I. Purpose
Providing secondary students dual credit opportunities is a proven educational strategy with the
capacity to complement and maximize the change of success of our educational initiatives.
Effective dual credit systems have impacts both at the secondary and postsecondary levels and
provide the opportunity for collaboration. This Memorandum of Agreement has been entered
into this ___ day of _____________ in the year 2019 by ________________________ (____)
and the University of Louisville, for the College of Education and Human Development
(CEHD). ____ and CEHD will work together to provide postsecondary opportunities for
students enrolled in the Teaching and Learning Pathway CIP code 13.0101.00.
II. Admission/Enrollment Procedures
All students (freshmen through senior) must complete the University of Louisville on-line Non-
Degree Student Application*, High School Visitor. Preferred applicants will submit their
application by November 15 for the spring semester and by April 30 for the fall
semester. Applicants submitting their application after the announced deadlines can still be
considered for admission if there is space in the course AND all credentials are received a week
before classes begin.
To be eligible for the High School Dual Credit program, ALL students must meet the following
a) 2.5 or above GPA.**
b) 17 or above ACT Composite Score; a Reading MAP (Measures of Academic
Progress) score of 223 or above; or a CERT Reading score of 18 for freshmen and
sophomores, 20 for junior and seniors** (if juniors plan to take the ACT in Spring,
they may be admitted without ACT if GPA is 2.5 or above)
c) A recommendation from their school’s dual credit course instructor endorsed by their
guidance counselor
d) Parent/Student Financial Agreement form signed by the parent and the student
e) An official transcript from their high school (if a freshman does not have grades
recorded on a high school transcript yet, the first semester grades may be submitted
by the school counselor)
f) 90% attendance rate
*University of Louisville Application fees will be waived for all Dual Credit students
___________ COUNTY SCHOOLS
**If a sophomore or freshmen has not completed either the ACT, MAP, or CERT, or does not
have a 2.5 or above GPA, the student can be considered for admission IF the appropriate school
official recommends the student for the program.
III. Approved Courses
The following courses are approved to be offered as dual credit between CEHD-UL and ____.
Course Title
Required Field
Hours Reported
The Teaching Profession
18 hours
Human Development
and Learning
36 hours
Foundations of
40 hours
EDTP 201 counts as a general education course.
EDTP 215 will substitute EDTP 301 for Middle Grades and Secondary Education programs.
IV. Legislative Regulations Related to KHEAA Scholarship Programs
Dual Credit Scholarship (DCS)
According to KRS 164.786, KHEAA (Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority) Dual
Credit Scholarship administration for School Year (SY) 2019-20 is as follows:
Only juniors and seniors are eligible to apply for the KHEAA Dual Credit Scholarship
Regardless of scholarship status/eligibility, all Kentucky high school students taking dual
credit coursework through a Dual Credit-participating institution will receive the
discounted course cost (estimated to be $56 per hour during 2018-19).
There is no guarantee all students will receive a KHEAA DC scholarship next year.
KHEAA Scholarship awards are based on available funding by KHEAA. Seniors will
receive award priority before juniors.
High schools will be delivering college success counseling to students beginning with the
2018-19 school year.
Students must be admitted to the postsecondary institution before KHEAA scholarship
payment is made.
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) will be disbursing funds
directly to the participating postsecondary institutions upon receipt of student enrollment
each semester.
KHEAA Scholarship students cannot be charged additional fees only the discounted
tuition rate for their dual credit course.
Students cannot be charged when a course is not successfully completed.
Postsecondary institutions will be allowed to keep 50% of the amount disbursed for a
course that is not successfully completed.
High schools will be reporting information to KHEAA that identifies students scheduled
to take dual credit.
The deadline for reporting 2018-19 data will be mid-semester.
In case of any contradiction between the terms of this Agreement and Kentucky law on
dual credit programs, Kentucky law shall control.
Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program for High School Students
A high school student must:
o Be a Kentucky resident
o Be enrolled in a Kentucky high school
o Not be eligible for, or have exhausted eligibility for, the Dual Credit Scholarship
o Be enrolled, or accepted for enrollment in, an approved dual credit course at an eligible
Approved dual credit courses for the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship are
limited to Career and Technical Education coursework that is in a career pathway
approved by the Kentucky Department of Education as leading to an industry‐
recognized credential.
o The student's high school will send information to KHEAA identifying the students
who enrolled in Career and Technical Education coursework. KHEAA will, in turn,
contact students to have them submit their preferences for college and semester of
scholarship use.
o Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served order based on the date students submit
their scholarship preferences.
o Equal to the dual credit course amount charged by an eligible college or university
o Limited to two dual credit courses
Participating colleges and universities have agreed to:
o Charge no more than the dual credit tuition ceiling rate, which is 1/3 of the KCTCS
hourly tuition rate ($56 per credit hour for the 2018‐2019 year), for all dual credit
courses taken by Kentucky high school students regardless of scholarship eligibility
o Charge no additional fees to dual credit students including, but not limited to, lab fees,
special equipment and admission/application fees.
Eligibility limit:
o Expires when the first of the following conditions is met:
Receipt of scholarship funding for four academic terms;
Receipt of the scholarship for 60 credit hours of enrollment;
Receipt of a first associate's degree
V. Tuition
The University of Louisville is part of the Dual Credit Scholarship (DCS) program administered
by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA), has so executed the
KHEAA Dual Credit Scholarship Program Administrative Agreement and is listed as a
Participating Postsecondary Institution (PPI).
The University of Louisville is also part of the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship program
administered by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA), and is listed as
an approved program. The Teaching and Learning Pathway dual credit coursework is a Career
and Technical Education approved pathway by the Kentucky Department of Education as
leading to an industry‐recognized credential.
The University of Louisville agrees to charge no more than the Dual Credit Tuition Rate Ceiling,
equal to one-third (1/3) of Kentucky Community and Technical College in-state tuition rate per
credit hour for those students not covered by either the Dual Credit Scholarship or the Work
Ready Kentucky Scholarship.
and 10
grade students taking Dual Credit courses are not eligible to apply for the
KHEAA Dual Credit Scholarship, but are eligible to apply for the Work Ready Kentucky
Scholarship (WRKS). Parents will be responsible for paying tuition equal to one-third
(1/3) of Kentucky Community and Technical College in-state tuition rate per credit hour
for any student who does not receive a Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship.
and 12
grade students taking Dual Credit courses who do not qualify for the
KHEAA Dual Credit Scholarship, and do not receive a WRKS, will be charged tuition
equal to one-third (1/3) of Kentucky Community and Technical College in-state tuition
rate per credit hour.
and 12
grade students taking Dual Credit courses who receive the KHEAA Dual
Credit Scholarship are not responsible for tuition payment.
VI. Unsuccessful Students
“Unsuccessful Student” means one that fails the course or withdraws after the deadline.
Postsecondary institutions will be allowed to keep 50% of the amount disbursed for a
course that is not successfully completed for students who are part of the Dual Credit
For Dual Credit Scholarship students UofL will not charge ____ the remaining 50%
tuition for unsuccessful students.
Students/families will be responsible for paying tuition rate ceiling, equal to one-third
(1/3) of Kentucky Community and Technical College in-state tuition rate per credit hour
for a course that is not successfully completed for students who are not awarded the
KHEAA Dual Credit Scholarship.
VII. Textbook
The high school textbook will be provided by each secondary school.
The teacher’s resources will be provided by District.
VIII. CEHD Responsibilities and Expectations for EDTP 201, EDTP 215 and EDTP
a. CEHD designates the Dean or the Dean’s designee to be the liaison with ____ to ensure
compliance with this agreement.
b. Provide ____ teachers access to LiveText™.
c. Provide training on how to assess Hallmark Assessment Tasks in LiveText™.
d. Provide training on how to guide students to document KFETS field hours.
e. Provide copies of syllabi for EDTP 201, EDTP 215 and EDTP 107.
f. Provide reference to free resources for teachers to supplement instruction for EDTP 201,
EDTP 215 and EDTP 107.
g. Review teacher transcripts and CV/Resumes to determine eligibility for part-time
IX. ____ Responsibilities
a. ____ designates the _____________________ to be the liaison with CEHD to ensure
compliance with this agreement.
b. Oversee teacher credentials and ensure that instructors in the pathway meet the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) credentialing requirements.
c. Communicate and work with CEHD personnel to ensure all aspects of this agreement are
d. Ensure courses are aligned with Education Pathways courses and content required to be
eligible for the DCSP.
X. Teacher Responsibilities and Expectations for EDTP 201, EDTP 215 and EDTP
Oversee students’ completion, documentation, and entering required field experience
hours on KFETS. Teachers must complete a University of Louisville Field
Experience Log on each student for each field experience and submit it to the
University dual credit service account at [email protected] within 48
hours of the last day of class.
EDTP 201 18 hours
EDTP 215 40 hours
EDTP 107 36 hours
a. Guide students to complete their Hallmark Assessment Task (HAT), and upload and
assess the Hallmark Assessment for each student in LiveText™. Due within 48 hours of
the last day of class.
EDTP 201 Ethnology of a Classroom
EDTP 215 Two Lesson Plans (1 with feedback and 1 without feedback)
EDTP 107 Paper: (a) reflecting on initial beliefs about learning and development
and (b) using course content, create a teaching philosophy. Must submit the HAT
checklist and self-graded rubric along with the HAT.
b. Use the following books as reference for EDTP 201
Ayers, W., & Alexander-Tanner, R. (2010). To teach: the journey, in comics. New
York: Teachers College Press.
Ayers, W., & Alexander-Tanner, R. (2010). To teach: the journey of a teacher. New
York: Teachers College Press.
c. Use articles or reference materials recommended by CEHD faculty.
d. Content non-negotiables for EDTP 201:
The context of education, yesterday and today
Dispositions expected of teaching professionals
The impact of current political policy on Kentucky schools, including state/local
school organizations and assessments
Current laws that impact schools (e.g., Senate Bill 1)
Philosophical foundations of education
Diversity in the classroom
Self as teacher, including teaching style
The life of a teacher and the context in which he/she works
Creating classroom community
The importance of knowing the students
Curriculum, including how to connect it to students’ lives
Technology infusion as it relates to the teaching profession
e. Content non-negotiables for EDTP 215:
Domain 1 Planning and Preparation
Standards-based curriculum
1. Lesson plan design
2. Choosing appropriate standards
3. Write essential questions
Goals and learning objectives
1. Bloom’s Taxonomy
2. Higher order cognitive, affective and psychomotor verbs for writing lesson
3. Deconstruct standards to develop learning goals, targets and assessments
4. Differentiate between goals, objectives, and learning targets
Assessing student learning
1. Formative and summative assessments
2. Rubric development
Lesson congruence
1. Alignment of standards, objectives, assessment and instruction
2. Developing two lesson plans (1 with feedback and 1 independent)
Domain 3 Instruction
Instructional strategies
1. Teacher-centered and Learner-centered
2. Differentiated instruction for diverse learners
3. Critical Thinking
4. Questioning strategies
Addressing the needs of diverse learners
1. Accommodations for ELL, GT, ECE, children of poverty, etc.
2. Multiple intelligences
f. For each student engaging in dual credit courses, the teacher will communicate with each
student the following responsibilities:
Students will meet all course requirements outlined in the syllabus.
Students will complete the online University application for Admission.
Students will submit to UofL the Academic and Financial Policy Student/Parent
Student may withdraw from dual credit courses up until the University of
Louisville withdrawal deadline found at http://louisville.edu/registrar/calendars.
DCS grade report will reflect “W” indicating course withdrawal.
Students enrolled in dual credit course not covered by the KHEAA Dual Credit
Scholarship (DCS) or the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship (WRKS) will be
responsible for payment of tuition charges not to exceed the Dual Credit Tuition
Rate Ceiling, equal to one-third (1/3) of the Kentucky Community and Technical
College System in-state tuition rate per credit hour, estimated to be $56.00 per
credit hour for the 2019-2020 academic year.
g. Content non-negotiables for EDTP 107:
Social Cognitive Theory
Piaget’s Individual Constructivism
Vygotsky’s Social Constructivism
Information Processing & Metacognition
Physical and Brain Development
Self & Social Development
Moral Development
Emotional Development
Language & Literacy
Motivation Theories
Intelligence & Giftedness
Culture in Development, Learning, and the Classroom; Racial/Ethnic Identity
Sex & Gender, Gender Identity, Socioeconomic Differences, Stereotype Threat
XI. Duration of Review
This Memorandum of Agreement shall be effective from the date of affixing signatures and may
be renewed annually during the month of May. It remains subject to such revisions as are
mutually agreeable in writing at the time of annual review, but the duration of the agreement
shall be considered continuous unless otherwise terminated. Either party may terminate the
agreement at the time of annual review provided the party has given written notice of intent to do
so at least thirty (30) days in advance. No party will alter the content of the established
curriculum without the written agreement to the changes of all parties signing the agreement. It
is important that university accreditation and unit standards for continuous assessment be met
and that course syllabi not be altered without this consultative partnership.
XII. Other Conditions
In carrying out their responsibilities, the parties shall remain independent contractors, and
nothing herein shall be interpreted or intended to create a partnership, joint venture, employment,
agency, franchise or other form of agreement or relationship. ____ faculty and staff who
participate in this program shall remain employees of ____.
Neither ____ nor CEHD assumes any liability arising from the acts or omissions of the other
The parties agree not to assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other
This Agreement may only be amended by a writing signed by the parties.
This Agreement embodies the entire agreement and understanding of the parties hereto in respect
of the subject matter hereof. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements and understandings
between the parties with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby.
In testimony thereof, witness the duly authorized signatures of the parties hereto:
Secondary Institution: ___________________________
________________________________________________ ______________________
Superintendent Date
Postsecondary Institution: University of Louisville
________________________________________________ _______________________
Executive Vice President and University Provost Date
Recommended by:
________________________________________________ _______________________
Interim Dean, College of Education & Human Development Date