Course: B.Sc. (P) Analytical Chemistry
Subject: Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Semester: VI
Preparation of Samples for Infrared Spectroscopy
To determine the infrared spectrum of a compound, one must place the compound in a sample
holder, or cell. In infrared spectroscopy, this immediately poses a problem. Glass and plastics
absorb strongly throughout the infrared region of the spectrum. Cells must be constructed of
ionic substances-typically sodium chloride or potassium bromide. Potassium bromide plates are
more expensive than sodium chloride plates but have the advantage of usefulness in the range of
4000 to 400 cm
. Sodium chloride plates are used widely because of their relatively low cost.
The practical range for their use in spectroscopy extends from 4000 to 650 cm
. Sodium
chloride begins to absorb at 650 cm
, and any bands with frequencies less than this value will
not be observed. Since few important bands appear below 650 cm
, sodium chloride plates are
in most common use for routine infrared spectroscopy.
A drop of a liquid organic compound is placed between a pair of polished sodium chloride or
potassium bromide plates, referred to as salt plates. When the plates are squeezed gently, a thin
liquid film forms between them. A spectrum determined by this method is referred to as a neat
spectrum since no solvent is used. Salt plates break easily and are water soluble. Organic
compounds analyzed by this technique must be free of water. The pair of plates is inserted into a
holder that fits into the spectrometer.
There are several methods for determining infrared spectra for solids. One method of choice has
been to mix a finely ground sample with powdered potassium bromide and press the mixture
under high pressure. Under pressure, the potassium bromide melts and seals the sample into a
matrix. The resulting KBr pellet is inserted in the instrument. If a good pellet is prepared, the
spectrum obtained will have no interfering bands since potassium bromide is transparent down to
400 cm
Another method, a Nujol mull, involves grinding the compound with mineral oil (Nujol) to
create a suspension of the finely divided sample dispersed in mineral oil. The thick suspension is
placed between two salt plates. The main disadvantage of this method is that the mineral oil
obscures bands that may be present in the analyzed compound. Nujol hands appear at 2924,
1462, and 1377 cm
The best method of determining a spectrum of a solid is to make use of an attenuated total
reflectance (ATR) accessory. Modern FT-IR instruments now offer this accessory along with
the typical transmittance module. The ATR method provides a powerful sampling technique that
virtually eliminates sample preparation with both liquids and solids, thus leading to rapid
analysis of samples. Although manufacturers offer multiple crystal options, the diamond ATR
offers the best option for maximum durability in the organic chemistry laboratory. With the ATR
accessory, one simply places a small amount of a liquid or solid directly on the diamond without
any previous preparation. The diamond is cut and mounted at precise angles so that the incoming
beam of infrared radiation bounces back and forth off the internal surfaces of the crystal. When
the beam reflects off the surface where the sample has been applied, it penetrates the sample
slightly, and the vibrational frequencies of the sample are somewhat absorbed, thereby
“attenuating” the beam.
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of IR spectroscopy
The ATR accessory has revolutionized the ease of infrared spectral analysis of solids. For
example, it is often unnecessary to make use of KBr pellets and Nujol mulls. The spectrum
obtained with an ATR FT-IR is nearly identical to that obtained with an FT-IR operating in the
transmittance mode. One may observe some differences in the relative intensities of the peaks,
but the peak position in wavenumbers is identical in both modes.2 ATR FT-IR does not require a
clear sample that allows light to pass through the sample, such as is common with transmittance
instruments. There are some limitations with a diamond ATR instrument. Some materials such as
coatings on metal and very dark samples do not analyze satisfactorily, but there are few other
Analysis of Infrared Spectra
An infrared spectrometer determines the positions and relative sizes of all the absorptions, or
peaks, in the infrared region and plots them on a piece of paper. This plot of absorption intensity
versus wavenumber (or sometimes wavelength) is referred to as the infrared spectrum of the
Figure 2 shows a typical infrared spectrum, that of 3-methyl-2-butanone. The spectrum exhibits
at least two strongly absorbing peaks at about 3000 and 1715 cm1 for the C-H and C=O
stretching frequencies, respectively.
F I G. 2 The infrared spectrum of 3-methyl-2-butanone (neat liquid, KBr plates).
The strong absorption at 1715 cm1 that corresponds to the carbonyl group (C=O) is quite
intense. In addition to the characteristic position of absorption, the shape and intensity of this
peak are also unique to the C=O bond. This is true for almost every type of absorption peak; both
shape and intensity characteristics can be described, and these characteristics often enable the
chemist to distinguish the peak in potentially confusing situations. For instance, to some extent
C=O and C=C bonds absorb in the same region of the infrared spectrum:
However, the C=O bond is a strong absorber, whereas the C=C bond generally absorbs only
weakly (Fig. 3). Hence, trained observers would not interpret a strong peak at 1670 cm
to be a
C=C double bond or a weak absorption at this frequency to be due to a carbonyl group
F I G. 3 A comparison of the intensities of the C=O and C=C absorption bands.
The shape and fine structure of a peak often give clues to its identity as well. Thus, although the
N-H and O-H regions overlap,
the N-H absorption usually has one or two sharp absorption bands of lower intensity, whereas
OH, when it is in the N-H region, usually gives a broad absorption peak. Also, primary amines
give two absorptions in this region, whereas alcohols as pure liquids give only one (Fig. 4).
Figure 4 also shows typical patterns for the C-H stretching frequencies at about 3000 cm
F I G. 4 A comparison of the shapes of the absorption bands for the O-H and N-H groups.
Table 1. A Simplified Correlation Chart
Table 2. Base Values for Absorptions of Bonds
1. Introduction to Spectroscopy by Donald L. Pavia