Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5(8), pp. 750-757, 18 April, 2010
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ISSN 1992-2248 © 2010 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Geomechanical properties of construction stones
quarried in South-western Turkey
Saffet Yagiz
Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pamukkale University, Denizli 20020, Turkey.
Turkish Standard Institute for TSE/MTC109, Ankara, Turkey.
E-mail: sy[email protected] Tel: +90 258 296 3380. Fax: +90 258 296 3382.
Accepted 10 March, 2010
Geomechanical properties of natural stones have a crucial importance when stones are used for
constructing modern structures and buildings. Therefore, field and laboratory studies are indispensable
to investigate the stone quality for purposed structure. Denizli and Antalya surroundings in South-
western Turkey have large natural stone reserves and more than 80 quarries operated actually. They
export natural stones including various types of travertine, limestone, and schist to all around the
world. In this study, laboratory tests and field studies were carried out to investigate the quality of
construction stones quarried in the region. For the purpose of the study, stones including four type of
travertine, three type of limestone and two type of schist were collected from the quarries; and so,
laboratory tests including effective porosity, both dry and saturated unit weight, water absorption by
weight, uniaxial compressive strength, P-wave velocity, slake durability index together with thin section
analysis were performed in accordance with the international standards to explore the quality of stones
to be used for modern construction. Concluding remark is that physical and mechanical properties of
examined natural stones satisfies the relevant regulations (that is, an norms, Turkish and ASTM
standards) with some deviation to be used as construction materials.
Key words: Construction, stones, quality, South-western Turkey.
Natural stones being used in both interior and exterior of
buildings are one of the most common construction
materials in the world. To be used as construction
materials, natural stones should have a good quality
according to their properties. In southwest Turkey,
various stones including travertine, limestone, and schist
are quarried and exported around the world to be used
for constructing modern structures. More than 50 quarries
extracting various type of travertine are operated in
Denizli surroundings (Figure 1). In fact, Turkey together
with several countries of the Mediterranean area (e.g.,
Greece and Italy), is exceptionally rich in travertine
deposits. Travertine including shrub, noche, reed and
crystalline crust (onyx) quarried in the Denizli Basin of
Turkey is one of the most common stone used for
exterior and interior of both historical and modern
buildings (Figure 2). The Denizli extensional basin in SW
Turkey has widespread carbonate deposit since Late
Travertine color ranges from light through dark beige and
usually formed around hot and cold carbonate-bearing
springs. Travertine is simply a very pure and mostly
porous form of limestone. Besides that, two types of
schist stone were quarried in the Denizli Basin where the
country of Baklan and Bekilli is to extract natural stone as
construction material. In addition to that, dolomitic
limestone outcrops around the Country of Bozkurt in the
Denizli Basin, white soft limestone and crystalline
limestone, quarried in the countries of Elmali and
Korkuteli, respectively, in Antalya surroundings, have
been visited and then the stone samples were collected
to use for stone quality assessment. Several researches,
mainly related to hydrogeology of hot waters,
morphological classification and geothermal potential of
the Pamukkale (Hierapolis) region, have performed on
travertine deposits in the Denizli Basin (Kocak, 1971;
Esder and Yılmazer, 1991; Ekmekci, 1993; Ekmekci et
al., 1995; Hancock et al., 1999; Ozkul et al., 2002; Yagiz
Yagiz 751
Figure 1. Typical travertine quarry operated in the county of Kaklik in Denizli.
Figure 2. Historical place (Hasmetbaba tomb) constructed with travertine in Denizli.
et al., 2005).
Further physical properties of locally operated stone
quarries in the study areas, Antalya and Denizli
surroundings were investigated by different researchers
(Kilic and Yavuz, 1994; Cam et al., 2003; Yagiz and
Akyol, 2005; Yagiz, 2006, 2009). However, there is no
attempt made to investigate the properties of extracted
stones utilized for construction purposes in the region.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the links between
geomechanical properties (that is, physical and
mechanical) of construction stones and their quality to
use as construction and building materials. Therefore,
752 Sci. Res. Essays
Figure 3. Location map of the sampling sites in South-western Turkey.
field inspection in quarries and laboratory tests on
collected samples were carried out and then the attained
results were discussed herein.
In the first stage of the study, block samples were
collected from various quarries of travertine, limestone
and schist quarried in South-western Turkey (Figure 3).
After that, mineralogical and petrographical studies were
carried out on the prepared samples by using optical
microscope in accordance with EN 12407 (2002)
Standard. Travertine, from Quaternary to Neogene ages,
is one of the most common quarried stones in Denizli
basin. Travertine precipitated at different depositional
conditions shows variations of color, appearance,
bedding, porosity, texture and composition.
Travertine litho types in the basin mainly include shrub,
crystalline crust (onyx), reed and noche which are
compact, brownish colored and subunit of the reed type.
Shrub type travertine represented by small bush like
growths in the field is common deposit on horizontal and
sub horizontal surface in the basin (Chafetz and Folk,
1984; Pentecost, 1990; Gou and Ridding, 1998) as
shown in Figure 4a. Noche, that is a commercial name
for compact and dense reed type travertine is dark
brownish colored, dense and low porous (Figure 4b).
Reed travertine is one of the prominent elements in the
Denizli travertine deposited marsh-pool, mound and
self built channels (Figure 4c). The travertine is rich in
molds of reed and coarse grass were named reed (Guo
and Riding, 1998). The organic matter content and
porosity of the reed travertine is relatively higher than
Crystalline crust travertine is commonly formed as a
result of rapid precipitation due to fast flowing water on
gentle slope. Dense, crudely fibrous and light colored
onyx is composed of elongated calcite feathers and
developed perpendicular to the depositional surface
(Figure 4d). Jurassic aged beige colored crystalline
limestone and Eocene aged white colored, fine grained
spary-calcite cemented limestone outcrops around the
countries of Elmali and Korkuteli in Antalya, respectively
(Figures 4e and f). Dark colored, medium to coarse
grained and massive Eocene age dolomitic limestone
outcrops around the country of Bozkurt in the Denizli
Basin (Figure 4g). Two types of schist outcrop around the
both countries of Baklan and Bekilli in the Denizli Basin
are categorized according to their petrographical and
mineralogical properties (Figures 4h and i).
The result indicates that mineralogical and
petrographical properties of stones together with
geomechanical properties have a significant affect to their
usage as construction materials.
Using rock testing standards such as International Society for Rock
Mechanics (ISRM) and Norms of European Committee for
Standardization (EN), physical and mechanical laboratory tests
Yagiz 753
Figure 4. Photomicrographs of thin section analysis in cross polarized (×10); (a) Shrub type travertine has sparite micrite cemented
densely packed layered texture; (b) Noche type has sparite calcite cemented texture with low porous; (c) Reed type has sparite micrite
cemented relatively high porous texture; (d) Crystalline crust shows micrite and sparite layered texture; (e) Beige limestone shows micro
cracks and defects with sparite calcite cemented texture; (f) White limestone has sparite calcite cemented texture with micro fossils; (g)
Dolomitic limestone shows sparite and micrite cemented texture with healed joints; (h) Biotite schist has high biotite and quartzite
content along with schistose texture (i) Muscovite schist composed of quartzite, mica muscovite and some opaque with schistose
including effective porosity (n’), both dry and saturated unit weight
, γ
), water absorption by weight (w), uniaxial compressive
strength (UCS), P-wave velocity, elasticity modulus (E) and slake
durability index (Id
), were carried out to investigate the quality of
stones to make use of construction material. Before testing, rock
samples were carefully inspected to obtain the most representative
stone samples for performing those tests.
Further, as stone blocks and prepared samples have a natural
defect, weathered colour, cracks and other unwanted properties
that make stone weaker and different than reality, the result of such
tests was excluded and not used for the quality assessment.
Besides those tests, geomechanical properties of stone may be
evaluated by expanding the range and type of laboratory tests like
freezing and thawing, hardness and/or abrasiveness tests;
however, type and quantity of tests could be restricted with
available laboratory facilities and finance as herein. Physical and
mechanical properties of stone were examined using common
laboratory tests and accessible facilities in this study.
Consequently, following laboratory tests were performed on
those stone samples to evaluate the quality of the stones quarried
in South-western Turkey, where remarkably rich within travertine
deposits and other carbonate rocks such as limestone and
dolomitic lime in the Mediterranean area.
Physical property tests
Physical index properties including dry and saturated unit weight,
porosity, and water absorption were measured in the laboratory by
using the ISRM (1981a) standard testing methods. In order to
perform those index rock tests, rock samples within 70x70x70 mm
dimension were prepared. Further, the specimen volumes were
computed from an average of several caliper readings.
Dry weights of specimens were obtained with a balance,
754 Sci. Res. Essays
Table 1. Basic statistical distribution of measured stone properties in average with standart deviation.
Rock and
litology type
Stone UCS
± SD
± SD
± SD
± SD
± SD
± SD
± SD
Name (MPa) (km/s) (%) (%) (kg/m
) (kg/m
) (%)
Denizli/Kocabas 1 Shrub travertine Travertine 61 ± 20.6 4.8 ± 0.12 1.35 ± 0.46 0.55 ± 0.19 2427 ± 25.2 2440 ± 22.2 98.91 ± 0.10 Layered texture w/fine to medium size grain
Denizli/Kocabas 2 Noche travertine Travertine 64 ± 10.9 5.0 ± 0.08 1.59 ± 0.89 0.66 ± 0.38 2373 ± 48.1 2388 ± 42.1 98.55 ± 0.14 Compact texture, fine to medium grain size
Denizli/Kaklık Reed travertine Travertine 41 ± 16.6 4.5 ± 0.11 1.89 ± 0.50 0.80 ± 0.22 2318 ± 56.3 2336 ± 54 98.87 ±0.12 Porous cemented, fine to medium grain size
Denizli/Honaz Crystalline crust onyx 58 ± 15.0 4.7 ± 0.19 2.05 ± 0.88 0.76 ± 0.34 2663 ± 45.5 2684 ± 38.1 99.24 ± 0.07 Layered texture, with fine grain size
Antalya/Korkuteli Beige lime Limestone 82 ± 28.3 5.0 ± 0.17 0.16 ± 0.10 0.06 ± 0.04 2631 ± 8.4 2632 ± 7.9 99.43 ± 0.04 Micro cracks; medium to coarse grain size
Antalya/Elmali White lime Chalk 32 ± 3.70 3.8 ± 0.41 9.70 ± 2.20 4.24 ± 1.14 2267 ± 98.1 2362 ± 77.9 98.49 ± 0.25 White colored, fine grain size, with fossils
Denizli/Bozkurt Dolomite lime Dolomitic
92 ± 33.3 4.9 ± 0.29 0.60 ± 0.27 0.22 ± 0.10 2726 ± 33.6 2732 ± 31.8 99.65 ± 0.06 Healed joint, medium to coarse grain with
some calcite veins
Denizli/Bekilli Biotite schist Calc schist 98 ± 7.10 5.1± 0.44 0.74 ± 0.11 0.29 ± 0.04 2498 ± 41.8 2506 ± 42.8 n/a Greenish colored, fine to medium grain size,
biotite rich, schistose
Denizli/Baklan Muscovite schist Calc schist 114± 13.4 5.6 ± 0.32 0.43 ± 0.53 0.17 ± 0.21 2588 ± 71.8 2592 ± 66.8 n/a Yellowish colored fine to medium grain size,
muscovite rich, schistose
=average values and SD=Standard deviation;
EN 12670 refers to international name of investigated stones.
capable of weighing to an accuracy of 0.01 g. Dry and
saturated unit weights of rocks (γ) were obtained from the
ratio of sample weight to the volume in kg/m
and also, the
effective porosity (n’), pore volume and water absorption by
weight (w) was determined via saturation and caliper
techniques as suggested by ISRM (1981a). As a result,
relevant physical index properties of rock were obtained on
ten samples for each rock type, and so, the average values
of the relevant properties with standard deviation are
obtained as given in Table 1.
Uniaxial compressive strength test
The uniaxial compressive strength tests were carried out
on a sample having dimension of 70x70x70 mm, smoothly
sawed using diamond saws from large size blocks in
accordance with EN 1926 (2000) natural stone testing
standard. The ends of the samples were cut parallel to
each other and at right angle to the longitudinal axis and
then smoothened to ensure that the samples were free
from abrupt irregularities and roughness. The stress rate
applied uniformly within the limits of 0.5 - 1.0 MPa/s. The
tests were applied perpendicular to observed beddings or
layers on a sample to discount anisotropy affect. Total 10
samples were utilized for each rock type and the average
values of the test were recorded together with standard
deviation (Table 1).
P-wave velocity test
P-wave velocities of the specimens were measured using
the portable ultrasonic nondestructive digital indicating
tester (PUNTID plus). This tester measures the time of
propagation of ultrasound pulses in a sample in the range
(0.1 - 999.9 µs) with a precision of 0.1µs. The transducers
used were 42 mm in diameter with 54 kHz.
The measurements were carried out perpendicular to
visual beddings or layers by using good coupling agent
necessary between rock surfaces and both receiver and
transducer face for accuracy of measurement. Afterward,
P-wave velocity was computed from the ratio of distance
between transducer and receiver to the time that P-wave
takes to travel the distance. The tests were performed on
10 samples for each rock type by following ISRM (1981b)
testing standards and the average values together with
standard deviation were used in the dataset (Table 1).
Also, P-wave classification of studied stones was
categorized in accordance with Anon (1979) P-wave
classification. P-wave velocity of the stone ranges from
moderate to very high class in accordance with Anon
(1979), as tabulated in Table 2.
Slake durability index test
Slake durability tests developed by Franklin and Chandra
(1972) were carried out to examine the slake durability of
rocks as suggested by ISRM (1981c). To perform the tests,
the representative samples were selected comprising ten
rock lumps, each with a mass of 40 - 60 g to give a total
mass of 450 - 550 g. The sharp corners of the rock pieces
were rounded during the sample preparation to obtain
spherical shape.
After that, the samples were placed in a clean drum and
Yagiz 755
Table 2. Classification of natural stones based on P-wave velocity (Anon, 1979).
Vp (km/s) Description Shrub
<2.5 Very low
2.5-3.5 Low
3.5-4.0 Moderate x
4.0-5.0 High x x x x x x
>5.0 Very high x x
Table 3. Durability classifications of stones based on second cycle of slake durability test (Johnson and DeGraff, 1988).
(% )
(% )
Class Shrub
> 30 < 60 Very low
30 - 60 60 - 85 Low
60 - 85 85 - 95 Medium
85 - 95 95 - 98 Medium H.
95 - 98 98 - 99 High
> 98 > 99 Very high
According to Id
V. H. V. H. High V. H. V. H. High V. H.
According to Id
V. H V. H V. H. V. H. V. H. High V. H. n/a n/a
Table 4. Average slakes durability indices with standard deviations for stones after each cycle.
Shrub type
± SD
Noche type
± SD
Reed type
± SD
Onyx type
± SD
Beige lime
± SD
White lime
± SD
Dolomite lime
± SD
Biotite schist
± SD
Musco. schist
± SD
99.23 ± 0.08 99.25 ± 0.11 98.94 ± 0.12 99.53 ± 0.04 99.62 ± 0.03 99.00 ± 0.15 99.73 ± 0.06 n/a n/a
98.91 ± 0.10 98.87 ± 0.12 98.55 ± 0.14 99.24 ± 0.07 99.43 ± 0.04 98.49 ± 0.25 99.65 ± 0.06 n/a n/a
98.57 ± 0.11 98.59 ± 0.13 98.23 ± 0.16 99.05 ± 0.09 99.29 ± 0.07 98.03 ± 0.33 99.56 ± 0.06 n/a n/a
98.34 ± 0.12 98.32 ± 0.16 97.95 ± 0.19 98.86 ± 0.10 99.13 ± 0.05 97.62 ± 0.40 99.50 ± 0.07 n/a n/a
were dried to constant mass at a temperature of 105°C, generally
requiring 2 - 6 h in the oven. The masses of drum and samples
were recorded and the samples were then tested after cooling. The
lid was replaced, the drum mounted in the trough and coupled to a
motor. Further, the trough was filled with a tap water at 20°C, to a
level of 20 mm below the drum axis, and the drum rotated for 200
revolutions during a period of 10 min to an accuracy of 0.5 min as
recommended by ISRM (1981c). After that, the drum and retained
percentage of samples were dried to constant mass at 105°C. As a
result, the slake durability indices (Id) corresponding to each cycle
were computed as the percentage ratio of final to initial dry weights
of rock in the drum after the drying and wetting cycles. Although,
slake durability test recommended to continue till two cycle and its
result were classified in accordance with second cycle (Id
) by
Johnson and DeGraff (1988) in Table 3, the tests were performed
on ten sample for each rock type till four cycles as suggested by
different researchers (Gokceoglu et al., 2000; Yagiz, 2001; Dhakal
et al., 2002; Yilmaz and Karacan, 2005; Gupta and Ahmed, 2007;
Yagiz and Akyol, 2008; Yagiz and Zorlu, 2009).
Consequently, the average of slake durability indices with
standard deviation for each rock type were tabulated in Table 4.
Concluding remark is that the rock having lower value of slake
durability (that is, white limestone) exhibit the higher susceptibility
for degrading under relevant condition. The test could not be
carried out for two investigated schist, which are very hard and
almost impossible to make standard sample.
Natural stone properties including uniaxial compressive
strength, P-wave velocity, effective porosity, slake
durability, water absorption by weight and both dry and
saturated unit weight, were investigated according to the
ISRM and EN standards. To obtain the best representa-
tive value for each rock property, total 10 samples were
prepared, tested for each stone type and so the results of
those tests were discussed herein. Further, to evaluate
756 Sci. Res. Essays
Table 5. The quality of studied natural stones in accordance with the relevant regulations and classifications.
Stone properties
UCS (MPa) (tile flooring) 61 64 41 58 82 32 92 98 114 >50 - - >52
(For wall covering) 61 64 41 58 82 32 92 98 114 >30 - - -
2427 2373 2318 2663 2631 2267±98 2726 2498 2588 >2300 - >2305 -
w (%) 0.55 0.66 0.80 0.76 0.06 4.24 0.22 0.29 0.17 <3 <7.5 <0.2 -
n’(%) 1.35 1.59 1.89 2.05 0.16 9.7 0.6 0.74 0.43 - <12 - -
Class High High High High V. High Moderate
High V. High
V. High
- - - -
Durability (Id
) V. High V. High High V. High V. High High V. High n/a n/a - - - -
*TS11143 standard for travertine as building stone and TS2513 standard for natural stone as building stone.
the quality of studied rocks as construction and
building materials, European committee for
standardization, Turkish and the American society
of testing materials (ASTM) standards were consi-
dered. Also, P-wave velocity and slake durability
classification were made for examined rocks as
recommended by Anon (1979), Johnson and
DeGraff (1988), respectively. It is found that the
physical properties of investigated stones are
good enough to be used for construction and
buildings in accordance with the EN, Turkish and
ASTM standards (Table 5). However, effective
porosity of travertine types does not give promise
result according to the ASTM standard that counts
travertine as marble.
In fact, effective porosity range that recom-
mended in the ASTM is actually impossible for
travertine that is more porous and weaker than
marble. So, travertine was categorized in detail
according to their origin in TS 11143 (1993) and
named as travertine via using the EN 12670
(2004) standard. Therefore, such a variation
between utilized standards for stone investigation
is likely. In this study, some commonly measured
physical and mechanical properties of mentioned
stones were investigated as given earlier;
however, it is always possible to expand the type
and number of test to conduct on a sample as
considering usage purposes. So, this research
may also be extended by performing some other
laboratory tests to examine the quality of the
In this study, an extensive laboratory tests were
carried out on several types of stones quarried in
South-western Turkey to attain the goal of the
research. Relevant European norms, Turkish and
ASTM standards have been used for investigating
the quality of natural stones for construction and
building purposes. According to the obtained
results, investigated natural stones are acceptably
compact, strong enough and their resistance to
slake durability is high. They do not show any
weathering indication, micro cracks, weakness
plane or veins that make natural stones weaker
than expected. As a result of the study, it is
concluded that the natural stones quarried in
South-western Turkey could be used as
construction material in accordance with followed
regulations with some deviation; however, stones
used for construction should be selected by
considering the both climate feature of stone
usage region and usage purpose, otherwise,
mislead is inevitable.
The author thanks to the local companies giving
logistic support during the field works. Also special
thanks to both Dr. Mehmet Ozkul and Tamer
Koralay of Pamukkale University for assisting on
the petrography studies of rocks.
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