Definition: For any type of separation from employment at Jackson State University (for example,
expiration of appointment, dismissal, medical separation, layoff, release during probation, termination of
employment contract, and transfer to another location).
Policy: A recommendation for termination should occur either in cases of unsatisfactory progress or non
compliance with the university’s procedures or regulations relevant to the employees work.
Step 1:
Supervisor/Manager meets with department head and Vice President to review
termination package. If approved by Vice President, continue to Step 2.
Step 2:
The department submits a letter to the Department of Human Resources Director
requesting approval for termination of employee. The department must include
justification for termination. (See Sample #1)
Step 3:
The HR Director will respond to the department with approval or denial of request
(Sample #2). If approved, then the department should prepare the letter using the
template (Sample #3). If rejected, the letter will reflect the reason of denial.
Step 4:
If approved, the department will complete the termination EPAF and forward
template letter (Sample #4) to the Department of Human Resources for processing
using the effective termination date (i.e. one month notice for regular staff or one
week notice for probationary employees). Secondly, provide notification to the
employee of the decision to terminate his/her contract.
Step 5:
The department supervisor must complete, while the terminating employee is
encouraged to complete an “Exit Interview Form” and forward to the Department of
Human Resources. The department is also responsible for collecting all university
property including keys, cell phones, I.D., parking decal, laptops, and etc.
When an employee separates, the supervisor and the employee are responsible for completing an Exit
Interview Form. The supervisor is responsible for gathering information and collecting items belong to
the university. It is crucial that employees receive this information in a timely manner so they can make
informed decisions within certain deadlines (See Step 5).
Sample #1
Request for Termination of Employment
Please Note: Include justification of termination along with supporting documentation and forward
to the Department of Human Resources along with the letter.
(Department’s Letterhead)
DATE: Month/Day/Year
TO: Robin Pack
Executive Director Department of Human Resources
FROM: Supervisor/Manager’s Name
Supervisor/Manager’s Department
RE: Request for Termination of Employment
This letter is written to request your permission to terminate (EMPLOYEE’S NAME) in
the position as (POSITION TITLE) in the Department/Office of ________________at
Jackson State University.
(Include justification here)
Department Head/Vice President
Sample #2
Approval for Termination of Employment
Please Note: If approved, the termination letter will continue through the approval process to the
Department of Human Resources. The Department is responsible for the actual entry of the EPAF into
(Department of Human Resources Letterhead)
DATE: Month/Day/Year
TO: Supervisor/Manager’s Name and Title
FROM: Robin Pack
Executive Director, Department of Human Resources
RE: Approval for Termination of Employment
This letter is to inform you that your recommendation to terminate (EMPLOYEES’S NAME)
in the position as (POSITION TITLE) in the Division/Department of _____________________
at Jackson State University has been approved/denied by our office.
Please prepare an Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) with the effective date of
termination and forward to the Department of Human Resources immediately along with the
necessary signature approval(s). You should also notify the employee of your decision to
terminate his/her employment via letter in the format approved to you by our office.
If you have any question, please call at (601) 979-2015.
Executive Director of Human Resources
cc: Director/Vice President
Sample #3
Termination of Employment
(Department’s Letterhead)
DATE: Month/Day/Year
TO: Employee’s Name
FROM: Supervisor/Manager’s Name and Department
RE: Termination of Employment
This letter is to notify you of our decision to terminate your employment in the position of
(POSITION TITLE) in the Division/Department of _____________________ at Jackson State
University, effective .
In accordance with the guidelines outlined in the staff handbook, you are hereby given one
week’s/months’ notice of termination from this University.
Your last day of work will be . However, you will be paid through .
If applicable, all uniforms, keys and other property and equipment shall be returned to the
department by .
If you have any question, please give me a call.
Supervisor/Manager Name
cc: Department Head/Vice President
Sample #4
“NO” Cause Termination Letter:
Please Note: A “no” cause termination letter is a letter from the supervisor to an employee informing the
employee of the termination of their employment for those instances where the employee is at no fault
or “termination at will”. For a “no” cause termination, the University may terminate the employment of
regular staff personnel on notice of one month (30 days). (Staff Handbook, policy 2.1.2).
(Department’s Letterhead)
Today’s Date
Employee Name
City, State and Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Doe
This letter is written to inform you that your services are no longer required as (Position Title)
for the {Department Name}. You are being released from your duties immediately and will be
compensated through (Effective termination date).
Supervisor Name
cc: Director/Vice President
Sample #5
“JUST Cause” Termination Letter:
Please Note: A “Just Cause” termination letter is a letter from the supervisor to an employee informing
the employee of the termination of their employment for specific reason or for “cause” (e.g. the
employee’s performance was deficient in some way chronic tardiness, poor work quality, inexcusable
neglect of duty, insubordination or disobedience, etc.). (Staff Handbook, policy 2.13.2).
(Department’s Letterhead)
Employee Name
City, State and Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Doe
This letter is written to inform you that your employment is being terminated for (state reason)
as {Position Title} for the {Department Name}. Your employment will be terminated effective
{Date Notice is Given}. You are being released from your duties immediately; and will be
compensated through the effective termination date.
Supervisor Name
cc: Director/Vice President
Sample #6
Unsatisfactory Probationary Termination Letter:
Please Note: A probationary termination letter is written to an employee informing the employee of the
termination of their employment during the probationary period within a five (5) day notice. This
particular letter is written for those instances where the employee was given a probationary period to
prove the quality of his/her work and failed to meet the expectations of the employer. (Staff Handbook,
policy 2.4.1).
(Department’s Letterhead)
Today’s Date
Employee Name
City, State and Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Doe
This letter is written to inform you that your service will no longer be required as {Position
Title} for the {Department Name}. Your employment will be terminated effective {Date Notice
Five (5) days}. You are being released from your duties immediately; and will be compensated
through the effective termination date.
Supervisor Name
cc: Director/Vice President