Superior Court of California, County of Santa
Civil Division and Probate Division Court
Effective October 13, 2020, and as amended January 24, 2018, July 9, 2018,
January 1, 2019, and September 18, 2020, this policy regarding PRIVATELY
RETAINED COURT REPORTERS is applicable to all Civil, Family, Probate,
and other courtroom where an official court reporter is not provided, except
as noted below.
A party has the right to arrange, at the party’s own expense, for
the services of a court reporter if the services of an official court reporter are
not available for a proceeding. (Government Code Section 68086 and
California Rules of Court, rule 2.956.) This document establishes the policy
for a party arranging for a privately retained court reporter when an official
reporter is not available and establishes requirements for qualifying as an
official reporter pro tempore.
This policy applies to hearings and trials in
the Civil, Family, and Probate Divisions in unlimited civil matters, limited civil
matters to the extent not electronically recorded and probate matters. Court
reporters will be provided by the Court in all mandated proceedings, including
in the following cases: felony criminal; juvenile dependency; juvenile justice;
Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act; contempt in civil and family matters;
family court matters where an official court reporter is mandated, such as
requests to withdraw consent to an adoption, child testimony in chambers,
and petitions to free a minor from parental care and control; cases in which
an official court reporter is required by the Supreme Court opinion in the case
of Jameson v. Desta, and including any of these cases that are assigned for
trial or hearing to the Civil Division, or to be heard by a Judge assigned to the
Civil Division.
1. If the services of an official court reporter are not available for a proceeding,
a party may privately arrange for court reporter services at the party’s own
expense, pursuant to Government Code Section 68086 and California
Rule of Court, rule 2.956.
2. A party must make arrangements for a Privately Retained Court
Reporter in advance of the proceeding if the party wishes the
proceedings to be reported. Parties retaining a reporter must file a
Request for Appointment of Official Reporter Pro Tempore (CV-
with the court at least 5 days prior to the hearing, unless the Court orders
If the judicial officer has not received the Request in time to
approve it before the hearing, the Court has discretion to deny the request.
A. When a party arranges for a reporter, the reporter must be appointed
as an official reporter pro tempore before the hearing begins. Every
reporter must complete and sign sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Request for
Appointment of Official Reporter Pro Tempore (CV-5100).
B. The Judicial Officer must sign the order appointing the reporter as an
official reporter pro tempore, using the Request for Appointment of
Official Reporter Pro Tempore (CV-5100), before the reporter may
report the proceeding.
3. By signing the Request for Appointment of Official Reporter Pro Tempore
5100), the reporter agrees to the following:
A. The reporter has a valid, current California Certified Shorthand Reporter
License and is in good standing with the Court Reporters Board of
B. The reporter is not a current full-time employee of the court and
appointment as an Official Reporter Pro Tempore will not interfere with
the reporter’s obligations as a court employee.
C. The reporter will provide current contact information with the court.
D. All fees for reporting services, including appearance, transcript and
real-time fees, are the responsibility of the party or parties who
arranged for the reporter services and may not be charged to the court.
E. The reporter will comply with statutes and rules applicable to official
reporters pro tempore, including the duty to timely prepare transcripts,
including those for appeals, in the proper form.
F. The reporter will demonstrate the highest standards of ethics and
impartiality in the performance of his/her duties.
G. The reporter will comply with the court’s requirements regarding
uploading electronic archiving of notes within 48 hours of the date of
the proceedings except in extenuating circumstances and as approved
in advance by the Director of Court Services, or make other
arrangements if the only notes are in paper form.
H. The reporter will follow directions from the court and will be subject to
the jurisdiction of the court to the same extent as an official reporter.
I. The reporter will be available for read-back of notes taken during a jury
trial within 30 minutes of the court’s request.
J. If providing real-time reporting or other litigation support services (e.g.
LiveNote), the reporter is responsible for providing and connecting the
necessary equipment. Instructions will be provided by the Director of
Court Services.
4. Additional Information for Parties and Reporters
A. Only One Official Record
There can be only one official record of court proceedings, and only
a reporter appointed by the court may report a court proceeding.
(Code of Civil Procedure Section 273; Government Code Sections
70043 and 70044; Redwing v. Moncravie (1934) 138 Cal. App. 432,
434.) Only one reporter will be allowed to report a court proceeding
at any given time. If the parties cannot agree on a reporter, the
judicial officer will make the selection. The transcript may not be
modified except on court order.
B. Payment for Official Reporter Pro Tempore Services
The party arranging for an offici
al reporter pro tempore is
responsible for paying the reporter’s fees, although the parties may
arrange to share the fees at terms the parties negotiate. (California
Rules of Court, rule 2.956(c).) All fees must be paid directly to the
court reporter.
C. Transcripts
1) The judicial officer may order any party who arranges for the
scription of proceedings by the official reporter pro tempore
lodge a
copy of the transcript with the court. (Code of Civil
Procedure Se
ction 128(a).)
Transcripts produced by an official reporter pro tempore will be
eated, for court purposes, identically to transcripts pre
pared by
cial reporters. Reporting notes of an official reporter pro tem
official records of the court of the court. (Governm
ent Code
ction 69955(a).) The notes of an official reporter pro tempore,
when transcribed and certified, are prima facie evidence of th
stimony and proceedings. (Code of Civil Procedure Se
3) C
ertified transcripts are admissible as evidence to the extent
therwise permitted by law. Transcripts prepared by a priva
ned certified shorthand reporter appointed by the court as
fficial reporter pro tempore are admissible as evidence to
tent otherwise permitted by law. (Code of Civil Procedur
ction 273(a)
5. T
he Request for Appointment of Official Reporter Pro Tempore (CV-
is available as a form attachment to the Local Rules at
6. This policy shall be posted on the court’s website at