Introduction 4
Part 1: The Further Education Sector 6
FE Providers 7
Colleges 7
General Further Education (GFE) Colleges 8
Sixth Form Colleges 9
Land-based Colleges 10
Art, Design and Performing Arts Colleges 11
Specialist Designated Colleges 12
National Specialist Colleges (NSCs) 13
Independent Training Providers (ITPs) 14
Local Authority (LA) Providers 15
Employer Providers 15
Third Sector Providers 15
Adult Community Education (ACE) Providers 16
Local Authority ACE Providers 17
Institutes for Adult Learning 18
Third Sector ACE Providers 18
 
Work-based Learning (WBL) 19
Online and Blended Learning 20
Part 2: Qualifications 21
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
Technical Levels (Tech Levels) 30
Applied Generals 30
T Levels 32
 
Foundation Degrees 33
 
 
Functional Skills 35
English for Speakers of Other Languages
(ESOL) 35
GCSEs 36
A Levels and AS Levels 37
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diplomas 37
Cambridge Pre-Us 38
Access to Higher Education Diplomas 38
 
Bachelor’s Degrees 39
Master’s Degrees 40
 
Useful websites 42
Education and Training Foundation 2 Contents
List of abbreviations
ACE Adult Community Education
AEB Adult Education Budget
BA Bachelor of Arts
 Bachelor of Science
BSL British Sign Language
BTEC Business and Technology Education Council
 Diploma of Higher Education
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages
FE Further Education
 General Further Education College
 Higher Education
 Higher National Diploma
 International Baccalaureate Diploma
 Information Technology
 Information and Communication Technology
Independent Training Provider
LA Local Authority
MA Master of Arts
 Master of Science
 National Specialist College
PGCE 
PGDip Postgraduate Diploma
PTP Private Training Provider
 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
WBL Work-based Learning
Education and Training Foundation 3 List of abbreviations
The Further Education (FE) sector is a wide-ranging and
remarkably diverse section of the education system. t is
made up of many different types of provider and offers a huge
range of exciting education and training opportunities.
and remarkably diverse section of the education
system. It is made up of many different types
The FE sector is vast; there are literally thousands
vocational, and recreational courses. If you are
a bit bewildered by it all, you are not alone! It can
Part One provides an outline of the different types
of FE providers, followed by a summary of some
sector. Part Two outlines some of the different
more about what the FE sector can offer.
Education and Training Foundation 4 Introduction
Local Authority
ACE Providers
Institutes for
Adult Learning
Third Sector
ACE providers
Specialist Designated
Art, Design & Performing
Art Colleges
General FE Colleges
National Specialist
The Different Types of Provider
Involved in Delivering FE
Land-based Colleges Sixth Form Colleges
Education and Training Foundation 5 Introduction
Education and Training Foundation 6 Introduction
(LA) providers, employer providers, third sector providers, and Adult Community Education (ACE) providers.
Schools and universities are not part of the FE sector.
FE Providers
169 General further education colleges (67%)
61 Sixth form colleges (23%)
14 Land-based colleges (5%)
10 Specialist designated colleges (4%)
2 Art, design and performing
arts colleges (1%)
(as at August 2018)
Data does not include National
Specialist Colleges (NSCs).
Education and Training Foundation 7 FE Providers
General Further Education (GFE) Colleges
Almost all offer apprenticeships and have close
partnerships with employers.
As well as vocational (job-based) courses, many
have completed their statutory education and are
offer adult education courses so there are learners
Animal care
Beauty therapy
Business studies
Carpentry and joinery
Drama and theatre studies
English language
Health and social care
The above is only a snapshot of the hundreds of
Education and Training Foundation 8 FE Providers
Sixth Form Colleges
courses. The majority of learners at a sixth form
However, many now offer vocational courses too.
Examples of subjects available at a sixth form
Art and design
Business studies
Environmental services
Fashion and textiles
Health and social care
The above is only a snapshot of the hundreds of
Education and Training Foundation 9 FE Providers
Land-based Colleges
A combination of hands-on and classroom
with employers.
Examples of subjects available at a land-based
Animal studies
Countryside management
Equine studies
Forestry and arboriculture
Tree surgery and management
Veterinary services
Wildlife management
Education and Training Foundation 10 FE Providers
Art, Design and Performing Arts Colleges
may only be available to school-leavers.
Art and design
Contemporary design crafts
Fine art
Graphic design
History of art
Illustration and animation
Jewellery design
Performing arts
Textile design
Education and Training Foundation 11 FE Providers
Specialist Designated Colleges
education, others offer specialist provision for
as those who work at sea or adults with few or
Education and Training Foundation 12 FE Providers
National Specialist Colleges (NSCs)
It is common for NSCs to offer specialist facilities
such as sensory, therapeutic, and supported
work environments. Some also offer residential
The courses offered by NSCs are extremely
varied and many are unaccredited. Many NSCs
support learners to develop communication and
land-based curriculum. Others provide vocational
support learners into employment.
Examples of subjects that may be on offer at an
NSC include:
Creative and performing arts
Cutlery making
Glass cutting and engraving
Education and Training Foundation 13 FE Providers
ndependent Training Providers (TPs)
private or third sector.
Advice and guidance
Business administration
Customer service
Hairdressing and beauty
Supporting teaching and learning
Education and Training Foundation 14 FE Providers
Local Authority
(LA) Providers
councils provide adult education opportunities (see
next section on ACE providers). They can also be
Employer Providers
provider, have to comply with standards set by
Third Sector Providers
academic and specialist courses and deliver
Education and Training Foundation 15 FE Providers
Adult Community Education (ACE) Providers
ACE providers share a joint mission to enable
those often furthest away from employment
to progress in life and work. Through providing
education, skills and learning they aim to enhance
peoples employment prospects and wellbeing,
improve productivity, and enable economic
Most ACE providers offer courses at Level 2 or
below, including courses that do not lead to a
also increasing numbers participating in higher
level courses, including Level 4.
Examples of programmes delivered by ACE providers include:
Supporting learners to get a job or
promotion through vocational skills
training from Level 1 to Level 3.
Essential basic English and maths and
Information, Communication and Technology
(ICT) skills; enabling the most disadvantaged
to aid their progression into further
learning and sustainable employment.
English for Speakers of Other Languages
(ESOL); for example, helping refugees and
residents improve their spoken English.
Family learning courses, enabling
parents to support their children in
learning to read, write and count.
Programmes that focus on developing
independence, social, and employment
skills for learners who have learning
High quality training in mentoring and
counselling for learners who require
support to get back in to work and require
multi-agency support such as those
recovering from drug and alcohol misuse.
Specialist initiatives, for example
working with the police service to help
learners remove themselves from
gang culture and law-breaking.
Health and wellbeing and arts and culture
courses that help individuals to gain
create opportunities for social interaction.
Career guidance and information on
individual skills gaps and appropriate
learning programmes that will lead
to employment in their area.
Education and Training Foundation 16 FE Providers
Local Authority ACE Providers
Local Authorities are by far the largest group of
providers of Adult Community Education, with
around 140 of them receiving Adult Education
Budget (AEB) funding. They provide the full range
of community education as listed above and
are pivotal to many local place-based initiatives.
In many towns they also provide education
opportunities for 16-19-year-olds and a range of
apprenticeship programmes.
They work in partnership and are often the conduit
for small specialist community providers to access
public funds for their courses. They use a hub and
spoke model with a learning centre in the main
town or city and outreach facilities in the areas that
need support.
Education and Training Foundation 17 FE Providers
Institutes for Adult Learning
At the heart of their offer is equal access to
education and learning at every stage of life.
They provide a wide curriculum, offering a choice
of entry points for people of many different
backgrounds and interests.
Students include a high proportion of people from
disadvantaged communities who often come to
the intention of going on to further study for a
Third Sector ACE Providers
They can also provide academic and specialist
courses and deliver specialised training to
disadvantaged learners.
Education and Training Foundation 18 FE Providers
Work-based Learning (WBL)
providers, employer providers or third sector
providers). ITPs are the most common type of
more detail).
Some examples of subjects that can be studied via
WBL include:
Business administration
Customer service
Health and social care
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)
Travel and tourism
Ways of Learning
Education and Training Foundation 19 Ways of Learning
Online and Blended Learning
with tutors and other learners via online lectures,
‘webinars’ or chat forums. Many providers now
offer online courses as an alternative to traditional
 is an approach to education that
to complete an online activity prior to a class or
Both online learning and blended learning involve
approaches to teaching, enabling learners to study
at a time and place that suits them.
Education and Training Foundation 20 Ways of Learning
This section aims to help you get to grips with the options available. It begins by introducing
section ends by outlining routes into FE teaching.
Education and Training Foundation 21 Ways of Learning
‘Entry Level’ is divided into three sub-
levels (Entry Level 1, 2, and 3). This level
of study offers a basic introduction to a
subject area and may be the best option
than Entry Level and are equivalent
to GCSE grades D-G or 3-1.
depth understanding of a subject and are
equivalent to GCSE grades A*-C or 9-4.
advanced learning and are equivalent to
A Levels. This level is usually required for
entry to university or certain job roles.
Level 4 and above is referred to as
‘higher education’ (HE). Many FE
providers now offer HE courses.
can be studied.
Qualification Levels
Education and Training Foundation 22 Qualification Levels
Apprenticeships and Qualifications in the FE Sector
Education and Training Foundation 23 Qualification Levels
 This can be
either academic or vocational.
This can take various
forms such as work placements, participation
 Learners who
equivalent) will continue these subjects
These are
 Support to
for employment.
suited to their individual needs
Study Programmes
Education and Training Foundation 24 Study Programmes
take place in a classroom, online, or a combination
There are more than 100 apprenticeship types
from one level to another or start at a level suited
It is important to note that an apprenticeship
(these are outlined in the section on vocational
For more information on apprenticeships:
Education and Training Foundation 25 Apprenticeships
It consists of three main parts: a work placement,
required. Traineeships are unpaid, but employers
can cover travel and expenses. They can last up to
six months.
For more information on traineeships:
Supported nternships
Supported internships are unpaid and last for at
in the workplace. Interns are provided with more
intensive support than would be available under a
traineeship or apprenticeship. There are no entry
requirements other than commitment, enthusiasm
and a desire to work. Those that don’t yet have
Education and Training Foundation 26 Traineeships
as well as adult learners. Entry requirements vary
details can usually be found on the provider’s
Examples of vocational subjects include:
Applied science
Business administration
Customer service
Health and social care
Sports science
Travel and tourism
Vocational Qualifications
Education and Training Foundation 27 Vocational Qualifications
Awards, Certificates and Diplomas
help to enhance an individual’s career prospects.
or university.
Awards can be studied at any level. They are more
same level. On completion of an award learners
 involve more in-depth study of a
topic than awards of the same level. They provide
also be studied at any level. On completion of
 are the most comprehensive of the
They can also be studied at any level.
All three may be taken as stand-alone courses,
such as an apprenticeship.
and vocational areas. Courses usually take one
Education and Training Foundation 28 Vocational Qualifications
Higher National Certificates / Diplomas (HNCs / HNDs)
promote take-up by learners, and ensure that they are recognised by employers.
HNCs and HNDs can lead directly to a career.
Alternatively, learners may opt for further study. An
a further year. An HND can be converted to a full
may be required to complete a work placement.
practical tasks.
required in order to study for an HNC or HND.
Education and Training Foundation 29 Vocational Qualifications
Other Certificates and Diplomas
Some choose to study a (Level 2-3), or a 
Technical Certificates
Technical Levels (Tech Levels)
A tech level
levels can lead to skilled employment or further technical study.
Applied Generals
An Applied General
 
such as BTECs or Cambridge Technicals. (See page 31).
Education and Training Foundation 30 Vocational Qualifications
Branded vocational qualifications
equivalent to GCSEs.
equivalent to A Levels.
available at Levels 2 to 5
BTECs are made up of units. Assessment
tests. BTECs are available in many different
employers and universities.
For more information on BTECs:
Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals
subjects to choose from.
: Level 1 - 2
 Level 2 - 3
Education and Training Foundation 31 Vocational Qualifications
T Levels
placement of at least 315 hours (approximately
equivalent to three A Levels.
T Levels will be based on the same standards
approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and
Technical Education.
For more information on T Levels:
National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs)
NVQ learners are assessed in relation to their
ability to meet certain work-related tasks called
observation; an assessor watches learners work
and determines whether they can do the task in
question. A portfolio of work is also required.
complete an NVQ but it usually takes around a year
to complete an NVQ at Levels 1 and 2. Level 3 and
Learners can start at a level that suits them.
professional skills to employers. On completion of
education course such as an HNC or HND.
Education and Training Foundation 32 Vocational Qualifications
Foundation Degrees
(Level 6) via a top up course.
There are no set entry requirements; company
They are often chosen by learners who want to
work and study at the same time.
Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE)
learners also complete a work placement.
Entry requirements vary, but previous Level 6
order to teach in a secondary school it is usually
Education and Training Foundation 33 Vocational Qualifications
Examples of academic subjects include:
French, German, Spanish)
Academic courses from Level 1-3 usually involve
directly to employment (some professions require
for those who are undecided about what to do
the level of study, the provider and the particular
found on the provider’s website.
Academic Qualifications
Education and Training Foundation 34 Academic Qualifications
Functional Skills
develop skills in these areas.
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Education and Training Foundation 35 Academic Qualifications
assessed by exams, coursework, or a combination
of both.
provide a solid foundation for further academic
maths is a prerequisite for many jobs and courses.
between 2017 and 2019. The table shows how this
scale compares with the previous system.
system see:
GCSE Grading
New Grading Structure Old Grading Structure
7 A
(Department for Education, 2018)
Education and Training Foundation 36 Academic Qualifications
A Levels and AS Levels
A Levels and AS Levels are available in a wide
coursework, or a combination of both. Successful
valued by many employers. In 2017, they were
reformed with updated content and revised
for further study or work.
nternational Baccalaureate (B) Diplomas
A Levels. Learners study six subjects over a two-
by many employers.
Education and Training Foundation 37 Academic Qualifications
Cambridge Pre-Us
There are 24 principal subjects available. Up to
four subjects can be studied at the same time over
a two-year period. Assessment is by exam at the
employers around the world.
Access to Higher Education Diplomas
access’ courses are also available for those that
don’t meet the entry requirements.
For more information on access courses:
Education and Training Foundation 38 Academic Qualifications
Certificates / Diplomas of Higher
Education (CertHE / DipHE)
be awarded a CertHE or DipHE. They can also be
taken as stand-alone courses.
Bachelor’s Degrees
of subjects available.
time or if the course includes a year abroad or a
work placement.
completed with or without ‘honours’ (Hons); a
Education and Training Foundation 39 Academic Qualifications
Master’s Degrees
of Arts’ (MA) or ‘Master of Science’ (MSc). Masters
courses usually take one to two years to complete
A master’s can enhance career prospects as well
Master’s courses are fast-paced and require
intense study. Entry requirements vary, but
Education and Training Foundation 40 Academic Qualifications
of the role. Employers can set their own entry
A 
Routes into FE teaching
Education and Training Foundation 41 Routes into FE teaching
Useful websites
Education and Training Foundation 42 Useful websites
College: Key Facts.
Available at: 
Key Further
Education Statistics. Available at: 
Department for Education (2017) Post-16
technical education reforms: T level action plan.
Available at: 
Department for Education (2018) GCSE factsheet
for parents.
Gov.UK (no date) What qualication levels mean
- GOV.UK. Available at: 
 (Accessed: 16
Hupkau, C. and Ventura, G. (2017) Further
Education in England: Learners and Institutions.
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