JANUARY 22, 2007
A regular meeting of the State Board of Court Reporting was held at 124 Halsey Street, Newark, N.J. on the sixth floor, on Monday, January 22, 2007. The meeting was
convened in accordance with the schedule filed with the Secretary of State and was conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meeting Act.
Chapter 321, P.L. Notice of the meeting was prepared in the office of the Board and mailed out to the Secretary of State., the Attorney General, the Star Ledger, the
Record, the Press of Atlantic City, the Asbury Park Press and the Trenton Times. Board Chairman, Marianne Cammarota called the meeting to order at 9:45 A.M. A roll
call was taken and the following attendance of Board members was recorded for these minutes:
Marianne Cammarota Present
Jean Dolan Present
Richard McCormack Absent
Susan Scardilli Present
Also in attendance were: Dianne L. Tamaroglio, Executive Director, State Board of Court Reporting; Ellen Green, Service Support Clerk to the Board and Deputy
Attorney General Olga Bradford
A motion was made by Susan Scardilli and seconded by Marianne Cammarota to approve the Public Session Minutes of November 20, 2006 as corrected. A vote was
taken and the motion was approved unanimously.
Executive Director, Dianne L. Tamaroglio advised the Board that by the phone calls being received at the Board office there is much confusion with regard to
Temporary Registration for non-certified Court Reporters. The notion out there is that by registering with the Board non-certs have carte blanche to work anywhere,
anytime. We have to make it clear that non-certs can only work when a Certified Court Reporter cannot be obtained.
Board Chairman, Marianne Cammarota discussed with the Board the voice writing demonstrations that were presented at the November 20, 2007 Board meeting. The
Board feels that it will further need to be determined if Voice Writing falls under the definition of Court Reporting as defined in the Certified Court Reporters Statute
N.J.S.A. 45:15B-10. Ms. Cammarota also advised the Board that she has been nominated to become a member of the National Court Reporters Foundation and will
follow-up with Robert J. Campanelli, Ethics Officer, Division of Consumer Affairs, to be certain that there will be no conflict of interest.
A. Continuing Education Audit
Tracy Lynn Neilson, CSR 30XI00202400
Re: Additional information on DelMar College Course requested by the Board for CE approval
Tracy Lynn Neilson, CSR was a participant in the Continuing Education Audit for the 2006-2008 biennial renewal. The Board reviewed the documentation for the
DelMar College course taken by Ms. Neilson. It was determined by the Board that the DelMar College course does meet the requirements for Continuing Education
credit. Unfortunately, the course is an internet course and Ms. Neilson has met the maximum of 5 internet credits per biennial certification period as stated in N.J.A.C.
13:43-7.4(a)6. A motion was made by Jean Dolan and seconded by Susan Scardilli to grant Ms. Neilson an extension until July, 30, 2007 to acquire the remaining two
(2) credits needed to be in compliance with the Continuing Education requirements as stated in N.J.A.C. 13:43-7.2 and N.J.A.C. 13:43-7.3. A vote was taken and the
motion passed by a unanimous vote. The Board will also advise Ms. Neilson that she will be responsible to obtain another fifteen (15) Continuing Education credits for
the 2008 - 2010 Biennial Renewal.
B. Requesting Reinstatement of CSR
Jennifer J. Catania
Re: No response to directive from the Board
To date the Board has not received any response from Jennifer Catania regarding the Boards directive which requested an affidavit of her employment with specific
information as to where and when she was working while her Certification was in expired status. Additionally, the Board made Ms. Catania aware of the fact that she is
coming up to the five year period of her certification being in expired status; this could result in her having to take the Board’s adopted examination again as per
N.J.A.C. 13:43-3A.3 (d). Considering the above a motion was made by Jean Dolan and seconded by Susan Scardilli to authorize DAG Olga Bradford to issue either a
Consent Order or a Settlement Letter with the provision that the Board would consider the reinstatement of Ms. Catania’s Certification on the condition that she respond
to the Board’s directive and pay a Civil Penalty of $1500.00 for uncertified practice from the year 2002 to present. A vote was taken and the motion was passed by a
unanimous vote.
C. Appearance Patricia Schiripo, Regulatory Analyst
Re: N.J.A.C. 13:43-2.2(b)
The Board previously approved revisions to its regulations to better coincide with its new Statute that became effective January 11, 2007. It was recently noted, that a
provision of the Board’s existing reg’s N.J.A.C. 13:43-2.2 which had been removed from the revisions is necessary and should be placed back in the new reg’s before
they are published in the New Jersey Register. Regulatory Analyst, Patricia Schiripo discussed with the Board why this provision should remain in the reg’s and
reviewed the new amendments to the revision. Upon discussion a motion was made by Jean Dolan and seconded by Susan Scardilli to accept N.J.A.C. 13:43-2.2 as
amended. A vote was taken and the motion passed by a unanimous vote.
A. Continuing Education Audit
Re: Requesting Extension for Continuing Education Credit
Tracy Cook, CSR 30XI00223200
Tracy Cook, CSR participated in the Continuing Education Audit for the 2006-2008 Biennial Renewal. Ms. Cook wrote to the Board asking for an extension to obtain
the 14 remaining Continuing Education credits needed for her renewal. A motion was made by Susan Scardilli and seconded by Jean Dolan to grant an extension to July
30, 2007 to acquire the remaining 14 credits needed to be in compliance with the Continuing Education requirements as stated in N.J.A.C. 13:43-7.2 and N.J.A.C. 13:43-
7.3. A vote was taken and the motion was passed by a unanimous vote. The Board will also advise Ms. Cook that she will be responsible to obtain another fifteen (15)
Continuing Education credits for the 2008 - 2010 Biennial Renewal.
B. Answered "no" on renewal application
Re: Completion of Continuing Education Credits
1. No response to letter from the Board office
Aaron Berkowitz, CSR 30XI00045100
On the 2006-2008 Biennial Renewal application Aaron Berkowitz, CSR answered "no" to the question on the completion of the Continuing Education requirements.
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 13:43-7.1 & 2, all Certificate renewal applicants are required to complete, during the preceding biennial period, a minimum of 15 credits of
Continuing Education. Letters have been forwarded to Mr. Berkowitz from the Board office but there has been no response. A motion was made by Jean Dolan and
seconded by Susan Scardilli to authorize DAG Olga Bradford to issue a Provisional Order to Mr. Berkowitz suspending his Certification for failure to cooperate with the
Board under the Duty to Cooperate Regulation. A vote was taken and the motion was passed by a unanimous vote.
2. Requesting an extension
Sandra Korkowski, CSR 30Xi00041500
The Board received correspondence from Sandra Korkowski, CSR regarding her answering "no" on her renewal application to the question on the completion of the
required Continuing Education requirements. A motion was made by Jean Dolan and seconded by Susan Scardilli to grant an extension until July 30, 2007 to fulfill the
requirement for the completion of the15 Continuing Education credits for the 2006-2008 biennial renewal. A vote was taken and the motion was passed by a unanimous
vote. Also, Ms. Korkowski will be advised she must complete the Continuing Education requirements for the 2008-2010 Biennial Renewal.
C. Correspondence from Kathleen Sabino, CSR 30XI00090000
Re: Realtime Examination
Kathleen Sabino, CSR wrote to the Board to express her disappointment in the Boards decision to administer the Realtime Examination once a year due to the low
number of Candidates. Ms. Sabino has asked the Board to reconsider this decision and offered a suggestion to conduct the examination in a State facility to help reduce
the expense of administering the examination. The Board will take Ms. Sabino’s suggestion under advisement.
D. Requesting Continuing Education approval
1. Susan Gioffre, CSR 30XI00122000
Re: Case Catalyst Training
The course material for Case Catalyst Training was sent to the Board by Susan Gioffre, CSR for Continuing Education approval. A motion was made by Susan Scardilli
and seconded by Jean Dolan to approve the course for six continuing education credits. A vote was taken and the motion was passed unanimously.
2. Heywood Waga, CSR, CRR, RPR
Re: Woody Waga Seminars
Board Chairman, Marianne Cammarota and Executive Director, Dianne Tamaroglio previously approved Woody Waga Seminar for January 6, 2007. A motion was
made by Susan Scardilli and seconded by Marianne Cammarota to ratify the approval of the Woody Waga Seminar submitted by Heywood Waga. A vote was taken and
the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
236-2006 Realtime for Beginners 1
237-2006 Introduction to Speedbuilding 1
238-2006 Ethics in the Court Reporting Profession 1
239-2006 Deaf Culture 1
240-2006 Financial Planning During and After Serving As A Professional Court Reporter 1
241-2006 Advanced Speedbuilding 1
242-2006 Advanced Realtime 1
243-2006 Open Discussion/ Q & A 1
3. Jeff Justice, CSP
Re: Continuing Education Seminar
The seminar documentation forwarded to the Board by Jeff Justice contained two (3) sessions; Turning What Is Said Into What Is Read, The Art of Cart and Captioning
and Harmonizing Your Life with Humor. A motion was made by Susan Scardilli and seconded by Richard McCormack to approve "Turning What Is Said Into What Is
Read" for five (5) continuing education credits and "The Art of Cart and Captioning" for three (3) continuing education credits totaling eight (8) continuing education
credits for both. A vote was taken and the motion was passed unanimously. "Harmonizing Your Life with Humor" was not approved by the Board because it does not
meet the requirements of the continuing education regulation, specifically, N.J.A.C. 13:43-7.3.
4. Vera Tibekin Sitze, CSR 30XI00103700
Re: Brush Up on Your Punctuation Skills
The Board reviewed the course outlines sent in by Vera Tiebekin Sitze, Certified Court Reporter, for two NCRA E-seminars, Brush Up on Your Punctuation Skills and
Hidden Shortcuts to the Big League of Realtime. A motion was made by Susan Scardilli and seconded by Jean Dolan to approve each E-seminar for one (1) Continuing
Education credit. A vote was taken and the motion was passed unanimously.
5. Gina Lamm, CSR 30XI00204300
Re: Eclipse Training
The Board reviewed seminar materials sent in by Gina Lamm, Certified Court Reporter, for the Eclipse Software Professionals Network’s 15th Annual
Convention/Training Seminars that she will be attending on March 23, 2007 and March 24, 2007. A motion was made by Jean Dolan and seconded by Susan Scardilli to
award a total of fourteen and one half (14.5) Continuing Education credits for the seminar courses she is taking. A vote was taken and the motion was passed
unanimously. For anyone who attends three days of the Seminar they will obtain an additional 5.5 credits.
4-2007 New Help system, Visualizers, and Video Tutorials 1.5
5-2007 Total Eclipse Training or
6-2007 Introduction to CART and Captioning or
7-2007 Realtime Voice Writing with Total Eclipse 5.0
8-2007 Useful Gadges for Reporters 1.0
9-2007 Auto-Indexing Overview 1.5
10-2007 Total Eclipse Training, Continued or
11-2007 "On the Air" with Accucap! or
12-2007 Realtime Voice Writing with Total Eclipse, 4.0
13-2007 Research Tools for Court Reporters 1.5
6. Pennsylvania Court Reporters Association, Inc.
Re: PCRA Annual Convention
The Pennsylvania Court Reporters Association Annual Convention course documentation forwarded to the Board by Amy E. H. Bell was reviewed by the Board. A
motion was made by Susan Scardilli and seconded by Jean Dolan to approve the following courses for a total of 13 credits. A vote was taken and the motion was passed
14-2007 Keeping Our Profession Alive, Part 1 1.0
15-2007 Keeping Our Profession Alive. Part 2 1.0
16-2007 Transcript Jeopardy 1.0
17-2007 Punctuation and Grammar - From Preference To Perfection 1.0
18-2007 Ethics 101 1.0
19-2007 What Are The Realities of Electronic Recording/Digital Recording in PA, and How Are We To Address It? 1.0
20-2007 Conflicts/Artificial Intelligence: Food for Thought 1.0
21-2007 Break-Out Software Training Sessions - I 1.5
22-2007 Break-Out Software Training Sessions - II 1.5
23-2007 Reporting A High-Profile Case, Part 1 2.0
24-2007 Reporting A High-Profile Case, Part 2 1.0
7. Nancy J. Dougherty, CCR, RPR 30XI00205800
Re: Breast Cancer Theories: Causes & Prevention
The outline for an internet course, "Breast Cancer Theories: Causes & Prevention" was sent to the Board by Nancy J. Dougherty, CSR, RPR, for Continuing Education
approval. A motion was made by Jean Dolan and seconded by Susan Scardilli to approve the internet course for 1 (one) Continuing Education credit. A vote was taken
and the motion was passed unanimously.
8. National Court Reporters Association
Re: NCRA Midyear Convention
The Board reviewed all course materials for the National Court Reporters Association Midyear Conference for continuing education credits. A motion was made by
Susan Scardilli and seconded by Jean Dolan to approve the following courses. A vote was taken and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
27-2007 TECH TRACK: Gadgets and Goodies You Can’t Go Without 1.5
28-2007 Vendor Seminar: Three Ways to Use Video Depositions to Increase Revenue 1.5
29-2007 Troubleshooting by the Remote Captioner 1.5
30-2007 TECH TRACK: Realtime for the Really, Really Nervous 1.5
31-2007 Not Just Another Steno Swap, eh? 1.5
32-2007 Making the Most of Your Speedbuilding Practice Using NCRA’S Realtime Coach™ System 1.5
33-2007 TECH TRACK: Realtime Troubleshooting 1.5
34-2007 Vendor Seminar: The Reporter’s Role in Litigation Support - CT Summation and You 1.5
35-2007 Reporting and Delivering the Scott/Laci Peterson Trial Transcript 1.5
36-2007 The Situation Room 1.5
37-2007 TECH TRACK: Cheap and Easy... Technology, That Is! 1.5
38-2007 Steno Swap 1.5
39-2007 Freelancing Across the Continent: How’s it Done in Your Neck of the Woods? 1.5
40-2007 Left Brain/ Right Brain Marketing 1.5
44-2007 On the Flip Side - Where Punctuation Shouldn’t Go! 1.5
45-2007 TEACH TRACK: Myth vs Reality:
Voice Writing Technology in the Professional Practice of Court Reporting 1.5
46-2007 KISS - Keep It Simple Steno 1.5
47-2007 Captioning Consumer Panel 1.5
48-2007 World Trade Center: The Moussaoui Trial 1.5
49-2007 Point-Counterpoint: Court Reporter Value vs. Electronic Recording 1.5
50-2007 Vendor Seminar: Portable Realtime 1.5
51-2007 Business of CART 1.5
52-2007 Second Annual TSVC (Trivia, Spelling, Vocabulary Challenge) 1.5
53-2007 TECH TRACK: Signatures in the Digital Age 1.5
54-2007 Faster and Faster and Faster 1.5
55-2007 Information Exchange for Firm Owners 1.5
56-2007 TECH TRACK: Your Transcript and Advanced Delivery Options 1.5
57-2007 Vendor Seminar: Stenograph’s Latest Technology 1.5
58-2007 Information Exchange for Freelance Reporters 1.5
59-2007 Research and Prepping Techniques for Captioners 1.5
60-2007 TECH TRACK: Basic Technology Tips for Court Reporters 1.5
61-2007 Vendor Seminar: AristoCAT 1.5
62-2007 Information Exchange for Official Reporters 1.5
63-2007 CART: Not Just Another CART Seminar, eh? 1.5
The following courses were not approved by the Board because they do not meet the requirements of the continuing education regulation, specifically, N.J.A.C. 13:43-
Optional Vancouver City Tour
Welcome to Canada, eh?
Welcome to Keynote Presentation
National Committee of State Associations (NCSA):
Legislative Jump Start
Conference Luncheon - Shift Happens: Living Bold,
Adventurous and Gutsy
Direct Member Voting: The Myths and Realities
A. Correspondence from Lisa P. Thornton, Assistant Attorney General Re: Board of Court Reporting, Election of Officers for 2006-2007
The Board received correspondence from Lisa P. Thornton, Assistant Attorney General, approving the election of the following individuals to serve as officers of the
New Jersey Board of Court Reporting for the period of December 2006 through November 2007:
Marianne Cammarota Chairman Susan Scardilli Secretary/Treasurer
B. Certified Court Reporting Bankers Exam Successful Candidates
The Certified Court Reporters Banker Examination was administered on Monday, November 20 2006, at 124 Halsey Street, Newark, NJ. Board Members Jean Dolan,
Susan Scardilli, Richard McCormack and Marianne Cammarota were present. The examination was given without incident; 6 candidates registered for the examination
and 5 attended. Of the 5 Candidates who transcribed; 4 passed and 1 failed. The following is the list of candidates and their result of the examination.
Shoshanna Hirsch Passed
Scot Mullaney Passed
Nanci Sciamanna Passed
Liliana Thomas Failed
Kristina Young Passed
C. Certified Court Reporting’s next Bankers Exam
The State Board of Court Reporting will hold the next Bankers Examination on March 19, 2007. The examination will be held at 124 Halsey Street, Newark, NJ on the
sixth floor, Hudson Room, at 9:30 A.M.. The candidates with conditional credit are Lilliana Thomas and Donna Hubert; both candidates have been notified.
D. Court Reporting Summary Count of Certifications
The Board reviewed the Court Reporting’s summary count of Certifications by status as of December 31, 2006, it is as follows:
1 2 2 34 106
1,010 1 18 1 596 160 2 128 4 15 5 1,940
1,077 1 18 2 598 162 2 162 4 15 5 2,046
Correspondence from Raymond S. Londa, Esquire
Raymond S. Londa, Esquire forwarded to the Board a copy of a letter he sent to Class Act. Reporting Agency, LLC. This was considered informational for the Board
deeming no discussion or decision-making.
F. Report to the State Board of Shorthand Reporters
Re: Bill: A3377
The Board reviewed the Legislative Report referencing Bill, A3377 which permits oaths, affirmations and affidavits to be taken by Certified Court Reporters which has
passed in Assembly 80-0-0, received in Senate and referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee on 12/11/2006.
A motion was made by Susan Scardilli and seconded by Jean Dolan to adjourn Public Session at 12:15 P.M. and move into Executive Session at 12:20 P.M. A vote was
taken and the motion was passed by a unanimous vote. The Board moved into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dianne L. Tamaroglio
Executive Director