MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
Paper No and Title
Paper 12: Organic Spectroscopy
Module No and Title
Module 4: Basic principles and Instrumentation for IR
Module Tag
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
1. Learning Outcomes
2. Introduction
3. Origin of Infra-red Spectroscopy
4. Molecular Vibrations
5. Selection Rule
6. Fundamental Vibrations
7. Sample preparation
8. IR-Spectrometer
9. Dispersive Infrared Spectrometer
10. Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer
11. Hands-on Operation of an FTIR Spectrometer
12. Summary
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
1. Learning Outcomes
After studying this module, you shall be able to
To understand the concept of Infra-red spectroscopy
To predict the number of fundamental modes of vibration of a molecule
To know how to make samples for recording the spectra of different organic compounds
To understand the working of IR-spectrophotometer
Hands-on experience of recording the IR-spectrum
2. Introduction
The most frequent spectroscopic technique used by organic and inorganic chemists is Infrared
(IR) spectroscopy. It deals with the absorption of radiation in the infrared region of the
electromagnetic spectrum. IR spectrum gives sufficient information about the structure
(identification of functional groups) of a compound and can also be used as analytical tool to
assess the purity of a compound. The absorption of infrared radiation by a molecule causes
changes in their vibrational and rotational energy levels and hence IR-spectroscopy is also known
as vibrational-rotational spectroscopy. Unlike UV-spectroscopy which has very few peaks in their
spectrum, IR spectroscopy provides spectrum with a large number of absorption bands and hence
provide plenty of information about the structure of a compound. Different bonds present in the
spectra correspond to various functional groups and bonds present in the molecule.
The infrared spectrum can be divided into three main regions: the far infrared (<400 cm1), the
mid-infrared (4000400 cm1) and the near-infrared (13000–4000 cm1). The mid IR region is
of greatest practical use to the organic chemist, but the near- and far-infrared regions also provide
important information about certain materials.
Mid IR region: The mid-infrared spectrum extends from 4000 to 400 cm1 and results from
vibrational and rotational transitions. This region is most useful for the organic chemist since
most of the organic molecules absorb in this region. The mid-infrared can be divided into two
regions viz functional group region (4000-1300) and finger print region (1300-600).
Functional group region (4000-1300): Most of the functional groups present in organic
molecules exhibits absorption bands in the region 4000-1300 cm-1, hence this is known as
functional group region. In this region each band can be assigned to a particular deformation of
the molecule, the movement of a group of atoms, or the bending or stretching of a particular
Finger print region (1300-600): The region from 1300 cm
to 600 cm
usually contains a very
complicated series of absorptions. These are mainly due to molecular vibrations, usually bending
motions that are characteristic of the entire molecule or large fragments of the molecule. Except
enantiomers, any two different compounds cannot have precisely the same absorption pattern in
this region. Thus absorption patterns in this region are unique for any particular compound that is
why this is known as finger print region.
It is very difficult to assign individual bands in this region. Two molecules having the same
functional group may show similar spectra in the functional group region but their spectra differ
in the finger print region. Therefore both the regions are very useful for confirming the identity of
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
a chemical substance. This is generally accomplished by comparing the spectrum of an authentic
sample. When two compounds show a good match between the IR spectra in all frequency
ranges, mainly in the fingerprint region, strongly indicates that they have the same molecular
Both the compounds are alcohols and contain exactly the same bonds. Now if you compare the
infra-red spectra of these compounds, the functional group region is very similar for both the
compounds but the fingerprint region is totally different. Therefore fingerprint region could be
crucial to identify the compound.
To understand the importance of finger print region to identify a compound, we can take the
example of propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol.
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
Near-infrared region (130004000 cm1): The absorptions observed in the near-infrared region
(130004000 cm1) are overtones or combinations of the fundamental stretching bands. Bands in
the near infrared are usually weak in intensity. They are often overlapped and hence are less
useful than the bands in mid-infrared region.
NIR shows some similarities to UV-visible spectrophotometry and some to mid-IR spectrometry.
Indeed the spectrometers used in this region are often combined UV-visible-NIR ones.
Usually Hydrogen-stretching vibrations that occur in the region 3 to 6 µm, are the absorption
bands due to overtones (or combination) of fundamental bands
NIR is generally used for quantitative organic functional-group analysis. The NIR region has also
been used for qualitative analyses and studies of hydrogen bonding, solute-solvent interactions,
organometallic compounds, and inorganic compounds
Far-infrared region (600-100 cm
): The far-infrared spectrum extends from 600 to 100 cm
Organometallic and inorganic molecules contain heavy atoms and have weak bonds , therefore
the fundamental vibrations of these molecules fall in this reigon. Lattice vibrations of crystalline
materials occur in this region.
3. Origin of Infra-red Spectroscopy
IR-spectroscopy gives the information about molecular vibrations or more precisely on transitions
between vibrational and rotational energy levels. Since the absorption of infrared radiation leads
to transition between vibrational and rotational energy levels, it is also vibrational-rotational
When a molecule absorb IR-radiation below 100 cm
, transitions between rotational energy
levels takes place. Since these energy levels are quantized, a rotational spectrum consists of
discrete lines. If a molecule absorbs radiation in the range 100-10,000 cm
, it causes transitions
between vibrational energy levels. These energy levels are also quantised but vibrational spectra
appear as bands rather than discrete lines. Each vibrational energy level is associated with a large
number of closely spaced rotational energy levels or we can say that the energy difference
between various rotational energy levels is very short than the energy difference between various
vibrational energy levels. Therefore the vibrational spectra appear s vibrational-rotational bands
instead of discrete lines. Organic chemists are mainly concerned with these transitions especially
with those occur in the range 4000-667 cm
4. Molecular Vibrations
The atoms in a molecule do not remain fixed at certain positions. The two nuclei can vibrate
backwards and forwards or towards and away from each other around an average position. There
are two types of fundamental molecular vibrations viz stretching (change in bond length) and
bending (change in bond angle).
Stretching vibrations: It involves a rhythmic movement along a bond axis with a subsequent
increase and decrease in bond length. Stretching vibrations are of two types viz Symmetrical
Stretching and asymmetrical stretching.
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
Bending vibrations: It involves a change in bond angle or movement of a group of atoms with
respect to the rest of the molecule. Bending vibrations are of four types.
i) Rocking
ii) Scissoring
iii) Wagging
iv) Twisting
All the bonds in a molecule are not capable of absorbing infrared radiation but only those bonds
which are accompanied by a change in the dipole moment will absorb in the infra-red region.
Thus, vibrations which are associated with the change in the dipole moment of the molecule are
called infra-red active transitions otherwise the vibration is said to be IR-inactive and do not show
any absorption band in the IR-spectrum. Generally, larger the change in the dipole moment, the
higher is the intensity of absorption. Hence the vibrational absorption bands in simple
hydrocarbons are weak while bands associated with bonds connecting atoms with considerable
electronegativity difference give strong bands.
5. Selection Rule
IR-radiation is absorbed only when a change in dipole moment of the molecule takes place.
Complete symmetry about a bond may eliminate certain absorption bands. Therefore number of
absorption bands observed is not exactly equal to the fundamental vibrations, some of the
fundamental vibrations are IR-active while others are not. This is governed by selection rule
described below.
1) In a molecule with a centre of symmetry, the vibrations symmetrical about the centre of
symmetry are IR-inactive.
2) The vibrations which are not symmetrical about the centre of symmetry are IR-active.
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
Here are some examples which could explain the selection rule.
a) All the symmetrical diatomic molecules such as H
, N
and Cl
etc. are IR-inactive.
b) The symmetrical stretching of the C=C bond in ethylene (centre of symmetry) is IR-inactive.
c) The symmetrical stretching in CO2 is IR-inactive, whereas asymmetric stretching is IR-active.
d) Cis-dichloro-ethylene molecule shows C=C stretching bands whereas trans molecule does not
show this band.
6. Fundamental Vibrations
The IR spectrum of a compound may show more than one vibrational absorption bands. The
number of these bands corresponds to the number of fundamental vibrations in the molecule
which can be calculated from the degree of freedom (DOF) of the molecule. A molecule
comprising of n atoms has a total of 3n DOF. In a nonlinear molecule, three of these degrees of
freedom are rotational and three are translational and the remaining (3n-6) correspond to
vibrational degree of freedom or fundamental vibrations. Whereas in a linear molecule, only two
degrees of freedom are rotational (because rotation about its axis of linearity does not change the
positions of the atoms) and three are translational. The remaining (3n-5) degrees of freedom are
vibrational degree of freedom or fundamental vibrations.
Simple diatomic molecules have only 1 bond and only 1 vibrational band. If the molecule is
symmetrical such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and chlorine, the band is not observed in the IR
spectrum. Asymmetrical diatomic molecules, e.g. CO and iodine chloride absorb in the IR
It has been observed that in actual IR spectrum, the theoretical number of fundamental bands is
seldom observed because there are certain factors which may increase or decrease the number of
bands. Some fundamental vibrations lie outside the IR region (4000-400 cm
), whereas some are
too weak to be observed. Few fundamental vibrations are too close that they merge into one
another. The occurrence of degenerate bands (bands of same frequency) also cause decrease in
the fundamental vibrational bands.
For example: Carbon dioxide, CO
is linear and has four fundamental vibrations but actually it
shows only two bands (666 cm
and 2350 cm
). The symmetrical stretching vibration of CO
inactive in the IR because this vibration produces no change in the dipole moment of the
molecule. The two scissoring or bending vibrations are equivalent and therefore have the same
frequency (degenerate) at 666 cm
. The asymmetrical stretch of CO
gives a strong band in the
IR at 2350 cm
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
The appearance of certain types of non-fundamental (overtones, combinations of fundamental
vibrations or difference of fundamental vibrations) bands increases the number of bands as
compared to that expected from the theoretical number of fundamental bands. All these bands
have very weak intensity than the fundamental vibration bands.
Overtones bands: In addition to the fundamental vibrations, other frequencies can be generated
by modulations of the fundamental bands. An overtone band occurs when the molecule makes a
transition from the ground state (v=0) to the second excited state (v=2), where v is the vibrational
quantum number. The intensity of the overtone band is very low as compared to the fundamental
band and they are usually found in the near infrared region. Based on the harmonic oscillator
approximation it has been found that the energy of the overtone transition is about n times of the
fundamental vibration associated with that particular transition. Suppose a compound shows
strong absorptions at x and y cm
then it may also give rise to weaker absorptions at 2x, 2y, 3x
and 3y cm-1, respectively. The intensity of overtones bands decreases as the order of the overtone
increases, i.e. the intensity of 3x or 3y overtones will be less than the 2x and 2y. Therefore second
and third overtones are rarely observed.
Combination Bands: Combination bands are observed when two or more than two fundamental
vibrations are excited simultaneously. If there are two fundamental vibrations at x and y cm
it may also give rise to absorption bands at (x+y), (x+2y), (2x+y) cm
Difference bands: It is also possible to have a difference band where the frequencies of two
fundamental bands are subtracted, i.e. (x-y), (x-2y), (2x-y) cm
Fermi bands/resonance: When a fundamental vibration couples with an overtone or
combination band, the coupled vibration is called Fermi resonance. As a result, two strong bands
are observed in the spectrum, instead of the expected strong and weak bands. Fermi resonance is
often observed in carbonyl compounds.
A practical use for understanding overtones and combination bands is applied to organic solvents
used in spectroscopy. Most organic liquids have strong overtone and combination bands in the
mid-infrared region, therefore, acetone, DMSO, or acetonitrile should only be used in very
narrow spectral regions. Solvents such at CCl
, CS
and CDCl
can be used above 1200 cm
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
7. Sample Preparation
IR spectrum of a compound can be recorded in many different forms, such as liquid, solid, gas
and solution. Some of the materials are opaque to infrared radiation, so in order to obtain spectra
they must be dissolved or diluted in a transparent matrix. For recording IR spectra, the sample
should be properly dry as water absorb near 3710 and 1630 cm
. The samples should be perfectly
dried, since cell materials (NaCl, KBr) are usually spoiled by the moisture.
1) Solid samples: There are several methods by which an IR spectrum of a solid sample can be
a) As a pressed disc: The first common method involves the mixing of finely ground solid
sample with powdered potassium chloride. A translucent pellet of this powder mixture is formed
by pressing it in a mechanical pressure. The main advantage of using KBr is that it does not
interfere with the bands due to compound since KBr is transparent to IR radiation 4000-650 cm
and thus gives better spectra. The disadvantage of this method is that KBr absorbs water quickly
which may interfere with the spectra that is obtained.
b) As a mull or paste: Finely ground compound is mixed with an oily mulling agent (usually
Nujol) using a pestle and mortar. A thin film of the mull is placed between two flat plates of NaCl
and the spectrum is measured. The main disadvantages of this method is that nujol has absorption
bands at 2924-2860, 1462, 1380 cm
, therefore no information about the observed compound can
be obtained in this region.
c) As a film: The third method is to dissolve the soild sample in a suitable, non-hygroscopic
solvent usually methylene chloride or carbon tetra chloride. A drop of this solution is deposited
on surface of Potassium bromide or Sodium chloride plate. The solution is then evaporated to
dryness and the film thus formed on the KBr disc is analysed directly to obtain the IR spectrum.
The most important thing is that the film should not be too thick otherwise light cannot pass
through it. This method gives good results with dilute solution of the compound in a non-polar
2) Liquid samples: Liquids are studied neat or in solution. A drop of neat liquid sample or a
solution of the sample in an appropriate solvent is placed between two plates of a salt (sodium
chloride or potassium bromide) to give a thin film and analysed to obtain the spectrum. The plates
are transparent to the infrared light and do not introduce any lines onto the spectra. Salt plates
break easily and are water soluble therefore compounds analysed by this method should be free
from water. Spectrum obtained by this method is known as neat spectrum since no solvent is used
in recording the spectrum.
3) Gaseous samples: The gas is introduced into a special cell with a long path length and the
walls of its both the ends are normally made up of NaCl. Gases have very less densities compared
to liquids, and hence path lengths should be correspondingly greater, usually 10 cm or longer.
The vapor phase technique is limited because most of the organic compounds have too low vapor
pressure to produce a useful absorption spectrum.
It is important to note that spectra obtained from different sample preparation methods
will look slightly different from each other due to differences in the samples' physical states.
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
8. IR-spectrometer
Traditionally, dispersive infrared spectrophotometers, developed in 1940s, were used to obtain
infrared spectra. In 1960s, a new method was developed known as Fourier-transform infrared
(FT-IR) spectrometers. But due to high cost of the instrument, this was tended to be used for
advanced research only at that time. Gradually, technology advancements in computers and
instruments have reduced the cost and enhanced the capabilities of an FT-IR spectrophotometer.
Today they are predominantly used and have improved the acquisition of infrared spectra
9. Dispersive Infrared Spectrometer
The basic components of a dispersive IR spectrometer include a radiation source, Sample and
reference cells, monochromator, detector, amplifier and recorder. A schematic diagram of a
typical dispersive spectrometer is shown in Fig.
Radiation source: The common IR radiation source are inert solids that are heated electrically to
1000 to 1800 °C to promote thermal emission of radiation in the infrared region of the EM
spectrum. The most common sources are Nernst filament (composed of rare-earth oxides such as
zirconium, cerium and thorium), Globar (composed of silicon carbide), and Nichrome coil. They
all produce continuous radiations, but with different radiation energy profiles. The beam from the
source is divided into two equivalent beams, one passing through the sample and the other as
reference beam.
Sample and reference cells: Like UV sample tubes (cuvettes) glass or quartz cannot be used to
make the sample cells for IR-spectroscopy, because they absorb strongly in most of the IR region.
Alkali metal halides such as KCl, NaCl are commonly used as they are transparent to the IR-
Monochromator: The monochromator is a device used to disperse or separate a broad spectrum
of IR radiation into a continuous spectrum of frequencies of Infrared light. The monochromator
consists of rapidly rotating chopper that passes the two beams alternately to a diffraction grating.
The slowly rotating diffraction grating varies the frequency or wavelength of radiation and sends
it the individual frequency to the thermocouple detector which generates an electrical signal as a
Detectors and Amplifier: Detectors are devices that convert the radiant energy into an electrical
signal. The detector determines the ratio between the intensities of the reference and sample
beams. Due to the difference in the intensities of the two beams falling on the detector, an
alternating current starts flowing from the detector to the amplifier, where it is amplified and
relayed to the recorder.
The detectors used in IR spectrometers can be categorized into two classes: thermal detectors and
photon detectors. Thermal detectors consists of several thermocouples connected together to
produce greater sensitivity. They measure the heating effect produced by infrared radiation that
causes the flow of current. The current produced is proportional to the intensity of radiation
falling on the thermal detector. Photon detectors rely on the interaction of IR radiation and a
semiconductor material. Non-conducting electrons are excited to a conducting state and therefore
producing a small current or voltage.
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
Recorder: It records IR-spectrum as a plot of frequency of absorbed radiation and intensity of
absorption in terms of transmittance. Unlike UV-spectroscopy, here we use the wavenumber unit.
As the detector records the ratio of the intensities of the two beams therefore percent
transmittance is recorded.
Transmittance (T) = I/I
Percent transmittance (%T) = I/I
X 100
Where I
is the intensity of the incident radiation and I is the intensity of the radiation emerging
from the sample.
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of a dispersive IR spectrometer
10. Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer
Fourier transform spectrometers have recently replaced dispersive instruments for most
applications due to their superior speed and sensitivity. They have greatly extended the
capabilities of infrared spectroscopy and have been applied to many areas that are very difficult
or nearly impossible to analyze by dispersive instruments. Instead of viewing each component
frequency sequentially, as in a dispersive IR spectrometer, all frequencies are examined
simultaneously in Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.
The basic components of an FTIR spectrometer are shown schematically in Figure 2.3. The
radiation emerging from the source is passed through an interferometer to the sample before
reaching a detector. Then the signal is amplified and converted to digital form by an analog-to-
digital converter and transferred to the computer in which Fourier transform is carried out.
Interferometer divides radiant beams, generates an optical path difference between the beams and
then recombines them in order to produce repetitive interference signals measured as a function
of optical path difference by a detector. Thus interferometer produces interference signals, which
contain infrared spectral information generated after passing through a sample.
The most commonly used interferometer is a Michelson interferometer. It consists of three active
components: a moving mirror, a fixed mirror, and a beam splitter (Fig. 15.4). The two mirrors are
perpendicular to each other. The beam splitter is a semi-reflecting device and bisects the plane of
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
these two mirrors. The beam splitter is often made by coating a thin film of germanium or iron
oxide onto an ‘infrared-transparent’ substrate such as potassium bromide or cesium iodide.
The energy goes from the source to the beam splitter which splits the beam into two parts. One
part is transmitted to a moving mirror; one part is reflected to a fixed mirror. The moving mirror
moves back and forth at a constant velocity. The two beams are reflected from the mirrors and
recombined at the beam splitter. The beam from the moving mirror has traveled a different
distance than the beam from the fixed mirror. When the beams are combined an interference
pattern is created. Since some of the wavelengths recombine constructively and some
destructively. This interference pattern is called an interferogram. This interferogram then goes
from the beam splitter to the sample, where some energy is absorbed and some is transmitted. The
transmitted portion reaches the detector. The detector reads information about every wavelength
in the infrared range simultaneously.
Figure: Schematic Presentation of a typical FTIR spectrometer
The moving mirror produces an optical path difference between the two arms of the
interferometer (the relative position of moving mirror to the fixed mirror). If the two mirrors are
at equal distance from the beam splitter, the two beams travel the same path length. Therefore two
beams are totally in phase with each other and hence they interfere constructively and lead to a
maximum intensity reaching to the detector. When the moving mirror travels in either direction
by the distance λ/4, the optical path is changed by 2 (λ/4), or λ/2. The two beams are 180° out of
phase with each other, and thus interferes destructively resulting minimum intensity reaching the
detector. If the moving mirror further travels by λ/4, then the optical path difference will be 2
(λ/2), or λ. The two beams are again in phase with each other and result in another constructive
interference again giving a maximum response in the detector. Such a maximum will be observed
whenever the path difference is an integral multiple of λ.
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
Thus moving mirror is the key component of interferometer, because alternate light and dark
images will reach the detector if the mirror is slowly moved either away from or towards the
beam splitter. When the mirror is moved at a constant velocity, the intensity of radiation reaching
the detector varies in a sinusoidal manner to produce the interferogram output shown in Fig. 15.4.
The interferogram is a complex signal but its wave like pattern contains all the frequencies that
make up the infrared spectrum. It is actually a time domain spectrum and records the detector
response changes versus time. If the sample happens to absorb at this frequency, the amplitude of
the sinusoidal wave is reduced by an amount proportional to the amount of sample in the beam.
Now to obtain the infrared spectrum, the detector signal is sent to the computer, where
mathematical operation known as Fourier transformation converts the interferogram (a time
domain spectrum displaying intensity versus time) to the final IR spectrum, a frequency domain
spectrum showing plot between intensity of signal versus frequency.
11. Hands-on Operation of an FTIR Spectrometer
Step 1: First step is the sample preparation. Sample preparation has already been discussed in the
above section.
Step 2: The second step is to obtain an interferogram of the background which consists of the IR-
active atmospheric gases carbon dioxide (doublet at 2360 cm
and sharp spike at 667 cm
in Fig.
6) and water vapors (two irregular groups of lines at about 3600 cm
and about 1600 cm
in Fig.
6). Nitrogen and oxygen are not IR-active hence do not absorb in IR-region. This interferogram is
subjected to Fourier transform which gives the spectrum of background. Figure 6 shows an
example of an FTIR background spectrum.
Figure 6: (A) Background IR spectrum; (B) Sample IR spectrum
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
Step 3: In the third step, spectrum of the sample under
investigation is obtained by the same procedure. This spectrum
contains absorption bands from the sample as well as the background (gaseous or solvent).
Step 4: The ratio between the single-beam sample spectrum and the single beam background
spectrum gives the spectrum of the sample (Figure 7). Computer software automatically subtracts
the spectrum of the background from the sample spectrum.
Step 5: Finally the data obtained is analyzed by assigning the observed absorption frequency
bands in the sample spectrum to appropriate normal modes of vibrations in the molecules.
MODULE No. 4: Basic principles and
Instrumentation for IR spectroscopy
12. Summary
1. Absorption of electromagnetic radiation in infrared region can cause changes in the vibrational
and rotational energy states.
2. A molecule consisting of n atoms has a total of 3n degrees of freedom
3. The number of fundamental vibrational bands in a molecule is equal to the degree of freedom
of a molecule however these numbers of bands is seldom obtained because of the occurrence of
certain non-fundamental bands such as overtones, combinations of fundamental vibrations or
difference of fundamental vibration bands.
4. The IR-spectrum can be obtained in all the three states, solid, liquid and gas.
5. Fourier-transform infrared spectrometers are superior than the traditional dispersive
spectrometers and gives high resolution spectrum in less time.