Office of Educator Quality and Professional Development March 21, 2024
2023-24 Educator Evaluation Closeout
Implementation certification, data collection, and reporting
Important Dates
Please see the table below for important deadlines related to educator evaluation data submission and
certification and the Educator Evaluation Implementation Certification form.
These deadlines are the final State deadlines. Local Level 1 centers will require earlier due dates to allow
sufficient time for processing. In addition to data submission, LEAs must submit the 2023-24 Statement of
Confirmation of Staff Evaluation Rating Verification Report.
June 3, 2024
August 23, 2024
Educator Evaluation Implementation
Certification form submission
LEAs must submit the Educator Evaluation
Implementation Certification form by August 23,
2024. The form is one necessary component to
demonstrate full implementation of your
approved evaluation plan for the 2023-24 school
year and is used to determine eligibility for an
increase in State aid for the 2024-25 school year
for school districts only. The Educator Evaluation
Implementation Certification form must be signed
by the superintendent/district superintendent
and board president. The form will be available in
late spring and must be submitted through the
NYSED Application Business Portal.
July 1, 2024
October 18, 2024
(Target Submission
Date: August 16, 2024
Final Submission Date:
October 18, 2024)
Submission of 2023-24 Evaluation
Ratings and Subcomponent Scores
LEAs will report 2023-24 staff evaluation data to
the Commissioner through the Student
Information Repository System (SIRS) for all
applicable teachers and principals. These data
must be submitted by October 18, 2024.
All final and complete data, including scores for
the Required and Optional (as applicable) Student
Performance subcomponents, scores for the
Required and Optional (as applicable) Teacher
Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponents
and the Overall rating.
Complete 2023-24 Staff Evaluation Rating data
must be submitted by October 18, 2024 for a
district to be eligible for their increase in State aid.
August 16, 2024
Target Submission of
2023-24 Evaluation
Ratings and
Subcomponent Scores
(Final Data Due:
October 18, 2024)
Target submission date for 2023-24 Staff
Evaluation Ratings & Subcomponent
Because State-provided growth scores are no
longer required for Educator Evaluation, LEAs are
encouraged to finalize their Educator Evaluation
data and submit it to the Department as soon as
possible. The final submission date is October 18,
Office of Educator Quality and Professional Development March 21, 2024
September 2, 2024
Distribution of
Evaluation Results
Evaluation results from the 2023-24
school year should be provided to all
applicable educators.
2023-24 Educator Evaluations should be
completed and provided to all applicable teachers
and principals as soon as practicable, but in no
case later than September 2, 2024 (since
September 1 is a Sunday).
October 18, 2024
Final Submission of
2023-24 Evaluation
Ratings and
Subcomponent Scores
Final submission of 2023-24 Evaluation
Ratings and Subcomponent Scores
All 2023-24 Educator Evaluation data must be
reported through the Student Information
Repository System (SIRS).
Please note: Regional Information Centers may
have an earlier deadline in place to facilitate the
Department’s October 18, 2024 deadline.
October 25, 2024
2023-24 Statement of Confirmation of
Staff Evaluation Implementation and
Rating Verification Report(s) due
This form certifies the accuracy of the Staff
Evaluation Rating data submitted as of the
October 18, 2024 deadline. This form is required
to be signed by the LEA’s certifying official who
verifies the data provided in the Staff Evaluation
Rating Verification Report(s) generated by L2RPT.
The certification form will be available and must
be submitted through NYSED Application Business
Portal, in the same location as the Educator
Evaluation form. LEA access to the form will be
granted upon submission of evaluation data.
2023-24 Educator Evaluation Implementation Certification Form
To demonstrate that each LEA has fully implemented their approved evaluation plan for the 2023-24 school
year, the Department requires that an Implementation Certification form be completed by August 23, 2024 by
the superintendent and board president. The Implementation Certification form is now available and must be
submitted through the NYSED Application Business Portal. After logging on, please click on “SED Monitoring and
Vendor Performance System,” select “View” for the “Educator Evaluation Implementation Certification in the
Educator Quality section and follow the instructions on the page to submit the form. School districts must
complete this form to be eligible for an increase in State aid in 2024-25. The Commissioner must approve
documentation that a school district has fully implemented the standards and procedures for conducting
educator evaluation in accordance with Education Law §3012-d and Subpart 30-3 of the Rules of the Board of
Data Collection and Reporting
Reporting Requirements Related to Education Law §3012-d
All LEAs are required to submit 2023-24 school year data to SIRS that include staff evaluation ratings used for
evaluation. Please share this information with personnel in your organization who have responsibility for data
collection and reporting.
For Educator Evaluation plans under Education Law §3012-d approved prior to 2020, scores in each
subcomponent and an overall rating should be reported for all educators subject to evaluation under Education
Law §3012-d. Original SLOs must be the basis of the required student performance subcomponent for all
educators whose evaluation measures per the LEA’s approved evaluation plan DO NOT incorporate the results
of the grades 3-8 ELA/Math State assessments and/or State-provided growth scores. Alternate SLOs must be the
basis of the required student performance subcomponent for all educators whose original evaluation measures
per the LEA’s approved evaluation plan incorporate the results of the grades 3-8 ELA/Math State assessments
Office of Educator Quality and Professional Development March 21, 2024
and/or State-provided growth scores
. Please note, for educators who have required a transition evaluation in
prior years, this evaluation will now replace the original evaluation and, therefore, the original, advisory
evaluations no longer need to be provided.
For Educator Evaluation plans under Education Law §3012-d approved prior to January 1, 2020 with an
accompanying approved Supplemental Removal form, scores in each subcomponent and an overall rating
should be reported for all educators subject to evaluation under Education Law §3012-d. Original SLOs must be
the basis of the required student performance subcomponent for all educators whose evaluation measures per
the LEA’s approved evaluation plan DO NOT incorporate the results of the grades 3-8 ELA/Math State
assessments and/or State-provided growth scores. Alternate SLOs must be the basis of the required student
performance subcomponent for all educators whose original evaluation measures per the LEA’s approved
evaluation plan incorporate the results of the grades 3-8 ELA/Math State assessments and/or State-provided
growth scores. The measures and assessments included in the approved Supplemental Removal form shall
replace original or alternate SLOs, as applicable. Please note, for educators who have required a transition
evaluation in prior years, this evaluation will now replace the original evaluation and, therefore, the original,
advisory evaluations no longer need to be provided.
For Educator Evaluation plans under Education Law §3012-d, as amended in 2019, scores in each subcomponent
and an overall rating based on the contents of the approved evaluation plan should be reported for all educators
subject to evaluation under Education Law §3012-d.
For Educator Evaluation variances, scores in each subcomponent and an overall rating based on the contents of
the approved evaluation variance must be reported for all educators subject to evaluation under Education Law
§3012-d. The measures included in the evaluation plan for any subcomponent not included in the approved
variance should be used as the basis of the evaluation.
The table below summarizes the data elements that are required to be submitted for Educator Evaluation under
Education Law §3012-d via the Staff Evaluation Rating Template for the 2023-24 school year, exported from your
local data systems for each teacher and principal. Please note, If an LEA is unable to complete one of the
subcomponents of Educator Evaluation, the complete subcomponent may be submitted with no overall rating for
applicable educators.
Evaluation Category
Student Performance
Required Student Performance subcomponent scores reported as a whole number from 0-20,
using the following code: REQSP.
If the evaluation measures per the LEA’s approved evaluation plan DO NOT incorporate the
results of the NYS grades 3-8 ELA/Math assessments, State-provided growth scores, the NYS
grade 4 Science assessment, and/or the aimsweb assessment, these measures are the basis of
the required student performance subcomponent score.
If the evaluation measures per the LEA’s approved evaluation plan DO NOT incorporate the
results of the NYS grades 3-8 ELA/Math assessments and/or State-provided growth scores, but
DO incorporate the aimsweb assessment or the NYS grade 4 science assessment, the measures
included in the Removal of aimsweb supplemental form or the Removal of grade four science
form, as applicable, are the basis of the required student performance subcomponent score.
In LEAs where the optional student performance subcomponent is used with a supplemental assessment, these educators
do not require an alternate SLO; the basis of the student performance category is the optional measure.
Office of Educator Quality and Professional Development March 21, 2024
If the original evaluation measures per the LEA’s approved evaluation plan incorporate the
results of the NYS grades 3-8 ELA/Math assessments and/or State-provided growth scores,
Alternate SLOs are the basis of the required student performance subcomponent score.
If the LEA has an approved variance that includes the student performance category, the
measures and assessments included in the approved variance are the basis of scores and
Optional Student Performance subcomponent scores, as applicable, reported as a whole
number from 0-20, using the following code: OPTSP.
Please note, any optional student performance subcomponent based on a State-provided
growth score should be excluded from an educator’s evaluation.
Teacher Observation/
Principal School Visit
Required Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent scores reported as a
number from 1.00-4.00 or 0.00, using the following code: REQOB.
Optional Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent scores, as applicable,
reported as a number from 1.00-4.00, using the following code: OPTOB.
Overall Evaluation
Rating Category
Overall ratings reported using the following codes: OCR04 = highly effective, OCR03 =
effective, OCR02 = developing, OCR01 = ineffective based on the matrix prescribed in
Education Law §3012-d(5).
Evaluation Category
Student Performance
Required Student Performance subcomponent scores reported as a whole number from 0-20,
using the following code: REQSP.
Optional Student Performance subcomponent scores, as applicable, reported as a whole
number from 0-20, using the following code: OPTSP.
If the LEA has an approved variance that includes the student performance category, the
measures and assessments included in the approved variance are the basis of scores and
Teacher Observation/
Principal School Visit
Required Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent scores reported as a
number from 1.00-4.00 or 0.00, using the following code: REQOB.
Optional Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent scores, as applicable,
reported as a number from 1.00-4.00, using the following code: OPTOB.
If the LEA has an approved variance that includes the teacher observation/principal school visit
category, the process included in the approved variance is the basis of scores and ratings.
Overall Evaluation
Rating Category
Overall ratings reported using the following codes: OCR04 = highly effective, OCR03 =
effective, OCR02 = developing, OCR01 = ineffective based on the matrix prescribed by
Education Law §3012-d(5).
Educator Evaluation Summaries for LEAs
To assist LEAs with the calculation, distribution, and data submission of evaluation scores and ratings, the Office
of Educator Quality and Professional Development has prepared updated Educator Evaluation summaries
applicable to the approved evaluation plan for the 2023-24 school year, which will be made available for each
LEA through SED Monitoring in the Educator Quality portal. Regional Information Centers will also receive an
updated Educator Evaluation summary for all LEAs in their area. This Educator Evaluation summary provides
information from the approved Educator Evaluation plan on measures and assessments, HEDI scoring ranges for
Office of Educator Quality and Professional Development March 21, 2024
observations and principal school visits, and subcomponent weighting, as applicable. The Educator Evaluation
summary is broken into groups of educators based on the selected measures. Each summary also provides a
description of the items that should be distributed to educators as their final evaluation and those that should
be submitted to the Department for the October 18, 2024 educator evaluation data submission deadline.
Questions regarding the Educator Evaluation summaries can be directed to EvalD[email protected]ov.
Additional Questions and Information
If you have any questions about the submission of data to SIRS, please contact your RIC or Big 5 City School
District data center or the Office of Information and Reporting Services.
If you have any questions regarding the submission of educator evaluation data, please contact
[email protected]ov. If you require assistance with your Educator Evaluation plan, please contact
[email protected]ov. Please also see the posted resources related to Education Law §3012-d and resources
related to Education Law §3012-d as amended in 2019 for further information on evaluation ratings resulting
from evaluation plans approved pursuant to Education Law §3012-d. Resources for Educator Evaluation Data
Collection and Submission are also posted on the NYSED website.