American Society for Microbiology © 2016 1
Coagulase Test Protocol
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Created: Thursday, 11 November 2010
D. Sue Katz
The first report of coagulase activity was by Loeb in 1904 (16). He
reported that staphylococci were capable of influencing the coagulation
process of blood. In his experiments, he mixed small volumes of bouillon
broth cultures of bacteria with 3 cubic centimeters of goose
plasma. After incubation, he noted that “staphylococcus pyogenes
aureus” (now known as Staphylococcus aureus) was capable of causing
the blood to coagulate, usually within 5 hours. This version of the
coagulase test is now referred to as the tube coagulase test. Nine
species of bacteria were tested, and while some response was seen with
several of the other species, S. aureus produced the strongest and
swiftest response. A further experiment using rabbits determined that
the organism was able to affect mammalian blood as well. He also
observed that a sterilized culture of the organism was not able to
coagulate blood. We now know that several other species
of Staphylococcus are capable of giving a positive coagulase
test (4). Shortly after that, in 1908, Much (18) described an apparently
related phenomenon where S. aureus cells immediately clumped when
mixed with plasma, which is now called the slide coagulase test or
clumping test.
Loeb immediately recognized the clinical implications of the ability of the
organism to clot plasma, “We may further conclude that under various
pathological conditions the staphylococcus pyogenes aureus plays an
important part in causing thrombosis and the formation of a fibrinous
exudate“ (16). Other researchers continued to examine and further
characterize S. aureus. In their paper published in 1934, Chapman et al.
(8) describe a series of experimentsperformed to correlate pigment
production, hemolysis (ability to lyse red blood cells), tube coagulase test
result, agglutination by antisera, and pathogenicity in rabbits. They
determined that “coagulase is more consistently a property of ‘Staph.
In 1943, Cadness-Graves et al. (7) examined 442 strains of staphylococci
and reported agreement between the slide and tube coagulase tests for
440 of the strains. Frobisher (13) mentioned the tests in the third
edition of his textbook, in 1944, and in the fourth edition in 1949 (14),
he gave a brief description of how to perform the tube coagulase
test. The procedure he described is very similar to the procedure
described below, with one major difference in that Frobisher’s protocol
used freshly prepared citrated or oxalated human plasma. By 1953, in
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 2
their clinical pathology manual, Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods,
Todd, Sanford and Wells (24) noted that both coagulase tests are reliable
methods of distinguishing between pathogenic strains and nonpathogenic
strains, but the ASM Manual of Microbiological Methods was published in
1957 (1) without mention of coagulase. In the first edition of Bailey and
Scott in 1962 (2), the tube coagulase test was the accepted method to
identify a pathogenic Staphylococcus. Today, even though a variety of
diagnostic tests are available to identify S. aureus in the clinical
microbiology laboratory, the coagulase tests remain simple, reliable
methods of identification. It is such a standard test that newly developed
identification methods are evaluated by comparison with the tube
coagulase test.
As it became more common to rely on coagulase as a test to identify S.
aureus, researchers studied the characteristics of the coagulase
reaction. Chapman, Berens and Stiles (9) and Turner and Schwartz (25)
both examined the effect on coagulase of factors such as the species of
organism donating plasma, the age of the inocula, the presence of
anticoagulants, and the amount of salt. Researchers utilized a wide
variety of plasmas to observe the activity of coagulase. For example,
Chapman (10) felt that whole human blood worked best, while Orth,
Chugg and Anderson (20) determined that human plasma was the best
sera, while bovine, chicken, and pig were the worst. Yrios (27) found
that heparinized pig plasma had results similar to commercial rabbit
plasma. Ethylenediamine tetra-acetate (EDTA) was found to give
superior results to citrated plasma (27). Bailey and Scott noted that,
while various researchers were using plasma from a variety of species
with differing results, consistent results were obtainable by using
commercially available dehydrated rabbit plasma (2). Several chemicals
are commonly used to prevent activation of the clotting cascade when
blood is drawn. These include heparin, citrate, and ethylenediamine
tetra-acetate. Heparin treated blood is no longer used for the coagulase
test, and while citrate-treated blood can be used, it is possible that the
organism being tested might utilize citrate metabolically, removing it
from the solution and initiating the clotting cascade (12). For this
reason, most plasma used for the coagulase test is treated with EDTA,
which functions by chelating divalent cations such as Ca
which are
required for enzymes to function.
While Staphylococcus species give similar results in the two coagulase
tests, tube and slide, evidence began to accumulate that there were two
different mechanisms of action. Duthie (11) found that heated and
cooled plasma could not be used to form a clot in the tube test, although
it retained activity in the slide clumping test. Duthie partially purified the
clumping factor, the cell-bound protein which is now referred to as bound
coagulase. This protein acts on fibrinogen to cause clumping of the
bacterial cells. O’Connell et al. (19) identified bound coagulase as an
adhesin of the microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix
molecules (MSCRAMM) family. The secreted protein, staphylocoagulase,
binds to prothrombin. Hemker, Bas and Muller (15) determined that,
although this enzyme acts like thrombin, it is not. It has a different
amino acid composition, it chromatographs differently, and it is not
inhibited by heparin. Panizzi et al. (21) indicate that fibrinogen is
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 3
cleaved into fibrin by the action of staphylocoagulase-prothrombin. It is
fibrin which forms the visible clot.
These discoveries verify that the slide and tube coagulase tests measure
different reactions, and explain why some staphylococci give a negative
slide test result and a positive tube test result. A positive slide test
speeds up the identification of the organism in the clinical microbiology
lab, but a negative reaction does not eliminate S. aureus from
consideration. A negative tube test is required in order to eliminate S.
aureus and that may take 24 hours. Latex agglutination kits, many
of which utilize clumping or coagulase as one of the components of the
test (3, 23, 26), have been marketed for quick identification of S.
aureus and may be useful in identifying those rare strains
of S. aureuswhich are coagulase negative (22).
The coagulase test differentiates strains of Staphylococcus
aureus from S. epidermidis and other coagulase-negative species. S.
aureus strains are usually capable of coagulating EDTA-treated plasma in
the tube test and will produce clumps of cells in the slide test.
The coagulase test can be performed using two different
procedures. The slide test is simple, giving results within 10 seconds,
but it can give false negatives. The tube test is the definitive test,
however, it can take up to 24 hours to complete. For both tests,
clumping or clots of any size indicate a positive response (5, 25).
Likewise, the speed of clotting is not related to the virulence of the
bacteria. While S. aureus is the most commonly isolated coagulase-
positive organism, there are several other species
of Staphylococcus which are positive for coagulase activity. S.
schleiferi and S. lugdunensis may give positive results in the slide test for
bound coagulase, and S. schleiferi and S. intermedius may give positive
results in the tube coagulase test (6).
The slide test is performed by preparing a suspension of bacterial cells
mixed into a drop of EDTA-treated rabbit plasma on a microscope
slide. If bound coagulase is present on the bacterial cells, then the
presence of plasma will cause the bacterial cells to clump. The clumping
will occur because the clumping factor is an adhesin, a member of the
MSCRAMM family of adhesion molecules, which causes the cells to bind to
fibrinogen in the plasma. This will result in visible clumping of bacterial
cells on the microscope slide. Figure 1 illustrates the visible clumping of
cells on the microscope slide. Figure 2 is a comparison of how the cells
in Figure 1 appeared when fixed, stained with methylene blue, and
observed at 1,000X magnification in the light microscope.
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 4
FIG. 1. Slide test. Coagulase-negative staphylococci are present on
the left side of the slide, while coagulase-positive staphylococci are
present on the right side of the slide.
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 5
FIG. 2. Cells on the slide coagulase test slides were dried, heat
fixed, and stained with methylene blue. (A) Coagulase-negative
staphylococci. Note the individual cells and lack of large clumps of
cells. (B) Coagulase-positive staphylococci. While some individual cells
are observed, the majority of cells are gathered into a clump that is large
enough to be visible to the naked eye. Photographs are at 1,000X
The tube coagulase test is performed by mixing bacterial cells into a
larger volume of plasma in a small test tube. As the bacteria multiply in
the plasma, they secrete staphylocoagulase. Staphylocoagulase initiates
blood coagulation by activating prothrombin (15). Staphylocoagulase
adheres to fibrinogen, forming a complex that cleaves fibrinogen into
fibrin, bypassing the blood clotting cascade and directly causing a clot of
fibrin to form. Formation of a clot will be noted within 24 hours for a
positive response. Figure 3 shows a negative reaction and a positive
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 6
FIG. 3. (A) A negative tube coagulase test reaction indicating
coagulase-negative cells. (B) A positive tube coagulase test reaction
indicating coagulase-positive cells.
Both forms of the coagulase test require fresh bacterial cultures (24
hours or younger), grown in noninhibitory media. Acceptable
noninhibitory media include blood agar, trypticase soy agar, and
chocolate agar. Phenylethylalcohol and mannitol salt agars are
considered inhibitory media. Agar media with antibiotics are also
considered inhibitory.
Commercially available coagulase plasma is obtained from a supplier as
lyophilized citrated or EDTA-treated rabbit plasma, and rehydrated with
sterile distilled water immediately prior to use. As mentioned above,
EDTA treatment is preferred. The amount of water used to rehydrate will
be indicated by the manufacturer. The rehydrated plasma should be
stored at 4
C if it will be used within 1 week. Otherwise it should be
aliquotted and frozen at -20
C. Frozen aliquots should be stored in a
non-frost-free freezer, since cycles of thaw and refreeze inactivate the
plasma. Examples of suppliers include: Pel-Freez Biologicals (item
31241-1), Becton-Dickson (item 240826); Gentaur (item RB02211), and
EMD Chemicals (item 1.13306). While human plasma was often used
historically, the use of fresh, citrated or EDTA-treated human plasma is
not recommended because of the risk of infection.
The slide test is performed first to detect bound coagulase, since it is a
very quick procedure, and only a negative strain is further tested in the
tube coagulase test. If a positive result is obtained, the organism is
reported as coagulase positive, presumptively S. aureus. The tube test is
the definitive version of the coagulase test, but it can take up to 24 hours
to complete. Before these tests are used in the teaching laboratory,
please review the safety considerations below. S. aureus should be used
in a biosafety level 2 laboratory, and then, only by students with
sufficient experience to use the organism safely. The appropriate safety
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 7
equipment should be available for the students.
Slide Coagulase Test
Demonstrating bound coagulase, otherwise known as clumping factor
Microscope slide
Overnight plate culture of the organism to be tested, grown on
noninhibitory agar
Control organisms, usually include S. epidermidis (negative
control) and
S. aureus (positive control)
Water or physiological saline
Nonsterile dropper
Reconstituted coagulase plasma
Sterile dropper
Method of transferring bacteria from plate (such as a wire loop and
sterile wooden applicator stick, or sterile disposable loop)
Marking pen or wax pencil
Discard container for contaminated materials
1. Draw two circles on the slide using the marking pen. Draw the
circles as far apart as possible so there will be room to keep the
suspensions separate and to mix each of the suspensions. Identify
where the water (or saline) and plasma will be placed. If control strains
will be utilized, additional slides will be required to test them using the
procedure outlined below.
2. With the nonsterile dropper, place a small drop of water or saline into
the circle on the appropriate end of the slide. The saline or water is a
control to verify that the strain does not autoagglutinate and clump with
itself instead of being easily emulsified.
3. Using the sterile dropper, place a small drop of reconstituted plasma
into the circle on the opposite end of the slide.
4. With the loop or applicator stick, collect cells from one colony and
emulsify the cells in the water (or saline) and then in the drop of
plasma. The order is important to prevent carryover of small amounts of
plasma into the control drop. If using a disposable loop or applicator
stick, carefully place it into the discard container. If using a reusable
loop, sterilize the loop before proceeding.
5. Watch for clumping within 10 seconds of adding the bacterial cells to
the plasma. The clumping will become more visible if the slide is rocked
gently in a figure 8 motion. The control drop, saline or water, should
show no clumping of bacterial cells. Three results are possible.
If the strain shows clumping in the saline control and is difficult to
emulsify, it exhibits autoagglutination, and no results can be obtained
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 8
from the slide test. This strain must be tested in the tube test.
If the strain shows clumping only when emulsified in the plasma and
there is no autoagglutination, this is a positive slide test. This strain is
not further tested in the tube test.
If the strain shows no clumping in either saline or plasma, it has
tested negative on the slide coagulase test and should be further tested
using the tube coagulase test.
The positive control species should show clumping only when
emulsified in the plasma and the negative control species should not
show clumping in either water (saline) or plasma.
6. When the test is complete, place the slides in the discard
container for contaminated materials.
Tube Coagulase Test
Demonstrating staphylocoagulase production
Small sterile test tubes (for example, 12 X 75-mm snap-capped
Sterile wooden applicator stick or transfer loop
Discard container for contaminated materials
Test tube rack
Culture of organism to be tested, must be fresh (less than 24
hours) on
noninhibitory media
Control organisms, usually include S. epidermidis (negative
control) and
S. aureus (positive control)
Watch or timer
Incubator set at approximately 37
Pipettor (to transfer 0.5 ml volume)
Sterile tips
Marking pen or wax pencil
Reconstituted coagulase plasma
1. Label the test tube with the organism to be tested.
2. Using the pipettor, aseptically transfer 0.5 ml of the reconstituted
plasma into the test tube.
3. Select two or three isolated colonies of the bacteria to be tested and
collect them using the sterile loop or applicator stick.
4. Emulsify the bacteria in the 0.5 ml of plasma and place in the
incubator. Discard the disposable loop or applicator stick into the discard
container or sterilize the reusable loop before proceeding.
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 9
5. Note the time when the test began. At intervals over the next 4
hours, observe the culture, looking for evidence of a clot. Any clot
formation is a positive result.
6. If no clot is observed by the end of 4 hours, then the test may be
continued with an overnight incubation at room temperature and a final
observation at 24 hours.
7. The positive control organism should exhibit clotting by the end 24
hours, while the negative control organism should not.
8. When the test is completed, dispose of the contaminated materials
The ASM advocates that students must successfully demonstrate the
ability to explain and practice safe laboratory techniques. For more
information, read the laboratory safety section of the ASM Curriculum
Recommendations: Introductory Course in Microbiology and
the Guidelines for Biosafety in Teaching Laboratories.
Comments and tips are from discussion at the ASM Conference for
Undergraduate Educators 2010.
Positive and negative controls should be utilized for the slide and tube
tests. For a positive control organism, S. aureus ATCC 12600 is
recommended. For a negative control organism, S. epidermidis ATCC
14990 is recommended (17).
To keep expenses at a minimum, it is possible to do one positive and
one negative control for the class as a whole, instead of having
each student or group perform them.
Clumping in the slide test might not be easily observed by holding the
slide on top of the workbench. It will be more visible when observed
over a dark surface.
If the student has allowed enough time for the drop of plasma to dry
on the slide, then there may be a false-positive response. Encourage
the students to be aware of this possibility before they start.
Some microbiologists prefer to characterize the degree of clotting present
in the tube test. Turner and Schwartz (25) used a four-point
scale. 1
have small unorganized clots, 2
have a small organized clot,
feature a large organized clot, and 4
show the entire contents of the
tube coagulated and unable to be displaced when the tube is inverted. A
negative showed no evidence of fibrin formation.
While primarily used to differentiate species within the
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 10
genus Staphylococcus, several other clinically important organisms can
be differentiated from similar organisms by this test
(17). Peptostreptococcus indolicus is positive while
other Peptostreptococcus species are negative. Erysipelothrix
rhusiopathiae is positive while Listeria andCorynebacterium spp. are
1. ASM Committee on Bacteriological Testing. 1957. Manual of
microbiological methods. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY.
2. Bailey, W. R., and E. G. Scott. 1962. Diagnostic microbiology. C. V.
Mosby Company, St. Louis, MO.
3. Baker, J. S., M. A. Borman, and D. H. Boudreau. 1985. Evaluation
of various rapid agglutination methods for the identification
of Staphylococcus aureus. 21:726729.
4. Bascomb, S., and M. Manafi. 1998. Use of enzyme tests in
characterization and identification of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic
gram-positive cocci. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 11:318340.
5. Blair, J. E. 1939. The pathogenic staphylococci. Bacteriol.
Rev. 3:97146.
6. Brown, D. F. J., D. I. Edwards, P. M. Hawkey, D. Morrison, G. L
Ridgway, K. J. Towner, and M. W. D. Wren.2005. Guidelines for the
laboratory diagnosis and susceptibility testing of methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA). J. Antimicrob.
Chemother. 56:10001018.
7. Cadness-Graves, B., R. E. O. Williams, G. J. Harper, and A. A.
Miles. 1943. Slide test for coagulase positive
staphylococci. Lancet 1:736738.
8. Chapman, G. H., C. Berens, A. Peters, and L.
Curcio. 1934. Coagulase and hemolysin tests as measures of the
pathogenicity of staphylococci. J. Bacteriol. 28:343363.
9. Chapman, G. H., C. Berens, and M. H. Stiles. 1941. The
coagulation of plasma by staphylococci. J. Bacteriol.41:431440.
10. Chapman, G. H. 1944. The comparative value of human plasma
and human whole blood for testing the coagulating power of
staphylococi. J. Bacteriol. 47:211.
11. Duthie, E. S. 1954. Evidence for two forms of staphylococcal
coagulase. J. Gen. Microbiol. 10:427436.
12. Finegold, S. M., W. J. Martin, and E. G. Scott. 1978. Bailey and
Scott’s diagnostic microbiology, 5th ed. C. V. Mosby Company, Saint
Louis, MO.
13. Frobisher, M., Jr. 1944. Fundamentals of bacteriology, 3rd ed. W.
B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA.
14. Frobisher, M., Jr. 1949. Fundamentals of bacteriology, 4th ed. W.
B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA.
15. Hemker, H. C., B. M. Bas, and A. D. Muller. 1975. Activation of a
pro-enzyme by a stoichiometric reaction with another protein. The
reaction between prothrombin and
staphylocoagulase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 379:180188.
16. Loeb, L. 1903. The influence of certain bacteria on the coagulation
of the blood. J. Med. Res. 10(3):407
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 11
17. McFaddin, J. F. 1999. Biochemical tests for the identification of
medical bacteria, 3rd ed. Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
18. Much, H. 1908. Ober eine vorstufe des fibrinfermentes in kulturen
von Staphylokokkus aureus. Biochemische Zeitschrift (now published as
Eur. J. Biochem.) 14:143155.
19. O’Connell, D. P., T. Nanavaty, D. McDevitt, S. Gurusiddappa, M.
Höök, and T. J. Foster. 1998. The fibrinogen-binding MSCRAMM
(clumping factor) of Staphylococcus aureus has a Ca
inhibitory site. J. Biol. Chem. 273:68216829.
20. Orth, D. S., L. R. Chugg, and A. W. Anderson. 1971. Comparison
of animal sera for suitability in coagulase testing. Appl.
Microbiol. 21:420425.
21. Panizzi, P., R. Friedrich, P. Fuentes-Prior, W. Bode, and P. E.
Bock. 2004. The staphylocoagulase family of zymogen activator and
adhesion proteins. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 61:27932798.
22. Personne, P., M. Bes, G. Lina, F. Vandenesch, Y. Brun, and J.
Etienne. 1997. Comparative performances of six agglutination kits
assessed by using typical and atypical strains of Staphylococcus
aureus. J. Clin. Microbiol. 35:11381140.
23. Spears, D. J., T. R. Olma, and G. L. Gilbert. 1998. Evaluation of
four methods for rapid identification ofStaphylococcus aureus from blood
cultures. J. Clin. Microbiol. 36:10321034.
24. Todd, J. C., A. H. Sanford, and B. B. Wells. 1953. Clinical
diagnosis by laboratory methods, 12th ed. W. B. Saunders Company,
Philadelphia, PA.
25. Turner, F. J., and B. S. Schwartz. 1958. The use of a lyophilized
human plasma standardized for blood coagulation factors in the
coagulase and fibrinolytic tests. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 52:888894.
26. van Griethuysen, A., M. Bes, J. Etienne, R. Zbinden, and J.
Kluytmans. 2001. International multicenter evaluation of latex
agglutination tests for identification of Staphylococcus aureus. J. Clin.
Microbiol. 39:8689.
27. Yrios, J. W. 1977. Comparison of rabbit and pig plasma in the tube
coagulase test. J. Clin. Microbiol. 5:221224.
This resource was peer reviewed at the ASM Conference for
Undergraduate Educators 2010.
Participating reviewers:
Susan Barbaro
Rivier College, Nashua, NH
Carolyn Bouma
West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX
Benita Brink
Adams State College, Alamosa, CO
Rebecca Buxton
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
American Society for Microbiology © 2016 12
Anne Hanson
University of Maine, Orono, ME
Diane Hartman
Baylor University, Waco, TX
Jan Hudzicki
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
Archana Lal
Independence Community College, Independence, KS
Min-Ken Liao
Furman University, Greenville, SC
Gail P. Lillis
Grossmont Community College, El Cajon, CA
Paula Mister
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Roger Peffer
Montana State UniversityGreat Falls, Great Falls, MT
Cheryl Power
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Karen Reiner
Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI
Andrea Rediske
Valencia Community College, Orlando, FL
Melissa Schreiber
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Patricia Shields
University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD
Diane Spicer
Bastyr University, Kenmore, WA
Erica Suchman
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO
Igor Zaitsev
Borough of Manhattan Community College, New York, NY