Insights from Psychology and Psychometrics on
Measuring Risk Tolerance
by Michael
and John
who holds a
in educational
director of institutior^al
Salle University
associate professor
of psychology
The American College
address is
Davey is co-founder
of FmaMetrica
Limited in
provider of a
he pioneered
planning in
He can be reached
serves as
program director
for the financial planning program at
Kansas State
in Manhattan,
He is best
known for
risk tolerance
Send correspondence
risk tolerance be measured with
The ubiquity of risk tolerance
questionnaires would suggest a definitive
According to Droms and Strauss
the first financial risk tolerance
questionnaire was published in 1984, and
in the ensuing two decades their use has
become increasingly more frequent and
accepted. In fact, Cochran (2002) offers the
following advice to financial planners: "If
you do not have a risk tolerance question-
naire, develop one, and use it to help struc-
ture your clients' portfolios" (p. 2 of down-
loaded article).
But two recent articles question
whether questionnaires can truly assess a
Executive Symmary
Despite some arguments to the con-
client's financial risk tolerance
can be measured accurately by
provided that the question-
naire has been developed in
dance with psychometric principles.
The science of psychometrics has
of standards by which to judge the
quality of
dards deal with the processes
create the questionnaire
characteristics of the results produced
by the questionnaire.
In questionnaire
tions should be evaluated for their
and their ability to differentiate
between Individuals with different
levels of risk
questionnaire in its entirety should be
subjected to
evaluation of its ade-
Adherence to these principles
can ensure that the questionnaire's
results are both reliable and
Validity and reliability determine
reliable questionnaire
with known
valid questionnaire meas-
ures what it claims to measure.The
client's risk tolerance. Bouchey (2004)
devised a ten-question risk tolerance survey
that he believed typified the questions used
by financial planners and found that the
questionnaire did not predict respondents'
actual investment behavior, while Yook
and Everett (2003) reported the disturbing
finding that six "investor risk tolerance"
questionnaires failed to correlate highly
publisher of
questionnaire should
provide evidence of
naire's reliability and validity.
Unfortunately, questionnaires com-
monly used by financial planners do
not adhere to psychometric standards.
generally too brief
ity problem) and contain too many
validity problem).
Bad questions are those dealing with
constructs other than risk tolerance,
such as risk capacity (how much risk
the client can afford to
horizons, liquidity,
Although important to the financial
these issues are not
part of the construct of risk tolerance.
Questions that require explanation
are also bad questions.
Many of the commonly
questionnaires are actually asset
allocation calculators mislabelled as
risk tolerance tests.
While few planners have the
resources to develop and maintain a
psychometrically sound question-
planners should know how
to do due diligence on any question-
naire they use.
(correlations ranging from .31 to.78, with
an average of .56).
Both papers reach some legitimate con-
clusions, and their authors are to be com-
mended for raising concerns about current
assessment practices in the industry.
Bouchey is correct in concluding that his
short homegrown test was a poor measure
of risk tolerance. Likewise, Yook and
Journal of Financial Planning/April 2005
Everett rightly contend that a majority of
risk tolerance questionnaires in current use
fail to provide a consistent picture of the
same investor, and that this could lead to
different recommendations depending on
which test was used. We have no quarrel
with these two conclusions.
However, we must take issue with the
explanations provided for these findings,
and the resultant implications. Yook and
Everett maintain that the problem with such
questionnaires lies in "the artificiality inher..
ent in the risk-questionnaire design" (p. 50).
According to Bouchey, "(t)he key weakness
appears to be that traditional risk tolerance
questionnaires are trying to get an answer to
what is a technical question, one that is diffi-
cult for the average investor to compre-
hend." Both articles seem to imply (perhaps
unintentionally) that questionnaires conse-
quently cannot ever be valid measures of
risk tolerance. For instance, Bouchey recom-
mends that "planners may want to look at
some other ways to guide them in drawing
up portfolios for their clients."
While we agree that poor risk tolerance
questionnaires are rampant in the financial
services industry, we don't believe in a
blanket condemnation of the questionnaire
as a method for measuring risk tolerance.
Our position is that appropriately designed
questionnaires can validly and reliably
assess risk tolerance provided that (I) no
inappropriate questions are asked and that
(2) enough appropriate questions are asked.
In fact, we would go further and say that
best practice requires the use of a valid and
reliable questionnaire.
The problem with nearly all so-called
risk tolerance questionnaires is that they
have been constructed without regard to
psychometrics. Commonly, they contain
too many "bad" questions and not enough
"good" questions. As a consequence, the
results produced by such questionnaires
are neither valid nor reliable. Psychomet-
a blend of psychology and statistics, is
the measurement science for attributes
such as risk tolerance. In psychometric
a valid test is one that measures
what it purports to measure and a reliable
test is one that does so consistently (with
known accuracy).
In this article, we introduce the reader
to basic concepts of good measurement
principles by describing how inadequate
risk tolerance test design could lead to the
results observed by Bouchey and Yook and
Everett. Although some statistical formulas
will be discussed, we will refrain from pre-
senting the formulas in their traditional
mathematical format or delving into their
derivations and proofs. Rather, we will take
the reader through a step-by-step process
to obtaining the final result. As part of this
discourse, we will also canvas more general
issues relating to the use of risk tolerance
tests in the financial planning process.
As a result of this article, we don't
expect all financial planners to be able to
design their own psychometrically valid
risk tolerance questionnaire. But we hope
the psychometric principles presented here
will help the financial planning profession
design better tests, and that all readers will
be better able to assess the validity of third-
party questionnaires or their own question-
naires they may want to use on their
Risk Attitude,
and Risk Capacity
Because the terms used to describe risk-
related constructs are not always used with
the same meanings, we begin by clarifying
our use of the terminology. Some commen-
tators (for example, Boone and Lubitz 2003)
do not talk about risk tolerance but rather
talk of risk attitude (how much risk I choose
to take) and risk capacity (how much risk I
can afford to take). Eor others (for example,
Cordell 2002), risk tolerance is a composite
of risk attitude and risk capacity.
We agree that planners must understand
their client's risk attitude (a psychological
attribute) and risk capacity (a financial
attribute). In this paper, we talk about risk
tolerance and risk capacity, but use "risk
tolerance" to mean the psychological attrib-
We believe the majority of clients and
planners use "risk tolerance" in this sense.
We see risk tolerance being the client's
emotional comfort with financial risk
how psychologically receptive an individ-
ual is to situations involving financial risk.
Risk capacity, on the other hand, is about
the extent to which the client's finances can
sustain a financial setback.
Risk tolerance and risk capacity act as
two unrelated constraints, which should
not be combined into an amalgam but
rather kept separate so that alternatives can
be compared against each.
The Science of Psychometrics
Since the late 19* century, psychologists
and statisticians have been developing tech-
niques to quantify and assess psychological
constructs such as risk tolerance. While this
development has not been free of contro-
versy, there is now a widely accepted disci-
pline—psychometrics—dealing with psy-
chological testing and assessment. Today,
the technical quality of any psychological
assessment device (which includes ques-
tionnaires) can be measured against inter-
nationally agreed psychometric standards.'
To meet these standards, a test must go
through a rigorous development process.
Eirst, a large pool of questions is created
and tested on representative samples of the
population for which the test is intended,
to see if the question is understandable and
answerable by this audience. Questions
that seem straightforward are often
revealed to have poor understandability or
answerability. Note that even though
Bouchey believed he had eliminated techni-
cal jargon and made the questions short
and simple, his respondents, who were
"fairly well versed in financial invest-
ments," still informed him that they found
some of the questions confusing.
Journal of Financial Pianning/April 2005 Mitt
Next, questions with apparent promise,
based on their understandability and
answerability, are tested on further repre-
sentative samples using statistical criteria.
The results are examined to determine if
the statistical characteristics of the ques-
tions and the scoring algorithm are proper.
Upon testing, questions that at first appear
insightful are often revealed to have little or
no statistical value in differentiating one
respondent from another. Typically, ques-
tion development requires multiple loops
through both trial processes.
Reasons Why Risk Tolerance
Questionnaires Can Fail to
The usefulness of a test is indicated by its
validity and reliability. Validity is the
extent to which a test actually measures
what it claims to measure. Reliability indi-
cates how consistent the results from the
test will be. A test that is not reliable can't
be valid, although a reliable test is not nec-
essarily a valid one because it could be
measuring the wrong thing consistently.
Risk tolerance questionnaires may fail to
correlate for two primary reasons;
The tests are really assessing different
constructs (that is, at least one of them
is not a valid test).
The tests are measuring the same con-
struct, but at least one of them has low
reliability, so the signal is lost because
of the noise in the measures.
The failure to find high correlations
between the six questionnaires studied by
Yook and Everett can probably be attrib-
uted to these two causes, as discussed
Problems Associated with Risk
Tolerance Questionnaires
Years ago it was not uncommon to find
questions relating to physical risk tolerance
in questionnaires designed to measure
financial risk tolerance. Today, the more
prevalent problem is that many risk toler-
ance questionnaires deal with financial
matters that are not really part of the con-
struct of risk tolerance. This is a legacy
from the ubiquitous asset allocation calcu-
lators which were often incorrectly
described and mistakenly thought of as
testing risk tolerance (see Droms and
Strauss 2003.) Even though Yook and
Everett treated the questionnaires used in
their study as though each assessed an indi-
vidual's risk tolerance, a review of the
actual questionnaires suggests that this
assumption is unwarranted. For example,
the Vanguard questionnaire "...makes asset
allocation suggestions based on the infor-
mation you enter about your investment
objectives and experience, time horizon,
risk tolerance and financial situation."
Likewise, at least half of the questions in
Bouchey's questionnaire are not measures of
risk tolerance. Eor example, the following
has nothing to do with risk tolerance: "I
make withdrawals from my investments to
cover my living expenses." It may provide
clues to a client's risk capacity or investment
but not to the client's risk tolerance.
Another question in Bouchey's question-
naire is, "I do not plan to make withdrawals
from this investment over the next several
Questions about a client's time hori-
zon (or age or stage of life), while valid for
making investment recommendations, are
invalid questions for assessing risk tolerance.
A financial planning proposal is a recom-
mendation about behavior—that a client
should (or should not) do something. Behav-
ior will be a function of
perceived risk,
risk tolerance, and risk capacity, as well as
other factors (Trone, AUbright, and Taylor
Time horizon is relevant in a strat-
egy-selection context but not in a risk-toler-
ance-assessment context. The expectation
that a risk tolerance questionnaire should
include risk capacity, time horizon, and
other non-risk-tolerance questions is a con-
sequence of familiarity with asset allocation
calculators mislabeled as risk tolerance tests.
Mixing questions about more than one
construct in a single brief questionnaire
will almost invariably lead to an inaccurate
assessment of all the constructs because
none can be measured adequately due to
the brevity of the questionnaire. Bouchey
observed this
noting that "(b)y
failing to answer just one of the questions
correctly, a respondent moves closer to the
middle, or moderate position. When two or
three of the questions are incorrectly
answered, the effect is magnified. Unless
the respondents are totally consistent—and
accurate—in all of their answers, therefore,
chances are strong that just a few misinter-
preted questions will change the entire
thrust of their response."
Modeling packages often have "risk tol-
erance questionnaires" built into them but
in most instances they do a shabby job of
measuring this construct. Generally, the
questionnaires are simplistically short or
they require a level of investment-risk
understanding beyond the vast majority of
clients. In some cases these risk tolerance
questionnaires are no more than re-labeled
asset allocation calculators. Some financial
planning firms have developed their own
risk tolerance questionnaires and
processes, of varying degrees of sophistica-
tion and sensibility, but all, to our knowl-
without regard to psychometrics
Bouchey is again quite correct in stat-
ing, "One way to improve the reliability of
a risk tolerance questionnaire might be to
introduce more science into the process and
enlist the help of psychologists or sociolo-
These professionals have been trying
to elicit answers from people for a long
time and understand how to quantify them
in ways that are more statistically valid
than a random set of questions like those
most planners use."
the first problem with industry-
standard questionnaires is one of invalid
questions dealing with capacity, time hori-
zon, and other non-risk-tolerance issues.
Journal of Financial Planning/April 2005
The second problem relates to questions
that require explanation. Such questions
arise out of the misguided concept that the
client should complete the questionnaire
with the help of the planner. Once a plan-
ner plays an active role in the completion
of a questionnaire, the results will be influ-
enced and the objectivity of the test will be
compromised. Surveys of the public (for
example. Cutler and Devlin 1996) reveal a
low level of financial literacy and sophisti-
cation. Therefore, high-school-standard,
plain English should be the order of the
day. Financial terminology should be
avoided if one aims for high understand-
ability. Even something as straightforward
(from a planner's perspective) as "bonds"
could cause difficulties. Similarly, ques-
tions involving percentage rates of return
are problematic. If inflation is not men-
tioned, some respondents will have diffi-
culty answering this question because they
want to know whether the return is before
or after inflation. Yet once a question men-
tions inflation, the majority finds the ques-
tion too difficult. (For examples of people's
difficulties in comprehending and estimat-
ing inflation, see Bolton, Warlop, and Alba
Hudson 1989; Krause and Granato
As for questions involving means
and standard deviations, they might as well
be in another language (which, in reality,
they are!).
Common methods of assessing risk tol-
erance share a third problem—namely,
relying too heavily on questions overly
focused on investment issues (another con-
sequence of the ubiquity of asset allocation
calculators). Financial planning is not just
about investment advice but financial
issues in general, and risk tolerance is rele-
vant to all financial decisions.
What Is
While it is possible to do a quick scan of a
questionnaire for "bad" questions using the
problems listed above as a checklist, deter-
mining what is a "good" question is not as
easy. Users of risk tolerance questionnaires
must look critically at the questions being
asked of their clients. A question that
appears to be suitable may not be, for rea-
sons that only become apparent when it is
subjected to psychometric scrutiny, and
this process must be conducted on the
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Journal of Financial Planning/April 2005
Exampies of 'Good' and 'Bad' Risk Tolerance Questions
When you think of the word
the following words comes to mind first?
a. Danger
b. Uncertainty
Compared to other people you know, how
would you rate your ability to tolerate the
stress associated with important financial
Very low
Very high
Do you anticipate having a large cash need
within the
a. Next year
b. Next 2 to 3 years
Next 4 to 7 years
Next 8 or more years
How much discretionary income do you
expect to have available in the next three
years compared to today?
Substantially less
About the same
Substantially more
Adapted from the Investment Risk Tolerance Questionnaire pubiished by the American
2 .These are exampies of situationai (rather than attitudinai) questions.They are relevant to financial planning decisions but not
questionnaire as a whole. Examples of
"good" questions devoted solely to the
assessment of financial risk tolerance can be
found at
provides further
examples of "good" and "bad" questions.
Designing Effective
Research indicates that planners should be
concerned about the accuracy of any client
questionnaire (test) they are considering. But
how many questions would suffice and what
level of accuracy is feasible? In psychomet-
these questions are answered through
consideration of
test's "reliability." So let's
turn our discussion to what constitutes psy-
chometric reliability and what it means in
terms of
test's performance.
The score on any test, including question-
naires purporting to measure risk tolerance,
consists of two parts: a true score and an
error (that is, obtained score = true score ±
error of measurement). All psychometric
tests have some margin of error, so it is a
matter of
Reliability can be concep-
tualized as the ratio of the true score to the
obtained score. In other words, reliability
tells us what proportion of the test is non-
error. If the error component is large, then
the test is unreliable and will fail to give con-
sistent results from one testing to the next,
even if the client's risk tolerance has not
changed. The error generally comes from
sources in the test itself (such as ambiguous
wording), but it also can be due to random
situationai factors, like the test-taker being
anxious or tired the day the questionnaire is
administered. Other situationai factors
include motivation, fluctuations in attention
or memory, and recent experiences.
Correlation coefficients—statistics that
range in value from 0 to
used exten-
sively in psychometrics. A correlation coeffi-
cient indicates how closely two things relate
to each other (that is, "go together"). A cor-
relation of
means that there is no relation-
ship whatsoever, so knowing the value of
the one thing tells us absolutely nothing
about the value of the second thing. Con-
versely, a correlation of
indicates a perfect
relationship. In a perfect relationship, know-
ing the value of one variable allows one to
perfectly predict the value of the second
variable. In real life, most correlations fall in
between these extremes.
Standard Error of
The reliability of a test can be thought of
as the correlation coefficient between the
true score and the score as tested. Reliabil-
ity tells the planner the band in which the
client's true risk tolerance score is
It is possible to estimate the typical margin
of error in a test if two things are known:
(1) the reliability of the test and (2) the
standard deviation of the scores in the
sample on which the test is normed. This
statistic, called the standard error of meas-
urement (SET), is obtained as follows:
Step 1. Subtract the correlation coefficient
from 1. Let's use a reliability corre-
lation coefficient of
as an exam-
So we have
- .53 = .47.
Step 2. Take the square root ofthe value
from Step 1. In our example, \.47
= .6856.
Step 3. Multiply the value in Step 2 by the
standard deviation. Let's assume
that the standard deviation of the
sample scores was 10 points. So, 10
.6856 = 7, when rounded to a
whole number.
Now we know that the SE" is 7. So what?
Well, with this information we can come up
with an idea of the band in which the client's
risk tolerance score is located given the
margin of error inherent in the test due to
unreliability. This band is sometimes called
the confidence interval. We can be 95 percent
certain that the client's true risk tolerance lies
in a range that is 1.96 times the
95 percent of
normal distribution lies
within 1.96 standard deviations ofthe mean).
In our example, the confidence interval is 7 x
1.96 = 13.72, or
points when rounded to a
whole number. Thus, if the client scored a 60
on this risk tolerance test, his or her true level
of risk tolerance is somewhere between the
observed score of
and plus or minus 14
points. That is, the true risk tolerance score is
a figure between 46 (60 - 14) and 74 (60 +
One would be correct in concluding that
this is quite a wide spread.
Journal of Financial Planning/April 2005
Contributions Roszkowski
Now let's suppose that the reliability of
the test is higher, say .85 rather than .53.
What impact will this have on the margin of
error? Intuitively, the margin of error, as
indicated with the
should be smaller at a
reliability of
I^t's do the math and see
what it comes out to be exactly by plugging
this value into our three-step formula. If we
use the same standard deviation as before
the answer is 3.87, which we can round
to 4. Thus, with a client scoring 60 on our
test, we can be 95 percent confident that his
or her true risk tolerance is within about 8
points (1.96
4) of the observed score. That
the score is no lower than 52 and no
higher than
This is a much smaller confi-
dence interval than the 46 to 74 that we
observed previously with a reliability of .53
(that is, 16 points versus 28 points). As is now
evident, the smaller the SE", the more accu-
rate the observed measure of risk tolerance
becomes. All other things being equal, the
depends on the reliability of the test: the
higher the reliability, the smaller the SE".
A common question is, "What does it
mean to be 95 percent confident?" Another
way of understanding the concept of the
SE" and the confidence interval is to think
of all the people who have been tested for
risk tolerance with a particular test. Given
the SE" of 4 discussed in the previous para-
graph, it means that for 95 percent of them,
their observed score (what they got on the
test) and their true score would be within 8
points of each other (1.96 x 4).
What if you retested a large number of
these people—does the
mean that 95
percent of them would have differences
between their two scores that are within 8
points? The answer is no. The interpreta-
tion of the SE" presented above deals with
differences between observed and true
scores. The answer to the new question
posed here involves what's been called the
"reliability limits of agreement" by some
statisticians and "repeatability" by others.
It requires multiplying the SE" by a value
that is higher than 1.96. Specifically, we
use 2.77. In our example of an SE" of
reliability limits of agreement would be
2.77 times 4, or about 11 points.
If the second risk tolerance score was
somewhere between -11 and -f-11 points of
the first score, it would not be considered
unusual because it is within what would be
expected given the reliability of the test. But
a score higher or lower than this would be
considered unusual enough to suggest that a
real change in risk tolerance had occurred.
An equivalent statement would be to say
that for 95 percent of the people who took
the risk tolerance test twice, their two scores
should be within 11 points of each other if
no change in risk tolerance took place.
The next question that often occurs at
this point is, "What level of reliability
should be expected in a risk tolerance test?"
The recommendations vary depending on
the type of test, but generally speaking,
tests with reliabilities below .70 should not
be used to make decisions about individuals
because the margin of error is too large.
Correlations of .80 to .89 are typically
acceptable, and ones of .90 and above are
excellent, but may be hard to achieve for
personality measures (Heilbrun 1992, Nun-
nally and Bernstein 1994).
What Makes
Test Reliable?
Other things being equal, the more ques-
tions of the same type one asks, the more
reliable an instrument becomes (Krus and
Helmstadter 1987). Using an equation
called the Spearman-Brown Prophecy for-
mula,' we can come up with a satisfactory
estimate of what the reliability would be if
we increased the length of a risk tolerance
test by a certain proportion. Let's consider
a five-question test with a reliability of .44
and another one with a reliability of
examples. How many questions would it
take to make the first test reach a reliability
of .80? The Spearman-Brown formula tells
us that the answer is 25. What if we
increased the length of the second test, the
one with reliability of
to 25 questions?
The reliability of that questionnaire would
also go up—to .85, to be exact. Table 2
shows how the reliability of the two instru-
ments would be increased by increasing the
number of questions in steps of five.
The questions added to the risk toler-
ance measures must be "good" questions.
Adding "bad" questions to the test will
actually lower its reliability. There is a
formal procedure called item (question)
analysis to tell if the questions one contem-
plates adding to a test are good or bad, and
what impact adding a particular question
will have on the test's overall reliability. In
essence, one determines whether the ques-
tion works the same way as the overall test.
One method of checking this is by looking
at how strong the correlation is between
answers to the question and answers to the
overall test (the total score on the risk toler-
ance questionnaire). To achieve a given
level of reliability, we will need to ask
fewer questions if the answers to the ques-
tions correlate highly with each other. Con-
versely, we will need to ask more questions
if they correlate poorly with each other.
Generally speaking, questions that have
correlations below .30 with the overall risk
tolerance score should be eliminated
because they hurt the reliability of the
questionnaire (Nunnally and Bernstein
Comparing Two Tests
In comparing tests, Yook and Everett
found correlations ranging from .31 to .78,
Journal of Financial Planning/April 2005
with an average of
and interpreted
these correlations as evidence that the tests
are measuring different constructs. This
explanation is plausible, but another reason
for the size of the correlations could be the
reliability of the tests.
The correlations need to be seen in the
context of what would have been reason-
able given the reliability of the tests.
Specifically, the maximum theoretical cor-
relation of two tests is the square root of
the product of their individual reliabilities.
Take two tests with quite acceptable relia-
bilities of .8 and .9. The maximum theoret-
ical correlation between them is v.8 x .9 =
.85 (not 1). If you correlate results from the
two tests, the best you could hope for is
So even if both instruments were valid
measures of risk tolerance, and each had
acceptable levels of reliability, the correla-
tion would still not be perfect because nei-
ther test is measuring the construct of risk
tolerance with 100 percent reliability. In
the language of psychometrics, the correla-
tion between the observed measurements
remains attenuated because of unreliability.
Now suppose the two tests have lower
reliabilities, .5 and .6. Theoretically, the
highest possible correlation between them
should be approximately .55. Suppose the
observed correlation was only .55. Despite
the low correlation, it is still possible that
they are measuring the same thing,
although unreliably. We can examine the
likelihood that both tests are measuring the
same construct using a formula called "cor-
rection for attenuation."
To do this, the actual correlation
between test results is divided by the maxi-
mum theoretical correlation. Dividing .55
by .55 gives us 1, a perfect correlation.
With a value of 1, it is not so easy to con-
clude that the two tests are measuring dif-
ferent constructs as it was with a value of
So, the low correlations uncovered by
Yook and Everett could be due to low relia-
bility rather than the tests measuring dif-
ferent constructs.
What Makes a Test Valid?
Broadly defined, a valid test is one that
actually measures what it purports to meas-
There are various aspects of validity
that can be considered in the development
of a test, of which content validity and cri-
terion-related validity are the most fre-
quently reported. If a test has good content
validity, the questions it asks are seen to be
very relevant by those with expertise in the
field (Anastasi and Urbina 1997).
Criterion-related validity is expressed as
a correlation coefficient for the relationship
between the test score and a separate meas-
ure of behavior related to the construct
being tested (the criterion). In the case of
risk tolerance assessment, the criterion
would be actual behavior reflecting risk-
taking propensity (for example, the propor-
tion of stocks owned within a portfolio). If
the criterion is collected at the same time
the test is administered, it is called concur-
rent validity; if the criterion does not mate-
rialize until some later time, it is called pre-
dictive validity. Although stock ownership
can be attributed to a variety of reasons,
people who own stocks are generally more
risk tolerant than people who do not own
stocks. (Of course, no test can be expected
to perfectly differentiate between owners
and non-owners of stocks because more
than risk tolerance is involved.) One should
expect a useful risk tolerance questionnaire
to correlate reasonably highly (.30 or
greater) with stock/equity ownership and
other forms of financial risk taking.
Generally, a lower value for a validity
coefficient is more acceptable than for a
reliability coefficient. Validity coefficients
as low as .40 are considered good (Heilbrun
The reason is that most complex
behavior is determined by more than one
factor, so we can explain only part of the
behavior in terms of any one construct,
such as risk tolerance. Eor example, the
correlation between the SAT (scholastic
aptitude test) and college grades is about
yet most colleges find that the SAT is
useful in making selection decisions. Simi-
larly, the average validity coefficient
between aptitude and job proficiency is
only about .22 (Ghiselli 1973).
How Should Planners Assess
Their Clients' Risk Tolerance?
Anyone can develop a questionnaire. The
question is, "Does it work?" As should now
be obvious, this question can be answered
only by determining whether the question-
naire meets psychometric standards and
thereby predicts how clients actually
Psychologists divide behavior into cog-
nitive (intellectual) and affective (emo-
tional) domains. Years of research have
shown that ordinarily it takes fewer ques-
tions to reliably assess cognitive traits than
affective ones. Unfortunately for those
who want a quick assessment, risk toler-
ance falls into the affective domain. To do
the job correctly, a reasonable amount of
time needs to be allotted to measuring it.
Financial planners who seek a five- to ten-
question test that is 100 percent accurate
will be disappointed because no such
instrument can ever be developed. Even
without knowing anything about psycho-
metrics, one should be skeptical about
brief risk tolerance tests on the basis of
pure logic. Think about it: on a five-ques-
tion test, each question constitutes 20 per-
cent ofthe total score. Changing just one
answer could put the client into an
entirely different risk tolerance category.
This is far less likely on a 25-question test,
where each question is only 4 percent of
the total score.
Lest planners be concerned that clients
will find a 25-question psychometrically
designed test onerous, it should be remem-
bered that if the questionnaire has been
designed appropriately, the understandabil-
ity and answerability of all questions will
have been assured and the process will
therefore take less time than one may
Journal of Financial
Planning /April
think. A 25-question psychometrically
designed test should take approximately 15
minutes to complete. Further, the one
thing we all want to know more about is
ourselves, so the process should be an
enjoyable one for most clients. Surveys of
respondents who have taken a 25-question
psychometric test' show that they consider
it a worthwhile exercise, which leads to a
better understanding of themselves in rela-
tion to financial risk (and, in couples, to
one another). In fact, a good risk tolerance
test should be a bright spot in the other-
wise somewhat burdensome initial fact-
finding experience.
Notwithstanding Cochran's (2002)
advice that if you don't already have a risk
tolerance test you should develop one, it is
unlikely that individual planners or small
planning firms will be able to cost-justify
the effort involved in developing (and
maintaining) their own psychometric risk
tolerance test. Hence, planners should con-
sider using a third-party test where the
publisher can substantiate that the test
meets psychometric standards. But be
aware that the results of such tests should
not be used prescriptively as a replacement
of discussion between planner and client.
Rather, tests should be an objective input
to that discussion (LeBaron, Farrelly, and
Gula 1989). Even a good test occasionally
can produce inaccurate results. Planners
should realize from what was said about
the standard error of measurement that
the completed questionnaire and test
report should be discussed with the client
to obtain their confirmation (or otherwise)
of the test results. Such discussion will, as
a byproduct, lead to a more in-depth
understanding of the client and, in couples
(each of whom should do an individual
will clarify and quantify the almost
invariable differences.
Lessons Applied
As this article makes clear, regardless of
whether a planner designs his or her own
questionnaire or uses a preexisting test, it
is essential to evaluate the final product
with psychometric principles firmly in
mind. While few readers will actually go
through the process of calculating a ques-
tionnaire's reliability, there are some les-
sons that can be applied in a planning
practice now.
President and Chief Executive Officer
National Endowment for Financial Education
Established in 1992, the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEF'E) is an
independent, non-profit private foundation dedicated to the mission of helping individ-
ual Americans acquire the information and gain the skills necessary to take control of
their financial destiny. The President serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the NEFE,
reporting to the Board of Trustees and is responsible for directing the formulation and
achievement of NEF^E's philosophy, mission, strategy and its annual goals and objec-
The incumbent represents the National Endowment for Financial Education at the
local, state, and national level. Currently, the endowment is valued at $134 million. The
position holder participates with various industry groups and governmental bodies in
communicating the financial education needs to the appropriate publics and, in tum,
responds to those needs as an educator and thought leader. Areas of responsibility
include financial control and business management, grant administration, high school
financial program, collaborative programs, personnel development and communica-
Required education, experience and skills include: Demonstrated success in leading an
organization (private or public) or a nonprofit institution while establishing credibility
with a board of directors, a management team and other stakeholders in the field (e.g.,
education, government and financial services). General management, P&L and opera-
tional experience. Experience working closely with a board and a management team in
vision strategy formulation. The ability to increase greater public awareness of the
NEFE's activities and programs. The capacity to create alliances with institutions that
will focus on solutions that deliver maximum value to the consumer (e.g., profession-
educators, the media, and the public). Ideally, a successful candidate will reside in
an organization actively involved in servicing the financial education needs of varying
segments of the public, such as a business person, an educator, or a foundation execu-
He/she could be an executive working with a board or functioning as a board mem-
ber; familiarity with fundraising and with the legislative process relative to financial
education/planning products and services. The CEO of
should be a proven leader
who has the competence, public speaking ability, stature and presence to quickly estab-
lish creditahility within the organization, as well as with extemal relations. An advanced
degree in a related field preferred.
James Abruzzo, EVP/Managlng Director, Nonprofit Practice
Larry Poore, EVP/Managing Director, Financial Services Practice
c/o Meredith Herzfeld
212-883-6800, ext. 228
First, planners should not blindly dis-
count the questionnaire method for use in
assessing risk tolerance based on the
Bouchey or Yook and Everett studies.
Given the limited number of "good" ques-
tions and the inclusion of too many "bad"
questions, it is not surprising that the
questionnaires produced dubious results.
The inclusion of "bad" questions puts in
doubt the validity of the measures; that is,
what was being measured was not risk tol-
erance. Additionally, the reliability of the
instruments is unknown and may have
been low. Under circumstances where the
instruments being evaluated were clearly
flawed, no sensible conclusions can be
drawn about the efficacy of unflawed
instruments. If anything, this suggests that
planners should only consider question-
naires that have proven psychometric
Second, for a number of reasons, it is
important to assess risk tolerance (how
much risk I choose to take) and risk capac-
ity (how much risk I can afford to take)
separately. For a questionnaire to have con-
struct validity, the instrument should be as
pure a measure of the construct as possible.
Otherwise, one does not really know what
he or she is measuring. Usually, if one tries
to measure more than one construct in a
short questionnaire, none of the constructs
is measured adequately (reliably) because
of the brevity.
Third, planners should be skeptical of
short questionnaires. Although at face
value they might look like they can do the
the reliability of such instruments is
typically low, which can cause a client's
risk tolerance to be inaccurately classified.
Short questionnaires can only provide
"ballpark" answers at best.
Fourth, planners should also exercise
caution when using questionnaires that
focus entirely on investments and exclude
other financial situations involving risk.
Financial risk tolerance plays a role in the
entire financial planning process—not just
investment planning.
While some financial planners may find a
discussion of psychometric principles a bit
intimidating and overwhelming, it is
important to at least be aware that such a
field of knowledge exists to guide one in
getting accurate assessments. We don't
expect all financial planners to be able to
design a psychometrically sound test them-
selves, but all planners should be able to at
least tell if someone else designed one with
these standards in mind. Not having an
appreciation for the principles of good
measurement can lead to (a) inaccurate
client assessment and (b) faulty conclusions
regarding the usefulness of risk tolerance
questionnaires. Psychometric principles,
properly applied, can ensure validity and
reliability in risk tolerance test results.
Unfortunately, financial planners are
seldom exposed to psychometrics in their
training, and without a basic knowledge of
the topic, they have no way to differentiate
between good and bad measures of risk tol-
erance. Hopefully, this article will serve as
an introduction to psychometrics and to
what to look for in a risk tolerance test.
It is our contention that, rather than
there being doubt about the usefulness of
risk tolerance questionnaires, a good ques-
tionnaire (that is, one that was designed to
meet psychometric standards) is an essen-
tial ingredient of a best-practice process by
which planners can reach a professional
understanding of a critical planning vari-
able—their clients' risk tolerance.
For example, see American Educational
Research Association, American Psy-
chological Association and National
Council on Measurement in Education
Standards for Educational and
Psychological Testing, Washington,
American Educational Research
For the reader interested in knowing
how we arrived at the values in Table 2,
we present the steps involved in the
Spearman-Brown formula for Test 2:
Step 1. Determine the multiple by
which the current number of
questions in the test will be
increased. For example, if we
increase a 5-question test to 25
questions, we're increasing it by
a multiple of 5, or an expansion
factor of
If we increased the
number of questions from 5 to
this expansion factor would
be 2.
Step 2. Multiply the expansion factor by
the test's current reliability. For
example, with 5 questions, Test
2 has a reliability of. 53. So,
multiplying .53 by the expan-
sion factor of
(going from 5 to
25 questions) gives us 2.65. This
value is the numerator of the
Spearman-Brown formula.
from the expansion
factor, 5-1 =4.
Step 4. Multiply Step 3 by the test's
current reliability, 4 x .53, =
Step 5. Add
to Step 4, 1 + 2.12 =
3.12. Now we have our denomi-
Step 6. Divide Step 2 (the numerator)
by Step 5 (the denominator),
2.65 H- 3.12 = .849359, or .85,
when rounded to two decimals,
the value shown in Table 2.
One such survey by a public Web site.
Financial Passages, managed by an Aus-
tralian ING-subsidiary from 1997 to
where visitors were able to com-
plete their FinaMetrica (formerly Pro-
Quest) risk profile, can be downloaded
Journal of Financial
Planning /April
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