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Using Adaptive Research Design to Define the Proper Methodology to Use a Data
Peek for Power: Step by Step Process
Research on outcomes of particular treatments, whether hospital based, or
pharmacologic/device studies, at the Phase III and IV level are often conducted to
examine effectiveness of treatments as compared to standard of care. These studies
can be performed to determine therapeutic or costs differences, efficacy over time,
patient compliance, longitudinal treatment changes and many other reasons. Late
phase studies can also be performed to demonstrate that two therapies are clinically
equivalent, but that one therapy costs less or is less traumatic to patients when used
in practice. As a result, statistics used in these studies can include tests for
differences, non-inferiority or equivalence.
To conduct these studies, statisticians
have an arsenal of approaches to use, and standard significance levels of 0.05 are
seldom applicable in application.
For example, a recent study examining two different types of ventilation
used in an ICU. A study was performed to determine if a less expensive ventilator
performed as well as a more expensive one which required more staff involvement
and maintenance with increased cost. In this study patient outcomes were examined
for equivalence with a conservative p-value of p<0.20 to catch any indication of
patient outcome differences. After the study it was determined that the patient
outcomes were not statistically different (p>0.20) and the less expensive ventilator
was used. In a second example two types of forearm fracture fixation were
examined (internal versus external) in a pediatric Randomized Clinical Trial
(RCT). In this study, the researchers used a difference in treatment design, without
specifying which method was thought to work better (2-tailed hypothesis), with a
very strict p-value of 0.01 required for significance and powered the study
accordingly, only willing to consider one method of fixation superior to the other
if there was over-whelming effectiveness with a p-value less than 0.01. At the end
of the study neither method was found to be convincingly more effective.
Often, when designing or performing this research, the exact effect of
therapy and the variation of the treatments are not known. In these studies,
experimentation is often done in the Real-World Environment (RWE): within
hospitals, with a convenience sample of patients that are available during the time
in which the researcher (often a resident physician) has access to them. These
studies are far outside of the pure clinical trial setting where conditions are well
controlled. Patient behavior and characteristics of RWE studies are far less
controlled than the Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) at Phases I, II and III (Table
1). As a result, the treatment effects and other statistics of interest that are published
internally and externally while pharmaceutical products are being developed in the
RCT setting, are not directly transferable to the RWE experimental context. The
US. Food and Drug Administration understands that sample size recalculation
during the research may be needed in order to properly complete a study
. Often
Wasser: Data Peek to Power
times in an early Phase (1) studies it is common for the FDA to ask a pharmaceutical
company to add a safety group, or variable to a pharmacokinetic study which would
require more subjects to fill a group or new stratification. Or on the other hand,
researchers might feel during a feasibility study that a study can not be conducted
as designed and decide to terminate the study with less than the number of patients
thought to be needed from the original study plan. In this case, completion of data
collection for those patients that are currently enrolled or completed the study
would be used for analysis, and the study terminated so as to not place further
patients at risk and to provide alternative treatments.
Table 1: Relevant Differences Between RCT and RWE (Pragmatic) research.
Randomized Clinical Trials (Phase I,
II and III)
Real World Environment (Hospital
Studies are in the pre-FDA
approval stage and are sample
Patients are randomized to
study groups (treatment or
placebo arms).
Well controlled (lab setting)
examining patients with few or
no other pre-existing
Patients either have no disease
(Phase 1 safety), or only the
disease of interest (Phase II
and III).
Data on effect size and
variation are restricted to the
controlled experiment and
have little value outside of the
clinical trial.
Studies examine efficacy.
Studies are post-FDA approval
and are population based.
Typically, not randomized, but
if they are they are randomized
into treatment and existing
treatment groups.
No lab setting, patients are in
the real world and may have
other illnesses or comorbid
Patients may be on multiple
medications to treat their other
Existing data on the RWE
patients regarding effect size
and variation are often not
Studies examine the relative
RWE and/or hospital-based research still does maintain some of the common needs
that earlier phase studies do, especially when this research is prospective
Concerns about sample size, safety of participants are still relevant.
The challenges
for this type of research are finding good and reliable estimates to use for sample
size calculations and study power (1-β which is the probability of correctly rejecting
the null hypothesis that a treatment effect exists).
One solution which is outside of
a formal interim analysis is referred to as a “Data-Peek for power”. This ‘Data-Peek
Advances in Clinical Medical Research and Healthcare Delivery, Vol. 1 [2021], Iss. 3, Art. 7
DOI: 10.53785/2769-2779.1035
for power’ is an examination of actual study data that is collected during a study to
calculate the statistics needed in order to determine what the correct sample size
would be. This is an Adaptive Design approach mentioned by Rosenberg.
performing this analysis during the RWE setting, the data are then accurate to the
actual experiment being conducted which avoids the problems with using published
reports for research that does not fit the RWE design. A Data-Peek for Power also
avoids issues related to bias because it does not require p-value adjustment (alpha
spend) like other approaches would.
Requirements for sample size determination
Effect Size is typically a clinically determined value. The statistician seldom
identifies the effect size for the comparisons to be made. In practice the effect size
is determined clinically. These concepts are defined in Table 2.
Table 2: Requirements for sample size determination
Effect Size
A clinical value, and is a translation of what clinical
effect of the variables would be clinically significant
with regard to the experiment. In other words, identify
the difference in the variables that would be clinically
important to the researcher or patient.
Requires the knowledge of the statistical analysis that is
to be performed. Whether using the means or
proportions, etc., the data are analyzed in order for the
determination of the variation (usually either the
standard deviation or variance for the variables of
enrollment or cluster
The researcher needs to examine how participants are
being enrolled into the research. Individual patients
being enrolled from no specific organized practices (ie.,
walk-ins to the ER) are not clustered however
participants enrolled from a subset of available sources
(cooperating medical practices) may represent cluster
sampling and the calculation of the ‘intra-cluster
correlation coefficient’ (ICC) may be required. Cluster
sampling increases the sample size needed as compared
to individual participant enrollment.
Assumptions for p-
value and required
Typically, standard values are used. A p-value equal to
0.05 for significant results and power (1-β) of either
80% or 90%. Often times, calculations of power include
both 80% and 90% for power.
Wasser: Data Peek to Power
Process for a Data-Peek for Power
Step 1 Determine the statistic that you are going to use as a part of your analysis.
Be aware that if you are fortunate enough to find some values already published in
the peer reviewed literature that these reported statistics must agree with the data
analysis that you have planned as a part of your study. For example, if a study
reports an incidence rate of a particular disease over patient years, yet your analysis
is looking at the proportion of patients with the same disease as compared to another
proportion your statistic is a comparisons of proportions and not of rates as was
recorded in the article you reviewed. As a result, you might need to convert the data
from the article into a proportion if that is even possible.
Step 2 Identify the power (sample size) formula that is appropriate to your
particular statistic. Generally, every statistical test has a power formula that has
been developed for it, or there is a way to construct a formula based on either
existing formulas or the distribution that the statistic will use. There are several
statistics for which power formulas do not exist but almost all of the more common
statistical procedures typically used in the RWE have formulas already constructed.
An example of a very basic power calculation is provided here, using the
information required from Table 2: A researcher reads an article describing weight
loss in a study group which he thinks might be less than he observes in his own
patient population. He wishes to know how many patients he would need to study
to verify this but he only has 10 patients and wants to know how many more he
would need. In the article the weight loss is 17 pounds with a standard deviation of
5 pounds (5 = variation σ
Table 2). In his practice the 10 patients lost on average
20 pounds (20-17 = 3 which is the effect size Table 2). The researcher finds an
online calculator and enters the values using the formula in Table 3 and determines
that he would need 22 patients to determine that his practice patients losing 20
pounds on average would be statistically different than the article mean value of 17
pounds lost. It should be noted that there are many online calculators available to
researchers to perform these exact calculations however caution should be used to
make sure that the calculator used has the same formulas as the statistics that will
be used for the actual study.
Advances in Clinical Medical Research and Healthcare Delivery, Vol. 1 [2021], Iss. 3, Art. 7
DOI: 10.53785/2769-2779.1035
Table 3: Basic Sample size calculation for 80% power. One group versus
population value.
Where: μ
= population mean, μ
= mean of study population, N = sample size of
study population σ = standard deviation of study population, α = probability of
type I error (usually 0.05), β = probability of type II error (usually 0.2), z =
critical Z value for a given α or β.
As a part of this determination of an appropriate power formula the
researchers also need to determine if the participants being selected are being
selected from clusters. In other words if a physician has hundreds of practices
from which to abstract a sample but decides that 5-10 practices will suffice
because he believes they are more accessible, have duplicate staffing, have staff
that are familiar with the clinical or pragmatic trial forms or paperwork, have
proven themselves to be compliant with previous research or any other reason, the
rules and requirements of cluster sampling might be applicable. Donner and
have developed alternative formulas for this cluster sample scenario. Many
of these sample size calculation situations require the calculation of the ‘intra-
class correlation coefficient’ or ‘intra-cluster correlation coefficient’ (ICC). A
basic definition of the ICC is the amount of variation within the outcome variable
(dependent variable) that is explained by how the patients are placed into groups.
Meaning some groups of patients may outperform or underperform other groups
within the treatment cohorts. This similarity of treatment typically would have the
effect of increasing the sample size when the ICC is high (close to 1.0). If,
however each study participant was to be selected from individual practice, and
no other participants from that practice were selected then the ICC would equal
zero and typical sample size formulas could be used.
Step 3 Determine the Effect Size, the Variation and the Statistical Assumptions
needed for the Data-Peek in the form that is needed by the formula. Make sure that
the values that are being used are directly applicable to the power formula that you
are going to use. Some formulas may call for standard errors rather than standard
deviations and you need to make sure that the values you are using are those that
match the formula.
Wasser: Data Peek to Power
The effect size is generally not determined by the statistician but rather by
the clinician. A simple perspective of this value is: What difference does the
researcher think would be important clinically? For example: For an operative
procedure, how much shorter would the length of stay need to be for the treatment
to be considered worthwhile? What percentage of patients not having an adverse
event would be an improvement over an existing adverse event rate? Quantifying
all of these questions into mean differences, or percent differences are examples of
effect size.
Step 4 Construct a matrix of possible sample size values based upon the Data-
Peek for Power results. This matrix will have the measure of variation used (either
the standard deviation or the standard error) on one axis and the estimates of effect
size on the other. Each of these variables will consist of the actual value derived
from the RWE data as well as several other estimates both above and below these
values. This method then creates a possible range of values to use in sample size
Step 5 - Select a sample size goal from the table. This table calculated in Step 4 can
then be used to select a sample size that the researcher thinks will best represent the
study and patients that might be available to him/her during the course of their
A researcher is attempting to determine if a new therapy for insulin delivery is more
effective or less effective than a standard injection-based insulin delivery method
in newly diagnosed elderly diabetics with other comorbid conditions. In this
example both methods of insulin delivery are FDA approved but have never been
studied in an elderly population that is already suffering with many other disease
types so there is no applicable data for a proper power calculation.
The researcher elects to use a Difference in Difference design and collects
the data on the first 30 subjects that were enrolled into each insulin delivery method.
The researcher observes a difference between groups of 0.26 (effect size). And a
calculated standard deviation of 0.636 for group 1 and 0.760 for Group 2. He pools
these values and uses 0.698 for the power calculation. The researcher then selects
some other values both above and below these estimates as defined in Step 4 above.
(Please see the matrix used in Table 4). For this example, the researcher is using
the standard alpha level of 0.05 (p<0.05) for significance and a power to obtain of
80% (1-β=0.80). Note: Typically, alpha levels are 0.05 and power values are either
80% or 90%.
Advances in Clinical Medical Research and Healthcare Delivery, Vol. 1 [2021], Iss. 3, Art. 7
DOI: 10.53785/2769-2779.1035
Table 4: Sample size required from the Data-Peek for Power*.
Range of Effect Size Based on
Observed Data
Range of
Based on
(Actual SD calculated
from a data peek for
power at 1/3 participant
*Sample size values in the shaded portion of this table are per group.
Using these values, the researcher then calculates all combinations of sample sizes
as shown in Table 4, and determines that the actual sample size he/she needs is
n=113 for each group (n=226 total). He/she can also see that the range of sample
sizes that he would need ‘per-group’ would be n=193 on the high end, in the
situation where the ES is equal to 0.20 and the SD = 0.70, and n=44 on the low end
in the situation where the ES is equal to 0.30 and the SD is equal to 0.50. Based on
this Data Peek for Power the researcher decides to continue enrolling patients into
the study beyond the 30 he/she had until enrollment of 113 patients per group is
Differences between Interim Analysis and Data-Peek for Power
It is important to note that a Data-Peek for Power is not an Interim Analysis, and is
entirely different from the type of analysis that a Data Safety Monitoring Board
(DSMB) would suggest for patient safety or for the early termination of a study
(Figure 1). In both an Interim Analysis and a DSMB required analysis significance
tests are performed to determine if there is a treatment effect in the data. If there is
a statistically significant difference the Interim Analysis or the DSMB might decide
to stop or terminate the study early or at some other time.
These analyses are
performed with actual inferential based statistics and apply p-values to the tests
based on the value of a distribution (F, t or χ
etc.). As a result of these analyses a
study might be stopped if a treatment effect is already present or if safety concern
is present.
Wasser: Data Peek to Power
In a Data-Peek for Power there is no inferential testing performed at all, and
actually significance testing and the application of p-values is avoided. Rather as
illustrated in Figure 1, the effect size is determined typically by comparing the
means or proportions from the sample and then standard deviations or standard
errors are generated from the values of the statistic of interest be they mean, median,
proportion or percentage among others.
Using these values, the sample size can then be determined in order to
properly power the study at values typically of 80 or 90 percent.
Using this
method, the p-value for the existing data use to perform the Data-Peek for Power is
never calculated. It is also typically calculated by individuals outside of the study
which prevents the team conducting the study what the actual values (ES and
SD/SE’s) actually are. The only information that is sent back to the study team is
the sample size that is needed to complete the study, Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example of the differences between Interim Analysis and Data-Peek for
*Calculation of the sample mean or some other statistic such as proportion, percent,
Calculation of Effect Size and Power
Interim Analysis
Data-Peek for Power
Inferential testing to
determine statistical
Testing to compare groups for
Advances in Clinical Medical Research and Healthcare Delivery, Vol. 1 [2021], Iss. 3, Art. 7
DOI: 10.53785/2769-2779.1035
Why there is not an alpha spend for the data peek for power.
What is the alpha spend? There is some debate in statistical terms as to if an alpha
spend correction is required or not. The basic theory behind alpha spend is that
researchers performing a lot of tests, given the assumption of statistics with an alpha
level of 0.05 or 5% would mean that one out of every 20 inferential tests applied in
a study would be statistically significant by chance alone. To correct that rate,
various corrections to this ‘alpha spending’ would be required to keep the
occurrence of a statistically significant finding due only to chance as low as
possible. There are many ways to do this, the most common is the Bonferroni
correction where a researcher would adjust the p-value (alpha level) by dividing the
significance level by the number of tests being performed. For example if the
researcher is conducting seven (7) statistical tests then the p-value of 0.05 would
be divided by 7 and that resulting ‘alpha adjusted’ p-value would be used to
determine significance for each test: (0.05/7=0.0071). In this example the p-value
of 0.0071 would be the value where statistical significance is judged. Values below
0.0071 would be statistically significant where values above 0.0071 would be
considered to be not significant.
Putting aside the issue that corrections for multiple comparisons are even
required in the first place, the reason that there is not an alpha-spend requiring a
correction for multiple comparisons with the data peek for power is that the
expectation of the null hypothesis at an interim analysis is different.
You are
confirming your sample size calculation that a difference in groups will occur at
X time or with Y sample size; therefore you are NOT expecting a difference
would be present at the time of the data peek but rather the assumptions of group
means or difference in proportions, or slope of survival curves, would be that the
samples are in fact the same at the point of the data peek for power (Figure 2). At
the end of the study you would expect to Reject H
, but in validating the sample
characteristics before the expectation of the power analysis is achieved (or sample
size acquired) your expectation is that if tested (which it will not be) H
would be
Much as a chef may taste the progress of making a fine sauce, he does not
expect to be tasting the final product but rather testing the assumptions of taste at
that point in the process; determining if another sprinkle of salt a pad of butter is
needed. So it is with the statistician performing a data peek for power. The
statistician is testing the progress of the study as is defined in the protocol. Are
samples accruing as planned, standard deviations settling in to a predefined
value, determining if the proportions of patients having an adverse event are
consistent, etc. But this examination is always made under the assumption that
while the research is ongoing, there would be no significance at the point in time
that the data peek for power is performed, and if tested, H
would be accepted,
Figure 2.
Wasser: Data Peek to Power
Figure 2: Illustration as to why there is a conceptual difference in alpha level
expenditure in the data peek for power.
When do I conduct the data peek for power?
The fast answer to this question is that this decision depends on several factors. 1.
The type of study you are conducting, 2. The period of time you need to wait to
allow variables to stabilize within the design you are using, 3. The sample size
calculation that was derived before the study was conducted. 4. The time that is
required for participant involvement in the trial, whether it be a pragmatic trial or a
randomized clinical trial.
In practice the real time to conduct the Data peek for power is when the
researcher feels the data are stable enough to be analyzed, and the Effect Size can
be calculated. This can be generally 1/3 of the way through the planned experiment
(when 1/3 of the patients have completed and an ES can be calculated. Or when the
researcher feels the rules of Central Limit theorem have been satisfied which is
generally after each group or single group has 25-35 participants that have
completed the study.
Advances in Clinical Medical Research and Healthcare Delivery, Vol. 1 [2021], Iss. 3, Art. 7
DOI: 10.53785/2769-2779.1035
Can more than one Data Peek for Power be conducted within the same
research project?
Yes. Why is this possible? The first reason is because since there are no inferential
statistics applied to the data there is no alpha spend at any occurrence. This would
not be true for an interim analysis where statistical assessments are conducted and
actual p-values are calculated. Secondly, as a result of the first Data Peek for Power
it might be determined that the calculated values for effect size or variation within
the data have not yet stabilized for the samples. Upon seeing this, the researcher
might decide to re-perform the same analysis after another 10 or 20 patients have
completed the study to get a better idea as to what stable data might look like.
Who performs the data analysis for the Data Peek for Power?
It is best if the analysis can be done by a third party either inside or outside the
organization. This prevents the study team from being tempted to take the values
used for the Data Peek for Power and using them in one of many on-line calculators
where the actual p-value can be determined. Conducting the analysis outside of the
team involved in the research would avoid the temptation to request a p-value which
would by rule require a correction for multiple comparisons at end point of the
study or some other alpha-spend technique.
Wasser: Data Peek to Power
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DOI: 10.53785/2769-2779.1035