H. Smith School of Business
1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-2286
Chair: M. Fu, Y. Xu (Associate Chair)
Professors: R. Agarwal, M. Ball, Z. Chen, M. Fu, B. Golden, H. Lucas, S. Mithas, S. Raghavan,
L. Raschid, D. Riley, T. Tunca, S. Viswanathan
Associate Professors: F. Alt, J. Bailey (Res Assoc Prof), W. Elmaghraby, G. Gao, A. Gopal, I.
Hann, Y. Xu
Assistant Professors: S. Barnes (Asst Prof), P. Huang (Asst Prof), I. Ryzhov (Asst Prof)
Lecturers: P. Armstrong (Clin Prof), B. Corwin (Clin Prof), H. Ibrahim (Clin Prof), Z. Karake, R.
Lazar, W. Lee, S. Lele, K. Ruhi (Clin Prof)
Professors Emeriti: L. Bodin
The Major
The Department of Decision, Operations, and Information Technologies offers two
majors: Information Systems - Specialization: Business and Operations Management &
Business Analytics.
Information Systems - Specialization: Business
The Business Area of Concentration in the Information Systems (IS) program prepares students
to be effective planners, users, and managers of information technologies and systems in the
current environment of the technology-enabled business firm. The IS major focuses on the
system design and implementation skills including database and web design, analytical skills for
both strategic planning of IT and performance evaluation, and the managerial plus organizational
knowledge required to manage information systems and applications based on business and
customer requirements. The major's core emphasizes the concepts of systems analysis and
design, and the strategic use of information systems. In addition to a broad grounding in the key
functional areas of marketing, operations, accounting, and finance, this major develops in-depth
knowledge of information systems design and implementation, evaluation and planning of
information technology investments, and managing dynamic technology projects.
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Operations Management & Business Analytics
The Operations Management & Business Analytics major will provide students with the
knowledge and skills necessary to successfully apply quantitative and statistically based modeling
techniques to data and advantageously use the information in the data to drive decision making
and improve performance in an era with massive amounts of data. Students with these skills are
in high demand and career opportunities exist in the public and private sectors in a variety of
industries including energy, finance, insurance, health care, logistics and marketing.
Admission to the Major
See Robert H. Smith School of Business entry in chapter 6 for admission requirements.
Requirements for the Major
Information Systems - Specialization: Business
Major Requirements
Designing Business Applications
Note: CMSC132 Object-Oriented Programming II is
approved substitute
Database Systems
Note: CMSC424 Database Design is approved substitute
Systems Analysis and Design
Information Systems Projects
Two courses from list 'A' or one course from 'A' and one
course from list 'B':
List A
Business Telecommunications
Electronic Commerce Application Development
Selected Topics in Decision & Info. Tech. (repeatable if
content differs)
Applied Computer Models in Supply Chain
Project Management
Developing Applications for Decision Analytics
List B
Accounting Systems
Operations Research for Management Decisions
Operations Management
Linear Statistical Models in Business
Electronic Marketing
Total credits required
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Upper Level Economics Requirements
One of the following courses:
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Money and Banking
International Economics
Total Economics Requirement
Note: Students who have completed either ECON325 or ECON326 can substitute these
courses for ECON305 or ECON306 respectively.
Operations Management & Business Analytics
Students interested in graduate work in Operations Management & Business Analytics are
strongly advised to complete MATH141, MATH240 and 241 in addition to the lower level
courses required of all Smith School students.
The course requirements for the junior-senior curriculum concentration in Operations
Management & Business Analytics are as follows:
Major Requirements
Operations Research for Management Decisions
Operations Management
Linear Statistical Models in Business
Data Analytics
One of the following courses (check prerequisites):
Introduction to Optimization
Business Process Simulation
One of the following courses (check prerequisites):
Introduction to Optimization (if not selected in the
above requirement)
Business Process Simulation (if not selected in the
above requirement)
Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain
Systems Analysis and Design
Developing Applications for Decision Analytics
Project Management
Six Sigma Innovation
The Total Quality Practicum (Open only to QUEST students)
Total BMGT
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Upper Level ECON Requirements
One of the following courses:
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory & Policy
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Money and Banking
International Economics
Total ECON
Note: Students who have completed either ECON325
Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis or ECON326
Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis can substitute
these courses for ECON305 or ECON306,
respectively. BMGT341 Financial Markets is an
approved substitute for ECON330.
In addition to the major requirements listed above, please consult Chapter 6 or
www.rhsmith.umd.edu for a listing of additional Smith School degree requirements that apply to
all Smith School majors.
General advising for students admitted to the Smith School of Business is available Monday
through Friday in the Office of Undergraduate Programs, 1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-
2286, [email protected]. It is recommended that students visit this office each
semester to ensure that they are informed about current requirements and procedures. Transfer
students entering the university can be advised during spring, summer, and fall transfer
orientation programs. Contact the Orientation Office for further information, 301-314-8217.
For more information see Nutrition and Food Science in Chapter 7.
Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education
For more information, see Human Development/Institute for Child Study (HDQM) under Human
Development and Quantitative Methodology (HDQM) section in Chapter 7 of the Catalog.
Economics (ECON)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
3114 Tydings Hall, 301-405-3266
Chair: M. Cropper (Distinquished University Professor)
Director: C. Clement (Director of Undergraduate Studies)
Professors: K. Abraham, L. Ausubel, J. Chao, P. Cramton, A. Drazen, S. Galiani, J. Haltiwanger
(Distinguished University Professor), J. Hellerstein, Z. Jin, S. Kalemli-Ozcan, M. Kearney, G.
Kuersteiner, N. Limao, P. Murrell, I. Prucha (Distinguished University Professor), D. Vincent, J.
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Associate Professors: S. Aruoba, P. Coughlin, E. Filiz Ozbay, E. Kaplan, Y. Masatlioglu, E.
Ozbay, J. Shea (Assoc. Chair & Director of Graduate Studies), A. Sweeting, S. Urzua
Assistant Professors: J. Goldberg, E. Lee, F. Saffie, L. Stevens, L. Turner
Lecturers: H. Abbasi Alikamar, M. Copelman, R. Decker, A. Finkle, E. Leibtag, N.
Montgomery, E. Moody, J. Neri (Senior Lecturer), J. Sabelhaus, N. Sarna, S. Scandizzo (Senior
Lecturer), J. Straub, S. Verma
Professors Emeriti: C. Almon, R. Bennett, R. Betancourt, F. Brechling, C. Clague, J.
Cumberland, R. Dardis, C. Hulten, H. Kelejian, M. McGuire, P. Meyer, R. Schwab, P.
The Major
Economists study a wide range of phenomena using analytical methods which describe
how people and collections of people behave and interact. Many economists define their
profession as the analysis of decisions made in the context of scarcity. Economics can also be
described as the study of the production, pricing, and distribution of goods and services within
societies. Economists study such issues as inflation, unemployment, poverty, environmental
quality, financial markets, and international trade. Economists also apply their methods of
analysis to such diverse areas as crime, health care, discrimination, and the problems of
developing countries.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym: ECON. As a
large, diverse department, courses are offered in many of the major fields of economic study.
Several courses analyze the role of the government policies impacting economic outcomes, while
others focus on developing advanced applications of economic theories and methodologies.
Students can learn about the methods of analysis that economists use and about the various
fields of inquiry where economists have been most productive. Undergraduate economics majors
choose between two curriculums, one leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree and the other to a
Bachelor of Science. In the BA track, students learn how to apply economic analysis to a variety
of social issues, as well as, the fundamental methodological tools. In the BS track, students focus
more attention on the methodology of economic analysis, which requires more emphasis on
quantitative skills.
Economics majors have a wide variety of career options, including positions in state and local
government, federal and international agencies, business, finance and banking, journalism,
teaching, politics and law. Many economics majors pursue graduate work in economics or
another social science, law, business or public policy.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to fully utilize the opportunities presented for learning and research.
Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the following knowledge
and skills:
Understanding of the key terminology used within the discipline.
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Ability to use the fundamental methods and tools of the discipline to model economic
behavior and to describe and analyze relationships between economic variables.
Ability to interpret and apply descriptive and inferential statistics.
Ability to analyze the effect of government policies on the economy using both
conceptual and quantitative tools.
BA track: Ability to articulate how economic analysis can be used to improve decision-
making in various situations.
BS track: Ability to carry out various techniques for evaluating hypotheses regarding
economic phenomena.
Requirements for the Major
In addition to the university's general education requirements, students must earn a minimum of
39 credits via a combination of foundation and elective courses in Economics and Math as listed
below. Both the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science tracks require a sequence of
courses starting with introductory micro and macroeconomics, as well as, calculus. Students then
proceed to intermediate level courses in theory and statistics. Finally, students take at least one
upper-level course focused on quantitative analysis plus several upper-level courses where you
explore specific topics in more depth. Both tracks require the same number of courses.
All courses must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better to count towards the foundation and
elective requirements. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average
across all courses used to satisfy major degree requirements. A course used to fulfill one
requirement for the major may not count towards any other economics major requirement.
Bachelor of Arts
Foundation Courses
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
MATH120 or
Elementary Calculus I or
Calculus I
Applied Economic Statistics or
Business Statistics
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory & Policy
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory & Policy
Economics Electives Courses
One from*
Methods & Tools for Economic Analysis
Macroeconomic Models and Forecasting
Applied Econometrics
Economics of Cost-Benefit Analysis
Two from
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Any 300/400 level ECON courses designated
for the BA
Three from
Any 400 level ECON courses designated for
the BA
One from
Economics Experiential Learning or
other experiential learning course(s)
a 300/400 level ECON course designated
for the BA
Bachelor of Science
Foundation Courses
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Calculus I
Calculus II
Economic Statistics or
Applied Probability and Statistics
Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
Econometrics I
Econometrics II
Advanced Microeconomics or
Advanced Macroeconomics
Economics Electives Courses
Three from
Any 400 level ECON courses designated
for the BS
*The Economics curriculum may be updated over time, given college and campus
approval. Students will be notified as other appropriate courses are approved that fulfill the
requirements for the major.
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Other Requirements for the Major
Study Sequences and Plans of Study
Those students planning to pursue graduate study in economics must begin to prepare themselves
analytically for graduate work by focusing on theory, statistics, and mathematics in their
undergraduate curriculum. These students should consider the full econometrics sequence of
ECON422 and 423. Mastery of advanced calculus and linear algebra is essential for entrance into
graduate schools, and therefore students must take MATH140, MATH141, MATH240,
MATH241 and MATH246. Students should also plan on taking MATH410 and 411.
In accordance with the University's policies, the Department of Economics expects students to
make timely progress towards graduation. To help measure progress during the early stages of a
student's studies in economics, students will have to complete courses designated as benchmarks
within a specified number of semesters in order to continue in their major.
Bachelor of Arts - Students must complete the following five courses within two semesters of
entering the major:
ECON200, ECON201, and MATH120 or MATH140 with grades of C- or higher
One additional GenEd course with a D- or higher
Academic Writing with a C- or higher
Bachelor of Science - Students must complete the following six courses within two semesters of
entering the major:
ECON200, ECON201, MATH140, and MATH141 with grades of C- or higher
One additional GenEd course with a D- or higher
Academic Writing with a C- or higher
These benchmark deadlines may not be appropriate for all incoming students (depending upon
credit earned prior to entering the major and math placement). All students complete an
individualized benchmark contract with an ECON advisor, either at orientation or in the process
of declaring the major. Freshmen wishing to declare an Economics major should see an advisor
as soon as possible in order to set appropriate benchmarks and establish a coherent graduation
Departmental academic advisors work with current and prospective majors on a walk-in basis,
Monday - Friday from 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Majors are encouraged to see an advisor at least
once an academic year to verify progress in their program requirements. Further information on
courses, internships, the department honors program, careers, and graduate schools may be
obtained from the advisors.
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Location: 3108 Tydings Hall
Phone: 301-405-8367
Honors Program
The Economics Honors Program provides economics majors with the opportunity for advanced
study in a seminar format, with faculty supervision of an honors thesis. The Honors Program is
designed for students planning to attend graduate school or those seeking an in-depth study of
economic theory and its application to economic problems.
For detailed information on the Honors Program, including eligibility requirements, visit the
ECON website at http://www.econ.umd.edu/undergraduate/departmental-honors-program.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Economics Association of Maryland is an undergraduate club that meets regularly to discuss
graduate study in economics and other fields, employment opportunities, and recent economic
trends. Please see the Undergraduate Economics Advisors in 3108 Tydings for more information.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The Dudley and Louisa Dillard Award is given to an outstanding economics honors student with
one of the best honors thesis.
The Sujon Guha Memorial Award for Academic Excellence and Outstanding Leadership
is awarded to an economics honors student with one of the best honors thesis.
The Martin Moskowitz Award is presented to a graduating senior based on academic excellence
and a demonstrated commitment to and philosophy of public service.
The Moskowitz Family Scholarship is awarded to an academically successful economics major
with demonstrated financial need.
The Mark C. Sullivan Economics Scholarship is awarded to an economics major who came from
the eastern part of the state and has high academic performance.
The Honorable Idamae Garrott Memorial Scholarship supports academically talented majors
who demonstrate financial need.
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The Mark D. Turner and Tracye C. Turner Scholarship in Economics is awarded to an
economics major who shows commitment to using their degree to assist minority communities.
The Melanie E. (Lee) Easley Memorial Scholarship supports an economics major with
demonstrated financial need and a solid academic standing.
The John Cumberland Award in Environmental Economics is given to support the research and
scholarship of an academically talented economics major in the fields of environmental
The Peggy Rae and John Sapienza Scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior economics major
and is intended to facilitate the education of a hardworking student and encourage him/her
toward graduation.
Electrical Engineering (ENEE)
A. James Clark School of Engineering
2426 A.V. Williams Building, 301-405-3685
Chair: R. Chellappa (Distinguished Scholar Teacher, Chair)
Professors: E. Abed, T. Antonsen, J. Baras, A. Barg, R. Barua, S. Bhattacharyya, G. Blankenship
(Associate Chair, External Relations), M. Dagenais, C. Davis (Distinguished Scholar Teacher),
A. Ephremides (Distinguished University Professor), C. Espy-Wilson (Distinguished Scholar
Teacher), R. Ghodssi (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), V. Gligor (Res Prof), J. Goldhar, N.
Goldsman, R. Gomez (Associate Chair, Undergraduate Education), V. Granatstein, A. Iliadis, J.
JaJa, B. Jacob, J. Kim (Prof Of Practice), P. Krishnaprasad, W. Lawson, W. Levine (Res Prof),
K. Liu (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), A. Makowski, S. Marcus (Distinguished Scholar
Teacher), I. Mayergoyz (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), J. Melngailis, H. Milchberg
(Distinguished Scholar Teacher), T. Murphy, K. Nakajima, P. Narayan, R. Newcomb, P. O'Shea
(Distinguished Scholar Teacher), Y. Oruc, E. Ott (Distinguished University Professor), G. Qu, S.
Shamma, M. Shayman, J. Simon, P. Sprangle, A. Srivastava (Associate Chair, Graduate
Education), A. Tits, S. Ulukus, T. Venkatesan (Res Prof), U. Vishkin, M. Vorontsov (Res Prof),
M. Wu (Distinguished Scholar Teacher)
Associate Professors: P. Abshire, P. Dowd (Res Assoc Prof), M. Franklin, M. Hafezi, T.
Horiuchi, A. Khaligh, R. La, N. Martins, A. Papamarcou, E. Waks, D. Yeung (Director of
Computer Engineering)
Assistant Professors: B. Babadi, D. Dachman-Soled, T. Dumitras, J. Munday, C. Papamanthou,
M. Rotkowitz
Lecturers: D. Bowen (Lecturer), W. Hawkins, P. McAvoy (Res Assoc, Lecturer), N. Mogul
(Lecturer), S. Picozzi (Lecturer)
Affiliate Professors: A. Agrawala, J. Aloimonos, S. Anlage, S. Bhattacharjee, L. Davis, M. Fu,
A. Harris, J. Hollingsworth, D. Lathrop, D. O'Leary, R. Phaneuf, G. Rubloff, E. Smela, F.
Affiliate Associate Professors: I. Appelbaum, M. Cukier, R. Duraiswami, R. Kishek (Res Assoc
473 | Page
Affiliate Assistant Professors: Y. Chen
Professors Emeriti: D. Barbe, L. Davisson, N. De Claris, F. Emad, N. Favardin, R. Harger, P.
Ho, C. Lee, P. Ligomenides, J. Orloff, M. Peckerar, J. Pugsley, H. Rabin, M. Reiser, M. Rhee, C.
Silio, C. Striffler, L. Taylor, S. Tretter, K. Zaki
The Major
Electrical engineers create innovative technology solutions in a wide range of areas, from
handheld communications to solar panels; from cardiac pace makers to autonomous robots; from
wireless networks to bio-engineered sensors that detect dangerous pathogens; and intelligent
surveillance systems that perform face and motion recognition. Employers visiting campus seek
out electrical engineering students for recruitment more than any other major at the University of
Electrical engineers have been uniquely responsible for developing many of the innovations that
have brought us modern life and are urgently needed today to help solve a variety of global
problems, including challenges related to energy, communications, health care, global warming,
and national security. Electrical engineering underpins all other engineering disciplines,
encompassing biomedical devices technology, micro- and nanoelectronics, information systems,
wireless communications and signal processing, power systems, lasers and optics, electronic
devices, computer software-hardware integration, and control systems. Electrical engineers led
revolutions in the music and telecommunications industries, and are poised to lead the next
revolutionary innovations in nanotechnology, robotics, and other advanced technologies.
The Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.
Program Objectives
Broadly stated, the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for the undergraduate major in
electrical engineering pertain to the accomplishments and performance of our students 3-5 years
after graduation. These objectives are determined in consultation with the various constituencies
of the electrical engineering program and agreed upon and approved by a consensus of the
1. Achieve a leadership position in a reputable industry or government institution.
2. Achieve a graduate degree in a highly ranked academic program.
3. Become an innovator and creative entrepreneur.
Program Learning Outcomes
A comprehensive set of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) has been derived from the Program
Educational Objectives (PEOs). These SLOs comprise the knowledge and skills all Electrical
Engineering students are expected to possess by the time they graduate so the PEOs can be
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accomplished. The SLOs are:
(a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
(b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data
(c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
(d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
(e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) An ability to communicate effectively
(h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
(i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning
(j) A knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) An ability to use modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Admission to the Major
Admission requirements for the Electrical Engineering major are determined by the A. James
Clark School of Engineering. See Chapter 6 for the Clark School admission requirements. For
details on the University's requirements and general admission procedures please see Chapter 1.
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for the Electrical Engineering major include thorough preparation in mathematics,
physics, chemistry, and engineering science. Elective courses must include both Electrical
Engineering courses and technical courses outside the department. Students must earn a grade of
"C-" or higher in all engineering, mathematics, and science courses, as well as the prerequisites
for these courses. A sample program is shown below.
475 | Page
Freshman Year
General Chemistry for
General Physics
Calculus I / Calculus II
Intro. To Engineering Design
Intro. To Programming
Concepts for Engineering
Intermediate Programming
Concepts for Engineers
General Education**
Sophomore Year++
Calculus III
Differential Equations
General Physics II and Lab
General Physics III and Lab
Elements of Discrete Signal
Digital Logic Design
Electric Circuits
Social & Ethical Dimensions of
ECE Technology
General Education**
Junior Year
Advanced Elective Math
Analog and Digital Electronics
Electronics Circuits Design Lab
Intro. to Device Physics
Signal and System Theory
Engineering Probability
Computer Organization
Electromagnetic Theory
Electromagnetic Wave Program
General Education**
476 | Page
Senior Year
EE Electives
Free Technical Electives****
Technical Writing
General Education**
++ Effective with the Fall 2009 freshmen admit class, students will be required to follow the new
curriculum above. Students enrolled prior to Fall 2009 or students enrolled in parallel programs
at other 2 and 4 year institutions should follow the old requirements. However, records will be
reviewed when necessary on an individual basis during the phase in/out period, and adjustments
made in degree requirements.
*Students must complete ENEE140 or pass the exemption exam or AP CS exam before taking
** Note: Please see www.4yearplans.umd.edu.
***Must come from list of approved Math courses within free technical elective list.
****Must come from list of courses approved for free technical electives with at least two
elective EE courses taken from the same specialty area.
Technical Elective Requirements
Effective Fall 2008, all entering BSEE students must:
1. Distribute their 13 credits of EE technical electives among the following course categories:
Category A. Advanced Theory and Applications: minimum of 3 credits
Category B. Advanced Laboratory: minimum of 2 credits
Category C. Capstone Design: minimum of 3 credits
Note: ENEE499, Senior Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering, may be used to satisfy
either the Category A or the Category B requirement subject to approval by the faculty
supervisor and the Associate Chair; it cannot be used as a Category C course. The maximum
number of ENEE499 credits that may be applied towards EE technical elective requirements is
2. Distribute their 9 credits of free technical electives as follows:
a. They may be any upper-level course (300 level or higher) from the math, engineering, and
basic science disciplines whose courses start with the following prefixes and who do not appear
on the list of unacceptable courses available from the Undergraduate Studies Office: AMSC,
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ENME, ENNU, ENRE, MATH, PHYS, and STAT. The most up-to-date list of approved and
unacceptable courses will always be available from the Undergraduate Studies Office and on the
ECE website.
b. They may be any upper-level course (300 level or higher) whose prefix is not given in the list
above, assuming that the student: (i) completes the application to allow the course to count as a
free elective, (ii) demonstrates how this course complements the student's professional goals, and
(iii) receives the signed approval of the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education. If more
than one course is taken via this option, all of those courses must have a closely-related theme.
3. Have two courses from the same ENEE specialty area. A list of courses grouped according to
specialty area is available from the Undergraduate Studies Office and on the ECE website.
If you have any questions about how these requirements affect your current selection of senior
EE electives, please contact an advisor.
Technical electives for students admitted Spring 2001 - Spring 2008:
The 13 credits of EE technical electives among the following course categories:
Category A
Advanced Theory and Applications
minimum of 3
Category B
Advanced Laboratory
minimum of 2
Category C
Capstone Design
minimum of 3
Please read carefully, and make a note of, the following special cases and other items:
1. Two credits of ENEE499, Senior Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering, may be
used to satisfy the Advanced Laboratory requirement subject to approval by the faculty
supervisor and the Associate Chair. The maximum number of ENEE499 credits that may be
applied towards EE technical elective requirements is five.
2. Additional Capstone Design courses can be used as substitutes for
the required Advanced Theory and Applications course; and/or
the required Advanced Laboratory course, provided one of the following is completed:
ENEE408A, 408B, 408C, or 408F.
3. Completion of ENEE408A and ENEE459A satisfies both the Capstone Design and Advanced
Laboratory requirements.
4. If you have any questions on how these requirements affect your current selection of senior
EE electives, please contact an advisor.
478 | Page
All ECE students have mandatory advising every single semester, provided by the professional
advising staff of the ECE Undergraduate Studies Office. Departmental permission is required in
order for students to register and for all courses in the major. The Department's Undergraduate
Studies Office (2426 A.V. Williams Building, 301-405-3685) is the primary point of contact for
undergraduates with advising questions and detailed curriculum requirements, registration
information, and advising and mentoring procedures can be found on the ECE Undergraduate
Advising website: http://www.ece.umd.edu/undergrad/advising.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is affiliated with more than 40
specialized laboratories, supporting activities including: speech and image processing, high
performance systems, mobile computing and multimedia, communication networks, robotics,
control systems, neural systems, systems integration, VLSI design and testing, experimental
software engineering, semiconductor materials and devices, photonics, fiber optics, ion beam
lithography, real-time systems, human- computer interaction, and virtual reality. Undergraduate
students are encouraged to engage in research at some point during their education. Active
participation in research not only allows students to apply what they have learned in class, it also
gives them greater insight into a specific area within ECE and an appreciation for the subtleties
and difficulties associated with the production of knowledge and fundamental new applications.
Research experience also prepares students for the demands of graduate school and the work
force. Information on participating in undergraduate research can be found at
The ECE department also offers unique summer research programs. The Maryland Engineering
Research Internship Team program offers research opportunities for top undergraduates from
across the country interested in using computer engineering skills and tools to address important
biosystems applications. The Transportation Electrification program (http://reu.ece.umd.edu/)
offers research opportunities for students interested in sustainable transportation systems,
particularly in power electronics, energy storage (battery, ultracapacitor and fuel cell),
optimization and mathematical modeling of grid-integrated vehicles, and sustainable
Information on internships can be found at www.coop.eng.umd.edu. Other internships are
advertised by the ECE Department's Office of External Relations, and Undergraduate Studies
Co-op Programs
Participation in a Cooperative Education Program or internship with private industry or a
government agency is strongly encouraged. See the A. James Clark School of Engineering
catalog entry for details.
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Honors Program
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Honors Program
(www.ece.umd.edu/undergrad/honors) is intended to provide a more challenging and rewarding
undergraduate experience for students pursuing the baccalaureate in Electrical or Computer
Engineering. Please visit the ECE Honors website (www.ece.umd.edu/undergrad/honors) for
program course requirements. Students completing all program requirements with a "B" average
(3.0 on a 4.0 scale) and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all undergraduate work will have their
participation noted on their B.S. diploma. Students with the necessary academic qualifications
are invited to apply to the program, typically after the completion of their sophomore year.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The ECE Department has an active student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE). Information and instructions for joining can be found on their website
(http://umd.orgsync.com/org/ieee/home). Equally active is the Gamma Xi chapter of Eta Kappa
Nu honor society which is dedicated to recognizing excellence in electrical and computer
engineering. Information on eligibility can be obtained by visiting their website
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Several scholarships are administered through the department and many others through the Clark
School of Engineering. To be considered for these awards, students must submit an application
by May 31st of each year for the following academic year. For more information
visit: www.ursp.umd.edu/scholarships/index.html.
In addition, the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state
and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers the following awards: 1.
Outstanding academic performance award to a junior for academic excellence; 2. Service award
to the graduating senior who has shown a commitment of service to fellow students; and 3.
Chair's Award for outstanding academic performance to a graduating senior.
Job Opportunities
Electrical engineers were primarily responsible for the recent revolutions in the music,
telecommunications and medical device industries. They remain at the forefront of cutting edge
developments and innovations in nanotechnology, robotics, and other technologies. Electrical
engineers also have wide ranging employment opportunities in other fields including electronics,
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microelectronics, communications and signal processing, power systems, electrophysics,
computer architecture, circuits, and control systems. Specific jobs include developing fiber optic
technology, lasers for biomedical applications, software for robots, electronic weapons systems,
advanced wireless networks, and neuron-like sensors for various applications.
Elementary Education (TLPL)
For more information see Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in Chapter 7.
English Language and Literature (ENGL)
College of Arts and Humanities
1128 Tawes Hall, (301) 405-3825
Chair: A. Bailey
Director: C. Walter
Professors: E. Arnold, J. Auerbach, A. Bailey, C. Caramello, K. Cartwright, M. Casey, W.
Cohen, T. Coletti, M. Collier, M. Collins, J. Donawerth, N. Fraistat, D. Hamilton, L. Kauffman,
M. Kirschenbaum, R. Levine, H. Norman, M. Olmert, B. Pearson, S. Plumly, S. Ray, B.
Richardson, L. Rosenthal, M. Smith, O. Wang, M. Washington, J. Weiner, D. Wyatt
Associate Professors: R. Bauer, T. Chico, L. Coleman, K. Coles, J. Enoch, O. Gaycken, M.
Israel, S. Jelen, K. Kraus, M. Lindemann, P. Mallios, E. Mitchell, T. Moser, Z. Nunes, R.
Ontiveros, G. Passannante, K. Robertson, J. Rudy, V. Valiavitcharska, C. Walter, S. Wible, E.
Assistant Professors: C. Adsanatham, S. Balachandran Orihuela, J. Fleming, M. Kill, L.
Konstantinou, S. Trudell
Lecturers: E. Robinson
Professors Emeriti: J. Auchard, V. Beauchamp, A. Berlin, J. Bryer, V. Carretta, R. Coogan, S.
Cooper, R. Cross, J. Fahnestock, V. Flieger, G. Hamilton, E. Hammond, R. Harrison, H.
Herman, N. Isaacs, R. Jellema, R. Kolker, L. Lawson, T. Leinwand, S. Leonardi, S. Logan, M.
Mack, M. Marcuse, C. Peterson, W. Peterson, L. Ryan, R. Vitzthum, C. Winton
The Major
The English major has four parts: English 301, Group I Requirements, Group II Requirements,
and Emphasis/Elective Requirements. English 301 is a required course and should usually be
taken in the first semester after a student becomes an English major. Group I Requirements
provide a broad foundation in literary history and an awareness of questions an inquiring reader
might ask of a text. Group II Requirements explore in greater depth both literary periods and
literary themes across periods, and develop skills in reading, criticism, writing, and
research. The Emphasis/Elective Requirements allow students to focus on their personal
interests within the major.
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The major requires 36 credits beyond the University's Fundamental Studies requirements.
At least 30 of the 36 credits must be at the 3xx- or 4xx-level; at least 12 credits must be
A "C-" or better is required in each course making up the 36 credits of the major.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
Only 3 credits of ENGL388 (Internship) may be included in the 36 credits of the major.
Only 6 credits of ENGL429 (Independent Study) may be included in the 36 credits of the
Only 9 credits of ENGL379 (Special Topics) may be included in the 36 credits of the
Only 9 credits of ENGL428 (Seminars) may be included in the 36 credits of the major.
Program Objectives
The English major has been designed to give students an overview of the history and variety of
literature written in English; to use the critical study of language and literature to help students
think carefully and express themselves well; and to introduce students to the debates about
literature and culture that shape our intellectual lives and our national and global
conversations. Our hope is that our graduates will enter the world with the sophistication,
critical acumen, and sympathy born of wide reading and with the skills needed to carry their
convictions into action, no matter what line of work they pursue.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to analyze texts critically.
Students will be able to write persuasively.
Students will be able to conduct research in English studies.
Students will be able to communicate the importance of studying literature, rhetoric, and
writing across time and from various perspectives.
Requirements for the Major
The English major requires 36 credits distributed as follows:
ENGL301: Critical Methods in the Study of Literature
English majors must take ENGL 301 before they take other
3xx or 4xx level English courses. We strongly recommend it
be taken during the sophomore year.
GROUP I REQUIREMENTS (One course to be taken in each area)
Literary and Cultural
History 3
Literary, Linguistic, or Rhetorical Analysis
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Literature of African-Americans, Peoples of Color, Women,
and/or Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgendered
All courses to be taken at the 3xx-and 4xx-level. At least 12 credits
within Group II and the Emphasis/Elective Requirements must be at
the 4xx-level.
Writing before 1800
(two courses) 6
Modern British, Anglophone, and/or Postcolonial Writing
after 1800 (one course)
American, African American, and/or U.S. Ethnic Writing (one
All course to be taken at the 3xx- and 4xx- level. At least 12 credits
within Group II and the Emphasis/Elective Requirements must be at
the 4xx-level.
Four English emphasis courses which may follow a designated
pathway if the student desires. Students may also count one
- or 4xx-level literature course in a literary tradition other
than English, either in the original language or in
as an elective.
Students pursuing the major should review the academic benchmarks established for this
program. See: www.4yearplans.umd.edu. Students will be periodically reviewed to insure they
are meeting benchmarks and progressing to the degree. Students who fall behind program
benchmarks are subject to special advising requirements and other interventions.
English and English Education Double Major
In conjunction with the College of Education, the English Department offers a special 125-credit
program for students wishing to double major in English and English Education, allowing them
to earn a certificate to teach English at the secondary level. For a list of requirements, contact the
English Undergraduate Studies Office (1128 TWS, 301-405-3825).
All courses presented for the major must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. An overall
GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
Requirements for the Minor
Requirements for the Creative Writing Minor
The minor in Creative Writing offers students the opportunity to engage deeply with their own
writing and that of their peers in a graduated series of workshops led by professional writers of
poetry and prose.
The Creative Writing minor's 15 credits consist of the following:
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Three credits at the 2xx-level (ENGL271 or ENGL272 or ENGL273 or
Three credits at the 3xx-level (ENGL352 or ENGL353)
Six credits at the 4xx-level (two sections of ENGL498 or of ENGL499)
Three credits in any upper-level English literature course
After admission to the minor, students choose to specialize in either prose (352, 498) or poetry
(353, 499). Students admitted directly to a 3xx-level workshop must take three workshops (9
credits) at the 4xx-level.
No course grade below the grade of C- may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
Requirements for the Professional Writing Minor
1220 Tawes Hall
For students who wish to specialize in public and professional writing as an area of expertise and
for students who wish to communicate their discipline through writing, the Professional Writing
minor offers opportunities to engage deeply with the theory and practice of writing, editing, and
designing both print and digital documents for professional workplaces, civic organizations, and
community deliberations. Students will develop electronic portfolios throughout their minor
coursework as a means to showcase their professional writing knowledge and skills. Writing-
focused internships will be encouraged, although not required, in the later stages of coursework.
Successful completion of the Professional Writing minor requires the following:
A. Fifteen credit hours of coursework consisting of:
1) Three credits in ENGL 297: Introduction to Professional Writing
2) Twelve credits from the following courses, including at least nine credits at the 3xx or
4xx level and three credits at the 4xx level:
ENGL281: Standard English Grammar, Usage, and Diction (See Note 1)
ENGL282: How Rhetoric Works: Persuasive Power and Strategies
ENGL291: Writing, Advising, Persuading
ENGL292: Writing for Change
ENGL293: Writing in the Wireless World
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ENGL381: MGA Legislative Seminar (See Note 2)
ENGL384: Concepts of Grammar (See Note 1)
ENG388M: Writing Internship: Maryland General Assembly Pre-Professional Writing Internship
(See Note 2)
ENGL388P: Writing Internship: Pre-Professional Writing Skills Internship
ENGL388V: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Internship in Academic Writing or
Professional Writing
ENGL388W: Writing Internship: Writing Center Internship
Professional Writing Program Courses:
ENGL390: Science Writing
ENGL391: Advanced Composition: Argumentation
ENGL392: Legal Writing
ENGL393: Technical Writing
ENGL394: Business Writing
ENGL395: Writing for the Health Professions
ENGL398A: Writing for the Arts
ENGL398B: Writing for Social Entrepreneurship
ENGL398C: Writing Case Studies and Investigative Reports
ENGL398E: Writing for Economics
ENGL398L: Scholarly Writing in the Humanities
ENGL398N: Writing for Non-Profit Organizations
ENGL398R: Writing Non-Fiction Narratives
ENGL398V: Writing for the Environment
ENGL487: Foundations of Rhetoric
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ENGL488: Topics in Advanced Writing
ENGL493: Advanced Writing Theory and Practice
ENGL494: Editing and Document Design
B. Submission of an electronic professional writing portfolio
Successful completion of the Professional Writing minor also requires the submission of a
writing portfolio during a student's final semester. This portfolio must be submitted to the minor
advisor by November 1 for fall semester graduation or April 1 for spring semester graduation.
The electronic portfolio must contain, at a minimum, the following material: 1. A welcome page;
2. Six finished, polished texts written by the student in Professional Writing minor courses; and
3. A reflective essay that analyzes how these documents demonstrate the student's achievement
of the minor's learning outcomes. The minor advisor will confirm that each portfolio meets these
minimum requirements.
1. Credit toward the minor will be granted for only one of these two courses: ENGL281 or
2. ENGL381 is a prerequisite for ENGL388M.
3. A student cannot count toward the Professional Writing minor the PWP course that he or she
takes to fulfill the Fundamental Studies Professional Writing requirement for the University of
Maryland General Education Program. Only a second PWP course can be used to fulfill the
Professional Writing minor requirement. Advisors will encourage students to select a second
PWP course only if it complements the students' academic or professional goals.
4. Students may satisfy up to three credits of the nine-credit 3xx- or 4xx-level coursework
requirement through documented writing-intensive professional or internship experience.
Students must submit an acceptable portfolio of workplace writing to the Professional Writing
minor advisor in order to have these three credits count toward their minor.
5. Following university policy, English majors may count two Professional Writing minor
courses toward both the requirements for the English major and the Professional Writing Minor.
Students must be accepted into the minor no later than the start of the semester before the
semester in which they plan to graduate.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
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To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors.
Requirements for the Rhetoric Minor
The minor in Rhetoric is an interdisciplinary program offered through the cooperation of the
Department of English and the Department of Communication. Requirements are listed in the
Communication section of the catalog.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Academic advising is available throughout the year in 1128 Tawes Hall. Departmental academic
advising is mandatory for all majors each semester. Students should check Testudo for their
registration date and schedule an advising appointment for at least one week in advance of that
date. The English Department also offers internship and career advising. Advising appointments
can be made by calling 301-405-3825 or by visiting the English Undergraduate Studies Office in
1128 Tawes Hall. For information, visit:
The Writing Center
The Writing Center, 1205 Tawes Hall, 301-405-3785, provides free tutoring to undergraduate
students with writing assignments. Appointments are recommended, but walk-ins are welcome
based on availability of tutors. Appointments can be made by calling the Writing Center or
visiting its website. Students, faculty, and staff with questions about punctuation, sentence
structure, word choice, or documentation can call the Writing Center's Grammar Hotline at 301-
405-3785. For information, visit: www.english.umd.edu/academics/writingcenter.
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
The department both sponsors internships and offers credit for outside pre-professional
internships. Departmental internships include: Maryland General Assembly Internship,
Dickinson Electronic Archives Digital Humanities Internship, Romantic Circles Internship,
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) Internship, Writing Center
Internship, Undergraduate Teaching Assistants in Writing Programs Internship, and Pre-
Professional Writing Skills Internship. For more information, visit:
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Honors Program
The English Honors Program offers lively and challenging seminars, the opportunity to do a
long-term project in an area of special interest, and the sort of intellectual and literary community
that you might find at a small liberal arts college. Students work closely with faculty members
and peers in seminars and on a senior project. Interested students should ask for details from an
English Department advisor as early as possible in their college careers. For information, visit:
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
Academic Excellence in English
The English Department Academic Excellence Awards are presented each term to students
graduating in English with the most outstanding academic records in their coursework in the
major. Winners receive a certificate and a signed book from the department.
Henrietta Spiegel Creative Writing Award
This award is bestowed each spring to honor undergraduate work in creative writing judged by
the Creative Writing faculty to be the most outstanding. It is named for the oldest person ever to
complete an undergraduate degree at the University of Maryland (B.A. in English, 1989, at age
Joseph W. Houppert Memorial Prize
This prize, named for a distinguished member of the department who served from 1963 until his
death in 1979, is awarded each spring to the undergraduate who has written the best essay on
Shakespeare during the academic year.
Joyce Tayloe Horrell Award
This award, in memory of a master teacher in the English Department from 1960 to 1967, is
conferred annually on the English major who has demonstrated the highest academic
achievement among the graduating class.
Sandy Mack Award for Outstanding Work in English Honors
This prize, which is given each spring to the student with the most outstanding overall record in
English Honors, is named for the faculty member who developed the English Honors Program
and guided it for many years.
Sara Ann Soper Undergraduate Service Award
This award honors a graduating senior who has volunteered time, energy, and commitment to
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community service. It memorializes the mother of a 1989 English graduate, Shannon Altman,
who endowed it.
English Education (TLPL)
For more information see Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in Chapter 7.
Entomology (ENTM)
College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
4112 Plant Sciences Building, 301-405-3911
Chair: L. Pick (Prof & Chair)
Director: B. Kent (Inst & Dir)
Professors: A. Brown, W. Lamp, C. Mitter, D. O'Brochta, M. Palmer, M. Raupp, R. StLeger, S.
Associate Professors: D. Gruner, D. Hawthorne, C. Hooks, M. Neel, P. Shrewsbury, J. Shultz, J.
Assistant Professors: M. Fritz, K. Hamby, D. Vanengelsdorp
Senior Lecturer: T. O'Brien (Lecturer)
Lecturers: L. Shapiro (Lecturer), M. Shofner (Lecturer)
Affiliate Professors: G. Brust
Affiliate Associate Professors: U. Pal, L. Wu
Adjunct Professors: D. Davis, C. Labandeira, W. Mathis, D. Miller, J. Pettis, R. Robbins, M.
Schauff, T. Schultz
Adjunct Associate Professors: J. Lill, S. Lingafelter, S. Scheffer
Adjunct Assistant Professors: S. Zebelo
Assistant Research Scientist: P. Graham (Asst Res Sci)
Professors Emeriti: E. Armstrong, P. Barbosa, J. Davidson, G. Dively, J. Hellman, J. Linduska,
M. Ma, D. Messersmith, J. Nelson, B. Thorne
The Major
See Biological Sciences Program.
Program Objectives
See Biological Sciences Program.
Program Learning Outcomes
See Biological Sciences Program.
Admission to the Major
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See Biological Sciences Program.
Placement in Courses
See Biological Sciences Program.
Requirements for the Major
Undergraduate students interested in Entomology should declare the General Biology
specialization within the Biological Sciences Program (see separate listing). Students should also
contact the Entomology Director of Undergraduate Studies for information on pursuing a career
in Entomology.
Requirements for Specialization
See the Biological Sciences Program listing in this catalog, or contact the Entomology Director
of Undergraduate Studies for the General Biology requirements.
Advising is non-mandatory, but recommended in the Biological Sciences Program. The
Department of Entomology faculty coordinate and advise students in the General Biology
(GENB) specialization whose last names begin with the letters A through M. Contact the
Department of Entomology (301-405-3911) for information about advising, or to schedule an
appointment with an advisor or the Entomology Director of Undergraduate Studies. For advising
on other Biological Sciences Program specializations, see the Biological Sciences Program
listing in this catalog.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Students in the Biological Sciences Program can engage in research with Entomology faculty
either in either departmental or off-campus facilities. Contact the Entomology Director of
Undergraduate Students for more information.
Fieldwork Opportunities
Students in the Biological Sciences Program can engage in fieldwork related to either basic or
applied research with Entomology faculty. Contact the Entomology Director of Undergraduate
Studies for more information.
Honors Program
The Entomology Honors Program provides the opportunity for highly motivated and
academically qualified undergraduates to engage in original, independent research under the
guidance of an Entomology faculty mentor. The program is open to all Biological Science
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Program students who have (1) junior standing (including at least twelve credits within the
major), (2) a minimum overall GPA and major courses GPA of 3.2, and (3) a Department of
Entomology faculty member who has agreed to serve as their mentor. Contact the Entomology
Honors Director, Dr. William Lamp ([email protected]) for more information. Participants in the
Entomology Honors Program are eligible for the Ernest N. Cory Undergraduate Scholarship.
Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
0220 Symons Hall, 301-405-8571
Director: J. Sullivan (Interim Director)
Senior Lecturer: J. Goger (Senior Lecturer), J. Murrow (Lecturer)
Lecturers: G. Schnaar (Lecturer)
The Major
Environmental Science and Policy is a broadly multi-disciplinary, undergraduate major, drawing
courses and faculty from 8 departments and three Colleges (the Colleges of Agriculture and
Natural Resources; Behavioral and Social Sciences; Computer, Mathematical, and Natural
New ENSP students begin in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, where they will
be guided through a structured, exploratory advising process. ENSP students are expected to
declare a concentration by the end of their third semester in the program and, once they declare
their concentration, will move administratively to the College and department sponsoring the
concentration. There, they are advised by a faculty member in their discipline.
The ENSP faculty and staff aspire to provide a strong identity for the students enrolled in this
major, and we encourage students to take advantage of the rich resources available at a Research
I Public University. Experiential learning through research, internships, and study abroad is
strongly encouraged.
Program Objectives
The curriculum of Environmental Science and Policy comprises an introductory core of lower-
level courses in environmental science, environmental policy, biology, chemistry, earth sciences,
geography, economics, calculus, and statistics. This is followed by in-depth and focused training
in one of eleven areas of concentration in biological resources, earth systems, or the human
dimensions of the field; and two upper-level courses in applied science and policy. The
educational philosophy of the program is to train students broadly using a multi-disciplinary
approach at the introductory level so that they are exposed to the myriad ways there are to learn
about environmental systems and to address human-environment issues. This introductory
approach precedes the concentration in which the students are prepared for post-graduate study
or work in a discipline-based field. The combination of the lower-level core courses and upper-
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level depth in a concentration prepares graduates to work and study independently or as members
of teams in which they will be asked to be experts in one area, while understanding and using
effectively other natural and social science knowledge and investigative approaches.
Program Learning Outcomes
Utilize and integrate knowledge and understanding of natural and social sciences.
Depth and knowledge in an area of concentration.
Readiness for full-time employment and grad school
Admission to the Major
Incoming students who wish to enter ENSP may do so by selecting ENSP-Undeclared (Science)
or ENSP-Undeclared (Policy) on their application for admission. On-campus students may
declare ENSP during a meeting with the Assistant Director. Please review the ENSP website at
www.ensp.umd.edu to learn about the program and its requirements prior to your first advising
Requirements for the Major
1. Two introductory courses and three credits each semester, emphasizing Environmental
Science in ENSP101 and Environmental Policy in ENSP102.
2. At least one course each from four of the following five groups:
a. Biology (BSCI160&161)
b. Chemistry (CHEM131/132)
c. Earth Sciences (AOSC200/201, ENST200, GEOG201/211, GEOL100/110,
d. Economics (AREC240, AREC241, ECON200)
e. Geography (GEOG130, 140, 170, 202)
3. One semester of Calculus (MATH130, MATH140 or MATH120)
4. One semester of Statistics (BIOM301, ECON321, PSYC200, SOCY201, STAT400)
5. One course in Applied Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP305, ENSP330, ENSP340,
ENSP342, ENSP350), to be taken in the junior or senior year.
6. The Capstone course (ENSP400 in the senior year)
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Areas of Concentration
Biodiversity and Conservation Biology; Environment and Agriculture; Environmental
Economics; Environmental Geosciences and Restoration; Environmental Politics and Policy;
Global Environmental Change; Land Use; Marine and Coastal Management; Society and
Environmental Issues; Soil, Water, and Land Resources; Wildlife Ecology and
Management. Changes may occur in concentrations. Students should consult the program
office or visit the ENSP web site (www.ensp.umd.edu) for updated information.
Grading Policy
Students who entered the Environmental Science and Policy Program (ENSP) in spring 2002,
and thereafter, are required to earn grades of "C-" or higher in all courses taken within the ENSP
core, in all required courses, and restricted electives of the selected area of concentration.
Advising is mandatory for all ENSP students in all areas of concentration, regardless of GPA,
concentration, or credit level. We want to help you meet program requirements while achieving
your academic and career goals. Refer to the ENSP webpage at www.ensp.umd.edu to find
advisor assignments.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
We encourage all interested students to gain research experience. Many beginning ENSP
students gain their first research experience by participating in the Maryland Student Researchers
Program, which is coordinated by the Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research. More
advanced students gain research experience working with their faculty members; in a field
assistantship at the USDA - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center or the US FWS - Patuxent
Wildlife Research Refuge; or by participating in an NSF-sponsored Research Experience for
Undergraduates (REU). Additionally, highly motivated and capable students are encouraged to
enroll in Honors-in-ENSP to pursue a self-directed, individual project. Details about all of these
opportunities are available on our website.
Practical experience is an important part of learning. Whether gained by volunteering, clubs,
internships, and/or research -- all experience contributes to students' professional development,
helps determine what they enjoy doing, and makes classwork more meaningful. ENSP maintains
an extensive list of internship opportunities on its website (www.ensp.umd.edu) and students
receive weekly listserv announcements generated from the Advising Blog
(http://www.enspadvisingnews.blogspot.com). Six of ENSP's concentrations require an
internship; and most ENSP students complete at least two such experiences. To earn credit for
an internship, review program requirements on the program webpage and contact the Assistant
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Director at (301)405-8571 regarding ENSP386 - Internship in Environmental Science and
Honors Program
The Honors Program in Environmental Science and Policy provides energetic and
capable undergraduates the opportunity to engage in independent study. Interested students must
have 45-75 credits at the time of application; a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher; and a 3.5 or
higher in all courses required for ENSP. Transfer students with equivalent academic records are
also encouraged to apply. All students who meet the application requirements are eligible to
apply; they need not have been a member of University Honors Program. The research will be
conducted under the supervision of a faculty mentor, usually in the student's area of
concentration, and will result in an Honors thesis. More information about admission, program
requirements, and academic resources is available on the website (www.ensp.umd.edu).
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
1457 Animal Sciences Building, 301-405-1193
Chair: William Bowerman
Professors: A. Baldwin (Prof), W. Bowerman (Prof & Chair), F. Coale, R. Harrell, R. Hill, M.
Kearney (Prof), M. Rabenhorst, A. Shirmohammadi (Prof, Affiliate Prof, Prof & Assoc Dean),
R. Tjaden (Principal Agent), R. Weil
Associate Professors: G. Felton, P. Kangas, P. Leisnham, B. Momen, B. Needelman, D. Tilley
Assistant Professors: S. Lansing, J. Murrow (Asst Prof), M. Negahban-Azar (Asst Prof), M.
Pavao-Zuckerman (Asst Prof), W. Peer (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof), S. Yarwood (Asst Prof), L.
Yonkos (Asst Prof)
Lecturers: S. Pederson (Lecturer), J. Izursa (Fac Asst)
Affiliate Professors: R. Friedel (Prof, Affiliate Prof)
Adjunct Professors: E. Landa (Adjunct Prof), P. Tamboli
Research Scientist: D. Fisher
Associate Research Scientist: J. Riter (Res Assoc), P. Steinhilber (Ext Assoc)
Assistant Research Professor: J. Li (Post-Doc Assoc)
Professors Emeriti: D. Fanning (Prof Emeritus), R. Weismiller
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The Major
The Environmental Science and Technology major prepares students for graduate study and
careers focusing on understanding the natural and built environments and resolving
environmental problems and concerns for the benefit of humans and ecosystems. Specifically,
the program encompasses impacts of human society on the natural environment, the effects of
environmental conditions on humans and ecosystems, science-based management of ecosystems,
watershed and soil-related processes related to environmental quality, and designing solutions to
sustainably improve environmental quality of air, water, soil, and biological communities. The
ENST major is a science- and math-based curriculum leading to a B.S. degree in Environmental
Science and Technology with concentrations in Ecological Technology Design, Environmental
Health, Soil and Watershed Science, or Natural Resources Management. These concentrations
share a foundation in science and mathematics and offer specialization through restricted and
free electives. The group of courses required for the concentrations are designed to provide
students with a fundamental understanding of environmental systems and issues and the
multidisciplinary quantitative design and analytical tools necessary to solve complex
environmental problems. Requirements for the four concentrations are listed separately under the
main ENST entry. Additionally, a minor in Soil Science is also available in the Department of
Environmental Science and Technology. These requirements are listed below.
For future updates and exciting changes, please visit our website at www.enst.umd.edu.
Requirements for the Minor
Soil Science
The minor will provide students with a sophisticated understanding of the soil resources, its
development, characteristics, and principles for its use and management. Building on a basic
introduction to the broad field of soil science, the program is completed by adding four or five
upper division soils courses balanced between underlying principles and field applications.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. Declared
majors in the Soil and Watershed concentration of ENST, Conservation of Soil, Water and
Environment Area of Concentration of NRSC or the Land and Water option in ENSP may not
also minor in Soil Sciences.
Advising system for the minor:
The ENST Department has mandatory advising for each of its major and minor
programs. Students are required to meet with their advisor at least twice a year.
ENST 200
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Select 13 credits from the ten courses listed below. At least two courses must be from Group A.
Group A - Underlying Principles
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Principles of Soil Fertility
Soil Morphology, Genesis & Classification
Soil Hydrology and Physics
Soil Chemistry
Soil Biochemistry and Microbial Ecology
Group B - Applications
Field Soil Morphology
Soil-Water Pollution
Wetland Soils
Total Credits: A minimum of 17 credits are required to complete this minor.
Students attempting this minor will need MATH113 or higher. There are a total of 17 required
credits in ENST classes, plus a 4 credit CHEM prerequisite. Depending on the pre-requisites
needed, and the optional courses selected and pre-requisites, students will take between 17 and
24 credits.
This minor is particularly relevant to students majoring in Agricultural and Resource Economics,
Geology, Geography, Environmental Science and Policy, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry,
Anthropology, Architecture, Agriculture Science and Technology, Horticulture and Crop
Production, Animal Science, Landscape Architecture, Parks and Planning, Bioengineering, Civil
Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science and Technology, Natural
Resources Management.
The ENST Department has mandatory advising for each of its concentrations. Students are
required to meet with their advisor at least once per semester. Please contact Shannon Pederson
at 301-405-1193 or [email protected] for more information.
The ENST curricula consist of a broad set of background courses in environmental science,
electives in applications, and upper-level field courses that synthesize the major. Students gain
hands-on learning experience during their required internship.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
RESTORE, the ENST student-run club, provides members with the opportunity to participate in
educational, service, recreational, and social activities. They gain information that better prepares
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them for the work force, while making a positive contribution to the field of Environmental
Science and Technology as well as the community.
Certifications & Professional Societies
An important aspect of professional development is earning and maintaining certification in your
field. The ENST department strives to provide courses and degrees that prepare you for
certification exams and aid in satisfying other requirements for professional certifications. Some
relevant certifications are listed below and details can be found at www.enst.umd.edu.
Membership in professional societies is an excellent method to develop a professional network
and stay up to date on developments in your field.
OSHA HAZWOPER (https://www.osha.gov/html/faq-hazwoper.html)
LEED Certifications (http://www.usgbc.org/credentials)
Soils Field and Laboratory Technician (http://wacel.org/fmi/xsl/wacel/techcert.xsl)
Certified Professional Soil Scientist (https://www.soils.org/certifications/become-
Certified Professional Agronomist (https://agronomy.org/certifications)
Certified Crop Advisor (https://www.certifiedcropadviser.org/)
Certified Ecological Designer (http://www.ecoeng.org/certification/certification.html)
Professional Wetland Scientist (http://www.wetlandcert.org/overview.html)
Ecologist (http://www.esa.org/esa/?page_id=181)
Certified Wildlife Biologist (http://wildlife.org/)
Certified Fisheries Professional (http://fisheries.org/)
Certified Forester (http://www.safnet.org/certifiedforester/becomecertifiedforester.cfm)
Certified Natural Resources Manager
Erosion and Sediment Control Certification
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Additionally, ENST students are encouraged to apply for internships available to them through
the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources. More details can be found here:
Environmental Science and Technology: Ecological Technology Design (ENST)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
1457 Animal Sciences Building, 301-405-1193
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The Major
The ENST concentration in Ecological Technology Design prepares students for integrating
natural systems with the built environment to solve environmental problems while achieving
economic, ecological and social sustainability. The science and applications of using natural
systems, processes and organisms to address environmental issues has evolved during the last
few decades to a mature level whereby there are strong employment opportunities for graduates
that are cross-educated in ecology and technology. Examples of eco-technological applications
include restoration of urban and rural streams, creation of wastewater treatment wetlands, design
of raingardens and bioretention systems for low-impact stormwater management, design of eco-
industrial parks, life cycle assessment of products for improved environmental performance,
bioremediation and phytoremediation of contaminated groundwater, ecological systems for by-
product recovery, and filtration of contaminated air with bioreactors. The curriculum consists of
a broad set of background courses in environmental science, electives in applications of
Ecological Technology Design, and upper-level courses that synthesize the major. Hands-on
design experience is included in required internship and practicum courses.
Requirements for the Major
This program requires a total of 120 credit for a Bachelor of Science, including the general
education program course credits, required major credits; Technology and Ecosystem elective
credits, and free elective credits.
Science and Math Fundamentals Required (50 credits):
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Introduction to Environmental Health
Ecosystem Ecology
Internship in Environmental Science & Technology
Capstone I
Capstone II
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Fund. General Chemistry & Lab
Organic Chemistry I & Lab
MATH140 or
Calculus I or
Elementary Calculus I
Calculus II or
Elementary Calculus II
Fundamentals of Physics I
Introduction to Biometrics
Depth (9 credits):
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Energy and Environment
Ecological Design
Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Analysis
Computational Techniques (2 courses - 6 credits):
Geographic Information Systems
Computer Aided Design in Ecology
Applications (2 courses - 6 credits):
Choose 2 courses from the list below:
Renewable Energy
Wetland Creation and Restoration
Industrial Ecology
Wetland Creation and Restoration
Design for Urban Water and Energy
Ecosystem Restoration
Technology and Ecosystem Electives
Technology Electives (at least 6 credits
Introduction to Urban Planning
Renewable Energy
Soil Hydrology and Physics
Soil Chemistry
Soil-Water Pollution
Sustainable Agriculture
Industrial Ecology
Wetland Creation and Restoration
Watershed Science: Water balance, Open Channel Flow, and
Near Surface Hydrology
Water management in Urban Environment
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis
Special Topics in Environmental Science and Technology
Watershed and Wetland Hydrology
Ecosystem Electives (at least 6 credits
The Biology of Conservation and Extinction
Natural History of the Chesapeake Bay
Microbial Ecology
Plant Ecology & Lab
Freshwater Biology
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Fisheries Sustainability and Management
Environmental Toxicology
Soil Biochemistry and Microbial Ecology
Soil-Water Pollution
Wetland Soils
Environmental Microbiology
Wetland Ecology
Water Quality: Field and Lab Analysis Methods
Watershed Science
Principles of Wildlife Management
Urban Wildlife Management
Field Techniques in Wildlife Management
Tropical Ecology and Resource Management
Special Topics in Environmental Science and Technology
Wetland Creation and Restoration
Introduction to Human Dimensions of Global Change
Ecosystem Restoration
Environmental Resources
Plant Physiology
Forest Ecology
Courses satisfying restricted elective requirements can NOT count for Technology or
Ecosystem electives. Also, Technology electives cannot be double-counted as Ecosystem
electives, and vice-versa.
The ENST Department has mandatory advising for each of its concentration. Students are
required to meet with their advisor at least once each semester. If you have any questions, please
contact Shannon Pederson at [email protected].
Environmental Science and Technology: Environmental Health (ENST)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
1457 Animal Sciences Building, 301-405-1193
The Major
Environmental health is a broad and increasingly important field with wide ranging applications
in the environmental science and public health fields. The field encompasses environmental
factors and ecosystem functions that affect human health and the effects of human activities on
the ecosystem products and services we depend on. Example topics within the field include
ecological risk analysis, environmental toxicology, environmental impact assessment, chemical
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fate and transport, human health risk assessment, industrial hygiene, air quality, environmental
microbiology, food safety and security, biodiversity and human health, and children's
environmental health. The Environmental Health concentration within the Department of
Environmental Science and Technology offers a science-based curriculum that includes
advanced studies in ecosystem health and environmental protection and the impacts of
environmental degradation on human health.
Requirements for the Major
This program requires a total of 120 credits for a Bachelor of Science, including the general
education program course credits, required major credits, and free elective credits.
Science and Math Fundamentals Required (56-57 credits)
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Introduction to Environmental Health
Ecosystem Ecology
Capstone I
Capstone II
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Principles of Biology III
General Microbiology
Fund. General Chemistry & Lab
Organic Chemistry I & Lab
Organic Chemistry II & Lab
MATH140 or
Calculus I or
Elementary Calculus I
PHYS121 or
Fundamentals of Physics I or
Introduction to Physics
BIOM 301
Introduction to Biometrics
Concentration Depth (12 credits):
Ecosystem Health and Protection
Environmental Toxicology
ENST434 or
Toxic Contaminants: Sources, Fate & Effects or
Emerging Environmental Threats
Ecological Risk Assessment
Ecosystem Health and Human Health Electives
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Students will take approximately 6 credits each of Ecosystem Health and Human Health
electives to tailor their program to their specific interests (total = 12 credits). Ecosystem Health
electives cannot be double-counted as Human Health Electives, and vice-versa.
Ecosystem Health Electives (at least 6 credits):
Introduction to the Diseases of Wildlife
Weather and Climate & Lab
Air Pollution
Principles of Genetics
Cell Biology and Physiology
General Endocrinology
Freshwater Biology
Marine Ecology
General Chemistry and Energetics & Bioanalytical Lab
Fisheries Sustainability and Management
Energy and Environment
Renewable Energy
Soil Chemistry
Soil Biochemistry and Microbial Ecology
Soil-Water Pollution
Wetland Soils
Crops, Soils and Civilization
Sustainable Agriculture
Industrial Ecology
Wetland Ecology
Water Quality: Field and Lab Analysis Methods
Principles of Wildlife Management
Urban Wildlife Management
Field Techniques in Wildlife Management
Wildlife Habitat and Population Modeling
Tropical Ecology and Resource Management
Special Topics in Environmental Science and Technology
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems
Land Use, Climate Change, and Sustainability
Watershed and Wetland Hydrology
Environmental Resources
Human Health Electives (at least 6 credits):
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Cell Biology and Physiology
Microbial Pathogenesis
Principles of Immunology
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Pathogenic Microbiology
Epidemiology and Public Health
General Virology
Mammalian Physiology
Environmental Microbiology
Emerging Environmental Threats
Special Topics in Environmental Science and Technology
Introduction to Human Dimensions of Global Change
Culture and Natural Resource Management
Personal and Community Health
Introduction to Health Behavior
Communicating Safety and Health
Health Education in the Workplace
Food Microbiology & Lab
Human Dimensions Area (at least 3 credits):
Introduction to Economics and Environment
Introduction to Natural Resource Policy
World Hunger, Population, and Food Supplies
Theory of Practice of Health and Community Development
Theory and Practice of Environmental Anthropology
Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Analysis
Introduction to Environmental Policy
Introduction to Environmental Law
Water: Science, Ethics, and Law
Introduction to Human Dimensions of Global Change
Culture and Natural Resource Management
Environmental Resources
Philosophy of the Environment
Introduction to Sustainability
Scarcity and Modern Society
Introduction to Global Health
History of Public Health
The Sustainable City: Exploring Opportunities and
The ENST Department has mandatory advising for each of its concentration. Students are
required to meet with their advisor at least once each semester. If you have any questions, please
contact Shannon Pederson at [email protected].
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Environmental Science and Technology: Natural Resources Management
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
1457 Animal Sciences Building, 301-405-1193
The Major
The goal of the Natural Resources Management Program is to teach students concepts of the
environmentally sound use and management of natural resources. Ecosystems and human
societies are linked in complex cycles and relationships between vegetation and wildlife, forests
and cities, conservation and development. By learning to participate effectively within these
cycles, we will help sustain a harmonious relationship between the environment and human
activities. This concentration provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to work
in such positions as wildlife biologists, environmental consultants, wetland scientists, forest
managers, fisheries biologists, aquatic biologists, and nature interpreters.
Requirements for the Major
This program requires a total of 120 credits for a Bachelor of Science, including the general
education program course credits, required major credits, and free elective credits.
Science and Math Fundamentals Required (56-58 credits):
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Introduction to Environmental Health
Ecosystem Ecology
Internship in Environmental Science & Technology
Capstone I
Capstone II
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Fund. General Chemistry & Lab
Organic Chemistry I & Lab
MATH140 or
Calculus I or
Elementary Calculus I
PHYS121 or
Fundamentals of Physics I or
Introduction to Physics
Introduction to Biometrics
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Natural Resources Breadth (15-16 credits):
Geographic Information Systems
Introduction to Fish and Wildlife
Applied Forestry Practices
ENST450 or
Wetland Ecology (3) or Watershed Science: Water Balance,
Open Channel Flow, and Near Surface Hydrology (3)
AREC240 or
Introduction to Economics and the Environment (4) or
Scarcity and Modern Society (3)
Ecosystem Services (3 credits):
Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Analysis
Human Dimensions (5 credits):
Natural Resources and Environmental Ethics
Environmental Conflicts and Decision Making
Resource Management and Science Electives
Students will take approximately 6 credits each of Resource Management and Resource Science
electives to tailor their program to their specific interests for a total of 12 credits. Resource
Management electives cannot be double-counted as Resource Science Electives, and vice-
versa. This is not an exhaustive list of electives; other science and management courses can be
substituted with advisor approval.
Resource Management Electives (6 credits):
Animal Welfare and Bioethics
Theory and Practice of Environmental Anthropology
World Hunger, Population, and Food Supplies
Ag. Development, Population Growth and the Environment
Principles of Biology III
Mammalogy & Mammalogy Laboratory
The Biology of Conservation and Extinction
Biodiversity Issues in Conservation Management
Economic Development of Underdeveloped Areas
Fisheries Sustainability and Management
Energy and Environment
Soil-Water Pollution
Crops, Soils and Civilization
Sustainable Agriculture
Restoration Ecology
Principles of Wildlife Management
Urban Wildlife Management
505 | Page
Field Techniques in Wildlife Management
Wildlife Habitat and Resource Modeling
Tropical Ecology and Resource Management
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis
Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis
Global Climate Change: Past and Present
Environmental Resources
Sustainable Communities
Introduction to Urban Forestry
Plant Structure and Function
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes
Forest Ecology
Resource Science Electives (6 credits):
Introduction to the Diseases of Wildlife
Avian Physiology
Principles of Animal Behavior
Ecology of Marsh and Dune Vegetation
Natural History of the Chesapeake Bay
Chesapeake Bay Laboratory
Biological Oceanography
Mammalian Physiology
Mammalian Physiology Laboratory
Plant Physiology
Population Ecology
Laboratory and Field Ecology
Microbial Ecology
Freshwater Biology
Marine Ecology
Insect Diversity and Classification
Medicinal and Poisonous Plants
Field Soil Morphology
Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification
Soil Chemistry
Soil Biochemistry and Microbial Ecology
Wetland Soils
Wetland Ecology
Water Quality: Field and Lab Analysis Methods
Introduction to Climatology
Advanced Geomorphology
Low Temperature Geochemistry
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Watershed and Wetland Hydrology
Weed Science
***Must take at least one other additional course, 6 credits of LARC 451 does not fulfill
The ENST Department has mandatory advising for each of its concentration. Students are
required to meet with their advisor at least once each semester. If you have any questions, please
contact Shannon Pederson at [email protected].
Environmental Science and Technology: Soil and Watershed Science (ENST)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
1457 Animal Sciences Building, 301-405-1193
The Major
The Soil and Watershed Science concentration enables students to understand the complex ways
in which aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are influenced by soil properties and processes and
land management decisions. The soil performs such critical ecological functions as supplying
and purifying water, recycling wastes, nurturing plants, modifying the atmosphere by emitting or
sequestering gases and particulates, providing habitat for the most diverse biological
communities on Earth, and serving as a medium for human engineering projects.
The concentration in Soil and Watershed Science in ENST provides students with one of the top
soil science programs in the nation. The curriculum prepares graduates for work in variety of
careers addressing natural resource and environmental issues and provides a rigorous science
background for those planning to pursue post-graduate degrees in environmental sciences, soil
science, watershed processes, and related fields. Students graduating from this program will
make valuable contributions to society as they pursue challenging careers critical to the
protection of the environment. In addition to pursuing advanced degrees, graduates may work in
both the private and public sectors performing such services as soil mapping, wetland
delineation, land conservation planning, forestry, waste management, farm advising,
international development, and consulting in environmental, construction, and landscape
architecture areas. Graduates from the Soil and Watershed Science concentration will be
qualified to take the national exam to become a Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS).
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Requirements for the Major
This program requires a total of 120 credits for a Bachelor of Science, including the general
education program course credits, required major credits, and free elective credits.
Science and Math Fundamentals Required (53-54 credits):
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Introduction to Environmental Health
Ecosystem Ecology
Internship in Environmental Science & Technology
Capstone I
Capstone II
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Fund. General Chemistry & Lab
Organic Chemistry I & Lab
MATH140 or
Calculus I or
Elementary Calculus I
PHYS121 or
Fundamentals of Physics I or
Introduction to Physics
Introduction to Biometrics
or PLSC101
Introduction to Horticulture or
Introductory Crop Science
Physical Geology and Lab
Fundamental Soil Science Required (14 credits):
Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification
Soil Hydrology and Physics
Soil Chemistry
Soil Biochemistry and Microbial Ecology
Technical Electives (3-4 courses-9 credits):
Field Soil Morphology I
Field Soil Morphology II
Field Soil Morphology III
Advanced Field Soil Morphology
Principles of Soil Fertility
Soil-Water Pollution
Field Study in Soil Morphology
Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment Techniques
Wetland Soils
Watershed Science
Geographic Information Systems
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Breadth Electives (2 courses-6-7 credits):
World Hunger, Population, and Food Supply
Environmental Plant Physiology
Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Analysis
Environmental Microbiology
Crops, Soils and Civilization
Sustainable Agriculture
Wetland Ecology
Water Quality: Field and Lab Analysis Methods
Watershed and Wetland Hydrology
Ecosystem Restoration
The ENST Department has mandatory advising for each of its concentration. Students are
required to meet with their advisor at least once each semester. If you have any questions, please
contact Shannon Pederson at [email protected].
Family Science (FMSC)
School of Public Health
1142 School of Public Health, Bldg. 255, 301-405-3672
Chair: E. Anderson (Prof & Chair)
Professors: N. Epstein, S. Quinn
Associate Professors: J. Kim (Assoc Prof & Family Finance Specialist, Maryland Extension), L.
Leslie, M. Mokhtari, K. Roy, E. Shenassa, M. Smith Bynum
Assistant Professors: G. Hurtado Choque (Asst Prof & Family Health Specialist, Maryland
Extension), M. Jones, A. Lewin, M. Mittal, J. Steinberg, M. Thoma
Lecturers: W. Knight, K.Van Putten-Gardner, E. Resnick, C. Schull, K. Tripp, R. Zeiger
Affiliate Professors: X. He (Asst Prof, EPIB)
Adjunct Associate Professors: K. Schoendorf
Adjunct Assistant Professors: K. Grantz, C. Lutter (Adjunct Clinical Prof)
Clinical Professor: A. Robinson (Director, Karabelle Pizzigati Endowed Professorship in Adv for
Children, Youth and Families)
Assistant Clinical Professor: P. Barros Gomes (Director, Center for Healthy Families), E. Maring
(Director of Global Health Initiatives)
Professors Emeriti: B. Braun, S. Hofferth, S. Koblinsky, N. Myricks (Assoc Prof), S. Randolph
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(Assoc Prof), R. Rubin (Assoc Prof), J. Wallen (Assoc Prof)
Visiting Faculty: F. Goldscheider (College Park Professor), S. Kessel (Professor of the Practice)
The Major
The Family Science major provides an interdisciplinary focus on the study of families, health
and the problems they face in contemporary society. The major offers excellent training in
scientific methods to understand family development, behavior, strengths and
challenges. Students learn to describe, explain, and improve the quality of family life through
education, applied research, legal and policy analysis, and human services program management.
Majors acquire skills in writing, speaking, and computing across the Family Science curriculum.
As part of the required research course, all students design a study, collect data, prepare, and
present an empirical research project prior to graduation.
The Family Science major prepares students for many career paths in areas including family
therapy, public health, family life education, social work, law, policy analysis, human services,
and family mediation. A wide variety of employment opportunities exist for Family Science
graduates in direct service and management positions in government, non-profit, and private
agencies. The major also provides excellent preparation for graduate study in family science,
marriage and family therapy, social work, professional schools such as medicine, dentistry and
law, public health, psychology, human resource management, and other social science
Courses offered by this department are listed under the acronym FMSC.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Students evaluate policy and programmatic interventions to address social and behavioral
factors that influence family well-being.
2. Students demonstrate the principles of cultural competence that shape the experiences
and disparities of vulnerable families and populations.
3. Students create a hypothesis, conduct research, prepare data and present a research
project that addresses a significant issue of family well-being.
4. Students demonstrate basic knowledge of family theories and apply the knowledge to
diverse contexts.
5. Students analyze and critique the range of social structures and systems including health,
legal, and economic that affect family well-being.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Family Science program is located in the UMD School of Public Health which supports our
faculty and students’ public health-focused program and encourages cross-collaborations with
other SPH departments. FMSC’s main office, room 1142, is open year-round (except university
holidays), Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Students are encouraged to drop by
for: advising or information about undergraduate programs, department courses and internships;
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faculty meetings and mentoring; and ways to get involved in departmental research and student
Admission to the Major
Upper-level students who wish to change or declare a major in Family Science can only do so
through a Change of Major Workshop. To register for a workshop,
visit https://sph.umd.edu/content/become-sph-major. Students must register in advance in order
to attend a Change of Major Workshop. Freshman or admitted high school seniors may declare
the FMSC major at orientation.
Requirements for the Major
Required Courses - Major subject area
A grade of C- or better is required in these
Research Methods
Maternal, Child and Family Health
Family Theories and Patterns
Children in Families
Poverty, Affluence, and Families
Delivery of Human Services to Families
Adult Development and Aging in Families
Internship and Analysis in Family Science
Legal Aspects of Family Problems
Required Courses - Department Electives
A grade of "C-" or better is required in these
Six additional FMSC departmental credits*
* With the exception of independent study (FMSC399, FMSC498)
and field work (FMSC386, FMSC387).
FMSC105 and FMSC298F cannot be used to meet this
requirement unless they are taken before the student completes 60
Additional Courses Required of all majors
All students must earn a grade of "C-" or better
in all courses applied toward completion of the
Introduction to Psychology
One from:
Family Economics
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
One from:
511 | Page
Introduction to Educational Statistics
Elementary Statistics and Probability
One from:
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Contemporary Social Problems
One from:
Foundations of Speech Communication
Speech Communication: Principles and
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Critical Thinking and Speaking
Oral Communication
The Family Science Department provides a multi-tier advising system that will help students
design and carry out a program of study best suited to their interests and needs. Several advisors
are available, depending on student need: the Family Science Undergraduate Program Director,
Kay Myat; Faculty Advisors; and SPH advisors at the School of Public Health Center for
Academic Success and Achievement (CASA).
For general questions and consultation about degree requirements, the FMSC Undergraduate
Program Director, Kay Myat, is available in the main office (1142KK School of Public Health)
as a first point of contact. The Undergraduate Program Director also conducts change of major
workshops and orientations for students in the major.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment with the Undergraduate Program Director
visit http://sph.umd.edu/department/fmsc/advising.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The Department has an active Undergraduate Research Assistant Program, which enables
students to learn from and work with world-class scholars on family issues. Family Science
undergraduates volunteer to assist Department faculty with their ongoing research projects on
topics including:
· Adolescent Parenting
· AIDS Education
· Child Care
· Couple Relationships
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· Ethnicity & Families
· Family and Community Violence
· Family Financial Education
· Family Law
· Family Policy
· Fathering
· Maternal and Child Health
· Mental Health/Addiction/Family Therapy
· Military Families
· Health
· Homeless Families
· Interracial Marriages
· Parenting
· Poverty
· Rural Families
· Women Veterans
· Work and Family
Undergraduate students who participate in Family Science research may also participate in the
Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research and serve as research assistants. These research
opportunities particularly benefit students who are applying to graduate school.
The Department also participates in several other undergraduate research programs, such as the
Senior Summer Scholars Program and the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement
Program. Students may also set an appointment with Undergraduate Program Director to answer
questions and learn about current undergraduate research projects in Family Science.
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All Family Science majors are required to complete an internship experience prior to
graduation. The internship program is a capstone project designed to integrate department and
other coursework with a real-time work experience that focuses on healthy families. In addition
to a 120-hour semester-long field placement, students are required to attend a capstone seminar
(FMSC477). Students in the seminar integrate classroom theory with their field placement and
share work-related activities, broadening their exposure to work in the discipline of Family
Science and their knowledge of specific career opportunities. Each approved internship must
have a significant focus on the family unit, incorporating the needs and concerns of the family in
addition to those of the individual. Interns will be expected to utilize Family Science theories and
concepts throughout the accompanying seminar to evaluate their internship experience.
Therefore, it is essential that the internship responsibilities relate directly to family.
Students who need help deciding on an internship have access to the FMSC Internship
Database, which contains listings of organizations that have requested our students along with
those where Family Science students have completed internships.
The internship course is open to all FMSC majors who have completed FMSC330 and FMSC383
plus a minimum of six additional credits of FMSC coursework. The internship contract forms
and supervisor’s letter are available online
at https://sph.umd.edu/sites/default/files/files/fmsc/FMSC477%20Internship%20Contract_FINAL.pdf
Students may also pick up the documents in the main FMSC office, 1142 School of Public
Health Building.
There are strict deadlines for turning in completed contracts to the FMSC office:
Spring Internship contract: Due December 1
Summer & Fall Internship contract: Due May 1
Honors Program
The FMSC Honors Program is designed to provide academically talented students with a more
advanced and enriching educational experience in Family Sciences. The Honors Program gives
students an opportunity to participate in scholarly independent study, interact with FMSC
faculty, and examine a range of intellectual topics in greater depth than is possible in the
traditional Family Science program. Students enroll in special Honors courses, Honors option
work in regular courses, and independent research. The program culminates with the preparation
and possible presentation of a Senior Honors Thesis.
FMSC majors who are interested in this additional challenging educational experience and meet
the following criteria, may apply to the FMSC Honors Program:
A UMD GPA of 3.3 with at least 45 credits completed
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A FMSC GPA of 3.5 and
Completed FMSC 290 with a grade of "B" or better and an additional three credits in
ECON 200 and an additional six credits in FMSC
Students meeting the criteria and wishing to participate in the Honors Program must apply three
semesters (not including summer) prior to graduation. More information and application forms
are available on the FMSC web site or from the FMSC Honors Program Coordinator, Dr. Mia
Smith Bynum at [email protected]
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Maryland Council on Family Relations (MCFR) is a student chapter of the National Council
on Family Relations, a professional organization for family researchers, educators, and
practitioners. The organization provides an opportunity for students to explore family issues,
meet fellow students, and prepare for careers in teaching, research, policy analysis, or direct
service to families. MCFR is open to all undergraduate and graduate Family Science students.
For more information, please contact the MCFR Faculty Advisor, Kevin Roy
Phi Upsilon Omicron is a nationally recognized honor society focused toward observing
academic excellence, enhancing qualities of leadership by providing opportunities for service,
and encouraging lifelong learning and commitment in order to advance family and consumer
sciences and related areas. Members participate in community service activities on campus and
in the surrounding Metropolitan DC areas. They also collaborate with MCFR to conduct
informative workshops for members and other Family Science students on academic skills
development, stress management, graduate school, and potential career paths with a Family
Science degree. The Gamma Lambda Chapter has a local alumni chapter to provide our
members with networking and other resources. Other membership benefits include additional
networking opportunities through regional and national meetings, scholarship and fellowship
awards, honor cords at graduation, and leadership opportunities at the chapter, regional, and
national levels. For more information please contact the FMSC Undergraduate Program Director,
Kay Myat.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Department of Family Science has several endowed scholarships that enable us to provide
some assistance to meritorious students in our Family Science Program. Early in the spring
semester the department announces the availability of the awards and begins the application
process. Recipients are announced by May of each year. For more information
visit http://sph.umd.edu/department/fmsc/department-family-science-scholarships.
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For information about the current state and federal scholarship and financial aid opportunities,
visit http://sph.umd.edu/department/fmsc/tuition-and-financial-support-0.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
FMSC nominates meritorious students for recognition at the annual SPH Convocation for many
prestigious awards including Dean's Scholars awards, the Jerry Wrenn Scholarship awards and
the Lester M. Fraley award. For more information on FMSC department Scholarships and
Awards, please see the FMSC website at http://sph.umd.edu/department/fmsc/about-us
Film Studies (FILM)
College of Arts and Humanities
3212 Jimenez Hall, 301-405-4025
Director: E. Zakim (SLLC)
Professors: J. Auerbach (ENGL), P. Beicken (SLLC), J. Kuo (ARTH), V. Orlando (SLLC)
Associate Professors: V. Anishchenkova (SLLC), H. Baer (SLLC), C. Eades (SLLC), O.
Gaycken (ENGL), S. Giovacchini (HIST), E. Papazian (SLLC)
Assistant Professors: L. Arsenjuk (SLLC), M. Resmini (SLLC)
Instructors: E. Robinson (CMLT)
Affiliate Professors: M. Collins (ENGL and CMLT), A. Eckstein (HIST), J. Hallett (CLAS), R.
Igel (SLLC), A. Karimi-Hakkak (SLLC), R. Oster (SLLC), S. Parry-Giles (COMM), O. Wang
(ENGL), J. Witzleben (MUSC)
Affiliate Associate Professors: M. Mason (SLLC), E. Merediz (SLLC), J. Naharro-Calderon
(SLLC), Z. Nunes (ENGL and CMLT), J. Shannon (ARTH)
Affiliate Assistant Professors: M. Baillargeon (SLLC)
Professors Emeriti: R. Harrison (SLLC and CMLT), M. Lounsbury (AMST), P. Verdaguer
The Major
Film Studies is an interdisciplinary program in the Humanities that enables students to explore an
influential global art form in its aesthetic, cultural, economic, historical, and technological
dimensions. The major takes a critical, textual approach to film, emphasizing scholarly viewing,
interpreting, and writing about moving images. It provides students with a solid background in
theoretical, critical, and aesthetic aspects of the study of film, including the history of the
medium and the analysis of national cinemas, always keeping in view questions of how new
media have changed both cinema itself and the study of cinema. The Film Studies major brings
together courses in cinema from varied nations, languages, and cultures and challenges students
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to understand the systems of transnational exchange that have characterized this medium from its
inception. Courses offered by this program may be found under the following acronyms: FILM,
Program Objectives
The Major in Film Studies teaches the fundamental skills required for a range of professional
careers: critical thinking, historical awareness, research, information management, cogent
development of ideas, and strong written and oral communication. Students will work toward
competence in film analysis, critical viewing and writing, and visual literacy at a time when our
culture is becoming increasingly dependent upon visual communication.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to analyze and interpret film aesthetics and technical structures of
editing, cinematography, and mise-en-scene.
Students will be able to identify and analyze diverse genres and movements in the history
of film.
Students will be able to situate films produced in various parts of the world in relation to
larger historical and cultural developments.
Students will understand the various uses of the moving image in its relation to the
political, economic, and social history of the world over the past century.
Students will be able to conduct research in Film Studies and to write persuasively.
Requirements for the Major
The Film Studies major has four parts: a prerequisite course in Film Form (ENGL/FILM245), a
two-course Film History and Theory Foundation (ENGL/FILM301 and 302), a six-course Film
Criticism Core, and four Film Electives. The first two parts of the program assure that students
have the necessary analytical tools and historical background to interpret diverse global
cinematic traditions. The Film Criticism Core and Film Electives offer students the opportunity
to explore genres, themes, and movements across different historical periods and to develop their
skills in analysis, writing, and research.
The Film Studies major requires 39 credits (13 courses).
A grade of "C-" or better is required in each of the courses making up the 39 credits of
the major.
Up to nine (9) credits may be taken at the 2xx-level.
At least 6 of the 39 credits must be at the 4xx-level.
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Film Form (3 credits)
ENGL245/FILM245 Film Form and Culture (fulfils Gen Ed req. in Humanities)
o Or SLLC283/FILM283: Introduction to Cinema Studies
o Or equivalent by permission of department
Film Studies majors must take FILM/ENGL245 before they take other 3xx or 4xx-level
Film Studies courses. We recommend that it be taken no later than sophomore year.
Film History and Theory Foundation (6 credits)
Prerequisite for both courses: ENGL245/FILM245 or SLLC283/FILM283.
FILM301 Cinema History I: The Silent Era
FILM302 Cinema History II: The Sound Era
Students may take the two courses in any order.
Film Criticism Core Requirement (18 credits), distributed as follows:
At least one course in this category must be taken at the 4xx-level.
One course (3 credits) in Film Theories
Two courses (6 credits) in Genres/Auteurs/Movements
Two courses (6 credits) in National and International Cinemas
One course (3 credits) in Documentary, Animation, Experimental Cinema or other Visual
For a list of courses that will satisfy each sub-category, please see
Film Electives (12 credits)
Up to two courses in this category may be taken at the 2xx-level. At least one must be taken at
the 4xx-level. Please consult the full list of courses accepted for the
major: www.film.umd.edu/major/courses.html.
Option One: 12 credits, distributed as follows:
Two courses (6 credits) from the Film Criticism category, any rubric
Two courses (6 credits) from the Film Electives category
Option Two: 12 credits
Four courses (12 credits) in Film Electives, selected to create a coherent emphasis. The four
courses should be selected in consultation with the Film Studies Advisor to allow students to
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explore a specific area of interest or an area related to their future academic or professional
Other Requirements for the Major
FILM 245 (Film Form and Culture) is a prerequisite for many 3xx-level courses in the
major. Students are advised to complete that course early in their academic careers. Successful
completion of FILM245 allows students to proceed to two courses required for the major: FILM
301 (Cinema History I: The Silent Era) and FILM 302 (Cinema History II: The Sound Era).
Academic advising is available throughout the year. Departmental academic advising is
mandatory for all Film Studies majors each semester. Students should check Testudo (
http://testudo.umd.edu/) for their registration date and schedule an advising appointment for at
least one week in advance of their date. Advising appointments can be made via email: film-
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Film Studies offers students the opportunity to earn academic credit in connection with an
internship, through FILM 388 (Experiential Learning). Admission to FILM 388 is by
application only. See www.film.umd.edu for more details.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
The Robert H. Smith School of Business
1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-2286
Chair: S. Kroncke (Associate Chair), V. Maksimovic
Professors: G. Bakshi, S. Heston, A. Kyle, D. Madan, V. Maksimovic, L. Senbet, A. Triantis, H.
Unal, R. Wermers
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Associate Professors: M. Faulkender, M. Loewenstein, R. Mathews, N. Prabhala, L. Yang
Assistant Professors: M. Bustamante (Asst Prof), J. Cujean (Asst Prof), F. D'Acunto (Asst Prof),
L. Fresard, W. Mullins (Asst Prof), A. Rossi (Asst Prof), S. Santosh (Asst Prof, Lecturer), Y.
Lecturers: A. Ciafre (Lecturer), R. Guttridge (Lecturer), K. Hallows, D. Kass, E. Kiss, S.
Kroncke, M. Li (Lecturer), T. Makaew (Lecturer), J. Pavlovsky (Lecturer), C. Rossi (Lecturer),
S. Wallenstein (Lecturer), S. White
Adjunct Professors: C. Baiju (Lecturer), K. Brodkowitz (Lecturer), J. Campbell (Lecturer), M.
Canzater (Lecturer), J. Colantuoni (Lecturer), D. Donovan (Lecturer), M. Grovic (Lecturer), U.
Hewer (Lecturer, Adjunct Prof), B. Jain (Lecturer), C. Krosinsky (Lecturer), M. Lee (Lecturer),
D. Malmquist (Adjunct Prof), J. Perfetti, J. Rinaldi (Lecturer), A. Sherman, K. Snow (Lecturer),
G. Thoumi (Lecturer)
Professors Emeriti: J. Haslem (Prof Emeritus)
Visiting Faculty: X. Gao (Visit Asst Prof), M. Padhi (Visit Asst Prof)
The Major
Finance encompasses:
1. Corporate finance: The financial management of corporations
2. Investments: The management of securities and portfolios
3. Financial institutions and markets: The management of financial institutions and the study of
their role in the economy
The Finance curriculum is designed to familiarize the student with the institutions, theory, and
practice involved in the allocation of financial resources within the private sector. It provides an
educational foundation for careers involving corporate financial analysis and management,
investment analysis and portfolio management, investment banking, risk management,
commercial banking, and international finance; it also provides a foundation for graduate study
in business administration, economics, and law.
Admission to the Major
See Robert H. Smith School of Business entry in chapter 6 for admission requirements.
Requirements for the Major
BMGT343 Investments 3
BMGT440 Advanced Financial Management 3
Four of the following courses: 12 credits
BMGT342 Wall Street Finance
BMGT441 Fixed Income
BMGT442 Advanced Portfolio Management
BMGT443 Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management
BMGT444 Futures and Options Contracts
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BMGT445 Banking and Financial Institutions
BMGT446 International Finance
BMGT447 Computational Finance
1 of ECON 305/ECON 325 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory & Policy or ECON306/ECON
326 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
In addition, students can apply a maximum of one course (3cr) toward this requirement from:
BMGT349 Investment Fund Management: Lemma Senbet Fund
BMGT448 Special Topics in Finance
BMGT449 Investment Fund Management
One of the following courses: 3 credits
BMGT310 Intermediate Accounting I
BMGT313 Financial Statement Analysis
BMGT332 Operations Research For Management Decisions
BMGT430 Linear Statistical Models in Business
BMGT434 Introduction to Optimization
Total Finance Major Requirements 18 credits
Upper Level Economics Requirements for the Finance major
ECON330 Money and Banking OR BMGT341 Financial Markets 3 credits
General advising for students admitted to the Smith School of Business is available Monday
through Friday in the Office of Undergraduate Programs, 1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-
2286, [email protected]. It is recommended that students visit this office each
semester to ensure that they are informed about current requirements and procedures. Transfer
students entering the university can be advised during spring, summer, and fall transfer
orientation programs. Contact the Orientation Office for further information, 301-314-8217.
Fire Protection Engineering (ENFP)
A. James Clark School of Engineering
3106 JM Patterson Building, 301-405-3992
Chair: J. Milke
Professors: H. Baum (Res Prof), K. Isman (Clin Prof), J. Torero, A.C. Trouve, M. di Marzo
Associate Professors: A.W. Marshall, S.I. Stoliarov, P.B. Sunderland
Assistant Professors: M. Gollner
Lecturers: A. Kohout (Lecturer), N. Ryder
Affiliate Professors: E. Oran (Prof, Affiliate Prof)
Professors Emeriti: V. Brannigan, F. Mowrer (Assoc Prof Emeritus), J.G. Quintiere, S. Spivak
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The Major
Fire Protection Engineering is concerned with the applications of scientific and technical
principles to the dynamics, mitigation, and suppression of fire. This includes the effects of fire on
people, on structures, on commodities, and on operations. The identification of fire hazards and
their risk, relative to the cost of protection, is an important aspect of fire safety design.
The fire protection engineering student receives a fundamental engineering education involving
the subjects of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The program builds on other core
engineering subjects of materials, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer with
emphasis on principles and phenomena related to fire. Fluid mechanics includes applications to
sprinkler design, suppression systems, and smoke movement. Heat transfer introduces the
student to principles of evaporation for liquid fuels. The subject of combustion is introduced
involving premixed and diffusion flames, ignition and flame spread, and burning processes.
Laboratory experience is gained by being exposed to standard fire tests and measurements.
Design procedures are emphasized for systems involving suppression, detection, alarm, and
building safety requirements. The background and application of codes and standards are studied
to prepare the student for practice in the field. System concepts of fire safety and methods of
analysis are presented. A senior design or research project is required which gives the student an
opportunity to explore issues beyond the normal classroom environment.
The Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Engineering is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org, 415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD
21201, telephone: (410) 347-7700.
Program Objectives
The educational objectives of the undergraduate program in Fire Protection Engineering are to
produce graduates who:
1. Practice fire protection engineering regionally, nationally and internationally in a broad range
of modern professional settings;
2. Pursue advanced studies in fire protection engineering or related fields;
3. Actively participate in the development of engineering decisions on societal, environmental,
economic and safety issues at the local or global levels;
4. Achieve professional certification and licensure; and
5. Maintain continual professional competency and practice ethically.
The practice of fire protection engineering has developed from the implementation and
interpretation of codes and standards directed at fire safety. These safety codes contain technical
information and prescriptions derived from experience and research. Research has also led to
quantitative methods to assess aspects of fire and fire safety. Thus, fire protection engineers need
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to be versed in the current technical requirements for fire safety and in the scientific principles
that underlie fire and its interactions.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge of math, engineering and science in addressing fire
protection engineering issues making use of modern techniques, skills and engineering tools
available in the professional practice.
2. Demonstrated ability to design experimental apparatus, experimental procedures and data
analysis generating novel information and knowledge in fire science and engineering.
3. Demonstrated ability to design systems, processes and components relevant to the fire
protection engineering practice or enhancing the performance and safety of the fire service
4. Demonstrated ability to perform in multi-disciplinary or multi-tasking teams.
5. Demonstrated ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems representative of
those commonly encountered in the fire protection engineering practice.
6. Demonstrated understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities associated with
the practice of fire protection engineering.
7. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively through written reports and technical
presentations with fire protection engineers and with other relevant professional constituencies
(AHJ, architectural firms, etc.).
8. Demonstrated knowledge of contemporary issues relevant to the fire engineering profession
and broad understanding of the relevant societal issues impacted by the engineering solutions.
9. Demonstrated recognition of the need to engage in life-long learning and ability to maintain
state of the art fire protection engineering knowledge and skills.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Our laboratories provide hands-on experience with standardized ASTM test procedures, more
fundamental experiments, and large scale burn tests. Our computer laboratory has workstations
enabled with the latest software for modeling fires, structures, and human behavior. Our student
lounge is frequently used for student meetings and study sessions.
Admission to the Major
Admission requirements are identical to those set by the A. James Clark School of Engineering.
(See A. James Clark School of Engineering section under the Colleges and Schools section of
this site).
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Requirements for the Major
In general, the curriculum is designed to give the student a grounding in the science and practice
of fire safety. The field touches on many disciplines and its scientific basis is expanding. It is an
engineering discipline that is still growing, and offers a variety of excellent career opportunities.
These cover a wide spectrum involving safety assessment reviews, hazards analysis and research,
loss prevention and regulatory issues.
Freshman Year
Gen Ed
General Education Requirements
English Composition
General Chemistry for Engineers
Calculus I / Calculus II
Introduction to Engineering Design
Mechanics I
General Physics I: Mechanics and
Particle Dynamics
Hot Topics in Fire (optional)
Sophomore Year
Gen Ed
General Education Requirements
Gen Ed
Oral Communication
Introduction to MATLAB
Linear Algebra, or
Calculus III
Differential Equations
General Physics II
Mechanics II
Introduction to Life Safety Analysis
Fire Protection Fluid Mechanics
Junior Year
Gen Ed
General Education Requirements
Approved Electives (STAT, ENFP,
3 3
General Elective
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Water Based Fire Protection Systems
Heat and Mass Transfer
Fire Assessment Methods and
Professional Development Seminar
Smoke Management and Fire Alarm
Senior Year
Approved Electives (STAT, ENFP,
Technical Writing
Structural Fire Protection
Advanced Fire Suppression
Risk-Informed Performance Based
Advanced Life Safety Analysis
Fire Dynamics
Enclosure Fire Modeling
Computational Methods in Fire
Total Credit Hours
Approved electives must include the following:
One MATH or STAT 300+
One ENFP 400+, and two ENXX 300+
Two ENXX 3xx+ courses
Advising is required for all undergraduate students each semester prior to registering for classes.
Please refer to http://www.fpe.umd.edu/undergrad/advising for more information.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Many FPE undergraduates perform original research under the direction of a faculty member.
These include analytical, experimental, and computational studies. The topics are chosen in
discussions between the student and a faculty member. Students can perform research as a
volunteer, for pay, or for credit (e.g., ENFP429 or ENFP489).
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Fieldwork Opportunities
Information about fieldwork and summer employment is available in the department office, or
visit http://www.enfp.umd.edu/employment/jobs.
Information about internships is available in the department office, or visit
Co-op Programs
Information about co-op employment is available in the department office, or visit
Honors Program
Qualified students in the department are eligible for participation in the A. James Clark School of
Engineering honors program and may be invited to the Salamander Honorary Society of the
Department of Fire Protection Engineering.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The University of Maryland student chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers is an
active professional society open to all interested FPE students. The department honor society,
Salamander, is open to academically eligible juniors and seniors. Student membership in the
National Fire Protection Association is also available. Information on these organizations may be
obtained from the department office or at http://www.enfp.umd.edu/student-societies.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Numerous scholarships and grants are available to students in the department from
organizational and corporate sponsors. Information is available on eligibility, financial terms,
and retention criteria in the department office. The majority of the scholarships are for junior and
senior students, but some scholarships are available for first- and second-year students.
Additional information is available at http://www.enfp.umd.edu/undergrad/scholarships.
In addition, the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state,
and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other University offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For more information, visit:
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Awards and Recognition
Academic achievement awards are sponsored by the department and the student professional-
honor societies. These awards are presented at the annual A. James Clark School of Engineering
Honors and Awards ceremony. Eligibility criteria for these awards are available in the
department office.
French Language and Literature (FREN)
College of Arts and Humanities
3106 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Professors: J. Brami, H. Campangne, A. Frisch, C. Mossman, V. Orlando
Associate Professors: S. Benharrech, M. Scullen
Assistant Professors: M. Baillargeon
Lecturers: E. Cefalo
Professors Emeriti: M. Hage, R. Tarica, P. Verdaguer
The Major
The undergraduate major in French (FREN) is centered on the study of the French language and
the literatures and cultures of the French and Francophone people. Our faculty members teach a
wide variety of courses in culture, literature, linguistics, stylistics, cinema, civilization, the
contemporary French and Francophone world, and women's studies.
Students who complete the requirements for the major can expect to be able to speak, read, write,
and understand French at a level that would allow them to communicate with native speakers, to
recognize and interpret the diverse cultural perspectives and products of the French-speaking
world, and to be culturally sensitive members of society.
Students of French have the option of living in the Language House. University faculty-led
programs in Nice (semester or year-long) and Montpellier (summer) are offered by the
Department, and all students majoring in French are encouraged to participate in either, or both,
of these programs as an integral part of their curriculum. Students may also consider a double
major in French and another discipline, such as College of Arts and Humanities majors,
Business, International relations, Economics, or Journalism.
Students can satisfy the ARHU Global Engagement Requirement by taking the appropriate
French language course sequence (103>203), or by taking a higher level French course.
Students must take language acquisition courses sequentially, i.e., 103, 203, 204, 250, etc. Once
credit has been received in a higher-level language acquisition or grammar course, a lower-level
course may not be taken for credit.
Advanced students of French may substitute 3xx or 4xx level electives for FREN204, 250, or
301, in consultation with the Advisor.
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Program Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge of the institutions, values, and cultural products of France and/or the
francophone countries
Demonstrate proficiency in oral expression in French
Demonstrate proficiency in written expression in French
Placement in Courses
Please see: http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/flpa.
Requirements for the Major
Required courses (36 credits):
French Grammar and Composition
Introduction to Cultural and Textual Analysis
Composition and Style
Writing with Style
One from:
Translation: French to English
Translation: English to French
One from:
Advanced Oral Expression
France Today
Resident Director in Nice/Montpellier Course
Also required:
From Romanticism to the Age of Modernism and Beyond
From the Age of Epic and Romance to the Enlightenment
four additional 4xx level courses in literature, linguistics, film,
and culture, of which only one may be in English
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Study Abroad
The Maryland-in-Nice program is one of the University of Maryland's oldest study abroad
programs. Depending on placement, students studying for a semester in the program Maryland-
in-Nice may earn up to 18 credits toward the completion of the major; students studying in Nice
for the academic year may earn up to 33 credits. The department also administers a three-week
intensive course in Montpellier (France). For information on study abroad programs see the
program advisor and/or the Education Abroad website www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
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Requirements for the Minor
French Studies
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
This 18-credit minor will provide students with a solid overview of linguistic, cultural and
literary aspects of the study of French.
Courses required for the minor, in this order, are:
FREN204, FREN250, FREN301
Following completion of this core sequence, students will choose two courses from the
FREN302 or FREN303
FREN311 or 312
FREN351, 352, and any 4xx-level course/s*
*Starting in Fall 2013 one 4xx-level elective is now required for completion of the minor in
French studies.
All courses must be taught in French
A maximum of six (6) credits can be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions, with the exception of Maryland in Nice, which allows the transfer of nine (9)
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation
Students who matriculated in Fall 2012 or later must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0
within their minor in order to graduate.
Students who begin their study as native/fluent speakers should seek the advice of the
advisor before choosing the courses they will use to replace the core minor courses.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Advisor: Dr. Erica Cefalo emcefalo@umd.edu
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
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Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information, see the SLLC
website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Honors Program
For information, see: http://sllc.umd.edu/french/undergraduate/honors
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Geology (GEOL)
College of Computer, Mathematical & Natural Sciences
1120 Geology Building, 301-405-4082
Chair: R. Walker
Professors: M. Brown, P. Candela, J. Farquhar, A. Kaufman, D. Lathrop (Prof & Dir), W.
McDonough, A. Wylie (Distinguished Scholar Teacher)
Associate Professors: M. Evans, S. Kaushal, L. Montesi, S. Penniston-Dorland, K. Prestegaard,
W. Zhu
Assistant Professors: V. Lekic (Asst Prof), N. Schmerr (Asst Prof)
Senior Lecturer: T. Holtz (Senior Lecturer), J. Merck (Senior Lecturer)
Lecturers: T. Centorbi
Affiliate Professors: A. Busalacchi (Prof & Dir), G. Helz (Res Prof), B. James (Prof & Dir,
Affiliate Prof), M. Kearney (Affil Assoc Prof, Prof), F. Miralles-Wilhelm (Prof, Prof & Dir), R.
Murtugudde, J. Sunshine (Prof, Affiliate Prof)
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Affiliate Associate Professors: N. Zeng
Affiliate Assistant Professors: D. Lampkin (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof)
Adjunct Professors: J. Bohlke, Y. Fei, R. Rudnick, S. Shirey, D. Smith (Adjunct Prof), S.
Sorensen, A. Steele
Adjunct Associate Professors: A. Campbell, E. Cottrell (Adjunct Assoc Prof), W. Jiao (Adjunct
Assoc Prof)
Adjunct Assistant Professors: R. Arevalo, J. Roberts, A. Shahar (Adjunct Asst Prof)
Research Scientist: P. Piccoli (Res Sci), I. Puchtel (Res Sci)
Associate Research Scientist: R. Ash (Assoc Res Sci)
Professors Emeriti: R. Rudnick (Dist Univ Prof Emerita), P. Stifel (Assoc Prof Emeritus), A.
Wylie (Prof Emerita)
Visiting Faculty: E. Barrera, S. Hier-Majumder, J. Huang (Visit Assoc Res Sci), T. Johnson
(Visit Res Assoc), M. Trachsel (Post-Doc Assoc), Z. Zajacz (Visit Res Assoc)
The Major
Geology is the science of the Earth. In its broadest sense, geology concerns itself with planetary
formation and subsequent modification, with emphasis on the study of planet Earth. Geologists
study Earth's internal and surficial structure and materials, the chemical and physical processes
acting within and on Earth, and utilize the principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and
biology to understand our planet and its environments.
Geological sciences encompass all the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of Earth.
Increasingly, geologists are taking a holistic approach in the collection and interpretation of data
about Earth, which means that the wider context of the geological sciences is broad and diverse.
In studying Earth as a system, we are concerned with geology and geophysics, hydrology,
oceanography and marine science, meteorology and atmospheric science, planetary science, and
soil science. A major in any relevant discipline can lead to a satisfying career within the
geological sciences. In general, graduate training is expected for advancement to the most
rewarding positions and for academic employment.
Program Objectives
Geologists are employed by governmental, industrial, and academic organizations. Geologists
work in exploration for new mineral and hydrocarbon resources, as consultants on engineering
and environmental projects, as teachers and researchers in universities, and in many other
challenging positions. For many, the attraction of a career in geology is the ability to divide time
between work in the field, the laboratory, and the office. Although the employment outlook
within geology varies with the global economic climate, the long-range outlook is good. This is
because our dwindling energy, mineral, and water resources, along with increasing concerns
about natural hazards and environmental issues, present new challenges for geologists.
Program Learning Outcomes
The Geology program at Maryland includes a broad range of undergraduate courses to
accommodate both Geology majors and students within the Environmental Science and Policy
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program. Within the Geology major, a requirement exists for a senior undergraduate research
project to be performed under the direction of a faculty advisor. This requirement provides
invaluable experience in writing proposals and reports, gathering, analyzing and evaluating data,
and delivering scientific talks. In addition, a Departmental Honors Program and a combined
B.S./M.S. Program are available.
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for the Geology Major, Professional Track
The geology curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of industry, graduate
school, and government. For the B.S. degree, the students are required to complete
departmental requirements, capstones, core discipline options, and elective (58 - 62
credits) and the supporting requirements (16 credits) in addition to the General Education
Program requirements and the completion of at least 120 credits. The department requires
that to receive a degree in Geology, students must have a grade of C- or better in the
required geology courses, and an average of C- or better in the supporting courses.
Courses required for the B.S. in Geology are listed below. Some courses require field
trips for which the students are expected to pay for room (if required) and board. Field
camp is taken during the summer at institutions other than the University of Maryland,
College Park, that offer camps approved by the department.
Required Geology Courses
One of the following:
GEOL100—Physical Geology (3)
GEOL120—Environmental Geology (3)
GEOL110—Introductory Geology Lab (1)
GEOL102—Historical Geology (4)
GEOL322—Mineralogy (4)
GEOL341—Structural Geology (4)
GEOL342—Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (4)
GEOL423—Optical Mineralogy (4)
GEOL443—Petrology (4)
Total credits: 28
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Geology Capstones:
GEOL393—Senior Thesis I - Proposal (3)
GEOL394—Senior Thesis II - Research (3)
GEOL490—Field Camp (6)
Total credits: 12
Geologic Core Discipline options: Choose one course from each of the following groups.*
Quantitative Reasoning:
• GEOL351— Statistics for Geoscientists (3)
• Geoscientific Modeling (3)
• GEOL447— Observational Geophysics (3)
Surface Processes:
• GEOL340— Geomorphology (4)
• GEOL451— Groundwater (3)
• GEOL412 – Geology of the Terrestrial Planets (3)
• GEOL446— Geophysics (3)
• GEOL455— Marine Geophysics (3)
• GEOL457— Seismology (3)
• GEOL444— Low-Temperature Geochemistry (4)
• GEOL445— High-Temperature Geochemistry (4)
• GEOL463— Economic Geology (3)
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• GEOL331— Principles of Paleontology (4)
• GEOL435— Environmental Geochemistry (3)
• GEOL436— Biogeochemistry (3)
• GEOL437— Global Climate Change, Past and Present (3)
Total credits: 15 – 18
Geology Elective:
• Any 3-4 credit 300 – 400 level GEOL course not taken to satisfy the above requirements or
appropriate substitution with the approval of the department.
Total credits: 3 – 4
Supporting Courses:
One of the following:
CHEM131—Fundamentals of General Chemistry (3) and CHEM132— Fundamentals of
General Chemistry Laboratory (1)
CHEM135—Chemistry for Engineers and CHEM136 (3) — Chemistry for Engineers
Laboratory (1)
MATH140—Calculus I (4)
MATH141Calculus II (4)
One of the following:
PHYS161General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics (3) and PHYS174
Physics Laboratory Introduction (1)
PHYS171Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity (3) and PHYS174 —Physics
Laboratory Introduction (1)
Total credits: 16
Overall total credits: 74 – 78
Matriculated Geology majors are expected to take all courses on campus unless specific
departmental permission is given.
* Or appropriate substitutions with the approval of the department.
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Requirements for the Geology Major, Secondary Education Track
The Secondary Education Track in Geology leads to a B. S. degree in Geology with special
emphasis on course work that helps prepare the student for teaching at the secondary school level
in a manner consistent with the UTeach Initiative and Common Core standards. Further
coursework and student teaching are required for an education certification. This track also
prepares the student for work as a geologist in government or industry, or for further graduate
study, although students primarily intending to attend graduate school in geology are advised to
choose the Professional Track. Students seeking professional opportunities in secondary
education are urged, also, to consult with advisors in the College of Education.
Compared to the professional geology track, the secondary education track, reduces by three the
number of upper-level geology requirements, and adds eight credits of education courses along
with requirements for an atmospheric and oceanic science and an astronomy course. Further
coursework in education (including student teaching) will be required in order to obtain a
Maryland State Teaching Certification. The department requires that to receive a degree in
Geology, students must have a grade of C- or better in the required geology courses, and a C-
average or better in the supporting courses.
• Geology Courses
One of the following:
GEOL100 - Physical Geology and Laboratory (3)
GEOL120 - Environmental Geology and Laboratory (1)
GEOL102—Historical Geology (4)
GEOL322—Mineralogy (4)
GEOL341—Structural Geology (4)
GEOL342—Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (4)
GEOL393—Sr. Thesis I - Proposal (3)
GEOL394—Sr. Thesis II Research (3)
GEOL423—Optical Mineralogy (4)
GEOL443—Petrology (4)
GEOL490—Field Camp (6)
Two of the following:
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GEOL212 – Planetary Geology (3)
GEOL331 – Principals of Paleontology (4)
GEOL340 – Geomorphology (4)
GEOL/AOSC375 - Introduction to the Blue Oceans (3)
GEOL444 - Low-Temperature Geochemistry (4)
GEOL445 - High-Temperature Geochemistry (4)
GEOL446 – Geophysics (3)
GEOL451 – Groundwater (3)
Total credits: 46 – 48
• Supporting Courses
One of the following:
ASTR100—Introduction to Astronomy (3)
ASTR101 – General Astronomy (4)
One of the following:
AOSC123– Causes and Implications of Global Change (3)
AOSC200 – Weather and Climate (3)
One of the following:
CHEM131—Fundamentals of General Chemistry (3) and CHEM132— Fundamentals of
General Chemistry Laboratory (1)
CHEM135—Chemistry for Engineers (3) and CHEM 136— Chemistry for Engineers
Laboratory (1)
MATH 140Calculus I (4)
MATH 141Calculus II (4)
One of the following
PHYS 161General Physics: Mechanics (3) and Particle Dynamics and PHYS 174
Physics Laboratory Introduction (1)
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PHYS 171Introductory Physics: Mechanics (3) and Relativity and PHYS 174—
Physics Laboratory Introduction (1)
Total credits: 22 – 23
• Introductory teaching seminars (3 credits)
TLPL 101 – Introduction to Teaching Seminar (1)
TLPL 102—Introduction to Teaching seminar (2)
• Education Courses (6 credits from among the following)
EDCI 488M—Knowing and Learning (3)
EDCI 488P—Project Based Instruction (3)
Classroom Interactions (3)
Reading (3)
Perspectives Science and Math (3)
Total credits: 6
Cumulative total credits: 77 - 80
Requirements for the Geology Major, Geophysics Track
The geophysics curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of industry, graduate
school, and government. For the B.S. degree, the students are required to complete
introductory geology and physics requirements (39 credits) and upper-level requirements
including depth options, context options, and breadth options (30 - 35 credits) in addition
to the General Education Program requirements and the completion of at least 120 credits
in total. In order to receive a degree in Geophysics, the department requires that students
must have a grade of C- or better in the required geology courses.
Courses required for the B.S. in Geology are listed below. Some courses require field
trips for which the students are expected to pay for room (if required) and board.
Required Introductory Physics and Geology:
One of the following:
• GEOL100 – Physical Geology (3)
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• GEOL120 – Environmental Geology (3)
GEOL110 – Introductory Geology Lab (1)
MATH140 – Calculus I (4)
MATH141 – Calculus II (4)
MATH241 – Calculus III (4)
One of the following:
PHYS 161 – General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics (3)
PHYS 171 – Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity (3)
PHYS 165 – Introduction to Programming for the Physical Sciences (3)
PHYS 174 – Introductory Physics Laboratory (1)
PHYS 272 – Fields (3)
PHYS 273 – Waves (3)
PHYS 275 – Experimental Physics I: Mechanics, Heat, and Fields (2)
PHYS 276 – Experimental Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism (2)
One of the following:
• PHYS274 – Mathematical Methods for Physics I (3) and GEOL351 – Statistics for
Geoscientists (3)
• MATH 240 – Linear Algebra (3) and MATH 246 Differential Equations for Scientists
and Engineers (3)
Total credits: 39
Geophysics Upper Level Requirements:
GEOL393 – Senior Thesis I - Proposal (3)
GEOL394 – Senior Thesis II - Research (3)
GEOL446 – Geophysics (3)
Total credits: 9
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Depth Requirements: Choose three of the following:
GEOL412 – Geology of Terrestrial Planets (3)
GEOL447 – Observational Geophysics (3)
GEOL455 – Marine Geophysics (3)
GEOL456 – Engineering Geology (3)
GEOL457 – Seismology (3)
GEOL460 – Field Geophysics (3)
Total credits: 9
Context Requirement: Choose two of the following:
AOSC400 – Physical Meteorology of the Atmosphere (3)
AOSC424 – Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Ocean (3)
AOSC431 – Atmospheric Thermodynamics (3)
AOSC432 – Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean (3)
GEOL322 – Mineralogy (4)
GEOL340 – Geomorphology (4)
GEOL341 – Structural Geology (4)
GEOL342 – Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (4)
GEOL423 – Optical Mineralogy (4)
GEOL443 – Petrology (4)
GEOL451 – Groundwater (3)
GEOL463 – Economic Geology (3)
GEOL472 – Tectonics (3)
Any upper level (300 or higher) Geology course with the approval of the undergraduate director
not used to satisfy above requirements.
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Total credits: 6 - 8
Breadth requirement: Choose two of the following:
PHYS373 – Mathematical Methods for Physics II (3)
PHYS371 – Modern Physics (3)
PHYS401 – Quantum Physics I (4)
PHYS402 – Quantum Physics II (4)
PHYS410 – Classical Mechanics (4)
PHYS411 – Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism (4)
Total credits: 6 - 8
Recommended courses: One of the following:
CHEM131– Chemistry I – Fundamentals of General Chemistry (3) and CHEM132 –
General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)
CHEM135 – General Chemistry for Engineers (3) and CHEM136 – General Chemistry
Laboratory for Engineers (1)
Overall total credits: 69 – 73
Matriculated Geology majors are expected to take all courses on campus unless specific
departmental permission is given.
Other Requirements for the Major
Combined B.S./M.S. in Geology
The Combined B.S./M.S. program is designed to permit a superior student to earn both the
Bachelor's and the Master's degrees in as few as five years of study. Although designed to
provide an integrated experience of undergraduate and graduate work, the combined B.S./M.S.
program is not a course of study separate and distinct from the traditional B.S. and
M.S. Students in the combined B.S./M.S. program will, at any given time, be either
undergraduate or graduate students. The program provides the opportunity for a superior student
to telescope these degrees by taking up to nine graduate credits (600-level or higher) while still
an undergraduate and counting them toward both degrees. A grade of "B" or better must be
earned in each of these courses. Under optimal circumstances, one might complete both degrees
in five years. Actual completion time will vary depending on one's individual circumstances. The
master's thesis may be a continuation of work begun as part of the undergraduate senior thesis.
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Acceptance into the combined B.S./M.S. normally would occur after the end of the sophomore
year. The minimum requirements for acceptance into this program are similar to those for the
geology honors program, namely an overall GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of the sophomore year
and a GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses required for the major. Interested eligible students must
provide the following material to be considered:
1. At least three letters of recommendation. At least one of these must be from a
prospective graduate advisor, who must outline the applicant's sources of potential
2. An essay or statement of purpose.
3. An interview with the undergraduate Honors Director and the Graduate
Based on this, students may be provisionally accepted into the program. Students so accepted
will be permitted to enroll in appropriate graduate-level courses. The combined B.S./M.S.
program allows 9 credits of graduate courses (600-level or above) to be counted towards both the
B.S. and M.S. degrees. A grade of "B" or better must be earned in each of these courses.
Acceptance is provisional pending satisfaction of the following:
1. Completion of the undergraduate curriculum.
2. A GPA of 3.5 or better in GEOL393 and GEOL394.
3. Maintenance of a 3.0 overall GPA and a GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses
required for the major.
4. Successful completion of the General GRE exam, usually taken during the fall
term of the senior year.
5. Formal application and admission to the Graduate School. Your application for
graduate admission is completely separate from your application to the combined
B.S./M.S. Your participation in the combined BS/MS as an undergraduate does
not give you priority over other graduate applicants.
Upon enrollment as a graduate student, the participant may designate the graduate courses that
should be counted toward both degrees.
Requirements for the Minor
Earth History Minor
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
The undergraduate minor in Earth History recognizes concentrated study in this designated field
in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of a minor will be
noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
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This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and is administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director. A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses
required for the minor. See www.geol.umd.edu for more information.
One of the following:
o GEOL 100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
o GEOL 120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL 102 Historical Geology (4)
Plus three from:
GEOL 331 Principles of Paleontology (4)
GEOL 341 Structural Geology (4)
GEOL 342 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (4)
GEOL 436 Principles of Biogeochemistry (3)
GEOL 437 Global Climate Change: Past and Present (3)
GEOL 499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
Earth Material Properties Minor
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
The undergraduate minor in Earth Material Properties recognizes concentrated study in this
designated field in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of
a minor will be noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and is administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director. A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses
required for the minor. See www.geol.umd.edu for more information.
One of the following:
o GEOL100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
o GEOL120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL322 Mineralogy (4)
Plus three from:
GEOL341 Structural Geology (4)
GEOL423 Optical Mineralogy (4)
GEOL443 Petrology (4)
542 | Page
GEOL445 High Temperature Geochemistry (3)
o GEOL456 Engineering Geology (3), or
o GEOL457 Seismology (3)
GEOL499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
Geochemistry Minor
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
The undergraduate minor in Geochemistry recognizes concentrated study in this designated field
in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of a minor will be
noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and is administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director. A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses
required for the minor. See www.geol.umd.edu for more information.
One of the following:
o GEOL100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
o GEOL120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL322 Mineralogy (4)
One of the following:
o GEOL444 Low Temperature Geochemistry (4)
o GEOL445 High Temperature Geochemistry (4)
Plus two from:
GEOL435 Environmental Geochemistry (3)
GEOL436 Biogeochemistry (3)
GEOL443 Petrology (4)
GEOL444 Low Temperature Geochemistry (4) (if not used to satisfy requirement above)
GEOL445 High Temperature Geochemistry (4) (if not used to satisfy requirement above)
GEOL471 Geochemical Methods of Analysis (3)
GEOL499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
Geophysics Minor
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
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Depending on the courses taken, there are a total of 16-18 credits required for the minor in
Geophysics (also see prerequisites.)
One of the following:
o GEOL 100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology lab (4)
o GEOL 120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
Any two of the following:
GEOL 446 Geophysics (3)
GEOL 447 Observational Geophysics (3)
GEOL 457 Seismology (3)
Plus two from:
GEOL 341 Structural Geology (4)
GEOL 446 Geophysics (3) (If not used to satisfy requirement above)
GEOL 447 Observational Geophysics (3) (If not used to satisfy requirement above)
GEOL 455 Marine Geophysics (3)
GEOL 456 Engineering Geology (3)
GEOL 457 Seismology (3) (If not used to satisfy requirement above)
GEOL 412 Geology of the Terrestrial Planets (3)
GEOL 499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
All Geology minors are an appropriate disciplinary combination with Astronomy, Computer
Science, Mathematics, or Physics majors within CMNS. The minors are also appropriate for
majors outside the college with appropriate matches including, but not limited to:
Geography/Remote Sensing (Surficial Geology)
Engineering and Material Sciences (Earth Material Properties)
Evolutionary Biology and Physical Anthropology (Earth History)
Biology, Biological Diversity, and Ecology (Earth History, Hydrology)
Hydrology Minor
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
An undergraduate minor in Hydrology recognizes concentrated study in a designated field in the
College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of a minor will be noted
on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and is administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director.
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A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses required for the minor. See
www.geol.umd.edu for more information.
Minor Requirements
One of the following:
o GEOL 100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
o GEOL 120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL 451 Groundwater (3)
GEOL 452 Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology (3)
Plus two from:
GEOL 436 Principles of Biogeochemistry (3)
GEOL 444 Low-Temperature Geochemistry (4)
One of the following:
o GEOL 453 Ecosystem Restoration (3)
o GEOL 435 Environmental Geochemistry (3)
GEOL 499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
Planetary Sciences Minor
The minor in Planetary Sciences will provide students with a broad understanding of the
application of the methods of astronomy and geology to the study of the Solar System, and
develop the students' appreciation of how issues in the study of planets connect with larger issues
in those sciences. It is intended for all students with an interest in the study of the Solar System,
be it professional or avocational. In addition to Astronomy and Geology majors, it dovetails with
the professional goals of Environmental Science and Policy, Environmental Science and
Technology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Sciences, and Secondary Education majors.
Building on a three-course base of fundamental knowledge of astronomy, geology and an
introduction to the Solar System, the program is completed by three advanced courses addressing
specific topics adding depth to the student's knowledge of planetary astronomy and to the
geologic tools of the planetary scientist. Students are required to sample from optional courses
from both departments. The Joint Minor in Planetary Sciences does not require significant
prerequisite knowledge, however some optional courses may require prerequisites of 100-level
courses in chemistry, mathematics, or geology.
Courses required for the proposed minor are:
One of the following:
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ASTR100 Introduction to Astronomy (3)
ASTR101 General Astronomy (4)
ASTR120 Introductory Astrophysics - Solar System (3)
One of the following:
GEOL100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
One of the following:
ASTR330 Solar System Astronomy (3)
ASTR430 The Solar System (3)
GEOL212 Planetary Geology (3)
Plus three from the following:
At least one choice must be from Geology and one from Astronomy. At least six credits must be
at the 300-400 level.
ASTR220 Collisions in Space - The Threat of Asteroid Impacts (3)
ASTR230 The Science and Fiction of Planetary Systems (3)
ASTR380 Life in the Universe - Astrobiology (3)
ASTR498 Special Problems in Astronomy (3)
GEOL322 Mineralogy (4)
GEOL340 Geomorphology (4)
GEOL412 Geology of Terrestrial Planets (3)
GEOL437 Global Climate Change, Past and Present (3)
GEOL499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
Or another appropriate astronomy or geology course approved in advance by the
Astronomy or Geology advisor (3-4)
Depending on the optional course taken, there is a total of 19-22 required credits (see
prerequisites). All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
Surficial Geology Minor
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
This undergraduate minor recognizes concentrated study in Surficial Geology, a designated field
in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of a minor will be
noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
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This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and are administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director. A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses
required for the minor.
One of the following:
o GEOL 100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
o GEOL 120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL 123 Causes and Implications of Global Change (3)
GEOL 340 Geomorphology (4)
Plus two from:
GEOL 331 Principles of Paleontology (4)
GEOL 342 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (4)
GEOL 444 Low Temperature Geochemistry (4)
GEOL 435 Environmental Geochemistry (3)
GEOL 437 Global Climate Change - Past and Present (3)
One of the following:
o GEOL 451 Groundwater (3)
o GEOL 452 Watershed and Wetland Hydrology (3)
GEOL 499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
The Geology Undergraduate Studies Director serves as the advisor for the geology majors, 1119
Geology Building, 301-405-4379. Students who have been away more than two years may find
that due to curriculum changes the courses they have taken may no longer be adequate
preparation for the courses required to complete the major. Students in this situation must meet
with the Undergraduate Studies Director to make appropriate plans.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The Professional, Secondary Education, and Geophysics tracks of the Geology major require
students to complete a two-semester, six credit senior research thesis (GEOL393 and GEOL394),
involving independent original geosciences research under the mentorship of a member of the
faculty. Senior thesis students give presentations of proposals, progress, and final results to the
entire department.
Honors Program
Admission to the Program will be by invitation of the Honors Committee, normally at the end of
the sophomore year and normally will be extended to students with an overall GPA of 3.0 or
better and a GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses required for the major.
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Graduation with Honors normally requires completion of the curriculum, grades of B- and A- or
better in GEOL393 and GEOL394 (i.e., grades for one semester must be at least an A-, and the
second semester grade cannot fall below a B-), and maintenance of a 3.0 overall GPA and a GPA
of 3.0 or better in all courses required for the major. Maintenance of a general GPA and GPA in
geology major courses of 3.5 or above and a grade of A in both GEOL393 and GEOL394 will
earn the distinction of Graduation with High Honors.
The curriculum for Honors in Geology follows the University Honors Program Track I: Thesis
Option with a 15 credit minimum.
1. The requirement for upper division Honors courses will be met by a minimum of 9 hours as
a. GEOL497H - Recent Advances in Geology (3 credit hours), and
b. 6 credit hours from the following:
i) a 3 credit hour graduate-level course approved by the Departmental Honors
ii) Honors Option project in a three or four credit hour upper-level course from the
offerings in the Geology Department
iii) no more than one Honors College seminar (3 credit hours) addressing a relevant topic
in natural sciences. (Typically, this would include seminars offered by faculty in the
College of Computer Mathematical and Natural Sciences). The Honors College seminar
must be approved in advance by the departmental honors committee.
The Honors Option Proposal must be approved by the departmental honors committee, the
professor teaching the course and the Honors College. A proposal must be approved by the
Department and submitted to the Honors College by the 10th day of class in the semester in
which the course will be taken and the project completed.
2. The research and thesis requirement will be met by completion of GEOL393 and GEOL394
with grades meeting the criteria outlined above (6 credit hours).
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, National Honor Society for Earth Sciences, and the Geology Club.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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Awards and Recognition
Washington Gems & Mineral Scholarship
Green Scholarship in Environmental Science and Policy
Marc Lipella Memorial Scholarship
Geographical Sciences (GEOG)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
2181M LeFrak Hall, 301-405-4073
Chair: C. Justice
Director: R. Dubayah (Associate Director), R. Luna (Undergraduate Director), J. Ma (MPSGIS
Program Director), K. Stewart (Director of CGIS)), L. Sun (Graduate Director)
Professors: L. DeFloriani, M. Hansen, K. Hubacek, G. Hurtt, C. Justice, E. Kasischke, S. Liang,
S. Prince, J. Townsend
Associate Professors: G. Baiochhi, M. Geores, T. Loboda, J. Silva
Assistant Professors: G. McKenzie, C. Prell
Lecturers: E. Ellicott (Res Asst Prof), A. Eney, L. Giglio (Res Assoc Prof, Lecturer), R. Sohlberg
(Fac Res Asst), J. Trocino, K. Yearwood (Physical Lecturer), N. Zhou (GIS Lecturer), M. Zlatic
Adjunct Professors: C. Tucker, D. Williams
Adjunct Associate Professors: S. Goetz, C. Walthall
Professors Emeriti: H. Brodsky (Assoc), J. Cirrincione (Assoc), S. Goward, D. Thompson, J.
The Major
How do you see the future? More of everything: food, parks, leisure, personal electronic
devices, peace between the nations? Or more people, new diseases, traffic gridlock, and
starvation? Will there still be crabs and oysters from the Chesapeake Bay?
The world is changing at unprecedented rates, primarily as a result of human actions.
Opportunities for increased well-being of humans and the environment abound. On the other
hand, competition for resources such as fresh water and oil is reaching crisis proportions.
The future of humanity depends on skillful management of our environment by planning the social,
urban, suburban and rural settings where we work, live and play. Expert care of the environment
is needed to maintain supplies of food, natural products, water, and the other resources on which
life depends. New insights into the social, economic and urban environment can help control
poverty and crime.
Geographical Sciences concerns the relations between people and the natural world, the effects
of ecosystems on human beings and vice versa, the choices people make, the effects of past
actions on people today, and the effects of today's choices on future generations. Courses
offered by this department may be found under the acronym GEOG.
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Program Objectives
To make fundamental contributions to the advancement of geographic science by:
Conducting disciplinary and integrative research in the physical and social sciences that
spans local to global scales, with an emphasis on a geospatial perspective of our changing
planet and its sustainability.
Equipping undergraduate and graduate students to meet the challenges associated with
the continuing evolution of geographic science while providing them with vibrant and
fulfilling educational experiences.
Applying geographic science to societal and environmental issues in our state, the nation
and the global community.
To lead the development of academic, educational, and research directions of human and
natural systems, land cover/and land use change and geospatial information science,
harnessing the integrative nature of geographic science to answer fundamental questions of
global importance.
Program Learning Outcomes
Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the following knowledge
and skills:
Possess an understanding of the nature of the physical systems and processes of the
Earth's environment and their interactions.
Understand the nature of the geographical approach and its value in understanding
human-environment relationships.
Know the methods and techniques of data collection, display and analysis used in the
study of environmental systems.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Geographical Science Department has two 25-seat computer teaching laboratories that are
used in undergraduate coursework, particularly in GIS/Remote Sensing courses. There are
different types of equipment for field research and remote sensing, and Global Positioning
Systems (GPS) are also available.
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Requirements for the Major
Within any of the specializations available in the geographical sciences program it is possible for
students to adjust their programs to fit their individual interests. The geographical sciences major
totals 35 semester hours. In addition to the 35 semester hours, the geographical sciences major is
required to take an additional 15 semester hours of supporting course work outside of the
department. The hours can be either in one department or in an area of specialization. An area of
specialization requires that a written program of courses be reviewed and placed on file by the
department advisor. Visit or call the Advising Office, Lefrak 2108, 301-405-4073, e-mail geog-
[email protected], or see the web page at www.geog.umd.edu. Supporting courses generally are
related to the area of specialty in geographical sciences. The pass-fail option is not applicable to
major or supporting courses. A minimum grade of "C-" in each course is required for major and
supporting courses. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across all
courses, including the supporting sequence, used to satisfy the major degree requirements.
Geographical Sciences Major
The required courses for geography majors are as follows:
Required Courses
Geography of Environmental Systems
The World in Cultural Perspective
Geography of Environmental Systems Laboratory
The World in Cultural Perspective Lab
Upper-level physical geography course
Upper-level physical human course
Upper-level geographic technique course
At least one upper-level course in physical geography,
human geography and geographic technique is required
regardless of the specialty of the individual student's
These courses build on the initial base provided
by the Primary Courses, and also
serve as the basis for
selection of upper-level geography courses.
-level geography electives
Introduction to Geographic Methods for the Geographic
Environmental Sciences
Total Credits:
Supporting Courses
Elementary Calculus I
Supporting courses approved by GEOG advisor
Introduction to Geography
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The 100-level geography courses are general education courses for persons who have had no
previous contact with the discipline in high school or for persons planning to take only one
course in geography. They provide general overviews of the field or in one of its major topics.
Credit for these courses is not applied to the major.
Related Programs
Geographic Information Science/Computer Cartography Major
The Geographical Sciences Department offers an important area of specialization: GIS and
Computer Cartography. The Bachelor of Science degree program in Geographic Information
Science and Computer Cartography is designed to give students the technical skills needed to
acquire, manage and analyze very large amounts of geographic data. Students will get extensive
computer training in digital processing of remote sensing observations and cartographic vector
data, spatial analysis, and the display of information products. Almost everything we do involves
geographic information, from deciding where to live and travel, to environmental monitoring and
urban planning. Influenced by computer technology, the academic disciplines of geographic
information science such as remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and
computer cartography have evolved dramatically in the past few decades. Remote sensing is the
science of obtaining geographic information from aircraft and satellites. GIS technology
manages and analyzes different forms of digital geographic data, and this field has been growing
at an extraordinary rate. Computer cartography has revolutionized traditional cartography to
vastly improve map making and visualization of geographic information in a multimedia
The required courses for GIS majors are as follows:
Required Courses
Geography of Environmental Systems
The World in Cultural Perspective
Geography of Environmental Systems Laboratory
The World in Cultural Perspective Lab
Upper-level physical geography course
Upper-level physical human geography course
Introduction to Geographic Methods for the Geographic
Environmental Sciences
-level geography electives
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems
Computer Cartography
Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis
Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis
Total Credits
552 | Page
Supporting Courses
Supporting courses approved by GEOG advisor
One from
Elementary Calculus I
Calculus I
Supporting area courses must be taken from a list provided by
the department.
All math programs should be approved by a
departmental advisor.
Geographical Science and Social Studies Education Double Major
In conjunction with the College of Education/Curriculum and Instruction, the Geographical
Sciences Department offers a special 121 credit hours program for students wishing to double
major in Geographical Sciences and Social Studies Education - Geography Concentration,
allowing them to teach geography at the secondary level. Early examination of requirements is
encouraged to reduce the number of additional hours required. In addition to the Geographical
Sciences Department's required credits, the program requires 28 credit hours of course work in
history and the social sciences. For a list of requirements, contact the Geography Undergraduate
Advising Office. Requirements are also listed under the Curriculum and Instruction Social
Studies Education - Geography Concentration double major option.
Requirements for the Minor
Minor in Geographic Information Science (GIS)
See undergraduate advising office for more information: LeFrak Hall 2108, 301-405-4073.
Non-Geography Major Required Courses
or GEOG202
Geography of Environmental Systems/Lab or
The World in Cultural Perspective
3 or
Introduction to Geographic Methods for the
Geographic Environmental Sciences
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems
One from:
Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis
Geographic Information Systems and Spatial
Computer Cartography
Total Credits
Geography Major Required Courses
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the
Geographic Environment Sciences
553 | Page
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems
Programming for Geographers
One from
Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis
Geographic Information Systems and Spatial
Computer Cartography
Total Credits
Student must achieve a "C-" or better in each course applied to the minor in Geographic
Information Systems. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across
all courses, including the supporting sequence, used to satisfy the minor requirements.
Minor in Remote Sensing of Environmental Change (RSEC)
The Remote Sensing of Environmental Change minor program (RSEC) is designed to build
students’ understanding global environmental change in order to assess their impacts on the
physical and human landscapes, and to use remote sensing as an analytical tool for identifying
the impacts. Students in the minor program will receive technical training in remote sensing to
examine how extreme environmental events shape human society and ecosystems from the
interdisciplinary perspective afforded by the field of Geography.
Admission to the Program:
There are no special requirements for the Minor Program in Remote Sensing of Environmental
Change. The Department of Geographical Sciences welcomes students from every area of study.
GIS and ENSP students are also welcome to enroll in this minor.
• All credits for the minor must be taken in the Department of Geographical Sciences at the
University of Maryland, College Park.
• All courses must be completed with a grade of “C-” or better.
• No more than six credits are to be included in the Minor and student's major, supporting
courses, and college requirements.
The Required Curriculum: (18 credits)
Foundation Course (3 credits)
Natural Disasters: GEOG 140 (3 credits)
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Introduction to Methods of Geospatial Intelligence and Analysis: GEOG170 (3 credits)
Technical Geography Courses (6 credits)
Introduction to Remote Sensing: GEOG372 (3 credits)
Advanced Remote Sensing: GEOG472 (3 credits)
Choose one Physical Geography Course (3 credits)
Geomorphology: GEOG340 (3 credits)
Biogeography: GEOG342 (3 credits)
Climatology: GEOG345 (3 credits)
Choose one Human Dimension of Global Change Course (3 credits)
Regional Geography: China GEOG328B (3 credits)
Regional: Sub-Saharan Africa: GEOG328C (3 credits)
Regional: Latin America: GEOG313 (3 credits)
Society and Sustainability: GEOG330 (3 credits)
Intro to Human Dimensions of Global Change: GEOG331 (3 credits)
Economic Geography: GEOG332 (3 credits)
Choose one Advanced Integrated Course (3 credits)
Land Use, Climate Change, and Sustainability: GEOG415 (3 credits)
Modeling Human-Environment Interactions: GEOG416 (3 credits
Cultural and Natural Resource Management: GEOG431 (3 credits)
Coastal Oceans: GEOG441 (3 credits)
Biogeography & Environmental Change: GEOG442 (3 credits)
555 | Page
Advising is Mandatory for students each semester. The advising office is located at 2181M
LeFrak Hall. If you can, please email before you visit us since the schedule can change day to
day. We can always be reached via email at geog-[email protected] or voice mail at 301-405-
Fieldwork Opportunities
GEOG328 (Winter): The Geography of the Southern Caribbean
This course offers an unique and challenging "hands-on" study of Grenada and the Grenadines
during the Winter term. The best way to study the Grenadines is by sailing vessel. The
Grenadines are the "land of eternal summer," making them one of the most exclusive sailing
grounds in the world. Students will be able to visit not only Grenada, but St. Lucia, St. Vincent,
and Tobago Cays.
GEOG358A Croatia (Summer): country in transition emerging from the war and communism.
This course is a geographical survey of Croatia, focusing on its natural and built environment,
human and economic resources, and recent emergence from war and communism into a modern
democratic state. http://www.geog.umd.edu/content/study-abroad
The Department of Geographical Sciences offers a one-semester internship program for
undergraduates. Students can earn a total of three credits. Students are responsible for finding
their own internships and can pursue a wide variety of opportunities in the public private and
non-profit sectors. Internships may be on-or off-campus, paid or
unpaid. http://www.geog.umd.edu/content/internship-program
Internship Requirements
Junior or senior with a minimum of 70 credits
2.5 GPA overall
Internship partners
NASA Develop
Mitre Corporation
The Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Honors Program
Students admitted to the Honors program engage in independent research under the guidance of
an individual faculty member. Students are eligible upon completion of 30 credits of geography
courses including the required courses. Honors students will need to register for 12 credits of
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which they can substitute for formal coursework. Students must have a 3.2 overall GPA and a
3.5 GPA in Geographical Sciences. http://www.geog.umd.edu/content/honors-geography
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Geography Club
Geography Club is back and better than ever! Join undergrads and grad students for cultural
potlucks, international movies, charity events and exploratory trips around the DC metropolitan
Contact the Geography Club at [email protected] for more information.
Geography T-Shirts are now in! Come by 2181M LeFrak Hall to get yours today! Shirts
are $15 and proceeds will go do the Geography Club.
Gamma Theta Upsilon: The Geography Honor Society
GTU is an international honor society in geography that aims to further professional interest in
Geography, strengthen student and professional training and encourage student research.
Membership is earned through superior scholarship and therefore it is an honor and a
professional distinction.
Members must be in their 4th semester of study, working towards a Geographical Sciences or
related degree, have a minimum 3.3 GPA cumulative and in all Geographical Sciences classes
and attend meetings and events.
Contact Kevin Mathew at [email protected] for more information
Check us out in Facebook at Facebook.com/umdgeographyclub
The Association of American Geographers
The Association of American Geographers (AAG) is a nonprofit scientific and educational
society founded in 1904. For 100 years the AAG has contributed to the advancement of
geography. Its members from more than 60 countries share interests in the theory, methods, and
practice of geography, which they cultivate through the AAG's Annual Meeting, two scholarly
journals (Annals of the Association of American Geographers and The Professional
Geographer), and the monthly AAG Newsletter.
The Sustainability Club
The Department of Geographical Sciences' sustainability club, otherwise known as the
Geography Sustainability Task Force (GSTF), seeks to improve the efficiency of our
consumption and improve working conditions while at the same time reducing our
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environmental footprint. We have made small strides such as changing paper usage and
reducing power consumption in computer labs, but continue to work on large issues of
departmental and building-wide lighting, water, and waste. Through increased education,
awareness, and involvement we look forward to big changes in 2012 and beyond. The GSTF
has, and continues to, consult and work with the University of Maryland Office of Sustainability
(www.sustainability.umd.edu). Future meetings will be posted here and announced through
internal departmental emails.
Additional information can be obtained from Evan Ellicott (ellicott@umd.edu).
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
Anderson Award For Undergraduate Excellence
UG Research Paper Award
Undergraduate Research Symposium Award
Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award
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Germanic Studies (GERM)
College of Arts and Humanities
3215 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Professors: P. Beicken (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), E. Frederiksen (Distinguished Scholar
Teacher), A. Moyer, R. Oster
Associate Professors: H. Baer, J. Koser
Lecturers: R. Ianozi
Professors Emeriti: O. Best, G. Jones, G. Pfister, G. Strauch, R. Walker
The Major
The 36-credit BA in Germanic Studies is centered on the study of the German language as well
as the literatures and cultures of Germanic peoples. Students who complete the requirements for
the major can expect to be able to speak, read, write, and understand German at a level that
would allow them to communicate with native speakers. Additionally, students will be able to
recognize and interpret the diverse cultural perspectives and products of the German-speaking
world, in order to be culturally sensitive members of society.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to communicate effectively in writing in German by demonstrating
accuracy in use of grammatical structures, using appropriate linguistic register, formulating
persuasive arguments supported with appropriate textual evidence and incorporating secondary
literature. Students will be able to critically interpret written texts in a variety of genres
(literature, realia, correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, poems, dramas, etc.) and
demonstrate knowledge of literary concepts. Students will be able to communicate effectively in
spoken German demonstrating accuracy in use of grammatical structures, using appropriate
linguistic register, and demonstrate a fluency in speaking that includes pronunciation that does
not interfere with communication. Students will be to demonstrate knowledge of the institutions,
values, and cultural products of Germany and/or the German-speaking world.
Placement in Courses
Please see: http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/flpa
Requirements for the Major
Prerequisite: 8 credits: GERM103 and GERM203 or equivalent
Course Requirements: 36 credits beyond GERM203
A. Core Language Sequence: 9 credits
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German Grammar Review
Conversation/Composition I: Germany and its People
Conversation/Composition II: Current Topics in German
B. Area Requirements: 24 credits
A minimum of 2 3xx or 4xx level courses in each of three areas: language, literature, and culture
and 2 electives.
Language Courses: minimum of 6 credits
Advanced Conversation
Advanced Composition
Practicum in Translation I
Practicum in Translation II
Selected Topics in Germanic Language Studies
Selected Topics in German Language Study
Variation in Contemporary German Language
Selected Topics in Germanic Philology
Literature Courses: minimum of 6 credits
Survey of German Studies
Highlights of German Literature and Culture
Romanticism and Biedermeier
From Enlightenment to Storm and Stress
Naturalism and its Countercurrents
Expressionism to 1945
From 1945 to the Present
The Usual Suspects: Criminals in German Literature and
Selected Topics in German Literature
Gender and Sexuality in German Literature and Society
Literature as Cultural Discourse
The German-Jewish Experience
Literary and Media Genres
Culture Courses: minimum of 6 credits
Courses marked with * are taught in English
560 | Page
Once Upon a Time: Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
German-American Cultural Contrasts
Women in German Literature & Society
Germanic Mythology
Viking Culture and Civilization
German Film and Literature
Ancient Celtic Culture and Civilization
Selected Topics in the Cultures of the Germanic
Speaking Countries
Special Topics in Germanic Studies
Scandinavian Civilization
German Speaking Civilization
Topics in Germanic Culture
Selected Topics in Germanic Studies
Border Crossings and Cultural Transfer
Selected Topics in Germanic Studies
The Icelandic Family Saga
Old Norse
Social Issues in German Culture
C. Capstone Seminar Course (3 credits)
Capstone Seminar
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Language of Instruction
No more than 6 credits of the 36 total required may be satisfied by courses taught in English.
With the approval of the German Studies advisor, 3 of the 6 credits may be taken outside the
Study Abroad
For information on study abroad programs see the program advisor and/or the Education Abroad
website www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Internships (GERM386) are also encouraged (no more than 3 credits may be applied to the
major). GERM386 may not replace the required 6 credits of 3xx or 4xx level courses in any of
the three categories.
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Requirements for the Minor
Germanic Studies
School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (SLLC)
This minor will provide students with an in-depth understanding of German Language and
Literature as a source of Culture. Building on these essentials, students can concentrate on
Language, Literature or Culture, or a combination of these fields. This will be accomplished by
taking 5 courses beyond GERM 203 or its equivalent. Students will determine, in close
consultation with the German undergraduate advisor, how to constitute their own concentration.
Minor Requirements:
15 credits - 5 courses beyond GERM203 or its equivalent
Courses taught in German beyond 203 or its equivalent
3 of these 5 courses (9 hours) must be 3xx or 4xx level: one language, one literature, and
one culture
Prerequisites: GERM103 and 203 are required, or their equivalents as determined through
departmental advising
All courses must be passed with a grade of "C-" or higher.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Advisor: Dr. Regina Ianozi [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
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Annual Language Career and Internship Fair
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information, see the SLLC
website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Honors Program
For information, see http://sllc.umd.edu/german/undergraduate/honors.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Individual SLLC departments hold annual induction ceremonies for students who are eligible for
honor society membership.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Government and Politics (GVPT)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
3140 Tydings Hall, 301-405-4156
Chair: I. Morris (Prof & Chair)
Director: E. Calvo (Assoc Chair & Assoc Prof), M. Hanmer (Graduate Director & Assoc Prof),
S. Kastner (Undergraduate Director & Assoc Prof)
Professors: C. Alford, J. Gimpel, J. Glass, P. Huth, F. Lee, M. Lichbach, W. McIntosh (Assoc
Dean), M. Pearson, S. Telhami, V. Tismaneanu, E. Uslaner
Associate Professors: A. Banks, J. Birnir, D. Cunningham, K. Cunningham, V. Haufler, D.
Karol, S. Kastner, W. Reed, S. Rouse, K. Soltan, P. Swistak
Assistant Professors: I. Alcaniz, T. Allee, K. Bond, S. Croco, J. Hadden, C. Jones (Asst Prof), L.
Mason (Asst Prof), J. McCauley, K. Miler, J. Simmons, I. Ward, P. Wohlfarth
Professors Emeriti: C. Butterworth, R. Davidson, S. Elkin, M. Franda, T. Gurr (Dist. Univ.
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Prof.), G. Hathorn, M. Heisler, C. Hsueh, V. Marando, J. Oppenheimer, W. Phillips, D. Piper, G.
Quester, C. Stone, R. Terchek, L. Vietri, J. Wilkenfeld
The Major
Government and Politics is one of the largest majors on campus with approximately 1,000
students taking courses in American politics, international relations (official concentration
available), comparative politics, political theory, political philosophy, law, public policy, and
environmental policy. Its large and diverse group of students are mentored by faculty through a
variety of in and out of classroom experiences and have been extremely successful in garnering
campus and national awards, acceptance to competitive law and graduate programs, and exciting
careers in all levels of government and the private sector. Students also benefit from a large and
active group of local alumni who have reached the highest levels of their respective careers and
who actively meet, recruit, and mentor current students. Courses offered by this department may
be found under the acronym GVPT.
Program Objectives
The Department of Government and Politics offers programs for the general student as well as
for students who are interested in careers in government, the public sector, foreign assignment,
teaching, a variety of graduate programs, and law schools. In addition to the standard
Government and Politics curriculum, the Department offers a formal concentration in
International Relations which is noted on the student's official transcript. Satisfactory completion
of requirements leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government and Politics.
The study of politics is both an ancient discipline and a modern social science. The origin of the
discipline can be traced back to the earliest times when philosophers, statesmen, and citizens
studied the nature of government, justice, responsibility, and the consequences of political action.
More recently, the study of politics has also emphasized scientific analysis and methods of
observations about politics. Today, the discipline reflects a broad effort to collect data about
politics and governments utilizing relatively new techniques developed by all of the social
The Department of Government and Politics combines philosophical and scientific concerns in
its overall program as well as in specific courses. It emphasizes such broad areas as political
development, policy analysis, social justice, political economy, conflict, and human rights. These
broad conceptual areas are integral components of study in the discipline. The areas are
commonly referred to as American government and politics; comparative government; political
theory; international relations; public administration; public law; public policy and political
Program Learning Outcomes
Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the following knowledge
and skills:
564 | Page
An understanding of basic political science concepts including power, institutions,
political systems, theories of the state, political conflict, citizenship, and contending
analytical and theoretical approaches
Proficiency in research and analytical skills using either quantitative methods and or
library skills
A basic knowledge of the methods, approaches, or theories used in accumulating and
interpreting information applicable to the discipline of political science
Effective oral and written communication skills to clearly and coherently present
information in the discipline of political science
Admission to the Major
Government and Politics is a Limited Enrollment Program that has special requirements for
admission, such as minimum GPA guidelines and required courses. Students planning to transfer
into the major should contact the department for details on Limited Enrollment requirements.
Students admitted as incoming freshmen will have their academic review after 45 credits.
Requirements for the Major
Government and Politics students must complete a minimum 36 credit hours within GVPT, but
may take no more than 42 credit hours total within the major. At least 18 of the 36 credits must
be in upper-level courses. Students exceeding the 42 credit limit will not be allowed to count
additional GVPT credits within the 120 needed to graduate. For every additional GVPT credit,
students must complete an additional credit outside of the GVPT major to graduate (AP and IB
credits are included in this calculation). A minimum grade of "B-" is required for GVPT170 (or
GVPT241 if student has AP/IB credit for GVPT170); a minimum grade of "C-" is required in all
other major requirements.
Required Courses
One from:
American Government
American Government
One from:
Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability
Elementary Calculus I
Introduction to Statistics
The Study of Political Philosophy: Ancient and
Scope and Methods for Political Science
Total of 27 GVPT credits, 18 credits of which
must be at the 300-400 level
565 | Page
ECON200 Principles of Microeconomics
Completion of a foreign language through the
entire elementary level.
See GVPT website for
more details.
Quantitative course from an approved list
Intermediate-level foreign language course or
additional quantitative course from an approved
list. See GVPT website for more details.
Five courses in another major outside of
Government & Politics, with at least two
courses at the 300
-400 level. Approved by
GVPT Advisor.
All majors must complete a secondary area of concentration in another department or approved
disciplinary area. All courses used to satisfy these requirements must be completed with a
minimum grade of "C-". Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average
across all courses used to satisfy major degree requirements. Students should consult with an
Requirements for the International Relations Concentration
Required Courses
One from:
American Government
American Government
One from:
Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability
Elementary Calculus I
Introduction to Statistics
The Study of Political Philosophy: Ancient and Modern
Scope and Methods for Political Science Research
International Political Relations
GVPT280 or
The Study of Comparative Politics
Politics and the Developing World
Total of 21 GVPT credits, 18 credits of which must be at the 300-400
level (additionally, 15 of the 18 upper
-level credits must come from an
approved list of International Relations or Comparative Politics courses)
ECON200 Principles of Microeconomics
Completion of a foreign language through the entire elementary
level. See GVPT website for more details.
566 | Page
Quantitative course from an approved list
Intermediate-level foreign language course. See GVPT website for more
Five courses in another major outside of Government & Politics, with at
least two courses at the 300-400 level. Approved by GVPT Advisor.
All majors must complete a secondary area of concentration in another department or approved
disciplinary area. All courses used to satisfy these requirements must be completed with a
minimum grade of "C-". Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average
across all courses used to satisfy major degree requirements. Students should consult with an
Requirements for the Minor
Minor in International Development and Conflict Management
The minor in International Development and Conflict Management is a 19-credit, undergraduate
program of instruction for students aspiring to a profession in the fields of conflict resolution,
international development, and humanitarian relief.
Applications are accepted in the Spring and accepted students begin the program the following
Fall. Students applying for the program must be entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year
of undergraduate work. Applicants must be full-time students in good standing, with a
cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better. Up to 35 students are accepted into the program each year.
Advising for the minor is conducted through the Center for International Development and
Conflict Management directly, not the Department of Government and Politics. For more
information about the minor and for application materials, please visit:
Requirements for the minor include the following coursework:
Required Courses
Peacebuilding, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, and
International Development
One statistics course from approved list
Capstone I: International Development and Conflict
Capstone II: International Development and Conflict
Elective courses from approved list (2 courses)
Behavioral and Social Sciences Special Topics: CIDCM
Minor Practicum
Total Credits
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Note: Six credits (or two courses) can be double counted for your major and the minor. All
classes must be completed after acceptance into the minor program, with the exception of the
statistics requirement.
All courses used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a grade of "C-"
or better. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across all courses
used to satisfy the minor requirements.
Academic advisors are available to assist students in finding internships, learning about
academic opportunities, clarifying post-graduation plans, and general questions.
Academic advising is available daily on a walk-in or appointment basis in the Undergraduate
Advising Office located in 3104 Tydings Hall. Walk-in schedules are posted on-line at
Students are encouraged to see an advisor each semester to ensure understanding of major
requirements and to review students' progress within the major. All students are required to see
an advisor before they register for their senior year of classes, typically between 75 and 89
credits earned.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Undergraduate GVPT majors are strongly encouraged to participate in independent research with
GVPT faculty members. The independent study option provides students opportunities to work
one-on-one with a faculty member doing research on a topic of the student's choosing. Students
should expect to devote approximately 12 hours per week for 16 weeks to the independent study.
Students should also expect to write a final research paper no less than 40 pages in length. GVPT
Advisors are available to assist students in identifying appropriate research topics and in
selecting the GVPT faculty mentor.
Only six hours of graded GVPT independent study credit will apply toward the 36 hours needed
in the major. Independent study opportunities are generally open only to GVPT majors with
junior standing and a 3.0 GPA.
Undergraduate GVPT majors are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the university's close
proximity to Washington D.C. and Annapolis by completing at least one internship experience.
The GVPT Advising Office advertises internship opportunities weekly on the undergraduate
blog, and advisors can assist students in identifying other internship opportunities.
The department offers three programs through which students can receive academic credit for
their internship - the Public Policy Internship Program, the Capitol Hill Internship Program, and
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the Maryland Internship Program. Information on these programs is available on the GVPT
website, www.gvpt.umd.edu/undergraduate/internships.
Only six hours of graded GVPT internship credit will apply toward the 36 hours needed in the
major. Internship credit graded on a pass/fail basis may not be used to satisfy the GVPT major
requirements. In no cases may more than 12 internship credits be counted towards the 120 credits
needed to graduate. Internships are generally open only to GVPT majors with junior standing
and a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Honors Program
The aim of the Government and Politics Honors Program is to encourage students with
outstanding abilities to accelerate their development and intellectual growth under conditions of
greater freedom, greater responsibility, and more individual supervision from their instructors.
The program also seeks to provide a community within which students can meet one another and
further develop their interests in political science and public affairs.
All students majoring in government and politics may apply for admission to the GVPT Honors
Program once they have completed the first semester of their sophomore year. Additional
information concerning the Honors Program may be obtained online at
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, is the only honor society for
college students of political science and government in the United States. The Alpha Zeta
chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha was founded in 1938 at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Since then, the chapter has hosted a variety of activities and worked closely with the Department
of Government & Politics. For more information, please visit
Black Political Student Association was founded in 2008 at the University of Maryland, College
Park. The goal of the Black Political Student Association (BPSA) is to unite political-minded
university students and discuss issues going on in the world. BPSA aims to build solidarity
between Black Government & Politics majors, ignite interest in community involvement,
provide opportunities for professional development, and get more Black students involved in the
Government & Politics program at UMD.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
GVPT students are encouraged to apply for Government and Politics Departmental Scholarships
and outside scholarship opportunities. For more information on these scholarships, please visit
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
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participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, please visit
Awards and Recognition
Government and Politics students have had great success in winning campus and national
awards. Our students have been chosen as university commencement speaker and university
medal winner. Many students are regularly selected for national undergraduate conferences and
have won national scholarships for graduate and law school. The Undergraduate Director
nominates deserving students for departmental and university awards and recognition, and
students are informed through the advising office of new opportunities to apply.
See Behavioral and Community Health
Hearing and Speech Sciences (HESP)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
0100 LeFrak Hall, 301-405-4213
Chair: R. Newman (Prof/Chair)
Director: K. Skinker (Lecturer/Dir of Undergraduate Studies)
Professors: J. Edwards (Prof), S. Gordon-Salant (Prof/Dir of Graduate Studies), N. Ratner (Prof)
Associate Professors: M. Goupell, Y. Shah
Assistant Professors: S. Anderson, Y. Huang, J. Novick
Senior Lecturer: T. O'Brien (Senior Lecturer)
Lecturers: C. Brewer (Lecturer), J. Cohen (Lecturer), I. Kachinske (Lecturer), K. King
(Lecturer), M. Licata (Lecturer), L. Sherlock (Lecturer), K. Webster (Lecturer), T. Williams
Walker (Lecturer), C. Zalewski (Lecturer), F. Zuhurudeen (Lecturer)
Adjunct Professors: W. Gaillard
Adjunct Associate Professors: A. Braun
Research Scientist: M. Fourakis (Res Prof)
Assistant Research Scientist: M. Cleary (Asst Res Sci), O. Stakhovskaya (Asst Res Sci)
Clinical Professor: V. Sisskin (Clin Prof), C. Worthington (Dir of Speech-Language Services)
Associate Clinical Professor: N. Nguyen (Assoc Clin Prof/Director of Audiology Sevices
Assistant Clinical Professor: K. Dow-Burger (Clin Asst Prof), E. Mont (Clin Asst Prof), J. Ortiz
(Asst Clin Prof/DIrector of LEAP Program), S. Palmer (Clin Asst Prof), L. Rickard (Clin Asst
Prof), P. Schauer (Clin Asst Prof), K. Seward (Asst Clin Prof), K. Slawson (Clin Asst Prof)
Research Professor: P. Fitzgibbons (Res Prof)
Professors Emeriti: M. McCabe, F. Roth, G. Yeni-Komshian
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The Major
Hearing and speech sciences is an inherently interdisciplinary field, integrating knowledge from
the physical and biological sciences, medicine, psychology, linguistics, and education in order to
understand human communication and its disorders. The department curriculum leads to the
Bachelor of Arts degree. An undergraduate major in this field provides appropriate background
for graduate training in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology, as well as for graduate work
in other disciplines requiring a knowledge of normal or disordered speech, language, or hearing.
The student who wishes to work professionally as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist
must obtain a graduate degree in order to meet national certification requirements, and most state
licensure laws.
The hearing and speech sciences curriculum is designed in part to provide supporting course
work for majors in related fields, so most course offerings are available to both departmental
majors and non-majors. Courses offered by this department may be found under the following
acronym: HESP. Permission of an instructor may be obtained to waive course prerequisites for
non-majors wishing to take hearing and speech courses of interest.
Program Objectives
The Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences strives to provide state-of-the-art teaching,
research, and clinical services in the areas of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology.
Program Learning Outcomes
The undergraduate curriculum in Hearing and Speech Sciences is structured to provide a
strong background for graduate training in Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing,
Language or Speech Sciences. Although required courses at the undergraduate level are identical
for all undergraduate majors, emphasis can be given to individual curricula through the selection
of elective courses. Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the
following knowledge and skills:
Students will demonstrate application of fundamental concepts of basic sciences (i.e.,
biological, physical, mathematics/statistics, behavioral and social sciences) to the hearing
and speech sciences discipline.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic communication processes.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of speech, language, and hearing disorders and
differences, including etiologies and characteristics, prevention, assessment, and
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences offers students numerous opportunities to
interact with faculty in teaching, research and clinical experiences. Faculty welcome the
participation of undergraduates in their research laboratories. The Hearing and Speech Clinic as
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well as the Language Learning Early Advantage Program (LEAP preschool) in Lefrak Hall allow
students to observe the interaction between clinical and research efforts.
Admission to the Major
The undergraduate curriculum in HESP is not a limited enrollment major. The program is
structured to provide adequate background for graduate training in Speech-Language Pathology,
Audiology and Speech, and Language or Hearing Sciences. It is considered to be a pre-
professional program. It is important for HESP students to understand that this major requires a
graduate degree in order to pursue a career in this field. Students should be advised that
graduate school admissions are highly competitive; therefore students must perform to the best
of their ability throughout the entire undergraduate curriculum in order to be considered for
admittance into a graduate program. Due to the nature of the coursework, students who change
their major or transfer to the University made not be able to complete this major in just two
Requirements for the Major
Students majoring in hearing and speech sciences must complete 33 semester hours of required
courses satisfy major course requirements. No course with a grade less than "C-" may count
toward major course requirements. In addition to the 33 semester hours needed for a major, 12
semester hours of supporting courses in statistics and other related fields are required. For these
12 hours, a "C-" average is required. In addition, when a HESP course has a listed pre-requisite,
this pre-requisite must have been completed with a grade of "C-" or better before registration in
the subsequent course will be approved.
A guide to the major is available through the department office in room 0100 Lefrak Hall or on
the departmental website at www.bsos.umd.edu/hesp/
Course sequencing is extremely important within this major. Advising for majors is mandatory.
Required Courses
Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to Hearing and Speech Sciences
Introduction to Psycholinguistics
Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of the Auditory System
Speech and Language Development in Children
Introduction to Phonetic Science
Any one of: HESP 402, 404, 406, 410
Bases of Hearing Science
Introduction to Audiology
Students must take one course from the following offerings:
Experiential Learning
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Undergraduate Research Internship
LEAP Classroom Internship
Speech Pathology I: Language Disorders in Children
Speech Pathology II: Voice and Fluency Disorders
Speech Pathology III: Aphasia and Neuromotor Disorders
Organic Speech Disorders
Aural Rehabilitation/Habilitation
Principles and Methods in Speech Language Pathology and
Clinical Practice in Speech Language Pathology and
Deafness and sign language
Neurological bases of human communication
Honors thesis research
Seminar in Hearing and Speech Sciences (topics vary)
Independent Study
Allied/Related Fields (12 credits)
In addition to a required statistics course, the student will take nine
credits from course offerings in Allied/Related Fields and PSYC 100.
A more complete list of these courses can be found on the Hearing and
Speech Department website.
Introduction to Psychology
one Statistics course from EDMS451, PSYC200, or
two courses from Allied/Related Fields
Finally, HESP majors must complete BOTH a biological and a physical science to satisfy
national certification standards for speech-language pathologists and audiologists. Specifically,
to meet the general education requirements of the university and the requirements for the major,
HESP majors must complete PHYS102/103 lab as the physical science requirement and a life
science course that is based on the biology of the human system and not plants or insects.
Other Requirements for the Major
It is important for students to understand that coursework in Hearing and Speech Sciences
requires careful sequencing. The material in early courses provides the foundation for later
courses. For this reason most HESP courses have required pre-requisites and academic advising
is crucial. Students are also required to earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course required for
the major. Students will not be allowed to take any course until they have earned a "C-" or
higher in the pre-requisite for that course. All HESP students are required to meet with the
department advisor prior to enrolling for the following semester.
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Requirements for the Minor
Requirements for the HESP minor include the following coursework:
HESP202-Introduction to Hearing and Speech Sciences
HESP300-Introduction to Psycholinguistics
HESP400-Child Language Acquisition
HESP407-Hearing Science
PLUS 2 courses in one of the two elective areas:
Elective option 1 (Speech-Language Pathology Focus)
HESP305-Anatomy/Physiology of the Speech Mechanism, and
HESP402, 404, 406, 410
Elective option 2 (Audiology focus)
HESP311-Anatomy/Physiology/Pathology of the Auditory Mechanism, and
HESP411-Introduction to Audiology
All classes must be completed with a grade of "C-" or better; as with HESP majors, students
must obtain a grade of "C-" or better in a class in order to enroll in any courses that require that
class as a pre-requisite.
This course sequence acquaints the student with the primary basic science background in the
speech, language and hearing sciences, and permits the student to select two courses in the
specific professional areas of speech, language or hearing, based on the student's primary interest
This minor is designed for the student in other majors (such as Psychology, Education,
Linguistics, FOLA, etc.) who may have plans to attend graduate school in the fields of Speech-
Language Pathology or Audiology. These courses are widely viewed as pre-requisite for
admission to such programs and constitute a proportion (but not the full extent) of classwork
required for eventual post M.A. or post-Au. D. certification by the American Speech-Language-
Hearing Association (ASHA) as either a Speech- Language Pathologist or Audiologist. Because
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both graduate programs and ASHA may require additional coursework, the student pursuing the
HESP minor is strongly encouraged to meet with a HESP academic advisor to ensure that
eventual educational goals are properly addressed. The HESP minor does not qualify an
individual to work professionally as a Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist, but does
provide a proportion of the coursework required to practice in the State of Maryland as a Speech-
Language Pathology Assistant.
Advising for HESP undergraduate majors is MANDATORY before registration each semester.
Students will be notified by e-mail of their registration date or they may check their registration
status by going to Testudo and clicking on “Appointment and Registration status”. Students
should schedule an advising meeting no sooner than one week prior to their registration date as
this prevents students from having to return for another appointment due to closed
classes. Advising appointments may be made by going
to http://hespadvisingcalendar.umd.edu/ . Advising is always available to students regarding
academic and major choices, career planning, and/or academic concerns.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Undergraduates are encouraged to work with a faculty member in the Hearing and Speech
Sciences Department. This can be facilitated through the Maryland Center for Undergraduate
Research, the Emerging Behavioral and Social Science Scholars Program or by exploring
research topics listed by faculty members on the HESP website. Students may work with faculty
members on a one-to-one basis as a volunteer research assistant or receive credit for their
experience. The number of credits that a student may earn is determined by the faculty
researcher. Typically the student is expected to work 3 hours for each credit received in a
semester. Unless the student is involved in true independent research, they should enroll in
HESP499 with the Pass/Fail grade option. Please note that individual professors may have
special requirements for participation in the program. You will need to contact the professor that
you wish to work with before enrolling in HESP499 to obtain their permission and their
individual section number needed to register. The University limit for 499 credits is six.
Internships (even if they are not directly related to Hearing and Speech) are an excellent way to
obtain experience in the workplace. Although internships are not typically a part of the HESP
curriculum, students are encouraged to explore related experiences through the BSOS Social
Science Internship Practicum or BSOS Experiential Learning programs.
Honors Program
The objective of the HESP Honors program is to encourage and recognize superior academic
achievement and scholarship by providing opportunities for interested, capable, and energetic
undergraduates to engage in independent study. A research project will be conducted under the
supervision of a faculty mentor and will result in an Honors thesis.
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Program Goals
The goals of the HESP Honors program are as follows:
Educate students to think independently on a broad range of ideas and issues related to
the study of Hearing and Speech Sciences.
Provide opportunities for in depth, scholarly and scientific analysis of significant and
current topics in the Hearing and Speech Sciences.
Provide students with the experience of undertaking a research project.
Benefits of the Program
Honors students get the opportunity to work closely with faculty and participate in outside-
the-classroom learning experiences.
Graduating from the Honors program is an excellent way to stand out as an exceptional
candidate for graduate school, and thesis-writing experience will help you once you get
Additionally, Honors students may take graduate courses and apply the credits toward
their undergraduate degree.
Program Overview
1. The HESP Honors program is a three semester sequence, typically spanning from the
Fall of Junior year until the Fall of Senior year.
2. Interested students must apply to be considered for the HESP Honors Program by the
deadline posted.
3. Students must complete 9 credits of HONR seminars or HESP graduate courses in a
subject that supports the proposed course of study or some combination of the two. One
of the required HONR seminars towards these 9 credits is HESP499H (3 credits).
4. Students will be expected to complete an Honors Thesis with the assistance of a thesis
advisor. The thesis culminates in an oral defense. Students must complete 6 credits of
HESP Honors research (HESP469A and B) for the thesis. For students under CORE
requirements, three of the HESP Honors research credits may be used to fulfill the CORE
Advanced Studies requirement upon successful completion of the thesis defense.
Please meet with the Director of the HESP Honors program for more information on the HESP
Honors program.
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Student Societies and Professional Organizations
There are two organizations that hearing and speech science majors are invited to join. They
are the University of Maryland's Chapter of the National Student Speech-Language and Hearing
Association (NSSLHA) and the Student Academy of Audiology (SAA). Both organizations are
involved in fund raising, sponsoring educational speakers and participating in community service
activities. Further information may be obtained on the department website, www.hesp.umd.edu.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
www.financialaid.umd.edu. Unfortunately, there is no undergraduate financial assistance given
by the department.
History (HIST)
College of Arts and Humanities
2115 Francis Scott Key Hall, 301-405-4265
Chair: P. Soergel (Prof & Chair)
Professors: I. Berlin (Distinguished University Professor), A. Eckstein, R. Friedel, J. Greene, J.
Herf, A. Karamustafa, P. Landau, H. Lapin, R. Price, M. Ross, M. Rozenblit (Prof and Director
of Graduate Studies), J. Sumida, D. Sutherland, M. Zilfi
Associate Professors: E. Barkley Brown, R. Bell, J. Bianchini, A. Borrut, H. Brewer, A.
Caneque, B. Cooperman, M. Dolbilov, D. Freund (Assoc Prof & Director of Undergraduate
Studies), J. Gao, S. Giovacchini, C. Lyons, R. Muncy, W. Ridgway, K. Rosemblatt, L. Rowland,
D. Sartorius, D. Sicilia, S. Villani, P. Wien (Assoc Prof & Assoc Chair), D. Williams, T. Zeller
Assistant Professors: C. Bonner, M. Bradbury, S. Cameron, P. Kosicki, C. Rodriguez, J.
Weisweiler, C. Woods, T. Zhang
Lecturers: R. Chiles, C. Ho, K. Keane, C. Lilley, B. Mendelsohn, A. Rush, E. Smead
Affiliate Associate Professors: J. Taddeo (Visit Assoc Prof)
Affiliate Assistant Professors: S. Baron (Visit Asst Prof)
Professors Emeriti: H. Belz (Prof Emeritus), M. Breslow (Assoc Prof Emeritus), S. Brush
(Distinguished University Professor Emeritus), G. Callcott (Prof Emeritus), C. Foust (Prof
Emeritus), J. Gilbert (Distinguished University Professor Emeritus), D. Grimsted (Assoc Prof
Emeritus), G. Gullickson (Prof Emeritus), J. Harris (Prof Emeritus), J. Henretta (Prof Emeritus),
K. Holum (Prof Emeritus), J. Lampe (Prof Emeritus), G. Majeska (Assoc Prof Emeritus), M.
Mayo (Assoc Prof Emerita), S. Michel (Prof Emerita), A. Moss (Assoc Prof Emeritus), A. Olson
(Prof Emerita), K. Olson (Prof Emeritus), M. Vaughan (Prof Emerita), J. Warren (Prof
Emeritus), W. Wright (Prof Emeritus), G. Yaney (Prof Emeritus)
The Major
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The Department of History seeks to broaden the student's cultural background through the study
of history and to provide preparation for those interested in publishing, teaching, museum work,
law, journalism, civil service, military, archival and library work, diplomacy, business school,
and graduate study.
Undergraduate advisors assist each major in planning a curriculum to meet his or her personal
interests. We expect students to meet with a history undergraduate advisor once every semester.
Courses offered by the Department of History may be found under the acronym HIST.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to distinguish among a variety of genres of primary and secondary
historical texts (e.g. documents, monographs, letters, novels, film, political cartoons, essays) and
use them appropriately and effectively in academic work. Students will demonstrate the ability
to conduct research using primary and secondary sources including archival, print and non-print,
and web-based texts. Students will demonstrate the ability to define and defend a historical
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Courses in Immigration and Migration Studies (IMMR) examine how migration shapes the
United States and the world from historical, political, cultural, and social perspectives and from
multiple disciplines. The Immigration and Migration Studies notation is geared toward students
interested in studying migration's impact on global society and institutions.
The transcript notation is ideal for students considering careers in law, public policy, social
work, and related fields.
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for the History major are 39 hours of history course work distributed as
follows: 12 hours in 1xx or 2xx-level introductory courses selected from at least two general
geographical fields of history and including HIST208; 15 hours in one major area of
concentration (see below); nine hours of history in at least two major areas other than the area of
concentration; HIST408. All courses for the major must be completed with a minimum grade of
"C-", and 21 hours of the 39 total hours must be at the junior-senior (3xx or 4xx) level. An
overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
At least one course (three credits), must be taken from an approved list of courses on regions
outside both Europe and the U.S. The list may be obtained from the History Undergraduate
Advisor's Office.
AP and IB credits are accepted.
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Introductory Courses
1. To be taken at the 1xx or 2xx-level taken in at least two geographical
2. One of these must be HIST208.
3. In considering courses that will fulfill this requirement, students are
encouraged to:
select at least two courses in a sequence
select at least one course before 1500 and one course after 1500
sample both regional and topical course offerings. Students will
normally take one or more introductory courses within their
major area of concentration
Major Area of Concentration
Students may choose an area of concentration that is either geographic,
chronological, or thematic. Areas include:
Geographic regions: Africa, Britain and Western Europe, East Asia,
Eastern Europe and Russia, Latin and South America, Middle East,
United States;
Chronological periods: Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Europe,
20th Century World;
Themes: African-American, Economic and Business, Jewish, Military,
Religious, Science and Technology, Social and Cultural, Women and
Nine Hours of History in at Least Two Areas Outside the Area of
1. Students are encouraged to select mainly 3xx or 4xx-level courses.
2. Students are encouraged to consider regional diversity.
HIST408 will be taken in the senior year and may be inside or outside the
area of concentration.
Supporting Courses Outside History
To be taken at the 3xx or 4xx-level in appropriate supporting courses; the
courses do not all have to be in the same department.
Supporting courses
should study some aspect of culture and society as taught by other
disciplines. A minimum grade of "C-" is required.
Other Requirements for the Major
HIST208 is a prerequisite for HIST408.
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Requirements for the Minor
Minor in History
The History Minor is designed to introduce students to the broad field of historical study, both by
deepening their knowledge and understanding of the past and by developing their ability to do
critical, historically-minded analysis. In working with both primary and secondary texts, students
will hone their skills in research methods, critical thinking, and expository/analytical writing.
The requirement that courses are distributed across geographic fields and chronological periods
ensures that students consider the variety and range of historical experiences. History courses
must be completed with a grade of C- or better to count toward the minor. Additionally, a
minimum GPA of 2.0 is required across all courses counted toward the minor.
Participating students must complete 18 credits (6 courses) in History.
The courses must be distributed in at least 2 geographic fields (Asia, Europe, United
States, Middle East, etc.).
The courses must include at least one course in each of two chronological periods (pre-
A minimum of 9 credits (3 courses) must be taken at the 3xx or 4xx-level.
No more than 3 credits (1 course) may be taken at the 1xx-level.
No more than 3 credits (1 course) may be fulfilled by AP, IB, or transfer credit.
A student may use a maximum of 6 credits (2 courses) to satisfy requirements for both a
major and a minor. Courses completed for one minor may not be used to satisfy the
requirements for another minor.
Any student is eligible to pursue the minor, with the exception of a student majoring in
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Minor in Middle Eastern Studies
2115 Francis Scott Key Hall, 301-405-4265
Advisor: Antoine Borrut ([email protected]); 301-405-7448
Requirements: 15-18 credits (5 courses; some language courses carry more than 3 credit hours
per course) towards the Minor in Middle Eastern Studies. Coursework must be distributed to
meet the overlapping requirements below. (For example, HIST120: Islamic Civilization can be
used to meet both the pre-modern requirement and the Arab world requirement, but does not
count doubly in terms of credit.)
6 credits (2 courses) in Area distribution: At least one course in each of two of
the following Area categories: (a) the Arab world; (b) Iran and the
Persian/Iranian world; (c) (Middle Eastern) Jewish and Israel; (d) Turkish and
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Ottoman; and (e) Middle Eastern Diasporas and All Middle East. Other areas of
concentration may be considered and require the director’s approval.
6 credits (2 courses) in Pre-Modern: At least two courses (6 credits) must focus
on the pre-modern period (the 7th century through the 19th century). Students
may fulfill this requirement through their area distribution or elective courses.
3 credits (1 course) in Electives: The fifth course may be chosen from the list of
approved Middle East Studies courses. A language course of 3 or more credits
may be used to satisfy this requirement. Advanced Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, or
Turkish language courses that are content courses rather than grammar-based can
be used for the Elective category or count toward Area Distribution and/or Pre-
Modern, depending on subject matter.
Additional requirements:
A minimum of 3 courses (9 credits) must be at the 3xx or 4xx-level.
All credits must be earned with a grade of "C-" or above (no Pass/Fail option).
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A list of qualifying courses in each category is available from the academic advisor of the
minor and on the MESM’s webpage.
Only one 1xx or 2xx-level or grammar based course in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, or
Turkish may be credited toward the Minor.
At least six credits of 3xx or 4xx-level credit must be taken at
the University of Maryland.
No more than six credits may be taken at an institution other than Maryland.
A maximum of two courses can count towards both the major and the minor.
Courses cannot count towards multiple minors.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Academic advising is available daily on a walk-in basis in the History Undergraduate Advising
Office, 2131C Key Hall. Check the department website for current schedule or contact
[email protected] for more information.
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Juniors and seniors may take up to 6 hours of credit in historically-related internships, of which
three hours may be counted toward the 39 hours in history required for graduation. All
internships must have a direct relationship to the work of understanding, interpreting, presenting
or preserving history and/or historical evidence. Students must have both a site supervisor at the
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place of the internship and a history faculty mentor for their internship project. Student
internships must be approved by the History Department Internship Coordinator. Internships are
generally only open to students who have an overall GPA of 2.5 or better.
Honors Program
The purpose of the Honors Program in History is to allow promising undergraduates to develop
historical and historiographical skills, in an atmosphere that guarantees personal attention and
that encourages hard work and excellence. The Program is a four-semester sequence, the
culmination of which is a senior thesis--a major research paper written under the close
supervision of a faculty mentor. There are two phases to the program: in the junior year, students
are introduced to the problems of history-writing at a sophisticated level, via two seminars on
problems of historiography; in the senior year they complete two supervised courses in the
writing of the senior thesis.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
History majors and other interested students are encouraged to join the History Undergraduate
Association (HUA), which sponsors events such as an annual Film Festival and special seminars
and activities. History majors edit and publish a web-based journal, Janus: The University of
Maryland Undergraduate History Journal, which features student writing relevant to
history. Janus also sponsors an annual conference where undergraduates present their research
and are awarded prizes. The department also hosts the Beta-Omega chapter of Phi Alpha Theta,
the national history honors society. Information on these organizations can be obtained from the
History Undergraduate Office, 2131 Francis Scott Key Hall.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Human Development and Quantitative Methodology (HDQM)
The core mission of the Department of Human Development, Learning and Quantitative
Methodology (HDQM) is to advance knowledge and practice through teaching and research
related to human development and learning, and to quantitative methodologies critical to
measurement, statistics, and evaluation in the educational, behavioral, and social sciences. The
Department offers an undergraduate major in early childhood/early childhood special education,
a minor in human development, and courses in development across the lifespan, learning and
educational psychology, and quantitative methods. For more information about the
undergraduate major and minor programs, see the Human Development/Institute for Child Study
section of the catalog.
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Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education (HDQM)
For more information, see Human Development/Institute for Child Study (HDQM) in Chapter 7
of the Catalog.
Human Development/Institute for Child Study (HDQM)
College of Education
3304 Benjamin Building, 301-405-2827
Chair: K. Mix (Prof & Chair)
Director: A. Battle (Director, Academic Services/Outreach)
Professors: P. Alexander, N. Cabrera, K. Dunbar, N. Fox (Dist Univ Prof), B. Jones Harden, M.
Killen, K. Rubin, M. Wang, K. Wentzel, A. Wigfield
Associate Professors: D. Bolger, E. Klein, R. Marcus, G. Ramani
Assistant Professors: L. Butler, R. Prather
Lecturers: M. Hurley (Lecturer), M. Kitchen (Lecturer), J. Lee-Kim (Lecturer), R. McPherson
(Lecturer), D. Williams (Lecturer), D. Worthy (Lecturer)
Clinical Professor: C. Corbin (Clinical Associate Prof)
Associate Research Professor: E. Cannon (Asst Rsch Prof)
Professors Emeriti: C. Dayton (Prof Emeritus), J. Eliot, C. Flatter, A. Gardner, J. Goering, J.
Guthrie, R. Hardy (Prof Emeritus), A. Hatfield, R. Huebner, R. Lissitz (Prof Emeritus), G.
Macready (Prof Emeritus), R. Mislevy (Prof Emeritus), S. Porges, W. Schafer (Assoc Prof
Emeritus), J. Torney-Purta, B. Tyler
The Major
The Major in Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education
The Human Development program offers a major in Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special
Education (EC/ECSE) (in collaboration with the Department of Counseling, Higher Education
and Special Education) and a minor in Human Development. Faculty in the Human Development
program also teach courses designed for pre-service and in-service teachers in the College of
Education, as well as students from other departments across campus who are seeking an
education minor or who desire to work with children and adolescents in school settings. These
courses focus on child and adolescent development, language acquisition, cognition, motivation,
and reading. In addition, the Human Development program offers undergraduate courses that
help students meet other degree requirements. Courses offered by the Human Development
program may be found under the following acronym: EDHD.
Faculty in Human Development provide undergraduates with research experiences in their
individual laboratories.
The Center for Young Children provides developmentally appropriate education and care for
children aged three through kindergarten. The Center provides research opportunities that
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involve observing children in their classrooms as part of course requirements in various EDHD
undergraduate courses.
Graduates of the Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education (EC/ECSE) program
receive a Bachelor of Science degree and meet the Maryland certification requirements for
teaching early childhood special education (birth through grade three) and early childhood
general education (preschool through grade three).
Program Objectives
The mission of the Early Childhood & Early Childhood Special Education program is to
prepare knowledgeable and skilled teachers who utilize theory, research and pedagogy, to
respectfully and responsively teach and affect the lives of children, with and without
disabilities, who come from culturally diverse and low socioeconomic backgrounds.
Program Learning Outcomes
Program learning outcomes for the Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education
(EC/ECSE) Major are driven by the standards of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC),
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Council for the
Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), as well as the Initial certification requirements of
the Maryland State Department of Education and the UM College of Education Conceptual
1. EC/ECSE teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter that they
teach as described in professional (National Association for the Education of Young
Children – NAEYC; Council for Exceptional Children - CEC), state (MSDE), and
institutional standards. They demonstrate their knowledge through inquiry, critical
analysis, and synthesis of the subject.
2. EC/ECSE teacher candidates can effectively plan classroom-based instruction or
activities for their roles as early childhood educators. Candidates’ knowledge, skills, and
dispositions are applied effectively in practice.
3. EC/ECSE teacher candidates accurately assess and analyze student learning, make
appropriate adjustments to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive
effect on learning for all students.
4. EC/ECSE teacher candidates are able to work with students, families, and
communities in ways that reflect the dispositions expected of professional educators as
delineated in professional (NAEYC and CEC), state (MSDE), and institutional
5. EC/ECSE teacher candidates demonstrate fluency in each of the seven
Maryland Teacher Technology Standards (http://www.mttsonline.org/standards/).
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Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Human Development houses the Center for Children, Relationships and Culture, which provides
research opportunities for undergraduate students. Faculty in Human Development often provide
undergraduates with research experiences in their individual laboratories.
The Center for Young Children provides developmentally appropriate education and care for
children aged three through kindergarten. The Center provides research opportunities that
involve observing children in their classrooms as part of course requirements in various EDHD
undergraduate courses.
The Center for Early Childhood Education and Intervention (CECEI) conducts high-quality
research on early childhood education and early intervention programs in order to inform state
and federal policy, translate research into scalable education programs and best practices, build
capacity in schools and communities, and promote family engagement in their children’s
education. CECEI offers varied research opportunities for undergraduates. To apply, please
submit a cover letter, unofficial transcript, resume, and writing sample to cecei@umd.edu
Admission to the Major
Application to the Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education Professional Teacher
Education Program must be made by May 1, prior to beginning professional courses. Admission
procedures and criteria are explained in the College of Education entry in Chapter Six. The Early
Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education program adheres to the College's professional
education admissions requirements. In addition to the College of Education selective admissions
criteria, EC/ECSE majors must meet the following gateway requirements:
(1) Completion of a four-credit laboratory physical science, a four-credit laboratory biological
science, Elements of Numbers and Operations (MATH212), and Elements of Geometry and
Measurement (MATH213) with a minimum grade of "C-" in each class and a 2.7 cumulative
GPA across all four courses.
(2) Completion of Exploring Teaching in Early Childhood General and Special Education
(EDHD220 or approved equivalent) with a grade of "B-" or better and EDHD210.
For additional details regarding the professional education admission requirements, see Chapter
6. Detailed information regarding the gateway requirements for the EC/ECSE program is
available in the Office of Student Services, Room 1204 Benjamin.
Placement in Courses
The EC/ECSE Program has designated pre-professional courses and a specified sequence of
professional courses. Before teacher candidates may enroll in courses identified as part of the
professional sequence, they must first gain admission to the Early Childhood/Early Childhood
Special Education Program.
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Requirements for the Major
The following courses are required in the program of studies for Early Childhood and may also
satisfy the University's general education requirements. See departmental worksheets and
advisors for additional information.
Introduction to Psychology
Interpreting American History: Beginnings to 1877
Biological Science with Lab
Historical & Philosophical Perspectives on
Education OR
Foundations of Education
Other Pre-Professional Requirements
Elements of Numbers & Operations
Elements of Geometry & Measurement
One of the following:
KNES181, 182, 183, 421, THET120,
EDCI301, ARTT100 or 110, MUED155
Foundations of ECE
Exploring Teaching in ECE
Professional Courses
The Early Childhood (EC)/Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Professional Block I
starts only in the Fall semester and is a prerequisite to Professional Block II which is offered
only in the Spring semester. Following Professional Block II is Professional Block III, which is
taken in the Fall semester of the yearlong teaching internship. A cumulative grade point average
of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to the Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special
Education program. All pre-professional requirements and professional courses must be
completed with a minimum grade of "C-" and must be completed prior to the yearlong
internship. Teacher candidates must obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College of Education
Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards. See advisor for program planning. Additional
information regarding the requirements for the yearlong internship is included in the College of
Education entry in Chapter 6.
Fall Junior Year Courses
EDHD434/EDSP420: Child Development** from Birth to 3 Years (3cr.)
EDHD425: Language Development and Reading Acquisition (3cr.)
EDHD314: Reading in the Early Childhood Classroom (3cr.)
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Spring Junior Year Courses
EDHD431: Child Development & Learning, 3 to 8 Years (3cr.)
EDSP 423: Special Education Assessment and Instruction (3cr.)
EDSP315: Inclusive Instruction: Reading Methods (3cr.)
Track I (Birth - 5 yrs.)
EDSP430: Intervention for Infants & Toddlers with Disabilities (3cr.)
EDSP433: Families and Culture in Early Intervention (Birth to 5 Years) (3cr.)
Track II (PreK - 3rd)
EDHD415: Promoting the Social-Emotional Competence of Young Children in Inclusive
Classrooms (3cr.)
EDHD424: Culture, School & Community: Contexts for Learning (PreK-3rd) (3cr.)
Fall Senior Year Courses
EDSP321: The Young Child as Scientist (3cr.)
EDHD322: The Young Child as Mathematician (3cr.)
EDHD323: Children Study their World (3cr.)
EDSP417: Reading Diagnosis and Assessment (3cr.)
EDHD441: Data Driven Decision Making in EC/ECSE (1 cr.)
EDHD442: Interventions for Children with Behavioral Challenges (1 cr.)
EDHD443: Interventions for Children with Social Communication Challenges (1 cr.)
EDHD444: Action Research in EC/ECSE (1 cr.)
Spring Senior Year Courses
EDHD437: EC/ECSE Teachers as Researchers and Reflective Practitioners (3 cr.)
EDHD432: Internship in EC/ECSE (12 cr.)
Other Requirements for the Major
An overall grade point average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher Education.
All teacher candidates are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College of Education
Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards and to attain qualifying scores for the State of
Maryland on the Praxis I and Praxis II assessments. Praxis I is required for admission, and Praxis
II is required for admission to the final, culminating semester of the yearlong internship and for
graduation. Students must complete five-semesters of field placement, to include the yearlong
internship which takes place in a public Professional Development School (PDS)/collaborating
partner school.
Requirements for the Minor
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The Minor in Human Development
The Human Development Undergraduate Minor provides a rigorous foundation in Human
Development for students who wish to support their major field of study with knowledge of
human growth and development across multiple domains and developmental stages, as well as
knowledge related to principles of teaching and learning and/or who desire active participation in
human development research under the supervision of Human Development faculty in laboratory
settings. Students with a 2.0 minimum grade point average may seek enrollment in the program,
during which they must complete 15-24 credits of coursework. Only courses in which the student
has earned a grade of "C-" or higher will count toward the minor. Students must take EDHD306
and choose other courses from at least two of the other areas of human development study,
including Lifespan, Cognitive and Social. Students who have taken FMSC332 will be required to
choose a course other than EDHD411 from the list of courses available in Area 4: Lifespan.
Students who apply to the Minor and who have taken FMSC302 may substitute that course for
EDHD306. At least nine credits must be at the 300 or 400 level.
Students interested in taking this minor should contact the Office of Student Services in the
College of Education. Please email [email protected] or call 301-405-2364 for more
information or to arrange an advising appointment. The Student Services office is located in
Room 1204, Benjamin.
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Course selections might include three credits of EDHD319 (Selected Topics in HD), EDHD386
(Experiential Learning), or EDHD498 (Special Problems in Education). These courses involve
directed study with a faculty advisor.
*EDHD306 cannot be excluded from any course plan. It is required for all EDHD minors.
General Education Designations: History and Social Science (EDHD 201, 221, 230, 231, 320,
400, 411, 413, 440, & 460); Analytical Reasoning (EDHD306, EDMS451); Understanding
Plural Societies (EDHD230); I-Series (EDHD 221, EDHD 231).
CORE Designations: EDHD230, HONR219Y, HONR228R
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Advising is mandatory for all undergraduates desiring acceptance into the Early Childhood/Early
Childhood Special Education Teacher Education Program. For more information or to schedule
an advising appointment, contact the Office of Student Services at 301-405-2364.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
There are a variety of opportunities for undergraduate students to participate in research in
Human Development. Faculty's research focuses on a wide number of topics pertaining to human
development and learning.
Fieldwork Opportunities
An integral component of the Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education program at
the University of Maryland is a series of field placements (N=5) of increasing
complexity/responsibility that serve to complement university coursework. Field placements
contribute to the programmatic mission of preparing knowledgeable, skilled and reflective
practitioners who base their practice on theory, research, and pedagogy appropriate for the
developing child. Interns observe, interact and teach children ages 0 (6 weeks per child care
licensing) to 8 in authentic settings.
The first of these field placements typically occurs in the sophomore year (and occasionally
during spring of the freshman year) and is associated with a course entitled EDHD220,
Exploring Teaching in Early Childhood/ Early Childhood Special Education. Early
childhood/Early Childhood Special Education candidates experience a semester-long practicum
(one half day per week) with both preschool and school age children.
During fall of the junior year, the practicum is linked to EDSP420 Human Development and
Learning in School Settings: Infants-Toddlers. Candidates complete selected observations of
infants in child care centers, family childcare centers and community-based institutions that care
for infants. These observations are followed by an eight-week placement in a child care setting in
which candidates observe and interact with toddlers. The culminating early field placement
begins in the spring semester of the junior year. Candidates experience a semester-long
placement with three, four or five year olds in a Head Start or pre-kindergarten classroom. The
candidates spend six hours per week in the classroom plus a full week of half days.
The capstone experience for the program is a yearlong internship in a public Professional
Development School (PDS), which is a Title I school with large populations of students of color,
English Language Learners and those who receive free and reduced meals. The internship is
divided into two phases, approximately 110 days over the course of two consecutive semesters.
For more details, contact the Early Childhood Education program advisor at 301-405-2364.
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Honors Program
Human Development offers two University Honors seminars:
HONR219Y: Merging the Multiple Me's: The Developmental Origins of the Integrated Young
Adult Self
HONR228R: Parenting and Poverty: The Effects of Growing Up Poor on Children's
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The department offers the Marie Davidson scholarship to two undergraduate EC/ECSE majors
each year. The department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education offers the
Abbey scholarship to one undergraduate in EC/ECSE each year. In addition, the College of
Education offers a number of other scholarships. Please
visit www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo/scholarships.html for more information.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education majors are eligible for the Ordwein
Scholarship, the Abbey Scholarship and the Marie Davidson Award. Information is available in
the Office of Student Services, Room 1204 Benjamin.
College of Education
3304 Benjamin Building, 301-405-2827
Chair: K. Mix (Prof & Chair)
Professors: G. Hancock
Associate Professors: J. Harring, H. Jiao, L. Stapleton
Assistant Professors: T. Sweet, J. Yang
Adjunct Associate Professors: K. Alvestad
Professors Emeriti: C. Dayton, R. Lissitz, G. Macready, R. Mislevy, W. Schafer
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The Major
For Advanced Undergraduates
Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation in the College of Education offers a 5th Year MA
program for undergraduates interested in quantitative methods. The purpose of this program is to
allow highly motivated undergraduates the opportunity to develop their skills in quantitative
methods. Students complete a BA (or BS) in their chosen major area along with an MA in
Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation in just five years. Courses offered by this unit may be
found under the following acronym: EDMS.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Individual Studies Program
2407 Marie Mount Hall, 301-314-0023
Director: Dr. Joan Burton
The Individual Studies Program (IVSP) enables UM students to design their own
interdisciplinary majors, subject to a proposal process, when their educational goals cannot be
reasonably achieved within an existing departmental curriculum. The Individual Studies Program
leads to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. IVSP degree programs focus on
academic and intellectual growth through interdisciplinary study. Individually created student
majors have recently included such titles as International Relations and East Asia, Global Health,
3D Environment Modeling and Design, Environmental Sustainability, Education and Social
Change in Latin America, Healthcare Management for Diverse Communities, Global
Development, Middle Eastern Studies, Asian American Policy and Advocacy, Women's Health,
Digital Media in Society, and Urban Policy Studies.
For more information, see Office of Undergraduate Studies section in Chapter 6.
International Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
0108 Symons Hall, 301-405-2078
The Certificate in International Agriculture and Natural Resources is designed to enrich a
student's major with a global perspective. The required courses focus on: language instruction;
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international aspects of the environment, agricultural production, development and sustainability,
nutrition, and business; an experience abroad; and a capstone course regarding the student's
travel abroad. Any student in good academic standing may participate in the certificate program.
Requirements for Certificate
The certificate requires 19-21 credits that may include courses taken toward other degree and
general education requirements. Upon successful completion of the courses, with a grade of "C-"
or better in each course and a recommendation of the Associate Dean of the College of
Agriculture and Natural Resources, a certificate will be awarded. A notation of the award of the
certificate will be included on the student's transcript. In order to receive the certificate, students
must have completed all requirements for a bachelor's degree. Beginning with students
matriculating in Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate degree, students must have a minimum
C (2.0) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy undergraduate
certificate requirements.
Foreign Language
6-8 credits in a foreign language
International Courses
At least 9 credits from the following list of courses, at least 3 of these courses must be in the
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for students not majoring in a program outside of
the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources:
ENST100 International Crop Production
ENST440 Crops, Soils, and Civilization
AREC365 World Hunger, Population, and Food Supplies
AREC433 Food and Agricultural Policy
BMGT392 Introduction to International Business Management
BMGT390 Competing on Quality in a Global Economy
BSCI365 International Pesticide Problems and Solutions
GEOG434 Agriculture and Rural Development
NFSC425 International Nutrition
AREC445 Agricultural Development, Population Growth, and the Environment
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ECON440 International Economics
GVPT306 Global Ecopolitics
GEOG422 Population Geography
Travel Study or Travel Abroad
Three to four credits of travel study or study abroad. Prerequisite: to have completed the foreign
language course work. Prerequisite or co-requisite: six credits from the International Courses
List. In order to qualify for the certificate, travel study and study abroad experiences require
prior approval of Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. For
approval, travel experience must demonstrate significant learning opportunities in areas related
to agriculture and natural resources and cultural immersion.
Travel Study Seminar
1 credit Travel Study Seminar. Prerequisite: completion of the travel study requirement.
This course will require student presentation of their travel experience including a paper, a poster
presentation, as well as an oral presentation and discussion.
Information Science (INFO)
College of Information Studies
4105 Hornbake Building, South Wing, 301-405-2038
Director: V. Diker (Undergraduate Program Director), N. Parker (Asst Dir, Assoc Dir), L. Sarin
(Director of Academic Programs)
Professors: J. Bertot (Prof, Prof & Assoc Prov, Lecturer), B. Butler (Prof And Dean, Prof), A.
Druin (Affiliate Prof, Prof), P. Jaeger (Prof), R. Marciano (Prof, Affiliate Prof), K. Marzullo
(Dean, Visit Prof), D. Oard (Prof, Affiliate Prof), J. Preece (Prof)
Associate Professors: N. Elmqvist (Assoc Prof, Affil Assoc Prof), J. Golbeck (Assoc Prof, Affil
Assoc Prof), K. Kraus (Assoc Prof), K. Shilton (Asst Prof), M. Subramaniam (Assoc Prof), P.
Wang (Assoc Prof)
Assistant Professors: T. Clegg (Asst Prof), L. Findlater (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof), V. Frias-
Martinez (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof), R. Punzalan (Asst Prof), B. St Jean (Asst Prof), Y. Tausczik
(Asst Prof), J. Vitak (Asst Prof, Lecturer), A. Wiggins (Asst Prof)
Senior Lecturer: V. Diker (Senior Lecturer, Lecturer)
Lecturers: U. Gorham-Oscilowski (Lecturer), K. Heger (Lecturer), K. Lawley (Lecturer), K.
Weaver (Lecturer), S. Winter (Lecturer)
Affiliate Professors: B. Bederson (Prof, Prof & Assoc Prov), B. Shneiderman (Affiliate Prof,
Dist Univ Prof)
Affiliate Associate Professors: M. Kirschenbaum (Assoc Dir, Assoc Prof, Affil Assoc Prof), K.
Norman (Assoc Prof)
593 | Page
Affiliate Assistant Professors: N. Diakopoulos (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof)
Professors Emeriti: J. Liesener (Prof Emeritus), C. Lowry (Prof Emeritus), M. Neuman (Assoc
Prof Emerita), A. Prentice (Prof Emerita), D. Soergel (Prof Emeritus), M. White (Assoc Prof
Visiting Faculty: M. Kurtz (Adjunct Prof), T. Srikantaiah (Visit Prof)
The Major
The field of information science, particularly in an iSchool, is a field concerned with the
intersections of information, people and technology. Information science is an interdisciplinary
field, drawing from other areas of study such as computer science, management, social science,
education and the humanities, but with a focus on individual and institutional users of
information and their information needs. Information Science students gain the knowledge and
the skills for creating information systems, resources, and services that help address society’s
pressing needs in a variety of contexts and in a variety of private and public sector positions,
ranging from financial services to healthcare, from information technology to consulting, from
education to cultural institutions.
Undergraduate courses offered by this college may be found under the acronym: INST
Program Objectives
InfoSci students gain the knowledge and the skills for creating information systems, resources,
and services that help address society’s greatest needs. Through coursework, internships,
extracurricular projects, and networking, InfoSci students build careers that will place them in
leadership roles in information management, information technology, user-centered design, and
data analytics.
Program Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this program, students will be able to:
1) Demonstrate an understanding of information design and management: the interrelationships
among information consumers or creators, information content, and the conduits through which
information flows.
2) Apply basic principles to the design, development and management of information to meet the
needs of diverse users.
3) Assess the impact of existing or emerging technologies on information practices and the flow
of information.
4) Employ state-of-the-art tools and techniques to create, manage, and analyze information.
5) Demonstrate an understanding of critical issues including the security, privacy, authenticity,
and integrity of information.
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Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The iSchool is home to a number of research centers and labs:
Trace Center
The Trace Center’s purpose is to apply engineering, computer science, disability studies, public
policy, and information science to prevent the barriers to, and capitalize on the opportunities
presented by, current and emerging information and communication technologies. Our vision is
of a world that is accessible and usable by people of all ages and all abilities each experiencing
ICT in a way they can understand and use. Founded in 1971, Trace has been a pioneer known for
high-impact research and development, including access features implemented in computer
operating systems, leadership in development of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and
many other accessibility standards, and techniques used to increase the accessibility of self-
service kiosks in post offices, train stations, and airports. Trace is currently a leader in the
development and large-scale deployment of a Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure that
combines cloud computing, web, and platform services to make online information and services
available for people facing accessibility barriers.
The Center for the Advanced Study of Communities and Information (CASCI) is a
multidisciplinary research network, based at University of Maryland. CASCI exists to facilitate
research and education that advances our understanding of the technology, information, and
organization approaches needed to realize the potential of 21st century communities to support
learning, facilitate innovation, transform science and scholarship, promote economic
development, and enhance individual and civic well-being.
The Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC) was founded to lead research and education
in digital curation and foster interdisciplinary partnerships using Big Records and archival
analytics through public / industry / government partnerships. DCIC sponsors interdisciplinary
projects that explore the integration of archival research data, user-contributed data, and
technology to generate new forms of analysis and historical research.
The Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) transforms the experience people have with
new technologies. From understanding user needs to developing and evaluating the technologies
that support users’ needs, the lab’s faculty, staff, and students have been leading the way in HCI
research and teaching for over 30 years. It is critical to understand how the needs and dreams of
people can be reflected in future technologies. To this end, the HCIL develops advanced user
interfaces and design methodology. The primary activities include collaborative research,
publication and the sponsorship of seminars and brown bag talks, workshops and an annual
symposium. The HCIL, though referred to as a lab, is actually a research center that is jointly
administered by the iSchool and UMIACS, and has multiple labs, faculty, and students
associated with it.
The Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC) is a response to the pressing need for
research on the processes, practices, policies, and social issues that govern access to information
in our increasingly digital information society. The iPAC is committed to studying what policies
and/or technologies lead to equitable and inclusive information access, a digitally-ready
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population, an informed and engaged public, access to Internet-enabled resources and
technologies, or preservation of the cultural record, among key examples.
Admission to the Major
Students who are accepted to the university and list Information Science as the preferred major
will start directly in our program. Students who wish to declare Information Science as a major
must complete the change of major process. Please visit infosci.umd.edu or send an email
inquiry to [email protected] for details.
Requirements for the Major
Students must earn a "C-" or better in all major requirements and an overall average of 2.0.
MATH115 (3) Pre-Calculus (or higher)
PSYC100 (3) Introduction to Psychology
STAT100 (3) Elementary Statistics and Probability
INST 201 (3) Heroes and Villains in the Age of Information (formerly INST 301))
Introduction to Programming for non-CS Majors (3-4) (Several courses exist which fulfill this
requirement, including but not limited to INST 206 - Introduction to Programming for
Information Science, CMSC 106 - Introduction to C Programming, and CMSC 122 -
Introduction to Computer Programming Via the Web. Please check with your advisor to make
sure that a particular course fulfills this requirement before registering.)
Major Core Requirements
Students must complete the following ten core courses.
INST201 (3) Heroes and Villains in the Age of Information (formerly INST301)
INST302 (3) Information User Needs and Assessment
INST303 (3) Information Organization
INST304 (3) Statistics for Information Science
INST305 (3) User-Centered Design
INST306 (3) Object-Oriented Programming for Information Science
INST307 (3) Database Design and Modeling
INST312 (3) Teams and Organizations
Technologies, Infrastructure and Architecture (3)
Integrative Capstone (3)
Major Elective Requirements
Students must complete at least 15 credits of INST-coded major electives. Check Testudo for
currently available INST elective courses.
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Data Science Specialization
The following five courses make up the Data Science Specialization. By taking these five
courses as a set, student will fulfill both the Data Science Specialization requirements, and the
15-credit major elective requirement.
Dynamic Web Applications (3)
Decision Making for Information Science (3)
Data Visualization (3)
Data Sources and Manipulation (3)
Advanced Data Science (3)
Advisors will help you make informed decisions and feel confident about your plans, which will
assist you in meeting your program goals. An academic advising relationship is a partnership
between you and your advisor. Your advisor will assist in helping you understand your degree
requirements and your options, but you make the decisions, you are in charge of your education!
Advising is mandatory for all Information Science (InfoSci) students. Each semester prior to
registration, current InfoSci students are required to meet with the advisor to review courses
taken and identify courses students plan to take. This review will ensure students are progressing
through the major in a satisfactory manner. Be sure to schedule regular advising meetings and
make sure you are on track to meet your academic and professional goals.
Please view additional advising resources and information here: https://ischool.umd.edu/infosci-
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Opportunities for undergraduate research experience in the iSchool's research centers become
available from time to time. Participation in an on- or off-campus internship, co-op, or other
experiential learning opportunity is strongly encouraged. See the Information Science program
staff for information on performing research in an iSchool center or lab and contact the Campus
Career Services office for assistance in obtaining off-campus positions or experiences. The
program also distributes internship opportunities on Twitter @InfoSciUMD.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete at least one internship during their course of study.
The iSchool hosts an internship and networking fair each year to help students find internship
sites. Students should also consult the Career Center for additional internship opportunities.
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Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The iSchool offers the following awards: Beyond these Walls Student Travel Awards provides
financial support to allow students from any program at the College of Information Studies to
attend local and national conferences, present research, and gain experience and exposure to
professionals in our field; the iSchool Alumni Chapter Scholarship is awarded annually to an
iSchool student with demonstrated need pursuing any degree program at the College; the Mary
Edsall Choquette Study Abroad Award provides financial support to enable a student who is
currently enrolled in any program at the College of Information Studies to participate in one of
the iSchool's study abroad opportunities; the Dean’s Award for an Outstanding iSchool Project is
presented to an iSchool student for an outstanding design or development project completed for
an iSchool course; the Laurence B. Heilprin Award is presented to an iSchool student or a group
of students (which includes at least one iSchool student) for an outstanding paper on a topic in
library and information science which has been written for an iSchool course.
Information Systems: Specialization Business
For information, see Decision, Operations, and Information Technologies elsewhere in Chapter
International Business
For information see Logistics, Business and Public Policy.
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Italian Studies (ITAL)
College of Arts and Humanities
3106 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Associate Professors: J. Falvo
Assistant Professors: M. Resmini
Senior Lecturer: S. Amodeo (Distinguished Senior Lecturer), F. Deigan
Professors Emeriti: C. Russell
The Major
The language of Italy has long been known as the language of culture. Italian is the language of
art, of music, and of poetry. It is also the language of a wealthy, modern industrialized nation
now playing an active role in a new United Europe. It is the intent of the Italian program (ITAL)
to bring its students to a linguistic and cultural level of understanding, so that they are able to
participate actively in on-going events, both cultural and technological, in this dynamic country.
The Italian program offers a range of courses well suited not only for students who are preparing
themselves for graduate study, research or other professional development in the field of the
humanities, but also for those who are specifically seeking a teaching career in education.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to communicate effectively in writing in Italian; express knowledge of
Italian culture and society orally at intermediate level according to ACTFL Standard scale, and
summarize; understand and interpret written texts in a variety of genres and topics.
Placement in Courses
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for Italian Major: 39 credits
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Italian language through intermediate level (ITAL203 or
I. Major Core Requirements (18 credits)
Review Grammar and Composition
Reading and Writing in Italian
Intermediate Oral Communication
Italian Composition
Advanced Oral Expression: Current Events
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Advanced Composition and Style
II. Additional Requirements (9 credits)
A. One additional course at the 2xx level in literature or culture; choose one from the following:
Introduction to Italian Literature
Cuisine, Culture and Society in Italy Yesterday and Today
B. Two additional courses at the 3xx level in literature or culture; choose two from the
Survey of Italian Literature I: From the Middle Ages to
Survey of Italian Literature II: From the Renaissance to the Present
Italian Society and Culture: From Fascism to the 1970's
Italian Society and Culture: From the 1970's to the Present
III. Three courses at the 4xx level (12 credits)
N.B. For each course at the 4xx level, Italian majors must register for a 1-credit colloquium
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Study Abroad
For information on study abroad programs see the program advisor and/or the Education Abroad
website www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Requirements for the Minor
Italian Language and Culture
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The minor in Italian Language and Culture is an official recognition that a student has reached a
certain level of proficiency in the target language. The minor will serve as a validation to
potential employers of the student's proficiency in Italian.
18 credits are required for this minor:
Prerequisite: Successful completion of ITAL203 Intensive Intermediate Italian
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Minor Requirements
ITAL204 Review Grammar and Composition
ITAL207 Reading and Writing in Italian
ITAL211 Intermediate Conversation
ITAL301 Italian Composition and Style
ITAL311 Italian Conversation: Current Events
One additional course taught in Italian at the 3xx or 4xx level
All courses must be taught in Italian
A maximum of six (6) credits can be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions, with the exception of the Study Abroad Program in Italy, which allows the
transfer of nine (9) credits.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
Students who begin their study as native/fluent speakers should seek the advice of the
Italian advisor before choosing the courses they will use to replace the core minor
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Advisor: Dr. Giuseppe Falvo [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information, see the SLLC
website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
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Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies (LGBT)
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
The Department of Women's Studies offers an interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate and a
minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (LGBT). These are designed to
examine the lives, experiences, identities and representations of LGBT persons, those who are
today described as having a minority sexual orientation or who are gender transgressive.
The Novak Family TerpStart Endowed Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student
participating in the department's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Program. For
information and requirements, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies (301-405-7710).
For more information, see Minors or Certificate Programs in Departments, Majors, Programs.
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Japanese (JAPN)
College of Arts and Humanities
2106 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Professors: S. Ramsey
Associate Professors: M. Mason, L. Yotsukura
Senior Lecturer: K. Akikawa, M. Inoue, E. Yamakita
Lecturers: R. Del Greco
The Major
The Japanese major provides the training and cultural background needed for entering East Asia-
related careers in such fields as higher education, the arts, business, government, international
relations, and the media. Students may also consider a double major in Japanese and another
discipline, such as business, international relations, economics, or journalism. After completing
the prerequisite of one year of language (12 credits - JAPN101 Elementary Japanese I, six hours
per week, fall; and JAPN102 Elementary Japanese II, six hours per week, spring), students must
complete 42 credits for the major course requirements (24 language, 6 civilization/history, 12
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to ask and answer questions (including requests) about a range of everyday
topics, using passable grammar, vocabulary, and speech style(s) appropriate to specific social
contexts. They will also be able to use a Kanji-English dictionary and a Japanese-English
dictionary (either electronic or hard copy) in order to look up readings of Chinese characters and
English meanings. Finally, they will also demonstrate strong skills in interpreting a variety of
literary, cultural, and historical texts and indicate a nuanced and deep understanding of the
diversity of Japanese literature(s) and culture(s).
Placement in Courses
Requirements for the Major
Students must take language-acquisition courses sequentially. Once credit has been received in a
higher level language acquisition or grammar course, a lower level course may not be taken for
Language Requirements:
Intermediate Japanese I
Intermediate Japanese II
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Advanced Japanese I
Advanced Japanese II
Civilization/History Requirements:
Option I:
East Asian Civilization I
History of Japan Since 1800
Option II:
East Asian Civilization II
History of Japan to 1800
Japanese Literature (3xx-level or above)
Japanese Linguistics (3xx-level or above)
Japanese Electives (3xx-level or above)
Note: Electives must be in Japanese language, literature, linguistics, or other East Asian subjects
(one must be in the area of Japanese linguistics and one in the area of Japanese literature), and
are subject to approval by the student's advisor. Courses that fulfill the literature requirement for
the major include JAPN317, 414, 415, 416, 418 and 498. Courses that fulfill the linguistics
requirement for the major include JAPN421, 422, 428, and 438. Courses that fulfill general
elective requirements are JAPN 401, 402, 407, 411, and EALL300. Additionally, pertinent
courses at the 3xx or 4xx level in History and Art History can apply toward the general elective
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Study Abroad
For information on study abroad programs see the program advisor and/or the Education Abroad
website www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Requirements for the Minor
School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
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This 15-credit minor is designed to provide a concentration in Japanese language and an
introduction to the academic fields of Japanese literature and linguistics. Additionally, the minor
will allow Japanese heritage speakers the opportunity to engage in language study for special
purposes (such as Business Japanese, Diplomatic Translation, or Classical Japanese) as well as in
the study of Japanese linguistics and literature.
Requirements for the 15 credit minor in Japanese include:
A. 6 credits of Japanese language courses, selected from the following list, with placement based
on the student's language proficiency: JAPN202(6), JAPN301(6), JAPN302(6), JAPN401(3),
JAPN402(3), JAPN403(3), JAPN404(3), JAPN405(3), JAPN406(3), JAPN411(3), JAPN412(3),
JAPN499 (3)
B. One 3 credit course focusing on Japanese linguistics selected from the following list:
JAPN421, JAPN422, JAPN428, JAPN438
C. One 3 credit course focusing on Japanese literature selected from the following list: JAPN217,
JAPN298, JAPN317, JAPN414, JAPN415, JAPN416, JAPN418, JAPN498
D. An additional 3 credits from one of the three lists above.
At least nine of the fifteen hours must be at the 3xx or 4xx level.
Students must receive a "C-" or better in all courses used for the minor.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
No more than 6 of the 15 credits toward the minor may be taken at an institution other
than UMCP.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Advisor: Ms. Makiko Inoue [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
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Annual Language Career and Internship Fair
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information see the SLLC website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Individual SLLC departments hold annual induction ceremonies for students who are eligible for
honor society membership.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Jewish Studies (JWST)
College of Arts and Humanities
4141 Susquehanna Hall, 301-405-4975
Director: C. Manekin (PHIL)
Professors: H. Lapin (HIST/JWST), C. Manekin (PHIL), Y. Peri (JWST), M. Rozenblit (HIST)
Associate Professors: B. Cooperman (HIST), M. Grossman (JWST), S. Jelen (ENGL/JWST), R.
Manekin (JWST), E. Zakim (SLLC)
Assistant Professors: S. Hazkani (JWST), M. Suriano (JWST)
Affiliate Professors: J. Glass, J. Herf (Dist Univ Prof), R. Igel, A. Karamustafa, F. Keshavarz-
Karamustafa, S. Selden, S. Sosnowski, S. Telhami, M. Zilfi
Affiliate Associate Professors: A. Borrut, L. Felbain, J. Freidenberg, S. Khamis, G. Strauch, P.
Adjunct Assistant Professors: A. Mahalel (JWST)
Associate Clinical Professor: A. Feuer (JWST)
Associate Research Professor: P. Scham (JWST)
Professors Emeriti: A. Berlin (Emerita)
Visiting Faculty: P. Peri (JWST)
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The Major
The Major in Jewish Studies provides undergraduates with a framework for the organized and
interdisciplinary study of the history, philosophy, and literature of the Jews from antiquity to the
present. Jewish Studies draws on a vast literature in a number of languages, especially Hebrew
and Aramaic, and includes the Bible, the Talmud, and medieval and modern Hebrew literature.
Yiddish language and literature compose an important sub-field. Courses offered by this
department may be found under the following acronym(s): JWST, HEBR, ISRL, and RELS.
Program Objectives
The Meyerhoff Center and Program for Jewish Studies encourages research and provides
instruction about the rich history and culture of the Jewish people from earliest times to the
present day. Dedicated to the highest standards of scholarship, the program offers a wide array of
courses in Hebrew Language and Literature, Jewish History, Bible, Rabbinics, Jewish
Philosophy, and Yiddish Language and Literature. These courses form one of the largest
undergraduate Jewish Studies programs in North America. In addition, the Jewish Studies
program supports faculty research projects and organizes frequent academic conferences and
lectures in order to bring the fruits of scholarship to a wider public. The Jewish Studies Program
seeks to provide undergraduate majors with an appreciation for the interdisciplinary nature of
Jewish Studies, understanding that Jewish literary texts, Jewish history, and Jewish culture and
thought are, to a large degree, inseparable. Students are expected to master the Hebrew language
and acquire facility in reading, understanding, analyzing, and interpreting texts both in Hebrew
and in English translation. In addition, students should be able to pursue independent research
and to argue coherently and persuasively in writing.
Program Learning Outcomes
The Jewish Studies Program seeks to provide undergraduate majors with an appreciation for the
interdisciplinary nature of Jewish Studies (understanding that Jewish literary texts, Jewish
history, and Jewish culture and thought are to a large degree inseparable). Students who
complete the major should acquire the following knowledge and skills:
1. Mastery of modern Hebrew at the advanced level;
2. Mastery of the chronological development and major themes of Jewish history and
3. Ability to read, analyze, and interpret texts in classical (biblical, rabbinic, medieval),
and/or modern literary Hebrew; and
4. Ability to conduct independent research and analysis and represent their results in written
form, showing mastery of academic tools and formal conventions.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Study Abroad
The Jewish Studies program encourages students to study internationally. In addition to
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programs run by the University, students study at academic programs in Israel, Europe, and
elsewhere. In particular, majors studying in Israel gain the opportunity to improve their Hebrew
language skills by taking ulpan, the intensive course in Hebrew offered at those universities, and
by practicing their Hebrew with Israelis. In addition, students can take courses in Israeli society
and politics, Middle East Studies, and other courses not usually offered at College Park.
Scholarship funds are available to majors and non-majors. Please see the section
on "Scholarships and Financial Assistance" for more information.
The Library
The Jewish Studies program has a large and growing Judaica collection at the University of
Maryland Libraries that aims to become a major resource and repository for the entire area. The
collection includes materials in Jewish history, Hebrew and Yiddish literature, the Bible,
Talmud, medieval philosophy, Jewish women, theater, the Holocaust, and modern Israel. In
addition to scholarly books and periodicals written in the English, German, Hebrew, Yiddish,
Ladino, Arabic, French, Italian, and Slavic languages, the collection includes rare books, musical
scores, video and audio recordings, facsimile copies of historical documents, and
manuscripts. Students may work with Dr. Yelena Luckert, the Judaica Librarian, on their
projects and assignments.
Israel Studies
The Joseph and Alma Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies offers a wide array of lectures,
programs, courses, and study abroad opportunities, as well as an academic minor. Jewish Studies
majors and minors, as well as other students in the university, can benefit from these programs.
Religious Studies
The Minor in Religious Studies is an 18-credit course of study that provides students with the
opportunity to learn about religion in cross-cultural and trans-historical perspectives. A core
course introduces students to the study of world religions, while other courses range widely in
their focus, allowing students to learn more about sacred texts, traditions, practices, philosophies,
and material culture. Courses may focus on a single religious tradition, a region or period of
history, or a concentrated approach to the analysis of religion and religious culture. Courses for
the minor are drawn from such departments and programs as Anthropology, Art History and
Archaeology, Classics, Government and Politics, History, Honors, Jewish Studies, Philosophy,
and Women's Studies.
Admission to the Major
Hebrew proficiency through Intermediate Hebrew I is a prerequisite for the major, but students
can declare the major prior to fulfilling this prerequisite and can take Jewish Studies courses
while building their Hebrew skills. Many students may choose to prepare for the Hebrew
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requirement by studying Hebrew on their own or by enrolling in the University's sequence of
beginning and intermediate Hebrew courses.
Placement in Courses
The Foreign Language Placement Assessment in Hebrew is used to determine in which Hebrew
course students should enroll. For more information, contact [email protected].
Requirements for the Major
The undergraduate major requires 48 semester hours (27 hours minimum at the 3xx-level or
above). Students enroll in 39 credits of Jewish Studies courses, and 9 additional credits from a
field or fields outside of Jewish Studies. Jewish Studies courses for the major may include
courses offered by Jewish Studies or cross-listed with other units.
By satisfying the Hebrew language requirements of the major, Jewish Studies majors will fulfill
the Global Engagement Requirement of the College of Arts and Humanities. A minimum "C-" is
required in all courses offered toward major requirements. An overall GPA of 2.0 or greater in
the major is required for graduation.
1. Language Prerequisites
Please Note: Students can declare the major at any time and take other Jewish Studies courses
while they are working to satisfy these prerequisites.
Hebrew language skills corresponding to the second-year level (HEBR211: Intermediate
Hebrew I or the equivalent)
Students may meet the prerequisite through successful completion of the lower-level sequence
(HEBR 111, 112, and 211, or the equivalent). Students with a background in Hebrew will be
placed into the appropriate course by the Hebrew faculty. Students with a strong background
may be deemed to have satisfied the Hebrew prerequisites by the Hebrew faculty.
2. General Requirements (18-21 credits)
Majors in Jewish Studies complete three core courses and fulfill an additional four requirements
for a total of 19 to 22 credits in General Requirements (credit hours for Hebrew language are
flexible, as discussed below).
A. History (3 Credits)
JWST 233: Why the Jews? Historical and Cultural Investigations
B. Literature (3 Credits)
JWST 272: Introduction to Jewish Literature
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C. Thought, Religion or Culture (3 Credits)
Students may choose from:
JWST 250: Fundamental Concepts of Judaism
JWST 262: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
JWST 304: Critical Approaches to Israeli Culture
JWST 452: Golden Age of Jewish Philosophy
JWST 491: Judaism and the Construction of Gender
JWST 492: Sex, Gender, and Jewish Identity
Others by petition
D. Hebrew Language (3-6 Credits)
HEBR 212 (6 credits) or HEBR313 (3 credits) or a 3xx or 4xx-level course that is taught
in Hebrew.
E. Hebrew Text course (3 Credits)
Any course in which texts are read in Hebrew. Students who have a sufficient
background in other Jewish languages (such as Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic, and Yiddish)
may fulfill the text course requirement through one of these courses.
F. Research Seminar (3 Credits)
Research seminars are taught on a variety of topics within the field of Jewish Studies;
seminars are general and methodological in their perspective, designed to bring together
interests across a variety of subfields of Jewish Studies. Whenever possible, students
should take a research seminar that aligns with their chosen area of specialization (see
JWST 409: Research Seminar in Jewish Studies
3. Area of Specialization/Tracks (15 credits)
In consultation with an advisor, majors select an area of specialization in addition to their general
Jewish Studies coursework. Up to six credits of this area of specialization may be at the 1xx or
2xx-level or 3xx or 4xx-level, while the remaining nine credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx-level or
above. Approved specializations include:
Jewish History and Society (JH)
Jewish Religion and Thought (JR)
Jewish Literature and Culture (JL)
Israeli Society, Politics, and Culture (IS)
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Hebrew Language and Texts (HL)
All Jewish Studies courses fall into at least one (and as many as three) of these areas of
specializations. Students may petition to have courses count toward a particular area of
4. Electives (6 credits)
Students take two Jewish Studies courses (6 credits) as electives toward their major. 3 credits
must be at the 3xx or 4xx-level.
5. Supporting Courses (9 credits)
Students take nine (9) credits in courses outside Jewish Studies, of which at least six (6) credits
must be at the 3xx-level or above. Supporting courses are determined in consultation with the
advisor. They should provide context for the area of specialization.
Note: A current listing of the Department's courses and assignment of courses to the above
categories may be found on the Jewish Studies website. Students are reminded that, if there is a
topic that doesn’t figure in the list of courses, they are welcome to propose an independent study.
Mentoring: Students majoring in Jewish Studies will be assigned a faculty mentor from among
the faculty specializing in their area of specialization. Students should consult with their faculty
mentor as they plan their course of study.
Requirements for the Minor
Minor in Jewish Studies
The Minor in Jewish Studies offers a broad overview of the principal aspects of Jewish Studies
as a field. Students are encouraged to take courses in a variety of areas through a combination of
required fields and general electives.
Requirements: 15 credits towards the Minor in Jewish Studies are to be distributed as follows:
(3 credits)
(3 credits)
Thought, Religion, or Culture
(3 credits)
(6 credits)
A minimum of 9 credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx-level.
All credits must be earned with a grade of "C-" or above.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A list of qualifying courses in each category is available from the Director of the Jewish
Studies program.
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Up to 3 credits of 1xx or 2xx-level Hebrew or Yiddish language study may be credited
toward the minor. In exceptional cases, students may petition to have other languages
Students enrolled in the Jewish Studies Major are not eligible to enroll in the minor.
At least six credits of 3xx or 4xx-level credit must be taken at the University of
No more than six credits may be taken at an institution other than Maryland.
In keeping with university policy, no more than six credits may also be applied to a
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
Minor in Religious Studies
Religious Studies is an interdisciplinary field that enables students to study the texts, culture,
history, beliefs, and practices of the religions of the world, present and past. The minor in
Religious Studies draws from a wide range of departments and programs (including
Anthropology, Art History, Classics, English, History, Jewish Studies, and Philosophy) and
offers the opportunity for both in-depth and wide-ranging study. A required core course,
RELS216, introduces students to religions of the world and to the academic study of religion (In
place of this course, students may take RELS289). In addition to this course, students are
required to take three courses at the 3xx or 4xx-level and another two at the 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, or
4xx-level. Completion of coursework includes fulfillment of a breadth requirement, which
demonstrates that students have been exposed to a variety of religious traditions, periods, and
geographic regions. Selection of courses in consultation with the advisor will ensure that students
complete this breadth requirement.
Many courses are now offered with the RELS prefix. Other regularly-offered courses that may
be counted toward the minor are: ARTH200, ARTH201, ARTH250, ARTH290, ARTH314,
ARTH376, CHIN316, CLAS170, CLAS470, ENGL262, ENGL263, ENGL277, ENGL477,
GERM283, GERM287, HIST111, HIST120, HIST282, HIST284, HIST306, HIST332,
HIST480, PHIL236, and many courses in JWST and HONR. Other courses may be taken with
the permission of the minor advisor.
RELS216 or RELS289I: Introduction to the Study of World Religions.
Three courses at the 3xx-level or above. These courses can be in any of a variety of
subjects, chosen in consultation with an advisor. See Breadth requirement below.
Two additional courses at the 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, or 4xx-level. Chosen in consultation with an
advisor. See Breadth requirement.
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Breadth requirement
The breadth requirement ensures that students are exposed to a diversity of religious phenomena.
Most Religious Studies students will complete this requirement simply by selecting from the
wide variety of courses available to them. Students with particular interests (in a single approach,
like Art History, or a single setting, like contemporary North America) will need to take at least
one course that falls outside their particular focus of interest. Students will need to demonstrate:
A. Exposure to a diversity of religious traditions (understood to include African religions,
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, among others) in coursework that
extends beyond a single geographic area (such as the Americas, Asia, or the Mediterranean
B. Exposure to diverse temporal periods (including antiquity, the medieval and early modern
periods, and modernity).
C. Experience of multiple approaches to religious phenomena or the study of religion (for
example, art history, philosophy, historical approaches, and comparative methods).
D. Depth: At least one course must incorporate the focused study of a single religious tradition or
cluster of traditions (see item A for traditions).
Examples: A student with an academic focus in religions of the ancient Mediterranean might
complete the breadth requirement with a single course on Asian religions. A student
concentrating on art historical approaches to religion might take one course in philosophy or
literature. A student whose interests run to comparative and cross-cultural coursework might take
a course in the focused study of a single tradition.
A minimum of 9 credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx-level.
All courses must be passed with a grade of "C-" or above.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A list of qualifying courses is available from the advisor to the RELS program.
At least six credits of 3xx or 4xx-level credit must be taken at the University of
No more than six credits may be taken at an institution other than Maryland.
In keeping with University policy, no more than six credits may also be applied to a
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
Minor in Israel Studies
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Students doing a Minor in Israel Studies will study the history, culture and political structure of
Israel and its place in the Middle East. Students from all majors are encouraged to apply.
Program Requirements
The minor consists of 15 credits, and is organized around the following requirements:
Required Core Courses (9 Credits)
History of Zionism and the State of Israel
Seminar in Israel Studies seminar topics change each
Middle East Studies
One course in the area of Middle East Studies
(see following list)
To fulfill the Middle East Studies requirement, students must take one of the courses listed below
or a comparable course. This list is not complete; other courses may be substituted with the
approval of the Advisor. Students may also take one additional course from this list as an
elective for credit toward the Minor.
The Arab World Today through Readings in
Islamic Civilization
Crisis and Change in the Middle East
prereq: one prior History
History of the Ottoman Empire
Contemporary Middle Eastern Politics
prereq: GVPT280 or 282
*A comparable course at another university may substitute for this; consult the Minor Advisor
** Other courses in Middle East Studies at UMD or elsewhere may be substituted for those on
this list in consultation with the Advisor. HIST, COMM, GVPT, and SLLC all regularly offer
special topics courses on the Middle East.
Elective Courses (6 Credits)
JWST142 Introduction to Modern Israel
ISRL289I Fundamental Questions of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
ISRL448A: Israeli Politics and Government
ISRL448B: Israeli Society
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ISRL449 Advanced Topics in Israel Studies
*HEBR111, 112, 211, 212
*ARAB104, 105, 107, 204, 205, 207, 304, 305
JWST304 Critical Approaches to Israeli Culture
HEBR313 Conversation and Composition I
HEBR314 Conversation and Composition II
HEBR381 Introduction to Hebrew Cultural Studies (taught in Hebrew)
HEBR382 Israeli Media (taught in Hebrew)
JWST478 Readings in Modern Hebrew (if topic appropriate: must be approved)
JWST471 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
JWST249 Special Topics in Israel Studies
JWST349 Special Topics in Israel Studies
JWST449 Advanced Special Topics in Israel Studies
JWST488 Independent Study in Israel Studies
* No more than 3 credits of language instruction below the 3xx-level may be credited
toward the Minor.
Special Topics in Israel: (Topics change on an annual/semester basis, generally taught by
distinguished visiting faculty.)
· ISRL249: Special Topics in Israel Studies
· ISRL349: Special Topics in Israel Studies
· ISRL449: Advanced Topics in Israel Studies
Special Topics in recent years have included: The Arab-Israeli Conflict through Film;
Introduction to Israeli Cinema; Immigration & Ethnicity in Israel; Israel Politics and Society;
Women and Gender in Israel; Public Culture in Israel; Israel Society as Seen Through
Literature & Culture; Cultural Diversity and Multiple Identities in Contemporary Israeli
Society; Society Politics and Mass Media in Israel; The Theater of Terror: Modern Terrorism
and Mass Media; Israeli Politics for Young Leaders, and more.
Other appropriate courses may be taken as electives if approved by the Israel Studies
· Coursework must include at least 9 3xx or 4xx-level credits, of which 6 of
those credits MUST be taken at University of Maryland. These include credits
earned in UM Study Abroad programs.
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· A student may use a maximum of 6 credits (two courses) to satisfy
requirements for both a major and a minor. Courses completed for one minor,
may not be used to satisfy the requirements for another minor.
· No courses with an earned grade below “C-” may count towards the minor.
· An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
· Up to 2 courses may be taken at another university if the courses are
approved by the Israel Studies Advisor. These would include credits earned in
non-UM Study Abroad Programs.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor go
to: www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
Students should also contact Prof. Paul Scham, Israel Studies Advisor
4141 Susquehanna Hall
College Park, MD 20742
Or visit: www.israelstudies.umd.edu
Majors in Jewish Studies have mandatory advising every semester. They must meet with the
advisor before being allowed to register for classes for the next semester. You can reach the
Jewish Studies advisor at jwst[email protected] or 301-405-7640.
(Students with an additional major will have additional advising requirements depending on the
major and/or college of the additional major.)
Please note that Jewish Studies majors must also meet with a College of Arts and Humanities
during their first semester
when they complete 45-55 credits
when they complete 86-100 credits
Students who wish to minor in Jewish Studies must meet with the advisor at least once, mainly to
declare the minor.
What to expect from advising
During advising meetings, the advisor will chart a student’s progress through the major or minor.
The kinds of questions that the advisor will ask include “what courses are you taking,” “what
courses do you intend to take?,” “are you interested in studying abroad?,” and “how are you
doing in your classes?”
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The advisor will make notes and go through the Major or Minor Advising Form to ensure that
the student understands the major’s or minor's requirements, what courses to take, and when to
take them. Every student will get a copy of his or her Major or Minor Advising Form at the end
of each meeting for his or her own records.
Note that students who have not yet declared Jewish Studies as their major must meet with the
Jewish Studies advisor and then meet with an ARHU advisor. During this first meeting with the
Jewish Studies advisor, the student will learn about the Four-Year Plan, which is a schedule of
classes developed by ARHU and Jewish Studies for the typical Jewish Studies major to follow. It
outlines which courses should be taken during which semesters.
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
What to bring to an advising meeting
When students come to a meeting with the Jewish Studies advisor, they should bring a list of
courses they are thinking about taking, as well as any other requirements they need to fulfill for
another major or minor.
Other documents, such as the requirements for another major or minor, descriptions of courses
taken abroad, and previous Major or Minor Advising Forms, are also helpful to bring.
Honors Program
The Honors Program in Jewish Studies is designed to encourage Jewish Studies majors with
excellent grades and strong academic interests to pursue an individual research project of their
own design, in consultation with and under the direction of a faculty advisor. The Program
consists of twelve credits taken in a student's Junior and Senior years, culminating in the writing
of an honors thesis. Students who complete the Honors Program are deemed to have completed
the research seminar requirement for the major, typically completed through JWST409.
Junior Year: Students apply for admission to the Honors Program in the Fall of their Junior year,
and, upon admission, enroll in the Honors Seminar (JWST408) (3 credits) in the Spring of their
Junior year. During this time students are expected to develop a general research plan to be
approved by the prospective thesis advisor. Thesis advisors will generally belong to the regular
or affiliate Jewish Studies faculty. Other faculty may serve as thesis advisor with the written
permission of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Senior Year: In the Fall of their Senior year students select an upper-level course (3 credits)
closely related to their research agenda in consultation with the advisor. This may include a
regularly offered undergraduate course, independent study, in which case students are
encouraged to apply for an Honors Option for that particular course. In addition, students may
request permission to enroll in a graduate-level course to complete this part of their requirement.
Students who enter the Honors Program with a clearly defined research interest may complete
this requirement in their Junior year.
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In addition, students take 6 credits of JWST418: Honors Thesis Research, under the direction of
their thesis advisor. Typically these will be divided between the Fall and Spring semesters.
Students are expected to work out with their advisors clear goals that contribute to the thesis as a
whole for each semester of thesis research, and will be graded each semester on the basis of
having met those goals. In the second semester, the principal goal will be the completed thesis.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Tzabim (Turtles) -- The Jewish Studies Student Organization
The goal of the Jewish Studies Student Organization (Tzabim) is to provide non-curricular
support for Jewish Studies majors and minors. Such support includes career guidance, cohort
development, networking activities, social events, and other programs designed by the UJSO's
members. Led by members, Tzabim responds to students' needs that extend beyond the curricula
of the Jewish Studies Program.
All Jewish Studies majors and minors, as well as other students interested in Jewish Studies, are
encouraged to attend meetings and get involved.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center and Program for Jewish Studies offers scholarships
for study abroad and special domestic study programs that have a clear relationship to Jewish
Studies. Students wishing to study in Israel are especially encouraged to apply. Applications for
scholarships are accepted once in the Fall and once in the Spring. Specific deadlines, as well as
the application form, can be found at www.jewishstudies.umd.edu/scholarships. For more
information, please call the Center at 301-405-4975.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
The Philip Merrill College of Journalism offers B.A., M.A., M.J. and Ph.D degrees. The College
also offers a Saturday-only Master's Professional Studies Certificate Program. For more
information and undergraduate degree requirements, see the Philip Merrill College of Journalism
entry under "The Colleges and Schools."
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Kinesiology (KNES)
School of Public Health
2351 School of Public Health Building, 301-405-2450
Chair: B. Hatfield (Prof & Chair)
Professors: D. Andrews, J. Clark, J. Hagberg (Graduate Director), B. Hurley, S. Iso-Ahola, S.
Associate Professors: S. McDaniel, M. Rogers, J. Shim, J. Smith (Honors Director)
Assistant Professors: R. Gentili, S. Glancy, S. Jette, R. Miller, J. Roberts
Instructors: E. Brown, M. Scott (Undergraduate Program Coordinator)
Lecturers: E. Brody, D. Collier, M. Friedman, A. Ginsberg, J. Goldstein, J. Klossner, K. Klotz,
R. Lindle, J. Montfort, A. Palla-Kane, L. Plotkin, A. Romeo (MPH Coordinator), L. Rush, A.
Shums, D. Vacante, B. Weiner, J. Zimmerman (Physical Activity Program Coordinator)
Assistant Research Professor: D. Deglau, T. Kiemel
Professors Emeriti: D. Clarke, C. Dotson, C. Ennis, B. Franks, J. Hult, J. Jeka, D. Kelley, S.
Phillips, D. Steel, J. Wrenn
The Major
The Department of Kinesiology has one undergraduate major, the BS in Kinesiology. All majors
in the department gain conceptual and experiential knowledge in the anatomical, physiological,
psychological, sociological, and historical perspectives on physical activity, movement, exercise
and sport. Today there are over 1000 undergraduates majoring in Kinesiology who will go on to
further study in health professions (such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine),
sport-related professions (sport management, sport marketing, coaching), fitness-related
professions (exercise leader, personal trainer) and other health and physical activity-related
careers. Others will pursue a graduate program in research in Kinesiology (MS, MPH,
PHD). There are currently 10 students in the departmental Honors Program.
A brief description of the program follows. Students should obtain a current Student Handbook
for the Kinesiology degree on the web at www.sph.umd.edu/KNES. The program requires a
grade of "C-" or better in all required course-work.
Program Objectives
The overall mission of the Department of Kinesiology is to improve the health and wellbeing of
all people through an interdisciplinary understanding of physical activity in its many forms (e.g.,
exercise, sport, movement activities of daily living). The Department of Kinesiology is
committed to providing students with an excellent education in Kinesiology; generating
empirical evidence about physical activity; and providing services to the state, nation, and world
by furthering and sharing our knowledge and expertise about physical activity.
The undergraduate educational mission of the Department of Kinesiology is to enable students to
develop an interdisciplinary knowledge of kinesiology, value physical activity and its integration
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within the discipline, and understand how kinesiologists work to improve the health and well-
being of individuals and society.
Program Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the B.S. degree in Kinesiology, students should demonstrate the following
1. Students will interpret, synthesize, and critically analyze research underlying the
kinesiological dimensions of physical activity and health.
2. Students will develop principled reasoning skills necessary to apply and extend kinesiology
knowledge to address problems that are relevant to physical activity and the health of diverse
3. Students will integrate, interrogate, and communicate the connection between the scholarship
of kinesiology and the goals of public health.
4. Students will engage in a diversity of physical activities both within and outside their formal
5. Students will integrate their physical activity experiences with kinesiology sub-disciplinary
Requirements for the Major
Kinesiology Major
This program offers students the opportunity to study the interdisciplinary body of knowledge
related to human physical activity and sport, and to pursue specific specializations so that each
individual can prepare for a particular career goal within the broad discipline. There is no intent
to orient all students toward a particular specialized interest, orientation or career. However,
many current students are pursuing careers in medically-related fields (i.e., physical therapy,
physician, chiropractor), in the fitness industry (i.e., corporate fitness, personal training, health
fitness director) as well as in the sport industry (sport management, sport marketing, events
management, equipment sales, athletic director). The program provides a hierarchical approach
to the study of human movement. First, a broad core of knowledge is recognized as being a
necessary foundation for advanced and more specific courses. Secondly, at the 'Options' level,
students select from approved upper level KNES courses, which they believe will provide the
knowledge to pursue whatever future goal they set for themselves. To further strengthen specific
areas of interest, students should select electives carefully. The program culminates with a senior
seminar class in which students write a substantial paper and discuss the implications of
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Required Courses
Sport and American Society
History of Sport in America
Biomechanics of Human Motion -
Prerequisite BSCI201 and MATH112, 113, 115 or placement
in MATH140 with a grade of "C-" or better
Psychology of Sport
Exercise Physiology -
Prerequisite BSCI201 and BSCI202 with a grade of "C-" or better
Motor Development
Motor Control and Learning
KNES Core requirements
Foundations of Public Health in Kinesiology -
Prerequisite: Minimum grade
of "C
-" in KNES287; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
KNES Upper Level Option Courses
See departmental Bulletin Board, Handbook, or web page
NOTE: all OPTION courses have one or more KNES Core courses as a prerequisite. Prerequisites must be
completed with a grade of "C-" or better.
Supporting Courses
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab -
Prerequisite: Must
have math eligibility of MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140.
Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Prerequisite BSCI170&171 with a grade of "C-" or better
Human Anatomy and Physiology II - Prerequisite BSCI201 with a grade of "C-" or better
Statistics course
Kinesiology Senior Seminar - Prerequisite: A professional writing course with
a grade of
“C-" or better, all 7 KNES core and 2 KNES options; STAT100 or
equivalent; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in KNES400
with a grade of "C-" or better.
Physical Activity Courses
KNES200 or
Kinesiological Principles of Physical Activity
See Handbook or webpage
Electives (approximately)
* To complete the Kinesiology degree a minimum of 120 credits is required, including the
general education program.
Kinesiology students do not have an assigned advisor, rather the advisors work as a team to serve
the students. Some students choose to meet with the same advisor every time and some choose
the advisor based on which meeting time works for their schedule. Either way works!
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We strongly encourage students meet with an advisor regularly to discuss course
requirements, benchmarks, academic plans, internships, schedules, and career planning.
Advising appointments can be made online at the website at (http://appointments-
sphl.umd.edu/ramonline/. Advisors are not assigned to individual students, although certain
advisors will handle issues related to policy exceptions, academic difficulties, change of major,
study abroad, internships, athletes, and other special cases.
Advisors will assist with registration procedures, program updates, University resources, career
guidance, and related issues. Students are strongly encouraged to follow their approved academic
plan for timely progress throughout the degree program. Changes in the academic plan should be
discussed with an academic advisor.
Walk-in hours are available each semester and advertised through the KNES listserv. Students
are encouraged to use the online advising appointment process or email an advisor at
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Undergraduate research experiences are encouraged.
Research internships are available from 1 to 3 credits and are recommended at the junior or
senior level, following the completion of most Kinesiology core courses.
Additional information is available on the UMD Undergraduate Research website
(www.ugresearch.umd.edu/) or by contacting Director of the Undergraduate Programs (301 405-
Internships are encouraged to assist students in connecting and applying academic and
conceptual knowledge to the real world. Most students consider internships during their junior
and senior years following the completion of related kinesiology core and options courses.
From a practical perspective, internships are invaluable in helping students focus on career
options, gain experience, establish professional contacts and, perhaps most importantly, deciding
whether a particular field is truly a good fit both professionally and personally.
Additional information is available on the department website
(http://sph.umd.edu/department/knes/internships) or by contacting a member of our advising
Honors Program
The Department of Kinesiology Honors Program provides an opportunity for students to engage
in challenging educational experiences related to the study of human movement, sport, and
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exercise. Students with strong intellectual interests and the ability to pursue those interests at a
high level are eligible for this program. It is the goal of the Honors Program to nurture these
students and encourage them to pursue their interests in a range of intellectual topics. The
Honors Program in the Department of Kinesiology is primarily designed for junior and senior
level students to encourage them to engage in scholarly independent study and discussions.
Admission to the Honors Program is based on a multifaceted set of criteria and administered
through the Departmental Honors Committee.
Students interested in entering the Honors Program should visit the following website:
Admission to the Honors Program is based on a multifaceted set of criteria and administered
through the Departmental Honors Committee. Students interested in entering the Honors
Program should submit a written request to the Chair of the Honors Program, described below in
detail. Each application will be treated on an individual basis; therefore the Honors Committee
may take work experience, leadership, motivation and maturity into consideration. Contact the
Director for more information. The applicant must meet the following minimum requirements
and is expected to participate in the Honors Program for a minimum of 3 semesters:
1. An overall GPA of 3.50 on a minimum of 45 credits. (Exception: Students who are close
to achieving a 3.50 GPA may submit additional materials to the Honors Committee for
2. Have a 3.50 GPA in courses taken within the Department of Kinesiology, to include at
least 9 credits from the following courses: KNES287, 293, 300, 350, 360, 370, 385.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Kinesiology Student Organization (KSO)
The mission of this Kinesiology Student organization is to increase networking within the
department (students, faculty, alumni), expose members to a variety of resources to help them
succeed, and to enhance the overall sense of community through social events and community
service. This is a student run organization that values opinions and ideas from everyone in the
Kinesiology community.
E-mail [email protected] to subscribe to the group's list-serve.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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For information on departmental scholarships, please visit the department website:
Landscape Architecture (LARC)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
2139 Plant Sciences Building, 301-405-4359
Chair: A. Murphy (Professor & Chair)
Director: D. Myers (Director, MLA Program Chair, & Assoc Prof), D. Nola (BLA Program
Chair & Instructor)
Associate Professors: V. Chanse, C. Ellis, B. Kweon, D. Myers, J.B. Sullivan
Assistant Professors: K. Cook
Instructors: D. Nola
Lecturers: A. Anderson
The Major
Landscape Architects lead, educate, and participate in the careful stewardship, wise planning,
and artful design of our built and natural environments.The Landscape Architecture curriculum
is a four-year professional program.
The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) degree is accredited by the Landscape
Architecture Accreditation Board (LAAB)
(www.asla.org/accreditationlaab.aspx#About_LAAB). The BLA degree meets the academic
requirements for licensure. LAAB standards require that first-professional degree curricula must
include the core knowledge skills and applications of landscape architecture: landscape
architectural history, philosophy, theory, values, ethics, practice, planning, design,
implementation, and management. The program is a site-based design discipline that also deals
with regional and larger-scale environmental/social issues. The curriculum, centered on a studio-
based design curriculum, integrates ecological and social factors into the design and planning
process. Students take a series of lecture and studio design courses, beginning with an
introduction to landscape design principles in the first year and culminating in an advanced
research and studio design project in the graduating year. Courses include Site Analysis and
Ecological Principles, Site Design Studio, Urban Design Studio, and Professional Practice,
among others. Digital design studios allow the integration of computer-aided design, GIS, and
other analytical and communication tools with fundamental design and drawing skills.
The Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture offers two additional
undergraduate curricula that students may choose: the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Plant
Sciences or in Agricultural Sciences and Technology. Information on these majors may be
found elsewhere in the catalog.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronyms: PLSC and
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Program Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of the design process used in landscape architectural
Demonstrate the ability to communicate through visual literacy using hand graphics and
computer technology.
Connect and build relationships with external groups in the appropriate fields of study.
Admission to the Major
Landscape Architecture is an open enrollment program.
Freshman Admission: The program's goal is to have the greater proportion of program majors
admitted as freshmen. All entering freshmen will gain admission to the Landscape Architecture
program directly from high school, as space permits. Early application is encouraged to ensure
the best possible chance for admission.
Transfer Admission: Admission of transfer students is limited by space
considerations. Students presenting an acceptable graphic portfolio, evaluated by the landscape
architecture faculty, may be exempted from selected courses. Landscape architecture faculty
will evaluate all other LARC-equivalent courses transferred from another institution.
The Studio Placement Benchmark Review: Admission into the studio sequence is contingent
upon attaining a successful benchmark review of a portfolio to meet content and quality
standards as outlined by the LARC program. Students must earn a minimum of 80 points out of
100. Benchmark portfolio reviews occur in the spring semester. The portfolio also requires a
Letter of Application to the Landscape Architecture Program. Each student must write a one-
page letter, addressed to the Landscape Architecture Program Faculty. The letter must clearly
and concisely state his/her reasons for wanting to be in the Landscape Architecture Program.
Other Policies Which Determine a Student's Retention in the Landscape Architecture
Appeals: Students who are unsuccessful in passing the Studio Placement Benchmark Review to
the Landscape Architecture program and believe they have extenuating or special circumstances
which should be considered, may appeal in writing to the Undergraduate Coordinator. The
student will be notified in writing of the appeal decision.
BLA Degree Requirements. The courses and credit hours that define the curriculum leading to
the degree of Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) are described in the next section. The
curriculum includes required courses for the major as well as additional general education
program requirements and electives. Following the successful Studio Placement Benchmark
Review, students must have an overall average of a "C" (2.0) to be eligible for the BLA
degree. Students must also have grades of "C-" or better in all required courses with the LARC
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Requirements for the Major
Technical Writing
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Remote Sensing of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, OR
Geomorphology, OR
Remote Sensing
Digital Fundamentals
Graphic Fundamentals Studio
Design Fundamentals Studio
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Digital Design Tools
Graphic Communication and Design
History of Landscape Architecture
Site Analysis and Ecological Principles
Principles of Site Engineering
Landscape Structures & Materials
Site Planning and Design Studio
Regional Design Studio
Internship in Landscape Architecture
Professional Practice
Urban Design Studio
Environmental Resources, OR
Sustainable Communities
Landscape Architecture Seminar
Capstone Studio: Community Design
College Algebra and Trigonometry, OR
Introduction to Horticulture
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic
Landscapes I
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic
Landscapes II
Total Major Requirements
The Department has mandatory faculty advising for each of its major and minor
programs. Students are required to meet with their faculty advisor at least twice a year. See the
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Undergraduate Coordinator of the Landscape Architecture Program in 2139 Plant Sciences
Building (301-405-4359) for additional information.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Landscape Architecture faculty members frequently have research opportunities for
undergraduate students. Students are encouraged to contact faculty members for any
opportunities. Students may also discuss these opportunities with their faculty advisors.
Internships are available at nearby federal, state and county agencies as well as in private
landscape architecture firms. University of Maryland Landscape Architecture participates in the
MDASLA Job Shadow Program. A list of participating firms can be found here.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Student Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (SASLA) provides
students with opportunities to get involved with on-campus activities. The club is chartered by
More information can be found online at: www.larch.umd.edu/people/student-asla-sasla
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Several scholarships are awarded each year based on merit and need through the Department of
Plant Sciences and Landscape Architecture. They include:
Undergraduate Awards
The Homeland Garden Club of Baltimore Award
Landscape Architecture Award of Excellence
ASLA Honor and Merit Award Nominees
Matt Weaver Scholarship
Contact the Associate Dean's office at 301-405-5308 for additional information. The
Department also maintains a listing of scholarships. Contact Sharde Davenport in 2104 Plant
Sciences, 301-405-6244.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, School of (SLLC)
College of Arts and Humanities
1105 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Director: Fatemeh Keshavarz
Associate Director for Academic Affairs: Mehl Penrose
Associate Director for Academic Administration: Lauretta Clough
Assistant Director for Finance and Administration:
Academic Programs
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures is the primary academic unit devoted to
instruction and research in the world's languages, literatures, and cultures. It consists of the
Departments of East Asian Languages and Cultures, French and Italian, Germanic Studies,
Middle Eastern Studies, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese, as well as Second Language
Acquisition programs. It offers undergraduate majors in Arabic Studies, Chinese, Film, French
Language and Literature, Germanic Studies, Italian Studies, Japanese, Persian Studies, Romance
Languages, Russian Language and Literature, and Spanish Language, Literatures, and
Cultures. Minors can be earned in Arabic, Chinese Language, French Studies, Germanic
Language and Literatures, Italian Language and Culture, Japanese, Korean Studies, Persian
Studies, Portuguese Language, Literatures, and Cultures, Russian Studies, Spanish Language and
Cultures, and Spanish Language, Business, and Cultures. Language and culture instruction
through the advanced level is available in Hebrew as well. The School offers study abroad
programs in many countries, both short and long-term. Its Language House, a residential
immersion facility for approximately 100 students, is one of the most successful living-learning
programs on campus, and offers immersion experiences in Arabic, Chinese, French, German,
Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Russian, and Spanish.
East Asian Languages and Cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
2106 Jimenez Hall
Professor: Ramsey*
Associate Professors: Mason*, Schonebaum+,Yotsukura*, Zhou+
Assistant Professors: Hashimoto+
Senior Lecturers: Akikawa*, Hu+, Inoue* , Kong+, Lee-Heitz+, Y. Ramsey**, Yamakita*
Lecturers: Delgreco*, Wang+
628 | Page
+Chin *Japn **Kora
French and Italian
3106 Jimenez Hall
Professors: Brami, Campangne, Frisch, Mossman, Orlando
Associate Professors: Benharrech, Eades, Falvo*, Scullen
Assistant Professors: Baillargeon, Resmini*
Distinguished Senior Lecturer: Amodeo*
Senior Lecturer: Deigan*
Lecturers: Cefalo
Emeriti: Hage, Russell*, Tarica, Verdaguer
Germanic Studies
3215 Jimenez Hall
Professors: Beicken+, Frederiksen+, Moyer, Oster
Associate Professors: Baer, Koser
Lecturer: Ianozi
Emeriti: Best, Jones, Pfister, Strauch, Walker
+Distinguished Scholar/Teacher
Middle Eastern Studies
3215 Jimenez Hall
Professors: Karimi-Hakkak*, Keshavarz-Karamustafa*
Associate Professor: Abasi*, Anishchenkova+, Zakim++
Assistant Professors: Elsisi+, Glanville+
629 | Page
Associate Research Professor: Feuer++
Assistant Clinical Professor: Akbari-Saneh*, Bazargan*, Meftahi*
Lecturers: Alkebsi+, El Amine+, El-Hefnawy+, Gazit-Rosenthal++, Moinfar*,
3215 Jimenez Hall
Associate Professors: Lekic, Martin, Papazian
Lecturers: Fradkin, Lozinsky
Maya Brin Distinguished Lecturer: Gerus-Vernola
Spanish and Portuguese
2215 Jimenez Hall
Professors: Benito-Vessels, Demaria, Igel*, Quintero-Herencia, Sosnowski
Associate Professors: Lacorte, Long, Merediz, Naharro-Calderón, Penrose, Rodriguez, Sánchez
M de Pinillos
Assistant Professor: Lima*
Senior Lecturers: Acedo Garcia, Canabal-Torres
Lecturers: Faccio, Onate
Emeriti: Aguilar-Mora+, Cypess, Harrison, Lavine, Nemes
+ Distinguished Scholar Teacher
In all SLLC programs, language acquisition courses must be taken sequentially. Once credit has been
received in a higher-level language acquisition course, a lower-level course may not be taken for credit.
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Language Majors
For information on majors in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC), please
visit: www.sllc.umd.edu. Alternatively, please see chapter 7 of the undergraduate catalog.
Language Minors
For information on Minors offered within SLLC, please see: www.sllc.umd.edu.
Other Language Programs
The Program in Modern Hebrew provides an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in
Hebrew language, literature, and culture.
Students wishing to focus on Hebrew language as a primary subject may do so through a
concentration in Hebrew within the Jewish Studies major (see the Meyerhoff Center for Jewish
Studies at http://www.jewishstudies.umd.edu/) or by devising their own major through the
Individual Studies Program (http://www.ivsp.umd.edu).
SLLC programs provide a dedicated advisor for all students interested in studying within their
program. See the program entries in this catalogue for names and contact information, or
Undergraduate Research Experiences
SLLC undergraduates are invited to participate in the annual SLLC research forum and award
ceremony, an April celebration of inquiry and achievement in the areas of languages, literatures,
and cultures.
Honors Programs
Honors options are available for students pursuing a BA in French Language and Literature,
Germanic Studies, or Spanish Language, Culture, and Literature.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Letters and Sciences
Letters and Sciences is the academic home for students exploring a variety of fields before
selecting a major, for post-baccalaureate students taking additional course work, and for non-
degree seeking students taking undergraduate courses. Letters and Sciences may also serve as the
academic home for students completing requirements for entry into a Limited Enrollment
Program. Letters and Sciences advisors help students to select and schedule courses, plan
academic programs, and learn about campus-wide resources. Letters and Sciences collaborates
closely with college advising offices, academic departments, and programs across campus and
provides a coordinated advising network.
For information, see Office of Undergraduate Studies in Chapter 6.
Linguistics (LING)
College of Arts and Humanities
1401 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-7002
Chair: W. Idsardi (Professor and Chair)
Professors: N. Hornstein, H. Lasnik (Dist Univ Prof), J. Lidz, C. Phillips, P. Pietroski, M.
Polinsky, P. Resnik, J. Uriagereka, A. Weinberg
Associate Professors: V. Hacquard, A. Williams
Assistant Professors: N. Feldman, E. Lau, O. Preminger
Senior Lecturer: M. Antonisse, T. Bleam (Undergraduate Program Director)
Assistant Research Scientist: A. Zukowski
The Major
The Linguistics Department offers courses on many aspects of the scientific study of language
and an interdisciplinary major leading to a Bachelor of Arts.
Research in linguistics aims to discover how a person's linguistic capacity is represented in the
mind, how that knowledge is acquired, what aspects are innate, and how language is processed in
the mind and brain. Students learn how to address these questions through various sources of
evidence, such as descriptions of individual languages, patterns of grammatical variation and
invariance, the development of language in children, the mental processes of language in use,
computational models of acquisition and processing, and patterns of physiological activity in the
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The major in Linguistics is designed for students who are primarily interested in human language
per se, or in describing particular languages in a systematic and psychologically plausible way,
or in using language as a tool to reveal some aspect of human mental capacities. Such a major
provides useful preparation for further research in linguistics and cognitive science, as well as for
professional programs in foreign languages, language teaching, communication, psychology,
speech pathology, and artificial intelligence. Because of the emphasis placed on analytic
thinking, scientific reasoning, and evidence-based argumentation, the linguistics major also
prepares students for a broad range of careers outside of the language sciences.
Program Learning Outcomes
The Department of Linguistics B.A. program seeks to expose majors to fundamental questions
about the nature of the human mind, using Language as a vehicle for examining this issue. The
program aims to cultivate strong empirical research skills, data analysis, application of scientific
methodology, and the ability to communicate clear, logical arguments. By the time students
complete the requirements for the major, they can expect to have mastered the following
measurable learning outcomes:
1. Students demonstrate the ability to apply scientific methodology to data analysis and to
develop effective argumentation skills.
2. Students demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate a proposal in the field.
3. Students incorporate scientific writing style in essays, review papers, and research papers.
4. Students demonstrate the ability to provide and defend an analysis of the phonological
system in any language, when provided with sufficient data.
5. Students demonstrate the ability to provide and defend a structural analysis for a given
sentence in any language, when provided with sufficient data.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Students can become involved in a wide range of research activities including computer
programming and experimental projects in language acquisition
(ling.umd.edu/languageacquisition/), psycholinguistics (ling.umd.edu/psycholinguistics/) and
neurolinguistics (ling.umd.edu/neurolinguistics/). Selected undergraduate students work
alongside faculty and graduate students—learning to design, execute, and analyze experiments
within our Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Labs (including the Language Acquisition Lab
(ling.umd.edu/research/acquisition_lab/), the EEG/ERP Lab (ling.umd.edu/research/eeg/), the
Maryland-KIT MEG Lab (ling.umd.edu/research/meg/), and the Maryland Neuroimaging Center
(www.mnc.umd.edu/home). Students can also take advantage of the department's affiliation with
the Language Science Center (languagescience.umd.edu/) which offers additional resources and
programs such as PULSAR (languagescience.umd.edu/education/pulsar-undergraduate-program)
(undergraduate certificate program offering interdisciplinary training in language science) and
the Guatemala Field Station (languagescience.umd.edu/beyond-umd/guatemala-field-station).
For more information about ongoing research, lab facilities, and opportunities for undergraduate
involvement, go to the following web pages:
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Requirements for the Major
A grade of at least "C-" is required in all major courses. An overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is
required for graduation. The Linguistics major consists of 39 credits: 24 credits of Linguistics
Core classes plus 15 credits from one of the Tracks, as specified below.
Core required of all majors: 24 credits
LING240 Language and the Mind - 3 credits
LING311 Syntax I - 3 credits
LING321 Phonology I - 3 credits
Two from: 6 credits
LING312 Syntax II - 3 credits
LING322 Phonology II - 3 credits
LING320 Phonetics - 3 credits
LING410 Grammar and Meaning - 3 credits
LING440 Grammars and Cognition - 3 credits
LING444 Child Language Acquisition - 3 credits
Three 3xx-4xx level LING electives 9 credits
Choice of one Track:
Grammars and Cognition Track 15 credits
PSYC100 Introduction to Psychology - 3 credits
PHIL170 Introduction to Logic - 3 credits
LING350 (or PHIL360) Philosophy of Language - 3 credits
Two approved electives in LING, PSYC, HESP, PHIL, or CMSC 6 credits
Language Track 15 credits
15 credits of a single chosen language
At least 3 of the 15 credits must be at or above the 2xx level.
There are no requirements for support courses for the Linguistics major.
Students pursuing the major should review the academic benchmarks established for this
program. See: www.4yearplans.umd.edu. Students will be periodically reviewed to insure they
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are meeting benchmarks and progressing to the degree. Students who fall behind program
benchmarks are subject to special advising requirements and other interventions.
Other Requirements for the Major
LING240 must be taken before any other courses in the major; this course serves as a
gateway to the major. A grade of "C-" or better is required in this course before taking
further courses in Linguistics. However, a grade of "B" or higher in LING240 is a
relatively good predictor of continued success in the rest of the major (as courses become
more difficult). LING 240 is offered every semester.
A grade of "C-" or better is required in prerequisite courses.
After LING240, students should take LING311 (Syntax I) and LING321 (Phonology I),
as they are prerequisites for other required courses. These courses can be taken together
in the same semester. These courses are offered every semester (fall and spring).
No more than 1 independent study or lab course (3 credits) can be used towards the three
3xx-4xx level LING electives (part of the LING core).
3xx-4xx courses beyond LING311 and 321 are generally offered just once per year.
Check Testudo to see when these are offered in a given year (either fall or spring).
Optional courses for the major are not necessarily offered on a regular basis. Students
should check with the undergraduate advisor to find out which courses will be offered
and when.
For the Language Track, the "15 credits of a single chosen language" must be courses
that focus on language (and not, for example, history, literature or culture taught in the
The "structure or history of the language" course is no longer required but such a
course can be taken to count towards the 15 credits of the language.
Note that courses cannot be double-counted for different requirements in the major. All
of the "boxes" must be filled in by different courses such that you reach the required
number of credits with all of the categories fulfilled.
Electives for the Cognition Track must be approved by the linguistics advisor.
Requirements for the Minor
15 credit hours: LING200, 240, 321, 311, and one 3xx-4xx level linguistics elective.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. An overall
GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
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For more details about the minor, please see chapter 8 of the Undergraduate Catalog.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Linguistics majors have a dual system of advising. The department advisor is a faculty member
in the Linguistics department and advises students about major requirements and courses. For
more general advising (about general education requirements, ARHU requirements, etc),
students will go to their college (ARHU) advisor. Students may choose to make appointments
every semester with either or both advisors, but will have mandatory advising at both the
departmental and college level at three different points:
first semester matriculated in the major
between 45-55 credits
between 86-100 credits
Failure to meet with both advisors for mandatory advising will result in being blocked from
registering for classes for the following semester.
For more information about the major, advising, and how to contact a Linguistics advisor, visit
the Linguistics Department web page at:
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
There are opportunities in the department for undergraduate students to get involved in doing
research. Students interested in research in linguistics should submit a resume and/or project
proposal to the undergraduate advisor or to an appropriate faculty member. Attempts will be
made to match students with appropriate faculty advisors. The possibility of doing research is
not guaranteed for every student, but will depend on the student's skills and the availability and
willingness of a faculty member to direct the project.
In addition to opportunities during the regular semester to receive course credit for research
assistantships, students can also apply for funding to work as a research assistant during the
summer through the Linguistics Department Baggett Scholarship program. (More information
about the Baggett summer program can be found on the website at:
For research opportunities in specific labs/facilities see the section on Academic Programs and
Departmental Facilities (above).
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Fieldwork Opportunities
Students seeking an in-depth research experience doing fieldwork have an opportunity to
participate in the Summer Field School (languagescience.umd.edu/summer-field-school) at
UMD's Guatemala Field Station.
Honors Program
Academically talented Linguistics majors with junior standing may petition to become honors
candidates in Linguistics. Honors students work on a research project under a faculty advisor,
write an honors thesis, and present the work in a public forum.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The UMD undergraduate linguistics club is called Terplings. There is an active facebook page
(www.facebook.com/terplings) for interested students. More information can also be obtained by
emailing the linguistics advisor.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Also, students can apply for a Linguistics Department Baggett Scholarship to work (in a paid
position) as a research assistant during the summer. See below.
Awards and Recognition
The Department of Linguistics offers several Baggett Summer Scholarships every year. These
are paid, faculty-mentored summer research positions open to UMD undergraduate students with
training in linguistics or cognitive science.
More information can be found on the website at: http://www.ling.umd.edu/baggett/.
The Robert H. Smith School of Business
1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-2286
Chair: M. Dresner (Associate Chair), C. Grimm
Professors: T. Corsi, M. Dresner, C. Grimm, P. Morici, R. Windle
Associate Professors: T. Anenson, W. Chung, C. Dezso, P. Evers, G. Mark, R. Sampson, B.
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Assistant Professors: R. Cooper (Asst Prof)
Lecturers: J. Boroumand, G. Cohen, H. Coronado (Lecturer), J. Gershberg (Lecturer), T.
Heggans (Lecturer), W. McAdam, W. McClenahan, C. Olson, H. Turner, M. Wagner (Lecturer)
Adjunct Professors: R. Daniels, L. Gardner, A. Gillyard, R. Hutchins, J. Miller, G. Milsom, K.
Nagata, J. Reyna, T. Wilkerson
Research Professor: S. Boyson (Res Prof, Aff Res Prof), K. Prasad (Res Prof, Lecturer)
Professors Emeriti: B. Leete
The Major
Two curriculum concentrations are offered through the Logistics, Business, and Public Policy
Supply Chain Management
International Business
Supply Chain Management: The predominance of business activity taking place on a global
scale has increased the opportunities for integrated supply chain management to have a profound
impact on value chain performance. The supply chain encompasses all organizations involved in
the production of a good or service and its ultimate delivery to the end consumer. Supply chain
managers oversee many varied but inter-related processes including the flows of materials and
information. Within supply chain management, logistics deals primarily with the materials flow
component of the supply chain, and logistics managers are responsible for fulfilling customer
orders while simultaneously controlling distribution costs from a total cost perspective. Students
pursuing a supply chain major will develop theoretical, analytical, and software skills designed
to prepare them for careers in a variety of fields.
International Business responds to the global interest in international economic systems and
their multicultural characteristics. This degree combines the college-required courses with
International Business courses and provides students the opportunity to apply a specified upper
level foreign language course toward this specialization's requirements. It is strongly
recommended that this program be declared in combination with another major in or outside of
business in order to assure that graduates will have specialized career focus.
Admission to the Major
See Robert H. Smith School of Business entry in Chapter 6 for admission requirements.
Requirements for the Major
Supply Chain Management
Course requirements for the junior-senior curriculum concentration in Supply Chain
Management are as follows:
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Introduction to Transportation
Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management
International Supply Chain Management
Two of the following courses:
Supply Chain Management Internship
(NOTE: a maximum of 3 credits of BMGT373 can fulfill
Supply Chain Management major requirements.)
Carrier Management
Seminar in Supply Chain Management: An Executive
Purchasing and Inbound Logistics
Supply Chain Strategy and Network Design
Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management
Special Topics in Supply Chain Management
(NOTE: a maximum of 6 credits of BMGT478 can fulfill
Supply Chain Management major requirements.)
One of the following courses:
Developing Business Applications
Operations Research for Management Decisions
Operations Management
Sales Management
Electronic Marketing
Quest Consulting and Innovation Practicum – option only
for students in the QUEST program
Or one of the following not selected above:
BMGT373, 470, 471, 472, 475, 476 or 478
(NOTE: a maximum of 3 credits of BMGT373 and a
maximum of 6 credits of BMGT478 (if content differs)
can fulfill Supply Chain Management major
Total Major Requirements
Upper Level Economics Requirement
One of the following courses:
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Money and Banking
International Economics
Note: Students who have completed ECON325 and ECON326 can substitute these courses for ECON305 and
ECON306 respectively.
International Business
639 | Page
Note: Curriculum is currently under review. Please consult http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/undergrad for the
most up-to-date curriculum.
Course requirements for the junior-senior curriculum concentration in International Business are:
Introduction to International Business
International Marketing
International Supply Chain Management
International Finance
Cross-cultural Challenges in Business
Global Business Strategy
Total BMGT
International Economics
One of the following:
ECON305, 306, 315, 316, 330, 380 or agreed upon foreign
language credits which includes CHIN412, FREN406,
GERM412, ITAL406, JAPN404, RUSS407, SPAN415
In addition to the major requirements listed above, please see the Roberts H. Smith School of
Business under The Colleges and Schools or www.rhsmith.umd.edu for a listing of additional
Smith School degree requirements that apply to all Smith School majors.
General advising for students admitted to the Smith School of Business is available Monday
through Friday in the Office of Undergraduate Programs, 1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-
2286, [email protected]. It is recommended that students visit this office each
semester to ensure that they are informed about current requirements and procedures. Transfer
students entering the university can be advised during spring, summer, and fall transfer
orientation programs. Contact the Orientation Office for further information, 301-314-8217, or
visit http://www.orientation.umd.edu/.
Management (M&O)
The Robert H. Smith School of Business
1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-2286
Chair: K. Bartol, P. Prochno (Assoc Dept Chair)
Professors: K. Bartol, C. Beckman, G. Chen, A. Gupta, H. Liao, D. Shapiro, M. Taylor, R.
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Associate Professors: S. Braguinsky (Assoc Prof), W. Ding, B. Goldfarb, D. Kirsch, M. Seo, C.
Stevens, S. Tangirala, V. Venkataramani, D. Waguespack
Assistant Professors: R. Rozin (Asst Prof), E. Starr (Asst Prof)
Lecturers: J. Aberman, H. Aelion (Lecturer), A. Antico-Majkowski (Lecturer), P. Cleveland, N.
Coomber, P. Dastidar, M. Geppi, C. Graser, D. Kressler, J. Kudisch, G. Langa, N. Moye, R.
Muller, P. Prochno, J. Russell, J. Sanders, O. Schlake, A. Sherman, P. Silverman, J. Spina, L.
Spina, H. Weiser (Lecturer), M. Wellman, C. Wesley (Lecturer)
Professors Emeriti: J.R. Baum, S. Carroll, M. Gannon, R. Lamone, E. Locke, H. Sims, K. Smith
The Major
The Robert H. Smith School of Business has long been recognized as a leading undergraduate
program in management and entrepreneurship. Both these programs regularly appear highly
ranked in a variety of publications. The management major focuses on leadership and
entrepreneurship to engage students in critical thinking and problem solving applicable in many
The core of the management major offers two courses in leadership and negotiations. These core
courses emphasize skills students need in a changing employment environment. As more jobs
become automated, managing people and solving tough problems will become increasingly
important to attaining meaningful employment. The core classes in the management major
provide education in problem solving, leadership, and effective teamwork. The demanding and
fast-paced careers of the future will require students to demonstrate a strong ability to
communicate and solve problems in a team under extreme pressure. The core major classes
prepare students for careers in areas such as strategy, information technology, operations,
healthcare administration, and organizational transformation.
There are a number of potential career paths stemming from the management major, such as
consulting analyst, financial advisor, human resource management, nonprofit management,
rotational leadership programs, and entrepreneur, including social entrepreneurship. These are
grouped into two major areas of focus, leadership & innovation and entrepreneurship. Both areas
focus on critical thinking and problem solving, and allow students to create a major tailored to
their future goals.
The Management & Organization department has relationships with a number of centers of
excellence, including the Dignman Center for Entrepreneurship and the Center for Leadership,
Innovation and Change which provide relationships with professors, researchers, and
organizations for students interested in enhancing their course of study with co-curriculuar
Admission to the Major
See Robert H. Smith School of Business entry in chapter 6 for admission requirements.
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Requirements for the Major
Course requirements for the junior-senior curriculum concentration of the Management major
are as follows:
BMGT363 Leadership and Teamwork in Organizations 3 credits
BMGT362 – Negotiations 3 credits
Four of the following courses (12 credits)
BMGT360 Strategic Management of Human Capital 3 credits
BMGT366 Growth Strategies for Emerging Companies 3 credits
BMGT461 Entrepreneurship 3 credits
BMGT463 Cross-Cultural Challenges in Business 3 credits
BMGT466 Global Business Strategy 3 credits
BMGT468 Special Topics in Management and Organization 3 credits
BMGT469 Management and Organization Short-term Study Aboard 3 credits
Note: A maximum combined total of 6 credits of BMGT468 and BMGT469 coursework can
satisfy Management major requirements.
Total Management Major Requirements 18 credits
General advising for students admitted to the Smith School of Business is available Monday
through Friday in the Office of Undergraduate Programs, 1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-
2286, [email protected]. It is recommended that students visit this office each
semester to ensure that they are informed about current requirements and procedures. Transfer
students entering the university can be advised during spring, summer, and fall transfer
orientation programs. Contact the Orientation Office for further information, 301-314-8217.
The Robert H. Smith School of Business
1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-2286
Chair: R. Ferraro (Associate Chair), D. Godes
Professors: D. Godes, P. Kannan, A. Kirmani, W. Moe, R. Ratner, R. Rust, J. Srivastava, M.
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Wedel, J. Zhang
Associate Professors: R. Ferraro, Y. Joshi, M. Trusov, J. Wagner
Assistant Professors: T. Chen, L. Ma, Y. Wang (Asst Prof), L. Zhang (Asst Prof), B. Zhou (Asst
Lecturers: M. Bonavia (Lecturer), H. Boyd, K. Boyle (Lecturer), J. Brown (Lecturer), M.
Fardanesh (Lecturer), R. Fiddler, J. Frels (Clin Prof), M. Harms, R. Lefkoff, J. Naithani
(Lecturer), R. Newman (Lecturer), M. Rhee (Lecturer), D. Whitney
Professors Emeriti: T. Greer (Professor Emeritus), R. Krapfel (Assoc Prof Emeritus), W. Nickels
(Assoc Prof Emeritus)
The Major
The goal of marketing is to satisfy all the stakeholders of the firm - employees, dealers,
stockholders, and customers - by seeing that quality goods and services are developed and
provided at fair prices and in a way that benefits the community and society. World-class
competition has forced businesses to develop marketing programs that are as good as the best.
This means getting closer to the customer, joining other organizations to create value for the
consumer, and designing integrated distribution and communication programs that provide a
seamless flow from producers to consumers. Pricing, communication/promotion,
product/service, and distribution activities inherent in the development of marketing programs
are applicable to non-profit organizations, business-to-business organizations, and firms that sell
to ultimate consumers.
Many types of careers are available to the marketing major. These include, but are not limited to:
sales, advertising, retailing, product/service management, and marketing research. Because of the
many different employment opportunities in marketing, many marketing electives are offered
along with three core courses required of all marketing majors - consumer analysis, marketing
research, and marketing strategy.
Admission to the Major
See Robert H. Smith School of Business entry in chapter 6 for admission requirements.
Requirements for the Major
Course requirements for the junior-senior curriculum concentration in Marketing are as follows:
Consumer Analysis
Marketing Research Methods
Marketing Policies and Strategies
Three of the following courses:
Customer-Centric Innovation
Retail Management
Retailing and Marketing Internship (3 credits only)
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Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain
Integrated Marketing Communications
Global Marketing
Sales Management
Special Topics in Marketing (maximum of 6
credits if content differs)
Electronic Marketing
Total BMGT
Upper Level Economic Requirements One of
the following:
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Money and Banking
International Economics
Total ECON
Note: Students who have completed ECON325 and ECON326 can substitute these courses for
ECON305 and ECON306 respectively
In addition to the major requirements listed above, please consult "Colleges and Schools" on this
site or www.rhsmith.umd.edu for a listing of additional Smith School degree requirements that
apply to all Smith School majors.
General advising for students admitted to the Smith School of Business is available Monday
through Friday in the Office of Undergraduate Programs, 1570 Van Munching Hall, 301-405-
2286, [email protected]. It is recommended that students visit this office each
semester to ensure that they are informed about current requirements and procedures. Transfer
students entering the university can be advised during spring, summer, and fall transfer
orientation programs. Contact the Orientation Office for further information, 301-314-8217.
Materials Science and Engineering (ENMA, ENNU)
A. James Clark School of Engineering
2135 Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building, 301-405-5240
Chair: R. Phaneuf
Professors: M. Al-Sheikhly, S. Ankem, R. Briber, A. Christou, G. Oehrlein, G. Rubloff, L.
Salamanca-Riba, I. Takeuchi, E. Wachsman, M. Wuttig
Associate Professors: J. Cumings, I. Lloyd, L. Martinez-Miranda, O. Rabin
Assistant Professors: L. Hu, M. Leite (Asst Prof), Y. Mo (Asst Prof)
Affiliate Professors: B. Eichhorn, A. Flatau, R. Ghodssi, P. Kofinas, B. Shapiro, L. Sita, E.
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Smela, M. Zachariah
Affiliate Associate Professors: J. Aranda-Espinoza, S. Lee, M. Ouyang, E. Rodriguez, C. Wang
Affiliate Assistant Professors: Z. Nie
Adjunct Professors: A. Barkatt, R. Cook, T. Foecke, B. Hammouda, M. Kukla, R. Livingston, J.
Adjunct Associate Professors: J. Slutsker, A. Talin
Adjunct Assistant Professors: J. Cui, B. Pate
Professors Emeriti: J. Silverman
The Major
The development, production and use of novel materials has become a major issue in all fields of
engineering. Materials which are strong and light at the same time are needed for space
structures; faster electro-optical switching materials will result in improved mass
communications; and stronger high temperature plastics would improve the efficiency of
transportation systems. Students will have the opportunity to work with faculty and industry on
complex problems through projects, internships, and research and co-op experiences. A wide
variety of careers are open to graduates of this program ranging from production and quality
control in the traditional materials industries to the molecular construction of electronic materials
in ultra-clean environments, and to the applications of materials in electronic packages. The
application of materials to solve environmental, biomedical, energy, and reliability problems are
also career options.
Students majoring in Materials Science and Engineering will receive a Bachelor of Science upon
successful completion of the program. Courses offered by this department may be found under
the acronym ENMA.
The Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org, 415 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD
21201, telephone: (410) 347-7700.
Program Objectives
The mission of the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the University of Maryland
is to provide a quality engineering education, research at the forefront of the field, and leadership
to the Materials and Engineering communities. Our educational programs will have the
following objectives:
Produce high quality alumni who will be successful in their chosen careers in industry,
government or academia, in the State of Maryland, the nation and the world.
Produce alumni who demonstrate the ability define and solve engineering and science
problems in the field of Materials Science and Engineering throughout their careers.
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Produce alumni who demonstrate the ability to relate basic physics, math and engineering
principles to the field of Materials Science and Engineering so they can function
professionally as materials engineers and scientists.
Produce alumni who design and engineer materials and materials systems for future
generations of products and demonstrate a continuous upgrading their knowledge to
address and impact the rapid pace of technological advances.
The Department will support our students with an educational program that has sufficient
breadth in both fundamental and specialized engineering topics to insure our graduates meet the
current and future needs of society. In the area of research, the Department conducts a range of
scientific research programs and establishes partnerships with government and industry, both in
Maryland and elsewhere, to accomplish this goal.
Program Learning Outcomes
The overall educational outcomes of the Materials Science and Engineering Program are to
provide undergraduate engineering students:
Ability to apply knowledge of math, engineering and science
Ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data
Ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs
Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Ability to communicate effectively
Broad education to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and
societal context
Recognition of need and ability to engage in life-long learning
Knowledge of contemporary issues
Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for practice
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Department's research facilities are available to undergraduates interested in pursuing
research opportunities. Interested undergraduates are encouraged to work with a faculty member
and his or her research team. Specific information on the facilities is available on the website:
A partial list of facilities available to the students in the Department include:
The modern Engineering Materials Instructional Lab www.memil.umd.edu/
The Keck Laboratory for Combinatorial Nanosynthesis and Multiscale Characterization
Advanced Imaging and MicroscopyLaboratory
(AIMLab) https://www.nanocenter.umd.edu/aimlab/
646 | Page
Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP) www.mse.umd.edu/LAMP/
Laboratory for Plasma Processing of Materials
Functional Macromolecular Laboratory fml.umd.edu/
The FabLab Micro and Nano Fabrication Laboratory run by the University of Maryland
NanoCenter https://nanocenter.umd.edu/fablab
Admission to the Major
All Materials Science and Engineering students must meet admission, progress, and retention
standards of the A. James Clark School of Engineering and the University of Maryland. See
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for the Materials Science and Engineering major include thorough preparation in
mathematics, chemistry, physics, and engineering science as well as the required university
general education requirements. All students will be required to select an area of specialization,
an upper-class science elective, and two technical electives. A minimum of 122 credits is
required for a bachelor's degree. A sample program follows:
Semester 1
FIRST YEAR, Semester 2
CHEM135, Chemistry
for Engineers
ENEE140, Programming for
Concepts for Engineers
ENES100, Engineering
3 MATH141, Calculus II
MATH140, Calculus I
PHYS161, General Physics I
ENGL101, Academic
3 GenED
CHEM136, Chemistry
1 GenED
ENMA180: Intro to
Semester 1
SECOND YEAR, Semester 2
PHYS260/261, General
Physics II
PHYS270/271, General Physics
MATH241, Calculus III 4
MATH246, Differential
647 | Page
ENMA300, Intro to
Materials Engineering
CHEM231/232 or 481
, Organic
Chemistry I or Physical
Chemistry I
4 or 3
Oral Communication 3
ENMA301, Materials for
Emerging Technology
MATH206, Introduction
to Matlab
1 GenED
16 or
Semester 1
THIRD YEAR, Semester 2
Experimental Methods
in Material Science OR
Upper Level Science
ENMA312, Experimental
Methods in Material Science OR
Upper Level Science Elective
ENMA362, Mechanical
ENMA465, Microprocessing of
ENMA460, Physics of
ENMA461, Thermodynamics of
Scholarship in Practice*
Specialization Elective
Specialization Elective 3
ENMA470, Materials Selection
for Engineering Design
Semester 1
FOURTH YEAR, Semester 2
Characterization of
3 Technical Elective (> 300 level)
ENMA471, Kinetics,
Diffusion, Phase
3 Specialization Elective
Specialization Elective
Specialization Elective
ENGL 393, Technical
3 GenED*
ENMA487, Capstone
1 ENMA490, Materials Design
Technical Elective (>
300 level)
648 | Page
TOTAL 4 year credits: 122 or 123
All students must complete two Distributive Studies courses that are approved for I-series
courses. The Understanding Plural Societies (UP) and Cultural Competence (CC) courses may
also fulfill Distributive Studies categories.
CHEM 231/232 is required for students focusing on polymers.
Other Requirements for the Major
Students majoring in Materials Science and Engineering must follow the academic policies
developed by the A. James Clark School of Engineering. Students must achieve a "C-" or better
on all coursework in their major (including required non-engineering courses such as chemistry
and physics). Students must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and completion of all
degree requirements to graduate. Students are encouraged to visit the Department webpage for a
curriculum guideline. A multi-year academic plan will be developed in conjunction with their
advisor. All Materials Science and Engineering students must be mentored by three different
faculty members, preferably during their freshman and sophomore years (once per semester) to
assist them in choosing their specialization area and to plan for post graduation.
Requirements for the Minor
The Department coordinates an interdisciplinary minor in Nanoscale Science and Technology
through The Maryland NanoCenter.
Explosive growth in the field of nanometer scale science and technology (NS&T) has led in the
past few years to many technological advances in devices and materials structured at the
nanometer scale. The Interdisciplinary Minor Program of Study in Nanoscience and Technology
at the University of Maryland is intended to prepare participating University of Maryland
students for a career in this rapidly developing field. This program draws upon the considerable
expertise in nanoscience at Maryland, in departments distributed between two schools:
Engineering, and Computer, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Students take courses in
Fabrication/Synthesis and Characterization, which emphasize the experimental side of NS&T, as
well as Fundamental Science and Specialization Electives, which teach the underlying principles
and directions, and include underlying theory and the motivations for NS&T. The minor is open
to any student majoring in Engineering, Physics or Chemistry.
Completion of the program instills in students the broad perspective needed for nano, including
understanding and experience in fabrication/synthesis of nanomaterials and structures, their
characterization/measurement, the fundamental science underlying them, and their applications.
For more information see https://www.nanocenter.umd.edu/education/nano-minor/ or contact
Director, Nano Minor Professor, Ray Phaneuf (https://www.nanocenter.umd.edu/faculty/?u=29),
MSE, or Education Coordinator, Nano Minor, Dr. Kathleen Hart, MSE.
649 | Page
Students choosing Materials Science and Engineering as their major should contact Dr. Kathleen
Hart, Associate Director of Student Services, Room 1111, Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
Building, at 301-405-5989 or [email protected]. Dr. Hart can direct students to their
advisor: Professors Lloyd, Cumings, Martinez-Miranda, Rabin, Salamanca-Riba, Takeuchi, or
Mo. Any questions about the program should be directed to Dr. Isabel Lloyd, Undergraduate
Studies Director.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The Department strongly supports undergraduate students who wish to pursue research
opportunities. The student should discuss their interest with their advisor or with Dr. Kathleen
Hart (Associate Director, Student Services) or Professor Isabel Lloyd (Undergraduate Program
Director). See www.mse.umd.edu/research
The Department strongly encourages students to pursue internships as part of their undergraduate
experience. They should discuss an internship with their advisor as they develop their academic
plan. The Department will forward information about internships to our undergraduate students.
Students may also receive information on internships from the A. James Clark Co-op and Career
Services Center. See www.coop.eng.umd.edu.
Co-op Programs
The Materials Science and Engineering program works with the A. James Clark School of
Engineering Cooperative Engineering education Program. For more information, students should
speak with their advisor regarding their interest in a co-op experience and consult the College
web page at www.coop.eng.umd.edu/.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Undergraduate Societies The Materials Engineering Society, or MatES, is a student society
primarily for Materials Science and Engineering majors at the University of Maryland College
Park. MatES is the University of Maryland's Material Advantage Student Chapter. It includes
recognition by several professional societies including ASM International, The Minerals, Metals,
and Materials Society (TMS), and the American Ceramic Society (ACerS). More information is
available on the on the student society web site at www.mse.umd.edu/mates/.
Materials Research Society (MRS)
The Materials Research Society (MRS), a professional research society for the field has a student
chapter in the Department. The chapter organizes student research presentations, invites
prospective employers for discussions and collectively provides a forum for student-faculty
interactions. More information is available by contacting Professor Salamanca-Riba at
650 | Page
Alpha Sigma Mu
Alpha Sigma Mu is the International Professional Honor Society for Materials Science and
Engineering. Students with outstanding scholarship are nominated for membership and are
eligible to be nominated for scholarships. If you have any questions, contact Professor Robert
Briber at [email protected].
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
The Department holds an open house in both the fall and spring semesters. Participants in these
open houses may apply for a $2000 Top Terp scholarship. Other scholarships are available
through the A. James Clark School of Engineering. There are also research internships available
for students to work with faculty in the Department.
Awards and Recognition
Each year, the Department selects outstanding students for the following awards:
Chair's Outstanding Senior Award
Outstanding Materials Student Service Award
Materials Science and Engineering Student Research Award
The professional materials oriented societies sponsor awards to recognize outstanding
scholarship and undergraduate research.
ASM International www.asminternational.org/
The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) www.tms.org/TMSHome.html
American Ceramic Society (ACerS) www.ceramics.org/
Materials Research Society (MRS) www.mrs.org
All students enrolled in the Materials Science and Engineering program are encouraged to work
with their advisor who in their junior and senior years will guide them towards nomination for
these awards.
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College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
1117 Mathematics Building, 301-405-5053
Chair: S. Wolpert (Chair, Dist Scholar Teacher)
Professors: J. Adams (Chair, Dept APT Committee), R. Balan, J. Benedetto (Dist Scholar
Teacher), P. Brosnan, S. Cerrai, J. Cohen, W. Czaja, D. Dolgopyat, P. Fitzpatrick (Assoc Chair,
Faculty Affairs), G. Forni, M. Freidlin (Dist Univ Prof), W. Goldman (Dist Scholar Teacher), M.
Grillakis, D. Gulick (Assoc Chair, Course Staffing), T. Haines, S. Halperin, D. Hamilton, X. He,
P. Jabin (Interim Director, CSCAMM), M. Jakobson, A. Kagan, V. Kaloshin (Brin Chair), B.
Kedem, L. Koralov, M. Laskowski, C. Levermore (Dist Scholar Techer), D. Levy ( Dist Scholar
Teacher), M. Machedon (Assoc Chair, Graduate Studies), D. Margetis, A. Mellet, J. Millson, R.
Nochetto, S. Novikov (Dist Univ Prof), K. Okoudjou (Assoc Chair, Undergraduate Studies), N.
Ramachandran, J. Ren, J. Rosenberg (Davis Prof), J. Schafer (Assoc Co-Chair, Course Staffing),
E. Slud, E. Tadmor (Dist Univ Prof), H. Tamvakis, K. Trivisa (Director of AMSC Program), L.
Washington ( Dist Scholar Teacher), R. Wentworth, S. Wolpert (Dist Scholar Teacher)
Associate Professors: K. Melnick, Y. Rubinstein, P. Smith (Statistics Director), T.
Assistant Professors: J. Bedrossian (Asst Prof), M. Cameron, A. Gholampour, T. Saegusa (Asst
Prof), T. Sun (Asst Prof), C. Zickert
Instructors: B. Bezejouh (Lecturer), A. Bruckheim (Lecturer), E. Hamilton (Lecturer), S.
Kcenich (Lecturer), E. Kuz (Lecturer), T. Long (Lecturer), I. Markou (Lecturer), S. Orsetti, R.
Rosca (Lecturer), B. Sanders (Lecturer, General Assistant), N. Tchetcherina (Lecturer), C.
Terpos, A. Wang (Lecturer)
Senior Lecturer: C. Cremins (Senior Lecturer), J. Daberkow (Senior Lecturer), D. Franklin
(Senior Lecturer), K. McLaren (Senior Lecturer), T. Pilachowski (Senior Lecturer), J. Stone
(Senior Lecturer), J. Wyss-Gallifent (Senior Lecturer)
Lecturers: S. Chadwick (Lecturer), S. Chimiak (Lecturer), R. Ebrahimian (Lecturer), H. Hasson
(Lecturer), A. Khurana (Lecturer), N. Manning (Lecturer), W. Schildknecht (Acad Prog Coord),
K. Truman (Acad Advisor), K. Williams (Lecturer), W. Wong (Lecturer), A. Yashinski
Affiliate Professors: H. Elman (Prof, Affiliate Prof), W. Gasarch (Prof, Affiliate Prof), S. Gates
(Dist Unv Prof, Rgnts Prof), D. O'Leary, G. Stewart (Dist Univ Prof)
Adjunct Professors: M. Bhatia, B. Lackey (Adjunct Prof), J. Xu
Adjunct Assistant Professors: C. Miller (Visit Asst Prof)
Professors Emeriti: W. Adams, J. Alexander, S. Antman (Dist Univ Prof Emeritus), J. Auslander,
I. Babuska (Dist Univ Prof Emeritus), C. Berenstein, K. Berg (Assoc Prof Emeritus), M. Boyle,
M. Brin, J. Cooper, E. Correl, J. Dancis (Assoc Prof Emeritus), G. Ehrlich, R. Ellis, J. Fey, H.
Glaz, J. Goldhaber, R. Good, P. Green, M. Heins, G. Helzer (Assoc Prof Emeritus), R. Herb, J.
Horvath, B. Hunt (Prof Emeritus), R. Johnson, R. Kellogg, H. King, W. Kirwan (Former
Chancellor), A. Kleppner, D. Kueker, D. Lay (Prof Emeritus), G. Lehner, R. Lipsman, N.
Markley, U. Neri, F. Olver (Prof Emeritus), J. Owings, J. Sather (Assoc Prof Emeritus), D.
Schneider (Assoc Prof Emeritus), C. Warner, P. Wolfe, G. Yang, J. Yorke (Dist Univ Prof
652 | Page
Visiting Faculty: M. Macasieb (Visit Asst Prof), C. Rosendal (Visit Prof), F. Weber (Post-Doc
Assoc, Visit Lecturer), S. Yeakel (Visit Asst Prof)
The Major
The program in Mathematics leads to a degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and offers
students training in preparation for graduate work, teaching, and positions in government or
industry. Mathematical training is integrated with computer use in several courses. Because a
strong mathematical background is important in many fields, over half of UMCP Mathematics
majors are double majors. Additional information on these topics and mathematics is available
from the departmental website.
Program Objectives
The Department of Mathematics educates its majors in a broad range of modern mathematics
while instilling in them a strong ability to solve problems, apply mathematics to other areas, and
create rigorous mathematical arguments. The program prepares the majors to further their
mathematical education in graduate school, or to teach at the secondary school level, or to work
in government or business.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Students will acquire problem-solving skills in a broad range of significant mathematics.
2. Students will gain an understanding of what constitutes mathematical thinking, including the
ability to produce and judge the validity of rigorous mathematical arguments.
3. Students will be able to communicate mathematical ideas and arguments.
4. Students will be prepared to use mathematics in their future endeavors, not only in the
discipline of mathematics, but also in other disciplines.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Combined B.S./M.A. Program in Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics offers a combined B.S./M.A. degree program for students with
exceptional ability and interest in mathematics. Students enrolled in the Combined Degree
Program may count up to 9 credits of coursework taken for their undergraduate degree toward
the M.A. degree as well. For further information, please see the Mathematics Department
webpage: http://www-math.umd.edu/undergraduate/math-majors.html
Placement in Courses
The Department of Mathematics has a large offering to accommodate a great variety of
background, interests, and abilities. The department permits students to take any course for
which they have the appropriate background, regardless of formal course work. For example,
students with a high school calculus course may be permitted to begin in the middle of the
653 | Page
calculus sequence even if they do not have advanced standing. Students may obtain
undergraduate credit for mathematics courses in any of the following ways: passing the
appropriate CEEB Advanced Placement Examination, passing standardized CLEP examinations,
and through the department's Credit-by-Examination. Students are urged to consult with
advisors from the Department of Mathematics to assist with proper placements.
Statistics and Probability and Applied Mathematics
Courses in statistics and probability, and applied mathematics are offered by the Department of
Mathematics. These courses are open to non-majors as well as majors, and carry credit in
mathematics. Students wishing to concentrate in the above may do so by choosing an appropriate
program under the Department of Mathematics.
Requirements for the Major
There are three tracks for the major: the traditional track, the secondary education track, and the
statistics track. The secondary education track is for students seeking to become certified to teach
mathematics at the secondary level. Each mathematics major must complete each required
course with a grade of C- or better.
Introductory Sequence*
Calculus I
Calculus II
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Calculus III
Introduction to Mathematical Proof
One from:
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential
Differential Equations
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces I
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Eight MATH/AMSC/STAT courses** at the 400-level or higher; must include:
Advanced Calculus I
One from:
Applications of Linear Algebra
Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Linear Algebra
One from:
Computational Methods
Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
Depth Requirement; a one year sequence chosen from the
654 | Page
Advanced Calculus I and II
Advanced Calculus I / Adv Calc w/Applications
Introduction to Abstract Algebra / Field Theory
Introduction to Abstract Algebra / Linear Algebra
Introduction to Probability Theory / Introduction to
400 level courses (may not include: MATH 400, 461, 478, 480-484, STAT 464)
One from:
(A student may be exempt from this requirement if (s)he can demonstrate adequate
programming knowledge
from prior course or work experience.)
Introduction to C Programming
Introduction to Computer Programming via the Web
Object-Oriented Programming I
Object-Oriented Programming II
Aerospace Computing
Introduction to Programming in the Physical Sciences
Supporting three-course sequence
Intended to broaden the student's mathematical experience. (Other sequences might be
approved by the Undergraduate Office but they
would have to make use of mathematical
ideas, comparable to the sequences on this list.) Choose one sequence:
Sequence One
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, Electricity and
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and
Sequence Two
Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity
Introductory Physics: Fields
Introductory Physics: Waves
Sequence Three
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
Mechanics of Materials
Sequence Four
Object-Oriented Programming II
Introduction to Computer Systems
Discrete Structures
Sequence Five
Principles of General Chemistry/Lab
Principles of Organic Chemistry I
Principles of Organic Chemistry II
Sequence Six
Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry/Lab
655 | Page
Organic Chemistry I/Lab
Organic Chemistry II/Lab
Sequence Seven
Principles of Micro-Economics
Principles of Macro-Economics
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, OR
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Sequence Eight
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Business Finance
* Or honors sequence: MATH 340
-341.Completion of MATH 340 satisfies the requirement for MATH 241;
completion of MATH 340
-341 satisfies the requirement for MATH 240-241-246.
** At least four courses must be taken at College Park.
Students with a strong interest in applied mathematics may, with the approval of the Undergraduate Office,
substitute two courses (with strong mathematics content) from outside the Mathematics Department for one
upper-level elective course.
Introductory Sequence*
Calculus I
Calculus II
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Calculus III
Introduction to Mathematical Proof
One from:
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Eight MATH/AMSC/STAT courses** at the 400-level or higher; must include:
Advanced Calculus I
Introduction to Probability Theory
One additional STAT course other than STAT400,
STAT410, STAT464
One from:
Applications of Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra
One from:
Computational Methods
Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
One from:
Applied Harmonic Analysis
Mathematical Modeling
Introduction to Mathematical Finance
Geometry of Computer Graphics
656 | Page
Partial Differential Equations
Transform Methods
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Depth Requirement; a one year sequence chosen from the
Advanced Calculus I and II
Advanced Calculus I / Adv Calc w/Applications
Applied Harmonic Analysis / Transform Methods
400 level courses (may not include: MATH400, 461, 478, 480-484, STAT464)
One from:
(A student may be exempt from this requirement if (s)he can demonstrate adequate
programming knowledge from
prior course or work experience.)
Introduction to C Programming
Introduction to Computer Programming via the Web
Object-Oriented Programming I
Object-Oriented Programming II
Aerospace Computing
Intermediate Programming Concepts for Engineering
Introduction to Programming in the Physical Sciences
Supporting three-course sequence
Intended to broaden the student's mathematical experience. (Other
sequences might be
approved by the Undergraduate Office but they
would have to make use of mathematical ideas, comparable to the
sequences on this list.) Choose one sequence:
Sequence One
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, Electricity and
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and
Sequence Two
Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity
Introductory Physics: Fields
Introductory Physics: Waves
Sequence Three
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
Mechanics of Materials
Sequence Four
Object-Oriented Programming II
Introduction to Computer Systems
Discrete Structures
Sequence Five
657 | Page
Principles of General Chemistry/Lab
Principles of Organic Chemistry I
Principles of Organic Chemistry II
Sequence Six
Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry/Lab
Organic Chemistry I/Lab
Organic Chemistry II/Lab
Sequence Seven
Principles of Micro-Economics
Principles of Macro-Economics
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, OR
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis, OR
Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
Sequence Eight
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Business Finance
Sequence Nine
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry/Lab,
Principles of General Chemistry/Lab
Sequence Ten
Introductory Astrophysics – Solar System
Introductory Astrophysics – Stars and Beyond
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics, OR
Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity
Sequence Eleven
Physical Geology
Two From:
Structural Geology
Introduction to the Blue Ocean
Sequence Twelve
Weather and Climate
Two additional 400-level AOSC courses
* Or honors sequence: MATH340
-341.Completion of MATH340 satisfies the requirement for MATH241;
completion of
MATH340-341 satisfies the requirement for MATH240-241-246.
** At least four courses must be taken at College Park.
With the approval of the Undergraduate Office, students may substitute two courses (with
strong mathematics content) from outside the
Mathematics Department for one upper-level
elective course.
658 | Page
Secondary Education Track
Introductory Sequence*
Calculus I
Calculus II
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Calculus III
Introduction to Mathematical Proof
One from:
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations
Applications of Linear Algebra
Mathematical Modeling
Introduction to Dynamics and Chaos
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Computational Methods
Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
Seven MATH/AMSC/STAT courses** at the 400
evel or higher;
must include:
Advanced Calculus I
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries
One from:
Algebraic Structures
Introduction to Abstract Algebra
One from:
Applied Probability and Statistics I
Introduction to Probability Theory
One from:
Introduction to Number Theory
Elementary Mathematical Logic
Axiomatic Set Theory
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
400-level MATH/AMSC/STAT course
(may not include: MATH400, 461,478,
480-484, or STAT464)
One from:
(A student may be exempt from this requirement if (s)he can demonstrate adequate
programming knowledge from prior course or work experience.)
Introduction to C Programming
Introduction to Computer Programming via the Web
Object-Oriented Programming I
Object-Oriented Programming II
659 | Page
Aerospace Computing
Introduction to Programming in the Physical Sciences
Education Requirements
Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Mathematics
Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Mathematics
Supporting Sequence
One of the following supporting two course sequences. These are
intended to broaden the student's mathematical experience. (Other
sequences might be approved by the Undergraduate Office but they
would have to make use of mathematical ideas, comparable to
sequences on this list.)
Sequence One
Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry/Lab
Organic Chemistry I/Lab
Sequence Two
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, Electricity and
Sequence Three
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Sequence Four
Introductory Astrophysics - Solar System
Introductory Astrophysics II - Stars and Beyond
Sequence Five
Physical Geology/Lab
Mineralogy, or
Geomorphology, or
Structural Geology, or
Introduction to the Blue Ocean
Sequence Six
Weather and Climate/Lab and
Any 400 level AOSC course
*Or honors sequence: MATH 340-341.Completion of MATH 340 satisfies the requirement for MATH 241;
completion of
MATH 340-341 satisfies the requirement for MATH 240-241-246.
**At least four courses must be taken at College Park.
The student-teaching pair EDCI 450-451 is 13 credits and has further prerequisites in the College of
Education. In order to take thes
e courses the student must be admitted into the College of Education. A
student in the secondary education track of the mathematics major would normally be expected to receive a
double major in Mathematics and Mathematics Education.
Statistics Track
Introductory Sequence*
Calculus I
Calculus II
Introduction to Linear Algebra
660 | Page
Calculus III
Introduction to Mathematical Proof
One from:
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Differential Equations
Eight MATH/AMSC/STAT courses**; must include:
Advanced Calculus I
Introduction to Probability Theory
Introduction to Statistical Computing and SAS
One from:
Computational Methods
Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
One from:
Applications of Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra
One from:
Applied Probability and Statistics II
Introduction to Statistics
Two additional courses from the following list:
Any 400-level or higher STAT courses (except STAT 464)
Advanced Calculus II
Advanced Calculus with Applications
Differential Equations
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance
Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers
One from:
(A student may be exempt from this requirement if (s)he can demonstrate
adequate programming knowledge from prior course or work experience.)
Introduction to C Programming
Introduction to Computer Programming via the Web
Object-Oriented Programming I
Object-Oriented Programming II
Aerospace Computing
Introduction to Programming in the Physical Sciences
Supporting three-course sequence
Intended to broaden the student's mathematical experience.
(Other sequences might be approved by the Undergraduate Office
but they would have to make use of mat
hematical ideas
comparable to the sequences on this list.) Choose one sequence.
Sequence One
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, Electricity and
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and
Sequence Two
Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity
661 | Page
Introductory Physics: Fields
Introductory Physics: Waves
Sequence Three
General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
Mechanics of Materials
Sequence Four
Object-Oriented Programming II
Introduction to Computer Systems
Discrete Structures
Sequence Five
Principles of General Chemistry/Lab
Principles of Organic Chemistry I
Principles of Organic Chemistry II
Sequence Six
Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry/Lab
Organic Chemistry I/Lab
Organic Chemistry II/Lab
Sequence Seven
Principles of Micro-Economics
Principles of Macro-Economics
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, OR
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Sequence Eight
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Accounting II
Business Finance
*Or honors sequence: MATH340-341.Completion of MATH340 satisfies the requirement for MATH241;
completion of MATH340-341 satisfies the requirement for MATH240-241-246.
**At least four courses must be taken at College Park.
Other Requirements for the Major
Areas of Study
Within the Department of Mathematics there are a number of identifiable areas which students
can pursue to suit their own goals and interests. They are briefly described below. Note that they
do overlap and that students need not confine themselves to one of them.
1. Pure Mathematics: Courses that belong to this area include: MATH402, 403, 404, 405, 406,
410, 411, 430, 432, 436, 437, 445, 452, 456, and STAT410, 420. Students preparing for
graduate school in mathematics should include MATH403, 405, 410, 411 and 463 (or 660) in
662 | Page
their programs. MATH432 (or 730) is also desirable. Other courses from the above list and
graduate courses are also appropriate.
2. Secondary Teaching: In addition to the courses required by the Secondary Education Track,
the following courses are particularly suited for students preparing to teach: MATH401, 406,
445, 470, and 475.
Students who are interested in secondary teaching should contact also the College of Education
for certification requirements and other information: www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo.
3. Statistics: For a student with a Bachelor's degree seeking work requiring some statistical
background, the minimal program is STAT400-401. To work primarily as a statistician, one
should combine STAT400-401 with STAT430 and at least one more statistics course, most
suitably, STAT440. A deeper sequence is STAT410, 420, 430. This offers a better
understanding and wider knowledge of statistics and is a general purpose program (i.e., does not
specify one area of application). For economics applications, MATH424, STAT400, 401, 430,
440 should be considered. To prepare for graduate work, STAT410 and 420 give the best
background, with STAT430, 440 added at some later stage.
4. Computational Mathematics: There are a number of math courses which emphasize the
computational aspects of mathematics including the use of the computer. They are AMSC460,
466, MATH431, 456, 475 and STAT430. Students interested in this area should take the CMSC
supporting sequence as soon as possible.
5. Applied Mathematics: The courses that lead most rapidly to applications are the courses
listed above in 3 and 4 and MATH401, 416, 420, 452, 462, and 464. A student interested in
applied mathematics should obtain, in addition to a solid training in mathematics, a good
knowledge of at least one area in which mathematics is currently being applied. Concentration in
this area is good preparation for employment in government and industry or for graduate study in
applied mathematics.
Requirements for the Minor
The Department of Mathematics offers minors in the following areas:
Actuarial Mathematics
A minor offers a structured program of study outside a student's major. See http://www-
Advising for Math majors is mandatory. Students are required to sign up for an advising
appointment online, beginning the week before early registration. Students who have been away
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more than two years may find that due to curriculum changes, the courses they have taken may
no longer be adequate preparation for the courses required to complete the major. Students in
this situation must meet with the Department Advisor to make appropriate plans.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
There are a variety of undergraduate research opportunities in mathematics at Maryland. For
detailed information, see http://www-math.umd.edu/undergraduate/opportunities.html?id=102
Honors Program
The Mathematics Honors Program is designed for students showing exceptional ability and
interest in mathematics. Its aim is to give a student the best possible mathematics education. A
precise statement of the requirements may be found at http://www-math.umd.edu/departmental-
The department also offers a special department honors sequence MATH340-341 for promising
freshmen with a strong mathematical background (including calculus). Participants in Honors
College may also enroll in special honors sections of the lower-level mathematics courses
(MATH140H, 141H, 241H, 246H). Students in Math340-341 and the special honors sections
need not be Math majors.
The Mathematics departmental honors sequence and the Honors College program are distinct,
and enrollment in one does not imply acceptance in the other.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
There are several student-run groups within the department: the Math Club, Pi Mu Epsilon, the
Actuarial Club, and Women in Math.
Math Club:
Pi Mu Epsilon:
Actuarial Math Club:
Women in Math:
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Awards and Recognition
Aaron Strauss Scholarships: One is awarded each spring to an outstanding non-graduating
math major. The recipient receives full remission of (in-state) tuition for the following academic
year. Applications may be obtained early in the previous spring semester from the Mathematics
Undergraduate Office, 1117 Mathematics Building.
Aziz Mathematics Scholarship: The Aziz scholarship is the department's highest award of
mathematical excellence for a non-graduating math major. When eligible, the recipient receives
a monetary award to cover in-state tuition in the following academic year.
Dan Shanks Award: This award is for an undergraduate student studying computational
number theory and related areas, based on merit.
Dan Sweet Scholarship: A one-semester stipend awarded to a math major on the basis of merit.
Higginbotham Prize: A monetary award is made to an outstanding junior math major in the
John and Sabrina Konter Endowed Scholarship: This is an award for an undergraduate math
major with an interest in applications to real world problems in business and industry. Take or
plan to take probability and statistics and at least 12 credits hours in one or more: economics,
business, physics or computer science.
Milton Abramowitz Award: A monetary award is made to an outstanding junior or senior
Math major in the spring.
Outstanding Senior Award: A monetary award is made to the outstanding graduating Math
Strauss Teaching Assistantship: This is an opportunity for outstanding Math majors to work
as an undergraduate TA. Apply in the spring for the following year.
For further information on awards, see http://www-math.umd.edu/undergraduate/math-
Mathematics Education (TLPL)
For more information see Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in Chapter 7.
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A. James Clark School of Engineering
2181 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-2410
Chair: B. Balachandran, (Minta Martin Prof and Chair), H. Bruck, (Assoc Chair Academic
Affairs, Dir Graduate Studies), D. DeVoe, (Assoc Chair Research and Admin)
Director: K. Kiger (Keystone Prof, Dir UG Studies)
Professors: S. Azarm, A. Bar-Cohen (Dist Univ Prof), A. Baz (Minta Martin and Keystone Prof),
P. Bernard, A. Christou, A. Dasgupta (Jeong Kim Prof), J. Duncan (Keystone Prof), W. Fourney
(Keystone Prof & Assoc Dean), A. Gupta, (Dist Univ Prof), B. Han (Keystone Prof), J.
Herrmann, J. Kim (Keystone Prof), P. McCluskey, M. Modarres (Nicole J. Kim Prof, Director
CRR, C.D. Mote, Jr. (Glenn L. Martin Inst Prof and Regents Prof), M. Ohadi, M. Pecht (George
E. Dieter Prof & Dir CALCE), R. Radermacher (Minta Martin Prof, Dir CEEE), P. Sandborn
(Dir MTECH), L. Schmidt, E. Smela, J. Srebric, B. Yang, M. diMarzo
Associate Professors: S. Bergbreiter, D. Bigio, N. Chopra, P. Chung, M. Cukier, T. Li (Keystone
Prof), G. Pertmer, A. Riaz, M. Yu, G. Zhang
Assistant Professors: S. Das, M. Fuge, J-O. Hahn, J. Larsson, R. Sochol, M. Vaughn-Cooke
Lecturers: S. Arul (Lecturer), D. Burke (Lecturer), Z. Eshete (Lecturer), J. Forsythe (Lecturer),
H. Haslach (Senior Lecturer), S. Mitchell (Lecturer), V. Nguyen (Res Assoc, Lecturer), R.
Sanders (Senior Lecturer), D. Schug (Lecturer), C. Thamire (Senior Lecturer)
Affiliate Professors: E. Kalnay (Dist Univ Prof, Affiliate Prof), D. Lathrop (Prof, Affiliate Prof),
E. Oran (Glenn L. Martin Inst. Prof,Affiliate Prof), D. Riley (Affiliate Prof, Prof), A. Trouve
(Prof, Lecturer), M. Zachariah (Affiliate Prof)
Affiliate Associate Professors: L. Hu (Assoc Prof, Lecturer), A. Marshall (Assoc Prof, Affil
Assoc Prof), S. Stoliarov (Assoc Prof, Affil Assoc Prof), P. Sunderland (Assoc Prof, Affil Assoc
Affiliate Assistant Professors: M. Gollner (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof), H. Xu (Aff Asst Prof)
Adjunct Associate Professors: D. Barrett (Adjunct Assoc Prof), D. Findlay (Adjunct Assoc Prof),
L. Hamilton (Lecturer, Adjunct Assoc Prof), V. Krivtsov (Adjunct Assoc Prof), G. Schultz
Professors Emeriti: D. Anand, R. Armstrong, B. Berger, F. Buckley, P. Cunniff, J. Dally (Glenn
L. Martin Inst Prof), G. Dieter (Glenn L. Martin Inst Prof), D. Holloway, J. Kirk, E. Magrab, C.
Marks, A. Mosleh, U. Piomelli (Prof Emeritus), R. Sanford, C. Sayre, J. Sengers (Dist Univ Prof
Emeritus), M. Talaat, W. Walston (Assoc Prof Emeritus), J. Yang
The Major
Mechanical engineering is the broadest of the engineering disciplines. It is concerned with the
design, manufacture, and operation of a wide range of components, devices, or systems. The
field comfortably encompasses applications ranging from micro-mechanical surgical systems to
internal combustion engines for Formula One racecars or giant turbines for renewable energy
wind farms. A fitting adage for the discipline would be turning ideas into reality.
Graduates of the program will possess the skills and the knowledge-base critical for success in
today’s marketplace, with the problem solving expertise and flexibility necessary to adapt as
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technology and society evolve. Students must be proficient in the traditional fundamentals of
mechanical engineering such as solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer processes,
materials engineering, electronic instrumentation and measurements, controls, and
design. However, they will also explore new/emerging areas through a variety of electives such
as smart structures, machine learning, additive manufacturing, Lean Six Sigma, and medical
Attributes such as teamwork, ethics, and leadership are emphasized in the curriculum. The
program is designed to integrate out-of-classroom experiences, helping students explore career
options and apply what they are learning in the real world. Students can work with faculty on
research projects, serve as teaching fellows, pursue leadership opportunities through clubs, and
participate in national competitions such as the Formula SAE/Baja SAE teams or the DOE Solar
Decathlon. The flexibility of the curriculum, and frequent offering of required courses, allows
many of our students to participate in study abroad or cooperative education opportunities.
The Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org , 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore,
MD 21202-4012, telephone: (410) 347-7700.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym:
Program Objectives
1. Graduates will provide value in their chosen career path, whether for mastery
of the disciplines central to mechanical engineering or for the broader analytical
skills, critical thinking, innovation and/or creative abilities provided by their
engineering education.
2. Students will utilize skills in teamwork, leadership, and communication gained
in their program of study, and act in a professional and ethical manner in the area
in which they apply their degree.
3. Graduates will show a commitment to on-going professional development,
whether through graduate study, research programs, training courses, or
leadership opportunities thereby adapting to an evolving, competitive global work
Program Learning Outcomes
a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data
c. an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic
d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
e. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g. an ability to communicate effectively
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h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning
j. a knowledge of contemporary issues
k. an ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary
for engineering practice
Admission to the Major
Admission requirements are identical to those set by the A. James Clark School of Engineering.
See A. James Clark School of Engineering under Colleges and Schools on this site.
Requirements for the Major
Freshman Year
Calculus I
Calculus II
General Chemistry for Engineers
General Physics
Introduction to Writing
Introduction to Engineering Design (**can be
taken 1st or 2nd semester)
Mechanics I (
**can be taken 1st or 2nd semester)
General Education Requirements
Total Credits
Sophomore Year
Intro to Matlab
Calculus III
Differential Equations
General Physics
General Physics
Mechanics II
Computer Aided Design
General Education Requirements
Total Credits
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Junior Year
Fluid Mechanics
Transfer Processes
Electronics and Instrumentation I
Electronics and Instrumentation II
Vibration, Controls, & Optimization I
Product Engineering and Manufacturing
Introduction to Materials Engineering
Statistical Methods for Product and Process
Technical Writing
General Education Requirements
Total Credits
Senior Year
Vibration, Controls, & Optimization II
Integrated Product and Process Development II
Machine Design
Technical Electives
General Education Requirements
Total Credits
A minimum of 120 credits are required for a degree.
Sample Elective Topics
Waste Technology
Bio-Inspired Robotics
Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing
Packaging of Electronic Systems
Energy Conversion
Engineering Management
Environmental Engineering
Flexible Macro-electronics
Automotive Design
Micro-nano Robotics
Medical Robotics
Fiber Optics
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
Nuclear Reactor Engineering
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Mechanical engineering students are required to meet with a departmental adviser each semester
prior to registering for the following term. Mechanical Engineering has a team of faculty and
staff academic advisors. Please contact the department's Undergraduate Advising Office, 2182-
2188 Glenn L. Martin Hall, at 301-405-2199, for more information or review resources including
office hours and the appointment process, on-line at meugrad.umd.edu.
Co-op Programs
Participation in the Cooperative Education Program is encouraged. See Clark School of
Engineering under Colleges and Schools on this site.
Honors Program
The Honors Program is administered through the Clark School of Engineering. Individual honors
and awards are presented based on academic excellence and extracurricular activities.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Student chapters of professional societies include the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, the Society of Automotive Engineers, the Mechanical Contractors Association and
the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers. The mechanical
engineering honor society is Pi Tau Sigma. Information regarding these societies may be
obtained at 2186 Glenn Martin Hall.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
A limited amount of scholarship aid is available through the Department of Mechanical
Engineering. Information may be obtained in the Undergraduate Advising Office. Information
about Clark School of Engineering scholarships and Department of Mechanical Engineering
scholarships is also available on-line at http://www.engrscholarships.umd.edu/scholarships.
See Atmospheric and Oceanic Science.
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Middle School Education (TLPL)
For more information see Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in Chapter 7.
College of Arts and Humanities
2110 Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, 301-405-5549
Chair: J. Geary (Prof & Dir)
Director: L. DeBoy (Assoc. Dir.), O. Haldey (Dir. Graduate Studies), M. Tsong (Dir.
Undergraduate Studies), P. Warfield (Assoc. Dir.)
Professors: C. Balthrop, D. Cossa, T. DeLio, L. Dedova, P. Gekker, B. Haggh-Huglo, D.
Hanninen, M. Hewitt, M. Hill, L. Mabbs, E. Maclary, G. Miller, D. Salness, R. Sloan, J. Stern,
C. Vadala, M. Votta, J. Witzleben, D. Ziegler
Associate Professors: R. DiLutis, J. Fry, B. Gowen, R. King, K. Murdock, M. Tsong, G. Wilson,
M. Wilson
Assistant Professors: K. Elpus, C. Kier, E. Kutz, I. Muresanu, S. Prichard, F. Rios, W. Robin
Lecturers: D. Alvi, F. Ames, L. Arsenault, T. Baldwin, R. Barber, W. Evans, D. Fedderly, D.
Foster, D. Froom, S. Fuller, J. Gilliam (Assoc Art-in-Res), A. Goldman, M. Guilford (Assoc Art-
in-Res), E. Heckscher, L. Hinkle, P. Kellner, G. Kunkel, R. Layton, J. Lee, A. Manzo, R.
McReynolds, P. Munds, K. Okamoto, N. Olcott, R. Oppelt, E. Osterloh, J. Ozment, T. Powell,
M. Randall, C. Redd, T. Robison, L. Schnitker, E. Shin, K. Slowik, I. Suadin, S. Thursby, N.
Tochka, K. Trahan, M. Volchok, S. Wang, F. Xie, D. Zimmerman
Professors Emeriti: H. Cohen, E. Elsing, G. Fischbach, E. Garvey, E. Head, N. Heim, E. Helm,
R. Johnson, F. Loup, L. Major, L. Moss, J. Pacholczyk, R. Provine, S. Shelley, E. Urban, J.
Wakefield, R. Wexler
Program Objectives
The objectives of the School of Music are (1) to provide professional musical training based on a
foundation in the liberal arts; (2) to help the general student develop sound critical judgment and
discriminating taste in the performance and literature of music; (3) to prepare the student for
graduate work in the field; and (4) to prepare the student to teach music in the public schools.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will understand, analyze, and demonstrate knowledge of fundamental concepts of aural
Students will be able to perform a variety of repertoire appropriate for their selected
instrument as a soloist and member of an ensemble.
Composition track students will compose original works in a variety of media.
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Jazz Studies track students will demonstrate in-depth knowledge and skills in
improvisation in a variety of styles.
Music teacher candidates will have in-depth knowledge of music as described by
professional, state, and institutional standards. Teacher candidates can effectively plan
classroom-based instruction and activities for their roles as teachers. Teacher candidates'
knowledge, skills, and dispositions are applied effectively in practice.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
With the above objectives in mind, the School of Music offers the following three bachelor
degrees: (a) the Bachelor of Music, with majors in theory, composition, and music performance,
(b) the Bachelor of Arts, with a major in music and (c) Bachelor of Music Education in
conjunction with and certification from the College of Education.
The UM School of Music is located in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, a 318,000
square foot campus facility dedicated to Music, Theatre, Dance and Performance
Studies. Completed in 2001, the Center includes six state-of-the-art performance venues, the
Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library, and specialized classroom and rehearsal spaces.
Admission to the Major
Admission to all undergraduate music degree programs (B.M., B.A., B.M.E. and minor) is based
on a required performance audition and/or interview before a faculty committee. An application
to the School of Music is required to be scheduled for an audition. In some instruments/areas, a
prescreen recording is also required. The application, as well as audition dates and requirements
are available at www.music.umd.edu
Placement in Courses
Required music courses and private lessons are open to music majors who have completed the
specified prerequisites or their equivalents. Lessons may be available for qualified non-music
majors, if resources (teacher, time, funding, facilities) are available. All large performing
ensembles in the School of Music are open by audition to any student at the university.
Requirements for the Major
The Bachelor of Music Degree (BM)
Designed for qualified students with extensive pre-college training and potential for successful
careers in professional music. B.M. degree programs are offered in the following: Piano, Voice,
Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone, Horn, Trumpet,
Trombone, Tuba, Euphonium, Percussion, Harp, Composition, Jazz Studies and Theory.
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The College of Arts and Humanities requirements of 45 3xx or 4xx-level credits and the Global
Engagement Requirement are waived for students majoring in B.M. Degree programs.
Bachelor of Music (BM) Requirements:
In addition to General Education courses, BM students generally complete the following:
8 semesters of private lessons (Senior Recital in final semester)
8 semesters of large ensemble participation
8 semesters of small ensemble participation
4 semesters of music theory
3 semesters of music history
2 semesters of class piano (except piano majors)
1 semester of form and analysis
1 semester of conducting
1 semester of music literature
1 semester of music pedagogy
1 semester of world music
3 credits of music electives
The BM programs vary according to instrument or emphasis. Please visit www.music.umd.edu
for specific requirements.
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the major. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the major is required for graduation.
The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music (BA)
Designed for qualified students whose interests include a broader liberal arts experience. The
College of Arts and Humanities requirement of 45 3xx or 4xx-level credits and the Global
Engagement Requirement apply to all B.A. students. B.A. degree programs are offered in the
following: Piano, Voice, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone,
Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Euphonium, Percussion, Harp and Jazz Studies.
Bachelor of Arts in Music (BA) Requirements:
In addition to General Education courses, BA Music students generally complete the following:
5 semesters of private lessons (Senior Recital in final semester)
5 semesters of ensemble participation
4 semesters of music theory
3 semesters of music history
2 semesters of class piano (except piano majors)
1 semester of form and analysis
6 credits of music electives
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The BA programs vary according to instrument or emphasis. Please visit www.music.umd.edu
for specific requirements.
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the major. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the major is required for graduation.
Bachelor of Music Education (BME) Requirements
Designed for qualified students preparing for careers in PreK-12 teaching of music, the Bachelor
of Music Education (BME) offered by the College of Arts and Humanities carries with it a
teaching certification from the College of Education. BME degrees are offered with
concentrations in either Instrumental Music Education or Choral-General Music Education. The
requirements for a BME are similar to the BM program plus approximately 48 credits in music
education. Please visit www.music.umd.edu for specific requirements.
In addition to General Education requirements, Music Education students generally complete the
following (for a total of 134-140 credits):
7 semesters of private lessons (Senior Recital in final semester)
7 semesters of large ensemble participation
4 semesters of music theory
3 semesters of music history
2 semesters of class piano (except piano majors)
1 semester of conducting
1 semester of world music
26 credits of MUED (class instruments and field experience)
6 credits of EDHD (Human Development)
3 credits of EDPS (Education Policy Studies)
3 credits of EDCI463 (Curriculum and Instruction)
6 credits MUED484 (Elementary Student Teaching)
6 credits MUED494 (Secondary Student Teaching)
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the major. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the major is required for graduation.
Requirements for the Minor
Music Performance Minor
Eighteen credit hours consisting of the following:
Four semesters of applied lessons (MUSP302, 303, 402, 403)
Four semesters of ensemble (chosen from MUSC129, 229, 329)
MUSC130 Survey of Music Literature
MUSC140 Fundamentals of Music
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Admission to the minor in music performance is based on a required performance audition
before a faculty committee. Audition dates and requirements are available from the School of
Music office.
Students who fulfill Minor requirements will receive a Minor on the official transcript. Please
contact the School of Music Office for more information.
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Departmental advising is mandatory for all music majors every semester. Please visit
www.music.umd.edu to find your appropriate advisor.
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity
Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity
Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America
The National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The School of Music offers merit-based scholarships upon a student's acceptance into the
School. Scholarships are based on the quality of the application, which includes the audition.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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Awards and Recognition
The Presser Award is granted each May to a music student with junior standing who
demonstrates both performance and scholastic excellence, as determined by the music faculty,
and carries with it a significant financial award to help the recipient in his/her senior year.
Nutrition and Food Science (NFSC)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
0112 Skinner Building, 301-405-4521
Chair: Robert T. Jackson (Acting Chair)
Director: P. McShane (Dietetic Internship), M. Mehta-Gupta (Ext Assoc), Margaret Udahogora
(Undergraduate Dietetics Program)
Professors: R. Buchanan, T. Castonguay, R. Jackson, D. Lei, J. Meng, N. Sahyoun (Prof), C. Wei
(Dean of AGNR), L. Yu
Associate Professors: Q. Wang
Assistant Professors: S. Lee, A. Pradhan, S. Rahaman, H. Song, R. Tikekar
Lecturers: Margaret Udahogora (Dietetics Program Director)
Professors Emeriti: R. Ahrens, P. Moser-Veillon, R. Wiley
Admission to the Major
The major in Nutrition and Food Science is not a Limited Enrollment Program (LEP). Students
may either declare a major in the department at the time of application or transfer into the majors
at any time thereafter. If interested in transferring into a major in NFSC, please contact the
departmental office and ask to speak with an advisor.
Requirements for the Major
The department offers three areas of emphasis: dietetics, food science, and nutritional science.
Each program provides for competencies in several areas of work; however, each option is
designed specifically for certain professional careers.
The Dietetics major develops an understanding and competency in food, nutrition, dietetics
management, clinical nutritional care, nutrition education, and community nutrition. The
dietetics program is approved by the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education, and
qualifies students, after completion of a post-baccalaureate internship, to sit for the national
exam to become a registered dietitian.
The Food Science major is concerned with the application of the fundamental principles of the
physical, biological, and behavioral sciences and engineering to understand the complex and
heterogeneous materials recognized as food. The food science program is approved by the
Institute of Food Technologists and prepares students for careers in food industry and food
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The Nutritional Science major emphasizes the physical and biological sciences in relation to
nutrition and the development of laboratory skills in these areas. Students in this major
frequently elect to go on to graduate or medical school.
Grades. All students are required to earn a grade of "C-" or better in courses applied toward
satisfaction of the major. This includes all required courses with a prefix of NFSC, as well as
certain required courses in supporting fields. A list of these courses for each program may be
obtained from the department office.
Base curriculum for all options (54 cr):
Elements of Nutrition
Food: Science & Technology
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
General Microbiology
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry I Laboratory
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
General Chemistry and Energetics
General Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory
Introduction to Writing
ENGL391 or
Advanced Composition, or
Technical Writing
College Algebra with Applications
General Education: Social or Political History
General Education: Literature
General Education: Advanced Studies
General Education: History or Theory of Art
Additional course requirements for option in Dietetics (66 cr):
Nutrition During the Lifecycle
677 | Page
Foodservice Operations
Nutritional Assessment
Advanced Human Nutrition
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Community Nutrition
Issues and Problems in Dietetics
Biochemistry I
Biochemistry II
Management and Organization Theory
Cell Biology and Physiology
Mammalian Physiology
EDMS451 or
Intro to Educational Statistics, or
PSYC100 (SB)
Introduction to Psychology
SOCY100 (SB)
Introduction to Sociology
Critical Thinking and Speaking
Restricted Elective
*See list below
Food Chemistry
Food Microbiology
*NFSC410, NFSC425, NFSC450, BMGT220, BSCI222, BSCI422, COMM200, EDCP310,
KNES360, BMGT360, AREC350, ENST333, AREC250, or alternate course by approval of
Additional course requirements for option in Food Science (66 cr):
Food Science Seminar
Food Processing Technology
Mechanics of Food Processing
Food Chemistry lecture
Food Product Research & Development
Food Chemistry lab
Food Microbiology lecture
Food Quality Control
678 | Page
Food Microbiology lab
Food and Nutrient Analysis
Biochemistry of Physiology
Introduction to Biometrics
Critical Thinking and Speaking
Elementary Calculus I
Elementary Calculus II
Fundamental of Physics I
General Education: Behavioral and Social Sciences
Restricted Elective
*See list below
*NFSC410, NFSC425, NFSC450, BMGT220, BSCI222, BSCI422, COMM200, EDCP310,
KNES360, BMGT360, BMGT364, AREC350, ENST333, AREC250, or alternate course by
approval of advisor
Additional course requirements for option in Nutritional Science (66cr):
Nutrition During the Life Cycle
Food Chemistry lecture
Advanced Human Nutrition
Food and Nutrient Analysis
Biochemistry I
Biochemistry II
Biochemistry lab
Biochemistry III
Introduction to Biometrics
Principles of Genetics
Cell Biology and Physiology
Mammalian Physiology
Elementary Calculus I
Fundamentals of Physics I
General Education
General Education
General Education
679 | Page
Restricted Elective
*See list below
*NFSC380, NFSC410, NFSC460, NFSC470, BSCI410, BSCI422, BSCI430, BSCI447, or
alternate course by approval of advisor
Department advising is mandatory each semester. When planning a course of study, students
must consult the Undergraduate Catalog for the year they entered the program and also see an
appropriate departmental advisor. Information on advising may be obtained by calling the
department office, 301-405-8980.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The NFSC Department has two active undergraduate clubs: the Food and Nutrition (FAN) club
and the Food Science club, which sponsor outreach activities and speakers on career-related
topics, and participate in a variety of social activities. Call 301-405-8980 for more information.
Operations Management and Business Analytics
For information, see Decision, Operations and Information Technologies in Chapter 7.
Other For-Credit Programs
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (AFROTC)
0121 Reckord Armory, 301-314-3242
Director: Colonel David Morrissey
The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) provides students the opportunity to
earn a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force while completing their
undergraduate degree.
For information, see AFROTC under the Office of Undergraduate Studies section in Chapter 6.
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (ROTC)
2100 Reckord Armory, 301-314-9939
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The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps offers students the opportunity to earn a commission
as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army (Active, Reserve, or National Guard) while
completing their undergraduate degree.
For more information, see office of Undergraduate Studies section in Chapter 6.
College Park Scholars Program (CPSP)
1125 Cumberland Hall, 301-314-CPSP (2777)
Executive Director: Marilee Lindemann, PhD
College Park Scholars is a class of 12 interdisciplinary, two-year living and learning programs
(www.scholars.umd.edu/programs) in which academically and creatively talented freshmen and
sophomores explore interests that enhance or complement their academic major. Participation in
College Park Scholars provides the interpersonal benefits of a small college paired with the
intellectual advantages of a major research university.
Admission to College Park Scholars is selective and by invitation. For more information, see
College Park Scholars in the Office of Undergraduate Studies section of Chapter 6.
Education Abroad
1118 H.J. Patterson Hall, 301-314-7746
Dr. Ross Lewin
Through Education Abroad (EA), UMD students participate in academically rigorous overseas
programs designed to broaden and enrich their major fields of study, deepen their understanding
of other languages and cultures, and strengthen their ability to compete for successful careers in
today’s global economy. These programs provide coursework in a wide range of disciplines so
that participants can study abroad for a semester or academic year and still complete their
degrees on schedule. A growing number of EA programs combine the concepts of global
citizenship, civic engagement, and entrepreneurship by engaging students in innovative projects
designed to address health, economic, and environmental issues in the communities that host
them during their overseas studies.
EA collaborates with UMD faculty and staff as well as international institutions and affiliated
organizations to support more than 400 international programs in over 65 countries and to
integrate overseas coursework into campus curricula. Professional advisors guide students in the
selection of suitable programs and the arrangement of academic credit, assist with applications
for financial aid, conduct pre-departure orientations, and provide on-call support to participants
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overseas. Recognizing that substantive international experience is a crucial part of any
undergraduate education, EA continually seeks to enable every UMD student to study abroad
regardless of his or her major field of study or financial profile. EA is especially attentive to the
diverse needs of the UMD campus community and is committed to developing and delivering
programs and resources that facilitate access for and representation of diverse identities.
Study Abroad Process
Students interested in overseas studies should ideally visit EA one year before actually
submitting an application in order to explore program options and learn more about the next
steps in arranging academic credit, completing pre-requisites, and obtaining financial aid for
their intended programs. When a student is prepared to begin an application, he or she should
arrange to meet with an advisor by making an appointment through the on-line system
at: www.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Types of Study Abroad Programs
Exchange programs: Exchange programs allow UMD students to study for a semester or year at
leading universities throughout the world while paying little more than their regular UMD
tuition, travel, and overseas living expenses. In exchange for each outgoing student, one from the
overseas host university studies at the College Park campus for an equivalent period. While some
exchange programs require foreign language proficiency, many are open to students who speak
only English. These programs offer UMD students an outstanding opportunity to develop lasting
bonds with local students. UMD students earn transfer credit applied to their UMD degree on all
exchange programs.
Maryland Semester (Maryland-in), Maryland Short Term & Freshmen Abroad programs: EA
directly sponsors and administers a wide array of semester and short term opportunities in
partnership with UMD academic departments. These options allow students to receive UMD
resident credit. These include semester programs in Barcelona, Beijing, Berlin, Buenos Aires,
Copenhagen, Florence, Perugia, Nice. Rome and Seville as well as more than 75 short term
courses taught by Maryland faculty during the summer, winter term, and spring break in
locations ranging from Morocco to Brazil. This also includes Terrapin Takeoff and Destination
programs for spring admitted freshmen. In addition to high-quality instruction, UMD programs
offer cultural activities, internships, and service opportunities to help students maximize their
engagement with the host-country culture.
Approved Programs and Affiliate Programs: EA administers a wide range of programs in
collaboration with vetted study abroad providers and universities, including The Council on
International Educational Exchange (CIEE), the Institute for the International Education of
Students (IES), The Education Abroad Network (TEAN), American Councils (ACTR), and the
University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC).
Non-Approved programs: UMD students who wish to study abroad through other institutions
must petition to do so. The first step in this process is to speak with an EA advisor. Petitioners
must demonstrate a compelling academic reason to participate in a non-approved program and
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that the program in question meets the same standards required of approved programs. EA
strongly encourages students to explore its extensive list of affiliated and approved programs
before beginning the petition process.
More information and applications are available at the EA website: www.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Hearing and Speech in the Evening (HESPIE)
0132 Main Administration Building, 301-405-7762
Hearing and Speech in the Evening (HESPIE) is a non-degree, post-baccalaureate program
that provides a strong background for graduate training in Speech—Language Pathology,
Audiology, and in Hearing, Language, or Speech Sciences. Upon program completion, students
should acquire the knowledge and skills to demonstrate knowledge of basic communication
processes as well as knowledge of speech, language, and hearing disorders and differences,
including etiologies and characteristics, prevention, assessment, and intervention.
Honors College
Anne Arundel Hall, 301-405-6771
Executive Director: Dr. Susan Dwyer
The Honors College, a vibrant and diverse intellectual community on the doorstep of the nation's
capital, engages the University of Maryland's highest achieving undergraduates by providing
academic challenges and boundless opportunities for discovery, setting them on paths to
extraordinary futures. Small classes and outstanding teachers encourage discussion and foster
innovative thinking across academic disciplines. Honors students have exclusive access to
Honors living-learning program courses, Honors seminars, and Honors versions of courses
offered by the academic departments on campus.
For more information, see Office of Undergraduate Studies in Chapter 6.
Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Program (Naval ROTC)
0110 Reckord Armory, 301-314-6289
Director: Captain Troy Mong
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The Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) Program was established to educate and
train qualified young men and women for service as commissioned officers in the US Navy
(unrestricted line), or in the Marine Corps while completing their undergraduate degree.
For information, see NROTC under the Office of Undergraduate Studies section in Chapter 6.
Science in the Evening (SIE)
0132 Main Administration Building, 301-405-7762
Science in the Evening (SIE) is a non-degree, post-baccalaureate program that provides the
basic foundational curriculum in biology, chemistry, and physics needed to pursue a life sciences
career. SIE provides an excellent science education for students who have little or no background
in science. In SIE, students access the necessary coursework to prepare for science-related
professional schools, biotechnology/biosciences graduate programs, or other health profession
Persian Studies (PERS)
College of Arts and Humanities
3215 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-1891
Director: F. Keshavarz-Karamustafa, Professor
Professors: A. Karimi-Hakkak
Associate Professors: A. Abasi
Lecturers: S. Moinfar
Assistant Clinical Professor: N. Akbari-Saneh, M. Bazargan
Visiting Faculty: I. Meftahi
The Major
The 36 credit major in Persian Studies (12 courses) will provide students with a solid
background in linguistic, literary, and cultural aspects of the study of Persian. This study will be
inclusive of the cultures of Iran, Afghanistan, Persian-speaking Central Asia, and the Persian
diaspora. Students work toward competence in speaking, reading, writing, and listening, in
addition to studying the evolution of Iranian and Persianate cultures in their diverse perspectives,
practices, and products. They will become conversant with the contemporary political and daily
life of Persian-speaking peoples, with cultural comparison implicit throughout their 4 years.
The B.A. in Persian Studies (PERS) prepares students for a range of professional opportunities,
including careers in government, education, the arts, business, and communication. Many
undergraduates will choose to double major or do a double degree in Persian and another subject,
including arts and humanities majors, business, computer science, engineering, and journalism.
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Program Learning Outcomes
LANGUAGE ABILITY: Students develop and improve their language ability in
speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Modern Standard Persian. Students
demonstrate level-appropriate oral and written skills as assessed by Oral Proficiency
Interviews (OPIs) and the University of Maryland Test of Persian Proficiency Test©. At
graduation this is defined as INTERMEDIATE HIGH to ADVANCED levels proficiency
across skills.
CULTURAL LITERACY: Students develop and improve their ability to function in
relevant cultural, religious, and linguistic contexts and demonstrate cultural awareness
through identifying and articulating cultural values and practices, similarities and
differences, and successfully handling situations that require intercultural negotiation of
their abilities to analyze various texts (including written, audio, visual) representing
different genres and develop and improve their abilities in critical analysis. Students hone
their critical thinking and discursive skills by demonstrating the ability to distinguish
between opinions and facts and advancing their own reasoned arguments delivered in
written or oral format.
FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE: Students demonstrate curriculum-based familiarity with key
figures, texts and events within the social, cultural, and historical contexts of regions of
the world where Persian has a significant linguistic or cultural presence.
ACADEMIC SKILLS: Students are able to produce and present source-based academic
texts (oral and written) in Persian and/or English, display an awareness of various
purposes and audiences, and demonstrate analytical skills as described under 3 above.
Placement in Courses
Please see: http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/flpa
Requirements for the Major
Courses Required for Majors
Note: In cases where a student has equivalent knowledge, required language-focus credits are
replaced in consultation with undergraduate advisor. This may include courses in Arabic for
those students who intend to study Persian literature in Persian, as Arabic is integral to the
history of Persian Literature.
Requirements for the Major
All students planning to pursue the major in Persian Studies should contact the undergraduate
advisor for Persian, who will be responsible for placement, oversight, and record keeping. A
grade of "C-" or better is required in all courses.
A. Prerequisites - 8 credits
Note: There are no prerequisites for students with equivalent knowledge.
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Elementary Persian I
4 credits
Elementary Persian II
4 credits
B. CORE Sequence - 18 credits
Note: All prerequisites imply "or equivalent knowledge."
Intermediate Persian I (prereq 102)
Intermediate Conversation (co-req 201)
Intermediate Persian II (prereq 201/211)
Intermediate Reading (co-req 202)
Advanced Persian I (pre-req 202/212)
Advanced Persian II (prereq 301)
C. 3xx or 4xx level Electives in Persian - 6 credits
Persian Media (pre-coreq 301)
Iranian Culture (prereq 301)
Persian Composition (prereq 302)
Persian Translation (prereq 302)
Readings in Modern Iranian History and Culture (prereq 302)
Language and Identity (prereq 302)
Modern Persian Literature: A Survey (prereq 302)
Classical Persian Literature: A Survey (prereq 302)
Special Topics in Persian Studies
Special Topics in Persian Literature
D. Electives in English - up to 12 credits; no prerequisites
Contemporary Iranian Arts
Modern Iran
Iranian Cinema
Iranian Life in Literature and Film
Introduction to Persian Literature in Translation
The History of Persian
Islam in Iran
Note: Courses in Middle Eastern Studies taught in English outside the Department may be
substituted on prior approval of the Undergraduate Advisor.
E. Supporting Area - 9 credits
In addition to the required 36 credits, students must take 9 3xx or 4xx level credits in a single
area of study outside Persian Studies as a complement to their major. Their plan should be
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cleared with the undergraduate advisor upon declaring a major. Double majors and minors fulfill
this requirement.
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Study Abroad
For information on study abroad programs see the program advisor and/or the Education Abroad
website www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Requirements for the Minor
Persian Studies
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
This 15-credit minor will provide students with a background in linguistic, literary, and cultural
aspects of the study of Persian, including the cultures of Iran, Afghanistan, Persian-speaking
Central Asia, and the Persian diaspora. Students will work toward linguistic competence in
speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Additionally, students will be introduced to Iranian
culture in its diverse perspectives, practices, and products. The Minor in Persian Studies
complements a range of professions, including careers in education, engineering, government,
journalism, the arts, business, and communication.
A minimum of 9 credits must be earned through courses taught in Persian.
Up to 6 may be earned from PERS courses taught in English.
A minimum of 9 credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx level.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
No courses applied to the minor may count toward another minor. All students planning to
pursue the Minor in Persian Studies should contact the undergraduate advisor for Persian, who
will be responsible for oversight and record keeping.
Prerequisites (14 credits):
PERS101 Elementary Persian I (4 credits)
PERS102 Elementary Persian II (4 credits)
PERS201 Intermediate Persian I
PERS211 Intermediate Conversation
There are no prerequisites for students with equivalent knowledge.
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Course requirements:
A. Courses taught in Persian (at least 9 credits); All prerequisites imply "or equivalent
PERS202 Intermediate Persian II (prereq 201/211)
PERS301 Advanced Persian I (prereq 202/212)
PERS302 Advanced Persian II (prereq 301)
PERS452 Modern Persian Literature: A Survey (prereq 302)
PERS453 Classical Persian Literature: A Survey (prereq: 6 credits Arabic)
B. Persian Studies Courses Taught in English (up to 6 credits; no prerequisites)
PERS251 Modern Iran (SH/D)
PERS283 Iranian Cinema (HA-HO/D)
PERS353 Iranian Life in Literature and Film (D)
PERS371 Introduction to Persian Literature in Translation (D)
PERS441 Islam in Iran (D)
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Advisor: Dr. Ali Abasi [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information, see the SLLC
website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
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participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
College of Arts and Humanities
1128 Skinner Building, 301-405-5689
Chair: C. Morris (Chair)
Professors: J. Bub (Distinguished University Professor), P. Carruthers, L. Darden (Distinguished
Scholar Teacher), P. Greenspan, J. Horty, S. Kerstein, J. Levinson (Distinguished University
Professor), C. Manekin, P. Pietroski (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), G. Rey, A. Stairs
(Associate Chair)
Associate Professors: S. Dwyer, D. Moller, R. Singpurwalla, A. Williams
Assistant Professors: A. Lyon, E. Pacuit
Lecturers: J. Maffie (Senior Lecturer)
Affiliate Professors: M. Frisch, J. Segal (Res Assoc)
Adjunct Professors: R. Rynasiewicz
Adjunct Associate Professors: J. Mattingly, M. Silberstein
Professors Emeriti: J. Brown, C. Cherniak, R. Martin, S. Odell, F. Suppe
The Major
The study of philosophy develops students' reasoning and expository skills and increases their
understanding of the foundations of human knowledge and value. The department views
philosophy as an activity rather than a body of doctrine and students can expect to receive
training in clear thinking, inventive synthesis, and precise expression. For some, this will serve
as preparation for graduate studies in philosophy. However, philosophical skills are useful in
professions such as law, medicine, government, business management, and in any field that
demands intellectual rigor. The department offers a wide range of courses, including several that
deal with the philosophy of various disciplines outside philosophy itself.
Program Objectives
All philosophy programs aim to: (1) equip students with an understanding of a range of
philosophers and philosophical problems, while encouraging as deep a critical engagement with
those philosophers and problems as is feasible in the time available; (2) promote respect for the
norms of: clarity; careful analysis; critical reflection; rational argument; sympathetic
interpretation and understanding; and impartial pursuit of truth; (3) promote independence of
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thought and a critical and analytical approach, not only to theories and concepts, but also to the
assumptions on which they are based; (4) equip students with the core skills involved in: careful
reading, comprehension and compression of textual material; clear thinking; sound
argumentation; and the clear and well-organized expression of ideas; (5) provide excellent
teaching which is informed and invigorated by the research activities of faculty; (6) facilitate an
awareness of the application of philosophical thought to other academic disciplines or to matters
of public interest, encouraging students to apply philosophical skills more widely where
Program Learning Outcomes
By the end of the program of study:
1. Students should be competent in formal techniques, including, but not limited to, formal
2. Students should be able to present critically, yet sympathetically, philosophical views that
differ from their own.
3. Students should be able to write clearly and in an organized fashion (appropriate to the
content and context, and appropriate for a graduating major).
4. Students should be able to make out a reasoned case in support of their views
(appropriate to the content and context, and appropriate for a graduating major).
Requirements for the Major
The requirements for a major in Philosophy are as follows:
A total of at least 36 hours (twelve courses) in philosophy, not counting internship courses (PHIL
386). For a course to count toward a student's major, the grade in the course must be "C-" or
above. For students who matriculated in September 2012 or later, the average of all grades
counted toward the major must be 2.0 or greater. Therefore, grades of "C-" will have to be
balanced with higher grades. (C- counts as 1.7 toward the GPA.)
The twelve philosophy courses must be distributed as follows:
at least six courses numbered 3xx or above, of which at least two must be numbered 4xx
or above
at least one course in logic at any level
at least two courses numbered 2xx or above in the history of pre-twentieth century
at least two courses numbered 2xx or above in value theory (including aesthetics and
political philosophy as well as ethics)
at least two courses numbered 2xx or above in metaphysics or epistemology (including
philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of religion, as well as
metaphysics and theory of knowledge)
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Supporting Courses
15 credits
Fifteen hours in a supporting area; the courses do not all have to be in the same department, but
they should reflect a coherent program of study. The supporting area must be chosen in
consultation with a departmental advisor. For further information, students should consult the
undergraduate handbook on the philosophy department's website.
Requirements for the Minor
Requirements for the Minor
A total of at least 18 hours (six courses, at least three of which must be at least 3xx-level or
above) in philosophy, not counting internship courses (PHIL 386). For a course to count toward
a student's minor, the grade in the course must be "C-" or above. For students who matriculated
in September 2012 or later, the average of all grades counted toward the minor must be 2.0 or
greater. Therefore, grades of "C-" will have to be balanced with higher grades. ("C-" counts as
1.7 toward the GPA.) Candidates for the minor must satisfy the following distribution:
at least one course numbered 2xx or above in the history of pre-twentieth century
at least one course numbered 2xx or above in value theory (including aesthetics and
political philosophy as well as ethics)
at least one course numbered 2xx or above in metaphysics or epistemology (including
philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of religion, as well as
metaphysics and theory of knowledge)
Philosophy Majors must be advised each semester before registration. [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Honors Program
The Philosophy Honors Program allows exceptional students the opportunity to work closely
with a member of the Philosophy faculty on a project, typically a 30-40 page philosophical
paper (i.e., “Honors Thesis”), during the final two semesters of his/her undergraduate career.
The two semesters of independent study with the faculty advisor culminate in the student
presenting and defending the Honors Thesis before a committee consisting of 2-3 faculty
members in addition to the advisor.
Successful students will graduate with Honors in Philosophy. Requirements and Procedures
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A prospective honors student should normally have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a GPA
of 3.75 in philosophy classes with no grade below a "C" in any philosophy course.
o A prospective honors student should find a willing faculty advisor in the spring
semester before the senior year.*
o The student must present a proposal to the prospective advisor at the end of the
spring semester.*
o The proposal will typically include a list of proposed readings, a clear and
appropriately narrow topic, and a projected position to be defended in the Honors
o This proposal will then be submitted to the Undergraduate Affairs Committee for
If the proposal is approved, the student will enroll in 498F (3 credits) the following
semester and the student and advisor will agree on a schedule for meetings and the work
expected by the end of the semester.
At the end of the semester, the advisor will evaluate the student’s progress and will
decide whether the student should continue work on the Honors Thesis for another
If, at the end of the first semester, the advisor judges that the project should not continue,
the student will be given a grade for 498F but will not enroll in 498G in the subsequent
semester and will not receive an Honors degree.
If, at the end of the first semester, the advisor thinks the project should continue, the
student will enroll in 498G (3 credits) and the student and advisor will agree on a
schedule of meetings and a timeline for completion of the Honors Thesis.
The student, in consultation with the advisor, will arrange an examining committee of at
least 2 faculty members in addition to the advisor. The student will present and defend
the Honors Thesis before this examining committee. The faculty advisor determines the
grade for 498G but the committee determines whether the student graduates with Honors.
*or, for students graduating in December, the semester prior to the student’s next to last
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Philosophy Club holds weekly meetings during the semester to discuss philosophical topics
of interest to members.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
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Awards and Recognition
The W.E. Schlaretzki Prize is given to the most outstanding graduating senior each year. The
Joseph and Beth Duckett Scholarship is given to the most outstanding junior.
College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
1120 John S. Toll Physics Building, 301-405-5979
Chair: S. Rolston (Prof)
Professors: S. Anlage (Dist Scholar-Teacher), T. Antonsen, I. Appelbaum, A. Baden, P.
Bedaque, E. Beise (Dist Scholar-Teacher), A. Buonanno (College Park Prof), Z. Chacko, T.
Cohen (Dist Scholar-Teacher), S. DasSarma (Dist Univ Prof, Dist Faculty Research Fellow), W.
Dorland (Dist Scholar-Teacher), J. Drake (Dist Univ Prof), T. Einstein, S. Eno (Dist Scholar-
Teacher), V. Galitski, S. Gates (Regents Prof, Dist Univ Prof, Dist Scholar-Teacher, Toll Chair),
J. Goodman (Dist Univ Prof, Dist Scholar-Teacher), R. Greene, N. Hadley, A. Hassam, K.
Hoffman (Assoc Chair), B. Hu, T. Jacobson (Dist Scholar-Teacher), C. Jarzynski (Dist Univ
Prof), A. Jawahery (Dist Univ Prof, Zorn Chair), X. Ji (Dist Univ Prof), D. Lathrop, C. Lobb
(Dist Scholar-Teacher), W. Losert, J. Mather ( College Park Prof, Nobel Laureate), H. Milchberg
(Dist Scholar-Teacher), R. Mohapatra (Dist Univ Prof, Dist Scholar-Teacher), C. Monroe (Dist
Univ Prof, Zorn Chair), L. Orozco, E. Ott (Dist Univ Prof), J. Paglione, K. Papadopoulos, W.
Phillips (Dist Univ Prof, Nobel Laureate), E. Redish (Dist Scholar-Teacher), R. Roy, E. Seo, A.
Skuja, P. Sprangle, G. Sullivan, R. Sundrum (Dist Univ Prof, Toll Chair), F. Wellstood, E.
Williams (Dist Univ Prof, Dist Faculty Research Fellow), V. Yakovenko
Associate Professors: K. Agashe, M. Girvan, C. Hall, K. Kim, M. Ouyang, D. Roberts, P.
Shawhan (Assoc Chair), B. Swingle, A. Upadhyaya
Assistant Professors: M. Barkeshli, A. Belloni, V. Manucharyan, J. McKinney, J. Sau, J.
Senior Lecturer: D. Buehrle
Lecturers: S. Picozzi
Affiliate Professors: W. Hill, G. Oehrlein, R. Phaneuf, I. Takeuchi, J. Weeks (Dist University
Affiliate Associate Professors: J. Aranda-Espinoza, A. Childs, J. Cumings, A. Elby, M. Goupell,
E. Waks
Affiliate Assistant Professors: M. Hafezi, M. Leite, Y. Mo, J. Munday, E. Rodriguez
Adjunct Professors: A. Ali, G. Bryant, C. Clark, P. Julienne, P. Lett, J. Lynn, A. Migdall, S.
Moseley, J. Nico, J. Porto, G. Solomon, I. Spielman, E. Tiesinga, R. Tycko, C. Williams
Adjunct Associate Professors: G. Campbell, J. McEnery, H. Mumm, K. Osborn, B. Palmer, J.
Adjunct Assistant Professors: N. Butch, A. Gorshkov, Q. Quraishi, H. Shroff, K. Tanner
Research Scientist: E. Blaufuss, F. Ipavich, B. Kane, R. Kellogg, M. Moody, A. Smith
Associate Research Scientist: H. Breuer, A. Sushkov
Assistant Research Scientist: M. Cetina, Z. Gong, K. Hudek, G. Jenkins, N. Klimov, P. Li, K.
Nakahara, Y. Pan, S. Polyakov, S. Saha, R. Vispute
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Assistant Research Professor: A. Gupta, S. Jabeen, C. Turpen
Professors Emeriti: J. Anderson, S. Bhagat, D. Boyd, D. Brill, G. C. Chang, C. Chang, N. Chant,
D. Currie, A. DeSilva, J. Dorfman, A. Dragt (Sr Res Sci), H. Drew (Res Prof), R. Ellis, D. Falk,
M. Fisher (Dist Univ Prof Emeritus), A. Glick, G. Gloeckler (Dist Univ Prof Emeritus), G.
Goldenbaum, O. Greenberg (Res Prof), H. Griem, J. Griffin, D. Hamilton (Res Prof), C. Kacser
(Assoc Prof Emeritus), Y. Kim, V. Korenman, D. Langenberg (Chancellor Emeritus), J. Layman,
C. Liu (Res Prof), G. Mason, C. Misner, H. Paik (Res Prof), R. Park, J. Pati, J. Richard, P. Roos,
R. Sagdeev (Dist Univ Prof Emeritus), J. Sucher, S. Wallace (Res Prof), J. Yorke (Dist Univ Prof
Emeritus, Res Prof)
Visiting Faculty: A. Alexandru, C. Alvarez Ochoa, J. Amini, P. Barbara, B. Behr, D. Berley, S.
Bludman, J. Britton, D. Brock, A. Chernovitz, B. Conrad, W. Cullen, K. Dienes, C. Doran, G.
Dudnikova, M. Edwards, R. Ellsworth, T. Ferbel, K. Gebbie, B. Gelman, W. Golding, E.
Grauges Pous, T. Hubsch, E. Hwang, J. Isenberg, V. Jacobs, K. Jones, J. Kim, J. Kogut, P. Kunz,
G. Lubkin, B. Mong, S. Nussinov, V. Rodgers, I. Rothstein, M. Safronova, S. Sahin Bal, L.
Schmid, R. Sinclair, R. Sinclair, L. Sollitt, T. Stanescu, J. Starr, J. Su, J. Su, M. Sullivan, S.
Tonwar (Lecturer), T. Vachaspati, S. Waldman, J. White, L. Yang, T. Yildirim, G. Yodh
The Major
Physics is an exciting and rewarding field of study. Physicists make important discoveries that
often change the way we live by examining the way things work, and there are still many
discoveries to be made.
At Maryland, physics majors benefit from small class-sizes, outstanding teachers and very
talented classmates. However, we believe that the most important physics education occurs
outside the classroom, and we encourage all of our majors to participate in cutting-edge research
with our internationally recognized faculty. Through participation in research projects, our
students learn what it takes to conduct world-class scientific research. Whether students decide to
continue to study physics in graduate school or work in fields such as engineering, software
development, law, business or education, a bachelor's degree in physics from Maryland provides
an excellent foundation.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to fully engage with the curriculum and the opportunities presented for
learning and research. Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the
following knowledge and skills:
1. A thorough knowledge of the core areas of physics, including mechanics, electricity and
magnetism, thermal physics, and quantum mechanics at a level compatible with
admission to graduate programs in physics at peer institutions.
2. The ability to analyze and interpret quantitative results, both in the core areas of physics
and in complex problems that cross multiple core areas.
3. An ability to assess and solve unfamiliar problems in physics using the knowledge and
skills acquired.
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4. The ability to use contemporary experimental apparatus common to the study of physical
phenomena, and have the ability to acquire, analyze and interpret scientific data.
5. The ability to communicate scientific results effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Requirements for the Major
Courses required for Physics Major:
Lower-level courses for all areas of concentration:
Introduction to Programming for the Physical Sciences
Introductory Physics: Mechanics
Physics Laboratory Introduction
Introductory Physics: Fields
Introductory Physics: Waves
Mathematical Methods for Physics I
Experimental Physics I: Mechanics, Heat, and Fields
Experimental Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
Upper-level courses for Professional Physics area of
Modern Physics
Mathematical Methods for Physics II
Experimental Physics III: EM Waves, Optics, and Modern
Quantum Physics I
Quantum Physics II
Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
Advanced Experiments
Classical Mechanics
Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
Advanced Physics Elective
Advanced Physics Elective
*Students with prior programming experience may take an upper-level,
computational physics course instead of PHYS165.
This advanced course may be
used for an Advanced Physics Elective as well.
**PHYS405 in the Professional Physics area of concentration may be replaced by the
following two course sequence:
PHYS499A Special Problems in Physics 1-6
PHYS407 Professional Physics Experimental Research 3
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*** Students completing a second major from a CMNS or Engineering department
may use an upper
-level course from that program in place of one of the Advanced
Physics Electives.
Upper-level and supporting courses for Education Physics area of
Foundations of Education
Adolescent Development
Cognitive and Motivational Basis of Reading: Reading in
Content Areas
Teaching Reading in Content Area II
Intermediate Theoretical Methods
Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
Quantum Physics I
Experimental Physics III: Electromagnetic Waves, Optics
In the Education Physics area of concentration: PHYS401 may be replaced by PHYS420 -
Principles of Modern Physics (3). PHYS375 may be replaced by one additional non-seminar
400-level approved Physics course of 3-4 credits.
Students who are considering pursuing the Education Physics area of concentration are
encouraged to enroll in EDCI280-Introduction to Teaching, for a survey of education and
teaching. The Education Physics area of concentration is designed to accommodate students
obtaining a teaching certificate through the College of Education. However, completing all the
courses in the Education Physics area of concentration does not in itself satisfy all requirements
for obtaining a teaching certificate. Students pursuing the Education Physics area of
concentration who want to also obtain a teaching certificate in secondary education must first
apply and be admitted to the Secondary Education Program in the College of Education and then
complete additional courses in that program.
Other Requirements for the Major
Students must complete all courses required for the major with a grade of "C-" or higher.
Requirements for the Minor
This minor provides a rigorous foundation in physics for students who choose not to complete
the entire physics major. The minor begins with a set of two introductory courses (6 credits) in
electromagnetic fields (PHYS262 or PHYS272) and waves (PHYS263 or PHYS273). As part of
this introduction to Physics, the minor also requires a one-credit introductory physics laboratory
(PHYS174, PHYS261, or PHYS271) involving techniques of data gathering and analysis. To
obtain a deeper understanding of physics, the minor requires three additional upper-level courses
(3-4 credits each), which students can select from the list below.
Other upper level Physics courses can be substituted only with approval from the
Department's undergraduate director and the Faculty Minor Advisor.
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All courses must be completed with a grade of "C-" or better to be counted towards the
No more than 7 credits in this minor can count toward major requirements. Students with
more than 7 credits of overlap must substitute non-overlapping 300 or 400 level courses
from the above list to reduce the overlap to no more than 7 credits.
Physics majors and students majoring in Astronomy are not eligible to complete the
Physics Minor due to the large number of overlapping course requirements.
Courses required for the minor
One from:
Physics Laboratory Introduction
General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and
Magnetism: Laboratory
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern
Physics: Laboratory
One from:
Introductory Physics: Fields
General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and
One from:
Introductory Physics: Waves
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern
Three from the following:
Mathematical Methods for Physics II
Experimental Physics III: EM Waves, Optics & Modern Physics
Quantum Physics I
Quantum Physics II
Introductory Statistical Thermodynamics
Classical Mechanics
Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
Modern Optics
Computational Physics
MATH140 (4 credits), MATH141 (4 credits), MATH241 (4 credits), MATH240 (4 credits),
MATH246 (3 credits), and Physics161 (or Physics171) (3 credits) are prerequisites for some of
the courses in this program.
Students interested in earning a minor in physics should contact the undergraduate advisor for
the Physics Department:
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1120F John S. Toll Physics Building; 301-405-5979
email: phys-ugradinfo@physics.umd.edu
Note: At the beginning of the semester in which graduation is intended, a student should make an
appointment with the Physics Department's Undergraduate Advisor to fill out the appropriate
Advising for undergraduates is available throughout the year in Room 1120 PHY. For early
registration, advising is mandatory; students should check Testudo for their early registration
date and email [email protected] for information about advising appointments. Students
who have been away more than two years may find that due to curriculum changes the courses
they have taken may no longer be adequate preparation for the courses required to complete the
major. Students in this situation must meet with the Departmental Advisor to make appropriate
Honors Program
Departmental Honors in Physics
The Departmental Honors Program in Physics was established to recognize and encourage
independent and creative scholarship in physics by providing superior undergraduate physics
majors the opportunity for advanced and intensive study. The central component of departmental
honors in physics is participation in undergraduate research. To earn high honors in physics,
students must produce and defend an honors thesis/document based on their own research. The
committee's decision whether to award high honors will be based on the quality of the thesis and
defense. To earn honors in physics, the student must pass an oral exam probing the depth of their
understanding of physics from their courses and research involvement or complete an approved
graduate level PHYS course with a grade of B or higher.
Requirements for Graduation with Departmental Honors in Physics
1. Complete at least three credit hours of a Physics Honors version course.
2. Have earned a 3.00 or higher overall GPA and a 3.30 or higher GPA for all physics major
required courses at graduation time.
3. Complete one of the following research courses PHYS 386 (Physics experimental
Learning), PHYS 389 (Undergraduate Thesis Research), PHYS 399 or PHYS 499
(Independent Study).
4. For High Honors, students must complete a research project with a Physics faculty
member and defend a senior thesis or paper based on their original research. A student's
defense committee should include the following people: the student's research mentor,
the chair of the Physics Honors Program, and an additional Physics faculty member.
5. For "regular" Honors, students must either pass an oral exam given by a committee of at
least two Physics faculty members or complete an approved, graduate level PHYS course
with a grade of B or higher.
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Note: Students who do not meet the criteria in items 1) and 2) above may submit an appeal to the
Physics Honors Committee. The Physics Honors Committee may use other considerations
(instructor evaluations, research activity, etc.) to award the Honors citation. Students who do not
meet the criteria and are not awarded a departmental honors citation will not receive any
negative record regarding the Physics Honors Program on any official document.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Society of Physics Students (SPS); Sigma Pi Sigma
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
www.financialaid.umd.edu. Departmental scholarships for undergraduates in Physics include
the following:
Angelo Bardasis Memorial Scholarship
Joseph Helfand Memorial Scholarship in Physics
Professor William M. MacDonald Physics Scholarship
Physics PALS Scholarship
University of Maryland Department of Physics NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics
Awards and Recognition
Jerry B. Marion Award
IPST Monroe Martin Prize for Undergraduate Research in Physics
Plant Sciences (PLSC)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
2139 Plant Sciences Building, 301-405-4359
Chair: A. Murphy (Prof & Chair; Acting PLSC Director)
Professors: J. Culver, K. Everts, J. H. Sullivan, J. Lea-Cox, M. Neel, C. Walsh, S. Xiao
Associate Professors: M. Carroll, G. Coleman, R. Kratochvil, S. Micallef, T. Turner, J. Zhu
Assistant Professors: P. Chaverri, L. Johnson, B. Phillips (Asst Clin Prof), Y. Qi (Asst Prof), N.
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Rawat (Asst Prof), J. Roberts, B. Schulz, K. Tully
Assistant Research Professor: V. Tiwari (Asst Rsch Prof)
The Major
Plant Sciences combines basic science courses with applied technical classes to prepare students
for research, public sector, and industry careers. Students seeking a Plant Sciences degree must
complete requirements in one of the following Areas of Concentration: Plant Science (Plant
Biology), Horticulture and Crop Production, Landscape Management, Turf and Golf Course
Management, or Urban Forestry.
Plant Science (Plant Biology) is designed to prepare students for graduate or professional
schools and/or a career in research. This area provides a strong foundation for
postgraduate education and research careers in biotechnology, plant physiology and
development, cell biology, molecular biology, plant genetics/genomics, conservation
biology, ecology, and plant pathology.
Horticulture and Crop Production prepares students for managerial positions in
greenhouse, nursery, orchard and vegetable crops. Students focus their studies on plant
growth and development, and plant pathology.
Management Programs:
Landscape Management trains students for management positions in the landscape
industry. The curriculum combines plant science, design and business management
courses enabling graduates to meet the challenges of careers in the green industry.
Turf and Golf Course Management prepares students to succeed as a turfgrass
professional in the golf course or sports turf industry, stressing an interdisciplinary
approach to this career.
Urban Forestry prepares students to manage urban trees and forests and enhance their
sustainability. This program stresses tree biology, forest ecology and forest assessment
and management tools and prepares students for careers with municipalities or
government agencies as well as private industry such as power companies and the tree-
care industry.
The Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture also offers two additional degrees:
the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Agricultural Science and Technology (Agronomy) and the
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA). Courses offered may be found under AGST and
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will develop technical and knowledge-based skills in the required areas of study.
Students will use technical and basic learned knowledge to collaborate, solve problems
and then articulate conclusions.
Students shall develop effective communication skills and demonstrate the ability to
present ideas with clarity to an appropriate audience.
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Students will connect and build relationships with external groups in the appropriate
fields of study.
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for all Areas of Concentration
General Chemistry I
Introduction to Writing
Technical Writing
Fundamentals of Soil Science
College Algebra with Applications, OR
Introduction to Horticulture, OR
Introductory Crop Science
Senior Seminar
With the exception of ENGL101 and ENGL393, a grade of "C-" or
better is required in the courses above.
Area B: Horticulture and Crop Production
Elements of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Farm Management
Biology of Insects
Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry
Principles of Soil Fertility
Plant Structure and Function
Management of Horticultural Crops, OR
Plants, Genes and Biotechnology, OR
Plant Propagation
Environmental Plant Physiology
Principles of Plant Pathology
Weed Science
Advanced Production Electives (Select four of the following)
Insect Pests of Ornamentals and Turf
Soils Courses (Minimum of two)
Introduction to Turf Management
Greenhouse Crop Production
Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Crop Production
Principles of Landscape Establishment and Maintenance
Nursery Crop Production
Physiology of Maturation and Storage of Horticultural
Crops Courses (Minimum of two)
701 | Page
Total General Education, PLSC and Horticulture and Crop
Production Area
University Electives
Area C: Landscape Management Requirements
Elements of Agricultural & Resource Economics, OR
Principles of Micro-Economics
Principles of Accounting I
Marketing Principles and Organization
Biology of Insects
Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry
Graphic Fundamentals Studio
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Land Surveying
Plant Structure and Function
Management of Horticultural Crops
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes I
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes II
Landscape Design and Implementation
Plant Propagation
Introduction to Turf Management, OR
Principles of Soil Fertility
Principles of Site Engineering
Landscape Structures and Materials
Commercial Principles of Landscape Management
Principles of Plant Pathology
Environmental Horticulture
Total General Education, PLSC and Landscape Management Area
University Electives
Area D: Plant Science Requirements
Biology of Insects
Plant Physiology, OR
Environmental Plant Physiology
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Calculus I, OR
Elementary Calculus I
Fundamentals of Physics I
Plant Structure and Function
Management of Horticultural Crops
Plants, Genes and Biotechnology
Plant Propagation
Special Problems in Plant Science
702 | Page
Principles of Plant Pathology
Advanced Plant Science Electives (Select one of the following)
Crop Breeding
Water and Nutrient Planning for the Nursery &
Greenhouse Industry
Greenhouse Crop Production
Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Production
Principles of Landscape Establishment and Maintenance
Nursery Crop Production
Physiology of Maturation and Storage of Horticultural
Advanced Science Electives (Select one of the following)
Elements of Biochemistry, OR
Principles of Soil Fertility
Soil Hydrology and Physics
Soil Chemistry
Fundamentals of Physics II
Total General Education, PLSC and Plant Science Area
University Electives
Area E: Turf and Golf Course Management Requirements
Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab
Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab
Biology of Insects
Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry
Foundations of Oral Communication, OR
Oral Communication: Principles and Practices
Design of Irrigation Systems
Principles of Soil Fertility
Introduction to Physics, OR
Fundamentals of Physics I
Introduction to Turf Management
Environmental Plant Physiology
Pest Management Strategies for Turfgrass
Sports Turf Management
Commercial Turf Maintenance and Production
Principles of Plant Pathology
Weed Science
703 | Page
Total General Education, PLSC and Turf and Golf Course Management
University Electives
Area F: Urban Forestry Requirements
Introduction to Economics and the Environment
Principles of Accounting I
Biology of Insects, OR
Insect Pests of Ornamentals & Turf
Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry, OR
Organic Chemistry I
Principles of Soil Fertility
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Introduction to Urban Ecosystems
Plant Structure and Function
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes I
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes II
Principles of Arboriculture
Commercial Principles of Landscape Management
Environmental Plant Physiology
Principles of Plant Pathology
Forest Ecology
Capstone - Urban Forest Project Management
Suggested general education courses and electives
Introduction to Biometrics
Plant Ecology, OR
(Plant Ecology Lecture and Lab)
Organic Chemistry II
General Chemistry and Energetics
Oral Communication: Principles and Practices
Soil & Water Conservation
GIS Applications in Soil Science
Restoration Ecology
Geography of Environmental Systems
Introduction to Biogeography
American Government
Introduction to Environmental Politics
Environmental Resources
Elementary Calculus I
Principles of Wildlife Management
Urban Wildlife Management
Field Experience: Park Management
Fundamentals of Physics I / II, OR
Principles of Physics
704 | Page
Land Surveying
Plants, Genes and Biotechnology
Principles of Site Engineering
Woody Plant Physiology
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Contemporary Social Problems
Scarcity and Modern Society
United States Latino Culture
Challenge of the Cities
Planning of the Contemporary City
Diversity and the City
Total General Education, PLSC and Urban Forestry Area
University Electives
Note: Courses with an asterisk are suggested electives for students planning on graduate study in Forestry.
Requirements for the Minor
Minor in Landscape Management
The Landscape Management minor provides students with a foundation in plant sciences and
business management. The required science courses lead to an integrative understanding of plant
growth and development and the plant's responses to its environment. These courses also teach
students the skills needed to recommend best management practices and to identify plant
abnormalities in the landscape. The business courses in this minor foster an understanding of the
business structure, human resource management and financial management associated with
landscape management companies.
All courses presented in this minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. To complete
this minor, students will be expected to complete an 18-19 credit course sequence. Students
should also be aware that many of the courses in this minor list PLSC100, Introduction to
Horticulture, as a prerequisite.
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes I
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes II
Introduction to Turf Management
Commercial Principles of Landscape Management
Environmental Horticulture
Select one of the following courses:
705 | Page
Introduction to Agriculture and the Environment
Elements of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Farm Management
Principles of Accounting I
Total Credits: A minimum of 18 or 19 credits is required to complete this minor. (Depending on
which AREC or BMGT course is chosen)
A student may use a maximum of six credits (or two courses) to satisfy the requirements
of both a major and a minor. In the event that more than six credits of coursework listed
above are required in the student's major, he or she should contact the Landscape
Management faculty advisor for course substitutions.
This minor is particularly relevant to students who are interested in pursuing a career in
the landscape industry. Landscape architecture, environmental science and policy, and
life science majors can readily complete these minor requirements within their four-year
Students from the business school and social sciences who are seeking managerial careers
in this rapidly-expanding service industry would also find this minor to be relevant.
The Department has mandatory faculty advising for each of its major and minor
programs. Students are required to meet with their faculty advisor at least twice a year.
Faculty Advisors:
Faculty Advisor
Landscape Management
Dennis Nola, [email protected]
Plant Science
Gary Coleman, [email protected]
Turf & Golf Course Management
Mark Carroll, [email protected]
Urban Forestry
Joseph Sullivan, [email protected]
See the Coordinator for Undergraduate Studies in 2139 Plant Sciences Building (301-405-4359)
for additional information.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Students have abundant opportunities to conduct research with faculty from this department as
well as related programs on campus. Research opportunities are also available at government
laboratories such as USDA, NIH, etc.
706 | Page
Internships with scientists are available at nearby federal and state agencies. Numerous
internships also exist and can be readily arranged for students interested in private sector
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Students from this major as well as any interested students on campus may participate in the
Horticulture Club sponsored by the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Several scholarships and awards are available to PLSC students. Contact the Associate Dean's
office at 301-405-2078 for additional information. The Department also maintains a listing of
scholarships. Contact Sharde Davenport in 2102 Plant Sciences, 301-405-6244.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Pre-Health Professions Advising and Programs
1210 H. J. Patterson Hall, 301-405-7805
Director of Health Professions Advising Office: Wendy Loughlin
Advisor: Nick Celedon
The Reed-Yorke Health Professions Advising Office (HPAO), part of the College of Computer,
Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, serves University of Maryland students and alumni
interested in pursuing careers in medicine, dentistry, or allied health fields.
Advisors and staff in the HPAO provide students with pre-professional planning, including
individual and group advising, career preparation workshops, admission information for pre-
professional programs, a committee process to support their professional school applications, and
much more. Pre-professional program advising provides the academic, and experiential
foundations required for entrance into professional schools.
HPAO advising encompasses the fields of medicine, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, and the
allied health professions - especially nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy and physician assistant,
as well as others. The pre-health professional programs at the University of Maryland are not
707 | Page
degree granting programs. They are recommended programs of study for students interested in
each profession.
Students planning to pursue professional programs in medicine, dentistry, optometry, osteopathic
medicine or podiatry after graduation from University of Maryland must declare an academic
major by 60 credits. Students who are undecided about which academic major they will declare
may enter the Letters and Sciences, but must adhere to the University of Maryland requirement
that students declare a degree-granting major by the time they reach 60 credits.
Pre-professional students who plan to earn a bachelor's degree should declare an academic major
by 60 credits. A pre-professional student who does not declare an academic major will be
designated as an undecided student in Letters and Sciences, where they will receive academic
advising. Pre-professional students, including those interested in the allied health fields, may
receive advising related to admission to professional school requirements through the Health
Professions Advising Office, however the HPAO does not serve as a student's assigned academic
advising unit.
Students interested in allied health professions can in some cases transfer to such programs
before earning a bachelor's degree. Such students may enter Letters and Sciences, where they
will receive academic advising.
The University of Maryland participates in an early assurance program with George Washington
University School of Medicine. More information can be found at
Pre-Dental Hygiene
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301 405 7805
The Pre-Dental Hygiene track prepares students for entrance into a professional curriculum for
Dental Hygiene at institutions that offer a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. Pre-Dental
Hygiene is not a Pre-Dental major and is not a degree-granting program at the University of
Maryland, College Park. A Baccalaureate degree program for a Bachelor of Science in Dental
Hygiene (B.S.-D.H.) follows a 2+2 model. Students may complete two years of prerequisite
courses at the University of Maryland, College Park, and then apply for admission into a
professional school program which they will complete after an additional two years.
University of Maryland students also have the option of completing a four-year degree at College
Park in a selected major, in addition to completing dental hygiene prerequisites, the 4+2 model.
In this case, students will complete degree requirements in their chosen major, as well as the pre-
dental hygiene prerequisites for entrance into a professional dental hygiene program. They will
then apply for admission into a professional school where they will earn a Bachelor of Science in
Dental Hygiene upon successful completion of the program.
708 | Page
Prerequisites may change; students are strongly encouraged to contact professional programs for
the most current requirements. The American Dental Hygienists Association and the American
Dental Association maintain information about individual B.S.-D.H. program prerequisites. See
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301-405-7805
The pre-professional program for pre-dental students provides advising for students preparing to
apply to dental school. The recommendations of American dental schools and the requirements
for a baccalaureate degree at the University of Maryland form the basis for the advising.
Four-Year Baccalaureate Program
Pre-dental students at the University of Maryland are encouraged to complete a four-year
undergraduate degree, with a diversified curriculum, balancing humanities, social sciences and
fine arts courses with science and mathematics courses, prior to entering dental school. Courses
in which students work with their hands are also advised. Students in the four-year program must
plan an undergraduate experience that satisfies the requirements of their selected major, as well
as pre-dental admission requirements. Students should seek pre-dental advising early in order to
create an appropriate four-year pre-dental plan. The national association www.adea.org provides
current information for applicants.
Students who have completed AP or IB programs and received credit for courses in the sciences
that are required for dental school admission are advised to read the AP/IB section of the HPAO
website (http://www.prehealth.umd.edu/ab-and-ib-credit) and review individual school websites
for their specific policies toward this credit.
Three-year Arts-Dentistry Degree Program
For highly motivated and academically talented students, the University of Maryland, College
Park and University of Maryland School of Dentistry offer the three-year Arts-Dentistry
Program. This program gives students the opportunity to apply to the University of Maryland
School of Dentistry one year early. This accelerated program requires students to complete their
dental school admission requirements in three years, as they apply to dental school at the end of
the second year and the beginning of their third year. Competitive students must apply and be
accepted by the University of Maryland Dental School. Students accepted in the combined arts-
dentistry program, receive the B.S. degree (Arts-Dentistry) after satisfactory completion of the
first year at the dental school and upon the recommendation of the Dean of the School of
Dentistry and approval of the University of Maryland, College Park. Participation in the
combined-degree program at the University of Maryland, College Park does not guarantee
admission to the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.
709 | Page
The HPAO strongly urges incoming students interested in this combined-degree program to
identify their interest and consult with the Pre-Health advisor very early in their academic career.
Please visit the website for specific details and instruction. This is a highly competitive program
for top students with broad exposure to the dental field and other extracurricular activities.
Pre-Medicine (Allopathic, Osteopathic, Optometry, Podiatry)
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301-405-7805
Four-Year Baccalaureate Program
It is recommended that students planning to apply to medical school complete a four-year
undergraduate degree prior to entrance into medical school. Students should choose an
undergraduate degree program that matches their interests, and should plan how to satisfy their
degree requirements and the general education requirements along with the courses in the
natural and social sciences required for medical school admission. Students should seek pre-
medical advising early in order to create an appropriate four-year academic plan. The HPAO
website provides specific information on each of the medical programs. The national
associations: AAMC, www.aamc.org and AACOM, aacom.org provide current information for
Students who have completed AP or IB programs and received credit for courses in the sciences
that are required for medical school admission are advised to read the AP/IB section of the
HPAO website (http://www.prehealth.umd.edu/ab-and-ib-credit) and review individual school
websites for their specific policies toward this credit.
Early Assurance Program
University of Maryland students have the opportunity to apply to The George Washington
University School of Medicine Early Assurance Program. This program encourages talented and
committed undergraduate sophomore students in the humanities, who have achieved academic
distinction and a record of service to others in and out of the medical field, to gain a provisional
early acceptance to the M.D. program. The George Washington University School of Medicine
and Health Sciences makes the decision to accept a qualified student into the program. Selected
sophomore students (rising juniors, when selected) are nurtured through their undergraduate
experience at the University of Maryland. Upon successful completion of the undergraduate
program and all delineated requirements, students are guaranteed admission to The George
Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences for a four-year M.D. degree
program. Please visit HPAO to learn more about this program; the pre-medical website offers
detailed information and specific instructions: http://www.prehealth.umd.edu/early-assurance-
710 | Page
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301 405 7805
The Pre-Nursing track prepares students for entrance into a professional curriculum for Nursing
at institutions that offer Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs. Pre-Nursing is not a degree-
granting program at the University of Maryland, College Park. A Baccalaureate degree program
for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) follows a 2+2 model also known as a Traditional
Baccalaureateprogram. Students may complete two years of prerequisite courses at the
University of Maryland, College Park, and then apply for admission into a professional school to
complete two years of professional course work, which includes classroom, laboratory, and
clinical education. Prerequisite courses are not limited to two years and can be completed in
three years.
University of Maryland College Park/University of Maryland School of Nursing Guaranteed
Admission Pathway: First time Freshmen admitted to University of Maryland College Park are
eligible to participate in a guaranteed admission pathway with the University of Maryland
School of Nursing. Students may be admitted directly into the pathway upon admission to
University of Maryland, College Park or may enter the pathway after matriculation. Students
must complete pre-requisite coursework earning a 3.25 overall and a 3.0 in the required science
coursework in order to maintain eligibility for guaranteed admission to University of Maryland
School of Nursing where the rest of their training is completed. For more information visit
University of Maryland students also have the option of completing a four-year degree at College
Park in their selected major, in addition to completing approximately twenty to twenty-five
credits of nursing prerequisites. This is the Second Degree or Accelerated Second Degreemodel.
In this model, students complete degree requirements in their chosen major, as well as the
nursing prerequisites for entrance into an accelerated B.S.N. or C.N.L. program. The institution
offering the program confers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Clinical Nurse Leader (Masters
of Science) upon completion of the program.
Prerequisites may change; students are strongly encouraged to contact professional programs for
the most current requirements. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing maintains
specific information about individual nursing program prerequisites.
Pre-Occupational Therapy
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301 405 7805
The Pre-Occupational Therapy track prepares students for entrance into a professional
curriculum for Occupational Therapy at institutions that offer professional advanced degrees,
711 | Page
including master or doctoral degrees. Community colleges and technical schools offer associate
degrees or certificates to students who wish to become occupational therapy assistants. Some
colleges offer Bachelor degrees in Occupational Therapy, while others offer combined Bachelor
and Master degree programs.
Students who wish to enter the occupational therapy profession may choose from several
educational paths; they should thoroughly research the different options to determine the best
path to their career goals. University of Maryland students have the option of completing a four-
year degree at College Park, in their selected major, in addition to completing occupational
therapy prerequisites. They may then choose to complete a Post-Bachelor certificate, Master of
Science or doctoral degree in Occupational Therapy offered by professional schools. Some states
require a degree in occupational therapy prior to approving licensure to work as an occupational
therapist in that state. The certificate cannot substitute for a degree. Students should become
familiar with the laws of the state(s) in which they wish to work if they choose to pursue a
certificate rather than a degree.
Prerequisites may change; students are strongly encouraged to contact professional programs for
the most current requirements. The American Occupational Therapy Association maintains
specific information about individual program prerequisites. See www.aota.org.
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301 405 7805
The Pre-Pharmacy track prepares students for entrance into a professional curriculum for
Pharmacy at institutions that offer a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree program. Pre-
Pharmacy is not a degree-granting program at the University of Maryland, College Park. A
Pharm.D. degree program follows a 2+4 model in which students complete two years of
prerequisite courses at the University of Maryland, College Park and then apply for admission
into a professional pharmacy school to complete four years of professional coursework, which
includes classroom, laboratory, and clinical education. Prerequisite courses are not limited to
two years and can be completed in three years.
University of Maryland students also have the option of completing a four-year degree at College
Park in their selected major, in addition to completing pharmacy school prerequisites, a 4 + 4
model. In this model, students complete degree requirements in their chosen major, as well as the
pre-pharmacy prerequisites for entrance into a professional pharmacy program. The institution
offering the program confers a Pharm.D. degree upon completion of the program.
Prerequisites may change; students are strongly encouraged to contact professional programs for
the most current requirements. The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy maintains
information about individual Pharm.D. program prerequisites. See www.aacp.org.
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Pre-Physical Therapy
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301 405 7805
The Pre-Physical Therapy track prepares students for entrance into a professional curriculum for
Physical Therapy at institutions that offer a doctoral degree. Pre-Physical Therapy is not a
degree-granting program at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Most physical therapy schools now confer only doctoral degrees, Doctor of Physical Therapy
(D.P.T). Currently, the accepted, entry-level clinical degree to practice as a Physical Therapist is
the D.P.T. The length of time to complete the D.P.T coursework is usually three
years. University of Maryland students interested in attending a D.P.T program need to
complete a four-year degree in their selected major in addition to completing physical therapy
prerequisites. The coursework required to enter a Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) degree
program varies depending on the professional schools to which the student intends to apply and
the expected year of matriculation into the professional phase of Physical Therapy. Most
physical therapy schools also require some health-care experience in the physical therapy field.
Several educational paths exist for students who wish to enter the physical therapy field.
Students are encouraged to thoroughly research this profession and determine which educational
path best leads to their particular career goals.
Prerequisites may change; students are strongly encouraged to contact professional programs for
the most current requirements. The American Physical Therapy Association as well as the
Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service maintains information about individual
program prerequisites. See www.apta.org and/or www.ptcas.org.
Pre-Physician Assistant
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301 405 7805
The Pre-Physician Assistant (P.A.) program prepares students for entrance into a professional
curriculum for Physician Assistant at institutions that offer a Master’s degree in this field. Pre-
Physician Assistant is not a degree-granting program at the University of Maryland, College
Park. At the University of Maryland, students may complete the necessary prerequisite courses
required by the professional physician assistant programs to which they will be applying. Pre-
Physician Assistant typically follows a 4+2 model (though some professional programs may
exceed 2 years). Students complete a four-year degree at College Park in their selected major, in
addition to completing Physician Assistant prerequisites in areas including but not limited to
science, psychology, and statistics. Most physician assistant schools also require health-care
experience, many preferring applicants to have worked directly with patients. The institution
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offering the program confers a Master’s degree upon completion of the Physician Assistant
Several educational paths exist for students who wish to enter the physician assistant field. Due
to the many variables in the educational options, students are encouraged to thoroughly research
this profession and determine which educational path best leads to their particular career goals.
Students should check the particular prerequisites of the P.A. educational programs that interest
Prerequisites may change; students are strongly encouraged to contact professional programs for
the most current requirements. The American Academy of Physician Assistants as well as
Physician Assistant Education Association maintains information about individual program
prerequisites. See www.aapa.org and/or www.paeaonline.org.
Other Health Programs
1210 HJ Patterson Hall, 301 405 7805
The pre-biomedical science research and medical technology program prepares students for
entrance into the professional curriculum for medical technologists and biotechnologists. Pre-
Medical Technology is not a degree-granting program at the University of Maryland, College
A degree program for a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (B.S.-M.T.) generally
follows a 2+2 model. Students may complete two years of prerequisite courses at the University
of Maryland, College Park and then apply for admission into a professional school to complete
two years of professional coursework, which includes classroom, laboratory, and clinical
University of Maryland students also have the option of completing a four-year degree at College
Park in their selected major, in addition to completing medical technology prerequisites, the 4 +
2 model. In this model, students complete degree requirements in their chosen major, as well as
the pre-medical technology prerequisites for entrance into a professional medical technology
program. The institution offering the program confers a Bachelor of Science in Medical
Technology degree on completion of the program.
Prerequisites may change; students are strongly encouraged to contact professional programs for
the most current requirements. The American Society of Clinical Pathologists and the National
Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences maintain information about individual
B.S.-M.T. program prerequisites.
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Pre-Professional Advising: Law
0110 Hornbake Library, 301-405-2793
Pre-Law Advising Program
0110 Hornbake Library, 301-405-2793
The Pre-Law Advising Office within Letters and Sciences serves all current and former students
at the University of Maryland interested in pursuing law school and careers in law. The program
provides students with law school planning, including individual and group advising, career
preparation workshops, admission information, and much more. While law schools do not
require, favor, or prefer specific majors, the pre-law advisor can provide guidance concerning the
choice of major. Pre-law does not serve as an undergraduate major, nor does the program require
completion of a specific academic curriculum.
Four-Year Baccalaureate Program
Most law schools require applicants to have received a Bachelor's degree prior to law school
enrollment. A wide variety of majors give students an excellent foundation for law school. The
student should select a major and plan an undergraduate experience in which they will be
successful and helps them acquire skills that are essential in preparing to perform well on the
LSAT, in law school, and ultimately as a lawyer. These skills include imaginative and coherent
thinking, critical reasoning, accurate and perceptive reading, and a strong command of the
spoken and written language, including grammar.
In some cases, law schools will consider truly outstanding applicants with only three years of
academic work, as described below. Law schools do not require the completion of prerequisite
courses for admission, but they do require that the student follow one of the standard academic
majors offered at the student's undergraduate institution. The LSAT is offered four times per
calendar year and is required of all applicants. More information on the LSAT and related
admissions material may be found at www.lsac.org.
Three-Year Arts/Law Degree
The University of Maryland has cooperative agreements with the University of Baltimore School
of Law and University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. These agreements
provide students at College Park, who are enrolled in any recognized major and meet certain
qualifications, with the opportunity to apply to law school one year early. If accepted, the Three-
Year Arts/Law Degree program allows students to begin their law school studies prior to their
receipt of their baccalaureate degree. Instead, the University of Maryland, College Park awards
these students their baccalaureate degree in Arts/Law upon satisfactory completion of the first
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year of law school. Participation in this program at the University of Maryland, College Park
and application to the University of Baltimore Law School or University of Maryland Francis
King Carey School of Law under this program does not guarantee admission.
This program is only available with the University of Baltimore Law School and University of
Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law and may not be an appropriate choice for all
students. Students who consider this program should contact the pre-law advisor for more
information or view the website, at www.prelaw.umd.edu.
Pre-Professional Advising: Pre-Veterinary Medicine
1409 Animal Sciences Center, 301-405-6495
Advising for pre-veterinary students occurs at two levels: initially, Dr. Sarah Balcom,
DVM, pre-veterinary advisor in the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences (1409 Animal
Sciences Center; 301-405-6495 or email at [email protected]), will advise students, regardless
of major, about preparing for veterinary school. During the freshmen and sophomore years,
advising is done through spring group advising meetings which cover topics such as coursework,
grades, finances, extra-curricular activities, gaining animal and veterinary experience, and
securing academic and professional references. For students in the process of applying to
veterinary school, Dr. Balcom is available for email and one-on-one consultations. As students
progress and establish academic credentials, they should also use the advising resources of the
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, 8075 Greenmead Drive,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-3711. Dr. Nathaniel Tablante (301-314-6810,
[email protected]) is the pre-veterinary advisor for the Regional College at that location.
Pre-Veterinary Medicine
1409 Animal Sciences Center, 301-405-6495
University of Maryland students in any major may prepare for admission to veterinary school by
completing the basic science and other courses required by veterinary colleges. The College of
Agriculture and Natural Resources major in Animal Sciences (Science/Pre-professional option)
includes many of the commonly required courses; however, students should consult catalogs
from the veterinary schools to which they are interested in applying to determine the specific
courses required by each. That information is available through the American Association of
Veterinary Medical Colleges (http://www.aavmc.org/).
Advising for pre-veterinary students occurs at two levels: initially, Dr. Sarah Balcom,
DVM, pre-veterinary advisor in the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences (1409 Animal
Sciences Center; 301-405-6495 or email at [email protected]), will advise students, regardless
of major, about preparing for veterinary school. During the freshmen and sophomore years,
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advising is done through spring group advising meetings which cover topics such as coursework,
grades, finances, extra-curricular activities, gaining animal and veterinary experience, and
securing academic and professional references. For students in the process of applying to
veterinary school, Dr. Balcom is available for email and one-on-one consultations. As students
progress and establish academic credentials, they should also use the advising resources of the
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, 8075 Greenmead Drive,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-3711. Dr. Nathaniel Tablante (301-314-6810,
[email protected]) is the pre-veterinary advisor for the Regional College at that location.
There is also a active pre-veterinary society (http://agnr.umd.edu/students/clubs-and-
organizations/veterinary-science-club) on campus that provides its members with regular
speakers, animal volunteering opportunities, networking, and comradery. Pre-veterinary students
are strongly encouraged to join.
Pre-veterinary students are asked to read our Pre-veterinary advising guide
(http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/vet-school-faq), as it answers many common questions about
preparing for and applying to veterinary schools.
Early Admission:
Students enrolled in the Combined Degree Option (http://ansc.umd.edu/undergraduate/program-
options/combined-ag-veterinary-medicine-1299d) are eligible for a special degree program that
confers a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture and Pre-Veterinary Medicine. Students who
will have completed 90 undergraduate credits (including all science courses required for
veterinary school application and university general education) and who will have met other
application criteria for veterinary schools by the end of the junior year, may apply in the Fall of
their junior year. If they matriculate in an accredited college of veterinary medicine, they may
apply the successful completion of the first thirty hours of their professional training towards the
completion of their baccalaureate degree. See the Undergraduate Catalog entry for Animal
Sciences for more details.
Psychology (PSYC)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
1121 Biology-Psychology Building, 301-405-5862
Chair: J. Blanchard
Director: M. Dougherty (Director of Graduate Studies), N. Salahuddin (Director of
Undergraduate Studies)
Professors: G. Ball (Dean, BSOS), O. Barbarin (Chair, African-American Studies), J. Blanchard,
S. Brauth, J. Cassidy (Distinguished Scholar-Teacher), A. Chronis-Tuscano, R. Dooling
(Distinguished Scholar-Teacher), M. Dougherty (Associate Chair), M. Gelfand (Distinguished
Scholar-Teacher), P. Hanges, C. Hill, A. Kruglanski (Distinguished University Professor), K.
O'Brien, L. Pessoa, C. Stangor
Associate Professors: A. De Los Reyes, L. Dougherty, J. Herberholz, E. Lemay, L. MacPherson,
K. Norman, T. Riggins, M. Roesch, D. Yager (Associate Chair)
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Assistant Professors: J. Beier, E. Bernat, E. Glasper, J. Grand, D. Iwamoto, J. Mohr, E. Redcay,
A. Shackman, R. Slevc, J. Wessel
Lecturers: R. Curtis (Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies), S. Roberts, N. Salahuddin, D.
Selterman, T. Tomlinson
Professors Emeriti: R. Brown, C. Gelso, W. Hall, W. Hodos (Distinguished University
Professor), C. Moss, K. Murnane, K. O'Grady, H. Sigall, B. Smith, R. Steele, C. Sternheim, F.
Tyler, T. Wallsten
The Major
The undergraduate major in Psychology provides an introduction to the study of human
behavior. This includes an understanding of the neurobiological, developmental, social, and
evolutionary factors influencing our thought and behavior. Through that understanding comes
the ability to modify behavior in beneficial ways. Courses are organized into three broad themes:
1) Mind, Brain, and Behavior; 2) Mental Health and Interventions; and 3) Social,
Developmental, and Organizational Studies.
The program emphasizes a strong foundation in quantitative and research methods. Beyond
coursework, students will have opportunities to assist with and conduct research, an important
advantage in any career path.
Students who are interested in the biological aspects of behavior tend to choose a program
leading to the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree, while those interested primarily in the impact of
social factors on behavior tend to choose the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. The choice of
program is made in consultation with an academic advisor.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym: PSYC
Program Objectives
Students in the B.A. and B.S. programs in Psychology will have a broad exposure to the diverse
approaches to studying human behavior. They will acquire the tools and experiences necessary
for successful careers utilizing their skills in the behavioral and social sciences. Their training
will include a foundation in research methods, critical and creative problem solving, and
effective communication. Students will also master the primary concepts and ideas representing
both the breadth and depth of the fields in psychology.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Knowledge base in psychology
• Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
• Develop a working knowledge of psychology's content domains
• Describe applications of psychology
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2. Scientific inquiry and critical thinking
• Use scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena
• Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem solving
• Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
• Understand sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry
3. Ethics
• Understand and follow ethical practices in academic study and scientific research
• Understand the concepts and practice of ethical principles in a broad range of
professional contexts
• Understand the role of academic, professional, and personal integrity in maintaining a
healthy community
4. Multiculturism and diversity
• Understand the socio-cultural influences on human development and behavior
• Demonstrate critical awareness of one's own worldview, values, and biases
• Exhibit the ability to work respectfully and constructively with individuals of different
backgrounds, values, and experiences
• Demonstrate the ability to integrate multicultural concepts into psychology research,
theory, practice, and service to others
5. Communication
• Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
• Exhibit effective presentation skills for different purposes
• Interact effectively with others
6. Professional development
• Apply psychological content and skills to career goals
• Refine project management skills
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• Enhance teamwork capacity
• Develop meaningful professional directions for life after graduation
For more information on the psychology learning outcomes, go to the department
website: http://psychology.umd.edu.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
State of the art research labs in the Psychology Department provide students with opportunities
for studies in clinical and counseling psychology, cognitive and neural systems, developmental
psychology, and social, decisional and organizational sciences. Students benefit from a close
relationship with the University Counseling Center. The new Maryland Neuroimaging Center
makes available facilities for several types of functional brain imaging including fMRI and high-
density EEG. The Psychology Department also contains the internationally recognized Center for
Addictions, Personality, and Emotions Research (CAPER).
Admission to the Major
In accordance with University policy, the Department of Psychology has been designated a
Limited Enrollment Program (LEP) (http://www.lep.umd.edu/). All first-time freshman who
request psychology as a major will be directly admitted into the major. Other first-time freshman
who wish to declare psychology as a major prior to the last day of classes of their first semester
in residence will be allowed to do so.
In order to remain a psychology major, newly admitted freshman will be required to meet an
academic performance review on or before the end of the semester in which they earned 45
University of Maryland credits. This standard includes:
a. Completion of PSYC100 with a grade of "B-" or higher (if the student has Advanced
Placement credit for PSYC100, the student must complete PSYC221 with a grade of "B-" or
b. Completion of MATH120 or MATH140 with a grade of "C-" or higher. MATH 140 is highly
recommended for students pursuing a B.S. in Psychology. (MATH 130 is acceptable only for
declared PSYC/BSCI double majors and for students who have taken the course prior to
becoming a PSYC major.)
c. Completion of BSCI170 (Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology) and BSCI171
(Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab) with a minimum grade of "C-" in both
d. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 in all coursework taken at the University
of Maryland.
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All other students, including both internal and external transfer students, will be admitted to the
program only if they have met the above LEP requirements and also have a minimum cumulative
GPA based on all previous college-level coursework of 2.70 or higher.
For a more detailed discussion of LEP policies visit www.lep.umd.edu and then call 301-
405-5866 to consult with one of our academic advisors.
Any student denied admission or dismissed from the major may appeal to the Director of
Undergraduate Studies in Psychology (http://psychology.umd.edu).
Internal transfer students may appeal to the Office of the Dean for Behavioral and Social
Sciences (www.bsos.umd.edu).
External transfer students may appeal to the Office of Admissions (www.admissions.umd.edu).
Requirements for the Major
All students must complete at least 35 credits (11 courses) in Psychology. The required courses
PSYC100 – Introduction to Psychology
PSYC200 – Statistical Methods in Psychology
PSYC300 – Research Methods in Psychology (4 credit lab)
A minimum of 2 courses from each of the following three thematic areas:
o Mind, Brain, & Behavior
o Mental Health & Interventions
o Social, Developmental, & Organizational Processes
Two 400 level, 3 credit PSYC courses
One additional 4 credit PSYC lab course
A detailed list of courses by theme can be found at the following
link: http://psychology.umd.edu/undergraduate/courses-syllabi
A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all 35 credits of psychology courses used for the
major, except for PSYC100 (or PSYC221, if AP credit was earned for PSYC100), in which the
grade must be "B-" or higher. No course may be used as a prerequisite unless a grade of "C-" is
earned in that course prior to its use as a prerequisite.
Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science degree option must complete a minimum of 5
courses/17 credits in mathematics and science. At least three courses must be advanced and at
least two courses must contain a lab. The 5 courses/17 credits must be completed with at least a
2.0 average. MATH140 (highly recommended) or MATH120 (formerly MATH220) and
BSCI170 plus BSCI171, may be used to satisfy part of the requirement for the B.S.
degree. (MATH130 is acceptable only for declared PSYC/BSCI double majors and for students
who have taken the course prior to becoming a PSYC major.) Students should consult the
following website for a list of approved advanced math and science courses for the Bachelor of
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Science in psychology:
Requirements for the Minor
The minor in Neurosciences will give the highly qualified and motivated undergraduate an
opportunity to study Neuroscience. The emphasis includes study in systems, cognitive, and
computational neuroscience in a manner that crosses the traditional boundaries of Psychology,
Biological Sciences, and other related disciplines. The minor is most appropriate for students
who already have a background in the biological sciences or psychology.
All majors are eligible for the minor except students in the Physiology & Neurobiology
(PHNB) track in Biological Sciences (BSCI).
There are a number of science course prerequisites for the required and elective classes.
Students should carefully review the prerequisites for all courses listed for the
Neurosciences minor. A student without a sufficient science background may not be able
to complete the minor in the allotted credits.
Students may only count a maximum of two courses (6-8 credits) toward both their major
degree requirements and the minor in Neurosciences.
Eligibility and Application to the Minor
In order to apply for the minor in Neurosciences, a student must have:
1. Completed at least 30 college credits and at least 15 credits at UM.
2. Earned at least a "C-" in BSCI170&171 and CHEM131&132 or have AP equivalents.
3. Earned at least a "C-" in PSYC301 or BSCI330.
4. Be in good academic standing.
Applications for the Minor in Neurosciences will be considered three times each year on October
1, March 1, and June 1. Students will be notified via email regarding the status of their
application within three weeks of the submission deadline so that students will know whether or
not they are accepted to the prior to early registration for the next semester.
Interested students may submit an application for the minor to the Undergraduate Psychology
Office (BPS 1121). Applications are available on the Neurosciences and Cognitive Sciences
(NACS) Program website at www.nacs.umd.edu.
Course Requirements
There are five required courses (11-14 credits) and two elective courses (6-8 credits) for a total
of 17-22 credits to complete the minor. The five required courses and their prerequisites are
listed below. All courses used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a
grade of "C-" or better. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average
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across all courses used to satisfy the minor requirements. A list of eligible electives can be found
on the program website at www.nacs.umd.edu.
Required Courses
(5 courses, 11-14 credits)
PSYC301 or BSCI453
PSYC301 Biological Basis of Behavior (3)
BSCI70&171, PSYC100
BSCI453 Cellular Neurophysiology (3 )
BSCI330, CHEM231/232, PHYS122
PSYC401 or BSCI454
PSYC401 Biological Basis of Behavior Lab (4)
BSCI170&171, PSYC200, PSYC301
or equiv.
BSCI454 Neurophysiology Lab (1)
BSCI330, CHEM231/232, PHYS122
PSYC402 or BSCI446
PSYC402 Neural Systems (3)
PSYC206 or PSYC301
BSCI446 Neural Systems (3)
PSYC403 or BSCI360
PSYC403 Animal Behavior (3)
PSYC206 or PSYC301
BSCI360 Principles of Animal Behavior (3)
BSCI170&171, BSCI160&161, BSCI222
Topics in Neuroscience Seminar (1)
Permission of Instructor
& Department
The Department of Psychology's Office of Undergraduate Studies has three full-time academic
advisors to assist you every step of the way. Advising is not mandatory, but we encourage all
students to schedule an appointment at least once a semester, particularly first year freshmen,
new psychology majors, and first semester transfer students to take advantage of
advising. Advisors are located in the Biology-Psychology Building Room 1121.
Some examples of common advising services include assistance with:
Strategies for degree completion
Opportunities in the psychology major
Department and university policies
Career and internship opportunities
Research opportunities
Social and personal adjustment to university life
Preparation for graduate study
Other ways to enrich your undergraduate experience
For assistance via email write [email protected]
Walk-in advising: Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - noon. No appointment is necessary.
Appointments: Call 301-405-5866 to schedule afternoon appointments.
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Contact information for the staff of the Office of Undergraduate Studies can be found
on http://psychology.umd.edu/undergraduate/psyc-advising
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Research experience is strongly encouraged for students who wish to pursue graduate training in
psychology. The faculty welcome undergraduate research students into their labs, and every
semester over 100 students take advantage of these opportunities. The Office of Undergraduate
Studies advertises opportunities for students to participate in research. See
http://ter.ps/PSYCblog and subscribe to receive announcements by email. Many students also
find research opportunities on their own by approaching individual faculty members and
graduate students with whom they share common research interests.
Freshmen and sophomore students can participate as a Maryland Student Researcher in the
Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research. Students participating in this program have the
opportunity to work individually with faculty members.
If eligible, students can earn academic credit for research participation (maximum of 9 credits)
through PSYC479, Independent Research in Psychology. Applications and requirements for
PSYC479 are available here: http://psychology.umd.edu/undergraduate/research-assistantships
The Washington D.C. Area is rich in offering a variety of high-quality psychological research
and practice opportunities. These include research organizations, training and service-delivery
agencies, and institutions involved in legal, policy, and legislative concerns that intimately affect
the psychological well-being of the nation. Opportunities for field experience exist in all areas of
Working with psychologists and related professionals in these settings can be a source of
considerable enrichment for you. You can apply your classroom learning, test out your interests
and skills in psychology, and receive training in a specialized aspect of psychology which is not
available on campus.
The Psychology E-News Blog (http://umdpsyc.blogspot.com/), the University Career Center and
the President's Promise (http://www.studentaffairs.umd.edu/university-career-center-the-
president-s-promise), and individual organizations in the area are all good sources for you to
consult in your search for an internship experience. Some additional tips on finding internships
are posted online here: http://psychology.umd.edu/undergraduate/finding-internships
If you have identified a psychology-related internship opportunity and would like it to be
considered for academic credit, you should download and submit the PSYC389 contract online
(http://psychology.umd.edu/undergraduate/psyc-forms), once you are sure that you meet the
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Honors Program
The Honors Program in Psychology is designed to enrich and accelerate the acquisition of
knowledge in the field. The goals of the honors program of the psychology department include:
Train students to think as independent scholars.
Provide opportunities for close, scholarly analysis of significant topics in psychology.
Encourage and provide opportunities for students to undertake independent research.
Introduce students to a broad range of advanced psychological principles and
Details about program eligibility and how to apply are posted
here: http://psychology.umd.edu/undergraduate/psyc-honors-program
For more information about the Honors Program in Psychology please call 301-405-5866 to
schedule an appointment with the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The University of Maryland chapter of the Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
provides membership to students who meet the application requirements. Psi Chi members abide
by the core values of scholarship, service, and community, receive academic recognition for their
achievements in psychology, and have the opportunity to connect and build relationships with
other members, faculty members, and professionals. Details and contact information about Psi
Chi can be found on the chapter's website: http://umdpsichi.weebly.com
Active Minds at Maryland is a student-run organization that focuses on mental health
awareness and advocacy on campus. Members are students interested in psychology, medicine,
and public health, students who have friends or family members with a mental illness, and/or
students who are struggling with mental illness themselves. To learn more, please visit the
Active Minds at Maryland website (http://umdactiveminds.webs.com/) or facebook page
The Multicultural Association of Psychology Students (MAPS) provides networking events
and seminars serving the breadth of interests of UMD psychology majors. MAPS
activities promote awareness of post-graduate, research, and community outreach opportunities.
In addition, MAPS enhances the community through discussions and events emphasizing the full
diversity of Psychology students encompassing many cultures and personal identities (including
race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and others).
To learn more about MAPS, please
visit http://umdmaps.weebly.com/or https://www.facebook.com/UMDmaps/
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Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The Mark S. Harper Award for Excellence in Psychology is given annually at the spring
commencement to the graduating senior who best exemplifies the spirit of Mark, a UM
Psychology graduate. The top 10 percent of the graduating class are eligible to be nominated by
a faculty member for the award.
The Department’s Award for Excellence in Student Leadership goes to a student nominated
by his or her peers for an outstanding commitment to advancing the opportunities and
achievements of fellow psychology majors, students and community members.
The Harper Travel Award provides travel support for students presenting their research at
professional conferences. Please contact the undergraduate office for more information and an
application form.
Public Health Science (PHSC)
School of Public Health
SPHL Room 2302 School of Public Health, 301 405-5436
Chair: S. Roth (Prof & Assoc Dean, Prof)
Director: K. Cipriani (Asst Dir)
Associate Professors: M. Haider (Assoc Res Prof)
Assistant Professors: C. Dallal (Asst Prof), T. Dyer (Asst Prof), M. Grantham (Asst Rsch Prof),
M. Jones (Asst Prof, Aff Asst Prof), E. King-Marshall (Asst Rsch Prof), D. Payne-Sturges (Asst
Lecturers: G. De Silva (Lecturer), J. O'Hara (Lecturer)
The Major
The Public Health Science Bachelor of Science degree is an interdisciplinary program designed
to provide students with the educational foundation required to effectively address local, national
and global issues within the public health arena. As a collaborative degree involving multiple
scholarly disciplines, courses offered by this department may be found under the following
The degree effectively prepares students to pursue exciting careers in allied health fields and
medicine as well as post-baccalaureate professional and academic degrees.
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Program Objectives
The Public Health Science Bachelor of Science degree is an interdisciplinary program designed
to provide students with the educational foundation required to effectively address local, national
and global issues within the public health arena.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the core public health concepts (environmental
health sciences, health services administration, biostatistics, epidemiology, and social and
behavioral sciences).
2. Students will integrate scientific concepts into the solving of public health issues.
3. Students will apply an interdisciplinary approach to inform public health practice.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Public Health Science Program is located within the School of Public Health which houses
multiple research centers and laboratories. Grant-funded faculty mentor both graduate and
undergraduate students in areas such as neuroscience, Alzheimer’s, global health, environmental
health, health policy, epidemiology, biostatistics, concussions, sports medicine, prosthetics,
health equity, tobacco, and community health.
Admission to the Major
It is recommended that prospective students enjoy science and strive to meaningfully translate
this knowledge into the core mission of improving public health locally, nationally and globally.
Other Requirements for the Major
Students must earn a "C-" in all courses which are required for the major, including prerequisite
courses. Elective coursework is designed to facilitate future career interests in allied health,
medicine and/or post-baccalaureate degrees.
In addition to the science foundation courses and the Public Health Science foundation courses,
students must complete 12 credits of upper level options courses from the following list:
The Public Health Science option courses build upon the Scientific and Public Health Science
Foundation courses. The option courses are 300 and 400 level courses offered within the School
of Public Health*. By choosing from these courses, students have an opportunity to customize
their program. Students are encouraged to choose courses that best align with a particular career
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The Coming Plague
Obesity: An Epidemiologic Perspective
Federal Fellow Seminar: Public Health Policy
Maternal, Child, and Family Health
Violence in Families
Communicating Safety and Health
Human Sexuality
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Health
Introduction to Public Health Informatics
Minority Health
Women's Health
Redesigning Health Care: Developing a Clinic to Meet
Community Needs
Physiology of Aging and the Impact of Physical Activity
Exercise and Body Composition
Syphilis to SARS: Climate Change, Development, and
Emergence of Infectious Diseases
Environmental Justice, Racism, and Environmental Health
The Built Environment, Sustainability, and Public Health
Introduction to Occupational Health
CARE Peer Advocacy/Outreach
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Peer Education: Mental Health & Wellness Fall/Spring
Peer Education: Sexual Assault Prevention Fall/Spring
Peer Education: Alcohol and Other Drugs Education
Peer Education: Sexual Health & Wellness Fall/Spring
Independent Research Study in Public Health Science
Public Health Science Internship
Public Health Emergency Preparedness
Vaccines and Immunology
Genetics, Genomics, and Public Health
* Some of these courses have prerequisites. Please check testudo for details.
**This course is part of the federal semester program and includes an application process
§ Formerly FMSC410
These courses are part of a peer education program run by the University Health Center. An application is required and you can find more
information here.
# No more than 6 combined credits of independent study and internship can be counted as PHSC options. Independent study and internships from other
departments can sometimes also be counted as PHSC options credit. Please meet with an advisor for more information.
Advising within the degree is strongly recommended. The program advisors coordinate closely
with the School of Public Health Center for Academic Success and Achievement as well as the
in-house Career Center and the Campus Career Center. Students interested in pursuing medicine
should also consult the Allied Health Advising Center.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Undergraduate research experiences, both research and applied, are highly
recommended. Multiple formal opportunities exist both within the School of Public Health as
well as the Washington DC metro area. A data base consisting of grant-funded research as well
as external sites exists. Students may also propose internship opportunities.
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Fieldwork Opportunities
The School of Public Health is, by design, defined by the application of theoretical knowledge to
improving health in clinical and large populations. Multiple opportunities exist within the grant-
funded SPHL research as well as the immediate metro area.
The Public Health Science degree maintains a separate internship data base. Please consult the
Program Director, Ms. Kristin Cipriani at [email protected].
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The School of Public Health has a robust internal Honors Society composed of students from all
four degree programs. Additionally, students are encouraged to become involved in global
health opportunities such as Public Health Without Borders (http://sph.umd.edu/news-
item/public-health-without-borders-students-return-peru-explore-new-projects-ethiopia), Half the
Sky Movement (https://sph.umd.edu/content/half-sky-movement-umd), Health Leads
(http://www.healthleadsusa.org/) and SHARE (Supporting Hospitals Abroad with Resources and
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Students may be partially supported through the TerpStart Scholarships, the Jerry Wrenn
Scholarships, and the Federal Work Study Work Scholars grants (research internships mentored
by SPH faculty). Additionally, The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all
types of federal, state and institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with
other university offices, participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For
information, visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The annual Convocation honors highly meritorious students who are recipients of the prestigious
Dean's Scholars awards, the Jerry Wrenn Scholarship awards and the Lester M. Fraley award.
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Public Policy (PLCY)
School of Public Policy
1118 Taliaferro Hall, 301-405-2370
Professors: K. Apfel (Prof Of Practice), D. Besharov (Prof), A. Bhargava (Prof, Affiliate Prof), I.
Destler (Prof), S. Fetter (Assoc Prov, Prof), C. Foreman (Prof), R. Grimm (Prof Of Practice,
Affiliate Prof), P. Joyce (Prof & Assoc Dean), D. Kettl (Prof), B. Mussington (Prof Of Practice),
R. Nelson (Prof), A. Patwardhan (Prof), P. Reuter (Prof), A. Schick (Dist Univ Prof), S. Schwab
(Prof), P. Swagel (Prof)
Associate Professors: A. Bies (Assoc Prof), T. Egan (Assoc Prof, Lecturer), R. Sprinkle (Assoc
Prof), K. Vogel (Assoc Prof)
Assistant Professors: M. Afzal (Asst Prof)
Senior Lecturer: E. Duke (Senior Lecturer)
Lecturers: M. Gonzalez-Marcos (Lecturer), S. Washburn (Lecturer)
Clinical Professor: A. Robinson (Clin Prof)
Research Professor: R. Bierbaum (Res Prof), D. Crocker (Res Prof), N. Gallagher (Res Prof &
Dir), W. Lucyshyn (Sr Res Schl, Res Prof), W. Nolte (Res Prof)
Associate Research Professor: T. Hilde (Assoc Res Prof)
Visiting Faculty: P. Kapur (Visit Prof)
The Major
The interdisciplinary Public Policy major focuses on using analytical decision-making to study
an array of subjects ranging from the processes of making, implementing and evaluating
government policies to the ethical evaluation of contemporary social problems, both domestic
and international. The major has two distinctive components: 1) core foundational skills critical
for the understanding and analysis of problems and proposed solutions; and 2) the application of
these skills and competencies to address challenges in the real world by engaging with the policy
process at local, state and national levels through real-time projects. The major in Public Policy
at the University of Maryland equips students with competence in leadership and analytical
skills, supported by theory and data, to prepare them for careers in public service, policymaking,
and the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym: PLCY.
Program Objectives
The major aims of the program are to produce:
1. Individuals who better understand themselves and the world they live in through a focused,
coordinated study of the major policy-related disciplines.
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2. Citizens who are adept at promoting better public outcomes both by understanding public
policy problems from an inter-disciplinary, multiâ
sector, multiâ€
and by leading institutional and policy change.
3. Graduates who can easily find meaningful employment, and are wellâ€
prepared to enter
numerous graduate and professional programs, due to their strong multi†sector,
interdisciplinary, analytical, problem†solving, and leadership abilities.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students completing a Public Policy major will:
1. Possess a foundational understanding of the fields of public policy and leadership, including
its key processes, methodologies, and actors, both present and historic.
2. Possess a foundational understanding of the key policy related precepts and methodologies of
many disciplines, including history, economics, political science, international relations,
sociology, data analysis, information science, ethics and justice.
3. Be adept at acquiring and maintaining a critical understanding of key policy related
developments in the world.
4. Be adept at finding, understanding, organizing, and synthesizing data and the findings of other
analysts/leaders, to produce an enhanced, multi-faceted, multi-perspective, objective
understanding of public issues.
5. Be adept at seeing public issues from the perspectives of various constituencies and those with
different backgrounds, especially those whose perspectives are under-represented in public
forums and processes.
6. Be creative and systematic problem-solvers, able to relate and apply intellectual skills and
theoretical knowledge to real world problems.
7. Be able to communicate – orally, on paper, and through media – analysis and findings,
especially to people who do not share their analytical, professional, or cultural background.
8. Be able to intelligently work with and lead others who are working on, or are affected by,
public issues, including those from different analytical, professional, or cultural backgrounds.
Admission to the Major
First-time freshmen students who wish to major in Public Policy at the University of Maryland
are encouraged to apply for admission to the University by the priority deadline of November 1.
There is no separate application for our major and seats in the major are guaranteed as we are
NOT a limited enrollment program.
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Current University of Maryland Students who wish to add the Public Policy major should contact
our advisor at [email protected] for more information. Our major is not limited
enrollment so all students are welcome assuming you have time to complete all the major
Requirements for the Major
PLCY Major Requirements
C- or better is required in all major courses and the cumulative
average of these courses must be a 2.0.
Benchmark Requirement One
Must be completed by the end of two semesters into the major
PLCY100—Foundations of Public Policy
HIST201 Interpreting American History: From 1865
to the Present (HU)
Benchmark Requirement Two
Must be completed by the end of four semesters into the major
PLCY 101 Great Thinkers on Public Policy (HS/IS)
STAT 100 (AR) Elementary Statistics and Probability
or higher
Required Major Courses
ECON 200 Principles of Microeconomics (HS)
PLCY 202 Public Leaders and Active Citizens (SP/IS
pending) OR PLCY201 Leadership for the Common
Good (SP/IS)
PLCY 203 Liberty and Justice for All: Ethics and
Moral Issues in Public Policy
Introduction to Public Policy Focus
PLCY 303 Public Economics: Raising and Spending
the People’s Money (Pre
-req: ECON200)
PLCY 300 Governance: Collective Action in the
Public Interest (Pre-req: PLCY100 and PLCY101)
PLCY 304 Evaluating Evidence: Finding Truth in
Numbers (Pre-req: STATS100)
PLCY302 Examining Pluralism in Public Policy (Pre-
req: PLCY203) (UP pending)
PLCY 305 Internship Class OR Approved Study
PLCY306: Public Policy Analysis in Action (Taken
after 60 credits)
PLCY 401 Contemporary Issues in Public Policy
(Taken after 90 credits)
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PLCY 400 Senior Capstone (Taken after 90 credits;
Pre-req: PLCY306)
Focus or PLCY electives (9 credits)
Focus/PLCY Elective Course 1
Focus/PLCY Elective Course 2
Focus/PLCY Elective Course 3
TOTAL Major Credits
The Public Policy Major has mandatory advising every semester. Academic advising is an
ongoing process that helps students clarify their educational and career goals, and then chart a
meaningful plan for achieving those goals. Advising is the joint responsibility of the student and
the advisor. The advisor assists students in evaluating their degree progress and helps them select
appropriate courses and other educational experiences tailored to their personal goals.
Ultimately, students are responsible for making decisions, setting and meeting identified goals
and published requirements. Students can contact the Public Policy advising office by calling
(301) 405-2370 or emailing [email protected].
All Public Policy majors must either take an internship class or approved study abroad. It is
highly encouraged in our field to do an internship. The School of Public Policy partners with the
UMD Career Center to assist students in a successful job or internship search. Students can
request an appointment (careers.umd.edu/request-appointment) with Career Center staff to help
them on their journey.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The School of Public Policy currently offers two opportunities for financial support for
undergraduate students:
Senator John A. Cade Public Leadership Scholarship
“Senator John A. Cade was one of Maryland's most extraordinary and exemplary public servants.
As a member of the Maryland Senate from 1975-1996, his dedication to government, public
service and education helped enhance the lives of his constituents. This scholarship was created
to honor the memory of Senator Cade by supporting the education of undergraduates interested
in pursuing a career in public service.
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The Rosalie Reilly Gubernatorial Fellowship
“Rosalie Reilly was one of Maryland's most extraordinary and exemplary public servants and a
role model for young women entering politics. She was a champion for educating young leaders
as they prepared to enter public life. This fellowship was created to honor the memory of Ms.
Reilly by supporting undergraduate women interested in public service. Fellows receive financial
support and complete a year long student-directed entrepreneurial project oriented towards
public service.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Romance Languages (ROML)
College of Arts and Humanities
3106 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
The Major
The Romance Languages Program is intended for students who want to specialize in two of the
Romance languages offered in SLLC: French, Italian, and Spanish. Students selecting this major
take a total of 45 credits selected from courses in two of the three components. The first four
courses listed under each group are required for that particular language component; exceptions
or substitutions may be made with the approval of the departmental language advisor only, in
consultation with the Romance Languages advisor. 21 credits are taken in each of the two
languages, as specified, and three additional credits are taken at the 4xx level in either of the
languages chosen. Literature or civilization courses may not be taken in translation. Students
who wish to apply for Teacher's Certification should consult the College of Education.
Placement in Courses
Requirements for the Major
Students must take language-acquisition courses sequentially. Once credit has been received in a
higher level language acquisition or grammar course, a lower level course may not be taken for
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French Requirements
French Grammar and Composition
Introduction to French Literature
Composition and Style
From Romanticism to the Age of Modernism and Beyond
From the Age of Epic and Romance to the Enlightenment
Two additional literature or civilization courses at the 4xx level
Italian Requirements
Reading and Writing in Italian
Italian Composition
ITAL351 or 352 or
ITAL361 or 362
One additional course at the 3xx level in literature
or culture
Three additional literature or civilization courses at
the 4xx level with 1 credit colloquium
Spanish Requirements
Reading and Writing in Spanish
Advanced Grammar and Composition I
Approaches to Cultural Materials in
Hispanic World
Two courses from
SPAN331,332, or 333
Two courses from SPAN361,
362 or 363
Two courses from Spanish Culture,
Civilization & Literature I,II or III
Two courses from Latin American
Literatures & Cultures I,II or III
Two literature or civilization courses at the
4xx level.
Additional Requirement for ROML Majors:
One additional course at the 4xx level in one of the two languages (3)
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Study Abroad
For information on study abroad programs see the program advisor and/or the Education Abroad
website www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
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Advisor: Stefania Amodeo [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information, see the SLLC
website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Russian Language and Literature (RUSS)
College of Arts and Humanities
3215 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Associate Professors: M. Lekic, C. Martin, E. Papazian
Lecturers: R. Fradkin, Z. Gerus-Vernola (Maya Brin Distinguished Lecturer), E. Lozinsky
Assistant Research Professor: A. Selemeneva
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The Major
The undergraduate major in Russian Language and Literature consists of 40 credits beyond the
prerequisite of Elementary Russian (Russian 101-102 or equivalent). Many students pursue a
double major or double degree in Russian and another discipline, such as international relations,
business, history, economics, journalism, engineering, etc. Russian students have the opportunity
to live in St. Mary's Language House, and the majority of majors participate in study abroad.
Native or heritage speakers wishing to enroll in Russian courses or major in Russian should
consult the undergraduate advisor. Students interested in enrolling in a course that appears closed
or that has a waitlist are strongly encouraged to contact the faculty member or undergraduate
advisor for Russian for permission to enroll.
Program Learning Outcomes
Russian majors will be able to communicate effectively in spoken Russian in a broad range of
everyday situations and contexts; communicate effectively in written Russian in essays on a
range of topics; and demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the culture(s) of the Russian
Federation (literature, history, art, cuisine, traditions, etc.).
Placement in Courses
Requirements for the Major
Students must take language-acquisition courses sequentially. Once credit has been received in a
higher level language acquisition or grammar course, a lower level course may not be taken for
Intermediate Russian I
Intermediate Russian II
Advanced Russian I
Advanced Russian II
One additional course at the 3xx level
Advanced Russian Composition
Practicum in Written Russian
One additional course at the 4xx level
Two RUSS electives
RUSS3xx or 4xx level
Two 3xx or 4xx level RUSS electives*
*Must be taught in Russian
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Notes: One supporting course outside the department (at the 3xx or 4xx level) may be counted
toward the major with an advisor's prior approval.
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Study Abroad
Students majoring in Russian Studies are encouraged to spend a summer or a semester abroad.
For information on study abroad programs see www.russian.umd.edu/abroad/index.html.
Requirements for the Minor
Russian Studies
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
The minor in Russian Studies is a series of five courses to be chosen in consultation with the
departmental advisor. The completion of a Minor in Russian Studies provides students with a
broad background in Russian language, literature, and culture.
A minimum of fifteen credits/five courses* is required, to be chosen from among the
Courses taught in Russian:
RUSS201, 202, 210, 211, 301, 302, 303, 307, 321, 322, 381, 382, 401, 402,403, 404, 405, 406,
407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 431, 432, 433, 434, 473
Courses in English:
RUSS221, 222, 281, 282, 298, 327, 328, 329, 398, 439
Courses in SLAVIC may also be counted toward the Russian Studies Minor: SLAV469, 475,
Prerequisites for the minor: RUSS102 (Elementary Russian) or the equivalent as determined by
the department
*Note that in most cases, five courses of 3-credits each will fulfill the 15-credit requirement.
However, RUSS 201 and 202 are 5 credit courses. If a student chooses to count these two
courses as part of the minor, they are still required to complete three additional courses (for a
total of five courses).
Courses taken through Study Abroad programs may be applied.
A minimum of six credits must be earned from courses in Russian.
At minimum of nine credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx level.
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Transfer credits (from study abroad or another US institution) may count toward the
minor with approval of the department. In most cases, a maximum of six transfer credits
will be approved.
All courses counting toward the minor must be passed with a "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
Substitutions of other departmental offerings may be approved by the advisor.
Oversight of the minor program will be through the normal academic processes of the Russian
program in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. The Undergraduate Advisor will
be responsible for ensuring that students are properly advised and that records are appropriately
To make an appointment or declare a minor, go to
Advisor: Ms. Zhanna Vernola [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information, see the SLLC
website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information,
visit: www.financialaid.umd.edu.
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Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Science Education (TLPL)
For more information see Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in Chapter 7.
Social Studies Education (TLPL)
For more information see Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in Chapter 7.
Sociology (SOCY)
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
2108 Parren J. Mitchell Art/Sociology Building, 301-405-6389
Chair: R. Korzeniewicz (Prof & Chair)
Director: L. Moghadam (Undergrad Director), L. Sayer (Prof & Grad Director)
Professors: F. Chen, P. Cohen (Prof), P. Collins, S. Desai, K. Finsterbusch, D. Fisher (Prof), J.
Kahn, R. Korzeniewicz, J. Lucas (Prof & Assoc Chair), M. Moaddel (Prof), S. Presser, M.
Rendall (Prof & Dir MPRC), G. Ritzer, R. Vanneman (Prof), A. Villarreal (Prof), W. Yu (Prof)
Associate Professors: M. Kestnbaum, M. Kleykamp, K. Marsh, A. Neustadtl, J. Park (Assoc
Prof), J. Pease, R. Ray
Assistant Professors: L. Doan (Asst Prof), D. Dow (Asst Prof), C. Prell
Lecturers: J. Clark (Jr Lecturer, Lecturer), B. Connor (Lecturer), A. Forsythe (Lecturer), N. Kaya
(Coordinator, Lecturer), A. Parkhouse (Lecturer), R. Pernick (Lecturer), Y. Yu (Lecturer)
Affiliate Associate Professors: S. Madhavan (Affil Assoc Prof, Assoc Prof)
Associate Research Scientist: W. Hadden (Assoc Res Sci)
Research Professor: M. Das Gupta (Res Prof)
Assistant Research Professor: A. McLaughlin (Asst Rsch Prof, Fac Asst), R. Turner (Asst Rsch
Professors Emeriti: R. Clignet, E. Dager, W. Falk, J. Hage, L. Hunt (Assoc Prof Emeritus), K.
Kammeyer, L. Landry, J. Lengermann, B. Meeker, M. Milkie (Prof Emeritus), J. Robinson, D.
Segal, M. Segal
Visiting Faculty: D. Schaefer (Visit Assoc Prof)
The Major
Sociology is the scientific study of society and its institutions, organizations, and groups. By
observing the broad range of activities in society, and exploring topics such as social class, race,
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gender, deviance, family, religion, the work place, and demographic trends, sociologists provide
important information and perspectives on our social order and the causes and impacts of social
change. Sociology provides important information useful both to personal life and public policy
decisions. Sociology is among the broadest of the social sciences and is characterized by
considerable pluralism in theoretical and methodological approaches, substantive specializations,
and in units of analysis.
Students major in Sociology for a variety of reasons. Some emphasize sociology's relevance to
understanding a broad range of social issues that interest them out of intellectual curiosity,
personal life relevance, or usefulness for ameliorative social change efforts. Other majors
emphasize acquisition of sociological knowledge and skills useful in a variety of career paths
where understanding societal problems and trends, group dynamics, and personnel issues are
critical. For a small core of majors the purpose of the undergraduate program is preparation and
training for admissions to graduate programs and eventual careers as sociologists in teaching and
research and/or policy development. Majors may also use sociology as a basis for graduate study
in related fields, including law, social work, public policy, and human resource management.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the acronym: SOCY.
Program Objectives
The overall goals of the program are:
To provide meaningful and challenging courses within the University general
education program
To provide meaningful and challenging courses as electives for non-majors
To provide a coherent program of courses for Sociology majors which enables majors to
a) general sociological knowledge and understanding of our
b) sociological knowledge and skills relevant to a variety of career
c) sociological knowledge and skills relevant to application and
success within competitive sociology graduate programs
d) to provide a Sociology Honors component for selected students
who have the capability and motivation to work at the most
challenging level
Program Learning Outcomes
Having completed the degree program, students should have acquired the following knowledge
and skills:
To be able to think critically and assess information about society using sociological
concepts and a social science mode of argument.
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To be confident in one's understanding of key questions addressed by the discipline and
the ways in which social structure and social interaction shape human behavior.
To feel competent to use research tools to conduct and assess research.
To understand the role of theory in the construction of sociological inquiry; for majors
this entails knowing the central ideas of major classical and contemporary theorists.
To understand and be able to apply statistical concepts.
To understand the social science model of evidence and argument; for majors this entails
familiarity with basic social science statistical techniques, basic methods of data analysis,
basic methods of organizing and presenting information, and the ability to carry out a
small research project.
Requirements for the Major
As part of the 120 credits and other requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree, sociology majors
must complete a minimum of 32 credits in Sociology and 3 credits in MATH107/111/220 or 140.
All these credits must be completed with a minimum grade of "C-" or better in each course, and
students must earn at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA for all courses in the major. The 35 credits in
Sociology must include the following:
Required Courses (11)
Foundation Course Requirement
Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability
Introduction to the Logic of Social Inquiry
Introductory Statistics for Sociology
Introduction to Research Methods in Sociology
Sociological Theory
Introduction to Social Psychology
Stratification and Inequality
Substantive Course Requirement- Four 400-
Level SOCY courses
Two 400 level SOCY courses
Two 400 level SOCY Research Courses
A list of methods or research courses selected
from a list maintained by the Sociology
Undergraduate Advising Office
Students should note the following in reference to Sociology requirements:
a. SOCY201 has a prerequisite of Math107 or higher with a minimum grade of "C-";
b. Some of the courses necessary to fulfill substantive requirements, and/or the
methods/research course requirement may have prerequisites such as SOCY201, 202, and
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c. Special topics courses (indicated with an * in the above lists) may be repeatable for credit
if its content differs from when previously taken;
d. SOCY498 courses may be used to fulfill substantive course requirements; the Sociology
Undergraduate Office maintains current lists of special topics courses (SOCY498); and
e. Each course counted as meeting sociology requirements must be passed with a grade of
"C-" or better.
Other Requirements for the Major
Students must earn a minimum grade of "C-" in MATH111 and all major requirements. Students
must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy
major requirements.
Regular advising is strongly recommended for all majors. Advising is particularly important for
those majors who are considering graduate school. Majors are reminded of the importance of
taking the required foundation courses (SOCY110, 201, 202, 203, 230 & 441) as soon as
possible because these are prerequisite courses for the four 400-level Substantive
courses. Degree audits are required of all majors at 60 and 90 credits. Further information on
course work, internships, the department honors program, careers, and other topics may be
obtained from the Sociology Undergraduate Advisor, 2108 Parren J. Mitchell Art/Sociology
Building, 301-405-6389.
Although internships are not a requirement for the major, students may wish to consider the
internship program offered by the department or through the Experiential Learning unit of
the University Career Center @ BSOS. Majors may receive up to six credits in SOCY386 when
an internship/volunteer position is combined with an academic project. A prerequisite of 12
credit hours in Sociology course work is required. Sociology internship credit does not count
toward meeting requirements for the major.
Honors Program
The Sociology Honors Program seeks to encourage and recognize superior scholarship by
providing an opportunity for interested, capable, and energetic undergraduate students to engage
in study in an area of the student's interest under the close supervision of a faculty mentor. The
honors program is based upon tutorial study and independent research.
Students who have an overall cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3, a cumulative
average of 3.5 in Sociology courses, and who have taken at least nine credits in Sociology may
apply. Transfer students with equivalent academic records at other accredited institutions are also
eligible. Admission to the program will be based upon academic performance and the judgment
of the Undergraduate Committee whether the applicant has sufficient maturity and interest to
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complete successfully the requirements for graduation with Honors. Further information on the
honors program is available from the Sociology Undergraduate Office.
Student Societies and Professional Organizations
The Sociology Collective, open to all Sociology majors, is organized by a group of interested
undergraduates to fill student needs within the Sociology community. The Collective provides
information about topics of interest, including department activities, career planning, and
relevant changes within the university, and strives to enhance the sense of community within the
department. Representatives of the Collective participate in many faculty committees within the
department and thereby provide the undergraduate perspective on policy issues.
The Alpha Kappa Delta is the National Honor Society for Sociology majors. Membership is
based on Sociology GPA (3.3 minimum) and overall GPA (3.3 minimum). Students may apply
after they have completed 18 hours of Sociology course work. Application for membership may
be made in the Sociology Undergraduate office and are accepted in both fall and spring
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Tara Lynn Resnick Scholarship is awarded annually to an outstanding female Sociology
undergraduate student. This scholarship carries an award of $500 that may be used toward
educational expenses for the following Fall semester. Applications are accepted during the
Spring semester. Female students who have earned 60 credits and have a minimum GPA of 3.0
are eligible to apply.
The Parker-Fuller Scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate Sociology
major in their senior year of study on the basis of need. It provides an annual award of $1,000.
Applications for this scholarship are accepted during the Spring semester.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Spanish Language, Literatures, and Culture (SPAN)
College of Arts and Humanities
2215 Jiménez Hall, 301-405-4025
Professors: C. Benito-Vessels, L. Demaria, R. Igel, J. Quintero-Herencia, S. Sosnowski
Associate Professors: H. De Pinillos, M. Lacorte, R. Long, E. Merediz, J. Naharro-Calderon, M.
Penrose, A. Rodriguez
Assistant Professors: T. Lima
Senior Lecturer: A. Acedo Garcia, E. Canabal-Torres
Lecturers: F. Faccio, C. Hidalgo, C. Onate
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Professors Emeriti: J. Aguilar-Mora (Distinguished Scholar Teacher), S. Cypess, R. Harrison, R.
Lavine (ret.), G. Nemes
The Major
The undergraduate major in Spanish Language, Literatures, and Cultures consists of 36 credits of
coursework beyond the intermediate prerequisite level, with an additional supporting area (nine
credits). All students will take a core of four courses and a three course literature/culture
sequence focused on Spain or Latin America. The remaining coursework will come from one of
three options: Literature and Culture, Linguistics and Culture, Language and Culture in
Professional Contexts.
Program Learning Outcomes
Communicate effectively in Spanish in writing with clear evidence of target-language
accuracy, organization, and clarity of thought.
Demonstrate knowledge of the institutions, values, practices, and cultural products of the
Spanish-speaking world by comparing/contrasting specific cultural aspects of a specific target
culture/artifacts to the United States or between two target cultures/artifacts using level-
specific target language norms.
Conduct research in the fields of language, literature, and cultures in Spanish using
appropriate written, oral, and video primary and secondary sources, as possible, in Spanish.
Placement in Courses
Requirements for the Major
Prerequisites: 11 credits (or equivalent knowledge)
Note: Students who receive a grade of "B+" or above in SPAN203 can proceed directly to
Intensive Elementary Spanish
4 credits
Intensive Intermediate Spanish
4 credits
Review of Spanish Grammar
3 credits
Core Sequence: 21 credits (required for all three options)
Reading and Writing Prereq: SPAN203 with a grade of B+ or
higher or SPAN204 or concurrent SPAN204; or equivalent
Advanced Grammar & Composition I Prereq: SPAN207 or
concurrent SPAN207
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Advanced Grammar & Composition II Prereq: SPAN301
Approaches to Cultural Materials in the Hispanic World Prereq:
Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature I: Medieval
Times Prereq: SPAN301 and 303
Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature II: Renaissance
and Baroque Prereq: SPAN301 and 303
Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature III: Modern
Times Prereq: SPAN301 and 303
- or -
Latin American Literatures and Cultures I: From Pre-
Columbian to Colonial Prereq: SPAN 301 and 303
Latin American Literatures and Cultures II: From
Independence to Nation Formation
Prereq: SPAN 301 and
Latin American Literatures and Cultures III: From
Modernism to Neo-liberalism Prereq: SPAN 301 and 303
Literature and Culture option: 15 credits
This option provides greater expertise in Spanish or Latin American literature and culture (three
4xx level courses minimum). Students can choose either two commercial Spanish classes OR
two translation classes OR two additional 4xx level literature classes.
Two 4xx level courses in
Prereq: one from SPAN331,
332, 333
Latin American Literature and
Culture or
Prereq: 361, 362, 363
literature sequence above
Practicum in Translation I
Prereq: SPAN301 and
Translation of Technical
Texts or
Prereq: SPAN316
Three 4xx level courses in
Spanish or Latin American
Literature and Culture
Prereq: one from SPAN331,
332, 333, 361, 362, 363
literature sequence above
Linguistics and Culture option: 15 credits
This option provides greater expertise in Hispanic linguistics (three 3xx or 4xx level courses)
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Spanish Phonetics
Prereq: SPAN301
and SPAN303
Intro Hispanic Linguistics I; and
Prereq: SPAN301
and SPAN303
Intro Hispanic Linguistics II
Prereq: SPAN425
Two 4xx level courses in Spanish or
Latin American Literature and Culture *
**The approved program in Spanish and Secondary Education requires 2 3xx or 4xx level
courses in literature/culture along with the three linguistics courses this option provides.
Language and Culture in Professional Contexts: 15 credits
This option combines business courses with translation courses to provide a better understanding
of professional language contexts.
SPAN315 and
Commercial Spanish I
Prereq: SPAN301 and 303
Commercial Spanish II
Prereq: SPAN315
SPAN316 and
Practicum in Translation I
Prereq: SPAN301 and 303
Translation of Technical Texts
Prereq: SPAN316
Cross-cultural Communication;
Prereq: SPAN315
One 4xx level course in Spanish
or Latin American Literature and
Prereq: one from SPAN331,
332, 333, 361, 362, 363
literature sequence
Supporting Area
Nine credits in a single area other than Spanish, 6 of which must be at the 3xx or 4xx level, all
with the approval of the Spanish advisor. Students should discuss their choice of supporting area
with the Spanish advisor early on in their Spanish studies.
Courses for Heritage Learners
Heritage learners and students from homes where Spanish is spoken or who have had in-depth
exposure to Spanish take a series of courses designed to enhance their skills:
Review of Oral and Written
Spanish for Native Speakers
Educated in the US
Prereq: Native or near native
knowledge of and no formal
education in Spanish
Spanish II for Native Speakers
Prereq: SPAN206
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Oral Communication Skills for
Native Speakers of Spanish
Prereq: Native or near native
knowledge of oral Spanish and
no formal education in Spanish
Placement in courses for heritage learners is determined by speaking with the Spanish
Native speakers and all others with the ability to begin coursework at a higher level
should speak with the undergraduate advisor for course substitutions.
Students must earn a grade of "C-" or higher in each course applied toward a major or minor in
the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Additionally, an overall GPA of 2.0 in a
major or minor is required for graduation.
Study Abroad
For information on study abroad programs see the program advisor and/or the Education Abroad
website: www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad.
Requirements for the Minor
Spanish Language and Cultures
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The minor in Spanish Language and Cultures is a series of five courses in Spanish to be chosen
in consultation with the departmental advisor. Courses taken through Study Abroad programs
may be applied. This 15 credit minor will provide students with a solid background in linguistic,
cultural, and literary aspects of the study of Spanish.
Core Courses Required for the Minor
SPAN207 Reading and Writing in Spanish
SPAN301 Advanced Grammar and Composition I
SPAN303 Approaches to Cultural Materials in the Hispanic World
Other Required Courses
Following completion of the core sequence, students choose two courses from the following:
SPAN206 Review of Oral and Written SPAN for Native Speakers Educated in the United States
SPAN302 Advanced Grammar and Composition II
SPAN306 Spanish II for Native Speakers
SPAN310 Spanish Phonetics
SPAN307 Oral Communication Skills for Native Speakers of Spanish
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SPAN315 Commercial Spanish I
SPAN316 Practicum in Translation I
SPAN317 Practicum in Translation II
SPAN318 Translation of Technical Texts
SPAN331 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature I: Medieval Times
SPAN332 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature II: Renaissance and Baroque
SPAN333 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature III: Modern Times
SPAN356 Literary Translation I
SPAN357 Literary Translation II
SPAN361 Latin American Literatures and Cultures I: From Pre-Colombian to Colonial Times
SPAN362 Latin American Literatures and Cultures II: From Independence to Nation Formation
SPAN363 Latin American Literatures and Cultures III: From Modernism to Neo-Liberalism
SPAN415 Commercial Spanish II
SPAN417 Interpretation
SPAN425 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics I: Basic Concepts
SPAN426 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics II: Language In Use
SPAN448 Special Topics in Latin American Civilization
SPAN449 Special Topics in Spanish Civilization
All Spanish literature courses on the 4xx level
All courses must be taught in Spanish.
Native or heritage learners of Spanish should seek the advice of the Undergraduate
Advisor for Spanish before choosing their courses.
The minor is open to all students except Spanish majors. A grade of "C-" or better is
required in each class.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions. However, a maximum of 9 credits may be applied from a University of
Maryland study abroad program.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Spanish Language, Business, and Cultures
School of Literatures, Languages, and Cultures (SLLC)
This 15 credit minor will provide students with a solid background in language, culture, and
concepts important for business in the Spanish-speaking world.
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Core Courses Required for the Minor
SPAN207 Reading and Writing in Spanish
SPAN301 Advanced Grammar and Composition I
SPAN303 Approaches to Cultural Materials in the Hispanic World
Other Required Courses
Following completion of the core sequence, students will complete:
SPAN315 Commercial Spanish I
SPAN415 Commercial Spanish II
All courses must be taught in Spanish.
Native and Heritage Speakers
Native speakers and all others with the ability to begin coursework at a high level should speak
with the Undergraduate Advisor. Heritage learners, students from homes where Spanish is
spoken or who have had in depth exposure to Spanish, are encouraged to take a series of courses
designed to enhance their skills.
Transfer Credits
A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions. However, a maximum of 9 credits may be applied from a University of Maryland
study abroad program.
The minor is open to all students except Spanish majors.
Application Process
Students should meet with the Minor Advisor during walk-in advising hours. The advising hours
are always posted at 2211 Jimenez Hall, and are available on the Department of Spanish and
Portuguese website, https://sllc.umd.edu/spanish/undergraduate/advising.
Advisor: Fabian Faccio [email protected]
To review the academic plan for this major, go to
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Undergraduate Research Experiences
The School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has implemented an Annual SLLC
Undergraduate Research Forum which allows its outstanding Juniors and/or Seniors to display
their research projects. The Forum takes place in late April in the Language House (St. Mary's).
Each fall semester, SLLC organizes a Language Career and Internship Fair in conjunction with
the UMD Career Center. For more information, see the SLLC
website: http://www.sllc.umd.edu/.
Honors Program
For information, see http://sllc.umd.edu/spanish/undergraduate/honors.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs, and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The UG Committee organizes an annual awards ceremony to celebrate SLLC students who have
earned SLLC, campus and/or national scholarships, and academic achievement awards. The
awards ceremony takes place in conjunction with the annual SLLC UG Research Forum.
Speech Communication
See the Department of Communication.
Supply Chain Management
See "Logistics, Business & Public Policy."
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Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)
The Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership is one of three newly
formed departments within the College of Education. It is a union of former units Curriculum
and Instruction (EDCI), Education Policy Studies (EDPS) and Organizational Leadership and
Policy Studies (OLPS). Interrelated program areas currently include: Art Integration, Curriculum
Theory and Development, Education Policy, Elementary Education, English Education, Literacy
Education, Mathematics Education, Middle School Education, Minority and Urban Education,
Organizational Leadership, Reading Education, Science Education, Second Language/TESOL,
Social Studies Education, Professional Development/Teacher Education, and Sociocultural
Foundations of Education.
Most of the College's teacher preparation programs (including elementary, middle, and
secondary education) are housed in TLPL. Additional departmental programs encourage
thoughtful and responsive explorations of education policies, practices and related social issues.
Graduate students are prepared to create and critique alternative courses of action to enhance the
quality of education for all persons and to redress the social conditions that restrict collective
democratic aspirations.
The Department offers undergraduate and graduate study leading to the Bachelor of Arts (BA),
Bachelor of Science (BS), Master of Arts (MA) (thesis and non-thesis options), Master of
Education (MEd), Doctor of Education (EdD) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Curriculum and Instruction - Middle School (EDCI)
College of Education
2311 Benjamin Building, 301-405-3324
Chair: F. Hultgren (Prof & Chair)
Professors: P. Afflerbach (Prof), P. Campbell (Assoc Prof), D. Chazan (Prof), M. Dreher (Prof),
D. Imig (Prof Of Practice, Lecturer), R. Lavine (Assoc Prof, Affil Assoc Prof), J. MacSwan, J.
McGinnis (Prof), O. Saracho (Prof), D. Sullivan (Prof), L. Valli (Prof), D. Wiseman (Prof, Prof
And Dean)
Associate Professors: S. Benson (Assoc Prof), A. Brantlinger (Assoc Prof), A. Elby (Assoc Prof,
Affil Assoc Prof), E. Hutt (Asst Prof), D. Ketelhut (Assoc Prof), M. Martin-Beltran (Aff Asst
Res Prof, Assoc Prof), J. McCaleb (Assoc Prof), J. O'Flahavan (Assoc Prof), W. Slater (Assoc
Prof), J. Turner (Assoc Prof)
Assistant Professors: T. Clegg (Asst Prof), J. Walkoe (Asst Prof)
Professors Emeriti: M. Chambliss (Assoc Prof Emerita), A. Graeber (Assoc Prof Emerita), W.
Holliday (Prof Emeritus), M. Johnson (Prof Emeritus), S. Koziol (Prof, Asst to Dean)
The Major
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership offers undergraduate curricula in Middle School
Education that lead to the Bachelor of Science degree and prepare teachers for teaching in
middle schools, grades 4-9.
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Graduates of the Middle School Math and Science (grades 4-9) program meet the requirements
for certification in Maryland and additional states that are affiliated with the Interstate
Reciprocity Agreement through the Maryland State Department of Education.
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Middle School teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter that they
teach as described in professional (Association for Middle Level Education – AMLE); state
(MSDE); and, institutional standards.
2. Middle School teacher candidates can effectively plan classroom-based instruction or
activities for their roles as teachers. Candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions are applied
effectively in practice.
3. Middle School teacher candidates practice evidence-based decision-making through the use of
assessment as well as the critical interpretation of research and inquiry in order to improve
educational practice. They accurately assess and analyze student learning, make appropriate
adjustments to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive effect on learning for all
4. Middle School teacher candidates demonstrate understanding of learners and their social and
cultural contexts with a global perspective and intentional sensitivity to other cultures. They are
able to work with students, families, and communities in ways that reflect the dispositions
expected of professional educators as delineated in professional (AMLE); state (MSDE); and,
institutional standards.
5. Middle School teacher candidates competently integrate technology in instruction to support
student learning and develop data-driven solutions for instructional and school improvement.
They demonstrate proficiency in each of the seven Maryland Teacher Technology Standards.
Admission to the Major
Admission to the Teacher Education Professional Program is competitive. Admission procedures
and criteria are explained in the College of Education entry in Chapter 6.
Placement in Courses
The Middle School program includes both pre-professional and professional education course
work. Before undergraduates may enroll in courses identified as part of the professional
sequence, they must complete the selective admissions requirements and be fully admitted to the
College of Education's Teacher Education program. Admission procedures and criteria are
explained in the College of Education entry. Teacher candidates will not be permitted to enroll in
professional sequence courses -- including the yearlong internship -- prior to completion of the
selective admissions requirements and full admission to the College of Education.
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Requirements for the Major
All Teacher Education Programs have designated pre-professional courses and a specified
sequence of professional courses. Before undergraduates may enroll in professional education
course requirements they must be fully admitted to the College of Education's Teacher Education
Program. An overall grade point average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher
Education. All teacher candidates are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College
of Education Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards and to attain qualifying scores for
the State of Maryland on the Praxis I and Praxis II assessments. Praxis I is required for
admission, and Praxis II is required for the teaching internship and graduation. The culminating
experience of the program is the yearlong internship, which takes place in a Collaborating
School (i.e., partner school, PDS - Professional Development School).
Pre-Professional/Subject Area Courses
GEOL100/110 - Physical Geology and Laboratory
PHYS115 - Inquiry into Physics or PHYS121 - Fundamentals of Physics I
BSCI103 -The World of Biology or BSCI170&171 - Principles of Molecular and
Cellular Biology and Lab or BSCI122 - Microbes in Society
CHEM131/132 - Fundamentals of General Chemistry and Laboratory
AOSC200/201 - Weather and Climate with Laboratory
MATH212 - Elements of Numbers and Operations
MATH213 - Elements of Geometry and Measurement
MATH214 - Elements of Probability and Statistics
MATH312 - Mathematical Reasoning and Proof for Pre-service Middle School
MATH314 - Introduction to Probability, Data Analysis, and Statistics for Pre-
Service Middle School Teachers
MATH315 - Algebra for Pre-Service Middle School Teacher
One from: (3-4 credits)
ANTH220 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ASTR100/111 - Introduction to Astronomy and Observational Astronomy Laboratory
or ASTR101 - General Astronomy
ASTR121 - Introductory Astrophysics II – Stars and Beyond
BSCI160&161 - Principles of Ecology and Evolution and Lab BSCI120 Insects
BSCI124/125 - Plant Biology and Laboratory for Non-Science Students
CHEM104 - Fundamentals of Organic and Biochemistry
ENST200 - Fundamentals of Soil Science
GEOG201/211 - Geography of Environmental Systems and Laboratory
PHYS102/103 - Physics of Music and Laboratory
PHYS106/107 - Light, Perception, Photography, and Visual Phenomena and Laboratory
PLSC100 - Introduction to Horticulture
PLSC101 - Introductory Crop Science
755 | Page
Pre-Professional Education Courses
EDPS210 - Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education or
EDPS 301 - Foundations of Education
EDCI280 - Looking Inside Schools and Classrooms
EDCI297 - Students, Schooling, and Communities
EDHD4XX - Adolescent Development
EDHD436 - Cognition and Motivation in Reading: Reading Acquisition
for Middle School Students
EDCI465 - Teaching Reading in Middle School Content Areas
Professional Education Courses
EDCI360 - Field Experience in Middle School Education 1
EDCI411 - Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science
EDCI413 - Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Middle Grades I
EDCI414 - Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Middle Grades II
EDCI424 - Equitable Classrooms
EDCI425 - Equity and Pedagogy
EDCI457 - Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics
EDCI460 - Student Teaching: Middle School
EDCI474 - Teaching Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse
Students in Secondary Education
Other Requirements for the Major
An overall grade point average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher
Education. All teacher candidates are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College
of Education Foundational Competencies/Model Code of Ethics for Educators standards and to
attain qualifying scores for the State of Maryland on a test of basic skills
mation/praxis1.html) and Praxis II assessments. The test of basic skills is required for
admission, and Praxis II is required for the teaching internship and graduation. The culminating
experience of the program is the yearlong internship, which takes place in a public school PDS
Advising is mandatory for all middle school math and science education majors. For more
information or to schedule an advising appointment, contact the Office of Student Services (301-
756 | Page
The yearlong internship, which is the culminating experience in the teacher preparation program,
takes place in a public school setting.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
The College of Education also offers a number of scholarships. For more information, see:
Curriculum and Instruction - Elementary Education (EDCI)
College of Education
2311 Benjamin Building, 301-405-3324
Chair: F. Hultgren (Prof & Chair)
Professors: P. Afflerbach, P. Campbell (Prof), D. Chazan, M. Dreher, D. Imig (Prof Of Practice),
J. MacSwan, B. Malen (Prof), J. McGinnis, J. Rice (Prof & Assoc Dean), O. Saracho, D.
Sullivan, L. Valli, D. Wiseman (Dean)
Associate Professors: J. Ahn, A. Brantlinger (Assoc Prof), R. Croninger, A. Elby (Assoc Prof,
Affil Assoc Prof), E. Hutt (Asst Prof), D. Ketelhut, M. Martin-Beltran (Aff Asst Res Prof, Assoc
Prof), J. McCaleb, J. O'Flahavan, M. Peercy (Assoc Prof), W. Slater, J. Turner
Assistant Professors: T. Brown, T. Clegg, J. Walkoe
Affiliate Professors: E. Redish
Affiliate Associate Professors: S. Benson, R. Lavine
Professors Emeriti: M. Chambliss, B. Finkelstein, A. Graeber, W. Holliday, M. Johnson, S.
Koziol, S. Selden
The Major
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership offers an undergraduate curriculum in elementary
education that leads to the Bachelor of Science. Courses offered in this program may be found
under the following acronyms: EDCI, and TLPL. Graduates of the Elementary Education
program are prepared to teach grades 1 through 6, and meet the requirements for certification in
Maryland and additional states that are affiliated with the Interstate Reciprocity Agreement
through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).
NOTE: The Elementary Education program is currently under review. Consult an
advisor in the Office of Student Services (1204 Benjamin) for additional information.
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Program Learning Outcomes
1. Elementary Education teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter that
they teach as described in professional (Association for Childhood Education International,
ACEI), state (MSDE), and institutional standards.
2. Elementary Education teacher candidates can effectively plan classroom-based instruction or
activities for their roles as teachers. Candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions are applied
effectively in practice.
3. Elementary Education teacher candidates practice evidence-based decision-making through
the use of assessment as well as the critical interpretation of research and inquiry in order to
improve educational practice. They accurately assess and analyze student learning, make
appropriate adjustments to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive effect on
learning for all students.
4. Elementary Education teacher candidates demonstrate understanding of learners and their
social and cultural contexts with a global perspective and intentional sensitivity to other
cultures. They are able to work with students, families, and communities in ways that reflect the
dispositions expected of professional educators as delineated in professional (ACEI), state
(MSDE), and institutional standards.
5. Elementary Education teacher candidates competently integrate technology in instruction to
support student learning and develop data-driven solutions for instructional and school
improvement. They demonstrate proficiency in each of the seven Maryland Teacher Technology
Admission to the Major
Admission to the Teacher Education Professional Program is competitive. Admission procedures
and criteria are explained in the College of Education entry.
Placement in Courses
The Elementary Education program includes both pre-professional and professional education
course work. Before undergraduates may enroll in courses identified as part of the professional
sequence, they must complete the selective admissions requirements and be fully admitted to the
College of Education's Teacher Education program. Admission procedures and criteria are
explained in the College of Education entry. To be eligible to enroll in professional sequence
courses during the Fall semester, prospective majors must submit a completed application form
by May 1st of the preceding Spring semester. Teacher candidates will not be permitted to enroll
in professional sequence courses -- including the yearlong internship -- prior to completion of the
selective admissions requirements and full admission to the College of Education.
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Requirements for the Major
All Teacher Education Programs have designated pre-professional courses and a specified
sequence of professional courses. Before undergraduates may enroll in courses identified as part
of the professional sequence, they must complete the selective admission requirements and be
fully admitted to the College of Education's Teacher Education Program. An overall grade point
average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher Education. All teacher candidates
are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College of Education Foundational
Competencies/Model Code of Ethics for Educators and to attain qualifying scores for the State of
Maryland on a test of basic skills and Praxis II assessments. The test of basic skills is required
for admission, and Praxis II is required for the teaching internship and graduation. The
culminating experience is the yearlong internship, which takes place in a Professional
Development School.
The Gateway Requirements for entrance into the Elementary
Teacher Education program include:
Biological Science/Lab
Physical Science/Lab
Elements of Numbers and Operations
Elements of Geometry and Measurement
Looking Inside Schools and Classrooms*
*minimum grade, "B-"
NOTE: The 14-16 credits of math and science must be completed with a
minimum grade of "C-" in each course and an overall GPA of 2.7.
Courses which double count with the General Education Program
Courses which may satisfy the university's general education
requirements and which are required in the Elementary Education
program of studies follow:
History of the United States to 1865
Biological Science/Lab Gateway Requirement
Physical Science/Lab Gateway Requirement
Social Science
Recommended social science course options:
Introduction to Geography
American Government
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Other Pre-Professional Requirements:
Literature for Children and Youth
Elements of Probability and Statistics
Sociological Social Psychology, OR
Social Psychology
Foundations of Education, OR
Education in Contemporary American Society, OR
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education
759 | Page
Child Growth and Development
Area Courses
Area of Emphasis chosen from the following areas:
World Language, Literature, Mathematics, Science, and Social
**The Student Services Advising Office has detailed information
regarding each area of emphasis. All pre
-professional course work must
be completed with a "C-" or better.
Professional Education Courses:
Language and Literacy Development in Schools/Communities
Teaching Students w/ Disabilities in Elementary Classrooms
Field Experience in Elementary Education
Principles and Methods of Teaching in Elementary Schools
Promoting Skilled and Motivated Readers I
Fine Arts Integration in Elementary Classrooms
Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Ed.: Social Studies
Field Experience in Elementary Education
Year Long Internship
Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Ed.: Mathematics
Promoting Skilled and Motivated Readers II
Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Ed.: Science
Language Variation and Multilingualism in Elementary Classrooms
Teaching Residency
Culturally Responsive Language Instruction
Digital Learning Tools
Teaching Residency
All pre-professional and professional courses must be completed
with a grade of "C-" or better.
All courses must be completed before the year-long internship
unless an exception has been approved by the Student Services
Advising Office.
A passing score on Praxis II is required before enrollment in the
teaching internship.
Other Requirements for the Major
An overall grade point average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher Education.
All teacher candidates are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College of Education
Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards and to attain qualifying scores for the State of
Maryland on a test of basic skills and the Praxis II assessments. The test of basic skills is
required for admission, and Praxis II is required for the teaching internship and graduation. The
culminating experience of the program is the yearlong internship, which takes place in a
Professional Development School (PDS)/collaborating partner school.
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Advising is mandatory for all elementary education majors. For more information or to schedule
an advising appointment, contact the Office of Student Services (301-405-2364).
Fieldwork Opportunities
EDCI280 (Looking Inside Schools and Classrooms) typically is taken during the sophomore
year. This course, which is part of the gateway requirements for admission to the Elementary
Education Teacher Education Program, provides an exploration of teaching in the public
schools. This course includes a three hour per week field component.
During the senior year of the program, teacher candidates complete a yearlong internship in a
network of professional development school settings (PDS Networks). These sites reflect the
linguistic, ethnic and economic diversity that is characteristic of the Greater Baltimore-
Washington D.C. region. For additional information about the yearlong internship, see the
College of Education entry.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
The College of Education also offers a number of scholarships. For more information, see:
Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education (EDCI)
College of Education
2311 Benjamin Building, 301-405-3324
Chair: F. Hultgren (Prof & Chair)
Professors: P. Afflerbach, P. Campbell, D. Chazan, M. Dreher, D. Imig (Prof Of Practice), J.
MacSwan, B. Malen (Prof), J. McGinnis, J. Rice (Prof, Prof & Assoc Dean), O. Saracho, D.
Sullivan, L. Valli, D. Wiseman (Dean)
Associate Professors: A. Brantlinger (Assoc Prof), R. Croninger, A. Elby (Assoc Prof, Affil
Assoc Prof), D. Herschbach, E. Hutt, D. Ketelhut, M. Martin-Beltran (Aff Asst Res Prof, Assoc
Prof), J. McCaleb, J. O'Flahavan, M. Peercy (Assoc Prof), W. Slater, J. Turner
Assistant Professors: T. Clegg, J. Walkoe
Affiliate Professors: E. Redish
Affiliate Associate Professors: S. Benson, R. Lavine
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Professors Emeriti: M. Chambliss, B. Finkelstein, A. Graeber, W. Holliday, M. Johnson, S.
Koziol, S. Selden
The Major
The Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership offers undergraduate curricula
in secondary education that lead to the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree and
prepares teachers in various subject areas for teaching in middle schools, secondary schools
(grades 7-12), and PreK-12 settings (Art and World Languages).
Multiple pathways are available for individuals who are interested in teaching at the secondary
The Dual Major option, which is designed for incoming freshmen or sophomores, leads to the
Bachelor's degree with a major in an academic content area plus a second major in secondary
education. All secondary majors are required to have an academic content major which satisfies
the requirements of the academic department and meets the standards for teacher certification.
Candidates who follow the proposed sequencing of courses can complete both majors in four
years with careful advisement and scheduling;
The five-year Integrated Master's with certification program. See
Graduates of the Secondary Education programs meet the requirements for certification in
Maryland and additional states that are affiliated with the Interstate Reciprocity Agreement
through the Maryland State Department of Education.
Note: The Mathematics Education and Science Education programs are currently under review.
For more information, please visit the Terrapin Teachers website
Program Learning Outcomes
1. Secondary Education teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter that
they teach as described in professional (e.g., National Council of Teachers of English - NCTE,
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - NCTM, etc.); state (MSDE); and, institutional
2. Secondary Education teacher candidates can effectively plan classroom-based instruction or
activities for their roles as teachers. Candidates' knowledge, skills, and dispositions are applied
effectively in practice.
3. Secondary Education teacher candidates practice evidence-based decision-making through the
use of assessment as well as the critical interpretation of research and inquiry in order to improve
educational practice. They accurately assess and analyzes student learning, make appropriate
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adjustments to instruction, monitor student learning, and have a positive effect on learning for all
4. Secondary Education teacher candidates demonstrate understanding of learners and their
social and cultural contexts with a global perspective and intentional sensitivity to other
cultures. They are able to work with students, families, and communities in ways that reflect the
dispositions expected of professional educators as delineated in professional (e.g., NCTE,
NCTM, etc.); state (MSDE); and, institutional standards.
5. Secondary Education teacher candidates competently integrate technology in instruction to
support student learning and develop data-driven solutions for instructional and school
improvement. They demonstrate proficiency in each of the seven Maryland Teacher Technology
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
In addition to the double major program, the Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and
Leadership offers a Five-Year Integrated Master's with Certification Program (IMCP). This
program is intended for talented undergraduates with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who seek to
combine undergraduate studies in the content area and professional education as a foundation for
a focused professional year at the graduate level leading to secondary-level certification in the
subject field and the Master's of Education degree. As undergraduates, teacher candidates are
double majors in both secondary education and their content area. While double majors,
undergraduates complete a minimum of 12 credits in professional education studies related to
teacher certification requirements. In their junior or senior year they apply to the graduate
program. If they are admitted to the graduate program they enroll in a full-year internship. These
individuals will also complete graduate-level professional studies that make them eligible for
initial teacher certification and the Master's of education degree.
Information about this secondary education program option is available at
Admission to the Major
Admission to the Teacher Education Professional Program is competitive. Admission procedures
and criteria are explained in the College of Education entry in Chapter 6.
Placement in Courses
The Secondary Education programs include both pre-professional and professional education
course work. Before undergraduates may enroll in courses identified as part of the professional
sequence, they must complete the selective admissions requirements and be fully admitted to the
College of Education's Teacher Education program. Admission procedures and criteria are
explained in the College of Education entry. Teacher candidates will not be permitted to enroll in
professional sequence courses -- including the yearlong internship -- prior to completion of the
selective admissions requirements and full admission to the College of Education.
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Requirements for the Major
All Teacher Education Programs have designated pre-professional courses and a specified
sequence of professional courses. Before undergraduates may enroll in professional education
course requirements they must be fully admitted to the College of Education's Teacher Education
Program. An overall grade point average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher
Education. All teacher candidates are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College
of Education Foundational Competencies/Technical Standards and to attain qualifying scores for
the State of Maryland on the Praxis I and Praxis II assessments. Praxis I is required for
admission, and Praxis II is required for the teaching internship and graduation. The culminating
experience of the program is the yearlong internship, which takes place in a Collaborating
School (i.e., partner school, PDS - Professional Development School).
Curriculum and Instruction offers a variety of secondary education programs-tracks leading to
the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees. Teacher candidates who complete a
secondary education program at UM meet the Maryland State Department of Education
requirements for the Professional Eligibility Certificate. Consult the Curriculum and Instruction
program advisor for updated information.
Foreign-Language Requirement, Bachelor of Arts Degree
Beginning fall 2011 high school language will no longer place undergraduates in foreign language
classes nor exempt individuals from taking the foreign language placement exam. All teacher
candidates planning to study a foreign language will be required to take a foreign language
placement test. This test is used to determine the appropriate placement prior to course registration.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Affairs in the College of Arts and Humanities
at [email protected] or 301-405-2108.
Art Education (pre K-12)
The Art Education curriculum is designed to prepare individuals to teach art in elementary
through secondary schools. It provides prospective art teachers with a knowledge base about the
theories and best practices relevant to effective pedagogy, as well as current education and art
education goals and standards. Teacher candidates admitted to Art Education complete the
Bachelor of Arts and are required to have an academic content major.
For more information on the sequence of pre-professional and professional courses, consult the
Curriculum and Instruction program advisor.
Pre-Professional/Subject Area Courses
Note: Course Sequencing is under review.
Introduction to Art Theory
Two Dimensional Design Fundamentals
Elements of Drawing I
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Art of the Western World to 1300
Art of the Western World after 1300
300-400 level
Three-Dimensional Art Fundamentals
Elements of Drawing II
Elements of Painting
Advanced Drawing Studio
Advanced Painting Studio
Practicum in Art Education: Three Dimensional (Spring only)
One from:
Elements of Printmaking: Intaglio
Elements of Printmaking: Woodcut and Relief
Elements of Printmaking: Collagraphy
Elements of Printmaking: Screen Printing
Elements of Printmaking: Lithography
Pre-Professional/Education Courses
Adolescent Development
Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content
Areas I
Reading in the Secondary School
One from:
Foundations of Education
Education in Contemporary American Society
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education
Professional Education Courses
Art Education Methods I (Spring only)
Introduction to Special Education
Teaching Art Criticism and Aesthetics (Fall only)
Field Experience in Art Education (Fall only), and
Art Education Methods II (Fall only)
Technology and Two-Dimensional Art (Fall only)
Student Teaching in Elementary Schools: Art
Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Art
Student Teaching Seminar: Art Education
*EDCI400 and EDCI423 taken concurrently
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English Education (Grades 7-12)
Undergraduates who complete the English Education curriculum receive the Bachelor of Arts
degree and meet the MSDE requirements for the Professional Eligibility Certificate. Teacher
education candidates admitted to English Education are required to have an academic content
major and must complete the following program requirements. Please check with the ENGL
department regarding specific coursework.
Pre-Professional/Subject Area Courses
Foreign Language
(Intermediate mastery of a modern or classical
language is required.)
Introduction to English Language
Critical Methods in the Study of Literature
Seminar in Language and Literature
One from:
Oral Communication: Principles and Practices
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Discussion
One from:
Argumentation and Debate
Argumentation and Public Policy
Urban Communication
Communication Theory and Process
One from:
Academic Writing
Honors Composition
One from:
Western World Literature, Homer to the Renaissance
Western World Literature, Renaissance to the Present
One from:
The Major Works of Shakespeare
Shakespeare: The Early Works
Shakespeare: The Later Works
One from:
Concepts of Grammar
The Uses of Language
English Semantics
History of the English Language
American English
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Advanced English Grammar
Introduction to Old English
Special Topics in English Language
One from:
Advanced Composition
English Technical Writing
Advanced Expository Writing
One from:
Foundations of Rhetoric
The Rhetoric of Black America
Interpreting Strategic Discourse
The Power of Discourse in American Life
British and American Literature:
one upper-level course in each of five out of the following
six areas to be taken during the sophomore and junior years;
one of these five courses must be in American Literature (15
credits total)
1. Medieval Literature
2. Renaissance Literature other than Shakespeare
3. Restoration or 18th Century Literature
4. 19th Century British Literature
5. American Literature before 1900
6. 20th Century British or American Literature
ENGL Elective Women or Minority course
*If exempt from ENGL101, majors are required to take ENGL291 Intermediate
Writing or ENGL294 Introduction to Creative Writing.
Pre-Professional/Education Courses
Adolescent Development
Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content
Areas I
Reading in the Secondary School
One from:
Foundations of Education
Education in Contemporary American Society
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education
Professional Education Courses
767 | Page
Literature for Adolescents (Spring only)
Teaching Writing (Fall only, Senior Year)
Teaching and Learning om Secondary Education:
English (Fall only, Junior Year)
Bases for English Language Instruction
Field Experience in English Teaching
Internship Seminar in Secondary Education: English
Internship in Secondary Schools: English
Teaching Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically
Diverse Students in Secondary Education
*EDCI447 and EDCI467 taken concurrently
**EDCI440 and EDCI441 taken concurrently
For more information on the sequence of pre-professional and professional courses, consult the
Curriculum and Instruction program advisor.
World Language Education (Grades 7-12)
The World Language (WL) Education curriculum is designed for prospective world language
teachers in grades 7-12 who have been admitted to the TLPL Teacher Education Program.
Currently, admission is open to qualified candidates seeking teacher certification in Spanish,
French, Russian, Italian, Chinese and German. Other languages might be added later for teacher
certification. Teacher candidates enrolled in world language education are required to have an
academic content major. Consult with an advisor in Curriculum and Instruction for further
A minimum of six hours of intermediate-level language course work in the major language must
precede the required 300-400 level courses. The latter are comprised of a minimum of 30 hours
of prescribed course work that includes the areas of reading strategies, grammar and
composition, conversation, literature, civilization and culture, and linguistics. Teacher candidates
must also take a minimum of nine hours (three courses) of electives in a related area. The second
area of concentration must be approved by a FL advisor.
In addition to all coursework, teacher candidates must earn an Advanced Low score on the
ACTFL oral proficiency exam in their corresponding foreign language. Majors in Russian,
Italian, and Chinese must also earn an Advanced Low score on the ACTFL written proficiency
The following requirements must be met with the WL Education program:
Pre-Professional/Subject Area Courses
Primary WL Area
Intermediate (200 level) courses
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Primary WL Area
Reading Strategies
Primary WL Area
Grammar and Composition (300-400 levels)
Primary WL Area
Survey of Literature (300-400 levels)
Primary WL Area
Conversation (300-400 levels)
Primary WL Area
Literature (400-above levels)
Primary WL Area
Culture and Civilization
Primary WL Area
Applied Linguistics, OR
Introductory Linguistics
Electives in Supporting Area/WL-Related Courses
(minimum of three courses)
*Applied Linguistics in the Primary WL Area if available;
otherwise LING200 may satisfy this requirement; check with
your advisor.
In almost all instances, Primary WL Area courses must have been completed
prior to the Teaching Internship. Any substitutions for the above must be pre-
approved by a WL Education Advisor.
Note: The pre-professional courses vary by subject area. Consult the academic
department for the specific course requirements for each language area.
Pre-Professional/Education Courses
Adolescent Development
Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in
Content Areas I
Reading in the Secondary School
One from:
Foundations of Education
Education in Contemporary American Society
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on
Professional Education Courses
Methods I: K-12 World Language Methods and
Technology (Fall only)
Advanced K-12 World Language Methods and
Technology (Fall only)
Field Experience in Second Language Education
(Fall only)
Teaching Internship Seminar in Secondary
Education: World Language
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Teaching Internship in Secondary Schools: World
Teaching Academically, Culturally, and
Linguistically Diverse Students in Secondary
Mathematics Education (Grades 7-12)
Undergraduates who complete the Mathematics Education curriculum receive the Bachelor of
Science degree and meet the MSDE requirements for the Professional Eligibility Certificate.
Teacher candidates admitted to Mathematics Education are required to have an academic content
major and must complete the following program requirements. Please check with the MATH
department regarding specific math courses to be taken.
Pre-Professional/Education Courses
Adolescent Development
Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas
Reading in the Secondary School
One from:
Foundations of Education
Education in Contemporary American Society
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education
Professional Education Courses
Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics (Fall only,
Junior Year)
Teaching and Learning in High School Mathematics
(Fall only,
Senior Year)
Field Experience in Secondary Mathematics Education
only, Senior Year)
Internship Seminar in Secondary Education: Mathematics
Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Mathematics
Teaching Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse
Students in Secondary Education
Science Education (Grades 7-12)
Please check with the science department regarding specific course work.
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Teacher candidates may earn credentials in biology, chemistry, geology, physics or agriculture.
Undergraduates admitted to the secondary program in science education must complete a major
in their area of specialization. Candidates should consult the respective departments for
requirements. For more information, please see www.education.umd.edu/science.
Pre-Professional Education Courses
Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas I
Adolescent Development
Reading in the Secondary School
One from:
Foundations of Education
Education in Contemporary American Society
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education
Professional Education Courses
All areas of science education will be required to complete the
following professional education courses:
Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science (Fall only)
Field Experience in Science Education
Learning and Teaching in Science (Fall only, Senior Year)
Internship in Secondary Schools: Science
Teaching Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse
Students in Secondary Education
Practices in Secondary School Science Teaching
Social Studies Education (Grades 7-12)
The Social Studies Education program is under review. Contact an advisor in 1207 Benjamin
Building for updated program information.
Undergraduates in the Social Studies Education program may select an area of concentration in
history, geography, or government and politics. Each concentration follows the general
requirements of their respective majors in addition to the pre-professional/subject area
supporting course work required for certification. Teacher candidates may elect to complete the
program for certification in Social Studies by choosing one of three options for completing the
Option I: History
This option requires completion of the foreign language requirement and is primarily for those
teacher candidates earning their initial degree. Requires 68 semester hours of which 39 credit
hours must be in history.
771 | Page
Note:The history major requires completion of UNIV 101 and a foreign language requirement
through the intermediate level. See ARHU advising for details.
Pre-Professional/Subject Area Courses
Introductory Courses:
History of the United States
History of the United States
Non-US, prior to 1500 (see advisor for approved courses)
Historical Research and Methods Seminar
Senior Seminar
History Electives
Out of a total 24 credits :
*18 credits must be at the junior/senior level
*15 credits must be in a concentration
* one course must be non-Western
In addition to the required credit hours in history, the social
studies education program requires 29 credit hours of course
work in geography and the social sciences as outlined below:
Introduction to Geography
Introduction to Human Geography
Principles of Micro-Economics
Principles of Macro-Economics
One from:
Principles of Government and Politics
State and Local Government, or
Comparative Politics and Governments
American Government
Introduction to Sociology or Introduction to Contemporary
Social Problems
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Archaeology or Introduction to Sociological
Anthropology and Linguistics
Pre-Professional/Education Courses
Foundations of Education, or
Education in Contemporary American Society, or
772 | Page
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education
Adolescent Development
Cognition & Motivation in Reading: Reading in the Content
Areas I
Reading in the Secondary School
Professional Education Courses
Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Secondary Social
Studies (Fall only, Junior Year)
Curriculum, Teaching, and Assessment in Secondary Social
Studies (Fall only, Senior Year)
Field Experience in Secondary Social Studies Teaching (Fall
Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies
Teaching Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse
Students in Secondary Education
Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Social
*EDCI 427 and EDCI428 are taken concurrently
Option II: Geography
This option is primarily for those teacher candidates earning their initial degree and requires 64
credits of Pre-professional/Subject Area course work. Thirty-five credit hours must be in
geography. Nine credit hours of 300 level Gateway courses must be taken in physical
geography, human geography, and geographic techniques. The remaining 18 credit hours must
include a quantitative methods course and 15 credit hours of upper level systematic geography
Pre-Professional/Subject Area Courses
Primary Courses:
Geography of Environmental Systems
Geography of Environmental Systems Laboratory
Introduction to Human Geography
Introduction to Human Geography Laboratory
Gateway Courses:
one 300 level physical geography course
one 300 level human geography course
one 300 level technique course
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Upper Level Geography Electives
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the Geographic
Environmental Sciences
In addition to the required credit hours in geography, the social studies
education program requires 29 credit hours of course work in history
and the social sciences as outlined below.
Principles of Micro-Economics
Principles of Macro-Economics
Principles of Government and Politics
State and Local Government, or
Comparative Politics and Governments
American Government
History of the United States since 1865
HIST (non-Western 100/200 level)
PSYC100 Introduction to Psychology 3
Introduction to Archaeology or Introduction to Sociological
Anthropology and Linguistics
Introduction to Sociology or Introduction to Social Problems
Pre-Professional/Education Courses
Foundations of Education, or
Education in Contemporary American Society, or
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education
Adolescent Development
Cognition&Motivation in Reading:Reading in Content Areas I
Reading in the Secondary School
Professional Education Courses
Materials & Resources in Social Studies (Fall only, Junior Year)
Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education - Social
Studies (Fall only, Senior Year)
Field Experience in Secondary Social Studies Teaching (Fall only)
Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies
Inclusion, Diversity, and Professionalism in Secondary Education
Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Social
*EDCI 427 and EDCI428 are taken concurrently
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Option III: Government and Politics
The Government and Politics program is under review. Please check with the Government
Department regarding specific course work.
This option is primarily for those teacher candidates earning their initial degree. Requires a
minimum of 65 credit hours of preprofessional/subject area course work. Thirty-six hours must
be in GVPT. At least eighteen of the thirty-six credit hours must be upper-level courses.
All GVPT majors must also complete an approved skills option (a foreign language or three
quantitative courses from a select list - see GVPT advising office.)
In addition, the GVPT program is a Limited Enrollment Program (LEP). See GVPT advisor for
specific admission requirements.
Pre-Professional/Subject Area Courses
Introductory Courses:
Principles of Government and Politics
American Government
The Study of Political Philosophy: Ancient and Modern
GVPT Electives
GVPT Upper Level Courses
Social Science Quantitative Courses or Foreign Language (see
GVPT advisor)
In addition to the required credit hours in GVPT, the social studies
education program requires 29 credit hours of course work in history
and the social sciences as outlined below.
History of the United States since 1865
Non-Western History 100/200 level
Principles of Micro-Economics
Principles of Macro-Economics
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Archaeology or Introduction to Anthropology
and Linguistics
Introduction to Geography
Introduction to Human Geography
Contemporary Social Problems
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Other Requirements for the Major
An overall grade point average of 2.75 must be maintained after admission to Teacher Education.
All teacher candidates are required to obtain satisfactory evaluations on the College of Education
Foundational Competencies/Model Code of Ethics for Educators standards and to attain
qualifying scores for the State of Maryland on a test of basic skills and Praxis II assessments.
The test of basic skills is required for admission, and Praxis II is required for the teaching
internship and graduation. The culminating experience of the program is the yearlong internship,
which takes place in a public school setting.
Requirements for the Minor
Requirements for the Minor Secondary Education
The Minor in Secondary Education provides opportunities for undergraduate subject area majors
to enroll in a sequence of education courses that helps them to determine if teaching is a viable
career option for them. The 15-18 credit minor may be taken prior to admission into a teacher
preparation program. If an undergraduate student pursuing or completing the minor desires to
enter an education track, the candidate must apply for the dual major program to obtain
certification as a secondary education classroom teacher through completion of a Maryland State
Department of Education approved program option. Some of the courses undergraduates take to
complete the Minor in Secondary Education may also be applicable in certification options at the
graduate level offered through Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership. These individuals
should consult with an advisor in the Office of Student Services to identify the most appropriate
option leading to teacher certification and to review the specific admission requirements
associated with these programs.
Requirements for the Minor in TESOL
The minor in Second Language Education provides opportunities for undergraduate subject area
majors to complete a sequence of courses that helps them prepare for careers as teachers of
English as a second language in US schools and/or prepare them for roles as teachers of English
as a foreign language in international settings. It includes coursework from Curriculum and
Instruction and Human Development. The curriculum provides a foundation in second language
learning and pedagogy, adolescent learning, cross-cultural issues and understanding, and
curricular and pedagogical issues which support reading and writing in a second language
context. Several of the courses include field components that provide candidates with direct
experience in working with second language learners. The minor incorporates coursework
required for TESOL certification from the Maryland State Department of Education.
Secondary Education Upper Division Certificate
The Certificate Program in Secondary Education is currently under review. Please see an advisor
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in Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL) for more information on this pathway
and other pathways to certification.
Advising is mandatory for all secondary education majors. For more information or to schedule
an advising appointment, contact the Office of Student Services (301-405-2364).
The yearlong internship, which is the culminating experience in the teacher preparation program,
takes place in a publicPDS school setting.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
The College of Education also offers a number of scholarships. For more information,
see http://www.education.umd.edu/studentinfo/scholarships.html.
Second Language Education
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)
2311 Benjamin Building, 301-405-3324
The minor in Second Language Education provides opportunities for undergraduate subject area
majors to complete a sequence of courses that helps them prepare for careers as teachers of
English as a second language in US schools and/or prepare them for roles as teachers of English
as a foreign language in international settings. If the undergraduate pursuing the minor desires
to enter the ESOL teacher preparation track, the candidate may apply for the Five Year
Integrated Program option or the one year MCERT Program option; in either case, satisfactorily
completed courses in the minor that meet program requirements will be applied to the
certification program requirements. Individuals should consult with an advisor in Student
Services to identify the most appropriate option leading to teacher certification and to review the
specific admission requirements associated with that program.
The minor in Second Language Education includes coursework from Curriculum and Instruction
and Human Development. The curriculum provides a foundation in second language learning
and pedagogy, adolescent learning, cross-cultural issues and understanding, and curricular and
pedagogical issues which support reading and writing in a second language context. A number
of the courses include field components that provide candidates with direct experience in
777 | Page
working with second language learners. The minor incorporates coursework required for
TESOL certification from the Maryland State Department of Education.
Courses required for the minor are:
English Grammar Pedagogy for Teachers of English Language Learners
Issues in the Education of English Language Learners
Adolescent Development
Pedagogy of Teaching English Language Learners
Teaching English Language Learners Reading and Writing in the
Secondary Content Areas
Understanding Cross Cultural Communication for Teaching English
Language Learners
* courses that include required field experiences
Secondary Education
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)
2311 Benjamin Building, 301-405-3324
The minor in Secondary Education provides opportunities for undergraduate subject area majors
to enroll in a sequence of education courses that helps them to determine if teaching is a viable
career option for them. The 15-18 credit minor may be taken prior to admission into a teacher
preparation program. If an undergraduate student pursuing the minor desires to enter an
education track, the candidate may apply for the dual major program to obtain certification as a
secondary education classroom teacher through completion of a Maryland State Department of
Education (MSDE) approved program option. Some of the courses undergraduates take to
complete the Minor in Secondary Education may also be applicable toward certification options
at the post-baccalaureate level offered through TLPL. These individuals should consult with an
advisor in Student Services to identify the most appropriate option leading to teacher
certification and to review the specific admission requirements associated with these programs.
The secondary education minor includes coursework from Teaching and Learning, Policy and
Leadership. The curriculum provides a foundation in adolescent development and education
policy and includes an introductory pedagogy course in one of the core secondary areas: English,
Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, World Languages. The minor also incorporates
coursework to meet the MSDE reading requirements that are part of secondary subject area
teacher certification.
778 | Page
Courses required for the minor are:
Adolescent Development
Cognition and Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas I
Reading in the Secondary School
Select one of the following foundation courses:
Education in Contemporary American Society OR
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education OR
Foundations of Education
Select one of the following secondary education introductory methods:
Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education: English OR
Methods I: K-12 Foreign Language Methods and Technology OR
Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics OR
Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science OR
Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Secondary Social Studies
Other Electives (optional):
EDCI280 - Looking Inside Schools and Classrooms (3)
EDCI386 - Experiential Learning (3)
A total of 15 credits is required. All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade
of "C-" or better. A cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required for enrollment in the secondary
education introductory methods courses (EDCI410, 411, 416, 426, 457). No more than six of the
required credits (or two courses) may be taken at an institution other than the University of
Maryland, College Park.
Secondary Education Certificate
College of Education
1204 Benjamin Building, 301-405-2364
The Certificate Program in Secondary Education is currently under review. Please see an advisor
in TLPL for more information on this pathway and other pathways to certification.
School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
School Information
2806 Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
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School Administration
Director: L. Smiley
Associate Director: M. Keefe
Director of Undergraduate Studies: A. Mayes
The unique structure of the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies provides the
opportunities of a larger community in which students can interconnect and collaborate between
the different degree programs. While the degree programs in the dance and theatre disciplines
retain their individuality, the School affords the inter-disciplinary prospects that enable landmark
creativity and scholarship to flourish. Dynamic interaction between faculty, staff, and students
encourages innovative ideas and new initiatives.
Dance (DANC)
College of Arts and Humanities - School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
2806 Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, 301-405-6676
Director: L. Smiley
Associate Professors: M. Keefe, S. Pearson, P. Widrig
Assistant Professors: A. Fang
Instructors: A. Mayes
Lecturers: P. Jackson
Professors Emeriti: D. Madden, M. Rosen, A. Warren, L. Warren, A. Wiltz
Visiting Faculty: C. Morgan (Asst Art-In-Res)
The Major
The undergraduate curriculum, which leads toward a B.A. degree in Dance, offers students a
solid foundation in the core areas of the discipline as well as insights into cross-disciplinary
fields of study.
Coursework is designed to help students become skillful, articulate, and expressive movers; to
enable students to find their own voice as creative artists, develop the ability to work effectively
in a collaborative environment, and to grow in their conceptual understanding of dance as an art
form in relation to the other arts.
The cornerstones of the curriculum are foundational coursework in the first two years. The
project based learning experiences in the junior and senior years engage students in
interdisciplinary and/or cross-cultural work and offer in-depth exploration of a theme from a
performance, choreographic, and theoretical perspective. Students select an area of emphasis in
performance and choreography, production, or education.
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Foundational sequences in technique and in the creative process, which integrate a conceptual
understanding of dance as an art form in relation to the other arts, are at the core of the
Through these fundamental practices of the discipline, students gain, not only necessary skills,
but also an embodied knowledge of the field.
The dance faculty is composed of a number of distinguished teachers, choreographers,
performers, and scholars, each one a specialist in his or her own field. Visiting artists and guest
artists make additional contributions to the program. There are performance and choreographic
opportunities for all dance students, ranging from informal workshops to fully mounted concerts
both on and off campus.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronym(s): DANC,
Program Objectives
Our Mission
The University of Maryland School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies advances and
transforms the research and practice of theatre, dance, and performance studies through its
commitment to excellence and innovative education in the performing arts.
Our Vision
We envision a School that serves as a national model for collaboration, innovation, and
entrepreneurship in the performing arts. The undergraduate curriculum, which leads toward a
B.A. degree in Dance, offers students a solid foundation in the core areas of the discipline as well
as insights into cross-disciplinary fields of study. Coursework is designed to help students
become skillful, articulate, and expressive movers; to enable students to find their own voice as
creative artists, develop the ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment, and to
grow in their conceptual understanding of dance as an art form in relation to the other arts.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Dance is housed in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, a state-of-the-art performing arts
"village" comprised of ten interconnected structures occupying 318,000 square feet and situated
on a 17-acre site at the northwest end of the campus. The Center is designed to serve the theatre,
music, and dance programs of the University and also houses the Michelle Smith Performing
Arts Library. With 30 classrooms, 50 practice and rehearsal rooms, and fully outfitted costume,
electric, scenic production, paint, and properties shops, the Center serves more than 5,000
students, 200 faculty and staff, and numerous regional, national, and international audiences and
professionals. For further information, visit the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center website at
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Admission to the Major
An audition is not required to become a dance major. For more information contact the
Coordinator of Student Services Susan Miller at [email protected].
Requirements for the Major
Students must complete 58 credits. The following courses or areas are required:
DANC218 (3) Foundations of Technique I
DANC219 (3) Foundations of Technique II
DANC318 (3) Foundations of Technique III
DANC319 (3) Foundations of Technique IV
DANC179 (2) Movement Integration
6 credits of Dance Styles selected from
DANC138 (2) World Dance Forms
DANC228 (2) Ballet I
DANC229 (2) Ballet II
DANC328 (2) Ballet III
DANC329 (2) Ballet IV
DANC109 (2) Improvisation
DANC207 (3) The Creative Process
DANC209 (3) Dance Composition
TDPS201 (3) Production
DANC283 (3) Foundations of Dance History
DANC304 (3) Teaching Dance
TDPS479 (1) Production Practicum
DANC488 (4) Project Based Learning (two semesters required)
12 credits of 3xx or 4xx level course work in an area of emphasis in performance and
choreography or in production, or education.
Performance and Choreography Area of Emphasis
Students in the Performance and Choreography area are expected to enroll in a technique class
each semester and to be actively engaged in experiences that transition them from the classroom
to the stage. Opportunities for engagement include auditioning for student, faculty, and guest
artist works, showing works in progress at monthly open showings, and auditioning works for
Approved Courses:
TDPS479 Production Practicum (Required--1 credit--This is in addition to the 1 credit required
of all majors.)
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An additional 11 credits selected from:
DANC448 (Modern Dance V)*
DANC449 (Modern Dance VI)*
DANC468 Modern Repertory (3 credits)
DANC420 Contemporary Partnering (2 credits)
DANC466 Laban Movement Analysis (3 credits)
DANC371 Somatics, (3 credits)
DANC310 Dance lighting (3 credits)
DANC399 Practicum in Choreography, Production and Performance III (1-3)
DANC499 Practicum in Choreography, Production and Performance IV (1-3)
DANC489 Special Topics in Dance
Additional courses approved by the program.
*A maximum of a total of 6 credits of Dance 448 and 449 will count toward the 12 credit area
Production Area of Emphasis
Approved courses:
TDPS479 (Required - 3 credits) This is in addition to the 1 credit required of all majors.
An additional 9 credits selected from:
DANC310 Dance Lighting
DANC410 Topics in Dance Production
THET116 Fundamentals of Theatrical Design
THET284 Stage Costume Construction I
THET371 Scenic Design I
THET383 Costume Design I
THET377 Lighting Design I
THET373 Rendering for the Theatre I
THET472 Scene Painting
THET474 Stage Management
Note: THET284, 371, 383, 377, 373, 472, and 474 are permission required courses
Education Area of Emphasis
Approved courses:
DANC405 (3) Dance Education and Policy
DANC371 (3) Somatics
DANC389 (1) Independent Study in Global Movement Practice Research
DANC466 (3) Laban Movement Analysis
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DANC489F (2) 3xx or 4xx level Global Movement Practice
A grade of "C-" or higher must be attained in all dance courses.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation.
Other Requirements for the Major
Mid-Point Assessment
The Mid-Point assessment gives the program a mid-course opportunity for learning outcomes
assessment. In preparation for the assessment, students prepare a portfolio that includes a
resume, samples of their writing, and a DVD with examples of their work in technique and
choreography classes. The Mid-Point assessment is a benchmark requirement in the
program. All transfer students, as well as students who declare Dance after their first semester
on campus, will be assigned an assessment date when they meet with their Dance advisor to
develop an academic plan. Students who do not complete the assessment process in their
assigned semester will not be permitted to continue in the major. Completion is defined as
submission of a portfolio and participation in a scheduled assessment meeting.
The Dance program has mandatory advising each semester. New, re-entering, and transfer
students are expected to contact the program, following their admission to the University, for
instructions regarding advising and registration procedures. Although entrance auditions are not
required, some previous dance experience is highly desirable.
For additional information about the program contact:
Alvin Mayes
Director of Undergraduate Studies
School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
2810 Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742
The College of Arts and Humanities has a dual track advising system where students meet with
college advisors to discuss their ARHU and general education requirements and meet with
departmental advisors to discuss the major requirements. The Dance Major requires mandatory
advising each semester to keep in touch with our student base and assist majors and double
majors with curricular and co-curricular choices. Advising procedures and instructions to sign up
for an advising appointment can be obtained at the school's main office, or, you may contact:
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Susan Miller, Coordinator of Student Services and Academic Advisor
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Scholarships and financial assistance may be awarded to prospective and enrolled students
through a number of Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) scholarships and other Dance
Scholarship Award Funds.
For further information, visit the TDPS website at http://tdps.umd.edu and select "Scholarships
and Awards" on the BA Dance page.
College of Arts and Humanities - School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
2806 Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, 301-405-6676
Director: L. Smiley
Professors: D. Conway, M. Hebert, F. Hildy, H. Huang, S. Reese
Associate Professors: F. Carpenter, L. Felbain, L. Frederik Meer, J. Harding, M. Kachman, E.
Lee, B. MacDevitt, L. Smiley
Assistant Professors: J. Barclay Newsham, J. Mezzocchi, L. Nathans
Lecturers: K. Rothman
Professors Emeriti: P. Gillespie, R. Meersman, W. Patterson, R. Pugliese, D. Wagner
The Major
Small classes, diversity, and a close-knit environment promote a strong sense of community
within the Theatre major. An extensive production schedule offers students a myriad of
opportunities to practice their craft.
A supportive and stimulating environment fosters creative development and spurs
achievement. Our comprehensive curriculum embraces the liberal arts approach to theatre study
and cultivates skills - discipline, creativity, self-confidence, and critical thinking - that are
valuable in all career fields. Students gain a strong foundation in theatre arts and have the
opportunity to tailor the degree to their strengths and interests.
Our performance and design/production faculty cluster members are active in their fields
(members of Actors Equity and United Scenic Artists), providing students a vital link to the
world of professional theatre. Our scholarship faculty cluster members regularly publish and
participate at national and international conferences. Situated in close proximity to the vibrant
Washington/Baltimore theatre communities, students have ready access to the best of
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contemporary and classical productions at more than 80 professional theatres. Through
professional affiliations with many of these theatre companies, students enjoy unique
opportunities such as internships, workshops, partnership projects, and blended productions.
An audition, portfolio, or interview is not required for admission to the program. Courses
offered by this Department may be found under the following acronym(s): THET, TDPS,
Program Objectives
Our Mission
The University of Maryland School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies advances and
transforms the research and practice of theatre, dance, and performance studies through its
commitment to excellence and innovative education in the performing arts.
Our Vision
We envision a School that serves as a national model for collaboration, innovation and
entrepreneurship in the performing arts. The Theatre program offers a balanced liberal arts
education that integrates production, design, and scholarship. The B.A. in Theatre seeks to
introduce students to the history, theory, and literature of theatre; to offer them insights into the
cultural diversity that has shaped the creation of theatrical forms around the world; to allow them
to develop their own aesthetic sensibilities and perspectives as an artist and audience member;
and to offer them practical training in the areas of theatre craft, which ranges from design, to
directing, and to performance.
Program Learning Outcomes
By the end of their undergraduate work, students should be able to demonstrate fundamental
knowledge of theatre performance, design, history, craft and literature analysis. They will also
be able to demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills and the ability to communicate with
both written and spoken word and artistic vision. Students will also develop the ability to
interpret and analyze dramatic texts with critical understanding of content and
methodology. They will expand their awareness of the basic methods and principles for creating
a dialogue between theory and practice. Finally, students will develop the ability to work
effectively within a collaborative environment.
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
Theatre is housed in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, a state-of-the-art performing arts
"village" comprised of ten interconnected structures occupying 318,000 square feet and situated
on a 17-acre site at the northwest end of the campus. The Center is designed to serve the theatre,
music, and dance programs of the University. The Center also houses the Michelle Smith
Performing Arts Library. With 30 classrooms, 50 practice and rehearsal rooms, and fully
outfitted costume, electric, scenic production, paint, and properties shops, the Center serves more
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than 5,000 students, 200 faculty and staff, and numerous regional, national, and international
audiences and professionals. For further information, visit the Clarice Smith Performing Arts
Center website at https://theclarice.umd.edu.
Admission to the Major
An audition/portfolio is not required to become a Theatre major. For more information, contact
the Coordinator of Student Services Susan Miller at [email protected].
Placement in Courses
Many Theatre performance and production courses above the Sophomore level require an
audition, interview, and/or permission of the Department.
Requirements for the Major
Requirements for the College of Arts and Humanities include a minimum of 3xx or 4xx level
credits and the Global Engagement Requirement. Students in the Theatre major prior to the Fall
2009 semester should consult the unit for prior curriculum requirements.
Introduction to Technical Production
Fundamentals of Theatrical Design
Foundations of Acting and Performance
Text and Context in Western Theatre
Production Practicum (1 credit repeated four times)
*Foundation Series courses may be taken in any sequence.
*THET222, THET223, one credit of TDPS479, and either THET116 or TDPS201 must be
completed by the end of the second semester or 30 credits.
*TDPS479 (4 - 1 credit courses for a total of 4 credit hours) cannot be taken until TDPS201 is
*TDPS479 must be completed in 3 different areas
- costume, scenic, lighting and sound
*Students are expected to complete one TDPS479 course by the end of the 2
nd semester or 30
credits, and all 4 courses by the end of the 6th semester or 90 credits.
AREA MENU (18 credits):
Students must take courses from each Area as delineated below. Students may
enter the Area Menu after completing appropriate
Performance Area:
3 credits required
Design Area:
6 credits required; 3 at the 3xx or 4xx level
History/Theory: 9 credits required; THET390, THET391, 3 at 4xx level
Performance Area
(3 credits required): courses marked with an * require an
Students may only audition twice for each course requiring an audition
for enrollment.
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Movement for Actors
The Art of Communication and Presentation
Voice for the Actor I*
Acting: Character Development*
Acting: The Actor's Process Part I*
Play Directing I
Voice Archetypes
Voice for the Actor II*
Acting IV: Language and the Actor*
Movement II: Advanced Studies in Movement for the Actor*
Acting: The Actor's Process Part II*
Play Directing II
Musical Theatre Workshop I*
Musical Theatre Workshop II*
Design/Production Area (6 credits required):
Some courses require departmental or instructor approval
Theatre Graphics I
Introduction to Stage Management
Stage Makeup
Stage Costume Construction I
Scenic Design I
Stage Property Design
Rendering for the Theatre I
Lighting Design I
Sound Design
Costume Design I
Stage Costume Construction II
Advanced Lighting Technology
History of Fashion for the Theatre
Advanced Stage Craft
Design Studio in Scenery
Scene Painting
Rendering for the Theatre II
Stage Management
History of Art, Architecture, and Décor for the Theatre
Design Studio in Lighting
Theatre Graphics II
Scene Painting II
Design Studio Costume
History/Theory Area (9 credits; THET390, THET391, 3 must be at the 4xx
Theatre History I
Theatre History II
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Seminar: Theory and Performance Studies
Special Topics in Theatre History Before 1800
Special Topics in Theatre History from 1800 to Present
All seminars offered at the 4xx/6xx level require undergraduate students to obtain permission from
the instructor and to have completed either THET488 or 489. This includes: THET408/608,
THET410/610, THET48
6/686, THET487/608, THET498/698.
12 Supporting credits must come from THET courses; 15 credits of
Supporting Courses must be 3xx or 4xx level coursework.
Supporting course
credits may come from the Performance,
Design/Production, or History/Theory
Area menus OR any combination of the four menus. Students may also petition to
their advisor for other suitable courses to be accepted, conditional on course work
relating to their area of focus. For course prerequisite
s contact the Department that
is offering the course or check Testudo online (testudo.umd.edu/).
For a complete listing of Supporting Courses check the Undergraduate page of the Theatre
website at http://tdps.umd.edu/.
Major requirements include 55 credits of course work in Theatre. 46 credits of these must be
THET and 9 Supporting Courses may come from approved courses outside the unit. Of the 55
credits, at least 28 credit hours must be 3xx or 4xx level. No course with a grade less than "C-"
may be used to satisfy major or supporting area requirements. An overall GPA of 2.0 in the
major is required for graduation. No course for the major may be taken Pass/Fail or Audit.
Other Requirements for the Major
As the Area and Supporting Course Menus do not require specific course choices, students may
select courses according to their interests and abilities. In consultation with their advisor,
students may choose to tailor their degree and create a focus in a specific area of interest to
prepare them for the profession or entrance to graduate school.
The College of Arts and Humanities has a dual track advising system where students meet with
college advisors to discuss their general education and college requirements and with
departmental advisors to discuss their major requirements. The Theatre major requires
mandatory advising each semester to keep in touch with our student base and assist majors and
double majors with curricular and co-curricular choices. Advising procedures and instructions to
sign up for an advising appointment can be found on the TDPS website at http://tdps.umd.edu
and under the heading "BA Theatre."
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Or, you may contact:
Susan Miller, Coordinator of Student Services and Academic Advisor
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
Theatre majors may register for up to 6 credits of internship work under the THET286 or
THET386 course number. Internships may be done during the academic year or during the
summer. Internships may be done for credit and salary, or, an internship may be done just for
credit. Information about the internship procedure may be found on the Theatre
website. Internships are not required but are strongly encouraged.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Scholarships and financial assistance may be awarded to prospective and enrolled students
through a number of Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) scholarships, and various Theatre
Scholarship/Awards Funds. For further information visit the TDPS website at
http://tdps.umd.edu and select "Scholarships and Awards" on the BA Theatre page.
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state, and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
At the spring TDPS commencement ceremony, the Charles B. Hale Award is presented to the
two members of the senior class who have done the most for the advancement of dramatic art
while undergraduates at the University of Maryland.
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Women's Studies (WMST)
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
Chair: R. Muncy (Professor and Interim Chair)
Professors: B. Dill, K. King, R. Zambrana
Associate Professors: E. Barkley Brown, L. Horton-Stallings, M. Rowley, C. Schuler, A. Tambe
Assistant Professors: A. Lothian
Lecturers: A. Hackshaw, J. Vooris (Post-Doc Assoc)
Affiliate Professors: K. Bartol (Management & Organization), J. Chernela (Anthropology), T.
Coletti (English), M. Collins (Comparative Literature), P. Collins (Sociology), S. Desai
(Sociology), L. Doherty (Classics), J. Donawerth (English), E. Frederiksen (Germanic Studies),
J. Freidenberg (Anthropology), J. Hallett (Classics), L. Kauffman (English), F. Keshavarz-
Karamustafa (Persian Studies), S. Klees (International Education Policy), J. Lin (International
Education Policy), H. Mahmoudi (Bahai Chair for World Peace), C. Mossman (French &
Italian), R. Muncy (History), K. O'Brien (Psychology), K. O'Meara (Higher Education), V.
Orlando (French & Italian), R. Oster (Germanic Studies), M. Palmer (Entomology), J. Paoletti
(American Studies), M. Paolisso (Anthropology), S. Parry-Giles (Communication), S. Ray
(English), L. Rosenthal (English), M. Smith (English), L. Steiner (Journalism), N. Stromquist
(International and Comparative Education), E. Toth (Communication), O. Wang (English), M.
Washington (English), J. Wong (American Studies), M. Zilfi (History)
Affiliate Associate Professors: L. Aldoory (Communication), H. Baer (German), J. Bianchini
(History), F. Carpenter (Theatre), T. Chico (English), K. Coles ( English), S. Dwyer
(Philosophy), C. Eades (French & Italian), J. Enoch (English), J. Farman (American Studies), L.
Felbain (Theatre), L. Frederik Meer (Theatre), M. Geores (Geography), M. Grossman (Jewish
Studies), C. Hanhardt (American Studies), S. Harley (African American Studies), S. Jelen
(English), S. Khamis (Communication), M. Kleykamp (Sociology), J. Koser (Germanic Studies),
L. Leslie (Family Science), M. Lindemann (English), C. Lyons (History), S. Madhavan (African
American Studies), K. Marsh (Sociology), M. Mason (Languages, Literature and Culture), N.
Mirabal (American Studies), Z. Nunes (English), R. Ontiveros (English), S. Parks (American
Studies), M. Penrose (Spanish), R. Ray (Sociology), A. Rodriguez (Spanish & Portuguese), K.
Rosemblatt (History), D. Sartorius (History), R. Shin (Counseling, Higher Education, and
Special Education), M. Sies (American Studies), P. Williams-Forson (American Studies)
Affiliate Assistant Professors: M. Baillargeon (French), L. Bruce (American Studies), L. Doan
(Sociology), C. Getrich (Anthropology), A. Lopez (Anthropology), J. Padios (American
Studies), T. Sangaramoorthy (Anthropology), C. Steele (Communications), C. Woods
Assistant Research Professor: L. Jensen (Aff Asst Res Prof)
Professors Emeriti: E. Beck, A. Bolles, S. Kim, C. Moses, D. Rosenfelt
The Major
Women's Studies is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry analyzing structures of power, especially
as they are grounded in gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, ability, and other
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inequalities, and as they configure historical and contemporary struggles for social change. The
department sees itself as a force for change in the world, change which leads toward intellectual
freedom, social justice, and equality for all people. We do this by providing an outstanding
education in women, gender, race, and sexuality studies through excellent teaching, engaged
mentoring, path-breaking research and scholarship, and dedicated community service.
The Women’s Studies major offers students a coherent but flexible program of study examining
scholarship and theory on the history, status, contributions, and experiences of women in diverse
cultural communities; the lives, experiences, identities, and representations of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender people; the significance of gender as a social construct and as an
analytical category; and an understanding of race as a structural and historical formation in the
context of power.
The B.A. degree prepares students for work in a wide range of areas, including non-profit
management, social justice advocacy, law, health-related fields, student affairs, and government
and public policy. We seek to develop a new generation of scholars and leaders who, with us,
will work to acknowledge, understand, and critically interrogate human differences.
To achieve these goals each student meets every semester with an academic advisor to plan a
course of study tailored to individual interests and goals.
In addition to the B.A. in Women's Studies, the department also offers two certificate programs
and two minors.
Courses offered by this department may be found under the following acronyms: WMST, LGBT.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students are expected to fully engage with the curriculum and the opportunities presented for
learning and research. Having completed the Women’s Studies degree program, students should
have acquired the following knowledge, skills, and practices:
An ability to critically analyze issues related to women, race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality,
and class
A demonstrated engagement with the practices of feminist, critical race, and
LGBTQ social action
An ability to do independent research using appropriate methods
An ability to use effective forms of communication
Academic Programs and Departmental Facilities
The Women’s Studies Multimedia Studio is a multi-purpose event space and lab dedicated to
fostering connections between Women’s Studies and digital humanities by engaging issues of
identity and difference through art, performance, media activism, and interdisciplinary
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Requirements for the Major
Students will earn a total of 39-42 credit hours, distributed as indicated below. Drawing from
approximately fifty courses, many of which are cross-listed with other academic units, students
will have the opportunity to design an emphasis within the major relevant to their special
interests. A number of courses may count in more than one category. At least 30 credits must be
at or above the 3xx level. No course with a grade less than "C-" may be used to satisfy the major.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the major is required for graduation. Students will design their
programs in consultation with a Women's Studies advisor.
Foundation Courses (18 credit hours)
Introduction to Women's Studies: Women and Society, OR
Introduction to Women's Studies: Women, Art & Culture
Feminist Reconceptualizations
Feminist Education Practicum and Analysis, OR
Women's Studies Field Work and Analysis
Theories of Feminism
Senior Seminar
Distributive Courses
Area 1: Arts and Literature (3 credit hours)
Women Writers of French Expression in Translation (X-listed as
Introduction to Women's Studies: Women, Art, and Culture
Introduction to Literature by Women (X-listed as ENGL255)
World Literature by Women (X-listed as CMLT 275)
Women in German Literature and Society (X-listed as GERM281)
Literary Works by Women (x-listed as ENGL348)
Special Topics in Literature by Women before 1800 (X-listed as ENGL
Feminist Critical Theory (X-listed as ENGL 444)
Special Topics in Literature by Women of Color*
(X-listed as
Special Topics in Literature by Women after 1800
(X-listed as
Feminist Perspective on Women in Art (X-listed as ARTH466)
Feminist Cultural Studies
Femmes Fatales and the Representation of Violence in Literature
(X-listed as FREN481)
African -American Women Filmmakers* (X-listed as THET496)
Gender and Ethnicity in Modern French Literature
Area II: Historical Perspectives (3 credit hours)
Women in America to 1880 (X-listed as HIST 210)
Women in America Since 1880 (X-listed as HIST 211)
Women in Western Europe, 1750-present (X-listed as HIST212)
Women in Classical Antiquity (X-listed as CLAS 320)
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Victorian Women in England, France, and the United States (X-listed
as HIST 493)
Women in Africa* (X-listed as HIST 494)
Women in Medieval Culture and Society (X-listed as HIST495)
Women in the Middle East*
Changing Perceptions of Gender in the US: 1880-1935
(X-listed as
HIST 433)
Black Women in United States History*
Women and Family in American Life
Proseminar in Historical Writing: Women's History
Area III: Social and Natural Sciences (3 credit hours)
Introduction to Women's Studies: Women and Society
Women and Science (X-listed as BSCI 313)
Communication and Gender (x-listed as COMM 324)
Sociology of Gender (X-listed as SOCY 325)
Biology of Reproduction (X-listed as BSCI 342)
Psychology of Women (X-listed as PSYC 366)
Caribbean Women*
Women in the African Diaspora*
Asian-American Women*
Gender Roles and Social Institutions
Gender Issues in Families (X-listed as FMST 430)
Legal Status of Women (X-listed as GVPT 436)
Women and the Media (X-listed as JOUR 452)
Women's Health (X-listed as HLTH 471)
Jewish Women in International Perspective*
Lesbian Communities and Difference*
Special Topics in Black Culture: Women and Work*
Special Topics in Criminology and Criminal Justice: Women and
Special Topics in Sociology: Women in the Military
*Fulfills Women's Studies Multi-Cultural Requirement
Courses in Cultural Diversity (6 credit hours)
Approved courses are noted with an asterisk in Distributive Courses
section above. Courses in this category may overlap with other
Student-Developed Emphasis (9 credit hours)
Each student, with the help of the Academic advisor, will design an
emphasis relevant to their special interests. Courses will ordinarily
be drawn from the more than 50 courses approved for the major; in
some instances, students may secure permission to include
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Students should select their electives from the full list of courses for
the major. The number of credit hours will vary depending on the
individual student's program, but should bring the total number of
semester credit hours to at least 39.
Requirements for the Minor
Joint Minor in Black Women's Studies
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
2169 Lefrak Hall
See African American Studies Department or Women's Studies Department for faculty roster.
The joint minor in Black Women's Studies focuses on the lives and experiences of women of
Africa and the African Diaspora. As a specialty in the fields of Women's Studies and African
American Studies, it will provide students with tools for understanding the social and cultural
contexts in which race, gender, class, sexuality, ethnicity, nation and other dimensions of
difference intersect to influence the lives and experiences of Black women.
Fifteen (15) credits of coursework are required, distributed below. A number of courses may
count in more than one category. No course with a grade less than "C-" may be used to satisfy
the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation. Students will design
their program in consultation with the Women's Studies or African American Studies advisor.
No more than two courses may count toward a major in African American Studies or Women's
Foundation courses (6 credits)
WMST263/AASP203 Introduction to Black Women's Studies or
WMST265/AASP213 Constructions of Manhood and Womanhood in the Black Community
AASP313/WMST314 Black Women in U.S. History
Distributive Requirements (9 credits)
Area I - Comparative or Non-US Course - indicated by a * below (3 credits)
Area II - Humanities (3 credits)
WMST263/AASP203 Introduction to Black Women's Studies
THET240 African Americans in Film and Theater
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*ENGL362 Caribbean Literature in English
*FREN478B Themes and Movements of French Literature in Translation:
Francophone Women Writers
Area III - Social Sciences (3 credits)
WMST265/AASP213 Constructions of Manhood and Womanhood in the Black
HIST319 Women and the Civil Rights Movement
*WMST360 Caribbean Women
*WMST410 Women of the African Diaspora
WMST488 Senior Seminar: Black Women in the Public Eye
AASP493 Feminist and Nationalist Thought in the Black Community
WMST498 Black Feminist Thought WMST498 Womanisms and Feminisms:
Theories and Methods
AASP483 Gender, Sexuality and the Black Family
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
The LGBT minor in the Department of Women's Studies is a 15 credit program which provides
students an opportunity for interdisciplinary study of the lives, experiences, identities, and
representations of LGBT people. This course of study provides solid grounding in the major
concepts and methods that define studies of sex, gender, and gender identity today.
Any student in good standing in the university may enroll in the LGBT Studies minor. In
consultation with the Department of Women's Studies Academic Advisor, students will design a
minor program that complements their major field of study.
Minor Requirements:
15 credits: 12 credits are in required courses, while 3 credits are earned in one 3xx or 4xx-level
elective course.
A. Required core curriculum for the Minor in LGBT Studies (12 credits)
1. LGBT200 - Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
2. One 1xx or 2xx-level course focused on literature, art, or culture by or about LGBT people,
either LGBT265 (X-listed as ENGL265) or LGBT291 (X-listed as CMLT291);
3. One of the following 3xx or 4xx-level courses focused on the personal, social, political, and
historical aspects of LGBT people: LGBT350, LGBT407 (X-listed as PHIL407), or LGBT494
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(X-listed as WMST494);
4. One of the following upper-division courses focused on literature, art, or culture by or about
LGBT people: LGBT359 (X-listed as ENGL359), LGBT459 (X-listed as ENGL459), LGBT465
(X-listed as ENGL465); or LGBT327.
B. Elective course for the Minor in LGBT Studies (3 credits)
A 3xx or 4xx-level elective will complement the required courses. This elective may be a course
from categories 3 and 4 above that has not been used to fulfill requirements; or it may be one of
the capstone courses in LGBT Studies (LGBT386 or LGBT488), or a course chosen from the list
of approved electives for the LGBT Studies program. The list of approved electives is available
at www.lgbts.umd.edu/minor.html. A student may also petition to have any course fulfill this
requirement by providing evidence, usually the syllabus, that a substantial amount of the course
work, usually including a term paper, consists of LGBT material.
• Appropriate substitutions for courses listed in categories 2 through 4 above may be made
with approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Women's
No course earned with a grade below "C-" will count toward the minor in LGBT Studies.
• An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
• Students may use a maximum of six credits (or two courses) to satisfy the requirements of
both their major and the minor in LGBT Studies. However, courses taken to complete the minor
in LGBT Studies may not be used to satisfy the requirements of another minor.
• No more than six of the required credits (or two courses) may be taken at an institution other
than the University of Maryland, College Park. However, at least six 3xx or 4xx-level credits
applied to the minor must be taken at this university.
• Students are advised to declare the minor in LGBT Studies to the Director of Undergraduate
Studies in the Department of Women's Studies one year prior to their intended graduation to
assure appropriate advising and record-keeping.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
The Department of Women’s Studies offers two undergraduate certificate programs. Any student
in good standing in the university may enroll in either certificate program by declaring their
intention to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Women’s Studies.
The Women's Studies Certificate Program consists of an integrated, interdisciplinary curriculum
on women and gender. To qualify for this certificate, a student will be required to earn 21 credits
in Women's Studies courses, nine of which must be at the 3xx/4xx level.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Certificate Program provides students an
opportunity for interdisciplinary study of the lives, experiences, identities, and representations of
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LGBT people. To qualify for this certificate, a student will be required to earn 21 credits in
LGBT or related courses.
No grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward a certificate. An overall GPA of 2.0 in the
certificate program is required for graduation.
Advising is mandatory for all majors each semester. Please call 301-405-6827 for an
Certificate students and minors are also encouraged to consult with the Department of Women's
Studies academic advisor prior to registration each semester.
To review the academic plan for this major, go
to http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/advising/academicplans
As part of the major, students are required to complete a hands-on, practical learning
experience. They may do so through an internship or a feminist pedagogy course.
Students seek internship opportunities in local, state and federal governments, non-profit
organizations, policy and research institutions as well as agencies committed to social
change. Student internship sites have included: League of Women Voters of Maryland, Sinister
Wisdom lesbian literary and art journal, National Organization for Women, Jewish Women
International, Institute for Women's Policy Research, Asian Pacific Islander Domestic Violence
Resource Project, State of Maryland Lt. Governor's Office, D.C. Rape Crisis Center, the District
Alliance for Safe Housing, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center of
Baltimore and Central Maryland, and Calvert OB/GYN Associates.
Students who complete this requirement through the feminist pedagogy course work closely with
a faculty member in an undergraduate course in Women's Studies, studying feminist theories of
learning and assisting in the planning and delivery of the course.
Honors Program
The Honors Program is designed to give students the opportunity to pursue an area of passionate
academic interest in greater depth than that allowed by formal classes. Honors students engage
in rigorous interdisciplinary research under the close supervision and mentorship of a Women's
Studies faculty member. Students can be expected to gain a deeper understanding of some aspect
of women's, gender, and/or sexuality studies and to develop habits of self-reliance, individual
initiative, and critical analysis. The culminating thesis may be a sustained piece of writing or a
substantial creative or activist project.
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Student Societies and Professional Organizations
Iota, Iota, Iota (Triota) is the Women's Studies Honor Society. This organization strives to
maintain feminist values of egalitarianism and inclusiveness. It celebrates the diversity of
experiences that are central to Women's Studies. Triota works to promote student research and
activism in socio-political issues that affect all minority groups and aims to recognize and
promote the academic achievements of students enrolled in Women's Studies and Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender Studies courses.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance
The Novak Family TerpStart Endowed Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student
participating in the department's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Program. For
information and requirements, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies (301-405-7710).
The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) administers all types of federal, state and
institutional financial assistance programs and, in cooperation with other university offices,
participates in the awarding of scholarships to deserving students. For information, visit:
Awards and Recognition
The Women’s Studies Department administers a variety of awards and grants to encourage and
recognize outstanding scholarship, research, leadership and service.
Each fall the department awards travel funds to support the participation of undergraduate
students in the National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference. Any student in the
university who has completed 12 credits of WMST and/or LGBT courses is eligible to apply for
the NWSA travel award.
Majors are eligible to apply for Academic Enrichment funds for research travel, participation in
academic or leadership conferences and workshops, or other activities that will enhance their
education in women’s, gender, and/or sexuality studies.
The Laura Nichols Award recognizes student commitment to equality, inclusion, and social
Additionally, at its commencement ceremony, the department recognizes graduates who have
excelled in academics or in service to the campus and community.
For information on any of these awards, including how to apply, contact the Director of
Undergraduate Studies.
World Langauge Education (TLPL)
For more information see Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership in Chapter 7.
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Chapter 8. Minors
Actuarial Mathematics
Mathematics (MATH)
1117 Mathematics Building, 301-405-5053
The Department of Mathematics offers a minor in Actuarial Mathematics for students whose
majors are not mathematics. The goal of the minor in Actuarial Mathematics is to provide the
student with an introduction to statistics in general and actuarial mathematics in particular. This
minor is closely related to the minor in Statistics, but its focus is on actuarial mathematics.
16 credits are required for the minor as outlined below:
MATH241 (4 credits)
One pair of the following 3-credit courses: (for a total of 6 credits)
o STAT400/401 or
o STAT410/420 or
o STAT410/401
MATH461( 3 credits)
Note: MATH240 (4 credits) may be substituted for MATH461
STAT470 (3 credits)
Recommended: MATH424 and/or STAT430
Other issues related to coursework:
The minor in Actuarial Mathematics is NOT open to Mathematics majors.
The student will need to achieve at least a "C-" in each course required for the minor.
A student may use a maximum of 2 courses to satisfy the requirements of both a major
and a minor in Actuarial Mathematics.
No more than two of the courses for the minor in Actuarial Mathematics may be taken at
an institution other than the University of Maryland, College Park. In addition, only one
of the upper-level courses for the minor may be taken at an institution other than the
University of Maryland, College Park.
The departmental advisor for this program is Ida Chan, Undergraduate Mathematics Advisor
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Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES)
Prince Frederick Hall, 301-314-7414
The ACES (Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Minor is housed in the Honors
College but is open to all undergraduate students in all majors. This minor takes a
multidisciplinary approach to cybersecurity education in that students gain knowledge about
many of the fields that intersect in cybersecurity (e.g., legal and public policy aspects, criminal
justice, journalism, and computer science and engineering). With an emphasis on hands-on
experiences, students will gain practical skills through coursework, seminars, group projects,
internships, and research, both on and off campus.
Students in the ACES Minor will also have opportunities to engage in the larger ACES
community, including serving as peer mentors, tutors, and advisors for ACES Living-Learning
Program students; participating in educational events; and serving as student leaders on the
ACES Student Board. ACES Minor students will also have regular interactions with corporate
and governmental leaders in cybersecurity, who will serve as both mentors and professional
The ACES Minor features a customizable 16-credit curriculum.
Required for students who have not completed the ACES Living-Learning Program
*HACS201 is waived for students who have completed CMSC216
HACS201 Introduction to Unix*
HACS202 Group Project in Cybersecurity
Required Course
Required for all ACES Minor students
HAC318 Cybersecurity Professionals
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Select at least 3 courses. Students may also substitute one or two electives from courses
including CCJS418B, CMSC414, CMSC456, CMSC498R, ENEE459C, ENEE459D, ENEE459E,
and ENME442.
Course Credits
HACS402 Applied Security Analysis &
HACS404 Security through Cyber Forensics
HACS408 Advanced Seminars in
Experiential Learning
Complete a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 credits
Course Credits
HACS479 Undergraduate Research in
HACS498 Cybersecurity Team Problem
At the time of application students must have 30 university credits completed (including
transfer credit), a minimum cumulative GPA of a 3.0, and at least 4 semesters remaining
prior to graduation
Upon admission to the minor students will become part of the Honors College and are
subject to its policies
Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA to remain in good standing in the minor
per Honors College requirements
All courses used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a grade
of “C-” or better
A maximum of 2 courses may be used to satisfy the requirements of both a major and a
Agribusiness Economics
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC)
2200 Symons Hall
This minor provides students with economic knowledge and analytical skills to apply to real
world problems in agribusiness. The 400-level courses are a truncated version of the upper-level
course requirements of the AREC major. These courses focus particularly on economic analysis
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relevant to business decisions. AREC250 is an introductory course giving students an overview
of the subject.
Introduction to Economics and the Environment
Elements of Agricultural & Resource Economics
Farm Management and Sustainable Food
Applied Price Analysis
Economics of Production
Economics of Food Sector
Economics of Commodity Marketing Systems
Food and Agricultural Policy
Commodity Futures and Options
Econometric Applications in Agricultural and
Natural Resource Economics
Please choose five courses from the list above. Nine credits must be at
the 300-400 level.
Another AREC course can be substituted for one of the courses listed
above with permission of the Undergraduate Advisor.
Total Credits
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The minor in Arabic (21 credits) provides a solid grounding in Modern Standard Arabic and
colloquial Arabic. Students who satisfy the requirements of the minor in Arabic can expect to be
able to read, write, and communicate orally in Modern Standard Arabic and one of the Arabic
dialects at a level that would allow them to interact with native speakers and perform
effectively in a daily environment, watch TV and films in Arabic, engage with authentic texts,
write short papers in Arabic, and perform other tasks expected from an Advanced Level learner.
The materials used to further language acquisition are culturally rich resources, and students
completing the minor will have become familiar with many of the cultural patterns, social issues,
historical events, artistic traditions, and elements of daily life of the people whose cultures are
rooted in Arabic. Students interested in pursuing the minor in Arabic should contact the
undergraduate advisor, who will be responsible for oversight and record keeping.
Students should declare the minor in Arabic at least one year prior to graduation.
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Prerequisites (12 credits):
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I-II
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic III-IV
No prerequisites are required for students with equivalent knowledge. Placement testing is
Courses required for Minor (21 credits):
All prerequisites imply "or equivalent knowledge."
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I
Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic
Advanced Modern Standard Arabic
Additional 3xx or 4xx level course taught in Arabic*
*Contact the minor advisor for approved courses
Once credits have been received for a higher-level language focus course, a lower-level
course in the same strand may not be taken for credit. (For example, ARAB204 may not
be taken after ARAB205).
In cases where a student has equivalent knowledge, required courses are replaced in
consultation with minor advisor. All courses applied to the minor must be taught in
Students who begin their study as heritage speakers must seek the advice and written
permission of the advisor before choosing the courses they will use to replace any
required minor courses.
A maximum of 6 credits can be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions. No more than 6 credits of the minor may be used to satisfy the requirements
of a major. No courses in the minor may count toward another minor.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to: www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
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Professor Lillian Doherty
The interdisciplinary minor in Archaeology is intended to introduce students to the global
importance of archaeology and its value as a mode of scholarly inquiry.
The minor requires a minimum of 15 credits and consists of three elements:
1. A required 3-credit, 3xx-level course, Archaeological Methods and Practice, cross-listed
as ANTH305, CLAS305, and ARTH305, to be offered once each year. There is a one-
course prerequisite, to be chosen from among the following: ANTH240, CLAS180, or
2. 3 to 6 credits in approved courses offering fieldwork experience. There are many options
at UMCP, including historical archaeology courses in ANTH that do not require travel
abroad. Study-abroad programs at other institutions must be approved in advance by a
UMCP faculty member with the appropriate specialization.
3. 6 to 9 credits in supporting courses involving subject matter that includes a significant
focus on archaeology (in, e.g., ARCH, ANTH, ARTH, CLAS, HIST, JWST, LARC,
RELS). A list of approved courses will be made available to students interested in the
minor. The list will be updated as course offerings change.
Advising will be coordinated in any given year by the faculty member who is teaching the
required, cross-listed course. Contact Prof. Lillian Doherty in the Classics Department for
As required for all minors, at least 9 credits overall must be in courses at the 3xx or 4xx
level. The grade point average in the minor must be at least 2.0 and no grade below "C-" can be
counted toward the minor. A maximum of 6 credits may be counted toward both the minor and
the student’s major. A maximum of 6 credits earned at other institutions may be counted toward
the minor.
Army Leadership Studies
Minor in Army Leadership Studies
2100 Reckord Armory, 301-314-9939
The Army Leadership Studies program promotes the development of undergraduate students on
small group leadership. Students will walk away with an in-depth understanding of Small Unit
Tactics, Land Navigation and Field Training, Operations and Logistical Planning, Team
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Building, and Peer-to-Peer counseling. The core courses in the Minor are sequenced to meet the
increasingly complex sets of outcomes-based instruction across cognitive, personal development,
and group/organizational domains.
The Army Leadership Studies minor consist of the courses identified below and is open to any
student at the University of Maryland. Students of all majors will be eligible to apply and prior
military or ROTC experience is not required. Students seeking a minor in Army Leadership
Studies must be approved by the Director of Army ROTC.
ARMY 301 Advanced Military Leadership I (3 credit hours)
ARMY 302 Advanced Military Leadership II (3 credit hours)
At the 300 level, students learn the application of Army leadership strategies, critical decision
making methodologies, physical and mental fitness excellence. Includes a laboratory period in
applied leadership, common military tasks and physical fitness, as well as a three day field
ARMY 401 Advanced Military Leadership III (3 credit hours)
ARMY 402 Advanced Military Leadership IV (3 credit hours)
At the 400 level, students learn the military system and code of ethics in the military
environment is studied. Topics include code of conduct during all forms of military operations,
the Geneva Conventions and the ethical decision making process. Also includes a laboratory in
applied leadership skills, fitness excellence and two field exercises.
HIST 224 Modern Military History, 1494-1815 (3 credit hours). Survey of the military
history of Europe through an examination of the economic, financial, strategic, tactical, and
technological aspects of the development of military institutions and warfare from the dynastic
wars of the Valois and Habsburgs to the national wars of the French Revolution and Empire.
HIST 225 Modern Military History 1815-Present (3 credit hours ). The military history of
Europe through an examination of the economic, financial, strategic, tactical, and technological
aspects of the development of military institutions and warfare from the Congress of Vienna in
1815 to the present.
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Art History
Art History and Archaeology (ARTH)
1211B Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building, 301-405-1479
The minor in Art History introduces students to a range of art-historical periods, problems, and
methodologies and is intended at once to broaden and deepen the student's knowledge of arts and
humanities. A total of 18 credits is required.
1. Nine credits of 2xx-level surveys in the history of art are required. Choose any three (3) broad
surveys from among the following 3-credit courses:
ARTH200: Art and Society in Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean
ARTH201: Art and Society in the West from Renaissance to the Present
ARTH250: Art and Society in the Ancient American World
ARTH255: Art and Society in the Modern American World
ARTH275: Art and Society in Africa
ARTH290: Art and Society in Asia
2. In addition, nine (9) credits of 3xx or 4xx art history courses are required. Choose any three
(3) (3xx- or 4xx-level) 3-credit courses in Art History (ARTH prefix).
A total of six (6) credits may be transferred into the minor from other institutions or programs.
These transferred credits include those from study-abroad programs. Study-abroad credit
requires the prior approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Asian American Studies
Asian American Studies Program (AAST)
2117 Susquehanna Hall, 301-405-0996
Director: Janelle Wong, Ph.D.
In the Asian American Studies Program (AAST), students undertake an interdisciplinary and
critical study of race, immigration, and political and social representation through examination of
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the experiences of Asian Americans. Students study the experiences of Asian Americans
compared to and connected with other groups in the United States, as well as situated within a
global and transnational context. Through this approach, students examine the histories,
communities and cultures of Asian Americans as both distinctive and connected to the broader
themes for diversity, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation and migration in the Americas.
AAST offers a 15 credit-hour minor. For the minor, courses may be cross-listed in other
departments and some may satisfy general education requirements.
Minor Requirements:
1. Introduction to Asian American Studies (AAST200/AMST298C)
2. Asian American History (AAST201/HIST221/HIST219M/HIST219G)
Three (3) additional AAST or other approved courses, two of which must be upper division and
one must be comparative ethnic or global/transnational/international (see courses with an
asterisk*). Students may take a course not on this list with approval from the AAST Director.
The following list of regular and special topics include:
AAST200 Introduction to Asian American Studies
AAST201 Asian American History
AAST223 Introduction to Asian American Literature
AAST222/HIST222 Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States
AAST443 Asian American Politics
AAST378 Experiential Learning
AAST388 Independent Research
AAST498M Asian American Public Policy
AAST498I Asian American Leadership
AAST498G Asian American Women and Gender
AAST498O Asian American Health
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*THET498D Special Topics in Theatre History from 1800 to Present: Asian American Theatre
*AAST498B Confucius’ Many Lives in East Asia and Asian America
*AASP499T Advanced Topics in Public Policy and the Black Community: Race, Poverty,
Violence, and the Juvenile Justice System: A Theoretical and Contextual Analysis of Social
*AASP202H Black Culture in the United States
*USLT498B Special Topics: Latinas/os and US Popular Culture
*USLT498B Special Topics: Latinas/os and Racial Formation
*EALL300 The Languages of East Asia
*ARTH290 Art and Society in Asia
*AAST498W/AMST498R Selected Topics in American Studies: Transnational American
*ARTH489F Special Topics in Art History: Modern Chinese Film and Visual Culture
*ENGL428Y Seminar in Language and Literature: Authors of the Early Black Atlantic
*USLT202 Overview US Latino/a Studies
*PSYC354 Cross-Cultural Psychology
*300-Level Asian language course (only 1 language class can count toward AAST minor)
AAST 499 Senior Thesis. Prerequisite: AAST200 or AAST201. Restriction: Permission of
instructor or enrolled in AAST minor. This advanced colloquium in Asian American Studies is
designed as a senior seminar. The course offers an intensive learning experience and students are
required to complete a thesis, applied research project, or take part in and write about a sustained
community experience.
One additional 400-level AAST course
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1208 Physical Sciences Complex, 301-405-3001
Minor in Astronomy
A Minor in Astronomy may be earned by completing the following with grades of "C-" or
better. An appointment must be made to register for the minor before final 30 credits are taken.
Please contact Department for complete rules and procedures.
One from:
Introduction to Astronomy
General Astronomy
Astrophysics 1 and 2
or equivalent transfer course(s)
One from:
Collisions in Space - The Threat of Asteroid
The Science and Fiction of Planetary Systems
Three from:
Stars and Stellar Systems
Astronomy and the Media
Astronomy in Practice
Solar System Astronomy
Origin of the Universe
Black Holes
Life in the Universe - Astrobiology
Special Problems in Astronomy
Or a course approved by the department
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Minor in Planetary Science
A Minor in Planetary Science may be earned by completing the following with grade of "C-" or
better. An appointment must be made to register for the minor before final 30 credits are
taken. Please contact Department for complete rule, and procedures.
The minor will require 19-22 credits:
One of the
Introduction to Astronomy
General Astronomy
Astrophysics I
or equivalent transfer course(s)
One of the
Physical Geology wih Lab
Environmental Geology with Lab
One of the
Solar System Astronomy
The Solar System
Planetary Geology
Three of the
(At least one course must be from Geology and one from
Astronomy. At least 6 credits from this list, and 9 overall,
must be at the 300-400 level.)
Collisions in Space - The Threat of Asteroid Impacts
The Science and Fiction of Planetary Systems
Life in the Universe
Special Problems in Astronomy
Geology of Terrestrial Planets
Global Climate Change, Past and Present
Special Problems in Geology
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An approved Astronomy or Geology course
At least 9 credits for the minor must be at the 300-400 level.
Atmospheric Chemistry
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC)
3417 Computer and Space Sciences Building, 301-405-5391
This minor will provide the students with a general background in meteorology as offered by the
lower level required courses, and a background on issues in atmospheric chemistry. This minor
track is intended for students who might pursue careers where background in atmospheric
chemistry is needed, such as air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, and environmental issues. It is
aimed at students that might consider graduate work in atmospheric chemistry, or prepare them
for a very favorable job market in the Washington area, where a background in meteorology can
be an important asset. Students attempting this minor will need a strong background in
mathematics, physics and chemistry at the level of MATH240 or 461, PHYS270 and PHYS271,
CHEM481 (preferred), CHEM135 or 131, which are prerequisites for the required
courses. Students interested in taking this minor program should contact the Undergraduate
Advisor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science. This minor is not open to
students who major in Physical Sciences with a concentration in Meteorology, or who major in
Physics within the Meteorology Physics area of concentration.
A total of 15 credits is required. All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade
of "C-" or better.
The students must choose two electives from:
AOSC123 Causes and Consequences of Global Change
AOSC200 Weather and Climate
Any AOSC 400 level course offered below as elective
The following two courses are required:
AOSC431 Atmospheric Thermodynamics
AOSC433 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate, or AOSC434 Air Pollution
One elective from:
CHEM474 Environmental Chemistry
GEOL471 Geochemical Methods of Analysis
Other 400 level courses offered in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
Science on a regular basis, or from a list of non-permanent electives that will be offered
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by Research Scientists, regular faculty from Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, or
members of the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
Courses offered by the Departments of Geography and Geology such as:
GEOG446 Applied Climatology
GEOG447 Advanced Biogeography
GEOG472 Remote Sensing
GEOL437 Global Climate Change: Past and Present
GEOL452 Watershed and Wetland Hydrology
Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC)
3417 Computer and Space Sciences Building, 301-405-5391
This minor will provide a general background in meteorology as offered by the lower level
courses, and a solid background in atmospheric physics (AOSC431) and atmospheric dynamics
(AOSC432), as offered by two required courses. It is aimed at non-majors who might consider
graduate work in meteorology, or prepare them for the very favorable job market in the
Washington, D.C. area, where a background in meteorology can be an important asset. Students
attempting this minor will need a strong background in mathematics, physics and chemistry at
the level of MATH240 or 461, PHYS270 and PHYS271; CHEM135 (preferred) or CHEM131,
which are prerequisites for the required courses. Students interested in taking this minor program
should contact the undergraduate advisor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
for advising. This minor is not open to students who major in Physical Sciences with a
concentration in meteorology, or who major in Physics within the Physics-Meteorology area of
This minor will require 15 credits. All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a
grade of "C-" or better.
The students must choose two electives from:
AOSC123 Causes and Consequences of Global Change
AOSC200 Weather and Climate
AOSC400 Physical Meteorology of the Atmosphere
The following two courses are required:
AOSC431 Atmospheric Thermodynamics
AOSC432 Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean
One elective from:
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Other 400 level courses offered in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
on a regular basis, or from a list of non-permanent electives that will be offered by
research scientists, regular faculty from Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, or members
of the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
Courses offered by the Departments of Geology and Geographic Sciences, such as:
o GEOL437 Global Climate Change: Past and Present
o GEOL452 Watershed and Wetland Hydrology
o GEOG446 Applied Climatology
o GEOG447 Advanced Biogeography
o GEOG472 Remote sensing
Black Women's Studies
Joint Minor in Black Women's Studies
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
2169 Lefrak Hall
The joint minor in Black Women's Studies focuses on the lives and experiences of women of
Africa and the African Diaspora. As a specialty in the fields of Women's Studies and African
American Studies, it will provide students with tools for understanding the social and cultural
contexts in which race, gender, class, sexuality, ethnicity, nation and other dimensions of
difference intersect to influence the lives and experiences of Black women.
Fifteen (15) credits of coursework are required, distributed below. A number of courses may
count in more than one category. Al least nine (9) credits must be at the 3xx-4xx level. No
course with a grade less than C- may be used to satisfy the minor and an overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation. Students will design their program in consultation with the
Women's Studies or African American Studies advisor. No more than two courses may count
toward a major in African American Studies or Women's Studies.
Foundation courses (6 credits)
WMST263/AASP203 Introduction to Black Women's Studies or
WMST265/AASP213 Constructions of Manhood and Womanhood in the Black Community
AASP313/WMST314 Black Women in U.S. History
Distributive Requirements (9 credits)
Area I - Comparative or Non-US Course - indicated by a * below (3 credits)
Area II - Humanities (3 credits)
WMST263/AASP203 Introduction to Black Women's Studies
THET240 African Americans in Film and Theater
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*ENGL362 Caribbean Literature in English
*FREN478B Themes and Movements of French Literature in Translation:
Francophone Women Writers
Area III - Social Sciences (3 credits)
WMST265/AASP213 Constructions of Manhood and Womanhood in the Black
HIST319 Women and the Civil Rights Movement
*WMST360 Caribbean Women
*WMST410 Women of the African Diaspora
WMST488 Senior Seminar: Black Women in the Public Eye
AASP493 Feminist and Nationalist Thought in the Black Community
WMST498 Black Feminist Thought WMST498 Womanisms and Feminisms:
Theories and Methods
AASP483 Gender, Sexuality and the Black Family
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Business Analytics
The Minor in Business Analytics integrates technology with statistical and quantitative modeling
techniques to provide students with the foundation needed for data driven decision making, as
well as for graduate study in the field of Business Analytics. Students with these skills are in
high demand in a variety of industries and sectors including marketing, finance, information
systems, operations, health care and energy. For more information about this minor visit
Chinese Language
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The 15-credit minor in Chinese language will provide students with a sophisticated
understanding of Chinese linguistic knowledge and an upper-level Chinese language skill.
Students attempting this minor will need a strong background in Chinese at the level of Chinese
101 and CHIN102/103, which are prerequisites for some of the required courses. This minor will
be of particular relevance to students with a broad interest in learning Chinese language.
Students interested in taking this minor program should contact the Chinese advisor in the
Department of Asian and East European Languages and Literatures of the School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures.
A: Four 3-credit language courses from among the following - 12 credits
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CHIN201 Intermediate Spoken Chinese I
CHIN202 Intermediate Written Chinese I
CHIN203 Intermediate Spoken Chinese II
CHIN204 Intermediate Written Chinese II
CHIN205 Intermediate Chinese - Accelerated Track
CHIN207 Linguistic Resources for Students of Chinese
CHIN301 Advanced Chinese I
CHIN302 Advanced Chinese II
CHIN305 Life in China through TV Plays I
CHIN306 Life in China through TV Plays II
CHIN321 Classical Chinese
I CHIN322 Classical
Chinese II
CHIN401 Readings in Modern Chinese I
CHIN402 Readings in Modern Chinese II
CHIN408 Classical Chinese II
CHIN411 Business Chinese I
CHIN412 Business Chinese II
CHIN413 Advanced Conversation and Composition
CHIN415 Readings in Current Newspapers and Periodicals
CHIN431 Translation and Interpretation I
CHIN432 Translation and Interpretation II
CHIN441 Traditional Chinese Fiction
CHIN442 Modern Chinese Fiction
B: One 3-credit linguistics-oriented course from the following - 3 credits
CHIN421 Sounds and Transcriptions of Mandarin Chinese
CHIN422 Advanced Chinese Grammar
CHIN423 Chinese Historical Phonology
CHIN424 Linguistics of the Chinese Writing System
CHIN428 Selected Topics in Chinese Linguistics
The course CHIN331 "Chinese Calligraphy: Theory and Practice" may not be used for
the Chinese major or minor.
Students must receive a "C-" or better in all courses used for the minor. 9 of the 15
credits must be 300 or 400 level courses.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
No more than six of the fifteen credits toward the minor may be taken at an institution
other than UMCP.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to: http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
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Classical Mythology
Classics (CLAS)
1210 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-2022
This minor will introduce students to classical mythology, its uses within ancient Greek and
Roman culture, and its subsequent influence on art and literature. The minor requires 15 credits.
Required courses:
CLAS170 Greek and Roman Mythology 3
CLAS470 Approaches to Greek Myth 3
In addition, the student must choose three courses from the following list, two of which must be
at the 3xx or 4xx level. All courses listed are 3 credits.
CLAS270 Greek Literature in Translation
CLAS271 Roman Literature in Translation
CLAS320 Women in Classical Antiquity
CLAS330 Ancient Greek Religion: Gods, Myths, Temples
CLAS331 Ancient Roman Religion: From Jupiter to Jesus
CLAS370 Classical Myths in America
CLAS374 Greek Tragedy in Translation
CLAS419 The Classical Tradition
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
You are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with the undergraduate director in
Classics. Please contact the department chair, Prof. Lillian Doherty ([email protected]).
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering: 18 credits. The minor in Computer Engineering is a program offered
by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The minor will introduce students to
core hardware concepts, such as computer architecture, digital logic design, and digital circuit
design, as well as core software concepts, such as algorithms, discrete mathematics, and
programming. Students will also learn how hardware and software interact at the interface. With
a minor in computer engineering, students will not only receive preparation for entry into the
computer industry, but they will also become more effective at applying computing in their
primary field of study. For more information, please visit the minor website at
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Computer Science
1119 A.V. Williams Building, 301-405-2672
The purpose of the minor in Computer Science is not only to give students a strong foundation in
and understanding of algorithmic reasoning, problem solving methods involving computers and
computation, as well as a solid base to help students adapt to future changes in technology, but to
complement and enhance any student's major program of study.
The minor in Computer Science consists of 15-24 credits; all courses must be completed with a
grade of "C-" or better. MATH140 and CMSC131 are pre-requisites for entrance into the
curriculum for the minor.
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming*
Introduction to Computer Systems*
Discrete Structures*
Organization of Programming Languages
Two of CMSC411, CMSC412, CMSC414, CMSC417, CMSC420,
CMSC421, CMSC422, CMSC423, CMSC424, CMSC426,
CMSC427, CMSC430, CMSC433, CMSC434, CMSC435,
CMSC436, CMSC451, CMSC452, CMSC456, CMSC460,
CMSC466. Note: some of these classes variously have MATH240,
MATH241 or PSYC100 as prerequisites.
* or acceptable score on the CMSC exemption exam.
Students who satisfy all three of 132, 216 and 250 by exemption exam shall take one
additional 400 level class from the approved list. This obligation is in addition to all other
minor requirements.
With prior permission of the Undergraduate Director, and at his/her discretion, at most
one section (3 credits) of CMSC498, Independent Study, may substitute for one of the
two core CS classes at the 400 level. This provision is intended to allow students to
pursue unexpected opportunities for study of interdisciplinary topics having a substantial
computational component complementing their major.
Course combinations:
o Students may not use more than one of CMSC460 or CMSC466 toward the
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Construction Project Management
A. James Clark School of Engineering
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-0234
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Architecture Building, 301-405-8000
A minor in Construction Project Management will prepare students for employment in one of the
many careers related to the built environment, such as project management, architectural
engineering, design and commercial construction. Students will learn how to manage multiple
phases of operation and management in the construction process including building information
modeling, cost estimating, project scheduling, construction financing and planning. The
Construction Project Management minor is ideal for students in Architecture, Engineering and
similar fields. This minor is designed to give students a competitive advantage when applying
for a job in the construction industry.
Admissions Requirements
This Minor is only available to undergraduate students in the A. J. Clark School of Engineering
and the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation who have earned at least 60 credit
hours (Junior standing) and have a Maryland GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Application Process
Interested students must complete an application to the Minor and get approval from his/her
Major advisor and the CPM Minor advisor for his/her school. Students can get an application
from his/her Major advisor or go to: http://pm.umd.edu/program/cpm-minor/ for an online copy.
Engineering – CPM Minor Advisor- Dr. Qingbin Cui: [email protected]
Architecture – CPM Minor Advisor - Heidi Bulich: [email protected]
Course Requirements
The Minor in Construction Project Management consists of 15 credit hours. Students must
complete 5 of the following courses with a grade of "C-" or better and have a minimum 2.0 GPA
for the minor. Students must also complete an internship in the construction industry.
When are the required courses offered?
Core Courses Fall Winter
ENCE 325 - Introduction to Construction Project
ENCE 423 – Project Planning, Estimating &
ENCE 424 – Communication for Project Managers
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ENCE 426 – Construction Documentation and BIM
Applications in Engineering and Construction
ARCH 472– Building Information Modeling
Communication and Collaboration
Electives – Choose 1
ENCE 420 – Selection & Utilization of Construction
ENCE 421 – Legal Aspects of Architectural &
Engineering Practice
ENCE 422 – Project Cost Accounting & Economics
ARCH 430 – Measuring Sustainability in Architecture
ARCH 462 – Methods & Materials of Building
ARCH 467 – Integrated Project Delivery
Creative Writing
1128 Tawes Hall, (301) 405-3825
The minor in Creative Writing offers students the opportunity to engage deeply with their own
writing and that of their peers in a graduated series of workshops led by professional writers of
poetry and prose.
The Creative Writing minor's 15 credits consist of the following:
Three credits at the 200-level (ENGL271 or ENGL272 or ENGL273 or
Three credits at the 300-level (ENGL352 or ENGL353)
Six credits at the 400-level (two sections of ENGL498 or of ENGL499)
Three credits in any 300 or 400 level English literature course.
After admission to the minor, students choose to specialize in either prose (352, 498) or poetry
(353, 499). Students admitted directly to a 300-level workshop must take three workshops (9
credits) at the 400-level.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of C- or better. An overall GPA
of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
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To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Earth History
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
The undergraduate minor in Earth History recognizes concentrated study in this designated field
in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of a minor will be
noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and is administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director. A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses
required for the minor. See www.geol.umd.edu for more information.
GEOL100/110 or
Physical Geology/Lab, or
Environmental Geology/Lab
Historical Geology
Three from:
Principles of Paleontology
Structural Geology
Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
Principles of Biogeochemisty
Global Climate Change: Past & Present
Special Problems in Geology
Earth Material Properties
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
The undergraduate minor in Earth Material Properties recognizes concentrated study in this
designated field in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of
a minor will be noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
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This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and is administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director. A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses
required for the minor. See www.geol.umd.edu for more information.
One of the following:
o GEOL100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
o GEOL120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL322 Mineralogy (4)
Plus three from:
o GEOL341 Structural Geology (4)
o GEOL423 Optical Mineralogy (4)
o GEOL443 Petrology (4)
o GEOL445 High Temperature Geochemistry (3)
GEOL456 Engineering Geology (3), or
GEOL457 Seismology (3)
o GEOL499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
Secondary Education
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)
2311 Benjamin Building, 301-405-3324
The minor in Secondary Education provides opportunities for undergraduate subject area majors
to enroll in a sequence of education courses that helps them to determine if teaching is a viable
career option for them. The 15-18 credit minor may be taken prior to admission into a teacher
preparation program. If an undergraduate student pursuing the minor desires to enter an
education track, the candidate may apply for the dual major program to obtain certification as a
secondary education classroom teacher through completion of a Maryland State Department of
Education (MSDE) approved program option. Some of the courses undergraduates take to
complete the Minor in Secondary Education may also be applicable toward certification options
at the post-baccalaureate level offered through TLPL. These individuals should consult with an
advisor in Student Services to identify the most appropriate option leading to teacher
certification and to review the specific admission requirements associated with these programs.
The secondary education minor includes coursework from Teaching and Learning, Policy and
Leadership. The curriculum provides a foundation in adolescent development and education
policy and includes an introductory pedagogy course in one of the core secondary areas: English,
Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, World Languages. The minor also incorporates
coursework to meet the MSDE reading requirements that are part of secondary subject area
teacher certification.
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Courses required for the minor are:
Adolescent Development
Cognition and Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas I
Reading in the Secondary School
Select one of the following foundation courses:
Education in Contemporary American Society OR
Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education OR
Foundations of Education
Select one of the following secondary education introductory methods:
Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education: English OR
Methods I: K-12 Foreign Language Methods and Technology OR
Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics OR
Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science OR
Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Secondary Social Studies
Other Electives (optional):
EDCI280 - Looking Inside Schools and Classrooms (3)
EDCI386 - Experiential Learning (3)
A total of 15 credits is required. All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade
of "C-" or better. A cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required for enrollment in the secondary
education introductory methods courses (EDCI410, 411, 416, 426, 457). No more than six of the
required credits (or two courses) may be taken at an institution other than the University of
Maryland, College Park.
Second Language Education
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)
2311 Benjamin Building, 301-405-3324
The minor in Second Language Education provides opportunities for undergraduate subject area
majors to complete a sequence of courses that helps them prepare for careers as teachers of
English as a second language in US schools and/or prepare them for roles as teachers of English
as a foreign language in international settings. If the undergraduate pursuing the minor desires
to enter the ESOL teacher preparation track, the candidate may apply for the Five Year
Integrated Program option or the one year MCERT Program option; in either case, satisfactorily
completed courses in the minor that meet program requirements will be applied to the
certification program requirements. Individuals should consult with an advisor in Student
Services to identify the most appropriate option leading to teacher certification and to review the
specific admission requirements associated with that program.
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The minor in Second Language Education includes coursework from Curriculum and Instruction
and Human Development. The curriculum provides a foundation in second language learning
and pedagogy, adolescent learning, cross-cultural issues and understanding, and curricular and
pedagogical issues which support reading and writing in a second language context. A number
of the courses include field components that provide candidates with direct experience in
working with second language learners. The minor incorporates coursework required for
TESOL certification from the Maryland State Department of Education.
Courses required for the minor are:
English Grammar Pedagogy for Teachers of English Language Learners
Issues in the Education of English Language Learners
Adolescent Development
Pedagogy of Teaching English Language Learners
Teaching English Language Learners Reading and Writing in the
Secondary Content Areas
Understanding Cross Cultural Communication for Teaching English
Language Learners
* courses that include required field experiences
Engineering Leadership Development
A. James Clark School of Engineering
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall, 301-405-0234
The goal of the minor in Engineering Leadership Development is to prepare engineering students
for leadership roles in industry and to develop the skill most attractive to employers. The minor
will complement the technical skills and knowledge students acquire during their engineering
coursework to better prepare them to engage in leadership within industry. Students may earn a
minor and a notation on their official transcript by completing coursework which focuses on
communication, leadership theory, global awareness, project management, understanding
oneself, and working effectively with others.
The minor in Engineering Leadership Development consists of 16 credit hours. A maximum of
six credits may also count toward the student's major, and no more than six credits may be taken
at an institution other than the University of Maryland, College Park. All courses counted toward
the minor must be completed with a "C-" or better. The following courses are required:
ENES317: Introduction to Engineering Leadership (3 credits)
ENCE320: Engineering Project Management (3 credits)
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ENES472: International Business Cultures in Engineering and Technology (3 credits)
ENES424: Engineering Leadership Capstone Course (3 credits)
EDHI338: Intergroup Dialogue (1 credit)
Elective: Requires advisor approval (3 credits)
Note: ENES317, ENCE320, and ENES472 must be taken before ENES424.
Contact the minor advisor, Ramsey Jabaji ([email protected]), or visit the web
at www.ilp.umd.edu for more information.
Environmental Economics and Policy
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC)
2200 Symons Hall
This minor provides students with economic knowledge to apply to analysis and understanding
of environmental and resource policies. AREC382 and the 400-level courses are a truncated
version of the upper-level course requirements of the AREC major. These courses focus
particularly on economic analysis relevant to environmental policy analysis. AREC332 is a
course intended primarily for non-AREC majors. AREC240 is an introductory course giving
students an overview of the subject. AREC382 and AREC455 are required courses in the ENSP
environmental economics concentration; AREC445 is on a list of restricted electives in that
concentration. AREC240 and AREC332 can be used to meet ENSP core requirements for all
ENSP concentrations.
The Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem: Intersection
of Science, Economics, and Policy
Introduction to Economics and the
Environment OR
Elements of Agricultural and Resource
Computer-based Analysis in Agricultural and
Resource Economics
Agricultural Development, Population Growth,
and the Environment
Natural Resources and Public Policy
The Economics of Climate Change
Economics of Land Use
Econometric Applications in Agricultural and
Natural Resource Economics
Please choose five courses from the list
above. Nine credits must be at the 300-400 level.
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Another AREC course can be substituted for one
of the courses listed with permission of
Undergraduate Advisor.
Total Credits
French Studies
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
This 18-credit minor will provide students with a solid overview of linguistic, cultural, and
literary aspects of the study of French.
Courses required for the minor, in this order, are:
FREN204, FREN250, FREN301
Following completion of this core sequence, students will choose three (3) courses from the
FREN302 or FREN303
FREN311 or 312
FREN351, 352, and any 4XX-level course/s*
* Starting in Fall 2013 one 4xx-level elective is required for completion of the minor in French
All courses must be in French.
A maximum of six (6) credits can be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions, with the exception of Maryland in Nice, which allows the transfer of nine (9)
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
Students who matriculated in Fall 2012 or later must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0
within their minor in order to graduate.
Students who begin their study as native/fluent speakers should seek the advice of the
advisor before choosing the courses they will use to replace the core minor courses.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
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General Business
The General Business minor provides the business savvy to complement the depth of knowledge
acquired in the students' chosen area of major, so they excel in their careers after graduation.
Note: The General Business minor is not open to declared Business majors. For more
information about this minor visit http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/undergraduate-
Germanic Language, Literature and Culture
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
This minor will provide students with an in-depth understanding of German Language and
Literature as a source of Culture. Building on these essentials, students can concentrate on
Language, Literature, Culture, or a combination of these fields. This will be accomplished by
taking 5 courses beyond GERM203 or its equivalent. Students will determine, in close
consultation with the German undergraduate advisor, how to constitute their own concentration.
Minor Requirements:
15 credits - 5 courses beyond GERM203 or its equivalent
Courses taught in German beyond 203 or its equivalent
3 of these 5 courses (9 hours) must be 3xx or 4xx level: one language, one literature, and
one culture
Prerequisites: GERM103 and 203 are required, or their equivalents as determined through
departmental advising
All courses must be passed with a grade of "C-" or higher.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Geology (GEOL)

1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365

The undergraduate minor in Geochemistry recognizes concentrated study in this designated field
in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of a minor will be
noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
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This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and is administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director. A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses
required for the minor. See www.geol.umd.edu for more information.
One of the following:
o GEOL100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
o GEOL120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL322 Mineralogy (4)
One of the following:
o GEOL444 Low Temperature Geochemistry (4)
o GEOL445 High Temperature Geochemistry (4)
Plus two from:
o GEOL435 Environmental Geochemistry (3)
o GEOL436 Biogeochemistry (3)
o GEOL443 Petrology (4)
o GEOL444 Low Temperature Geochemistry (4) (if not used to satisfy requirement
o GEOL445 High Temperature Geochemistry (4) (if not used to satisfy requirement
o GEOL471 Geochemical Methods of Analysis (3)
o GEOL499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
Geographic Information Science
Geographical Sciences (GEOG)
2108M LeFrak Hall, 301-405-4073
Non-Geography Major Required Courses
or GEOG202
Geography of Environmental Systems/Lab or
The World in Cultural Perspective
3 or
Introduction to Geographic Methods for the Geographic
Environmental Sciences
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems
One from:
Conceptualizing and Modeling Human-Environmental
Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis
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Geographic Information Systems and
Spatial Analysis
Computer Cartography
Object-Oriented Computer Programming for GIS
Total Credits
Geography Major Required Courses
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the Geographic
Environment Sciences
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems
Introduction to Computer Programming for GIS
One from
Conceptualizing and Modeling Human-Environmental
Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis
Geographic Information Systems and Spaial Analsysis
Computer Cartography
Object-Oriented Computer Programming for GIS
Total Credits
Student must achieve a "C-" or better in each course applied to the minor in Geographic
Information Systems. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across
all courses used to satisfy the minor requirements.
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
Depending on the courses taken, there are a total of 16-18 credits required for the minor in
Geophysics (also see prerequisites.)
Physical Geology/Lab, OR
Environmental Geology/Lab
Any two of the following:
Observational Geophysics
Two from:
Structural Geology
Geology of the Terrestrial Planets
Geophysics (if not used to satisfy requirement above)
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Observational Geophysics (if not used to satisfy requirement
Marine Geophysics
Engineering Geology
Seismology (if not used to satisfy requirement above)
Special Problems in Geology
All Geology minors are an appropriate disciplinary combination with Astronomy, Computer
Science, Mathematics, or Physics majors within CMNS. The minors are also appropriate for
majors outside the college with appropriate matches including, but not limited to:
Geography/Remote Sensing (Surficial Geology)
Engineering and Material Sciences (Earth Material Properties)
Evolutionary Biology and Physical Anthropology (Earth History)
Biology, Biological Diversity, and Ecology (Earth History, Hydrology)
Global Poverty
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC)
2200 Symons Hall
Students must complete at least 15 credits in the Minor including at least one of the following
Signature courses in the Global Poverty Minor:
AREC345 Global Poverty and Economic Development (3 credits)
AREC365 World Hunger, Population, and Food Supplies (3 credits)
and at least one signature course from another track in the Global Studies Minor Program:
BSST330 Terrorist Motivations and Behaviors (3 credits)
ENES472 International Business Cultures in Engineering and Technology (3 credits)
GEOG130 Developing Countries (3 credits)
GEOG330 As the World Turns: Society and Sustainability in a Time of Great Change (3
GVPT306 Global Ecopolitics (3 credits)
The remaining credits must be completed from the following:
AREC445 Agricultural Development, Population Growth and the Environment (3 credits)
ANTH265 Anthropology of Global Health (3 credits)
GVPT282 Politics and the Developing World (3 credits)
GVPT350 International Relations of the Third World (3 credits)
GEOG423 Latin America (3 credits)
ECON314 Economic History, Development and Policy (3 credits)
ECON315 Economic Development of Underdeveloped Areas (3 credits)
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ECON317 Global Economic Policies (3 credits)
ECON375 Economics of Poverty and Discrimination (3 credits)
ECON416 Theory of Economic Development (3 credits)
ECON418 Economic Development of Selected Areas(3 credits)
ENST100 International Crop Production-Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century (3 credits)
FMSC381 Poverty, Affluence, and Families (3 credits)
GEOG130 Developing Countries (3 credits)
HIST496 Africa Since Independence (3 credits)
HONR228N Evaluating Global Development Assistance (3 credits)
HONR228R Parenting and Poverty: The Effects of Growing Up Poor on Children's
Development (3 credits)
NFSC425 International Nutrition (3 credits)
3 credits of study abroad or 3 credits of an internship or experiential learning related to poverty
and approved by advisor.
A second Global Poverty signature course and additional signature courses from another Global
Studies Minor may serve as electives provided they are not being used to satisfy the
requirements of a different minor. Students may also propose other courses to meet the elective
requirement. No course may be used to satisfy the requirements of more than one minor.
At least 9 credits must be at the 300-400 level.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. Beginning
with students matriculating in Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate degree, students must
have a minimum C (2.00) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy minor
Global Studies
The Global Studies Minor Program provides opportunities for students from any discipline or
major to study how evolving global connections affect the well-being of people throughout the
world. Students in this interdisciplinary program develop an understanding and appreciation of
how and why interactions across national and ethnic borders are shaped by language, culture,
politics, economic development, and conflict.
The program is comprised of a number of specialization tracks which address issues from the
perspective of different disciplines. The tracks are:
International Development and Conflict Management
International Engineering (http://www.ilp.umd.edu/coursework)
Global Poverty (http://arec.umd.edu/undergraduate/minors/global-poverty)
Global Terrorism (http://www.start.umd.edu/)
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All students choose one course from a set of "signature" courses outside of their chosen track for
exposure to major global issues addressed by the other Global Studies Minors. The minors
provide an opportunity for an experiential component within a student's elective courses,
including a study abroad experience. The Global Studies Minor Program includes special
activities that involve students across the minors, such as special speaker forums, participation in
major events, and experiences in Washington, D.C.
Global Terrorism
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)
Route One Annex, Suite 250, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740
The Global Terrorism program focuses on exploring the origins and motivations of terrorism
based on theoretical understandings of individual and group behavior. Students also explore the
impacts of the threat of terrorism on individuals and communities as well as strategies for
preventing, deterring, mitigating, and responding to terrorist threats. For more information about
the minor, please visit: www.start.umd.edu
Students are required to take the following five courses:
BSST327: Introduction to Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat (1 credit). This course
focuses on bringing current events and policy issues related to terrorism and
counterterrorism, as they are discussed in mass media, into the dialogue with academic
theories and research. Through a discussion-based seminar, students will bring current,
terrorism-related events to classroom discussion, where they will consider the media-
framed current events in relation to academic research. Students will be continually
challenged to draw connections between terrorism-related events in the news and relevant
academic research.
BSST330: Terrorist Motivations and Behaviors (3 credits). Explores theories
explaining the formation of terrorist groups and the motivations behind terrorist behavior,
building upon theories from social psychology, sociology, political science, criminology,
and history.
BSST331: Responses to Terrorism (3 credits). Exploes the manners in which a variety
of different actors respond to both terrorist incidents and the threat of terrrorism.
Examines local responses to terrorist incidents; local impacts of terrorism including
effects on individaul and group attitudes and behaviors; policy decisions made in
response to both terrorist attacks and the threat of terrorism; terrorism prevention,
deterrence, interdiction, and mitigation efforts; and individual and community recovery
from terrorist attacks.
BSST335: Innovations in Countering Violent Extremism (3 credits). Develop
solutions to community-based radicalization through a blend of entrepreneurial, Design
Thinking strategies and terrorist disengagement theories. Co-taught by START's
Executive Director and Education Director, this course asks students to design original
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programs targeting real-world, at-risk communities. Students will present their programs
to a panel of experts.
BSST386: Experiential Education in Terrorism Studies (minimum of 3 credits). This
course will supplement student's experiential learning experience, or internship in the
field of terrorism studies and homeland security with guided reflection on their
In addition to the four required BSST courses, students must take 3 elective credits from within
the Terrorism Studies Department (BSST) that is not otherwise a minor requirement.
To satisfy the final requirement, students must also enroll in one Global Studies Signature
Course, to be selected from the following list of approved courses:
AREC345: Global Poverty and Economic Development. This interdisciplinary course
explores social and economic development around the world. Topics include geography,
democratization, political stability and conflict, health and education, agricultural
development, micro-entrepreneurship, and an introduction to impact evaluation methods
used to evaluate the efficacy of public policy aimed at alleviating poverty.
AREC365: World Hunger, Population, and Food Supplies. An introduction to the
problem of world hunger and possible solutions to it. World demand, supply, and
distribution of food. Alternatives for leveling off world food demand, increasing the
supply of food, and improving its distribution. Environmental limitations to increasing
world food production.
ENES472: International Business Cultures in Engineering and Technology. The goal
is to provide students with an understanding of cultural aspects pertaining to global
business and engineering and develop the cultural understanding, attitudes, and
communication skills needed to function appropriately within an increasingly global and
multicultural working environment.
GEOG130: Developing Countries. An introduction to the geographic characteristics of
the development problems and prospects of developing countries. Spatial distribution of
poverty, employment, migration and urban growth, agricultural productivity, rural
development, policies and international trade. Portraits of selected developing countries.
GEOG330: As the World Turns: Society and Sustainability in a Time of Great
Change. Cultural geography course on society and sustainability of societies on different
scales, examining local, regional, and worldwide issues. Sustainability will be examined
as a key element of environmental sustainability. How societies adjust to rapid world
change will be examined as a positive and/or negative factor in sustainability.
GVPT306: Global Environmental Politics. Focus on three processes of international
environmental policy development - identifying problems, negotiating solutions, and
implementing agreements - through a range of case studies including global climate
All courses used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a grade of "C-"
or better. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across all courses
used to satisfy the minor requirements.
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Greek Language and Culture
Department of Classics
This minor may be earned in EITHER the ancient or the modern Greek language (not a
combination). In completing it, the student will reach an intermediate or advanced level of
proficiency in the language and will also be introduced to the history and culture of Greece.
The minor requires 9 to15 credits in ancient OR modern Greek language courses, i.e., courses
with the GREK prefix; at least one language course must be at the 3xx or 4xx level. All the
language courses counted toward the minor must be in either ancient OR modern Greek, not a
The minor also requires 3 to 6 credits in courses taught in English; these may focus on either
ancient or modern Greek literature, history, and culture.
As required for all minors, at least 9 credits overall must be in courses at the 3xx or 4xx level.
The grade point average in the minor must be at least 2.0 and no grade below "C-" can be
counted toward the minor. A maximum of 6 credits may be counted toward both the minor
and the student's major. A maximum of 6 credits earned at other institutions may be counted
toward the minor.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, contact the department chair, Dr. Lillian
Doherty ([email protected]). She will put you in touch with the undergraduate director in
Hearing and Speech Sciences
Hearing and Speech Sciences (HESP)
0100 LeFrak Hall, 301-405-4213
This course sequence acquaints students with the primary basic science background in the
speech, language and hearing sciences, and permits students to select two courses in the specific
professional areas of speech language pathology or audiology.
This minor serves two different purposes:
1. A minor in HESP can be used to compliment a major in a related field such as Special
Education, Human Development, Linguistics, Psychology, Education or a Foreign Language. It
allows a student to understand the relationship between speech, language and hearing, normal
development, and their related disorders. It also encourages collaboration between this discipline
and related ones.
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2. This minor can also be utilized for students who are in other majors but have decided to
pursue graduate studies in either Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology. These courses
are widely viewed as potential pre-requisites to such programs and constitute a proportion but
not all of the pre-requisites needed for eventual certification with an M.A. in Speech-Language
Pathology or an Au. D. in Audiology. Because both graduate programs and the American
Speech Language Hearing Association require additional coursework, the student pursuing a
HESP Minor for this purpose is strongly encouraged to meet with the HESP Academic Advisor
to ensure that eventual educational goals are properly addressed.
The HESP minor DOES NOT qualify an individual to work professionally as a Speech-
Language Pathologist, or an Audiologist, but does provide a proportion but not all of the
coursework required to practice in the State of Maryland as a Speech-Language Pathology
Requirements for the HESP minor include the following coursework:
All students must take the following six courses:
HESP202-Introduction to Hearing and Speech Sciences
HESP300-Introduction to Psycholinguistics
HESP400-Child Language Acquisition
HESP407-Hearing Science
PLUS 2 courses in one of the two elective areas:
Elective option 1 (Speech-Language Pathology Focus)
HESP305-Anatomy/Physiology of the Speech Mechanism, and
One Disorder class. Choice of one of (HESP402, 404, 406, 410)
Elective option 2 (Audiology focus)
HESP311-Anatomy/Physiology/Pathology of the Auditory Mechanism, and
HESP411-Introduction to Audiology
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As with HESP majors, students must obtain a grade of "C-" or better in a class in order to
enroll in any courses that require that class as a pre-requisite.
Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across all courses
used to satisfy the minor requirements.
This course sequence acquaints the student with the primary basic science background in
the speech, language and hearing sciences, and permits the student to select two courses
in the specific professional areas of speech, language or hearing, based on the student's
primary interest area.
The History Minor is designed to introduce students to the broad field of historical study, both by
deepening their knowledge and understanding of the past and by developing their ability to do
critical, historically-minded analysis. In working with both primary and secondary texts, students
will hone their skills in research methods, critical thinking, and expository/analytical writing.
The requirement that courses are distributed across geographic fields and chronological periods
ensures that students consider the variety and range of historical experiences. History courses
must be completed with a grade of C- or better to count toward the minor. Additionally, a
minimum GPA of 2.0 is required across all courses counted toward the minor.
Participating students must complete 18 credits (6 courses) in History.
The courses must be distributed in at least 2 geographic fields (Asia, Europe, United
States, Middle East, etc.).
The courses must include at least one course in each of two chronological periods (pre-
A minimum of 9 credits (3 courses) must be taken at the 3xx or 4xx-level.
No more than 3 credits (1 course) may be taken at the 1xx-level.
No more than 3 credits (1 course) may be fulfilled by AP, IB, or transfer credit.
A student may use a maximum of 6 credits (2 courses) to satisfy requirements for both a
major and a minor. Courses completed for one minor may not be used to satisfy the
requirements for another minor.
Any student is eligible to pursue the minor, with the exception of a student majoring in
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
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Human Development
3304 Benjamin Building, 301-405-2827
The Human Development Undergraduate Minor provides a rigorous foundation in Human
Development for students who wish to support their major field of study with knowledge of
human growth and development across multiple domains and developmental stages, as well as
knowledge related to principles of teaching and learning and/or who desire active participation in
human development research under the supervision of Human Development faculty in laboratory
settings. Students with a 2.0 minimum grade point average may seek enrollment in the program,
during which they must complete 15-24 credits of coursework. Only courses in which the student
has earned a grade of "C-" or higher will count toward the minor. Students must take EDHD306
and choose other courses from at least two of the other areas of human development study,
including Lifespan, Cognitive and Social. Students who have taken FMSC332 will be required to
choose a course other than EDHD411 from the list of courses available in Area 4: Lifespan.
Students who apply to the Minor and who have taken FMSC302 may substitute that course for
EDHD306. At least nine credits must be at the 300 or 400 level.
Students interested in taking this minor should contact the Office of Student Services in the
College of Education. Please email [email protected] or call 301-405-2364 for more
information or to arrange an advising appointment. The Student Services office is located in
Room 1204, Benjamin.
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Course selections might include three credits of EDHD319 (Selected Topics in HD), EDHD386
(Experiential Learning), or EDHD498 (Special Problems in Education). These courses involve
directed study with a faculty advisor.
*EDHD306 cannot be excluded from any course plan. It is required for all EDHD minors.
General Education Designations: History and Social Science (EDHD 201, 221, 230, 231, 320,
400, 411, 413, 440, & 460); Analytical Reasoning (EDHD306, EDMS451); Understanding
Plural Societies (EDHD230); I-Series (EDHD 221, EDHD 231).
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CORE Designations: EDHD230, HONR219Y, HONR228R
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
An undergraduate minor in Hydrology recognizes concentrated study in a designated field in the
College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of a minor will be noted
on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and is administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director.
A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses required for the minor. See
www.geol.umd.edu for more information.
Minor Requirements
Physical Geology/Lab, or
Environmental Geology/Lab
Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology
Two from:
Principles of Biogeochemisty
Low Temperature Geochemistry
Ecosystem Restoration, or
Environmental Geochemistry
Special Problems in Geology
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
The Innovation & Entrepreneurship minor equips students with the knowledge and skills to ramp
up their own businesses, as well as to innovate and think creatively about problem-solving and
strategy. For more information about this minor visit
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International Development and Conflict Management (MIDCM)
2117 Chincoteague Hall
MIDCM is a 16-credit, undergraduate program of instruction for students with academic and
professional interests in the fields of international development and conflict management – and
their intersections.
Applications to MIDCM are accepted in the Spring and accepted students begin the program the
following Fall. Students applying for the program must be entering their sophomore, junior, or
senior year of undergraduate study. Applicants must be full-time students in good standing, with
a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better. Up to 70 students are accepted into the program each year.
Requirements for the minor include the following coursework:
Required Courses
International Development and Conflict Management
Capstone in International Conflict Management
Capstone in International Development
Global Studies Signature Elective course from approved list
One research methodology course from approved list
Behavioral and Social Sciences Special Topics: CIDCM
Minor Practicum
Total Credits
Note: Six credits (or two courses) can be double counted for your major and the minor. Classes
must generally be completed after acceptance into the minor program, with the exception of the
signature elective and methods requirements.
All courses used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a grade of "C-"
or better. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across all courses
used to satisfy the minor requirements.
International Engineering
A.James Clark School of Engineering (ENGR)
1131 Glenn L Martin Hall, 301-405-0234
In addition to a strong engineering background, there is a need for engineers with cross-cultural
experience and foreign language abilities. Students may earn the minor by completing a course
in International Business Cultures for Engineering and Technology, a Global Studies Minor
Program signature course, and additional courses in language, culture studies, or internationally
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related studies, plus an engineering experience abroad. Contact the minor advisor, Jane Fines
([email protected]) or visit the web at www.ilp.umd.edu for more information. Students who
fulfill minor requirements will receive a notation on their official transcript.
Israel Studies
Minor in Israel Studies
Students doing a Minor in Israel Studies will study the history, culture and political structure of
Israel and its place in the Middle East. Students from all majors are encouraged to apply.
Program Requirements
The minor consists of 15 credits, and is organized around the following requirements:
Required Core Courses (9 Credits)
History of Zionism and the State of Israel
Seminar in Israel Studies seminar topics change each
Middle East Studies
One course in the area of Middle East Studies
(see following list)
To fulfill the Middle East Studies requirement, students must take one of the courses listed below
or a comparable course. Courses within ISRL cannot be counted for this requirement. This list is
not complete; other courses may be substituted with the approval of the Advisor. Students may
also take one additional course from this list as an elective for credit toward the Minor.
The Arab World Today through Readings in
Islamic Civilization
Crisis and Change in the Middle East
prereq: one prior History
History of the Ottoman Empire
Contemporary Middle Eastern Politics
prereq: GVPT280 or 282
*A comparable course at another university may substitute for this; consult the Minor Advisor
** Other courses in Middle East Studies at UMD or elsewhere may be substituted for those on
this list in consultation with the Advisor. HIST, COMM, GVPT, and SLLC all regularly offer
special topics courses on the Middle East.
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Elective Courses (6 Credits)
JWST142 Introduction to Modern Israel
ISRL289I Fundamental Questions of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
ISRL448A: Israeli Politics and Government
ISRL448B: Israeli Society
ISRL449 Advanced Topics in Israel Studies
*HEBR111, 112, 211, 212
*ARAB104, 105, 107, 204, 205, 207, 304, 305
JWST304 Critical Approaches to Israeli Culture
HEBR313 Conversation and Composition I
HEBR314 Conversation and Composition II
HEBR381 Introduction to Hebrew Cultural Studies (taught in Hebrew)
HEBR382 Israeli Media (taught in Hebrew)
JWST478 Readings in Modern Hebrew (if topic appropriate: must be approved)
JWST471 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation
JWST249 Special Topics in Israel Studies
JWST349 Special Topics in Israel Studies
JWST449 Advanced Special Topics in Israel Studies
JWST488 Independent Study in Israel Studies
* No more than 3 credits of language instruction below the 3xx-level may be credited
toward the Minor.
Special Topics in Israel: (Topics change on an annual/semester basis, generally taught by
distinguished visiting faculty.)
· ISRL249: Special Topics in Israel Studies
· ISRL349: Special Topics in Israel Studies
· ISRL449: Advanced Topics in Israel Studies
Special Topics in recent years have included: The Arab-Israeli Conflict through Film;
Introduction to Israeli Cinema; Immigration & Ethnicity in Israel; Israel Politics and Society;
Women and Gender in Israel; Public Culture in Israel; Israel Society as Seen Through
Literature & Culture; Cultural Diversity and Multiple Identities in Contemporary Israeli
Society; Society Politics and Mass Media in Israel; The Theater of Terror: Modern Terrorism
and Mass Media; Israeli Politics for Young Leaders, and more.
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Other appropriate courses may be taken as electives if approved by the Israel Studies
· Coursework must include at least 9 3xx or 4xx-level credits, of which 6 of
those credits MUST be taken at University of Maryland. These include credits
earned in UM Study Abroad programs.
· A student may use a maximum of 6 credits (two courses) to satisfy
requirements for both a major and a minor. Courses completed for one minor,
may not be used to satisfy the requirements for another minor.
· No courses with an earned grade below “C-” may count towards the minor.
· An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
· Up to 2 courses may be taken at another university if the courses are
approved by the Israel Studies Advisor. These would include credits earned in
non-UM Study Abroad Programs.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor go
to: www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
Students should also contact Prof. Paul Scham, Israel Studies Advisor
4141 Susquehanna Hall
College Park, MD 20742
Or visit: www.israelstudies.umd.edu
Italian Language and Culture
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The minor in Italian Language and Culture is an official recognition that a student has reached a
certain level of proficiency in the target language. The minor will serve as a validation to
potential employers of the student's proficiency in Italian.
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18 credits are required for this minor:
Prerequisite: Successful completion of ITAL203 Intensive Intermediate Italian
Minor Requirements
ITAL204 Review Grammar and Composition
ITAL207 Reading and Writing in Italian
ITAL211 Intermediate Conversation
ITAL301 Italian Composition and Style
ITAL311 Italian Conversation: Current Events
One additional course taught in Italian at the 3xx or 4xx level
All courses must be taught in Italian
A maximum of six (6) credits can be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions, with the exception of the Study Abroad Program in Italy, which allows the
transfer of nine (9) credits.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
Students who begin their study as native/fluent speakers should seek the advice of the
Italian advisor before choosing the courses they will use to replace the core minor
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
This 15-credit minor is designed to provide a concentration in Japanese language and an
introduction to the academic fields of Japanese literature and linguistics. Additionally, the minor
will allow Japanese heritage speakers the opportunity to engage in language study for special
purposes (such as Business Japanese, Diplomatic Translation, or Classical Japanese) as well as in
the study of Japanese linguistics and literature.
Requirements for the 15 credit minor in Japanese include:
A. Japanese Language Acquisition (6)
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B. Japanese Linguistics (3)
C. Japanese Literature/Cultural Studies (3)
D. An additional 3 credits of student's choice from one of the three lists above.
At least nine of the fifteen hours must be at the 3xx or 4xx level.
Students must receive a "C-" or better in all courses used for the minor.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
No more than 6 of the 15 credits toward the minor may be taken at an institution other
than UMCP.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies Program (JWST)
4141 Susquehanna Hall, 301-405-4975
The Minor in Jewish Studies offers a broad overview of the principal aspects of Jewish Studies
as a field. Students are encouraged to take courses in a variety of areas through a combination of
required fields and general electives.
Requirements - 15 credits are to be distributed as follows:
3 credits
3 credits
Thought, Religion, or Culture
3 credits
6 credits
A minimum of 9 credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx-level.
All credits must be earned with a grade of "C-" or above.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A list of qualifying courses in each category is available from the Director of the Jewish
Studies program.
Up to 3 credits of 1xx or 2xx-level Hebrew or Yiddish language study may be credited
toward the minor. In exceptional cases, students may petition to have other languages
Students enrolled in the Jewish Studies Major are not eligible to enroll in the minor.
At least 6 credits of 3xx or 4xx-level credit must be taken at the University of Maryland.
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No more than 6 credits may be taken at an institution other than Maryland.
In keeping with University policy, no more than 6 credits may also be applied to a major.
Korean Studies
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The Korean Studies Minor will provide students with a basic knowledge of Korea and its
language and culture. Five 3-credit courses are required, and three of the five must be at the 3xx
or 4xx level. This minor is open to both heritage and non-heritage students alike. Those
interested should contact the faculty in the Korean Language Program for advising.
15 credits are required for the minor:
A. Korean language and language-related courses:
Two 3-credit courses devoted specifically to Korean language or language-related studies. Both
must be at the second-year level or above. Courses that fit this description include the following:
Intermediate Korean I
Intermediate Korean II
Introductory Reading for Speakers of Korean I
Introductory Reading for Speakers of Korean II
History of the Korean Language
Introduction to Korean Linguistics
Korean for Heritage Speakers, Advanced-Low I
Korean for Heritage Speakers, Advanced-Low II
Korean Language and Linguistics
B. Korea-related courses:
Three 3-credit courses in Korea-related studies from fields such as history, sociology, and art
history. At least one of these courses must have broad East Asian content to provide breadth to
the minor. (Examples of such East Asian courses are marked with an asterisk.)
Korean History
Contemporary South Korean Society
East Asian Civilization I
East Asian Civilization II
Asian Age in World History
The Languages of East Asia
Politics of Japan and Northeast Asia
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ARTH 290*
Art of Asia
Other Korea-related courses may be used to satisfy the requirements, subject to the
approval of the Korean Program advisor.
Three of the five required courses must be at the 3xx or 4xx level.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
No more than six credits can overlap with the major, and no more than six credits can
come from off-campus (study abroad, transfer, etc.).
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to: www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
Landscape Management
Plant Sciences (PLSC)
2139 Plant Sciences Building, 301-405-4359
Advisor: Dennis Nola, [email protected]
The Landscape Management minor provides students with a foundation in plant sciences and
business management. The required science courses lead to an integrative understanding of plant
growth and development and the plant's responses to its environment. These courses also teach
students the skills needed to recommend best management practices and to identify plant
abnormalities in the landscape. The business courses in this minor foster an understanding of the
business structure, human resource management and financial management associated with
landscape management companies.
All courses presented in this minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better. To complete
this minor, students will be expected to complete an 18-19 credit course sequence. Students
should also be aware that many of the courses in this minor list PLSC100, Introduction to
Horticulture, as a prerequisite.
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes I
Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes II
Introduction to Turf Management
Financial Applications for the Green Industry
Environmental Horticulture
Select one of the following courses:
Introduction to Agriculture and the Environment
Elements of Agricultural and Resource Economics
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Farm Management
Principles of Accounting I
Total Credits: A minimum of 18 or 19 credits is required to complete this minor. (Depending
on which AREC or BMGT course is chosen)
A student may use a maximum of six credits (or two courses) to satisfy the requirements
of both a major and a minor. In the event that more than six credits of coursework listed
above are required in the student's major, he or she should contact the Landscape
Management faculty advisor for course substitutions.
This minor is particularly relevant to students who are interested in pursuing a career in
the landscape industry. Landscape architecture, environmental science and policy, and
life science majors can readily complete these minor requirements within their four-year
Students from the business school and social sciences who are seeking managerial careers
in this rapidly-expanding service industry would also find this minor to be relevant.
Latin Language and Literature
Department of Classics
This minor introduces students to the Latin language and enables them to read, in Latin,
important works of Latin literature. For students with no prior experience of Latin, the minor
requires 21 credits, consisting of the following courses:
Elementary Latin I
Elementary Latin II
Intermediate Latin
Two reading courses chosen from the following: Plautus, Petronius, Ovid
or Horace and Catullus
A reading course in a major Latin author
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
Students who enter with advanced standing in Latin can complete the minor by taking a total of
five courses in Latin at the 2xx level and beyond. To make an appointment to explore or declare
a minor, contact the department chair, Dr. Lillian Doherty ([email protected]). She will put
you in touch with the undergraduate director in Classics.
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Law and Society
Law and Society Minor
0101 Taliaferro Hall
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
The minor in Law and Society focuses on exploring the relationship between law and society.
There is a focus on how law is viewed in a practical and pragmatic way. It focuses on the intent
and the experience that the law brings into various industries and society as a whole. The minor
is intended for students interested in expanding their knowledge and skills of laws and the effect
of laws in any industry. The minor is appropriate for students in preparation for law school,
graduate school, and careers in the non-profit, public and private sectors. The program consists
of an integrated, interdisciplinary package of courses in research and analytic methods in applied
social sciences, law and humanities.
Leadership Studies
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE)
Leadership Studies Minor
3214 Benjamin Building, 301-314-1347
The Leadership Studies program promotes college student leadership development by educating
undergraduate students for and about leadership in a complex world. The goal of the Minor is to
prepare students to serve effectively in formal and informal leadership roles in campus, local,
national, and global contexts. The Minor also encourages students to identify a working
philosophy of leadership that can advance students’ thinking around ethics, civic engagement,
and the importance of working within diverse and multicultural environments. These areas are
critical aspects of leadership that require faculty and students to build and critically evaluate
existing theoretical, research-based, and practical knowledge of leadership. Students in the
Minor can use their knowledge, skills, and competencies gained from this academic program to
enhance their sense of self, engagement with others, and better identify their values in future
aspirations. Core courses in the Minor are sequenced to meet increasingly complex sets of
learning outcomes across cognitive, personal development, and group/organizational domains.
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In order to apply for the Certificate or Minor in Leadership Studies, students must:
1. You have completed at least 30 credit hours of college credit
2. You are in good academic standing
3. You are enrolled in HESI 217 or have completed EDCP 217/HESI 217 with a C- or
4. You have completed no more than 9 credits of the Leadership Studies program
5. You have more than one full academic year before you graduate
Application Procedures and Forms:
Applications will be made available as an online form, during select times each semester, for a
period of two weeks. The application will ask eligible students to identify demographic
information, a list of (on and off-campus) involvements (if any), and respond to three short-essay
questions. Applicants must also provide a resume and an unofficial University transcript.
After the closing application date, applications will be reviewed and applicants will be notified
within two to three weeks by email.
Selection Criteria:
Demonstrates a commitment or experience in leadership, either in studying or practicing
Contributes to the diversity of students in the Minor
Illustrates capacity to utilize leadership theories and skills
Exhibits a commitment to intrapersonal and interpersonal growth and development
through the study of leadership
Minor Completion Requirements
The CHSE Minor in Leadership Studies consists of 15 credit hours. No more than six credits
can also be applied to a student's major, and no more than six credits may be taken at an
institution other than the University of Maryland College Park. No course with an earned grade
below "C-" may count towards the Minor.
Requirements for the Minor (15 total hours)*
HESI217 - Introduction to Leadership (3 credits)
HESI315 - Leadership in Groups and Organizations (3 credits)
HESI318 - Applied Contextual Leadership OR HESI418 - Special Topics in Leadership
(3 credits)
HESI417 - Advanced Leadership Seminar (3 credits)
ONE elective course, from our pre-approved elective list (total 3 credits)
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Contact Leadership Studies at [email protected] with questions and interests in the
The Leadership Studies program is a partnership between the College of Education and the
Adele H. Stamp Student Union, Center for Campus Life. More information is also listed at:
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
The LGBT minor in the Department of Women's Studies is a 15 credit program which provides
students an opportunity for interdisciplinary study of the lives, experiences, identities, and
representations of LGBT people. This course of study provides solid grounding in the major
concepts and methods that define studies of sex, gender, and gender identity today.
Any student in good standing in the university may enroll in the LGBT Studies minor. In
consultation with the Department of Women's Studies Academic Advisor, students will design a
minor program that complements their major field of study.
Minor Requirements:
15 credits: 12 credits are in required courses, while 3 credits are earned in one 3xx or 4xx-level
elective course.
A. Required core curriculum for the Minor in LGBT Studies (12 credits)
1. LGBT200 - Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
2. One 1xx or 2xx-level course focused on literature, art, or culture by or about
LGBT people, either LGBT265 (X-listed as ENGL265) or LGBT291 (X-listed as
3. One of the following 3xx or 4xx-level courses focused on the personal, social,
political, and historical aspects of LGBT people: LGBT350, LGBT407 (X-listed
as PHIL407), or LGBT494 (X-listed as WMST494);
4. One of the following 3xx or 4xx-level courses focused on literature, art, or
culture by or about LGBT people: LGBT359 (X-listed as ENGL359), LGBT459
(X-listed as ENGL459), LGBT465 (X-listed as ENGL465); or LGBT327.
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B. Elective course for the Minor in LGBT Studies (3 credits)
A 3xx or 4xx-level elective will complement the required courses. This elective may be a course
from categories 3 and 4 above that has not been used to fulfill requirements; or it may be one of
the capstone courses in LGBT Studies (LGBT386 or LGBT488), or a course chosen from the list
of approved electives for the LGBT Studies program. The list of approved electives is available
at www.lgbts.umd.edu/minor.html. A student may also petition to have any course fulfill this
requirement by providing evidence, usually the syllabus, that a substantial amount of the course
work, usually including a term paper, consists of LGBT material.
Appropriate substitutions for courses listed in categories 2 through 4 above may be made
with approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Women's
No course earned with a grade below "C-" will count toward the minor in LGBT Studies.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
Students may use a maximum of six credits (or two courses) to satisfy the requirements
of both their major and the minor in LGBT Studies. However, courses taken to complete
the minor in LGBT Studies may not be used to satisfy the requirements of another minor.
No more than six of the required credits (or two courses) may be taken at an institution
other than the University of Maryland, College Park. However, at least six 3xx or 4xx-
level credits applied to the minor must be taken at this university.
Students are advised to declare the minor in LGBT Studies to the Director of
Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Women's Studies one year prior to their
intended graduation to assure appropriate advising and record-keeping.
Linguistics (LING)
1401 Marie Mount Hall, 301-405-7002
The minor in linguistics will introduce students to key concepts that form the basis of modern
generative linguistics. Students are introduced to the different sub-areas of linguistics in two
introductory courses. Two more advanced courses in syntax and in phonology build on this
foundation. One 3xx-4xx level linguistics elective completes the minor. The minor in linguistics
will be of relevance to students majoring in Languages, English, Psychology, Philosophy,
Education and Computer Science.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to: www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors. More information is available at the
linguistics website, "Minoring in Linguistics" at: http://ling.umd.edu/undergraduate/minors/
Courses required for the minor are:
LING200 Introduction to Linguistics (3 credits)
LING240 Language and Mind (3 credits)
LING321 Phonology I (3 credits)
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LING311 Syntax 1 (3 credits)
In addition, the student will choose any one 3xx or 4xx level linguistics elective as a fifth course
in linguistics.
A total of 15 credits is required.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
Students who take LING240 as their first linguistics course will substitute an approved
elective for LING200
All courses counting for the minor must be actual "classroom" courses (i.e., not
independent study, research assistantships, or internships).
1117 Mathematics Building, 301-405-5053
The Department of Mathematics offers a minor in Mathematics for students majoring in other
disciplines. The goal of the minor in Mathematics is to provide the student with significant
mathematical skills and a perspective on the discipline.
The requirements for the minor include at least 22 credits (19 credits if exempted from
MATH310) beyond first-year calculus and are outlined below:
MATH241 or MATH340
MATH240 or MATH461 or MATH341
MATH310 (unless exempted)
At least one theoretical course from: MATH403, 405, 410
At least one algebra course from: MATH401, 402, 403, 405, 406
At least one analysis course from: MATH410, 462, 463, 464
At least one probability course from: STAT400 or STAT410 or others as approved by UGO
Note: If additional credits are needed in order to fulfill the 22-credit (19 credits
if exempted from MATH310) minimum, any 400-level MATH-STAT-AMSC
courses except MATH 400, MATH 477-478, 480-484, 489, 498, and STAT 464
are acceptable.
Other issues related to the minor in Mathematics:
The minor in Mathematics is NOT open to Mathematics majors.
The student will need to achieve at least a "C-" (1.7) in each course to be applied to the
minor in Mathematics.
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No more than one of the 400-level courses for the minor in Mathematics may be taken at
an institution other than the University of Maryland, College Park.
The departmental advisor for this program is Ida Chan, Undergraduate Mathematics Advisor
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC)
3417 Computer and Space Sciences Building, 301-405-5391
This minor will provide the students with a general background in meteorology as offered by the
lower level courses, a broader background on a wide range of sub-fields in meteorology, and on
current issues in climate research, as provided by the two required courses. This minor is aimed
at students who wish to be informed about this field, who may not intend to pursue graduate
work in this field, but who might pursue careers where a background in meteorology is
important, such as environmental policy, government, and industry. This minor is not open to
students who major in Physical Sciences with a concentration in Meteorology, or who major in
Physics with the Physics-Meteorology area of concentration.
A total of 15 credits is required. All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade
of "C-" or better.
The students must choose two electives from:
AOSC123 Causes and Consequences of Global Change
AOSC200 Weather and Climate
Any other 400 level courses offered below as electives
Two required courses:
AOSC400 Physical Meteorology of the Atmosphere
AOSC401 Climate Dynamics and Earth System Science
One additional elective from:
Any 400 level courses offered in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science on
a regular basis, or from a list of non-permanent electives that will be offered by research
scientists, regular faculty from Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, or members of the
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
Courses offered by the Departments of Geology and Geographic Sciences, such as:
o GEOL437 Global Climate Change: Past and Present
o GEOL452 Watershed and Wetland Hydrology
o GEOG446 Applied Climatology
o GEOG447 Advanced Biogeography
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o GEOG472 Remote Sensing
Middle Eastern Studies
History (HIST)
2115 Francis Scott Key Hall, 301-405-4265
Advisor: Antoine Borrut ([email protected]); 301-405-7448
Requirements: 15-18 credits (5 courses; some language courses carry more than 3 credit hours
per course) towards the Minor in Middle Eastern Studies. Coursework must be distributed to
meet the overlapping requirements below. (For example, HIST120: Islamic Civilization can be
used to meet both the pre-modern requirement and the Arab world requirement, but does not
count doubly in terms of credit.)
6 credits (2 courses) in Area distribution: At least one course in each of two of
the following Area categories: (a) the Arab world; (b) Iran and the
Persian/Iranian world; (c) (Middle Eastern) Jewish and Israel; (d) Turkish and
Ottoman; and (e) Middle Eastern Diasporas and All Middle East. Other areas of
concentration may be considered and require the director’s approval.
6 credits (2 courses) in Pre-Modern: At least two courses (6 credits) must focus
on the pre-modern period (the 7th century through the 19th century). Students
may fulfill this requirement through their area distribution or elective courses.
3 credits (1 course) in Electives: The fifth course may be chosen from the list of
approved Middle East Studies courses. A language course of 3 or more credits
may be used to satisfy this requirement. Advanced Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, or
Turkish language courses that are content courses rather than grammar-based can
be used for the Elective category or count toward Area Distribution and/or Pre-
Modern, depending on subject matter.
Additional requirements:
A minimum of 3 courses (9 credits) must be at the upper level (3xx- or 4xx-level).
All credits must be earned with a grade of "C-" or above (no Pass/Fail option).
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A list of qualifying courses in each category is available from the academic advisor of the
minor and on MESM’s webpage.
Only one 1xx or 2xx-level or grammar based course in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, or
Turkish may be credited toward the Minor.
At least six credits of 3xx or 4xx-level credit must be taken at
the University of Maryland.
No more than six credits may be taken at an institution other than Maryland.
A maximum of two courses can count towards both the major and the minor.
Courses cannot count towards multiple minors.
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To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go
to www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
Military Studies
Air Force ROTC
The minor in Military Studies provides students with the opportunity to study the U.S. military
and more specifically the U.S. Air Force. Students seeking a minor in Military Studies are not
required to be members of the Air Force ROTC program. This minor enables students to develop
a secondary academic experience which may serve them in the future. The minor may also alert
potential employers to the student's knowledge in a minor field of study.
The Military Studies minor consists of the courses identified below (Required and Electives),
and is open to any student at the University of Maryland. Students seeking a minor in Military
Studies must be approved by the Director of Air Force ROTC and be advised by instructional
personnel in that office.
A. Required Courses (12 credits)
All students are required to take the four upper-level Air Science courses.
ARSC300: Management and Leadership I (3 credits)
ARSC301: Management and Leadership II (3 credits)
ARSC400: National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society I (3 credits)
ARSC401: National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society II (3 credits)
At the 300 level, students focus on case studies in effective leadership, management, and team-
building. Readings explore topics such as accountability, motivation, teamwork, and ethical and
moral leadership. These exercises help students develop critical thinking and problem solving
skills, as well as effective professional writing.
At the 400 level, students study military policies, doctrine, and strategy, especially as related to
areas of the world that are in crisis or transition. Special units are included on Europe, South
Asia, East Asia, Latin America, Russia, and the Middle East to prepare students to function
effectively in today's multi-ethnic, multi-cultural societies at home and abroad. Students also
explore problem areas in military personnel management, including sexual harassment
awareness, suicide awareness, and guidelines for working with civilian personnel. Capstone
projects and activities for each student are part of the 400-level curriculum.
B. Elective Courses (6 credits)
In addition to the four required courses, students complete two additional courses, one each from
Global Affairs and Military Affairs as listed below. Other courses may be substituted with
approval of the minor advisor and Advisory Committee. Students will be advised on the options
for seeking BMGT courses.
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Global Affairs
GVPT280: Comparative Politics and Governments (3) (GVPT 100)
HIST224: Modern Military History, 1494 - 1815 (3)
HIST225: Modern Military History, 1815 - Present (3)
HIST240: Europe in the Twentieth Century (3)
HIST266: The United States in World Affairs (3)
HIST314: Crisis and Change in the Middle East & Africa (3)
Military Affairs
BMGT360: Human Resource Management (3)
BMGT364: Management and Organization Theory (3)
GVPT354: Peacebuilding, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, & International Development (3)
(Sophomore standing)
GVPT360 Introduction to International Negotiations (3)
SOCY462: Women in the Military (3) (6 credits of SOCY or department permission)
SOCY463: Sociology of Combat (3) (6 credits of SOCY or department permission)
SOCY464: Military Sociology (3) (6 credits of SOCY or department permission)
SOCY465: The Sociology of War (3) (6 credits of SOCY or department permission)
Courses completed in one minor may not be used to satisfy the requirements in another
No more than six of the required credits (or two courses) may be taken at an institution
other than the University of Maryland, College Park.
At least six upper division credits applied to the minor must be taken at the University of
Maryland, College Park.
All courses presented for the Minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
Course work other than that listed in section B must be approved by the Air Force ROTC
advisor and the ROTC Advisory Committee.
Music Performance
School of Music
2110 Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, 301-405-5549
This minor provides students with high-level training in instrumental or vocal performance. Four
semesters of individual study are taken concurrently with four semesters of ensemble. MUSC130
and MUSC140 provide basic historical and theoretical background in support of performance
studies. Admission to the minor is based on successful completion of a performance audition
before a faculty committee prior to enrolling in the minor. Audition information can be found at
Eighteen credit hours consisting of the following:
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Four semesters of applied lessons (MUSP302, 303, 402, 403)
Four semesters of ensemble (chosen from MUSC129, 229, 329)
MUSC130 Survey of Music Literature
MUSC140 Fundamentals of Music
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
Students who fulfill minor requirements will receive a minor on the official transcript. Please
contact the School of Music Office for more information.
Nanoscale Science and Technology
Maryland NanoCenter
Kim Engineering Building
Continued growth in the field of nanometer scale science and technology (NS&T) has led in the
past several years to many technological advances in devices and materials structured at the
nanometer scale. The Interdisciplinary Minor Program of Study in Nanoscience and Technology
is intended to prepare participating students for a career in this rapidly developing field. This
program draws upon the considerable expertise in nanoscience at the University of Maryland, in
departments distributed among two schools: The Clark School of Engineering, and the College
of Computer, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Students take courses in Fabrication/Synthesis
and Characterization, which emphasize the experimental side of NS&T, as well as Fundamental
Science and Specialization Electives, which teach the underlying principles and directions, and
include underlying theory and the motivations for NS&T. Visit the web
site http://www.mse.umd.edu/undergraduate/nanominor for more information.
Program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
2143 Biology-Psychology Building, 301-405-5866
The minor in Neurosciences will give the highly qualified and motivated undergraduate an
opportunity to study Neuroscience. The emphasis includes study in systems, cognitive, and
computational neuroscience in a manner that crosses the traditional boundaries of Psychology,
Biological Sciences, and other related disciplines. The minor is most appropriate for students
who already have a background in the biological sciences or psychology.
All majors are eligible for the minor except students in the Physiology & Neurobiology
(PHNB) track in Biological Sciences (BSCI).
There are a number of science course prerequisites for the required and elective classes.
Students should carefully review the prerequisites for all courses listed for the
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Neurosciences minor. A student without a sufficient science background may not be able
to complete the minor in the allotted credits.
Students may only count a maximum of two courses (6-8 credits) toward both their major
degree requirements and the Minor in Neurosciences.
Eligibility and Application to the Minor
In order to apply for the Minor in Neurosciences, a student must have:
1. Completed at least 30 college credits and at least 15 credits at UM
2. Earned at least a "C-" in BSCI170&171 and CHEM131&132 or have AP equivalents
3. Earned at least a "C-" in PSYC301 or BSCI353
4. Be in good academic standing with the University
Applications for the Minor in Neurosciences will be considered three times each year on October
1, March 1, and June 1. Students will be notified via email regarding the status of their
application within three weeks of the submission deadline so that students will know whether or
not they are accepted prior to early registration for the next semester.
Interested students may submit applications electronically via the Neurosciences and Cognitive
Sciences (NACS) Program website at www.nacs.umd.edu.
Course Requirements
There are five required courses (11-14 credits) and two elective courses (6-8 credits) for a total
of 17-22 credits to complete the minor. All courses used to satisfy the requirements of the minor
must be completed with a grade of "C-" or better. Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative
grade point average across all courses used to satisfy the minor requirements. A list of required
courses and eligible electives can be found on the program website at www.nacs.umd.edu.
Nuclear Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (ENME)
2181 Engineering Classroom Building, 301-405-2410
Contact Dr. G.A. Pertmer ([email protected]) for further information.
The minor in Nuclear Engineering provides the engineering student with the understanding of
nuclear engineering and its application to many different fields, such as power generation,
reactor operation, and industrial uses. Students in the minor will learn the fundamentals of
nuclear reactor engineering, radiation interactions and measurement, power plant design
concepts, and reactor safety. The minor is open to any student in the Clark School of
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Requirements for Minor
To successfully complete the minor in nuclear engineering, a student must complete a total of 15
credits (5 3-credit courses). All courses must be completed with a grade of "C-" or higher. A
maximum of two of the required five courses can be used to satisfy requirements of the student's
major (with approval of the major department).
All students pursuing the minor will be required to take the following four courses:
ENME430 - Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Engineering
ENME431 - Nuclear Reactor Systems and Safety
ENME432 - Reactor and Radiation Measurements Laboratory
ENME472 - Capstone Design Project (Nuclear Topic)
The fifth course for the minor will be selected, with the help of the student's minor advisor, based
on student interest. Some possible choices include:
ENME488 - Special Problems in Mechanical Engineering
ENME489 - Special Topics is Mechanical Engineering (Student would select an
appropriate course from a number of special topics courses taught each semester in the
Mechanical Engineering Department)
ENRE447 - System Safety Engineering
ENMA422 - Radiation Effects on Materials
ENEE474 - Power Systems
Students who fulfill minor requirements will receive a notation on their official transcript.
Persian Studies
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
This 15-credit minor will provide students with a background in linguistic, literary, and cultural
aspects of the study of Persian, including the cultures of Iran, Afghanistan, Persian-speaking
Central Asia, and the Persian diaspora. Students will work toward linguistic competence in
speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Additionally, students will be introduced to Iranian
culture in its diverse perspectives, practices, and products. The Minor in Persian Studies
complements a range of professions, which include careers in education, engineering,
government, journalism, the arts, business, and communication.
A minimum of 9 credits must be earned through courses taught in Persian.
Up to 6 may be earned from PERS courses taught in English.
A minimum of 9 credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx level.
All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
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A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
No courses applied to the minor may count toward another minor. All students planning to
pursue the Minor in Persian Studies should contact the undergraduate advisor for Persian, who
will be responsible for oversight and record keeping.
Prerequisites (14 credits):
PERS101 Elementary Persian I (4 credits)
PERS102 Elementary Persian II (4 credits)
PERS201 Intermediate Persian I
PERS211 Intermediate Conversation
There are no prerequisites for students with equivalent knowledge.
Course requirements:
A. Courses taught in Persian (at least 9 credits)
B. Persian Studies Courses Taught in English (up to 6 credits; no prerequisites)
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to:
The study of philosophy develops students' reasoning and expository skills and increases their
understanding of the foundations of human knowledge and value. The department views
philosophy as an activity rather than a body of doctrine and students can expect to receive
training in clear thinking, inventive synthesis, and precise expression. For some, this will serve
as preparation for graduate studies in philosophy. However, philosophical skills are useful in
professions such as law, medicine, government, business management, and in any field that
demands intellectual rigor. The department offers a wide range of courses, including several that
deal with the philosophy of various disciplines outside philosophy itself.
The requirements for a minor in Philosophy are as follows:
A total of at least 18 hours (six courses, at least three of which must be at least 3xx-level or
above) in philosophy, not counting internship course (PHIL386). For a course to count toward a
student's minor, the grade in the course must be "C-" or above. For students who matriculated in
September 2012 or later, the average of all grades counted toward the minor must be 2.0 or
greater. Therefore, grades of "C-" will have to be balanced with higher grades. ("C-" counts as
1.7 toward the GPA) Candidates for the minor must satisfy the following distribution:
at least one course numbered 2xx or above in the history of pre-twentieth century
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at least one course numbered 2xx or above in value theory (including aesthetics and
political philosophy as well as ethics)
at least one course numbered 2xx or above in metaphysics or epistemology (including
philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of religion, as well as
metaphysics and theory of knowledge)
1120 Physics Building, 301-405-5979
This minor provides a rigorous foundation in physics for students who choose not to complete
the entire physics major. The minor begins with a set of two introductory courses (6 credits) in
electromagnetic fields (PHYS260 or PHYS272) and waves (PHYS270 or PHYS273). As part of
this introduction to Physics, the minor also requires a one-credit introductory physics laboratory
(PHYS174, PHYS261, or PHYS271) involving techniques of data gathering and analysis. To
obtain a deeper understanding of physics, the minor requires three additional upper-level courses
(3-4 credits each), which students can select from the list below.
Other upper level Physics courses can be substituted only with approval from the
Department's undergraduate director and the Faculty Minor Advisor.
All courses must be completed with a grade of "C-" or better to be counted towards the
No more than 7 credits in this minor can count toward major requirements. Students with
more than 7 credits of overlap must substitute non-overlapping 300 or 400 level courses
from the above list to reduce the overlap to no more than 7 credits.
Physics majors and students majoring in Astronomy are not eligible to complete the
Physics Minor due to the large number of overlapping course requirements.
Courses required for the minor
One from:
Physics Laboratory Introduction
General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and
Magnetism: Laboratory
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern
Physics: Laboratory
One from:
Introductory Physics: Fields
General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and
One from:
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Introductory Physics: Waves
General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern
Three from the following:
Modern Physics
Mathematical Methods for Physics II
Experimental Physics III: EM Waves, Optics & Modern Physics
Quantum Physics I
Quantum Physics II
Introductory Statistical Thermodynamics
Classical Mechanics
Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
Computational Physics
MATH140 (4 credits), MATH141 (4 credits), MATH241 (4 credits), MATH240 (4 credits),
MATH246 (3 credits), and Physics161 (or Physics171) (3 credits) are prerequisites for some of
the courses in this program.
Students interested in earning a minor in physics should contact the undergraduate advisor for
the Physics Department:
1120 John S. Toll Physics Building; 301-405-5979
email: ugrad@physics.umd.edu
Planetary Sciences
The minor in Planetary Sciences will provide students with a broad understanding of the
application of the methods of astronomy and geology to the study of the Solar System, and
develop the students' appreciation of how issues in the study of planets connect with larger issues
in those sciences. It is intended for all students with an interest in the study of the Solar System,
be it professional or avocational. In addition to Astronomy and Geology majors, it dovetails with
the professional goals of Environmental Science and Policy, Environmental Science and
Technology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Sciences, and Secondary Education majors.
Building on a three-course base of fundamental knowledge of astronomy, geology and an
introduction to the Solar System, the program is completed by three advanced courses addressing
specific topics adding depth to the student's knowledge of planetary astronomy and to the
geologic tools of the planetary scientist. Students are required to sample from optional courses
from both departments. The Joint Minor in Planetary Sciences does not require significant
prerequisite knowledge, however some optional courses may require prerequisites of 100-level
courses in chemistry, mathematics, or geology.
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Courses required for the proposed minor are:
One of the following:
ASTR100 Introduction to Astronomy (3)
ASTR101 General Astronomy (4)
ASTR120 Introductory Astrophysics - Solar System (3)
One of the following:
GEOL100/110 Physical Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
GEOL120/110 Environmental Geology/Physical Geology Lab (4)
One of the following:
ASTR330 Solar System Astronomy (3)
ASTR430 The Solar System (3)
GEOL212 Planetary Geology (3)
Plus three from the following:
At least one choice must be from Geology and one from Astronomy. At least six credits from the
list below and nine credits overall must be at the 300-400 level.
ASTR220 Collisions in Space - The Threat of Asteroid Impacts (3)
ASTR230 The Science and Fiction of Planetary Systems (3)
ASTR380 Life in the Universe - Astrobiology (3)
ASTR498 Special Problems in Astronomy (3)
GEOL322 Mineralogy (4)
GEOL340 Geomorphology (4)
GEOL412 Geology of Terrestrial Planets (3)
GEOL437 Global Climate Change, Past and Present (3)
GEOL499 Special Problems in Geology (3)
Or another appropriate astronomy or geology course approved in advance by the
Astronomy or Geology advisor (3-4)
Depending on the optional course taken, there is a total of 19-22 required credits (see
prerequisites). All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-" or better.
Portuguese Language, Literature, and Culture
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
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This 15-credit minor will provide students with a solid overview in the linguistic, literary, and
cultural aspects of Portuguese-speaking countries, with an emphasis on Brazil.
Prerequisite: Portuguese 104 and 204 (or equivalent).
Requirements: Students will choose the fifteen credits from among the following courses:
Portuguese 205, 224, 228*, 311, 320, 321, 350, 378*, 408, 409, 421, 470, 478*.
*Portuguese 228, 378, 478 are conducted in English. The majority of written assignments will be
in Portuguese for those students in the minor program.
A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
A maximum of 9 credits may be applied from a University of Maryland Study Abroad
All courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
All administrative records and advising will be handled by the advisor for the Portuguese
Program: Regina Igel, ri@umd.edu, 301-405-6457.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Professional Writing
1220 Tawes Hall
For students who wish to specialize in public and professional writing as an area of expertise and
for students who wish to communicate their discipline through writing, the Professional Writing
minor offers opportunities to engage deeply with the theory and practice of writing, editing, and
designing both print and digital documents for professional workplaces, civic organizations, and
community deliberations. Students will develop electronic portfolios throughout their minor
coursework as a means to showcase their professional writing knowledge and skills. Writing-
focused internships will be encouraged, although not required, in the later stages of coursework.
Successful completion of the Professional Writing minor requires the following:
A. Fifteen credit hours of coursework consisting of:
1) Three credits in ENGL297: Introduction to Professional Writing
2)Twelve credits from the following courses, including at least nine credits at the 3xx or
4xx level and three credits at the 4xx level:
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ENGL281: Standard English Grammar, Usage, and Diction (See Note 1)
ENGL282: How Rhetoric Works: Persuasive Power and Strategies
ENGL291: Writing, Revising, Persuading
ENGL292: Writing for Change
ENGL293: Writing in the Wireless World
ENGL381: MGA Legislative Seminar (See Note 2)
ENGL384: Concepts of Grammar (See Note 1)
ENG388M: Writing Internship: Maryland General Assembly Pre-Professional Writing Internship
(See Note 2)
ENGL388P: Writing Internship: Pre-Professional Writing Skills Internship
ENGL388V: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Internship in Academic Writing or
Professional Writing
ENGL388W: Writing Internship: Writing Center Internship
Professional Writing Program Courses:
ENGL390: Science Writing
ENGL391: Advanced Composition: Argumentation
ENGL392: Legal Writing
ENGL393: Technical Writing
ENGL394: Business Writing
ENGL395: Writing for the Health Professions
ENGL398A: Writing for the Arts
ENGL398B: Writing for Social Entrepreneurship
ENGL398C: Writing Case Studies and Investigative Reports
ENGL398E: Writing for Economics
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ENGL398L: Scholarly Writing in the Humanities
ENGL398N: Writing for Non-Profit Organizations
ENGL398R: Writing Non-Fiction Narratives
ENGL398V: Writing for the Environment
ENGL487: Foundations of Rhetoric
ENGL488: Topics in Advanced Writing
ENGL493: Advanced Writing Theory and Practice
ENGL494: Editing and Document Design
B. Submission of an electronic professional writing portfolio
Successful completion of the Professional Writing minor also requires the submission of a
writing portfolio during a student's final semester. This portfolio must be submitted to the minor
advisor by November 1 for fall semester graduation or April 1 for spring semester graduation.
The electronic portfolio must contain, at a minimum, the following material: 1. A welcome page;
2. Six finished, polished texts written by the student in Professional Writing minor courses; and
3. A reflective essay that analyzes how these documents demonstrate the student's achievement
of the minor's learning outcomes. The minor advisor will confirm that each portfolio meets these
minimum requirements.
1. Credit toward the minor will be granted for only one of these two courses: ENGL281 or
2. ENGL381 is a prerequisite for ENGL388M.
3. A student cannot count toward the Professional Writing minor the PWP course that he or she
takes to fulfill the Fundamental Studies Professional Writing requirement for the University of
Maryland General Education Program. Only a second PWP course can be used to fulfill the
Professional Writing minor requirement. Advisors will encourage students to select a second
PWP course only if it complements the students' academic or professional goals.
4. Students may satisfy up to three credits of the nine-credit 3xx- or 4xx-level coursework
requirement through documented writing-intensive professional or internship experience.
Students must submit an acceptable portfolio of workplace writing to the Professional Writing
minor advisor in order to have these three credits count toward their minor.
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5. Following university policy, English majors may count two Professional Writing minor
courses toward both the requirements for the English major and the Professional Writing Minor.
Students must be accepted into the minor no later than the start of the semester before the
semester in which they plan to graduate. All courses presented for the minor must be passed
with a grade of "C-" or better. An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Project Management
Minor In Project Management
Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENCE)
1173 Engineering Classroom Building, 301-405-7768
Contact Qingbin Cui, Project Management Minor Advisor ([email protected]) or visit the web site.
The Minor in Project Management is open to all students in the A.J. Clark School of Engineering
or the School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation that have earned at least 60 credit hours
and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
A basic understanding of project management is becoming increasingly important for engineers.
Such knowledge enables them to contribute immediately to employers, and to advance their
careers. In addition to a strong engineering background, there is significant need for engineers to
understand the fundamentals of managing projects in order to effectively participate as members
of project teams. Students who successfully complete minor requirements will receive a notation
on their official transcript.
A total of 15 credits are required. All courses for the minor must be passed with a grade of "C-"
or better.
Core Courses
ENCE320 Introduction to Engineering Project Management (3)
ENCE422 Project Cost Accounting & Economics (3)
ENCE423 Project Planning, Scheduling, & Control (3)
ENCE424 Communications for Project Managers (3)
Elective Courses (one)
ENCE 421 Legal Aspects of Architectural & Engineering Practice (3)
ENCE 426 Construction Documentation and BIM Applications in Engineering and Construction
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Public Leadership
Maryland School of Public Policy
1118 Taliaferro
The Public Leadership minor will allow students to examine today’s most pressing
issues. Matters facing our world leaders such as, the global environment, human rights,
the criminal justice system, equity in education, diversity, poverty, and inequality will be
analyzed on multiple levels. Students will face these same challenges in their courses
while learning to critically assess and recommend viable solutions through effective
leadership for the public good. In order to achieve this, the School proposes a minor to
engage students in leadership for the public good and effective citizenship. Additionally,
the minor serves as a feeder for the School’s graduate program.
Objectives and Learning Outcomes
The minor in Public Leadership has the following objectives:
1. To develop students’ knowledge of leadership theories;
2. To offer undergraduate students a coherent and integrated public leadership
3. To give undergraduate students an education providing knowledge and
skills appropriate to the understanding and exercise of appropriate leadership in
their chosen professions, organizations, and communities;
4. To create and support a community of young public leaders who hold a
common interest in leadership studies;
5. To offer students who are interested in public service a place to begin to
build an intellectual foundation which will allow them to address the problems
of the next decade;
6. To prepare our students for the responsibilities of leadership and
citizenship in a complex world; and
7. To gain experience in applying leadership theories and concepts in a
structured internship experience.
Requirements: 15 approved credits, at least 9 of which are 300- or 400-level. All courses
taken for a minor must be completed with a minimum grade of C-. A minimum C (2.00)
cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy the minor is also
required. Notes: No more than 6 credits may overlap between your major and the Public
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Leadership Minor, unless otherwise approved by your major. Additionally, courses
completed in one minor may not be used to satisfy the requirements in another minor.
At least 3 credits from one of the following Core courses:
o PLCY 100 Foundations of Public Policy; (3 credits): Students will be
introduced to public policy as a discipline, with a brief overview of the actors and
institutions involved in the process, and familiarize themselves with the kinds of
problems typically requiring public action. The course will examine these
problems from a multijurisdictional and multisector perspective. Specific policy
areas examined include education policy, health policy, economic and budgetary
policy, criminal justice policy, environmental policy, and national and homeland
security policy. The course should permit students to have broad foundational
exposure to the field that will give them a solid base for more advanced courses.
o PLCY 201 Leadership for the Common Good; (3 credits): Two hours of
lecture and one hour of discussion/recitation per week. This course is designed to
provide undergraduate students an introduction to leadership theory and civic
studies and a chance to practice a core set of practical skills relevant to various
kinds or leadership, such as transformational and collaborative leadership.
o PLCY 302 Leadership: Philosophy, Policy and Praxis; (3 credits): Leadership
as a search for meaning, identity and purpose are explored. Also introduces major
philosophical traditions, from the ancient world to the modern one, and
encourages students to ground their leadership interests and aspirations in a
disciplined process of self-reflection, critical thinking and inquiry.
The remaining 12 credits will be selected by the student from a list of approved signature
courses and electives. A credit-bearing experiential learning option for which a grade is
earned, e.g., internship, study abroad, research project, etc. can count as part of the remaining 12
credits. The experiential learning option must be linked to public leadership and approved in
Please see the Public Leadership Minor website (www.publicpolicy.umd.edu/plminor) or
email plm[email protected]du for additional information on requirements and the application
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Real Estate Development
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Architecture Building, 301-405-8000
Undergraduates from across campus with an interest in real estate can now complete a minor in
real estate development. The minor will provide students with a basic understanding of the
essential concepts related to sustainable real estate development. Classes cover the development
process; the basics of real estate finance, tax and investment; urban planning and design; and the
unique roles played by government and the private sector in real estate development, among
Admissions Requirements
This Minor is available to all Maryland undergraduate students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher who
have completed ARCH 271/RDEV 250, People, Planet and Profit: Building Sustainable Places
with a "C-" or better.
Application Process
Interested students must complete an application and meet with the Director of the Real Estate
Development minor. See: http://www.arch.umd.edu/arch/minors-arch for the online application
and a scheduling app to make an appointment.
Course Requirements
The Minor in Real Estate Development consists of 15 credit hours. Students must complete all
the required courses with a grade of "C-" or better and have a minimum UMD GPA of 2.0 for the
The following 4 courses are required:
ARCH 271/RDEV 250 – People, Planet and Profit: Building Sustainable Places
RDEV 270 – Tax and Accounting for Real Estate Development. This requirement can also be
met in any of the following ways:
Equivalent accounting course at another 4-year institution or community college if it
qualifies for transfer credit at UMD; BMGT 220 (available to all UMD undergraduates) or
BMGT 210 + 3 credit economics class (only available to Robert H. Smith School of
Business minors).
RDEV 350Principles, Process and Practice of Real Estate Development
RDEV 450 – Foundations of Real Estate Finance and Investment
Plus, select one elective from a list of permitted electives that can be found at:
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Religious Studies
Jewish Studies Program (JWST)
4141 Susquehanna Hall, 301-405-4975
Religious Studies is an interdisciplinary field that enables students to study the texts, culture,
history, beliefs, and practices of the religions of the world, present and past. The minor in
Religious Studies draws from a wide range of departments and programs (including
Anthropology, Art History, Classics, English, History, Jewish Studies, and Philosophy) and
offers the opportunity for both in-depth and wide-ranging study. A required core course
introduces students to religions of the world and to the academic study of religion (students may
take either RELS 216 or RELS289I). In addition to this course, students are required to take
three courses at the 3xx or 4xx-level and another two at the 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, or 4xx-
level. Completion of coursework includes fulfillment of a breadth requirement, which
demonstrates that students have been exposed to a variety of religious traditions, periods, and
geographic regions. Selection of courses in consultation with the advisor will ensure that
students complete this breadth requirement.
Many courses are now offered with the RELS prefix. Other regularly-offered courses that may
be counted toward the minor are: ARTH200, ARTH201, ARTH250, ARTH290, ARTH314,
ARTH376, CHIN316, CLAS170, CLAS470, ENGL262, GERM283, GERM287, HIST111,
HIST120, HIST282, HIST284, HIST306, HIST332, HIST480, PHIL236, and many courses in
JWST and HONR. Other courses may be taken with the permission of the minor advisor.
RELS216 or RELS289I: Introduction to the Study of World Religions.
Three courses at the 3xx-level or above. These courses can be in any of a variety of
subjects, chosen in consultation with an advisor. See Breadth requirement below.
Two additional courses at the 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, or 4xx-level. Chosen in consultation with
an advisor. See Breadth requirement.
Breadth requirement
The breadth requirement ensures that students are exposed to a diversity of religious phenomena.
Most Religious Studies students will complete this requirement simply by selecting from the
wide variety of courses available to them. Students with particular interests (in a single approach,
like Art History, or a single setting, like contemporary North America) will need to take at least
one course that falls outside their particular focus of interest. Students will need to demonstrate:
A. Exposure to a diversity of religious traditions (understood to include African religions,
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, among others), in coursework that
extends beyond a single geographic area (such as the Americas, Asia, or the Mediterranean
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B. Exposure to diverse temporal periods (including antiquity, the medieval and early modern
periods, and modernity).
C. Experience of multiple approaches to religious phenomena or the study of religion (for
example, art history, philosophy, historical approaches, and comparative methods).
D. Depth: At least one course must incorporate the focused study of a single religious tradition or
cluster of traditions (see item A for traditions).
Examples: A student with academic focus in religions of the ancient Mediterranean might
complete the breadth requirement with a single course on Asian religions. A student
concentrating on art historical approaches to religion might take one course in philosophy or
literature. A student whose interests run to comparative and cross-cultural coursework might take
a course in the focused study of a single tradition.
A minimum of 9 credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx-level.
All courses must be passed with a grade of "C-" or above.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A list of qualifying courses is available from the advisor to the RELS program.
At least six credits of 3xx or 4xx-level credit must be taken at the University of
No more than six credits may be taken at an institution other than Maryland.
In keeping with University policy, no more than six credits may also be applied to a
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Remote Sensing of Environmental Change (RSEC)
Geographical Sciences (GEOG)
2108M LeFrak Hall, 301-405-4073
The Remote Sensing of Environmental Change minor program (RSEC) is designed to build
students’ understanding global environmental change in order to assess their impacts on the
physical and human landscapes, and to use remote sensing as an analytical tool for identifying
the impacts. Students in the minor program will receive technical training in remote sensing to
examine how extreme environmental events shape human society and ecosystems from the
interdisciplinary perspective afforded by the field of Geography.
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Admission to the Program:
There are no special requirements for the Minor Program in Remote Sensing of Environmental
Change. The Department of Geographical Sciences welcomes students from every area of study.
GIS and ENSP students are also welcome to enroll in this minor.
• All credits for the minor must be taken in the Department of Geographical Sciences at the
University of Maryland, College Park.
• All courses must be completed with a grade of “C-” or better.
• No more than six credits are to be included in the Minor and student's major, supporting
courses, and college requirements.
The Required Curriculum: (18 credits)
Foundation Course (3 credits)
Natural Disasters: GEOG140 (3 credits)
Introduction to Methods of Geospatial Intelligence and Analysis: GEOG170 (3 credits)
Technical Geography Courses (6 credits)
Introduction to Remote Sensing: GEOG372 (3 credits)
Advanced Remote Sensing: GEOG472 (3 credits)
Choose one Physical Geography Course (3 credits)
Geomorphology: GEOG340 (3 credits)
Biogeography: GEOG342 (3 credits)
Climatology: GEOG345 (3 credits)
Choose one Human Dimension of Global Change Course (3 credits)
Regional Geography: China GEOG328B (3 credits)
Regional: Sub-Saharan Africa: GEOG328C (3 credits)
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Regional: Latin America: GEOG313 (3 credits)
Society and Sustainability: GEOG330 (3 credits)
Intro to Human Dimensions of Global Change: GEOG331 (3 credits)
Economic Geography: GEOG332 (3 credits)
Choose one Advanced Integrated Course (3 credits)
Land Use, Climate Change, and Sustainability: GEOG415 (3 credits)
Modeling Human-Environment Interactions: GEOG416 (3 credits
Cultural and Natural Resource Management: GEOG431 (3 credits)
Coastal Oceans: GEOG441 (3 credits)
Biogeography & Environmental Change: GEOG442 (3 credits)
Resource and Agricultural Policy in Economic Development
Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC)
2200 Symons Hall
This minor provides students with the economic knowledge necessary for analysis and
understanding of policies affecting agriculture and resource use in developing countries. The
400-level courses are a truncated version of the upper-level course requirements of the AREC
major. These courses focus particularly on economic analysis relevant to agricultural and
development policy. AREC365 is a course on world food supply and demand intended primarily
for non-AREC majors. AREC250 is an introductory course giving students an overview of the
Introduction to Economics and the Environment
Elements of Agricultural and Resource
Global Poverty and Economic Development
World Hunger, Population and Food Supplies
Food and Agricultural Policy
Agricultural Development, Population Growth, and
the Environment
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Natural Resources and Public Policy
Econometric Applications in Agricultural and
Natural Resource Economics
Sustainable Economic Development
Please choose five courses from the list above. Nine
credits must be at the 300-400 level.
Another AREC course can be substituted for one of
the courses listed with permission of the
Undergraduate Advisor.
Total Credits
Department of Communication and Department of English
Rhetoric is the theory of persuasive communication, both written and spoken. The minor in
rhetoric has been designed for students who want to know the principles and skills of practical
persuasion in its varied contexts. The program will be of value for all students wishing to
improve their writing and speaking skills and especially useful for those students who plan
careers in business, management, law, government, and education. The minor in rhetoric is an
interdisciplinary program offered through the cooperation of the Department of English and the
Department of Communication.
Fifteen semester hours of coursework are required:
A. Six semester hours from the course list in Rhetorical Theory and Analysis of Discourse
B. Six semester hours from the course list in Writing and Speaking Skills
C. Three semester hours in electives from either section of the Rhetoric Course List
D. At least nine of the fifteen semester hours must at the 3xx-level or higher (including at
least six hours at the University of Maryland, College Park)
E. No more than six of the fifteen semester hours may be taken at an institution other than
the University of Maryland, College Park
F. No more than six of the fifteen semester hours may count toward the student's major and
supporting courses
G. At least 3 semester hours must be taken in the English Department, and at least 3
semester hours must be taken from the Department of Communication
H. No course used to satisfy a Fundamental Studies requirement may count toward the
I. No course used to satisfy the requirements of another minor may count toward the
Rhetoric Minor
J. No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor
K. An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation
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Entering the Minor:
The College of Arts and Humanities has established a maximum enrollment in the rhetoric
minor. Students wishing to pursue the minor should check the Arts and Humanities minor
website: http://www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors, or the Rhetoric Minor
website: http://rhetoric.umd.edu, for the current status of minor admissions.
When enrollment in the minor is open, students should review the requirements above, make
tentative selections of courses to satisfy these requirements, and meet with one of the advisers
below. Students will officially declare the minor in rhetoric during this advising session. The
earliest possible advising meeting is recommended, however, because, under University rules for
minors, no student may declare the minor during their final year of coursework.
Current course lists for the minor in Rhetoric can be found at:
Minor Advisors:
Michelle Murray Yang
Department of Communication
2114 Skinner Building
Michael Israel
Department of English
3126 Tawes Hall
Students are encouraged to communicate with a Rhetoric Minor advisor at least once a semester
to ensure that all courses being applied to the minor are eligible, and that all of the requirements
for the minor are being fulfilled. For a senior-year audit of your minor requirements, or answers
to other advising questions, please contact the advisor with whom you worked when adding the
Russian Studies
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
The Minor in Russian Studies is a series of five courses to be chosen in consultation with the
departmental advisor. The completion of a Minor in Russian Studies provides students with a
broad background in Russian language, literature, and culture.
A minimum of fifteen credits/five courses* is required, to be chosen from among the
Courses taught in Russian:
RUSS201, 202, 210, 211, 301, 302, 303, 307, 321, 322, 381, 382, 401, 402,403, 404, 405, 406,
407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 431, 432, 433, 434, 473
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Courses in English:
RUSS221, 222, 281, 282, 298, 327, 328, 329, 398, 439
Courses in SLAVIC may also be counted toward the Russian Studies Minor: SLAV469, 475,
Prerequisites for the minor: RUSS102 (Elementary Russian) or the equivalent as determined by
the department
*Note that in most cases, five courses of 3-credits each will fulfill the 15-credit requirement.
However, RUSS201 and 202 are 5 credit courses. If a student chooses to count these two courses
as part of the minor, they are still required to complete three additional courses (for a total of
five courses).
Courses taken through Study Abroad programs may be applied.
A minimum of six credits must be earned from courses in Russian.
A minimum of nine credits must be at the 3xx or 4xx level.
Transfer credits (from study abroad or another US institution) may count toward the
minor with approval of the department. In most cases, a maximum of six transfer credits
will be approved.
All courses counting toward the minor must be passed with a "C-" or better.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
Substitutions of other departmental offerings may be approved by the advisor.
Oversight of the minor program will be through the normal academic processes of the Russian
program in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. The Undergraduate Advisor will
be responsible for ensuring that students are properly advised and that records are appropriately
To make an appointment or declare a minor, go
to: www.arhu.umd.edu/undergraduate/academics/minors
Soil Science
Environmental Science and Technology (ENST)
1457 Animal Sciences Building, 301-405-1193, [email protected]
The Soil Science minor will provide students with a sophisticated understanding of soil
resources, its development, characteristics, and principles for its use and management. Building
on a basic introduction to the broad field of soil science, the program is completed by adding
four or five upper division soils courses balanced between underlying principles and field
Declared majors in the Conservation of Soil, Water and Environment area of concentration of
NRSC or the Land and Water option in ENSP may not also minor in Soil Sciences.
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Advising system for the minor:
The ENST Department has mandatory advising for each of its major and minor
programs. Students are required to meet with their advisor at least once per semester. If you
have any questions, please contact Shannon Pederson at [email protected].
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Select 13 credits from the ten courses listed below. At least two courses must be from Group A.
Group A - Underlying Principles
Principles of Soil Fertility
Soil Morphology, Genesis & Classification
Soil Hydrology and Physics
Soil Chemistry
Soil Microbiology
Group B - Applications
ENST301, 2, 3
Field Soil Morphology I, II, III
Advanced Field Soil Morphology
Soil-Water Pollution
Wetland Soils
Total Credits: A minimum of 17 credits are required to complete this minor.
Students attempting this minor will need MATH113 or higher. There are a total of 17 required
credits in ENST classes, plus a 4 credit CHEM prerequisite. Depending on the pre-requisites
needed, and the optional courses selected and pre-requisites, students will take between 17 and
24 credits.
This minor is particularly relevant to students majoring in Agricultural and Resource Economics,
Geology, Geography, Environmental Science and Policy, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry,
Anthropology, Architecture, Agriculture Science and Technology, Horticulture and Crop
Production, Animal Science, Landscape Architecture, Parks and Planning, Bioengineering, Civil
Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science and Technology, Natural
Resources Management.
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Spanish Language and Cultures
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
The minor in Spanish Language and Cultures is a series of five courses in Spanish to be chosen
in consultation with the departmental advisor. Courses taken through Study Abroad programs
may be applied. This 15 credit minor will provide students with a solid background in linguistic,
cultural, and literary aspects of the study of Spanish.
Core Courses Required for the Minor
SPAN207 Reading and Writing in Spanish
SPAN301 Advanced Grammar and Composition I
SPAN303 Approaches to Cultural Materials in the Hispanic World
Other Required Courses
Following completion of the core sequence, students choose two courses from the following:
SPAN206 Review of Oral and Written SPAN for Native Speakers Educated in the United States
SPAN302 Advanced Grammar and Composition II
SPAN306 Spanish II for Native Speakers
SPAN310 Spanish Phonetics
SPAN307 Oral Communication Skills for Native Speakers of Spanish
SPAN315 Commercial Spanish I
SPAN316 Practicum in Translation I
SPAN317 Practicum in Translation II
SPAN318 Translation of Technical Texts
SPAN331 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature I: Medieval Times
SPAN332 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature II: Renaissance and Baroque
SPAN333 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature III: Modern Times
SPAN356 Literary Translation I
SPAN357 Literary Translation II
SPAN361 Latin American Literatures and Cultures I: From Pre-Colombian to Colonial Times
SPAN362 Latin American Literatures and Cultures II: From Independence to Nation Formation
SPAN363 Latin American Literatures and Cultures III: From Modernism to Neo-Liberalism
SPAN415 Commercial Spanish II
SPAN417 Interpretation
SPAN425 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics I: Basic Concepts
SPAN426 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics II: Language In Use
SPAN448 Special Topics in Latin American Civilization
SPAN449 Special Topics in Spanish Civilization
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All Spanish literature courses on the 4xx level
All courses must be taught in Spanish.
Native or heritage learners of Spanish should seek the advice of the Undergraduate
Advisor for Spanish before choosing their courses.
The minor is open to all students except Spanish majors.
A grade of "C-" or better is required in each class.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the minor is required for graduation.
A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions. However, a maximum of 9 credits may be applied from a University of
Maryland Study Abroad program.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Spanish Language, Business, and Cultures
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)
This 15 credit minor will provide students with a solid background in language, culture, and
concepts important for business in the Spanish-speaking world.
Core Courses Required for the Minor
SPAN207 Reading and Writing in Spanish
SPAN301 Advanced Grammar and Composition I
SPAN303 Approaches to Cultural Materials in the Hispanic World
Other Required Courses
Following completion of the core sequence, students will complete:
SPAN315 Commercial Spanish I
SPAN415 Commercial Spanish II
All courses must be taught in Spanish.
Native and Heritage Speakers
Native speakers and all others with the ability to begin coursework at a high level should speak
with the Undergraduate Advisor. Heritage learners, students from homes where Spanish is
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spoken or who have had in depth exposure to Spanish, are encouraged to take a series of courses
designed to enhance their skills.
Transfer Credits
A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to the minor from courses taken at other
institutions. However, a maximum of 9 credits may be applied from a University of Maryland
study abroad program.
The minor is open to all students except Spanish majors.
Application Process
Students should meet with the Minor Advisor during walk-in advising hours. The advising hours
are always posted at 2211 Jimenez Hall, and are available on the Department of Spanish and
Portuguese website, https://sllc.umd.edu/spanish/undergraduate/advising.
1117 Mathematics Building, 301-405-5053
The Department of Mathematics offers a minor in Statistics for students whose majors are not
Mathematics. The goal of the minor in Statistics is to provide the student with a substantial
number of courses that are statistical in nature and involve a substantial amount of mathematics.
The requirements entail 16 credits, from I - IV:
I. MATH241 - Calculus III (Multivariable Calculus) (4 credits)
II. One of the three pairs of 3 credit courses: (6 credits)
STAT400 and STAT401
STAT410 and STAT420
STAT410 and STAT401
III. STAT430 (3 credits)
IV. One of the courses in a-e (3 credits):
(a) STAT440
(b) STAT470
(c) A third course in (II) not already taken to satisfy (II)
(d) ECON422
(e) or other courses as deemed appropriate
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Other issues related to the minor in Statistics:
The minor in Statistics is NOT open to Mathematics majors.
The student will need to achieve at least a "C-" in each course for the minor in Statistics.
A student may use a maximum of 2 courses to satisfy the requirements of both a major
and the minor in Statistics.
No more than 2 courses for the minor in Statistics may be taken at an institution other
than the University of Maryland, College Park. In addition, no more than one upper-level
course may be taken at an institution other than the University of Maryland, College
The departmental advisor for this program is Professor Paul Smith ([email protected]).
Surficial Geology
Geology (GEOL)
1115 Geology Building, 301-405-4365
This undergraduate minor recognizes concentrated study in Surficial Geology, a designated field
in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. The award of a minor will be
noted on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
This minor may be earned by students not majoring in Geology and are administered by the
Geology Undergraduate Studies Director. A grade of "C-" or better must be earned in all courses
required for the minor.
Physical Geology/Lab, or
Environmental Geology/Lab
Causes and Implications of Global Change
Two from:
Principles of Paleontology
Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
Environmental Geochemistry
Global Climate Change Past and Present
Low Temperature Geochemistry
Groundwater, or
Watershed and Wetland Hydrology
Special Problems in Geology
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Survey Methodology
Joint Program in Survey Methodology
University of Maryland
1218 LeFrak Hall
College Park, MD 20742
The undergraduate Minor in Survey Methodology is a cross-disciplinary program offered by the
Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) within the College of Behavioral and Social
Sciences (BSOS). Students in the program will explore the theoretical foundations of survey
design and survey data collection, together with the practical application of this theoretical
material. Completion of the minor will prepare students to enter careers in the Federal statistical
system or any of the numerous private sector firms that collect survey data to inform decision-
making, as well as for further graduate study in the field of survey methodology. In addition,
students aspiring to careers in fields such as marketing, political consulting, economics or the
social sciences that rest on the collection and use of survey data will benefit from the
understanding of the data collection process that they will acquire.
Student Learning Outcomes
Whether collecting information from survey respondents or making use of data collected by
means of such surveys, individuals in many fields require an understanding of the process of
designing surveys and collecting survey data. Requisite knowledge areas include the principles
of questionnaire design, selecting survey samples to represent populations of interest, modes of
data collection, and the use of weights in the analysis of survey data, among other topics.
Upon completion of the proposed curriculum, students will:
Have the knowledge needed to construct a new survey questionnaire or evaluate an
existing survey questionnaire in accord with the basic principles of questionnaire design;
Know how to identify potential sources of error in survey estimates and suggest strategies
for minimizing those errors; and
Be aware of various features of the design of sample surveys that may affect the analysis
and interpretation of the resulting data.
18 credits are required for the minor as outlined below:
Statistics and Research Methods Courses (6 to 8 credits)
The design of survey samples and the analysis of survey data are inherently quantitative
exercises. It is, therefore, important that anyone seeking to work in these fields of endeavor have
a solid quantitative background. Students enrolled in the minor will be required to take two
courses in statistics and research methods. Any of the following courses are appropriate choices
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for the first of these two courses:
BIOM301 Introduction to Biometrics
CCJS200 Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice
ECON321 Economic Statistics
EDMS451 Introduction to Educational Statistics
GVPT422 Quantitative Political Analysis
PSYC200 Statistical Methods in Psychology
SOCY201 Introductory Statistics for Sociology
STAT400 Applied Probability and Statistics I
STAT410 Introduction to Probability Theory
Any of the following courses are appropriate choices for the second of the two courses:
ECON422 Econometrics
SOCY401 Intermediate Statistics for Sociologists
STAT401 Applied Probability and Statistics II
STAT420 Introduction to Statistics
There is enormous demand on campus for many of the courses listed as options for fulfilling the
statistics/research methods requirement, especially the courses on the first list, and the number of
seats available in these classes may be limited. Majors in the department that offers a course may
receive priority for enrollment (e.g., CCJS200) or enrollment in a course may be restricted to
majors (e.g., ECON321). In addition, there may be prerequisites associated with a particular
course. Several of the courses listed in the first set of options require that the student have taken
calculus and some of the courses listed in the second set of options require a particular first
course as a prerequisite (e.g., STAT420 requires STAT410 as a prerequisite). The fact that a
course is listed as an appropriate option for fulfilling the minor requirements does not imply that
students necessarily will be able to enroll in that specific course. Students interested in the minor
will be asked to consult with their JPSM Advisor about the best way to complete the two course
statistics and research methods requirement given their individual circumstances. Courses
covering similar material, including courses offered at other institutions, may be accepted as
substitutes for the listed courses.
SOCY201 and SOCY401 are 4-credit rather than 3-credit courses. For students choosing these
courses to fulfill the requirements of the minor, the minor will be an 18 credit program. Students
admitted to the minor in the spring of their sophomore year who have not yet taken one of the
listed statistics/research methods courses ideally will take one in the fall of their junior year and
the second in the spring of their junior year.
Core Course in Survey Methodology (3 credits)
The core course of the minor is SURV400 Fundamentals of Survey Design. This is an existing
course that is offered each spring and is taught by a regular member of the JPSM teaching
faculty. Students in the minor will be given enrollment priority. SURV400 is designed to provide
students with an overview of the entire survey process, from the development of survey
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objectives to the collection and analysis of the survey data. The textbook for the course was
authored by leading scholars in the field, all of whom have taught in the JPSM program.
SURV400 will be a prerequisite for the two additional 3 credit SURV courses required for the
minor and should be taken in the spring of the junior year.
Additional Survey Methodology Courses (6 credits)
Students completing the minor also will be required to take SURV430 Questionnaire Design, a
new course developed to serve students in the minor as well as graduate students in other
departments on campus. SURV430 will be offered as a stand-alone course each year in the fall
semester and students in the minor will be given enrollment priority. We do not currently have
the staff resources to offer a separate section of this new class in other semesters. In order to
provide students completing the minor with needed scheduling flexibility, SURV430 will be
offered jointly with SURV630, an existing course taken by students pursuing the JPSM Masters
in Survey Methodology, in the spring and/or summer. Qualified students enrolled in the jointly
offered SURV430/SURV630 course may choose, with permission, to register for SURV630.
Successful completion of SURV630 will satisfy the minor requirement. Taking SURV630 could
be advantageous for students who later apply for the JPSM Masters degree program, as it is a
required course for that program.
Students taking the minor also will be required to take one additional 600-leve1 SURV course.
The course options and the semesters when these courses are regularly offered are as follows:
SURV623 Data Collection - Fall, Summer
SURV632 Social and Cognitive Foundations of Survey Measurement - Fall
SURV625 Applied Sampling - Spring, Summer
These are existing courses taken primarily by students in the JPSM Masters program. Although
these are graduate level courses, we believe they should be accessible to advanced
undergraduates with suitable preparation.
Seminar (1 credit)
The final requirement for the minor is that students participate in SURV672 Introduction to the
Federal Statistical System and to the Survey Research Profession, another course taken by
students in the JPSM Masters program. This is a one-credit pass-fail seminar, taught each fall, in
which students consider issues related to the ethics of survey data collection and serving the
users of survey data. During the semester, students meet with the heads of a number of the
federal statistical agencies, giving them the opportunity to learn about those agencies' work. This
seminar is an important part of the professionalization of our students and thus of preparing them
for careers that make use of their survey methodology background.
Completion Requirements
In order to complete the minor, students must:
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Complete all 16-18 required credits;
Achieve a minimum grade of "C-" or better in all minor courses;
Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across all courses
used to satisfy the minor requirements;
Apply no more than two courses from the minor to satisfying the requirements of the
student's major;
Complete no more than two courses for the minor at an institution other than the
University of Maryland, College Park.
The minor is designed to be completed during the junior and senior years, but students could
apply for admission to the minor as early as the fall of their sophomore year. Courses completed
prior to applying for the minor will be accepted to satisfy the minor requirements.
Eligibility and Application Process
Admission to the minor will be limited to no more than 25 students per year, selected through a
competitive application process. This limitation on potential enrollments is necessary because of
the small size of the JPSM faculty. Successful applicants will have completed at least 30
semester credits and have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement with a minimal
GPA requirement of a 3.2. Students who apply to the program are expected to be able to work
independently. Students seeking admission to the minor will be asked to complete an application
form made available on the JPSM website, submit a letter of support for their application from a
faculty member or advisor, submit a half page statement why this minor interests you and
provide a copy of their transcript.
The faculty committee responsible for oversight of the minor will evaluate the applications
submitted. In selecting students to the program the committee will emphasize academic
achievement including, in particular, evidence of successful completion of courses in
quantitative subjects.
Interested students should contact JPSM at [email protected]. The application form will be
posted to the JPSM website at http://jointprogram.umd.edu/ and applications for admission will
be reviewed each semester. Once admitted to the program, students will work with the program
director or an assigned faculty advisor to plan the courses to be taken to complete the minor.
Students will be expected to be in touch with their faculty advisor(s) prior to the start of each
semester to ensure that they are continuing on track to complete the minor requirements.
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Sustainability Studies
Co-sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the School of Public
1118C Taliaferro
The study of sustainability examines each generation’s commitment to protect and preserve the
quality of the natural environment for the benefit of succeeding generations. The stability of
natural systems and the environment, economic progress, and promoting social justice are all
important sustainability goals. Promoting these goals involves choices among competing ends.
The Sustainability Studies Minor at the University of Maryland provides students the opportunity
to learn how human relationships, natural resources, and diverse environments can be understood
and used to address creatively and positively the global challenges that will affect future human
populations and cultures. It will complement any major on campus and provide both intellectual
breadth and depth in a challenging area of inquiry that is gaining a high level of interest in
businesses, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations. This minor will provide
students with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for them as citizens,
employees, or graduate students.
Requirements: 15 approved credits, at least 9 of which are 300- or 400-level. All courses taken
for a minor must be completed with a minimum grade of "C-". A minimum C (2.00) cumulative
grade point average across all courses used to satisfy the minor is also required. Notes: No more
than 6 credits may overlap between your major and Sustainability Studies, unless otherwise
approved by your major. Additionally, courses completed in one minor may not be used to
satisfy the requirements in another minor. Students must declare the minor a full academic year
before their intended graduation.
3 credits - AGNR/PUAF301 - Introduction to Sustainability (required). This course
will introduce you to the normative concepts and new thinking surrounding sustainability.
We will use readings, lectures, writing exercises, and small group exercises that address
how environmental responsibility, economic health, social equity, and cultural vitality are
defined and considered in the sustainability context. The roles of resilience and adaptive
management will be examined as key pragmatic dimensions of sustainability and as
challenging concepts shaping our environmental ethics today. Guest speakers from the
Washington region with research and policy expertise will discuss current policy issues.
9 credits One course from each of three groups of courses linked to the three pillars
of sustainability: Science and Technology, Policy and Institutions, and Social and Human
Dimensions (see web site for a list of approved courses).
3 credits An additional course from one of these categories or an approved, credit-
bearing experiential learning option for which a grade is earned. These experiences
include internships, study abroad trips, and research projects. The experiential learning
option must be linked to sustainability and approved in advance.
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To declare this minor or for more information, please e-mail [email protected]
Technology Entrepreneurship
Minor in Technology Entrepreneurship: 15 credits.
A firm grasp of the entrepreneurial process and mind-set benefits every person engaged in
developing technology. The goal of the minor in Technology Entrepreneurship is to infuse
technology-creating students with that knowledge and its accompanying skills. Armed with an
entrepreneurial mind-set, technology creators drive economic growth by launching successful
ventures and bringing life-changing products and services to market.
The minor in Technology Entrepreneurship prepares students for launching successful
technology ventures and bringing life-changing products and services to market. The minor
develops the entrepreneurial mind-set and functional skillsets of students to improve their ability
to create, launch, and manage technology ventures. Students earn the minor by completing
coursework which focuses on entrepreneurial opportunity analysis, marketing high-technology
products, strategies for managing innovation, and international entrepreneurship and innovation.
For details and contact information, visit http://www.mtech.umd.edu/educate/minor/
U.S. Latina/o Studies
Department of American Studies
3322 Tawes, 301-405-1354
The minor, which requires a total of 15 credits, is intended for students who wish to develop a
specialization in U.S. Latina/o Studies alongside their degree pursuits. It is advantageous for
students engaged in work with U.S. Latina/o communities in a variety of professions and
academic fields including American studies, history, literature, education, non-profits, urban
studies and planning, health care, social services, business, government, and public policy,
among others.
Requirements (15 credits)
A. Two 1xx or 2xx-Level Foundation Courses (6 credits) - All students are required to take the
two foundational courses:
USLT201 - U.S. Latina/o Studies I: An Historical Overview to 1960s
USLT202 - US. Latina/o Studies II: A Contemporary Overview, 1960s-Present.
B. One 3xx or 4xx-Level Course (3 credits)
All students are required to take the 3xx or 4xx-level course:
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USLT488B - Senior Seminar in U.S. Latina/o Studies
C. Two 3xx or 4xx-Level Elective Courses (6 credits)
In addition to the three required courses, students will select two 3xx or 4xx-level elective
courses in consultation with the USLT advisor. The elective courses will come from two of the
following categories: Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages, and Education.
For these electives, students can choose USLT498 - Special Topics in U.S. Latina/o Studies and
from a list of pre-approved courses offered through other departments or programs. Elective
courses will explore the historical, cultural, political, economic, and sociological dimensions of
U.S. Latina/o experiences.
Additional courses that include comparative U.S. Latino content, such as in AMST, USLT,
for inclusion in the minor with the approval of the USLT advisor and Director of U.S. Latina/o
No course grade below the grade of "C-" may count toward the minor. An overall GPA of 2.0 in
the minor is required for graduation.
To make an appointment to explore or declare a minor, go to
Additionally, send an email to [email protected] or USLT Director Dr. Nancy Mirabal at
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Chapter 9. Certificates
Upper Division Certificates
African American Studies Certificate
Asian American Studies Certificate
Computational Science Certificate
East Asian Studies Certificate
International Agriculture and Natural Resources Certificate
Latin American Studies Certificate
Leadership Studies Certificate
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies Certificate
Science and Technology Certificate
Women’s Studies Certificate
Lower Division Certificate
Applied Agriculture (offered through the Institute of Applied Agriculture)
African American Studies Certificate
1119 Taliaferro Hall, 301-405-1158
The Certificate in African American Studies offers undergraduate students an excellent
opportunity to develop a specialization in African-American issues while pursuing a major in
another field. Certificate students learn about the social, economic, political and cultural history
of the African-American people through a concentration of courses they plan with the AASD
Academic Advisor. Courses taken toward the certificate also may be used to satisfy General
Education requirements and electives.
Earning a Certificate in African American Studies gives students a competitive advantage in the
job market by adding greater focus to their undergraduate experience.
Requirements for the Certificate
9 hours of AASP General Education courses: AASP100, AASP101, and AASP200 or
9 hours of upper division electives in AASP (300-level or above); courses in other
departments must be pre-approved.
3 credit seminar: AASP400 or AASP402.
Students must earn a "C-" or above in each course applied toward the certificate.
Students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average across all courses
used to satisfy the undergraduate certificate requirements.
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No more than 9 credit hours applied towards a major may be counted for the certificate.
No more than 9 credit hours may be taken at institutions other than UMD.
For more information, or to apply, please call the African American Studies Department at
301-405-1158. The AASD office is located in 1119 Taliaferro Hall.
Asian American Studies Certificate
Office of Undergraduate Studies
2117 Susquehanna Hall, 301-405-0996
Note: The Certificate in Asian American Studies is suspended. Information on the Certificate is
for reference only.
The Certificate in Asian American Studies involves students in critical study of the experiences
of Asian Americans. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students examine the histories,
communities, and cultures of Asian Americans as both distinctive from and connected to the
broader themes for diversity, ethnicity, race, gender and migration in the Americas.
Requirements for Certificate
The Certificate in Asian American Studies requires at least 21 credits: 6 credits in core courses
(AAST200 and AAST201); 12 credits in elective courses (from among AAST offerings or, with
program approval, from among courses offered outside AAST); and a capstone course of 3
credits (AAST 378 or AAST388). Students must earn a grade of C- or better in any course that
counts toward the Certificate in Asian American Studies. Beginning with students matriculating
in Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate degree, students must have a minimum C (2.00)
cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy undergraduate certificate
Note: The Certificate in Asian American Studies was suspended beginning fall 2009. The Asian
American Studies Program currently offers a 15-credit academic minor; see Chapter 6 for details
on the Asian American Studies Minor.
Computational Science Certificate
College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences
3103 Mathematics Building, 301-405-0924
For program requirements contact Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation
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East Asian Studies Certificate
College of Arts and Humanities
4224 Jimenez Hall, 301-405-3745
The Undergraduate Certificate in East Asian Studies is a 24-credit course of instruction designed
to provide specialized knowledge of the cultures, histories, and contemporary concerns of the
peoples of China, Japan, and Korea. It will complement and enrich a student's major. The
curriculum focuses on language instruction, civilization courses, and electives in several
departments and programs of the university. It is designed specifically for students who wish to
expand their knowledge of East Asia and demonstrate to prospective employers, the public, and
graduate and professional schools a special competence and set of skills in East Asian affairs.
Upon satisfactory completion of the courses, with a grade of "C-" or better in each course, and
recommendation by the Coordinator of the Certificate Program, a certificate will be
awarded. Beginning with Fall 2012, to be awarded a baccalaureate degree, students must have a
minimum C (2.0) cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy undergraduate
certificate requirements. A notation of the award of the certificate will be included on the
student's transcript. The student must have a bachelor's degree awarded by Maryland (must be
College Park campus) previous to or simultaneously with an award of the certificate.
Core Values of the Program:
Vision: See the U.S. and East Asia as parts of one globalized world with cultural varieties.
Knowledge: Acquire language skills, spatial and chronological thinking skills, and creative
prowess through interdisciplinary study.
Integrity: Adhere to the University’s Code of Academic Integrity and professional ethics.
The Certificate will equip students to develop successful careers through teaching excellence
and study abroad programs.
Certificate Requirements
The student is required to take:
1. HIST284 East Asian Civilization I
2. HIST285 East Asian Civilization II
3. Six semester hours of introduction to one of the following East Asian languages (Chinese,
Japanese, or Korean):
CHIN101 Elementary Chinese I
JAPN101 Elementary Japanese I
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KORA101 Elementary Korean I
KORA102 Elementary Korean II
KORA211 Introductory Reading for Speakers of Korean I
KORA212 Introductory Reading for Speakers of Korean II
Students with language competence equivalent to these language courses are exempted from the
language requirement; such students are required to complete an additional six hours of electives
in East Asian courses to fulfill the 24-credit requirement for the certificate.
Electives: Students must complete at least 12 hours of electives selected from four regular
approved courses on East Asia in such disciplines as:
1. art history
2. business
3. ethnomusicology
4. government and politics
5. history
6. language, linguistics, and literature
7. music
8. plant science and landscape architecture
9. sociology and
10. women's studies.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the certificate is required for graduation.
Nine of the 12 hours of electives must be upper division (3xx-4xx level courses). A maximum of
three credit hours of special topics courses on East Asia will be allowed with the approval of the
certificate coordinator. No more than nine credits from any one department or from the student's
major may be applied toward the certificate. In addition, no more than nine credits of the
courses applied toward the certificate may be transferred from other institutions. Students are
asked to work with the coordinator in ensuring that the electives maintain an intercollegiate and
interdisciplinary focus (at least three disciplines are recommended). Interested students should
contact the Coordinator of the Certificate Program, Dr. Michele M. Mason, Department of East
Asian Languages and Cultures, 4224 Jimenez Hall, [email protected] (website at
International Agriculture and Natural Resources Certificate
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
0110 Symons Hall, 301-405-2078
The Certificate in International Agriculture and Natural Resources is designed to enrich a
student's major with a global perspective. The required courses focus on: language instruction;
international aspects of the environment, agricultural production, development and sustainability,
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nutrition, and business; an experience abroad; and a capstone course regarding the student's
travel abroad. Any student in good academic standing may participate in the certificate program.
Requirements for Certificate
The certificate requires 19-21 credits that may include courses taken toward other degree and
general education requirements. Upon successful completion of the courses, with a grade of "C-"
or better in each course and a recommendation of the Associate Dean of the College of
Agriculture and Natural Resources, a certificate will be awarded. A notation of the award of the
certificate will be included on the student's transcript. In order to receive the certificate, students
must have completed all requirements for a bachelor's degree.
Foreign Language
6-8 credits in a foreign language
International Courses
At least 9 credits from the following list of courses, at least 3 of these courses must be in the
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for students not majoring in a program outside of
the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources:
ENST100 International Crop Production
ENST440 Crops, Soils, and Civilization
AREC365 World Hunger, Population, and Food Supplies
AREC433 Food and Agricultural Policy
BMGT392 Introduction to International Business Management
BMGT390 Competing on Quality in a Global Economy
BSCI365 International Pesticide Problems and Solutions
GEOG434 Agriculture and Rural Development
NFSC425 International Nutrition
AREC445 Agricultural Development, Population Growth, and the Environment
ECON440 International Economics
GVPT306 Global Ecopolitics
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GEOG422 Population Geography
Travel Study or Travel Abroad
Three to four credits of travel study or study abroad. Prerequisite: to have completed the foreign
language course work. Prerequisite or co-requisite: six credits from the International Courses
List. In order to qualify for the certificate, travel study and study abroad experiences require
prior approval of Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. For
approval, travel experience must demonstrate significant learning opportunities in areas related
to agriculture and natural resources and cultural immersion.
Travel Study Seminar
1 credit Travel Study Seminar. Prerequisite: completion of the travel study requirement.
This course will require student presentation of their travel experience including a paper, a poster
presentation, as well as an oral presentation and discussion.
Latin American Studies Certificate
College of Arts and Humanities
4112 H.J. Patterson Hall, 301-405-9626
The interdisciplinary certificate program in Latin American Studies is open to University of
Maryland, College Park, undergraduates in any major who are interested in Latin America and
the Caribbean. The undergraduate certificate in Latin American Studies will be awarded to
students who have completed 21 credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in the following
Requirements for the Certificate
A. Core Curriculum for All Certificate Students (12 credits)
LASC/SPAN/PORT234 Issues in Latin American Studies I
LASC/SPAN/PORT235 Issues in Latin American Studies II
LASC/HIST250 or LASC/HIST251 Latin American History I or II
LASC/SPAN/PORT/ANTH458 Senior Capstone Course in Latin American Studies
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B. Additional Courses in Latin American Studies (9 credits)
Nine credits of additional courses must be chosen from an approved list and from at least two
different departments. At least six credits must be at the 3xx- or 4xx-level. See Latin American
Studies advisor for details.
C. Foreign Language Competency
All certificate students must demonstrate their competence in one of the languages of Latin
America and the Caribbean, including Spanish or Portuguese. Other languages may be used to
fulfill this goal with the permission of the LASC undergraduate advisor. Competency may be
proven with a grade of "C+" or better in an intermediate-level course or higher. Native speakers
of Spanish or Portuguese or students with extensive experience in these languages should consult
with the Latin American Studies advisor.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the certificate is required for graduation.
Interested students should contact our Director and Program Coordinator by email or phone
([email protected], 301-405-9626). Please also visit our web page at www.lasc.umd.edu.
Leadership Studies Certificate
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE)
3214 Benjamin Building, 301-405-8627
Certificate Completion Requirements
The CHSE Certificate in Leadership Studies consists of 21 credit hours. No more than six
credits can also be applied to a student's major, and no more than six credits may be taken at an
institution other than the University of Maryland College Park. No course with an earned grade
below "C-" may count towards the Certificate.
Requirements for the Certificate: (21 total credits)
HESI217 - Introduction to Leadership (3 credits)
HESI315 - Leadership in Groups and Organizations (3 credits)
HESI318 - Applied Contextual Leadership OR HESI418 - Special Topics in Leadership
(3 credits)
HESI417 - Advanced Leadership Seminar (3 credits)
HESI320 – Social Action Seminar (2 credits)
HESI321 – Advanced Social Action Seminar (1 credit)
TWO elective courses, from our pre-approved elective list (total 6 credits)
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies Certificate
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
The Department of Women's Studies offers an interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate and a
minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies (LGBT). These are designed to
examine the lives, experiences, identities and representations of LGBT persons, those who are
today described as having a minority sexual orientation or who are gender
transgressive. Students study LGBT families and communities, cultures and subcultures;
histories, institutions, languages and literatures; economic and political lives; and the complex
relations of sexual minorities to the culture and experience of the gender conformant and (hetero)
sexual majority. LGBT Studies is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field, and promotes
the application of new theories and methodologies (e.g., queer, feminist, critical race, and
multicultural theories) to established disciplines, and it advances the generation of new
knowledge within traditional fields of scholarship. Through study of sexual minorities, students
gain an understanding of and respect for other differences in human lives such as age, ability,
class, ethnicity, gender, race, and religion. In consultation with the Department of Women's
Studies Academic Advisor, LGBT minors and certificate candidates design a program that
complements their major field of study.
Certificate Requirements:
21 credits: 15 credits are in required courses, while 6 credits are earned in two elective courses.
A. Required core curriculum for the Certificate in LGBT Studies (15 credits)
1. LGBT200 - Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
2. One 1xx or 2xx-level course focused on literature, art, or culture by or about LGBT people,
either LGBT265 (X-listed as ENGL265) or LGBT291 (X-listed as CMLT291) ;
3. One of the following 3xx or 4xx-level courses focused on the personal, social, political, and
historical aspects of LGBT people: LGBT350, LGBT407 (X-listed as PHIL407), or LGBT494
(X-listed as WMST494);
4. One of the following 3xx or 4xx-level courses focused on literature, art, or culture by or about
LGBT people: LGBT359 (X-listed as ENGL359), LGBT459 (X-listed as ENGL459), LGBT465
(X-listed as ENGL465); or LGBT327
5. One of the following:
a. LGBT488
Seminar in LGBT Studies
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b. LGBT386
Supervised Internship - LGBT Community Organizations
B. Elective courses for the Certificate in LGBT Studies (6 credits)
Students choose 6 hours of elective credits in consultation with the Department of Women's
Studies Academic Advisor. At least 3 hours of elective credits must be from 3xx or 4xx-level
courses. Students are encouraged to choose electives to complement their knowledge of LGBT
people and issues by exploring disciplines that contrast with the major field of study. Students
may select elective courses from the list of core courses above that have not been used to fulfill
requirements for categories 2-5, or from a list of approved courses maintained by the
program. The list is updated regularly and available at www.lgbts.umd.edu/minor.html. A
student may also petition to have any other course fulfill this requirement by providing evidence,
usually the syllabus, that a substantial amount of the course work, usually including a term paper,
consists of LGBT material.
Appropriate substitutions for courses listed in categories 2 through 4 above may be made
with approval from the Department of Women's Studies Director of Undergraduate
No course earned with a grade below "C-" will count toward the certificate in LGBT
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the certificate is required for graduation.
Students may use a maximum of nine credits (or three courses) to satisfy the
requirements of both their major and the certificate in LGBT Studies.
No more than nine of the required credits may be taken at an institution other than the
University of Maryland, College Park.
Students must declare the certificate in LGBT Studies to the Department of Women's
Studies one year prior to their intended graduation to assure appropriate advising and
Science, Technology and Society Certificate
1125 Cumberland Hall, 301-405-7219
Director, David Tomblin, [email protected]
The undergraduate University Certificate program in Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
enables students to learn about the dynamic, interactive and creative relationships among
science, technology, and society. This 21-credit program helps structure a student’s general
education and elective requirements into a unifying theme. The end product of the program is a
research project of the student’s own choosing, which is developed under faculty mentorship.
The STS University Certificate is especially helpful to students who are seeking jobs that require
understanding policy decisions as they relate to scientific and engineering endeavors, those
students hoping to seek a graduate degree that integrates science, technology, and policy, or
students simply interested in developing a greater understanding of social issues related to
science and technology.
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STS is an interdisciplinary field that has been taught for more than 30 years at universities in the
United States and Europe, notably in those with strong engineering and public policy
programs. In recent years, STS University Certificate students have chosen to write their
capstone term papers about timely topics, including the interactions among science, technology
and society related to nanotechnology, fuel cell applications, physics research funding, climate
change modeling, religious principles as a basis for climate action, integration of SONAR into
underwater vehicles, nuclear power in developing countries, and interpersonal impacts of social
The STS program requires 9 credits of Lower Level (100-200) and 9 credits of Upper Level
courses (300-400) and the STS Capstone (ENES 440, 3 credits). Students must obtain prior
approval of the director before counting courses toward their individualized STS
curriculum. Many of these credits may overlap with major and minor requirements. For
guidance, see the website for a list of approved courses, and note that students may ask the
director to approve a course not listed on the website.
Lower Level (100- and 200-level) Courses (9 credits):
Three courses that relate science to society, technology to society, or science to technology; one
of the courses should be CPSS 225 (STS sophomore survey course)
Upper Level (300- and 400-level) Courses (12 credits):
These courses have an interdisciplinary orientation that demonstrates inter-relationships between
science and society, between technology and society, or between science and technology.
Students choose three courses and the fourth course is ENES440, the STS University Certificate
Joining the Program and Program Requirements:
Students interested in STS should contact the director to obtain advice and approval prior to
enrolling in courses that fulfill the program. Students record their progress with the STS program
office as they complete requirements, participate in a semi-annual advising meeting, and write a
brief evaluation upon completing the program. Students must earn a minimum grade of "C-" in
each course they wish to credit toward the STS University Certificate. A student's individual
course of study may not exceed these maximums: 9 credits of courses applied to the student's
major; 3 credits of Special or Selected Topics courses; 9 credits of courses taken outside UMCP;
and 6 credits of courses with the AREC, ECON and GVPT prefixes. Once all requirements are
met and the director affirms that the student has completed the program, the Registrar includes a
notation of this University Certificate on the student's transcript.
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Women's Studies Certificate
College of Arts and Humanities
2101 Woods Hall, 301-405-6877
See Women's Studies Department for faculty roster.
The Women's Studies Certificate Program consists of an integrated, interdisciplinary curriculum
on women and gender that is designed to supplement a student's major. Any student in good
standing may enroll in the certificate program by declaring her/his intention to the Women's
Studies Department. For additional information contact the Women's Studies office, 301-405-
Requirements for Certificate
To qualify for a certificate in Women's Studies, a student will be required to earn 21 credits in
Women's Studies courses, nine of which must be at the 3xx/4xx level. No more than three credit
hours of special topics courses may be counted toward the certificate. No more than nine credits
which are applied toward a major may be included in the certificate program. No more than nine
credit hours may be taken at institutions other than the University of Maryland. Each student
must obtain a grade of "C-" or better in each course that is to be counted toward the certificate.
An overall GPA of 2.0 in the certificate is required for graduation. Of the 21 credits, courses
must be distributed as follows:
1. Requirements for the Certificate
Foundation Courses (9 credit hours)
WMST200 Introduction to Women's Studies: Women and Society, OR
WMST250 Introduction to Women's Studies: Women, Art & Culture
WMST400 Theories of Feminism
WMST488 Senior Seminar
2. Distributive Courses
Area I: Arts and Literature (3 credit hours)
WMST241 Women Writers of French Expression in Translation (X-listed as FREN241)
WMST250 Introduction to Women's Studies: Women, Art, and Culture
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WMST255 Introduction to Literature by Women (X-listed as ENGL255)
WMST275 World Literature by Women (X-listed as CMLT 275)
WMST281 Women in German Literature and Society (X-listed as GERM281)
WMST348 Literary Works by Women (x-listed as ENGL348)
WMST408 Special Topics in Literature by Women before 1800 (X-listed as ENGL 408)
WMST444 Feminist Critical Theory (X-listed as ENGL 444)
WMST448 Special Topics in Literature by Women of Color* (X-listed as ENGL448)
WMST458 Special Topics in Literature by Women after 1800 (X-listed as ENGL458)
WMST466 Feminist Perspective on Women in Art (X-listed as ARTH466)
WMST468 Feminist Cultural Studies
WMST481 Femmes Fatales and the Representation of Violence in Literature(X-listed as
WMST496 African -American Women Filmmakers* (X-listed as THET 496)
FREN482 Gender and Ethnicity in Modern French Literature
Area II: Historical Perspectives (3 credit hours)
WMST210 Women in America to 1880(X-listed as HIST 210)
WMST211 Women in America Since 1880 (X-listed as HIST 211)
WMST212 Women in Western Europe, 1750-present (X-listed as HIST212)
WMST320 Women in Classical Antiquity (X-listed as CLAS 320)
WMST453 Victorian Women in England, France, and the United States (X-listed as HIST
WMST454 Women in Africa* (X-listed as HIST 494)
WMST455 Women in Medieval Culture and Society (X-listed as HIST495)
WMST456 Women in the Middle East*
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WMST457 Changing Perceptions of Gender in the US: 1880-1935 (X-listed as HIST 433)
AASP313 Black Women in United States History*
AMST418J Women and Family in American Life
Area III: Social and Natural Sciences (3 credit hours)
WMST200 Introduction to Women's Studies: Women and Society
WMST313 Women and Science (X-listed as BSCI 313)
WMST324 Communication and Gender (x-listed as COMM 324)
WMST325 Sociology of Gender (X-listed as SOCY 325)
WMST326 Biology of Reproduction (X-listed as BSCI 342)
WMST336 Psychology of Women (X-listed as PSYC 366)
WMST360 Caribbean Women*
WMST410 Women in the African Diaspora*
WMST420 Asian-American Women*
WMST425 Gender Roles and Social Institutions
WMST430 Gender Issues in Families (X-listed as FMST 430)
WMST436 Legal Status of Women (X-listed as GVPT 436)
WMST452 Women and the Media (X-listed as JOUR 452)
WMST471 Women's Health (X-listed as HLTH 471)
WMST493 Jewish Women in International Perspective*
WMST494 Lesbian Communities and Difference*
AASP498F Special Topics in Black Culture: Women and Work*
CCJS498 Special Topics in Criminology and Criminal Justice: Women and Crime
SOCY498W Special Topics in Sociology: Women in the Military
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*Fulfills Women's Studies Cultural Diversity Requirement
3. Courses in Cultural Diversity (3 credit hours)
Students will select one course for a minimum of 3 credit hours. Approved courses are noted
with an asterisk in section 2, above. Courses in this category may overlap with other
4. Remaining Courses
The remaining courses may be chosen from any of the three distributive areas or from among
any of the WMST courses including WMST 298 or 498: Special Topics and WMST 499:
Independent Study.
To obtain more information, contact the Undergraduate Advisor, 301-405-6827, or write to the
Women's Studies Department, 2101 Woods Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Course Code: WMST
Lower Division Certificates
Applied Agriculture
Institute of Applied Agriculture (60-credit Certificate in Applied Agriculture)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Glori Hyman, Director
2123 Jull Hall, 301-405-4685
Through the Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) students earn a UMD Certificate in Applied
Agriculture. Students may select one of the following concentrations: Agricultural Business
Management, Agricultural Leadership and Communication, General Turfgrass Management,
Golf Course Management, Landscape Management, Ornamental Horticulture, Sports Turf
Management, and Sustainable Agriculture. The IAA provides students with the entrepreneurial
and technical skills needed to manage and lead successful agricultural enterprises.
The IAA has a separate admission policy which can be found on its website. Upon completion of
the program, most students accept job offers. However, students are welcome to transfer to the
University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland University College; or other
Agriculture Forward at the University of Maryland (Ag Forward) is an accelerated program
for first-time university students who are interested in earning dual credentials from the
University of Maryland, College Park. Students begin their studies in the Institute of Applied
Agriculture (IAA). After successfully completing 30 credits at the IAA with a GPA of at least
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3.0., students are eligible to transfer into a bachelor's degree program within the College of
Agriculture and Natural Resources. Students continue to earn their Certificate in Applied
Agriculture while working on their bachelor's degree.
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University Policies
University of Maryland College Park and University of Maryland System policies and
procedures that may impinge on an undergraduate student's studies can be found on the
following sites:
The policy below is current as of this publication. For more information and possible updates go
APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT 1 AUGUST 1991; updated April 15, 1996, June 2,
1997, and October 1, 2002 by President's Legal Office.
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It is the policy of UMCP to comply with the requirements of the Federal Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act, known as the Buckley Amendment, concerning the disclosure of student
records. Following is an outline of the policy, and an explanation of the procedures by which
students may obtain access to education records. A copy of this policy shall be furnished
annually to each student with registration materials.
"Attendance" includes but is not limited to attendance in person or by correspondence; and the
period during which a person is working under a work-study program.
"Directory Information" means information which would generally not be considered harmful
or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. It includes, but is not limited to, a student's name, address,
telephone listing, e-mail address, date and place of birth, major field of study, full-time/part-time
status, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic
teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous
educational agency or institution attended.
"Disclosure" means to permit access to or the release, transfer, or other communication of
education records to any party by any means, including oral, written, or electronic means.
"Education Records" means those records maintained by UMCP which contain information
directly related to a student except:
1. Records made by instructors, professors, and administrators for their own use, and not
shown to others.
2. Records maintained by UMCP Police solely for law enforcement purposes and kept
separately from the education records described above.
3. Records of employment which relate exclusively to the individual in that individual's
capacity as an employee, and are not available for use for any other purpose.
(NOTE: If a currently enrolled student is employed as a result of his or her status as a
student, records relating to that employment are education records.)
4. Records on a student who is eighteen years of age or older made by a physician,
psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional made or
used only for treatment purposes and available only to persons providing treatment.
(NOTE: Treatment for the purposes of this definition does not include remedial
educational activities.)
5. Alumni records which contain only information relating to a person's activities after that
person is no longer a student at UMCP and do not relate to that person as a student.
"Parent" means a parent of a student, and includes a natural or adoptive parent, a guardian, or, in
the absence of natural or adoptive parents, an individual acting as a parent.
"Party" means an individual, agency, institution, or organization.
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"Personally identifiable information" means a student's name, a name of a student's parent or
family members, an address of a student or a student's family, a personal identifier, such as a
social security number or student number, a list of personal characteristics or any information
that would make a student's identity traceable.
"Record" means any information recorded in any way including but not limited to handwriting,
print, tape, film, microfilm, and microfiche.
"Student" means any individual who is or has been in attendance at UMCP and on whom
education records are maintained.
Each student in attendance at UMCP has a right to inspect and review his or her education
A. Procedure
1. Form of Request
Requests for access to education records must be made in writing, signed by the
student, and must include the student's social security number.
2. Place of Request
Requests are made to:
Registrar's Office
Clarence Mitchell Building
College Park, Maryland 20742-5231
3. Response by UMCP
UMCP will comply with a request for access within a reasonable time, not to
exceed 45 days. Whenever possible, arrangements shall be made for the student to
read his or her records in the presence of a staff member.
4. Reproduction of Records
A student may ordinarily obtain copies of education records by paying the cost of
reproduction. The fee for photocopies is $.25 per page. There is no charge for
staff time to search for or collect education records. Only copies of a student's
current UMCP transcript will be provided. Official University of Maryland
transcripts with the seal of the University will be provided at a higher cost.
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B. Types and Locations of Education Records Maintained at UMCP
(NOTE: All requests must be routed through the Registrar's Office.)
1. Admissions
Applications and transcripts from institutions previously attended.
a. Undergraduate:
Director of Admissions
Mitchell Building
b. Graduate:
Director of Graduate Records
Lee Building
2. Registrations
All on-going academic and biographical records, undergraduate and graduate:
Director of Registrations
Mitchell Building
3. Departments
Departmental Offices
Chair of the Department
4. Deans
Miscellaneous records
Dean's office of each school
5. Resident Life
Student's housing records
Director of Resident Life
6. Advisors
Letters of evaluation, personal information sheet, transcript, test scores
(with student permission).
Pre-law advisor: Hornbake Library
Pre-dental advisor: Hornbake Library
Pre-medical advisor: Hornbake Library
7. Judicial Affairs
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Student's judicial and disciplinary records
Director of Judicial Programs
Mitchell Building
8. Counseling Center
Biographical data, summaries of conversations with students, test results
Shoemaker Hall
(NOTE: Where records are used only for treatment purposes, they are not
education records and are not subject to this policy.)
9. Financial Aid
Financial Aid applications, needs analysis statements, awards made
Director of Financial Aid
Lee Building
Deans' Offices
(NOTE: There is no student access to parents' confidential statements.)
10. Career Development Center
Recommendations, unofficial copies of academic records
Hornbake Library
11. Office of the Bursar
Student accounts receivable, records of students' financial charges and credits
with UMCP
Lee Building
C. Waiver of Access to Confidential Recommendations
A student may waive the right of access to confidential recommendations in the
following areas:
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1. admission to any educational institution;
2. job placement;
3. receipt of honors and awards.
The waiver must be in writing, and UMCP shall not require such waivers as a
condition to admission, or the receipt of any service or benefit. If right of access is
waived, a student will be notified, upon written request, of the names of all
persons making confidential recommendations. Such recommendations shall be
used only for the purpose for which they were specifically intended. A waiver
may be revoked in writing at any time, and will only apply to subsequent
It is the policy of UMCP to limit disclosure of personally identifiable information without a
student's prior written consent, subject to the following limitations and exceptions:
A. Directory Information (defined above)
1. This information may be disclosed and may appear in public documents unless a student
files a written notice not to disclose any or all of the information within three weeks of
the first day of the semester in which the student begins each year. This notice must be
filed annually with the Registrar's Office within the allotted time to avoid automatic
disclosure of directory information
2. Students will be given annual notice of the categories of information designated as
directory information.
B. Prior Consent Not Required
Prior consent is not required for disclosure of education records to the following parties:
1. School officials of UMCP who are or may be in a position to use the information in
furtherance of a legitimate educational objective.
A school official is:
a. A person employed by the University of Maryland System in an administrative,
supervisory, academic, research or support staff position.
b. A member of the Board of Regents.
c. A person employed by or under contract to the University to perform a special
task, such as an attorney or auditor.
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A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is:
a. Performing a task that is specified in his or her position description or by a
contract agreement.
b. Performing a task related to a student's education.
c. Performing a task related to the discipline of a student.
d. Providing a service or benefit relating to the student's family, such as health
care, counseling, job placement, or financial aid.
2. Officials of other schools in which a student seeks or intends to enroll or is enrolled. A
student will be provided with a copy of the records which have been transferred upon
request and payment of copying fees as described above.
3. Authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the
Secretary of Education, the Commissioner of the Office of Education, the Director of the
National Institute of Education, the Administrator of the Veterans' Administration, the
Assistant Secretary of Education, and State educational authorities, but only in
connection with the audit or evaluation of federally supported education programs, or in
connection with the enforcement of or compliance with federal legal requirements
relating to these programs. Subject to controlling federal law, these officials will protect
information received so as not to permit personal identification of students to outsiders.
4. Authorized persons and organizations who are given work in connection with a
student's application for or receipt of financial aid to the extent necessary.
5. State and local officials to which such information is required to be reported by
effective state law adopted prior to November 19, 1974.
6. Organizations conducting education studies for the purpose of developing, validating,
or administering predictive tests, administering student programs, and improving
instruction. The studies shall be conducted so as not to permit personal identification of
students to outsiders, and the information is to be destroyed when no longer needed for
these purposes.
7. Accrediting organizations for purposes necessary to carry out their functions.
8. Parents of a student who is dependent for income tax purposes.
9. Appropriate parties in connection with an emergency, where knowledge of the
information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
10. In response to a court order or subpoena. Unless the issuing entity orders the
university against prior notification, the university will make reasonable efforts to notify
the student before complying with the court order.
11. To an alleged victim of any crime of violence of the results of any institutional
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disciplinary proceedings against the alleged perpetrator of that crime with respect to that
C. Prior Consent Required In All Other Cases
UMCP will not release personally identifiable information in education records, or allow access
to those records without prior consent from the student. The consent must be in writing, signed
by the student, and dated. The student must specify the records to be disclosed, the identity of the
recipient, and the purpose of the disclosure. A copy of the record disclosed will be provided to
the student upon request and payment of copy fees described above.
D. Record of Disclosures
1. Maintenance of List
UMCP shall maintain a list of each request and each disclosure of personally identifiable
information with each student's education records. The list shall include:
a. the parties who have requested or received the information;
b. the legitimate interest the parties had in requesting or receiving the information.
2. Inspection of List
The list of disclosures may be inspected by:
a. the student;
b. the official custodian of the record; and
c. other UMCP and governmental officials.
3. Exceptions
The following disclosures are not listed:
a. disclosures to the student;
b. disclosures pursuant to written consent;
c. disclosures to instructional or administrative officials of UMCP;
d. disclosures of directory information.
It is the policy of UMCP to provide students the opportunity to seek corrections to education
records which are believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or which violate the right to privacy or
other rights.
A. Request to Correct an Education Record
1. A request must be in writing to the Registrar's Office.
2. A request must contain:
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a. the specific document(s) being challenged; and
b. the basis for the challenge.
3. UMCP shall decide within a reasonable time whether to amend the document(s). The
student shall be notified of the decision in writing, and if the decision is to refuse to
amend, the student shall be notified of the right to a hearing.
B. Right to a Hearing
Upon request, a student shall be provided an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the
content of education records. A request for a hearing must be made in writing to the
Registrar's Office. Within a reasonable time, the student shall be notified in writing of the
date, place, and time. The student shall be given reasonable advance notice of the
C. Conduct of Hearing
1. The hearing shall be conducted by a UMCP official with no direct interest in the
2. The student shall have a full and fair opportunity to present evidence, and may be
represented by individuals of his or her choice, including an attorney. The cost for such
representation shall be the responsibility of the student.
D. Decision
1. The student shall be notified in writing within a reasonable amount of time.
2. The decision is to be based solely upon evidence presented at the hearing, and must
include a summary of the basis of the decision.
3. In cases where the challenged information is found to be inaccurate, misleading, or
otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student, the education records
shall be amended accordingly within a reasonable time.
4. In cases where the challenged information is not found to be inaccurate, misleading, or
otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of a student, the student shall be
informed in writing of the right to place in the challenged record a statement commenting
on the information and explaining any reasons for disagreeing with the decision.
5. The statements described above shall be kept as part of the student's record and
disclosed whenever that portion of the record is disclosed.
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Student alleging noncompliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may file a
complaint with the Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington,
D.C. 20202-4605.
Committee on Academic Procedures and Standards
Approved December 7, 1989
The following policies apply to all undergraduate degree programs terminated at the University
of Maryland at College Park at the beginning of the Spring, 1990 Semester and thereafter.
1. All students enrolled at the University of Maryland, College Park or at a
Maryland community college program articulated with the terminated degree
program during the semester in which the program is terminated must complete
the major requirements of the terminated degree program within five calendar
years of the date upon which the program is terminated. If only a few students are
enrolled in a terminated program, a shorter time limit may be imposed based on a
study of the academic records of all students enrolled in the program. If a shorter
time period is imposed, all students enrolled in the program will be notified of its
2. Students who, prior to the termination date had been enrolled in the terminated
program or a Maryland community college articulated with the terminated
program, but who subsequently interrupt their studies at the University of
Maryland, College Park or the community college for one or more semesters will
be allowed to enter or re-enter the program only if a careful analysis of their
records by the appropriate dean indicates they will be able to complete the major
requirements of the terminated program within the remaining time period
3. When a program is terminated the University of Maryland, College Park will
make a good faith effort to notify those students who had interrupted their studies
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in that program. As part of that good faith effort, the University of Maryland at
College Park will publish in its re-enrollment forms, catalogues, and schedules of
classes a statement advising returning students that programs may have been
terminated and that the student needs to check the current status of the program.
4. At the end of the time period specified for completion of major requirements
after the termination date of the program, the relevant department or college will
evaluate the records of each student enrolled in the program for fulfillment of
departmental major requirements and will notify students whether they have
completed these requirements. Such notice shall be in writing and sent to the
student's last known addresses.
5. When a degree program is terminated, the university will send notification of
the time limit for completion of the major requirements to all students enrolled in
the program at that time. It will also attempt to send notification to students who
interrupted their studies while enrolled in the program in the preceding three
years, insofar as such students can reasonably be identified. This notification will
be sent to the students' last known addresses on file with the university. Such
notifications also will be sent to the Maryland community colleges having
programs articulated with the terminated program.
The policy below is current as of this publication. For more information and possible updates go
to: www.usmd.edu/regents/bylaws/SectionVIII/viii270r.pdf
(Approved by the Board of Regents August 28, 1990; Amended July 10, 1998; Amended
November 27, 2000; Amended April 11, 2003; Amended June 23, 2006; Amended February 15,
2008, Amended October 24, 2014; Amended April 10, 2015)
A. Purpose
To extend the benefits of its system of higher education while encouraging the economical use of
the State's resources,
it is the policy of the Board of Regents of the University System of
Maryland (USM) to recognize the tuition categories of in-state and out-of-state students for the
purpose of admission and assessing tuition at USM institutions.
B. Burden of Proof
The person seeking in-state status shall have the burden of proving by clear and convincing
evidence that he or she satisfies the requirements and standards set forth in this
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Policy. Assignment of in-state or out-of-state status will be made by the applicable USM
institution upon a review of the totality of facts known or presented to it.
C. In-state Status
To qualify for in-state tuition, a student must demonstrate that, for at least twelve (12)
consecutive months immediately prior to and including the last date available to register for
courses in the semester/term for which the student seeks in-state tuition status, the student had
the continuous intent to:
1. Make Maryland his or her permanent home; and
2. Abandon his or her former home state; and
3. Reside in Maryland indefinitely; and
4. Reside in Maryland primarily for a purpose other than that of attending an educational
institution in Maryland.
Satisfying all of the requirements in Section II (and Section III, when applicable) of this policy
demonstrates continuous intent and qualifies a student for in-state tuition. Students not entitled
to in-state status under this policy shall be assigned out-of-state status for admission and tuition
D. Presumption
Either of the following circumstances raises a presumption that the student is residing in the
State of Maryland primarily for the purpose of attending an educational institution and therefore,
does not qualify for in-state status under this policy:
1. A student is attending school or living outside Maryland at the time of application for
admission to a USM institution, or
2. A student is Financially Dependent on a person who is not a resident of Maryland.
This presumption may be rebutted. The student bears the burden of rebutting the
presumption. See "III. Rebuttal Evidence" below.
Before a request for classification to in-state status will be considered, a student must comply
with all of the following requirements for a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months
immediately prior to and including the last date available to register for courses in the
semester/term for which the student seeks in-state tuition status. The student must demonstrate
he or she:
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A. Owns or possesses, and has continuously occupied, including during weekends, breaks
and vacations, living quarters in Maryland. The student must provide evidence of a
genuine deed or lease and documentation of rent payments made. In lieu of a deed or
lease, a notarized affidavit from a landlord showing the address, name of the student as
occupant, term of residence, and history of rent payments made will be considered. As an
alternative, a student may demonstrate that he or she shares living quarters in Maryland
which are owned or rented and occupied by a parent, legal guardian or spouse.
B. Has substantially all of his or her personal property, such as household effects, furniture
and pets in Maryland.
C. Has paid Maryland income tax on all taxable income including all taxable income
earned outside the State and has filed a Maryland tax return.
D. Has registered all owned or leased motor vehicles in Maryland.
E. Possesses a valid Maryland driver's license, if licensed.
F. Is registered to vote in Maryland, if registered to vote.
G. Receives no public assistance from a state other than the State of Maryland or from a
city, county or municipal agency other than one in Maryland.
H. Has a legal ability under Federal and Maryland law to live permanently without
interruption in Maryland.
I. Has rebutted the presumption that he or she is in Maryland primarily to attend an
educational institution, if the student's circumstances have raised the presumption.
Satisfying the requirements listed in paragraphs 1-8 of Section II, does not rebut the presumption
that a student is in Maryland primarily to attend an educational institution. To overcome the
presumption, a student must present additional evidence.
To determine a student's intent, the University will evaluate evidence of a student's objectively
verifiable conduct. Evidence that does not document a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive
months immediately prior to and including the last date available to register for courses in the
semester/term for which the student seeks in-state tuition status is generally considered an
unfavorable factor under this policy. Evidence of intent must be clear and convincing and will be
evaluated not only by the amount presented but also based upon the reliability, authenticity,
credibility and relevance of the evidence.
The absence of objective, relevant evidence is generally considered an unfavorable factor. A
student's statement of intent to remain in Maryland in the future is generally not considered to be
objective evidence under this policy.
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Additional evidence that will be considered includes, but is not limited to, the following:
A. Source of financial support:
i. Maryland employment and earnings history through sources beyond those incident
to enrollment as a student in an educational institution e.g., beyond support provided
by work study, scholarships, grants, stipends, aid, student loans, etc. (Tuition costs
will be considered as a student expense only to the extent tuition exceeds the amount
of any educational scholarships, grants, student loans, etc.) or
ii. Evidence the student is Financially Dependent upon a person who is a resident of
B. Substantial participation as a member of a professional, social, community, civic,
political, athletic or religious organization in Maryland, including professionally related
school activities that demonstrate a commitment to the student’s community or to the State
of Maryland.
C. Registration as a Maryland resident with the Selective Service, if male.
D. Evidence showing the student uses his or her Maryland address as his or her sole
address of record for all purposes including on health and auto insurance records, bank
accounts, tax records, loan and scholarship records, school records, military records,
leases, etc.
E. An affidavit from a person unrelated to the student that provides objective, relevant
evidence of a student's conduct demonstrating the student's intent to live permanently in
In addition, persons with the following status shall be accorded the benefits of in-state status for
the period in which they hold such status:
A. A full-time or part-time (at least 50 percent time) regular employee of USM or a USM
B. The spouse or Financially Dependent child of a full-time or part-time (at least 50 percent
time) regular employee of USM or a USM institution.
C. An active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is stationed in
Maryland, resides in Maryland, or is domiciled in Maryland, or the spouse or a Financially
Dependent child of such an active duty member. Spouses and children who qualify for
exemptions under this provision will retain in-state status for tuition purposes as long as they are
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continuously enrolled, regardless of whether the active duty member’s station assignment,
residence, or domicile remains in Maryland.
D. A veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States who provides documentation that he or
she was honorably discharged and currently resides or is domiciled in Maryland.
E. A veteran who lives in Maryland and was discharged” from a period of at least 90 days of
service in the active military, navy, or air service less than three years before the date of the
veteran’s enrollment and is pursuing a course of education with educational assistance under 38
U.S.C. §3001 or 38 U.S.C. §3301.
F. The spouse or child of a veteran, provided that:
(1) the veteran was discharged or released from a period of at least 90 days of service in
the active military, navy, or air service less than three years before the date of the spouse
or child’s enrollment (or in the case of a spouse or child seeking benefits under the Post-
9/11 G.I. Bill, the veteran died in the line of duty on or after September 11, 2001 but less
than three years before the date of enrollment);
(2) the spouse or child is entitled to assistance under Post-9/11 G.I. Bill, , 38 U.S.C.
§3319 and, 38 U.S.C. §3311(B)(9);
(3) the spouse or child currently lives in Maryland; and
(4) the spouse or child is pursuing a course of education with educational assistance
under 38 U.S.C. §3001 or 38 U.S.C. §3301.
G. A member of the Maryland National Guard, as defined in the Public Safety Article of the
Maryland Annotated Code, who joined or subsequently serves in the Maryland National Guard
to: (i) provide a critical military occupational skill; or (ii) be a member of the Air Force Critical
Specialty Code as determined by the National Guard.
H. For UMUC, a full-time active member of the Armed Forces of the United States on active
duty, or the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty.
I. A graduate assistant appointed through a USM institution for the semester/term of the
appointment. Except through prior arrangement, this benefit is available only for enrollment at
the institution awarding the assistantship.
A. An initial determination of in-state status will be made at the time of admission.
The determination made at that time, and any determination made thereafter, shall
prevail for each semester/term until the determination is successfully challenged in a
timely manner.
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B. A change in status must be requested by submitting a USM institution's "Petition
for Change in Classification for Tuition". A student applying for a change to in-state
status must furnish all evidence that the student wishes the USM institution to
consider at the time the petition is due. The due date is based on the deadline set
forth by the USM institution at which the student seeks to enroll. If the applicable
USM institution has no such deadline, the due date is the last published date to
register for the forthcoming semester/term for which the change in classification is
C. The student shall notify the USM institution in writing within fifteen (15) days of
any change in circumstances which may alter in-state status.
D. In the event incomplete, false, or misleading information is presented, the USM
institution may, at its discretion, revoke in-state status and take disciplinary action
provided for by the institution's policy. Such action may include suspension or
expulsion. If in-state status is gained due to false or misleading information, the
institution reserves the right to retroactively assess all out-of-state charges for each
semester/term affected.
E. Each USM institution shall develop and publish additional procedures to
implement this Policy. Procedures shall provide that on request the institution
President or designee has the authority to waive any requirement set forth in Section
II if it is determined that the application of the requirements creates an unjust
result. These procedures shall be filed with the Office of the Chancellor.
A. Financially Dependent: For the purposes of this policy, a financially dependent
student is one who is claimed as a dependent for tax purposes.
B. Parent: A parent may be a natural parent, or, if established by a court order
recognized under the law of the State of Maryland, an adoptive parent.
C. Guardian: A guardian is a person so appointed by a court order recognized under
the law of the State of Maryland.
D. Spouse: A spouse is a partner in a legally contracted marriage.
E. Child: A child is a natural child or a child legally adopted pursuant to a court order
recognized under the law of Maryland.
F. Regular Employee: A regular employee is a person employed by USM or a USM
institution who is assigned to a State budget line or who is otherwise eligible to enroll
in a State retirement system. Examples of categories NOT considered regular
employees are graduate students, contingent employees, and independent contractors.
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G. Continuous Enrollment:
i. Undergraduate Student - An undergraduate student who is enrolled at a USM
institution for consecutive fall and spring semesters, until completion of the
student's current degree program or unless on an approved leave of absence or
participating in an approved program off-campus.
ii. Graduate and Professional - Continuous enrollment for a graduate or
professional student is defined by the institution in accordance with program
This policy as amended by the Board of Regents on April 10, 2015 shall be applied to all student
tuition classification decisions EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015 AND THEREAFTER.
Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article, §12-101.
2 Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article § 15-106.4.
3 Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article § 15-106.4.
4 38 U.S.C.A. § 3679(c).
5 38 U.S.C.A. § 3679(c).
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Students who are concerned about the use of animals in teaching have the responsibility to
contact the instructor, prior to course enrollment, to determine whether animals are to be used in
the course, whether class exercises involving animals are optional or required and what
alternatives, if any, are available. If no alternatives are available, the refusal to participate in
required activities involving animals may result in a failing grade in the course. Departments
including courses where animals are used must actively inform students of such courses,
including, but not limited to, notices in the Catalog.
The University of Maryland, College Park campus, affirms the right of the faculty to determine
course content and curriculum requirements. The University, however, also encourages faculty to
consider offering alternatives to the use of animals in their courses. In each course, the instructor
determines whether the use of animals in the classroom exercises will be a course requirement or
optional activity. The following departments have courses that may require animals to be used in
class activities: Animal and Avian Sciences, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, Psychology,
Veterinary Medicine, Biology, and courses with the NFSC prefix.
Committee on Academic Procedures and Standards
April 27, 1990
Students whose registration at the University of Maryland, College Park, has lapsed for more
than 10 years shall be required to complete a minimum of 15 credit hours at College Park after
their return to campus in order to earn a baccalaureate degree.
Recommendations about courses needed to satisfy the remaining degree requirements will be
made at the department level, with approval of the Dean's Office required. The reason for
requiring these credits is that many fields change sufficiently in 10 years to require that students
take current courses if they are to be awarded a current degree. Exceptions to the requirement for
a minimum of 15 credits earned at College Park upon return to the campus can be recommended
by the Deans for approval in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
College Park Senate
October 1995
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The policy below is current as of this publication. For more information and possible updates go
(Approved by the President May 31, 2005; Technical Amendment November 7, 2013)
I. Purpose:
The University of Maryland is dedicated to ensuring the privacy and proper handling of
confidential information relating to students, faculty, staff and individuals associated with
the University. Traditionally, the Social Security Number (SSN) has been used as a
common “person” identifier and the key to University “person” databases. The purpose of
this policy is to authorize the creation of new methods of unique identification that will
replace reliance on the SSN and allow for easy identification of a person for University
II. Policy
Use of the SSN as an identifier will be discontinued, except where required for
employment, IRS reporting, Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment,
federal student financial aid processing, state and federal reporting and a limited number of
other business transactions.
While the SSN will be collected and retained as authorized by law, it will not be used for
routine identification or authentication purposes. Instead, a unique, nine digit university
identification number called U ID Number will be assigned to each individual. For
computer access, individuals will also have a unique Directory ID. For complete
authentication, these identifiers (U ID Number and Directory ID) are accompanied by the
use of a PIN or password.
III. Policy Implementation
1. The University of Maryland prohibits the use of a person’s SSN as a publicly visible
identification number for University-related transactions, unless specifically required by
law or business necessity. A listing of currently approved uses is provided in Appendix
A. This list is subject to change.
2. The University of Maryland will use SSN as a data element but not as a key for access to
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3. Each member of the University community will be assigned a unique identification
number that will not be the same as nor derived from the individual’s SSN. This number
is called the U ID Number.
4. Software systems purchased or developed by the University of Maryland will not display
a SSN either in read-only format or on print or other system output, unless authorized by
law or business necessity.
5. Name and directory systems, purchased or developed by the University of Maryland, will
be keyed for access by an individual’s unique U ID Number, not the SSN.
6. When databases need to utilize SSN, they will use secure conversion tables or other
technical mechanisms that automatically cross-reference SSN and other information
within systems. In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to use SSN as an
alternate search field. All such cases shall be referred to the data custodian (Registrar’s
Office for students, UHR for employees) who shall seek approval from the University
Data Policy Advisory Committee (DPAC) DPAC has a strict procedure for reviewing and
approving requests for the use of SSN in any campus application or database.
Justifications must be submitted to the appropriate divisional DPAC representative for
committee review and consideration of approval. In addition, any transmission of data
containing SSN over any communication network must be transmitted using a secure
7. Systems or technology developed or purchased by the University of Maryland after the
effective date of this policy shall comply with these provisions.
8. For computer access or login purposes, members of the University community will also
be assigned a Directory ID. The Directory ID will be used as a standard identifier for all
computer resource authentication purposes but individuals may also be allowed to
authenticate by using their U ID Number.
9. Campus validation of University of Maryland photo ID cards will be by reference to
either the holder’s U ID Number or bar code.
Timeframe for Implementation: The University of Maryland recognizes that some of its major
systems are currently keyed for access to SSN as an identifier and that the conversion of all
systems will take time and resources. The expectation is that there will be a steady and
purposeful movement away from dependency on SSN. Appropriate interim measures may be
developed until such time as the conversion to U ID Numbers is complete.
“Legacy” Data: The University recognizes that the SSN must be retained and used as a person
identifier in older “legacy data pertaining to ex-students and ex-employees as it is impractical
to assign U ID numbers to these individuals.
Protection of ID Data Held in Secondary or Derivative Data Files: Any University office that
collects and maintains an individual’s social security number in any media must:
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1) Ensure that the number is stored in a secure and confidential environment; 2) eliminate
using the number for any purpose except those specifically addressed in this policy; 3)
begin a steady and purposeful movement away from its dependency on the SSN in
performing its functions and processes; and 4) follow University guidelines for the
retention and destruction of records containing the SSN.
Notification Requirement: Any University office that collects SSN from an individual must
provide a disclosure statement approved by the Data Policy Advisory Committee. Notifications
for students, employees, and affiliates/guests are provided in Appendix B.
Uses for Social Security Numbers (SSN) (Subject to change)
Employment: The SSN is required for a variety of employment matters; such as tax
withholding, FICA, Medicare, etc. SSN may also be used and maintained if it is supplied by an
employee as documentation when completing the Federal I-9 Employment Authorization Form.
Application and Receipt of Financial Aid: Any student who applies for student aid by use of the
federal Free Application For Student Assistance (FAFSA) is required to provide his SSN.
Students are also required to provide SSNs when applying for student education loans.
Tuition Remission: The SSN is required for state reporting of taxable tuition remission benefits
received by employees, their spouses and dependents, and by graduate assistants.
Veterans Administration Benefits: The SSN is required for enrollment verification and
reporting on all Veterans Administration beneficiaries.
IRS Reporting: The SSN is used for producing federally required 1098-T forms, which report
the amount of tuition paid to the University during the tax year. Copies of these forms are
mailed to students each year, and the information reported to the IRS. In addition, the
University reports the value of all taxable and non-taxable scholarships and grants awarded to
non-resident aliens to the IRS.
Inter-Institutional Communication and Information Exchange: Many institutions, including
postsecondary educational institutions, use the SSN as a student identifier. To ensure the
accuracy of inter-institutional data exchanges (transcripts, transfer credit evaluations, USM
ArtSys data base, MHEC, etc.) the SSN may be used for the exchange of information from
student academic records between appropriate institutions including other colleges and
Tracking Name Changes of Students and Alumni: The SSN is also used internally to track
name changes of students and alumni of the University.
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Student Notification
“Use of Social Security Number (SSN) - Students
Section 15-110 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland prohibits the use of
SSN on University identification cards. Section 7(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 522a)
and section 10-624 of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, also
require that when any Federal, State, or local government agency requests an individual to
disclose his or her Social Security Number (SSN), that individual must also be advised whether
the disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by what statutory or other authority the number is
solicited, what use will be made of it, the specific consequences for failure to provide the
information, whether the information is generally available for public inspection and whether
the information is made available or transferred to or shared with any entity other than the
Accordingly, each applicant for admission is advised that disclosure of his or her SSN is
required as a condition for making application to the University of Maryland for purposes of
administering federal financial aid programs and complying with various State and Federal
reporting requirements including reporting to the IRS. The University may use a student’s SSN
to accurately report federally required data, to generate various federal tax and financial aid
reports, and to ensure the accuracy of student data that is exchanged within the University of
Maryland, between post-secondary education institutions, with the University System of
Maryland and other outside entities as necessary or required for the conduct of legitimate
University business and consistent with applicable law. The SSN will be maintained in a secure
and confidential manner and not be re-disclosed for any other purpose.
The authority for requesting disclosure of a student’s SSN is grounded in various federal laws
including but not limited to: 42 USC 405c, affecting wage reporting and withholdings; 34 CFR
668.14 and 34 CFR 668.16, relating to student aid programs; and 26 CFR 1.6050S-1, addressing
Internal Revenue Code reporting requirements pertaining to tuition payments.
In addition, it should be noted that the SSN of a parent, guardian or spouse of an applicant is
also requested if the student claims dependency on that person for financial aid or residency for
tuition purposes. A parent, guardian or spouse is advised that disclosure of his or her SSN is
necessary for the above student purpose and failure to provide it may affect the student’s
financial aid or tuition status. A parent’s, guardian’s or spouse’s SSN will only be used for the
purpose for which it was collected and will not be maintained in any other system of records.
A unique U ID Number is assigned to students as part of their initial application to the
University and is used for all University identification purposes.”
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Employee Notification
“Use of Social Security Number (SSN) Employees
Section 7(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 522a) and section 10-624 of the State
Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, requires that when any Federal, State,
or local government agency requests an individual to disclose his or her social security number,
that individual must also be advised whether the disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by what
statutory or other authority the number is solicited, what use will be made of it, the specific
consequences for failure to provide the information, whether the information is generally
available for public inspection and whether the information is made available or transferred to
or shared with any entity other than the University .
Accordingly, each employee is advised that disclosure of his or her SSN is required as a
condition of employment at the University of Maryland in complying with State and Federal
employment matters including but not limited to, the withholding and reporting of State and
Federal income tax, FICA, and Medicare insurance tax. Additionally, the SSN may be used and
maintained, when supplied by an employee, as documentation for completing the Federal I-9
Employment Authorization Form. The employee’s SSN will be used to accurately record state
and federal required data as necessary or required for the conduct of legitimate University
business and consistent with applicable law. This number will be maintained in a secure and
confidential manner and not be re-disclosed for any other purpose.
The authority for requesting disclosure of an employee’s SSN is grounded in various federal
laws including but not limited to, 42 U.S.C. 405c, affecting wage reporting and withholdings.
Efforts to limit the use of SSN include the issuance of a unique U ID Number that is assigned to
all employees as part of their initial employment and will be used for all University
identification purposes.”
Affiliates Notification
“Use of Social Security Number (SSN) Affiliates/Guests who receive University services and
are not students, employees, or non-paid appointees.
Section 7(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 522a) and section 10-624 of the State
Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, requires that when any Federal, State,
or local government agency requests an individual to disclose his or her social security number,
that individual must also be advised whether the disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by what
statutory or other authority the number is solicited, what use will be made of it, the specific
consequences for failure to provide the information, whether the information is generally
available for public inspection and whether the information is made available or transferred to or
shared with any entity other than the University .
Accordingly, each affiliate/guest is advised that disclosure of his or her SSN is requested as a
condition of applying for services from the University of Maryland for the purpose of
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administering those services. The University may use an affiliate or guest’s SSN to accurately
identify affiliates/guests, to coordinate services administered by different departments, and to
ensure accuracy of data as necessary for the conduct of legitimate University Business and
consistent with applicable law. The SSN will be maintained in a secure and confidential manner
and not be re-disclosed for any other purpose.
A unique U ID Number is assigned to affiliates/guests as part of their initial request to receive
University services and is used for all University identification purposes.”
Administrative History
Effective date: December 4, 1995 (22:24 Md. R. 1901)
Regulations .02, .03, and .05 amended. Effective date: July 1, 1996 (23:13 Md. R. 946)
Authority: Education Article, 11-201 - 11-206, Annotated Code of Maryland
Updates and text listed by individual articles 1 -10 can be found at
The policy below is current as of this publication. For more information and possible updates go
to: http://president.umd.edu/administration/policies/section-v-student-affairs/v-100h
(Approved by the President August 1, 1991; revised June 1, 2000; amended February 4, 2014)
I. Policy.
The University enforces a mandatory pre-matriculation immunization requirement to reduce the
incidence and risk of vaccine-preventable disease in the university community. This policy meets
the regulatory requirements of the State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
It is also consistent with the recommendations for pre-matriculation immunizations of the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the U.S. Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, and the American College Health Association.
II. Applicability.
This policy applies to all undergraduate and graduate degree and non-degree seeking students,
regardless of credit hours, taking courses on campus at the University's main campus or any of
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its satellite locations. Students taking courses online, overseas, or at their place of employment if
employment is off-campus, are exempt from this policy.
III. Immunization Requirements.
A. All students to whom this policy applies shall be required to provide proof of 2 MMR
immunizations or 2 measles, 1 mumps, 1 rubella and tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (Td/Tdap)
within the past 10 years. These immunization requirements do not apply to students born before
1957. Students living in on-campus residence halls must also provide proof of meningococcal
vaccine within 5 years of matriculation, or sign the waiver on the University's immunization
B. An immunization form must be completed and returned to the Health Center prior to the first
day of classes.
C. Students in noncompliance with this requirement shall be unable to drop/add classes or
register for their second semester. This restriction shall be lifted by the University Health Center
upon receipt of the required information or the granting of an approved waiver as described in
Section D.
D. Exemptions:
1. A student who objects to immunization upon the grounds that it conflicts with his or her
bonafide religious beliefs and practices may not be required to present a physician's certificate of
immunization in order to register for classes. A religious exemption may be obtained by
submitting the request to the Director of the Health Center. In case of an epidemic or disease
outbreak, declared by the State of Maryland Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene or his/her
designee, the student must be immunized or not attend classes or functions on campus until the
outbreak has resolved.
2. A student may be exempted from an individual vaccine-specific immunization requirement if
he or she presents a written statement from a licensed physician or a local deputy state health
officer indicating that immunization is medically contraindicated. The physician's statement shall
state whether the contraindication is permanent or temporary. If temporary, the physician must
provide a date by which the student will receive the vaccine and provide documentation when
the immunization has been completed. Should there be an epidemic or disease outbreak that is
pertinent to the student's immunization status, the student cannot attend classes or functions on
campus until the outbreak has resolved.
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Approved Courses
AASP -- African American Studies
AASP 100 Introduction to African American Studies (3) Significant aspects of the history of African
Americans with particular emphasis on the evolution and development of black communities from slavery
to the present. Interdisciplinary introduction to social, political, legal and economic roots of contemporary
problems faced by blacks in the United States with applications to the lives of other racial and ethnic
minorities in the Americas and in other societies.
AASP 101 Public Policy and the Black Community (3) Formerly: AASP300. The impact of public
policies on the black community and the role of the policy process in affecting the social, economic and
political well-being of minorities. Particular attention given to the post-1960 to present era.
AASP 187 The New Jim Crow: African-Americans, Mass Incarceration and the Prison Industrial
Complex (3) Recommended: AASP100. Students will examine the birth of the racial caste system
following the abolition of slavery, the parallels between the racial hierarchy of the Jim Crow system and
contemporary mass incarceration, and the rise of the prison industrial complex as a multi-billon business
which thrives on the oppression of low-income populations and poor communities of color.
AASP 200 African Civilization (3) A survey of African civilizations from 4500 B.C. to present.
Analysis of traditional social systems. Discussion of the impact of European colonization on these
civilizations. Analysis of the influence of traditional African social systems on modern African
institutions as well as discussion of contemporary processes of Africanization.
AASP 202 Black Culture in the United States (3) The course examines important aspects of African
American life and thought which are reflected in African American literature, drama, music and art.
Beginning with the cultural heritage of slavery, the course surveys the changing modes of black creative
expression from the 19th-century to the present.
AASP 258 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
AASP 274 Creative Writing Through The Eyes of African Americans: A Beginning Workshop (3)
Restriction: Must not have completed any courses from ENGL278C, AASP274, AASP298W, ENGL274,
ENGL271, ENGL294N, or ENGL294. Also offered as: ENGL274. Credit only granted for: ENGL274,
ENGL278C, ENGL294, ENGL294N, AASP274 or AASP298W. Formerly: AASP298W. Introduction to
theory and practice of writing fiction, drama and poetry, with an emphasis on African American literary
models. Critical reading, exercises and workshop discussions with continual reference to modeling,
drafting, and revising as necessary stages in a creative process.
AASP 297 Research Methods in African American Studies (3) Prerequisite: AASP101 or AASP202.
Restriction: Must be in African American Studies program. Credit only granted for: AASP297 or
AASP299R. Formerly: AASP299R. Introduces African American Studies majors to the basic research
skills, methodologies, sources, and repositories for studying African Diaspora. Students will be required
to select a research topic, write a research proposal, develop an annotated bibliography, and in the process
will be prepared for completing their senior thesis or other significant writing projects necessary to fulfill
the requirements of the major.
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AASP 298 Special Topics in African American Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
An introductory multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary educational experience to explore issues relevant
to black life, cultural experiences, and political, economic, and artistic development.
AASP 299 Selected Topics in African American Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
An introductory multi-disciplinary academic exploration of the cultural, political, and economic issues
relevant to Africans and African-Americans.
AASP 301 Applied Policy Analysis and the Black Community (3) Prerequisite: AASP101; and
(ECON201 or ECON200). Recommended: Completion of one semester of statistics is recommended.
Development and application of the tools needed for examining the effectiveness of alternative policy
options confronting minority communities. Review policy research methods used in forming and
evaluating policies. Examination of the policy process.
AASP 303 Computer Applications in African American Studies (3) Prerequisite: STAT100,
MATH107, MATH111, or SOCY201; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may
contact the department. Introduction to statistics and database processing software used in model
estimation and simulation in policy analysis. Special emphasis on applications for applied research on
policy problems confronting minority communities.
AASP 305 Theoretical, Methodological and Policy Research Issues in African American Studies (3)
Prerequisite: AASP301; and (STAT100, MATH111, PSYC200, BMGT230, or SOCY201). Or students
who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Formerly: AASP401.
Theories and concepts in the social and behavioral sciences relating to problems in minority communities.
Issues include validity and soundness of theoretical arguments, epistemological questions of various
methodologies and the relationship between policy making and policy research.
AASP 310 African Slave Trade (3) Prerequisite: AASP202 or AASP100; or permission of BSOS-
African American Studies department. Formerly: AASP311. The relationship of the slave trade of
Africans to the development of British capitalism and its industrial revolution; and to the economic and
social development of the Americas.
AASP 313 Black Women in United States History (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Also
offered as: WMST314. Credit only granted for: AASP498W, AASP313, HIST329E, WMST314, or
WMST498N. Formerly: AASP498W. Black American women's history is examined from slavery to the
present. The principal focus of the readings discussions and student assignments will be based upon
gaining a fuller understanding of the effect of race, class and gender on the life cycles and multiple roles
of Black women as mothers, daughters, wives, workers and social change agents. A variety of primary
source materials on black women's experiences will be utilized.
AASP 314 The Civil Rights Movement (3) Prerequisite: AASP100 or HIST157. Survey of the twentieth
century civil rights movement from the desegregation of UM Law School through the National Black
Political Congress in Gary in 1972. Major themes include leadership, legal and constitutional challenges,
non-violence, Black Power, and Pan-Africanism.
AASP 358 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
AASP 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-African American Studies
department; and junior standing or higher.
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AASP 395 Fundamentals of Quantitative Research in Socio-Cultural Perspective (3) Restriction:
Must be in African American Studies program; and junior standing or higher. Introduction to quantitative
methods for African American Studies majors in the cultural and social analysis concentration. Basics of
survey design and experimental design and data analysis and use of statistical software programs.
AASP 396 Independent Study Non-Thesis Option (3) Prerequisite: AASP386 and AASP297.
Restriction: Must be in African American Studies program. Credit only granted for: AASP396 or
AASP397. A research seminar that allows African American Studies majors to complete an independent
study research project in lieu of completing the AASP397: Senior Thesis. Students will examine various
concepts of race, gender, labor and ethnicity in the seminar lecture component to be applied toward their
specific research projects.
AASP 397 Senior Thesis (3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-African American Studies department.
Directed research in African American Studies resulting in the completion and defense of a senior thesis.
AASP 398 Selected Topics in the African Diaspora (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Analysis of the historical experiences and cultures of Africans in the diaspora.
AASP 400 Directed Readings in African American Studies (3) Prerequisite: AASP202 or AASP100.
The readings will be directed by the faculty of African American Studies. Topics to be covered will be
chosen to meet the needs and interests of individual students.
AASP 402 Classic Readings in African American Studies (3) Prerequisite: AASP202 or AASP100.
Classic readings of the social, economic and political status of blacks and other minorities in the United
States and the Americas.
AASP 411 Black Resistance Movements (3) Prerequisite: AASP100. A comparative study of the black
resistance movements in Africa and America; analysis of their interrelationships as well as their impact
on contemporary pan-Africanism.
AASP 441 Science, Technology, and the Black Community (3) Prerequisite: HIST255, AASP202, or
AASP100; or permission of BSOS-African American Studies department. Scientific knowledge and skills
in solving technological and social problems, particularly those faced by the black community. Examines
the evolution and development of African and African American contributions to science. Surveys the
impact of technological changes on minority communities.
AASP 443 Blacks and the Law (3) Prerequisite: HIST255, AASP202, or AASP100; or permission of
BSOS-African American Studies department. The relationship between black Americans and the law,
particularly criminal law, criminal institutions and the criminal justice system. Examines historical
changes in the legal status of blacks and changes in the causes of racial disparities in criminal
involvement and punishments.
AASP 468 Special Topics in Africa and the Americas (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Cultural, historical and artistic dimensions of the African experience in Africa and the Americas.
AASP 478 Humanities Topics in African American Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Advanced studies in the humanities, often requiring prerequisites, focusing on the literary, artistic
and philosophical contributions of Africans and African Americans.
933 | Page
AASP 483 Gender, Sexuality and the Black Family (3) Prerequisite: AASP100. Credit only granted
for: AASP483 or AASP498F. Formerly: AASP498F. Examining the historical, economic, social, and
scholarly construction of African American family structures. The problematization of "Black
matriarchy," hetero- and homosexuality, bi-racialism, and other efforts to "normalize" African Americans
to conform to Eurocentric and religious concepts of family will be critically analyzed.
AASP 493 Feminist and Nationalist Thought in Black Communities (3) Prerequisite: AASP101 or
AASP100. Credit only granted for: AASP493 or AASP499W. Formerly: AASP499W. The historical and
theoretical foundations of feminist and nationalist thought in Black Communities will be examined.
Further, we will discover why feminist and nationalist thought has been routinely ignored or
misrepresented as disparate, if not oppositional, themes in Black intellectual and political life.
AASP 498 Special Topics in Black Culture (3) Prerequisite: AASP202 or AASP100. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Advanced study of the cultural and historical antecedents of contemporary
African and African American society. Emphasis on the social, political, economic and behavioral factors
affecting blacks and their communities. Topics vary.
AASP 499 Advanced Topics in Public Policy and the Black Community (3) Prerequisite: AASP301;
or permission of BSOS-African American Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Examination of specific areas of policy development and evaluation in black and other communities.
Application of advanced tools of policy analysis, especially quantitative, statistical and micro-economic
AAST -- Asian American Studies
AAST 200 Introduction to Asian American Studies (3) The aggregate experience of Asian Pacific
Americans, from developments in the countries of origin to their contemporary issues. The histories of
Asian Pacific American groups as well as culture, politics, the media, and stereotypes, viewed from an
interdisciplinary perspective.
AAST 201 Asian American History (3) Also offered as: HIST221. Credit only granted for: AAST201,
HIST219G, HIST219M, or HIST221. Introduction to the history of Asian Americans and Asians in the
United States and the Americas and to the field of Asian American Studies, from an interdisciplinary
perspective. Topics include theories of race and ethnicity; Asian migration and diaspora to the Americas;
Asian American work and labor issues; gender, family, and communities; nationalism and nativism, and
anti-Asian movements; Asian Americans in World War II, the Cold War, and the issues in the civil rights
& post-civil rights era.
AAST 222 Immigration and Ethnicity in America (3) Credit only granted for: AAST222 or HIST222.
The history of immigration and the development of diverse populations in the United States are examined.
Topics include related political controversies, the social experiences of immigrants, ethnicity, generations,
migration, inter-group relations, race and diversity in American culture.
AAST 233 Introduction to Asian American Literature (3) Also offered as: ENGL233. Credit only
granted for: ENGL233 or AAST233. A survey of Asian American literature with an emphasis on
recurrent themes and historical context.
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AAST 298 Special Topics in Asian American Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An
introductory multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary educational experience to explore issues relevant to
Asian American life, cultural experiences; and political, economic, and artistic development.
AAST 378 Experiential Learning (3) Restriction: Permission of UGST-Undergraduate Studies.
Repeatable to 6 credits. Field experience/internship in professional organizations and appropriate private
and governmental agencies serving the Asian American community.
AAST 388 Independent Research (1-3) Restriction: Permission of UGST-Undergraduate Studies.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Directed, independent study in Asian American Studies resulting
in the completion of an original research paper.
AAST 398 Selected Topics in Asian American Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Study of a specific theme or issue involving the Asian America experience.
AAST 420 Asian American Women: The Social Construction of Gender (3) Restriction: Must not
have completed WMST420. Also offered as: WMST420. Credit only granted for: AAST420 or
WMST420. Examines the intersection of gender, race and class as it relates to Asian American women in
the United States; how institutionalized cultural and social statuses of gender, race, ethnicity and social
class produce and reproduce inequality with implications for Asian Americans and the broader society.
AAST 424 Sociology of Race Relations (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of
UGST-Undergraduate Studies. Restriction: Must not have completed SOCY424. Also offered as:
SOCY424. Credit only granted for: AAST424 or SOCY424. Analysis of race-related issues, with a
primary focus on American society. The historical emergence, development, and institutionalization of
racism; the impact of racism on its victims; and racially based conflict.
AAST 443 Asian American Politics (3) Credit only granted for: AAST4898T, AAST443, GVPT368C or
AMST 498J. Formerly: AAST 498T. Students will gain a greater understanding of 1)the role of Asian
Americans in US politics, 2) the political attitudes and behaviors of Asian Americans and 3)how to
conduct research on Asian American politics. Though the class will concentrate on Asian Americans,
issues related to Asian American politics will be examined within the larger context of America's
multicultural political landscape.
AAST 498 Advanced Topics in Asian American Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Advanced study of the cultural and historical antecedents of contemporary Asian American society.
Emphasis on the social, political, economic, and behavioral factors affecting Asian Americans and their
AAST 499 Senior Thesis (3) Prerequisite: AAST201 and AAST200. Restriction: Permission of UGST-
Undergraduate Studies; and must be in Asian American Studies program. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Under the supervision of faculty, research regarding a specific topic of the Asian
American experience will be completed.
AGNR -- Agriculture and Natural Resources
AGNR 100 Agriculture Discovery: An Educational Odyssey Exploring Food, Culture, and the
Environment (3) Explores the history, cultural impact, and current issues of agriculture. Students are
exposed to the wide range of professional opportunities associated with the use of plants and animals in
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the production and processing of food for human consumption. Students learn from Agriculture and
Natural Resources (AGNR) faculty and USDA collaborators through lectures, labs and field trips to
facilities in the Baltimore-Washington area.
AGNR 200 AGNR 2+2 Program Extended Orientation Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Must be a first
semester international student enrolled in the AGNR 2+2 Program. Restriction: Must be a first year
international student enrolled in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 2+2 Program.
Additional information: It is strongly recommended that AGNR 2+2 students take AGNR 200 during the
first semester at the University. One class meeting per week. This courses is initiated by International
Programs and will be coordinated in conjunction with the College of AGNR. Introduces AGNR 2+2
students to University and "American" life. Assists with their successful transition to the College and
Agriculture and Natural Resources and the University of Maryland. Helps students to understand their
place in AGNR at to learn about the resources available to them.
AGNR 270 Technology Training Seminar (2-3) Restriction: Must be in a major in AGNR-College of
Agriculture & Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources.
Also offered as: BSCI279. Credit only granted for: AGNR270 or BSCI279. A hands-on training seminar
about pedagogical applications of information technology and mastery of several technical skills. Special
emphasis is placed on gainfully understanding technological issues such as copyright and intellectual
property, accessibility, and usability.
AGNR 301 Sustainability (3) Also offered as: PUAF301. Credit only granted for: AGNR301 or
PUAF301. Designed for students whose academic majors would be enhanced by the complementary
study of a widely shared but hard-to-operationalize aspiration: that present choices should preserve or
improve future options rather than foreclose or degrade them. How should we understand sustainability?
How might we achieve it? How would we know if we had achieved it? And how could sustainability
activists of a rising generation lead by example?
AGNR 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of AGNR-College of Agriculture &
Natural Resources. Formerly: AGRI386.
AGNR 388 Honors Thesis Research (3-6) Restriction: Must be admitted to AGNR Honors program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Formerly: AGRI388. Undergraduate honors thesis research
conducted under the direction of an AGNR faculty member in partial fulfillment of the requirements of
the College of AGNR Honors Program. The thesis will be defended to a faculty committee.
AGNR 489 Field Experience (1-4) Restriction: Permission of AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural
Resources. Repeatable to 4 credits if content differs. Formerly: AGRI489. Credit according to time
scheduled and organization of the course. A lecture series organized to study in depth a selected phase of
agriculture not normally associated with one of the existing programs.
AGNR 499 Special Problems (1-3) Formerly: AGRI499.
AMSC -- Applied Mathematics & Scientific Computation
AMSC 420 Mathematical Modeling (3) Prerequisite: MATH240 or MATH461; and (MATH241,
MATH246, and STAT400); and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department. Also offered as:
MATH420. Credit only granted for: AMSC420 or MATH420. The course will develop skills in
mathematical modeling through practical experience. Students will work in groups on specific projects
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involving real-life problems that are accessible to their existing mathematical backgrounds. In addition to
the development of mathematical models, emphasis will be placed on the use of computational methods
to investigate these models, and effective oral and written presentation of the results.
AMSC 452 Introduction to Dynamics and Chaos (3) Prerequisite: MATH246 and MATH240. Also
offered as: MATH452. Credit only granted for: AMSC452 or MATH452. An introduction to
mathematical dynamics and chaos. Orbits, bifurcations, Cantor sets and horseshoes, symbolic dynamics,
fractal dimension, notions of stability, flows and chaos. Includes motivation and historical perspectives,
as well as examples of fundamental maps studied in dynamics and applications of dynamics.
AMSC 460 Computational Methods (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH240, MATH461, MATH341); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH340,
MATH241); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (CMSC106, CMSC131). Also offered as:
CMSC460. Credit only granted for: AMSC460, CMSC460, AMSC466, or CMSC466. Basic
computational methods for interpolation, least squares, approximation, numerical quadrature, numerical
solution of polynomial and transcendental equations, systems of linear equations and initial value
problems for ordinary differential equations. Emphasis on methods and their computational properties
rather than their analytic aspects. Intended primarily for students in the physical and engineering sciences.
AMSC 466 Introduction to Numerical Analysis I (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of
C- from (MATH240, MATH461, MATH341); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH340, MATH241); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (CMSC106, CMSC131). Also
offered as: CMSC466. Credit only granted for: AMSC460, CMSC460, AMSC466, or CMSC466.
Floating point computations, direct methods for linear systems, interpolation, solution of nonlinear
AMSC 498 Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Topics in applied mathematics of special interest to advanced undergraduate students.
AMST -- American Studies
AMST 101 Introduction American Studies (3) Credit only granted for: AMST101 or AMST201.
Formerly: AMST201. Introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of American Studies by examining
concepts such as culture, identity, cultural practices, and globalization, as well as theories underlying
these concepts. Engages key themes, especially constructions of difference and identity, cultures of
everyday life, and America and the world.
AMST 120 Race, Gender, and the Global Economy (3) An exploration of the building blocks of the
global economy (e.g. free trade, financial institutions) in relation to racial and gender difference,
hierarchies, and ideologies.
AMST 202 Cultures of Everyday Life in America (3) Examine the structures and patterns of everyday
life in the U.S., utilizing methods such as ethnography, oral history, survey research, and textual, visual,
and material cultural analysis.
AMST 203 Popular Culture in America (3) An introduction to American popular culture, its historical
development, and its role as a reflection of and influence on our culture and society.
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AMST 204 Film and American Culture Studies (3) Exploration of the American film from a historical
perspective, illustrating the motion picture's role as an institutional phenomenon, as a form of
communication, and as a source of cross-cultural study.
AMST 205 Material Aspects of American Life (3) Historical survey of American material culture.
Ways of describing and interpreting accumulated material evidence (e.g., buildings, town plans)
introduced by stressing relationship between artifact and culture.
AMST 207 Contemporary American Cultures (3) World views, values, and social systems of
contemporary American cultures explored through readings on selected groups such as middle-class
suburbanites, old order Amish, and urban tramps.
AMST 212 Diversity in American Culture (3) Exploration of the role of diversity in the shaping of
American culture. Special emphasis will be placed on the multicultural origins of American popular and
material culture, such as foodways and entertainment, and on the experience of "Americanization."
AMST 260 American Culture in the Information Age (3) Credit only granted for: AMST260 or
AMST298I. Formerly: AMST298I. Examines the ways in which content and form of public information
interact with the culture, families & individuals.
AMST 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
AMST 298 Selected Topics in American Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Cultural
study of a specific theme or issue involving artifacts and documents from both past and contemporary
American experience.
AMST 328 Perspectives on Identity and Culture (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Analysis
of the cultural aspect of identity formation and the role of individual or community identities in cultural
production. Examination of cultural texts such as film, literature, fashion, artifacts, archival records,
architecture, monuments, sports, and paintings.
AMST 340 Introduction to History, Theories and Methods in American Studies (3) Prerequisite:
Must have completed AMST201; and 2 courses in AMST. Restriction: Must be in American Studies
program; and sophomore standing or higher. Introduction to the process of interdisciplinary research,
including research literatures, questions, first-hand sources and library and analytic methods in American
Studies. Each student will craft a prospectus for original research.
AMST 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
AMST 388 Honors Thesis (3-6) Restriction: Must be admitted to AMST honors program; and
permission of ARHU-American Studies department; and senior standing. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Individual research, thesis and oral defense. The research project will be conducted under
the supervision of a faculty member.
AMST 398 Independent Studies (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-American Studies department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Provides the student with the opportunity to pursue independent,
interdisciplinary research and reading in specific areas of American culture studies.
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AMST 418 Cultural Themes in America (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Examination of
structure and development of American culture through themes such as "growing up American," "culture
and mental disorders," "race," "ethnicity," "regionalism," "landscape," and "humor."
AMST 428 American Cultural Eras (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Investigation of a
decade, period, or generation as a case study in significant social change within an American context.
Case studies include "Antebellum America, 1840-1860" and "American culture in the Great Depression."
AMST 429 Perspectives on Popular Culture (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topics in
popular culture studies, including the examination of particular genres, themes, and issues.
AMST 432 Literature and American Society (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed 1 course in
American Literature or 1 course in American History; or 1 course in SOCY; or 1 course in AMST.
Examination of the relationship between literature and society: including literature as cultural
communication and the institutional framework governing its production, distribution, conservation and
AMST 433 American Humor (3) Credit only granted for: AMST418A or AMST433. Formerly:
AMST418A. American humor from the Colonial era through the present in genres including literature,
journalism, graphic arts, performance, and modern media. How humor expresses and mediates important
social and cultural concerns including politics, religion, race and ethnicity, gender and topical issues.
AMST 450 Seminar in American Studies (3) Prerequisite: AMST201 and AMST340; and 1 course in
AMST. Restriction: Senior standing; and must be in American Studies program. Developments in
theories and methods of American Studies scholarship, with emphasis upon interaction between the
humanities and the social sciences in the process of cultural analysis and evaluation.
AMST 498 Special Topics in American Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Topics of
special interest.
AMST 499 Independent Studies (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-American Studies department;
and must be in American Studies program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Provides the student
with the opportunity to pursue independent, interdisciplinary research and reading in specific areas of
American culture studies.
ANSC -- Animal Science
The following courses may involve the use of animals. Students who are concerned about the use
of animals in teaching have the responsibility to contact the instructor prior to course enrollment,
to determine whether animals are to be used in the course, whether class exercises involving
animals are optional or required and what alternatives, if any, are available.
ANSC 101 Principles of Animal Science (3) A comprehensive overview of the application of biology in
the care and use of animals that live in close association with humans including food animals, companion
animals, lab animals, zoo animals, etc. The role of science in modern food production using animals will
be emphasized.
ANSC 103 Principles of Animal Science Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in ANSC101. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
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(Environmental Sci & Pol-Environment & Agriculture; Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine;
Agricultural Science and Technology) ; or must be in a major within the AGNR-Animal & Avian
Sciences department; or permission of department required for students in other College of AGNR
programs. Laboratory focusing on the application of biology in the care and use of animals that live in
close association with humans including food animals, companion animals, lab animals, zoo animals, etc.
Labs will include live animals. Offered in fall semester only.
ANSC 110 Pasture Management and Hay Production (2) Credit only granted for: ANSC110 or
INAG116. Identification of forage species suitable for grazing and hay production for horses and other
livestock. Crop production including: fertilization and nutrient management, irrigation and drought
management, grazing management, weed identification and control, facility layout and design.
ANSC 211 Anatomy of Domestic Animals (4) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103. And BSCI105;
or (BSCI170 and BSCI171). Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Environmental
Sci&Pol-Wildlife Resources & Cons; Animal Sciences: Animal Care & Management; Animal Sciences:
Equine Studies; Animal Sciences: Laboratory Animal Care; Animal Sciences: Sciences/Preprofessional;
Animal Sciences: Animal Biotechnology; Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine). Covering the anatomy
of major species of domestic animals. The lecture portion utilizes a systemic approach to provide a
general knowledge of both gross and microscopic mammalian structure. Comparative differences between
the major domestic species are covered in these lectures. A regional approach is taken to study the gross
anatomy of major domestic species in the laboratory portion. Offered fall semester only.
ANSC 212 Applied Animal Physiology (3) Prerequisite: ANSC211; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. The physiology of domesticated animals with
emphasis on functions related to homeostasis, and the physiological adaptation to environmental
ANSC 214 Applied Animal Physiology Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in ANSC212. Application of physiological laboratory techniques to domestic and
lab animals.
ANSC 220 Livestock Management (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103. Management of meat
animals including beef, sheep, and swine. This course will emphasize obtaining optimal efficiency of
production through the integration of leading edge breeding, feeding, management, and marketing
ANSC 225 Love Me, Hate Me, Use Me, Save Me: Our Conflicting Views of Animals (3) Examine the
evolution of human-animal relationships and consider some of the major social an scientific debates that
have arisen in the last century as a result of our rapidly changing and diverse views about animals.
ANSC 227 Eating with Eyes Wide Open (3) Students will investigate the tension that is created by
trade-offs that, knowingly or not, are made by consumers relative to agricultural production methods and
dietary choices. Course will inform students about their food supply so they can make informed decisions
and practice intentional or informed eating.
ANSC 232 Horse Management (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103. Credit only granted for:
ANSC232 or ANSC332. Formerly: ANSC332. An introductory course on the care, management, and use
of horses. Major topics include the industry, breeds, conformation, feeding, health, reproduction, facilities
and business.
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ANSC 233 Equine Behavior (2) Prerequisite: ANSC101, ANSC103, and ANSC232. Credit only granted
for: ANSC489B or ANSC233. Formerly: ANSC489B. Both normal and anomalous behavior of horses
will be covered. Emphasis will be given to techniques based on knowledge of behavior that are known to
be safe and effective in handling horses.
ANSC 235 Applied Small Ruminant Parturition (2) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ANSC101
and ANSC103. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Animal Sciences: Animal Care &
Management; Animal Sciences: Equine Studies; Animal Sciences: Laboratory Animal Care; Animal
Sciences: Sciences/Preprofessional; Animal Sciences: Animal Biotechnology; Agricultural and
Veterinary Medicine). Popularly known as "Lamb Watch", the course provides an immersion
environment for learning and understanding pre- and post-natal care of ewes and lambs through direct,
hands-on involvement in the birthing process and care of the neonate through weaning. Covered topics
include zoonoses, basic reproductive physiology of the sheep, normal and abnormal delivery,
management of lambs, qualitative assessment, breeding principles, etc.
ANSC 236 Equine Business Management (3) Prerequisite: ANSC232. Recommended: AREC250.
Credit only granted for: ANSC236 or INAG232. The study and practice of applying decision-making
skills and tools needed for operating a profitable equine boarding or training stable business.
ANSC 237 Equine Reproduction (3) Prerequisite: ANSC232. Credit only granted for: ANSC237 or
INAG233. Additional information: Course participation will include nightly checks of mares in the two
weeks prior to parturition, and out-of-class time imprinting and working with newborn foals. Students
learn the fundamental skills necessary to manage equine reproductive services including
anatomy/physiology of genital tracts, estrus detection, manipulation of the estrous cycle, survey of
reproductive techniques, infertility, mare, foal and stallion management. Students will be required to
attend a foaling and check mares outside of regularly scheduled class time.
ANSC 242 Dairy Cattle Management (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103. Formerly: ANSC240
and ANSC241. All aspects of dairy production, including nutrition, reproduction, mastitis control,
milking management, farmstead facilities, financial management and forage production.
ANSC 244 Dairy Cattle Type Appraisal (1) Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Animal & Avian
Sciences department. Laboratory. Analysis of dairy cattle type with emphasis on the comparative judging
of dairy cattle.
ANSC 250 Companion Animal Care and Management (3) Credit only granted for: ANSC250 and
ANSC305. Formerly: ANSC305. Care and management of the companion small animals. Species covered
include the cat, dog, rodents, lagomorphs, reptiles, amphibians, birds and others as class interest and
schedule dictate. Basic description, evolutionary development, breeding, nutritional and environmental
requirements, and public health aspects will be presented for each species.
ANSC 252 Introduction to the Diseases of Wildlife (3) Prerequisite: BSCI105; or (BSCI170 and
BSCI171); or permission of AGNR-Animal & Avian Sciences department; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. The principal diseases of North American
wildlife will be briefly considered. For each disease, specific attention will be given to the following:
signs evidenced by the affected animal or bird, causative agent, means of transmission and effects of the
disease on the population of the species involved.
ANSC 255 Introduction to Aquaculture (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103; or must have
completed an introductory biology course. Introduces the art and science of rearing aquatic animals and
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the essential principles of aquaculture. Students receive hands-on training in the methods required for
successful husbandry and management of aquatic animals in their water environment.
ANSC 260 Laboratory Animal Management (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103. Credit only
granted for: ANSC260 or ANSC413. Formerly: ANSC413. A comprehensive course in care and
management of laboratory animals. Topics covered include regulations governing the use of animals in
research, laboratory animal facility design and management, animal research models, animal health
management and husbandry, responsibilities of lab animal workers and career opportunities in the field.
Hands-on labs focus on lab animal handling, husbandry and common techniques. Field trips are required,
and you must attend a minimum number of field trips which will be held during lab time.
ANSC 262 Commercial Poultry Management (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103. Theory and
science of rearing poultry and marketing poultry meat and eggs in the commercial sector. Includes current
issues, organization of the industry, as well as fundamental biology of the domestic chicken. Students will
help raise a flock of broiler chickens. Field trips to commercial poultry operations are required.
ANSC 270 Animal Enterprise Management (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103; or permission
of instructor. Credit only granted for: ANSC270 or AREC306. General principles of enterprise
organization, management, and operation as applicable to food, livestock, and companion animals.
Enterprise planning and establishment, management of financial, human, and animal resources, and other
related topics will be investigated.
ANSC 275 Introduction to Veterinary Medical Science and Practice (3) Prerequisite: BSCI105; or
(BSCI170 and BSCI171). The fundamentals of clinical veterinary medical practice and the research that
supports it. Topics presented will include the histology, gross anatomy and physiology of the
musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive, digestive, renal and neurological systems as
they relate to the description of specific disease states taught in this course. Additionally, examples of
diseases caused by pathologic disturbances to these systems will be discussed, as well as the basic
principles of preventative health care, diagnostic testing and pharmacologic intervention. Significant
attention will be given to research in veterinary science and the practice of evidence-based medicine. This
course is intended for any student interested in veterinary medicine, animal physiology, or medical
ANSC 314 Comparative Animal Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103; and (CHEM231
or CHEM104). The fundamental role and implications of dietary preference, gastrointestinal physiology
and nutrients in animal nutrition. Biochemical roles of nutrients in metabolism, digestion, absorption and
assimilation as it relates to various life processes.
ANSC 315 Applied Animal Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: ANSC314. Elements of nutrition, source
characteristics and adaptability of various feedstuffs to several classes of livestock. A study of the
composition of feeds, nutrient requirements and computerized formulation of economic diets and rations
for livestock.
ANSC 327 Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101, CHEM131, and
ANSC103. And BSCI105; or (BSCI170 and BSCI171). Classical, molecular, and population genetics
with specific emphasis on animal systems will be covered. Also, disseminate information on molecular
approaches for manipulating genetics at the whole animal level (transgenic and cloning). Other model
organisms will be discussed to provide a conceptual framework.
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ANSC 330 Equine Science (3) Prerequisite: ANSC232; or permission of instructor. Recommended:
ANSC212 and ANSC211. Credit only granted for: ANSC230 or ANSC330. Formerly: ANSC230.
Scientific principles of horse behavior, anatomy, physiology, locomotion, nutrition, reproduction, growth,
health and disease as applied to horses are emphasized.
ANSC 340 Health Management of Animal Populations (3) Prerequisite: BSCI223; and (ANSC220,
ANSC232, ANSC242, ANSC250, ANSC255, ANSC260, or ANSC262). Recommended: ANSC212.
Credit only granted for: ANSC340 or ANSC412. Formerly: ANSC412. A study of common and emerging
animal diseases and their prevention and control. The main focus will be on livestock and poultry
diseases. However, zoonotic, wildlife, and laboratory animal diseases will also be discussed along with
risk assessment, bioterrorism counter-measures, and animal welfare, especially as these topics interface or
impact animals used in food production.
ANSC 379 Animal Science Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Seminar (2) Prerequisite: Permission
of instructor. Repeatable to 8 credits. Formerly: ANSC390. Seminar course for undergraduate teaching
assistants within ANSC.
ANSC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Animal & Avian Sciences
department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
ANSC 388 Honors Thesis Research (3-6) Restriction: Must be in the AGNR Honors program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Undergraduate honors thesis research conducted under the
direction of an AGNR faculty member in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the College of AGNR
Honors Program. The thesis will be defended to a faculty committee.
ANSC 389 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Animal & Avian Sciences
department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Formerly:
ANSC 398 Seminar - Research (1) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103. Repeatable to 2 credits if
content differs. Presentation and discussion of current literature and research work in animal science.
ANSC 399 Special Problems in Animal Science (1-2) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103.
Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Animal & Avian Sciences department; and junior standing or higher.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Work assignments are designed to be proportional to the amount
of credit. Students are expected to develop an abstract, fact sheet, manuscript, oral presentation, poster,
webpage, journal-log, or other scholarly product associated with their study and/or project.
ANSC 410 The Gut Microbiome and its Roles in Health and Disease (3) Prerequisite: BSCI223,
ANSC212, ANSC327, EPIB301, BSCI222, BSCI421, or NFSC430; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: ANSC489M or ANSC410.
Formerly: ANSC489M. A comprehensive perspective of the role of gut microbiome/microflora in
nutrition, metabolism, disease prevention and health issues including farm animal health and food value,
and human gastrointestinal health and immunity.
ANSC 420 Critical Thinking in Animal Science (3) Prerequisite: ANSC314. Recommended: AREC306
and AREC250. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Employ methods to systematically solve selected
problems that typically arise on farms or allied businesses related to animal enterprises.
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ANSC 435 Experimental Embryology (3) Prerequisite: ANSC212. Recommended: Completion of one
course in reproductive physiology is recommended. Credit only granted for: ANSC435 or ANSC489M.
Formerly: ANSC489M. Experimental approaches to mammalian embryology with emphasis on domestic
livestock systems as applied to research and production systems. Lab will include hands-on experiments
and demos of in vitro embryo production, embryo splitting, cell injection and nuclear transfer.
ANSC 437 Animal Biotechnology (3) Prerequisite: ANSC327; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Key concepts and current issues in animal biotechnology
are covered. Current techniques and applications systems as well as social, ethical, and regulatory issues
associated with biotechnology will be discussed.
ANSC 440 Zoonotic Diseases and Control (3) Prerequisite: BSCI223, ANSC212, ANSC327, BSCI222,
BSCI421, or NFSC430; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the
department. Credit only granted for: ANSC440 or ANSC489R. Formerly: ANSC489R. Global
perspective of foodborne diseases common to animals and man, specifically those caused by farm animal-
originated human pathogens (zoonoses) and their control. A selection of important zoonoses and food
safety issues will be specifically covered with an emphasis on the principles of zoonotic disease
transmission and control, risk factors to humans, and surveillance methods.
ANSC 443 Physiology of Lactation (3) Prerequisite: CHEM231, ANSC212, and CHEM232.
Recommended: BCHM463. A comprehensive survey of lactation in laboratory and domestic animals.
Other species are discussed where possible. Emphasis will be placed on physiological aspects of milk
synthesis and secretion and on the cellular and molecular biology of mammary gland development.
ANSC 444 Domestic Animal Endocrinology (3) Prerequisite: ANSC212; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Must not have completed ANSC644. Credit only granted for: ANSC489I, ANSC444, or
ANSC644. Formerly: ANSC489I. Current developments in endocrinology as it relates to animals used in
the production of food and other products important to the well being of humans will be covered.
ANSC 446 Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction (3) Prerequisite: ANSC212 or BSCI440. Anatomy
and physiology of reproductive processes in domesticated and wild mammals.
ANSC 447 Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in ANSC446. Gross and micro-anatomy, artificial insemination,
estrous cycle synchronization and invitro-fertilization procedures and analytical techniques useful in
animal management and reproduction.
ANSC 450 Animal Breeding Plans (3) Prerequisite: BIOM301; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Design of animal
breeding programs for the genetic improvement of livestock and companion animal species. Principles of
population and quantitative genetics. Genetic evaluations of animals, selection strategies and
crossbreeding systems. Incorporation of advanced statistics and biotechnology into animal breeding plans.
ANSC 452 Avian Physiology (3) Prerequisite: ANSC212. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. The
digestive, excretory, respiratory, circulatory, immune, skeletal muscle, endocrine and nervous systems of
avian species will be examined.
ANSC 453 Animal Welfare and Bioethics (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103; or BSCI106; or
(BSCI160 and BSCI161); or permission of instructor. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Ethical
concerns related to the use of animals in modern society. Historical and philosophical overview of animal
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welfare and bioethics. Applied ethical discussions on human/animal interrelationships, physical and
genetic manipulation, and other current issues associated with the treatment of animals used in food
production, research, zoos, and as pets.
ANSC 455 Applied Animal Behavior (3) Prerequisite: ANSC101 and ANSC103; or BSCI106; or
(BSCI160 and BSCI161). Principles of animal behavior applied to production systems in animal
ANSC 460 Comparative Vertebrate Immunology (3) Prerequisite: ANSC212, BSCI201, or BSCI440.
Credit only granted for: ANSC460 or ANSC489I. Formerly: ANSC489I. Basic concepts in immunology,
and comparing immunity in different vertebrates, including organization of immune systems, innate and
adaptive immune responses. Special attention will be paid to how cell-mediated and humoral immune
responses are induced in natural infections, and what are the effector mechanisms in both of these
processes. Immune response in representative disease models such as infections with viruses and bacteria,
cancer, and autoimmune disease will be discussed. Lectures concerning cutting-edge research will also be
ANSC 489 Current Topics in Animal Science (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Examination of current developments in the animal sciences.
ANSC 497 Animal Biotechnology Recombinant DNA Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: ANSC327; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Recommended:
ANSC437 and ANSC435. An advanced course offering hands-on experience in performing recombinant
DNA experiments. Current molecular biology techniques used for cloning genes, analyzing the gene
products, and modifying the genes of animals will be performed. Techniques include isolation of DNA,
use of restriction enzymes; cloning procedures, PCR analysis, and Southern hybridizations. Lecture
material focuses on interpretation of results generated in the laboratory.
ANTH -- Anthropology
ANTH 138 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ANTH 220 Introduction to Biological Anthropology (4) Human biological evolution, including the
biology of contemporary human groups, non-human primate social behavior, and the fossil, biochemical,
and molecular evidence for human evolution. Includes a laboratory study of human population genetics,
biochemical variation, and anatomical diversity in modern and fossil human and non-human primate
ANTH 221 Introduction to Forensic Sciences (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH298A or ANTH221.
Formerly: ANTH298A. Provides a brief history of forensic sciences, an introduction to some of the
techniques used, and a demonstration of some of the applications of forensic sciences. A survey course
designed to give the student some exposure to the kinds of scientific knowledge and techniques applied to
the medico-legal investigation of death and other crimes.
ANTH 222 Introduction to Ecological and Evolutionary Anthropology (4) Credit only granted for:
ANTH220 or ANTH222. An introduction to the evolution of human physiology and human behavior, the
relationship between hominid and non-hominid primates, and the study of relationships between a
population of humans and their biophysical environment.
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ANTH 238 Special Topics Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ANTH 240 Introduction to Archaeology (3) Exploration of the variety of past human societies and
cultures through archaeology, from the emergence of anatomically modern humans to the more recent
historical past.
ANTH 241 Controversies in Archaeology (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH298B or ANTH241.
Formerly: ANTH298B. Archaeologists, scholars who study the cultures of previous times, are continually
asked to evaluate the evidence for competing stories about the past. This shows how archaeologists use a
critical lens and rigorous methods to assess these claims. Students will learn how the archaeological
record is formed and transformed, how archaeologists date sites and objects, how they understand ancient
environments, and how they can uncover gender, ethnicity, and nationality in artifactual remains.
ANTH 260 Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology and Linguistics (3) Culture and social
relationships in a wide variety of settings from small-scale to complex societies. An overview of how
anthropology analyzes human behavior. Particular attention to the relationship between language and
ANTH 261 Cultures of the World (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH298G or ANTH261. Formerly:
ANTH298G. Cultural anthropology is the study of human societies. The principles of cultural
anthropology are used to explore the lifeways of various cultures throughout the world. Of particular
concern will be the diversity and similarities of different cultures and how anthropologists attempt to
understand and compare them.
ANTH 262 Gender and Anthropology (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH262, ANTH298F, or
WMST298F. Formerly: ANTH298F and WMST298F. Utilizing ethnographic work from across the
world, students will examine gender constructs across several cultures. The primary focus will be the role
of women as gendered actors and participants in their day-to-day lives. Students will develop
understandings of gender as distinct from the biological categories of sex, and to gain a working
knowledge of variability and similarity in gender across cultural systems.
ANTH 263 Sexuality and Culture (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH298K or ANTH263. Formerly:
ANTH298K. An overview of sexuality from an anthropological perspective, looking at aspects of
sexuality within our own culture and in cultures around the world. Course topics include the biology and
culture of sex, gender, physical attraction, sexual orientation, marriage and mating taboos, fertility
control, sexually transmitted diseases, and commercial aspects of sex.
ANTH 264 Immigration Policy, Immigrant Lives (3) An examination of the phenomenon of
international migration, or immigration. Students develop awareness of how immigration has been framed
in the general public and examined by social science disciplines, most prominently anthropology.
Examination of case studies of different immigrant groups in distinct geographic contexts will illuminate
the varied incorporation experiences of immigrants into U.S. society.
ANTH 265 Anthropology of Global Health (3) An overview of the growing field of global health
including health care systems, medical practices, ideas about illness in cross-cultural contexts, issues of
health development, global health inequity, and human rights issues. The course will focus on the history
of global health, the critique of major international health agencies and their development paradigms, and
the political economy of social inequalities and health.
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ANTH 266 Changing Climate, Changing Cultures (3) Explore past, present, and future interactions
between humans and climate. Discussions, methods-oriented activities, and case study analyses provide
students a foundation for appreciating the role of anthropology in understanding, responding to, and
preparing for climate change.
ANTH 298 Special Topics in Anthropology (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Anthropological perspectives on selected topics of broad general interest.
ANTH 305 Archaeological Methods and Practice (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240, ARTH200, or
CLAS180. Also offered as: ARTH305, CLAS305. Credit only granted for: ANTH305, ARTH305, or
CLAS305. A team-taught, interdisciplinary course discussing theories, methods, and ethical issues in the
practice of archaeology.
ANTH 320 Method and Theory in Biological Anthropology (3) Prerequisite: ANTH220; or permission
of BSOS-Anthropology department. Restriction: Must be in Anthropology program; or permission of
BSOS-Anthropology department. Credit only granted for: (ANTH320 and ANTH425) or ANTH625.
Theoretical and methodological overview of biological anthropology, including evolutionary
anthropology, anthropological genetics, physiological anthropology, human biology, primatology,
paleoanthropology, human biodiversity, and contemporary selective challenges to modern humanity.
Emphasis on core concepts and their research applications.
ANTH 322 Method and Theory in Ecological Anthropology (3) Prerequisite: ANTH220 or ANTH222.
Restriction: Must be in a major within the BSOS-Anthropology department. Credit only granted for:
ANTH320, ANTH322, ANTH425, or ANTH625. A theoretical consideration of ecological anthropology,
focusing on issues related to cooperation, the management of common property, resilience, and
sustainability. Explores the methods of sociocultural anthropology, including ethnology, evolutionary
game theory and agent-based modeling; and natural-science approaches including behavioral and systems
ANTH 323 Plagues, Pathogens and Public Policy (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH429A or
ANTH323. Formerly: ANTH429A. The impact of diseases on populations from prehistoric times through
the present will be examined, along with public perceptions of disease, scientific breakthroughs on
treatment and prevention, and the ways that politics and public health policies can enhance or impede the
advancement of disease treatment. The natural history of disease, population structure, and immunity will
be discussed. The class will address emerging and re-emerging diseases and the ways that first
responders, researchers, and policy makers may affect the outcome of an outbreak.
ANTH 338 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ANTH 340 Method and Theory in Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240. Restriction: Must be in
Anthropology program; or permission of BSOS-Anthropology department. Theory, method, and practice
which guides modern anthropological archaeology. Includes research design and execution (from survey
through excavation and interpretation), the reconstruction of aspects of past cultures, and the
understanding of cultural change and meaning.
ANTH 358 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (1-3) Prerequisite: ANTH220, ANTH260, or
ANTH240. Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must be in Anthropology program. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Individual instruction course: contact department or instructor to obtain section
and index numbers.
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ANTH 360 Method and Theory in Sociocultural Anthropology (3) Prerequisite: ANTH260.
Restriction: Must be in Anthropology program; or permission of BSOS-Anthropology department.
Theoretical approaches and research methods in sociocultural anthropology. Emphasis on current debates,
new directions, and their historical antecedents.
ANTH 364 The Anthropology of Religion (3) Prerequisite: ANTH260. Comparative study of religion in
social, cultural, political, and economic context. Combines the history of schools of interpretation with a
survey of theoretical alternatives and a focus on selected case studies.
ANTH 368 Regional Ethnography (3) Prerequisite: ANTH260; or permission of BSOS-Anthropology
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Peoples and cultures of a particular region of the
world, on the basis of ethnographies, archaeological evidence, and relevant works by social historians and
political economists. The regional focus and thematic emphasis will vary by semester.
ANTH 386 Experiential Learning (1-6) Recommended: Completion of advanced courses in relevant
subfield of anthropology recommended. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Anthropology department; and
junior standing or higher; and must be in Anthropology program.
ANTH 398 Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Anthropology department.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Independent interdisciplinary research and reading in specific
areas of anthropology.
ANTH 410 Theory and Practice of Health and Community Development (3) Restriction: Junior
standing or higher. Also offered as: ANTH610. Credit only granted for: ANTH410 or ANTH610.
Introduction to the relationships between culture, health status and practices, and the design of
community-based initiatives. The focus is on the use of anthropological knowledge and skills in the
analysis of such relationships and in the design of community-based initiatives.
ANTH 421 Nutritional Anthropology (3) Also offered as: ANTH621. Credit only granted for:
ANTH421, ANTH428N, or ANTH621. Formerly: ANTH428N. The study of nutrition from an
anthropological perspective which includes both biological and cultural aspects of nutrition. We will
explore how nutrition can affect culture how culture can affect nutrition. Nutritional anthropology
includes the study of cross-cultural variation in diet, nutritional status and subsistence systems as well as
variation in these factors over the evolutionary course of human existence, from prehistoric and historic to
modem times. Students will be introduced to nutritional anthropology and provided with the basics for
assessing reliability and feasibility of nutritional advice and policy encountered in everyday modern life
in a global setting.
ANTH 422 Human-Plant-(Human & Bioactive Plant) Interaction (3) Prerequisite: ANTH220 and
ANTH320; or permission of BSOS-Anthropology department. Credit only granted for: ANTH422.
Formerly: ANTH428I. This seminar course will discuss the evolutionary, historical, cultural, and
ecological aspects of coevolution with respect to humans and their interactions with specific bioactive
plants. Case studies of human- plant-(pathogen) interactions will be discussed as well as an inclusive
survey of anthropologically important phytochemicals. The seminar incorporates human-plant-(pathogen)
interactions into models of human evolution and ecology.
ANTH 428 Special Topics in Bioanthropology (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Advanced
research courses in biological anthropology on changing topics that correspond to new theoretical
interests, faculty research interests, or the specialties of visiting scholars. Prerequisites or background
knowledge vary with the topic. Check with the department for requirements.
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ANTH 429 Advanced Special Topics in Biological Anthropology (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Upper level biological anthropology courses on varying topics derived from new interests of the
faculty or the specialties of visiting scholars.
ANTH 438 Special Topics in Study Abroad IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ANTH 440 Theory and Practice of Historical Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240. Also offered
as: ANTH640. Credit only granted for: ANTH440 or ANTH640. Historical archaeology enhances cultural
heritage by providing voice for groups who were often unable to record their own histories, such as
women, laborers, working class families, and enslaved people. The course provides insight into issues
related to race, gender, and ethnicity as they relate to multicultural histories.
ANTH 441 Archaeology of Diaspora (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240. Credit only granted for: ANTH448A,
ANTH688Z, or ANTH441. Formerly: ANTH448A. "Diaspora" is defined, theorized, deconstructed, and
employed throughout the social sciences. There are context specific relations that define who leaves,
when, and how they are received in the new place of settlement. Over the course of the semester the class
will actively and critically examine the relevance of historical archaeology and material culture studies in
the understanding of the formation, experiences, and transformation of diasporic groups over time and
ANTH 442 Public Archeology (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH442, ANTH448V, or ANTH642.
Formerly: ANTH448V. Explores the uses and environments for archaeological work through a discussion
of museum, electronic media, heritage settings, outdoor history museums, including the legal
environment that offers protection for archaeological remains. The course exposes students to the
majority of cultural media within which archaeology is currently practiced. The interdisciplinary course is
a survey of the progress made within and beyond anthropology in understanding the function of heritage,
public memory, tourism, and the other popular uses of materials from the past, including the progress
made in linguistics psychology and other cognitive disciplines in understanding the purpose of the past.
ANTH 444 Theories of the Past (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240. Also offered as: ANTH740. Credit only
granted for: ANTH448P, ANTH444, or ANTH740. Formerly: ANTH448P. The primary purpose is to
highlight some of the key achievements made by archaeologists in informing questions of interest to
society from 1850 on. Key achievements include how archaeologists understand elements of the past
thought to be central to the development of modern socieity. A secondary purpose is to introduce students
to the theories used to understand the place of the past in society and the function of answers to questions
thought central to modern social life.
ANTH 445 Laboratory Methods in Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANTH496. Recommended:
ANTH240. The processing, curation, cataloging and analysis of data is an important part of any
archaeology field project. Students will learn that basics of laboratory techniques necessary for the final
analysis and interpretation of field data.
ANTH 447 Material Culture Studies in Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240. Credit only granted
for: ANTH447, ANTH448C, ANTH647, or ANTH689C. Formerly: ANTH448C. An in-depth
introduction to the world of material culture studies with a focus on the methods and theories in historical
archaeology. Students will look at archaeological data as historical documents, commodities and as
symbols expressing ideas.
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ANTH 448 Special Topics in Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Advanced topics in archaeological research, corresponding to new theoretical
developments, faculty research interests, or specialties of visiting scholars. Prerequisites may vary with
course topic; check with the department for requirements.
ANTH 449 Advanced Special Topics in Archaeology (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Upper level archaeology courses on varying topics derived from new interests of the faculty or the
specialties of visiting scholars.
ANTH 450 Theory and Practice of Environmental Anthropology (3) Restriction: Junior standing or
higher. Also offered as: ANTH650. Credit only granted for: ANTH450 or ANTH650. An overview of
contemporary application of cultural theory and methods to environmental problems. Topics include the
use of theories of culture, cognitive approaches, discourse analysis, and political ecology. Case studies
from anthropology, other social sciences, humanities, conservation, and environmental history are used to
demonstrate the applied value of a cultural-environmental approach.
ANTH 451 Environmental Archaeology (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH451, ANTH651,
ANTH448F, ANTH668F. Formerly: ANTH448F. An overview of modern environmental archaeology as
a tool for the interdisciplinary investigation of past and present global change and to engage the long term
past with current issues of sustainability and rapid environmental change.
ANTH 453 Archaeology of the Modern City (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240; or permission of instructor.
Credit only granted for: ANTH448Q or ANTH453. Formerly: ANTH448Q. An overview of how social
scientists, in particular historical archaeologists, approach modern cities as being part of the materiality of
the social structure and order.
ANTH 454 Anthropology of Travel and Tourism (3) Also offered as: ANTH654. Credit only granted
for: ANTH454 or ANTH654. Review of recent anthropological contributions to the study of travel and
tourism development. Topics include the history of travel, political economy of tourism, gender in
tourism, the built environment, ecotourism, and heritage tourism.
ANTH 462 Amazon Through Film (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH468D or ANTH462. Formerly:
ANTH468D. An interdisciplinary course that utilizes film to consider the Amazon basin, its history,
peoples, and landscapes through cinematic representations. The course places the films in the context of
film history and critical theory. The course takes into consideration the Brazilian, North American,
Mexican, European and Argentine creators of the films and their visions of Amazonia, as well as the
audiences and markets to which the films are intended.
ANTH 468 Special Topics in Cultural Anthropology (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Advanced courses in varying specialty areas of cultural anthropology that respond to new theoretical
developments, faculty research interests, or specialties of visiting scholars.
ANTH 469 Advanced Special Topics in Cultural Anthropology (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Upper level cultural anthropology courses on varying topics derived from new interests of the
faculty or the specialties of visiting scholars.
ANTH 472 Medical Anthropology (3) Credit only granted for: ANTH472, ANTH468, ANTH672, or
ANTH688L. Formerly: ANTH468L. An exploration of the cultural, social, economic and political
dimensions of health, disease, and illness. These dimensions will be examined through both the health-
seeker's and the care-provider's perspectives.
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ANTH 476 Senior Research (3-4) Restriction: Must be in Anthropology program. Credit only granted
for: ANTH476 or ANTH486. Capstone course in which students pursue independent research into a
current problem in anthropology, selected with assistance of a committee of faculty. Research leads to the
writing of a senior thesis in anthropology.
ANTH 477 Senior Thesis (3-4) Prerequisite: ANTH476. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Anthropology
department; and must be in Anthropology program. Credit only granted for: ANTH477 or ANTH487.
Capstone course in which students write a senior thesis on independent research into a current problem in
anthropology. The thesis is defined before a committee of faculty.
ANTH 478 Special Topics in Linguistics (3) Recommended: LING200. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Advanced courses in specialty areas that respond to new theoretical developments and
faculty research interests in linguistics.
ANTH 486 Honors Research (3-4) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Anthropology department; and
must be in Anthropology program; and must be admitted to University Honors Program or Anthropology
Honors Program. Credit only granted for: ANTH486 or ANTH476. Capstone course in which students
pursue independent research into a current problem in anthropology, selected with assistance of a
committee of faculty. Research leads to the writing of an honors thesis in anthropology.
ANTH 487 Honors Thesis (3-4) Prerequisite: ANTH486. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-
Anthropology department; and must be in Anthropology program; and must be admitted to University
Honors Program or Anthropology Honors Program. Credit only granted for: ANTH487 or ANTH477.
Capstone course in which students write a thesis on the results of independent research into a current
problem in anthropology.
ANTH 491 Applied Urban Ethnography (3) Prerequisite: ANTH260. Also offered as: ANTH617.
Credit only granted for: ANTH468B, ANTH491, or ANTH617. Formerly: ANTH468B. The focus is on
the use of applied ethnographic field methods in community assessment research in urban settings. Also,
it will extend beyond most ethnographic training in which the emphasis is on being there, and relying
predominantly on the classical ethnographic methods of recursive observations, participant observations,
and a variety of approaches to interviewing.
ANTH 492 Anthropology of the Immigrant Life Course (4) Credit only granted for: ANTH498N,
ANTH492, ANTH689N, or ANTH692. Formerly: ANTH498N. Explores social issues affecting local
immigrant populations through readings, research and service learning. Theorizing immigration as a
social policy issue in the U.S. culture, students learn about the specific contributions that anthropology
has made to the understanding of immigration: globalization on the one hand, and the context of daily life
in local neighborhoods on the other.
ANTH 496 Field Methods in Archaeology (6) Field training in the techniques of archaeological survey
and excavation.
ANTH 498 Advanced Field Training in Ethnography (1-8) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Credit only granted for: ANTH498 or ANTH698. Experience in field research utilizing a variety of
ethnographic methods of inquiry.
ANTH 499 Fieldwork in Biological Anthropology (3-8) Field training in techniques of human biology,
primatology, or paleoanthropology.
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AOSC -- Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
AOSC 123 Causes and Implications of Global Change (3) Also offered as: GEOL123. Credit only
granted for: AOSC123, GEOG123, GEOL123, or METO123. Formerly: METO123. Responsible policy
and decision making on issues related to the global environment requires understanding of the basic
scientific issues, relationships between the geophysical and biological sciences, the impacts on regional
and global endeavors, and the political manner in which humans respond. This course embodies an
integrated introduction to the broad scientific and social aspects of the global change problem.
AOSC 200 Weather and Climate (3) Prerequisite: MATH107, MATH110, or MATH115.
Recommended: Concurrent enrollment in AOSC201. Formerly: METO200. Broad survey of the state of
knowledge and problems of atmospheric science. Origin and structure of the atmosphere, meteorological
observations, weather maps, forecasting, satellites, energetics, wind, general circulation, storms, severe
weather, climate change, air pollution.
AOSC 201 Weather and Climate Laboratory (1) Corequisite: AOSC200. Formerly: METO201.
Laboratory exercises to supplement AOSC200, including weather observations, weather map analysis,
use of the Internet, forecasting practice and climate modeling.
AOSC 347 Computing and Data Analysis: Deciphering Climate Change Clues (3) Prerequisite:
MATH140. Recommended: Familiarity with basic descriptive statistics. Credit only granted for:
AOSC347 or AOSC358L. Formerly: AOSC358L. A comprehensive introductory course designed to
prepare students to identify, interpret, and visualize Earth's climate variations observed in the past and
projected into the future. The class emphasizes real-world applications, providing students with essential
hands-on experience using MATLAB for data analysis and visualization, developing analytical skills for
observational and modeling data, and performing virtual experiments to distinguish data contributing
factors. Students will gain an understanding of the scientific issues concerning the modern global
warming debate on detection and attribution including: signal vs noise, trend vs periodicity, natural vs
anthropogenic forcing, local vs remote response, mean vs extreme changes, and accuracy vs uncertainty.
AOSC 358 Special Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (1-4) Repeatable to 12 credits. Special
topics in atmospheric and oceanic science are given intensive study. The topic of concentration varies,
from semester to semester and depends on student and faculty interests. Often, specialists from other
institutions are invited to the campus on a visiting lectureship basis to conduct the course.
AOSC 375 Introduction to the Blue Ocean (3) Also offered as: GEOL375. Credit only granted for:
GEOL375 or METO375. Oceans are an important component of the Earth System and this course builds
towards Earth System Science education. Oceanography is an intrinsically interdisciplinary subject with
strong connections to astronomy (tidal forces), biology (ecosystems), geography (world climate), geology
(sea floor tectonics), and physics (waves). We begin with the history of ocean exploration and origin of
Earth and life and learn about properties of seawater, air-sea interactions, atmospheric and oceanic
circulation, El Nino-Southern Oscillation, waves, tides, and tsunamis.
AOSC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must have a learning
proposal approved by the Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor and student's
internship sponsor. Formerly: METO386.
AOSC 400 Physical Meteorology of the Atmosphere (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade
of C- from (PHYS171, PHYS161, MATH141); or permission of CMNS-Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
department. Formerly: METO400. The application of basic classical physics, chemistry and mathematics
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t the study of the atmosphere. Composition of the atmosphere; energy sources and sinks (radiation in the
atmosphere; radiative balance and radiative forcing of atmospheric processes); atmospheric
thermodynamics; clouds and precipitation physics; atmospheric electricity and optics; mesoscale
processes (e.g., orographic mesoscale phenomena and instabilities); air mass boundaries; severe weather,
tropical cyclones; storms; global circulation.
AOSC 401 Climate Dynamics and Earth System Science (3) Prerequisite: AOSC400 or AOSC200; or
permission of instructor. Formerly: METO401. The global weather and climate system; the natural
variability of the atmosphere-ocean-biosphere; carbon cycle and biogeochemistry. Potential human
effects: greenhouse effects, deforestation, acid rain, ozone depletion, nuclear winter. Social, political and
economic effects of changes in global environment. Policy options.
AOSC 420 Physical Oceanography (3) Prerequisite: MATH141 and PHYS141. Recommended:
AOSC200. Also offered as: AOSC670, GEOL670. Credit only granted for: AOSC420, AOSC670, or
GEOL670. Ocean observations. Water masses, sources of deep, intermediate, and surface water. Mass,
heat, and salt transport, and the meridional overturning circulation. Geochemical tracers and cycles,
including carbon. Western boundary currents, mixed layers, and processes maintaining the thermocline.
Coastal and estuarine processes. Surface waves and tides. the ocean's role in climate.
AOSC 424 Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Ocean (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum
grade of C- from (PHYS171, PHYS161, MATH141); or permission of instructor. Many of the properties
of the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface are most easily observed from satellite remote sensing. This
course will provide students with a hands-on introduction to a variety of passive and active sensing
techniques and sensors observing our changing environment. Topics include: orbital dynamics and
electromagnetic properties of the atmosphere and surface; atmospheric emission characteristics and
scattering; chemical composition and spectroscopy; temperature retrievals; detection and retrieval of
aerosol, cloud and rain; ocean surface properties; sea surface temperature and color; active sensing of
wind stress, sea level, and internal waves; time-dependent gravity; properties of vegetation and ice.
AOSC 431 Atmospheric Thermodynamics (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(PHYS171, PHYS161, MATH141). Recommended: MATH246. Credit only granted for: AOSC431 or
METO431. Formerly: METO431. Classical thermodynamics applied to both the dry and the moist
atmosphere. Composition; phase changes of water; stability concepts; Properties of aerosols and clouds,
cloud nucleation and precipitation processes, atmospheric electricity, cloud and precipitation chemistry.
AOSC 432 Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean (3) Prerequisite: AOSC431. Corequisite:
MATH246. Credit only granted for: AOSC432, METO432, or AOSC632. Formerly: METO432.
Equations of motion and their approximation, scale analysis for the atmosphere and the ocean.
Conservation properties. Fluid motion in the atmosphere and oceans. Geostrophic/balanced and
ageostrphic/unbalanced motion. Circulation, vorticity, and potential vorticity. Introduction to the
boundary layer.
AOSC 433 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131, CHEM135, or
CHEM146. And MATH241; or permission of CMNS-Atmospheric & Oceanic Science department. Also
offered as: CHEM433. Credit only granted for: AOSC433, AOSC633, CHEM433, or CHEM633.
Formerly: AOSC434. The effects of human activity on atmospheric composition, focused on global
warming, the carbon cycle, air pollution, and the ozone layer. Fundamentals of atmosphereic chemistry
(spectroscopy, kinetics, isotopic analysis, and biogeochemical cycles) are related to the modern
understanding of climate change, air quality, and ozone depletion, based on resources such as satellite
missions, field campaigns, and scientific assessments published by international agencies. We also
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examine how society's energy needs could be met, in the future, in a manner with less impact on
atmospheric composition than the present heavy reliance on combusion of fossil fuels.
AOSC 434 Air Pollution (3) Prerequisite: MATH241; or permission of CMNS-Atmospheric & Oceanic
Science department. Formerly: METO434. Production, transformation, transport and removal of air
pollutants. The problems of photochemical smog, the greenhouse effect, stratospheric ozone, acid rain
and visibility. Analytical techniques for gases and particles.
AOSC 436 Principles of Biogeochemistry (3) Prerequisite: MATH120 or MATH140; or must have
completed MATH220. And (GEOL100 or GEOL120); and GEOL322. And CHEM131 and CHEM132;
or (CHEM135 and CHEM136). Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
instructor. Also offered as: GEOL436. Credit only granted for: GEOL436 or AOSC436. An introduction
to the basic principles of biogeochemistry including aspects of organic geochemistry, biochemistry,
microbiology, global geochemical cycles, the origin of life and paleoenvironmental evolution.
AOSC 437 Global Climate Change: Past and Present (3) Prerequisite: MATH115 or MATH140; and
(GEOL100 or GEOL120); and (CHEM131 or CHEM135); and (CHEM132 or CHEM136). Restriction:
Non-degree seeking students require permission of the instructor. Also offered as: GEOL437. A highlight
to the fact that global climate change is part of the Earth's past as well as of its present and future.
Changes in climate that have occurred in the geologic past can be viewed as the Earth's natural climate
variability. These changes are different from, though could be linked with, historical and present
anthropogenically-induced climate change. We will discuss the modern climate system, the factors
capable of forcing climate change on various time scales, the geologic proxies of past climate change and
what these proxies tell us. Finally, we will compare and contrast past climate change with what is
understood (and not understood) about modern climate change.
AOSC 458 Advanced Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (1-4) Repeatable to 12 credits.
Special topics in atmospheric and oceanic science are given intensive study. The topic of concentration
varies, from semester to semester and depends on student and faculty interests. Often, specialists from
other institutions are invited to the campus on a visiting lectureship basis to conduct the course.
AOSC 470 Synoptic Meteorology (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in AOSC431 and AOSC432.
Credit only granted for: AOSC470, AOSC600, or METO600. Atmospheric properties and observations,
meteorological analysis and charts, operational numerical forecasts. Application of quasigeostrophic
theory, baroclinic instability, midlatitiude and mesoscale weather systems. Tropical meteorology.
Weather forecasting using numerical and statistical models. Prediction of weather phenomena on the
global, syoptic, meso, and local scales. Analysis of surface and upper air data; Norwegian cyclone model;
introduction to weather forecasting.
AOSC 472 Mesoscale Meteorology (3) Prerequisite: AOSC432, AOSC600, AOSC610, or AOSC470.
Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor. Also offered as:
AOSC602. Credit only granted for: AOSC472 or AOSC602. An introduction to mesoscale meteorology
including the topics of mesoscale approximations, aspects of fronts and frontogenesis theory, piecewise
potential vorticity inversion, mesoscale waves and instability, orographic mesoscale phenomena, isolated
convection, mesoscale convective systems, and tropical cyclones.
AOSC 493 Senior Research Project I (3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Atmospheric & Oceanic
Science department. Restriction: Must be in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science program. Or must not be
in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science program; and permission of instructor. Technical writing and oral
presentation skills. Planning, writing, and presenting a plan for research in the geosciences.
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AOSC 494 Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
AOSC431 and AOSC432. Exposure to a wide range of contemporary topics in atmospheric, oceanic, and
climate sciences, to foster research interests and promote critical thinking through the weekly AOSC
departmental seminar series.
AOSC 498 Senior Research Project II (3) Prerequisite: AOSC493. The project will be based on the
research or development plan created in AOSC493. It may be completed with the approval of a faculty
advisor in conjunction with an internship. Final written thesis and oral defense will be expected.
AOSC 499 Special Problems in Atmospheric Science (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-
Atmospheric & Oceanic Science department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Formerly: METO499. Research or
special study in the field of meteorology and the atmospheric and oceanic sciences.
ARAB -- Arabic
ARAB 101 Elementary Arabic I (3) Introduction to modern standard Arabic in both its spoken and
written form. Equal emphasis on all four skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
ARAB 104 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I-II (6) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native speaker of Arabic. An
intensive course focusing on developing functional proficiency in the standard Arabic language, both
written and formal spoken. Begins with script and phonology, and develops into a limited range of
situation-based texts and topics that build vocabulary, grammar, general communicative competence and
cultural awareness.
ARAB 105 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic III-IV (6) Prerequisite: ARAB104; or must have
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native
speaker of Arabic. Continuation of ARAB104, developing further linguistic proficiency in Standard
Arabic, both written and formal spoken. Covers an extended range of situation-based texts and topics that
build vocabulary, grammar, general communicative competence and cultural awareness.
ARAB 106 Elementary Egyptian Colloquial Arabic I (3) Prerequisite: Must have a basic knowledge of
Arabic script. Recommended: Can be taken concurrently with an MSA course. Restriction: Must not be a
fluent/native speaker of Arabic. Introduction to the widely spread spoken variety of Egyptian Arabic,
covering the basic range of communicative and cultural situations where Modern Standard Arabic is not
used. Emphasis is on developing the learners' listening and speaking skills in Egyptian Arabic, since
colloquial Arabic dialects are mainly used in speech.
ARAB 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ARAB 204 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I (6) Prerequisite: ARAB105; and must have
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native
speaker of Arabic. Covers topics related to contemporary Arabic society, literature and culture in standard
written and formal spoken Arabic. Acquisition of more complex grammatical structures, expanding
vocabulary, and reading, to develop a better understanding of the formal aspects of using MSA.
ARAB 205 Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II (6) Prerequisite: ARAB204; or must have
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native
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speaker of Arabic. Continuation of ARAB204, with exposure to a wide range of Arabic texts from
different domains. Focus on vocabulary, more complex grammatical forms, and a better understanding of
the formal aspects of using MSA as well as the cultural aspects of using the language.
ARAB 206 Egyptian Colloquial Arabic I (3) Prerequisite: ARAB205; or permission of ARHU-School
of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native speaker of
Arabic. Develops communicative skills and cultural knowledge in Egyptian Arabic. Focuses on various
social interactions, work and school situations, as well as specifics of pronunciation and grammar of the
Egyptian dialect. Designed for students who have completed two years of the regular Arabic sequence
classes (104-105 and 204-205) or equivalent.
ARAB 207 Egyptian Colloquial Arabic II (3) Prerequisite: ARAB206; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native
speaker of Arabic. Further develops communicative skills and cultural knowledge in Egyptian Arabic,
extending range of contexts and types of social interaction. Focuses on various aspects of Egyptian
popular culture.
ARAB 210 Elementary Levantine Arabic III (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Emphasis on developing listening and speaking skills in
Levantine Arabic, since colloquial dialects are mainly used in speech. Covers family, school, shopping,
local culture and general interaction. Some reading in Arabic.
ARAB 211 Elementary Levantine Arabic IV (3) Prerequisite: ARAB210; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Emphasis on developing listening and
speaking skills in Levantine Arabic. Covers conversational needs in everyday situations such as
introductions, at hotels, at the doctor's office, at social get-togethers, etc. Some reading in Arabic.
ARAB 251 Image of Women in Arabic Cinema (3) Prerequisite: Knowledge of Arabic is desirable but
not required. Arabic Cinema as socio-cultural discourse and representation of women in cinema as a way
to create national identity. Taught in English.
ARAB 253 The Arabian Nights and the Art of Storytelling (3) Credit only granted for: ARAB 298B or
ARAB253. Formerly: ARAB298B. One Thousand and One Nights (Arabic Kitab alf laylah wa laylah;
English The Arabian Nights) is a collection of stories and folk tales compiled in Arabic during the Islamic
Golden Age, and explores how this text has shaped Western perceptions of the Arabic-Islamic world as
well as its impact on the literary production of similar works in Europe and the Middle East. Taught in
ARAB 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ARAB 282 The Arab-Israeli Conflict through Readings in Translation (3) Literary works by both
Arab and Jewish authors depicting the impact of the conflict on society and individuals. In English.
ARAB 298 Special Topics in Arabic Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Language
and content to be announced when course is offered.
ARAB 304 Advanced Modern Standard Arabic I (3) Prerequisite: ARAB205; or permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be a
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fluent/native speaker of Arabic. Formerly: ARAB301. Advanced grammar, reading, writing, speaking in
Arabic; study of contemporary Arabic society, politics, and culture.
ARAB 305 Advanced Modern Standard Arabic II (3) Prerequisite: ARAB304; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a
fluent/native speaker of Arabic. Further advanced grammar, reading, writing, speaking in Arabic; study of
current issues within the Arab World.
ARAB 310 Intermediate Levantine Arabic I (3) Prerequisite: ARAB211; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Focuses on speaking and listening skills in
Levantine Arabic, enriching vocabulary, introducing more complex grammatical forms and structures.
Range of communicative contexts. Some reading in Arabic.
ARAB 315 Intensive Advanced Arabic I (6) Prerequisite: ARAB205; or permission of ARHU-School
of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not have completed ARAB304.
Intensive training in written and spoken Arabic at the Advanced-low level of proficiency. Additional
intensive training in effective listening and reading skills. Substantial cultural component exploring
traditions and customs of the Middle East in addition to current social issues.
ARAB 316 Intensive Advanced Arabic II (6) Prerequisite: ARAB304 or ARAB315; or permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not have completed
ARAB305. Credit only granted for: ARAB305 or ARAB316. Intensive training in written and spoken
Arabic at the Advanced-mid level of proficiency. Additional training in effective listening and reading
skills. Substantial cultural component exploring traditions and customs of the Middle East in addition to
current social issues.
ARAB 321 Arabic Media (3) Prerequisite: ARAB305; or permission of instructor. Examines the role of
the Arabic media in shaping public opinion and influencing relations between the Arab world and the
non-Arab world. Focus on content and acquistion of Modern Standard Arabic. Taught in Arabic.
ARAB 341 Filming War Zones: Representations of Wars in Iraq and Chechnya (3) Also offered as:
FILM341. Credit only granted for: ARAB341 or FILM341. Comparative study of ideological and cultural
discourses in war films covering military conflicts in Iraq and Chechnya in late 20th-early 21st centuries.
Materials include American, Middle Eastern, and Russian feature films and documentaries; theories of
propaganda, ideology and popular culture. Taught in English.
ARAB 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ARAB 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Pre-professional experience in research, analysis and writing in a
work setting. Project proposal approved by faculty and internship sponsor. Junior standing.
ARAB 398 Special Topics in Arabic Studies (3) Prerequisite: ARAB304. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. In-depth study of a particular aspect of Arabic culture, literature, and language. Specific
topic to be announced when offered. Taught in Arabic.
ARAB 399 Independent Study In Arabic (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Research and writing or specific readings on a topic
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selected by the student and supervised by a faculty member on the Department of Arabic Studies. To be
planned during semester preceding registration.
ARAB 401 Readings in Arabic Literature (3) Prerequisite: ARAB305; or permission of ARHU-School
of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native speaker of
Arabic. A survey of Modern Arabic literature is given through a range of selected texts. Texts are studied
as literature with constant reference to the social, cultural and political contexts in which they were
written. Taught in Arabic.
ARAB 402 Arabic English Translation (3) Prerequisite: ARAB305; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native speaker of
Arabic. In-depth practicum in translation from Arabic to English. Exploration of the complexities of
translation as an exercise of textual interpretation and linguistic transformation.
ARAB 489 Special Topics in Arabic Studies (3) Prerequisite: ARAB305; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. In-depth study of particular aspect of Arabic
language and culture. Specific topics to be announced when course is offered. Taught in Arabic.
ARAB 499 Special Topics in Arabic Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. In-depth
study of particular aspect of Arabic culture, literature and language. Specific topic to be announced when
course is offered.
ARCH -- Architecture
ARCH 101 Foundations in Architecture (1) Prerequisite: UNIV100; or permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Restriction: Freshman standing. To pursue any field of knowledge one must first
begin with the basics. By learning the "language" of architecture one can explore the foundations of the
architectural profession through interactive and experiential learning.
ARCH 150 Discovering Architecture (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Introduction to architecture and design studio education. The course examines fundamental design
principles and skills related to architecture. The design studio projects apply ideas and concepts
introduced in lectures, readings and on site visits. The design studio projects are both analytic and
synthetic in nature. The explicit goals of the course are: To explore the discipline of architecture; To
promote visual thinking and representational skills; To develop analytic design thinking skills; To learn
some of the conventions of architectural representation; To enhance cultural awareness of architecture
and design.
ARCH 170 Design Thinking and Architecture (3) Examines conceptual, perceptual, behavioral, and
technical aspects of the built environment, and methods of analysis, problem-solving, and design
ARCH 171 Design Thinking and Making in Architecture (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in
ARCH-Architecture Program. Examines iterative design processes and critical thinking skills through
active learning and design thinking methodologies to solve problems and apply design as a lens of inquiry
and exploration. Students will understand Design Thinking through interactive and experiential learning.
ARCH 200 Design Media and Representation I (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-
Architecture Program. Study of architectural representation in physical and digital design media. Examine
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visual literacy and visual communications through applied drawing, modeling and visual making to
explore the role of design media and representation in design and design thinking.
ARCH 201 Elements and Principles of Architecture (1) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-
Architecture Program. Survey of fundamental elements and principals of architecture and architectural
education. Frames study of architecture as a profession, discipline and critical practice.
ARCH 223 History of Non-Western Architecture (3) Survey of non-western architectural history,
including prehistoric and vernacular; ancient civilizations and the Indus valley; the Islamic world; Hindu
and Buddhist traditions of Asia; and pre-European Africa and the Americas.
ARCH 224 The Ancient Roman City: Pompeii and Beyond (3) Credit only granted for: ARCH224 or
HONR208S. Study of daily life in the ancient Roman world seen through the architecture of Pompeii and
neighboring cities.
ARCH 225 History of World Architecture I (3) Pre-1500 World Architecture survey course - History
of Architecture structured to develop critical thinking and visually literacy with regard to the worldwide
legacy of design thinking and cultural production through architecture
ARCH 226 History of World Architecture II (3) Post-1500 - History of Architecture survey course -
History of Architecture structured to develop critical thinking and visually literacy with regard to the
worldwide legacy of design thinking and building innovation in architecture
ARCH 227 History of World Architecture III (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Survey of
architectural history from 1800 to present.
ARCH 242 Basic Architectural Drawing (3) Prerequisite: ARCH170; or ARCH171. Study of drawing
as a learned skill with emphasis on observation, documentation, analysis, and synthesis. This introductory
course immerses students in visual thinking and learning how to see through drawing. The course
explores the traditional conventions of architectural drawing (orthographics, isometrics, axonometrics,
and linear perspective) as well as abstract and pictorial visualization techniques primarily through
freehand drawing and sketching.
ARCH 270 Design in Practice (3) Case studies and hands-on design projects ranging in scale from a
product to a building to give students insight into the process by which architects work both individually
and collaboratively to put disciplinary knowledge and expertise into practice to shape our built
ARCH 271 People, Planet, and Profit: Building Sustainable Places (3) An introduction to the four
disciplines represented in the School: architecture and urban design, community planning, historic
preservation, and real estate development, that work to create a more sustainable environment for the
future to create a more sustainable environment for the future using our interpretation of the quadruple
bottom line: socio-cultural, economic, environmental, and design sustainability. Students will be provided
with an understanding of the fundamental scholarship and processes of each of these disciplines and
examine the intersections between them. Additionally, they will learn by applying the approaches of the
four disciplines through a series of field studies.
ARCH 288 Selected Topics in Sustainability (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture
Program. Repeatable to 6 credits. Selected Topics in Architectural Sustainability
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ARCH 289 Independent Studies in Architectural Sustainability (1-4) Restriction: Must be in a major
in ARCH-Architecture Program; and permission of ARCH-Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits
if content differs. Independent Studies in Architectural Sustainability. Proposed work must have a faculty
sponsor and receive approval of the Architecture Program Curriculum Committee.
ARCH 300 Design Media and Representation II (3) Prerequisite: ARCH200; or permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture Program. Study of
architectural representation in physical and digital design media. Examine visual communications and
speculative visual studies through applied drawing, modeling and making to explore expanded roles of
representation in design and design thinking.
ARCH 343 Intermediate Architectural Drawing (3) Prerequisite: ARCH242; or permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Development of media technique (including color pencil, pastel, graphite, ink, and
watercolor) as vehicles for investigating color, composition, and abstraction. Exploration of historical and
contemporary issues of representation in architectural visual communication.
ARCH 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Must have learning proposal approved by faculty
sponsor and student's internship sponsor; and sophomore standing or higher; and permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Learning experience tied to internship of specified duration with targeted learning
ARCH 400 Architecture Design Studio I (6) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture
Program; and permission of ARCH-Architecture Program. Introduction to architectural design with
particular emphasis on conventions and principles of architecture, visual and verbal communication skills,
formal analysis, design process, spatial composition, architectural promenade, basic program distribution,
and elementary constructional and environmental responses.
ARCH 401 Architecture Design Studio II (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ARCH400.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. Continuation of ARCH 400 with introduction to
building typology, urban and contextual issues, design of the vertical surface, and architectural interiors.
ARCH 402 Architecture Design Studio III (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ARCH401.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. Architectural design studio with emphasis on
building and facade typologies, the development of architectural promenade and sequence, public and/or
civic infill buildings dependent upon the architectural promenade, and urban housing types of varying
densities. The architect's obligations to urban context are explored in many dimensions including
historical, typological, and physical.
ARCH 403 Architecture Design Studio IV (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ARCH402.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. Investigations into the relationship between the man-
made and the natural world including introductory issues of assembly and material value. Design of the
site and the building are combined into an integral process delimiting and probing the boundaries of each
and exploring their reciprocal relationship. The architect's obligations to the natural and urban contexts
are explored in many dimensions including historical, typological, environmental, and physical.
ARCH 404 Graduate Architecture Design Studio I (6) Recommended: For 3 1/2 year graduate
students only. Restriction: Must be in Architecture (Master's) program. Introduction to architectural
design with particular emphasis on conventions and principles of architecture , visual and verbal
communication skills, formal analysis, design process, spatial composition, architectural promenade,
basic program distribution, and elementary constructional and environmental responses. Offered fall only.
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ARCH 405 Graduate Architecture Design Studio II (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ARCH404. Restriction: Must be in Architecture (Master's) program. Architectural design studio with
emphasis on building and facade typologies, the development of architectural promenade and sequence,
public and/or civic infill buildings dependent upon the architectural promenade, and urban housing types
of varying densities. The architect's obligations to urban context are explored in many dimensions
including historical, typological, and physical. Offered spring only.
ARCH 406 Graduate Architecture Design Studio III (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ARCH405. Restriction: Must be in Architecture (Master's) program. Investigations into the relationship
between the man-made and the natural world including introductory issues of assembly and material
value. Design of the site and the building are combined into an integral process delimiting and probing the
boundaries of each and exploring their reciprocal relationship. The architect's obligations to the natural
and urban contexts are explored in many dimensions including historical, typological, environmental, and
ARCH 407 Graduate Architecture Design IV (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ARCH406.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (Master's) program. Studio problems and theories concentrating on
urbanism and urban design techniques. Issues and sites range from high-density urban in-fill to suburban
and greenfield development in American and other contexts. Studio theories explore such topics as
Contextualism, Neo-Traditional design, Transit Oriented Development, density, sustainable development,
building typology, and street design.
ARCH 408 Special Topics Architecture Design Studio (6) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-
Architecture Program; and permission of ARCH-Architecture Program. Repeatable to 12 credits if
content differs. Additional information: Elective Architecture Design Studio that may be taken for repeat
or advanced credit for arch400 arch401 arch402 arch403 and/or an additional design studio. Design
Studio course to examine topical problems in architecture and urban design.
ARCH 410 Architecture Technology I (4) Prerequisite: MATH120 or MATH140; or must have
completed MATH220. And PHYS121; and (GEOG140, GEOG123, GEOL120, AOSC123, GEOL123, or
BSCI205). Corequisite: ARCH400. Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. First course in a
four course sequence which develops the knowledge and skills of architectural technology. Addresses
climate, human responses to climate, available materials, topography and impact on culture. Principles of
assembly, basic structural principles and philosophies of construction.
ARCH 411 Technology II (4) Prerequisite: ARCH410. Corequisite: ARCH401. Restriction: Must be in
Architecture (B.S.) program. Second course in a four course sequence. Building construction processes
and terminology; use and performance characteristics of primary building materials; principles of
structural behavior related to the building systems; equilibrium and stability, stiffness and strength, types
of stress, distribution of force and stress, resolution of forces, reactions, bending moments, shear,
deflection, buckling.
ARCH 412 Architecture Technology III (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ARCH411.
Corequisite: ARCH402. Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. Third course in a four
course sequence. Design of steel, timber, and reinforced concrete elements and subsystems; analysis of
architectural building systems. Introduction to design for both natural and man-made hazards.
ARCH 413 Architecture Technology IV (4) Prerequisite: ARCH412. Corequisite: ARCH403.
Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. Final course in a four course sequence. Theory,
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quantification, and architectural design applications for HVAC, water systems, fire protection electrical
systems, illumination, signal equipment, and transportation systems.
ARCH 418 Selected Topics in Architectural Technology (3) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected Topics in Architectural
ARCH 419 Independent Studies in Architectural Technology (1-4) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Proposed work must have a faculty
sponsor and receive approval of the Architecture Program Curriculum Committee.
ARCH 420 History of American Architecture (3) Prerequisite: ARCH221; or permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. American architecture from the late 17th to the 21st century.
ARCH 422 History of Greek Architecture (3) Prerequisite: ARCH221; or permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Survey of Greek architecture from 750-100 B.C.
ARCH 423 History of Roman Architecture (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARCH-Architecture
Program. Survey of Roman architecture from 500 B.C. To A.D. 325.
ARCH 425 History of Architecture I (3) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Credit only granted for: ARCH225 or ARCH425. Additional information: Graduate architecture history
course requires additional recitation section and additional coursework tied to survey lectures. Pre-1500
World Architecture survey course - History of Architecture structured to develop critical thinking and
visually literacy with regard to the worldwide legacy of design thinking and cultural production through
architecture. Structured to nurture critical thinking and visually literacy with regard to the worldwide
legacy of architecture. The work in the course will involve the evaluation of sources and arguments in
reading architectural history. Architecture will be framed relative to ways of thinking, religious beliefs,
cultural heritage, and cultural values.
ARCH 426 History of Architecture II (3) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Credit only granted for: ARCH226 or ARCH426. Additional information: Graduate architecture history
course requires additional recitation section and additional coursework tied to survey lectures. Post-1500 -
History of Architecture survey course - History of Architecture structured to develop critical thinking and
visually literacy with regard to the worldwide legacy of design thinking and building innovation in
architecture. Structured to nurture critical thinking and visually literacy with regard to the worldwide
legacy of architecture. The work in the course will involve the evaluation of sources and arguments in
reading architectural history. Architecture will be framed relative to ways of thinking, religious beliefs,
cultural heritage, and cultural values.
ARCH 427 Theories of Architecture (3) Prerequisite: ARCH426; or permission of ARCH-Architecture
Program. Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. Survey of architectural theories - theories
of architectural design, representation and urban design from antiquity to the present day.
ARCH 428 Selected Topics in Architectural History (1-4) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected Topics in Architectural History
ARCH 429 Independent Studies in Architectural History (1-4) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Proposed work must have a faculty
sponsor and receive approval of the Architecture Program Curriculum Committee.
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ARCH 430 Measuring Sustainability in Architecture (3) Credit only granted for: ARCH430 or
ARCH418M. Formerly: ARCH418M. Studies metrics of sustainability as included in rating standards,
including LEED. All students will take the LEED GA test.
ARCH 433 History of Renaissance Architecture (3) Prerequisite: ARCH221; or permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Renaissance architectural principles and trends in the 15th and 16th centuries and
their modifications in the Baroque period.
ARCH 434 History of Modern Architecture (3) Prerequisite: ARCH221; or permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Architectural trends and principles from 1750 to the present, with emphasis on
developments since the mid-19th century.
ARCH 435 History of Contemporary Architecture (3) Prerequisite: ARCH221; or permission of
ARCH-Architecture Program. Architectural history from World War II to the present.
ARCH 443 Visual Communication For Architects (3) Corequisite: ARCH400. Restriction: Must be in
Architecture (Master's) program; and must be in the 3.5 year M. ARCH program. Investigation of the
relationship between drawing from life and architectural drawing, the conventions of architectural
drawing and the role of architectural drawing as a means to develop, communicate, and generate
architectural ideas.
ARCH 445 Visual Analysis of Architecture (3) Prerequisite: ARCH400; or permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. Study of visual principles of
architectural and urban precedents through graphic analysis. Exercises include on-site observation,
documentation and analysis. Focuses on the development of an architect's sketchbook as a tool for life-
long learning.
ARCH 448 Selected Topics in Visual Studies in Architecture (3) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program; and must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Selected Topics in Visual Studies in Architecture
ARCH 449 Independent Studies in Visual Studies in Architecture (1-4) Restriction: Permission of
ARCH-Architecture Program; and must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Proposed work must have a faculty sponsor and receive approval of the
Architecture Program Curriculum Committee.
ARCH 456 Great Cities (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program. Case studies from
a selection of the great cities of the world.
ARCH 458 Selected Topics in Urban Design (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture
Program; and permission of ARCH-Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Selected Topics in Urban Design
ARCH 459 Independent Studies in Urban Design (1-4) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-
Architecture Program; and permission of ARCH-Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Proposed work must have a faculty sponsor and receive approval of the Architecture Program
Curriculum Committee.
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ARCH 460 Site Analysis and Design (3) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Principles and methods of site analysis; the influence of natural and man-made site factors on site design
and architectural form.
ARCH 461 Sustainability in Architecture (3) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Credit only granted for: ARCH418S or ARCH461. Formerly: ARCH418S. Strategies of sustainability as
related to the broader context of architectural problem solving.
ARCH 462 Methods & Materials of Building Construction (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in
ARCH-Architecture Program; or must be in Construction Project Management Minor. Credit only
granted for: ARCH410 or ARCH462. Building Construction methods and materials are examined through
case studies to explore the means and techniques applied to the material execution of buildings and BIM.
Focus on an understanding of the organization of the design and construction process and awareness of
building and zoning codes, material systems and types.
ARCH 463 Sustainable Systems in Architecture (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-
Architecture Program. Sustainable systems in architecture examines the nature of the global problem,
environmental economics, understanding the local environment, bioclimatic design, solar control and
shading, solar access zoning, residential scale energy design issues, commercial scale energy design
issues, and urban scale energy design issues.
ARCH 464 Architectural Structures I (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture
Program. Credit only granted for: ARCH411 or ARCH464. This course covers the basic principles of
architectural structures, including the influence of geometric, sectional, and material properties related to
flexure and shear in beam and framed systems; vector mechanics with application to analysis of trusses,
catenaries, and arches; diagrammatic analysis of beams for bending moment, shear, and deflection as well
as the study of structural framing systems for vertical and lateral loads.
ARCH 465 Architectural Structures II (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture
Program. Credit only granted for: ARCH412 or ARCH465. The basic principles of elastic behavior for
different materials such as wood, steel, concrete, and composite materials and compares the properties
and applications of materials generally will be covered. It investigates cross sectional stress and strain
behavior in flexure and in shear, and torsion as well as the stability of beams and columns. The qualitative
behavior of combined stresses and fracture in materials is also covered.
ARCH 466 Environmental Systems in Architecture (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-
Architecture Program. Credit only granted for: ARCH413 or ARCH466. Environmental systems in
architecture presents the theory, quantification, and architectural design implications for heating
ventilating and air conditioning, water and waste, fire protection, electricity, illumination, acoustics, and
vertical transportation.
ARCH 467 Integrated Project Delivery (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARCH-Architecture
Program; or must be in Construction Project Management Minor. Integrated Project Delivery is examined
from design to implementation through an exploration of building construction, architectural design and
construction management perspectives.
ARCH 470 Computer Applications in Architecture (3) Prerequisite: ARCH400; or permission of
ARCH-Architecture Program. Restriction: Must be in Architecture (B.S.) program. Introduction to
computer utilization, with emphasis on architectural applications.
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ARCH 472 Building Information Modeling Communication and Collaboration (3) Restriction: Must
be in a major in ARCH-Architecture Program; or must be in the Construction Project Management
Minor. Credit only granted for: ARCH678I or ARCH472. Formerly: ARCH678I. Building Information
Modeling is explored as pertains to collaboration and communication in the design and construction of
buildings and building systems. Practical and empirical learning using BIM software and case studies of
real world projects and construction scenarios.
ARCH 474 Integrated Education in Architecture NAAB/IDP (1) Restriction: Must be in a major in
ARCH-Architecture Program. Examine National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) student
performance criteria in the context of architectural education. Contextualize NAAB accredited curricula
and examine the relationship to graduate study and professional practice, including the Intern
Development Program (IDP) of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB).
ARCH 478 Selected Topics in Architecture (1-4) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture
Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected Topics in Architecture
ARCH 479 Independent Studies in Architecture (1-4) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Architecture
Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Proposed work must have a faculty sponsor and
receive approval of the Architecture Program Curriculum Committee.
ARCH 481 The Architect in Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
The role of the architect in field archaeology and the analysis of excavating, recording, and publishing
selected archaeological expeditions.
ARCH 482 The Archaeology of Roman and Byzantine Palestine (3) Archaeological sites in Palestine
(Israel and Jordan) from the reign of Herod the Great to the Moslem conquest.
ARCH 483 Field Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARCH-Architecture Program.
Participation in field archaeology with an excavation officially recognized by proper authorities of local
ARCH 488 Selected Topics in Architectural Preservation (1-4) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-
Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected Topics in Architectural
ARCH 489 Independent Studies in Architectural Preservation (1-4) Restriction: Permission of
ARCH-Architecture Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Proposed work must have a
faculty sponsor and receive approval of the Architecture Program Curriculum Committee.
AREC -- Agricultural and Resource Economics
AREC 200 The Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem: Intersection of Science, Economics, and Policy (3) The
Chesapeake Bay is one of the most studied and monitored ecosystems in the world. To develop effective
policies to restore this system to a healthier status requires integrating what we know about the biological
and physical properties of the system with our understanding of the human dimension. Issues such as
achieving nutrient reduction goals, restoring healthy blue crab and oyster fisheries in the bay will be used
to demonstrate how economics interacts with science to guide policies that can be effective in achieving
Bay restoration goals.
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AREC 240 Introduction to Economics and the Environment (4) Credit only granted for: ECON200,
AREC240, or AREC250. Costs and social impacts of pollution and human crowding in the modern
environment. The economic, legal and institutional causes of these problems. Public policy approaches to
solutions and the costs and benefits of alternative solutions.
AREC 241 Environment, Economics and Policy (4) Credit only granted for: AREC240 or AREC241.
Studies the relationship between the economy, environment and policy. Causes of modern environmental
problems and policies to address them. Importance of production, consumption, externalities, property
rights and public goods in environmental issues. Technological and incentive-based solutions to
environmental problems.
AREC 250 Elements of Agricultural and Resource Economics (3) Credit only granted for: ECON200,
AREC240 or AREC250. An introduction to economic principles of production, marketing, agricultural
prices and incomes, farm labor, credit, agricultural policies, and government programs.
AREC 306 Farm Management and Sustainable Food Production (3) The organization and operation
of farm businesses are explored through principles of management, financial analysis, production
economics, marketing, and business planning. These farm management principles are presented in the
context of a sustainable food production system.
AREC 326 Intermediate Applied Microeconomics (3) Prerequisite: ECON200 or AREC250; and
ECON201. And MATH120, MATH140, or MATH130; or must have completed MATH220. Restriction:
Must be in one of the following programs (Agricultural and Resource Economics; Agricultural and
Resource Economics: Agribusiness). Credit only granted for: ECON306, ECON326, AREC489M, or
AREC326. Formerly: AREC489M. Deepens and broadens your ability to apply rigorous economic
analysis skills to a broad range of problems.
AREC 345 Global Poverty and Economic Development (3) This interdisciplinary course explores
social and economic development around the world. Topics include geography, democratization, political
instability and conflict, health and education, agricultural development, micro-entrepreneurship, and an
introduction to impact evaluation methods used to evaluate the efficacy of public policy aimed at
alleviating poverty.
AREC 365 World Hunger, Population, and Food Supplies (3) An introduction to the problem of world
hunger and possible solutions to it. World demand, supply, and distribution of food. Alternatives for
leveling off world food demand, increasing the supply of food, and improving its distribution.
Environmental limitations to increasing world food production.
AREC 382 Computer-Based Analysis in Agricultural and Resource Economics (3) Prerequisite:
STAT100, MATH107, or MATH111; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may
contact the department. And AREC240, AREC250, or ECON200; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: AREC182 or AREC382.
Formerly: AREC182. Analysis of economic data using computer spreadsheets. Exercises include analyses
of forest land shares, farmer willingness to pay, farm production planning, fisheries management, corn
prices, and index numbers. Analyses features use of cell formulas, spreadsheet functions, Excel's Data
Analysis Tool and Solver. This is a lab course featuring experimental learning.
AREC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Agricultural & Resource
Economics department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
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AREC 388 Honors Thesis Research (3-6) Restriction: Must be in the AGNR Honors program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Undergraduate honors thesis research conducted under the
direction of an AGNR faculty member in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the College of AGNR
Honors Program. The thesis will be defended to a faculty committee.
AREC 399 Special Problems (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Concentrated reading and
study in some phase of a problem in agricultural and/or natural resource economics.
AREC 404 Applied Price Analysis (3) Prerequisite: ECON326 or ECON306; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must be in one of the
following programs (Agricultural and Resource Economics; Environmental Science & Policy-Env
Economics; Agricultural and Resource Economics: Agribusiness) ; or must be minors in Agribusiness
Economics (#AG01), Environmental Economics and Policy (#AG02), or Resource and Agricultural
Policy in Economic Development (#AG03). An introduction to the economic analysis of price behavior,
with applications to agricultural commodities. The use of price information in the decision-making
process, the relation and supply and demand in determining price, and the relation of prices to grade,
time, location, and stages of processing in the marketing system.
AREC 405 Economics of Production (3) Prerequisite: ECON326 or ECON306; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must be in one of the
following programs (Agricultural and Resource Economics; Environmental Science & Policy-Env
Economics; Agricultural and Resource Economics: Agribusiness) ; or must be minors in Agribusiness
Economics (#AG01), Environmental Economics and Policy (#AG02), or Resource and Agricultural
Policy in Economic Development (#AG03). The use and application of production economics in analysis
of firm and policy decisions. Production functions, cost functions, multiple product and joint production,
and production processes through time.
AREC 422 Econometric Applications in Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics (3)
Prerequisite: ECON326; or AREC326; or ECON306. Restriction: Must be in a major within the AGNR-
Agricultural & Resource Economics department. Credit only granted for: ECON422, AREC422, or
AREC489F. Formerly: AREC489F. The main goal of this course is to equip students with valuable skills
in econometricsand data analysis. Specifically, the main goal of the course is to teach you the basics ofthe
theory and practice of econometrics, and to give you experience in estimatingeconometric models with
actual data.
AREC 425 Economics of Food Sector (3) Corequisite: ECON306 or ECON326; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: AREC425 or
AREC489B. Formerly: AREC489B. Economic analysis of food sector issues, including food safety,
agricultural biotechnology, and coordination mechanisms in the food supply chain.
AREC 427 Economics of Commodity Marketing Systems (3) Prerequisite: ECON326 or ECON306; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must
be in one of the following programs (Agricultural and Resource Economics; Environmental Science &
Policy-Env Economics; Agricultural and Resource Economics: Agribusiness) ; or must be minors in
Agribusiness Economics (#AG01), Environmental Economics and Policy (#AG02), or Resource and
Agricultural Policy in Economic Development (#AG03). Basic economic theory as applied to the
marketing of agricultural commodities. Current developments affecting market structure including
contractual arrangements, cooperative marketing, vertical integration, and governmental policies.
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AREC 430 Introduction to Agricultural and Resource Law (3) Prerequisite: ECON326, ECON306, or
AREC326. Restriction: Must be in a major within the AGNR-Agricultural & Resource Economics
department. Credit only granted for: AREC430 or AREC489K. Formerly: AREC489K. Survey of law
with emphasis on problems and applications related to agricultural and natural resource economics. The
course emphasizes strategies for managing legal risk arising from ownership, management, and use of
agricultural resources. Students will get practical information to utilize in personal or professional
settings. Contract law, constitutional law, tort law, property law, real estate transactions, business
organization, estate planning, and debtor.
AREC 433 Food and Agricultural Policy (3) Prerequisite: ECON326 or ECON306; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Economic and political context
of governmental involvement in the farm and food sector. Historical programs and current policy issues.
Analysis of economic effects of agricultural programs, their benefits and costs, and comparison of policy
alternatives. Analyzes the interrelationship among international development, agricultural trade and
general economic and domestic agricultural policies.
AREC 435 Commodity Futures and Options (3) Prerequisite: (BMGT230; or ECON321); and
(ECON306; or ECON326). Or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the
department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Agricultural and Resource
Economics; Environmental Science & Policy-Env Economics; Agricultural and Resource Economics:
Agribusiness) ; or must be minors in Agribusiness Economics (#AG01), Environmental Economics and
Policy (#AG02), or Resource and Agricultural Polcy in Economic Development (#AG03). The economics
and institutional features of commodity futures and options markets. Students will develop a basic
understanding of the underlying price relationships between cash and futures markets and will apply this
information to business risk management decision making.
AREC 445 Agricultural Development, Population Growth and the Environment (3) Prerequisite:
ECON326 or ECON306; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the
department. Development theories, the role of agriculture in economic development, the agricultural
policy environment, policies impacting on rural income and equity, environmental impacts of agricultural
AREC 446 Sustainable Economic Development (3) Credit only granted for: AREC446 or AREC489G.
Formerly: AREC489G. Examine why socially equitable and environmentally sustainable economic
growth is difficult to achieve. It explores the interactive dynamics of environmental degradation, human
capital, inequality and institutions. Emphasis is on the role of market imperfections and political failure in
explaining the persistence of extractive economic institutions that hinder sustainable development.
AREC 453 Natural Resources and Public Policy (3) Prerequisite: ECON326 or ECON306; or students
who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Rational use and reuse of
natural resources. Theory, methodology, and policies concerned with the allocation of natural resources
among alternative uses. Optimum state of conservation, market failure, safe minimum standard, and cost-
benefit analysis.
AREC 454 The Economics of Climate Change (3) Prerequisite: ECON326 or ECON306. Restriction:
Must be in one of the following programs (Agricultural and Resource Economics; Environmental Science
& Policy-Env Economics; Agricultural and Resource Economics: Agribusiness) ; or must be minors in
Agribusiness Economics (#AG01), Environmental Economics and Policy (#AG02), or Resource and
Agricultural Policy in Economic Development (#AG03). Credit only granted for: AREC454 or
AREC489C. Formerly: AREC489C. The role of economics in the formation of climate policy; basic
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concepts of environmental economics including efficiency, externalities, and policy instruments;
economic models of intertemporal decisions and decision making in the face of uncertainty. Applied
economic analysis of specific issues and current policy initiatives.
AREC 455 Economics of Land Use (3) Prerequisite: ECON326 or ECON306; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Fundamentals of location theory.
Microeconomics of land use decisions, including determination of rent and hedonic pricing models.
Impacts of government decisions on land use, including regulation (e.g., zoning), incentives (transferable
development rights), provision of public services, and infrastructure investments. Impacts of land use on
environmental quality, including issues relating to sprawl, agricultural land preservation, and other topics
of special interest.
AREC 456 Energy and Environmental Economics (3) Prerequisite: ECON326 or ECON306.
Restriction: Must be in a major within the AGNR-Agricultural & Resource Economics department. Credit
only granted for: AREC456 or AREC489J. Formerly: AREC489J. Economic theory and empirical
methods are used to study problems of energy, the environment, and the economy. It examines the
extraction, production, and use of energy and market institutions and regulatory approaches used to
correct market failures. Topics covered include: oil and natural gas markets, management and design of
electricity markets, renewable energy, non-market valuation , climate change, and transportation policies.
AREC 489 Special Topics in Agricultural and Resources Economics (3) Repeatable to 9 credits.
ARHU -- Arts and Humanities
ARHU 158 Explorations in Arts and Humanities (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in ARHU-College
of Arts & Humanities; and freshman standing. A first-year innovation and research experience. It
introduces multiple disciplinary perspectives within a given theme to understand human beings, cultures
and societies. Students will learn about key questions, concepts, methods, and practices within ARHU
and will engage in original humanistic research while working with campus and college tools and
ARHU 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ARHU 275 Writing to be Seen: Scriptwriting for Theatre, Film, and Television (3) Also offered as:
ENGL275. Credit only granted for: ENGL278D, ENGL275, ARHU319B or ARHU275. Formerly:
ENGL278D; ARHU319B. Introduction to theory and practice of scriptwriting with opportunity to read,
view, evaluate, write, and revise texts meant to be performed for spectators. Practice writing for the stage,
film and television, with emphasis on critical reading of textual and visual literary models. Theory and
scholarship teaching opportunities and advantages of each format. Application of scholarship to analysis
and critique of plays and texts successful across two different formats. Examination of selected scripts,
performances, and film and television clips as models for students' own creative work. Frequent writing
exercises and use of workshop format.
ARHU 286 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-College of Arts &
Humanities. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and must be in a major in ARHU-College of
Arts & Humanities; and must have earned a minimum of 12 credits. Designed for ARHU students who
wish to complete an internship in one of the academic fields covered within the College of Arts and
Humanities. In addition to completing their required hours on site, students will be required to attend four
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weekly seminars at the beginning of the semester to help develop their para-professional goals and
ARHU 298 Special Problems in Arts and Humanities (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
ARHU 299 Studies in Humanities Technology (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable
to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in the use of Information Technology in the Humanities.
ARHU 308 Critical Eras: An Interdisciplinary View (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An
interdisciplinary exploration of a critical period, ranging from a year to an era, stressing the relationship
between different forms of human expression and the social milieu.
ARHU 309 Writers' House Colloquium: Creative Writing in Community (1-3) Prerequisite:
Permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities; and must be admitted to the Jimenez-Porter Writers'
House. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Colloquium designed to improve students' skills in
literary and communication arts through lectures, workshop and discussions on the history and craft of
writing across cultures. Topics include poetry and fiction in translation, and exploration of modes of
critique, elements of craft of fiction and poetry, writing for different media, genre writing, writing for
performance, screen or scriptwriting and creative non-fiction.
ARHU 318 Writers' House Colloquium: Creative Writing Across Languages and Cultures (1-3)
Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities; and must be admitted to the Jimenez-
Porter Writers' House. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Colloquium designed to improve
students' skills in literary and communication arts through lectures and discussions on the history and
craft of writing across cultures. Topics for the different versions of ARHU 318 include poetry, fiction,
writing for different media, autobiography and memoir, scriptwriting, screenwriting, and community
engagement projects.
ARHU 319 Writers' House Second Year Colloquium: Form and Theory of Creative Writing (1-3)
Restriction: Must be in the Jimenez-Porter Writer's House program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Required course for Writers' House students pursuing the notation program. Offered in either
poetry or imaginative prose writing. Students work at the intermediate level, refining creative writing
skills through cross-cultural reading and writing exercises. As part of the course, students attend a series
of lectures and readings given by professional writers.
ARHU 320 Writers' House Second Year Colloquium: Writing for Publication (3) Recommended:
Completion of ARHU318 and ARHU319 recommended. Restriction: Currently enrolled in Writers'
House or permission of program. Credit only granted for: ARHU319A or ARHU320. Formerly:
ARHU319A. Students write, discuss and revise for multiple forms of publication: reading their own work
at least once in public, sending work out for publication to literary journals, and producing a chapbook of
high quality by end of semester.
ARHU 338 Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship in a Living Learning Program (1-3) Restriction:
Sophomore standing or higher; and must be in an ARHU Living Learning Program or be a graduate of the
program; and must have permission of the Living Learning Program to enroll. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Offers exceptional students the opportunity to work closely with a faculty member and
gain valuable experience. ARHU Living learning program UTAs also serve as peer mentors and program
leaders. They assist with course planning, research, and student advising (as appropriate). We are also
allowing for variable credit (1-3 cr hrs).
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ARHU 350 Chilean Culture, Democracy, and Social Change (3) Credit only granted for: ARHU350,
ARHU369C, CMLT498C, GVPT309F, HIST329N, HONR349C. Formerly: ARHU369C. Short term
education abroad course offered in Summer term, in Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile. An exploration of
both the conditions that led to the 1973 coup d'etat in Chile, and the complex legacy left by the following
dictatorship, including competing economic philosophies that are underpinned by religious, historical,
and ideological components. This course focuses on how the arts and literature continued to flourish
during the dictatorship, and how they have played a continuing role in the country's recovery from its
traumatic past.
ARHU 351 James Joyce's Dublin: A multi-media Odyssey (3) Credit only granted for: ARHU369I,
ARHU351, ENGL369L, or HONR349L. Formerly: ARHU369I. Chapter by chapter analysis of the text
with in situ tours to settings important to the book, and examination of the culture and circumstances from
which it arose; review of the impact of Ulysses, and continuing controversies around the text. Multi-
media explorations and creative projects will be included in course activities: collaborations on tumblr,
and the use of such technologies as vine, instagram, twitter, etc., in an exploration of how our subjective
experiences and the expressions they inspire are impacted by new technologies.
ARHU 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ARHU 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-College of Arts &
Humanities. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
ARHU 398 Special Topics in Arts and Humanities (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. An in-
depth exploration of thematic topics in Arts and Humanities.
ARHU 439 Interdisciplinary Studies in Arts and Humanities (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. An interdisciplinary exploration of chronological, geographical or thematic topics in Arts and
ARHU 468 Peer Mentoring Program (1) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher; and permission of
ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. A workshop for
sophomore, junior or senior students who wish to serve as peer mentors helping first-year students to cope
with the numerous issues which often arise in the transition to the university.
ARHU 486 Internship Practicum in Arts and Humanities (3-6) Prerequisite: Have completed previous
internship at U of MD. Restriction: Must be in a major in ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities; and
permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and must
have earned a minimum of 60 credits; and completed 12 credits at U of MD. An internship intended for
students who have already completed an internship for credit. ARHU486 must be a different experience
from the internship students have already taken for credit. Generally students intern with a different
company, but they may continue working for the same company if the job is significantly different. See
ARHU internship coordinator for details.
ARHU 489 Advanced Internship Practicum in ARHU (3-6) Prerequisite: ARHU486. Restriction:
Must be in a major in ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and
permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Additional information: Course is
designed to follow ARHU486. Designed for students who have already completed at least 2 upper level
internship courses for academic credit. It is an advanced practicum to assist students in continuing to
develop and hone their professional writing, presentation and analytical skills.
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ARHU 498 Special Topics in Arts and Humanities (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
ARMY -- Army
ARMY 101 Basic Military Science I (1) An exploration of leadership application through classroom
instruction, leadership training and mentorship, adventure exercises and camaraderie. Hands on
experience in managerial operations and military techniques. Applied military customs and techniques
through physical and mental training.
ARMY 102 Basic Military Science II (1) The continuation of the exploration of leadership application
through classroom instruction, leadership training and mentorship, adventure exercises and camaraderie.
ARMY 103 Basic Army Physical Fitness (2) Recommended: ARMY101. This course allows beginners
to learn the basic Army Physical Fitness program. Through a series of rigorous progressive workouts, the
student advances from novice status to meet the requirements of the Army Physical Fitness Test. Course
content also introduces students to Army managerial skills and basic military tactics and techniques.
ARMY 104 Basic Army Physical Fitness II (2) Recommended: ARMY102. This course expands
knowledge and proficiency in Basic Army Physical Fitness. Through a continued progressive, rigorous
workouts, students improve individual fitness levels to exceed the Army Physical Fitness Test
requirements. Course content also continues exploration of managerial skills and basic military tactics and
ARMY 105 Basic Military Science II (3) Restriction: Students must meet Officer candidate criteria to
participate in field training. Credit only granted for: ARMY119 or ARMY105. Exploration of the Army
Leadership Model through classroom instruction, leadership training and mentorship. Develops
knowledge and competency in physical fitness through rigorous training and experiential leadership
education through leadership laboratories.
ARMY 106 Basic Military Science I (3) Restriction: Students must meet Officer candidate criteria to
participate in field training. Repeatable to 3 credits. Introduction to the personal challenges and
competencies that are critical for effective leadership and communication. Develops knowledge and
competency in physical fitness through rigorous training and experiential leadership education through
leadership laboratories.
ARMY 119 ARMY ROTC INDEPENDENT STUDY (1) Restriction: Permission of UGST-Army
ROTC. Repeatable to 2 credits. Credit only granted for: ARMY119 or ARMY105. Additional
information: -Intended to impart the lecture curriculum of ARMY105 without the labs. Exploration of the
Army Leadership Model through group discussion, leadership exercises and research.
ARMY 201 Army Leadership Development (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. This course
is an intensive examination of the Army Leadership Model in practice. The model is compared to
leadership styles and techniques from government and industry and the comparative effectiveness of each.
Students form their own personal leadership styles.
ARMY 202 Military Leadership in Practice (3) Recommended: ARMY201. Restriction: Sophomore
standing or higher. This course uses the case study method to examine the Army Leadership Model as
applied to assigned missions in U.S. history. Students learn to evaluate and assimilate effective leadership
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methods and techniques. Includes a laboratory period in which case studies are worked out and presented
by individuals and groups.
ARMY 301 Advanced Military Leadership I (3) Prerequisite: Permission of UGST-Army ROTC.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Reinforces understanding and application of Army leadership
strategies, critical decision making methodologies, physical and mental fitness excellence. Includes a
laboratory period in applied leadership, common military tasks and physical fitness.
ARMY 302 Advanced Military Leadership II (3) Prerequisite: Permission of UGST-Army ROTC.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Prepares contracted students for certification at the Army National
Advance Camp, a prerequisite for commissioning as an officer in the U.S. Army. Focus is directed to
military tactics, squad and platoon drills, marksmanship, land navigation and fitness excellence. Includes
a laboratory period in applied leadership skills as well as a three day field exercise.
ARMY 401 Advanced Military Leadership III (3) Prerequisite: Permission of UGST-Army ROTC.
Restriction: Senior standing. Introduces contracted students to the study of Army structure, practices and
processes exercised by Army Commanders and Staff in completing personnel, logistics, training and
combat operations. Includes a laboratory in applied leadership skills and two field exercises.
ARMY 402 Advanced Military Leadership IV (3) Prerequisite: Permission of UGST-Army ROTC.
Restriction: Senior standing. The military system and code of ethics in the military environment is
studied. Topics include code of conduct during all forms of military operations, the Geneva Conventions
and the ethical decision making process. Also includes a laboratory in applied leadership skills, fitness
excellence and two field exercises.
ARSC -- Air Science
ARSC 059 Air Force Officer Lab (1) Restriction: Must be an AFROTC cadet. Repeatable to 10 credits
if content differs. Formerly: ARSC159. Additional information: This course does not carry any credit
toward any degree at the University. Offers Air Force ROTC cadet officer's practical experience in
military leadership, management, organization, and customs. May include visits to military installations,
weekend laboratories, and flight orientation.
ARSC 100 The USAF Today I (1) Corequisite: AFROTC cadets must also register for ARSC059.
Freshman course for AFROTC cadets. Introduces students to the United States Air Force and encourages
participation in Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps. Featured topics include: overview of ROTC,
special programs offered through ROTC, mission and organization of the Air Force, brief history of the
Air Force, introduction to leadership and leadership related issues, Air Force Core Values, Air Force
officer opportunities, and an introduction to communication studies. Leadership laboratory is mandatory
for AFROTC cadets and complements this course by providing cadets with followership experiences.
ARSC 101 The USAF Today II (1) Corequisite: AFROTC cadets must also register for ARSC059.
Freshman course for AFROTC. Continuation of ARSC100 for freshmen AFROTC cadets. Study of topics
relating to the Air Forces and defense. Focuses on organizational structure and missions of the Air Force;
officership and an introduction to both written and oral communication skills.
ARSC 200 The Development of Air Power I (1) Corequisite: AFROTC cadets must also register for
ARSC059. Sophomore course for AFROTC cadets. Study of factors contributing to the development of
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air power from its earliest beginnings through two world wars; the evolution of air power concepts and
doctrine; introductory leadership; and assessment of communicative skills.
ARSC 201 The Development of Air Power II (1) Corequisite: AFROTC cadets must also register for
ARSC059. Continuation of ARSC 200 for sophomore AFROTC cadets. The study of historical events,
leaders, and technical developments which surrounded the growth of air power; the basics of leadership;
environment of an Air Force officer; and concepts of ethical behavior.
ARSC 210 Field Training (2) Corequisite: AFROTC cadets must also register for ARSC059. Designed
to train Air Force officer candidates in the skills of leadership, teamwork, officership, and the profession
of arms. Successful completion is mandatory for all candidates in order to complete the AFROTC
program and attain an Air Force commission.
ARSC 300 Management and Leadership I (3) Corequisite: AFROTC cadets must also register for
ARSC059; or permission of UGST-AFROTC-Air Science. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. The
study of leadership and management fundamentals, professional knowledge, Air Force doctrine, and
written and oral communication skills. Case studies are used to examine leadership and management
situations. This course will satisfy credit toward a minor in military studies.
ARSC 301 Management and Leadership II (3) Corequisite: AFROTC cadets must also register for
ARSC059; or permission of UGST-AFROTC-Air Science. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
Continuation of ARSC300. Study of leadership and management skills and leadership ethics as well as
written and oral communication skills required of Air Force officers. This course will satisfy credit
towards a minor in military studies.
ARSC 399 Independent Study in Air and Space Power Implementation (1-3) Prerequisite:
Permission of UGST-AFROTC-Air Science. Recommended: ARSC401 and ARSC400. Independent
study to broaden understanding of the implementation of air and space power. Topics of research are
selected by the student and instructor to focus the student on a particular aspect of air and space power
implementation during a particular campaign or conflict.
ARSC 400 National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society I (3) Prerequisite:
Permission of UGST-AFROTC-Air Science; or (ARSC300 or ARSC301). Corequisite: ARSC059; or
permission of UGST-AFROTC-Air Science. Restriction: Senior standing. Study of American national
security policy and processes to include information and implementation, impact of major national and
international actors, and development of major policy issues. This course will satisfy credit towards a
minor in military studies.
ARSC 401 National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society II (3) Prerequisite:
ARSC300 or ARSC301; or permission of UGST-AFROTC-Air Science. Corequisite: ARSC059; or
permission of UGST-AFROTC-Air Science. Restriction: Senior standing. This course examines various
subjects including: military law/justice, preparation for active duty, and current issues affecting military
professionalism. This course will satisfy credit towards a minor in military studies.
ARTH -- Art History & Archaeology
ARTH 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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ARTH 200 Art and Society in Ancient and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean (3) Examines
the material culture and visual expressions of Mediterranean and European societies from early times
until ca. 1300 CE, emphasizing the political, social, and religious context of the works studied, the
relationships of the works to the societies that created them, and the interrelationship of these societies.
ARTH 201 Art and Society in the West from the Renaissance to the Present (3) Examines
representative European and American works of art from the later Middle Ages to the present,
highlighting the dynamic exchange between artistic and cultural traditions both within periods and across
ARTH 221 Color: Art, Science, and Culture (3) An interdisciplinary exploration of the intersections of
art, science, and culture. Using research on human vision, neurobiology, and cognitive psychology,
examines how vision works, why we see color, and how we respond to color. Investigates the cultural
significance of color: how artists across time and cultures have had access to and used color; how cultures
have created specific language to describe color; and how cultures have imbued color with profane,
sacred, and/or symbolic meanings.
ARTH 250 Art and Society in the Ancient American World (3) Surveys major arts and architecture of
the pre-Columbian world, including Mesoamerican and Andean cultures from the earliest known
civilizations through European contact and conquest. Acquaints students with the monumental
architecture, urban planning, painting, sculpture, and portable arts of the ancient Americas.
ARTH 255 Art and Society in the Modern American World (3) Explores the origins and evolution of
art in the modern American world, from the late colonial era to the present, comparing major artistic
movements and their historical contexts. Considers the diversity of art across Latin America and the
United States, and the ways in which artworks mediate social, ethnic, political, and national identities.
ARTH 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs.
Additional information: No more than 3 credits total of ARTH 269 or ARTH 289 can be used to satisfy
the art history major requirement. Special topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad
ARTH 275 Art and Society in Africa (3) A comparative study of art and material culture from various
regions of the African continent. Looking across ethnic and national boundaries, considers the many
relevant political, social, and religious contexts.
ARTH 289 Special Topics in Art History and Archaeology (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Additional information: No more than 3 credits total of ARTH 269 or ARTH 289 can be used to
satisfy the art history major requirement. Selected topics in the visual arts to introduce students to the
history of various modes of visual expression and communication.
ARTH 290 Art and Society in Asia (3) A comparative, interrelational study of the different visual arts
and material cultures produced by societies in Asia. An examination of the historical traditions and forms
in political, social, and religious contexts.
ARTH 292 Discovering Japan: How the Arts Shaped a Nation (3) Explores the origins and creation of
Japan from ancient to contemporary times through East Asian and European exchange. Acquaints
students with painting, sculpture, architecture, ceramics, gardens, and other art forms in relation to the
various cultural contexts within which they were produced and used.
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ARTH 300 Egyptian Art and Archaeology (3) Sites and monuments of painting, sculpture, architecture,
and the minor arts of ancient Egypt from earliest times through the Roman conquest. Emphasis on the
pharaonic period.
ARTH 301 Aegean Art and Archaeology (3) Sites and monuments of painting, sculpture, architecture,
and the minor arts of Crete, the Cycladic islands, and the Greek mainland from the earliest times to the
downfall of the Mycenaean empire.
ARTH 302 Greek Art and Archaeology (3) Sites and monuments of painting, sculpture, architecture,
and the minor arts from the Geometric through the Hellenistic period with emphasis on mainland Greece
in the Archaic and Classical periods.
ARTH 303 Roman Art and Archaeology (3) Sites and monuments of painting, sculpture, architecture,
and the minor arts from the earliest times through the third century A.D. with emphasis on the Italian
peninsula from the Etruscan period through that of Imperial Rome.
ARTH 305 Archaeological Methods and Practice (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240, ARTH200, or
CLAS180. Also offered as: ANTH305, CLAS305. Credit only granted for: ANTH305, ARTH305, or
CLAS305. A team-taught, interdisciplinary course discussing theories, methods, and ethical issues in the
practice of archaeology.
ARTH 307 Late Roman and Early Christian Art and Archaeology (3) Painting, sculpture,
architecture, and the minor arts from the early third century through the sixth century A.D.
ARTH 313 Early Medieval Art (3) Painting, sculpture and architecture in Western Europe, ca. 500-
ARTH 314 Gothic Art (3) Painting, sculpture and architecture in Western Europe, ca. 1150-1400.
ARTH 320 Fourteenth and Fifteenth-Century Northern European Art (3) The art of northern Europe
with an emphasis on painting in the Netherlands and France.
ARTH 321 Sixteenth-Century Northern European Painting (3) Painting in France, Germany,
England, and the Low Countries during the Renaissance and Reformation.
ARTH 323 Fifteenth-Century Italian Renaissance Art (3) Painting, sculpture, architecture, and the
decorative arts of the fifteenth century in Italy.
ARTH 324 Sixteenth-Century Italian Renaissance Art (3) Painting, sculpture, architecture, and the
decorative arts of the sixteenth century in Italy.
ARTH 330 Seventeenth-Century European Art (3) Painting, sculpture and architecture concentrating
on Italy, Spain, France, and England.
ARTH 335 Seventeenth-Century Art in the Netherlands (3) Painting, sculpture and architecture in
seventeenth-century Netherlands.
ARTH 345 Nineteenth-Century European Art to 1850 (3) Major trends from Neo-Classicism to
Romanticism through an interdisciplinary perspective with an emphasis on historical context.
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ARTH 346 Nineteenth-Century European Art from 1850 (3) Major trends from Realism and
Impressionism to Symbolism, exploring the historical context, in which concepts of gender, class, and
race are integral to the transformation of Western art.
ARTH 350 Twentieth-Century Art to 1945 (3) Prerequisite: ARTH201. Painting, sculpture, and
architecture in Europe and America from the late nineteenth century to the end of World War II.
ARTH 351 Art Since 1945 (3) Prerequisite: ARTH201 or ARTH350. Visual art since 1945, with an
emphasis on North America and Europe.
ARTH 357 History of Photography (3) Credit only granted for: ARTH357 or ARTH457. An
exploration of the historical, social, aesthetic, and technological developments of the photographic
medium and its relationship to other modes of visual representation in the creation of the modern world.
ARTH 359 Film as Art (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The study of film as a visual art,
from theoretical, cultural and aesthetic perspectives. Content varies by semester.
ARTH 360 History of American Art to 1876 (3) Painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts in
North America from the colonial period to 1876.
ARTH 361 American Art Since 1876 (3) Painting, sculpture, architecture, and the decorative arts in
North America after 1876.
ARTH 362 Twentieth-Century African-American Art (3) Credit only granted for: ARTH362 or
ARTH462. Formerly: ARTH462. Surveys and evaluates the art and visual culture of African Americans
from 1900 to the present.
ARTH 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs.
Additional information: No more than 6 credits of ARTH 369 can be used to satisfy the art history major
requirements. Special topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ARTH 370 Latin American Art and Archaeology before 1500 (3) Pre-Hispanic painting, sculpture,
and architecture, with a focus on the major archaeological monuments of Mexico.
ARTH 372 Modern Latin American Art to 1945 (3) Recommended: ARTH371. Restriction: Must not
have completed ARTH389L during the following semester; Fall 2010, Fall 2011, or Fall 2012. Credit
only granted for: ARTH372 or (ARTH389L in Fall 2010, Fall 2011, or Fall 2012). Formerly: ARTH389L
in Fall semesters of 2010, 2011, 2012 only. Painting and sculpture in Latin America, with an emphasis on
avant-garde movements in Mexico City, Havana, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro.
ARTH 373 Latin American and Latino Art Since 1945 (3) Recommended: ARTH371 and ARTH372.
Restriction: Must not have completed ARTH389M in Spring 2011 or ARTH389L in Spring 2012. Credit
only granted for: ARTH373 , ARTH389M in Spring 2011, or ARTH389L in Spring 2012. Formerly:
ARTH389M in Spring 2011 and ARTH389L in Spring 2012. Visual arts and architecture in Latin
America from local and international perspectives. Emphasis on late modernist and post-modern practices
including geometric abstraction, pop, conceptualism, performance art, and installation art.
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ARTH 376 Living Art of Africa (3) Art styles among the segmentary, centralized, and nomadic people
of Africa. The iconography and function of their art and its relationship to their various societies, cults
and ceremonies.
ARTH 377 Global African Art (3) Recommended: ARTH275. Restriction: Must not have completed
ARTH489B in Fall 2007 or Fall 2011. Credit only granted for: ARTH377 or (ARTH489B in Fall 2007 or
2011). Formerly: ARTH489B in Fall 2007 and Fall 2011. A survey of the African-inflected arts around
the world, focusing on such countries as Brazil, Haiti, Cuba and the United States
ARTH 378 Special Topics for Honors Students (3) Prerequisite: Must be admitted to art history honors;
and permission of ARHU-Art History & Archaeology department. Restriction: Must be in Art History
program. Repeatable to 6 credits. Writing of a research paper. With an instructor's permission work may
be done in conjunction with a graduate colloquium or seminar.
ARTH 382 Art of Japan before 1500 (3) Credit only granted for: ARTH382 or ARTH384. Formerly:
ARTH384. Thematically-focused topics in painting, sculpture, architecture and decorative arts of early
and medieval Japan, from 5000 BC to 1500 AD.
ARTH 383 Art of Japan after 1500 (3) Prerequisite: ARTH290. Credit only granted for: (ARTH382
and ARTH383) or ARTH384. Formerly: ARTH384. Thematically-focused topics in the painting,
sculpture, architecture, gardens and decorative arts of early modern, modern and contemporary Japan,
from 1500 to present.
ARTH 385 Art of China (3) A chronological survey of Chinese painting, sculpture, and the applied arts.
ARTH 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art History & Archaeology
department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
ARTH 389 Special Topics in Art History and Archaeology (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
ARTH 418 Special Problems in Italian Renaissance Art (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Focus upon aspects of painting, sculpture, and architecture of Renaissance.
ARTH 426 Renaissance and Baroque Sculpture in Northern Europe (3) Sculpture in France,
Germany, England, and the Low Countries from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century.
ARTH 456 Photography Since World War II (3) Prerequisite: ARTH201. Credit only granted for:
ARTH456 or (ARTH489B taken in Spring 2006). Formerly: ARTH489B. An exploration of the many
uses and meanings of photography since 1945.
ARTH 465 The Landscape in Modern and Contemporary Art (3) Prerequisite: ARTH201. Credit
only granted for: ARTH465 or (ARTH489B taken in Spring 2008 or Spring 2009). Formerly:
ARTH489B. A consideration of the representations of outdoor spaces since 1850. Focuses on the ways in
which artists have understood and tried to make sense of modern and postmodern cities, suburbs, and
rural areas.
ARTH 466 Feminist Perspectives on Women in Art (3) Principal focus on European and American
women artists of the 19th and 20th centuries, in the context of the new scholarship on women.
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ARTH 484 Modern Chinese Film and Visual Culture (3) Also offered as: FILM426. Credit only
granted for: ARTH484; ARTH489F in F2012, F2011, F2008, or S2009; or ARTH488F in S2010, S2008,
or F2009 or FILM426. Formerly: ARTH489F in F2012, F2011, F2008, or S2009; or ARTH488F in
S2010, S2008, or F2009. Modern Chinese culture, society, and history studied through examples of art,
film, and visual culture.
ARTH 485 Chinese Painting (3) Chinese painting history from the second century B.C. through the
twentieth century, covering cultural, stylistic and theoretical aspects.
ARTH 486 Japanese Painting (3) Japanese painting from the sixth through the nineteenth century,
including Buddhist icon painting, narrative scrolls, and Zen-related ink painting.
ARTH 488 Colloquium in Art History (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art History &
Archaeology department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Colloquium to investigate a specific
topic in depth.
ARTH 489 Special Topics in Art History (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art History &
Archaeology department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
ARTH 496 Methods of Art History and Archaeology (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art
History & Archaeology department. Restriction: Must be in Art History program. Methods of research
and criticism applied to typical art-historical/ archaeological problems, familiarizing the student with
bibliography and other research tools. Introduction to the historiography of art history and archaeology,
surveying the principal theories, encouraging methodological debates within the discipline. Course for
majors who intend to go on to graduate school.
ARTH 498 Directed Studies in Art History I (2-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art History &
Archaeology department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 99 credits if content
ARTH 499 Honors Thesis (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art History & Archaeology
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
ARTT -- Art Studio
ARTT 100 Two-Dimensional Design Fundamentals (3) Principles and elements of two-dimensional
design. Introduction to visual communication.
ARTT 110 Elements of Drawing I (3) Fundamental concepts, media, and processes of drawing.
Emphasis on observation and representation in combination with individual expression. Subject matter
includes still life, human figure, nature, the built environment, and conceptual projects.
ARTT 150 Introduction to Art Theory (3) Fundamental concepts of global, philosophic, and critical art
theory examined through various historic and contemporary texts, and the analysis of works of art.
ARTT 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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ARTT 200 Three-Dimensional Art Fundamentals (3) Prerequisite: ARTT100 and ARTT110.
Fundamental concepts of three-dimensional form and space examined through the manipulation and
organization of various materials.
ARTT 208 Intermediate Special Topics in Art (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200 and ARTT110. Repeatable
to 6 credits if content differs. Development of student's work on an intermediate studio level within the
context of a special topic.
ARTT 210 Elements of Drawing II (3) Prerequisite: ARTT110. Continuation of ARTT110 with
additional emphasis on color, figure drawing, and contemporary issues.
ARTT 255 Introduction to Digital Art and Design Processes (3) Prerequisite: ARTT100 and
ARTT110. Credit only granted for: ARTT255 or ARTT354. Formerly: ARTT354. Introduction to basic
software and principles of digital imaging, and how they are applied to art and design. Topics covered:
Digital image construction and manipulation, Vector-Based digital techniques layout, typography, etc),
time-based digital techniques (video and audio composition and manipulation), and basic interactivity
(web-design). Digital media used to explore visual principles established in ARTT100.
ARTT 260 Dangerous Art: Censorship or Subsidy (3) Combines a broad historical analysis of the
relationship between art and authority with an examination of contemporary culture criticism and art
practice. Explores the uses and abuses of art and culture in totalitarianand theocratic states as a prelude to
a review of the role of official culture in the United States. Examines art and culture in the public arena
and many related areas where the arts and policy interact.
ARTT 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ARTT 320 Elements of Painting (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and ARTT150; or permission
of ARHU-Art department. Concepts and fundamental processes of oil and/or acrylic painting.
ARTT 330 Elements of Sculpture: Metal Casting (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and
ARTT150; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Sculptural concepts and fundamental processes
related to metal casting.
ARTT 331 Elements of Sculpture: Steel (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and ARTT150; or
permission of ARHU-Art department. Sculptural concepts and fundamental processes related to steel
fabrication; torch cutting, welding, hot forging, and finishing.
ARTT 332 Elements of Sculpture: Stone (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and ARTT150; or
permission of ARHU-Art department. Sculptural concepts and fundamental processes using stone and
related materials.
ARTT 333 Elements of Sculpture: Wood and Mixed Media (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210,
and ARTT150; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Sculptural concepts and fundamental processes
using wood and mixed media.
ARTT 334 Elements of Sculpture: Assembled Form and Material (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200,
ARTT210, and ARTT150; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Examines concepts and fundamental
processes through a variety of materials, basic techniques and processes related to building, fabrication,
and installation.
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ARTT 340 Elements of Printmaking: Intaglio (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and ARTT150;
or permission of ARHU-Art department. Concepts and fundamental processes related to etching, aquatint,
and drypoint.
ARTT 341 Elements of Printmaking: Woodcut and Relief (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and
ARTT150; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Concepts and fundamental processes related to
woodcuts, linocuts, and other relief printing media.
ARTT 343 Elements of Printmaking: Screen Printing (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and
ARTT150; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Concepts and fundamental processes related to
silkscreen printing.
ARTT 344 Elements of Printmaking: Lithography (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and
ARTT150; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Concepts and fundamental processes related to
drawing, preparing, and printing images on lithograph stones or plates.
ARTT 353 Elements of Photography (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and ARTT150; or
permission of ARHU-Art department. Introduction to black-and-white photography. Basic technical and
aesthetic vocabulary, camera mechanics and darkroom techniques. Introduction to the photographic
message and meaning in both fine art and design concept.
ARTT 355 Intermediate Graphic Design Principles (3) Prerequisite: ARTT150, ARTT200, ARTT210,
and ARTT255; and must be admitted to the Graphic Design Concentration (Track 3). Credit only granted
for: ARTT350 or ARTT355. Formerly: ARTT350. Investigation of basic concepts, history, techniques,
and materials used by professional graphic designers, focusing on typography. Explores various aspects
of design related to typography through examination and production of many types of finished work.
ARTT 356 Graphic Design Processes (3) Prerequisite: ARTT150, ARTT200, ARTT210, and
ARTT255; and must have been admitted to Graphic Design Concentration (Track 3). Credit only granted
for: ARTT351 or ARTT356. Formerly: ARTT351. Explores computer graphics and visual communcation
principles in a time-based context. Examination of fundamental design principles through digital projects
that involve photo manipulation, digital illustration, layout, animation, and web design.
ARTT 357 Interactive Design (3) Prerequisite: ARTT355 and ARTT356. In-depth exploration of
interactive design and website construction. Emphasis on concept-driven and community-based projects
using variety of interactive software programs.
ARTT 360 African American Art Theory: Exploration/Expression of Identity (3) Prerequisite:
ARTT150. Credit only granted for: ARTT360 or HONR279C. Examines how African American artists
have used their work to represent, reinvent, and subvert racial identity. By examining changes in modes
of expression, formal concerns, and pictorial themes, it will explore the impact of black aesthetics in
American art.
ARTT 361 Design Literacy: Decoding Our Visual Culture (3) Prerequisite: ARTT355 and ARTT356.
Credit only granted for: ARTT361 or ARTT489L. Formerly: ARTT489L. Holistic presentation of design
history and theory from pre-history to present. Covers primarily visual communication design and
includes the interrelationship of interior-, furniture-, industrial-, fashion-design, and architecture.
ARTT 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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ARTT 370 Elements of Digital Media (3) Prerequisite: ARTT150, ARTT200, ARTT210, and
ARTT255; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Exploration of image creation and manipulation,
interactivity, and linkages between digital audio and video. Emphasis on issues in contemporary digital
ARTT 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art department. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
ARTT 389 Department of Art Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship (3) Prerequisite: Permission of
ARHU-Art department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Individual contractual agreement with
faculty/mentor. Individualized assistantship in the teaching of a specified department course offering.
Must have previously received an "A" grade for the class to be assisting.
ARTT 399 Department of Art Research Assistantship (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Individual contractual agreement with
faculty/mentor. Individualized experiential learning developed in relation to art-related research issues.
ARTT 409 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ARTT 418 Advanced Drawing Studio (3) Prerequisite: ARTT200, ARTT210, and ARTT150; and must
have completed one 300-level studio course. Or permission of ARHU-Art department. Repeatable to 12
credits. Multi-level drawing studio emphasizing advanced concepts and processes related to drawing;
emphasis on contemporary art issues and individual directions.
ARTT 428 Advanced Painting Studio (3) Prerequisite: ARTT320. Repeatable to 12 credits. Multi-level
painting studio emphasizing advanced concepts and processes related to oil and acrylic painting;
emphasis on contemporary art issues and individual directions in chosen media.
ARTT 438 Advanced Sculpture Studio (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one 300-level sculpture
course; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Repeatable to 12 credits. Multi-level sculpture studio;
continuation of media-specific sculpture courses with emphasis on contemporary art issues and individual
directions in chosen media.
ARTT 448 Advanced Printmaking Studio (3) Prerequisite: Must have one 300-level printmaking
course; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Repeatable to 12 credits. Multi-level printmaking studio;
continuation of media-specific printmaking courses with emphasis on contemporary art issues and
individual directions in chosen media.
ARTT 449 Advanced Photography Studio (3) Prerequisite: ARTT353; or permission of ARHU-Art
department. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Advanced photographic processes and theory.
Emphasis on contemporary art issues and individual directions.
ARTT 454 Advanced Graphic Design Principles: Design in Society (3) Prerequisite: ARTT355 and
ARTT356. Focus on social responsibility and community activism. History and theory of propaganda and
advocacy-based design. Students explore current design practices, work individually, and collaborate in
teams with non-profits or other clients with community-based or socio-cultural agendas. Research and
writing-intensive course.
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ARTT 455 Three Dimensional Graphic Design (3) Prerequisite: ARTT355, ARTT356, and ARTT357.
Recommended: ARTT333. Credit only granted for: ARTT352 or ARTT455. Formerly: ARTT352.
Continued exploration of advanced graphic design practices with primary emphasis on 3-D object and
packaging design. Includes research, course reading discussion, oral presentations, and specific project
assignments which will require a proficient level of hand-skills (craft) and computer skills.
ARTT 456 Motion Design (3) Prerequisite: ARTT355, ARTT356, and ARTT357; or permission of
ARHU-Art department. Explores computer graphics and visual communication principles in a time-based
context. Examination of fundamental design principles through digital projects that involve photo
manipulation, digital illustration, layout, animation, and web design.
ARTT 457 Advanced Interactive Design (3) Prerequisite: ARTT357. Advanced concepts and
technieques of interactive design and interactive software. Examination of corporate, client-based, and
public service-based interactive graphic design. Emphasis on web-based interactive design structures.
ARTT 458 Graphic Design Portfolio (3) Prerequisite: ARTT454. Repeatable to 9 credits if content
differs. Creation of a comprehensive professional portfolio. Curriculum includes portfolio preparation and
presentation, contracts, copyright issues, interviewing skills, resume and cover-letter writing, design
briefs and proposals, and freelance business issues. Portfolio presentation includes basics of book arts.
ARTT 459 Advanced Graphic Design Studio (3) Prerequisite: ARTT454; or permission of ARHU-Art
department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Student-run design firm working with non-profits
and other organizations. Organizations act as clients; the students as a creative firm. Under guidance and
supervision of faculty, students learn first-hand about working with clients, working within a budget,
working with printers and press runs, and working under real deadlines.
ARTT 460 Seminar in Art Theory (3) Restriction: Senior standing. Exploration of relationship between
content and processes of art in a contemporary multi-cultural context.
ARTT 468 Seminar on the Interrelationship Between Art and Art Theory (3) Restriction: Junior
standing or higher; or permission of ARHU-Art department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The
relationship between a student's work and the theoretical context of contemporary art.
ARTT 469 Professional Practice (3) Restriction: Senior standing; or permission of ARHU-Art
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Formerly: ARTT462. Business aspects of being an
artist, with an emphasis on starting and maintaining a professional career.
ARTT 479 Advanced Digital Media Studio (3) Prerequisite: ARTT370; or permission of ARHU-Art
department. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Variable multi-level studio emphasizing advanced
concepts and processes related to time-based, projection, installation, interactive, and audio/visual
integrated digital art. Emphasis on contemporary art issues and individual directions.
ARTT 480H Honors Seminar (3) Team-taught seminar focusing on relationship between student's work
and the theoretical context of contemporary art.
ARTT 481 Advanced Specialization Seminar (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art department.
Seminar combines contemporary art theory, criticism, professional practice and career preparation in
relation to students works from all areas of specialization.
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ARTT 487 Capstone for Citation in Interdisciplinary Multimedia and Technology (1) Prerequisite:
Permission of ARHU-Art department. Independent study: a paper or website synthesizing the various
citation learning experiences.
ARTT 488 Advanced Special Topics in Graphic Design (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Variable topics in Graphic Design theory and
ARTT 489 Advanced Special Topics in Art (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art department.
Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Advanced studio art and theory within the context of a special
ARTT 498 Directed Studies in Studio Art (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art department.
Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Advanced independent work in Studio Art. Meeting with
faculty and studio time arranged.
ARTT 499 Directed Studies in Graphic Design (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Art
department. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Advanced independent studies in Graphic Design.
Meetings with faculty and studio time arranged.
ASTR -- Astronomy
ASTR 100 Introduction to Astronomy (3) Credit only granted for: ASTR100, ASTR101, or ASTR120.
An elementary course in descriptive astronomy, especially appropriate for non-science students. Topics
include the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, and nebulae, galaxies, and evolution of the Universe.
ASTR 101 General Astronomy (4) Credit only granted for: ASTR100, ASTR101, or ASTR120.
Descriptive astronomy, appropriate for non-science majors. Sun, moon, planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies
and evolution. Laboratory exercises include use of photographic material, computer simulations, and
standard laboratory equipment.
ASTR 120 Introductory Astrophysics - Solar System (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in MATH115. Restriction: Must not have completed ASTR101 or ASTR100.
Credit only granted for: ASTR100, ASTR101, or ASTR120. For students majoring in astronomy or with
a strong interest in science. Topics include development of astronomy, planetary orbits, electromagnetic
radiation, telescopes as well as constituents and origin of the solar system (planets, satellites, comets,
asteroids, meteoroids, etc.).
ASTR 121 Introductory Astrophysics II - Stars and Beyond (4) Prerequisite: ASTR120 and
MATH115; or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. For students majoring in astronomy or with
a strong interest in science. Includes instrumentation, stellar properties, stellar evolution, structure of the
galaxy, other galaxies, large scale structure, Big Bang Theory, and future of the universe.
ASTR 220 Collisions in Space - The Threat of Asteroid Impacts (3) Restriction: Must not be in
Astronomy program. Additional information: Course is open to Astronomy and Planetary Sciences
minors. Appropriate for non-science majors. Worried? Can't sleep? Collisions in Space will evaluate the
threat of asteroid impacts with the Earth using knowledge of asteroid characteristics and orbits. The
merits of possible defense plans will be discussed, as well as the budgetary and political concerns
associated with implementing any such plan.
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ASTR 230 The Science and Fiction of Planetary Systems (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility
of MATH115 or higher; or MATH113. Have you ever wondered if humans will ever terraform Mars or
Europa so we could live there without a spacesuit? Has it ever crossed your mind how lucky you are that
you live on a water-rich planet with an oxygen-rich atmosphere? Have you ever suspected novelists and
scriptwriters of creating ridiculous planets that violate scientific laws? Does the fate of our planet's thin
biosphere keep you up at night? How common is life in the Universe? These are difficult questions, but
armed with the right information, you can answer all of them. The Science and Fiction of Planetary
Systems will help you develop a deeper understanding of why planets are the way they are. Along the
way, you'll see examples of mistakes made in classic science fiction movies, novels and short stories and
get the chance to invent your own plausible planets!
ASTR 288 Special Projects in Astronomy (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Astronomy
department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Independent study, short research projects, tutorial reading, and
assisting with faculty research and teaching under special supervision.
ASTR 300 Stars and Stellar Systems (3) Prerequisite: ASTR100 or ASTR101; and completion of the
CORE Distributive Studies requirement in Mathematics and Sciences or General Education Fundamental
Studies requirement in Mathematics. Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Designed
primarily for non-science majors. Study of stars-types, properties, evolution, and distribution in space;
supernovae, pulsars, and black holes.
ASTR 305 Astronomy and the Media (3) Although science plays a central role in modern life, the
media can present scientific discoveries and thought as too complex and arcane for intelligent laypeople
to understand. This has the effect of excluding non-scientists from this important intellectual discourse
and sometimes of even manipulating their views. This course uses astronomy (and other science) news
stories to give students the tools and motivation to critically evaluate scientific news for themselves,
enabling them to use the media to keep abreast of science throughout their lives.
ASTR 310 Observational Astronomy (4) Prerequisite: ASTR121; and (PHYS171 or PHYS161). Or
permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Restriction: Must be in Astronomy program. Introduction
to current optical observational techniques, with brief coverage of infrared, ultraviolet, and x-ray
techniques. Statistics, spherical trigonometry time, catalogs, geometrical and physical optics, telescopes,
and optical instruments. Effects of the atmosphere. Practical work at the observatory using a CCD
camera. Some nighttime observing sessions.
ASTR 315 Astronomy in Practice (4) Restriction: Must not be in Astronomy program. Additional
information: Appropriate for non-science majors. Students learn astronomy research techniques and
contribute significantly to the existing body of astronomical knowledge. Students apply methods and
tools such as celestial coordinates, telescopes and CCD cameras, and appropriate analysis software to a
specific observational goal. Students produce a work detailing their scientific result which will be
submitted for publication in a professional venue. Each semester, the course focuses on a specific
astronomical topic or type of object, such as asteroids, extrasolar planets, supernovae in other galaxies,
quasars, etc.
ASTR 320 Theoretical Astrophysics (3) Prerequisite: ASTR121; and (PHYS270 and PHYS271; or
PHYS273). Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Application of selected physics concepts in
an astrophysical context. Topics would include gravity (Keplerian motion, Virial theorem, Roche limit,
dynamical friction); gas dynamics (hydrostatic equilibrium, stellar models, spiral density waves),
thermodynamics and statistical physics (Boltzmann distribution, Wien displacement, convective
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instability, degenerate gas); atomic physics (quantum principles, H atom, permitted and forbidden lines);
radiation processes (line radiation, opacity).
ASTR 330 Solar System Astronomy (3) Prerequisite: ASTR100 or ASTR101; and completion of the
CORE Distributive Studies requirement in Mathematics and Sciences or the General Education
Fundamental Studies requirement in Mathematics. Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department.
Credit only granted for: ASTR330 or GEOL212. Designed primarily for non-science majors. The
structure of planets and of their atmospheres, the nature of comets, asteroids, and satellites. Comparison
of various theories for the origin of the solar system. Emphasis on a description of recent data and
ASTR 340 Origin of the Universe (3) Prerequisite: ASTR100 or ASTR101; and completion of the
CORE Distributive Studies requirement in Mathematics and Sciences or General Education Fundamental
Studies requirement in Mathematics. Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Designed
primarily for non-science majors. A study of our progression of knowledge about the universe. Topics
include: early cosmological models, geocentric vs. heliocentric theory, curvature of space, Hubble's Law,
Big Bang Theory, microwave background radiation, evolution of stars and galaxies, dark matter, active
galaxies, quasars and the future of the universe.
ASTR 350 Black Holes (3) Prerequisite: ASTR100 or ASTR101; and completion of the CORE
Distributive Studies requirement in Mathematics and Sciences or General Education Fundamental Studies
requirement in Mathematics. Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Credit only granted for:
ASTR 398B or ASTR 350. Formerly: ASTR 398B. Black holes are the most exotic prediction of
Einstein's Theory of General Relativity and, amazingly, the Universe seems to manufacture these bizarre
objects in copious numbers. As well as being the ultimate laboratory for studying the nature of space and
time, they drive some of the most energetic and extreme phenomena known to astronomers (with quasars
and gamma-ray bursts being just a couple of examples). In this introduction to the physics and
astrophysics of black holes, we start by examining the basic physics of black holes, which fundamentally
means understanding gravity. We then look at the nature of stellar-mass black holes and supermassive
black holes. We will discuss the fairly recent realization that black holes may be crucial agents for
regulating the growth of galaxies. Finally, we dive into the realm of theoretical physics and probe how
black holes may provide a route for uncovering new laws of physics governing the structure of space and
ASTR 380 Life in the Universe - Astrobiology (3) Designed primarily for non-science majors. Study of
the astronomical perspective on the conditions for the origin and existence of life in the universe.
ASTR 386 Experiential Learning (1-3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and permission of
CMNS-Astronomy department.
ASTR 398 Special Topics in Astronomy (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; or permission of
CMNS-Astronomy department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. This course is designed
primarily for students not majoring in astronomy and is suitable for nonscience students. It will
concentrate study in some limited field in astronomy which will vary from semester to semester. Possible
subjects for study are the solar system, extragalactic astronomy and cosmology, the inconstant universe.
ASTR 399 Honors Seminar (1-16) Restriction: Must be admitted to the departmental honors program in
astronomy. Credit according to work done.
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ASTR 406 Stellar Structure and Evolution (3) Prerequisite: ASTR320; or permission of CMNS-
Astronomy department. Credit only granted for: ASTR 498N or ASTR 406. Formerly: ASTR 498N.
Study of stellar internal structure, nuclear reactions, and energy transport. Study of stellar evolution of
both low-mass and high-mass stars, including the stellar end states of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and
black holes.
ASTR 410 Radio Astronomy (3) Prerequisite: ASTR121; and (PHYS271 and PHYS270; or PHYS273).
Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Introduction to current observational techniques in radio
astronomy. The radio sky, radiophysics, coordinates and catalogs, antenna theory, Fourier transforms,
interferometry and arrays, aperture synthesis, and radio detectors.
ASTR 415 Computational Astrophysics (3) Prerequisite: ASTR121; and (PHYS271 and PHYS270; or
PHYS273). Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Introduction to the most important
computational techniques being used in research in astrophysics. Topics include modern high
performance computer architectures, scientific visualization and data analysis, and detailed descriptions
of numerical algorithms for the solution to a wide range of mathematical systems important in
ASTR 421 Galaxies (3) Prerequisite: ASTR121; and (PHYS271 and PHYS270; or PHYS273). Or
permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Introduction to structure, kinematics, and dynamics of
normal and peculiar galaxies. Quantitative descriptions of normal spiral galaxies (like our Milky Way)
and elliptical galaxies will be followed by more exotic considerations such as interacting and merging
galaxies, and active galactic nuclei.
ASTR 422 Cosmology (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in ASTR320;
or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Introduction to modern cosmology. Topics include large
scale structure of universe, the intergalactic medium, the nature of dark matter cosmological models and
galaxy formation.
ASTR 430 The Solar System (3) Prerequisite: ASTR121; and (PHYS271 and PHYS270; or PHYS273).
Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Formation and evolution of the Solar System. Planetary
surfaces, interiors, atmospheres, and magnetospheres. Asteroids, comets, planetary satellites, and ring
systems. Emphasis on using basic physics to understand observed properties of the Solar System.
Intended for students majoring in the physical sciences.
ASTR 435 Astrophysics of Exoplanets (3) Prerequisite: ASTR121; and (PHYS273; or (PHYS270 and
PHYS271)). Or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Credit only granted for: ASTR 498X or
ASTR 435. Formerly: ASTR 498X. Introduction to exoplanets. Topics include historical development,
advantages, and limitations of detection methods, the statistics of exoplanet characteristics, the bulk
properties of known expolanets, and remote sensing for characterization of exoplanets.
ASTR 450 Orbital Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
ASTR320; or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Vectorial mechanics, motion in a central
force field, gravitational and non-gravitational forces, the two-body and three-body problems, orbital
elements and orbital perturbation theory, resonances in the solar system, chaos. Intended for students
majoring in any of the physical sciences.
ASTR 480 High Energy Astrophysics (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in ASTR320; or permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. The structure, formation, and
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astrophysics of compact objects, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes, are examined.
Phenomena such as supernovae and high-energy particles are also covered.
ASTR 498 Special Problems in Astronomy (1-6) Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Physics; Astronomy) ; and permission of CMNS-Astronomy department. Research or special study.
Credit according to work done.
BCHM -- Biochemistry
BCHM 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must have a
learning proposal approved by the Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and
student's internship sponsor.
BCHM 461 Biochemistry I (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM271 and CHEM272; or
minimum grade of C- in CHEM276 and CHEM277. Credit only granted for: BCHM461 or BCHM463.
First semester of a comprehensive introduction to modern biochemistry. Structure, chemical properties,
and function of proteins and enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Basic enzyme kinetics and
catalytic mechanisms.
BCHM 462 Biochemistry II (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BCHM461. Credit only granted
for: BCHM462 or BCHM463. A continuation of BCHM 461. Metabolic pathways and metabolic
regulation, energy transduction in biological systems, enzyme catalytic mechanisms.
BCHM 463 Biochemistry of Physiology (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM271 and
CHEM272; or minimum grade of C- in CHEM276 and CHEM277. Credit only granted for: BCHM461,
BCHM462 or BCHM463. A one-semester introduction to general biochemistry. A study of protein
structure, enzyme catalysis, metabolism, and metabolic regulation with respect to their relationship to
BCHM 464 Biochemistry Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: BCHM461 or BCHM463; and a grade of C- or
better in the prerequisite is required for all College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
majors and recommended for all students. Corequisite: BCHM465. Restriction: BCHM, CHEM, and
Nutritional Sciences majors have first priority, followed by other life science majors. Biochemical and
genetic methods for studying protein function. Site-directed mutagenesis and molecular cloning, protein
purification, enzyme activity assays, computer modeling of protein structure.
BCHM 465 Biochemistry III (3) Prerequisite: BCHM461 or BCHM463; and a grade of C- or better in
the prerequisite is required for College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences majors and
recommended for all students. Recommended: BCHM462. CORE Capstone (CS) Course. An advanced
course in biochemistry. Biochemical approach to cellular information processing. DNA and RNA
structure. DNA replication, transcription, and repair. Translation of mRNA to make proteins.
BCHM 485 Physical Biochemistry (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM481. Restriction:
Must be in Biochemistry program; or permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: CHEM482 or
BCHM485. Physical Chemistry with applications to biological systems. Principal topics: quantum
chemistry, spectroscopy, structural methods for biological macromolecules, statistical thermodynamics,
transport processes in liquid phase, chemical and biochemical kinetics, modeling and simulation, polymer
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BIOE -- Bioengineering
BIOE 100 Introductory Mathematics for Engineering (4) Prerequisite: High School-level Algebra I,
Algebra II, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus. Overview of the salient math topics most heavily used in the
core engineering courses. These include algebraic manipulation of engineering equations, trigonometry,
vectors and complex numbers, sinusoids and harmonic signals, systems of equations and matrices,
differentiation, integration and differential equations. All math topics will be presented within the context
of an engineering application, and reinforced through extensive examples of their use in the core
engineering courses.
BIOE 120 Biology for Engineers (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
MATH140. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department.
Introduction to the functions and interactions of biological systems from a quantitative perspective.
Introduction to the modern experimental techniques and methods of data analysis. Roles for bioengineers
in biology, and the role of biology in bioengineering will be elucidated.
BIOE 121 Biology for Engineers Laboratory (1) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department
of Bioengineering department. This course will build on the material covered in BIOE120. Experiments
conducted in this laboratory course will cover topics such as biomechanical principles, biochemical
methods, genetics and selection, scaling, microcosm interactions, human factors and imaging.
BIOE 150 Applied Ethics and Public Policy in Bioengineering (3) Credit only granted for: BIOE150
or HONR288L. Students learn about medical devices such as heart valves and artificial hearts.
Government requirements for clinical testing and the obligations that physicians, manufacturers, FDA and
Congress have to patients are discussed.
BIOE 160 Biopharmaceutical Production (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of
Bioengineering department; and must be in the Young Scholars Program. Credit only granted for:
BIOE168 or BIOE160. Formerly: BIOE168. Focuses on the basics of recombinant DNA technology as
applied to biopharmaceutical manufacturing in a classroom setting. Students will work through a
"production campaign" including all key steps of manufacturing a protein product.
BIOE 221 Academic and Career Planning (1) Prerequisite: BIOE120 and BIOE121. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Provides practical tools to help
Bioengineering majors think critically about their goals and career paths. Guides Bioengineering students
through accessing useful resources both on- and off-campus.
BIOE 232 Bioengineering Thermodynamics (3) Prerequisite: PHYS261 and PHYS260. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted for:
BIOE232, ENES232, ENME232, or ENME320. A quantitative introduction to thermodynamic analysis of
bioengineering systems. Bioengineering encompasses a wide range of applications from nanoscale
interactions (e.g. reactions between molecules), to cellular interactions (e.g. membrane electrical
currents), to overall balances on organisms, all the way to large scale manufacturing. Each of these
applications (and many others not mentioned) involve energy interactions which is the domain of
thermodynamics. The basic laws of thermodynamics will be introduced and explained through a series of
examples related to bioengineering systems.
BIOE 241 Biocomputational Methods (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of
Bioengineering department. Application of computer technology to biological and natural resource
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systems considering engineering aspects. Designed to help students in the use of computer technology for
problem solving. The course will cover 4-5 software packages important for later use by the student.
BIOE 331 Biofluids (3) Prerequisite: MATH246, BIOE120, BIOE121, and BIOE241; and must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in BIOE232. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell
Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted for: BIOE331, ENCE305, or ENME331.
Principles and applications of fluid mechanics with a focus on bioengineering topics. Content includes
conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, as well as the application of these fundamental relations to
hydrostatics, control volume analysis, internal and external flow, and boundary layers. Applications to
biological and bioengineering problems such as tissue engineering, bioprocessing, imaging, and drug
BIOE 332 Transport Process Design (3) Prerequisite: MATH246, BIOE120, BIOE121, and BIOE241;
and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in BIOE331 or ENME331. Restriction: Permission
of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Fluid flow, heat transfer, and mass transfer
with applications in medicine, environment, biotechnology, food, agriculture, and other biosystems.
Design of solutions to current problems in biological engineering is emphasized.
BIOE 340 Modeling Physiological Systems and Lab (4) Prerequisite: BSCI330, BIOE120, BIOE121,
BIOE241, and MATH246. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering
department. Credit only granted for: BIOE340 or (BSCI440 and BSCI441). Topics covered will include
cell and general physiology, membrane physiology, blood cells and clotting, circulation, metabolism,
respiration, and the nervous system. A lab component will also be included.
BIOE 371 Linear Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations for Bioengineering Applications (3)
Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH246. Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. This class utilizes fundamentals in linear
systems, including eigenvalues and eigenvectors, as well as linear differential equations, to study various
problems in bioengineering and biological systems, with a particular emphasis on feedback, stability,
controllability, and control design.
BIOE 372 Biostatistics for Experimental Design and Data Analysis (3) Prerequisite: BIOE120,
BIOE121, and BIOE241. Recommended: MATH246. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell
Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted for: BIOE372 or STAT464. This course
will instruct students in the fundamentals of probability and statistics through examples in biological
phenomenon, the design of bioengineering experiments, and clinical data analysis. Fundamentals covered
in the course include probability distributions, hypothesis testing, power analysis, regression analysis, and
correlation analysis.
BIOE 399 Independent Study in Bioengineering (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Fischell
Department of Bioengineering department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Independent study.
BIOE 404 Biomechanics (3) Prerequisite: MATH246, BIOE120, ENES102, BIOE121, and BIOE241.
Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Introduction to the
fundamentals of biomechanics including force analysis, mechanics of deformable bodies, stress and
strain, multiaxial deformations, stress analysis, and viscoelasticity. Biomechanics of soft and hard tissues.
BIOE 411 Tissue Engineering (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed at least one biology course; and
(BIOE120, BIOE121, BIOE241, MATH246, and MATH241). Or permission of ENGR-Fischell
Department of Bioengineering department. Recommended: BSCI330 and BIOE340. Restriction:
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Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Also offered as: CHBE487.
Credit only granted for: BIOE411 or CHBE487. A review of the fundamental principles involved in the
design of engineered tissues and organs. Both biological and engineering fundamentals will be
BIOE 420 Bioimaging (3) Prerequisite: MATH246, BIOE120, BIOE121, and BIOE241. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Examines the physical
principles behind major biomedical imaging modalities and new ways of using images for bio-related
BIOE 422 Biosystems Engineering (3) Prerequisite: BIOE120 and BIOE121; or (BSCI170 and
BSCI171); or BSCI105. And (ENME331, BIOE331, ENCE305, or BIOE332). Conservation of mass in
the context of biological systems at different scales (i.e., cellular, organ, and ecosystem), life cycles such
as carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, photosynthesis, water cycle, Kreb cycle, and aerobic and anaerobic cycles
as they relate to biosystem function and health.
BIOE 431 Fundamentals of Biosensor Techniques, Instrumentation, and Applications (3)
Prerequisite: CHEM135, PHYS260, PHYS261, BSCI330, BIOE120, BIOE121, BIOE241, and
MATH246; or permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. A thorough review of
fundamental concepts of biosensing systems, principles of common detection methods, and modern
applications of biosensors. Primarily literature driven. Students will obtain a detailed understanding of
cutting-edge biosensing techniques, the instrumentation used, and the application space. Students also
will develop skills in using current literature as a source of knowledge.
BIOE 432 Fundamentals of Biophotonics Imaging and Microscopy (3) Prerequisite: PHYS270 and
BIOE420. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Credit
only granted for: BIOE432, BIOE632, or BIOE689C. Principles and instrumentation of various
biomedical optical techniques, including fluorescene and Raman spectroscopy, confocal and multi-photon
microscopy, optical coherence tomography, and diffuse optical tomography. Biomedical aplications will
also be discussed.
BIOE 437 Computer-Aided Design in Bioengineering (3) Prerequisite: BIOE120, BIOE121, BIOE241,
and MATH246; or permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted for:
BIOE437, BIOE689V, ENME414, ENME272, or ENAE488D. Formerly: BIOE689V. Introduction to
Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Basic CAD operations will be demonstrated in class with Creo
Parametric (formerly Pro/E). Lecture topics will summarize design methodology, review best-practices in
hardware development, and discuss engineering applications. The course will culminate in a student-
selected project leveraging CAD.
BIOE 453 Biomaterials (3) Prerequisite: CHEM231, MATH246, CHEM232, BIOE120, BIOE121, and
BIOE241. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Also
offered as: ENMA425. Credit only granted for: ENBE453, BIOE453, or ENMA425. Formerly:
ENBE453. Examination of the structure and function of natural biomaterials, and cell-extracellular matrix
interactions. Study physical properties of synthetic biomaterials for biomedical applications.
Understanding molecular level interactions between biomolecules and biomaterials to design novel
biomaterials with desirable characteristics. Application of biomaterials as implants, drug delivery
systems, biosensors, engineered materials such as artificial skin and bone growth scaffolds will be
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BIOE 455 Basic Electronic Design (3) Prerequisite: MATH246, BIOE120, BIOE121, and BIOE241.
Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted
for: BIOE455 or ENBE455. Formerly: ENBE455. Familiarization with basic electronic circuits and the
ability to produce simple electronic designs.
BIOE 456 Bioinstrumentation (3) Prerequisite: BIOE455. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell
Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted for: BIOE456 or ENBE456. Formerly:
ENBE456. Study of biomedical instrumentation and biomedical equipment technology. How biomedical
equipment is used to measure information from the human body. Hands-on experience with representative
biomedical equipment.
BIOE 457 Biomedical Electronics & Instrumentation (4) Prerequisite: BIOE120, BIOE121, BIOE241,
PHYS261, MATH246, and PHYS260. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of
Bioengineering department. Students learn fundamental concepts of electronics, assembly of electronic
components into functional circuits, and integration of functional electronic devices and circuits into a
system. In the lab component, students will learn to assemble and evaluate circuits and systems.
BIOE 460 Biotechnology and Bioproduction (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only
granted for: BIOE460, BIOE468B, or ENES489Q. Formerly: BIOE468B. Basics of recombinant DNA
technology and biopharmaceutical manufacturing.
BIOE 461 Synthetic Biology and Biological Engineering (3) Prerequisite: BIOE120, BIOE121,
BIOE241, and MATH246; or permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department.
Recommended: Completion of BSCI222 and/or BSCI330 recommended. Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted for: BIOE489G or BIOE
461. Formerly: BIOE489G. Students are introduce to the scientific foundation and concepts of synthetic
biology and biological engineering. Current examples that apply synthetic biology to fundamental and
practical challenges will be emphasized. The course will also address the societal issues of synthetic
biology, and briefly examine interests to regulate research in this area.
BIOE 468 Selected Topics in Bioengineering (3) Prerequisite: BIOE120 and BIOE121. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs. Selected topics in Bioengineering will be covered and taught by a variety of department
BIOE 471 Biological Systems Control (3) Prerequisite: BIOE455. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted for: BIOE471 or ENBE471.
Formerly: ENBE471. Principles of control systems designed by biological engineers and analysis of
control mechanisms found in biological organisms. Apparent control strategies used by biological
systems will be covered.
BIOE 484 Engineering in Biology (3) Prerequisite: (MATH121 or MATH141; or must have completed
MATH221); and (PHYS141 or PHYS161); and must have completed CHEM103 or higher. Or
permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Recommended: BIOE454.
Credit only granted for: BIOE484 or ENBE484. Formerly: ENBE484. Engineering with biological
systems, with emphasis on utilization, design, and modeling. Broad topics include differences between
biological engineering and biological science; basic sciences and how they relate to biology; typical
biological responses to environmental stimuli; scaling, and utilization of living things.
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BIOE 485 Capstone Design I: Entrepreneurship, Regulatory Issues, and Ethics (3) Prerequisite: 21
credits in BIOE courses. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering
department; and senior standing; and must be in Engineering: Bioengineering program. Credit only
granted for: BIOE485 or ENBE485. Formerly: ENBE485. This is the first part of a two-semester senior
capstone design course which covers principles involved in engineering design, design approaches,
economics of design, ethics in engineering, and patent regulations. It also helps students learn team work
and write design project proposals under the mentorship of a faculty advisor.
BIOE 486 Capstone Design II (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed BIOE485 in the immediately
preceding semester. Restriction: Senior standing; and must be in Engineering: Bioengineering program;
and permission of ENGR-Fischell Department of Bioengineering department. Credit only granted for:
BIOE486 or ENBE486. Formerly: ENBE486. This is the second part of the senior capstone design
course. This part is independent instruction where faculty mentoring each project team works with
students to order supplies, fabricate their proposed design under BIOE485, test the design, write the report
and present it to their fellow seniors and board of faculty mentors. Students are taught to convert the blue
print of a design to actual device and test it.
BIOE 489 Special Topics in Bioengineering (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fischell
Department of Bioengineering department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Exploring a variety of topics with
BIOM -- Biometrics
BIOM 301 Introduction to Biometrics (3) Prerequisite: MATH113 or MATH115. Credit only granted
for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GVPT422, PSYC200, or
SOCY201. Descriptive statistics, introduction to probability, sampling, confidence interval estimation,
hypothesis testing, simple regression and correlation. Emphasis on simple applications of statistical
techniques and interpretation of statistical results.
BIOM 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and learning Proposal
approved by the Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship
BIOM 405 Computer Applications in Biometrics (1) An introduction to computer applications for data
analysis. This is equivalent to the computer lab of 601 and is required for students that have taken BIOM
301 and BIOM402 and wish to go directly into BIOM602.
BMGT -- Business and Management
BMGT 110 Introduction to the Business Value Chain (3) Students are provided with an introduction to
the business value chain with an emphasis on inter-organizational and intra-organizational coordination of
core business processes. Emphasis is on cross-functional integration and the efficient and effective
management of core processes with an emphasis on marketing, operations and supply chain management.
BMGT 190 Introduction to Design and Quality (4) Restriction: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith
School of Business. Also offered as: ENES190. Credit only granted for: BMGT190 or ENES190.
Exposes engineering and business students to the principles of total quality, using experiential team-
learning and technology-aided approaches. The first of four courses in total quality.
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BMGT 198 Special Topics in Business and Management (1-3) Restriction: Must be in a major in
BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Introductory
special topics in business and management.
BMGT 220 Principles of Accounting I (3) Basic theory and techniques of contemporary financial
accounting. Includes the accounting cycle and the preparation of financial statements for single owner and
partnership forms of business organizations operating as service companies or merchandisers.
BMGT 221 Principles of Accounting II (3) Prerequisite: BMGT220. Basic theory and techniques of
accounting for managerial decision making. Involves the introduction of the corporation and
manufacturing operations. Includes cost-volume-profit analysis and capital budgeting. Introduces the
topics of income taxation and international accounting.
BMGT 230 Business Statistics (3) Prerequisite: MATH113 or MATH115; or must have math eligibility
of MATH120 or higher. Restriction: Must not have completed ENCE302, ENME392, STAT400,
BMGT231, or ENEE324. Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230,
ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These
courses do not necessarily meet the same major requirements-check with your advisor to see which of
these courses will count for your major). Introductory course in probabilistic and statistical concepts
including descriptive statistics, set-theoretic development of probability, the properties of discrete and
continuous random variables, sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and decision
theory and the application of these concepts to problem solving in business and the application of these
concepts to problem solving in business and management.
BMGT 298 Special Topics in Business and Management (1-3) Restriction: Must be in a major in
BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Introductory
special topics in business and management.
BMGT 300 Information Systems for Non Business Majors (2) Restriction: Must be admitted to the
Minor in General Business or the Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and must not have
completed BMGT301; and must not be in a major in the R.H. Smith School of Business. Credit only
granted for: BMGT300 or BMGT301. Additional information: Course does not apply to a Smith School
degree. Course may be substituted by BMGT301 for General Business or Innovation and
Entrepreneurship minor students only. Introduces students to the transformative potential of emerging and
existing information technologies and their impacts on the structure and competitive dynamics of various
BMGT 301 Introduction to Information Systems (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert
H. Smith School of Business. Additional information: CMSC majors will not receive credit for this course
towards their upper level concentration in their CMSC major. All BMGT majors, including students who
are a double major in CMCS, must complete BMGT301 for their BMGT degree. Comprehensive
overview of information systems (IS), which explores the strategic and tactical nature of IS. The basic
concepts in analyzing and designing information systems for business applications will be presented.
Aspects of data management such as databases, data warehousing, data analysis, and data mining will be
analyzed, and the basics of web page and web site design will be outlined. Students will also be
introduced to modern information systems infrastructure such as telecommunications, networks, and
information systems security. Knowledge of Excel or a similar spreadsheet tool.
BMGT 302 Designing Applications for Business Analytics (3) Prerequisite: BMGT301; or permission
of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H.
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Smith School of Business; and must not be in Computer Science program. Provides an introduction to
structured programming with business applications. Programming logic and data structures are
introduced. The course especially emphasizes hands-on exercises using Excel macros and Visual Basic
for Applications (VBA), and covers business functions and analytics.
BMGT 310 Intermediate Accounting I (3) Prerequisite: BMGT221. Comprehensive analysis of
financial accounting topics related to financial statement preparation and external reporting.
BMGT 311 Intermediate Accounting II (3) Prerequisite: BMGT310. Continuation of BMGT310.
BMGT 313 Financial Statement Analysis (3) Prerequisite: BMGT221. Provides students with the tools
to conduct a financial statement analysis, which is part of an overall business analysis. Involves
understanding and using the information that financial statements are communicating to users.
BMGT 321 Managerial Accounting (3) Prerequisite: BMGT221. A study of the basic concepts of
product costing and cost analysis for management planning and control. Emphasis is placed on the role of
the accountant in organizational management, analysis of cost behavior, standard cost budgeting,
responsibility accounting and relevant costs for decision-making.
BMGT 323 Taxation of Individuals (3) Prerequisite: BMGT221. Federal taxation of individuals
focusing on income, exclusions, deductions, depreciation, credits and capital transactions. Property
coverage includes the tax consequences of sales and dispositions of investment and business assets. Both
tax planning and compliance issues are covered.
BMGT 326 Accounting Systems (3) Prerequisite: BMGT221; and (BMGT201 or BMGT301). A study
of accounting systems and computer and communications technology.
BMGT 332 Quantitative Models for Management Decisions (3) Prerequisite: BMGT231 or
BMGT230; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
The aim of this course is to introduce management science techniques for informed decision-making that
can be applied in spreadsheet models to assist in the decision-analysis process. Models include Linear
Programming, Transportation and Assignment problems, network flow models, Integer and non-linear
programming, Simulation and Decision Trees.
BMGT 340 Business Finance (3) Prerequisite: BMGT221; and (BMGT231 or BMGT230). Topics
include: the principles and practices involved in the organization, financing and rehabilitation of business
enterprises; the various types of securities and their use in raising funds, apportioning income, risk and
control; intercorporate relations; and new developments. Emphasis on solution of problems of financial
policy faced by management.
BMGT 341 Financial Markets (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
BMGT340. Formerly: BMGT498G. Shows the interconnectedness of the markets. The role of the Central
bank and monetary policy is included in this context. Students develop an understanding of: (i) the
determination of interest rates; (ii) financial instruments, markets and institutions; (iii) the impact of
monetary policy on institutions; and (iv) how financial innovations create markets.
BMGT 342 Wall Street Finance (3) Prerequisite: BMGT340. Credit only granted for: BMGT448F or
BMGT342. Formerly: BMGT448F. Using concepts and tools of finance, students will examine a wide
range of business problems and explore possible solutions. The course is designed to improve a student's
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problem solving capabilities, business writing and communication skills, teamwork, and planning skills.
Students will also gain experience in analyzing issues frequently faced by financial decision-makers.
BMGT 343 Investments (3) Prerequisite: BMGT340. Credit only granted for: BMGT343 or ECON435.
Additional information: This course cannot be used to fulfill any requirements for majors in Economics.
An introduction to financial investments. Topics include: securities and securities markets; investment
risks, returns and constraints; portfolio policies; and institutional investment policies.
BMGT 345 Foundations of Financial Management for Non Business Majors (3) Restriction: Must
not have completed BMGT340; and must not be a major in the R.H. Smith School of Business. Credit
only granted for: BMGT345 or BMGT340. Additional information: Course does not apply to a Smith
School degree. BMGT340 may substitute for BMGT345. Provides students an overview of financial
management. Students will understand how to accomplish the firm goal of maximizing shareholder value,
learn how to conduct a financial statement analysis, and recognize its various elements, including
profitability, credit risk, revenue, assets, liability, and cash flows. Understand the relationship between
risk and return and how it impacts investment and corporate decisions.
BMGT 349 Private Equity and Venture Capital (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in BMGT313 and BMGT340. Repeatable to 6 credits. Formerly: BMGT448B. The
New Markets Private Equity/Venture Capital Clinic allows students to gain professional experience
commensurate with that of an Associate in a Venture Capital Firm. Students are trained to buy, own,
actively manage and sell high growth technology companies in private transactions. The class format
includes: lectures; presentations from guest speakers, including the regions leading CEOs, private equity
and service providers; and a series of facilitated exercises that simulate buying, owning and selling
businesses. The course exposes students to real life activities covering the entire deal process from market
research, diligence, selection, negotiation valuing, and structuring an investment, as well as management,
growth and exit of portfolio companies.
BMGT 350 Marketing Principles and Organization (3) Prerequisite: ECON200 or ECON205. An
introduction to the concepts and principles of marketing including the marketing of service and nonprofit
organizations. Provides an overview of all the concepts in marketing including relationship marketing,
product development, pricing, promotion, marketing research, consumer behavior, international
marketing, distribution and internal marketing to employees.
BMGT 352 Customer-Centric Innovation (3) Prerequisite: BMGT350. Addresses the management of
new products and services with a focus on the innovation process, specifically the development and
launching of new products or services: Opportunity Identification, Concept Generation, Design, Testing
and Launch.
BMGT 353 Retail Management (3) Prerequisite: BMGT220 and BMGT350. Planning and
implementing retail marketing strategy. Store and nonstore (catalog, internet) retailing. Evaluation of how
environmental trends in the consumer market, competition, the economy and technology affect retail
strategy in the U.S. and global market.
BMGT 355 Foundations of Marketing for Non Business Majors (3) Restriction: Must not have
completed BMGT350; and must not be a major in the R.H. Smith School of Business. Credit only granted
for: BMGT355 or BMGT350. Additional information: Course does not apply to a Smith School degree.
BMGT350 may substitute for BMGT355. Introduces the concepts and principles of marketing. Provides
an overview of all the concepts in marketing including relationship marketing, product development,
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pricing, promotion, marketing research, consumer behavior, international marketing, distribution and
internal marketing to employees.
BMGT 357 Retailing and Marketing Internship (3-6) Prerequisite: BMGT350. Restriction: Permission
of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business; and must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith
School of Business. Supervised work experience with a firm engaged in marketing goods or services.
Students apply concepts learned in marketing classes and analyze the firm's organizational structure,
environment and marketing strategy.
BMGT 360 Strategic Management of Human Capital (3) Provides students with the basic knowledge
needed to help organizations attract, select, develop, engage, evaluate, and retain talent. Topics covered
may include strategic HRM, the role of globalization, legal issues in HRM, work analysis, HR planning,
recruitment, personnel selection, performance management and appraisal, training and development,
career development, compensation systems, motivating and rewarding performance, labor relations, and
employee health and safety.
BMGT 361 Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing the Entrepreneurial Venture (3) Restriction:
Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business; and must be in the Smith
Entrepreneurship Fellows Program; and must not have completed BMGT461. Credit only granted for:
BMGT261, BMGT361, or BMGT461. Formerly: BMGT261. Focuses on the early development of a new
venture. Topics include: idea-getting, opportunity recognition, feasibility studies, new venture financing
and startup. Guests speakers and practicing entrepreneurs offer real world guidance. Restricted to students
admitted to the Smith Entrepreneurship Fellows Program.
BMGT 362 Negotiations (3) Restriction: Must not have completed COMM425. Credit only granted for:
BMGT362 or COMM425. By using a variety of assessment tools, feedback sources, skill-building
exercises, and exercise debriefings, this experiential course is designed to enhance students' negotiating
self-confidence and improve students' analytical skills, interpersonal skills, creativity and persuasive
BMGT 363 Leadership and Teamwork in Organizations (3) Provides a comprehensive understanding
of fundamental leadership concepts, theories, and skills in organizations and applies to assessing and
developing effective leadership practices in organizations.
BMGT 364 Managing People and Organizations (3) An introduction to selected aspects of human
behavior in organizations generally known as organizational behavior (OB). This course is designed to
help students develop systematic and fundamental understanding of people and their behaviors in
organizations, as well as useful abilities and skills required to effectively and ethically manage various
individual, interpersonal, group, and organization-level processes.
BMGT 365 Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity (3) Prerequisite: BMGT461 or BMGT361.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: BMGT365, ENES466 or HLMN471.
Studies venture capital and private equity using a combination of cases, lectures and guest speakers.
Addresses how venture capitalists provide capital to start-up firms in growing industries and how private
equity markets provide capital to help established medium-sized firms (often family businesses) grow and
restructure. Focuses on how financial, legal, and economic issues are dealt with in the financial contracts
between venture capitalists and their limited partners and between capitalists (or other private equity
investors) and the firms in which they invest.
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BMGT 366 Growth Strategies for Emerging Companies (3) Prerequisite: BMGT461 or BMGT361.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Offers practical management tools that are needed to build a new
venture into a significant enterprise. The competencies, strategies and structures of successful high
performance businesses are studied through cases, videos and guest lecturers. Topics include leadership,
internal growth strategies, merger, acquisition and franchising.
BMGT 367 Career Search Strategies in Business (1) Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert
H. Smith School of Business. An overview and opportunity to practice job search skills critical to
obtaining internships and full-time positions. Course will cover strategies for exploring career options,
preparing job search materials, development of job search skills such as interviewing and networking.
Students are encouraged to take this course in the sophomore or junior year.
BMGT 369 Experiential Learning in Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1-3) Repeatable to
15 credits if content differs. Additional information: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the
Management Major, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Minor, and the General Business Minor. Selected
experiential learning opportunities in business innovation and entrepreneurship
BMGT 370 Introduction to Transportation (3) An overview of the transportation field with an
emphasis on freight movements from the perspective of both providers of capacity and users of freight
services. Examines the characteristics of the freight modes and the role of each mode as a major
component of logistics and supply chain management. Explores the economics, energy use, and finances
of each mode as well as the impact of government policies on each mode's future. Discussion of
infrastructure and capacity needs of the transportation system and its ability to support the economy.
BMGT 372 Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management (3) Supply chain management
involves the coordination of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to ensure that products
and services are available to the final consumer in a timely and cost-effective fashion. Logistics
management is the subset of supply chain management dealing with the physical flows of product and
includes such activities as transportation management, warehousing, materials handling, inventory
management, and order fulfillment. Attention is paid to the logistics cost trade-offs within the firm and
between members of the supply chain.
BMGT 373 Supply Chain Management Internship (3-6) Prerequisite: BMGT370 or BMGT372.
Restriction: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Involves supervised work
experience in supply chain management, logistics and/or transportation. Students will be expected to
relate course material to work experience in an analysis of a firm's operations.
BMGT 375 Supply Chain Management for Non Business Majors (2) Restriction: Must be admitted to
the Minor in General Business or the Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and must not have
completed BMGT372; and must not be a major in the R.H. Smith School of Business. Credit only granted
for: BMGT375 or BMGT372. Additional information: Course does not apply to a Smith School degree.
Course may be substituted by BMGT372 for General Business minor or Innovation and Entrepreneurship
minor students only. Examines management decision-making in the design, implementation and
coordination of a firm's supply chain activities. Topics include transportation management, warehousing,
materials handling, inventory management, and order fulfillment.
BMGT 380 Business Law I (3) Legal aspects of business relationships. Examination of torts and
business crimes, contracts and agency. The law of personal property and bailment relationships. Survey of
public policy issues.
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BMGT 381 Business Law II (3) Prerequisite: BMGT380; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith
School of Business. The Uniform Commercial Code, including sales, commercial paper, secured
transactions, bulk sales and documents of title. The law of partnerships and corporations. Reorganization
and liquidation under the bankruptcy laws. The law of real property, landlord and tenant relationships and
decedents' estates.
BMGT 382 Marketing and Innovation for Entrepreneurs (3) Restriction: Must not have completed
BMGT352. Credit only granted for: BMGT352 or BMGT382. Additional information: Course will not
satisfy a Marketing major requirement. Marketing and Innovation are two critically important activities
that determine success in any business venture. This course will focus on understanding the fundamentals
of marketing and innovation from the perspective of an entrepreneur. At a broad level, we will apply
proven marketing frameworks (STP and 4Ps) to effectively deliver innovation in an entrepreneurial
BMGT 385 Operations Management (3) Credit only granted for: BMGT385 or ENME426. Studies the
design, management and improvement of a firm's processes and systems for creation and delivery of
products and services. Includes strategic and operational views of supply chain, product development, and
capacity analysis, highlighting the competitive advantages that operations management can provide the
BMGT 386 General Business Internship (3-6) Restriction: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith
School of Business; and must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Supervised
work experience in business. Students will be expected to relate course material to work experience in an
analysis of a firm's operations.
BMGT 390 Systems Thinking for Managerial Decision Making (3) Prerequisite: ENES190 or
BMGT190; and must be a QUEST student. Also offered as: ENES390. Credit only granted for:
BMGT390, ENES390, or ENES498X. An introduction to the theory, concepts, tools, and practices of
systems thinking to enhance managerial decision making. Offers a blend of theory, real-life examples,
and proven methods to initiate and sustain an organization-wide reorientation towards systems thinking.
BMGT 391 Leadership in Action (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
BMGT364. Provides an overview and development of the basic skills necessary for managerial success.
Reinforces the core topics and managerial functions covered in BMGT364 (Management & Organization
Theory) in the areas of understanding the business environment, planning and decision-making,
organizing, and leading & controlling. The course goes beyond theories and frameworks by focusing on
building skills required to manage in contemporary organizations.
BMGT 392 Introduction to International Business Management (3) Prerequisite: ECON200. A study
of the domestic and foreign environmental factors affecting the international operations of U.S. business
firms. The course also covers the administrative aspects of international marketing, finance and
BMGT 395 Foundations of Management for Non Business Majors (2) Restriction: Must be admitted
to the Minor in General Business or the Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and must not have
completed BMGT364; and must not be a major in the R.H. Smith School of Business. Credit only granted
for: BMGT395 or BMGT364. Additional information: Course does not apply to a Smith School degree.
Course may be substituted by BMGT364 for General Business minor or Innovation and Entrepreneurship
minor students only. Introduces concepts related to organization behavior. Topics include leadership,
team decision making and management, conflict resolution and negotiations, organizational culture, and
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organization change. Students will learn how to apply those concepts and theories to understanding and
critically analyzing various individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational management processes.
BMGT 397 Mentoring Design and Quality Teams (3) Restriction: Restricted to QUEST Program
(TQMP) students. Also offered as: ENES397. Credit only granted for: BMGT397, ENES397, or
BMGT398D. Formerly: BMGT398D. Practice essential skills for leading and coaching multidisciplinary
teams. These include effective communications, facilitation, conflict resolution, and the ability to
motivate. Students will practice these skills as mentors for student teams from BMGT/ENES 190H. In the
process, they will strengthen their knowledge of design and quality techniques.
BMGT 398 Individual Study in Business and Management (1-3) Restriction: Permission of BMGT-
Robert H. Smith School of Business. Repeatable to 6 credits.
BMGT 402 Database Systems (3) Recommended: BMGT302. Credit only granted for: INST327 or
BMGT402. The fundamentals of database management systems (DBMS), data models, query processing,
and data warehouses, and their application in the development of business information systems will be
covered. An important goal of this course is to understand the value of information resources and
information management challenges within an organization.
BMGT 403 Systems Analysis and Design (3) Prerequisite: BMGT301; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Recommended: BMGT302. Techniques
and tools applicable to the analysis and design of computer-based information systems. System life cycle,
requirements analysis, logical design of databases and performance evaluation. Emphasis on case studies.
Project required that involves the design, analysis and implementation of an information system.
BMGT 404 Essential Data Skills for Business Analytics (3) Prerequisite: BMGT301. Understand the
principles of data science and business analytics to collect, analyze and visualize business data. Students
will learn the use of industry standard software with applications in finance, accounting, marketing and
BMGT 405 Data Communications and Networking (3) Prerequisite: BMGT301; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: INST346 or
BMGT405. Concepts of business data communications and data processing. Application of these ideas in
computer networks, including basic principles of telecommunications technology, computer network
technology, data management in distributed database systems and management of the technical and
functional components of telecommunications technology.
BMGT 406 Developing Applications for the Web and Social Media (3) Prerequisite: BMGT402 and
BMGT302. Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Credit only
granted for: INST377 or BMGT406. The design and development of Web applications and the underlying
platforms and standards for Web application development will be covered. It will examine the
phenomenon of social media, social networking and crowdsourcing and understand their use within
BMGT 407 Information Systems Projects (3) Prerequisite: BMGT402 and BMGT403. Restriction:
Senior standing. Senior capstone course for the decision and information sciences major. Collected
knowledge from the DIS courses and application to significant problems of size and complexity. State-of-
the-art research ideas and current business and industrial practices in information systems.
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BMGT 408 Emerging Topics in Information Systems (3) Restriction: Permission of BMGT-Robert H.
Smith School of Business. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Selected advanced topics covering
emerging developments in the field of decision and information technologies.
BMGT 410 Government Accounting (3) Prerequisite: BMGT221. An introduction to the theory and
practice of accounting and financial reporting as applied in both federal and state/local governments, with
a focus on generally accepted accounting principles applicable in each. Topics include analyzing
transactions; recognizing transactions in the accounting cycles; and preparing and analyzing financial
statements and the overall financial reports at both the federal and state/local government levels.
BMGT 411 Ethics and Professionalism in Accounting (3) Prerequisite: BMGT311. Restriction: Must
be in Accounting program. Analysis and discussion of issues relating to ethics and professionalism in
BMGT 417 Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships and Estates (3) Prerequisite: BMGT221. Federal
taxation of corporations using the life-cycle approach-formation, operation, assessment, merger,
reorganization and liquidation. Overviews of pass-through entities - partnerships and s-corporations -
using the life-cycle approach, and the tax consequences of wealth transfers by individuals - gift and estate
taxation. Both tax planning and compliance issues are addressed.
BMGT 422 Auditing Theory and Practice (3) Prerequisite: BMGT310; and must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in BMGT311. A study of the independent accountant's attest function, generally
accepted auditing standards, compliance and substantive tests and report forms and opinions.
BMGT 423 Fraud Examination (3) Prerequisite: BMGT310. Covers fraud prevention, detection and
investigation techniques. The traditional accounting areas of fraud-fraudulent financial accounting and
misappropriation of assets as well as recent and historical cases of fraud will also be examined. Current
fraud topics will be discussed.
BMGT 424 Advanced Accounting (3) Prerequisite: BMGT311. Advanced accounting theory applied to
specialized topics and current problems. Emphasis on consolidated statements and partnership
BMGT 428 Special Topics in Accounting (3) Prerequisite: BMGT310. Restriction: Must be in
Accounting program. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Selected advanced topics in Accounting.
BMGT 430 Data Modeling in Business (3) Prerequisite: BMGT231 or BMGT230; or permission of
BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Explores the role of statistical models in business analytics
to drive managerial decision-making and improve performance through the use of relevant data-motivated
examples. Topics include regression models (both simple and multiple regression, as well as logistic
regression for binary data), model validation, variable transformation, variable selection, discriminant
analysis, and forecasting. These topics are modeled using state-of-the-art data analytics software.
BMGT 431 Data Analytics (3) Prerequisite: BMGT430. An introduction to the tools and techniques that
are central to the analysis of abundant data that is being collected in many forms including web traffic,
social network data, and reviews and comments on websites.
BMGT 434 Analytics Consulting: Cases and Projects (3) Prerequisite: BMGT332; and (MATH120 or
MATH140; or must have completed MATH220). Or students who have taken courses with comparable
content may contact the department. Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of
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Business. This course assumes that students have already been introduced to the concepts and techniques
of operations research/business analytics (OR/BA). Published papers, short cases, and projects in OR/BA
will be analyzed and discussed in a thoughtful way, taking into account the soft (people-related) issues
and the hard (mathematical/optimization) issues.
BMGT 435 Business Process Simulation (3) Prerequisite: BMGT231 or BMGT230; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must be in a major
in BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Develop and plan simulation studies, build simulation
models with special purpose software, analyze and interpret the results. Extensive use of applications and
real-world examples. The emphasis is on model formulation and the interpretation of results, rather than
mathematical theory.
BMGT 438 Special Topics in Operations Management (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Selected advanced topics in operations management.
BMGT 440 Advanced Financial Management (3) Prerequisite: BMGT340. Analysis and discussion of
cases and readings relating to financial decisions of the firm. The application of finance concepts to the
solution of financial problems is emphasized.
BMGT 441 Fixed Income (3) Prerequisite: BMGT340. Credit only granted for: BMGT448A or
BMGT441. Formerly: BMGT448A. Describes important financial instruments which have market values
that are sensitive to interest rate movements. Develops tools to analyze interest rate sensitivity and value
fixed income securities. Defines and explains the vocabulary of the bond management business.
BMGT 442 Advanced Portfolio Management (3) Prerequisite: BMGT343. Credit only granted for:
BMGT442 or BMGT448C. Formerly: BMGT448C. An in-depth coverage of statistical methods for
choosing stocks is provided. Financial markets data is used in the class. Students are also expected to
learn and use Matlab during the class to implement the concepts of the class.
BMGT 443 Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management (3) Prerequisite: BMGT343. Study
and application of the concepts, methods, models, and empirical findings to the analysis, valuation and
selection of securities, especially common stock.
BMGT 444 Futures and Options Contracts (3) Prerequisite: BMGT343. Credit only granted for:
BMGT444 or MATH424. The institutional features and economic rationale underlying markets in futures
and options. Hedging, speculation, structure of futures prices, interest rate futures, efficiency in futures
markets and stock and commodity options.
BMGT 445 Banking and Financial Institutions (3) Prerequisite: BMGT340. Recommended: ECON330
or BMGT341. Analysis and discussion of cases and readings in commercial bank management. The loan
function is emphasized; also the management of liquidity reserves, investments for income and source of
funds. Bank objectives, functions, policies, organization, structure, services and regulation are considered.
BMGT 446 International Finance (3) Prerequisite: BMGT340. Financial management from the
perspective of the multinational corporation. Topics covered include the organization and functions of
foreign exchange and international capital markets, international capital budgeting, financing foreign
trade and designing a global financing strategy. Emphasis of the course is on how to manage exchange
and political risks while maximizing benefits from global opportunity sets faced by the firm.
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BMGT 447 Computational Finance (3) Prerequisite: BMGT343. Credit only granted for: BMGT447 or
BMGT448E. Formerly: BMGT448E. Students will be introduced to tools for solving financial problems,
specifically Excel functions and techniques, Visual Basic (VBA) Programming and Monte Carlo method
& variations. Students will then apply these tools to solve problems related to options valuation, portfolio
management, and risk management.
BMGT 448 Special Topics in Finance (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Selected advanced
topics in finance.
BMGT 449 Investment Fund Management: Lemma Senbet Fund (3) Prerequisite: BMGT343.
Corequisite: BMGT443. Restriction: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The Lemma Senbet Fund is a year-long, advanced finance
course available to undergraduate finance majors in their senior year. Ten to twelve students will be
selected in the spring of their junior year to participate on the fund, two as portfolio managers and eight to
ten as equity analysts. The course provides students with the opportunity to apply what they have learned
in finance classes to actual investment decisions, through researching real companies and managing a
portfolio of real money.
BMGT 450 Integrated Marketing Communications (3) Prerequisite: BMGT350. Restriction: Must be
in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Credit only granted for: BMGT354 or
BMGT450. Formerly: BMGT354. In-depth study of coordinated marketing activities including
advertising, sales promotion, Internet marketing, direct marketing and personal selling. Emphasizes
strategic planning to effectively use these promotional tools to communicate with customers and meet
marketing goals. Blends theory and current practice to provide managerial orientation.
BMGT 451 Consumer Analysis (3) Prerequisite: BMGT350. Recommended: PSYC100; and PSYC221.
Identifying buyer behavior concepts relevant to a specific marketing problem so that appropriate
marketing decisions can be made. Conceptual frameworks are drawn from psychology, sociology,
economics, and other social sciences to aid in understanding the behavior of ultimate and industrial
BMGT 452 Marketing Research Methods (3) Prerequisite: BMGT350 and BMGT230. Focuses on
aiding marketing decision-making through exploratory, descriptive and casual research. Develops student
skills in designing market research studies, including selection of data collection method, development of
data collection instrument, sample design, collection and statistical analysis of data and reporting the
BMGT 454 Global Marketing (3) Prerequisite: BMGT350. Marketing functions from the global
executive's viewpoint, including coverage of global marketing policies relating to product adaptation, data
collection and analysis, channels of distribution, pricing, communications and cost analysis.
Consideration is given to the cultural, legal, financial and organizational aspects of global marketing.
BMGT 455 Sales Management (3) Prerequisite: BMGT350. The roles of the sales executive as a
planner, manager of resources and marketing functions and recruiter, trainer, motivator and leader of field
sales personnel. Techniques and sequence of problem analysis for selling and sales management decisions
and to the practical framework in which these decisions take place. Teaching vehicles feature strong
classroom interactions, cases, journal articles, research findings, guest sales managers, debates, and
modern company practices.
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BMGT 457 Marketing Policies and Strategies (3) Prerequisite: BMGT350. This capstone course ties
together various marketing concepts using the fundamentals of strategic market planning as the
framework. Application of these principles is accomplished by analyzing and discussing cases and by
playing a marketing strategy computer simulation game. Analysis of current business articles to
understand the link between theory and real-world problem solving.
BMGT 458 Special Topics in Marketing (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected
advanced topics in marketing.
BMGT 461 Entrepreneurship (3) Restriction: Must not have completed BMGT361. Credit only granted
for: BMGT261, BMGT361, BMGT461, ENES460 or HLMN470. Process of creating new ventures,
including evaluating the entrepreneurial team, the opportunity and the financing requirements. Skills,
concepts, mental attitudes and knowledge relevant for starting a new business.
BMGT 463 Cross-cultural Challenges in Business (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert
H. Smith School of Business. Examines in depth the nature of international cultural value-differences and
their behavioral-related effects in the workplace. Topics include decision-making and leadership styles
and reactions to various work assignments and reward structures.
BMGT 465 Business Plan For The New Venture (3) Prerequisite: BMGT461 or BMGT361. Each
student focuses on the production of a business plan that will be accepted for an annual business plan
competition. Business plans of sufficient quality may be submitted to attract financing. Topics include a
deep review of business construction and its derivative short forms.
BMGT 466 Global Business Strategy (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith
School of Business. Focuses on the strategic challenges that directly result from and are associated with
the globalization of industries and companies. Topics include drivers of industry globalization, difference
between global and multi-domestic industry, global expansion strategies, sources of competitive
advantage in a global context, and coordination of a company across a global network.
BMGT 468 Special Topics in Management and Organization (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Selected advanced topics in management and organization.
BMGT 469 Management and Organization Short-term Study Abroad (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs. Selected short-term study abroad topics in management and organization.
BMGT 470 Carrier Management (3) Prerequisite: BMGT370. The study of the wide range of issues
facing managers in transportation. This includes decisions on market entry, pricing, competitive
responses, service levels, marketing strategies, capital structure, and growth objectives. Specific
management decisions and overall strategies pursued by management are examined.
BMGT 471 Seminar in Supply Chain Management: An Executive Perspective (3) Prerequisite:
BMGT372. Formerly: BMGT488L and BMGT498L. Designed to provide students intensive interaction
with senior supply chain executives from a cross-section of industries. Executives will share their insights
about leading competitive supply chains in the global marketplace and assist students in understanding
how to develop supply chain career strategies. Students will research the competitive supply chain
dynamics of each executive's industry and review/analyze their findings with the executive.
BMGT 472 Purchasing and Inbound Logistics (3) Prerequisite: BMGT372. Analysis of the resupply
activities of logistics management, including purchasing policies, transportation planning, and inventory
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control. Attention is directed toward total cost minimization and the establishment of a sustainable
competitive advantage based on procurement.
BMGT 476 Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management (3) Prerequisite: BMGT372. An
understanding of the role of technology in managing the supply chain. Provides students with hands-on
experience in advanced software systems that build on top of enterprise resource planning systems. Major
emphasis is placed on demonstrating that these systems result in supply chain cost reductions and service
BMGT 477 International Supply Chain Management (3) The study of the importance of the supply
chain management within a global context. Topics covered include: the structure, service, pricing and
competitive relationships among international carriers and transport intermediaries as well as
documentation, location decisions, international sourcing/distribution and management of inventory
throughout the international supply chain.
BMGT 478 Special Topics in Supply Chain Management (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Additional information: Course prerequisites will vary depending on the topic. A maximum of 3 credits
of BMGT478 course work can fulfill Supply Chain Management major requirements. Selected advanced
topics in supply chain management.
BMGT 484 Digital Marketing (3) Prerequisite: BMGT350. Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-
Robert H. Smith School of Business. Examines the process of developing, implementing, and analyzing
strategies for successfully marketing a variety of existing and potential products and services through
digital means, including the web, social media, and mobile apps. Both the development and analysis of
digital media for marketing will be discussed.
BMGT 485 Project Management (3) Prerequisite: BMGT231 or BMGT230; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-
Robert H. Smith School of Business. Modern project management techniques that are used by modern
practicing professionals will be covered. Particular attention is given to the management of technology
based systems and projects in a business enterprise. The topics covered include: defining project scope,
alignment of projects with enterprise strategy, managing project cost, time and risks using tools such as
CPM/PERT, and measuring project performance.
BMGT 487 Six Sigma Innovation (3) Prerequisite: STAT400, BMGT231, BMGT230, or ENME392.
Enhances the overall understanding of Six Sigma Strategy, Tools and Methods to positively influence the
performance of a business process, a product or service. Highlights the application of Define-Measure-
Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC),Design For Six Sigma (DFSS), and the pursuit of Critical to Quality
criteria (CTQ's) in a collaborative perspective, one that recognizes a balance between efficiency, and
effectiveness and between statistical analysis and statistical thinking.
BMGT 488 Special Topics in Logistics, Business, and Public Policy (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Selected advanced topics in logistics, business and public policy.
BMGT 490 Quest Consulting and Innovation Practicum (4) Prerequisite: ENES390 or BMGT390.
Also offered as: ENES490. Credit only granted for: BMGT490 or ENES490. Final course in the QUEST
Honors Fellows Program three-course curriculum. Based on a team-based consulting project with one of
QUEST's professional partners. A project advisor and professional champion supervise each student
team. Requires extensive out-of-class work.
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BMGT 491 Defining Consulting and Innovation Projects (3) Prerequisite: BMGT190 or ENES190.
Restriction: Restricted to QUEST Program (TQMP) students. Also offered as: ENES491. Credit only
granted for: BMGT491, ENES491 or BMGT438D. Formerly: BMGT438D. Cultivate relationships with
new and current corporate partners and prepare project scopes for QUEST's capstone course,
BMGT/ENES 490H. Requires independent work communicating with clients and class visits to a variety
of potential project sites.
BMGT 493 Honors Study (3) Restriction: Permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business.
First semester of the senior year. The course is designed for honors students who have elected to conduct
intensive study (independent or group). The student will work under the direct guidance of a faculty
advisor and the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies. They shall determine that the area of study is of
a scope and intensity deserving of a candidate's attention. Formal written and/or oral reports on the study
may be required by the faculty advisor.
BMGT 494 Honors Study (3) Prerequisite: BMGT493. Restriction: Permission of BMGT-Robert H.
Smith School of Business; and must be in the Smith School Honors Fellows program. Second semester of
the senior year. The student shall continue and complete the research initiated in BMGT 493, additional
reports may be required at the discretion of the faculty advisor and Assistant Dean of Undergraduate
BMGT 495 Strategic Management (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith
School of Business. A case-based course where students learn to play the role of the "strategic manager"
who defines the scope of its business operations and, within the chosen scope, how the firm will compete
against rivals. This course focuses on how a firm can both formulate effective business-level and
corporate-level strategies to achieve competitive advantage and earn above average profits.
BMGT 496 Business Ethics and Society (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in BMGT; or permission of BMGT-
Robert H. Smith School of Business. A study of the standards of business conduct, morals and values as
well as the role of business in society with consideration of the sometimes conflicting interests of and
claims on the firm and its objectives. Emphasizes a strategic approach by business to the management of
its external environment.
BMGT 497 Strategic Management for Non Business Majors (2) Restriction: Must be admitted to the
Minor in General Business or the Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; and must not be a major in
the R.H. Smith School of Business. Additional information: Course does not apply toward a Smith School
degree. Focuses on how a firm can both formulate and implement effective business-level and corporate-
level strategies to achieve competitive advantage and earn above average profits
BMGT 498 Special Topics in Business and Management (3) Restriction: Permission of BMGT-Robert
H. Smith School of Business. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Special topics in business and
management designed to meet the changing needs and interests of students and faculty.
BMGT 499 Advanced Business Topics (1) Restriction: Must be in a major in BMGT-Robert H. Smith
School of Business. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Course will delve deeply into a specific
business topic. Based on experience and knowledge from undergraduate core business classes, students
will examine a particular subject from various angles.
BSCI -- Biological Sciences Program
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BSCI 103 The World of Biology (4) Additional information: Not acceptable for degree requirements in
Biological Sciences, Chemistry, or Biochemistry. An introduction to modern biology for the non-science
major. Major themes include molecular biology, cell biology, evolution and organismal biology.
Relevance of study of biology to modern human life will be emphasized.
BSCI 120 Insects (3) A survey of the major groups of insects, their natural history, and their relationships
with humans and their environment. Course not acceptable toward major requirements in Biological
Sciences, Chemistry or Biochemistry.
BSCI 121 Beekeeping (2) Additional information: Course not acceptable toward major requirements in
Biological Sciences, Chemistry or Biochemistry. A study of the life history, behavior and seasonal
activities of the honeybee, its place in pollination of flowers with emphasis on plants of economic
importance and bee lore in literature.
BSCI 124 Plant Biology for Non-Science Students (3) Restriction: For non-science majors only; and
must not have completed BSCI105; and must not have completed BSCI170 or BSCI171. Additional
information: CORE Life Sciences Lab (LL) Course only when taken concurrently with BSCI 125. A
basic course in plant biology specifically designed for the non-science student. Emphasis is placed on an
evolutionary and ecological approach to studying fundamental concepts and processes of plants, their
place in the biosphere, the importance of plants to man, and the manner in which humans impact on plants
and their environment. This course will not count toward graduation requirements for any student in
Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Biochemistry or the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
BSCI 125 Plant Biology Laboratory (1) Corequisite: BSCI124. Restriction: For non-science majors
only; and must not have completed BSCI105; and must not have completed BSCI170 or BSCI171. Credit
only granted for: BSCI105, BSCI170, or BSCI125. Additional information: CORE Life Sciences Lab
(LL) Course only when taken concurrently with BSCI 125. An introduction to the biology of plants with
emphasis on the processes by which plants function, the diversity of plants, and the importance of plants
to humans. This course will not count toward graduation requirements for any student in Biological
Sciences, Chemistry, Biochemistry or the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. CORE Lab
BSCI 126 Pollinators in Crisis (3) We will dissect the pollinator crisis, and in the process learn about
insects, about the interaction of organisms in complex ecosystems, and about the human-nature interface.
Students will work in groups that specialize in an aspect of pollinator biology and their challenges.
Instruction will target methods for collecting information, interpretation of scientific information and the
professional presentation of findings.
BSCI 135 Amazing Green: Plants that Transformed the World (4) An interactive way to learn about
plants and science, focusing on how plants have changed human history, the biology of their growth, and
the science behind their use.
BSCI 160 Principles of Ecology and Evolution (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of
MATH120 or higher. Restriction: For Science Majors. Credit only granted for: BSCI106 or BSCI160.
Formerly: BSCI106. Basic principles of biology with special emphasis on ecological and evolutionary
BSCI 161 Principles of Ecology and Evolution Lab (1) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of
MATH120 or higher. Corequisite: BSCI160. Restriction: For Science majors. Basic laboratory principles
of biology with special emphasis on ecological and evolutionary biology.
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BSCI 170 Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of
MATH120 or higher. Recommended: For Science majors. Credit only granted for: BSCI105 or BSCI170.
Formerly: BSCI105. Basic principles of biology with special emphasis on cellular and molecular biology.
BSCI 171 Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Must have math
eligibility of MATH120 or higher. Corequisite: BSCI170. Recommended: For Science majors. Basic
laboratory principles of biology with special emphasis on cellular and molecular biology.
BSCI 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4) Prerequisite: BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Anatomy and
physiology of the skeletal, muscular, neural, endocrine, and sensory systems. Course not acceptable
toward major requirements in Biological Sciences, Chemistry or Biochemistry.
BSCI 202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4) Prerequisite: BSCI201; or permission of CMNS-
Biology department. Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, digestive,
urinary and reproductive systems. Course not acceptable toward major requirements in Biological
Sciences, Chemistry or Biochemistry.
BSCI 205 Environmental Science (3) Additional information: Course not acceptable to degree
requirements in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, or Biochemistry. Basic ecological principles as they
relate to the ecological dilemmas of overpopulation, pollution, increasing consumption of natural
resources, and deteriorating land use ethics facing mankind today.
BSCI 206 Chesapeake: A Living Resource (3) Credit only granted for: BSCI206 or BSCI373. The
living resources of the Chesapeake Bay from an ecosystem perspective. Designed for non-science majors,
it will acquaint students with the Bay's watershed, its physical environment, and its living organisms, with
an emphasis on the connections between these factors. Understanding the relationships between physical,
chemical and biological processes will equip students to comprehend and appreciate the remarkable
productivity of our estuary, as well as provide them with the knowledge needed to protect the Bay.
Course not acceptable toward major requirements in the College of Chemistry and Life Sciences.
BSCI 207 Principles of Biology III - Organismal Biology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or
BSCI106. And BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105. And must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in CHEM131. The diversity, structure and function of organisms as understood from the
perspective of their common physicochemical principles and unique evolutionary histories.
BSCI 215 Global Sustainability: A Biologist's Perspective (3) Credit only granted for: BSCI205 or
BSCI215. An overview of basic ecological and evolutionary principles and how they relate to current
global dilemmas such as overpopulation, pollution, preservation of biodiversity, and the ethics involved
in these dilemmas.
BSCI 222 Principles of Genetics (4) Prerequisite: CHEM131 and CHEM132; and (BSCI160 and
BSCI161; or BSCI106); and (BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105). Or must have completed BSCI105 or
(BSCI170 and BSCI171); and two semesters of chemistry. Principles and mechanisms of heredity and
gene expression. Considers plant, animal, and microbial organisms.
BSCI 223 General Microbiology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105. Fundamental
concepts in morphology, physiology, genetics, immunology, ecology, and pathogenic microbiology.
Applications of microbiology to medicine, the food industry and biotechnology.
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BSCI 258 College Park Scholars Internship (1-3) Restriction: For College Park Scholars - Life
Sciences students only. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Additional information: Course not
acceptable towards in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, or Biochemistry. Credit to be determined by CPS
Director. Must be completed by end of sophomore year.
BSCI 279 Supplemental Study (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG
Program. Repeatable to 6 credits. Research or special study to complement a course taken previously
which is not fully equivalent to current departmental requirements. Credit according to work done.
BSCI 283 Principles of Microbiology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI207 and BSCI222. Credit only granted for:
BSCI223 or BSCI283. Additional information: Priority given to BSCI, BCHM and CHEM majors.
Introduction to microorganisms designed for science majors. Genetic principles underlying microbial
abilities; microbial structure-function relationships; metabolism, physiology, and ecology of
microorganisms; interactions between microorganisms (including pathogens) and their hosts.
BSCI 288 Internship (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program.
Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Additional information: Does not satisfy Biological Sciences
major requirements. An individual experience arranged by the student with the instructor.
BSCI 289 Off-Campus Internship (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG
Program. Repeatable to 5 credits if content differs. Additional information: Course not acceptable toward
major requirements in the Biological Sciences. Elective credit for formally established off-campus
research internship. Permission of Director of Outreach required.
BSCI 328 Special Topics in Entomology (1-4) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Lectures,
seminars, mini-courses and other special instruction in various entomological subjects.
BSCI 329 Instructional Assistance Practicum (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological
Sciences UG Program. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Additional information: Course not
acceptable toward major requirements in the Biological Sciences. Students serve as instructional
assistants in selected undergraduate biology courses. Roles and responsibilities are determined on a
course- specific basis and approved by the College Undergraduate Program Committee.
BSCI 330 Cell Biology and Physiology (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM131 and
CHEM132. And minimum grade of C- in BSCI170 and BSCI171; or minimum grade of C- in BSCI105.
Restriction: Must not have completed BSCI230. Credit only granted for: BSCI230 or BSCI330. Formerly:
BSCI230. Biochemical and physiological mechanisms underlying cellular function. Properties of cells
which make life possible and mechanisms by which cells provide energy, reproduce, and regulate and
integrate with each other and their environment.
BSCI 333 Principles of Paleontology (4) Prerequisite: GEOL102; or (BSCI207 or BSCI392); or
permission of CMNS-Geology department. Also offered as: GEOL331. Credit only granted for: GEOL
331 or BSCI 333. A review of the theory, principles, and applications of Paleontology. A systematic
overview of the morphology, evolution, and relationships of the major fossil-producing taxa.
BSCI 334 Mammalogy (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI207. And minimum grade of C-
in BSCI160 and BSCI161; or minimum grade of C- in BSCI106. Introduction to the biology of mammals,
including evolution, physiological, and behavioral specializations.
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BSCI 335 Mammalogy Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI160 and BSCI161;
or minimum grade of C- in BSCI106. And minimum grade of C- in BSCI207; and must have completed
or be concurrently enrolled in BSCI334. Lab and field techniques for the study of mammals, focusing on
their identification, anatomy, histology, spatial distribution, ecology, and behavior.
BSCI 337 Biology of Insects (4) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106; or permission of
CMNS-Entomology department. An overview of the biology, evolution and diversity of insects and their
relatives. Insect morphology, physiology, behavior and ecology; the impact of insects on humanity and
the management of pest insect populations; assembly of an insect collection is required.
BSCI 338 Special Topics in Biology (1-4) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Lectures, seminars,
mini-courses and other special instruction in various biological subjects.
BSCI 339 Selected Topics in Biology (1-4) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biology department.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Lectures, seminars, and other selected instruction courses in
various biological subject matter.
BSCI 342 Biology of Reproduction (3) Prerequisite: BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105; or permission
of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program. Also offered as: WMST326. Credit only granted for:
BSCI342 or WMST326. The biology of the reproductive system with emphasis on mammals and, in
particular, on human reproduction. Hormone actions, sperm production, ovulation, sexual differentiation,
sexual behavior, contraception, pregnancy, lactation, maternal behavior, and menopause.
BSCI 348 Special Topics in Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics (1-4) Presentation and discussion of
special subjects in the field of cell biology and molecular genetics. A maximum of three credit hours of
BSCI 348 may be applied to major.
BSCI 353 Principles of Neuroscience (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(BSCI207, BSCI330). Corequisite: PHYS122, PHYS142, or PHYS132. Principles of nervous system
function, ranging from molecular and cellular basis of neuron function through nervous system
BSCI 360 Principles of Animal Behavior (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. And
BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105. And BSCI222. Study of animal behavior with emphasis on its
evolution and function. Topics include genetic basis of behavior, communication, aggression, foraging,
cooperation, mate selection, and relevance for conservation.
BSCI 361 Principles of Ecology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. And (MATH130
or MATH140). Basic principles of population, community, and ecosystem ecology. Use of these
principles to predict possible consequences of human-caused changes in the environment and to
understand the level of uncertainty of those predictions.
BSCI 362 Ecology of Marsh and Dune Vegetation (2) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or
BSCI106. An examination of the biology of higher plants in dune and marsh ecosystems.
BSCI 363 The Biology of Conservation and Extinction (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or
BSCI106. Ecology, evolutionary biology, and paleontology will be applied to the study of conservation,
species invasions, and extinction.
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BSCI 364 Conservation Biology Lab (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled
in BSCI363. Credit only granted for: BSCI 338Q or BSCI 364. Formerly: BSCI 338Q. Understanding and
applying principles, practices and common tools of conservation biology. Synthesizing and applying
ecological and socioeconomic knowledge to conservation issues.
BSCI 370 Principles of Evolution (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. Understanding
evolutionary processes in a natural and human environment, including adaptation; DNA sequence,
protein, and genome evolution; evolution of developmental mechanisms; mechanisms of evolutionary
change (mutation, natural selection, drift); epidemiology; coevolution and biological control; speciation;
comparative methods; extinction and conservation; human evolution.
BSCI 373 Natural History of the Chesapeake Bay (3) Prerequisite: 3 credits in BSCI courses; or
permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program. Also offered as: ENST373. Credit only granted
for: BSCI206, BSCI373, or ENST373. Consideration of the major groups of organisms associated with
the Chesapeake Bay and current issues that determine humans' present and future uses for the Chesapeake
and its biota.
BSCI 375 Biological Oceanography (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106.
Fundamentals of biological processes in the world's oceans; emphasizes ecology of marine organisms and
how ocean chemistry and ocean circulation influence biological processes such as production, dispersal,
and food chain dynamics.
BSCI 378H Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Department Honors Seminar (1) Required seminar
for all students participating in departmental honors research program.
BSCI 379 Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Department Research (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission
of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program. This course is arranged to provide qualified majors an
opportunity to pursue research problems under the supervision of a member of the department.
BSCI 379H Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Department Honors Research (1-4) Student should
consult program guidelines. Research project carried out under guidance of faculty advisor.
BSCI 389 Entomology Department Research (1-2) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological
Sciences UG Program. Credit to be determined by the department. Should be taken during the junior year.
Investigations of assigned entomological problems. No more than 4 credit hours of BSCI389 may be
applied to the 120 credit hours needed for the Bachelor's degree.
BSCI 389H Entomology Department Honors Research (1-2)
BSCI 392 Biology of Extinct Animals (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. A survey
of extinct animals that have few, if any, direct living descendants. The principles governing the functional
design of animals will be used to infer life styles for extinct, and frequently bizarre, organisms.
BSCI 393 Biology of Extinct Animals Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in BSCI392. An overview of the techniques used in paleobiological reconstructions
of extinct animals.
BSCI 394 Vertebrate Form and Function (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. And
BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105. And (BSCI207 or BSCI330). Comparative functional anatomy of
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vertebrates in the context of adaptation to their environments. The vertebrate body and its systems will be
considered in terms of structure, physiology, evolution, and embryonic development.
BSCI 398H Biology Department Honors Seminar (1) Required seminar for all students participating in
departmental honors research program.
BSCI 399 Biology Department Research (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences
UG Program. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Repeatable to 8 credits if content differs.
Research and/or integrated reading in biology under the direction and close supervision of a member of
the faculty.
BSCI 399H Biology Department Honors Research (1-2) A laboratory research problem; required each
semester during honors participation and culminating in an honors thesis.
BSCI 401 Animal Communication (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. And must
have completed one semester of physics; and must have completed one semester of organic chemistry.
Recommended: A course in animal behavior or biopsychology. Credit only granted for: BSCI401, BSCI
338W or BIOL 708W. Formerly: BSCI338W. Examining the mechanisms by which animal produce and
receive signals in each sensory modality; and quantifying the type and amount of information conveyed in
signals and how animals attend to such information.
BSCI 402 Genomics of Sensory Systems (3) Prerequisite: BSCI222; or permission of instructor. Credit
only granted for: BSCI338C or BSCI402. Formerly: BSCI338C. An advanced course covering topics on
the molecular basis of senses and the application of genomic techniques to studies of sensory systems &
sensory ecology.
BSCI 403 Biology of Vision (3) Prerequisite: BSCI207. Recommended: BSCI222. Credit only granted
for: BSCI 338V or BSCI 403. Formerly: BSCI 338V. An upper level undergraduate course on the
physical, molecular, and neural basis of vision.
BSCI 404 Cell Biology from a Biophysical Perspective (3) Prerequisite: BSCI330. Recommended:
PHYS121 and PHYS122; or completion of PHYS131 and PHYS132 recommended. Also offered as:
BIOL704, BIPH704. Credit only granted for: BSCI338O, BSCI404, BIOL704, BIOL708O, or BIPH704.
Formerly: BSCI338O. An approach to cell biology by focusing on mechanisms and unifying physical
paradigms. It will not assume a great deal of factual biological knowledge, but will expect a background
that prepares students to think mechanistically and quantitatively.
BSCI 405 Population and Evolutionary Genetics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI222;
and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH131, MATH141). Also offered as: BIOL709.
Credit only granted for: BSCI405, BSCI339J, or BIOL709C. Formerly: BSCI339J. Genetic variation
within a population provides the basis for future evolution as well as a record of past evolution. The
genomics revolution provides data on this variation that, together with mathematical models, allow us to
read this record to reconstruct evolutionary trajectories. Examples will focus on hominin and pathogen
evolution. In the lab, students will use models to explore how genetic variation (allele frequencies)
changes over time and space.
BSCI 410 Molecular Genetics (3) Prerequisite: BSCI222. And must have completed CHEM233; or
(CHEM231 and CHEM232). An advanced genetics course emphasizing the molecular basis of gene
structure and function in the context of modern approaches to the genetics of humans and model
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BSCI 411 Bioinformatics and Integrated Genomics (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
BSCI222. Recommended: BSCI410. Credit only granted for: BSCI380 or BSCI411. Formerly: BSCI380.
Computational methods for the study of biological sequence data in comparative biology and evolution.
Analysis of genome content and organization. Database searching, pairwise and multiple sequence
alignment, phylogenetic, methods, pattern recognition, and functional inference. Functional and
comparative genomics approaches.
BSCI 412 Microbial Genetics (4) Prerequisite: BSCI223 and BSCI222. A laboratory/lecture based
course that covers the fundamentals of mutation, mobile genetic elements and transmission genetics of
microbial organisms using both classical and molecular approaches.
BSCI 413 Recombinant DNA (3) Prerequisite: BSCI330, BSCI223, or BSCI230; and BSCI222.
Formerly: ZOOL452. An advanced course presenting the tools and procedures of genetic engineering.
Theory and practical applications of recombinant DNA techniques to understanding eukaryotic gene
structure and expression.
BSCI 414 Recombinant DNA Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: BSCI222. An advanced course offering
hands-on experience in performing recombinant DNA experiments. All current molecular biology
techniques used for cloning prokaryotic genes, analyzing the gene products, and modifying the genes will
be performed. Techniques include isolation of DNA, use of restriction enzymes; cloning procedures, PCR
analysis, and Southern hybridizations. Lecture material focuses on interpretation of results generated in
the laboratory.
BSCI 415 Molecular Genetics Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in BSCI410. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: BSCI348G or
BSCI415. Formerly: BSCI348G. Problem solving laboratory organized around extended projects that
employ different approaches toward linking gene and function.
BSCI 416 Human Genetics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI410. Recommended:
BSCI330. Approaches to human genetics and applications to biology and medicine focusing on specific
human genetic topics using primary research papers as the main resource.
BSCI 417 Microbial Pathogenesis (3) Prerequisite: BSCI223 and BSCI222. Restriction: Junior standing
or higher. Credit only granted for: BSCI348M or BSCI417. Formerly: BSCI348M. Current research in
microbial pathogenesis and the molecular and cellular basis of bacterial disease. Comprehensive overview
of the molecular basis of pathogenesis with a focus on model microbial systems to illustrate mechanisms
of disease pathogenesis. Topics covered: how microorganisms attach to and enter cells; how host cells are
damaged by microbial products; how the host responds to invasion; and host-pathogen evolution.
BSCI 420 Cell Biology Lectures (3) Prerequisite: BSCI330, BSCI222, CHEM231, and CHEM232.
Credit only granted for: BSCI420 or BSCI421. Molecular and biochemical bases of cellular organization
and function in eukaryotes.
BSCI 421 Cell Biology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI330, BSCI222, CHEM231, and CHEM232. Credit only
granted for: BSCI420 or BSCI421. Molecular and biochemical basis of cellular organization and function
in eukaryotes.
BSCI 422 Principles of Immunology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI223 and BSCI222. Recommended:
BSCI330. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. The immune system in health and disease. Presentation
and analysis of the cellular and molecular processes that comprise the immune system.
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BSCI 423 Immunology Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: BSCI223 and BSCI222. Corequisite: BSCI422.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Current techniques for assessment of immune status and evaluation
of the immune response, including monoclonal antibody production, Western blotting, cytokine assays,
ELISA and flow cytometry.
BSCI 424 Pathogenic Microbiology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI223. The role of bacteria and fungi in the
diseases of humans with emphasis upon the differentiation and culture of microorganisms, types of
disease, modes of disease transmission, prophylactic, therapeutic, and epidemiological aspects.
BSCI 425 Epidemiology and Public Health (3) Prerequisite: BSCI223. History, characteristic features
of epidemiology; the important responsibilities of public health; vital statistics.
BSCI 426 Membrane Biophysics (3) Prerequisite: BSCI330; and (PHYS142, PHYS122, or PHYS132);
and (MATH130 or MATH140). Quantitative aspects of biology and the use of mathematical descriptions
of biological phenomena. The focus will be on membrane structure, transport, and bioenergetics.
BSCI 427 Principles of Microscopy (2) Prerequisite: BSCI421. An introduction to optical principles that
underlie light and electron microscopic image formation. Brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast,
differential interference contrast, fluorescence and polarized light microscopy. Comparison of light and
electron microscopy. The application of these techniques to problems in biological research.
BSCI 430 Developmental Biology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI222 and BSCI330. Structural, functional and
regulatory events and mechanisms that operate during development to produce an integrated,
multicellular organism composed of a multitude of differentiated cell types.
BSCI 433 Biology of Cancer (3) Prerequisite: BSCI222 and BSCI330; or permission of CMNS-
Biological Sciences UG Program. Causes and consequences of neoplastic transformations at the
biochemical and cellular levels.
BSCI 434 Mammalian Histology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI330 and BSCI440; or permission of CMNS-
Biological Sciences UG Program. A study of the microscopic anatomy, ultrastructure and histophysiology
of tissues and organs of mammals.
BSCI 437 General Virology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI222; or permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences
UG Program. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Discussion of the physical and chemical nature of
viruses, virus cultivation and assay methods, virus replication, viral diseases with emphasis on the
oncogenic viruses, viral genetics, and characteristics of the major virus groups.
BSCI 440 Mammalian Physiology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI330; and (CHEM231 and CHEM232; or must
have completed CHEM233). Or permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program. A study of the
cardiovascular, hemopoietic, gastrointestinal, renal and respiratory systems. Chemical and endocrine
regulation of physiological functions in mammals. Course does not count as an upper level lab for BIOL
majors (see BSCI441).
BSCI 441 Mammalian Physiology Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in BSCI440. Laboratory exercises in experimental mammalian physiology.
BSCI 442 Plant Physiology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105; or PLSC201. And
CHEM231 and CHEM232; or CHEM237; or permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program.
Restriction: Must not have completed ENST407; or must not have completed PLSC400. Also offered as:
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PLSC400. Credit only granted for: BSCI442 or PLSC400. A survey of plant physiology and development
and responses and adaptation to the environment
BSCI 443 Microbial Physiology (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI223. And minimum
grade of C- in BCHM461; or minimum grade of C- in BCHM463. Microbial cellular and population
growth. Fermentation metabolism, physiology of anaerobiosis, and energy conservation and
transformation in bacterial membranes. Efficiency of energy utilization for growth. Membrane structure
and transport. Bacterial chemotaxis. Regulation of bacterial chromosome replication, RNA and protein
synthesis. Control of metabolic pathways.
BSCI 446 Neural Systems (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI330 and BSCI353. Neural
development, followed by sensory, motor and integrative system organization in the central nervous
system.Sponsoring Dept. (BIOL) Specialization Areas: PHNB, GENB.
BSCI 447 General Endocrinology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI330, CHEM241, and CHEM242. Functions
and dysfunctions of the endocrine system with special reference to mammals.
BSCI 452 Diseases of the Nervous System (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI330; and
minimum grade of C- in BSCI353. Also offered as: NACS728, BIOL708. Credit only granted for:
BSCI452, BSCI338N, BIOL708E, or NACS728N. Formerly: BSCI338N. An advanced course covering
the neuroanatomy, function, and organization of the nervous system and its implication for pathology and
BSCI 453 Cellular Neurophysiology (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI330, CHEM231,
CHEM232, and PHYS122. The cellular and molecular basis of nervous system function.
BSCI 454 Neurobiology Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI330; and must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in BSCI353; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled
in PHYS122, PHYS132, or PHYS142. Basic neuroanatomical techniques, intracellular and extracellular
recordings of electrical potentials from nerve and muscle.
BSCI 460 Plant Ecology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. The dynamics of
populations as affected by environmental factors with special emphasis on the structure and composition
of natural plant communities, both terrestrial and aquatic.
BSCI 461 Plant Ecology Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled
in BSCI460. Two or three field trips per semester. The application of field and experimental methods to
the qualitative and quantitative study of vegetation and ecosystems.
BSCI 462 Population Ecology (3) Prerequisite: MATH130. And BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106.
Theory of population growth and regulation, life tables, and theory of competition and predation,
evolution in ecological settings, community structure and dynamics.
BSCI 463 Laboratory and Field Ecology (2) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in BSCI462; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in a course in statistics.
Laboratory and field exercises involving problems of contemporary ecological interest; population
density regulation, community structure, and spatial pattern diversity in both terrestrial and aquatic
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BSCI 464 Microbial Ecology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI223 and CHEM241. And must have completed
CHEM243; or CHEM242. Interaction of microorganisms with the environment, other microorganisms
and with higher organisms. Roles of microorganisms in the biosphere. Microorganisms and current
environmental problems.
BSCI 465 Behavioral Ecology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. And BSCI222.
How natural and social environments shape individual behavior. The influence of evolution on patterns of
individual adaptation. Use of the evolutionary paradigm to investigate specific problems in animal and
human behavior.
BSCI 467 Freshwater Biology (4) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program.
Biology and ecology of freshwater invertebrates in lotic and lentic habitats, their adaptation to aquatic
life, their function in aquatic ecosystems, and their relationship to environmental deterioration.
Laboratory will include field trips, demonstrations, and identifications.
BSCI 471 Molecular Evolution (3) Prerequisite: BSCI222; or permission of CMNS-Biology
department. Patterns of DNA sequence variation within and between species, caused by nucleotide
changes and the movement of transposable elements. Theories of molecular evolution, such as the neutral
theory. Molecular clock hypothesis: its importance as a practical empirical tool in molecular genetics and
systematics and its theoretical foundation.
BSCI 472 Evolutionary Biology of Plants (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. And
BSCI222. Evolution in plant populations. The pace, pattern, and mechanisms of evolution will be
discussed within a genetic and ecological framework. Some emphasis will be placed on processes that are
unique to the evolution of plants.
BSCI 473 Marine Ecology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI207. Courses in evolution and animal behavior are
strongly recommended. A detailed analysis of the evolutionary ecology of marine invertebrates; emphasis
on testing of theories and on current literature.
BSCI 480 Arthropod Form and Function (4) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Entomology (AGNR).
Survey of the morphological, systematic and physiological diversity of the phylum Arthropoda.
BSCI 481 Insect Diversity and Classification (4) Prerequisite: BSCI337. The techniques of collecting
insects in the field and their classification into the latest hierarchical scheme. Field trips will visit habitats
throughout the state. An insect collection is required.
BSCI 483 Medical and Veterinary Entomology (4) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological
Sciences UG Program. A study of the morphology, taxonomy, biology and control of the arthropod
parasites and disease vectors of man and animals. The ecology and behavior of vectors in relation to
disease transmission will be emphasized.
BSCI 485 Protozoology (4) Prerequisite: Must have completed one year of biology. Basic conceptual
treatment of free-living and parasitic protozoan functional morphology, life history, and systematics. The
laboratory will stress observations of protozoa, living and stained, collected from diverse habits.
BSCI 488 Summer Biology Institutes (1-8) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG
Program. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs.
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BSCI 493 Medicinal and Poisonous Plants (3) Prerequisite: (BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105); and
must have completed CHEM233. Or 4 credits in BSCI courses. A study of plants important to humans
that have medicinal or poisonous properties. Emphasis on plant source, plant description, the active agent
and its beneficial or detrimental physiological action and effects.
BSCI 494 Animal-Plant Interactions (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. And
permission of CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program. Theoretical, conceptual and applied aspects of
the ecological interactions between plants and animals.
BSCI 497 Insect Pests of Ornamentals and Turf (4) The recognition, biology and management of
insects and mites injurious to ornamental shrubs, trees, greenhouse crops, and turf. Emphasis on
Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
BSCV 181 Civicus Student and the University (1) Restriction: Freshman standing; and must be in the
Civicus program. Credit only granted for: BSOS181 or BSCV181. Formerly: BSOS181. Knowledge and
skills designed to utilize CIVICUS to enhance the college experience and preparation for civic
BSCV 182 Civicus and Service-Learning (1) Prerequisite: BSCV191 and BSCV181; and must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in SOCY105. Restriction: Must be in the Civicus program. Credit
only granted for: BSOS182 or BSCV182. Formerly: BSOS182. Students will examine domestic societal
issues and their national, regional, and local dimensions from political, economic, and policy
perspectives. Students will work with local direct service non-profit organizations.
BSCV 191 Introduction to Civicus (3) Restriction: Must be in the Civicus program. Credit only granted
for: BSCV191 or BSOS191. Formerly: BSOS191. An introduction to the social and historical foundations
of a civil society. An examination of the roles of individuals, groups, social institutions and community
BSCV 301 Leadership in a Multicultural Society (3) Prerequisite: BSCV191, SOCY105, and
BSCV181. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Credit only granted for: BSOS301 or BSCV301.
Formerly: BSOS301. A study and application of skills, historical context, theories, and concepts for
constructive leadership in a pluralistic, multicultural, and diverse society. Social science methodologies
and theories will provide the structure for the study of contemporary social problems, civil society issues,
and leadership practices.
BSCV 302 Civicus Capstone (3) Prerequisite: BSCV301. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
Credit only granted for: BSOS302 or BSCV302. Formerly: BSOS302. Capstone course required for
CIVICUS citation. Supervised internship, community service, or research project on civil society topic.
Application and continued study of skills and concepts, grounded in the social sciences, relevant to
understanding and effectively dealing with contemporary social issues.
BSCV 309 Civicus Seminar (1) Repeatable to 5 credits if content differs. Review and analysis of
contemporary social issues.
BSGC -- Global Communities
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BSGC 100 The Student in the University: Global Communities (1) Restriction: Must be enrolled in
Global Communities Living-Learning Program. By Permission Only (BPO). Students will develop a
sense of community within the program, become familiar with campus resources, gain skills and
information to prepare for the Global Experience Semester, and explore the surrounding international
BSGC 101 Globalization (3) Restriction: Must be in Global Communities Living-Learning program. An
interdisciplinary exploration of the historical evolution and contemporary significance of growing
interconnectedness in the world. We debate different perspectives on globalization and its impact on
social, political, economic and cultural issues.
BSGC 102 Global Issues (3) Prerequisite: BSGC101. Restriction: Must be in Global Communities
Living-Learning program. A survey of some of the major global challenges facing society today, such as
human trafficking, nuclear security, and global health. We explore contending approaches to resolving
problems, culminating in a major group project.
BSGC 302 BSGC 302 Capstone: Global Connections (1) Restriction: Must be in Global Communities
Living-Learning program. By permission only (BPO). Additional information: This course is limited to
second-year students in the Global Communities Living-Learning Program who have completed or are in
the midst of completing their Global Experience requirement. Final component of the Global
Communities curriculum. The course connects the global experience with previous BSGC coursework.
BSGC 338 Global Service Abroad (3) Restriction: Permission of Global Communities Living and
Learning Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Additional information: Prior knowledge of
the language of the host country is preferred but not required. The course is open to ALL majors, with
preference given to Global Communities students. Community service is a valuable response to social
problems faced by marginalized populations. How do we perform valuable and effective service in an
international setting? This course is designed to enable students to be thoughtful providers of international
service. Students will be introduced to existing responses to social problems and will work to formulate
their own individual and collective responses. BSGC 338 was developed with funding from the UMD
Stamp Service-Learning Fellowship.
BSGC 386 Experiential Learning in Global Communities: Global Internship (1-3) Restriction: Must
be in Global Communities Living-Learning program. Credit only granted for: BSGC398E or BSGC386.
Formerly: BSGC398E. Experiential Learning in Global Communities: Global Internship, will give
students an opportunity to connect theory with practice.
BSGC 398 BSGC Experiential Learning in Global Communities: Global Service (3) Restriction:
Must be in Global Communities Living-Learning program. By permission only (BPO). Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Additional information: - Open to students enrolled in the Global Communities
Living-Learning Program. Experiential learning is an integral element of the Global Communities
program. Students will gain an understanding of social issues in marginalized communities, engage in
service-learning, and develop an action plan for civic engagement in a diverse global society.
BSGC 399 Topical Investigations in Global Communities (1-3) Restriction: Must be a current student
in Global Communities Living and Learning Program; and permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Additional information: Contact department for information to register for this
course. Variable from 1-3 credits and repeatable up to 6 if content varies.
BSOS -- Behavioral and Social Sciences
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BSOS 138 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
BSOS 188 Selected Topics in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Credit only granted for: EDCP108O or BSOS188A. Introductory selected topics course
dealing with interdisciplinary issues related to the social sciences.
BSOS 238 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
BSOS 248 Leadership Seminar I (1-6) Repeatable to 9 credits. A topics course in the behavioral and
social sciences designed to develop student leaders with skills that will address important issues of the
college and offers diverse viewpoints intended to challenge common perceptions of leadership,
technology programs and communication.
BSOS 258 Leadership Practicum I (1-6) Repeatable to 9 credits. This course puts into practice the
elements and skills learned in the seminar series that directly benefit the college.
BSOS 288 Special Topics in Behavioral and Social Sciences (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Introductory special topics course focusing on an interdisciplinary topic related to behavioral and
social sciences.
BSOS 308 Contemporary Issues: Interdisciplinary Approaches (3) Recommended: Must have Senior
standing. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An interdisciplinary analysis of current public policy
issues of international, national and community import. Senior standing recommended.
BSOS 338 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
BSOS 348 Leadership Seminar II (1-6) Repeatable to 9 credits. A topics course in the behavioral and
social sciences designed to develop student leaders with advanced skills that will address important issues
of the college and offers diverse viewpoints intended to challenge common perceptions of leadership,
technology programs and communication.
BSOS 355 Social Sciences Internship Practicum (3) Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60
credits; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and must have completed at least 1 semester at UMD.
Credit only granted for: BSOS388I or BSOS355. Formerly: BSOS388I. BSOS 355 is an internship course
open to all majors. It will enable students to articulate and apply the scholarship from the discipline
related to their specific internship placement into a real-work environment.
BSOS 358 Leadership Practicum II (1-6) Repeatable to 9 credits. This course puts into practice the
advanced skills and elements learned in the seminar series that directly benefit the college.
BSOS 386 Experiential Learning (3-6)
BSOS 388 Behavioral and Social Sciences Special Topics (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Advanced special topics course focusing on an interdisciplinary topic related to the Behavioral
and Social Sciences.
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BSOS 399 Directed Study in Behavioral and Social Sciences (1-6) Guidance for the advanced student
capable of interdisciplinary study on special projects under the supervision of the Assistant Dean for
Student Affairs.
BSOS 438 Special Topics in Study Abroad IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
BSOS 448 Teaching Assistant Practicum (1-6) Repeatable to 9 credits. Supervised practicum for
teaching assistants for BSOS/UNIV courses.
BSST -- Terrorism Studies
BSST 230 Terrorism and the Media (3) Credit only granted for: BSOS288T, BSST230, or BSST288T.
Formerly: BSOS288T and BSST288T. Student will investigate the interplay between terrorism around the
world and mass media content about terrorism. The course will focus both on how news and
entertainment media portray terrorism and terrorists, and the effects of terrorism and media portrayal of
terrorism on the public and public policy. This course examines terrorism from historical and
contemporary perspectives, providing grounds for learning about and discussion of the interplay between
terrorism and communication.
BSST 240 Understanding The Principles and Perils of CBRN Weapons (3) Additional information: If
taken in the same term as BSST241 these courses will count for General Education Natural Sciences Lab.
Explores the 'dark side' of scientific applications. Students will gain an understanding of CBRN Weapons,
through the exploration of the scientific method, and certain fundamental principles of chemistry, biology,
and physics. Students will also learn how to test hypotheses, use basic statistics, interpret results, and
apply their new knowledge through discussions of practical applications in the domains of public health,
emergency management, epidemiology, and threat assessment. Bringing these fields together in one class
will allow students to better understand the use of and threat from CBRN weapons in terrorism.
BSST 241 Understanding the Principles and Perils of CBRN Weapons (Lab) (1) Corequisite:
BSST240. Additional information: This is an optional 1-credit lab course offered in coordination with
BSST240. If taken in the same term as BSST240 these courses will count for General Education Natural
Sciences Lab. An exploration of the threat of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN)
weapons aimed to provide students with a basic, multidisciplinary, natural science foundation in
chemistry, biology, and physics.
BSST 258 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
BSST 288 Special Topics in Terrorism Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A special
topics course for students in the Global Terrorism Minor program. Topics that may be offered are
Psychology of Terrorism; Development of Counterterrorism Policies and Programs; Terrorism and
Popular Culture; Terrorism and the Media; International Perspective on Terrorism and Counterterrorism
(Education Abroad); The Evolution of Hezbollah; Terrorism and Small Wars; Political Islam in the West.
BSST 327 Introduction to Terrorism and the Terrorist Threat (1) Recommended: It is recommended
that BSST330 be taken in the same semester as as BSST329. Restriction: Restricted to students enrolled
in the Global Terrorism Minor (#BS07). Credit only granted for: BSST327 OR BSST399K. Formerly:
BSST399K. This course focuses on bringing current events and policy issues related to terrorism and
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counterterrorism, as they are discussed in mass media, into the dialogue with academic theories and
research. Through a discussion-based seminar, students will bring current, terrorism-related events to
classroom discussion, where they will consider the media-framed current events in relation to academic
research. Students will be continually challenged to draw connections between terrorism-related events in
the news and relevant academic research.
BSST 330 Terrorist Motivations and Behaviors (3) Restriction: Must be in the Global Terrorism
minor; or special permission available for students in other Global Studies minors. Explores theories
explaining the formation of terrorist groups and the motivations behind terrorist behavior, building upon
theories from social psychology, sociology, political science, criminology, and history.
BSST 331 Response to Terrorism (3) Restriction: Must be in the Terrorism Studies minor program.
Explores the manners in which a variety of different actors respond to both terrorist incidents and the
threat of terrorism. Examines local responses to terrorists incidents; local impacts of terrorism including
effects on individual and group attitudes and behaviors; policy decisions made in response to both
terrorist attacks and the threat of terrorism; terrorism prevention, deterrence, interdiction, and mitigation
efforts; and individual and community recovery from terrorist attacks.
BSST 332 The Practice of Terrorism Studies (5) Prerequisite: BSST330 and BSST331. Restriction:
Must be in the Terrorism Studies minor program. Capstone course for students in the Global Terrorism
Minor. Explores in-depth rigorous approaches to conducting research on terrorism and to developing
policy on terrorism and counterterrorism. Examines the interplay between terrorism research and
counterterrorism policy. All students will participate in an internship or complete a substantive original
research project alongside the courses weekly seminar meeting.
BSST 334 States of Emergency (3) Students will explore the manner in which crises unfold from the
perspective of a variety of emergency response disciplines, including: emergency management, law
enforcement, intelligence analysis, cyber analysis, risk communication, health and human services, and
emergency psychiatry/psychology. Students will participate in a semester-long simulation of an unfolding
terrorist attack.
BSST 335 Innovations in Countering Violent Extremism (3) Credit only granted for: BSST335 or
BSST338V. Formerly: BSST338V. Develop solutions to community-based radicalization through a blend
of entrepreneurial, Design Thinking strategies and terrorist disengagement theories. Students will design
original programs targeting real-world, at-risk communities and present their programs to a panel of
BSST 338 Special Topics in Terrorism Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A special
topics course for students in the Global Terrorism Minor program. Topics that may be offered are
Psychology of Terrorism; Development of Counterterrorism Policies and Programs; Terrorism and
Popular Culture; Terrorism and the Media; International Perspective on Terrorism and Counterterrorism
(Education Abroad); The Evolution of Hezbollah; Terrorism and Small Wars; Political Islam in the West.
BSST 340 Oral Communication for National Security Careers (3) Credit only granted for: BSST340
or BSST338E. Formerly: BSST338E. Students will discuss perspectives on strategic communication and
national security, while discussing and practicing public speaking skills and developing proficiency in
three genres of security-related briefings. Students will work with the technical, scientific, and/or
specialized data, vocabularies, processes, and products of the academic disciplines and/or fields of
expertise relevant to national and international security careers.
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BSST 358 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
BSST 370 Terrorist Financing Analysis and Counterterrorist Finance (3) Credit only granted for:
BSST370 or BSST338Z. Formerly: BSST338Z. This course will discuss terrorist financial activities,
initiatives focused on countering those financial activities, and sanctions policy. This course approaches
these topics through various techniques including, structured analytic tools, such as weighted ranking
methods, scenario trees, causal flow diagramming, hypothesis testing, utility analysis, as well as game
theory and logic will be incorporated into the course to provide students a better framework to form
analytic judgments. At the end of the course, students will have gained a solid foundational understanding
of the financing and counter-financing of terrorists.
BSST 372 Terrorist Hostage Taking (3) Examines different forms of hostage taking, drawing on theory
and research from across a range of different fields, including international relations, political science,
criminology, psychology, sociology and economics. We will consider these events in terms of how they
are similar, how they differ and what they are designed to achieve. This course provides insights into the
complicated nature of terrorism via hostage taking in order to broaden student understanding of current
events. This course also gives students practical experience in finding and coding data, and studying
complex human behaviors.
BSST 386 Experiential Learning in Terrorism Studies (1-5) Repeatable to 10 credits. This course will
supplement student's experiential learning experience, or internship in the field of terrorism studies and
homeland security with guided reflection on their experiences.
BSST 398 Individual Study in Terrorism Studies II (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. An
independent study course for START Students.
BSST 399 Individual Study in Terrorism Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. An
independent study course for students in the Global Terrorism Minor program.
BSST 458 Special Topics in Study Abroad IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CCJS -- Criminology and Criminal Justice
CCJS 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3) Introduction to the administration of criminal justice in
a democratic society, with emphasis on the theoretical and historical development of law enforcement.
The principles of organization and administration for law enforcement; functions and specific activities;
planning and research; public relations; personnel and training; inspection and control; direction; policy
CCJS 105 Introduction to Criminology (3) Criminal behavior and the methods of its study; causation;
typologies of criminal acts and offenders; punishment, correction and incapacitation; prevention of crime.
CCJS 158 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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CCJS 188 Topics in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 or CCJS105.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Contemporary and emerging crimes and the response to them by
criminal justice agencies. Emphasis is on the emergence of new forms of crimes or criminals.
CCJS 200 Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 or CCJS105.
And 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (STAT100, MATH107, MATH111, MATH120,
MATH130, MATH140); or must have completed MATH220 with a minimum grade of C-. Restriction:
Must be in Criminology and Criminal Justice program; or permission of BSOS-Criminology & Criminal
Justice department. Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321,
EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not
necessarily meet the same major requirements-check with your advisor to see which of these courses will
count for your major). Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics, graphical techniques, and the
computer analysis of criminology and criminal justice data. Basic procedures of hypothesis testing,
correlation and regression analysis, and the analysis of continuous and binary dependent variables.
Emphasis upon the examination of research problems and issues in criminology and criminal justice.
CCJS 225 Responses to Violence (3) Conflict is unfortunately resolved through violence in a number of
settings. It ranges from interpersonal to international in its scope. This course investigates the strengths
and weakness of a number of resolutions to reducing violence over the course of history using both state
centered and informal control.
CCJS 226 Out of Lock Up: Breaking the Cycle (3) Offender reentry in the United States. Examination
of experiences of prisoners during and after incarceration. Research on the experiences of special
offending populations including females, juveniles, and young adults. Exploration of reentry challenges,
historical trends, policy, and practice.
CCJS 230 Criminal Law in Action (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100. Law as one of the methods of social
control. Criminal law: its nature, sources and types; theories and historical developments. Behavioral and
legal aspects of criminal acts. Classification and analysis of selected criminal offenses.
CCJS 234 Law of Criminal Investigation (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS230. General principles
and theories of criminal procedure. Due process. Arrest, search and seizure. Recent developments. Study
and evaluation of evidence and proof.
CCJS 258 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CCJS 278 Special Topics in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Topics of special interest to undergraduates in criminology and criminal justice. Offered in
response to student request and faculty interest. May be delivered online.
CCJS 288 Special Topics in Law and Justice (3) Prerequisite: CCJS105 and CCJS230. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. An analysis of recent developments in criminal law and their implications for
criminal justice systems and research. Focus will be on Supreme Court decisions and legislative
CCJS 300 Criminological and Criminal Justice Research Methods (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and
CCJS105; and (PSYC200, CCJS200, ECON321, BMGT230, or SOCY201). Introduction to the
formulation of research questions covering crime and justice, research designs, data collection, and
interpretation and reporting in criminological and justice-system settings.
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CCJS 310 Criminal Investigations (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS230. An introduction to modern
methods used in detection, investigation, and solution of crime. Students will be taught basic and
advanced investigative techniques utilized by law enforcement agencies. Analysis of actual cases will be
used to demonstrate practical uses of these techniques.
CCJS 320 Introduction to Criminalistics (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS230. An introduction to
modern methods used in the detection, investigation and solution of crimes. Practical analysis of evidence
in a crime laboratory, including fingerprints and other impressions, firearms ID and ballistics, hairs and
fibers, document examination, and use of polygraph.
CCJS 325 Slavery in the Twenty First Century: Combating Human Trafficking (3) Credit only
granted for: CCJS325 or CCJS498R. Formerly: CCJS498R. The trafficking of human beings in its
historical, legal, economic, political and social contexts. Scope of the global problem, different forms of
human trafficking, and regional trends and practices. Roles of government, the international community
and individual actors. Strategies to combat trafficking.
CCJS 330 Contemporary Criminological Issues (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS105. Topics may
include career criminals, prison overcrowding, prediction, ecological studies of crimes, family and
delinquency, entrepreneurship in criminal justice and criminology, and similar criminological problems.
CCJS 331 Contemporary Legal Policy Issues (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS230. In-depth
examination of selected topics. Criminal responsibility. Socio-legal policy alternatives with regard to
deviance. Law enforcement procedures for civil law and similar legal problems. Admissibility of
evidence. Representation. Indigent's right to counsel.
CCJS 332 Major Transitions: From Undergraduate to Professional (1) Restriction: Must be in
Criminology and Criminal Justice program; and sophomore standing or higher. This course is designed to
assist criminology and criminal justice students explore career opportunities. Topics will include:
graduate school, law school, career opportunities in federal, state, local, and public agencies, resume
writing, and internships.
CCJS 340 Policing (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100; or students who have taken courses with comparable
content may contact the department. Critical issues relating to policing. Topics include police discretion,
role of police, use of force, misconduct, police research, administration, personnel, and etc.
CCJS 342 Corrections (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100. Credit only granted for: CCJS342 or CCJS452.
Examination of the American correctional system. Identification of historical and contemporary themes,
issues, and trends. Evaluation of correctional policies, practices and research.
CCJS 345 Courts and Sentencing (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100. Contemporary issues in the American
court system such as prosecution, sentencing and punishment. Theoretical perspectives on courtroom
decision-making integrated with empirical research. Courts and sentencing processes, including initial
charging, pretrial detention and final sentencing outcomes. Innovations in courts and sentencing.
CCJS 346 Domestic Violence (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100. Credit only granted for: CCJS346 or
CCJS498Y. Formerly: CCJS498Y. A thorough and critical examination of family violence. Topics
include the historical background to family violence, methods of studying this serious issue, elder abuse,
child abuse, the cultural factors involved in intimate partner violence, violence in same-sex relationships,
and the criminal justice response to family violence. Although the course focuses on the American family,
illustrations from other cultures are provided.
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CCJS 350 Juvenile Delinquency (3) Prerequisite: CCJS105. Credit only granted for: CCJS 350 or CCJS
450. Juvenile delinquency in relation to the general problem of crime; analysis of factors underlying
juvenile delinquency; treatment and prevention; organization and social responsibility of law
CCJS 352 Drugs and Crime (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100. An analysis of the role of criminal justice in the
control of drug use and abuse.
CCJS 358 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CCJS 359 Field Training in Criminology and Corrections (1-6) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-
Criminology & Criminal Justice department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Supervised field training in public
or private social agencies. Group meetings, individual conferences and written program reports.
CCJS 360 Victimology (3) Prerequisite: CCJS105. Overview of the history and theory of victimology.
Analysis of victimization patterns with special emphasis on types of victims and crimes. The interaction
between victims of crime and the criminal justice system with respect to the role of the victim and the
services offered to the victim.
CCJS 370 Race, Crime and Criminal Justice (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Role and treatment of racial/ethnic
minorities in the criminal justice system. Course will provide students with historical and theoretical
framework for understanding this dynamic.
CCJS 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Criminology & Criminal
Justice department; and junior standing or higher.
CCJS 388 Independent Reading Course in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3) Prerequisite:
CCJS100 and CCJS105. Restriction: Must be in the Honors program. Designed for the needs of honor
students in criminology and criminal justice.
CCJS 389 Independent Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (1-6) Prerequisite: CCJS105.
Restriction: Must be in CCJS Honors Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Independent
Research for CCJS Departmental Honors students.
CCJS 398 Law Enforcement Field Training (1-6) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Criminology &
Criminal Justice department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Supervised, structured and focused field training in
law enforcement agencies.
CCJS 399 Independent Study in Criminology and Criminal Justice (1-3) Restriction: Permission of
BSOS-Criminology & Criminal Justice department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Integrated reading or
research under direction and supervision of a faculty member.
CCJS 400 Criminal Courts (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS300; or permission of BSOS-
Criminology & Criminal Justice department. Criminal courts in the United States at all levels; judges,
prosecutors, defenders, clerks, court administrators, and the nature of their jobs; problems facing courts
and prosecutors today and problems of administration; reforms.
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CCJS 418 Seminar in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3) Repeatable to 18 credits if content differs.
Selected topics of interest in the field of Criminology and Criminal Justice will be covered.
CCJS 432 Law of Corrections (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100, CCJS105, CCJS230, and CCJS300. A review
of the law of criminal corrections from sentencing to final release or release on parole. Probation,
punishments, special treatments for special offenders, parole and pardon, and the prisoner's civil rights are
also examined.
CCJS 440 Security Administration (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS340. Credit only granted for:
CCJS440 or CCJS498Z. Formerly: CCJS498Z. Designed to introduce students to the complex issues of
Security Administration and the critical terrorism issues facing the nation. Emphasis is placed on
understanding the historical and contemporary issues effecting U.S. Counterterrorism Policy. It also
explores the challenges facing today's security administrators including: ethics, classified information,
intelligence, terrorist organizations and incidents, physical and personnel security, transportation and
border security issues.
CCJS 444 Advanced Law Enforcement Administration (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS340. The
structuring of manpower, material, and systems to accomplish the major goals of social control. Personnel
and systems management. Political controls and limitations on authority and jurisdiction.
CCJS 450 Advanced Juvenile Delinquency (3) Prerequisite: CCJS105 and CCJS300. Credit only
granted for: CCJS350 or CCJS450. Examination of juvenile delinquency in the United States. Nature and
extent of juvenile delinquency, historical approaches, sociological and criminological theories and
research, social contexts including the institutions of families, schools, and peers, and social responses.
Prevention, punishment, and treatment programs, both within and outside of the juvenile justice and
criminal justice systems.
CCJS 451 Crime and Delinquency Prevention (3) Prerequisite: CCJS105 and CCJS300. Methods and
programs in prevention of crime and delinquency.
CCJS 452 Treatment of Criminals and Delinquents (3) Prerequisite: CCJS105 and CCJS300. Credit
only granted for: CCJS 342 or CCJS 452. Processes and methods used to modify criminal and delinquent
CCJS 453 White Collar and Organized Crime (3) Prerequisite: CCJS300; and (CCJS350 or CCJS105).
Definition, detection, prosecution, sentencing and impact of white collar and organized crime. Special
consideration given to the role of federal law and enforcement practices.
CCJS 454 Contemporary Criminological Theory (3) Prerequisite: CCJS300 and CCJS105.
Examination of the main theoretical accounts that explain the underlying causes of criminal behaviors.
Explore how individual choices, socialization experiences, biological factors and social structure affect
criminal behaviors.
CCJS 455 Dynamics of Planned Change in Criminal Justice I (3) Prerequisite: CCJS300. Restriction:
Permission of BSOS-Criminology & Criminal Justice department. An examination of conceptual and
practical issues related to planned change in criminal justice. Emphasis on the development of innovative
ideas using a research and development approach to change.
CCJS 456 Dynamics of Planned Change in Criminal Justice II (3) Prerequisite: CCJS455; or
permission of BSOS-Criminology & Criminal Justice department. An examination of conceptual and
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practical issues related to planned change in criminal justice. Emphasis on change strategies and tactics
which are appropriate for criminal justice personnel in entry level positions.
CCJS 458 Special Topics in Study Abroad IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CCJS 461 Psychology of Criminal Behavior (3) Prerequisite: CCJS105; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. And CCJS300. Biological, environmental,
and personality factors which influence criminal behaviors. Biophysiology and crime, stress and crime,
maladjustment patterns, psychoses, personality disorders, aggression and violent crime, sex-motivated
crime and sexual deviations, alcohol and drug abuse, and criminal behavior.
CCJS 489 Honors Thesis Research (3) Prerequisite: CCJS100 and CCJS105. Restriction: Limited to
CCJS Departmental Honors students. Designed for students completing their honors thesis.
CCJS 498 Selected Topics in Criminology and Criminal Justice (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Topics of special interest to advanced undergraduates in criminology and criminal justice. Offered
in response to student request and faculty interest.
CHBE -- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
CHBE 101 Introduction to Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (3) Prerequisite: CHEM135; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Corequisite:
MATH141. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Chemical program; or permission of ENGR-Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CHBE101 or ENCH215. Formerly:
ENCH215. Introduction to methods of chemical engineering calculations and analysis. Stoichiometric
relations, material and energy balances, and behavior of gases, vapors, liquids and solids. Analytical and
computer methods.
CHBE 250 Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering (3) Prerequisite: CHBE101; and must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH241. Restriction: Must be in a major within the ENGR-
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CHBE250 or ENCH250.
Formerly: ENCH250. Algorithm development and application of software to the analysis of chemical
engineering problems. File management and editing, graphics and numerical methods. Use of
spreadsheets, statistics/math software and process simulators for the design of chemical process
CHBE 301 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Thermodynamics I (3) Prerequisite: CHBE101;
and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in CHBE250 and MATH241. Restriction: Must be
in Engineering: Chemical program; and permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
department. Credit only granted for: ENCH300 or CHBE301. Formerly: ENCH300. Principles of
thermodynamics and their application to engineering problems. First and second laws of thermodynamics,
properties of gases, liquids and solids, phase equilibrium, flow and non-flow systems, energy conversion,
production of work from heat, thermodynamic analysis of processes, equilibrium stage operations and the
thermodynamics of chemically reacting systems.
CHBE 302 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Thermodynamics II (3) Prerequisite: CHBE301.
Corequisite: CHBE250. Restriction: Must be in a major within ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CHBE302 or ENCH400. Formerly: ENCH400.
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Contemporary trends in chemical engineering thermodynamics that bridge the gap between fundamentals
and applications. Thermodynamic analysis of non-ideal and structured systems; such as complex fluids,
strongly fluctuating and nanoscale systems, dissipative systems, biosystems, and systems under extreme
CHBE 333 Chemical Engineering Seminar (1) Restriction: Junior standing; and must be in a major
within ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department; and permission of ENGR-Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CHBE333 or ENCH333. Formerly:
ENCH333. To develop oral communication skills through a series of class presentations of current
chemical engineering topics.
CHBE 410 Statistics and Design of Experiments (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHBE250,
MATH241, and MATH246. Restriction: Must be in a major within the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering department; and permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department.
Credit only granted for: CHBE410 or ENCH476. Formerly: ENCH476. An introduction to probability,
statistics, and design of experiments for chemical engineers.
CHBE 422 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Transport Phenomena I (3) Prerequisite:
Minimum grade of C- in CHBE101, CHBE250, MATH241, and MATH246. Restriction: Must be in a
major within the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department; and permission of ENGR-
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CHBE422 or ENCH422.
Formerly: ENCH422. Principals of fluid dynamics as applied to model development and process design.
Mass, momentum and energy conservation. Statics and surface tension. Equation of Continuity and
Navier-Stokes Equation with application to laminar flow. Dimensional analysis. Macroscopic balances,
Bernoulli Equation and friction factors with application to turbulent flow.
CHBE 424 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Transport Phenomena II (3) Prerequisite:
CHBE422. Corequisite: CHBE302. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Chemical program; and
permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for:
CHBE424 or ENCH424. Formerly: ENCH424. Principles of mass and heat transfer as applied to model
development and process design. Species continuity equation with application to diffusion, and
convection in laminar flow. Macroscopic balances and mass transfer coefficients with application to
turbulent flow. Microscopic equation of energy with application to heat conduction, and convection in
laminar flow. Macroscopic energy balance and heat transfer coefficients with application to turbulent
flow. Heat exchanger design.
CHBE 426 Chemical and Biomolecular Separation Processes (3) Corequisite: CHBE302; and
CHBE424. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Chemical program; and permission of ENGR-Chemical
& Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CHBE426 or ENCH426. Formerly:
ENCH426. Separation by stages operations. Rate dependent separation processes. Design application in
distillation, gas absorption, liquid extraction, drying, adsorption and ion exhange.
CHBE 437 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: CHBE424,
CHBE426, and CHBE440. Restriction: Must be in a major within ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering department; and permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department.
Credit only granted for: CHBE437 or ENCH437. Formerly: ENCH437. Application of chemical
engineering process and unit operation principals in small-scale semi-commercial equipment. Data from
experimental observations are used to evaluate performance and efficiency of operations. Emphasis on
correct presentation of results inreport form.
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CHBE 440 Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
CHBE301, MATH241, and MATH246. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Chemical program; and
permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for:
CHBE440 or ENCH440. Formerly: ENCH440. Fundamentals of chemical reaction kinetics and their
application to the design and operation of chemical reactors. Reaction rate theory, homogeneous reactions
and catalysis electrochemical reactions. Catalytic reactor design.
CHBE 442 Chemical and Biomolecular Systems Analysis (3) Prerequisite: CHBE424 and CHBE426.
Credit only granted for: CHBE442 or ENCH442. Formerly: ENCH442. Dynamic response applied to
process systems. Goals and modes of control, Laplace transformations, analysis and synthesis of simple
control systems, closed loop response, dynamic testing.
CHBE 444 Process Engineering Economics and Design I (3) Prerequisite: CHBE424, CHBE426, and
CHBE440. Restriction: Must be in a major within the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
department; and permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only
granted for: CHBE444 or ENCH444. Formerly: ENCH444. Principles of chemical engineering
economics and process design. Equipment sizing and costing. Economic evaluation of projects. Flowsheet
synthesis. Introduction to flowsheet simulators and concepts of flowsheet optimization. Synthesis of Heat
Exchanger Networks and Distillation Sequences.
CHBE 446 Process Engineering Economics and Design II (3) Prerequisite: CHBE442 and CHBE444.
Restriction: Must be in a major within the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department; and
permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for:
CHBE446 or ENCH446. Formerly: ENCH446. Application of chemical engineering principles for the
design of chemical processing equipment. Representative problems in the design of chemical plants will
be the focus of this capstone design class. Comprehensive reports are required.
CHBE 451 Photovoltaics: Solar Energy (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENCH468L or CHBE451. Formerly:
ENCH468L. The emphasis of the class is on developing a conceptual understanding of the device physics
and manufacturing processes of crystalline and thin-film photovoltaic cells, and to develop elementary
computational skills necessary to quantify solar cell efficiency. The class material includes detailed,
system-level energy balances necessary to understand how solar energy fits into the complete energy
generation, conversion, and storage picture. Quantitative comparisons of PV technology to solar chemical
conversion processes and biofuels are made.
CHBE 453 Applied Mathematics and Distributive Parameter Systems (3) Credit only granted for:
CHBE453 or ENCH453. Formerly: ENCH453. Mathematical techniques applied to the analysis and
solution of chemical engineering problems. Use of differentiation, integration, differential equations,
partial differential equations and integral transforms. Application of infinite series, numerical and
statistical methods.
CHBE 454 Chemical Process Analysis and Optimization (3) Credit only granted for: CHBE454 or
ENCH454. Formerly: ENCH454. Application of mathematical models to the analysis and optimization of
chemical processes. Models based on transport, chemical kinetics and other chemical engineering
principles will be employed.
CHBE 455 Model Predictive Control (3) Credit only granted for: CHBE455 or ENCH455. Formerly:
ENCH455. Empirical model identification from process data. Step and impulse response models.
Linearization of nonlinear first principles models. Single variable Model Predictive Control. Robustness
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with respect to modeling error. MPC based tuning of PID controllers. Feedforward control. Multi-input
multi-output processes. Multi-loop decentralized control. Centralized multivariable Model Predictive
Control via on-line optimization.
CHBE 468 Research (1-3) Restriction: Permission of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Department; and must be third or fourth year student; and must have minimum GPA of 3.0; and must
have successfully completed all lower level engineering, science and mathematics courses for the major.
Repeatable to 6 credits. Formerly: ENCH468. Investigation of a research project under the direction of a
faculty member. Comprehensive reports are required.
CHBE 470 The Science and Technology of Colloidal Systems (3) Prerequisite: CHBE424, CHBE426,
and CHEM482. Restriction: Must be in a major within the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
department; and permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only
granted for: CHBE470 or ENCH470. Formerly: ENCH470. Introduction to colloidal systems.
Preparation, stability and coagulation kinetics of colloidal suspensions. Introduction to DLVO theory,
electrokinetic phenomena, rheology of dispersions, surface/interfacial tension, solute absorption at gas-
liquid, liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and gas-solid interfaces and properties of micelles and other
CHBE 471 Particle Science and Technology (3) Prerequisite: Knowledge of undergraduate engineering
thermodynamics, and transport phenomena; knowledge of numerical methods for solving systems of
ordinary differential equations. Restriction: Must be in a major within ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering department; or permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department.
Credit only granted for: CHBE471 or ENCH471. Formerly: ENCH471. Particles are everywhere. We
breathe them, eat them, and use them to make many non-particulate materials. Knowledge of particle
science and technology is important for manufacturing, for occupational health and safety, as well as
environmental considerations. In this multidisciplinary course, the focus will be on the study of science
and technology relevant to multiphase systems consisting of solid and/or liquid particles surrounded by a
gas. These topics fall loosely under the headings of powder and aerosol technology. Team design projects
will be an integral component.
CHBE 472 Control of Air Pollution Sources (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering department. Sources and effects of air pollutants, regulatory trends,
atmospheric dispersion models, fundamentals of two-phase flow as applied to air pollution and air
pollution control systems, design of systems for control of gases and particulate matter.
CHBE 473 Electrochemical Energy Engineering (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENCH468K or CHBE473. Formerly:
ENCH468K. The lecture will start from the basic electrochemical thermodynamics and kinetics, with
emphasis on electrochemical techniques, fundamental principle and performance of batteries, and
CHBE 475 Ethics in Science and Engineering (3) Credit only granted for: CHBE475 or ENCH475.
Formerly: ENCH475. Ethical issues in science and engineering and their resolutions are examined. The
main topics will be ethics and scientific truth (including issues of proper data analysis, proper data
presentation, and record-keeping), ethics and other scientists and engineers (including issues of
attribution, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, mentoring, and inclusion of under-represented groups),
ethics and the practice of engineering (including responsibilities of engineers to clients, ecological issues,
and conflicts of interest), and ethics and society (including funding priorities, moral issues, and human
and animal subjects). Class meetings will be organized around discussions, case studies, and student
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reports. The course is aimed at postdoctoral students, graduate students and advanced undergraduate
students who wish to ponder the important contemporary questions about the ethics of how science and
engineering get done.
CHBE 476 Molecular Modeling Methods (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENCH468P or CHBE476. Formerly:
ENCH468P. Statistical mechanics will be introduced to give the fundamental background for atomic to
mesoscale molecular modeling. Classical atomic-level simulations methods (Monte Carlo and Molecular
Dynamics) and the procedures to develop intra- and intermolecular potentials will be covered. This course
will also discuss the theory and application of coarse-grained molecular simulations, mesoscale
simulations and other modern simulation techniques. A broad range of applications will be included
throughout the semester, e.g., phase behavior of small molecules, kinetics, and biophysics.
CHBE 477 Mesoscopic and Nanoscale Thermodynamics (3) Prerequisite: A prior course in classical
thermodynamics. Restriction: Must be in a major within the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering department; and permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department.
Credit only granted for: CHBE477 or ENCH468Q. Formerly: ENCH468Q. Interdisciplinary course
primarily for graduate and senior undergraduate students from engineering or science departments. New
emerging technologies deal with bio-membrane and gene engineering, microreactor chemistry and
microcapsule drug delivery, micro-fluids and porous media, nanoparticles and nanostructures,
supercritical fluid extraction and artifical organs. Engineers often design processes where classical
thermodynamics may be insufficient, e.g., strongly fluctuating and nanoscale systems, or dissipative
systems under conditions far away from equilibrium.
CHBE 480 Bionanotechnology: Physical Principles (3) Prerequisite: BIOE120; or (BSCI170 and
BSCI171); or BSCI105. And BCHM461; or students who have taken courses with comparable content
may contact the department. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
department. Physics at nano/micro scales. Biomolecular building blocks. Simplest biomolecular
assembly: protein folding. Nanoscale intermolecular interactions important for biology. Protein-ligand
binding. Protein higher-order assembly: filaments, networks. Protein filaments and motility. DNA, RNA
and their assembly assisted by proteins. Viral capsid assembly. Lipid assembly into micelles, bilayers.
Lipid-protein co-assembly in membranes. Lipid and polymer structures useful in medicine. Targeted
delivery of drugs, genes by nano/micro structures. Cellular assembly in the eye, in insect wings. Cellular
assembly at surfaces: gecko feet, duck feathers. Cellular assembly in the presence of crystals:
CHBE 481 Transport Phenomena in Small and Biological Systems (3) Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENCH468W or
CHBE481. Formerly: ENCH468W. Interdisciplinary course primarily for senior undergraduate and
graduate students from engineering or science departments. The course's main goal is to make the
students familiar with the fundamental physics and modeling of transport phenomena in small and
biological systems, and their current scientific and engineering utilization in microfluidics, nanofluidics
and biological systems.
CHBE 482 Biochemical Engineering (3) Prerequisite: CHBE440. Restriction: Must be in a major within
the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department; and permission of ENGR-Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CHBE482 or ENCH482. Formerly:
ENCH482. Introduction to biochemical and microbiological applications to commericail and engineering
processes, including industrial fermentation, enzymology, ultrafiltration, food and pharmaceutical
processing and resulting waste treatment. Enzyme kinetics, cell growth, energetics and mass transfer.
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CHBE 483 Bioseparations (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
department. Credit only granted for: ENCH483 or CHBE483. Formerly: ENCH483. Engineering
fundamentals of separations and purification of biological molecules. Case studies and examples illustrate
principles and practice of centrifugation, precipitation, crystallization, filtration, membrane separations,
chromatography, and affinity separation of recombinant proteins and other biomolecules. Process scale-
up and economics of biotechnology products and processes.
CHBE 484 Metabolic Pathway Engineering (3) Prerequisite: CHBE101 and CHBE440. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for:
ENCH468M or CHBE484. Formerly: ENCH468M. The state-of-the-art in metabolic engineering, with a
focus on the analysis and engineering of metabolic pathways through (chemical) engineering principles,
will be covered. Topics covered include: (1) overview of biochemistry and metabolism; (2) metabolic
flux analysis and isotope labeling illustrated with examples from the recent scientific literature; (3)
technologies for engineering metabolic pathways; (4) metabolic control analysis and pathway regulation;
(5) applications of metabolic engineering to synthesis of biofuels and therapeutics; (6) specialized and
related subjects such as protein engineering and synthetic biology.
CHBE 485 Biochemical Engineering Laboratory (3) Credit only granted for: CHBE485 or ENCH485.
Formerly: ENCH485. Techniques of measuring pertinent parameters in fermentation reactors,
quantification of production variables for primary and secondary metabolites such as enzymes and
antibiotics, the insolubilization of enzymes for reactors, and the demonstration of separation techniques
such as ultrafiltration and affinity chromatography.
CHBE 486 Heterogeneous Catalysis for Energy Applications (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C-
in CHBE302, CHBE424, and CHBE440; and permission of instructor. Restriction: Must be in a major
within the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CHBE486
or ENCH686. Introduction to heterogeneous catalytic science and technology for energy conversion and
hydocarbon processing. Preparation and mechanistic characterization of catalyst systems, kinetics of
catalyzed reactions, adsorption and diffusion influences in heterogenious reactions. An overview of
heterogeneous catalysis in various energy-related applications, including petroleum refining, chemicals
from biomass, valorization of shale gas, and CO2 utilization will be introduced.
CHBE 487 Tissue Engineering (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed at least one biology course; and
MATH241. Recommended: BSCI330 and BIOE340. Restriction: Must be in a major within the ENGR-
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department; or permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering department. Also offered as: BIOE411. Credit only granted for: BIOE411, CHBE487, or
ENCH468T. Formerly: ENCH468T. A review of the fundamental principles involved in the design of
engineered tissues and organs. Both biological and engineering fundamentals will be considered.
CHBE 490 Polymer Science (3) Also offered as: ENMA495. Credit only granted for: CHBE490,
ENCH490, or ENMA495. Formerly: ENCH490. The elements of the polymer chemistry and industrial
polymerization, polymer structures and physics, thermodynamics of polymer solutions, polymer
processing methods, and engineering applications of polymers.
CHBE 495 Nanoparticle Aerosol Dynamics and Particle Technology (3) Restriction: Must be in a
major within the ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department; and permission of ENGR-
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. NanoParticles (NA) ( < 100 nm), and their science
and technology play an important role in nature and industry. From air quality standards, nuclear reactor
safety, inhalation therapy, workplace exposure, global climate change, to counterterrorism, aerosols play
a central role in our environment. On the industrial side, NA plays an integral part of reinforcing fillers,
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pigments and catalysts, and the new emerging field of nanotechnology, they are the building blocks to
new materials, which encompass, electronic, photonic and magnetic devices, and bio and chemical
CHBE 496 Processing and Engineering of Polymers (3) Credit only granted for: CHBE496 or
ENCH496. Formerly: ENCH496. A comprehensive analysis of processing and engineering techniques for
the conversion of polymeric materials into useful products. Evaluation of the performance of polymer
processes, design of polymer processing equipment.
CHEM -- Chemistry
CHEM 131 Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: Must have math
eligibility of MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140. Corequisite: CHEM132. Recommended: For Science
majors. Credit only granted for: CHEM103, CHEM131, CHEM135, CHEM153 or CHEM146. Formerly:
CHEM103. An overview of the Periodic Table, inorganic substances, ionic and covalent bonding, bulk
properties of materials, chemical equilibrium, and quantitative chemistry. CHEM131 is the first course in
a four-semester sequence for students majoring in the sciences, other than Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHEM 132 General Chemistry I Laboratory (1) Corequisite: CHEM131. Credit only granted for:
CHEM103, CHEM132, CHEM136, CHEM143, CHEM147 or CHEM177. Formerly: CHEM103.
Introduction to the quantification of chemical substances, including the concept of the mole and chemical
stoichiometry. Additional work involves the synthesis of ionic substances and their qualitative
characterization. Must be taken concurrently with CHEM131.
CHEM 134 Chemical Principles for Engineering (1) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM131;
or minimum grade of C- in CHEM146. Credit only granted for: CHEM 134 or CHEM 135. Basic
chemistry for engineering students. Introduction to organic structures and polymers, gas laws, liquids,
solids, phase changes, chemical kinetics and electrochemistry.
CHEM 135 General Chemistry for Engineers (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of
MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140. Credit only granted for: CHEM103, CHEM113, CHEM131,
CHEM135, or CHEM146. The nature and composition of matter, solutions, chemical reactions,
equilibria, and electrochemistry, with applications to various fields of engineering.
CHEM 136 General Chemistry Laboratory for Engineers (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in CHEM135. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of
Engineering. A laboratory course for engineering majors intending to take CHEM231 and CHEM232.
CHEM 146 Principles of General Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of MATH140
or higher. Corequisite: CHEM147. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Chemistry;
Biochemistry). Credit only granted for: CHEM103, CHEM131, CHEM135, CHEM143, or CHEM146.
Formerly: CHEM143. An overview of the Periodic Table, inorganic substances, ionic and covalent
bonding, bulk properties of materials, chemical equilibrium, and quantitative chemistry. CHEM146 is the
first course in a four-semester sequence for Chemistry and Biochemistry majors.
CHEM 177 Introduction to Laboratory Practices and Research in the Chemical Sciences (2)
Corequisite: CHEM146, CHEM131, or CHEM135. Restriction: Must be in a major within CMNS-
Chemistry & Biochemistry department; or permission of CMNS-Chemistry & Biochemistry department.
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Credit only granted for: CHEM132, CHEM136, CHEM147, or CHEM177. First semester laboratory
course required for CHEM and BCHM majors. Introduction to laboratory techniques, including safety
practices, scientific ethics, and presentation of current research topics.
CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry I (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131, CHEM135, or CHEM146; and
(CHEM132, CHEM136, CHEM147, or CHEM177); and a grade of C- or better in the prerequisites is
required of College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences majors and recommended for all
students. Corequisite: CHEM232. Credit only granted for: CHEM104, CHEM231, CHEM233 or
CHEM237. Formerly: CHEM233. The chemistry of carbon: aliphatic compounds, aromatic compounds,
stereochemistry, arenes, halides, alcohols, esters and spectroscopy.
CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1) Prerequisite: CHEM131 and CHEM132; or
(CHEM135 and CHEM136); or (CHEM146 and CHEM147). And a grade of C- or better in the
prerequisites is required for College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences majors and
recommended for all students. Corequisite: CHEM231. Credit only granted for: CHEM104, CHEM231,
CHEM233 or CHEM237. Formerly: CHEM233. Provides experience in developing some basic
laboratory techniques, recrystallization, distillation, extraction, chromatography.
CHEM 237 Principles of Organic Chemistry I (4) Prerequisite: CHEM131, CHEM135, or CHEM146;
and (CHEM132, CHEM136, or CHEM147); and a grade of C- or better in the prerequisites is required of
College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences majors and recommended for all students. Or
permission of CMNS-Chemistry & Biochemistry department. Restriction: Must be in one of the
following programs (Chemistry; Biochemistry) ; or must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School
of Engineering. Credit only granted for: CHEM233, (CHEM231 and CHEM232), or CHEM237. The
chemistry of carbons: aliphatic compounds, aromatic compounds, stereochemistry, arenes, halides,
alcohols, esters, and spectroscopy.
CHEM 241 Organic Chemistry II (3) Prerequisite: CHEM231 and CHEM232; or CHEM237. And a
grade of C- or better in the prerequisites is required for College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural
Sciences majors and recommended for all students. Credit only granted for: CHEM241, CHEM243 or
CHEM247. Formerly: CHEM243. A continuation of CHEM231 with emphasis on molecular structure;
substitution reactions; carbonium ions; aromaticity; synthetic processes; macromolecules.
CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1) Prerequisite: CHEM231 and CHEM232; or
CHEM237. And a grade of C- or better in the prerequisites is required for College of Computer,
Mathematical, and Natural Sciences majors and recommended for all students. Corequisite: CHEM241.
Credit only granted for: CHEM243 or CHEM247. Formerly: CHEM243. Synthetic organic chemistry
through functional group manipulation, introduction to instrumentation essential to analysis and structure
CHEM 247 Principles of Organic Chemistry II (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM237;
or permission of CMNS-Chemistry & Biochemistry department. Restriction: Must be in one of the
following programs (Chemistry; Biochemistry) ; or must be an honors student. Credit only granted for:
CHEM243 or CHEM247. A continuation of CHEM237 with emphasis on molecular structure,
substitution reactions; carbonium ions; aromaticity; synthetic processes; macromolecules.
CHEM 271 General Chemistry and Energetics (2) Prerequisite: CHEM241 and CHEM242; or
CHEM247. And a grade of C- or better in the prerequisites for College of Computer, Mathematical, and
Natural Sciences majors and recommended for all students. Corequisite: CHEM272. Credit only granted
for: CHEM113, CHEM153, CHEM271 or CHEM276. Formerly: CHEM113. An introduction to the
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physical aspects of chemistry; chemical kinetics, thermodynamics and electrochemistry in the context of
current chemistry research.
CHEM 272 General Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: CHEM241 and CHEM242;
or CHEM247. And a grade of C- or better in the prerequisites is required for College of Computer,
Mathematical, and Natural Sciences majors and recommended for all students. Corequisite: CHEM271.
Credit only granted for: CHEM227, CHEM272 or CHEM277. An introduction to analytical chemistry
with an emphasis on bio-analytical instrumentation and techniques.
CHEM 276 General Chemistry and Energetics - Majors (2) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
CHEM241 and CHEM242; or minimum grade of C- in CHEM247. Corequisite: CHEM277. Restriction:
Must be in one of the following programs (Chemistry; Biochemistry). Credit only granted for:
CHEM113, CHEM153, CHEM271 or CHEM276. Formerly: CHEM153. An introduction to the physical
aspects of chemistry for Biochemistry and Chemistry majors. Chemical kinetics, thermodynamics and
electrochemistry in the context of current chemistry research.
CHEM 277 Fundamentals of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory (3) Prerequisite:
Minimum grade of C- in CHEM241 and CHEM242; or minimum grade of C- in CHEM247. Corequisite:
CHEM276. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Chemistry; Biochemistry). Credit only
granted for: CHEM153, CHEM227, CHEM272 or CHEM277. Quantitative analysis, inorganic analytical
chemistry, and an introduction to bio-analytical instrumentation and techniques.
CHEM 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Learning Proposal approved by the Office of
Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher.
CHEM 389 Pedagogy and Instruction in Chemistry (1-2) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; and
minimum grade of B- in CHEM231; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in CHEM241.
Repeatable to 6 credits. Methodologies, theory and educational tools applicable to the field of
undergraduate chemistry education. Examples covered will use content from introductory general and
organic chemistry courses.
CHEM 395 Professional Issues in Chemistry and Biochemistry (1) Restriction: Junior standing or
higher; and must be in one of the following programs (Chemistry; Biochemistry). Seminar on
professional issues. Professional responsibilities, ethics, interview techniques, career opportunities,
graduate/professional school, race and gender issues.
CHEM 398 Special Projects (2) Honors projects for undergraduate students.
CHEM 399 Introduction to Chemical Research (1-3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and
permission of CMNS-Chemistry & Biochemistry department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Basic (chemical)
research conducted under the supervision of a faculty member.
CHEM 401 Inorganic Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: CHEM276 or CHEM271; and (CHEM247 or
CHEM241). An overview of basic concepts of the electronic structure of the elements, chemical bonding
and reactivity, from simple diatomic molecules to coordination compounds. These are viewed from
simple (Lewis) to the most comprehensive molecular orbital theory. Symmetry and group theory are used
throughout the course.
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CHEM 403 Radiochemistry (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one year of college chemistry and
one year of college physics. Radioactive decay; introduction to properties of atomic nuclei; nuclear
processes in cosmology; chemical, biomedical and environmental applications of radioactivity; nuclear
processes as chemical tools; interaction of radiation with matter.
CHEM 425 Instrumental Methods of Analysis (4) Prerequisite: CHEM272 and CHEM271; or
(CHEM276 and CHEM277). Modern instrumentation in analytical chemistry. Electronics, spectroscopy,
chromatography and electrochemistry.
CHEM 433 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131, CHEM135, or
CHEM146. And MATH241; or permission of CMNS-Chemistry & Biochemistry department. Also
offered as: AOSC433. Credit only granted for: AOSC433, AOSC633, CHEM433, or CHEM633.
Formerly: CHEM434. The effects of human activity on atmospheric composition, focused on global
warming, the carbon cycle, air pollution, and the ozone layer. Fundamentals of atmosphereic chemistry
(spectroscopy, kinetics, isotopic analysis, and biogeochemical cycles) are related to the modern
understanding of climate change, air quality, and ozone depletion, based on resources such as satellite
missions, field campaigns, and scientific assessments published by international agencies. We also
examine how society's energy needs could be met, in the future, in a manner with less impact on
atmospheric composition than the present heavy reliance on combusion of fossil fuels.
CHEM 441 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in CHEM481; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (CHEM241, CHEM247). Also
offered as: CHEM641. An advanced study of the compounds of carbon, with special emphasis on
molecular orbital theory and organic reaction mechanisms.
CHEM 460 Structure Determination Using Spectroscopic Methods (3) Prerequisite: Must have
completed CHEM243; or CHEM247; or (CHEM241 and CHEM242). Formerly: CHEM660. The use of
infrared, ultraviolet-visible, proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy for
structure determination in organic chemistry.
CHEM 471 Techniques in Pulse NMR (1) Prerequisite: CHEM241 and CHEM242; or CHEM247.
Recommended: CHEM460. Restriction: Senior standing or higher. Additional information: Persons with
heart pacemakers and/or metal implants cannot take the course due to potential health hazards. NMR
techniques to operate, adjust, and calibrate the spectrometers and acquire and process NMR data in one
and two dimensional NMR applications.
CHEM 474 Environmental Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: CHEM481. The sources of various elements
and chemical reactions between them in the atmosphere and hydrosphere are treated. Causes and
biological effects of air and water pollution by certain elements are discussed.
CHEM 481 Physical Chemistry I (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM135; or minimum
grade of C- in CHEM271 and CHEM272; or minimum grade of C- in CHEM276 and CHEM277. And
minimum grade of C- in MATH141. And minimum grade of C- in PHYS260 and PHYS261; or minimum
grade of C- in PHYS141. Thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical and molecular systems. Topics may
include internal energy, heat, work, enthalpy, entropy, free energy, and spontaneity as well as reaction
order, differential rate laws, integrated rate laws, and rate laws for multi-step processes.
CHEM 482 Physical Chemistry II (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM481. Quantum
mechanical nature of atoms and molecules. Topics may include model systems for electronic, vibrational,
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rotational and translational energies as well as connections to molecular spectroscopy and thermal
CHEM 483 Physical Chemistry Laboratory I (2) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in CHEM481. An introduction to the principles and application of quantitative techniques in
physical chemical measurements. Experiments will be coordinated with topics in CHEM481.
CHEM 484 Physical Chemistry Laboratory II (2) Prerequisite: CHEM481 and CHEM483; and must
have completed or be concurrently enrolled in CHEM482. A continuation of CHEM 483. Advanced
quantitative techniques necessary in physical chemical measurements. Experiments will be coordinated
with topics in CHEM 482.
CHEM 498 Special Topics in Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: Prerequisite varies with the nature of the topic
being considered.
CHEM 633 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131, CHEM135, or
CHEM146. And MATH241; or permission of CMNS-Chemistry & Biochemistry department. Also
offered as: AOSC633. Credit only granted for: AOSC433, AOSC633, CHEM433, or CHEM633.
Formerly: CHEM678A. The effects of human activity on atmospheric composition, focused on global
warming, the carbon cycle, air pollution, and the ozone layer. Fundamentals of atmosphereic chemistry
(spectroscopy, kinetics, isotopic analysis, and biogeochemical cycles) are related to the modern
understanding of climate chane, air quality, and ozone depletion, based on resources such as satellite
missions, field campaigns, and scientific assessments published by international agencies. We also
examine how society's energy needs could be met, in the future, in a manner with less impact on
atmospheric composition than the present heavy reliance on combusion of fossil fuels.
CHIN -- Chinese
CHIN 101 Intensive Elementary Chinese I (6) Prerequisite: Must have attained appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Introduction to speaking, reading, and writing Chinese with an
emphasis on mastering the essentials of pronunciation, basic characters and structural patterns.
CHIN 102 Elementary Spoken Chinese (3) Prerequisite: CHIN101; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department; or must have attained appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Corequisite: CHIN103. Additional information: Must be taken in
conjunction with CHIN 103. Continued study of grammatical patterns and vocabulary buildup with
particular emphasis on conversation.
CHIN 103 Elementary Written Chinese (3) Prerequisite: CHIN101; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department; or must have attained appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Corequisite: CHIN102. Additional information: Must be taken in
conjunction with CHIN102. Continued study of grammatical patterns and buildup of vocabulary with
particular emphasis on reading and writing.
CHIN 105 Elementary Chinese - Accelerated Track (3) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed CHIN103, CHIN102, or
CHIN101. Accelerated instruction in Mandarin Chinese at the elementary level for students with prior
Chinese language background, either through home use or formal instruction.
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CHIN 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CHIN 201 Intermediate Spoken Chinese I (3) Prerequisite: CHIN102; or must have attained
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Corequisite: CHIN202. Additional
information: Must be taken in conjunction with CHIN202. Emphasis on development of conversational
skills with vocabulary build-up and controlled conversation.
CHIN 202 Intermediate Written Chinese I (3) Prerequisite: CHIN103; or must have attained
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Corequisite: CHIN201. Additional
information: Must be taken in conjunction with CHIN201. Reading and writing skills with emphasis on
grammar and Chinese characters.
CHIN 203 Intermediate Spoken Chinese II (3) Prerequisite: CHIN201; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department; or must have attained appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Corequisite: CHIN204. Additional information: Must be taken in
conjunction with CHIN204. Continuation of CHIN201.
CHIN 204 Intermediate Written Chinese II (3) Prerequisite: CHIN202; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department; or must have attained appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Corequisite: CHIN203. Additional information: Must be taken in
conjunction with CHIN203. Continuation of CHIN202.
CHIN 205 Intermediate Chinese - Accelerated Track (3) Prerequisite: Must have attained appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed CHIN201,
CHIN203, CHIN202, or CHIN204. Accelerated instruction in Mandarin Chinese at the intermediate level
for students with prior Chinese language background, either through home use or formal instruction.
CHIN 213 Chinese Poetry into English: An Introduction (3) Issues in the intercultural and interlingual
interpretation of foreign literature through the study of Western translations of and scholarship on selected
Chinese poets. No knowledge of Chinese required.
CHIN 214 Introduction to Chinese Literature (3) Introduction to Chinese literature in its historical
context. Readings include different genres of Chinese literatures such as Confucius, Du Fu and Lu Xun,
medical texts, sutras, maps, gazettes. Taught in English.
CHIN 215 Introduction to Chinese Philosophy (3) Additional information: Course is taught in English.
No previous knowledge of Chinese philosophy and history will be assumed and no prerequisites are
required. How should one make moral choices? What is the best way to live a moral life? How should the
state be organized to best encourage proper human behavior? And what happens if the state comes to be
formed as an empire? What are the proper moral ways to respond? Questions such as these were at the
heart of early Chinese philosophical debates (roughly fifth through first centuries BCE). This course will
be study of how the early Chinese thinkers wrestled with these questions and what responses they gave.
As we will quickly see, the views that arose in early China were among the most powerful and influential
in human history. Regardless of whether one agrees with these views or not, they should be studied and
taken seriously by anyone who cares about ethics and politics.
CHIN 220 Beginning Chinese Calligraphy (3) Introduction to techniques, history, and culture of
Chinese calligraphy. Extensive hands-on practice. Taught in English.
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CHIN 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CHIN 301 Advanced Chinese I (3) Prerequisite: CHIN202; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. And must have taken a placement interview offered by
the department for Non-majors. Readings in expository and fictional writing with conversation and
CHIN 302 Advanced Chinese II (3) Prerequisite: CHIN301; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. And must have taken a placement interview offered by
the department for Non-majors. Continuation of CHIN301.
CHIN 305 Life in China through TV Plays I (3) Prerequisite: CHIN203 and CHIN204; or permission
of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Using authentic Chinese language
material in short TV plays to learn about society and life in China.
CHIN 306 Life in China through TV Plays II (3) Prerequisite: CHIN305; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Continuation of CHIN305 using authentic
Chinese language material in TV plays to learn about society and life in China.
CHIN 307 Linguistic Landscape of China (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed CHIN204 or above;
or permission of Chinese Program Advisor. Comprehensive introduction to Chinese and other major
languages in the Sino-Tibetan, Altaic, Austroasiatic, and Austronesian families, all of which are spoken in
China. Taught in English.
CHIN 313 Chinese Poetry and Prose in Translation (3) Writing of the major poets, essayists, and
historians from the 10th century B.C. to the 12th century A.D. No knowledge of Chinese is required.
CHIN 315 Modern Chinese Literature in Translation (3) Major works of fiction and drama from 1920
to the present read in the context of social and literary change. Emphasis on western and traditional
Chinese influences on the writers and their works. No knowledge of Chinese required.
CHIN 321 Classical Chinese I (3) Prerequisite: CHIN207; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Credit only granted for: CHIN321 or CHIN403.
Formerly: CHIN403. Introductory classical Chinese using literacy and historical sources in the original
CHIN 322 Classical Chinese II (3) Prerequisite: CHIN403 and CHIN321; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Further classical studies by various writers
from famous ancient philosophers to prominent scholars before the new culture movement.
CHIN 331 Chinese Calligraphy: Theory and Practice (3) Prerequisite: CHIN220; or permission of
instructor. History of the writing system; major scripts, modes, and styles. Intermediate brushwork and
lectures on the culture. Characters for practice selected to correspond to lecture topics. Taught in English.
CHIN 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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CHIN 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have learning proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
CHIN 388 Topics in Chinese Literature in Translation (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Analysis of significant themes and structures in Chinese literature. No knowledge of Chinese required.
CHIN 389 Language House Spring Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a resident of Language House.
Repeatable to 8 credits. For students residing in the Language House Immersion Program. Focuses on the
development of skills in the target language and acquiring the cultural knowledge of the countries that
speak the target language.
CHIN 401 Readings in Modern Chinese I (3) Prerequisite: CHIN302; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. And must have taken a placement interview
offered by the department for Non-majors. Readings in history, politics, economics, sociology, and
literature. Emphasis on wide-ranging, rapid reading, reinforced by conversations and compositions.
CHIN 402 Readings in Modern Chinese II (3) Prerequisite: CHIN401; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. And must have taken a placement interview
offered by the department for Non-majors. Continuation of CHIN401.
CHIN 408 Selected Readings in Classical Chinese (3) Prerequisite: CHIN321; and must have
knowledge of Pinyin. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Selected readings in Classical Chinese,
including important representative works of history, poetry, and parallel prose. Close attention is paid to
matters of grammar and phonology in the readings. Content will differ each time this course is offered.
CHIN 411 Business Chinese I (3) Prerequisite: CHIN402; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. And must have taken a placement interview offered by
the department for Non-majors. Conversation, reading, and writing applicable to Chinese business
transactions, social meetings, and meetings with government organizations, plus background material in
English on professional business practices and social customs associated with business.
CHIN 412 Business Chinese II (3) Prerequisite: CHIN402; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. And must have taken a placement interview offered by
the department for Non-majors. Continuation of CHIN411.
CHIN 415 Readings in Current Newspapers and Periodicals (3) Prerequisite: CHIN402; or students
who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. And must have taken a
placement interview offered by the department for Non-majors. Reading of periodical literature on
selected topics with discussions and essays in Chinese.
CHIN 418 Special Topics in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film (3) Prerequisite: Permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 12 credits if content
differs. Various approaches to the most recent textual productions of China and Taiwan. Taught in
CHIN 421 Theory of Chinese Phonetics and Phonology - Introduction (3) Prerequisite: Must have
completed CHIN302 or higher. Introduction to theories, terminology, and practical techniques for
describing and analyzing Chinese speech sounds and their functions in the language. Taught in English.
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CHIN 422 Chinese Grammar (3) Prerequisite: CHIN302; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Chinese sentence patterns studied and contrasted with
English and in terms of current pedagogical as well as linguistic theories. Taught in English and Chinese.
CHIN 428 Selected Topics in Chinese Linguistics (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable
to 12 credits if content differs. Undergraduate seminar in Chinese linguistics. Topics may include the
ancient writing system, historical phonology, dialectology, prosody and rhyming, grammar and the
history of the language as a whole. This course may be repeated with different content, and satisfies the
linguistics requirement for the Chinese major. Students are expected to be in at least Third Year Chinese.
Taught in English.
CHIN 429 Selected Topics in Chinese Studies (3) Prerequisite: CHIN315. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. In-depth study of a particular aspect of Chinese cultural, linguistic, literary studies.
Specific topic to be announced when course is offered. Taught in English.
CHIN 441 Traditional Chinese Fiction (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Major works of fiction from the 4th century tales of the marvelous
through the 19th century Qing novel. Readings are in classical Chinese and English. Designed for
students with advanced language skills. Taught in English.
CHIN 443 Cultural Histories of Medicine in China (3) Restriction: Permission of department, School
of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Investigates medical knowledge through traditional Chinese
approaches to the body and beliefs about healing, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, prayer, ritual
and folk medicine. Taught in English.
CHIN 499 Directed Study in Chinese (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Readings in Chinese under faculty supervision.
CLAS -- Classics
CLAS 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CLAS 170 Greek and Roman Mythology (3) Also offered as: RELS170. Credit only granted for:
CLAS170 or RELS170. Additional information: This course cannot be taken for language credit. An
introduction to the mythology of ancient Greece and Rome. This course is particularly recommended for
students planning to major in foreign languages, English, history, the fine arts, or journalism. Taught in
CLAS 171 Classical Myths in Europe (1) The role which Classical Myths have played in the arts,
architecture and politics of a major European city. This will only be offered through the study abroad
CLAS 180 Discovering the World of Ancient Greece (3) An exploration of the cultural traits and
developments of ancient Greek civilization and its forerunners, from the Bronze Age Mycenaeans and
Minoans, through the rise of the classical Greek city-states, to the expansion of Greek cultural influence
in the wake of the conquests of Alexander the Great. Drawing upon the evidence of the archaeological
remains as well as ancient historical and literary documents, students gain a basic familiarity with the
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principal monuments and artifacts of classical Greek civilization, the various institutions and values that
characterized the Greeks, and the significant historical events that transformed the culture over the course
of antiquity.
CLAS 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CLAS 270 Greek Literature in Translation (3) Selections in translation of Greek literature from Homer
to Lucian, with special emphasis on epic and dramatic poetry. No knowledge of Greek or Latin is
CLAS 275 Why do we laugh? (3) An introduction to the breadth and complexity of humor's role in
society. Students will familiarize themselves with the explanations that various disciplines have offered
about what makes us laugh, and analyze the major impact humor has in our understanding of who we are
and how we see our world.
CLAS 305 Archaeological Methods and Practice (3) Prerequisite: ANTH240, ARTH200, or CLAS180.
Also offered as: ANTH305, ARTH305. Credit only granted for: ANTH305, ARTH305, or CLAS305. A
team-taught, interdisciplinary course discussing theories, methods, and ethical issues in the practice of
CLAS 308 The Classics in Context (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Classics department.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A Study Abroad course which introduces students to the
topography, archaeology and culture of the ancient Mediterranean world.
CLAS 309 Special Topics in Classical Literature (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Readings in translation.
CLAS 310 Ancient Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in CLAS courses; or 6 credits in PHIL courses.
Credit only granted for: CLAS310 or PHIL310. The origins and development of philosophy and science
in Ancient Greece, focusing on the pre-Socratics, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
CLAS 311 Inventing Ancient Greek Culture (3) Who were the ancient Greeks, and were they the
founders of Western civilization? The course examines the foundations of ancient Greece. Through an
analysis of the historical, archaeological, and linguistic evidence, it sheds light on the so-called Black
Athena Controversy, which raised doubts about the ancient Greek contribution to Western culture. The
course also focuses on the impact of modern identity politics on scholarly discussions of antiquity and the
ways in which the Culture Wars of the 1980s and 1990s have influenced analyses of the ancient Greek
CLAS 315 Greek and Roman Athletics (3) The origin and evolution of athletics in ancient Greece and
Rome studied as recreation, as play, as education, as a profession and as mass entertainment.
CLAS 320 Women in Classical Antiquity (3) Also offered as: WMST320. Credit only granted for:
CLAS320 or WMST320. A study of women's image and reality in ancient Greek and Roman societies
through an examination of literary, linguistic, historical, legal and artistic evidence; special emphasis in
women's role in the family, views of female sexuality, and the place of women in creative art. Readings in
primary sources in translation and modern critical writings.
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CLAS 330 Ancient Greek Religion: Gods, Myths, Temples (3) Also offered as: RELS370. Credit only
granted for: CLAS330 or RELS370. Survey of Greek religious ideas and practices as they evolve from
the Bronze Age to the early Christian period.
CLAS 331 Roman Religion: From Jupiter to Jesus (3) Formerly: CLAS309J. Survey of the major
institutions of Roman state and private religion and of the diverse religions, including Judaism and
Christianity, practiced in the Roman empire.
CLAS 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CLAS 370 Classical Myths in America (3) Prerequisite: CLAS170. Restriction: Sophomore standing or
higher. Credit only granted for: CLAS370 or HONR269W. Formerly: HONR269W. The role which
Greek and Roman Myths have played in American culture and politics.
CLAS 374 Greek Tragedy in Translation (3) Study and analysis of the tragedies of Aeschylus,
Sophocles and Euripides with special attention to the concepts of character and of thought as conceived
by Aristotle in The Poetics.
CLAS 375 Ancient Comedy (3) Representative plays by Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus and Terence
in translation; examination of Greek tradition in Roman and postclassical periods.
CLAS 380 Archaeological Fieldwork in Greece (4) Credit only granted for: CLAS369K or CLAS380.
Formerly: CLAS369K. Students will learn about the archaeology, history and culture of Greece by
participating in the archaeological investigations at Kenchreai, the eastern port of ancient Corinth.
Students will learn about data analysis, artifact processing, and conservation, all important components in
archaeological fieldwork. This program also gives students a rare chance to live and to learn in one of the
most archaeologically rich, historically important, and naturally beautiful regions in Greece, the
northeastern Peloponnese. Students will visit sites and museums throughout this region, attend seminars,
and experience life in a small village. In this way they will learn not only about the practice of
archaeological field research, but also about Greek history and culture from ancient to modern times.
While the course focuses on southern Greece during the Roman Empire and Late Antiquity, a period of
prosperity and diversity at Kenchreai and in its broader area, students will also explore cultural and
historical developments that influenced other regions and longer periods, from the Bronze Age to the
Modern era, including religion and cult-practice, art and iconography, settlement and the environment,
and the construction of identity.
CLAS 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
CLAS 409 Classics Capstone Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Classics department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Comparative study of selected central aspects of both ancient
Greek and Roman cultures as viewed from the standpoints of literary study, history, art history, and other
fields as appropriate. Seminar format involving intensive student research.
CLAS 419 The Classical Tradition (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for:
CLAS419 or CLAS420. Formerly: CLAS420. Examination of the role of Greek and Roman civilization
in shaping the arts and ideas of western culture.
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CLAS 470 Approaches to Greek Mythology (3) Prerequisite: CLAS170; or permission of ARHU-
Classics department. Ancient and modern approaches to understanding Greek myth as expression of
human experience, including interpretations drawn from psychology, anthropology, and comparative
CLAS 488 Independent Study in Classical Civilization (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Classics
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
CLAS 495 Senior Thesis in Classics (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Classics department. Prior
departmental approval of research topic is required.
CLAS 499 Independent Study in Classical Languages and Literatures (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission
of ARHU-Classics department.
CMLT -- Comparative Literature
CMLT 235 Black Diaspora Literature and Culture (3) Credit only granted for: CMLT235 or
ENGL235. Examination of key works by writers of the African Diaspora. Relationship among black
people across multiple geographic spaces; Africa, the Caribbean, the United States, Europe, Latin
America, and Asia. Specific historical, cultural, and literary contexts; themes such as gender, sexuality,
migration, slavery, freedom, and equality. Readings may include literary texts (fiction, poetry, drama),
music and film. All readings in English, but drawn from multiple languages of the black diaspora,
including English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
CMLT 242 Introduction to Jewish Literature (3) Also offered as: JWST272. Credit only granted for:
HEBR231, JWST272, or CMLT242. Formerly: HEBR231. A survey of Jewish literature and introduction
to methods of reading literature in general and Jewish literature in particular. Concern with what makes a
literary corpus Jewish and other issues of canonicity. All texts in English translation.
CMLT 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CMLT 270 Global Literature and Social Change (3) Comparative study of literature through selected
literary works from several non-Western cultures, viewed cross-culturally in light of particular social,
political, and economic perspectives.
CMLT 275 World Literature by Women (3) Also offered as: WMST275. Credit only granted for:
CMLT275 or WMST275. Comparative study of selected works by women writers of several countries,
exploring points of intersection and divergence in women's literary representations.
CMLT 277 Literatures of the Americas (3) Comparative study of several North, South, and Central
American cultures with a focus on the specificities, similarities, and divergences of their literary and
cultural texts.
CMLT 280 Film Art in a Global Society (3) Comparative study of a variety of film traditions from
around the world, including cinema from Hollywood, Europe, Asia and developing countries, with a
stress on different cultural contexts for film-making and viewing.
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CMLT 285 American Indians in Literature and Film: Perspectives North and South (3) Credit only
granted for: CMLT285, CMLT298N, and LASC248N. Formerly: CMLT298N. Introduction to
indigenous peoples of North America, Central America and South America. Native peoples of the
Americas contextualized in their specific environments. Cultural adaptations and cultural expressions
emphasized for Arctic, Chesapeake, Mayan territory, and Andes regions. Readings of scientific literature,
film, and narrative. Comparison of images in photographs and films. Discussion of European-based
legislation for and about indigenous peoples from sixteenth century Spain to contemporary U.S.
CMLT 298 Topics in Comparative Studies (3-6) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
CMLT 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
CMLT 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and permission of
ARHU-English department.
CMLT 398 Special Topics in Comparative Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Special topics in comparitive studies.
CMLT 469 The Continental Novel (3) The novel in translation from Stendhal through the
existentialists, selected from literatures of France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Spain.
CMLT 479 Major Contemporary Authors (3)
CMLT 488 Genres (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. A study of a recognized literary form,
such as tragedy, film, satire, literary criticism, comedy, tragicomedy, etc.
CMLT 489 Major Writers (3) Each semester two major writers from different cultures and languages
will be studied. Authors will be chosen on the basis of significant relationships of cultural and aesthetic
contexts, analogies between their respective works, and the importance of each writer to his literary
CMLT 498 Selected Topics in Comparative Studies (3)
CMSC -- Computer Science
CMSC 100 Bits and Bytes of Computer Science (1) Restriction: For first time freshmen and first time
transfer computer science majors. Students are introduced to the field (and disciplines) of computer
science within a small classroom setting. They will learn to make a successful transition from high school
to the university, while exploring study skills, student success plans and research opportunities.
CMSC 102 Introduction to Information Technology (3) Restriction: Must not be in Computer Science
program; and must not have completed CMSC122 or CMSC131; and not recommended for BMGT
students. Credit only granted for: CMSC102, CMSC132 or CMSC214 unless CMSC102 is taken first,
then credit will be granted for both. A historical and practical introduction to computer and network
terminology, applications and concepts. Students will have hands-on experience with a variety of tools
available to find and access information on the Internet, to exchange information between computers, and
to perform basic web design. Students will explore applications (such as browsers and spreadsheets) as
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well as different computing environments (such as Windows and UNIX). There will be discussions of
social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology.
CMSC 106 Introduction to C Programming (4) Prerequisite: MATH115. Restriction: Must not be in
Computer Science program; and must not have completed any courses from CMSC131-499 course range.
Design and analysis of programs in C. An introduction to computing using structured programming
concepts. Intended for students with no or minimal programming experience.
CMSC 122 Introduction to Computer Programming via the Web (3) Restriction: Must not have
completed any courses from CMSC131-499 course range; and must not be concurrently enrolled in
CMSC131. Credit only granted for: CMSC122 or CMSC198N. Formerly: CMSC198N. Introduction to
computer programming in the context of developing full featured dynamic web sites. Uses a problem
solving approach to teach basics of program design and implementation using JavaScript; relates these
skills to creation of dynamic web sites; then explores both the potential and limits of web-based
information sources for use in research. Intended to help relate a student's major to these emerging
CMSC 131 Object-Oriented Programming I (4) Corequisite: MATH140; and permission of CMNS-
Computer Science department. Introduction to programming and computer science. Emphasizes
understanding and implementation of applications using object-oriented techniques. Develops skills such
as program design and testing as well as implementation of programs using a graphical IDE.
Programming done in Java.
CMSC 132 Object-Oriented Programming II (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC131; or
must have earned a score of 5 on the A Java AP exam. Or permission of the department based on
satisfactory performance on the department placement exam; and minimum grade of C- in MATH140;
and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Introduction to use of computers to solve
problems using software engineering principles. Design, build, test, and debug medium -size software
systems and learn to use relevant tools. Use object-oriented methods to create effective and efficient
problem solutions. Use and implement application programming interfaces (APIs). Programming done in
CMSC 198 Special Topics in Computer Science for Non-Majors (1-4) Restriction: Must not be in
Computer Science program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. A course designed to allow non-
computer science majors and non-computer engineering majors to pursue a specialized topic or project.
CMSC 216 Introduction to Computer Systems (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC132;
and minimum grade of C- in MATH141. Corequisite: CMSC250. Credit only granted for: CMSC212,
(CMSC213 and CMSC313), or CMSC216. Machine representation of data including integers and floating
point. Modern computer architectural features and their interaction with software (registers, caches).
Interaction between user programs and the OS: system class, process, and thread management.
Optimizing software to improve runtime performance using both compilers and hand turning.
CMSC 250 Discrete Structures (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC131; and minimum
grade of C- in MATH141. Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Formerly:
CMSC150. Fundamental mathematical concepts related to computer science, including finite and infinite
sets, relations, functions, and propositional logic. Introduction to other techniques, modeling and solving
problems in computer science. Introduction to permutations, combinations, graphs, and trees with selected
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CMSC 297 Honors Seminar (1) An introduction to the breadth of computer science research. Intended
for all Computer Science Honors students, especially those considering a career in research. Will cover
work from some of the key figures in the history of computer science, as well as research being pursued at
CMSC 298 Special Topics in Computer Science (1-4) Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer
Science department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. A course designed to allow a lower level
student to pursue a specialized topic or project.
CMSC 320 Introduction to Data Science (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC216 and
CMSC250. Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. An introduction to the data
science pipeline, i.e., the end-to-end process of going from unstructured, messy data to knowledge and
actionable insights. Provides a broad overview of several topics including statistical data analysis, basic
data mining and machine learning algorithms, large-scale data management, cloud computing, and
information visualization.
CMSC 330 Organization of Programming Languages (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
CMSC250 and CMSC216; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. The semantics of
programming languages and their run-time organization. Several different models of languages are
discussed, including procedural (e.g., C, Pascal), functional (e.g., ML, LISP), rule-based (e.g., Prolog),
and object-oriented (e.g., C++, Smalltalk). Run-time structures, including dynamic versus static scope
rules, storage for strings, arrays, records, and object inheritance are explored.
CMSC 351 Algorithms (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC250 and CMSC216; and
permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Credit only granted for: CMSC251 or CMSC351.
Additional information: CMSC351 may not count as one of the required upper level CMSC courses for
students who are required to have 24 upper level CMSC credits for graduation, i.e. for students who
became computer science majors prior to Fall, 2002. A systematic study of the complexity of some
elementary algorithms related to sorting, graphs and trees, and combinatorics. Algorithms are analyzed
using mathematical techniques to solve recurrences and summations.
CMSC 389 Special Topics in Computer Science (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Seminar courses that allow students to pursue new and emerging areas of Computer Science; course may
be used as electives for the undergraduate degree and minor.
CMSC 390 Honors Paper (3) Restriction: Must be admitted to the Computer Science Honors Program.
Special study or research directed toward preparation of honors paper.
CMSC 396 Computer Science Honors Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Must have admission into Computer
Science Departmental Honors Program. Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department.
Credit only granted for: CMSC297 or CMSC396. Formerly: CMSC297. Overview of computer science
research activities, techniques, and tools. Diverse research areas will be covered, including systems,
networks, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, software engineering, graphics, vision, and
CMSC 402 Bioinformatic Algorithms and Methods for Functional Genomics and Proteomics (3)
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC330 and CMSC351; and permission of CMNS-Computer
Science department. An introduction to the fundamental concepts in the computational analysis of
biological systems with applications to: functional genomics, population genetics, proteomics and
epigenetics. Computational concepts covered: network and graph algorithms, combinatorial algorithms,
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machine learning, large data/network visualization, statistical modeling and inference, probabilistic
graphical models, sparse methods in data analysis, numerical optimization. No prior knowledge of
biology required.
CMSC 411 Computer Systems Architecture (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC330; or
must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Restriction:
Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Credit only granted for: ENEE446 or CMSC411.
Input/output processors and techniques. Intra-system communication, buses, caches. Addressing and
memory hierarchies. Microprogramming, parallelism, and pipelining.
CMSC 412 Operating Systems (4) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (CMSC414,
CMSC417, CMSC420, CMSC430, CMSC433, CMSC435, ENEE440). Restriction: Permission of
CMNS-Computer Science department; or must be in one of the following programs (Computer Science
(Master's); Computer Science (Doctoral)). Credit only granted for: CMSC412 or ENEE447. A hands-on
introduction to operating systems, including topics in: multiprogramming, communication and
synchronization, memory management, IO subsystems, and resource scheduling polices. The laboratory
component consists of constructing a small kernel, including functions for device IO, multi-tasking, and
memory management.
CMSC 414 Computer and Network Security (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC330 and
CMSC351; or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program.
Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Credit only granted for: CMSC414,
ENEE459C, or ENEE457. An introduction to the topic of security in the context of computer systems and
networks. Identify, analyze, and solve network-related security problems in computer systems.
Fundamentals of number theory, authentication, and encryption technologies, as well as the practical
problems that have to be solved in order to make those technologies workable in a networked
environment, particularly in the wide-area Internet environment.
CMSC 417 Computer Networks (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC351 and CMSC330;
and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer Science
(Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Computer networks and architectures. The OSI model
including discussion and examples of various network layers. A general introduction to existing network
protocols. Communication protocol specification, analysis, and testing.
CMSC 420 Data Structures (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC351 and CMSC330; and
permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral),
Computer Science (Master's)) program. Description, properties, and storage allocation of data structures
including lists and trees. Algorithms for manipulating structures. Applications from areas such as data
processing, information retrieval, symbol manipulation, and operating systems.
CMSC 421 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC351
and CMSC330; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer
Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Areas and issues in artificial intelligence,
including search, inference, knowledge representation, learning, vision, natural languages, expert systems,
robotics. Implementation and application of programming languages (e.g. LISP, PROLOG,
SMALLTALK), programming techniques (e.g. pattern matching, discrimination networks) and control
structures (e.g. agendas, data dependencies).
CMSC 422 Introduction to Machine Learning (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC351
and CMSC330; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Recommended: STAT400.
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Machine Learning studies representations and algorithms that allow machines to improve their
performance on a task from experience. This is a broad overview of existing methods for machine
learning and an introduction to adaptive systems in general. Emphasis is given to practical aspects of
machine learning and data mining.
CMSC 423 Bioinformatic Algorithms, Databases, and Tools (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
CMSC351 and CMSC330; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the
(Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. An introduction to the main
algorithms, databases, and tools used in bioinformatics. Topics may include assembly and analysis of
genome sequences, reconstructing evolutionary histories, predicting protein structure, and clustering of
biological data. Use of scripting languages to perform analysis tasks on biological data. No prior
knowledge of biology is assumed.
CMSC 424 Database Design (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC351 and CMSC330; and
permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral),
Computer Science (Master's)) program. Students are introduced to database systems and motivates the
database approach as a mechanism for modeling the real world. An in-depth coverage of the relational
model, logical database design, query languages, and other database concepts including query
optimization, concurrency control; transaction management, and log based crash recovery. Distributed
and Web database architectures are also discussed.
CMSC 425 Game Programming (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC420. An introduction
to the principles and practice of computer game programming and design. This includes an introduction to
game hardware and systems, the principles of game design, object and terrain modeling, game physics,
artificial intelligence for games, networking for games, rendering and animation, and aural rendering.
Course topics are reinforced through the design and implementation of a working computer game.
CMSC 426 Computer Vision (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC330 and CMSC351; or
must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Restriction:
Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. An introduction to basic concepts and techniques in
computervision. This includes low-level operations such as image filtering and edge detection, 3D
reconstruction of scenes using stereo and structure from motion, and object detection, recognition and
CMSC 427 Computer Graphics (3) Prerequisite: MATH240; and minimum grade of C- in CMSC420;
and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer Science
(Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. An introduction to the principles of computer
graphics. Includes an introduction to graphics displays and systems. Introduction to the mathematics of
affine and projective transformations, perspective, curve and surface modeling, algorithms for hidden-
surface removal, color models, methods for modeling illumination, shading, and reflection.
CMSC 430 Introduction to Compilers (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC330 and
CMSC351; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer
Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Topics include lexical analysis, parsing,
intermediate representations, program analysis, optimization, and code generation.
CMSC 433 Programming Language Technologies and Paradigms (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of
C- in CMSC330; or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program.
Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Programming language technologies
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(e.g., object-oriented programming), their implementations and use in software design and
CMSC 434 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
CMSC330 and CMSC351; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the
(Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Assess usability by quantitative
and qualitative methods. Conduct task analyses, usability tests, expert reviews, and continuing
assessments of working products by interviews, surveys, and logging. Apply design processes and
guidelines to develop professional quality user interfaces. Build low-fidelity paper mockups, and a high-
fidelity prototype using contemporary tools such as graphic editors and a graphical programming
environment (eg: Visual Basic, Java).
CMSC 435 Software Engineering (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(CMSC412, CMSC417, CMSC420, CMSC430, CMSC433); and permission of CMNS-Computer Science
department. Or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program.
State-of-the-art techniques in software design and development. Laboratory experience in applying the
techniques covered. Structured design, structured programming, top-down design and development,
segmentation and modularization techniques, iterative enhancement, design and code inspection
techniques, correctness, and chief-programmer teams. The development of a large software project.
CMSC 436 Programming Handheld Systems (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC330 and
CMSC351; or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program.
Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Fundamental principles and concepts
that underlie the programming of handheld systems, such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants,
and tablet computers. Particular emphasis will be placed on concepts such as limited display size, power,
memory and CPU speed; and new input modalities, where handheld systems differ substantially from
non-handheld systems, and thus require special programming tools and approaches. Students will apply
these concepts and principles in the context of an existing handset programming platform.
CMSC 451 Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
CMSC351; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer
Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Fundamental techniques for designing
efficient computer algorithms, proving their correctness, and analyzing their complexity. General topics
include sorting, selection, graph algorithms, and basic algorithm design paradigms (such as divide-and-
conquer, dynamic programming and greedy algorithms), lower bounds and NP-completeness.
CMSC 452 Elementary Theory of Computation (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC351;
and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer Science
(Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Alternative theoretical models of computation, types
of automata, and their relations to formal grammars and languages.
CMSC 456 Cryptology (3) Prerequisite: (any two 400-level MATH courses; or (CMSC351 and
CMSC330)); and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be a CMSC graduate
student. Also offered as: MATH456. Credit only granted for: CMSC456 or MATH456. Importance in
protecting data in communications between computers. The subject lies on the border between
mathematics and computer science. Mathematical topics include number theory and probability, and
computer science topics include complexity theory.
CMSC 460 Computational Methods (3) Prerequisite: MATH240 and MATH241; and (CMSC106 or
CMSC131); and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer
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Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Also offered as: AMSC460. Credit only
granted for: AMSC460, AMSC466, CMSC460, or CMSC466. Basic computational methods for
interpolation, least squares, approximation, numerical quadrature, numerical solution of polynomial and
transcendental equations, systems of linear equations and initial value problems for ordinary differential
equations. Emphasis on methods and their computational properties rather than their analytic aspects.
Intended primarily for students in the physical and engineering sciences.
CMSC 466 Introduction to Numerical Analysis I (3) Prerequisite: MATH240 and MATH241; and
(CMSC106 or CMSC131); and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the
(Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Also offered as: AMSC466.
Credit only granted for: AMSC460, AMSC466, CMSC460, or CMSC466. Floating point computations,
direct methods for linear systems, interpolation, solution of nonlinear equations.
CMSC 474 Introduction to Computational Game Theory (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
CMSC351 and CMSC330; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the
(Computer Science (Doctoral), Computer Science (Master's)) program. Credit only granted for:
CMSC474, ECON414, GVPT390 or GVPT399A. Game theory deals with interactions among agents
(either human or computerized) whose objectives and preferences may differ from the objectives and
preferences of the other agents. It will also provide a comprehensive introduction to game theory,
concentrating on its computational aspects.
CMSC 475 Combinatorics and Graph Theory (3) Prerequisite: MATH240 and MATH241; and
permission of CMNS-Computer Science department. Or must be in the (Computer Science (Doctoral),
Computer Science (Master's)) program. Also offered as: MATH475. General enumeration methods,
difference equations, generating functions. Elements of graph theory, matrix representations of graphs,
applications of graph theory to transport networks, matching theory and graphical algorithms.
CMSC 498 Selected Topics in Computer Science (1-3) Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer
Science department. An individualized course designed to allow a student or students to pursue a selected
topic not taught as a part of the regular course offerings under the supervision of a Computer Science
faculty member. In addition, courses dealing with topics of special interest and/or new emerging areas of
computer science will be offered with this number. Selected topics courses will be structured very much
like a regular course with homework, project and exams. Credit according to work completed
CMSC 499 Independent Undergraduate Research (1-3) Restriction: Must be in one of the following
programs (Computer Science; Engineering: Computer) ; and permission of CMNS-Computer Science
department. Students are provided with an opportunity to participate in a computer science research
project under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Format varies. Students and supervising faculty member
will agree to a research plan which must be approved by the department. As part of each research plan,
students should produce a final paper delineating their contribution to the field.
COMM -- Communication
COMM 100 Foundations of Oral Communication (3) Restriction: Must not have completed
COMM107. Credit only granted for: COMM100 or COMM107. Prerequisite for advanced
communication courses. A study of oral communication principles, including verbal and nonverbal
language, listening, group dynamics, and public speaking. Emphasis in this course is upon the application
of these principles to contemporary problems and upon the preparation of different types of oral
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COMM 107 Oral Communication: Principles and Practices (3) Credit only granted for: COMM107,
COMM200, ENES143, INAG110, JOUR130 or THET285. A study of and practice in oral
communication, including principles of interviewing, group discussion, listening, informative briefings,
and persuasive speeches.
COMM 125 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3) Concepts of interpersonal
communication including perception, language and meaning, nonverbal communication, listening and
COMM 170 Foundations of Listening (3) Role, process, and levels of listening behavior and the
development of listening skills.
COMM 200 Critical Thinking and Speaking (3) Credit only granted for: COMM107, COMM200,
ENES143, INAG110, JOUR130, OR THET285. Theory and practice of persuasive discourse analysis and
composition. Research techniques, logical and rhetorical conceptions of argument, and technical
principles for persuading in public venues.
COMM 201 Introduction to Public Relations (3) Basic concepts and principles of public relations.
Roles in organizations and society; history; skills and practices of public relations; theories and models of
effective and ethical public relations.
COMM 207 Oral Communication for Engineers (1) Prerequisite: ENES100. An exploration of oral
communication skills which prepares engineers to engage in interpersonal communication in professional
and international settings, communicate effectively in group environments, and deliver listenable
COMM 220 Small Group Discussion (3) Principles, methods and types of interaction occurring in small
groups with an emphasis on group discussion and decision-making.
COMM 230 Argumentation and Debate (3) A study of the fundamental principles of reasoning,
analysis, and evidence preparation of debate briefs and presentation of standard academic debate.
COMM 250 Introduction to Communication Inquiry (3) An introduction to the field of
communication. Definitions, models, and contexts of communication; rhetorical theory and rhetorical
criticism of discourse.
COMM 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
COMM 288 Communication Internship (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Communication
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An individual experience arranged by the student
with the instructor. Does not satisfy communication major requirements. 45 hours of supervised
internship per credit hour with communication professional. Not a substitute for COMM386.
COMM 298 Selected Topics in Communication (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Special
topical study of contemporary issues in communication.
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COMM 324 Communication and Gender (3) The creation of images of male and female, and
masculine and feminine, through communication, the differences in male and female communication
behaviors and styles, and the implications of those images and styles for male-female transactions.
COMM 330 Argumentation and Public Policy (3) Contemporary theories of argumentation with
special emphasis on methods of formulating and critiquing public policy argument.
COMM 331 News Writing and Reporting for Public Relations (3) Prerequisite: COMM201; and must
have completed or be concurrently enrolled in JOUR181. Restriction: Must be in Communication
program; and (sophomore standing; or junior standing). Or permission of ARHU-Communication
department. Credit only granted for: JOUR201, COMM231, or COMM331. Formerly: COMM231.
Writing and researching news and information media for public relations; laboratory in news-gathering
tools and writing techniques for public relations.
COMM 332 News Editing for Public Relations (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in COMM331;
or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. And permission
of ARHU-Communication department. Restriction: Must be in Communication program. Credit only
granted for: JOUR202, COMM232, or COMM332. Formerly: COMM232. Copy editing, graphic
principles and processes, news and information technologies for public relations.
COMM 340 Communicating the Narrative (3) The role of narratives in communicating messages and
development of strategies to effectively communicate the narrative form through storytelling, oral
reading, and anecdotes.
COMM 350 Public Relations Theory (3) Prerequisite: COMM231 or COMM250. Restriction: Must be
in Communication program. Credit only granted for: COMM350 or COMM430. The historical
development and contemporary status of public relations in business, government, associations and other
organizations. Application of communication theory and social science methods to the research, planning,
communication and evaluation aspects of the public relations process.
COMM 351 Public Relations Techniques (3) Prerequisite: COMM332. Restriction: Must be in
Communication program. Credit only granted for: COMM351 or JOUR331. Formerly: JOUR331. The
techniques of public relations, including news releases, publications and printed materials, audio-visual
techniques, speeches and special events. Application of these techniques in laboratory and field projects.
COMM 352 Specialized Writing in Public Relations (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
COMM351. Restriction: Must be in Communication program. Credit only granted for: COMM352 or
JOUR332. Formerly: JOUR332. Public Relations writing for science, technology, health, medicine,
corporate finance, educational policy, law and government in broadcast and technical media, as well as
newspapers, magazines, proposals, speeches and correspondence.
COMM 353 New Media Writing for Public Relations (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
COMM351. Restriction: Must be in Communication program. Credit only granted for: COMM352 or
COMM353. Formerly: COMM352. Students learn the uses and influence of new media on public
relations practice and expand their ability to write using new and traditional media platforms and tools
COMM 354 Public Relations Programs (3) Prerequisite: COMM350. Credit only granted for:
COMM354 or JOUR334. Formerly: JOUR334. Analysis of eight major programs typically carried out by
public relations professionals: employee relations, media relations, financial relations, member relations,
governmental relations, community relations, fundraising and dealing with activist public.
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COMM 360 The Rhetoric of Black America (3) An historical-critical survey of the rhetoric of Black
Americans from the colonial period to the present.
COMM 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs.
Special topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
COMM 370 Mediated Communication (3) Prerequisite: COMM250. Restriction: Junior standing or
higher. Analysis and critique of structure, performance, content, effects, and future of mediated
COMM 371 Communication and Digital Media (3) Restriction: Must be in Communication program.
Credit only granted for: COMM371 or COMM398V. Formerly: COMM398V. A basic introduction to
communication in the digital age. Through class lectures, assignments and projects, students will learn to
effectively use new media for the purpose of strategic message creation and management used in the field
of communication. Students will apply the basics of visual layout skills and the principles of visual design
to create messages using words and images.
COMM 372 Communication, Meaning, and Digital Media (3) Restriction: Must be in Communication
program. An exploration of visual communication and meaning creation. A theoretical and practical
application of communication concepts and techniques in the production of visual content.
COMM 373 Communication and Digital Visual Narrative (3) Restriction: Must be in Communication
program. Examination of the traditional style of visual communication, its practices and theoretical
underpinnings juxtaposed against contemporary digital media aesthetics and techniques. Utilizing a
variety of communication skills and new media tools, students will plan, write, shoot, edit, and upload
digital visual narratives.
COMM 374 Communicating Visually: Message Production and Digital Media (3) Restriction:
Restricted to Communication Majors at the Universities at Shady Grove. Focus on the interplay between
technology, images and sound in the creation of digital content. This is a communication process by
which a digital visual message evolves from conception to completion, incorporating the creative,
financial and marketing tools. Students will conceive, plan, recruit and supervise digital video projects,
developing a familiarity with production management technique and execution.
COMM 375 Documentary Theory and Practice (3) Restriction: Must be in Communication program.
A historical and theoretical introduction to documentary films and videos. Students will explore the
power of documentaries to address socially significant issues.
COMM 376 Communication through Advocacy Short Film (3) Restriction: Must be in
Communication program. Explores the theory and practice of contemporary communication and
advocacy short form video.
COMM 382 Essentials of Intercultural Communication (3) Credit only granted for: COMM382 or
COMM482. Introduction of major theories and concepts of intercultural communication; examination of
processes that make up cultural differences; and use of intercultural communication competence skills.
COMM 385 Influence (3) Credit only granted for: COMM385 or COMM498I (Spring 2014). Formerly:
COMM498I (Spring 2014). Explores contemporary theories of influence and their implications for
communication practice. Topics include power and influence, logical theory, rhetorical theory, persuasion
theory, framing theory, social influence theory, and propagation of influence in mediated social networks.
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COMM 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Communication
department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must be in Communication program. Supervised
internship experience with communication professionals. Relation of academic training to professional
COMM 388 Communication Practicum (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Communication
department. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Supervised professional-level practice in
COMM 398 Selected Topics in Communication (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topical
study of contemporary issues in communication.
COMM 399 Honors Thesis (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Communication department.
Restriction: Must be in Communication program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
COMM 400 Research Methods in Communication (3) Prerequisite: COMM250; and must have an
introductory course in statistics. Restriction: Must be in Communication program. Philosophy of
scientific method; role of theory; research ethics; empirical research methods (measurement, sampling,
design, analysis).
COMM 401 Interpreting Strategic Discourse (3) Prerequisite: COMM250. Restriction: Must be in
Communication program. Principles and approaches for practical analysis of discourse designed to shape
audience opinion.
COMM 402 Communication Theory and Process (3) Prerequisite: COMM250. Restriction: Must be in
Communication program. Philosophical and conceptual analysis of communication theories.
COMM 420 Theories of Group Discussion (3) Current theory, research and techniques regarding small
group process, group dynamics, leadership and decision-making.
COMM 421 Communicating Leadership (3) Examines the nature of leadership, theories of leadership
from a communication perspective, relationships between leadership, authority, power, and ethics.
Explores leadership responsibilities, commitments, and actions.
COMM 422 Communication Management (3) Communication policies, plans, channels, and practices
in the management of the communication function in organizations.
COMM 423 Communication Processes in Conferences (3) Group participation in conferences,
methods of problem solving, semantic aspects of language, and the function of conferences in business,
industry and government settings.
COMM 424 Communication in Complex Organizations (3) Structure and function of communication
within organizations: organizational climate and culture, information flow, networks and role
COMM 425 Negotiation and Conflict Management (3) Role of communication in shaping negotiation
and conflict processes and outcomes.
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COMM 426 Conflict Management (3) Recommended: COMM425; and COMM250; and COMM402.
Role of communication in managing conflict processes.
COMM 427 Crisis Communication (3) Credit only granted for: COMM398C or COMM427. Formerly:
COMM398C. Explores theories and research related to communication before, during, and after a crisis.
Students examine the fundamentals of organizational communication, crisis management, and strategic
and crisis communication planning before examining case studies of a number of real-life crises:
organizational crises, natural disasters, accidents, terrorism incidents, health crises, and major crises of
COMM 435 Theories of Interpersonal Communication (3) Prerequisite: COMM400; or permission of
ARHU-Communication department. Major theoretical approaches and research trends in the study of
interpersonal communication.
COMM 436 Interpersonal Arguing (3) Prerequisite: COMM400 and COMM250. Restriction: Must be
in Communication program. Credit only granted for: COMM436 or COMM498I. Formerly: COMM498I.
An examination of face to face arguing.
COMM 450 Ancient and Medieval Rhetorical Theory (3) Prerequisite: COMM250. Restriction: Must
be in Communication program. Credit only granted for: COMM450 or COMM650. A survey of rhetorical
theory in the ancient and medieval periods. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical problems that gave rise
to its development within both periods. Authors include Isocrates, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian,
Hermogenes, Martianus Capella, Aurelius Augustine, Alberic of Monte Cassino, Geoffrey of Vinsauf and
Robert of Basevorn.
COMM 451 Renaissance & Modern Rhetoric Theory (3) A survey of rhetorical theory in the
renaissance and modern periods. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical trends that dominate rhetorical
thinking during both periods--especially in Great Britain. Authors include Wilson, Sherry, Rainolde, Day,
Hyperius, Cox, Ramus, Talon, Bacon, Pascal, Fenelon, Sheridan, Campbell, Blair, and Whately.
COMM 453 The Power of Discourse in American Life (3) The potential of language forms and
strategic discourse to create, perpetuate, and alter patterns of political and cultural behavior. The influence
of contemporary political and cultural discourse on public understanding, public policy, and day-to-day
COMM 454 Rhetoric of the 1960s (3) Prerequisite: COMM401; or permission of ARHU-
Communication department. Restriction: Must not have completed COMM453 (Spring2003). Study of
key rhetoric of the 1960s. Treats rhetoric of relevant Presidents and several protest movements including
civil rights, anti-war, and women's liberation. Contrasts traditional modes of argument with alternative
rhetorical forms.
COMM 455 Speechwriting (3) The study of message strategies in order to research and develop
effective speech texts appropriate to speakers and their audiences in various public contexts.
COMM 458 Seminar in Political Communication (3) Prerequisite: COMM250. Repeatable to 6 credits
if content differs. The examination of special topics for and theories of political communication.
COMM 460 Public Life in American Communities, 1634-1900 (3) Ways that Americans have used
their voice to create public life. Focus is on the diverse social communities that have characterized
American life and the place and characteristics of oral discourse in each.
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COMM 461 Voices of Public Leadership in the Twentieth Century (3) Study of the use of speaking in
the power struggles of the twentieth century. Focus is on important speakers of the century, their social
and policy influence, and the struggle to expand the diversity of voices with power in the public sphere.
COMM 468 Seminar in Mediated Communication (3) Prerequisite: COMM402, COMM450,
COMM350, or JOUR350. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
The examination of special topics related to the study of mediated communication.
COMM 469 The Discourse of Social Movements (3) Recommended: COMM401. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Study of key social movements that have
influenced American social and political life. In alternate years the Civil Rights Movement and the
Rhetoric of Women's Suffrage and Abolitionism. Consideration of how groups excluded from or
marginalized in American political life affect social change.
COMM 470 Listening (3) The principles of listening behavior.
COMM 471 Public Communication Campaigns (3) Prerequisite: COMM200; or permission of ARHU-
Communication department. Diffusion theory and its implications for public communication campaigns.
COMM 472 Nonverbal Communication (3) Nonverbal communication in human interaction theory and
research on proxemics, kinesics and paralanguage as expression of relationship, affect and orientation
within and across cultures.
COMM 475 Persuasion (3) Bases of persuasion, with emphasis on recent experimental developments in
COMM 476 Language, Communication, and Action (3) The nature of communication as symbolic
action. Topics include language, meaning, intention, understanding, and consequences of communication.
COMM 477 Discourse Analysis (3) Concepts of textual and discourse analysis applied to speech
COMM 478 Communication Colloquium (1) Repeatable to 4 credits if content differs. Current trends
and issues in the field of communication, stressing recent research methods. Recommended for senior and
graduate student majors and minors in communication.
COMM 482 Intercultural Communication (3) The major variables of communication in an
intercultural context: cultural, racial and national differences; stereotypes; values; cultural assumptions;
and verbal and nonverbal channels.
COMM 483 Senior Seminar in Public Relations (3) Prerequisite: COMM351 and COMM400. Credit
only granted for: COMM483 or JOUR483. Formerly: JOUR483. Integration of theory, techniques and
research methods into the planning and execution of public relations campaigns for specific organizations.
Analysis of research on the case studies of public relations.
COMM 488 Communication Portfolio Project (1) Restriction: Senior standing; and must be in
Communication program. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Preparation of the professional
communication portfolio.
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COMM 489 Topical Research (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Communication department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Individualized research projects conducted with a faculty
COMM 498 Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of instructor; and senior standing. Present-day
communication research.
CPBE -- College Park Scholars-Business, Society, and Economy
CPBE 100 College Park Scholars: Business, Society & the Economy First-Year Colloquium (1)
Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars Business, Society & the
Economy (CPBE) program. Introductory colloquium: Examination of issues related to business, society
and the economy.
CPBE 225 Enterprise Communications (3) Prerequisite: CPBE100. Restriction: Must be enrolled in
College Park Scholars' Business, Society and the Economy (CPBE) program. Formerly: CPSP220.
Examines basic interpersonal communication processes within written and oral channels, with practical
applications for the business environment.
CPBE 230 College Park Scholars: Business, Society & the Economy Internship Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPBE100. Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars
Business, Society & the Economy (CPBE) program. Supervised internship project in an area related to
business, society and the economy.
CPBE 240 College Park Scholars: Business, Society & the Economy Service-Learning Practicum
(1-3) Prerequisite: CPBE100. Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars
Business, Society & the Economy (CPBE) program. Supervised Service-Learning project in an area
related to business, society and the economy.
CPBE 250 College Park Scholars: Business, Society & the Economy Research Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPBE100. Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars
Business, Society & the Economy (CPBE) program. Supervised research project in an area related to
business, society and the economy.
CPBE 270 College Park Scholars: Business, Society & the Economy Education Abroad Practicum
(1-3) Prerequisite: CPBE100. Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars
Business, Society & the Economy (CPBE) program. Education-abroad experience with content in areas
related to business, society and/or the economy.
CPET -- College Park Scholars-Environment, Technology & Economy
CPET 100 College Park Scholars: Environment, Technology & Economy First-Year Colloquium I
(1) Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Environment, Technology &
Economy (CPET) program. Introductory colloquium: Examination of issues related to the convergence of
the environment, technology and the economy.
CPET 101 College Park Scholars: Environment, Technology & Economy First-Year Colloquium II
(1) Prerequisite: CPET100. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars
Environment, Technology & Economy (CPET) program. Introductory colloquium II: Continued
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examination of issues related to the convergence of the environment, technology and the economy. Group
projects in sustainable development.
CPET 200 College Park Scholars: Environment, Technology & Economy Second-Year Colloquium
(1) Prerequisite: CPET101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars
Environment, Technology & Economy (CPET) program. Advanced colloquium: Continued examination
of issues related to sustainable development.
CPET 230 College Park Scholars: Environment, Technology & Economy Internship Practicum (1-
3) Prerequisite: CPET200. Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars
Environment, Technology & the Economy (CPET) program. Supervised internship project in an area
related to the environment, technology and the economy.
CPET 240 College Park Scholars: Environment, Technology & Economy Service-Learning
Practicum (1-3) Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars Environment,
Technology & the Economy (CPET), Science, Technology & Society (CPSS), Arts (CPSA) and Business,
Society, & Economy (CPBE) programs. Supervised Service-Learning project in an area related to the
environment, technology and the economy.
CPET 250 College Park Scholars: Environment, Technology & Economy Research Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPET200. Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars
Environment, Technology & the Economy (CPET) program. Supervised research project in an area
related to the environment, technology and the economy.
CPGH -- College Park Scholars-Global Public Health
CPGH 100 College Park Scholars: Global Public Health First-Year Colloquium I (1) Restriction:
Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Global Public Health (CPGH) program.
Introductory colloquium: Examination of factors that determine the health status of populations around
the world.
CPGH 101 College Park Scholars: Global Public Health First-Year Colloquium II (1) Prerequisite:
CPGH100. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Global Public Health
(CPGH) program. Using case studies, students will examine necessary components to design successful
public health interventions.
CPGH 200 College Park Scholars: Global Public Health Second-Year Colloquium (1) Prerequisite:
CPGH101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Global Public Health
(CPGH) program. Building on knowledge and skills gained from the first-year colloquia, students will
develop public health interventions that address a public health issue of a particular community.
CPGH 230 College Park Scholars: Global Public Health - Internship Practicum (1-3) Prerequisite:
CPGH200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Global Public Health
(CPGH) program. Supervised internship project in an interest area related to global public health.
CPGH 240 College Park Scholars: Global Public Health Service-Learning Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPGH200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Global
Public Health (CPGH) program. Supervised Service-Learning project in an interest area related to global
public health.
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CPGH 250 College Park Scholars: Global Public Health Research Practicum (1-3) Prerequisite:
CPGH200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Global Public Health
(CPGH) program. Supervised research project in an interest area related to global public health.
CPGH 270 College Park Scholars: Global Public Health Education Abroad Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPGH200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Global
Public Health (CPGH) program. Education abroad experience in an interest area related to global public
CPJT -- College Park Scholars-Justice and Legal Thought
CPJT 100 College Park Scholars: Justice & Legal Thought: First-Year Colloquium (1) Restriction:
Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Justice & Legal Thought (CPJT) program.
Students will gain an experiential understanding of law and justice by investigating concepts and
frameworks of justice and apply them to real-world experience.
CPJT 200 Justice and legal Thought Second Year Colloquium (1) Restriction: Students must be
enrolled in the College Park Scholars Justice and Legal Thought (CPJT) program. Additional
information: When combined with the first year CPJT colloquia, students will learn how to research
issues discussed and debated throughout year one. Advanced colloquium for second year students related
to research skill development
CPJT 230 Capstone for Justice and Legal Thought: Internship (2) The capstone of the four-semester
College Park Scholars Justice and Legal thought citation program is an exploration of justice and law
within a rigorous academic and experiential framework. Students must develop and perform practicum
internships in professional law related settings. In all settings, students must interact directly with legal
professionals in law related fields and through law-related institutions under the supervision of legal
professionals and program staff. In conjunction with the experiential component, students will synthesize
their experience within the learning outcomes of the Justice and Legal Thought Program through an
innovative final project culminating in a poster presentation.
CPJT 240 Capstone for Justice and Legal Thought: Service-Learning (2) The capstone of the four-
semester College Park Scholars Justice and Legal Thought citation program is an exploration of justice
and law within a rigorous academic and experiential framework. Students must develop and perform
practicum volunteer experiences in professional law related settings. In all settings, students must interact
directly with legal professionals in law related fields and through law-related institutions under the
supervision of legal professionals and program staff. In conjunctions with the experiential component,
students will synthesize their experience within the learning outcomes of the Justice and Legal Thought
program through an innovative final project culminating in a poster presentation.
CPJT 250 Capstone for Justice and Legal Thought: Research (2) The capstone of the four-semester
College Park Scholars Justice and Legal Thought citation program is an exploration of justice and law
within a rigorous academic and experiential framework. Students must develop and perform applied
research in a law related setting. Students must interact directly with legal professionals under the
supervision of program staff. Students will synthesize their experience within the learning outcomes of
the Justice and Legal Thought Program through an innovative final research project culminating in a
poster presentation.
CPMS -- College Park Scholars-Media, Self and Society
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CPMS 100 College Park Scholars: Media, Self & Society First-Year Colloquium I (1) Restriction:
Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Media, Self & Society (CPMS) program.
Introductory colloquium: Examination of issues related to the media.
CPMS 101 College Park Scholars: Media, Self & Society First-Year Colloquium II (1) Prerequisite:
CPMS100. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Media, Self & Society
(CPMS) program. Examination of the media's coverage of topical issues.
CPMS 225 Analyzing Media Practice through Theory (3) Prerequisite: CPMS100. Restriction: Must
be in the Scholars Media, Self & Society Program. Formerly: CPSP222. Media analysis investigating
patterns of ownership, the working of media organizations, patterns of coverage and the nature of
CPMS 230 College Park Scholars: Media, Self & Society - Internship Practicum (1-3) Prerequisite:
CPMS101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Media, Self & Society
(CPMS) program. Supervised internship project in an area related to media, self and society.
CPMS 240 College Park Scholars: Media, Self & Society - Service-Learning Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPMS101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Media, Self
& Society (CPMS) program. Supervised Service-Learning project in an area related to media, self and
CPPL -- College Park Scholars-Public Leadership
CPPL 100 College Park Scholars: Public Leadership First-Year Colloquium I (1) Restriction:
Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Public Leadership (CPPL) program. Introductory
colloquium: Examination of issues related to public leadership.
CPPL 101 College Park Scholars: Public Leadership First-Year Colloquium II (1) Prerequisite:
CPPL100. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Public Leadership (CPPL)
program. Continued examination of issues related to public leadership. Development of team,
community-based learning project proposals.
CPPL 200 College Park Scholars: Public Leadership - Applied Leadership Capstone I (1)
Prerequisite: CPPL101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Public
Leadership (CPPL) program. Planning and initiation of team, community-based-learning projects.
CPPL 201 College Park Scholars: Public Leadership - Applied Leadership Capstone II (2)
Prerequisite: CPPL200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Public
Leadership (CPPL) program. Implementation and evaluation of team, community-based-learning projects.
CPSA -- College Park Scholars-Arts
CPSA 100 College Park Scholars: Arts First-Year Colloquium I (1) Restriction: Students must be
matriculated into the College Park Scholars Arts (CPSA) program. Introductory colloquium: Aesthetic,
intellectual and personal examination of the arts.
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CPSA 101 College Park Scholars: Arts First-Year Colloquium II (1-2) Prerequisite: CPSA100.
Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars Arts (CPSA) program.
Introductory colloquium II: Arts workshops and Arts Festival.
CPSA 149 College Park Scholars: Arts Service-Learning Outreach (2) Restriction: Students must be
matriculated into the College Park Scholars Arts (CPSA) program. Repeatable to 6 credits. Service-
Learning outreach to Prince George's County schools and non-profit agencies.
CPSA 200 College Park Scholars: Arts Second-Year Colloquium I (1) Prerequisite: CPSA101.
Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars Arts (CPSA) program.
Additional information: When paired with successful completion of CPSA 240, 250 or 260, students will
earn General Education Scholarship-in-Practice credit. Advanced colloquium I: Examination of the arts in
society; and preparation for "Scholarship-in-Practice" project.
CPSA 201 College Park Scholars: Arts Second-Year Colloquium II (1-2) Prerequisite: CPSA200.
Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars Arts (CPSA) program.
Advanced colloquium II: Arts workshop and Arts Festival.
CPSA 240 College Park Scholars: Arts Service-Learning Practicum (2) Prerequisite: CPSA200.
Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars Arts (CPSA) program.
Additional information: When paired with successful completion of CPSA 200, students will earn
General Education Scholarship-in-Practice credit. Supervised Service-Learning project in an area related
to the arts.
CPSA 250 College Park Scholars: Arts Research Practicum (2) Prerequisite: CPSA200. Restriction:
Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars Arts (CPSA) program. Additional
information: When paired with successful completion of CPSA 200, students will earn General Education
Scholarship-in-Practice credit. Supervised research project in an area related to the arts.
CPSA 260 College Park Scholars: Arts Peer-Teaching Practicum (2) Prerequisite: CPSA200.
Restriction: Students must be matriculated into the College Park Scholars Arts (CPSA) program.
Additional information: When paired with successful completion of CPSA 200, students will earn
General Education Scholarship-in-Practice credit. Supervised peer-teaching project in an area related to
the arts.
CPSD -- College Park Scholars-Science, Discovery & the Universe
CPSD 100 College Park Scholars: Science, Discovery & the Universe First-Year Colloquium A (1)
Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science, Discovery & the Universe
(CPSD) program. Additional information: Both freshman colloquia (CPSD 100 and 101) are required for
students to earn their College Park Scholars citations; however, they can be taken in any order during a
student's first year. Introductory colloquium: Examination of issues related to science, discovery and the
CPSD 101 College Park Scholars: Science, Discovery & the Universe First-Year Colloquium B (1)
Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science, Discovery & the Universe
(CPSD) program. Additional information: Both freshman colloquia (CPSD 100 and 101) are required for
students to earn their College Park Scholars citations; however, they can be taken in any order during a
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student's first year. Introductory colloquium: Examination of the intersection of astronomy and culture;
and the roles of science, exploration and communication in the process of discovery.
CPSD 200 College Park Scholars: Science, Discovery & the Universe Second-Year Colloquium (1)
Prerequisite: CPSD100 and CPSD101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park
Scholars Science, Discovery & the Universe (CPSD) program. Advanced colloquium: Continued
examination of issues related to science, discovery and the universe.
CPSD 230 College Park Scholars: Science, Discovery & the Universe - Internship Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPSD200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science,
Discovery & the Universe (CPSD) program. Supervised internship project in an interest area related to
science, discovery and the universe.
CPSD 240 College Park Scholars: Science, Discovery & the Universe - Service-Learning Practicum
(1-3) Prerequisite: CPSD200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars
Science, Discovery & the Universe (CPSD) program. Supervised Service-Learning project in an interest
area related to science, discovery and the universe.
CPSD 250 College Park Scholars: Science, Discovery & the Universe - Research Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPSD200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science,
Discovery & the Universe (CPSD) program. Supervised research project in an interest area related to
science, discovery and the universe.
CPSF -- College Park Scholars-Life Sciences
CPSF 100 College Park Scholars: Life Sciences First-Year Colloquium l (1) Restriction: Students
must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Life Sciences (CPSF) program. Introductory colloquium:
Examination of issues related to the life sciences.
CPSF 101 College Park Scholars: Life Sciences First-Year Colloquium lI (1) Prerequisite: CPSF100.
Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Life Sciences (CPSF) program.
Further examination of issues related to the life sciences.
CPSG -- College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change
CPSG 100 College Park Scholars: Science & Global Change First-Year Colloquium I (1)
Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science & Global Change (CPSG)
program. Introductory colloquium: Examination of issues related to science and global change.
CPSG 101 College Park Scholars: Science & Global Change First-Year Colloquium II (1)
Prerequisite: CPSG100. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science &
Global Change (CPSG) program. Introductory colloquium II: Continued examination of issues related to
science and global change.
CPSG 200 College Park Scholars: Science & Global Change Second-Year Colloquium (1)
Prerequisite: CPSG101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science &
Global Change (CPSG) program. Advanced colloquium: Continued examination of issues related to
science and global change.
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CPSG 230 College Park Scholars: Science & Global Change - Internship Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPSG200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science &
Global Change (CPSG) program. Supervised internship in an interest area related to science and global
CPSG 240 College Park Scholars: Science & Global Change - Service-Learning Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPSG200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science &
Global Change (CPSG) program. Supervised Service-Learning experience in an interest area related to
science and global change.
CPSG 250 College Park Scholars: Science & Global Change - Research Practicum (1-3)
Prerequisite: CPSG200. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science &
Global Change (CPSG) program. Supervised research experience in an interest area related to science and
global change.
CPSN -- College Park Scholars-International Studies
CPSN 100 College Park Scholars: International Studies First-Year Colloquium I (2) Restriction:
Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars International Studies (CPSN) program.
Introductory colloquium: Examination of issues related to international studies.
CPSN 101 College Park Scholars: International Studies First-Year Colloquium II (1) Prerequisite:
CPSN100. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars International Studies
(CPSN) program. Additional information: When paired with the successful completion of CPSN 100,
students will earn Diversity/Cultural Competence General Education credits. Introductory colloquium II:
Continued examination of issues related to international studies.
CPSN 230 College Park Scholars: International Studies - Internship Practicum (3) Prerequisite:
CPSN101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars International Studies
(CPSN) program. Supervised internship project in an area related to international studies.
CPSN 240 College Park Scholars: International Studies - Service-Learning Practicum (3)
Prerequisite: CPSN101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars International
Studies (CPSN) program. Supervised Service-Learning project in an area related to international studies.
CPSN 250 College Park Scholars: International Studies - Research Practicum (3) Prerequisite:
CPSN101. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars International Studies
(CPSN) program. Supervised research in an area related to international studies.
CPSP -- College Park Scholars Program
CPSP 118 College Park Scholars First-Year Colloquium I (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College
Park Scholars Program. Repeatable to 3 credits. Introductory colloquium for specific College Park
Scholars Program.
CPSP 119 College Park Scholars First-Year Colloquium II (1-3) Prerequisite: CPSP118. Restriction:
Must be in the College Park Scholars Program. Repeatable to 3 credits. Intermediate colloquium for
specific College Park Scholars Programs.
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CPSP 218 College Park Scholars Second-Year Colloquium I (1-3) Prerequisite: CPSP118. Restriction:
Must be in the College Park Scholars Program. Repeatable to 3 credits. Colloquium for specific College
Park Scholars Program.
CPSP 219 College Park Scholars Second-Year Colloquium II (1-3) Prerequisite: CPSP218.
Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars Program. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs.
Intermediate colloquium for specific, second year, College Park Scholars Program.
CPSP 229 Practicum: Online Communication (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars
Program. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Supervised practicum in Website development.
CPSP 239 Practicum: Internship (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars Program.
Repeatable to 3 credits. Supervised internship in interest area related to the theme of the students' College
Park Scholars program.
CPSP 249 Practicum: Service-Learning (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars
Program. Repeatable to 3 credits. Supervised Service-Learning project in area related to the theme of the
students' College Park Scholars program.
CPSP 259 Practicum: Research (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars Program.
Repeatable to 3 credits. Supervised research project in interest area related to the students' College Park
Scholars program.
CPSP 269 Practicum: Peer Teaching (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars Program.
Repeatable to 3 credits. Supervised peer teaching in students' College Park Scholars program.
CPSP 279 Practicum: Study Abroad (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars Program.
Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Supervised international experience that satisfies students'
College Park Scholars practicum requirement.
CPSP 318 College Park Scholars Special Topics (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park
Scholars Program. Repeatable to 3 credits. Special Topics learning opportunities in College Park
CPSP 339 Advanced Practicum: Internship (1-3) Prerequisite: CPSP239. Restriction: Must be in the
College Park Scholars Program. Repeatable to 3 credits. Independent study designed for students who
wish to extend in greater depth and detail projects begun in sophomore year. Subject varies. Overseen by
faculty director or mentor.
CPSP 349 Advanced Practicum: Service Learning (1-3) Prerequisite: CPSP249. Restriction: Must be
in the College Park Scholars Program. Repeatable to 3 credits. Advanced supervised Service-Learning
CPSP 359 Advanced Practicum: Research (1-3) Prerequisite: CPSP259. Restriction: Must be in the
College Park Scholars Program. Repeatable to 3 credits. Advanced supervised internship experience.
CPSP 369 Advanced Practicum: Peer Teaching (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars
Program. Repeatable to 6 credits. Supervised advanced practicum in peer instruction.
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CPSP 379 Advanced Practicum: Study Abroad (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars
Program; or permission of UGST-College Park Scholars. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs.
Advanced, supervised study-abroad experience.
CPSP 386 Experiential Learning (3-6)
CPSP 388 Advanced Special Topics in College Park Scholars (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the College
Park Scholars Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Interdisciplinary topics of special
interest to College Park Scholars, such as legacies of the cold war, environmental ethics, women in
leadership, and other timely issues. Projects build on previous work in College Park Scholars.
CPSS -- College Park Scholars-Science, Technology and Society
CPSS 100 College Park Scholars: Science, Technology & Society First-Year Colloquium I (2)
Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science, Technology & Society
(CPSS) program. Introductory colloquium: Examination of issues related to science, technology and
CPSS 101 College Park Scholars: Science, Technology & Society First-Year Colloquium II (1)
Prerequisite: CPSS100. Restriction: Students must be enrolled in the College Park Scholars Science,
Technology & Society (CPSS) program. Continued examination of issues related to science, technology
and society.
CPSS 225 College Park Scholars Capstone: Science, Technology, and Society (3) Prerequisite:
CPSS100. Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars Science, Technology & Society (CPSS)
program. Formerly: CPSP227. Exploration and understanding of ways science and technology shape and
are shaped by society.
CPSS 230 College Park Scholars: Science, Technology & Society - Internship Practicum (1)
Prerequisite: CPSS101. Restriction: Matriculation into the College Park Scholars Science, Technology &
Society (CPSS) program. Supervised internship in an area related to science, technology and society.
CPSS 240 College Park Scholars: Science, Technology & Society - Service-Learning Practicum (3)
Prerequisite: CPSS101; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Matriculation into the College Park
Scholars Science, Technology & Society (CPSS) program; or permission of instructor. Supervised
Service-Learning practicum in issues related to science, technology and society.
CPSS 260 College Park Scholars: Science, Technology & Society - Peer-Teaching Practicum (1)
Prerequisite: CPSS101. Restriction: Matriculation into the College Park Scholars Science, Technology &
Society (CPSS) program. Supervised peer teaching in science, technology and society.
DANC -- Dance
DANC 102 Rhythmic Training for Dance (2) Basic approaches to rhythmic principles related to dance.
DANC 109 Improvisation I (2) Restriction: Must be in Dance program; or permission of ARHU-School
of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 4 credits. An introduction to the
process of spontaneous movement discovery involving solo and group movement experiences.
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DANC 118 Beginning Tap (2) Repeatable to 4 credits. Introduction to tap for the beginning student.
DANC 119 Introduction to American Social Dance (2) Repeatable to 4 credits. Social dance forms of
North America.
DANC 128 Fundamentals of Ballet (2) Restriction: Must not be in Dance program. Repeatable to 4
credits. Introduction to ballet technique and terminology for the beginning student.
DANC 138 World Dance Forms (2) Repeatable to 4 credits. Movement course. Traditional dances and
music of selected cultures.
DANC 148 Fundamentals of Modern Dance (2) Restriction: Must not be in Dance program. Repeatable
to 4 credits. Introduction to modern dance with emphasis on the development of fundamental movement
DANC 149 Fundamentals of Modern Dance II (2) Prerequisite: DANC148. Repeatable to 4 credits.
Continuation of the development of axial and locomotor movement skills with emphasis on the
development of functional alignment, musicality, range of movement, coordination, and movement
DANC 158 Fundamentals of Jazz (2) Restriction: Must not be in Dance program. Repeatable to 4
credits. Introduction to the jazz style in dance for the beginning student.
DANC 179 Movement Integration (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance department. Repeatable
to 4 credits if content differs. Conditioning and re-patterning techniques for achieving integrated
DANC 199 Practicum in Choreography, Production and Performance I (1-3) Restriction: Permission
of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits.
Choreography, production, and performance of student works, both on and off campus.
DANC 200 Introduction to Dance (3) A study of dance as a form of communication and as an art form;
a survey of the theories and styles of dance, and their relationships to other art forms.
DANC 207 The Creative Process (3) Prerequisite: DANC109. Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance
department. Explorations in movement, music, words, objects, and environments through improvisation
and choreographic problem solving.
DANC 208 Choreography I (3) Prerequisite: DANC109 and DANC102. Repeatable to 6 credits. Basic
principles of dance composition: space, time, dynamics, and movement invention. The development of
critical awareness.
DANC 209 Dance Composition (3) Prerequisite: DANC207. Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Exploration of the structural elements of dance
DANC 218 Foundations of Technique I (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Development of heightened body awareness, breath support,
dynamic alignment, and spatial awareness. Focus on rhythmic clarity and musicality.
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DANC 219 Foundations of Technique II (3) Prerequisite: DANC218. Restriction: Permission of
ARHU-Dance department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Continuation of the elements
addressed in DANC218 with an added focus on momentum, the use of counter-tension, stability/mobility,
suspension, and dynamic range.
DANC 228 Ballet I (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance
Studies department. Repeatable to 4 credits. Barre and center work for alignment, strength, flexibility and
coordination. Introduction to ballet terminology.
DANC 229 Ballet II (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance
Studies department. Repeatable to 4 credits. Continuation of DANC228.
DANC 248 Modern Dance I (3) Restriction: Must be in Dance program; or permission of ARHU-School
of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Body alignment, rhythm,
dynamics, space and dance phrases.
DANC 249 Modern Dance II (3) Prerequisite: DANC248; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Continuation of DANC248.
DANC 258 Jazz I (2) Prerequisite: DANC158. Restriction: Must be in Dance program. Repeatable to 4
credits. Jazz warm-ups and combinations emphasizing rhythm and movement isolations.
DANC 259 Jazz II (2) Prerequisite: DANC258. Repeatable to 4 credits. Continuation of the principles of
Jazz I. Emphasis on style and execution of movement.
DANC 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
DANC 283 Foundations of Dance History (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance department.
Introduction to the historical throughlines of dance theory. Analysis of the structure, context, and content
of dance works.
DANC 299 Practicum in Choreography, Production and Performance II (1-3) Prerequisite:
DANC199; or permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department.
Repeatable to 6 credits. Continuation of DANC199.
DANC 304 Teaching Dance (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance department. Organization and
content of the studio dance class. Structuring developmentally appropriate dance experiences for students
ages 3-18.
DANC 308 Choreography II (3) Prerequisite: DANC208. Repeatable to 6 credits. Exploration of the
formal elements of choreography; theme, development, repetition, contrast, transition, continuity and
DANC 309 Improvisation II (2) Prerequisite: DANC109; or must audition. Repeatable to 4 credits.
Continuation of DANC109.
DANC 310 Dance Lighting (3) Prerequisite: DANC210. Two lectures and two laboratory periods per
week. Theory and practice of stage lighting with specific reference to designing for dance.
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DANC 318 Foundations of Technique III (3) Prerequisite: DANC219. Restriction: Permission of
ARHU-Dance department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Continuation of the elements
addressed in DANC219 with an added focus on off-verticality, spirals, complex level changes, more
complex and extended phrasing, responsiveness to accompaniment, vocalization.
DANC 319 Foundations of Technique IV (3) Prerequisite: DANC318. Restriction: Permission of
ARHU-Dance department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Continuation of the elements
addressed in DANC318 with an added focus on movement subtlety and complexity, and stylistic
DANC 328 Ballet III (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance
Studies department. Repeatable to 4 credits. Execution of the vocabulary of ballet movement with
technical accuracy.
DANC 329 Ballet IV (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance
Studies department. Repeatable to 4 credits. Continuation of DANC328.
DANC 338 Global Movement Practices (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance
& Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 4 credits if content differs. Movement course.
Intermediate level of dances and music of selected world cultures.
DANC 348 Modern Dance III (3) Prerequisite: DANC249; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits. The body as an instrument of
expression; techniques for increasing kinesthetic sensitivity.
DANC 349 Modern Dance IV (3) Prerequisite: DANC348; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Continuation of DANC348.
DANC 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
DANC 371 Somatics (3) Prerequisite: DANC179. Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance department.
Current ideas and trends in dance technique, with a focus on the incorporation of dance science and
somatics into dance training.
DANC 379 Practicum in Dance (1-3) Repeatable to 12 credits. Performing experience for the student
dancer who has developed a professional level of competence.
DANC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and permission of
ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department.
DANC 398 Directed Studies in Dance (1-6) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance
& Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits.
DANC 399 Practicum in Choreography, Production and Performance III (1-3) Prerequisite:
DANC299; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department.
Repeatable to 6 credits. Continuation of DANC299.
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DANC 405 Dance Education and Policy (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance department.
Curricula in dance in K-12 settings, classroom management, assessment/grading, and best practices in
dance education in public schools. Current research and policy issues are included. This course counts
towards teacher certification in the State of Maryland.
DANC 409 Contact Improvisation (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance &
Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 4 credits. Credit only granted for: DANC489C or
DANC409. Discovery and cultivation of the principles and skills of Contact Improvisation dance
DANC 410 Technical Theater Production for Dance (3) Prerequisite: DANC210; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department; or permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. A study of the theoretical principles of production
and the practical application of those principles to the presentation of dance works.
DANC 420 Partnering (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance department. Elements of
contemporary partnering including weight sharing, counter balancing, momentum/leverage, lifting and
moving responsively.
DANC 429 Advanced Ballet Technique II (1) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 3 credits. Intensive work in ballet technique for
the professionally-oriented dancer.
DANC 448 Modern Dance V (3) Prerequisite: DANC349; and must audition. Repeatable to 6 credits.
Complex phrases of modern dance movement with emphasis on articulation and expression.
DANC 449 Modern Dance VI (3) Prerequisite: DANC448; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Continuation of DANC448.
DANC 466 Laban Movement Analysis (3) Introduction to Rudolf Laban's system of qualitative
movement analysis in relation to understanding personal movement style. Application to dance
performance, teaching, composition and research.
DANC 468 Modern Repertory (3) Prerequisite: DANC349; and permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Form,
content, music, design and performance of modern dance works.
DANC 469 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
DANC 479 Advanced Practicum in Dance (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Advanced level performing
experience for the student dancer who has developed an advanced professional level of competence.
DANC 483 History of Dance II (3) Prerequisite: DANC200. The development of dance from the
Renaissance period to the present time and the relationship of dance forms to patterns of culture.
DANC 485 Seminar in Dance (3) Prerequisite: DANC483. Restriction: Must be in Dance program; and
senior standing. Individual research leading to a presentation with written documentation of the process,
serving as a culmination of undergraduate study for dance majors.
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DANC 488 Project-Based Learning (4) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Dance department. A specific
project, is addressed, in dance from the perspectives of the investigator, the creator/choreographer, and
the performer. Projects are cross-disciplinary and/or cross-cultural, and may involve both on- and off-
campus experiences.
DANC 489 Special Topics in Dance (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance
& Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Theoretical, choreographic,
pedagogic, or performance study.
DANC 499 Practicum in Choreography, Production and Performance IV (1-6) Restriction:
Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6
credits. Advanced workshop in dance presentation, including performing, production and planned field
EALL -- East Asian Languages and Literatures
EALL 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
EALL 300 The Languages of East Asia (3) A survey of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and the
languages of other East Asian nationalities. Provides a basic understanding of the structures of these
languages. Topics covered include the characterizing features; the relationships of the languages to each
other; the geographical, social, and historical settings. No knowledge of Asian languages is required.
Taught in English.
EALL 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ECON -- Economics
ECON 111 Thinking Like an Economist (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or lower; or permission
of BSOS-Economics department. An introduction to the modes of thought of economics. Use of simple
standard tools of economics to analyze important problems that arise frequently in public policy, the news
media, and in daily life. An emphasis on how economists predict what choices societies make and how
economists analyze whether those are good choices. Practical application of a variety of economic tools
leading to a focus on the essential unity underlying these analytical tools, viewing economics as a
discipline that applies a core methodology in different ways in different situations.
ECON 155 Economics & the College Affordability Crisis (3) Additional information: No background
in economics is required, although this course could be a nice complement for ECON200 and ECON201.
Why have tuition and fees increased substantially over the past 30 years at almost all institutions of higher
education in the US? How can quality and productivity be measured in schools? Why do most students
pay considerably less than the actual cost of service provision? What is society's interest in devoting
considerable resources to education beyond the high school level? How do existing and proposed
governmental policies impact both the number of students pursuing a college education and the cost of
this education? ECON155 uses tools from economics to examine and explore answers to these and other
related questions.
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ECON 175 Inequality: Determinants and Policy Remedies (3) Through most of the 20th century gaps
in income between rich and poor declined in the US, but after 1970 we experienced a very rapid increase
in inequality. This course challenges students to investigate why people make different amounts of
money, why income inequality has risen so dramatically in recent years, what public policy tools exist to
counter inequality increases, and what different institutional arrangements different countries use to lower
inequality. This course will introduce students to theoretical tools used by economists to understand the
sources of inequality and will also examine empirical evidence to better understand changes in the wage
distribution and, more generally, in income distribution.
ECON 200 Principles of Microeconomics (3) Prerequisite: MATH107 or MATH110; or must have
math eligibility of MATH113 or higher. Credit only granted for: ECON200, AREC240, or AREC250.
Additional information: It is recommended that students complete ECON200 before taking ECON201.
Introduces economic models used to analyze economic behavior by individuals and firms and consequent
market outcomes. Applies conceptual analysis to several policy issues and surveys a variety of specific
topics within the broad scope of microeconomics.
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) Prerequisite: MATH107 or MATH110; or must have
math eligibility of MATH113 or higher. Recommended: ECON200. Credit only granted for: ECON201
or ECON205. An introduction to how market economies behave at the aggregate level. The determination
of national income/output and the problems of unemployment inflation, will be examined, along with
monetary and fiscal policy.
ECON 230 Applied Economic Statistics (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of MATH113 or
higher; or 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH107, MATH110). And minimum grade of
C- in ECON200 and ECON201. Recommended: Students should already have basic familiarity with
Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheet software. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts
program. Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451,
GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily
meet the same major requirements-check with your advisor to see which of these courses will count for
your major). Introductory course to develop understanding of statistical concepts used in applied
economics. Students will acquire skills needed to calculate and interpret statistical concepts, including
descriptive statistics, probability, discrete and continuous distributions, sampling, point and interval
estimations, hypothesis testing, basic analysis of variance, and simple linear regression models. Students
will apply these concepts to data using both handheld calculators and spreadsheets(Excel), and students
will be introduced to an econometric software package such as SPSS or SAS or R.
ECON 258 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ECON 300 Methods and Tools for Economic Analysis (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON201 and ECON200. And 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH140, MATH120,
MATH130); or must have completed MATH220 with a minimum grade of C-. Restriction: Must be in
Economics Bachelor of Arts program; and must not have completed MATH240 or MATH241. Covers
several mathematics techniques and demonstrates their application to a wide variety of models and
problems in both microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. Reviews concepts from algebra and
elementary calculus and introduces components of multivariable calculus, linear algebra and differential
ECON 305 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON201 and ECON200. And 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH120, MATH140,
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MATH130); or must have completed MATH220 with a minimum grade of C-. Credit only granted for:
ECON305 or ECON325. Analysis of the determination of national income, employment, and price levels.
Discussion of consumption, investment, inflation, and government fiscal and monetary policy.
ECON 306 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory & Policy (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum
grade of C- from (ECON200, AREC250); and minimum grade of C- in ECON201. And 1 course with a
minimum grade of C- from (MATH120, MATH140, MATH130); or must have completed MATH220
with a minimum grade of C-. Credit only granted for: ECON306, ECON326, AREC489M, or AREC326.
Analysis of the theories of consumer behavior, producer behavior, different market structures, and various
sources of inefficient outcomes. Analysis of microeconomic policies designed to improve market
ECON 310 European Economic History (3) Prerequisite: ECON201 and ECON200. The evolution of
the capitalist system from its medieval origins to the present. Emphasis on dynamic forces of cumulative
change in capitalism, including capital accumulation, technology, expansion of markets, the corporate
form of private property in the means of production, and the relation of capitalism to war and revolution.
ECON 311 American Economic History Before the Civil War (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C-
in ECON200 and ECON201. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Economic
concepts are used to analyze various aspects of the founding and early history of the U.S., including the
British settlement of the North American colonies, the economics of the American Revolutionary war, the
writing of the Constitution, the development of financial markets, policies on public lands and the spread
of western agriculture, slavery, banking, and early industrialization.
ECON 312 American Economics After the Civil War (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON200 and ECON201. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Topics include:
the economics of the Civil War, the performance of southern agriculture in the late 19th century, the rise
of large corporations, industrialization, the development of financial markets, the creation of the Federal
Reserve Board, the economics of the Great Depression and the New Deal, the economic impact of World
War II, and the rise of the modern service economy in the late 20th century.
ECON 314 Economic History, Development and Policy (3) Prerequisite: ECON200 and ECON201.
Study abroad in the economic history, institutional development, and recent economic policy problems of
selected areas.
ECON 315 Economic Development of Underdeveloped Areas (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C-
in ECON200 and ECON201. Credit only granted for: ECON315 or ECON416. Analysis of the economic
and social characteristics of underdeveloped areas. Recent theories of economic development, obstacles to
development, policies and planning for development.
ECON 317 Global Economic Policies (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON200 and
ECON201. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Analysis of policy options and
debates on fostering economic growth and development in a global economy where national boundaries
are no longer relevant. Topics covered will include real loanable funds markets in both local and
international contexts during normal conditions and during financial crises, the design of trade and
industrial policies, and the role of the World Bank, IMF, WTO, and other international agencies as well as
regional and bilateral trade agreements. Emerging economies will be emphasized.
ECON 321 Economic Statistics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON201 and ECON200;
and minimum grade of C- in MATH141. Recommended: STAT100. Restriction: Must be in Economics
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Bachelor of Science program. Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230,
ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These
courses do not necessarily meet the same major requirements-check with your advisor to see which of
these courses will count for your major). Introduction to the use of statistics in economics. Topics
include: Probability, random variables and their distributions, sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis
testing, analysis of variance, regression analysis and correlation.
ECON 325 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON200, ECON201, and MATH141. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Science program.
Credit only granted for: ECON305 or ECON325. Analysis of macroeconomic behavior and policy with
emphasis on theoretical rigor. Topics include the determinants of economic growth, unemployment,
inflation, and international economic flows.
ECON 326 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON200, ECON201, and MATH141. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Science program.
Credit only granted for: ECON306, ECON326, AREC326, or AREC489M. Analysis of economic
decision-making by individual buyers and sellers, and resulting market outcomes, with emphasis on
theoretical rigor. The efficient properties of perfect competition are examined, followed by consideration
of market power, externalities, and asymmetric information.
ECON 330 Money and Banking (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON200 and ECON201.
The structure of financial institutions and their role in the provision of money and near money. Analysis
of the Federal Reserve System, the techniques of central banks, and the control of supply of financial
assets in stabilization policy. Relationship of money and credit to economic activity and the price level.
ECON 340 International Economics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON200 and
ECON201. Credit only granted for: ECON340 or ECON441. Introduces economic models of
international trade and finance. Analyzes policies designed to promote and restrict international trade and
to manage exchange rates and impact international capital flows.
ECON 358 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Prerequisite: At least one principles level course.
Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad
ECON 375 Economics of Poverty and Discrimination (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON200 and ECON201. Examination of various issues, including: the causes of persistent poverty over
time for some groups within society; the relationship of poverty to technological change, to economic
growth, and to education and training; economic results of discrimination; proposed remedies for poverty
and discrimination.
ECON 386 Experiential Learning (3) Prerequisite: ECON201 and ECON200. Restriction: Permission
of BSOS-Economics department; and must be in a major within the BSOS-Economics department; and
minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and junior standing or higher. See Department Advising Office for
course eligibility, course requirements, and application information.
ECON 396 Independent Honors Study (3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Economics department.
First semester of the departmental honors sequence. Students will develop and apply research skills
required to carry out original research. By the end of the semester students will have produced a complete
draft of an honors thesis resembling a scholarly journal article.
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ECON 397 Honors Thesis (3) Prerequisite: ECON396. Restriction: Must be a candidate for honors in
economics. General supervision will be provided through assembled meetings with the professor in
charge of the course.
ECON 398 Topics in Economics (3) Prerequisite: ECON201 and ECON200. Restriction: Permission of
BSOS-Economics department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. This course is designed to meet
the changing interests of students and staff. Topics vary in response to those interests. Students are
advised to seek information about the coverage and prerequisites during the registration period.
ECON 399 Independent Study in Economics (1-3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON200
and ECON201. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Economics department. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Integrated readings and independent study under direction and supervision of a faculty
member. Contact department for additional information.
ECON 401 Current Issues in American Economic Policy (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum
grade of C- from (ECON305, ECON325); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON306,
ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230, BMGT230, ECON321).
Recommended: Prior experience with Microsoft Excel or similar spreadsheet software. Restriction: Must
be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Analysis of current economic problems and public policies.
Topics include increasing competitiveness, mitigating poverty, addressing harmful effects of income
inequality, promoting environmental sustainability, and facilitating economic stability and growth.
ECON 402 Macroeconomic Models and Forecasting (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade
of C- from (ECON305, ECON325); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230,
BMGT230, ECON321). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Analysis of the
fluctuations in economic activity and the formulation and use of forecasting models of the economy.
Illustrations of computer macro models and forecasting problems.
ECON 406 Advanced Microeconomics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON326; and 1
course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be in Economics
Bachelor of Science program. Expands on the assumptions of rational decision-making used in
intermediate microeconomics and develops more complicated, more realistic models which address
uncertainty, intertemporal choices, strategic interactions, social preferences and considerations of what is
ECON 407 Advanced Macroeconomics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON325; and 1
course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be in Economics
Bachelor of Science program. An in-depth analysis of current issues in macroeconomic theory and policy.
Topics covered include: 1. alternative perspectives on macroeconomics including monetarism, new
classical equilibrium models, rational expectations, and real business cycle models; 2. long term growth,
the slowdown in productivity growth, and concerns about U.S. competitiveness; 3. the effectiveness of
macroeconomic policy in an open economy; 4. the effects of finance on the real sector.
ECON 412 Economic History and Modern Development (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON325 and ECON326. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Science program. Analysis of
major economic, political, and social change in the developed world since 1800. This includes factors
contributing to increases in economic performance, changes in the form of government, technological
change (including industrialization), and integration and disintegration of the global economy. Emphasis
is on institutional changes in how societies organize economic and political activities.
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ECON 413 Information and Markets (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON326; and 1
course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be in a major within
the BSOS-Economics department. Presents advanced microeconomic theory, concentrating on how
information affects exchange and market outcomes, including insurance, signaling, reputations, and
incentive contracts. Studies applications to various markets and policy questions.
ECON 414 Game Theory (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON306,
ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230, BMGT230, ECON321,
STAT400). Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Economics Bachelor of Arts;
Economics Bachelor of Science). Credit only granted for: CMSC474, ECON414, GVPT399A or
GVPT390. Studies the competitive and cooperative behavior that results when several parties find that
their individual outcomes are jointly determined. Students will learn how to use game theory to analyze
situations of potential conflict. Applications are drawn from economics, business, and political science.
ECON 415 Market Design (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON414. Restriction: Must be in
Economics Bachelor of Science program. Focuses on recent developments in the design of markets to
improve economic performance and to open new economic opportunities. It is divided into three main
segments -- auction design, the design of matching mechanisms, and antitrust theory and policy.
ECON 416 Theory of Economic Development (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON326;
and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be in
Economics Bachelor of Science program. Credit only granted for: ECON315 or ECON416. Economic
theory of the developing nations; role of innovation, capital formation, resources, institutions, trade and
exchange rates, and governmental policies.
ECON 418 Economic Development of Selected Areas (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade
of C- from (ECON305, ECON306, ECON325, ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (ECON230, BMGT230, ECON321). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Economic and institutional characteristics of a specific
geographic area are identified and discussed, and alternate strategies and policies for development are
ECON 422 Econometrics I (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON325,
ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (STAT400, ECON321). Restriction: Must be
in Economics Bachelor of Science program. Credit only granted for: ECON422, ECON424, AREC422,
or AREC489F. Emphasizes the interaction between economic problems and the assumptions employed in
statistical theory. Formulation, estimation, and testing of economic models, including single variable and
multiple variable regression techniques, theory of identification, and issues relating to inference.
ECON 423 Econometrics II (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON422. Restriction: Must be
in Economics Bachelor of Science program. Interaction between economic problems and specification
and estimation of econometric models. Topics include issues of autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity,
functional form, simultaneous equation models, qualitative choice models, and other computational
ECON 424 Applied Econometrics (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(ECON305, ECON306, ECON325, ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(ECON230, BMGT230, ECON321). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Credit
only granted for: ECON422 or ECON424. Provide the knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish and
utilize basic applied econometric analysis utilized by many business service providers, government
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agencies, and nonprofits engaged in policy analysis. Topics include simple and multiple regressions using
cross section, time series, and panel data, issues of heteroskedasticity, serial correlation, and
multicollinearity, models with binary dependent variable, and program evaluation. Course emphasizes
application of knowledge using software packages but still covers essential theoretical background.
ECON 425 Mathematical Economics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON325 and
ECON326. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Science program. Mathematical developments
of theory of household and firm, general equilibrium and welfare economics, market imperfections, and
role of information.
ECON 426 Economics of Cost-Benefit Analysis (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (ECON305, ECON306, ECON325, ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(ECON230, BMGT230, ECON321). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Credit
only granted for: ECON398A or ECON426. Formerly: ECON398A. Study of how to use cost benefit
analysis and other similar tools of applied microeconomics to conduct policy analyses. Cost-benefit
analysis is an empirical method of identifying an optimal choice from a set of policy alternatives, where
optimal is defined in terms of economic efficiency. Real world examples are addressed, so that students
understand limitations of the methods and also interactions of economic analysis with political and
administrative processes.
ECON 427 Experimental Economics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON326; and 1 course
with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor
of Science program. Credit only granted for: ECON398X or ECON427. Formerly: ECON398X. An
introduction to the methodology of experimental economics and its application to issues such as decision-
making under uncertainty, auctions, and public goods. Also an introduction to behavioral economics as a
relatively new area of economic research.
ECON 435 Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum
grade of C- from (ECON305, ECON325); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON306,
ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230, BMGT230, ECON321).
Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program; and must not have completed BMGT343.
Credit only granted for: BMGT343 or ECON435. Additional information: Finance majors will not
receive credit for ECON435. The different types of financial assets that exist, the markets that they trade
in, and the determination of their prices and rates of return are examined. Specific topics that will be
covered include the Markowitz portfolio selection model, the capital asset pricing model, the arbitrage
pricing theory, the efficient markets hypothesis, the term structure of interest rates, and options. There
will be almost no emphasis on issues in corporate finance.
ECON 441 Theory of International Economics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON326
and ECON325. Restriction: Must be in a major within the BSOS-Economics department; and must not
have completed ECON340, ECON442, or ECON443. Credit only granted for: ECON340, ECON441,
ECON442, or ECON443. Theoretical treatment of international trade and international finance. Includes
Ricardian and Heckscher-Ohlin theories of comparative advantage, analysis of tariffs and other trade
barriers, international factor mobility, balance of payments adjustments, exchange rate determination, and
fiscal and monetary policy in an open economy.
ECON 442 Globalization and Capital Markets (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON326
and ECON325; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must
be in Economics Bachelor of Science program; and must not have completed ECON441. Credit only
granted for: ECON441 or ECON442. Uses models of open-economy macroeconomics to explain the
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causes and consequences of international capital flows. Analysis is made of private consumption,
investment, the government sector, current accounts, the labor market, and the money and foreign
exchange markets in small open economies. This framework is then used to study examples of how
speculative attacks on currencies, sudden reversals of capital inflows, and the effects of the lack of
credibility of economic policy affect economic development.
ECON 443 International Trade and Trade Policy in the New Global Economy (3) Prerequisite: 1
course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON305, ECON325); and 1 course with a minimum grade of
C- from (ECON306, ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230, BMGT230,
ECON321). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program; and must not have completed
ECON441. Credit only granted for: ECON441 or ECON443. Examines the economics of international
economic integration, including the theory of customs unions and free trade areas, the role of GATT and
the WTO, changes in individual countries' foreign trade policies during the new era of globalization, the
special role of multinational firms in world trade, and recent controversies about the benefits and costs of
globalized trade.
ECON 451 Public Choice (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON306,
ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230, BMGT230, ECON321).
Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Analysis of collective decision making,
economic models of government, program budgeting, and policy implementation; emphasis on models of
public choice and institutions which affect decision making.
ECON 454 Public Finance and Public Policy (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON326; and
1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be in Economics
Bachelor of Science program. The role of the the public sector in a market economy constitutes the over-
arching topic of this course. Emphasis lies on analyzing government expenditure programs and the
microeconomics of tax policy.
ECON 456 Law and Economics (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(ECON306, ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230, BMGT230,
ECON321). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Relationship of the exchange
process to the system of institutions and rules that society develops to carry out economic transactions.
Topics covered include: Property rights; torts, negligence, and liability; contracts and exchanges; criminal
control and enforcement; equity and efficiency issues .
ECON 458 Special Topics in Study Abroad IV (1-6) Prerequisite: At least one intermediate theory
course and/or statistics. Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special topics course taken as part of
an approved study abroad program.
ECON 460 Industrial Organization (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON326; and 1 course
with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor
of Science program. Examines different theoretical models of firm behavior in markets with varying
amounts of market power. Relates theory to specific industries and examines how market structure
evolves over time.
ECON 461 Economics of Regulation and Anti-trust (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade
of C- from (ECON306, ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230,
BMGT230, ECON321). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Considers
government intervention in economic activity of three types: antitrust policy, regulation of natural
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monopolies, and health safety regulation. Covers theoretical models, real-world policy applications, and
empirical studies relevant to the impact of regulation.
ECON 462 Economics of Entrepreneurship (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON422.
Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Science program. Credit only granted for: ECON398O or
ECON462. Formerly: ECON398O. Economic theory highlights the role of entrepreneurs in fueling
economic growth and accomplishing reallocation of resources in response to changes in preferences,
technology, demographics, and resource. This course uses empirical evidence to examine the extent to
which these predictions are valid. To more fully understand the motivations and constraints relevant to
entrepreneurs, student will write a business plan as if s/he were starting a new business.
ECON 463 Economics of Sports (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(ECON306, ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON230, BMGT230,
ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. The application of
theoretical and empirical economic tools to the sports industry, including competition at
professional,collegiate, and international levels. Microeconomic models from labor, industrial
organization and public finance will be applied to the sports industry and combined with data from sports
markets, providing students with opportunities to produce and interpret economic analysis. The topic of
discrimination will also be explored in the context of this particular economic activity.
ECON 465 Health Economics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ECON406 and ECON422; or
students who have completed ECON321 or STAT400 with an A- or better and are concurrently enrolled
in ECON422, may seek permission to enroll in ECON465 from an ECON advisor. No exceptions will be
made for the ECON406 prerequisite. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Science program.
Analyze markets for health care and related products by understanding the incentives and constraints for
various participants, including individuals, family units, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals,
and insurance providers. Analysis will combine both theoretical models and empirical tools.
ECON 468 Special Topics in Applied Economics (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of
C- from (BMGT230, ECON230); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON305,
ECON306). Restriction: Must be in Economics program. Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs.
Selected topics in applied economics. Designed to meet the changing interests of students and staff.
ECON 470 Labor Economics:Theory and Evidence (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON326; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be
in Economics Bachelor of Science program. An analytical treatment of theories of labor markets, and an
examination of empirical findings, evidence and conclusions. Topics covered will include some or all of
the following: labor demand; labor supply and labor market participation; theory of human capital;
earnings differentials; and if time allows, market structure and the efficiency of labor markets; and
ECON 471 Labor Markets (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON306,
ECON326); and minimum grade of C- in ECON424. Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts
program. Credit only granted for: ECON470 or ECON471. Central topics include the determinants of
firms' demand for labor and households' decision making about whether to work, how much to work, and
where to work. We will then study the equilibrium amount of labor hired in society and the wages paid to
workers. The course will also include the measurement of the labor market, human capital,
discrimination, incentives, and current changes in the American economic landscape. Various economic
policies impacting labor markets will be analyzed.
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ECON 472 Economics of Social Safety Nets (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (ECON306, ECON326); and minimum grade of C- in ECON424. Restriction: Must be in
Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Analysis of the economic issues associated with social safety nets.
Topics to be covered include the cash transfer programs for breaking the cycle of poverty, labor market
policies aimed at combating unemployment, childhood interventions to improve human capital
development, and the challenges faced by of pension systems over the world. The approach is based on a
life-cycle perspective. Evidence and experiences from developed and developing countries will covered.
ECON 481 Theory and Policy in Environmental Economics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ECON326; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON321, STAT400). Restriction: Must be
in a major within the BSOS-Economics department; or must be in a major in AGNR-Dean-Environmental
Science & Policy Program. Application of economic theory and empirical tools to the analysis of
environmental issues. The concepts of externalities, public goods, property rights and cost-benefit
analysis are applied to air pollution, water pollution, solid waste management, hazardous waste, and
global warning. The optimal role and various tools of public policy are addressed.
ECON 488 Applied Market Research Practicum (1-3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of
B- from (BMGT230, ECON321, ECON230); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON305,
ECON325); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON306, ECON326). Recommended:
ECON422, ECON402, or ECON424. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Economics department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Students gain experience applying economic knowledge and
producing market research valued by businesses, non-profits, and/or government agencies. Students
engage in activities similar to what an intern or entry-level employee would perform. Students work in
small groups to find different kinds of data and facts, analyze and interpret this information, and use
research findings to develop and present recommendations for simulated clients.
ECON 490 Urban & Regional Economics: Issues and Policies (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a
minimum grade of C- from (ECON306, ECON326); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(ECON321, BMGT230, ECON230). Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Arts program. Credit
only granted for: ECON398I or ECON490. Formerly: ECON398I. Exploration of urban and regional
economics and policies, including economic forces leading to formation of city and regional networks.
Conceptual and empirical analysis of policies affecting land use, housing, transportation and other aspects
of sub-national economic development.
ECON 498 Special Topics in Economic Analysis (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (ECON321, STAT400); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON325, ECON326).
Restriction: Must be in Economics Bachelor of Science program. Repeatable to 15 credits if content
differs. Selected topics in economic analysis. Designed to meet the changing interests of students and
ECON 499 Independent Research in Economics (1-3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of
C- from (ECON230, ECON321, BMGT230, STAT400); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(ECON305, ECON325); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (ECON306, ECON326); and
minimum of 3 credits from ECON400-499 course range. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Economics
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Directed research under the supervision of a faculty
member. Contact department for additional information.
EDCI -- Curriculum and Instruction
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EDCI 210 Exploring Teaching as a Career (3) Weekly participation as a volunteer tutor in a local
school or community program with children or adolescents. Regular campus meetings assist with
developing teaching skills and insight.
EDCI 211 Tutoring: Helping Children Learn (1) Additional information: Should not be taken
concurrently with EDCI 210. Experience as a tutor for individual or small groups of children or
adolescents in local schools or community centers. Campus meetings assist in skill development.
EDCI 243 Attitudes and Beliefs about the "Other" in Literature, Film and the Media (3) An
examination of the ways various media represent dominant and non-dominant identities and the
parameters for acceptable social behavior, and how these sociocultural forces shape personal identities,
cultural competence and interpersonal power dynamics.
EDCI 246 Good Stories: Teaching Narratives for Peace and Justice (3) Through the study and use of
oral storytelling and digital technologies, explore qualities and characteristics of what makes a good story
and how stories can be used to advance peace and justice on both individual and social levels.
EDCI 280 Looking Inside Schools and Classrooms (3) An exploration of teaching in public schools,
grades 1-12: student diversity, societal changes, and the expectations of teachers and public schools.
Three hour per week field component.
EDCI 281 Cultural Competence, Leadership, and You (3) Understanding aspects of global cultural
competence, one's own biases, and research methods for understanding one's self and one's relationship to
other cultures. Application to campus setting.
EDCI 286 Latino and Black Schooling: A History (3) The historical, cultural, political and socio-
economic factors that shape the school experience and achievement (Kindergarten - college) of Latinos
and Blacks in the U.S.
EDCI 288 Special Topics in Teacher Education (1-3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching,
Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
EDCI 297 Students, Schooling, and Communities (3) Corequisite: EDCI280. Facilitates pre-service
teachers' initial look at their personal backgrounds and the ways in which they view the world.
Exploration of schools, students and their connections to communities. Draws on preservice teachers'
concurrent field experiences.
EDCI 298 Special Problems in Teacher Education (1-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching,
Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
EDCI 301 Teaching Art in the Elementary School (3) Restriction: Must not be in Secondary Educ: Art
program. And must be in Elementary Education program; or must be in the Pre-elementary Education
program. Art methods and materials for elementary schools. Includes laboratory experiences with
materials appropriate for elementary schools. Emphasis on emerging areas of art education for the
elementary classroom teacher.
EDCI 322 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Education: Social Studies (3) Corequisite:
EDCI362, EDCI397, EDCI489, and TLPL306. Restriction: Must be in Elementary Education program;
and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching and Learning, Policy and
Leadership department. Curriculum, organization and methods of teaching, evaluation of materials, and
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utilization of environmental resources. Emphasis on multicultural education. Includes laboratory/field
EDCI 342 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Education: Language Arts (3) Prerequisite:
EDCI397. Corequisite: EDCI352, EDCI362, EDCI372, and EDCI322. Restriction: Minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department; and must
be in Elementary Education program. Listening, oral communication, functional writing, creative writing,
spelling, handwriting, and creative expression. Includes laboratory/field experiences.
EDCI 352 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Education: Mathematics (3) Prerequisite:
EDCI397. Corequisite: EDCI362, EDCI342, EDCI372, and EDCI322. Restriction: Must be in
Elementary Education program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-
Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Materials and procedures to help children sense
arithmetical meanings and relationships. Development of an understanding of the number system and
arithmetical processes. Includes laboratory/field experiences.
EDCI 355 Field Experience in Secondary Mathematics Education (1) Prerequisite: Minimum of 6
credits from MATH400-499 course range. Corequisite: EDCI 455. Restriction: Must be in Secondary
Educ: Mathematics program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching,
Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Practical experience as an aide to two secondary
mathematics teachers (middle grades and high school); assigned responsibilities and participation in a
variety of teaching/learning activities.
EDCI 360 Field Experience in Middle School (1) Prerequisite: EDCI457 and EDCI411; or permission
of instructor. Corequisite: EDCI413 and EDCI424. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and
permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department; and must be in the Middle
School Teacher Education Program. Credit only granted for: EDCI355, EDCI360 or EDCI375. A Middle-
school field experience that precedes student teaching.
EDCI 362 Materials and Instruction for Creating Skilled and Motivated Readers, Part 2 (3)
Corequisite: EDCI322, EDCI397, TLPL306, and EDCI489. Restriction: Must be in Elementary
Education program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning,
Policy and Leadership department. Selecting, evaluating, and using a variety of materials and
instructional techniques to create skilled and motivated readers in the elementary grades, particularly in
diverse classroom settings; Topics include word analysis, spelling, writing, reading comprehension
strategies, directed reading lessons and explicit instruction.
EDCI 372 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Education: Science (3) Prerequisite: EDCI397.
Corequisite: EDCI352, EDCI362, EDCI342, and EDCI322. Restriction: Must be in Elementary Education
program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy
and Leadership department. Objectives, methods, materials and activities for teaching science in the
elementary school; emphasis on teaching strategies which help children learn the processes and concepts
of science. Includes laboratory/field experiences.
EDCI 375 Field Experience in Science Education (1) Corequisite: EDCI470. Restriction: Must be in
Secondary Educ: Science program. This field experience course is designed to provide prospective
teachers with knowledge of theory and best school practice relevant to effective pedagogy, current
educational goals, and trends in educational assessment in a public school environment. Topics includes
planning, instructional delivery, diversity and individual differences, classroom management, technology,
and inclusion of students with special needs.
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EDCI 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy
and Leadership department; and junior standing or higher.
EDCI 397 Principles and Methods of Teaching in Elementary Schools (3) Corequisite: EDCI322,
EDCI362, TLPL306, and EDCI489. Restriction: Must be in Elementary Education program; and
minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
department. Teaching strategies, classroom interactive techniques, and procedures for planning and
evaluating instruction in elementary schools. Emphasis on principles of effective instruction, classroom
management, and adaptation of instruction for various student populations.
EDCI 400 Field Experience in Art Education (1) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching,
Learning, Policy and Leadership department; and must be in Secondary Educ: Art program. Practical
classroom experience in teaching/evaluating/exhibiting the products of art lessons.
EDCI 401 Student Teaching in Elementary School: Art (4-8) Prerequisite: EDCI405. Restriction:
Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
department; and must be in Secondary Educ: Art program.
EDCI 402 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Art (2-8) Prerequisite: EDCI405. Restriction:
Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and must be in Secondary Educ: Art program; and permission of
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Department.
EDCI 403 Introduction to Teaching Art in Schools (3) Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
Introduction to the field of Art Education and the role of the visual arts in grades PreK-12 for today's
diverse school populations. The fundamental, historical and philosophic components of art education with
an emphasis on arts disciplines and curriculum. Includes a school-based practicum. For those considering
art education as a major.
EDCI 404 Student Teaching Seminar: Art Education (3) Prerequisite: EDCI405 and EDCI400.
Corequisite: EDCI402 and EDCI401. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and must be in
Secondary Educ: Art program. An analysis of teaching theories, strategies, and techniques in the student
teaching experience.
EDCI 405 Art Education Methods I (3) Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: Art program; or must
be in Secondary Educ: Art pre-major program. And minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and permission of
EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Credit only granted for: EDCI300 or
EDCI405. Formerly: EDCI300. Methods I provides future art teachers with a knowledge base of the
theories and best practices of effective pedagogy for: teaching methods and strategies, diversity,
motivational techniques, classroom management, assessment and evaluation methods, and
accommodating all students including those with special needs.
EDCI 406 Technology and Two-Dimensional Art (3) Prerequisite: ARTT210. Restriction: Minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
department; and junior standing or higher; and must not be in any of the following programs (Early
Childhood Education; Elementary Education; Secondary Educ: Science; Secondary Educ: English
Language Arts; Secondary Educ: Mathematics; Secondary Educ: Foreign Languages; Secondary Educ:
Social Studies; Physical Education; Music Education; Special Education). A discussion/studio format
used to develop skills, materials, resources and education strategies for using technology and two-
dimensional art in K-12 programs.
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EDCI 407 Practicum in Art Education: Three-Dimensional (3) Restriction: Must be in Secondary
Educ: Art program; or must be a Pre-Art Education Major. A lecture-studio course to develop skills,
material resources, and educational strategies for three-dimensional projects in school settings.
EDCI 410 Methods I: K-12 World Language Methods and Technology (3) Restriction: Minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
department. Credit only granted for: EDCI330 or EDCI410. Formerly: EDCI330. The first of two
sequential courses required for achieving competence i teaching a foreign language. The sequel to this
course is EDCI433 (Methods II) entitled: Advanced K-12 Foreign Language Methods and Technology.
EDCI410 requires on-going examination of theories relevant to language acquisition. Students will also
investigate the instructional methods that reflect those theories. Lab and field experiences required.
EDCI 411 Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science (3) Restriction: Minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Credit
only granted for: EDCI370 or EDCI411. Formerly: EDCI370. For prospective science teachers.
Investigations of the nature of knowledge, reasoning, and learning in middle and secondary science.
Readings from cognitive science and science education research; studies of student thinking in interview
and classroom observations; analyses of curricula. Includes laboratory and field experiences.
EDCI 413 Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Middle Grades I (2) Prerequisite: EDCI457 and
EDCI411; or permission of instructor. Corequisite: EDCI360 and EDCI424. Restriction: Minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.75; and must be in the Middle School Teacher Education Program, major code
0804P. For prospective middle school teachers. Studying and planning interdisciplinary instructional
practices in middle school. Utilizes context and experiences from students' field placements. Use of
technology and incorporation of technology into instruction.
EDCI 414 Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Middle Grades II (2) Prerequisite: EDCI360 and
EDCI413. Corequisite: EDCI425 and EDCI460. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and must
be in the Middle School Teacher Education Program. For prospective middle school teachers. Planning
and implementing interdisciplinary instructional practices in middle school. Draws on the context of and
experiences in the student teaching placement. Use of technology and incorporation of technology into
EDCI 416 Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education: English (3) Credit only granted for:
EDCI340 or EDCI416. Formerly: EDCI340. An introduction for prospective middle and secondary
English teachers into the basic issues, concepts, orientations, and processes that shape the teaching of
English for diverse students in schools. Candidates explore their own perspectives in relation to local and
national trends and develop basic teaching understanding and skills through on-campus seminars,
teaching laboratory experiences, and guided field experiences. Students should reserve one full day or two
half days per week for field experience.
EDCI 417 Bases for English Language Instruction (3) Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ:
English Language Arts program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-
Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Examines current theory, research, best practice,
curricula and materials focused on the teaching of English language to native and non-native English
learners. Topics include morphology, syntax, semantics, vocabulary, pragmatics, argument, discourse
structure, dialects, edited academic English, English language proficiency (listening, speaking, reading,
writing) assessment, and instructional planning. English Language Learner (TESOL and SIOP) and
special needs (inclusion) pupil issues considered.
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EDCI 420 Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: Social Studies (1) Prerequisite:
EDCI426 and EDCI427. Corequisite: EDCI421 and EDCI422. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of
2.75. An analysis of teaching theories, strategies, and techniques in the student teaching experience.
EDCI 421 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies/History (12) Prerequisite:
Admission to teacher education program. Corequisite: EDCI420. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA
of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department; and must be in
Secondary Educ: Social Studies program.
EDCI 422 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Social Studies/Geography (12) Prerequisite:
EDCI321. Corequisite: EDCI420.
EDCI 423 Art Education Methods II (3) Prerequisite: EDCI405; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Corequisite: EDCI400. Restriction: Minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.75; and must be in Secondary Educ: Art program. Methods II builds upon the
pedagogical foundation of Methods I and provides future art teachers with the means for developing pre
K-12 art lessons and unit plans for a balanced qualitative art program for today's diverse and inclusive
schools and classrooms.
EDCI 424 Equitable Classrooms (2) Prerequisite: EDCI297, EDCI457, and EDCI411. Corequisite:
EDCI360 and EDCI413. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and must be in Middle School
Education program. An exploration and application of major theoretical frameworks surrounding equity
and critical pedagogy. Creating habits of mind that help teachers see all students as capable of achieving
at high levels. Draws on the concurrent field experience.
EDCI 425 Equity and Pedagogy (2) Prerequisite: EDCI424. Corequisite: EDCI414 and EDCI460.
Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and must be in one of the following programs (Middle
School Education; Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education; Secondary Educ: Science;
Secondary Educ: English Language Arts; Secondary Educ: Mathematics; Secondary Educ: Foreign
Languages; Secondary Educ: Social Studies; Physical Education; Music Education; Secondary Educ: Art;
Special Education). An exploration and application of major theoretical frameworks surrounding equity
and critical pedagogy. Pedagogical decision making that leads to greater equity and improved student
learning for all students. Draws on the concurrent student teaching experience.
EDCI 426 Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Secondary Social Studies (3) Restriction:
Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department; and minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.75. An exploration of the nature of knowledge and reasoning in social studies disciplines as
well as how students learn social studies. Assessment and investigation of students' conceptions and
misconceptions as well as their disciplinary thinking. Implications for teaching and initial lesson design
are explored through on-campus seminars as well as guided field experiences. Students should reserve a
regular half-day per week for the field experience in local schools. This course is required for admission
to the secondary social studies double major.
EDCI 427 Curriculum, Teaching, and Assessment in Secondary Social Studies (3) Prerequisite:
EDCI426. Corequisite: EDCI428. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: Social Studies program; and
minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Center for Learning & Educational
Technology. An exploration of curriculum development, teaching, and assessment in secondary
history/social studies. Focus on identifying students' conceptions of social studies topics and designing
lessons that advance students' disciplinary thinking and understanding.
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EDCI 428 Field Experience in Secondary Social Studies Teaching (1) Corequisite: EDCI427.
Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: Social Studies program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Practical experience as
an aide to a regular social studies teacher; assigned responsibilities and participation in a variety of
teaching/learning activities. Students must reserve one full day per week for internship placement.
EDCI 430 Student Teaching Seminar in Secondary Education: World Language (1) Prerequisite:
EDCI410 and EDCI433. Corequisite: EDCI431 and EDCI474. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ:
Foreign Languages program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching,
Learning, Policy and Leadership department. An analysis of teaching theory, strategies and techniques in
the internship experience.
EDCI 431 Teaching Internship in Secondary Schools: World Language (12) Prerequisite: EDCI410
and EDCI433. Corequisite: EDCI430 and EDCI474. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and
must be in Secondary Educ: Foreign Languages program. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning,
Policy and Leadership department. Additional information: Internship lab fee applies. See current
program description for details. Practical experience as a full-time intern with a fully licensed World
Language teacher in a diverse school setting; assigned professional responsibilities and participates in
teaching/learning experiences.
EDCI 432 Issues in the Education of English Language Learners (3) Credit only granted for:
EDCI432 or EDCI488Q. Formerly: EDCI488Q. Introduction to and analysis of current and historical
research, practice, trends, and public policy issues in education as they relate to English language learners
in K-12 and other settings.
EDCI 433 Advanced K-12 World Language Methods and Technology (3) Prerequisite: EDCI410.
Corequisite: EDCI438. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: Foreign Languages program; and
minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
department. Teaches advanced best practices for effective foreign language instruction. Topics include:
using authentic assessment and materials, applying national standards, teaching writing and culture,
motivating students, providing strategy instruction, infusing technology, preparing for K-12 employment,
and creating a professional portfolio.
EDCI 434 Pedagogy of Teaching English Language Learners (3) A survey of the historical and
current approaches, methods, and techniques of teaching English to speakers of other languages, from
grammar translation and audiolingual to communicative and task-based approaches will be presented.
Additionally, successful classroom practices that address the needs of culturally diverse and language
minority students will be analyzed. Students will have the opportunity to discuss, probe and apply
theories and principles to hands-on teaching practices in real-life settings. Digital technologies that assist
teaching English language learners (ELLs) will be emphasized as well.
EDCI 435 Teaching English Language Learners Reading and Writing in the Secondary Content
Areas (3) Analysis of approaches to curriculum, current research, theory, and pedagogy of reading and
writing to second language students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. State Approved.
Required for TESOL certification program.
EDCI 436 Understanding Cross-Cultural Communication for Teaching English Language Learners
(3) Credit only granted for: EDCI436 or EDCI488T. Formerly: EDCI488T. Theories of intercultural
communication and techniques for applying them in the teaching of English as a second language (ESL)
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and content classes. Research and evaluation of selected aspects of a culture as basis for creating,
selecting and using culturally-responsive teaching materials and methods.
EDCI 437 English Grammar Pedagogy for Teachers of English Language Learners (3) Credit only
granted for: EDCI437 or EDCI488P. Formerly: EDCI488P. Methods of teaching English grammar to
English language learners. The role of teaching grammar. Effective methods and techniques for
incorporating grammar in other communication activities.
EDCI 438 Field Experience in Second Language Education (1) Corequisite: EDCI330. Restriction:
Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department; and must be in Secondary
Educ: Foreign Languages program. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Practical experience as an
aide to a regular foreign language teacher; assigned responsibilities and participation in a variety of
teaching/learning activities.
EDCI 440 Internship Seminar in Secondary Education: English (1) Prerequisite: EDCI447 and
EDCI467. Corequisite: EDCI441 and EDCI474. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: English
Language Arts program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching,
Learning, Policy and Leadership department. A review and analysis of current instructional theories,
strategies and best practice in relation to the teaching internship. Meets at area high school; location
provided before first meeting.
EDCI 441 Internship in Secondary Schools: English (12) Prerequisite: EDCI447 and EDCI467.
Corequisite: EDCI440 and EDCI474. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: English Language Arts
program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy
and Leadership department. Practical experience as a full-time intern with a fully licensed English teacher
in a diverse school setting; assigned professional responsibilities and participates in teaching/learning
experiences. Internship lab fee applies. See current program description for details.
EDCI 443 Literature for Children and Youth (3) Restriction: Must be in Elementary Education
program; or must be a Pre-Education Major. Analysis of literary materials for children and youth.
Timeless and ageless books, and outstanding examples of contemporary publishing. Evaluation of the
contributions of individual authors, illustrators and children's book awards.
EDCI 447 Field Experience in English Teaching (1) Corequisite: EDCI467. Restriction: Must be in
Secondary Educ: English Language Arts program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission
of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Practical experience as a part-time
intern working with a fully licensed English teacher in a diverse school setting. Students must reserve one
full day or two half days per week for the part-time internship.
EDCI 448 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Theatre/English (12) Prerequisite: EDCI417.
Corequisite: EDCI440. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: English Language Arts program.
Practical experience as an aide to a regular English, speech or drama teacher; assigned responsibilities and
participation in a variety of teaching/learning activities.
EDCI 450 Internship Seminar in Secondary Education: Mathematics (1) Prerequisite: EDCI457 and
EDCI455. Corequisite: EDCI451 and EDCI474. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: Mathematics
program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy
and Leadership department. Strategies and techniques in the internship experience. Structured work on
teaching portfolio (requirement for graduation and certification). Place, day, and time to be arranged.
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EDCI 451 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Mathematics (12) Corequisite: EDCI450.
Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and
Leadership department; and must be in Secondary Educ: Mathematics program.
EDCI 455 Teaching and Learning High School Mathematics (3) Prerequisite: Must have 2 semesters
of calculus; or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Corequisite:
EDCI355. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: Mathematics program; and minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Methods
of teaching and assessing the high school mathematics curriculum; aligning tasks and activities to
curriculum standards; lesson planning; and selection and use of technology. The course also focuses on
managing large group dynamics in the high school mathematics classroom.
EDCI 457 Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics (3) Restriction: Minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Methods
of teaching and assessing the middle school mathematics curriculum. Understanding the conceptual
difficulties students have in moving from whole numbers to rational numbers, additive thinking to
multiplicative thinking, and arithmetic to algebra. Lesson planning and selection of technology and other
materials are applied in the context of supervised tutoring of students having difficulty in middle school
mathematics. Lab and field experience required. Supervised tutoring takes place on site at a local middle
school therefore EDCI 457 students will be expected to travel to a local middle school for 8-10 of the
class meetings.
EDCI 460 Student Teaching: Middle School (12) Prerequisite: EDCI413. Corequisite: EDCI414 and
EDCI425. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning,
Policy and Leadership department; and for Middle School Education majors only. A Middle-school
student teaching experience in two content areas.
EDCI 461 Materials and Instruction for Creating Skilled and Motivated Readers, Part I (3)
Restriction: Must be in Elementary Education program; and junior standing or higher. Or permission of
EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Selecting, evaluating, and using a variety
of materials and instructional strategies to create skilled and motivated readers in the elementary grades;
Topics include emergent literacy, vocabulary development, reading comprehension and oral reading
fluency in diverse classroom settings.
EDCI 462 Materials and Instruction for Creating Skilled and Motivated Readers, Part II (3)
Prerequisite: EDCI397 and EDCI461. Corequisite: EDCI352, EDCI342, EDCI372, and EDCI322.
Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and
Leadership department; and must be in Elementary Education program. Selecting, evaluating, and using a
variety of materials to create skilled and motivated readers in the elementary grades, particularly in
diverse classroom settings; Topics include word analysis, spelling, writing, reading comprehension
strategies, directed reading lessons, and explicit instruction.
EDCI 463 Reading in the Secondary School (3) Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and
must be in one of the following programs (Middle School Education; Secondary Educ: Science;
Secondary Educ: English Language Arts; Secondary Educ: Mathematics; Secondary Educ: Foreign
Languages; Secondary Educ: Social Studies; Secondary Educ: Art) ; and permission of department
required for post-baccalaureate students. Provides secondary school teachers with understanding the need
for and approaches to teaching students to read and learn from content area texts.
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EDCI 464 Assessment for Reading (3) Prerequisite: EDCI362. Restriction: Senior standing. And must
be in Elementary Education program; or must be in Early Childhood Education program. Examination of
reading assessment theory, materials and procedures; Topics include validity and reliability in reading
assessment, formal and informal assessment, reading instruction that is informed by ongoing assessment,
and the effects of assessment on students and schooling in a diverse society.
EDCI 466 Literature for Adolescents (3) Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75; and
permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Reading and analysis of
fiction and nonfiction; methods for critically assessing quality and appeal; current theory and methods of
instruction; research on response to literature; curriculum design and selection of books.
EDCI 467 Teaching Writing (3) Corequisite: EDCI447. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ:
English Language Arts program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-
Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Examines current theory, research, best practice,
curricula and materials for teaching written communication in grades K-12. Focuses on analytical,
argumentative, informative/explanatory, literary analysis, narrative, descriptive, and research writing.
Emphasizes instructional planning, assessment, writer problem-solving strategies, information search,
development, organization and style appropriate to task, purpose and audience for both non-digital and
digital text. English Language Learner and special needs pupil issues considered.
EDCI 470 Learning and Teaching in Science (3) Prerequisite: EDCI411; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: Science program. Studies of student learning and instructional
practices in science teaching.
EDCI 471 Internship in Secondary Schools: Science (12) Prerequisite: EDCI470. Corequisite:
EDCI480 and EDCI474. Restriction: Must be in Secondary Educ: Science program; and minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
department. Practical experience as a full-time intern with a fully licensed science teacher in a diverse
school setting; assigned professional responsibilities and participates in teaching/learning experiences.
Internship lab fee applies. See current program description for details.
EDCI 474 Teaching Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse Students in Secondary
Education (2) Corequisite: Enrolled in internship/certification area. Restriction: Must be in one of the
following programs (Secondary Educ: Science; Secondary Educ: English Language Arts; Secondary
Educ: Mathematics; Secondary Educ: Foreign Languages; Secondary Educ: Social Studies; Secondary
Educ: Art) ; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy
and Leadership department. Multi-disciplinary capstone course for Secondary Education majors.
Discussion of pedagogical and content issues relevant for teaching academically, culturally, and
linguistically diverse students with particular emphasis on students with special educational needs and
English language learners. Students develop and use curriculum-based assessments and/or lessons with
these groups of students.
EDCI 475 Embracing Diversity in the Classroom Community (3) Restriction: Admission to teacher
education program; or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department.
Credit only granted for: EDCI475 or EDCI488L. Formerly: EDCI488L. An exploration of the richness
and complexity of student diversity that teacher candidates will encounter in K-12 classrooms. Students
will engage in critical reflection around diversity and equity issues.
EDCI 480 Practices in Secondary School Science Teaching (2) Prerequisite: EDCI470. Corequisite:
EDCI471 and EDCI474. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
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department; and must be in Secondary Educ: Science program. Or minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
Credit only granted for: EDCI480 or EDCI488J. Formerly: EDCI488J. Analyses of student thinking,
instructional interpretations, strategies, and techniques in the teaching internship.
EDCI 481 Student Teaching: Elementary (12) Prerequisite: EDCI352, EDCI362, EDCI342, EDCI372,
and EDCI322. Corequisite: EDCI464. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and
Leadership department; and must be in Elementary Education program; and minimum cumulative GPA of
EDCI 485 Student Teaching in Elementary School: Physical Education (4-8) Restriction: Must be in
Physical Education program. Fulfills elementary teaching requirements in K-12 physical education
EDCI 488 Selected Topics in Teacher Education (1-3) Restriction: Must be in a major within EDUC-
Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department; or must be in Curriculum and Instruction
(Doctoral) program; or must be in Curriculum and Instruction (Master's) program; or permission of
EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
EDCI 489 Field Experiences in Education (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning,
Policy and Leadership department. Repeatable to 4 credits.
EDCI 495 Student Teaching in Secondary Schools: Physical Education (2-8) Restriction: Must be in a
major within EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department; or must be in Curriculum
and Instruction (Doctoral) program; or must be in Curriculum and Instruction (Master's) program.
EDCI 497 The Study of Teaching (3) Prerequisite: EDCI481. Corequisite: EDCI489. Identification and
examination of learner and teacher outcome variables related to teaching systems, methods, and
processes. Methods of conducting classroom research.
EDCI 498 Special Problems in Teacher Education (1-6) Restriction: Must be in a major within EDUC-
Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department; or must be in Curriculum and Instruction
(Doctoral) program; or must be in Curriculum and Instruction (Master's) program; or permission of
EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Individual study
of approved problems.
EDCI 499 Workshops, Clinics, and Institutes (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits. The following types of
educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading: workshops conducted by the College
of Education (or developed cooperatively with other colleges and universities) and not otherwise covered
in the present course listing; clinical experiences in pupil testing centers, reading clinics, speech therapy
laboratories, and special education centers; institutes developed around specific topics or problems and
intended for designated groups such as school superintendents, principals and supervisors.
EDCP -- Education Counseling and Personnel Services
EDCP 108 College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills (1) Repeatable to 3 credits if
content differs. Knowledge and skills designed to enhance college as a learning experience or preparation
for life.
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EDCP 217 Introduction to Student Leadership (3) Restriction: Freshman standing; or sophomore
standing. Credit only granted for: EDCP217 or EDCP317. Formerly: EDCP317. Introduction to
leadership theories, concepts, and skills. Completion of personal and leadership self-assessments, values
exploration, and small group application.
EDCP 220 Introduction to Human Diversity in Social Institutions (3) This highly-interactive format
focuses on individual and social identities in the U.S., group differences and intergroup relations, systems
of privilege and oppression, and advocacy for social justice. Topics will include diversity related to race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, (dis)ability, and religion. Course fulfills CORE
requirements in diversity, social/behavioral bases, and interdisciplinary study. Some sections restricted.
EDCP 298 Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-3) Restriction: Permission of
EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Individual instruction in special
problems related to counseling, student leadership, and college student development.
EDCP 310 Peer Counseling Theory and Skills (3) The theories and skills of peer helping relationships.
Counseling theories and skills at a level appropriate for students seeking basic level training for use in
peer counseling settings.
EDCP 312 Multi-Ethnic Peer Counseling (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Formerly:
EDCP310A. Knowledge, skills, and attitude to function as peer helpers of Multi- Ethnic students.
EDCP 325 Substance Use and Abuse in American Society (3) Incidence, etiology, effects and
management of substance use and abuse from perspective of the individual, the family, and society.
EDCP 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education department; and sophomore standing or higher.
EDCP 411 Principles of Mental Health (3) Prerequisite: 9 semester hours in the behavioral sciences; or
permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Mechanisms
involved with personal adjustment, coping skills, and the behaviors that lead to maladjustment.
EDCP 418 Special Topics in Leadership (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The special topics
and leadership course will address a single topic related to leadership through the semester. In-depth study
and analysis on the topic will be the basis for the course. Topics include gender and leadership, ethics and
leadership, and culture and leadership. Leadership will serve as the foundation in the course.
EDCP 420 Advanced Topics in Human Diversity and Advocacy (3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. This course will build upon students'
knowledge of diversity in American society and will examine contemporary topics related to
multiculturalism in educational and community contexts as well as strategies for advocacy in such
venues. This course fulfills CORE requirements in diversity.
EDCP 462 Disability in American Society (3) Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 30 credits;
and sophomore standing or higher. Critical examination of the history of discrimination and analysis of
current policies toward people with severe physical and mental disabilities.
EDCP 489 Field Experiences in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-4) Restriction: Permission of
EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Planned field experience in
education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.
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EDCP 498 Special Problems in Counseling and Personnel Services (1-3) Prerequisite: Available only
to major students who have formal plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction:
Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Available only to
major students who have formal plans for individual study of approved problems.
EDCP 499 Workshops, Clinics, Institutes (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits. The following type of
educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading: workshops conducted by the
Department of Counseling and Personnel Services (or developed cooperatively with other departments,
colleges and universities) and not otherwise covered in the present course listing; clinical experiences in
counseling and testing centers, reading clinics, speech therapy laboratories, and special education centers;
institutes developed around specific topics or problems and intended for designated groups.
EDHD -- Education, Human Development
EDHD 201 Learning How to Learn (3) Immerses students in the theoretical and empirical study of
learning by engaging them in orchestrated experiences and activities drawn directly from the disciplinary
research. Students achieve deep understanding of their own learning, as well as the means of enhancing
that learning both in school and out-of-school contexts.
EDHD 210 Foundations of Early Childhood Education (3) Students explore historical and current
research in early childhood education, primary models of curriculum and pedagogy in the field, and the
relationship between critical aspects of young children's development and the creation of inclusive
learning opportunities for all children, including children at risk. The concept of developmentally
appropriate practice and its application across different developmental levels and early childhood
classrooms will be introduced and connected with discussion in EDHD220 and EDSP211. Students
examine issues in developing and implementing high quality early childhood education experiences for
young children with and without disabilities, including the influence of family, culture, and community,
the needs of children at risk (e.g., poverty, immigrant status, English Language Learners), and the role of
assessment in early learning.
EDHD 220 Exploring Early Childhood General and Special Education (3) Students who are
considering a career in education will consider information about the teaching profession. Students reflect
on their personal strengths, identify areas of growth, and examine their predisposition to work with young
children with and without disabilities. They will discuss the nature of teaching, the moral and philosophic
underpinnings that influenced their decision to enter into the teaching professions, as well as the roles and
responsibilities of teachers and the characteristics and qualities for effective teachers (teaching styles and
teacher's primary role in the classroom).
EDHD 221 Aggression and Violence in Everyday Life: Can Violence Be Prevented? (3) History of
aggression and violence in the world and in the United States. Examines the extent to which various
forms are prevalent today and scientifically supported prevention strategies. Methods of studying
aggression are reviewed, as are theories and methods of preventing aggression and violence.
EDHD 222 Literature in the Early Childhood Classroom (3) Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood
Education program. Introduces students to the realm of literature for young children. Through studying,
reading, listening to and using books and poems, students develop an understanding about qualities in
literature that are meaningful to children.
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EDHD 230 Human Development and Societal Institutions (3) Development of the individual in the
context of relationships with the formal and informal institutions of society. An examination of various
aspects of development from the broad perspective of the social sciences.
EDHD 231 Inside 21st Century Creativity: How Creative Ideas, Concepts, and Products are
Generated (3) Mechanisms of the creative mind. Psychological, social, sociological, developmental,
cultural, educational, genetic and neural based roots of creativity.
EDHD 306 Research Methods in Human Development (3) Addresses the scientific concepts and
principles central to the study of human behavior and development. Students will learn about basic
research methods in studying human behavior in developmental context and will participate in
experiential activities, such as conducting observations and collecting self-report data. Major themes:
goals of developmental research, fundamental research designs, types of measurement, elements of good
scientific writing, and ethical issues in the study of human development.
EDHD 310 Your Brain on Education: The Neuroscience of Learning and Development (3)
Prerequisite: PSYC100. Investigation linking research in the brain science of learning and development,
including the neural basis of academic skills, to achievement, disability, and broader applications to
classroom learning. This course will focus on areas of education including language (spoken and written),
conceptual change, numerical/quantitative processing, and social cognition as well as burgeoning areas of
neuroscientific research in general cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and executive
processing. These topics will be discussed with respect to typical and atypical development with some
focus on developmental disabilities including autism, specific language impairment, reading and math
impairment, and attention deficit disorders among others. This course will focus on both the theoretical
perspectives and pragmatic issues of how evidence regarding brain development can or may be translated
into useful or misleading information for educators, professionals, and parents/guardians of our children.
EDHD 313 Creative Experiences for Young Children (3) Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood
Education program. Credit only granted for: EDHD313 or EDCI313. Formerly: EDCI313. Provides
preservice teachers with an understanding of the current research on the development of creativity and
integration of the arts into an early childhood classroom.
EDHD 314 Reading in the Early Childhood Classroom (3) Prerequisite: EDHD210, EDHD220, and
EDSP211. Corequisite: EDHD425; and corequisite: EDHD419 or EDSP420. Restriction: Must be
enrolled in Professional Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education Program; and minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.75. Early childhood students introduced to current research/methods on teaching
language arts. Focus on development of linguistic and cognitive processes in emergent literacy and
beginning reading and writing. Application to models for the instruction and assessment of
reading/writing in preschool-aged children. Also includes material on classroom-based interventions for
young children at risk of reading failure due to learning difficulties. Includes Field Experiences.
EDHD 315 Reading in Early Childhood Classroom: Instruction and Materials Part II (3)
Prerequisite: EDHD314. Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood Education program. This course builds
on the theories and teaching strategies of EDHD314. Students will focus on teaching of reading and
writing to primary grade students.
EDHD 319 Selected Topics in Human Development (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Selected topics in human development in relation to contemporary culture.
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EDHD 320 Human Development Through the Life Span (3) Central concepts related to parameters of
human development, individual and social, which arise throughout the life span. Continuity and change
within the developing individual.
EDHD 321 The Young Child as Scientist (2) Prerequisite: EDHD419, EDHD314, EDHD313,
EDHD424, and EDSP470. Corequisite: EDHD323, EDHD322, EDHD315, EDHD435, and EDHD427.
Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood Education program; and senior standing or higher. Provides
theoretical and practical knowledge for teaching science in early childhood classrooms. Appropriate
teaching strategies and materials of instruction are presented for diverse settings. Includes field
EDHD 322 The Young Child as Mathematician (3) Prerequisite: EDSP423, EDHD431, and EDSP315;
and track 1: Must have completed EDSP 430, EDSP 433; OR Track 2: Must have completed EDHD415,
EDHD 424. Corequisite: EDHD323, EDSP321, EDSP417, EDHD441, EDHD442, EDHD443, and
EDHD444. Restriction: Must be in the Professional Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education
program; and senior standing or higher; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Provides a theoretical
and instructional framework for mathematics instruction in early childhood classrooms. Development of
understanding of early childhood mathematics that emphasizes how and in what environment young
children learn mathematics. Current thinking about both content and instructional strategies for
mathematics curriculum, including identification and review of standards and expectations for learning
outcomes for all children. Assessment strategies for evaluating all children will be addressed. Includes
Phase 1 Field Experience.
EDHD 323 Children Study their World (3) Prerequisite: EDSP423, EDHD431, and EDSP315; and
track 1: Must have completed EDSP430, EDSP433; or Track 2: Must have completed EDHD415,
EDHD424. Corequisite: EDHD322, EDSP417, EDHD441, EDHD443, EDHD442, EDHD444, and
EDSP321. Restriction: Must be in the Professional Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education
program; and senior standing or higher; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Provides theoretical and
instructional framework for social studies instruction in inclusive early childhood classrooms. Course will
reflect current thinking about content and instructional strategies for social studies curriculum;
identification and review of standards/expectations for learning outcomes for all children; assessment
strategies for evaluating of social studies objectives; use of data driven instruction to support all children;
observation of children's understanding of their social world in field placements; opportunities to explore
these understandings through interviews with children and the implementation of activities. Includes
Phase 1 Field Experience.
EDHD 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Human Development and
Quantitative Methodology department; and junior standing or higher.
EDHD 400 Introduction to Gerontology (3) Multidisciplinary survey of the processes of aging.
Physiological changes, cultural forces, and self-processes that bear on quality of life in later years. Field
study of programs, institutions for elderly, individual elders, their families and care providers.
EDHD 401 Promoting Optimal Aging (3) Prerequisite: EDHD320; or EDHD400; or permission of
EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Credit only granted for:
EDHD401 or EDHD641. Theoretical, research, and applied issues related to optimal aging from
psychological, biological, and societal perspectives. Group or individual projects involving direct field
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EDHD 402 Social Development (3) Recommended: EDHD411. Social Development. Critical concepts
and ideas of the study of child and adolescent social development. Focus on changes in interpersonal
relationships, emotions, achievement-related behavior and competence, and functioning within the
broader social context.
EDHD 411 Child Growth and Development (3) Theoretical approaches to and empirical studies of
physical, psychological and social development from conception to puberty. Implications for home,
school and community.
EDHD 412 Infant Development (3) Infant development across domains, including perceptual, motor,
cognitive, language, social and emotional functioning from pre-natal through third year of life.
EDHD 413 Adolescent Development (3) Adolescent development, including special problems
encountered in contemporary culture. Observational component and individual case study.
EDHD 414 Development of the Scientific Mind Across the Lifespan (3) Recommended: EDHD320.
Study of the educational, cognitive, social, and cultural factors that underlie the development of the
scientific mind across the lifespan.
EDHD 415 Promoting the Social-Emotional Competence of Young Children in Inclusive
Classrooms (3) Prerequisite: EDHD314 and EDHD425; and (EDHD419 or EDSP420). Corequisite:
EDSP423, EDSP424, and EDHD431. Restriction: Must be in the Professional Early Childhood/Early
Childhood Special Education program; and junior standing or higher; and minimum cumulative GPA of
2.75. Teachers must have knowledge and skill regarding how to appropriately manage the classroom so
that all children, those with and without disabilities, will be able to learn from their school experiences.
Classroom management extends beyond responding to student misbehavior to include a comprehensive
approach to addressing the social/emotional competence of typically and atypically developing children.
The goal of this course is to prepare early childhood teachers who are able to sensitively, responsively,
and effectively manage a classroom of young students who are typically developing and those who have
disabilities. Includes Field Experience.
EDHD 420 Cognitive Development and Learning (3) Prerequisite: EDHD320, EDHD411, PSYC341,
or PSYC355; or permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department.
Current developmental theories of cognitive processes such as language, memory, and intelligence and
how differences in cognitive level (infancy through adolescence) mediate learning of educational subject
EDHD 421 Peer Relations (3) Recommended: EDHD411. Historical and theoretical underpinnings to
contemporary research on peer interactions, relationships, and groups. Focus on (1) inter-dependencies of
individual characteristics, social behaviors, social relationships; (2) relations between familial factors and
extra-familial peer interactions and relationships; (3) normal and abnormal peer relationships; and (4)
cross cultural universals and differences.
EDHD 424 Culture, School & Community: Contexts for Learning (PreK-3rd) (3) Prerequisite:
EDHD425 and EDHD314; and (EDHD419 or EDSP420). Corequisite: EDSP315, EDHD431, EDHD415,
and EDSP423. Restriction: Must be in the Professional Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special
Education program; and junior standing or higher; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Explores the
development of the young child (with and without disabilities, as well as those at environmental risk) in
the context of the family and community, with emphasis on the impact of state, federal and school system
policy on the child's world. Course will consider issues within the family, and the wider socio-cultural
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ecology that relate to the child's ability to develop and learn. In addition, students will develop strategies
for respectful and culturally responses approaches to actively engage families in their children's
development and learning. Includes Field Experience.
EDHD 425 Language Development and Reading Acquisition (3) This course focuses on young
children's language development and the relationship between language and reading acquisition. Students
will learn: concepts central to language development; language achievements at different ages; concepts
of emergent literacy; models of reading acquisition and skilled reading.
EDHD 426 Cognition and Motivation in Reading: Reading in Content Areas I (3) Students preparing
for secondary teaching will learn the cognitive and motivational aspects of reading and learning from text
in subjects of literature, science, history and mathematics. Different structured approaches to using text
for content learning are presented. Classroom contexts that enable students to engage productively with
diverse texts and internet resources are identified.
EDHD 427 Constructing and Integrating the Early Childhood Curriculum (3) Prerequisite:
EDHD314, EDHD313, EDHD424, and EDSP470. Corequisite: EDHD323, EDHD322, EDHD315,
EDHD321, and EDHD435. Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood Education program; and senior
standing. Explores the world from the child's perspective and constructs curriculum based on cognition,
learning, and children's experiences. The integrated curriculum is the overarching framework for this
course. Includes field experience.
EDHD 430 Adolescent Violence (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100; or permission of EDUC-Human
Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Examines the roots of violence among
adolescents and the extent to which this constitutes a problem in various settings. Research studies on its
origins, prevention and intervention and implications for social policy are examined.
EDHD 431 Child Development and Learning, Three to Eight Years (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade
of C- in EDHD314 and EDHD425; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (EDHD419,
EDSP420). Corequisite: EDSP423 and EDSP315; and TRACK I: Must be concurrently enrolled in
EDSP430, EDSP433; or TRACK 2: Must be concurrently enrolled in EDHD415, EDHD424. Provides a
basic understanding of child development theory and research, as well as specific knowledge about the
development of children during the early and middle childhood "stages," specifically from ages 3 years to
8 years. A major emphasis will be the application of theory and research from the field of educational
psychology to an understanding of how young children learn and achieve academically. Because the
course will address the developmental and academic functioning of children with and without disabilities,
a particular focus will be on individualization.
EDHD 432 Internship in EC/ECSE (12) Prerequisite: EDHD323, EDHD322, EDSP417, EDHD441,
EDHD442, EDHD443, EDHD444, and EDSP321. Corequisite: EDHD437. Restriction: Must be in Early
Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education program; and senior standing or higher. Interns spend
five days per week in the classroom/home-based setting (under the mentorship of a certified teacher)
where they gradually assume full responsibility for the planning, delivery and assessment of instruction or
an intervention. Track I students will have an Infant/Toddler placement with special educator, Track II
students will be in a Pre-K/K or Grade 1,2,3 classroom with general or special educator (must be opposite
grade level and mentor from Phase I/fall of the senior year).
EDHD 434 Child Development, Birth to Three Years (3) Prerequisite: EDHD210, EDHD220, and
EDSP211. Corequisite: EDHD314 and EDHD425. Also offered as: EDSP420. Credit only granted for:
EDHD419A or EDHD434. Formerly: EDHD419A. Designed to provide students with an understanding
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of child development theory and research, as well as knowledge about typical and atypical development
of children from birth to three years of age. The course emphasizes learning for children with and without
disabilities, and for children who are at risk due to poverty and other environmental factors. The course
will introduce how children develop and the challenges they face within the domains of physical,
cognitive, language, social, and emotional development, with particular attention paid to the impact of
risk factors on development. Students will become familiar with delays and differences in development
that may occur as the result of disability. Finally, students will learn the effects of cultural and linguistic
differences on growth and development. Information about theory and research in child development for
children with and without disabilities will be enhanced through a series of observational experiences,
which will build upon concepts addressed during class. Includes field experiences.
EDHD 435 Effective Components of the Early Childhood Classroom (3) Prerequisite: EDHD419,
EDHD314, EDHD313, EDHD424, and EDSP470. Corequisite: EDHD323, EDHD322, EDHD315,
EDHD321, and EDHD427. Restriction: Must be in Early Childhood Education program; and senior
standing or higher. Explores three topics integral to effective, child-centered early childhood classrooms:
assessment, classroom management and parent involvement. Includes field experience.
EDHD 436 Cognition and Motivation in Reading: Reading Acquisition for Middle School Students
(3) Cognitive and motivational processes of reading and learning from texts across subjects. Structured
approaches to using text for content learning based on approaches to knowledge, motivation, and
strategies. Classroom contexts that enable middle school students to engage with diverse texts and
Internet resources are provided.
EDHD 437 EC/ECSE Teachers as Researchers and Reflective Practitioners (3) Prerequisite:
Minimum grade of C- in EDHD322, EDHD323, EDSP321, EDSP417, EDHD441, EDHD442,
EDHD443, and EDHD444. Corequisite: EDHD432. Students use action research to improve instructional
delivery or familial interactions in an effort to enhance the overall educational experiences/outcomes of
children in classrooms or home-based contexts. Students will design and implement an action research
project in an effort to meet a goal articulated in an applicable Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or School Improvement Plan (SIP) as the basis of their project.
EDHD 440 Adult Development (3) Prerequisite: EDHD320; or permission of EDUC-Human
Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Recommended: EDHD413. Major conceptual
approaches to the study of adult development including physical, cognitive, social, emotional and self
processes that take place within individuals as they progress from emerging adulthood through middle
EDHD 441 Data Driven Decision Making in EC/ECSE (1) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
EDSP423, EDHD431, and EDSP315; and TRACK I: Must have completed EDSP430 and EDSP433 or
TRACK 2: Must have completed EDHD415 and EDHD424. Corequisite: EDHD322, EDHD323,
EDSP321, EDSP417, EDHD442, EDHD443, and EDHD444. Students will be exposed to formative (e.g.,
classroom based, ongoing) and summative (e.g., standardized testing) assessments. Students will collect
and analyze formative assessment data from their internship classrooms as the bases of planning and
delivering instruction to meet the diverse needs of all learners. They will also analyze standardized
assessment data to gain an understanding of measures used to determined cross-school and cross-teacher
effectiveness. Includes Phase I field experience.
EDHD 442 Interventions for Children with Behavioral Challenges (1) Prerequisite: Minimum grade
of C- in EDSP423, EDHD431, and EDSP315; and TRACK I: Must have completed EDSP430 and EDSP
433; or TRACK 2: Must have completed EDHD415 and EDHD 424. Corequisite: EDSP321, EDSP417,
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EDHD322, EDHD323, EDHD441, EDHD443, and EDHD444. Students will expand knowledge of and
develop skills to address challenging behaviors in inclusive early childhood classrooms. Students examine
the causes underlying challenging behaviors during the early childhood years, and identify appropriate
resources and support services for working with families to develop a unified approach when responding
to behavioral challenges. Includes Phase I field experience.
EDHD 443 Interventions for Children with Social and Communication Challenges (1) Prerequisite:
Minimum grade of C- in EDSP423, EDHD431, and EDSP315; and TRACK I: Must have completed
EDSP430 and EDSP 433; or TRACK 2: Must have completed EDHD415 and EDHD 424. Corequisite:
EDHD322, EDSP321, EDSP417, EDHD323, EDHD441, EDHD442, and EDHD444. Students will learn
about the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder,
social communication disorder, and other related challenges and will be equipped to meet the needs of
this group of children in the early childhood classroom. The utilization of Universal Design for Learning
(UDL), Response to Intervention (RTI) and other early childhood special education approaches, as they
apply to this specific group of children, will be addressed. Interventions designed to improve the
functioning of children with autism spectrum disorders and related disorders will be reviewed. Includes
Phase I field experience.
EDHD 444 Action Research in EC/ECSE (1) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in EDSP423,
EDHD431, and EDSP315; and track 1: Must have completed EDSP430 and EDSP433; OR Track 2: Must
have completed EDHD415 and EDHD424. Corequisite: EDHD322, EDHD323, EDHD441, EDHD442,
EDHD443, EDSP417, and EDSP321. Students will become familiar with the EC/ECSE research process,
literature and how teachers use action research to improve pedagogy and the experiences of children in
classrooms or home-based contexts. Students will utilize this knowledge, as well as either a goal in an
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or School
Improvement Plan (SIP), to develop an action research study commenced during the following semester.
Includes Phase I field experience.
EDHD 445 Guidance of Young Children (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100; or permission of EDUC-Human
Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Practical aspects for helping and working with
children, drawing on research, clinical studies, and observation. Implications for day care and other public
EDHD 460 Educational Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100; or permission of EDUC-Human
Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Application of psychology to learning processes
and theories. Individual differences, measurement, motivation, emotions, intelligence, attitudes, problem
solving, thinking and communicating in educational settings.
EDHD 489 Field Experiences in Education (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Human
Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Repeatable to 4 credits. Planned field
experience in education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to
EDHD 498 Special Problems in Education (1-3) Prerequisite: Available only to students who have
definite plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Human
Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Available only to students who have definite
plans for individual study of approved problems.
EDHD 499 Workshops, Clinics, and Institutes (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits. The following types of
educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading: workshops conducted by the College
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of Education (or developed cooperatively with other colleges and universities) and not otherwise covered
in the present course listing; clinical experiences in pupil-testing centers, reading clinics, speech therapy
laboratories, and special education centers; institutes developed around specific topics or problems and
intended for designated groups such as school superintendents, principals and supervisors.
EDHI -- Education Leadership, Higher Ed and International Ed
EDHI 288 Special Problems in Education (1-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education department; and available only to freshmen and sophomore students
who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems relative to their preparation for
teaching. Formerly: EDPL288. Available only to freshmen and sophomore students who have definite
plans for individual study of approved problems relative to their preparation for teaching.
EDHI 338 Teaching and Learning about Cultural Diversity through Intergroup Dialogue (1-3)
Prerequisite: Completion of on-line registration form. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Formerly:
EDPL288. Engages students, from one or more cultural identity groups, in facilitated dialogue about the
similarities and differences of experience that exist within a group and/or between and across groups. The
goal of intergroup dialogue is for students to develop comfort with, and skill for, discourse on difficult
topics toward the end of fostering positive, meaningful, and sustained cross-group relationships. Whereas
in debate, students learn to listen to gain advantage, in intergroup dialogue, students learn to listen to gain
understanding. In so doing, students develop increased multicultural interaction facility, heightened
intergroup awareness and sensitivity, and greater commitment to civic engagement.
EDHI 488 Special Topics in Education Policy and Administration (1-3) Restriction: Permission of
EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Repeatable to 6 credits.
Formerly: EDPL488. Special and intensive treatment of current topics and issues in education policy and
EDHI 489 Field Experiences in Education (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education department. Formerly: EDPL489. Planned field experience in
education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.
EDHI 498 Special Problems in Education (1-3) Prerequisite: Available only to students who have
definite plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling,
Higher Education and Special Education department. Formerly: EDPL498. Available only to students
who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems.
EDHI 499 Workshops, Clinics, and Institutes (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits. Formerly: EDPA499. The
following type of educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading: Workshops
conducted by the College of Education (or developed cooperatively with other colleges and universities)
and not otherwise covered in the present course listing; clinical experiences in pupil-testing centers,
reading clinics, speech therapy laboratories, and special education centers; institutes developed around
specific topics or problems and intended for designated groups such as school superintendents, principals,
and supervisors.
EDMS -- Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation
EDMS 410 Classroom Assessment (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Developing and using
classroom assessments, including tests, performance assessments, rating scales, portfolios, observations
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and oral interactions; basic psychometric statistics; standard setting; grading; communicating assessment
information; testing ethics; locating and evaluating measures; program evaluation and classroom research;
assessments used for educational policy decisions.
EDMS 451 Introduction to Educational Statistics (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306,
GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily meet the
same major requirements-check with your advisor to see which of these courses will count for your
major). Introduction to statistical reasoning; location and dispersion measures; computer applications;
regression and correlation; formation of hypotheses tests; t-test; one-way analysis of variance; analysis of
contingency tables.
EDMS 489 Field Experiences in Measurement and Statistics (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-
Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Repeatable to 4 credits. Planned field
experience in education-related activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to
EDMS 498 Special Problems in Measurement and Statistics (1-3) Prerequisite: Available only to
education majors who have formal plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction:
Permission of EDUC-Human Development and Quantitative Methodology department. Repeatable to 6
credits. Available only to education majors who have formal plans for individual study of approved
EDPS -- Education Policy Studies
EDPS 210 Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education (3) Credit only granted for:
EDPL210 or EDPS210. Formerly: EDPL210. An examination of illustrative historical and philosophical
examples of the interplay of ideas and events in the shaping of educational aims and practices from
ancient cultures to modern technological societies.
EDPS 288 Special Problems in Education (1-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning,
Policy and Leadership department. Formerly: EDPL288. Available only to freshmen and sophomore
students who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems relative to their preparation
for teaching.
EDPS 301 Foundations of Education (3) Credit only granted for: EDPL301 or EDPS301. Formerly:
EDPL301. Social context of education and conflicts over philosophies, values, and goals that are reflected
in educational institutions in our pluralistic society. Helps teachers become reflective, critical thinkers
about the social and philosophical issues they face and the choices they make.
EDPS 310 Foundations of Education (3) Credit only granted for: EDPL301 or EDPS301. Formerly:
EDPL301. Social context of education and conflicts over philosophies, values, and goals that are reflected
in educational institutions in our pluralistic society. Helps teachers become reflective, critical thinkers
about the social and philosophical issues they face and the choices they make.
EDPS 401 Educational Policy, and Social Change (3) Credit only granted for: EDPL401 or EDPS401.
Formerly: EDPL401. An examination of education policy in relation to the social environment and
change. Contemporary education and social issues are examined, including technology as a complex force
which influences social change. This is a Social Foundations course.
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EDPS 488 Special Topics in Education Policy and Administration (1-3) Restriction: Permission of
EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Formerly: EDPL488. Special and
intensive treatment of current topics and issues in education policy and administration.
EDPS 489 Field Experiences in Education (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning,
Policy and Leadership department. Formerly: EDPL489. Planned field experience in education-related
activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.
EDPS 498 Special Problems in Education (1-3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning,
Policy and Leadership department. Formerly: EDPL498. Available only to students who have definite
plans for individual study of approved problems.
EDPS 499 Workshops, Clinics, and Institutes (1-6) Formerly: EDPL499. The following type of
educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading: Workshops conducted by the College
of Education (or developed cooperatively with other colleges and universities) and not otherwise covered
in the present course listing; clinical experiences in pupil-testing centers, reading clinics, speech therapy
laboratories, and special education centers; institutes developed around specific topics or problems and
intended for designated groups such as school superintendents, principals, and supervisors.
EDSP -- Education, Special
EDSP 210 Introduction to Special Education (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or lower. Credit only
granted for: EDSP210 or EDSP470. Characteristics and needs of individuals receiving special education
and related services. Current issues and practices in special education.
EDSP 211 Introduction to Special Education (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or lower; and
permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Credit only
granted for: EDSP210 or EDSP470. An introduction to the field of special education. Students examine
historical foundations, including legislation; review components necessary for effective service delivery;
and develop an understanding of the role of collaboration and consultation with parents, school personnel
and other professionals. In addition, students are introduced to the nature and characteristics of various
disabilities and review current issues in the field including overrepresentation of minority students in
special education, inclusion, and federal and state assessment mandates. Current topics are addressed
including evidence-based practices, universal design for learning, and individualization and
differentiation of instruction..
EDSP 220 Disability in Community: Access, Accommodation, and Adaptation (3) Examines the
concept of disability in a variety of community settings. Drawing on classic and contemporary readings in
psychology, sociology and special education, the course will couple conceptual and historical
understanding of disability with first-hand service-learning experiences in the community. Students will
develop a plan in several phases that encompasses principles of Universal Design for Living/Learning
(UDL) to study and participate in community-based activities.
EDSP 288 Special Topics in Teacher Education (1-3) Restriction: Must be in a major in EDUC-
College of Education; or permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
EDSP 298 Special Problems in Teacher Education (1-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling,
Higher Education and Special Education department; and available only to freshmen and sophomore
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education majors who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems relative to their
preparation for teaching. Available only to freshmen and sophomore education majors who have definite
plans for individual study of approved problems relative to their preparation for teaching. Credit
according to extent of work.
EDSP 315 Inclusive Instruction: Reading Methods II (3) Prerequisite: EDHD314 and EDHD425; and
(EDHD419 or EDSP420). Corequisite: EDSP423 and EDHD431; and track 1: Must be concurrently
enrolled in EDSP430 and EDSP433; OR Track 2: Must be concurrently enrolled in EDHD415 and
EDHD424. Focus on current research and methods of teaching reading in the primary grades.
Examination of development of a balanced literacy program of children of all reading levels in inclusive
early childhood classrooms. Students will learn to select and use a variety of evidence-based reading
strategies and assessment tools for reading and writing instruction. Includes field experiences.
EDSP 321 The Young Child As Scientist (3) Prerequisite: EDSP423, EDHD431, and EDSP315; and
track 1: Must have completed EDSP430 and EDSP433; OR Track 2: Must have completed EDHD415
and EDHD424. Corequisite: EDHD322, EDHD323, EDSP417, EDHD441, EDHD442, EDHD443, and
EDHD444. A theoretical and pedagogical framework for evidence-based inclusive science instruction in
inclusive early childhood classrooms. Examination of principles of inquiry-based science learning and
develop strategies for helping children acquire fundamental problem-solving skills that may be applied to
understanding a wide array of science content. Assessment strategies for evaluating the achievement of
science objectives, and the achievement for all children will be addressed. Includes field experience.
EDSP 376 Fundamentals of Sign Language (3) Receptive and expressive skills in American Sign
Language. Examination of the causes of deafness, characteristics of deaf education, and aspects of the
culture of the deaf community.
EDSP 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Learning proposal approved by the Office of
Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher.
EDSP 400 Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities I (3) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Also offered as: EDSP602. Credit only granted for: EDSP400 or EDSP602.
Functional assessment procedures and instructional methods for students with severe disabilities.
EDSP 402 Field Placement: Severe Disabilities I (2-5) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling,
Higher Education and Special Education department. Practicum experience in settings serving students
with severe disabilities.
EDSP 403 Instruction of Students with Physical Disabilities (3) Also offered as: EDSP603. Credit
only granted for: EDSP403 or EDSP603. Assessment, curriculum, and instruction for students with
physical disabilities. Focus on etiology, environmental and learning adaptations, and assistive technology.
EDSP 404 Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (3) Restriction: Permission of
EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Also offered as: EDSP604.
Credit only granted for: EDSP404 or EDSP604. Characteristics, needs, assessment, and educational
methods for students with autism spectrum disorders.
EDSP 410 Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities II (3) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Also offered as: EDSP614. Credit only granted for: EDSP410 or EDSP614.
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Functional assessment, curriculum, and instruction related to academic and community functioning skills
for students with severe disabilities.
EDSP 413 Behavior and Classroom Management in Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in
Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP613. Credit only granted for: EDSP413, or EDSP613.
Use of applied behavior analysis for assessment of behavior and learning environments. Design of
behavior and classroom management of students in special education.
EDSP 415 Assessment in Special Education (3) Recommended: STAT100; or SOCY201. Restriction:
Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP615. Credit only granted for: EDSP415, or
EDSP615. Knowledge and skills for understanding assessment process and interpretation of assessment
data. Emphasis on psychometric aspects of assessment related to screening, eligibility, and program
EDSP 416 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education I (3) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Also offered as: EDSP616. Credit only granted for: EDSP416 or EDSP616.
Assessment and instruction of reading and writing skills for students in special education.
EDSP 417 Reading Diagnosis and Assessment (3) Prerequisite: EDSP423, EDHD431, and EDSP315;
and track 1: Must have completed EDSP430 and EDSP433; OR Track 2: Must have completed
EDHD415 and EDHD424. Corequisite: EDHD322, EDHD323, EDSP321, EDHD441, EDHD442,
EDHD443, and EDHD444. Reading Diagnosis and Assessment prepares teacher candidates to assess
children in general and special early childhood educations settings in the areas of reading and writing in
order to plan for instruction. The course will focus on diagnostic, screening, progress monitoring, and
outcome assessments in early and beginning literacy. The course is designed to provide participants with
the knowledge and skills necessary to collect and use a wide range of assessment data in general
education and special education settings. Includes field experience.
EDSP 420 Child Development, Birth to Three Years (3) Prerequisite: EDHD210 and EDHD220.
Corequisite: EDHD425 and EDHD314. Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Child
development theory and research, as well as knowledge about typical and atypical development of
children from birth to three years of age. The course emphasizes learning for children with and without
disabilities, and for children who are at risk due to poverty and other environmental factors. The course
will introduce how children develop and the challenges they face within the domains of physical,
cognitive, language, social, and emotional development, with particular attention paid to the impact of
risk factors on development. Students will become familiar with delays and differences in development
that may occur as the result of disability. Finally, students will learn the effects of cultural and linguistic
differences on growth and development. Information about theory and research in child development for
children with and without disabilities will be enhanced through a series of observational experiences,
which will build upon concepts addressed during class. Includes field experiences.
EDSP 421 Field Placement in Special Education: Early Childhood I (2-4) Restriction: Must be in
Special Education program; or must be in one of the following programs (Special Education (Doctoral);
Special Education (Master's)). Field experience I in early childhood special education.
EDSP 422 Curriculum and Instruction: Early Childhood Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be
in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP627. Credit only granted for: EDSP422 or
EDSP627. Curriculum and instruction for young children with mild and moderate disabilities, preschool
through primary grades.
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EDSP 423 Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Credit only granted for: EDSP423 or EDSP624. Assessment procedures for infants
and young children with disabilities, birth through grade 3.
EDSP 424 Field Placement in Special Education: Early Childhood II (2-4) Restriction: Must be in
Special Education program. Field experience in early childhood special education.
EDSP 430 Early Intervention: Early Childhood Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Credit only granted for: EDSP430 or EDSP631. Intervention with infants and young
children with disabilities. Focus on moderate and severe disabilities.
EDSP 433 Families and Culture in Early Intervention (Birth-5) (3) Prerequisite: EDHD314 and
EDHD425; and (EDHD419 or EDSP420). Corequisite: EDSP430, EDSP315, and EDHD431. Provides
students with the skills and information they need to work effectively with families of young children
(birth to age 5) who have or are at risk for disabilities in early childhood or early intervention programs.
Students will review current local, state and federal policies establishing the rights of families of infants
and young children with disabilities to participate in decision making for their child. We will discuss
relevant theoretical and research literature as well as the cultural and contextual issues involved in
working with families of very young children. Includes field experiences.
EDSP 434 Field Placement in Special Education: Secondary Middle I (2-4) Restriction: Must be in
Special Education program. Field experience in secondary middle special education.
EDSP 435 Field Placement in Special Education: Secondary Middle II (2-4) Restriction: Must be in
Special Education program. Field experience in secondary middle special education.
EDSP 443 Language and Literacy Acquisition in Children with Disabilities (3) Restriction: Must be
in Special Education program. Additional information: This course is the first of four reading courses
required by the Maryland State Department of Education for teacher certification in Special Education.
Language and literacy acquisition and characteristics of typical and atypical language development in
supporting students with reading and writing disabilities.
EDSP 450 Inclusive Practices in the Schools (3) Also offered as: EDSP606. Credit only granted for:
EDSP450 or EDSP606. Educational practices regarding inclusive education in the schools for students
with and without disabilities.
EDSP 451 Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary/Middle Special Education (3) Restriction: Must
be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP652. Credit only granted for: EDSP451 or
EDSP652. Methods for instruction of students with disabilities in the general education curriculum.
Collaboration with other professionals is included.
EDSP 452 Internship I: Elementary/Middle Special Education (2-4) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Also offered as: EDSP692. Credit only granted for: EDSP452 or EDSP692. Field
experience in elementary/middle school special education.
EDSP 453 Methods and Models of Instruction: Elementary Special Education (3) Restriction: Must
be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP653. Credit only granted for: EDSP453 or
EDSP653. Focus on models and methods of instruction responsive to the cognitive, linguistic, and
cultural characteristics of elementary students in special education.
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EDSP 454 Field Placement in Special Education: Elementary II (2-4) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Field experience in elementary special education.
EDSP 455 Assessment in Elementary Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education
program. Also offered as: EDSP654. Credit only granted for: EDSP455 or EDSP654. Focus on selection,
administration, and interpretation of assessment tools and results for designing instruction and evaluating
progress of elementary students in special education.
EDSP 466 Issues and Models of Instruction: Middle/Secondary Special Education (3) Restriction:
Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP664. Credit only granted for: EDSP466 or
EDSP664. Issues, legislation, and service models in middle/secondary special education. Emphasis on
career and vocational education, self-determination, and transition.
EDSP 470 Introduction to Special Education (3) Restriction: Must not have completed EDSP210.
Credit only granted for: EDSP210 or EDSP470. Designed to give an understanding of the needs of all
types of exceptional children.
EDSP 474 Assessment in Middle/Secondary Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Also offered as: EDSP674. Credit only granted for: EDSP474 or EDSP674.
Cognitive, vocational, and social assessment for students with disabilities. Emphasis on interpretation of
assessment results and case management practices.
EDSP 476 Communicating with Sign Language (3) Prerequisite: EDSP376. Restriction: Permission of
EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Intermediate level
receptive/expressive skills in American Sign Language. Aspects of the culture, history, and research
perspectives of the deaf community.
EDSP 477 Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction: Middle/Secondary Special Education (3)
Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP677. Credit only granted for:
EDSP477 or EDSP677. Methods and assessment practices for effective instruction in middle and
secondary content areas for students in special education.
EDSP 481 Cultural Diversity and Disability (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education program.
Also offered as: EDSP681. Credit only granted for: EDSP481, EDSP499C, EDSP678C, or EDSP681.
Formerly: EDSP499C. A study of diversity issues within special education, with attention to uses of race,
culture, and disability as they pertain to teaching, learning, and social justice.
EDSP 482 Literacy Approaches for At-Risk Adolescents (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in EDHD426. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and
Special Education department. Also offered as: EDSP682. Credit only granted for: EDSP482 or
EDSP682. Provides approaches to teaching reading in the content areas for secondary students with
EDSP 484 Reading and Writing Instruction in Special Education II (3) Prerequisite: EDSP416.
Restriction: Must be in Special Education program. Also offered as: EDSP684. Credit only granted for:
EDSP484 or EDSP684. Focus on the development of reading and writing programs for students in special
education. Builds on foundations established in EDSP416.
EDSP 485 Assessment and Instruction in Mathematics in Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be
in Special Education program; or must be in one of the following programs (Special Education
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(Doctoral); Special Education (Master's)). Also offered as: EDSP683. Credit only granted for: EDSP485
or EDSP683. Instructional methods and assessment in mathematics in special education.
EDSP 486 Promoting Prosocial Behavior in Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Also offered as: EDSP686. Credit only granted for: EDSP486 or EDSP686. Focus on
social development among students with and without disabilities, the relationship between pedagogy and
student behavior, and classroom, school, and community approaches for developing prosocial behavior.
EDSP 487 Family Partnerships in Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in Special Education
program. Also offered as: EDSP687. Credit only granted for: EDSP487 or EDSP687. Strategies for
communicating and working with families of students with disabilities.
EDSP 488 Selected Topics in Teacher Education (1-3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling,
Higher Education and Special Education department; or must be in a major in EDUC-College of
Education. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
EDSP 489 Field Experiences in Special Education (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling,
Higher Education and Special Education department. Planned field experience in education-related
activities. Credit not to be granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.
EDSP 490 Teacher Candidate Research Seminar in Special Education (3) Restriction: Must be in
Special Education program. Study of current issues and research concerning the education of students in
special education.
EDSP 494 Internship: Early Childhood Special Education (6-12) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Student teaching, full-time for twelve weeks, with infants or preschool children with
EDSP 495 Internship II: Elementary/Middle Special Education (6-12) Corequisite: EDSP490.
Restriction: Must be in Special Education program; or must be in one of the following programs (Special
Education (Doctoral); Special Education (Master's)). Also offered as: EDSP695. Credit only granted for:
EDSP 495 or EDSP 695. Student teaching, full-time for 15 weeks, with elementary or middle school
students with disabilities.
EDSP 496 Internship: Middle/Secondary Special Education (6-12) Restriction: Must be in Special
Education program. Student teaching, full-time for twelve weeks, with middle or high school age students
with disabilities.
EDSP 498 Special Problems in Special Education (1-6) Prerequisite: Available only to education
majors who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems. Restriction: Permission of
EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Available only to education
majors who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems. Credit according to extent of
EDSP 499 Workshops, Clinics, and Institutes in Special Education (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. The following type of educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading:
workshops conducted by the special education department (or developed cooperatively with other
departments, colleges and universities) and not otherwise covered in the present course listing.
Laboratories, and special education centers; institutes developed around specific topics or problems and
intended for designated groups such as school superintendents, principals and supervisors.
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EDUC -- Education
EDUC 275 Students, Learning and Technology (3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-College of
Education. Explore skills essential to college success: technology fluency and applications, team building,
collaboration tools, problem based critical thinking, through MicroWorlds and RoboLab. Investigate and
visit professions that interconnect the fields of education and technology.
EDUC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-College of Education; and
junior standing or higher.
EDUC 388 Special Topics in Education (1-3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-College of Education.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
EDUC 476 Assessment and Design Strategies for Improving Student Learning: Utilizing Data with
Technology Tool (3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-College of Education. Explore systemic
improvement strategies to curriculum planning, assessment, and instruction through utilizing data and
data analysis via technology tools. It is designed to assist educators in identifying and using data that are
most effective in assisting improvement of student achievement and system efficacy.
EDUC 477 Assistive Technology for the Classroom Setting (3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-
College of Education; and junior standing or higher. Designed to be an introductory survey course for
educators in the application of assistive technology in the general classroom setting. Students will be
introduced to various assistive technologies and strategies.
EDUC 478 Using Information Technology in Schools (1-3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-College
of Education; and junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Strategies,
resources, tools and organizational concepts for using technology to facilitate classroom learning and
school administrative functions.
EDUC 498 Selected Topics in Education (1-3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-College of Education.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Current topics and issues in education.
EDUC 499 Honors Thesis (1-6) Prerequisite: Admission to College Honors Program. Restriction:
Permission of EDUC-College of Education. Individual thesis work under supervision of faculty advisors;
includes periodic seminar meetings with other honors students engaged in thesis work.
ENAE -- Engineering, Aerospace
ENAE 100 The Aerospace Engineering Profession (1) Recommended: ENES100 and MATH140.
Overview of salient aspects of professional practice of Aerospace Engineering. Introduction to the range
of technical expertise needed to succeed in the profession and the objectives of the various parts of the
Aerospace Engineering program at UMCP in supporting students' efforts in gaining the required
knowledge and skills. Familiarization with departmental faculty and their areas of research, creation of
links with other students, professional society student chapters, and available resources. Discussion of
ethical issues, business requirements, and their interactions with technical developments.
ENAE 200 Aerospace Engineering Profession II (1) Recommended: ENAE100. Restriction: Must be in
Engineering: Aerospace program; and permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department.
Overview of the engineering profession as it pertains to the role of the engineer in society, professional
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practice and ethical standards, career development, opportunities and need for lifelong learning,
importance of safety and standards, effective written, visual, and oral communications, and the impact of
the engineering profession on global issues.
ENAE 202 Aerospace Computing (3) Corequisite: MATH140. Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. Introduction to
computational tools for the solution of engineering problems. C++ & MATLAB programming including
branching and loops, functions, file handling, arrays, and data structures. Students will be introduced to
object-oriented programming, basic computing, algorithms, and principles of software engineering.
ENAE 283 Introduction to Aerospace Systems (3) Prerequisite: PHYS161, MATH141, and ENES102.
Corequisite: PHYS261 and PHYS260. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program. Credit
only granted for: (ENAE281 and ENAE282) or ENAE283. Formerly: ENAE281 and ENAE282.
Introduction to airplanes and space vehicles as aerospace systems. Fundamentals that describe these
systems. Elements of aerodynamics, airfoils and wings. Airplane performance, stability and control.
Aircraft and rocket propulsion. Fundamentals of orbital motion. Aspects of vehicle conceptual design.
ENAE 301 Dynamics of Aerospace Systems (3) Prerequisite: PHYS271, MATH461, PHYS270,
MATH246, ENAE283, ENAE202, ENES102, and MATH241. Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. Kinematics and
dynamics of three dimensional motion of point masses and rigid bodies with introduction to more general
systems. Primary emphasis on Newtonian methods. Practice in numerical solutions and computer
animation of equations of motion using MATLAB.
ENAE 311 Aerodynamics I (3) Prerequisite: PHYS271, MATH461, PHYS270, MATH246, ENAE283,
ENES220, ENAE202, and MATH241. Corequisite: ENES232. Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. And junior standing or
higher. Fundamentals of aerodynamics. Elements of compressible flow. Normal and oblique shock waves.
Flows through nozzles, diffusers and wind tunnels. Elements of the method of characteristics and finite
difference solutions for compressible flows. Aspects of hypersonic flow.
ENAE 324 Aerospace Structures (4) Prerequisite: ENES220. Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Aerospace program. Analysis of torsion, beam bending, plate bending, buckling and their application to
ENAE 362 Aerospace Instrumentation and Experimentation (3) Prerequisite: MATH246 and
ENAE283. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; and junior standing or higher. Basic
instrumentation electronics including DC electronics, AC electronics, semiconductors, electro-optics and
digital electronics. Sensing devices used to carry out experiments in Aerospace Engineering includes
metrology, machine tool measurements, bridge circuits, optical devices, and introduction to computer
based data acquisition. Topics chosen to support measurements in aerodynamics, flight structures and
flight control.
ENAE 380 Flight Software Systems (3) Prerequisite: ENAE283 and ENAE202. Restriction: Must be in
Engineering: Aerospace program; and junior standing or higher. Avionics using advanced sensor and
computing technologies are at the heart of every modern Aerospace vehicle. Advanced software systems
to improve cockpit safety and enable unmanned and deep-space missions. Object-oriented programming
and software engineering concepts required to design and build complex flight software systems.
Software validation, verification and real-time performance analysis to assess flight software system
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reliability and robustness. Human-machine interface design for piloted systems. Automatic onboard data
acquisition and decision-making for unmanned air and space vehicles.
ENAE 398 Honors Research Project (1-3) Prerequisite: Must be accepted into Aerospace Honors
Program. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program. Repeatable to 3 credits if content
differs. Planned sequence of steps in aerospace honors research in which students take three (3)
consecutive semesters of this course in partial fulfillment of aerospace engineering honors program
requirements. The first semester consists of a series of seminars and meetings with faculty mentors on
honors research; two semesters consist of undergraduate honors research project and paper conducted
under the direction of an aerospace engineering faculty member to be presented at a conference.
ENAE 403 Aircraft Flight Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: ENAE414 and ENAE432. Restriction: Must be in
Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. Study of
motion of aircraft, equations of motion, aerodynamic force representation, longitudinal and lateral
motions, response to controls and to atmospheric disturbances, handling qualities criteria and other
figures of merit.
ENAE 404 Space Flight Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: ENAE301. Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. Three-dimensional
motion under central fields. Solutions to orbital motion, orbital elements, time elements. Kepler's laws.
Orbital maneuvering, rendezvous and station-keeping. Rigid-body attitude dynamics, spacecraft attitude
ENAE 414 Aerodynamics II (3) Prerequisite: ENAE311. Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. And junior standing or
higher. Aerodynamics of inviscid incompressible flows. Aerodynamic forces and moments. Fluid
statics/buoyancy force. Vorticity, circulation, the stream function and the velocity potential. Bernoulli's
and Laplace's equations. Flows in low speed wind tunnels and airspeed measurement. Potential flows
involving sources and sinks, doublets, and vortices. Development of the theory of airfoils and wings.
ENAE 415 Helicopter Theory (3) Prerequisite: ENAE414. Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Aerospace program. Elementary exposition on the theory and practice of aerodynamics applied to
helicopters and other rotary wing aircraft.
ENAE 420 Computational Structural Mechanics (3) Prerequisite: ENES220 and MATH241; and must
have completed a course in linear algebra. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or
permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. Introductory of finite element methods for
aerospace engineering modeling and analysis; equips students with ability to understand manuals of
commercial finite element analysis software.
ENAE 423 Vibration and Aeroelasticity (3) Prerequisite: ENAE324. Restriction: Must be in
Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. Dynamic
response of single and multiple degrees of freedom systems, finite element modeling, wing divergence,
aileron reversal, wing and panel flutter.
ENAE 425 Mechanics of Composite Structures (3) Prerequisite: MATH246, ENAE324, ENES220, and
MATH241. Introduction to structures composed of composite materials and their applications in
aerospace. In particular, filamentary composite materials are studied. Material types and fabrication
techniques, material properties, micromechanics, anisotropic elasticity, introduction to failure concepts.
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ENAE 432 Control of Aerospace Systems (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENAE301 and
ENAE283. Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must be in Engineering: Aerospace program. An
introduction to the feedback control of dynamic systems. Laplace transforms and transfer function
techniques; frequency response and Bode diagrams. Stability analysis via root locus and Nyquist
techniques. Performance specifications in time and frequency domains, and design of compensation
strategies to meet performance goals.
ENAE 441 Space Navigation and Guidance (3) Prerequisite: ENAE404 and ENAE432. Restriction:
Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department.
Principles of navigation. Celestial, radio, and inertial navigation schemes. Navigational and guidance
requirements for orbital, planetary, and atmospheric entry missions. Fundamentals of communications
and information theory. Link budgets, antennas and telemetry systems.
ENAE 455 Aircraft Propulsion and Power (3) Prerequisite: ENES232, ENAE414, and ENAE311.
Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering
department. Thermodynamic cycle analysis, aerothermochemistry of fuels and propellants, operating
principles of piston, turbojet, fanjet, and other variations of airbreathing aircraft power units.
ENAE 457 Space Propulsion and Power (3) Prerequisite: PHYS271, ENES232, PHYS270, and
ENAE311. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace
Engineering department. And senior standing. Thermodynamic cycle analysis, aerothermochemistry of
fuels and propellants, operating principles of rocket, ion, and other exoatmospheric power units.
ENAE 464 Aerospace Engineering Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: ENAE324, ENAE362, ENAE311, and
ENAE432. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace
Engineering department. Application of fundamental measuring techniques to measurements in aerospace
engineering. Includes experiments in aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, flight dynamics and
astrodynamics. Correlation of theory with experimental results.
ENAE 471 Aircraft Flight Testing (3) Prerequisite: ENAE414. Corequisite: ENAE403. Restriction:
Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program. Provides basic instruction to aircraft flight testing and
demonstrates need for systematic, well-proven technique to allow for accurate airplane performance.
Concepts of aerodynamics, airplane performance, and stability and control. Emphasis on single-engine
general aviation type aircraft.
ENAE 481 Principles of Aircraft Design (3) Prerequisite: ENAE324, ENAE362, and ENAE432.
Corequisite: ENAE414. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of
ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. Aircraft design principles blending both synthesis and
analysis. The iterative nature of the design process. Applied aerodynamics. Elements of aircraft
performance calculation and optimization. Design of aircraft including payload, crew and avionics
provisions, propulsion selection and sizing, aerodynamic configuration optimization, mass properties,
stability and control characteristics, and vehicle subsystems. Individual student projects in aircraft design.
ENAE 482 Aeronautical Systems Design (3) Prerequisite: ENAE455, ENAE423, ENAE403, and
ENAE481. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; and senior standing or higher.
Senior capstone design course in the aeronautics track. Introduction of computerized methods for sizing
and performance analysis. More comprehensive methods to predict weight, aerodynamics and propulsion
system characteristics. Consideration in design disciplines such as vulnerability, maintainability,
produceability, etc. Groups of students will complete, brief and report on a major design study to specific
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ENAE 483 Principles of Space Systems Design (3) Prerequisite: ENAE404, ENAE324, ENAE362, and
ENAE432. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; or permission of ENGR-Aerospace
Engineering department. Principles of space systems analysis and vehicle design. Launch vehicle
performance analysis and optimization. Design of vehicle systems including avionics, power, propulsion,
life support, human factors, structures, actuator and mechanisms, and thermal control. Design processes
and design synthesis. Individual student projects in vehicle design.
ENAE 484 Space Systems Design (3) Prerequisite: ENAE423, ENAE483, ENAE441, and ENAE457.
Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Aerospace program. Senior capstone design course in the space
track. Group preliminary design of a space system, including system and subsystem design, configuration
control, costing, risk analysis, and programmatic development. Course also emphasizes written and oral
engineering communications.
ENAE 488 Topics in Aerospace Engineering (1-4) Prerequisite: Permission of student's advisor
required. Restriction: Permission of instructor. Technical elective taken with the permission of the
student's advisor and instructor. Lecture and conference courses designed to extend the student's
understanding of aerospace engineering. Current topics are emphasized.
ENAE 499 Elective Research (3) Prerequisite: Permission from student's advisor required. Restriction:
Senior standing or higher; and must be in Engineering: Aerospace program; and permission of instructor;
and permission of ENGR-Aerospace Engineering department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Undergraduate research project and paper conducted under the direction of an aerospace engineering
faculty member to be presented at a conference or competition.
ENCE -- Engineering, Civil
ENCE 100 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering (1) An overview of the department
of Civil and Environment Engineering. Students are introduced to the undergraduate curriculum and will
be exposed to other undergraduate and graduate students at various points in their program. The course
blends panel presentations by seniors and graduate students, faculty and practitioners with a project and
book review to be performed by the students.
ENCE 200 Civil Engineering Computation (3) Prerequisite: ENES100, MATH141, and ENES102; and
permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENCE200
or ENCE202. Formerly: ENCE202. Development of knowledge and skills in managing, analyzing,
interpreting, and communicating spatial information. Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) and Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) are introduced in the context of civil and environmental engineering
ENCE 201 Engineering Information Processing (3) Prerequisite: ENES220 and MATH241; and
permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Corequisite: MATH246. Credit
only granted for: ENCE201 or ENCE203. Exploration of algorithms for solving problems in several
important areas of numerical computing: roots of equations; matrix algebra and the systems of linear
equations; function approximation, numerical differentiation and integration; and ordinary differential
equations. Issues of solution accuracy, robustness, and efficiency are also considered. Numerical
techniques are presented in the context of engineering applications, and example problems are solved
using a variety of computer-based tools (primarily MATLAB).
ENCE 215 Engineering for Sustainability (3) Prerequisite: CHEM135; and permission of ENGR-Civil
& Environmental Engineering department. Engineers have a key role to play in planning, designing,
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building, and ensuring a sustainable future. In this class, a problem-based approach is used to examine
fundamentally-based analyses and approaches for engineering as sustainable society, with a focus on
sustainable use of energy and materials, sustainable infrastructure solutions, atmospheric sustainability
and sustainable water supply, and human population growth and resource consumption and its
implications for sustainability.
ENCE 300 Fundamentals of Engineering Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENES220; and permission of
ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Behavior, physical, mechanical and chemical
properties, design and performance of civil engineering materials, including aggregates, cement, concrete,
asphalt binders and mixtures, plastics and geosynthetics, timber, metals and alloys. Modified and
advanced highway materials (polymer and rubber modified mixtures, high performance concrete,
composites, smart materials). Laboratory testing with hands-on experience on aggregates, Portland
cement concrete, asphalt mixtures, timber and metals as per SUPERAVE, ACI design methods, and
ASTM standards and specifications.
ENCE 302 Probability and Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers (3) Prerequisite:
MATH246 and ENCE201; and permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department.
Statistics is the science of data. Civil Engineers must often make decisions based on incomplete, variable
or uncertain information. In addition, modern methods of design and analysis need to account for
variability in natural, engineered and human systems. After successful completion of this class, a student
should have facility and familiarity with established basic techniques for managing data, modeling
variability and uncertainty, communicating about data and decisions, and supporting or defending a
decision or judgment based on uncertain or incomplete data.
ENCE 305 Fundamentals of Engineering Fluids (3) Prerequisite: ENES220, PHYS260, and PHYS261;
and permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Credit only granted for:
ENCE305 or ENCE330. Formerly: ENCE330. The theoretical bases for fluid statics and dynamics,
including the conservation of mass, energy and momentum. Modeling of hydraulic systems are
introduced. Emphasis on pipe flow and open-channel hydraulics, with real-world applications.
ENCE 310 Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3) Prerequisite: PHYS260 and ENCE215; and
permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Introduction to the physical,
chemical and biological systems relating to the quality of water, land and air environments. Fundamental
principles will be emphasized, current environmental pollution problems will be examined and methods
of pollution abatement discussed.
ENCE 320 Introduction to Project Management (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School
of Engineering or in the Project Management Minor. Credit only granted for: ENCE320 or ENCE325.
Learn the fundamentals of project management and the analytical skills for the management side of
engineering projects.Topics include economic analysis, project screening and selection, organizational
and project structure, scheduling, budgeting, resource management, life cycle costing, and project control.
ENCE 325 Introduction to Construction Project Management (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in
ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering; or must be in a major in ARCH-School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; or must be in the Construction Project Management minor. And permission of
ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENCE 320 or ENCE
325. Learn the basic topics in sourcing, planning, financing, designing, contracting, constructing and
operating buildings and other facilities in the built infrastructure. Topics include construction economics,
design constructability reviews, construction process planning, contracts and procurement strategies,
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project scheduling and resource utilization, site layout planning, project cost and quality controls,
temporary structures, environmental sustainability, project handover procedures, facility operation and
management, IT-based tools for construction project and resource management.
ENCE 340 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENES220; and permission of
ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Introductory study of soils in civil engineering.
Soil origin, phase relationships and classification schemes. Soil hydraulics: capillary, effective stress,
permeability and seepage considerations. Basic stress distribution theories and soil consolidation-
settlement analysis. Integration of shear strength evaluation with slope stability analysis. If time permits,
topics such as applications in geoenvironmental engineering will be covered.
ENCE 353 Introduction to Structural Analysis (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department; and (MATH246 and ENES220). The basic tools of structural
analysis and design. Design loads. Equilibrium of external and internal forces. Shear and moment
diagrams in beams and frames. Truss analysis. Influence line diagrams. The slope-deflection method and
method of consistent deformation. Matrix stiffness methods for beams, frames and trusses.
ENCE 360 Analysis of Civil Engineering Systems (3) Prerequisite: ENCE201 and MATH140; and
permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Introduction to systems approach
and systems analysis in civil and environmental engineering. Introduction to systems analysis tools that
facilitate engineering management decision making including optimization and computer simulation.
Introduction to linear and nonlinear mathematical optimization including linear and integer programming,
elementary nonlinear programming and dynamic programming.
ENCE 370 Introduction to Transportation Engineering and Planning (3) Prerequisite: ENCE201,
PHYS260, and PHYS261; and permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department.
Engineering problems of transportation by highways, airways, pipelines, waterways, and railways.
Transportation modes and technologies, vehicle dynamics, basic facility design, traffic stream models,
capacity analysis, transportation planning, evaluation and choice, and network analysis.
ENCE 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Learning Proposal approved by the Office of
Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher.
ENCE 398 Honors Research Project (1-3)
ENCE 402 Simulation and Design of Experiments for Engineers (3) Prerequisite: ENCE302; and
permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Review of statistics and hypothesis
testing, sample design and design of experiments, generation of discrete and continuous distributions and
their applications. Introduction of simulation languages and simulation of discrete and continuous
engineering systems. Output analysis, model validation and sensitivity and reliability analysis.
ENCE 411 Environmental Engineering Science (3) Prerequisite: ENCE310; and permission of ENGR-
Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Introduces the analytical techniques available to assess
performance of engineering processes as they relate to water, soil, and air treatment and quality. The basic
principles of environmental management, economics of waste treatment, by-product reutilization, and
energy cycles are introduced and discussed. Alternative technologies are introduced and evaluated mostly
by assessing their potential to reduce waste, minimize energy use, and promote sustainability. Students'
activities include, a weekly lab to provide hands-on experience with environmental quality measurements
and treatment techniques; on-site visits to regional industries that undertake sustainable practices; and a
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final research project where experimental design and laboratory techniques are used to assess interactions
between technologies and natural systems and their potential for reducing environmental impacts.
ENCE 412 Environmental Engineering Unit Operations (3) Prerequisite: ENCE305 and ENCE310;
and permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Examination of unit operations
and processes encountered in environmental engineering field. Fundamental principles learned from
previous classes will be applied into the design and operation of unit operations and processes,
particularly in the area of water and wastewater treatment. Similar processes will be applied to air
pollution control, solid waste disposal and hazardous waste treatment.
ENCE 420 Selection and Utilization of Construction Equipment (3) Prerequisite: Permission of
ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A.
James Clark School of Engineering; or must be in the Construction Project Management minor. Learn to
evaluate and select construction equipment with a focus on mechanized equipment for earthwork and
building construction.Learn about the parties involved in procurement, operation and maintenance, and
how to cost-effectively plan, select, and utilize equipment for earthmoving, paving, formwork, trenching,
rock excavation, tunneling, site preparation, and steel and concrete construction. Explore trends in
equipment design, construction automation, and robotics.
ENCE 421 Legal Aspects of Architectural and Engineering Practice (3) Prerequisite: Permission of
ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A.
James Clark School of Engineering; or must be in the Construction Project Management minor; or must
be in the Project Management Minor. Learn the basic structure of the US legal system and court
procedures and legal principles relevant to architectural and engineering design and construction contracts
including principles of ethical, legal and professional conduct of engineers and architects.Topics include:
contracts for design and construction, sales and warranties, torts and product liability, business agency
and government agencies, professional liability of architects and engineers, labor laws, expert testimony,
mediation and arbitration, tangible property including real estate, intellectual property including
trademarks, patents and copyrights, insurance and sureties.
ENCE 422 Project Cost Accounting and Economics (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School
of Engineering; or must be in the Construction Project Management Minor; or must be in the Project
Management Minor. Learn: the fundamentals of accounting; project cost accounting principles as they
apply to project management; project cost accounting; and the fundamentals of engineering
economics.Topics include: project feasibility analysis; reading and analyzing financial statements; cash
management; cash flow analysis; depreciation and taxes; and impact on profitability; the principles of
activity based costing; net present value analysis; the framework for project performance measurement,
cost performance indices, and earned value analysis.
ENCE 423 Project Planning, Estimating & Scheduling (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School
of Engineering; or must be in the Construction Project Management Minor; or must be in the Project
Management Minor. Learn the fundamentals of project planning, estimating, and scheduling. Understand
the concepts of planning; to reduce uncertainty, improve efficiency of the operation, to set and meet
objectives, and to provide a basis for monitoring and controlling the work. Be introduced to: the concepts
of resource definition, assignment and management, and; the basics of project estimating (pricing)
methods including global pricing strategies, types of estimates, pricing processes, overhead and profit,
and project financing.Learn the basics of project scheduling including; bar charts, network-based
methodologies, and linear scheduling techniques. Emphasis is placed on Critical Path Method (CPM)
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scheduling, a network based methodology. Be exposed to the use of scheduling software and will actually
develop a CPM schedule for an actual construction project as part of a semester project.
ENCE 424 Communication for Project Managers (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School
of Engineering; or must be in the Construction Project Management Minor; or must be in the Project
Management Minor. Learn the fundamentals of communications for project managers. Emphasis is on
interpersonal and group communications; through voice, electronic, and written messages; project cycle
and reports and presentations during this cycle; and communications for employment.
ENCE 426 Construction Documentation and BIM Applications in Engineering and Construction
(3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Must
be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering; or must be in the Construction Project
Management Minor; or must be in the Project Management Minor. Learn the basics of construction
documentation methods, with particular emphasis on Building Information Modeling (BIM). Topics
include: the fundamentals of assembly, coordination, and maintenance of construction documents and
implementation of BIM techniques in the design and construction processes, and; a review of Autodesk,
Revit, and Navisworks and other leading BIM software. Lectures from project management faculty
supplemented by guest lecturers from the construction industry.
ENCE 431 Hydrologic Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENCE305; and permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. An introduction to basic principles of hydrologic science
including the hydrologic cycle, rainfall, surface runoff and streamflow. Special emphasis is placed on
hydrologic engineering design of stormwater management and flood control facilities. Design projects are
used to illustrate design practices.
ENCE 432 Ground Water Hydrology (3) Prerequisite: ENCE305; and permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Concepts related to the development of the ground water
resources, hydrology, hydrodynamics of flow through porous media, hydraulics of wells and basin-wide
ground water development. Fundamentals of ground water pollution are introduced.
ENCE 441 Foundation Design (3) Prerequisite: ENCE340; and permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Critical review of classical lateral earth pressure theories,
analysis of retaining walls and reinforced earth walls, subsurface explorations, bearing capacity and
settlement of shallow foundations, design of deep foundations that includes both pile foundations and
drilled shafts.
ENCE 444 Experimental Methods in Geotechnical Structural Engineering (3) Prerequisite:
ENCE353 and ENCE340; and permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. In
the geotechnical engineering part of the course, major soils testing and their interpretation including
classification, compaction, strength, and compressibility will be undertaken. The structural engineering
part of this course covers test planning, loading apparatus, instrumentation, data acquisition and data
analysis, as well as basic aspects of structural testing techniques and shake-table test.
ENCE 447 Pavement Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENCE340; and permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Fundamental principles underlying the design, construction,
maintenance and repair, and management of highway and airfield pavement systems. Pavement
performance (functional/structural; evaluation); pavement mechanics (multi-layered elastic theory; slab
theory); pavement materials (properties and characterization); environmental effects; current rigid and
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flexible design methods (new/rehabilitation); construction (new construction; maintenance/repair;
rehabilitation); economic evaluation; pavement management.
ENCE 453 Computer-Aided Structural Analysis (3) Prerequisite: ENCE353; and permission of
ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Computer-aided analysis of structural systems.
Unified matrix formulation of stiffness and flexibility methods. Slope deflection method. Evaluation of
truss, frame, and grid systems. Non-prismatic and curved elements. Error analysis and determination of
ill-conditions. Introduction to finite element methods; formulation of simple two-dimensional elements.
In laboratory, use and development of CAD software.
ENCE 454 Design of Concrete Structures (3) Prerequisite: ENCE353; and permission of ENGR-Civil
& Environmental Engineering department. Formerly: ENCE451. Combined bending and compression,
development and anchorage of reinforcement, deflections, design of slabs including one-way and two-
way, design of footings, retaining walls, introduction to prestressed concrete, design of multi-story
ENCE 455 Design of Steel Structures (3) Prerequisite: ENCE353; and permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Behavior and design of members subjected to fatigue, and
combined bending and compression; plate girders, composite beams, open-web joists and connections.
Methods of allowable stress design, and load and resistance factor design. Elements of plastic analysis
and design. Framing systems and loads for industrial buildings and bridges.
ENCE 466 Design of Civil Engineering Systems (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Senior standing. Additional information: Must be
taken in the semester in which the student graduates. A major civil engineering design experience that
emphasizes development of student creativity, development and use of design methodologies, evaluation
of alternate solutions, feasibility considerations, and detailed system descriptions. Realistic design
constraints including economic factors, safety, aesthetics, and reliability will be imposed. Students will
work in design project groups and be required to exercise oral and written communication skills.
ENCE 470 Highway Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENCE302 and ENCE370; and permission of ENGR-
Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Highway location and design, highway engineering
economics, traffic engineering, traffic measurement devices and technologies. Includes discussion of
technological advances in traffic flow and capacity, such as signal systems, corridor control, automatic
driver information, incident detection and autonomous vehicle operation.
ENCE 472 Transportation Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENCE302 and ENCE370; and permission of
ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering department. Transportation engineering concepts including
transportation systems analysis, airport systems, airline and airport operations, marine transportation and
urban public transportation systems.
ENCE 488 Senior Thesis (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil & Environmental Engineering
department. Restriction: Senior standing. Advanced study in civil engineering problems with special
emphasis on mathematical modeling and experimental methods.
ENCE 489 Special Problems in Civil Engineering (1-4) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Civil &
Environmental Engineering department. Restriction: Senior standing. A course arranged to meet the needs
of exceptionally well prepared students for study in a particular field of civil engineering.
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ENCO -- Engineering, Cooperative Education
ENCO 098 Co-op/Internship Work Experience () Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Dean-Coop Engr
Educ & Career Svcs. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering;
and undergraduate students must have a 2.0 GPA to participate and graduate students a 3.0 GPA.
Participation in a cooperative education (co-op) or internship program enables students to apply the
theories that they have learned in their traditional classes with paid, supervised, career-related work
experience that develops technical and professional work skills. Contact the Engineering Co-op & Career
Services Office.
ENCO 099 Co-Op/Intern Work Experience () Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Dean-Coop Engr
Educ & Career Svcs. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering;
and undergraduate students must have a 2.0 GPA to participate and graduate students a 3.0 GPA.
Participation in a cooperative education (co-op) or internship program enables students to apply the
theories that they have learned in their traditional classes with paid, supervised, career-related work
experience that develops technical and professional work skills. Contact the Engineering Co-op & Career
Services Office.
ENEE -- Electrical & Computer Engineering
ENEE 101 Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering (3) Corequisite: MATH140. And
corequisite: ENEE140 or CMSC131; or a score of 5 on the A Java AP exam; or a score of 4 or 5 on the
AB Java AP exam; or satisfactory performance on the department's placement exam. Restriction: Must be
in one of the following programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer) ; and students cannot
enroll in ENEE101 and ENES100 in the same semester. An exploration of topics within Electrical &
Computer Engineering (ECE). Students will be introduced to key elements of both the Electrical
Engineering and Computer Engineering curriculum, including: circuits, computing systems and software,
communications and controls, electrodynamics and waves, microelectronics, signal processing, and power
ENEE 131 Technology Choices (3) An exploration of the positive and negative effects of technology on
society, via diverse criteria to assess the relative well being of individuals and society; an examination of
how society can help shape the future of technology and the tools that can be used to make wise
technology choices.
ENEE 133 Engineering in Medicine: The body as a machine (3) Examines the role of engineering in
human physiology and modern medicine, and explains important human biological functions and medical
systems based on elementary physics, chemistry and technology. It is designed specifically for the non-
science major. Concepts will be introduced intuitively and at pre-calculus math level. Students will
engage in group projects and hands-on experiments to reinforce knowledgeand understanding.
ENEE 140 Introduction to Programming Concepts for Engineers (2) Prerequisite: Permission of
ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Electrical
program; or must be in Engineering: Materials Science program. Introduction to the programming
environment: editing, compiling, UNIX, data types and variable scope; program selection,
formatted/unformatted input/output, repetition, functions, arrays and strings.
ENEE 148 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-3) Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Electrical program; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Repeatable
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to 6 credits if content differs. Introductory Electrical Engineering topic selected as announced every
ENEE 150 Intermediate Programming Concepts for Engineers (3) Prerequisite: Permission of
ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. And ENEE140 or CMSC131; or score of 5 on the
A Java AP exam; or score of 4 or 5 on the AB Java AP exam; or satisfactory performance on the
department's placement exam. Corequisite: MATH140. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Electrical
program. Credit only granted for: ENEE114 or ENEE150. Formerly: ENEE114. Advanced programming
concepts: coding conventions and style; pointers; dynamic memory allocation and data structures; linked
lists; graphs; abstract data types; object-oriented design. There will be team-based software projects and
group presentations.
ENEE 159 Introductory Topics in Computer Engineering (1-4) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-
Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer). Repeatable to 8 credits if content differs. Selected
introductory level topics in computer engineering.
ENEE 181 Explore Electronics (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department. Corequisite: MATH140. A highly structured introduction to electronics and
circuitry with a hands-on approach to learning. Students will build electronic devices (some of which they
can keep) and test them. Among the topics covered are AC and DC circuits, BJTs, op-amps and special
projects involving communication and sensing.
ENEE 200 Technology and Consequences: Engineering, Ethics, and Humanity (3) What makes a
technology socially responsible? At UMD, the Fearless Ideas campaign asks us to aim our enthusiasm for
technology at big real problems. At the same time, we are coming to appreciate the increasingly complex
nature of technological systems as they become integrated into all forms of infrastructure, we realize they
may be unpredictable, interdependent on social and biological systems, and have unintended
consequences. In this midst of this complexity, people make decisions with far reaching impacts. How
then do we follow our passion for technology and innovation but also stay skeptical in a way that allows
us to consider the potential and shortcomings of technology? Designed for both engineering and non-
engineering students wishing to explore and assess the impact of engineering technology on society and
the role of society in generating that technology.
ENEE 205 Electric Circuits (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in PHYS260; and permission of
ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Corequisite: MATH246. Restriction: Must be in
one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Credit only granted for:
ENEE204 or ENEE205. Formerly: ENEE204. Design, analysis, simulation, construction and evaluation
of electric circuits. Terminal Relationships. Kirchoff's laws. DC and AC steady state analysis. Node and
mesh methods. Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. Transient behavior of first- and second-order
circuits. Frequency response and transfer functions. Ideal op-amp circuits. Diode and transistor circuits.
ENEE 222 Elements of Discrete Signal Analysis (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH141;
and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. And minimum grade of C- in
ENEE140; or minimum grade of C- in CMSC131. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer). Credit only granted for: ENEE222, ENEE241, or
MATH242. Formerly: ENEE241. Discrete-time and continuous-time signals, sampling. Linear
transformers, orthogonal projections. Discrete Fourier Transform and its properties. Fourier Series.
Introduction to discrete-time linear filters in both time and frequency domains.
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ENEE 241 Numerical Techniques in Engineering (3) Prerequisite: MATH141. And CMSC106; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must
be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering; or must be in one of the following
programs (Mathematics; Physics). Credit only granted for: ENES240 ENEE241, or MATH242. Formerly:
ENES240. Introduction to error analysis, conditioning and stability of algorithms. Numerical solution of
nonlinear equations. Vector spaces and linear transformations. Matrix algebra. Gaussian elimination. LU
factorization, matrix inversion. Similarity transformations and diagonalization. Iterative computation of
eigenvalues. Interpolation; splines; data fitting. Numerical integration.
ENEE 244 Digital Logic Design (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
CMSC132 or ENEE150; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department.
Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher; and must be in one of the following programs (Engineering:
Computer; Engineering: Electrical). The design and analysis of combinational and synchronous sequential
systems comprising digital logic gates and flip-flop memory devices; underlying tools such as switching
and Boolean algebras and Karnaugh map simplification of gate networks; design and use of decoders,
multiplexers, encoders, adders, registers, counters, sequence recognizers, programmable logic arrays
(PLAs), read-only memories (ROMS, PROMS), and similar devices. Arbitrary radix conversion.
ENEE 245 Digital Circuits and Systems Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ENEE244. And minimum grade of C- in ENEE150; or minimum grade of C- in CMSC132. And
permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the
following programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer). Introduction to basic measurement
techniques and electrical laboratory equipment (power supplies, oscilloscopes, voltmeters, etc.). Design,
construction, and characterization of digital circuits containing logic gates, sequential elements,
oscillators, and digital integrated circuits. Introduction to digital design and simulation with the Verilog
Hardware Description Language (HDL).
ENEE 303 Analog and Digital Electronics (3) Prerequisite: Must have earned a minimum grade of
regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical &
Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering:
Electrical; Engineering: Computer). Credit only granted for: ENEE302 or ENEE303. Conceptual
operation of transistors and diodes. Large and small signal operation of BJTs and MOSFETs. Basic
transistor configurations. Logic circuits and semiconductor memory. Multi-transistor circuits including
differential amplifiers and current mirrors. Frequency response.
ENEE 307 Electronic Circuits Design Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: ENEE303; and must have earned a
minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-
Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Credit only granted for: ENEE 306 or ENEE 307.
Students will design and test analog and digital circuits at the transistor level. FETs and BJTs will be
covered. The laboratory experiments will be tightly coordinated with ENEE303 materials.
ENEE 313 Introduction to Device Physics (3) Prerequisite: Must have earned a minimum grade of
regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical &
Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering:
Electrical; Engineering: Computer). Credit only granted for: ENEE312 or ENEE313. Basic physics of
devices including fields in solids, crystal structure, properties of electrons and holes. Current flow in Si
using drift-diffusion model. Properties of the pn junction. Properties of devices including BJTs, FETs and
their physical characteristics.
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ENEE 322 Signal and System Theory (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH246; and must
have earned a minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and
permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the
following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Concept of linear systems, state
space equations for continuous systems, time and frequency domain analysis of signals and linear
systems. Fourier, Laplace and Z transforms. Application of theory to problems in electrical engineering.
ENEE 324 Engineering Probability (3) Prerequisite: ENEE322; and completion of all lower-division
technical courses in the EE curriculum. Credit only granted for: BMGT231, STAT400 or ENEE324.
Additional information: Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering majors may not substitute
STAT400 for ENEE324. These courses are not interchangeable, consult your program requirements or
advisor for what is acceptable toward your program of study. Axioms of probability; conditional
probability and Bayes' rules; random variables, probability distribution and densities: functions of random
variables: weak law of large numbers and central limit theorem. Introduction to random processes;
correlation functions, spectral densities, and linear systems. Applications to noise in electrical systems,
filtering of signals from noise, estimation, and digital communications.
ENEE 350 Computer Organization (3) Prerequisite: Must have earned a minimum grade of regular
(letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer;
Engineering: Electrical). Formerly: ENEE250. Additional information: Electrical Engineering and
Computer Engineering majors may not substitute CMSC311 for ENEE350. Not open to students who
have completed ENEE250. Structure and organization of digital computers. Registers, memory, control
and I/O. Data and instruction formats, addressing modes, assembly language programming. Elements of
system software, subroutines and their linkages.
ENEE 351 Algorithms and Data Structures (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE150 and
ENEE244. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department; and must
be in the Computer Engineering Minor. Credit only granted for: ENEE351 or CMSC351. Introduction to
fundamental concepts in computer engineering, including topics in discrete math, data structures and
algorithms. The course will also include a hands-on programming component. This course will provide
students with the tools to design modular, time and space-efficient algorithms for real-world problems.
ENEE 359 Intermediate Topics in Computer Engineering (1-3) Prerequisite: Must have earned a
minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all required 100- and 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of
ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following
programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer). Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Selected intermediate level topics in computer engineering.
ENEE 380 Electromagnetic Theory (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH241, PHYS270,
and PHYS271; and completion of all lower-division technical courses in the EE curriculum; and
permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in
Engineering: Electrical program. Introduction to electromagnetic fields. Coulomb's law, Gauss's law,
electrical potential, dielectric materials capacitance, boundary value problems, Biot-Savart law, Ampere's
law, Lorentz force equation, magnetic materials, magnetic circuits, inductance, time varying fields and
Maxwell's equations.
ENEE 381 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation (3) Prerequisite: ENEE380; and completion of all
lower-division technical courses in the EE curriculum. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Electrical
program. The electromagnetic spectrum: Review of Maxwell's equations; the wave equation potentials,
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Poynting's theorem, relationship between circuit theory and fields; propagation of electromagnetic waves
in homogeneous media and at interfaces; transmission line theory, waveguides, radiation and antennas.
ENEE 407 Design & Testing of RF and Microwave Devices (2) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ENEE381; and must have earned a minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE
courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be
in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical) ; and permission of
ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. An introduction to state of the art design, and
testing techniques of RF and microwave devices. Designs, simulations and layout of different devices are
performed using the software package ADS (Advance Design System). The course highlights wide range
of engineering applications including terrestrial microwave links, satellite communications, broadcasting,
mobile communications and radar.
ENEE 408 Capstone Design Project (3) Prerequisite: Must have earned a minimum grade of regular
(letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer;
Engineering: Electrical). Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Culmination of prior course work in
electrical and computer engineering. Utilization of modern design tools and methodologies for the design
of components or systems under realistic constraints, with particular emphasis on teamwork and
oral/written communication. Areas in which projects are currently offered include: microprocessor-based
systems, digital systems, VLSI design (both digital and mixed-signal), and optical systems.
ENEE 411 Advanced Analog and Digital Electronics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ENEE303. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering:
Computer) ; and must have permission of the department. Credit only granted for: ENEE411 or
ENEE419A. Formerly: ENEE419A. Examination of analog and digital device models for analysis,
design, and simulation of transistor level electronic circuits, emphasizing Metal Oxide Silicon Field
Effect Transistors (MOSFETs); fundamental single transistor configurations; frequency response,
feedback, and stability of multi-transistor circuits, such as current mirrors, differential amplifiers, voltage
references, operational amplifiers and data converters; complementary Metal Oxide Silicon (CMOS)
implementations of static and clocked digital as well as mixed signal circuits.
ENEE 413 Advanced Electronic Devices (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE303.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical) ;
and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Credit only granted for:
ENEE413 or ENEE480. Formerly: ENEE480. Advanced devices and their physical operation, providing a
thorough description of those parts not usually covered in introductory electronics courses. These include
Schottky and tunnel junctions, negative resistance devices used in wireless communication, homo-
structure compound semiconductor transistors, hetero-structure (quantum effect) transistors, non-volatile
memory devices, photonic devices such as LEDs and solid-state lasers, solar cells, photo-detectors and
camera imagers, as well as bio-related components. Special consideration will be given to achieve an
understanding of noise processes that limit electronic device performance. In all cases, system-level
applications will be illustrated.
ENEE 416 Integrated Circuit Fabrication Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
ENEE303; and must have earned a minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE
courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be
in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Formerly:
ENEE419J. Characterization of wafers and fabrication steps. Oxide growth, lithography, dopant diffusion,
and metal deposition and patterning will be discussed in the lectures and carried out in the lab in
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fabricating NMOS transistor circuits. The transistor characteristics will be measured and related to the
fabrication parameters.
ENEE 417 Microelectronics Design Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE303;
and minimum grade of C- in ENEE307; and must have earned a minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in
all required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering
department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering:
Computer). Students design and build fairly sophisticated circuits, mainly composed of discrete
transistors and integrated circuits. Many of the projects are designed to require that students synthesize
from what they have learned in many of the disciplines in electrical engineering. Students learn they can
actually use their knowledge to build something very practical, which may include a high-fidelity
amplifier, a radio, a memory cell, a transmitter, etc.
ENEE 419 Topics in Microelectronics (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department; and completion of all lower-division technical courses in the EE curriculum.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer).
Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current importance in microelectronics.
ENEE 420 Communication Systems (3) Prerequisite: ENEE324; and completion of all lower-division
technical courses in the EE curriculum. Fourier series, Fourier transforms and linear system analysis;
random signals, autocorrelation functions and power spectral densities; analog communication systems:
amplitude modulation, single-sideband modulation, frequency and phase modulation, sampling theorem
and pulse-amplitude modulation; digital communication systems pulse-code modulation, phase-shift
keying, differential phase shift keying, frequency shift keying; performance of analog and digital
communication systems in the presence of noise.
ENEE 425 Digital Signal Processing (3) Prerequisite: ENEE322; and completion of all lower-division
technical courses in the EE curriculum. Sampling as a modulation process; aliasing; the sampling
theorem; the Z-transform and discrete-time system analysis; direct and computer-aided design of
recursive and nonrecursive digital filters; the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT); digital filtering using the FFT; analog-to-digital and digital-to analog conversion;
effects of quantization and finite-word-length arithmetic.
ENEE 426 Communication Networks (3) Prerequisite: ENEE324; and completion of all lower-division
technical courses in the EE curriculum. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Electrical program. The
main design issues associated with computer networks, satellite systems, radio nets, and general
communication networks. Application of analytical tools of queuing theory to design problems in such
networks. Review of proposed architectures and protocols.
ENEE 428 Communications Design Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: ENEE324; and completion of all
lower-division technical courses in the EE curriculum. Corequisite: ENEE425 or ENEE420. Restriction:
Must be in Engineering: Electrical program. EE capstone design course. Exploring the signal processing
and communication systems theoretical concepts presented in ENEE 420 Communication Systems and
ENEE 425 Digital Signal Processing by implementing them on actual DSP based hardware in real time.
ENEE 429 Topics in Communications (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department; and completion of all lower-division technical courses in the EE curriculum.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer).
Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current importance in communications.
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ENEE 439 Topics in Signal Processing (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department; and completion of all lower division technical courses in the EE curriculum.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical).
Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current importance in signal processing.
ENEE 440 Microprocessors (3) Prerequisite: ENEE350; and completion of all lower division technical
courses in the EE curriculum. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering:
Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Microprocessor architectures, instruction sets, and applications. Bus
structures, memory, I/O interfacing. Assembly language programming, LSI device configuration, and the
embedding of microprocessors in systems.
ENEE 445 Computer Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE205; or minimum
grade of C- in ENEE206. And minimum grade of C- in ENEE350; and must have earned a minimum
grade of regular (letter) C- in all 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical &
Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering:
Computer; Engineering: Electrical). This laboratory course focuses on the hardware/software interface in
computer systems. Hand-on experiments are used to teach design, construction, analysis, and
measurement of both hardware and software for embedded systems. Projects emphasize using
microcontrollers for control, sensing, and communication through various I/O devices.
ENEE 446 Digital Computer Design (3) Prerequisite: ENEE350; and completion of all lower-division
technical courses in the EE curriculum. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENEE446 or CMSC411. Hardware design of digital
computers. Arithmetic and logic units, adders, multipliers and dividers. Floating-point arithmetic units.
Bus and register structures. Control units, both hardwired and microprogrammed. Index registers, stacks,
and other addressing schemes. Interrupts, DMA and interfacing.
ENEE 447 Operating Systems (4) Prerequisite: CMSC330, CMSC351, and ENEE350; and permission
of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Computer
program; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Credit only granted
for: ENEE447, CMSC412, or ENEE459S. Formerly: ENEE459S. The course will present the theory,
design, implementation and analysis of computer operating systems. Through classroom lectures,
homework, and projects, students learn the fundamentals of concurrency, process management,
interprocess communication and synchronization, job scheduling algorithms, memory management,
input-output devices, file systems, and protection and security in operating systems. Optional topics may
include communications protocols, computer security, and real-time operating systems. The lectures will
be complemented with a significant level of programming, bringing up a simple operating system from
scratch, concurrently as the topics are discussed in lecture. A weekly recitation section will provide TA
support and an informal laboratory atmosphere. Each student will have their own board, so development
will be done largely outside the classroom at each student's pace.
ENEE 457 Computer Systems Security (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE350; and
permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the
following programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer) ; and permission of ENGR-
Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Credit only granted for: CMSC414, ENEE459C or
ENEE457. Formerly: ENEE459C. Theoretical and practical aspects of computer systems security. Topics
covered include symmetric/asymmetric encryption, message authentication, digital signatures, access
control, as well as network security, web security and cloud security. Students acquire tools necessary for
designing secure computer systems and programs and for defending against malicious threats (e.g.,
viruses, worms, denial of service).
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ENEE 459 Topics in Computer Engineering (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Electrical &
Computer Engineering department; and completion of all lower-division technical courses in the EE
curriculum. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering:
Electrical). Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current importance in computer
ENEE 460 Control Systems (3) Prerequisite: ENEE322; and completion of all lower-division technical
courses in the EE curriculum. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Electrical program. Mathematical
models for control system components. Transform and time domain methods for linear control systems.
Introductory stability theory. Root locus, bode diagrams and Nyquist plots. Design specifications in the
time and frequency domains. Compensation design in the time and frequency domain. Introduction to
sampled data systems.
ENEE 461 Control Systems Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE205; and
minimum grade of C- in ENEE322; and must have earned a minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all
required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering
department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering:
Electrical). Credit only granted for: ENEE461, ENME461, or ENME489N. Students will design,
implement, and test controllers for a variety of systems. This will enhance their understanding of
feedback control and familiarize them with the characteristics and limitations of real control devices.
They will also complete a small project. This will entail writing a proposal, purchasing parts for their
controller, building the system, testing it, and writing a final report describing what they have done.
ENEE 463 Digital Control Systems (3) Prerequisite: ENEE322; and completion of lower-division
technical courses in the EE curriculum. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer). Formerly: ENEE469E. Introduction to techniques for
the analysis and design of linear control systems and implementation of control systems using digital
technology. Topics include linearization, solution of linear equations, z-transforms and Laplace
transforms, design of linear controllers, optimal control, and digital implementation of control designs.
Students will use MATLAB for the solution of problems and the design of control systems.
ENEE 469 Topics in Controls (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department; and completion of all lower-division technical courses in the EE curriculum.
Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current importance in controls.
ENEE 473 Electrical Machines Laboratory (2) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE205; and
must have earned a minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and
permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Recommended: ENEE322.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer).
Experiments involving single and three phase transformers, induction machines, synchronous machines
and D.C. machines.
ENEE 474 Power Systems (3) Prerequisite: ENEE322; and completion of all lower-division technical
courses in the EE curriculum. Interconnected power systems, transmission lines, load flow studies, unit
commitment and economic dispatch. Three phase networks, machine models. Symmetrical components,
fault analysis and unbalanced operation. Power system transients, stability and numerical methods in
power system analysis.
ENEE 475 Power Electronics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE303; and must have
earned a minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of
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ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following
programs (Engineering: Electrical; Engineering: Computer). This course is suitable for undergraduate and
graduate students who want to learn the basic principles of power electronics and its applications. Special
emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary nature of power electronics. Strong and intimate connections
between power electronics and circuit theory, electronic circuits, semiconductor devices, electric power,
magnetic, motor drives and control are stressed.
ENEE 476 Renewable Energy (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE303; and completion of
all lower-divisions ENEE courses with a C- or better. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Electrical &
Computer Engineering department; and must be in one of the following programs (Engineering:
Electrical; Engineering: Computer). Credit only granted for: ENEE419R or ENEE476. Formerly:
ENEE419R. Solar Energy Conversion Systems: History of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems, PV Cell, Module
and Array Models and Equivalent Circuits, Characteristic Resistance, Fill Factor, Effects of Parasitic
Resistances, Mismatch Effects, Shading, Bypass Diodes, Sun Tracking Systems, Maximum Power Point
Tracking (MPPT) Techniques, Isolated and Non-isolated Switch-mode DC/DC for PV Systems, Inverter
Design and Control, Sizing the PV Panel and Battery Pack in PV Applications. Wind Energy Conversion
Systems: Introduction to Wind Energy Harvesting, Horizontal and Vertical Wind Systems, Fundamentals
of Wind Energy Harvesting Systems, Variable Speed and Fixed Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems
(WECS), Wind Turbines and Different Electrical Machines in Wind Applications, Induction Machine and
Dynamic Model of Induction Machines, Synchronous Generators and Dynamic Model of SG, Control of
Wind Energy Conversion Systems.
ENEE 486 Optoelectronics Lab (2) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENEE205; or minimum grade
of C- in ENEE206. And minimum grade of C- in PHYS271 and PHYS270; and must have earned a
minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all required 200-level ENEE courses; and permission of ENGR-
Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Hands-on experience in performing measurements in
optics and electro-optics. Basics of optics, light detectors, Fourier optics, gratings and spectrometers,
pulsed dye lasers, fiber optics, electro-optics, and acousto-optics.
ENEE 488 Independent Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1-3) Prerequisite: Must have
completed and earned a minimum grade of regular (letter) C- in all lower-division EE or CP tech
electives; and permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department. Restriction: Must be
in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Repeatable to 9
credits if content differs. Additional information: A total of 5 credits combined of ENEE488 and
ENEE499 can count towards a degree in electrical and computer engineering. The purpose is to provide
students with an opportunity for independent study projects on advanced electrical and computer
engineering topics. These projects typically involve academic investigations of technical themes that are
not addressed in the established elective and special topics courses taught by the department on a regular
basis. Study plans are tailored to students educational goals but are approved and supervised by faculty.
ENEE 489 Topics in Electrophysics (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Electrical & Computer
Engineering department; and completion of all lower-division technical courses in the EE curriculum.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical).
Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current importance in electrophysics.
ENEE 490 Physical Principles of Wireless Communications (3) Prerequisite: ENEE381. Restriction:
Must be in one of the following programs (Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Credit only
granted for: ENEE490 or ENEE498B. Formerly: ENEE498B.
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ENEE 496 Lasers and Electro-optic Devices (3) Prerequisite: ENEE381; and completion of all lower-
division technical courses in the EE curriculum. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Engineering: Computer; Engineering: Electrical). Modern physical optics: Gaussian beams, optical
resonators, optical waveguides; theory of laser oscillation, rate equations; common laser systems.
Selected modern optoelectronic devices like detectors and modulators. Role of lasers and optoelectronics
in modern technology.
ENEE 498 Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Electrical &
Computer Engineering department; and completion of all lower-division technical courses in the EE
curriculum. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Electrical program. Repeatable to 99 credits if content
differs. Formerly: ENEE488. Selected topics of current importance in electrical engineering.
ENEE 499 Senior Projects in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1-5) Prerequisite: Permission of
ENGR-Electrical & Computer Engineering department; and completion of all lower-division technical
courses in the EE curriculum. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Electrical program. Repeatable to 9
credits if content differs. Formerly: ENEE418. Additional information: A total of 5 credits combined of
ENEE448 and ENEE499 can count toward a degree in electrical or computer engineering. The purpose is
to provide students with an opportunity to engage in independent research projects on advanced electrical
and computer engineering topics. Projects are selected by students and supervised by faculty and other
qualified mentors. While students may be required to acquire new skills or information in the course of
completing a 499 project, the focus is to conduct an independent investigation of a technical theme by the
student. The project may be used to satisfy the advanced lab requirement if it is approved as a primarily -
experimental research project. In that case, the student will enroll in ENEE499L.
ENES -- Engineering Science
ENES 100 Introduction to Engineering Design (3) Corequisite: MATH140. Students work as teams to
design and build a product using computer software for word-processing, spreadsheet, CAD, and
communication skills.
ENES 102 Mechanics I (3) Corequisite: MATH140. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James
Clark School of Engineering. Formerly: ENES110. The equilibrium of stationary bodies under the
influence of various kinds of forces. Forces, moments, couples, equilibrium, trusses, frames and
machines, centroids, moment of inertia, beams, friction, stress/strain, material properties. Vector and
scalar methods are used to solve problems.
ENES 104 Introduction to Materials and their Applications (3) Restriction: Must be in the Young
Scholars Program. Creating a new technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, or plastic electronics
requires developing the materials first. In this class we'll explore materials science and engineering where
engineers change the properties and/or behavior of a material to make them more useful. The course
covers the chemical composition, phase transformations, corrosion and mechanical properties of materials
as well as their electrical, thermal, magnetic and optical properties. Learn about the unlimited possibilities
for innovation and adaption through the exciting field of nanotechnology.
ENES 106 Achieving Success in Mathematics (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-A. James Clark
School of Engineering. An exploration of the skills and habits needed to successfully complete
introductory mathematics courses.
ENES 107 Achieving College Excellence (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-A. James Clark School
of Engineering. An exploration of the skills and habits needed to successfully complete the introductory
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chemistry course for engineering students. Course will also include strategies for a successful first year
ENES 108 Achieving College Success: First Year Transition (1) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-A.
James Clark School of Engineering. Repeatable to 2 credits if content differs. An exploration of the skills
and habits needed to successfully complete the first year of study for Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM) majors. This course is an extension of the college success seminars taught
during the Summer Bridge Program.
ENES 113 Virtus Living and Learning Community Seminar I (1) Restriction: Must be in first year
Virtus program. The seminar focuses on personal and professional development related to the field of
engineering with a strong emphasis on clarifying career goals and decisions. Additional topics include an
introduction to basic tools, undergraduate research opportunities, and campus and engineering resources.
ENES 114 Virtus Seminar II (1) Prerequisite: ENES113. Restriction: Students must be participants in
the Virtus Living and Learning Community. Focus on personal and professional development with
engineering with a strong emphasis on career development. Learn to employ strategies and skills for
academic and professional success.
ENES 115 FLEXUS Living and Learning Community Seminar I (1) Restriction: Must be a first year
FLEXUS Participant. The seminar focuses on personal and professional development related to the field
of engineering with a strong emphasis on clarifying career goals and decisions. Additional topics include
an introduction to campus and engineering resources, basic tools, and undergraduate research
opportunities. Students will discuss issues of concern through a variety of book readings, self-reflections,
and panel discussions with practicing women engineers.
ENES 116 FLEXUS Living and Learning Community Seminar II (1) Prerequisite: ENES215,
ENES115, and ENES116. Restriction: Must be a second year FLEXUS participant (coded as WCY). The
seminar focuses on personal and professional development by enhancing technical ability, understanding
educational options through minors and student projects in engineering, identifying and employing
strategies and skills for academic and professional success, and developing career commitment through
networking and mentoring. Students develop professional portfolios in preparation for a future internship
or job.
ENES 140 Discovering New Ventures (3) Additional information: This course may count as an elective
for a student at the University of Maryland, depending on the student's specific degree program. It cannot
be counted towards the requirements for the Smith School of Business Entrepreneurship Fellow Program.
Students explore dynamic company startup topics by working in teams to design a new venture. This
multi-disciplinary course helps students to learn the basic business, strategy, and leadership skills needed
to launch new ventures. Topics include learning how to assess the feasibility of a startup venture, as well
as how to apply best practices for planning, launching, and managing new companies. Students discuss a
wide range of issues of importance and concern to entrepreneurs and learn to recognize opportunities,
assess the skills and talents of successful entrepreneurs, and learn models that help them navigate
ENES 141 Introduction to High-Tech Product Development and Marketing (3) Multi-disciplinary
course covers basic concepts in technology marketing, business, engineering, and entrepreneurship in the
context of developing and marketing innovative technology products and services. Mix of lectures,
experiential learning, and hands-on team projects, culminating in student team presentations of high-tech
product concepts and marketing plans.
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ENES 143 Communication Essentials for Entrepreneurs (3) Credit only granted for: COMM107,
COMM200, ENES143, INAG110, JOUR130, or THET285. Learn the processes and skills needed to give
effective business presentations related to start-up ventures. Focus on how to research topics and
companies; organize material based on speaking goals; analyze audience groups to meet speaking
expectations; prepare informative and compelling presentation slides; deliver speeches professionally and
effectively, and actively listen and provide speaker feedback to fellow students.
ENES 151 EES Fellows First Year Seminar I (1) Restriction: Restricted to EES Fellows students. This
course is designed to prepare you to be successful in your first year in engineering, and throughout your
educational career and work experiences. We will discuss Clark School education and research programs,
the future of engineering, engineering as a profession, student communities and projects, and success
ENES 152 Engineering Transfer Seminar I (1) Restriction: Restricted to EES Fellow students and new
transfer students. An introduction to University life for new transfer engineering students. Students will
explore how to successfully bridge the gap between the community college and the university. Students
will explore campus resources and learn about internships, undergraduate research, study abroad and
other academic opportunities. During the semester we will focus on areas that promote academic success
and time management, effective study skills, career decision-making, and student development processes
will also be explored.
ENES 154 EES Fellows Seminar II (1) Prerequisite: ENES151 or ENES152. The main objective of the
course is to help students gain the skills and knowledge necessary for an effective transition into industry
and/or graduate school.
ENES 181 Dialogue with the Dean (1) Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School
of Engineering; and must be a new freshman or transfer student. Introduction to Engineering as a
Profession, Overview of Martin Institute and Clark School Education and Research Programs, The Future
of Engineering and Engineering Education, Basic Technological Literacy, Business and Entrepreneurship
Issues for Engineers, the Joy of Discovery, Student Projects: How to get involved, Research and
Development Programs: How to get involved, What the corporate sector expects from a new engineering
ENES 190 Introduction to Design and Quality (4) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-A. James Clark
School of Engineering. Also offered as: BMGT190. Credit only granted for: BMGT190 or ENES190.
Expose engineering and business students to the principles of total quality, using experiential team
learning and technology aided approaches. The first of four courses in total quality.
ENES 210 Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis and Decision-Making in 21st Century Technology
Ventures (3) This multi-disciplinary course helps students learn the principles of entrepreneurial
opportunity analysis and decision-making in an increasingly dynamic and technically-inclined society.
Emphasis is placed on how aspiring technology entrepreneurs can develop their entrepreneurial
perspectives to develop winning entrepreneurial plans for their future ventures.
ENES 211 Introduction to Global Entrepreneurship (1) Examines the opportunities and challenges of
entrepreneurship and innovation from an international perspective through lectures, case studies,
instructors, and guest speakers with international experiences and other relevant activities. Focuses on the
benefit for every entrepreneur and innovator to understand the cultural, strategic and operational aspects
related to conducting entrepreneurial ventures in an international context.
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ENES 213 Virtus Living and Learning Community Seminar III (1) Prerequisite: ENES113.
Restriction: Must be a participant in the second year of the Virtus program. The seminar focuses on
personal, academic and professional success by cultivating leadership skills, developing academic and
technical ability and encouraging self awareness, identifying and employing strategies for academic and
professional success, further enhancing career development through networking and mentoring and
developing awareness of diversity issues.
ENES 214 Virtus Seminar IV (1) Prerequisite: Students must have completed ENES213. Restriction:
Students must be participants in the Virtus Living and Learning Community. Students continue to
develop their leadership and mentoring skills, participate in networking opportunities and explore their
interest in special engineering topics.
ENES 215 FLEXUS Living and Learning Community Seminar III (1) Prerequisite: ENES115 and
ENES116. Restriction: Must be a second year FLEXUS participant. The seminar focuses on personal,
academic and professional success by cultivating leadership skills, developing self-confidence and self-
efficacy in academic and technical ability and encouraging self awareness, identifying and employing
strategies for academic and professional success, further enhancing career development through
networking, mentoring and role modeling, and developing awareness of diversity issues, specifically
gender diversity.
ENES 216 FLEXUS Living and Learning Community Seminar IV (1) Prerequisite: ENES115,
ENES116, and ENES215. Restriction: Restricted to second year FLEXUS participants. The seminar
focuses on gender diversity and its cross-sections with culture. Students continue to enhance their
leadership and mentoring skills, participate in networking opportunities with women in leadership roles
and careers in engineering, and engage in opportunities for outreach and service-learning. Students will
also complete a culminating semester project.
ENES 220 Mechanics II (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENES102; and (MATH141 and
PHYS161). Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering; and must
not be in Engineering: Electrical program. Stress and deformation of solids-rods, beams, shafts, columns,
tanks, and other structural, machine and vehicle members. Topics include stress transformation using
Mohr's circle; shear and moment diagrams; derivation of elastic curves; and Euler's buckling formula.
Design problems related to this material are given in lab.
ENES 221 Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENES102; and (MATH141 and
PHYS161). Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering. Systems of
heavy particles and rigid bodies at rest and in motion. Force-acceleration, work-energy and impulse-
momentum relationships. Motion of one body relative to another in a plane and in space.
ENES 232 Thermodynamics (3) Prerequisite: PHYS261 and PHYS260. Restriction: Must be in a major
in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering. Credit only granted for: BIOE232, CHBE301,
ENCH300, ENES232, ENME320, or ENME232. Formerly: ENME232 and ENME320. Introduction to
thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of matter. First and second laws of thermodynamics, cycles,
reactions, and mixtures.
ENES 259 Study Abroad Special Topics in Engineering II (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Special topics course in engineering science taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ENES 269 Topics in Grand Challenges for Engineering in a Global Context (3) Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Additional information: Course includes a study abroad component. No
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engineering background is required. Special topics course that explores the grand engineering challenges
facing the world from a technical, cultural, political, and economic perspective, as well as solutions
developed through innovation and technology. Topics can include energy, environment, urban
infrastructure, health, safety and security, and engineering the tools of discovery.
ENES 288 Engineering Leadership Seminar (1-4) Corequisite: ENES100; or permission of instructor.
Engineering leadership will be examined at the individual, team and organizational levels.
ENES 304 RISE Seminar (1) Restriction: Must be in the Engineering RISE Leadership Program; and
permission of ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering. This is the first semester of a two semester
sequence taken by RISE students in their first semester in the program. T he purpose of ENES 304 is for
RISE students to learn about leadership, acquire leadership skills, and understand how to integrate
leadership theories and concepts in engineering practice. There will be a mix of formal lectures by course
faculty and lectures by distinguished speakers who can provide their own experience of what leadership
means and how it is acquired. Students will explore their own leadership philosophy and leadership
capacities in the context of group practice. Students will make meaning of general leadership theories and
concepts and understand how to apply them to engineering industry. Students will also gain
understanding of leadership through the stories shared by distinguished speakers with industrial,
governmental and academic experience.
ENES 305 RISE Leadership Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-A. James Clark School of
Engineering; and ENES304. This is the second semester of a two semester sequence taken by RISE
students in their final semester in the program. The purpose of ENES 305 is for RISE students to learn
about leadership, acquire leadership skills, and understand how to integrate leadership theories and
concepts in engineering practice. There will be a mix of formal lectures by course faculty and lectures by
distinguished speakers who can provide their own experience of what leadership means and how it is
acquired. Students will explore their own leadership philosophy and leadership capacities in the context
of group practice. Students will make meaning of general leadership theories and concepts and understand
how to apply them to engineering industry. Students will also gain understanding of leadership through
the stories shared by distinguished speakers with industrial, governmental and academic experience.
ENES 316 Global Leadership in Engineering, Business, & Technology (3) Restriction: Must be in a
major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering; or permission of instructor. Additional
information: Students will be required to participate in off-campus industry visits outside of the formal
class meeting time. An introduction to global leadership research, theories, and practice with an emphasis
on applied dimensions of global leadership in the engineering, business, and technology sectors. This
course prepares students to further their knowledge and capacities for global leadership to be successful in
ENES 317 Introduction to Engineering Leadership (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-A. James
Clark School of Engineering. Focus is placed on general leadership theories in addition to real-world
applications of leadership in engineering education, industry, and government.
ENES 388 Engineering Honors Seminar (1)
ENES 389 Selected Topics (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
ENES 390 Systems Thinking for Managerial Decision Making (3) Prerequisite: ENES190 or
BMGT190. Restriction: Must be in the QUEST program. Also offered as: BMGT390. Credit only granted
for: BMGT390, BMGT498X, ENES390, or ENES498X. An introduction to the theory, concepts, tools,
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and practices of systems thinking to enhance managerial decision making. Offers a blend of theory, real-
life examples, and proven methods to initiate and sustain an organization-wide reorientation towards
systems thinking.
ENES 397 Mentoring Design and Quality Teams (3) Restriction: Restricted to QUEST Program
(TQMP) students. Also offered as: BMGT397. Credit only granted for: BMGT397, ENES397, or
BMGT398D. Formerly: BMGT398D. Practice essential skills for leading and coaching multidisciplinary
teams. These include effective communications, facilitation, conflict resolution, and the ability to
motivate. Students will practice these skills as mentors for student teams from BMGT/ENES 190H. In the
process, they will strengthen their knowledge of design and quality techniques.
ENES 424 Engineering Leadership Capstone (3) Prerequisite: ENES472, ENCE320, and ENES317;
and permission of ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering. Recommended: ENES100. The work
initiated in the Introduction to Engineering Leadership course brings together further exploration of
leadership styles and concepts.
ENES 435 Product Liability and Regulation (3) Key topics include, biotechnology, safety regulation,
federal preemption, product liability, professional negligence, antitrust, privacy and information
technology, risk modeling, environmental protection, patent, copyright, trade secrets, reverse engineering,
scientific and technological evidence, international trade, engineering ethics. Examples include plane
crashes, computer chip protection, human machine interfaces, nuclear power plants, internet censorship,
flood control, earthquakes and biomedical technology.
ENES 440 Science, Technology and Society: Certificate Program Capstone (3) Restriction: Must be
in the Science, Technology and Society certificate program; or permission of ENGR-A. James Clark
School of Engineering. Credit only granted for: ENES440 or UNIV401. Formerly: UNIV401. Capstone
research seminar for students in the Science, Technology and Society certificate program.
ENES 458 Topics in International Engineering (1-4) Prerequisite: ENES100. Repeatable to 12 credits
if content differs. A variety of topics related to engineering in a global context are discussed including
cultural aspects, cross-cultural communication, international standards and law, and engineering and
technology issues, business behavior, attitudes and values of selected countries and regions.
ENES 459 Study Abroad Special Topics in Engineering IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content
differs. Special topics course in engineering science taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ENES 460 Fundamentals of Technology Start-Up Ventures (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute. Credit only granted for: ENES460, BMGT461 or HLMN470.
Additional information: Course may not be used to fulfill any BMGT major or minor program
requirement. Fundamental aspects of creating, organizing, funding, managing, and growing a technology
startup venture. This multidisciplinary course will draw on management, business, legal, financial, as well
as technical, concepts. Students form teams and develop a business plan for a technology company, based
on each team's own business idea and then present the plan to a panel of outside experts.
ENES 461 Advanced Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis in Technology Ventures (3) Explores
the factors that influence entrepreneurial opportunity analysis in technology-based ventures. Uses a
cognitive theoretical framework to examine the integration of motivation, emotions and information
processing modes to make complex entrepreneurial decisions in fast pace technology venture
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ENES 462 Marketing High-Technology Products and Innovations (3) Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute. Additional information: Course may not be used to
fulfill any BMGT major or minor program requirement. Examines the opportunities and challenges of
marketing high-technology products in turbulent environments requiring rapid decision making with
incomplete information. Explores how innovations are introduced at frequent intervals, research-and-
development spending is vital, and there are high mortality rates for both products and businesses.
ENES 463 Strategies for Managing Innovation (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Maryland
Technology Enterprise Institute. Credit only granted for: ENES463, BMGT467 or HLMN472. Additional
information: Course may not be used to fulfill any BMGT major or minor program requirement.
Emphasizes how the technology entrepreneur can use strategic management of innovation and technology
to enhance firm performance. Examines the process of technological change, the ways that firms come up
with innovations, the strategies that firms use to benefit from innovation, and the process of formulating
technology strategy. Provides frameworks for analyzing key aspects of these industries and teaches
students how to apply these frameworks.
ENES 464 International Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute. Additional information: Course may not be used to fulfill any
BMGT major or minor program requirement. Focuses on the need for every entrepreneur and innovator to
understand the global market in today's hypercompetitive world, and to appreciate how to compete
effectively in domestic markets by managing international competitors, suppliers, and influences. Explore
how the distinction between foreign and domestic markets is becoming less pronounced. Develop skills to
identify and manage opportunities on a global basis.
ENES 465 Entrepreneurial Design Thinking (3) Explores the use of design thinking as an approach to
developing customer-centered solutions to problems and fostering sustained innovation within an
orgranization. Through interactive lectures, discussions, and hands-on, team-based activities, students will
learn design thinking strategies and apply them to finding innovative product- or service-based solutions
to contemporary issues.
ENES 466 Leading and Financing the Technology Venture (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute. Credit only granted for: ENES466, BMGT365 or HLMN471.
Additional information: Course may not be used to fulfill any BMGT major or minor program
requirement. Focuses on the challenges of leading and financing new technology ventures. Leadership
topics include team selection and formation, aligning rewards with relative contributions of team
members, and how early decisions can enable or prevent founders from achieving results that align with
their individual motivations for becoming an entrepreneur. Essential tools and methods for building a
strong financial foundation for a new technology venture are examined. Includes important accounting
principles as well as methods for keeping financial control of the technology venture. Insights are shared
on navigating the multitude of financial barriers that may block your entrepreneurial success, as well as
how to grow the technology venture from concept through launch.
ENES 471 Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship (3) Additional information: Course may not be used to
fulfill any BMGT major or minor program requirement. Explores critical legal and business issues
entrepreneurs face as they build and launch a new venture. Examines real world scenarios, and addresses
the legal issues at all of the important junctures along the path to success. Significant attention placed on
new venture formation, intellectual property management, and financing arrangements.
ENES 472 International Business Cultures in Engineering and Technology (3) Prerequisite:
Permission of ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
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Also offered as: SLLC472. Credit only granted for: ARHU439B, ARHU439E, ARHU439T, ENES472,
SLLC471, SLLC472, or SLLC473. Formerly: ARHU439T. The goal is to provide students with an
understanding of cultural aspects pertaining to global business and engineering and develop the cultural
understanding, attitudes, and communication skills needed to function appropriately within an
increasingly global and multicultural working environment.
ENES 474 Global Perspectives of Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENES100; or permission of ENGR-A.
James Clark School of Engineering. Restriction: Must be in the International Engineering Minor. Credit
only granted for: ENES458M or ENES474. Formerly: ENES458M. Faculty supervised research on
aspects of engineering in a foreign country including leading fields of research, key world markets, and
the culture of the engineering workplace. Students will produce a comprehensive report exhibiting their
expertise in their chosen country and the field of engineering within.
ENES 478 Topics in Engineering Education (1) Restriction: Must be in the Engineering Teaching
Fellow program. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Topics related to teaching engineering courses,
particularly project-based courses. Topics can include learning styles, student development theory,
multicultural issues in teaching, facilitating team experiences, assessment, and academic integrity.
ENES 480 Engineering Honors Seminar I (1) Restriction: Must be in College of Engineering Honors;
and junior standing or higher. Introduction to engineering leadership, professionalism, and ethics.
Discussions of leadership style, elements of success, professional communication, codes of ethics,
handling of ethical dilemmas, and the characteristics of a professional.
ENES 481 Engineering Honors Seminar II (1) Restriction: Must be in College of Engineering Honors;
and junior standing or higher. Introduction to engineering creativity and innovation in engineering.
Application of methods of creativity to topics in communication, conducting research, and leadership.
ENES 489 Special Topics in Engineering (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-A. James Clark
School of Engineering. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Special topics in engineering.
ENES 490 Quest Consulting and Innovation Practicum (4) Prerequisite: ENES390 or BMGT390.
Also offered as: BMGT490. Credit only granted for: BMGT490 or ENES490. Final course in the QUEST
Honors Fellows Program three-course curriculum. Based on a team-based consulting project with one of
QUEST's professional partners. A project advisor and professional champion supervise each student
team. Requires extensive out-of-class work.
ENES 491 Defining Consulting and Innovation Projects (3) Prerequisite: BMGT190 or ENES190.
Restriction: Restricted to QUEST Program (TQMP) students. Also offered as: BMGT491. Credit only
granted for: BMGT491, ENES491 or BMGT438D. Formerly: BMGT438D. Cultivate relationships with
new and current corporate partners and prepare project scopes for QUEST's capstone course,
BMGT/ENES 490H. Requires independent work communicating with clients and class visits to a variety
of potential project sites.
ENES 498 Special Topics in Entrepreneurship (3) Restriction: Must be in Hinman CEOs Program.
Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. This entrepreneurship seminar and case study-based course
will explore technology entrepreneurship with a focus on leadership, marketing, team-building, and
management of new technology ventures and assumes baseline knowledge of entrepreneurship. Students
will learn skills needed to succeed as a technology entrepreneur and how to apply best practices for
planning, launching, and growing new companies. This course is a requirement of the Hinman CEOs
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ENES 499 Senior Projects in Engineering (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-A. James Clark
School of Engineering; and completion of all 1XX and 2xx level (lower-division) technical courses in
engineering major with a C- or better. Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of
Engineering. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Students will work in large teams to solve a
multidisciplinary research/design problem. The course will begin with students identifying opportunities,
brainstorming project concepts to address these opportunities, applying lean startup and design thinking
strategies, and then selecting/proposing a project for the semester. Acceptable projects will require the
multidisciplinary design, construction and testing of a project within limited budget and time constraints.
ENFP -- Engineering, Fire Protection
ENFP 101 Introduction to Fire Protection Engineering (1) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fire
Protection Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENFP108 or ENFP101. Formerly: ENFP108.
This course will introduce students to the impact of fire on people, property and the environment and
methods to mitigate the threat of fire. Student teams will apply the principles of fire behavior and fire
safety systems covered in the first half of the course to design, build and test a fire safe, small-scale
apartment. A final experiment will be conducted to provide an assessment of the complete designs of each
ENFP 102 Fire Safe Building Designs (3) Students are introduced to Fire Protection Engineering (FPE).
Discussions on contemporary fire safety topics are designed to raise your interest and understanding of
fire, its impact on people, property and the environment and methods to mitigate the threat of fire.
Students will have hands-on experiences through a set of demonstrations and a final experiment to
explore fire behavior and the performance of fire safety systems. The final experiment will apply the
principles of fire behavior and fire safety systems to build and test a fire safe, small-scale residence.
ENFP 108 Hot Topics in Fire Protection Engineering (1) Restriction: Must be in a major in ENGR-A.
James Clark School of Engineering; or permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department.
Repeatable to 2 credits if content differs. Current issues of importance to fire protection engineering.
Topics focus on advances in basic fire science, computerized fire modeling, safety systems, human
behavior and fire, fire toxicity, risk analysis, performance based fire safety, fire reconstruction, arson and
evidence, voluntary fire safety standards, codes, and relations with other disciplines including architecture
and the built environment, loss prevention and fire insurance.
ENFP 250 Introduction to Life Safety Analysis (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection
Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENFP250 or ENFP251. Formerly: ENFP251.
Introduction to fire protection engineering and building regulation, building safety systems, and egress
system design. Evacuation modeling. Human behavior in fires. Tenability Analysis.
ENFP 300 Fire Protection Fluid Mechanics (3) Prerequisite: MATH246; and must have completed or
be concurrently enrolled in PHYS260 and PHYS261. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection
Engineering department. Presents students with the fundamental properties of fluids and fluid movement.
Both static and dynamic fluid problems will be considered with an emphasis on fire protection systems.
ENFP 310 Water Based Fire Protection Systems Design (3) Prerequisite: ENFP300. Corequisite:
ENFP312. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Introduction to
aqueous fire suppression. Discussion of key fluid dynamics and heat transfer processes in aqueous fire
suppression. System design and performance analysis based on national standards, hydraulic theory and
elementary fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
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ENFP 312 Heat and Mass Transfer (3) Prerequisite: ENES232 and ENFP300. Restriction: Permission
of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer. Conduction,
convection, and radiation modes of heat transfer. Diffusion concepts and evaporation phenomena.
Problem solving techniques with application to fire problems.
ENFP 320 Fire Assessment Methods and Laboratory (4) Prerequisite: ENFP312. Restriction: Must be
in Engineering: Fire Protection program. Experimental evaluation of ignition, flame spread, rate of heat
release and smoke production of furnishings and interior finish materials.
ENFP 350 Professional Development Seminar (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection
Engineering department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: ENFP350 or
ENFP450. Formerly: ENFP450. An integrative, upper level professional development seminar covering
topics such as engineering ethics, professional licensing, codes and standards, intellectual property, career
selection and various contemporary issues in fire protection engineering.
ENFP 405 Structural Fire Protection (3) Prerequisite: ENES220. Restriction: Must be in Engineering:
Fire Protection program; and permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Effects of
elevated temperature on structural materials; steel, concrete, wood, gypsum, glass and reinforced plastics.
Experimental evaluation of fire resistance of building assemblies. Analytical methods to evaluate fire
resistance of structural members.
ENFP 410 Advanced Fire Suppression (3) Prerequisite: ENFP310 and ENFP312. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENFP 410,
ENFP489L, ENFP 653, or ENFP629C. Analysis of application and theory of fire suppression systems.
The key elements of fire suppression systems will be discussed along with how they interact for effective
fire suppression design. Physical mechanisms for a variety of fire suppression approaches will be
discussed including hose streams, sprinklers, water mist, foam, clean agents, and chemical agents.
ENFP 411 Risk-Informed Performance Based Design (3) Restriction: Senior standing; or permission
of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Appraisal and measurement of fire safety. Application
of systems analysis, probability theory, engineering economy and risk management in the identification
and synthesis of components of fire protection engineering. Methods for the development of criteria for
the design, evaluation and assessment of fire safety or component hazards.
ENFP 413 Advanced Life Safety Analysis (3) Prerequisite: ENFP250. Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Also offered as: ENFP613. Credit only granted for:
ENFP413 or ENFP613. Fractional effective dose (FED) methods for predicting time to incapacitation and
death of fires for use in fire safety calculations. Physiology and toxicology of the fire effluent
components, decomposition chemistry of common materials, standard experimental approaches.
Predictive models of material production rates. People movement characteristics related to building
evacuation. Formulation and application of evacuation models. Human behavior factors affecting
response of people to fire situations.
ENFP 415 Fire Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: ENFP312. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection
Engineering department. Also offered as: ENFP651. Credit only granted for: ENFP415 or ENFP651.
Designed to give students a quantitative understanding of fire behavior. The fundamentals of physics and
chemistry of combustion are presented and used to derive key analytical relationships that describe fire
growth. Application of these relationships to the analysis of common fire scenarios is emphasized.
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ENFP 425 Enclosure Fire Modeling (3) Prerequisite: ENES232, ENFP300, and ENFP312. Restriction:
Must be in Engineering: Fire Protection program; and senior standing; and permission of ENGR-Fire
Protection Engineering department. An introduction to enclosure fire dynamics through the development
of fire modeling algorithms and the application of computer-based fire modeling techniques. The
objectives of the course are: to provide a basic understanding of enclosure fire dynamics with an emphasis
on a system-level viewpoint (i.e., a global description of the coupling between combustion dynamics,
smoke filling, vent flows and heat transfer); and to provide an introduction to the zone modeling
approach. Topics covered include a review of the mathematical formulation of zone models, a discussion
of numerical integration of the zone modeling equations (using MATLAB), and an introduction to zone
modeling software used by professional engineers (e.g., CFAST).
ENFP 426 Computational Methods in Fire Protection (3) Prerequisite: ENFP425. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENFP426 or
ENFP416. Introduction to computer-based fire modeling: zone modeling and Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD); documentation of input data, validation and verification tests.
ENFP 429 Independent Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering
department. Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Fire Protection program. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. For students who have definite plans for individual study of approved problems, or study
of an advanced topic selected in conjunction with the faculty.
ENFP 435 Product Liability and Regulation (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Key topics
include, biotechnology, safety regulation, federal preemption, product liability, professional negligence,
antitrust, privacy and information technology, risk modeling, environmental protection, patent, copyright,
trade secrets, reverse engineering, scientific and technological evidence, international trade, engineering
ethics. Examples include plane crashes, computer chip protection, human machine interfaces, nuclear
power plants, internet censorship, flood control, earthquakes and biomedical technology.
ENFP 440 Smoke Management and Fire Alarm Systems (3) Prerequisite: ENFP300. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Also offered as: ENFP627. Credit only
granted for: ENFP440 or ENFP627. Analysis of hazard posed by smoke in buildings. Performance
characteristics of smoke management systems. Review of analytical design aids. Functional analysis and
design of fire detection and alerting systems. Examination and evaluation of code criteria, performance
specifications and research.
ENFP 464 Industrial Fire Safety (3) Prerequisite: Students must be of senior standing. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering department. Also offered as: ENFP664. Credit only
granted for: ENFP464, ENFP489I, ENFP629I OR ENFP664.. Formerly: ENFP489I. Additional
information: The course will be taught as a dual senior-level undergraduate course and graduate course.
Designed to introduce students to the basics of process safety with a focus on the methods and techniques
that may be utilized when evaluating the existing or proposed safety protection solutions in industrial
facilities. An emphasis is placed on properly identifying the hazards that are present, the risk exposure,
and how best to address the risk. The foundation is laid by presenting the necessary background
information on industrial processes and integrating this information with applicable fire/explosion safety
ENFP 465 Fire and Explosion Investigations (3) Prerequisite: Student should have senior standing.
Restriction: Permission of ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering. Credit only granted for:
ENFP489N, ENFP629N OR ENFP665. Formerly: ENFP489N. Additional information: The course will
be taught as a dual senior-level undergraduate course and graduate course. Presents an overview of fire
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and explosion investigation and reconstruction. Information on field techniques, applicable standards and
best practices will be presented along with how fire science and fire dynamics can be applied to forensic
analysis. Additionally laboratory work will be conducted to illustrate the application of fire dynamics to
forensic scenes to assist in the determination of cause and evaluation of potential fire growth scenarios.
Sample experiments include 2nd item ignition tests, ignition delay tests, and the course culminates with a
series of 1:12 reduced scale house burns to allow the students to investigate and document a fire. This
course also qualifies the student to sit for the NAFI Certified Fire Investigator test.
ENFP 489 Special Topics (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-Fire Protection Engineering
department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Selected topics of current importance to fire protection.
ENGL -- English
ENGL 101 Academic Writing (3) Additional information: Any student who has not successfully
completed this course by Fall 2017 must complete this course with a minimum grade of C- in order to
fulfill the General Education Fundamental Studies Academic Writing requirement. An introductory
course in expository writing.
ENGL 120 Acting Human: Shakespeare and the Drama of Identity (3) Credit only granted for:
ENGL120 or ENGL289I. Formerly: ENGL289I. Shakespeare's ideas of dramatic realism studied through
close examination of literary and dramatic techniques. How Shakespeare generates the fiction of a living,
thinking person in the space of five acts, and how readers participate in the making of that fiction. Some
attention to Shakespeare on film and what the playwright can teach us about different media.
ENGL 125 Why Poetry Matters (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL125 or ENGL289P. Formerly:
ENGL289P. Introduction to the formal fundamentals of poetry and exploration of the role poetry plays in
how we think about the human condition; what constitutes knowledge and wisdom, interior subjectivity
and communal identity; and how this knowledge is to be used in confronting new challenges and the
perennial questions: how to live with oneself, and as oneself; in time, and with others; here, where we
reside; and elsewhere, where we imagine ourselves going.
ENGL 130 Race and the Cultural Politics of Blood: A Historical Perspective (3) Credit only granted
for: ENGL130 or ENGL237. Formerly: ENGL237. Exploration of race, as term and concept, at three
different historical times and from three different perspectives, through the reading of three stories:
William Shakespeare's drama Othello, Aphra Behn's novella Oroonoko, and the short story Benito Cereno
by Herman Melville. Exploration of the importance of context in interpretation. Study of how a concept
for rationalizing human difference appears and adapts, fuses and fades away, relocates and is repurposed.
How understanding of the particular situation of the concept, its context, changes our reading of the story.
ENGL 132 Aliens, Exiles, and Immigrants (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL132 or ENGL289Z.
Formerly: ENGL289Z. Exploration of ideas, beliefs, and aspirations that immigrants carry from one
nation to another. Different ways of understanding national and cultural identities, and ways the
experiences of immigration have changed significantly over time. Readings examine historical and
contemporary immigrant writing, including post-9/11 poetry and fiction; memoirs of nineteenth-century
British emigrants to South Africa, Australia, and Canada; literature by emigrants from Asia, the Middle
East, and Latin America now living in the United States; and writing by individuals displaced by war,
famine, and political conflict. Politics of immigration and citizenship; historical and contemporary
arguments for and against immigration and assimilation.
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ENGL 134 The Rites of Discovery: Science, Law and Literature 1492 to 1992 (3) Credit only granted
for: ENGL134 or ENGL289B. Formerly: ENGL289B. History of idea of "discovery" from sixteenth-
century debate about European "rights of discovery" to 500th anniversary, in 1992, of Columbus' landfall
in New World. Evolution of modern concept of discovery, both as part of history of science and in legal
context of history of European colonialism and cultural encounter with Native peoples of Americas,
Africa, and Asia. Exploration of primary and secondary sources relating to international law, science, and
ENGL 140 American Fictions: Cross-Examining U.S. Literature, History, and Politics (3) Credit
only granted for: ENGL140 or ENGL289Y. Formerly: ENGL289Y. Major works of American literature
explored in relation to major texts and developments of U.S. history, culture and politics. Special
attention to global contexts and complications of "American" literature and history. Key historical and
political issues include human rights, democratic principles, independence, revolution, slavery, removal,
immigration, free speech, labor rights, civil rights, feminism, environmentalism, economic globalization,
technology and digital innovation, and the role literature and the humanities may play in fostering various
forms of responsible citizenship.
ENGL 142 Literary Maryland (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL142 or ENGL289M. Formerly:
ENGL289M. What does the literature of Maryland teach us about our state's past, present, and future?
"Literary Maryland" explores this question by taking students on a tour of our state's prose, poetry, and
drama from colonization to the present. In addition to reading fascinating writing and visiting interesting
places, you'll learn how the Chesapeake was formed; why nobody sings the entire national anthem; and
what led Baltimore to name its football team after a poem written by a Virginian.
ENGL 144 Breaking News: Contemporary Literature, Media and the State (3) Credit only granted
for: ENGL144 or ENGL289X. Formerly: ENGL289X. How specific moments of social upheaval are
portrayed in media and transformed into art. Developing skills of reading, writing, and interpretation by
learning how to "decode" fiction, t.v., news, and films. Exploration of viewpoints not represented in
mainstream media. Question dominant discourses and examine how narratives are fabricated. What does
it mean to be "subject" to the State, and how does art subvert it? Multimedia component deals with war,
terrorism, environment, human rights, biomedical research, geopolitics.
ENGL 150 Uncanny Technologies: Monsters, Droids, and Vampires (3) Credit only granted for:
ENGL150 or ENGL289T. Formerly: ENGL289T. Explores dark, uncertain borders between human and
nonhuman, natural and unnatural, life and death. What literature teaches about new technologies that seek
to represent or replicate human experience. Examination of a series of nineteenth-century American,
French, German, and British novels and stories from Frankenstein (1818) to Dracula (1897) featuring
recently introduced media and inventions such as photographs, phonographs, automata, and motion
pictures that are concerned, like works of literature, with recording and reproducing human consciousness
and human body.
ENGL 152 What is Justice?: Literature and the Invention of Ethical Imagination (3) Credit only
granted for: ENGL152 or ENGL289J. Formerly: ENGL289J. Exploration of literature's unique ability to
animate human passions underlying ethical dilemmas. How literary texts shape understanding of justice;
how plays, novels, and films define, critique, challenge, and even alter society's comprehension of equity
and inequity, crime and punishment, pardon and torture, and ideas about civil liberties and human rights.
Attention to how writers have described just and unjust within their historical moment; crucial role of
imagination in formation of ethical citizens across time.
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ENGL 181 English Grammar (1) Restriction: Must not have completed JOUR181 or ENGL181. Credit
only granted for: ENGL181 or JOUR181. The basic structure of formal written English, including parts of
speech, sentence patterns, standard punctuation, diction, and usage.
ENGL 201 Inventing Western Literature: Ancient and Medieval Traditions (3) Wide range of texts,
genres, and themes from ancient and medieval Western traditions. Study of cultural, historical, and artistic
forces shaping traditions, and the influence and relevance of those traditions to life in twenty-first century.
ENGL 202 Inventing Western Literature: Renaissance to Modern (3) Wide range of texts from the
Renaissance to the 21st century. Themes and literary techniques in the evolution of Western literature.
Print publication, industrialization, questioning of religious, political, intellectual, and cultural authority.
ENGL 206 Shakespeare (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL205, ENGL206, or ENGL289I. Formerly:
ENGL205. Shakespeare's poems, history plays, comedies, and tragedies as investigations into language
use, governance, sexuality, ethics, and mortality.
ENGL 211 English Literature: Beginnings to 1800 (3) Surveys medieval and early modern literary
works written in England. Readings may include Beowulf, Chaucer, Spenser, Mary Wroth, Milton;
eighteenth-century satire, drama, novels.
ENGL 212 English Literature: 1800 to the Present (3) Surveys the major literary movements of the
period, from Romantic to Victorian to Modern. Such authors as Wordsworth, Keats, Bronte, Tennyson,
Browning, Yeats, Joyce, Woolf.
ENGL 221 American Literature: Beginning to 1865 (3) Surveys American writing from the founding
of the colonies through the Civil War. Authors such as Taylor, Cooper, Poe, Dickinson.
ENGL 222 American Literature: 1865 to Present (3) Surveys American writing from the Civil War
through the Cold War. Authors such as Clemens, Frost, Hurston, Bellow.
ENGL 233 Introduction to Asian American Literature (3) Restriction: Must not have completed
AAST233. Also offered as: AAST233. Credit only granted for: AAST233, AAST298L, or ENGL233. A
survey of Asian American literatures with an emphasis on recurrent themes and historical context.
ENGL 234 African-American Literature and Culture (3) An exploration of the stories black authors
tell about themselves, their communities, and the nation as informed by time and place, gender, sexuality,
and class. African American perspective themes such as art, childhood, sexuality, marriage, alienation and
mortality, as well as representations of slavery, Reconstruction, racial violence and the Nadir, legalized
racism and segregation, black patriotism and black ex-patriots, the optimism of integration, and the
prospects of a post-racial America.
ENGL 235 U.S. Latina/o Literature and Culture (3) Poetry, prose, and theater of Latina/o
communities in the United States from origins in Spanish colonization of North America to ongoing
development in the 21st century. How authors use literary form to gain insight into human experience,
including mortality, religious belief, gender and sexuality, war and peace, family, language use, scientific
inquiry, cultural tradition, ecology, and labor. How Latina/o literary traditions have shaped and been
shaped by broader currents in American literature. Connections between Latina/o literature and social and
artistic developments in other parts of the world, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean. Authors
may include Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Eulalia Perez, Juan Nepomuceno Seguin, Maria Amparo Ruiz
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de Burton, Jose Marti, Arthur A. Schomburg, Jesus Colon, Julia de Burgos, Cesar Chavez, Ariel
Dorfman, Gloria Anzaldua, Junot Diaz, and Cristina Garcia.
ENGL 240 Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (3) Readings in the novel, short story, poetry
and drama.
ENGL 241 What the Novel Does (3) An exploration of what the novel does that cannot be done by film,
by television, by cell-phone screens, by any stream of images, or by textual excerpts pulled up for a quick
read. The different ways of the novel, with particular focus on the process of thinking and the developed
consciousness. The novel as a machine to think with and an irreplaceable model of complex human
thought. Study of how thought is presented in radically different ways in novels that cross lines of class,
gender, chronology, and nationality.
ENGL 243 What is Poetry? (3) An exploration of arguably the most complex, profound, and ubiquitous
expression of human experience. Study through close reading of significant forms and conventions of
Western poetic tradition. Poetry's roots in oral and folk traditions and connections to popular song forms.
ENGL 244 The Play's the Thing (3) Exploration of drama through a consideration of plot, narrative
flow, analytical flow, staging, performance, manuscript and printing history, text and textual change over
time, and interpretation. Plays will be approached as public attempts to understand what it means to be
ENGL 245 Film Form and Culture (3) Restriction: Must not have completed FILM245. Also offered
as: FILM245. Credit only granted for: CMLT214, CMLT245, ENGL245, or FILM245. Formerly:
CMLT214. Introduction to film as art form and how films create meaning. Basic film terminology;
fundamental principles of film form, film narrative, and film history. Examination of film technique and
style over past one hundred years. Social and economic functions of film within broader institutional,
economic, and cultural contexts.
ENGL 246 Introduction to the Short Story (3) A survey of the genre, with a focus on significant
elements, such as plot, character, description, style, and theme. Readings will be drawn from a range of
cultures and communities.
ENGL 250 Reading Women Writing (3) Also offered as: WMST255. Credit only granted for:
ENGL250 or WMST255. Explores literary and cultural expressions by women and their receptions within
a range of historical periods and genres. Topics such as what does a woman need in order to write, what
role does gender play in the production, consumption, and interpretation of texts, and to what extent do
women comprise a distinct literary subculture. Interpretation of texts will be guided by feminist and
gender theory, ways of reading that have emerged as important to literary studies over the last four
ENGL 255 Literature of Science and Technology (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL255 or
ENGL278T. Formerly: ENGL278T. Examines science and technology through the lens of British and
American literature, primarily between 1800 and the present. Readings from early natural and
experimental philosophers of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment. How literary works represent
the ethics of science and technology; beneficial developments of science, and also heavy toll of
industrialization. Writers studied may include Francis Bacon, Mary Shelley, Charles Darwin, H.G. Wells,
Albert Einstein, Aldous Huxley, Richard Feynman, Philip K. Dick, Octavia Butler, Michael Frayn, and
Tom Stoppard.
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ENGL 256 Fantasy Literature (3) How fantasy employs alternate forms of representation, such as the
fantastical, estranging, or impossible, which other genres would not allow. Through novels, short stories,
graphic novels, and film, traces fantasy's roots in mythology and folklore, then explores how modern texts
build upon or challenge these origins. Examination of literary strategies texts use to represent the world
through speculative modes. How to distinguish fantasy from, and relate it to, other genres such as science
fiction, horror, fairly tales, and magical realism. Fantasy's investment in world-building, history, tradition,
and categories of identity such as race, class, and gender. How fantasy, as a genre, form, and world-view,
is well-suited to our contemporary reality.
ENGL 257 Children's Literature (3) Literature of the nineteenth through the twenty-first century
concerned with, and written for, children and young adults. How such narratives speak to themes of
changing social, religious, political, and personal identity. Through poetry, novels, graphic novels, and
film, explores how children's tales encapsulate and reflect on human existence, while pushing boundaries
of what constitutes "children's literature" and what exactly defines the "child." Considers questions of
literary classification through investigation of political and religious issues, gender politics, animal rights,
social justice, race, war, and what it means to "grow up."
ENGL 261 Recovering Oral Histories: Caribbean and Latin American Communities in the USA
and Britain (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL261 or ENGL361. Project-based course to record oral
histories of Caribbean American and Latin American communities in the Washington area. Interview and
oral history techniques; recording and videotaping oral histories; transcribing and writing stories as oral
ENGL 262 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (3) Also offered as: JWST262. Credit
only granted for: JWST262, HEBR223, or ENGL262. Formerly: HEBR223. An exploration of the origins
and compositional history of biblical literature. Critical study of texts and socio-historical analysis of their
ENGL 265 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Literatures (3) Restriction: Must not have
completed LGBT265. Also offered as: LGBT265. Credit only granted for: ENGL265 or LGBT265.
Exploration of literary and cultural expressions of sexuality and gender. Study of a range of historical
periods and literary genres, such as essay, poetry, novel, drama, film. Topics include sexual norms and
dissidence, gender identity and expression, the relationship between aesthetic forms and sexual
subjectivity. Interpretation of texts particularly through the lens of queer theory. Examination of how sex
and gender intersect with other forms of difference, including race and class.
ENGL 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ENGL 271 Writing Poems and Stories: An Introductory Workshop (3) Introduction to theory and
practice of writing fiction and poetry. Emphasis on critical reading of literary models. Exercises and
workshop discussions with continual reference to modeling, drafting, and revising as necessary stages in a
creative process.
ENGL 272 Writing Fiction: A Beginning Workshop (3) Introduction to theory and practice of writing
fiction. Emphasis on critical reading of literary models. Exercises and workshop discussions with
continual reference to modeling, drafting, and revising as necessary stages in a creative process.
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ENGL 273 Writing Poetry: A Beginning Workshop (3) Introduction to theory and practice of writing
poetry. Emphasis on critical reading of literary models. Exercises and workshop discussions with
continual reference to modeling, drafting, and revising as necessary stages in a creative process.
ENGL 274 Creative Writing Through The Eyes of African Americans: A Beginning Workshop (3)
Restriction: Must not have completed ENGL278C, AASP298W, ENGL271, ENGL274, ENGL294,
ENGL294N, or AASP274. Also offered as: AASP274. Credit only granted for: ENGL274, ENGL278C,
ENGL294, ENGL294N, AASP274 or AASP298W. Formerly: ENGL278C. Introduction to theory and
practice of writing fiction, drama and poetry, with an emphasis on African American literary models.
Critical reading, exercises and workshop discussions with continual reference to modeling, drafting, and
revising as necessary stages in a creative process.
ENGL 275 Writing to be Seen: Scriptwriting for Theatre, Film, and Television (3) Also offered as:
ARHU275. Credit only granted for: ENGL278D, ENGL275, ARHU319B, or ARHU275. Formerly:
ENGL278D; ARHU319B. Introduction to theory and practice of scriptwriting with opportunity to read,
view, evaluate, write, and revise texts meant to be performed for spectators. Practice writing for the stage,
film and television, with emphasis on critical reading of textual and visual literary models. Theory and
scholarship teaching opportunities and advantages of each format. Application of scholarship to analysis
and critique of plays and texts successful across two different formats. Examination of selected scripts,
performances, and film and television clips as models for students' own creative work. Frequent writing
exercises and use of workshop format.
ENGL 278 Special Topics in Literature (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
ENGL 280 The English Language (3) Introduction to the structure of English and its historical
development, with a focus on techniques of linguistic analysis. Major topics include the sound systems of
English and its patterns of word formation and sentence structure, and the ways these have changed over
time and vary around the world.
ENGL 281 Standard English Grammar, Usage, and Diction (3) The basic structure of written English,
including parts of speech, sentence patterns, standard punctuation, diction, and usage.
ENGL 282 How Rhetoric Works: Persuasive Power and Strategies (3) Examines how persuasion
functions and influences our lives and perception, focusing on a variety of contexts: business, politics,
media, law, and entertainment. Students learn persuasive and argumentative principles to understand what
rhetoric is, how it works, and what it does, and to apply the knowledge to produce effective
communication appropriate for their purpose, audience, and context. A wide range of persuasive media,
genres, and forms will be studied to help students sharpen how they interpret and practice persuasion.
ENGL 289 Special Topics in English (3) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Additional
information: This course satisfies the General Education I-Course requirement (SCIS). I-courses offered
through the English Department.
ENGL 291 Writing, Revising, Persuading (3) Prerequisite: Must have satisfied Fundamental Studies
Academic Writing requirement. Intermediate-level, writing-intensive course for students who have
successfully satisfied the Fundamental Studies Academic Writing requirement but wish to hone skills in
analyzing and producing rhetorically attuned, well-styled prose. Deeper study of rhetorical theory and its
application to a wide variety of arguments and situations. Additional writing practice, techniques of
revision, study of effect of stylistic choices. Topics may include argumentation theory, visual rhetoric,
stylistic theory, and writing theory.
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ENGL 292 Writing for Change (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-English department.
Recommended: ENGL101. Restriction: Requires application and references. Service learning in
collaboration with students at area high schools. Explores how writing can be a tool for social change.
Participants serve as mentors, create a performance event concerning a pressing social issue, and compose
reflections, literacy narratives, publicity materials, and a multimodal project. Focus on developing critical
ENGL 293 Writing in the Wireless World (3) Recommended: ENGL101. Credit only granted for:
ENGL278Z or ENGL293. Formerly: ENGL278Z. A hands-on exploration of writing at the intersection of
technology and rhetoric. Students will learn to read, analyze, and compose the kind of multimodal
documents (combining text, image, and sound) that constitute communication in our digital world.
ENGL 294 Persuasion and Cleverness in Social Media (3) Prerequisite: Must have satisfied
Fundamental Studies Academic Writing requirement. Exploration of various persuasive media
encountered in daily life through the lens of rhetorical and critical theories. Principles of rhetoric and
analysis of how persuasion functions across media. Invention of effective multimedia works appropriate
to purpose, audience, and context. Concepts from cultural studies used to develop critical awareness about
power and ideology and how they influence the way people produce and understand messages. By
integration of technology, rhetoric, and cultural studies, students become more critically-rhetorically
informed thinkers, authors, and audiences of arguments and culture in the digital age. Writing intensive
course. No prior multimedia experience is expected.
ENGL 297 Introduction to Professional Writing (3) Prerequisite: ENGL101. Introduction to the
rhetorical principles and professional practices of professional writing, particularly the research, writing,
communication, analytical, and technological skills needed for the Professional Writing minor. How
culture and technology relate to the work of professional writing; design principles and rhetorical moves;
digital tools, research skills, and writing strategies of professional writers. Develops skills needed to
publish a writing portfolio that showcases students' professional writing competencies and projects your
professional writer identities.
ENGL 300 Writing about Literature (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled
in ENGL301. For students who want to improve their academic writing skills, focusing in particular on
literary analysis, argument, style, clarity and engagement with other points of view. Readings from
literary texts in various genres and from critical essays. Especially useful to prepare for upper-level
courses in English.
ENGL 301 Critical Methods in the Study of Literature (3) Restriction: Must be in English Language
and Literature program; or must be in Secondary Educ: English Language Arts program. An introduction
to the techniques of literary analysis and a brief survey of the most common approaches to literature.
ENGL 302 Medieval Literature in Translation (3) Surveys major works of English and continental
Middle Ages. Readings may include romance, lyric and drama, Germanic epic, works of Dante, Chretien
de Troyes, Jean de Meun, Christine de Pisan, Malory, English and continental mystics.
ENGL 304 The Major Works of Shakespeare (3) Restriction: Must not have completed ENGL403 or
ENGL404. Representative early, middle, and later works, including comedies, tragedies, histories, and
romances. Historical and cultural contexts.
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ENGL 305 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: An Introduction (3) Readings in Shakespeare and
contemporaries such as Marlowe, Dekker, Middleton, Jonson, Webster, Chapman, Marston. Elizabethan
and Jacobean theatrical and social contexts.
ENGL 310 Medieval and Renaissance British Literature (3) Detailed study of selected major medieval
and Renaissance works written in England. Cultural attitudes and historical contexts. May include
Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon lyric, drama, sonnets; works of women writers, Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney. Some
readings in Middle English.
ENGL 311 British Literature from 1600 to 1800 (3) The culture of seventeenth and eighteenth-century
Britain seen through detailed study of selected major texts. Drama, poetry, political writings, and early
novels by men and women. Authors may include Donne, Milton, Jonson, Behn, Swift, Pope, Montagu,
and Wollstonecraft.
ENGL 312 Romantic to Modern British Literature (3) Detailed study of selected major texts from the
19th and 20th centuries. Transitions from Romanticism to Victorian age to Modernism. Historical, social,
literary contexts. Issues such as rise of democracy; industrial revolution; the "woman question";
revolutions in literary form. Authors might include Wordsworth, Austen, Dickens, Arnold, T.S. Eliot, and
ENGL 313 American Literature (3) A detailed study of selected major texts of American literature
from the 17th century to the 20th century. Issues such as race, gender, and regionalism. Authors such as
Franklin, Hawthorne, Dickinson, Hemingway, and Morrison.
ENGL 317 African American Literature (3) Consideration of key texts in African American literature
that explore the experiences of people of African descent in America from the mid-nineteenth century to
the contemporary moment. Relationship between literary texts, historical events and cultural formations.
Examines a range of texts and genres (autobiography, slave narrative, travel narrative, poetry, essays,
fiction), and their contribution to national literary tradition.
ENGL 321 American Comics (3) Survey of the long and vibrant history of the American graphic novel,
from its origins in newspapers, through the underground comix movement of the 1960s, to its present
moment of cultural ascendency. Exploration of the representational possibilities of comics, the graphic
novel, and graphic narrative more broadly as well as the history of its incorporation into high culture.
ENGL 327 The Suburbs in American Literature and Film (3) Explores through written expression
and through cinema the diverse and changing world of US suburbia. Premised on two arguments: (1) the
suburbs embody many of the contours and contradictions of American life; and (2) the suburbs are far
more racially, ethnically, culturally, sexually, economically diverse than mass media suggests.
Investigation via prose, poetry, drama, and cinema, as well as secondary sources in sociology, women's
studies, ethnic studies, history, cultural studies, psychology, anthropology, and the history of science and
ENGL 329 Special Topics in Film Studies (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, FILM283, or
SLLC283; or permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Studies
in various periods and genres of film.
ENGL 331 American Jewish Literature (3) Also offered as: JWST341. Credit only granted for:
ENGL379L (Spring 2013), HONR229G (Spring 2008), JWST319T(Spring 2013), ENGL331, or
JWST341. Formerly: ENGL379L and JWST319T. An exploration of the role played by literature in the
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development of American Jewish ethnic identity. Primary materials include essays, poetry, plays, short
stories, novels, films and music.
ENGL 332 Representing the Holocaust (3) Also offered as: JWST346. Credit only granted for:
ENGL379J, JWST419I, ENGL332, or JWST346. Formerly: ENGL379J or JWST419I. Different
perspectives on how the Holocaust should be represented. Examination of a wide range of texts including
fiction, memoirs, critical essays, poems and films in different languages (in translation). Emphasis on the
international and comparative nature of Holocaust literary studies and investigation into the propriety of
literary representation of historical catastrophe. Consideration of our own role as readers serving as
witnesses to an event that has marked itself indelibly in the aesthetic history of the twentieth century.
ENGL 334 The Bible as Literature (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL278M (Fall 2010), ENGL379J
(Spring 2007), or HONR239Z (Fall 2005). The Bible as a major source of contemporary Western
religious symbolism and culture. Exploration of how this literary legacy appears in our own cultural
experience. Historical critical and literary critical method and theory introduced and applied to the texts.
ENGL 339 Native American Literature (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Study of selected
writers or particular themes or genres in Native American literatures.
ENGL 344 Nineteenth-Century Fiction (3) Major British, American, and other fiction writers of the
nineteenth century studied in the context of the broad global, intellectual, and artistic interests of the
ENGL 345 Twentieth Century Poetry (3) Restriction: Must not have completed ENGL446 or
ENGL445. Major British and American poets of the twentieth century.
ENGL 346 Twentieth Century Fiction (3) Major British, American, and other fiction writers of the
twentieth century studied in the context of the broad global, intellectual, and artistic interests of the
ENGL 348 Literary Works by Women (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Also offered as:
WMST348. Credit only granted for: ENGL348 or WMST348. The context, form, style and meaning of
literary works by women.
ENGL 349 Asian American Literatures (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Study of selected
writers, particular themes, or genres in Asian American literatures.
ENGL 352 Intermediate Fiction Workshop (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of A- in ENGL271; or
minimum grade of A- in ENGL272; or permission of ARHU-English department. Credit only granted for:
ENGL396 or ENGL352. Formerly: ENGL396. A class in the making of fiction. Intensive discussion of
students' own fiction. Readings include both fiction and essays about fiction by practicing writers.
Writing short critical papers, responding to works of fiction, and the fiction of colleagues, in-class writing
exercises, intensive reading, and thinking about literature, in equal parts, and attendance at readings.
ENGL 353 Intermediate Poetry Workshop (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of A- in ENGL271; or
minimum grade of A- in ENGL273; or permission of ARHU-English department. Credit only granted for:
ENGL397 or ENGL353. Formerly: ENGL397. A class in the making of poetry. Intensive discussion of
students' own poems. Readings in both poetry and essays about poetry by practicing poets. Writing short
critical prose pieces, responding critically to colleagues' poems, in-class and outside writing exercises,
memorization, and attendance at poetry readings.
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ENGL 358 Special Topics in U.S. Latina/o Literature (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Credit only granted for: ENGL358 or ENGL379E (Fall2006). Formerly: ENGL379E. Study of works by
U.S. Latina/o writers.
ENGL 359 Special Topics in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Literatures (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs. Also offered as: LGBT359. Study of selected writers or particular themes in Lesbian,
Gay, and Bisexual Literatures.
ENGL 360 African, Indian and Caribbean Writers (3) Selected writers from countries formerly
colonies of Britain, France, Denmark, etc. Attention to ways regions have developed distinctive political
and aesthetic values resulting from indigenous traditions and foreign influences.
ENGL 361 Recovering Oral Histories (3) Prerequisite: Students must have completed one course in
English, Latin American Studies, or Education. Credit only granted for: ENGL261 or ENGL361. Service-
learning course that gives students an opportunity to develop writing, interviewing, and communication
skills as they contribute to the work of a community organization. In the classroom, students will reflect
on the process and do background research to understand the particular context of the organization's
work. In the field, students will interview (or have informal discussions with) young people helped by the
organization in order to construct a narrative about their lives, their perceptions of themselves, and their
ENGL 362 Caribbean Literature in English (3) Also offered as ENGL362. Credit granted for
ENGL362 or LASC348E. Political and literary traditions that intersect in the fiction, poetry, and drama
written in English by Caribbean writers, primarily during the 20th century.
ENGL 368 Special Topics in the Literature of Africa and the African Diaspora (3) Repeatable to 9
credits if content differs. Comparisons among the literary traditions in Africa, the Caribbean, and North
and South America.
ENGL 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ENGL 370 Junior Honors Conference (1) Restriction: Candidacy for honors in English. Preparation for
writing the senior honors project.
ENGL 373 Senior Honors Project (2) Prerequisite: ENGL370. Restriction: Must be in English
Language and Literature program. Research and writing of senior honors project. Strongly recommended
for students planning graduate work.
ENGL 375 J.R.R. Tolkien: Middle-earth and Beyond (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL375 or
ENGL479D. Formerly: ENGL479D. Introduction to J.R.R. Tolkien's best-known texts, "The Hobbit" and
"The Lord of the Rings," and beyond. Tolkien's source material, themes, and writing style; the mythology
of Tolkien's world as found in his posthumously published works; exploration of some of Tolkien's
lesser-known works, such as "Farmer Giles of Ham," Smith of Wooten Major," "The Fall of Arthur,"
"The Legend of Roverandom" and his essay on "Beowulf."
ENGL 376 American Science Fiction (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL379Y or ENGL376. Formerly:
ENGL379Y. The history of American science fiction from its origins in pulp magazines of the 1920s to
the present. Investigation of the changing history of science fiction across periods and subgenres,
including Golden Age science fiction, New Wave science fiction, cyberpunk, and ecological science
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fiction, and across media, including fiction, film, television, and comics. Charts the changing fortune of
the genre, attempting to explain how it has moved from the margins of American culture to the
ENGL 377 Medieval Myth and Modern Narrative (3) Formerly: ENGL361. Literary patterns
characteristic of medieval myth, epic, and romance; their continuing vitality in modern works; and links
between Medieval works like "The Prose Edda", "Beowulf", "The Morte D'Arthur", "The Volsunga
Saga", and "Grettis Saga" and modern narratives like Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings".
ENGL 379 Special Topics in Literature (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
ENGL 381 MGA Legislative Seminar (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-English department.
Classroom analysis component of the Maryland General Assembly internship program.
ENGL 383 The Uses of Language (3) Exploration of the social and political aspects of language use,
including conversational behavior, persuasive uses of language, social dialects, and language and gender;
analytical methods of pragmatics and discourse analysis.
ENGL 384 Concepts of Grammar (3) Introduction to the basic units of grammatical description;
motivation for and nature of constituent structure and syntactic categories; fundamental grammatical
concepts employed in the teaching and learning of languages.
ENGL 385 English Semantics (3) An introductory study of meaning in language and paralanguage.
General semantics, kinesics, linguistic relativity and recent developments in linguistic semantics.
ENGL 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Learning Proposal approved by the Office of
Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher.
ENGL 387 Visual Rhetoric (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL387 or ENGL488F (Spring 2013 only).
Formerly: ENGL488F (Spring 2013 only). Investigation of the persuasive power of visuals based on how
they construct and communicate their content and predispose viewers to an interpretation or attitude.
"Iconic" images and other modes of visual representation including diagrams, graphs, and page or screen
design. Most attention given to a grammar and rhetoric of visuals. Also the elements of images and their
arrangement and consideration of historical and generic contexts and the "affordances" of various media.
Not a course in "high art" or in video, TV, or film. Emphasis on visuals that accompany or replace verbal
ENGL 388 Writing Internship (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable
to 12 credits. Credit only granted for: ENGL380 or ENGL388. Formerly: ENGL380. Field work in
ENGL 390 Science Writing (3) Prerequisite: ENGL101; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits;
and junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: ENGL390 or ENGL393S. Formerly: ENGL393S.
Specifically designed for students interested in further study in the physical and biological sciences.
Exposes students to the conventions of scientific prose in the genres of research articles and proposals.
Students learn to accommodate scientific information to general audiences.
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ENGL 391 Advanced Composition (3) Prerequisite: ENGL101; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60
credits. An advanced composition course which emphasizes constructing written arguments
accommodated to real audiences.
ENGL 392 Legal Writing (3) Prerequisite: ENGL101; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits.
Conventions of legal writing and research. Students learn how to read and write about cases, statutes or
other legislation; how to apply legal principles to fact scenarios; and how to present a written analysis for
readers in the legal profession. Assignments may include the law-school application essay, case briefs,
legal memos, and client letters.
ENGL 393 Technical Writing (3) Prerequisite: ENGL101; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits.
The writing of technical papers and reports.
ENGL 394 Business Writing (3) Prerequisite: ENGL101; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits.
Intensive practice in the forms of written communication common in the business world-letters, memos,
short reports, and proposals. Principles of rhetoric and effective style.
ENGL 395 Writing for Health Professions (3) Prerequisite: ENGL101; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum
of 60 credits. Focus on accommodating technical material and empirical studies to lay audiences, and
helping writers to achieve stylistic flexibility and correctness.
ENGL 398 Topics in Professional Writing (3) Prerequisite: ENGL101; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum
of 60 credits; and junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Professional writing
courses that focus on the audiences, conventions, and genres of particular disciplines, professions, or
organizations. Examples include writing for the arts, writing case studies and investigative reports,
writing about economics, and writing for non-profit organizations.
ENGL 402 Chaucer (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English
department. Works read in Middle English. Readings may include Canterbury Tales, Troilus and
Criseyde, dream visions, lyrics.
ENGL 403 Shakespeare: The Early Works (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Close study of selected works from the first half of
Shakespeare's career. Generic issues of early histories, comedies, tragedies. Language, theme, dramatic
technique, sources, and early modern English social-historical context.
ENGL 404 Shakespeare: The Later Works (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Close study of selected plays from the second half of
Shakespeare's career. Generic issues of later tragedies, later comedies, romances. Language, theme,
dramatic technique, sources, and early modern English social-historical context.
ENGL 407 Non-dramatic Literature of the Sixteenth Century (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses
in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Poetic and prose genres--utopia, epic, narrative,
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lyric, sonnet, oration, epistle, sermon, apologia--in context of the literary and intellectual life of the
sixteenth century. Writers such as More, Wyatt, Surrey, Sidney, and Spenser.
ENGL 408 Literature by Women Before 1800 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Also offered as:
WMST408. Credit only granted for: ENGL408 or WMST408. Selected writings by women in the
medieval and early modern era.
ENGL 409 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ENGL 410 Edmund Spenser (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of
ARHU-English department. Selected works of Edmund Spenser in their literary, social, and historical
contexts. Special attention to The Faerie Queene; also sonnets and lyric poetry.
ENGL 412 Literature of the Seventeenth Century, 1600-1660 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Works from early Stuart through Interregnum
period. Major literary genres in historical contexts. Writers such as Donne, Jonson, Mary Wroth, Bacon,
Browne, and Marvell.
ENGL 414 Milton (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English
department. Poetry and major prose in their social, political, and literary-historical contexts. Special
attention to Paradise Lost. Other works may include Samson Agonistes and shorter poems.
ENGL 415 Literature of the Seventeenth Century, 1660-1700 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. English poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction
written from the Restoration of Charles II to 1700. Attention to increasing literacy and publication and
greater involvement by women in literary production. Authors include Milton, Dryden, Congreve, and
ENGL 416 Literature of the Eighteenth Century, 1700-1750 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. British literary traditions, including the poetry of
Pope, the prose of Swift, the correspondence of Montagu, the drama of Gay, and early novels by Defoe,
Richardson, and Fielding.
ENGL 417 Literature of the Eighteenth Century, 1750-1800 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. British poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction,
emphasizing innovative forms and attitudes in genres such as the gothic novel and political writings, as
well as more traditional works. Authors include Johnson, Burney, Sterne, Burke, and Wollstonecraft.
ENGL 418 Major British Writers before 1800 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Two writers studied
intensively each semester.
ENGL 419 Major British Writers after 1800 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Two writers studied
intensively each semester.
ENGL 420 English Romantic Literature (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. British poetry, drama, fiction, and criticism c.1790 to c.1830, a
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period of dramatic social change and revolution in literature, philosophy, the arts, industry, and politics.
Authors include Austen, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Byron, Percy, and Mary Shelley.
ENGL 422 English Victorian Literature (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. A survey of English literature of the Victorian period. Writers
may include Arnold, Browning, Tennyson, Dickens, George Eliot, Carlyle, Ruskin, Newman, and Wilde.
ENGL 425 Modern British Literature (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission
of ARHU-English department. Major Modernist writers in English prose and poetry since 1900. Such
writers as Eliot, Larkin, Forster, Burgess, Durrell, Henry Green, Golding, Auden, Malcolm Lowry, Joyce,
and Yeats.
ENGL 428 Seminar in Language and Literature (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must be
in English Language and Literature program. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Topics will vary
each semester. The course will provide a seminar experience in material or methodologies not otherwise
available to the major.
ENGL 429 Independent Research in English (1-6) Prerequisite: ENGL301; and two English courses
(excluding fundamental studies requirement); and permission of ARHU-English department. Restriction:
Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. An advanced independent
research project for qualified students, supervised by an English faculty member, on a topic not ordinarily
covered in available courses.
ENGL 430 American Literature, Beginning to 1810, the Colonial and Federal Periods (3)
Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Puritanism,
the Enlightenment, early Romanticism. Writers such as Bradstreet, Franklin, Brown.
ENGL 431 American Literature: 1810 to 1865, the American Renaissance (3) Prerequisite: Two
English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Nationalism, Sentimentalism,
Transcendentalism. Writers such as Douglass, Stowe, Melville.
ENGL 432 American Literature: 1865 to 1914, Realism and Naturalism (3) Prerequisite: Two
English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Reconstruction, Realism,
Naturalism. Representative writers such as Dickinson, James, Dreiser.
ENGL 433 American Literature: 1914 to the Present, the Modern Period (3) Prerequisite: Two
English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Modernism, Postmodernism.
Writers such as Stevens, Stein, Ellison.
ENGL 435 American Poetry: Beginning to the Present (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Selections of American poetry, from Bradstreet to
contemporary free verse. Authors such as Whitman, Dickinson, Bishop, Hughes, Rich, and Frost.
ENGL 437 Contemporary American Literature (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Prose, poetry, drama of living American writers. Current
cultural and social issues.
ENGL 438 Major American Writers before 1865 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Two writers studied
intensively each semester.
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ENGL 439 Major American Writers after 1865 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Two writers studied
intensively each semester.
ENGL 440 The Novel in America to 1914 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Survey of the American novel to World War I. Cultural and
philosophical contexts; technical developments in the genre. Authors such as Melville, Wells Brown,
James, Sedgwick, Chopin.
ENGL 441 The Novel in America Since 1914 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Survey of the American novel since World War I. Cultural and
philosophical contexts, technical developments in the genre. Authors such as Hemingway, Cather,
Faulkner, Anne Tyler, Morrison.
ENGL 444 Feminist Critical Theory (3) Prerequisite: WMST200, WMST250, or ENGL250. Also
offered as: WMST444. Credit only granted for: ENGL444 or WMST444. Issues in contemporary feminist
thought that have particular relevance to textual studies, such as theories of language, literature, culture,
interpretation, and identity.
ENGL 445 Modern British and American Poetry (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. The formation of Modernism in British and American poetry
before 1930. Such poets as Yeats, Pound, H.D., Eliot, Langston Hughes, Moore, Stevens, and Williams.
ENGL 446 Post-Modern British and American Poetry (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. British and American poets from the 1930s to the
present. Such poets as Auden, Williams, Plath, Brooks, Lowell, Wolcott, Ted Hughes, Bishop, Larkin,
Jarrell, and Berryman.
ENGL 448 Literature by Women of Color (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Also offered as:
WMST448. Credit only granted for: ENGL448 or WMST448. Literature by women of color in the United
States, Britain, and in colonial and post-colonial countries.
ENGL 449 Selected Topics in U.S. Latina/o Literature (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Credit
only granted for: ENGL449 or ENGL479F. Study of selected works by U.S. Latina/o writers.
ENGL 450 Renaissance Drama I (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of
ARHU-English department. Drama of the sixteenth century, from Sir Thomas More's circle through Lyly,
Greene, Marlowe, and their successors. Interludes, school drama, comedy and tragedy, professional
theater. Influences of humanism, Protestantism, politics, and cultural change.
ENGL 451 Renaissance Drama II (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of
ARHU-English department. Drama in early decades of the seventeenth century. Playwrights include
Jonson, Middleton, Marston, Webster, Beaumont and Fletcher. Tragedy, city comedy, tragicomedy,
satire, masque. Pre-Civil War theatrical, political, and religious contexts.
ENGL 452 English Drama From 1660 to 1800 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Restoration and eighteenth-century drama, with special
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attention to theater history, cultural influences, concepts of tragedy, comedy, farce, parody, and burlesque,
as well as dramatic and verbal wit.
ENGL 453 Literary Theory (3) Prerequisite: Two courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English
department. An in-depth study of literary and critical theory.
ENGL 454 Modern Drama (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-
English department. The roots of European Modernism and its manifestation in the drama of the twentieth
century. Such playwrights as Beckett, Churchill, Stoppard, Wilde, Chekhov, Ibsen, Brecht, O'Neill,
Sartre, Anouilh, Williams, and Shaw.
ENGL 455 The Eighteenth-Century English Novel (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature;
or permission of ARHU-English department. The origins and development of the British novel, from the
late seventeenth century until the beginning of the nineteenth. Questions about what novels were, who
wrote them, and who read them. Authors such as Behn, Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Smollett,
Burney, Radcliffe, and Austen.
ENGL 456 The Nineteenth-Century English Novel (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature;
or permission of ARHU-English department. Surveys major novels of the period. Attention to narrative
form and realism; representations of gender and class; social contexts for reading, writing and publishing.
Authors such as Austen, Bronte, Dickens, George Eliot, Trollope.
ENGL 457 The Modern Novel (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of
ARHU-English department. Modernism in the novel of the twentieth century. Such writers as Joyce,
Lawrence, Murdoch, James, Forster, Faulkner, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Ellison, Welty, Nabokov and
ENGL 458 Literature by Women after 1800 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Also offered as:
WMST458. Credit only granted for: ENGL458 or WMST458. Selected writings by women after 1800.
ENGL 459 Selected Topics in Sexuality and Literature (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Detailed
study of sexuality as an aspect of literary and cultural expression.
ENGL 462 Folksong and Ballad (3) A cross-section of American folk and popular songs in their
cultural contexts; artists from Bill Monroe to Robert Johnson.
ENGL 465 Theories of Sexuality and Literature (3) Prerequisite: Two lower-level English courses, at
least one in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Also offered as: LGBT465. Credit
only granted for: ENGL465 or LGBT465. An in-depth study of the ways in which sexuality and sexual
difference create or confound the conditions of meaning in the production of literary texts. Attention to
psychoanalysis, history of sexuality, feminist theory, and other accounts of sexual identity.
ENGL 466 Arthurian Legend (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of
ARHU-English department. Development of Arthurian legend in English and continental literature from
Middle Ages to twentieth century. All readings in modern English.
ENGL 467 Computer and Text (3) Prerequisite: One English course in literature; or permission of
ARHU-English department. Examines electronic literature and other aspects of digital textuality. Topics
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may include interactive fiction, hypertext, image and sound works, literary games and simulations.
Emphasis on critical and theoretical approaches rather than design or programming.
ENGL 468 Selected Topics in Film Studies (3-9) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, FILM283, or
SLLC283; or permission of ARHU-English department. Recommended: ENGL329, CMLT280, and
ENGL245. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: ENGL468, ENGL479E-Spr
2008, ENGL479F-Spr 2009, ENGL479G-Fall 2008, or ENGL479M-Fall 2009/Fall 2010. Advanced
studies in various periods and genres of film.
ENGL 470 African-American Literature: The Beginning to 1910 (3) Prerequisite: Two English
courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Beginnings of African-American
literature including origins of literary expression in folk tales, songs, and spirituals; slave narratives;
pamphlets, essays and oratory; and the emergence of poetry and fiction. Emphasis is on interaction
between literary forms and the salient political issues of the day.
ENGL 471 African-American Literature: 1910-1945 (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Emergence of modernism in African-American
writing including debates over the definition of unique African-American aesthetics, with emphasis on
conditions surrounding the production of African-American literatures.
ENGL 472 African-American Literature: 1945 to Present (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Transformation of African-American literatures
into modern and postmodern forms. Influenced by World War II and the Civil Rights and Black Power
movements, this literature is characterized by conscious attempts to reconnect literary and folk forms, the
emergence of women writers, and highly experimental fiction.
ENGL 475 Postmodern Literature (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or permission of
ARHU-English department. The origins and ongoing development of postmodern literature. Aspects of
the "postmodern condition," such as the collapse of identity, the erasure of cultural and aesthetic
boundaries, and the dissolution of life into textuality. The novel and other genres and media.
ENGL 478 Selected Topics in English and American Literature before 1800 (1-3) Prerequisite: Two
English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs.
ENGL 479 Selected Topics in English and American Literature after 1800 (3) Prerequisite: Two
English courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-English department. Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs.
ENGL 482 History of the English Language (3) Prerequisite: ENGL280 or LING200; or permission of
ARHU-English department. Origin and development of the English language.
ENGL 483 American English (3) Prerequisite: LING200 or ENGL280; or permission of ARHU-English
department. Origins and development of the various dialects of English spoken in the United States.
ENGL 484 Advanced English Grammar (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL484 or LING402. Advanced
study of grammatical description.
ENGL 486 Introduction to Old English (3) Prerequisite: Two English courses in literature; or
permission of ARHU-English department. Grammar, syntax, and phonology of Old English. Works read
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in the original language. Poetry may include "Battle of Maldon," "Dream of the Rood," "Wanderer,"
"Seafarer," riddles; prose of Bede, Wulfstan, Aelfric, and other writers of Anglo-Saxon period in
ENGL 487 Foundations of Rhetoric (3) Credit only granted for: ENGL487 or COMM401. Principles
and approaches to the theory, criticism, and historical understanding of rhetorical discourse.
ENGL 488 Topics in Advanced Writing (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Different genres
of technical and professional writing including proposal writing, computer documentation, technical
report writing, instruction manuals, etc. Students will analyze models of a genre, produce their own
versions, test, edit and revise them.
ENGL 489 Special Topics in Language and Rhetoric (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Special topics in language and rhetoric, such as discourse analysis, semantics, or cognitive linguistics;
comparative rhetoric and rhetorical theory, digital rhetorics, women's and minority rhetorics, or the
history of rhetoric.
ENGL 492 Web Authoring (3) Prerequisite: Students must have satisfied Fundamental Studies
Academic Writing requirement. Credit only granted for: ENGL488A or ENGL492. Formerly:
ENGL488A. Workshop-based approach to web authoring from a rhetorical perspective, attending to
issues of audience, purpose, medium, and context in design and development of web texts. How designers
create meaning in web texts by structuring information, addressing messages, and composing arguments
as a process of practical problem solving.
ENGL 493 Advanced Writing Theory and Practice (3) Recommended: Satisfactory completion of
professional writing requirement. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits. Traditional and
contemporary approaches to rhetoric and writing theory for advanced writing students who wish to
develop their abilities to analyze and produce written texts in professional, public, digital, and/or
advanced academic contexts.
ENGL 494 Editing and Document Design (3) Prerequisite: ENGL393 or ENGL391; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Principles of general editing for
clarity, precision and correctness. Applications of the conventions of grammar, spelling, punctuation and
usage, and organization for logic and accuracy. Working knowledge of the professional vocabulary of
editing applied throughout the course.
ENGL 495 Independent Study in Honors (1-3) Prerequisite: ENGL373 and ENGL370. Restriction:
Must be in English Language and Literature program; and candidacy for honors in English. Completion
and presentation of the senior honors project.
ENGL 498 Advanced Fiction Workshop (3) Prerequisite: ENGL352; or permission of ARHU-English
department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Formerly: ENGL496. An advanced class in the
making of fiction. Intensive discussion of students' own fiction. Readings include both fiction and essays
about fiction by practicing writers. Writing short critical papers, responding to works of fiction, and to
colleagues' fiction, in-class writing exercises, intensive reading, and thinking about literature, in equal
parts, and attendance at readings.
ENGL 499 Advanced Poetry Workshop (3) Prerequisite: ENGL353; or permission of ARHU-English
department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Formerly: ENGL497. An advanced class in the
making of poetry. Intensive discussion of students' own poems. Readings include both poetry and essays
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about poetry by practicing poets. Writing short critical prose pieces, responding critically to colleagues'
poems, in-class and outside writing exercises, and attendance at poetry readings.
ENMA -- Engineering, Materials
ENMA 150 Materials of Civilization (3) The discovery of new materials has shaped history and built
civilizations. The utilization, properties and production techniques of materials from the Bronze Age up
through modern times and into the future will be traced. These materials are explained by considering
their atomic structure, the binding forces between atoms and their arrangement, and how controlling the
structure controls the materials properties.
ENMA 180 Materials Science and Engineering: The Field and the Future (1) Restriction: Must be in
a major in ENGR-A. James Clark School of Engineering. Overview of the profession and the components
of the Materials Science and Engineering program. Students will become familiar with the departmental
faculty, areas of specialization within MSE, professional society student chapter, research opportunities
and other resources available to students.
ENMA 181 Introduction to Nanotechnology (1) Restriction: Freshman standing. Seminar introducing
nanotechnology and the conceptual and analytical challenges for developing future nanomaterials. Class
activities and guest lectures cover the role of nanomaterials in materials science and engineering.
ENMA 300 Introduction to Materials Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENES100; and permission of
ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. Corequisite: MATH241. Recommended: PHYS261
and PHYS260. Also offered as: ENME382. Credit only granted for: ENMA300 or ENME382. Structure
of materials, chemical composition, phase transformations, corrosion and mechanical properties of
metals, ceramics, polymers and related materials. Materials selection in engineering applications.
ENMA 301 Modern Materials Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENMA180; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. And ENMA300; and permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Five topical areas will be presented, each leading up to
specific applications that have recently come to market or are currently experiencing heavy research and
development. The goal of each module will be to introduce the basic materials science principles
necessary to understand these new areas.
ENMA 310 Materials Laboratory I: Structural Characterization (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300.
Corequisite: ENMA460. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Characterization of the structure of
materials including both single crystal and polycrystalline materials. Laboratories will include x-ray and
electron diffraction and microscopy.
ENMA 311 Materials Laboratory II: Electromagnetic Properties (3) Prerequisite: ENMA310 and
ENMA460. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Characterization of the electromagnetic properties of
materials. Laboratories will include measurements of electrical and transport properties, index of
refraction, and magnetic properties.
ENMA 312 Experimental Methods in Materials Science (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300. Corequisite:
ENMA460. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Introduction to experimental methods in materials
characterization; synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles; X-ray diffraction and light scattering; optical
microscopy; thermal conductivity and expansion; electrical measurements; heat capacity; computational
materials design.
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ENMA 362 Mechanical Properties (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300. Restriction: Junior standing or higher;
and permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. Overview of Mechanical
Behavior, Elastic Behavior, Dislocations, Plastic Deformation, Strengthening of Crystalline Materials,
Composite Materials, High Temperature Deformation of Crystalline Materials, Permanent Deformation of
Noncrystalline Materials, Tensile Fracture at Low Temperatures, Engineering Aspects of Fracture, High
Temperature Fracture, Fatigue, and Experimental determination of Mechanical Properties including
Hardness of Metals and Strength of Metals, Polymers, Ceramics and Composites.
ENMA 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
ENMA 400 Introduction to Atomistic Modeling in Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300, MATH206,
and ENMA460. Recommended: Basic knowledge in quantum mechanics (preferred but not required);
basic knowledge in statistical mechanics (preferred but not required). Also offered as: ENMA600. Credit
only granted for: ENMA489A, ENMA400, ENMA698A, or ENMA600. Formerly: ENMA489A. This is
an introductory course designed to study atomistic modeling and simulation techniques used in materials
research. This course covers the theories, methods, and applications of atomistic-scale modeling
techniques in simulating, understanding, and predicting the properties of materials. Specific topics
include: molecular statics using empirical force fields; quantum mechanical methods including density
functional theory; molecular dynamics simulations; and Monte Carlo and kinetic Monte Carlo modeling.
ENMA 410 Materials for Energy I (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENMA300; and
permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA410
or ENMA489H. Formerly: ENMA 489H. The goal is to demonstrate the role of materials in solving one
of the most critical socio-economic issues of our time, affordable and sustainable energy. There will be a
discussion of U.S. and global energy and related environmental issues. Topics covered include: fuel cells
and batteries (electrochemical energy conversion and storage); catalysts and membrane separations (fossil
fuel and biomass energy conversion); and nuclear fuels.
ENMA 411 Materials for Energy II (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENMA300; and
permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA411
or ENMA489I. Formerly: ENMA489I. Demonstrates the role of materials in solving one of the most
critical socio-economic issues of our time, affordable and sustainable energy. Materials for Energy is a
two-part course based on material functionality; however, they are independent and neither is a
prerequisite for the other. Materials for Energy II will focus on electrical, optical, thermal, and
mechanically functional materials for energy devices. Solar cells, solar fuel, solar thermal, energy
efficient lighting, building energy, thermoelectric and wind energy will be covered.
ENMA 412 Fundamentals of Photovoltaics (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300; and permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Overview of the fundamentals of photovoltaic devices,
including principles of operation, with emphasis on the materials science aspects of the different
technologies available.
ENMA 414 Introduction to Solid State Ionics (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300; and permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA414 or ENMA489W.
Formerly: ENMA489W. Solid State Ionics is the study of point defects in crystalline and non-crystalline
solids; defect equilibria and transport; the influence of chemical and electric potentials, interfaces, and
association; and the application of ionically conducting solids in solid-state electrochemical transducer
systems and devices.
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ENMA 420 Intermediate Ceramics (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300; or permission of ENGR-Materials
Science & Engineering department. To introduce basic concepts such as crystal chemistry, defect
chemistry and ternary phase equilibria which can also be used to illustrate the various types of advanced
ceramics (superconductors; superionic conductors; dielectrics including ferroelectrics; optical materials;
high temperature structural materials; etc.) and allow an understanding of their behaviors.
ENMA 421 Design of Composites (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials Science &
Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA421 or ENMA489A. Formerly: ENMA489A.
Fundamentals of design, processing and selection composite materials for structural applications will be
covered. The topics include a review of all classes of materials, an in-depth analysis of micro and macro
mechanical behavior including interactions at the two-phase interfaces, modeling of composite
morphologies for optimal microstructures, material aspects, cost considerations, processing methods
including consideration of chemical reactions and stability of the interfaces, and materials selection
ENMA 422 Radiation Effects of Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300; and permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA422 or ENMA489E.
Formerly: ENMA489E. Ionizing radiation, radiation dosimetry and sensors, radiation processing,
radiation effects on: polymers, metals, semiconductors, liquids, and gases. Radiation in advanced
manufacturing, radiation-physical technology.
ENMA 423 Manufacturing with Polymers (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300; or permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA423 and ENMA489R.
Formerly: ENMA489R. Study of the process of engineering design and development of polymer
formulations. Knowledge of commodity polymers and their physical properties, ability to design an
extrusion process, develop the economics of a polymer manufacturing process, develop a working
knowledge of characterization techniques for determination of physical and mechanical properties of
ENMA 425 Introduction to Biomaterials (3) Recommended: ENMA300. Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. Also offered as: BIOE453. Credit only granted for:
BIOE453, ENMA489W, or ENMA425. Formerly: ENMA489W. Examination of materials used in
humans and other biological systems in terms of the relationships between structure, fundamental
properties and functional behavior. Replacement materials such as implants, assistive devices such as
insulin pumps and pacemakers, drug delivery systems, biosensors, engineered materials such as artificial
skin and bone growth scaffolds, and biocompatibility will be covered.
ENMA 426 Reliability of Materials (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials Science &
Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA426 or ENMA489R. Formerly: ENMA489R.
Students are taught the basic degradation mechanisms of materials, through the understanding of the
physics, chemistry, mechanics of such mechanisms. Mechanical failure mechanisms concentrate on
fatigue, and creep. Chemical failure mechanisms emphasize corrosion and oxidation. Physical
mechanisms such as diffusion, electromigration, defects and defect migration, surface trapping
mechanisms, charge creation and migration are also included.
ENMA 430 Nanosized Materials (3) Prerequisite: PHYS431 or ENMA460; and (CHEM231 or
CHEM481). Credit only granted for: ENMA430 or ENMA489G. Formerly: ENMA489G. Practical
aspects of nanoscale materials fabrication and utilization will be covered. It presents various approaches
for the synthesis of nanoparticles, nanowires, and nanotubes, and discusses the unique properties observed
in these structures and devices made with them.
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ENMA 431 Nanomechanics of Biomaterials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300; and permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA431 or ENMA489B.
Formerly: ENMA489B. Focuses on the latest scientific developments and discoveries in the nanoscale
structure and properties of biological materials. The course begins with introductory lectures on the
various nanostructures of biomaterials, and their physiological roles under mechanical forces. General
aspects of biopolymers, protein folding, and self-assembly are also covered. Next, a series of in-depth
lectures are presented on the characterization methods of nanomechanical properties using single
molecule techniques. Finally, current applications of nanobiomaterials in the area of molecular machines,
molecular self-assembly, and nanoscaffold are discussed.
ENMA 440 Nano Plasma Processing of Materials (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials
Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA440, ENMA489P, ENMA640, or
ENMA698P. Formerly: ENMA489P. Sustaining mechanisms of plasmas are covered, especially low-
pressure electrical gas discharges, fundamental plasma physics, sheath formation, electric and magnetic
field effects, plasma-surface interactions in chemically reactive systems, plasma diagnostic techniques
and selected industrial applications of low pressure plasmas.
ENMA 441 Characterization of Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300. Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department; and senior standing. Credit only granted for:
ENMA489T or ENMA441. Formerly: ENMA489T. Techniques to characterize the properties of
materials whose characteristic dimensions range from nanometers to macroscopic. These include
conventional crystalline and noncrystalline materials, with a special attention to materials of current
technological interest. The course will include recent results from the scientific literature.
ENMA 442 Nanomaterials (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering
department. Credit only granted for: ENMA442 or ENMA489N. Formerly: ENMA489N. An exploration
of materials whose structure places them at the boundary between small objects and large molecules.
Having characteristic dimensions in the range of 1-100 nanometers, these materials are difficult to
synthesize and characterize but are nevertheless at the forefront of science and technology in many fields.
Also, the methods for creating, manipulating and measuring these materials with an emphasis on the
current scientific literature will be covered. The novel properties and potential applications will also be
ENMA 443 Phontonic Materials, Devices and Reliability (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department; and junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for:
ENMA443 or ENMA489Z. Formerly: ENMA489Z. The course focuses on the understanding of the basic
optical processes in semiconductors, dielectrics and organic materials. The application of such materials
in systems composed of waveguides, light emitting diodes and lasers, as well as modulators is developed.
ENMA 445 Liquid Crystals and Structured Soft Materials (3) Prerequisite: MATH246, PHYS270,
and PHYS271. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit
only granted for: ENMA445 or ENMA489L. Formerly: ENMA489L. Elective course on the properties
and behavior of liquid crystals and related soft materials, and their relationship to biomaterials and to
ENMA 460 Physics of Solid Materials (3) Prerequisite: PHYS271, PHYS270, and MATH241.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must be in Engineering: Materials Science program. Also
offered as: PHYS431. Credit only granted for: ENMA460 or PHYS431. Classes of materials; introduction
to basic ideal and real materials' behavior including mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic and optical
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responses of materials; importance of microstructure in behavior. One application of each property will be
discussed in detail.
ENMA 461 Thermodynamics of Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300. Restriction: Junior standing or
higher. Thermodynamic aspects of materials; basic concepts and their application in design and
processing of materials and systems. Topics include: energy, entropy, adiabatic and isothermal processes,
internal and free energy, heat capacity, phase equilibria and surfaces and interfaces.
ENMA 462 Smart Materials (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering
department. Credit only granted for: ENMA462 or ENMA489B. Formerly: ENMA489B. A fundamental
understanding will be provided as it relates to the following topics: ferroic materials, ferromagnets,
ferroelectric materials, shape memory alloys and multiferroic materials that are simultaneously
ferromagnetic and ferroelectric. The ferroic properties will be discussed on an atomic, nano- and micro-
scales so that actual and potential applications on those scales become clear. Examples of those
applications will be presented.
ENMA 463 Macroprocessing of Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300. Restriction: Junior standing or
higher. Processing of modern, bulk engineering materials. Raw materials, forming, firing, finishing and
joining. More emphasis on metals and ceramics than polymers.
ENMA 464 Environmental Effects on Engineering Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300. Or
permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department; and permission of instructor.
Introduction to the phenomena associated with the resistance of materials to damage under severe
environmental conditions. Oxidation, corrosion, stress corrosion, corrosion fatigue and radiation damage
are examined from the point of view of mechanism and influence on the properties of materials. Methods
of corrosion protection and criteria for selection of materials for use in radiation environments.
ENMA 465 Microprocessing Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA363, ENMA489B, or
ENMA465. Formerly: ENMA363. Micro and nanoscale processing of materials. Emphasis on thin film
processing for advanced technologies.
ENMA 466 Advanced Materials Fabrication Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: ENMA465; and permission
of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. This course allows students an opportunity to
study advanced materials systems in depth through a combination of lectures and hands-on laboratory
experiments. Students will be trained in materials processing and characterization techniques. Each
student will fabricate materials and devices in our state-of-the-art nanofabrication clean room facility
(Fablab), as well as evaluate them using a variety of characterization techniques.
ENMA 471 Kinetics, Diffusion and Phase Transformations (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or
be concurrently enrolled in ENMA461. Restriction: Junior standing or higher; or permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Fundamentals of diffusion, the kinetics of reactions
including nucleation and growth and phase transformations in materials.
ENMA 472 Technology and Design of Engineering Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300.
Relationship between properties of solids and their engineering applications. Criteria for the choice of
materials for electronic, mechanical and chemical properties. Particular emphasis on the relationships
between the structure of solids and their potential engineering applications.
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ENMA 473 Engineering Using High Strength Metals and Alloys (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300; and
permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. This is a class focused on the
materials engineering challenges of applying high strength metals and alloys to solutions. The
extraordinary properties of these alloys derive from (1) highly metastable microstructures, (2) high
strengths and melting points of the base metals, (3) complicated processing and fabrication procedures,
and (4) their resulting complex behavior in extreme environments. This course will give you the
knowledge base you need to select, apply and troubleshoot the performance of high strength metals and
alloys in a variety of applications.
ENMA 474 Introduction to Computational Materials Science (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Materials Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA474 or ENMA489A.
Formerly: ENMA489A. This is an introductory course aiming for junior and senior undergraduate
students to study atomistic modeling and simulation techniques that are used in materials science. This
course covers the theories and applications of atomistic scale modeling techniques to simulate,
understand, and predict the properties of materials. Topics include: molecular statics, quantum
mechanical methods, molecular dynamics simulations and Monte Carlo simulations.
ENMA 475 Fundamentals of Diffraction Techniques in Materials Science (3) Prerequisite:
MATH246, PHYS270, and PHYS271. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials Science &
Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA475 or ENMA489M. Formerly: ENMA489M.
This course looks at the advanced methods of x-ray scattering/diffraction available thanks to the more
powerful sources available to us. The availability of these sources enables us to study liquid crystals,
polymers, nanomaterials, quasiorganized materials (including nano) and disordered materials.
ENMA 481 Introduction to Electronic and Optical Materials (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300; or students
who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Electronic, optical and
magnetic properties of materials. Emphasis on materials for advanced optoelectronic and magnetic
devices and the relationship between properties and the processing/fabrication conditions.
ENMA 482 Introduction to Electron Microscopy (3) Prerequisite: PHYS142, PHYS122, or PHYS260.
Credit only granted for: ENMA482 or ENMA489J. Formerly: ENMA489J. An introduction of the basic
principles of operation for modern electron microscopes. Details will be given on the construction of
microscopes, their basic operation, and the types of questions that can be addressed with an electron
microscope. Emphasis will be placed on a conceptual understanding of the underlying theories. Where
appropriate, mathematical descriptions will be utilized. Upon completion of this course, students will be
excepted to have a basic understanding sufficient to give interpretations of microscopy images and to
suggest the correct tool or approach for certain research studies.
ENMA 484 Fundamentals of Finite Element Modeling (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials
Science & Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENMA484 or ENMA489F. Formerly:
ENMA489F. A brief review of mechanical behavior of materials, introduction to Finite Element
Modeling (FEM), and procedures for predicting mechanical behavior of materials by FEM using
computer software (at present ANSYS). The FEM procedures include, setting up the model, mesh
generation, data input and interpretation of the results.
ENMA 487 Capstone Preparation (1) Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Materials Science program;
and senior standing; and permission of ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. In
preparation for the senior level design course, students will do background research and develop white
papers from which teams will form around short listed design projects. The projects should focus on a
society, industry, military or technological based problem in Materials Science and Engineering leading
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to a design and strategy to address the problem in the following course, ENMA 490. The course will
include written and oral presentations of the white papers and team proposals.
ENMA 489 Selected Topics in Engineering Materials (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials
Science & Engineering department. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current
importance in materials science and engineering.
ENMA 490 Materials Design (3) Restriction: Senior standing. Capstone design course. Students work in
teams on projects evaluating a society or industry based materials problem and then design and evaluate a
strategy to minimize or eliminate the problem; includes written and oral presentations.
ENMA 495 Polymeric Engineering Materials I (3) Prerequisite: ENMA300. Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Materials Science & Engineering department. Study of polymeric engineering materials and the
relationship to structural type. Elasticity, viscoelasticity, anelasticity and plasticity of single and
multiphase materials. Emphasis is on polymetric materials.
ENMA 499 Senior Laboratory Project (1-3) Restriction: Senior standing. Students work with a faculty
member on an individual laboratory project in one or more of the areas of engineering materials. Students
will design and carry out experiments, interpret data and prepare a comprehensive laboratory report.
ENME -- Engineering, Mechanical
ENME 201 Careers in Mechanical Engineering (1) The Mechanical Engineering Curriculum, Career
Paths. Research areas in the Mechanical Engineering Department. The Mechanical Engineering
ENME 207 Fabrication and Machine Tool Practices for Engineering (2) Prerequisite: PHYS161. And
ENME272; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. In order to make the best
decisions in product design and development, it is important to understand the capabilities and limitations
of different fabrication techniques. Students will learn to identify machine parts and functions, define
machine shop terminology, calculate shop formulas and theories, execute machine operations, and apply
proper measuring tools.
ENME 242 Building Products that Last - Failure is NOT an Option! (3) Have you ever wondered
why airplanes crash or bridges collapse? Or even why your car is always in the shop or your computer
screen goes blank? This course will let you in on the secret of why engineered products and structures fail
and how designers are changing how they work to make products with higher reliability and longer life-
spans. Even more, it will make you think about the many consequences that arise from failure ranging
from direct replacement cost and legal liability to environmental impact and even changes in government
policies and regulation
ENME 271 Introduction to Matlab (3) Prerequisite: ENES221. Develop the skills to generate readable,
compact and verifiably correct MATLAB scripts and functions to obtain numerical solutions to a wide
range of engineering models and to display the results with fully annotated graphics. Learn structured
ENME 272 Introduction to Computer Aided Design (2) Prerequisite: ENES100; and must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH141. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical
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Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENME 414 or ENME272. Fundamentals of CAD, using
solid modeling packages (Pro/E, SolidWorks, and Autodesk Inventor). Two and three dimensional
drawing. Dimensioning and specifications. Introduction of CAD based analysis tools. Students will
complete a design project.
ENME 331 Fluid Mechanics (3) Prerequisite: ENES232 and ENES221. Also offered as: BIOE331.
Credit only granted for: BIOE331 or ENME331. Principles of fluid mechanics. Mass, momentum and
energy conservation. Hydrostatics. Control volume analysis. Internal and external flow. Boundary layers.
Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis. Laboratory experiments.
ENME 332 Transfer Processes (3) Prerequisite: ENME331. The principles of heat transfer. Conduction
in solids. Convection. Radiation. Modern measurement techniques. Computer analysis.
ENME 350 Electronics and Instrumentation I (3) Prerequisite: PHYS271 and PHYS270. Modern
instrumentation. Basic circuit design, standard microelectronic circuits. Digital data acquisition and
control. Signal conditioning. Instrumentation interfacing. Designing and testing of analog circuits.
Laboratory experiments.
ENME 351 Electronics and Instrumentation II (3) Prerequisite: PHYS271, ENME350, and PHYS270.
Continuation of ENME 350. Modern instrumentation. Basic circuit design, standard microelectronic
circuits. Digital data acquisition and control. Signal conditioning. Instrumentation interfacing. Designing
and testing of analog circuits. Laboratory experiments.
ENME 361 Vibration, Controls and Optimization I (3) Prerequisite: ENES220, ENES221, and
MATH246; and (ENME271 or MATH206). Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Mechanical program.
Fundamentals of vibration, controls and optimization. Analysis and design in time, Laplace and frequency
domains. Mathematical description of system response, system stability, control and optimization.
Optimal design of mechanical systems.
ENME 371 Product Engineering and Manufacturing (3) Prerequisite: ENES221; and (ENME392 or
STAT400). Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Mechanical program. Business aspects of engineering
product development. Relationship of design and manufacturing. Product specification. Statistical process
control. Design team development. The development process.
ENME 382 Introduction to Materials Engineering (3) Prerequisite: ENES100; and permission of
ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Corequisite: MATH241. Recommended: PHYS261 and
PHYS260. Also offered as: ENMA300. Credit only granted for: ENMA300 or ENME382. Structure of
materials, chemical composition, phase transformations, corrosion and mechanical properties of metals,
ceramics, polymers and related materials. Materials selection in engineering applications.
ENME 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
ENME 392 Statistical Methods for Product and Processes Development (3) Prerequisite: MATH241.
Integrated statistical methodology for the improvement of products and processes in terms of
performance, quality and cost. Designed experimentation. Statistical process control. Software
application. Laboratory activities.
ENME 398 Honors Research Project (1-3)
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ENME 400 Machine Design (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
ENME361. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Design of mechanical
elements and planar machines. Failure theories. Design of pressure vessels, joints, rotating elements, and
transmission elements. Kinematic structures, graphical, analytical, and numerical analysis and synthesis
of linkages, gear trains, and flywheels are covered.
ENME 408 Selected Topics in Engineering Design (3) Restriction: Must be in Engineering: Mechanical
program; and senior standing. Or permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Repeatable
to 6 credits if content differs. Creativity and innovation in design. Generalized performance analysis,
reliability and optimization as applied to the design of components and engineering systems. Use of
computers in design of multivariable systems.
ENME 410 Design Optimization (3) Prerequisite: ENME271; or MATH206. Restriction: Permission of
ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department; and junior or senior standing. Introduction to the formal
process of design optimization, including analytical and computational methods. Step by step design
optimization techniques. Design optimization concepts, necessary and sufficient optimality conditions and
solution techniques. Solution evaluation and tradeoff exploration.
ENME 414 Computer-Aided Design (3) Prerequisite: MATH241; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: ENME 414 or ENME272.
Introduction to computer graphics. Plotting and drawing with computer software. Principles of writing
interactive software. The applications of computer graphics in computer-aided design. Computer-aided
design project.
ENME 416 Additive Manufacturing (3) Prerequisite: ENME331. And ENME272; or ENME414.
Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Develop a comprehensive
understanding of fundamental additive manufacturing, 3D printing approaches, including: extrusion-
based deposition, stereolithography, powder bed-based melting, and inkjet-based deposition. Cultivate a
design for-additive manufacturing skillset for CAD and CAM methodologies to produce successful 3D
prints. Fabricate 3D mechanical objects using a variety of 3D printing technologies on campus. Execute a
design project that demonstrates how additive manufacturing technologies can overcome critical
limitations of traditional manufacturing processes.
ENME 421 Engineering Design Ideation (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in ENME371. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Additional information: Ideally, this course
should be taken prior to capstone design. Engineering Design Methods is a technical elective for
engineering students who wish to improve their ability to produce design ideas (i.e., the ideation process)
for further development into conceptual ideas. Ideation is the creative, idea generation activity that
happens at the beginning of the conceptual design process. Ideation methods are often built around
creativity improving strategies and are often designed for individual use prior to presenting the results in a
team setting.
ENME 423 Modern Climate Control and Building Energy Design/Analysis (3) Prerequisite:
ENES232. Corequisite: ENME332. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering
department. Fundamentals and design calculations of heat and moisture transfer in buildings; evaluation
of cooling, heating and power requirements of buildings; building energy consumption simulations, use of
alternative energy and energy conservation measures in buildings; fundamentals of fans/pumps and
air/water distribution in buildings; introduction to refrigeration and energy systems for data centers and
other mission-critical facilities.
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ENME 424 Urban Microclimate and Energy (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in ENME332. Recommended: ENME423. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical
Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENME424 or ENME808I. Urban microclimate from the
perspective of transient heat and mass transfer using building energy simulations for building clusters as
well as LEED building certification criteria. The focus is on understanding building energy consumption
and environmental impacts from the individual building scale to a neighborhood scale.
ENME 426 Production Management (3) Credit only granted for: BMGT385 or ENME426. The basic
concepts and models needed to understand and design manufacturing systems, including the history of
manufacturing, performance measures, queuing systems, variability, production planning and scheduling,
lean manufacturing, and pull production control.
ENME 427 CSI Mechanical: Finding Reasons for Compromised Structural Integity (3) Prerequisite:
ENES220 and ENME382. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department.
Understanding the causes of product failures including the political, societal, economic, environmental,
and ethical impact of these failures, and the strategies to avoid, postpone, or mitigate them. Students will
be encouraged to combine concepts from engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, and the
humanities to address these complex issues. Basics of failure analysis, forensics, and reliability
engineering and the scientific fundamentals underlying the most common types of failure. Issues of legal
liability. Methods for monitoring the existing condition of a structure.
ENME 430 Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Engineering (3) Prerequisite: MATH246. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Fundamental aspects of nuclear physics and
nuclear engineering, including nuclear interactions; various types of radiation and their effects on
materials and humans; and basic reactor physics topics, including simplified theory of reactor critically.
ENME 431 Nuclear Reactor Systems and Safety (3) Prerequisite: ENME430 and MATH246.
Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Also offered as: ENNU465.
Credit only granted for: ENNU465 and ENME431. Engineering, material and thermal aspects of light
water reactors, fast reactors, high temperature gas reactors, heavy water moderated reactors, breeder
reactors, advanced reactors including GEN IV designs. Evolution of light water reactor safety and
regulation in the US that has culminated in the current body of regulations.
ENME 432 Reactor and Radiation Measurements Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: ENME430 and
MATH246. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Also offered as:
ENNU440. Credit only granted for: ENNU440 or ENME432. Basics concepts of nuclear radiation and
radiation detectors including types of radiation, radioactive decay, and interactions of radiation with
ENME 436 Renewable Energy (3) Prerequisite: ENME331. Restriction: Must be in a major within the
ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENME489K or ENME436.
Formerly: ENME489K. Fundamentals, design/analysis tools, and state of the art renewable energy
technologies. Energy resources and global perspectives of current and future energy demand/consumption
trends, followed by prime renewable energy technologies, including wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and
ocean thermal energy conversion. Economics of renewable energy, energy conservation opportunities,
CO2 capture and storage, and thermal energy storage.
ENME 440 Applied Machine Learning for Engineering and Design (3) Prerequisite: ENME392; or
permission of instructor. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Credit
only granted for: ENME440, ENME808E, or ENME743. Learn how to apply techniques from Artificial
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Intelligence and Machine Learning to solve engineering problems and design new products or systems.
Design and build a personal or research project that demonstrates how computational learning algorithms
can solve difficult tasks in areas you are interested in. Master how to interpret and transfer state-of-the-art
techniques from computer science to practical engineering situations and make smart implementation
ENME 442 Information Security (3) Restriction: Must have Senior standing in engineering; and
permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Also offered as: ENRE684. Credit only
granted for: ENRE648J, ENME442, ENRE684, or ENPM808E. The materials presented are divided into
three major components: overview, detailed concepts and implementation techniques. The topics to be
covered are: general security concerns and concepts from both a technical and management point of view,
principles of security, architectures, access control and multi-level security, trojan horses, covert
channels, trap doors, hardware security mechanism, security models, security kernels, formal
specifications and verification, networks and distribution systems and risk analysis.
ENME 444 Assistive Robotics (3) Prerequisite: ENME351. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. Fundamentals of assistive robots used in a wide varietyof ways to
help humans with disabilities. Three application areas will be covered: (1) Rehabilitation robotics to
recover motor function from neurologic injuries such as stroke, (2) Prosthetics to enable mobility function
in amputees, and (3) Social robotics for cognitive impairment and developmental disorders such as
autism. Theory behind different control systems employed by assistive robotics, as well as the mechanical
design, sensors & actuators, and user interfaces behind representative robots in the respective areas.
Guidelines for designing assistive robots. Ethical and regulatory considerations in the design of assistive
ENME 445 Design for Reliability (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Failure prevention, accident
prevention, design requirements analysis, designing right the first time, high system reliability, software
reliability, manufacturing defect prevention, life cycle costs reduction, design reviews, managing the
design for reliability, design trustworthiness, product durability, and writing good specifications are
ENME 454 Vehicle Dynamics (3) Corequisite: ENME361. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. The fundamentals of passenger vehicle and light truck design and
vehicle dynamics are covered. The engineering principles associated with acceleration, braking, handling,
ride quality, aerodynamics, and tire mechanics are discussed, as well as suspension and steering design.
ENME 461 Control Systems Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: ENME351 and ENME361. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENEE461 or
ENME461. Students will design, implement, and test controllers for a variety of systems. This will
enhance their understanding of feedback control familiarize them with the characteristics and limitations
of real control devices. Students will also complete a small project. This will entail writing a proposal,
purchasing parts for their controller, building the system, testing it, and writing a final report describing
what they have done.
ENME 462 Vibrations, Controls, and Optimization II (3) Prerequisite: ENME351 and ENME361.
Continuation of ENME 361. Fundamentals of vibration, controls, and optimization. Analysis and design
in time, Laplace and frequency domains. Mathematical descriptions of system response, system stability,
control and optimization. Optimal design of mechanical systems.
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ENME 464 Cost Analysis for Engineers (3) Prerequisite: ENME392; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. An introduction to the financial and cost analysis aspects of product
engineering. Introduces key elements of traditional engineering economics including interest, present
worth, depreciation, taxes, inflation, financial statement analysis, and return on investment. Provides an
introduction to cost modeling as it applies to product manufacturing and support. Cost modeling topics
will include: manufacturing cost analysis, life-cycle cost modeling (reliability and warranty), and cost of
ENME 465 Probability-Based Design (3) Prerequisite: MATH206 and ENME392. Restriction:
Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Review of probabilistic distributions,
introduction to pseudo-random number generation, and algorithms to produce probability distributions
using Monte Carlo simulation via Matlab and other approaches to best design probabilistic engineering
ENME 466 Lean Six Sigma (3) Prerequisite: ENME392, BMGT230, or STAT400; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. This course intends to provide in-
depth understanding of Lean Six Sigma and its Define - Mearsure - Analyze - Improve - Control
(DMAIC) Breakthrough Improvement Strategy. The emphasis is placed on the DMAIC process which is
reinforced via application of semester long corporate projects and case study analysis.
ENME 467 Engineering for Social Change (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical
Engineering department; and junior standing or higher. Critical analysis of issues at the intersection of
engineering, philanthropy and social change. How engineering design, products and processes have
impacted social change in the past and will do so in the future. Topics covered include energy,
sustainability and climate change, autonomy, the digital future, low cost engineering, manufacturing,
ethics and the impact of electronics on society. Faculty and external experts will engage with students on
these topics. Students will award a significant amount of grant money to an organization involved in
technology for social change
ENME 470 Finite Element Analysis (3) Restriction: Senior standing; and permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. Basic concepts of the theory of the finite element method.
Applications in solid mechanics and heat transfer.
ENME 472 Integrated Product and Process Development (3) Prerequisite: ENME371. Integration of
product development with the development process. Design strategies. Product architecture. Design for
manufacturing. Selection of materials. Design for assembly.
ENME 473 Mechanical Design of Electronic Systems (3) Design considerations in the packaging of
electronic systems. Production of circuit boards and design of electronic assemblies. Vibration, shock,
fatigue and thermal considerations.
ENME 474 Design in Electronic Product Development (3) Prerequisite: ENME473. Merges
technology, analysis, and design concepts into a single focused activity that results in the completed
design of an electronic product. A set of product requirements are obtained from an industry partner, the
students create a specification for the product, iterate the specification with the industry partner, then
design and analyze the product. Students will get hands-on experience using real design implementation
tools for requirements capture, tradeoff analysis, scheduling, physical design and verification. Issues
associated with transferring of the design to manufacturing and selection of manufacturing facilities will
also be addressed.
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ENME 476 Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) I (3) Restriction: Senior standing. Credit only
granted for: ENME476 or ENME489F. Formerly: ENME489F. Fundamentals of microelectromechanical
systems (MEMS). Introduction to transducers and markets. MEMS fabrication processes and materials,
including bulk micromachining, wet etching, dry etching, surface micromachining, sacrificial layers, film
deposition, bonding, and non-traditional micromachining. Introduction to the relevant solid state physics,
including crystal lattices, band structure, semiconductors, and doping. The laboratory covers safety,
photolithography, profilometry, wet etching.
ENME 477 Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) II (3) Prerequisite: ENME476. Fabrication of
devices designed in MEMS I, including everything from mask printing through training on state-of-the-
art fabrication equipment through device testing. In-depth understanding of MEMS devices and
technologies, such as mechanical and electromagnetic transducers, microfluidics, and chemical sensors.
ENME 481 Lab-on-a-Chip Microsystems (3) Restriction: Senior standing; and permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. Credit only granted for: ENME481, ENME808E, ENME740.
Formerly: ENME489E. Fundamentals and application of lab-on-a-chip and microfluidic technologies. A
broad view of the field of microfluidics, knowledge of relevant fabrication methods and analysis
techniques, and an understanding of the coupled multi-domain phenomena that dominate the physics in
these systems.
ENME 483 Physics of Turbulent Flow (3) Prerequisite: ENME331. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. Also offered as: ENME656. Credit only granted for: ENME483 or
ENME656. Specific problems of turbulent flow including automobile and truck aerodynamics and
canonical flows including pipes, jets and boundary layers that are measured and simulated to gain basic
understanding of turbulence. A goal of the course is to impart the necessary background for students to be
able to critically assess and most effectively employ the turbulent flow prediction codes (e.g. Fluent) that
are a mainstay of how turbulence is analyzed in modern industries.
ENME 484 Analysis of Turbulent Flow (3) Prerequisite: ENME331. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. Also offered as: ENME657. Credit only granted for: ENME484 or
ENME657. Relentless growth in the speed and size of supercomputers has encouraged the ever expanding
use of numerical simulation in the practice of fluids engineering. For the flow past ground vehicles, in the
urban grid, re-entering rockets, helicopters landing on ships at sea and countless other examples, the flow
is turbulent, and simulation is becoming or will one day become the methodology of choice in analyzing
and designing such technologies. The goal of this course is to give an introduction to the analysis of
turbulent flow via simulation and the modeling that is used in its development. Among the questions to be
considered: What can one hope to learn from flow simulation? What are the strengths of the approach and
what obstacles inhibit its application? What kind of physical considerations are required in setting up
simulations? How does one analyze the results of a simulation?
ENME 486 Computational Modeling, Simulation, and Interactive Visualization (3) Restriction:
Senior standing; and permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering department. Creation of interactive
graphic displays from the numerical simulation of mechanical engineering models. Brief description of
each model provided, along with varied parameters to explore models' characteristics. Conclusions drawn
from use of each interactive graphic. Mathematica language introduced and interwoven with the
numerical simulation of the models, which will include: robotics and mechanisms, static response of
beams, control systems, measurement systems, fluid flow, vibrations, geometric modeling, finite element
analysis, and nonlinear phenomena.
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ENME 488 Special Problems (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Mechanical Engineering
department. Advanced problems in mechanical engineering with special emphasis on mathematical and
experimental methods.
ENME 489 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Selected topics of current importance in
mechanical engineering.
ENNU -- Engineering, Nuclear
ENNU 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Must have Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor; and junior
standing or higher.
ENNU 398 Honors Research Project (1-3)
ENNU 468 Research (2-3) Restriction: Permission of instructor; and permission of ENGR-Materials
Science & Engineering department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Investigation of a research project under the
direction of one of the staff members. Comprehensive reports are required.
ENNU 489 Special Topics in Nuclear Engineering (3) Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Materials
Science & Engineering department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current
importance in nuclear engineering.
ENRE -- Reliability Engineering
ENRE 447 Fundamentals of Reliability Engineering (3) Credit only granted for: ENRE445 or
ENRE447. Formerly: ENRE445. Topics covered include: fundamental understanding of how things fail,
probabilistic models to represent failure phenomena, life-models for non-repairable items, reliability data
collection and analysis, software reliability models, and human reliability models.
ENRE 489 Special Topics in Reliability Engineering (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ENGR-
Mechanical Engineering department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics of current
importance in reliability engineering.
ENSP -- Environmental Science and Policy
ENSP 101 Introduction to Environmental Science (3) One of two required courses that introduce
students to the topics studied and methods employed in environmental science and policy. Emphasis on
scientific ways of knowing; the systems, cycles, flows, and interfaces that characterize the atmosphere,
lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere; the analysis of human impacts on these systems; and the nature
of scientific uncertainty and methods of quantifying environmental processes.
ENSP 102 Introduction to Environmental Policy (3) Additional information: May be taken before or
after ENSP101. Second of two courses that introduce students to the topics studied and methods
employed in environmental science and policy. Emphasis on the process of formulating, implementing,
and evaluating policy responses to environmental problems, with particular attention to policy
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controversies related to scientific uncertainty, risk assessment, the valuation of nature, and distributional
equity. May be taken before or after ENSP101.
ENSP 305 Applied Quantitative Methods in Environmental Science and Policy (3) Prerequisite:
BIOM301, ECON321, GEOG306, PSYC200, or SOCY201; and (ENSP101 and ENSP102). And
MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140; or must have completed MATH220. Restriction: Must be in a
major in AGNR-Dean-Environmental Science & Policy Program; or permission of AGNR-Dean-
Environmental Science & Policy Program. Credit only granted for: ENSP305 or AREC382. Additional
information: Applied topics covered in this course will supplement coursework in introductory statistics
and mathematics; this course is not intended for students with significant previous advanced data analysis
or statistical experience. Intended for students interested in pursuing career or graduate research
opportunities that will include management of environmental databases, detailed analysis of
environmental data, and/or application of predictive environmental models. Students will learn necessary
skills to manage and analyze environmental data through hands-on training in commonly used software
and a series of topical case studies. Data analysis and data management will be taught using publicly
available real-world environmental data sets.
ENSP 330 Introduction to Environmental Law (3) Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Dean-
Environmental Science & Policy Program. Recommended: ENSP101; and ENSP102. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher. Credit only granted for: ENSP330 or ENSP399A. Formerly: ENSP399A. An
overview of environmental law, from its common law roots to its role in the modern regulatory state,
including an examination of major federal environment statutes and the policy debates inherent in them.
Other areas covered include civil and criminal enforcement, standing to sue, land use control, and
regulatory takings.
ENSP 340 Water: Science, Ethics, and Policy (3) Prerequisite: ENSP101 and ENSP102. Restriction:
Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits; and permission of instructor. Credit only granted for:
ENSP340 or ENSP399B. Formerly: ENSP399B. Exploration of the science, policy, and ethical aspects of
water resource protection and management. Focus on water pollution, water availability, ecosystems, and
ENSP 342 Environmental Threats to Oceans and Coasts: Towards an Integrated Policy Response
(3) Prerequisite: ENSP101 and ENSP102. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits; and
permission of Environmental Science and Policy program. Credit only granted for: ENSP399A or
ENSP342. Formerly: ENSP399A. An interdisciplinary study of the challenges of maintaining the health
and vitality of oceans and coasts in the face of climate change, extreme weather, and other threats
including pollution, and oil and gas development. Exploration of four broad themes: resource
management, conservation and stewardship, pollution, and coastal zone management. Also, an analysis of
current efforts to integrate these themes through ecosystem-based management; marine spatial planning;
and related policy responses.
ENSP 350 Energy Resources: Science and Policy in the 21st Century (3) Prerequisite: ENSP101 and
ENSP102. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits; and permission of AGNR-Dean-
Environmental Science & Policy Program. Credit only granted for: ENST405, ENSP350, ENST605, or
MEES698Z. Energy resource production and consumption, including historical context, current trends in
the U.S. and globally, and social and environmental implications. Includes fuel-source formation, history
of use, modern trends in consumption, production, pricing and trade, reserves and resources,
environmental and social impacts, future outlook and potential new technologies related to energy
efficiency and conservation.
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ENSP 386 Internship (3-6) Restriction: Must have internship proposal approved by the concentration
advisor, the director of ENSP and the student's internship sponsor.
ENSP 399 Special Topics in Environmental Science and Policy (1-3) Restriction: Must be in
Environmental Science and Policy program; or permission of AGNR-Dean-Environmental Science &
Policy Program. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. A substantive and specialized examination of
contemporary issues in environmental science or policy.
ENSP 400 Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy (3) Prerequisite: ENSP101; and ENSP102.
Restriction: Senior standing; or permission of the Director of ENSP. And must be in Environmental
Science and Policy program. Integration of physical, biological, and social sciences with applications to
environmental science and policy. Problem-solving and multi-disciplinary case study evaluations
pertinent to contemporary and future issues related to the environment.
ENSP 499 Honors Thesis Research (1-6) Restriction: Must be in the ENSP Honors program; and
permission of AGNR-Dean-Environmental Science & Policy Program. Repeatable to 6 credits. Individual
research, thesis, and oral defense. The research project will be conducted under the supervision of a
faculty member.
ENST -- Environmental Science and Technology
ENST 100 International Crop Production-Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century (3) Credit only
granted for: ENST100 or NRSC100. Formerly: NRSC100. Examines the role of crop production in
elevating humans out of poverty in developing countries. It will introduce students to the basic principles
of plant and soil science underlying the international production of food crops and world food security.
The role of multinational agencies such as the World Bank in the promotion of sustainable crop
production using environmentally-sound technologies will also be discussed.
ENST 140 Sustainability and History: The Maryland Experience (3) Examines the changing nature of
concern over sustainability through the environmental history of the state of Maryland. The historical
approach, supplemented by discussion of the basic scientific processes underlying ecosystem functions
and human impacts on the environment, reveals both enduring and changing qualities of the search for
sustainable patterns of living, beginning before 17th century European contact and continuing on into the
environmental concerns of our own time.
ENST 200 Fundamentals of Soil Science (4) Corequisite: CHEM131 and CHEM132; or permission of
AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology department. Credit only granted for: ENST200 or
NRSC200. Formerly: NRSC200. Study and management of soils as natural bodies, media for plant
growth, and ecosystem components. Morphology, composition, formation, and conservation of soils.
Chemical, biological, and physical properties are discussed in relation to the production of plants, the
functioning of hydrologic and nutrient cycles, the protection of environmental quality, and engineering
uses of soils.
ENST 214 Introduction to Fish and Wildlife Sciences (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or
BSCI106. Lectures, discussion, and readings in social, biological, and human dimension issues facing
fisheries and wildlife biologists and natural resource managers in the United States. Coverage will include
history and philosophical discussions of fish and wildlife sciences; conservation and management;
principles of community, habitat, and animal ecology and management; and interrelations of wildlife,
fish, and forestry.
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ENST 233 Introduction to Environmental Health (3) How humans are affected by the quality of our
air, water, soil, and food supply as well as how human activities altered these survival necessities are
examined. Students will learn how the evolution and prosperity of human populations have resulted in
degradation of our environment and the impact of environmental degradation on the health of people.
ENST 281 Computer Aided Design in Ecology (3) Restriction: Must be in Environmental Sci & Tech
program. Basics of Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) applied to design of constructed ecosystems.
Introduction to dynamic ecosystem modeling with iconographic simulation software. Course will spend 6
weeks on CAD and 8 weeks on modeling. Use of campus stormwater wetland as case study.
ENST 301 Field Soil Morphology I (1) Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Environmental Science &
Technology department. Formerly: ENST308. This is a field-oriented course that introduces students to
the techniques used to (1) describe soil morphology, and site and profile characteristics, (2) make land use
interpretations based on soil characteristics, and (3) classify soils. This class is designed to prepare
students for the Regional Collegiate Soil Judging Contest and for students to gain experience in the
description and interpretation of soils in the field.
ENST 302 Field Soil Morphology II (1) Prerequisite: ENST301. Restriction: Permission of AGNR-
Environmental Science & Technology department. Formerly: ENST308. This is the second field-oriented
course in a three course sequence that provides intermediate training for students in the techniques used to
(1) describe soil morphology, and site and profile characteristics, (2) make land use interpretations based
on soil characteristics, and (3) classify soils. This class is designed to prepare students for the Regional
Collegiate Soil Judging Contest and for students to gain experience in the description and interpretation of
soils in the field.
ENST 303 Field Soil Morphology III (1) Prerequisite: ENST302. Restriction: Permission of AGNR-
Environmental Science & Technology department. Formerly: ENST308. This is the third field-oriented
course in a three course sequence that provides intermediate training for students in the techniques used to
(1) describe soil morphology, and site and profile characteristics, (2) make land use interpretations based
on soil characteristics, and (3) classify soils. This class is designed to prepare students for the Regional
Collegiate Soil Judging Contest and for students to gain experience in the description and interpretation of
soils in the field.
ENST 309 Advanced Field Soil Morphology (1) Prerequisite: ENST301. Restriction: Permission of
AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology department. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. This
is a field-oriented course that provides advanced training for students in the techniques used to (1)
describe soil morphology, and site and profile characteristics, (2) make land use interpretations based on
soil characteristics, and (3) classify soils. This class is designed to prepare students for the National
Collegiate Soil Judging Contest and for students to gain experience in the description and interpretation of
soils in the field. Students will be exposed to a variety of soil landscapes and geology from outside of the
northeastern U.S.
ENST 314 Fisheries Management and Sustainability (3) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or
BSCI106. Or ENST214; and 1 course from MATH113-499 course range. Or permission of AGNR-
Environmental Science & Technology department. A detailed look at the ecology, management, and
sustainability of fisheries resources. Concepts on human and ecological dimensions are emphasized.
ENST 333 Ecosystem Health and Protection (3) Prerequisite: ENST233. Restriction: Must be in one of
the following programs (Environmental Sci & Tech: Ecological Tech Design; Environmental Sci & Tech:
Environmental Health; Environmental Sci & Tech: Soil & Watershed Science; Environmental Sci &
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Tech: Natural Resources Mgmt; Environmental Sci & Tech). Credit only granted for: ENST499A or
ENST333. Formerly: ENST499A. Discussion of the philosophies, principles, and practices for assessing
ecosystem health with emphasis on an ecosystem perspective rather than a human health perspective.
Degradation associated with human activities will be emphasized. Topics will range from local to
regional to global issues, including a discussion on global warming and its possible impacts on
ecosystems. Concepts will be clarified using case histories from the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
ENST 334 Environmental Toxicology (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131, CHEM132, and BSCI207; or
permission of AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology department. Concepts and case histories in
ecotoxicology. Emphasis on origin and variety of environmental pollutants, routes of biological exposure,
modes of toxicological action and effects on individual organisms, populations and ecosystems.
Ecotoxicological issues in the Chesapeake Bay will be used as examples.
ENST 360 Ecosystem Ecology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. Restriction: Must
be in one of the following programs (Environmental Sci & Tech: Ecological Tech Design; Environmental
Sci & Tech: Environmental Health; Environmental Sci & Tech: Soil & Watershed Science;
Environmental Sci & Tech: Natural Resources Mgmt; Environmental Sci & Tech). The study of ecology
has a long and interesting history, from early society's efforts to understand and alter their environment as
a matter of survival to the challenges the modern world is facing that are global in scale. Through the
course text, distributed supplemental chapter readings and an understanding of the scientific literature,
this course will cover the essential concepts and principles of ecosystem ecology as well as its history and
past and present controversies. Several of the basic methods and tools of field research and the applied
management of ecosystems will be discussed and demonstrated with several field excursions in the
natural environs of the DC area. Central to this course will be the understanding that modern human
society is an integral part of nature, with the power to impact and influence elements of the natural world
at multiple scales. An analysis of policy implications for the biosphere will be discussed.
ENST 373 Natural History of the Chesapeake Bay (3) Also offered as: BSCI373. Credit only granted
for: BSCI373, ENST373, or ENST499G. Formerly: ENST499G. Consideration of the major groups of
organisms associated with the Chesapeake Bay and current issues that determine humans' present and
future uses for the Chesapeake and its biota.
ENST 388 Honors Thesis Research (3-6) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only granted
for: NRMT388, NRSC388, or ENST388. Formerly: NRSC388. Undergraduate honors thesis research
conducted under the direction of an AGNR faculty member in partial fulfillment of the requirements of
the College of AGNR Honors Program. The thesis will be defended to a faculty committee.
ENST 389 Internship (3) Restriction: Must be in Environmental Sci & Tech program. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Formerly: NRSC389 and NRMT389. Credit will be granted for practical work
carried out by students placed in work environment related to their stated career goals. Students must do
an in-depth study in some portion of the work experience and produce a special project or report related to
this study. A student work log is also recommended. An evaluation from the external supervisor of the
project will be required. Credit arranged with supervising faculty member.
ENST 404 Ecological and Natural Resources Ethics (3) Prerequisite: ENST214 and ENST360.
Recommended: ENST314, ENST410, and ENST460. Restriction: Senior standing or higher. Also offered
as: ENST604. Credit only granted for: ENST604 or ENST404. Bridges science and management with
ethical theory and concepts to help scientists, regulators, and managers understand how to deal with
potential ethical dilemmas that arise in natural resource and environmental management implementation
and policy development.
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ENST 405 Energy and Environment (3) Prerequisite: MATH140 or MATH120; or must have
completed MATH220. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. And must be in Environmental Sci & Tech
program; or must be in Environmental Sci & Tech: Ecological Tech Design program; or must be in
Environmental Sci & Tech: Environmental Health program; or must be in Environmental Sci & Tech:
Soil & Watershed Science program; or must be in Environmental Sci & Tech: Natural Resources Mgmt
program. Also offered as: ENST605. Credit only granted for: ENST405, ENSP350, ENST605,
NRMT489Z, or MEES698Z. Formerly: NRMT489Z. Introduction to the role of energy in environmental
and human-dominated systems. Discussion of the historical and modern production and consumption of
energy. Introduction to energy systems computer simulation and energy auditing.
ENST 406 Applied Forestry Practices (3) Prerequisite: ENST200. And ENST360; or PLSC471. Also
offered as: PLSC475. Credit only granted for: ENST406 or PLSC475. Focuses on the applied dynamics
of a set of forest practices such as management, silviculture, measurement and inventory, preparation of a
management plan, etc, within the urban/rural interface. Several field trips are included to gain hands-on
ENST 410 Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Analysis (3) Prerequisite: ENST360 or BSCI361; or
permission of instructor. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Environmental Sci &
Tech: Ecological Tech Design; Environmental Sci & Tech; Environmental Sci & Tech: Natural
Resources Mgmt; Environmental Sci & Tech: Soil & Watershed Science; Environmental Sci & Tech:
Environmental Health). The importance of our ecosystems and the services they provide will be
discussed. Basic principles used to analyze ecosystem services will be discussed and applied using case
studies & field exercises. Forestland, wetlands and our marine resources are increasingly recognized for
their ecosystem services provided to society, to include clean air and water, wildlife habitat, biodiversity,
carbon storage and pollination services. This course will prepare students to deal with the complex issues
involved in understanding those and other ecosystem services and their importance to society and
environmental sustainability. Slowly, new markets are emerging for these services. Students will analyze
the ecological, policy and financial dimensions of enhancing, restoring, and sustaining ecosystem
services. New and on-going government programs and private business ventures will be discussed.
ENST 411 Principles of Soil Fertility (3) Prerequisite: ENST200; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Also offered as: ENST611. Credit only granted for:
ENST411 or NRSC411. Formerly: NRSC411. Soil factors affecting plant growth and quality with
emphasis on the bio-availability of mineral nutrients. The management of soil systems to enhance plant
growth by means of crop rotations, microbial activities, and use of organic and inorganic amendments.
ENST 414 Soil Morphology, Genesis and Classification (4) Prerequisite: ENST200. Credit only
granted for: ENST414 or NRSC414. Formerly: NRSC414. Processes and factors of soil genesis.
Taxonomy of soils of the world by U.S. System. Soil morphological characteristics, composition,
classification, survey and field trips to examine and describe soils.
ENST 415 Renewable Energy (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131, PHYS121, and MATH113; or permission of
AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology department. Restriction: Must be in a major within AGNR-
Environmental Science & Technology department. An overview of renewable energy technologies and
their current applications. Emphasis will be placed on technological readiness, efficiency and
sustainability of renewable energy alternatives. Technologies include solar thermal, photovoltaics,
biodiesel, ethanol, anaerobic digestion, wind, hydroelectric, and microbial fuel cells.
ENST 417 Soil Hydrology and Physics (3) Prerequisite: ENST200; and (MATH113 or MATH115). Or
permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: ENST417 or NRSC417. Formerly: NRSC417. A study
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of soil water interactions: the hydrologic cycle; the unique properties of water and soil; the soil
components and their interactions; the field water cycle; transport processes involving water, heat and
solutes; human effects on soil and groundwater; as well as the measurement, prediction, and control of the
physical processes taking place in and through the soil.
ENST 421 Soil Chemistry (4) Prerequisite: ENST200. Credit only granted for: ENST421 or NRSC421.
Formerly: NRSC421. The chemistry and composition of mineral and organic colloids in soils, including
ion exchange, oxidation-reduction, acidity, surface charge, and solution chemistry. Lectures and readings
pertain to plant nutrition, waste disposal, and groundwater quality.
ENST 422 Soil Microbial Ecology (3) Prerequisite: ENST200; or 1 course in BCHM; or must have
completed a course in microbiology; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may
contact the department. Also offered as: ENST622. Credit only granted for: ENST422 or NRSC422.
Formerly: NRSC422. The interdisciplinary study of soil microorganisms and their interactions with the
mineral matrix; resulting in processes such as nutrient cycling, decontamination, and natural product
production. We will focus on the diversity of soil communities, their survival strategies, and the new
strategies used to study these communities.
ENST 423 Soil-Water Pollution (3) Prerequisite: CHEM104 and ENST200; and permission of AGNR-
Environmental Science & Technology department. Credit only granted for: ENST423 or NRSC423.
Reaction and fate of pesticides, agricultural fertilizers, industrial and animal wastes in soil and water with
emphasis on their relation to the environment.
ENST 424 Field Study in Soil Morphology (4) Prerequisite: ENST200. Credit only granted for:
ENST424 or NRSC424. Formerly: NRSC424. Additional information: Students must pay a $300 course
activities fee. The fundamentals of making morphological descriptions of soils, using standard techniques,
terminology, and abbreviations of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Given a regional perspective and
reasonable assumptions regarding soil properties, students should become competent to classify soils
which they have described in the field and also make interpretations concerning the suitability of soils for
various potential uses.
ENST 430 Wetland Soils (3) Prerequisite: ENST200. Credit only granted for: ENST430, ENST630, or
NRSC461. Formerly: NRSC461. The soils of wetlands including hydrology, chemistry, and genesis are
discussed. Federal and regional guidelines for wetland soils are covered with an emphasis on validating
interpretations through field observations.
ENST 432 Environmental Microbiology (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131 and CHEM132. And BSCI170
and BSCI171; or BSCI105. Credit only granted for: ENST432 or ENST499M. Formerly: ENST499M.
Microorganisms are everywhere and mediate many of the processes that we observe everyday. These
organisms are the unseen catalysts for numerous industrial processes and are critical to many emerging
technologies and novel products. Environmental microbiologists ask: How do microorganisms in the
environment benefit society? This course will answer this question by examining microbes in
bioremediation, food safety, climate change, and biotechnology.
ENST 434 Toxic Contaminants: Sources, Fate, and Effects (3) Prerequisite: ENST333 and ENST334.
Study of the release to the environment, transport through natural compartments, persistence and ultimate
fate of various classes of contaminants produced as a result of human activities. Topics will culminate in
discussions of impacts to wildlife and human health. Students should emerge with a practical appreciation
of the actual risks from exposure to a variety of environmental contaminants and an understanding of the
environmental and human health implications of continuing the contaminating activities.
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ENST 436 Emerging Environmental Threats (3) Prerequisite: ENST233; or permission of AGNR-
Environmental Science & Technology department. Examine new and potential environmental concerns in
the air, water, soil, space, and the built environment. Emphasis on studying the intrinsic links between
ecosystem and human health. Topics will include climate change, resource consumption, biodiversity
change, infectious disease, non-traditional pollutants, and other complex and significant environmental
ENST 440 Crops, Soils and Civilization (3) Credit only granted for: ENST440 or NRSC440. Formerly:
NRSC440. Role and importance of crop and soil resources in the development of human civilization.
History of crop and soil use and management as they relate to the persistence of ancient and modern
ENST 441 Sustainable Agriculture (3) Credit only granted for: ENST441 or NRSC441. Formerly:
NRSC441. Environmental, social and economic needs for alternatives to the conventional, high-input
farming systems which currently predominate in industrial countries. Strategies and practices that
minimize the use of non-renewable resources.
ENST 443 Industrial Ecology (3) Prerequisite: (MATH140 or MATH120; or must have completed
MATH220); and BSCI361. Or permission of AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology department.
Also offered as: ENST643. Credit only granted for: ENST443, ENST643, or MEES698J. Problems of
waste management and recycling in human societies are covered. The industrial ecology approach to
design is contrasted with analogous patterns and processes from natural ecosystems.
ENST 445 Ecological Risk Assessment (3) Prerequisite: ENST360 or BSCI361; and (BIOM301 and
ENST334). Or permission of AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology department. Assessment of
ecological impacts of perturbations on natural systems. Course will describe quantitative methods for
estimating environmental impacts by extrapolating from laboratory and field data. The role of regulatory
agencies and implications of scientific uncertainty on risk management will be covered.
ENST 450 Wetland Ecology (3) Prerequisite: BIOM301; or permission of AGNR-Environmental
Science & Technology department. Credit only granted for: ENST450, NRMT450, or MEES650.
Formerly: NRMT450. Plant and animal communities, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem properties of
wetland systems. Laboratory emphasizes collection and analysis of field data on wetland vegetation, soil,
and hydrology.
ENST 452 Wetland Restoration (3) Prerequisite: (BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106); and (BSCI362,
ENST450, ENST360, or BSCI361). Or permission of AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology
department. Credit only granted for: ENST452, ENST652, or MEES652. Design, construction, and
evaluation of wetlands restored or created to provide ecosystem services or to mitigate losses due to
development. Topics include fundamental properties of wetlands, ecological restoration theory, site
selection and goal-setting, design plans, practices for establishing wetland hydrology, substrate, and
vegetation, and restored ecosystem monitoring. Two mandatory Saturday field trips will be held (dates to
be announced); waterproof boots or waders are recommended for field trips.
ENST 453 Watershed Science: Water Balance, Open Channel Flow, and Near Surface Hydrology
(3) Credit only granted for: ENST453 or ENST653. Concepts of surface water balance, surface radiative
flux, precipitation and evaporation measurements.
ENST 460 Principles of Wildlife Management (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed two semesters of
biology laboratory; and (ENST360; or BSCI361). Or permission of AGNR-Environmental Science &
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Technology department. Credit only granted for: ENST460 or NRMT460. Formerly: NRMT460.
Ecological principles and requirements of wildlife as basis for management, and introduction to the
scientific literature. Conflicts in wildlife management, government administration of wildlife resources,
legislation, and history of the wildlife management profession.
ENST 461 Urban Wildlife Management (3) Credit only granted for: ENST461 or NRMT461.
Formerly: NRMT461. Ecology and management of wildlife in urban areas. For students in biological
sciences, geography, landscape design, natural resources management, recreation and urban studies.
Planning, design, and wildlife conservation in landscape ecology. Public attitudes, preferences, and
values, review of private conservation organizations.
ENST 462 Field Techniques in Wildlife Management (3) Prerequisite: ENST460. And BSCI160 and
BSCI161; or BSCI106. And BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105. Recommended: ENST461. Restriction:
Permission of AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources. Credit only granted for: ENST462,
NRMT462, or NRMT489B. Formerly: NRMT462. Hands-on experience with field techniques in wildlife
management focusing on various methods of conducting indices, estimates, and censuses of wildlife
populations. Includes capture and handling of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals by use of drift
fences, cover boards, mist nets, box traps, and dart guns.
ENST 463 Wildlife Habitat and Population Modeling (3) Prerequisite: ENST460 and GEOG373; and
(MATH120; or must have completed MATH220). Or permission of AGNR-Environmental Science &
Technology department. Restriction: Must be in Environmental Sci & Tech program; and must be in
Environmental Science and Policy program. Students will gain basic tools for the analysis and modeling
of wildlife population demographics and wildlife habitat. This class will be broken into two components:
1) will teach students techniques of modeling wildlife field data for the purpose of estimation of key
parameters such as population size, viability, and other demographic rates using programs such as
Riskman, Vortex, and Mark; 2) will teach students real world techniques used to determine and model
habitat use on multiple scales using statistical analyses, GIS, and stand-alone programs such as Home
Ranger and Biomapper. This class is designed for wildlife and natural resources majors.
ENST 466 Ecology and Management of Wildlife Habitats (3) Recommended: ENST460. Introduction
to general concepts of wildlife habitat ecology and management. Specifically,land use practices on public
and private lands and how these practices influence wildlife production. Conduct wildlife habitat
evaluations and options for alterations/manipulations to achieve specific management goals. The class
will culminate with the creation and planning of a wildlife management plan.
ENST 467 Ecology and Management of Wildlife Habitats Lab (2) Corequisite: ENST466. An
introduction to the principles of wildlife habitat data analysis applied at the population level. This class
will teach students real world techniques used to determine and model habitat use on multiple scales. This
lab course complements the material covered in ENST 466.
ENST 471 Capstone I (2) This course will be conducted in a group discussion format that will focus on
professional project proposal preparation and presentation, critical evaluation of environmental science
research, professional development, and career planning. Students will develop and present original
project proposals and critique project proposals presented by others.
ENST 472 Capstone II (3) Prerequisite: ENST471. Restriction: Must be in a major within AGNR-
Environmental Science & Technology department; and permission of AGNR-Environmental Science &
Technology department. This course is the second in a two-part series. Students will continue work on
projects proposed and begun in ENST471. Focus on professional project preparation, presentation, critical
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evaluation on environmental science research, professional development, and career planning. Students
will develop and present original projects and critique projects presented by others.
ENST 479 Tropical Ecology and Resource Management (1-6) Prerequisite: Must have completed an
introductory economics course. And BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106. Restriction: Permission of
instructor. Repeatable to 10 credits if content differs. Formerly: NRMT479. Tropical ecosystems and
issues of human use and impact. Includes lectures which lead up to an off-campus trip in a tropical
ENST 481 Ecological Design (3) Prerequisite: (MATH120 or MATH140; or must have completed
MATH220); and (PHYS121 and CHEM131); and (BSCI361; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department). Or permission of instructor. Restriction: Permission of
AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology department. Also offered as: ENST681, MEES681. Credit
only granted for: ENST481, ENST681, or MEES681. An advanced survey course on the field of
ecological design. Principles of design are illustrated with case studies from biologically-based waste
treatment systems, ecosystem management and sustainable development. Concepts covered include
ecology, ecological engineering, nutrient cycling, emergy, lifecycle analysis, and design process.
Technologies include treatment wetlands, living machines, anaerobic digestion, rain gardens, bioswales,
bioremediation, algal turf scrubbers, and green building design.
ENST 489 Field Experience (1-4) Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Environmental Science &
Technology department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Formerly: NRMT489. Planned field experience for both
major and non-major students.
ENST 499 Special Topics in Environmental Science and Technology (1-4) Restriction: Permission of
AGNR-Environmental Science & Technology department. Credit only granted for: ENST499,
NRMT499, or NRSC499. Formerly: NRSC499 and NRMT499. An independent study, and/or lecture,
and/or laboratory series organized to study a selected phase of Environmental Science and Technology
not covered by existing courses. Credit arranged with supervising faculty member.
EPIB -- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
EPIB 300 Biostatistics for Public Health Practice (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CHEM131
and CHEM132. Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science program. Also offered as: HLTH300.
Credit only granted for: EPIB300 or HLTH300. An examination of biostatistical concepts and procedures
as they relate to contemporary issues in public health. Focus on applications, hands-on-experience, and
interpretations of statistical findings in public health research.
EPIB 301 Epidemiology for Public Health Practice (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
EPIB300. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Community Health; Public Health
Science). Also offered as: HLTH301. Credit only granted for: EPIB301 and HLTH301. An examination
of the discipline of epidemiology and its application to public health issues and practices, covering current
epidemiological concepts and methods.
EPIB 330 The Coming Plague: Public Health Perspectives (3) Prerequisite: BSCI202. Disease control
and prevention is fundamental to the health of local, national, and global populations. Infectious agents
are constantly adapting and breaching our defenses. Factors related to society, the environment, and our
increasing global interconnectedness increase the likelihood of disease emergence and spread. Vaccines
and antibiotics, demographic changes and urbanization, climate change and natural disasters, international
travel and commerce, poverty and war create conditions for infectious diseases to spread. So how do we
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design and execute solutions to public health threats? How do research, policies, interventions, and
budgets affect public health systems?
EPIB 399 Epidemiology and Biostatistics Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Must have earned a
minimum of 60 credits; and minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
The EPIB undergraduate independent study is an opportunity for undergraduates from other departments
in the SPH or the university to work with an Epidemiology and Biostatistics faculty member on research
or special projects that are based out of EPIB.
EPIB 400 Obesity: An Epidemiologic Perspective (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of
C- from (EPIB301, HLTH301). The epidemic of obesity, its causes and consequences, and issues related
to energy balance will be covered. Students will characterize the obesity epidemic both nationally and
internationally, compare and contrast the metrics of obesity, understand the biological consequences of
different obesity phenotypes, and describe characteristics of the obesogenic environment. Throughout the
course students will be introduced to the application of epidemiological methods to studies of obesity.
FILM -- Film Studies
FILM 245 Film Form and Culture (3) Restriction: Must not have completed ENGL245. Also offered
as: ENGL245. Credit only granted for: CMLT214, CMLT245, ENGL245, or FILM245. Formerly:
CMLT214. Introduction to film as art form and how films create meaning. Basic film terminology;
fundamental principles of film form, film narrative, and film history. Examination of film technique and
style over past one hundred years. Social and economic functions of film within broader institutional,
economic, and cultural contexts.
FILM 283 Introduction to Cinema Studies (3) Restriction: Must not have completed SLLC283. Also
offered as: SLLC283. Credit only granted for: SLLC283 or FILM283. Introduction to the critical analysis
of international film. Development of a set of critical technical tools for examining film within a variety
of cultural settings. Focus on an analysis of film form and the aesthetics of cinema that differentiate it
from other media.
FILM 298 Special Topics in International Film Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Special topics in International Film.
FILM 301 Cinema History I: The Silent Era (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or
FILM283; or permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Examines the development of silent
cinema from the 1890s to the early 1930s drawing on at least five distinct national traditions (French,
German, Russian, British, and American). Introduces students to key cinematic conventions as they
emerged around the world.
FILM 302 Cinema History II: The Sound Era (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or
FILM283. Restriction: Must have permission of the Film Studies program. Introduction to the
international history of cinema from sound around 1930 to the present.
FILM 311 Documentary Film (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, or SLLC283; or permission of
ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Credit only granted for: FILM311 or ENGL329L. A survey of
currents in the history of the documentary film, beginning with early cinema and continuing through to
more recent manifestations.
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FILM 319 Special Topics in Documentary, Animation, Experimental Cinema, and Other Visual
Media (3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Examine the possibilities of non-narrative cinema, or cinema that is
structured differently from the fiction feature film, as well as other media (television, digital imagery, and
photography) that entertain a close relationship with cinema in terms of form, content, and audience.
Content varies.
FILM 329 Special Topics in National/International Cinemas (3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Examine one
or more national cinematic traditions (including Hollywood cinema), or may look across traditions
comparatively, for example at international and/or transnational phenomena. Content varies.
FILM 331 Kafka and Film: The Uncanny in Literature and Film (3) Also offered as: GERM331.
Credit only granted for: GERM331, FILM331, or HONR348K. Analysis of major works by Franz Kafka
(1883-1924), his affinity to the cinema and use of cinematic means and techniques (e.g. the gaze,
flashback, parallel action, gesture and body language, etc.) in his writings, as well as examination of
adaptations of Kafka narratives (e.g. the Orson Welles and David Jones adaptations of The Trial, 1961,
1992) and other films that use Kafkaian themes (e.g. Steven Soderbergh's 'Kafka', 1991).
FILM 332 Brazilian Cinema (3) Also offered as: PORT332. Credit only granted for: PORT332,
FILM332, or PORT378. Formerly: PORT378. Brazilian films from the late 1950s to the present with a
special view to the relationship between cinema, society, historical dates, and social changes in Brazil.
Taught in English.
FILM 334 Soviet Film: Propaganda, Myth, Modernism (3) Also offered as: RUSS334. Credit only
granted for: RUSS334, FILM334, or RUSS298K. Formerly: RUSS298K. A Survey of Soviet film from
the 1920s to 1991, focusing on important directors, genres, themes, and styles. Taught in English.
FILM 335 The Arab-Israeli Conflict Through Film (3) Also offered as: SLLC335. Credit only granted
for: SLLC235, SLLC335, FILM335, HEBR298B, or ISRL249B. Formerly: HEBR298B or ISRL249B.
How does the Arab-Israeli Conflict represent itself? How do the actors within this conflict (and some
from outside) come to understand this conflict by representing it to themselves? The prism of film will
touch on many of the various discourses (history, society, culture). The course will investigate whether
the medium of film represents and formulates this Conflict in a particular way.
FILM 336 Soviet Cinema and Empire (3) Also offered as: RUSS336. Credit only granted for:
RUSS336, FILM336 or RUSS398K. Formerly: RUSS398K. Examination of the concepts of "empire" and
"nation" through their representation in Soviet cinema. Taught in English.
FILM 341 Filming War Zones: Representations of Wars in Iraq & Chechnya (3) Also offered as:
ARAB341. Credit only granted for: ARAB341 or FILM341. Investigation of how diverse political,
cultural and religious agendas of the late 20th through early 21st centuries construct a wide variety of war
fictions, or ideologically informed war narratives
FILM 342 Film Comedy (3) Prerequisite: FILM283, ENGL245, FILM245, or SLLC283; or permission
of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Also offered as: SLLC342. Credit only granted for: SLLC342,
FILM342, or SLLC368B. Formerly: SLLC368B. Comedy as a specific cinematic genre.
FILM 343 Hollywood Genres After 1970 (3) Prerequisite: FILM283, ENGL245, FILM245, or
SLLC283; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Also
offered as: SLLC343. Credit only granted for: SLLC343 or FILM343. Introduction to contemporary
Hollywood cinema.
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FILM 344 Film and the Fantastic (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283; or
permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Also offered as: SLLC344. Credit only granted for:
SLLC344 or FILM344. Survey of fantastic cinema, encompassing American classics, Hollywood recent
productions, and independent films, as well as Asian horror films, anime, and European fantasy.
FILM 345 The Films of Alfred Hitchcock (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or
FILM283; or permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Credit only granted for: FILM345 or
ENGL329J. An examination of important Hitchcock films from the perspective of innovation, aesthetics,
and cultural history.
FILM 346 The Films of Billy Wilder (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283;
and permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Restriction: Must not have completed
ENGL329K. Credit only granted for: FILM346 or ENGL329K. An examination of Billy Wilder's five-
decade-long career, spanning a variety of genres, approaches, and languages.
FILM 352 The Baddest Decade: The 1970s in American Film and American History (3)
Prerequisite: HIST201. Also offered as: HIST304. Credit only granted for: FILM352 or HIST304. The
history of the United States and of its cinema in the 1970s.
FILM 359 Special Topics in Genres/Auteurs/Cinema Movements (3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Examine
narrative cinema from the perspective of content (themes, issues, structures) and style through the lens of
genre, auteurship (a concept of authorship in film studies), and/or historical aesthetic movements that
have been influential in the development of cinema as an art and film studies as a field. Content varies.
FILM 361 Cinema and Globalization (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283;
or permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Also offered as: SLLC361. Credit only granted
for: SLLC361, FILM361, SLLC368G, or CMLT498C. Formerly: SLLC368G or CMLT498C.
Introduction to cinema as a global phenomenon.
FILM 362 Vision, Visuality, and the Gaze in Cinema (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245,
SLLC283, or FILM283; or permission of Film Studies Program. Also offered as: SLLC362. Credit only
granted for: SLLC362, FILM362, or SLLC368A. Formerly: SLLC368A. Students will build a way of
talking critically about film. The prism of seeing, visuality, the gaze, and the like will serve as a way to
investigate the way films take on meaning as well as to understand how film participates in a wide
network of interconnected ideas, concepts, and modes of thought that have contributed to the audiences'
ability to make sense of what a film is conveying.
FILM 369 Special Topics in Film Theories (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Examines
specific methodologies (structuralism, feminism, postcolonialism, etc.) for the critical analysis of film.
The course will also consider the historical development of theoretical concepts. Content varies.
FILM 385 German Cinema (3) Also offered as: GERM385. Credit only granted for: FILM385,
GERM285 or GERM385. Formerly: GERM285. A history of German cinema from the golden age of
silent films to the flourishing film culture of the 21st Century. Focuses on changing ideas of the role and
purpose of national cinema, as well as the cinematic representation of nation and national identity. Taught
in English.
FILM 388 Experiential Learning: Film Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6
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credits. Connects students' theoretical understanding of film studies, as obtained through the classroom, to
professional experience.
FILM 410 Documentary and Narrative (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283;
or permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Also offered as: SLLC410. Credit only granted
for: SLLC410 or FILM410. An examination of the relationship between film and reality, focusing on
documentary film.
FILM 411 Experimental Film (3) Also offered as: SLLC411. Credit only granted for: SLLC411 or
FILM411. Introductory survey of European and U.S. American experimental cinema.
FILM 412 Animation and Cinema (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283; or
permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Restriction: Must not have completed ENGL468C.
Credit only granted for: FILM412 or ENGL468C. An examination of animation in art, cinema, and other
FILM 419 Special Topics in Documentary, Animation, Experimental Cinema, and Other Media (3)
Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283; and or permission of ARHU College of Arts
and Humanities. Restriction: Varies depending on the crosslist. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Advanced studies in Documentary, Animation, Experimental Cinema, and Other Media. Examines the
possibilities of non-narrative cinema, or cinema that is structured differently from the fiction feature film,
as well as other media (television, digital imagery, and photography) that entertain a close relationship
with cinema in terms of form, content, and audience. Content varies.
FILM 420 French Cinema: A Cultural Approach (in Translation) (3) Also offered as: FREN480.
Credit only granted for: FREN480 or FILM420. A study of French culture, civilization, and literature
through the medium of film. Taught in English.
FILM 421 Francophone African Film (3) Also offered as: FREN421. Credit only granted for:
FREN421 or FILM421. Imaginary and Memory in the Reality of Francophone African Film from 1960-
present. Taught in English.
FILM 423 Women and French Cinema (3) Also offered as: FREN423. Credit only granted for:
FREN423 or FILM423. Cultural identity, social boundaries and gender roles in French film as well as
introduction to film textual analysis and diverse film theories (semiotics, film and psychoanalysis,
feminist film theory, structuralism, narratology, spectatorship and cultural studies). Taught in French.
FILM 426 Modern Chinese Film and Visual Culture (3) Also offered as: ARTH484. Credit only
granted for: FILM426 or ARTH484; ARTH489F in F2012, F2011, F2008, or S2009; or ARTH488F in
S2010, S2008, or F2009. Formerly: ARTH489F in F2012, F2011, F2008, or S2009; or ARTH488F in
S2010, S2008, or F2009. Modern Chinese culture, society, and history studied through examples of art,
film, and visual culture.
FILM 427 Visions and Fictions from Spain (3) Prerequisite: SPAN331, SPAN332, or SPAN333; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department; or permission of
ARHU-Spanish & Portuguese Languages & Literatures department. Also offered as: SPAN427. Credit
only granted for: FILM427 or SPAN427. Overview of Spanish Cinema from the end of the 19th century
through present day Spain. Exploration of the production of literary and cinematic texts in their
sociohistorical, political, religious and cultural contexts. Taught in Spanish.
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FILM 429 Special Topics in National/International Cinemas (3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Courses in
National/International Cinemas may examine one or more national cinematic traditions (including
Hollywood cinema), or may look across traditions comparatively, for example at international and/or
transnational phenomena. Content varies.
FILM 430 Critical Issues in Israeli Cinema (3) Also offered as: HEBR430. Credit only granted for:
HEBR430 or FILM430. Critical investigation of Zionist and Israeli culture and politics through film.
FILM 431 Italian Cinema II - In Translation (3) Also offered as: ITAL473. Credit only granted for:
ITAL473, ITAL474, or FILM431. A study of Italian society and culture through the medium of film from
the mid 1970's to the present. Taught in English.
FILM 433 Holocaust in Italian Literature and Cinema (3) Also offered as: ITAL433. Credit only
granted for: ITAL433, or FILM433. Review of literature and theoretical writings of Italy's most famous
survivor, Primo Levi, to a sampling of Italian films that focus in vastly different and often extremely
controversial ways on the experience of the concentration camp, while addressing a series of central
questions from the brutal realities of the camps to the "compromises" made in order to survive, the need
to bear witness, and the idea of the survivor's guilt.
FILM 441 Italian Cinema I: Neorealism (3) Also offered as: ITAL436. Credit only granted for:
FILM441 or ITAL436. Explores representations of Italy in cinema with special focus on identity
formation and the movement of Italian neorealism and post neorealism. Taught in English.
FILM 451 Film Noir and American Culture (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or
FILM283; or permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Restriction: Must not have completed
ENGL428A (Summer 2006, Spring 2007, Summer 2009) or ENGL379Q (Fall 2009) or HHUM106
(Spring 2012), or ARTH389A (Spring 2012). Credit only granted for: FILM451, ENGL468D,
ENGL428A ,ENGL379Q, HHUM106, or ARTH389A (Spring 2012). Formerly: ENGL428A and
ENGL379Q. Introduction to a variety of American movies made in the 1940s and 1950s whose dark
themes and stark black-and-white lighting led to their identification as film noir.
FILM 452 The Origins of Cinema (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, FILM283, or SLLC283; or
permission of Film Studies Program. Credit only granted for: FILM452 or ENGL468G. An in-depth
engagement with the specificity of early cinema, dedicated to a comparative framework that compares the
early cinema period (1890-1915) to other moments of media emergence, both before and after cinema,
with special emphasis on the current, "digital" moment.
FILM 459 Special Topics in Genres/Auteurs/Cinema Movements (3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Special
topics in genres, auteurs, and cinema movements.
FILM 461 Political Cinema (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283; or
permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Also offered as: SLLC461. Credit only granted for:
SLLC461, FILM461, SLLC468P, or CMLT498P. Formerly: SllC468P and CMLT498P. Histories of
cinemaa and politics in the 20th century.
FILM 462 Realism and the Real in Film (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or
FILM283; or permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: FILM359R, SLLC368R or FILM462.
Formerly: FILM359R/SLLC368R. Exploration of the problem of realism, one of the most central
theoretical issues in film studies.
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FILM 463 Screening Time: History and Memory in Cinema (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245,
SLLC283, or FILM283; or permission of ARHU-College of Arts & Humanities. Also offered as:
SLLC463. Credit only granted for: SLLC463 or FILM463. An examination of the ways and techniques
with which cinema produces a sense of time in the viewer.
FILM 464 The Violence of Cinema (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283; or
permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: FILM469A/SLLC468A or FILM 464. Formerly:
FILM469A/SLLC468A. An investigation of cinema's multifaceted relationship to violence.
FILM 469 Special Topics in Film Theories II (3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Special topics in film
FILM 499 Directed Study in Film Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 9
credits if content differs. Readings and Research in Film Studies under faculty supervison.
FIRE -- First-Year Innovation & Research Experience
FIRE 120 FIRE SEMESTER 1 (3) Additional information: This is the first course in the FIRE (First-
Year Innovation & Research Experience) program sequence. Engages the research process through the
design, research, collaborative authorship and iterative review-based refinement of research proposals.
Students find and analyze primary literature, think creatively, author and communicate research proposals
in a scholarly fashion and work collaboratively to solve scientific and societal problems using technology,
delegation and productive team communication.
FIRE 150 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Antibiotic Resistance (3) Recommended: FIRE120. FIRE
SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Antibiotic Research research stream.
FIRE 151 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Sustainability Analytics (3) Recommended: FIRE120. FIRE
SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Sustainability Analytics research
FIRE 152 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Environmental Pathogens (3) Recommended: FIRE120. FIRE
SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Environmental Pathogens research
FIRE 153 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Found In Translation (3) Recommended: FIRE120. FIRE
SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Found In Translation research stream.
FIRE 154 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Risk Communication & Resilience (3) Recommended: FIRE120.
FIRE SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Risk Communication and
Resilience research stream.
FIRE 155 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Terrapin Genome Project (3) Recommended: FIRE120. FIRE
SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Terrapin Genome Project research
FIRE 157 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Addiction Science (3) Recommended: FIRE120. FIRE SEMESTER 2
course for students in the FIRE program joining the Addiction Science research stream.
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FIRE 160 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Transgenerational Brain Initiative (3) Recommended: FIRE120.
Restriction: Must be in the program FIRE. FIRE SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program
joining the Transgenerational Brain Initiative research stream.
FIRE 162 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Once and Future Planet (3) Recommended: FIRE120. Restriction:
Must be in the program FIRE. FIRE SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program joining the
Once and Future Planet research stream.
FIRE 163 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Animal and Human Relationships (3) Recommended: FIRE120.
Restriction: Must be in the program FIRE. FIRE SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program
joining the Animal and Human Relationships research stream.
FIRE 164 FIRE SEMESTER 2: Autonomous Unmanned Systems (3) Recommended: FIRE120.
Restriction: Must be in the program FIRE. FIRE SEMESTER 2 course for students in the FIRE program
joining the Autonomous Unmanned Systems research stream.
FIRE 250 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Antibiotic Resistance (3) Prerequisite: FIRE150. FIRE SEMESTER 3
course for students in the FIRE program joining the Antibiotic Research research stream.
FIRE 251 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Sustainability Analytics (3) Prerequisite: FIRE151. FIRE
SEMESTER 3 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Sustainability Analytics research
FIRE 252 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Environmental Pathogens (3) Prerequisite: FIRE152. FIRE
SEMESTER 3 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Environmental Pathogens research
FIRE 253 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Found In Translation (3) Prerequisite: FIRE153. FIRE SEMESTER 3
course for students in the FIRE program joining the Found In Translation research stream.
FIRE 254 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Risk Communication & Resilience (3) Prerequisite: FIRE154. FIRE
SEMESTER 3 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Risk Communication and Resilience
research stream.
FIRE 255 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Terrapin Genome Project (3) Prerequisite: FIRE155. FIRE
SEMESTER 3 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Terrapin Genome Project research
FIRE 257 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Addiction Science (3) Prerequisite: FIRE157. FIRE SEMESTER 3
course for students in the FIRE program joining the Addiction Science research stream.
FIRE 260 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Transgenerational Brain Initiative (3) Prerequisite: FIRE160. FIRE
SEMESTER 3 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Transgenerational Brain Initiative
research stream.
FIRE 262 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Once and Future Planet (3) Prerequisite: FIRE162. FIRE
SEMESTER 3 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Once and Future Planet research
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FIRE 263 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Animal and Human Relationships (3) Prerequisite: FIRE163. FIRE
SEMESTER 3 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Animal and Human Relationships
research stream.
FIRE 264 FIRE SEMESTER 3: Autonomous Unmanned Systems (3) Prerequisite: FIRE164. FIRE
SEMESTER 3 course for students in the FIRE program joining the Autonomous Unmanned Systems
research stream.
FMSC -- Family Science
FMSC 105 Individuals in Families (3) Credit only granted for: FMSC105 or FMST105. Formerly:
FMST105. Personal growth and development within the family context. Exploration of self-awareness,
sex-role image, life transitions, and interpersonal and family relations.
FMSC 110 Families and Global Health (3) Students will explore, define, and study global health, social
determinants of health, health inequalities, gender inequality, family violence, and maternal and child
health using a global perspective.
FMSC 111 Credit Cards and College Students (1) Recommended: Moderate level of computer
literacy, especially Internet and ELMS. Reliable computer and Internet access. Credit only granted for:
FMSC111, FMSC341 or FMSC498D. Formerly: FMSC498D. Provides college students with factual
information about basic money management skills, emphasizing the responsible use of credit, specifically
credit cards. Topics will include financial goals, spending plan, wise use of credit, debt management,
consumer credit protection, and ID Theft. Online lessons will include video clips and interactive class
activities. Students will learn the basics to build a strong financial future.
FMSC 170 Future of Families: Issues and Controversies (3) Credit only granted for: FMSC170 or
FMSC298F. Formerly: FMSC298F. Examination of current trends and controversial issues in family life,
including issues of marriage, reproductive technologies, adoption, child custody, remarriage, and marital
FMSC 190 Man Up! Where Are The Fathers? (3) An examination of changing fatherhood roles,
health, and inequality in diverse families. Focus will be on masculinities and disparities among men by
race and class; provider role expectations; and trauma and violence faced by men in contemporary
FMSC 260 Couple Relationships (3) Credit only granted for: FMSC260 or FMST260. Formerly:
FMST260. Couple relationships and their alternatives in contemporary dating, courtship and marriage.
FMSC 280 Global, Child & Family Health: Getting There Via E-Communications (3) Credit only
granted for: FMSC280 or FMSC289G. Formerly: FMSC289G. Students will learn about global maternal,
child and family health issues and how these issues may affect their lives. Interdisciplinary teams of
students will collaborate to develop programs aimed at improving global family health through the use of
information and communications technologies.
FMSC 290 Family Economics (3) Credit only granted for: FMSC290 or FMST290. Formerly:
FMST290. Application of economic methodology to study families under various economic situations.
Examination of how decisions about marriage, divorce, fertility, consumption and time use are influenced
by labor/housing markets, tax structure, social welfare benefits and other economic considerations.
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FMSC 298 Special Topics in Family Science (1-3) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Formerly:
FMST298. Topics of special interest under the general guidance of the Department of Family Studies.
FMSC 302 Research Methods in Family Science (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed an introductory
statistics course. Restriction: Must be in a major within SPHL-Family Science department. Credit only
granted for: FMSC302 or FMST302. Formerly: FMST302. Introduction to the methods of the social and
behavioral sciences employed in family science. The role of theory, the development of hypotheses,
measurement, design, and data analysis.
FMSC 310 Maternal, Child and Family Health (3) Credit only granted for: FMSC310, FMSC410 or
FMSC498A. Formerly: FMSC498A and FMSC410. Additional information: A comprehensive
understanding of maternal, child, and family health, with additional emphasis on environmental health,
needs assessment and evaluation, enabling students to more effectively address issues in the workplace.
Overview of the major issues in Maternal, Child, and Family Health in the U.S. and the world. The course
will cover the social, political, environmental, and economic factors that shape the health of women,
children, and families throughout the life course. It will employ the core disciplines of public health -- 1)
epidemiology/biostatistics, 2) environmental health, 3) health policy and administration, and 4) social and
behavioral health -- to examine these factors. The course introduces specific issues and interventions and
places these issues and interventions within their broad sociohistorical context.
FMSC 330 Family Theories and Patterns (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted
for: FMSC330 or FMST330. Formerly: FMST330. Theory and research on the family, including a cross-
cultural analysis of family patterns.
FMSC 332 Children in Families (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100 or FMSC105. Credit only granted for:
FMSC332 or FMST332. Formerly: FMST332. A family life education approach to the study of children
and families. Emphasis on the interaction of children with parents, siblings, extended kin, and the
FMSC 341 Personal and Family Finance (3) Credit only granted for: FMSC341 or FMST341.
Formerly: FMST341. Individual and family financial strategies with emphasis on financial planning,
savings, investments, insurance, income taxes, housing, and use of credit. Planning, analyzing, and
controlling financial resources to resolve personal/family financial problems and to attain financial
FMSC 381 Poverty, Affluence, and Families (3) Prerequisite: SOCY100 or SOCY105. Restriction:
Must be in a major within SPHL-Family Science department. Credit only granted for: FMSC381 or
FMST381. Formerly: FMST381. Social, political, cultural and economic factors influencing income and
wealth in American families.
FMSC 383 Delivery of Human Services to Families (3) Prerequisite: FMSC330. Restriction: Must be in
a major within SPHL-Family Science department. Credit only granted for: FMSC383 or FMST383.
Formerly: FMST383. Processes of service delivery with special emphasis upon relationships among
managers, service providers and clients. The impact of human service systems on families.
FMSC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-Family Science department.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: FMSC386 or FMST386. Formerly:
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FMSC 399 Independent Study (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-Family Science department.
Repeatable to 12 credits. Formerly: FMST399.
FMSC 420 African American Families (3) Recommended: FMSC330. Credit only granted for:
FMSC420 or FMSC498F. Formerly: FMSC498F. Examination of the history, structure, cultural
foundation, and diversity of African American family life is the focus of this class. Presentations and
discussions enable students to identify, analyze, and assess: (1) the major theoretical perspectives used in
the study of African American families; (2) the impact of social policy on African American families; and
(3) specific areas of family life (e.g., marriage and divorce, parenting, child development, health
FMSC 425 Military and Veteran Family Services (3) Recommended: Moderate level of computer
literacy, especially Internet and ELMS. Reliable computer and Internet access. Credit only granted for:
FMSC425 or FMSC498W. Formerly: FMSC498W. Overview of issues impacting contemporary military
families including during times of war. Identification of challenges faced by military families related to
deployment/reunion and mental and physical health, as well as support systems available. Examination of
skills and strategies for working with service members, veterans, and military families.
FMSC 430 Gender Issues in Families (3) Prerequisite: SOCY100, SOCY105, or PSYC100. Also
offered as: WMST430. Credit only granted for: FMSC430, FMST430, or WMST430. Formerly:
FMST430. The development of historical, cultural, developmental, and psychosocial aspects of
masculinity and femininity within the context of contemporary families and the implications for
interpersonal relations.
FMSC 431 Family Crises and Intervention (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Credit only granted for:
FMSC431 or FMST431. Formerly: FMST431. Family crises such as divorce, disability, substance abuse,
financial problems, intra-familial abuse, and death. Theories and techniques for intervention and
enhancement of family coping strategies.
FMSC 432 Adult Development and Aging in Families (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100; and (SOCY100 or
SOCY105). And FMSC332; or must have completed a comparable development course. Restriction:
Must be in a major within SPHL-Family Science department. Credit only granted for: FMSC432 or
FMST432. Formerly: FMST432. Theory, research, history, and programming related to adult
development and aging in the intergenerational context of family.
FMSC 440 Death and Loss in Family Life (3) Recommended: Moderate level of computer literacy,
especially Internet and ELMS. Reliable computer and Internet access. Credit only granted for: FMSC440
or FMSC498B. Formerly: FMSC498B. Examination of how families experience grief and loss resulting
from the death of a family member, including health and financial consequences. Overview of historical,
social, psychological, cultural, medical, and legal dimensions of death in families from diverse
backgrounds. Exploration of how the health care system and funeral home industry assist families in
managing death and loss.
FMSC 445 Sexuality: Issues in Family Therapy and Service Delivery (3) Prerequisite: A basic course
in human sexuality; and permission of instructor. Also offered as: FMSC645. Credit only granted for:
FMSC445 or FMSC498T. Formerly: FMSC498T. Typical, dysfunctional, and pathological sexual
functioning, including effects on individuals, couples, and family systems. Sensitizes students to sexual
issues, explores how perceptions of such issues affect work with people, and emphasizes implications for
marriage and family therapy.
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FMSC 460 Violence in Families (3) Prerequisite: SOCY100, SOCY105, or PSYC100. Credit only
granted for: FMSC460 or FMST460. Formerly: FMST460. Theories of child, spouse, and elder abuse in
the family setting. Emphasis on historical, psychological, sociological and legal trends relating to
physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Introduction to methods for prevention and remediation.
FMSC 477 Internship and Analysis in Family Science (3) Prerequisite: FMSC383; and 9 credits in
FMSC courses; and permission of SPHL-Family Science department. Restriction: Must be in a major
within SPHL-Family Science department. Credit only granted for: FMSC477, FMST347, or FMST477.
Formerly: FMST477. A supervised internship and a seminar requiring analysis. Opportunities to integrate
theory and practice including 120 hours of contracted field experience. Summer or fall internship
contracts due May 1; Spring contracts due December 1. See department for application procedures.
FMSC 485 Introduction to Family Therapy (3) Prerequisite: FMSC330; or 1 course from PSYC300-
499 course range. Credit only granted for: FMSC485 or FMST485. Formerly: FMST485. The
fundamental theoretical concepts and clinical procedures of marital and family therapy including
premarital and divorce therapy issues.
FMSC 487 Legal Aspects of Family Problems (3) Credit only granted for: FMSC487 or FMST487.
Formerly: FMST487. Laws and legal procedures, with emphasis on adoption, marriage, divorce,
annulment, and property rights, and how they affect family life.
FMSC 498 Special Topics: Family Science (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-Family Science
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Formerly: FMST498. Special course topics in
family studies.
FOLA -- Foreign Language
FOLA 108 Elementary Foreign Languages I (3) Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. The first
semester of conversational study of a language not otherwise offered. The arts and humanities language
requirement may be fulfilled by successful completion of FOLA108, FOLA109, FOLA118 and
FOLA119 in a single language.
FOLA 109 Elementary Foreign Languages II (3) Prerequisite: FOLA108; and pre-requisite must be in
corresponding subject language. Or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
department. Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. The second semester of conversational study of a
language not otherwise offered. The arts and humanities language requirement may be fulfilled by
successful completion of FOLA108, FOLA109, FOLA118 and FOLA119 in a single language.
FOLA 118 Intermediate Foreign Languages I (3) Prerequisite: FOLA109; and pre-requisite must be in
corresponding subject language. Or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
department. Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. The third semester of conversational study of a
language not otherwise offered. The arts and humanities language requirement may be fulfilled by
successful completion of FOLA108, FOLA109, FOLA118 and FOLA119 in a single language.
FOLA 119 Intermediate Foreign Language II (3) Prerequisite: FOLA118; and pre-requisite must be in
corresponding subject language. Or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
department. Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. Developing intermediate language skills, in both
grammar and vocabulary; enhancement of oral and writing abilities.
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FOLA 128 Introductory Middle Eastern Languages I (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. An
introduction to the three principal languages of the Islamic Middle East: Arabic, Persian, and Turkish.
Only standard written form of the three languages is taught. May not be used to satisfy arts and
humanities language requirement.
FOLA 129 Introductory Middle Eastern Languages II (3) Prerequisite: FOLA128; and permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content
differs. Continuation of FOLA128. May not be used to satisfy arts and humanities language requirement.
FOLA 138 Directed Study of a Foreign Language I (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-College of
Arts & Humanities; and must be a student of high motivation and proven language learning aptitude.
Directed study of a modern foreign language with use of a self-instructional approach.
FOLA 139 Directed Study of a Foreign Language II (3) Prerequisite: FOLA138; and pre-requisite
must be in corresponding subject language. Or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures,
and Cultures department. A continuation of FOLA138.
FOLA 148 Directed Study of a Foreign Language III (3) Prerequisite: FOLA139; and pre-requisite
must be in corresponding subject language. Or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures,
and Cultures department. A continuation of FOLA139.
FOLA 149 Directed Study of a Foreign Language IV (3) Prerequisite: FOLA148; and pre-requisite
must be in corresponding subject language. Or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures,
and Cultures department. A continuation of FOLA148.
FOLA 158 Directed Study of a Foreign Language (Intensive) I (6) Intensive directed study of a
modern foreign language with use of a self-instructional approach. Equivalent to FOLA138 plus
FOLA 159 Directed Study of a Foreign Language (Intensive) II (6) Prerequisite: FOLA158; and pre-
requisite must be in corresponding subject language. Or permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. A continuation of FOLA158. Equivalent to FOLA148 plus
FOLA 228 Intermediate Middle Eastern Languages I (3) Prerequisite: FOLA129; and permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content
differs. Continuation of FOLA129. May not be used to satisfy arts and humanities language requirement.
FOLA 329 Advanced Middle Eastern Languages II (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Continuation
of FOLA328. May not be used to satisfy arts and humanities language requirement.
FOLA 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
FOLA 389 Foreign Civilization (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. A survey of the cultural
history, arts and letters, folklore and life-style of the speakers of a language not otherwise offered. All
readings and instruction in English.
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FOLA 408 Foreign Language I (3) Intensive study of a foreign language or related topic not available
under one of the current foreign language departments or programs. May not be used to fulfill the arts and
humanities language requirement.
FOLA 409 Foreign Language II (3) Prerequisite: FOLA408; and pre-requisite must be in corresponding
subject language. A continuation of FOLA 408. May not be used to fulfill arts and humanities language
FOLA 459 Foreign Literature in Translation (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Reading and
discussion of selected authors, periods or genres of a foreign literature not otherwise offered. All readings
and instruction in English.
FREN -- French
FREN 101 Elementary French I (4) Restriction: Must not have 2 or more years of high school level
French; and must not be a native/fluent speaker of French. Introduction to basic structures and
pronunciation with emphasis on the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
FREN 103 Intensive Elementary French (4) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language
Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed FREN102; and must not be a
native/fluent speaker of French. Credit only granted for: FREN102 or FREN103. Covers speaking,
reading, writing, listening, and culture of French-speaking world.
FREN 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
FREN 203 Intensive Intermediate French (4) Prerequisite: FREN103; or must have appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of
French. Credit only granted for: FREN201 or FREN203. Covers speaking, reading, writing, listening, and
culture of French-speaking world.
FREN 204 French Grammar and Composition (3) Prerequisite: FREN201 or FREN203; or must have
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Not open to native/fluent
speakers of French. Intensive study of French grammar and composition.
FREN 211 French Reading and Conversation (3) Prerequisite: FREN201 or FREN203. Restriction:
Must not be a native/fluent speaker of French. Practice in spoken French at intermediate level based on
readings in a variety of genres. Written homework and exams.
FREN 240 Masterworks of French Literature in Translation (3) Major works of French literature
from pre-revolutionary France to the present. Emphasis on the individual in a social context. Taught in
FREN 241 Women Writers of French Expression in Translation (3) Works and ideas of 20th century
women writers of French in Canada, Africa, the Caribbean and France. Taught in English.
FREN 242 Francophone Writers of Africa and the African Diaspora (3) An analysis of the works and
ideas of 20th and 21st century Francophone writers (Africa, the Caribbeans, France). Taught in English.
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FREN 243 Masterpieces in French and Francophone Cinemas (3) This course, taught in English, will
present a large array of films directed by famous French directors (Jean Renoir, Robert Bresson, Jean-Luc
Godard, Agnes Varda, etc..) and Francophone filmmakers (Arcand, Sembene) who were internationally
known in their time and have had a considerable influence on today's filmmakers in the U.S. (Tarantino,
Lynch, Lee, etc..) and abroad (Sissoko, Angelopoulos, VonTrier, ect..).
FREN 250 Introduction to Cultural and Textual Analysis (3) Prerequisite: FREN204; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a
native/fluent speaker of French. Credit only granted for: FREN250 or FREN250H. Introduction to
cultural and textual analysis of selected readings from various genres in French literature. Taught in
FREN 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
FREN 298 Aspects of French Civilization (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Additional
information: Credit may not be applied to French major. Topic to be determined each semester. Historical
or thematic approaches to French art, literature, and culture. Taught in English.
FREN 301 Composition and Style (3) Prerequisite: FREN250; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of
French. Grammatical analysis, elements of style; range of written genres.
FREN 302 Translation: French to English (3) Prerequisite: FREN301; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Practicum in translation primarily from
French to English; contrastive analysis.
FREN 303 Translation: English to French (3) Prerequisite: FREN301; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Practicum in translation primarily from
English to French; contrastive analysis.
FREN 306 Commercial French I (3) Prerequisite: FREN301; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Introduction to commercial French including
correspondence and business terminology. Emphasis on cross-cultural concepts needed for successful
interaction within business settings. Taught in French.
FREN 311 Advanced Oral Expression (3) Prerequisite: FREN250; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of
French. Linguistic and thematic analysis of written, audio, and visual texts. Focus on aural and oral skills.
Some written assignments and evaluation.
FREN 312 France Today (3) Prerequisite: FREN301; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of
French. Analysis and discussion of current events and institutions using various French media resources.
FREN 351 From Romanticism to the Age of Modernism and Beyond (3) Prerequisite: FREN301; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. A survey of the
chief authors and major movements of French literature from Pre-Romanticism to the present.
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FREN 352 From the Age of Epic and Romance to the Enlightenment (3) Prerequisite: FREN301; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. A survey of the
chief authors and major movements of French literature from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th
FREN 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
FREN 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
FREN 388 Language House Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a resident of Language House.
Repeatable to 4 credits. The Language House Colloquium is a one-credit course for students residing in
the Language House Immersion Program. The course focuses on the further development of skills in the
target language and the acquiring of cultural knowledge of the countries that speak the target language.
The course is designed to supplement the learning that takes place on a daily basis in the Language House
FREN 399 Directed Study in French (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 3 credits. Advanced undergraduates develop syllabus,
reading list, and course requirements with interested faculty member. Designed for in-depth study of
material not offered in regular courses or as expansion of course material. To be planned during semester
preceding registration.
FREN 400 Applied Linguistics (3) The nature of applied linguistics and its contribution to the effective
teaching of foreign languages. Comparative study of English and French, with emphasis upon points of
FREN 401 Writing with Style (3) Prerequisite: FREN301; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Advanced composition and stylistic analysis.
FREN 407 History of the French Language (3) Prerequisite: FREN351 or FREN352; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Evolution of the French
language from Latin to modern French. Taught in French.
FREN 421 Francophone African Film (3) Also offered as: FILM421. Credit only granted for:
FREN421 or FILM421. Imaginary and Memory in the reality of Francophone African Film from 1960-
present. Taught in English.
FREN 423 Women and French Cinema (3) Also offered as: FILM423. Credit only granted for:
FREN423 or FILM423. Cultural identity, social boundaries and gender roles in French film as well as
introduction to film textual analysis and diverse film theories (semiotics, film and psychoanalysis,
feminist film theory, structuralism, narratology, spectatorship and cultural studies). Taught in French.
FREN 429 Studies in French Literature and Culture of the Renaissance (3) Prerequisite: FREN351
or FREN352; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in French literature of the Renaissance.
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FREN 439 Studies in 17th Century French Literature and Culture (3) Prerequisite: FREN351 or
FREN352; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in seventeenth-century French literature.
FREN 449 Studies in 18th Century French Literature and Culture (3) Prerequisite: FREN351 or
FREN352; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in eighteenth-century French literature.
FREN 459 Studies in 19th Century French Literature and Culture (3) Prerequisite: FREN351 or
FREN352; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in nineteenth-century French literature.
FREN 469 Studies in 20th Century French Literature and Culture (3) Prerequisite: FREN351 or
FREN352; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in twentieth-century French literature.
FREN 471 The Construction of French Identity I: From the Origins to the Age of Versailles (3)
French life, customs, culture, traditions (800-1750).
FREN 472 The Construction of French Identity II: From the Revolution to the Early Twentieth
Century (3) French life, customs, culture, traditions (1750 to the early twentieth century).
FREN 473 The Construction of French Identity III: Cross-Cultural Approaches to the Study of
Contemporary French Society (3) Patterns of communication, mythology, and ideology in modern
France, from the Third Republic to the present, through historical and cross-cultural approaches, with
reference to the Francophone world.
FREN 474 Contemporary France: A Sociocritical Approach (3) Recommended: FREN473. A
sociocritical approach to understanding modern French society through the study of print and non-print
media documents (autobiography, film, and paraliterature), with reference to the Francophone world.
FREN 478 Themes and Movements of French Literature in Translation (3) Studies treatments of
thematic problems or literary or historical movements in French literature. Topic to be determined each
semester. Taught in English.
FREN 479 Masterworks of French Literature in Translation (3) Treats the works of one or more
major French writers. Topic to be determined each semester. Taught in English.
FREN 480 French Cinema: A Cultural Approach (in Translation) (3) Also offered as: FILM420.
Credit only granted for: FREN480 or FILM420. A study of French culture, civilization, and literature
through the medium of film. Taught in English.
FREN 482 Gender and Ethnicity in Modern French Literature (3) Literature by women writers of
France and other French speaking areas with a focus on the relationship between gender, ethnicity and
writing. Taught in English.
FREN 488 Special Topics in Francophone Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Topic
and language of instruction to be announced when offered.
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FREN 489 Seminar in Themes or Movements of French Literature (3) Prerequisite: FREN351 or
FREN352; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
FREN 495 Honors Thesis Research (3) Restriction: Must be admitted to the departmental honors
program. The writing of a paper under the direction of a professor in this department and an oral
examination. Required to fulfill the departmental honors requirement.
FREN 498 Special Topics in French Literature (3) Prerequisite: FREN351 or FREN352; or students
who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs.
FREN 499 Special Topics in French Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An aspect of
French studies, the specific topic to be announced each time the course is offered.
GEMS -- Gemstone
GEMS 100 Freshman Honors Colloquium: Introduction to Gemstone (1) Restriction: Freshman
standing; and must be in the Gemstone program. Orienting new Gemstone students to the university and
to the program through a variety of team building activities, resources, and skill exploration exercises.
Students will also examine and discuss areas such as liberal education, diversity, service, arts, current
events, academic integrity, and leadership style.
GEMS 102 Research Topic Exploration and Team Formation (1) Restriction: Must be in the
Gemstone program. Under the guidance of staff and visiting speakers, students will develop research
topics that they will pursue for the remainder of their participation in the Gemstone program, and form
into interdisciplinary teams around these topics.
GEMS 104 Topics in Science, Technology and Society (STS) (3) Prerequisite: GEMS100. Restriction:
Must be in the Gemstone program. An examination of how cultural, economic, political and social forces
shape scientific and technological systems and, conversely, how scientific and technological systems have
affected the culture, economies, organization and politics of societies. Students in the course will form
small teams to carry out semester-long research on socio/technical topics related to the course theme
chosen for that specific semester.
GEMS 202 Team Dynamics and Research Methodology (2) Prerequisite: GEMS100, GEMS102, and
GEMS104. Corequisite: GEMS296. Restriction: Must be in the Gemstone program; and sophomore
standing or higher. This experiential course is designed to foster an understanding of effective team
dynamics and basic research methodology. It will teach skills applicable to Gemstone team research and
the writing of a team thesis. Upperclass Gemstone students serve as discussion facilitators. Students
participate in their Gemstone teams and develop a draft of their team thesis proposal.
GEMS 208 Special Topics in Leadership and Team Development (1-3) Restriction: Must be in the
Gemstone program. Principles, methods and types of leadership and team development with an emphasis
on group discussion and decision making. Reading, discussion and exploration of the basic team concept,
communications for winning scenarios, goal setting, problem solving, conflict resolution and research
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GEMS 296 Team Project Seminar I (1) Prerequisite: GEMS100, GEMS102, and GEMS104.
Corequisite: GEMS202. Restriction: Must be in the Gemstone program with sophomore standing in a
research team. This is the first of six seminars during which Gemstone students carry out
multidisciplinary research with the guidance of a faculty mentor. The teams develop their working
relationship, start their literature search, define their research question, and set short & long term goals.
GEMS 297 Team Project Seminar II (2) Restriction: Must be in the Gemstone program with
sophomore standing in a research team. This is the second of six seminars during which Gemstone
students carry out interdisciplinary research with the guidance of a faculty mentor. The team develops its
website, prepares and presents its research proposal and beegins its research project.
GEMS 396 Team Project Seminar III (2) Prerequisite: GEMS297. Restriction: Must be in the
Gemstone program with junior standing in a research team. This is the third of six seminars during which
Gemstone students carry out interdisciplinary research with the guidance of a faculty mentor. The team
presents its progress at the Gemstone Colloquia.
GEMS 397 Team Project Seminar IV (2) Prerequisite: GEMS396. Restriction: Must be in the
Gemstone program with junior standing in a research team. This is the fourth of six seminars during
which Gemstone students carry out interdisciplinary research with the guidance of a faculty mentor. The
team further develops its website. Also they will prepare and present the team project in the poster session
of Undergraduate Research Day.
GEMS 496 Project Writing Seminar (2) Prerequisite: GEMS397. Restriction: Must be in the Gemstone
program. This is the fifth of six seminars during which Gemstone students carry out research with the
guidance of a faculty mentor. The team finishes the analysis of their data and writes and edits its team
GEMS 497 Team Thesis Defense (2) Prerequisite: GEMS396. Restriction: Must be in the Gemstone
program. Gemstone teams will complete the team research project and thesis. The team will formally
present the thesis to experts in the area of interest at a Team Thesis Conference before final submission.
GEOG -- Geographical Sciences
GEOG 100 Introduction to Geography (3) An introduction to the broad field of geography as it is
applicable to the general education student. The course presents the basic rationale of variations in human
occupancy of the earth and stresses geographic concepts relevant to understanding world, regional and
local issues.
GEOG 110 The World Today: Global Perspectives (3) The most critical issue facing the world today
is the sustainability of both human and physical systems in the 21st century. This class uses the context of
regions of the world to explore the 21st century issues of climate change, development, politics, economy,
and demography. Each region will be used to highlight aspects of sustainability.
GEOG 123 Causes and Implications of Global Change (3) Also offered as: AOSC123, GEOL123.
Credit only granted for: AOSC123, GEOG123, GEOL123, or METO123. A unique experience in
integrating physical, chemical, geological, and biological sciences with geographical, economic,
sociological, and political knowledge skills toward a better understanding of global change. Review of
environmental science relating to weather and climate change, acid precipitation, ozone holes, global
warming, and impacts on biology, agriculture, and human behavior. Study of the natural, long- term
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variability of the global environment, and what influence mankind may have in perturbing it from its
natural evolution. Concepts of how physical, biological, and human behavioral systems interact, and the
repercussions which may follow human endeavors. The manner in which to approach decision and policy
making related to global change.
GEOG 130 Developing Countries (3) An introduction to the geographic characteristics of the
development problems and prospects of developing countries. Spatial distribution of poverty,
employment, migration and urban growth, agricultural productivity, rural development, policies and
international trade. Portraits of selected developing countries.
GEOG 140 Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, Floods, and Fires (3) Catastrophic Environmental Events
(CCE) that are becoming more common in this time of global environmental change and it is essential
that today's students be equipped with the knowledge and skills to be leaders as we, as a society,
understand the upheaval that these CCEs are causing. Students will examine how CEEs shape human
society and ecosystem from the interdisciplinary perspective afforded by the field of Geography. Students
will use the latest geographic science concepts and techniques in exploring these events. Using satellite
imagery they will gain a multi-scale perspective of the ecological and societal aspects of the events.
GEOG 158 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GEOG 170 Introduction to Methods of Geospatial Intelligence and Analysis (3) Introduction to
technical methods used in gathering, analyzing, and presenting geospatial information, addressing the
needs of geospatial analysis, such as environmental monitoring, situational awareness, disaster
management, and human systems. Topics include basics of locational reference systems, map projections,
satellite and airborne remote sensing, global positioning systems, geographic information systems,
cartography, and introductory statistics and probability. The course is a gateway to more advanced
technical classes in geoinformatics.
GEOG 201 Geography of Environmental Systems (3) A systematic introduction to the processes and
associated forms of the atmosphere and earth's surfaces emphasizing the interaction between climatology,
hydrology and geomorphology.
GEOG 202 Introduction to Human Geography (3) Introduction to what geographers do and how they
do it. Systematic study of issues regarding social and cultural systems from a global to a local scale.
Looks at the distribution of these variables and answers the question "Why here, and not there"?
GEOG 211 Geography of Environmental Systems Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed
or be concurrently enrolled in GEOL120, GEOL100, or GEOG201. A laboratory course to accompany
GEOG 201. Analysis of the components of the earth's energy balance using basic instrumentation;
weather map interpretation; soil analysis; the application of map and air photo interpretation techniques to
landform analysis.
GEOG 212 Career Planning for Geographical Sciences, GIS, and ENSP Majors (1) Restriction:
Must be in one of the following programs (Geography; GEOG-GIS & Computer Cartography). Increase
student knowledge of professional development opportunities in Geographical Sciences through
classroom activities and invited speakers, and to build awareness of career development tools and
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GEOG 258 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GEOG 301 Advanced Geographical Environmental Systems (3) Prerequisite: GEOG201 and
GEOG211. Credit only granted for: GEOG398B or GEOG301. Formerly: GEOG398B. This course will
provide the students with an overview of the key elements of physical geography, including biogeography
(factors and processes that control the geographical distributions of plants and animals, climatology
(processes associated with controlling variations in weather and climate), and geomorphology (factors
and processes that control changes to the physical structure of the earth surface in relation to geological
GEOG 306 Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the Geographic Environmental Sciences (3)
Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306,
GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily meet the
same major requirements-check with your advisor to see which of these courses will count for your
major). Essentials in the quantitative analysis of spatial and other data, with a particular emphasis on
statistics and programming. Topics include data display, data description and summary, statistical
inference and significance tests, analysis of variance, correlation, regression, and some advanced
concepts, such as matrix methods, principal component analysis, and spatial statistics. Students will
develop expertise in data analysis using advanced statistical software.
GEOG 310 Maryland and Adjacent Areas (3) Credit only granted for: GEOG310 or GEOG321.
Formerly: GEOG321. The physical environment, natural resources, and population in relation to
agriculture, industry, transport, and trade in the State of Maryland and adjacent areas.
GEOG 312 The United States and Canada (3) Credit only granted for: GEOG312 or GEOG320.
Formerly: GEOG320. The two countries as functioning geographic systems with important differences
and key linkages. An examination of the cultural, environmental, and economic components and their
spatial variation. Attention to the role of regions in national economies.
GEOG 328 Topics in Regional Geography (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics
in regional geography.
GEOG 330 As the World Turns: Society and Sustainability in a Time of Great Change (3) Credit
only granted for: GEOG330, GEOG360, or GEOG362. Formerly: GEOG362. Cultural geography course
on society and sustainability. Culture is the basic building block that is key to sustainability of societies.
Course will cover sustainability of societies on different scales, examining local, regional, and worldwide
issues. Sustainability will be examined as a key element of environmental sustainability. How societies
adjust to rapid world change will be examined as a positive and/or negative factor in sustainability.
GEOG 331 Introduction to Human Dimensions of Global Change (3) Prerequisite: ANTH220,
ANTH260, GEOG202, or GEOG201; or permission of BSOS-Geography department. Credit only
granted for: GEOG331 or GEOG361. Formerly: GEOG361. Introduction to global-scale interrelationship
between human beings and the environment. The development of global issues including but not limited
to the environment, food, energy, technology, population, and policy.
GEOG 332 Economic Geography (3) Credit only granted for: GEOG203, GEOG303, or GEOG332.
Formerly: GEOG303. Principles of managing scarce resources in a world where everyone faces tradeoffs
across both time and space. Focuses on the relationship between globalization processes and changing
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patterns of locational advantages, production, trade, population, socioeconomic and environmental grace
and sustainability.
GEOG 333 The Social Geography of Metropolitan Areas in Global Perspective (3) Prerequisite:
Permission of BSOS-Geography department; or (GEOG201 and GEOG202). Credit only granted for:
GEOG456 or GEOG333. Formerly: GEOG456. A socio-spatial approach to human interaction within the
urban environments: ways people perceive, define, behave in, and structure world cities and metropolitan
areas. Cultural and social differences define spatial patterns of social activities which further define
distinctions in distribution and interaction of people and their social institutions.
GEOG 334 The American City: Past and Present (3) Credit only granted for: GEOG334 or GEOG350.
Formerly: GEOG350. Development of the American city from the early 19th century to the present. The
internal structure of contemporary metropolitan areas, the spatial arrangement of residential, commercial,
and other activities. Washington, D.C. and Baltimore examples.
GEOG 335 Population Geography (3) Prerequisite: Permission of BSOS-Geography department. Or
GEOG201; and GEOG202. Credit only granted for: GEOG435 or GEOG335. Formerly: GEOG435. The
spatial characteristics of population distribution and growth, migration, fertility and mortality from a
global perspective. Basic population-environmental relationships; carrying capacity, density, and
relationships to national development.
GEOG 340 Geomorphology (3) Survey of landform types and role of processes in their generation.
Frequency of occurrence and implications for land utilization. Emphasis on coastal, fluvial, and glacial
landforms in different environmental settings. Landform regions of Maryland.
GEOG 342 Introduction to Biogeography (3) Prerequisite: GEOG201. Recommended: GEOG211.
Credit only granted for: GEOG342 or GEOG347. Formerly: GEOG347. The principles of biogeography,
including the patterns, processes and distributions of living organisms from local to global scales, aspects
of ecophysiology, population and community ecology and evolutionary biology. Spatial processes in the
biosphere will be covered.
GEOG 345 Introduction to Climatology (3) The geographic aspects of climate with emphasis on
energy-moisture budgets, steady-state and non steady-state climatology, and climatic variations at both
macro-and micro-scales.
GEOG 346 Cycles in the Earth System (3) Prerequisite: GEOG123, AOSC123, GEOL123, or
MATH140; or permission of BSOS-Geography department. Recommended: PHYS171, PHYS141,
PHYS161, or MATH141. Also offered as: AOSC346, GEOL346. Credit only granted for: AOSC346,
GEOG346, or GEOL346. The Earth System operates through some fundamental cycles such as water,
energy, and the Carbon Cycle. This course will build on GEOL/GEOG/AOSC123 starting with concept
of feedbacks within the Earth System, global energy balance and the Greenhouse Effect. A brief
introduction to the atmospheric and oceanic circulation will lead to the water cycle connecting the land,
ocean, and atmosphere to the Earth System. Introduction to the Global carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles
will be followed by the concept of long-term climate regulation and short-term climate variability. The
concepts of cycles, feedbacks, forcings, and responses in the Earth System will be applied to Global
Warming and Ozone Depletion.
GEOG 358 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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GEOG 372 Remote Sensing (3) Principles of remote sensing in relation to photographic, thermal
infrared and radar imaging. Methods of obtaining quantitative information from remotely-sensed images.
Interpretation of remotely-sensed images emphasizing the study of spatial and environmental
GEOG 373 Geographic Information Systems (3) Characteristics and organization of geographic data;
creation and use of digital geospatial databases; metadata; spatial data models for thematic mapping and
map analysis; use of geographic information system in society, government, and business. Practical
training with use of advanced software and geographic databases.
GEOG 376 Introduction to Computer Programming for GIS (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed
or be concurrently enrolled in MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140; or must have completed
MATH220. And GEOG373; or permission of BSOS-Geography department. Introduces conceptual and
practical aspects of programming for geographic applications. The main focus is on developing a solid
understanding of basic programming techniques irrespective of the specific programming language
including variables, looping, conditional statements, nesting, math, strings, and other concepts. In
addition, students will develop a proficiency in applying these basic programming principles to
manipulating spatial data sources within the Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
GEOG 384 Internship in Geography I (3) Prerequisite: GEOG211, GEOG306, GEOG212, and
GEOG201; and (ENGL393 or ENGL390). Restriction: Must be in Geography program. Supervised field
training to provide career experience. Introduction to professional level activities, demands, opportunities.
Placement at a public agency, non-profit organization, or private firm. Participation requires application
to the internship advisor in preceding semester.
GEOG 385 Internship in Geography II (3) Prerequisite: GEOG211, GEOG306, GEOG212, and
GEOG201; and must have completed a Junior (Professional) English course. Restriction: Must be in
Geography program. Supervised field training to provide career experience. Introduction to professional-
level activities, demands, opportunities. Placement at a public agency, nonprofit organization, or private
firm. Participation requires application to the internship advisor in preceding semester.
GEOG 396 Honors Research (3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Geography department; and senior
standing or higher; and must be in Geography program. Formerly: GEOG397. First course in the
departmental honors sequence. Student development of a potential research topic under the guidance of a
faculty advisor, culminating in a written and oral presentation of a research proposal.
GEOG 397 Honors Thesis (3) Prerequisite: GEOG396. Restriction: Must be in Geography program; and
senior standing or higher. Formerly: GEOG399. Second course in the departmental honors sequence.
Student research under the auspices of a faculty advisor, culminating in a research paper to be defended
orally before the geography honors committee.
GEOG 398 Special Topics in Geography (1-3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Geography
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: GEOG298 or GEOG398.
Formerly: GEOG298. An introductory course dealing with special topics in geography.
GEOG 410 Washington, D.C.: Past and Present (3) Credit only granted for: GEOG410 or GEOG454.
Formerly: GEOG454. This course is designed as a field study of Washington, D.C. from its origin as the
Federal Capital to its role in the development of the metropolitan area. Through lectures and extensive
field trips, the course will focus on the symbiosis and interrelation of Washington, D.C. and its region:
historical, socio-economic, spatial and environmental.
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GEOG 413 Migration: Latin America and the United States (3) Prerequisite: GEOG313; or
permission of BSOS-Geography department. Recommended: HIST250; or USLT201; or LASC234.
Credit only granted for: GEOG413, or GEOG498M. Formerly: GEOG498M. Develops an understanding
of the push and pull factors that have contributed to human mobility (migration) that has transformed the
Americas. The class is divided in two parts: immigration and emigration from Latin American and Latin
America migration to the United States. We will be interested in studying the migration shifts that have
occurred in Latin America and the theories that help explain them. The themes that will be addressed are
the history of migration with Latin America and to North America, the impact of this migration on both
sending and receiving countries, and the various policy strategies and issues concerning migration.
GEOG 415 Land Use, Climate Change, and Sustainability (3) Prerequisite: GEOG123 or GEOG306;
or permission of BSOS-Geography department. Recommended: GEOG340; or GEOG342; or GEOG331.
Or GEOG201; and GEOG211. Credit only granted for: GEOG415 or GEOG498D. Formerly:
GEOG498D. The issues of climate change and land use change as two interlinked global and regional
environmental issues and their implications for society and resource use are explored.
GEOG 416 Conceptualizing and Modeling Human-Environmental Interactions (3) Prerequisite:
Permission of BSOS-Geography department. Or GEOG306, STAT100, MATH107, or MATH111; and
(GEOG201 and GEOG202); and (GEOG331 or GEOG330). Corequisite: MATH130, MATH140, or
MATH120; or MATH220. Credit only granted for: GEOG416 or GEOG498N. Formerly: GEOG498N.
Develops skills to carry out research that integrates environmental and economic aspects of sustainability
by introducing extensively used quantitative tools for analyzing human-environmental interactions in the
field of ecological economics. These include, e.g., index number calculations and decomposition analysis,
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), environmental input-output analysis and life-cycle analysis, and
multi-criteria decisions aid (MCDA). Students will need laptops to run models during class.
GEOG 417 Land Cover Characterization Using Multi-Spectral Remotely Sensed Data Sets (3)
Prerequisite: Permission of BSOS-Geography department. Or GEOG372; and GEOG472; and GEOG306.
Also offered as: GEOG417. Credit only granted for: GEOG498R; GEOG788R; GEOG417; GEOG617.
Formerly: GEOG498R. Students will be introduced to the image processing steps required for
characterizing land cover extent and change. Key components of land cover characterization, including
image interpretation, algorithm implementation, feature space selection, thematic output definition, and
scripting will be discussed and implemented.
GEOG 418 Field and Laboratory Techniques in Environmental Science (1-3) Restriction: Permission
of BSOS-Geography department. Credit only granted for: GEOG418 or GEOG448. Formerly: GEOG448.
Lecture and laboratory learning each week. A variable credit course that introduces field and laboratory
analyses in environmental science. Individual learning contract are developed with instructor.
GEOG 431 Culture and Natural Resource Management (3) Credit only granted for: GEOG421 or
GEOG431. Formerly: GEOG421. Basic issues concerning the natural history of humans from the
perspective of the geographer. Basic components of selected behavioral and natural systems, their
evolution and adaptation, and survival strategies.
GEOG 432 Spatial Econometrics (3) Prerequisite: Permission of BSOS-Geography department. Or
GEOG201; and GEOG202; and GEOG306; and GEOG332. Also offered as: GEOG732. Credit only
granted for: GEOG498E, GEOG432, GEOG788E, GEOG732. Formerly: GEOG498E. An introduction to
modern econometric techniques in general and spatial econometrics in particular, using the popular open
source statistical computer language R. A focus on using statistical computing to produce analytical
reports for real-world applications, research papers, and dissertations.
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GEOG 437 Political Geography (3) Credit only granted for: GEOG423 or GEOG437. Formerly:
GEOG423. Geographical factors in the national power and international relations; an analysis of the role
of geopolitics and geostrategy, with special reference to the current world scene.
GEOG 438 Seminar in Human Geography (3) Recommended: GEOG201; or GEOG211. Restriction:
Permission of BSOS-Geography department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in
human geography.
GEOG 441 The Coastal Ocean (3) Prerequisite: GEOG140; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department; or permission of BSOS-Geography department. Credit
only granted for: GEOG441 or GEOG498C. Formerly: GEOG498C. Introduction to coastal
oceanography, focusing on the physical, biological, and geological aspects of ocean areqs on the inner
continental shelves. Wave, currents, and tidal dynamics of bays, open coast, estuaries, and deltas.
Sedimentary environments of major coastal types. Ecology and biogeochemical relationships, including
benthic and planktonic characteristics. Coastal evolution with sea level rise. Human impacts:
eutrophication, modification of sedimentation. The coastal future: rising sea level, hypoxia, and increased
GEOG 442 Biogeography and Environmental Change (3) Prerequisite: GEOG301. And GEOG201
and GEOG211; or permission of BSOS-Geography department. Also offered as: GEOG642. Credit only
granted for: GEOG642, GEOG442, GEOG447, or GEOG484. Formerly: GEOG447. Biogeographical
topics of global significance, including a consideration of measurement techniques, and both descriptive
and mechanistic modeling. Topics may include: scale in biogeography, biodiversity, carbon geography,
climate and vegetation, interannual variability in the biosphere, land cover, global biospheric responses to
climate change, NASA's Mission to Planet Earth and Earth Observation System. The class focuses on
both natural and athropogenic controls, impacts of biography on climate and ecosystem services and
different methods in biogeography.
GEOG 445 Climatology (3) Prerequisite: GEOG345. Credit only granted for: GEOG445 or GEOG446.
Formerly: GEOG446. Quantitative investigations into the Earth's radiation balance, water cycle, and the
interrelationship of climate and vegetation. Methodologies in climate research. Case studies related to
global climatic change.
GEOG 458 Special Topics in Study Abroad IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GEOG 472 Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis (3) Prerequisite: GEOG372 and
GEOG306; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Credit only granted for: GEOG472 or GEOG480. Formerly: GEOG480. Digital image processing and
analysis applied to satellite and aircraft land remote sensing data. Consideration is given to preprocessing
steps including calibration and geo registration. Analysis methods include digital image exploration,
feature extraction thematic classification, change detection, and biophysical characterization. One or more
application examples may be reviewed.
GEOG 473 Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis (3) Prerequisite: GEOG306 and
GEOG373; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Credit only granted for: GEOG473 or GEOG482. Formerly: GEOG482. Analytical uses of geographic
information systems; data models for building geographic data bases; types of geographic data and spatial
problems; practical experience using advanced software for thematic domains such as terrain analysis,
land suitability modeling, demographic analysis, and transportation studies.
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GEOG 475 Computer Cartography (3) Prerequisite: GEOG373 and GEOG306. Credit only granted
for: GEOG471 or GEOG475. Formerly: GEOG471. Advanced skills of computer mapping using more
sophisticated software packages. Map projection evaluation and selection, coordinate system conversion,
techniques of quantitative thematic mapping, map design and generalization, hypermedia and animated
cartography. Emphasis on designing and making cartographically sound sophisticated thematic maps.
GEOG 476 Object-Oriented Computer Programming for GIS (3) Prerequisite: GEOG373 and
GEOG376; or permission of BSOS-Geography department. And must have completed MATH220; or
must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140. Restriction:
Must be in Geography program; or must be in GIS minor. Credit only granted for: GEOG498G or
GEOG476. Formerly: GEOG498G. Expands on conceptual and practical aspects of programming for
geographic applications. The main focus of this course is to provide students more advanced
programming in object oriented programming languages (i.e. Python). In addition, students will develop a
proficiency in applying these advanced programming principles to manipulating spatial data sources
within the Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
GEOG 477 Mobile GIS Development (3) Prerequisite: GEOG306, GEOG373, and GEOG376; and
(GEOG473, GEOG475, or GEOG476). And MATH140 or MATH120; or must have completed
MATH220. Restriction: Must be in a major within the BSOS-Geography department; or permission of
BSOS-Geography department. Credit only granted for: Geog477 or Geog498V. Formerly: Geog498V.
Designed as an introduction to mobile GIS, to the programming concepts underlying mobile GIS
development, and more importantly, to the design and implement of a mobile GIS application. Covers
how to develop, test, and publish mobile GIS native apps working across two mobile platforms: Android
and iOS. This course will also try to leverage the capabilities of JavaScript, Swift, Google maps, ArcGIS
Server and runtime SDK to developing and publishing mobile GIS web apps.
GEOG 498 Topical Investigations (1-3) Prerequisite: Restricted to advanced undergraduate students;
and 24 credits in GEOG courses. Or restricted to graduate students. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Independent study under individual guidance.
GEOL -- Geology
GEOL 100 Physical Geology (3) Credit only granted for: GEOL100 or GEOL120. Additional
information: CORE Distributive Studies Physical Science Laboratory Course only when taken
concurrently with GEOL 110. A general survey of the rocks and minerals composing the earth, its surface
features and the agents that form them, and the dynamic forces of plate tectonics.
GEOL 102 Historical Geology (4) Prerequisite: GEOL120 or GEOL100; and GEOL110. Or permission
of CMNS-Geology department. Earth's history as revealed through the principles of stratigraphy and the
processes of physical geology. Emphasis on formations and geologic development of the North American
GEOL 104 Dinosaurs: A Natural History (3) Dinosaurs, their evolution, and our understanding of their
fossil record. Students will examine the geologic record and the tools used by paleontologists to
determine: geologic ages and ancient environments; evolutionary history and extinctions; dinosaurian
biology and behavior; and their survival as birds. Mechanisms of global change ranging from plate
tectonics to asteroid impact will be discussed.
GEOL 110 Physical Geology Laboratory (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in GEOL120 or GEOL100. Additional information: CORE Distributive Studies Physical Science
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Laboratory Course only when taken concurrently with GEOL 100. The basic materials and tools of
physical geology stressing familiarization with rocks and minerals and the use of maps in geologic
GEOL 120 Environmental Geology (3) Credit only granted for: GEOL100 or GEOL120. A review of
geologic factors underlying many environmental problems and the interactions between population and
physical environment: geologic hazards, land-use planning, conservation, mineral resources, waste
disposal, land reclamation, and the geologic aspects of health and disease. The course is aimed at lower
division students in education and liberal arts, and should be useful to any student concerned with
geologic perspectives of environmental problems.
GEOL 123 Causes and Consequences of Global Change (3) Also offered as: AOSC123. Credit only
granted for: AOSC123, GEOG123, GEOL123, or METO123. Study of the major components of Earth's
climate system and climate change history. Discussion of 21st century climate change prediction,
mitigation and adaptation efforts.
GEOL 124 Evolution of Life and Environment on Planet Earth (3) An exploration of how life has
shaped Earth's physical environments, both in the contemporary Earth and over the long course of Earth
history. Topics range from evidence for the origin and diversification of life and its impact on Earth
environments to the mind-set and methods of the scientists who interpret it, and what those methods tell
us about future interactions between life and the environment, both on Earth and in the Solar System.
GEOL 200 Earth's Fury: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunami (3) Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
and tsunami frequently remind us of the dangers associated with living on a constantly changing planet.
How do people prepare for these rare but dramatic events? Student will study the science behind
earthquakes and volcanoes, how it guides monitoring, forecasting, prevention, and response, and the
cultural and ethical aspects of these events.
GEOL 204 Dinosaurs, Early Humans, Ancestors, and Evolution; The Fossil Record of Vanished
Worlds of the Prehistoric Past (3) Examination of evidence used to reconstruct critical events in the
history of life by looking at case studies of significant evolutionary origins, transitions, and extinctions;
addressing the role of paleontology in human society, including science education, conservation, and the
GEOL 212 Planetary Geology (3) Credit only granted for: ASTR330 or GEOL212. An examination of
the geologic and geochemical processes at work in the solar system from the perspectives supplied by
space age exploration of the planets and other solar system bodies.
GEOL 214 Global Energy Systems and Resources (3) Prerequisite: A course in the natural sciences,
environmental policy, geography; possible courses include: CPSP123, ENSP101, ENSP102, GEOG100,
GEOG201, GEOL100, GEOL120, MATH140, PHYS117, CHEM131, CHEM132, CHEM135,
CHEM136, and CHEM103; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Permission of instructor is required
of non-degree-seeking students. Focuses on energy systems and resources on a global scale. It addresses
energy transfer in natural systems, distribution of energy resources in the natural world, and problems of
efficiency and limited energy resources. It is appropriate for those interested in science and technical
energy issues as well as policy, education and the media.
GEOL 224 Observations and Measurements of the Natural World (3) A scientific research team
experience focused on evaluating environmental controls on water quality in urbanized streams of
College Park. Training in field, laboratory, and digital visualization techniques to gain hands on
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knowledge of the scientific method through detailed observations, measurements, manipulations, and
interpretations of data gathered during the course.
GEOL 288 Field Studies I (1) Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Examination and investigation
of Earth Science phenomena in the field, particularly geology. Involves fieldwork of one week or longer
duration, which work normally includes both observation and data collection. Particular programs may
require certain prerequisites. Permission of Instructor is required. Special fees may be necessary.
GEOL 310 Forensic Geology and Homeland Security (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131 and GEOL100; and
(MATH107 or MATH110). Or permission of CMNS-Geology department; or permission of instructor is
required of non-degree seeking students. An introduction to the fundamentals of forensic science with
special reference to the application of geological techniques, and to the applications of Earth science in
understanding problems in homeland security and hazardous materials response.
GEOL 322 Mineralogy (4) Prerequisite: GEOL120 or GEOL100; and GEOL110. And CHEM131 and
CHEM132; or (CHEM135 and CHEM136); or CHEM103. Restriction: Permission of instructor is
required for non-degree seeking students. Basic mineralogy for geology majors. The principles of
morphologic crystallography, crystal chemistry, and determinative mineralogy.
GEOL 329 Instructional Assistance Practicum (1-2) Undergraduate teaching assistantship in
Geosciences. Individual instruction course. Contact department or instructor to obtain section number.
GEOL 331 Principles of Paleontology (4) Prerequisite: GEOL102; or (BSCI207 or BSCI392); or
permission of CMNS-Geology department. Restriction: Permission of instructor is required of non-degree
seeking students. Also offered as: BSCI333. Credit only granted for: GEOL331 or BSCI333. A review of
the theory, principles, and applications of Paleontology. A systematic overview of the morphology,
evolution, and relationships of the major fossil-producing taxa.
GEOL 340 Geomorphology (4) Prerequisite: GEOL120 or GEOL100. Restriction: Permission of
instructor is required of non-degree seeking students. Analysis of landforms, organized on the basis of the
geologic processes that have operated during the late Cenozoic. Constructional and erosional landforms
related to physical systems operating on geologic structures through time.
GEOL 341 Structural Geology (4) Prerequisite: GEOL120 or GEOL100; and GEOL102; and
GEOL110. Or permission of CMNS-Geology department. Restriction: Permission of instructor is
required of non-degree seeking students. Study of the deformation of Earth's lithosphere, especially stress,
rheology, strain, and the origin and significance of structural features. Development of 3-dimensional
thinking through drafting and drawing of structures, construction of geologic maps and cross-sections,
and stereographic and orthographic representation of structures. Improvement of scientific writing. Two
weekend field trips.
GEOL 342 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (4) Prerequisite: GEOL120 or GEOL100; and GEOL110;
and GEOL322. And CHEM103; or (CHEM131 and CHEM132); or (CHEM135 and CHEM136).
Restriction: Permission of instructor is required of non-degree-seeking students. Description, origin, and
distribution of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Two mandatory weekend field trips.
GEOL 346 Cycles in the Earth System (3) Prerequisite: MATH140; and (GEOG123, AOSC123, or
GEOL123). Or permission of CMNS-Geology department. Recommended: PHYS171, PHYS141,
PHYS161, or MATH141. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
instructor. Also offered as: AOSC346. Credit only granted for: AOSC346, GEOG346, or GEOL346. The
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Earth System operates through some fundamental cycles such as water, energy, and the Carbon Cycle.
This course will build on GEOL/GEOG/AOSC123 starting with concept of feedbacks within the Earth
System, global energy balance and the Greenhouse Effect. A brief introduction to the atmospheric and
oceanic circulation will lead to the water cycle connecting the land, ocean, and atmosphere to the Earth
System. Introduction to the Global carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles will be followed by the concept of
long-term climate regulation and short-term climate variability. The concepts of cycles, feedbacks,
forcings, and responses in the Earth System will be applied to Global Warming and Ozone Depletion.
GEOL 351 Statistics for Geoscientists (3) Prerequisite: MATH115. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking
students require the permission of the instructor. Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230,
CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or
SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily meet the same major requirements-check with your advisor
to see which of these courses will count for your major). Practical approach to basic statistics applied in
the geosciences. Experimental design, elementary statistics and probability, sequence analysis, spatial
analysis, linear regression, nonparametric statistics, bivariate, multivariate and principal components
analysis of variance, hypothesis testing. Problem sets and participatory discussion of statistical
applications in the current literature.
GEOL 375 Introduction to the Blue Ocean (3) Prerequisite: MATH140. Recommended: MATH141,
PHYS161, or PHYS171. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
instructor. Also offered as: AOSC375. Credit only granted for: AOSC375, GEOL375 or METO375.
Introduction to physical, chemical, and biological properties of the ocean. Role of the ocean in climate as
a component of the Earth system. El Nino and the ocean, impact of global warming on the ocean and
marine habitats including fisheries.
GEOL 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Geology department.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
GEOL 388 Field Studies II (3) Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
instructor. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Examination and investigation of Earth Science
phenomena in the field, particularly geology. Involves field work of one week or a longer duration, which
would normally involve both observations and data collection, with associated classroom lectures and/or
laboratory study, normally including additional analysis of collected observations and data. Particular
programs may require certain prerequisites. Permission of instructor required. Special fees may be
GEOL 393 Geology Senior Thesis I: Proposal (3) Prerequisite: PHYS141 and MATH141. And
CHEM131 and CHEM132; or (CHEM135 and CHEM136). And must have completed at least two upper-
level geology courses and be concurrently enrolled in a third. Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and
must be in Geology program; and non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor.
The first semester of the two-semester Geology Senior Thesis. Emphasis is on developing a plan for
original research in the geosciences and presenting that plan both in writing and in public presentations
that adhere to geosciences professional standards.
GEOL 394 Geology Senior Thesis II: Research (3) Prerequisite: GEOL393; and must have completed
at least three upper level GEOL courses. Restriction: Must be in Geology program; and junior standing or
higher; and in addition, non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the department. The
second semester of the two-semester Geology Senior Thesis. Investigation of specific original research
question in geosciences. Emphasis is on completion of original research proposed in GEOL393 and
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presentation of results both in writing and in public presentations that adhere to geosciences professional
GEOL 412 Geology of the Terrestrial Planets (3) Prerequisite: GEOL341 or GEOL340. Credit only
granted for: GEOL489A or GEOL412. Formerly: GEOL489A. Geological features of Mercury, Venus,
Mars and the Moon with an emphasis on results from recent NASA planetary mission. Topics include
interior structure, impact cratering, tectonic and volcanic history, surface conditions, climate change, and
GEOL 423 Optical Mineralogy (4) Prerequisite: GEOL100 or GEOL120; and GEOL110; and
GEOL322. And CHEM131 and CHEM132; or (CHEM135 and CHEM136); or CHEM103. Restriction:
Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor. The optical behavior of crystals
with emphasis on the theory and application of the petrographic microscope.
GEOL 431 Vertebrate Paleobiology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI207, BSCI392, GEOL104, GEOL204, or
GEOL331; or permission of CMNS-Geology department. A survey of the evolution of the vertebrates,
encompassing information from the diversity of living members, but concentrating on the contribution of
the fossil record. Emphasis is on the phylogenetic systematics, comparative and functional anatomy,
developmental biology, and stratigraphic distribution of major extinct and extant groups.
GEOL 435 Environmental Geochemistry (3) Prerequisite: MATH115; and (GEOL100 or GEOL120);
and (GEOL436 or GEOL444). And CHEM131 and CHEM132; or (CHEM135 and CHEM136).
Restriction: Nondegree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor. Credit only granted for:
GEOL489W or GEOL435. Formerly: GEOL489W. An understanding of geochemical cycles of Earth's
surface systems including soils, rivers, lakes, and estuaries and causes and implications of alteration of
geochemical cycles. Topics include chemical weathering, soils, chemical composition of inland waters,
hydrologic tracers, salinization, eutrophication, nutrient and metal pollution, and global geochemical
GEOL 436 Principles of Biogeochemistry (3) Prerequisite: MATH140 or MATH120; or must have
completed MATH220. And GEOL100 or GEOL120; or GEOL322. And CHEM131 and CHEM132; or
(CHEM135 and CHEM136). Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
instructor. Also offered as: AOSC436. Credit only granted for: GEOL436 or AOSC436. An introduction
to the basic principles of biogeochemistry including aspects of organic geochemistry, biochemistry,
microbiology, global geochemical cycles, the origin of life and paleoenvironmental evolution.
GEOL 437 Global Climate Change: Past and Present (3) Prerequisite: MATH115 or MATH140; and
(GEOL100 or GEOL120); and (CHEM131 or CHEM135); and (CHEM132 or CHEM136). Introduction
to the processes by which climate varies, the paleoclimate record, and projections of climate change into
the 21st century, including discussion of climate sensitivity to external radiative forcing.
GEOL 443 Petrology (4) Prerequisite: GEOL322. And CHEM131 and CHEM132; or (CHEM135 and
CHEM136); or CHEM103. And must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in GEOL423; and
(GEOL100 or GEOL120); and GEOL110. Corequisite: Permission of CMNS-Geology department.
Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor. Study of igneous and
metamorphic rocks: petrogenesis, distributions, chemical and mineralogical relations, macroscopic and
microscopic descriptions, geologic significance.
GEOL 444 Low Temperature Geochemistry (4) Prerequisite: GEOL322, GEOL100, and MATH115.
And CHEM103; or (CHEM131 and CHEM132); or (CHEM135 and CHEM136). Restriction: Non-
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degree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor. Basic chemical principles,
thermodynamics, and kinetics of low-temperature inorganic and organic geochemical reactions in a wide
range of surface environments. These geochemical tools will be used to provide a context for
understanding elemental cycling and climate change. Laboratories will include problem sets as well as
wet chemical and mass spectrometric techniques used in low temperature geochemistry.
GEOL 445 High Temperature Geochemistry (4) Prerequisite: GEOL322, GEOL100, and MATH115.
And CHEM131 and CHEM132; or (CHEM135 and CHEM136); or CHEM103. Restriction: Non-degree-
seeking students require the permission of the instructor. Review of chemical principles and their use in
understanding processes of Earth, and solar system formation and differentiation. Topics include
nucleosynthesis and cosmochemical abundances of elements, bonding and element partitioning,
equilibrium thermodynamics and phase stabilities, radiogenic isotopes and geochronology, kinetics, and
GEOL 446 Geophysics (3) Prerequisite: PHYS141, MATH141, and MATH140; and (GEOL100 or
GEOL120). Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor. An
introduction to modern geophysics. Topics include: global plate tectonics, plate motion, triple junctions,
geomagnetism, earthquakes and faulting, reflection and refraction seismology, gravity and isostasy, heat
flow and mantle dynamics, deep interior of the Earth, geophysical observations and measurements.
GEOL 447 Observational Geophysics (3) Prerequisite: MATH140 and MATH141; and (PHYS141,
PHYS161, or PHYS171). An introduction to practical signal processing, data analysis, and inverse theory
in geophysics.
GEOL 451 Groundwater (3) Prerequisite: GEOL110 and MATH140; and (GEOL120 or GEOL100);
and (CHEM131 and CHEM132; or (CHEM135 and CHEM136); or CHEM103). Or permission of
CMNS-Geology department. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
instructor; and junior standing or higher. An introduction to the basic geologic parameters associated with
the hydrologic cycle. Problems in the accumulation, distribution, and movement of groundwater will be
GEOL 452 Watershed and Wetland Hydrology (3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Geology
department. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor; and junior
standing or higher. Physical processes by which water moves in watershed and wetland systems. Topics
include: precipitation, infiltration, flow in the unsaturated zone, streamflow generation processes, and
groundwater flow.
GEOL 453 Ecosystem Restoration (3) Prerequisite: MATH120 or MATH140; or must have completed
MATH220. And (CHEM131 or CHEM135); and (CHEM132 or CHEM136); and (GEOL100, GEOL120,
or ENST200). Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and permission of instructor is required of non-
degree-seeking students. Credit only granted for: GEOL453 or GEOL489L. Formerly: GEOL489L.
Overview of ecosystem functions across biomes/geologic settings, and considerations and tradeoffs in
ecosystem restoration strategies. Specific case studies and discussions will be aimed at understanding how
structure can influence biophysical and biogeochemical processes supporting ecosystems, and then
describes how rates, timing, and location of physical, chemical, and ecosystem processes can be altered
by different restoration strategies to enhance ecosystem services.
GEOL 455 Marine Geophysics (3) Prerequisite: MATH141 and MATH140; and (GEOL120 or
GEOL100). Or permission of CMNS-Geology department. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students
require the permission of the instructor. Credit only granted for: GEOL455 or GEOL489E. Formerly:
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GEOL489E. Plate tectonics, earthquakes and faulting, isostasy and gravity, heat and mantle dynamics,
ocean ridges and transform faults, hydrothermal vents, trenches and oceanic islands, subduction zones,
accretionary and erosion wedges, sedimentary basins and continental rifts. Exploration of the oceans
using geophysical methods.
GEOL 456 Engineering Geology (3) Prerequisite: PHYS141 and MATH141; and (GEOL120 or
GEOL100). Or permission of CMNS-Geology department. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students
require the permission of the instructor. Credit only granted for: GEOL456 or GEOL489Z. Formerly:
GEOL489Z. An overview of engineering geology with an emphasis on physical understanding of natural
hazards and natural resources. General theories of stress and strain, failure criteria, frictional stability,
fluid flow in porous media and poroelasticity are introduced. Quantitative approaches on earthquakes,
landslides, land subsidence, and geotechnical aspects of oil/gas exploration are discussed.
GEOL 457 Seismology (3) Prerequisite: GEOL120 or GEOL100; and (MATH141, GEOL110, and
MATH140). Or permission of CMNS-Geology department. Recommended: PHYS171, PHYS141, or
PHYS161. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the instructor. Credit only
granted for: GEOL457 or GEOL489A. Formerly: GEOL489A. General overview of the basics of
seismology, starting with wave propagation, seismic reflection and refraction. Applications to the
determination of the seismic velocity and anisotropy structure of the Earth. Earthquake generation,
postseismic deformation and creep events, relation to faulting and plate tectonics.
GEOL 460 Field Geophysics (4) Prerequisite: MATH140, MATH141, and GEOL446; and (PHYS141,
PHYS161, or PHYS171). Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
instructor. Students will become familiar with geophysical instrumentation used for both scientific and
industrial applications. Students will be given an introduction to the use of geophysical instrumentation
for data collection, processing, and analysis, design of field experiments for investigating field
geophysical problems, and an introduction to the theory of instrument design and use. Instruments that
will be covered include (but are not limited to): broadband seismometers, geophones, ground-penetrating
radar, magnetotellurics, and Global Positioning Satellites.
GEOL 463 Economic Geology (3) Prerequisite: GEOL322; and (CHEM131 or CHEM135); and
(CHEM132 or CHEM136). Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
instructor. Credit only granted for: GEOL489Q or GEOL463. Formerly: GEOL489Q. The geological
setting, and mineralogy of ore bodies, as well as the chemical and physical factors affecting the source,
transport and deposition of metallic ores, petroleum and natural gas will be covered. The economics of
mineral resources will be discussed.
GEOL 471 Geochemical Methods of Analysis (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131 and CHEM132; or
(CHEM135 and CHEM136); or CHEM103. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the
permission of the instructor. Principles and application of geochemical analysis as applied to a variety of
geological problems. X-ray and optical spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, atomic absorption, electron
microprobe, and electron microscopy.
GEOL 472 Tectonics (3) Prerequisite: GEOL120 or GEOL100; and (GEOL102, GEOL341, and
GEOL110). Or permission of CMNS-Geology department. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students
require the permission of the instructor. Study of the development of the lithosphere on Earth and other
rocky planets and moons. Emphasis on student-led discussions. Improvement of scientific writing.
GEOL 473 Origin and Evolution of the Continents (3) Prerequisite: GEOL445 and GEOL443; or
permission of instructor. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students require the permission of the
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instructor. Formerly: GEOL489I. Introduction to current theories regarding the origin and evolution of the
continents. Emphasis on development of critical reading and reasoning skills, and improvement of verbal
and written communication.
GEOL 488 Geology Colloquium (1) Prerequisite: At least one 300 or 400-level Geology course of at
least 3 credits. Restriction: May not be taken concurrently with GEOL497 or GEOL497H. Repeatable to
4 credits. Contemporary research topics and issues in geosciences are explored through the weekly
Geology departmental colloquium and discussion of its contents.
GEOL 489 Special Topics (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed at least 2 upper-level GEOL courses
plus one additional GEOL course. Corequisite: GEOL393. Restriction: Must be in Geology program; and
junior standing or higher. Recent advances in geology.
GEOL 490 Geology Field Camp (6) Prerequisite: GEOL341 and GEOL443. Restriction: Non-degree-
seeking students require the permission of the instructor. Intense field geology course taught off campus
during the summer. Students describe and compile maps of formations and structures from outcrops,
subsurface, and remotely sensed data. Special fees required.
GEOL 491 Environmental Geology Field Camp (3-6) Prerequisite: GEOL341, GEOL342, and
GEOL451; or permission of CMNS-Geology department. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students
require the permission of the instructor. Credit only granted for: GEOL490 or GEOL491. Intensive field
course designed for students of environmental geology. Students will learn to make maps, to describe soil
profiles and site characteristics, to monitor hydrologic and groundwater conditions, and to measure
geologic structures and stratigraphic sections.
GEOL 497 Recent Advances: Geology (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed at least 2 upper-level
GEOL courses. Corequisite: GEOL393; and a third upper-level geology course. Restriction: Must be in
Geology program; and GPA of 3.0 or better in both overall and in all courses required for the major; and
senior standing; and to be taken as late as possible in the program. Credit only granted for: GEOL497 or
GEOL489H. Formerly: GEOL489H. A survey of important recent advances in geological sciences in the
context of the methods and practices of scientific research.
GEOL 499 Special Problems in Geology (1-3) Prerequisite: (GEOL120 or GEOL100; and (GEOL102
and GEOL110)); or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the
department. And permission of CMNS-Geology department. Restriction: Non-degree-seeking students
require the permission of the instructor. Intensive study of a special geologic subject or technique selected
after consultation with instructor. Intended to provide training or instruction not available in other courses
which will aid the student's development in his or her field of major interest.
GERM -- Germanic Studies
GERM 101 Elementary German I (4) Introduction to basic structures and pronunciation by emphasis
on the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Readings concern the current lifestyle and
civilization of the German-speaking world.
GERM 102 Elementary German II (4) Prerequisite: GERM101; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. A continuation of GERM 101, completing the
introduction of basic structures and continuing the involvement with the civilization of the German-
speaking world.
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GERM 103 Intensive Elementary German (4) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language
Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed GERM102; and must not be a
fluent/native speaker of German. Credit only granted for: GERM102 or GERM103. Covers speaking,
reading, writing, listening, and culture of German-speaking world.
GERM 148 Germanic Languages - Elementary I (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Basic
instruction in a Germanic language other than German; Yiddish and Swedish are offered regularly,
Danish, Netherlandic, and Norwegian when demand is sufficient. Subtitle will reflect the language. May
be repeated in a different language.
GERM 149 Germanic Languages - Elementary II (3) Prerequisite: GERM148. Continuation of
GERM148. May be repeated in a different language. Subtitle will reflect the language.
GERM 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GERM 203 Intensive Intermediate German (4) Prerequisite: GERM103; or must have appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed GERM201; and
must not have completed GERM202; and must not be a fluent/native speaker of German. Credit only
granted for: GERM202 or GERM203. Covers speaking, reading, writing, listening, and culture of
German-speaking world.
GERM 204 German Grammar Review (3) Prerequisite: GERM203; or Must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native speaker of German. An
in-depth study and analysis of selected grammatical topics in a contextualized framework.
GERM 248 Germanic Languages Intermediate - I (3) Prerequisite: GERM149. Intermediate
instruction in a Germanic language other than German. May be repeated in a different language. Subtitle
will reflect the language.
GERM 249 Germanic Languages - Intermediate II (3) Prerequisite: GERM248. Continuation of
GERM248. May be repeated in a different language. Subtitle will reflect the language.
GERM 255 Once Upon a Time: Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (3) Credit only granted for:
GERM255 or GERM289G. Formerly: GERM289G. Additional information: Course is taught in English.
A critical examination of how fairy tales and folklore pervade and influence diverse facets of Western
culture, ranging from issues of politics and national identity, ethics and morality, violence and fear,
education and pedagogy, to gender and sexuality in the establishment and regulation of social norms.
Taking the German tales collected by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm as its focal point, the magical and often
terrifying world of fairy tales within the German, European, and American cultural traditions from
Romanticism to today will be explored.
GERM 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GERM 281 Women in German Literature and Society (3) Also offered as: WMST281. Credit only
granted for: GERM281 or WMST281. A study of changing literary images and social roles of women
from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. Taught in English.
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GERM 282 Germanic Mythology (3) An introduction to the religious beliefs of the pagan Germanic
peoples. Comparison of Germanic myths with those of other Indo-European peoples. The conversion of
the Germania to Christianity and the preservation of pagan beliefs in superstition and literature. Taught in
GERM 283 Viking Culture and Civilization (3) An introduction to the lifestyle of northern Europe in
the 9th to 11th centuries. Taught in English.
GERM 284 German Chivalric Culture (3) An introduction to the lifestyle of northern Europe in the
12th to 14th centuries. Taught in English.
GERM 287 Ancient Celtic Culture and Civilization (3) An introduction to the culture and civilization
of the Ancient Celts; religion, arts, ethics and law of the continental and island Celts. Focus on the Ulster
and Fenian cycles in Ireland; Taliesin, Aneirin and the Mabinogion in Wales. Reconstruction of the
lifestyle of the period. Taught in English.
GERM 289 Selected Topics in the Cultures of the Germanic Speaking Countries (3) Prerequisite:
Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topics in the cultures of the Germanic
speaking countries.
GERM 299 Special Topics in Germanic Studies (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
GERM 301 Conversation and Composition I: The German-Speaking World (3) Prerequisite:
GERM204; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Practice in contemporary spoken and written German. Systematic review of grammar, and exercises in
composition. Emphasis on cultural contrasts in the German-speaking world.
GERM 302 Conversation and Composition II: Current Topics in German-Speaking Society (3)
Prerequisite: GERM301; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the
department. Further practice in contemporary spoken and written German. Contemporary social, political,
and cultural themes.
GERM 315 Practicum in Translation I (3) Prerequisite: GERM301; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Problems and strategies of translation from
German to English.
GERM 316 Practicum in Translation II (3) Prerequisite: GERM315; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Continuation of problems and strategies of
translation from English to German and German to English.
GERM 319 Selected Topics in Germanic Language Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: GERM203; or students
who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs.
GERM 320 Survey of German Studies (3) Prerequisite: GERM301; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Approaches to analysis of German cultural products
such as literature, film, poetry, architecture and works of art. Taught in German.
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GERM 322 Highlights of German Literature and Culture (3) Prerequisite: GERM302; or students
who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Selected literary
masterworks, social and cultural issues, and historical events in German-speaking countries from the
Enlightenment, Romanticism, Junges Deutschland, Realism, Naturalism and its counter currents,
Expressionism to the present. Taught in German.
GERM 331 Kafka and Film: The Uncanny in Literature and Film (3) Also offered as: FILM331.
Credit only granted for: GERM331, FILM331, or HONR348K. Analysis of major works by Franz Kafka
(1883-1924), his affinity to the cinema and use of cinematic means and techniques (e.g. the gaze,
flashback, parallel action, gesture and body language, etc.) in his writings, as well as examination of
adaptations of Kafka narratives (e.g. the Orson Welles and David Jones adaptations of 'The Trial,' 1961,
1992) and other films that use Kafkaian themes (e.g. Steven Soderbergh's 'Kafka,' 1991).
GERM 339 German Literature In Translation (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected
movements, genres or other special topics in German literature. Readings and instruction in English. May
not be counted in the fulfillment of German major requirements in German literature.
GERM 349 Germanic Literatures in Translation (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Study of
an important author, period or theme in a Germanic literature other than German: Yiddish, Netherlandic
or Scandinavian. Taught in English.
GERM 368 Scandinavian Civilization (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Literary, artistic and
historic traditions, folklore and superstition, customs and lifestyle shared by Scandinavian nations. Taught
in English.
GERM 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GERM 382 German-Speaking Civilization (3) Overview of the development of German, Austrian and
Swiss civilizations from the middle of the 18th century to the present. Taught in English.
GERM 385 German Cinema (3) Also offered as: FILM385. Credit only granted for: GERM385,
GERM285 or FILM385. Formerly: GERM285. A history of German cinema from the golden age of silent
films to the flourishing film culture of the 21st Century. Focuses on changing ideas of the role and
purpose of national cinema, as well as the cinematic representation of nation and national identity. Taught
in English.
GERM 386 Experiential Learning (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
GERM 388 Language House Spring Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a resident of Language
House. Repeatable to 8 credits. For students residing in the Language House Immersion Program.
Focuses on the development of skills in the target language and acquiring the cultural knowledge of the
countries that speak the target language.
GERM 389 Topics in Germanic Culture (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topics in the
cultures of the German, Germanic, Indo-European peoples and of their culturally related non-Indo-
European neighbors. Taught in English.
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GERM 397 Honors Reading (Independent Study) (3) Supervised reading to be taken normally only by
students admitted into honors program.
GERM 398 Honors Research (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures,
and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Prepares students to write an honors
thesis. Under the direction of a German department faculty member, the student will select a thesis topic
and conduct the necessary research.
GERM 399 Selected Topics in Germanic Studies (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
GERM 401 Advanced Conversation (3) Prerequisite: GERM302; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Development of fluency in spoken German to
achieve advanced level.
GERM 403 Advanced Composition (3) Prerequisite: GERM302; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Advanced instruction in and acquisition of German
writing skills.
GERM 415 German/English Translation I (3) Restriction: Must not have completed GERM101,
GERM102, GERM103, GERM201, GERM202, GERM203, GERM204, GERM301, or GERM302. An
intensive presentation of German grammar limited exclusively to reading skill; graded readings in the arts
and sciences. Instruction in English; cannot be used to satisfy the arts and humanities foreign language
GERM 419 Selected Topics in German Language Study (3) Prerequisite: GERM302; and permission
of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
GERM 423 From Enlightenment through Storm and Stress (3) Prerequisite: GERM320, GERM321,
or GERM322; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department.
Readings of representative authors from the Enlightenment (1720- 1785), the Age of Sentimentalism
(1740-1780), and Storm and Stress (1767-1785). Taught in German.
GERM 436 The Usual Suspects: Criminals in German Literature and Film (3) Prerequisite:
GERM320 or GERM322; or permission of instructor. An examination of how historical, cultural and
political discourses in German-speaking countries influence social norms and criteria for judging what is
considered socially acceptable or "deviant". Texts and films span from the 18th to 21st centuries. Taught
in German.
GERM 439 Selected Topics in German Literature (3) Prerequisite: GERM320, GERM321, or
GERM322; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Special study of an author, school, genre, or theme. Taught in
GERM 441 Border Crossings and Cultural Transfers (3) Prerequisite: GERM320 or GERM322.
Credit only granted for: GERM441, GERM439A, or GERM439F. Formerly: GERM439A, GERM439F.
Border Crossings and Cultural Transfers emphasizes the transnational and global dimensions of German
culture, analyzing the interrelationship of dominant and minority cultures within Germany and/or the
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impact of German cultures abroad. Topics include migration, exile, (post)colonialism, and globalization.
Taught in German.
GERM 442 Gender and Sexuality in German Literature and Society (3) Prerequisite: GERM320 or
GERM322. Gender and Sexuality in German Literature and Society analyzes gender and sexuality as key
discourses for understanding German-speaking literatures, cultures, and societies. Topics include the
history of sexuality; death and desire; and representations of gender in German literature. Taught in
GERM 443 Literature as Cultural Discourse (3) Prerequisite: GERM320 or GERM322. Credit only
granted for: GERM443, GERM439K, or GERM439G. Formerly: GERM439K, GERM439G. Investigates
literature as cultural discourse in the construction of knowledge, emphasizing a discursive approach to
analyzing a range of literary texts. Taught in German.
GERM 444 The German-Jewish Experience (3) Prerequisite: GERM320 or GERM322. Credit only
granted for: GERM444 or GERM439Q. Formerly: GERM439Q. Additional information: Taught in
German. Focuses on the German-Jewish experience as a key dimension of European history, literature,
and culture. Topics include Heinrich Heine, German-Jewish authors and texts, and the Holocaust in
literature and film.
GERM 449 Selected Topics in Germanic Studies (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Study of a
linguistic, literary or cultural topic in Yiddish, Netherlandic, or Scandinavian studies.
GERM 458 Literary or Media Genres (3) Prerequisite: GERM320 or GERM322. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Additional information: Taught in German. Literary or Media Genres studies the
formal and stylistic dimensions of specific genres, emphasizing genre as a social, political, and aesthetic
category. Topics include pop literature; the history of German drama; and German film genres among
GERM 463 The World of the Viking Sagas (3) An in-depth analysis of the Old Norse/Viking sagas of
Medieval Scandinavia as literature historiography and folklore. Readings include Sagas of the Icelanders,
Kings Sagas and Heroic/Mythical Sagas. Taught in English.
GERM 473 Variation in Contemporary German Language (3) Prerequisite: GERM302; or permission
of instructor. Also offered as: GERM673. Credit only granted for: GERM473, GERM489M, or
GERM673. Formerly: GERM489M. Examines the unique, multilingual society that is modern Germany,
exploring issues such as regional varieties, gendered language, language reform (and resistance to it),
public and media speech, the influence of American English on colloquial speech and in specific fields,
and the problems of immigrant communities acquiring both dialect and standard German.
GERM 475 Old Norse (3) The language of the old Icelandic saga, the Eddas and Skaldic poetry.
Reading of texts in the original; historical development of Old Norse and its role in the Germanic
language family. No knowledge of German or a Scandinavian language required. Taught in English.
GERM 479 Selected Topics in Germanic Philology (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected
topics such as comparative Germanic studies, Old Norse language or readings in Old Norse literature,
modern German dialectology.
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GERM 488 Capstone Seminar (3) Prerequisite: Students must have completed two 400-level courses
taught in German. Provides an opportunity for German majors (usually in their senior year) to
demonstrate that they have achieved the goals for learning established and approved by the department.
Students analyze in depth a research topic and apply their accumulated learning. Requirements include
engaging in an in-depth research project (research paper or media project) and an in-class presentation of
their research to faculty and student peers. Taught in German.
GERM 489 Social Issues in German Culture (1-3) Prerequisite: GERM320 or GERM322. Repeatable
to 6 credits if content differs. Special topics course examining the cultural constructions and
representations of important social and political issues, investigating their connection to German values
and institutions. Taught in German.
GERM 498 Honors Thesis Writing (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Required for students
pursuing departmental honors in Germanic languages and literatures. Under the direction of a German
department faculty member, students write their honors theses.
GERM 499 Directed Study (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures,
and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
GREK -- Greek
GREK 101 Elementary Ancient Greek I (4) Restriction: A student who has had two units of Greek in
high school may register for GREK101 for purposes of review but not for credit. Study of basic grammar,
development of reading facility, and introduction to Athenian life and culture in the fifth century B.C.
GREK 102 Elementary Ancient Greek II (4) Prerequisite: GREK101; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Continuing development of basic grammar
and reading skills; study and discussion of central aspects of Greek culture.
GREK 111 Elementary Modern Greek I (3) Restriction: Must not be a native speaker of Greek. Credit
only granted for: FOLA108G or GREK111. Formerly: FOLA108G. An introduction to the language and
culture of modern Greece. Students begin to acquire the basic tools of the language and to communicate,
in simple everyday situations. This is the first of our two-semester sequence in Elementary Modern Greek
and contributes to the fulfillment of the Global Engagement requirement of the College of Arts and
GREK 112 Elementary Modern Greek II (3) Prerequisite: GREK111; or permission of instructor.
Credit only granted for: FOLA109G or GREK112. Formerly: FOLA109G. It is designed for students who
have already completed the first semester course (GREK111) and/or those whose level of proficiency in
Greek is not advanced enough for the intermediate level. Like GREK111, an introduction is provided to
the language and culture of modern Greece. Students acquire the basic tools of the language and learn to
communicate in simple, everyday situations. This is the second of our two-semester sequence in
Elementary Modern Greek and contributes to the fulfillment of the Global Engagement requirement of the
College of Arts and Humanities.
GREK 201 Intermediate Ancient Greek (4) Prerequisite: GREK102; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Advancing beyond the basic skills
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developed in GREK 101 and GREK 102; review of selected grammatical concepts; continuous reading of
passages from Greek literature.
GREK 211 Intermediate Modern Greek I (3) Prerequisite: GREK112; or permission of instructor.
Credit only granted for: FOLA118G or GREK211. Formerly: FOLA118G. A continuation of the study of
basic structures and the development of fluency in functional, spoken and written communication. This is
the first of our two-semester sequence in Intermediate Modern Greek and contributes to the fulfillment of
the Global Engagement requirement of the College of Arts and Humanities.
GREK 212 Intermediate Modern Greek II (3) Prerequisite: GREK211; or permission of instructor.
Credit only granted for: FOLA119G or GREK212. Formerly: FOLA119G. A continuation in the
development of fluency in spoken and written communication along with the exploration of syntactic and
grammatical structures. Comprehension and vocabulary enrichment are further developed through
selected readings from Modern Greek prose and poetry. This is the second of our two-semester sequence
in Intermediate Modern Greek and contributes to the fulfillment of the Global Engagement requirement of
the College of Arts and Humanities.
GREK 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GREK 301 Scenes from Athenian Life (3) Credit only granted for: GREK301 or GREK351. Formerly:
GREK351. Makes the transition from study of Greek grammar to reading. Focus on selected aspects of
life in Athens: marriage, friendship, the courts, festival, theatre. Reading short works by three authors:
Lysias, Plato, and a playwright (e.g., Menander). Readings are in ancient Greek.
GREK 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GREK 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor; and junior
standing or higher.
GREK 388 Intermediate Ancient Greek Readings (3) Prerequisite: GREK201; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. The reading of one or more selected
Greek authors from the archaic period through late antiquity. Appropriate for those at an intermediate
level in the study of ancient Greek.
GREK 398 Advanced Modern Greek (3) Prerequisite: GREK212; or permission of ARHU-Classics
department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Develops advanced communication skills in the modern Greek
language: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
GREK 399 Topics in Advanced Modern Greek Language and Culture (3) Prerequisite: GREK212; or
permission of ARHU-Classics department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Development of communicative skills
in advanced Modern Greek. Topics will be drawn from the social and folk life of modern Greece.
GREK 403 Greek Tragedy (3) Additional information: Readings are in ancient Greek.
GREK 411 Modern Greek Literature and History (3) Prerequisite: Students must have earned a grade
of C- or better in a 300-level Modern Greek course. Restriction: Permission of instructor. Credit only
granted for: GREK311 or GREK411. Formerly: GREK311. Students will study historical and political
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events in Greece during the 19th and 20th centuries through the viewpoint of the man of letters. Poetry,
prose, plays, and essays reflect national emancipation, social reconstruction, and political struggles.
Readings and discussion are in Modern Greek.
GREK 415 Homer (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Classics department. Extensive readings in
Greek from the Iliad or the Odyssey, with special attention to the features of Homeric style and the
relationship between the two epics.
GREK 472 History and Development of the Greek Language (3) Restriction: Permission of instructor.
Mastery of ancient Greek through grammar review, prose composition, and analysis of historical
developments in Greek writers' modes of expression.
GREK 488 Greek Readings (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Classics department. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Additional information: Readings are in ancient Greek. The reading of one or
more selected Greek authors. Reports.
GREK 499 Independent Study in Greek Language and Literature (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of
ARHU-Classics department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
GVPT -- Government and Politics
GVPT 101 Introduction to Political Science (3) A study of the basic principles and concepts of political
GVPT 105 Introduction to Political Ethics (3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars
program; and must be in International Studies program or Public Leadership program. An examination of
major theories of political life and politics as they pertain to international politics, conflict, and culture.
Emphasis will be given to theories of ethics and morality that pertain to international studies, such as
human rights.
GVPT 158 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GVPT 170 American Government (3) A comprehensive study of national government in the United
GVPT 200 International Political Relations (3) A study of the major factors underlying international
relations, the causes of conflict and cooperation among international actors, the role of international
institutions, the interactions of domestic and foreign policies, and major issues in security, economy and
the environment.
GVPT 201 Scope and Methods for Political Science Research (3) Credit only granted for: GVPT100
or GVPT201. Formerly: GVPT100. An introduction to empirical research in political science.
GVPT 202 Politics, Constitutional Policy, and the Institution of the U.S. Supreme Court (3) A
thorough examination of the U.S. Supreme Court in the American political system. Focusing on the Court
as an institution-the set of norms, rules, and policymaking processes that lead to the Supreme Court's
decisions-and how justices' decision-making processes critically determine substantive legal policy and
the meaning of the U.S. Constitution.
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GVPT 205 Special Topics in International Ethics, Conflict, and Immigration (3) Prerequisite:
GVPT105. Recommended: GVPT241. Restriction: Must be in College Park Scholars program; and must
be in GVPT international Studies program. An examination of issues in international ethics, conflict
generated at the international level, and problems in immigration policy and law, including theories of
rights and immigration, and ideological sources of international violence.
GVPT 208 Political Science Topics in Study Abroad (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. The
study of topics in political science taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GVPT 217 Mock Trial (3) Also offered as: MLAW217. Credit only granted for: MLAW217, GVPT217,
or GVPT319A. Formerly: GVPT319A. Experience the excitement and reward of arguing, and perhaps
winning your client's case in court. Mock Trial is designed for students who are interested in learning
practical techniques for shaping the evidence, using the law, and exploiting the courtroom to create a
coherent and convincing case theory
GVPT 221 Introduction to Formal Theories of Political Behavior and Politics (3) Prerequisite:
GVPT170. An introduction to the theories of rational choice including theories of negotiation and
bargaining, elections and voting in democracies, community organizing and the contrast between the roles
and performances of government and market.
GVPT 227 The Craft of Political Science Research (4) Prerequisite: GVPT100 and GVPT170.
Restriction: Must be in a major in BSOS-College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; and sophomore
standing or higher. An introduction to research design and statistics applicable to political science.
GVPT 228 The Craft of Political Science Research (4) Prerequisite: GVPT100 and GVPT170.
Restriction: Must be in a major in BSOS-College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; and sophomore
standing or higher. Repeatable to 8 credits if content differs. Formerly: GVPT227. An introduction to
research design and statistics applicable to political science.
GVPT 240 Political Ideologies (3) A survey and analysis of the leading ideologies of the modern world,
including anarchism, communism, socialism, fascism, nationalism, and democracy.
GVPT 241 The Study of Political Philosophy: Ancient and Modern (3) Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program; or must be in Government & Politics: International Relations program.
Examines some of the salient continuities and breaks between the ancient and modern traditions in
Western political philosophy.
GVPT 258 Introduction to Political Science Topics in Study Abroad (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs. The study of topics in political science taken as part of an approve study abroad program.
GVPT 260 State and Local Government (3) Prerequisite: GVPT170. A study of the functioning and
problems of state and local government in the United States, with illustrations from Maryland
GVPT 272 The Politics of Race Relations in the United States (3) Prerequisite: GVPT170. Political
dimension of historical and contemporary racial cleavage in the United States with particular emphasis on
the post-World War II period.
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GVPT 273 Introduction to Environmental Politics (3) An overview of modern environmental
philosophy, politics, and policy, exploring environmental politics in the US by way of comparison with
other developed and developing countries.
GVPT 280 The Study of Comparative Politics (3) Prerequisite: GVPT100. An introduction to the
comparative study of politics and governance, including the analytical concepts for studies of politics and
a survey of the major types of regimes, including democratic and authoritarian/communist regimes.
GVPT 282 Politics and the Developing World (3) A study of the domestic governmental institutions;
processes and problems such as conflict and economic development; and the socio-economic
environments that are common to developing countries of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin
GVPT 289 Special Topics in Government and Politics (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Substantive issues of and theoretical approaches to political phenomenon. Topics and credit vary.
GVPT 301 Identity and Conflict (3) An examination of identity as a source of civil conflict. The course
explores how identity is embedded in context, how identity is manipulated for political ends, and how
identity conflict may be resolved.
GVPT 306 Global Environmental Politics (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200. Focus on three processes of
international environmental policy development- identifying problems, negotiating solutions, and
implementing agreements- through a range of case studies, including global climate change.
GVPT 308 Political Science Topics in Study Abroad II (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
The study of topics in political science taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
GVPT 309 Topics in International Relations (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The study of
topics in international relations.
GVPT 317 Mock Trial II: Advanced Trial Advocacy (3) Prerequisite: GVPT217. Credit only granted
for: GVPT317 or GVPT319B. Formerly: GVPT319B. Development of trial advocacy skills through
participation in practice trials and intercollegiate mock trial competitions. Student may have an
opportunity to represent the university in intercollegiate mock trial tournaments, including the National
Mock Trial Championships.
GVPT 319 Topics in Social Advocacy (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Reading, research
and discussion of variety of topics related to social advocacy.
GVPT 321 Intermediate Formal Theories of Political Behavior and Politics (3) Prerequisite:
GVPT221. Analysis of the theory of games, social choice, voting and such notions of social welfare as
distributive justice and liberty.
GVPT 331 Courts, Law and Justice (3) Prerequisite: GVPT170. An introductory course to the study of
law with emphasis on how lawyers and judges think and argue. Topics include, contract law, property,
family law, torts, and criminal procedure.
GVPT 339 Topics in Public Law (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The study of topics in
public law.
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GVPT 349 Topics in Political Philosophy (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The study of
topics in political philosophy.
GVPT 351 Model United Nations (3) Restriction: Must be in College Park Scholars program; and must
be in GVPT International Studies program. Formerly: GVPT388S. Students are prepared for the model
United Nations Conference held at Harvard University every February.
GVPT 354 International Development and Conflict Management (3) Restriction: Enrollment is
restricted to students in the Minor in International Development and Conflict Management; and
permission of BSOS-Government & Politics department; and sophomore standing or higher. Additional
information: Students are expected to take the course during the Fall semester after admission to the
program. Serves as the gateway course for the Minor in International Development and Conflict
Management. Provides an introductory foundation in the theory and practice of international development
and conflict management. Introduces the structures, key players, intersections, and main trends in the
evolution of the fields. Explores causal factors that drive economic growth, poverty, inequality, and
conflict, as well as the resources, methods, and tools available to track and address these issues.
GVPT 355 Capstone in International Conflict Management (3) Prerequisite: GVPT354. Restriction:
Enrollment is restricted to students in the Minor in International Development and Conflict Management;
and sophomore standing or higher; and permission of BSOS-Government & Politics department. Serves
as one of the two capstone courses for the Minor in International Development and Conflict Management.
Focuses on advanced theory and the practice and profession of international conflict management and is
designed to provide students an introduction to, and a chance to engage with, a core set of practical skills
relevant to the field.
GVPT 356 Capstone in International Development (3) Prerequisite: GVPT354. Restriction:
Enrollment is restricted to students in the Minor in International Development and Conflict Management;
and sophomore standing or higher; and permission of BSOS-Government & Politics department. Serves
as one of the two capstone courses for the Minor in International Development and Conflict Management.
Focuses on advanced theory and the practice and profession of international development and is designed
to provide students an introduction to, and a chance to engage with, a core set of practical skills relevant
to the field.
GVPT 358 Study Abroad Seminar in Political Science (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
The study of topics in political science.
GVPT 359 Topics in Comparative Politics (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The study of
topics in comparative politics.
GVPT 360 International Negotiations (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200. A study of the complexities of
international negotiation and cross-cultural decision-making. Students will apply advanced computer
technology in an interactive simulation involving actual negotiations.
GVPT 368 Special Topics in Government and Politics (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
The study of topics in government and politics.
GVPT 376 Applied Field Research in Government and Politics (3-6) Prerequisite: GVPT170.
Corequisite: GVPT377. Students in this course participate as interns in an agency of government or in
some other appropriate political organization. Assignments are arranged to provide students with insights
into both theoretical and practical aspects of politics. Under the tutelage of the host agency and an
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academic advisor, students conduct a major research project of mutual interest to the student and his or
her host agency in the field of government and politics.
GVPT 377 Seminar For Academic Interns (3) Prerequisite: GVPT170. Corequisite: GVPT376. The
application of major concepts of political science to the realities of the political process. Readings and
discussion attempt to relate the experiences of the academic interns to appropriate literature on the subject
of political decision-making.
GVPT 379 Topics in American Politics (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The study of topics
in American politics.
GVPT 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Government & Politics
department; and junior standing or higher.
GVPT 388 Topical Investigations (1-3) Prerequisite: 1 course from GVPT200-299 course range.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Independent research and writing on selected topics in
government and politics.
GVPT 389 Experiential Learning II (3-6) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Government & Politics
department; and junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits. Experiential credit for working in
government & politics related internships, research, and teaching opportunities.
GVPT 390 Game Theory (3) Restriction: Must not have completed ECON414. Credit only granted for:
GVPT399A, GVPT390, CMSC474 or ECON414. Formerly: GVPT399A. Introduction to game theory
with applications to political science, economics and sociology. Topics include preference theory,
expected utility theory, Nash equilibria, subgame perfection, repeated games, folk theorems, and
evolutionary stability.
GVPT 391 Advanced Game Theory (3) Credit only granted for: GVPT391 or GVPT399B. Formerly:
GVPT399B. Knowledge of basic solution concepts such as Nash and subgame perfectio is assumed.
Topics include Bayesian equilibria, correlated equilibria, bargaining games, and common knowledge.
Applications span all social sciences.
GVPT 392 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems for Social Science Research (3) Credit
only granted for: GVPT392, GVPT429A, or GVPT729D. Formerly: GVPT429A, GVPT729D.
Introduction to the use of Geographic Information Systems for conducting research in the social sciences.
Overview of spatially embedded nature of many social science phenomena and content of theories
common to spatial thinking. Students will obtain hands-on experience with various GIS tools and
methods most frequently employed by social scientists.
GVPT 393 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one
GIS course and at least one course in statistics. Credit only granted for: GVPT368I, GVPT393 or
GEOG498W. Formerly: GVPT368I. Part II of a two-semester course that integrates Geographic
Information Systems with social science research. Lectures and readings will motivate the use of GIS by
exposure to research applications in international relations; political and non-profit fundraising;
environmental justice; public health; race relations; business and economics.
GVPT 396 Introduction to Honors Research (3) Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics Honors
Program; and must have permission of the Government & Politics Honors Program. A required course for
all honors students designed to emphasize library research, methodology, and writing skills in political
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science and political philosophy. A written proposal, bibliography and research design for an honors
paper required of all students as a final project.
GVPT 397 Honors Research (3) Prerequisite: GVPT396. Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics
Honors Program. Individual reading and research. Preparation of an original paper.
GVPT 399 Seminar in Government and Politics (3) Prerequisite: 1 course from GVPT200-299 course
range. Reading, research, discussion, analysis, and writing in the area of politics. Both substantive issues
and methodological approaches will be considered. Primarily for government and politics undergraduate
GVPT 402 International Law (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200. Restriction: Must be in Government &
Politics program; and junior standing or higher. A study of the basic character, general principles and
specific rules of international law, with emphasis on recent and contemporary trends in the field and its
relation to other aspects of international affairs.
GVPT 406 International Organizations (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. Or must be in Government & Politics:
International Relations program; and junior standing or higher. A basic introduction to the full range of
international organizations that have come into being over the past century and one-half, including those
that aspire to be universal or global, those with a geopolitical or regional focus, and those that address
specific structural or functional areas of human endeavor or issue areas.
GVPT 407 International Political Economy (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. Introduces the field of international
political economy, which analyzes the ways in which economic and political changes produce both
economic and political reactions.
GVPT 409 Seminar in International Relations and World Politics (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Government & Politics; Government & Politics:
International Relations) ; and junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Reading,
writing, and research on topics in international relations and world politics. Both substantive issues and
methodological approaches will be considered.
GVPT 417 Seminar in Advanced Topics in Environmental Policy Analysis (3) Prerequisite:
GVPT273. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Government & Politics;
Environmental Sci&Policy-Env Politics & Policy). Credit only granted for: GVPT419B or GVPT417.
Formerly: GVPT419B. A series of critical tools and methods used to analyze environmental policy. This
class should be of interest to students who are either considering a career or graduate studies in
environmental protection.
GVPT 419 Seminar in Public Policy (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Recommended:
GVPT270. Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Reading, writing, and research on topics in public policy. Both substantive issues and
methodological approaches will be considered.
GVPT 420 The Logic and Practice of Measuring Political Behavior (3) Prerequisite: GVPT201.
Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program; or must be in Government & Politics:
International Relations program. Introduction to concepts and practices used for measuring political
behavior. Political analysis is an increasingly quantitative field, It is crucial for students of political
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behavior to learn how to define concepts in concrete ways, examine different methods of measuring
concepts, learn how to test the quality of chosen measures, learn how to construct richer measures out of
multiple questions, and finally how to examine the relationship between multiple measures of similar
concepts. Common pitfalls, errors, bias, and ethics will be examined along the way.
GVPT 422 Quantitative Political Analysis (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Recommended:
GVPT220. Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program. Credit only granted for: BIOM301,
BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405,
PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily meet the same major requirements-check with
your advisor to see which of these courses will count for your major). Introduction to quantitative
methods of data analysis, including selected statistical methods, block analysis, content analysis, and
scale construction.
GVPT 423 Elections and Electoral Behavior (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Restriction:
Must be in Government & Politics program. An examination of various topics relating to elections; the
focus includes the legal structure under which elections are conducted, the selection and nomination
process, the conduct of election campaigns, and patterns of political participation and voting choice in
different types of elections.
GVPT 424 Topics in Formal Theories of Political Behavior and Politics (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241
and GVPT221. Restriction: Must be in a major within BSOS-Government & Politics department. The
focus of this course will vary both by its theoretical core and its applications. The theories are likely to be
those of games, social choice, and voting. The applications will usually be to problems of distributive and
social justice, community organizing, responsive public policy, institutional design, alliance and coalition
formation, etc. Some of the topics will involve research projects.
GVPT 428 Topics in Formal Theories of Political Behavior and Politics (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241
and GVPT221. Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. An evaluation of theories of political behavior such as game, social choice and voting theory, and
their applications to problems of distribution and social justice, community organizing, responsive public
policy, institutional design, and alliance and coalition formation.
GVPT 429 Problems in Political Behavior (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241. Recommended: GVPT220.
Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program. The problem approach to political behavior with
emphasis on theoretical and empirical studies on selected aspects of the political process.
GVPT 431 Introduction to Constitutional Law (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Restriction:
Must be in Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. A systematic inquiry into the
general principles of the American constitutional system, with special reference to the role of the judiciary
in the interpretation and enforcement of the federal constitution.
GVPT 432 Civil Rights and the Constitution (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT331. Restriction:
Must be in Government & Politics program. A study of civil rights in the American constitutional
context, emphasizing freedom of religion, freedom of expression, minority discrimination, and the rights
of defendants.
GVPT 433 The Judicial Process (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT331. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program. An examination of judicial organization in the United States at all levels
of government, with some emphasis on legal reasoning, legal research, and court procedures.
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GVPT 439 Seminar in Public Law (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Recommended:
GVPT331. Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Reading, writing, and research on topics in public law. Both
substantive issues and methodological approaches will be considered.
GVPT 441 History of Political Theory: Ancient and Medieval (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241. Restriction:
Must be in Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. A survey of the principal
political theories set forth in the works of writers before Machiavelli.
GVPT 442 History of Political Theory--Medieval to Recent (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241. Restriction:
Must be in Government & Politics program. A survey of the principal theories set forth in the works of
writers from Machiavelli to Nietzsche.
GVPT 443 Contemporary Political Theory (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program. A survey of the principal political theories and ideologies set forth in the
works of writers from Karl Marx to the present.
GVPT 445 Marxism and Postmarxism (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within BSOS-Government &
Politics department. The study of Marxist thought and an assessment of the critical transformations and
reassessments of the theory and practice of Marxism.
GVPT 448 Non-Western Political Thought (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program. Additional information: Permission of department required for repeat.
Examination of works by major authors and general themes of political thought originating in Asia, the
Middle East, and Africa. This is not a survey of all non-Western political thought, but a course to be
limited by the professor with each offering.
GVPT 449 Seminar in Political Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Reading, writing, and research
on topics in political philosophy. Both substantive issues and methodological approaches will be
GVPT 454 Seminar in the International Relations of China (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200. Restriction:
Must be in Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. Or must be in Government &
Politics: International Relations program; and junior standing or higher. Explores the foreign relations
behavior of the People's Republic of China, with focus on the contemporary era.
GVPT 456 The Politics of Terrorism (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200. Restriction: Must be in Government
& Politics program; or must be in Government & Politics: International Relations program. Credit only
granted for: GVPT456 or GVPT459T. Formerly: GVPT459T. Examination of the definition, causes and
organization of terrorist activity, along with key domestic and international counter- and anti-terrorism
responses. Special emphasis on challanges and opportunities to the scientific study of terrorism.
GVPT 457 American Foreign Relations (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. The principles and machinery of the
conduct of American foreign relations, with emphasis on the Departments of State and Defense, and an
analysis of the major foreign policies of the United States.
GVPT 458 Special Topics in Study Abroad IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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GVPT 459 Seminar in Comparative Politics (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200; and (GVPT282 or GVPT280).
Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Reading, writing, and research on topics in comparative politics. Both substantive issues and
methodological approaches will be considered.
GVPT 460 Problems in State and Local Government (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170.
Recommended: GVPT260. Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program. A study of the
structure, procedures and policies of state and local governments with special emphasis on the state level
and on intergovernmental relationships, and with illustrations from Maryland governmental arrangements.
GVPT 461 Metropolitan Government (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Restriction: Must be
in Government & Politics program. An examination of administrative problems relating to public
services, planning, and coordination in a metropolitan environment.
GVPT 462 Urban Politics (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Recommended: GVPT260. Urban
political process and institutions considered in the light of changing social and economic conditions.
GVPT 473 The U.S. Congress (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. A detailed survey of lawmaking and the
legislative process, emphasizing the U.S. Congress, and its members.
GVPT 474 Political Parties (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program. A descriptive and analytical examination of American political parties,
nominations, elections, and political leadership.
GVPT 475 The Presidency and the Executive Branch (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170.
Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. An examination of
the U.S. presidency in historical and contemporary perspective: nomination and electoral politics and the
president's place in policy-making, administration, and public opinion.
GVPT 476 The Business Government Relationship (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170.
Recommended: GVPT270. Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program. Examines the
structures, process, and outcomes of business and government and the politics and products of their
cooperative-adversarial relationships in the United States. The design integrates interest group and
administrative politics and the public policy process.
GVPT 477 Voting and Participation (3) Prerequisite: GVPT170 and GVPT241. Restriction: Must be in
Government & Politics program. A study of the factors that influence individual vote choice and voter
participation in the U.S. The course will introduce political science research pertaining to both topics and
will engage current controversies over such things as political campaign laws and the various state and
federal rules that govern election administration.
GVPT 479 Seminar in American Politics (3) Prerequisite: GVPT241 and GVPT170. Restriction: Must
be in Government & Politics program; and junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Reading, writing, and research on topics in American politics. Both substantive issues and
methodological approaches will be considered.
GVPT 481 Government and Administration of Russia and the States of the Former Soviet Union
(3) Prerequisite: GVPT200; and (GVPT282 or GVPT280). Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics
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program. A comparative study of the governmental systems and political processes of the states of the
former Soviet Union.
GVPT 482 Government and Politics of Latin America (3) Restriction: Must be in Government &
Politics program; or must be in Government & Politics: International Relations program. A comparative
study of the governmental systems and political processes of the Latin American countries.
GVPT 484 Government and Politics of Africa (3) Prerequisite: GVPT282 or GVPT280. Restriction:
Must be in a major within BSOS-Government & Politics department. A comparative study of the
governmental systems and political processes of the African countries, with special emphasis on the
problems of nation-building in emergent countries.
GVPT 485 Government and Politics of the Middle East (3) Prerequisite: GVPT200; and (GVPT282 or
GVPT280). Restriction: Must be in Government & Politics program. A comparative study of the
governmental systems and political processes of the African countries, with special emphasis on the
problems of nation-building in emergent countries.
GVPT 487 Government and Politics of China (3) Restriction: Must be in one of the following
programs (Government & Politics; Government & Politics: International Relations) ; and junior standing
or higher. Credit only granted for: GVPT359A or GVPT487. Formerly: GVPT359A. Discussion of major
issues in the study of the domestic politics of the People's Republic of China.
HACS -- ACES-Cybersecurity
HACS 100 Foundations in Cybersecurity I (2) Restriction: Must be a student in the ACES (Advanced
Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Living-Learning Program. Interdisciplinary foundational course
of the ACES program. Through lectures, lab activities, and discussions, students will learn and practice
various aspects of cybersecurity. Weekly technical lectures will introduce students to the operating system
UNIX. Students will partner with the Division of Information Technology in a project to engage the
University of Maryland community in a cyber- hygiene and cyber-ethics campaign based on the concepts
learned in class.
HACS 102 Foundations in Cybersecurity II (3) Prerequisite: HACS100. Restriction: Must be a student
in the ACES (Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Living-Learning Program. Second
interdisciplinary foundational course of the ACES program. Through lectures and project work, students
will learn and practice cybersecurity. Students will work in teams to develop a honeypot project, and
work on this project throughout the course. Weekly lectures will supplement project work, focusing on
types of computer attacks and protections, data collection and analysis, and other foundational
cybersecurity concepts.
HACS 201 Introduction to UNIX (1) Restriction: Must be a first-year student in the ACES (Advanced
Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Minor Program. Credit only granted for: HACS201 or CMSC216.
Additional information: Required course for students who have not completed the ACES Living-Learning
Program or taken CMSC216. Introduction to the operating system UNIX through lectures and hands-on
HACS 202 Group Project in Cybersecurity (3) Restriction: Must be a first-year student in the ACES
(Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Minor Program; and cannot have been an ACES
Living-Learning Program student (i.e., have taken HACS100 and HACS102). The group project in this
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course will combine technical, analytical, and communication skills, further engaging students in the
practice of cybersecurity. Students will learn about design concepts and data analysis as they engage in a
team project designing, deploying, and collecting and analyzing data from a honeypot. The hands-on
nature of the course will give students experiential insight about how and why attackers attack and how to
engage in protective measures to prevent attacks.
HACS 208 Seminar in Cybersecurity (3) Restriction: Must be a student in the ACES (Advanced
Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Living-Learning Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Explores various lenses of cybersecurity in order to promote an interdisciplinary understanding of
the field. Although each section may focus on a different topic, each integrates active student
engagement, communication, critical communication, critical thinking, and teamwork.
HACS 279 Undergraduate Research in Cybersecurity (1-3) Restriction: Must be a student in the
ACES (Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Living-Learning Program; and permission of
UGST-HCOL-ACES Cybersecurity Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The Advanced
Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES) program encourages its students to engage in research in
order to gain greater insight into a specific area within cybersecurity, obtain an appreciation for the
subtleties and difficulties associated with the production of knowledge and fundamental new applications,
and to prepare for graduate school and the workforce.
HACS 287 Undergraduate Research in Cybersecurity (3) Restriction: Must be a student in the ACES
(Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Living-Learning Program; and permission of UGST-
HCOL-ACES Cybersecurity Program. The Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES)
program encourages its students to engage in research in order to gain greater insight into a specific area
within cybersecurity, obtain an appreciation for the subtleties and difficulties associated with the
production of knowledge and fundamental new applications, and to prepare for graduate school and the
HACS 297 Cybersecurity Experience Reflection (3) Restriction: Must be a student in the ACES
(Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Living-Learning Program; and permission of UGST-
HCOL-ACES Cybersecurity Program. Cybersecurity experience is defined as an experiential learning
activity either with a University of Maryland entity (such as the Division of Information Technology, the
ACES competition team or in an ACES outreach program), or with an external organization that will
provide valuable, hands-on experience to supplement the knowledge learned in the other ACES
HACS 318 Cybersecurity Professionals Colloquium Series (1) Restriction: Must be a student in the
ACES (Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Minor Program. Repeatable to 2 credits. The
Cybersecurity Professionals Colloquium Series explores various lenses of cybersecurity in order to
promote an interdisciplinary understanding of the field. The colloquium series consists of guest lectures
of cybersecurity professionals. In written assignments, students will not only summarize the lecture
content but also reflect on the significance of the lecture content for the field of cybersecurity.
HACS 402 Applied Security Analysis and Visualization (3) Restriction: Must be a student in the ACES
(Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Minor Program. Focuses on exploratory and statistical
data analysis, data and information visualization, and the presentation and communication of analysis
results. These topics will be presented and explored in the context of and with applications to
cybersecurity related data.
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HACS 408 Advanced Seminar in Cybersecurity (3) Restriction: Must be a student in the ACES
(Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Minor Program. Repeatable to 9 credits if content
differs. Explores various lenses of cybersecurity in order to promote an interdisciplinary understanding of
the field. Although each section may focus on a different topic, each integrates active student
engagement, communication, critical communication, critical thinking, and teamwork.
HACS 479 Undergraduate Research in Cybersecurity (1-3) Restriction: Must be a student in the
ACES (Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Minor Program; and permission of UGST-
HCOL-ACES Cybersecurity Program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. The Advanced
Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES) program encourages its students to engage in research in
order to gain greater insight into a specific area within cybersecurity, obtain an appreciation for the
subtleties and difficulties associated with the production of knowledge and fundamental new applications,
and to prepare for graduate school and the workforce.
HACS 498 Cybersecurity Group Problem Solving (3) Restriction: Must be a student in the ACES
(Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) Minor Program; and permission of UGST-HCOL-
ACES Cybersecurity Program. Repeatable to 6 credits. The Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for
Students (ACES) program encourages its students to engage in team problem solving activities in order to
gain greater insight into a specific area within cybersecurity and to obtain an appreciation for the
subtleties and difficulties associated with these activities in order to prepare students for graduate school
and the workforce. Students engage in a semester long problem solving or development project under the
mentorship of a industry specialist and with the guidance of university faculty. Through the exercise the
students will develop teamwork experience and professional communication skills in addition to
experience of the project itself. The project might be evaluation, creation, testing or analysis of some area
of cybersecurity as needed by the mentor-sponsor. A contract of what will be accomplished is required
must be agreed upon by the mentor, the student and the ACES leadership before the project can begin.
HDCC -- Design Cultures and Creativity
HDCC 105 Introduction to Digital Cultures and Creativity I (2) Restriction: Must be in the Digital
Cultures and Creativity Honors College Living/Learning program. History, concepts, and technologies of
creative digital expression, coupled with an introduction to development for particular platforms and
HDCC 106 Introduction to Digital and Creativity II (3) Restriction: Must be in the Digital Cultures
and Creativity Honors College Living/Learning program. Introduction to the methods and theory of
digital cultural production, with emphasis on creative and expressive platforms.
HDCC 208 Seminar in Digital Cultures and Creativity (3) Prerequisite: HDCC106 and HDCC105.
Restriction: Must be in the Digital Cultures and Creativity Honors College Living/Learning program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An advanced seminar in specific aspects of digital culture and
creativity, designed to keep students abreast of the latest developments in new media and the online
world. Possible topics include mobile gaming, digital storytelling, and electronic music.
HDCC 209 Practicum in Digital Cultures and Creativity (2) Prerequisite: HDCC208. Restriction:
Must be in the Digital Cultures and Creativity Honors College Living/Learning program. Repeatable to 4
credits if content differs. Practicum in Digital Cultures and Creativity in which students will develop their
program capstone projects under the supervision of a faculty mentor, with regular checkpoints and
presentations to track progress.
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HDCC 379 Digital Cultures and Creativity Independent Study (1-3) Prerequisite: HDCC105.
Restriction: Must be enrolled in the Digital Cultures and Creativity Honors College living-learning
program; and permission of UGST-HCOL-Digital Cultures & Creativity Program. Repeatable to 6 credits
if content differs. Involves research and/or creative scholarship directed by individual DCC faculty
outside of the formal classroom structure.
HEBR -- Hebrew
HEBR 102 Elementary Hebrew I-B (3) Prerequisite: HEBR101; or must have placement by the Hebrew
coordinator. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR111. Credit only granted for: (HEBR101 and
HEBR102) or HEBR111. Continues HEBR101. Modern Israeli Hebrew. Emphasis on conversation.
Study of linguistic structure and development of audio-lingual, writing and reading ability. Corresponds
to the second half of HEBR111.
HEBR 103 Elementary Hebrew II-A (3) Prerequisite: HEBR111 or HEBR102; or must have placement
by the Hebrew coordinator. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR112. Credit only granted for:
(HEBR103 and HEBR104) or HEBR112. Continuation of HEBR102 and HEBR111. Modern Israeli
Hebrew. Emphasis on conversation. Study of linguistic structure and development of audio-lingual,
writing, and reading ability. Corresponds to the first half of HEBR112.
HEBR 104 Elementary Hebrew II-B (3) Prerequisite: HEBR103; or must have placement by the
Hebrew coordinator. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR112. Credit only granted for:
(HEBR103 and HEBR104) or HEBR112. Continuation of HEBR103. Modern Israeli Hebrew. Emphasis
on conversation. Study of linguistic structure and development of audio-lingual, writing, and reading
ability. Corresponds to the second half of HEBR112.
HEBR 111 Elementary Hebrew I (6) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language Placement
Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR101; and must not have completed
HEBR102. Credit only granted for: (HEBR101 and HEBR102) or HEBR111. Modern Israeli Hebrew.
Emphasis on conversation. Study of linguistic structure and development of audio-lingual, writing and
reading ability.
HEBR 112 Elementary Hebrew II (6) Prerequisite: HEBR111; or must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR103; and must not
have completed HEBR104. Credit only granted for: (HEBR103 and HEBR104) or HEBR112.
Continuation of HEBR 111.
HEBR 199 Special Topics in Hebrew (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Topics in language,
literature, and culture. Varies by semester and instructor.
HEBR 203 Intermediate Hebrew II-A (3) Prerequisite: HEBR212 or HEBR202; or must have
placement by the Hebrew coordinator. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR212. Credit only
granted for: (HEBR203 and HEBR204) or HEBR212. Continuation of HEBR211 or HEBR202. Study of
linguistic structure, further development of audio-lingual, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Reading
of texts and newspapers designed to give some knowledge of Hebrew life, thought and culture.
Corresponds to the first half of HEBR212.
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HEBR 204 Intermediate Hebrew II-B (3) Prerequisite: HEBR203; or must have placement by the
Hebrew coordinator. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR212. Credit only granted for:
(HEBR203 and HEBR204) or HEBR212. Continuation of HEBR203. Study of linguistic structure, further
development of audio-lingual, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Reading of texts and newspapers
designed to give some knowledge of Hebrew life, thought and culture. Corresponds to the second half of
HEBR 211 Intermediate Hebrew I (6) Prerequisite: HEBR112; or Must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR201; and must not
have completed HEBR202. Credit only granted for: (HEBR201 and HEBR202) or HEBR211. Study of
linguistic structure, further development of audio-lingual, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Reading
of texts and newspapers designed to give some knowledge of Hebrew life, thought and culture.
HEBR 212 Intermediate Hebrew II (6) Prerequisite: HEBR211; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR203; and
must not have completed HEBR204. Credit only granted for: (HEBR203 and HEBR204) or HEBR212.
Continuation of HEBR211.
HEBR 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
HEBR 298 Special Topics in Jewish Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
HEBR 313 Conversation and Composition I (3) Prerequisite: HEBR212; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. A practical language course recommended
for all students continuing with Hebrew. Review of grammar and composition. Selected readings. Oral
and written exercises.
HEBR 314 Conversation and Composition II (3) Prerequisite: HEBR313; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. A practical language course recommended
for all students continuing with Hebrew. Review of grammar and composition. Selected readings. Oral
and written exercises.
HEBR 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
HEBR 381 Introduction to Hebrew Cultural Studies (3) Prerequisite: HEBR314; or permission of
instructor. Also offered as: JWST381. Credit only granted for: HEBR381 or JWST381. Critical study of
Israeli culture with emphasis on literature, film, and art as sites of struggle over political and social
meaning during times of cultural transformation. Focus on the historical development of Israeli identity
and gender, in particular within the military and Zionist youth movements. Taught in Hebrew.
HEBR 382 Israeli Media (3) Prerequisite: HEBR314; or permission of instructor. Also offered as:
JWST382. Credit only granted for: HEBR382 or JWST382. Examination of traditional and new media
genres in Israel today. Focus on the self-representation of Israeli society and the interaction between
media, society, and culture. Taught in Hebrew.
HEBR 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor; and junior
standing or higher.
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HEBR 388 Language House Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a resident in the Language House
Immersion program. Repeatable to 8 credits. For students residing in the Language House Immersion
Program. Focuses on the development of skills in the target language and acquiring the cultural
knowledge of the countries that speak the target language.
HEBR 430 Critical Issues in Israeli Cinema (3) Also offered as: FILM430. Credit only granted for:
HEBR430 or FILM430. Critical investigation of Zionist and Israeli culture and politics through film.
HEBR 498 Special Topics in Hebrew (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
HEBR 499 Independent Study in Hebrew (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Independent study under faculty supervision.
HEIP -- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
HEIP 143 Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (1) Restriction: Must be in the
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program (EIP). Foundational ideas and terms in entrepreneurship and
innovation are introduced, with attention to developing students understanding of cultivating a business in
diverse, global environments; leading and collaborating in a competitive world; developing an
entrepreneurial mind for an entrepreneurial world; and industry dynamics of technological innovation.
HEIP 144 Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3) Prerequisite: HEIP143.
Restriction: Must be in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program (EIP). Inspires entrepreneurial
innovation and creativity through interactive lectures, workshops, and case studies on contemporary
issues to include energy, life sciences, healthcare, and technology. Explores entrepreneurial innovation
sources, structures and dynamics. Helps students develop skills for generating ideas and addressing
current issues and problems.
HEIP 240 Exploring International Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3) Restriction: Must be an EIP
student in good-standing. An introduction to the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurship and
innovation from an international perspective.
HEIP 241 EIP Capstone: Creating Enterprise with Social Impact (2) Restriction: Must be in the
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program (EIP). Addresses the global necessity to develop and
implement solutions to critical social and environmental concerns in ways that are both technologically
viable and economically sustainable. Through group exercises, guest speakers, discussions, and
experiential learning activities, students will develop the skills to create businesses that achieve the
double bottom line of both profitability and social benefit.
HESI -- Higher Ed, Student Affairs, and International Ed Policy
HESI 217 Introduction to Student Leadership (3) Restriction: Freshman standing; or sophomore
standing. Credit only granted for: HESI217 or EDCP217. Formerly: EDCP217. Introduction to leadership
theories, concepts, and skills. Completion of personal and leadership self-assessments, values exploration,
and small group application.
HESI 298 Special Problems in Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education
Policy (1-6) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
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department. Individual instruction in special problems related to higher education, student affairs and
international education policy.
HESI 315 Student Leadership in Groups and Organizations (3) Recommended: HESI217. Credit only
granted for: HESI315 or EDCP315. Formerly: EDCP315. Acquiring and integrating leadership
knowledge within group and organizational contexts so that students can navigate organizational
environments and apply leadership in diverse communities of practice and career contexts.
HESI 318 Applied Contextual Leadership (3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only
granted for: HESI318 or EDCP318. Formerly: EDCP318. Course will utilize experiential learning
opportunities to develop and apply the knowledge and skills of leadership into specific contexts of
leadership practice.
HESI 320 Social Action Seminar (2) Prerequisite: HESI217. Restriction: Limited to Minor in
Leadership Studies students. The use of leadership theories to inform the practice of addressing social
issues in society, on campus, or within the surrounding community. Students will: identify a current and
compelling social issue; explore the historical, social, and political aspects of social issues; identify and
select applicable leadership theories to confront the social issue; create and develop a plan that integrates
leadership theories and the social issue; and implement and evaluate the overall social action project.
HESI 321 Advanced Social Action Seminar (1) Prerequisite: HESI217 and EDCP320. Restriction:
Limited to Minor in Leadership Studies students only. The use of leadership theories to inform the
practice of addressing social issues in society, on campus, or within the surrounding community. Students
will: identify a current and compelling social issue; explore the historical, social, and political aspects of
social issues; identify and select applicable leadership theories to confront the social issue; create and
develop a plan that integrates leadership theories and the social issue; and implement and evaluate the
overall social action project. Focuses on executing, implementing, and assessing a social action project in
small groups and teams.
HESI 417 Advanced Leadership Seminar (3) Prerequisite: HESI217; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-
Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education department. Credit only granted for: EDCP417 or
HESI417. Students will analyze and synthesize the concept of leadership using cultural, ethical,
sociological, historical perspectives. Exploration and reflection of personal values, decision making, in-
depth analysis on various leadership activities. Theories will be emphasized.
HESI 418 Special Topics in Leadership (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only
granted for: HESI418 or EDCP418. Formerly: EDCP418. The special topics and leadership course will
address a single topic related to leadership through the semester. In-depth study and analysis on the topic
will be the basis for the course. Topics include gender and leadership, ethics and leadership, and culture
and leadership. Leadership will serve as the foundation in the course.
HESI 470 Introduction to Student Personnel (3) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education department. Credit only granted for: EDCP470 or HESI470. Formerly:
EDCP470. A systematic analysis of research and theoretical literature on a variety of major problems in
the organization and administration of student personnel services in higher education. Included will be
discussion of such topics as the student personnel philosophy in education, counseling services,
discipline, housing, student activities, financial aid, health, remedial services, etc.
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HESI 489 Field Experiences in Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education
Poli (1-4) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
department. Planned field experience in education and community related activities. Credit not to be
granted for experiences accrued prior to registration.
HESI 498 Special Problems in Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education
Policy (1-3) Prerequisite: Available only to HISA, HIED, and HIEP students who have formal plans for
individual study of approved problems. Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Counseling, Higher Education
and Special Education department. Available only to HESI students who have formal plans for individual
study of approved problems.
HESI 499 Workshops, Clinics, Institutes (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits. The following type of
educational enterprise may be scheduled under this course heading: workshops conducted by the Higher
Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy program (or developed cooperatively with
other departments, colleges and universities) and not otherwise covered in the present course listings.
HESP -- Hearing and Speech Sciences
HESP 120 Introduction to Linguistics (3) Additional information: HESP120 is required for HESP
majors. HESP majors may not substitute LING200. An introduction to the scientific study of natural
language with focus on the basic concepts of phonology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, with
subsequent attention to the applied aspects of linguistic principles.
HESP 150 Introduction to Language Science (3) Language science is the scientific study of how
humans acquire, use, comprehend, and produce language. Most people in all societies learn and use their
native language or languages with apparent ease - but don't be fooled: languages are highly complex, and
speaking and understanding language requires some amazing feats of mental acrobatics. Thus there are
many opportunities for difficulties with language, which is the focus of our field. Understanding
difficulties with speech, language, and hearing require first understanding how processing works when
language is successful - the psychological (behavioral) and neurobiological (brain) factors that enable
people to learn and use language despite its intricacies, the structure and properties of language itself, and
how knowledge of language is acquired, represented, and processed in the mind and brain.
HESP 202 Introduction to Hearing and Speech Sciences (3) An introduction to communication
sciences and disorders; a survey of the bases of normal speech, language and hearing ability, major forms
of communicative disorders and their treatment.
HESP 258 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
HESP 300 Introduction to Psycholinguistics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in HESP202; or
permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Recommended: HESP120. An introduction
to current theories of language and an investigation of their relationship to human communication
behavior. Survey of the experimental literature relating to this question.
HESP 303 Phonetic transcription (2) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to broad
and narrow phonetic transcription, and to physiology of speech production. The primary goal of the
course is to provide knowledge about phonetics and the ability to use this knowledge in an applied
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HESP 305 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C-
in HESP202; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Anatomy, physiology, and
neurology of speech mechanism.
HESP 306 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech & Hearing (4) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
This is a 4-credit course focusing on the biological and neurological bases of human speech production
and human hearing, namely the anatomy, physiology, and neurology of the vocal/speech mechanism and
the hearing mechanism.Specifically, respiration, phonation, resonance, articulation, swallowing, and
hearing will be highlighted. A strong understanding of normal anatomy and physiology is essential for the
successful evaluation and treatment of patients with speech, language, swallowing and hearing disorders.
HESP 307 Speech & Hearing Science (4) Prerequisite: HESP303. Human hearing is exquisitely
sensitive, allowing us to hear extremely faint sounds, to follow the sounds of a friend's voice in a loud
party, and to appreciate subtle differences between words in the language. This course provides an
introduction to the basic physics of sound, the acoustic properties of the sounds of speech, and the
mechanisms by which those sounds are perceived by the listener.
HESP 311 Anatomy, Pathology and Physiology of the Auditory System (3) Prerequisite: Minimum
grade of C- in HESP202; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Gross anatomy
of the ear and pathways for transmission of sound energy through the peripheral and central auditory
system. Causes, development and effects of pathological conditions contributing to temporary or chronic
hearing impairments.
HESP 313 Neurobiology for Speech and Hearing (2) This course is designed to provide an
understanding of normal neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of speech and language. It will also provide
preliminary information regarding pathologic processes, especially those affecting speech and language
HESP 359 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
HESP 386 Experiential Learning (1-3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and permission of BSOS-
Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Students will have the opportunity observe and/or participate in
therapy activities provided by a speech-language pathologist or audiologist in this experiential learning
HESP 388 Undergraduate Research Externship (1-3) Prerequisite: HESP311, HESP300, HESP305,
and HESP202. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department; and sophomore
standing or higher. Off-campus research internship with departmental affiliates at National Institutes of
Health and regional universities. Contact department chairman for openings and descriptions of eligible
HESP 389 LEAP Classroom Internship (1-3) Prerequisite: HESP202; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Hearing
& Speech Sciences department. Participation in a language-based, literacy-rich preschool classroom for
children with speech-language disorders. Students will learn behavior management techniques,
curriculum planning and implementation, facilitation of play among children, data collection and teaching
HESP 400 Speech and Language Development in Children (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
HESP300; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Recommended: LING200 or
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HESP120. Restriction: Must be in Hearing and Speech Sciences program; or permission of BSOS-
Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Analysis of the normal processes of speech and language
development in children.
HESP 402 Language and Phonological Disorders in Children (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C-
in HESP400; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Restriction: Must be in
Hearing and Speech Sciences program. Etiology, assessment and treatment of language and phonological
disorders in children.
HESP 403 Introduction to Phonetic Science (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in HESP305; or
permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Restriction: Must be in Hearing and Speech
Sciences program; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. An introduction to
physiological, acoustic and perceptual phonetics; broad and narrow phonetic transcription; current models
of speech production and perception.
HESP 404 Fluency & Voice Disorders (3) Restriction: Must be in Hearing and Speech Sciences
program; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Etiology, assessment and
therapeutic management of phonation, resonance, and fluency disorders in children and adults.
HESP 406 Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders in Adults (3) Prerequisite: Minimum
grade of C- in HESP300 and HESP305; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department.
Restriction: Must be in Hearing and Speech Sciences program; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech
Sciences department. Survey of the dysarthrias and aphasias in adults from an interdisciplinary point of
HESP 407 Bases of Hearing Science (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in HESP311; or permission
of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Restriction: Must be in Hearing and Speech Sciences
program; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Fundamentals of hearing,
including the physics of sound, anatomy and physiology of peripheral and central auditory nervous
system, psychophysical procedures used in measurement of auditory sensation and perception, and topics
in psychological acoustics.
HESP 411 Introduction to Audiology (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in HESP311; or
permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Restriction: Must be in Hearing and Speech
Sciences program; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. An introduction to
the field of audiology. Evaluation and remediation of hearing handicaps.
HESP 413 Aural Rehabilitation/Habilitation (3) Prerequisite: HESP411. Restriction: Sophomore
standing or higher. The fundamental aspects of aural rehabilitation therapy for both adults and children
are introduced to students. Class time will consist of lectures, discussions, and hands-on activities.
HESP 417 Principles and Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (3) Prerequisite:
HESP400 and HESP411; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department. Restriction:
Must be in Hearing and Speech Sciences program; or permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences
department. The principles underlying the treatment of speech, language and hearing disorders in children
and adults.
HESP 418 Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (3) Prerequisite:
Minimum grade of C- in HESP417. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences
department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Supervised observation with some direct participation in clinical
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methods for the treatment of disorders of articulation, fluency, child and adult language; evaluation and
habilitation/rehabilitation of hearing impaired children and adults.
HESP 420 Deafness and Sign Language (3) Credit only granted for: HESP498A or HESP420. An
introduction to American Sign Language and Deaf Culture.
HESP 422 Neurological Bases of Human Communication (3) Prerequisite: HESP305; or permission of
instructor. Credit only granted for: HESP498 or HESP422. Basic neurology as it pertains to anatomy and
physiology substrates of speech and language.
HESP 469 Honor Thesis Research (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of honors thesis advisor required.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Student will develop thesis proposal, conduct research, analyze
results, develop and defend final written document.
HESP 498 Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences department.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in human communication and its disorders.
HESP 499 Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Hearing & Speech Sciences
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. A directed study of selected topics pertaining to
human communication and its disorders.
HHUM -- Honors Humanities
HHUM 105 Honors Humanities: Introduction to the Arts and Humanities (3) Restriction: Must be an
entering freshmen in the Honors Humanities Program. Credit only granted for: ARHU105 or HHUM105.
Formerly: ARHU105. Introduction to the university, the different fields of the arts and humanities, and
the history of how the university and the humanities have evolved across the world from ancient times to
the present. Primary emphasis on reading and discussion of literary artifacts to assess the meaning and
social status of the arts and humanities in the past and their personal and social value for the future.
HHUM 106 Honors Humanities: The Arts in Practice (3) Recommended: HHUM105. Restriction:
Must be in the Honors Humanities Program. Credit only granted for: ARHU106 or HHUM106. Formerly:
ARHU106. Intensive study of a particular form or category of art (e.g., Southern musical traditions, the
graphic novel, one-act plays, the blogosphere, the personal essay)), especially as practiced in or relevant
to the campus and metropolitan area. Students produce an instance of this art as their final project for the
HHUM 205 Second Year Seminar in Honors Humanities (3) Credit only granted for: ARHU205 or
HHUM205. Formerly: ARHU205. Seminar on basic issues and methodologies in the humanities and arts.
HHUM 206 Honors Humanities Research Semester (1) Credit only granted for: ARHU206 or
HHUM206. Formerly: ARHU206. Independent research and completion of students' chosen Keystone
Projec developed during the preceding three semesters in HHUM105, HHUM106 and HHUM205. Will
meet as a class during the early part of the semester and discuss issues in humanities scholarship
including theory, methodology and pedagogy.
HHUM 288 Seminar: Selected Issues in Honors Humanities (3) Restriction: Must be in the Honors
Humanities Program. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: ARHU288 or
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HHUM288. Formerly: ARHU288. Seminar on important topics in Arts and Humanities for students in the
Honors Humanities Program.
HHUM 328 Internship in Honors Humanities (1-3) Prerequisite: HHUM105; and permission of the
Honors Humanities Director. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable to 3 credits. Credit
only granted for: ARHU328 or HHUM328. Formerly: ARHU328. Supervised service-learning in Honors
HHUM 329 Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship (1-3) Prerequisite: HHUM106, HHUM205, and
HHUM105; and permission of the Honors Humanities Director. Credit only granted for: ARHU329 or
HHUM329. Formerly: ARHU329. Supervised pedagogical service-learning in the Honors Humanities
HISP -- Historic Preservation
HISP 200 The Everyday and the American Environment (3) Also offered as: HISP615. An
introduction to the theories of the everyday within the context of the American built environment.
Focuses primarily on the American experience of underrepresented, minority, and/or immigrant
communities; both historical and contemporary. Attempts to challenge what is meant by American in
describing the American everyday built environment.
HISP 205 American Idols? Introducing Historic Preservation (3) Credit only granted for: HISP205 or
HISP100. Formerly: HISP100. A critical introduction to the history, theory, and current issues of historic
preservation in the U.S. Focus will be on four primary questions: What is historic preservation? How is
preservation practiced in the U.S.? Why do we preserve, or what are some of the reasons to save parts of
the built environment? Who benefits from preservation? Examination of texts, scholarly articles, and
contemporary news articles used as basis for discussions about the implications of preservation policy
within the plural society of the United States.
HISP 319 Special Topics in Historic Preservation (1-6) Repeatable to 12 credits. Students will explore
technical aspects of preservation taught by practitioners whose expertise are of special benefit to
undergraduate students.
HIST -- History
HIST 106 American Jewish Experience (3) Also offered as: JWST141. Credit only granted for:
HIST106 or JWST141. History of the Jews in America from colonial times to the present. Emphasis on
the waves of migration from Germany and Eastern Europe; the changing nature of the American Jewish
community and its participation in American social, economic, and political life.
HIST 110 The Ancient World (3) Interpretation of select literature and art of the ancient Mediterranean
world with a view to illuminating the antecedents of modern culture; religion and myth in the ancient
Near East; Greek philosophical, scientific, and literary invention; and the Roman tradition in politics and
HIST 111 The Medieval World (3) The development of Europe in the Middle Ages; the role of religious
values in shaping new social, economic, and political institutions; medieval literature, art and architecture.
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HIST 112 The Rise of the West: 1500 - 1789 (3) History of early modern Europe. Development of the
national consciousness of European peoples. Evolution of state power and bureaucracy, economic
institutions, art, literature, science, and religion.
HIST 113 The Making of Modern Europe (3) Evolution of modern nation states since late medieval
times. Industrial-economic structure and demography. Emergence of modern secular society.
HIST 120 Islamic Civilization (3) Also offered as: RELS120. Credit only granted for: HIST120 or
RELS120. Introduction to society and culture in the Middle East since the advent of Islam: as a personal
and communal faith; as artistic and literary highlights of intellectual and cultural life; and as the interplay
between politics and religion under the major Islamic regimes.
HIST 122 African Civilization to 1800 (3) History of Africa from earliest times to 1800. Topics of study
include origins of African societies, Nile Valley civilization, medieval African states and societies, Islam,
oral traditions, African slavery and the slave trade, and early African-European interactions.
HIST 123 Sub-Saharan Africa Since 1800 (3) Overviews early mid-19th-century changes in African
societies, European conquest and African resistances in the late 19th-century, colonial states and societies,
African nationalisms and decolonization and the independence era. Struggles over social, economic, and
political changes are emphasized.
HIST 130 Hot Spots: Violence, Catastrophe and Civilian Conflict in Worldwide Historical
Perspectives (3) Credit only granted for: HIST130 or HIST289A. Formerly: HIST289A. History behind
late twentieth and early twenty-first century headlines; explores historical explanations for hot spots of
unrest and civilian violence from the Congo to Srebrenica.
HIST 131 The History of the American Dream (3) Credit only granted for: HIST131 or HIST289J.
Formerly: HIST289J. An introduction to the way Americans thought of themselves in the past, and their
often conflicting visions of what constituted the American Dream. Central questions will include whether
or not Americans have always envisioned their country as a land of equality, opportunity, democracy, and
freedom and whether or not their ideas of what these values meant changed or remained the same over
HIST 132 Fighting Slavery (3) An examination of the different tools and tactics, means and methods
that Americans have used to escape slavery or try to eliminate it.
HIST 133 "God Wills It!" The Crusades in Medieval and Modern Perspectives (3) Credit only
granted for: HIST133, HIST289D, or RELS289D. Formerly: HIST289D. An examination of the identities
and convictions both of the Western Europeans who participated in the Crusades and of the Easterners
(Muslim, Christian, and Jewish) whom they encountered in the Holy Land. Focuses on the era of the first
four great Crusades, from about 1095 to 1215. Consideration of the cultural impact of these movements
on both Western Europe and the Middle East.
HIST 134 Spies, Assassins, Martyrs, and Witches: Famous Trials in American History (3)
Examination of some of the most famous trials in American history and their enduring hold on the
HIST 135 Civil Discourse or Urban Riot: Why Cities Don't (Often) Explode (3) An examination of
the mechanisms that promote peaceful co-existence in urban societies and a discussion of how and why
city streets sometimes become violent.
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HIST 136 Moneyland: Business in American Culture (3) Examines the interplay between America's
stature as a business society and the public distrust of commerce, big business, and money.
HIST 137 Pursuits of Happiness: Ordinary Lives in the American Revolution (3) Credit only granted
for: HIST289E or HIST137. Formerly: HIST289E. Investigates the search for personal fulfillment
unleashed by the American Revolution; explores the many different meanings ascribed to the notion of
the "pursuit of happiness" by Americans in the early national period.
HIST 141 Carbon: Element at the Center of History (3) Credit only granted for: HIST289B or
HIST141. Formerly: HIST289B. Traces the history of the "carbon" economy and its impacts from the
Industrial Revolution to the present; treats the role of modern dependence on fossil fuels and their role in
HIST 142 Looking at America through a Global Lens (3) Credit only granted for: HIST289I or
HIST142. Formerly: HIST289I. Looking at America will focus on a thematic approach to the study of
foreign -- negative and positive -- perceptions of America in the 20th century.
HIST 143 Power, Ritual, and Society in Western History (3) Credit only granted for: HIST289F or
HIST143. Formerly: HIST289F. Introduces students to influential works of political thinking, in the
Western tradition from classical Antiquity to the present, that treat the relationship between power, ritual,
and society. Investigates ritual and its relationships to power, both in reality and the imagination of
political thinkers.
HIST 189 Topics in History (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Thematic exploration of a
topic in history at an introductory level with emphasis on understanding what historians do and how
history is relevant in the contemporary world.
HIST 200 Interpreting American History: Beginnings to 1877 (3) Credit only granted for: HIST156 or
HIST200. Formerly: HIST156. The United States from colonial times to the end of the Civil War.
Establishment and development of American institutions.
HIST 201 Interpreting American History: From 1865 to the Present (3) Credit only granted for:
HIST157 or HIST201. Formerly: HIST157. The United States from the end of the Civil War to the
present. Economic, social, intellectual, and political developments. Rise of industry and emergence of the
United States as a world power.
HIST 204 Introduction to the History of Science (3) Credit only granted for: HIST174 or HIST204.
Formerly: HIST174. An exploration of the roots of modern science from the ancient Greeks through the
medieval and early modern periods. Focus on the men and women who helped to create the sciences and
to change public perceptions of their disciplines.
HIST 205 Environmental History (3) An exploration of the way different societies have used,
imagined, and managed nature. Includes examination of questions of land use, pollution, conservation,
and the ideology of nature, especially but not exclusively in Europe and North America.
HIST 206 Introduction to the History of Technology (3) Credit only granted for: HIST175 or
HIST206. Formerly: HIST175. Introduction to the history of major technological changes and
innovations; examination of the revolutionizing potential of technology.
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HIST 208 Historical Research and Methods Seminar (3) Restriction: Must be in History program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: HIST208 or HIST220. Formerly:
HIST220. Reading and research skills and methods. Research papers will be based on the topic of the
HIST 209 Selected Topics (3)
HIST 210 Love, Labor, and Citizenship: Women in America to 1880 (3) Also offered as: WMST210.
Credit only granted for: HIST210 or WMST210. An examination of the economic, family, and political
roles of colonial, slave, immigrant, and frontier women in America from pre-industrial colonial period
through the early stages of 19th-century industrialization and urbanization.
HIST 211 Love, Labor, and Citizenship: History of American Women Since 1880 (3) Also offered
as: WMST211. Credit only granted for: HIST211 or WMST211. An examination of women's changing
roles in working class and middle class families, the effects of industrialization on women's economic
activities and status, and women's involvement in political and social struggles including those for
women's rights, birth control, and civil rights.
HIST 212 Women in Western Europe, 1750-Present (3) Also offered as: WMST212. Credit only
granted for: HIST212 or WMST212. An analysis of the economic, family, and political roles of European
women from 1750 to the present. The effects of industrialization on women's work and status, the
demographic parameters of women's lives, and women's participation in political events from market riots
to suffrage struggles.
HIST 213 History of Sexuality in America (3) Credit only granted for: HIST213 or HIST219O.
Formerly: HIST219O. Explores the social construction of sexualities from the first colonial settlement to
the modern era in the United States. Analyzes the implications of these understandings for power relations
in U.S history.
HIST 214 Rebellious Women (3) Credit only granted for: HIST214, HIST219B, or WMST298G.
Formerly: HIST219B. Examination of British, French, and American women who rebelled against laws
and cultural ideas that restricted women in their era. Explores changing assessments of these women
across time.
HIST 215 Women in Western Europe to 1750 (3) Credit only granted for: HIST215 or HIST219A.
Formerly: HIST219A. An exploration of the theories and rhetoric about the nature and existence of
women in the West, focusing on the experience of women from the hegemony of Classical Greece to the
French Revolution, an era that marks the beginning of a continuous process of change. Emphasis will be
on the period between 1250 and 1750, when the Western European world was fundamentally altered in
every aspect and in every level of society, culture, and government.
HIST 219 Special Topics in History (3)
HIST 220 The Atlantic World in the Age of Exploration, Conquest, and Settlement (3) Credit only
granted for: HIST219V or HIST220. Formerly: HIST219V. Study of encounters, exchanges, and clashes
between Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans in the early modern Atlantic World. Examines
conquest and colonial systems; movement of men and women and mixing of peoples, and the persistence
of native folkways.
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HIST 221 Asian American History (3) Also offered as: AAST201. Credit only granted for: AAST201,
HIST219G, HIST219M, or HIST221. Formerly: HIST219M and HIST219G. Introduction to the history
of Asian Americans in the United States and the Americas and to the field of Asian American Studies,
from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics include theories of race and ethnicity; Asian migration and
diaspora to the Americas; Asian American work and labor issues; gender, family, and communities;
nationalism and nativism, and anti-Asian movements; Asian Americans in World War II, the Cold War,
and the issues in the civil rights & post-civil rights era.
HIST 222 Immigration and Ethnicity in America (3) Also offered as: AAST222. Credit only granted
for: AAST222, AAST298A, HIST219L, or HIST222. Formerly: HIST219L. The history of immigration
and the development of diverse populations i the United States are examined. Topics include related
political controversies, the social experiences of immigrants, ethnicity, generations, migration, inter-group
relations, race, and diversity in American culture.
HIST 224 Modern Military History, 1494-1815 (3) Survey of the military history of Europe through an
examination of the economic, financial, strategic, tactical, and technological aspects of the development
of military institutions and warfare from the dynastic wars of the Valois and Habsburgs to the national
wars of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Empire.
HIST 225 Modern Military History, 1815-Present (3) The military history of Europe through an
examination of the economic, financial, strategic, tactical, and technological aspects of the development
of military institutions and warfare from the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to the present.
HIST 232 The Historical Development of London (3) Restriction: Permission of Study Abroad Office
required. Credit only granted for: GNED288 and HIST232. Formerly: GNED288. Study Abroad in
London, England. The history of London, beginning with its foundation by the Romans, continuing with
the city's progressive political and cultural domination of England, the British Isles and the British
Empire, and concluding with a look at the city in the 20th century. Students look at London through the
eyes of contemporaries and historians while forming their own impressions of the city during course-
based walking tours of the city.
HIST 233 Empire! The British Imperial Experience 1558-1997 (3) Credit only granted for: HIST219P
or HIST233. Formerly: HIST219P. Britain's empire from the mid-sixteenth century to the late twentieth
century, focusing on the encounter between Britain and indigenous peoples. Topics include the origins of
British imperialism in Ireland and North America, the slave trade, the East India Company and India,
women in empire, transportation and the making of Australia, sex in empire, missionaries, racial theories,
and decolonization.
HIST 234 History of Britain to 1485 (3) British history from Roman times to the 15th century. The
Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, and Norman invasions; the coming of Christianity; Magna Carta, the
development of Parliament, legal institutions, and the Common Law; the decline of medieval kingship.
HIST 235 History of Britain 1461 to 1714 (3) British history from the War of the Roses to the
Hanoverian succession; Yorkist and Tudor society and politics; the Renaissance and Reformation in
England, Henry VIII through Elizabeth I; 17th-century crises and revolutions; intellectual and cultural
changes; the beginnings of empire; the achievement of political and intellectual order.
HIST 236 History of Britain 1688 to Present (3) British history from the Glorious Revolution of 1688
to the present. The revolution of 1688; the structure of 18th-century society and politics; economic and
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social change in the Industrial Revolution; 19th- and 20th-century political and social reform;
imperialism; the impact of the First and Second World Wars on British society.
HIST 237 Russian Civilization (3) An overview of Russian history stressing the main lines of
development of the Russian state and the evolution of Russian culture to the present day.
HIST 240 Europe in the Twentieth Century (3) Credit only granted for: HIST240 or HIST337.
Formerly: HIST337. Political, cultural, and economic developments in 20th-century Europe.
HIST 245 Reformers, Radicals, and Revolutionaries: The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (3)
Credit only granted for: HIST219W or HIST245. Formerly: HIST219W. The 20th century was a period
of dramatic changes in the Middle East. Within the global context of the two World Wars and the Cold
War, countries in the region struggled with the effects of colonialism and painful processes of
decolonization. The course offers a thematic-comparative approach to issues such as social and political
reform, nationalism, the colonial experience, independence struggles, models of governance, political
violence, and Islamism. Course lectures and the analysis and discussion of primary sources will lead
students to understand that the peoples of the Middle East found answers to the challenges posed by
Western dominance based on their specific historical, cultural and socio-economic circumstances.
HIST 250 Colonial Latin America (3) Also offered as: LASC250. Credit only granted for: HIST250 or
LASC250. Introductory survey of the history of Latin America from pre-Columbian Indian cultures to the
beginning of the wars for independence (ca. 1810), covering cultural, political, social, and economic
developments. Major themes include conquest, colonialism, indigenous culture, African slavery, religion,
race and ethnicity, and gender ideologies.
HIST 251 Latin America Since Independence (3) Also offered as: HIST251. Credit only granted for:
HIST251 or LASC251. Introductory survey of the history of Latin America from the era of independence
(c. 1810-1825) through the early 1980s. Major themes include independence and sovereignty,
postcolonialism and neocolonialism, nation- and state-building, liberalism, citizenship, economic
development and modernization, social organization and stratification, race and ethnicity, gender
relations, identity politics, reform and revolution, authoritarianism and democratization, and inter-
American relations.
HIST 254 African-American History to 1865 (3) Survey of the principal developments in the history
and culture of the peoples of African descent in colonial North America and the United States to 1865.
Examines the African past, the Atlantic slave trade, variation in slavery, the growth of free black
communities, the transformations of families and cultural forms, and patterns of resistance.
HIST 255 African-American History, 1865 - Present (3) An introductory course in the African-
American experience in the United States from 1865 to the present. Topics include the aftermath of the
Civil War on US race relations, the rise of segregation, northern migration, World War I and II, Civil
Rights Movements, and the Black Power Movement.
HIST 266 The United States in World Affairs (3) A study of the United States as an emerging world
power and the American response to changing status in world affairs. Emphasis on the relationship
between internal and external development of the nation.
HIST 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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HIST 281 The Rabbinic Movement: History and Culture (3) Also offered as: JWST230. Credit only
granted for: HIST281 or JWST230. Introduction to the Rabbinic movement and its history, first to
seventh century CE. Survey of the essential texts of ancient Rabbinic literature, both halakhic (legal) and
aggadic (non-legal).
HIST 282 History of the Jewish People I (3) Also offered as: JWST234. Credit only granted for:
HIST282 or JWST234. Political, economic, social, and cultural development within Jewish history from
the Biblical period to the late Middle Ages. Special attention to the emergence of Rabbinic Judaism and
its subsequent encounter with medieval Christian and Islamic civilizations.
HIST 283 History of the Jewish People II (3) Credit only granted for: HIST283, HIST283H, JWST235,
or JWST235H. Political, economic, social, and cultural development within Jewish history from the end
of Middle Ages to the present. Special attention to twentieth-century developments including the Nazi
holocaust and its aftermath, the Zionist movement and the creation of the State of Israel; rise of the
contemporary American Jewish community.
HIST 284 East Asian Civilization I (3) An interdisciplinary survey of the development of East Asian
cultures. An historical approach drawing on all facets of East Asian traditional life, to gain an
appreciation of the different and complex cultures of the area.
HIST 285 East Asian Civilization II (3) A survey of the historical development of modern Asia since
1700. Primarily concerned with the efforts of East Asians to preserve their traditional cultures in the face
of Western expansion in the 18th and 19th centuries, and their attempts to survive as nations in the 20th
HIST 286 The Jew and the City through the Centuries (3) Also offered as: JWST275. Credit only
granted for: HIST286 or JWST275. Jewish urban experience from ancient times to the present. Public
space and private space. The city and the sacred. Jewish ghettos and quarters. The struggle over modern
HIST 287 Why the Jews? Historical and Cultural Investigations (3) Restriction: Must not have
completed HIST282, HIST283, JWST234, or JWST235. Also offered as: JWST233. Credit only granted
for: HIST287 or JWST233. Examines the history and culture of the Jews from the thirteenth century
BCE/BC to the present through an examination of significant themes or problems (such as "religion" or
"diaspora") that shape our understanding of the Jewish people. A primary focus in the course will be on
texts, artifacts, and other cultural products by Jews and others that illustrate the history of the Jews help
understand their cultural heritage.
HIST 299 Directed Research (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-History department. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs. Closely guided research in primary sources for students currently enrolled in
selected 100- or 200-level surveys in the Department of History.
HIST 304 The Baddest Decade: The 1970s in American Film and American History (3) Prerequisite:
HIST201. Also offered as: FILM352. Credit only granted for: HIST304 or FILM352. The history of the
United States and of its cinema in the 1970s.
HIST 306 History of Religion in America (3) Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST201, HIST210, HIST211,
HIST213, HIST254, or HIST255; or must have completed HIST156 or HIST157; or permission of
instructor. Also offered as: RELS346. Credit only granted for: HIST306 or RELS346. A history of
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religion, religious movements, and churches in America from the early Colonial period to the present,
with special attention to the relation between church and society.
HIST 307 The Holocaust of European Jewry (3) Also offered as: JWST345. Credit only granted for:
HIST307 or JWST345. Roots of Nazi Jewish policy in the l930's and during World War II: the process of
destruction and the implementation of the "final solution of the Jewish problem" in Europe, and the
responses made by the Jews to their concentration and annihilation.
HIST 310 History of South Africa (3) Formerly: HIST419E. Explores the roots of Apartheid and the
anti-Apartheid movement from precolonial times to the present: the social history of work and identity,
the rise of kingdoms (Zulu, Sotho), conquest and colonial administration, urban and rural mass politics,
gender relations, and the transition to democracy.
HIST 319 Special Topics in History (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
HIST 320 Early Christianity: Jesus to Constantine (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one course
in ancient history at the 200 level. Also offered as: JWST331. Credit only granted for: HIST320 or
JWST331. Social and religious history of early Christianity from its origins in the first century to the
reign of Constantine.
HIST 321 Biblical History and Culture (3) Also offered as: JWST324. Credit only granted for:
HIST321 or JWST324. Formerly: HEBR333. Study of the political, social, and religious development of
the Jewish nation from its inception to its return from exile in Babylonia around 536 C.E. Focus on
biblical texts, archaeological finds, and source materials from neighboring cultures to reconstruct political
history and the development of religious concepts.
HIST 324 Classical Greece (3) The ancient Greeks from Homer to Socrates, 800-400 B.C. Society and
religion of the city-state, the art and literature of Periclean Athens, the Peloponnesian War, and the
intellectual circle of Socrates.
HIST 325 Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age (3) Prerequisite: HIST111 or HIST110; or
permission of instructor. History of the Greeks 400-30 B.C.: Alexander and the changes he wrought in the
Mediterranean world; the rise of monarchies and leagues; new directions in religion, art, literature, and
science; and Hellenization of the Near East, including the Jews.
HIST 326 The Roman Republic (3) Prerequisite: HIST111 or HIST110; or permission of instructor.
Ancient Rome 753-44 B.C., from its founding to the assassination of Julius Caesar. Rome's conquest of
the Mediterranean world, the social and political forces that brought it about, and the consequent
transformation and decline of the Republic.
HIST 327 The Roman Empire (3) Roman history from Augustus to Heraclius, 44BC-641AD: The
Imperial court and government; the diversity of culture in provinces and cities and the progress of
Romanization; Roman religion and its transformation in late antiquity; the Roman army and defense of
the frontiers.
HIST 328 Selected Topics in History (3) Repeatable to 9 credits.
HIST 329 Special Topics in History (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits.
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HIST 330 Europe in the Making: The Early Medieval West (A.D. 300-1000) (3) Also offered as:
RELS340. Credit only granted for: HIST330 or RELS340. From one empire to another: Rome to
Charlemagne. This period is approached as a crucible in which classical, Christian, and Germanic
elements merged, yielding new experimental syntheses. This course will deal with issues of authority,
cultural trends, and the formation of group solidarity.
HIST 331 Europe in the High Middle Ages: 1000-1500 (3) Also offered as: RELS341. Credit only
granted for: HIST331 or RELS341. Medieval civilization in the 11th through 15th centuries. Emphasis on
cultural and political developments of the high Middle Ages with study of the principal sources of
medieval thought and learning, art and architecture, and political theory prior to the Renaissance.
HIST 332 Renaissance Europe (3) Prerequisite: HIST112 or HIST111; or permission of instructor. Also
offered as: RELS342. Credit only granted for: HIST332 or RELS342. Intellectual developments in Italy
and Northern Europe from 1300 to 1550 and their influence on the arts and religion; social and economic
trends, including the rise of the commercial economy in cities; the family and the role of women in
society; expansion of Europe overseas and the beginnings of colonization; emergence of the state and
consequent changes in political theory.
HIST 333 The European Reformations (3) Prerequisite: HIST111 or HIST112; or permission of
instructor required. Also offered as: RELS343. Credit only granted for: HIST333 or RELS343.
Examination of developments in European religion between 1450 and 1700; the late-medieval Church
and its critics; rise of Protestant thought in Germany and its spread throughout Europe; reform efforts in
the Catholic Church; religious wars and violence and their impact on state and society; consequences of
religious reform in society and its impact on the family and women.
HIST 336 Europe in the 19th Century, 1815-1919 (3) The political, economic, social, and cultural
development of Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the First World War.
HIST 344 Revolutionary Russia (3) An exploration of the roots, dynamics, and consequences of the
Russian Revolution of 1917. Major interpretations of the fall of tsarism, social and political forces at play,
Leninism and Stalinism.
HIST 352 America in the Colonial Era, 1600-1763 (3) Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST210, HIST213, or
HIST254; or must have completed HIST156; or permission of instructor. The founding of the English
colonies in America and their European backgrounds, the reasons for the instability of colonial society to
1689 and the emergence of stable societies after 1689; the development of colonial regionalism, political
institutions, social divisions, the economy, religion, education, urban and frontier problems in the
eighteenth century.
HIST 353 America in the Revolutionary Era, 1763-1815 (3) Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST210,
HIST213, HIST254, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST156; or permission of instructor. The
background and course of the American Revolution and early nationhood through the War of 1812.
Emphasis on how the Revolution shaped American political and social development, the creation of a
new government under the Constitution, and the challenges facing the new nation.
HIST 354 Ante-Bellum America 1815-1861 (3) Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST210, HIST213, HIST222,
HIST254, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST156; or permission of instructor. Traces how the
strong nationalism after the War of 1812 transformed int the sectionalism that led to Civil War. The
course concentrates on the controversies over slavery and other issues contributing to North-South
antagonism, including Jacksonian democracy, capitalism, racism, immigration, manifest destiny and
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religious, social, and intellectual movements, each of which produced its own social tendencies and
HIST 355 Civil War and the Rise of Industrialization, 1860-1900 (3) Prerequisite: HIST200,
HIST201, HIST210, HIST213, HIST222, HIST254, HIST255, or HIST275; or must have completed
HIST156 or HIST157; or permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: HIST355 or HIST364. Civil
War, sectional and class conflicts and their impact on American life and institutions from the beginning of
the Civil War through the Gilded Age; social, economic, and political reconstruction of the Union;
industrialization, urbanization, and technological changes.
HIST 356 Emergence of Modern America, 1900-1945 (3) Prerequisite: HIST201, HIST211, HIST213,
HIST222, HIST255, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST157; or permission of instructor. The
emergence of modern institutions and identities, 1900-1945. These institutions may include corporate
enterprises and the welfare state; identities include homosexuality, the New Woman, and the New Negro.
HIST 357 Recent America: 1945-Present (3) Prerequisite: HIST201, HIST211, HIST213, HIST222,
HIST255, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST157; or permission of instructor. American history
from the inauguration of Harry S. Truman to the present with emphasis upon politics and foreign
relations, but with consideration of special topics such as radicalism, conservatism, and labor.
HIST 360 Women and the Civil Rights Movement (3) Twentieth-century U.S. civil rights movement
from the vantage point of women, considering both women's involvement in the legal campaigns and
political protests and the impact of civil rights struggles on women's condition, status, and identity.
HIST 361 Metropolitan Change and Modern America: Cities, Suburbs, Hinterlands (3) Prerequisite:
HIST201, HIST211, HIST222, or HIST255; or must have completed HIST157; or permission of
instructor. Credit only granted for: HIST419B or HIST361. Formerly: HIST419B. An exploration of the
forces that have transformed metropolitan and rural life since the mid-19th century. What role have
politics, policy, economics, and ideology/culture played in creating an urbanized and then a
"suburbanized" nation?
HIST 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
HIST 371 Jews and Judaism in Antiquity II: First through Seventh Century (3) Recommended:
HIST370. Also offered as: JWST326. Credit only granted for: HIST371 or JWST326. Political, social,
and religious history of the Jews from the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE to the Muslim
conquests. Special attention to the political transformation of Judaism under late Roman Christianity, and
the rise of the Rabbinic movement.
HIST 373 Jews in Early Modern Times 1450-1750 (3) Recommended: HIST282 or JWST234. Also
offered as: JWST333. Credit only granted for: JWST333, HIST373, HIST418C/JWST419C (Fall 2006,
Fall 2004) or HIST419C/JWST419Y (Spring 2001). Formerly: HIST419C. Emergence of new powerful
population centers, religious and cultural creativity, new forms of community, and radical messianic
HIST 375 Modern Jewish History II: World Jewry Since 1870 (3) Also offered as: JWST344. Credit
only granted for: HIST375 or JWST344. Continuation of HIST374.
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HIST 376 History of Modern Israel (3) Also offered as: ISRL342. Credit only granted for: HIST376,
ISRL342, or JWST342. History of modern Israel since the beginning of the Zionist settlement in 1882.
Attention to different interpretations and narratives of Israel's history, including the historical and
ideological roots of Zionism, the establishment of the State of Israel, ideological forces, wars, and the
triumphs and crises of democracy.
HIST 382 Law and Culture in Late Imperial China (3) An exploration of Chinese law and its
social/cultural implications in the late imperial period (1550s-1900s). Major interpretations of the
conceptions of law and justice, the functioning of the judicial system, and local courts. An introduction to
society and culture, politics and the bureaucracy, family and gender relations, and literature and popular
religion of China through the lens of law.
HIST 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-History department; and
junior standing or higher. The History Department's Internship program. Pre-professional experience in
historical research, analysis, and writing in a variety of work settings.
HIST 395 Honors Colloquium I (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-History department; and must be
in History program. History and theory: the conceptual underpinnings of the historical discipline.
Students evaluate several contrasting theories of history. Prerequisite for other honors courses.
HIST 396 Honors Colloquium II (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-History department; or
HIST395. Restriction: Must be in History program. Uses a seminar approach to examine a major problem
of historical interpretation across two or more diverse cultures in different periods. Topics vary and
include: religion and society, the city in history, gender, slavery and emancipation, and modernization.
HIST 398 Honors Thesis I (3) Prerequisite: HIST395 and HIST396. Restriction: Must be in History
Honors program. Individual research and preparation of History Honors Theses.
HIST 399 Honors Thesis II (3) Prerequisite: HIST395, HIST396, and HIST398. Restriction: Must be in
the History Honors program. Formerly: HIST398. Individualized research and preparation of History
Honors Theses.
HIST 401 Science and Gender (3) Credit only granted for: HIST401 or HIST429R. Formerly:
HIST429R. Examines the role of women and gender in the history of science. Includes consideration of
barriers to women's participation in science; women's role as scientific subjects and researchers; and
questions about the scientific construction of gender and the gendered construction of science.
HIST 404 History of Modern Biology (3) The internal development of biology in the 19th and 20th
centuries, including evolution, cell theory, heredity and development, spontaneous generation, and
mechanism-vitalism controversies. The philosophical aspects of the development of scientific knowledge
and the interaction of biology with chemistry and physics.
HIST 405 Environmental History (3) An introduction to the key issues and methods of environmental
history. The scope of the subject is discussed, as well as its relationship with other disciplines, such as
ecology, anthropology, and geography. A primary focus is environmental change in history with
emphasis on the American experience.
HIST 406 History of Technology (3) The changing character of technology in modern history,
beginning with the Middle Ages. Concentrates on the Industrial Revolution and its aftermath, the nature
of technological knowledge and the sources of technological change.
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HIST 407 Technology and Social Change in History (3) Social consequences of technological
innovations and the ways in which societies have coped with new technologies.
HIST 408 Senior Seminar (3) Restriction: Must be in History program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. A capstone course for history majors, designed to increase historical knowledge and the ability to
analyze texts and arguments. Topics will focus on the literature of a particular field and primary-source
HIST 412 History of Women and Gender in Africa (3) Prerequisite: HIST122 or HIST123; or
permission of ARHU-History department. Credit only granted for: HIST412 or HIST428L. Formerly:
HIST428L. An examination of socio-economic and cultural change in Africa from the dawn of the
colonial era in the 19th century to independence in the mid-twentieth century. Major focus on how
African women understood and responded to the expansion of European empires, changes in the colonial
economy, and impact of westernization and urbanization.
HIST 413 Revolutionary Prophets: Political and Religious Movements in Africa and the Atlantic
World (3) Recommended: HIST122 or HIST123. Credit only granted for: HIST413 or HIST419V.
Formerly: HIST419V. In the expanding nineteenth-century and twentieth-century culture of the "Black
Atlantic" world, investigates the intersection of African cultures, modern nationalism, prophetism,
millenarianism, and social change.
HIST 415 Ideas and Politics in Europe Since 1900 (3) Restriction: Permission of instructor.
Examination of intersection of ideas and politics in Europe since 1900. Focus will be on advocates of
liberalism, social democracy, fascism, Nazism, communism, and conservatism and their impact on
politics and policy since 1900.
HIST 416 History of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa (3) Credit only granted for: HIST416 or
HIST419Y. Formerly: HIST419Y. Examines the history and impact of the slave trade on African states,
societies, and economies. Investigates the meaning of slavery in Africa, the local uses of slavery there and
Africa's connections to the Trans-Saharan, Red Sea, and Trans-Atlantic slave trades.
HIST 417 Colonial Encounters: Natives, Spaniards, and Africans in the New World (3)
Recommended: HIST220 and HIST250. Credit only granted for: HIST417 or HIST428Y. Formerly:
HIST428Y. An exploration of the discourses and practices of the Spanish colonial project in the New
World and the ways in which Indians and Blacks were incorporated into or excluded from that project.
Also examines native and African resistance and adaptation to Spanish rule, and the process of
transformation and hybridization of Spanish, native and African cultures in Spanish America. An analysis
of recent historiographical developments that have profoundly changed the understanding of the Spanish
conquest and colonization of the New World.
HIST 418 Jews and Judaism: Selected Historical Topics (3) Prerequisite: HIST281, HIST283,
HIST106, HIST286, or HIST282; or permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
HIST 419 Special Topics in History (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
HIST 421 Medieval Heresies (3) Credit only granted for: HIST408L or HIST421. Formerly: HIST408L.
An examination of twelfth- and thirteenth-century heresies in the medieval West. Consideration of why so
many heretics emerged, and how the church attempted to deal with them, and what effect their
persecution had on Europe both then and later. Special attention given to groups that stood on the fine line
between heresy and orthodox religion.
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HIST 425 Imperial Russia (3) The rise and fall of the Russian Empire, Peter the Great to the collapse of
tsarism in revolution. Emphasis on the evolution of autocracy, social groups, national identities, and
cultural change.
HIST 427 Age of Decline: Britain 1914 to Present (3) British society since the First World War. The
social, cultural, economic, and political impact of the First World War; labor and politics in the 1920s and
1930s; the inter-war Depression, appeasement and foreign policy; the social impact of the Second World
War; the welfare state and nationalization of industry; the dissolution of Empire; the emergence of a
consumer society; social criticism in the 1950s; the economic and political problems of the 1960s and
HIST 428 Selected Topics in History (3) Repeatable to 9 credits.
HIST 429 Special Topics in History (3) Repeatable to 9 credits.
HIST 430 Tudor England (3) An examination of the political, religious, and social forces in English life,
1485-1603, with special emphasis on Tudor government, the English reformation, and the Elizabethan
HIST 431 Stuart England (3) An examination of the political, religious, and social forces in English life,
1603-1714, with special emphasis on Puritanism and the English revolutions.
HIST 433 Strategic Military Theory: Clausewitz (3) Credit only granted for: HIST419J or HIST433.
Formerly: HIST419J. An exploration of Clausewitzian thought. Topics include the conduct of fighting
and war planning, the relationship of war and politics, guerrilla war, the principles of concentration of
force, the Clausewitzian trinity, absolute war and real war, unlimited and limited war, the relative
strengths of the defense and the attack, and the intuitive sources of strategic decision.
HIST 436 Napoleon, the French Revolution, and the World (3) An argument for the broad continuity
between the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars.
HIST 437 Modern France from Napoleon to DeGaulle (3) The changing political and cultural values
of French society in response to recurrent crises throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Students should
have had some previous survey of either Western civilization or European history.
HIST 440 Germany in the Nineteenth Century, 1815-1914 (3) Examines the social, economic, cultural,
and political development of the major German states before 1871 and of Germany, excluding Austria,
from 1871 to 1914.
HIST 441 Germany Since 1900 (3) Course places Nazism in context of German and European history.
Topics include collapse of German democracy and the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship; the role of
Hitler; the response of political, military, economic, diplomatic, legal, media, theological elites and the
broader population; the mix of terror, consent and coercion; propaganda and Nazi culture; contours of
Nazi racial ideology and anti-Semitism and their impact on domestic and foreign racial policy; the
economic history of the Nazi regime; foreign policy from rearmament to launching World War II to
expansion and defeat; Jewish policy from the years of persecution to those of extermination; Nazi policy
in Eastern and Western Europe, towards the United States, and towards North Africa and the Middle East;
why the Allies won World War II and why and how Nazi Germany was defeated; the nature of the Allied
occupation after 1945; the Nuremberg war crime trials; aftermath of facing and avoiding the crimes of the
Nazi regime in West and East Germany.
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HIST 442 Twentieth-Century Russia (3) Russia and the Soviet Union from the fall of the tsars to the
post- communist present. Impact of Leninism, Stalinism, and Soviet Communism on state, society,
culture, and nationality.
HIST 446 Old Regime France, 1589-1789 (3) Credit only granted for: HIST419I or HIST446.
Formerly: HIST419I. An exploration of the demographic patterns of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries. Examination of arguments that the population was governed by Malthusian constraints; the
social structure of the time; the nature of the elites; the debate over the phrase "rise of the bourgeoisie";
the Enlightenment both as an intellectual phenomenon and as a social agent; and arguments that
Enlightenment led to the desacralization of the monarchy.
HIST 447 Riot, Law, and Justice in European History (3) Credit only granted for: HIST428C or
HIST447. Formerly: HIST428C. An examination of the role of violence and the attempt of law to contain
or punish it. Major interpretations of societal codes of honor, retribution, and punishment, and how
violence is governed by these codes.
HIST 450 Economic History of the United States to 1865 (3) Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST210,
HIST213, HIST222, HIST254, HIST275, or HIST311; or must have completed HIST156; or permission
of instructor. The development of the American economy from Columbus through the Civil War.
HIST 451 Economic History of the United States After 1865 (3) Prerequisite: HIST201, HIST211,
HIST213, HIST222, HIST255, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST157; or permission of
instructor. The evolution of the U.S. economy from the end of the Civil War to the present; emphasis on
macroeconomic policy making and relations among business, government, and organized labor.
HIST 452 Diplomatic History of the United States to 1914 (3) American foreign relations from the
American Revolution to the beginning of World War I. International developments and domestic
influences that contributed to American expansion in world affairs. Analyses of significant individuals
active in American diplomacy and foreign policy.
HIST 453 Diplomatic History of the United States from 1914 (3) American foreign relations in the
20th century. World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Korean War, and
Vietnam. A continuation of HIST452.
HIST 454 Constitutional History of the United States: From Colonial Origins to 1865 (3) The
interaction of government, law, and politics in the constitutional system. The nature and purpose of
constitutions and constitutionalism; the relationship between the constitution and social forces and
influences, the way in which constitutional principles, rules, ideas, and institutions affect events and are in
turn affected by events. The origins of American politics and constitutionalism through the Constitutional
Convention of 1787. Major constitutional problems such as the origins of judicial review, democratization
of government, slavery in the territories, secession, and civil war.
HIST 455 Constitutional History of the United States: Since 1865 (3) American public law and
government, with emphasis on the interaction of government, law, and politics, and the relationship
between the constitution and social forces and influences, the way in which constitutional principles,
rules, ideas, and institutions affect events and are in turn affected by events. Major crises in American
government and politics such as Reconstruction,the rise of corporate power, civil liberties during wartime,
the New Deal era, the civil disorders of the 1960s.
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HIST 457 History of American Culture and Ideas Since 1865 (3) Prerequisite: HIST201, HIST211,
HIST213, HIST222, HIST255, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST157; or permission of
instructor. A continuation of HIST456, from the Civil War to the present.
HIST 459 Society in America: Historical Topics (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. A
consideration of selected aspects of American society from colonial times to the present. Special
emphasis on regionalism, immigration, nativism, minorities, urbanization, and social responses to
technological changes.
HIST 460 History of Labor in the United States (3) Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST201, HIST210,
HIST211, HIST222, HIST255, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST156 or HIST157; or
permission of instructor. The American working class in terms of its composition; its myths and utopias;
its social conditions; and its impact on American institutions.
HIST 461 Blacks in American Life: 1865 to Present (3) Prerequisite: HIST201, HIST210, HIST211,
HIST222, HIST254, HIST255, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST157; or permission of
instructor. The role of the Black in America since slavery, with emphasis on 20th-century developments:
migration from farm to city; growth of the civil rights movement; the race question as a national problem.
HIST 462 Slavery, Sectionalism, and the U.S. Civil War (3) Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST213,
HIST222, HIST254, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST156; or permission of instructor. Slavery,
sectionalism, and the coming of the Civil War. Resources and strategy of the Confederacy and the Union,
the war's changing character, emancipation and its consequences, conditions on the home front, and the
wartime origins of Reconstruction.
HIST 463 History of the Old South (3) The golden age of the Chesapeake, the institution of slavery, the
frontier South, the antebellum plantation society, the development of regional identity, and the experiment
in independence.
HIST 466 Immigration and Ethnicity in the U.S. (3) Prerequisite: AAST200, AAST201, AAST222,
HIST200, HIST201, HIST221, or HIST222; or must have completed HIST156 or HIST157; or
permission of ARHU-History department. Credit only granted for: AAST498L or HIST466. Seminar
exploring historical problems relating to US immigration, race, and ethnicity since 1848, with emphasis
on cultural impacts of migration on immigrants, their children, and U.S. society.
HIST 467 Women and Reform Movements in the Twentieth-Century United States (3)
Recommended: HIST201, HIST211, or HIST255. Credit only granted for: HIST467 or HIST429E.
Formerly: HIST429E. Investigation of women's participation in such twentieth-century reform
movements as the labor movement, the struggle for racial justice, social welfare reform, and women's
movements. Will ask how race, class, and gender were implicated in the ways that women agitated for
social political change.
HIST 469 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
HIST 471 History of Brazil (3) Prerequisite: LASC234, HIST251, HIST250, or LASC235; or
permission of instructor. The history of Brazil with emphasis on the national period.
HIST 473 History of the Caribbean (3) Prerequisite: HIST112, HIST113, HIST122, HIST123,
HIST240, HIST250, or HIST251. Offers a concise introduction to the history of the Caribbean regions
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from the Columbian voyages to the 20th century. Special emphasis is given to the dynamics of local
social and cultural formations within the framework of the political and economic history of the Atlantic
HIST 474 History of Mexico and Central America I (3) Prerequisite: LASC234, HIST251, or
LASC235; or permission of instructor. History of Mexico and Central America, beginning with the pre-
Spanish Indian cultures and continuing through European contact, conquest, and colonial dominance,
down to the beginning of the Mexican War for Independence in 1810.
HIST 475 History of Mexico and Central America II (3) Prerequisite: LASC234, HIST251, or
LASC235; or permission of instructor. A continuation of HIST474 with emphasis on the political
development of the Mexican nation.
HIST 476 Jews in Medieval Times 1000-1450 (3) Recommended: HIST282 or JWST234; and
(HIST330 or HIST331). Also offered as: JWST432. Credit only granted for: HIST419R, HIST476,
JWST429M, or JWST432. Formerly: HIST419R. Social and cultural life of Jewish communities spread
throughout Islam and Christendom. Major topics include the Gaonate, kehila organizations, legal,
rationalist, and mystical thought, and the context of rising animosity against Jews linked to the Crusades
and changing Church doctrines.
HIST 477 Transnational Blackness in the Americas (3) The African diaspora is a concept that attempts
to comprehend the shared experiences of African-descended peoples throughout the world, particularly in
the Americas. While many of these peoples identify with a particular nationality (being Brazilian, Cuban,
or from the United States above or alongside being black, of color, or of African descent), many of them
have forged connections with each other across national boundaries and recognized commonalities that
transcend their national contexts. This class will use fiction, memoir, and recent historical scholarship to
explore the history of the links that Afro-Latin American and Afro-North Americans have created in the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Ultimately, the course will help us understand the historical
possibilities and limitations of conceiving of African Americans as a hemispheric, transnational social
HIST 481 A History of Modern China (3) Modern China from 1644 to the People's Republic of China.
Emphasis on the coming of the West to China and the various stages of the Chinese reaction.
HIST 482 History of Japan to 1800 (3) Traditional Japanese civilization from the age of Shinto
mythology and introduction of continental learning down to the rule of military families, the transition to
a money economy, and the creation of a townsmen's culture. A survey of political, economic, religious,
and cultural history.
HIST 483 History of Japan Since 1800 (3) Japan's renewed contact with the Western world and
emergence as a modern state, industrial society, and world power, 1800-1931; and Japan's road to war,
occupation, and recovery, 1931 to the present.
HIST 484 Cultural History of the Chinese Revolutions (3) Recommended: HIST481 or HIST285.
Credit only granted for: HIST419G or HIST484. Formerly: HIST419G. Examines the cultural origins,
experience, and results of the Cultural Revolution in China.
HIST 486 Social Issues in Modern China (3) Recommended: HIST285; and HIST481. Credit only
granted for: HIST419N (Fall2007) or HIST486. Formerly: HIST419N. Explores the problems
surrounding family, community, and social life in modern China, including a focus on issues that affect
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groups and subcultures within the population. Examines as well the political system's capacity to regulate
this complex society.
HIST 491 History of the Ottoman Empire (3) Survey of the Ottoman Turkish Empire from 1300 A.D.
to its collapse during World War I. Emphasis on the empire's social and political institutions and its
expansion into Europe, the Arab East and North Africa.
HIST 492 Women and Society in the Middle East (3) Recommended: Must have completed prior
coursework in Middle East studies or gender studies. Also offered as: WMST456. Credit only granted for:
HIST492 or WMST456. Examines the customs, values, and institutions that have shaped women's
experience in the Middle East in the past and in the contemporary Middle East.
HIST 493 Victorian Women in England, France, and the United States (3) Also offered as:
WMST453. Credit only granted for: HIST493 or WMST453. Examines the lives of middle- and upper-
class women in England, France, and the United States during the Victorian era. Topics include gender
roles, work, domesticity, marriage, sexuality, double standards, and women's rights.
HIST 495 Women in Medieval Culture and Society (3) Also offered as: WMST455. Credit only
granted for: HIST495 or WMST455. Medieval women's identity and cultural roles: the condition, rank
and rights of medieval women; their access to power; a study of women's writings and the constraints of
social constructs upon the female authorial voice; and contemporary assumptions about women.
HIST 499 Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-History department. Repeatable
to 6 credits.
HLMN -- Hillman Entrepreneurs Program
HLMN 470 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Ventures (3) Restriction: Restricted to students in the
Hillman Entrepreneurs Program. Credit only granted for: HLMN470, ENES460 or BMGT461. Additional
information: HLMN470 may not count toward any BMGT major or minor degree. Learn the processes
and skills needed to launch and manage start-up ventures, including technology startups. Assess the
feasibility of a startup ventures, as well as how to apply best practices for planning, launching, and
managing new companies by using real-world examples and in-depth case studies. Discuss a wide range
of issues of importance and concern to entrepreneurs and learn to recognize opportunity, assess the skills
and talents of successful entrepreneurs, and learn models and approaches that help navigate uncertainty.
HLMN 471 Entrepreneurial Finance (3) Restriction: Restricted to students in the Hillman
Entrepreneurs Program. Credit only granted for: HLMN471, ENES466 or BMGT365. Additional
information: HLMN471 may not count toward any BMGT major or minor degree. Examine the elements
of entrepreneurial finance, develop and analyze financial statements, focusing on technology-based
startup ventures and the early stages of company development. Address key questions that challenge all
entrepreneurs: how much money can and should be raised; when it should be raised and from whom; how
to define a reasonable valuation of a company; and how to structure funding, develop employment
contracts, and make exit decisions. Analyze the variety of financing models across a venture's life cycle,
with an aim to understanding the incentives of each type of investor and the relative costs and benefits of
each source of funding.
HLMN 472 Strategies for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (3) Restriction: Restricted to students in the
Hillman Entrepreneurs Program. Credit only granted for: HLMN472, BMGT467, or ENES463.
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Additional information: HLMN472 may not count toward any BMGT major or minor degree. Understand
the process of technological change; the ways that firms come up with innovations; the strategies that
firms use to benefit from innovation; and how to create new value not only through new products or
services, but with novel technologies, business concepts, organizing structures, transaction/financing
mechanisms, distribution channels, and market segmentation. Challenge students to think about how to
create value and build a productive business organization with available resources (e.g. intelligence,
insight, energy, initiative and personal relationships).
HLMN 473 Consulting in Tech Entrepreneurship (3) Restriction: Restricted to students in the Hillman
Entrepreneurs Program. Additional information: HLMN473 may not count toward any BMGT major or
minor degree. Apply the entrepreneurship/business principles learned in the classroom to real-world
consulting projects. Gain practical experience by solving actual business situations and by dealing with
ambiguity and uncertainty inherent in fast-moving technical organizations. Develop key skills in
negotiation, group dynamics, organization, and planning.
HLSA -- Health Services Administration
HLSA 300 Introduction to Health Policy and Services (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
CHEM131 and CHEM132. Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science program; and junior standing or
higher. Credit only granted for: SPHL498P or HLSA300. Formerly: SPHL498P. This course provides a
multidimensional view of public health policy and services. Through interactive discussion of assigned
readings, team-based learning, and supplementary lecture, students will learn about the nature of and
development of policy, public health policy, and financing and delivery of health care services. Concepts
such as unintended consequences, association versus causation, evidence-based information, and the
challenges of deconstructing available data, will be discussed throughout the course with the purpose of
strengthening student abilities to analyze and challenge assumptions. This course will place a significant
emphasis on a team-based learning approach to understanding the health care system and health care
HLSA 484 Redesigning Health Care: Developing a Clinic to Meet Community Needs (3) Restriction:
Must have completed a minimum of 60 credits. Additional information: Two sessions will be on-site at
the Mona Clinic in Temple Hills, MD, and the remaining sessions will be taught in the University of
Maryland's Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Provides an opportunity for students to learn a
key entrepreneurial skill, Design Thinking, while helping to build, reshape, redesign and transform
delivery of health care in the Mona Center, a new community center and clinic in Prince George's County.
This new, modern vision for a health and wellness clinic embraces student involvement in designing,
planning and contributing to innovative programs, solutions, and processes to improve the clinic's ability
to meet community and patient needs by addressing the social determinants of health as well as traditional
clinical health status. Students in the class will develop empathy for patients, providers and other
stakeholders, define problems, select a specific problem for intervention, understand problems based on
stakeholder input, ideate, reframe and suggest options to solve or address the problem, prototype
solutions, test ideas, and make recommendations to inform implementation and ongoing measurement
and monitoring of impact.
HLSC -- Integrated Life Sciences
HLSC 100 Students in the University: Integrated Life Sciences (1) Restriction: Must be in the Honors
College Integrated Life Sciences program. Credit only granted for: EDCP108O, HLSC100, HONR100, or
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UNIV100H. In a small classroom setting, Integrated Life Sciences students learn about academic
resources on and off campus.
HLSC 207 Principles of Biology III Organismal Biology (3) Prerequisite: (BSCI160 and BSCI161; or
BSCI106); and (BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105). Or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must be in the Honors College Integrated
Life Sciences program. Credit only granted for: BSCI207, BSCI279D, or HLSC207. The diversity,
structure and function of organisms as understood from the perspective of their common physicochemical
principles and unique evolutionary histories.
HLSC 322 Principles of Genetics and Genomics (4) Prerequisite: HLSC207. Restriction: Must be in a
major in UGST-HCOL-Integrated Life Sciences Program. Credit only granted for: HLSC322 or
BSCI222. Principles and mechanisms of heredity and gene expression, with a focus on the application of
genomics to contemporary medicine, biotechnology, and societal issues.
HLSC 374 Mathematical Modeling in Biology (4) Prerequisite: MATH130; or MATH140. And
MATH131; or MATH141. Restriction: Must be in a major in UGST-HCOL-Integrated Life Sciences
Program. Also offered as: BSCI374. Credit only granted for: BSCI374, BSCI474, or HLSC374. Students
will learn empowering mathematical techniques through the understanding of biological models. Models
are chosen from a variety of biological disciplines. Mathematical skills that will be developed along the
way include: solving non-linear difference equations, eigenvector analysis, and the implementation of
these algorithms as computer models.
HLSC 377 Research and Application in Life Sciences (3) Prerequisite: HLSC207 and HLSC322.
Restriction: Must be in the Integrated Life Sciences honors program. A skills based course covering
current research in the life sciences emphasizing novel approaches to complex real-word problems having
a biological basis.
HLTH -- Health
HLTH 106 Drug Use and Abuse (3) An interdisciplinary analysis of contemporary drug issues and
problems. The course will examine physiological, psychological, social, philosophical, historical, legal
and health aspects of drug use and abuse. Special attention will be focused on those general motivations
for drug use that attend life on the college campus.
HLTH 130 Introduction to Public and Community Health (3) Restriction: Must not have completed
HLTH105; and non-majors must have 45 or fewer credits. Credit only granted for: HLTH105 or
HLTH130. Formerly: HLTH105. An introduction to the theory and practice of public and community
health. The influence of public health professionals on the past, present, and future health status of society
through the examination of critical health issues will be described. Programming models, theories and
policy development are included.
HLTH 140 Personal and Community Health (3) Meaning and significance of physical, mental and
social health as related to the individual and to society; important phases of national health problems;
constructive methods of promoting health of the individual and the community.
HLTH 200 Introduction to Research in Community Health (3) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-
Behavioral & Community Health department. An overview of specific components and steps involved in
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the community health research process. Content includes, foundations of research, sampling,
measurement design, and analysis in a community context.
HLTH 222 Optimizing Health & Athletic Performance (3) The conceptual & theoretical knowledge
surrounding the enhancement of health & physical performance through sound behavioral & nutritional
practices. Topics include pre post activity fueling, hydration, body composition management, commercial
supplements, and health behavior strategies.
HLTH 230 Introduction to Health Behavior (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in HLTH130. Psychological, social psychological, and sociological approaches to the following
health areas: development of health attitudes and behavior, patient-provider interaction and the
organization of health care.
HLTH 234 Global Health Messages: Understanding Exposure & Impact. (3) Using a global
perspective, this course teaches students to be critical consumers of current and historical health
communication interventions. It also provides students with the skills to develop media interventions that
target specific and general populations. Students will discover the array of diverse media messages that
influence the health and well-being of individuals and communities.
HLTH 242 Sex in the City: An Interdisciplinary Public Health Assessment (3) Restriction: Must be
in Community Health program; or non-major with less than 45 credits. An examination of risky sexual
behavior from an interdisciplinary public health perspective. How biological psychological, as well as
sociological influences make individuals vulnerable to practicing risky sexual behavior and how public
health systems and government policies attempt to identify and prevent the spread of disease.
HLTH 244 Public Health and Aging (3) Restriction: Must be in Community Health program; or non-
major with less than or equal to 45 credits. Additional information: Priority in enrollment will be given to
Community Health (HLTH) majors. Can be used by HLTH majors as a health elective. A broad overview
of public health and aging issues as well as the barriers to achieving a healthful lifestyle through old age.
Emphasis will be placed on socio-cultural, historical, political, economic, and behavioral factors.
HLTH 285 Controlling Stress and Tension (3) Health problems related to stress and tension. Analysis
of causative psychosocial stressors and intervening physiological mechanisms. Emphasis on prevention
and control of stress through techniques such as biofeedback, meditation and neuromuscular relaxation.
HLTH 289 Topical Investigations (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Independent study by
an individual student or an experimental course in special areas of knowledge not covered by regularly
scheduled courses.
HLTH 300 Biostatistics for Public Health Practice (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in HLTH200. Restriction: Must be in Community Health program. Also offered as:
EPIB300. Credit only granted for: EPIB300 or HLTH300. An examination of biostatistical concepts and
procedures as they relate to contemporary issues in public health. Focus on applications, hands-on-
experience, and interpretations of statistical findings in public health research.
HLTH 301 Epidemiology for Public Health Practice (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
HLTH300. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Community Health; Public Health
Science). Also offered as: EPIB301. Credit only granted for: EPIB301 or HLTH301. An examination of
the discipline of epidemiology and its application to public health issues and practices, covering current
epidemiological concepts and methods.
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HLTH 325 Poor in America: Health and Wellbeing (3) Recommended: HLTH130; or HLTH140.
Using the ecological framework, students will explore the complicated relationship between poverty and
health and well-being in the United States.
HLTH 352 Portrayal of Drug Use and Addiction on Screen: Does Hollywood get it Right? (3)
Through comparative analysis of public health research evidence with portrayals used in film, the student
gains a deep understanding of substance abuse, its consequences, and theoretical foundations of its
biopsychosocial etiology and radiating effects on families, communities and society.
HLTH 366 Behavioral and Community Issues in Public Health (3) Prerequisite: HLTH130,
HLTH230, PSYC100, SOCY100, SOCY105, or ANTH260. Restriction: Must be in Public Health
Science program; or permission of SPHL-Behavioral & Community Health department. And must have
earned a minimum of 45 credits. Additional information: This course will initially be restricted to Public
Health Science (PHSC) majors, but could ultimately be opened to other majors, particularly those in
HLTH. The exploration of how social and behavioral science theories and public health concepts and
methods can be applied to both the health-illness experience and community interventions.
HLTH 371 Communicating Safety and Health (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within SPHL-
Behavioral & Community Health department. The communication and evaluation of safety and health
information. Emphasis on various types of communications and recipient factors which contribute to their
success or failure.
HLTH 374 Drugged, Drowsy & Distracted Driving: traffic safety issues for the new millenium (3)
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in HLTH200 and HLTH300. Restriction: Must be in Community
Health program. An in-depth examination of the current status of research, historical trends and policies
regarding impaired driving. Designed to provide exposure to the research process for understanding the
behavioral factors that contribute to impaired driving in our society.
HLTH 377 Human Sexuality (3) The biological and developmental aspects of human sexuality; the
psychological and emotional aspects of sexual behavior; sexual identity; the historical, cultural, social,
linguistic, legal and moral forces affecting sexual issues; the importance of communication, disclosure
and intimacy in interpersonal relationships; and research trends in the area of human sexuality.
HLTH 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-Behavioral & Community
Health department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
HLTH 389 Topical Investigations (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Independent study by
an individual student or an experimental course in special areas of knowledge not covered by regularly
scheduled courses.
HLTH 391 Principles of Community Health I (3) Prerequisite: HLTH140, HLTH230, HLTH300, and
BSCI202. Corequisite: HLTH301. Restriction: Must be in Community Health program. Broad overview
of community health. Health promotion, consumer health, public health, school health, environmental
health, preventive medicine, human biology and the health care system are examined. Each area's
contribution to community health is discussed.
HLTH 410 Honors Seminar (3) Prerequisite: HLTH200; and must have completed 2 other courses in
HLTH. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5; and must have completed 45 credits before
applying. Undergraduate majors with a strong academic record are provided the opportunity to engage in
challenging educational experiences related to the social and behavioral aspects of public health. Students
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will learn the skills and knowledge to develop, propose, defend, and complete an honors thesis or honors
HLTH 420 Effective Strategies for Public Health Practice (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
HLTH301 and HLTH391. Corequisite: HLTH490. The purpose of this course is to present the
interrelationships of curriculum planning, methodology and the selection and use of successful public
health presentation strategies. Special problems associated with public health presentations are discussed,
and students become familiar with a variety of resources as well as with planning for and implementing
demonstration presentations.
HLTH 430 Health Education in the Workplace (3) A survey of the role of health education in work
settings. Examination of occupational stress, the health effects of shift work, women's health in the
workplace, health education approaches to informing workers and management, and health promotion
programs in the workplace.
HLTH 434 Introduction to Public Health Informatics (3) Restriction: Must be in one of the following
programs (Community Health; Public Health Science) ; and must have earned a minimum of 60 credits.
Credit only granted for: HLTH434 or HLTH498E. Formerly: HLTH498E. Provides an overview of the
field of public health informatics and the influence of technology on the public's health and well-being.
Emphasizes the application of various technologies and computer/internet applications to support public
health research and practice, including strategies to address new and emerging threats.
HLTH 460 Minority Health (3) Prerequisite: HLTH140 or HLTH230; or permission of SPHL-
Behavioral & Community Health department. Restriction: Must be in a major within SPHL-Behavioral &
Community Health department. Health concerns of U.S. ethnic minority groups and factors placing them
at elevated risk for disease and injury. Health education concepts and strategies to reduce disparities
between their health status and the health status of the general population.
HLTH 471 Women's Health (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within SPHL-Behavioral & Community
Health department; or must be in a major within ARHU-Women's Studies department. Also offered as:
WMST471. Credit only granted for: HLT471 or WMST471. The historical, physiological, psychological,
and sociological mechanisms which contribute to women's health. Topics will include gynecological
concerns and reproductive health; nutrition, exercise; violence; substance use/abuse; and the health of
special populations.
HLTH 476 Death Education (3) Examination of the genesis and development of present day death
attitudes and behavior by use of a multidisciplinary life cycle approach.
HLTH 489 Field Laboratory Projects and Workshop (1-6) A course designed to meet the needs of
persons in the field with respect to workshop and research projects in special areas of knowledge not
covered by regularly structured courses.
HLTH 490 Principles of Community Health II (3) Prerequisite: HLTH301 and HLTH391. Corequisite:
HLTH420. Students will be involved in the applied aspects of community health education. They will
work with specific local community groups, planning, developing, implementing and evaluating a
community health project. Health agencies and community health marketing techniques will be
HLTH 491 Community Health Internship (12) Prerequisite: HLTH490. Restriction: Must be in
Community Health program. Integrating theory with practice in a community health setting.
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HLTH 498 Special Topics in Health (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topics of special
interest in areas not covered by regularly scheduled courses.
HONR -- Honors
HONR 100 Honors Colloquium (1) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Attendance
at various additional activities and events is required. Reading and discussion on the personal and social
value of higher education; development of a coherent general education program; exploration of the
educational and cultural resources of the campus and metropolitan area; participation in a community
service project; and other activities designed to broaden students' conception of what it means to be an
educated person.
HONR 149 Honors Colloquium (3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable
to 9 credits if content differs. A colloquium on a variety of topics.
HONR 168 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 169 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 208 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 209 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 217 Life, The Multiverse and Everything: Developing an Individual Cosmovision (3) In this
Honors seminar, students pursue personal cosmologies in light of our contemporary core "Western"
scientific world-view and a selection of other ancient and indigenous cosmographies for comparison
including those of Mesoamerica, the Inca, the Egyptians or the Chinese.
HONR 218 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 219 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 228 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 229 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 238 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 239 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
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HONR 248 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 249 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 258 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 259 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 268 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 269 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 278 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 279 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 288 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 289 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 298 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 299 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs.
HONR 318 Advanced Honors Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A series of seminars, often interdisciplinary in character, and
sometimes team taught. The subjects will vary from semester to semester.
HONR 328 Advanced Honors Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A series of seminars, often interdisciplinary in character, and
sometimes team taught. The subjects will vary from semester to semester.
HONR 338 Advanced Honors Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A series of seminars, often interdisciplinary and sometimes team
taught. The subjects will vary from semester to semester.
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HONR 348 Advanced Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A series of seminars, often interdisciplinary and sometimes team
taught. The subjects will vary from semester to semester.
HONR 349 Honors Colloquium (1-3) Restriction: University or departmental Honors student. Or
permission of instructor; and permission of Director of University Honors. Repeatable to 3 credits if
content differs. A series of seminars, often interdisciplinary and sometimes team taught. Subjects may
HONR 358 Honors Practicum (3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs. Formerly: HONR379. For student section leaders of HONR100 or HONR200.
HONR 359 Honors Workshop (1-6) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program. Repeatable
to 9 credits if content differs. Honors workshops are small seminar classes which concentrate on skill
HONR 368 Advanced Honors Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A series of seminars, often interdisciplinary in character and
sometimes team-taught. The subjects will vary from semester to semester.
HONR 378 Advanced Honors Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A series of seminars, often interdisciplinary in character and
sometimes team-taught. The subjects will vary from semester to semester.
HONR 379 Honors Independent Study (1-6) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Involves reading or research directed by individual faculty,
especially in areas outside of the student's major. Open only to University honors students.
HONR 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
HONR 388 Honors Thesis or Project (3-6) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Formerly:
HONR 389 Guided Honors Teaching (3) Restriction: Permission of University Honors Program.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. For HONR100 and HONR200 section leaders. Guided teaching
experience for selected students in the University Honors Program.
IDEA -- Academy for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
IDEA 247 Introduction to Peer Innnovation Coaching (2) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher;
and permission of Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Credit only granted for: IDEA247 or
IDEA250. Formerly: IDEA250. Additional information: Participation in the course requires students to
submit an application, be interviewed and selected by the Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Prepares you as an Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Peer Innovation Coach (PIC), where
you will be coaching and guiding student teams in the classroom as they experiment with using the design
thinking process. You will first have the opportunity to sharpen your own understanding of the design
thinking process by applying it to a team design challenge, as well as further explore each step through
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readings, discussion and reflection. You will then focus on the concept of creativity and learning about
the mindsets that are conducive to innovation. Towards the end of the semester, you will focus on the
theories and methods related to effective coaching. Throughout the course, you will observe and practice
coaching alongside AIE Facilitators as they teach design thinking modules in various courses across
campus. As you get more familiar and comfortable with the design thinking curriculum, you will have the
opportunity to facilitate parts of classes or activities at some of our workshops and special events, such as
departmental/campus-wide design challenges.
IDEA 369 Peer Innovation Coaching (2) Prerequisite: IDEA247; and permission from the Academy for
Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Repeatable to 6 credits. Formerly: IDEA358A. Deepen your role as an
Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Peer Innovation Coach (PIC), where you will be coaching
and guiding student teams in the classroom as they learn to use innovation methods. There is both an
experiential component and a classroom component. The experiential component involves coaching and
teaching innovation class sessions throughout campus, and the classroom component involves
discussions, reflection assignments and scenario role-playing to help improve your coaching and teaching.
While some of the content in the classroom component will be seeded by a set of course readings, much
of it will also be seeded by your own experiences in the experiential component.
IMMR -- Immigration Studies
IMMR 200 Introduction to Immigration and Migration Studies (3) Introduces concepts and
theoretical interpretations about the causes of international migration; provides an historical overview of
the main flows of immigration to the U.S.; analyzes economic, political, social, and cultural aspects that
impact the immigrants' settlement process.
IMMR 219 Special Topics in Immigration and Migration Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Thematic exploration of a topic in immigration or migration studies history at an
introductory level withemphasis on understanding how the movement of people is relevant in the
contemporary world.
IMMR 319 Special Topics in Immigration and Migration Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Thematic exploration of a topic in immigration or migration studies with emphasis on
understanding how the movement of people is relevant in the contemporary world.
IMMR 399 Internship in Immigration/Migration Studies (1-6) Prerequisite: HIST222, IMMR200, or
IMMR400; and permission of the Center for Global Migration Studies required. Restriction: Minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.5; and must have earned a minimum of 60 credits. Repeatable to 6.0 credits if
content differs. Additional information: This course is intended primarily for students seeking the
Immigration and Migration Studies transcript notation, but exceptions will be considered for students
with educational or career interests that lie in this area. Student internships must be approved by the
Executive Director of the Center for Global Migration Studies. Students must secure an appropriate
faculty mentor for the internship course. An internship course will be approved only if a faculty
supervisor is available. Internship experience with an organization that works with or studies migration or
immigrant populations. This experiential learning course provides training that enriches the students'
academic field of study and the IMMR transcript notation. Students submit a final written report of how
the experience ties into their major field of study.
IMMR 400 Vital Voices: Oral Histories of the Immigrant Experience (3) Recommended: HIST222;
or IMMR200. Credit only granted for: HIST428N or IMMR400. Formerly: HIST428N. An exploration of
the dynamic subject of U.S. immigrant experience through the scope of individual immigrant life stories
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in a global context. Course will include an overview of U.S. and global immigration patterns and an
introduction to the practice of oral history.
IMMR 419 Special Topics in Immigration and Migration Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Thematic exploration of a topic in immigration or migration studies history with emphasis
on understanding how the movement of people is relevant in the contemporary world.
INAG -- Institute of Applied Agriculture
INAG 100 Introduction to Plant Science (4) Restriction: Must be a student in the Institute of Applied
Agriculture; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department. Credit only granted for:
INAG100, PLSC100, or PLSC101. A general introduction to plant science designed to provide the
students with a working knowledge of the fundamental structures and processes of plants. Content
includes plant anatomy, physiology, genetics and environmental relationships.
INAG 102 Agricultural Entrepreneurship (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in AGNR-College of
Agriculture & Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department.
Additional information: Priority in enrollment will be given to students within the Institute of Applied
Agriculture. May not count toward any BMGT major or minor requirement. This course introduces
fundamental concepts related to launching a profitable agricultural business. Topics include idea
generation, opportunity recognition, conducting feasibility studies, assembling the entrepreneurial team,
and financing the new venture, among others. Students will learn knowledge and skills relevant to starting
a new agricultural business.
INAG 103 Agricultural Marketing (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in AGNR-College of Agriculture
& Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department. Additional
information: Priority in enrollment will be given to students within the Institute of Applied Agriculture.
Course cannot be used to fulfill a requirement for a Robert H. Smith School of Business major or minor.
Principles of market demand are used to develop a consumer oriented market strategy for agricultural
businesses. Topics include market structures, target marketing, market segmentation, niche marketing and
direct marketing. Market concepts unique to agriculture products are also covered.
INAG 105 Soils and Fertilizers (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in AGNR-College of Agriculture &
Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department. Soils and
Fertilizers is an introductory course for students entering careers related to applied agricultural
production. The course is divided into three subject areas; soil properties, soil fertility, and environmental
concerns of using soils for agricultural production. Emphasis is placed upon the characteristics of
Maryland soils which are similar to the soils in the mid-Atlantic region. The importance of nutrient
management and non-point source pollution of the Chesapeake Bay are covered in the course.
INAG 106 Pesticide Use and Safety (2) Additional information: Priority enrollment will be given to
students in the IAA program or to students in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR).
An overview of pesticide use and safety. Topics include environmental protection, labeling, personal
safety, first aid, formulation and chemistry, equipment, disposal, storage, record-keeping and liability.
The course prepares students to take the Maryland State test for a private applicator's license.
INAG 110 Oral Communication (3) Credit only granted for: COMM107, COMM200, INAG110,
JOUR130, THET285. A study of how perception, self-concept, verbal and nonverbal communications
affect the communication process as it emerges in the work place. The course provides skill training in
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speech writing, public speaking, group communication, interpersonal communication, listening, and
INAG 123 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture (3) An introductory courses that provides an
overview of the principles and practices of sustainable agriculture. Students explore the economic, social,
and environmental impacts of agriculture, and relate the principles of sustainability to various agricultural
production practices and systems.
INAG 132 Agricultural Leadership and Teamwork (3) Restriction: Students at the Institute of Applied
Agriculture (IAA); or students at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR); or
permission may be granted to other students based on available space. Introduces fundamental concepts
related to leadership and teamwork in agricultural organizations. Topics include leadership practices and
skills; relationships between leadership, authority, power, and ethics; team decision-making and
management; and organizational culture and change. Students will develop effective leadership skills
necessary for leading agricultural organizations.
INAG 201 Agricultural Human Resources Management (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in AGNR-
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture
department. Additional information: May not count toward any BMGT major or minor requirement. The
course introduces students to the study and application of the basic principles of human relations and
personnel management. A variety of approaches to recruiting, training, delegating, motivating, and
appraising employees are among the topics discussed.
INAG 203 Agricultural Finance (3) Restriction: Students at the Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA);
or students at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR); or permission may be granted
to other students based on available space. Additional information: Course cannot be used to fulfill a
requirement for a Robert H. Smith School of Business major or minor. This course introduces
fundamental concepts related to the financial management of an agricultural business. Topics include
financial statement analysis, financial planning, the relationship between risk and return, the time value of
money, costs associated with borrowed funds, sources of capital, financial markets and intermediaries in
agriculture, and personal finance, among others. Students will gain financial knowledge and skills
necessary for managing a profitable agricultural business.
INAG 204 Agricultural Business Management (3) Recommended: INAG102. Restriction: Must be in a
major in AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-Institute of
Applied Agriculture department. Additional information: Priority in enrollment will be given to students
within the Institute of Applied Agriculture. May not count toward any BMGT major or minor
requirement. This course integrates various concepts related to managing a profitable agricultural
business. Topics include business management and decision making, preparing a business plan, financial
analysis and budgeting, risk and investment management, and small business taxes, among others.
Students will gain relevant knowledge and skills as they complete the comprehensive business plan for
successfully managing an agricultural business.
INAG 205 Analyzing Alternative Enterprises (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in AGNR-College of
Agriculture & Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department.
Additional information: Priority in enrollment will be given to students within the Institute of Applied
Agriculture. This course identifies and analyzes alternative crops, livestock, and other agricultural
business enterprises. Students assess sustainability, geographic adaptability and potential profitability of
businesses through lectures, class projects, and presentations from farmers, entrepreneurs, and managers
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engaged in alternative enterprises. Topics may include value added approaches, organic crop production,
and recreational agricultural pursuits.
INAG 206 Agricultural Business Law (3) Restriction: Students at the Institute of Applied Agriculture
(IAA); or students at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR); or permission may be
granted to other students based on available space. Additional information: Course cannot be used to
fulfill a requirement for a Robert H. Smith School of Business major or minor. This course introduces
various legal concepts and their relationships to agricultural business and transactions. Topics include
torts, criminal law, contracts, promissory notes, property, partnerships, business entities, employment, and
bankruptcy, among others. Students will gain a general understanding of the legal system that will help
them manage and/or operate profitable agricultural businesses.
INAG 207 Power and Machinery (3) Prerequisite: INAG250 or PLSC204. Restriction: Must be in a
major within the AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department; or permission of AGNR-Institute of
Applied Agriculture department. Additional information: Priority will be given to IAA students and
permission will be granted to AGNR students and others on a space available basis. The basic principles
of compact equipment management, including selection, maintenance, operation, adjustment and
troubleshooting of agricultural machinery and power units will be studied. The methods of power
development, measurement, transmission through power trains both mechanical and hydraulic will be
studied. A systematic disassembly, analysis, diagnosis and reassembly of a small engine will be
completed by each student.
INAG 213 Crop Production Practices (3) Restriction: Must be in a major in AGNR-College of
Agriculture & Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department.
Additional information: Priority in enrollment will be given to students within the Institute of Applied
Agriculture. Crop Production Practices covers the applied methods of producing various vegetable and
agronomic crops in Maryland. This course focuses on commercial scale production where economics
impact production decisions. Topics include crop rotation, cropping systems, nutrient management, and
integrated pest control strategies. Throughout the course, economically, socially and ecologically
sustainable production practices will be addressed.
INAG 224 Greenhouse and Plant Production Management (3) Restriction: This coures is open to
students in AGNR. Priority enrollment will be given to students in the Institute of Applied Agriculture.
All other majors will be granted permission based on available space. Credit only granted for: INAG 114
or INAG 224. Topics will include the principles of managing greenhouses: structures, coverings, lighting,
irrigation, heating and cooling systems; and discusses the effects on plant production. Plant propagation
methods and environments will be analyzed and practiced.
INAG 231 Insects of Ornamentals and Turf (3) Recommended: PLSC253, PLSC254, or PLSC305; or
INAG107. Restriction: Must be in a major in AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; or
permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department. Additional information: Priority
enrollment will be given to students in the IAA program. A study of the major insect pests and beneficial
insects of ornamental plants and turfgrasses in the Mid-Atlantic region. The student will be responsible
for insect identification, life history, and control practices of approximately 100 insects. An insect
collection consisting of both insect pests and beneficial insects is required.
INAG 235 Irrigation and Drainage (3) Restriction: Permission of instructor. Also offered as: PLSC235.
Credit only granted for: INAG235, PLSC235 or PLSC489I. Formerly: PLSC489I. Additional
information: Priority enrollment will be given to IAA and PLSC majors. By permission for available
seats. An overview of U.S. and state water doctrines and plant water use rates Irrigation systems for
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residential and athletic field use will be discussed covering such topics as hydraulics, sprinkler spacing,
pipe selection and sizing, pumps, controllers, valves, and irrigation trouble shooting. Surface and
subsurface drainage for turfgrass sites will also be covered.
in a major in AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; or permission of AGNR-College of
Agriculture & Natural Resources. Additional information: Course is open to Institute of Applied
Agriculture students and permission will be granted to others in the College of Agriculture and Natural
Resources based on available seats. IAA student must have completed INAG 101 and INAG 104. The
principles of land measurement using conventional surveying techniques to determine distance, elevation
change or topography, Global Positioning System (GPS) devices and mapping, utilizing Graphical
Information Systems (GIS) will be the focus of this course. Students will use surveying equipment and
GPS receivers and other data collection instruments to collect land data features. Data will be mapped and
analyzed using software including: Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office, and ESRI ArcGIS software. Students
will download and integrate available on-line geo-referenced map images or other data to support the
development of their GPS collected data. Spatial analysis software will be used to map problem areas of
field agronomic factors.
INAG 244 Herbaceous Plants (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within the AGNR-Institute of Applied
Agriculture department; or must be in a major in AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; or
permission of AGNR-Institute of Applied Agriculture department. Also offered as: PLSC244. Credit only
granted for: INAG244 or PLSC244. Herbaceous plants are integral components of residential and
commercial landscapes. Students will become familiar with 250 annual and perennial plants. The
emphasis will be on plant management requirements and seasonal variation in the landscape.
INAG 248 Topics in Sustainable Agriculture (1) Recommended: INAG123. Repeatable to 2 credits if
content differs. Additional information: The topics covered in this course change every year, guided by
student interest, current research, and availability of guest speakers. Through readings, class discussions,
and guest speakers this one-credit seminar course exposes students to current trends, concerns and
research in sustainable agriculture. It allows students to explore various interest areas and discuss a
variety of topics as they relate to sustainable practices.
INAG 250 Fundamentals of Agricultural Mechanics (3) Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Institute of
Applied Agriculture department. Also offered as: PLSC204, PLSC204. Credit only granted for:
ENBE200 or PLSC204 or INAG250. Formerly: ENBE200. Additional information: Priority given to IAA
majors and AGNR students whose major requires this course. Permission will be granted to other students
on seats available basis. A comprehensive course that teaches the fundamentals of agricultural related
mechanics. Lecture and lab exercises will cover the broad range of topics associated with agricultural
mechanics including electricity, plumbing, welding processes, and wood and metal working applications.
Emphasis will be given to the design and installation of electrical circuits. It will also include project
planning and implementation including development of safety protocols for each area of study and
introduction of GPS equipment and software for survey data collection.
INAG 251 Landscape Construction (3) Prerequisite: INAG250 or PLSC204. Restriction: Must be in a
major in AGNR-College of Agriculture & Natural Resources. Additional information: Priority enrollment
is given to Landscape Management majors in the Institute of Applied Agriculture. An introductory course
in the basics of hardscape topics in landscape construction. Fundamental construction layout using
surveying techniques, GPS, elements of construction dealing with wood, concrete, masonry, pavers,
and/or electrical amenities used in hardscape construction. Emphasis will be placed on safety,
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interpretation of construction drawings or plans, specifications for specific structures, materials selection,
cost estimations, site preparation and typical construction techniques.
INST -- Information Studies
INST 126 Introduction to Programming for Information Science (3) Prerequisite: MATH115; or must
have math eligibility of MATH130 or higher; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Must not have
completed INST326 or CMSC131; and must be in Information Science program. Credit only granted for:
CMSC106, CMSC122, OR INST126. An introduction to computer programming for students with very
limited or no previous programming experience. Topics include fundamental programming concepts such
as variables, data types, assignments, arrays, conditionals, loops, functions, and I/O operations.
INST 201 Introduction to Information Science (3) Credit only granted for: INST201 or INST301.
Formerly: INST301. Examining the effects of new information technologies on how we conduct business,
interact with friends, and go through our daily lives. Understanding how technical and social factors have
influenced the evolution of information society. Evaluating the transformative power of information in
education, policy, and entertainment, and the dark side of these changes.
INST 309 Independent Study in Information Science (1-3) Prerequisite: Must have completed
INST301 Individual independent study of an aspect of information science, selected according to student
interest and need in consultation with a member of the iSchool faculty. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
INST 311 Information Organization (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled
in INST301; or must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in INST201; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Registration priority for students in BSIS program. Examines the theories, concepts, and
principles of information, information representation and organization, record structures, description, and
classification. Topics to be covered in this course include the methods and strategies to develop systems
for storage, organization, and retrieval of information in a variety of organizational and institutional
settings, as well as policy, ethical, and social implications of these systems.
INST 314 Statistics for Information Science (3) Prerequisite: (INST301; or must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in INST201); and MATH115; and STAT100. Or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Registration priority for students in BSIS program. Basic concepts in statistics including
measure construction, data exploration, hypothesis development, hypothesis testing, pattern identification,
and statistical analysis. The course also provides an overview of commonly used data manipulation and
analytic tools. Through homework assignments, projects, and in-class activities, you will practice
working with these techniques and tools to create information resources that can be used in individual and
organizational decision-making and problem-solving.
INST 326 Object-Oriented Programming for Information Science (3) Prerequisite: (must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in INST201; or INST301); and (INST126; or CMSC106; or
CMSC122). Or permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: INST326 or CMSC131. An introduction
to programming, emphasizing understanding and implementation of applications using object-oriented
techniques. Topics to be covered include program design and testing as well as implementation of
INST 327 Database Design and Modeling (3) Prerequisite: CMSC106, CMSC122, or INST126; and
(must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in INST201; or must have completed INST301). Or
permission of instructor. Restriction: Registration priority for students in BSIS program. Credit only
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granted for: INST327 or BMGT402. Introduction to databases, the relational model, entity-relationship
diagrams, user-oriented database design and normalization, and Structured Query Language (SQL).
Through labs, tests, and a project, students develop both theoretical and practical knowledge of relational
database systems.
INST 335 Teams and Organizations (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100; and (INST201; or must have
completed INST301). Or permission of instructor. Restriction: Registration priority for students in BSIS
program. Team development and the principles, methods and types of leadership will be a focus with an
emphasis on goal setting, motivation, problem solving, and conflict resolution. This course examines the
principles of managing team projects in organizations through planning and execution including
estimating costs, managing risks, scheduling, staff and resource allocation, communication, tracking, and
INST 346 Technologies Infrastructure and Architecture (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed
INST301 OR Must have completed or be currently enrolled in INST201; and must have completed INST
326; and must have completed INST327 OR Must have completed INST307. Or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Registration priority for students in BSIS program. Credit only granted for: INST346 or
BMGT405. Examines the basic concepts of local and wide-area computer networking including an
overview of services provided by networks, network topologies and hardware, packet switching,
client/server architectures, network protocols, and network servers and applications. The principles and
techniques of information organization and architecture for the Web environment will be covered along
with such topics as management, security, authentication, and policy issues associated with distributed
INST 352 Information User Needs and Assessment (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in INST201; or must have completed INST301; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Registration priority for students in the BSIS program. Focuses on use of information by
individuals, including the theories, concepts, and principles of information, information behavior and
mental models. Methods for determining information behavior and user needs, including accessibility
issues will be examined and strategies for using information technology to support individual users and
their specific needs will be explored.
INST 354 Decision-Making for Information Science (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed INST314
OR Must have completed INST304; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Registration priority for
students in BSIS program. Examines the use of information in organizational and individual decision-
making, including the roles of information professionals and information systems in informed decision-
making through techniques such as data analysis and regression, optimization, sensitivity analysis,
decision trees, risk analysis and business simulation models.
INST 362 User-Centered Design (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100; and (must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in INST201; or must have completed INST301); and must have completed
INST326. Or permission of instructor. Introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI), with a focus on
how HCI connects psychology, information systems, computer science, and human factors. User-centered
design and user interface implementation methods discussed include identifying user needs,
understanding user behaviors, envisioning interfaces, and utilizing prototyping tools, with an emphasis on
incorporating people in the design process from initial field observations to summative usability testing.
INST 377 Dynamic Web Applications (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed INST307 OR Must have
completed INST327; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Registration priority for students in BSIS
program. Credit only granted for: INST377 or BMGT406. An exploration of the basic methods and tools
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for developing dynamic, database-driven websites, including acquiring, installing, and running web
servers, database servers, and connectability applications.
INST 408 Special Topics in Information Science (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed INST201 OR
INST301; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Registration priority for students in BSIS program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected topics in information science.
INST 447 Data Sources and Manipulation (3) Prerequisite: INST326 or CMSC131; and INST327. Or
permission of instructor. Restriction: Must be in Information Science program; and permission of INFO-
College of Information Studies. Examines approaches to locating, acquiring, manipulating, and
disseminating data. Imperfection, biases, and other problems in data are examined, and methods for
identifying and correcting such problems are introduced. The course covers other topics such as
automated collection of large data sets, and extracting, transforming, and reformatting a variety of data
and file types.
INST 462 Introduction to Data Visualization (3) Prerequisite: INST362; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Registration priority for students in the BSIS program. Exploration of the theories, methods,
and techniques of visualization of information, including the effects of human perception, the aesthetics
of information design, the mechanics of visual display, and the semiotics of iconography.
ISRL -- Israel Studies
ISRL 142 Introduction to Modern Israel (3) Credit only granted for: ISRL142, JWST142, JWST219B.
An introduction to the history, politics, culture and society of modern Israel.
ISRL 249 Selected Topics in Israel Studies (3) Recommended: ISRL142. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Topics in the study of Zionism and contemporary Israel from the 1880's to the present.
Future offerings may address history, politics, or culture.
ISRL 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ISRL 282 Introduction to Israeli Cinema (3) An overview of Israeli cinema, with attention to the
distinctive themes, politics, and problems that distinguish Israeli film-making. Taught in English.
ISRL 289 New Explorations in Israel Studies (3) Investigation of critical and innovative responses in
Israel Studies. Although the topic will vary, the course will encourage intellectual exploration by students
of fundamental problems and critical methods.
ISRL 299 Independent Study in Israel Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff
Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Repeatable to 6 credits. This lower-level independent study allows
students to work closely with an Israel Studies faculty member of their choice, pending prior approval of
the faculty member. In this independent study, students will focus on a topic specific to Israel Studies.
ISRL 329 Special Topics in Israel Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Topics in the
study of Zionism and contemporary Israel from the 1880's to the present at an intermediate level.
Individual sections may address history, politics, or culture.
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ISRL 342 History of Modern Israel (3) Also offered as: HIST376. Credit only granted for: HIST376,
ISRL342, or JWST342. Formerly: JWST342. History of modern Israel since the beginning of the Zionist
settlement in 1882. Attention to different interpretations and narratives of Israel's history, including the
historical and ideological roots of Zionism, the establishment of the State of Israel, ideological forces,
wars, and the triumphs and crises of democracy.
ISRL 343 Global Migration and the Israeli Case Study (3) Credit only granted for: ISRL349K,
GVPT368G, SOCY398G, SOCY398I, or ISRL343. Formerly: ISRL349K. Over 70% of Israel's
population is made of first, second or third generation immigrants, who came from over 70 countries,
making Israel an ultimate immigrant society. This course will focus on the history of Israel as a case study
for the understanding of the historical phenomena of modern immigration.
ISRL 349 Investigating Topics in Israel Studies (3-6) Recommended: ISRL142 and ISRL249. Topics
in the study of Zionism and contemporary Israel from the 1880's to the present at an intermediate level.
Individual sections may address history, politics, or culture.
ISRL 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ISRL 448 Seminar in Israel Studies (3) Recommended: ISRL349 and ISRL249. Restriction: Must be in
the Israel Studies Minor. Intensive study of an Israel Studies topic. Expected work product is a substantial
research or analysis paper or appropriate equivalent.
ISRL 449 Advanced Topics in Israel Studies (3) Recommended: ISRL349 or ISRL249. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Topics in the study of Zionism and contemporary Israel from the 1880s to the
present at the advanced level. Individual sections may address history, politics, or culture. Some Sections
may have language or course prerequisites.
ISRL 499 Advanced Independent Study in Israel Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-
Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Repeatable to 6 credits. This upper-level independent
study allows students to work closely with an Israel Studies faculty member of their choice, pending prior
approval of the faculty member. In this independent study, students will focus on a topic specific to Israel
ITAL -- Italian
ITAL 103 Intensive Elementary Italian (4) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language
Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Not open to fluent/native speakers of Italian. Credit only
granted for: ITAL103 or ITAL121. Covers speaking, reading, writing, listening, and culture of Italian-
speaking world.
ITAL 121 Accelerated Italian I (3) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language Placement
Test (FLPT) score. Credit only granted for: ITAL103 or ITAL121. An intensive beginning course in
Italian language skills: guided practice in reading, writing, understanding and conversation, to enable the
student to move more quickly to advanced courses. Restricted to students already having a good
background in at least one other foreign language. When taken with ITAL122, may be used to satisfy
language requirement.
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ITAL 122 Accelerated Italian II (3) Prerequisite: ITAL121; or must have appropriate Foreign Language
Placement Test (FLPT) score. Credit only granted for: ITAL203 or ITAL122. Continuation of ITAL121.
Completion of accelerated cycle. May be used to satisfyARHU Global Engagement requirement.
ITAL 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ITAL 203 Intensive Intermediate Italian (4) Prerequisite: ITAL103; or must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed ITAL122; and must not be
a fluent/native speaker of Italian. Credit only granted for: ITAL203 or ITAL122. Covers speaking,
reading, writing, listening, and culture of Italian-speaking world.
ITAL 204 Review Grammar and Composition (3) Prerequisite: ITAL203 or ITAL122; or must have
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. An intensive review of major aspects of
contemporary grammatical usage; training in comprehension; an introduction to guided composition.
ITAL 207 Reading and Writing in Italian (3) Prerequisite: ITAL204; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native
speaker of Italian. Culture-based, process approach to reading and writing in Italian; selected grammatical
ITAL 211 Intermediate Conversation (3) Prerequisite: ITAL203; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native speaker of
Italian. Practice in spoken Italian based on reading and listening exercises in a variety of genres. Written
assignments and exams.
ITAL 241 Italian Women Writers - in Translation (3) An analysis of the writings and the ideas of
Italian women writers. Taught in English.
ITAL 251 Introduction to Italian Literature (3) Prerequisite: ITAL204; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native
speaker of Italian. Reading of selected literary texts; discussion and brief essays in Italian.
ITAL 252 Stories of Italy (3) Prerequisite: ITAL207; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be a fluent/native speaker of Italian.
Additional information: . Introduction to fictions across time and space in Italy.
ITAL 261 Cuisine, Culture, and Society in Italy Yesterday and Today (3) Prerequisite: ITAL204; or
permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Exposes students to an
important aspect of Italian culture: the art of gastronomy. Provides an in-depth understanding of the close
relationship between food and culture, while enriching their knowledge of the Italian language through
reading and analysis of various texts which deal with the preparation and adaptation of Italian food in
different cultural settings. Taught in Italian.
ITAL 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ITAL 301 Italian Composition (3) Prerequisite: ITAL207; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Techniques of composition; grammatical analysis;
various genres; vocabulary.
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ITAL 306 Commercial Italian I (3) Prerequisite: ITAL301; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. An introduction to Italian Business language and
culture. Special emphasis on communicative strategies used in business transactions and applications.
Reading and discussion of relevant articles relating to business world from on-line newspapers and
ITAL 311 Advanced Oral Expression: Current Events (3) Prerequisite: ITAL211; or permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Oral expression; development of
idiomatic forms and vocabulary to level of the Italian press.
ITAL 351 Survey of Italian Literature I: From the Middle Ages to Renaissance (3) Prerequisite:
ITAL207 or ITAL251; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
department. Credit only granted for: ITAL350 or ITAL351. Analysis of figures, themes, and styles in
fiction and poetry from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
ITAL 352 Survey of Italian Literature II: From the Renaissance to the Present (3) Prerequisite:
ITAL207 or ITAL251; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
department. Credit only granted for: ITAL350 or ITAL352. Analysis of figures, themes and styles in
fiction and poetry from the Renaissance to the present.
ITAL 361 Survey of Italian Society and Culture: From Fascism to the Seventies (3) Prerequisite:
ITAL207. Development of Italian society and culture from Fascism to the 1970s. Literature, cinema,
economy, popular culture, and daily life. Taught in Italian.
ITAL 362 Survey of Italian Society and Culture: From the 1980s to thePresent Day (3) Prerequisite:
ITAL207; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department.
Development of Italian society and culture from the 1980s to the present. Literature, cinema, economy,
popular culture, daily life. Taught in Italian.
ITAL 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ITAL 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
ITAL 388 Language House Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a resident in Language House.
Repeatable to 4 credits. The Language House Colloquium is a one-credit course for students residing in
the Language House Immersion Program. The course focuses on the further development of skills in the
target language and the acquiring of cultural knowledge of the countries that speak the target language.
The course is designed to supplement the learning that takes place on a daily basis in the Language House
ITAL 399 Directed Study in Italian (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 3 credits. Intended for undergraduates who wish to
work on an individual basis with a professor of their choice.
ITAL 401 Advanced Composition and Style (3) Prerequisite: ITAL301; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Advanced writing practice in range of
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ITAL 411 Monsters and Demons: the Faces of Evil in Dante's Inferno (3) An interdisciplinary study
of Dante's Inferno as represented in the Divine Comedy. Special emphasis on Dante's own portrayal of
monsters and demons and their roles in the poet's eschatological vision of Hell.Taught in English
ITAL 421 The Italian Renaissance (3) Credit only granted for: ITAL421 or ITAL422. A study of major
trends of thought in Renaissance literature, art, and science. Taught in English.
ITAL 431 Italian Civilization in Translation (3) Credit only granted for: ITAL431 or ITAL432.
Political, social, intellectual, literary and artistic forces shaping contemporary Italy from the late Middle
Ages to the present. Taught in English.
ITAL 433 Holocaust in Italian Literature and Cinema (3) Also offered as: FILM433. Credit only
granted for: ITAL433 or FILM433 or (JWST419R in Fall 2008). Formerly: JWST419R in Fall 2008.
Review of literature and theoretical writings of Italy's most famous survivor, Primo Levi, to a sampling of
Italian films that focus in vastly different and often extremely controversial ways on the experience of the
concentration camp, while addressing a series of central questions from the brutal realities of the camps to
the "compromises" made in order to survive, the need to bear witness, and the idea of the survivor's guilt.
ITAL 436 Italian Cinema I: Neorealism (3) Also offered as: FILM441. Credit only granted for:
FILM441 or ITAL436. Explores representations of Italy in cinema with special focus on identity
formation and the movement of Italian neorealism and post neorealism. Taught in English.
ITAL 469 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
ITAL 471 Italian Cinema: A Cultural Approach in Translation (3) Credit only granted for: ITAL471
or ITAL472. The culture of Italy through the medium of film from the silent days up to the present.
Taught in English.
ITAL 473 Italian Cinema II - In Translation (3) Also offered as: FILM431. Credit only granted for:
ITAL473, ITAL474, or FILM431. A study of Italian society and culture through the medium of film from
the mid 1970's to the present. Taught in English.
ITAL 475 The Italian Opera Libretto in English (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one course in
literature. Credit only granted for: ITAL475 or ITAL476. History and analysis of Italian opera librettos
from Monteverdi through Mozart to Verdi and Puccini. Taught in English.
ITAL 478 Colloquium in Italian (1) Prerequisite: ITAL311; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Corequisite: ITAL498, ITAL411, ITAL431, ITAL421,
ITAL473, ITAL475, ITAL471, or ITAL499. Repeatable to 6 credits. Colloquium section taught in Italian
to accompany 400-level Italian courses taught in English. Discussion, presentations, readings.
ITAL 497 Senior Project (3) Prerequisite: 4 courses from ITAL400-499 course range; or permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Individual independent study of an
aspect of Italian literature, culture or society selected according to student interest and need in
consultation with a member of the Italian program.
ITAL 498 Special Topics in Italian Literature (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
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ITAL 499 Special Topics in Italian Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
IVSP -- Individual Studies Program
IVSP 317 Progress Report (1) Restriction: Must be in Individual Studies program. A written analysis of
the program. Students register for IVSP 317 only once, the semester before the final term.
IVSP 318 Independent Learning Activities (1-6) Restriction: Must be in Individual Studies program;
and permission of faculty sponsor. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. An independent study course
which students can use for a variety of out-of-class internship and research opportunities.
IVSP 420 Senior Paper (3) Restriction: Must be in Individual Studies program. Synthesizing final paper
or a final special project.
JAPN -- Japanese
JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese I (6) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language Placement
Test (FLPT) score. Introduction to basic patterns of contemporary spoken Japanese and to the two
phonetic syllabaries (Katakana and Hiragana).
JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese II (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN101; or appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Continued introduction to the basic spoken patterns of
contemporary Japanese.
JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN102; or or
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Contemporary spoken and written Japanese.
JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN201; or appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Contemporary spoken and written Japanese.
JAPN 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
JAPN 298 Special Topics Japanese Literature (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Special
topics in Japanese literature.
JAPN 301 Advanced Japanese I (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN202; or permission of
instructor. Advanced conversation, oral comprehension, and selected readings.
JAPN 302 Advanced Japanese II (6) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN301; or permission of
instructor. Continued readings in varied modern texts and advanced conversation and oral comprehension.
JAPN 307 Kanji and Composition (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN301. Restriction:
Must not be a fluent/native writer of Kanji; and permission of instructor. Study of Kanji in context;
intensive writing practice.
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JAPN 314 Edo Text and Context: Origins of Japanese Popular Culture (3) Intensive reading of
various genres of literary and historical texts from the early modern (Edo/Tokugawa) period, read in
English translation. Taught in English.
JAPN 315 Reading Japanese Empire (3) Reading a wide variety of cultural, intellectual, and official
texts, this course explores how Japan's age of empire (1869-1945) was understood, imagined, and lived in
various colonial contexts and in the metropolitan center. Students will gain a textured understanding of
the complexities and contradictions of Japan's imperial project and the fraught ways this history plays out
today in Japan and Asia. Taught in English.
JAPN 316 Women and Japanese Literature: Japanese Literature in Translation (3) Credit only
granted for: JAPN316 or JAPN418W. Formerly: JAPN418W. Close critical reading of a range of
Japanese literary texts that deal in some significant manner with gender, sex and sexuality. Taught in
JAPN 325 Modern Japanese Literature and Film (In Translation) (3) Explores and questions the
significance of some of modern Japan's most dynamic historical transformations, pressing social issues,
and modes of cultural expression. Covers the Meiji period (1868-1912) to the 21st century.
JAPN 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
JAPN 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
JAPN 388 Language House Spring Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a resident of Language House.
Repeatable to 8 credits. For students residing in the Language House Immersion Program. Focuses on the
development of skills in the target language and acquiring the cultural knowledge of the countries that
speak the target language.
JAPN 401 Readings in Modern Japanese Literature (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
JAPN302; or permission of instructor. Development of advanced reading, vocabulary, grammar, and
translation skills through selected readings in Japanese drawn primarily from modern literature.
JAPN 402 Readings in Japanese Cultural Studies (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN302;
or permission of instructor. Development of advanced reading, vocabulary, grammar, and translation
skills through selected readings in Japanese drawn from the fields of history, social sciences, cultural
studies, film studies, and popular culture.
JAPN 405 Readings in Advanced Modern Japanese (3) Prerequisite: JAPN402; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Designed to further improve reading and translation
skills; the course will include readings from newspaper articles, literary works, and academic publications
in the social sciences and humanities. Listening exercises are included.
JAPN 407 The Art of Translation (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN401; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Theory and practice of
translation. Variety of genres. Japanese to English.
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JAPN 408 Special Topics in Japanese (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JAPN302; or
permission of instructor. Topic in the Study of Japanese, to be announced each time course is offered.
Taught in Japanese.
JAPN 411 Introduction to Classical Japanese (3) Prerequisite: JAPN302; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Classical Japanese grammar and the varied
styles of classical Japanese. Readings in classical texts drawn from the Heian, Kamakura, Muromachi,
and Edo periods.
JAPN 412 Classical Japanese (3) Prerequisite: JAPN411. Continuation of JAPN 411 with more
advanced classical Japanese.
JAPN 414 Masterpieces of Classical Japanese Literature in Translation (3) Major classics, with
focus on philosophical, historical and cultural backgrounds. Taught in English.
JAPN 415 Modern Japanese Fiction in Translation (3) Major themes and literary developments in
fiction from the late 19th century to the present. Emphasis on the works of Kawabata, Tanizaki, Mishima,
and Abe.
JAPN 418 Japanese Literature in Translation (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Representative works of Japanese literature in translation.
JAPN 421 History of the Japanese Language (3) Prerequisite: JAPN201; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Investigation of the origin of the Japanese
language, its relationship with other languages, and its development. Taught in English, but presumes
knowledge of Kanji (Chinese characters).
JAPN 422 Introductory Japanese Linguistics (3) An investigation of Japanese sound patterns and
syntax through a comparison with English.
JAPN 424 Japan From the Margins (3) Credit only granted for: JAPN498B or JAPN424. Formerly:
JAPN498B. Additional information: Taught in English. Japan from the Margins takes as its focus the
history and representations of various others in Japanese society. They include ethnic Ainu, Okinawans,
and Koreans, a historical outcaste group called the Burakumin, and people marginalized for their non-
normative gender and sexual practices. Students learn about the historical specificities of each group as
well as their common experiences of institutional discrimination as they grapple with larger questions
regarding prejudice, nationalism, and social justice.
JAPN 425 The Atomic Bomb in Literature and Memory (3) Credit only granted for: JAPN498A or
JAPN425. Formerly: JAPN498A. Additional information: Taught in English. Study of declassified
documents and commentary on the United States decision to use the bomb in 1945, the many ways
Japanese writers have attempted to express their indescribable experiences in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
and the shaping of historical narratives and national identities in post-war Japan and the U.S.
JAPN 428 Seminar in Japanese Discourse and Conversation Analysis (3) Prerequisite: JAPN302.
Recommended: JAPN422. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Presentation and discussion of classic
and current readings in English and Japanese on theories and actual practice of discourse and
conversation analysis. Students will learn transcription techniques and have an opportunity to apply them
in a final term paper.
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JAPN 438 Topics in Japanese Pragmatics (3) Prerequisite: JAPN201. Recommended: JAPN422.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Also offered as: JAPN638. Basic concepts in the field of
pragmatics (the study of language in context) such as deixis and indexicality, speech acts, ellipsis, and
politeness. Readings in English on English and Japanese examples.
JAPN 498 Special Topics in Japanese Studies (3) Special topics in Japanese studies. Taught in English.
JAPN 499 Directed Study in Japanese (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs.
JOUR -- Journalism
JOUR 106 Introduction to Studio Production (1) Additional information: Course does not count
toward a Journalism degree. Students will participate in various production roles to assist in the
production of UMTV shows.
JOUR 130 Self-Presentation in the Age of YouTube (3) Credit only granted for: COMM107,
COMM200, ENES143, INAG110, JOUR130 or THET285. Additional information: May not count
toward the Journalism major. Students, as they make use of evolving technologies, need to be able to
present themselves effectively in front of any number of different audiences through any number of
different outlets. Whether in an interview on radio, a guest presentation at a conference, in comments on a
video blog, in commentary on TV, in the lead on a self-produced YouTube video, or as spokesperson in
front of investors or management, professionals need strong oral communication skills. This class focuses
on strengthening those skills through active individual and group presentations, as well as, through
discussion of key techniques and group critique of presentation publicly available in the social media
space on sites such as YouTube.
JOUR 150 Introduction to Mass Communication (3) Restriction: Not open to students who have
completed JOUR100 prior to Fall 1999. Additional information: Not applicable toward journalism major.
Survey of the functions and effects of the mass media in the United States. A consumer's introduction to
newspapers, television, radio, film, sound recording, books, magazines, and new media technology.
JOUR 175 Media Literacy (3) Additional information: Not applicable toward journalism major. An
analysis of the information, values and underlying messages conveyed via television, newspapers, the
internet, magazines, radio and film. Examines the accuracy of those messages and explores how media
shape views of politics, culture and society.
JOUR 181 Grammar for Journalists (1) Credit only granted for: ENGL181, ENGL281, or JOUR181.
The basic grammatical structures of standard American written English and its conventions of
punctuation, diction and usage in journalistic writing.
JOUR 199 Survey Apprenticeship (1) Prerequisite: Permission of JOUR-Philip Merrill College of
Journalism. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Formerly: JOUR198. College-monitored experience
in approved mass-communications organizations and industries.
JOUR 200 Journalism History, Roles and Structures (3) Introduction to the study of journalism from
the standpoint of media history and sociology.
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JOUR 201 News Writing and Reporting I (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ENGL101,
JOUR181, and JOUR200; and permission of JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Restriction: For
students intending to be journalism majors; and permission of JOUR-Philip Merrill College of
Journalism. Introduction to news for the print and electronic media, development of new concepts:
laboratory in news-gathering tools and writing skills. Students who earned 80% or higher on the
JOUR181 diagnostic are exempt from the JOUR181 prerequisite.
JOUR 202 News Editing (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
JOUR203. Restriction: Must be in a major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Copy editing,
graphic principles and processes, new media technology.
JOUR 203 Introduction to Multimedia Skills (3) Prerequisite: JOUR201. Restriction: Must be in a
major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Credit only granted for: JOUR203 or JOUR328G.
Formerly: JOUR328G. Examining the basics of producing and editing digital photos, video, and audio.
Topics include: framing, lighting, and other aspects of composition; sequencing, using wide, medium, and
tight shots; and ethical considerations when collecting sound and visuals.
JOUR 240 Advertising in America (3) Credit only granted for: JOUR240 or JOUR340. Formerly:
JOUR340. Additional information: Not applicable toward journalism major. Survey of the history,
regulation and organization of advertising; advertising strategies and effects.
JOUR 262 News Videography (3) Prerequisite: JOUR203. Also offered as: JOUR603. Credit only
granted for: JOUR262 or JOUR603. Introduction to shooting, editing and production of video stories for
broadcast and the Web; includes newsgathering in the field.
JOUR 300 Journalism Ethics (3) Prerequisite: JOUR201. Restriction: Must be in a major in JOUR-
Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Examination of ethical problems in news writing and reporting.
JOUR 320 News Writing and Reporting II: Multiplatform (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
JOUR201. Restriction: Must be in a major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Principles and
practices of news reporting; covering news beats and other news sources, including researching news
stories for accuracy, comprehensiveness and interpretation. Due to rigorous publication requirement, plan
your schedule accordingly.
JOUR 323 Advanced News Editing (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JOUR202. Principles and
practices of editing beyond the copy desk. Wire editing, copy control, newsroom management problems.
Seeing the complete newspaper.
JOUR 324 Commentary and Editorial Writing (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320 or JOUR360. Formerly:
JOUR326. Journalistic interpretation and analysis; commentary and editorial writing.
JOUR 325 Capital News Service Bureau (6) Prerequisite: JOUR320; and permission of JOUR-Philip
Merrill College of Journalism. Advanced journalism training. Students report as part of College's Capital
News Service program.
JOUR 327 Urban Affairs Reporting (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320; and permission of instructor. Also
offered as: JOUR627. Credit only granted for: JOUR327 or JOUR627. Students are immersed in
coverage of issues affecting cities, working on a semester-long multi-platform reporting project based in
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JOUR 328 Special Topics in News Writing and Reporting (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Advanced training and practice in writing and reporting news.
JOUR 337 Patch U:Hyper-Local News Production (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320 or JOUR360; and
JOUR352; and permission of instructor. Also offered as: JOUR665. Credit only granted for: JOUR 389P,
JOUR 337 or JOUR665. Formerly: JOUR 389P. The Patch U class is a course on hyperlocal reporting.
Student are assigned to specific Patch sites and work with the local editors to cover government,
education and community news and write short features.
JOUR 350 Multimedia Presentation (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JOUR202; or minimum
grade of C- in JOUR262. Credit only granted for: JOUR350 or JOUR373. An examination of the
relationship of verbal and visual components of news content and the presentation of information in print
and online publications by combining typography, graphics, images and interactivity using current digital
JOUR 352 Interactive Design and Development (3) Prerequisite: JOUR203. Restriction: Must be in a
major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Also offered as: JOUR352. Credit only granted for:
JOUR352 or JOUR652. Conceptualize, wireframe, design and build responsive Web pages using HTML,
style sheets and other coding tools; work with open source interactive tools, JavaScript libraries,
multimedia and text to create charts, timelines, maps and other forms of nonfiction storytelling.
JOUR 353 News Bureau: Multimedia Reporting (3) Prerequisite: JOUR352; and permission of JOUR-
Philip Merrill College of Journalism; and (JOUR320 or JOUR360). Advanced reporting and writing in an
online environment focusing on multimedia and non-traditional storytelling.
JOUR 354 Interactive Multimedia Storytelling (3) Prerequisite: JOUR352. Restriction: Must be in a
major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Advanced development of multimedia journalism,
with emphasis on interactivity and application of new technologies, drawing on multiple sources,
technologies and techniques to create interactive narratives.
JOUR 355 News Bureau: Multimedia Editing and Production (3) Prerequisite: JOUR202 or
JOUR262; and (JOUR320 or JOUR360); and JOUR352; and permission of JOUR-Philip Merrill College
of Journalism. Advanced online journalism training. Students work as multimedia editors and producers,
building interactive content and special reports.
JOUR 356 Kaiser Health Multimedia Reporting (3) Prerequisite: JOUR203; and (JOUR320 or
JOUR360); and permission of instructor. Opportunities are provided for advanced reporting and writing
on health topics, using traditional and multimedia storytelling tools.
JOUR 358 Special Topics in Visual Communication (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320 or JOUR360.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Advanced training and practice in visual communication.
JOUR 360 News Writing and Reporting II: Broadcast (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
JOUR201. Restriction: Must be in a major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Writing and
reporting for broadcast media: production of news stories.
JOUR 361 Television Reporting and Production (3) Prerequisite: JOUR262 and JOUR360. Writing
and editing for the broadcast media. Interpretive and documentary news stories.
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JOUR 362 Broadcast News Producing (3) Prerequisite: JOUR262 and JOUR360; and must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in JOUR361. Producing TV news.
JOUR 363 Long Form Broadcast Journalism (3) Prerequisite: JOUR361; and permission of JOUR-
Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Restriction: Must be in a major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of
Journalism. Also offered as: JOUR663. Credit only granted for: JOUR363, JOUR486 or JOUR663.
Formerly: JOUR486. Production of long form broadcast news reporting, reality videos or documentaries.
JOUR 364 Radio Broadcasting (3) Prerequisite: JOUR360; and permission of JOUR-Philip Merrill
College of Journalism. Credit only granted for: JOUR364 or JOUR368R. Formerly: JOUR368R. Students
receive hands-on training in applying what they have learned about news reporting to the preparation of
stories for, and the production of, a weekly radio program.
JOUR 367 Broadcast News Bureau (6) Prerequisite: JOUR361; and permission of JOUR-Philip Merrill
College of Journalism. Advanced broadcast journalism training. Students report as part of the College's
Capital News Service program.
JOUR 368 Topics in Broadcast and Electronic Media (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Advanced research, analysis and/or practice of selected topics in broadcast journalism.
JOUR 370 Photojournalism (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320 or JOUR360. Credit only granted for: JOUR
368P, JOUR 370 or JOUR 670. Formerly: JOUR 368P. Additional information: Students are required to
borrow, rent or purchase a 35mm digital camera. Contact department for camera specifications.
Examining the basics of shooting, editing and storytelling with still photos taken with 35mm digital
cameras. Students shoot portraits, feature photos and action shots. Final project is a photo story/essay.
JOUR 371 Feature Writing (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320. Research and writing feature articles.
JOUR 380 Science Writing for News Media (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320; or permission of JOUR-Philip
Merrill College of Journalism. Writing of scientific and technical material for the general audience.
JOUR 381 Media Industry Reporting (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320; and permission of instructor. Also
offered as: JOUR681. Credit only granted for: JOUR381 or JOUR681. Students hone their reporting and
writing skills as they produce work for an award-winning professional magazine, and immerse themselves
in the news industry, which is undergoing dramatic transformation in the digital age.
JOUR 382 Sports Writing and Reporting (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320; and permission of JOUR-Philip
Merrill College of Journalism. Credit only granted for: JOUR328B or JOUR382. Formerly: JOUR328B.
Gives students full and wide-ranging instruction in all aspects of sports reporting and writing, including
how to report, write, edit and lay out sports stories, incorporating photography and multimedia. We will
also discuss ethics, objectivity, fairness and the future of sports journalism.
JOUR 385 Visual Storytelling (3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Also offered as: JOUR685.
Credit only granted for: JOUR385 or JOUR685. Introduction to the theory and stylized forms of
storytelling across various mediums and to understand how these forms have been adapted to visual
storytelling. Students practice and refine their own visual storytelling and reporting skills.
JOUR 389 News Coverage of Special Topics (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Advanced training and
practice in writing and reporting news in one specialized field of interest.
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JOUR 396 Supervised Internship (2) Prerequisite: Must have earned a grade of C- or better in
JOUR320 or JOUR360. Restriction: Must be in a major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
Credit only granted for: JOUR326, JOUR366, or JOUR396. Students will complete a minimum of 90
hours in a supervised journalism internship over a minimum of 10 weeks in spring and fall, and eight
weeks in summer. Emphasis is on relating academic training to professional experience. Students may
pick up an internship proposal form in KNI 1100, have their internship supervisor fill it out, and meet
with the college's internship director to receive permission to register. No requests to register after the
Schedule Adjustment Period will be granted. This requirement would affect incoming freshmen from the
fall 2012 class.
JOUR 398 Independent Study (1-3) Repeatable to 3 credits. Individual projects in journalism.
JOUR 399 Supervised Internship (1) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in JOUR320 and JOUR360.
Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: JOUR326, JOUR366, JOUR396, or
JOUR399. Supervised news internship experience; relation of academic training to professional
JOUR 400 Media Law (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320, JOUR360, or JOUR501. Restriction: Junior standing
or higher. Legal rights and constraints of mass media; libel, privacy, copyright, monopoly, contempt, and
other aspects of the law applied to mass communication. Previous study of the law not required.
JOUR 405 Breaking News With Numbers: Statistics for Journalists (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade
of C- in JOUR201; and (MATH107 or MATH110; or must have completed a higher level math course).
Or have permission of the instructor. Restriction: Must be in a major in JOUR-Philip Merrill College of
Journalism. Credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451,
GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily
meet the same major requirements-check with your advisor to see which of these courses will count for
your major). Common statistical tools, software and data visualization techniques will be used to allow
students to analyze data and solve problems relevant to reporting and writing about politics, sports,
criminal justice, business and other fields.
JOUR 412 Biography As Journalism (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for:
JOUR412 or AMST498Z. Focuses on journalistic life histories, examining biography as a distinct genre.
Students will refine research and writing skills as they trace the evolution of the life histories into today's
narrative biographies.
JOUR 434 Salzburg Seminar: Global Media Literacy (3) Restriction: Must be in Salzburg Academy
program. Also offered as: JOUR734. Credit only granted for: JOUR434 or JOUR734. An advanced
analysis of the information, values underlying messages conveyed via television, newspapers, the
Internet, magazines, radio and film from a cross-cultural perspective. Examines the accuracy of messages
and explores how distinctive global media shape views of politics culture and society with nations, across
regions and internationally.
JOUR 435 Salzburg Seminar: Global Change, Global Cooperation (3) Restriction: Must be in
Salzburg Academy program. Also offered as: JOUR735. Credit only granted for: JOUR435 or JOUR735.
Practical and theoretical examination of a global problem (or problems) of contemporary importance from
a cross-cultural, perspective. Analytical framework used to examine how media shape global problems,
events and/or issues regionally.
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JOUR 443 Sports, Society, Culture and the Media (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit
only granted for: JOUR459G or JOUR443. Formerly: JOUR459G. Designed to explore how sports,
society, culture and the media critically relate to each other and the vast audiences of fans and interested
parties. Students will study how journalists impact change; how sports shape culture; and how sports are
seen throughout the world. College sports, children and sports, the business of sports, the history of sports
media and the future of sports in society will be studied as well.
JOUR 451 Advertising and Society (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Advertising as an
institution with manifest economic purposes and latent social effects. Influences of advertising on people,
and related issues of ethics and social responsibility.
JOUR 452 Women in the Media (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Also offered as: WMST452.
Credit only granted for: JOUR452 or WMST452. Participation and portrayal of women in the mass media
from colonial to contemporary times.
JOUR 453 News Coverage of Racial Issues (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Analysis of news
media coverage of issues relating to racial minorities in the United States, with special attention to
Hispanics, Asian Americans, African Americans and Native Americans.
JOUR 455 Media Entrepreneurship (3) Credit only granted for: JOUR459E or JOUR455. Formerly:
JOUR459E. Basic business and entrepreneurship concepts will be covered and will explore how
technology is transforming the business of media. Students develop and pitch ideas for media businesses,
learn startup basics, do exercises in Internet advertising and business plan analysis, use social networks
and other digital communication tools, and perform other hands-on exercises in business development and
JOUR 456 Literature in Journalism (3) Also offered as: JOUR673. Credit only granted for: JOUR456
or JOUR673. From Truman Capote's In Cold Blood to Mark Bowden's Black Hawk Down, students will
examine how literary works can help writers approach a subject in a different way than more traditional
forms of journalism, including the advantages and limitations of the style.
JOUR 458 Special Topics in Journalism (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Issues of special
concerns and current interest.
JOUR 459 Special Topics in Journalism (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Issues of
special concern and current interest. Open to all students.
JOUR 462 Professional Seminar in Public Affairs Reporting (3) Prerequisite: Permission of JOUR-
Philip Merrill College of Journalism. Explore theoretical and practical issues in the press coverage of
governments. Examine the complex press-government relationship.
JOUR 470 Journalism and Public Communication Research (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed a
university statistics course. Credit only granted for: JOUR470 or JOUR477. Formerly: JOUR477.
Journalism and public communication research methods used in measuring public opinion and media
programs and materials.
JOUR 471 Public Opinion Research (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed a university statistics
course. Measurement of public opinion and media habits; role of the media in the formation of public
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JOUR 472 Computer-Assisted Reporting (3) Prerequisite: JOUR320 or JOUR360. Computer and
online data acquisition; analytical methods for writing and reporting news.
JOUR 476 Researching Emerging Media in Journalism: Past, Present and Future (3) Prerequisite:
Must have completed a university statistics course. Credit only granted for: JOUR479W or JOUR476.
Formerly: JOUR479W. Students will examine developments billed as innovative in the current
technology-laden news ecology -- such as social media, mobile reporting and virtual reality -- and the
blurring of lines between hard news, informed opinion and advocacy. While questions about the future
cannot be answered with any certainty, an exploration of the past allows us to see what happened when
new technologies, information systems and practices appeared as possible tools for use by journalists and
the communities they served. Students will learn to use resources for researching emerging media,
including UMD library databases and open access sources. The course will include presentations by the
instructor, discussions, field trips, in-class exercises and student presentations. Each student will engage
in a research project to understand the experience of emerging media in a decade between 1820 and 1980.
Students will also write an essay contemplating current trends and the future of emerging media.
JOUR 479 Special Topics in Data Gathering and Analysis (1-3) Repeatable to 3 credits. Special
research topics for reporting and writing.
JOUR 480 Capstone Colloquium: The Business of News (1) Restriction: Must be in a major in JOUR-
Philip Merrill College of Journalism; and junior standing or higher; and permission of JOUR-Philip
Merrill College of Journalism. Students will learn the basic news business concepts and examine how
revenue and cost structures for media businesses are evolving in new directions. Topics include basic
principles and concepts that drive media businesses in the Internet age, including revenue sources,
dynamics of online advertising and subscriptions, mobile media strategies, user metrics, engaging
audiences, and market dynamics.
JWST -- Jewish Studies
JWST 141 American Jewish Experience (3) Also offered as: HIST106. Credit only granted for:
HIST106 or JWST141. History of the Jews in America from Colonial times to the present. Emphasis on
the waves of migration from Germany and Eastern Europe; the changing nature of the American Jewish
community and its participation in American social, economic, and political life.
JWST 219 Special Topics in Jewish Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
JWST 225 Religions of the Ancient Near East (3) Credit only granted for: JWST225, RELS219A, or
HIST219I. Introduction to ancient Near Eastern religious systems and mythology, from the third
millennium BCE through the fourth century BCE. Particular emphasis on Mesopotamia and ancient
JWST 230 Rabbinic Movement: History and Culture (3) Also offered as: HIST281. Credit only
granted for: HIST281 or JWST230. Introduction to the Rabbinic movement and its history, first to
seventh century CE. Survey of the essential texts of ancient Rabbinic literature, both halakhic (legal) and
aggadic (non-legal).
JWST 231 Jewish Texts and Cultures of the Second Temple Period (3) Credit only granted for:
HIST219C (Fall 2005), JWST219C (Fall 2005), or JWST231. An introduction to the literature, history,
and culture of Jews in the period between the sixth century BCE and the second century CE. Special
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topics may include the rise of the formation of the biblical canon, scriptural interpretation, sectarian and
revolutionary movements, and growth of the diaspora.
JWST 233 Why the Jews? Historical and Cultural Investigations (3) Restriction: Must not have
completed HIST282, HIST283, JWST234, or JWST235. Also offered as: HIST287. Credit only granted
for: JWST233 or HIST287. Examines the history and culture of the Jews from the thirteenth century
BCE/BC to the present through an examination of significant themes or problems (such as "religion" or
"diaspora") that shape our understanding of the Jewish people. A primary focus in the course will be on
texts, artifacts, and other cultural products by Jews and others that illustrate the history of the Jews help
understand their cultural heritage.
JWST 234 History of the Jewish People I (3) Also offered as: HIST282. Credit only granted for:
HIST282 or JWST234. Political, economic, social, and cultural development within Jewish history from
the Biblical period to the late Middle Ages. Special attention to the emergence of Rabbinic Judaism and
its subsequent encounter with medieval Christian and Islamic civilizations.
JWST 235 History of the Jewish People II (3) Credit only granted for: HIST283, HIST283H,
JWST235, or JWST235H. Political, economic, social and cultural development within Jewish history
from the end of the Middle Ages to the present. Special attention to the twentieth century developments
including the Nazi Holocaust and its aftermath, the Zionist movement and the creation of the State of
Israel, and the rise of the contemporary American-Jewish community.
JWST 250 Fundamental Concepts of Judaism (3) Also offered as: PHIL234, RELS250. Credit only
granted for: JWST250, PHIL234, or RELS250. A conceptional introduction to Judaism, analyzing its
fundamental concepts from both analytical and historical perspectives. Discussion of "normative"
Judaism as well as other conceptions of Judaism. Topics include: God, the Jewish people, authority,
ethics, the sacred and the profane, particularism and universalism.
JWST 260 Introduction to Classical Hebrew I (3) Prerequisite: HEBR111; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Formerly: HEBR401. Readings of the
Bible and other classical texts in original Hebrew. Emphasis on classical grammar and vocabulary, and
reading of textual passages.
JWST 261 Introduction to Classical Hebrew II (3) Prerequisite: JWST260; or permission of ARHU-
Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Formerly: HEBR402. Continuation of JWST260.
Readings in the Bible and other classical texts in original Hebrew. Emphasis on classical grammar and
vocabulary, and reading of textual passages.
JWST 262 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (3) Also offered as: ENGL262. Credit
only granted for: JWST262, HEBR223 or ENGL262. Formerly: HEBR223. Origins of the Hebrew Bible
(Old Testament), with attention to literary formations, archaeology, and social-political settings.
Explorations of major questions, including who wrote the Bible, and when; relationships of the biblical
tradition to the mythology and religious structures of ancient Israel's near eastern neighbors; and
dynamics of politics, religious leadership, and law.
JWST 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
JWST 272 Introduction to Jewish Literature (3) Also offered as: CMLT242. Credit only granted for:
CMLT242 or JWST272. A survey of Jewish literature and introduction to methods of reading literature in
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general and Jewish literature in particular. Concern with what makes a literary corpus Jewish and other
issues of canonicity. All texts in English translation.
JWST 281 Yiddish I (3) Introduction to the Yiddish language, with emphasis on speaking, reading, and
writing skills. Students will also learn the history of the language, its significance to Jewish culture, its
origins and basic structure.
JWST 282 Elementary Yiddish II (3) Prerequisite: JWST281; or permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff
Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Continuation of JWST281.
JWST 283 Intensive Elementary Yiddish I (4) Restriction: Must not have completed JWST282. Credit
only granted for: GERM149Y, JWST282, or JWST283. An intensive introduction to the Yiddish
language. Course covers one year of language instruction in one semester.
JWST 289 New Explorations in Jewish Studies (3) Investigation of critical and innovative responses in
Jewish Studies. Although the topic will vary, the course will encourage intellectual exploration by
students of fundamental problems and critical methods.
JWST 298 Elementary/Introductory Language Module for Jewish Studies (1-3) Prerequisite:
HEBR212 or JWST282; or permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A supplementary language module for students enrolled in
designated Jewish Studies classes. Language of instruction English, texts in original language.
JWST 299 Independent Study in Jewish Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff
Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. This lower-level
independent study allows students in to work closely with a Jewish Studies faculty member of their
choice, pending the prior approval of the faculty member. In this independent study, students will focus
on a topic specific to Jewish Studies.
JWST 304 Critical Approaches to Israeli Culture (3) Formerly: JWST419B and JWST419K. An
examination of the intersections of literature, society, philosophy, and politics in the making of modern
Israeli culture. Special attention will be paid to the Zionist emphasis on making "new" Jews and its
implications when expressed in literature and society.
JWST 314 Pedagogy and Instruction in the Hebrew Classroom (3) Credit only granted for: JWST314,
JWST419F, or JWST429C. Formerly: JWST419F and JWST429C. An exploration of applied linguistic
theory and issues in Hebrew teaching to current and future Hebrew and Judaic studies teachers. First and
second language acquisition theories, past and present language teaching methodologies, effective
approaches to teaching and testing in the four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), as
well as knowledge of the role of identity, context, and affective factors in Hebrew language learning.
Taught in English.
JWST 315 Culture and Identity in Jewish and Hebrew Education (3) Credit only granted for:
JWST429P or JWST315. Formerly: JWST429P. An in-depth examination of heterogeneous natures of
various language learning settings. Social and psychological theories of second language and identity
acquisition, anomie and language/identity attrition, and conflicts of class, religion, ethnicity, and power
relations that affect Jewish and Hebrew education. Taught in English.
JWST 319 Special Topics in Jewish Studies (1-6) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Topics in
Jewish Studies.
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JWST 324 Biblical History and Culture (3) Also offered as: HIST321. Credit only granted for:
HEBR333, HIST321, or JWST324. Formerly: HEBR333. Study of the political, social, and religious
development of the Jewish nation from its inception to its return from exile in Babylonia around 536 C.E.
Focus on biblical texts, archeological finds, and source materials from neighboring cultures to reconstruct
political history and the development of religious concepts.
JWST 325 Jews and Judaism in Antiquity I: Sixth Century BCE through the First Century CE (3)
Also offered as: HIST370. Credit only granted for: HIST370 or JWST325. Political, social, and religious
history of the Jews from the Persian Period to the Judean Revolt of 66-70CE. Special attention to the rise
of sectarian and revolutionary movements.
JWST 326 Jews and Judaism in Antiquity II: First through Seventh Centuries (3) Also offered as:
HIST371. Credit only granted for: HIST371 or JWST326. Political, social, and religious history of the
Jews from the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE to the Muslim conquests. Special attention to
the political transformations in Judaism under late Roman Christianity, and the rise of the Rabbinic
JWST 333 Jews in Early Modern Times 1450-1750 (3) Recommended: HIST282; or JWST234. Also
offered as: HIST373. Credit only granted for: JWST333 or HIST373. Formerly: JWST419C. Emergence
of new powerful population centers, religious and cultural creativity, new forms of community, and
radical messianic movements.
JWST 341 American Jewish Literature (3) Also offered as: ENGL331. Credit only granted for:
ENGL379L (Spring 2013), HONR229G (Spring 2008), JWST319T(Spring 2013), ENGL331, or
JWST341. Formerly: ENGL379L and JWST319T. An exploration of the role played by literature in the
development of American Jewish ethnic identity. Primary materials include essays, poetry, plays, short
stories, novels, films and music.
JWST 344 Modern Jewish History II: World Jewry Since 1870 (3) Also offered as: HIST375. Credit
only granted for: HIST375 or JWST344. Continuation of JWST343: Social, political, economic, and
cultural change in the Jewish world since 1870. Emphasis on emancipation, assimilation, and new forms
of Jewish identity in Western and Eastern European Jewry from the 19th Century to the present.
JWST 345 The Holocaust of European Jewry (3) Also offered as: HIST307. Credit only granted for:
HIST307 or JWST345. Roots of Nazi Jewish policy in the 1930s and during World War II: the process of
destruction and the implementation of the "final solution of the Jewish problem" in Europe, and the
responses made by the Jews to their concentration and annihilation.
JWST 346 Representing the Holocaust (3) Also offered as: ENGL332. Credit only granted for:
ENGL379J, JWST419I, ENGL332, or JWST346. Formerly: ENGL379J and JWST419I. Different
perspectives on how the Holocaust should be represented. Examination of a wide range of texts including
fiction, memoirs, critical essays, poems and films in different languages (in translation). Emphasis on the
international and comparative nature of Holocaust literary studies and investigation into the propriety of
literary representation of historical catastrophe. Consideration of our own role as readers serving as
witnesses to an event that has marked itself indelibly in the aesthetic history of the twentieth century.
JWST 347 Tradition and Change: Jewish Religion in the Modern World (3) Credit only granted for:
JWST419E, JWST347, HIST429X, JWST419R, or RELS419R. Formerly: JWST419E, JWST419R. An
exploration of the history of the different modern Jewish religious movements that developed in Europe,
starting with messianic movements and ending with Reform and Orthodoxy. Emphasis will be placed on
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the influence of the academic study of Judaism on the development of modern Jewish religious ideologies
and practices.
JWST 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
JWST 370 Before the Holocaust: The Golden Age of Eastern European Jewry (3) Credit only
granted for: JWST419E, JWST370, or HIST419Q. Formerly: JWST419E. An exploration of the history
of the Jews of Eastern Europe from the period of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth until the
Holocaust. Topics to be covered include religious, political, social, and cultural transformation of Jewish
life in Eastern Europe in the context of the general political changes in the area.
JWST 381 Introduction to Hebrew Cultural Studies (3) Prerequisite: HEBR314; or permission of
instructor. Restriction: Must not have completed HEBR381. Also offered as: HEBR381. Credit only
granted for: HEBR381 or JWST381. Critical study of Israeli culture with special emphasis or literature
film, and art as sites of struggle over political and social meaning during times of cultural transformation
in Israel. Topics will focus on the historical development of Israeli identity and gender, in particular
within the military and Zionist youth movements. Taught in Hebrew.
JWST 386 Experiential Learning in Jewish Studies (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff
Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. The Jewish Studies
Program's internship program. Pre-professional experience in research, analysis, and writing related to
Jewish Studies in a variety of work settings.
JWST 408 Honors Seminar in Jewish Studies (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff
Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. An in-depth exploration of a
theme in Jewish history, literature, culture or thought. Course subject and readings will vary from year to
year, but will generally cut across periods, locations, or disciplines. Students are expected to engage the
course material critically and to use the seminar as an opportunity to develop an independent research
JWST 409 Research Seminar in Jewish Studies (3-4) Prerequisite: Must have completed two upper-
level courses in an appropriate area of Jewish Studies; or permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff Program &
Center for Jewish Studies. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Formerly: JWST309. A capstone
course for Jewish Studies. Guides students through advanced source material and subject matter, research
skills, and presentation techniques. A substantive paper based on independent research and analysis is one
expected outcome.
JWST 419 Special Topics in Jewish Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
JWST 429 Advanced Topics in Jewish Studies (3-4) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Special
topics at an advanced level for Jewish Studies. Primarily intended for majors and graduate students.
JWST 430 Dead Sea Scrolls (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one JWST course or one RELS
course; or permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Also offered as:
RELS430. Credit only granted for: JWST429Q, JWST430, RELS419Q,or RELS430. Formerly:
JWST429Q. A study of the Dead Sea Scrolls in their ancient and modern settings, and in terms of
contemporary scholarly interpretations of their meaning. Interpretations of the historical significance of
these documents, their connections to ancient Jewish sectarian movements, and their implications for our
understanding of Judaism, Christianity, and the history of the Bible.
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JWST 432 Jews in Medieval Times 1000-1450 (3) Recommended: HIST282, JWST234, HIST330, or
HIST331. Also offered as: HIST476. Credit only granted for: HIST419R, HIST476, or JWST432.
Formerly: JWST429M. Social and cultural life of Jewish communities spread throughout Islam and
Christendom. Major topics include the Gaonate; kehila organization; legal, rationalist, and mystical
thought; and the context of rising animosity linked to the Crusades and changing Church doctrines.
JWST 451 Issues in Jewish Ethics and Law (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed 3 credits in
philosophy or Jewish studies (excluding Hebrew language); or permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff Program
& Center for Jewish Studies. Credit only granted for: JWST451, or PHIL433. Philosophical and meta-
legal questions concerning the nature of Jewish law and its relation to morality.
JWST 452 The Golden Age of Jewish Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: 3 credits in PHIL courses; or
permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Restriction: Must not have
completed PHIL417. Also offered as: PHIL417. Credit only granted for: JWST452 or PHIL417. Jewish
philosophy from Maimonides in the 12th Century to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain at the end of
the 15th Century. Topics include the limitations of human knowledge, creation of the world,
foreknowledge and free will, and the existence of God.
JWST 453 Philosophy of Spinoza (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses; or permission of ARHU-
Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Restriction: Must not have completed PHIL424. Also
offered as: PHIL424. Credit only granted for: JWST453 or PHIL424. An investigation of the
metaphysical, ethical, and political thought of the 17th century philosopher Benedict Spinoza.
JWST 459 Readings in Medieval Hebrew (3-4) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Credit only
granted for: JWST459 or JWST466. Formerly: JWST466. Readings and analysis of Hebrew texts and
literature from the Middle Ages. Language of instruction in English; all texts in Hebrew.
JWST 468 Readings in the Hebrew Bible (3-4) Prerequisite: HEBR313; or permission of instructor.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Formerly: HEBR441 and HEBR442. Readings in the Hebrew
text of the Bible. Emphasis in close reading, grammar analysis, and modern interpretations of the Bible.
Language of instruction English; all texts in Hebrew.
JWST 469 Readings in Rabbinic Hebrew (3-4) Prerequisite: HEBR313; or permission of instructor.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Readings in classical rabbinic texts and related corpora.
Emphasis on grammar and reading skills as well as critical analysis of the material. Language of
instruction: English; all texts in original language.
JWST 471 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation (3) An exploration of modern Hebrew prose,
poetry, and literary essays written from the 1880s through the present in Europe, Palestine, and Israel. An
investigation of the challenges confronting authors such as Mendele Mokher Sforim, Avraham Mapu,
Chaim Nahman Bialik, Dvorah Baron, S.Y. Agnon, and David Fogel as they tried to create a
contemporary secular literature out of an ancient sacred language. All texts in English translation.
JWST 478 Readings in Modern Hebrew (3) Prerequisite: HEBR313; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Variable topics in
Modern Hebrew Literature.
JWST 491 Judaism and the Construction of Gender (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in JWST; or 1 course in
LGBT; or 1 course in WMST. Also offered as: WMST491. Credit only granted for: JWST419X,
JWST491, or WMST491. Formerly: JWST419X. The study of Jewish culture, religious practice,
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communal authority, and literature through the frame of such critical categories of analysis as gender,
sexuality, masculinity, power, ethics, and the feminine.
JWST 492 Sex, Gender, and Jewish Identity (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in WMST; or 1 course in JWST;
or 1 course in LGBT; or permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: JWST492, JWST409G,
JWST419W, LGBT448W, or WMST498W. Formerly: JWST409G and JWST419W. An exploration of
Jewish embodiment, including dynamics related to biological sex, culturally-framed gender, and
sexuality. Topics of discussion may include transgender and intersex Jews, stereotypes and gender
performance, modesty, genetics, and body alteration. Focus is on contemporary Jewish culture, framed
within the larger historical and textual tradition.
JWST 498 Advanced Language Module for Jewish Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: HEBR212 or
JWST282; or permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies. A supplementary
language module for students enrolled in designated Jewish Studies classes. Language of instruction
English, texts in original language.
JWST 499 Independent Study in Jewish Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff
Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
KNES -- Kinesiology
KNES 200 Introduction to Kinesiology (3) Restriction: Must be in Kinesiology program; and freshman
standing. Or must not be in Kinesiology program; and must have less than 60 credits. Credit only granted
for: KNES200 or KNES289M. An overview of kinesiology, the interdisciplinary study of physical
activity. Examines human motor behavior and its cultural forms such as sport from the physiological,
psychological, sociological, historical, philosophical, and biomechanical perspectives.
KNES 201 Kinesiological Principles of Physical Activity (1) Corequisite: Any physical activity course,
e.g., KNES 100-190; or permission of SPHL-Kinesiology department. Restriction: Must be in a major in
SPHL-School of Public Health. Credit only granted for: KNES200 or KNES201. An introduction to
Kinesiology, the study of human movement, through the experience of learning a specific motor skill or
being engaged in physical activity. Emphasis on the theories and knowledge underlying the learning and
performance of all motor and sport skills.
KNES 210 Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals (2) Corequisite: KNES211 or
KNES212. Formerly: KNES289N. Basic concepts of human anatomy, exercise physiology, applied
kinesiology, nutrition and the physiology of exercise training. Includes the CORE knowledge required for
the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer and the ACE Group Fitness Instructor
National Certification Examinations.
KNES 211 Methods of Personal Fitness Instruction (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in KNES210. Formerly: KNES289P. Development of personal training skills
including effective communication, client assessment, fitness testing, goal setting, program design,
program implementation, legal responsibilities and business strategies. This course prepares and provides
the student the opportunity to sit for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer National
Certification exam.
KNES 212 Methods of Group Fitness Instruction (1) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in KNES210. Formerly: KNES289G. Teaching and evaluation of a variety of group
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exercise programs including, step, cardio-boxing, cycling, muscle conditioning and circuit training. This
course prepares and provides the student the opportunity to sit for the American Council on Exercise
(ACE) Group Fitness Instructor National Certification exam.
KNES 214 Science and Methods of Personal Fitness Instruction (3) Credit only granted for:
KNES214 or KNES210 and KNES211, or KNES210 and KNES212, or KNES289N. Formerly:
KNES210/KNES211, KNES210/KNES212, and KNES289N. Basic concepts of human anatomy, exercise
physiology, applied kinesiology, nutrition and the physiology of exercise training. Includes the CORE
knowledge required for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer certification.
KNES 218 Laboratory in Teaching (1) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-Kinesiology department.
Repeatable to 2 credits. The course is designed to prepare the student for the student teaching experience
by assisting in a class.
KNES 222 Gambling in the New Millennium: Poker, The Preakness, Point-spreads, Powerball and
Public Policy (3) Recommended: ENGL101 and COMM107. Is gambling in the public interest? Students
will critically examine the various implications of "what it means to gamble" through investigations of
various gambling forms, different sectors of the gambling industry and the related economics, along with
consumer behavior, sport, public policy and public health in this context.
KNES 240 Exploring Cultural Diversity Through Movement (3) Cultural diversity through an
analysis of the different meanings that movement activities serve within different cultural groups.
Students will examine how cultural affiliations can influence why and how members of different cultural
groups engage in movement activities.
KNES 253 Genetically-Modified Humans: Physical Performance in the Post-Genomic Era (3) Credit
only granted for: KNES289X, KNES289H or KNES253. Formerly: KNES289X, KNES289H. In this
post-genomic era, can society pursue optimal health and maximal physical performance without changing
what it means to be human? The remarkable advances in genome technologies offer both promise and
peril for the future of human health and physical performance. Through investigations of genetic
enhancement, personalized medicine, genetic screening and talent selection, students in Genetically-
Modified Humans analyze the many issues related to the use and manipulation of the human genome.
KNES 260 Science of Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health (3) Course details (1) the public
health importance of and the processes underlying cardiovascular disease, (2) the risk factors for
cardiovascular disease and the methods whereby they were identified, and (3) the principles of the
scientific evidence supporting the use of physical activity to prevent cardiovascular disease.
KNES 282 Basic Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within
the SPHL-Kinesiology department. Credit only granted for: KNES282 or KNES381. Theoretical and
practical foundations of the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of athletically related injuries. Topics
include: physical conditioning, preventive taping, recognition of injuries, first aid and CPR.
KNES 286 Empowering Healthy Physical Activity (3) Learn evidence-based techniques that health
professionals use to promote physical activity programs that meet the needs of diverse populations.
Develop and implement an intervention plan targeting a specific population.
KNES 287 Sport and American Society (3) Sport will be related to such social problems as
delinquency, segregation, collective behavior, and leisure; to social processes such as socialization,
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stratification, mobility, and social control; and to those familiar social institutions the family, the school,
the church, the military, the economy, the polity, and the mass media.
KNES 289 Topical Investigations (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits. Independent study by an individual
student or a group of students in special areas of knowledge not covered by regularly scheduled courses.
KNES 289Y The In/Active City: the Physical Cultures of Metropolitan Baltimore (3)
KNES 293 History of Sport in America (3) The growth and development of sport in America. The
transformation of sport within the perspective of American history, including class sport,
professionalization, amateurism, and international involvement.
KNES 300 Biomechanics of Human Motion (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI201. And 1
course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH112, MATH113, MATH115); or (must have completed
one General Education: Fundamental Studies-Math course with a minimum grade of C-; and must have
math eligibility of MATH140 or higher). Recommended: PHYS121. Restriction: Must be in a major
within SPHL-Kinesiology department. The study of human movement and the physical and physiological
principles upon which it depends. Body mechanics, posture, motor efficiency, sports, the performance of
a typical individual and the influence of growth and development upon motor performance.
KNES 332 Exercise Testing and Prescription for the Fitness Professional (3) Prerequisite: Minimum
grade of C- in KNES360. Restriction: Must be in a major within SPHL-Kinesiology department. Credit
only granted for: KNES332 or KNES389G. Formerly: KNES389G. Practical applications of exercise
physiology and psychology to target fitness instruction for the general adult population Includes
discussion of certification standards and professional development as well as evaluation of program safety
and current trends.
KNES 333 Motor Development and Fitness for Individuals with Disabilities (3) Prerequisite:
Minimum grade of C- in KNES287 and KNES370. Restriction: Must be in a major within the SPHL-
Kinesiology department; and must have earned a minimum of 45 credits. Implications of Federal and
State regulations for planning and implementing motor development and physical fitness programs for
individuals with disabilities. Evaluation strategies for assessing motor performance and fitness levels in
educational programs for these individuals.
KNES 334 Adapted Physical Activity: Empowering People with Disabilities to Lead a Healthy and
Active Lifestyle. (3) Credit only granted for: KNES498L or KNES334. Formerly: KNES498L. Study of
the field of adapted physical activity and its impact on the health and wellness of individuals with
disabilities. Students will design an adapted physical activity program proposal and develop the skills
needed to empower people with disabilities to participate in physical activity and sports programs and to
lead active lifestyles.
KNES 335 Swimming Pool Management (2) Analysis of the position of the swimming pool manager.
The systematic treatment of swimming pool water; swimming pool first aid; and laws pertaining to
swimming pool operation. Qualifies the student for a pool operator's license in most Maryland counties.
KNES 342 Sport, Commerce, and Culture in the Global Marketplace (3) Recommended: KNES287.
Credit only granted for: KNES389A or KNES342. Formerly: KNES389A. The Sport, Commerce, and
Culture in the Global Marketplace study abroad program is designed for students who are interested in the
relationship between sport, culture, and the contemporary global economy.
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KNES 350 The Psychology of Sports (3) An exploration of personality factors, including but not limited
to motivation, aggression and emotion, as they affect sports participation and motor skill performance.
KNES 355 Sport Management (3) Prerequisite: KNES287. Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and
must be in a major within the SPHL-Kinesiology department. Credit only granted for: KNES355 or
KNES498M. Application of concepts and issues related to management principles and business concerns
across various sections of the sport industry. Principles pertaining to the management of sport
KNES 360 Physiology of Exercise (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI202 and BSCI201; or
permission of SPHL-Kinesiology department. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Kinesiology; Public Health Science). A study of the physiology of exercise, including concepts of work,
muscular contraction, energy transformation, metabolism, oxygen debt, and nutrition and athletic
performance. Emphasis on cardiovascular and respiratory function in relation to physical activity and
KNES 370 Motor Development (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within SPHL-Kinesiology
department. Motor development across the life span. The developmental sequences of motor skills from
birth to old age; neuromaturation of neuromuscular system; analysis of the underlying mechanisms of
motor skill development; and correlates of motor development.
KNES 385 Motor Control and Learning (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within SPHL-Kinesiology
department. Physiological and cognitive bases for motor control and their applications to the acquisition
of movement skills and understanding of movement disorders. Topics include: neurophysiology, motor
control theory, sensory/perceptual processes, perception-action coupling, information processing,
memory, attention, individual differences, motivation, practice organization and role of feedback.
KNES 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have completed three KNES core classes.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must be in a major within SPHL-Kinesiology department.
Explore and analyze concepts and procedures related to a quality service-learning experience to include
planning, implementing, and evaluating a service-learning project.
KNES 389 Topical Investigations (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits. Independent study by an individual
student or a group of students in special areas of knowledge not covered by regularly scheduled courses.
KNES 390 Practicum/Internship in Teaching Physical Education (3) Corequisite: KNES491.
Teaching of children in a physical education setting. Specific emphasis on the development of a
professional portfolio demonstrating understanding of curriculum development, lesson planning,
progressions and evaluation of teaching performance.
KNES 400 The Foundations of Public Health in Kinesiology (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
KNES287; and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in KNES360. Restriction: Senior
standing or higher; and must be in a major within the SPHL-Kinesiology department. Credit only granted
for: KNES400 or KNES498A. Formerly: KNES498A. An investigation of the role of physical activity
and inactivity in relation to health and well-being through a public health perspective. Past and current
perspectives on health promotion, health education, and social policies and approaches will be examined
for various populations.
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KNES 402 Biomechanics of Sport (3) Prerequisite: KNES300. Mechanical determinants influencing
sport techniques. A quantitative, scientific basis for sport analysis with emphasis on the application to
numerous sport activities. Evaluation and quantification of the filmed performance of athletes.
KNES 440 Psychology of Athletic Performance (3) Prerequisite: KNES350. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher. Credit only granted for: KNES498P, KNES689Z, or KNES440. Examines the
psychological factors, mechanisms, and processes in athletic performance. Utilizes a social psychological
approach to focus on the study and review of individual performance in both the interpersonal and social
KNES 442 Psychology of Exercise and Health (3) Prerequisite: KNES350. Restriction: Junior standing
or higher. Credit only granted for: KNES442 or KNES498O. Formerly: KNES498O. Examines the
antecedents and consequences of exerciese behavior. Explores motivation, attitude, control, socialization.
Proposes intervention strategies at the individual, organizational and societal levels.
KNES 451 Children and Sport: A Psychosocial Perspective (3) Prerequisite: KNES350. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher; and must be in a major within SPHL-Kinesiology department. Examination of
youth sports from a psychosocial perspective, including the impact of highly structured sports on young
athletes and the complex social network of coaches, parents and peers.
KNES 455 Scientific Bases of Athletic Conditioning (3) Prerequisite: KNES360. An examination of
physical fitness/athletic conditioning programs stressing the practical application of exercise physiology
theory for enhancing athletic performance. Cardiovascular considerations, strength and power
development, nutrition, speed, muscular endurance, environmental considerations and ergogenic aids.
KNES 457 Managing Youth Programs: Educational, Fitness and Sport (3) Prerequisite: KNES370
and KNES287. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: KNES457 or KNES498Y.
An examination of the basic functions involved in managing physical education, fitness, and youth sports
programs. Focus on leadership skills, organizational management, and techniques for applying learned
skills in a variety of organizational settings that serve the nation's youth.
KNES 460 Physiology of Aging and the Impact of Physical Activity (3) Prerequisite: KNES360.
Credit only granted for: KNES498F or KNES460. Formerly: KNES498F. Biology of the aging process in
healthy individuals and those with chronic disease, the effects of acute exercise and exercise training on
the physiological decline that occurs in humans, and the role that regular physical activity plays on
enhancing the quality of life and activities of daily living in individuals.
KNES 461 Exercise and Body Composition (3) Prerequisite: KNES360. An in-depth overview on how
body composition is measured, what it is composed of, and the physiological and biochemical signals that
change it. The effects of acute and chronic exercise on food storage, breakdown, and use as an energy
source, is the major focus. This information is applied to important issues in public health and athletic
KNES 462 Neural Basis of Human Movement (3) Prerequisite: BSCI202, KNES385, and BSCI201; or
permission of SPHL-Kinesiology department. An introduction to the neural substrates which underlie
postural and volitional movement. Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological basis of motor functioning;
past and present conceptualizations of motor control and coordination; movement disorders; and
maturation of the neuromuscular system.
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KNES 463 Principles and Methods of Physical Activity Interventions (3) Prerequisite: KNES360 and
KNES350. Credit only granted for: KNES463 or KNES498G. Understanding of the planning,
implementation, and evaluation of physical activity interventions. Intervention methods and practical
strategies fo formulate well-conceived physical activity interventions across a variety of settings and
participant populations.
KNES 464 Exercise Metabolism: Role in Health and Disease (3) Prerequisite: BSCI202, KNES360,
and BSCI201. Credit only granted for: KNES464 or KNES498L. Examines the role of metabolism in
kinesiology, especially as it relates to physical inactivity, health and disease. Includes bioenergetics,
substrate utilization, cell signaling, and metabolic gene expression and their impact on chronic health
conditions or disease.
KNES 465 Physical Activity and Disease Prevention and Treatment (3) Prerequisite: KNES360.
Credit only granted for: KNES465 or KNES498A. Critically examines the scientific evidence that
supports the use of physical activity to prevent and treat age-related diseases, including cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, abnormal lipoprotein-lipid levels, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis and cancer.
KNES 466 Graded Exercise Testing (3) Prerequisite: KNES360; or permission of SPHL-Kinesiology
department. Functional and diagnostic examination of the cardiovascular responses to graded exercise
testing. Emphasis on electrophysiology, mechanisms of arrhythmias, normal electrical activation of the
heart, axis termination and the normal 12-lead electrocardiogram.
KNES 467 Genetics in Physical Activity and Sport (3) Prerequisite: KNES360. Corequisite: STAT100;
or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: KNES467 or KNES498Q. Dedicated to understanding
the role of genetics in kinesiology, especially within the contexts of physical activity and sport. Specific
genes and phenotypes will be explored.
KNES 476 Honors Thesis Proposal (3) Corequisite: KNES478. Restriction: Must be a KNES Honors
student; and senior standing. Credit only granted for: KNES476 or KNES498R. Development of honors
thesis proposal based on preliminary research and literature review. Presentation of formal proposal to the
thesis committee and fellow honors students.
KNES 477 Honors Thesis (3) Prerequisite: KNES476. Corequisite: KNES478. Restriction: Must be a
KNES Honors student; and senior standing. Credit only granted for: KNES399 or KNES477. Advisement
will be on the individual basis. Thesis must be defended in the honors seminar.
KNES 478 Honors Seminar (1-3) Restriction: Must be a KNES Honors student; and junior standing or
higher. Repeatable to 4 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: KNES398 or KNES478. Guided
discussion of research topics of current interest.
KNES 482 Socio-behavioral Aspects of Human Movement (3) Prerequisite: KNES293, KNES350, and
KNES287. Derivation, formulation, and application of research in the socio-behavioral aspects of human
KNES 483 Sport Marketing and Media (3) Prerequisite: KNES287. Restriction: Junior standing or
higher; and must be in a major within SPHL-Kinesiology department. Industry practices in sport
marketing and media. Marketing strategies and consumer behavior in different sport contexts. Critical
examination of selected social and economic issues related to the buying and selling of sport.
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KNES 484 Sporting Hollywood (3) Prerequisite: KNES293 and KNES287. Restriction: Junior standing
or higher. Credit only granted for: KNES484 and KNES498N. Popular representations of sport within the
film media related to wider social discourses on bodies and the politics of various categories of
subjectivity (gender, sexual, racial, class and national).
KNES 485 Sport and Globalization (3) Prerequisite: KNES287. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
Credit only granted for: KNES485 and KNES498T. Examination of sport culture from a global
perspective; focuses on theorizing the similarities and differences between various national sporting
KNES 487 Women, Sports and Culture (3) Prerequisite: KNES287. Restriction: Junior standing or
higher. Credit only granted for: KNES498E or KNES487. A study of the historical barriers to women's
participation in physical activity, efforts to dismantle those barriers, and the differentiation that exists in
women's sport and physical culture today. Exploration of the historical and contemporary factors
involving female athletes in U.S. culture.
KNES 496 Quantitative Methods (3) Statistical techniques most frequently used in research pertaining
to physical education. Effort is made to provide the student with the necessary skills and to acquaint the
student with the interpretations and applications of these techniques.
KNES 497 Kinesiology Senior Seminar (3) Prerequisite: A professional writing course with a minimum
grade of C-; and all 7 KNES core courses and 2 KNES option courses. And STAT100; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. And minimum grade of C- in
KNES400; or must be concurrently enrolled in KNES400. Restriction: Senior standing or higher; and
must be in Kinesiology program. Discussions of contemporary issues vital to the discipline, critiques of
research in the student's area/areas of special interest, completion of a major project where the student
will be asked to demonstrate the ability to carry out investigative processes in problem solving and critical
writing under faculty direction.
KNES 498 Special Topics in Kinesiology (3) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-Kinesiology
department. Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. Topics of special interest in areas not covered by
regularly scheduled courses.
KORA -- Korean
KORA 101 Elementary Korean I (3) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language Placement
Test (FLPT) score; and permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department.
Restriction: Must be a non-Heritage student with no background in Korean. Introduction to the Korean
language. Primary emphasis on oral skills, but Hangul, the Korean alphabet, will also be introduced.
KORA 102 Elementary Korean II (3) Prerequisite: KORA101; or must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must be a non-Heritage student; and permission of
instructor required for new students. Continued training in elementary spoken and written Korean.
KORA 201 Intermediate Korean I (3) Prerequisite: KORA102; or permission of instructor. An
intermediate-level course designed for non-Heritage students. It begins the second year of instruction in
the University's two-track Korean Program.
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KORA 202 Intermediate Korean II (3) Prerequisite: KORA201; or permission of instructor. The
second stage of an intermediate-level course designed for non-Heritage students. It continues the second
year of instruction in the University's two track Korean Program.
KORA 211 Introductory Reading for Speakers of Korean I (3) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score; and permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not have completed two or more years of
schooling in Korea. Designed to improve the language skills of students already conversant in Korean;
instruction entirely in Korean; introduction in hangul; reading and writing of simple journal entries.
KORA 212 Introductory Reading for Speakers of Korean II (3) Prerequisite: KORA211; or must
have appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not have completed
four or more years of schooling in Korea. Continuation of KORA211; grammar, style, usage, and
vocabulary of written Korean.
KORA 241 History of the Korean Language (3) The origins of the Korean language and its
development from earliest recorded times to the present. The relationship of Korean to other languages.
Taught in English.
KORA 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
KORA 311 Korean for Heritage Speakers, Advanced-Low I (3) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score; and KORA212. Or permission of instructor. Restriction:
Not open to students who have completed six or more years of schooling in Korea. Begins the second
year of Heritage-language instruction in the University's two-track Korean Program.
KORA 312 Korean for Heritage Speakers, Advanced-Low II (3) Prerequisite: KORA311; or must
have appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Not open to students who
have completed eight or more years of schooling in Korea. Concludes the second year of the Heritage-
language instruction in the University's two-track Korean Program.
KORA 345 Korean Language and Linguistics (3) Prerequisite: KORA102 or KORA211; or permission
of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Credit only granted for: KORA345
and KORA399A. An exploration of Korean language and society, in particular the role and nature of the
alphabet, Korean sounds, lexical and grammatical structures, and usage in today's South Korea.
KORA 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
KORA 398 Special Topics in Korean Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Study of
particular aspect of Korean language, literature, and/or culture. Topic and language of instruction to be
announced when course is offered.
KORA 499 Independent Study Korean (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Independent study under faculty supervision.
LARC -- Landscape Architecture
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LARC 120 Digital Fundamentals (2) Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape
Architecture department; and must be in Landscape Architecture program. An introduction to
fundamental computer tools and techniques commonly used in design communication and landscape
architecture practice. Non-drafting computer tools will be used to orient basic digital image capture,
manipulation, and presentation formatting.
LARC 121 Digital Design Futures (3) Students are provided with the opportunity to 1) explore basic
design principles and practice, 2) explore and apply computer concepts and principles, 3) learn and apply
basic computer tools used in landscape architecture and allied disciplines, and 4) demonstrate competency
in design vocabulary and computer applications through demonstrated deliverables used in the built
environment design fields.
LARC 140 Graphic Fundamentals Studio (4) Recommended: Concurrently enrolled in LARC160.
Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture department; and must be in
Landscape Architecture program. Basic techniques and application of various media for graphic
communication associated with landscape architecture.
LARC 141 Design Fundamentals Studio (4) Prerequisite: LARC140. Recommended: Concurrently
enrolled in LARC263. Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
department; and sophomore standing or higher; and must be in Landscape Architecture program.
Fundamentals of basic design focusing on creative problem solving associated with landscape
LARC 151 Urban Agriculture: Designing and Assessing Edible Landscapes (3) Students will
examine the growing development of urban agriculture and edible landscapes. Urban agriculture has seen
a recent growth and interest in cities across the globe. From Paris to New York, from Baltimore to
Detroit, urban agriculture is an emerging land use to address a variety of needs. Redevelopment, food
deserts, community engagement and environmental justice are just some of the issues and topics that are
connected to the recent growth of urban agriculture. This course will take a critical examination of urban
agriculture's contribution to the food system, its input and outputs in the urban landscape, and the
planning and design of urban agriculture and edible landscapes.
LARC 152 Greening Cities: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Who Cares? (3) Credit only granted for:
LARC152 or PLSC289I. Formerly: PLSC289I. "Greening Cities" can have many interpretations:
improving or adding urban economic activity, realizing energy efficiency, greening urban transport
systems, etc. An important component of livable and sustainable cities and metropolitan ecosystems are
the plants and landscapes that are inhabited by plants. With the majority of humans now living in cities, a
survey of urban ecosystem principles and an examination of design and planning strategies for plant and
landscape resources in urban and metropolitan regions is critical.
LARC 160 Introduction to Landscape Architecture (3) History, theory, philosophy and current
practice of the profession of landscape architecture. Explores the interactive relationship between humans
and their environment by examining people's perceptions of and changing attitude towards the landscape,
as well as, an examination of how these are related to ecological and cultural influences.
LARC 221 Digital Design Tools (3) Prerequisite: LARC120 and LARC141. Recommended: LARC240
and LARC265. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher; and must be in Landscape Architecture
program. The development and application of computing skills as used by the landscape architecture
profession. This Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) course develops computer drafting using
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a variety of software programs. It also introduces students to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
mapping technologies.
LARC 240 Graphic Communication and Design Studio (4) Prerequisite: LARC141 and LARC263.
Corequisite: LARC221 and LARC265. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher; and must be in
Landscape Architecture program. Exploration of graphic presentation techniques and original concept
development for landscape architecture planning and design.
LARC 263 History of Landscape Architecture (3) A survey of landscape architecture history from the
ancient Western civilizations to the twentieth century with consideration of parallel developments in the
Eastern World, European Africa and the Americas.
LARC 265 Site Analysis and Ecological Principles (3) Prerequisite: LARC141. Corequisite: LARC240
and LARC221. Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture department;
and sophomore standing or higher; and must be in Landscape Architecture program. Credit only granted
for: LARC265 or ARCH460. Principles and methods of site analysis with an emphasis on the application
of ecological principles in landscape architecture, architecture and planning.
LARC 320 Principles of Site Engineering (3) Prerequisite: LARC221. Corequisite: LARC340.
Restriction: Must be in Landscape Architecture program; and junior standing or higher. The study and
application of landscape construction principles as applied to grading, drainage, site layout, storm water
management, and vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
LARC 321 Landscape Structures and Materials (3) Prerequisite: LARC320; and LARC340.
Restriction: Must be in Landscape Architecture program. An examination of the use, properties, and
detailing of materials used in landscape construction. The use and design of structures in the landscape.
LARC 340 Site Planning and Design Studio (5) Prerequisite: LARC221; and LARC240; and
LARC265. Corequisite: LARC320. Restriction: Must be in Landscape Architecture program; and junior
standing or higher. An examination of the influence of landscape character and site features (natural and
cultural) on landscape architecture, architecture and planning through application in the studio setting.
LARC 341 Regional Design Studio (5) Prerequisite: LARC320; and LARC340. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher; and must be in Landscape Architecture program. An examination of the landscape
architect's role within the interdisciplinary regional design field incorporating GIS technologies, spatial
modeling, and the regional design process.
LARC 388 Honors Thesis Research (3-6) Prerequisite: Must be in the AGNR Honors Program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Undergraduate honors thesis research conducted under the
direction of an AGNR faculty member in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the College of AGNR
Honors Program. The thesis will be defended to a faculty committee.
LARC 389 Internship in Landscape Architecture (3) Prerequisite: LARC221; and LARC240; and
LARC265. Restriction: Must be in Landscape Architecture program; and junior standing or higher.
Repeatable to 6 credits. A supervised internship where students earn credit for work experience related to
their career goals. Each student must keep a work log, work on a special project, and produce a report
related to this project. An evaluation from the external supervisor of the project is required. Participation
requires application to the internship advisor in the preceding semester.
LARC 398 Seminar (1)
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LARC 420 Professional Practice (3) Prerequisite: LARC321. Restriction: Must be in Landscape
Architecture program. An introduction to and comparative study of the professional concerns of design
firms. Focus on planning, legal, ethical, marketing and management considerations of interdisciplinary
LARC 440 Urban Studio Design (5) Prerequisite: LARC321; and LARC340; and LARC341.
Restriction: Must be in Landscape Architecture program. The landscape architect's role within the
interdisciplinary urban design process, focusing on urban site design issues. Pedestrian friendly site
design and the future of sustainable development will be studied.
LARC 450 Environmental Resources (3) Prerequisite: ENST200; or permission of AGNR-Plant
Science & Landscape Architecture department. A review of ecosystems and an examination of planning
strategies for preservation, conservation, management and development of sensitive natural and cultural
landscape resources in the mid-Atlantic region.
LARC 451 Sustainable Communities (3) Explores concepts, strategies and examples of community
design which address the needs of a growing population while preserving the environment and its
LARC 452 Green Infrastructure and Community Greening (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100 or PLSC101;
or permission of instructor. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: LARC489G or
LARC452. Formerly: LARC489G. A critical look and exploration of green infrastructure (GI) elements
in the built environment in contributing to ecosystems services and the sustainability of the built
environment. The course explores the science, issues, challenges, and the policy, planning and design
solutions offered by green infrastructure.
LARC 461 People and the Environment (3) Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. Credit only
granted for: LARC489K or LARC461. Formerly: LARC489K. Focus is placed on human and
environmental interactions. Students will look at both natural and built environments and how they
influence human health and well-being. Many environmental settings will be examined. These include
hospitals, public housing neighborhoods, school settings, retirement communities, transportation corridors
and green spaces. We will also explore how racial and socio-economic factors affect living and working
environmental conditions. Ultimately, students will be using this knowledge to create environments that
support individuals, families and various community groups' health and well-being.
LARC 470 Landscape Architecture Seminar (3) Prerequisite: LARC321; and LARC341. Corequisite:
LARC440. Restriction: Senior standing; and must be in Landscape Architecture program. A combination
of self-directed study, seminar, and lecture formats. An introduction to aspects of research methods,
critical analysis, and proposal writing with a focus on urban and community design.
LARC 471 Capstone Studio: Community Design (5) Prerequisite: LARC440; and LARC470.
Restriction: Senior standing; and must be in Landscape Architecture program. A capstone experience that
emphasizes the integration of critical thinking skills and methodologies introduced throughout the
landscape architecture curriculum. Students apply design and analysis methodologies, evaluate alternative
solutions, involve community residents and engage in final design development, using the master plan
and site design process, report writing, and oral and graphic presentations. Final presentations are open to
the university and the community.
LARC 489 Special Topics in Landscape Architecture (1-4) Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Plant
Science & Landscape Architecture department. Repeatable to 4 credits if content differs. Credit according
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to time scheduled and organization of course. A lecture and/or studio course organized as an in-depth
study of a selected specialization of landscape architecture not covered by existing courses.
LARC 499 Independent Studies in Landscape Architecture (1-4) Prerequisite: 12 credits in LARC
courses; or permission of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture department. Restriction: Must
be in Landscape Architecture program; or must be in Plant Sciences program. Repeatable to 4 credits if
content differs. Independent studies in landscape architecture including field, studio or library research
under the direction of a faculty member.
LASC -- Certificate in Latin American Studies
LASC 148 Special Topics in Latin American Studies (3) Topics to be announced when offered.
LASC 234 Issues in Latin American Studies I (3) Also offered as: SPAN234, PORT234. Credit only
granted for: LASC234, SPAN234, or PORT234. Interdisciplinary study of major issues in Latin America
and the Caribbean, including Latin America's cultural mosaic, migration and urbanization.
Democratization and the role of religions. Taught in English.
LASC 235 Issues in Latin American Studies II (3) Also offered as: SPAN235, PORT235. Credit only
granted for: LASC235, SPAN235, or PORT235. Major issues shaping Latin American and Caribbean
societies including the changing constructions of race, ethnicity, gender and class as well as expressions
of popular cultures and revolutionary practices. A continuation of LASC/PORT/SPAN234, but
completion of 234 is not a prerequisite. Taught in English.
LASC 248 Special Topics in Latin American Studies (3) Topics to be announced when offered.
LASC 250 History of Colonial Latin America (3) Also offered as: HIST250. Credit only granted for:
LASC250 or HIST250. Introductory survey of the history of Latin America from pre-Columbian Indian
cultures to the beginning of the wars for independence (ca. 1810), covering cultural, political, social, and
economic developments. Major themes include conquest, colonialism, indigenous culture, African
slavery, religion, race and ethnicity, and gender ideologies.
LASC 251 Latin America Since Independence (3) Also offered as: HIST251. Credit only granted for:
LASC251 or HIST251. Introductory survey of the history of Latin America from the era of independence
(c. 1810-1825) through the early 1980s. Major themes include independence and sovereignty,
postcolonialism and neocolonialism, nation- and state-building, liberalism, citizenship, economic
development and modernization, social organization and stratification, race and ethnicity, gender
relations, identity politics, reform and revolution, authoritarianism and democratization, and inter-
American relations.
LASC 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
LASC 286 Internship in Latin American/Caribbean Studies (1-6) Prerequisite: LASC234, SPAN234,
LASC235, SPAN235, LASC250, HIST250, LASC251, or HIST251; and permission of Latin American
Studies Center required. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and cannot have more than 60
credits total. Additional information: The course is primarily intended for students seeking the Certificate
in Latin American Studies, but exceptions will be considered for students with educational or career
interests which lie in this area. Student internships must be approved by the Director and students must
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secure an appropriate faculty mentor to supervise the internship course. Internship experience with an
organization that works with or studies Latin American and/or the Caribbean. This is an experiential
learning course that provides semester-long training that enriches the student's academic field of study
and the LASC Certificate. Students submit a final written report of how the experience ties into their
major field of study.
LASC 348 Special Topics in Latin American Studies (3) Topics to be announced when offered.
LASC 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
LASC 448 Special Topics in Latin American Studies (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Intensive study of a selected topic related to Latin American
LASC 458 Senior Capstone Course in Latin American Studies (3) Prerequisite: LASC234 and
LASC235; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department.
Restriction: Must be in Latin American Studies Certificate program; and senior standing. Capstone course
for advanced students in the Latin American Studies Certificate Program or other students with
appropriate preparation. Interdisciplinary topics will vary each semester.
LASC 486 Internship in Latin American/Caribbean Studies (1-6) Prerequisite: Student must have
completed at least two LASC courses, one of which must be a required/core course (LASC/SPAN234,
LASC/SPAN235, LASC/HIST250, or LASC/HIST251); and permission of Latin American Studies
Center required. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and must have earned a minimum of 60
credits. Additional information: The course is primarily intended for students seeking the Certificate in
Latin American Studies, but exceptions will be considered for students with educational or career
interests which lie in this area. Student internships must be approved by the Director, and students must
secure an appropriate faculty mentor for the internship course. An internship course will be approved only
if a faculty supervisor is available. Internship experience with an organization that works with or studies
Latin American and/or the Caribbean. This is an experiential learning course that provides semester-long
training that enriches the student's academic field of study and the LASC Certificate. Students submit a
final written report of their experience, including critical analysis of the institutional relevance to their
major field of study and to Latin American Studies. Students will also be asked to give an oral
LASC 499 Independent Study in Latin American Studies (1-3) Restriction: Permission of instructor.
Independent Study in Latin American Studies.
LATN -- Latin
LATN 101 Elementary Latin I (4) Additional information: A student who has two units of Latin in high
school may register for LATN101 for the purposes of review, but ordinarily not for credit.
LATN 102 Elementary Latin II (4) Prerequisite: Must have completed LATN101 at University of
Maryland, College Park; or permission of ARHU-Classics department.
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LATN 120 Intensive Latin (4) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Classics department. Restriction:
Must not have completed LATN102. Elements of Latin grammar and vocabulary; elementary reading.
The first year's study of Latin compressed into a single semester.
LATN 201 Intermediate Latin (4) Prerequisite: Must have completed LATN102 at University of
Maryland, College Park; or permission of ARHU-Classics department. Formerly: LATN203.
LATN 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
LATN 301 Plautus (3) Plautine drama. Literary, linguistic and socio-cultural aspects. Readings are in
LATN 302 Ovid (3) Major works of Ovidian poetry. Literary and moral atmosphere of Augustan age.
Readings are in Latin.
LATN 303 Petronius (3) Reading and analysis of Petronius' Satyricon with an emphasis on the literary
climate of the Neronian Age and on the emergence of the novel as a literary genre. Readings are in Latin.
LATN 304 Cicero and Sallust (3) Prerequisite: LATN201; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Selected speeches of Cicero and selections from the
historian Sallust. Rhetorical, social and political context. Readings are in Latin.
LATN 351 Horace and Catullus (3) Prerequisite: LATN201; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Readings are in Latin.
LATN 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
LATN 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
LATN 402 Tacitus (3) Readings are in Latin.
LATN 403 Roman Satire (3) Readings are in Latin.
LATN 405 Lucretius (3) Readings are in Latin.
LATN 410 Latin Historians (3) Latin historical writing as a literary genre. Influences, style, and literary
techniques. Readings are in Latin.
LATN 415 Vergil's Aeneid (3) Formerly: LATN305. Vergil's Aeneid: readings of selections in Latin and
of the entire epic in English translation along with critical essays.
LATN 420 Cicero and Caesar (3) Reading and analysis of texts by M. Tullius Cicero and C. Iulius
Caesar, with emphasis on the relationships between them and on the period of the Civil War. Readings
are in Latin.
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LATN 424 Silver Age Latin (3) Reading and analysis of selected texts. Emphasis on the role of Nero
and Seneca in literary developments. Readings are in Latin.
LATN 472 Historical Development of the Latin Language (3) Credit only granted for: LATN472 or
LING431. An analysis of the development of the Latin language from archaic times to the Middle Ages.
LATN 488 Latin Readings (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Classics department. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Additional information: Readings are in Latin. The reading of one or more
selected Latin authors from antiquity through the Renaissance. Reports.
LATN 499 Independent Study in Latin Language and Literature (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of
ARHU-Classics department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
LBSC -- Library Science
LBSC 208 Special Topics in Information Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Special
topics in aspects of information use, technology, and policy.
LBSC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and must have learning
proposal approved by the Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's
internship sponsor.
LBSC 499 Workshops, Clinics, and Institutes (1-9) Repeatable to 9 credits. Workshops, clinics, and
institutes developed around specific topics or problems. Primarily for practicing librarians.
LGBT -- Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Studies
LGBT 200 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (3) Credit only granted
for: LGBT200. An interdisciplinary study of the historical and social contexts of personal, cultural and
political aspects of LGBT life. Sources from a variety of fields, such as anthropology, history,
psychology, sociology, and women's studies, focusing on writings by and about LGBT people.
LGBT 265 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Literatures (3) Restriction: Must not have
completed ENGL265. Also offered as: ENGL265. Credit only granted for: ENGL265 or LGBT265.
Exploration of literary and cultural expressions of sexuality and gender. Study of a range of historical
periods and literary genres, such as essay, poetry, novel, drama, film. Topics include sexual norms and
dissidence, gender identity and expression, the relationship between aesthetic forms and sexual
subjectivity. Interpretation of texts particularly through the lens of queer theory. Examination of how sex
and gender intersect with other forms of difference, including race and class.
LGBT 285 Homophobia in the U.S. Society in the New Millennium (3) Credit only granted for:
LGBT285 or LGBT289I. Formerly: LGBT289I. An interdisciplinary investigation of the evolving forms
of homophobia that continue to thrive and grow in the contemporary U.S., despite historical gains.
Special attention to manifestations of homophobia in U.S. social, cultural, political, and legal arenas such
as: popular culture/media, religious and cultural/ethnic communities, state and federal legislation, and
queer subcultures. Focus on students' powers and responsibilities within struggles to end discrimination
based on sexuality.
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LGBT 291 International Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Studies (3) Restriction: Must not have
completed CMLT291. Also offered as: CMLT291. Credit only granted for: CMLT291 or LGBT291.
Exploration of the construction and representation of sexualities in culture around the globe, with
particular emphasis on literature and media.
LGBT 298 Special Topics in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (3) Repeatable to 9
credits if content differs. Study of particular themes and issues in LGBT studies.
LGBT 327 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Film and Video (3) Restriction: Junior standing
or higher. Comparative analysis of forms, themes, and the politics of representation in film and video by
and/or about LGBT people.
LGBT 350 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and Communication (3) Prerequisite:
LGBT200; and permission of LGBT Studies Program. Study of differences, stereotypes, and values
distinguishing LGBT people and of effective means of communicating such differences to non-LGBT
people. Emphasis on contemporary LGBT life and on the development of didactic skills. Preparation and
presentation of forums on LGBT people; facilitation of workshops in various outreach locations
(residence halls, Greek system, classes).
LGBT 359 Special Topics in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Literatures (3) Prerequisite:
Must have completed two lower-level English courses, at least one in literature. Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs. Also offered as: ENGL359. Study of selected writers or particular themes in Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender literatures.
LGBT 386 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Organization Internship (3-6)
Prerequisite: 9 credits in LGBT courses. Restriction: Permission of LGBT Studies Program. Supervised
internship experience with a community organization that expressly serves lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender people. Students will be expected to relate course material to experience in an analysis of an
organization's activities.
LGBT 398 Special Topics in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (3) Prerequisite:
LGBT200. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. In-depth
study of particular themes and issues in LGBT studies.
LGBT 448 Special Topics in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (3) Prerequisite:
LGBT200; or permission of LGBT Studies Program. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to
9 credits if content differs. In-depth study of particular themes and issues in LGBT studies.
LGBT 459 Selected Topics in Sexuality and Literature (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed two
lower-level English courses, at least one in literature. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Also
offered as: ENGL459. Detailed study of sexuality as an aspect of literary and cultural expression.
LGBT 465 Theories of Sexuality and Literature (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed two lower-level
English courses, at least one in literature. Restriction: Must not have completed ENGL465. Also offered
as: ENGL465. Credit only granted for: ENGL465 or LGBT465. An in-depth study of the ways in which
sexuality and sexual difference create or confound the conditions of meaning in the production of literary
texts. Attention to psychoanalysis, history of sexuality, feminist theory, and other accounts of sexual
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LGBT 488 Seminar in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: 9 credits
in LGBT courses; and permission of LGBT Studies Program. Recommended: LGBT200. And ENGL265;
or CMLT291. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Formerly: CMLT498Y. Developments in theories
and methods of LGBT Studies, with emphasis upon interaction between the humanities and the social
sciences in the elaboration of this interdisciplinary area of scholarship.
LGBT 494 Lesbian Communities and Differences (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one course in
Women's Studies, preferably WMST200 or WMST250. Also offered as: WMST494. Credit only granted
for: LGBT494 or WMST494. The meanings of lesbian communities across many lines of difference.
Using lesbian-feminists of the 1970s as a starting point, we will look both back and forward in history,
tracing changes and exploring the meanings of these in their social and historical contexts.
LGBT 499 Independent Study (1-3) Prerequisite: LGBT200; and permission of LGBT Studies Program.
Restriction: Senior standing. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Directed research and analysis in
LGBT Studies on a topic selected by the student.
LING -- Linguistics
LING 200 Introductory Linguistics (3) Credit only granted for: HESP120 or LING200. Additional
information: Does not count toward the Linguistics major and does not fulfill prerequisite requirements
for all upper-level courses. An exploration of the nature of human language, designed for non-majors.
Introduction to the basic concepts and methodology of modern linguistic analysis (sound systems, word
formation, sentence structure). Additional topics may include: semantics, pragmatics, social aspects of
language, dialects, language change, acquisition, writing systems, typology, language universals,
comparison with other communication systems, etc.
LING 210 Structure of American Sign Language (3) Overview of phonology, morphology and syntax
of American Sign Language. History of the language and the unique social, political and linguistic
situation of the deaf.
LING 240 Language and Mind (3) Additional information: Required for Linguistics majors and
recommended for students in related fields. The study of language as a cognitive phenomenon. Focus on
mastering the concepts and technical skills required for further courses in linguistics. Ways of
representing people's knowledge of their native language, ways in which that knowledge is attained
naturally by children, and how it is used in speaking and listening. Additional topics may include: animal
communication, language and the brain, language and thought.
LING 248 Introduction to Laboratory Research in Linguistics (2-3) Recommended: LING200 or
LING240. Restriction: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Additional
information: A two-semester commitment is required, i.e. Ling248 is followed by Ling448.
Individualized, collaborative research course aimed at developing skills for laboratory research in
language acquisition, sentence processing or neurolinguistics. Learning to conduct research in laboratory
linguistics as part of a research team that will create original research in the field.
LING 262 HERITAGE LANGUAGES AND THEIR SPEAKERS (3) Additional information: One
class per week will be in-field instruction in collecting data from heritage speakers. An interdisciplinary
examination of the phenomenon of heritage language (a bilingual's home language which is distinct from
the dominant language of the wider society). Relationship between linguistic structure, cultural and social
aspects of language use, and language change. Interpretations of experimental and theoretical work.
Relevance of heritage languages for linguistic theory, language policy, and education.
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LING 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
LING 311 Syntax I (3) Prerequisite: LING240. Basic concepts, analytical techniques of generative
syntax, relation to empirical limits imposed by viewing grammars as representations of a component of
human mind. Aspects of current theories.
LING 312 Syntax II (3) Prerequisite: LING311. Continuation of LING311. Development of theories of
syntax. Criteria for revising theories. Methods and strategies of scientific efforts to explain natural
LING 320 Phonetics (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in LING200. Recommended: LING240.
Additional information: This course counts as a core course for the linguistics major. Only one of
Ling320 or HESP403 can be used to count towards the Linguistics major. Representations and models of
acoustic and articulatory phonetics. Develops concepts and skills for description, measurement and
scientific analysis of the sound systems of human languages, including various varieties of English.
LING 321 Phonology I (3) Prerequisite: LING240. Properties of sound systems of human languages,
basic concepts and analytical techniques of generative phonology. Empirical limits imposed by viewing
grammars as cognitive representations. Physiological properties and phonological systems; articulatory
phonetics and distinctive feature theory.
LING 322 Phonology II (3) Prerequisite: LING321. Continuation of LING321. Further investigation of
phonological phenomena and phonological theory. Revising and elaborating the theory of the
phonological representation; interaction of phonology and morphology.
LING 330 Historical Linguistics (3) Prerequisite: LING321. Recommended: LING311. A traditional
presentation of language change. Language types and families, sounds and writing systems, grammatical
categories. Reconstruction of proto-languages by internal and comparative methods.
LING 350 Philosophy of Language (3) Prerequisite: PHIL170 or LING311. Also offered as: PHIL360.
Credit only granted for: LING350 or PHIL360. The nature and function of language and other forms of
symbolism from a philosophical perspective.
LING 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
LING 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
LING 410 Grammar and Meaning (3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; or LING311. The basic
notions of semantic theory: reference, quantification, scope relations, compositionality, thematic relations,
tense and time, etc. The role these notions play in grammars of natural languages. Properties of logical
form and relationship with syntax.
LING 411 Comparative Syntax (3) Prerequisite: LING312; or permission of instructor. Comparison of
data from a variety of languages with respect to syntactic theory in order to investigate how parameters of
universal grammar are fixed differently in different languages. Attempts to work out fragments of
grammars for some languages.
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LING 419 Topics in Syntax (3) Prerequisite: LING311. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs.
Topics vary.
LING 420 Word Formation (3) Prerequisite: LING321 and LING311. Examination of shape and
meaning of possible words, both across languages and within particular languages. Interaction between
principles of word formation and other components of a grammar: syntax, logical form and phonology.
LING 429 Topics in Phonology (3) Prerequisite: LING322. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Advanced seminar in phonology. Topics vary.
LING 439 Topics in Diachronic Linguistics (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
LING 440 Grammars and Cognition (3) Prerequisite: LING321 and LING311. Relationship between
the structure, development and functioning of grammars and the structure, development and functioning
of other mental systems. Interpretations of experimental and observational work on children's language,
aphasia, speech production and comprehension.
LING 444 Child Language Acquisition (3) Prerequisite: LING311. Examines language acquisition in
infancy and early childhood: the nature of children's linguistic representations and how these develop
naturally. Role of (possible) innate linguistic structure and interaction of such structure with experience.
Evaluation of methods and results of current and classic research leading to contemporary models of
language development.
LING 448 Advanced Laboratory Research in Linguistics (2-3) Prerequisite: LING248; and (LING200
or LING240). Restriction: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Additional
information: This course is part of a two-semester sequence. Ling248 is a prerequisite. Ling248 and
Ling448 must be completed in the same laboratory. Individualized, collaborative research course aimed at
developing skills for laboratory research in language acquisition, sentence processing or neurolinguistics.
Conducting a research project in laboratory linguistics as part of a team creating original research relevant
to current issues in linguistics.
LING 449 Topics in Psycholinguistics (3) Prerequisite: LING321 and LING311; or permission of
ARHU-Linguistics department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Critical evaluation of primary
research in psycholinguistics. Relating theoretical hypotheses to experimental hypotheses and predictions.
Evaluation of experimental results. Emphasis on hands-on experience and experimental methodologies.
Specific topics vary.
LING 451 Grammars and Variation (3) Prerequisite: LING311. Grammars and the use of language in a
variety of styles: formal, casual, literary, etc. Consequences for concepts of grammars. Variation theory.
Literary styles.
LING 453 Mathematical Approaches to Language (3) Prerequisite: LING312. The aspects of
mathematics used in linguistic discussions: recursion theory, Chomsky's hierarchy of grammars, set
theory, Boolean algebra, finite state grammars, context-free grammars, etc. Applications to theories of
grammars. Formalizations of grammatical theories.
LING 455 Second Language Acquisition (3) Prerequisite: LING311. Examines second language
acquisition from the perspective of Chomsky's 'Universal Grammar'. Relationship between theories of
grammars, first language acquisition by children and the learning of second languages by adults.
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LING 460 Diversity and Unity in Human Languages (3) Prerequisite: LING240 or LING200.
Fundamentals of grammatical typology as they relate to issues in social attitudes towards language.
Linguistic structure of standard and non-standard languages and dialects. Relationship of different writing
systems to linguistic structure. Issues in bilingualism and multilingualism.
LING 487 Computer Science for Cognitive Studies (3) Credit only granted for: LING487 or PHIL487.
List processing and discrete mathematics. Preparation for the study of artificial intelligence and other
mathematically oriented branches of cognitive studies. Intended for students of linguistics, philosophy,
and psychology. LISP computer language, graphs and trees, the concept of computational complexity,
search algorithms.
LING 499 Directed Studies in Linguistics (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Linguistics
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Independent study or research on language under
the supervision of a faculty member.
MATH -- Mathematics
MATH 003 Developmental Mathematics (3) A review of Intermediate High School Algebra intended
for students preparing for one of the credit bearing Fundamental Studies Math Courses. It is taught in
special computer labs using a self-paced computer program. The curriculum will be geared toward the
student's level of algebra skills and eventual goals. There is a special fee for the course that may be
applied in addition to the regular tuition charge. Students should refer to the schedule of classes for details
on fees as they apply to a particular semester. The course does not carry any credit toward any degree at
the University. The course is repeatable. Topics will be chosen from exponents, polynomials, linear
equations, quadratic equations as well as polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithm functions and
elementary probability or statistics, depending on the student.
MATH 007 Algebra for MATH 107 (3) A review of Intermediate High School Algebra intended for
students preparing for MATH107. It is taught 5 days per week for the first 5 weeks, then leads directly
into a special section of MATH107, the same semester, which also meets 5 days per week. Continuation
in MATH107 is conditional on the student passing the MATHEMATICS PLACEMENT EXAM at the
appropriate level. Topics include linear equations, linear inequalities, operations on polynomials,
factoring, solutions of quadratic equations, as well as exponential and logarithm functions. MATH007
does not carry any credit toward any degree at the University, nor is it graded. It leads to either
MATH107 or MATH003, both of which are graded.
MATH 010 Algebra for MATH 110 (3) A review of Intermediate High School Algebra intended for
students preparing for MATH110. It is taught 5 days per week for the first 5 weeks, then leads directly
into a special section of MATH110, the same semester, which also meets 5 days per week. Continuation
in MATH110 is conditional on the student passing the MATHEMATICS PLACEMENT EXAM at the
appropriate level. Topics include linear equations, linear inequalities, operations on polynomials,
factoring, solutions of quadratic equations, as well as exponential and logarithm functions. MATH010
does not carry any credit toward any degree at the University, nor is it graded. It leads to either
MATH110 or MATH003, both of which are graded.
MATH 011 Algebra for MATH 111 (3) A review of Intermediate High School Algebra intended for
students preparing for MATH111. It is taught 5 days per week for the first 5 weeks, then leads directly
into a special section of MATH111, the same semester, which also meets 5 days per week. Continuation
in MATH 111 is conditional on the student passing the MATHEMATICS PLACEMENT EXAM at the
appropriate level. Topics include exponents, polynomials, linear equations, quadratic equations, as well as
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polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithm functions, Venn diagrams, permutations and
combinations. MATH011 does not carry any credit toward any degree at the University, nor is it graded.
It leads directly to MATH111 (or MATH113 or MATH110), or MATH003, all of which are graded.
MATH 013 Algebra for MATH 113 (3) A review of Intermediate High School Algebra intended for
students preparing for MATH113. It is taught 5 days per week for the first 5 weeks, then leads directly
into a special section of MATH113, the same semester, which also meets 5 days per week. Continuation
in MATH113 is conditional on the student passing the MATHEMATICS PLACEMENT EXAM at the
appropriate level. Topics include exponents, polynomials, linear equations, quadratic equations, as well as
polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithm functions, and trigonometry. MATH013 does not carry any
credit toward any degree at the University, nor is it graded. It leads directly to MATH113 (or MATH110),
or MATH003, all of which are graded.
MATH 015 Algebra for MATH 115 (3) A review of Intermediate High School Algebra intended for
students preparing for MATH115. It is taught 5 days per week for the first 5 weeks, then leads directly
into a special section of MATH115, the same semester, which also meets 5 days per week. Continuation
in MATH115 is conditional on the student passing the MATHEMATICS PLACEMENT EXAM at the
appropriate level. Topics include exponents, polynomials, linear equations in one and two variables,
quadratic equations, as well as polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithm functions and trigonometry.
MATH015 does not carry any credit toward any degree at the University, nor is it graded. It leads directly
to MATH115 (or MATH111 or MATH113 or MATH110), or MATH003, all of which are graded.
MATH 107 Introduction to Math Modeling and Probability (3) Prerequisite: Must have math
eligibility of Math 107 or higher; and math eligibility is based on Math Placement Exam or successful
completion of MATH003 with appropriate eligibility. Restriction: Not open to students majoring in
mathematics, engineering, business, life sciences, and the physical sciences;; and must not have
completed MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140; and must not have completed MATH220; and must not
have completed any MATH or STAT course with a prerequisite of MATH120, MATH130, MATH140 or
MATH220. Credit only granted for: STAT100, MATH107, MATH110, MATH111, MATH112, or
MATH113. Formerly: Math 110 and Math 111. Additional information: Students who have credits for
MATH107 may not also receive credits for STAT100, MATH110, MATH 111, MATH112, or
MATH113. A goal is to convey the power of mathematics as shown by a variety of problems which can
be modeled and solved by quantitative means. Also included is an introduction to probability. Topics
include data analysis, equations, systems of equations, inequalities, elementary linear programming, Venn
diagrams, counting, basic probability, permutations, combinations, tree diagrams, standard normal and
normal distributions. The mathematics of finance is covered. The course includes problem solving and
decision making in economics, management, and social sciences.
MATH 110 Elementary Mathematical Models (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of
MATH110 or higher; and math eligibility is based on Math Placement Exam or successful completion of
MATH003 with appropriate eligibility. Restriction: Not open to students majoring in mathematics,
engineering, business, life sciences, and the physical sciences;; and must not have completed MATH120,
MATH130, or MATH140; and must not have completed MATH220; and must not have completed any
MATH or STAT course with a prerequisite of MATH120, MATH130, MATH140 or MATH220. Credit
only granted for: MATH107, MATH110, MATH112, or MATH113. Topics include simple and
compound interest; recursion for computing balances; installment loans and amortization; approximating
data by linear models; analysis of applications to real-world collections of data; probability; conditional
probability; independence; expected value; graphing and analysis of systems of inequalities; linear
programming and applications.
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MATH 111 Introduction to Probability (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of MATH111 or
higher; and math eligibility is based on Math Placement Exam or successful completion of MATH003
with appropriate eligibility. Or MATH110. Restriction: Not open to students majoring in mathematics,
engineering or the physical sciences; and must not have completed STAT100; and must not have
completed any MATH or STAT course with a prerequisite of MATH141. Credit only granted for:
MATH107, MATH111 or STAT100. Logic, Boolean algebra, counting, probability, random variables,
expectation, applications of the normal probability distribution.
MATH 113 College Algebra and Trigonometry (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of
MATH113 or higher; and math eligibility is based on the Math Placement Exam or the successful
completion of MATH 003 with appropriate eligibility. Restriction: Must not have completed MATH120,
MATH140, MATH112, MATH115, or MATH130; and must not have completed any course with a
prerequisite of MATH120, MATH130, MATH140 or MATH220; and must not have completed
MATH220. Credit only granted for: Students who have credits for MATH113 may not also receive
credits for MATH107, MATH110, MATH112, or MATH115. Topics include elementary functions
including graphs and applications of: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
Systems of equations and applications. Trigonometric functions: angle and radian measure, graphs and
MATH 115 Precalculus (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of MATH115 or higher; and math
eligibility is based on the Math Placement Exam or the successful completion of MATH003 with
appropriate eligibility. Or MATH113. Restriction: Must not have completed MATH140; and must not
have completed any MATH or STAT course with a prerequisite of MATH140. Credit only granted for:
Students who have credits for MATH115 may not also receive credits for MATH112 or MATH113.
Preparation for MATH120, MATH130 or MATH140. Elementary functions and graphs: polynomials,
rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions. Algebraic techniques
preparatory for calculus.
MATH 120 Elementary Calculus I (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH112, MATH113, MATH115). Or must have math eligibility of MATH120 or higher; and math
eligibility is based on the Math Placement Test. Restriction: Not open to students majoring in
mathematics, engineering, the biological sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, or the physical sciences.
Credit only granted for: MATH120, MATH130, MATH140, or MATH220. Formerly: MATH 220. Basic
ideas of differential and integral calculus, with emphasis on elementary techniques of differentiation and
MATH 121 Elementary Calculus II (3) Prerequisite: MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140; or must
have completed MATH220. Restriction: Not open to students majoring in mathematics, engineering, the
biological sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, or the physical sciences. Credit only granted for:
MATH121, MATH131, MATH141, or MATH221. Formerly: MATH 221. Differential and integral
calculus, with emphasis on elementary techniques of integration and applications.
MATH 130 Calculus I for the Life Sciences (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH115.
Restriction: Must be in a major in CMNS-Biological Sciences UG Program; and not open to students
majoring in mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. Credit only granted for: MATH120,
MATH130, MATH220, or MATH140. Basic ideas of differential integral calculus, with emphasis on
elementary techniques and applications to the life sciences.
MATH 131 Calculus II for Life Sciences (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH130; or
minimum grade of C- in MATH140. Restriction: Must be in a major in CMNS-Biological Sciences UG
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Program. Credit only granted for: MATH121, MATH131, MATH141, or MATH221. Continuation of
MATH130, including an introduction to autonomous differential equations, probability (including
conditional probability and the normal and binomial distributions), and statistical reasoning (including
confidence intervals). Alongside the mathematical concepts will be applications in biology.
MATH 140 Calculus I (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH115. Or must have math
eligibility of MATH140 or higher; and math eligibility is based on the Math Placement Test. Credit only
granted for: MATH120, MATH130, MATH220, or MATH140. Introduction to calculus, including
functions, limits, continuity, derivatives and applications of the derivative, sketching of graphs of
functions, definite and indefinite integrals, and calculation of area. The course is especially recommended
for science, engineering and mathematics majors.
MATH 141 Calculus II (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH140. Or minimum grade of B-
in MATH130; and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department. Credit only granted for: MATH121,
MATH131, MATH141, or MATH221. Continuation of MATH140, including techniques of integration,
improper integrals, applications of integration (such as volumes, work, arc length, moments), inverse
functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series.
MATH 199 Special Topics in Mathematics (3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Mathematics
department. Many games have a mathematical component. We will introduce several games, play them,
and investigate the underlying mathematics. Students will work in teams on projects that involve
developing strategies for new games.
MATH 206 Introduction to Matlab (1) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH141, MATH131). Credit only granted for: CMSC206, CMSC298M, MATH206, or MATH299M.
This course is intended to prepare students for subsequent courses requiring computation with MATLAB.
Covers basics of MATLAB including simple commands, variables, solving equations, graphing
differentiation and integration, matrices and vectors, functions, M-files and fundamentals of programming
in the MATLAB environment. When offered in Winter and Summer terms, the course is offered in a
format suitable for online distance learning.
MATH 212 Elements of Numbers and Operations (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one year of
college preparatory algebra. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Early Childhood
Education; Special Education; Elementary Education). Credit only granted for: MATH212 or MATH210.
Reviews and extends topics of arithmetic and number theory related to the elementary school curriculum,
particularly number systems and operations with natural numbers, integers, and rationals.
MATH 213 Elements of Geometry and Measurement (3) Prerequisite: MATH212. Restriction: Must
be in one of the following programs (Early Childhood Education; Special Education; Elementary
Education). Credit only granted for: MATH211 or MATH213. Properties of geometric objects in two and
three dimensions; parallel lines, curves and polygons; ratio, proportion, similarity; transformational
geometry and measurement, constructions, justifications and proofs.
MATH 214 Elements of Probability and Statistics (3) Prerequisite: MATH212. Restriction: Must be in
one of the following programs (Early Childhood Education; Special Education; Elementary Education).
Credit only granted for: MATH211 or MATH214. Permutations and combinations; probability; collecting
and representing data; using statistics to analyze and interpret data.
MATH 240 Introduction to Linear Algebra (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH131; or
MATH141. Credit only granted for: BIOE371, MATH240, MATH341, or MATH461. Basic concepts of
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linear algebra: vector spaces, applications to line and plane geometry, linear equations and matrices,
similar matrices, linear transformations, eigenvalues, determinants and quadratic forms.
MATH 241 Calculus III (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH141. Credit only granted for:
MATH241 or MATH340. Introduction to multivariable calculus, including vectors and vector-valued
functions, partial derivatives and applications of partial derivatives (such as tangent planes and Lagrange
multipliers), multiple integrals, volume, surface area, and the classical theorems of Green, Stokes and
MATH 246 Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of
C- in MATH141. Credit only granted for: MATH246 or MATH341. An introduction to the basic methods
of solving ordinary differential equations. Equations of first and second order, linear differential
equations, Laplace transforms, numerical methods and the qualitative theory of differential equations.
MATH 274 History of Mathematics (3) Prerequisite: MATH120, MATH130, or MATH140; or must
have completed MATH220. An overview of aspects in the history of mathematics from its beginning in
the concrete problem solving of ancient times through the development of abstraction in the 19th and 20th
centuries. The course considers both mathematical ideas and the context in which they developed in
various civilizations around the world.
MATH 299 Selected Topics in Mathematics (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Mathematics
department. Topics of special interest under the general guidance of the departmental committee on
undergraduate studies.
MATH 307 A Condensed Introduction to Mathematical Proof (2) Prerequisite: 1 course with a
minimum grade of C- from (MATH241, MATH340). Recommended: MATH461, MATH240, or
MATH341. Credit only granted for: MATH307 or MATH310. Additional information: Math majors may
not use this course to satisfy the upper-level math requirement. Students develop proof-writing skills
including logic of proofs, induction and convergence concepts.
MATH 310 Introduction to Mathematical Proof (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH141;
and must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH240, MATH341, or MATH461; and must
have completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH241 or MATH340. Restriction: Must be in a major
within the CMNS-Mathematics department. Credit only granted for: MATH307 or MATH310.
Additional information: Math majors may not use this course to satisfy an upper-level requirement. To
develop the students' ability to construct a rigorous proof of a mathematical claim. Students will also be
made aware of mathematical results that are of interest to those wishing to analyze a particular
mathematical model. Topics will be drawn from logic, set theory, structure of the number line, elementary
topology, metric spaces, functions, sequences and continuity.
MATH 312 Mathematical Reasoning and Proof for Pre-Service Middle School Teachers (3)
Prerequisite: MATH212 and MATH213. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Elementary Education; Special Education; Middle School Education). Reasoning and proof as addressed
in the middle school curriculum. Topics include proportional reasoning, logic and proof, types of
numbers, field axioms, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry.
MATH 314 Introduction to Probability, Data, Analysis and Statistics for Preservice Middle School
Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH214. Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs
(Elementary Education; Special Education; Middle School Education). Credit only granted for:
MATH314 or STAT100. Analysis of bivariate data, probability and randomness, law of large numbers,
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central limit theorem, probabilities for independent and dependent events, counting techniques, random
variables and probability distributions, expected values, sampling distributions, and confidence intervals.
MATH 315 Algebra for Preservice Middle School Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH212. Restriction:
Must be in one of the following programs (Elementary Education; Special Education; Middle School
Education). Credit only granted for: MATH112, MATH113, or MATH315. Algebraic concepts and
techniques developed in the middle grades, with their larger mathematical context. Equations, inequalities
and functions (linear, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic), with multiple representations of
relationships. Common misconceptions of beginning algebra students.
MATH 340 Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations I (Honors) (4)
Prerequisite: MATH141 and MATH140; and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department; and
permission will be granted only to incoming freshmen. Credit only granted for: MATH241 or MATH340.
First semester of the MATH340-341 sequence which gives a unified and enriched treatment of
multivariable calculus, linear algebra and ordinary differential equations, with supplementary material
from subjects such as differential geometry, Fourier series and calculus of variations. Students completing
MATH340-341 will have covered the material of MATH240, MATH241, and MATH246, and may not
also receive credit for MATH240, MATH241 or MATH246.
MATH 341 Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations II (Honors) (4)
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH340. Restriction: Open to second semester Freshmen only.
Credit only granted for: MATH240, MATH246, MATH341 or MATH461. A continuation of MATH340.
MATH 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have learning proposal approved by the
CMNS Mathematics Department.
MATH 401 Applications of Linear Algebra (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (MATH461, MATH240, MATH341). Various applications of linear algebra: theory of finite games,
linear programming, matrix methods as applied to finite Markov chains, random walk, incidence
matrices, graphs and directed graphs, networks and transportation problems.
MATH 402 Algebraic Structures (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH240, MATH341, MATH461). Restriction: Must not be in any of the following programs
(Mathematics (Master's); Mathematics (Doctoral)). Credit only granted for: MATH402 or MATH403. For
students having only limited experience with rigorous mathematical proofs. Parallels MATH403.
Students planning graduate work in mathematics should take MATH403. Groups, rings, integral domains
and fields, detailed study of several groups; properties of integers and polynomials. Emphasis is on the
origin of the mathematical ideas studied and the logical structure of the subject.
MATH 403 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (MATH240, MATH461, MATH340); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH341,
MATH241); and minimum grade of C- in MATH310. Or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: MATH402 or MATH403.
Integers; groups, rings, integral domains, fields.
MATH 404 Field Theory (3) Prerequisite: MATH403. Algebraic and transcendental elements, Galois
theory, constructions with straight-edge and compass, solutions of equations of low degrees, insolubility
of the quintic equation, Sylow theorems, fundamental theorem of finite Abelian groups.
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MATH 405 Linear Algebra (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH240,
MATH461, MATH341); and minimum grade of C- in MATH310. An abstract treatment of finite
dimensional vector spaces. Linear transformations and their invariants.
MATH 406 Introduction to Number Theory (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (MATH240, MATH241, MATH246, MATH340, MATH341, MATH461); or permission of CMNS-
Mathematics department. Integers, divisibility, prime numbers, unique factorization, congruences,
quadratic reciprocity, Diophantine equations and arithmetic functions.
MATH 410 Advanced Calculus I (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH240, MATH461, MATH341); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH340,
MATH241); and minimum grade of C- in MATH310. Or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. First semester of a year course. Subjects covered during
the year are: sequences and series of numbers, continuity and differentiability of real valued functions of
one variable, the Riemann integral, sequences of functions and power series. Functions of several
variables including partial derivatives, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals. The implicit function
MATH 411 Advanced Calculus II (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH410; and permission
of CMNS-Mathematics department. Credit only granted for: MATH411 or MATH412. Continuation of
MATH 412 Advanced Calculus with Applications (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
MATH410; and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department. Credit only granted for: MATH411 or
MATH412. Analysis in several variables, and applications, from a computational perspective.
MATH 416 Applied Harmonic Analysis: An Introduction to Signal Processing (3) Prerequisite:
Minimum grade of C- in MATH141; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH240,
MATH461, MATH341); and familiarity with MATLAB is required. Introduces students to the
mathematical concepts arising in signal analysis from the applied harmonic analysis point of view. Topics
include applied linear algebra, Fourier series, discrete Fourier transform, Fourier transform, Shannon
Sampling Theorem, wavelet bases, multiresolution analysis, and discrete wavelet transform.
MATH 420 Mathematical Modeling (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH240, MATH461, MATH341); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH241,
MATH340); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH246, MATH341); and minimum
grade of C- in STAT400. And 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (CMSC106, CMSC131); or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Also offered as:
AMSC420. Credit only granted for: AMSC420 or MATH420. The course will develop skills in data-
driven mathematical modeling through individual and group projects. Emphasis will be placed on both
analytical and computational methods, and on effective oral and written presentation of results.
MATH 424 Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
MATH141; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (STAT400, STAT410); and permission of
CMNS-Mathematics department. Recommended: MATH246, MATH240, MATH241, MATH340, or
MATH341. Credit only granted for: BMGT444, MATH424. Introduction to the mathematical models
used in finance and economics with emphasis on pricing derivative instruments. Designed for students in
mathematics, computer science, engineering, finance and physics. Financial markets and instruments;
elements from basic probability theory; interest rates and present value analysis; normal distribution of
stock returns; option pricing; arbitrage pricing theory; the multiperiod binomial model; the Black-Scholes
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option pricing formula; proof of the Black-Scholes option pricing formula and applications; trading and
hedging of options; Delta hedging; utility functions and portfolio theory; elementary stochastic calculus;
Ito's Lemma; the Black-Scholes equation and its conversion to the heat equation.
MATH 430 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum
grade of C- from (MATH240, MATH341, MATH461). Hilbert's axioms for Euclidean geometry. Neutral
geometry: the consistency of the hyperbolic parallel postulate and the inconsistency of the elliptic parallel
postulate with neutral geometry. Models of hyperbolic geometry. Existence and properties of isometries.
MATH 431 Geometry for Computer Applications (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of
C- from (MATH461, MATH240, MATH341). Topics from projective geometry and transformation
geometry, emphasizing the two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional objects and objects
moving about in the plane and space. The emphasis will be on formulas and algorithms of immediate use
in computer graphics.
MATH 432 Introduction to Topology (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH410. Metric
spaces, topological spaces, connectedness, compactness (including Heine-Borel and Bolzano-Weierstrass
theorems), Cantor sets, continuous maps and homeomorphisms, fundamental group (homotopy, covering
spaces, the fundamental theorem of algebra, Brouwer fixed point theorem), surfaces (e.g., Euler
characteristic, the index of a vector field, hairy sphere theorem), elements of combinatorial topology
(graphs and trees, planarity, coloring problems).
MATH 436 Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces I (3) Prerequisite: MATH241 or
MATH340; and (MATH461, MATH240, or MATH341); and must have completed two 400-level MATH
courses (not including MATH461, 478, and 480's). Curves in the plane and Euclidean space, moving
frames, surfaces in Euclidean space, orientability of surfaces; Gaussian and mean curvatures; surfaces of
revolution, ruled surfaces, minimal surfaces, special curves on surfaces, "Theorema Egregium"; the
intrinsic geometry of surfaces.
MATH 437 Differential Forms (3) Prerequisite: MATH241 or MATH340; and (MATH461, MATH240,
or MATH341). Recommended: MATH405, MATH403, MATH436, MATH410, or MATH432.
Introduction to differential forms and their applications, and unites the fundamental theorems of
multivariable calculus in a general Stokes Theorem that is valid in great generality. It develops this theory
and technique to perform calculations in analysis and geometry. Topics include an introduction to
topological spaces, the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, Gauss's formula for the linking number, and the Cauchy
Integral Theorem. Applications include Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism, connections and gauge
theory, and symplectic geometry and Hamiltonian dynamics.
MATH 445 Elementary Mathematical Logic (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH141.
Elementary development of propositional and predicate logic, including semantics and deductive systems
and with a discussion of completeness, incompleteness and the decision problem.
MATH 446 Axiomatic Set Theory (3) Prerequisite: MATH403 or MATH410. Development of a system
of axiomatic set theory, choice principles, induction principles, ordinal arithmetic including discussion of
cancellation laws, divisibility, canonical expansions, cardinal arithmetic including connections with the
axiom of choice, Hartog's theorem, Konig's theorem, properties of regular, singular and inaccessible
MATH 452 Introduction to Dynamics and Chaos (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
MATH246; and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH240, MATH461). Or minimum grade
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of C- in MATH340 and MATH341. Also offered as: AMSC452. Credit only granted for: AMSC452 or
MATH452. An introduction to mathematical dynamics and chaos. Orbits, bifurcations, Cantor sets and
horseshoes, symbolic dynamics, fractal dimension, notions of stability, flows and chaos. Includes
motivation and historical perspectives, as well as examples of fundamental maps studied in dynamics and
applications of dynamics.
MATH 456 Cryptology (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed two 400-level MATH courses (not to
include MATH 461, 478, and 480's) with a minimum grade of C-. Or minimum grade of C- in CMSC351
and CMSC330; and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department. Also offered as: CMSC456. Credit
only granted for: MATH456 or CMSC456. Importance in protecting data in communications between
computers. The subject lies on the border between mathematics and computer science. Mathematical
topics include number theory and probability. Computer science topics include complexity theory.
MATH 461 Linear Algebra for Scientists and Engineers (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in
MATH141; and must have completed any MATH or STAT course with a prerequisite of MATH141.
Credit only granted for: BIOE371, MATH240, MATH341, or MATH461. Additional information: This
course may not be used towards the upper level math requirements for MATH/STAT majors. Basic
concepts of linear algebra. This course is similar to MATH 240, but with more extensive coverage of the
topics needed in applied linear algebra: change of basis, complex eigenvalues, diagonalization, the Jordan
canonical form.
MATH 462 Partial Differential Equations (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH241, MATH340); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH246, MATH341).
Linear spaces and operators, orthogonality, Sturm-Liouville problems and eigenfunction expansions for
ordinary differential equations. Introduction to partial differential equations, including the heat equation,
wave equation and Laplace's equation. Boundary value problems, initial value problems and initial-
boundary value problems.
MATH 463 Complex Variables for Scientists and Engineers (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a
minimum grade of C- from (MATH241, MATH340). The algebra of complex numbers, analytic
functions, mapping properties of the elementary functions. Cauchy integral formula. Theory of residues
and application to evaluation of integrals. Conformal mapping.
MATH 464 Transform Methods for Scientists and Engineers (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a
minimum grade of C- from (MATH246, MATH341). Fourier transform, Fourier series, discrete fast
Fourier transform (DFT and FFT). Laplace transform. Poisson summations, and sampling. Optional
Topics: Distributions and operational calculus, PDEs, Wavelet transform, Radon transform and
applications such as Imaging, Speech Processing, PDEs of Mathematical Physics, Communications,
Inverse Problems.
MATH 470 Mathematics for Secondary Education (3) Prerequisite: MATH141 and MATH140; and
must have completed one 400-level MATH course (not to include MATH461, 478, and 480's). An
advanced perspective on some of the core mathematics underlying high school mathematics courses.
Topics include number systems, functions of one variable, equations, inequalities, trigonometric
functions, curve fitting, and polynomials. The course includes an analysis of alternate approaches to
mathematical ideas and problems, and makes connections between ideas that may have been studied
separately in different high school and college courses.
MATH 475 Combinatorics and Graph Theory (3) Prerequisite: MATH240 or MATH341; and
(MATH241 or MATH340); and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department. Also offered as:
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CMSC475. Credit only granted for: MATH475 or CMSC475. General enumeration methods, difference
equations, generating functions. Elements of graph theory, matrix representations of graphs, applications
of graph theory to transport networks, matching theory and graphical algorithms.
MATH 478 Selected Topics For Teachers of Mathematics (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-
Mathematics department. Additional information: Math majors may not use this course to fulfill the
upper-level math requirement.
MATH 480 Algebra for Middle School Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH214. Restriction: Must be a
middle school teacher; and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department. Credit only granted for:
MATH480 or MATH483. Additional information: Not applicable to MATH/STAT major or minor
requirements. Prepares teachers with elementary certification to teach Algebra 1 in middle school.
Focuses on basic algebra concepts and related theoretical ideas.
MATH 481 Statistics and Data Analysis for Middle School Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH214.
Restriction: Must be a middle school teacher; and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department. Credit
only granted for: MATH481 or MATH485. Additional information: Not applicable to MATH/STAT
major or minor requirements. Prepares teachers with elementary certification to teach simple data analysis
and probability in middle school. Focuses on understanding basic statistics, data analysis, and related
theoretical ideas.
MATH 482 Geometry for Middle School Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH214. Restriction: Must be a
middle school teacher; and permission of CMNS-Mathematics department. Credit only granted for:
MATH482 or MATH484. Additional information: Not Applicable to MATH/STAT major or minor
requirements. Prepares teachers with elementary certification to teach geometry in middle school. Focuses
on understanding basic geometry concepts and related theoretical ideas.
MATH 483 Algebra for High School Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH141. Restriction: Senior
standing. Credit only granted for: MATH483 or MATH480. Additional information: May not be used
towards the upper level math requirements for the MATH minor. Focuses on concepts related to algebra
and trigonometry, including functions, equations, inequalities, and data analysis. Assumes a good
understanding of calculus.
MATH 484 Geometry for High School Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH141; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Senior standing. Credit
only granted for: MATH482, MATH484, or MATH498E. Formerly: MATH498E. Focuses on concepts
related to geometry, including several geometry axiom schemes, transformations, and similarity. Includes
constructions with Geometer's Sketchpad.
MATH 485 Statistics for High School Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH141; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: MATH481
or MATH485. Additional information: May not be used towards the upper level math requirements for
the MATH minor. Focuses on concepts related to statistics and data analysis, including probability,
sampling, distribution of data, and inference.
MATH 486 Calculus for High School Teachers (3) Prerequisite: MATH141; and cannot be used
toward the upper level math requirements for MATH/STAT majors. Focuses on concepts related to one-
variable calculus including limits, continuity, derivative, integrals, series, and applications of these topics.
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MATH 487 Number for Middle Grades Teachers (3) Prerequisite: Must have admission to M.A. or
M.Ed. with concentration in Mathematics Education; or permission of CMNS-Mathematics department.
Restriction: This course may not be used towards the upper level math requirements for the MATH/STAT
major. Credit only granted for: MATH487 or MATH498K. Formerly: MATH498K. The rational number
and proportional reasoning concepts developed in the middle grades and the larger mathematical context
for these. Multiple representations of relationships, including verbal descriptions, diagrams, tables,
graphs, and equations. Common misconceptions.
MATH 489 Research Interactions in Mathematics (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-
Mathematics department. Repeatable to 10 credits if content differs. Students participate in a vertically
integrated (undergraduate, graduate and/or postdoctoral, faculty) mathematics research group. Format
varies. Students and supervising faculty will agree to a contract which must be approved by the
department. Up to three credits of MATH489 may be applied to the mathematics degree requirements.
See the department's MATH489 online syllabus for further information.
MATH 498 Selected Topics in Mathematics (1-9) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Topics of
special interest to advanced undergraduate students will be offered occasionally under the general
guidance of the departmental committee on undergraduate studies.
MEES -- Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences
MEES 432 Physiological Ecology of Animals (3) Prerequisite: BSCI361; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department; or permission of instructor. Credit only
granted for: MEES498E, MEES698E, MEES432, or MEES632. Formerly: MEES498E. An examination
of the influence of environmental constrains on animal function and energetic efficiency in the context of
abiotic conditions in the habitats occupied by individuals.
MEES 498 Topics in Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences (1-4) Lecture and/or laboratory series
organized to study a selected area of marine-estuarine-environmental sciences not otherwise considered in
formal courses.
MIEH -- Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
MIEH 240 Global Health Projects: Addressing Health Needs with a focus on Reciprocity and
Relationships (3) Explore the needs of global communities, design interventions, and reflect on the
potential outcomes in improving health in the communities served, while also focusing on students' own
subjective experiences. Students will explore their roles as learners and the role of community members
as local experts.
MIEH 300 A Public Health Perspective: Introduction to Environmental Health (3) Prerequisite:
CHEM131 and CHEM132. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. And must be in Public Health Science
program; or permission of SPHL-School of Public Health. Credit only granted for: SPHL498N or
MIEH300. Formerly: SPHL498N. Environmental health is that branch of public health that deals with the
human health effects of exposure to chemical, physical, and biological agents in the community,
workplace, and home. Activities within Environmental Health Sciences are associated with recognizing,
assessing, understanding, and mitigating the impacts of chemical, physical, and biological agents as well
as understanding how human behavior and action impacts the environment. The Environmental health
field is a broad, multi-disciplinary field. Environmental health scientists face complex problems requiring
multi-disciplinary approaches. This course focuses on the central concepts, principles, issues, and
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applications of the essential scientific components and strategies of control of major environmental health
MIEH 309 Environmental Health Research (1-3) Restriction: Must have completed a minimum of 45
credits; and must have permission of instructor. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. This research-
based course will provide undergraduates with the opportunity to work closely with one of the faculty
researchers in the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health (MIAEH) within the School of
Public Health. Our research covers multiple fields within the environmental health sciences (e.g.
environmental epidemiology, exposure science, risk assessment, environmental microbiology,
environmental microbial genomics, food toxicology, airborne infection transmission, environmental
justice, and children's environmental health) that involve either laboratory-based research or non-
laboratory based studies. Students will not only gain invaluable research and interpersonal skills but also
contribute to MIAEH's ongoing environmental health research programs.
MIEH 321 Syphilis to SARS: Climate Change, Development and Emergence of Infectious Diseases
(3) Syphilis to SARS will examine the influences of environmental factors, economic development,
migration, and land use changes on emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases. Population
growth, development, and climate change are impacting natural reservoirs of infectious diseases and how
they transmit through human populations. The course will look at both historical accounts and newly
emerging and reemerging diseases including influenza as examples of our role in altering the diseases that
threaten us. We will also critically evaluate how the issues are portrayed in news and entertainment media
and controversy about the ethics of research on deadly viruses.
MIEH 330 Environmental Justice, Racism, and Environmental Health Disparities: How where you
live can kill you (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MIEH300. Restriction: Must be in a major in
SPHL-School of Public Health. Credit only granted for: MIEH210 or MIEH330. Formerly: MIEH210.
Examination of environmental justice history, theory and science; discussion of linkages between the
physical, natural, and social environments and environmental injustice; analysis of how environmental
injustice can lead to adverse health conditions and environmental health disparities; discuss
environmental justice case studies; and understanding of tools that can be used to understand and address
environmental justice issues.
MIEH 331 The Built Environment, Sustainability, and Public Health: The Good, the Bad, and the
Ugly (3) Recommended: Completion of MIEH300 with a C- or higher is recommended. Restriction: Must
have earned a minimum of 45 credits. Credit only granted for: MIEH215 or MIEH331. Formerly:
MIEH215. Provides students with a fundamental understanding of theory, concepts, and issues related to
the built environment; how the built environment influences behaviors and health outcomes; and
opportunities to improve the built environment through planning, zoning, and community development
initiatives that can make communities healthier, just, and more sustainable.
MIEH 400 Introduction to Global Health (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MIEH300.
Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science program; or permission of SPHL-School of Public Health.
And must have earned a minimum of 60 credits. Credit only granted for: MIEH400 or SPHL498A.
Formerly: SPHL498A. Exploration of theoretical frameworks and practical perspectives on issues shaping
the global health panorama. Determinants examined through: biological and epidemiological; social,
cultural and economic; environmental and geographic; multi-section, legal and institutional perspectives
with synopsis of how these issues are addressed by international and community organizations in
developing countries.
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MIEH 480 Introduction to Occupational Health (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MIEH300.
Recommended: BSCI201; and EPIB301. Restriction: Must be in a major in SPHL-School of Public
Health. An introduction to the field of occupational health and safety. Introduction to basic concepts in
occupational safety and health, as well as the methods used to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control
environmental factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace. In addition to instructor-led lectures,
guest speakers will be invited to discuss case studies and/or discuss workplace hazards unique to specific
MLAW -- MPower Undergraduate Law Programs
MLAW 100 Justice and the Law (3) Restriction: Course enrollment is restricted to students in the
College Park Scholars Justice and Legal Thought Program (CPJT). An exploration into the relationship
between justice and law, including psychological, philosophical, political and legal approaches to justice,
as well as an analytical framework for understanding human rights.
MLAW 150 Law in a Just Society (3) Restriction: Must be in the College Park Scholars - Justice and
Legal Thought program. An exploration of the theoretical questions relating to such fundamental
questions of jurisprudence as "what is law?" and "how can law be deployed as both an enemy and ally of
MLAW 217 Mock Trial (3) Also offered as: GVPT217. Credit only granted for: MLAW217, GVPT217,
or GVPT319A. Formerly: GVPT319A. Experience the excitement and reward of arguing, and perhaps
winning your client's case in court. Mock Trial is designed for students who are interested in learning
practical techniques for shaping the evidence, using the law, and exploiting the courtroom to create a
coherent and convincing case theory.
MLAW 298 Special Topics in Legal Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Substantive
and experiential approaches to legal phenomena. Topics vary.
MLAW 304 Introduction to Law and Social Inquiry (3) Restriction: Must be in the Law and Society
(MLAW) minor. An exploration of the relationship between law and society from an interdisciplinary
perspective. Major themes cover the impact of law on society, society on law and social change.
MLAW 305 Law and Legal Institutions in Social Context (3) Prerequisite: MLAW304. Restriction:
Must be a student in the Law and Society Minor. An exploration of case law, statutes, and regulations
separately and together in their social context.
MLAW 358 Selected Topics in Law and Society (3) Restriction: Must be in the Law and Society
Minor. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An interdisciplinary exploration of topics in law and
society. Major scholarly interpretations of specific substantive fields of law.
MLAW 377 The Legal Profession (3) Restriction: Must be in the Law and Society Minor. Designed to
introduce students to a variety of legal fields. The course is designed to combine social science literature
about the legal profession with real world experiences with lawyers and legal workers. It will address
questions about law as a profession, field of advocacy and as a business.
MLAW 388 Law and Society Internship (1-4) Repeatable to 7 credits. Participation in the Law and
Society Internship (LASI) offers students the opportunity to enhance their education through practical
skill building in the realm of law-related professionals.
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MLAW 404 Law & Society Capstone: Implications of Technology on Law & Society (3) Restriction:
Student must be enrolled in the Law and Society minor. An exploration of the implications of technology
on law and society from a variety of perspectives.Significant issues will be taken from contemporary
scholarship and court cases.
MLSC -- MD Language Science Ctr
MLSC 308 PULSAR Language Science Research Seminar (1) Restriction: Must be in PULSAR
program or have permission of the instructor. Repeatable to 4 credits. Credit only granted for: BSOS338P
or MLSC308. Formerly: BSOS388P. Research seminar for students in the PULSAR language science
program. Weekly presentations and discussions on diverse topics in language science research, as well as
on developing research skills.
MUED -- Music Education
MUED 155 Fundamentals for the Classroom Teacher (3) Restriction: Must be in one of the following
programs (Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education) ; or must be a Pre-Elementary Education
major; or must be a Pre-Early Childhood Education major. The fundamentals of music theory and
practice, related to the needs of the classroom and the kindergarten teacher.
MUED 186 Pre-professional Experiences I (2) Restriction: Must be in Music Education program.
Additional information: Fulfills the College of Arts and Humanities requirement for ARHU158. An
orientation into the role of the music teacher in the school and community. On-site school visits at
elementary, middle and high school levels form the basis for discussion and exploration of all facets of
the music education profession.
MUED 187 Pre-Professional Experiences II (1) Prerequisite: MUED186. Restriction: Must be in Music
Education program. Regular on-site school visitation at elementary, middle and high school levels
arranged to expand student understandings and reflections of music instruction in classroom settings.
MUED 213 String Technique and Pedagogy I (2) Restriction: Must be in Music Education program. A
study of violin, viola, cello and bass technique and pedagogy; beginning level. Emphasizes group process
playing and teaching.
MUED 214 String Technique and Pedagogy II (2) Restriction: Must be a major in Music Education-
instrumental option. A study in violin, viola, cello and bass technique and pedagogy; intermediate to
advanced level. Emphasizes group process playing and teaching, chamber music and individual technique
MUED 215 Woodwind Technique and Pedagogy (2) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of
Music department. Playing experience on instruments of the woodwind family. Historical and acoustical
background. Basic concepts of teaching. Methods and materials. Techniques of individual and class
MUED 216 Percussion Technique and Pedagogy (2) Restriction: Must be in Music Education program.
Playing experience on percussion instruments. Historical and acoustical background. Scoring for
percussion. Principles of improvisation. Basic concepts of teaching. Methods and materials. Techniques
of individual and class instruction.
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MUED 217 Brass Instrument Technique and Pedagogy (2) Restriction: Must be in Music Education
program. Playing experience on instruments of the brass family. Historical and acoustical background.
Principles of improvisation. Basic concepts of teaching. Methods and materials. Techniques of individual
and class instruction.
MUED 222 Classroom Instruments Technique and Pedagogy (2) Prerequisite: MUED187 and
MUED186. Restriction: Must be in Music Education program. An introduction to the fundamentals of
classroom instruments technique and pedagogy for the choral and general teacher.
MUED 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
MUED 311 Teaching Elementary Instrumental Music I (2) Prerequisite: MUED187. Restriction: Must
be in Music Education program. Prepare instrumental-emphasis music education majors to synthesize the
knowledge and skills that will enable them to teach fundamental musical skills at the elementary level.
MUED 320 Teaching Secondary Instrumental Music I (2) Prerequisite: MUED187. Restriction: Must
be in Music Education program. Prepare instrumental-emphasis music education majors to synthesize the
knowledge and skills that will enable them to extend secondary-level musical skill through planned
instruction and development of teaching materials.
MUED 333 Classroom Vocal Pedagogy (2) Prerequisite: MUED187 and MUED186. Restriction: Must
be in Music Education program. An introduction to the fundamentals of group vocal pedagogy for the
choral and general classroom teacher, including the teaching of posture, breathing, resonance,
registration, articulation and foreign language diction as appropriate to needs of the child or adolescent
singer in K-12 classroom settings.
MUED 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
MUED 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have learning proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
MUED 411 Teaching Elementary Instrumental Music II (2) Prerequisite: MUED320 and MUED311.
Corequisite: MUED489. Restriction: Must be in Music Education program. Prepare instrumental-
emphasis music education majors to synthesize the knowledge and skills that will enable them to develop
and/or maintain an exemplary curricular-oriented, research-based, comprehensive elementary
instrumental music program.
MUED 420 Teaching Secondary Instrumental Music II (2) Prerequisite: MUED320 and MUED311.
Corequisite: MUED489. Restriction: Must be in Music Education program. Prepare instrumental-
emphasis music education majors to synthesize the knowledge and skills that will enable them to develop
and/or maintain an exemplary, curricular-oriented, research-based, comprehensive secondary instrumental
MUED 471 Teaching General Music (2) Prerequisite: MUED222 and MUED333. Corequisite:
MUED489. Restriction: Must be in Music Education program. An examination of children's musical
development via model teaching experiences. Students in this course will be involved in learning
appropriate techniques and materials used to plan, deliver, and assess musical instruction effectively in
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general music settings for K-12 students. The focus is on how to implement a sequential, balanced, and
comprehensive music curriculum (i.e., artistic processes: creating, performing, and responding) that
emphasizes opportunities for students to construct their own learning.
MUED 472 Teaching Choral Music (2) Prerequisite: MUED471. Corequisite: MUED489. Restriction:
Must be in Music Education program. Preparation for teaching choral classes through the integration of
conducting technique, vocal pedagogy, knowledge of repertoire, and the application of appropriate
instructional strategies in the context of peer teaching and field experience assignments.
MUED 473 Teaching General Music for Instrumentalists (2) Prerequisite: MUED311; and
MUED320. Restriction: Must be in Music Education program. Introduction to current trends, materials
and approaches in general music instruction.
MUED 474 Field Experiences: Pre-Student Teaching (1) Prerequisite: MUED420 and MUED411; or
(MUED472 and MUED471). Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department; and senior
standing. Field experiences to fulfill teaching requirements in K-12 music teacher education program.
MUED 484 Student Teaching in Elementary School: Music (6) Corequisite: MUED494. Restriction:
Permission of ARHU-School of Music department; and must be in Music Education program. Fulfills
elementary teaching requirements in K-12 music teacher education program. Limited to music education
majors who have previously applied.
MUED 489 Field Experiences (1) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department; and
must be in Music Education program. Repeatable to 6 credits. Series of field experiences in K-12 settings.
MUED 494 Student Teaching in Secondary School: Music (6) Corequisite: MUED484. Restriction:
Permission of ARHU-School of Music department; and must be in Music Education program. Fulfill
secondary teaching requirements in K-12 music teacher education program. Limited to music education
majors who have previously applied.
MUED 499 Workshops, Clinics, Institutes (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Innovative
and experimental dimensions of music education offered to meet the needs of music teachers and music
supervisors allowing students to individualize their programs.
MUET -- Ethnomusicology
MUET 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
MUET 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
MUSC -- School of Music
MUSC 001 MUSP Course Evaluation ()
MUSC 099 Performance Attendance () Performance attendance laboratory for undergraduate music
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MUSC 100 Beginning Class Voice (2) A laboratory course involving a variety of voices and vocal
problems. Principles of correct breathing as applied to singing; fundamentals of tone production and
diction. Repertoire of folk songs and songs of the Classical and Romantic periods. Development of
students' voices.
MUSC 102 Class Piano (2) Functional piano training for beginners. Development of techniques for
school and community playing. Basic piano techniques; chord, arpeggio and scale techniques; melody
and song playing; simple accompaniments, improvisation for accompaniments and rhythms; sight reading
and transposition and playing by ear.
MUSC 103 Beginning Class Piano II (2) Prerequisite: MUSC102; or permission of ARHU-School of
Music department. Functional piano training for beginners. Development of techniques useful for school
and community playing. Basic piano techniques; chord, arpeggio, and scale techniques; melody and song
playing; simple accompaniments, improvisation for accompaniments and rhythms; sight reading and
transposition, and playing by ear. MUSC 103 is a continuation of MUSC 102; elementary repertoire is
MUSC 106 Beginning Classical Guitar (2) Introduction to classical guitar notation, technique, literature
and performance. No previous musical experience required.
MUSC 123 Movement for Singers (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Systematic exercises, improvisations and dances in conjunction with artistic vocal expression.
Performance and critique of stage deportment, gestures and recital techniques.
MUSC 126 Vocal Diction: English and Latin (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Augmentation of private voice study. Phonetics and diction for singers of English and Latin
vocal literature.
MUSC 127 Vocal Diction: Italian (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Restriction: Must be in a major within the ARHU-School of Music department. Augmentation of private
voice study. Phonetics and diction for singers of Italian vocal literature.
MUSC 128 Sight Reading For Pianists (2) Repeatable to 4 credits. A course to give the piano major an
opportunity to develop proficiency in sight reading at the keyboard.
MUSC 129 Ensemble (1) Rehearsal and performance of selected works for small ensembles of
instruments, piano, or small vocal groups. After two registrations in MUSC129, the student will elect
MUSC229 for two additional semesters and MUSC329 thereafter.
MUSC 130 Survey of Music Literature (3) Restriction: Must not be in any of the following programs
(Music (Professional Program); Music Education). A study of the principles upon which music is based,
and an introduction to the musical repertory performed in America today.
MUSC 140 Music Fundamentals I (3) Restriction: Must not be in any of the following programs (Music
(Professional Program); Music Education). Introductory theory course. Notation, scales, intervals, triads,
rhythm, form and basic aural skills.
MUSC 150 Theory of Music I (3) Prerequisite: Departmental audition and entrance examination.
Restriction: Must be in one of the following programs (Music (Liberal Arts Program); Music (Jazz
Performance Option); Music (Winds & Percussions Performance Option); Music (Voice Performance
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Option); Music Composition; Music (Professional Program); Music (Piano Performance Option); Music
Performance-Winds and Percussion; Music Theory and Composition; Music Performance-Piano; Music
Performance-Jazz Studies; Music Performance-Voice; Music Performance-Strings; Music (Strings
Performance Option)). A study of basic concepts and skills in tonal melody and harmony through analysis
and composition.
MUSC 151 Theory of Music II (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MUSC150. A continuation of
MUSC150, including study of more advanced harmonic techniques of the eighteenth century, such as
modulation and chromatic harmonies. Emphasis on sight singing, ear training, analysis and compositional
MUSC 200 Intermediate Class Voice I (2) Prerequisite: MUSC100; or must have equivalent vocal
training. Continuation of MUSC100, with more advanced repertory for solo voice and small ensembles. A
special section for music education majors will include the study of methods and materials for teaching
class voice.
MUSC 202 Intermediate Class Piano I (2) Prerequisite: MUSC103; or must have equivalent piano
training. Advanced keyboard techniques. Continuation of skills introduced in MUSC103. Transposition,
modulation and sight reading; methods of teaching functional piano.
MUSC 203 Intermediate Class Piano II (2) Prerequisite: MUSC202; or must have equivalent piano
training. Advanced keyboard techniques. Continuation of skills introduced in MUSC202. Transposition,
modulation and sight reading; methods of teaching functional piano. Development of style in playing
accompaniments and in playing for community singing. More advanced repertory.
MUSC 204 Popular Music in Black America (3) Traces black popular music in the U.S. with a special
focus on spirituals, ragtime, the blues, early jazz, R&B, Motown, funk, soul, and rap. Examines how these
styles have been borrowed by the American music industry.
MUSC 205 History of Popular Music, 1950-Present (3) A historical survey of rock music (blues, rock,
soul, metal, rap, etc.) from circa 1950 to the present, with emphasis on popular music as music and
popular music as social history.
MUSC 210 The Impact of Music on Life (3) Credit only granted for: MUET210 or MUSC210.
Formerly: MUET210. Music as a part of culture. Materials drawn from traditions throughout the globe to
illustrate issues of historical and contemporary significance, including the impact of race, class and
gender on the study of music.
MUSC 215 World Popular Musics and Identity (3) Credit only granted for: MUET200 or MUSC215.
Formerly: MUET200. Focus on popular musics in different cultures with an emphasis on cross-cultural
comparisons and analysis of how musics and identity intersect.
MUSC 220 Selected Musical Cultures of the World (3) Credit only granted for: MUET220 or
MUSC220. Formerly: MUET220. A survey of selected musical cultures of the world, such as India,
Japan, China, Indonesia, West Africa, Eastern Europe and the Near East.
MUSC 226 Vocal Diction: French (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Restriction: Must be in a major within ARHU-School of Music department. Augmentation of private
voice study. Phonetics and diction for singers of French vocal literature.
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MUSC 227 Vocal Diction: German (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Restriction: Must be in a major within ARHU-School of Music department. Augmentation of private
study. Phonetics and diction for singers of German vocal literature.
MUSC 228 Introduction to Accompanying for Pianists (2) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School
of Music department. Restriction: Must be in a major within ARHU-School of Music department.
Repeatable to 10 credits. A course to introduce the piano major to accompanying at an intermediate level
of difficulty. Class instruction will center on rehearsal and coaching geared toward performance, and will
be supplemented by experience working as an accompanist in voice classes or applied studios.
MUSC 229 Ensemble (1) Rehearsal and performance of selected works for small ensembles of
instruments, piano, or small vocal groups. After two registrations in MUSC129, the student will elect
MUSC229 for two additional semesters and MUSC329 thereafter.
MUSC 248 Selected Topics in Music (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Designed to allow a student of theory or music
history to pursue a specialized topic or project under the supervision of a faculty member.
MUSC 250 Advanced Theory of Music I (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MUSC151. A
continuation of MUSC 151, with further study of chromatic and modulatory techniques of the nineteenth
century. Emphasis on sight singing, ear training, analysis and compositional skills.
MUSC 251 Advanced Theory of Music II (4) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MUSC250. A
continuation of MUSC250, concentrating on late nineteenth-century chromatic harmony and an
introduction to twentieth-century melody and harmony. Emphasis on sight singing, ear training, analysis
and compositional skills.
MUSC 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
MUSC 310 Music History I (3) Prerequisite: MUSC151; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Credit only granted for: MUSC310 or MUSC331. Formerly: MUSC331. A historical study of
Western music from Antiquity to 1600.
MUSC 320 Music History II (3) Prerequisite: MUSC310; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Credit only granted for: MUSC230 or MUSC320. Formerly: MUSC230. A historical study of
Western music from 1600 to 1800.
MUSC 328 Introduction to Chamber Music for Pianists (2) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School
of Music department. Repeatable to 10 credits. A course to introduce the piano major to chamber music at
a moderately difficult level. Class instruction will center on actual rehearsal and coaching geared toward
performance, and will be supplemented by further experience in applied instrumental studios.
MUSC 329 Ensemble (1) Rehearsal and performance of selected works for small ensembles of
instruments, piano, or small vocal groups. After two registrations in MUSC129, the student will elect
MUSC229 for two additional semesters and MUSC329 thereafter.
MUSC 330 Music History III (3) Prerequisite: MUSC320; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. A historical study of Western music from 1800 to present.
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MUSC 339 Honors in Music (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Corequisite: MUSC349. Repeatable to 6 credits. The production of one or more recitals or lecture-
recitals; one or more compositions; or one or more honors theses in addition to regular degree
requirements. Two semesters required.
MUSC 349 Honors Seminar in Music (1) Corequisite: MUSC339. Repeatable to 2 credits. Group
discussion of projects undertaken in MUSC339. Two semesters required.
MUSC 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
MUSC 379 Opera Workshop (1) Restriction: Must complete a departmental audition. Repeatable to 4
credits. Open to music and non-music majors (by audition). Operatic production and performance,
performance techniques and coaching, stage direction, set design, costume design and make-up.
Repertory will include smaller operatic works, excerpts or scenes.
MUSC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
MUSC 388 Music Internship (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Corequisite: MUSC389. Repeatable to 6 credits. Pre-professional field work in music.
MUSC 389 Music Internship Analysis (1) Corequisite: MUSC388. Repeatable to 2 credits.
Documentation and evaluation of field work experience.
MUSC 400 Music Pedagogy (3) Prerequisite: MUSP315; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Conference course. A study of major pedagogical treatises in music, and an evaluation of
pedagogical techniques, materials, and procedures.
MUSC 420 Introduction to Ethnomusicology (3) Prerequisite: MUSC210 and MUSC130; or
permission of ARHU-School of Music department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Study of
principal concepts and methods in ethnomusicology, covering history of field, linguistics and
anthropology, music in various settings, musical cognition and ethnography of performance.
MUSC 428 Repertoire Coaching of Vocal or Chamber Music (2) Prerequisite: Must have completed
or be concurrently enrolled in MUSC328. A course for piano students who wish to go further than the
work offered in MUSC128, MUSC228 and MUSC328 by becoming specialists in the areas of vocal
coaching or chamber music coaching. Elements of pedagogy, conducting and responsible artistic
decision-making for the entire musical production.
MUSC 430 The American Musical Experience: North America (3) Prerequisite: MUSC210 or
MUSC130. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Many musical styles found in North America portray
the ideas and belief that characterize our diverse society. Specific problems and issues in American
society examined through the American musical experience.
MUSC 435 Music of North America (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. A survey of North American music from Colonial times to present.
MUSC 436 Jazz: Then and Now (3) Major styles and influential artists of the past 75 years of jazz.
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MUSC 438 Area Studies in Ethnomusicology (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Advanced
study of musics in selected parts of the world.
MUSC 439 Collegium Musicum (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Repeatable to 5 credits. Open to undergraduates and graduates, music majors and non-majors.
Procurement, edition and performance of music not belonging to a standard repertory: early music,
compositions for unusual performing media, works which demand reconstruction of their original
circumstances of performance. Outcome of a semester's work may be one or more performances for the
MUSC 443 Solo Vocal Literature (3) Prerequisite: MUSC330 and MUSC331; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. The study of solo vocal literature
from the Baroque Cantata to the Art Song of the present. The Lied, Melodie, vocal chamber music and
the orchestral song are examined.
MUSC 444 Wind and Percussion Literature (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Corequisite: MUSP420 or MUSP419. Recital program notes and written projects in wind or
percussion literature.
MUSC 445 Survey of the Opera (3) Prerequisite: MUSC330 and MUSC331; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. A study of the music, librettos and
composers of the standard operas.
MUSC 446 String Literature (1) Prerequisite: MUSP316; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Recital program notes and written projects in string literature.
MUSC 448 Selected Topics in Music (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
MUSC 450 Musical Form (3) Prerequisite: MUSC251. A study of the principles of organization in
music with emphasis on eighteenth and nineteenth century European music. Reading and analysis of
scores exemplifying the musical forms.
MUSC 451 Analysis of Music (3) Prerequisite: MUSC450; or permission of instructor. A course in the
analysis of music. Discussion of individual works, with emphasis on their unique characteristics and on
the relation of analysis to performance.
MUSC 453 Jazz Improvisation I (3) Prerequisite: MUSC251; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. And permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Credit only granted for: MUSC345 or MUSC453. Formerly: MUSC345. Jazz theory, notational
conventions, improvisation techniques, reading and analysis of music, and performance in small combo
MUSC 454 Jazz Improvisation II (3) Prerequisite: MUSC453; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. And permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Credit only granted for: MUSC346 or MUSC454. Formerly: MUSC346. Continuation of MUSC453
including scoring and transcription.
MUSC 455 Theory of Jazz (3) Prerequisite: MUSC250; or permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Restriction: Must be in a major within ARHU-School of Music department. Analysis of jazz
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harmony, with emphasis on principles of substitution, reharmonization, and syntax. Topics may also
include chord/scale relationships, phrasing and articulation, notation, and introductory arranging concepts
such as orchestration and form.
MUSC 456 Jazz Arranging (3) Prerequisite: MUSC455; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Credit only granted for: MUSC448N or MUSC456. Formerly: MUSC448N. A
comprehensive approach to jazz arranging. Topics to include chord scale theory, voicing techniques, part
and score layout, and formal construction of an arrangement.
MUSC 460 Tonal Counterpoint I (3) Prerequisite: MUSC251; or permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. A course in Eighteenth-Century contrapuntal techniques, analysis and original composition
of two-voice dances, preludes, and inventions. Includes an introduction to the study of fugue and canon.
MUSC 463 Applications in Music Technology (3) A hands-on study of computer hardware and
software that makes use of the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) specification. This protocol
allows computers, synthesizers and various other devices to send and receive information about musical
performance, notation and sound. The course focuses on two of the most frequently used applications on
MIDI -- sequencing and music notation. Also included is an introduction to digital audio. No previous
experience with computers is required. Ability to read music on a grand staff (treble and bass clef) is
MUSC 464 The Theories of Heinrich Schenker (3) Prerequisite: MUSC251 and MUSC450; and
permission of ARHU-School of Music department. Restriction: Must not have completed MUSC651.
Credit only granted for: MUSC464 or MUSC651. An advanced analysis course in tonal music with
specific emphasis on the theories of the early 20th century theorist Heinrich Schenker. Specific analyses
of music by Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin, and Brahms.
MUSC 467 Piano Pedagogy I (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department. A
study of major pedagogical treatises in music, and an evaluation of pedagogical techniques, materials, and
MUSC 468 Piano Pedagogy II (3) Prerequisite: MUSC467; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Application of the studies begun in MUSC467 to the actual lesson
situation. Evaluation of results.
MUSC 469 Orchestral Excerpts for String Players (1) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of
Music department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: MUSC469,
MUSC448B, MUSC448Q, MUSC448V, or MUSC448X. Formerly: MUSC448B, MUSC448Q,
MUSC448V, and MUSC448X. In-depth study of the orchestral excerpts required for professional
orchestra auditions.
MUSC 470 Harmonic and Contrapuntal Practices of the Twentieth Century (3) Prerequisite:
MUSC251; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
And permission of ARHU-School of Music department. A theoretical and analytical study of twentieth
century materials.
MUSC 471 Contemporary Compositional Techniques (3) Prerequisite: MUSC470; and permission of
ARHU-School of Music department. Continuation of MUSC470, with emphasis on the analysis of
individual works written since 1945.
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MUSC 481 Music in the Renaissance (3) Survey of western music from 1450 to 1600.
MUSC 483 Music in the Classic Era (3) Survey of western music from 1750 to 1820.
MUSC 484 Music in the Romantic Era (3) Survey of western music from 1820 to 1900.
MUSC 485 Music in the 20th Century (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. Survey of western music from 1900 to the present.
MUSC 486 Orchestration I (3) Prerequisite: MUSC251; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. A study of the ranges, musical functions and technical characteristics of the instruments and
their color possibilities in various combinations. Practical experience in orchestrating for small and large
MUSC 490 Conducting (2) Prerequisite: MUSC251. Vocal and instrumental baton techniques.
MUSC 491 Conducting II (2) Prerequisite: MUSC490; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Baton techniques applied to score reading, rehearsal
techniques, tone production, style and interpretation.
MUSC 492 Keyboard Music I (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department. The
history and literature of harpsichord and solo piano music from its beginning to the romantic period.
Emphasis is placed on those segments of repertory which are encountered in performance and teaching
situations at the present time.
MUSC 493 Keyboard Music II (3) Prerequisite: MUSC492; and permission of ARHU-School of Music
department. The history and literature of harpsichord and solo piano music from the Romantic period to
the present. Emphasis is placed on those segments of repertory which are encountered in performance and
teaching situations at the present time.
MUSC 499 Independent Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Music department.
Additional information: May be repeated once for credit. Independent research on a topic chosen in
consultation with the instructor, which may culminate in a paper or appropriate project.
MUSP -- Music Performance
Undergraduate Music Performance Courses are available in three series: Minor Series: 2-credits
each course. Prerequisite: permission of department chairperson. Limited to music majors
studying a secondary instrument and to non-music majors. Each course in the series must be
taken in sequence. The initial election for all new students, both freshman and transfer, is 102.
Transfer students are evaluated for higher placement after one semester of study. One-half hour
private lesson per week plus assigned independent practice. MUSP 102, 103 Freshman
Courses. MUSP 202, 203 Sophomore Courses. MUSP 302, 303 Junior Courses. MUSP 402,
403 Senior Courses. Principal Series: 2-4 credits each course. Prerequisites: departmental
audition, entrance examination, and permission of department chairperson. Limited to
majors in music programs other than performance and composition. Each course in the
series must be taken in sequence. The initial election for all new students, both freshman
and transfer, is 109. Transfer students are evaluated for higher placement after one
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semester of study. One-hour private lesson per week plus assigned independent practice.
Courses 109, 208, and 409 may be repeated once for credit, but only one successful attempt
in each course may be applied towards baccalaureate degree requirements. MUSP 109,
110, Freshman Courses. MUSP 207, 208 Sophomore Courses. MUSP 305, 306 Junior
Courses. MUSP 409, 410 Senior Courses. Recital required in MUSP 410. Major Series: 2-4
credits each course. Prerequisites: departmental audition, entrance examination, and
permission of department chairperson. Limited to majors in performance and composition.
Each course in the series must be taken in sequence. The initial election for all new
students, both freshman and transfer, is 119. Transfer students are evaluated for higher
placement after one semester of study. One-hour private lesson per week plus assigned
independent practice. Courses 119, 218, and 419 may be repeated once for credit, but only
one successful attempt in each course may be applied towards baccalaureate degree
requirements. MUSP 119, 120 Freshman Courses. MUSP 217, 218 Sophomore Courses.
MUSP 315, 316 Junior Courses. MUSP 419, 420 Senior Courses. Recital required in MUSP
420. Instrument designation: each student taking a music performance course must
indicate the instrument chosen by adding a suffix to the proper course number, such as:
MUSP 102A music performance: A--piano; B--voice; C--violin; D--viola; E--cello; F--bass;
G--flute; H--oboe; I--clarinet; J--bassoon; K--saxophone; L--horn; M--trumpet; N--
trombone; O--tuba; P--euphonium; Q--percussion; T--composition; U--world instruments;
V--harp; W--electronic composition; X--hist inst - keyboard; Y--hist inst - strings; Z--hist
inst - winds.
MUSP 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
MUSP 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
MUSP 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher.
NAVY -- Navy
NAVY 100 Introduction to Naval Science (3) Introduction to the naval profession and concepts of sea
power. Major topics explored are the mission, strategy, organization, and descriptions of the U.S. Navy
and Marine Corps. Students will gain a basic understanding of warfighting capabilities, required
leadership skills, training and education, and the duties and responsibilities of a U.S. Navy and Marine
Corps Junior Officer. The student will learn Naval courtesy and customs, military justice, and
nomenclature as well as the professional competencies required to become a naval officer.
NAVY 101 Sea Power and Maritime Affaris (3) Introduces the student to the key themes of naval and
maritime history. Curriculum presents an analysis through lectures, reading, and student discussion of the
relationship of sea power to American history. Classical concepts and contemporary employment of sea
power are examined by viewing historic and current naval and maritime developments.
NAVY 108 Naval Science Leadership Lab (1) Corequisite: Corequisite: 1 course from NAVY100-402
course range. Restriction: Permission of UGST-Navy ROTC. Repeatable to 8 credits. Introduces the
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student to a variety of instructional sessions and/or activities that will develop the leadership component
of the Naval ROTC program. The Naval Science leadership lab may include, but not be limited to, close-
order drill, physical fitness training, ceremonial functions, Department of the Navy policy, guest lecturers,
general military training (GMT), Anti-Terrorism Force Protection (ATFP), traffic safety, nutrition, stress
management, prevention of sexual harassment, and operations security.
NAVY 200 Leadership and Management (3) Restriction: Permission of UGST-Navy ROTC.
Additional information: Priority enrollment will be given to students enrolled in the NROTC program.
Introductory course designed to familiarize students with the theories, processes, and behaviors that
enable effective leadership and managerial competence. Students will engage in analytical discussions,
review leadership development and education, and Navy/Marine Corps-based case study discussions in
order to develop their understanding of personal strengths, values and growth opportunities in the context
of team, group and organizational leadership.
NAVY 201 Navigation (3) Restriction: Permission of UGST-Navy ROTC. Additional information:
Priority enrollment will be given to students enrolled in the University of Maryland NROTC program.
Introduces the student to a broad yet thorough education in basic surface ship navigation. Curriculum
presents an overview of tools of the modern naval watch officer, and topics include celestial navigation,
rules of the nautical road, piloting, practical chartwork, tides, instruments, publications, records, and
electronic navigation systems. Instructional sessions and/or activities develop the maritime proficiency
core competency of the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) program.
NAVY 300 Naval Ship Systems I (Engineering) (3) Recommended: MATH140 and MATH141.
Restriction: Permission of UGST-Navy ROTC. Additional information: Priority enrollment will be given
to students enrolled in the NROTC program. Introduces the student to a comprehensive fundamental
understanding of United States naval engineering principles and systems. Topics include
thermodynamics, incompressible fluid flow, electrical theory, hydraulics and pneumatics, power train
components, fluid/lube oil systems, desalination, fundamentals of nuclear power, propulsion systems
(internal combustion, gas turbines, and steam), electrical distribution, ship stability and control and
damage control. Students will also examine case studies to apply and analyze course topics within naval
ships systems contexts.
NAVY 301 Naval Ship Systems II (Weapons) (3) Recommended: MATH140, MATH141, and
PHYS161. Restriction: Permission of UGST-Navy ROTC. Additional information: Priority enrollment
will be given to students enrolled in the NROTC program. Introduces the student to a comprehensive
fundamental understanding of United States naval weaponry. Includes theory and employment of
weapons systems, including the processes of detection, evaluation, threat analysis, weapon selection,
delivery, guidance, and explosives. Radar and sonar systems and major weapon types, including
capabilities and limitations. Facets of command, control, and communications as means of weapons
system integration. Curriculum presents an in-depth review of surface, sub-surface, aviation, and Marine
Corps weapons and platforms.
NAVY 302 Evolution of Warfare (3) Recommended: NAVY100 and NAVY101. Restriction:
Permission of UGST-Navy ROTC. Additional information: Priority enrollment will be given to students
in the NROTC program. Traces the development of warfare, from earliest recorded history to the present,
with focus on the impact of major military theorists, strategists, tacticians, and technological
developments. The student acquires an intermediate sense of strategy and develops an understanding of
military alternatives and the impact of historical precedent on military thought and actions.
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NAVY 400 Naval Operations and Seamanship (3) Recommended: NAVY201. Restriction: Permission
of UGST-Navy ROTC. Additional information: Priority enrollment will be given to students enrolled in
the NROTC program. Capstone course for senior NROTC Navy-option midshipmen in advanced
navigation, communications, naval operations, and naval warfare. Students learn through simulation in a
computer classroom known as the Maritime Skills Simulator (MSS), in addition to lectures, discussions,
and qualitative and quantitative tests/examinations. Students will engage in discussions regarding the
moral and ethical responsibilities or military leaders, as well as the essential attributes of character
required for effective leadership.
NAVY 401 Leadership and Ethics (3) Recommended: NAVY200. Restriction: Permission of UGST-
Navy ROTC. Additional information: Priority enrollment will be given to students enrolled in the
NROTC program. Integrates an intellectual exploration of Western moral traditions and ethical
philosophy with military leadership, core values, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and Navy
regulations. The course provides students with a basic understanding of major moral traditions including
Relativism, Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Natural Law Theory, Divine Command Theory, and Virtue
NAVY 402 Amphibious Warfare (3) Recommended: NAVY100, NAVY101, and NAVY302.
Restriction: Permission of UGST-Navy ROTC. Additional information: Priority in enrollment will be
given to students in the NROTC program. Introduction to foundational concepts and history of
amphibious warfare, from the classical period to the present day. Emphasis is placed on analytical study
and critical thought rather than memorization of historical facts. Students will trace the evolution of
amphibious warfare through analysis of case studies using amphibious and maneuver doctrine as a
framework. By the end of this course, students will comprehend modern employment concepts and
challenges relating to the use of amphibious forces.
NFSC -- Nutrition and Food Science
NFSC 100 Elements of Nutrition (3) Fundamentals of human nutrition. Nutrient requirements related to
changing individual and family needs.
NFSC 103 Nutrition and Sports Performance (3) Nutrition and Sports Performance would give
students a brief overview of positive health-related outcomes of a physically active lifestyle. Students
would design a fitness regimen and be able to describe when and how glycogen, blood glucose, fat, and
protein are used to meet energy needs during different types of physical activity. They would be able to
differentiate between anaerobic and aerobic use of glucose, and identify advantages and disadvantages of
each. This course would outline how to estimate and athlete's calorie need and discuss the general
principles for meeting overall nutrient requirements in the training diet. The problems associated with
rapid weight loss by dehydration and the importance of water and/or sports drinks during exercise would
be examined. An understanding of the importance of staying well-nourished with carbohydrate, protein,
and various vitamins and minerals before, during, and after training would be discussed.
NFSC 112 Food: Science and Technology (3) Introduction to the realm of food science, food
technology and food processing. An overview of the largest industry in the U.S. with emphasis on the
science of food and the technology of food preservation from harvest through processing and packaging
to distribution and consumer utilization.
NFSC 220 Diet: Is it a cause or a solution (3) If diet is a very straightforward topic; then why and how
does this simple matter result in complicated health problems? Diet can provide a simple solution to
numerous health issues. So, why do many people fail to follow this seemingly simple solution and still
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suffer from obesity and other diet-related diseases? Diet is a topic that most people know but few people
understand. In addition, diet has become one of the most important lenses for looking at a variety of
social, economic, and cultural issues. Since the concept of diet is continuum and has multifaceted aspects,
we need to understand it in broad and multidisciplinary perspectives including social, cultural and
economic aspects.
NFSC 315 Nutrition During the Life Cycle (3) Prerequisite: NFSC100. Formerly: NUTR315. A study
of how development throughout life, including prenatal development, pregnancy, lactation, adolescence
and aging, alter nutrient requirements. Students will apply this knowledge to the dietary needs and food
choices of these different groups.
NFSC 350 Foodservice Operations (5) Prerequisite: BSCI223 and BMGT364; and permission of
AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science department. Restriction: Must be in Nutrition and Food Science:
Dietetics program. Introduction to management. Responsibilities in quantity food production and
purchasing in a foodservice operation. Laboratory experience in planning, preparation, and service of
meals which meet the nutritional needs of the consumer.
NFSC 380 Methods of Nutritional Assessment (3) Prerequisite: NFSC315 and BCHM461; and
permission of AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science department. Restriction: Must be in Nutrition and Food
Science: Food Science program. Methods of assessing human nutritional status of populations and
individuals. These methods include dietary, anthropometric, clinical evaluations and biochemical
NFSC 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science
department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Formerly: FDSC386 and NUTR386.
NFSC 388 Honors Thesis Research (3-6) Restriction: Must be admitted to AGNR Honors Program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Undergraduate honors thesis research conducted under the
direction of an AGNR faculty member in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the College of AGNR
Honors Program. The thesis will be defended to a faculty committee.
NFSC 398 Seminar (1) Formerly: FDSC398. Presentation and discussion of current literature and
research in food science.
NFSC 399 Special Problems in Food Science (1-3) Formerly: FDSC399. Designed for advanced
undergraduates. Specific problems in food science will be assigned.
NFSC 410 Nutritional Genomics (3) Prerequisite: NFSC440; or permission of AGNR-Nutrition and
Food Science department. The emerging discipline of nutritional genomics, also known as nutrigenomics,
is the study of effects of diet on the activity of an individual's genes and health, and the study of how
different genetic variations affect nutrient metabolism. This course is designed to acquaint the students
with current concepts, knowledge and strategies for understanding nutritional genomics.
NFSC 412 Food Processing Technology (4) Prerequisite: CHEM241, CHEM242, NFSC431, NFSC414,
and NFSC434. Corequisite: NFSC421 and NFSC423. Recommended: MATH120; or completion of
MATH220 recommended. Provides in-depth study of the major industrial modes of food preservation. It
integrates aspects of the biology, microbiology, biochemistry and engineering disciplines as they relate to
food processing technology and food science.
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NFSC 414 Mechanics of Food Processing (4) Prerequisite: PHYS121. Credit only granted for:
ENBE414 or NFSC414. Formerly: ENBE414. Applications in the processing and preservation of foods,
of power transmission, hydraulics, electricity, thermodynamics, refrigeration, instruments and controls,
materials handling and time and motion analysis.
NFSC 421 Food Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: BCHM461. Basic chemical and physical concepts are
applied to the composition and properties of foods. Emphasis on the relationship of processing technology
to the keeping quality, nutritional value, and acceptability of foods.
NFSC 422 Food Product Research and Development (3) Restriction: Senior standing; and must be in a
major within AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science department; and permission of AGNR-Nutrition and
Food Science department. Formerly: FDSC422. A capstone course for FDSC majors. A study of the
research and development of new food products. Application of food technology, engineering, safety and
packaging are integrated by teams of students to develop a new food product from concept to pilot plant
scale-up. Students will travel to nearby food processing plants on two to four Saturdays during the
NFSC 423 Food Chemistry Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in NFSC421. Analysis of the major and minor constituents of food using chemical, physical and
instrumental methods in concordance with current food industry and regulatory practices. Laboratory
exercises coincide with lecture subjects in NFSC421.
NFSC 425 International Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one course in basic nutrition.
Nutritional status of world population; consequences of malnutrition on health and mental development;
and local, national, and international programs for nutritional improvement.
NFSC 430 Food Microbiology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI223; or permission of instructor. Credit only
granted for: ANSC430 or NFSC430. Formerly: FDSC430. A study of microorganisms of major
importance to the food industry with emphasis on food-borne outbreaks, public health significance,
bioprocessing of foods, disease control, and the microbial spoilage of foods.
NFSC 431 Food Quality Control (4) Definition and organization of the quality control function in the
food industry; preparation of specifications; statistical methods for acceptance sampling; in-plant and
processed product inspection. Instrumental and sensory methods for evaluating sensory quality, identity
and wholesomeness and their integration into grades and standards of quality. Statistical Process Control
NFSC 434 Food Microbiology Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in NFSC430. Credit only granted for: NFSC434 or ANSC434. Formerly: FDSC434. A study of
techniques and procedures used in the microbiological examination of foods.
NFSC 440 Advanced Human Nutrition (4) Prerequisite: BCHM462, BSCI440, and NFSC100; and
permission of AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science department. A critical study of physiologic, molecular
and metabolic influences on utilization of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, macro-and micro-
minerals, and nonnutritive components of food. Interactions of these nutrients and food components will
be examined relative to maintaining health.
NFSC 450 Food and Nutrient Analysis (3) Prerequisite: BCHM461 and NFSC100. Formerly:
NUTR450. Methods and practices of the analysis of foods and nutrients. An overview of the principles
and basic mechanisms used in many of the analytical procedures commonly used in food and nutrition
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research. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on development of skills necessary to complete each
analytical procedure; and on the accurate and concise description of the methodology and results from
their application and on the regulations governing food analysis for nutritional labeling.
NFSC 460 Medical Nutrition Therapy (4) Prerequisite: NFSC380 and NFSC440; and permission of
AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science department. Formerly: NUTR460. Modifications of the normal
adequate diet to meet human nutritional needs in acute and chronic diseases and metabolic disorders.
NFSC 470 Community Nutrition (3) Prerequisite: NFSC315; and permission of AGNR-Nutrition and
Food Science department. Formerly: NUTR470. Perspectives underlying the practice of nutrition services
in community settings. Assessment of needs, program planning and evaluation. Programs and strategies
to meet nutrition needs outside the acute care setting, such as nutrition education and food assistance.
National nutrition policy and federal initiatives in nutrition will be examined. Students will be required to
travel to local community nutrition sites during the semester.
NFSC 490 Special Problems in Nutrition (2-3) Prerequisite: NFSC440; and permission of AGNR-
Nutrition and Food Science department. Individually selected problems in the area of human nutrition.
NFSC 491 Issues and Problems in Dietetics (3) Prerequisite: NFSC350; and permission of AGNR-
Nutrition and Food Science department. Corequisite: NFSC460. Restriction: Senior standing or higher;
and must be in Nutrition and Food Science: Dietetics program. A capstone course for dietetics majors.
Students will integrate knowledge and theory of nutrition, food, management, psychology, and social
behaviors necessary to support quality dietetic practice. Working in teams, students will participate in
case studies, simulated situations and community projects. Individuals and groups will present cases as
well as papers on published research.
NFSC 498 Selected Topics (1-3) Restriction: Permission of AGNR-Nutrition and Food Science
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Selected current aspects of food.
PEER -- Health Center
PEER 311 Peer Education Mental Health & Wellness (3) Prerequisite: Students must complete an
interview before enrolling in this course. Restriction: Permission of instructor; and minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.5. Credit only granted for: HLTH381 or PEER311. Formerly: HLTH 381. Additional
information: Students are required to attend a 40-hour training the week before classes begin which will
equip them with the information and tools necessary to provide outreach as early as the first week of the
Fall classes. Some evening and weekend hours may be required. Designed to train students to become
Peer Educators who are responsible for presenting to members of the campus community about issues
surrounding stress management, mental illness, appropriate on/off campus resources, stigma, body image,
helping a friend in distress, and other issues related to mental health and wellness, including bystander
intervention. Programming is done in classroom settings, residence halls, and at tables during special
PEER 312 Peer Education: Preventing Power-Based Violence (3) Prerequisite: Students must
complete an interview before enrolling in this course. Restriction: Permission of instructor; and minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.5. Credit only granted for: HLTH382 or PEER312. Formerly: HLTH382.
Additional information: Students are required to attend a 40-hour training the week before classes begin
which will equip them with the information and tools necessary to provide outreach as early as the first
week of the Fall classes. Some evening and weekend hours may be required. Designed to train students to
become Peer Educators who are responsible for presenting to members of the campus community about
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the complex dynamics surrounding issues of power-based personal violence. This includes: sexual
assault, relationship violence, stalking, bystander intervention, consent, and rape culture. Students fully
learn the on and off-campus resources for victim/survivors. Programming is done in classroom settings,
residence halls, Greek life spaces, and at tables during special events.
PEER 313 Peer Education: Alcohol and Other Drugs Education (3) Prerequisite: Students must
complete an interview before enrolling in this course. Restriction: Permission of instructor; and minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.5. Credit only granted for: HLTH380 or PEER313. Formerly: HLTH380.
Additional information: Students are required to attend a 40-hour training the week before classes begin
which will equip them with the information and tools necessary to provide outreach as early as the first
week of the Fall classes. Some evening and weekend hours may be required. Designed to train students to
become Peer Educators who are responsible for presenting to members of the campus community about
issues surrounding substance use, including (but not limited to) alcohol, marijuana, and various other
drugs, providing information about campus services for those with substance use related issues, and
educating students about other topics related to harm reduction strategies and promoting students' overall
well-being, including bystander intervention. Programming is done in classroom settings, residence halls,
and at tables during special events.
PEER 314 Peer Education: Sexual Health & Wellness (3) Prerequisite: Students must complete an
interview before enrolling in this course. Restriction: Permission of instructor; and minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.5. Credit only granted for: HLTH383 or PEER314. Formerly: HLTH383. Additional
information: Students are required to attend a 40-hour training the week before classes begin which will
equip them with the information and tools necessary to provide outreach as early as the first week of the
Fall classes. Some evening and weekend hours may be required. Designed to train students to become
Peer Educators who are responsible for presenting to members of the campus community about issues
surrounding Sexually Transmitted Infections, sexual health testing and screening, birth control options,
healthy sexuality, consent and communication, condoms and other barrier protection, campus sexual
health services, and other issues related to sexual well being including bystander intervention.
Programming is done in classroom settings, residence halls, and at tables during special events.
PEER 318 CARE Peer Advocacy (3) Prerequisite: Students must complete an interview before enrolling
in this course; and permission of instructor. Recommended: PSYC100 and HLTH377. Restriction:
Permission of instructor; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; and students must sign up for the same
course in the spring semester; and students are only permitted to enroll in the repeatable year long course
once during their academic career. If students wish to continue working with the office after the course
has been completed (Fall and Spring), they can do so on a volunteer basis; and must not have taken
HLTH382 as a CARE Advocate course. Repeatable to 6 credits. Additional information: Students are
required to attend a 40-hour training the week before classes begin which will equip them with the
information and tools necessary to provide outreach as early as the first week of the Fall classes. Some
evening and weekend hours may be required (crisis cell and special events). Designed to train students to
become Peer Advocates who are responsible for providing crisis and short-term support services for
victims of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment and child abuse. Students will
be meeting with clients and providing emotional support and resources (both on and off campus). During
weekly classes, students will be trained in trauma-informed crisis intervention procedures that will not
only help them assist clients during in- person sessions but will help them support clients via the crisis
cell. Students will be expected to maintain the crisis cell (on a shared basis)throughout the semester as
well as maintain 10 hours per week in the CARE office. In addition to maintaining the crisis cell and
office hours, during the spring semester students will be tasked with working as a team in planning and
executing a Take Back the Night event.
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PERS -- Persian
PERS 101 Elementary Persian I (4) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language Placement
Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be native/fluent speaker of Persian. Introduction to the alphabet,
pronunciation patterns, greetings, basic structures, and other fundamentals, with emphasis on oral and
aural skills.
PERS 102 Elementary Persian II (4) Prerequisite: PERS101; or must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be native/fluent speaker of Persian.
Continuation of PERS101 with emphasis on the use of formal language, vocabulary building, and
PERS 105 Intensive Elementary Persian I (6) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language
Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Open to beginning learners of Persian only. Intensive training
in spoken and written Persian at elementary level. Basic literacy skills, vocabulary, pronunciation and
grammar developed through a highly interactive approach. Substantial cultural component familiarizing
students with cultural themes related to Iran and the Persian speaking world. Taught in Persian.
PERS 106 Intensive Elementary Persian II (6) Prerequisite: Pre-requisite: PERS105, or equivalent, as
determined by the FLPT (Foreign Language Placement Test). Intensive training in spoken and written
Persian at elementary level (ACTFL Novice High to Intermediate Low). Continues building basic literacy
skills, vocabulary, and grammar through highly a interactive approach. Substantial cultural component
familiarizing students with cultural themes related to Iran and the Persian speaking world. Taught in
PERS 201 Intermediate Persian I (3) Prerequisite: PERS102; or Must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be native/fluent speaker of Persian.
Development of speaking, reading, writing, listening and cultural knowledge through wide variety of
PERS 202 Intermediate Persian II (3) Prerequisite: PERS201; or Must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be native/fluent speaker of Persian. Further
development of speaking, writing, listening and cultural knowledge, with special focus on culture.
PERS 205 Intensive Intermediate Persian I (6) Prerequisite: PERS106; or equivalent as determined by
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT). Development of Persian language proficiency and cultural
knowledge at the intermediate level (Intermediate-Mid on ACTFL scale). Taught in Persian.
PERS 206 Intensive Intermediate Persian II (6) Prerequisite: PERS205; or equivalent, as determined
by the FLPT (Foreign Language Placement Test). Designed to further develop Persian language
proficiency and cultural knowledge at an intermediate level (Intermediate High on ACTFL scale). Taught
in Persian.
PERS 211 Intermediate Conversation (3) Prerequisite: PERS102; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Recommended: Concurrent enrollment in
PERS201. Development of aural and oral skills in Persian. Various genres and registers of speech. Special
focus on contemporary daily life, with use of up-to-date media sources.
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PERS 212 Intermediate Reading in Persian (3) Prerequisite: PERS211 and PERS201; or permission of
instructor. Corequisite: PERS202; or permission of instructor. Focus on linguistic skill specific to reading;
introduction to written traditions of Persian.
PERS 251 Modern Iran (3) General sociopolitical introduction to modern Iran from establishment of the
Qajar dynasty in the late 18th century to the present day. Taught in English.
PERS 252 Gender and Body in Iran (3) Credit only granted for: PERS298A, WMST298J, or PERS252.
Formerly: PERS298A. Multidisciplinary approach to key topics concerning gender and body in Iran, to
include insights from religion, history, sociology, anthropology, disability studies, travel literature, arts,
and fashion. Taught in English.
PERS 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PERS 283 Iranian Cinema (3) Introduction to Iranian cinema, society, and culture. Taught in English.
PERS 298 Special Topics in Persian Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Special
topic to be announced when course is offered.
PERS 299 Directed Study in Persian Language (1-3) Prerequisite: PERS202; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Directed study in Persian. Taught in Persian.
PERS 301 Advanced Persian I (3) Prerequisite: PERS202; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be native/fluent speaker of
Persian. Development of speaking, reading, writing, listening and cultural knowledge through wide
variety of activities, especially reading.
PERS 302 Advanced Persian II (3) Prerequisite: PERS301; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be native/fluent speaker of Persian.
Further development of speaking, reading, writing, listening and cultural knowledge, with special focus
on reading, in a variety of literary genres.
PERS 305 Intensive Advanced Persian I (6) Prerequisite: Must have completed PERS206; or
equivalent as determinve by Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT). Development of Persian language
proficiency and cultural competence at an advanced level (Advanced Low on ACTFL scale). Taught in
PERS 306 Intensive Advanced Persian II (6) Prerequisite: PERS305; or equivalent as determined by
FLPT (Foreign Language Placement Test). Continued development of Persian language proficiency at an
Advanced Mid level on ACTFL scale through a whole language approach integrating listening, speaking,
reading and writing. Taught in Persian.
PERS 311 Persian Media (3) Prerequisite: PERS301; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Examines issues, values, institutions of the contemporary Persian
and Persianete world, primarily through analysis and discussion of current events as reported in the
written and audiovisual press. Focus will be on increasing content knowledge as well as linguistic
competency in Persian. Taught in Persian.
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PERS 312 Contemporary Iranian Culture (3) Prerequisite: PERS301; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be native/fluent
speaker of Persian. Study of the culture of contemporary Iran (post-evolution) with focus on the
contemporary social, political, literary and artistic life in Iran. Taught in Persian.
PERS 353 Iranian Life in Literature and Film (3) Treats major themes in modern literature and life of
Iranians. Topics examined include Iranian identity, religious traditions, modern life, and expatriate
communities. Taught in English.
PERS 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PERS 371 Introduction to Persian Literature in Translation (3) Introduction to classical and modern
canons of Persian literature in historical, esthetic, and social context. Taught in English.
PERS 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Pre-professional experience in research, analysis and writing in a
work setting. Project proposal approved by faculty and internship sponsor.
PERS 398 Special Topics in Persian Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: PERS301; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Special topic to be announced when course is
offered. Taught in Persian.
PERS 399 Directed Study in Persian (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable to 9 credits
if content differs. Directed study with faculty supervision.
PERS 401 Persian Composition (3) Prerequisite: PERS302; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. A genre approach to writing, focusing on how and why
different texts are structured and written as they are. The purpose, context, and intended audience for
written communication will guide the writing tasks conducted in and out of class. Students analyze and
investigate a variety of purposes and audiences of particular relevance to Persian flagship students.
Taught in Persian.
PERS 402 Persian Translation (3) Prerequisite: PERS302; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Focuses on hands-on practice of English/Persian and
Persian/English translation as well as the problematic issues of translation. Taught in Persian.
PERS 405 Media and the Current Issues in Iranian Society (6) Prerequisite: PERS306; or equivalent
as determined by FLPT (Foreign Language Placement Test). Develops Persian language proficiency and
domain-specific knowledge at advanced-mid to advanced-high level on ACTFL scale. Enhances linguistic
and cultural competence. Provides a broad understanding of some of the current social, political and
economic issues in modern Iran. Taught in Persian.
PERS 406 Practicum in Persian Translation (6) Prerequisite: PERS306; or equivalent as determined by
the FLPT (Foreign Language Placement Test). Provides opportunities for translation, interpretation, and
analysis of various authentic oral and written texts (both English to Persian and Persian to English).
Facilitates the development of Persian language proficiency at advanced level through a task-based
approach that integrates all the language skills in pedagogical translation activities.
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PERS 411 Readings in Iranian Islam (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. In-depth study of Iranian Islam via Islamic texts. Develops
competency in speaking, reading, writing, and listening comprehension at advanced level. Taught in
PERS 452 Modern Persian Literature: A Survey (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Surveys development of poetry and prose in the
Persian-speaking world in modern times. Periods and genres. Content varies. Mastery of Persian is
PERS 498 Special Topics in Persian Studies (3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 9
credits if content differs. Topic and language to be announced when offered.
PHIL -- Philosophy
PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy (3) An introduction to the literature, problems, and methods of
philosophy either through a study of some of the main figures in philosophic thought or through an
examination of some of the central and recurring problems of philosophy.
PHIL 140 Contemporary Moral Issues (3) The uses of philosophical analysis in thinking clearly about
such widely debated moral issues as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, pornography, reverse
discrimination, the death penalty, business ethics, sexual equality, and economic justice.
PHIL 170 Introduction to Logic (3) Development of analytical reasoning skills through study of formal
logics, reasoning systems, and fallacious inference patterns.
PHIL 209 Philosophical Issues (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An examination of selected
philosophical issues of general interest.
PHIL 218 Issues in in Epistemology/Metaphysics (3) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs.
Additional information: Counts toward the epistemology/metaphysics requirement for the Philosophy
major. An examination of selected philosophical issues in epistemology or metaphysics.
PHIL 228 Issues in History of Philosophy (3) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Additional
information: Counts toward the history of philosophy requirement for the Philosophy major. An
examination of selected issues in the history of philosophy.
PHIL 230 Philosophy of the Arts (3) A survey of theoretical perspectives on the arts from Plato to the
present, along with critical examination of specific works of art. Analysis of concepts central to thought
about art, such as beauty, form, content, expression, representation, interpretation, creation, style,
medium, realism, aesthetic experience, and aesthetic value.
PHIL 233 Philosophy in Literature (3) Reading and philosophical criticism of fiction, poetry, and
drama, dealing with issues of moral, religious, and metaphysical significance.
PHIL 234 Fundamental Concepts of Judaism (3) Also offered as: JWST250, RELS250. Credit only
granted for: JWST250, PHIL234, or RELS250. A conceptional introduction to Judaism, analyzing its
fundamental concepts from both analytical and historical perspectives. Discussion of "normative"
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Judaism as well as other conceptions of Judaism. Topics include: God, the Jewish people, authority,
ethics, the sacred and the profane, particularism and universalism.
PHIL 235 Authority, Faith, and Reason in Judaism (3) Also offered as: JWST251. Credit only granted
for: JWST251 or PHIL235. A broad survey of the concepts of authority, faith, and reason in Jewish
tradition from the Bible to the modern period, and their interrelationships.
PHIL 236 Philosophy of Religion (3) Also offered as: RELS236. Credit only granted for: PHIL236 or
RELS236. A philosophical study of some of the main problems of religious thought: the nature of
religious experience, the justification of religious belief, the conflicting claims of religion and science,
and the relation between religion and morality.
PHIL 238 Issues in Value Theory (3) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Additional information:
Counts toward the value theory requirement for the Philosophy major. An examination of selected issues
in ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy and related areas.
PHIL 245 Political and Social Philosophy I (3) A critical examination of such classical political
theories as those of Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Mill, Marx, and such contemporary theories as those
of Hayek, Rawls, and recent Marxist thinkers.
PHIL 250 Philosophy of Science I (3) Main issues in the philosophy of science. Special attention to the
ways scientific developments have influenced the philosophy of science and how philosophy of science
has influenced scientific progress. Case studies of selected historical episodes in which science and
philosophy have interacted significantly, focusing on the physical, biological, or social sciences.
PHIL 256 Philosophy of Biology I (3) Issues in the discovery and justification of biological theories and
models. Focus on cases from twentieth century biology, such as the genetic revolution or evolutionary
PHIL 261 Philosophy of the Environment (3) Credit only granted for: HONR218F or PHIL261.
Formerly: HONR218F. An evaluation of different kinds of arguments for the claim that the natural
environment should be preserved. Perspectives cut across the disciplines of philosophy (environmental
ethics and philosophies of nature); economics (cost-benefit analysis); and biology (evolution, ecology,
environmental studies).
PHIL 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PHIL 280 Perspectives on the Mind: Philosophy and Cognitive Science (3) The role of representation
and reasoning in cognition considered from the differing perspectives of the cognitive-science disciplines:
linguistics, philosophy, neuroscience, psychology and computer science.
PHIL 282 Free Will & Determinism (3) A study of the main positions and arguments in the free will
debate in contemporary analytic philosophy.
PHIL 308 Studies in Contemporary Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. Repeatable
to 6 credits if content differs. Problems, issues, and points of view of current interest in philosophy.
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PHIL 309 Philosophical Problems (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. Repeatable to 12 credits
if content differs. A focused study of a contemporary philosophical problem or issue. Topics will vary,
but the course will encourage students to to generate critical analyses or proposed resolutions of issues in
the contemporary philosophical literature.
PHIL 310 Ancient Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed 6 credits in philosophy or classics.
A study of the origins and development of philosophy and science in ancient Greece, focusing on the pre-
Socratics, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
PHIL 318 Studies in Epistemology/Metaphysics (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in PHIL. Repeatable to 12
credits if content differs. Additional information: Counts toward the epistemology/metaphysics
requirement for the Philosophy major. Problems, issues, and points of view in epistemology or
PHIL 320 Modern Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. A study of major
philosophical issues of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries through an examination of such philosophers as
Descartes, Newton, Hume, and Kant.
PHIL 324 Existentialism (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. A study of authors such as
Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sarte, and Camus on issues of human morality, freedom, and
PHIL 328 Studies in the History of Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. Repeatable
to 6 credits if content differs. Problems, issues, and points of view in the history of philosophy.
PHIL 332 Philosophy of Beauty (3) Prerequisite: 3 courses in PHIL; or permission of ARHU-
Philosophy department. Philosophical theories, historical and contemporary, of beauty, sublimity, and
other aesthetic qualities, of aesthetic experience, and of aesthetic judgment.
PHIL 338 Studies in Value Theory (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in PHIL. Repeatable to 12 credits if
content differs. Additional information: Counts toward the value theory requirement for the Philosophy
major. Problems, issues and points of view in ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy and related areas.
PHIL 341 Ethical Theory (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. A critical examination of classical
and contemporary systems of ethics, such as those of Aristotle, Kant, Mill, and Rawls.
PHIL 347 Philosophy of Law (3) Credit only granted for: PHIL347 or PHIL447. Formerly: PHIL447.
Examination of fundamental concepts related to law, e.g. legal systems, law and morality, justice, legal
reasoning, responsibility.
PHIL 354 Philosophy of Physics (3) Prerequisite: MATH120 or PHYS260; or must have completed
MATH220; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department; or
permission of ARHU-Philosophy department. Recommended: PHYS401 and PHYS270. Credit only
granted for: PHIL354 or PHIL452. An introduction to current issues at the interface of physics and
philosophy, associated with our current picture of the physical world as fundamentally quantum
mechanical. Topics include the debate between Einstein and Bohr on the objectivity and completeness of
the quantum description, nonlocality and Bell's theorem, realism and the measurement problem,
irreversibility and the arrow of time.
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PHIL 360 Philosophy of Language (3) Prerequisite: 2 courses in PHIL; and (PHIL170 or PHIL370). Or
permission of ARHU-Philosophy department. Also offered as: LING350. Credit only granted for:
LING350 or PHIL360. An inquiry into the nature and function of language and other forms of
PHIL 362 Theory of Knowledge (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses; and PHIL170. Formerly:
PHIL462. Some central topics in the theory of knowledge, such as perception, memory, knowledge, and
belief, skepticism, other minds, truth, and the problems of induction.
PHIL 364 Metaphysics (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. Formerly: PHIL464. The study of
some central metaphysical concepts and issues including the nature and validity of metaphysical thinking,
universals, identity, substance, time, God, and reality.
PHIL 366 Philosophy of Mind (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. An introduction to core issues
in the philosophy of mind, focusing especially on the basic metaphysical question of dualism versus
PHIL 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PHIL 370 Symbolic Logic (3) Prerequisite: PHIL170 or CMSC250; or permission of ARHU-Philosophy
department. Credit only granted for: PHIL271, PHIL370, or PHIL371. A review of propositional and
predicate logic and related topics and an introduction to the semantics and metatheory of first-order logic.
PHIL 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Philosophy department; and
junior standing or higher.
PHIL 408 Topics in Contemporary Philosophy (3) Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs. An
intensive examination of contemporary problems and issues. Source material will be selected from recent
books and articles.
PHIL 409 Advanced Studies in Contemporary Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses.
Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. An in-depth study of a contemporary philosophical problem or
issue. Topics will vary, but the course will encourage students to grapple with the primary literature in
order to generate sustained critical analyses or proposed resolutions of issues under active consideration
in contemporary philosophy.
PHIL 412 The Philosophy of Plato (3) Prerequisite: 9 credits in PHIL courses. A critical study of
selected dialogues.
PHIL 414 The Philosophy of Aristotle (3) Prerequisite: 3 courses in PHIL. A critical study of selected
portions of Aristotle's writings.
PHIL 416 Medieval Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. A study of philosophical
thought from the fourth to the fourteenth centuries. Readings selected from Christian, Islamic, and Jewish
PHIL 417 The Golden Age of Jewish Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: 3 credits in PHIL courses; or
permission of ARHU-Philosophy department. Also offered as: JWST452. Credit only granted for:
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JWST452 or PHIL417. Jewish philosophy from Maimonides in the 12th century to the expulsion of the
Jews from Spain at the end of the 15th century. Topics include the limitations of human knowledge,
creation of the world, foreknowledge and free will, and the existence of God.
PHIL 418 Topics in Epistemology/Metaphysics (3) Prerequisite: 2 courses in PHIL. Repeatable to 12
credits if content differs. An intensive examination of contemporary problems and issues in epistemology
or metaphysics. Source material will be selected from recent books and articles.
PHIL 424 The Philosophy of Spinoza (3) Prerequisite: 3 credits in PHIL courses; or permission of
ARHU-Philosophy department. Restriction: Must not have completed JWST453. Also offered as:
JWST453. Credit only granted for: JWST453 or PHIL424. An investigation of the metaphysical, ethical
and political thought of the 17th century philosopher Benedict Spinoza.
PHIL 426 Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Philosophy
department; and senior standing. Credit only granted for: PHIL326 or PHIL426. Formerly: PHIL326.
Major issues in twentieth century analytic philosophy examined through such philosophers as Frege,
Russell, Carnap, Moore and Wittgenstein.
PHIL 428 Topics in the History of Philosophy (3) Prerequisite: PHIL310 and PHIL320; or permission
of ARHU-Philosophy department. Repeatable to 99 credits if content differs.
PHIL 431 Aesthetic Theory (3) Prerequisite: 9 credits in PHIL courses; or permission of ARHU-
Philosophy department. Study of the theory of the aesthetic as a mode of apprehending the world and of
the theory of criticism, its conceptual tools and intellectual presuppositions.
PHIL 438 Topics in Value Theory (3) Prerequisite: 2 courses in PHIL. Repeatable to 12 credits if
content differs. An intensive examination of contemporary problems and issues in ethics, aesthetics,
political philosophy and related areas. Source material will be selected from recent books and articles.
PHIL 440 Contemporary Ethical Theory (3) Prerequisite: PHIL341; or permission of instructor.
Contemporary work on fundamental problems in ethical theory, such as whether there are moral truths,
whether and how our moral claims can be justified, what exactly makes an act right or wrong, the nature
of moral language, and the role of reason and emotion in moral judgment.
PHIL 445 Contemporary Political Philosophy (3) Restriction: Must have completed 3 credits in
philosophy or political theory; or permission of ARHU-Philosophy department. And sophomore standing
or higher. Major trends in contemporary political philosophy: liberal, libertarian, communitarian,
socialist, feminist.
PHIL 446 Law, Morality, and War (3) Prerequisite: GVPT401 and PHIL341; or permission of ARHU-
Philosophy department. Also offered as: GVPT403. An exploration of fundamental moral and legal issues
concerning war.
PHIL 454 Philosophy of Space and Time (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in PHIL courses. A non-technical
investigation of philosophical issues in the foundations of physics. Topics may include traditional
philosophical problems of space and time, metaphysical issues about the nature of particles and fields,
and philosophical problems associated with the introduction of probability into physics, such as the
problem of irreversibility in thermodynamics and the problem of objectivity in quantum theory.
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PHIL 456 Philosophy of Biology II (3) Prerequisite: PHIL256 or PHIL250; or must be Life Science
major; or permission of ARHU-Philosophy department. Questions about concepts, reasoning,
explanation, etc., in biology, and their relations to those of other areas of science. Case studies of selected
aspects of the history of biology, especially in the twentieth century.
PHIL 458 Topics in the Philosophy of Science (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. A detailed
examination of a particular topic or problem in philosophy of science.
PHIL 469 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PHIL 470 Logical Theory (3) Prerequisite: PHIL370; or permission of instructor. This course will treat a
selection of the most important topics in modern logic: alternative proof-theoretic presentations of logical
systems, completeness proofs for classical propositional and first-order logic, some basic computability
theory, basic limitative results (such as Godel's incompleteness theorems), and some results concerning
second-order logic. The primary focus of the course is a study of these fundamental topics, but we will
also discuss some of the philosophical issues they raise.
PHIL 478 Topics in Philosophical Logic (3) Prerequisite: PHIL370; or permission of instructor.
Recommended: PHIL470. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Methods and results of philosophical
logic, the application of logical techniques to the study of concepts or problems of philosophical interest.
Content will vary, either treating a particular logical area in detail--such as modal logic, conditional logic,
deontic logic, intuitionistic or relevance logic, theories of truth and paradox--or surveying a number of
these different areas.
PHIL 481 Philosophy of Psychology: Representation (3) Prerequisite: PHIL366 or PHIL280; and 6
credits in PHIL courses. Semantics and representations within computational framework: intentionality,
explicit vs. implicit representation, syntax vs. semantics of thought, connectionist approaches, images,
classical vs. prototype theories of concepts.
PHIL 482 Philosophy of Psychology: Subjectivity (3) Prerequisite: PHIL366 or PHIL280; and 6 credits
in PHIL courses. The nature of subjectivity: problems of "point of view," the "qualities" or "feel" of
things, emotions, consciousness - whether these phenomena can be captured by a computational theory of
PHIL 488 Topics in Philosophy of Cognitive Studies (3) Prerequisite: 3 credits in PHIL courses; or
permission of ARHU-Philosophy department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Examination of a
particular topic or problem in philosophy of cognitive studies.
PHIL 489 Undergraduate Seminar in Philosophy (3-6) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Philosophy
department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An intensive examination of a philosophical topic
or topics.
PHIL 498 Topical Investigations (1-3)
PHSC -- Public Health Science
PHSC 389 Independent Research Study in Public Health Science (1-3) Restriction: Must be in Public
Health Science program; and must have earned a minimum of 45 credits; and permission of instructor.
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Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. This independent research-based experience will provide the
opportunity for students to work with individual research mentors in the area of Public Health Science.
Students must identify a mentor prior to obtaining departmental permission.
PHSC 399 Public Health Science Internship (1-6) Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science
program; and must have completed a minimum of 75 credits; and must have permission of instructor.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: PHSC491 or SPHL491. Formerly:
SPHL491. Additional information: Prospective students must meet with an advisor and complete
internship verification, expectations and responsibilities prior to registration. This is generally completed
the semester prior to beginning the internship. The Public Health Science internship will enable students
to gain practical experience under conditions conducive to academic, research and professional
development. The internship is a time-limited, supervised period of public health professional experience
carried out in a related professional organization or research setting.
PHSC 401 History of Public Health (3) Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science program; and
must have earned a minimum of 45 credits. Credit only granted for: PHSC401 or SPHL401. Formerly:
SPHL401. Emphasis is on the history of public health in the Western world from antiquity to the present.
Also examines the influence of public health developments as they relate to the Western world as well as
throughout diverse cultures and societies across the globe. Analysis focuses on the interaction among
Western and non-Western cultures with respect to health issues, including science, policies, prevention
and treatment.
PHSC 402 Public Health Emergency Preparedness (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in EPIB300
and EPIB301. Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science program; and junior standing or higher.
Credit only granted for: PHSC402 or SPHL402. Formerly: SPHL402. Intensive introduction to public
health emergency preparedness. Course will provide students with an overview of the role of public
health in planning, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery from disasters, both manmade and
PHSC 405 Policy Advocacy and Public Health (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in PHSC401.
Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science program; and must have earned a minimum of 60 credits.
Students will identify and analyze policy solutions to public health problems and determine advocacy
strategies to encourage policy makers to implement the recommendations. Lectures, class discussions,
group work and mock advocacy exercises will integrate the principles and practice of public health
advocacy. Guest lecturers from a variety of settings will give students a broad range of perspectives and
advocacy experiences.
PHSC 410 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation (3) Restriction: Must be in Public Health
Science program; and junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: PHSC410 or SPHL410.
Formerly: SPHL410. Students will become familiar with the dynamics of public health progra planning,
and the basic process of identifying unmet needs. They will be able to identify different types of program
evaluation, including needs assessment, formative research, process evaluation, impact assessment, and
cost analysis.
PHSC 412 Food, Policy, and Public Health (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed HLSA300 with a C-
or higher. Recommended: NFSC100. Restriction: Must be in Public Health Science program; and junior
standing or higher. Credit only granted for: PHSC412 or SPHL412. Formerly: SPHL412. Broad overview
of the impact of food and food policy on public health. Course covers topics such as access to food, food
systems, influence of food policies on the individual, the cost of food, influences on food selection, food
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safety risks and responses, nutrition-related health challenges, and a comparison of US food/nutrition
issues with those of other nations.
PHSC 415 Essentials of Public Health Biology: The Cell, The Individual, and Disease (3)
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI202. Recommended: BSCI223. Restriction: Must be in Public
Health Science program; and junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: PHSC415, SPHL415 or
SPHL498J. Formerly: SPHL415 and SPHL498J. Presents the basic scientific and biomedical concepts of
modern public health problems and explores in depth mechanisms and models of the major categories of
disease. The biologic principles presented are foundations to public health disease prevention, control, or
management programs.
PHSC 420 Vaccines and Immunology (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI223.
Recommended: CHEM231. Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of 60 credits. And must be in
Public Health Science program; or permission of instructor. An exploration of immunology and vaccines
through a public health lens. We will examine the cells, systems, and molecules that comprise the human
immune system and defend your body against disease. In addition, we will discuss the strategies used
during vaccine development including the history and future of vaccination and how increased
understanding of the immune system has allowed scientists to improve and refine the process. Finally we
will examine the current social and political situation surrounding vaccination and the roles and
responsibility of public health practitioners.
PHSC 497 Public Health Science Capstone (3) Prerequisite: Students must have completed the
professional writing requirement, MIEH300 and EPIB300, all with a C- or higher. Restriction: Must have
earned a minimum of 100 credits; and must be in Public Health Science program; and must be in the final
semester of undergraduate study. Credit only granted for: SPHL498F or PHSC497. Formerly: SPHL498F.
The capstone course is the culminating experience for Public Health Science students and must be taken
only in the final semester of study. The Public Health Science capstone course is designed to challenge
students to integrate the five core areas of public health in investigating, researching and addressing
public health issues. Throughout the semester, students will be required to evaluate, analyze and
synthesize scholarly works as they research and propose solutions to a variety of public health issues. By
the conclusion of this research based course, students will understand how the various public health
perspectives can combine in addressing and informing public health practices.
PHYS -- Physics
PHYS 101 Contemporary Physics - Revolutions in Physics (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility
of MATH120 or higher. Restriction: Must not have completed PHYS111. For non-science students who
are interested in the evolution of scientific thought and its present day significance. Historical,
philosophic, experimental and theoretical aspects of physics are presented. Topics in mechanics,
relativity, electricity and magnetism, and nuclear physics are covered.
PHYS 102 Physics of Music (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of MATH107 or higher. Credit
only granted for: PHYS102 and PHYS499C. Additional information: CORE Distributive Studies Physical
Sciences Laboratory Course only when taken concurrently with PHYS103. A study of the physical basis
of sound, acoustical properties of sound, the human ear and voice, reproduction of sound, electronic
music, acoustical properties of auditoriums, and other selected topics.
PHYS 103 Physics of Music Laboratory (1) Optional laboratory to accompany PHYS 102. Laboratory
experiments, including the velocity of sound, sound quality and wave shape, traveling and standing
waves, fourier synthesis and analysis, musical synthesizer, psychoacoustics, and audio equipment.
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PHYS 104 How Things Work: Science Foundations (3) Prerequisite: Must have math eligibility of
MATH107 or higher. Restriction: Must not have completed PHYS121; and students who have completed
PHYS121 or any higher PHYS course may contact the department for permission to take the course. This
is a course with a non-mathematical emphasis designed to study the basics of mechanical, electrical, and
optical devices that are commonly found in the world around us. The general approach would be to look
inside things to observe how they work.
PHYS 105 Physics for Decision Makers: Global Energy Crisis (3) This marquee course will consider
the global energy crisis from a scientific perspective. Topics include basic laws of energy and
thermodynamics, their effects on energy production and distribution, greenhouse gas, global warming and
policy options for decision makers. This course is aimed at the non-science major.
PHYS 106 Light, Perception, Photography, and Visual Phenomena (3) Intended for the general
student, this course will cover topics in optics which require minimal use of mathematics. Principles of
optics, lenses, cameras, lasers and holography, physics of the eye, color vision and various visual
phenomena such as rainbows.
PHYS 107 Light, Perception, Photography and Visual Phenomena Laboratory (1) Optional
laboratory to accompany PHYS106. Laboratory experiments include geometrical optics (lenses, cameras,
eye), optical instruments (telescope, binoculars), photography, perception, color phenomena, and wave
PHYS 111 Physics in the Modern World (3) A survey course in general physics emphasizing the role
that physics plays in science, technology, and society today. The course is concept oriented and minimal
use of mathematics is made. Intended for the general student; does not satisfy the requirements of the
professional schools.
PHYS 115 Inquiry into Physics (4) Recommended: High School Physics. Restriction: Must not have
completed PHYS117; and must be in one of the following programs (Elementary Education; Early
Childhood Education; Middle School Education). Credit only granted for: PHYS115 or PHYS117.
Intended for students majoring in neither the physical nor the biological sciences. Use of laboratory-based
and inquiry-based methods to study some of the basic ideas of physical sciences.
PHYS 121 Fundamentals of Physics I (4) Prerequisite: MATH112 or MATH115. Credit only granted
for: PHYS121, PHYS131, or PHYS331. The first part of a two-semester course in general physics
treating the fields of mechanics, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Together
with PHYS122, this generally satisfies the minimum requirement of medical and dental schools.
PHYS 122 Fundamentals of Physics II (4) Prerequisite: PHYS121; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: PHYS122, PHYS132, or
PHYS332. A continuation of PHYS121, which together with it, generally satisfies the minimum
requirement of medical and dental schools.
PHYS 131 Fundamentals of Physics for Life Sciences I (4) Prerequisite: MATH130, MATH131, and
CHEM131; and (BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106); and (BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105). Or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only
granted for: PHYS121, PHYS131, or PHYS331. The first part of a two-semester course in general
physics specifically oriented towards applications relevant for students in biology and pre-medical
programs. The course covers basic mechanics including forces and energy, properties of matter, and
thermodynamics done in authentic biological contexts.
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PHYS 132 Fundamentals of Physics for Life Sciences II (4) Prerequisite: PHYS131; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for:
PHYS122, PHYS132, or PHYS332. The second part of a two-semester course in general physics
specifically oriented towards applications relevant for students in biology and pre-medical programs. The
course covers basic statistical physics, electricity and magnetism, and optics done in authentic biological
PHYS 141 Principles of Physics (4) Corequisite: MATH141 or MATH121; or MATH221. Credit only
granted for: PHYS141, PHYS161, or PHYS171. The first of a two-semester series in general physics. The
first semester covers the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics, and special relativity. This survey course
will use calculus and is recommended for chemistry and zoology majors. It also satisfies the requirements
of medical and dental schools.
PHYS 142 Principles of Physics (4) Prerequisite: PHYS141; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: PHYS142, (PHYS260 and
PHYS261), or PHYS272. A continuation of PHYS141 covering waves, electricity and magnetism, optics
and modern physics.
PHYS 161 General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed
or be concurrently enrolled in MATH141. Credit only granted for: PHYS141, PHYS161, or PHYS171.
First semester of a three-semester calculus-based general physics course. Laws of motion, force, and
energy; principles of mechanics, collisions, linear momentum, rotation, and gravitation.
PHYS 165 Introduction to Programming in the Physical Sciences (3) Prerequisite: PHYS171,
PHYS141, or PHYS161; or must have scored 3 or higher on AP PHYS exam. Introduction to
programming using examples in the physical sciences. Provides instruction in the techniques of upper-
level languages such as Fortran, C, and Pascal, as well as an introduction to the object oriented
programming techniques used in Python, C++ and Java. Includes strong component of visualization and
PHYS 170 Professional Physics Seminar (1) Corequisite: MATH140. Provides a look at some of the
major developments of current interest in physics research and discusses the activities physicists
undertake in research, education, industry, government, and other areas of the economy.
PHYS 171 Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity (3) Prerequisite: (MATH140; and a high
school physics course); or permission of CMNS-Physics department. And must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in MATH141. Credit only granted for: PHYS141, PHYS161, or PHYS171. First
semester of a three semester sequence for physics majors and those desiring a rigorous preparation in the
physical sciences: kinematics, Newton's laws, energy and work, linear and angular momenta, temperature
and pressure, ideal gas law, and special relativity.
PHYS 174 Physics Laboratory Introduction (1) Corequisite: MATH140. Recommended: High school
physics. Introduces students to the techniques of data gathering and analysis. This course will lay a
foundation for higher-level labs in physics and the physical sciences. Students will learn to use laboratory
equipment such as calipers, meters, oscilloscopes, and computer interfaces. Techniques of measurement
and error analysis will be presented. Students will be taught to use the computer for data analysis with an
emphasis on using spreadsheets.
PHYS 260 General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (3) Prerequisite:
PHYS161 and MATH141. Corequisite: PHYS261. Credit only granted for: PHYS142, PHYS260, or
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PHYS272. Second semester of a three-semester calculus-based general physics course. Vibrations, waves,
fluids; heat, kinetic theory, and thermodynamics; electrostatics, circuits, and magnetism. PHYS260 and
PHYS261 must be taken in the same semester.
PHYS 261 General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (Laboratory) (1)
Corequisite: PHYS260. Lab includes experiments on mechanics, vibrations, waves, heat, electricity and
magnetism. PHYS260 and PHYS261 (lab) must be taken in the same semester.
PHYS 270 General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern Physics (3)
Prerequisite: PHYS261, MATH241, and PHYS260. Corequisite: PHYS271. Third semester of a three-
semester calculus-based general physics course. Electrodynamics, Maxwell's equations and
electromagnetic waves, geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, special theory of relativity, and
modern physics. PHYS270 and PHYS271 (lab) must be taken in the same semester.
PHYS 271 General Physics: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity and Modern Physics (Laboratory)
(1) Prerequisite: PHYS261. Corequisite: PHYS270. Lab includes experiments on ac circuits,
magnetism, light and modern physics. PHYS270 and PHYS271 (lab) must be taken in the same semester.
PHYS 272 Introductory Physics: Fields (3) Prerequisite: PHYS161 or PHYS171; and MATH141; and
must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH241. Credit only granted for: PHYS142,
(PHYS260 and PHYS261) or PHYS272.. Additional information: CORE Distributive Studies Physical
Sciences Laboratory Course only when taken concurrently with PHYS275. Second semester of a calculus
based general physics course. Universal gravitation, electric and magnetic fields and potentials, simple
circuits, Maxwell's equations in integral form. Continues the application of mathematics to conceptual
models, now with more abstract components.
PHYS 273 Introductory Physics: Waves (3) Prerequisite: MATH241 and PHYS272. Corequisite:
PHYS274. Credit only granted for: (PHYS270 and PHYS271) or PHYS273. Oscillations and AC circuits
using complex variables, Fourier series and integrals, waves on strings, sound; electromagnetic waves
from Maxwell's equations in differential form; physical optics.
PHYS 274 Mathematical Methods for Physics I (3) Prerequisite: MATH241 and PHYS272. A first
course in mathematical methods for physics. Topics include linear algebra, curvilinear coordinates and
vector analysis.
PHYS 275 Experimental Physics I: Mechanics and Heat (2) Prerequisite: PHYS161 or PHYS171; and
PHYS174. Additional information: CORE Physical Science Lab (PL) Course only when taken
concurrently with PHYS272. Methods and rationale of experimental physics. Intended for physics majors
and science and engineering students who desire a more rigorous approach. Experiments chosen from the
areas of mechanics (from PHYS171), gas laws, and heats. Theory and applications of error analysis.
PHYS 276 Experimental Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism (2) Prerequisite: PHYS272 and
PHYS275. Second course in the three semester introductory sequence. Methods and rationale of
experimental physics. Experiments chosen from the fields of electricity and magnetism including
electrostatics, magnetostatics, magnetic induction, AC circuits.
PHYS 299 Special Problems in Physics (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Physics department.
Research or special study to complement courses taken elsewhere which are not fully equivalent to those
in departmental requirements. Credit according to work done.
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PHYS 305 Physics Shop Techniques (1) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Physics department.
Machine tools, design and construction of laboratory equipment.
PHYS 318 Topics in Contemporary Physics (3) Prerequisite: PHYS122 or PHYS111; or permission of
CMNS-Physics department. A survey of topics of current research and public interest. Intended for the
non-physics or non-science major. Topics covered will include lasers, quantum liquids, cosmology,
elementary particles and geophysics.
PHYS 331 Physics for Life Sciences I (4) Prerequisite: MATH130, MATH131, and CHEM131; and
(BSCI160 and BSCI161; or BSCI106); and (BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105). Or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: PHYS121,
PHYS131 or PHYS 331. The first part of a two-semester course in general physics specifically oriented
towards applications relevant for students in biology and pre-medical programs. The course covers basic
mechanics including forces and energy, properties of matter, and thermodynamics done in authentic
biological contexts.
PHYS 332 Physics for Life Sciences II (4) Prerequisite: PHYS331; or PHYS131; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Credit only granted for: PHYS122,
PHYS132, or PHYS332. The second part of a two-semester course in general physics specifically
oriented towards applications relevant for students in biology and pre-medical programs. The course
covers basic statistical physics, electricity and magnetism, and optics done in authentic biological
PHYS 371 Modern Physics (3) Prerequisite: PHYS273 and PHYS274. Corequisite: PHYS373. Credit
only granted for: PHYS371 or PHYS420. Additional information: This course is intended primarily for
physics and astronomy majors. Introduces students to special relativity, thermodynamics and quantum
mechanics at an intermediate level.
PHYS 373 Mathematical Methods for Physics II (3) Prerequisite: PHYS273 and PHYS274. A second
course in mathematical methods for physics. Topics include introduction to ordinary differential
equations, partial differential equations, and complex analysis.
PHYS 374 Intermediate Theoretical Methods (4) Prerequisite: MATH246 and PHYS273. Corequisite:
MATH240. Introduces or reviews areas of mathematics that are regularly used in upper level and
graduate courses in physics, including important areas from complex variables, Fourier analysis, partial
differential equations and eigenvalue problems. These methods will be studied in the context of relevant
physics applications. A current standard symbolic manipulation program will be introduced and its
appropriate use in theoretical analyses will be taught.
PHYS 375 Experimental Physics III: Electromagnetic Waves, Optics and Modern Physics (3)
Prerequisite: PHYS276 and PHYS273. Third course in the three-semester introductory sequence.
Methods and rationale of experimental physics. Experiments chosen from the areas of electromagnetic
waves, optics and modern physics.
PHYS 386 Experiential Learning (3-6)
PHYS 389 Undergraduate Thesis Research (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of CMNS-Physics
department. Restriction: Must be in a major within CMNS-Physics department. Repeatable to 6 credits.
Independent directed research and study on a topic selected by the student in consultation with his or her
advisor. Final written thesis and oral defense will be expected.
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PHYS 398 Independent Studies Seminar (1-16) Credit according to work done. Enrollment is limited to
students admitted to the independent studies program in physics.
PHYS 399 Special Problems in Physics (1-3) Prerequisite: PHYS405; and permission of CMNS-
Physics department. Selected advanced experiments. (Will be given with sufficient demand.)
PHYS 401 Quantum Physics I (4) Prerequisite: PHYS371 and PHYS373. Formerly: PHYS421.
Introduces some quantum phenomena leading to wave-particle duality. Schroedinger theory for bound
states and scattering in one dimension. One-particle Schroedinger equation and the hydrogen atom.
PHYS 402 Quantum Physics II (4) Prerequisite: PHYS401. Quantum states as vectors; spin and
spectroscopy, multiparticle systems, the periodic table, perturbation theory, band structure, etc.
PHYS 404 Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics (3) Prerequisite: PHYS371 or PHYS420.
Introduction to basic concepts in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
PHYS 405 Advanced Experiments (3) Prerequisite: PHYS375. Restriction: Must be in a major within
CMNS-Physics department. Advanced laboratory techniques. Selected experiments from many fields of
modern physics. Emphasis on self-study of the phenomena, data analysis, and presentation in report form.
PHYS 407 Undergraduate Experimental Research (3) Prerequisite: PHYS499 and PHYS375; and
permission of CMNS-Physics department. Restriction: Must be in a major within CMNS-Physics
department; and senior standing. Students develop and complete an independent, experimental research
project with a professor in the Physics Department. The project should be a continuation of work done in
PHYS499A. To obtain permission, students must submit a proposal describing the experimental work to
be completed and this proposal must be approved by their faculty mentor, the associate chair for
undergraduate education and the chair of the laboratory committee. Students must maintain a lab
notebook, give an oral presentation and complete a written report on their research that includes data and
error analysis.
PHYS 410 Classical Mechanics (4) Prerequisite: PHYS373. Theoretical foundations of mechanics with
extensive application of the methods. Various mathematical tools of theoretical physics.
PHYS 411 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism (4) Prerequisite: PHYS373. Foundations of
electromagnetic theory, with extensive applications of the methods. Thorough treatment of wave
properties of solutions of Maxwell's equations.
PHYS 420 Principles of Modern Physics (3) Prerequisite: MATH246. And PHYS271 and PHYS270; or
PHYS273. Credit only granted for: PHYS371 or PHYS420. A survey of atomic and nuclear phenomena
and the main trends in modern physics. Appropriate for students in engineering and other physical
PHYS 428 Physics Capstone Research (2-4) Restriction: Must be in a major within CMNS-Physics
department; and senior standing or higher; and permission of instructor. Repeatable to 4 credits.
Individual, focused research under the guidance of a faculty member. Discussion, presentations and, if
appropriate, research group projects involved. Student must submit final research paper for completion of
course. Paper may also serve as thesis required for High Honors in Physics. Not intended as a general
"reading course" (see PHYS499).
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PHYS 429 Atomic and Nuclear Physics Laboratory (3) Prerequisite: PHYS405. Classical experiments
in atomic physics and more sophisticated experiments in current techniques in nuclear physics.
PHYS 431 Properties of Matter (3) Prerequisite: PHYS271, PHYS270, and MATH241; and (PHYS401
or PHYS420). Also offered as: ENMA460. Credit only granted for: ENMA460 or PHYS431.
Introduction to solid state physics. Electromagnetic, thermal, and elastic properties of metals,
semiconductors, insulators and superconductors.
PHYS 441 Topics in Nuclear and Particle Physics (3) Prerequisite: PHYS401 or PHYS402.
Corequisite: PHYS402. A survey of concepts in particle and nuclear physics, with a topical emphasis on
the impact of the Weak Interaction and the discovery of Parity Violation.
PHYS 485 Electronic Circuits (4) Prerequisite: PHYS405. Corequisite: PHYS374. Restriction: Must
be in a major within CMNS-Physics department. Theory and application to experimental physics of
modern semiconductor analog and digital circuits. Emphasis on understanding passive and active
elements in practical circuits. Topics span the range from simple transistor circuits to microcomputers.
PHYS 499 Special Problems in Physics (1-16) Research or special study. Credit according to work
PLCY -- Public Policy
PLCY 201 Leadership for the Common Good (3) Credit only granted for: PLCY201 or PUAF201.
Formerly: PUAF201. This course is designed to provide undergraduate students an introduction to
leadership theory and a chance to practice a core set of practical skills relevant to transformational and
collaborative leadership.
PLCY 214 Leading and Investing in Social Change: Re-defining and Experimenting with
Philanthropy (3) Credit only granted for: PLCY214, PUAF214 or PUAF359I. Formerly: PUAF359I,
PUAF214. Defines philanthropy as an exploration of how one develops a vision of the public good and
then deploys resources (including donations, volunteers, and voluntary associations) to achieve an impact.
PLCY 215 Innovation and Social Change: Creating Change for Good (3) Credit only granted for:
PLCY215 or PUAF215. Formerly: PUAF215. A team-based, highly interactive and dynamic course that
provides an opportunity for students to generate solutions to a wide range of problems facing many
communities today. Students in the iGIVE Program will deepen their understanding of entrepreneurship
and innovation practices by creating and implementing projects or ventures that address an issue of their
choosing while learning topics such as communications, project management, teamwork, leadership,
fundraising, project sustainability and next steps in social change.
PLCY 301 Sustainability (3) Also offered as: AGNR301. Credit only granted for: AGNR301,
PUAF301, or PLCY301. Formerly: PUAF301. Designed for students whose academic majors would be
enhanced by the complementary study of a widely shared but hard-to-operationalize aspiration: that
present choices should preserve or improve future options rather than foreclose or degrade them. How
should we understand sustainability? How might we achieve it? How would we know if we had achieved
it? And how could sustainability activists of a rising generation lead by example?
PLCY 302 Leadership: Philosophy, Policy and Praxis (3) Credit only granted for: PLCY302 or
PUAF302. Formerly: PUAF302. Leadership as a search for meaning, identity and purpose are explored.
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Also introduces major philosophical traditions, from the ancient world to the modern one, and encourages
students to ground their leadership interests and aspirations in a disciplined process of self-reflection,
critical thinking and inquiry.
PLCY 311 Women in Leadership (3) Credit only granted for: PUAF311, PLCY311 or PUAF359W.
Formerly: PUAF359W. Examines the role of women in the leadership process including the participation
of women as activists, voters, advocates, public leaders and as agents of change through various avenues
including, among others, public service (elected and appointed), the media, community service, political
organizations, and the nonprofit sector.
PLCY 312 Leading to Get Results (3) Credit only granted for: PUAF312, PLCY312 or PUAF359J.
Formerly: PUAF359J. Students will have an opportunity to learn and use results-based leadership
competencies to take actions that will make a measurable difference in an issue affecting the student
and/or university community.
PLCY 313 Advocacy in the American Political System (3) Credit only granted for: PUAF313,
PLCY313 or PUAF359C. Formerly: PUAF359C. Introduces students to the creation of law through the
legislative process with a special focus on the Maryland General Assembly.
PLCY 315 Intelligence As a National Security Instrument (3) Credit only granted for: PUAF315,
PLCY315 or PUAF388I. Formerly: PUAF388I. Examines the role of intelligence in US national security
policy. Topics will include the post WWII history of US intelligence, the current structure of the US
intelligence community, the intelligence cycle, covert action, interrogation and intelligence,
counterintelligence and cybersecurity.
PLCY 338 Academic Seminar for Interns: Federal and International (3) Corequisite: PUAF339.
Restriction: Permission of PLCY-School of Public Policy. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Formerly: PUAF338. The academic seminar for student interns in PUAF399. Students read, discuss,
analyze, and write about topics in political and public policy leadership, and leadership studies.
PLCY 339 Internship in Political Institutions: Federal and International (3-6) Corequisite:
PUAF338. Restriction: Permission of PLCY-School of Public Policy. Repeatable to 12 credits if content
differs. Credit only granted for: PLCY339 or PUAF339. Formerly: PUAF339. Offers students supervised
internship placements in federal and international political or public policy organizations.
PLCY 348 Academic Seminar for Interns: State and Local (3) Prerequisite: Permission of PLCY-
School of Public Policy. Corequisite: PUAF349. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only
granted for: PLCY348 or PUAF348. Formerly: PUAF348. The academic seminar for student interns in
PUAF349. Students read, discuss, analyze, and write about topics in political and public policy
leadership, and leadership studies.
PLCY 349 Internship in Political Institutions: State and Local (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of
PLCY-School of Public Policy. Corequisite: PUAF348. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Credit
only granted for: PLCY349 or PUAF349. Formerly: PUAF349. Offers students supervised internship
placements in state and local political or public policy organizations.
PLCY 359 Contemporary Issues in Political Leadership and Participation (3) Prerequisite:
Permission of PLCY-School of Public Policy. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Credit only
granted for: PLCY359 or PUAF359. Formerly: PUAF359. Special topics in political leadership and
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PLCY 368 Internship in Community Service Organizations (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of PLCY-
School of Public Policy. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: PLCY368 or
PUAF368. Formerly: PUAF368. Offers students supervised placements in non-profit community
PLCY 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of PLCY-School of Public Policy.
Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: PLCY386 or PUAF386. Formerly:
PLCY 388 Special Topics in Public Policy (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of PLCY-School of Public
Policy. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit only
granted for: PLCY388 or PUAF388. Formerly: PUAF388. Advanced special topics focusing on an
interdisciplinary topic related to Public Policy.
PLCY 396 Fellowship Program in Political Leadership (2-6) Prerequisite: Permission of PLCY-
School of Public Policy. Restriction: Must be enrolled in the full-time fellowship program. Credit only
granted for: PLCY396 or PUAF396. Formerly: PUAF396. Individual instruction course.
PLCY 398 Fellowship Program in Political Leadership (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of PLCY-
School of Public Policy. Restriction: Must be enrolled in the full-time fellowship program. Repeatable to
12 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: PLCY398 or PUAF398. Formerly: PUAF398.
PLCY 399 Directed Study in Public Policy (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of PLCY-School of Public
Policy. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: PLCY399 or PUAF399.
Formerly: PUAF399. Guidance for the advanced student capable on interdisciplinary study on special
projects under the supervision of faculty.
PLSC -- Plant Sciences
PLSC 100 Introduction to Horticulture (4) An overview to the art and science of horticulture.
Relationships between plant science and plant production, the use of horticultural plants and plant stress
as influenced by cultural practices.
PLSC 101 Introductory Crop Science (4) Major crop plants including: anatomy, physiology,
morphology, history, use, adaptation, culture, improvement and economic importance.
PLSC 115 How Safe is Your Salad? The Microbiological Safety of Fresh produce (3) Recommended:
PLSC100, PLSC101, or BSCI105; or (BSCI170 and BSCI171). As food is produced in larger quantities
and made to travel longer distances, keeping our food safe in this day and age is an ever growing
challenge. This course will focus on the question of what it takes to grow and maintain safe fruits and
vegetables, as food travels along the path from the farm to your fork. Food safety of fresh produce will be
discussed from the public health, agricultural, economical and policy perspectives.
PLSC 120 Mushrooms and Molds (3) Students will learn about how essential fungi (mushroom, molds,
and alikes) are in this world and how they affect our daily lives. They will learn how fungi interact with
animals, plants and other organisms in positive and negative ways. Also, they will study the importance
of fungi in biotechnology and food and how they have shaped many societies throughout history.
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PLSC 125 Feeding Nine Billion by 2050: Food Security and Crop Protection (3) A big question in
global food security is "how can we feed 9 billion people in 2050?" This course will stimulate creative
thinking about possible solutions particularly from the crop production perspective. The instructor will
introduce the concept of food security and different dimensions of this complex issue, identify major
constraints to food security, and discuss scientific approaches that may be used to meet the grand
challenge. Emphasis will be placed on topical and controversial issues such as the impact of biofuel
production and GM crops on food security, and novel strategies that can enhance crop protection for
improving food security.
PLSC 171 Introduction to Urban Forestry (3) Students are taught the basic concepts and principles of
urban forestry. They will learn about the role of urban forests and green infrastructure as related to
sustainability of local and global environments and communities. Urban forests will be studied from the
perspectives of science, community development, landscape management, public policies, and laws.
PLSC 201 Plant Structure and Function (4) Prerequisite: PLSC100; or PLSC101. And CHEM103; or
CHEM131. And CHEM132. The relationship between plant structure and function and how the
environment influences changes in the physiology to control higher plant growth and development are
PLSC 203 Plants, Genes and Biotechnology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI103 or BSCI105; or (BSCI170 and
BSCI171). An overview of the history, genetics, and reproductive mechanisms for agronomic and
horticultural plants that examines mechanisms of genetic improvement ranging from traditional plant
breeding to tissue culture and genetic engineering. Social and political issues such as germplasm
preservation and international intellectual property rights will also be discussed.
PLSC 204 Fundamentals of Agricultural Mechanics (3) Credit only granted for: ENBE200 or
PLSC204. Formerly: ENBE200. A comprehensive course that teaches the fundamentals of agricultural
related mechanics. Lecture and lab exercises will cover the broad range of topics associated with
agricultural mechanics including electricity, plumbing, welding processes, and wood and metal working
applications. Emphasis will be given to the design and installation of electrical circuits. It will also
include project planning and implementation including development of safety protocols for each area of
study and introduction of GPS equipment and software for survey data collection.
PLSC 205 Introduction to Turf Science and Management (4) Credit only granted for: PLSC205 or
PLSC305. Formerly: PLSC305. Principals of turf science and culture with emphasis on turfgrass
anatomy, morphology, and physiology. The role of cultural interventions in achieving specific aesthetic
and functional objectives is examined for multiple turf uses. Pest problems typically encountered in
turfgrass management are also covered.
PLSC 226 Plant Diversity (4) Prerequisite: PLSC201; or permission of instructor. Students will learn to
identify and understand relationships among major plant families of northeastern North America,
especially of the Mid-Atlantic region, through lecture, field, and laboratory study. Characteristics and
biogeography of and evolutionary relationships among families are emphasized in lecture. These
characteristics will be woven together to provide understanding of the ecological and evolutionary drivers
of plant diversity and the history of the field. Sight identification of families, genera, and species and
keying skills are stressed in field and laboratory sessions.
PLSC 235 Irrigation and Drainage (3) Credit only granted for: PLSC235 or PLSC489I. Formerly:
PLSC489I. An overview of U.S. and state water doctrines and plant water use rates. Irrigation systems for
residential and athletic field use will be discussed covering such topics as hydraulics, sprinkler spacing,
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pipe selection and sizing, pumps, controllers, valves, and irrigation trouble shooting. Surface and
subsurface drainage for turfgrass sites will also be covered.
PLSC 244 Herbaceous Plants (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100 or PLSC101. Credit only granted for:
PLSC244 or PLSC489A. Formerly: PLSC489A. Herbaceous plants are integral components of residential
and commercial landscapes. Students will become familiar with 250 annual and perennial plants. The
emphasis will be on plant management requirements and seasonal variation in the landscape.
PLSC 251 Financial Applications for the Green Industry (3) Credit only granted for: PLSC361 or
PLSC251. Formerly: PLSC361. An introduction to the application of financial principles in the Green
Industry business sector. Accounting, pricing, and estimating, job cost management and production
efficiency are discussed and manifested in Scholarship In Practice exercises, case studies and a business
plan project.
PLSC 253 Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscapes I (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100. A field and
laboratory study of trees, shrubs, and vines used in ornamental plantings. Major emphasis is placed on
native deciduous plant materials.
PLSC 254 Woody Plants for Mid-Atlantic Landscape II (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100 and PLSC253; or
permission of instructor. A field and laboratory study of trees, shrubs, and vines used in ornamental
plantings. Major emphasis is placed on introduced and evergreen plant materials.
PLSC 255 Landscape Design and Implementation (4) Prerequisite: PLSC253 or PLSC254. Restriction:
Must not have completed LARC141; and must not have completed LARC341. Principles of landscape
architecture applied to residential and commercial landscaping: informal and formal designs and plan
PLSC 271 Plant Propagation (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100; or (BSCI170 and BSCI171); or BSCI105. A
study of the principles and practices in the propagation of plants.
PLSC 272 Principles of Arboriculture (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100 and PLSC171. Recommended:
ENST200. The establishment and maintenance of healthy trees in an urban setting will be studied.
Lectures will focus on the environmental constraints to tree development in the city, and the role of
physiological processes in regulating tree vigor. Laboratory exercises will cover the unique aspects of
urban soils, tree valuation procedures, pruning and training, and supervised climbing.
PLSC 275 Fundamentals of Agricultural Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: CHEM131 and CHEM132. And
PLSC100; or PLSC101; or (BSCI160 and BSCI161); or (BSCI170 and BSCI171); or BSCI105; or
BSCI106. Restriction: Must not have completed CHEM104 or CHEM105. And must be in a major within
the AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture department; or must be in a major within the AGNR-
Animal & Avian Sciences department; or permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: PLSC275,
CHEM104, or CHEM105. An in-depth discussion of chemistry targeted to students enrolled in plant and
animal management curricula offered in AGNR. Covers the nomenclature and basic functional groups in
organic chemistry, secondary plant metabolites, basic tenets of organic agriculture and the creation of
genetically-modified plants. The chemistry, handling and usage of agricultural pesticides is also
PLSC 303 Global Food Systems (3) Prerequisite: BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105; or students who
have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. An introduction to the global
food system and its agricultural, biophysical, and socioeconomic domains. The problems and potentials
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for increasing world food supply based on current agronomic knowledge. Emphasis on international
aspects of food crop production as its interrelationships with people and the environment in the
developing world.
PLSC 305 Introduction to Turf Management (3) Principles of turf culture. Identification and uses of
turfgrass species; turfgrass fertilization, cultivation, mowing and establishment; and the identification of
turf pests.
PLSC 321 Landscape Structures and Materials (3) Prerequisite: PLSC320. Also offered as:
LARC321. Credit only granted for: LARC321 or PLSC321. An examination of the use, properties, and
detailing of materials used in landscape construction. The use and design of structures in the landscape.
PLSC 388 Honors Thesis Research (3-6) Prerequisite: Must be in the AGNR Honors Program.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Undergraduate honors thesis research conducted under the
direction of an AGNR faculty member in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the College of AGNR
Honors Program. The thesis will be defended to a faculty committee.
PLSC 389 Internship (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. And must be in Plant Sciences program; or must be in
Landscape Architecture program. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Credit will be given for
practical work carried out at one or more horticultural, agronomic, landscape industries, botanical
gardens, or arboreta under formally arranged internships.
PLSC 398 Seminar (1) Restriction: Senior standing. And must be in Landscape Architecture program; or
must be in Plant Sciences program. Oral presentation of the results of investigational work by reviewing
recent scientific literature in the various phases of natural resource sciences, horticulture and agronomy.
PLSC 399 Special Problems in Plant Science (1-3) Prerequisite: 12 credits in PLSC courses; and
permission of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture department. Restriction: Must be in Plant
Sciences program. Repeatable to 6 credits. Research projects in Plant Science including field, greenhouse,
laboratory, studio and/or library studies. Research is conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
PLSC 400 Plant Physiology (4) Prerequisite: BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105; or PLSC201. And
CHEM231 and CHEM232; or CHEM237; or permission of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape
Architecture department. Also offered as: BSCI442. Credit only granted for: BSCI442 or PLSC400. A
survey of plant physiology and development responses and adaptation to the environment.
PLSC 401 Pest Management Strategies for Turfgrass (3) Prerequisite: PLSC305. Interdisciplinary
view of weed, disease, and insect management from an agronomy perspective. Plant responses to pest
invasion, diagnosis of pest-related disorders, and principles of weed, disease and insect suppression
through cultural, biological and chemical means are discussed.
PLSC 402 Sports Turf Management (3) Prerequisite: PLSC305 and PLSC401. Sports turf management,
including design, construction, soil modification, soil cultural techniques, pesticide use, fertilization, and
specialized equipment.
PLSC 405 Agroecology (3) Prerequisite: At least one course in ecology; or permission of instructor.
Recommended: BSCI361 or PLSC471; or any BSCI or ENST ecology course. Credit only granted for:
PLSC405 or PLSC605. Additional information: Class will be held on campus, with two day-long field
trips to local farms. How can we balance the multiple, and often competing objectives of sustainable
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agricultural intensification to promote both agricultural productivity and human wellbeing? The answer to
this question requires a transdisciplinary, agroecological perspective. Agroecology is the integrative study
of the ecology of the entire food system, encompassing ecological, economic and social dimensions. This
course is designed to introduce various topics in agroecology (e.g. organic agriculture, biodiversity, the
Farm Bill). We will take an ecosystems approach to the study of agriculture that will enable students to
analyze the environmental, social, and economic interconnections within various types of agricultural
systems locally and globally.
PLSC 407 Advanced Crop Science (3) Prerequisite: PLSC101. And BSCI170 and BSCI171; or
BSCI105. A study of principles of production for forage crops, corn, small grains, rice, millets, sorghums,
soybeans and other oil seed crops. Their seed production, processing, distribution and the current federal
and state seed control programs for these agronomic crops will also be discussed.
PLSC 410 Commercial Turf Maintenance and Production (3) Prerequisite: PLSC305; or permission
of AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape Architecture department. Agronomic programs and practices used
in hydroseeding, commercial lawn care, sod production and seed production. Current environmental,
regulatory and business management issues confronting the turfgrass industry.
PLSC 415 Diseases of Trees and Shrubs (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100 and PLSC201; or permission of
instructor. Credit only granted for: PLSC415 or PLSC489E. Formerly: PLSC489E. Diseases on woody
plants commonly planted or native to Mid-Atlantic region. Biology, identification and management of
important plant pathogens.
PLSC 420 Principles of Plant Pathology (4) Prerequisite: CHEM131, CHEM132, and PLSC201; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. An introduction to
the causal agents, nature and management of plant diseases with particular attention paid to economically
important diseases of horticultural and agronomic crops.
PLSC 425 Green Roofs and Urban Sustainability (1) Credit only granted for: PLSC425 or PLSC489V.
Formerly: PLSC489V. The integration of disciplines associated with sustainability issues. Topics range
from plant science to design to policy, all of which can contribute to improving the urban environment.
PLSC 430 Water and Nutrient Planning for the Nursery and Greenhouse Industry (3) Prerequisite:
CHEM131 and CHEM132; or ENST200; or permission of instructor. Recommended: PLSC432. Skills
will be developed in order to write nutrient management plans for the greenhouse and nursery industry.
Completion of this course can lead to professional certification in nutrient planning by the State of
Maryland after MDA examinations are passed.
PLSC 432 Greenhouse Crop Production (3) Prerequisite: PLSC201 and PLSC202; and must have
completed or be concurrently enrolled in BSCI442. The commercial production and marketing of
ornamental plant crops under greenhouse, plastic houses and out-of-door conditions.
PLSC 433 Technology of Fruit and Vegetable Production (4) Prerequisite: PLSC201, NRSC411,
PLSC271, and PLSC202; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the
department. Corequisite: BSCI442. Recommended: ENST200. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
Credit only granted for: NRSC411 or PLSC433. A critical analysis of research work and application of
the principles of plant physiology, chemistry and botany to practical problems in the commercial
production of fruit and vegetable crops.
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PLSC 452 Environmental Horticulture (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100 or PLSC101; and (PLSC253 and
PLSC254). Environmental horticulture principles used in the establishment and maintenance of plant
materials in residential and commercial landscapes will be addressed. The effect of soil conditions,
environmental factors, and commercial practices will be discussed in relation to the growth and
development of newly-installed plant materials. Field diagnostics will be used by students to assess
significant problems of plant decline. Environmental sustainability will be combined with current
commercial practices of storm water management, nutrient management, and irrigation management to
achieve an integrated approach to plant management.
PLSC 453 Weed Science (3) Weed identification, ecology, and control (cultural, mechanical, biological,
and chemical methods).
PLSC 460 Application of Knowledge in Plant Sciences (3) Prerequisite: PLSC100 or PLSC101; or
permission of instructor. Recommended: ENGL393 and ENST200; and (PLSC389 or PLSC399).
Restriction: Senior standing or higher. And must be in a major within AGNR-Plant Science & Landscape
Architecture department; or must be in another related major. A capstone course based on interactions
with plant science professionals and student-led class discussions. Students will apply their knowledge
and experience to practical issues in the discipline, further develop critical thinking ability, and enhance
their communication, teamwork, and professional skills. Topics will include nutrient management,
integrated pest management, plant interactions with urban and rural ecosystems, planning of public
grounds, plant biotechnology, and teaching skills.
PLSC 461 Cultural Management of Nursery and Greenhouse Systems: Substrates (1) Credit only
granted for: PLSC461 or PLSC489T. Formerly: PLSC489T. Additional information: Course material is
delivered primarily online, but a four hour face-to-face lecture/lab will be held at the end of the module.
PLSC 461, 462 and 464 will be taught sequentially during the semester. One of three 1-credit modules
(PLSC461, PLSC462 and PLSC 464)covering the management techniques used in the intensive culture of
plants in commercial operations. Specifically, this module covers the composition, handling, physical and
chemical properties of substrates and how they should be managed to maximize plant growth.
PLSC 462 Cultural Management of Nursery and Greenhouse Systems; Irrigation (1) Credit only
granted for: PLSC462 or PLSC489W. Formerly: PLSC489W. Additional information: Course material is
delivered primarily online, but a four hour face-to-face lecture/lab will be held at the end of the module.
PLSC 461, 462 and 464 will be taught sequentially during the semester. One of three 1-credit modules
(PLSC461, PLSC462 and PLSC464) covering the management techniques used in the intensive culture of
plants in commercial operations. Specifically, this module covers water quantity and quality issues, water
supply (basic hydraulics), irrigation system design and irrigation system evaluation (performance) to
maximize water application efficiency.
PLSC 464 Cultural Management of Nursery and Greenhouse Systems: Nutrients (1) Credit only
granted for: PLSC464 or PLSC489Z. Formerly: PLSC489Z. Additional information: Course material is
delivered primarily online, but a four hour face-to-face lecture/lab will be held at the end of the module.
PLSC 461, 462 and 464 will be taught sequentially during the semester. One of three 1-credit modules
(PLSC461, PLSC462 and PLSC464) covering the management techniques used in the intensive culture of
plants in commercial operations. Specifically, this module covers the basics of fertilization, different
fertilization strategies and nutrient use and efficiency, to optimize nutrient application practices in
intensive plant production systems.
PLSC 471 Forest Ecology (3) Prerequisite: PLSC201; or (BSCI160 and BSCI161); or BSCI106. An
understanding of the forest ecosystem, its structure and the processes that regulate it are provided. It also
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considers changes that occur in forests, the interaction of environment and genetics in promoting
ecosystem sustainability, and the role of human influences on urban forest ecosystems.
PLSC 472 Capstone-Urban Forest Project Management (3) Prerequisite: ENST200, PLSC272, and
PLSC471. Restriction: Senior standing or higher; and must be in a major within AGNR-Plant Science &
Landscape Architecture department. Students will synthesize the ideas and information learned from their
studies in urban forestry. Working in teams, students will complete projects involving real-world issues.
Student projects will use scientific, social, political and ethical considerations in an interdisciplinary
approach to provide solutions to their problem.
PLSC 473 Woody Plant Physiology (3) Prerequisite: BSCI442 or PLSC201; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Concentration is placed on physiological
processes important to woody plant growth and development. Emphasis will be placed on current
concepts and theories of how woody plants grow and develop, and the critical assessment of current
research in woody plant physiology. Course readings will include textbook assignments and selected
papers from the current scientific literature.
PLSC 475 Applied Forestry Practices (3) Prerequisite: ENST200. And ENST360; or PLSC471. Also
offered as: ENST406. Credit only granted for: ENST406 or PLSC475. Focuses on the applied dynamics
of a set of forest practices such as management, silviculture, measurement and inventory, preparation of a
management plan, etc, within the urban/rural interface. Several field trips are included to gain hands-on
PLSC 480 Urban Ecology (3) Prerequisite: PLSC471, ENST360, or BSCI363; or other
coursework/experience considered for instructor permission. Additional information: Class will be held
both on campus and at other locations such as the U.S. Botanic Garden, local parks, and urban and
suburban locations off campus. Cities are rapidly increasing in number and size across the globe,
transforming local ecosystems. This course examines urban environments as coupled social-ecological
systems at multiple scales, from streets and parks to urban landscapes patterns and global patterns of
biodiversity. Ecological principles are applied in the urban context, including habitats, biodiversity,
ecological processes, and ecosystem services of urban environments, with applications to problems in
urban land management, decision-making and design.
PLSC 481 Vegetation Assessment and Analysis (2) Prerequisite: PLSC100; or (BSCI160 and
BSCI161); or BSCI106; or permission of instructor. Recommended: PLSC201, BSCI360, PLSC226, or
PLSC471. An overview of vegetation assessment through the collection of data in the field (e.g. plots and
transects) and the analysis of existing data and remotely detected images (e.g. Aerial photographs and
GIS layers).
PLSC 489 Special Topics in Plant Science (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. A lecture and
or laboratory series organized to study a selected phase of Plant Science not covered by existing courses.
Credit according to time scheduled and organization of the course.
PORT -- Portuguese
PORT 104 Intensive Elementary Portuguese (4) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language
Placement Test (FLPT) score. Covers speaking, reading, writing, listening, and culture of Portuguese-
speaking world.
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PORT 204 Intensive Intermediate Portuguese (4) Prerequisite: PORT104; or must have appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Covers speaking, reading, writing, listening, and culture
of Portuguese-speaking world.
PORT 205 Intermediate Reading and Conversation in Portuguese I (3) Prerequisite: PORT204; or
permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Development of spoken
Portuguese at intermediate level based on written assignments and exams on readings in a variety of
PORT 207 Intermediate Reading and Conversation in Portuguese II (3) Prerequisite: PORT205; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Not
open to native/fluent speakers of Portuguese. Advanced practice of oral and written Portuguese. Reading
and discussions of texts, review of grammar, and vocabulary practice.
PORT 222 Cannibals, Savages and Carnivalization: The Making of Brazilian National Culture (3)
Credit only granted for: PORT222 or PORT228C. Formerly: PORT228C. Introduction to the main
concepts, cultural movements, and ideas that have shaped Brazilian modern culture. Exploring some of
the ways in which cultural cannibalism, savagery, and carnivalization have been deployed as symbolic
frameworks in the construction of a national identity through analyses of film, literature, music and visual
arts. Taught in English.
PORT 223 Portuguese Culture (3) Political, social, intellectual, and literary forces shaping culture of
contemporary Portugal from the formation of the country to the present. Taught in English.
PORT 224 Brazilian Culture (3) Pluralistic formation of Brazilian culture, based on European, African
and Indian contributions. Lectures, discussions, slides, video, and film presentations. Taught in English.
PORT 228 Selected Topics in Latin American Literature and Society (3-6) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Also offered as: SPAN228. Credit only granted for: PORT228 or SPAN228. Variable
cultural studies topics on literature and society in contemporary Latin America. Taught in English.
PORT 229 Selected Topics in Latin American Culture (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Varied topics in Latin America culture.
PORT 230 Brazilian Portuguese through Film (3) Prerequisite: PORT205; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Intermediate practice of oral and written
Portuguese through discussion of Brazilian movies, along with grammar review and vocabulary exercises.
Taught in Portuguese.
PORT 231 Introduction to the Literatures of the Portuguese Language (3) Prerequisite: PORT205; or
permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Combines studies of
Brazilian and Portuguese literatures, along with the examination of literary trends, concepts and terms to
texts and excerpts of longer works, chosen for their cultural, historical and stylistic interest. Taught in
PORT 234 Issues in Latin American Studies I (3) Also offered as: SPAN234, LASC234. Credit only
granted for: PORT234, or SPAN234, or LASC234. Interdisciplinary study of major issues in Latin
America and the Caribbean, including Latin America's cultural mosaic, migration and urbanization.
Democratization and the role of religions. Taught in English.
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PORT 235 Issues in Latin American Studies II (3) Also offered as: SPAN235, LASC235. Credit only
granted for: PORT235, or SPAN235, or LASC235. Major issues shaping Latin American and Caribbean
societies including the changing constructions of race, ethnicity, gender and class as well as expressions
of popular cultures and revolutionary practices. A continuation of PORT/LASC/SPAN 234, but
completion of 234 is not a prerequisite. Taught in English.
PORT 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PORT 320 Survey of Portuguese Literature (3) Portuguese poetry, fiction and drama from the Twelfth
Century to the present. Taught in English.
PORT 332 Brazilian Cinema (3) Also offered as: FILM332. Credit only granted for: PORT332,
FILM332, or PORT378. Formerly: PORT378. Brazilian films from the late 1950s to the present with a
special view to the relationship between cinema, society, historical dates, and social changes in Brazil.
Taught in English.
PORT 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PORT 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department; and junior standing or higher.
PORT 388 Special Topics in Brazilian Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Exposes
students to textual, visual and aural products to explore how Brazil has been shaped from within and
abroad. Focuses on the broad meaning and impact on Brazilian culture and social formation. Taught in
PORT 399 Independent Study in Portuguese (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 3 credits. Specific readings in literature
under the supervision of a faculty member of the department.
PORT 405 Portuguese for Spanish Speakers (3) Restriction: Must have native or acquired fluency in
Spanish. Intensive basic grammar, reading and auditory comprehension. Native or acquired fluency in
Spanish required.
PORT 408 Special Topics in Portuguese Literature (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Major
themes and literary developments from the late 18th century to the present.
PORT 409 Special Topics in Brazilian Literature (3-6) Major themes and literary development from
the late eighteenth century to the present. Specific topic to be announced each time the course is offered.
PORT 478 Themes and Movements of Luso-Brazilian Literature in Translation (3) Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. A study of specific themes and movements either in Portuguese or Brazilian
literature, as announced. Designed for students for whom the literatures would be inaccessible in
PORT 480 Machado de Assis (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures,
and Cultures department. Fiction of Machado de Assis covering his romantic and realistic periods.
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PSYC -- Psychology
PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology (3) A basic introductory course, intended to bring the student
into contact with the major problems confronting psychology and the more important attempts at their
PSYC 111 The Psychology of Unethical Conduct (1) Additional information: Online and self-paced
course open to all majors. An exploration of the University of Maryland's 10 Principles of Ethical and
Responsible Conduct (http://www.responsibleconduct.umd.edu) and the reasons why unethical conduct
might occur. Covers a broad range of psychological theories and research with the focus on applying the
science for a more ethical life, campus and community.
PSYC 123 The Psychology of Getting Hired (1) Designed to introduce students to the science behind
the hiring process and to prepare individuals with the academic and practical training required. Together
we will explore psychological principles that influence the selection process and how individuals can
apply them for the competitive edge that makes others Fear the Turtle!
PSYC 138 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PSYC 200 Statistical Methods in Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. And 1 course with a
minimum grade of C- from (STAT100, MATH107, MATH111, MATH120, MATH130, MATH140); or
must have completed MATH220 with a minimum grade of C-. Credit only granted for: BIOM301,
BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422, JOUR405,
PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily meet the same major requirements-check with
your advisor to see which of these courses will count for your major). A basic introduction to quantitative
methods used in psychological research.
PSYC 206 Developmental Biopsychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Biological basis of behavioral
development in relation to genetic, constitutional, anatomical, physiological, and environmental factors.
Emphasis upon both phylogenetic and ontogenetic research findings in biological psychology.
PSYC 210 Personality and Temperament: Developmental Origins, Brain Bases, and Clinical
Implications (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Restriction: Must be in Psychology program. What is known
about what makes each of us unique? How do these differences contribute to enduring differences in
health & wealth? We will review recent research in humans and non-humans aimed at understanding the
psychological & biological mechanisms underlying stable individual differences in personality. We will
discuss the phylogenetic and ontogenetic origins of temperament, measurement issues, fundamental
dimensions of personality across the lifespan, neurobiological substrates of temperament/personality,
mechanisms contributing to stability and change, implications for psychopathology, & broader
implications for public/macroeconomic policy.
PSYC 221 Social Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. The influence of social factors on the
individual and on interpersonal behavior. Includes topics such as conformity, attitude change, person
perception, interpersonal attraction, and group behavior.
PSYC 238 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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PSYC 300 Research Methods in Psychology Laboratory (4) Prerequisite: PSYC200. Restriction: Must
be in Psychology program. Credit only granted for: PSYC300 or PSYC309R. Formerly: PSYC309R. A
general introduction and overview to the fundamental theoretical, conceptual, and practical issues in
psychological research in both the laboratory and the field.
PSYC 301 Biological Basis of Behavior (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. And BSCI170 and BSCI171; or
BSCI105. An introduction to the anatomical structures and physiological processes that determine
behavior. After a study of the basic functioning of the nervous system, the course will examine the
acquisition and processing of sensory information, the neural control of movement, and the biological
bases of complex behaviors such as sleep, learning, memory, sex, language, and addiction.
PSYC 302 Fundamentals of Learning and Behavior (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. And BSCI170 and
BSCI171; or BSCI105. Restriction: Restricted to psychology majors during the registration period. All
other majors will be placed on a hold file. Credit only granted for: PSYC309F or PSYC302. Formerly:
PSYC309F. Overview of the fundamental types of learning that occur without formal instruction. The
course covers fundamentals of classical and instrumental conditioning as studied in a variety of species in
addition to more modern theories of learning. We will then explore how these principles influence diverse
processes such as memory, attention, extinction, categorization, motivation, and in some cases, how they
are implemented in the brain and disrupted in disease.
PSYC 303 Professional Development for Psychology Majors (1) Prerequisite: PSYC100; and must
have completed 3 additional credits in PSYC courses. Or permission of BSOS-Psychology department.
Restriction: Must be in a major within BSOS-Psychology department. Credit only granted for:
PSYC309C or PSYC303. Formerly: PSYC309C. An investigation of various career and graduate school
opportunities available to psychology majors. Students will learn about a wide range of career fields, will
learn how to utilize available resources to pursue career goals, and will take steps to advance their
professional identity and development.
PSYC 309 Special Topics in Psychology (1-3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Restriction: Must be in
Psychology program; and sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topics
of current interest which represent extensions of or additions to topics covered in more general topical
PSYC 310 Perception (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. And CHEM103; or PHYS121; or (BSCI160 and
BSCI161); or (BSCI170 and BSCI171); or BSCI105; or BSCI106. Restriction: Must not have completed
PSYC410. A survey of phenomena and theories of perception including psychological, anatomical,
physiological, and environmental factors important in determining how we perceive the world. Historical
background will be examined as well as contemporary research.
PSYC 318 Community Interventions: Theory and Research (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Restriction:
Must be in one of the following programs (Women's Studies; Psychology) ; and permission of BSOS-
Psychology department. Survey and critical examination of a problem in the community and related
interventions. Analysis of theory and research relevant to the problem. Historical and current trends
discussed. A student who has completed PSYC309 must have permission of the department in order to
register for PSYC318.
PSYC 319 Community Interventions: Service Learning (3) Prerequisite: PSYC318. Restriction: Must
be in one of the following programs (Women's Studies; Psychology) ; and permission of BSOS-
Psychology department. Apply knowledge gained in PSYC318 to provide interventions to individuals
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dealing with a community problem. Critical analysis of interventions and related research. Ethical and
cultural considerations in the provision of services are addressed.
PSYC 330 Child Psychopathology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Restriction: Must be in Psychology
program. Credit only granted for: PSYC309B or PSYC330. Formerly: PSYC309B. Etiology, diagnosis,
prevention and treatment of emotional disorders of childhood and adolescence.
PSYC 332 Psychology of Human Sexuality (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. A survey of historical and
contemporary psychological views on a wide variety of sexual behaviors; theory and research bearing on
the relationship between life span psychological development, psychological functioning, interpersonal
processes and sexual behaviors; political and social issues involved in current sexual norms and practices.
PSYC 334 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Research, theory and
their practical applications pertaining to the development, maintenance and dissolution of human
relationships. Processes critical to successful relating (e.g., communication, bargaining, conflict
resolution), and issues associated with troubled dyadic relations with equal partners (e.g., jealousy, spouse
abuse, divorce).
PSYC 336 Psychology of Women (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Also offered as: WMST336. Credit only
granted for: PSYC336 or WMST336. A survey of the biology, life span development, socialization,
personality, mental health, and special issues of women.
PSYC 338 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PSYC 341 Introduction to Memory and Cognition (3) Prerequisite: PSYC200 and PSYC300. An
introduction to the basic concepts of cognitive psychology, the scientific study of mental processes.
Topics will include perception, attention, memory, reasoning, and language, with an emphasis on how
findings from cognitive psychology can inform real-life thinking (e.g., memory strategies for studying,
pitfalls of multitasking, and how/why our memories can fail us).
PSYC 353 Adult Psychopathology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Restriction: Must be in Psychology
program. The nature, diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of mental disorders.
PSYC 354 Cross-Cultural Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Cultural components in theory and
research in personality, social, and community psychology. Interplay of individual, ethnic, and cultural
factors in psychosocial growth and well-being, cross-cultural and cross-ethnic communication, and
counseling and psychotherapeutic interactions.
PSYC 355 Developmental Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Survey of research and theory of
psychological development from conception through childhood, stressing physiological, conceptual and
behavioral changes, and the social and biological context in which individuals develop.
PSYC 356 Psychology of Adolescence (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. A description of adolescent
development based on research and theory interrelating psychological, intellectual, and social changes
during the teen years and the systems dealing with those changes.
PSYC 361 Survey of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. A general
survey of the field of industrial organizational psychology including such topics as organizational entry
(recruitment, selection, training, socialization); organizational psychology (motivation, leadership, job
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attitudes); and productivity in the work place (performance appraisal, absenteeism, turnover). The role
that the larger environment plays in influencing work behaviors and work attitudes.
PSYC 362 Introduction to Negotiation (3) Prerequisite: PSYC221 or PSYC361; or permission of
BSOS-Psychology department. Restriction: Must be in Psychology program. Credit only granted for:
PSYC309F or PSYC362. Formerly: PSYC309F. Additional information: Restricted to PSYC majors
during preregistration. Overview of the field of negotiation and the social-psychological and contextual
factors that facilitate and inhibit successful negotiation agreements. Students will engage in a variety of
negotiation exercises individually and as a team.
PSYC 389 Experiential Learning (1-6) Prerequisite: PSYC100; and permission of BSOS-Psychology
department; and 9 credits in PSYC courses. Restriction: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8; and must have
earned a minimum 3.0 Psychology GPA. Formerly: PSYC386. Internship in psychology-related fields.
PSYC 401 Biological Bases of Behavior Laboratory (4) Prerequisite: PSYC300; and (PSYC301 or
BSCI353). Restriction: Permission of instructor; and must be in Psychology program; and must have
earned a minimum of 85 credits. A laboratory course to introduce students to some of the basic
physiological and anatomical techniques of contemporary neuroscience. Exercises look at specific
neurons or groups of neurons and how they control such simple behaviors as swimming, prey capture,
and species recognition. The lab exercises use living invertebrates and cold-blooded vertebrates.
PSYC 402 Neural Systems and Behavior (3) Prerequisite: PSYC301. Additional information: Priority is
given to PSYC majors. Research on the physiological basis of behavior, including considerations of
sensory phenomenon, motor coordination, emotion, drives, and the neurological basis of memory.
PSYC 403 Animal Behavior (3) Prerequisite: PSYC301. Reviews the theoretical framework underlying
the study of animal behavior. The genetic, hormonal and physiological basis of behavior, and the relation
to ecological and evolutionary processes will be discussed using examples that range from invertebrate
animals to humans.
PSYC 404 Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC301. Restriction: Must be
in Psychology program. Theoretical viewpoints on the interaction of drugs and behavior. Basic principles
of pharmacology, the effects of drugs on various behaviors, experimental analysis of drug dependence
and abuse, and neuropharmacology and behavior.
PSYC 406 Neuroethology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC301. Restriction: Must be in Psychology program. A
merger between the disciplines of neuroscience and ethology (animal behavior) studies the behavioral
functions of nervous systems using a comparative and evolutionary approach. Students will learn how the
nervous system controls behavioral patterns in a variety of different organisms ranging from insects to
PSYC 407 Behavioral Neurobiology Laboratory (4) Prerequisite: PSYC300 and PSYC301; and
permission of instructor. Restriction: Must be in Psychology program; and must have earned a minimum
of 85 credits. Laboratory exercises introducing concepts and techniques of behavioral neurobiology.
Activities emphasize design of neurobiology experiments, hands-on experience with behavioral and
neurobiological techniques, data collection, and analysis of the results. Most exercises use living animals.
PSYC 409 Topics in Neurosciences Seminar (1) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Psychology
department; and junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 4 credits if content differs. Current research in
neurosciences will be presented, read, and discussed. Emphasis will change each term.
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PSYC 410 Experimental Psychology: Sensory Processes I (4) Prerequisite: PSYC300. Restriction: Must
be in Psychology program; and must have earned a minimum of 85 credits; and permission of BSOS-
Psychology department. A systematic survey of the content, models, and methodology of sensory and
perceptual research.
PSYC 411 Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3) Prerequisite: PSYC200,
PSYC301, and PSYC300. Restriction: Must be in a major within BSOS-Psychology department. Credit
only granted for: PSYC309N or PSYC411. Formerly: PSYC309N. An introduction to functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Students will be taught about formulating testable hypotheses with
fMRI, utilizing basic methods in fMRI studies, and understanding existing limitations of fMRI studies in
the literature.
PSYC 413 Developmental Cognitive/Social Neuroscience (3) Prerequisite: PSYC355 or PSYC301; or
permission of instructor. Restriction: Restricted to psychology majors and neuroscience minors during the
registration period. All other students can reserve a position on the hold file, and will be offered a seat on
a space-available basis. Credit only granted for: PSYC309D, PSYC309H, or PSYC413. Formerly:
PSYC309D, PSYC309H. Developmental cognitive/social neuroscience is the study of how the brain
underlies the acquisition, refinement, and maintenance of complex cognitive and social abilities. The goal
of this course is to gain an understanding of current research, methods, and theories in developmental
cognitive/social neuroscience through lecture and discussion.
PSYC 414 Science of Sleep and Biological Rhythms (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100 and PSYC301; or
permission of instructor. Restriction: Must be in a major within the BSOS-Psychology department; and
restricted to psychology majors during the registration period. All other majors will be placed on a hold
file. A study of the behavioral neurobiology of biological rhythms and sleep including behavioral and
social contexts relevant to chronobiology and sleep science. Current scientific research on the role of the
central nervous system will be a major focus.
PSYC 416 Development of Attachment in Infancy and Childhood: Theory, Research, Methods, and
Clinical Implications (3) Prerequisite: PSYC355; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Must be in a
major within the BSOS-Psychology department. Credit only granted for: PSYC309J or PSYC416.
Formerly: PSYC309J. Overview of the development of attachment during infancy and childhood,
examining theory, research methods, research findings, and clinical implications. Students will observe
videos of attachment assessments, lead class discussion of readings, make class presentations, and
complete writing assignments.
PSYC 420 Experimental Psychology: Social Psychology Laboratory (4) Prerequisite: PSYC300 and
PSYC221. Restriction: Must be in Psychology program; and must have earned a minimum of 85 credits.
A laboratory course to provide a basic understanding of experimental method in social psychology and
experience in conducting research on social processes.
PSYC 423 Advanced Social Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC420. A systematic review of research
and points of view in regard to major problems in the field of social psychology.
PSYC 424 Communication and Persuasion (3) Prerequisite: PSYC221 and PSYC200. Effect of social
communication upon behavior and attitudes. Theory and research concerning attitude change and social
PSYC 425 Psychology and Law (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100, PSYC200, and PSYC300. Restriction: Must
be in Psychology program. Credit only granted for: PSYC309K, PSYC325, or PSYC425. Formerly:
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PSYC309K. An introduction to the intersection of psychology and the criminal justice sytem, known as
the field of legal psychology. The material covered will span the course of the criminal justice process
and examine each aspect from a psychological perspective beginning with profiling and moving on to
eyewitness memory and judgements through perpetrator memories and interrogation techniques. These
apsects will be evaluated with a research lens as well as an applied outlook.
PSYC 432 Counseling Psychology: Theories, Research, and Practice (3) Prerequisite: PSYC200.
Analysis of research and intervention strategies developed and used by counseling psychologists.
Historical and current trends in content and methodology.
PSYC 433 Basic Helping Skills: Research and Practice (4) Prerequisite: PSYC300; and (PSYC434,
PSYC334, PSYC353, PSYC435, PSYC436, or PSYC432). Restriction: Must be in Psychology program;
and must have earned a minimum of 85 credits. Theories and research regarding effective helping skills.
Students will practice helping skills with each other and will conduct research projects evaluating their
helping skills. Students should be willing to talk about personal issues in class. Because of the
participatory nature of this class, attendance normally will be included in the computation of grades.
PSYC 435 Theories of Personality and Psychotherapy (3) Prerequisite: PSYC200. Major theories of
personality and research methods and findings relevant to those theories.
PSYC 436 Introduction to Clinical Psychology: From Science to Practice (3) Prerequisite: PSYC300.
Critical analysis of clinical psychology, with particular emphasis on current developments and trends.
PSYC 437 The Assessment and Treatment of Addictive Behaviors (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100; and 9
credits in PSYC courses. Credit only granted for: PSYC309E (taken in the Winter Term) or PSCY437.
Formerly: PSYC309E. Explores the current research in assessment and treatment of addictive behaviors.
Topics may include addictions in the areas of alcohol, drugs, nicotine, gambling, and eating.
PSYC 438 Special Topics in Study Abroad IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
PSYC 440 Experimental Psychology: Cognitive Processes (4) Prerequisite: PSYC341 and PSYC300.
Restriction: Must be in Psychology program; and must have earned a minimum of 85 credits. A survey of
the content, models, and methods in cognitive psychology with an emphasis on auditory and visual
pattern recognition, information processing, attention, memory, learning, problem solving, and language.
PSYC 442 Psychology of Language (3) Prerequisite: PSYC300 and PSYC341. Restriction: Must be in
Psychology program. Introductory survey of the psychology of language, focusing on the cognitive
processes that enable us to produce and understand language. Topics include speech perception, speech
production, syntactic processing, language development, language disorders, and the brain bases of
PSYC 443 Thinking and Problem Solving (3) Prerequisite: PSYC341 and PSYC300. Restriction: Must
be in Psychology program. Historical development, current theory and data, and research methods in
problem solving. Formal problem solving theory and computer models of thinking and human problem-
solving behavior. The uses of strategies to improve students' own thinking processes and problem-solving
PSYC 444 Cyberpsychology: The Psychology of Human/Computer Interactions (3) Prerequisite:
PSYC200. Credit only granted for: PSYC309E or PSYC444. Formerly: PSYC309E. Explores traditional
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psychological processes in the rapidly changing world of computer and internet technologies. Students
will address how the use of computers impacts many of the major topics in psychology.
PSYC 445 The Psychology of Video Games and Entertainment (3) Prerequisite: PSYC200.
Restriction: Must be in Psychology program; or permission of BSOS-Psychology department. Credit only
granted for: PSYC309V or PSYC445. Formerly: PSYC309V. An exploration of the diverse elements and
theories in the psychology of video games and entertainment. The history and taxonomy of video games,
cognitive and affective elements, virtual reality and social presence, video game violence, and educational
and ethical issues will be covered.
PSYC 450 Field Research in Organizational Psychology (4) Prerequisite: PSYC300 and PSYC361.
Restriction: Must be in Psychology program; and must have earned a minimum of 85 credits. Methods of
field research applicable to organizational settings are examined, including field experiments and quasi-
experiments, observation, interviewing, surveys, content analysis, and various forms of qualitative
PSYC 455 Cognitive Development (3) Prerequisite: PSYC300; and PSYC355. Or permission of
instructor. Restriction: Must be in Psychology program. Theory and research on cognition from a
developmental perspective. This discussion-based seminar will emphasize readings on infancy through
early childhood. Topics will include general abilities such as memory and categorization, as well as
children's emerging knowledge about the physical and social worlds.
PSYC 456 Research Methods in Developmental Psychology Laboratory (4) Prerequisite: PSYC300;
and permission of BSOS-Psychology department. Restriction: Must be in Psychology program; and must
have earned a minimum of 85 credits. A presentation of major research designs used in developmental
psychology and of the methodology used in developmental research, such as observational research,
program evaluation, and laboratory experimentation.
PSYC 457 Consensual Qualitative Research Methods Laboratory (4) Prerequisite: PSYC200 and
PSYC300; and permission of BSOS-Psychology department. Restriction: Must be in Psychology
program; and must have earned a minimum of 85 credits. Credit only granted for: PSYC457 or
PSYC498H (taken in Fall 2010 or Fall 2011). Formerly: PSYC498H. An exploration of philosophy of
science and methods involved in qualitative research methods in counseling psychology, along with a
comparison to quantitative research methods. The laboratory component involves conducting a qualitative
study, including reviewing the literature, designing an interview protocol, training to conduct interviews,
conducting interviews, analyzing the data, and writing a manuscript.
PSYC 460 Psychological Foundations of Personnel Selection and Training (3) Prerequisite: PSYC361
and PSYC200. An examination of issues and processes involved in the design and evaluation of
personnel selection and training programs in a variety of organizational settings: job, person and
organizational analysis; organizational choice; development of predictors; evaluation of instructional and
training systems; criteria for performance evaluation, promotion and training.
PSYC 464 Psychology of Leaders in Work Organizations (3) Prerequisite: PSYC200 and PSYC361.
The psychological assumptions and implications of various theories of management and leadership.
Selections and training; development of careers; influence processes; change of managerial behavior; and
the impact of the larger environment, nature of product or service, and organization structure on
managerial behavior.
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PSYC 468 Field Experience and Special Assignments in Honors (1-3) Prerequisite: Must have
permission of supervisor and honors faculty. Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Psychology department.
Repeatable to 6 credits. An individual experience arranged by the honors student and his or her
supervisor. A proposal submitted to the honors faculty in the semester preceding registration for the
course should state the activities anticipated and the method of evaluation.
PSYC 469 Honors Thesis Proposal Preparation (3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Psychology
department. Repeatable to 3 credits. Development of honors thesis proposal by preliminary research and
literature review. Presentation of formal proposal to the thesis committee.
PSYC 478 Independent Study in Psychology (1-3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Psychology
department; and must have earned a minimum of 9 credits in Psychology; and must have earned a
minimum GPA of 3.0 in Psychology; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Repeatable to 9 credits.
PSYC 479 Special Research Problems in Psychology (1-3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-
Psychology department; and must have earned a minimum of 9 credits in Psychology; and must have
earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 in Psychology; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Repeatable to 9
PSYC 488 Advanced Psychology I (Honors) (3) Prerequisite: PSYC200. Restriction: Permission of
BSOS-Psychology department. Seminar covering topics in sensation, perception, learning, and
PSYC 489 Advanced Special Topics in Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYC300. Repeatable to 9 credits
if content differs. Treatment of a specialized topic in psychology.
PSYC 498 Advanced Psychology II (Honors) (3) Prerequisite: PSYC488; or permission of BSOS-
Psychology department. Seminar covering topics in measurement, social processes, developmental
processes and other subject matter of current interest.
PSYC 499 Honors Thesis Research (3) Prerequisite: PSYC469; and must have permission of thesis
RDEV -- Real Estate Development
RDEV 250 People, Planet, and Profit: Building Sustainable Places (3) Also offered as: ARCH271.
Credit only granted for: ARCH271 or RDEV250. An introduction to building communities, commonly
referred to as real estate development and involving multiple professions and disciplines, including
Architecture and Urban Design, Community Planning, Historic Preservation, Landscape Architecture,
Civil Engineering, Law, Finance and Accounting, that have to come together to build more sustainable
places for the future by emphasizing the quadruple bottom line of: (1) financial viability,
(2)environmental sensitivity, (3) social/cultural responsibility and (4) sustainable design. The course will
provide students with an understanding of the fundamental principles and processes of these disciplines
and examine the intersections between them. Students will learn through field studies, lecture, discussion,
presentations and interactions with multiple professionals
RDEV 270 Tax and Accounting for Real Estate Development (3) Restriction: Permission of ARCH-
Real Estate Development; and must not be in a major in the Robert H. Smith School of Business; and
must not have completed BMGT210, BMGT220, or BMGT221. An understanding of key tax and
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accounting principles and how they impact real estate development for students in the minor in real estate
development is the purpose of this course. This course is geared for science, arts and humanities students
who otherwise in their major would not take an accounting course as part of their major.
RDEV 350 Real Estate Development: Introduction to Principles, Process, and Practice (3)
Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in RDEV250. Restriction: Permission of
ARCH-Real Estate Development. Credit only granted for: RDEV150 or RDEV350. Formerly: RDEV150.
An introduction to the basic principles of real estate development: How real estate and communities get
built and how value is created. The emphasis is on entrepreneurship and an experiential learning approach
to the entrepreneurial real estate development process, principles, and practice.
RDEV 450 Foundations of Real Estate Finance and Investment (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed
or be concurrently enrolled in RDEV250. And RDEV270; or an approved accounting course. And must
have completed or be concurrently enrolled in RDEV350. Restriction: Permission of ARCH-Real Estate
Development. Real Estate Finance and Investment addresses how real estate value is established, the
fundamental foundations of the time value of money, as well as more real estate specific applications of
return on investment, net operating income, the components of a real estate sources and uses statement,
sources of real estate equity and debt financing, commonly used debt ratios and equity returns in real
estate, as well as concepts of sensitivity analysis and exit strategies.
RELS -- Religious Studies
RELS 120 Islamic Civilization (3) Also offered as: HIST120. Credit only granted for: HIST120 or
RELS120. Introduction to society and culture in the Middle East since the advent of Islam: as a personal
and communal faith; as artistic and literary highlights of intellectual and cultural life; and as the interplay
between politics and religion under the major Islamic regimes.
RELS 170 Greek and Roman Mythology (3) Also offered as: CLAS170. Credit only granted for:
CLAS170 or RELS170. Additional information: This course cannot be taken for language credit. An
introduction to the mythology of ancient Greece and Rome. This course is particularly recommended for
students planning to major in foreign languages, English, history, the fine arts, or journalism. Taught in
RELS 216 What is Religion? (3) Credit only granted for: HIST216, or RELS216. Formerly: HIST216.
What is religion, and what approaches best allow us to understand it? Students will explore a variety of
approaches to religion (possibly including sociology, psychology, phenomenology, gender studies, and
cognitive approaches, among others) in the course of exploring five to eight major religious traditions.
Close attention to religious diversity will provide students with a context for asking what really counts as
"religion" and why.
RELS 219 Special Topics in Religious Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Special
topics in Religious Studies
RELS 236 Philosophy of Religion (3) Also offered as: PHIL236. Credit only granted for: PHIL236 or
RELS236. A philosophical study of some of the main problems of religious thought: the nature of
religious experience, the justification of religious belief, the conflicting claims of religion and science,
and the relation between religion and morality.
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RELS 250 Fundamental Concepts of Judaism (3) Also offered as: JWST250, PHIL234. Credit only
granted for: JWST250, PHIL234, or RELS250. A conceptional introduction to Judaism, analyzing its
fundamental concepts from both analytical and historical perspectives. Discussion of "normative"
Judaism as well as other conceptions of Judaism. Topics include: God, the Jewish people, authority,
ethics, the sacred and the profane, particularism and universalism.
RELS 264 Introduction to the New Testament (3) A historical and literary introduction to the New
Testament focusing on the context of the authors and the development of earliest Christianity.
RELS 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
RELS 289 New Explorations in Religious Studies (3) Investigation of critical and innovative responses
in Religious Studies. Although the topic will vary, the course will encourage intellectual exploration by
students of fundamental problems and critical methods.
RELS 319 Special Topics in Religious Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Special
topics in the study of religious history, literature, culture, and thought.
RELS 340 Europe in the Making: The Early Medieval West (A.D. 300-1000) (3) Also offered as:
HIST330. Credit only granted for: HIST330 or RELS340. From one empire to another: Rome to
Charlemagne. This period is approached as a crucible in which classical, Christian, and Germanic
elements merged, yielding new experimental syntheses. This course will deal with issues of authority,
cultural trends, and the formation of group solidarity.
RELS 341 Europe in the High Middle Ages: 1000-1500 (3) Also offered as: HIST331. Credit only
granted for: HIST331 or RELS341. Medieval civilization in the 11th through 15th centuries. Emphasis on
cultural and political developments of the high Middle Ages with study of the principal sources of
medieval thought and learning, art and architecture, and political theory prior to the Renaissance.
RELS 342 Renaissance Europe (3) Prerequisite: HIST112 or HIST111; or permission of instructor
required. Also offered as: HIST332. Credit only granted for: HIST332 or RELS342. Intellectual
developments in Italy and Northern Europe from 1300 to 1550 and their influence on the arts and
religion; social and economics trends, including the rise of the commercial economy in cities; the family
and the role of women in society; expansion of Europe overseas and the beginnings of colonization;
emergence of the state and consequent changes in political theory.
RELS 343 The European Reformations (3) Prerequisite: HIST112 or HIST111; or permission of
instructor. Also offered as: HIST333. Credit only granted for: HIST333 or RELS343. Examination of
developments in European religion between 1450 and 1700; the late-medieval Church and its critics; rise
of Protestant thought in Germany and its spread throughout Europe; reform efforts in the Catholic
Church; religious wars and violence and their impact on state and society; consequences of religious
reform in society and its impact on the family and women.
RELS 346 History of Religion in America (3) Prerequisite: HIST255, HIST211, HIST156, HIST254,
HIST213, HIST157, or HIST210; or permission of instructor. Also offered as: HIST306. Credit only
granted for: HIST306 or RELS346. A history of religion, religious movements, and churches in America
from the early Colonial period to the present, with special attention to the relation between church and
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RELS 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
RELS 370 Ancient Greek Religion: Gods, Myths, Temples (3) Also offered as: CLAS330. Credit only
granted for: CLAS330 or RELS370. Survey of Greek religious ideas and practices as they evolve from
the Bronze Age to the early Christian period.
RELS 371 Roman Religion: From Jupiter to Jesus (3) Also offered as: CLAS331. Credit only granted
for: CLAS331 or RELS371. Survey of the major institutions of Roman state and private religion and of
the diverse religions, including Judaism and Christianity, practiced in the Roman empire.
RELS 384 Anthropology of Religion (3) Prerequisite: ANTH260; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Must not have completed ANTH364. Also offered as: ANTH364. Credit only granted for:
ANTH364, ANTH688R, or RELS384. Comparative study of religion in social, cultural, polilitical, and
economic context. Combines the history of schools of interpretation with a survey of theoretical
alternatives and a focus on selected case studies.
RELS 400 Methods and Theories in the Study of Religion (3) Also offered as: RELS600. Credit only
granted for: RELS400, RELS419T,RELS600, or RELS619T. Formerly: RELS419T. An exploration of
scholarly approaches to the study of religion. The modern history of the secular study of religion, social
dynamics, textual formations, and ritual practices.
RELS 419 Advanced Topics in Religious Studies (3) Recommended: RELS216. Repeatable to 9 credits
if content differs. The contemporary study of religion in which topics may address specific religious
traditions, regional or historical developments, or methodological and theoretical issues.
RELS 429 Advanced Topics in Religious History (3) Recommended: RELS216 or RELS289.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Advanced study of religious history in a particular setting, with
attention to particular themes, texts, events, or communities.
RELS 430 Dead Sea Scrolls (3) Credit only granted for: JWST429Q, RELS419Q, or RELS430.
Formerly: RELS419Q. A study of the Dead Sea Scrolls in their ancient and modern settings, and in terms
of contemporary scholarly interpretations of their meaning. Interpretations of the historical significance of
these documents, their connections to ancient Jewish sectarian movements, and their implications for our
understanding of Judaism, Christianity, and the history of the Bible.
RELS 439 Advanced Topics in Religious Thought (3) Recommended: RELS216 or RELS289.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Advanced study of religious thought in a particular setting, with
attention to particular themes, texts, events, or communities.
RELS 499 Independent Study in Religious Studies (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-Meyerhoff
Program & Center for Jewish Studies. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An advanced independent
research project for qualified students, supervised by a faculty member, on a topic not ordinarily covered
in available courses.
RUSS -- Russian
RUSS 101 Intensive Elementary Russian I (6) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language
Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of Russian. Credit only
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granted for: RUSS101 or (RUSS111 and RUSS112). This intensive first-year course is intended to
develop the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking with an emphasis on communicative
RUSS 102 Intensive Elementary Russian II (6) Prerequisite: RUSS101 or RUSS102; and must have
appropriate Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent
speaker of Russian. Credit only granted for: RUSS102 or (RUSS113 and RUSS114). A continuation of
RUSS101 which will further develop the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking with an
emphasis on communicative competence.
RUSS 201 Intermediate Russian I (5) Prerequisite: RUSS102 or RUSS114; or must have appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of
Russian. Continued activation and expansion of skills and knowledge acquired in an elementary Russian
course with the goal of communicative competence.
RUSS 202 Intermediate Russian II (5) Prerequisite: RUSS201; or must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of Russian.
Continued activation and expansion of skills and knowledge acquired in RUSS201 with the goal of
communicative competence.
RUSS 203 Intermediate Russian for Heritage Speakers I (3) Prerequisite: Heritage knowledge of
Russian equal to or higher than minimum one year of Russian UMD language classes or appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Testing (FLPT) score. Restriction: For heritage speakers only, i.e., Russian
speakers who grew up outside of Russia with different levels of Russian, wanting to gain literacy and
improve their Russian overall. Credit only granted for: RUSS201 or RUSS203. Designed for heritage
speakers of Russian, with the goal of attaining competency in written Russian while improving speaking
and reading skills.
RUSS 204 Russian for Heritage Speakers II (3) Prerequisite: RUSS203; or heritage knowledge of
Russian equal to or higher than minimum one year of Russian UMD language classes or appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Testing (FLPT) score. Restriction: For heritage speakers only, i.e., Russian
speakers who grew up outside of Russia with different levels of Russian, wanting to gain literacy and
improve their Russian overall. Credit only granted for: RUSS202 or RUSS204. For Russian heritage
speakers (Russian speakers who grew up outside of Russia) with different levels of Russian, wanting to
gain literacy and improve their Russian overall.
RUSS 211 Applied Russian Phonetics (3) Prerequisite: RUSS102. Restriction: Must not be a
native/fluent speaker of Russian. Pronunciation; the sounds and intonational patterns of Russian in
contrast with those of English.
RUSS 221 Masterworks of Russian Literature I (3) Introduction to the classics of Russian literature in
translation, beginning with Pushkin in the early 19th century and concluding with works of Dostoevsky
and Tolstoy in the latter part of the century. Taught in English.
RUSS 222 Masterworks of Russian Literature II (3) Introduction to the classics of Russian literature in
translation, beginning with the end of the nineteenth century and concluding with contemporary works.
Taught in English.
RUSS 223 Dostoevsky and The Russian Soul (3) Credit only granted for: RUSS223 or RUSS298P.
Dostoevsky's exploration of the dark side of the psyche shaped a mythological image of the Russian soul.
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An examination of his selected works in light of development of psychoanalysis and Russian and
European intellectual history. Taught in English.
RUSS 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
RUSS 282 Contemporary Russian Culture (3) Russia of the post-Communist era. An exploration of the
cultural implications of the disintegration of the former Soviet Union. Also included is a brief
introduction to the Russian language: alphabet, elementary reading and survival skills for the first time
traveler. Course format includes a combination of lectures, group discussions, videos, and optional field
trips. Taught in English.
RUSS 298 Special Topics in Russian Language and Literature (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
RUSS 301 Advanced Russian I (3) Prerequisite: RUSS202; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of
Russian. Advanced training in written Russian communicative structures.
RUSS 302 Advanced Russian II (3) Prerequisite: RUSS301. Advanced training in written Russian
communicative structures.
RUSS 303 Russian Conversation: Functional Skills (3) Prerequisite: RUSS202; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Intended for students who do not
anticipate having the opportunity to study in Russia. Skills for daily life (both function and etiquette) and
argumentation (rhetoric).
RUSS 321 Survey of Russian Literature I (3) Prerequisite: RUSS202; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. The first half of a survey of Russian
RUSS 322 Survey of Russian Literature II (3) Prerequisite: RUSS321; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. The second half of a survey of Russian
RUSS 328 19th Century Russian Literature in Translation (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Development of Russian literary thought in the Russian novel and short prose of the 19th century.
Influence of western literatures and philosophies.
RUSS 329 Soviet Literature in Translation (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Russian
literature between 1917 and the fall of the Soviet Union, both as a continuation of pre-revolutionary
traditions and as a reflection of Soviet ideology.
RUSS 334 Soviet Film: Propaganda, Myth, Modernism (3) Also offered as: FILM334. Credit only
granted for: RUSS334, FILM334, or RUSS298K. Formerly: RUSS298K. A Survey of Soviet film from
the 1920s to 1991, focusing on important directors, genres, themes, and styles. Taught in English.
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RUSS 336 Soviet Cinema and Empire (3) Also offered as: FILM336. Credit only granted for:
RUSS336, FILM336, or RUSS398K. Formerly: RUSS398K. Examination of the concepts of "empire"
and "nation" through their representation in Soviet cinema. Taught in English.
RUSS 361 Dostoevsky's Life and Works (3) Credit only granted for: RUSS361 or RUSS298P.
Formerly: RUSS298P. A study of Dostoevsky's major works with reference to related developments in
Russian and European culture, literary criticism, and intellectual history. Interdisciplinary investigation of
Dostoevsky's contemporary relevance and tremendous international popularity.
RUSS 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
RUSS 381 Russian Civilization (in Russian) I (3) Prerequisite: RUSS202. A historical survey of
Russian civilization emphasizing architecture, painting, sculpture, music, ballet and the theater to the
beginning of the 19th century pointing out the interrelationship of all with literary movements. Taught in
RUSS 382 Russian Civilization (in Russian) II (3) Prerequisite: RUSS202. A historical survey of
Russian civilization emphasizing architecture, painting, sculpture, music, ballet, and the theater, from the
beginning of the 19th century to the present pointing out the interrelationships of all with literary
movements. Taught in Russian.
RUSS 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department.
RUSS 388 Language House Spring Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a resident of Language House.
Repeatable to 8 credits. For students residing in the Language House Immersion Program. Focuses on the
development of skills in the target language and acquiring the cultural knowledge of the countries that
speak the target language.
RUSS 398 Selected Topics in Russian Language and Literature (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content
RUSS 401 Advanced Russian Composition (3) Prerequisite: RUSS302; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Not open to native speakers of
Russian. Approaches to argumentation, organization of information, contextualized grammar,
appropriateness of lexical choice, genre, and register.
RUSS 402 Practicum in Written Russian (3) Prerequisite: RUSS401; or students who have taken
courses with comparable content may contact the department. Designed to improve comprehension of
functional varieties of written Russian and develop ability to present in written form concise syntheses of
source texts.
RUSS 403 Russian Conversation: Advanced Skills (3) Prerequisite: RUSS303; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Advanced spoken production of high-
level, abstract language.
RUSS 405 Russian-English Translation I (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in RUSS302. Introduction to the principles of translation of a particular genre, and is typically
diplomatic, business, or literary.
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RUSS 406 Russian-English Translation II (3) Prerequisite: RUSS405. Continuation of RUSS405.
RUSS 409 Selected Topics in Russian Language Study (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Presentation
of a topic in Russian language study.
RUSS 411 Linguistic Analysis of Russian I (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in RUSS301. Elucidation of theoretical concepts of modern linguistics through the analysis of
problematic concepts in the Russian linguistic system. Phonology and the syntax of the simple sentence.
RUSS 412 Linguistic Analysis of Russian II (3) Prerequisite: RUSS411. Continuation of RUSS411. The
syntax of the complete sentence, semantics.
RUSS 433 Russian Literature of the 20th Century (3)
RUSS 439 Selected Topics in Russian Literature (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Presentation
of a topic in Russian literature.
RUSS 499 Independent Study in Russian (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Independent study under faculty supervision.
SLAA -- Second Language Acquisition and Application
SLAA 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SLAA 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SLAA 410 Second Language Acquisition: Theory, Research, and Practice (3) Prerequisite: LING200,
LING240, PSYC200, PSYC221, or PSYC354. Introduces vibrant and expanding branch of language
science and cognitive science: theory, research and practice in SLA. Students apply what they learn to
practical issues ranging from learning languages as an adult to societal problems involving second
languages and dialects.
SLAA 498 Second Language Research and Practicum (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School
of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Additional
information: UGRAs register for 1-3 credits. A specific weekly schedule will be determined at the
beginning of the semester. Throughout the semester, students will meet with the Graduate Supervisor
(GS) once per week to discuss the theoretical and methodological background of the project as well as the
broader area behind the research. In addition to the training in theoretical background, the first several
weeks of the semester will be devoted to hands-on details of running subjects using a particular method
and analyzing data. When this training is complete, UGRAs will work more independently to schedule
and run research projects and process the data. Individualized research and practicum for undergraduate
students to work as Undergraduate Research Assistants (UGRA) on existing projects under the
supervision of a PhD Graduate Supervisor (GS) in the area of second language acquisition to
learn/experience how second language as well as psycholinguistic research is conducted.
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SLAV -- Slavic
SLAV 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SLAV 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SLAV 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Must have a Learning Proposal approved by the
Office of Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor, and student's internship sponsor; and junior
standing or higher.
SLAV 469 Selected Topics in Slavic Studies (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Presentation
of a topic in Slavic studies.
SLAV 475 Old Church Slavonic (3) Introduction to the language of the oldest recorded Slavic
documents. Historical presentation of phonology, morphology, and syntax; reading of texts.
SLAV 479 Selected Topics in Slavic Linguistics (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Presentation
of a topic in Slavic linguistics.
SLAV 499 Directed Study (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures,
and Cultures department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
SLLC -- School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
SLLC 108 Beg Less Commonly Taught Language I (3-6) Restriction: Not open to native speakers of
the language being taught. Heritage speakers must contact the instructor at the host institution to
determine proper placement. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Additional information: Course is
offered remotely via a member institution of the CIC CourseShare arrangement. Instruction may be
delivered synchronously or asynchronously. Students register through University of Maryland, and course
appears on transcript as a UMd course. No additional fees are associated with this course. Study of any of
the less commonly taught languages at the elementary level. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing a
less commonly taught language. Development of an emphasis on oral proficiency skills.
SLLC 109 Beg Less Commonly Taught Language II (3-6) Restriction: Not open to native speakers of
the language being taught. Heritage speakers, or those with previous experience in the language, must
contact the instructor at the host institution to determine proper placement. Repeatable to 12 credits if
content differs. Additional information: Course is offered remotely via a member institution of the CIC
CourseShare arrangement. Instruction may be delivered synchronously or asynchronously. Students
register through University of Maryland, and course appears on transcript as a UMd course. No additional
fees are associated with this course. Study of any of the less commonly taught languages at the
elementary level, as a continuation of SLLC108 (in the same language). Speaking, listening, reading, and
writing a less commonly taught language. Development of an emphasis on oral proficiency skills.
SLLC 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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SLLC 199 Special Topics in Language Study (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Language
and topic to be announced when offered.
SLLC 208 Intermediate Less Commonly Taught Language I (3-6) Prerequisite: SLLC109; or must
have permission of instructor after placement assessment. Restriction: Not open to fluent/native speakers.
Heritage speakers or students with prior knowledge of the language must contact the instructor at the host
institution to determine proper placement before enrolling. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs.
Additional information: Course is offered remotely via a member institution of the CIC CourseShare
arrangement. Instruction may be delivered synchronously or asynchronously. Students register through
University of Maryland, and course appears on transcript as a UMd course. No additional fees are
associated with this course. Intermediate-level work on speaking, reading, and writing a less commonly
taught language. Continued development of oral proficiency skills.
SLLC 209 Intermediate Less Commonly Taught Language II (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have
completed SLLC208 or have permission of instructor, based on placement assessment. Restriction: Not
open to native speakers of the language being taught. Heritage speakers or students with prior knowledge
of the language must contact the instructor at the host institution to determine proper placement before
enrolling. Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Additional information: Course is offered remotely
via a member institution of the CIC CourseShare arrangement. Instruction may be delivered
synchronously or asynchronously. Students register through University of Maryland, and course appears
on transcript as a UMd course. No additional fees are associated with this course. Second semester
Intermediate-level work on speaking, reading, and writing a less commonly taught language. Continued
development of oral proficiency skills.
SLLC 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SLLC 283 Introduction to Cinema Studies (3) Also offered as: FILM283. Credit only granted for:
SLLC283 or FILM283. Introduction to the critical analysis of international film. Development of a set of
critical technical tools for examining film within a variety of cultural settings. Focus on an analysis of
film form and the aesthetics of cinema that differentiate it from other media.
SLLC 284 Language, Power and Society (3) Introduction to language variation along social, ethnic and
regional identity lines.Taught in English.
SLLC 285 European Encounters with New Worlds (3) Studies travel accounts, maps and visual
images from Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci and others to gain insight into
resilient mechanisms of cross-cultural perception, communication, and representation that inform cross-
cultural encounters today. Taught in English.
SLLC 286 Living the Good Life: Chinese Philosophy in the Modern World (3) Additional
information: Taught in English. Confucius, Mencius, Zhuangzi and other Chinese thinkers who lived
more than 2,000 years ago would argue that the contemporary Western emphasis on self-discovery (Find
yourself) and self-acceptance has led you astray. See what they have to say and discuss what relevance it
has for the modern world as we study how early Chinese thinkers wrestled with questions of existence,
morality, and governance. No previous knowledge of Chinese philosophy and history will be assumed
and no prerequisites are required. We will discuss ideas that are both historical and relevant to students'
lives. What is "the Way"? How do we cultivate spontaneity? Is there a stable self? How can we be more
alive? These are questions important for ancient kings but also for UMD students choosing a major, or
wondering how ARHU can benefit them.
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SLLC 299 Special Topics in World Cultures (1-6) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topic to be
announced when course is offered.
SLLC 309 Language Partner Program (1) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: For intermediate- to advanced-level language majors.
Repeatable to 3 credits. For intermediate- to advanced-level language study. Conversations entirely in
target language with native speaker.
SLLC 335 The Arab-Israeli Conflict Through Film (3) Also offered as: FILM335. Credit only granted
for: SLLC335, FILM335, HEBR298B, or ISRL249B. Formerly: HEBR298B or ISRL249B. How does the
Arab-Israeli Conflict represent itself? How do the actors within this conflict (and some from outside)
come to understand this conflict by representing it to themselves? The prism of film will touch on many
of the various discourses (history, society, culture). The course will investigate whether the medium of
film represents and formulates this Conflict in a particular way.
SLLC 342 Film Comedy (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283; or permission
of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Also offered as: FILM342. Credit
only granted for: SLLC342, FILM342, or SLLC368B. Formerly: SLLC368B. Comedy as a specific
cinematic genre.
SLLC 343 Hollywood Genres After 1970 (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or
FILM283; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Also
offered as: FILM343. Credit only granted for: SLLC343 or FILM343. Introduction to contemporary
Hollywood cinema.
SLLC 344 Film and the Fantastic (3) Prerequisite: FILM283, ENGL245, FILM245, or SLLC283; or
permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Also offered as:
FILM344. Credit only granted for: SLLC344 or FILM344. Survey of fantastic cinema, encompassing
American classics, Hollywood recent productions, and independent films, as well as Asian horror films,
anime, and European fantasy.
SLLC 361 Cinema and Globalization (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283;
or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Also offered as:
FILM361. Credit only granted for: SLLC361, FILM361, SLLC368G, or CMLT498C. Formerly:
SLLC368G and CMLT498C. Introduction to cinema as a global phenomenon.
SLLC 362 Vision, Visuality, and the Gaze in Cinema (3) Prerequisite: SLLC283, FILM283,
ENGL245, or FILM245; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
department. Also offered as: FILM362. Credit only granted for: SLLC362, FILM362, or SLLC368A.
Students will build a way of talking critically about film. The prism of seeing, visuality, the gaze, and the
like will serve as a way to investigate the way films take on meaning as well as to understand how film
participates in a wide network of interconnected ideas, concepts, and modes of thought that have
contributed to the audiences' ability to make sense of what a film is conveying.
SLLC 368 Special Topics in Film Studies I (3) Content varies. Exploration of topics in film studies
beyond national traditions, for example through the lens of theory, genre, auteurship, aesthetic
movements in cinema, and/or comparative perspectives.
SLLC 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
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SLLC 386 Experiential Learning (3) Prerequisite: Learning Proposal approved by the Office of
Experiential Learning Programs, faculty sponsor and the student's internship sponsor. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher.
SLLC 400 Articulatory Phonetics for Second Language Acquisition and Application (3) Restriction:
Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: SLLC400. The mechanical capabilities of the human
vocal apparatus for producing speech sounds, and their terminology and transcription in the International
Phonetic Alphabet. Emphasis is on the practical needs of the teacher and student of foreign language,
rather than the theoretical linguist or the hearing-and-speech pathologist. The phonetics of major
languages are also introduced, with attention to the pedagogy of their phonetics.
SLLC 410 Documentary and Narrative (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283;
or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Also offered as:
FILM410. Credit only granted for: SLLC410 or FILM410. An examination of the relationship between
film and reality, focusing on documentary film.
SLLC 411 Experimental Film (3) Also offered as: FILM411. Credit only granted for: SLLC411 or
FILM411. Introductory survey of European and U.S. American experimental cinema.
SLLC 461 Political Cinema (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245, SLLC283, or FILM283; or
permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Also offered as:
FILM461. Credit only granted for: SLLC461, FILM461, CMLT498P, or SLLC468P. Formerly:
CMLT498P or SLLC468P. Histories of cinema and politics in the 20th century.
SLLC 463 Screening Time: History and Memory in Cinema (3) Prerequisite: ENGL245, FILM245,
SLLC283, or FILM283; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
department. Also offered as: FILM463. Credit only granted for: SLLC463 or FILM463. An examination
of the ways and techniques with which cinema produces a sense of time in the viewer.
SLLC 468 Special Topics in Film Studies II (3) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs. Exploration
of topics in film studies beyond national traditions, for example through the lens of theory, genre,
auteurship, aesthetic movements in cinema, and/or comparative perspectives. Courses at the 400-level
have higher expectations of independent work, including reading and written assignments.
SLLC 471 The Cultural Environment of Global Business (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or
higher. Credit only granted for: ARHU439B, ARHU439E, ARHU439T, ENES472, SLLC471, SLLC472,
or SLLC473. Formerly: ARHU439B. The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding
of cultural aspects pertaining to global business, and thereby increasing their awareness of the cultural
factors that motivate decisions and behavior in the business world. Students will gain an understanding of
how the business cultures in the rest of the world diverge from the American, and develop the cultural
understanding, attitudes, and communication skills needed to function appropriately within an
increasingly global and multicultural working environment.
SLLC 472 International Business Cultures in Engineering and Technology (3) Restriction:
Sophomore standing or higher. Also offered as: ENES472. Credit only granted for: ARHU439B,
ARHU439E, ARHU439T, ENES472, SLLC471, SLLC472, or SLLC473. Formerly: ARHU439T. The
goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of cultural aspects pertaining to global
business and engineering, and thereby increasing their awareness of the cultural factors that motivate
decisions and behavior in the business world. Students will gain an understanding of how the business
cultures in the rest of the world diverge from the American, and develop the cultural understanding,
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attitudes, and communication skills needed to function appropriately within an increasingly global and
multicultural working environment.
SLLC 473 European Business Cultures (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Credit only
granted for: ARHU439B, ARHU439E, ARHU439T, ENES472, SLLC471, SLLC472, or SLLC473.
Formerly: ARHU439E. The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of cultural
aspects pertaining to European business, and thereby increasing their awareness of the cultural factors that
motivate decisions and behavior in the European business world. Students will gain an understanding of
how the European business cultures diverge from the American, and develop the cultural understanding,
attitudes, and communication skills needed to function appropriately within an increasingly global and
multicultural working environment.
SLLC 499 Special Topics in World Cultures (3) Repeatable to 12 credits if content differs.
Interdisciplinary, transnational or cross-language course; specific topic to be announced.
SOCY -- Sociology
SOCY 100 Introduction to Sociology (3) The fundamental concepts and principles of sociology.
Includes consideration of culture, patterns of social interaction, norms, values, social institutions,
stratification, and social change.
SOCY 105 Introduction to Contemporary Social Problems (3) An examination of contemporary
social problems through sociological perspectives; ways in which social problems are part of the
organization of society; a detailed study of selected social problems including social conflict and social
SOCY 125 Why does Educational Inequality in the U.S. Persist? Explaining Differences in
Educational Attainment (3) Explores questions related to educational inequality in the US. Examines
what variables other than individual ability and effort influence educational attainment - how well and
how far we go in school.
SOCY 200 Human Societies (4) A comparative, historical, interdisciplinary study of human socieities
that focuses on the main components of human societies, how they are organized, how they change, and
how they come to shape our collective social existence.
SOCY 201 Introductory Statistics for Sociology (4) Prerequisite: SOCY100; and (MATH107 or
MATH111). Or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Restriction: Must not have completed STAT400, BMGT231, or ENEE324. Credit only granted for:
BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON230, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GEOL351, GVPT422,
JOUR405, PSYC200 or SOCY201. (These courses do not necessarily meet the same major requirements-
check with your advisor to see which of these courses will count for your major). Elementary descriptive
and inferential statistics. Construction and percentaging of bivariate contingency tables; frequency
distributions and graphic presentations; measures of central tendency and dispersion; parametric and
nonparametric measures of association and correlation; regression; probability; hypothesis testing; the
normal, binomial and chi-square distributions; point and interval estimates.
SOCY 202 Introduction to Research Methods in Sociology (4) Prerequisite: SOCY201. The
underlying logic, major strategies, specific techniques and skills of sociological research. Research
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design, measurement, data collection, sampling, field research experiments, surveys, index and scale
construction, data analysis, interpretation and report writing.
SOCY 203 Sociological Theory (3) Prerequisite: SOCY100. Development of the science of sociology;
historical backgrounds; recent theories of society. Required of all sociology majors.
SOCY 224 Why are We Still Talking About Race? (3) Exploration of the major debates and
assumptions that construct individual perceptions of what race is and how race matters. Sociological and
sub-cultural theories will give students a historical and present day frame with which to view race and
ethnic relations in the twenty first century.
SOCY 227 Introduction to the Study of Deviance (3) Credit only granted for: SOCY227 or SOCY327.
Formerly: SOCY327. An introduction to the sociological study of deviant behavior, covering such topics
as mental illness, sexual deviance, and the use of drugs.
SOCY 230 Sociological Social Psychology (3) Theoretical perspectives and their applications.
Socialization through the life course, the self-concept, attitudes, emotion, attribution, interpersonal
relations, group processes, deviance, and social change.
SOCY 241 Inequality in American Society (3) The dynamics of inequality: its social production,
politics, future, and ideological bases. Utopian communities, efforts to eliminate inequality.
SOCY 325 The Sociology of Gender (3) Prerequisite: 3 credits in SOCY courses. Also offered as:
WMST325. Credit only granted for: SOCY325 or WMST325. Institutional bases of gender roles and
gender inequality, cultural perspectives on gender, gender socialization, feminism, and gender-role
change. Emphasis on contemporary American society.
SOCY 370 Transition from Undergrad to Professional (1) Prepares Sociology majors to make the
transition from undergraduate to entering graduate school and/or the professional work world. Topics
include career options in Sociology, skills for conducting a job search, resume writing and interview
preparation, and the graduate application process.
SOCY 380 Honors Independent Reading in Sociology (3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Sociology
department. Formerly: SOCY378. This course permits sociology honor students to undertake a program
or reading on a particular problem in sociology or a subfield therein. The reading will be done under the
supervision of a member of the sociology faculty. Required of sociology honor students.
SOCY 381 Honors Independent Research in Sociology (3) Prerequisite: SOCY380. Formerly:
SOCY388. This course permits sociology students to define a particular problem in sociology or a
subfield therein and to develop a research plan for use as a thesis topic. The work will be done under the
supervision of a member of the sociology faculty.
SOCY 383 Honors Thesis Research (3) Prerequisite: SOCY381. Formerly: SOCY389. Student research
under the direction of a member of the sociology faculty, culminating in the presentation and defense of a
thesis reporting the research.
SOCY 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Sociology department; and
junior standing or higher.
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SOCY 398 Special Topics in Sociology (1-3) Prerequisite: 3 credits in SOCY courses. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Topics of special interest to both sociology majors and non-majors.
SOCY 399 Independent Study in Sociology (1-6) Prerequisite: 12 credits in SOCY courses. Restriction:
Permission of BSOS-Sociology department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Integrated reading
or research under the direction and supervision of a faculty member. A maximum of 6 credits may be
earned by a student for the same field experience in SOCY386 and SOCY399 combined.
SOCY 401 Intermediate Statistics for Sociologists (4) Prerequisite: SOCY201; or students who have
taken courses with comparable content may contact the department; or permission of BSOS-Sociology
department. Restriction: Must not have completed STAT400, BMGT231, or ENEE324. Issues in the use
of significance tests in sociology, one and two-way analysis of variance, elements of multiple regression
and correlation, techniques for the analysis of nominal and ordinal data.
SOCY 405 Scarcity and Modern Society (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses. Credit only
granted for: SOCY305 or SOCY405. Formerly: SOCY305. Resource depletion and the deterioration of
the environment. Relationship to lifestyles, individual consumer choices, cultural values, and institutional
failures. Projection of the future course of American society on the basis of the analysis of scarcity,
theories of social change, current trends, social movements, government actions, and the futurist
SOCY 406 Globalization (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses. Credit only granted for: SOCY406
or SOCY498G. Formerly: SOCY498G. An analysis of the forces driving globalization and its
implications for THE SOCIAL WORLD; politics; culture (including American popular culture);
technology; the media; the Internet; population flows; environmental changes and problems; other
negative (or deviant) flows such as disease, crime and terrorism; inequality, as well as ways of dealing
with or resisting globalization (alter-globalization).
SOCY 407 Explaining Social Change: Historical and Comparative Methods (3) Prerequisite: 6
credits in SOCY courses. Credit only granted for: SOCY407 or SOCY498Y. Formerly: SOCY498Y.
Examines social change from the perspective of comparative and historical sociology to get at the
question, 'where are we now?' Students develop a critical appreciation of how scholars construct
persuasive explanations for large-scale change focusing on four central questions: the origins of markets
and industrial capitalism; the emergence of democracy as opposed to dictatorship; the causes and
consequences of social revolution; and the logic of armed conflict. Explanations offered for the changes
in question as well as the methods employed are explored. Counterfactual hypotheticals for each central
question--that is, what might have been, rather than what historically emerged--are considered.
SOCY 410 Social Demography (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-
Sociology department. Types of demographic analysis; demographic data; population characteristics;
migration; mortality; fertility; population theories; world population growth; population policy.
SOCY 411 Demographic Techniques (3) Prerequisite: (SOCY201; or students who have taken courses
with comparable content may contact the department); and SOCY410. Or permission of BSOS-Sociology
department. Basic techniques for analyzing population structure and demographic processes, including
fertility, mortality and migration.
SOCY 412 Family Demography (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses. Formerly: SOCY312.
Family and population dynamics. Fertility issues, such as teenage pregnancy, the timing of parenthood,
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and family size; as they relate to family behavior, such as marital patterns, child care use, and work and
the family. Policy issues that relate to demographic changes in the family.
SOCY 413 Sociology of Aging (3) Prerequisite: 2 courses in SOCY. Credit only granted for: SOCY498D
or SOCY413. Formerly: SOCY498D. The aging of the population is one of the major demographic
changes affecting social institutions during the next century. Research demography, sociology,
economics, epidemiology, psychology and public health are integrated to develop a broader
understanding of the causes and consequences of population aging. A central focus is the diversity of
experiences by age, gender, socioeconomic status and health.
SOCY 415 Environmental Sociology (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses. Credit only granted
for: SOCY498E or SOCY415. Formerly: SOCY498E. Overview of the field and theoretical themes
within the area of environmental sociology and technology. Current issues are explored including:
environmental attitudes; environmental movements; environmental justice; globalization; global climate
change; and garbage and food.
SOCY 418 Research in Family & Demography (3) Prerequisite: SOCY202 and SOCY203; and one
course in Family and Demography. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. This is a special topics
research course for Family and Demography.
SOCY 424 Sociology of Race Relations (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of
BSOS-Sociology department. Also offered as: AAST424. Credit only granted for: AAST424 or
SOCY424. Analysis of race-related issues, with a primary focus on American society. The historical
emergence, development, and institutionalization of racism; the impact of racism on its victims; and
racially based conflict.
SOCY 428 Research in Inequality (3) Prerequisite: SOCY203 and SOCY202; and must have completed
a course in Stratification and Inequality. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. This is the special
topics research course for Stratification and Inequality.
SOCY 430 Social Structure and Identity (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of
BSOS-Sociology department. Theoretical issues in social psychology, focusing on social construction of
identity. Identity formation and transformation in social process. Structural and cultural dimensions of
social identity.
SOCY 431 Principles of Organizations (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of
BSOS-Sociology department. Structural and processual characteristics of organizations that make them
effective for different purposes and in different environments. Effects of different institutional
environments, small group processes, organizational networks, and leadership. Types of organizations
studied include formal bureaucracies, professional organizations, and voluntary associations.
SOCY 432 Social Movements (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-
Sociology department. Movements that seek change in the social and political structure of society.
Origins, tactics, organization, recruitment, and success. Case studies come from such movements as labor,
civil rights, student, feminist, environmental, neighborhood, and gay rights.
SOCY 438 Research in Organizations and Institutions (3) This is the special topics research course for
Organizations and Institutions.
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SOCY 440 Sociology of the Self-Concept (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of
BSOS-Sociology department. The nature of the self-concept and the social forces that mold it. Major
sociological, psychological, and psycho-analytic theories of the self-concept. Self-concept motives,
mechanisms of self-defense, and the nature of a healthy self-concept. Empirical research dealing with the
bearing of social interaction, social structure, social context and social institutions on the self-concept.
SOCY 441 Social Stratification and Inequality (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or
permission of BSOS-Sociology department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. The sociological study
of social class, status, and power. Topics include theories of stratification, correlates of social position,
functions and dysfunctions of social inequality, status inconsistency, and social mobility.
SOCY 443 The Family and Society (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of
BSOS-Sociology department. Study of the family as a social institution; its biological and cultural
foundations, historical development, changing structures and functions, the interaction of marriage and
parenthood, disorganizing and reorganizing factors in present-day trends.
SOCY 444 Sociology of Children (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-
Sociology department. Socio-historical analysis of the changing nature and meaning of childhood.
Analysis of social psychological, demographic, and socioeconomic aspects of contemporary children's
lives, with a focus on peer groups, gender relations, family change, macroeconomic conditions, poverty,
health, and educational well-being of children.
SOCY 448 Research in Social Psychology (3) This is the special topics research course in Social
SOCY 450 Measurement of Time, Work, and Leisure (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses.
How Americans use time, with specific reference to work, housework, personal and free time activities.
Time-use differences across methods, social groups and cultures. Subjective time. Implications for time
management, societal quality of life, social policy, and theory.
SOCY 460 Sociology of Work (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-
Sociology department. Analysis of the American work world with special attention to the impact of social
change and occupational conflicts on the individual worker. Professionalization, career patterns, problems
of minority groups and the future of work.
SOCY 463 Sociology of Combat (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-
Sociology department. Sociological theories and concepts related to combat. Influence of historical events
on relations between nations and between the military and society. Effects of U.S. social structure on
actions in combat; effects of involvement in combat on social structure and on members of society.
Cohesion and leadership in military units.
SOCY 464 Military Sociology (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-
Sociology department. Social change and the growth of military institutions. Complex formal military
organizations. Military service as an occupation or profession. The sociology of military life. Relations
between military institutions, civilian communities and society.
SOCY 465 The Sociology of War (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-
Sociology department. The origin and development of armed forces as institutions, the social causes,
operations and results of war as social conflict; the relations of peace and war and revolution in
contemporary civilizations.
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SOCY 467 Sociology of Education (3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of BSOS-
Sociology department. Sociological analysis of educational institutions and their relation to society: goals
and functions, the mechanisms of social control, and the impacts of stratification and social change. Study
of the school as a formal organization, and the roles and subcultures of teachers and students.
SOCY 498 Selected Topics in Sociology (1-3) Prerequisite: 6 credits in SOCY courses; or permission of
BSOS-Sociology department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Topics of special interest to advanced
undergraduates in sociology. Such courses will be offered in response to student request and faculty
SPAN -- Spanish
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I (4) Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of Spanish.
Introduction to the functions and structures of the Spanish language, with emphasis on the four skills of
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II (4) Prerequisite: SPAN101; or students who have taken courses with
comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of
Spanish. Further study of the functions and structures of the Spanish language, with emphasis on the four
skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
SPAN 103 Intensive Elementary Spanish (4) Prerequisite: Must have appropriate Foreign Language
Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of Spanish. Credit only
granted for: SPAN102 or SPAN103. Covers speaking, reading, writing, listening, and culture of Spanish-
speaking world.
SPAN 125 Spanish Civilization: From Kingdoms to Nationalities (3) Introduction to the cultural
heritage of the Spanish people, their traditions, customs, arts and literature, with special emphasis on the
interrelationship of social and literary history. Taught in English.
SPAN 169 Special Topics in Study Abroad I (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish (4) Continued development of the functions and structures of the
Spanish language with emphasis on the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
SPAN 203 Intensive Intermediate Spanish (4) Prerequisite: SPAN103; or must have appropriate
Foreign Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent speaker of
Spanish. Covers speaking, reading, writing, listening, and culture of Spanish-speaking world.
SPAN 204 Spanish Grammar Review (3) Prerequisite: SPAN203; or must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Restriction: Not open to fluent/native speakers of Spanish. An
in-depth study and analysis of selected grammatical topics in a contextualized framework.
SPAN 206 Review of Oral and Written Spanish for Native Speakers Educated in the United States
(3) Restriction: Must have native or near native knowledge of oral Spanish; and must have no formal
education in Spanish. Review of oral and written Spanish for students who have native or near-native
ability in Spanish, but have never studied it in a formal setting.
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SPAN 207 Reading and Writing in Spanish (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of B+ in SPAN203; or
must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in SPAN204; or must have appropriate Foreign
Language Placement Test (FLPT) score. Selected readings with emphasis on reading comprehension and
the development of reading strategies. Work in composition writing and a review of selected grammatical
topics. Complements material of SPAN204.
SPAN 222 Cultural Difference in Contemporary Latin America (3) Introduction to representations
and expressions in Latin America: cultural stereotypes, representations of difference, forms of
discrimination, sublimation of difference into national identity, and the staging of the other. Taught in
SPAN 224 Violence and Resistance in the Americas (3) Indigenous vision of violence and resistance in
the Americas. Texts and maps from the European explorers and conquerors are also studied. Readings
include primary texts from the 16th as well as from the 20th century. Taught in English.
SPAN 225 Cultures of the Contact Zones - Seville, Al-Andalus and the Atlantic World (3) Credit
only granted for: HONR248E or SPAN225. Content is broad enough to deal with issues of
multiculturalism in Spain but also specific enough to center on the city of Seville and the Andalusion
SPAN 228 Selected Topics in Latin American Literature and Society (3-6) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Also offered as: PORT228. Credit only granted for: SPAN228 or PORT228. Topics on
literature and society in contemporary Latin America. Topics vary. Taught in English.
SPAN 229 Selected Topics in Latin American Culture (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Varied topics in Latin America culture.
SPAN 234 Issues in Latin American Studies I (3) Also offered as: PORT234, LASC234. Credit only
granted for: SPAN234, PORT234, or LASC234. Interdisciplinary study of major issues in Latin America
and the Caribbean, including Latin America's cultural mosaic, migration and urbanization.
Democratization and the role of religions. Taught in English.
SPAN 235 Issues in Latin American Studies II (3) Also offered as: PORT235, LASC235. Credit only
granted for: SPAN235, PORT235, or LASC235. Major issues shaping Latin American and Caribbean
societies including the changing constructions of race, ethnicity, gender and class as well as expressions
of popular cultures and revolutionary practices. A continuation of SPAN/PORT/LASC234, but
completion of 234 is not a prerequisite. Taught in English.
SPAN 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SPAN 301 Advanced Grammar and Composition I (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be
concurrently enrolled in SPAN207. Practice of complex grammatical structures through reading and
writing of compositions and essays. Specific lexical, syntactic, rhetorical, and stylistic devices will be
SPAN 302 Advanced Grammar and Composition II (3) Prerequisite: SPAN301. Practice in and
writing of different types of compositions and essays, including narrations, descriptions, and persuasive
writing. Review of problematic syntactical structures.
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SPAN 303 Approaches to Cultural Materials in the Hispanic World (3) Prerequisite: SPAN207; or
permission of instructor. Development of proficiency in critical thought through the reading, viewing, and
analytical discussion of major genres and styles of cultural materials selected from Spanish-speaking
world. Taught in Spanish.
SPAN 306 Spanish II for Native Speakers (3) Prerequisite: SPAN206. Practice of complex grammatical
structures through reading and writing of compositions and essays. Specific lexical, syntactic, rhetorical
and stylistic devices will be highlighted. Designed for Spanish speakers educated in English.
SPAN 307 Oral Communication Skills for Native Speakers of Spanish (3) Development of techniques
for formal public speaking in Spanish. Writing and delivering oral presentations for varied audiences and
purposes. Includes strategies for organization, the use of rhetorical patterns, and the development of
effective discourse. Designed for bilingual students who are native speakers of Spanish (Heritage
Language learners), who have been educated in the U.S. and whose Spanish ability is mainly oral.
SPAN 310 Spanish Phonetics (3) Prerequisite: SPAN301 and SPAN303; and permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Descriptive study of the Spanish sound
system. Practice in phonetic perception, transcription, and articulation. Particular attention to sentence
phonetics; juncture, rhythm, stress, pitch.
SPAN 311 Advanced Conversation I (3) Prerequisite: SPAN204 or SPAN211; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Must not be a native/fluent
speaker of Spanish. Further development of listening and speaking skills in Spanish. Opportunity to
develop oral fluency, improve pronunciation and increase vocabulary. Individual and/or group oral
SPAN 312 Advanced Conversation II (3) Prerequisite: SPAN311. Restriction: Must not be a
native/fluent speaker of Spanish. Continued mastery of listening and speaking skills in Spanish.
Opportunity to develop oral fluency, improve pronunciation, and increase vocabulary. Emphasis on
colloquial and technical language as well as development of linguistic accuracy. Individual and/or group
oral presentation.
SPAN 315 Commercial Spanish I (3) Prerequisite: SPAN301 and SPAN303; or permission of ARHU-
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Business Spanish terminology, vocabulary
and practices. Emphasis on everyday spoken and written Spanish. Readings and discussions of Spanish
commercial topics. May include exposure to Spanish commercial topics. May include exposure to
Spanish business environments.
SPAN 316 Practicum in Translation I (3) Prerequisite: SPAN301 and SPAN303; or permission of
ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Translation of non-literary, non-
technical texts into Spanish and/or English.
SPAN 317 Translation II (3) Prerequisite: SPAN316. Translation of non-literary, non-technical texts
into Spanish and/or English.
SPAN 318 Translation of Technical Texts (3) Prerequisite: SPAN316. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Translation of technical and specialized texts in various fields (e.g. medicine, law, international
affairs, social work, journalism, technology) into Spanish and/or English.
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SPAN 331 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature I: Medieval Times (3) Prerequisite:
SPAN301 and SPAN303; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Must not have completed SPAN325 or
SPAN321. Credit only granted for: SPAN321, SPAN325, or SPAN331. The exploration of cultures of the
Iberian Peninsula from its origins until the 15th century as well as the study of historical and political
events that gave rise to the Spanish state. Taught in Spanish.
SPAN 332 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature II: Renaissance and Baroque (3)
Prerequisite: SPAN301 and SPAN303; or permission of instructor. An overview of cultural and literary
production of Spain from the late 15th through late 17th centuries, exploring the production of literary
texts in their socio-historical, political, religious and cultural contexts and development. Taught in
SPAN 333 Spanish Culture, Civilization and Literature III: Modern Times (3) Prerequisite:
SPAN301 and SPAN303; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Must not have completed SPAN322 or
SPAN326. Credit only granted for: SPAN322, SPAN326, or SPAN333. An overview of cultural and
literary production of Spain from the late 17th century through the present day, exploring the production
of literary texts in their socio-historical, political, religious and cultural contexts and development. Taught
in Spanish.
SPAN 335 Cultural History of Seville (4) Prerequisite: SPAN301. Recommended: SPAN303. Cultural
History of Seville: An exploration of the Iberian, Mediterranean, and transatlantic contexts shaping the
history, identity, and cultural and artistic expressions of Seville. Includes texts from the Middle Ages to
the twenty first century. Focus on the historical, literary and cultural evolution of Seville from the Roman
Empire and the Moorish occupation to the discovery and conquest of America until present times. Taught
in Spanish.
SPAN 356 Literary Translation I (3) Prerequisite: SPAN317; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Translation of literary texts into Spanish and/or English:
SPAN 359 Spanish for the Professions (3-9) Prerequisite: SPAN316; or permission of department.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Exploration of cultural and linguistic skills for different
professional contexts including vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and strategies. No experience in
the professional area necessary. Taught in Spanish.
SPAN 361 Latin American Literatures and Cultures I: From Pre-Columbian to Colonial Times (3)
Prerequisite: SPAN301 and SPAN303; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Must not have completed
SPAN323 or SPAN346. Credit only granted for: SPAN361, SPAN323, or SPAN346. Overview of
cultural history of Latin America from pre-Columbian civilizations to the Colonial period, exploring the
foundations of the Spanish American cultural and literary tradition to approximately 1770. Taught in
SPAN 362 Latin American Literatures and Cultures II: From Independence to Nation Formation
(3) Prerequisite: SPAN301 and SPAN303; or permission of instructor. An overview of cultural and
literary production of Latin America from the 18th Century to approximately 1900, exploring the
production of literary texts in their socio-historical, political, and cultural contexts and development.
Taught in Spanish.
SPAN 363 Latin American Literatures and Cultures III: From Modernism to Neo-Liberalism (3)
Prerequisite: SPAN301 and SPAN303; or permission of instructor. Restriction: Must not have completed
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SPAN324 or SPAN347. Credit only granted for: SPAN324, SPAN347, or SPAN363. An overview of
cultural and literary production of Latin America from the late 19th through the early 21st centuries,
exploring the production of literary texts in their socio-historical, political, and cultural contexts and
development. Taught in Spanish.
SPAN 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SPAN 371 Spanish for the Health Professions (3) Prerequisite: SPAN301 and SPAN316; or permission
of instructor. Credit only granted for: SPAN371 or SPAN389A. Formerly: SPAN389A. Exploration of
cultural and linguistic skills for the health professions including vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading
and strategies. No experience in the professional area necessary.
SPAN 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
SPAN 388 Language House Spring Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must reside in the Language House
Immersion program. Repeatable to 8 credits if content differs. For students residing in the Language
House Immersion Program. Focuses on the development of skills in the target language and acquiring the
cultural knowledge of the countries that speak the target language.
SPAN 399 Independent Study in Spanish (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Repeatable to 3 credits. Specific readings in literature or
a translation project under the supervision of a faculty member of the department.
SPAN 401 Advanced Composition I (3) Prerequisite: SPAN302; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Compositions and essays with emphasis on stylistics,
idiomatic and syntactic structures. Organization and writing of research papers.
SPAN 402 Advanced Composition II (3) Prerequisite: SPAN401; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Compositions and essays with emphasis on stylistics,
idiomatic and syntactic structures. Organization and writing of research papers.
SPAN 406 Don Juan Manuel's Fictional and Historical Prose (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361,
SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Dedicated to the literary production of an important
author: Don Juan Manuel. By examining the interaction among writing, reading and the oral acquisition
of knowledge in his works, special attention will be given to how the border between fact and fiction is
constructed in the Middle Ages.
SPAN 408 Great Themes of the Hispanic Literatures (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361,
SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Major themes in the literature of Spain or Spanish-
America. Each theme will be announced when the course is offered.
SPAN 413 Libro de Buen Amor (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. Literary traditions in the Libro de buen amor.
SPAN 415 Commercial Spanish II (3) Prerequisite: SPAN315; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Business
Spanish terminology, vocabulary and practices. Emphasis on everyday spoken and written Spanish.
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Readings and discussions of international topics. Cross-cultural considerations relative to international
business operations, including exporting and banking.
SPAN 417 Practicum in Translation VI (3) Prerequisite: SPAN416; or permission of ARHU-School of
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Translation of complete literary texts from Spanish into
English. Evaluation of different versions of the original. Problems of interpretation, literary structure and
SPAN 418 Hispanic Literature in Translation (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
SPAN 422 Cross-Cultural Communication (3) Prerequisite: SPAN301. Restriction: Junior standing or
higher. Additional information: Taught in Spanish. Focuses on the relationship of language and culture of
those operating in world markets. Particular attention will be given to cross-cultural communication,
linguistic systems, and culture specific perceptions of the Hispanic world.
SPAN 425 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics I: Basic Concepts (3) Prerequisite: SPAN301 and
SPAN303; or permission of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. This
course begins with an introduction to general concepts in linguistics, from language function and the brain
to communication, culture, and thought, and their relation to other disciplines in the social sciences. The
main purpose of this course is to provide an overview of Hispanic linguistics through multiple
perspectives, while exploring the areas of Spanish morphology, syntax, and semantics. This course will
also focus on the structural tendencies of Spanish through a variety of practical activities.
SPAN 426 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics II: Language in Use (3) Prerequisite: SPAN425. Also
offered as: SPAN626. Designed for students without previous experience in Linguistics. Focus on
language variation and use, linguistic change, and bilingualism.
SPAN 427 Visions and Fictions from Spain (3) Prerequisite: SPAN331, SPAN332, or SPAN333; or
students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department; or permission of
ARHU-Spanish & Portuguese Languages & Literatures department. Also offered as: FILM427. Credit
only granted for: FILM427 or SPAN427. Overview of Spanish Cinema from the end of the 19th century
through present day Spain. Exploration of the production of literary and cinematic texts in their
sociohistorical, political, religious and cultural contexts. Taught in Spanish.
SPAN 430 Cervantes: Don Quijote (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363.
SPAN 432 Colonial Latin American Literature (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331,
SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Examines the key themes, writers, literary movements, and cultural
debates of the colonial period.
SPAN 433 Women and Culture in Colonial Latin America (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361,
SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Considers questions of women and historical production,
women writers in colonial times, and contemporary literary interpretations of colonial realities. Debates
the continued legacy of female archetypes from the colonial period to the present, and epistemological
questions regarding the production of knowledge.
SPAN 438 Special Topics in Colonial Latin America (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361,
SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. The conquest
and colonization of the New World produced a textual corpus of invaluable importance for the foundation
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of Spanish American literary tradition. Special topics (themes, authors, debates, etc.) relevant to the
Colonial period will be addressed.
SPAN 448 Special Topics in Latin American Civilization (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361,
SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Intensive
independent study of a selected topic related to Latin American civilization.
SPAN 449 Special Topics in Spanish Civilization (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331,
SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An intensive study of a
selected topic related to Spanish civilization.
SPAN 450 The Hispanic Caribbean (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. Credit only granted for: SPAN408C or SPAN450. Formerly: SPAN408C.
Explores the Hispanic Caribbean as "island spaces" of multiple migrations and cultural identities, as sites
of colonial experiences and post-colonial debates.
SPAN 458 Senior Capstone Course in Latin American Studies (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361,
SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Restriction: Senior standing. Also offered as: LASC458.
Capstone course for advanced students in the Latin American Studies Certificate Program or other
students with appropriate preparation. Interdisciplinary topics will vary each semester.
SPAN 459 Latin American Women Writers (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331,
SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Emphasis will be placed on
contemporary Latin American women writers.
SPAN 462 Twentieth Century Drama (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. Significant plays of the twentieth century.
SPAN 463 Latin American Drama (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. Emphasis will be placed on Latin American plays of the twentieth century.
SPAN 464 Contemporary Spanish Poetry (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331,
SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Spanish poetry from the generation of 1927 to the present.
SPAN 466 The Contemporary Spanish Novel (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331,
SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. The novel and the short story from 1940 to the present.
SPAN 468 Modernism and Post-Modernism in Spain and Spanish-America (3) Prerequisite:
SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Repeatable to 9 credits if content
differs. A study of the most important works and authors of both movements in Spain and Spanish-
SPAN 469 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
SPAN 471 United States Latina Fiction (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. An introduction to United States latina fiction through the study of short stories,
novels, poetry, etc. It explores strategies of representation by women of color.
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SPAN 473 U.S. Latino Performance (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. An introduction to United States Latino Performance texts by Chicano,
Nuyorican, Cuban-American, Dominican, Central-American and others.
SPAN 474 Central American Literatures, Cultures, and Histories (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333,
SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. An overview of Central American history and
cultural production, focusing primarily but not exclusively on literary texts.
SPAN 478 Special Topics in United States Latino Cultures (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361,
SPAN331, SPAN332, SPAN362, or SPAN363. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Explores special
topics in US Latino Cultures, ranging from Chicano, Nuyorican, Cuban-American, Dominican, Central-
American and other border cultural identities.
SPAN 479 Honors Thesis (3-6) Restriction: Must be in Spanish and Portuguese Honors. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. Researching and writing an honors thesis under the direction of a professor.
SPAN 488 Spanish-American Fiction (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. Representative novels and/or short stories from the Wars of Independence to the
present or close analysis of major contemporary works. Subject will be announced each time course is
SPAN 489 Spanish-American Fiction (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. Representative novels and/or short stories from the Wars of Independence to the
present or close analysis of major contemporary works. Subject will be announced each time course is
SPAN 495 Honors Reading (3) Prerequisite: Must be in Spanish and Portuguese Honors; or permission
of ARHU-School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures department. Supervised reading.
SPAN 498 Spanish-American Poetry (3) Prerequisite: SPAN333, SPAN361, SPAN331, SPAN332,
SPAN362, or SPAN363. Main trends, authors and works from the conquest to Ruben Dario.
SPHL -- Public Health
SPHL 298 SPH Ambassador Program (1) Restriction: Must be in a major in SPHL-School of Public
Health; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7; and must have earned less then 90 credits. Repeatable to 6
credits. The purpose of this course is to train students in the methods related to advising, teaching and
leading undergraduate current and prospective students. At the end of the course ambassdors will be a
resource to these new students in SPH through their knowledge of academic planning, college/university
policy, and understanding of what SPH has to offer. Ambassados will have experience working one on
one with students who have academic advising questions and concerns. They will develop better public
speaking skills and know how to impart new information in an effective way to undergraduate students.
SPHL 386 Experiential Learning (3) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-School of Public Health.
SPHL 400 Introduction to Global Health (3) Credit only granted for: SPHL400 or SPHL498A.
Formerly: SPHL498A. Exploration of theoretical frameworks and practical perspectives on issues shaping
the global health panorama. Determinants examined through: biological and epidemiological; social,
cultural and economic; environmental and geographic; multi-section, legal and institutional perspectives
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with synopsis of how these issues are addressed by international and community organizations in
developing countries.
SPHL 488 Children's Health and Development Clinic (1-4) Prerequisite: Permission of SPHL-School
of Public Health. An opportunity to acquire training and experience in a therapeutically oriented physical
education-recreation program for children referred by various education, special education, medical or
psychiatric groups.
SPHL 498 Special Topics in Public Health (3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 9
credits if content differs. Credit only granted for: SPHL498 or SPHL698 of same suffix. Topical and
interdisciplinary courses of interest to upper level undergraduate students in the field of Public Health not
currently covered by the program.
STAT -- Statistics and Probability
STAT 100 Elementary Statistics and Probability (3) Prerequisite: MATH110, MATH112, MATH113,
or MATH115; or permission of CMNS-Mathematics department; or must have math eligibility of
STAT100 or higher and math eligibility is based on the Math Placement Exam or the successful
completion of Math 003 with appropriate eligibility. Restriction: Must not have completed MATH111; or
must not have completed any MATH or STAT course with a prerequisite of MATH141. Credit only
granted for: STAT100, MATH107 or MATH111. Simplest tests of statistical hypotheses; applications to
before-and-after and matched pair studies. Events, probability, combinations, independence. Binomial
probabilities, confidence limits. Random variables, expected values, median, variance. Tests based on
ranks. Law of large numbers, normal approximation. Estimates of mean and variance.
STAT 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Prerequisite: Must have learning proposal approved by the
CMNS-Mathematics Department.
STAT 400 Applied Probability and Statistics I (3) Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in MATH131; or
MATH141; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department.
Credit only granted for: BMGT231, ENEE324, or STAT400. Additional information: Not acceptable
toward graduate degrees in MATH/STAT/AMSC. Random variables, standard distributions, moments,
law of large numbers and central limit theorem. Sampling methods, estimation of parameters, testing of
STAT 401 Applied Probability and Statistics II (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (STAT400, STAT410). Additional information: Not acceptable toward graduate degrees in
MATH/STAT/AMSC. Point estimation - unbiased and consistent estimators. Interval estimation.
Minimum variance and maximum likelihood estimators. Testing of hypotheses. Regression, correlation
and analysis of variance. Sampling distributions. Elements of non-parametric methods.
STAT 410 Introduction to Probability Theory (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C-
from (MATH240, MATH461, MATH341); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH340,
MATH241). Also offered as: SURV410. Credit only granted for: STAT410 or SURV410. Probability and
its properties. Random variables and distribution functions in one and several dimensions. Moments.
Characteristic functions. Limit theorems.
STAT 420 Introduction to Statistics (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(SURV410, STAT410). Also offered as: SURV420. Credit only granted for: STAT420 or SURV420.
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Point estimation, sufficiency, completeness, Cramer-Rao inequality, maximum likelihood. Confidence
intervals for parameters of normal distribution. Hypothesis testing, most powerful tests, likelihood ratio
tests. Chi-square tests, analysis of variance, regression, correlation. Nonparametric methods.
STAT 430 Introduction to Statistical Computing with SAS (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum
grade of C- from (STAT400, STAT410). Descriptive and inferential statistics. SAS software: numerical
and graphical data summaries; merging, sorting and splitting data sets. Least squares, regression, graphics
and informal diagnostics, interpreting results. Categorical data, lifetime data, time series. Applications to
engineering, life science, business and social science.
STAT 440 Sampling Theory (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (STAT401,
STAT420). Credit only granted for: STAT440 or SURV440. Simple random sampling. Sampling for
proportions. Estimation of sample size. Sampling with varying probabilities. Sampling: stratified,
systematic, cluster, double, sequential, incomplete.
STAT 464 Introduction to Biostatistics (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed one semester of calculus.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Credit only granted for: BIOE372 or STAT464. Additional
information: Not acceptable toward degrees in MATH/STAT. Probabilistic models. Sampling. Some
applications of probability in genetics. Experimental designs. Estimation of effects of treatments.
Comparative experiments. Fisher-Irwin test. Wilcoxon tests for paired comparisons.
STAT 470 Actuarial Mathematics (3) Prerequisite: 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from
(MATH240, MATH461, MATH341); and 1 course with a minimum grade of C- from (MATH340,
MATH241). Recommended: STAT400. Major mathematical ideas involved in calculation of life
insurance premiums, including compound interest and present valuation of future income streams;
probability distribution and expected values derived from life tables; the interpolation of probability
distributions from values estimated at one-year multiples; the 'Law of Large Numbers' describing the
regular probabilistic behavior of large populations of independent individuals; and the detailed calculation
of expected present values arising in insurance problems.
STAT 498 Selected Topics in Statistics (1-6) Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Mathematics
department. Repeatable to 16 credits. Topics of special interest to advanced undergraduate students will
be offered occasionally under the general guidance of the MATH/STAT major committee. Students
register for reading in statistics under this number.
SURV -- Survey Methodology
SURV 400 Fundamentals of Survey and Data Science (3) Prerequisite: STAT100; or permission of
BSOS-Joint Program in Survey Methodology department. Restriction: Course open to SURV certificate
students, SURV Advanced Special Students, and SURV undergraduate minors. Graduate students from
other departments may enroll with permission from the department. Credit only granted for: SURV699M
or SURV400. Formerly: SURV699M. The course introduces the student to a set of principles of survey
and data science that are the basis of standard practices in these fields. The course exposes the student to
key terminology and concepts of collecting and analyzing data from surveys and other data sources to
gain insights and to test hypotheses about the nature of human and social behavior and interaction. It will
also present a framework that will allow the student to evaluate the influence of different error sources on
the quality of data.
SURV 410 Introduction to Probability Theory (3) Prerequisite: MATH240 and MATH241; or
permission of BSOS-Joint Program in Survey Methodology department. Also offered as: STAT410.
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Credit only granted for: SURV410 or STAT410. Probability and its properties. Random variables and
distribution functions in one and several dimensions. Moments, characteristic functions, and limit
SURV 420 Introduction to Statistics (3) Prerequisite: SURV410 or STAT410. Also offered as:
STAT420. Credit only granted for: STAT420 or SURV420. Mathematical statistics, presenting point
estimation, sufficiency, completeness, Cramer-Rao inequality, maximum likelihood, confidence intervals
for parameters of normal distributions, chi-square tests, analysis of variance, regression, correlation, and
nonparametric methods.
SURV 430 Fundamentals of Questionnaire Design (3) Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Joint Program
in Survey Methodology department. Credit only granted for: SURV430 or SURV630. Introduction to the
scientific literature on the design, testing and evaluation of survey questionnaires, together with hands-on
application of the methods discussed in class.
SURV 440 Sampling Theory (3) Prerequisite: STAT401 or STAT420. Credit only granted for:
STAT440 or SURV440. Simple random sampling, sampling for proportions, estimation of sample size,
sampling with varying probabilities of selection, stratification, systematic selection, cluster sampling,
double sampling, and sequential sampling.
TDPS -- Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies
TDPS 201 Introduction to Technical Production (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within ARHU-
Dance department; or must be in a major within ARHU-Theatre department. Credit only granted for:
DANC210 and THET114 or TDPS201. Formerly: DANC210 and THET114. Students are provided with
an overview of topics related to the technical production of theatre and dance including: scenic, prop and
costume construction, lighting, sound and video execution and management structures.
TDPS 258 Special Topics in Introductory Performing Arts (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-
School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Designed for performing arts students. Offers instruction at the introductory level in various aspects of
performance such as Voice for the Performing Arts, Movement for the Performing Arts, Acting for the
Performing Arts, Partner Dance and a myriad of specific aspects within these genres.
TDPS 358 Special Topics in Intermediate Performing Arts (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-
School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
Designed for performing arts students. Offers instruction at the intermediate level in various aspects of
performance such as Voice for the Performing Arts, Movement for the Performing Arts, Acting for the
Performing Arts, Partner Dance and a myriad of specific aspects within these genres.
TDPS 362 Alexander Technique (1-3) Prerequisite: THET222, THET116, THET223, and TDPS201; or
(DANC218 and DANC219). And permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies
department. Credit only granted for: THET399J, THET362 or TDPS362. Formerly: THET399J and
THET362. Based on the F.M. Alexander Technique, students will learn to recognize habit patterns that
interfere with how they function and express themselves so that they can make conscious choices as a
performing artist.
TDPS 458 Special Topics in Advanced Performing Arts (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-
School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
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Designed for performing arts students. Offers instruction at an advanced level in various aspects of
performance such as Voice for the Performing Arts, Movement for the Performing Arts, Acting for the
Performing Arts, Partner Dance and a myriad of specific aspects within these genres.
TDPS 469 Advanced Practicum in Stage Management (1-3) Prerequisite: Minimum of 2 credits from
TDPS479. Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies
department. Repeatable to 6 credits. A graded course in stage management for theatre and/or dance
productions. A hands-on laboratory experience.
TDPS 470 Production Management (3) Prerequisite: TDPS201, THET222, THET223, and THET116;
and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Credit only
granted for: TDPS458D or TDPS470. Formerly: TDPS458D. To familiarize students with techniques and
skills required of a Production Manager in a theatrical production. Focus will also be given to the field of
event management.
TDPS 479 Production Practicum (1-3) Prerequisite: TDPS201. Repeatable to 10 credits if content
differs. Credit only granted for: TDPS479 or THET479. Formerly: THET479. A graded course in a
specified practical aspect of mounting a theatre or dance production. It is a hands-on, purely laboratory
THET -- Theatre
THET 110 Introduction to the Theatre (3) In the age of pop music and blockbuster films, of memes
and viral videos, we often forget that theatre was one of the original forms of popular entertainment. We
will focus on theatre practitioners including actors, directors, designers and backstage personnel to
understand how theatre is produced. We will also consider popular entertainment in Europe and America,
with a particular focus on musical theatre and Broadway to explore how theatre communicates, resonates,
and remains relevant to all audiences.
THET 116 Fundamentals of Theatrical Design (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Examines theatre as an environmental art that is
realized through collaboration between set, costume, and lighting designers.
THET 120 Introduction to Acting (3) Restriction: Must not be in Theatre program. Through scene
study, exercises, and improvisation, an appreciation is developed for the working habits of actors, which
will aid them in rehearsal as well as performance.
THET 199 Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Permission of instructor; and freshman standing.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An independent study in which each student completes an
assigned major theatre project under close faculty supervision. Projects may culminate with term papers,
scenic, lighting, or costume designs, or a stage production.
THET 210 Movement for Actors (3) Prerequisite: TDPS201, THET116, THET222, and THET223; and
permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Focuses on
increasing a performer's presence on stage. Will include the F.M. Alexander technique, movement
improvisation, exercises for balance, strength, flexibility and stamina.
THET 222 Foundations of Acting and Performance (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Students will become familiar with the tools and
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process of acting through the discipline of acting exercises, analyzing character and performing. Students
will research various theatre artists that have contributed to the acting process. Through monologue and
scene work students will learn listening skills, communicative, collaborative and embodiment skills and
will learn how to use the self in the imaginative process and research. And, most importantly, students
will learn creative process through practice.
THET 223 Text and Context in Western Theatre (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Introduction to the analysis and critique of the play
script. Students will have the opportunity to read, analyze, and interpret western dramatic literature from a
range of periods and styles. Texts are analyzed from a variety of theatrical analytical perspectives, with an
eye towards choices theatre artists must make in the creation of a theatrical production.
THET 228 Special Topics in Introduction Theatre and Performance (1-3) Prerequisite: THET114 or
TDPS201; and (THET116, THET222, and THET223); and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 3 credits if content differs. This course is
offered as part of the TDPS Artist-in-Residence program. Topics covered may include: Intercultural
Theatre; Performance Art; Puppetry; Solo Performance; or Theatrical Design.
THET 250 American Musical Theatre and Popular Culture (3) Credit only granted for: THET250 or
THET350. Formerly: THET350. An exploration of the complicated history of some of America's most
popular entertainments from learned pig shows, to vaudeville, to musical theatre. It connects the history
of America's diverse racial and ethnic communities to the evolution of forms like minstrels, Wild West
Shows, and showboat theatre. It also traces the history of our most popular and enduring art form--the
musical comedy--from the Ziegfeld Follies to Rent and beyond.
THET 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
THET 273 Theatre Graphics I (3) Prerequisite: THET116, THET114, or TDPS201; or permission of
ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. An introduction in graphic
techniques for theatrical design and production. The emphasis is on drafting by hand, with an introduction
to computer-aided drafting and design.
THET 274 Introduction to Stage Management (3) Prerequisite: THET114 or TDPS201; and
permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Familiarization with
the techniques and skills required of a Stage Manager in a theatrical production, including organization,
production meetings, rehearsals, tech and running a show. The outcome at the conclusion of the course is
the ability to function as an Assistant Stage Manager in a supervised situation.
THET 279 Theatre Workshop I (1) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance &
Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Supervised participation in
backstage staffing of University Theatre productions.
THET 282 Stage Makeup (3) Students learn to design and execute character makeup based on research
and script analysis. Studying fundamental facial anatomy, the class learns to manipulate light and shadow
with makeup to enhance and alter the shape of facial features. Once these techniques are mastered, the
class moves on to more complex exercises, including Old Age, Facial Hair, Wounds and Fantasy.
THET 284 Stage Costume Construction I (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Study and practical experience in garment construction and
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related costume crafts as used in theatre costume design. Flat pattern development, corset construction,
theatrical sewing techniques and organization of the costume construction process.
THET 285 The Art of Communication and Presentation (3) Credit only granted for: COMM107,
COMM200, INAG110, JOUR130, or THET285. An introduction to the fundamental practice and theory
of public speaking and oral communication using theatrical techniques of both performance and the craft
of storytelling.
THET 286 Experiential Learning I (1-3) Prerequisite: THET222, THET223, and THET116. And
THET114; or TDPS201. And permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies
department. Introductory internship in theatre. Constructed to help students in their sophomore year gain
practical experience in a supportive work environment in the theatre. Student must research and propose
internship to a Faculty Advisor and Internship Venue.
THET 287 Subversive Cultures and Performance (3) Credit only granted for: THET289I or THET287.
Formerly: THET289I. Every society has rebels - those who refuse to conform to the mainstream's rigid
rules, aesthetics, and beliefs. From unruly skateboarders, punk rockers, bohemian poets, and radical
theater performers, to national revolutionary movements and brick-throwing anarchists - such groups
form niches that are defined by their exclusion from society. We will look at how their beliefs and actions
fit into a particular historical context, and how their actions drive social change.
THET 290 Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in American Theatre and Culture, 1750-1900 (3) Since the
first colonial encounter with the indigenous peoples of the Americas, complex issues of race, gender, and
ethnic identity have shaped our collective efforts to engage, interact, and survive as a new nation. Our
cities, our monuments, our homes, are all built on the bodies of the dead and our landscapes are haunted
by those who left work unfinished the work of women's rights, religious freedom, racial tolerance, and
many other compelling concerns of class, gender, and ethnic identity. This class explores how theatre
engaged with these complex issues; it covers the period 1750-1900.
THET 291 American Theatre 1890-Present (3) Traces the evolution of the American theatre during the
twentieth century, aligning this theatre with the major shifts and movements of American society itself,
and arriving at the uniquely American theatre and culture of today.
THET 293 Black Theatre and Performance I (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Thematic
and historical survey of African-American drama from the late nineteenth century to the 1960s. Emphasis
on sociopolitical context, thematic thrust, issues, styles, the aesthetic reflected in the work, impact on
African-American and general theatre audiences.
THET 294 Black Theatre and Performance II (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
Thematic and historical survey of African-American drama from the 1960s to the present. Emphasis on
sociopolitical context, thematic thrust, issues, styles, the aesthetic reflected in the work, impact on
African-American and general theatre audiences.
THET 299 Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Permission of instructor; and sophomore standing or
higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An independent study in which each student completes
an assigned major theatre project under close faculty supervision. Projects may culminate with term
papers; scenic, lighting, or costume designs; or a stage production.
THET 310 Voice for the Actor I (3) Prerequisite: THET116, THET222, THET223, and TDPS201; and
must Interview; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department.
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Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Freeing the natural voice. In-depth experience of connection
of actor's voice to thought, impulse and emotion. Tools for releasing tension, increasing resonance and
range, and refining articulation will be explored.
THET 324 Character Development (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled
in THET310 and THET362; or permission of Instructor. And must audition; and permission of ARHU-
School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher.
European-based physical approach to acting. Primary focus on character development, may include
creating original characters and learning how to bring to life an already scripted character. Techniques to
explore the soul and psychology of characters and their physical qualities, voice, rhythm and movement.
THET 325 Actor's Process I (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
THET310; or permission of Instructor. And must audition; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Focus on use of self in creating character. Tools employed
include decision-making and use of imagery, personalization, objectives, adjectives, and verbs.
THET 326 Viewpoints (3) Prerequisite: THET222, THET223, THET116, and TDPS201; and permission
of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Credit only granted for:
THET328V or THET326. Formerly: THET328V. Viewpoints is a movement-based performance course
for students who already have a foundation in the basics of acting and/or dance. The Viewpoints are a set
of tools and vocabulary; using 9 categories of time and space, students will fully explore the possibilities
of using their physical instruments (the body) to their fullest on stage.
THET 328 Special Topics in Intermediate Theatre and Performance (1-3) Prerequisite: THET222,
THET223, and THET116; and (THET114 or TDPS201); and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 3 credits
if content differs. Topics covered include: Intercultural Theatre, Performance Art, Puppetry, Solo
Performance, or Theatrical Design.
THET 330 Play Directing I (3) Prerequisite: THET222, THET223, and THET116. And THET114; or
TDPS201. And permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department.
Restriction: Junior standing or higher. A lecture-laboratory course dealing with the techniques of
coordinating, designing and guiding the production of a script through to performance. Study and practice
in stage composition, movement, pacing, script and character analysis, and rehearsal routines. Emphasis
on methods of communicating a script to an audience.
THET 360 Voice Archetypes (3) Prerequisite: THET310 and THET362; and must audition; and
permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Credit only granted
for: THET360 or THET399Z. Formerly: THET399Z. The student will learn how to apply archetypal
characters and expand performance potentialities, increase vocal self knowledge, discover rhythms, pitch
variations, and sounds that reflect inner states of being.
THET 363 The Business of the Business (3) Prerequisite: THET116, THET222, THET223, and
TDPS201; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department.
Credit only granted for: THET399B or THET499E or THET363. Formerly: THET399B, THET499E. An
in depth study of the business of working in the theatre. Explores early career opportunities and entry-
level positions in the entertainment industry. Analyzes publicity, management, union, casting, and agency
practices; how they apply to you and your career in the non-profit and commercial theatre.
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THET 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
THET 371 Scenic Design I (3) Prerequisite: THET222, THET223, and THET116; and (THET114; or
TDPS201). Or permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. A
study of design theory and style. Methods and techniques of coordination of all elements of scenic design
for theatre.
THET 372 Stage Property Design (3) Prerequisite: THET114; or TDPS201; or permission of ARHU-
School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Materials and techniques for the design and
execution of stage properties with special emphasis on period research, special materials, and special
THET 373 Rendering for the Theatre I (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance
& Performance Studies department. A study in the techniques and tools of drawing and painting. It is
designed for the student to develop rendering and drawing skills for theatrical design presentation.
THET 377 Lighting Design I (3) Prerequisite: THET222, THET223, and THET116. And THET114; or
TDPS201; or permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. A
study of the theories of electrification, instruments, design, color, and control for the stage. Practical work
on productions.
THET 380 Sound Design (3) Prerequisite: THET116. And THET114; or TDPS201; or permission of
ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Restriction: Sophomore standing or
higher. Theatre Sound Design is a first course in designing sound for stage productions.
THET 383 Costume Design I (3) Prerequisite: TDPS201 or THET114; and (THET116, THET222, and
THET223). Or permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Basic
principles of theatre costume design and introduction to rendering skills. Emphasis on development of
design conception, unity, character statement, basic clothing design and period style adaptation.
THET 384 Stage Costume Construction II (3) Prerequisite: THET284; or permission of ARHU-School
of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Credit only granted for: THET384 or THET487.
Formerly: THET487. Study and practical experience in the construction of stage costumes, props and
accessories. Pattern development by draping, millinery, and crafts.
THET 385 Media Design (3) Prerequisite: THET222, THET223, THET116, and TDPS201; and
permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Credit only granted
for: THET399D or THET385. Formerly: THET399D. Focuses on learning the grammar and conceptual
thinking behind multimedia design for live performance. Students will learn how our new multimedia
tools can enhance the sense of liveness as well as explore the different ways in which technology can be
implemented into preproduction thinking, rehearsal experimenting, and ultimately, effective use in
THET 386 Experiential Learning (3-6) Restriction: Junior standing or higher; and permission of
ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department.
THET 388 Special Topics in Performance Studies (3) Prerequisite: THET222, THET223, THET116,
THET114, or TDPS201; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies
department. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
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Performance Studies is a broad discipline that offers strategies for exploring diverse texts from diverse
perspectives. Students are encouraged to explore critical and practical approaches to research and
performance, including the History and Practice of Festivals and Carnival Performances, Comedy,
Performance in Everyday Life, Contemporary Theatre at the Margins, and Stage Adaptation.
THET 390 History of Theatre I (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance &
Performance Studies department. The history of Western theatre from its origins in classical antiquity
through the mid-seventeenth century with emphasis on plays and playwrights, architecture and decor,
acting and costuming, and significant personalities. Includes explorations of interrelationships between
Western theatre and the theatre of other cultures.
THET 391 Theatre History II (3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance &
Performance Studies department. The history of Western theatre from the mid seventeenth century to the
early twentieth century, with emphasis on plays and playwrights, architecture and decor, acting and
costuming, and significant personalities. Includes explorations of interrelationships between Western
theatre and the theatre of other cultures.
THET 399 Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Permission of instructor; and junior standing or higher.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. An independent study in which each student completes an
assigned major theatre project under close faculty supervision. Projects may culminate in term papers,
scenic; lighting, or costume designs; or a stage production.
THET 408 Seminar: Theory and Performance Studies (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Also offered as: THET608. Credit only granted for: THET408 or THET608. Studies in theatre theory and
performance studies from classical antiquity to the present.
THET 410 The American Theatre (3) Prerequisite: THET488 or THET489; and permission of ARHU-
School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Restriction: Senior standing. Also offered
as: THET610. Credit only granted for: THET410 or THET610. The American theatre from 1750 to 1950,
including the position of theatre in culture, its typical features, and major artists.
THET 411 Voice for the Actor II (3) Prerequisite: THET324 or THET325; and must audition; and
permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Restriction: Junior
standing or higher. Credit only granted for: THET311, THET411, or THET499L. Formerly: THET311.
Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and apply to exploration of sound and language.
Designed to increase voice and speech awareness, and create a base knowledge from which to approach
any accent or dialect.
THET 420 Language and the Actor (3) Prerequisite: THET325 or THET324; and must audition; and
permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Explores the actor's
relationship to language, particularly heightened poetic language, in order to: develop the ability to
embody language and vocally and physically project the images; apply an intellectual understanding of
the inherent structural, poetic, and rhetorical techniques of heightened language in combination with
action theory; and access the inner states of character while expressing them through text.
THET 424 Movement II: Advanced Studies in Movement and Mask Theatre (3) Prerequisite: THET325
or THET324; and must audition; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance
Studies department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. A deeper exploration of how to use the actor's
instrument for dramatic expression. Continuing work in the F.M. Alexander Technique and foundational
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exercise to help actors learn what they need to prepare for rehearsal and performance. Other techniques
may include theatrical styles, physical character, dramatic use and play with space and rhythm and masks.
THET 425 Actor's Process II (3) Prerequisite: THET325; and must audition; and permission of ARHU-
School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. A deeper exploration of the work begun in
THET325. A continuation of creating a personal process through which the actor can confidently
approach any genre of play. Special focus on status and subtext and the world of the playwright.
THET 426 Theatrical Clown (3) Prerequisite: THET324 or THET325; and must Audition. Restriction:
Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Credit only granted
for: THET426, THET499C or THET 499O. Formerly: THET499C, THET499O or THET426.
Progression of developing individual clown characters through methods based on European pedagogy
which emphasizes a physical and technical approach to actor training.
THET 428 Special Topics in Advanced Theatre and Performance (1-3) Prerequisite: THET114 or
TDPS201; and (THET116, THET222, and THET223); and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 3 credits
if content differs. Additional information: Incorporate the change from THET 114 to TDPS 201, listing
both numbers, as students will take the prerequisite under either number. To change the catalog
description to reflect the proper unit name as the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies.
This course is offered as part of the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies' Artist in
Residence program. Topics covered may include: Intercultural Theatre; Performance Art; Puppetry; Solo
Performance; or Theatrical Design.
THET 429 Actor's Studio (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance &
Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits. Participation in dramatic roles executed under
faculty supervision in the department's productions. Eligible students must make commitments and plan
performances with course instructor during pre-registration.
THET 430 Directing II: Working with Actors (3) Prerequisite: THET330; and (THET324 or
THET325); and must Audition; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance
Studies department. Discussion of the preparation procedures and rehearsal practices necessary for the
presentation of a variety of theatrical styles and forms. Emphasis on understanding the relationship
between the director, the actor, the script and the audience. A series of student directed scenes
supplemented by attendance at theatre productions.
THET 435 Advanced Costume Construction (3) Prerequisite: THET284 and THET384; and portfolio
review; and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Also
offered as: THET635. Credit only granted for: THET435, THET499K, THET635, or THET669K.
Formerly: THET499K and THET669K. The course is taught in a presentation/practical application
format. Students will learn advanced techniques in draping and pattern development and develop
proficiency in communication of design and construction choices.
THET 440 Advanced Playwriting (3) Prerequisite: THET340; or permission of instructor. And
permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Restriction:
Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Credit only granted
for: THET440 or THET499P. Formerly: THET499P. Ensemble-based writer's workshop. It is the second
part of a two-course sequence and is designed for students who already have a foundation in the basics of
playwriting or who are other wise well-versed in the art of theatre and dramatic structure. Through
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exploratory writing sequences, the reading of full-length plays, and in-class readings of work-in-progress,
students will continue to deepen their craft and develop the script for a new full-length play.
THET 451 Musical Theatre Workshop I (3) Prerequisite: Must audition. Restriction: Permission of
ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Development of the ability to
move, act and express through the media of lyric and music.
THET 452 Musical Theatre Workshop II (3) Prerequisite: Must audition. Restriction: Permission of
ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Development of the ability to
move, act and express through the media of lyric and music from the integrated musicals of the 1960s
through the development of concert and rock/pop musicals.
THET 457 Advanced Lighting Technology (3) Prerequisite: THET377. Restriction: Sophomore
standing or higher. Technological innovations such as moving lights, color changers, and LED are studied
from the lighting designer's perspective. Students will have the opportunity to use the equipment in the
lighting lab.
THET 464 Design Studio Costume (3) Prerequisite: THET383; and permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Credit only granted for: THET464 or THET649.
Intermediate and advanced principles of theatrical costume design rendering skills. Emphasis on
development of design concept, unity, character statement, and research. Particular design projects will
THET 465 History of Fashion for the Theatre (3) Prerequisite: THET116; or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher. A survey of Western clothing from the Ancient Worlds
through 20th Century. A discussion of the cultural contexts of various trends in fashion through an
examination of art, industry and textiles.
THET 469 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
THET 470 Advanced Stage Craft (3) Prerequisite: THET114 or TDPS201; or permission of instructor.
An introduction in technical design and management. Topics include rigging, structural mechanics, and
construction in materials other than wood.
THET 471 Design Studio in Scenery (3) Prerequisite: THET371; and permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Also offered as: THET639. Credit only granted for:
THET471 or THET639. Advanced study of scenic design for the theatre. Particular design projects will
THET 472 Scene Painting (3) Prerequisite: THET114 or TDPS201; or permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Scene painting techniques and materials. Three-
dimensional realistic scenery and non-realistic two-dimensional projects.
THET 474 Advanced Stage Management (3) Prerequisite: THET114 or TDPS201; and (THET116,
THET222, THET223, and THET274); and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance &
Performance Studies department. Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance &
Performance Studies department; and sophomore standing or higher. Intensive practical study of the
techniques and procedures for stage management.
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THET 475 History of Art, Architecture, and Decor for the Theatre (3) Prerequisite: THET114 or
TDPS201; and (THET116, THET222, and THET223); and permission of ARHU-School of Theatre,
Dance & Performance Studies department. Also offered as: THET670. Credit only granted for: THET475
or THET670. Study of Western art, architecture, and decor and their practical application to theatrical
THET 477 Design Studio in Lighting (3) Prerequisite: THET377; and permission of ARHU-School of
Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Also offered as: THET659. Credit only granted for:
THET477 or THET659. Designed for students who have successfully completed THET377 and wish to
further develop their lighting design skills. Emphasis is on theoretical design of productions and realized
light lab projects. Particular design projects will vary.
THET 479 Production Practicum (1-3) Prerequisite: THET116 and THET114; and permission of
ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content
differs. Designed to expand students' practical knowledge and skills through working on Department of
Theatre productions.
THET 480 Audio Technology (3) Prerequisite: THET114 or TDPS201; or permission of ARHU-School
of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies department. First technical course in the installation and
operation of professional sound systems. This course explores current standards of both analog and digital
audio theory as well as recording and reinforcement techniques.
THET 481 Theatre Graphics II: Computer Assisted Design (3) Prerequisite: THET114 or TDPS201;
and THET116; and permission of ARHU-Theatre department. Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
Study and practical application of computer generated graphical design for use in theatrical production.
THET 482 Scene Painting II (3) Prerequisite: THET472; or permission of instructor. Restriction:
Sophomore standing or higher. Advanced study of theatrical scenic painting.
THET 486 History of Modern Theory & Performance (3) Prerequisite: THET488 or THET489; or
permission of instructor. Also offered as: THET686. Credit only granted for: THET486 or THET686.
Modern dramatic and performance theory from realism to the absurd with special emphasis on the
European and American avant-garde.
THET 488 Special Topics in Theatre History Before 1800 (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
Topics in the history of world theatre and performance from the Greeks through 1800.
THET 489 Special Topics in Theatre History from 1800 to Present (3) Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Topics in the history of world theatre and performance from 1800 to present.
THET 497 Non-Traditional Theatre (3) Seminar exploring American and European experimental
performance since 1960. Topics include experimental theatre, performance art, pornography and
performance, gender and performance, and popular culture and performance. Topics are treated
historically and theoretically. Student-produced performance projects are an important component of the
THET 498 Seminar: Theatre History (3) Prerequisite: THET488 or THET489. Restriction: Senior
standing; and permission of instructor. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Also offered as:
THET698. Credit only granted for: THET498 or THET698. Studies in theatre history from classical
antiquity to the present.
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THET 499 Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-School of Theatre, Dance &
Performance Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits. An independent study course in which each
student completes an assigned major theatre project under close faculty supervision. Projects may
culminate with term papers, scenic or costume designs, or a stage production.
TLPL -- Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
TLPL 101 Inquiry Teaching of STEM in Elementary School (1) Additional information: Attendance
at each class session will be vital to student success in the course. To complete the observations and
lessons, students must allow a three-hour block of time during the local elementary school operational
hours from 7:45 am to 3:15 pm. A background check is required. Exploration of teaching science or
mathematics as a career. Discussions include standards-based lesson design and various teaching
strategies. Fieldwork consists of observing, planning and teaching inquiry-based lessons to students in
grades three to six in local elementary schools.
TLPL 102 Inquiry Teaching of STEM in Middle School (2) Prerequisite: Must have completed
TLPL101. Additional information: Attendance at each class session will be vital to student success in the
course. To complete the observations and lessons, students must allow a three hour block of time during
the local middle school operational hours from 7:45 am to 3:15 pm. A background check is required.
Second course in the Terrapin Teachers teacher preparation sequence. Students gain field experience and
continue exploring teaching as a career by conducting teacher observations, and planning and
implementing lessons in local, high-need middle school classrooms. Students work closely with UM
master teachers to build upon the inquiry-based teaching practices developed in TLPL 101. Students work
with mathematics and science curricula while attending to state and district standards, in order to develop
and enact lessons that are responsive to students' reasoning in math and science.
TLPL 306 Arts Integration in Elementary Classrooms (3) Corequisite: EDCI322, EDCI362,
EDCI397, and EDCI489. Restriction: Must be in Elementary Education program; and minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership
department. An exploration of the theories and core practices associated with integrating the arts in ways
that promote student learning in the core subjects.
TLPL 418 Teaching Residency (3-9) Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
TLPL352, TLPL363, TLPL372, TLPL415. Restriction: Restricted to Elementary Education majors with
permission of the Department. 2.75 GPA required. Repeatable to 12 credits. Credit only granted for:
TLPL418 or EDCI481. An extended teaching internship in an Elementary Professional Development
School. School placements to be arranged.
TLPL 446 Language Variation and Multilingualism in Elementary Classrooms (3) Restriction: Must
be in Elementary Education program; and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Or permission of EDUC-
Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership department. Issues in language variation and
multilingualism in elementary classrooms, schools and communities with a focus on classroom practice,
assessment, and policy.
TLTC -- Teaching and Learning Transformation Center
TLTC 333 Fundamentals of Academic Peer Mentoring (1) Restriction: Permission of TLTC required -
enrollment restriction. How should scientific research influence the way we study and advance the
academic performance of others? Learn about the scholarship of teaching and learning and develop the
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applied skills to support active learning as an academic peer mentor. Whether or not you are ultimately
pursing a career as an educator, the more effectively you can coach and support the performance of other
people, and the more successful you will be. Guided online and face-to-face participation will culminate
in a portfolio of your teaching activities and professional development.
TLTC 399 Independent Study in Academic Peer Mentoring (1-3) Prerequisite: Must have completed
or be concurrently enrolled in TLTC333. Restriction: Permission of TLTC required - enrollment
restriction. Repeatable to 6 credits. Earn academic credit for the time spent supporting a course in TLTC's
Academic Peer Mentoring Program (AMP).
UMEI -- Maryland English Institute
UMEI 001 English as a Foreign Language: Beginning (12) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-Dean-
Maryland English Institute department. Intensive course for the non-native speaker of English who has
little or no previous knowledge of English. Focus on the rapid acquisition of the basic features of English
grammar and pronunciation and on speaking and understanding American English; reading and writing
appropriate to the level will be included. Special fee required for this course. This course does not carry
credit towards any degree at the University and does not count in the retention plan.
UMEI 002 English as a Foreign Language: Intermediate I (12) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-
Dean-Maryland English Institute department. Intensive course for the non-native speaker of English who
has had some previous instruction in English. Emphasis on improving listening and speaking skills, on
mastering intermediate grammatical structures, and on expanding vocabulary. Includes practice in reading
and writing appropriate to the level. Special fee required for this course. This course does not carry credit
towards any degree at the University and does not count in the retention plan.
UMEI 003 English as a Foreign Language: Intermediate II (12) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-
Dean-Maryland English Institute department. Intensive course for the non-native speaker of English who
has mastered the essential structures of English grammar. Emphasis on improving communicative skills
for a wide range of linguistic situations, on rapid expansion of vocabulary, and on improving reading
comprehension and basic writing skills. Special fee required for this course. This course does not carry
credit towards any degree at the University and does not count in the retention plan.
UMEI 004 English as a Foreign Language: Intermediate III (12) Restriction: Permission of EDUC-
Dean-Maryland English Institute department. Intensive course for the non-native speaker of English who
has a good command of the basic features of spoken and written English. Emphasis on refining speaking
and listening skills, on improving reading speed and comprehension of academic texts, and on developing
writing skills for academic courses. Special fee required for this course. This course does not carry credit
towards any degree at the University and does not count in the retention plan.
UMEI 005 Advanced English as a Foreign Language (6) Semi-intensive course for the nearly
proficient non-native speaker of English needing additional language instruction prior to undertaking full-
time academic study. Speaking and listening skills; improvement of reading speed and comprehension;
and development of writing skills. Special fee required for this course. This course does not carry credit
towards any degree at the University and does not count in the retention plan.
UMEI 011 Integrated English: Elementary (5) Prerequisite: Placement exam; and permission of
EDUC-Dean-Maryland English Institute department. English as a Second Language course for students at
the elementary level.
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UMEI 012 Integrated English: Intermediate (5) Prerequisite: Placement exam; and permission of
EDUC-Dean-Maryland English Institute department. English as a Second Language course for students at
the intermediate level.
UMEI 013 Integrated English: Advanced (5) Prerequisite: Placement exam; and permission of EDUC-
Dean-Maryland English Institute department. English as a Second Language for students at the advanced
UMEI 028 Special Topics in English as a Second Language (1) Repeatable to 18 credits if content
differs. Focuses on particular English language topics for ESL student as indicated by title. Course
intended to be taken concurrently with UMEI011, UMEI012, or UMEI013; but may be taken
independently with special permission.
UNIV -- University Courses
UNIV 099 Internship Seminar () Restriction: Must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
(undergraduates) or 3.0 (graduate students); and permission of the Career Center; and permission
of instructor. Complements students' supervised work experiences. Open to all majors; all class
levels. Involves exploring career options, developing professional work skills, examining the
relationship between internship and academic coursework. Course may be repeated.
UNIV 100 The Student in the University (1) Credit only granted for: EDCP108O or UNIV100.
Formerly: EDCP108O. Introduces students to University life. In a small classroom setting, students will
explore how to successfully bridge the gap between high school and college. Study skills, career decision-
making, and student development processes will be explored.
UNIV 101 The Student in the University and Introduction to Computer Resources (2) Introduces
students to University life and current computer resources. In a small classroom setting, students will
explore the world of higher education and current technological advances available to them. Additionally
students will explore current resources both internal and external to the University, and how to utilize the
World Wide Web as a research tool.
UNIV 102 Confidence Building and Study Skills in Mathematics (2) Restriction: Must be in uTerp
Individual Admits program. A mathematics preparatory class designed to facilitate a student's transition
toward fundamental studies mathematics, including study skills and strategies for success.
UNIV 103 Making a Successful Transition to University Life (1) Restriction: Must be in uTerp
Individual Admits program. Credit only granted for: UNIV100 or UNIV103. A course designed to
promote student awareness of university wide campus resources, and to assist students in their transition
from high school to college.
UNIV 104 Reading and Writing at the College Level (1) Restriction: Must be in uTerp Individual
Admits program. A workshop designed to enhance students' college level reading and writing abilities to
include study skills and strategies for success.
UNIV 106 The Transfer Student in the University (1) Restriction: Must be a first-semester Letters and
Sciences transfer student. Credit only granted for: UNIV106 or EDCP108G. For transfer students in
Letters and Sciences. This course is designed to assist students in making a successful transition to the
University of Maryland (UMD) and to serve as an extended orientation to campus living and learning.
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UNIV 107 Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a
current student in Letters & Sciences. For students interested in pursuing a STEM related major.
Introduces students to the fundamentals of career and major exploration and career development within
the various disciplines of STEM.
UNIV 108 Business Exploration Series Colloquium (1) Restriction: Must be a current student in Letters
and Science. For students interested in pursuing a business career. Students learn the fundamentals of
career development and what the internship/job search process entails.
UNIV 131 Cultural Studies: Self, Tribe and Country (1) This class will explore the role of culture in
the human experience, and the skills necessary to work with diverse individuals and teams.
UNIV 218 Study Abroad Exploration (3) Restriction: Must be in designated Study Abroad programs.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topics and assignments will vary by travel site.
UNIV 269 Connecting Across Cultures (1) Restriction: Must be in a study abroad program. An
examination of culture to guide study abroad students through the stages of cross cultural adjustment and
to promote cultural competency by providing the motivation, knowledge and skills necessary to work
with diverse individuals and teams.
UNIV 318 Special Topics in Study Abroad (3) Restriction: Must be in a designated Study Abroad
program; and must not have six credits of CPSP379 if College Park Scholar student; and freshman
standing or higher. Topics and assignments will vary by travel site, as indicated by subtitles such as
Italian Art, Chinese History, and French Theater.
UNIV 325 Beyond the Classroom Seminar I: Civic Engagement and Social Change in a Global
Context (3) Restriction: Must be in the Beyond the Classroom (BTC) living and learning program.
Develops and applies the concept of civic engagement and strategies for enhancing civic engagement and
advancing social justice in different contexts (global to local; multi-cultural). Develop students' leadership
capacities and skills for fostering civil discourse and effective professional practices in the nonprofit and
civil society sector. Students identify the key civic values, attitudes and expectations that motivate them
personally as well as others to engage in civic action and leadership. Students prepare professional
portfolios in preparation of a semester-long internship.
UNIV 326 Beyond the Classroom Seminar II (1) Prerequisite: UNIV325. Restriction: Must be in the
Beyond the Classroom (BTC) living and learning program. Seminar for students in internships and
service-learning experiences as context for applying communication skills and knowledge of civic
engagement leadership skills first introduced in UNIV325. Must be taken concurrently with experiential
learning practicum.
UNIV 339 McNair Research Methods and Writing (2-6) Restriction: Must have earned a minimum of
60 credits. As an introduction to qualitative and quantitative research methods, students will be taught
how to: (1) create, analyze, and disseminate knowledge conceptually and empirically; (2) write a research
document; (3) use the IRB process; (4) develop research posters; (5) read and evaluate research studies;
(6) read and understand statistics; (7) conduct interviews, develop surveys, and design experiments; and
(8) communicate effectively to public audiences.
UNIV 348 Federal Semester Seminar (3) Restriction: Must be in the Federal Semester program; and
permission of UGST-Undergraduate Studies; and junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. This topical seminar will approach Federal policy formation through a combination of
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framework-based and content-specific considerations. Content and themes will vary. The Federal
Semester is an offering of the Office of Undergraduate Studies in conjunction with several academic
colleges and the University Career Center.
UNIV 349 Federal Semester Experiential Learning (1-6) Prerequisite: UNIV348. Restriction: Must be
in the Federal Semester program; and must have a Learning proposal approved by the Office of
Undergraduate Studies and student's internship sponsor; and junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6
credits if content differs. This is the internship component of the Federal Semester program, an offering of
the Office of Undergraduate Studies in conjunction with several academic colleges and the University
Career Center.
UNIV 378 Beyond the Classroom Experiential Learning (1-3) Prerequisite: UNIV325. Restriction:
Must be in the Beyond the Classroom program; and must have proposal approved by director of Beyond
the Classroom. This is the internship component of the Beyond the Classroom program in which students
hold internships at organizations such as governmental units and non-profit agencies.
UNIV 389 Special Topics in Undergraduate Studies (3) Restriction: Freshman standing. Repeatable to
6 credits if content differs. Courses will focus on interdisciplinary topics and will be planned in
cooperation with Undergraduate Studies.
UNIV 399 Experiential Learning in Undergraduate Studies (1-3) Restriction: Must have a Learning
proposal approved by the Office of Undergraduate Studies and student's internship sponsor; and junior
standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Experiential learning offered in conjunction
with certain designated Office of Undergraduate Studies programs.
URSP -- Urban Studies and Planning
URSP 118 Selected Topics in Urban Planning (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Selected
Topic courses address particular issues relating to urban studies and planning. They are focused on
specific areas of theory and practice as they relate to the study of urban areas.
URSP 250 The Sustainable City: Exploring Opportunities and Challanges (3) An exploration,
through an interdisciplinary approach, of a number of issues related to making cities more sustainable in
terms of environmental protection, economic opportunity, and social justice. The course assist students to
develop skills in critical analysis and systems thinking and to use those skills in analyzing sustainability
related problems and potential solutions, and to expand students' understanding of the political
implications of crafting and moving towards a sustainable urban future.
URSP 372 Diversity and the City (3) Exploration of the different needs of diverse economic,
racial/ethnic, and gender groups that live and work in cities, the historical background of differences, the
impact of societal structures and group cultures, and how public and private policies do and can affect
different groups.
URSP 399 Independent Study (1-3) Restriction: Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 6 credits if
content differs. Directed research and study of selected aspects of urban affairs.
URSP 488 Selected Topics in Urban Studies and Planning (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of ARCH-
Urban Studies & Planning Program department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Topics of
special interest to advanced urban studies students.
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USLT -- Latina/o Studies
USLT 201 U.S. Latina/o Studies I: An Historical Overview to the 1960's (3) Interdisciplinary course
focusing on demographics, terminology and social constructs of race, class, ethnicity, indigeneity, gender,
and sexuality associated with the historical and political roots of US Latinidades. Examines the formation,
evolution an adaptation of US Latina/o communities as critical field of inquiry.
USLT 202 US Latina/o Studies II: A Contemporary Overview 1960's to present (3) Interdisciplinary
course on emerging populations of Latinos in the 20th century with a focus on the multiple waves of
latino immigration as a result of neocolonialism, imperialism, globalization and transnationalism.
Examines the positioning of immigrant waves in the political, sociocultural and historical contexts of US
USLT 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
USLT 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
USLT 488 US Latina/o Senior Seminar (3) Recommended: USLT202 or USLT201. Restriction: Senior
standing; and permission of instructor. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. A variable topics seminar
that exposes students to interdisciplinary critical readings, writings, and research in U.S. Latina/o Studies.
Interdisciplinary research methodologies are broadly addressed. Students will gain skills and practice in
reading critical analytic texts and will develop writing skills.
USLT 498 US Latina/o Studies: Special Topics (3) Prerequisite: USLT202 or USLT201. Restriction:
Junior standing or higher. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Specific content to be announced
when courses are offered.
WMST -- Women's Studies
WMST 200 Introduction to Women's Studies: Women and Society (3) An interdisciplinary study of
the status, roles, and experiences of women in society. Sources from a variety of fields such as literature,
psychology, history, and anthropology, focusing on the writings of women.
WMST 210 Love, Labor, and Citizenship: Women in America to 1880 (3) Also offered as: HIST210.
Credit only granted for: HIST210 or WMST210. An examination of the economic, family, and political
roles of colonial, slave, immigrant and frontier women in America from the pre-industrial colonial period
through the early stages of nineteenth century industrialization and urbanization.
WMST 211 Women in America Since 1880 (3) Also offered as: HIST211. Credit only granted for:
HIST211 or WMST211. An examination of women's changing roles in working class and middle class
families, the effects of industrialization on women's economic activities and status, and women's
involvement in political and social struggles, including those for women's rights, birth control, and civil
WMST 212 Women in Western Europe 1750-Present (3) Also offered as: HIST212. Credit only
granted for: HIST212 or WMST212. An analysis of the economic, family, and political roles of European
women from 1750 to the present. The effects of industrialization on women's work and status, the
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demographic parameters of women's lives, and women's participation in political events from market riots
to suffrage struggles.
WMST 250 Introduction to Women's Studies: Women, Art and Culture (3) An examination of
women's creative powers as expressed in selected examples of music, film, art, drama, poetry, fiction, and
other literature. Explores women's creativity in relation to families, religion, education, ethnicity, class,
sexuality, and within a cultural tradition shaped by women.
WMST 255 Reading Women Writing (3) Also offered as: ENGL250. Credit only granted for:
WMST255 or ENGL250. Explores literary and cultural expressions by women and their receptions within
a range of historical periods and genres. Topics such as what does a woman need in order to write, what
role does gender play in the production, consumption, and interpretation of texts, and to what extent do
women comprise a distinct literary subculture. Interpretation of texts will be guided by feminist and
gender theory, ways of reading that have emerged as important to literary studies over the last four
WMST 263 Introduction to Black Women's Studies (3) Credit only granted for: WMST298A,
AASP298I, or AASP298S. Formerly: WMST298A. Interdisciplinary exploration of Black women,
culture and society in the United States. Drawn primarily from the social sciences and history with
complementary material from literature and the arts.
WMST 265 Constructions of Manhood and Womanhood in the Black Community (3) Investigates
the ways that African Americans are represented and constructed in public and private spheres and
explores the social constructions and representations of Black manhood and womanhood from various
disciplinary perspectives.
WMST 267 Introduction to Black Women's Cultural Studies (3) Credit only granted for: WMST267
or WMST298A. Formerly: WMST298A. An introduction to black women's cultural production and to an
understanding of how the social norms and ideals about women within black communities and in the
larger society have shaped black women's own self-perceptions and behaviors and thus their cultural
WMST 269 Special Topics in Study Abroad II (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
WMST 275 World Literature by Women (3) Also offered as: CMLT275. Credit only granted for:
WMST275 or CMLT275. Comparative study of selected works by women writers of several countries,
exploring points of intersection and divergence in women's literary representations.
WMST 281 Women in German Literature and Society (3) Also offered as: GERM281. Credit only
granted for: WMST281 or GERM281. A study of changing literary images and social roles of women
from the beginning of the 19th century to the present.
WMST 298 Special Topics in Women's Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs.
WMST 300 Feminist Reconceptualizations of Knowledge (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-
Women's Studies department; and must be in Women's Studies program. An examination of how the
interdisciplinary study of women and gender has generated new questions, challenged traditional
methodologies and offered insights on the ways we come to learn, know, and teach. Explores the impact
of feminist thinking on various disciplines.
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WMST 314 Black Women in United States History (3) Restriction: Sophomore standing or higher.
Also offered as: AASP313. Credit only granted for: AASP313, AASP498W, HIST329E, WMST314, or
WMST498N. Formerly: WMST498N. Black American women's history from slavery to the present.
Focused on gaining a fuller understanding of the effect of race, class and gender on the life cycles and
multiple roles of Black women as mothers, daughters, wives, workers and social-change agents.
WMST 319 Workshops in Women's Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Special
topics courses with emphasis on interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches.
WMST 320 Women in Classical Antiquity (3) Also offered as: CLAS320. Credit only granted for:
CLAS320 or WMST320. A study of women's image and reality in ancient Greek and Roman societies
through an examination of literary, linguistic, historical, legal, and artistic evidence; special emphasis on
women's role in the family, views of female sexuality, and the place of women in creative art. Readings in
primary sources in translation and modern critical writings.
WMST 325 The Sociology of Gender (3) Prerequisite: 3 credits in SOCY courses. Also offered as:
SOCY325. Credit only granted for: SOCY325 or WMST325. Institutional bases of gender roles and
gender inequality, cultural perspectives on gender, gender socialization, feminism, and gender-role
change. Emphasis on contemporary American society.
WMST 326 Biology of Reproduction (3) Prerequisite: BSCI170 and BSCI171; or BSCI105; or
permission of ARHU-Women's Studies department. Also offered as: BSCI342. Credit only granted for:
BSCI342 or WMST326. The biology of the reproductive system with emphasis on mammals and, in
particular, on human reproduction. Hormone actions, sperm production, ovulation, sexual differentiation,
sexual behavior, contraception, pregnancy, lactation, maternal behavior and menopause.
WMST 336 Psychology of Women (3) Prerequisite: PSYC100. Also offered as: PSYC336. Credit only
granted for: PSYC336 or WMST336. A study of the biology, life span development, socialization,
personality, mental health, and special issues of women.
WMST 348 Literary Works by Women (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed at least one lower-level
English literature course and one other lower-level English course; or permission of ARHU-Women's
Studies department. Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. Also offered as: ENGL348. Credit only
granted for: ENGL348 or WMST348. The context, form, style and meaning of literary works by women.
WMST 350 Feminist Pedagogy (6) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Women's Studies department.
General application of feminist methodology to teaching and communication skills, teaching strategies,
motivation, classroom dynamics and knowledge of students' development and learning styles.
WMST 360 Caribbean Women (3) An interdisciplinary analysis of the lives and experiences of women
across the Caribbean region, through an examination of their roles in individual, national, social and
cultural formations. Special emphasis on contemporary women's issues and organizations.
WMST 369 Special Topics in Study Abroad III (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs.
Special topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
WMST 370 Black Feminist Thought (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in AASP; or 1 course in WMST.
Examines the ideas, words and actions of Black women writers, speakers, artists, and activists in the
United States.
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WMST 379 Topics in Women's Studies (1-3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Thematic
exploration of a topic in women's studies.
WMST 380 Feminist Analysis of the Workplace (6) An examination of the world of work from a
feminist perspective through theory and experience. Designed to provide students with experiences in
work situations that have social, economic, educational and/or political impact on women's lives. Students
will develop the skill to theoretically analyze their experience and practically implement feminist models
in the workplace.
WMST 386 Experiential Learning (1-6) Restriction: Must have Learning Proposal approved by
Women's Studies Academic Advisor; and junior standing or higher.
WMST 400 Theories of Feminism (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in WMST; or must have completed a
course cross-listed with a WMST course. A study of the multiplicity of feminist theories which have been
developed to explain women's position in the family, the workplace, and society. Major feminist writings
are considered in the context of their historical moment and in the context of the intellectual traditions to
which they relate.
WMST 408 Literature by Women Before 1800 (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed two English
courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-Women's Studies department. Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs. Also offered as: ENGL408. Credit only granted for: ENGL408 or WMST408. Selected
writings by women in the medieval and early modern era.
WMST 410 Women of the African Diaspora (3) Explores the lives, experiences, and cultures of women
of Africa and the African diaspora--African-America, the Caribbean, and Afro-Latin America. A variety
of resources and materials will be used providing a distinctive interdisciplinary perspective.
WMST 420 Asian American Women: The Social Construction of Gender (3) Also offered as:
AAST420. Credit only granted for: AAST420 or WMST420. Examines the intersection of gender, race
and class as it relates to Asian American women in the United States; how institutionalized cultural and
social statuses of gender, race, ethnicity and social class, produce and reproduce inequality within the
lives of Asian American women.
WMST 425 Gender Roles and Social Institutions (3) Credit only granted for: SOCY425 or WMST425.
Relationship between gender roles and the structure of one or more social institutions (e.g., the economy,
the family, the political system, religion, education). The incorporation of gender roles into social
institutions; perpetuation or transformation of sex roles by social institutions; how changing gender roles
affect social institutions.
WMST 444 Feminist Critical Theory (3) Prerequisite: WMST200, WMST250, or ENGL250. Also
offered as: ENGL444. Credit only granted for: ENGL444 or WMST444. Issues in contemporary feminist
thought that have particular relevance to textual studies, such as theories of language, literature, culture,
interpretation, and identity.
WMST 448 Literature by Women of Color (3) Prerequisite: Must complete two English courses in
literature; or permission of ARHU-Women's Studies department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content
differs. Also offered as: ENGL448. Credit only granted for: ENGL448 or WMST448. Literature by
women of color in the United States, Britain, and in colonial and post-colonial countries.
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WMST 452 Women in the Media (3) Also offered as: JOUR452. Credit only granted for: JOUR452 or
WMST452. Participation and portrayal of women in the mass media from colonial to contemporary times.
WMST 453 Victorian Women in England, France, and the United States (3) Also offered as:
HIST493. Credit only granted for: HIST493 or WMST453. Examines the lives of middle and upper-class
women in England, France, and the United States during the Victorian era. Topics include gender roles,
work, domesticity, marriage, sexuality, double standards and women's rights.
WMST 454 Women in Africa (3) Credit only granted for: HIST494 or WMST454. The place of women
in African societies: the role and function of families; institutions such as marriage, birthing, and child
rearing; ritual markers in women's lives; women in the workplace; women's associates; women's health
issues; measures designed to control women's behavior; women and development.
WMST 455 Women in Medieval Culture and Society (3) Also offered as: HIST495. Credit only
granted for: HIST495 or WMST455. Medieval women's identity and cultural roles: the condition, rank
and rights of medieval women; their access to power; a study of women's writings and the constraints of
social constructs upon the female authorial voice; and contemporary assumptions about women.
WMST 456 Women and Society in the Middle East (3) Recommended: Prior coursework in Middle
East studies or gender studies. Also offered as: HIST492. Credit only granted for: HIST492 or
WMST456. Examines the customs, values and institutions that have shaped women's experience in the
Middle East in the past and in the contemporary Middle East.
WMST 457 Redefining Gender in the U.S., 1880-1935 (3) Also offered as: HIST433. Credit only
granted for: HIST433 or WMST457. Exploring changing perceptions of gender in the U.S., 1880-1935,
and the impact of those changes on the day to day lives of men and women.
WMST 458 Literature by Women After 1800 (3) Prerequisite: Must have completed two English
courses in literature; or permission of ARHU-Women's Studies department. Repeatable to 9 credits if
content differs. Also offered as: ENGL458. Credit only granted for: ENGL458 or WMST458. Selected
writings by women after 1800.
WMST 468 Feminist Cultural Studies (3) Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Each version of this
course focuses on one or several forms of popular culture -- such as TV, music, film, cyber-culture, or
genre fiction (for example, science fiction) -- and demonstrates how feminists value, critique and explain
such forms. Tools of feminist cultural studies include economic and social analyses of power, race,
sexuality, gender, class, nationality, religion, technology, and globalization processes.
WMST 469 Study Abroad Special Topics IV (1-6) Repeatable to 15 credits if content differs. Special
topics course taken as part of an approved study abroad program.
WMST 471 Women's Health (3) Restriction: Must be in a major within ARHU-Women's Studies
department; or must be in a major within SPHL-Behavioral & Community Health department. Also
offered as: HLTH471. Credit only granted for: HLTH471 or WMST471. The women's health movement
from the perspective of consumerism and feminism. The physician-patient relationship in the
gynecological and other medical settings. The gynecological exam, gynecological problems,
contraception, abortion, pregnancy, breast and cervical cancer and surgical procedures. Psychological
aspects of gynecological concerns.
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WMST 488 Senior Seminar (3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-Women's Studies department.
Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Seminar for advanced majors in women's studies or other
students with appropriate preparation. Interdisciplinary topics will vary each semester.
WMST 491 Judaism and the Construction of Gender (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in JWST; or 1 course
in LGBT; or 1 course in WMST. Also offered as: JWST491. Credit only granted for: JWST419X,
JWST491, or WMST491. The study of Jewish culture, religious practice, communal authority, and
literature through the frame of such critical categories of analysis as gender, sexuality, masculinity,
power, ethics, and the feminine.
WMST 494 Lesbian Communities and Differences (3) Prerequisite: 1 course in WMST.
Recommended: WMST200 or WMST250. Also offered as: LGBT494. Credit only granted for: LGBT494
or WMST494. The meanings of lesbian communities across many lines of difference. Using lesbian-
feminists of the 1970s as a starting point, we will look both back and forward in history, tracing changes
and exploring the meanings of these in their social and historical contexts.
WMST 496 African-American Women Filmmakers (3) Examines the cinematic artistry of African-
American women filmmakers and the ways in which these films address the dual and inseparable roles of
race and gender.
WMST 498 Advanced Special Topics in Women's Studies (1-3) Restriction: Permission of ARHU-
Women's Studies department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs.
WMST 499 Independent Study (1-3) Prerequisite: 1 course in WMST. Restriction: Permission of
ARHU-Women's Studies department. Repeatable to 9 credits if content differs. Research and writing or
specific readings on a topic selected by the student and supervised by a faculty member of the Women's
Studies Department.
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Administrators, Officials and Faculty
A'Hearn, Michael F.
Professor Emeritus, Astronomy; B.S., Boston College, 1961; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1966.
Abadi, Daniel J.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., Brandeis University, 2002; Master of
Philosophy, University of Cambridge, 2003; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008;
Ph.D., 2008.
Abasi, Ali Reza
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of
Azarabadegan-Tabriz, 1994; M.A., University of Tehran, 1997; Ph.D., University of Ottawa,
Abbasi, Hossein
Lecturer, Economics; B.S., Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 1994; M.S., Institute for Research
in Planning and Development, 1997; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2009.
Abdullah, Halimah
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; M.F.A., Brooklyn College, 2004.
Abed, Eyad H.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
1979; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1981; Ph.D., 1982.
Abraham, Katharine G.
Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; Professor, Economics; B.S., Iowa State
University, 1976; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1982.
Abrams, Michael Carlos
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.A., University of Puerto Rico-Ponce, 1997; M.Arch.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1999.
Abshire, Pamela A.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S.,
California Institute of Technology, 1992; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1997; Ph.D., 2001.
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Acedo Garcia, Ana Isabel
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2000; M.A., 2003.
Ackermann, Christopher
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; Diploma, Fachhochschule Mannheim,
2006; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008; Ph.D., 2010.
Adams, Jeffrey D.
Professor & Associate Chair, Mathematics; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1977; Ph.D., Yale
University, 1981.
Adams, Lowell W.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic
& State University, 1968; M.S., Ohio State University, 1973; Ph.D., 1976.
Adams, William W.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1959; Ph.D.,
Columbia University, 1964.
Addei-Maanu, Christiana Adwoa
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Ph.D., Georgetown University, 2014.
Ades, Alisa Joy
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., Washington University in Saint Louis, 1991;
B.A., 1991; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2004; Ph.D., 2008.
Ades, Ibrahim Z.
Associate Professor, Biology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics;
B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1971; Ph.D., 1976.
Adler, Eric
Associate Professor, Classics; B.A., Connecticut College, 1995; M.A., SUNY-College at
Buffalo, 1998; Ph.D., Duke University, 2005.
Adomaitis, Raymond A.
Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1984; Ph.D., 1988.
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Adsanatham, Chanon
Assistant Professor, English; B.A., University of Colorado-Boulder, 2003; M.A., 2008; Ph.D.,
Miami University, 2014.
Advani, Vivek Manoharlal
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., University of
Mumbai, 2008; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Afflerbach, Peter P.
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1978; M.S.,
1979; Ph.D., 1985.
Agar, Michael H.
Professor Emeritus, Anthropology; A.B., Stanford University, 1967; Ph.D., University of
California-Berkeley, 1971.
Agarwal, Ritu
Professor & Associate Dean, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of Delhi,
1982; M.B.A., Indian Istitute of Management, Calcutta, 1984; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1988;
M.S., 1988.
Agashe, Kaustubh Sadanand
Associate Professor, Physics; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Mumbai, 1993; B.Tech.,
Indian Institute of Technology, 1993; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1998.
Aggour, Mohamed Sherif
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Cairo, 1964; M.S., 1966;
Ph.D., University of Washington, 1972.
Agrawal, Anant
Lecturer, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., University of Virginia, 1995; M.S.,
University of Texas-Austin, 1998; Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 2015.
Agrawala, Ashok K.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Agra University, 1960; B.E., Indian
Institute of Science-Bangalore, 1963; M.Eng., 1965; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1970.
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Aguilar-Mora, Jorge
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Distinguised Scholar-
Teacher; B.A., Universidad Nacional de Mexico, 1966; Ph.D., El Colegio de Mexico, 1976.
Aiken, Juliet Renee
Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychology; B.S., College of William & Mary, 2005; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
Akbari-Saneh, Nahal
Assistant Clinical Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of
Tehran, 1995; M.A., 1999; Ph.D., University of Ottawa, 2009.
Akikawa, Kumiko
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Tokyo Woman's
Christian University, 2000; M.A., Japan Women's University, 2002; M.A., University of York,
2004; M.A., American University, 2008.
Akin, David L.
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Institute for Systems
Research; S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1974; S.M., 1975; Sc.D., 1981.
Al-Sheikhly, Mohamad I.
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering; B.Sc., University of Baghdad, 1974; Ph.D., University of Newcastle Upon Tyne,
Alberini, Anna
Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., University of Venice, 1987; M.A.,
University of California-San Diego, 1989; Ph.D., 1992.
Alcaniz, Isabella
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; Licenciada, Universidad de Belgrano, 1994; M.A., Northwestern University,
1999; Ph.D., 2004.
Aldoory, Linda
Professor, Communication; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., George Washington
University, 1988; M.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1991; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1998.
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Alexander, James C.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1964; Ph.D., 1968.
Alexander, Mary S.
Lecturer, Anthropology; B.A., Beloit College, 1967; M.A., University of Connecticut, 1980.
Alexander, Millard H.
Distinguished University Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Distinguished University
Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; A.B., Harvard University, 1964; Ph.D.,
University of Paris, 1967.
Alexander, Patricia A.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher;
B.A., Bethel University, 1970; M.Ed., James Madison University, 1979; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1981.
Alexander, Thomas Stanley
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.S., University of Baltimore, 1979; M.A., Hood
College, 1987; M.S., Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, 1994; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2012.
Alford, Charles Frederick
Professor, Government & Politics; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Austin College, 1969;
M.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1971; Ph.D., 1979.
Ali, Asim A
Junior Lecturer, American Studies; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1989; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1993; Ph.D., 2013.
Alkebsi, Lutf Y.
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Dhamar University, 1997;
M.A., Sana a University, 2006.
Allee, Todd
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1994;
M.S., London School of Economic & Political Science, 1996; Ph.D., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 2003.
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Allen, Amanda
Lecturer, English; B.F.A., SUNY-College at Potsdam, 2012; M.F.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2015.
Allen, Stephanie T.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Yale University, 1986; M.F.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
Allen-Klein, Robin
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Southern California, 1986; M.Ed., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1989.
Allewell, Norma M.
Professor Emerita, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., McMaster University-Hamilton,
1965; Ph.D., Yale University, 1969.
Almon, Clopper
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1956; Ph.D., Harvard University,
Aloimonos, John
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer
Engineering; B.S., University of Athens-Greece, 1981; M.S., University of Rochester, 1984;
Ph.D., 1987.
Alt, Francis B.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Visiting Associate Professor,
Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.S.E., Johns Hopkins University, 1967;
M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1973; Ph.D., 1977.
Alvarez, Ruth M.
Librarian Emerita; B.A., Gettysburg College, 1967; M.L.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1977; M.A., 1980; Ph.D., 1990.
Alvestad, Kathryn Anderson
Lecturer, College of Education Outreach; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1970;
M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 1976; Ph.D., 1991.
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Alvi, Diba Naureen
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Oberlin College, 1994; M.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 2003; M.Mus., 2004; D.M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
Alwood, Edward
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,
1972; M.A., American University, 1999; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2000.
Ambrose, Kristen Marie
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.Arch., Syracuse University, 2005.
Ambrose, Michael Allen
Associate Clinical Professor, Architecture Program; B.Arch., Temple University, 1996; M.Arch.,
Syracuse University, 2001.
Amde, Amde M.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.E.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1970; M.S.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1971; Ph.D., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1976.
Ames, Frank Anthony
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1964; M.F.A., Carnegie-Mellon
University, 1966.
Amodeo, Stefania R.
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Laurea, University of Genoa, 1964;
M.A., Harvard University, 1992.
Amrane, Karim
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Polytechnic School of Algiers, 1983;
M.S., George Washington University, 1986; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991.
Anand, Davinder K.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., George Washington University, 1959; M.S.,
1961; Ph.D., 1965.
Anandalingam, Anand
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.A., University of Cambridge, 1975; M.S., Harvard University, 1977; Ph.D., 1991.
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Anastos, George
Professor Emeritus, Biology; B.S., University of Akron, 1942; M.A., Harvard University, 1947;
Ph.D., 1949.
Anderson, Ann Slovak
Lecturer, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Boston University, 1974.
Anderson, Elaine A.
Professor & Chair, Family Science; B.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1973; M.S.,
Pennsylvania State University, 1975; Ph.D., 1979.
Anderson, James Robert
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Iowa State University, 1955; Ph.D., 1967.
Anderson, John D.
Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of
Florida, 1959; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1966.
Anderson, Judith Alisa
Lecturer, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Temple University, 1994;
M.A., Chestnut Hill College, 2005.
Anderson, Lindsey B
Assistant Professor, Communication; B.A., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 2004; M.A.,
Indiana University, 2010; Ph.D., Purdue University-Calumet, 2014.
Anderson, Russell Edwards
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997;
M.Eng., 2014.
Anderson, Samira Brake
Assistant Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., Indiana University, 1979; M.A., 1981;
Au.D., University of Florida, 2000; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2012.
Andrade, Marcos F.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Bolivia, 1991; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2001; Ph.D., 2004.
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Andrade, Natasha Almeida
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005;
M.S., 2008; Ph.D., 2012.
Andrews, David Lawrence
Professor, Kinesiology; B.A., University of Exeter, 1985; M.S., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1991; Ph.D., 1993.
Andrews, Norma Windsor
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Physical Science
& Technology; B.S., University of Sao Paulo, 1977; M.S., 1982; Ph.D., 1983.
Andrews, Peter Michael
Adjunct Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., American University, 1965;
M.S., George Washington University, 1968; Ph.D., Tulane University, 1971.
Anenson, T Leigh
Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
B.S., California State Univ-Long Beach, 1990; J.D., University of Akron, 1994; L.L.M.,
Georgetown University, 1996.
Angel, Clara Roselina
Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Iowa State University, 1984; M.S., 1987; Ph.D.,
Angelella, Joseph Ross
Lecturer, English; B.A., Ithaca College, 2002; M.F.A., Bennington College, 2009.
Angeline, Karen
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1983.
Anishchenkova, Valerie
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; M.A., St. Petersburg State
University, 1997; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2001; Ph.D., 2007.
Anisimov, Mikhail A.
Distinguished University Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Distinguished
University Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Engineer Diploma, Grozny
Petroleum Institute, 1964; Ph.D., Moscow State University, 1969.
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Ankem, Sreeramamurthy
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.Eng., University of Mysore, 1972; M.Eng.,
Indian Institute of Science-Bangalore, 1974; Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute NYU, 1980.
Anlage, Steven Mark
Professor, Physics;Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer
Engineering; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1982; M.S., California Institute of
Technology, 1984; Ph.D., 1988.
Antman, Stuart S.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; Distinguished University Professor
Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Distinguished University Professor
Emeritus, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1961; M.S.,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1963; Ph.D., 1965.
Antonisse, Margaret J.
Senior Lecturer, Linguistics; Affiliate Assistant Research Professor, Maryland Language Science
Center; B.A., Lafayette College, 1973; A.M.L.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1976;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2000.
Antonsen Jr., Thomas M.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Physics; Affiliate Professor, Institute
for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; B.S., Cornell University, 1973; M.S., 1976;
Ph.D., 1977.
Appelbaum, Ian
Professor, Physics; Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, 1997; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.
Apter, R Charles
Lecturer, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Clemson University, 1980; M.S., Texas A&M
University-College Station, 1990; Ph.D., 1996; B.S., Clemson University, 2080.
Aranda-Espinoza, Jose Helim
Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; Affiliate
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Physics;
B.S., Mexico, 1990; M.S., Universidad de San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 1993; Ph.D., 1998.
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Araneda, Ricardo C.
Associate Professor, Biology; B.S., Universidad de Concepcion, 1986; M.S., Yeshiva University,
1992; Ph.D., 1997.
Arbaugh, William
Associate Professor Emeritus, Computer Science; B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1984; M.S.,
Columbia University, 1985; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1999.
Archer, Becky G.
Lecturer, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; B.A., Duke University, 1991; M.A.,
American University, 1996; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2006.
Armstrong, Pamela Kay
Associate Clinical Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.S., University
of Arizona, 1984; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1985; Ph.D., University of
Pennsylvania, 1994.
Armstrong, Ronald W.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.E.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1955; M.Sc.,
Carnegie-Mellon University, 1957; Ph.D., 1958.
Arnold, Elizabeth
Professor, English; B.A., Oberlin College, 1981; M.A., University of Chicago, 1984; Ph.D.,
1990; M.F.A., Warren Wilson College, 1996.
Arria, Amelia
Associate Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., Cornell University, 1986; Ph.D.,
University of Pittsburgh, 1993.
Arsenault, Leah
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Cincinnati, 2006; M.Mus., 2008.
Arsenjuk, Luka
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Associate Professor,
English-Comparative Literature; B.A., University of Ljubljana, 2002; Ph.D. in Literature, Duke
University, 2010; Ph.D., 2010.
Aruch, Matthew Ian
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.S., University of Mary Washington, 2003;
M.S., 2004; M.Ed., Harvard University, 2011.
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Arul, Senthil
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Madras, 1985; M.S., University of Iowa,
1989; D.Engin., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009.
Aruoba, Sadik Boragan
Associate Professor, Economics; B.A., Bogazici University, 1999; M.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 2002; Ph.D., 2004.
Asa-Awuku, Akua A.
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 2003; M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006; Ph.D., 2008.
Ater, Renee D.
Associate Professor, Art History & Archaeology; Affiliate Associate Professor, American
Studies; B.A., Oberlin College, 1987; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1993; Ph.D.,
Auchard, John
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., New York University, 1970; M.A., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 1971; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1980.
Auerbach, Jonathan D.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A.,
University of California-Santa Cruz, 1976; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1978; Ph.D., 1984.
Augustine, Kevin
Lecturer, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.F.A., University of the Arts, 1993.
Auslander, Joseph
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1952; M.S.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1953; Ph.D., 1957.
Austin, Mark A.
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Associate Professor, Institute for
Systems Research; B.E., University of Canterbury-Christ Church, 1980; M.S., University of
California-Berkeley, 1982; Ph.D., 1985.
Ausubel, Lawrence M.
Professor, Economics; B.A., Princeton University, 1980; M.S., Stanford University, 1982; Ph.D.,
1984; M.L.S., 1984.
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Aycock Jr., Marvin K.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., North Carolina State
University, 1959; M.S., 1963; Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1966.
Aydilek, Ahmet H.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Istanbul University, 1993; M.S., University
of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996; Ph.D., 2000.
Ayyub, Bilal M.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Kuwait University, 1980; M.S., Georgia
Institute of Technology, 1981; Ph.D., 1983.
Ayyub, Omar B
Post-Doctoral Associate, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2010; Ph.D., 2014.
Azarm, Mira
Lecturer, Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship; B.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2001; M.F.A., Maryland Institute College of Art, 2013.
Azarm, Shapour
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Tehran, 1977; M.S., George Washington
University, 1979; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1984.
Babadi, Behtash
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Institute
for Systems Research; B.S., Sharif University of Technology, 2006; Ph.D., Harvard University,
Babuska, Ivo M.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; Dipl. Ing., Technical University of
Prague, 1949; Ph.D., 1951; Ph.D., Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1955; D.Sc., 1960.
Baccus, Ayanna Asha
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Wake Forest
University, 1997; M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 1999; Ph.D., 2004.
Bachenko, Joan C
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of
Minnesota-Crookston, 1969; M.A., New York University, 1972; Ph.D., 1977.
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Badano, Aldo
Adjunct Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; M.Eng., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1995; M.S., 1995; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1999; Ph.D., 1999.
Baden, Andrew R.
Professor, Physics; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975; B.A., San Francisco State
University, 1981; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1986.
Bae, Soyoung
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Korea University-Seoul, 2003; M.A., Kyungnam University,
2005; M.A., Indiana University, 2009; Ph.D., 2013.
Baecher, Gregory B.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1968;
M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970; Ph.D., 1972.
Baeder, James D.
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Rice University, 1983; M.S., Stanford University, 1984;
Ph.D., 1989.
Baer, Ferdinand
Professor Emeritus, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.A., University of Chicago, 1950; M.S.,
1954; Ph.D., 1961.
Baer, Hester
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Bard College, 1992; M.A., University of Minnesota-Twin
Cities, 1994; Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2000.
Bahari, Seyed Farshad
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Khajeh Nasir Tousi University of
Technology, 1995; M.S., Iran, 1997; M.S., Sharif University of Technology, 1997; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
Baick, Brian Sunghyuk
Lecturer, Hillman Entrepreneurs Program; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997;
M.A., George Washington University, 2003.
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Bailey, Amanda
Professor & Chair, English; B.A., Oberlin College, 1988; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1992; Ph.D., 1998.
Baillargeon, Mercedes
Assistant Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Assistant
Professor; Women’s Studies; B.A., Universite du Quebec a Montreal, 2007; M.A., 2009; Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2014.
Baiocchi, Giovanni
Associate Professor, Geography; B.A., University of Trieste, 1991; M.A., Virginia Polytechnic
& State University, 1993; Ph.D., University of York, 2008.
Baker, Melanie
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2007; M.A.,
Seattle Pacific University, 2009.
Bakshi, Gurdip S.
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.Elect.E., Punjab
University, 1985; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989; Ph.D., 1992.
Balachandran, B.
Professor & Chair, Mechanical Engineering; B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology-Madras,
1985; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1986; Ph.D., 1990.
Balachandran Orihuela, Sharada
Assistant Professor, English; B.A., Mills College, 2005; Ph.D., University of California-Davis,
2012; Ph.D., 2012.
Balakrishnan, Krishnan
Lecturer, ECE-Telecommunications Program; B.E., National Institute of Tech-Karnataka, 1989;
M.S., Clemson University, 1992; Ph.D., 1996.
Balan, Radu Victor
Professor, Center for Scientific Computation and Math Modeling; Professor, Mathematics;
Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., Polytechnic University of Bucharest,
1992; B.S., University of Bucharest, 1994; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1998.
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Balcom, Sarah Anne
Senior Lecturer, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.A., College of William & Mary, 1998; M.S., Tufts
University, 2000; D.V.M., 2006.
Baldwin, Andrew H.
Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Tufts University, 1983; Ph.D., Louisiana
State University-Baton Rouge, 1996.
Baldwin, Thomas R.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Ithaca College, 1990.
Balint, Jean-Louis
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Lyons I, 1980; D.Engin., 1982; Ph.D.,
Ball, Gregory F.
Professor & Dean, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; Professor, Psychology; Affiliate
Professor, Biology; B.A., Columbia University, 1977; Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1983.
Ball, Michael O.
Professor & Associate Dean, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.E.S., Johns
Hopkins University, 1972; M.S.E., 1972; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1977.
Ballenger, Robert M
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State
University, 1997; M.A., University of Washington, 1999.
Ballou, Jonathan Davis
Adjunct Professor, Biology; B.A., University of Virginia, 1977; M.S., George Washington
University, 1985; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1995.
Balthrop, Carmen A.
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Maryland-College Park, 1971; M.Mus.,
Catholic University of America, 1972.
Banavar, Jayanth R.
Professor & Dean, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; Professor, Physics; B.S.,
Bangalore University, 1972; M.S., 1974; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1978.
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Bandel, V. Allan
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1959; M.S., 1962; Ph.D., 1965.
Banihashemi, Mohamadreza
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; M.S., University of Tehran, 1989; B.S., 1989;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998.
Banks, Antoine Jevon
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., CUNY-Hunter College, 2001; Ph.D.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009.
Bar-Cohen, Avram
Distinguished University Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1968; M.S., 1968; Ph.D., 1971.
Baras, John S.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Affiliate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Lockheed Martin Chair in Systems Engineering;
Director, Maryland Hybrid Networks Center; B.S., National Technical University of Athens,
1970; S.M., Harvard University, 1971; Ph.D., 1973.
Barbarin, Oscar
Professor & Chair, African American Studies; Professor, Psychology; B.A., St. Joseph Seminary
College, 1968; M.A., New York University, 1971; M.S., Rutgers University, 1973; Ph.D., 1975.
Barbe, David F.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., West Virginia University, 1962;
M.S., 1964; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1969.
Barbee, Brent William
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of Texas-Austin, 2003; M.S., 2005.
Barber, Richard C.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, 1992.
Barbosa, Pedro
Professor Emeritus, Entomology; B.S., City University of New York-City College, 1966; M.S.,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1969; Ph.D., 1971.
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Barclay, Jennifer
Assistant Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.S., Northwestern
University, 1999; M.F.A., University of California-San Diego, 2009.
Barg, Alexander
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; M.S., Moscow Institute of Engineering & Physics, 1981;
Ph.D., Institute for Inform. Trans. Problems, Russian Acad Sci, 1987.
Barham, Thomas
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University,
1981; J.D., George Washington University, 1986.
Barkatt, Aaron
Adjunct Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
1964; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., 1974.
Barker, Danielle
Assistant Instructor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Barkeshli, Mohammad M.
Assistant Professor, Physics; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 2004; B.S., 2004; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010.
Barkley Brown, Elsa
Associate Professor, History; Associate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Associate
Professor, American Studies; B.A., DePauw University, 1972; Ph.D., Kent State University,
Barlow, Jewel B.
Director, Aerospace Wind Tunnel; B.S., Auburn University, 1963; B.Sc., 1963; M.S., 1964;
Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1970.
Barnes, Kelsey
Lecturer, MLAW Programs; B.S., Washington State University, 1980; M.S.W., University of
Washington, 1985; J.D., University of Denver, 1999.
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Barnes, Sean Louis
Assistant Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Assistant Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006; M.S., 2007;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2012.
Barnhart, JoEllen M.
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; A.A., Hagerstown Community College, 1979; B.S.,
Towson University, 1981; M.L.A., McDaniel College, 1990; Ph.D., Capella University, The,
Barrenechea, Francisco
Assistant Professor, Classics; B.S., Licenciatura, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,
1996; M.A., Columbia University, 1999; M.Phil., 2003; Ph.D., 2005.
Barrett, David John
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1972;
M.S., 1973; Ph.D., 1980.
Barrett, Sharon E.
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.A., Lakeland Community College, 1971; M.S., Columbia
University, 1973; Ph.D., Morgan State University, 2013.
Barros Gomes, Patricia
Assistant Clinical Professor, Family Science; M.S., Kansas State University, 2010; M.S., 2012;
Ph.D., 2015.
Barry, Jackson G.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Yale University, 1950; M.A., Columbia University, 1951;
M.F.A., Case Western Reserve University, 1962; Ph.D., 1963.
Bartol, Kathryn M.
Professor & Area Chair, Management & Organization; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of
Business; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Marygrove College, 1963; M.A., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1966; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1972.
Barua, Rajeev K.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; B.S.,
Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, 1992; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994;
Ph.D., 2000.
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Bashir, Elena
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1961; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984; Ph.D., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988.
Basili, Victor R.
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science; B.S., Fordham University, 1961; M.S., Syracuse
University, 1963; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1970; Ph.D., University of Sannio,
Benevento, 2004; Ph.D., University of Kaiserslautern, 2005;
Basu, Progyan
Clinical Professor, Accounting; B.E., Jadavpur University, 1983; M.B.A., University of
Missouri-Kansas City, 1986; Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1992.
Bauchau, Olivier
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Université de l’Etat à Liège, 1977; M.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1978; Ph.D., 1981.
Bauer, Ralph Robert
Associate Professor, English; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate
Associate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., University of Erlangen-Nurnberg,
1991; M.A., Michigan State University, 1993; Ph.D., 1997.
Baum, Howell S.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; Professor Emeritus, Urban
Studies & Planning Program; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1967; M.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 1968; M.C.P., University of California-Berkeley, 1971; Ph.D., 1974.
Baum, J Robert
Associate Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Lecturer, Management &
Organization; B.S., Lehigh University, 1964; M.B.A., Northwestern University, 1966; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1994.
Baur, Cynthia E
Professor & Director, Horowitz Center for Health Literacy; Professor, Behavioral & Community
Health; B.A., University of California-Davis, 1983; M.A., University of California-San Diego,
1992; Ph.D., 1995.
Bayly, Catherine Angelina
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2004; M.F.A., 2012.
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Baz, Amr M.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of Cairo,
1966; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1970; Ph.D., 1973.
Bazaco, Michael C
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 2001; M.S.,
2004; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2012.
Beasley, Maurine
Professor Emerita, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; M.S., Columbia University, 1963;
Ph.D., George Washington University, 1974.
Beaton, Robert J.
Lecturer, Institute for Systems Research; B.A., Mount Saint Mary's University, 1977; M.S.,
Villanova University, 1980; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1984.
Beauchamp, Virginia W.
Associate Professor Emerita, English; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1942; M.A.,
1948; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1955.
Bechara, Nizar
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering.
Bechhoefer, William B.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; A.B., Harvard University,
1963; M.Arch., 1967.
Beck, Evelyn T.
Professor Emerita, Women's Studies; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Brooklyn College,
1954; M.A., Yale University, 1955; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1969.
Beck, Kenneth H.
Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1972; M.A.,
Syracuse University, 1975; Ph.D., 1977.
Beckett, Dorothy
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Barnard College, 1980; Ph.D., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1986.
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Beckman, Christine M.
Professor, Management & Organization; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Stanford University, 1991; M.A., 1991; Ph.D., 1999.
Beckman, Paula J.
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; Affiliate Professor, Latin
American Studies Center; B.A., Hastings College, 1974; M.A., University of Nebraska at
Omaha, 1977; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1980.
Becnel, Andrew Craig
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, 2007; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Bedaque, Paulo Sergio Fortes
Professor, Physics; B.S., University of Sao Paulo, 1985; M.S., 1989; Ph.D., University of
Rochester, 1994.
Bederson, Ben
Professor & Associate Provost, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Professor,
Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Executive Director,
Teaching and Learning Transformation Center; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1986;
M.S., New York University, 1989; Ph.D., 1992.
Bedingfield, James P.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1966; M.B.A., 1968; D.B.A., 1972.
Bedrossian, Jacob Philip
Associate Professor, Mathematics; Associate Professor, Center for Scientific Computation and
Math Modeling; B.S., Case Western Reserve University, 2007; M.S., 2007; Ph.D., University of
California-Los Angeles, 2011.
Beecher, William
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Harvard University, 1955; M.S., Columbia
University, 1956.
Beerman, Adrienne Iva Joris
Assistant Instructor, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2016.
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Beicken, Peter U.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; M.A.,
University of Munich, 1968; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1971.
Beier, Jonathan
Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.S., Stanford University, 2001; Ph.D., Harvard University,
Beigel, Thomas Howard
Senior Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1997; M.S., 2001.
Beise, Elizabeth Jane
Professor & Associate Provost, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Professor,
Physics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Carleton College, 1981; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1988.
Bell, Matthew J.
Professor, Architecture Program; Professor, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation;
Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.Arch., University of Notre Dame, 1983; M.Arch.,
Cornell University, 1989.
Bell, Richard
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, Historic Preservation Program; B.A.,
University of Cambridge, 1999; M.A., Harvard University, 2001; Ph.D., 2006.
Bellama, Jon M.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Allegheny College, 1960; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1965.
Belloni, Alberto
Assistant Professor, Physics; B.S., University of Pisa, 2002; Diploma Di Licenza, Italy, 2002;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007; Ph.D., 2007.
Belov, Georgiy A.
Associate Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; Associate Professor, VA-MD Regional
College Veterinary Medicine; M.S., Moscow Lomonosov State University, 1992; Ph.D., 2001.
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Bely, Alexandra E.
Associate Professor, Biology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991; Ph.D., SUNY-
Stony Brook, 1999.
Belz, Herman J.
Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., Princeton University, 1959; M.A., University of Washington,
1963; Ph.D., 1966.
Benedetto, John J.
Professor, Mathematics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Boston College, 1960; M.A.,
Harvard University, 1962; Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1964.
Benesch, William M.
Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.A., Lehigh University, 1942;
M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1950; Ph.D., 1952.
Benharrech, Sarah
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of
Bordeaux, 1991; M.A., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1995; Ph.D., Princeton University,
2002; Ph.D., 2002.
Benito-Vessels, Carmen
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Universidad de Salamanca,
1977; M.A., 1977; Ph.D., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1988.
Bennett Jr., Ralph D.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; Professor Emeritus,
Architecture Program; B.A., Princeton University, 1961; M.F.A., 1966.
Bennett, Robert L.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1951; M.A., 1955;
Ph.D., 1963.
Bentley, William E.
Distinguished University Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; Professor, IBBR-
College Park; Affiliate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Cornell
University, 1982; M.Eng., 1983; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1989.
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Berenstein, Carlos A.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; Licenciado En Matematicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
1966; M.S., New York University, 1969; Ph.D., 1970.
Berg, Kenneth R.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1960;
Ph.D., 1967.
Bergbreiter, Sarah E
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Associate Professor, Institute for Systems
Research; Affiliate Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.E., Princeton
University, 1999; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 2004; Ph.D., 2007.
Berger, Bruce S.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1954; M.S.,
1959; Ph.D., 1962.
Berger, Elliot Joseph
Lecturer, English; B.A., Brown University, 1995; M.A., University of Chicago, 2014.
Berlin, Adele
Professor Emerita, English; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1964; Ph.D., 1976.
Berlin, Ira
Distinguished University Professor, History; Research Scholar, College of Arts & Humanities;
Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Professor, Latin American Studies Center;
Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow: Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1963; M.A., 1966; Ph.D., 1970.
Berman, Louise M.
Professor Emerita, Education Policy and Leadership; A.B., Wheaton College, 1950; M.A.,
Columbia University, 1953; Ed.D., 1960.
Bernard, Peter S.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.E., CUNY-City College of New York, 1972; M.S.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1973; Ph.D., 1977.
Bernards, Reena
Lecturer, Family Science; B.A., Brandeis University, 1976; M.P.A., Harvard University, 1987;
M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
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Bernat, Edward
Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of Arizona, 1989; M.A., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1993; Ph.D., 1997.
Berndtson, Rachel Elise
Lecturer, Geography; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008; Ph.D., 2014.
Bertot, John
Professor & Associate Provost, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Professor,
College of Information Studies; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1986; M.A., 1988; Ph.D., Syracuse
University, 1996.
Besharov, Douglas J.
Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., CUNY-Queens College, 1965; J.D., New York
University, 1968; L.L.M., 1971.
Best, Otto F.
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Hohe Landesschule
Hanaw, 1948; M.A., University of Toulouse, 1951; Ph.D., University of Munich, 1963.
Beste, C Ed
Associate Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Purdue University-
West Lafayette, 1961; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., 1971.
Betancourt, Roger R.
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., Georgetown University, 1965; Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1969.
Bettag, Thomas Raymond
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966; M.A.,
Columbia University, 1967.
Beyrouty, Craig
Professor & Dean, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; Professor, Plant Science &
Landscape Architecture; B.S., California Polytech State Univ-San Luis, 1977; M.S., Purdue
University-West Lafayette, 1980; Ph.D., 1984.
Bezejouh, Ben Nkafu
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., University of Liverpool, 1991; M.S., 1992.
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Bhagat, Satindar M.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; I.Sc., Punjab University, 1948; B.A., Jammu and Kashmir
University, 1950; M.Sc., University of Delhi, 1953; Ph.D., 1956.
Bhargava, Alok
Professor, School of Public Policy; Affiliate Professor, Health Services Administration; B.A.,
University of Delhi, 1974; B.S., London School of Economic & Political Science, 1977; M.S.,
1978; Ph.D., 1982.
Bhatia, Manjit S
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics; B.S., University of Delhi, 1956; M.S., 1958; Ph.D., Florida
State University, 1963; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1986; Sc.D., George Washington
University, 1994;
Bhattacharjee, Samrat
Professor, Computer Science; B.S., Georgia College and State University, 1994; Ph.D., Georgia
Institute of Technology, 1999.
Bhattacharyya, Shuvra S.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley,
Bianchini, Janna
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Wellesley
College, 1999; M.A., Harvard University, 2003; Ph.D., 2007.
Biber, Douglas Edward
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.S., 1974; M.A., University of
Texas-Austin, 1977; M.A., University of Southern California, 1982; Ph.D., 1984; Ph.D., Uppsala
Universitet, 2000;
Bierbaum, Ariel H
Assistant Professor, Urban Studies & Planning Program; Assistant Professor, School of
Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 2000; M.C.P.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2016.
Bierie, David M.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Colorado, 2000; M.A., University
of Maryland-College Park, 2003; M.A., 2003; Ph.D., 2007.
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Bierman, Hilary Susan
Lecturer, Biology; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2007.
Bies, Angela
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Butler University, 1988; M.A., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1990; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2003.
Bigio, David I.
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Case Western Reserve University, 1971;
M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976; Eng.D., 1978; Ph.D., 1986.
Binder, Michael P
Lecturer, HCOL-Gemstone Program; B.S., University of Virginia, 1983; M.S., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1985; M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988.
Birkner, Francis B.
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Newark College of Engineering,
1961; M.S.E., University of Florida, 1962; Ph.D., 1965.
Birnbaum, Robert
Professor Emeritus, Education Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of Rochester, 1958;
M.A., Columbia University-Teachers College, 1964; Ed.D., 1967.
Birnir, Johanna K
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., University of California-Irvine, 1993; M.A.,
University of California-Los Angeles, 1998; Ph.D., 2001.
Bishop, Kelley
Director, University Career Center; B.A., Dartmouth College, 1983; M.Ed., Indiana University,
Biswas, Debabrata
Associate Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of Rajshahi, 1991; M.S.,
University of Dhaka, 1994; M.S., University of Tokyo, 1998; Ph.D., 2001.
Bjarnadottir, Margret Vilborg
Assistant Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Assistant Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., University of Iceland, 2001; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 2008.
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Blair-Brown, Merlene
Lecturer, Family Science; B.S., Southern Connecticut State University, 1994; M.A., 2001.
Blanchard, Jack J.
Professor & Chair, Psychology; B.S., Arizona State University, 1984; Ph.D., SUNY-Stony
Brook, 1991.
Bland, Beryl Curry
Lecturer, Art History & Archaeology; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1999.
Blankenship, Gilmer L.
Professor & Associate Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, 1967; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., 1971.
Bleam, Tonia
Senior Lecturer, Linguistics; B.A., Central College, 1991; M.A., University of Delaware, 1994;
Ph.D., 1999.
Blejer, Perla
Associate Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, 1972; M.A., Loyola University of Chicago, 1975; Ed.D., George
Washington University, 1997.
Blough, Neil V.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1977; Ph.D., Northwestern
University, 1983.
Blumler, Jay G.
Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Antioch College, 1947; D.Phil.,
University of Oxford, 1962.
Blumner, Ellen L.
Lecturer, English; B.A., New York University, 1968; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1985.
Bockstael, Nancy E.
Professor Emerita, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., Connecticut College, 1971; M.A.,
Brown University, 1973; Ph.D., University of Rhode Island, 1976.
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Bodin, Lawrence D.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., Northeastern University, 1962;
M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1966; Ph.D., 1967.
Boehmer, Christina Anne
Assistant Instructor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Boekeloo, Bradley O.
Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., Kalamazoo College, 1981; S.C.M., Johns
Hopkins University, 1985; Ph.D., 1989.
Boissiere, Maurice Xavier
Lecturer, English; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1989; M.B.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 1993.
Bolatto, Alberto
Professor, Astronomy; M.A., Boston University, 1997; Ph.D., 2001.
Bolger, Donald Joseph
Associate Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, 1998; M.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2002; Ph.D., 2007.
Bolles, Augusta Lynn
Professor Emerita, Women's Studies; A.B., Syracuse University, 1971; M.A., Rutgers
University, 1978; Ph.D., 1981.
Bond, Kanisha De Ann
Assistant Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Bucknell University, 2002; M.P.P.,
Georgetown University, 2004; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University-University Park, 2010.
Bonner, Christopher James
Assistant Professor, History; B.A., Howard University, 2008; M.A., Yale University, 2011;
Ph.D., 2014.
Borgia, Gerald
Professor, Biology; B.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1970; M.S., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 1973; Ph.D., 1978.
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Boroumand, Jahangir
Associate Clinical Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; B.S., Oregon State University,
1972; M.S., Syracuse University, 1974; M.S., 1976; Ph.D., 1981.
Borrut, Antoine
Associate Professor, History; M.A., University of Toulouse, 1998; Ph.D., University of Paris,
Bote, Lisa A.
Associate Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Millersville
University, 1991; M.Ed., Arizona State University, 1997; Ph.D., 2000.
Boudreaux, Michel
Assistant Professor, Health Services Administration; B.A., Augsburg College, 2003; M.S.,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2009; Ph.D., 2014.
Boutla, Mrim
Lecturer, English; B.A., Catholic University of Louvain-Dutch, 1999; M.A., University of
Rochester, 2002; Ph.D., 2003.
Bouwkamp, John C.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Michigan State
University, 1964; M.S., 1966; Ph.D., 1969.
Bovill, Carl H.
Associate Professor, Architecture Program; Associate Professor, School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; B.S., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1969; M.S., University
of California-Berkeley, 1970; M.Arch., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1976.
Bowen, David
Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Cornell University, 2006; B.E., 2006; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
Bowerman, William W.
Professor & Chair, Environmental Science & Technology; B.A., Western Michigan University,
1985; M.A., Northern Michigan University, 1991; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1993.
Boyd, Derek A.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1964; B.Sc., 1965; M.Sc., 1967;
Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1973.
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Boyd III, Henry Clifford
Clinical Professor, Marketing; B.A., Princeton University, 1986; M.B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1988; Ph.D., Duke University, 1996; L.L.D., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 2005.
Boyd-Graber, Jordan Lee
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.S., California Institute
of Technology, 2004; M.A., Princeton University, 2006; Ph.D., 2010.
Boyle, Eric
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.A., California Polytech State Univ-San Luis, 1997; Ph.D.,
University of California-Santa Barbara, 2007.
Boyle, Patrick Kevin
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Dayton, 1981; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2004.
Boyle, McBlaine Michael
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., Stanford University 1974; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1977; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1983.
Bradbury, Miles L.
Assistant Professor, History; A.B., Harvard University, 1960; A.M., 1961; Ph.D., 1967.
Bradley, Karen Kohn
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Boston University,
1974; M.A., University of Oregon, 1977.
Bradley-Klemko, Lisa D.
Assistant Dean, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.S., University of California-
Davis, 1978; D.V.M., 1982.
Braguinsky, Serguey
Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.A., Moscow State University, 1982; Ph.D., Keio University, 1997.
Brami, Joseph
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Sorbonne-
Nouvelle, Paris, 1974; M.A., 1976; Ph.D., New York University, 1984.
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Brannigan, Vincent M.
Professor Emeritus, Fire Protection Engineering; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
1973; J.D., Georgetown University, 1975.
Brantley, William
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.A., Eastern Kentucky University, 1990; M.A.,
George Washington University, 1996; M.B.A., Jones International University, 2002; Ph.D.,
Walden University, 2009.
Brantlinger, Andrew Morgan
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Macalester College,
1991; M.S., Indiana University, 1994; M.Ed., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1997; Ph.D.,
Northwestern University, 2007; Ed.D., 2007;
Braun, Bonnie
Professor Emerita, Family Science; B.S., University of Central Missouri, 1968; M.S., 1971;
Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1979.
Braun, Michael James
Adjunct Professor, Biology; B.A., Cornell University, 1977; Ph.D., Louisiana State University-
Baton Rouge, 1983.
Brauth, Steven E.
Professor, Psychology; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1967; Ph.D., New York
University, 1973.
Bravo III, Jorge J.
Assistant Professor, Classics; B.A., Princeton University, 1990; M.A., University of California-
Berkeley, 1996; Ph.D., 2006.
Brechling, Frank P.
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., University of Freiburg, 1951; Ph.D., Trinity Washington
University, 1955.
Brecht, Richard Domenick
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Pennsylvania State
University, 1965; M.A., Harvard University, 1969; Ph.D., 1972.
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Brellenthin, Cornell M.
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., University of Nebraska at Kearney, 1980; M.S.,
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 1999; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2004.
Bresee, Heidi Lynn
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.S., Washington Adventist University, 1993; M.S.,
University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1997.
Breslow, Marvin A.
Associate Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1957; M.A.,
Harvard University, 1958; Ph.D., 1963.
Brewer, Carmen C.
Lecturer, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., Rutgers University, 1972; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1974; Ph.D., 1981.
Brewer, Holly
Associate Professor, History; B.A., Harvard University, 1986; M.A., University of California-
Los Angeles, 1989; Ph.D., 1994.
Brewer, Laurence Neil
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., College of William & Mary, 1988; M.A.,
University of Georgia, 1990.
Briber, Robert M.
Professor & Associate Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering; Professor, Materials
Science & Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Cornell University, 1979; M.S.,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1981; Ph.D., 1984.
Brighton, Stephen Anthony
Associate Professor, Anthropology; B.A., Montclair State University, 1992; Ph.D., Boston
University, 2005.
Briken, Volker
Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Constance University, 1993;
Ph.D., University of Paris Vii, 1998.
Brill, Dieter R.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., Princeton University, 1954; Ph.D., 1959.
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Brin, Michael
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, 1970;
Ph.D., Kharkov State University, 1975.
Britt, Thomas Watson
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., College of William
& Mary, 1988; M.A., Wake Forest University, 1990; Ph.D., University of Florida, 1994.
Brodie, Herbert L.
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Rutgers State University, 1964;
M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1972.
Brodsky, Harold
Associate Professor Emeritus, Geography; B.S., City University of New York-Brooklyn College,
1954; M.S., University of Colorado, 1960; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1966.
Brody, Evan Barrett
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1980; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1985; Ph.D., 1993.
Brooks, Alyssa Todaro
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 2010.
Brooks, Jesse Lee
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of North Florida, 2011; M.F.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2015.
Brooks, Laure Weber
Instructor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1980;
M.A., 1982; Ph.D., 1986.
Brookshire, David J.
Lecturer, English; B.S., University of Kansas, 1986; B.S., 1988; M.A., Kansas State University,
1997; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2009.
Brosnan, Patrick
Professor, Mathematics; B.A., Princeton University, 1991; M.A., University of Chicago, 1993;
Ph.D., 1998.
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Brower, Sidney N.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.Arch., University of
Cape Town, 1953; M.C.P., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964.
Brown, Amy
Professor, Entomology; B.S., University of Florida, 1975; M.S., Michigan State University,
1980; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1993.
Brown, Earl H.
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., University of Minnesota-St. Paul,
1956; M.S., 1957; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1961.
Brown, Elizabeth Y.
Instructor, Kinesiology; B.S., Kent State University, 1965; M.Ed., 1967; Ed.D., University of
Houston, 1973.
Brown, John H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Philosophy; B.A., Princeton University, 1952; M.A., 1957; Ph.D.,
Brown, Michael
Professor, Geology; Affiliate Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; B.A.,
University of Keele, 1969; Ph.D., 1975.
Brown, Robert A.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.A., University of Richmond, 1958; M.A.,
University of Iowa, 1961; Ph.D., 1962.
Brown, Stephen
Associate Clinical Professor, Accounting; B.A., University of Oxford, 1980; M.S., Northwestern
University, 1997; Ph.D., 2001.
Brown, Tara
Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Lesley University,
1997; M.A., 1999; M.Ed., Harvard University, 2001; Ed.D., 2005.
Brubaker, Kaye L.
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.A., Eastern Mennonite College,
1979; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1989; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1991; Ph.D., 1995.
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Bruce, La Marr Jurelle
Assistant Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
Columbia University, 2003; Ph.D., Yale University, 2013.
Bruck, Hugh Alan
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of South
Carolina-Columbia, 1988; M.S., 1989; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1995.
Bruckheim, Arthur Jay
Lecturer, Mathematics; M.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1965; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1969; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1978; B.S., Polytechnic
Institute of NY-Brooklyn, 1984.
Brune, Tom
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., Northwestern University, 1975; M.J.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Brush, Stephen G.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, History; Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical
Science & Technology; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; A.B., Harvard University, 1955; D.Phil.,
Oxford University, 1958.
Bryant, Deborah Reid
Assistant Dean & Director, Office of Letters & Sciences; B.S., Boston University, 1972; M.S.,
SUNY-College at Brockport, 1975; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998.
Bryant, Garnett Woodruff
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S., University of Kentucky, 1972; Ph.D., Indiana University,
Bryer, Jackson R.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Amherst College, 1959; M.A., Columbia University, 1960;
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1965.
Bub, Jeffrey
Distinguished University Professor, Philosophy; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Physical
Science & Technology; B.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1961; B.Sc., 1962; Ph.D., University of
London, 1966.
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Buchanan, Robert L.
Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., Rutgers University, 1969; M.S., 1971; M.S., 1973;
Ph.D., 1974.
Bucher, Gregory S.
Lecturer, Classics; Ph.D., Brown University, 1997.
Buchner, John
Lecturer, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996;
Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2008.
Buchtel, John A
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Grove City College, 1994; M.A., Case Western
Reserve University, 1996; Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2004.
Buck-Coleman, Audra K
Associate Professor, Art; B.A., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1993; M.F.A., Cranbrook
Academy of Art, 2003.
Buckley Jr., Frank T.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1959;
Ph.D., 1968.
Buehrle, David C.
Senior Lecturer, Physics; B.S., Lehigh University, 1992; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2004.
Bulich, Heidi
Lecturer & Director, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.S., Georgetown
University, 1983; J.D., 1988.
Bulmash, Gary F.
Clinical Professor, Accounting; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1966; M.B.A., 1968;
D.B.A., 1974.
Bunch, Monya M.
Lecturer, MLAW Programs; B.S., Hampton University, 1991; M.P.A., University of Hartford,
1994; J.D., Howard University, 2004.
Bunnell, Thomas R
Lecturer, Art; B.A., University of Oregon, 1995; M.F.A., American University, 1998.
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Bunnewith, Maria Jane
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Worcester State University, 1990.
Burgess II, Harold F.
Lecturer, Living Learning Programs; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997; Ph.D.,
Weizmann Institute of Science-Rehovoth, 2001; M.F.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
Burk, Amy O.
Associate Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., James Madison University, 1995; M.S.,
Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1998; Ph.D., 2001.
Burke, David
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., North Carolina State University, 2004; M.S., 2007;
Ph.D., 2010.
Burke, Frank G.
Professor Emeritus, College of Information Studies; M.A., University of Chicago, 1959; Ph.D.,
Burke, Philip J.
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., University of Scranton,
1963; M.S., 1965; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1971.
Burkhardt, Joseph
Lecturer, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1990.
Burton, Thomas R.
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1984; M.B.A.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1990.
Busalacchi, Antonio J.
Professor & Director, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; Professor, Atmospheric &
Oceanic Science; B.S., Florida State University, 1977; M.S., 1980; Ph.D., 1982.
Bushey, Caralyn
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., Southern Methodist University, 1982; M.A.-Teach.,
American University, 2005.
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Busse, Michael D.
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., University of Chicago, 1989; M.A., 1989.
Bustad, Kendall
Assistant Clincial Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., Virginia
Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2008; M.S., James Madison University, 2010; Ph.D.,
Morgan State University, 2016.
Bustamante, Maria Cecilia
Assistant Professor, Finance; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Bachelor
of Science and Master of Science, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, 2003; Master in Economics,
Finance and Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2004; Ph.D., University of Lausanne,
Swiss Finance Institute, 2009.
Butch, Nicholas P
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physics; B.S., Rutgers University, 2001; M.S., University of
California-San Diego, 2003; Ph.D., 2008.
Butler, Brian
Professor & Associate Dean, College of Information Studies; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University,
1993; M.S., 1995; Ph.D., 1999.
Butler III, James
Assistant Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.H.S., Gwynedd-Mercy College, 1991;
M.Ed., Temple University, 1994; D.Pub.Hlth., University of Pittsburgh, 1999.
Butler, Lucas Payne
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Harvard
University, 2005; M.A., Stanford University, 2009; Ph.D., 2012.
Butler, Mary Odell
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Anthropology; B.S., Ohio University, 1964; M.A., Temple
University, 1974; Ph.D., 1978.
Butler, Michelle Markey
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A.,
University of Pittsburgh, 1994; M.A., Duquesne University, 1996; Ph.D., 2003.
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Butterworth, Charles E.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Michigan State
University, 1959; Doct., University of Nancy-France, 1961; M.A., University of Chicago, 1962;
Ph.D., 1966.
Butts, Daniel A.
Associate Professor, Biology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Affiliate Associate Professor, Psychology; B.A., Oberlin College, 1994; M.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1997; Ph.D., 2000.
Buursma, Joshua Graham
Lecturer, English; B.A., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 2005; M.F.A., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009.
Byrne, Mary Colleen
Associate Clinical Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of Virginia, 1992; M.A., Emory
University, 1996; Ph.D., 1998.
Caballero, Krista L.
Lecturer, Living Learning Programs; B.A., Westmont College, 1997; M.B.A., Tufts University,
Cable, John C.
Senior Research Engineer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B. Arch., Clemson University,
1967; M.Arch., Catholic University of America, 1970.
Cabrera, Alberto F.
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Nat Autonomous
University of Mexico-Mexico Cty, 1979; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982; Ph.D.,
Cabrera, Natasha J.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S., University of Toronto,
1985; M.A., 1989; Ph.D., University of Denver, 1994.
Cadou, Christopher
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Cornell University, 1989; M.S., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1991; Ph.D., California State Univ-Los Angeles, 1996.
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Cai, Jing
Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Beijing Normal University,
2004; M.S., Peking University, 2006; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 2009; Ph.D.,
Cain, Jarvis L.
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Purdue University, 1955; M.S.,
Ohio State University, 1956; Ph.D., 1961.
Calabrese, Richard V.
Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., University of Rochester, 1969; M.S.,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1971; Ph.D., 1976.
Calabro, Kevin Michael
Senior Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2005; M.S., 2010.
Call, Douglas M.
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.S., Brigham Young University, 2004; M.P.P., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2007.
Callcott, George H.
Professor Emeritus, History; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of South Carolina-
Columbia, 1950; M.A., Columbia University, 1951; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel
Hill, 1956.
Calloway, Alexandra
Lecturer, English; B.S., Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne, 1994; M.S., Johns Hopkins
University, 2003.
Calvo, Ernesto F.
Professor & Associate Chair, Government & Politics; Affiliate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; B.A., Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1990; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2001.
Cameron, Maria K.
Associate Professor, Mathematics; M.S., Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, 1998;
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2007.
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Cameron, Sarah
Assistant Professor, History; B.A., Stanford University, 1999; M.A., 2002; M.A., Yale
University, 2006; Ph.D., 2010.
Campangne, Herve T.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Universite Francois Rabelais,
Toures, France, 1984; M.A., Rutgers University, 1989; Ph.D., 1992.
Campbell, Gretchen Kathleen
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics; B.A., Wellesley College, 2001; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 2006.
Campbell, Patricia F.
Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of St.
Francis, 1970; M.S., Michigan State University, 1972; Ph.D., Florida State University, 1976.
Canabal-Torres, Evelyn
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1982; M.A., 1984; Ph.D., 1996.
Candela, Philip A.
Professor, Geology; B.S., CUNY-Brooklyn College, 1977; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1982.
Caneque, Alejandro
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin American Studies Center;
B.A., Universidad de Sevilla, 1982; M.A., New York University, 1992; Ph.D., 1999.
Cannon, Constance Elena
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1973; M.S., 1976; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1994; Ph.D., 2000.
Cantor, David
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public Health; B.A., University of Lancaster, 1979;
Ph.D., 1987.
Cantor, Eugene Herschal
Associate Clinical Professor, Accounting; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1972;
J.D., Emory University, 1976.
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Cao, Kan
Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Nanjing University/Nanking
University, 1997; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2005.
Capp, Christopher L
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Creighton University, 2003; Ph.D., Duke University,
Caramello, Charles A.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1970;
M.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1973; Ph.D., 1978.
Carleton, Karen
Professor, Biology; B.S., Yale University, 1980; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1987.
Carlson, John B.
Senior Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., Oberlin College, 1967; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1971; Ph.D., 1977.
Carpenter, Faedra C
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; B.A., Spelman
College, 1992; M.A., Washington State University, 1994; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2005.
Carpuat, Marine
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., Ecole Sainte Genevieve, 1998; M.S., Ecole Superieure D' Electricite, 2000; Master
of Philosophy, Hong Kong University of Science& Technology, 2002; Ph.D., 2008.
Carr, Catherine Emily
Distinguished University Professor, Biology; B.Sc., University of Cape Town, 1976; M.A.,
SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1977; Ph.D., University of California-San Diego, 1984.
Carretta, Vincent Albert
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., SUNY-Binghamton, 1968; M.A., 1971; Ph.D., University of
Iowa, 1977.
Carroll, James Robert
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Boston University, 1973; M.A., 1982.
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Carroll, Mark J.
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., California Polytech State
Univ-San Luis, 1979; M.S., Michigan State University, 1982; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1989.
Carroll Jr., Stephen J.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.S.,
University of California-Los Angeles, 1957; M.A., University of Minnesota, 1959; Ph.D., 1964.
Carruthers, Peter M.
Professor, Philosophy; B.A., University of Leeds, 1975; M.A., 1977; Ph.D., University of
Oxford, 1980.
Carter, Jean Anne
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., Washington College, 1973; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1976; Ph.D., 1980.
Carter-Pokras, Olivia Denise
Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., Tulane University, 1979; M.H.S., Johns Hopkins
University, 1982; Ph.D., 1994.
Carton, James A.
Professor & Chair, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science
Interdisciplinary Center; B.S.E., Princeton University, 1976; M.S., University of Washington,
1979; M.A., Princeton University, 1980; Ph.D., 1983.
Cartwright, Kent
Professor, English; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1965; M.A., 1968; Ph.D., Case
Western Reserve University, 1979.
Caruana, Julia
Lecturer, Family Science; B.A., Catholic University of America, 2009; M.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2012.
Casey, Maud
Professor, English; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1991; M.F.A., University of Arizona, 1995.
Cassidy, Jude Anne
Professor, Psychology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Duke University, 1973; M.A.,
University of Virginia, 1983; Ph.D., 1986.
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Castonguay, Thomas W.
Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.A., Framingham State University, 1973; M.A., Mount
Holyoke College, 1975; Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1978.
Caton, Patrick A
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Stanford University, 1997; M.S.,
1998; Ph.D., 2005.
Caughey, John L.
Professor Emeritus, American Studies; B.A., Harvard University, 1963; M.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 1967; Ph.D., 1970.
Cawley, Robert
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1958; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1960; Ph.D., 1965.
Cefalo, Erica Maria
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; M.A., University of Cincinnati, 2006;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Celi, Roberto
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Laurea, Politecnico Di Torino-Italy, 1980; M.S., University
of California-Los Angeles, 1982; Ph.D., 1987.
Centorbi, Tracey L.
Lecturer, Geology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003; M.S., 2006.
Cerrai, Sandra
Professor, Mathematics; M.A., University of Pisa, 1992; Ph.D., Scuola Normale of Pisa, 1998.
Chacko, Zackaria
Professor, Physics; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur, 1992; M.S., 1994; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1999.
Chadha, Kalyani
Associate Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; M.A., Jawaharlal Nehru University,
1990; M.A., 1993; B.A., Jesus and Mary College Delhi University, 1998; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1999.
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Chadwick, Steven Greg
Lecturer, Mathematics; Ph.D., Indiana University, 2012.
Chambers, Erve
Professor Emeritus, Anthropology; B.A., Western Washington University, 1969; M.A.,
University of Oregon, 1972; Ph.D., 1973.
Chambers, Robert G.
Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S.F.S., Georgetown University, 1972; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1975; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1979.
Chambliss, Marilyn J.
Associate Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1964; B.A., San Jose State University, 1982; Ph.D., Stanford University,
Champion, Billy Ray
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., SUNY-College at Buffalo, 1994; M.S., 1998; M.B.A.,
University of Rochester, 2001; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2016.
Chang, Caren
Professor & Associate Chair, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Affiliate Professor, Plant
Science & Landscape Architecture; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1982; Ph.D.,
California Institute of Technology, 1988.
Chang, Chia-Cheh
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Tunghai University, 1961; M.A., University of Southern
California, 1966; Ph.D., 1968.
Chang, Chung-Yun
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., National Taiwan University, 1954; Ph.D., Columbia
University, 1965.
Chang, Dean
Associate Vice President, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1989; M.S., Stanford University, 1991; Ph.D., 1995; M.B.A., University
of Pennsylvania, 2004.
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Chang, Gang-Len
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.E., National Cheng Kung University-Taiwan,
1975; M.S., National Chiao Tung University-Hsinchu, 1979; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin,
Chang, Peter C.
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Texas A&M University-College
Station, 1975; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1979; Ph.D., 1982.
Chanse, Victoria
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.A., Oberlin College, 1993;
M.C.P., University of California-Berkeley, 2000; M.A., 2000; Ph.D., 2007.
Chant, Nicholas S.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., Downing College-Cambridge University, 1962; Ph.D.,
University of Cambridge, 1966.
Chao, John C.
Professor, Economics; B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1987; Ph.D., Yale University, 1994.
Chavas, Jean Paul
Adjunct Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; Ingenieur Agricle, University of Lyons
I, 1972; M.S., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1976; Ph.D., 1978.
Chaverri, Priscila
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; Affiliate Associate Professor,
Latin American Studies Center; B.S., Technological Institute of Costa Rica, 1993; Ph.D.,
Pennsylvania State University, 2003.
Chazan, Daniel I.
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; M.A., Brandeis University, 1981;
B.A., 1981; M.A., Harvard University, 1982; M.A., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1984;
Ed.D., Harvard University, 1989;
Chellappa, Ramalingam
Distinguished University Professor & Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor,
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; Distinguised
Scholar-Teacher; B.E., University of Madras, 1975; M.S., Indian Institute of Science-Bangalore,
1977; M.S.E.E., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1978; Ph.D., 1981.
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Chen, Alexander
Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.A., New
York University, 1973; M.U.P., 1976; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1981.
Chen, Feinian
Professor, Sociology; B.A., Georgia College and State University, 1994; M.S., Mississippi State
University, 1996; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2001.
Chen, Gilad
Professor, Management & Organization; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
Affiliate Professor, Psychology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Pennsylvania State
University, 1996; M.A., George Mason University, 1998; Ph.D., 2001.
Chen, Jie
Associate Professor, Health Services Administration; B.S., Shanghai University, 2001; M.A.,
SUNY-Stony Brook, 2006; Ph.D., 2008.
Chen, Shuo
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., Harbin Institute of Technology, 2003;
M.S., East Tennessee State University, 2004; Ph.D., Emory University, 2012.
Chen, Yu
Associate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; Affiliate Associate Professor,
Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Peking University, 1997; M.S., University of
Pennsylvania, 2001; Ph.D., 2003.
Chen, Zhi-Long
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1997.
Cheng, Shijun
Associate Professor, Accounting; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
M.S., The Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1987; D.Engin., Shanghai Jiaotong University, 1993;
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2001.
Chernela, Janet
Professor, Anthropology; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1965; M.A., Columbia University, 1978; Ph.D., 1983.
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Cherniak, Christopher
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy; B.A., Harvard University, 1966; M.A., University of California-
Berkeley, 1971; B.Litt., University of Oxford, 1973; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley,
Chester, Robert Keith
Senior Lecturer, American Studies; B.A., University of Nottingham, 1999; B.A., 1999; M.A.,
University of Wyoming, 2003; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
Chibbaro, Mat
Lecturer, Fire Protection Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981.
Chico, Marta
Associate Professor, English; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; A.B., Vassar
College, 1991; M.A., New York University, 1994; Ph.D., 1998.
Childs, Andrew M
Associate Professor, Computer Science; Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Physics; B.S., California Institute of Technology, 2000;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Chiles, Robert Elliot
Lecturer, History; B.A., Towson University, 2004; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
Ching, Edith I.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Middlebury College, 1964; M.A., Harvard
University, 1965; M.A./M.L.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1995.
Chinoy, Ira H.
Associate Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Harvard University, 1977;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2010.
Chisolm, Andrea M
Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychology; B.A., Wake Forest University, 2007; M.S., North
Carolina State University, 2009; Ph.D., West Virginia University, 2012.
Cho, Young-Mee
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., North Korea, 1979;
M.A., Northeastern Illinois University, 1981; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1990.
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Choi, Kyu Yong
Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Seoul National University, 1976; M.S.,
1978; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984.
Choi, Yun
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2005; B.A., 2005; Ph.D., University of California-San Francisco, 2011.
Chopra, Inderjit
Distinguished University Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Alfred Gessow Chair of Rotorcraft
Engineering; B.Sc., Punjab Engineering College-Chandigarh, 1965; M.Eng., Indian Institute of
Science-Bangalore, 1968; Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977.
Chopra, Nikhil
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Institute for
Systems Research; B.E., Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur, 2001; M.S., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2003; Ph.D., 2006.
Christie, Juliette
Assistant Research Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., University of Georgia,
1999; M.A., 2004; Ph.D., 2011.
Christou, Aristos
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Director, Space
Lidar Technology Center; B.A., Columbia University, 1967; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania,
Chronis-Tuscano, Andrea
Professor, Psychology; B.S., Loyola University of Chicago, 1993; M.A., SUNY-University at
Buffalo, 1998; Ph.D., 2002.
Chung, Peter W
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Virginia, 1994; M.S.,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1996; Ph.D., 1999.
Chung, Wilbur C.
Associate Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith
School of Business; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1986; M.B.A., 1990; Ph.D., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1997.
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Cioaca, Larisa Cristina
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; M.B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2007.
Ciric Hoffmann, Ljiljana
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Arizona State University, 2007.
Cirillo, Cinzia
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; M.S., University of Naples, Italy,
1994; Ph.D., Politecnico di Torino, 1998.
Cirrincione, Joseph
Associate Professor Emeritus, Geography; B.S., State University of New York-College at
Oswego, 1962; M.A., City University of New York-Brooklyn College, 1965; M.A., Ohio State
University, 1967; Ph.D., 1970.
Clague, Christopher K.
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1960; Ph.D., Harvard University,
Clague, Monique W.
Professor Emerita, Education Policy and Leadership; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1959; Ph.D.,
Harvard University, 1969.
Clark, Charles Winthrop
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Adjunct Professor, Physics;
B.A., Western Washington University, 1974; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1979.
Clark, Denise J.
Associate Vice President, VP Research; B.S., Utica College, 1984.
Clark, Jane E.
Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., SUNY-College at Brockport, 1968; M.Ed., University of
Washington, 1970; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1976.
Clark, Jenelle Noelani
Junior Lecturer, Sociology; B.A., Texas A&M University-College Station, 2010; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2012.
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Clark, Joseph W.
Lecturer, African American Studies; B.A., Morehouse College, 1994; J.D., Harvard University,
Clark, Lawrence
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Hampton University,
1989; M.Ed., Emory University, 1998; Ph.D., 2004; Ph.D., 2005.
Clarke, David H.
Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology; B.S., Springfield College, 1952; M.S., 1953; Ph.D., University
of Oregon, 1959.
Clarke, Tainya
Lecturer, African American Studies; B.S., University of the West Indies-Mona, Kingston, 2000;
M.S., Florida International University, 2006; M.P.H., 2009; Ph.D., University of Miami, 2013.
Clayton, Cassandra L.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Spelman College, 1978.
Cleanthous, Aris Costaki
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
1996; M.S., Stanford University, 1997; M.B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 2005.
Cleaveland II, Walter Rance
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Professor,
Institute for Systems Research; B.S., Duke University, 1982; M.S., Cornell University, 1985;
Ph.D., 1987.
Clegg, Tamara Lynnette
Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning,
Policy and Leadership; B.S., North Carolina State University, 2002; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of
Technology, 2009.
Clement, Cindy
Senior Lecturer, Economics; Director of Undergraduate Studies; B.A., Smith College, 1984;
M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1988; Ph.D., 1997.
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Clement, Linda M.
Vice President Student Affairs, VP Student Affairs; Affiliate Associate Professor, Counseling,
Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., SUNY-College at Oswego, 1971; M.A.,
Michigan State University, 1973; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981.
Clements, Roxanne S
Lecturer, English; B.A., Cornell University, 1980; J.D., George Washington University, 1985.
Cleveland, Patricia L.
Lecturer, Management & Organization; B.S., Colorado State University-Fort Collins, 1967;
M.A., University of Kansas, 1972; Ph.D., 1984.
Clignet, Remi
Professor Emeritus, Sociology; B.P., University of Paris, 1948; L.L.B., 1951; Ph.D., 1963.
Cloke, Christian Frederic
Lecturer, Classics; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 2016.
Coale, Frank J.
Professor & Director, HCOL-Gemstone Program; Professor, Environmental Science &
Technology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981; M.S., University of Kentucky,
1983; Ph.D., 1986.
Cobb, Jodi Lynn
Lecturer, Family Science; B.S., Towson University, 1987; M.A., 1989; M.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2012; Ph.D., University of Louisiana-Monroe, 2015.
Cohan, Steven M.
Clinical Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Iowa State University, 1964;
M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1966; Ph.D., 1969.
Cohen, Avis H.
Professor Emerita, Biology; Research Professor Emerita, Institute for Systems Research;
Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1964; Ph.D., Cornell
University, 1977.
Cohen, Daniel
Adjunct Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1967; M.D., University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1971.
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Cohen, Gary A
Clinical Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1978; M.B.A., Regis University, 2007.
Cohen, H Robert
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.A., New York University, 1963; M.A., 1967; Ph.D.,
Cohen, James R.
Senior Lecturer, Urban Studies & Planning Program; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor,
1969; M.R.P., Cornell University, 1985; Ph.D., 1991.
Cohen, Jeffrey I.
Adjunct Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1976;
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University Medical School, 1981.
Cohen, Joel M.
Professor, Mathematics; Sc.B., Brown University, 1963; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1966.
Cohen, Marlene C.
Lecturer, Communication; B.S., Ohio State University, 1973; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1976; Ph.D., George Mason University, 2007.
Cohen, Philip N.
Professor, Sociology; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1992; M.A., University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, 1994; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1999.
Cohen, Thomas D.
Professor, Physics; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; A.B., Harvard University, 1980; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1985.
Cohen, William A.
Professor & Associate Provost, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Professor &
Dean, Undergraduate Studies; Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.A.,
Swarthmore College, 1985; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1993.
Colantuono, Anthony
Professor, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Rutgers University, 1980; M.A., Johns Hopkins
University, 1982; Ph.D., 1987.
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Cole, Wayne Stanley
Professor Emeritus, History; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Iowa State Teachers College,
1946; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1948; Ph.D., 1951.
Colella, Carlo
Vice President of Administration and Finance, VP Administration & Finance; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1983; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1984.
Coleman, Blair Nicole
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.A., DePaul University, 2008; M.P.H., University of Florida,
2011; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Coleman, Gary D.
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Colorado State University-
Fort Collins, 1978; M.S., 1986; Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1989.
Coleman, Jordan
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.A., Ohio State University, 1990; M.Arch., Clemson
University, 1994.
Coleman, Linda K.
Associate Professor, English; A.B., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1973; M.A., 1973;
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1982.
Coleman, Robert Richard
Lecturer, Communication; A.A., Montgomery College, 1980; B.A., George Washington
University, 1981; M.A., 1985.
Coles, Kim
Associate Professor, English; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Columbia
University, 1994; M.A., 1996; M.A., University of Oxford, 1998; D.Phil., St. Catherine s
College, Oxford, 2003.
Coletti, Theresa M.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A.,
University of Pittsburgh, 1971; M.A., University of Rochester, 1973; Ph.D., 1975.
Collier, Douglas Kurt
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., James Madison University, 1990.
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Collier, Michael R.
Professor, English; B.A., Connecticut College, 1976; M.F.A., University of Arizona, 1979.
Collins, Merle
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of the West Indies-
Mona, Kingston, 1972; M.A., Georgetown University, 1980; Ph.D., London School of Economic
& Political Science, 1990.
Collins, Patricia Hill
Distinguished University Professor, Sociology; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
Brandeis University, 1969; M.A.-Teach., Harvard University, 1970; Ph.D., Brandeis University,
Collins, Peter L.
Adjunct Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; B.S., University of Connecticut, 1976; Ph.D.,
Collis, Shannon Leah
Assistant Professor, Art; B.A., University of Alberta-Edmonton, 2001; M.F.A., University of
New South Wales-Sydney, 2003; M.A., Concordia University-Montreal, 2012.
Colombini, Marco
Professor, Biology; B.S., McGill University-Montreal, 1970; Ph.D., 1974.
Colson, Michael James
Junior Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Utah, 2008; M.A., 2011.
Colville, James
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1959; M.S., 1960; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1970.
Colwell, Rita R.
Distinguished University Professor Emerita, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Distinguished
University Professor Emerita, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S., Purdue University-
West Lafayette, 1956; M.S., 1958; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1961; D.Sc., Heriot-Watt
University-Edinburgh, 1987; D.Sc., Hood College, 1991; D.Sc., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1993; L.L.D., Nortre Dame de Namur University, 1994; S.C.D., University of Surrey-
Guilford, 1995.
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Compton, Reid S.
Senior Lecturer, Biology; B.S., College of William & Mary, 1978; Ph.D., University of Virginia,
Connor, Brian T
Lecturer, Sociology; B.A., Tulane University, 2003; M.A., University of Massachusetts-
Amherst, 2007; Ph.D., 2014.
Conover, Emily Susan
Lecturer, Art; B.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1985; B.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1996; M.F.A., 1999.
Conroy, John
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2007; M.S., 2009.
Conroy, Marianne
Lecturer, English; B.A., Ohio State University, 1981; M.A., 1984; Ph.D., University of Chicago,
Contee, Anne A.
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.A., University of Bombay, 1985; M.B.A., St. John Fisher College,
1991; M.B.A., Bowie State University, 2011.
Conway, Daniel
Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.S., SUNY-College at Brockport,
1978; M.F.A., George Washington University, 1982.
Coogan, Katherine Susan
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; M.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2013.
Coogan, Robert M.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Iona College, 1954; M.A., DePaul University, 1958; Ph.D.,
Loyola University, 1967.
Cook, Kelly Dianne
Assistant Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.A., SUNY-Binghamton, 1999;
M.L.Arch., SUNY-College of Environmental Science &, 2002; M.A., Cornell University, 2007;
Ph.D., 2012.
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Cook, Lynn C.
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.S., Syracuse University, 1982; M.S., Johns Hopkins
University, 1996.
Cook, Thomas M.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1955; M.S., 1957; Ph.D., Rutgers State University, 1963.
Cooke, Todd J.
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Affiliate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape
Architecture; B.S., Antioch College, 1974; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1979.
Coomber, Nicole Marie
Lecturer, Management & Organization; B.A., University of the South-Sewanee, 2001; M.A.,
Middlebury College, 2002; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2012.
Cooper, Jeffery M.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., Haverford College, 1962; M.S., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1964; Ph.D., 1967.
Cooper, Ryan L
Assistant Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith
School of Business; B.S., Brigham Young University, 2005; M.B.A., Washington University in
Saint Louis, 2011; Ph.D., 2016.
Cooper Jr., Sherod M.
Associate Professor Emeritus, English; B.S., Temple University, 1951; M.A., 1953; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1963.
Cooperman, Bernard D.
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for
Jewish Studies; B.A., University of Toronto, 1968; M.A., Brandeis University, 1969; M.A.,
Harvard University, 1972; Ph.D., 1976.
Copelman, Martina
Lecturer, Economics; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1988; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1994.
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Coplan, Michael A.
Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Research Professor, Physics-
Joint Quantum Institute; Distinguised Scholar-Teacher; Director, Chemical Physics Program;
B.A., Williams College, 1960; M.S., Yale University, 1961; Ph.D., 1963.
Corbin, Joshua
Adjunct Associate Professor, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science; B.A., Rutgers University,
1989; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1996.
Corcoran, Vanessa R.
Lecturer, History; M.A., Catholic University of America, 2010.
Cornelius, Adrian R.
University Registrar, Office of the Registrar; B.S., Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela, 1989;
MS.Ed., CUNY-Bernard M. Baruch College, 1998; Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2009;
Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2012.
Coronado, Humberto Carlos
Lecturer, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 2012.
Corrada Bravo, Hector
Associate Professor, Computer Science; Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.Mus., Peabody Institute of Baltimore, 1997; M.Mus., 1999; D.M.A., Indiana
University, 2003; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008.
Corsi, Thomas M.
Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
B.A., Case Western Reserve University, 1971; M.A., Kent State University, 1974; Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1976.
Corwin, Barnet C.
Associate Clinical Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.A., Syracuse
University, 1964; M.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1968; Ph.D., 1973.
Cossa, Dominic F.
Professor, School of Music; B.S., University of Scranton, 1957; M.A., University of
Detroit/Mercy, 1960.
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Costa, Jose M.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Universidad Nacional de La
Plata, 1978; M.S., Oregon State University, 1989; Ph.D., 1990.
Cote, Paul
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Colorado-Boulder, 2006; M.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2009.
Cotter, Catherine Fenselau
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; A.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1961; Ph.D., Stanford
University, 1965.
Coughlin, Peter J.
Associate Professor, Economics; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1973; M.A., 1974; Ph.D., 1976.
Counts, Alexander Matthew
Lecturer, J M Burns Academy of Leadership; B.A., Cornell University, 1988.
Cox, Merrilee
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., American University, 1972; M.S., Syracuse
University, 1973; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Craig, Patrick M.
Associate Professor, Art; B.F.A., Western Michigan University, 1974; M.F.A., University of
Cincinnati, 1976.
Cramton, Peter
Professor, Economics; Affiliate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Cornell
University, 1980; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1984.
Crane, Christopher E
Senior Lecturer, English; B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1990; M.A., George Mason
University, 1997; Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 2004.
Cremins, Casey
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Texas A&M University-Galveston, 1985; M.A., Johns
Hopkins University, 1987; Ph.D., University of Glasgow, 1997.
Cresap, Kelly Mark
Senior Lecturer, English; M.A., University of Virginia, 1992; Ph.D., 1998.
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Croco, Sarah Elizabeth
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign,
2000; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008.
Croninger, Robert G.
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Valparaiso
University, 1973; M.A., College of William & Mary, 1976; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1997.
Cronrath, David
Professor, Architecture Program; Professor, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation;
B.Arch., Pennsylvania State University, 1971; M.Arch., University of California-Berkeley, 1976.
Cropper, Maureen L.
Distinguished University Professor & Chair, Economics; Affiliate Professor, Agricultural &
Resource Economics; B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1969; M.A., Cornell University, 1972; Ph.D.,
Cross, Richard K.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Princeton University, 1962; M.A., Stanford University, 1965;
Ph.D., 1967.
Crowne, Scott Francis
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Catholic University of America, 2001; M.Mus., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2003.
Cui, Jun
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities, 1992; M.S., 2000; M.Elect.E., 2000; Ph.D., 2002.
Cui, Qingbin
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.E., Tianjin University, 1993; M.S.,
2000; Ph.D., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 2005.
Cujean, Julien
Assistant Professor, Finance; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
Conservatoire de Lausanne, 2005; M.S., 2007; Ph.D., Swiss Financial Institute, 2013.
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Cukier, Michel
Associate Professor & Director, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Associate Professor &
Director, HCOL-ACES Cybersecurity Program; Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering;
Affiliate Associate Professor, Computer Science; Affiliate Associate Professor, Electrical &
Computer Engineering; B.S., European School in Brussels, Belgium, 1986; M.Eng., Free
University of Brussels-Flemish, 1991; Ph.D., National Polytechnic Institute of France, 1996.
Culver, James N.
Professor, IBBR-College Park; Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; Affiliate
Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Oklahoma State University-Stillwater,
1985; M.S., 1987; Ph.D., University of California-Riverside, 1991.
Cumberland, John H.
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1947; M.A.,
Harvard University, 1949; Ph.D., 1951.
Cumings, John
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Associate Professor, Institute for
Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; Affiliate Associate Professor, Physics; B.A., Boston
University, 1997; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2002.
Cummings, Kelli Cummings
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Oregon State
University, 1999; M.S., University of Oregon, 2003; Ph.D., 2004.
Cummings, Michael P.
Professor, Biology; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Professor,
Computer Science; B.S., University of California-Davis, 1983; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1992.
Cunniff, Patrick F.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.C.E., Manhattan College, 1955; M.S., Virginia
Polytechnic & State University, 1956; Ph.D., 1962.
Cunningham, David E.
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Wake Forest University, 1998; M.S., George
Mason University, 2001; Ph.D., University of California-San Diego, 2006.
Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., University of California-San Diego, 1999;
M.A., 2002; Ph.D., 2007.
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Curbow, Barbara Ann
Professor & Chair, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., University of California-Santa
Barbara, 1973; M.A., 1977; Ph.D., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1984.
Currie, Douglas George
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.E.P., Cornell University, 1958; Ph.D., University of Rochester,
Curtis, Ryan Dean
Lecturer, Psychology; B.S., Brigham Young University, 2002; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2006; Ph.D., 2010.
Cypess, Sandra M.
Professor Emerita, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Brooklyn College,
1963; M.A., Cornell University, 1965; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1968.
Czaja, Wojciech
Professor, Mathematics; M.S., Wroclaw University, 1995; M.A., Washington University in Saint
Louis, 1997; Ph.D., 2000.
D'Acunto, Francesco
Assistant Professor, Finance; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
University of Rome, 2006; M.S., 2008; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 2012; Ph.D.,
Duncan, Candice M.
Lecturer, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of North Carolina-Greensboro,
2003; B.S., North Carolina Central University, 2005; M.S., 2008; Ph.D., University of Arizona,
Daberkow, Julie A.
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics; B.A., University of California-Davis, 1971; M.A., 1973.
Dachman-Soled, Dana
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Assistant Professor, Institute for
Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Computer Science; B.A., Yeshiva
University, 2006; M.S., Columbia University, 2008; Ph.D., 2011.
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Dagdigian, Paul
Adjunct Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Haverford College, 1967; Ph.D., University
of Chicago, 1972.
Dagenais, Mario
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.Sc., University of Montreal, 1974; M.S.,
University of Rochester, 1976; Ph.D., 1978.
Dager, Edward Z.
Professor Emeritus, Sociology; A.B., Kent State University, 1950; A.M., Ohio State University,
1951; Ph.D., 1956.
Dalglish, Lucy A.
Professor & Dean, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of North Dakota, 1980;
J.D., Vanderbilt University, 1995; J.D., 2005.
Dallal, Cher M.
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.A., University of California-Berkeley,
1998; M.P.H., Yale University, 2002; M.S., University of Southern California, 2005; Ph.D.,
University of Pittsburgh, 2009.
Dally, James W.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; Glenn L. Martin Institute Professor of
Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1951;
M.S., 1953; Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1958.
Daly, Herman E.
Professor Emeritus, School of Public Policy; B.A., Rice University, 1960; Ph.D., Vanderbilt
University, 1967.
Dammeyer, Sarah Lucile
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003; M.A., 2008.
Dancis, Jerome
Associate Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., Polytechnic Institute of New York-Brooklyn,
1961; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1963; Ph.D., 1966.
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Danehey, Agnesanne J.
Assistant Research Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Edcuation; B.A., St.
Michael’s College, 1977; M.Ed., University of Vermont; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1988.
Danks, David
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Princeton
University, 1996; M.A., University of California-San Diego, 1999; Ph.D., 2001.
Darden, Lindley
Professor, Philosophy; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Southwestern University, 1968;
A.M., University of Chicago, 1969; S.M., 1972; Ph.D., 1974.
Dardis, Rachel
Professor Emerita, Economics; B.S., Saint Mary's College-Dublin, 1949; M.S., University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1963; Ph.D., 1965.
Das, Siddhartha
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur,
2005; Ph.D., 2010.
Das, Sreashi
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Calcutta, 2003; M.A., 2005; M.A., Villanova
University, 2009.
Das Sarma, Sankar
Distinguished University Professor & Director, Physics; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow;
B.S., Presidency College-Calcutta, 1973; Sc.M., Brown University, 1976; Ph.D., 1979.
Dasgupta, Abhijit
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, 1976; M.S.,
Villanova University, 1981; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1988.
Dastidar, Protiti
Lecturer, Management & Organization; B.A., University of Bombay, 1986; M.B.A., Austria,
1990; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2002.
Datta, Anubhav
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur,
1998; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2002; Ph.D., 2004.
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Daume III, Hal
Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Associate Professor, Computer
Science; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2001; M.S., University of Southern California, 2003;
Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2006.
Davidsburg, Joshua
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
Davidson, John A.
Professor Emeritus, Entomology; B.A., Washington Adventist University, 1955; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1957; Ph.D., 1960.
Davidson, Neil A.
Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Case Western Reserve
University, 1961; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1963; Ph.D., 1970; M.Ed., University
of Maryland-College Park, 1982.
Davidson, Roger H.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; A.B., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1958; Ph.D.,
Columbia University, 1963.
Davis, Allen P.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Delaware, 1984; M.S., 1986;
Ph.D., 1989.
Davis, Christopher C.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University
of Cambridge, 1965; Ph.D., Victoria University of Manchester, 1970; M.A., University of
Cambridge, 1970.
Davis, Jeffery T.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Colby College, 1981; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, 1987.
Davis, Jocelyn S
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.A., College of William & Mary, 1975.
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Davis, Larry S.
Distinguished University Professor, Computer Science; Distinguished University Professor,
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer
Engineering; B.A., Colgate University, 1970; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1972;
Ph.D., 1976.
Davis, Lawrence-Minh Bui
Lecturer, Asian American Studies Program; B.A., 2001; M.F.A., San Diego State University,
Davis III, Milton C.
Lecturer, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 2004;
M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2011.
Davis, Samantha Yvette
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., George Mason University, 2001; M.A., George
Washington University, 2003.
Davis, Thomas Edward
Senior Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 1988; M.A., Michigan State University, 1999; Ph.D., 2008.
Davisson, Lee D.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S.E., Princeton University, 1958;
M.S.E., University of California-Los Angeles, 1961; Ph.D., 1964.
Dawkins, Casey J.
Associate Professor & Director, Urban Studies & Planning Program; Associate Professor, School
of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995; M.C.P.,
1999; Ph.D., 2003.
Day, Betty H.
Librarian Emerita, Libraries; B.A., Hiram College, 1969; M.A., Georgetown University, 1973;
M.L.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1979; Ph.D., 1992
Dayie, Theodore Kwaku
Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Hamilton College, 1990; Ph.D., Harvard
University, 1996.
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Dayton, C Mitchell
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., University of
Chicago, 1955; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1963; Ph.D., 1964.
De Claris, Nicholas null
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Texas A&M University-College
Station, 1952; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1954; Sc.D., 1959.
De Keyser, Robert M.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Center for
Advanced Study of Language; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1986; Ph.D., 1986; M.A., 1992.
De La Paz, Susan
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Northwestern
University, 1984; M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1986; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1995.
De Lorenzo, William E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Montclair
State University, 1959; M.A., 1964; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1971.
De Los Reyes, Andres
Associate Professor, Psychology; B.S., Florida International University, 2001; B.A., 2001; M.S.,
Yale University, 2004; M.S., 2006; Ph.D., 2008;
De Silva, Gretchen E.
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.A., Wittenberg University, 2001; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
University, 2008; M.P.H., Columbia University, 2010.
DeForge, Bruce R.
Associate Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., Central Connecticut State
University, 1977; M.A., Towson University, 1985; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
DeLio, Thomas J.
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music, 1972; Ph.D., Brown
University, 1979.
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DePlatchett, Susan E.
Lecturer, Teacher Education/edTPA; B.S., Edinboro State College, 1969; M.Ed., Edinboro
University of Pennsylv, 1970.
DeShong, Philip R.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of
Texas-Austin, 1971; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976.
DeSilva, Alan W.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., University of California-Los Angeles, 1954; Ph.D., University
of California-Berkeley, 1961.
DeStefano, Jeffrey J.
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Connecticut, 1983; Ph.D.,
DeVoe, Don L.
Professor & Associate Chair, Mechanical Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1991; M.S., 1993; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 1997.
DeVoe, Howard J.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Oberlin College, 1955; Ph.D.,
Harvard University, 1960.
Deane, Anil E.
Lecturer, HCOL-Gemstone Program; Assistant Research Professor, Institute for Physical
Science & Technology; Associate Research Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies;
B.T., Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur, 1979; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State
University, 1981; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1987.
Dearstyne, Bruce W.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Hartwick College, 1966; Ph.D., Syracuse
University, 1974.
Debonis Jr., Rocco Daniel
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Cornell University, 1995; M.S., Mercy College,
2001; M.F.A., University of Virginia, 2005; M.L.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
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Decker, Ryan Allen
Lecturer, Economics; B.S., Brigham Young University, 2010; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2013; Ph.D., 2015.
Decola, Philip Lawrence
Visiting Assistant Research Scientist, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; Adjunct
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1984; Ph.D.,
Dedova, Larissa
Professor, School of Music; M.Mus., Moscow State Conservatory, 1974; Ph.D., 1977.
Defloriani, Leila
Professor, Geography; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Professor,
Computer Science; Ph.D., Universita degli Studi di Perugia, 1977.
Deigan, Federica Brunori
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Rome,
1991; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2000.
Del Greco, Robert J
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; M.A., University of Kansas, 2009;
Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2015.
Delfino, Alanna Jessica
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
Delfino, Andrew S
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of California-Davis, 2002; M.A., Georgia, 2007.
Delwiche, Charles Francis
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Affiliate Professor, Biology; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1984; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990.
Dellomo, Michael
Assistant Research Professor, ECE-Telecommunications Program; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, 1979; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1980; Ph.D., 1984.
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Demaria, Laura
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; B.A., Universidad Nacional de Corduba, 1988; M.A., Washington University in
Saint Louis, 1990; Ph.D., 1997.
Deming, Leo Drake
Professor, Astronomy; B.A., University of Chicago, 1970; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago,
Demonte, Claudia
Professor Emerita, Art; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., College of Notre Dame of
Maryland, 1969; M.F.A., Catholic University of America, 1971.
Denna, Eric L
Vice President & Chief Information Officer, DIT-Division of Information Technology; Affiliate
Professor, Computer Science; B.S., Brigham Young University, 1984; M.S., 1984; PH.D.,
Michigan State University, 1989.
Dennis, Rachel Lynn
Assistant Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., George Mason University, 2002; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2004; Ph.D., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 2009.
Denny, Don W.
Professor Emeritus, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., University of Florida, 1959; M.A., New
York University-Institute of Fine Arts, 1961; Ph.D., 1965.
Denny, Karen Ellen
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991.
Denvir, Susan S.
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1970; M.Ed., 1977.
Dernoeden, Peter H.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Colorado State University-
Fort Collins, 1970; M.S., 1976; Ph.D., University of Rhode Island, 1980.
Desai, Sonalde B.
Professor, Sociology; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of Bombay, 1978;
M.A., Case Western Reserve University, 1980; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1987.
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Deshpande, Amol
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S., Indian
Institute of Technology-Mumbai, 1998; B.S., 1998; M.S., University of California-Berkeley,
2001; Ph.D., 2004.
Desmond, Sharon M.
Associate Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; Affiliate Associate Professor, HLSA-
Center on Aging; B.A., University of Toledo, 1982; M.S., 1984; Ph.D., 1988.
Destler, I M Mac
Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Harvard University, 1961; M.Public Affairs, Princeton
University, 1965; Ph.D., 1971.
Devlin, John Gennaro
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Emory University, 2007; M.Mus., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2011; D.M.A., 2015.
Dezso, Cristian
Associate Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith
School of Business; B.S./M.S., Romania, 1996; M.S., Hungary, 2000; PH.D., New York
University, 2006.
Diakopoulos, Nicholas A
Assistant Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; Affiliate Assistant Professor,
Computer Science; B.S., Brown University, 2002; M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005;
Ph.D., 2009.
Dickerson, John Paul
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008; B.S., 2008; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon
University, 2014; Ph.D., 2016.
Dickerson, Russell R.
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; B.A., University of Chicago, 1975; M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1978;
Ph.D., 1980.
Diener, Theodor O.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Dipl.Sc.,
Swiss Federal Institute of Tech-Zurich, 1946; Sc.D., 1948.
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Dieter Jr., George E.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; Glenn L. Martin Institute Professor of
Engineering; B.S., Drexel University, 1950; Sc.D., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1953.
Diker, Vedat Guclu
Senior Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.S., Istanbul University, 1991; M.S., Bogazici
University, 1995; M.S., Technical University of Istanbul, 1998; Ph.D., SUNY-Albany, 2003.
Dill, Bonnie Thornton
Professor & Dean, College of Arts & Humanities; Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate
Professor, American Studies; B.A., University of Rochester, 1965; M.A., New York University,
1970; Ph.D., 1979.
Dillon, Irma F.
Librarian Emerita, Libraries; M.L.S., Atlanta University, 1964; M.B.A., University of Baltimore,
DiLutis, Robert
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Juilliard School of Music, 1989.
di Marzo, Marino
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; Dr.Ing., University
of Naples, 1976; Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 1982.
Dimitrakopoulos, Panagiotis
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., National Technical University
of Athens, 1991; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1996; Ph.D., 1998.
Ding, Chengri
Professor, Urban Studies & Planning Program; Professor, School of Architecture, Planning, &
Preservation; Professor, Center for Smart Growth Research & Education; B.S., Beijing Normal
University, 1986; M.S., Peoples Republic of China, 1989; Ph.D., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1996.
Ding, Waverly
Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.A., Beijing Foreign Studies University, 1993; M.A., 1996; M.A., New York
University, 1999; M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2004; Ph.D., 2004;
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Dinman, Jonathan D.
Professor & Chair, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; A.B., Oberlin College, 1980; Ph.D.,
Johns Hopkins University, 1989.
Dively II, Galen P.
Professor Emeritus, Entomology; B.S., Juniata College, 1966; M.S., Rutgers University, 1968;
Ph.D., 1974.
Dixon, Bonnie Lynn
Senior Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., University of New Hampshire, 1992; Ph.D.,
University of Vermont, 1998; M.S.Ed., University of Pennsylvania, 2001.
Dixon, Diane L.
Lecturer, Health Services Administration; B.A., Howard University, 1970; M.Ed., Loyola
University Maryland, 1978; Ed.D., George Washington University, 1997.
Doan, Long
Assistant Professor, Sociology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University
of Georgia, 2009; M.A., Indiana University, 2010; M.S., 2013; Ph.D., 2016.
Doddridge, Bruce G.
Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., University of Adelaide, 1978; Ph.D.,
Doebel, Hartmut Guenter
Lecturer, Entomology; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1987; Ph.D., 1996.
Doerr, John A.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.A., North Carolina State University,
1968; B.S., 1972; M.S., 1975; Ph.D., 1978.
Doetsch, Raymond N.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1942; M.A., Indiana University, 1943; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1948.
Doherty, Lillian E.
Professor & Chair, Classics; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., St. Mary's College,
1974; M.A., University of Chicago, 1977; Ph.D., 1982.
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Doherty, Ruth M.
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1982.
Dolbilov, Mikhail
Associate Professor, History; M.A., Voronezh State University, 1993; Ph.D., 1996.
Dolgopyat, Dmitry
Professor, Mathematics; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; M.S.,
Moscow State University, 1994; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1997.
Donaldson, Bruce K.
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; A.B., Columbia University, 1954;
B.S.C.E., 1955; M.S., Wichita State University, 1962; M.S.A.E., 1963; Ph.D., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1968;
Donawerth, Jane L.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Professor, American Studies;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Miami University, 1969; M.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1970; Ph.D., 1975.
Donohoe, Catherine L
Program Director, Cooperative Engineering Education & Career Services; Lecturer, Women in
Engineering Program; B.A., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1995; M.A., New York
University, 2002.
Donovan, David
Adjunct Associate Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University,
1976; Ph.D., University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 1987.
Dooling, Robert J.
Professor, Psychology; Affiliate Professor, Biology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; Research
Policy Advisor to the Dean, Graduate Studies and Research; B.S., Creighton University, 1967;
M.S., St. Louis University, 1969; Ph.D., 1975.
Dorfman, Jay Robert
Professor Emeritus, Physics; Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1957; Ph.D., 1961.
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Dorland, William Douglass
Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; Professor, Physics;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of Texas-Austin, 1988; M.S., Princeton
University, 1990; M.P.I.A., 1993; Ph.D., 1993.
Dorr, Bonnie J.
Professor Emerita, Computer Science; Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of
Language; B.A., Boston University, 1984; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987;
Ph.D., 1990.
Dotson, Charles O.
Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology; B.A., Morehead State University, 1963; M.S., Purdue
University, 1964; Ph.D., 1968.
Dougherty, Lea Rose
Associate Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of Delaware, 2001; Ph.D., SUNY-Stony
Brook, 2008.
Dougherty, Michael R
Professor & Associate Chair, Psychology; Affiliate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of
Language; B.S., Kansas State University, 1993; M.S., University of Oklahoma, 1996; Ph.D.,
Doughty, Shirelle Maya
Lecturer, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2014.
Douglass, Larry W.
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1964;
M.S., 1966; Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1969.
Dow, Dawn Marie
Assistant Professor, Sociology; B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1996; J.D., Columbia University,
2000; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 2007; Ph.D., 2012.
Dow-Burger, Kathryn Margaret
Assistant Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1986; M.A., 1992.
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Downey, Sean Samuel
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Latin American Studies Center;
B.A., Boston University, 1994; M.A., Northern Arizona University, 2003; Ph.D., University of
Arizona, 2009; Ph.D., 2009.
Doyle, Michael P.
Adjunct Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., College of St. Thomas, 1964; Ph.D., Iowa
State University, 1968.
Draganescu, Marilena
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., University of Bucharest, 1992; M.A., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1999; M.A., 2001.
Dragt, Alex J.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; A.B., Calvin College, 1958; Ph.D.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1963.
Drake, James F.
Distinguished University Professor, Physics; Distinguished University Professor, Institute for
Physical Science & Technology; Distinguished University Professor, Institute for Research in
Electronics & Applied Physics; B.S., University of California-Los Angeles, 1969; M.S., 1972;
Ph.D., 1975.
Drake, Steven E.
Lecturer, Communication; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1983; M.A., 1994.
Drazen, Allan
Professor, Economics; S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972; Ph.D., 1976.
Dreher, Jason Terry
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1999;
M.Eng., University of Maryland-College Park, 2006.
Dreher, Mariam Jean
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of California-
Riverside, 1970; M.A., 1976; Ph.D., 1980.
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Dresner, Martin E.
Professor & Area Chair, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.Comm., University of Toronto, 1979; M.B.A., York University-Glendon, 1980;
Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 1989.
Drew, Alan C.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Richmond, 1971; J.D., Howard
University, 1974.
Drew, H Dennis
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1962; Ph.D., Cornell University,
Driscoll, Cindy P.
Lecturer, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Salisbury University, 1973; D.V.M., Virginia
Polytechnic & State University, 1987.
Driskell, David C.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Art; A.B., Howard University, 1955; M.F.A.,
Catholic University of America, 1962; D.F.A., Tougaloo College, 1977; D.F.A., SUNY-College
at Old Westbury, 1989; D.F.A., Bowdoin College, 1989; D.H.L., Rust College, 1991; D.H.L.,
Talladega College, 1993; D.F.A., City Universtiy of New York-Bernard Baruch, 1994; H.H.L.,
Fisk University, 1997; D.F.A., Maine College of Art, 1997; D.F.A., Colby College, 2000.
Droguett, Enrique Lopez
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Federal University of Bahia, 1992;
M.S., 1995; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997; Ph.D., 1999.
Druin, Allison J.
Professor, College of Information Studies; Affiliate Professor, HDQM-Institute for Child Study;
B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design, 1985; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
1987; Ph.D., University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, 1997.
Du Puy, Karl F.G.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; A.B., Dartmouth College,
1964; M.Arch., University of Pennsylvania, 1967; M.Arch., Delft University of Technology-
Netherlands, 1969.
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Dubayah, Ralph O.
Professor & Associate Chair, Geography; A.B., University of California-Berkeley, 1982; M.A.,
University of California-Santa Barbara, 1985; Ph.D., 1991.
Dubrawsky, Ido
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., University of Texas-Austin, 1989;
M.S., 1992.
Dudley, James
Professor Emeritus, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Southern
Illinois University-Carbondale, 1951; M.S., 1957; Ed.D., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1964.
Dugan, Laura J.
Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.F.A., Edinboro University of Pennsylv, 1987;
M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1995; M.S., 1998; Ph.D., 1999.
Duke, Elizabeth M
Senior Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., 1958; M.A., Northwestern University, 1959;
Ph.D., George Washington University, 1969.
Dumitras, Tudor
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Assistant Professor, Institute for
Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Computer Science; B.S., Polytechnic
University of Bucharest, 2001; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2003; Ph.D., 2008; Ph.D.,
Dunbar, Kevin N.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., University College
Dublin, 1977; M.A., 1979; Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1985.
Duncan, James H.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Brown University,
1971; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1973; Ph.D., 1979.
Dunham, Michael
Lecturer, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Gallaudet University,
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Dunheimer, Tracy Lynn
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., West Virginia University, 1991;
M.A., Towson State College, 1994.
Dunning, Eric M.
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.A., Rhodes College, 1994; M.A., University of
Alabama-Tuscaloosa, 2010; Ph.D., 2012.
Duquette, Charles Medard
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.S., Georgetown University, 1978; M.A.-Teach.,
American University, 2006.
Duraiswami, Ramani
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S.-RT, Indian Institute of Technology-
Mumbai, 1985; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1991.
Durand, Emilee
Junior Lecturer, English; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 2009; M.A., 2009.
Duyn, Jeff H.
Adjunct Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; M.S., University of Delft, 1984;
Sc.D., 1988.
Dwek, Eli
Adjunct Professor, Astronomy; B.S., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1970; M.S., 1973; M.S.,
Rice University, 1975; Ph.D., 1977.
Dworkis, Paul S.
Associate Vice President, Comptroller-Administration; M.S., Bernard Baruch School Bus & Pub
Admin, 1987.
Dwyer, Daniel J.
Assistant Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Assistant Professor, Institute for
Physical Science & Technology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Fischell Department of
Bioengineering; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S.,
Boston College, 1999; Ph.D., 2007.
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Dwyer, Susan Jane
Associate Professor & Executive Director, Honors College; Affiliate Associate Professor,
Women's Studies; B.A., University of Adelaide, 1985; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1991.
Dwyer, Thomas Bernard
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1985; M.S.,
Johns Hopkins University, 2001.
Dyer, Typhanye Vielka
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles,
1995; M.P.H., California State Univ-Long Beach, 2002; Ph.D., University of California-Los
Angeles, 2009.
Eades, Caroline
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Associate Professor,
English-Comparative Literature; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; M.A.,
Universite de la Sorbonne-Paris IV, 1978; Agregation, Ecole Normale Superieure (Sevres),
1979; Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies, University of Paris Iii, 1980; M.F.A., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1982; M.S., Universite Pantheon-Assas Paris I, 1983; Ph.D., University
of Paris Iii, 1987.
Eaker, Lisa
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Florida State
University, 1984; M.S., 1987; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 2000; Ph.D.,
Earl, James A.
Professor Emeritus, Astronomy; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1953; Ph.D., 1957.
Earnest, Robin
Senior Lecturer, English; J.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1986; L.L.M., George
Washington University, 1997.
Eastman, Shawn D.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.S., Frostburg State University, 1995; M.A., Hood
College, 2006; M.A., 2006.
Ebrahimian, Roohollah
Lecturer, Mathematics; Ph.D., Yale University, 2010.
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Eckman, Fred R.
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Johns Hopkins University,
1966; M.A., Indiana University, 1969; Ph.D., 1972.
Eckstein, Arthur
Distinguished University Professor, History; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1968; M.A., 1970; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1978.
Edelstein, Lauren Michelle
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 2004; M.A., Georgetown
University, 2008.
Edelstein, Stewart L.
Associate Provost, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Executive Director, USG-
Shady Grove Center; B.A., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1968; M.A., University of California-
Berkeley, 1973; Ph.D., 1979.
Eden, James Gary
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1972; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1973; Ph.D., 1975.
Eden, Jeffrey
Lecturer, History; B.A., University of Chicago, 2007; Ph.D., Harvard University, 2016.
Edwards, Jan
Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., Barnard College, 1980; M.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1981; Ph.D., CUNY-Graduate Center, 1985.
Eftekari, Reza A.
Lecturer, ECE-Telecommunications Program; B.S., University of Louisville, 1974; M.S.,
Stanford University, 1975; Ph.D., 1978.
Egan, Emily Catherine
Assistant Professor, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Brown University, 2002; Master of
Philosophy, University of Cambridge, 2005; M.A., University of Cincinnati, 2008; Ph.D., 2015.
Egan, Toby
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1990;
M.A., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1992; Ph.D., 2002.
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Egel, Andrew L.
Professor Emeritus, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., University of
California-Santa Barbara, 1976; M.A., 1977; Ph.D., 1979.
Egelanian, Nick A.
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1979; J.D.,
George Washington University, 1982.
Ehrlich, Gertrude
Professor Emerita, Mathematics; B.S., Georgia College and State University, 1943; M.A.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1945; Ph.D., University of Tennessee-Knoxville,
Ehrman, Sheryl H.
Professor & Chair, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Institute for
Physical Science & Technology; B.S., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1991; Ph.D.,
University of California-Los Angeles, 1997.
Eichhorn, Bryan W.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Rollins College, 1983; Ph.D., Indiana University, 1987.
Einstein, Theodore L.
Professor, Physics; Director, Physical Sciences Program; B.A., Harvard University, 1969; M.A.,
1969; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1973.
Eisenbach, Ronit
Associate Professor, Architecture Program; Associate Professor, School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design, 1985; B.Arch., 1986;
M.Arch., Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1993.
Eisenstein, Edward
Associate Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Associate Professor,
Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., St. Joseph's College, 1979; Ph.D., Georgetown
University, 1985.
El-Amine, Zein
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.S., Petroleum and Minerals Univ-
Dhahran, 1986; M.F.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2010.
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El-Hefnawy, Dina A.
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Alexandria,
1982; M.A., American University-Cairo, 1984.
El-Sayed, Najib M.
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., France, 1981; B.S.-DH, American University of Beirut-Lebanon, 1985; M.S.,
Tulane University, 1987; Ph.D., Yale University, 1993.
Elahi, Hasan
Associate Professor, Art; B.A., Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, 1993; M.F.A., Chowan
University, 1996.
Elby, Andrew
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Physics; B.A., Harvard University, 1988; M.Phil., University of Cambridge, 1989;
M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1991; Ph.D., 1995; M.A., 1997;
Eley Jr., George
Associate Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Ohio State
University, 1952; M.Ed., 1957; Ph.D., 1966.
Eliot, John
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; A.B., Harvard
University, 1956; A.M.T., 1958; Ed.D., Stanford University, 1966.
Elkin, Stephen L.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Alfred
University, 1961; M.A., Harvard University, 1963; Ph.D., 1969.
Ellingson, Robert G.
Professor Emeritus, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Florida State University, 1967; M.S.,
1968; Ph.D., 1972.
Ellis, Christopher D.
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, 1988; M.L.Arch., Cornell University, 1993; Ph.D., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1998.
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Ellis, Richard F.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., Cornell University, 1966; M.A., Princeton University, 1968;
Ph.D., 1970.
Ellis, Robert L.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; A.B., Miami University, 1960; Ph.D., Duke University, 1966.
Elmaghraby, Wedad Jasmine
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.A., Cornell University, 1992; B.S., 1992; M.S., University of California-
Berkeley, 1995; Ph.D., 1998.
Elman, Howard C.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Mathematics; B.A., Columbia University, 1975; M.A., 1977; M.S., Yale University,
1979; Ph.D., 1982.
Elmqvist, Niklas E.
Associate Professor, College of Information Studies; Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced
Computer Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., Chalmers University
of Technology, 2001; M.S., 2001; Ph.D., 2006.
Elpus, Kenneth
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus.Ed., College of New Jersey, 2001; M.Mus.,
Northwestern University, 2006; Ph.D., 2011.
Elsana, Morad
Lecturer, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; L.L.B., Tel Aviv University, 1996;
M.S.W., McGill University-Montreal, 2002; L.L.M., American University, 2007; J.D., 2013.
Elsing, Evelyn L.
Professor Emerita, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1970; M.Mus.,
Elsisi, Sayed A.
Assistant Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Cairo,
1993; M.A., 2000; Ph.D., 2011.
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Eltinge, John
Adjunct Associate Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; B.S., Vanderbilt
University, 1982; M.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1984; Ph.D., Iowa State University,
Emad Sr., Fawzi P.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S.E.E., American University of
Beirut-Lebanon, 1961; M.S., Northwestern University, 1963; Ph.D., 1966.
Emad Jr., Fawzi
Lecturer, Computer Science; A.A., Prince Georges Community College, 1990; B.S., University
of Maryland-College Park, 1992; M.A., 1997.
Eney, Allen B.
Lecturer, Geography; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1969; M.A., 1985.
England, Jonathan William
Lecturer, African American Studies; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1995; M.A.,
Johns Hopkins University, 1997.
Ennis, Catherine D.
Professor Emerita, Kinesiology; B.S., Lynchburg College, 1975; M.S., University of North
Carolina-Greensboro, 1977; Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1984.
Eno, Sarah C.
Professor, Physics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Gettysburg College, 1984; M.A.,
University of Rochester, 1986; Ph.D., 1990.
Enoch, Jessica
Associate Professor, English; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University
of Iowa, 1996; M.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1999; Ph.D., 2003.
Ephremides, Anthony
Distinguished University Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Distinguished
University Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., National Technical University of
Athens, 1967; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1971.
Epstein, Meredith Brooke
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.A., St. Mary's College of Maryland, 2008; M.S.,
Tufts University, 2013.
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Epstein, Norman B.
Professor, Family Science; Affiliate Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of California-Los
Angeles, 1969; M.A., 1970; Ph.D., 1974.
Erdman, Richard A.
Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 1974; M.S.,
University of Kentucky, 1977; Ph.D., 1979.
Escobar Sr., Enrique Nelson
Assistant Professor, UME-1890 Admin; Agricultural Engineering, Universidad de El Salvador,
1972; B.S., 1972; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1975; Ph.D., 1978; M.S., 1997;
Eslami, Babak
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2010; M.S.,
Espino, Michelle M.
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., St. Mary's
University, 1996; M.A., Bowling Green State University, 1998; Ph.D., University of Arizona,
Espy-Wilson, Carol Y.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Stanford University, 1979; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1981; M.Elect.E., 1984; Ph.D., 1987.
Etemad, Kamran
Lecturer, ECE-Telecommunications Program; B.S., Sharif University, 1988; M.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1993; Ph.D., 1996.
Etlin, Richard A.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; A.B., Princeton University, 1969; M.Arch., 1972; Ph.D., 1978.
Evans, Gerard Emmett
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.S., Frostburg State University, 1977; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1983; J.D., University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1985.
Evans, Jay
Adjunct Professor, Biology; B.A., Princeton University, 1988; Ph.D., University of Utah, 1995.
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Evans, Michael N.
Associate Professor, Geology; Associate Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., Harvard University,
1992; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1999.
Evans, William C.
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; Lecturer, School of Music; B.S., Clarion
University of Pennsylvania, 1976; M.Mus., Johns Hopkins University, 1978.
Evansen, Megan
Junior Lecturer, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.S., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 2010; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2016.
Evers, Philip T.
Associate Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith
School of Business; B.S., Trine University, 1987; M.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1988;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1993.
Everts, Kathryne L.
Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Colorado State University-Fort
Collins, 1981; M.S., 1984; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1989.
Fabian, Ellen S.
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1973; M.A., 1980; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1988.
Faccio, Fabian
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.S., Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,
1986; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998; M.A., 2005.
Fagan, Bill
Professor & Chair, Biology; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Distinguished
Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of Delaware, 1992; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1996.
Fagan, Drew S.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., American
University, 2001; M.A., San Diego State University, 2005; Ed.D., Columbia University, 2013.
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Fago, David P.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology; B.A., Boston College, 1971; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1973; Ph.D., 1976.
Fahnestock, Jeanne D.
Professor Emerita, English; B.A., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1966; M.A., Indiana
University, 1967; Ph.D., University of London, 1970.
Faith, Melanie
Lecturer, English; B.A., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1978; M.A., 1998; Ph.D.,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2006.
Falk, David S.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.Eng.Phys., Cornell University, 1954; M.A., Harvard University,
1955; Ph.D., 1959.
Falk, David
Lecturer, Urban Studies & Planning Program; B.A., Harvard University, 1958; J.D., 1961;
L.L.B., 1961.
Falk, William W.
Professor Emeritus, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; Professor Emeritus, Sociology;
Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.A., North Texas State University, 1969; M.A., 1970;
Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station, 1975.
Faller, Alan J.
Research Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1951; M.S., 1953; D.Sc., 1957.
Fallon, Daniel
Professor Emeritus, School of Public Policy; B.A., Antioch College, 1961; M.A., University of
Virginia, 1963; Ph.D., 1965.
Falvey, Daniel E.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., North Dakota State University-Fargo, 1983; Ph.D.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1988.
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Falvo, Joseph D.
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Loyola University,
1974; M.A., Catholic University of America, 1977; M.A., 1979; M.A., Johns Hopkins
University, 1984; Ph.D., 1986;
Fang, Adriane
Assistant Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., University of
Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1997; M.F.A., George Mason University, 2009.
Fanning, Delvin S.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Cornell University, 1954;
M.S., 1959; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1964.
Fantis, Manny
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
Farahati, Farah
Lecturer, Health Services Administration; B.A., University of Tehran, 1988; M.A., Western
Illinois University, 1994; Ph.D., Northern Illinois University, 2001.
Faraone, Antonio
Lecturer, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Italy, 1997; Ph.D., 2001.
Fard, Pedram J.
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Sharif University of Technology,
1991; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2004;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2007.
Farman, Jason A.
Associate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women’s Studies; B.A.,
Westmont College, 2000; M.A., Claremont Graduate University, 2002; B.A., Westmont College,
2005; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2006.
Farquhar, James
Professor, Geology; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; B.S., Washington
& Lee University, 1987; M.S., University of Chicago, 1990; Ph.D., University of Alberta-
Edmonton, 1995.
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Farvardin, Nariman
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
1979; M.S., 1980; Ph.D., 1983.
Fassinger, Ruth E.
Professor Emerita, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; Distinguished Scholar-
Teacher; B.A., State University of New York-Fredonia, 1973; M.A., 1978; M.A., Ohio State
University, 1984; Ph.D., 1987.
Faulkender, Michael
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., University of
California-Davis, 1994; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2002.
Fay, Robert E.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; B.A., University of
Chicago, 1970; M.S., 1972; Ph.D., 1974.
Fazel, Tahereh
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Sharif University of Technology,
1988; M.S., 1991; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1999.
Fazelpour, Mohammad
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.Mech.E, Azad
University, 2005; M.S., Iran University of Science & Technology, 2008; Ph.D., Clemson
University, 2016.
Fedderly, David T.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus.Ed., Northwestern University, 1976.
Feijo, Jose A.
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Lisbon, 1986; M.S., 1989;
Ph.D., 1995.
Feingold, Rachel Miranda
Lecturer, English; B.A., Brandeis University, 1988; M.F.A., Bennington College, 2014.
Felbain, Leslie C.
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975; B.S., 1975; MFA
Equivalency, Ecole Jacques Lecoq, 1980.
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Feldman, Naomi Hannah
Associate Professor, Linguistics; Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies;
Affiliate Associate Professor, Computer Science; B.A., University of Chicago, 2003; Ph.D.,
Brown University, 2011.
Feldman, Robert H.
Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; Affiliate Professor, HLSA-Center on Aging; B.A.,
CUNY-Brooklyn College, 1964; M.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1966; M.S., Syracuse
University, 1972; Ph.D., 1974.
Feldstein, Mark
Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Harvard University, 1979; Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2002.
Felton, Gary Kent
Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1976; M.S., 1981; Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station, 1987.
Felton, Julia W.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychology; B.A., Wellesley College, 2003; M.S., Vanderbilt
University, 2007; Ph.D., 2011.
Fenelon, Andrew
Assistant Professor, Health Services Administration; B.A., University of California-Santa
Barbara, 2007; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 2008; Ph.D., 2012.
Fernandes, Rohan
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., University of
Mumbai, 2001; M.S., University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 2003; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2011.
Fernando, Mark
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Towson University, 2001; M.A., Georgetown University, 2003.
Ferraro, Rosellina
Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Cornell University, 1994; M.S., 1998; Ph.D., Duke University, 2005.
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Fetter, Steve
Associate Provost, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Professor, School of Public
Policy; S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981; M.S., University of California-
Berkeley, 1983; Ph.D., 1985.
Feuer, Avital
Associate Clinical Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; B.A., University
of Winnipeg, 2002; M.A., Brandeis University, 2004; Ph.D., York University-Glendon, 2007.
Fey, James T.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1962; M.S., 1963;
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1968.
Field, Cynthia R.
Adjunct Professor, Architecture Program; B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1963; M.A., Columbia
University, 1967; Ph.D., 1974.
Filippou, Iason
Lecturer, Computer Science; B.S., National & Capodistrian University of Athens, 2012; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Filiz Ozbay, Emel
Associate Professor, Economics; B.S., Bogazici University, 1998; M.A., 2000; M.Phil.,
Columbia University, 2004; Ph.D., 2007.
Finch, Michael Lester
Lecturer, Accounting; B.A., Lehigh University, 1973; M.B.A., Baylor University, 1988; Ph.D.,
University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1994.
Findlater, Leah
Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced
Computer Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Computer Science; B.S., University of Regina,
2001; M.S., University of British Columbia, 2004; Ph.D., 2009.
Findlay, David B.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., SUNY-College at Fredonia, 1983;
B.S., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1985; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1989; Ph.D.,
Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999.
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Fink, Beatrice C.
Professor Emerita, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Bryn Mawr College,
1953; M.A., Yale University, 1956; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1966.
Fink, Carolyn Molden
Lecturer, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Northwestern University,
1979; M.A., 1980; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991.
Fink, Edward L.
Professor Emeritus, Communication; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Columbia
University, 1966; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1969; Ph.D., 1975.
Finkelstein, Barbara J.
Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Distinguished Scholar-
Teacher; B.A., Barnard College, 1959; M.A., Columbia University Teachers College, 1960;
Ed.D., 1970.
Finkle, Aaron
Lecturer, Economics; B.A., Reed College, 1998; M.A., University of Washington, 2002; Ph.D.,
Finsterbusch, Kurt
Professor, Sociology; B.A., Princeton University, 1957; B.D., Grace College and Seminary,
1960; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1969.
Fiore, Amanda Jayne
Lecturer, English; B.A., St. Mary's College of Maryland, 2000; M.F.A., San Diego State
University, 2012.
Fischbach, Gerald F.
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1964;
M.Mus., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1965; D.M.A., University of Iowa, 1972.
Fisher, Amy L.
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; M.A., George Mason University, 2008.
Fisher, Cortney Lyn
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1999; J.D., New
England School of Law-Boston, 2002; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
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Fisher, Dana R.
Professor, Sociology; B.A., Princeton University, 1993; M.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1999; Ph.D., 2001.
Fisher, Heidi S
Assistant Professor, Biology; B.S., University of California-San Diego, 2000; M.S., 2001; Ph.D.,
Boston University, 2006.
Fisher, John P.
Professor & Chair, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; Affiliate Professor, Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Johns
Hopkins University, 1995; M.S., University of Cincinnati, 1998; Ph.D., Rice University, 2003.
Fisher, Michael E.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; Regents Professor, University System of Maryland; B.S., King's
College-London, 1951; Ph.D., 1957; Sc.D., Yale University, 1987; Ph.D., Tel Aviv University,
Fitzgerald, Mark T.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Franklin & Marshall College, 1994; M.F.A., George Mason University,
Fitzpatrick, Eileen M
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Manhattanville College,
1966; M.A., New York University, 1973; Ph.D., 1985.
Fitzpatrick, Patrick M.
Professor & Associate Chair, Mathematics; B.A., Rutgers University, 1966; Ph.D., 1971.
Fixsen, Elizabeth Anne
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 1998; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2006.
Flamm, Emily Lyons
Lecturer, English; B.A., Arizona State University, 2004; M.F.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2013.
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Flatau, Alison
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering;
Affiliate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems
Research; Affiliate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., University of
Connecticut-Avery Point, 1978; M.S., University of Utah, 1985; Ph.D., 1990.
Flatter, Charles H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A.,
DePauw University, 1961; E.Ed., University of Toledo, 1965; Ed.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1968.
Fleischer, Robert C.
Adjunct Professor, Biology; B.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1978; M.A.,
University of Kansas, 1982; Ph.D., 1983.
Fleming Jr., Julius B.
Assistant Professor, English; B.A., Tougaloo College, 2009; M.A., University of Pennsylvania,
2011; Ph.D., 2014.
Fleming, Mitchell Danielle
Lecturer, Nyumburu; B.S., Hampton University, 1987.
Flieger, Verlyn B.
Professor Emerita, English; B.A., George Washington University, 1955; M.A., Catholic
University of America, 1972; Ph.D., 1977.
Flook, William
Lecturer, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Brown University, 1969;
M.S., University of Rhode Island, 1974; Ph.D., 1982.
Flynn, Adrianne M.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Arizona State University, 1982.
Foecke, Timothy Jerome
Adjunct Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities,
1986; Ph.D., 1991.
Foehl, Stewart L
Lecturer, English; B.F.A., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1993; M.F.A., University of
Southern California, 2002.
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Fogle, David P.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; A.B., Princeton
University, 1951; M.C.R.P., University of California-Berkeley, 1958.
Ford, Constance J.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1977;
M.A., SUNY-Stony Brook, 1979.
Foreman Jr., Christopher H.
Professor, School of Public Policy; A.B., Harvard University, 1974; A.M., 1977; Ph.D., 1980.
Forman, Barton
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Earth
System Science Interdisciplinary Center; B.S., University of Virginia, 1998; M.S., University of
California-Berkeley, 1999; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2010.
Forni, Giovanni
Professor, Mathematics; Laureate, Universita di Bologna, 1988; Ph.D., Princeton University,
Forrester, Mark A.
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Lycoming College, 1992; M.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1994.
Forsythe, James R.
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Cornell University, 1990; M.Eng., 1991; Ph.D., Wichita
State University, 2000.
Forsythe, Kelly Kathleen
Lecturer, Living Learning Programs; B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 2009; M.F.A., Columbia
College Chicago, 2011.
Forzato, Jamie Lynn
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
Foster, Daniel H.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1991.
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Foster, Jeffrey S.
Professor & Associate Chair, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., Cornell University, 1995; M.Eng., 1996; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley,
Fouladi, Negin
Assistant Clinical Professor, Health Services Administration; Lecturer, School of Public Health;
B.S., University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1996; M.S., 2002; M.P.H., University of Texas Health
Science-San Antonio, 2008; Ph.D., 2012.
Fourkas, John T.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology;
B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1986; M.S., 1986; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1991;
Ph.D., 1992.
Fourney, William L.
Professor & Associate Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering; Professor, Mechanical
Engineering; Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Keystone Professor of Fundamentals; B.S.A.E.,
West Virginia University, 1962; M.S., 1963; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign,
Foust, Clifford M.
Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., Syracuse University, 1949; M.A., University of Chicago,
1951; Ph.D., 1957.
Fox, Caitlin Moira
Lecturer, Biology; B.A., Oberlin College, 2008; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2016.
Fox, Emily W.
Lecturer, College of Education Outreach; B.A., St. John's College, 1978; M.A., Johns Hopkins
University, 2001; M.S., 2001; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2012.
Fox, Nathan A.
Distinguished University Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; A.B., Williams College, 1970; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1975.
Fox, Robert A.
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1970; M.A., University of Chicago, 1978; Ph.D., 1978.
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Fradkin, Robert A.
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Boston University, 1973; M.A.,
Indiana University, 1976; Ph.D., 1985.
Fraistat, Neil R.
Professor & Director, English; Director, MD Institute for Technology in the Humanities; B.A.,
University of Connecticut, 1974; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1976; Ph.D., 1979.
Francescato, Guido
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.Arch., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1959; M.Arch., 1966.
Franda, Marcus
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; B.A., Beloit College, 1959; A.M., University of
Chicago, 1960; Ph.D., 1966.
Franklin, Debra Gray
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics; A.A., Prince Georges Community College, 1978; B.A., College
of William & Mary, 1978; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981.
Franklin, Jon D.
Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1970; Doc. Humane Letters, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 1981; Doc.
Humane Letters, Notre Dame of Maryland University, 1982.
Franklin, Manoj
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., University of Kerala, 1984; M.S.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990; Ph.D., 1993.
Franzini, Luisa
Professor & Chair, Health Services Administration; B.S., London School of Economic &
Political Science, 1977; M.S., 1978; Ph.D., 1983.
Frauwirth, Kenneth
Lecturer, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Brown University, 1992; Ph.D., University
of California-Berkeley, 1997.
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Frederik Meer, Laurie A.
Associate Professor & Director, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; Affiliate
Associate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin American Studies
Center; B.A., University of Virginia, 1990; B.A. Honours, University of Cape Town, 1994; B.A.,
1994; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2007; Ph.D./J.D., 2007;
Frederiksen, Elke P.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of Kiel, 1962; M.A., 1962; M.A., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1965; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1973.
Fredricks, Daisy
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Grand Valley
State University, 2001; M.Ed., Arizona State University, 2007; Ph.D., 2013.
Freed, Eric O.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Pennsylvania State
University, 1985; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990.
Freedman, Morris
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., City University of New York-City College, 1941; M.A.,
Columbia University, 1950; Ph.D., 1953.
Freeman, David H.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Rochester, 1952; M.S.,
Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1954; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1957.
Freeman, Robert W.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.A., Haverford College, 1951; M.A., Wesleyan
University, 1954; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1964.
Freidenberg, Judith N.
Professor, Anthropology; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Professor, HLSA-
Center on Aging; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; M.A., Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1969; Ph.D., CUNY-Graduate School &
University, 1978.
Freidlin, Mark I.
Distinguished University Professor, Mathematics; M.S., Moscow State University, 1959; Ph.D.,
Steklov Mathematical Institute, 1962; Doctor, Moscow State University, 1970.
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Frels, Judy K.
Clinical Professor, Marketing; M.B.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1988; Ph.D., 1999.
French, Michael A
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., SUNY-College at Plattsburgh, 1997.
Fresard, Laurent
Assistant Professor, Finance; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; M.S.,
University of Lausanne, 2004; PH.D., University of Neuchatel, 2009.
Fretz, Thomas A.
Dean Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1964; M.S., University of Delaware, 1966; Ph.D., 1970.
Freund, David
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; B.A., University
of California-Berkeley, 1987; M.A., Columbia University, 1991; Ph.D., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 1999.
Frias-Martinez, Vanessa
Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Computer
Science; B.S., Universidad de Valladolid, 1999; M.S., Columbia University, 2003; Ph.D., 2008.
Friedel, Robert D.
Professor, History; Affiliate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.A., Brown
University, 1971; M.Sc., University of London, 1972; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1977.
Friedman, Lee
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1995; M.S., California
Institute of Technology, 1997; Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2002.
Friedman, Michael
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.A., Tufts University, 1992; M.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2000; Ph.D., 2008.
Friedman, Suzanne C.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1985;
B.A., 1994; Ph.D., 2002.
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Fries-Britt, Sharon LaVonne
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1981; M.A., Ohio State University, 1983; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1994.
Frisch, Andrea Marie
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1988; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1996.
Fritz, Megan Lindsay
Assistant Professor, Entomology; B.A., Michigan State University, 2005; B.S., 2005; Ph.D.,
Froehlich, Jon Edward
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., University of Iowa, 2001; M.S., University of California-Irvine, 2004; M.S.,
University of Washington, 2006; Ph.D., University of Washington-Tacoma, 2011; Ph.D.,
University of Washington, 2011;
Froom, David
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of California-Berkeley, 1976; M.Mus., University
of Southern California, 1978; D.M.A., Columbia University, 1984.
Fry, Gladys M.
Professor Emerita, English; B.A., Howard University, 1952; M.A., 1954; Ph.D., Indiana
University, 1967.
Fry, James H.
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Southern Methodist University, 1971; M.Mus.,
1974; Ph.D., University of Rochester, 1977.
Fryer, Craig Scott
Assistant Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., Case Western Reserve University,
1992; M.P.H., University of Pittsburgh, 1997; D.Pub.Hlth., Columbia University, 2006.
Fu, Chung C.
Research Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., National Taiwan University,
1972; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1975; Ph.D., 1982.
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Fu, Michael C.
Professor & Chair, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H.
Smith School of Business; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Affiliate Professor,
Electrical & Computer Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1985; M.S., 1985; M.S., Harvard University, 1986; Ph.D., 1989.
Fuegi, John B.
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Pomona College,
1961; Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1967.
Fuerst, Thomas
Professor & Director, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Professor, Cell
Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1980; Ph.D., Cornell
University, 1984; M.B.A., George Washington University, 1992.
Fuge, Mark D.
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2009; M.S.,
2009; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2014.
Fuller, Sarah
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Royal Schools of Music, 2004; M.Mus., Indiana University,
Fushman, David
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Physical Science &
Technology; M.S., Kazan State University, 1978; Ph.D., 1985.
Gabrenya, William K.
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Ohio State University, 1974;
M.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1977; Ph.D., 1979.
Gabriel, Steven A.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Affiliate
Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Affiliate Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A.,
Middlebury College, 1981; M.S., Stanford University, 1984; M.A., Johns Hopkins University,
1989; Ph.D., 1992.
Gaines, Robert N.
Professor Emeritus, Communication; B.A., University of California-Davis, 1972; M.A., 1975;
Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1982.
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Galczynski, Michael Christopher
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
2012; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 2013.
Galiani, Sebastian F.
Professor, Economics; B.A., Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1990; M.A., Universidad Torcuato
Di Tella, 1992; Ph.D., University of Oxford, 2000.
Galindo, Claudia Lucia
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Ph.D., 2005.
Galitskiy, Victor M.
Professor, Physics; B.S., Moscow Institute of Engineering & Physics, 1997; M.S., 1998; Ph.D.,
1999; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2002.
Gallagher, Charles C.
Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor,
1950; M.Mus., 1952.
Galledari, Manizhe
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; M.A., Shahid Beheshti University,
Galletta, Annelies Z.
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.S., Georgetown University, 1985; M.A., University of
Maryland-Baltimore County, 2003.
Gamble, Wyletta Sheree
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Old Dominion University, 2005;
M.Ed., 2006; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Gandjbakhche, Amir H.
Adjunct Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Iran, 1978; M.S., University of
Paris, 1984; Ph.D., 1989.
Ganesan, Dharmalingam
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; Post-Doctoral Associate, Computer
Science; B.S., Madurai Kamaraj University, 1996; M.S., Anna University, 1998; M.Tech.,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1999; Ph.D., Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2012.
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Gannon, Martin J.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A., University of Scranton, 1961;
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1969.
Gansler, Jacques S.
Professor Emeritus, School of Public Policy; B.E., Yale University, 1956; M.S., Northeastern
University, 1959; M.A., The New School, 1972; Ph.D., American University, 1978.
Gantt, Elisabeth
Distinguished University Professor Emerita, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.A.,
Blackburn College, 1958; M.S., Northwestern University, 1960; Ph.D., 1963.
Gao, Guodong
Associate Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Associate Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.Econ., Tsinghua University/Qinghua University, 1998;
B.E., 1998; M.B.A., 2000; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2005.
Gao, James Z.
Associate Professor, History; B.A., Beijing Foreign Studies University, 1978; M.A., Peking
University, 1983; M.A., Yale University, 1989; Ph.D., 1994.
Gao, Xin
Assistant Clinical Professor, Joint Institute for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition; B.S., Fudan
University-Shanghai, 1996; M.B.A./M.S., Institute of Parasitic Diseases, China CDC, Beijing,
1999; Ph.D., George Washington University, 2011.
Garateix, Marilyn
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of Miami, 1998; M.B.A., 2008.
Gardner, Albert H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S., State
University of New York-Cortland, 1958; M.A., Syracuse University, 1964; Ph.D., 1967.
Gardner, Leland
Lecturer, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1970;
M.B.A., 1976.
Garvey, Evelyn F.
Professor Emerita, School of Music; B.S., Temple University, 1943; M.Mus., University of
Rochester, 1946.
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Garza, Mary Alice
Assistant Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., University of California-San Diego,
1974; M.P.H., San Diego State University, 1989; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2002.
Gasarch, William
Professor, Computer Science; Affiliate Professor, Mathematics; B.S., SUNY-Stony Brook, 1980;
M.S., Harvard University, 1982; Ph.D., 1985.
Gass, Saul I.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; Ph.D.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1965.
Gates Jr., Sylvester James
Distinguished University Professor Regents Prof & Director, Physics; Affiliate Professor,
Mathematics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; John S. Toll Professor; B.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1973; Ph.D., 1977.
Gaudry, Quentin
Assistant Professor, Biology; B.S., Emory University, 2002; Ph.D., University of California-San
Diego, 2008.
Gaycken, Oliver
Associate Professor, English; B.A., Princeton University, 1994; M.A., University of Chicago,
1996; Ph.D., 2005.
Gayton, Cynthia M.
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.A., George Washington University, 1984; J.D.,
George Mason University, 1995.
Geary, Jason D.
Professor & Director, School of Music; B.A., San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 1996; M.A.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1998; Ph.D., Yale University, 2004.
Gebremariam, Hailu Bantu
Lecturer, Physics; B.S., Addis Ababa University, 1992; M.S., 1996; M.S., Syracuse University,
2000; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005.
Geiss, Matthew L.
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.Arch., Syracuse University, 2000; M.S., Columbia University,
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Gekker, Paul C.
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1976; M.Mus., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1981.
Gelfand, Michele Joy
Professor, Psychology; Affiliate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A.,
Colgate University, 1989; M.A., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1992; Ph.D., 1996.
Gelman, Mitchell
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1984.
Gelso, Charles J.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.S., Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, 1963;
M.S., Florida State University, 1964; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1970.
Gensheimer, Maryl B.
Assistant Professor, Art History & Archaeology; Ph.D., New York University, 2013.
Gentili, Rodolphe J.
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., University of Burgundy, 1997; M.S., 1999; Ph.D., 2005.
Geores, Martha E.
Associate Professor, Geography; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate
Associate Professor, American Studies; B.A., Bates College, 1973; J.D., New York University,
1977; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1993.
Georgievska-Shine, Aneta
Lecturer, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Yugoslavia Cyzel & Methodius University, 1986;
M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1993; Ph.D., 1999.
Geraci, Philip C.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1953; M.A., 1961.
Gerhardt, Pamela Jean
Senior Lecturer, English; B.S., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1983; M.F.A., Virginia
Commonwealth University, 1993.
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German, Jennifer Rebecca
Assistant Clinical Professor, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.S., Cedar Crest
College, 2005; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Germanis, Peter
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.S., George Mason University, 1979; M.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 1980.
Gerus-Vernola, Zhanna R
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Moscow State University, 1992;
B.A., 1992; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2001; M.A., 2001.
Gessler, Paul Joseph
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Marshall University, 2007.
Getoor, Lise
Adjunct Professor, Computer Science; B.S., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1986; M.S.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1989; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2002.
Getrich, Christina Marisa
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
College of Wooster, 1997; M.A., Northern Arizona University, 2001; Ph.D., University of New
Mexico-Albuquerque, 2008.
Gettier, Leslie Ellen
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1974; M.Ed., Johns Hopkins University, 1981; M.B.A., 1991.
Gezari, Suvi
Assistant Professor, Astronomy; B.S., Brown University, 1999; M.S., University of California-
Los Angeles, 2001; M.Phil., Columbia University, 2005; Ph.D., 2005.
Ghodssi, Reza
Professor & Director, Institute for Systems Research; Professor, Electrical & Computer
Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Fischell
Department of Bioengineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1990; M.S., 1992; Ph.D., 1996.
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Gholampour, Amin
Associate Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Sharif University of Technology, 2000; M.S., 2002;
Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 2008.
Gibbons, William Tilden
Lecturer, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., University of Washington, 2007; M.S.,
University of Colorado-Boulder, 2009; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Gibson, Robert L.
Professor, School of Music; B.M., University of Miami, 1972; M.M., Catholic University of
America, 1975; D.M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1980.
Gilbert, James B.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, History; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Carleton College, 1961; M.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1963; Ph.D., 1966.
Gilbertson, Russ Louis
Lecturer, Institute for Systems Research; B.Elect.E., University of Minnesota-Technical Instit,
1983; M.B.A., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1985.
Gill, Barbara Ann
Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
1985; M.A., 1992.
Gill, Douglas E.
Professor Emeritus, Biology; B.S., Marietta College, 1965; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1967; Ph.D., 1971.
Gill, Meredith Jane
Professor & Chair, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., University of Melbourne, 1980; B.A.,
1981; M.A., Princeton University, 1985; Ph.D., 1991.
Gillespie, Patti P.
Professor Emerita, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.S., University of
Kentucky, 1958; M.A., Western Kentucky University, 1962; Ph.D., Indiana University, 1970.
Gilliam, Jauvon
Lecturer, School of Music; B.S., Butler University, 2001; M.Mus., Cleveland Institute of Music,
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Gimpel, James G.
Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Drake University, 1984; M.A., University of Toronto,
1985; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1990.
Ginsberg, Andrew
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., Springfield College, 2007; M.A.-Teach., Manhattan College, 2010.
Giovacchini, Saverio
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Research Professor, American Studies; B.A.,
Smith College, 1985; M.A., Universita degli Studi di Firenze, 1990; Ph.D., New York
University, 1998.
Girvan, Michelle
Associate Professor, Physics; Associate Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology;
Associate Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; B.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999; Ph.D., Cornell University, 2003; Ph.D., 2004.
Glancy, Sarah
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., Rutgers University, 2008; Ph.D., Arizona State
University, 2012.
Glanville, Peter
Assistant Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Sussex,
UK, 1997; M.S., University of Edinburgh, 2001; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 2011.
Glasper Andrews, Erica
Assistant Professor, Psychology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Biology; B.A., Randolph-Macon
College, 2002; M.A., Ohio State University, 2004; Ph.D., 2006.
Glass, James M.
Professor, Government & Politics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1961; M.A., 1964; Ph.D., 1970.
Glazer, Sharon
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of Baltimore,
1992; M.S., 1995; Ph.D., Central Michigan University, 1999.
Glenn, Donald Scott
Associate Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of
Kentucky, 1975; Ph.D., 1980.
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Glick, Arnold J.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., City University of New York-Brooklyn College, 1955; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1961.
Gloeckler, George
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., University of Chicago, 1960; M.S.,
1961; Ph.D., 1965.
Glover, Elbert D.
Professor Emeritus, Behavioral & Community Health; Director, Center for Health Behavior
Research; B.A., Texas Tech University, 1969; B.S., 1969; M.A., Texas A&M University-
Kingsville, 1972; Ph.D., Texas Women's University, 1977.
Glynn, Douglas Michael
Junior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Maryland-
Baltimore County, 2000; M.A., 2007.
Godes, David B
Professor & Area Chair, Marketing; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1985; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989; Ph.D.,
Godley, Louise E
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., University of Winchester, UK, 1994; M.A.,
American University, 2015.
Goering, Jacob D.
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Bethel College,
1941; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1959.
Goffney, Imani Dominique
Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Ph.D., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2010.
Goger, Joanna B.
Senior Lecturer, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; B.A., Duke University, 1995; J.D.,
University of Baltimore, 2000.
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Golbeck, Jennifer Ann
Associate Professor, College of Information Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Center for
Advanced Study of Language; Affiliate Associate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., University
of Chicago, 1999; M.S., 2001; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005.
Gold, Paul B.
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Wesleyan
University, 1981; M.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1984; Ph.D., University of Missouri-
Columbia, 1994.
Gold, Robert S.
Professor & Chair, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; Professor, Behavioral & Community Health;
A.S., Orange County Community College, 1967; B.S., SUNY-College at Brockport, 1969; M.S.,
1971; Ph.D., University of Oregon, 1976; D.Pub.Hlth., University of Texas Health Science
Center-Houston, 1980;
Goldberg, Ceil
Lecturer, English; B.A., Boston University, 1970; M.Ed., 1973.
Goldberg, Deborah Sweet
Lecturer, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
2006; Ph.D., 2010.
Goldberg, Jessica
Assistant Professor, Economics; B.A., Stanford University, 2001; M.P.A., Princeton University,
2005; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008; Ph.D., 2011.
Golden, Bruce L.
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; Affiliate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-
Teacher; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1972; S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
1974; Ph.D., 1976.
Goldenbaum, George C.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Muhlenberg College, 1957; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1966.
Goldfarb, Brent
Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.A., Tel Aviv University, 1995; M.S., 1996; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2002.
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Goldhaber, Jacob K.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., City University of New York-Brooklyn College, 1944;
M.A., Harvard University, 1945; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1950.
Goldhar, Julius
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
1971; Ph.D., 1976.
Goldman, Aaron
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1999.
Goldman, Jay P.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Haverford College, 1978; M.A., Syracuse
University, 1984.
Goldman, William M.
Professor, Mathematics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; A.B., Princeton University, 1977;
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1980.
Goldsman, Neil
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems
Research; B.A., Cornell University, 1981; M.Elect.E., 1983; Ph.D., 1988.
Goldstein, Jay D.
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., Tulane University, 1986; M.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2005.
Goldstein, Thomas Aaron
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; M.S., University of California-Los Angeles, 2007; Ph.D., 2010.
Golladay, Corey
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Gollner, Michael J.
Associate Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Mechanical
Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of
California-San Diego, 2008; M.S., 2010; Ph.D., 2012.
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Gollub, Lewis R.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1955; Ph.D., Harvard
University, 1958.
Golub, Evan B.
Senior Lecturer, Computer Science; B.S., Brooklyn College, 1991; M.S., 1992; Ph.D., University
of Maryland-College Park, 1999.
Gomery, Douglas
Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., Lehigh University, 1967; M.A.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1970; Ph.D., 1975.
Gomez, Romel Del Rosario
Professor & Associate Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., University of the
Philippines-Quezon, 1980; M.S., Wayne State University, 1984; M.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1987; Ph.D., 1990.
Gonzalez, Nancie L.
Professor Emerita, Anthropology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of North
Dakota, 1951; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1955; Ph.D., 1959.
Gonzalez-Marcos, Miguel
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; L.L.B., University of Panama, 1984; Ph.D., Johann Wolfgang
Goethe Universitat, 1991; J.D., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 2003.
Goodings, Deborah J.
Professor Emerita, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Toronto, 1975;
Ph.D., Cambridge University, 1979.
Goodman, Jordan A.
Distinguished University Professor, Physics; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1973; M.S., 1975;
Ph.D., 1978.
Goodwin, James Michael
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2002; M.A., Pennsylvania
State University, 2005; Ph.D./J.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
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Gopal, Anand
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; M.S., Birla Institute of Technology & Science, 1993; M.S., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1995; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1997; Ph.D., 2000.
Gor, Kira
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; M.A., Leningrad State University, 1977;
Ph.D., 1983; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, 1993.
Gordon, L Suzanne
Lecturer, Communication; Senior Lecturer, American Studies; B.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1968; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1969; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1996; Ph.D., 2007.
Gordon, Lawrence A.
Professor, Accounting; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Professor, HCOL-ACES
Cybersecurity Program; B.S., SUNY-Albany, 1966; M.B.A., 1967; Ph.D., Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, 1973.
Gordon-Salant, Sandra
Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1974; B.S., 1974; M.A.,
Northwestern University, 1976; Ph.D., 1981.
Gorham-Oscilowski, Ursula
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Rutgers University, 1997; M.P.M./M.B.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2001; M.L.S., University of Maryland-University College,
2008; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Gorski, Anthony
Lecturer, Agricultural & Resource Economics; A.A., Garrett College, 1983; B.S., Frostburg
State University, 1986; J.D., Vermont Law School, 1990; MSEL, 1990.
Gottfredson, Denise C.
Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Fairleigh Dickinson U., 1974; Ph.D., Johns
Hopkins University, 1980.
Gottfredson, Gary D.
Professor Emeritus, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1969; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1975; Ph.D., 1976.
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Gottwals, James Phillip
Lecturer, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1989.
Gouin, Francis R.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of New
Hampshire, 1962; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1965; Ph.D., 1969.
Gould, Susan
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., Salve Regina University, 1965; M.A., University of
Rhode Island, 1983; M.A., Ohio University, 2002.
Goulias, Dimitrios
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Laurea, Universita degli Studi di
Perugia, 1987; M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988; Ph.D., University of Texas-
Austin, 1992.
Goupell, Matthew Joseph
Associate Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; Affiliate Associate Professor, Physics; B.S.,
Hope College, 2001; M.S., Michigan State University, 2003; Ph.D., 2005.
Gournay, Isabelle J.
Associate Professor, Architecture Program; Associate Professor, School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; M.Arch., Ecole des
Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1980; M.A., Yale University, 1981; Ph.D., 1989.
Goward, Samuel N.
Professor Emeritus, Geography; B.A., Boston University, 1967; A.O., 1967; M.A., 1974; Ph.D.,
Indiana State University-Terre Haute, 1979.
Gowen, Bradford P.
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1968; M.Mus., 1969.
Graeber, Anna O.
Associate Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., State
University of New York-Buffalo, 1964; M.S., Indiana State University-Terre Haute, 1965;
Ed.D., Columbia University Teachers College, 1974.
Granatstein, Victor L.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Columbia University, 1960; M.S.,
1961; Ph.D., 1963.
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Grand, James Andrew
Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., Auburn University, 2006; M.A., Michigan State
University, 2008; Ph.D., 2012.
Grant, John
Adjunct Professor, Computer Science; Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., CUNY-City College of New York, 1966; Ph.D., New York University, 1970.
Grant, Kenneth
Adjunct Professor, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science; B.A., Washington University in Saint
Louis, 1976; M.S., University of Washington, 1980; Ph.D., Washington University in Saint
Louis, 1985.
Grant, Lee P.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of
Connecticut, 1962; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1971; Ph.D., 1974.
Grant, Pamela
Lecturer, Communication; B.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1982; M.A.,
Georgetown University, 2011.
Grant-Wisdom, Dorith
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.S., University of the West Indies-Mona,
Kingston, 1972; M.A., Howard University, 1980; Ph.D., 1985.
Green, Kerry M.
Associate Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., College of William & Mary, 1995;
M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998; M.A., 1999; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
University, 2004.
Green, Kim Y
Adjunct Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Lipscomb University,
1976; Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1986.
Green, Paul S.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., Cornell University, 1959; M.A., Harvard University,
1960; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1964.
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Greenberg, Kenneth R.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Ohio
State University, 1951; M.A., 1952; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, 1960.
Greenberg, Oscar Wallace
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Rutgers University, 1952; M.A., Princeton University, 1954;
Ph.D., 1957.
Greene, Julie
Professor, History; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1980; B.A., University of Cambridge,
1982; M.A., Yale University, 1986; M.A., University of Cambridge, 1987; Ph.D., Yale
University, 1990;
Greene, Richard L.
Professor, Physics; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960; Ph.D., Stanford
University, 1967.
Greenspan, Patricia S.
Professor, Philosophy; B.A., Columbia University, 1966; M.A., Harvard University, 1968;
Ph.D., 1972.
Greer, Sandra C.
Professor Emerita, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S.,
Furman University, 1966; M.S., University of Chicago, 1968; Ph.D., 1969.
Greer, Thomas V.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A., University of Texas-Austin,
1953; M.B.A., Ohio State University, 1957; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1964.
Greybush, Steven J.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., 2007; M.S., 2009; Ph.D.,
Griem, Hans R.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; Abitur, Max Planck Schule, 1949; Ph.D., University of Kiel, 1954.
Griffin, James J.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Villanova University, 1952; M.S., Princeton University, 1955;
Ph.D., 1956.
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Griffin, Kimberly Anne
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Stanford
University, 1999; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2001; M.A., University of
California-Los Angeles, 2005; Ph.D., 2008.
Griffith, Elizabeth Campbell
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder, 2014.
Grillakis, Manoussos
Professor, Mathematics; B.A., National Technical University of Athens, 1981; M.A., Brown
University, 1983; Ph.D., 1986.
Grim, Samuel O.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Franklin and Marshall College, 1956;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960.
Grimm, Curtis M.
Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975; M.A., University
of California-Berkeley, 1980; Ph.D., 1983.
Grimsted, David A.
Associate Professor Emeritus, History; A.B., Harvard University, 1957; M.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1958; Ph.D., 1963.
Groff, Mark J.
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Hofstra University, 1981; J.D., George
Washington University, 1984.
Gross, Magdalena H.
Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Ph.D., Stanford University,
Grossman, Maxine
Associate Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Women’s Studies; A.O., Duke University, 1990; B.A., 1990; M.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 1993; Ph.D., 1999.
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Gruber, Jason
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Lehigh University, 2002; M.S.,
Carnegie-Mellon University, 2003; Ph.D., 2007.
Gruenhut, Johanna
Lecturer, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Boston University, 2003.
Gruner, Daniel S.
Associate Professor, Entomology; B.S., Hamilton College, 1993; Ph.D., University of Hawaii at
Manoa, 2004.
Grunig, James E.
Professor Emeritus, Communication; B.S., Iowa State University, 1964; M.S., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1966; Ph.D., 1968.
Grunig, Larissa A.
Professor Emerita, Communication; B.A., North Dakota State University-Fargo, 1967; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1978; Ph.D., 1985.
Grybauskas, Arvydas P.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1976; M.S., 1977; Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1983.
Grybauskas, Peter W.
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008; M.A., University of
Maryland-University College, 2010.
Guerrero, Perla M.
Assistant Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Latin American Studies
Center; B.A., University of Central Arkansas, 2003; M.A., University of Southern California,
2007; M.A., 2007; Ph.D., 2010; Ph.D., 2010;
Guilford, Matthew T.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., New England Conservatory of Music, 1986; M.Mus., 1988.
Gulick, Denny
Professor, Mathematics; B.A., Oberlin College, 1958; M.A., Yale University, 1960; Ph.D., 1963.
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Gullapalli, Rao P.
Adjunct Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Osmania University, 1981;
M.S., University of Arkansas-Little Rock, 1983; Ph.D., 1986; M.B.A., Case Western Reserve
University, 2000.
Gullickson, Gay L.
Professor Emerita, History; B.A., Pomona College, 1965; B.Div., Yale University, 1968; S.T.M.,
1970; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1978.
Gunnsteinsson, Snaebjorn
Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., University of Iceland-Reykjavik,
2003; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2006; M.A., Yale University, 2009; Ph.D., 2013.
Gupta, Anil K.
Professor, Management & Organization; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur, 1970; M.B.A.,
Indian Institute of Management-Vastrapur, 1972; D.B.A., Harvard University, 1980.
Gupta, Ashwani K.
Distinguished University Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.Sc., Punjab University, 1966;
M.Sc., University of Southampton, 1970; Ph.D., University of Sheffield, 1973; D.Sc., 1986.
Gurr, Ted Robert
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; B.A., Reed College, 1957;
Ph.D., New York University, 1965.
Guthrie, John T.
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Earlham
College, 1964; M.A., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1966; Ph.D., 1968.
Gutierrez, Osvaldo
Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of California-Davis, 2012.
Gutierrez, Rodrigo Jorge
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Stanford
University, 1997; M.Ed., Harvard University, 2006; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2013.
Haag, Eric S.
Associate Professor, Biology; B.A., Oberlin College, 1990; Ph.D./J.D., Indiana University, 1997.
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Haas, David J.
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-University College, 1983; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1985; Ph.D., 1989; B.S., 1993.
Hackshaw, Alana C.
Lecturer, African American Studies; Lecturer, Women's Studies; B.A., University of Rochester,
1998; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2004; Ph.D., 2008.
Hacquard, Valentine C
Associate Professor, Linguistics; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 2000; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
Hadden, Jennifer
Assistant Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Smith College, 2005; M.A., Cornell
University, 2008; Ph.D., 2011.
Hadley, Nicholas J.
Professor, Physics; B.S., Yale University, 1976; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1978;
Ph.D., 1983.
Hafezi, Mohammad
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Associate Professor, Institute for
Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; Affiliate Associate Professor, Physics; B.S./M.S.,
Ecole Polytechnique, 2002; B.S., Sharif University of Technology, 2003; M.S., Ecole
d'Ingenieurs, 2005; Ph.D., Harvard University, 2008; Ph.D., 2009;
Hagberg, James M.
Professor, Kinesiology; Affiliate Professor, HLSA-Center on Aging; Distinguished Scholar-
Teacher; B.A., Carthage College, 1972; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1974; Ph.D.,
Hage, Jerald
Professor Emeritus, Sociology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.B.A., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1955; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1963.
Hage, Madeleine C.
Professor Emerita, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Agregation, University of
Paris, 1965; Ph.D., University of Nancy I-France, 1973.
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Haggh-Huglo, Barbara H.
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1978; M.Mus.,
1980; Ph.D., 1988.
Haghani, Ali
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Shiraz University, 1976; M.S.,
Northwestern University, 1982; Ph.D., 1986.
Haghani, Sasan
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Isfahan University of Technology,
2000; M.S., University of Alberta-Edmonton, 2002; Ph.D., 2007.
Hahn, Jin-Oh
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Seoul National University, 1997; M.S., 1999;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008.
Haider, Muhiuddin
Clinical Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; B.A., University of
Dhaka, 1964; M.A., 1969; M.A., Michigan State University, 1974; M.S., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1976; Ph.D., 1980;
Haines, Thomas J.
Professor, Mathematics; B.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1990; M.S., University of
Chicago, 1991; Ph.D., 1997.
Hairston-Strang, Anne
Lecturer, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University,
1986; M.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1988; Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1996.
Hajiaghayi, Mohammad Taghi
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S., Sharif
University of Technology, 2000; M.S., University of Waterloo, 2001; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 2005.
Hakenkamp, Christine Claire
Senior Lecturer, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1988; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1991; Ph.D., 1997.
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Haldey, Olga
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Moscow State Conservatory, 1991; M.A.,
University of Sydney, 1996; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2002.
Hale, Cynthia R.
Associate Vice President, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.A., Duke University,
Hall, Carter
Associate Professor, Physics; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1996; Ph.D.,
Harvard University, 2002.
Hall, Ricco Bernard
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; Lecturer, African American Studies; B.S., University of
Tennessee-Chattanooga, 1999; M.Ed., Tennessee Technological University, 2004; M.B.A.,
University of Phoenix, 2008.
Hall, William S.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; A.B., Roosevelt University, 1957; Ph.D., University of
Chicago, 1968.
Hallett, Judith P.
Professor, Classics; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; A.B.,
Wellesley College, 1966; A.M., Harvard University, 1967; Ph.D., 1971.
Hallows, Karen Swenson
Lecturer, Finance; B.S., University of Central Missouri, 1973; M.A.T., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1984; Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1988.
Halperin, Steve
Professor, Mathematics; Director, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; B.Sc.,
University of Toronto, 1965; M.Sc., 1966; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1970.
Haltiwanger, John C.
Distinguished University Professor, Economics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; Sc.B., Brown
University, 1977; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1981.
Hambrecht, George N.
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Latin American Studies Center;
B.A., Bard College, 1995; M.A., City University of New York-City College, 2009; Ph.D., 2011.
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Hamby, Kelly Anne
Assistant Professor, Entomology; B.S., University of California-Davis, 2009; M.S., 2014; Ph.D.,
Hamidzadeh, Babak
Dean, LIBR-Libraries; Affiliate Librarian IV, Computer Science; B.S., University of Minnesota-
Technical Instit, 1987; M.S., 1989; Ph.D., 1993.
Hamill III, Russell E.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1983;
J.D., Howard University, 1994.
Hamilton, David H.
Professor, Mathematics; B.Sc., Tasmania University, 1977; M.Sc., University of London, 1978;
Ph.D., 1980.
Hamilton, Donna B.
Professor, English; B.A., St. Olaf College, 1963; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1968.
Hamilton, Douglas C.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; A.B., University of Kansas, 1969; S.M., University of Chicago,
1971; Ph.D., 1977.
Hamilton, Douglas P.
Professor, Astronomy; B.S., Stanford University, 1988; M.S., Cornell University, 1990; Ph.D.,
Hamilton, Eric
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 2007; M.A., University
of Maryland-College Park, 2009.
Hamilton, Gary D.
Associate Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Saint Olaf College, 1962; M.A., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1965; Ph.D., 1968.
Hamilton, Leonard Joseph
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., United States Naval Academy,
1984; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1984; Ph.D., U.S. Naval Postgraduate School-
Monterey, 2003.
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Hammond, Eugene R.
Associate Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1969; B.A., Oxford
University, 1973; Ph.D., Yale University, 1977.
Hample, Dale Jay
Associate Professor, Communication; B.A., Ohio State University, 1971; M.A., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1972; PH.D., 1975.
Hamza, Iqbal
Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S.,
University of Bombay, 1989; M.S., 1991; Ph.D., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1997.
Han, Bongtae
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Seoul National University, 1981; M.S., 1983; Ph.D.,
Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1991.
Han, Ruibo
Lecturer, Geography; B.E., China University of Mining and Technology, 2004; M.S., Beijing
Normal University, 2006; Ph.D., University of Ottawa, 2012.
Hancock, Gregory R.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
Initial Teaching Certificate, University of Washington, 1987; M.Ed., 1989; Ph.D., 1991.
Handwerger, Samuel David
Lecturer, Accounting; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1975; M.S., University of
Baltimore, 1987.
Hanges, Paul
Professor, Psychology; Affiliate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., New
York University, 1980; M.A., University of Akron, 1984; Ph.D., 1987.
Hanhardt, Christina B.
Associate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
Brown University, 1994; M.A., San Francisco State University, 1998; M.Phil., New York
University, 2003; Ph.D., 2007.
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Hanmer, Michael J.
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., SUNY-College at Geneseo, 1995; M.S.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2000; Ph.D.,
Hann, Il-Horn
Associate Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Associate Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., Techinical University Darmstadt, 1994; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 2000.
Hann, Rebecca N.
Associate Professor, Accounting; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
B.A., CUNY-Queens College, 1993; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1995; Ph.D., 2000.
Hannenhalli, Sridhar
Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular
Genetics; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; Bachelor of Technology, Indian Institute of
Technology, 1990; M.S., University of Central Florida, 1992; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
University, 1995.
Hanninen, Dora A.
Professor, School of Music; B.A., University of Virginia, 1983; M.A., University of Rochester,
1988; Ph.D., 1996.
Hansen, J. Norman
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Drake University, 1964; Ph.D., University
of California-Los Angeles, 1968.
Hansen, Matthew C.
Professor, Geography; B.Elect.E., Auburn University, 1988; M.A., University of North Carolina-
Charlotte, 1993; M.S.E., 1994; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2002.
Hanson, Christopher T.
Associate Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Reed College, 1975; M.A.,
University of Oxford, 1985; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1999.
Hanson, James C.
Professor & Chair, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1972; M.Sc., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1974; M.Sc., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1978; Ph.D., 1983.
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Hao, Oliver J.
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Cheng Kung University-Taiwan,
1968; M.S., Colorado State University-Fort Collins, 1971; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 1982.
Hardaway, Cecily Renee
Assistant Professor, African American Studies; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 2002; Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2009.
Hardie, Ian W.
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., University of California-Davis,
1960; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1965.
Harding, James M.
Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., University of Texas-San
Antonio, 1982; M.A., San Diego State University, 1987; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1991.
Hardy, Robert C.
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S.Ed., Bucknell
University, 1961; M.S.Ed., Indiana University, 1964; Ed.D., 1969.
Harger, Robert O.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1955; M.S., 1959; Ph.D., 1961.
Hargrove, June E.
Professor, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1968; M.A.,
New York University, 1971; Ph.D., 1976.
Harley, Sharon
Associate Professor, African American Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies;
B.A., St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, 1970; M.A., Antioch College, 1971; Ph.D., Howard
University, 1981.
Harms, Mary Beukema
Associate Clinical Professor, Marketing; B.S., Iowa State University, 1973; B.A., 1979; M.S.,
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Harper, Robert A.
Professor Emeritus, Geography; B.S., University of Chicago, 1947; M.S., 1948; Ph.D., 1950.
Harrell, Reginal M.
Professor & Director, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Clemson University, 1975;
M.S., 1977; Ph.D., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 1984.
Harring, Jeffrey
Associate Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Macalester
College, 1986; M.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2004; Ph.D., 2005.
Harrington, James Patrick
Professor Emeritus, Astronomy; B.S., University of Chicago, 1961; M.S., Ohio State University,
1964; Ph.D., 1967.
Harris, Andrew I.
Professor & Chair, Astronomy; Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S.,
University of California-Davis, 1979; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1982; Ph.D.,
Harris, James F.
Professor Emeritus, History; B.S., Loyola University of Chicago, 1962; M.A., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1964; Ph.D., 1968.
Harris, Wesley L.
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S.A.E., University of Georgia,
1953; M.S., 1958; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1960.
Harrison, Regina
Professor Emerita, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.S., University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, 1965; M.A., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1973; Ph.D.,
Hartsock, Thomas G.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Pennsylvania State University,
1968; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., 1974.
Hartzell, Christine M.
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008; Ph.D.,
University of Colorado-Boulder, 2012.
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Harvey, Christine D.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1980.
Harvey, Whitney C.
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., University of Central Arkansas, 2009; M.S., Florida
State University, 2012.
Hasan, Nur A.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S., University of
Dhaka, 2000; M.S., 2003; M.B.A., 2006; Ph.D., 2013.
Hashimoto, Satoru
Assistant Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Ph.D., Harvard University,
Haslem, John A.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Professor Emeritus, Finance; A.B.,
Duke University, 1956; M.B.A., University of North Carolina, 1961; Ph.D., 1967; PH.D.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2001.
Hasouneh, Monther A.
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1999; Ph.D.,
Haspo, Beatriz
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., University of Vienne, 1986; M.A., FAAP Fine
Arts School, 1993.
Hassam, Adil B.
Professor, Physics; Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics;
S.B./S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1974; M.A., Princeton University, 1976;
Ph.D., 1978.
Hasson, Hilaf
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Tel Aviv University, 2006; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania,
Hatfield, Agnes B.
Professor Emerita, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., University of
California, 1948; M.A., University of Denver, 1954; Ph.D., 1959.
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Hatfield, Bradley D.
Professor & Chair, Kinesiology; Affiliate Professor, HLSA-Center on Aging; Affiliate Professor,
Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.P.E., University of New Brunswick-Fredericton,
1974; B.A., 1975; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1976; Ph.D., 1982; M.S.A., Ohio
University, 1982;
Haufler, Virginia Ann
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1979; M.A.,
Cornell University, 1985; Ph.D., 1991.
Havemann, Judith M.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Michigan State University, 1965.
Hawkins, William
Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Cornell University, 1967; M.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971.
Hawley, Leonard R
Lecturer, Government & Politics; B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1969; M.S., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1977; M.B.A., Long Island University-C.W. Post Campus, 1979.
Hawley, Willis D.
Professor Emeritus, Education Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of California-Berkeley,
1960; M.A., 1963; Ph.D., 1970.
Hawthorne, David J.
Associate Professor, Entomology; B.S., Kent State University, 1983; B.A., 1983; M.S., North
Carolina State University, 1986; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1993.
Hayes-Gehrke, Melissa N.
Principal Lecturer, Astronomy; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996; B.S., 1996;
M.A., Boston University, 2001; Ph.D., 2004.
Hazkani, Shay
Assistant Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; B.A., Tel Aviv University,
2008; M.A., Georgetown University, 2010; Ph.D., New York University, 2016.
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He, Xin
Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.A., Peking University, 2003; B.S., 2003;
Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2007.
He, Xuhua
Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Peking University, 2001; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 2005.
Head, Emerson W.
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1957;
M.Mus., 1961; D.M.A., Catholic University of America, 1980.
Healy, Liam
Senior Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Harvard University, 1979; M.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1981; Ph.D., 1986.
Heath III, James L.
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge,
1963; M.S., 1968; Ph.D., 1970.
Heath, Jeffrey
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Harvard University, 1971;
M.A., University of Chicago, 1973; Ph.D., 1976.
Hebeler, Jean R.
Professor Emerita, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., State University
of New York-Albany, 1953; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1956; Ed.D.,
Syracuse University, 1960.
Hebert, Mitchell
Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.F.A., University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee, 1980; M.F.A., University of Washington, 1983.
Heckscher, Erich
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1994; M.Mus., Southern Methodist
University, 1997.
Heger, Kenneth William
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1977;
M.A., 1980; Ph.D., 1992.
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Heidelbach, Ruth A.
Associate Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1949; M.Ed., University of Florida, 1957; Ed.D., Columbia University-
Teachers College, 1967.
Heim, Norman M.
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.M.E., University of Evansville, 1951; M.Mus.,
University of Rochester, 1952; D.M.A., 1962.
Heisler, Martin O.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1960;
M.A., 1962; Ph.D., 1969.
Heller, Alison
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; B.A., University of Arizona, 2005; M.A., Washington
University-St. Louis, 2011; Ph.D., 2015.
Hellerstein, Judith K.
Professor, Economics; B.S., Brown University, 1987; M.A., Harvard University, 1992; Ph.D.,
Hellman, John L.
Professor Emeritus, Entomology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1966; M.S., 1968;
Ph.D., 1975.
Helz, George R.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Professor Emeritus, Geology; Distinguished
Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Princeton University, 1964; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1970.
Helzer, Garry A.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., Portland State University, 1959; M.A.,
Northwestern University, 1962; Ph.D., 1964.
Hendricks, Susan M.
Associate Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; A.A., Montgomery
College, 1987; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1989; M.A., 1992; Ph.D., 1995.
Henkel, Ramon E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Sociology; Ph.B., University of North Dakota, 1958; M.A.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1961; Ph.D., 1967.
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Henkelman, James H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Miami
University, 1955; D.Ed., Harvard University, 1965; M.A., Whitworth University, 1981.
Henretta, James A.
Professor Emeritus, History; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1962;
M.A., Harvard University, 1963; Ph.D., 1968.
Henson-Darko, Sarah
Lecturer, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.A., College of St. Rose, 2004;
M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 2007.
Herb, Rebecca A.
Professor Emerita, Mathematics; B.A., University of Oregon, 1969; M.A., 1970; Ph.D.,
University of Washington, 1974.
Herberholz, Jens
Associate Professor & Director, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science; Associate Professor,
Psychology; B.S., Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, 1992; M.S., 1995; Ph.D., Technical
University Munich, 1999.
Herf, Jeffrey C.
Distinguished University Professor, History; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1969;
M.A., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1971; Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1981.
Herman, Harold J.
Associate Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1952; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1960.
Herman, Laurence Alan
Lecturer, Computer Science; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1985; B.A., 1986;
M.S., 1990.
Herold, Keith E.
Associate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S./M.E., University of Akron,
1977; M.S., Ohio State University, 1979; Ph.D., 1985.
Herovic, Emina
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.A., Western
Kentucky University, 2010; M.A., University of Kentucky, 2012; Ph.D., 2016.
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Herrmann, Jeffrey W.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., Georgia
Institute of Technology, 1990; Ph.D., University of Florida, 1993.
Herschbach, Dennis R.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., San Jose
State University, 1960; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1968; Ph.D., 1973.
Hershenson, David B.
Professor Emeritus, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; A.B., Harvard
University, 1955; A.M., Boston University, 1960; Ph.D., 1964.
Herzberg, Osnat
Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Professor, Chemistry &
Biochemistry; B.S., Technion-Israel Institute of Tech, 1971; M.S., Weizmann Institute of
Science-Rehovoth, 1976; Ph.D., 1981.
Hess, Michael E.
Lecturer, Government & Politics; B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1971; M.A., Columbia
University, 1981; M.B.A., New York University, 1982.
Heston, Steven Lawrence
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1983; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1985; M.S., 1987; Ph.D.,
Hewitt, Michael P.
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., State University College of Education-Potsdam, 1988;
M.Mus., Michigan State University, 1992; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2000.
Hicks, Michael W.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Distinguished
Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1993; M.S., 1996; Ph.D., 2001.
Hidalgo, Chila Beatriz
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Kean University, 1984; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1999; Ph.D., 2015.
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Hiebert, Ray E.
Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Stanford University, 1954; M.S.,
Columbia University, 1957; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1961; Ph.D., 1962.
Higgins, Raymond W.
Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1980;
M.S., 1983; Ph.D., 1987.
Higgins, William J.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Biology; B.S., Boston College, 1969; Ph.D., Florida State
University, 1973.
Highton, Richard
Professor Emeritus, Biology; B.A., New York University, 1950; M.S., University of Florida,
1953; Ph.D., 1956.
Hildy, Franklin J.
Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Shimer College, 1975; M.A.,
Northwestern University, 1976; Ph.D., 1980.
Hill, Clara E.
Professor, Psychology; B.A., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 1970; M.A., 1972; Ph.D.,
Hill, John W.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.A., Rice University,
1951; B.Arch., 1952; M.Arch., University of Pennsylvania, 1959.
Hill, Joshua
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998; M.Arch.,
Hill, Mark D.
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of North Carolina School of the Arts, 1974;
M.Mus., SUNY-Stony Brook, 1976.
Hill, Renee F.
Senior Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Florida Atlantic University, 1997; M.S.,
Florida State University, 2000; Ph.D., 2006.
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Hill, Robert Lee
Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., North Carolina State University, 1974;
M.S., 1981; Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1984.
Hill III, Wendell T.
Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Affiliate Professor, Physics; B.A.,
University of California-Irvine, 1974; M.S., Stanford University, 1976; Ph.D., 1980.
Hilliard, Lyra Pamela
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Eckerd College, 2007; M.A., Utah State University, 2009.
Hinc, Danuta Ewa
Senior Lecturer, English; M.A., Gdansk University, 1991.
Hines, Anson H.
Adjunct Professor, Biology; B.A., Pomona College, 1969; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 1976.
Hines, Kristen M.
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering
Education; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1988; M.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1994; Ph.D., 1998.
Hinkle, Lee Wilkerson
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of South Florida, 2005; M.Mus., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2007; D.M.A., 2010.
Hirt, Sonia A.
Professor & Dean, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.A., University of Sofia,
1991; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1995; Ph.D., 2003.
Hirzel, Robert K.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Sociology; B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1946; M.A.,
1950; Ph.D., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, 1954.
Ho, Colleen C.
Lecturer, History; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 2006; M.A., University of California-
Santa Barbara, 2008; Ph.D., 2013.
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Ho, Ping-Tong
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1973; M.S., 1975; Sc.D., 1978.
Hobart, Peter M
Adjunct Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.A., Colby College, 1968; Ph.D.,
Wesleyan University, 1978.
Hoddinott, John
Adjunct Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., University of Toronto, 1984;
M.A., York University-Glendon, 1986; Ph.D., University of Oxford, 1989.
Hodos, William
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Psychology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S.,
City University of New York-Brooklyn College, 1955; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1957;
Ph.D., 1960.
Hofferth, Sandra L.
Professor Emerita, Family Science; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1967; M.A., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1971; Ph.D., 1976.
Hoffman, Daniel C
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., George Washington University, 1999; M.A., Johns Hopkins
University, 2008.
Hoffman, Jon Brian
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Luther College, 2005; M.A., University of Georgia, 2007;
Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Crookston, 2011.
Hoffman, Kara
Professor & Associate Chair, Physics; B.S., University of Kentucky, 1992; M.S., Purdue
University-West Lafayette, 1994; Ph.D., 1998.
Hoffman, Mary Ann
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Macalester College,
1971; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1975.
Hoffman, Nicholas D.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Ashland College, 2003; M.A., Miami University, 2005.
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Hold, Karen
Lecturer, Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship; B.A., Duke University, 1985.
Holden, Rebecca J.
Senior Lecturer, English; B.S., Northwestern University, 1989; M.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1991; Ph.D., 1999.
Hollenczer, Lara Lynne
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1995; M.A.S., Syracuse
University, 2000.
Holliday, William G.
Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Purdue University-
West Lafayette, 1963; M.S., 1968; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1970.
Hollingsworth, Jeffrey K.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1988;
M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990; Ph.D., 1994.
Holloway, David C.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign,
1966; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., 1971.
Holmes, Ann M.
Assistant Dean, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; B.S., University of Baltimore, 1981;
M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1996.
Holt, Cheryl L.
Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., SUNY-College at Brockport, 1995; M.S.,
East Tennessee State University, 1997; Ph.D., St. Louis University, 2001.
Holtz Jr., Thomas Richard
Principal Lecturer, Geology; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1987; M.Phil., Yale University,
1990; Ph.D., 1992.
Holum, Kenneth G.
Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., Augustana College, 1961; M.A., University of Chicago, 1969;
Ph.D., 1973.
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Holzer Bilbao, Jorge G.
Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Pontifica Universidad Catolica
De Chile, 1994; M.S., 1996; M.B.A., University of Oxford, 2000; M.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2009; Ph.D., 2010;
Hooks, Cerruti RR
Associate Professor, Entomology; B.S., North Carolina Central University, 1987; M.S., North
Carolina State University, 1994; Ph.D., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2000.
Hoover, Lillian Bayley
Lecturer, Art; B.F.A., University of North Carolina-Asheville, 2002; M.F.A., Maryland Institute
College of Art, 2005.
Horiuchi, Timothy
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Institute
for Systems Research; B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1989; Ph.D., 1997.
Hornstein, Norbert R.
Professor, Linguistics; B.A., McGill University-Montreal, 1975; Ph.D., Harvard University,
Horton-Stallings, Lamonda
Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of North Carolina-Greensboro, 1995; M.A.,
Appalachian State University, 1998; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2002.
Horty, John
Professor, Philosophy; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; B.A., Oberlin College, 1977;
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1986.
Horvath, John M.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; Ph.D., University Of Budapest, 1947.
Houde, Sebastien
Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., Laval University-Quebec, 2003;
M.S., 2004; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2012.
Howard, Donna E.
Associate Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., University of Massachusetts-
Amherst, 1978; M.P.H., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1980; Doctor of Public Health, DrPH,
Johns Hopkins University, 1994.
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Howard, John D.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Washington College, 1956; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1962; Ph.D., 1967.
Howland, Marie
Professor Emerita, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1972; M.C.P., 1974; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981.
Hoyert, John H.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; M.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1949; Ph.D., 1951.
Hrastar, John A.
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Case Western Reserve University, 1959; M.S., 1961.
Hsieh, Adam H.
Lecturer, HCOL-Gemstone Program; Associate Research Professor, Fischell Department of
Bioengineering; B.S., Cornell University, 1994; M.S., University of California-San Diego, 1996;
Ph.D., 2000; D.Engin., 2000.
Hu, Bei Lok Bernard
Professor, Physics; A.B., University of California-Berkeley, 1967; M.A., Princeton University,
1969; Ph.D., 1972.
Hu, Guiling
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Lecturer, Communication;
B.A., Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages, 1998; M.A., Victoria University of
Wellington, 2002; M.A., 2002; Ph.D., Georgia St Univ/Perimeter College, 2009.
Hu, Liangbing
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Mechanical
Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., University
of Science & Technology of China, 2002; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2007.
Hu, Ming
Assistant Professor, Architecture Program; Assistant Professor, School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; B.Arch., Southeast University, 1998; M.Arch., Tsinghua
University/Qinghua University, 2001; M.Arch., University of Notre Dame, 2003.
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Huang, Furong
Assisant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., Zhejiang University, 2010; M.S., University of California-Irvine, Ph.D., 2016.
Huang, Helen Q.
Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.F.A., Central Academy Of
Drama-Beijing, 1982; M.F.A., University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1988.
Huang, Peng
Assistant Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Assistant Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., Fudan University-Shanghai, 2000; M.S., Catholic
University of Louvain-Dutch, 2004; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010.
Huang, Yi Ting
Assistant Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Center for
Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Northwestern University, 2003; M.A., Harvard University,
2005; Ph.D., 2009.
Hubacek, Klaus
Professor, Geography; M.B.A., University of Economics and Business Administration, 1991;
M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1998; Ph.D., 2000.
Hubbard Jr., James E.
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977; M.S., 1979; Ph.D., 1982.
Hubbard, Susan Elizabeth
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1989; M.A., 1992; Ph.D.,
Hudson, Robert D.
Professor Emeritus, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., University of Reading, 1956; Ph.D.,
Huebner, Robert W.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S.,
Concordia University, 1957; M.A., 1960; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1969.
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Hueth, Darrell L.
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Montana State University, 1959;
M.S., 1969; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1973.
Hugue, Michelle M.
Lecturer, Computer Science; B.A., Loyola University Maryland, 1977; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1980; Ph.D., 1989.
Huheey, James E.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1957; M.S.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1959; Ph.D., 1961.
Hult, Joan S.
Professor Emerita, Kinesiology; B.S., Indiana University, 1954; M.Ed., University of North
Carolina-Greensboro, 1958; Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1967.
Hulten, Charles R.
Professor Emeritus, Economics; A.B., University of California-Berkeley, 1965; Ph.D., 1973.
Hultgren, Francine H.
Professor & Chair, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1968; M.S., North Dakota State University-Fargo, 1977; Ph.D.,
Pennsylvania State University, 1982.
Hultman, Nathan E.
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Carleton College, 1996; M.S., University of
California-Berkeley, 1999; Ph.D., 2003.
Hummel, Mary L.
Assistant Vice President, VP Student Affairs; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education; B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1979; B.A., 1979; M.Ed.,
1980; M.Ed., 1980; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1990; Ph.D., 1990.
Hunt, Brian R.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; Research Professor, Institute for Physical Science &
Technology; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1983; Ph.D., Stanford University,
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Hunt, Janet G.
Associate Professor Emerita, Sociology; B.A., University of Redlands, 1962; M.A., Indiana
University, 1966; Ph.D., 1973.
Hunt, Larry L.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Sociology; B.S., Ball State University, 1961; M.A., Indiana
University, 1964; Ph.D., 1968.
Hurley, Ben F.
Professor, Kinesiology; Affiliate Professor, HLSA-Center on Aging; B.A., University of South
Florida, 1972; M.A., 1975; Ph.D., Florida State University, 1981.
Hurley, Bonnie Jo
Librarian Emerita, Libraries; B.A., American University, 1963; M.L.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1971; M.Mus., 1993.
Hurley, Megan McCale
Lecturer, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S., Ithaca College, 1991; M.A.,
Pennsylvania State University, 1993; Ph.D., 1998.
Hurley, Morgan James
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1990; M.S., 2000.
Hurtado Choque, Ghaffar Ali
Assistant Professor, Family Science (AGNR); Assistant Professor, Family Science; M.Ed.,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2010; Ph.D., 2014.
Hurtt, George C.
Professor, Geography; B.A., Middlebury College, 1990; M.S., University of Connecticut, 1992;
M.A., Princeton University, 1994; Ph.D., 1997.
Hurtt, Steven W.
Professor, Architecture Program; Professor, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation;
A.B., Princeton University, 1963; M.F.A., 1965; M.Arch., Cornell University, 1967.
Hutcheson, Steven W.
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; A.B., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1975;
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1982.
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lHuth, Paul K.
Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1981; M.A., Yale
University, 1984; Ph.D., 1986.
Hutt, Ethan
Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Yale University, 2005;
M.A., Stanford University, 2010; Ph.D., 2013.
Hyler, Maria
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Wellesley
College, 1995; M.Ed., Harvard University, 1996; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2007.
Hyman, Glori D.
Lecturer & Director, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.A., James Madison University, 1984;
M.S., Towson University, 1990.
Iannuzzi, Timothy J.
Lecturer, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., SUNY-College at Oneonta, 1987; M.S.,
Ianozi, Regina
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; M.A., University of Maryland-
Baltimore County, 2006.
Ibrahim, Hassan
Clinical Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.S., King Saud
University, 1980; M.Eng., George Washington University, 1984; Sc.D., 1988.
Icove, David J.
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., University of Tennessee-Knoxville,
1971; M.S., 1974; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1975; Ph.D., University of
Tennessee-Knoxville, 1979.
Ide, Kayo
Associate Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Associate Professor, Earth System
Science Interdisciplinary Center; Associate Professor, Center for Scientific Computation and
Math Modeling; Associate Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., Nagoya
University, 1984; M.S., California Institute of Technology, 1985; Ph.D., 1990.
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Idsardi, William James
Professor & Chair, Linguistics; Affiliate Research Professor, Center for Advanced Study of
Language; B.A., University of Toronto, 1988; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Igel, Regina
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; M.A., Iowa State University, 1969; Ph.D., University of New Mexico-
Albuquerque, 1973.
Ilev, Ilko
Adjunct Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., University of Sofia, 1982;
M.S., 1983; Ph.D., 1992.
Iliadis, Agisilaos
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki,
1975; M.S., Victoria University of Manchester, 1976; Ph.D., 1980.
Imbert-Gerard, Lise-Marie
Assistant Professor, Mathematics; B.S., University of Rennes, 2006; M.S., University of Paris
Vi, 2010; Ph.D., 2013.
Infantino Jr., Robert L.
Associate Dean, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; Senior Lecturer, Biology; B.A.,
University of San Diego, 1985; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1992.
Ingram, Kenneth B.
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; A.S., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1978;
A.S., Montgomery College, 1985; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1989; M.S., 1995;
Inoue, Makiko
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Fukuoka Jo Gakuin
University, Fukuoka, Japan, 2001; M.A., Ohio State University, 2005.
Inouye, David W.
Professor Emeritus, Biology; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1971; Ph.D., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1976.
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Isaacs, Lyle D.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Chicago, 1991; M.S., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1992; Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Tech-Zurich, 1995.
Isaacs, Neil D.
Professor Emeritus, English; A.B., Dartmouth College, 1953; A.M., University of California-
Berkeley, 1956; Ph.D., Brown University, 1959.
Iseki, Hiroyuki
Associate Professor, Center for Smart Growth Research & Education; Associate Professor,
School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; Associate Professor, Urban Studies &
Planning Program; B.E., Kyoto University, 1991; M.Eng., University of Tokyo, 1994; M.A.,
University of California-Los Angeles, 1998; Ph.D., University of California-Med Los Angeles,
Islam, Sabrina
Junior Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Richmond, 2014.
Isman, Kenneth Edward
Clinical Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
1986; M.S., University of Maryland-University College, 2003.
Iso-Ahola, Seppo E.
Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., University of Jyvaskyla, 1971; M.S., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1972; M.S., University of Jyvaskyla, 1973; Ph.D., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1976.
Israel, Michael
Associate Professor, English; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1989; Ph.D., University
of California-San Diego, 1998.
Iwamoto, Derek
Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of California-Irvine, 2001; M.A., University
of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2003; Ph.D., 2007.
JaJa, Joseph F.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., American University of Beirut-Lebanon,
1974; M.S., Harvard University, 1976; Ph.D., 1977.
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Jabeen, Shabnam
Lecturer, Physics; M.S., Govt College University Lahore, 1996; B.S., Islamia College, 1996;
M.S., Quaid-i-Azam University, 1998; Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2006.
Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel
Professor & Director, Center for Scientific Computation and Math Modeling; Professor,
Mathematics; M.S., University of Paris Vi, 1997; Ph.D., 2000.
Jackson, Fatimah L.C.
Professor Emerita, Anthropology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Cornell University,
1972; M.A., 1978; Ph.D., 1981.
Jackson, Paul D.
Lecturer, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., University of Utah, 1976;
M.A., Ohio State University, 1980.
Jackson, Robert T.
Professor & Chair, Nutrition and Food Science; B.A., Cornell University, 1970; M.Sc.,
University of Dar Es Salaam, 1977; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1981.
Jackson, Taharee Apirom
Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Harvard University,
2000; M.Ed., 2001; Ph.D., Emory University, 2011.
Jacob, Bruce
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; A.B.,
Harvard University, 1988; M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1996; Ph.D., 1997.
Jacobs, David
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.A., Yale University, 1982; M.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988; Ph.D., 1992.
Jacobs, Wendy A.
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Humanities; Senior Lecturer, Art; B.F.A., Edinboro State
College, 1980; M.F.A., Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1984.
Jacobsen, Timothy
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Winona State University, 1988.
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Jacobson, Jill Berger
Assistant Clinical Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A.,
University of Virginia, 2005; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2010; A.G.S., 2012;
Ph.D., 2013.
Jacobson, Theodore A.
Professor, Physics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Reed College, 1977; Ph.D., University
of Texas-Austin, 1983.
Jaeger, Paul T.
Professor, College of Information Studies; Professor, History; B.A., University of South Florida-
New College, 1996; M.Ed., University of North Florida, 1998; J.D., Florida State University,
2001; M.S., 2003; Ph.D., 2006;
Jaffe, Paul Iven
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1996; M.S., 2007;
Ph.D., 2013.
Jakiela, Pamela
Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1999; M.S., London School of Economic & Political Science, 2000; Ph.D., University of
California-Berkeley, 2008.
Jakobson, Michael
Professor, Mathematics; M.A., Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, 1967; Ph.D., 1970.
James, Bruce R.
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Technology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
B.A., Williams College, 1973; M.S., University of Vermont, 1979; Ph.D., 1981.
Jarvis, Bruce B.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Ohio
Wesleyan University, 1963; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1966.
Jarzynski, Christopher
Distinguished University Professor & Director, Institute for Physical Science & Technology;
Distinguished University Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Distinguished University
Professor, Physics; B.A., Princeton University, 1987; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley,
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Jawahery, Abolhassan
Distinguished University Professor, Physics; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow; Gus T.
Zorn Professor; B.S., University of Tehran, 1976; M.S., Tufts University, 1977; Ph.D., 1981.
Jay, Steven M.
Assistant Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.E., University of Georgia, 2004;
M.S., Yale University, 2006; M.S., 2007; Ph.D., 2009.
Jeffery, William Richard
Professor, Biology; B.S., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1967; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1971.
Jeka, John Joseph
Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology; B.A., Tufts University, 1979; M.A., 1988; Ph.D., Florida
Atlantic University, 1992.
Jelen, Sheila Elana
Associate Professor, English; Associate Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish
Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1993; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2001.
Jellema, Roderick H.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Calvin College, 1951; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh-
Scotland, 1962.
Jette, Shannon Leigh
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., Simon Fraser University-Burnaby, 1998; M.A.,
University of British Columbia, 2004; Ph.D., 2009.
Jewell, Christopher M.
Associate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; M.S., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 2005; Ph.D., 2008.
Ji, Xiangdong
Distinguished University Professor, Physics; B.S., Tongji University/Tungchai University, 1982;
M.S., Drexel University, 1985; Ph.D., 1987.
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Jiang, Nan
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Nanjing University/Nanking
University, 1984; M.A., East China Normal University, 1987; Ph.D., University of Arizona,
1998; Ph.D., 1998.
Jiao, Hong
Associate Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S., Shanghai
Jiaotong University, 1989; M.A., 1992; Ph.D., Florida State University, 2003.
Jin, Ginger Zhe
Professor, Economics; B.E., University of Science & Technology-Hong Kong, 1992; M.A.,
Graduate School of the People s Bank of China, 1995; M.A., University of California-Los
Angeles, 1998; Ph.D., 2000.
Johnson, Arthur T.
Professor Emeritus, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S.A.E., Cornell University, 1964;
M.S., 1967; Ph.D., 1969.
Johnson, Brian D.
Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Lawrence University, 1997; M.A.,
Pennsylvania State University, 2000; Ph.D., 2003.
Johnson, Lea R.
Assistant Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.A., University of New Mexico-
Albuquerque, 1996; M.S., New Mexico Highlands University, 2004; M.A., City University of
New York-City College, 2005; Ph.D., 2013.
Johnson, Martin L.
Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Morris College, 1962;
M.Ed., University of Georgia, 1968; Ed.D., 1971.
Johnson, Philip Lee Falk
Assistant Professor, Biology; B.A., Harvard University, 2001; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 2009.
Johnson, Raymond L.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1963; Ph.D., Rice
University, 1969.
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Johnson, Roy Hamlin
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Rochester, 1949; M.Mus., 1951;
D.M.A., 1961.
Johnson, Steven P.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of Florida, 2011; M.S., 2015.
Johnson, Tranae
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of Central Florida,
2003; M.Ed., Nova Southeastern University, 2009.
Johnson, Valerie Blythe
Lecturer, English; B.A., Smith College, 2002; M.A., University of Rochester, 2006; Ph.D., 2012.
Johnston, Jesse A.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2002;
Ph.D., 2008; M.S., 2012.
Jones, Angela R.
Lecturer, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Texas A&M University-College Station,
2004; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010.
Jones, Anya
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2004; M.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006; Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 2010.
Jones, Calvert W.
Assistant Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Columbia University, 2003; M.A., Yale
University, 2011; Ph.D., 2013.
Jones, Chandria Denise
Lecturer, School of Public Health; M.P.H., Florida International University, 2004; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Jones, Everett
Associate Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering; B.A.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
1956; M.A.E., 1960; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1968.
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Jones, George F.
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Emory University,
1938; M.A., Oxford University, 1943; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1951.
Jones, Marian Moser
Assistant Professor, Family Science; B.A., Harvard University, 1992; M.P.H., Columbia
University, 2005; Ph.D., 2008.
Jones, Steven Robert
Lecturer, Art; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998; M.F.A., Maryland Institute
College of Art, 2000.
Jones Harden, Brenda P.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Fordham University,
1979; M.S.W., New York University, 1980; M.S., Yale University, 1991; Ph.D., 1996.
Jordan II, Charles Thomas
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991;
M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2010.
Jose, Antony Merlin
Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Anna University, 1999; Ph.D.,
Yale University, 2005.
Josell, Daniel
Lecturer, Materials Science & Engineering; B.A., Harvard University, 1987; M.S., 1988; Ph.D.,
Joseph, Sammy W.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Florida, 1956; M.S.,
St. John's University, 1964; Ph.D., 1970.
Joshi, Katherine
Lecturer, English; B.A., Union University, 2009; M.A., Southeast Missouri State University,
2011; M.F.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Joshi, Yogesh Vijay
Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
Indian Institute of Technology, 1998; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 2007.
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Jovanovic, Alison Leigh
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1998; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2005.
Joyce, Nicholas M.
Assistant Professor, Communication; M.A., University of Massachusetts-Boston, 2009; D.B.A.,
Arizona State University, 2014.
Joyce, Philip G.
Professor & Associate Dean, School of Public Policy; B.A., Thiel College, 1978; M.A., 1979;
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1990.
Judge, Ann B.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.S., University of Scranton, 1992; M.A., University
of Maryland-College Park, 1994; Ph.D., 1997.
Julienne, Paul Sebastian
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S., Wofford College, 1965; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill, 1969.
Julin, Douglas A.
Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Haverford College, 1978; Ph.D.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1984.
Juntti, Scott A.
Assistant Professor, Biology; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001; Ph.D., University of
California-San Francisco, 2010.
Just, Richard E.
Distinguished University Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Oklahoma State
University-Stillwater, 1969; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1971; Ph.D., 1972.
Justice, Chris
Professor & Chair, Geography; B.A., University of Reading, 1973; Ph.D., 1977.
Kachar, Bechara
Adjunct Professor, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science; B.S.P., University of Sao Paulo, 1976;
M.D., 1978.
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Kachinske, Ilina
Lecturer, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., U. of St. Cryil & Methodius, Skopje, 2007;
Philosophy, University of Cambridge, 2009; M.Phil., 2009.
Kachman, Mikhail
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.F.A., State Industrial
Arts Academy, 1988; M.F.A., St. Petersburg State Academy Theater, 1994.
Kacser, Claude
Associate Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., Oxford University, 1955; Ph.D., University of
Oxford, 1959.
Kagan, Abram
Professor, Mathematics; M.A., University of Tashkent, 1958; Ph.D., University of Leningrad,
1963; D.Sc., 1967.
Kahn, Jason D.
Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Affiliate Associate Professor, Fischell
Department of Bioengineering; B.A., Harvard University, 1983; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 1990.
Kahn, Joan R.
Professor, Sociology; Professor, HLSA-Center on Aging; B.A., Stanford University, 1978; M.A.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1982; Ph.D., 1985.
Kaiser, Anne Ruth
Lecturer, J M Burns Academy of Leadership; B.A., University of Chicago, 1990; M.Ed.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1995; M.P.P., 1995.
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem
Professor, Economics; B.S., The Middle East Tech University-Ankara, 1995; M.A., Brown
University, 1997; Ph.D., 2000.
Kalnay, Eugenia E.
Distinguished University Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Distinguished University
Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Distinguished University Professor,
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; Affiliate Professor, Civil & Environmental
Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S./M.Sc., Universidad de Buenos
Aires, 1965; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971.
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Kaloshin, Vadim
Professor, Mathematics; Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.A., Moscow
State University, 1994; M.A., Princeton University, 1997; Ph.D., 2001.
Kammeyer, Kenneth C.W.
Professor Emeritus, Sociology; B.A., University of Northern Iowa-Cedar Falls, 1953; M.A.,
University of Iowa, 1958; Ph.D., 1960.
Kanal, Laveen N.
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science; B.S., University of Washington, 1951; M.S., 1953;
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1960.
Kandell, Jonathan Jay
Director, USG-Shady Grove Center; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1974; M.S.,
1986; Ph.D., 1991.
Kangas, Patrick C.
Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Kent State University, 1974;
M.S., University of Oklahoma, 1978; Ph.D., University of Florida, 1983.
Kannan, Pallassana K.
Professor, Marketing; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.Tech., Banaras Hindu
University, 1980; M.S., National Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering, 1982; Ph.D.,
Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1988.
Kanold, Patrick
Professor, Biology; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Affiliate Professor,
Fischell Department of Bioengineering; M.S., Technical University of Berlin, 1994; Ph.D., Johns
Hopkins University, 2000.
Kantor, Jamison Brenner
Lecturer, English; B.A., Skidmore College, 2004; M.A., University of Virginia, 2007; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Kaplan, Ethan Daniel
Associate Professor, Economics; Affiliate Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1992; M.A., Stanford University, 1999; Ph.D., University of
California-Berkeley, 2005.
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Karake, Zeinab A.
Clinical Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.B.A., College of
Business Administration, Lebanon, 1979; M.A., Catholic University of America, 1982; Ph.D.,
George Washington University, 1987.
Karamustafa, Ahmet Targon
Professor, History; Affiliate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A.,
Hamilton College, 1978; M.A., McGill University-Montreal, 1981; Ph.D., 1987.
Karimi-Hakkak, Ahmad
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Tehran, 1966;
M.A., University of Kansas, 1974; M.A., Rutgers University, 1977; Ph.D., 1979.
Karlsson, Amy J.
Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Affiliate Assistant Professor,
Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Iowa State University, 2003; Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 2009.
Karol, David
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Grinnell College, 1992; M.A., Iowa State
University, 1994; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2005.
Kasischke, Eric S.
Professor, Geography; Affiliate Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; B.S.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1974; M.S., 1980; Ph.D., 1992.
Kasler, Franz J.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Ph.D., Universitat Wien, 1959.
Kason, Daniel J.
Junior Lecturer, English; B.A., Union College, 2011.
Kass, David I.
Clinical Professor, Finance; B.S., Cooper Union for Advncemnt of Science & Art, 1965;
M.Elect.E., New York University, 1967; M.A., Harvard University, 1975; Ph.D., 1977.
Kastner, Scott
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Cornell University, 1995; M.A., University
of California-San Diego, 1998; Ph.D., 2003.
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Katcef, Susan Kopen
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1976.
Katz, Jonathan
Professor & Director, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Professor, Computer Science;
Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; M.A., Columbia University, 1998; M.S.,
2001; Ph.D., 2002.
Kaufer, Mollie Rachel
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Chatham University, 2011; M.A., Carnegie-Mellon University,
Kauffman, Linda S.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A.,
University of California-Santa Barbara, 1971; Ph.D., 1978.
Kaufman, Alan Jay
Professor, Geology; Affiliate Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, 1982; B.S.,
1982; M.S., Indiana University, 1986; Ph.D., 1990.
Kaushal, Sujay
Associate Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; Associate Professor,
Geology; B.A., Cornell University, 1997; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Denver, 2003.
Kavaliauskas Crain, Lena
Coordinator, Office of Student Conduct; Lecturer, International & Leadership Programs; B.A.,
Baldwin Wallace University, 2006; M.S., Oklahoma State University-Stillwater, 2012; Ed.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2016.
Kearney, Melissa Schettini
Professor, Economics; B.A., Princeton University, 1996; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 2002.
Kearney, Michael S.
Professor, Environmental Science & Technology;A.B., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1973; M.A., Western Illinois University, 1976; Ph.D., University of
Western Ontario-London, 1981.
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Keating, Daniel
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Williams College, 1984.
Kedem, Benjamin
Professor, Mathematics; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., Roosevelt
University, 1968; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1970; Ph.D., 1973.
Keefe, Maura
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Hobart and
William Smith Colleges, 1985; M.F.A., Smith College, 1992; Ph.D., University of California-
Riverside, 2002.
Keefer, Carol L.
Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 1974; Ph.D.,
University of Delaware, 1981.
Keim, Mary Thomas
Lecturer, Accounting; B.A., Hastings College, 1980; Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1998.
Keleher, Peter J.
Associate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., Rice University, 1986; M.S., 1992; Ph.D., 1994.
Kelejian, Harry H.
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., Hofstra University, 1962; M.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1964; Ph.D., 1968.
Keller, Michael John
Lecturer, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; A.S., Schenectady County Community College,
1987; B.S., State University College of Education-New Palt, 1989; M.S., Villanova University,
1993; Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2000.
Kellett, Andrew James
Lecturer, History; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003.
Kelley, Warren L.
Assistant Vice President, VP Student Affairs; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981; B.Arch.,
1981; M.G.A., 1993; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003; Ph.D., 2006;
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Kelly, Brian Kelly
Professor & Area Chair, Architecture Program; Professor, School of Architecture, Planning, &
Preservation; B.Arch., University of Notre Dame, 1981; M.Arch., Cornell University, 1987.
Kelly, R Gordon
Professor Emeritus, American Studies; B.A., DePauw University, 1961; M.A., Claremont
Graduate University, 1962; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1970.
Kelman, Zvi
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Adjunct Professor, Cell
Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1987; M.S., Weizmann
Institute of Science-Rehovoth, 1989; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1996.
Kendall-Ball, Gregory M.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Harding University, 2001; M.A., Abilene
Christian University, 2006; M.J., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2015.
Kent, Bretton W.
Instructor, Entomology; B.S., Oregon State University, 1973; M.S., 1976; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1981.
Kenworthy, William J.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1970; M.S., North Carolina State University, 1972; Ph.D., 1976.
Kerkham, Harol Eleanor
Associate Professor Emerita, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Pomona
College, 1961; M.A., Stanford University, 1963; Ph.D., Indiana University, 1974.
Kern, Douglas Sherman
Senior Lecturer, English; A.A., Anne Arundel Community College, 2001; B.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2006; M.A., University of York, 2008; Ph.D., 2014.
Kerr, Kelsey Ann
Lecturer, English; B.A., Denison University, 2011; M.F.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2016.
Kerstein, Samuel J.
Professor, Philosophy; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1987; M.A., Columbia University, 1990;
M.Phil., 1991; Ph.D., 1995.
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Keshavarz-Karamustafa, Fatemeh
Professor & Director, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor,
Women's Studies; B.A., Shiraz University, 1976; M.L.S., Iran, 1979; M.A./M.L.S., Shiraz
University, 1979; M.A., University of London, 1981; Ph.D., 1985;
Kestnbaum, Meyer
Associate Professor, Sociology; B.A., Harvard University, 1986; M.A., 1989; Ph.D., 1997.
Ketelhut, Diane Jass
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Brown University,
1975; M.Ed., University of Virginia, 1988; Ed.D., Harvard University, 2006.
Kettl, Donald F.
Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Yale University, 1974; M.A., 1976; Ph.D., 1978.
Khaligh, Alireza
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Associate Professor, Institute for
Systems Research; B.S., Sharif University of Technology, 1999; M.S., 2001; Ph.D., Illinois
Institute of Technology, 2006.
Khamis, Sahar Mohamed
Associate Professor, Communication; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women’s Studies; B.A.,
American University-Cairo, 1986; M.A., 1989; Ph.D., University of Manchester, 2000.
Khan, Shafique
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Engineering & Technology, 1996; M.S.,
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1999; Ph.D., Washington State University,
Khan, Zia
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2002; Ph.D., Princeton University, 2011.
Khattar, Sunil
Assistant Research Professor; VA_MD Regional College Veterinary Medicine; M.S., Haryana
Agricultural University, 1987; Ph.D., University of Saskatchewan, 1992.
Kheiriyeh, Rashin
Lecturer, Art; M.F.A., Al-Zahra University, 2009.
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Khuc, Thu Thanh
Lecturer, Asian American Studies Program; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003;
M.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 2006; Ph.D., 2013.
Khuller, Samir
Professor & Chair, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, 1986; M.S.,
Cornell University, 1989; Ph.D., 1990.
Khurana, Archana
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.A., University of Delhi, 1996; M.A., 1998; Ph.D., 2004.
Kiely, Lisa J.
Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education; B.S., Westfield State College, 1984; M.S., St. Michael's
College, 1986; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997.
Kier, Craig
Assistant Professor, School of Music; M.Mus., University of Cincinnati, 2001.
Kiger, Kenneth T.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Southern California, 1991; M.S.,
University of California-San Diego, 1993; Ph.D., 1995.
Kill, Melanie
Assistant Professor, English; B.A., Evergreen State College, 1999; M.A., University of
Washington, 2003; Ph.D./J.D., 2008.
Killam Jr., Howard William
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1980;
M.S., Marymount University, 1993.
Killen, Melanie A.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
B.A., Clark University, 1978; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1981; Ph.D., 1985.
Killion, Patrick J.
Director, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Assistant Clinical Professor, Cell
Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Texas A&M University-College Station, 1997; Ph.D.,
University of Texas-Austin, 2007.
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Kim, Byung-Eun
Assistant Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Kangwon National University, 1993; M.S.,
1996; Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2004.
Kim, Jinhee
Professor, Family Science (AGNR); Professor, Family Science; B.A., Seoul National University,
1993; M.A., 1995; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 2000.
Kim, John J.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Columbia University, 2000; J.D., University of California-Berkeley,
2004; M.F.A., University of California-Irvine, 2013.
Kim, Jungho
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1982; M.S.,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1986; Ph.D., 1990.
Kim, Ki-Yong
Associate Professor, Physics; Associate Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics &
Applied Physics; B.A., Korea University-Seoul, 1995; B.S., 1995; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2003.
Kim, Moon Sung
Adjunct Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1988; M.A., 1994; Ph.D., 1999.
Kim, Oliver
Professor, Accounting; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., Seoul National
University, 1973; Ph.D., SUNY-Stony Brook, 1981; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1990.
Kim, Seung-Kyung
Professor Emerita, Women's Studies; B.A., Yonsei University-Seoul, 1977; M.A., CUNY-
Hunter College, 1986; Ph.D., CUNY-Graduate School & University, 1990.
Kim, Shin-Hee
Assistant Professor, VA-MD Regional College Veterinary Medicine; Assistant Professor,
Veterinary Medicine Program; B.S., Pukyung National University, 1993; M.S., 1996; Ph.D.,
Oregon State University, 2001.
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Kim, Young Suh
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1958; Ph.D., Princeton
University, 1961.
Kimbrough, Michael D.
Associate Professor, Accounting; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
B.A., Washington University in Saint Louis, 1990; Ph.D., Indiana University, 2002.
King, Christopher Jerome
Lecturer, Health Services Administration; B.S., East Carolina University, 1997; M.H.S., Towson
University, 2001.
King, Henry C.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; A.B., Brown University, 1969; M.A., University of California-
Berkeley, 1973; Ph.D., 1974.
King, Katie
Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.A., University of
California-Santa Cruz, 1975; Ph.D., 1987.
King, Kelly Anne
Lecturer, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2002; Au.D.,
2008; Ph.D., 2011.
King-Marshall, Evelyn C.
Assistant Research Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., University of Florida,
2005; M.P.H., 2007; Ph.D., 2013.
King, Richard G.
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Alberta-Edmonton, 1981; M.Mus.,
1984; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1992.
Kintiba, George
Lecturer, African American Studies; B.A., Post-Secondary Business Institute, 1991; Ph.D.,
Howard University, 2014.
Kirk, James A.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Ohio University, 1967; M.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1969; Sc.D., 1972.
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Kirk-Davidoff, Daniel B.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Yale University, 1990;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Kirkland-Gordon, Sharon
Director of the Counseling Center, Counseling Center; B.S., Spelman College, 1979; M.S.,
University of Buffalo, 1979; Ph.D., 1991; Ph.D., 1991.
Kirkley Jr., Donald H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, College of Arts & Humanities; B.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1960; M.A., 1962; Ph.D., Ohio University, 1967.
Kirkpatrick, Theodore R.
Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Professor, Physics; B.S., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1977; Ph.D., The Rockefeller University, 1981.
Kirmani, Amna
Professor, Marketing; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1979; M.B.A., Cornell University, 1984; Ph.D., Stanford University,
Kirsch, David A.
Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Harvard University, 1988; M.A.,
State University of Limburg, 1992; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1997.
Kirschenbaum, Matthew G.
Associate Director, MD Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Professor, English; Affiliate
Professor, American Studies; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1992; M.A., University of Virginia, 1994;
Ph.D., 1999.
Kirschtel, David
Lecturer, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.A., Clark University, 1983; M.S.,
University of Louisville, 1992; Ph.D., University of Vermont, 2000.
Kirwan, William E.
Professor, Mathematics; Chancellor, University System of Maryland; A.B., University of
Kentucky, 1960; M.S., Rutgers University, 1962; Ph.D., 1964.
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Kiss, Elinda F.
Associate Clinical Professor, Finance; B.A., Washington University in Saint Louis, 1969; M.A.,
University of Rochester, 1972; Ph.D., 1983.
Kitchen, Mary Lou
Lecturer, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1999; M.A., 2007.
Kivlighan Jr. , Dennis M.
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., College of William &
Mary, 1975; M.S., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1980; Ph.D., 1982.
Kjellerup, Birthe Veno
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Fischell
Department of Bioengineering; M.S., Aalborg Universitet, 1997; Ph.D., 2004.
Klank, Richard E.
Associate Professor, Art; B.Arch., Catholic University of America, 1962; M.F.A., 1964.
Klauda, Jeffery B.
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, 1998; Ph.D., University of Delaware, 2003.
Klees, Steven J.
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; Affiliate Professor, Latin
American Studies Center; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., CUNY-Queens College,
1968; M.A., Stanford University, 1971; M.B.A., 1971; Ph.D., 1975.
Klein, Elisa L.
Associate Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Kalamazoo
College, 1975; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1977; Ph.D., 1980.
Kleinman, Dushanka V.
Professor & Associate Dean, School of Public Health; Professor & Associate Dean,
Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1969; D.D.S., University
of Illinois-Chicago, 1973; M.S., Boston University, 1976.
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Kleist, Daryl T.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee, 1999; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2012.
Kleppner, Adam
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., Yale University, 1953; M.A., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 1954; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1960.
Kleykamp, Meredith A.
Associate Professor, Sociology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women’s Studies; B.A.,
University of Texas-Austin, 1998; M.A., Princeton University, 2001; Ph.D., 2007.
Kliewer, Corey L.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., Towson University, 1996; M.A., Savannah
College of Art & Design, 2008.
Klose, Kevin
Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Harvard University, 1962.
Klossner, Joanne C.
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., Indiana University, 1993; M.S., University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill, 1995; Ph.D., Indiana University, 2004.
Klotz, Kenneth W.
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1987.
Klumpp, James F.
Professor Emeritus, Communication; B.A., University of Kansas, 1968; M.A., University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1971; Ph.D., 1973.
Knaap, Eli
Lecturer, Urban Studies & Planning Program; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011;
M.C.P., 2013; Ph.D., 2016.
Knaap, Gerrit J.
Professor & Acting Associate Dean, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; Professor
& Director, Center for Smart Growth Research & Education; Professor, Urban Studies &
Planning Program; B.S., Willamette University, 1978; Ph.D., University of Oregon, 1982; M.S.,
1982; Post-Dostoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1986.
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Knight, William Edward
Senior Lecturer, Family Science; B.S., Old Dominion University, 1973; M.A., 1974; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1984.
Knoll, Andrew Charles
Lecturer, Philosophy; B.A., Carleton College, 2005.
Koblinsky, Sally A.
Professor Emerita, Family Science; A.B., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1971; M.A., San
Francisco State University, 1973; Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1977.
Kocher, Thomas David
Professor, Biology; B.A., Yale University, 1981; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Denver, 1986.
Kofinas, Peter
Professor & Associate Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering; Professor, Fischell
Department of Bioengineering; Affiliate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering;
Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1989; M.S., 1989; Ph.D., 1994.
Kohl, Frances L.
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1973; M.Ed., Temple University, 1975; Ph.D., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1979.
Kohls, Edward Charles
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.Arch., University of Maryland-College Park, 1977.
Kohn, Gregory Fredrick
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; M.J., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Kohn, Richard A.
Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Cornell University, 1985; M.S., University of New
Hampshire, 1987; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1993.
Kolakoski, Michael K.
Lecturer, English; B.A., James Madison University, 1999; M.A., George Mason University,
2003; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2013.
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Koliji, Hooman
Associate Professor, Architecture Program; Associate Professor, School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; B.Arch., Shahid Beheshti University, 1997; M.Arch., 2000; M.Arch.,
Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 2009.
Kolker, Robert P.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., City University of New York-Queens College, 1962; M.A.,
Syracuse University, 1964; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1969.
Kolodny, Richard
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.B.A., Northwestern University,
1965; M.B.A., New York University, 1967; Ph.D., 1972.
Kolowitz, Brian J.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 2000;
M.B.A./M.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2007; Ph.D., Robert Morris University, 2012.
Komar, Ravenna
Junior Lecturer, English; B.A., George Washington University, 2013.
Komives, Susan R.
Professor Emerita, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Florida State
University, 1968; M.S., 1969; Ed.D., University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1973.
Kong, Mei
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Nanjing
University/Nanking University, 1986; M.A., 1989; M.A., Georgetown University, 2004.
Konsoulis, Mary
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.A., Wellesley College, 1976; M.A., Harvard University,
Konstantinou, Lee
Associate Professor, English; B.A., Cornell University, 2000; M.A., Stanford University, 2008;
Ph.D., 2009.
Koppel, Monique
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2001; Ph.D.,
Georgetown University, 2014.
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Koralov, Leonid
Professor, Mathematics; B.A., Moscow State University, 1991; Ph.D., SUNY-Stony Brook,
Korenman, Victor
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., Princeton University, 1958; M.A., Harvard University, 1959;
Ph.D., 1965.
Korossy, Laszlo
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Catholic University of America, 2008; M.A.,
Korzeniewicz, Roberto Patricio
Professor & Chair, Sociology; Affiliate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A.,
University of California-Santa Cruz, 1980; M.A., SUNY-Binghamton, 1985; Ph.D., 1989.
Koser, Julie
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Trinity University, 1999; M.A., University of California-
Berkeley, 2002; Ph.D., 2007.
Kosko, Stacy
Assistant Research Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Syracuse University, 2000; M.S.,
Georgetown University, 2005; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2012.
Kosicki, Piotr H.
Assistant Professor, History; B.A., Stanford University, 2005; M.A., Princeton University, 2008;
Ph.D., 2011.
Koziol, Stephen M
Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of
Rochester, 1965; M.A., 1967; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1971.
Krapfel, Robert E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A., University of
Connecticut, 1970; M.B.A., 1975; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1979.
Kratochvil, Robert James
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Montana State University,
1972; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1988; Ph.D., 1994.
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Kraus, Kari
Associate Professor, College of Information Studies; Associate Professor, English; B.A., Texas
A&M University-College Station, 1991; M.A., 1995; Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2006.
Kressler, David J.
Lecturer, Management & Organization; B.A., Muhlenberg College, 1969; M.A., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1973; Ph.D., 1977.
Kreuter, Frauke
Professor & Director, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; M.A., Universitat Mannheim,
1996; Ph.D., University of Konstanz, 2001.
Kriesberg, Caleb Munchick
Lecturer, English; B.A., St. Mary's College of Maryland, 1985; M.P.A., George Washington
University, 1992.
Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology-Mumbai, 1972; M.S., Syracuse University, 1973; Ph.D.,
Harvard University, 1977.
Kroncke, Sarah H.
Senior Lecturer, Finance; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1993; M.B.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2000.
Kruglanski, A W.
Distinguished University Professor, Psychology; Affiliate Professor, Communication; B.A.,
University of Toronto, 1966; M.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1967; Ph.D., 1968.
Kruskal, Clyde P.
Associate Professor, Computer Science; B.A., Brandeis University, 1976; M.S., New York
University, 1978; Ph.D., 1981.
Kudisch, Jeffrey D.
Clinical Professor, Management & Organization; B.S., University of Florida, 1986; M.S.,
University of Central Florida, 1989; Ph.D., University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1996.
Kueker, David W.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; A.B., University of California-Los Angeles, 1964; M.A.,
1966; Ph.D., 1967.
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Kuersteiner, Guido Markus
Professor, Economics; licentiatus rerum politicarum, Universitat Bern, 1991; M.S., London
School of Economic & Political Science, 1993; M.A., Yale University, 1995; Masters of
Philosophy, 1996; Ph.D., 1997;
Kukla, Maija M.
Adjunct Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; M.S., University of Latvia, 1993; Ph.D.,
Kunkel, Gerard F.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Shepherd University, 1975.
Kuo, Jason C.
Professor, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., National Taiwan University, 1971; M.A., 1973;
Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1980.
Kurtz, Michael J.
Adjunct Professor, College of Information Studies; B.A., Catholic University of America, 1972;
M.A., Georgetown University, 1974; Ph.D., 1982.
Kusne, Aaron Gilad
Adjunct Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2003;
M.S., 2005; Ph.D., 2009.
Kutz, Eric
Assistant Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Rice University, 1994; M.Mus., Juilliard School
of Music, 1996; D.M.A., 2002.
Kuz, Elif
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Bogazici University, 2005; M.S., 2008; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2016.
Kwak, June M.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Yonsei University-
Seoul, 1987; M.S., Pohang University of Science & Tech, 1993; Ph.D., 1997.
Kweon, Byoung-Suk
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; M.L.Arch., Cornell University,
1992; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1999.
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Kweon, Chol-Bum M
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Yeungnam University, 1995; M.S., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1999; Ph.D., 2002.
Kyle, Albert S.
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., Davidson College,
1974; B.A., University of Oxford, 1976; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1981.
La, Richard J.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1994; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1997;
Ph.D., 2000.
La Touche-Howard, Sylvette Antonia
Lecturer, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., McGill University-Montreal, 1998; M.A.,
Andrews University, 2002; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2012.
La Voy, Sharon Anne
Assistant Vice President, Office of Institute Research, Planning & Assessment; B.A., Stanford
University, 1991; M.A., 1992.
LaFree, Gary D.
Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Indiana
University, 1973; M.A., 1975; Ph.D., 1979.
LaRonde, Nicole A.
Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Rivier University, 1995; Ph.D., Johns
Hopkins University Medical School, 2002.
Lacorte, Manel
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., Universitat de Barcelona, 1991; M.A.,
University of Illinois-Chicago, 1994; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, 1999.
Lafrenz Samuels, Kathryn
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 2001; M.A., University of South
Florida, 2004; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2010.
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Lahiri, Partha
Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; B.S., Presidency College, 1979; M.S.,
University of Calcutta, 1982; Ph.D., University of Florida, 1986.
Lalwani, Sheila B.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Indiana University, 2002; M.A., Harvard University, 2009.
Lamb, Karen Elizabeth
Lecturer, Communication; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1980; B.A., Valparaiso
University, 1985; M.S., Loyola University of Chicago, 1988.
Lamichhane, Chinta M.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; B.V.Sc. & A.H., Haryana
Agricultural University, 1980; Ph.D., James Cook University, 1988.
Lamone, Rudolph P.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Professor, Ctrs-Dingman; B.S.,
University of North Carolina, 1960; Ph.D., 1966; PH.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel
Hill, 1966.
Lamp, William O.
Professor, Entomology; B.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1972; M.S., Ohio State
University, 1976; Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1980.
Lampe, John R.
Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., Harvard University, 1957; M.A., University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities, 1964; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1971.
Lampkin, Derrick
Assistant Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Ohio State University, 1995; M.A.,
2000; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2005.
Lamprakos, Michele
Assistant Professor, Architecture Program; Assistant Professor, School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; B.A., Princeton University, 1983; M.Arch., University of California-
Berkeley, 1991; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
Landa, Edward R.
Adjunct Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., City University of New York-
City College, 1970; M.S., University of Minnesota-Duluth, 1972; M.P.H., 1974; Ph.D., 1975.
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Landa, Melissa Simone
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Oberlin
College, 1986; M.A., Tufts University, 1989; M.A., 1989; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2007.
Landau, Paul S.
Professor, History; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1984; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1986; Ph.D., 1992.
Landry, Lewis Bartholomew
Professor Emeritus, Sociology; B.A., St. Mary's Seminary and University, 1961; B.A., Xavier
University, 1966; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1971.
Langa, Gosia Anna
Lecturer, Management & Organization; B.S., University of Delaware, 1998; M.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2007.
Lange, Andreas
Adjunct Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., University of Bielefeld,
1997; Ph.D., University of Heidelberg, 2000.
Langenberg, Donald N.
Chancellor Emeritus, University System of Maryland, Physics; B.S., Iowa State University,
1953; M.S., University of California-Los Angeles, 1955; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 1959.
Lansing, Stephanie Anne
Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of Oklahoma,
2000; M.S., Ohio State University, 2005; Ph.D., 2008.
Lanum III, George Calvin
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Longwood University, 2000; M.A., 2002.
Lape, Kisa Marie
Lecturer, English; B.A., Washington & Jefferson College, 2003; M.A., Ohio University, 2005.
Lapin, Hayim
Professor, History; Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; B.A., Columbia
University, 1986; M.A., Jewish Theological Seminary, 1987; B.A., 1987; Ph.D., Columbia
University, 1994.
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Larsson, Johan
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; M.S., University of Lund, 1999; Ph.D., University
of Waterloo, 2006.
Laskowski, Michael C.
Professor, Mathematics; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978; Ph.D., University of
California-Berkeley, 1987.
Laslo, Matthew Cooper
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Covenant College, 2006; M.A., Johns
Hopkins University, 2011.
Lasnik, Howard B.
Distinguished University Professor, Linguistics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Carnegie
Institute of Technology, 1967; M.A., Harvard University, 1969; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1972.
Lasota, Alice Manning
Librarian Emerita, Libraries; B.Mus., West Virginia University, 1966; M.Mus., Indiana
University-Bloomington, 1968; M.L.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1989
Laszlo, Istvan
Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; M.S., Lorand Eotvos University, 1978;
Ph.D., 1985.
Lathrop, Daniel Perry
Professor, Physics; Professor, Geology; Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology;
Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; Affiliate Professor, Electrical
& Computer Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1987; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1991.
Lau, Ellen
Assistant Professor, Linguistics; B.S., Michigan State University, 2003; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2009.
Laub, John H.
Distinguished University Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; Distinguished Scholar-
Teacher; B.A., University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1975; M.A., SUNY-Albany, 1976; Ph.D.,
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Laurence, Stuart
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of Auckland, 2001; B.S., 2001;
M.S., California Institute of Technology, 2002; Ph.D., 2006.
Lavine, Roberta Z.
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin
American Studies Center; B.A., CUNY-Queens College, 1974; M.A., Catholic University of
America, 1976; Ph.D., 1983.
Lawley, Katy
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., East Carolina University, 1995; M.L.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2001; Ph.D., 2011.
Lawson, Lewis A.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.S., East Tennessee State University-Johnson City, 1957; M.A.,
1959; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1964.
Lawson, Wesley Grant
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Research in
Electronics & Applied Physics; B.Elect.E., University of Maryland-College Park, 1980; M.S.,
1981; Ph.D., 1985.
Lay, David C.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Aurora College, 1962;
M.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1965; Ph.D., 1966.
Layman, John W.
Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; A.B., Park University, 1955;
M.S.Ed., Temple University, 1962; Ed.D., Oklahoma State University-Stillwater, 1970.
Layton, Richard Douglas
Lecturer, School of Music; B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania, 1979; M.Mus.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1985; D.M.A., 1991.
Lazar, Radu
Senior Lecturer, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.S., University of
Bucharest, 1995; M.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2000; Ph.D., 2005.
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Lea-Cox, John D.
Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of Natal-Durban, 1983;
M.S., 1989; Ph.D., University of Florida, 1993.
Leathers, Howard D.
Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., Princeton University, 1974;
M.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1978; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Lee, Adam
Lecturer, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.S., National Taiwan University,
1993; M.S., New York University, 1998; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
Lee, Cheng S.
Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., National Cheng Kung University-Taiwan,
1981; Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1988.
Lee, Chi Hsiang
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., National Taiwan University,
1959; M.S., Harvard University, 1962; Ph.D., 1967.
Lee, Esther Kim
Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., University of California-
Santa Barbara, 1992; B.A., 1992; M.A., 1995; Ph.D., Ohio University, 2000; Ph.D., 2000;
Lee, Eunhee
Assistant Professor, Economics; B.A., Seoul National University, 2010; M.A., Yale University,
2013; M.Phil, 2014; Ph.D., 2016.
Lee, Frances
Professor, Government & Politics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of Southern
Mississippi, 1991; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1997.
Lee, Hanna
Assistant Professor, Accounting; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
Seoul National University, 2002; M.A., Columbia University, 2008; Ph.D., 2011.
Lee, Hugh M.
Professor Emeritus, Classics; B.A., St. Mary's College of California, 1966; M.A., Stanford
University, 1971; Ph.D., 1972.
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Lee, Justina
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1995; M.Mus., 1997;
M.Mus., Manhattan School of Music, 2002.
Lee, Mei-Ling Ting
Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., National Taiwan University, 1975; M.S., National
Tsing Hua University-Hsinchu, 1977; M.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1978; Ph.D., 1980.
Lee, Sangbok
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Affiliate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular
Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Seoul National
University, 1990; M.S., 1992; Ph.D., 1997.
Lee, Seong-Ho
Associate Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., Korea University-Seoul, 1991; M.S.,
1993; Ph.D., 1999.
Lee, Sung W.
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Seoul National University, 1966; M.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1974; Ph.D., 1978.
Lee, Sunmin
Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.A., Seoul National University, 1993;
M.P.H., 1996; Sc.D., Harvard University, 2001.
Lee, Vincent T.
Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1995; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2001.
Lee-Heitz, Jungjung
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Feng Chia University,
1990; M.A., University of Iowa, 1995; M.A., 1998.
Lee-Kim, Jennie Hyun Chung
Lecturer, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Vanderbilt University,
1994; B.A., 1994; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2004.
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Leete, Burt A.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Professor Emeritus, Logistics,
Business & Public Policy; B.S., Juniata College, 1962; M.B.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1964; J.D., American University, 1969.
Lefkoff, Roxanne
Clinical Professor, Marketing; B.S., West Virginia University, 1980; M.B.A., University of
Houston, 1982; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1990.
Leggs, Brent
Assistant Clinical Professor, Historic Preservation Program; B.A., University of Kentucky, 1997;
M.B.A., 2000.
Lehman, Alan Robertson
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981;
M.A., The New School, 1983; M.A., Catholic University of America, 1987; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1994.
Lehner, Ellen Correl
Professor Emerita, Mathematics; B.S., Douglass College, 1951; M.S., Purdue University, 1953;
Ph.D., 1958.
Lehner, Guydo R.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., Loyola University, 1951; M.S., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1953; Ph.D., 1958.
Lei, David K. Y.
Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., University of London, 1968; M.S., University of
Guelph-Ontario, 1970; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1973.
Leibtag, Ephraim S.
Lecturer, Economics; B.A., Yeshiva University, 1996; M.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1998; Ph.D., 2002.
Leinwand, Theodore B.
Professor, English; B.A., Hamilton College, 1973; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1978; Ph.D.,
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Leisnham, Paul
Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of Otago, 2000;
M.S., 2001; Ph.D., 2005.
Leite, Marina Soares
Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Assistant Professor, Institute for Research
in Electronics & Applied Physics; B.S., Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, 2000;
M.S., Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2003; Ph.D., University of Brasilia, 2007.
Lekic, Maria D.
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; M.A., Moscow State
Pedagogical Institute, 1970; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1983.
Lekic, Vedran
Assistant Professor, Geology; B.A., Harvard University, 2004; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 2009.
Lele, Shreevardhan
Clinical Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.Tech., Indian Institute
of Technology-Madras, 1987; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1991; Ph.D., 1996.
Lemay, Edward
Associate Professor, Psychology; B.S., Worcester State University, 1990; M.S., Rutgers
University, 2002; M.S., Yale University, 2007; Ph.D., 2008.
Lengermann, Joseph J.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Sociology; B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1958; S.T.B.,
Gregorian University-Rome, 1960; S.T.L., Gigorian University-Rome, 1962; M.A., University of
Notre Dame, 1964; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1969;
Lennon, Kenneth
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Eastern Michigan University, 2001; M.A.,
University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2003; M.B.A., Baldwin Wallace University, 2007.
Lent, Robert W.
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1975;
M.A., Ohio State University, 1977; Ph.D., 1979.
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Leonard, Kenneth L.
Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1989;
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1997.
Leonardi, Susana
Professor Emerita, English; B.A., Immaculata University, 1968; M.A., University of California-
Davis, 1982; Ph.D., 1986.
Leone, Mark P.
Professor, Anthropology; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.A., Tufts University, 1963;
M.A., University of Arizona, 1965; Ph.D., 1968.
Leone, Peter E.
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., University of Iowa, 1972;
M.A., 1974; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1981.
Leslie, Leigh A.
Associate Professor, Family Science; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.S.,
Texas Tech University, 1975; M.S., 1977; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1982.
Lester, Christopher
Director, Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education; B.S., Westfield State College, 1994; M.Ed.,
University of Massachusetts-Amhert, 1997; Ph.D., 2004
Lett, Paul David
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S., Marquette University, 1980; M.A., University of Rochester,
1982; Ph.D., 1986.
Leventhal, Marvin
Professor Emeritus, Astronomy; B.S., City College of New York, 1958; Ph.D., Brown
University, 1964.
Levermore, Charles D.
Professor, Mathematics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; Professor, Institute for Physical Science
& Technology; M.S., Clarkson College of Technology, 1974; Ph.D., New York University,
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Levin, Daniel Matthew
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Brandeis
University, 1989; M.A., Towson University, 1997; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
Levin, David Michael
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2002; Ph.D., 2010.
Levine, Robert S.
Distinguished University Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies;
Distinguished University Professor; B.A., Columbia University, 1975; M.A., Stanford
University, 1977; Ph.D., 1981.
Levine, William S.
Research Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Research Professor, Institute
for Systems Research; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1962; M.S., 1965; Ph.D.,
Levinson, Jerrold
Distinguished University Professor, Philosophy; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
1969; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1974.
Levy, Doron
Professor, Mathematics; Professor, Center for Scientific Computation and Math Modeling;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Tel Aviv University, 1991; M.S., 1994; Ph.D., 1997.
Lewin, Amy B.
Assistant Professor, Family Science; B.A., Duke University, 1989; PH.D., Rutgers University,
Lewin, Deborah Lillian
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; M.Ed., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1988.
Lewin, Ross D.
Associate Vice President, Office of International Affairs; B.A., University of California-Santa
Cruz, 1984; M.S., Stanford University, 1986; Ph.D., 2000.
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Lewis, Mark J.
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985; Ph.D.,
Lewis, Matthew Christopher
Junior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Brigham Young
University, 2005.
Lewis, Roger K.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.Arch., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1964; M.Arch., 1967.
Li, Teng
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Tsinghua University/Qinghua University,
1996; M.A., Princeton University, 2003; Ph.D., Harvard University, 2006.
Li, Yan
Associate Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; B.S., Beijing Institute of
Technology, 1997; M.S., 2000; M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2002; Ph.D., University
of Maryland-College Park, 2006.
Li, Zhanqing
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; B.S., Nanjing University/Nanking University, 1983; M.S., 1986; Ph.D., McGill
University-Montreal, 1991.
Liang, Shunlin
Professor, Geography; B.S., Nanjing University/Nanking University, 1983; M.S., 1986; Ph.D.,
Boston University, 1993.
Liang, Xin-Zhong
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; B.S., Zhejiang University, 1983; Ph.D., The Graduate Sch. of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences & IAP,, 1987.
Liao, Hui
Professor, Management & Organization; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
People's U. of China/Ren Min U. of China, 1997; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities,
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Licata, Melissa Emily
Lecturer, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2009; M.S.,
Boston University, 2011.
Lichbach, Mark
Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Brooklyn College, 1973; M.A., Brown University,
1975; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1978.
Lichtenberg, Erik
Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., University of Chicago, 1973; Ph.D.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1985.
Lidz, Jeffrey
Professor, Linguistics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Northwestern University, 1990;
M.A., University of Delaware, 1992; Ph.D., 1996.
Lieber, Joan
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Rutgers University, 1969;
M.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1970; Ph.D., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1986.
Liesener, James W.
Professor Emeritus, College of Information Studies; B.A., Wartburg College, 1955; M.A.,
University of Northern Iowa, 1960; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1962; Ph.D.,
Lightman, David
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
1971; M.A., 1973.
Lilley, Charles R.
Lecturer, History; B.A., Salisbury University, 1964; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
1979; Ph.D., 1979.
Lima, Thayse
Assistant Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Ph.D., Brown University,
Limao, Nuno
Professor, Economics; B.S., London School of Economic & Political Science, 1996; M.A.,
Columbia University, 1998; M.Phil., 1999; Ph.D., 2001.
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Lin, Jing
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; Affiliate Professor, Women's
Studies; B.A., Guangxi University, 1983; M.A., Michigan State University, 1987; Ed.D.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1990.
Lindberg, Andrew James
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2009; M.Arch.,
University of Southern California, 2013.
Lindemann, Marilee
Associate Professor & Executive Director, College Park Scholars; Associate Professor, English;
Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies;
B.A., Indiana University, 1981; M.A., Rutgers University, 1983; Ph.D., 1991.
Lindle, Rosemary Schaffner
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1986; M.S., 1989; Ph.D.,
Linduska, James J.
Professor Emeritus, Entomology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1965; M.S., 1968;
Ph.D., 1973.
Lindvall, Mikael
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; Adjunct Professor, Computer Science;
M.S., Linkoping University, 1994; Ph.D., 1997.
Linebaugh, Donald W.
Professor & Area Chair, Historic Preservation Program; Professor & Associate Dean, School of
Architecture, Planning & Preservation; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.S., Grand
Valley State College, 1979; M.A., College of William & Mary, 1982; Ph.D., 1996.
Link Jr., Lewis E.
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., North Carolina State University, 1968; M.S.,
Mississippi State University, 1973; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1976.
Linn, Andrew P.
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.Arch., Cornell University, 2011; M.A., Yale University, 2013.
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Lips, Karen R.
Professor, Biology; Affiliate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.S., University of South
Florida, 1988; Ph.D., University of Miami, 1995.
Lipsman, Ronald L.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., City University of New York-City College, 1964; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967.
Lipton, Douglas W.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., State University of
New York-Stony Brook, 1976; M.A., Virginia Inst. of Marine Science-College of William &
Mary, 1979; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1989.
Lissitz, Robert W.
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Northwestern
University, 1963; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1969.
List, John A.
Adjunct Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stevens
Point, 1992; Ph.D., University of Wyoming, 1996.
Little, Susan Buckner
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of Tennessee-
Knoxville, 1976; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Liu, Brooke Fisher
Associate Professor, Communication; Associate Professor, National Center for Study of
Terrorism & Response to Terrorism; B.A., Washington University in Saint Louis, 2001; M.A.,
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2003; M.A., 2003; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill, 2006.
Liu, Chuan Sheng
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Tunghai University, 1960; M.A., University of California-
Berkeley, 1964; Ph.D., 1968; Ph.D., Chalmers University of Technology-Sweden, 1994.
Liu, Dongxia
Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Shandong University, 2000;
M.S., The Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003; Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2009.
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Liu, Hongjie
Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.A., Fudan University-Shanghai, 1993; M.S.,
University of California-Los Angeles, 1998; Ph.D., 2002.
Liu, KJ Ray
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., National
Taiwan University, 1983; M.S.E., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1987; Ph.D., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1990.
Liu, Zhongchi
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Affiliate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape
Architecture; B.S., Wuhan University, 1982; M.A., Harvard University, 1985; Ph.D., 1990.
Livelsberger, Brian Patrick
Lecturer, Family Science; B.A., Dickinson College, 1996; M.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2006.
Livingston, Richard A.
Adjunct Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.A., Dartmouth College, 1968; B.E.,
1969; M.S., Stanford University, 1970; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1990.
Lloyd, Adam Matthew
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of California-San Diego, 1991; M.A., Georgetown
University, 1997; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005.
Lloyd, Isabel K.
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Institute for
Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1975; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980.
Lobb, Christopher J.
Professor, Physics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Rutgers University, 1974; S.M.,
Harvard University, 1976; Ph.D., 1980.
Loboda, Tatiana V.
Associate Professor, Geography; B.A., Moscow State Pedagogical University, 1995; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
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Locke, Edwin A.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A.,
Harvard University, 1960; M.A., Cornell University, 1962; Ph.D., 1964.
Loeb, Martin P.
Professor & Area Chair, Accounting; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
SUNY-Stony Brook, 1970; M.S., Northwestern University, 1972; Ph.D., 1975.
Loeb, Stephen E.
Professor & Director, Accounting; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1961; M.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1963; Ph.D.,
Loewenstein, Mark V.
Associate Professor, Finance; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
University of California-Los Angeles, 1983; M.B.A., Columbia University, 1992; Ph.D., 1996.
Logan, Shirley W.
Professor Emerita, English; B.A., Johnson C. Smith University, 1964; M.A., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1966; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1988.
Loh, Wallace
President, PRES-President's Office; Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Grinnell College,
1965; M.A., Cornell University, 1967; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1971; J.D.,
Yale University, 1974.
Lohr, Justin Charles
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., St. Joseph's University, 2008; M.F.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2011.
Loizeaux, Elizabeth Bergmann
Professor Emerita, English; B.A., Mount Holyoke College, 1972; M.A., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 1974; Ph.D., 1980.
Lombardi, Sara
Lecturer, Biology; B.S., Juniata College, 2007; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
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London, Marilyn R.
Lecturer, Anthropology; B.S., George Washington University, 1977; M.A., University of New
Mexico-Albuquerque, 1979.
Long, Michael H
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Center for
Advanced Study of Language; L.L.B., University of Birmingham, 1966; M.A., University of
Essex-Colchester, 1974; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 1980.
Long, Ryan
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Associate Professor,
English-Center for Literary & Comparative Studies; B.A., Macalester College, 1994; Ph.D.,
Duke University, 2002.
Long, Terence Dyer
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2007; B.S., 2007; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Lopez, Andrea M.
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., San
Francisco State University, 2003; M.A., University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, 2007; Ph.D.,
Lopez Roshwalb, Jackelyn Raquel
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
2010; M.A.-Teach., Johns Hopkins University, 2011.
Lorimer, George H.
Distinguished University Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Distinguished University
Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., University of St. Andrews, 1965;
M.S., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1968; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1972.
Losert, Wolfgang
Professor & Associate Dean, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; Professor &
Director, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Professor, Physics; Affiliate Professor,
Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; M.S., University of Munich, 1995;
Ph.D., CUNY-City College of New York, 1998.
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Lothian, Alexis
Assistant Professor, Women's Studies; M.A., University of Edinburgh, 2003; M.A., University of
Sussex-Falmer, 2005; Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2012.
Loup IV, Francois
Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Music; Diploma, Conservatoire de Musique, 1963.
Lovell, David J.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.A.,
Portland State University, 1990; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1993; Ph.D., 1997.
Lowderbaugh, Thomas E.
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Northern Illinois University, 1965; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1967; Ph.D., 1976.
Lowry, Charles B.
Professor Emeritus, College of Information Studies; B.S., Spring Hill College, 1964; M.S.L.S.,
University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa, 1965; M.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1974;
Ph.D., University of Florida, 1979.
Lozinsky, Elena
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Smolensk State Institute of
Education, 1975; B.A., University of Smolensk, 1975; M.A., Smolensk State Institute of
Education, 2003; M.A., University of Smolensk, 2003; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2008;
Lozner, Ruth J.
Associate Professor Emerita, Art; B.F.A., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1972; M.F.A., American
University, 1979.
Lucas Jr. , Henry C.
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.S., Yale University, 1966; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968;
Ph.D., Yale University, 1970.
Lucas, Jeffrey W.
Professor & Associate Dean, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; Professor, Sociology;
B.A., University of Iowa, 1992; M.A., 1996; Ph.D., 2000.
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Lung Amam, Willow S.
Assistant Professor, Urban Studies & Planning Program; Assistant Professor, School of
Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Historic Preservation
Program; B.A., Stanford University, 2000; M.C.P., University of Maryland-College Park, 2007;
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2012.
Lushniak, Boris D.
Professor & Dean, School of Public Health; Professor & Dean, Epidemiology & Biostatistics;
B.S., Northwestern University, 1981; M.D., Northwestern University Medical School, 1983;
M.P.H., Harvard University, 1984.
Lynch, James
Professor & Chair, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1971; M.A.,
1975; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1983.
Lynch, Lori
Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., University of California-Davis, 1984;
M.S., 1989; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1996.
Lynn, Jeffrey W.
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1969; M.S., 1970; Ph.D.,
Lynn, Scott G.
Lecturer, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1993;
M.S., Drexel University, 1998; Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2006.
Lyon, Aidan
Assistant Professor, Philosophy; B.S., University of Queensland-Brisbane, 2004; B.A., 2005;
Ph.D., Australian National University-Canberra, 2009.
Lyons, Clare A.
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.S., Lewis &
Clark College, 1980; M.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1989; Ph.D., Yale
University, 1996.
Munds, Philip
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 1986.
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Ma, Lan
Lecturer, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2001; Ph.D.,
Ma, Li
Assistant Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Fudan University-Shanghai, 2002; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2010; M.S., 2010.
Ma, Liye
Assistant Professor, Marketing; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.E.,
Tsinghua University/Qinghua University, 1998; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2008; M.S.,
2011; Ph.D., 2011.
Ma, Michael C.
Professor Emeritus, Entomology; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1973; M.S., 1975;
Ph.D., 1978.
Mabbs, Linda
Professor, School of Music; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.Mus., Northwestern University,
1968; M.Mus., 1970.
MacDevitt, Brian
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.F.A., SUNY-College
at Purchase, 1980.
MacDonald, Charles
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
MacDonald, Victoria Maria
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Wellesley
College, 1983; M.Ed., Harvard University, 1984; Ed.D., 1992.
MacSwan, Jeff
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Affiliate Professor, Center for
Advanced Study of Language; A.A., Cerritos College, 1984; B.A., California State Univ-Long
Beach, 1985; A.A., Cerritos College, 1986; M.A., California State Univ-Long Beach, 1987;
Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 1997;
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MacWhinney, Brian
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of California-
Berkeley, 1965; M.A., 1967; Ph.D., 1974.
Machado, Carlos A.
Professor, Biology; Affiliate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.S., National
University of Colombia-Bogota, 1992; Ph.D., University of California-Irvine, 1998.
Machedon, Matei
Professor & Associate Chair, Mathematics; B.A., University of Chicago, 1982; Ph.D., Princeton
University, 1986.
Mack Jr. , Maynard
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Yale University, 1964; Ph.D., 1969.
Maclary, Edward
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Delaware, 1974; M.Mus., Boston University,
1980; D.M.A., Indiana University, 1985.
Macleod, Anne S.
Professor Emerita, College of Information Studies; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A.,
University of Chicago, 1949; M.L.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1966; Ph.D., 1973.
Macready, George B.
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Williamette
University-Salem, 1965; M.A., University of Oregon, 1967; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities, 1972.
Madan, Dilip B.
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.Comm., University of
Bombay, 1967; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1971; Ph.D., 1975.
Maddox, Candace Eugenia
Assistant Clinical Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A.,
University of Georgia, 2002; M.Ed., 2004; Ph.D., 2011.
Maddux, Kristjana Lyn
Associate Professor, Communication; B.A., University of Puget Sound, 2001; M.A., University
of Georgia, 2003; Ph.D., 2007.
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Madhavan, Sangeetha
Associate Professor, African American Studies; Associate Professor, Sociology; Affiliate
Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Barnard College, 1988; M.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 1994; Ph.D., 1998.
Madoo, Justine McDavid
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2004;
M.A., Rutgers University, 2007; Ph.D., 2015.
Maffie, James
Senior Lecturer, American Studies; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1973; M.A.,
University of California-San Diego, 1976; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988.
Magaziner, Jay S.
Professor & Chair, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.A., Case Western Reserve University, 1970;
M.A., University of Chicago, 1977; Ph.D., 1980.
Magrab, Edward B.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.M.E., CUNY-City College of New York, 1960;
M.A.E., New York University, 1961; Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 1966.
Mahalel, Adi
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; Ph.D., Columbia
University, 2014.
Maimon, David
Associate Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Haifa, 2003; M.A.,
2005; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2009.
Majeska, George P.
Associate Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., City University of New York-Brooklyn College,
1961; M.A., Indiana University, 1964; Ph.D., 1968.
Major, Leon
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.A., University of Toronto, 1955.
Makowski, Armand M.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S.,
Universite Libre de Bruxelles-Belgium, 1975; M.S., University of California-Los Angeles, 1976;
Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1981.
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Maksimovic, Vojislav
Professor & Area Chair, Finance; Professor & Area Chair, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
B.Sc., London School of Economic & Political Science, 1976; M.Sc., 1977; Ph.D., Harvard
University, 1986.
Malen, Betty L.
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A.,
Concordia College, 1968; M.A., University of North Dakota, 1973; Ph.D., University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1983.
Malik, Waseem Ansar
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2007.
Malkus, Nathaniel Nelson
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Covenant College, 1997.
Mallinson, Edward T.
Professor Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine Program; V.M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1956.
Mallios, Peter Lancelot
Associate Professor, English; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1990; M.A., University of
Chicago, 1992; J.D., 1994; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2000.
Mallory, Sarah Beth
Assistant Clinical Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., George
Washington University, 2002; M.Ed., George Mason University, 2006; Ph.D., Columbia
University, 2014.
Mamat, Anwar
Lecturer, Computer Science; B.E., Chang'an University, 2000; M.S., 2002; Ph.D., University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, 2011.
Manekin, Charles H.
Professor & Director, Philosophy; Affiliate Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish
Studies; B.A., Yale University, 1975; M.A., Columbia University, 1979; Ph.D., 1984.
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Manekin, Rachel
Associate Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; B.A., Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, 1982; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1992; Ph.D., Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, 2001.
Mani, Mahesh
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Annamalai University, 1998; Ph.D.,
National University of Singapore, 2005.
Manning, Nathaniael Jared
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., University of Puget Sound, 2006; M.S., University of California-
Riverside, 2008; Ph.D., 2012.
Mansbach, Steven
Distinguished University Professor, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Cornell University, 1972;
M.A., 1976; Ph.D., 1978.
Manucharyan, Vladimir
Assistant Professor, Physics; B.S., Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, 2003; Ph.D.,
Yale University, 2012.
Manzo, Anthony L.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Boston University, 1991.
Marando, Vincent L.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; B.S., State University of New York-College at
Buffalo, 1960; M.A., Michigan State University, 1964; Ph.D., 1967.
Marciano, Richard
Professor, College of Information Studies; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., National
School of Civil Aviation, 1986; M.S., University of Iowa, 1989; Ph.D., 1992; Postdoc, 1994.
Marcus, Robert F.
Associate Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Montclair State
University, 1965; M.A., New York University, 1967; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University,
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Marcus, Steven I.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Rice University, 1971; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1972; Ph.D., 1975.
Marcuse, Michael J.
Associate Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1966; M.A., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1967; Ph.D., 1971.
Margetis, Dionisios
Professor, Mathematics; Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., National
Technical University of Athens, 1992; M.S., Harvard University, 1994; Ph.D., 1999.
Maring, Elisabeth Fost
Assistant Clinical Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; B.A., Emory
University, 1993; M.Ed., Harvard University, 1996; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2006.
Marino, John P.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Adjunct
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Princeton University, 1989; M.A., Yale University,
1991; Ph.D., 1995.
Mariuzza, Roy A.
Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Professor, Cell Biology &
Molecular Genetics; M.S., Yale University, 1978; B.S., 1978; Ph.D., University of Paris Vii,
Mark, Gideon E.
Associate Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith
School of Business; B.A., Brandeis University, 1979; J.D., University of California-Hastings
Colleg, 1993; M.B.A., Columbia University, 1995; M.P.A., Harvard University, 2000; L.L.M.,
New York University, 2005;
Markley, Nelson G.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; A.B., Lafayette College, 1962; M.A., Yale University, 1964;
Ph.D., 1966.
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Markou, Ioannis
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., University of Crete, 2002; M.S., 2005; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Marks, Colin H.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1956;
M.S., 1957; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1965.
Marra, Peter
Adjunct Professor, Biology; M.S., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, 1989; Ph.D.,
Dartmouth College, 1998.
Marsh, Kris
Associate Professor, Sociology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., San
Diego State University, 1996; M.A., California State Univ-Dominguez Hills, 2000; Ph.D.,
University of Southern California, 2005.
Marshall, Andre Wendell
Associate Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Mechanical
Engineering; B.A., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1991; M.S., 1993; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1996.
Martin, Cynthia L.
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of New
Hampshire, 1980; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1983; Ph.D., 1990.
Martin, L John
Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; A.B., American University-Cairo,
1947; M.A., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1951; Ph.D., 1955.
Martin, Pino
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.E., Boston University, 1994; M.S., University of
Minnesota-Crookston, 1995; Ph.D., 1999.
Martin, Raymond F.
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy; B.A., Ohio State University, 1962; M.A., 1964; Ph.D.,
University of Rochester, 1968.
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Martin-Beltran, Melinda
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1997; M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American, 1999; Ph.D., Stanford
University, 2006.
Martinez-Miranda, Luz J.
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., University of Puerto Rico-Rio
Piedras, 1977; B.Mus., 1979; M.S., 1979; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.
Martins, Nuno Miguel L. C.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
B.S./M.S., University of Lisbon, 1997; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Marx, George L.
Professor Emeritus, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Yankton
College, 1953; M.A., State University of Iowa, 1958; Ph.D., 1959.
Marzullo, Keith
Professor & Dean, College of Information Studies; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; B.A.,
Occidental College, 1975; M.S., Stanford University, 1978; Ph.D., 1984.
Masatlioglu, Yusuf C.
Associate Professor, Economics; B.A., Bogazici University, 1995; M.A., 1999; M.A., New York
University, 2001; Ph.D., 2005.
Mason, Ann Michele
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1986; M.A., 1992;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
Mason, Glenn M.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., Harvard University, 1965; M.S., University of Chicago, 1967;
Ph.D., 1971.
Mason, Lilliana H
Assistant Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Princeton University, 2000; M.A., SUNY-
Stony Brook, 2006; Ph.D., 2013.
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Mason, Michele Marie
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of Oregon, 1989; M.A., University of California-
Los Angeles, 1995; Ph.D., University of California-Irvine, 2005.
Mather, Ian
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.Sc., University of Wales, 1966; Ph.D., 1971.
Mathews, Richmond David
Associate Professor, Finance; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Duke University, 1996; M.S., University of Rochester, 2002; Ph.D., 2003.
Mathias, Justin K.
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1973;
M.S., 1976; Ph.D., 1988.
Matsumoto, David
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of Michigan-
Dearborn, 1981; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1983; Ph.D., 1986.
Matthews III, John Rosser
Lecturer, English; B.A., College of William & Mary, 1985; M.A., Duke University, 1988; Ph.D.,
Mattingly, James
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Philosophy; B.A., St. John's College, 1990; M.S., University of
California-Santa Cruz, 1995; M.A., Indiana University, 1999; M.A., 1999; Ph.D., 2002;
Mattson, James H
Lecturer, English; B.S., St. Cloud State University, 1999; M.F.A., University of Iowa, 2008.
Matysiak, Silvina R.
Assistant Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.A., Technological Institution of
Buenos, 2001; M.A., Rice University, 2007; Ph.D., 2008.
Mauriello, Thomas P.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Suffolk University, 1973; M.F.S., George
Washington University, 1976.
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Maxwell, Robert F
Lecturer, HCOL-ACES Cybersecurity Program; B.A., Catholic University of America, 1993.
May, Lindsey M
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2010; M.Arch.,
Princeton University, 2014.
May, Peter Ian
Lecturer, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
1992; Ph.D., 2007.
Mayer, Dirk
Adjunct Associate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S./M.S., University of
Bonn, 1996; Ph.D., Bremen University, 2000.
Mayergoyz, Isaak
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; E.E.Dipl.,
Polytechnical Institute-Novocherkask, 1963; Kandidat, 1968; Doctor, Institute for Cybernetics-
Ukranian Academy of Science, 1975.
Mayes, Alvin
Principal Lecturer, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1969.
Mayo, Marlene J.
Associate Professor Emerita, History; B.A., Wayne State University, 1954; M.A., Columbia
University, 1957; Ph.D., 1961.
Mazurek, Michelle L.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon
University, 2013; Ph.D., 2014.
Mazzocchi, Paul H.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.Sc., CUNY-Queens College, 1961; Ph.D.,
Fordham University, 1966.
Mazzola, Eugene P.
Adjunct Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1971.
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Mazzullo, Susan Claire
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.A., University of North Carolina-Wilmington, 1987; B.S., 1987; M.S.,
Georgian Technical University, 1989.
McAdams, Katherine C.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1972; M.A., 1981; Ph.D., 1988.
McAllister, Jamie Lynn
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; M.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2002; Ph.D., University of Maryland at Baltimore, 2010.
McAvoy, Patrick Charles
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
2003; M.S., 2007; Ph.D., 2008.
McAvoy, Thomas J.
Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
B.A., Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1961; M.A., Princeton University, 1963; Ph.D., 1964.
McBride, Alison A.
Adjunct Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Ph.D., University of London, 1986.
McCabe, Margaret M.
Clinical Professor Emerita, Department of Hearing and Speech Science; B.S., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1974; M.S., 1976; AuD, University of Florida, 2006.
McCaleb, Joseph L.
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Abilene Christian
University, 1969; M.Ed., University of Texas-Austin, 1973; Ph.D., 1976.
McCall, Catherine McCall
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of Virginia, 1993;
M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 1995.
McCall, Terrence M.
Assistant Instructor, Army ROTC; J.D., University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1999.
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McCann, Samuel Anthony
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., Lake Forest College, 1966; M.A., Syracuse University,
McCarthy, Colman J.
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.S., Spring Hill College, 1960; Ph.D., Wheeling
Jesuit University, 1976.
McCauley, John F.
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., College of William & Mary, 1996; M.A.,
Yale University, 2004; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2010.
McClenahan Jr., William M.
Senior Lecturer, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; B.A., University of Louisville, 1971; J.D.,
1974; Ph.D., George Washington University, 1993.
McClure, Elizabeth Ann
Lecturer, English; B.A., California Lutheran University, 1993; M.A., American University,
2000; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2007.
McClurg, Charles A.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Iowa State
University, 1966; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1968; Ph.D., 1970.
McCluskey, Patrick
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Lafayette College, 1984; M.S., Lehigh University,
1986; Ph.D., 1991.
McConnell, Kenneth E.
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., University of Florida, 1964;
M.A., 1966; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1973.
McCracken, Quinn Dillon
Junior Lecturer, English; B.A., College of the Holy Cross, 2014.
McCuen, Richard H.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1967; M.S.,
Georgia Institute of Technology, 1970; Ph.D., 1971.
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McDaniel, Stephen R.
Associate Professor, Kinesiology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Communication; B.S.,
Minnesota State University-Moorhead, 1985; M.A., University of South Florida, 1991; Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 1995.
McDonald, Ronald K
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1984.
McDonough, William F.
Professor, Geology; B.A., University of Massachusetts-Boston, 1979; M.S., Sul Ross State
University, 1983; Ph.D., Australian National University-Canberra, 1988.
McEnery, Julie E.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics; B.S., University of Manchester, 1993; Ph.D., University
College Dublin, 1997.
McEwen, Abigail
Associate Professor, Art History & Archaeology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; B.A., Brown University, 2002; M.A., New York University, 2005; Ph.D., 2010.
McEwen, Marylu K.
Associate Professor Emerita, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Purdue
University-West Lafayette, 1968; M.S., Indiana University, 1970; Ph.D., Purdue University-
West Lafayette, 1973.
McFarland, Margaret
Clinical Professor, Real Estate Development; B.A., Andrews University, 1971; M.A., University
of Chicago, 1974; J.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1980.
McGinnis, James Randy
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of Georgia, 1980;
M.A., Columbia University, 1987; M.Ed., 1988; Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1992.
McGloin, Jean M
Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1999; M.A., Rutgers
University, 2001; Ph.D., 2004.
McGray, Andrea Dorf
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Amherst College, 1999; M.F.A., University of Cincinnati,
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McGuire, Martin C.
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1955; M.A., University of
Oxford, 1958; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1964.
McHale, Heather Moreland
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Michigan State University, 2001; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2004.
McIlrath, Thomas J.
Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., Michigan State
University, 1960; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1985.
McIntire, Roger W.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.A., Northwestern University, 1958; M.A., Louisiana State
University-Baton Rouge, 1960; Ph.D., 1962.
McIntosh, Marla S.
Professor Emerita, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
B.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1974; M.S., 1976; Ph.D., 1978.
McIntosh, Wayne V.
Professor & Associate Dean, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; Professor, Government &
Politics; B.A., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 1973; M.A., Wichita State University,
1974; Ph.D., Washington University in Saint Louis, 1981.
McIver, Kevin S.
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., James Madison University, 1985; Ph.D.,
University of Tennessee, 1994.
McKenzie, Grant
Assistant Professor, Geography; B.A., University of British Columbia, 2002; M.S., University of
Melbourne, 2007; Ph.D., University of California-Santa Barbara, 2015.
McKinney, James J.
Clinical Professor, Accounting; B.S., University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 1981; M.S., Georgetown
University, 1990; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2002.
McKinney, Jeffrey
Lecturer, Management & Organization; B.A., Indiana University, 1992; M.A., 1997; Ph.D./J.D.,
2004; Ph.D., 2004.
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McKinney, Jonathan C.
Assistant Professor, Physics; B.S., Texas A&M University-College Station, 1997; B.S.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1999; Ph.D., 2004.
McLaren, Karen
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Wheaton College, 1982; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1985; Ph.D., 2005.
McLaughlin, Amy Elizabeth
Lecturer, Sociology; B.A., University of California-Irvine, 1991; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1996; Ph.D., 2000.
McLaughlin, Margaret J.
Professor & Associate Dean, College of Education; Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and
Special Education; B.A., University of Denver, 1968; M.A., University of Northern Colorado,
1971; Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1977.
McLaughlin, Matthew
Lecturer, Art; B.F.A., Ringling School of Art & Design, 2007; M.F.A., Arizona State University,
McLoone, Eugene P.
Professor Emeritus, Education Policy and Leadership; B.A., La Salle University, 1951; M.S.,
University of Denver, 1952; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1961.
McNew, Kevin P.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Oklahoma State
University-Stillwater, 1989; M.Eng., North Carolina State University, 1991; Ph.D., 1994.
McPherson, Renae Michelle
Lecturer, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2008; M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
McReynolds, Robert T.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Indiana University, 1987; M.Mus., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 1992; D.M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005.
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Medintz, Igor
Adjunct Associate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., CUNY-John Jay
College Criminal Justice, 1990; M.S., 1993; M.A., CUNY-Graduate School & University, 1996;
M.S., CUNY-Queens College, 1996; Ph.D., 1999;
Meeker, Barbara F.
Professor Emerita, Sociology; B.A., University of Kansas, 1961; M.A., Stanford University,
1964; Ph.D., 1966.
Meersman, Roger L.
Professor Emeritus, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Saint Ambrose
University, 1952; M.A., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1959; Ph.D., 1962.
Meijer, Marianne S.
Associate Professor Emerita, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; M.A., University
of Leiden-Holland, 1948; M.A., Catholic University of America, 1960; Ph.D., 1972.
Mellet, Antoine
Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Ecole Normale Superieur de Lyon, 1999; M.S., University of
Toulouse Iii, 1999; Ph.D., 2002.
Melngailis, John
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University,
1960; M.S., 1962; Ph.D., 1965.
Melnick, Karin Hanley
Associate Professor, Mathematics; B.A., Reed College, 1999; M.S., University of Chicago,
2000; Ph.D., 2006.
Memon, Atif M.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S.,
University of Karachi, 1991; M.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1995;
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2001.
Mends-Cole, Victoria
Lecturer, Communication; A.A., Community College of Baltimore County, 1999; B.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2006; B.A., 2006; M.A., 2009.
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Meng, Jianghong
Professor & Director, Nutrition and Food Science; D.V.M., Sichuan University, 1983; M.S.,
University of California-Davis, 1989; Ph.D., 1992.
Menzer, Robert E.
Professor Emeritus, Entomology; B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1960; M.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1962; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1964.
Merck Jr., John W.
Principal Lecturer, Geology; B.A., Oberlin College, 1977; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin,
Meredith, Andrea L.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., University of
Maryland-Baltimore County, 1994; Ph.D., University of Texas Southwest Med Ctr-Dallas, 2000.
Merediz, Eyda M.
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., University of Southern California, 1989; M.A.,
Princeton University, 1991; Ph.D., 1998.
Metcalf, Greg
Lecturer, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., St. Olaf College, 1979; M.F.A., Bowling Green
State University, 1985; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1993.
Meyer, Paul A.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1961; Ph.D.,
Stanford University, 1966.
Meyers, Chris David
Lecturer, Philosophy; Ph.D., Loyola University of Chicago, 2002.
Mezzocchi, Jared Martin
Assistant Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Fairfield
University, 2007; M.F.A., Brooklyn College, 2009.
Micallef, Shirley Ann
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of Malta, 1991;
M.S., 1996; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Boston, 2008.
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Michel, Sonya Alice
Professor Emerita, History; B.A., Barnard College, 1964; M.A., San Francisco State University,
1975; Ph.D., Brown University, 1986.
Migdall, Alan L.
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1978; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984.
Mignerey, Alice C.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of
Rochester, 1971; M.S., 1973; Ph.D., 1975.
Mihm, J Christopher
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., Georgetown University, 1981.
Milchberg, Howard M.
Professor, Physics; Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for
Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.E., McMaster
University-Hamilton, 1979; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1985.
Miler, Kristina
Assistant Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., College of William & Mary, 1996; Ph.D.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2003.
Miles, David Scott
Lecturer, English; B.A., Georgia St Univ/Perimeter College, 2012; M.F.A., Indiana University,
Milke, James A.
Professor & Acting Chair, Fire Protection Engineering; B.S., Ursinus College, 1974; B.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1976; M.S., 1981; Ph.D., 1991.
Milkie, Melissa A.
Professor Emerita, Sociology; B.A., Indiana University, 1987; M.A., 1990; Ph.D., 1995.
Miller, Benjamin Hatch
Lecturer, Astronomy; B.A., Grinnell College, 2010; M.A., University of Kansas, 2013.
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Miller, Elizabeth Ellis
Lecturer, English; B.A., Mississippi College, 2009; M.A., University of Alabama-Birmingham,
Miller, Gerald R.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1958;
M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1960; Ph.D., 1962.
Miller, Gregory E.
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Oberlin College, 1990.
Miller, Jeff
Senior Lecturer, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; B.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1991.
Miller, Matthew J.
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Judson
College, 1999; M.A., Loyola University of Chicago, 2001; Ph.D., 2005.
Miller, Michael Coleman
Professor, Astronomy; B.S., Hillsdale College, 1984; M.S., California Institute of Technology,
1986; Ph.D., 1990.
Miller, Peter Vincent
Adjunct Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1971; Ph.D., 1977.
Miller, Raymond E.
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science; B.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1950;
M.S., 1955; Ph.D., 1957.
Miller, Raymond J.
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of Alberta-
Edmonton, 1957; M.S., Washington State University, 1960; Ph.D., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1962.
Miller, Ross Herbert
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., Iowa State University, 2003; M.S., 2005; M.S., 2006;
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2010; Ph.D., 2011;
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Miller, Seth Haylen
Lecturer, Geography; B.S., Georgetown University, 2003; Ph.D., University of California-Davis,
Millson, John J.
Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968; Ph.D., University of
California-Berkeley, 1973.
Milton, Donald K.
Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Professor, Epidemiology &
Biostatistics; B.A., University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 1976; M.D., Johns Hopkins
University, 1980; M.S., Harvard University, 1985; D.Pub.Hlth., 1989.
Minker, Jack
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., City University of
New York-Brooklyn College, 1949; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1950; Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1959.
Mintz, Lawrence E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, American Studies; B.A., University of South Carolina-Columbia,
1966; M.A., Michigan State University, 1967; Ph.D., 1969.
Mirabal, Nancy Raquel
Associate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women’s Studies; B.A.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1988; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1991; Ph.D.,
Miralles-Wilhelm, Fernando R.
Professor & Director, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; Professor, Atmospheric &
Oceanic Science; B.S., Universidad de Simon Bolivar-Caracas, 1987; M.S., University of
California-Irvine, 1989; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992.
Mislevy, Robert J.
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Professor Emeritus,
Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1972; M.S., 1974;
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1981.
Misner, Charles W.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1952; M.A., Princeton University,
1954; Ph.D., 1957.
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Mitchell, Emily
Associate Professor, English; B.A., Middlebury College, 1997; M.F.A., Brooklyn College, 2005.
Mitchell, Erik Thomas
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne University, 1994; B.A., 1996;
M.A./M.L.S., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 1996; Ph.D., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2009; Ph.D., 2010;
Mitchell, Jason W.
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1992; M.S., 1994; Ph.D., 2000.
Mitchell, Natasha A.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Cornell
University, 1993; M.S., Syracuse University, 1997; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-
Greensboro, 2001.
Mitchell, Steven Edward
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005; Ph.D.,
University of Colorado-Boulder, 2014.
Mithas, Sunil Kumar
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.E., University of Roorkee, 1990; M.B.A., India, 1997; Ph.D., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2005.
Mitrojorgji, Lejnar
Lecturer, History; B.A., University of the District of Columbia, 2003; M.A., Washington
International College, 2007; Ph.D., University of Baltimore, 2016.
Mittal, Mona
Assistant Professor, Family Science; M.S.W., Tata Institute Fundamental Research, 1998; Ph.D.,
Texas Tech University, 2002.
Mitter, Charles
Professor, Entomology; B.S., Stanford University, 1970; Ph.D., SUNY-Stony Brook, 1977.
Mix, Kelly S.
Professor & Chair, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Western
Michigan University, 1987; M.A., University of Chicago, 1993; Ph.D., 1995.
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Mo, Yifei
Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Physics;
B.S., Peking University, 2005; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010.
Moaddel, Mansoor
Professor, National Center for Study of Terrorism & Response to Terrorism; Professor,
Sociology; B.A., Shiraz University, 1976; M.A., Western Michigan University, 1979; Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1986.
Moctezuma, Edgar
Lecturer, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of California-Irvine, 1991; Ph.D.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1998.
Modarres, Mohammad
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Tehran Polytechnic,
1974; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976; Ph.D., 1979.
Moe, Wendy W.
Professor, Marketing; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., University of
Pennsylvania, 1992; M.B.A., Georgetown University, 1996; M.S., University of Pennsylvania,
1999; Ph.D., 2000.
Moeller, Susan D.
Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Yale University, 1979; M.A., Harvard
University, 1985; Ph.D., 1987.
Mogelgaard, Kathleen
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.S., College of William & Mary, 1995; M.P.P.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2004; M.S., 2004.
Moghadam, Linda L.
Lecturer, Sociology; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1976; M.A., 1981; Ph.D.,
Mogul, Nicole F.
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering;
B.A., Colby College, 1992; M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1997; Ph.D., 2002.
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Mohapatra, Rabindra N.
Distinguished University Professor, Physics; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.Sc., Utkal University, 1964; M.Sc., University of Delhi, 1966;
Ph.D., University of Rochester, 1969.
Mohr, Jonathan J.
Associate Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1988; B.A.,
University of California-Santa Barbara, 1988; M.A., California State University Hayward, 1995;
M.S., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1995; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2001;
Moinfar, Susan
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.S., University of Texas-Austin,
Mokhtari, Manouchehr
Associate Professor, Family Science; B.S., University of Tehran, 1977; M.A., University of
Houston, 1984; Ph.D., 1986.
Molinaro, Michelle Laura
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University, 2009;
M.A., 2011.
Moller, Dan
Associate Professor, Philosophy; B.A., Vassar College, 1998; M.A., University of Oxford, 2000;
Ph.D., Princeton University, 2005.
Mollica, Jason R.
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Temple University, 1997; M.A., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 2016.
Momen, Bahram
Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of Mazandaran,
1978; M.S., University of California-Davis, 1988; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley,
Monroe, Christopher
Distinguished University Professor, Physics; Bice Zorn Professor; B.S., Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, 1987; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Denver, 1992.
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Mont, Eusabia Victoria
Assistant Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., Hampton University, 2000;
M.S., California State Univ-Northridge, 2004.
Montague-Smith, Michael P.
Senior Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1989; M.S.,
University of Oregon, 1994; Ph.D., 1994.
Montas, Hubert J.
Associate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., McGill University-Montreal,
1988; M.S., 1990; Ph.D., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1996.
Monteiro, Darron Paul
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2002;
J.D., Howard University, 2007.
Montesi, Laurent G.
Associate Professor, Geology; B.S., Pierre & Marie Curie University, 1994; M.S., Paris-Sud
(Paris XI) University, 1996; Ph.D., Cambridge College, 2002.
Montgomery, Nicholas James
Lecturer, Economics; B.A., Franklin & Marshall College, 2001; M.A., University of Michigan-
Ann Arbor, 2004; Ph.D., 2013.
Moody, Erin Elizabeth
Lecturer, Economics; B.A., Miami University, 2007; B.S., 2007; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2010.
Moon, Martha Sherril
Professor Emerita, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Randolph
College, 1974; M.Ed., James Madison University, 1976; Ed.D., University of Virginia, 1983.
Mooney, Joan H.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Vassar College, 1977.
Moore, John R.
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Ohio State University, 1951;
M.S., Cornell University, 1955; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1959.
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Moore, Philip
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1984; Ph.D., University of California-San Diego, 1993.
Morici, Peter G.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Professor Emeritus, Logistics,
Business & Public Policy; B.S., SUNY-College at Plattsburgh, 1970; M.A., 1971; Ph.D., SUNY-
Albany, 1974.
Morlier III, Louis H.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.S., Excelsior College, 1995; A.A.S., Harford
Community College, 1996; M.S.W., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998.
Morningstar, James Kelly
Lecturer, History; B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1983; B.S., Kansas State University, 1992;
M.A., Georgetown University, 2007.
Morris, Christopher W.
Professor & Chair, Philosophy; B.A., Vassar College, 1971; M.A., University of Toronto, 1974;
Ph.D., 1977.
Morris, Irwin Lester
Professor & Chair, Government & Politics; B.A., Furman University, 1989; M.A., University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1991; Ph.D., 1994.
Morrissey, Kristine O.
Lecturer, English; B.S., James Madison University, 1985; M.A., American University, 1988.
Morse, Brandon
Associate Professor, Art; B.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1997; M.F.A., Ohio
State University, 2000.
Moser Jr., Thomas Colborn
Associate Professor, English; B.A., Harvard University, 1977; M.A., Yale University, 1979;
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1987.
Moses, Claire G.
Professor Emerita, Women's Studies; A.B., Smith College, 1963; M.Phil., George Washington
University, 1972; Ph.D., 1978.
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Moses, Phillip Scott
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Southern Methodist University, 2003; M.A., Boston College,
2005; M.S., London School of Economic & Political Science, 2006.
Mosleh, Ali
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Technology-Tehran, 1975;
M.S., University of California-Los Angeles, 1978; Ph.D., 1981.
Moss Jr., Alfred A.
Associate Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., Lake Forest College, 1965; M.Div., Episcopal
Divinity School, 1968; M.A., University of Chicago, 1972; Ph.D., 1977.
Moss, Bernard
Adjunct Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.A., New York University, 1957; M.D.,
1961; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967.
Moss, Cynthia F.
Professor Emerita, Psychology; Professor Emerita, Institute for Systems Research; B.S.,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1979; Ph.D., Brown University, 1986.
Moss, Lawrence K.
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1949; M.A., University of Rochester, 1950; Ph.D., University of
Southern California, 1957.
Mosser, David M.
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Bridgeport, 1973; M.S., 1975;
Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1983.
Mossman, Carol A.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies;
B.A., University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, 1975; M.A., Rice University, 1979; Ph.D., 1982.
Mote Jr., C D
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1959; M.S., 1960;
Ph.D., 1963.
Moult, John
Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Professor, Cell Biology &
Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of London, 1965; Ph.D., University of Oxford, 1970.
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Mount, David M.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S., Purdue
University-West Lafayette, 1977; Ph.D., 1983.
Mount, Stephen M.
Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; Affiliate Associate Professor, Biology;
B.A., Rice University, 1978; Ph.D., Yale University, 1983.
Mowrer, Frederick W.
Professor Emeritus, Fire Protection Engineering; B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1976;
M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1981; Ph.D., 1987.
Moye, Neta Arlene
Clinical Professor, Management & Organization; B.S., Florida State University, 1987; M.A.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1988; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
Moyer, Alene
Professor & Associate Dean, College of Arts & Humanities; Professor, School of Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures; B.S.-PT, University of Texas-Austin, 1983; M.A., 1989; Ph.D., 1995.
Moyes, Kasey M.
Assistant Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Michigan State University, 2001; M.S.,
University of Connecticut, 2004; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2008.
Mulcahy, Craig Charles
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Northern Colorado, 1996.
Mulchi, Charles L.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., North Carolina State
University, 1964; M.S., 1967; Ph.D., 1970.
Mullin, Amy S.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1985; Ph.D.,
University of Colorado-Boulder, 1991.
Mullins, William
Assistant Professor, Finance; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
University of Oxford, 2001; M.S., Pontifica Universidad Catolica De Chile, 2005; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014.
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Mumma, Michael
Adjunct Professor, Astronomy; B.A., Franklin & Marshall College, 1963; Ph.D., University of
Pittsburgh, 1970.
Muncy, Robyn Leigh
Professor, History; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Professor, Woman Studies;
B.A., Lindenwood University, 1977; M.A., University of Idaho, 1980; Ph.D., Northwestern
University, 1987.
Munday, Jeremy N.
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Institute
for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; Affiliate Associate Professor, Physics; B.S.,
Middle Tennessee State University, 2003; A.M., Harvard University, 2005; Ph.D., 2008.
Mundy, Lee G.
Professor & Director, Astronomy; B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1977; Ph.D.,
University of Texas-Austin, 1984.
Murdock, Katherine H.
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Boston University, 1977.
Muresanu, Irina
Assistant Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., National University of Music, 1994; M.Mus.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1996; D.M.A., New England Conservatory of Music,
Muro, Silvia
Associate Professor, IBBR-College Park; Associate Professor, Fischell Department of
Bioengineering; B.S., Universidad de Granada, 1995; Ph.D., Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,
Murphy, Angus
Professor & Chair, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.A., University of California-
Santa Cruz, 1993; Ph.D., 1996.
Murphy, Thomas E.
Professor & Director, Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; Professor,
Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Rice University, 1994; B.A., 1994; M.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997; Ph.D., 2001.
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Murrell, Peter
Professor, Economics; B.Sc., London School of Economic & Political Science, 1971; M.Sc.,
1972; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1977.
Murrow, Jennifer L.
Senior Lecturer, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; B.S., Clemson University, 1998;
M.S., University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2001; Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 2007.
Murtugudde, Raghu Gopalrao
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology, 1983; M.S., University of Texas-Arlington, 1986;
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1994.
Mushotzky, Richard
Professor, Astronomy; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968; M.S., University of
California-San Diego, 1971; Ph.D., 1976.
Mussenden, Sean L.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., St. Mary's College of Maryland, 1999;
M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2000.
Myers, David N.
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Clemson University, 1978;
M.L.Arch., University of Georgia, 1984; Ph.D., 1994.
Myricks, Noel
Associate Professor Emeritus, Family Science; B.A., San Francisco State University, 1965; M.S.,
1967; J.D., Howard University, 1970; Ed.D., American University, 1974.
Nachman, Rebecca Massa
Lecturer, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
University, 2013.
Naharro-Calderon, Jose M.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; B.A., Allegheny College, 1974; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1977; Ph.D.,
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Nakajima, Kazuo
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Osaka University, 1973; M.S., 1975; Ph.D.,
Northwestern University, 1979.
Nakamura, Kiminori
Assistant Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of California-Irvine,
2004; M.A., 2005; Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2010.
Namazi, Ali
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Sharif University of Technology,
1997; M.S., 2000; Ph.D., University of Texas-Dallas, 2010.
Nan, Xiaoli
Professor, Communication; B.A., Beijing Normal University, 2000; M.A., University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2003; Ph.D., 2005.
Napp-Avelli, Carolina
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; M.A., Universidad
de Buenos Aires, 2002; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Narayan, Prakash
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.E.,
Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, 1976; M.S., Washington University in Saint Louis, 1978;
Ph.D., 1981.
Nash, Philip Tajitsu
Lecturer, Asian American Studies Program; B.A., New York University, 1978; J.D., 1982.
Natarajan, Savithiry
Adjunct Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of
Madras, 1984; M.S., 1986; M.Phil., 1987; Ph.D., 1990.
Nathans, Lisa E
Assistant Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.F.A., Boston
University, 2008; M.F.A., University of London, 2015.
Nau, Dana S.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., Missouri
University S & T, 1974; A.M., Duke University, 1976; Ph.D., 1979.
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Naveen-Kumar, Fnu
Assistant Professor, UME-1890 Admin; Ph.D., Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 2006.
Nazario Toole, Ashley Elizabeth
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.A., College of
Charleston, 2005; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2016.
Nedungadi, Ashish
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1990; M.S., 1993;
Ph.D., 1997.
Needelman, Brian A.
Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.I.S., School for International
Training, 1993; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1997; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
University, 2002.
Neel, Maile C.
Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; Professor, Entomology; B.S., Humboldt
State University, 1985; M.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1994; Ph.D., University of
California-Riverside, 2000.
Negahban-Azar, Masoud
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Azad University, 2003; M.S.,
University of Tehran, 2007; Ph.D., Colorado State University-Fort Collins, 2012.
Nelson, Daniel C.
Associate Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Associate Professor,
Veterinary Medicine Program; B.S., University of California-Irvine, 1993; Ph.D., University of
Georgia, 1999; M.B.A., CUNY-Bernard M. Baruch College, 2003.
Nelson, Deborah J.
Associate Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., Northern Illinois University,
1975; J.D., DePaul University, 1987.
Nelson, Judd O.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Entomology; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1969; M.S.,
1972; Ph.D., 1974.
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Nelson, Patrick R.
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991; M.Ed., University of South
Carolina-Aiken, 1993.
Nelson, Robert H.
Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Brandeis University, 1966; Ph.D., Princeton
University, 1971.
Nemes, Graciela P.
Professor Emerita, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Trinity College-
Vermont, 1942; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1949; Ph.D., 1952.
Neri, John
Senior Lecturer, Economics; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1968; M.A., 1971;
Ph.D., 1973.
Neri, Umberto
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., University of Chicago, 1961; M.S., 1962; Ph.D., 1966.
Nerlove, Marc L.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A.,
University of Chicago, 1952; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1955; Ph.D., 1956.
Neubert, Debra Ann
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1976; M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981; Ph.D., 1985.
Neuman, M Delia
Associate Professor Emerita, College of Information Studies; B.A., Chestnut Hill College, 1966;
A.M., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1972; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1986.
Neustadtl, Alan
Associate Professor, Sociology; B.A., Bates College, 1979; M.A., University of Massachusetts-
Amherst, 1982; Ph.D., 1987.
Newburn, David Allen
Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1991; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2002.
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Newcomb, Robert W.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1955;
M.S., Stanford University, 1957; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1960.
Newcomb, Sandra O.
Research Associate; Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., East Carolina
University, 1976; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1986, Ph.D., 2009.
Newhagen, John E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of
Colorado-Boulder, 1976; M.A., 1979; A.M., Stanford University, 1989; Ph.D., 1990.
Newman, Rochelle S.
Professor & Chair, Hearing & Speech Sciences; Affiliate Professor, Center for Advanced Study
of Language; B.S., Northwestern University, 1991; M.A., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1995;
Ph.D., 1997.
Ng, Timothy J
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of California-
Berkeley, 1969; M.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1972; Ph.D., 1976.
Nguyen, Nicole Kristen
Associate Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2004; Au.D., 2009.
Nguyen, Vincent Phuc
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003; M.S.,
2005; Ph.D., 2011.
Nichols, Jason Anthony
Lecturer, African American Studies; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2000; M.A.,
2006; Ph.D., 2012.
Nickels, William G.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.B.A., Ohio State
University, 1962; M.B.A., Case Western Reserve University, 1966; Ph.D., Ohio State
University, 1969.
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Nickerson, Kim J.
Assistant Dean, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; B.A., University of North Texas,
1984; M.S., 1989; Ph.D., 1992.
Nie, Zhihong
Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.E., Jilin University, 2000; M.S., CIAC,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003; Ph.D., University of Toronto, 2008.
Nigam, Sumant
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; M.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur, 1978; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1984.
Nirula, Gagan
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., University of Maryland-University College,
Nixon, Adam Wayne
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Occidental College, 1990; M.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth
University, 1997; M.A., New York University, 2000.
Nochetto, Ricardo H.
Professor, Mathematics; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology;
Licenciado, University of Rosario-Argentina, 1976; Ingeniero Electricista, 1979; Ph.D.,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1983.
Norman, Howard
Professor, English; B.A., Western Michigan University, 1972; M.A., Indiana University, 1976.
Norman, Kent L.
Associate Professor, Psychology; B.A., Southern Methodist University, 1969; M.A., University
of Iowa, 1971; Ph.D., 1973.
Norris, John
Lecturer, College of Education Outreach; B.S., Texas State University, 1967; M.Ed., University
of Texas-Austin, 1971; Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station, 1984.
Novick, Jared M.
Assistant Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Rochester, 1998; M.A.,
University of Pennsylvania, 2001; Ph.D., 2005.
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Novikov, Sergei
Distinguished University Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Distinguished
University Professor, Mathematics; Ph.D., Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 1964; Sc.D., 1965.
Nunes, Zita Cristina
Associate Professor, English; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate
Associate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., Brown University, 1983; M.A.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1986; Ph.D., 1994.
Nusraty, Temim Hashim
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991;
J.D., Touro College, 1995; L.L.M., Georgetown University, 2000.
Nweke, Onyemaechi C
Lecturer, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; D.Pub.Hlth., Johns Hopkins
University, 2007.
O'Brien, Daune Marie
Junior Lecturer, English; A.A., Anne Arundel Community College, 2004; B.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2014.
O'Brien, Karen Mary
Professor, Psychology; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.S., Loyola University of
Chicago, 1983; M.A., University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1988; Ph.D., Loyola University of
Chicago, 1993.
O'Brien, Tammatha
Senior Lecturer, Entomology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1996; M.S., 1998;
Ph.D., 2008.
O'Brochta, David A.
Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Professor, Entomology; B.S.,
University of Kansas, 1977; Ph.D., University of California-Irvine, 1984.
O'Connell, Kenneth J.
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981;
M.S., 1982; Ph.D., 1991.
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O'Flahavan, John F.
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of
Colorado-Boulder, 1981; M.A., 1982; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1989.
O'Grady, Kevin E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Psychology; Associate Research Professor, Behavioral &
Community Health; B.A., Washington & Lee University, 1972; M.S., Old Dominion University,
1976; Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1980.
O'Hara, Jessica K.
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2007; Ph.D., Princeton
University, 2013.
O'Haver, Thomas C.
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Spring Hill College, 1963; D.Engin.,
University of Florida, 1968.
O'Leary, Dianne P.
Distinguished University Professor Emerita, Computer Science; B.S., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1972; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1976.
O'Malley, Matthew Daniel
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.S., University of Virginia, 2000; M.B.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2006.
O'Meara, KerryAnn
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; Affiliate Professor, Women's
Studies; B.A., Loyola University Maryland, 1993; M.Ed., Ohio State University, 1995; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2000.
O'Neal, Colleen R.
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Cornell
University, 1990; M.S., Auburn University, 1995; M.A., Long Island University-Brooklyn,
1997; Ph.D., 2000.
O'Shea, Patrick
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics &
Applied Physics; Affiliate Professor, Physics; B.S., National University of Ireland-Dublin, 1979;
M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1982; Ph.D., 1986.
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O'neill, Katherine A.
Lecturer, English; B.S., Emmanuel College, 1976; Ph.D., University of Rhode Island, 1983.
Oard, Douglas William
Professor, College of Information Studies; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies;
Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; M.Elect.E., Rice University, 1979; B.A., 1979; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1996.
Oates, Sarah Ann
Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Yale University, 1985; M.A., Emory
University, 1996; Ph.D., 1998.
Obeng, Samuel Gyasi
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of Ghana, 1981;
Ph.D., University of York, 1988.
Odden, Davis
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of Washington,
1975; M.A., 1977; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1981.
Odell, Stanley J.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Philosophy; B.A., University of Kansas, 1960; M.A., University
of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1962; Ph.D., 1967.
Oehrlein, Gottlieb
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics &
Applied Physics; Affiliate Professor, Physics; B.S., Wurzburg University, 1976; Ph.D., SUNY-
Albany, 1981.
Ohadi, Michael M.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Tehran, 1977; M.S., Southern Illinois
University-Carbondale, 1980; M.Ed., Northeastern University, 1982; Ph.D., University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1986.
Ohnstad, Tonya
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.Arch., University of Minnesota-Morris, 2000; M.Arch.,
Harvard University, 2005.
Okamoto, Kyoko M.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.S., Kyoto University, 1959.
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Okereke-Beshel, Uchechi Ada
Junior Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Northern Colorado, 2003; M.A., University of
Central Florida, 2007.
Okoudjou, Kasso A.
Professor & Associate Chair, Mathematics; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003; M.S.,
2003; Ph.D., 2003.
Olcott, Nicholas I.J.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Yale University, 1978.
Oliver, Craig S.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Pennsylvania State
University, 1957; M.Ed., 1960; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1968.
Oliver, Robert Michael
Lecturer, English; B.A., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1977; M.A., 1981; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2005.
Olson, Alison G.
Professor Emerita, History; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow; B.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1952; M.A., 1953; D.Phil., Oxford University, 1956.
Olson, Jade Carty
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Willamette University, 2009; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2011.
Olson, Keith W.
Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., State University of New York-Albany, 1957; M.A.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1959; Ph.D., 1964; Ph.D., University of Tampere, Finland,
Olson, Lars J.
Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., Eckerd College, 1981; M.A., Cornell
University, 1985; Ph.D., 1988.
Onate, Carla Patricia
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2008; M.Ed., 2009.
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Ondov, John M.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Muhlenberg College, 1970; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1974.
Ontiveros, Randy James
Associate Professor, English; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate
Associate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., Biola University, 1997; M.A.,
University of California-Irvine, 2001; Ph.D., 2006.
Opoku-Edusei, Justicia
Instructor, Biology; B.S., University of Ghana-Accra, 1982; M.S., Virginia State University,
1985; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1990.
Oppelt, Robert J.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of North Carolina School of the Arts, 1982.
Oppenheimer, Joe A.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Cornell
University, 1963; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1964; Ph.D., Princeton University,
Oran, Elaine S.
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; Affiliate
Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Affiliate Professor, Mechanical
Engineering; B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1966; Master of Physics, Yale University, 1968; Ph.D.,
Orban, John P.
Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Professor, Chemistry &
Biochemistry; B.S., University of Adelaide, 1980; Ph.D., Australian National University-
Canberra, 1985.
Orel, Pamela A.
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Monmouth University, 1978; M.B.A., 1991.
Orlando, Valerie K.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies;
B.A., University of Redlands, 1984; M.A., George Mason University, 1993; Ph.D., Brown
University, 1996.
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Orloff, Jon H.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1964; Ph.D., Oregon Graduate Institute, 1977.
Orozco, Luis A.
Professor, Physics; B.S., Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, 1980;
Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1987.
Orr, Robert C.
Professor & Dean, School of Public Policy; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1987;
M.P.A., Princeton University, 1992; Ph.D., 1996.
Orsetti, Candace Green
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-University College, 2003.
Orsetti, Santuria
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1978; M.Ed., 1984.
Ortiz, Jose Antonio
Assistant Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Connecticut, 2004;
M.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2007.
Oruc, Yavuz A.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., The Middle East Tech University-Ankara,
1976; M.S., University of Wales-Cardiff, 1978; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1983.
Osborn, Kevin D.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics; B.S., University of Mary Washington, 1992; M.S.,
University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1995; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign,
Oster, Rose-Marie G.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies;
M.A., University of Stockholm, 1956; D.Phil., University of Kiel, 1958.
Osterloh, Elijah Rael
Lecturer, School of Music; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1999; M.Mus., 2005.
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Ott, Edward
Distinguished University Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Distinguished
University Professor, Physics; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics &
Applied Physics; B.S., Cooper Union for Advncemnt of Science & Art, 1963; M.S., Polytechnic
Institute NYU, 1965; Ph.D., 1967.
Ottesen, Andrea Ruth
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.A., Colorado College,
1992; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
Ottinger, Mary Ann
Professor Emerita, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1972;
M.S., 1974; Ph.D., 1977.
Ouyang, Min
Associate Professor, Physics; B.S., Peking University, 1995; M.S., 1996; M.A., Harvard
University, 1999; Ph.D., 2001.
Owens, David
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1994;
M.B.A., University of Redlands, 2001.
Owens, Jonathan
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Beloit College, 1973; Ph.D.,
University of London, 1978.
Owings Jr., James C.
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., Dartmouth College, 1962; Ph.D., Cornell University,
Oxford, Rebecca L.
Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Distinguished Scholar-
Teacher; B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1968; M.A., Yale University, 1972; Ph.D., University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1978.
Ozbay, Erkut Yusuf
Associate Professor, Economics; B.A., Bogazici University, 1998; M.A., 2000; Ph.D., New York
University, 2007.
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Ozment, Jon David
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Maryland-College Park, 1979; M.Mus., 2004.
Pacheco, Jose E.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures;
Ph.D., Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa-Mexico, 1979.
Pacholczyk, Jozef M.
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; M.A., University of Warsaw, 1962; M.A., Academy of
Music, Warsaw, 1964; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 1970.
Pacuit, Eric
Assistant Professor, Philosophy; B.S., Ohio University, 1998; M.S., Case Western Reserve
University, 2000; Ph.D., New York University, 2005.
Paczolt, Kimberly Ann
Lecturer, Biology; B.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2004; Ph.D., Texas A&M
University-College Station, 2012.
Padios, Jan M.
Assistant Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women’s Studies; B.A.,
Columbia University, 2001; M.A., New York University, 2005; Ph.D., 2012.
Padua-Perez, Nelson
Lecturer, Computer Science; B.S., University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, 1990; M.S., University
of Maryland-College Park, 1996.
Page, Ian B.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.A., Rutgers
University, 2007; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014; Ph.D., 2015.
Page-Voth, Leslie V.
Research Associate, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Lewis& Clark
College, 1985; M.S., Portland State University, 1986; University of Maryland-College Park,
Ph.D., 1992.
Paglione, Johnpierre
Professor & Director, Physics; Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S.,
Queen's University at Kingston, 1999; M.S., University of Toronto, 2000; Ph.D., 2004.
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Pagnotti, Anthony C.
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.S., Boston University, 1976; M.A., Notre Dame of
Maryland University, 2010.
Paik, Ho Jung
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Seoul National University, 1966; M.S., Stanford University,
1970; Ph.D., 1974.
Pal, Utpal
Professor, VA-MD Regional College Veterinary Medicine; M.S., University of Calcutta, 1988;
Ph.D., 1993.
Paley, Derek A.
Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Affiliate Professor,
Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Yale University, 1997; M.A., Princeton University,
2004; Ph.D., 2007.
Palmer, Margaret A.
Distinguished University Professor & Director, Entomology; Distinguished University Professor
& Director, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center; Affiliate Professor, Women's
Studies; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Emory University, 1977; M.S., University of
South Carolina-Columbia, 1979; Ph.D., 1983.
Palmer, Martha S
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of
Texas-Austin, 1972; M.A., 1976; Ph.D., University Of Edinburgh, 1985; Ph.D., University of
Edinburgh, 1985.
Palmer, Sharon S.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1980; M.A., 1982; Au.D., University of Florida, 2007.
Palumbo, Dominic J.
Lecturer, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Polytechnic Institute of NY-Brooklyn, 1966; M.S., 1967;
Ph.D., 1970.
Paoletti, Jo B.
Professor, American Studies; B.S., Syracuse University, 1971; M.S., University of Rhode Island,
1976; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1980.
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Paolisso, Michael
Professor & Associate Chair, Anthropology; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1976;
M.A., 1978; Ph.D., 1985.
Papadopoulos, Konstantinos Dennis
Professor, Physics; Professor, Astronomy; B.Sc., University of Athens-Greece, 1960; M.Sc.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1968.
Papamanthou, Charalampos
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Assistant Professor, Institute for
Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Computer Science; B.S., University
of Macedonia, 2003; M.S., University of Crete, 2005; M.S., Brown University, 2007; Ph.D.,
Papamarcou, Adrianos
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.A., University of Cambridge, 1981;
M.S., Cornell University, 1983; Ph.D., 1987.
Papazian, Elizabeth A.
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Associate Professor,
English-Comparative Literature; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1991; M.A., Yale University, 1994;
Ph.D., 2000.
Papoian, Garegin
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology;
B.S., Russian Academy of Sciences, Higher Chemical College Undergr, 1994; Ph.D., Cornell
University, 1999.
Parent, Beth
Senior Lecturer, Biology; B.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1991; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2006.
Park, Julie J.
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Vanderbilt
University, 2004; M.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 2005; Ph.D., 2009.
Park, Julie
Associate Professor, Sociology; B.A., University of California-Davis, 1994; M.A., University of
Southern California, 1998; Ph.D., 2003; M.A., 2003.
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Park, Robert L.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., University of Texas-Austin, 1958; M.A., 1960; Ph.D., Brown
University, 1964.
Parkhouse, Alex R.
Lecturer, Sociology; B.A., University of North Dakota, 2007; M.A., 2010; Ph.D., University of
New Hampshire, 2015.
Parkinson, Dilworth B.
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Brigham Young University,
1975; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1976; Ph.D., 1982.
Parks, Sheri L.
Associate Professor & Associate Dean, College of Arts & Humanities; Associate Professor,
American Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1978; M.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1983; Ph.D., 1985.
Parry-Giles, Shawn J.
Professor & Chair, Communication; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.F.A., Emporia
State University, 1984; M.A., University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, 1987; Ph.D., Indiana
University, 1992.
Parry-Giles, Trevor S.
Professor, Communication; B.A., Ripon College, 1985; M.A., University of New Mexico-
Albuquerque, 1987; Ph.D., Indiana University, 1992.
Parsons, Clare
Lecturer, English; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1983; M.A., Harvard University, 1990; Ph.D., 1996.
Pasch, Alan
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1949; M.A., The New
School, 1952; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1955.
Passannante, Gerard
Associate Professor, English; B.A., Yale University, 2000; Ph.D., Princeton University, 2006.
Pate, Brian Douglas
Lecturer, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., University of Virginia, 1997; Ph.D., Indiana
University, 2004.
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Pati, Jogesh C.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow; Distinguished Scholar-
Teacher; B.S., Ravenshaw College, 1955; M.S., Delhi University, 1957; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1961.
Patterson, William V.
Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.F.A.,
University of Oklahoma, 1970; M.F.A., University of Utah, 1972.
Patwardhan, Anand
Professor, School of Public Policy; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology, 1987; M.S., Carnegie-
Mellon University, 1991; Ph.D., 1993.
Paukstelis, Paul
Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Kansas, 1997; Ph.D.,
University of Texas-Austin, 2005.
Paulson, Courtney L
Assistant Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Assistant Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., University of Central Florida, 2011; Ph.D., University
of Southern California, 2016.
Pavao-Zuckerman, Barnet
Associate Professor, Anthropology; B.A., Binghamton University, 1996; Ph.D., University of
Georgia, 2001.
Pavao-Zuckerman, Mitchell Adam
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Binghamton University, 1995;
M.S., University of Tennessee, 1998; Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2003.
Pavlovsky, Julie Alex
Lecturer, Finance; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1995; M.B.A., 2000.
Payne, David Anthony
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1995; M.A., University
of Hawaii at Manoa, 2001.
Payne, Gregory F.
Professor, IBBR-College Park; Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Cornell
University, 1979; M.S., 1981; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1984.
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Payne, January Wilson
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
Payne, Lara E.
Lecturer, English; B.A., St. Mary's College of Maryland, 1995; M.F.A., New York University,
Payne, Richard
Professor, Biology; B.A., University of Cambridge, 1977; Ph.D., Australian National University-
Canberra, 1982.
Payne-Sturges, Devon Corcia
Assistant Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Assistant Professor,
Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., University of Virginia, 1989; M.Eng., 1990; M.P.H., Johns
Hopkins University, 1997; Ph.D., 2002.
Pearson, Barry L.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1968; M.A., Indiana University, 1970; Ph.D., 1976.
Pearson, Margaret M.
Professor, Government & Politics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; A.B., Smith College, 1980;
M.A., Yale University, 1982; M.Phil., 1983; Ph.D., 1986.
Pearson, Sara R.
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1971.
Pease, John
Associate Professor, Sociology; B.S., Western Michigan University, 1960; M.A., Michigan State
University, 1963; Ph.D., 1968.
Pecht, Michael G.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.Elect.E., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1976;
M.Mech.E., 1979; Ph.D., 1982.
Peckerar, Martin C.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., State University of New York-
Stony Brook, 1968; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1971; Ph.D., 1976.
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Pederson, Shannon
Lecturer, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Texas A&M University-College Station,
2007; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 2013.
Peel, Alan C.
Senior Lecturer, Astronomy; B.A., Occidental College, 1990; M.S., San Francisco State
University, 1996; Ph.D., University of California-Davis, 2003.
Peer, Wendy Ann
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Plant
Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., California State Univ-Bakersfield, 1989; B.S., 1989;
Ph.D., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1996.
Peercy, Megan Madigan
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Trinity University,
1995; M.A.-Teach., University of Utah, 2000; Ph.D., 2004.
Pellechia, Kathleen M.
Lecturer, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., Rutgers University, 2003; M.S., Northeastern
University, 2017.
Pena Mendez, Malaquias
Adjunct Associate Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Nat Autonomous
University of Mexico-Mexico Cty, 1992; M.S., University of Oklahoma, 1999; Ph.D., University
of Maryland-College Park, 2003.
Penner, Merrilynn
Professor Emerita, Psychology; B.A., Harvard University, 1966; Ph.D., University of California-
San Diego, 1970.
Penniston-Dorland, Sarah C
Associate Professor, Geology; B.A., Harvard University, 1986; M.Ed., 1990; M.S., University of
Texas-Austin, 1997; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1999; Ph.D., 2005;
Penrose, Mehl A.
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Latin American Studies Center; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
University of Missouri-Columbia, 1990; M.A., University of Kansas, 1993; Ph.D., University of
California-Los Angeles, 2000.
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Perez, Emily Yoon
Junior Lecturer, English; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 2007; M.A., University of Texas-
Dallas, 2009.
Peri, Yoram
Professor & Director, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; B.A., Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, 1968; M.A., 1973; Ph.D., London School of Economic & Political Science, 1981.
Perkins, Moreland
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy; A.B., Harvard University, 1948; A.M., 1949; Ph.D., 1953.
Perlis, Donald R.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S., Purdue
University-West Lafayette, 1966; Ph.D., New York University, 1972; Ph.D., University of
Rochester, 1981.
Pernick, Robert
Lecturer, Sociology; M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology-Old Wes, 1976; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1990.
Pertmer, Gary A.
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Iowa State University, 1971; M.S.,
University of Missouri-Columbia, 1973; Ph.D., 1978.
Pessoa, Luiz
Professor & Director, Maryland Neuroimaging Center; Professor, Psychology; B.S., Federal
University of Rio, 1989; M.S., 1990; Ph.D., Boston University, 1996.
Peters, Cornelis Johan
Adjunct Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Delft University of
Technology, 1975; M.S., 1978; Ph.D., 1986.
Peters, Robert R.
Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1973; M.S.,
1975; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1980.
Peterson, Carla L.
Professor Emerita, English; B.A., Radcliffe College, 1965; Ph.D., Yale University, 1976.
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Peterson, Margaret Polizos
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., St. Mary's
College of Maryland, 1994; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 2000; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Peterson, William S.
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Walla Walla College, 1961; M.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1962; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1968.
Pfefer, Thomas Joshua
Adjunct Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Northeastern Illinois
University, 1991; M.S., University of Texas-Austin, 1993; Ph.D., 1999.
Pfister, Damien S.
Associate Professor, Communication; B.A., University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa, 2000; M.A.,
University of Pittsburgh, 2004; Ph.D., 2009.
Pfister, Guenter G.
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Bowling Green State
University, 1963; M.A., Michigan State University, 1965; Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1970.
Phaire, Dorothy Walton
Lecturer, Nyumburu; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1977; M.A., 1979; Ph.D.,
Capella University, The, 2013.
Phaneuf, Raymond J.
Professor & Acting Chair, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Electrical &
Computer Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Physics; B.A., College of the Holy Cross, 1978;
M.S., 1981; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1985.
Phelps, Colleen
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., SUNY-College at Brockport, 1989.
Phillips, Brian
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2006;
M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2008; Ph.D., 2012.
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Phillips, Colin
Professor & Director, Maryland Language Science Center; Professor, Linguistics; Distinguished
Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of Oxford, 1990; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1996.
Phillips, Sally J.
Associate Professor Emerita, Kinesiology; B.S., Slippery Rock State College, 1964; M.Ed.,
Colorado State University-Fort Collins, 1969; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978.
Phillips, Warren R.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; B.A., Northwestern University, 1963; M.S.,
California State Univ-San Francisco, 1966; Ph.D., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1969.
Phillips II, William H.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1992; M.S., 1996; Ph.D., 2005.
Pick, Leslie
Professor & Chair, Entomology; Affiliate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1977; Ph.D., Yeshiva University,
Pickering, Kenneth E.
Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Rutgers University, 1973; M.S.,
SUNY-Albany, 1975; Ph.D., University of Maryland-University College, 1987.
Picozzi, Sergio
Lecturer, Physics; B.S./M.S., Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy, 1989;
M.S., Italy, 1989; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University-Edwardsvill, 1989; Ph.D., Southern Illinois
University-Carbondale, 1997.
Pierce Jr., Sidney K.
Professor Emeritus, Biology; B.Ed., University of Miami-Coral Gables, 1966; Ph.D., Florida
State University, 1970.
Pietrocola, David
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Trinity College, 2008; M.S.,
University of Pennsylvania, 2010.
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Pietroski, Paul M.
Professor, Philosophy; Professor, Linguistics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Rutgers
University, 1986; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990.
Piety, Philip John
Lecturer, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2001; M.A., Georgetown University, 2003; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 2008.
Pilachowski, Timothy John
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics; B.A., Loyola University Maryland, 1978; M.A., Boston College,
Pilcher, June
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of
Mississippi, 1984; M.A., University of Chicago, 1989; Ph.D., 1989.
Pines, Darryll J.
Professor & Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering; Professor, Aerospace Engineering;
B.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1986; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
1988; Ph.D., 1992.
Pinker, Rachel T.
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; M.Sc., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1965; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1976.
Pinkston, Karen Elizabeth
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1998;
M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1999; Ph.D., 2004.
Piomelli, Ugo
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; D.Engin., Universita Degli Studi di Napoli-Italy,
1979; M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1984; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1988.
Piper, Don C.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1954;
M.A., 1958; Ph.D., Duke University, 1961.
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Pittman Jr., William Francis
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Boston University, 1987; M.A., Portland State University, 2001.
Plane, Jandelyn Dawn
Principal Lecturer, Computer Science; B.S., Wartburg College, 1987; M.S., University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1989; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2010.
Platt, Christopher J.
Adjunct Professor, Biology; B.S., University of Chicago, 1966; Ph.D., University of California-
San Diego, 1972.
Pleasants, Kara Matteson
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008; M.Ed., 2009.
Pleydell, Sarah Rowena
Lecturer, English; Senior Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., University of
Oxford, 1975; B.A., University of London, 1977; M.F.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
Plotkin, Larry
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., Towson State College, 1990; B.S., National University of Health
Sciences, 1991; Doctor of Chiropractic, 1993.
Plumly, Stanley
Distinguished University Professor, English; B.A., Wilmington College, 1962; M.A., Ohio
University, 1968; Ph.D., 1970.
Pogue, Dennis J.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Historic Preservation Program; B.A., University of Iowa, 1975;
M.A., George Washington University, 1981; Ph.D., American University, 1997.
Polinsky, Maria
Professor, Linguistics; B.A., Moscow State University, 1979; M.A., Russian Academy of
Sciences, 1983; Ph.D., Institute for Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1986.
Pombo Lopez-Barron, Esperanza
Assistant Clinical Professor, Communication; B.A., Universidad Pontifica Comillas, 2007; M.A.,
2008; M.A., Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2014.
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Ponce, Audaldo
Lecturer, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Universidad de Concepcion, 1995; Ph.D.,
Kansas State University, 2002.
Pop, Mihai
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S.,
Polytechnic University of Bucharest, 1994; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1998; Ph.D., 2000.
Pope, Cassondra N.
Lecturer, Communication; B.S., Spelman College, 1993; B.Mech.E., Georgia Institute of
Technology, 1993; M.F.A., Howard University, 1998.
Popper, Arthur N.
Professor Emeritus, Biology; Research Professor, College of Computer, Math & Natural
Sciences; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., New York University, 1964; Ph.D., CUNY-
Graduate School & University, 1969.
Porges, Stephen
Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Drew
University, 1966; M.S., Michigan State University, 1968; Ph.D., 1970.
Porter, Adam A.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.A.,
California State Univ-Dominguez Hills, 1986; M.S., University of California-Irvine, 1988;
Ph.D., 1991.
Porter, Lauren Caroline
Assistant Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Dickinson College, 2006; M.A.,
SUNY-Albany, 2010; Ph.D., 2012.
Porter, Tom E.
Associate Dean and Associate Director, UME-Associate Director; Professor, Animal & Avian
Sciences; B.S., University of Minnesota-Duluth, 1983; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin
Cities, 1988.
Porto, Trey
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1990; Ph.D., Cornell
University, 1996.
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Potter, Craig Garrett
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Kentucky, 2008; M.Mus., University of
Louisville, 2013.
Poulin, Myles
Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Northern British Columbia,
2007; Ph.D., University of Alberta-Edmonton, 2012.
Poussaint, Renee
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Sarah Lawrence College, 1966; M.A.,
University of California-Los Angeles, 1971; Ph.D./J.D., Georgetown University, 1989.
Powell, Thomas J.
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Villanova University, 1979; M.S.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1981; J.D., George Washington University, 1987;
L.L.M., Temple University, 2002.
Powell, Timothy John
Lecturer, School of Music; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 2003; M.Mus., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2006; D.M.A., 2012.
Power, Paul W.
Professor Emeritus, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., St. Paul's
College, 1953; M.S., San Diego State University, 1971; Sc.D., Boston University, 1975.
Prabhala, Nagpurnanand
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.E., Indian Institute of
Technology-Mumbai, 1984; M.B.A., Indian Institute of Technology, 1986; Ph.D., New York
University, 1994.
Pradhan, Abani K.
Associate Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., Orissa University of Agriculture &
Techn, 1998; M.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur, 2001; Ph.D., University of
Arkansas-Fayetteville, 2006.
Pramschufer, Susan
Lecturer, American Studies; Lecturer, English; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles,
2000; M.A., Claremont Graduate University, 2002.
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Prather III, Richard William
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 2002; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009.
Pratt, Michael Reed
Lecturer, Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute; B.A., East Carolina University, 1973;
Executive MBA, Massey University, 1992; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1998.
Preece, Jennifer J.
Professor, College of Information Studies; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies;
B.S., University of Ulster, 1971; Ph.D., The Open University, 1985.
Prell, Christina
Assistant Professor, Geography; B.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1993; M.A.,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1997; Ph.D., 2003.
Preminger, Omer
Associate Professor, Linguistics; B.Sc in Computer Science & Linguistics, summa cum laude,
Tel Aviv University, 2004; M.A., 2006; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011.
Prentice, Ann E.
Professor Emerita, College of Information Studies; A.B., University of Rochester, 1954; M.L.S.,
1964; D.L.S., Columbia University, 1972.
Presser, Stanley
Distinguished University Professor, Sociology; A.B., Brown University, 1971; Ph.D., University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1977.
Pressley, Nelson
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., University of Delaware, 1984; M.A.,
Catholic University of America, 1991; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Pressly, William L.
Professor Emeritus, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Princeton University, 1966; Ph.D., New
York University-Institute of Fine Arts, 1974.
Presson, Joelle C.
Assistant Dean, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.A., University of South
Florida, 1974; M.A., 1977; Ph.D., University of Oregon, 1982.
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Prestegaard, Karen L.
Associate Professor, Geology; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1976; M.S., University
of California-Berkeley, 1979; Ph.D., 1982.
Price, Richard N.
Professor, History; B.A., University of Sussex-Falmer, 1965; D.Phil., 1968.
Prichard, Stephanie
Assistant Professor, School of Music; B.Mus.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005;
M.Mus., Northwestern University, 2009; Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder, 2013.
Priest, Dana Louise
Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1981.
Prince, Stephen D.
Professor Emeritus, Geography; B.Sc., University of Bristol, 1966; Ph.D., University of
Lancaster, 1971.
Priola, Edward J.
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.A., SUNY-New Paltz, 1982; M.A., Bowie State
University, 2007; D.M., University of Maryland University College 2016.
Prior, Steven J.
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., University of Pittsburg-Bradford, 1999; M.A., Ohio State
University, 2001; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005.
Pritchett, Stacy Renee
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; A.A., Montgomery College, 1989;
B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991; M.Ed., Loyola University Maryland, 2002.
Prochno, Paulo
Clinical Professor, Management & Organization; B.E., University of Sao Paulo, 1994;
M.B.A./M.S., Vanderbilt University, 1997; Ph.D and MSc, Insead University, 2002.
Provine, Robert C.
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.A., Harvard University, 1966; M.A., 1970; M.A., 1972;
Ph.D., 1979.
Prucha, Ingmar R.
Distinguished University Professor, Economics; M.A., Universitat Wien, 1973; Ph.D., 1977.
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Puett, Robin
Associate Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Associate Professor,
Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.A., Emory University, 1991; M.P.H., 1997; Ph.D., University of
South Carolina-Columbia, 2004.
Pugh, William
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science; B.S., Syracuse University, 1980; Ph.D., Cornell
University, 1988.
Pugsley, James H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.A., Oberlin College, 1956;
M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1958; Ph.D., 1963.
Pula, Timothy Eugene
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991; M.A.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1996.
Punzalan, Ricardo Laquilac
Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; B.S., University of the Philippines-Diliman,
2000; M.L.S., 2005; M.A./M.L.S., 2005; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2012; Ph.D.,
Purtilo, James M.
Associate Professor, Computer Science; B.A., Hiram College, 1978; M.A., Kent State
University, 1980; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1986.
Purvis, Tristan
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Boise State
University, 1994; M.A., Indiana University, 2002; Ph.D., 2008.
Pyles, Alexander Aaron
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Maryland-Baltimore County,
2009; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
Qi, Yiping
Assistant Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Nankai University-Tientsin,
2000; M.S., Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2003; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities,
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Qu, Gang
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S.,
Hefei U of Tech/China U of Science & Tech, 1992; M.S., 1994; M.A., University of Oklahoma,
1996; M.S., University of California-Los Angeles, 1998; Ph.D., 2000;
Quebedeaux, Bruno
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Louisiana State University-
Baton Rouge, 1962; M.S., 1963; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1968.
Quester, George H.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; A.B., Columbia
College Chicago, 1958; M.A., Harvard University, 1964; Ph.D., 1965.
Quinlan, Elizabeth M.
Professor, Biology; B.S., University of Iowa, 1986; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1993.
Quinn, Sandra Crouse
Professor, Family Science; B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1973; M.Ed., American
University, 1977; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1993.
Quintero-Herencia, Juan Carlos
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; B.A., University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, 1985; M.A., Princeton University,
1988; Ph.D., 1995.
Quintiere, James G.
Professor Emeritus, Fire Protection Engineering; B.S., New Jersey Institute of Technology,
1962; M.S., New York University, 1966; Ph.D., 1970.
Quintos, Beatriz Eugenia
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of
the Americas-Mexico City, 1999; M.A., University of Arizona, 2002; Ph.D., 2008.
Quiros Alcala, Lesliam
Assistant Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Assistant Professor,
Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., Texas A&M University-College Station, 2000; M.S., 2001;
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2010.
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Quraishi, Qudsia
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Physics; B.A., University of Colorado-Boulder, 2000; B.A., 2000;
Ph.D., University of Colorado-Denver, 2008.
Qureshi, Salman Haseeb
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Wayne State University, 1986; M.S.,
Rabenhorst, Martin C.
Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
1975; M.S., 1978; Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station, 1983.
Rabin, Herbert
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1950; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1951; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1959.
Rabin, Oded
Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Associate Professor, Institute for
Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; B.A., Technion-Israel Institute of Tech, 1996; M.S.,
Weizmann Institute of Science-Rehovoth, 1998; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Racz, Sarah Jensen
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Assistant Clinical
Professor, Psychology; B.A., Cornell University, 2003; M.S., University of Washington, 2008;
Ph.D., 2012.
Radermacher, K Reinhard
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Minta Martin Professor; B.S., Technical University Munich,
1975; M.S., 1977; Ph.D., 1981.
Ragan, Robert M.
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Virginia Military Institute, 1955;
M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1965.
Raghavan, Srinivasa R.
Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Madras,
1992; Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1998.
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Raghavan, Subramanian
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science;
B.E., Indian Institute of Technology, 1987; M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1988; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995.
Rahaman, Shaik Ohidar
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.Mus.Ed., Calcutta University, 1991; M.S.,
1993; PH.D., Jadavpur University, 1999.
Raheja, Baldev G.
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Karnatak University, 1963; M.S., Texas Tech
University, 1965.
Rahman, Anisur
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
1982; M.S., Drexel University, 1987; Ph.D., 1991.
Rahmoeller, Glenn A.
Lecturer, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Georgetown University, 1964;
M.Elect.E., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1966; M.S., Missouri University S & T, 1973.
Raissi-Dehkordi, Majid
Lecturer, ECE-Telecommunications Program; B.S., Sharif University of Technology, 1989;
M.S., Iran University of Science & Technology, 1994; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2002.
Ramachandran, Niranjan
Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991; M.A., Brown
University, 1995; Ph.D., 1996.
Ramani, Geetha B.
Associate Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Bryn Mawr
College, 1998; M.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2002; Ph.D., 2005.
Ramirez, Constance
Lecturer, Historic Preservation Program; B.A., Wheaton College, 1961; M.C.P., Yale University,
1964; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1975.
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Ramsey, Samuel Robert
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.C.E., Georgia Institute of
Technology, 1966; M.Phil., Yale University, 1972; M.A., 1972; Ph.D., 1975.
Ramsey, Younghi K.
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Yonsei University-Seoul,
Ranadive, Sushant M.
Assistant Research Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., King Edward Memorial Hospital & Seth G.S.,
Medical College, 2005; M.S., University of Illinois –Chicago, 2007; Ph.D., University of
Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, 2012.
Ranasinghe, Tharindra
Assistant Professor, Accounting; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Post
Graduate Diploma-Marketing, The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 2003;
Ph.D., University of Houston, 2012.
Randall, Martha Lee
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Kansas, 1964; M.Mus., 1966.
Randolph, Suzanne M.
Associate Professor Emerita, Family Science; B.S., Howard University, 1974; M.A., University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1977; Ph.D., 1981.
Rankin, Mary Ann
Senior Vice President and Provost, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; Professor,
Biology; B.S., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, 1966; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1972.
Raschid, Louiqa
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Professor, Computer
Science; B.T., Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, 1980; M.Eng., University of Florida,
1982; Ph.D., 1987.
Rasmusson, Eugune
Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Kansas State
University, 1950; M.S., St. Louis University, 1963; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1966.
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Rastogi, Soumya
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Delhi, 2006; M.S., 2008; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Rath, Jessica Miller
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., University of Arizona,
1998; M.P.H., Emory University, 2000; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2005.
Ratnapala, Narendra D.
Lecturer, Art; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1977; M.F.A., 1990.
Ratner, Nan Bernstein
Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., Tufts University, 1974; M.A., Temple University,
1976; Ed.D., Boston University, 1982.
Ratner, Rebecca K.
Professor & Associate Dean, Marketing; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Williams College, 1992; M.A., Princeton University, 1995; Ph.D., 1999.
Rattner, Barnett A.
Adjunct Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1972; M.S., 1974; Ph.D., 1977.
Raupp, Michael J.
Professor, Entomology; B.S., Rutgers University, 1975; M.S., 1977; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1981.
Ravishankar, C.
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.E., Bangalore University, 1985;
M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology-Mumbai, 1986; Ph.D., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1991.
Rawat, Nidhi
Assistant Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., HNBGU, India, 2002; M.S.,
2004; Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, 2009.
Ray, Maggie Ellen
Lecturer, English; B.A., Claremont McKenna College, 2006; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2014.
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Ray, Rashawn
Associate Professor, Sociology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
University of Memphis, 2003; M.A., Indiana University, 2005; PH.D., 2010.
Ray, Sangeeta
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., University of Calcutta, 1980;
M.A., 1983; M.A., University of Miami, 1987; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1991.
Reaka, Marjorie L.
Professor, Biology; B.A., University of Kansas, 1965; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., University of
California-Berkeley, 1975.
Redcay, Elizabeth
Associate Professor, Psychology; B.S., Duke University, 2001; M.A., University of California-
San Diego, 2003; Ph.D., 2008.
Redd, Charles R.
Lecturer, School of Music.
Redish, Edward F.
Professor, Physics; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
B.S., Princeton University, 1963; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968.
Redwood, Yanique
Lecturer, Health Services Administration; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008.
Reed III, William Lawton
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Emory University, 1992; M.A., Florida State
University, 1996; Ph.D., 1998.
Reese, Scot M.
Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., University of California-Los
Angeles, 1981; M.F.A., Northwestern University, 1994.
Regan, Thomas M.
Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Tulane University, 1963;
Ph.D., 1967.
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Reggia, James A.
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1971; M.D., University of Maryland at Baltimore, 1975;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1981.
Rehder, Karen
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of Maryland-
Baltimore County, 1992; M.Ed., Johns Hopkins University, 1997.
Reilly, Allison Coffey
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2005;
M.S., Cornell University, 2008; Ph.D., 2011.
Reinhardt, Thomas John
Lecturer, Computer Science; B.A., Boston College, 1977; M.A., Boston State College, 1984.
Reinsch, William
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1968; M.S., 1969.
Ren, Joan JianJian
Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Peking University, 1982; M.A., University of Montana, 1987;
M.S., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1989; Ph.D., 1990.
Rendall, Michael S.
Professor & Director, Maryland Population Research Center; Professor, Sociology; B.S., Massey
University, 1981; M.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1987; M.A., Brown University,
1990; Ph.D., 1993.
Rensberger, Scott A.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., Indiana State University-Evansville, 2006.
Resmini, Mauro
Assistant Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Universita' Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, 2003; M.A., 2006; Ph.D., Brown University, 2014.
Resnick, Elise M.
Lecturer, Family Science; B.A., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1998; M.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2007; Ph.D., 2013.
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Resnik, Philip S.
Professor, Linguistics; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate Professor,
Computer Science; A.B., Harvard University, 1987; M.S.E., University of Pennsylvania, 1990;
Ph.D., 1993.
Resop, Jonathan Patrick
Lecturer, Geography; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2004; B.S., 2004; M.Ed.,
2006; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 2010.
Reuter, Peter H.
Professor, School of Public Policy; Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University
of New South Wales-Sydney, 1966; M.Phil., Yale University, 1971; Ph.D., 1980.
Reutt-Robey, Janice
Professor & Chair, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., Haverford College, 1980; Ph.D.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1986.
Reveal, James L.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Utah State University, 1963;
M.S., 1965; Ph.D., Brigham Young University, 1969.
Rey, Georges
Professor, Philosophy; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1970; M.A., Harvard University,
1975; Ph.D., 1978.
Reyna, Justin Marcos
Lecturer, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; B.A., University of Rochester, 1999; J.D., Loyola
University, 2004.
Reynnells, Richard D.
Lecturer, English; A.A., Southwestern Michigan College, 1972; B.S., Michigan State University,
1974; M.S., 1976; Ph.D., 1979.
Reynolds, Christopher S.
Professor, Astronomy; B.A., University of Cambridge, Trinity College, 1992; Ph.D., 1996.
Reynolds, M Sue
Senior Lecturer, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., East Carolina University, 1986; M.A.,
1988; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1994.
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Rhee, Moon-Jhong
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Seoul University, 1958; M.S.,
1960; Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 1970.
Rhoads, Vera T.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., Dana College, 1992; M.S., Pace University,
1996; M.S., Syracuse University, 1998.
Riaz, Amir
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Pakistan Univeristy of Engineering &
Technology - Lahore, 1994; M.S., University of Southern California, 2002; Ph.D., University of
California-Santa Barbara, 2003.
Rice, Jennifer K.
Professor & Associate Dean, College of Education; Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy
and Leadership; B.S., Marquette University, 1990; M.S., Cornell University, 1993; Ph.D., 1995.
Richard, Jean-Paul
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., Universite Laval, 1956; B.S., 1960; Ph.D., University of
Paris, 1963.
Richardson, Brian E.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.A., University of Washington, 1982;
M.A., 1984; Ph.D., 1988.
Richardson, Christopher J.
Adjunct Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., University of Maine at Orono, 1995;
M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1998; Ph.D., 2000.
Richardson, Derek Charles
Professor, Astronomy; B.S., University of British Columbia, 1990; Ph.D., University of
Cambridge, 1993.
Richardson Jr., Joseph B.
Associate Professor, African American Studies; Associate Professor, Anthropology; B.A.,
University of Virginia, 1990; M.A., 1992; Ph.D., 2003.
Richardson, Patricia M.
Lecturer, College of Education Outreach; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1972;
M.Ed., 1977; Ph.D., 1981.
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Richardson, William C.
Professor & Chair, Art; B.F.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1975; M.F.A.,
Washington University in Saint Louis, 1977.
Richter, Daniel Alex
Lecturer, History; B.A., University of Texas-Austin, 2001; M.A., Universidad Torcuato Di Tella,
Rick, Jonathan
Lecturer, English; B.A., Hamilton College, 2005.
Rickard, Lisa
Assistant Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.S., Pennsylvania State University,
1981; M.A., Hahnemann University, 1986; Au.D., University of Florida, 2010.
Ricotti, Massimo
Associate Professor, Astronomy; B.S./M.S., University of Florence, 1996; M.S., University of
Colorado-Boulder, 1999; Ph.D., 2001.
Ridge, Alavanja C.
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.A., Drew University, 1996; M.S.,
Cornell University, 1999; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2004.
Ridgway, Whitman H.
Associate Professor, History; A.B., Kenyon College, 1963; M.A., San Francisco State
University, 1967; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1973; J.D., University of Maryland at
Baltimore, 1985.
Riesenberger, Nicole Joy
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2011; Ph.D., 2016.
Rigg, Jennifer Orrin Genung
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; M.P.A., University of Washington, 2005.
Riggins, Tracy
Associate Professor, Psychology; B.S., University of California-San Diego, 2000; Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2005.
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Riley, Donald R.
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; Affiliate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1969; M.S., 1970; Ph.D., 1976.
Rios, Fernando
Assistant Professor, School of Music; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Latin American Studies
Center; B.A., MacMurray College, 1989; M.Mus., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale,
1997; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2005.
Risco, Cristina Maria
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., University of
Florida, 2004; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008; Ph.D., 2011.
Ritter, Ronald L.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of Delaware,
1975; M.S., North Carolina State University, 1977; Ph.D., 1979.
Ritzer, George
Distinguished University Professor, Sociology; Affiliate Professor, American Studies;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., CUNY-City College of New York, 1962; M.B.A.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1964; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1968.
Roberson, Bob S.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.A., University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill, 1951; Ph.D., 1960.
Roberts, Douglas A.
Associate Professor & Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies; Associate Professor, Physics;
B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1988; M.S., University of California-Los Angeles,
1992; Ph.D., 1994.
Roberts, Eugene L.
Professor Emeritus, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill, 1954; Doc. Laws, Colby College, 1989; Doc. Laws, University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1997.
Roberts, Jennifer D.
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology; B.A., Brown University, 1996; M.P.H., Emory University,
2000; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2004.
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Roberts, Joseph Anthony
Assistant Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., North Carolina State
University, 2007; B.A., 2007; M.S., Rutgers University, 2009; Ph.D., North Carolina State
University, 2014.
Robertson, Kellie
Associate Professor, English; B.A., University of Virginia, 1990; M.A., Yale University, 1993;
Ph.D., 1998.
Robin, William
Assistant Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Northwestern University, 2010; M.A., University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2013; Ph.D., 2016.
Robinson, Adele
Clinical Professor, School of Public Policy; J.D., Boston University, 1987.
Robinson, Eugene S.
Instructor, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1973; M.A., 1975; Ph.D., 1984.
Robinson, John P.
Professor Emeritus, Sociology; B.A., St. Michael's College, 1957; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic &
State University, 1959; M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1963; M.S., 1964; Ph.D.,
Robinson, Katherine Julia
Lecturer, English; B.A., West Virginia University, 1990; M.A., Catholic University of America,
1997; Ph.D., Texas Women's University, 2002.
Robinson, Paul
Lecturer, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; PH.D., Bangladesh, 1983; M.S.,
Grace Bible College, 1990; M.P.H., Johns Hopkins University, 1991.
Robinson, Theresa Nebel
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1993.
Robison, Tiger Alton
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Hartford, 2005; M.S., Central Connecticut
State University, 2012; Ph.D., University of Hartford, 2016.
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Roby, Dylan H.
Assistant Professor, Health Services Administration; D.Pub.Hlth., George Washington
University, 2005.
Rockcastle, Garth Carl
Professor, Architecture Program; Professor, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation;
B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1974; M.S., Cornell University, 1978.
Roderick, Jessie A.
Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Wilkes College, 1956;
M.A., Columbia University, 1957; Ed.D., Temple University, 1967.
Rodriguez, Ana Patricia
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1987; M.A.,
University of California-Santa Cruz, 1994; Ph.D., 1998.
Rodriguez, Chantel
Assistant Professor, History; B.S., Trinity University, 2007; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities, 2013.
Rodriguez, Efrain E.
Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Materials Science
& Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003; Ph.D., University of
California-Santa Barbara, 2009.
Roesch, Matthew Ryan
Associate Professor, Psychology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Biology; B.S., University of
Pittsburgh, 1997; Ph.D., 2004.
Rogers, Marc A.
Associate Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., SUNY-College at Cortland, 1976; M.Ed., University of
Nevada-Las Vegas, 1979; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1984.
Rollins, Luke Alan
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., Towson University, 2012.
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Rolstad, Kellie
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1986; M.A., 1993; Ph.D., 1998.
Rolston, Steven
Professor & Chair, Physics; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1980; Ph.D., SUNY-Stony Brook, 1986.
Romeiser, Nicole
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., State University College of Education-Geneseo,
1989; M.S., American University, 1991; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Romeo, Andrea B.
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2010; M.P.H., 2016.
Romeo Upperman, Crystal Eloma
Lecturer, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; B.S., Spelman College, 2006;
M.P.A., Kennesaw State University, 2010.
Romero Flores, Adrian
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Mexico, 2006; M.S., Tecnologico de
Monterey, 2009.
Romirowsky, Abigail Mintz
Lecturer, Psychology; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2006; Ph.D., 2012.
Roos, Philip G.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1960; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1964.
Rosca, Raluca I.
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., University of Bucharest, 1990; M.S., 1996; Ph.D., University of
Florida, 2001.
Rose, Sandra
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Long Island University-C.W.
Post Campus, 1996; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2000.
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Rosemblatt, Karin
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., Dartmouth College, 1986; M.A., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1990; Ph.D., 1996.
Rosen, Anne Farris
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Rhodes College, 1978; M.A., St. Louis
University, 1983.
Rosenbaum, Eric Robert
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1985; M.S., 1997.
Rosenberg, Jonathan M.
Professor, Mathematics; A.B., Harvard University, 1972; Math. Trippos, Pt. III, University of
Cambridge, 1973; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1976.
Rosenberg, Theodore J.
Research Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.E.E., City
University of New York-City College, 1960; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1965.
Rosenfelt, Deborah S.
Professor Emerita, Women's Studies; B.A., Goucher College, 1964; M.A., Columbia University,
1965; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 1972.
Rosenfield, Sylvia A.
Professor Emerita, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Cornell
University, 1960; M.A., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1961; Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1967.
Rosenthal, Aharona
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Haifa, 1996; M.A.,
Rosenthal, Benjamin M.
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., Oberlin College, 1990; Sc.D., Harvard
University, 1999.
Rosenthal, Daniel Rosenthal
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; J.D., George Washington University, 2003.
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Rosenthal, Laura J.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1983;
M.A., Northwestern University, 1985; Ph.D., 1990.
Ross, David S.
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Pennsylvania State University,
1969; M.S., 1971; Ph.D., 1973.
Ross, Michael
Professor, History; B.A., Skidmore College, 1986; J.D., Duke University, 1989; M.A.,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1992; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,
Ross, Steven J.
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Whittier College, 1974; M.A.,
University of New Mexico-Albuquerque, 1981; Ph.D., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1995.
Rossi, Alberto G.
Assistant Professor, Finance; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Bocconi University, 2004; M.S., Tilburg University, 2005; Ph.D., University of California-San
Diego, 2011.
Rostovtseva, Tatiana K.
Adjunct Professor, Biology; M.S., Leningrad M.I. Kalinin Polytechnic Inst, 1979; Ph.D.,
Institute of Cytology-Russia, 1989.
Roth, Froma P.
Professor Emerita, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., CUNY-Hunter College, 1970; M.A.,
CUNY-Queens College, 1973; Ph.D., CUNY-Graduate School & University, 1980.
Roth, Stephen M.
Professor & Associate Dean, School of Public Health; Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., University
of Montana, 1996; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998; Ph.D., 2000.
Rothman, Korey R.
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; Lecturer, HCOL-
University Honors Program; B.A., University of Florida, 1995; M.Ed., 1997; Ph.D., University
of Maryland-College Park, 2005.
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Rotkowitz, Michael Charles
Assistant Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Assistant Professor, Institute for
Systems Research; B.A., Stanford University School of Medicine, 1996; M.S., Stanford
University, 2000; M.S., 2005; Ph.D., 2005.
Rough, Brock Allen
Lecturer, Philosophy; B.A., Lipscomb University, 2005; M.A., Northern Illinois University,
Rouse, Stella
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge,
1996; Ph.D., 2008.
Roussopoulos, Nicholas
Professor, Computer Science; B.A., National & Capodistrian University of Athens, 1969; M.S.,
University of Toronto, 1973; Ph.D., 1977.
Rowland, Leslie S.
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; B.A., Texas
Christian University, 1968; M.A., University of Rochester, 1970; Ph.D., 1991.
Rowley, Michelle V
Associate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; B.A.,
University of West Indies Trinidad-St Augu, 1992; M.S., University of the West Indies-Mona,
Kingston, 1996; Ph.D., Clark University, 2003.
Roy, Anindo
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; Bachelor of Technology, Jamia Millia
Islamia, 1998; B.Elect.E., 1998; Master of Philosophy, University of Sussex-Falmer, 2000;
Ph.D., University of Arkansas-Little Rock, 2005.
Roy, Kevin M.
Associate Professor, Family Science; B.S., George Washington University, 1988; M.A.,
Northwestern University, 1995; Ph.D., 1999.
Roy, Rajarshi
Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Professor, Physics; Affiliate Professor,
Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; B.S., University of Delhi, 1973; M.S.,
1975; M.A., University of Rochester, 1977; Ph.D., 1981.
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Roy, Sougata
Assistant Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Calcutta, 1995;
M.S., 1997; M.Tech, Jadavpur University, 2000; Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science-Bangalore,
Royalty, Georgia M.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.S., Towson University, 1977; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1980; Ph.D., 1982.
Rozenblit, Marsha L.
Professor, History; Affiliate Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; B.A.,
Barnard College, 1971; M.A., Columbia University, 1974; Ph.D., 1980.
Rozin, Rellie Rachel
Assistant Professor, Management & Organization; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.A., Tel Aviv University, 2005; M.S., Israel Institute of Technology, 2007; Ph.D.,
London Business School, 2012.
Rubeling Jr., Albert William
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.Arch., University of Maryland-College Park, 1977.
Rubin, Kenneth H.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
B.A., McGill University-Montreal, 1968; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1969; Ph.D.,
Rubin, Roger H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Family Science; B.A., City University of New York-Brooklyn
College, 1965; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1966; Ph.D., 1970.
Rubin, Samuel Bruce
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1978; M.A., 1980; B.S.,
Rubinstein, Yanir A.
Associate Professor, Mathematics; B.A., Technion-Israel Institute of Tech, 1999; Ph.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008.
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Rubloff, Gary W.
Distinguished University Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Distinguished University
Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer
Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; B.A.,
Dartmouth College, 1966; M.S., University of Chicago, 1967; Ph.D., 1971.
Rudlosky, Scott D.
Lecturer, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Visiting Assistant Research Scientist, Earth System
Science Interdisciplinary Center; B.S., Ohio State University, 2004; M.S., Florida State
University, 2007; Ph.D., 2011.
Rudney, Sally Elizabeth
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., Brown University, 1981; M.B.A., Yale University,
1986; Leadership of Education, Montgomery College, 2013.
Rudnick, Roberta L.
Distinguished University Professor Emerita, Geology; B.S., Portland State University, 1980;
M.S., Sul Ross State University, 1983; Ph.D., Australian National University-Canberra, 1988.
Rudy, Jason R.
Associate Professor, English; B.A., Princeton University, 1997; M.A., Rutgers University, 2000;
Ph.D., 2004.
Ruhi, Kazim
Associate Clinical Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; B.S., Gazi
Egitim Enstitusu-Ankara, 1980; M.S., 1983; Ph.D., 1987.
Rupp, Andre A.
Affiliate Associate Research Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.S.,
University of Hamburg, 1997; M.A., Northern Arizona University, 1999; M.S., 2001; Ph.D.,
University of British Columbia, 2003.
Ruppert, John H.
Professor, Art; B.A., Miami University, 1974; M.F.A., Rochester Institute of Technology, 1977.
Ruppin, Eytan
Professor & Director, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Professor, Computer Science;
M.D., Tel Aviv University, 1987; M.S., 1991; Ph.D., 1993; Ph.D., 1994.
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Rus, Ioana
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Cluj-Napoca Technical University,
1986; M.S., Arizona State University, 1995; Ph.D., 1998.
Ruschoff, Carlen M.
Librarian Emerita, Libraries; B.A., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1974; M.A., 1977.
Rush, Anne Spry
Lecturer, History; B.A., Agnes Scott College, 1986; M.A., American University, 1996; Ph.D.,
Rush, Laura A.
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1988.
Russell, Charles C.
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Oberlin College,
1956; M.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1964; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1970.
Russell, Katherine Ford
Associate Dean, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences; B.A., Harvard University, 1985;
M.A., Northern Illinois University, 1987; Ph.D., Kent State University, 1996.
Rust, Roland T.
Distinguished University Professor, Marketing; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
B.A., DePauw University, 1974; M.B.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1977; Ph.D.,
Rutledge, Steven H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Classics; B.A., University of Massachusetts-Boston, 1989; Ph.D.,
Brown University, 1996.
Ryan, Alice Leigh
Principal Lecturer Emerita, Libraries; B.S., Western Connecticut State University, 1965; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1974; Ph.D., 1986.
Ryder, Noah Lael
Faculty Specialist, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; Lecturer, Fire Protection
Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1999; M.S., 2000; M.B.A., 2004.
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Rynasiewicz, Robert
Adjunct Professor, Philosophy; B.S., Brown University, 1974; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities, 1981.
Rynda, Jennifer L.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.F.A., Rochester Institute of Technology, 2006.
Ryzhov, Ilya O.
Assistant Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Assistant Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Institute for Systems
Research; B.S., Cornell University, 2004; M.Eng., 2005; M.S., Stanford University, 2006; M.A.,
Princeton University, 2008; Ph.D., 2011;
Saalfeld, Daniel A.
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., University of North Carolina-Charlotte, 1992; M.F.A., American
University, 1998.
Saavedra, Francisca
Lecturer, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.S., Pontifica Universidad Catolica
De Chile, 1991; M.S., State University of Florida, 1993; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2000.
Sadeghian, Pedram
Lecturer, Computer Science; B.A., Transylvania University, 2000; M.S., University of
Louisville, 2003; Ph.D., 2006.
Saegusa, Takumi
Assistant Professor, Mathematics; L.L.B., University of Tokyo, 2002; M.S., California State
Univ-Northridge, 2005; Ph.D., University of Washington, 2012.
Saffie, Felipe Eduardo
Assistant Professor, Economics; M.S., Pontifica Universidad Catolica De Chile, 2008; B.S.,
2008; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2014.
Sagdeev, Roald Z.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Physics; Director, East-West Space Science Center; B.S.,
Moscow State University, 1955; Ph.D., Institute of Physical Problems-Moscow, 1960; D.S.,
U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences-Siberia, 1962.
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Sahasrabudhe, Vikas M.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.Elect.E., Indian Institute of Technology-Mumbai,
1967; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1968; Ph.D., 1972.
Sahinoglu, Hatice
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Bilkent University, 2005; M.S., 2007; M.S., Brown University,
2009; M.S., London School of Economics & Political Science; 2015; Ph.D., Brown University,
Sahyoun, Nadine R.
Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; Professor, HLSA-Center on Aging; B.A., University of
Massachusetts-Boston, 1974; M.S., University of Iowa, 1979; Ph.D., Tufts University, 1995.
Salahuddin, Nazish M.
Lecturer, Psychology; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2001; M.A., 2005; Ph.D.,
Salamanca, Jack R.
Professor Emeritus, English; Grad., Royal Academy of Dramatic Art-London, 1952; Dipl.,
University of London, 1953; Licentiate, Graduate School Of Drama-Royal Academy of Music,
Salamanca-Riba, Lourdes G.
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, 1978;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.
Salawitch, Ross J.
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Cornell University, 1981; Ph.D., Harvard
University, 1987.
Salem, David Ira
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1978; M.B.A./J.D., University
of Maryland-College Park, 1982; M.B.A., 1982.
Salgado, Vivianne Alejandra
Lecturer, Dean's-Living Learning Programs; B.A., Marymount University, 2002; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2004.
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Salmons, Joseph
Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., University of North Carolina-
Charlotte, 1978; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1984.
Salness, David
Professor, School of Music; CERT GR, Curtis Institute of Music, 1985.
Samad, Omar Mohammad
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., American University, 1991; M.A., Tufts
University, 2006.
Samal, Siba K.
Professor & Chair, VA-MD Regional College Veterinary Medicine; B.V.Sc., Orissa University
of Agriculture & Techn, 1976; M.S., Texas A&M University-College Station, 1981; Ph.D.,
Baylor College of Medicine, 1985.
Samet, Hanan
Distinguished University Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Distinguished
University Professor, Computer Science; Distinguished University Professor; B.S., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1970; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1975; M.S., 1975.
Sampson, Rachelle
Associate Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith
School of Business; B.Bus., Queensland University of Technology, 1992; L.L.B., 1992; Ph.D.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1999.
Sanchez, Hernan
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University of Madrid,
1987; M.Phil., Columbia University, 1992.
Sandborn, Peter A.
Professor & Acting Director, Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute; Professor, Mechanical
Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., University of Colorado-
Boulder, 1982; M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1983; Ph.D., 1987.
Sanders, Bradford Alexander
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2010; B.S., 2010.
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Sanders, Jessica Rose
Lecturer, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Stockton State College, 2005; Ph.D.,
Rutgers University, 2012.
Sanders, Robert C.
Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Oregon State University, 1966; Sc.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970.
Sandstrom, David J.
Lecturer, Biology; B.A., University of California-San Diego, 1985; Ph.D., University of
California-Berkeley, 1993.
Sanford, Robert J.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.M.E., George Washington University, 1962;
M.S., 1965; Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 1971.
Sangaramoorthy, Thurka
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
Columbia University, 1998; M.P.H., 2002; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2008.
Sanner, Robert Michael
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985;
M.S., 1988; Ph.D., 1993.
Santosh, Shrihari
Assistant Professor, Finance; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
University of Pennsylvania, 2006; B.A., 2006; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2013; M.B.A.,
Sanyal, Anita
Lecturer, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.S., University of Massachusetts-
Amherst, 2000; M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 2004; Ph.D., 2009.
Saperstein, Sandra L.
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.A., Binghamton University, 1983; M.S., Boston University,
1986; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2010.
Sapkota, Amir
Associate Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Associate Professor,
Epidemiology & Biostatistics; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2004.
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Sapkota, Amy Rebecca
Associate Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Associate Professor,
Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997; M.P.H., Yale
University, 1999; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2005.
Saracho, Olivia N.
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Texas Women's University,
1967; M.Ed., 1972; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1978.
Sarna, Naveen
Lecturer, Economics; B.A., Delhi University, Delhi, India, 1979; M.A., Delhi School of
Economics, Delhi, India, 1981; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1991; Ph.D., 1997.
Sartorius, David A.
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin American Studies Center;
Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Trinity University, 1995; M.A.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1997; Ph.D., 2003.
Satelmajer, Ingrid I.
Lecturer, Dean's-Living Learning Programs; Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A.,
Atlantic Union College, 1992; M.A., Simmons College, 1994; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2004.
Sather, Jerome O.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1957;
M.S., 1959; Ph.D., 1963.
Sau, Jay Deep
Assistant Professor, Physics; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur, 2002; Ph.D.,
University of California-Berkeley, 2008.
Sawyer, Robin G.
Associate Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., George Mason University, 1978;
M.Ed., University of Virginia, 1980; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1990.
Saxena, Amitabh
Lecturer, Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship; B.Mech.E., McGill University-Montreal,
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Sayer, Liana C.
Professor, Sociology; B.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1983; M.A., University of Pennsylvania,
1991; Ph.D., University of Maryland-University College, 2001.
Sayre Jr., Clifford L.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Duke University, 1947; M.S., Stevens
Institute of Technology, 1950; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1961.
Scandizzo, Stefania
Senior Lecturer, Economics; Laurea in Economics, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi,
1991; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1997.
Scarcelli, Giuliano
Assistant Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; Laurea, University of Bari, 2001;
M.S., University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 2003; Ph.D., 2006.
Schafer, James A.
Professor, Mathematics; B.S., University of Rochester, 1961; M.S., University of Chicago, 1962;
Ph.D., 1965.
Schafer, William D.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A.,
University of Rochester, 1964; M.A., 1965; Ed.D., 1969.
Schaff, Josef B.
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1983;
M.Eng., 1990; Sc.D., Capitol Technology University, 2015.
Schatz, William John
Lecturer, English; B.A., Binghamton University, 1969; J.D., Georgetown University, 1973.
Schauer, Paula Christine
Assistant Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.S., Towson University, 1985; M.S.,
1987; Au.D., A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, 2009.
Scheiner, Ann Caroline
Lecturer, Family Science; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1974; J.D., George
Washington University, 1978; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
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Schelling, David
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Lehigh University, 1961; M.S.,
Drexel University, 1964; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1968.
Schenkelberg, Frederick Michael
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., U.S. Military Academy, 1983; M.S., Stanford
University, 1997.
Schenker, Nathaniel
Adjunct Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; B.A., Princeton University, 1979;
M.S., University of Chicago, 1983; Ph.D., 1985.
Scherbarth, Eric Douglas
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2013.
Schick, Allen
Distinguished University Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., CUNY-Brooklyn College,
1956; M.A., Yale University, 1959; Ph.D., 1965.
Schlake, Oliver
Clinical Professor, Management & Organization; M.B.A./M.S., University of Paderborn, 1993;
Ph.D., 1999.
Schlesinger, Benjamin
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; A.E., Dartmouth College, 1967; B.E., 1968; M.S., Stanford
University, 1969; Ph.D., 1975.
Schlossberg, Nancy K.
Professor Emerita, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Barnard College,
1951; Ed.D., Columbia University, 1961.
Schmerr, Nicholas C.
Assistant Professor, Geology; B.S., Beloit College, 2001; Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2008.
Schmidt, Linda C.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., Iowa State University, 1989; M.S., 1991; Ph.D.,
Carnegie-Mellon University, 1995.
Schmidt, Michael D.
Lecturer, English; B.A., SUNY-Albany, 1999; M.A., American University, 2006.
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Schmidtlein, Frank A.
Professor Emeritus, Education Policy and Leadership; B.S., Kansas State University, 1954;
M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1970; Ph.D., 1979.
Schnaar, Gregory
Lecturer, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2002; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2006.
Schneider, Barry I.
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., Brooklyn College, 1962;
M.S., Yale University, 1964; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1968.
Schneider, Benjamin
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.A., Alfred University, 1960; M.B.A., City University of New
York-Bernard Baruch, 1962; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1967.
Schneider, David I.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; A.B., Oberlin College, 1959; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1964.
Scholnick, Ellin K.
Ombuds Officer, PRES-President's Office; Professor Emerita, Psychology; A.B., Vassar College,
1958; Ph.D., University of Rochester, 1963.
Schonebaum, Andrew
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Brown University,
1997; M.A., Columbia University, 1999; M.A., 2000; M. Phil, 2001; M.Phil., 2001; Ph.D., 2004.
Schonfeld, Paul M.
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
1974; M.S., 1974; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1978.
Schotland, Sara
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., Harvard University, 1968; J.D., Georgetown
University, 1971; M.A., 2009.
Schug, David Albert
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2002; M.S.,
2008; Ph.D., 2012.
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Schuler, Catherine A.
Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Eckerd College, 1974; M.A., Emerson College, 1977; Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 1984.
Schull, Christine Pegorraro
Senior Lecturer, Family Science; B.A., Michigan State University, 1993; M.A., 1999; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2006.
Schulman, Neil R.
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1964;
M.S., Long Island University-Riverhead, 1970.
Schultz, Gregory Alan
Adjunct Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1986; M.S., 1999; Ph.D., 2002.
Schulz, Burkhard
Assistant Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Freie University of Berlin,
1986; Ph.D., 1990.
Schwab, Robert M.
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., Grinnell College, 1969; M.A., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1971; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1980.
Schwab, Susan C.
Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Williams College, 1976; M.A., Stanford University,
1977; Ph.D., George Washington University, 1993.
Schwartz, Charles W.
Professor & Chair, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S.C.E., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1974; M.S.C.E., 1977; Ph.D., 1979.
Schwartz, Rodney Burgess
Lecturer, Communication; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1987.
Scott, Heidi Cathryn Molly
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2001; B.S., 2001; Ph.D.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2009.
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Scott, Marvin W.
Instructor, Kinesiology; B.S., East Stroudsburg University of Pa, 1973; M.A., Ohio State
University, 1974; Ed.D., University of North Carolina-Greensboro, 1986.
Scribner, Campbell Frank
Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 2003.
Scull, Margaret Adele
Assistant Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Duke University, 2001; Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2009.
Scullen, Mary Ellen
Associate Professor & Associate Director, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; M.A.,
Indiana University, 1990; Ph.D., 1993.
Seate, Anita Atwell
Assistant Professor, Communication; Assistant Professor, National Center for Study of
Terrorism & Response to Terrorism; B.A., Georgia St Univ/Perimeter College, 2004; M.A.,
2008; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2012.
Sedwick, Raymond John
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1992; M.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994; Ph.D., 1997.
Seelke, John Louis
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Duke University, 1996; B.S.,
1996; M.Ed., Boston College, 1999; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2008.
Segal, David R.
Professor Emeritus, Sociology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Harpur College, 1962;
M.A., University of Chicago, 1964; Ph.D., 1967; D.H.L., Towson University, 1991.
Segal, Elliot
Lecturer, Health Services Administration; B.A., Brandeis University, 1960; M.P.H., Yale
University, 1965; M.U.S., 1965.
Segal, Mady W.
Professor Emerita, Sociology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., City University of New
York-Queens College, 1965; M.A., University of Chicago, 1967; Ph.D., 1973.
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Sehgal, Neil Jay
Assistant Professor, Health Services Administration; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles,
2002; M.P.H., University of California-Med Los Angeles, 2005; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 2015.
Selden, Steven
Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., State University of
New York-College at Oswego, 1963; M.S., City University of New York-Brooklyn College,
1967; M.A., Columbia University, 1970; Ed.D., 1971.
Selterman, Dylan Faulkner
Lecturer, Psychology; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 2006; M.A., SUNY-Stony Brook, 2008;
Ph.D., 2011.
Semper, Jerry L.
Lecturer, African American Studies; B.A., Fordham University, 1974; J.D., Howard University,
Senbet, Lemma W.
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.B.A., Haile Selassi I
University, 1970; M.B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1972; Ph.D., University of
Buffalo, 1975.
Sengers, Jan V.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S.,
University of Amsterdam, 1952; M.S., 1955; Ph.D., 1962; Ph.D., Delft University of
Technology, 1992.
Seo, Eun-Suk
Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Professor, Physics; B.S., Korea
University-Seoul, 1984; M.S., 1986; Ph.D., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, 1991.
Seo, Myeong-Gu
Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.S., Yonsei University-Seoul, 1988; M.A., 1990; M.B.A., Boston College, 1997;
Ph.D., 2003.
Server, Jeffrey Michael
Lecturer, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.Arch., University of New Mexico-
Albuquerque, 1998; M.L.A., University of Colorado-Boulder, 2004; M.Arch., 2004; M.S., 2015.
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Severson, Matthew Michael
Lecturer, Physics; B.S., University of South Alabama, 2002; B.S., 2008; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Seward, Keena Patrice
Assistant Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.S., Hampton University, 2007;
Au.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011; M.A., CUNY-Lehman College, 2015.
Seybert, Nicholas Andrew
Associate Professor, Accounting; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003; M.S., Cornell University, 2005; Ph.D., 2008.
Seyed, A Patrice
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., North Carolina State University, 2000; M.A.,
Boston University, 2004; M.S., 2006; Ph.D., University of Buffalo, 2012.
Shackel, Paul A.
Professor & Chair, Anthropology; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.A., SUNY-
University at Buffalo, 1981; M.A., 1984; Ph.D., 1987.
Shackman, Alexander Joseph
Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997; M.S.,
University of Wisconsin, Medical-Madison, 2004; Ph.D., 2008.
Shaffer, L Jen
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; B.S., Cornell University, 1994; M.S., University of Oregon,
1999; Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2009.
Shah, Yasmeen Faroqi
Associate Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.S., All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
1995; M.S., 1997; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2004.
Sham, Foon V.
Professor, Art; B.F.A., California College of the Arts, 1978; M.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth
University, 1981.
Sham, Jonathan Aaron
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Buffalo, 2008; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2009.
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Shamma, Shihab
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S.,
Imperial Coll of Science & Tech-London, 1976; M.S., Stanford University, 1977; Ph.D., 1980;
M.A., 1980.
Shankar, A.U.
Professor, Computer Science; B.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur, 1976; M.S.,
Syracuse University, 1978; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1982.
Shannon, Joshua A.
Associate Professor, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Columbia University, 1994; M.A.,
University of California-Berkeley, 1998; Ph.D., 2003.
Shapiro, Benjamin
Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology,
1995; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1999.
Shapiro, Debra L.
Professor, Management & Organization; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1982; M.S., Northwestern University, 1983; Ph.D., 1986.
Shapiro, Leo H.
Lecturer, Entomology; B.A., Sarah Lawrence College, 1986; Ph.D., SUNY-Stony Brook, 1996.
Sharkey, Heather J.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Yale University,
1990; M.A., Durham Technical Community College, 1992; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1998.
Sharon, Gilad
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; A.S., Montgomery College, 2003; B.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2005; Ph.D., 2011.
Sharp, Katherine
Associate Clinical Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1990; M.P.H., Emory University, 1996; Ph.D., Kent State University, 2005.
Shaughnessy Jr., William D.
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.A., Loyola University Maryland, 1978; J.D., University of
Maryland at Baltimore, 1981.
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Shaw, Anugrah Nmi
Professor, UME-1890 Admin; M.S., Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, 1980; Ph.D.,
Texas Women's University, 1984.
Shawhan, Peter
Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Physics; M.S., University of Chicago, 1992; M.S., 1992;
A.B., Washington University in Saint Louis, 1999; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1999.
Shayman, Mark A.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.A., Yale University, 1975; M.S., Harvard
University, 1977; Ph.D., 1981.
Shea, John
Associate Professor, Economics; B.A., Northwestern University, 1986; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1990.
Shea, Mary E.
Senior Lecturer, English; Senior Lecturer, Environmental Science & Technology; B.A., Santa
Clara University, 1982; M.P.M., University of Maryland-College Park, 1985.
Sheikh, Sabeen
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Baltimore, 2003; M.A., George Mason
University, 2010.
Shelley, Shirley J.
Associate Professor Emerita, School of Music.
Shenassa, Edmond
Associate Professor, Family Science; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1986; M.A.,
1990; Sc.D., Harvard University, 2000.
Sherlock, LaGuinn Parsons
Lecturer, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.S., Arizona State University, 1988; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1991.
Sherman, Lawrence William
Distinguished University Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; M.A., University of
Chicago, 1970; B.A., Denison University, 1970; Diploma in Criminology, University of
Cambridge, 1973; M.A., Yale University, 1974; Ph.D., 1976;
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Sherry, Valerie Lynn
Lecturer, Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship; B.A., Brown University, 2009.
Shi, Elaine Runting
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., Tsinghua University/Qinghua University,
2003; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2006; Ph.D., Carlow University, 2008; Ph.D.,
Carnegie-Mellon University, 2008.
Shi, Meiqing
Associate Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; D.V.M., Hunan Agricultural University,
1985; M.S., South China Agricultural University, 1988; Ph.D., Justus Liebig University of
Giessen, 2000.
Shields, Patricia Ann
Senior Lecturer, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Catholic University of America,
1980; Ph.D., University of Florida, 1985.
Shilton, Katie
Associate Professor, College of Information Studies; B.A., Oberlin College, 2003; M.A./M.L.S.,
University of California-Los Angeles, 2007; Ph.D., 2011.
Shim, Jae Kun
Associate Professor, Kinesiology; B.A., Kyunghee University-Seoul, 1999; M.S., Ball State
University, 2002; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2005.
Shin, Eric
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Cleveland Institute of Music, 2003.
Shin, Richard Quentin
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Women's Studies; B.A., Western Washington University, 1995; M.A., West Chester
University of Pennsylvania, 1998; Ph.D., Loyola University of Chicago, 2005.
Shirmohammadi, Adel
Professor & Associate Dean, AES-Agriculture Experiment Station-Associate Dir.; Professor,
Environmental Science & Technology; Affiliate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering;
B.S., University of Rezaeiyeh-Iran, 1974; M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1977; Ph.D.,
North Carolina State University, 1982.
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Shneiderman, Ben A.
Distinguished University Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Distinguished
University Professor, Computer Science; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Distinguished University Professor; B.S., CUNY-City
College of New York, 1968; M.S., SUNY-Stony Brook, 1972; Ph.D., 1973; Sc.D., University of
Guelph-Ontario, 1995.
Shockley, Ebony Terrell
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Florida A&M
University, 1999; M.S., McDaniel College, 2002; M.S., 2002; M.S., 2004; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2012;
Shofner, Marcia A.
Lecturer, Entomology; B.S., Ouachita Baptist University, 1982; M.S., 1983; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2000.
Short, James M.
Research Engineer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Adjunct Professor, Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Syracuse University, 1968; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 1976.
Shrewsbury, Paula M.
Associate Professor, Entomology; B.S., University of Rhode Island, 1985; M.S., University of
California-Riverside, 1991; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1996.
Shriberg, Elizabeth
Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Harvard
University, 1987; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1990; Ph.D., 1994; N.S.F., Instituut
voor Perceptie Onderzoek (IPO), 1995.
Shroder, Mark D.
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., Yale University, 1975; M.S., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1988; Ph.D., 1991.
Shultz, Jeffrey W.
Associate Professor, Entomology; B.S., Michigan State University, 1982; M.S., Ohio University,
1985; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1990.
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Shusko, Robin A.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.S., Frostburg State University, 1997; M.A., Hood
College, 2003; M.A., Marymount University, 2004; M.A., 2004.
Sicilia, David B.
Associate Professor, History; Affiliate Associate Professor, American Studies; B.A., Hofstra
University, 1976; Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1991.
Sies, Mary C.
Associate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies; A.B.,
Michigan State University, 1974; A.M., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1977; Ph.D., 1987.
Sigall, Harold F.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.S., City University of New York-City College, 1964; Ph.D.,
University of Texas-Austin, 1968.
Silberstein, Michael D.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Philosophy; B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1986; B.S., 1986;
Ph.D., 1994.
Silio Jr., Charles B.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S.E.E., University of Notre
Dame, 1965; M.S., 1967; Ph.D., 1970.
Silitonga, Maifan R.
Associate Professor & Associate Director, UME-1890 Admin; B.S., National University of
Jakarta, Indonesia, 1993; M.S., Oklahoma State University-Stillwater, 1998; Ph.D., Oklahoma
State University-Oklahoma Cty, 2004.
Silva, Julie Ann
Associate Professor, Geography; B.A., University of California-Med Los Angeles, 1995; M.C.P.,
Rutgers University, 2000; Ph.D., 2005.
Silverman, Joseph
Professor Emeritus, Materials Science & Engineering; B.A., City University of New York-
Brooklyn College, 1944; M.A., Columbia University, 1948; Ph.D., 1951.
Silverman, Rebecca
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., George
Washington University, 1998; M.Ed., Harvard University, 2001; Ed.D., 2005.
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Simon, Anne Elizabeth
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.A., University of California-San Diego, 1978;
Ph.D., Indiana University, 1982.
Simon, Jonathan Z.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Professor, Biology; B.A., Princeton University, 1985; M.S., University of California-Santa
Barbara, 1987; Ph.D., 1990.
Simon, Madlen
Associate Professor, Architecture Program; Associate Professor, School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; B.A., Princeton University, 1974; M.Arch., 1977.
Simon, Susan Whyte
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Southern California, 1978; M.A., 1981.
Simon-Rusinowitz, Lori
Associate Professor, Health Services Administration; B.S.-DH, University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1975; M.P.H., 1978; M.A., Whitworth University, 1985; Ph.D., University of Illinois-
Chicago, 1987.
Simpson, R. Mark
Adjunct Associate Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; A.A., Emory University, 1975;
B.S., University of Georgia, 1977; D.V.M., 1981; Ph.D., Louisiana State University-Baton
Rouge, 1988.
Simpson, Sally S.
Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; B.S., Oregon
State University, 1976; M.A., Washington State University, 1978; Ph.D., University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, 1985.
Sims Jr., Henry P.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1961; M.B.A., University of Detroit/Mercy, 1967; Ph.D., Michigan State University,
Singer, Joshua
Associate Professor, Biology; B.S., Brown University, 1993; Ph.D., University of Washington,
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Singleton, Elizabeth Marie
Lecturer, College of Education Outreach; M.Ed., Loyola University Maryland, 1993.
Singpurwalla, Rachel
Associate Professor, Philosophy; B.A., George Washington University, 1993; M.A., University
of Colorado-Boulder, 1999; Ph.D., 2002.
Sintim, Herman O.
Adjunct Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University College-London, 1999; Ph.D.,
University of Oxford, 2003.
Sisler, Hugh D.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1949; M.S., 1951; Ph.D., 1953.
Sisskin, Vivian D.
Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles,
1974; M.S., Chapman University, 1979.
Sita, Lawrence R.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering;
B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1981; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.
Skibniewski, Miroslaw Jan
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; M.Eng., Warsaw University of Technology,
1981; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1983; Ph.D., 1986.
Skinker, Kathleen Battles
Lecturer, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.S., University of Minnesota-Duluth, 1979; M.A.,
University of Kansas, 1983; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1991.
Skudrna, Radford Joseph
Lecturer, English; B.A., Roger Williams University, 2010; B.F.A., 2010; M.F.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Skuja, Andris
Professor, Physics; B.Sc., University of Toronto, 1966; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley,
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Slack, Craig Eister
Assistant Director, SU-Leadership & Community Service Learning; Lecturer, Counseling,
Higher Education and Special Education; M.A., 1985; Ph.D., University of Maryland-Eastern
Shore, 2012.
Slater, Wayne H.
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of
Minnesota-Duluth, 1967; M.A., 1972; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1982.
Slawson, Kristin Kay
Assistant Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.S., Pennsylvania State University,
2001; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003.
Slevc, Robert
Associate Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of Colorado-Boulder, 1999; Ph.D., University
of California-San Diego, 2007.
Sloan, Rita
Professor, School of Music; B.S., Juilliard School of Music, 1969; M.Mus., 1971.
Slocum, Tyson T.
Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1996.
Slopen, Natalie Bea
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., University of Toronto, 2002; M.A.,
University of Chicago, 2003; Sc.D., Harvard University, 2010.
Slud, Eric Victor
Professor, Mathematics; B.A., Harvard University, 1972; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1976.
Smead, Howard
Lecturer, History; Senior Lecturer, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1970; M.A., 1972; Ph.D., 1979.
Smela, Elisabeth
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Affiliate
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Electrical & Computer
Engineering; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985; M.S., University of
Pennsylvania, 1987; Ph.D., 1992.
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Smiley, Leigh Wilson
Associate Professor & Director, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A.,
Marlboro College, 1982.
Smith, Barry D.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1962; Ph.D., University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, 1964; M.A., Bucknell University, 1967.
Smith, Clayton Arthur
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1986; M.S.,
University of Maryland-University College, 1996; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
Smith, Elbert B.
Professor Emeritus, History; A.B., Maryville College, 1940; A.M., University of Chicago, 1947;
Ph.D., 1949.
Smith, Holly Christine
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1993; M.A., Johns Hopkins
University, 1998.
Smith, J. Carson
Associate Professor, Kinesiology; B.S., Arizona State University, 1993; Ph.D., University of
Georgia, 2000.
Smith, Ken G.
Professor Emeritus, Robert H. Smith School of Business; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S.,
University of Rhode Island, 1970; M.B.A., 1972; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1983.
Smith, Mark W.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Central Michigan University, 2007.
Smith, Martha Nell
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Rutgers University, 1977; M.A., 1982; Ph.D., 1985.
Smith, Paul John
Associate Professor & Director, Mathematics; B.S., Drexel University, 1965; M.S., Case
Western Reserve University, 1967; Ph.D., 1969.
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Smith, Raymond
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., Fordham University, 1990; M.A., CUNY-Hunter
College, 1993.
Smith, Theodore G.
Professor Emeritus, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.E.S., Johns Hopkins University,
1956; M.E.S., 1958; D.Sc., Washington University in Saint Louis, 1960.
Smith-Bynum, Mia Anaya
Associate Professor, Family Science; B.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1993;
M.A., University of Virginia, 1996; Ph.D., 1999.
Soares Jr., Joseph H.
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
1964; M.S., 1966; Ph.D., 1969.
Sochol, Ryan Daniel
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Fischell Department
of Bioengineering; B.S., Northwestern University, 2006; M.S., University of California-
Berkeley, 2009; Ph.D., 2011.
Soergel, Dagobert
Professor Emeritus, College of Information Studies; B.S., University of Freiburg, 1960; M.S.,
1964; Ph.D., 1970.
Soergel, Philip M.
Professor & Chair, History; B.A., Muskingum College, 1980; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1982; Ph.D., 1988.
Solomon, Glenn S.
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S., Duke University, 1980; M.S., 1983; M.S., Stanford University,
1995; Ph.D., 1997.
Solomos, Theophanes
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Athens College of
Agriculture, 1956; M.S., 1957; Ph.D., Cambridge University, 1963.
Soltan, Karol E.
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; A.B., Harvard University, 1972; M.A., University
of Chicago, 1978; M.A., 1981; Ph.D., 1982.
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Sommerfeldt, Erich
Assistant Professor, Communication; B.F.A., Western Michigan University, 2003; M.A., 2007;
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 2011.
Song, Charles
Lecturer, Computer Science; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2003; B.A., 2003;
Ph.D., 2011.
Song, Hee-Jung
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., Sookmyung Women's University-Seoul,
1992; M.S., Korea University-Seoul, 1994; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2008.
Song, Jiuzhou
Associate Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.A., Northwest Agricultural University, 1983;
M.S., 1986; Ph.D., Beijing Agric. U/North China Agric. U, 1995.
Song, Wenxia
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; M.S., Academia Sinica-Beijing, 1986; Ph.D.,
Kansas State University, 1991.
Sonies, Barbara C.
Research Professor Emerita, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Minnesota-Twin
Cities, 1961; M.A., Stanford University, 1963; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
Sosnowski, Saul
Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Professor, Latin American
Studies Center; B.A., University of Scranton, 1967; M.A., University of Virginia, 1968; Ph.D.,
Spangler, Patricia T.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1985;
M.A., 2007; Ph.D., 2010.
Speece, Deborah L.
Professor Emerita, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Bowling Green
State University, 1974; M.Ed., 1978; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1984.
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Speer, Colenso M.
Assistant Professor, Biology; B.S., Arizona State University, 2004; Ph.D., Harvard University,
Spiegel, Sharon B.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Psychology; B.A., CUNY-City College of New York, 1967; M.S.,
Tufts University, 1969; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1975.
Spielman, Ian B.
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1998; Ph.D., California Institute of
Technology, 2004.
Spina, James D.
Senior Lecturer, Management & Organization; B.S., Southern Connecticut State University,
1960; M.S., 1963; Ph.D., University of Connecticut-Hartford, 1983.
Spiro, Marie
Associate Professor Emerita, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Wilson College, 1955; M.A.,
New York University-Institute of Fine Arts, 1961; Ph.D., 1975.
Spivak, Steven M.
Professor Emeritus, Fire Protection Engineering; B.S., Philadelphia University, 1963; M.S.,
Georgia Institute of Technology, 1965; Ph.D., University of Manchester, 1967.
Spivey, Michael
Lecturer, Government & Politics; B.A., Birmingham Southern College, 1977; M.A., University
of Illinois-Chicago, 1979; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Splaine, John E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Education Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of New
Hampshire, 1963; M.A., 1965; Ed.D., Boston University, 1973.
Sprangle, Phillip A.
Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics; Professor, Electrical &
Computer Engineering; Professor, Physics; B.S., Polytechnic Institute NYU, 1967; M.A.,
University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, 1969; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1973.
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Spring, Neil
Associate Professor, Computer Science; Associate Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., University of California-San Diego, 1997; M.S., University of Washington, 2000;
D.Pol.Sc., 2004; Ph.D., 2004.
Sprinkle, Robert H.
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy; A.B., Dartmouth College, 1971; M.D., University
of Cincinnati, 1975; M.A., Princeton University, 1989; Ph.D., 1990.
Srebric, Jelena
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology;
B.S., University of Belgrade, 1994; M.S., 1997; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Srinivasan, Aravind
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; B.S., Indian
Institute of Technology-Madras, 1989; M.S., Cornell University, 1993; Ph.D., 1993.
Sriram, Ganesh
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Indian Institute of
Technology-Mumbai, 1997; M.S., 1999; Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2004.
Srivastava, Ankur
Professor & Associate Chair, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for
Systems Research; B.Elect.E., Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, 1998; M.S., Northwestern
University, 2000; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2002.
St Clair, Travis
Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Harvard University, 2001; M.Ed., 2007;
Ph.D., George Washington University, 2012.
St Jean, Beth L.
Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; B.A., Smith College, 1988; M.S., University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2006; Ph.D., 2011.
StLeger, Raymond J.
Distinguished University Professor, Entomology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S.,
University of Exeter, 1978; M.S., University of London, 1980; Ph.D., Bath University, 1987.
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Stachura, Frederick C.
Lecturer, Historic Preservation Program; B.A., Boston College, 1981; J.D., St. Louis University,
1986; M.A., Boston University, 1996.
Stahl, Chad H.
Professor & Chair, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., North Carolina State University, 1996; M.S.,
Cornell University, 1998; Ph.D., 2001.
Staiger, Roger
Lecturer, Real Estate Development; B.S., Bucknell University, 1992; M.B.A., George
Washington University, 1996; M.A., George Mason University, 1997; M.S., George Washington
University, 2000.
Stairs, Allen
Professor & Associate Chair, Philosophy; B.A., University of New Brunswick-Fredericton,
1973; M.A., University of Western Ontario-London, 1975; Ph.D., 1978.
Stakland, Steven Keyes
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., Brigham Young University,
2007; M.S., Utah State University, 2010.
Staley, Gregory A.
Professor, Classics; B.A., Dickinson College, 1970; M.A., Princeton University, 1973; Ph.D.,
Stangor, Charles G.
Professor, Psychology; B.A., Beloit College, 1973; M.A., New York University, 1984; Ph.D.,
Stanutz, Katherine Anne
Assistant Director, HCOL-University Honors Program; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 2007; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2015.
Stapleton, Laura M.
Associate Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988; M.Ed., George Mason University, 1992; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2001.
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Starr, Evan Penniman
Assistant Professor, Management & Organization; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.A., Denison University, 2007; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009;
Ph.D., 2014.
Steel, Donald H.
Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology; B.A., Trenton State College, 1955; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1957; Ph.D., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, 1964.
Steele, Catherine Knight
Assistant Professor, Communication; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2007; M.A., DePaul University, 2008; Ph.D.,
University of Illinois-Chicago, 2014.
Stehle, Eva Marie
Professor Emerita, Classics; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1966; Ph.D., University of
Cincinnati, 1971.
Stein, Daniel C.
Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1977; Ph.D.,
University of Rochester, 1981; M.S., 1981.
Steinberg, Julia Renee
Assistant Professor, Family Science; B.A., University of Toledo, 2001; M.A., Arizona State
University, 2004; Ph.D., 2008.
Steiner, Linda
Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
Smith College, 1972; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1979.
Steinman, Robert Martin
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; D.D.S., St. Louis University, 1948; M.A., The New School,
1962; Ph.D., 1964.
Stephens, E. Robert
Professor Emeritus, Education Policy and Leadership; B.S., Morningside College, 1952; M.S.,
Drake University, 1958; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1966.
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Stepno, Kelly Marie
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
1997; J.D., George Mason University, 2003; M.B.A., 2010.
Stepp, Carl Sessions
Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., University of South Carolina-Columbia,
1970; M.A., 1972.
Stern, James
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Juilliard School of Music, 1984; M.Mus., 1985; D.Music,
Sternberg, Yaron M.
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1961; M.S., University of California-Davis, 1963; Ph.D., 1965.
Sternheim, Charles E.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.A., State University of New York-Albany, 1961; Ph.D.,
University of Rochester, 1967.
Stevens, Cynthia Kay
Associate Professor & Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies; Associate Professor, Robert H.
Smith School of Business; Associate Professor, Psychology; B.A., Western Washington
University, 1982; M.A., Miami University, 1984; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1990.
Stevens, L Luminita
Assistant Professor, Economics; B.A., Dartmouth College, 2003; Ph.D., Columbia University,
Stewart, Gilbert W.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Computer Science; A.B., University of Tennessee-
Knoxville, 1962; Ph.D., 1968.
Stewart, Kathleen E.
Associate Professor, Geography; B.S., McMaster University-Hamilton, 1982; M.S., University
of British Columbia, 1984; Ph.D., University of Maine at Orono, 1999.
Stewart, Larry E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S.A.E., West Virginia
University-Morgantown, 1960; M.S., 1961; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1972.
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Stewart, Richard C.
Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., College of William & Mary,
1980; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1984.
Stickle, Wendy
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., St. Mary's College of Maryland, 2002; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2005; Ph.D., 2009.
Stifel, Peter B.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Geology; B.S., Cornell University, 1958; Ph.D., University of
Utah, 1964.
Stocker, Lenea Hope
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.A., McDaniel College, 2007; B.S., 2007; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2008; Ph.D., 2013.
Stoliarov, Stanislav I.
Associate Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Mechanical
Engineering; B.S./M.S., Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, 1993; Ph.D., Catholic
University of America, 2000.
Stoltzfus, Arlin
Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Adjunct
Professor, Biology; B.A., Grinnell College, 1985; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1991.
Stone, Clarence N.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; A.B., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 1957;
M.A., Duke University, 1960; Ph.D., 1963.
Stone, Earle
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Texas-San Antonio, 1977; A.A., St.
Mary's University, 1994; Ph.D., Texas A&M University-College Station, 2003.
Stone, Jacqueline
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Lycoming College, 1968; M.S., College of William &
Mary, 1974.
Strand Jr., Ivar E.
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.A., University of Rochester, 1967;
M.A., University of Rhode Island, 1972; Ph.D., 1975.
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Straney, David C.
Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Brown University, 1982; M.S.,
Yale University, 1984; Ph.D., 1987.
Straub, John
Lecturer, Economics; B.A., Boston College, 1988; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1997; Ph.D., 2002.
Strauch, Gabriele L.
Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A.,
Padagogische Hochschule des Saarlandes, 1969; M.A., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale,
1975; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984.
Strein, William O.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S.,
Pennsylvania State University, 1970; M.S., 1973; D.Ed., 1979.
Stricklin, William Ray
Associate Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1968;
M.S., 1972; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1975.
Striffler, Charles D.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S.E., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1961; M.S.E., 1963; Ph.D., 1972.
Stroka, Kimberly Murley
Assistant Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Denison University, 2006;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
Strom, Justin
Associate Professor, Art; B.A., Columbia College (Missouri), 1998; M.F.A., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 2003.
Stromquist, Nelly
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; Affiliate Professor, Women's
Studies; Affiliate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., Monterey Institute of
International Studies, 1966; M.A., 1968; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1975.
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Struna, Nancy L.
Professor Emerita, American Studies; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1972; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1975; Ph.D., 1979.
Studd, Karen A.
Lecturer, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; M.S., University of Oregon, 1985.
Stunkel, Sally Melissa
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Hofstra University, 1974; M.F.A., University of Cincinnati,
Suadin, I Ketut
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Konservatory Karawitan (Conservatory for the Performing
Arts, 1985.
Subasi, Musa
Assistant Professor, Accounting; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
Bilkent University, 2005; M.S., University of Texas-Austin, 2007; Ph.D., University of Texas-
Dallas, 2012.
Subrahmanian, Venkatramanan
Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; M.Sc., Birla Institute of Technology & Science,
1985; M.S., Syracuse University, 1987; Ph.D., 1989.
Subramaniam, Mega
Associate Professor, College of Information Studies; M.S., Indiana University, 1998; Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 2007.
Sucher, Joseph
Professor Emeritus, Physics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., City University of New York-
Brooklyn College, 1952; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1957.
Sukharev, Sergei I.
Professor, Biology; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; M.S.,
Moscow State University, 1980; Ph.D., 1987.
Sullivan, Denis F.
Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; A.B., Tufts University, 1966; M.S.,
Catholic University of America, 1972; Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1975.
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Sullivan, Gregory W.
Professor, Physics; B.S., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 1983; M.S., 1985; M.S.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1986; Ph.D., 1990.
Sullivan, Jack
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; Affiliate Associate Professor,
American Studies; B.F.A., Ohio State University, 1975; M.L.A., University of Virginia, 1980.
Sullivan, Joseph H.
Professor & Associate Dean, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources; Professor & Associate
Dean, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; Affiliate Professor, Environmental Science &
Technology; B.A., Erskine College, 1978; M.S., Western Carolina University, 1980; Ph.D.,
Clemson University, 1985.
Sumida, Jon T.
Professor, History; B.A., University of California-Santa Cruz, 1971; M.A., University of
Chicago, 1974; Ph.D., 1982.
Summers, Timothy C.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.S., Elizabeth City State University, 2004; CERT GR,
Villanova University, 2005; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2007; Ph.D., Case Western
Reserve University, 2015.
Sumrean, Nidak A.
Lecturer, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., North Carolina State University, 1988; M.S.,
University of Denver, 1994; M.S., National Defense University, 2003.
Sun, Laixiang
Professor, Geography; B.S., Peking University, 1978; M.S., 1985; Ph.D., The Hague University,
Sun, Tingni
Assistant Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Peking University, 2007; Ph.D., Rutgers University,
Sunderland, Peter B.
Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S.,
Cornell University, 1983; M.S., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1986; M.S., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1993; Ph.D., 1995.
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Sundrum, Raman
Distinguished University Professor, Physics; B.S., University of Sydney, 1984; Ph.D., Yale
University, 1990.
Sunny, Nishanth Edakulathur
Assistant Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Kerala Agricultural University, 2001; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2005; Ph.D., 2008.
Sunshine, Jessica M.
Professor, Astronomy; B.S., Brown University, 1988; M.S., 1989; Ph.D., 1993.
Suppe, Frederick
Professor Emeritus, Philosophy; A.B., University of California-Riverside, 1962; M.A.,
University of Michigan, 1964; Ph.D., 1967.
Suriano, Matthew
Assistant Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for Jewish Studies; B.A., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1993; M.A., Jerusalem University College, 2000; M.A., University
of California-Los Angeles, 2004; Ph.D., 2008.
Sussman, Alan L.
Professor & Associate Chair, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.Elect.E., Princeton University, 1982; Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1991.
Sutherland, Donald
Professor, History; B.A., Carleton University-Ottawa, 1965; M.A., University of Sussex-Falmer,
1967; Ph.D., University of London, 1974.
Svingala, Forrest R.
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology,
2009; M.S., 2009; Ph.D., 2012.
Swagel, Phillip L.
Professor, School of Public Policy; B.A., Princeton University, 1987; M.A., Harvard University,
1990; Ph.D., 1993.
Swain, Bethany
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.S., Ithaca College, 2002.
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Sweet, Tracy Morrison
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.S., Bucknell
University, 2000; M.A., Morgan State University, 2007; M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University,
2008; Ph.D., 2012.
Sweeting, Andrew Thomas
Associate Professor, Economics; B.A., University of Oxford, 1995; Masters of Philosophy,
1997; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Swenson, Nathan G.
Associate Professor, Biology; B.A., St. Olaf College, 2001; M.S., New Mexico State University-
Las Cruces, 2004; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2008.
Swift, Christopher Noel
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Purdue University-Calumet, 1997; M.F.A., University of
Minnesota-Morris, 1999; Communication, Northwestern University, 2006.
Swistak, Piotr T.
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; M.S., University of Warsaw, 1978; M.A., 1979;
M.A., University of Chicago, 1985; Ph.D., 1987.
Szczepaniec-Bialas, Anna
Lecturer, English; M.A., Silesian University, 1989.
Sze, Heven
Professor Emerita, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., National Taiwan University, 1968;
M.S., University of California-Davis, 1970; Ph.D., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1975.
Tablante Jr., Nathaniel L.
Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; Professor, VA-MD Regional College Veterinary
Medicine; D.V.M., University of the Philippines-Quezon, 1976; M.P.V.M., University of
California-Davis, 1985; M.S., University of Guelph-Ontario, 1995.
Taboada Barber, Ana M.
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Centro de Altos
Estudios en Ciencias Exactas, 1991; M.Ed., Temple University, 1998; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2003.
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Tadmor, Eitan
Distinguished University Professor, Center for Scientific Computation and Math Modeling;
Distinguished University Professor, Mathematics; Distinguished University Professor, Institute
for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., Tel Aviv University, 1973; M.S., 1975; Ph.D., 1979.
Tahamont, Sarah
Assistant Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Vassar College, 2004; M.P.P.,
University of California-Berkeley, 2009; Ph.D., 2013.
Takeuchi, Ichiro
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Physics-Center for Nanophysics
& Advanced Materials; B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1987; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1996.
Talaat, Mostafa E.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Cairo, 1946; M.S., University
of Pennsylvania, 1947; Ph.D., 1951.
Talin, Albert Alec
Adjunct Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., University of California-
San Diego, 1989; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 1995.
Tambe, Ashwini
Associate Professor, Women's Studies; B.S., Bangalore University, 1991; M.S., 1992; Ph.D.,
Ohio State University, 1995; Ph.D., American University, 2000.
Tamboli, Prabahkar M.
Adjunct Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Agra University, 1950; M.S.,
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1952; Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1961.
Tamvakis, Harry
Professor, Mathematics; B.A., Greece, 1990; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1997.
Taneyhill, Lisa Anne
Associate Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.A., McDaniel College, 1995; M.S., Princeton
University, 1997; Ph.D., 2000.
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Tangirala, Subrahmaniam
Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.E., Osmania University, 1995; M.S., XLRI,Jamshedpur, India, 1997; Ph.D.,
Purdue University-West Lafayette, 2006.
Tao, Yang
Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Nanjing University/Nanking University,
1982; M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1988; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1991.
Taranto, Mark A.
Associate Clinical Professor, Finance; B.S., Villanova University, 1974; M.B.A., Duke
University, 1997; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2001.
Tarica, Ralph
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Emory University,
1954; M.A., 1958; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1966.
Tausczik, Yla
Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; B.A., University of California-Berkeley,
2005; M.A., University of Texas-Austin, 2012; Ph.D., 2012; Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University,
Taylor, Deborah D.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1973;
M.A./M.L.S., 1974.
Taylor, Jacob
Adjunct Associate Professor, Physics; B.A., Harvard University, 2000; Ph.D., 2006.
Taylor, Leonard S.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.A., Harvard University, 1951; M.S.,
New Mexico State University-Las Cruces, 1956; Ph.D., 1960.
Taylor, Mary Susan
Professor, Management & Organization; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of South Alabama, 1973; M.S., Iowa State
University, 1975; Ph.D., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1978.
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Taylor-Thoma, Marcie
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Rowan University, 1975; M.Ed.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1998; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2009.
Tchetcherina, Natalia F.
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.A., Moscow State University, 1992; M.S., Pennsylvania State
University, 2007.
Teglasi, Hedwig
Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., Rutgers University, 1969;
M.A., Temple University, 1971; Ph.D., Hofstra University, 1975.
Teie, David E.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, 1977;
M.Mus., 1978.
Teitelbaum, Gregory Allen
Assistant Instructor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 2007.
Telhami, Shibley
Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., CUNY-Queens College, 1974; M.A., Graduate
Theological Union, 1978; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1986.
Telugu, Bhanu
Assistant Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., S.V. Veterinary University, 2001; Ph.D.,
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2008; Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2008.
Tenney, Judith Barbara
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1968; M.A., 1972.
Terchek, Ronald J.
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; B.A., University of Chicago, 1958; M.A., 1960;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1965.
Terpos, Colleen Marie
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., University of Miami, 1988; M.A., Boston College, 1990.
Thakker, Rikin
Lecturer, ECE-Telecommunications Program; B.E., Gujarat University, 2000; M.S., University
of Maryland-College Park, 2002; Ph.D., George Washington University, 2013.
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Thamire, Chandrasekhar
Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.Tech., Jawharlal Nehru Technical University, 1987;
M.S., University of Maryland-Baltimore County, 1997; Ph.D., 1997.
Therrien, Madeleine B.
Professor Emerita, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Ph.D., Michigan State
University, 1966.
Thiel, Eric S.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Colorado State University-Fort Collins, 1998; M.A., American
University, 2008.
Thirumalai, Devarajan
Visiting Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Adjunct Professor, Chemistry &
Biochemistry; M.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur, 1977; Ph.D., University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1982.
Thoma, Marie Elizabeth
Assistant Professor, Family Science; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 2000; Ph.D., Johns
Hopkins University, 2010; M.H.S., 2010.
Thomas, Martha J.
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of New Hampshire, 1983.
Thomas, Stephen B.
Professor & Director, Health Services Administration; B.S., Ohio State University, 1980; M.S.,
Illinois State University, 1981; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, 1985.
Thompson, Anne
Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1970; M.A.,
Princeton University, 1972; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, 1978.
Thompson, Barbara Jean
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1984;
M.A., 1987; Ph.D., 1990.
Thompson, Katerina V.
Director, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; Instructor, Biology; B.S., Virginia
Polytechnic & State University, 1982; M.S., 1985; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
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Thompson, Rachel
Lecturer, Academy of Innovation & Entrepreneurship; B.A., Kansas State University, 2008.
Thorne, Barbara L.
Professor Emerita, Entomology; B.A., Brown University, 1976; M.A., Harvard University, 1978;
Ph.D., 1983.
Thorpe, James George.
Associate Professor, Art; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1973; M.F.A., 1975.
Tiesinga, Eite
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.S./M.S., University of Groningen, 1988; Ph.D., Eindhoven
University of Technology, 1993.
Tikekar, Rohan
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; Bachelor of Technology, India, 2004; M.S.,
Rutgers Biomedical & Health Sciences, 2006; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2010.
Tilghman, James W.
Associate Clinical Professor, Architecture Program; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1982;
M.Arch., Harvard University, 1986.
Tilley, David R.
Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., North Carolina State
University, 1992; B.S., 1992; M.Eng., University of Florida, 1996; Ph.D., 1999.
Tipton, Linda C.
Lecturer, Psychology; B.A., Transylvania University, 1988; M.A., Ohio State University, 1990;
Ph.D., 1993.
Tirrell-Corbin, Christy
Associate Clinical Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A.,
Connecticut College, 1980; M.S., East Carolina University, 1984; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1996.
Tismaneanu, Vladimir
Professor, Government & Politics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., University of
Bucharest, 1974; Ph.D., 1980.
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Tits, Andre L.
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., University of Liege, 1974; M.S., University of
California-Berkeley, 1979; Ph.D., 1980.
Titus, Marvin A.
Associate Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., CUNY-York
College, 1979; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1982; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2003.
Tiwary, Pratyush
Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Assistant Professor, Institute for Physical
Science & Technology; B.S., Banaras Hindu University, 2007; M.S., California Institute of
Technology, 2008; Ph.D., 2012.
Tjaden Jr., Robert L.
Principal Agent, Environmental Science & Technology; A.O., University of Maine at Augusta,
1976; B.S., 1978; Forestry, Duke University, 1986; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park,
Tochka, Nicholas
Lecturer, School of Music; B.S., Hofstra University, 2004; M.A., SUNY-Stony Brook, 2007;
Ph.D., 2012.
Todd, David Y.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Georgia, 1981; J.D., University of Connecticut, 1985; M.F.A.,
University of Florida, 1993.
Tomblin, David
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.S., Old Dominion University, 1991; M.S.,
Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1994; Ph.D., 2009.
Tomlinson, Tracy Darlene
Lecturer, Psychology; B.A., Reed College, 2003; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
2007; Ph.D., 2009.
Tonwar, Suresh Chandra
Lecturer, Physics; B.A., Agra University, 1959; B.S., 1959; M.S., 1961; Ph.D., University of
Bombay, 1971.
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Torero, Jose L.
Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S.,
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru-Lima, 1988; M.S., University of California-Berkeley,
1991; Ph.D., 1992.
Torney-Purta, Judith
Professor Emerita, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; A.B., Stanford
University, 1959; M.A., University of Chicago, 1962; Ph.D., 1965.
Torrents, Alba
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Universitat de Barcelona, 1985; M.A.,
Johns Hopkins University, 1988; Ph.D., 1992.
Toth, Elizabeth L.
Professor, Communication; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.S., Northwestern
University, 1966; M.A., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1969; Ph.D., 1975; B.S.,
Northwestern University, 1996.
Toth, Richard Joseph
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1969; B.J., University of
Missouri-Columbia, 1969; M.A., 1971; M.A., 1971.
Townshend, John R.
Professor Emeritus, Geography; B.Sc., University College-London, 1967; B.Sc., 1967; Ph.D.,
Travers, Kathleen A.
Associate Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Brigham
Young University, 1973; B.A., University of Chicago, 1974; B.S., Marquette University, 1978;
M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1982; M.Ed., George Mason University, 1993; Ph.D., University
of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000.
Tretter, Steven Alan
Associate Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1962; M.A., Princeton University, 1964; Ph.D., 1966.
Triantis, Alexander J.
Professor & Dean, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A., University of Toronto, 1984;
M.Eng., 1984; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1988.
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Tripp, Kerry W.
Senior Lecturer, Family Science; B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1982; J.D., University of Notre
Dame, 1985.
Trivisa, Konstantina
Professor & Director, Mathematics; Professor & Associate Director, Institute for Physical
Science & Technology; B.S., University of Patras, 1990; M.S., Brown University, 1992; Ph.D.,
Tronetti, Rajshree Agarwal
Professor, Management & Organization; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
University of Bombay, 1986; M.A., 1988; M.A., SUNY-University at Buffalo, 1990; Ph.D.,
SUNY-College at Buffalo, 1995.
Tropin, Mitchell Jaye
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2003.
Trouve, Arnaud C.
Professor, Fire Protection Engineering; M.S., Ecole Centrale Des Arts Et Manufac-Paris, 1985;
Ph.D., 1989.
Trudell, Scott A.
Assistant Professor, English; B.A., Tufts University, 2002; M.A., Rutgers University, 2009;
Ph.D., 2012.
Truman, Kathryn E.
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Saint Norbert College, 2000; M.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2003; M.A., 2003; Ph.D., 2007.
Trusov, Michael S.
Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Riga Technical University, 1993; M.A., 1995; M.B.A., California State Univ-Northridge, 2002;
Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2007.
Trusty, James M.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Wake Forest University, 1986; J.D., Emory
University, 1989.
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Tsong, Mayron Kacy
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Calgary, 1991; M.Mus., 1994;
M.Mus., Rice University, 2001; D.M.A., 2002.
Tuchman, Mendel
Adjunct Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; M.D., Tel Aviv University, 1978.
Tully, Kate
Assistant Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.A., Kenyon College, 2004;
M.S., University of Virginia, 2007; Ph.D., 2011.
Tunca, Tunay
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; M.S., University of Rochester, 1997; M.S., Stanford University, 2000; Ph.D., 2002.
Turko, Illarion V.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; M.S.,
Byelorussian State University, 1981; B.S., 1981; Ph.D., Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, 1987.
Turner, Hugh Stetson
Associate Clinical Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; B.S., Massachusetts Maritime
Academy, 1979; M.B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1987; Ph.D., 2001.
Turner, Jennifer Danridge
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 1994; M.Ed., Temple University, 1995; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2003.
Turner, Lesley Jeanne
Assistant Professor, Economics; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2004; M.P.P., 2005;
M.A., Columbia University, 2009; Ph.D., 2012.
Turner, Mary D.
Lecturer, English; B.A., Ohio State University, 1961; M.A., 1970.
Turner, Paul C.
Assistant Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Assistant Professor,
Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., University of Surrey-Guildford, 1990; Ph.D., University of
Edinburgh, 1995.
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Turner, Thomas R.
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State
University, 1973; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1976; Ph.D., 1980.
Turso, James Anthony
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., SUNY-Maritime College, 1984;
M.S., Manhattan College, 1990; M.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1993; Ph.D., 1995; M.S.,
University of Idaho, 2009;
Tuthill, Dean Fanning
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., Cornell University, 1949; M.S.,
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1954; Ph.D., 1958.
Tycko, Robert
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.A., Princeton University, 1980; Ph.D., University of California-
Berkeley, 1984.
Tyler, Bonnie B.
Associate Professor Emerita, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A.,
DePauw University, 1948; M.A., Ohio State University, 1949; Ph.D., 1954.
Tyler, Forrest B.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; B.A., DePauw University, 1948; M.A., Ohio State University,
1950; Ph.D., 1952.
Uccellini, Louis
Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1971; M.S., 1972; Ph.D., 1977.
Udahogora, Margaret
Lecturer, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., University of New Hampshire, 2001; M.S., 2003;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
Uler, Neslihan
Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; B.S., The Middle East Tech
University-Ankara, 2001; M.A., New York University, 2005; PH.D., 2007.
Ulf, Patricia S.
Lecturer, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1974; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1978.
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Ulukus, Sennur
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Bilkent University, 1991; M.S., 1993; Ph.D., 1998.
Unal, Haluk
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A., Istanbul University,
1973; Doctor, 1976; M.A., Ohio State University, 1981; Ph.D., 1985.
Underland, Nathaniel John
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Scranton, 2006; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2016.
Upadhyaya, Arpita
Associate Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Associate Professor, Physics;
M.S., Birla Institute of Technology & Science, 1994; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2000.
Upshaw, Natalie
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; B.A., Florida State University, 2010; M.S., 2014.
Urban, E. Louise
Professor Emerita, School of Music; B.A., College of Wooster, 1957; M.A., Columbia
University, 1959.
Uriagereka, Juan
Professor, Linguistics; B.A., University of Deusto-Spain, 1983; M.A., University of Connecticut,
1986; Ph.D., 1988.
Urzua, Sergio
Associate Professor, Economics; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin American Studies Center;
B.A., Universidad de Chile, 2000; M.A., 2001; M.A., University of Chicago, 2003; Ph.D., 2007.
Uslaner, Eric M.
Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., Brandeis University, 1968; M.A., Indiana University-
Bloomington, 1970; Ph.D., 1973.
Vacante, Dennis F.
Lecturer, Kinesiology; B.A., University of West Florida-Pensacola, 1971; M.A., Washington
Theological Union, 1979.
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Vadala, Christopher J.
Professor, School of Music; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.Mus., University of Rochester,
1970; M.A., Connecticut College, 1973.
Valente, Evandro Gurgel Do Amaral
Lecturer, A. James Clark School of Engineering; B.A., Lock Haven University, 2000; B.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2003; M.S., 2006.
Valentine, Brian G.
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering; B.S.,
Siena College, 1973; M.Eng., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1981; Ph.D., 1986.
Valiavitcharska, Vessela
Associate Professor, English; B.A., University of Sofia, 1995; M.A., University of Chicago,
1997; P.O., Ohio State University, 1998; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 2007.
Valli, Linda R.
Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Mercy College, 1970;
M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1976; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983.
Van Den Dool, Hugo M.
Adjunct Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Universiteit Utrecht, 1968; M.S.,
1971; Ph.D., 1975.
Van Eck, Kathryn
Lecturer, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; M.A., James Madison
University, 2008; Ph.D., University of South Carolina-Columbia, 2014.
Van Horn, David
Assistant Professor, Computer Science; Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; B.S., University of Vermont, 2003; M.S., 2006; Ph.D., Brandeis University, 2009.
Van Wagoner, Steven Larrimore
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., Lebanon Valley College, 1980; M.A., University
of Maryland-College Park, 1986; Ph.D., 1993.
VanKlompenberg, Monica K
Lecturer, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Michigan State University, 2008; Ph.D., University of
California-Davis, 2013.
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VanNetta, Catherine M.
Lecturer, College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences; B.S., Towson University, 1988;
M.Ed., 1994; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2000.
Vandenbosch, Jean
Lecturer, Communication; B.A., Notre Dame College, 1965; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1971.
VanderGoot, Jana Kristina
Assistant Professor, Architecture Program; Assistant Professor, School of Architecture,
Planning, & Preservation; B.Arch., University of Notre Dame, 2001; M.Arch., University of
Virginia, 2010; M.L.Arch., Harvard University, 2013.
Vanderheiden, Gregg C.
Professor, College of Information Studies; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1972; M.S.,
1974; Ph.D., 1984.
Vandersall, John H.
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Ohio State University, 1950; M.S., 1954;
Ph.D., 1959.
Vann, Robert L.
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation; B.S., University of Texas-
Austin, 1968; Ph.D.Arch.Hist., Cornell University, 1976.
Vanneman, Reeve Doering
Professor, Sociology; A.B., Cornell University, 1967; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1975.
Vannoy, Donald W.
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., West Virginia University Institute
of Techn, 1970; M.S., University of Virginia, 1971; Ph.D., 1975.
Varner, Mark A.
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., University of Minnesota-Crookston, 1975;
M.S., Washington State University, 1977; Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1982.
Varshney, Amitabh
Vice President, VP Research; Professor, Computer Science; Professor, Institute for Advanced
Computer Studies; B.S., Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, 1989; M.S., University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1991; Ph.D., 1994.
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Vaughan, Mary Kay
Professor Emerita, History; B.A., Cornell University, 1964; M.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1970; Ph.D., 1973.
Vaughn-Cooke, Monifa
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Institute for Systems
Research; B.S., University of Southern California, 2004; M.S., 2006; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
University, 2012.
Vedernikov, Andrei
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Kazan State University, 1983; M.S., 1986; Ph.D.,
Veilleux, Sylvain
Professor & Director, Astronomy; B.S., University of Montreal, 1984; M.S., University of
California-Santa Cruz, 1986; Ph.D., 1989.
Venit, Marjorie S.
Professor Emerita, Art History & Archaeology; B.F.A., San Francisco Art Institute, 1962; M.A.,
New York University, 1976; Ph.D., 1982.
Venkataramani, Vijaya
Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.S., University of Delhi, 1998; M.B.A., India, 2000; Ph.D., Purdue University-
West Lafayette, 2008.
Verdaguer, Pierre M.
Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Licence/M.A., University of
Paris Iii, 1972; Agregation, University of Paris, 1974; Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1981.
Verma, Satyendra Kumar
Lecturer, Economics; B.S., University of Rajasthan, 1966; M.S., 1969; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1982; Ph.D., 1986.
Vernekar, Anandu D.
Professor Emeritus, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.Sc., University of Poona, 1956; M.Sc.,
1959; M.S., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1963; Ph.D., 1966.
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Via, Sara
Professor, Entomology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Duke University, 1974; M.S.,
Australian National University-Canberra, 1976; Ph.D., Duke University, 1983.
Vietri, Lois T.
Research Associate Professor Emerita, Government & Politics; B.A., Rosemont College, 1970;
M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1972; Ph.D., 1981.
Vijay, Inder K.
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Punjab University, 1961; M.S., University
of Saskatchewan-Saskatoon, 1966; Ph.D., University of California-Davis, 1971.
Villani, Stefano
Associate Professor, History; B.A., University of Pisa, 1991; M.A., 1993; Ph.D., Scuola Normale
Superiore, Pisa, Italy, 1999.
Villarreal, Andres
Professor, Sociology; B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989; M.S., 1991; M.A.,
University of California-San Diego, 1994; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2002.
Vincent, Daniel R.
Professor, Economics; B.A., University of Toronto, 1981; B.A., University of Oxford, 1983;
Ph.D., Princeton University, 1987.
Vinnikov, Konstantin
Research Scientist Emeritus, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; M.S., Lenigrad
Hydrometeorlogical Institute, 1961; Ph.D., Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory-Leningrad,
Vishkin, Uzi
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; B.S., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1974;
M.S., 1975; D.Sc., Technion-Israel Institute of Tech, 1981.
Viswanathan, Sivakumar
Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; M.S., New York University, 2000; Ph.D., 2002.
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Vitak, Jessica
Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; B.A., Elon University, 2002; M.A.,
Georgetown University, 2008; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2012.
Vitzthum, Richard Carleton
Professor Emeritus, English; B.A., Amherst College, 1957; M.A.T., Harvard University, 1958;
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1963.
Vogel, Christopher
Lecturer, Philosophy; B.A., California State Univ-Northridge, 2005.
Vogel, Kathleen Margaret
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1998.
Vogel, Stuart N.
Professor, Astronomy; B.A., Williams College, 1975; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley,
Volchok, Mikhail
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Moscow State Conservatory, 1972; M.Mus., St. Petersburg
State Conservatory, 1974; Ph.D., 1976.
Volk, Alicia
Associate Professor, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., University of Virginia, 1994; M.A., Yale
University, 1999; M.A., 2001; Ph.D., 2005.
Voltz, Amy Kathryn
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., Philadelphia
College of Pharmacy & Sci, 1989; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University Medical School, 1995.
Von Euw, Michelle Helene
Lecturer, English; B.A., George Washington University, 1996; M.F.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2005.
Votta Jr., Michael
Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1979; B.S., 1979;
M.Mus., 1980; M.Mus., 1981; D.M.A., University of Rochester, 1986;
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Vough, Lester R.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Pennsylvania State
University, 1966; M.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1969; Ph.D., Purdue University-
West Lafayette, 1972.
Wachsman, Eric D.
Professor & Director, Materials Science & Engineering; Professor & Director, Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1982; M.S., Stanford
University, 1986; Ph.D., 1990.
Wagner, Daniel MacLean
Professor Emeritus, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1979; M.A., 1982.
Wagner, Janet
Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
Cornell University, 1970; M.A., 1973; Ph.D., Kansas State University, 1982.
Waguespack, David M.
Associate Professor, Management & Organization; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School
of Business; B.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1989; M.Pol.Sc., University of
Oregon, 1998; D.Pol.Sc., 1998.
Wakefield, John E.
Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor,
1963; M.Mus., 1964.
Waks, Edo
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Research in Electronics &
Applied Physics; Affiliate Professor, Physics; B.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1995; M.S., 1996;
Ph.D., Stanford University, 2003.
Waks, Leah
Director, Communication; B.A., Tel Aviv University, 1980; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 1991.
Walden, Candace Brie
Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., California State Univ-Northridge, 2015.
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Walejko, Gina
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology; B.S., University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 2002; M.S., 2005; M.S., 2005; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2010.
Walker, Eric Snow
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute; M.A., American University, 1980; M.F.A., University of
Iowa, 1982.
Walker, Margaret Anne
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1991; M.S., McDaniel College, 1994; Ed.D., 2008; Ed.D., Columbia
University, 2010.
Walker, Richard Ernest
Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., University
of West Virginia, 1966; M.A., 1968; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1973.
Walker, Richard J.
Professor & Chair, Geology; B.S., College of William & Mary, 1979; M.S., SUNY-Stony Brook,
1981; Ph.D., 1984.
Walkoe, Janet
Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., University of Chicago,
1994; M.S., University of Illinois-Chicago, 2008; Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2013.
Wallace, James M.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; Visiting Professor, Institute for Physical Science &
Technology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.C.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1962;
M.S., 1964; PH.D., University of Oxford, 1969.
Wallace, Stephen J.
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Case Western Reserve University, 1961; M.S., University of
Washington, 1969; Ph.D., 1971.
Wallen, Jacqueline
Associate Professor Emerita, Family Science; B.A., Lake Forest College, 1965; M.A., University
of Chicago, 1967; Ph.D., 1976; M.S.W., Catholic University of America, 1989.
Wallis, John Joseph
Professor, Economics; B.A., University of Washington, 1975; M.A., 1978; Ph.D., 1981.
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Walls Jr., Roy Smith
Instructor, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1975;
M.S., 1987.
Wallsten, Thomas S.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology; Research Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language;
B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1964; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1966; Ph.D.,
Walsh, Christopher S.
Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.A., Middlebury College, 1969; M.S.,
Cornell University, 1977; Ph.D., 1980.
Walsh, Michelle M .
Lecturer, English; B.A., Salisbury University, 2004; M.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University,
Walston Jr., William H.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.M.E., University of Delaware, 1959;
M.S., 1961; Ph.D., 1964.
Walter, Christina
Associate Professor, English; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2008.
Walters, Barbara S.
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1961;
B.S., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1961; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign,
1962; M.S., University of Illinois-Chicago, 1962.
Walters, William B.
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Kansas State University, 1960; Ph.D., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1964.
Wang, Chunsheng
Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Materials Science &
Engineering; B.S., Jiamusi University, 1982; M.S., Harbin Institute of Technology, 1988; Ph.D.,
Zhejiang University, 1995.
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Wang, Cixin
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., Peking
University, 2004; M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006; M.A., 2008; Ph.D., 2011.
Wang, Jian
Associate Professor, Entomology; B.S., Nanjing University/Nanking University, 1984; M.S.,
1988; Ph.D., Shanghai Agricultural University, 1998.
Wang, Lai-Xi
Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Sc.D., Hokkaido University, 1996.
Wang, Liang-Chun
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., National Sun
Yat Sen University, 2005; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Wang, Martha Ottenberg
Lecturer, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Carnegie-Mellon University, 2004;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Wang, Min Qi
Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., Peking University, 1974; M.S., Florida State
University, 1981; Ph.D., Arizona State University, 1987.
Wang, Min
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Affiliate Professor, Center for
Advanced Study of Language; B.S., Hangzhou University, 1987; M.A., 1990; Ph.D., University
of Toronto, 2000.
Wang, Nam Sun
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., University of California-
Berkeley, 1979; M.S., California Institute of Technology, 1982; Ph.D., 1988.
Wang, Orrin
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies;
B.A., Reed College, 1979; M.A., University of Chicago, 1984; Ph.D., 1989.
Wang, Peng
Lecturer, Communication; M.A., South China University of Technology, 2000; Ph.D., Sun Yat
Sen University, 2004; M.A., Monterey Institute of International Studies, 2013.
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Wang, Ping
Associate Professor, College of Information Studies; B.S., Renmin University of China, Beijing,
1995; M.B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1998; Ph.D., University of California-Los
Angeles, 2005.
Wang, Qin
Associate Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., Nanjing University/Nanking University,
1992; M.S., 1997; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 2004.
Wang, Sebastian S
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Korean National University of Arts, 2007.
Wang, ShiaauLir
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., National Taiwan University, 1990; M.S.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997;
Ph.D., 2001.
Wang, Yajin
Assistant Professor, Marketing; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Peking University, 2007; M.A., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2010; Ph.D., 2015.
Wang, Yajun
Assistant Professor, Finance; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.S.,
Nankai University-Tientsin, 1998; M.S., National University of Singapore, 2004; Ph.D.,
Washington University in Saint Louis, 2011.
Wang, YuHuang
Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; B.S., Xiamen U/Amoy U, 1996; M.S., Emory
University, 2000; Ph.D., Rice University, 2004.
Wang, Yuli
Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Tianjin University, 1992; M.A.,
Central Academy of Fine Arts, 1997.
Wappel, Joseph F.
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Eastern Illinois University, 1977; M.A., Southern Illinois
University-Carbondale, 1980; M.A., 1981.
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Warfield, Patrick R.
Associate Professor & Associate Director, School of Music; B.Mus., Lawrence University, 1994;
M.A., Indiana University, 1997; Ph.D., 2003.
Warner, C Robert
Associate Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; B.A., University of Toronto, 1955; M.S., University
of Rochester, 1957; Ph.D., 1962.
Warner, Saroja R.
Lecturer, College of Education Outreach; B.A., University of Massachusetts-Boston, 1994;
M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 1996; Ph.D., 2008.
Warren, Anne W.
Professor Emerita, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Ohio State
University, 1966; M.Ed., Wayne State University, 1969.
Warren, J. Benedict
Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., Duns Scotus College, 1953; M.A., University of New
Mexico, 1960; Ph.D., 1963.
Washburn, Susannah L.
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1993; M.P.P., Georgetown
University, 1998.
Washington, Lawrence C.
Professor, Mathematics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1971;
M.A., 1971; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1974.
Washington, Mary Helen
Distinguished University Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
University of Notre Dame, 1962; M.A., University of Detroit/Mercy, 1966; Ph.D., 1976.
Waugh, Rachel Louise
Lecturer, English; M.A., University of Glasgow, 1991; M.S., The New School, 1998.
Weaver, Kathy E.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.S., Miami University, 1988; M.A., University of
Maryland-Baltimore County, 2007; Ph.D., 2014.
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Wedel, Michel
Distinguished University Professor, Marketing; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; M.A., Delft University of Technology, 1980; M.S., Universiteit
Leiden, 1981; Ph.D., Universityof Wageningen, 1990.
Weeks, Ann Carlson
Professor Of Practice, College of Information Studies; B.S., Indiana State University-Terre
Haute, 1971; M.L.S., 1973; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1982.
Weeks, John D.
Distinguished University Professor, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; Distinguished
University Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Affiliate Professor, Physics; B.A., Harvard
University, 1965; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1969.
Wei, Cheng-I
Professor & Director, Office of International Programs; Professor, Nutrition and Food Science;
B.S., Tunghai University, 1970; M.S., National Taiwan University, 1972; Ph.D., University of
California-Davis, 1979.
Weil, Raymond R.
Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Michigan State University, 1970; M.S.,
Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1972; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1977.
Weil, Rex
Senior Lecturer, Art; B.A., Northwestern University, 1973; J.D., University of Cincinnati, 1977.
Weiler, Peter B.
Vice President, VPUR-VP University Relations; M.Ed., University of Vermont, 1979.
Weinberg, Amy S.
Professor, Linguistics; B.A., McGill University-Montreal, 1976; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, 1988.
Weiner, Joshua
Professor, English; B.A., Northwestern University, 1985; M.A., University of California-
Berkeley, 1988; Ph.D., 1998.
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Weiner, Ronald M.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., City University of New York-
Brooklyn College, 1964; M.S., Long Island University-Brooklyn, 1967; Ph.D., Iowa State
University, 1970.
Weinstein, Debra L.
Associate Clinical Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; B.S., Tulane
University, 1980; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1983; Ph.D., Uniformed Services
University of the Health Sciences, 1989.
Weismiller, Richard A.
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1964; M.S., 1966; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1969.
Weiss, Gene S.
Associate Professor Emeritus, College of Arts & Humanities; B.A., Brandeis University, 1961;
M.A., New York University, 1965; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1970.
Weiss, Joshua J.
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Iowa, 2003; M.A., 2006; Ph.D., University of Chicago,
Weissman, Seth
Lecturer, School of Public Policy; B.A., Yeshiva University, 1991; Ph.D., Columbia University,
Weisweiler, John
Assistant Professor, History; B.A., Universitat Zurich, 2004; M.A., University of Cambridge,
2005; Ph.D., 2011.
Wellford, Charles F.
Professor Emeritus, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Maryland-College
Park, 1961; M.A., 1963; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1969.
Wellman, Mark howard
Clinical Professor, Management & Organization; B.S., Bowling Green State University, 1983;
M.S., 1985; Ph.D., George Washington University, 2005.
Wellstood, Frederick C.
Professor, Physics; A.B., University of California-Berkeley, 1979; Ph.D., 1988.
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Wenner, Kathryn S.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Boston University, 1981; M.A., George
Mason University, 1994; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2000.
Wentworth, Richard Alan
Professor & Associate Chair, Mathematics; B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1985; Ph.D.,
Columbia University, 1990.
Wentzel, Kathryn R.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities, 1982; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1987.
Wereley, Norman M.
Professor & Chair, Aerospace Engineering; B.E., McGill University-Montreal, 1983; M.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987; Ph.D., 1990.
Wermers, Russell R.
Professor, Finance; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; M.B.A., University of
California-Los Angeles, 1989; Ph.D., 1995.
Wertheim, Suzanne A.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Duke University,
1990; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1997; Ph.D., 2003.
Wesley, Clarence V.
Lecturer, Management & Organization; B.S.E. (Computer), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor,
1989; M.B.A., Harvard University, 1994.
Wessel, Jennifer Leah
Assistant Professor, Psychology; B.A., Rice University, 2006; M.A., Michigan State University,
2008; Ph.D., 2012.
Westhoff, Dennis C.
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; A.A.S., SUNY-Cobleskill, 1964; B.S.,
University of Georgia, 1966; M.S., North Carolina State University, 1968; Ph.D., 1970.
Wexler, Jade
Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., James Madison
University, 1997; M.S., Johns Hopkins University, 2002; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin,
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Wexler, Richard
Professor Emeritus, School of Music; B.Mus., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1963; M.A.,
New York University, 1969; Ph.D., 1974.
Wheelock Jr., Arthur
Professor, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Williams College, 1965; Ph.D., Harvard
University, 1973.
Whent, Monica
Lecturer, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., University of California-Davis, 2000; M.S.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 2009; Ph.D., 2013.
White, Christine A.
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1997; J.D.,
American University, 2000.
White Jr., Frank F.
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; A.A.S., Comm Coll of Baltimore County-Essex,
White, Ian
Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; Affiliate
Associate Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S., University of Missouri-Columbia,
1997; M.S., Stanford University, 2000; Ph.D., 2002.
White, Marilyn D.
Associate Professor Emerita, College of Information Studies; B.A., Our Lady of the Lake
College, 1962; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1963; Ph.D., University of Illinois-
Urbana/Champaign, 1971.
White, Natalia L.
Lecturer, Chemistry & Biochemistry; M.S., Moscow State Open University, 1979; M.A., 1994.
White, Owen R.
Adjunct Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Massachusetts-
Amherst, 1985; Ph.D., New Mexico State University-Las Cruces, 1992.
White, Susan A.
Clinical Professor, Finance; Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin, 1990.
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Whitney, Diane
Associate Clinical Professor, Marketing; B.A., Grove City College, 1984; M.B.A., Virginia
Polytechnic & State University, 1990; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997.
Wible, Scott Andrew
Associate Professor, English; B.A., Duquesne University, 2000; M.A., Pennsylvania State
University, 2002; Ph.D., 2006.
Widrig, Patrik
Associate Professor, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Padagogische
Hochschule Rorschach, 1981.
Wiedel, Joseph W.
Professor Emeritus, Geography; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1958; M.A., 1963.
Wien, Peter
Associate Professor & Associate Chair, History; M.A., University of Heidelberg, 1999; M.A.,
University of Oxford, 2000; Ph.D., University of Bonn, 2003.
Wigfield, Allan L.
Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
B.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1974; M.A., 1977; Ph.D., 1982.
Wiggins, Andrea
Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies; B.A., Alma College, 2000; M.Info.M.,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2007; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2012.
Wilcox, Wendy J
Lecturer, Family Science; B.S., Ithaca College, 1988; M.S., University of Maryland-College
Park, 2001.
Wiley, Robert C.
Professor Emeritus, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1949; M.S., 1950; Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1953.
Wilkenfeld, Jonathan
Professor Emeritus, Government & Politics; Research Professor, National Center for Study of
Terrorism & Response to Terrorism; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1964; M.A., George Washington University, 1966; Ph.D., Indiana
University, 1969.
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Wilkerson, Thomas D.
Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S., University of Michigan,
1953; Ph.D., 1962.
Wilkins, Caroline A.
Senior Lecturer, English; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1985; M.A., George Mason University,
Wilkinson, Gerald S.
Professor, Biology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., University of California-Davis, 1977;
Ph.D., University of California-San Diego, 1984.
Willett, Kristen Leigh
Lecturer, Institute of Applied Agriculture; B.A., Christopher Newport University, 2007; M.A.,
George Mason University, 2009; Ph.D., 2015.
Williams, Alexander
Associate Professor, Linguistics; Associate Professor, Philosophy; B.A., Princeton University,
1992; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2005.
Williams, Brittany L.
Lecturer, Architecture Program; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005; M.A., 2007.
Williams, Carl J.
Adjunct Professor, Physics; B.A., Rice University, 1981; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1987.
Williams, Cheryl J.
Lecturer, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; B.A., Iowa State University, 1998;
M.F.A., Rutgers University, 2002; M.A., Virginia Union University, 2013.
Williams, Daphne Marie
Lecturer, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; M.Ed., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2013.
Williams, Daryle
Associate Professor & Associate Dean, College of Arts & Humanities; Associate Professor,
History; Affiliate Associate Professor, Latin American Studies Center; B.A., Princeton
University, 1989; A.B., 1989; M.A., Stanford University, 1991; Ph.D., 1995.
1752 | Page
Williams, Ellen D.
Distinguished University Professor, Physics; Distinguished University Professor, Institute for
Physical Science & Technology; Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow; B.S., Michigan State
University, 1976; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1981.
Williams, James
Assistant Professor, Physics; B.S., Santa Clara University, 2002; Ph.D., Harvard University,
Williams, Jonathan Coleman
Lecturer, English; B.A., Miami University, 2007; M.A., Clemson University, 2009.
Williams, Kendall Ryan Ashford
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Howard University, 2005; M.S., 2007; Ph.D., 2010.
Williams, Laura Camille
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Southern California, 1989; B.A., 1989; M.L.A., Johns
Hopkins University, 2000; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005; M.A., 2005;
Ph.D., 2012.
Williams III, Roberton C.
Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; Affiliate Professor, Economics; B.A., Harvard
University, 1994; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1999.
Williams, Stacey C.
Lecturer, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.S., University of Delaware,
1993; M.Ed., Loyola University Maryland, 1997.
Williams, Walter F.
Professor Emeritus, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.A., University of Missouri, 1951; M.S., 1952;
Ph.D., 1955.
Williams-Forson, Psyche A.
Associate Professor & Chair, American Studies; Affiliate Associate Professor, Women's Studies;
B.A., University of Virginia, 1987; M.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1994; Ph.D.,
Wilson, Chuck
Associate Vice President, Office of Extended Studies; B.A., Pennsylvania State University,
1980; M.S., University of Central Missouri, 1983.
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Wilson, Gran
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.Mus., Samford University, 1976; M.Mus., Indiana
University, 1980.
Wilson, Kate McGann
Lecturer, English; B.A., Birmingham Southern College, 2001; M.F.A., American University,
Wilson, Mark E.
Associate Professor, School of Music; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1970; M.A.,
1972; Ph.D., 1974.
Wilson, Peggy Lynn
Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Bowie State
College, 1996; M.L.A., St. John's College-Santa Fe, 1997; M.L.A., St. John's College, 1998;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2011.
Wilson, Sacoby
Assistant Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health; Assistant Professor,
Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University, 1998; M.S.,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2000; Ph.D., 2005.
Wilson, William Harvey
Lecturer, Office of Advanced Engineering Education; B.S., University of Florida, 1969; M.Eng.,
1971; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1987.
Wiltz, Alcine J.
Professor Emeritus, School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies; Lecturer, School of
Music; B.A., University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1964; M.F.A., University of Wisconsin-
Madison, 1967.
Windle, Robert J.
Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
B.A., College of William & Mary, 1977; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981; Ph.D.,
Winett, Michael S.
Senior Lecturer, English; B.S., University of Iowa, 1979; J.D., Gonzaga University, 1983.
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Winkelmann, Allen E.
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1965;
M.S., 1967; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1976.
Winkler, Rowena Briones
Lecturer & Director, Communication; B.A., College of New Jersey, 2008; M.A., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2010; Ph.D., 2013.
Winkler, Wade C.
Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., University of Central Florida,
1995; Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2002.
Winslow, Angela R.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Joint Institute for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition; B.S., Old
Dominion University, 2003; M.S., Howard University, 2006; Ph.D., 2011.
Winter, Susan J.
Lecturer, College of Information Studies; B.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1982; M.A.,
Claremont Graduate University, 1989; Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1992.
Winton, Calhoun
Professor Emeritus, English; A.B., University of the South-Sewanee, 1948; M.A., Vanderbilt
University, 1950; M.A., Princeton University, 1954; Ph.D., 1955.
Wiseman, Donna L.
Professor & Dean, College of Education; Professor, Teaching and Learning, Policy and
Leadership; B.S., Oklahoma State University-Stillwater, 1968; M.Ed., Arkansas State
University, 1976; Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1979.
Wish, Eric D.
Director, Center for Substance Abuse Research; Associate Professor, Criminology & Criminal
Justice; B.S., University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1968; Ph.D., Washington University in
Saint Louis, 1977.
Witczak, Matthew W.
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Purdue University-West
Lafayette, 1962; M.S., 1963; Ph.D., 1969.
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Withers, Josephine
Associate Professor Emerita, Art History & Archaeology; B.A., Oberlin College, 1960; M.A.,
Columbia University, 1965; Ph.D., 1971.
Witte, Peter Henri
Junior Lecturer, English; B.S., Southern Illinois University-Edwardsvill, 2007.
Witzleben, John Lawrence
Professor, School of Music; B.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1976; M.A.,
University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1983; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1987.
Woehl, Taylor J.
Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Missouri University S & T,
2009; Ph.D., University of California-Davis, 2013.
Wohlfarth, Patrick Charles
Associate Professor, Government & Politics; B.A., University of Maryland-Baltimore County,
2004; M.A., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2006; Ph.D., 2010.
Wolf, Lisa
Lecturer, Hillman Entrepreneurs Program; B.S., University of Phoenix, 2001; M.B.A., Johns
Hopkins University, 2015.
Wolfe, Peter
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; M.S., Northwestern University, 1961; Ph.D., New York
University, 1965.
Wolniak, Stephen M.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.A., SUNY-College at Oswego, 1972;
M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1974; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley,
Wolpert, Scott A.
Professor & Chair, Mathematics; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.S., Johns Hopkins
University, 1972; M.S., Stanford University, 1974; Ph.D., 1976.
Wolvin, Andrew D.
Professor, Communication; Affiliate Professor, HLSA-Center on Aging; Affiliate Professor,
Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1962; M.A.,
1963; Ph.D., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1968.
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Wong, Edlie L.
Professor, English; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2003.
Wong, Janelle
Professor & Director, Asian American Studies Program; Professor, American Studies; Affiliate
Professor, Women’s Studies; B.A., University of California-Los Angeles, 1995; M.A., Yale
University, 1998; Ph.D., 2001.
Wong, Wiseley
Lecturer, Mathematics; Ph.D., University of Delaware, 2013.
Wonnacott, Paul
Professor Emeritus, Economics; B.A., University of Western Ontario, 1955; M.A., Princeton
University, 1957; Ph.D., 1959.
Woo, Ching Hung
Professor Emeritus, Physics; B.S., Louisiana Tech University, 1958; M.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1959; Ph.D., 1962.
Woo, Sungwon
Lecturer, Philosophy; B.A., Seoul National University, 1999; M.A., 2004.
Woodham, Hadiya Atasha
Lecturer, Biology; B.S., Bucknell University, 1998; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2004.
Woods, Carly S.
Assistant Professor, Communication; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women's Studies; B.A.,
University of Mary Washington, 2004; M.A., University of Pittsburgh, 2006; Doctoral Level
Certificate, 2010; Ph.D., 2010.
Woods, Colleen
Assistant Professor, History; B.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2003; M.A., CUNY-
Graduate Center, 2006; Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2012.
Woods III, L Curry
Associate Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Murray State University, 1975; M.S., Ohio
State University, 1977; Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1983.
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Wooldridge, Stephen
Lecturer, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1990;
M.S., 1992; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002.
Worthington, Colleen K.
Clinical Professor, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park,
1979; M.S., Loyola University Maryland, 1980.
Worthington, Roger L.
Professor & Chair, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; A.A., Fullerton
College, 1984; B.A., California State Univ-Fullerton, 1987; M.A., University of California-Santa
Barbara, 1990; Ph.D., 1995.
Worthy, D'Lisa C.
Lecturer, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Binghamton University,
1989; M.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1991.
Wrenn, Jerry P.
Associate Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology; B.S., East Carolina University, 1961; M.S.,
University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1963; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1970.
Wright, Cindy
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Rollins College, 1986; J.D., University of
Baltimore, 1991.
Wright, Winthrop R.
Professor Emeritus, History; B.A., Swarthmore College, 1958; M.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 1960; Ph.D., 1964.
Wu, Ching-Sheng
Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S.E., National Taiwan
University-Taipei, 1954; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic & State University, 1956; Ph.D., Princeton
University, 1959.
Wu, Doris
Adjunct Associate Professor, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science; B.S., University of
Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1976; M.S., University of Southern California, 1978; Ph.D., University
of California-Med Los Angeles, 1983.
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Wu, Jerry
Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., National Chiao Tung University-Hsinchu,
1993; M.S., New York University, 1996; Ph.D., George Washington University, 2008.
Wu, Louisa P.
Associate Professor, IBBR-College Park; Associate Professor, Cell Biology & Molecular
Genetics; B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1988; Ph.D., University of California-San Diego,
Wu, Min
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Professor, Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems Research; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher;
B.Elect.E., Tsinghua University/Qinghua University, 1996; B.A., 1996; M.A., Princeton
University, 1998; Ph.D., 2001.
Wuttig, Manfred R.
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., Technische Universitat Berlin, 1955; M.S.,
1958; Ph.D., 1962.
Wyatt, David M.
Professor, English; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A.,
Yale University, 1970; Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 1975.
Wylie, Ann G.
Professor Emerita, Geology; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.A., Wellesley College, 1966;
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1972.
Wyss-Gallifent, Justin Olav
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics; B.A., Millersville University, 1991; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 2000.
Wyszomirska, Jowita
Lecturer, Art; B.F.A., Illinois State University, 2003.
Xiao, Shunyuan
Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research; Professor, Plant Science &
Landscape Architecture; B.S., Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 1984; M.S.,
1987; Ph.D., 1992.
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Xiao, Zhengguo
Associate Professor, Animal & Avian Sciences; B.S., Nanjing University/Nanking University,
1988; D.V.M., 1988; M.S., 1991; Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2004.
Xie, Fei
Lecturer, School of Music; B.Mus., Oberlin College, 2004; M.Mus., Rice University, 2006.
Xie, Min
Associate Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., Beijing Normal University, 1997;
M.A., 2000; Ph.D., SUNY-Albany, 2007.
Xu, Huan
Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering; Assistant Professor, Institute for Systems Research;
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; M.S., California Institute of Technology,
2008; Ph.D., 2013.
Xu, Jian Lun
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Fuzhou University, 1982; M.A., University of Maryland-
College Park, 1989; Ph.D., 1993.
Xu, Yi
Associate Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Associate Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.E., Beijing U. of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 1993;
M.S., 1996; M.Eng., Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, 1998; M.A., University of
Pennsylvania, 2003; Ph.D., 2003;
Yager, David D.
Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Psychology; Affiliate Associate Professor, Biology;
B.A., Wesleyan University, 1972; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1989.
Yakovenko, Victor M.
Professor, Physics; M.S., Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, 1984; Ph.D., Landau Institute for
Theoretical Physics, 1987.
Yakubova, Gulnoza
Assistant Research Professor, Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education; B.A., The
Uzbek State World Languages University, 2006; M.S., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 2010;
Ph.D., 2013.
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Yamakita, Etsuko
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Kobe Kaisei Women's
College, 1977; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1984; M.A., University of Oregon,
Yaney, George L.
Professor Emeritus, History; B.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1952; M.A., University of
Colorado, 1956; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1961.
Yang, Arthur
Adjunct Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; B.S., Fu Jen University, 1970; Ph.D.,
Brown University, 1975.
Yang, Bao
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Science & Technology-Hong Kong,
1993; Ph.D., 1998; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2003.
Yang, Bo
Junior Lecturer, Communication; M.A., University of Southern California, 2011.
Yang, Grace L.
Professor Emerita, Mathematics; B.A., National Taiwan University, 1960; M.A., University of
California-Berkeley, 1963; Ph.D., 1966.
Yang, Jackson C.S.
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1958;
M.A., 1961; Ph.D., 1963.
Yang, Ji Seung
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Quantitative Methodology; B.A., Yonsei
University-Seoul, 2005; M.A., 2007; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 2012.
Yang, Liu
Associate Professor, Finance; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Peking University, 1997; M.S., 2000; M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 2000;
Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2006.
Yang, Michelle M.
Assistant Professor, Communication; B.A., University of Mount Union, 2004; M.A., University
of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007; Ph.D., 2011.
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Yang, Xiuli
Assistant Research Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; M.S., Shanxi Medical University,
2002; Ph.D., Shanhai Medical College of Fudan University, 2005.
Yanisko, Emily Joy
Lecturer, College of Education Outreach; B.A., Binghamton University, 2003; B.S., 2003;
M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park, 2005.
Yaqub, Sajeela
Lecturer, English; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 1993; M.A., 1997.
Yaros, Ronald A.
Associate Professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; Affiliate Associate Professor,
Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980; M.A.-Teach.,
Webster University, 1991; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005.
Yarwood, Stephanie A.
Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; A.S., Blue Mountain Community
College, 1998; B.A., Whitman College, 2001; Ph.D., Oregon State University, 2007.
Yashinski, Allan Anthony
Lecturer, Mathematics; B.S., Bucknell University, 2007; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University,
Yearwood, Keith
Lecturer, Geography; B.A., University of Guyana-Georgetown, 1982; M.A., University of
Florida, 2001; Ph.D., 2010.
Yeni-Komshian, Grace H.
Professor Emerita, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., American University of Beirut-Lebanon,
1957; M.S., Cornell University, 1962; Ph.D., McGill University-Montreal, 1965.
Yeo, Derrick Wee-Kian
Assistant Clinical Professor, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2007; M.S., 2009; Ph.D., 2013.
Yeung, Donald
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Computer Science; B.S.,
Stanford University, 1990; M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993; Ph.D., 1997.
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Yi, Robin P.
Lecturer, School of Public Health; B.A., University of California-Santa Barbara, 1985; M.A.,
San Diego State University, 1987; Ph.D., University of California-Riverside, 1992.
Yonkos, Lance T.
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science & Technology; B.S., Washington & Lee University,
1986; M.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1999; Ph.D., 2005.
Yoo, Kyungjin
Lecturer, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.S., Seoul National University, 2002.
Yorke, James A.
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Mathematics; Research Professor, Institute for
Physical Science & Technology; A.B., Columbia University, 1963; Ph.D., University of
Maryland-College Park, 1966.
Yotsukura, Lindsay A.
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Affiliate Associate
Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Language; B.A., Williams College, 1984; M.Ed.,
Harvard University, 1987; M.A., Ohio State University, 1991; Ph.D., 1997.
Young, Jeffrey R.
Lecturer, Philip Merrill College of Journalism; B.A., Princeton University, 1995; M.A.,
Georgetown University, 2001.
Yu, Kenneth H.
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering; B.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1985;
M.S., 1988; Ph.D., 1989.
Yu, Liangli
Professor, Nutrition and Food Science; B.S., China Medical University, 1984; M.S., 1989; Ph.D.,
Purdue University-West Lafayette, 1999.
Yu, Miao
Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Affiliate Professor, Institute for Systems Research; B.S.,
Tsinghua University/Qinghua University, 1996; M.S., 1998; Ph.D., University of Maryland-
College Park, 2002.
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Yu, Wei-hsin
Professor, Sociology; B.A., National Taiwan University, 1992; M.A., University of Illinois-
Chicago, 1995; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1999.
Yu, Yan Yu
Lecturer, Sociology; B.A., Peking University, 1985; M.A., Purdue University-Calumet, 1993;
Ph.D., 1996.
Yu, Yihua Bruce
Associate Professor, Fischell Department of Bioengineering; B.S., Peking University, 1987;
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1996.
Yuan, Robert T.
Professor Emeritus, Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics; B.S., Antioch College, 1960; Ph.D.,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1966.
Zachariah, Michael R.
Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry;
Affiliate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering; B.S., University of California-Los
Angeles, 1979; M.S., 1981; Ph.D., 1986.
Zacker, John
Assistant Vice President, VP Student Affairs; Affiliate Assistant Professor, Counseling, Higher
Education and Special Education; B.S., Plymouth State University, 1979; M.Ed., University of
Vermont, 1985; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1997.
Zafft, Kathryn Marie
Lecturer, Criminology & Criminal Justice; B.A., St. Catherine University, 2004; M.A.,
University of Minnesota-Duluth, 2009; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 2014.
Zahabi, Liese Liann
Assistant Professor, Art; B.A., Eastern Michigan University, 2000; M.F.A., North Carolina State
University, 2010.
Zaki, George Fouad Ibrahim
Lecturer, ECE-Telecommunications Program; B.S., University of Cairo, 2005; M.S., 2008.
Zaki, Kawthar A.
Professor Emerita, Electrical & Computer Engineering; B.S., Ain Shaims University-Cairo,
1962; M.S., University of California-Berkeley, 1966; Ph.D., 1969.
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Zaki, Mary
Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Resource Economics; M.S., Northwestern University, 2008;
Sc.D., 2014.
Zakim, Eric
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Associate Professor,
English-Comparative Literature; Affiliate Associate Professor, Meyerhoff Program & Center for
Jewish Studies; B.A., Oberlin College, 1982; M.A., University of California-Berkeley, 1989;
Ph.D., 1996.
Zalewski, Christopher Karl
Lecturer, Hearing & Speech Sciences; B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1989; M.A.,
University of Maryland-College Park, 1999; Ph.D., Gallaudet University, 2013.
Zambrana, Ruth Enid
Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Professor, American Studies; Affiliate Professor, Latin
American Studies Center; B.A., CUNY-Queens College, 1969; M.S.W., University of
Pennsylvania, 1971; Ph.D., Boston University, 1977.
Zanjani, Faika
Associate Professor, Behavioral & Community Health; B.A., Cedar Crest College, 1998; Ph.D.,
Pennsylvania State University, 2004.
Zeeger, Tracy Marie
Senior Lecturer, Behavioral & Community Health; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park,
2004; M.P.H., 2006.
Zeiger, Robyn S.
Senior Lecturer, Family Science; B.S., University of Maryland-College Park, 1972; M.S., 1973;
Ph.D., 1978.
Zeigler, Ronald
Director, Office of the Senior Vice President & Provost; B.A., SUNY-Health Science Center-
Stony Brook, 1972; M.A., 1973; Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, 1983.
Zelkowitz, Marvin V.
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science; B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1967; M.S.,
Cornell University, 1969; Ph.D., 1971.
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Zeller, Thomas
Associate Professor, History; M.A., University of Munich, 1995; Ph.D., 1999.
Zelner, Bennet Andrew
Associate Professor, Logistics, Business & Public Policy; Associate Professor, Robert H. Smith
School of Business; B.A., Brown University, 1990; M.S., University of California-Berkeley,
1999; Ph.D., 2001.
Zeng, Ning
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; B.S., University of Science & Technology-Hong Kong, 1987; M.S., University of
Arizona, 1991; Ph.D., 1994.
Zhang, Da-Lin
Professor, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary
Center; Affiliate Professor, Center for Scientific Computation and Math Modeling; B.S.,
University of Science & Technology-Hong Kong, 1976; M.S., Pennsylvania State University,
1981; Ph.D., 1985.
Zhang, Guangming
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Affiliate Associate Professor, Institute for
Systems Research; B.S., Tianjin University-P.R.C., 1966; M.S., 1981; M.S., University of
Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, 1983; Ph.D., 1986.
Zhang, Jie
Professor, Marketing; Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A., People's U. of
China/Ren Min U. of China, 1992; M.A., University of Chicago, 1995; Ph.D., Northwestern
University, 1999.
Zhang, Jing
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics; B.S., China Agricultural University, 2009;
M.S., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2011; Ph.D., 2014.
Zhang, Kunpeng
Assistant Professor, Decision, Operations & Information Technologies; Assistant Professor,
Robert H. Smith School of Business; M.S., University of Arizona, 2009; Ph.D., Northwestern
University, 2013.
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Zhang, Lei
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.E., Tsinghua University, 2000; M.S.,
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2002; M.S., 2005; Ph.D., 2006.
Zhang, Lingling
Assistant Professor, Marketing; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Nanjing University of Info Science/Tech, 1998; M.S., 2001; M.A., University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor, 2005; D.B.A., Harvard University, 2016.
Zhang, Ting
Assistant Professor, History; B.A., Peking University, 2004; M.A., 2007; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
University, 2014.
Zhang, Yanjin
Associate Professor, VA-MD Regional College Veterinary Medicine; D.V.M., Shandong
Agricultural University, 1984; M.S., China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control, 1989; Ph.D.,
Iowa State University, 1998.
Zhang, Ying Alice
Lecturer, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Suzhou University, 1983; M.Ed.,
California University of Pennsylvania, 1997.
Zhang, Yunfeng
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; B.S., Tongji University/Tungchai University,
1993; M.S., Tsinghua University/Qinghua University, 1996; Ph.D., California Institute of
Technology, 2001.
Zheng, Quanan
Research Scientist Emeritus, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Jilin University, 1966;
Ph.D., Qingdao University of Oceanography/Shandong Institute, 1987.
Zhou, Bo
Assistant Professor, Marketing; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business; B.A.,
Tsinghua University/Qinghua University, 2006; M.A., University of Southern California, 2009;
Ph.D., Duke University, 2014.
Zhou, Minglang
Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; B.A., Guangdong
University of Foreign Studies & Foreign Trade, 1978; M.A., Henan University, 1986; M.A.,
Portland State University, 1988; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1993.
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Zhou, Naijun
Lecturer, Geography; B.S., Wuhan University, 1993; M.S., Beijing University, 1996; M.S.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003; Ph.D., 2005.
Zhu, Jianhua
Associate Professor, Plant Science & Landscape Architecture; B.S., Anhui Institute of
Education, 1998; Ph.D., Purdue University-West Lafayette, 2004.
Zhu, Wenlu
Associate Professor, Geology; B.S., Peking University, 1986; M.S., 1989; Ph.D., SUNY-Stony
Brook, 1996.
Zhu, Xiaoping
Professor, Veterinary Medicine Program; Professor, VA-MD Regional College Veterinary
Medicine; D.V.M., Ningxia University, China, 1984; M.S., China Agriculture University, 1987;
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997.
Zickert, Christian Krogager
Associate Professor, Mathematics; B.S., Aarhus Universitet, 2002; M.S., 2005; Ph.D., Columbia
University, 2008.
Ziegler, Delores
Professor, School of Music; Distinguished Scholar-Teacher; B.Mus., Maryville College, 1973;
M.Mus., University of Tennessee, 1978.
Zilfi, Madeline C.
Professor, History; Affiliate Professor, Women's Studies; Affiliate Professor, American Studies;
B.A., Mount Holyoke College, 1964; M.A., University of Chicago, 1971; Ph.D., 1976.
Zimmer, Elizabeth
Adjunct Associate Professor, Biology; B.S., Cornell University, 1973; Ph.D., University of
California-Berkeley, 1981.
Zimmerman, Daniel J.
Lecturer, School of Music; B.A., Yale University, 1985; M.A., University of Chicago, 1989;
Ph.D., 2002.
Zimmerman, Jo B.
Lecturer & Director, Kinesiology; B.S., George Mason University, 1994; M.S., 1996.
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Zlatic, Mila
Lecturer, Geography; B.S., University of Zagreb, 1972; M.C.P., University of California-
Berkeley, 1974; Ph.D., University of Belgrade, 1988.
Zou, Xiaolei
Visiting Research Professor, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; Adjunct Professor,
Atmospheric & Oceanic Science; B.S., Nanjing University of Technology, 1982; M.S., 1984;
Ph.D., Beijing University of Science & Technology, 1988.
Zukowski, Andrea L.
Assistant Research Scientist, Linguistics; B.A., Wayne State University, 1988; M.A., University
of Rochester, 1992; Ph.D., Boston University, 2001.
Zur, Emanuel
Assistant Professor, Accounting; Assistant Professor, Robert H. Smith School of Business;
D.B.A., New York University, 2002.
Zwanzig, Robert W.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Institute for Physical Science & Technology; B.S.,
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1948; M.S., University of Southern California, 1950; Ph.D.,
California Institute of Technology, 1952.
Zwicker, Matthias
Professor, Computer Science; M.S., ETH Zurich-Switzerland, 1998; Ph.D., 2003.
van Zee, Emily H.
Associate Professor Emerita, Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership; B.A., Harvard-
Radcliff University, 1964; M.S., University of Washington, 1982; Ph.D., 1989.
vanEngelsdorp, Dennis
Assistant Professor, Entomology; B.S., University of Guelph-Ontario, 1992; M.S., 1995; Ph.D.,
Pennsylvania State University, 2011.
von Petersdorff, Tobias
Associate Professor, Mathematics; Dipl.Math., Technical University of Darmstadt-Germany,
1987; Ph.D., 1989.
von Schnetlage, Cait Margaret
Lecturer, Hillman Entrepreneurs Program; B.A., University of Maryland-College Park, 2004;
M.B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 2011.
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