Incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis estimated by neonatal
screening: relevance of diagnostic confirmation in asymptomatic
newborn infants
C. B. S. D
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeira
o Preto, University of Sa
o Paulo, Sa
o Paulo, Brasil
(Accepted 12 November 2004)
Congenital toxoplasmosis is rarely identified by routine clinical examination. The aim of this
study was to estimate the incidence of the disease in the region of Ribeira
o Preto, south-eastern
Brazil. A definitive diagnosis was made on the basis of the persistence of anti-Toxoplasma IgG
antibodies beyond 1 year of age. Blood samples obtained from 15 162 neonates and adsorbed
onto filter paper were tested for anti-Toxoplasma IgM antibodies. Fifteen samples gave positive
results. A definitive diagnosis was confirmed in five of the 13 infants (38
5%) who completed
follow-up. These five infants presented with serum IgM and/or IgA antibodies, and clinical
abnormalities. Disease incidence was estimated to be 3
3/10 000 (95 % CI 1
7), indicating the
need for preventive measures. Neonatal screeni ng is feasible, but screening tests with a better
performance are required ; positive screening results must be carefully confirmed.
Congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) is characterized by a
broad spectrum of clinical manifestations at birth,
including varying degrees of neurological, ophthal-
mological and systemic involvement [1]. Although
most newborns are asymptomatic [2], up to 85% may
develop visual disturbances within the first two
decades of life, and up to 55 % will show neurological
abnormalities [3, 4]. Several lines of evidence suggest
that the early institution of appropriate treatment
may reduce the frequency of late sequelae [1, 5].
The seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnant
women and the incidence of CT are well known in
various regions, particular ly in European countries
[6–11]. This knowledge has allowed adequate assess-
ment of the burden of the disease and the planning of
preventive measures.
In Brazil, a large country characterized by hetero-
genous socio-economic conditions and cultural and
hygiene-nutritional habits, studies involving a limited
number of pregnant women from different com-
munities have reported high rates of toxoplasmosis
seroprevalence, ranging from 59
5% [12–16].
However, there have been few investigations that
identify the real incidence of CT in different regions of
Brazil. Recent reports have esti mated that the inci-
dence of CT ranges from 3
6/10 000 live new-
borns [17–19]. In these investigations, confirmation of
the disease was obtained by the detection of anti-
Toxoplasma IgM antibodies in the newborn.
Although this detection has been used for definitive
diagnosis [1, 5, 20], its use generally requires per-
forming confirmatory testing. A definitive diagnosi s
would also be possible by the direct detection of the
parasite in clinical samples, by demonstrating the
persistence of anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies
beyond 1 year of age and/or by the detection of anti-
Toxoplasma IgA in the first 6 months of life [1, 5, 20].
* Author for correspondence : Dr M. M. Mussi-Pinhata, Av.
Bandeirantes 3900, 14049-900, Ribeira
o Preto, Sa
o Paulo, Brasil.
Epidemiol. Infect. (2005), 133, 485–491. f 2005 Cambridge University Press
doi :10.1017/S095026880400353X Printed in the United Kingdom
The region of Ribeira
o Preto, located in the state of
o Paulo, south-eastern Brazil, is characterized by a
hot climate, favouring the survival of Toxoplasma
oocytes in the soil. The seroprevalence of toxo-
plasmosis in pregnant women in this region was esti-
mated to be 61% in 1999 [12]. These data include
the population of this area in the group at high
risk for CT according to the model proposed by
Frenkel [21].
Considering the lack of information regarding the
incidence of CT in the Ribeira
o Preto region, the
present study aims to estimate the incidence of the
disease through neonatal screening, using as con-
firmatory criteria the persistence of anti-Toxoplasma
IgG antibodies beyo nd 1 year of age and/or the pres-
ence of elevated titres after termination of treatment.
In addition, clinical and laboratory findings for the
identified infants are described.
Study population
As part of the obligatory neonatal screening pro-
gramme for phenylketonuria, congenital hypothy-
roidism and haemoglobinopathies, the Screening
Laboratory of the University Hospital of the Faculty
of Medicine of Ribeira
o Preto of the University of
o Paulo (HCFMRP–USP) receives all blood
samples adsorbed onto filter paper cards collected
within the public health system of the 25 towns in the
region of Ribeira
o Preto. These samples accou nt for
y90% of the 17 000 live newborns delivered per year
in the region. All 15 162 children whose filter-paper
samples were sent to this laboratory in 2001 were
included in the present study.
The study was approved by the Research Ethics
Committee of HCFMRP–USP. Prior to the study, the
team responsible for sample collection in the 25 towns
in the region received instruction regarding the
characteristics of the investigation. Information con-
cerning the study was provided through informative
posters and leaflets distributed to the families at the
time of sample collection. Written, informed consent
for additional assessment and follow-up was obtained
from the guardians responsible for those children who
tested positive on neonatal screening.
Neonatal screening
Blood samples adsorbed onto filter paper were
collected in hospitals and health centres throughout
the region by trained personnel, using the standard
technique of skin puncture in the calcaneal area.
Samples were generally obtained from children aged
up to 16 days, and stored for a maximum period of 10
days at room temperature. A 3-mm diameter disc was
punched from each filter paper card, eluted and ana-
lysed for anti-Toxoplasma IgM by a commercially
available, fluorometric, enzyme immunocapture
assay (Neonatal Toxoplasma gondii IgM FEIA
Labsystems, Helsinki, Finland) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions [22]. Samples showing an
optical density o80% of the mean obtained for
borderline controls were considered positive. Positive
results wer e confirmed by repeating the assay using
two aliquots from the same sample.
Complementary assessment of mot her and infant
Children who had confirmed positive results on neo-
natal screening for CT were invited for diagnostic
confirmation. Peripheral blo od was collected from the
mothers and their infants for confirmatory serological
tests. Serum obtained from the child was tested using
a double-sandwich, enzyme immunocapture assay
for the qualitative detection of anti- Toxoplasma IgM
and IgA antibodies (Platelia Toxo
, Sanofi Pasteur,
Marnes-la-Coquette, France) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Samples showi ng optical
densities o80% of the control cut-off provided by
the manufacturer were considered positive. Maternal
and infant serum samples were also submitted to
an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFA ) for the
quantitative detection of anti-Toxoplasma IgG and
IgM. Briefly, serum was diluted successively up to a
maximum dilution of 1 in 4000 and added to slides
containing fixed Toxoplasma antigens. The slides
were incubated with fluorescein-conjugated human
immunoglobulin anti-IgG or IgM. The antibody titre
was defined as the highest serum dilution at which
fluorescence was observed.
In addition, these children were submitted to a
complete clinical examination, ophthalmological
assessment and cranial ultrasonography and/or com-
puterized tomography. Consequent to any alteration
identified during the initial clinical assessment, the
children were tested for liver function, complete blood
count, cerebrospinal fluid analysis and instrumental
auditory evaluation (auditory screening). The children
were also screened for congenital cytomegalovirus
infection (dete ction of viral DNA by polyme rase
chain reaction) [23], syphilis (VDRL), and rubella
486 C. G. Carvalheiro and others
(haemagglutination inhibition test). None were in-
fected by these agents.
Follow-up and diagnostic criteria
All infants identified by neonatal screening were
followed up until their infection status had been
established. Assessments included the detection of
anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies by IFA every 2–4
months. A diagnosis of CT was confirmed on the
basis of persistence of specific IgG antibodies beyond
12 months of age, or the presence of elevated titres
after termination of the antiparasite treatment. Chil-
dren with decreasing IgG titres and who became
anti-Toxoplasma IgG negative were considered to
be non-infected. Treatment was pro vided based on
current recommendations [1, 5] with sulphadiazine,
pyrimethamine, folinic acid and spiramycin being
provided free of charge.
Data analysis
Assuming that the incidence of CT would be 1/3000
births, the sample size necessary to estimate the inci-
dence of infection with a 95% confidence level and a
precision of 0
03% would be 12 639. The incidence
was estimated based on the number of children
showing CT, using the binomial exact 95 % confi-
dence interval (CI) for descriptive studies employing
random samples. Calculations were performed
using the Epi-Info 6 program (CDC, Atlanta, GA,
USA, November 1993). The age at which infant s
became anti-Toxoplasma IgG negative was estimated
as the midpoint of the interval between the last
positive anti-Toxoplasma IgG test and the first nega-
tive test.
Anti-Toxoplasma IgM was initially detected in
samples from 101 (0
67%) of the 15 162 infants in-
cluded in the study. This resul t was confirmed in 15
infants (14
85%), 10 (66
7%) being males. The Figure
summarizes the results of the initial evaluation and
the follow-up.
Most infants (73
3%) were from urban areas. Birth
weight ranged from 2060 to 3790 g (median 3120 g),
and gestational age ranged from 32 to 41 weeks
(median 39
5 weeks). The media n age of the 14 infants
evaluated during complementary assessment was 94
days (2–338). All mothers reported regular prenatal
follow-up. However, only two mothers (of infant
nos. 6 and 12) were diagnosed with probable asymp-
tomatic gestational toxoplasmosis due to detection
of anti-Toxoplasma IgM in the serum at 26 weeks
gestation, and to seroconversion at 31 weeks respect-
ively. In the first mother, detection of genomic
fractions of the parasite in the amniotic fluid by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) gave a negative
result. The use of spiramycin until the end of preg-
nancy was prescribed in both cases, but only the
second mother used the medication regularly.
With respect to the initial complementary labora-
tory evaluation, anti-Toxoplasma IgG at titres o1in
4000 were detected in serum samples from all 14
mothers by IFA, with no identification of IgM.
Except for one child, initially evaluated at 11 months
of age, IFA detected IgG antibodies in the remaining
13 infants, titres ranging from 1 in 256 to >1in
4000; IgM was not detected. Enzyme immunoassays
for the detection of serum anti-Toxoplasma IgA
and IgM were positive in six of the 14 infants
9%), five infants being positive for IgM and IgA,
and one infant being positive for IgA and negative
for IgM.
Routine clinical examination showed signs and
symptoms suggestive of co ngenital infection in two of
the 14 infants (14
3%). One infant was not evaluated
further. Complementary asses sment revealed clinical
abnormalities in five of the 13 remaining infants
(Table). None of the 13 infants was diagnosed with
auditory deficiency. All five symptomatic infants were
15 162
Neonatal screening
IgM negative
15 147 (99·9%)
Complementary clinical and laboratory assessments
Not performed
1/15 (6·7%)
Not performed
1/14 (7·1%)
toxoplasmosis excluded
8/13 (61·5%)
Status of infection
IgM positive
15 (0·1%)
14/15 (93·3%)
13/14 (92·9%)
Confirmed congenital
5/13 (38·5%)
Fig. Neonatal screening for toxoplasmosis in children from
the region of Ribeira
o Preto, Sa
o Paulo, south-eastern
Neonatal screening for congenital toxoplasmosis 487
treated for 1 year. Four of the eight asymptomatic
infants received treatment for periods ranging from
15 days to 2 months, followed by withdrawal of
the medication after a documented decline greater
than 10 dilutions in anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibody
The 13 infants were followed up for a mean period
of 15
9 months (12
2 months). Five infants ful-
filled the confirmatory criteria for CT : four of them
(infant nos. 2, 3, 7, 8) maint ained positive IgG titres at
1 year of age, and the other (infant no. 12) was sero-
negative at 12 months of age, but had a sudden rise in
anti-Toxoplasma IgG titres after cessation of therapy.
These five infants presented abnormal clinical findings
on complementary assessment, and the presence of
IgA and/or IgM in peripheral blood on first evalu-
ation. The remaining eight infants were considered to
be non-infected. In these infants, median age of
becoming anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibody negative
was 10
2 months (5
8 months), and no signs or
symptoms attributable to CT or positive serological
IgA or IgM tests were observed.
Estimation of the incidence of CT
Considering that five infants with confirmed CT were
identified from a total of 15 162 infants submitted to
neonatal screening, the incidence of the disease in the
population studied was estimated to be 3
3/10 000
infants (95% CI 1
7). Assuming that the two
infants who did not complete the study were also in-
fected (both showed elevated quantitative results on
neonatal screening, and one exhibited IgA and IgM
antibodies in the peripheral blood), the incidence
would be 4
6/10 000 infants (95% CI 1
Based on the results of the present study, the inci-
dence of CT in the Ribeira
o Preto region is estimated
to be 3
3 (95% CI 1–7
7) cases per 10 000 births.
While this rate is similar to that reported in various
Brazilian regions (3
3, 95% CI 2
4) [17] and in
southern Brazil (8, 95 % CI 0
5) [19] and to that
found in Norway (3, 95% CI 1
5) [7], Denmark
(3, 95 % CI 2–4
4) [9], Slovenia (5
1, 95 % CI 2
[11] and in Poland (5
5, 95% CI 3–9) [24], it is ap-
parently lower than in Rio de Janeiro (19
6, 95% CI
7) [18], Switzerland (7
2, 95 % CI 4
[25], Belgium (9
6, 95% CI 5
8) [26] and France
(y10) [8]. However, the incidence of CT reported for
the North-American region of New England [2],
Sweden [10] and Hungary [6] is <1 case per 10 000
infants. These findings perhaps suggest epidemiologi-
cal differences in infection in distinct localities, but the
methodological peculiarities of the different study
designs should be considered.
One advantage of the present study design is that
the occurrence of CT in infants identified by neonatal
screening was confirmed using a criterion considered
to be a true indicator of the presence or absence of
the disease [1, 20], but that has been applied in
only a few previous studies [9, 10, 25]. Studies em-
ploying serological evidence of gestational maternal
Table. Complementary clinical and radiological evaluations of five children
Child (age in days
at first evaluation) Routine clinical examination Positive findings on complementary assessment
No. 2 (110) Normal Macular scars due to chorioretinitis
No. 3 (104) Normal Temporal scars due to chorioretinitis, strabismus.
Compensated moderate hydrocephalus. Elevated AST
and ALT
No. 7 (98) Hepatosplenomegaly, petechiae,
ascites, jaundice
Turbid vitreous humor with active chorioretinitis in the
left eye, strabismus. Parenchymatous calcifications
No. 8 (67) Normal Macular scars due to chorioretinitis, strabismus. Cranial
US: images suggestive of previous haemorrhage. Cranial
CT: prominence of the supratentorial ventricles. Elevated
CSF proteins
No. 12 (2) Hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice,
Turbid vitreous humor with active chorioretinitis.
Cerebral and cerebellar calcifications. Elevated CSF
proteins. Elevated AST
US, Ultrasound ; CT, computerized tomography ; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid ; ALT, alanine aminotransferase ; AST, aspartate
488 C. G. Carvalheiro and others
seroconversion [9, 1 0], in addition to the detection of
IgM and/or IgA in newborns, are potentially
more likely to estimate the true incidence of CT
because they are not limited by the performance of
neonatal screening, which may not detect some of the
affected newborns [9].
In the present study, the use of a commercially
available, fluorometric, IgM enzyme immunocapture
assay developed for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma
IgM in blood samples adsorbed onto filter paper was
chosen because more sensitive tests were not avaliable
[27]. The retest rate of 0
67% (101/15 162) obtained
after the initial test for detection of anti-Toxoplasma
IgM in dried blood samples was similar to the
frequency of 0
5% reported by others [17]. This figure
may have been elevated by the low cut-off level used
in the screening tests, established to assure a high
detection rate.
Even though FEIA performs well compared to
similar assays conducted by experienced laboratories
[22], there are no studies designed to evaluate its
sensitivity and specificity properly, particularly when
a definite diagnosis of CT is considered. Previous
studies have reported sensitivities varying from 77
to 100% for IgM detection tests performed on neo-
natal dried blood samples [9, 10, 24], similarly to what
has been shown for assays performed on blood [27] .
In addition, IgM may not be present at birth in
infected children, due to various immunological
mechanisms [1, 28, 29]. Thus, supposing that the
sensitivity of the IgM test did not reach 100%, it is
possible that not all infected infants were identified,
and that the incidence of the disease may be under-
On the other hand, in the present study, 61
5% of
the confirmed positive neonatal screening results were
false-positive. Other investigators, using the same
assay and diagnostic criteria reported 78
6% [10] and
91% [17] false-positive results. A high proportion of
false-positive results is generally accepted for screen-
ing tests, especially in the case of populations with a
low prevalence of the disease [30]. However, an
elevated rate of false-positive results leads to a
marked increase in screening costs, and generates
anxiety and family issues due to the need for complex
investigation and medical follow-up. In addition,
emphasizing the need to follow IgG titres during
and after treatment and to take the occurrence of
serological rebounds into account for definitive diag-
nosis, it must be observed that infant no. 12, who was
seronegative at 12 months of age, showed a sudden
rise in anti-Toxoplasma IgG titres after cessation of
All infants with confirmed CT identified in this
study had ophthalmological impairment on initial
assessment, and 80% also presented neurological
abnormalities. These findings contrast with those
reported in other screening studies in which only
11–33% of infants presented such abnormalities, and
4–29%, neurological changes [2, 9, 10, 17, 24]. Even
in studies evaluating mostly symptomatic infants,
y60–80% presented with ophthalmological and/or
neurological impairment [31]. One fact that may
explain the higher percentage of symptomatic infant s
in the present study is the age at which the first
complementary examination was performed, i.e. a
median age of 94
5 days. In contrast, other screening
studies examined infants within the first 6 weeks of life
[2, 9, 10, 17, 24]. Since ophthalmological impairment
may not be clinically apparent for months or even
years, ocular lesions may have occurred during the
first months of life. However, even studies which have
followed infants with CT up to 1–6 years of age have
not reported the presence of ocular lesions in all of
them [32]. Some investigators have tried to establish a
relationship between the Toxoplasma genotype and
the severity of clinical manifestations, with incon-
clusive results [33].
With respect to diagnostic confirmation by sero-
logical test ing, it should be emphasized that, in con-
trast to non-infected infants, serum anti-Toxoplasma
IgA and/or IgM antibodies were detected in all
infants in whom infection was confirmed. This finding
diverges from reports indicating that the sensitivity of
such antibody tests is lower when mothers are infected
at the beginning of pregnancy [28, 29]. Neonatal
screening, therefore, would not detect infants whose
mothers were infected during early pregnancy, when
the risk of fetal involvement is higher [28], a finding
not observed in the present study.
In conclusion, the demonstration of an elevated
incidence of CT in the region of Ribeira
o Preto,
Brazil, based on the analysis of a representative
population sample, reveals the need for the institution
of preventive measures, considering that 60% of
affected infants may not have been identified by
routine clinical examination. The main measure
would be the implementation of informative cam-
paigns for the general population and health-care
professional, to promote the primary prevention of
gestational infection. Neonatal screening by sero-
logical testing of filter-paper sampl es is feasible and
Neonatal screening for congenital toxoplasmosis 489
may be widely available. However, tests with a better
performance are necessary. Positive screening results
must be carefully confirmed by serological tests and
follow-up, particularly in asymptomatic children.
This research was supported by FAPESP (Fundac¸ a
de Amparo a
Pesquisa do Estado de Sa
o Paulo). We
are grateful to the staff of the Neonatal Service of
Hospital das Clı
nicas da Faculdade de Medicina de
o Preto da Universidade de Sa
o Paulo.
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