Application Note
Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA)
Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) is a technique for geo-locating RF sources. It requires three or more remote
receivers (probes) capable of detecting the signal of interest. Each probe is synchronized in time to capture
corresponding I/Q data blocks. Software shifts the time signature of each I/Q data set to nd the difference in the
arrival time at each probe. This gives the difference in the distance of the source from each set of probes. Using
several probes provides a set of curved lines that indicate solutions to the distance equations. The actual RF source
sits at the intersection of these lines.
TDOA can provide a very accurate location estimate (< 100 m) in a short period of time. To successfully use TDOA
it is essential to understand the type of signals that can be used, how the results depend on the geometry of the
measurement (probe and source locations), what the
sources of uncertainty are and how to mitigate them,
and how to know if the answer is meaningful.
General Overview of a TDOA measurement
1. A modulated signal is transmitted from an
unknown source.
2. The signal is captured at three or more probes at
various locations around the source.
3. The signal captured at each probe is shifted in
time to nd a position of maximum alignment.
4. The time shift necessary to align each signal is
multiplied by the speed of light to get a distance
difference between each probe.
5. The distance difference is plotted as a set of
hyperbolic lines.
6. The intersection of the lines indicates the location
of the source
Figure 1. Map showing probe locations 1, 2 & 3. Also shown are
the arcs showing continuous possible solutions for each pair of
probes. The intersection of the lines is the location estimate for
the RF source.
Application Note
Modulated Signals. In order to time-align the received signal at each probe, the signal must contain non-random,
non-repeating structure. Many interference sources emit white noise, which lacks the structure necessary to align
the signal. Simple sources, such as a sine wave generator, produce a repeating pattern that has structure, but the
repeating pattern does not allow for a unique time-alignment. Repeating patterns can be aligned at multiple
positions with no means of distinguishing a correct time-shift.
Modulated signals contain internal structure that can be aligned in time. Good examples of modulated signals
are FM radio broadcasts and cell phone signals. For this reason, TDOA is typically used to locate rogue broadcast
signals, and other communication signals that are out-of-band or otherwise unexpected.
Reections and Signal Strength. As with most RF signal processing algorithms, the results depend on the quality
of the input. Signal strength is not normally an issue, as long as the signal is clearly present. You need to be able to
get a discernible I/Q diagram, but it can be rather noisy. Typically 10 to 15 dB above background is required. The
capture bandwidth also needs to be narrow enough so that other modulated signals are excluded. Higher signal
strength will not necessarily produce a better answer.
Multi-path signals will tend to broaden the I/Q pattern and make it more dicult to nd the proper time-
alignment. If the strongest component of the signal is a reection off of some nearby surface, then the distance
calculation will be the reected signal path, rather than the direct straight-line path between the probe and source.
The software cannot know this, so the result is a systematic offset to the distance calculation, equal in magnitude
to the reected distance of the signal.
Probe Synchronization. In order to do the TDOA calculation wherein each data stream is shifted in time to nd
the optimal signal alignment, it is necessary to capture the same signal at each probe location. Not just capturing
the RF signal from the same source, but the same signal in time must be captured. If the source is a radio
transmission, for instance, then each probe needs to capture the same utterance, or musical note. Special
algorithms are used to obtain this synchronization.
A very high sampling rate is required to produce high spatial resolution, and this means that sucient data must
be transferred from the remote probes to the controlling computer. In order to make this as ecient as possible, it
is best to have short capture times, perhaps 10’s of milliseconds. However, we need to capture the same signal at
each location, so the probes must start collecting within a few milliseconds of each other. Further, the precise tim-
ing of each I/Q pair is required in the data stream so that once aligned, the time shift can be accurately calculated.
A good TDOA system will produce location estimates within 100 meters of the source location. An RF signal travels
100 meters in about 300 nanoseconds. Therefore the timing of the signal must be known with very high precision.
Every I/Q sample point is not time stamped. In practice, an internal clock is synchronized once each second
with GPS satellites. The internal clock tracks time between the GPS synchronization pulses. This clock needs to
be very stable as it inserts a timestamp to the data stream at regular intervals. If one of the clocks drift, then it is
impossible to get a good time-alignment since features lined up in one section will not align further on. Various
spectrum monitors are capable of capturing I/Q data streams. Unless the spectrum monitor is designed with high
precision timing, it will not work adequately for TDOA measurements.
Hyperbolic Lines. The result of a TDOA measurement is a time difference in the arrival of the signal of interest at
two or more probes. The time difference is multiplied by the speed of light to give a difference in distance between
each set of probes and the RF source. For two probes, the maximum distance difference is the physical distance
between the probes themselves. A measured difference larger than this is not physically possible. For a set of two
probes, the distance does not specify a specic location, but rather a hyperbolic line centered between the two
probes (See gure 1.) Therefore, a successful TDOA measurement on two probes does not give a unique solution,
but a continuous set of solutions along a hyperbolic curve.
Triangulation. Using three probes gives three
sets of two probes, so a TDOA measurement of
three probes will produce three hyperbola, the
intersections of which yield possible locations for
the RF emitter (See gure 1.) If the source is inside
the triangle formed by the three probes, then you
may get a single intersection point. However, it is
not unusual to have a couple of intersection points
for the three curved lines, especially if the source
is very far outside the probe triangle. It is usually
possible to use the relative receive powers at the
probes to determine which intersection is the right
Sample Rate. Sample rate is a key factor in
determining spatial resolution. Sample rate is
the number of I/Q data pairs collected per second.
This is by denition the temporal resolution: the
spacing in time of the sample data points. The
time separation is multiplied by the speed of light
to get the distance separation, so the spatial
resolution is directly proportional to the
temporal resolution.
As a specic example, consider a sampling rate of 250 kHz. . A 4 μs
time resolution gives 4 μs * 3 x108 m/sec = 1.2 km per data point. A spatial resolution of 1.2 km is not very good.
If the sample rate is 2.5 MHz, then we have increased the resolution of the measurement by a factor of 10, or 120
meters. That is a useful result when hunting for an interference source or rogue transmission. We will discuss
below a few techniques that can improve on that further.
It is tempting to just increase the sample rate to increase the spatial resolution. Sampling at 25 MHz, according to
our math above, would yield a spatial resolution of 12 meters, which would be a marvelous result, given that our
search area could easily exceed 200 km2. However, there is a practical limit to how much you can increase the
spatial resolution by increasing the sampling rate. This is determined by the underlying modulation rate of the
signal of interest. Consider looking for an FM radio station, for instance. The audio encoded in an FM broadcast
signal typically has a maximum modulation frequency of 20 kHz.
Imagine a modulated sine wave that you want to sample in order to reproduce the signal. Sampling once per
period is not enough. One would probably end up with something very much like a at line. Sampling 20 times per
period would give a fair representation of the sine wave’s shape. Sampling 50 times per period might be a little
bit better, but sampling 1000 times per period isn’t really going to give you more information. A real signal always
carries some noise anyway, so there is a practical limit to the usefulness of sampling at higher and higher rates. A
good rule of thumb is that sampling at 20 points per period is pretty good. Doubling that might gain something,
but beyond that is pointless. So for an FM signal, a practical limit is around 500 kHz, and 250 kHz is pretty good.
250 kHz =
1 sec
250000 samples
IQ data pair
Figure 2. Notice in this image that there are two distinct locations
where the three lines cross. There is not a unique solution using these
three probes.
Figure 3 below shows the data from two probes, one slightly ahead of the other. The dots represent sample
points. There are not enough data points to accurately reproduce the shape of the curve, so the green and blue
lines represent the best guess at the peak position for each set. Because the sample rate is too low, a large error i
s introduced. In Figure 4, the sample rate has increased and the peak positions are accurately found. Increasing
the sampling rate further is not necessarily going to increase the accuracy.
Cable Length. An important consideration when doing detailed timing measurements is cable length and
internal timing delays. In an ideal TDOA system, the I/Q data stream is timestamped at each I/Q pair with the
precisely synchronized time-of-arrival of the signal at the antenna of each probe. In practice, this is very hard to
do. Errors in timing typically produce a systematic error that shifts the geo-location estimate consistently in one
direction. Systematic errors cannot be eliminated with averaging. Instead, the average will consistently converge
to a stable wrong answer. The error in the estimated direction and distance depends on the particular timing
differences between the probes in use.
The typical speed of transmission in a coaxial cable is about 2/3 the speed of light. So for every 20 meters
difference in cable length, a 30 meter offset in position is introduced. Because this error in location cannot be
reduced by averaging, it may be necessary to enter cable lengths into the geo-location algorithm for each
probe. Cable length may not be a signi cant concern if the cables are fairly uniform, or if the differences are
small compared with the expected spatial resolution.
You may typically  nd around 100 meters of uncertainty in a TDOA measurement. If the cable lengths are within
10 meters of each other, the systematic error may not be noticeable. If there are longer differences in the cable
lengths, then this should be accounted for. Remember, it is not the total cable length that is important, but the
difference in cable length. Most TDOA systems will allow for entry of the cable lengths for each probe in the
system, and the software calculates the differences.
Timing Delays. Of similar concern are internal delays in the probe hardware and the analog and digital paths
used to capture, process, and store the I/Q data stream. This internal delay adds a systematic error that cannot
be removed with signal averaging. The internal delay will vary from probe to probe and is often frequency
dependent, as the center frequency and range will affect hardware and software  lters in place to correctly
capture the signal of interest.
The I/Q data pairs must be time stamped in the data stream in order to do the time-alignment. Any uncertainty
in the clocks used to generate the timestamps will introduce uncertainty in the location estimate. Most remote
probes will use a GPS signal to synchronize both the start time of the captures and the clocks used to add the time
stamps. GPS chips produce a pulse-per-second (PPS) signal that is very reliable and precise. An internal clock ticks
at a very high and stable frequency, and time stamps are inserted into the data stream at regular intervals based
the clock tick count.
Figure 3. Two sets of data with a noticeable time shift. The
sample rate, indicated by the circles on the graphs, is too
low in this case to accurately determine the signal shape.
Figure 4. Two sets of data with a noticeable time shift. In
this case the sampling rate is suffi cient to accurately de-
scribe the underlying curve and time-align the data sets.
In Figure 5 notice that the signals are aligned at the green vertical
line. In this case, the clocks run at slightly different rates, so the green
data points are spread out more in time. When this happens, it is not
possible to get a meaningful result as there is not a single time shift at
which the data are all aligned in time.
Location of Emitter. The location of the RF source is also a factor in
determining the accuracy of the location estimation. If the source is
inside the triangle formed by the three probes, then the accuracy is
expected to be high. When the emitter is behind one of the probes,
even if still fairly close to the probe triangle, the uncertainty is higher.
Also, for probes far away, the angle of incidence of the hyperbolic lines
makes the area of uncertainty larger.
Figures 6-9 show in detail how the geometry and location of the
probes relative to the source effect the accuracy of the TDOA measurement. When the source is located behind a
probe, it is best practice to use a more distant probe in the measurement. Signal strength is not normally a factor,
as long as it is high enough above the background to be able to get a reasonable I/Q capture.
Figure 5. Effects of clock drift, showing that the
data cannot be time-aligned if the sample rates
do not precisely match.
Figure 6. Case 1: Geometry and Location of Probes.
Figure 7. Case 2: Geometry and Location of Probes.
Figure 8. Case 3: Geometry and Location of Probes.
Figure 9. Case 4: Geometry and Location of Probes.
Referring back to  gure 2, and looking at the more distant intersection of the three lines, it is seen that the blue
and green lines especially, and the red line somewhat, approach each other at narrow angles. If the uncertainty
in the measurement is 100 meters, then the true location of the RF source lies whenever the three lines are within
100 meters of each other. In  gure 2 this is true of the blue and green lines for about 15 km. The red line crosses
at a small enough angle that the actual area of possibility is more than a kilometer long. This is another case where
a different probe set would be very useful so the source position is closer within the probe triangle.
Signal Averaging. Averaging is a good way to reduce random uncertainties in
measurements. With TDOA this is accomplished by repeating the measurement
several times and averaging the distance differences found for each probe pair.
This number will vary from measurement to measurement due to statistical
noise and uncertainty in the measurement data. As an example (using 250 kHz
as the sampling rate), the expected uncertainties are calculated and shown
here in  gure 10. In this  gure, N is the number of measurements taken in the
averaging process.
Intermittent Signals. Intermittent signals are a particular problem with TDOA.
The probes all have to begin capturing at the same time, and they have to each
capture a long enough data set that the overlap of the signal will be signi cant.
To accomplish this, Anritsu implements proprietary algorithms to capture and
time align each bursted signal.
Anritsu’s Solution: Vision TDOA and the MS2710xA RSM.
Anritsu provides TDOA measurements with MS2710xA Remote Spectrum Monitors (RSM) and the Vision software
suite. The RSM probes have the necessary I/Q capture and precision timing features necessary to collect and
transmit the timestamped I/Q data used in TDOA measurements. RSM probes can monitor and measure
frequencies up to 6 GHz, with a maximum capture bandwidth of 20 MHz. RSM probes also come in a number of
form factors and packages to suite a wide variety of situations. Options include multi-port enclosures that use a
single receiver board to access up to 24 different antenna inputs. This provides a convenient means of deploying a
single probe to cover multiple frequency ranges and tuned to speci c band widths. RSM probes are also available
in IP67 quali ed enclosures to be mounted and operated outdoors for extended periods of time. See  gures 11, 12,
13 and 14 below which shows the various models of spectrum monitors currently offered by Anritsu.
The Vision Software suite provides all of the necessary features to perform TDOA measurements over a wide range
of frequencies and bandwidths. Vision can calibrate time delays, be used with intermittent signals, and automati-
cally average over multiple data sets converging to a best answer for the geo-location of the RF source.
N Uncertainty
1 600 m
3 346 m
5 268 m
10 190 m
15 155 m
20 134 m
50 85 m
Figure 11. MS27100A OEM Model
Figure 13. MS27102A (IP67 Rated)
Figure 14. MS27103A (multi-port)
Figure 12. MS27101A (half-rack)
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