A Spanish version of the Inmate Handbook is available upon request to staff.
Una versión española del manual del interno está disponible a petición para proveer de personal.
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ORIENTATION TO TCC ................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 3
AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (ACA) COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................ 4
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COMPLIANCE ........................................................................ 4
CANTEEN ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
CENTER JOB ASSIGNMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 5
CHAIN OF COMMAND ..................................................................................................................................... 6
COMMUNITY SERVICE ................................................................................................................................... 7
COMPLAINT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................. 7
CONTRABAND .............................................................................................................................................. 11
COUNTS ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
DRESS CODE ................................................................................................................................................ 12
DUTY TO REPORT ILLEGAL ACTIVITY ........................................................................................................ 13
EMERGENCY CONTACTS ............................................................................................................................ 13
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................... 14
ESCAPE PRECAUTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 14
HEALTH SERVICES/SICK CELL AND LAY-IN .............................................................................................. 15
HOUSING RULES AND GUIDELINES ........................................................................................................... 17
INMATE ACCOUNTS ..................................................................................................................................... 19
INMATE PHOTO SERVICE ............................................................................................................................ 23
LAUNDRY ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
LIBRARY ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY................................................................................................................ 25
MAIL REGULATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 25
MEALS AND DINING ROOM REGULATIONS ............................................................................................... 27
PERSONAL HYGIENE AND HAIRDRESSING ............................................................................................... 28
PRISON RAPE ELIMINATION ACT (PREA) .................................................................................................. 29
PROPERTY .................................................................................................................................................... 29
RECREATION ................................................................................................................................................ 30
REENTRY ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
RELEASE PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................. 31
RELIGIOUS PROGRAMMING ....................................................................................................................... 32
SECURITY MONITORING ............................................................................................................................. 32
SECURITY THREAT GROUPS ...................................................................................................................... 33
SMOKING/USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS ................................................................................................. 33
TELEPHONE AND KIOSK PROCEDURES .................................................................................................... 33
VISITING REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 34
VOLUNTARY PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................................ 36
WORK RELEASE…………………………………………………………………………..……………………………36
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Thompson Correctional Center (TCC) has a standardized orientation/intake process that encompasses center
expectations and the code of conduct for inmates. You will be given a preliminary orientation on your day of
arrival and a more comprehensive orientation soon thereafter. The Superintendent and staff conduct
orientation sessions on a regular basis. You must attend the first scheduled comprehensive session after your
arrival. Bring your handbook with you.
Special notices, policy changes, memos, etc., are posted on inmate bulletin boards. It is your responsibility to
read inmate bulletin boards on a daily basis.
Address all non-security staff by Mr., Mrs., or Ms. All security staff shall be addressed by their title,
either Sergeant or Captain. Inmates are not allowed to address staff by their first names.
Treat your fellow inmates and the staff with dignity and respect.
Address your treatment needs, participate in center programs and activities.
Maintain a positive attitude.
Complete your work assignments to the best of your ability, in a timely manner, with a positive or
neutral approach.
Take care of the center buildings, contents and property. Keep the facility clean and in good order.
Follow the Department of Corrections (DOC) Administrative Rules, center rules, policies and
procedures, and staff directions.
Center contact information:
Thompson Correctional Center
434 State Farm Road
Deerfield, WI 53531-9562
(608) 423-3415 FAX: (608) 423-9852
Welcome to the Wisconsin Correctional Center System (WCCS). Our goal is to provide a safe and secure
environment with programs and activities to assist in your reentry to the community.
You have been placed in minimum custody and are expected to demonstrate your ability to comply with rules
and expectations. TCC staff are here to help you learn and will monitor your behavior to ensure compliance
with rules, promote public safety, and hold you accountable for the decisions you make. You are expected to
be an active participant in case planning, which begins upon your arrival at TCC.
Your past decisions have impacted many lives and have created many obligations and liabilities for you. You
have a personal responsibility to victims and to the community for the crimes that you have committed. It is
expected that you practice good decision-making skills while at TCC and during your assignment in the
community, if you receive one. You are expected to respect yourself and those in authority, as well as other
inmates and their property. You are expected to work hard and comply with rules.
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Our programs and activities are designed to prepare you for reentry to the community as a responsible and
productive citizen. You will find the staff to be experienced and sincerely interested in your progress. Do not
hesitate to ask them for help with your issues or concerns. You are encouraged to use the opportunities
provided so that your community reentry is safe and successful.
You are required to follow direction given to you by staff. If you disagree, you may request to discuss the issue
following the identified chain of command located in this handbook or you may file an inmate complaint using
form DOC-400. There is zero tolerance for profanity and aggression toward individuals with whom you come in
It is your responsibility to read and be familiar with the contents of this handbook. Contact staff if you need help
reading or understanding these rules. Additional rules and information will be posted throughout the center.
You will be charged $3.00 if you damage or lose this handbook.
The DOC provides inmates nearing release the opportunity to apply for Wisconsin’s Medicaid programs in
accordance and compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Applications will be submitted via telephone,
and procedures for call facilitation vary at each center.
With the exception of inpatient hospital stays, inmates cannot use Medicaid services until release.
Center staff will provide information to inmates about health care system changes and health coverage
options through reentry planning.
Center staff will provide paper applications and information on the DOC process for applying for
Wisconsin’s Medicaid programs prior to release. Staff will also provide the application, instructions, and
information about applying for health insurance purchases from the federal Marketplace after release.
The pre-release ACA application process will allow releasing offenders the opportunity to access
mental health, substance use disorder, and medical treatment and other covered services as needed
after release.
In accordance with Department of Adult Institutions (DAI) Policy 300.00.35 Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), DAI will ensure fair and equitable treatment of inmates and members of the public with disabilities who
seek access to DAI services, programs or activities. The centers ADA Coordinators are listed on the Contact
List which is posted in your unit. To request consideration for accommodation under the ADA, please complete
the top portion of the DOC-643 Interview/Information Request form and forward your request to an ADA
Every two weeks you will receive a Trust Account Statement showing the balances in your accounts and all
transactions processed for that time period.
You will also receive a scan sheet weekly to place your canteen order. If you lose your scan sheet, you will not
receive a replacement scan sheet unless you purchase another scan sheet for $0.30 ($0.15/page). Please
complete a disbursement request for this stating “canteen scan sheet.”
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Your order must be signed or your order will not be placed.
In the upper right corner is the area for your DOC #. Your DOC # is a six digit number. Write your DOC # in the
boxes provided and then fill in the circles below the corresponding numbers.
If your DOC # has 0’s in the beginning (example: 002316), write your DOC # as 2316 and fill in the circles
below the corresponding numbers. The 0’s are not included.
If your DOC # has 0’s at the end (example: 231600), write your DOC # as 231600 and fill in the circles below
the corresponding numbers.
Here is a SAMPLE of the correct way for entering the item numbers and quantity:
All scan sheets are to be turned in by 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday. The maximum amount you may spend in one
week is $42.00. Canteen will be distributed by the Canteen Sergeant on Saturday. A menu is posted on the
bulletin board for your convenience. There will be no substitutions for items. If there is a problem when you
receive your order, notify the Canteen Sergeant immediately. The Canteen Sergeant will notify the vendor and
the Business Office to correct the problem.
Items purchased through canteen cannot be sent out on visits or through the mail.
Center jobs are necessary to maintain center operations. Center staff determine, hire and schedule inmates for
job assignments.
1. All inmates, including those on work release, may be assigned to a center job assignment.
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2. Work is supervised and inspected by staff.
3. Be sure to read the job description and ask staff if you have any questions.
If you wish to see a staff member or have a question for a staff member, complete a DOC-643
Interview/Information Request form. The forms are located in OB dayroom and New Building above ICI box
across from Officer Control.
You must state exactly why you need to see the staff person or state your question exactly. Your request will
be answered as soon as time permits.
Do not send the same request to more than one staff member at any one time. Wait for your reply. Follow the
chain of command. Do not write to the Superintendent or Captain unless you have attempted to resolve your
issue with the appropriate staff. Do not stop and confront staff about your issues. We encourage you to ask
questions of our staff and to do so in an appropriate manner via an interview request form. Simply fold your
Interview/Information Request form, do not staple, clip, tape or adhere the form in any way.
Operations Program
WCCS Inmate Accounts
Americans with Disabilities Act
WCCS Program Director
AODA & Other Programs
Social Worker
Program Supervisor or
Treatment Specialist
Canteen Sergeant
WCCS Financial Program Supervisor
Emergency Contact Forms
Operations Program
Food Services
Food Service Leader
Health Services
Hobby/Recreation Sergeant
Housing Unit Issues
Interstate Compact
Social Worker
WCCS Deputy Warden
Jobs (Center)
Individual Work Supervisor
Laundry Sergeant
Legal Loans
WCCS Correctional Management
Services Director
Individual Library Supervisor
Operations Program
Medical Co-Pay
Notary Services
Social Worker/Work Release
Open Records Request
Social Worker
PREA Compliance Manager
WCCS Security
WCCS Deputy Warden
Program Review Committee
Social Worker
Property / UPS
Property Sergeant
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Psychological Services
Social Worker
Recreation Sergeant
Individual Pre-Release
Curriculum Staff
Social Worker
Religious Issues
Social Worker
Sentencing Information
Social Worker
WCCS Records Office
WCCS Deputy Warden
Social Security Card
Work Release Coordinator,
Employment Services
Specialist, Social Worker
Veterans Affairs
Social Worker
Visiting Information
Social Worker
Work Release
Work Release Coordinator
To contact the Wisconsin Correctional Center System (WCCS) staff located in Madison please use the below
Name and Title
Wisconsin Correctional Center System
PO Box 7969
Madison, WI 53707
Center community service projects are a way for you to help the community.
Community agency requests are approved by the Captain or Superintendent.
Center community service projects are voluntary, and you will sign up with center staff.
Center staff may assist you in documenting the hours completed.
You are responsible to contact the court for recognition of the hours you completed.
You may not participate in center community service projects that conflict with your education, program
or work release schedules.
OVERVIEW: The Department maintains an inmate complaint review system accessible to all inmates in
institutions. Prior to filing a formal complaint, you must attempt to resolve the issue by following the
designated process specific to the subject of the complaint. If you have not done so, the Institution
Complaint Examiner (ICE) may direct you to do so.
Inmates who do not feel comfortable using English to file a complaint may file in their native language.
Complaint submissions must provide relevant supporting documentation, which may be accepted at the
discretion of the ICE.
The ICE will acknowledge your complaint with an ICE Receipt, or return the complaint to you for
correction or with further instructions, within 10 days of receiving your complaint submission.
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Each complaint may contain only one clearly identified issue and contain sufficient information for
the department to investigate and decide the complaint.
An inmate may not file more than one complaint per calendar week except for complaints regarding
the inmate’s health and personal safety or complaints made under PREA.
A calendar week means Sunday through Saturday
Challenges to a complaint or submission returned by the Corrections Complaint Examiner (CCE), a
parole commission decision, a classification decision, records or actions not originated by the division,
the declination or denial of a public record request, the content of health care records, actions of the
legislature or court decisions or orders are not subject to review through the ICRS.
A complaint or appeal will not be processed and a referral for disciplinary action may occur in
accordance with ch. DOC 303 if the complaint contains a foreign substance or obscene, profane,
abusive, or threatening language unless such language is necessary to describe the factual basis of the
An inmate shall file a complaint within 14 days after the occurrence giving rise to the complaint. At the
discretion of the ICE, a late complaint may be accepted for good cause. An inmate shall request to file
a late complaint in the written complaint and explicitly provide the reason for the late filing.
An inmate shall submit a signed complaint by placing it in a receptacle designated for complaints or by
submitting it to the ICE office through institution or USPS mail.
Complaints must be typed or written legibly and be filed only under the name by which the inmate was
committed to the department or the legal name granted by a court, and includes the inmate’s original
Complaint submissions may not exceed 500 words total and not exceed two pages.
Inmates must use a DOC-400 Inmate Complaint form. All sections of the form must be completed.
Inmates must use a DOC-400B form if additional space is needed. Inmates may not use a highlighter
or marker on the forms, staple or tape the form. The form may be returned if incomplete or if
instructions on the form are not followed. Inmates must print clearly; illegible forms will not be
The ICE will collect and date stamp all complaints with the date collected. The ICE will return, reject or
accept the complaint.
If a complaint is returned to you, follow the directions in the return letter.
Failure to follow directions in the return letter may result in the complaint submission not being
The ICE will assign a file number and classification code and give written notice to the inmate within 10
days of collection that the complaint has been received.
The ICE will reject a complaint within 30 days from the date of receipt.
An inmate may appeal a rejected complaint within 10 days to the appropriate reviewing authority who
shall only review the basis for the rejection of the complaint.
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The reviewing authority shall make a decision within 15 days following receipt of the recommendation
or appeal of rejection.
The reviewing authority’s decision is final.
The ICE will assign a file number and classification code and give written notice to the inmate within 10
days of collection that the complaint has been received.
The ICE will send a recommendation to the appropriate reviewing authority within 30 days from the
date of receipt.
The ICE may recommend to the reviewing authority that the complaint be affirmed or dismissed, in
whole or in part.
The reviewing authority shall make a decision within 15 days following receipt of the recommendation.
The reviewing authority shall affirm or dismiss the complaint in whole or in part or return the complaint
to the ICE for further investigation.
If the inmate does not receive a decision within 45 days after the date of acknowledgement by the ICE,
the inmate may appeal to the CCE.
An inmate may appeal the reviewing authority’s decision to the CCE within 14 days after the date of the
complaint decision. Upon good cause as determined by the CCE, an appeal filed later than 14 days
after the date of the reviewing authority decision may be accepted. 310.12(6)
Appeals must be typed or written legibly and be filed only under the name by which the inmate was
committed to the department or the legal name granted by a court, and include the inmate’s original
Appeal submissions may not exceed 500 words total and not exceed two pages.
Inmates must use a DOC-405 Inmate Appeal form. All sections of the form must be completed.
Inmates must use a DOC-405B form if additional space is needed. Inmates may not use a highlighter
or marker on the forms, staple or tape the form. The form may be returned if incomplete or if
instructions on the form are not followed. Inmates must print clearly; illegible forms will not be
Inmates must provide relevant supporting documentation which may be accepted at the discretion of
the CCE and be limited to the issue raised in the original complaint.
The CCE may recommend rejection of an appeal not filed in accordance with s. DOC 310.09.
The CCE shall send the recommendation to the secretary within 45 days of receipt of the appeal.
The CCE recommendation will be reviewed by the secretary, who shall affirm or dismiss (in whole or in
part) or return the appeal to the CCE for further investigation.
The secretary shall make a decision within 45 days following receipt of the CCE’s recommendation.
The secretary’s decision is final.
The CCE shall recommend that the reviewing authority decision be affirmed or dismissed, in whole or in
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The CCE shall send the recommendation to the secretary within 45 days of receipt of the appeal. (The
CCE may extend the time for submitting a recommendation with notice provided to the inmate.)
The secretary shall make a decision within 45 days following receipt of the CCE’s recommendation.
The secretary may extend the time for making a decision for good cause with notice provided to the
The secretary shall affirm or dismiss the CCE’s recommendation, in whole or in part, or return the
appeal to the CCE for further investigation.
If the inmate does not receive the secretary’s written decision within 90 days of the date of receipt of
the appeal in the CCE’s office, the inmate shall consider the administrative remedies to be exhausted,
unless the time has been extended. The secretary’s decision is final.
An inmate may file a complaint alleging sexual abuse using the procedures under this chapter.
An inmate may file a complaint regarding sexual abuse or sexual harassment at any time. If a portion
of the complaint alleges an issue that does not relate to sexual abuse or sexual harassment, the time
limits apply.
An inmate is not required to attempt to resolve the issue with the staff member who is the subject of the
complaint or to file a complaint regarding sexual abuse or sexual harassment with the staff member
who is the subject of the complaint.
Complaints filed under this section will be referred for a PREA investigation.
Third parties, including fellow inmates, staff members, family members, attorneys, and outside
advocates, shall be permitted to assist an inmate in filing a request for administrative remedies relating
to allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment and shall also be permitted to file such requests on
behalf of inmates.
Emergency grievance procedures for complaints alleging a substantial risk of imminent sexual abuse or
sexual harassment are: (a) The inmate may contact any staff member who is not the subject of the
allegation for immediate corrective action. (b) The inmate may file a complaint. Complaints collected
under s. DOC 310.08 shall be immediately forwarded to the warden. (c) Reports of substantial risk of
imminent sexual abuse or sexual harassment outside of the complaint process under this chapter shall
be immediately forwarded to the warden.
The warden may discipline an inmate for filing a complaint related to alleged sexual abuse or sexual
harassment only if the warden demonstrates that the inmate filed the complaint in bad faith.
Time frames are waived for PREA related complaints, this does not apply to PREA related complaint
The Captain acts as the Institution Complaint Examiner (ICE) in the Center System. The ICE will make an
impartial investigation of the complaint using whatever sources are deemed important. The investigator makes
a detailed report to the Superintendent, along with a recommendation. The Superintendent reviews the
recommendation of the ICE and makes a decision.
1 Room confinement is a 24 hour disposition.
2 During the hours of confinement you must remain in your room as directed. All personal business such
as phone calls, kiosk use, microwave area, request forms, etc. must be conducted prior to the
beginning of the confinement or with specific approval as determined by the Superintendent/designee.
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3 You will continue to perform your center job duties and work release assignment as assigned.
4 No recreation, library (unless permission to use law library) or TV room.
5 You may not participate in off grounds activities.
6 You must notify staff prior to using the bathroom.
7 You may attend meals, visits, religious services and authorized program activities on grounds.
1. Inmates who are under this disposition are confined to the building, with the following exceptions, work
assignments, program activities, visits, and religious services.
2. Building confinement is a 24 hour dispositions.
1. Inmates are prohibited from attending any recreational activities held in the gym, recreation field and
program related recreational/exercise activities.
2. Unless specifically mentioned as part of the disposition, inmates may use the library or TV room.
1. If you decide to appeal a conduct report disposition you must submit it to WCCS.
2. In order to submit an appeal in accordance with Wisconsin Administrative Code DOC 303.82 (1), you
must mail the completed DOC-91 Appeal of a Contested Hearing form within 10 days of your receipt of
the DOC-84 Major Disciplinary Hearing form to:
WCCS Conduct Report Appeal
3099 E. Washington Ave.
P.O. Box 7969
Madison, WI 53707-7969
You are prohibited from possessing any personal information concerning staff and/or other family members of
staff. Such information includes, but is not limited to, address, telephone number, driver’s license, school
records, financial records, divorce, adoption, or arrest records, and any other unique identifiers.
You are not to have contraband in your possession at any time, including your personal rooms, center work
location, project crew site, and/or work release site. Any item not listed on your property inventory or not
authorized by staff is contraband.
When returning from any off-grounds activities or events, you are not permitted to bring any items back to the
center with the exception of your water container, cooler or other approved item for inmates on work release.
A formal count is a count taken at specific times during each 24-hour period. Standing counts require inmates
to stand in a pre-designated area at a specified time. TCC has 7 formal/standing counts throughout the day.
The following are the listed times and locations of the mandatory formal and standing counts:
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Formal Count Times
Weekday Count
4:00 am
7:00 am
11:30 am *
Standing Count
3:00 pm
4:30 pm *
Standing Count
7:30 pm
11:00 pm
In absence of the Kitchen Supervisor all workers must return to their rooms for formal counts
except for one (1) Dining Room Orderly and one (1) Cook or Baker who is actively cooking or
working with something that cannot be left unattended for safety reasons.
Inmates are to remain in their rooms after the 11:00/11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. count is cleared
until they are called for lunch or dinner meal respectively.
From 10:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. daily there is no movement except for medical emergencies.
Everyone is expected to be at count on time. The only exception for missing count is if you are on work release
and return to the center between 12:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and are asleep. Work release inmates are expected
to attend counts if they have been in the center for 8 hours. You must stand for counts if you elect to stay
awake after returning from a 3
shift job.
Count is announced via the “all call” system. You must return to your room or the designated area until it is
announced that count is "clear". This includes if you are working on institution grounds unless otherwise
directed by a supervisor or a Sergeant.
Emergency counts are conducted at times other than those specified for formal, standing, or census counts to
ensure the immediate accountability of all inmates.
When an emergency count is announced, you are to report to your room or designated area, immediately close
the door and turn on the lights. You are not to come out of your room or designated area for any reason until
the Sergeant announces the count is clear.
1. You must wear your ID badge around your neck at all times except:
in the shower
in your room
while engaging in recreational activity
when attending a court appearance
while at project crew or work release (You must have your ID in your possession at the project
crew or work release site.)
2. You may be responsible for the cost of replacing lost, stolen, or damaged cards or cords. Cords or
lanyards provided for use with identification cards issued by work release sites are not to be used for
your State-issued ID.
3. You must wear all clothing items in the manner in which they are designed to be worn.
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4. You will not be allowed to order or receive any shirts or pants which are larger than necessary. Sizing
will be determined using the guidelines listed below.
5. You must wear properly-sized clothing: pants at or above the waist, shirts tucked in and shoes tied.
6. You must be fully dressed (shirt, pants, underwear, shoes and socks) when leaving your room and going
to other areas in the center. The only exception is when going to or from the shower when robes and
shower shoes will be permitted.
7. You will not be allowed to wear hats, caps, scarves, bags, visors, or other headgear or sunglasses
anywhere inside the center, except for the following:
Do-rags and curlers will only be worn in your room, with the exception of to/from the bathroom
during nighttime sleep hours.
Plastic bags are only permitted in your room.
Pants: The waist size shall be no more than two inches greater than your actual waist as measured at your
hips. The inseam shall be no greater than the measurement from your groin area to the floor. Pants waist line
will be worn at or above the waist.
Shirts: Sweatshirts, shirts, and t-shirts are sized based on your chest and/or neck measurements. Chest size
is measured just below your armpits.
You shall be properly dressed when entering the Administration, Dining Room, and Visiting areas. Proper attire
includes your inmate ID, a short-sleeve t-shirt or green shirt tucked in to your pants, sweatshirt, underwear,
State-issued green pants or blue jeans, socks, and shoes or boots. If you do not come with the proper attire,
you will be sent back to your room to change.
You must wear your inmate ID, State-issued greens (shirt and pants) and boots when at these locations.
WCCS wants to provide you with a safe place to live. We also want to provide a safe place for the staff and the
public. It is your responsibility to help provide a safe environment.
If you see or hear of any illegal activity, you are required to report what you saw or heard to staff. If you do not
report the illegal activity, you could receive a Conduct Report and/or be referred for prosecution.
Inmate Emergency: In an emergency, we may need to talk with your designated emergency contact.
Complete the Offender Emergency Contact Information form, DOC-851, to provide the name, address, and
phone number of two family members to be contacted. If you have questions, please contact staff.
Family Emergency: If you or center staff are notified of a serious illness or death in your family, report the
necessary information to verify the emergency to your assigned social worker for any referrals or follow-up
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Deathbed or Funeral Visits: You may request to attend either a deathbed visit or a funeral visit of an
immediate family member. You must provide your social worker with the name of the hospital, funeral home or
other details. Superintendent approval is required. No out-of-state trips are allowed.
1. If the fire alarm goes off, you must immediately leave the building by the nearest exit.
2. Exit locations are posted throughout the center.
3. You are to assemble outside the building as follows:
Report to the basketball court behind the new building.
Remain in this position until you receive further instructions from staff
Keep noise levels to a minimum so that everyone can hear staff instructions
4. Follow all staff instructions.
5. An emergency count will be taken.
6. Do not go back into the building until directed to do so by staff.
1. In the case of a power failure, some operations will continue.
2. During nighttime hours, report to your room and remain there until you receive direction from staff.
1. When a tornado warning is announced by staff, immediately report to the hallway outside your room in
the New Building. Old Building inmates report to the basement hallway of the Old Building.
2. Staff will give you further instruction as needed. Do not leave the assigned area until directed to do so by
3. When a tornado warning is issued while driving/riding in a center vehicle, take immediate cover. The
driver should attempt to contact the center with the assigned cell phone.
4. If you are at work release, follow the directions of your worksite’s emergency procedures.
5. If a tornado damages the work site to the extent you cannot remain there you must contact the center
immediately and follow staff direction provided for your return to the center/DOC.
The on-duty staff will determine when an emergency exists. Follow all instructions and directions given by staff.
Drills will be held to familiarize you with emergency procedures and reporting locations. All drills should be
taken seriously and directions followed as if it is a real event.
Any unauthorized leave from the center or assigned off-grounds function is an escape. It is a felony punishable
by up to five years incarceration consecutive to your present sentence and a fine of $10,000.
Leaving the center or worksite without permission, failure to return from your work release or other off-grounds
placement as scheduled, or failure to return from a recreational outing is an escape. If you escape, appropriate
action will be taken to obtain your arrest, and you will be referred for prosecution.
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The center boundaries are clearly marked. Movement beyond center limits without authorization may result in
disciplinary action or escape charges. You are responsible for knowing all center limits.
Access to Medical, Mental Health and Dental Services
Notify any staff member immediately.
An emergency is defined as life threatening and/or needing immediate medical attention.
Complete a Health Services Request and Copayment Disbursement Authorization form, DOC-3035. Fold the
form as noted in the Health Service Request section and place in the center HSU box.
A copayment of $7.50 will be charged for routine requests that result in face-to-face contact initiated by you
(patient) when a copayment is required. You will not be refused health care for inability to pay a copayment.
1. You will not be charged for written responses, medication refills, review of medical records, medical
emergencies, or work-related injuries. Work-related injuries must be reported to your work
supervisor at the time of injury. Upon return to the Center, you must report the injury to the Work
Release Coordinator.
2. You will not be charged for contacts with PSU staff.
1. Request for health services by you
2. Request by third parties (others) including:
Request for health services on your behalf by a relative
Request for health services by an attorney
Requests from correctional staff on your behalf
Nursing services at TCC are available approximately 30 hours per week (Monday thru Friday).
1. The nurse will evaluate you and determine the nature of the problem and how it should be treated.
2. A referral for dental, psychological, or further medical care will be made to other healthcare providers
(including local physicians, local hospitals, or the UW Hospital) as deemed appropriate by healthcare
1. All medication must be kept in the original container and locked in your footlocker, drawer or cabinet.
2. Medications may never be sold, loaned, traded or given to another inmate.
3. To request a refill of your medication, complete a DOC-3035C Medication/Medical Supply Refill Request
form. Place the form in the HSU mailbox. You will receive notice of the status of your refill request.
4. Allow seven (7) days for all medication refill requests to be reviewed.
5. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications must be purchased from canteen.
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To view your medical record or receive photocopies of medical records, you must submit a DOC-3035 Health
Services Request and Copayment Disbursement Authorization form to the nurse. You must note on the
request form if you want to view your medical record or receive copies. A fee of $.15 per page will be assessed
for copies of your medical records. You will be required to complete a DOC-1163A Authorization for Use and
Disclosure of Protected Health Information form before you can receive copies of your medical record.
Upon a request to view your medical record, an appointment will be made for you. You may take notes while
you view your record. You are not allowed to remove anything from your medical record.
After your release, you can request your primary care provider obtain your records from the Department of
Corrections for continuity of care by sending a release of information to:
Dodge Correctional Institution
Attn: Inactive Central Medical Records
1 West Lincoln St.
PO Box 661
Waupun, WI 53963-0661
Lay-In: A non-paid status indicating you have been excused from your work or program assignment by
designated staff until the next day. Inmates on lay-in will be on room confinement until the start of your next
work or program assignment.
Sick Cell: A paid status at an involuntary unassigned rate. Sick cell status must be established by Health
Service staff. HSU will determine directions regarding activities for sick cell which will be communicated per
form DOC-3332B Medical Restrictions/ Special Needs.
Any illness that prevents you from reporting to your work or program assignment must be reported to Officer
Control at least 1 hour prior to your normal reporting time.
If you are on work release, you must notify security staff a minimum of 1½ hours prior to the scheduled start of
your shift. In the event you become ill less than 1½ hours prior to the start of your shift, you will notify a security
staff member immediately to ensure the employer is provided adequate notice.
Inmates in a sick cell or lay-in status will be required to adhere to the following rules:
1. The on-call nurse will be contacted if your health appears to have deteriorated and you are in need of
immediate medical assistance. Contact with the on-call nurse shall also be made in the event staff has
any concerns or questions about your health/needs.
2. You must remain in your room with the door closed or at your assigned bed.
3. You may be required to turn in all of your electronics.
4. Unless excused by Health Services, staff will determine if you will report to the dining room or receive an
in-room tray.
5. You will only be allowed to leave your room, or assigned bed, to use the washroom, shower, attend
meals, in the event of an emergency, or due to change in medical status.
6. You will participate in the formal counts unless medically excused by HSU personnel.
7. If it is determined you have a contagious illness, activities and visitation may be restricted for the safety
of others.
8. Sick cell may only be extended on a day-to-day basis with the approval of a health care professional.
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9. If you are placed into a sick cell or lay-in status on a Friday, you will remain in that status until the
following Monday or until cleared by Health Services.
10. If you are placed in sick cell status as a result of an injury sustained in a job-related accident, you shall
be compensated at the rate you were earning in your center job.
An important part of everyday living consists of how you look, your personal hygiene, and the condition of your
living area.
1. A Sergeant will assign you to a room upon your arrival. You are not permitted to select your own
2. You are responsible for any damage and/or contraband in your room. Therefore, anytime you are
assigned a new room, inspect your room as soon as you move in and report damage/contraband to a
Sergeant immediately. If you do not report it, you will be held responsible.
3. One locker will be provided to you. A padlock, if requested, will be provided for the footlocker. You will be
charged $10 for replacement of a lost or damaged padlock.
4. Room Key
You will be issued one key.
If you lose or break your room key, or leave the center upon release with your room key, you will be
charged $5.00 for a replacement key.
Inspect your key frequently for damage or cracks.
If you bring a damaged key to the attention of a staff member before it breaks, your key will be
replaced at no charge.
5. Anytime you are assigned a new room, you are responsible for fully cleaning the room you are vacating
before you move. You must take all your bedding with you, including sheets, blankets, pillowcases, and
towels. Leave the pillow and mattress.
1. Shoes are to be stored under the bottom bunk or in the footlocker.
2. All property, state or personal, must be stored in the wall closet or footlocker other than your radio, alarm
clock, fan, and TV.
3. Locker or closet doors must be closed at all times when not in use.
4. Footlockers may not be lined with any material (newspaper, towels, etc.).
5. Padlocks must be secured to footlockers or drawers at all times.
The officer station and inmate hallways are closed from 6:50 a.m. - 7:00 a.m., 2:50 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. and 10:50
p.m. 11:00 p.m. (except for bathroom use), and during formal counts. The floors will re-open when staff
makes the announcement.
1. Officer Control is off limits to inmates.
2. Only staff may identify persons and authorize entry into the building.
3. Do not loiter in front of Control or in the hallway for any reason.
4. Do not remain in or enter the dining room, visiting room, or kitchen at any time without permission.
5. You may only enter the hallway of your assigned room.
6. Do not prop open any door without staff permission.
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7. All socializing is to be done in the day room of each building or outside.
8. No personal cups or mugs are allowed in the dining room or visiting areas.
9. Canteen food items are only allowed in your room or when using the dayroom microwave.
10. Running in the center is not allowed. You are expected to walk at a normal pace.
11. Notify staff of any items that are broken or in need of repair.
12. You may request a clothes iron from a Sergeant.
13. Razors must be disposed of properly by placing them in the puncture proof container in the designated
14. In accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standards, an audio and visual (blue light)
notification will be made when a person, who is the opposite gender of inmates assigned to a housing
unit, enters the unit.
1. There is absolutely no contact with the public. This includes talking, waving, holding an arm up with a
hand closed or open, passing notes, or any type of gestures used with the body or an object.
2. You must wear a shirt/tank top and pants or shorts during recreation. The waist line of pants and shorts
will be worn at or above your waist.
3. You are not to approach the fence or cross center limits for any reason.
4. You must sit at picnic tables in a normal fashion. No sitting on top of the tables, lying on top of the tables,
or straddling the bench of the table is allowed.
5. Do not hang clothes or other articles on any fence.
6. Do not leave the center grounds for any reason without permission.
7. The Old Building, garage, parking areas, garden, roadway and all posted areas are off limits, unless
specifically authorized by staff.
1. You must sign in and sign out when going to and from New Building. The sign-in/sign-out sheet will be
near New Building Control.
When housed in Old Building,
you may only enter New Building to:
When housed in New Building,
you may only enter Old Building to:
1. Work job assignment
2. Go to Administration, Work Release or Property
as called by staff
3. Use the kiosk
1. Work job assignment
2. Go to HSU as called by staff
3. Go to Barbershop as scheduled
4. Go to Library/Education when open
1. Information such as rule changes, schedules, announcements, appointments, and center information will
be posted. You should look for and read new postings daily. You are responsible for knowing this
2. Bulletin boards are located at the following locations: New Building East Wing, West Wing, North Wing
and Dayroom; Old Building main hallway.
3. You may not post, remove or alter any material on the bulletin boards.
1. Staff must have a clear and unobstructed view of your room at all times. No items may be placed in the
window of your door.
2. Room/furniture layouts are standardized. You may not rearrange the furniture in your room.
(Exception: Dog handlers with approval from L.E.A.R.N. sergeants.)
ILU Double Room Single Room
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3. Rooms must be kept clean at all times.
4. Beds must be made when you are not sleeping in them.
5. Do not place anything in front, behind or near the door that interferes with opening and closing of the
6. The room door must be locked at all times, whether you are inside or outside of the room.
7. Do not tamper with the door lock. Do not put any object in the door to hold it open or keep it from closing
8. Do not tamper with the smoke detector for any reason. Covering the smoke detector’s sensors is
9. The bulletin boards in your room are used to hang photos of family and friends, cards, calendar and
10. Posters and cutouts from magazines are contraband and will be removed by staff.
11. Do not attach or hang anything to/on the air vents, walls, ceiling, light fixtures, windows, bed, footlockers,
wall lockers, or blinds, by any method.
12. Cords, string or other material may not be strung across the ceiling, floors, or walls.
13. Talking to someone outside of your window is not allowed.
14. Do not place anything on the windowsill.
1. Room inspections may be conducted at any time.
2. Following a room inspection, you may be provided with a notice that indicates what needs to be cleaned
or corrected.
1. Cleaning supplies may be obtained from the TCC main laundry room or the North hall custodian closet.
2. Cleaning supplies may not be kept in your room.
1. Headphones or earbuds must be on your ears at all times when electronics are in use. Staff will direct
you to reduce the volume if the sound is excessive.
2. All electronic equipment must remain in your room.
3. All lights, lamps, and electronics (radio, television, fans) must be turned off when you are not in your
1. To request notary service, complete an interview request slip and send to the Notary.
2. The Notary will schedule an appointment with you to review the documents and determine if the service
will be provided in accordance with DAI 300.00.56 Notary Services to Inmates.
3. Do not sign documents prior to your appointment with the Notary.
The official record of your inmate account is maintained in the WCCS Business Office in Madison, Wisconsin.
You are responsible for keeping copies of your disbursement requests and account statements. It is not the
responsibility of center staff to do this for you. You will receive a Trust Account Statement every two weeks.
You should review this statement for accuracy. If you have a question or concern about your statement, refer
to the Chain of Command section of this handbook. Refer to WCCS 900.30.01 Inmate Spending for specific
account guidelines.
The following abbreviations may be listed in the Account Activity section of your Trust Account Statement.
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Regular Account
Release Fund
Release Savings
Work Release
Work Release Savings
If you currently do not have RS, SAV or WRS accounts, please write to the Office Support Staff requesting a
form to open the account. When you receive the form, complete the information and attach the form to your
completed disbursement request. No envelope is needed for the disbursement request. Interest is posted to
your inmate account.
You may request to transfer funds between sub-accounts by submitting a disbursement request. No envelope
is needed for the transfer of fund requests. The following sub-account transfers may be requested:
1. Transfer from REG to REL
2. Transfer from REG to SAV
a. A minimum of $50 is required to open an account
b. Monthly transfers of $20 or more may be requested
3. Transfer from WR to WRS
a. A minimum of $100 is required to open an account
b. Monthly transfers of $100 or more may be requested
4. Transfer from REL to RS
a. A minimum of $50 is required to open an account
b. Monthly transfers of $20 or more may be requested
To close a SAV or WRS account, complete a disbursement request to close the account and transfer the funds
to the account the funds originally came from. No envelope is needed for the disbursement request.
Close Account and Transfer Funds from SAV to REG Account
Close Account and Transfer Funds from WRS to WR Account
If you are approved for work release, you must complete a DOC-371 Offender’s Statement of Financial
Obligations form to verify you understand your obligations. If deductions are currently being withheld from your
account by WCCS and you gain employment through the Work Release Program, your employer may also
receive an order to withhold child support from your work release payroll check. Deductions will be taken per
the court orders by both the work release employer and WCCS until a termination order is received in the
WCCS Business Office. It is your responsibility to contact the Child Support Agency to have them issue a
termination order for the WCCS deduction. Please have them fax it to the WCCS Business Office at (608) 240-
3334. Make sure they have your name and DOC # listed on the order.
To complete or submit a disbursement request:
1. Be sure all information on the disbursement request is complete and legible.
2. Sign and date the request before submitting.
3. Make sure that you have the correct postage when an envelope is needed to process your request (non-
DOC vendor purchases, money to family, or sending documents to court).
4. Attach the envelope to the disbursement request or place the disbursement request inside the envelope.
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1. Disbursement requests are reviewed by designated center staff.
2. Generally, disbursement requests will be reviewed by center staff within seven days of receipt.
3. Disbursement requests that are denied by center staff will be returned to you.
4. Approved disbursement requests are mailed to the WCCS Business Office for processing.
Processing Your Request:
1. The WCCS Business Office reviews your request to determine if your request is allowable and if you
have sufficient funds for the purchase.
2. You will receive the yellow copy of the disbursement request for your records.
Types of Requests:
1. Support Requests: Up to $25 may be mailed to one close family member once per month. Make the
request payable to the family and include an addressed, stamped envelope. “Close family member"
under ss. DOC 309.08 and 309.41 to 309.49 is defined as the inmate's natural, adoptive, step and foster
parents; spouse; children; grandparents; grandchildren or siblings.
The Superintendent must approve a request to send more than $25 to a close family member. Provide
an explanation for the increased amount along with the disbursement request. If approved, the
Superintendent may require you to match the amount of money approved to pay off a court ordered
financial obligation.
2. Copies: The cost for copies is $0.15 per page. Submit a disbursement request to designated center
staff. Indicate the number of copies requested and attach the documents to be copied to the request.
Staff will calculate the amount once the copies have been made. An envelope is not needed.
3. Photos: The cost for photographs is $2.00 per photograph. Make the request payable to the Photo
4. For any other type of disbursement request, ask center staff for assistance in completing the form.
Money orders or personal checks to be deposited in an inmates account must be sent to Access Corrections at
the following address:
Secure Deposits-Wisconsin DOC
PO Box 12486
St. Louis, MO 63132
Make payable to Access Secure Deposits and have offenders name and ID on the money order or check (10
Day Hold) and mail with the completed Access Money Order Deposit Slip ( available online) (black or blue ink
only) to the above address.
Funds may also be deposited into an inmates account by going to AccessCorrections.com, by calling 1-866-
345-1884 or at Cash Walk-In sites. To find locations, go to CashPayToday.com
Funds are typically deposited into the inmates account within three business days. Upon receipt in the WCCS
Business Office, activity will be posted to your regular account and a receipt mailed to you at the center. The
transaction will also be listed on the Trust Account Statement provided to you by center staff.
The WCCS Business Office or facilities will no longer accept Money Orders, Western Union, or Cashier
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In the event a money order or check is received at the Center, you will need to provide a postage-paid
envelope and the money order/check will be sent to the original sender in the envelope you provide. Center
staff will not forward money orders or checks.
Inmates who are active on work release the first day of the current month are eligible for transfer of funds from
their work release account to their regular account up to the maximum of $42.00 per week for canteen or
regular account spending. The funds must be available in your work release account at the time of transfer. If
the maximum amount was not available in your work release account at the time the monthly transfer occurred
but funds are now available, submit a Disbursement Request to center staff to request the remaining balance
be transferred within the next two months. Contact center staff when you think you are eligible for a transfer of
funds, but nothing is listed on your Trust Account Statement. WCCS Business Office staff will review your
account and funds will be transferred if appropriate.
Institution payroll is processed BI-WEEKLY. You will be paid for the number of expected hours of work for your
work assignment. After payroll has been processed and you receive your biweekly Trust Account Statement,
verify that your payroll is correct. If you find any discrepancies, write to the Office Support Staff stating what the
discrepancy is. The information will be verified and corrected if needed.
Room, Board and Transportation fees for inmates on work release will be deducted as work release
compensation and posted to the inmate’s trust account by the WCCS Business Office. This may occur after
you have been released. Deductions are based on the percentages and limits provided in DAI Policy 309.45.02
Inmate Trust System Deductions. Occasional delays in posting of work release compensation may occur due
to incomplete information submitted by the employer or due to workload in the Business Office.
The date of the posting of work release compensation to your account, not the month in which the money is
earned, is the date used for determining room, board and transportation charges. This means that if the pay
period ends during one month and is not received until the following month, charges apply for the month
received in the Business Office. Note that, due to lay-offs, job changes, etc, you may not be working when your
paycheck arrives at the Business Office. You are still responsible for room, board and transportation charges.
7-14 work days prior to your release from TCC, your account will be closed. Your agent determines if you will
be released with all of your funds or if your funds will be managed by your agent for reasons noted on the DOC
0015-“Offender Release Authorization”. You will also receive further closeout information from the Office
Support Staff upon the closing of your accounts.
It is your responsibility to notify your employer of your new address so that they may mail your tax statements
to you at the end of the year. All checks, including funds while on work release, must be sent to the WCCS
Business Office for processing.
The WCCS Business Office will hold up to $75.00 from your funds available at release to cover purchases not
yet received. A final close out of the trust account will be completed once all transactions have been posted to
your account. This may take up to 6 weeks if you were on work release.
At least 45 days prior to your scheduled release, complete an interview request and submit to your social
worker, indicating your release date and where you need to go. If you are being released to an out-of state
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placement, information will be sent back to you regarding the amount of the ticket and the procedure for
submitting a disbursement request.
Based on the availability of an inmate photographer, Thompson Correctional Center allows you to purchase
photos for family, friends or yourself. This service will be closely monitored and regulated by staff. All center
rules and regulations regarding appearance and visitation will be followed.
All inmate photographs will be taken in the designated Visiting areas/Dining area under general
supervision of the Visiting Room Sergeant.
Pictures will only be taken for inmates who are participating in a visit.
Photo times during visiting hours are: 3:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays and 7:30 p.m. on Thursday
You are required to inform the Sergeant at the beginning of your visit if you want photos taken.
There will be a limit of five (5) photographs taken at any one time.
Photo service activity will be under the general supervision of the Visiting Room Sergeant.
Photo Guidelines:
You must have adequate funds in your regular account to request to purchase photos.
A DOC-184 form, made payable to Thompson Correctional Center Photo Project, must be completed
and approved by staff prior to obtaining photos.
The cost of each photo is $2.00.
Visitors may not pay for photos.
Only the center’s digital camera will be used.
Only you and your approved visitors for that day may be in the picture.
No obscene gestures, displays of affection, symbols or stances, etc., are allowed.
Only those photos displaying authorized and acceptable images will be allowed.
You may stand, sit or kneel for photos.
Nothing, including sunglasses, may be worn or hung from any part of the body or clothing during
Nothing may be held in the hands, under the arm, etc.
You may view the photo image and request one retake if the photo image is not acceptable. The inmate
photographer will delete the rejected photo prior to printing the acceptable photo.
All photographs will be reviewed by staff to make sure they meet these guidelines.
Any photo suspected of being related to a Security Threat Group will be forwarded to the center’s
Security Threat Group Specialist for review and disposition.
You may give approved photos to your visitor(s) or take them back to your room.
1. The institution laundry is used for laundering and distribution of State-issued clothing and linens.
2. You must not use the institution laundry for personal use. This includes your work release clothes.
3. You are not allowed in the institution laundry room unless the inmate laundry worker or a staff member is
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4. You are responsible for all clothing issued to you.
5. State-issued clothing and laundry is exchanged on a one-for-one basis. You must turn in an item to
receive the same item.
6. All knots must be removed prior to turning in your sheets
7. Upon your release from the center, you are to return all State-issued clothing and laundry items to the
institution laundry.
8. Laundry Exchange:
Item Exchanged
9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
State-issued clothing
9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
State-issued clothing
9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
State-issued clothing
9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
Washers and dryers for personal use are located in the East and West Wing laundry rooms and basement of
the Old Building across from the Property Room.
1. Dryers may not be left unattended when in use.
2. Loitering is not allowed in the laundry room.
3. Only laundry detergent is to be used as a cleaning agent in the washers. Use of dish soap, shampoo, or
hand soap is not allowed.
4. Do not add water to the washer for any reason.
5. Do not dry footwear in the dryer (shoes/boots/slippers).
6. All dried clothing must be removed from the dryer immediately.
7. Make sure equipment is off after use.
8. Leave the laundry room clean and orderly.
9. Report all equipment problems to security staff.
You have access to an electronic law library. A Legal Assistance to Institutionalized Persons (LAIP)/
Remington Center Desk Reference is also available. Please review applicable policies regarding the use of
USB flash drives and storing legal documents (300.00.15 Development and Use of Inmate Portfolio, 300.00.67
Digital Formatted Legal Materials, and 309.15.01 Institution Law Library).
DAI policy 300.00.15 allows you to obtain one USB flash drive to store electronic file copies created during
your participation in the pre-release curriculum. The policy does not allow you to store any personal documents
or legal documents on your flash drive. DAI policy 300.00.15 permits you to have digital legal materials, but the
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legal materials must be received and stored on read-only CD’s or DVD’s. The use of USB flash drives for legal
materials is prohibited.
Library materials will be accessible to all inmates in accordance with DAI and center guidelines. Use of the
library/reading room is available to inmates from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday Thursday, and 8:00 a.m.
to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, and 5:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Sunday Wednesday and Friday (closed Thursday and
Saturday evenings). You must sign in and out of the library and you may sign up in advance to reserve a
computer. A total of 3 items may be checked out at one time. Items may be checked out for a period of 3
weeks. Loss of, damage to, or failure to return items may result in disciplinary action, including restitution
and/or suspension of library privileges. A computer and/or typewriter may be available for use while at the
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) population guidelines of the U.S. Department of Justice require translation of
written forms, signs, notices and publications to meet the needs of LEP individuals. Center staff will request
that you identify your primary language at different times while at the center, consistent with DAI 300.00.61
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Inmates policy.
You may request LEP services using one of the following methods (regardless of primary language and/or
1. Submit form DOC-2592 DAI Request for Assistance in Spanish, to staff.
2. Request language assistance in writing in your primary language (may require translation to English to
facilitate staff processing of request).
3. Request language assistance verbally in your primary language (may require interpretation into English
to facilitate staff processing of request).
Mail content is subject to Administrative Code Ch. DOC 303 and Administrative Code Ch. DOC 309. If
violations are discovered, incoming and outgoing mail will not be delivered as specified by Administrative Code
Ch. DOC 309.04(4)(c). With the exception of the parties listed in Administrative Code Ch. DOC 309, staff may
open and inspect all mail received at the center.
All mail, sent or received, must be processed through the center mailroom. Centers do not accept “Postage
Due” mail. Please advise correspondents that the correct postage must be on their mail. A completed DOC-
238 Consent to Receive Mail form must be on file to receive mail. You may write and receive correspondence
from anyone as long as the person has not been denied and the correspondence does not violate federal,
State, DOC or center policies and procedures. There is no limit on the number of letters sent out or received.
You may possess up to 25 personal letters at any given time.
Staff may confiscate any correspondence believed to contain contraband. If contraband is found or if there is
any other violation of rules, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including suspension of mail privileges
and/or referral for prosecution.
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1. To avoid delays in the delivery and processing of incoming mail, all correspondence you receive should
include your complete incarcerated name and DOC # as part of your address. Inform those who write
you to include this information when addressing any correspondence to you.
2. If you have mail, your name will be posted on the outside of New and Old Building Control.
3. If incoming mail is denied, both you and the sender will be notified.
4. If you transfer to another institution, mail received at the center will be forwarded to you.
5. Prior to your release, you must provide a forwarding address if you wish to have your mail forwarded. It
is your responsibility to notify magazine or newspaper publishers of your new address.
6. If no forwarding address is available or if mail received is not properly addressed, the item will be
returned to the sender. Any mail will be forwarded within 30 days.
7. Legal mail is subject to staff inspection in your presence.
1. The return address on the item you are mailing must include your complete incarcerated name, DOC #,
center name, street address, city, state and zip code. Items without this information will not be mailed.
2. Mail addressed to another inmate may not be sealed. Any other outgoing mail may be sealed.
3. Outgoing mail may be opened and inspected for contraband.
4. As directed in Administrative Code Ch. DOC 309, mail will be stamped to indicate the mail is coming
from the Wisconsin state prison system.
5. No drawings are allowed on the envelope or package.
6. Outgoing mail must have correct postage on each item. If additional postage is necessary, a DOC-184
payable to TCCPostage may be used in conjunction with the stamp for additional postage.
7. When sending certified, registered, overseas, airmail or other packages, you may submit a DOC-184 for
the total amount of postage due.
8. If you do not have sufficient funds to cover the additional postage, the item will be returned to you.
9. If outgoing correspondence is denied, you will be notified.
10. To send a letter by certified mail, attach a DOC-184 payable to TCC-Postage. There is an additional
charge for certified mail. You should anticipate additional processing time when sending out certified
11. All outgoing mail is to be placed in the center inmate mail box.
1. Inmate-to-inmate mail must be submitted unsealed.
2. Staff will read incoming and outgoing inmate-to-inmate mail.
3. Mail with a “Legal Mail” notation on the envelope or its contents, is not excluded from review until staff
have verified the claim of legal discussion by reading a portion of the correspondence.
4. If an envelope labeled “Legal Mail” is submitted sealed, it will be opened by staff in your presence.
5. In order to properly identify inmate-to-inmate mail, the return address on the envelope must contain your
completed incarcerated name, DOC #, name of the center, street address, and city, state and zip code.
Envelopes without this information will be returned to you.
6. If the envelope does not identify the sending inmate, it will be opened and reviewed by staff to attempt to
determine the sender.
1. All packages, parcels, or any items other than correspondence shall be subject to inspection for
2. Items that are not permissible are contraband and will be processed in accordance with Administrative
Code Ch. 303 and Ch. 306.
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Normal Weekday
Weekend and Holiday
Early Breakfast
(Work Release a.m. only)
2:30 am 5:30 am
6:00 am 6:20 am
After clearing of 11:30 a.m. count
After clearing of 11:00 a.m. count
After clearing of 4:30 p.m. count
1. After lunch and dinner counts, New Building Control will call your housing area to dining room.
New Building East Wing
New Building West Wing
Old Building
Room Confinement/Sick Cell
2. Do not loiter when lining up for meals.
3. You must be in a single file line.
4. Do not ask for extra food.
5. You cannot give away or trade food items while in the serving line. If you choose to exchange, it must be
done only at your table.
6. If you have a complaint, report it to the Sergeant on duty. Do not direct complaints to the inmate food
service workers.
7. When finished eating, push in your chair, place your tray in the dish room access window, put your
utensils in the bucket provided, and leave the dining room.
8. Nothing is to be taken from the dining area back to your room, except one piece of fruit when it is on the
menu (must be eaten the same day).
9. Personal mugs are not allowed in the dining area.
10. Condiments are not allowed to be brought into the dining area during meal times.
11. You are not allowed to enter the dining area at any time between meals without permission from staff.
12. No food is provided between meals.
You must complete and submit a DOC-2167 Religious Diet Request form to the Superintendent to be
considered for a religious diet. All sections of the request form must be completed in sufficient detail to ensure
the request is clear and complete.
You must receive authorization from Health Services staff for a medical diet. In general, many dietary concerns
may be met by self-selection from the standard menu.
Early meals are approved by the Superintendent or Captain.
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Sergeants will determine who is eligible for a saved tray. Staff will assist you in obtaining the saved tray. You
may not enter the dining area without staff permission.
If you are working outside the center during a meal time, you will be provided a bag lunch and you are not
entitled to a saved tray. You are authorized to receive one bag lunch per meal that will be missed.
You are expected to maintain your personal hygiene. This includes personal cleanliness, grooming, and
regular exchange of State-issued clothing, bedding, and the laundering of your personal clothing. It is your
responsibility to follow all policies, procedures, and staff directives to meet personal hygiene standards.
Upon arrival at the center, if you do not have basic hygiene items and you do not have sufficient funds in your
account, you may obtain a basic hygiene kit from the Sergeant.
A basic hygiene kit includes:
Comb (small)
1. You must shower at least once per week, unless medically excused.
2. Staff may direct you to shower any time it is determined you are creating a health hazard or are offensive
to others.
1. No Security Threat Group related haircuts.
2. No sculpting designs, lines, numbers, letters, or symbols.
3. No dying or bleaching.
4. No hair extensions.
5. Shaving of the head must be the total head.
6. Mohawks, punk or new trend street styles are not allowed.
7. Tufts or tails are not permitted.
8. Braiding of your hair must be from front to back.
9. If you arrive at the center with an unauthorized haircut, you will be required to cut your hair to conform to
an allowable haircut.
10. The Superintendent or the Captain will determine the appropriateness of questionable haircuts.
1. You must have staff permission to do another inmates hair.
2. Hair care activities will only be allowed in the inmate bathrooms.
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You have the right to be safe from sexual abuse, sexual harassment and report-related retaliation
The Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) values safety that includes keeping you safe from others
while you are serving your sentence.
The DOC has zero tolerance for sexual abuse and sexual harassment within its facilities.
Sexual abuse and sexual harassment among inmates and among staff and inmates in confinement is against
the law. Violators will be disciplined and may be referred to outside law enforcement for prosecution.
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into law in 2003 after unanimous support from Congress
and years of pressure from advocates and survivors. PREA extends far beyond the elimination of rape in
prison; it is the first federal law to support preventing, detecting and responding to sexual abuse and sexual
harassment in all confinement settings.
In response, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections put policies and procedures in place to help keep you
safe and to make it possible for you to get help if you’ve been sexually abused, sexually harassed or
experience report-related retaliation. DOC is committed to investigating all reports, offering support to all
victims and pursuing discipline for all perpetrators.
Wisconsin Statute § 940.225(2)(h), Administrative Code Chapter DOC 303 and DOC Executive Directive 72
reflect this commitment.
To report any of the above activities, inmates may notify any staff person in person or in writing; dial 777
(internal reporting hotline); dial 888 (external reporting hotline); submit a grievance; tell a family member, friend
or support person (they may report on your behalf); call local law enforcement. An inmate pin number is not
needed when dialing 777 or 888.
Please refer to your PREA handbook and postings in the center for more detailed information about sexual
abuse, sexual harassment and reporting. If you have lost or misplaced your PREA handbook please request a
new one.
You are responsible for the property in your possession. This section contains only a portion of the rules
regarding property. You may refer to the DAI 309.20.03 Inmate Personal Property and Clothing, available in
the library, for further content and size limitations.
1. All personal property must be recorded on your property inventory form prior to possession.
2. You may not exchange, trade, sell, loan, or give away any article of your personal property.
3. Alteration of State-owned or personal property is not permitted.
4. All property items must be purchased and received directly from a DOC-approved vendor.
5. You may not purchase property via disbursement and have it sent to another location.
6. In the event you are transferred from the center to another institution, your personal property must be in
compliance with the receiving institution’s property regulations. Disallowed items may be mailed out at
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your expense or be destroyed upon your request. Only allowed property items will be transferred to the
receiving institution.
7. The Property Sergeant will process all packages received from the U.S. Mail and UPS.
8. The Property Sergeant will contact you when your property is ready for pick-up.
1. Items received at the center for you and not approved must be returned to the retail outlet at your
expense, sent out on a visit, mailed at your expense to a person on your visiting list within 30 days, or
2. Hazardous or dangerous items will not be stored by the center and must be disposed of immediately.
1. The Property Sergeant controls all records of personal property.
2. If you choose to donate, dispose of or destroy any of your personal property, you must have staff
permission and complete a DOC-237 form.
3. Lost or stolen property must be reported to staff. Staff will write an incident report and update your
property inventory form.
4. You must wait 90 days from the date the item was reported lost before you will be allowed to receive
replacement items. Refer to DAI Policy 309.20.03.
1. The cost of all individual or combination electronic items may not exceed $350 in value.
2. The cost of prescription eyeglass frames shall not exceed $125.00.
3. The cost of all other individual items may not exceed $75 in value.
1. The lights must remain on in the room at all times when occupied.
2. Sleeping is not allowed.
3. You are not allowed to put your feet on furniture or walls.
4. Eating or drinking is not allowed.
5. Do not lie or sit on game tables.
6. Do not slap dominos unless you have a towel or sheet to absorb the noise.
7. You may use the equipment, subject to any medical restrictions you may have.
You must wear the proper attire while participating in outdoor recreation. You must wear a shirt or tank top
shirt, and pants or shorts. Being shirtless is not permitted.
1. Softball will be permitted only when weather allows or staffing levels permit.
2. Outside recreation is restricted to certain areas of the grounds.
3. When leaving from Old Building, you are not allowed to cut through New Building.
4. Recreation may be limited by personal medical restrictions you have.
5. When using the track, you must keep moving forward at all times; there is no loitering on the track.
6. You must stay on the paved track; there is no “cutting across” the track.
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7. You shall not have contact with civilians while outside for recreation. This includes talking, motioning, or
communicating with civilians in any manner.
8. You must be playing basketball while on the court; there is no sitting or loitering on the court.
9. Food items are not allowed.
10. Beverages are allowed.
1. You must register with designated staff to participate in music or a hobby.
2. You can only be registered for two hobbies at one time.
3. The volume of musical instruments must not be high enough that it can be heard in the hallway.
4. Please see DAI Policy 309.36.01 Leisure Time Activities for more detail.
Reentry Vision Statement:
Promote public safety and offender success from admission to custody through reentry and supervision
in the community.
The public is best served if you are not only held accountable for your actions, but also have the opportunity to
become a law abiding and successful member of the community when released. The goals of reentry are crime
reduction, fewer new crime victims, reduced state and local criminal justice costs, and safer families and
communities. To accomplish these goals, reentry programs at the centers are made available to you for
participation, such as, but not limited to pre-release curriculum modules, obtaining ID and vital documents,
establishing portfolios, parole planning, and JobNet searching.
The Department’s reentry initiative means that we engage offenders, as early as possible and challenge
them, motivate them, and encourage them to change. Effective offender reentry also includes quality risk
assessment and strong supervision practices proportionate to the level of risk to the public safety. We
also focus on key factors that help offenders succeed and become law abiding citizens-including
employment, alcohol and drug treatment, housing, and positive support from families and organizations.
Your Social Worker will coordinate your authorized release with you and your Division of Community
Corrections Agent.
Prior to your release the following will occur:
1. You must provide your release plan information to your Social Worker.
2. You must sign your Rules of Supervision.
3. You will be informed of the date of your release.
4. Your account will be closed about 7 days prior to your release.
5. You must order canteen or release clothing before the account is closed.
6. Release clothing must be purchased from a DOC-approved vendor within 30 days prior to your release.
7. If you do not have any clothing to wear upon your release, you may be permitted to have a set of clothes
mailed in for you to wear on the morning of your release. This must be approved by the Superintendent
or Captain.
8. If you are taking a bus home, you are only allowed to bring one box with you on the bus.
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9. You must mail out your remaining property before your account is closed.
a. Sergeants will help you pack and mail your property.
b. Sergeants will pack your remaining property the night before your release.
10. Your picture will be taken before you are released.
11. You will be asked to provide a forwarding address.
12. On the day of your release, you will be given your release check if one is available, otherwise you can
expect funds through your agent (if on Extended Supervision) or it will be sent directly to the address the
Business Office has on file. You will also be given your personal property (ID, driver’s license, birth
certificate), if you have any.
13. You will be given a ride to the bus on the day of release (if needed).
Religious practices must comply with DAI 309.61.01 Religious Beliefs and Practices.
WCCS does not employ Chaplains. You may contact the Social Worker with your questions. Volunteers assist
with a variety of services and studies. Check the center bulletin boards for religious services and times.
You are not allowed to lead or conduct a religious service or study group.
DAI 306.00.01 Electronic Monitoring Surveillance establishes guidelines for the electronic monitoring and
recording of inmate activities without your awareness. It does not apply to staff observations, exposed
cameras, intercoms, or other monitoring systems of which inmates should be reasonably aware.
Through this form of surveillance, the institution will gather information on inmate activities that may jeopardize
institution security. These activities may include drug dealing, gang and disruptive group activity, or other illicit
activity. Information gathered may be used in any fashion deemed appropriate by the DOC, the center, or law
enforcement authorities including, but not limited to, administrative action, due process, program review, parole
hearings and criminal prosecution.
1. Strip Searches
A full strip search of your person can be conducted at any time, either randomly or for cause in
accordance with DAI Policy 306.17.02.
A strip search is done for the security of the center, not to embarrass or ridicule you.
2. Pat Searches
A pat search may be conducted at any time, either randomly or for cause.
3. Room Searches
A room search may be conducted at any time, either randomly or for cause.
Any contraband found will be removed from your room.
You will receive written notification of any confiscated items.
Urine and breath tests will be conducted at any time, on a random or for-cause basis in accordance
with DAI Policy 306.17.01.
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If you are unable to submit a urine sample, you will be provided a set amount of water and a limited
amount of time to produce a urine sample. You will be required to wait in a designated area during
this time.
You may request a confirmation test if UA results are positive.
Security Threat Group activity in any form is prohibited. If you are found to be in possession of, wearing,
manufacturing, or distributing any gang-related materials or participating in gang-related activities, you will be
issued a conduct report.
Examples of security threat group activity include but are not limited to the following:
1. Wearing any item of clothing that symbolizes a gang, whether by color or design.
2. Haircuts and braiding which incorporate gang symbols or signs.
3. Possession of any written or printed material that details the code of ethics or dogma of a gang, or other
group, not specifically authorized for membership within this center.
All WCCS centers are smoke-free and tobacco-free facilities and recognize tobacco products and smoking
materials, in any form, as contraband. The possession and/or use of tobacco products and smoking materials
are not allowed while on center grounds or at any off-grounds activities in accordance with the DOC 303
You may only communicate using approved methods. Use or possession of a cellular phone or unauthorized
telecommunication device and using any communication device located at a worksite is strictly prohibited.
A Social Worker may authorize special or emergency calls. A flat fee of $5 per call will be charged to you
based on the specific circumstances.
Inmate telephones are provided for your use and are subject to the following rules:
1. All telephone calls, except approved properly placed attorney calls, may be monitored and recorded.
2. Collect calls are charged to the party you contact.
3. Correctional Billing Services administers the pre-paid accounts for family and friends for the telephone
service provider, SECURUS.
a. Family or friends must set up the account.
b. You must submit a DOC-184 Disbursement Request form including the name of the person the
account is set up in and the account number or telephone number the monies will be applied to.
c. A check may be only applied to a single account.
d. Disbursement requests that do not meet the requirements will not be processed by Correctional
Billing Service and will be returned.
4. Call length is limited to 15 minutes each.
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1. You are not allowed to make three-way telephone calls.
2. You are not allowed to make calls during mealtimes.
3. You are not allowed to make harassing or nuisance calls.
4. You are not allowed to have a calling card or to have calling card numbers in your possession.
1. You must ask staff permission to use kiosk.
2. You are not allowed to use kiosk during mealtimes.
3. You are not allowed to make harassing or nuisance email messages.
4. You are not allowed to have or use other inmates’ kiosk information in your possession.
5. Only one (1) inmate allowed to use each kiosk at a time.
Telephone messages will be taken for family related emergencies.
Approved and authorized telephone calls to an attorney will not knowingly be monitored or recorded.
All attorney calls not placed through the collect call system must be coordinated through your Social Worker.
If your friend or family member is experiencing problems receiving phone calls from you, please have them
contact Securus Customer Service at (800) 844-6591 or online at www.securustech.net.
The DOC encourages visitation of an inmate’s family and loved ones to maintain close and constructive family
and personal relationships and support. Your visiting list and visiting procedures are regulated by the
Administrative Code 309.12 and DAI 309.06.01 Visiting.
Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Note: Visitors will not be admitted if they do not arrive 30 minutes prior to the end of visiting hours.
1. You will be allowed visitors on recognized holidays.
2. Due to limited space, should the visiting room fill up, the first visit started will also be the first visit
3. If a holiday falls on a Thursday there will not be any evening visits.
4. WCCS recognizes the following holidays for visiting purposes:
New Year’s Day January 1
Martin Luther King Day Third Monday in January
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day First Monday in September
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Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Eve December 24
Christmas Day December 25
New Year’s Eve December 31
1. All visitors must complete the DOC-176 Request to Visit Offender form and successfully clear through the
metal detector before being allowed access into the visiting area.
2. You are not permitted to pass or receive items during a visit without authorization from staff.
3. You will be allowed to embrace and kiss your visitors once at the beginning and once at the end of the
4. You are required to sit directly across the table from your wife, girlfriend, fiancé or significant other.
5. You and your visitor(s) must keep both hands above the table at all times. Holding hands is allowed.
6. Visitors leaving the visiting areas are not allowed to re-enter the building on that given day.
7. You are not allowed to go back to your room without permission from the Sergeant on duty.
8. No personal mugs, cups or bowls are allowed on a visit.
9. Parents are responsible for supervising their children during visits. If you have children or your family
brings children, you are required to keep the children under control at all times. If staff feels that you are
not keeping minor children under control, your visit will be terminated and/or those children may be
temporarily suspended from visiting again.
10. An adult must accompany any visitor under the age of 18.
11. Visiting with another inmate’s visitor is not allowed.
12. Visitors are required to use the designated bathroom facilities. Inmates are not to enter those bathrooms
for any reason.
13. You must use designated inmate bathrooms with permission of staff.
14. Packages, paperwork and containers will not be allowed during visits without prior authorization from the
Captain/Superintendent and, when authorized, will be inspected by security staff.
15. Purses and diaper bags are not permitted inside the center. Diapers, individual wipes, plastic baby
bottles, and toddler cups should be carried in a paper or plastic bag.
16. No property items for inmates may be brought in on visits without prior authorization from a supervisor.
17. No money orders or certified checks are to be brought in on visits.
18. Visitors are not allowed to bring in any food, beverages or smoking materials.
19. All food items from the vending machine must be purchased by your visitor and consumed during the visit
as it is not to be brought back to your room. You are not allowed to handle money.
20. No personal property (including cellular phones, pagers, PDA’s, electronic devices or cameras) are
allowed in the center except for baby supplies and a maximum of $15 in cash (for the vending machines).
21. Changing of infant diapers is only allowed in the designated visitor bathroom.
22. You are responsible for cleaning off your table and disposing of your garbage after your visit ends.
23. The use of offensive, loud, or vulgar language will result in the termination of your visit.
1. Outside visiting is held as weather permits, and will be determined by staff.
2. Outside visits are conducted on weekends and holidays.
3. You and your visitors must sit on the picnic benches provided in the outside visiting area.
Do not straddle the benches
Do not sit on top of the tables
Do not move the tables
Do not sit on the ground during outside visits
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1. Intended as a one-time visit only.
2. Individuals that will visit regularly must be added to your visitor list.
3. Requests for special visits must be submitted on the DOC-1115 Special / Extended Visit form to the
Social Worker at least 10 working days in advance of the visiting day and specify the exact date of the
visit. Exceptions may be approved by the Warden/Superintendent.
State Farm Road is approximately 1 mile east of the 73 South intersection.
Watch for the green road sign, “Thompson Correctional Center”.
Turn North on to State Farm Road. (There is a trailer park on the corner.)
Thompson Center is ¼ mile down the road. Parking lot is on the right.
From Milwaukee: Exit I-94 to Hwy 73 South (Exit #250). Go through the town of Deerfield, turn left
when you reach Hwy 12/18 East. State Farm Rd. is approximately one mile further on your left.
From Madison: Take Hwy 12/18 East. Approximately 20 25 minutes from Madison.
From Oshkosh: Take Hwy 151 South to Hwy 73 South. Turn left when you reach Hwy 12/18 East.
State Farm Rd. is approximately one mile further on your left.
From Portage: Take I-90/I-39 to Hwy 12&18 East. Proceed until you see the green road sign for
Thompson Center (approximately 20 25 minutes.)
From Janesville: Take I-90/I-39 to Hwy 73 North. Turn right on to Hwy 12&18 East. State Farm Rd. is
approximately one mile further on your left.
1. Only center-approved volunteers may facilitate groups, meetings or services.
2. Participation in religious and therapeutic activities is voluntary.
3. Eight consecutive center bible studies are required before you become eligible to participate in off
ground meetings.
4. Four center NA/AA meetings are required prior to becoming eligible for off-ground meetings.
5. Off-ground requests must be directed to the Captain or Superintendent.
6. You are not to engage in any contact with family or friends during these activities.
7. You are not allowed to make any phone calls at these activities.
8. You may not request to add a person that you meet at these activities to your visiting list.
9. You must be seated together with the other inmates attending.
10. If you are pending approval for off grounds activities you are expected to continue to participate in the
center meetings. If you do not, you will not receive approval for off-ground activities.
The primary goal of the Wisconsin Correctional Center System is to prepare you for release to the community.
The objective for centers with work release is to help you obtain employment that will allow you to develop
good work habits, pay your obligations, and save money for release. A monitoring period is required prior to
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obtaining approval for work release as well as any other requirements according to DAI 324.00.01. This allows
us to monitor your work habits and make an evaluation when placing you on work release. Remember, work
release is a privilege. Amongst other criteria, the center staff will evaluate your risk for placement in the
community by considering the following: your offense history, risk assessment, conduct history, length of
sentence, and victim concerns. Other factors, such as the local job market, your individual work skills, and your
willingness to work, also play a vital role in your placement on work release.
To participate in work release the work release coordinator will require you to sign the following:
1. A DOC-372 Work Release Agreement form to indicate your agreement with the rules, regulations and
provisions listed.
2. A DOC-371 Offender’s Statement of Financial Obligations form.
1. You must have a community custody classification to be eligible for work release.
2. The Superintendent must grant final approval for participation unless your case requires Warden
3. You may not terminate your employment (quit your job), without the prior approval of the Work Release
4. You must sign and obey all work rules of the employer.
5. Being approved for the work release program does not guarantee you a work release job.
6. To the degree possible, the Work Release Coordinator will attempt to match your skills to available jobs.
7. The Work Release Coordinator will assist you in arranging job interviews; you may not make
appointments without the consent of the Work Release Coordinator.
8. Going off grounds for interviews is subject to center staff and transportation availability
9. You must sign in and out whenever leaving for or returning from work.
Two forms of identification are required by federal law and may include the following:
Birth Certificate
Driver’s License
State ID
Social Security Card
If needed, the Work Release Coordinator or the Employment Support Specialist will assist you in obtaining
1. You must provide your own clothing for work release.
2. The work release coordinator may assist you in ordering clothing.
3. You have 60 days from the date you start working to order work-related clothing.
4. State-issued clothing, jackets, and boots are not authorized for work release once you are given the
opportunity to purchase clothing.
5. Equipment purchased for work release must be kept at your job site.
6. Work release clothing may only be worn directly to and from the work site.