YouGov Sampling Methodology
Sampling and Sample Matching
Sample matching is a methodology for selection of representative samples from non-randomly
selected pools of respondents. It is ideally suited for Web access panels, but could also be used
for other types of surveys, such as phone surveys. Sample matching starts with an enumeration
of the target population. For general population studies, the target population is all adults, and
can be enumerated through the use of the decennial Census or a high quality survey, such as
the American Community Survey. In other contexts, this is known as the sampling frame,
though, unlike conventional sampling, the sample is not drawn from the frame. Traditional
sampling, then, selects individuals from the sampling frame at random for participation in the
study. This may not be feasible or economical as the contact information, especially email
addresses, is not available for all individuals in the frame and refusals to participate increase
the costs of sampling in this way.
Sample selection using the matching methodology is a two-stage process. First, a random
sample is drawn from the target population. We call this sample the target sample. Details on
how the target sample is drawn are provided below, but the essential idea is that this sample is
a true probability sample and thus representative of the frame from which it was drawn.
Second, for each member of the target sample, we select one or more matching members from
our pool of opt-in respondents. This is called the matched sample. Matching is accomplished
using a large set of variables that are available in consumer and voter databases for both the
target population and the opt-in panel.
The purpose of matching is to find an available respondent who is as similar as possible to the
selected member of the target sample. The result is a sample of respondents who have the
same measured characteristics as the target sample. Under certain conditions, described
below, the matched sample will have similar properties to a true random sample. That is, the
matched sample mimics the characteristics of the target sample. It is, as far as we can tell,
“representative” of the target population (because it is similar to the target sample).
The Distance Function
When choosing the matched sample, it is necessary to find the closest matching respondent in
the panel of opt-ins to each member of the target sample. Various types of matching could be
employed: exact matching, propensity score matching, and proximity matching. Exact matching
is impossible if the set of characteristics used for matching is large and, even for a small set of
characteristics, requires a very large panel (to find an exact match). Propensity score matching
has the disadvantage of requiring estimation of the propensity score. Either a propensity score
needs to be estimated for each individual study, so the procedure is automatic, or a single
propensity score must be estimated for all studies. If large numbers of variables are used the
estimated propensity scores can become unstable and lead to poor samples.
YouGov employs the proximity matching method. For each variable used for matching, we
define a distance function, d(x,y), which describes how “close” the values x and y are on a
particular attribute. The overall distance between a member of the target sample and a
member of the panel is a weighted sum of the individual distance functions on each attribute.
The weights can be adjusted for each study based upon which variables are thought to be
important for that study, though, for the most part, we have not found the matching procedure
to be sensitive to small adjustments of the weights. A large weight, on the other hand, forces
the algorithm toward an exact match on that dimension.
Theoretical Background for Sample Matching
To understand better the sample matching methodology, it may be helpful to think of the
target sample as a simple random sample (SRS) from the target population. The SRS yields
unbiased estimates because the selection mechanism is unrelated to particular characteristics
of the population. The efficiency of the SRS can be improved by using stratified sampling in
place of simple random sampling. SRS is generally less efficient than stratified sampling because
the size of population subgroups varies in the target sample.
Stratified random sampling partitions the population into a set of categories that are believed
to be more homogeneous than the overall population, called strata. For example, we might
divide the population into race, age, and gender categories. The cross-classification of these
three attributes divides the overall population into a set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive
groups or strata. Then an SRS is drawn from each category and the combined set of
respondents constitutes a stratified sample. If the number of respondents selected in each
strata is proportional to their frequency in the target population, then the sample is self-
representing and requires no additional weighting.
The intuition behind sample matching is analogous to stratified sampling: if respondents who
are similar on a large number of characteristics tend to be similar on other items for which we
lack data, then substituting one for the other should have little impact upon the sample. This
intuition can be made rigorous under certain assumptions.
Assumption 1: Ignorability. Panel participation is assumed to be ignorable with respect to the
variables measured by survey conditional upon the variables used for matching. What this
means is that if we examined panel participants and non-participants who have exactly the
same values of the matching variables, then on average there would be no difference between
how these sets of respondents answered the survey. This does not imply that panel participants
and non-participants are identical, but only that the differences are captured by the variables
used for matching. Since the set of data used for matching is quite extensive, this is, in most
cases, a plausible assumption.
Assumption 2: Smoothness. The expected value of the survey items given the variables used
for matching is a “smooth” function. Smoothness is a technical term meaning that the function
is continuously differentiable with bounded first derivative. In practice, this means that that the
expected value function doesn’t have any kinks or jumps.
Assumption 3: Common Support. The variables used for matching need to have a distribution
that covers the same range of values for panelists and non-panelists. More precisely, the
probability distribution of the matching variables must be bounded away from zero for
panelists on the range of values (known as the “support”) taken by the non-panelists. In
practice, this excludes attempts to match on variables for which there are no possible matches
within the panel. For instance, it would be impossible to match on computer usage because
there are no panelists without some experience using computers.
Under Assumptions 1-3, it can be shown that if the panel is sufficiently large, then the matched
sample provides consistent estimates for survey measurements. The sampling variances will
depend upon how close the matches are if the number of variables used for matching is large.
In this study, over 150,000 respondents to YouGov’s Internet surveys were used for the pool
from which to construct the matches for the final sample.
Current Sampling Frame and Target Sample
YouGov has constructed a sampling frame of U.S. Citizens from the 2016 American Community
Survey, including data on age, race, gender, education, marital status, number of children under
18, family income, employment status, citizenship, state, and metropolitan area. The frame was
constructed by stratified sampling from the full 2016 ACS sample with selection within strata by
weighted sampling with replacement (using the person weights on the public use file). Data on
reported 2016 voter registration and turnout from the November 2012 Current Population
Survey was matched to this frame using a weighted Euclidean distance metric. Data on religion,
church attendance, born again or evangelical status, interest in politics, party identification and
ideology were matched from the 2014 Pew U.S. Religious Landscape Survey. Characteristics of
target samples vary based on the requirements of the projects. Typical general population
target samples are selected by stratification by age, race, gender, education, and voter
registration, and by simple random sampling within strata. At the matching stage, the final set
of completed interviews are matched to the target frame, using a weighted Euclidean distances
The matched cases are weighted to the sampling frame using propensity scores. The matched
cases and the frame are combined and a logistic regression is estimated for inclusion in the
frame. The propensity score function may include a number of variables, including age, years of
education, gender, race/ethnicity, predicted voter registration, interest in politics, born again
status, ideological self-placement and inability to place oneself on an ideological scale, and
baseline party identification (i.e., the profiled party identification that was collected before the
survey was conducted). The propensity scores are then grouped into deciles of the estimated
propensity score in the frame and post-stratified according to these deciles. The final weights
may then be post-stratified by gender, race, education, and age. Large weights are trimmed
and the final weights are normalized to equal sample size.