NOVEMBER 2003 11
help support the student’s successful
learning and development. Eliciting
the full support of parents and stu-
dents is not only required by law in
terms of “informed consent,” but
will greatly enhance the effectiveness
of the process.
What Are the Limitations of
Psychological Evaluations?
It is important to recognize what
psychological evaluations do and do
not provide. They can provide esti-
mates of ability and document the
presence or absence of both positive
and negative characteristics.
However, evaluations seldom give
guidance in selecting specific
curriculum or determining appropri-
ate class assignment or grade place-
ment, generally cannot evaluate the
quality of instruction, and rarely
provide insight regarding why certain
characteristics or problems exist,
which usually requires a much
broader set of information than what
is gleaned from a psychological evalu-
ation alone.
Depending on personnel availabil-
ity, some requests for evaluation
might be impossible or inappropriate
for the school system to honor and re-
sources in the community might be
recommended. For example, parents
might seek evaluation to assist with
college admissions or eligibility for vo-
cational training after graduation,
which are not directly relevant to the
provision of a K–12 education.
What Procedures Are Used?
Psychologists use different
assessment procedures, or combina-
tions of procedures, depending upon
the reason for the evaluation. In the
case of special education evaluations,
some procedures are required by law
to determine eligibility or to deter-
mine if a disability is related to a
student’s challenging behavior, such
as using measures of ability and
achievement to identify a learning
or cognitive disability. Generally,
psychologists’ evaluation procedures
fall into the following categories:
Standardized tests: Psychologists
often use standardized tests of vari-
ous abilities to compare an individ-
ual’s performance to an appropriate
peer group. These tests are
developed and “normed” under stan-
dard conditions—using prescribed
instructions, materials, and scoring
to ensure reliable and valid compar-
isons. Scores are generally provided
as a standard score or percentile
rank. Some common examples
include the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children (WISC) and the
Woodcock Johnson Psycho-
Educational Battery.
Rating scales: Rating scales to as-
sess the presence or frequency of cer-
tain behaviors or skills are dependent
on the perceptions of the rater, thus
the psychologist’s report should note
who provided the ratings and
describe his or her relationship to
the student. The rater must be very
familiar with the student to provide
useful information, and using multi-
ple raters helps reduce biased percep-
tions. Ideally the rating scales are
normed to similar student
populations so results indicate if a
student’s skill, behavior, or emotional
status is “typical” or significantly dif-
ferent from peer groups. Examples of
commonly used rating scales include
the Behavior Assessment System for
Children (BASC) or Vineland Adap-
tive Behavior Scales.
Self-report scales: Older students
are often asked to provide ratings of
their own behavior and skills. These
measures are similar (or even identi-
cal) to other rating scales. They are
often used in conjunction with
teacher or parent rating scales and
frequently have been normed. It can
be useful to compare how students
perceive themselves relative to how
others perceive them. The BASC, for
example, includes a self-report scale.
Observations: Psychologists can
gather information about students’
learning and behavior by directly ob-
serving them in familiar, comfortable
settings, such as during class or
social interactions. Observations not
only address what a student is doing,
but how others in the setting inter-
act with him or her. Results might
be reported as percents of intervals
observed (e.g., attending to tasks
sychological evaluations con-
ducted by school-based or com-
munity professionals can be
invaluable tools in understanding and
addressing the learning needs of indi-
vidual students. When conducted,
interpreted, and reported in a manner
that accurately and fairly describes stu-
dent needs, such evaluations can posi-
tively affect a student’s educational
career. Sometimes, however, evalua-
tions are conducted for the wrong rea-
sons, with inappropriate methods, and
with little regard for how the results
will be used by parents and school
personnel. Reports of such evaluations
often end up in a file drawer, having
provided little or no information to
assist school personnel. Even compe-
tent psychological evaluations, if
ignored or misunderstood, can lead to
serious discord between parents and
school personnel and result in inap-
propriate or inadequate supports for
student learning or behavior.
The process of obtaining and inter-
preting psychological evaluations is
usually the responsibility of the school
psychologist and special education
team, but principals are often
involved in discussions regarding
these evaluations and what the results
may mean for a student’s educational
services. An evaluation’s usefulness is
greatly enhanced when administrators
understand the purpose, strengths,
and limitations of the various proce-
dures and hold realistic expectations
for the value of results.
What Is a Psychological
A psychological evaluation is a set of
assessment procedures administered
by a licensed psychologist or creden-
tialed school psychologist to obtain
information about a student’s learn-
ing, behavior, or mental health. Eval-
uations can be requested by parents,
school personnel, or students who
are of majority age. School psycholo-
gists most often conduct evaluations
as part of the special education
teams evaluation to determine eligi-
bility for services; however, they
might also conduct evaluations to
help develop instructional or behav-
ior plans for students, to identify sig-
nificant mental health concerns, or
to determine eligibility for gifted
programs or school readiness.
In the context of special education,
evaluations can only be conducted
according to “due process”
procedures—rules regarding notify-
ing parents of minor students of the
need for an evaluation, inviting par-
ents to a planning meeting, and ob-
taining the parent’s consent for the
evaluation. Outside of special educa-
tion, any psychological evaluation
also requires parent consent.
Students who have reached the age
of majority take on these roles and
must be included in planning the
evaluation and give their own
Staff members who are involved in
planning the evaluation should
remember that parents (and
students) often feel some anxiety sur-
rounding a referral for evaluation.
They may be reluctant to give con-
sent or participate for fear that the
student will be labeled as crazy—or
feel confusion or suspicion about the
process and a possible change in
placement. These issues are likely to
be exacerbated when the family has
cultural or linguistic differences. All
school personnel should emphasize
in a culturally appropriate manner
that psychological evaluations are
one of a number of methods used to
Sometimes student psychological evaluations are
necessary and appropriate—and sometimes they
are not. Here’s help in knowing how and when
to conduct them.
Psychological Evaluations:
What Every Principal
Should Know
Components of Comprehensive Assessment
Not all types of assessments are used or needed to conduct a comprehen-
sive assessment. What is important is that the array of information gathered
A review of what is already known about the student relative to the referral
questions (school history, grades, past test performance, attendance, medical
history, disciplinary records, current or past special education records, etc.)
• Relevant new information from multiple sources (e.g., from school, family)
Relevant new information about areas of concern (e.g., reading skills for
reading problems, cognitive skills to address questions of ability; behavior
observations and ratings for behavior problems, etc.)
Any specific required procedures (e.g., measures that address criteria for
special education eligibility)
• Verification of language proficiency for students whose first language is not
• Information that helps teams determine if culture, language, health, or eco-
nomic factors may affect the results of assessment or the student’s behav-
ior and learning.
Andrea Canter is a school psychologist in the Minneapolis Public Schools. She is a
consultant for special projects for the National Association of School Psychologists
(NASP). This article was written in cooperation with NASP.
Figure 1
NOVEMBER 2003 13
that the parents also are familiar
with and have already discussed the
report with the psychologist. With
prior preparation, the principal more
likely will be able to ease tension
surrounding the parents’ concerns,
respond to their questions, defuse
disagreement, and offer counsel.
When reviewing the report with
parents, focus on the purpose of the
evaluation, the general interpretation
of the results, and the services or
strategies recommended to support
the student. It is also vital to solicit
the parents’ input. Check to see if
they find the report to be consistent
with their impressions of and con-
cerns about their child; if the recom-
mendations are acceptable; and if the
information generally is useful in
resolving the current situation. It is
usually beneficial to involve the psych-
ologist who conducted the evaluation
in at least part of the confer-ence so
parents can ask questions, seek clarifi-
cation, and seek further consultation.
When parents disagree with the
evaluation, it is important that every-
one involved have the opportunity to
discuss the parents’ objections and
consider the merits of their disagree-
ment. Parents may identify factors
that alter the interpretation of the re-
sults. Sometimes the most appropri-
ate course of action is to allow
parents to document their objections
or conduct an additional evaluation
to resolve concerns. Special education
regulations provide for documenting
dissenting opinions and considering
second opinions.
When Is an Evaluation
Growing pressure on students from
high-stakes tests and intense compe-
tition to get into college have gener-
ated a corresponding increase in
requests from parents for psychologi-
cal evaluations, most often as a
means toward qualifying for accom-
modations on standards and entrance
tests (e.g., modifications such as
untimed tests or individualized
administration). Because many tests
allow (or must provide) accommoda-
tions for students with disabilities
such as Attention Deficit Hyperactiv-
ity Disorder (ADHD) or learning
disabilities, parents may seek evalua-
tions hoping to document a qualify-
ing condition. Special education rules
generally require teams to respond
when parents or teachers request an
evaluation to determine if a child has
a disability. However, such requests
often are made regarding students for
whom no previous concerns have
been expressed and who are earning
passing grades but who attain lower-
than-expected or -desired test scores.
Although it is legal to refuse a par-
ent request in many situations, it can
be difficult. School personnel can
minimize unnecessary assessments
and help parents and the student by
listening to the parents’ concerns;
discussing the limitations of evalua-
tions; suggesting more constructive
ways to help their child; and, if war-
ranted, recommending agencies that
might conduct such assessments
(usually for a fee) or provide consul-
tation regarding realistic expectations
(see figure 2). Situations where psy-
chological evaluations are not likely
to resolve concerns include:
• Retention and promotion.
Although psychological evaluations
can provide useful information
for designing remedial instruction
and establishing appropriate expec-
tations, they are not designed to
assess the potential effects of reten-
tion or promotion.
• Graduation exit exams. Concerns
about academic failure should be
based on more than low scores on
graduation tests and addressed
through other school services.
• Social service and postsecondary
program eligibility. Parents may
request an evaluation to qualify their
child for social services,
postsecondary programs, or college
admission. Although an evaluation
might provide the desired informa-
tion, few public schools have suffi-
cient funding and staffing to justify
evaluations that do not contribute
to the current school program.
Psychological evaluations are an
everyday part of a school’s student
support system. When administrators
understand the purpose, strengths,
and limitations of these procedures
and hold realistic expectations for
their value, they are better prepared
to support students, collaborate with
families, and head off contentious or
even litigious confrontations. Evalua-
tions cannot solve every student
problem, but their wise and selective
application can add a positive,
constructive dimension to effective
school management.
during 70% of the observed
intervals) or simply as general
summaries of what occurred. The re-
liability of observations depends on
the similarity of the observed session
to “typical” situations; the more of-
ten the student is observed, the more
likely it is for the psychologist to ob-
tain a reliable sample of behavior.
Interviews: Direct interviews with
students enable them to provide in-
formation about their histories, in-
terpersonal relationships, concerns,
and goals. The psychologist typically
will summarize key information ob-
tained through the interview, as well
as relevant information learned by
interviewing others who know the
student well—usually teachers and
Comprehensive evaluation: Not
all types of assessment procedures
are used or needed to conduct a
comprehensive evaluation. The psy-
chologist selects those procedures
and tools that will help answer the
referral questions. What is
important is that the array of infor-
mation gathered includes a review
of what is already known, new
information about areas of concern
from a variety of sources, and verifi-
cation of life factors (e.g., language
or economics) that may affect the
evaluation or the student’s learning
and behavior.
What Factors Influence Results?
Often the psychologist must take
into account a number of factors
that can influence the reliability or
validity of evaluation results and af-
fect how the evaluation results are
• Similarity of the student to the
norming population of the test
(age, gender, ethnicity, economic
status, type and location of
community, etc.)
• Quality of the test’s norms
(adherence to standards of test
development and standardization)
• Recent norms
Testing conditions (individual or
group administration; distractions
or interruptions; consistency with
standardized procedures; student’s
motivation, health, and attention
during testing)
• Student’s familiarity or comfort
with the testing procedures
• Student’s disabilities.
How Are Results Translated?
Psychological reports vary to some
degree depending on the
psychologist, procedures used, and
questions asked. However, school ad-
ministrators should expect all reports
of psychological evaluations to pro-
vide clear information and make rec-
ommendations that are relevant to,
and feasible within, the school
system. Reports that are filled with
jargon and unrelated to available
services are of little help to the stu-
dent or staff members.
To be useful, summaries of evalua-
tions do not need to be long and de-
tailed. Generally, detailed analyses of
performance on small samples of be-
havior are misleading, unreliable,
and not easily generalized to the
classroom. Effective evaluation
reports succinctly delineate the
purpose, process, limitations, results,
and recommendations resulting from
the evaluation (see figure 1).
Consulting with Parents
Administrators typically do not com-
municate evaluation results directly
to parents. The school psychologist
and other team members usually
provide a written and verbal report
and should be available to answer
questions and clarify information. In
the course of disciplinary action or
more proactive planning, principals
are likely to discuss a student’s
behavior, mental health, or academic
needs with his or her parents and
should use the evaluation report for
It is impossible to remember all
the details of a psychological evalua-
tion, but taking time to review each
report increases the likelihood that
the principal will recall key pieces of
information during a conference. It
also helps to get any necessary clari-
fication from the school psychologist
before the conference and ensure
The Psychologist’s Report
The psychologist’s evaluation report will vary to some degree depending on the
referral issues and procedures used. However, all evaluation reports should in-
• A statement of the primary purpose of the assessment
A brief summary of relevant background (significant factors in school or health
history, previous services, and evaluations)
• A list of procedures used in the current evaluation
A statement noting any limitations of the assessment (such as cautions due to
breach of standardized procedures, limited English proficiency, cultural vari-
ables, etc.)
A summary of the results of all procedures relative to the referral questions, in-
cluding general statements about performance on standardized tests and sum-
maries of information obtained from other types of assessments
• A discussion of the meaning of these results in the context of any other assess-
ments (such as academic and vocational measures administered by other team
members) as related to the referral questions
• Summary statements providing answers to referral questions
Recommendations relevant to referral questions (e.g., special services, instruc-
tional modifications, and behavior management strategies).
Appropriate Requests
To help determine if a psychological
evaluation is appropriate and, if not,
what alternatives may address the
real cause of concern, principals and
other school personnel should con-
• What or who prompted this request?
• What specific problem is described?
• Is there any history of this problem
and, if so, how has it been
addressed in the past?
• Has there been a previous evalua-
• What are the parents’ expectations
and goals?
• What are the student’s expectations
and goals?
• How does the student perceive the
• Do current teachers have similar
• Are there any relevant cultural,
health, or attendance issues?
• Is the family involved with any com-
munity agencies?
• Will this evaluation address the
expressed concerns or identify any
relevant conditions or interventions?
Figure 2