New Ireland Assurance Company plc.
11-12 Dawson Street, Dublin 2
T: 01 617 2000 F: 01 617 2075
E: [email protected] W:
New Ireland Assurance Company plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. A member of Bank of Ireland Group. 301673 V7.08.15
Life Choice - Home
Policy Conditions
Mortgage Protection
Introduction 2
Section A. General Conditions 3
1. Definitions 3
2. Legal Basis 4
3. Payment of Benefits 5
Section B. Details of the policy 6
1. Paying Premiums 6
2. Amending your Policy 6
2.1. Medical-Free Conversion Option 6
2.2. Life Events Option 7
2.3. Other Policy Options 8
3. Restarting your Policy 8
4. Cancelling your Policy/Benefits Ceasing 8
5. Who is Covered 8
6. Settlement/Correspondence 9
7. No Policy Value 9
8. The Actuary 9
9. Legal Interest in Your Policy 10
Section C. Benefits 11
1. Death Benefits 11
1.1. Lump Sum on Death 11
1.1.1. Terminal Illness Benefit 11
1.1.2. Accidental Death Benefit 12
2. Children’s Protection Benefits 12
2.1. Children’s Lump Sum on Death 13
Section D. Claim Procedures and Exclusions 14
1. Claim Procedures 14
2. Exclusions 14
Comhlucht na hÉireann um Árachas, cpt/New Ireland Assurance Company plc
Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Registered No.7336.
Registered Office: 11 – 12 Dawson Street, Dublin 2.
This is the Policy Document for your Life Choice – Home policy. Together with the Policy Schedule which
is contained in the pocket inside the front cover and any endorsements to this policy, it contains the
details of your policy and the conditions and rules which set out how the policy works.
The Policy Document is a legal document and should be kept in a safe place. It would also be useful if
your solicitor, a relative or a friend knew where it is kept.
Section A - General Conditions
1. Definitions
New Ireland’s Appointed Actuary.
The completed application and/or all the
information provided by you and/or the Lives
Insured in connection with this policy to your
intermediary and/or to the Company, or by
your intermediary to the Company, prior to the
commencement of the policy and any declarations
signed by you and/or the Lives Insured.
Approved Territories
The countries of the European Union as at January
2013 (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom), Australia ,
Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and
the United States of America.
You can make the Protection Benefits under the
policy payable to someone else by making your
policy Assigned. This involves you and the other
person making a legal agreement as to who will
receive the Protection Benefits. Normally, this is
done if this policy is used as security for a loan,
and the Protection Benefits are paid to the lender.
You are still liable to pay the Premiums.
If you make your policy Assigned, then the person
who has taken over the legal interest is known
as the Assignee. It is this person to whom the
Protection Benefits will be paid.
A registered medical practitioner who has
specialist qualifications in an appropriate branch
of medicine and who is practising at a Major
Hospital in one of the Approved Territories.
Where a Consultant is registered in a country
other than Ireland or the United Kingdom, the
Company reserves the right to seek an opinion of
a Consultant practising in Ireland or the United
Expired Term
This is the number of policy anniversaries attained
since the Policy Start Date.
New Ireland Assurance Company plc is the
Company that has issued the policy. Wherever the
words “we”, “us”, “New Ireland”, “the Insurer” and
“the Company” are used in the policy they refer to
New Ireland Assurance Company plc. New Ireland
Assurance Company plc is regulated by the Central
Bank of Ireland. A member of Bank of Ireland
Life Insured
A person whose life is insured by the policy, and
who is named in the Policy Schedule. If there are
two lives insured named in the Policy Schedule
then the policy is a joint life policy.
Lump Sum on Death Benefit
The amount of Lump Sum on Death Benefit
shown in the Policy Schedule as applying to a Life
Insured, or as subsequently changed.
Major Hospital
This is a medical institution registered with
the relevant authority in one of the Approved
Territories (unless otherwise stated), which has
continuous facilities for diagnosis, treatment and
major surgery, which is operated primarily for the
surgical and medical treatment of acute illness
and injury, and which provides accommodation
for sick and injured people as in-patients. For
the purposes of this policy “Major Hospital” does
not include a hospice, convalescence, geriatric or
rehabilitation facility or the National Rehabilitation
Hospital (Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin).
Policy Anniversary
This is the date 12 months after the policy starts
and every 12 months thereafter.
The person or persons with whom the contract of
insurance is made and who is responsible for the
payment of the Premiums. Wherever the words
“you” and “your” are used in the policy, they refer
to the Policyholder. The Policyholder is named in
the Policy Schedule.
Policy Schedule
The Policy Schedule forms part of the policy and
sets out the specific details of your policy.
Policy Start Date
This is the date that the policy starts. It is stated in
your Policy Schedule.
Policy Term
This is the Term of Cover chosen for the Lump
Sum on Death Benefit as stated in your Policy
Schedule or any endorsement. The policy may
end earlier than the expiry of the Term of Cover if
Protection Benefits are paid or the policy lapses or
ceases as set out in these policy conditions.
Premium or Premiums
The amount shown in the Policy Schedule or a
revised amount as stated on any endorsement or
letter from the Company as a result of voluntary
revision. The frequency at which Premiums are
payable is also shown in the Policy Schedule.
Protection Benefits
The Lump Sum on Death Benefit applying to a Life
Term of Cover
This is the period(s) of cover chosen for each of
the Protection Benefits that have been selected
under your policy. Cover for each of the Protection
Benefits will end on the expiry of the chosen Term
of Cover or, if earlier, the payment of Protection
Benefit(s) or the lapse or cessation of the policy as
set out in these policy conditions.
2. Legal Basis
The contract with New Ireland Assurance is a legal
agreement and consists of:
the Application (including any recorded
telephone interview) completed by you and the
Life Insured;
this Policy Document which sets out the
standard policy conditions;
the Policy Schedule;
any written statements made by you, and the
Life Insured(s);
any statements made by an authorised person
on your behalf;
changes in the policy conditions or Policy
Schedule notified to you in writing by the
Company (these are called endorsements); and
any schedule of revised terms issued by the
Company to you.
The above contains all the terms of the contract
and we accept liability only in accordance with
these terms.
For the policy to be valid, we require full and true
disclosure in the Application and in any medical or
other statements made by the Policyholder or Life
Insured(s) or intermediary in connection with the
The policy is governed by the laws of Ireland. The
courts of Ireland shall have exclusive jurisdiction
in relation to all matters arising under or in
connection with the policy.
The Company will, subject to the payment
of Premiums and the policy terms, pay the
benefits provided by the policy. If there is any
misrepresentation of or failure to disclose material
facts by or on behalf of the Policyholder, or a Life
Insured, the policy is void and all Premiums paid
will be retained by us.
The policy and the benefits are payable under it
are based on current legislation, including current
taxation legislation. If there is any change in
taxation or other legislation affecting the policy
we will make such alterations to the terms of the
policy as, in the Actuary’s opinion, are necessary to
take account of such changes.
Complaints and disputes arising in connection with
your policy, which cannot be resolved within the
Company’s internal complaints handling procedure
may be referred to the Financial Services
Ombudsman. Details of the services provided
by the Financial Services Ombudsman may be
obtained from, your
insurance advisor or New Ireland.
Any assignments of the policy to a third party must
be notified to the Company at our head office,
11/12 Dawson Street, Dublin 2.
3. Payment of Benefits
Protection Benefits are payable to the legal
owner of the policy. This will normally be the
Policyholder, but if the right to receive the
Protection Benefits has been transferred or
Assigned to some other person or organisation
such as a bank or building society, the payment
of the Protection Benefits will be made directly to
them (unless we receive the written instructions of
the legal owner to do otherwise).
For example, depending on the circumstances we
may pay one of the following:
the Policyholder;
a trustee(s) of the policy;
an executor(s) or administrator(s);
an Assignee(s) of the policy.
If there are two Policyholders we will pay both
jointly or the survivor if one has died. If at the time
the benefit becomes payable the Policyholder has
died, we will pay the Assignee or the executors
or administrators dealing with the estate as
appropriate. If the policy has been issued under
Trust, we will pay the trustee who is responsible to
the beneficiaries of the Trust.
Section B - Details of the Policy
1. Paying Premiums
Your first Premium is due on the Policy Start
Date. Subsequent Premiums are payable at the
frequency set out in your Policy Schedule or any
It is your responsibility to ensure that all
Premiums are received by us. Once cover has
started, we will allow you 30 days for payment
from the date that a Premium is due. If the
Premium is not paid within 30 days, your policy
and Protection Benefits will cancel immediately
without further notice and you are no longer on
cover for any Protection Benefits. If you inform
us in writing within 30 days of the premium due
date that you want to cancel your policy, it will
be cancelled immediately. Where this policy is
being replaced by a new policy, this policy will be
cancelled (unless previously lapsed) with effect
from the commencement date of the new policy.
If you have Assigned your policy, we are obliged to
notify the Assignee that Premiums have not been
paid and that cover no longer applies.
If a claim arises during the 30 day period after a
Premium is due and has not been paid, but before
the policy has been cancelled, we will deduct the
amount of the unpaid Premium from the claim
2. Amending your policy
2.1 Medical–Free Conversion Option
The Policy Schedule will state whether this option
applies to your policy.
If the Policy Schedule states that the Medical-Free
Conversion Option (“Option”) applies, then at any
stage before the expiry of your Term of Cover you
may, subject to the provisions set out below, either
extend the Term of Cover of your policy or cancel
this policy and take out a new policy with the
Company, without providing any additional medical
The Option is subject to the following provisions.
To extend the Term of Cover the following
provisions apply:
1. The relevant Life Insured (or the older Life
Insured in the case of a joint life policy) must
be under 65 years of age on the date the Option
is exercised.
2. The amount of any benefit payable after
conversion cannot be greater than the amount
of the benefit provided under this policy
immediately prior to conversion.
3. The premium charged for the extended Term
of Cover, after the Option is exercised, will
be determined by the Company based on
its premium rates for the policy and the age
of the Life Insured on the date the Option is
4. Any special terms which apply to the
Protection Benefits before the Option is
exercised will continue to apply for the
extended Term of Cover.
5. The extended Term of Cover for the policy will
be limited to the maximum term of cover for
the policy as advised by the Company, or the
date upon which the Life Insured (or the older
Life Insured in the case of a joint life policy)
would reach the maximum age for the policy, if
6. The amount of any benefit after conversion
may be for such lesser amount as the
Company at its discretion shall decide taking
into account evidence as to the extent of any
financial loss you would incur on the death
of the Life Insured and any other financial
evidence that the Company may require.
7. Financial Underwriting will apply.
To take out a new policy (if available) all of the
following provisions apply:
1. The relevant Life Insured (or the older Life
Insured in the case of a joint life policy) must
be under 65 years of age on the date the Option
is exercised.
2. The new policy may be any of the Company’s
range of non-unit linked protection policies,
offering comparable benefits, available at
the time the Option is exercised. The benefits
under any new policy will be restricted to those
benefits which applied to your policy prior to
conversion and which are available under any
new policy. The Company reserves the right to
restrict and/or vary the definition of any one or
more of the Protection Benefits under the new
policy to be consistent with this policy.
3. The amount of any benefit provided by the new
policy cannot be greater than the amount of
the benefit provided by this policy on the date
the Option is exercised.
4. The Premium charged for the new policy will
be determined by the Company based on its
premium rates for that policy at the time the
Option is exercised.
5. Any special terms which apply to the
Protection Benefits will continue to apply for
the new policy.
6. The term of cover on any benefits under your
new policy will be limited to the maximum
term of cover for that benefit under the new
policy as advised by the Company, or the date
upon which the Life Insured (or the older Life
Insured in the case of a joint life policy) would
reach the maximum age for that benefit under
the new policy, if earlier.
7. If converting from a joint life policy to a dual
life policy, the amount of any Lump Sum on
Death Benefit provided by the new policy for
each Life Insured will be half that of the Lump
Sum on Death Benefit provided by this policy
immediately prior to conversion.
8. The amount of any benefit under a new
policy may be for such lesser amount as the
Company at its discretion shall decide taking
into account evidence as to the extent of any
financial loss you would incur on the death
of the Life Insured and any other financial
evidence that the Company may require.
9. The new policy may provide an Income on
Death Benefit in lieu of the Lump Sum on
Death Benefit provided by this policy. The
amount of the Income on Death Benefit cannot
be greater than the amount of the Lump Sum
on Death Benefit provided by this policy, on
the date the Option is exercised, divided by the
number of months in the Term of Cover for the
Income on Death Benefit provided by the new
10. The lives insured by the new policy may not
include any lives who are not insured by this
11. Financial Underwriting will apply.
2.2 Life Events Option
With Life Events Option, you can increase the level
of the Lump Sum on Death Benefit applying to a
Life Insured within 3 months of the occurrence of
any of the following life events without providing
evidence of the Life Insured’s current health and
(a) The Life Insured has increased a mortgage
associated with this policy because the Life
Insured has moved principal residence;
(b) The Life Insured has married;
(c) The Life Insured or a spouse of the Life
Insured has given birth to a child or legally
adopted a child.
In the case of each Life Insured, the option to
increase a benefit without medical evidence will
only apply if the Life Insured is already covered for
that benefit within the policy.
The total amount of the relevant benefit after
exercising the Life Events Option cannot exceed
the maximum of (1) and (2) as follows:
(1) The amount of the benefit provided by this
policy at the time of exercising the option
The lesser of:
(a) 50% of the amount of the benefit at the
Policy Start Date (or, if the benefit was
subsequently added to your policy, at the
time it was first added),
(b) ?100,000,
(2) The lesser of:
(a) The amount of the benefit at the
Policy Start Date (or, if the benefit was
subsequently added to your policy, at the
time it was first added),
(b) ?500,000.
Where the Life Events Option is exercised on
more than one occasion, then the amount in (1) is
restricted to a cumulative maximum increase of
If you exercise the Medical-Free Conversion
Option, then the maximum a benefit amount can
be increased to under the Life Events Option,
without providing additional medical evidence,
is restricted to E200,000 over the amount of the
benefit at the Policy Start Date or, if the benefit
was subsequently added to your policy, at the time
it was first added to the policy.
Where you have more than one policy with the
Company, increases to other policies which have
taken place under a Life Events Option will be
taken into account for the purposes of calculating
the maximum increase under this policy.
The Life Events Option is subject to all of the
When exercising this option the Life Insured (or
the older Life Insured in the case of a joint life
policy) is under 55 years of age on the date of
application to exercise this option.
You must notify us that you wish to exercise this
option within 3 months after the date of the life
event described in (a) to (c) above and provide us
with the following evidence:
Confirmation of the loan drawdown for the
mortgage in the event of an increase in the
mortgage and moving principal residence.
A marriage certificate in the event
of marriage.
A birth certificate in the event of a birth/ legal
adoption of a child together with a copy of an
appropriate Adoption Order.
The Premiums must be paid in full when due
up to the date of the exercise of the option.
2.3. Other Policy Options
Outside the terms set out in Conditions 2.1 and
2.2 above, at any stage throughout the Term
of Cover you may request to amend the Term
of Cover or the amount of Protection Benefits.
Any amendments outside of Conditions 2.1 and
2.2 above will be subject to underwriting and
acceptance by the Company. Where a request
for such an amendment is accepted by the
Company, this will result in your Premium being
re-calculated to take account of the changes being
made and will be confirmed by an endorsement to
the Policy.
3. Restarting your Policy
If a Premium has not been paid within 30 days
from the date it was due for payment, then as set
out in Condition 1 of Section B, your policy and
Protection Benefits will be cancelled. However,
your policy may be restarted at our absolute
discretion within one year from the date that the
first unpaid Premium was due.
Restarting your policy is subject to payment of
all Premiums outstanding and the completion
of a Declaration of Health Form by each Life
Insured. Depending on what is disclosed on this
form the Company may request further medical
and/or other information, accept or decline the
reinstatement and/or make changes to the policy
terms or conditions including the Premium to be paid.
4. Cancelling your Policy/Protection
Benefits Ceasing
The Protection Benefit(s) will cease when any one
of the following events occurs:
A claim is made under the Lump Sum on Death
Benefit, on a single life or the first death in a
joint life policy.
The Life Insured(s) reaches the end of the Term
of Cover for the Protection Benefit(s).
You give written notification that you wish to
cancel your policy.
We do not receive a premium on the date the
Premium is due for payment and 30 days elapse
since that date the premium remains unpaid.
The Company will retain any Premiums paid under
the Policy.
5. Who is Covered
The Life Insured(s) is covered for the amount of the
Protection Benefits that apply to the Life Insured(s)
until the end of the Term of Cover for the
Protection Benefits. The Life Insured(s) details and
chosen benefits are stated in the Policy Schedule
or any endorsement. The Life Insured(s) is covered
for the amount of the Protection Benefits that
apply from the later of the Policy Start Date and
the date we collect your first Premium.
We will require proof of the age of the Life
Insured(s) either on Application or before we pay
a claim. If it is discovered that the age or the sex
of a Life Insured has been mis-stated, the amount
payable under the provision of the policy will be
adjusted as determined by the Actuary and may
result in the non payment of the benefit. The
Company will retain any Premiums paid under the
6. Settlement/Correspondence
We will make payments under your policy by direct
credit to a nominated bank account. Other forms of
payment can be arranged by agreement.
We will send your correspondence to the most
recent address given by you. You must notify us
if you change address. If you do not, we are not
responsible for correspondence being delivered to
the incorrect address.
Any letters or notices from you must be sent to us
at our head office, 11/12 Dawson Street, Dublin 2.
7. No Policy Value
The purpose of this policy is to provide a lump sum
payment in the event of death of a Life Insured
during the Term of Cover. This policy is not a
savings policy and at no point during the Policy
Term, or at the end of the Policy Term, will it have
any monetary value.
8. The Actuary
The Insurer appoints an Actuary whose
responsibilities include advising us on how the
policy should provide you with what you reasonably
expect to get from it. He/she will advise us how the
interests of the Policyholders should be taken into
account in any variation on these policy conditions
that we may propose.
We may revise the conditions set out in this
document if, in the opinion of the Actuary,
circumstances outside our control have changed
in a way which could not reasonably have been
predicted at the start of the policy and where, if
we were not to amend these policy conditions, the
results would be unfair to the Insurer or to our
Policyholders. Such circumstances might be:
a change in the law under which these policies
operate, or
a change in the tax treatment of policy benefits
or of life assurance companies and their funds.
When considering any proposals by the Insurer
and how they affect your interests, the Actuary
will refer to the Guidance Notes prepared
independently by the Society of Actuaries in Ireland
and to any legislation that affects the way that he/
she must act in these circumstances. The Actuary
is required to make a statement in the annual
returns to the Central Bank of Ireland on whether
he/she has conformed with the Guidance Notes.
9. Legal Interest in Your Policy
You can use this policy as security for a loan by
signing over your legal interest to the lender.
This is known as an “Assignment”. A notice
of Assignment must be received by us at our
head office from the person who has taken over
the legal interest. This person is known as the
Assignee”. The notice must be in writing and must
show the date and reason for the change in legal
ownership. We cannot accept any responsibility for
the legal effect or otherwise of any Assignments.
This section contains details of the Protection
Benefits provided by the policy and the
circumstances in which they are payable. The
particular benefits applying to a Life Insured are
shown in the Policy Schedule or any endorsement.
If a benefit is not shown on the Policy Schedule,
that benefit is not provided by the policy. No benefit
is payable after the expiry of the Term of Cover for
that benefit and no Protection Benefits are payable
after the expiry of the Policy Term.
All Protection Benefits provided by the policy
are currently payable to the Policyholder free
of taxation. Details of the circumstances when
a claim may not be payable, and the procedure
you must follow in order to make a claim, are
contained in Section D “Claim Procedures and
Section C - Benefits
1. Death Benefits
1.1. Lump Sum on Death
This benefit only applies to a Life Insured if
stated on the Policy Schedule or subsequent
This benefit provides for the payment of a lump
sum amount as stated on the Policy Schedule or
any endorsement on the death of the Life Insured
(or the first of the Lives Insured to die if a joint life
policy) during the Term of Cover for this benefit as
stated in the Policy Schedule or any endorsement.
The Lump Sum on Death Benefit as stated on the
Policy Schedule or subsequent endorsement will
reduce at monthly intervals. The monthly reduction
will be calculated with reference to the proportion
of the balance outstanding on a repayment
mortgage in an amount equal to the Lump Sum on
Death Benefit and for the same term as the Term
of Cover for the Lump Sum on Death Benefit and
as calculated by the Actuary using an interest rate
of 6% per annum.
If, under the terms Section B, Condition 2, the
Term of Cover for the Lump Sum on Death Benefit
has been extended or the amount of the Lump
Sum on Death Benefit has been increased, the
amount of the Lump Sum on Death Benefit will
continue to reduce at monthly intervals in the
manner outlined above with reference to the
extended Term of Cover and/or any revision of the
amount of the benefit.
Exactly when the Lump Sum on Death Benefit is
paid is determined by the type of cover that was
selected at the Policy Start Date and is stated on
your Policy Schedule. The following versions of
the policy are available:
Single life means that the Lump Sum on Death
Benefit is paid when the only Life Insured under
the policy dies during the Term of Cover for
Lump Sum on Death Benefit.
Where there are two Lives Insured (joint life) the
Lump Sum on Death Benefit is paid on the first
death of the two Lives Insured under the policy
during the Term of Cover for Lump Sum on
Death Benefit.
The policy will cease on the payment of a Lump
Sum on Death Benefit.
No claim for Lump Sum on Death Benefit will be
admitted if death arises from any of the exclusions
contained in Section D which are applicable
to Lump Sum on Death Benefit. The claims
procedures described in Section D apply to claims
for Lump Sum on Death Benefit.
1.1.1 Terminal Illness Benefit
This provides you with an early payment of the
Lump Sum on Death Benefit if the Life Insured is
diagnosed with a Terminal Illness during the Term
of Cover for Lump Sum on Death Benefit.
Terminal Illness means an advanced or rapidly
progressing incurable illness, where in the opinion
of an attending medical Consultant of a Major
Hospital and our Company’s Chief Medical Officer,
a Life Insured’s life expectancy is no greater than
12 months. In the event of Terminal Illness, the
Terminal Illness Benefit payment will not apply
where there are less than 18 months to go to the
end of the Term of Cover for Lump Sum on Death
The Terminal Illness Benefit will be the Lump Sum
on Death Benefit stated on the Policy Schedule.
The policy will cease following the Terminal Illness
Benefit being paid out.
In the case of a joint life policy this benefit is
payable on the diagnosis of a Terminal Illness of
the first of the Lives Insured.
In the event of Terminal Illness no claim will be
admitted if Terminal Illness arises from any of
the exclusions contained in Section D which are
applicable to Terminal Illness Benefit. The claims
procedures described in Section D apply to claims
for Terminal Illness Benefit.
1.1.2 Accidental Death Benefit
If the Life Insured is under age 55 when both the
initial application details and the duly signed initial
application declarations were received at New
Ireland’s head office and you have chosen Lump
Sum on Death as a benefit, then the policy will
pay a benefit of the chosen Lump Sum on Death
amount up to a maximum of 150,000 should the
Life Insured die due to Accidental Death (or in the
case of an Application for a joint life policy, on the
Accidental Death of the first to die of the Lives
Insured) from on or after the date when both the
initial application details and the duly signed initial
application declarations were received at New
Ireland’s head office.
Accidental Death means death resulting from an
injury caused by accidental, violent, external and
visible means and is in no way linked to sickness,
disease or physical disorder of a Life Insured.
An Accidental Death does not include any of the
following causes:
suicide, attempted suicide or intentional self
inflicted injury;
death linked to being under the influence of or
being affected (temporarily or otherwise) by
alcohol or drugs;
engaging in any hazardous activity or sports
including but not limited to the following: scuba
diving, motor sports, aviation, hang gliding,
water sports, horse racing, parachuting,
mountaineering, rock climbing, caving or
winter/ice sports;
flying, except as a fare paying passenger;
taking part in any riot, civil commotion, uprising
or war (whether declared or not) or any related
act or incident;
directly or indirectly by taking part in a criminal
act; or
failure to follow reasonable medical advice
or failed to follow medically recommended
therapies, treatment or surgery.
Accidental Death Benefit will cease on the earlier
of the following:
the day we issue notice of acceptance of the
Application on normal terms
the day we issue an offer of special terms
the day we issue notice that the Application has
been refused
the day we issue notice that the Application has
been postponed
30 days have passed since the day both the
initial application details and the duly signed
initial application declarations were received at
New Ireland’s head office.
We will only pay once under Accidental Death
Benefit in respect of any Life Insured, regardless of
the number of applications a person has with New
Ireland Assurance.
2. Children’s Protection Benefits
Children’s Protection Benefits apply to all the
natural or legally adopted children of a Life
Insured who are aged between 6 months and
18 years at the date the benefit is payable and
all natural or legally adopted children of a Life
Insured aged, at the date the benefit is payable,
between 18 and 21 years who are in full time
No claim for Children’s Protection Benefits will
be admitted if the claim arises from any of the
exclusions contained in Section D which are
applicable to Children’s Protection Benefits. The
claim procedures described in Section D apply to
claims for Children’s Protection Benefits.
2.1. Children’s Lump Sum on Death
An amount of ?4,000 is payable on the death of a
child of a Life Insured during the Term of Cover for
Lump Sum on Death Benefit for a Life Insured.
The maximum amount of benefit payable in
respect of any child from all policies issued by the
Company cannot be more than E4,000.
Section D – Claim Procedures and
1. Claim Procedures
All claims must be notified in writing to New
Ireland Assurance’s head office at 11/12 Dawson
Street, Dublin 2. While we recommend that claims
be notified as soon as possible after the event,
claims must be notified within 90 days of the event
or the diagnosis giving rise to the claim.
New Ireland must receive the completed claim
form together with this Policy Document and
the Policy Schedule which forms part of this
document. All items of proof, certificates,
information, medical and other evidence that the
Company may require in support of a claim must
be provided at your own expense.
Where the conditions require the diagnosis by a
Consultant, he or she must be a Consultant of a
Major Hospital.
2. Exclusions
There are a number of circumstances in which
a claim for payment of a Protection Benefit or a
Children’s Protection Benefit will not be admitted or
paid. These exclusions, and the Protection Benefits
to which they apply, are as follows:
No Lump Sum on Death Benefit, Terminal
Illness Benefit or Children’s Lump Sum on
Death Benefit is payable if the Life Insured or a
child of the Life Insured dies by his or her own
hand or act or is diagnosed as being terminally
ill as a result of his or her own deliberate act
within 1 year of the Policy Start Date or within
1 year of the date of any reinstatement of the
policy or within 1 year of a voluntary increase
in Lump Sum on Death Benefit, or within 1 year
of being added on to the policy, whichever is
applicable, except that if the policy has been
Assigned to a third party in good faith, the
benefit payable is limited to the interest of that
third party which was acquired for monetary
No claim for Children’s Protection Benefits
is payable if the claim is, in the opinion of the
Company’s Chief Medical Officer, due to any
congenital illness and/or medical condition
which existed whether symptoms were present
or not
- before the Policy Start Date; or
- before the date the Children’s Protection
Benefit becomes applicable under the policy;
- before the date of any increase in Protection
Benefits; or
- before the date of any reinstatement of the
policy, where applicable; or
- before the date the child was legally adopted;
- before the child was 6 months old.
The specific exclusions relating to Accidental
Death Benefit are contained in Section C,
Condition 1.1.2.
New Ireland Assurance Company plc.
11-12 Dawson Street, Dublin 2
T: 01 617 2000 F: 01 617 2075
E: [email protected] W:
New Ireland Assurance Company plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. A member of Bank of Ireland Group. 301673 V7.08.15
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