Iowa Farm Leases: A Legal Review
Updated June 30, 2023
As of 2022, Iowa had 84,900 farms.
In 2022,
58 percent of Iowa farmland was leased, with
51% of the contracts being fixed or flexible cash
lease agreements.
Given these numbers, it is
crucial that Iowa landowners and producers
understand the legal implications and
requirements of their farmland leases.
A lease is a contract under which a right to use and
occupy real property is conveyed. A farm lease is a
binding legal contract, whether or not that lease is
reduced to writing. To ward off disputes
over agreed- upon terms, it is very important that
those terms be put into writing, signed by both
parties. The writing should be definite and
certain and should include all of the terms the
parties wish to enforce. The parties to the lease
should not execute side agreements or additional
promises separate and apart from the written lease.
These agreements are difficult to prove and
can lead to expensive litigation. Likewise, if
parties choose to modify their lease, they
should always record those modifications in
Iowa State University’s Ag Decision Maker
provides several sample leases and supplementary
provisions parties can use to create a farm lease.
is advisable, however, for landlords and tenants
to consult with an experienced agricultural
law attorney before entering into any new
contract, including a farm lease.
At a minimum, a farm lease should always
contain the following terms:
Full names and mailing addresses of parties
Lease term
Tenant’s rights and duties (ex. remove weeds
and maintain fences)
Landlord’s rights and duties (ex. pay property
Any restrictions on the use of the land (ex.
Hunting not allowed)
Legal description of Property and number of
contract acres
Amount of rent and date(s) due
Allocation of lime and trace elements over life
of lease
Indemnification provisions
Right to Aboveground Plant”
The Iowa Legislature enacted Iowa Code §562.5A
in 2010 in response to the growing commoditization
of corn stalks. Under the statute, unless otherwise
agreed to in writing by a landowner and farm tenant,
a farm tenant may take any part of the aboveground
part of a plant associated with a crop, at the time of
harvest or after the harvest, until the farm tenancy
terminates. In other words, if a landlord does not
want the tenant to have the right to harvest the corn
stover, the written lease must state that the
aboveground part of a plant associated with a crop
belongs to the landlord. This rule applies to all farm
leases, including those entered into before 2010 and
continued effective through auto-renewal.
Oral v. Written Lease
Although a written lease is preferable, oral leases
are enforceable contracts. Generally, however, such
contracts can only be proven for a one-year period.
This is because the statute of frauds applies to a farm
lease that is for a term greater than one year.
statute of frauds is an evidentiary rule that makes
oral proof of contracts to which the statute applies
incompetent. That means that the statute of frauds
will typically bar the admission of evidence required
to prove the existence of an oral farm lease
beyond a one-year term. It does not, however, void
such contracts or render them invalid.
Agricultural leases for a term of greater than five
years (with renewals
) MUST be recorded with the
county recorder within 180 days of execution.
Although the entire lease may be recorded, it is
sufficient to record a memorandum of the lease
names and addresses of all parties named in
the lease
a description of all real property
length of the contract or initial term of the
lease, and a statement as to whether any of
the named parties have or are subject to
renewal rights
if so, the event or condition upon which
renewal occurs, the number of renewal
terms and the length of each
The failure to record a lease subject to the statute is
punishable by a fine not to exceed $100/day for each
day of violation.
Article I, § 24 of the Iowa Constitution states that no
lease of agricultural lands “shall be valid for a
longer period than 20 years. If a lease violates this
constitutional provision, only that portion of the
lease beyond 20 years will be unenforceable.
constitutional provision is not violated by a lease
extending beyond the 20-year term only by virtue of
Iowa’s statutory auto-renewal provisions. Likewise,
parties can agree to renew their farm leases beyond
20 years. The constitutional provision merely
prevents a single lease from locking either party into
that outcome.
The Iowa Supreme Court recently ruled that Iowa
Const. art. I, § 24 was violated by a written lease
providing for a five-year term with an “option to
renew for four additional five-year terms” unless the
tenant elected out.
The lease under review by the
Court locked the landlord in for 25 years, but
allowed the tenant the option to terminate at the end
of each five-year period. The tenant argued that
protect tenants from oppressive landlords and that it
would thus not be thwarted by upholding the
renewal provision at issue. The Court rejected the
argument, holding that art. I, § 24 was designed to
protect either party from being locked into an
agricultural lease for a period of more than 20 years.
As such, the Court ruled that the last five-year
extension was unenforceable.
Iowa Code § 562.6 generally provides that Iowa
leases for a farm tenancy automatically renew for
another crop year under the same terms and
conditions as the original lease unless either party
provides written termination notice (in the specific
manner directed by statute)
on or before
September 1. This provision, which is unique to
Iowa, can surprise an unwary landlord or tenant.
The auto-renewal provision applies equally to oral
leases or written leases. It also applies equally to
one-year leases or multi-year leases.
Regardless of the length of the term of the original
lease, the auto-renewal provision extends the
existing lease for just one additional year. However,
a lease continues to yearly auto-renew under the
statute, unless either party issues a notice of
termination. In other words, without statutory
notice, an automatically renewed lease will renew
Note: It is important to realize that the auto-
renewal provisions apply equally to landlords
and tenants. For example, if a tenant does not
wish the current lease to automatically renew for
the following crop year under the same price and
terms, the tenant must send statutory notice to
the landlord by September 1.
Although the auto-renewal statute sometimes
impairs contractual terms agreed upon by the
parties, the Iowa Supreme Court has ruled that it is
Because this provision is strictly
enforced, it is important that all farm landlords and
tenants understand the contours of the law.
Farm Tenancy
The auto-renewal provision applies to a farm
tenancy, defined as “a leasehold interest in land held
by a person who produces crops or provides for the
care and feeding of livestock on the land, including
by grazing or supplying feed to the livestock.”
2016, the Iowa Court of Appeals ruled that the
definition of farm tenancy was broad enough to
include a small residential acreage where a single,
38-year-old horse was grazing.
In 2017, however,
the Iowa Supreme Court vacated that decision,
ruling that the land must be “mostly or primarily
devoted to crops or livestock” before a farm tenancy
can be created under the statute.
The term
livestock means “an animal belonging to the bovine,
caprine, equine, ovine, or porcine species, ostriches,
rheas, emus; farm deer; or poultry.” It remains to be
seen how courts will apply this new “primary
purpose test.”
Exceptions to Auto-Renewal
The auto-renewal statute does include several
exceptions to its reach.
Written Agreement to Terminate
The statute begins, “If a written agreement is made
fixing the time of the termination of a tenancy, the
tenancy shall terminate at the time agreed upon,
without notice.” The Legislature modified this
exception to its current form in 2016. Effective July
1, 2016, the provision requires an agreement to
terminate a farm tenancy to be in writing.
this change, the statute did not require an agreement
to terminate to be in writing, although oral
termination agreements were rarely enforced in
It is important to note that a written agreement to
terminate must be separate and subsequent to the
actual lease (not part of it).
A lease providing for
a specific termination date, even stating that the
parties wish to terminate the lease on the stated date
and waive the right to statutory notice, will still be
subject to the auto-renewal provisions of Iowa Code
§ 562.6. Thus, parties wishing to execute an
agreement to terminate the lease, must execute a
separate written contract to accomplish this result.
The statute provides that the written agreement will
cause the lease to terminate on the agreed date.
Conversely, a party terminating a lease by issuing
termination notice must set the termination date at
March 1.
Less than 40-Acre Animal Feeding Operation
The auto-renewal statute specifically states that it
does not apply to a farm tenancy with an acreage of
less than 40 acres where an animal feeding
operation is the primary use. Before 2013, the
exception included all farm tenancies that were less
than 40 acres. Under the current law, all farm
tenancies less than 40 acres are subject to auto-
renewal unless they fall within the narrow animal
feeding operation exception.
An "animal feeding
operation" means a lot, yard, corral, building, or
other area in which animals are confined and fed
and maintained for 45 days or more in any 12-month
period, and all structures used for the storage of
manure from animals in the operation.”
Under this
definition, it would seem that only animal feeding
operations such as feedlots and confinements fall
under the statutory exception. Landlords or tenants
should send statutory notice of termination for the
lease of a small pasture if they want to avoid auto-
Mere Cropper
The auto-renewal statute also excludes from its
reach arrangements involving mere croppers. As
such, a cropper is not entitled to statutory
termination notice. A cropper is "one who, having
no interest in the land, works it in consideration of
receiving a portion of the crop for his labor.”
contrast, a tenant has an estate in the land for a term,
and, consequently, has a right of property in the
crop. The question of whether an operator is a tenant
or a cropper is a jury question if the case goes to
Default in Performance
The statute specifically provides that “the tenancy
shall not continue because of an absence of notice if
there is default in the performance of the existing
rental agreement.” This means that if a party
breaches the terms of the lease and the other party
wishes to terminate the lease due to the breach, the
auto-renewal provision will not supersede the non-
breaching party’s right to terminate.
In order to serve proper statutory termination notice
to avoid auto-renewal of a farm lease, the party
wishing to terminate the lease must strictly follow
the statutory requirements.
Notice Method
Iowa Code § 562.7 provides three alternative
methods for serving statutory notice. Any of the
following are acceptable:
Delivery of the notice, on or before
September 1, with acceptance of service to
be signed by the party to the lease or a
successor of the party.
Serving the notice, on or before September
1, personally, or if personal service has been
tried and cannot be achieved, by publication,
on the same conditions, and in the same
manner as is provided for the service of
process in a lawsuit.
Mailing notice before 9/1 by certified mail
to the last known mailing address.
The most commonand usually the most
efficientway to serve statutory notice is option
three: mailing the notice by certified mail before
September 1. Under this method, the service is
completed “when the notice is enclosed in a sealed
envelope, with the proper postage on the envelope,
addressed to the party or a successor of the party at
the last known mailing address and deposited in a
mail receptacle provided by the United States postal
service.” The courts construe the notice statute
requirements very strictly. Notice will not be
sufficient, for example, if it is sent via regular,
instead of certified, mail.
It does not matter if the
intended recipient actually receives the notice and
admits to having read it.
The notice will be
deemed invalid and the lease will auto-renew unless
all statutory requirements are followed. The courts
have reasoned that, without such an interpretation,
the purpose of Legislature would be thwarted,
tenants as to whether notice was in fact given when
informal notification was used.”
Note: It is important that the sender of the notice
retain the certified mailing receipt. Without such
receipt, he or she will be unable to prove proper
service if a dispute arises.
Termination Date
The law provides that termination notice “must fix
the termination of the farm tenancy to take place on
the first day of March.”
Where one landlord sent
termination notice purporting to terminate the lease
on December 31, the court ruled that the notice was
still valid.
The court, however, ruled that the
tenancy terminated on March 1, as required by Iowa
Code § 562.5, not on December 31 as stated in the
At common law, the death of a crop share tenant
resulted in the automatic termination of the lease.
That is still the law in some jurisdictions. Because
of the auto-renewal statute, however, that common
law rule has been changed in Iowa. In Iowa, the
death of a tenanteven a crop-share tenant—does
not automatically terminate the lease. If a tenant dies
on October 1, for example, and termination notice
was not given by September 1, the legal
representative of the estate of the tenant is entitled
to continue to farm the ground the following crop
year pursuant to the auto-renewal statute.
Similarly, the death of a landlord does not cause the
lease to terminate at the landlord’s death. This is
true even where the landlord was only a life tenant.
The statute provides that a farm tenancy granted by
a life tenant shall continue until the following March
1 if the landlord dies during the term of the lease.
This is true, even though the landlord’s interest in
the property legally dies with her. Furthermore, if a
landlord who is a life tenant dies between
September 1 and the following March 1 and
statutory notice was not given to the tenant, the
tenant will have the right to farm the ground for an
additional crop year pursuant to the auto-renewal
statute. The successor in interest to the life tenant
must then serve statutory termination notice on the
tenant the following crop year or the lease will again
auto-renew. These auto- renewal provisions do not
alter the doctrine of emblements, which provides
that a life tenant’s estate is entitled to the life
tenant’s share of a crop (under a crop-share lease) if
the death occurs after the seed was planted.
Often a parent will die, leaving farmland to his or
her children as tenants in common. This presents
some unique management challenges. “Ordinarily a
lease of the entire estate by one tenant in common is
not binding on other tenants in common who have
not authorized or ratified it.”
Thus, unless all
tenants in common agree to rent the property, the
lease will generally not be enforceable against the
tenants in common who make their objections
know. However, where a lease is made by one
tenant in common and the lessee takes possession
and continues to pay rent, it will be presumed that
the lease was made with the knowledge and consent
of the other tenants in common, absent evidence to
the contrary.
Because of this rule, it is important
for all tenants in common to monitor their property
and immediately object if they observe a non-owner
possessing the ground without their permission.
One tenant in common may send termination notice
to a lessee and it will generally be enforceable. This
result is less certain, however, where the tenants in
common disagree as to whether to terminate the
lease. Most likely, however, under current Iowa law,
one tenant in common—even a minority tenant in
common—can send enforceable termination notice
to the lessee, even if the other tenants in common
Holdover Tenant
If a landlord properly terminated the lease by
serving statutory notice before September 1, but the
tenant refuses to vacate the property as of March 1,
the landlord may evict the holdover tenant. Because
of the risks of failing to properly follow the statutory
procedure, the landlord should engage legal counsel
to complete the eviction. Typically, the landlord
must serve a three-day notice to quit upon the
holdover tenant
and then file a forcible entry and
detainer action.
Once the action is initiated, the
court will schedule a hearing to allow both parties
an opportunity to be heard.
Nonpayment of Rent
The Iowa Supreme Court has stated that failing to
pay rent when it is due is a default in performance
that entitles the landlord to initiate termination
proceedings, no matter when that default occurs.
Although many leases provide that nonpayment of
rent “terminates” the lease, termination in such
cases is not automatic, but an option the landlord
can exercise.
Any specific written lease terms will
govern the landlord’s procedure for terminating a
lease for nonpayment. Generally, however,
nonpayment of rent will entitle the landlord to
terminate the lease and initiate a forcible entry and
detainer action.
Because equity abhors a
forfeiture, this right is generally subject to a
“substantial compliance exception.
For example,
a landlord will not generally be allowed to terminate
a lease if a tenant who is able to pay merely misses
the deadline by a few days. As such, the landlord
should first provide a non-paying tenant with a
notice of default and intent to terminate, offering
within the notice a reasonable opportunity to cure.
If the tenant is unable to pay and refuses to vacate
the premises, the landlord may initiate forcible entry
and detainer procedures (preceded by a three-day
notice to quite).
If the landlord is unable to find a
tenant willing to pay the amount of rent the non-
paying tenant was obligated to pay, the landlord
may seek breach of contract damages against the
evicted tenant for the difference. Again, it is
important for landlords to seek the assistance of an
experienced attorney to ensure that ouster and
breach procedures are properly followed.
Breach of Other Provisions
Typically, nonpayment of rent is the clearest breach
for which a landlord has the right to immediately
terminate the lease. The remedies for other breaches
may not be so clear. Even where a material breach
exists, a party must ordinarily be given a reasonable
opportunity to cure the failure.
If the violation is
cured, the lease cannot be terminated. Termination
is usually possible, however, where no cure is
forthcoming for a material breach.
In such a case, the court will consider the magnitude
of the harm caused by the breach and the hardships
incurred to the tenant by a potential ouster. A breach
that may be sufficient to terminate a multi-year lease
at the end of a crop year may not be sufficient to
terminate a lease in the middle of a crop year. In a
1963 case, the Iowa Supreme Court allowed a
landlord to terminate a three-year lease at the end of
the first year because the tenant had breached (and
did not cure) the good husbandry provisions of the
The Court suggested, however, that the
same conduct likely would not have been sufficient
to terminate the lease in the middle of the crop year.
To “oust the tenant with the hardships and
difficulties resulting from such action” would have
presented a different case. As it was, the Court ruled
that “tenant's operations were such that the landlord
should not be required to put up with them for two
more crop years.
The easiest way a landlord can protect his or her
right to receive the rent is to require full payment up
front. If the tenant doesn’t pay, the landlord then has
time to terminate the lease and negotiate a lease with
a new tenant for the same crop year. When this
arrangement is not possible, landlords have several
other options to reduce their financial risk.
Landlord’s Lien
Iowa Code § 570.1 provides that a landlord “shall
have a lien for the rent upon all crops grown upon
the leased premises, and upon any other personal
property of the tenant which has been used or kept
thereon during the term and which is not exempt
from execution.”
This means that a lien automatically attaches to the
farm products grown on the property by virtue of the
landlord leasing the property to a farm tenant. The
landlord has a statutory lien by operation of law.
perfected. Only a perfected landlord's lien is
prioritized ahead of other secured or lien creditors.
To perfect the landlord’s lien, the landlord must file
a UCC-1 financing statement with the Iowa
Secretary of State.
If that perfection occurs when
the tenant takes possession
of the property or
within 20 days after the tenant takes possession, the
Code gives the landlord’s lien a special priority
position ahead of previously perfected security
interests and ahead of many other previously
perfected statutory liens.
Specifically, the Code provides that, subject to a few
A perfected lien in the farm products has priority
over a conflicting security interest or lien,
including a security interest or lien that was
perfected prior to the creation of the lien under
this section.
In other words, if the landlord files a UCC-1 within
20 days of possession, the landlord’s lien will have
priority over a conflicting security interest held by a
bank or an agricultural supply dealer’s lien
perfected before March 1. Under the statute, only a
properly perfected harvester’s lien
or a perfected
commodity production contract lien
would have
priority over a properly perfected landlord’s lien on
But remember, this special priority is only
available if the UCC-1 is filed by the time the tenant
takes possession of the property or within 20 days
Although a perfected lien does not guarantee that a
landlord will recover his payment due (bankruptcy,
for example, can throw a wrench into the recovery),
it does provide the maximum legal protection
available to a landlord. To perfect a landlord’s lien,
a landlord must file a standard financing statement
(UCC-1) with the Iowa Secretary of State.
Instructions for filing this form online can be
found on the Secretary of State’s website.
The statement must say that it’s "for the
purpose of perfecting a landlord’s lien."
It costs just $10 to file the UCC-1 to perfect
the lien. According to Iowa Code §570.1, this
financing statement is effective "until the
termination statement is filed."
Because Iowa Code §554.9515 requires a
continuation statement after five years for
security interests, however, it may be best
practice to file a continuation statement after
five years if the landlord's lien remains in
place. This may help avoid confusion or
No signatures are required to file the landlord's
A landlord’s lien continues for one year after rent is
due or six months after the end of lease, whichever
is first.
Within 20 days after a landlord who has
filed a financing statement receives a written
demand from a tenant, the landlord must file a
termination statement if the lien has expired or the
tenant is no longer in possession of the property and
the tenant has performed all obligations under the
Landlords wishing to ensure the protection of the
landlord’s lien should file the UCC-1 each new crop
year, unless the lease is a written, multi-year lease.
Even though such filing may not be required to
perfect the lien for an auto-renewed lease or a new
lease between the same parties, prudence likely
dictates yearly filing until Iowa law on this subject
becomes clearer.
Article 9 Security Interest
Although the Iowa Code gives special priority to a
landlord’s lien, a landlord is not precluded from also
seeking a standard consensual security interest in
the crops grown on his or her rented ground. This
may provide additional protection for the landlord,
particularly in the event of a tenant bankruptcy
where the farm products subject to the lien end up
in another jurisdiction.
It is important to note, however, that a consensual
security interest in farm products is not granted the
priority of a landlord’s lien. Therefore, it is
governed by the general rule of “rank according to
priority in time of filing or perfection.”
In other
words, first to perfect generally wins. To acquire a
consensual security interest in the farm products
grown or raised on the rented ground, the landlord
must have the tenant sign a security agreement,
which can be part of the lease. A UCC-1 is then filed
to perfect the security interest. To ensure that the
security interest is effective against “buyers in the
ordinary course,” a landlord acquiring a security
interest must comply with the Farm Products Rule,
which, in Iowa, requires direct notice to all
purchasers of farm products. Without this notice, an
elevator, for example, purchases the grain free and
clear of the security interest. The holder of a
perfected landlord’s lien is not required to comply
with the requirements of the Farm Products Rule.
Other Protections
In addition to seeking payment up front and
perfecting the landlord’s lien and the Article 9
security interest, landlords may also wish to include
a few additional protective terms in their leases:
Require that the tenant won’t sell any crops
subject to a lien or security interest without the
landlord’s permission Require the tenant to
provide a list of potential buyers of the crops
Require the tenant to include the landlord as a
payee on checks if the crops are sold
It is theft for a tenant, with an intent to
defraud, to sell grain subject to a landlord’s
lien for unpaid rent, without the written
consent of the landlord.
Source: USDA, NASS.
Tong, J., and W. Zhang. 2022Iowa Farmland Ownership
and Tenure Survey 1982–2022: A Forty Year Perspective.”
Working Paper 23-WP 651. CARD, Iowa State University.
Slach v. Heick, 864 N.W.2d 553, (Iowa Ct. App. 2015).
Iowa Code § 622.32(3).
This does not include statutory auto-renewals or voluntary
extensions after the termination of the initial lease term.
Iowa Code § 622.32(3)
Casey v. Lupkes, 286 N.W.2d 204 (Iowa 1979).
Gansen v. Gansen, 874 N.W.2d 617 (Iowa 2016).
Iowa Code § 562.7.
Pollock v. Pollock, 72 N.W.2d 483 (Iowa 1955)("The
legislature evidently felt that unstable tenure leads to soil
exploitation and waste. The amendment aims at security of
Benshoter v. Hakes, 8 N.W.2d 481 (Iowa 1943).
Iowa Code § 562.1A.1.
Porter v. Harden, 2016 Iowa App. LEXIS 478 (Iowa Ct.
App. May 11, 2016)(single horse on residential acreage
sufficient to create a farm tenancy)
Porter v. Harden, 891 N.W.2d 420 (Iowa 2017).
Iowa Code § 562.6
Schmitz v. Sondag, 334 N.W.2d 362 (Iowa Ct. App. 1983).
Iowa Code § 562.5.
Iowa Code § 562.6.
Iowa Code § 562.1A(1) provides that “Animal feeding
operation” means the same as defined in Iowa Code § 459.102.
Paulson v. Rogis, 77 N.W.2d 33 (Iowa 1956).
Dopheide v. Schoeppner, N.W.2d 360 (Iowa 1968).
Riggs v. Meka, 17 N.W.2d 101 (Iowa 1945)
Ag Decision Maker provides a sample termination notice
form: www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/wholefarm/pdf/c2-
Dethlefs v. Carrier, 64 N.W.2d 272 (Iowa 1954).
Riggs v. Meka, 17 N.W.2d 101 (Iowa 1945).
Buss v. Gruis, 320 N.W.2d 549 (Iowa 1982).
Iowa Code § 562.5.
McElwee v. De Vault, 120 N.W.2d 451 (Iowa 1963)
Read v. Estate of Mincks, 176 N.W.2d 192 (Iowa 1970)
Iowa Code § 562.8; Carson v. Rothfolk, 838 N.W.2d 868
(Iowa Ct. App. 2013)(Does not abrogate doctrine of
emblements…if tenant had crop share lease with life tenant,
life tenants estate entitled to share of value of crop if death
occurred after seed planted).
Dethlefs v. Carrier, 64 N.W.2d 272, 274 (Iowa 1954); Miller
v. Gemricher, 183 N.W. 503 (Iowa 1921).
Dethlefs, 64 N.W.2d at 274.
Iowa cases have ruled that one tenant in common can
terminate a lease or file an action for a forcible entry and
detainer without the participation of the other owner. See
McElwee v. De Vault, 120 N.W.2d 451 (Iowa 1963) and Van
Emmerik v. Vuille, 88 N.W.2d 47 (Iowa 1958), respectively.
While instructive, these cases did not involve cotenants in
disagreement with each other, nor did they involve a
termination notice to avoid an automatic renewal under Iowa
Code Section 562.6.
Iowa Code § 648.1.2.
Iowa Code § 648.3.
Vincent v. Kaser Construction Co., 125 N.W. 2d 608 (Iowa
Iowa Code § 648.1.
Beck v. Trovato, 150 N.W.2d 657, 659 (Iowa 1967)
Iowa Code § 648.1.2. The landlord must first issue a three-
day notice to quit. Iowa Code § 648.3.
Mart v. Mart, 824 N.W.2d 535 (Iowa Ct. App. 2012).
McElwee v. DeVault, 120 N.W.2d 451 (Iowa 1963).
Iowa Code § 570.1(2); Iowa Code §554.9310.
Iowa Code § 570.1(2(b) states that the lien may be
perfected “when the debtor takes possession of the leased
premises,” suggesting that the lien may be perfected before the
debtor takes possession. However, Iowa Code §
554.9509(1)(a) states that a UCC-1 can be filed only for
agricultural liens that “have become effective” unless the
tenant authorizes the filing in an authenticated record.
Consequently, the landlord should file the UCC-1 between
March 1 and March 20.
Iowa Code ch. 571.
Iowa Code ch. 579B.
The statute also provides that a Mechanic’s Lien, a
Customer Cattle Feedlot Lien, and a Veterinarian’s Lien have
priority over the landlord’s lien; these liens would have
priority over a landlord’s lien in livestock where the landlord,
for example, leases a pasture.
Iowa Code § 570.2.
Iowa Code § 570.1(4).
A bankruptcy trustee may be able to avoid a landlord’s lien
under lien avoidance powers applying to statutory liens for
the payment of rent. 11 U.S.C. § 545(3).
Iowa Code § 554.9302 provides that the local law of the
jurisdiction in which farm products are located governs
perfection. Consequently, if an Iowa tenant stores his grain in
Minnesota, the Iowa landlord would be required to also perfect
his landlord’s lien in Minnesota to retain priority.
Iowa Code § 554.9322(1)(a).
7 U.S.C. § 1631(e).
Iowa Code § 570.9.