A Review of Nonprobability Sampling Using Mobile Apps for Fishing
Effort and Catch Surveys
J. Michael Brick*
Westat, 1600 Research Boulevard, Rockville, Maryland 20850, USA
William R. Andrews and John Foster
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fisheries, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910,
Technology and computational advancements have caused us to rethink data collection and sampling methods that
have been the standard for gathering information to guide policy decisions. The availability of new technology such as
mobile apps has made using nonprobability samples more attractive because of the speed and low expense that are
associated with this approach. We review how the use of nonprobability sampling using mobile apps affects the quality
of inferences in shing effort and catch surveys. We present an approach for evaluating the potential biases that arise
from both probability and nonprobability sampling methods. The approach shows that well-conducted probability sam-
ples have major advantages compared with nonprobability samples. We conclude that the application of nonprobabil-
ity sampling for shing surveys faces serious challenges and should prove that it is t for use before being adopted
more widely.
During th e last few decades, a number of developments
have greatly affected how we think about the ability of
data that are collected by different means to inform deci-
sion making and policy development across a wide range
of elds. Technological advancements have reshaped our
ideas of data and data sharing. Big data have become
commonplace, and methods for processing massive data
sources have enabled users to efciently capture and visu-
alize the data (Rodr
ıguez-Mazahua et al. 2016). The web,
mobile device apps, and social media are common sources
of these data.
Another development is a new emphasis on administra-
tive data that are collected by government agencies and
private-sector organizations as a source of data for ana-
lysts and researchers. The Foundations for Evidence-
Based Policymaking Act of 2018 requires the federal gov-
ernment to rethink its approach to data acquisition for
making policy decisions and to consider alternative data
sources. For example, in its review of the National Oce-
anic and Atmospheric Administrations shing effort and
catch surveys, the National Research Council (2006)
recommended the development of administrative records
to support recreational saltwa ter sheries data collection
and management.
In most U.S. federal statistical agencies, the long-
standing approach to policy making has been to dene the
information that is needed to guide a policy decision and
then develop a plan to acquire the relevant supporting
data and statistics. For sheries policy, this often involves
designing probability-based catch and effort surveys and
making inferences from the respondents. For example, the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
designed and implemented the Marine Recreational Infor-
mation Program (MRIP) using prob ability sampling so
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received March 31, 2021; accepted October 16, 2021
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 151:4249, 2022
© 2021 American Fisheries Society. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.
ISSN: 0002-8487 print / 1548-8659 online
DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10342
that it could produce point estimates as well as measures
of precision resulting from the sampling process. We
describe the MRIP in more detail later.
The advancement of novel data sources has disrupted
this paradigm. A few examples illustrate the nature of the
novel data sources. One of the most discussed early appli-
cations for big data was the use of Google search data to
track u prevalence in the United States (Pervaiz et al.
2012). The data were not designed specically to study
u prevalence, leading some to refer to this type of data
source as organic. Harvesting data from an existing
source to answer a policy question can result in substantial
savings in terms of cost and time compared with a more
traditional sampling solution. After a few years, the u
prevalence estimates from the model were found to be
severe overestimates. This lead to a review of the risks
that are associated with continuing to rely on a model
while not considering that the environment that produces
the data chang es over time (Lazer et al. 2014). Toole et al.
(2015) give another example of using organic data. They
discuss the capture of mobile data from cell towers to
evaluate travel demand and infrastructure needs. Shi and
Abdel-Aty (2015) use a different novel data collection
technology that is not organic but is passive in the sense
that it does not require any efforts from respondents. They
discuss using data from microwave radar sensors to study
trafc safety and congestion. All of these examples collect
massive amounts of data by using modern data-processing
When existing data are not available to answer a
policy quest ion, a hybrid approach using nonprobability
sampling has been suggested to retain some of the cost
and timeliness advantages that may come from organic
data. For example, nonprobability samples of persons
who volu nteer (opt-in), or are otherwise identied from
their web activity, are asked to complete a web survey.
In these nonprobability samples, the data items are
designed specically to support a policy question and
the data are collected through an advanced technology
such as a mobile app or web survey. The main advan-
tage of these designs is that data collection can be done
quickly and more affordably than with probability sam-
ples. However, because the sampling is not controlled,
inferences from the data must rely completely on mathe-
matical models and assumptions that cannot be veried.
The American Association of Public Opinion Research
established three task forces to investigate nonprobability
sampling, and Baker et al. (2013) describe the latest
For the purpose of completing a survey request, web
questionnaires and mobile apps are examples of data col-
lection modes that are similar to traditional survey modes
such as face-to-face interviews, mail questionnaires, and
telephone interviews. While mobile apps have advantages
over hard copy surveys, they are not the primary distin-
guishing feature of the new era of data collection.
Our focus is on the method of deciding who should be
surveyed, not on the mode of data collection. The new
development we examine is the move away from probabil-
ity samples to samples of volunteers or persons who are
recruited without randomizing the selection process, a
transition that has been exacerbated by the proliferation
of social media and smartphone apps. The concern is
whether the transition from probability samples to conve-
nience or volunteer samples allows the type of inferences
that are needed to support policy decisions.
This issue is not new. Baker et al. (2013) describe data
collection and analysis methods for nonprobability sam-
ples such as quota sampling, matched sampling, and alter-
native statistical methods. The role of sampling in making
inferences has been debated in statistics (Stephan and
McCarthy 1958; Royall 1970), social science (Coleman
1958; Callegaro et al. 2014), and in ofcial statistics (U.S.
Ofce of Management and Budget 2006). Our review con-
centrates on the relatively new and specic interest in
using nonprobability samples to estimate recreational, salt-
water shing effort and catch. Specically, we focus on
nonprobability samples that collect data by using mobile
apps to provide shing effort and catch estimates to sup-
port sheries policy making.
The next section describes designs for recreational sh-
ing surveys including current probability designs, nonprob-
ability designs that have been suggested or are being
developed, and hybrid designs that combine probability
and nonprobability samples. The nature of the potential
biases arising from both probability and nonprobability
sampling methods are examined in the following section.
The fourth section examines the potential for using non-
probability samples by using mobile apps for addressing
data needs that supplement those from probability sam-
ples. The nal section is a discussion and summary of our
view of the issues that face the application of nonprobabil-
ity sampling for shing surveys.
The approach that the MRIP has used to obtain infor-
mation for managing recreational saltwater shing has
been to estimate shing effort and catch using separate
probability surveys. The MRIP and state natural resource
agencies administer several different surveys to estimate
shing activity for different recreational shing sectors.
Here we focus on the generalized surveys that are used to
estimate shore and private boat shing activity on the
Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico. The MRIP Fishing
Effort Survey estimates the total number of shing trips
taken during a specic period, and the Access Point
Angler Intercept Survey (APAIS) estimates the average
catch per trip, or catch rate, for each species during the
same period. The product of the two estim ates gives the
desired estimatetotal catch for each species. The Fishing
Effort Survey selects a random sample of households and
asks household residents to report the number of saltwater
recreational trips taken during the past 2 months. The
APAIS intercepts anglers at the conclusion of shing trips
and collects data on the type and number of sh caught
on the trip. Both the effort and catch surveys use proba-
bility sampling and base inferences on those probabilities
of selection (Papacostas and Foster 2018). The MRIP sur-
veys have been examined by independent reviewers several
times, and the latest review is by the National Academies
of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2021).
With th e proliferation of smartphones and apps within
the last decade, some researchers have been exploring vol-
unteer samples of recreational anglers by using mobile
apps as the data collection mode. Venturelli et al. (2017)
discuss the utility of angler apps and the challenges associ-
ated with using them. They dene angler apps as mobile
apps that allow anglers to record, share and network
their activities.
From a sheries management perspective, it would be
ideal if everyone who particip ates in recreational shing
used an app to record their catch and shared their data,
resulting in a census of recreational shing activity. How-
ever, Venturelli et al. (2017) identify recruitment and reten-
tion as major bar riers to useful app data. For example,
Pappenfus et al. (2015) reported that angler apps underes-
timated freshwater shing in Canada by a factor of 254,
while Lui et al. (2017) estimated trip reporting rates (per-
centage of total trips reported) of approximately 4% for
iSnapper, an app designed to monitor Red Snapper Lutja-
nus campe chanus shing activity in the Gulf of Mexico.
Similarly, Venturelli et al. (2017) note that only 5% of
those who begin to use a specic app still used it after 3
months, and Ahrens (2013) found angler retention for
iAngler, an app focused on saltwater shing in south Flor-
ida, was very poor, with the majority of users only using
the app once. This rate of stickiness or persistence with
using an app is not unusual. For example, Yang et al.
(2020) found that 74% of health app users stopped using
an app by the tenth use and 26% used it only once. To
increase the percentage of anglers who volunteer to use
the apps, Venturelli et al. (2017) suggest making the apps
easy, fun, and social. Keusch and Zhang (2017) review
the efforts of gamication, a variety of techniques
intended to increase respondent engagement in completing
web surveys, and show that the benets, while generally
positive, are not very clear.
Although the premise is that the apps will result in a
census of shing activity, this is extremely unlikely for rec-
reational shing apps. Because apps are intended to be
used by ang lers who volunteer to do so, instead of a cen-
sus they constitute a nonprobability sample with no selec-
tion probabilities attached to those who do report. One
consequence of this method of collecting data is that no
techniques for controlling the respondents such as quotas
or matched samples (Baker et al. 2013) are possible.
Another consequence is that estimation methods that do
not rely on selection probabilities must be applied for pop-
ulation inference. A typical scheme for household non-
probability samples is to attach a weight to each
respondent so that the weighted total equals the number
of persons in the population in a particular category (often
demographic categories are used such as age and sex).
Even this simple adjustment is not feasible for shing sur-
veys because the total number of anglers that could serve
as the population total is not known from the U.S. Census
Bureau or administrative records. For example, counts of
licensed anglers would exclude exempted categories, such
as kids and anglers who sh from licensed piers, and other
anglers who choose to sh without a license.
Another approach that has been discussed in the litera-
ture is using some combination of probability and non-
probability samples to gain the advantages of the lower
cost of nonprobability sampling but retain the rigor a nd
quality of probability samples. For example, Chen et al.
(2020) suggest using a probability sample as a reference
sample to reduce the biases that are associated with using
data from a nonprobability sample to produce estimates.
Liu et al. (2017) suggested a different a nd innovative
approach to use capturerecapture sampling methods for
shing surveys. The capture
recapture scheme employs
both a nonprobability sample and a probability sample,
where the key to inferences is examining how many of the
probability sample members were originally observed in
the nonprobability sample. In Liu et al. (2017), the non-
probability sample data were obtained from apps such as
iSnapper and the probability sample was an intercept sur-
vey. They found that this method could produce valid esti-
mates and condence intervals if the reporting rates in the
nonprobability sample were sufcientl y high, especially
among the most avid anglers.
Stokes et al. (2021) further investigated some of the pri-
mary assumptions in the capturerecapture estimator.
They identied serious departures from some of the
assumptions that could result in biases in the estimates.
One assumption requires the probability sample and non-
probability sample be statistically independent. They
found the independence assumption was violated because
some anglers only reported on the app when they were
randomly sampled in the intercept survey. Another
assumption, called the matching assumption, requires
being able to identify whether the reports from the non-
probability sample and the probability sample are for the
same trip. In practice, they found the linking of trips to be
complicated and error prone, causing this assump tion to
fail. Stokes et al. (2021) suggested that data collection
changes could help reduce matching errors, but they did
not have good solutions to the independence assumption
violation. As intercept survey coverage is generally limited
to publicly accessible shing access sites, noncoverage
error is another potential source of bias in this hybrid
design. The extent to which trips returning to private
access sites differ from those returning to public sites in
terms of app reporting rates and catch characteristics, as
well as the proportion of total trips returning to private
sites, determine the potential for bias from th is noncover-
age error.
It is important to understand that probability samples
are also subject to violations of assumptions that can
result in biases. Groves et al. (2011) summarize the sources
of total survey error that include sampling error as well as
other sources such as nonresponse and noncoverage. As
mentioned above, the exclusion of private access shing
sites from intercept surveys is a source of noncoverage
error that could affect estimates from any program th at
incorporates that sampling design. Stokes et al. (2021)
speculated that nonresponse bias in the probability effort
survey was the greatest threat to the validity of its esti-
mates. In the next section, the potential biasing effects of
nonresponse are discussed for both probability and non-
probability samples.
As described earlier, the MRIP Fishing Effort Survey
estimates the number of trips that anglers took during a
specic period and the APAIS estimates means of number
of sh caught per angler trip. The product is an estimate
of the total catch needed for managing the sheries. While
the overall estimate is an aggregate or total, an important
difference between the two survey estimates is that the
effort survey estimates population totals while the catch
survey estimates population means.
The effort survey estimate is the number of angler trips
taken during the period. It can be written as follow s:
T, (1)
is the estimated total number of households with
residents who shed during the period,
is the estimated
number with residents who did not sh in the period,
is the estimated mean number of trips for shing house-
holds, and T is the total number of households in the pop-
ulation (known from ot her sources). We concentrate on
the rst term, which is the shing prevalence or estimated
proportion of the total population that takes a shing trip
during the period. This quantity is likely to be the primary
source of nonresponse bias in shing effort surveys.
Brick et al. (2016) point out that for estimating shing
effort, probability surveys would be susceptible to nonre-
sponse bias if shing participants were more likely to
respond than nonparticipants were. This would result in
an overestimate of shing prevalence. They describe the
design of data collection instruments that appeal to a gen-
eral audience, increasing the likelihood that nonangling
households will respond. The key is that all households
are sampled and the survey should not appear to be only
for anglers. Furthermore, they suggest weighting adjust-
ment methods to reduce the effects of differential nonre-
sponse between ang lers and nonanglers. To examine the
potential for nonresponse bias due to differential response
between anglers and nonanglers, nonrespo nse bias studies
were undertaken in 2012 and 2020. Andrews et al. (2014)
and Andrews (2021) report that in both nonresponse
follow-up surveys the respondents to the follow up did not
differ from the initial respondents with respect to effort,
suggesting that the potential nonresponse bias was not
The mobile apps, on the other hand, have no capacity
to estimate the number of nonparticipants in the ratio in
equation (1), and consequently no capacity to estimate
shing prevalence. The apps are designed for anglers to
record their activities while shing; none of the suggestions
of Venturelli et al. (2017) for increasing the use of the apps
are intended for those who do not sh.
With this type of nonprobability sample, the estimator
: (2)
The potential for bias becomes much greater with this
estimator compared with equation (1) for two reasons.
First, the estimator can no longer take advantage of the
auxiliary data, T, to reduce bias. Second, unless all peo-
ple who she d in the period use the app for every trip
(i.e., a census) the estimate will be biased downward.
Given the experiences of the use of apps that is described
in the previous section, th e bias will be large and consis-
tent in direction. It is worth noting that none of the arti-
cles on using mobile apps suggest using an app to
estimate shing effort or shing prevalence, but instead
they suggest that it could be used for other purposes. As
noted earlier, the lack of a reli able number or estimate
of the number of people who shed during the period
makes it dif cult to improve on the accuracy of equa-
tion (2). As mentioned earlier, administrative data on reg-
istered anglers are incomplete due to unlicensed shing
activity, and even if it were complete the data would not
provide counts of the number of anglers who took trips
during the specied period.
For catch surveys, the estimates of catch rates or the
number of sh caught per trip are means, where the
means are like
for characteristics such as average num -
ber of sh caught per trip or average weight of the catch.
Valliant (2013) points out that estimating means generally
has an advantage over estimating totals because means
are ratios (number of trips taken divided by the number
of persons taking at least one trip) and the biases in the
numerator and denominator of the ratios may be partially
offsetting. When this holds, the bias for the estimated
mean is reduced compared with separate estimates of the
numerator and denominator. Some researchers hav e con-
sidered using nonprobability samples for estimating
means, proportions, and other relationships because of
this observation. Notice that unlike effort estimates, the
catch rate estimates that are derived from mobile apps do
not require any data from those who do not sh during
the period.
While the bias for estimating means is generally lower
than fo r totals, it does not mean that the estimates are
unbiased regardless of the source. In probability samples,
the bias for a mean is
1 RðÞ
, (3)
where R is the percentage of the sample responding,
the mean of the respondents, and
is the mean of those
not responding. Bias is greatest when the response rate is
low and the difference between the respondents and nonre-
spondents is high. The APAIS has low nonresponse rates,
and nonresponse bias is not likely to be a source of sub-
stantial bias in that survey, although noncoverage bias
due to excluding private shing access sites could be more
A similar expression holds for nonprobability estimates
of a mean
1 PðÞ
, (4)
where P is the percentage of the population responding,
is the mean of the respondents, and Y
is the mean
of those not responding.
We begin by examining the components of equation (3)
and equation (4). The quantity P refers to the entire popula-
tion, whereas R refers to the sample. In a probability sample
where equation (3) applies, data collection efforts are con-
centrated on getting the sampled units to respond by mak-
ing multiple conta ct attempts and using ot her tools like
monetary incentives. In a nonprobability sample where
equation (4) applies, any efforts to increase the rst term,
making it closer to equation (1), requires doing the same
type of work for the whole population of anglersencour-
aging more anglers to use a shing app, for example.
The second terms in equation (3) and equation (4),
respectively, are more related to Valliants (2013) com-
ment. These terms become relatively small when a condi-
tional independence assu mption holds. For example, the
assumption is that catch rates are equivalent for app users
and nonusers. The requirement is that catch rates are
independent of using the app.
The relative sizes of
depend on the specic application. For a catch survey, we
suspect that typically
is less than
. This would hold if the likelihood of
responding and catch rate were not as highly correlated as
the likelihood of using the app and the catch rate. While
we suspect that this is th e case, the main contributor to
the bias mostly likely arises due to the differences between
R and P.
Throughout this discussion, we have described the bias
due to differences between the respondents and the full
population in terms of nonresp onse bias. It is more typical
to classify this bias in nonprobability samples as selection
bias. Bethlehem (2010) refers to selection bias as the dif-
ference between the responding sample and the population
being the result of self-selection rather than using proba-
bility sampling. An example of self-selection bias is if
anglers only reported successful shing trips. Bethlehem
indicates that selection bias is the greatest problem in non-
probability samples. We used the nonresponse formulation
to be able to use the same structure for both types of sam-
ples. Meng (2018) and Kalton (2019) also discuss som e of
the issues with nonprobability sampling, but they primar-
ily show that the effective sample size in nonprobability
samples can be dramatically lower than the nominal sam-
ple size.
Even without resolving the magnitudes of the second
terms in the biases, the differences between R and P
would almost certainly result in considerably smaller
biases in catch estimates for probability samples. One situ-
ation where anglers might use an app on a regular basis
and make P closer to R is when reporting is mandatory.
A mandatory reporting of Red Snapper in Alabama using
Snapper Check for private boat captains did have higher
reporting rates, but they were still only approximately
50% (Alabama 2019). On the other hand, if a probability
sample is conducted with little emphasis on response rates,
the value of R could also be low. The difference depends
on the specic circumstances.
A common theme in the early research into big data
and nonprobability sampling methods is that probability
samples are too costly and slow and collecting inexpensive
data from nonprobability samples lls a void. Several
researchers have suggested that apps might provide data
to supplement existing programs that do not collect infor-
mation on a topic of interest.
Papenfuss et al. (2015) proposed that apps could be
used to provide ne-scale movement data that are not
available from traditional surveys as well as a platform
for on-demand angler surveys and for quickly launching
projects to collect data passively. Venturelli et al. (2017)
discussed apps as a source of information on topics such
as bait and tackle, depth, sh kills, invasive species, and
water conditions. Jiorle et al. (2016) considered apps for
collecting data on discarded sh characteristics, greater
spatial resolution, and for low-effort or rarely encountered
sheries where small sample sizes lead to unstable esti-
mates in probability samples.
For example, length of discarded catch is not collected
in the APAIS but could be of value in managing sheries.
As suggested by Jiorle et al. (2016), an app could be
designed to ask questions about discarded catch such as
the number, species, and length of the discarded sh. The
bias from the data that are collected in this manner could
be computed using equation (4) and speculating about dif-
ferent values for the quantities in that equation. Suppose
that 20% of anglers used the app (P = 0.2) and the mean
number of discards for those using the app is 1.5 and for
those not using the app is 1.2. The true mean number of
discards is 1.275, but the estimate based on just app users
is 1.5 (bias = 0.225, or 18% of the mean). The question is
whether an estimate with this magnitude of bias would be
useful or could be misleading. A sensitivity analysis could
be conducted by substituting other values for the parame-
ters. The bias goes to 0 as P goes to 1, or the difference
between app users and nonusers goes to zero.
Other supplementary uses that have been suggested
might be more like observational studies such as changes
in the spatial distributions (ranges) of species and the
potential link to climate change. Similarly, small-scale
localized studies might be mounted. These examples of
supplementary uses differ from the discard example given
above because population-level inferences are not the goal.
Rather, these types of supplementary uses might generate
hypotheses about processes that are worthy of further
investigation. Apps could also provide longitudinal data
for anglers over time. The main concern with this use is
the high attrition rate for those who do start reporting on
apps. Wenz et al. (In press) attempted to increase both the
participation and retention rate of app use by providing
feedback to app users in a longitudinal survey but had no
Fishing effort and catch surveys pose many challenges
irrespective of the sampling. However, the sampling
method has major implications. With probability samples,
the costs of data collection are generally considerably
higher than when nonprobability samples are used, and
the probability samples must use methods to ensure rela-
tively high-quality data if the advantages of probability
sampling are to be realized. By high quality, we mean
keeping both sampling errors and the nonsampling errors
relatively small. The sampling errors can be made as small
as desired by increasing the sample size, although there
are cost implications. Nonsampling errors are more dif-
cult to address, but there are known techn iques to reduce
these biases. For example, nonresponse bias for a shing
effort survey can be reduced by increasing the response
rate so that the rate for those who do not sh is similar to
the rate for those who do sh. In catch surveys, techniques
can be instituted to sample and interview a sample that is
balanced with respect to catch and other important trip
characteristics to reduce bias.
Nonprobability shing surveys face substan tial chal-
lenges if th ey are going to produce high-quality estimates
for statistical inferences. The challenges exist for both
effort and catch surveys, but nding ways to encourage
those who do not sh on a regular basis to use a shing
app to rep ort effort seems to be an unreachable goal. It is
difcult to contemplate how this would be possible. The
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medi-
cine (2021) recently stated
The potential for voluntary reporting to enhance shery
data collection has generated much excitement, but in
practice, participation in such programs has invariably
been extremely low. Unless th ese patterns are reversed,
reliance on such voluntary data collection systems is
unlikely to advance MRIP over the coming years.
If probability surveys for shing effort are to be replaced,
methods other than using apps are needed.
While an app may be infeasible for estimating shing
effort, an app could be considered for estimating catch
rates because catch rate estimates only require input
from anglers and the quantities being estimated are
means rather than totals. However, there are still con-
siderable challenges that would have to be overcome to
rely on apps for estimating catch characteristics. First,
the apps would have to be used by a much larger pro-
portion of anglers than has been observed in any of the
early evaluations. The anglers would have to install and
use the app and continue to use the app over time. The
current evidence regarding keeping users after a single
use is not very encouraging. Mandatory reporting could
improve the percentage of anglers who use an app, but
it is unclear whether the greatly increased response bur-
den on anglers would be sustainable to implement man-
datory reporting for all or even a subset of managed
Greater adoption of mobile app reporting is also one of
the conditions for making the capturerecapture design
more effective. With th is design, the problems with match-
ing errors and the conditional independence assumption
still need solutions. The role of noncoverage bias due to
excluding private shing access sites in the probability
samples also requires some investigation for this
Some data, especially for those who are without the
resources that are needed to collect high-quality data from
probability samples, seems better than no data at all. Per-
haps there are situations in which this holds, such as some
of the supple mentary uses where population inferences are
not necessary. Nevertheless, the absence of data may be
better than poor-quality data in many cases. For example,
a decision on whether to restrict shing for a particular
species might be the outcome of the analysis of shing sur-
vey data. If the estimates from a survey are seriously
biased, it might lead to restricting shing when it should
be open. The opposite result of allowing shing when it
should be restricted could have even more grim conse-
quences. When the policy has such consequences, it is
important to have estimates and condence intervals for
those estimates that can be trusted. Currently, the bes t
general approach to providing such estimates is by using
probability samples.
Our view is that nonprobability samples should rst be
studied and evaluated in situations where the effects of
wrong decisions are not serious. Baker et al. (2013) refer
to this idea as t for use. Currently, the application of
nonprobability sampling for shing effort and catch sur-
veys have not proven that they are t for use.
One method that has been used in social science
research to examine the quality of nonprobability sam-
pling is to produce estimates from both probability and
nonprobability samples and compare them with each other
or with benchmark estimates from some gold standard.
Callegaro et al. (2014) do a comprehensive review of such
studies. Yeager et al. (2011) experimented with using the
same instrument in multiple nonprobability samples and
in a probability sample. By highlighting issues that would
otherwise go undetec ted, such comparisons have value
even if they do not generalize directly to other applica-
tions. The existing studies have shown that the probability
samples typically produce estimates with smaller biases
and that the estimates from nonprobability samples vary
signicantly from each other in terms of average absolute
Jiorle et al. (2016) did a small comparison of estimates
from a mobile app to estimates from a probability sample
in a shing survey setting. However, these comparisons
were not the equivalent of those done in the social science
research noted above. They made only a few comparisons
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