Telecommunication and Information Technology Act
Issued under the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (592), dated 01/11/1443 AH
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail
in determining of this Law.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Telecommunication and Information Technology Act
1443 AH
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Royal Decree (M/106), Dated 02/11/1443 AH
By the Grace of Allah
We, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud,
King of Saudi Arabia
Based on Article (Seventy) of Basic Law of Governance, enacted by virtue of Royal Decree (A/90), dated
28/08/1412 AH;
Article (Twenty) of Law of the Council of Ministers, enacted by virtue of Royal Decree (A/13), dated
03/03/1414 AH;
Article (Eighteen) of Law of the Shura Council, enacted by virtue of Royal Decree (A/91), dated 27/08/1412
AH; and after reviewing Shura Council Resolution No. (85/16), dated 16/05/1443 AH; and
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (592), dated 01/11/1443 AH,
We have decided the following:
First: Approving the Telecommunications and Information Technology Act, in the enclosed form.
Second: Provisions of the Act, referred to in Clause “First” herein, shall not invalidate licenses issued prior
to enforcement thereof. Further, any entity providing telecommunication or information technology
services, since Act enforcement date, must correct its situation in accordance with its provisions within
twelve months as from its enforcement date.
Third: Enforcement of the Act, referred to in Clause “First” herein, and its Bylaws shall not prejudice
competencies and duties of the National Cybersecurity Authority.
Fourth: Communications and Information Technology Commission shall follow up on service providers’
exercise of due diligence to ensure protection of cybersecurity and critical infrastructure, in accordance
with NCA controls and guidelines. In this context, NCA has the right to:
1. Require service providers to conclude mutual agreements to realize the aforementioned
objectives, in accordance with National Cybersecurity Authority controls and guidelines.
2. Follow up and verify adequacy of cybersecurity level of service providers, in accordance with
National Cybersecurity Authority controls and guidelines.
3. Charge service providers cost of such follow-up process if found negligent.
4. Impose penalties stipulated in Article (Twenty-seventh) of the Act, referred to in Clause “First”
herein, on service providers breaching this Clause.
National Cybersecurity Authority Board of Directors may decide to revoke this Clause after coordinating
with Communications and Information Technology Commission.
Fifth: His Highness the Deputy Prime Minister, ministers and heads of independent concerned agencies,
each within its competence, must enforce this Royal Decree.
Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Council of Ministers Resolution No. (592), dated 01/11/1443 AH
The Council of Ministers,
Having reviewed the Case received from the Royal Court No. (32021), dated 22/05/1443 AH, which includes
the Telegram of H.H the Minister of Communications and Information Technology No. (01/40/5118), dated
18/09/1440 AH, regarding the Draft Telecommunication and Information Technology Act;
Having reviewed the Draft Act referred to above; and
Telecommunications Act, enacted by virtue of Royal Decree (M/12), dated 12/03/1422 AH;
Notes No. (1157), dated 11/07/1442 AH, No. (1955), dated 11/11/1442 AH, No. (2273). dated 18/12/1442 AH, No.
(359), dated 12/02/1443 AH, No. (2192), dated 24/09/1443 AH, prepared by the Bureau of Experts at the
Council of Ministers;
Having reviewed recommendation issued by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs No. (12-
46/43/d), dated 11/10/1443 AH;
Having considered the Shura Council Resolution No. (85/16), dated 16/05/1443 AH; and
Recommendation of the General Committee of the Council of Ministers No. (9465), dated 29/10/1443 AH,
Decided the Following:
First: Approving the Telecommunications and Information Technology Act, in the enclosed form.
Second: Provisions of the Act, referred to in Clause “First” herein, shall not invalidate licenses issued prior
to enforcement thereof. Further, any entity providing telecommunication or information technology
services, since the Act enforcement date, must correct its situation in accordance with its provisions
within twelve months from its enforcement date.
Third: Enforcement of the Act, referred to in Clause “First” herein, and its Bylaws shall not prejudice
competencies and duties of the National Cybersecurity Authority.
Fourth: Communications and Information Technology Commission shall follow up on service providers’
exercise of due diligence to ensure the protection of cybersecurity and critical infrastructure, in
accordance with NCA controls and guidelines. In this context, National Cybersecurity Authority has the
right to:
1. Require service providers to conclude mutual agreements to realize the aforementioned
objectives, in accordance with National Cybersecurity Authority controls and guidelines.
2. Follow up and verify adequacy of cybersecurity level of service providers, in accordance with NCA
controls and guidelines.
3. Charge service providers cost of such follow-up process if found negligent.
4. Impose penalties stipulated in Article (Twenty-seventh) of the Act, referred to in Clause “First”
herein, on service providers breaching this Clause.
The National Cybersecurity Authority Board of Directors may decide to revoke this Clause after
coordinating with Communications and Information Technology Commission.
A Draft Royal Decree has been produced to that effect, in the enclosed form.
Fifth: Fees, referred to in Articles (Fourth) and (Thirty-ninth) of the Act, referred to in Clause “First” herein,
shall be determined in agreement with Ministry of Finance and Non-Oil Revenue Development Center,
until issuance of (Regulations for the Practice of Public Bodies, Institutions and the Like Imposing Fees
against their Services and Works) and application thereof.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Sixth: Amount deducted from fees stipulated in Paragraph (2) of Article (Fourth) of the Act, referred to in
Clause “First” herein, shall be deposited in a current account of the Ministry of Finance in the Saudi
Central Bank for the benefit of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
Seventh: Amount deducted from fees in favor of Ministry of Communications and Information
Technology, as stipulated in Paragraph (2) of Article (Fourth) of the Act, referred to in Clause “First” herein,
shall be within its budgetary provisions.
Eighth: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology shall carry out disbursement from the
account stipulated in Clause “Sixth” herein or from other bank accounts established for such purpose.
Ninth: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Ministry of Finance shall establish a
mechanism to govern the disbursement of deducted amount, as stipulated in Paragraph (2) of Article
(Fourth) of the Act, referred to in Clause “First” herein.
Prime Minister
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Telecommunication and Information Technology Act
Chapter One: General Provisions
Article (One)
The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned herein, shall have the meanings ascribed thereto,
unless the context requires otherwise:
Act: Telecommunications and Information Technology Act.
Bylaws: Bylaws of the Act
Ministry: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Minister: Minister of Communications and Information Technology.
Commission: Communications and Information Technology Commission.
Board: Commission Board of Directors.
Committee: Committee for the Consideration of Violations of the Act
Telecommunications: Any transmission or reception, between persons or things, of signs, written messages,
images, sounds, or information of any kind via wired or wireless systems.
Telecommunications Network: A system used to transmit any kind of communication by using electric,
magnetic, electromagnetic or other energy.
Public Telecommunications Network: Local or international wired or wireless telecommunications system,
which provides general telecommunications and information technology services to users.
Private Telecommunications Network: Limited network not connected to a public telecommunications
network, which provides telecommunications and information technology services in specific areas, for
specific users.
Information Technology: Technologies, software, systems, networks, and related processes used to create,
collect, obtain, process, store or analyze data or information, including telecommunications and information
technology applications, and does not include data or information per se.
Devices: Any wired or wireless device, radiosensitive equipment, interfering devices and equipment, and
any other equipment, device, product, tool, machinery or otherwise that are connected to a
telecommunications network or may, when used, affect technical capacity to provide telecommunications
or information technology services.
Infrastructure: Physical system used to provide services related to the Telecommunications and
Information Technology Sector, including facilities, networks, and devices.
Critical Infrastructure: Networks, hardware and software that are essential to the minimum of
telecommunications and information technology services, their disruption, in whole or in part, compromises
the stability or security of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector.
License: A document issued by the Commission to a person of a natural or legal capacity for the use or
provision of telecommunications services, information technology or devices in accordance with the Act
and bylaws. The document shall include: the type of service or device, the period of time, and general
Registration: Recording information of the entity registered at the Commission.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Authorization: A document issued by the Commission to a person, of a natural or legal capacity, outside the
Kingdom, who provides services related to telecommunications or information technology services,
including digital content platforms, inside the Kingdom by displaying them in a way that enables the user to
access them.
Service Provider: The licensed, registered or authorized provider of telecommunications, information
technology or related services, including digital content platforms, to the public.
Controlling Service Provider: Controlling service provider pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (2) of
Article (Fifteenth) of the Act.
Facility-Based Service Provider “FBSP”: Licensed telecommunications or information technology provider
licensed to create, own or operate infrastructure.
User: A natural or legal person using telecommunications, information technology or related services,
including digital content platforms, through the Service Provider.
Frequency Spectrum: A set of frequency bandwidths contained in the international radio systems, which
can be used in telecommunications networks.
The National Frequency Plan (NFP): A document regulating frequency spectrums in terms of identifying its
type, bandwidth and distribution to stakeholders.
Interconnection: A link that allows users of a particular Service Provider's communications network to
communicate between each other’s or with users of another service provider.
Access: Access to infrastructure, facilities, networks, devices, systems, services or otherwise used in the
provision of telecommunications and information technology services.
Universal Service: Providing a minimum of internet and telecommunications services at appropriate prices
and quality for each user.
Right to Universal Use: Giving the opportunity to all users in the Kingdom to benefit from the minimal
telecommunications and information technology services of appropriate quality, within a specified
geographical area and at an appropriate price; At the Ministry discretion, in coordination with the
Numbering: A sequence of serial numbers identifying an intended final point in the public
telecommunications network and involves the information necessary to guide telecommunications to this
final point.
National Numbering Plan: A plan prepared by the Commission to determine the range of numbers used in
various telecommunications or information technology services.
Digital Transformation: Strategic reorganization based on data, information technology and
telecommunications networks.
Emerging Technologies: Technical innovations that represent a progressive step in a given field, and achieve
a competitive advantage over prevailing technologies.
Digital Government: Supporting administrative, organizational and operational processes within, and
between, government sectors to achieve digital transformation, develop, improve and enable easy and
effective access to government information and services.
Technical Identifiers: Any technical means of uniquely identifying resources, services or content that can
be accessed through the Internet.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Article (Two)
The Act aims at achieving the following:
1. Developing the Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector to improve the efficiency
of its services and infrastructure.
2. Encouraging digital transformation, stimulating the use and utilization of telecommunications and
information technology in all areas.
3. Encouraging technical innovation, entrepreneurship, research and development in
Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector, and developing subsectors and
emerging technologies, as well as developing new telecommunications and information technology
4. Transferring and localizing technology in the Telecommunications and Information Technology
Sector and keeping up with its updates.
5. Protecting the public interest, the user and its interests, as well as raising its level of trust; by
providing appropriate quality telecommunications and information technology services, in addition
to providing protection against harmful content, and maintaining the confidentiality of
6. Promoting access to high-end, affordable telecommunications and information technology
services in all regions of the Kingdom.
7. Developing the share of local content in the Telecommunications and Information Technology
sector and stimulating demand on relevant national enterprise products and services.
8. Enhancing the competitiveness of the Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector
and its companies, ensuring the continuity and effectiveness of its level of competition, and raising
the competitiveness of telecommunications companies, regionally and globally.
9. Providing an attractive environment for investment in the Telecommunications and Information
Technology Sector, attracting leading international companies in the sector's priority areas, and
raising the level of work of national companies.
10. Regulating the use of the frequency spectrum to ensure its optimal use.
11. Using the National Numbering Plan effectively.
12. Achieving clarilty and transparency in procedures.
13. Achieving the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
Article (Third)
Ministry shall be competent to supervise the Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector
within the limits of provisions of the relevant Act and Regulations, and in a manner that is not inconsistent
with the functions and competencies of other entities in accordance with their laws and regulations
supervised by them. To this end, the Ministry may have the following tasks and competencies:
1. Developing strategies, policies, plans, programs, and infrastructure of the Telecommunications and
Information Technology Sector and supervising the implementation thereof as well as raising the
level of action required.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
2. Proposing draft acts and bylaws for the Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector, in
coordination with the Commission, and supervising their implementation after approval.
3. Representing the Kingdom before regional and international entities in relation to the
Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector. It may grant the Commission or any other
relevant entity the authority to represent the Kingdom.
4. Encouraging investment in the Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector and
contributing to the localization of jobs and the qualification of human resources.
5. Encouraging and supporting research, studies and development in the Telecommunications and
Information Technology Sector.
6. Issuing and updating policies on emerging technologies and the Internet s well as disseminating them
to relevant entities.
7. Conducting a comprehensive periodic review of the Telecommunications and Information
Technology Sector’s performance under the approved policies and it may disseminate its results to
the public.
8. Developing digital economy policies, standards and procedures, leading to the contribution of the
Telecommunications and Information Technology Sector to stimulating the economy, and taking the
steps necessary to facilitate the use of telecommunications and information technology in the digital
9. Strengthening standards and procedures related to digital transformation and digital government,
and supporting mechanisms to work on this among stakeholders.
10. Making the necessary arrangements, in coordination with the Commission, to ensure the continued
provision of basic telecommunications and information technology services in case the service
provider is unable to do so, in accordance with the rules and procedures established by the bylaw.
11. Ensuring universal service availability and the right to universal use.
By virtue of a decision of the Council of Ministers, the provisions of this article may be amended.
Chapter Two: Licenses
Article (Fourth)
1. A Fees, supplied to the general treasury of the state, shall be collected to issue and renew licenses, to
commercially provide telecommunications or information technology services, and to use frequencies.
2. An amount shall be deducted to the Ministry to be determined by the Ministry in agreement with
the Ministry of Finance and the Non-Oil Revenues Development Center - from the Fees paid for the
commercial provision of telecommunications or information technology services; to be spent in the
development of the telecommunications and information technology sector as well as the
3. Subject to Article (Two) of the Act, the Ministry shall determine, on the basis of the Commission
proposal, the Fees for the commercial provision of telecommunications or information technology
services, the issuance and renewal of licenses, and the use of frequencies.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Article (Fifth)
1. A license shall be obtained from the Commission before doing any of the following:
a. Providing telecommunications services to the public or using a communications network for
that purpose.
b. Providing infrastructure service for public telecommunications networks.
c. Using any numbering resource or frequency spectrum.
d. Providing Saudi domain name registration services or establishing centers for registration
2. The Board, without prejudice to the competencies of other relevant entities, may require a license
or registration to be obtained from the Commission, in the following cases:
a. Providing certain services related to telecommunications or information technology, including
digital content platforms, and the Board shall determine the nature and provisions of such
b. Acquiring or using telecommunications or information technology-related devices.
c. Establishing a private telecommunications network.
The Board shall set the necessary controls for obtaining a license, registration or permit.
3. The Commission shall identify cases in which its consent is required before connecting a private
telecommunications network to a public telecommunications network.
Article (Sixth)
1. The Commission may reject the request renewal of the license, registration or authorization, or to
cancel the license, registration or authorization, or to suspend or modify any of them; in any of the
following cases:
a. Failure of the licensee, registrant or authorized entity to respond to committed violations, within
a reasonable period to be determined by the Commission.
b. Expiration or dissolution of the licensee, registrant or authorized entity.
c. Any other case specified in the Bylaw.
2. By a reasoned decision, the Board may cancel, suspend or modify any license, registration or
authorizations in the event of changes in technology, market conditions or in the National Frequency
Plan, in accordance with the procedures established in the Bylaw.
3. A licensee, registrant or authorized entity may apply to the Commission for cancellation,
modification or suspension the license or authorization issued thereto.
4. The Commission shall, in the event that the license is not renewed, suspended or revoked; take
necessary actions to ensure continuity of service in accordance with the rules and procedures set out
in the Bylaw
5. The Bylaw shall identify the provisions resulting from cancelling, suspending or modifying the
license, registration or authorization, as well as the provisions necessary to ensure continuity of the
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Article (Seventh)
1. Without prejudice to other Acts, the Service Provider shall obtain the following:
a. Approval of the Commission before taking any of the following actions:
(1) Substantial change in ownership of the licensee or registrant
(2) Waiver of license, registration or authorization to others.
b. The Commission non-objection to make a substantial change in the senior management of the
licensee or registrant.
2. The Bylaw shall set out the controls and procedures for obtaining consent and non-objection
referred to in Paragraph (1) of this Article. The Commission shall in any event issue its decision within a
period not exceeding (ninety) days from the date of completion of the application. If the period referred
to in this paragraph has elapsed without a decision issued by the Commission, this shall be deemed as
an approval.
Article (Eighth)
1. The Board shall classify the license, registration and authorization into categories and set the terms
and conditions for each category.
2. The Service Provider shall abide by the terms and conditions of the granted license, registration or
authorization included therein.
Article (Ninth)
The Commission shall establish a private registry in which the data and information of the licensee,
registrant or authorized entity, and the category of its granted license or registration or authorization
in which it is included. Such data and information shall be identified in the Bylaw.
Chapter Three: Frequency Spectrum
Article (Tenth)
1. The frequency spectrum is a natural wealth owned by the State.
2. The Commission shall prepare the National Frequency Plan in coordination with the relevant
authorities, taking into account the requirements of other regulations and international
agreements to which the Kingdom is a party, in preparation for its approval by the Ministry.
3. The Ministry shall approve the National Frequency Plan in coordination with the military and
security agencies.
Article (Eleventh)
The Commission shall be responsible for the following:
1. Management of Frequency Spectrum for civil and commercial uses, as defined by the National
Frequency Plan.
2. Identification of levels of exposure to the electromagnetic fields of the non-ionizing frequency
spectrum, establishment of controls and standards for conformity and adherence to them and to
the procedures for measurement thereof, and taking whatever is necessary in this regard
according to the Bylaw.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Article (Twelfth)
No user or service provider may use any frequency unless allocated thereto by the Commission, and after
obtaining the necessary license and paying the Fees.
Article (Thirteenth)
If the frequency spectrum allocated for civil and commercial purposes is used in violation of the Act or
bylaw or the terms and conditions of the license, the Commission may disconnect or withdraw the devices
used in the violation from service and may use the competent security authorities when needed.
Article (Fourteenth)
The Commission shall establish a National Frequency Registry in the Kingdom, in which the data of
frequency spectrum are recorded, managed, updated, and kept confidential
Chapter Four: Interconnection or Access Submitted
Article (Fifteenth)
1. All Service Providers shall be obliged to satisfy reasonable requests for interconnection or access
submitted by other service providers, in accordance with the provisions specified in the Bylaw.
2. The Controlling Service Provider in the relevant markets shall be obliged to meet requests for
interconnection or access by other providers at fair terms and prices based on the cost approved
by the Commission. The provider shall be deemed controlling if its service covers at least (40%) of
the relevant telecommunications or information technology market or part thereof. The
Commission may adjust this proportion according to market conditions and may establish the
necessary controls to identify the Controlling Service Provider.
3. Each Service Provider shall be entitled to negotiate with any service provider to agree on
interconnection or access. If no agreement is reached between them, the Service Provider shall
apply to the Commission for a decision thereon. Commission’s decision in this regard shall be
binding on all parties.
4. The Commission shall establish the necessary rules for linking interconnection or access, including
service providers' obligations.
Article (Sixteen)
Service Providers shall be prohibited from entering into any interconnection or access agreements if it
endangers any person or its property, or damages other telecommunications networks, services or other
information technology.
Chapter Five: Use of Real Estate
Article (Seventeen)
All Facility-based Service Providers shall have equal access to public and private real estate for the
purpose of providing telecommunications or information technology services, provided that access to
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
such real estate shall be with the knowledge and consent of their owners, or persons of equivalent status
thereof, and to the extent that such provision of services need.
Article (Eighteenth)
1. FBSP shall agree with the property owner, or the equivalent, when FBSP requires installing any
devices or establishing or maintaining telecommunications networks inside the public or private
properties in order to provide the telecommunications or information technology services to the
public. In the event of failure to reach an agreement, FBSP shall submit an application to the
Commission to consider expropriation of such property in accordance with the relevant legal
2. When FBSP requires installing any devices or establishing or maintaining telecommunications
networks inside the public or private properties in order to provide the telecommunications or
information technology services for a person residing in that property, the property owner or the
equivalent may not impose fees on or prevent FBSP from access to that property unless the
owner or the equivalent has reasonable and legal reasons for prevention, and both of the owner
and FBSP shall have the right to recourse to the Commission to decide on the dispute.
3. FBSP shall reinstate the property's situation to its previous condition upon completion of the
works set out in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.
4. The Bylaws shall determine the provisions related to the enforcement of what is stated in this
Article (Nineteen)
Without prejudice to the laws related to maintenance of the locations that have special importance, the
Bylaws shall determine the provision related to establishing, operating and maintaining public
telecommunications networks and provisions related to FBSP's participation in connection locations.
Chapter Six: Competition
Article (Twentieth)
1. Without prejudice to the provisions of other laws, the Service Provider shall obtain the Board's
approval before making any merger with other service provider inside or outside the Kingdom and
inform Commission within (five) business days of any initial agreement made in this regard.
2. The Service Provider or any natural or legal person shall obtain the Board's approval before
purchasing 5% or more of shares or stocks of a service provider licensed to operate in the
Kingdom, which may result in reaching the level of the Service Provider that controls a related
telecom market or part thereof.
3. The Commission shall, within the period stipulated by the Bylaws, decide on any received requests
in accordance with Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article.
Article (Twenty one)
Any Service Provider that controls a related telecom market or part thereof may not preform an activity
or procedure that constitutes an abuse of its situation. In addition, the Bylaws shall determine the
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Controlling Service Provider's obligations and the rules on the basis of which the activity is considered an
abuse of control situation.
Article (Twenty-Two)
The Service Providers shall be prohibited to agree to perform practices that may make the Service
Provider dominating a related telecom market or part thereof, limit or prevent competition or reduce its
effectiveness. In addition, the provisions set out in this regard in any agreement or decisions shall be
invalid. The Bylaws shall determine the decisions and practices that may limit or prevent competition or
reduce its effectiveness and the procedures that shall be taken in this regard.
Chapter Seven: Maintaining User's Information and Confidential Documents
Article (Twenty - Three)
1. The Service Provider shall take all measures and arrangements necessary for ensuring the
maintenance of confidentiality of the User's information and personal data and to prevent
accessing, reviewing and disposing such information and data illegally, including preparing and
submitting policies related to maintenance of confidentiality of such information and documents
to the Commission for approval in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.
2. The User's information or documents may only be disclosed under the User's consent according
to the relevant legal provisions.
3. Subject to the relevant legal provisions, the Service Provider shall, when the User's information or
documents are infringed in any way, take all procedures necessary for maintaining User's
information and documents and immediately inform the Commission and User of the incident's
4. Without prejudice to the relevant legal provisions, the Service Provider shall keep the User's
information and documents for the period that Commission determines. In addition, such period
shall be calculated as of the date of the last service provision. In the event of a dispute that may
arise in connection with the service between the User and Service Provider, such information and
documents shall be kept until the dispute is solved.
Article (Twenty - Four)
1. The Commission shall, after making coordination with the competent authorities, make internet
filtering and limit access to a specific content on the internet, prevent or restrict access to
internet services on the gateways.
2. It is prohibited to bypass or swindle internet filtering or to provide the means to do so. In addition,
the Commission shall set the regulating controls and requirements.
Chapter Eight: Surveillance and Inspection
Article (Twenty - Five)
1. Commission's inspectors for whom the Board issues a resolution on naming them shall jointly or
severally perform investigation, examination and collection of inferences, control violations of the
provisions of the Act, Bylaws and regulatory decisions. In addition, the inspectors shall, during the
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
working hours, inspect the sites of the licensed or persons suspected to violate the provisions of
the Act or Bylaws, without prejudice to the relevant legal provisions, review and take a copy of the
documents, systems and databases and ask, when needed, for the help of competent security
agencies to enable them to implement their tasks.
2. The Commission shall investigate and take legal actions against the offenders and may cease the
service subject of the violation precautionarily. The Bylaws shall determine the necessary
provisions for the same.
3. The Commission shall keep the seized items until the Committee makes a decision on the
violation. If a final decision-proving occurrence of the violation is rendered, the Commission shall
be entitled to release the seized items as defined in the Bylaws without prejudice to the offender's
right to claim with compensation for damage.
4. The officers and employees in the places desired to be inspected shall enable the inspectors to
perform their work and shall not impede them and provide all facilities, information and
documents that they require.
5. The inspectors shall present their job cards when undertaking their duties.
Chapter Nine: Violations and Sanctions
Article (Twenty - Six)
Each of the following shall be considered a violation:
1. Acquisition, sale, lease, making available, manufacturing, producing or trading, in any form, any
device, equipment, tool, service, system, program or the like in relation to telecommunications or
information technology that are not compatible with the approved technical specifications and
standards or that are not compatible with the controls that the Commission sets.
2. Practicing any of the activities that their practice requires obtaining a license, registration or
permit before obtaining the license, registration or permit.
3. Providing misleading information for the public or competent authorities in relation to
telecommunications or information technology services.
4. Impeding inspector's work.
5. Misuse of telecommunications or information technology services.
6. Performing any practice that breaches competition in the telecommunications and information
technology sector.
7. Causing damage to, infringing, interrupting or making illegal use of telecommunications networks,
or preventing information exchange in general whether deliberately or through negligence or
8. Failure to provide the Commission with the required reports, information or documents that
enable the Commission to perform its work.
9. Owning any telecommunications or information technology device without obtaining the
necessary license.
10. Any other work that violates provisions of the Act, Bylaws or Commission 's regulatory decisions.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Article (Twenty - Seven)
1. Without prejudice to what is stated in the Act or any severe penalty provided for in any other law,
the person who commits any of the violations provided for in Article (Twenty - Six) hereof or
proceeds with or helped in committing such violations shall be punished with one or more of the
following penalties:
a. A fine not exceeding (twenty-five) million Riyals.
b. Ceasing service subject of the violation in full or in part.
c. Prohibiting the offender for a specific period from obtaining or renewing a license for
providing telecommunications or information technology services.
d. Blocking digital content platform in full or in part.
2. The decision made in relation to the penalty shall be considered effective as of the date of
communication to the offender.
3. Without prejudice to the affected party's right to claim with compensation, the offender shall, in
all cases, provide the Commission with the proceeds realized as a result of the violation after
returning the remaining fees to the User.
4. The offender shall cease, rectify or eliminate the violation, as the case may be, within the term that
the Committee determines. In addition, the Commission shall be entitled to request the
Committee to punish the offender with one or more of the penalties provided for in Paragraph (1)
of this Article if the offender does not cease, rectify or eliminate the violation within the term
determined by the Committee.
5. When imposing a penalty, such penalty shall be in proportion to the violation's volume, nature,
effect and reiteration by the offender.
6. The Committee shall be entitled to provide for in its decision regarding the penalty publishing the
operative part thereof electronically or in a local newspaper or any other method, provided that
the operative part is published after the decision becomes conclusive and at the offender's
Article (Twenty - Eight)
1. The Board shall form one Committee or more to consider violations of the provisions of the Act,
Bylaws and regulatory decisions and impose the penalties provided for in Article (Twenty - Seven)
2. The Committee shall be formed of three members, one of them is the Committee's Chairman and
an alternate member to be named by the Board's resolution based on the Commission Governor's
nomination. In addition, the Committee's membership shall be for (four) renewable years.
Moreover, the resolution shall determine the Committee members' remunerations.
3. The Committee members shall be legally and technically qualified in the areas of
telecommunications and information technology, provided that the Committee Chairman is
legally qualified.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
4. The Committee shall consider the violations according to the rules and procedures that the Board
determines, and its decision shall be subject to grievance before the administrative court within
(thirty) days as of the date in which the offender is served.
Article (Twenty - Nine)
The persons against whom decisions are passed by the Commission shall be entitled to file a grievance to
the Minister according to the legal procedures adopted for objection to the administrative decision.
Chapter Ten: Closing Provisions
Article (Thirty)
Commission shall, according to its competencies, provide support and technical assistance to enforce the
final decisions rendered by the competent court against the Service Providers of digital platforms.
Article (Thirty - One)
The requirements of universal service and right to universal use shall apply in accordance with the rules
and principles that the Bylaws determines.
Article (Thirty - Two)
The phone calls and information sent or received via the public telecommunications networks shall be
considered confidential and shall not be reviewed, listened to, or recorded except in the cases set out in
the regulations.
Article (Thirty - Three)
The Bylaws shall set out the provisions and procedures that Commission shall take to protect the User
and handle the filed complaints.
Article (Thirty - Four)
Without prejudice to Paragraph (3) of Article (fifteenth) hereof, when a dispute arises between the Service
Providers, any of such Service Providers shall be entitled to submit an application to the Commission to
settle the dispute amicably. In the event of non-acceptance of settlement or lapse of (thirty) days without
reaching a settlement, such Service Provider shall be entitled to resort to the competent court. Moreover,
the Bylaws shall determine the procedures for amicable settlement.
Article (Thirty - Five)
Commission shall be competent to set the controls and rules necessary for the following:
a. Announcing, promoting or modifying tariff rates.
b. Entering into agreements with the Service Provider outside the Kingdom to provide
international roaming service or any other service.
c. Authenticating, selling, promoting or using SIM cards.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Article (Thirty - Six)
Commission shall set the technical specifications and standards for telecommunications and information
technology devices after making coordination with the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality
Organization and take the procedures necessary for ensuring that the devices are compatible with the
technical specifications that the Commission sets.
Article (Thirty - Seven)
The Service Provider, contracting distributors or sub-service providers and related persons for whom the
Act permits providing telecommunications and information technology services shall provide data,
information and documents that Ministry or Commission requires according to their respective
competencies in implementation of the provisions of the Act and Bylaws.
Article (Thirty - Eight)
In emergency cases, the Minister shall be entitled to oblige the Service Provider to undertake any of the
a. Providing specific telecommunications and information technology services free of charge to
the extent required for the public interest.
b. Making interconnection or access between the Service Providers to serve the public interest.
c. Restricting use or making available of frequency spectrum for any other entity.
d. Sharing resources and network's elements and activating national roaming.
And the Bylaws shall determine the related procedures of this Article.
Article (Thirty - Nine)
1. Commission shall regulate, register and operate names of the Saudi domains and technical
identifiers, determine fees for registration services, make decisions on the dispute related thereto
and make coordination with the related international organizations in this regard.
2. Commission shall develop the National Numbering Plan, be responsible for its structuring,
management and amendment and determine the terms of allocation and use of numbering
resources and the fees thereof.
3. The Board shall be entitled to enter into agreements with the government or private entities to
authorize them to assume Commission's tasks set out in this Article.
4. The Service Providers shall provide the possibility of transferring the number to their network,
while complying with transferring User's number according to User's requirements. In addition, the
Bylaws shall determine the procedures and conditions necessary to thus do.
Article (Forty)
The Bylaws shall be issued by the Minister's resolution based on the proposal of the Commission Board
within (180) days as of the date of publishing the Act in the Official Gazette, and shall come into force as of
the date the Act comes into force.
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy between the Arabic and the English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining of this Law.
Article (Forty - One)
1. This Act shall supersede Telecommunications Act issued by Royal Decree No. (M/12) dated
12/03/1422 AH and shall repeal the provisions that conflict therewith.
2. The Act shall come into force after (180) days as of the date of being published in the Official