From Gene to Protein—
A Historical Perspective
Curriculum Module
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Pages 7, 10, 21, 22, and 36: Figures 1–5 from Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reece,
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0003EDU), Biotechnology Explorer™ instruction manual, Rev. E. Bio-Rad Laboratories,
Life Science Education. 1-800-4-BIORAD (800-424-6723), www.explorer.bio-rad.com
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Prerequisite Knowledge ...................................................................... 3
Lesson 1: Protein vs. DNA .................................................................. 5
Lesson 2: The Watson and Crick Model of DNA ............................... 15
Lesson 3: Replication of DNA ........................................................... 19
Lesson 4: Transcription—DNARNA ............................................... 29
Lesson 5: Translation—DNARNAProtein .................................... 33
Lesson 6: Gene Regulation—the Operon Model................................41
Alignment with AP
Exam Questions............................................... 45
Appendixes ........................................................................................47
About the Contributors ..................................................................... 65
Julianne M. Zedalis
The Bishop’s School
La Jolla, California
Jamie A.S. Kelso
The Bishop’s School
La Jolla, California
A “Big Idea” in biology is that living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to
information critical to life processes. Heritable information provides for continuity of
life, and the storage and transfer of this information are necessary for life to continue.
In most cases, this information is passed from parent to ospring via deoxyribonucleic
acid, or DNA. is double-stranded molecule provides a simple and elegant solution for
the transmission of heritable information: By using each strand as a template, existing
information can be preserved and duplicated with high delity. For information in DNA
to direct cellular processes, it must be transcribed (DNARNA) and translated (RNA
polypeptide). e protein products determine the metabolism and thus the cellular
activities and phenotypes upon which evolution operates.
Although all cells of an organism contain the same complement of DNA, some genes are
continually expressed, whereas expression of others is regulated to allow more ecient
energy utilization and increased metabolic tness for the organism. Gene expression
is controlled by environmental signals and developmental cascades that involve both
regulatory and structural genes.
But how do we know what we know? What scientic evidence supports the claim that
DNA is the molecule of heredity? What key experiments allowed scientists to conclude
that DNA is able to store, retrieve, and transmit information necessary for living systems?
Why do changes in genotype result in changes in phenotype? Why do gene regulatory
mechanisms in bacteria provide useful tools for modeling control systems in eukaryotes?
is Curriculum Module asks students to explore these questions and many more as they
trace the pathway from gene to protein from a historical perspective.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
is Curriculum Module begins with students drawing their own conclusions from
the experiments of Frederick Grith and those of Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
that identify the source of genetic information. Next, students read an original article
describing the proposed model of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis
Crick, which was published in Nature; the students then construct their own model
through a formative assessment. Students extract DNA from living cells and make
observations about its chemical makeup. Using data gleaned from experiments by
Mathew Meselson and Franklin Stahl, students will create visual representations that
describe the process of DNA replication. ey build on the “one gene–one polypeptide
concept to model transcription and translation and also use biotechnology to induce
a new phenotype in bacteria. Finally, students will examine the lac and trp models of
regulation of gene expression in bacteria to model control systems in eukaryotes. e
authors chose the information and approach based on the organizing principles of Big
Ideas and Enduring Understandings that provide depth of study. Peppered among the
instructional strategies are activities designed to help students answer the question, “How
do we know what we know about DNA?” with “is is why we know what we know.
Each learning environment is dierent. Each school has its own mix of students with
dierent abilities and interests. Each classroom is dierent, even among AP® Biology
courses with common and required elements of content and skill. In all cases, students
learn best by doing. e lessons presented in this module are intended to be used as
strategies or guides, and each teacher should tap into his or her own expertise to make
the content rich, engaging, challenging, relevant, and unique within the curriculum
and cognitive frameworks. e instructional activities are examples of how teachers
can engage students by accommodating their dierent learning styles, knowledge bases,
and abilities and, at the same time, provide depth of content and skills. All activities are
inquiry based and serve to make the course less teacher focused and more student driven.
Sample AP Biology Exam questions pertaining to the module are also included.
Prerequisite Knowledge
Understanding biological processes at the molecular level allows students to study biology
at a deeper, more conceptual level. e relationship between structure and function (a key
theme in biology) begins at the molecular level. Carbon-based molecules—carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, and nucleic acid—make up the bulk of organic matter essential to living
systems. e structure and function of polypeptides, especially enzymes, should be
reviewed in some inquiry-based manner (e.g., teacher-provided questions or student-
generated visual representations) because the processes of DNA replication, transcription,
and translation are enzyme catalyzed. Additionally, enzymes and proteins also play
important roles in gene regulation. In this Curriculum Module, the study of the chemical
makeup of DNA precedes the study of how it works.
Energy and Metabolism
e nature of the transfer of energy in living systems is a fundamental theme in Advanced
Placement® study. For example, the concept of energy coupling of catabolic (exothermic)
and anabolic (endothermic) processes—as well as the role of nucleoside triphosphates,
such as ATP and GTP—allows students to explore DNA beyond Watson and Crick. e
role that these processes play should be relatively familiar to students if teachers follow a
sequence put forth by information in their textbook, but the processes should be reviewed
through an examination of diagrams such as ATP recycling and coupling of reactions.
is foundation will allow students to appreciate the anabolic processes of DNA synthesis
(replication), transcription, and translation. It is strongly suggested that students perform
AP LAB 2: Enzyme Catalysis in the AP Lab Manual.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
In eukaryotic organisms, heritable information is packaged into chromosomes that
are passed from one generation of cells to the next. Mitosis provides a mechanism that
ensures each daughter cell receives an identical and complete set of chromosomes; thus,
mitosis ensures delity in the transmission of heritable information. Additionally, mitosis
allows for asexual reproduction of organisms in which progeny are genetically identical
to the parental cell. Since chromosomes duplicate in mitosis, their chemical constituent,
DNA, also must be able to replicate. Students will ultimately link DNA replication to the
behavior of chromosomes during mitosis.
Sexual reproduction of diploid organisms involves the recombination of heritable
information from both parents through fusion of gametes during fertilization. Meiosis
produces haploid gametes and increases genetic variation through random assortment
of maternal and paternal chromosomes and random exchanges between homologous
chromosomes. Meiosis followed by fertilization provides a spectrum of possible
phenotypes for natural selection and evolution. DNA provides the genotype, while
translation of its information into polypeptides provides the phenotype. Ultimately,
students will link DNA replication to the behavior of chromosomes (duplication)
observed in the rst stage of meiosis.
Mendelian Genetics
Some traits (phenotypes) are products of action from single genes. Single gene traits
provided the experimental system through which Mendel described a model of
inheritance from parent to progeny. Mendels “factors” have been identied as genes—
or discrete sequences of DNA with information to produce polypeptides. Students
must make connections between Mendel, mitosis and meiosis, DNA, and phenotype.
Furthermore, the principles of Mendelian genetics can be applied to many observable
phenotypes, including human genetic disorders and the ethical, social, and medical issues
surrounding them.
Lesson 1: Protein vs. DNA
Plan the Lesson
Connections to Course Outline
e content of this lesson addresses the following areas of the AP Biology course outline:
Big Idea: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information
critical to living systems.
Enduring Understanding: DNA, not protein, is the source of heritable information.
Students investigate two key historical experiments to identify the source of
genetic information: protein or DNA.
Students are able to analyze data provided by Frederick Grith and draw
conclusions about the discovery of an unknown “transforming factor” in bacteria.
Students are able to analyze data provided by the Hershey–Chase experiments
with bacteriophage T2 and draw conclusions supporting the identication of
nucleic acid, not protein, as the source of genetic information.
Students extract DNA from living cells and make observations about its chemical
Common Student Misconceptions
Students, like scientists of the early twentieth century, have diculty distinguishing between
the “language of DNA and thelanguage of proteins.Both contain information, but only the
information contained in DNA sequences of nucleotides is passed from parent to ospring.
Additionally, students oen confuse the double helix of DNA with the alpha helix secondary
structure of protein. With respect to the chemical components of DNA and protein, students
might want to include both sulfur and phosphorous; sulfur is a component of proteins
containing the amino acid cysteine, while phosphorous is a component of nucleic acids.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Protein or DNA? How did scientists discover the source of heritable genetic information?
What evidence supported the theory that nucleic acid enables living systems to store,
retrieve, and transmit information critical to life processes from one generation to the
next? By asking questions, teachers can engage students to seek answers. In the rst two
instructional activities, students examine the work of Grith and the Hershey–Chase
experiments in the quest to identify the source of genetic information. In the third activity,
students extract DNA from living cells and make observations about its chemical makeup.
Teach the Lesson
Instructional activity I: Griffith’s experiments
is rst activity asks students to examine the work of Frederick Grith and draw
conclusions about how his research helped identify the source of genetic material.
Students are asked to address the inquiry question below and answer the questions
provided in the experimental analysis. Students may work in pairs or small groups.
Instructional time is approximately 20 minutes.
Background Information
Once T. H. Morgan and his co-researchers showed that Mendels traits (genes) are located on
chromosomes, the two chemical components of chromosomes—DNA and protein—became
the candidates for the genetic material. Until the 1940s, the case for protein seemed more
likely (Campbell and Reece 2005, 293). Why? Because scientists had previously discovered
that polypeptides contain a “language” based on a 20-letter amino acid alphabet from which
myriad proteins could be synthesized. Furthermore, little was known about the structure
and function of nucleic acids. Even aer Rosalind Franklin produced the X-ray diraction
photograph that Watson and Crick used to model the structure of DNA, it could be argued
that the helical shape of Franklins molecule supported protein (Campbell and Reece, 293).
Students oen have this same misperception, confusing the alpha helix secondary structure
of protein with the double helix of DNA.
Teaching Tips
Before proceeding with the work of Grith and the Hershey–Chase experiments, do the
1. Review the four structures of protein by asking students to use a visual
representation to describe how interactions between R-groups can determine
myriad three-dimensional shapes.
2. Ask the students for reasons why Franklins X-ray diraction photograph could
have been interpreted as a secondary structure, alpha helix protein. Follow up by
asking them to describe the eects of increased temperature or low pH on protein
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
structure and enzymatic activity. (Students should have gleaned this information
as prerequisite material in AP LAB 2: Enzyme Catalysis.)
A key factor in correctly identifying DNA as the genetic material was the choice of
experimental organisms. Why are bacteria and the viruses that infect them simpler to
study than Mendels pea plants, Morgans fruit ies, or humans? What role can luck play
in discovery? In 1928, Frederick Grith, who was studying Streptococcus pneumoniae to
nd a vaccine for pneumonia, made a startling observation. Grith had two strains of the
bacterium, a pathogenic or disease-causing strain and a second harmless one. Bacteria of
the “S,” or “smooth,” strain are pathogenic because a protein capsule protects them from
an animal’s defense system; bacteria of the “R,” or “rough,” strain lack a capsule and are
nonpathogenic. When Grith killed the pathogenic bacteria with heat and then mixed
the cell remains with living “R” bacteria, he made a startling discovery (described in
Figure 1). Grith called this phenomenon transformation (Campbell and Reece, 294).
Little did Grith know that his work in 1928 would provide a foundation for genetic
engineering and recombinant DNA technology in the twenty-rst century.
Inquiry for Students
How does information resulting from Griths experiments with Streptococcus
pneumoniae support the idea that a heritable material (the identity of which was unknown
in 1928) transformed living, nonpathogenic “R” bacteria into pathogenic “S” bacteria?
Figure 1: Griffiths experiments with two strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Experiment 1:
Living S (smooth)
cells injected into
live mouse.
Experiment 1 result:
Mouse Dies
Experiment 2 result:
Mouse Lives
Experiment 3 result:
Mouse Lives
Experiment 4 result:
Mouse Dies
Experiment 2:
Living R (rough)
cells injected into
live mouse
Experiment 3:
Heat-killed S cells
injected into live
Experiment 4:
Heat-killed S cells
mixed with living
R cells and
injected into live
What type(s) of
cells were found
when blood was
drawn from the
dead mouse from
experiment 4?
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Experimental Analysis
e student groups should:
1. Form inferences about each of Griths four experiments.
2. Draw conclusions regarding each of the two bacterial strains from their
experimental inferences.
3. Share their conclusions with each other and with you.
Give the student groups a few minutes to think about comments made by you or their
classmates. ey should ask themselves if their conclusions to the inquiry support a
transforming factor” observed by Grith in S. pneumonia and then explain why or why
not. is information can be shared and discussed as a class.
At rst glance, students likely would have predicted that mixing heat-killed pathogenic “S
bacteria with nonvirulent but living “R” bacteria would produce living cells (and not harm
the mouse) because neither bacterial strain is harmful by itself. You should point out that
Griths results were surprising even to him. A common student misconception is that
the heat treatment denatured not only the protein capsule but the genetic material as well.
Students should describe why Griths “transforming factor” was dierent from proteins
because (1) the heat treatment did not denature the unidentied factor; (2) the factor was
able to transfer information from one type of bacterial cell to another; and (3) the factor
transformed the host cells by giving them new properties.
is activity asks students to examine the work of Fredrick Grith and to draw
conclusions about why his experimental results helped to identify the source of genetic
information. e identication of a “transforming factor” began a quest to determine
its molecular composition, beginning with the Hershey–Chase experiments. If the heat
treatment had destroyed DNA, then all parts would have been damaged beyond repair
and function; no mice would have survived the Grith experiment.
Instructional Activity II: Hershey–Chase Experiments
is second activity asks students to examine the work of Hershey and Chase in an
eort to identify the source of genetic information and draw conclusions to support the
hypothesis that DNA, not protein, is the genetic material. Students are asked to address
the inquiry questions below and to answer the questions provided in the experimental
analysis. Students may work in pairs or small groups.
Instructional time is approximately 30 minutes.
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Background Information
e results of Griths work began a quest among scientists to identify his “transforming
factor.” Additional evidence for DNA, not protein, as the genetic material came from
experiments using viruses that infect bacteria called phages. Bacteriophages serve as
tools for research in molecular genetics because they are much simpler organisms than
cells, consisting of little more than DNA enclosed by a protective coat. To reproduce,
bacteriophages infect bacterial cells and take over the hosts metabolic machinery.
In 1952, Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase performed a series of experiments with a
bacteriophage known as T2. Phage T2 infects Esherichia coli, a common bacterium that
lives in the intestines of animals. Previous studies had shown that T2 was composed
of DNA and protein; that it could turn an E. coli cell into a T2-producing factory; and
that somehow T2 could reprogram its host cell to produce viruses (Campbell and Reece,
295). But a key question remained unanswered: Which component, DNA or protein, was
responsible for the observed behavior of T2?
Teaching Tips
At this point you should do the following:
1. Review the elements that comprise nucleic acid and protein.
2. Reiterate that Hershey and Chase used radioactive sulfur and phosphorous
to trace the fates of protein and DNA, respectively, of T2 phages that infected
bacterial cells. Ask students why Hershey and Chase used radioactive sulfur and
phosphorous in their experiment. (Students should answer that proteins can
contain sulfur if they have the amino acid cysteine with a sulydryl group in
its side chain, while phosphorous is a component of the phosphate groups that
comprise DNA monomers.)
Inquiry for Students
Is DNA or protein the genetic material of phage T2?
How does evidence resulting from the Hershey–Chase experiments support that DNA,
not protein, is the heritable material?
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Figure 2: Design of Hershey–Chase experiments with bacteriophage grown with
Escherichia coli
Experiment 2:
Phages grown
with bacteria in
phosphorus (
P) -
Experiment 1:
Phages grown
with bacteria in
radioactive sulfur
S) -
Pellet contains
bacterial cells
Pellet contains
bacterial cells
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.
Experimental Analysis
Each student group should:
1. rough narrative or visual representation, compare the design of the Hershey–
Chase experiment 1 to experiment 2. Why did they use radioactive sulfur in
experiment 1 and radioactive phosphorus in experiment 2?
2. Discuss the results of the Hershey–Chase experiments with T2. Where was
radioactive sulfur found at the end of experiment 1? Where was it found at the end
of experiment 2?
3. Draw conclusions from the results assuming that the material (DNA or protein)
that was found in the bacterial cells is, in fact, the genetic material.
4. Based on the Hershey–Chase experiments, is it reasonable to assume that Griths
transforming factor” was DNA, not protein? Why or why not? What is the
connection between the two experiments?
5. Share their responses with another student group.
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Give the student groups a few minutes to think about the comments made by their
classmates. Students should ask themselves if their conclusions to the inquiry justify that
DNA, not protein, is the genetic material. You should ask a member of each group to share
the groups responses with the class. A common misconception is that proteins contain
both sulfur and phosphorous. You can review the structure of proteins and their amino
acid monomers; because phosphorous is not an element in amino acids, it cannot be
found in proteins.
Students describe, through narrative or visual representation, and discuss with the class
how the Hershey–Chase experiments support the conclusion that DNA, not protein, is
the genetic material. If students have diculty with this conclusion, you should then
incorporate a think-pair-sharelearning strategy with pairs of students in which they revisit
the conclusions they drew earlier. You should circulate among the groups, asking questions
to facilitate and clarify student understanding. e Hershey–Chase experiments also expose
students to viruses as carriers of genetic information. e next step for students—as it was
for scientists—is to investigate the physical and chemical nature of DNA.
Instructional Activity III: DNA Extraction
is third activity is modied from Carolina Biological Supply Company’s DNA
Necklace Kit (product number 211138, available for purchase at http://www.carolina.
com/product/211138.do), but you can purchase the necessary supplies from other
commercial vendors. You should also consider tapping into resources at local colleges or
biotechnology companies that oen donate supplies to high schools.
is activity asks students to extract DNA from their own cells in order to investigate the
chemical properties of DNA along with other cellular components. Students address the
inquiry questions below, follow the procedural steps, and answer the questions provided
in the experimental analysis. Students may work in pairs or small groups.
is lab activity can be modied by asking students to design their own experiment. You
can tell students what the materials in the lab kit do: e sports drink contains salt that
is compatible with the osmotic environment of the cells; lysis solution dissolves cell
membrane barriers, particularly phospholipids; and ethanol causes DNA to precipitate out
of solution. Students can also investigate the roles of the reagent as a pre-lab assignment.
Instructional time is approximately 40 minutes.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Background Information
With Griths “transforming factor” and Hershey and Chases identication of DNA, not
protein, as the genetic material, the mysteries contained in Charles Darwins discussion of
variation and Gregor Mendels study of heritable traits were beginning to be resolved. e
obvious next step for scientists interested in the mystery of life was to further investigate
the physical and chemical nature of DNA.
Students can learn the abstract concept that DNA is made up of nucleotide subunits,
and they can also memorize the structure of those nucleotides, along with how they
are arranged in the molecule. However, showing students their own DNA (or another
organisms DNA) is an invaluable rst step because doing so demonstrates that DNA is
real. Additionally, it helps them discover some of the important chemical properties
of DNA. How can DNA, the largest of biological molecules, be extracted and isolated
from living tissue? If one strand of DNA is so thin (2 nm) that it can’t be seen with a
microscope, how can it be visualized by the naked eye?
DNA extraction is a routine procedure that is essential for molecular analysis. It involves
three basic steps: (1) collecting cells, (2) removing membrane lipids by adding a detergent,
and (3) precipitating the DNA with an alcohol, usually ethanol. Since DNA is insoluble
in alcohol, multiple molecules will aggregate together. Cellular and DNA-bound histone
proteins can be removed prior to precipitation by adding a protease. DNA can also be
resolubilized in a slightly alkaline buer.
Teaching Tips
1. ough DNA is the largest of biological molecules, it is only about 50 trillionths
of an inch long, and a single molecule cannot be visualized even with a light
microscope. Ask students: How might we be able to see DNA without the naked
2. Review the structure of cell membranes with students. In order to remove DNA
from the cell and nucleus, these structures must essentially be dissolved. Ask
students which types of solutions could be used to do this and ask them to explain
their reasoning. Students can review by the “think-pair-share” learning strategy or
as a class discussion.
3. Review with students the other types of molecules that are present in solutions
once cell membranes are dissolved (namely proteins). How can DNA be isolated
from these other molecules?
Inquiry for Students
How can DNA, a submicroscopic molecule, be visualized with the naked eye?
What must be done to extract and isolate DNA from human cheek cells?
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
What can we conclude about the chemical nature of DNA through isolation techniques?
15 mL test tubes, small disposable cups, sports drink, 70 percent ethanol, disposable
plastic pipettes, cell lysis (detergent) solution, 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes and test tube
racks, colored string.
e students will:
1. Obtain a 15mL test tube and label it with the students name.
2. Obtain a small cup of sports drink and swish it around in mouth for one full
minute. While swishing, they should gently and continuously scrape the sides of
their cheeks with molars.
3. Spit the drink (with the collected cheek cells) back into the small cup.
4. Pour the contents of the cup into the labeled test tube (discard the cup).
5. Holding the test tube at an angle, they will use the provided plastic pipette to add
2mL of detergent solution to the collected cheek cells.
6. Cap the test tube, and invert it ve to eight times.
7. Allow this to stand for two minutes.
8. Using the provided pipette, add the cold alcohol by letting it run gently down the
side of the test tube (holding the test tube at an angle). Add the alcohol until the
total volume reaches 12–13mL. ey should have two distinct layers. e students
should NOT mix the cheek cell solution with the alcohol!
9. Observe as strands of a translucent solid begin to precipitate where the alcohol
layer meets the cheek cell solution.
10. Place the 15mL test tube in a test tube rack and let it stand undisturbed for 15
minutes. During this time the solid will continue to precipitate out.
11. Use a plastic pipette to transfer the solid DNA into a smaller test tube. To do so,
the students should place the pipette near the DNA and draw the DNA into the
pipette (along with some alcohol). ey should NOT move the pipette up and
down into the bottom layer.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Experimental Analysis
Each student group will answer the following questions:
1. As discussed, DNA is a very thin molecule. However, DNA was able to be
visualized in this investigation. How was this possible?
2. DNA in a single human cell totals three meters in length. How is it able to t inside
the nucleus of a cell?
3. What was the chemical purpose of using cell detergent in the investigation? Where
is DNA located in eukaryotic cells? What, then, is the rst step in isolating it from
4. How was ethanol used in the investigation? How was the sports drink used in the
5. Share their ideas with other lab pairs. You will then ask several pairs to share their
ndings with the entire class.
You should provide student pairs with a few minutes to discuss their ideas. In a whole
class discussion, reect upon the inquiry questions provided at the beginning of the lab
and ask students to make some conclusions about the chemical structure of DNA based
upon this investigation. If students are unable to make correct conclusions about the
chemical structure of DNA, then you should address and clarify within the student pairs.
A common student misconception is that DNA is too small to be seen with the naked eye;
in response, you can ask students to approximate how many cheek cells they collected.
How did the sports drink help in the collection of cheek cells? Finally, students should
be asked to come up with ideas on their own about why it would be useful to be able
to isolate DNA. Many students will make the connection between DNA and criminal
is laboratory investigation exposes students to one of biotechnology’s most fundamental
but critical techniques—the isolation of DNA. e process allows students to glean
information about the chemical nature of nucleic acid and the structure of DNA.
Lesson 2: The Watson and Crick
Model of DNA
Plan the Lesson
Connections to Course Outline
e content of this lesson addresses the following areas of the AP Biology course outline:
Big Idea: Livings systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information
critical to living systems.
Enduring Understanding: e information language of DNA is encoded in its structure.
Students read a rsthand account of the discovery of the structure of DNA written
by Watson and Crick (published in Nature) and highlight the key concepts.
Students are able to use information presented in the Nature article to construct a
model of DNA.
Students are able to use their constructed models to determine how the structure
of DNA serves its function as a carrier of genetic information.
Common Student Misconceptions
Common student misconceptions about the structure of DNA include the following:
that a molecule of DNA consists of chains of nitrogen bases linked together, rather
than identifying DNA as a polymer of nucleotides consisting of a nitrogen base, a
ve-carbon sugar (deoxyribose), and a phosphate group;
that the nitrogen bases randomly pair with each other, rather than adenine pairing
with thymine, and cytosine with guanine;
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
that the two strands of a DNA double helix run in a parallel direction, not
antiparallel, where the “leading” strand runs in a 3ʹ5ʹ direction, and the opposite
or “lagging” strand runs from 5ʹ3ʹ; in addition, students oen incorrectly
identify the two types of chemical bonds (hydrogen and covalent) present in DNA
and also confuse ribose and deoxyribose sugars.
Teach the Lesson
Instructional Activity I: The Watson and Crick Model of DNA
In this activity, students will read the original Nature article, “A Structure for Deoxyribose
Nucleic Acidby Watson and Crick, in order to determine how they knew what they
knew.” Students will develop a preliminary model of the structure of DNA based solely on
information provided in the article. Students should read the article once, annotating areas
of importance. en, they will reread the article with a classmate and share areas that each
thought were noteworthy. Finally, students will share their annotations with the class.
Instructional time: 50 minutes of class time for reading and discussion (or assign the rst
part of reading for homework).
Background Information
Historical evidence supported that DNA, not protein, is the genetic material. However, several
questions remained unanswered: How could the structure of DNA account for its role in
inheritance? What is the “language” of its information? How is information stored in DNA
retrieved and transmitted to a new generation of cells? How are the instructions embedded in
DNA translated into polypeptides that determine cellular activities and phenotypes?
By the early 1950s, scientists had determined the arrangement of covalent bonds in a
nucleic acid polymer and began working on DNAs three-dimensional structure. Erwin
Charga analyzed the nitrogenous base composition from several dierent organisms.
Although his results showed molecular diversity among species, they also showed a
regularity: In the DNA of each species he studied, the amount of the nitrogenous base
adenine (A) approximately equaled the amount of thymine (T), and the amount of
cytosine (C) approximately equaled the amount of guanine (G) (Campbell and Reece,
296). What could these observations suggest? What are possible relationships between
(A) and (T), and between (C) and (G)? An X-ray diraction photograph of DNA taken by
Rosalind Franklin provided clues to the molecules pattern and shape.
Enter James Watson and Francis Crick. ese “young, bold, brash,” and relatively
unknown scientists collaborated at Cambridge University where Crick had been studying
protein structure with a technique called X-ray crystallography. Watson, an American,
was familiar with the type of patterns helical molecules produce upon X-ray diraction.
One glance at Franklins photograph told him that DNA was helical in shape and that
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
its dimensions suggested a double-stranded molecule, not a single-stranded alpha helix
protein. With this information, Watson and Crick began constructing a model much like
puzzle makers assemble pieces to put a jigsaw together (Campbell and Reece, 297–298).
Inquiry for Students
How did James Watson and Francis Crick know what they knew?
How was their discovery based on a great deal of work by many scientists?
What is the structure of DNA, and how might its structure reveal a possible “copying
Watson and Cricks Nature article, “A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid” (April 25,
1953), available for free download at http://www.nature.com/nature/dna50/archive.html.
Student Instructions
Read and annotate the article at least once. Next, read through the article with a friend from
class, discussing and clarifying points that each of you found to be important as you read.
Understand that you will probably need to reread many parts of this article, but dont get
frustrated. Finally, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. (Note: To
dierentiate instruction, students can also present their answers as descriptive illustrations.)
For each question, please cite the specic paragraph in the article where you found the answer.
Analysis Questions
e students will analyze and discuss the following:
1. Describe the structure of DNA monomers by using citations from the article. How
is the structure arranged, that is, which of the “parts” are on the outside? Which
ones are on the inside of the molecule? Cite the article.
2. How did Linus Paulings model dier from Watson and Cricks model for DNA?
Explain in detail.
3. What type of bond holds the bases together? Cite the article. From what we have
talked about this year regarding this bond, how might this bond aect the overall
stability of the DNA molecule?
4. In the eighth paragraph, a very important observation is made about base pairing.
What is the signicance of how bases pair up?
5. Reread the last half of the article. Based on what Watson and Crick say, try to
hypothesize what their “possible copying mechanism” might be. Use clues from
the article in your explanation.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
If students incorrectly visualize the structure of DNA, they cannot understand the
processes of replication, transcription, and translation. In this event, you must address
misconceptions via direct questioning, providing specic examples, etc.
Give student pairs plenty of time to discuss and answer the questions. If necessary, they
can answer the questions for homework. Discuss with students how Watson and Cricks
work could be viewed as the synthesis of a great deal of experimental data from many
scientists. Finally, based solely on information in the Nature article, have student groups
diagram the structure of DNA on large poster paper and share the diagram with other
groups for critique and evaluation.
e primary objective of this activity is to provide students with the experience of reading
a historical piece in the content area. From this, students acquire an appreciation of the
process of science and the ingenuity of not just Watson and Crick, but the many other
scientists that led them to model DNA. Students should be able to develop an accurate
structural picture of DNA based solely on information from the article.
Instructional Activity II: Formative Assessment
Students can also learn how DNA stores, retrieves, and transmits information through
an inquiry-based formative assessment, “From Gene to Protein” (Appendix A). In this
activity, the students are provided materials to construct a short strand of DNA based
on their study of the Watson and Crick model. Aer student groups think that they have
constructed an accurate model, they answer (in writing) a set of questions prepared by
the teacher to assess their understanding. You should spend time with each group and ask
several additional questions that have been prepared in advance. A student worksheet is
included with the formative assessment in Appendix A.
Students construct a short sequence of DNA based on the Watson and Crick model.
e activity can be expanded for further study: Students can use their constructed
DNA sequence to distinguish between DNA and RNA; to model the processes of
replication, transcription, and translation; and to predict the eects of DNA mutations
on polypeptide synthesis.
Lesson 3: Replication of DNA
Plan the Lesson
Connections to Course Outline
e content of this lesson addresses the following areas of the AP Biology course outline:
Big Idea: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information
critical to living systems.
Enduring Understanding: e process of DNA replication is semiconservative;
that is, when a double helix replicates, the daughter strand will consist of one
strand conserved from the parent strand and one newly synthesized strand.
Students investigate experiments by Meselson and Stahl supporting a
semiconservative” mechanism of DNA replication.
Students are able to use their constructed model of DNA to simulate DNA replication.
Students are able to link the process of DNA replication to the behavior of
chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis.
Common Student Misconceptions
Common student misconceptions include the following:
that the two strands of a DNA molecule run in a parallel direction, not antiparallel;
that the strands separate between covalent bonds between nucleotides making up
the “uprights” of the helix, rather than between the hydrogen bonds connecting
the nucleotide “rungs” between the two strands;
that the activities on the “leading” and “lagging” strands are the same;
that the helix completely unzips during replication, rather than replication
occurring within replication bubbles.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Teach the Lesson
Instructional Activity I: Three Models of DNA Replication
e following activity comes in three parts. First, students are asked to describe through
visual representation the three models of DNA replication. Second, they are asked to
design their own experiment to test the three models of DNA replication and share their
ideas with the class. ird, the students compare their lab design with the Meselson–Stahl
experiments and draw conclusions about the mechanism of DNA replication and whether
it supports the model described by Watson and Crick. It is suggested that you have the
students complete all three parts of the lesson.
Instructional time is two 45-minute periods.
Background Information
Heritable information is passed from parent to ospring through mitosis and meiosis
followed by fertilization. How does the Watson and Crick model of DNA provide a
mechanism for the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next?
How can existing information be both preserved and duplicated with high delity?
According to the Watson and Crick model, a molecule of DNA consists of two
complementary strands of nucleotides, with each storing information to reconstruct
the other. Watson and Crick hypothesized that prior to replication, the hydrogen bonds
connecting the strands are broken, and the two chains unwind and separate. Watson writes,
It has not escaped our notice that the specic pairing we have postulated immediately
suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material(Nature 1953). In the 1950s,
three possible models for replication were postulated—conservative, semiconservative, and
dispersive. Watson and Cricks model suggested semiconservative replication, with each
strand serving as a template for the assembly of a new, complementary strand of nucleotides.
However, Watson and Cricks hypothesis remained untested for several years.
In the late 1950s, Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl tested not only Watson and Cricks
model for replication, but two alternative ones as well. Using E. coli as their experimental
organism, Meselson and Stahl cultured bacteria for several generations in a medium
containing nucleotides precursors labeled with a heavy isotope of nitrogen,
N. As their
DNA replicated, the bacteria incorporated
N into nucleotides. Meselson and Stahl then
transferred the bacteria into a growth medium containing only
N, the “lighterand more
common form of nitrogen. DNA of dierent densities could be distinguished from each
other by centrifuging DNA extracted from the bacteria (Campbell and Reece, 300).
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Part 1
Inquiry for Students
What were the three models of DNA replication under investigation in the 1950s?
Colored pencils/crayons/markers, DNA models of replication diagram
Figure 3: Student investigation of possible models for DNA replication (DNA Replication,
Instructional Activity I, Part A). Based on the terms, conservative, semiconservative, and
dispersive, students are to design visual representations of the resulting DNA molecules after
rounds of replication.
Copyright © Pearson Edcation, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
After two rounds of replication, four DNA molecules are present. What do they look like
in terms of the prescence of parent cell DNA? Make predictions after the first and second
rounds of replication
1. Conservative Model 2. Semiconservative Model 3. Dispersive Model
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.
Student Instructions
In order for DNA to provide for continuity of life, the template parent molecules must
remain with new DNA molecules. With a classmate, answer the following questions that
relate to the diagram.
1. Dene the following terms in the context of how a molecule might be replicated:
conservative, semiconservative, and dispersive.
2. Using the diagram above, design a visual representation for each of the three
models of replication. Label or color the DNA from the parent strand and any new
3. Based on what you know about how biological molecules are synthesized, which
model would best support the biological theme of continuity and change?
Conservation of energy? Support your answer.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Part 2
Design an experiment to test the three models of DNA replication.
Students can assume that they have access in a laboratory to the following:
1. an experimental organism of their choice
2. their choice of radioactive isotopes (e.g.,
3. test tubes
4. food/growth media for organisms
5. a centrifuge
Students must justify their choice of organism and istopes. It is suggested that students
work with lab partners, but another option is to assign this activity as a homework
assignment. ey will share their experimental designs with the teacher and their
classmates. e design can be a written description similar to the experimental protocol in
the AP Lab Manual or presented in the form of a visual representation.
Part 3
To wrap up the discussion in Part 2, you should present the design and results of the
Meselson–Stahl experiments investigating the mechanism of DNA replication shown in
gure 4. Students are asked what model of replication (conservative, semiconservative, or
dispersive) from Part 1 is supported by the Meselson–Stahl results.
Figure 4: Results of Meselsohn–Stahl experiment. Bacteria were first cultured in growth media
containing the heavier isotope
N and then transferred to growth media containing the lighter
N. A sample was centrifuged after 20 minutes (one round of replication) and a
sample was centrifuged after 40 minutes (two rounds of replication). Light (top) and heavy
(bottom) DNA will separate via centrifuge. Hybrid (light and heavy DNA) will appear as a
single band in the middle.
(1) Bacteria
were first
cultured in
(2) Bacteria
transferred in
(3) DNA sample centrifuged after 20
minutes or first round of bacterial
Single hybrid band of
N DNA fund in
One band of
and one band of
N DNA found in
(4) DNA sample centrifuged after 40
minutes or second round of bacterial
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Bejamin Cummings
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Experimental Analysis
Students will answer the following:
1. Draw conclusions, in writing, from the results of the Meselson–Stahl experiment
illustrated in the image provided.
2. Aer the rst replication, which of the three models is proven to be invalid?
Support your answer.
3. Aer the second round of replication, which of the two remaining models is
4. What evidence from the experiment supports the model of DNA replication
described by Watson and Crick?
5. Share your conclusions with your teacher and classmates. Do they agree with your
conclusions? Why or why not?
6. If your teacher or classmates disagree with your conclusions, can you rene your
ideas? Why or why not?
7. What are ways in which scientists can resolve conicting ideas with respect to
conclusions drawn from experimental results?
A common student misperception is the conservative model of DNA replication; that is,
a new strand of DNA is synthesized from scratch. You could address this misconception
by discussing that if this were the case, aer several replications that information in the
original DNA template would be lost—and continuity of heritable information is a key
function of DNA.
Challenge Question
Watson and Crick could only hypothesize how their model of DNA could serve the
criteria of replication. How did the Meselson–Stahl experiments testing the three
hypotheses of replication support Watson and Cricks statement, “It has not escaped
our notice that the specic [nitrogenous base] pairing we have postulated immediately
suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material”?
You should join each student group for a few minutes as they work on the activity. You
should also assess their understanding of the Meselson–Stahl model of DNA replication
by asking questions similar to ones in the experimental analysis above. Students can also
share their responses to the questions with other groups.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Students use Meselson and Stahl’s model to justify that DNA replication is a semi-
conservative process; that is, information in the parent strand (template) conserved in
the newly formed molecule. e experimental results also support Watson and Cricks
hypothesis about the nature of DNA replication, which will be investigated more
thoroughly in the next instructional activity.
Instructional Activity II: Student Model of DNA Replication
e following activity asks students to use the molecule of DNA they constructed as part
of the formative assessment in Appendix A to model the process of DNA replication. As
they work through the process, students are asked to answer several questions. Students
should work in pairs or small groups.
Instructional time is approximately 30 minutes.
Background Information
A complex process, DNA replication involves several enzymes and other molecules.
Replication is not as simple as separating or “unzipping” a molecule of DNA between
hydrogen bonds forming the double helix and building complementary strands.
Although much more is known about how replication occurs in bacteria, the process is
fundamentally similar in eukaryotes; thus, replication in bacteria serves as a model for the
evolution of the process from bacteria to eukaryotes.
Replication of a DNA molecule begins at special sites called origins of replication. Proteins
recognize a particular sequence of nucleotides and separation of the two strands begins
at this site, with an enzyme (helicase) opening up a replication “bubble.” Since bacteria
only have one chromosome, they only have one origin. By comparison, eukaryotic
chromosomes have perhaps thousands of replication origins and thousands of bubbles
that ultimately fuse into each other. Replication continues in both directions until the
entire molecule of DNA is copied.
Remind the students that from their study of the structure of DNA, they conrmed the
antiparallel nature of the two strands: e uncoiled DNA consists of a 3ʹ5ʹ template
strand and a 5ʹ3ʹ template strand. Replication enzymes—DNA polymerases—that
assemble nucleotides into a new strand can only move in the 3ʹ5ʹ direction; thus, the
template can only be “read” in the 3ʹ5ʹ direction, while the new, complementary strand
grows in the antiparallel 5ʹ3ʹ direction. e 3ʹ5ʹ template strand is referred to as
the “leading” strand because replication occurs in a continuous direction, with DNA
polymerase following the opening of the replication bubble. However, for the 5ʹ
template, DNA polymerase moves away from the uncoiling replication bubble because
the enzyme only can add nucleotides to the free 3ʹ end of a growing DNA strand. If this is
true, how can the second strand be copied?
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Teaching Tips
Ask the students to come up with an analogy for the phenomenon described above. For
example, a student could use a simple scenario: Susie Smith, a student in AP Bio, is trying
to ride up an escalator at the local mall. If the escalator is moving upward and Susie rides
it upward, she travels in the same direction the escalator is moving; she is riding up the
“leading” strand. However, if Susie tries to ride up an escalator that is moving downward,
she will have trouble traveling up this “lagging” strand.
Follow up by asking how Susie can travel up an escalator that is moving down. Can she
ever make it to the top? (Yes, if she skips steps or travels upward in leaps or bounds.)
In contrast to the leading strand, which elongates continuously, the lagging strand is
synthesized as a series of segments—the “leaps and bounds” of the analogy above. As the
helix uncoils, DNA polymerase assembles short segments of nucleotides called Okazaki
fragments, named for the Japanese scientist who discovered them in the 1960s (Campbell
and Reece, 302–303). Another enzyme, ligase, ultimately joins the segments together,
forming a single new strand of DNA.
DNA polymerases cannot initiate the synthesis of a polynucleotide but, rather, can
only add nucleotides to the 3ʹ end of a preexisting chain. e rst nucleotides of the
leading strand and each Okazaki fragment of the lagging strand are initiated by RNA
primase, which, unlike DNA polymerase, can start an RNA chain from scratch. Primase
joins RNA nucleotides together one at a time, making a short segment of RNA primer
complementary to the DNA template strand where replication begins; DNA polymerase
then adds a DNA nucleotide to the 3ʹ end of RNA primer and continues adding
nucleotides to the growing strand according to the base-pairing rules. Only one RNA
primer is required for DNA polymerase to begin synthesizing the leading strand because
there is only one 3ʹ attachment site. However, each Okazaki fragment is primed separately.
Ultimately, appropriate DNA nucleotides replace RNA primers.
Inquiry for Students
Using the molecule of DNA you constructed as part of the embedded classroom assessment,
From Gene to Protein” (Appendix A), can you model the process of DNA replication?
In addition to the previously constructed molecule of DNA, students will need construction
paper, scissors, markers, or other media to construct several additional DNA nucleotides
consisting of deoxyribose, phosphate groups, and the nitrogenous bases adenine, thymine,
cytosine, and guanine. Students will also need to construct representations of the enzymes
used in DNA replication, including helicase, DNA polymerase, and ligase.e teacher may
also ask students to construct RNA primers and primase.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Analysis Questions
As students model the process of DNA replication using a constructed molecule, they
should answer the following questions in writing. If appropriate, they may use visual
representations to answer the questions. ey should also discuss their answers within
their student groups.
1. Do the strands of DNA in your model run in an antiparallel direction? Support
your answer.
2. At the rst step in replication, did you “unzip” the DNA molecule between the
bonds connecting the strands? What type of bonds connect the strands in the
double helix? (Bonus: What is the name of the enzyme that does the “unzipping”?)
3. Can you identify the “leading” and “lagging” strands?
4. What is the signicance of 3ʹ5ʹ and 5ʹ3ʹ?
5. What is the role of DNA polymerase in replication?
6. How do the activities of replication dier on the leading and lagging strands?
7. In what direction is the template strand “read”? In what direction is the newly
synthesized strand assembled?
8. What is a replication “bubble”?
9. Did you correctly mode Okazaki fragments with respect to replication of the
lagging strand?
10. Did you correctly pair A–T and C–G when making a strand complementary to the
original DNA template strand?
11. What are the roles of RNA primer and RNA primase in DNA replication?
12. What are the roles of telomeres and telomerases in DNA replication in eukaryotes?
You should join each student group for a few minutes as they work on the activity. e
teacher assesses their understanding of the process of DNA replication by asking questions
similar to ones in the analysis above. You can ask more dicult questions depending on
the sophistication of the class. Students can use similar question sets to reect on whether
or not they achieved the objective of the lesson to model accurately the semiconservative
process of DNA replication. e most common student misconception is that the strands
of DNA run in the same direction (parallel); if this is the case, the concepts of the leading
and lagging strands and the dierence in replication activities on them will be dicult to
understand. At this point, you can work with the students as they review the structure of
DNA using the molecule they constructed in Lesson 2 of this module.
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Students are asked to model the process of DNA replication using the DNA molecule
they constructed in the formative assessment in Appendix A. As they work through the
process, they should be able to describe the semiconservative model of DNA replication,
the dierence between template and complementary strands, and the activities on the
leading and lagging strands. If there are still misconceptions, you should ask a pair of
students to diagram DNA replication on the board and have the class walk through the
process. Once the students understand replication, you can introduce the concepts of
errors in the process.
Instructional Activity III: Errors in DNA Replication
is is an activity that can be done with the class as a group. Ask the students to keep in
mind Watson and Cricks model of DNA. en, ask them to hypothesize what happens
if adenine (A) is incorrectly paired with guanine (G), or cytosine (C) with thymine (T).
What happens to the dimensions of the rungs and overall shape of the molecule? What
eect could improperly paired bases have on the “language” of DNA?
Background Information
DNA has built-in redundancy; that is, each strand possesses all the information to
synthesize a polypeptide. If one strand is damaged, the other strand provides the same
information. Although DNA replication occurs with great accuracy, errors do occur. In
bacteria, DNA polymerase checks each newly attached nucleotide to make sure that it is
correctly paired with its complementary one, that is, (A) with (T), and (C) with (G). If
a mistake occurs, DNA polymerases can usually correct it. Unfortunately, if the error is
not corrected, it becomes a mutation. Mutations are sequences of nucleotides in a DNA
molecule that do not match the original DNA molecule from which it was copied.
Teaching Tips
At this point, you can do the following:
1. Introduce the concept of mutations in which nucleotides are substituted
incorrectly, deleted, or inserted. (An eective demonstration uses the DNA
molecule students constructed in Lesson 2. e teacher can randomly substitute,
delete, or insert nucleotides into the model.)
2. Ask students how “misspellings” of nucleotides changes the “language” of the
original DNA sequences. Eventually students will be asked to connect errors in
replication to incorrect polypeptide synthesis and eects on the phenotype.
3. Have a student use a model of DNA to demonstrate to the class the eect of the
above errors on the structure of the molecule.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Hopefully, students will respond that if any of the above mistakes occur, the “language” of
DNA changes. is leads to the next question and the objective of the next activity: What
mechanisms does a cell have, if any, for proofreading and repair?
For Further Study
At this point, you can provide more details about the role of DNA polymerase and
other repair enzymes in correcting “misspellings.” However, a discussion of mutations
and repair mechanisms is best saved until the students have a better understanding of
transcription and translation.
You can also introduce the concepts of telomeres and telomerase: In eukaryotes with linear
chromosomes, a small portion of the cell’s DNA cannot be replicated or repaired due to
the limitations of DNA polymerases; since DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides
to the 3ʹ end of a preexisting polynucleotide, there is an “end problem.” e usual
mechanism of replication cannot complete the 5ʹ ends of daughter DNA strands. Bacteria
do not have this problem because their DNA is circular with no ends.
For an instructional activity, you can ask students to follow the end of one strand of a
DNA molecule through two rounds of replication. Students should be able to observe that
aer the rst round, the new lagging strand of DNA is shorter than its template. Aer a
second round, both the leading and lagging strands are shorter than the original DNA
parental template. With each successive replication, the ends of the newly formed DNA
strands become shorter and shorter. e student can repeat the exercise until the concept
becomes clear.
You can ask students to describe, using a diagram, the eect of this shortening on DNA
replication. How much information in the form of DNA can be “lost” from the ends of
the strands during replication without consequences to the cell? Students can hypothesize
about how the “end problem” can be xed. e teacher can then introduce the role of
telomeres and telomerases in preserving eukaryotic genes and information.
is short activity asks students to point out possible sources of errors in the DNA
replication process. Students are asked to predict the possible eects of mutation on the
“language” of DNA. e lesson also provides an opportunity for advanced students to
study the “end problem” of replication on the 5ʹ ends of daughter DNA strands and the
role of telomeres and telomerases in preserving eukaryotic genes and information. e
next lesson takes the students through the translation of the genetic information.
Lesson 4: Transcription—DNARNA
Plan the Lesson
Connections to Course Outline
e content of this lesson addresses the following areas of the AP Biology course outline:
Big Idea: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information
critical to living systems.
Enduring Understanding: e direction of the ow of genetic information is from
nucleic acid to protein. In order for information stored in DNA to direct cellular
processes, it is transcribed onto RNA and, in turn, translated into polypeptides.
Students are able to describe Garrod’s observations about “inborn errors of
metabolism” and evidence that genes determine traits through enzyme-catalyzed
chemical reactions.
Students are able to justify the revision of Beadle and Tatums “one gene–one
enzyme” model to “one gene–one polypeptide.
Students can describe through narrative or visual representation the similarities
and dierences between DNA and RNA.
Students are able to distinguish between the three types of RNA—mRNA, rRNA,
and tRNA—with respect to structure and function.
Using their constructed models of DNA, students can model the process of
transcription of information from DNA→RNA.
Common Student Misconceptions
A common misconception is that both strands of the DNA molecule are transcribed, and
that a strand of DNA consists of one gene, not multiple genes. Students also incorrectly
identify ribose as the sugar in RNA and forget to substitute uracil for thymine.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Teach the Lesson
Instructional Activity: Transcription—DNARNA
e following activity asks students to use a constructed molecule of DNA to model the
process of transcription of information from DNA to RNA. Students are asked to address
the inquiry question below and answer the questions provided in the analysis. Students
may work in pairs or small groups.
Instructional time is approximately 15 minutes.
Background Information
Genetic information is stored in DNA in the form of specic sequences of nucleotides. But how
does this information determine an organisms traits, including the variety of pea shapes Mendel
observed in his plants? How does a nucleus control the activities of a cell? How does DNA
determine cellular metabolism? How does an organisms genotype determine its phenotype?
In the early 1900s, Archibald Garrod, while investigating causes of inherited metabolic
disease in humans, suggested that genes determine traits through enzymes that catalyze
specic chemical reactions in the cell. Later research supported Garrod’s “inborn errors
of metabolism,” including studies by Beadle and Tatum who coined the phrase, “one gene–
one enzyme” (Campbell and Reece, 309–310). However, not all proteins are enzymes;
insulin is an example of a nonenzyme protein, and the inability to synthesize it results in
the oen severe phenotypic consequences associated with diabetes.
Teaching Tips
At this point, you can pause and ask students why, in light of the above information, was
Beadle and Tatums hypothesis later revised to “one gene–one polypeptide”? What is a
simple denition of a “gene”?
A gene does not build a protein directly. Another nucleic acid, RNA, “communicates
the language of DNA into another language—the language of polypeptides. RNA is
chemically similar to DNA, but with three signicant dierences: It is single-stranded,
contains ribose instead of deoxyribose as its sugar, and has the nitrogenous base uracil,
not thymine. Additionally, RNA exists in three forms: mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA. Getting
information from DNA to protein involves all three RNAs and requires two stages:
transcription and translation.
is is also a good opportunity to review cell structure by asking students to explore the
following scenario: DNA is a double-stranded molecule, and its size prevents it from
getting through the nuclear membrane of eukaryotes. Assuming this is true, how can the
information stored in DNA direct the synthesis of polypeptides outside the nucleus at the
ribosomes attached to endoplasmic reticulum? Students should hypothesize that some
kind of intermediate (i.e., RNA) that can leave the nucleus is necessary.
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
In transcription, RNA molecules are created by using DNA as a template. Similar to
the action of DNA polymerases, RNA polymerases read the DNA template in the 3ʹ→5ʹ
direction and assemble the RNA nucleotides in the 5ʹ3ʹ direction; however, RNA
polymerase can start a chain without primer. Specic sequences of nucleotides along
the DNA template indicate where transcription of a gene begins and ends. In initiation,
RNA polymerase attaches to a “start” sequence of nucleotides, “unzips” the helix, and
begins appropriately adding nucleotides one by one, with adenine pairing with uracil, and
cytosine pairing with guanine. Termination occurs when RNA polymerase reaches a “stop
sequence of nucleotides. Unlike DNA replication, only one strand of DNA is transcribed.
Although the process of transcription is fundamentally similar in bacteria and eukaryotes,
it is important to point out a couple of signicant dierences. Following transcription in
bacteria, the RNA transcript is immediately usable as mRNA. In eukaryotes, it must rst
undergo processing in various ways, including the excision of noncoding regions (introns),
before leaving the nucleus. e nonexcised coding regions (exons) are spliced together
and will ultimately be expressed as a polypeptide.
Inquiry for Students
Using a constructed molecule of DNA with at least 12 nucleotides as a template, can you
model the process of transcription of information from DNARNA?
Students will have already constructed a molecule of DNA. However, they will need
construction paper, scissors, markers, or other media to make several RNA nucleotides
consisting of ribose, phosphate groups, and the nitrogenous bases—adenine, uracil,
cytosine, and guanine. Students will also need to construct representations of the enzymes
helicase and RNA polymerase.
Analysis Questions
1. Describe through narrative or a visual representation three dierences between
DNA and RNA.
2. Describe through narrative or visual representation the structural dierences
between mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA.
3. How is transcription similar to DNA replication?
4. How is it dierent?
5. What is the role of RNA polymerase in transcription?
6. Given a sequence of DNA 3ʹ…GATTACAGATTACAGATTACA…5ʹ, what is the
sequence of mRNA that can be transcribed?
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
You should join each student group for a few minutes as they work on the activity. You can
assess their understanding of the process of DNA replication by asking questions similar to
ones in the experimental analysis above. Students can use similar question sets to reect on
whether or not they achieved the objective of the lesson to model accurately the process of
transcription of genetic information from DNARNA. Students can critique the work of
other groups and provide feedback. Remember, students learn best by teaching.
For further study, students can investigate why introns and RNA splicing exist in the rst
place. Why do introns exist if their information is never expressed as a gene? Are introns
“junk” DNA or “trash”? Whats the dierence? What is the evolutionary signicance of
existence of introns?
Students should be able to model using a visual representation the process of
transcription of genetic information from DNA to RNA. In transcription, RNA
molecules are created by using DNA as a template. Similar to the action of DNA
polymerases, RNA polymerases read the DNA template in the direction and
assemble the RNA nucleotides in the 5ʹ3ʹ direction. Unlike DNA replication, only one
strand of DNA is transcribed. e next task asks students to translate the information
that has been transcribed from DNA to RNA.
Lesson 5: Translation—
Plan the Lesson
Connections to Course Outline
e content of this lesson addresses the following areas of the AP Biology course outline:
Big Idea: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information
critical to living systems.
Enduring Understanding: e direction of the ow of genetic information is from
nucleic acid to protein. In order for information stored in DNA to direct cellular
processes, it is transcribed onto RNA and, in turn, translated into a sequence of
amino acids, or polypeptides.
Students are able to describe through narrative or visual representation the Triplet Code.
Given a visual representation of a sequence of DNA, students are able to transcribe
the sequence to a sequence of RNA.
Given a visual representation of a sequence of mRNA and a dictionary” of amino acid
codons, students are able to translate the sequence to a primary structure polypeptide.
Students are able to revise or rene a visual representation of the process of
translation of genetic information from DNARNAprotein.
Students are able to create, revise, or rene a visual representation of the process of
Students are able to conduct an experiment, collect evidence, and draw
conclusions supporting that information in DNA, when translated, results in
observable phenotypes.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Common Student Misconceptions
Common student misconceptions about the Triplet Code are (1) that one nitrogenous base
codes for one amino acid, or (2) that three amino acids code for one nitrogenous base. e
Triplet Code states that three nitrogenous bases code for one amino acid. With respect to the
process of translation, students oen cannot distinguish between the structure and function
of the three types of RNA—mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA. ey also confuse codons and anti-
codons and cannot make the connection DNARNAamino acid sequence (polypeptide).
Students have diculty connecting genotypes with observable phenotypes.
Teach the Lesson
Instructional Activity I: The Triplet Code
is activity begins the study of translation by asking students to perform the rst two
“warm-up” instructional activities described below with no background information
provided by the teacher. (Background information is provided for you, however.) Students
should work in pairs or small groups.
Instructional time is short—approximately 10 minutes.
Background Information
For information stored in DNA to direct cellular processes, it must be translated to
protein. However, when biologists rst made the connection between information in DNA
to polypeptide synthesis, they recognized a dilemma: ere are only four nucleotide bases
(A, T, C, and G), but there are 20 amino acids. What is the connection between nucleotide
base sequences of DNA and amino acid sequences? How is DNAs information “decoded”?
Marshall Nirenberg and others cracked the genetic code in the 1960s—nearly 20 years
aer Watson and Crick determined the structure of DNA (Campbell and Reece, 313).
Each amino acid is coded for by a sequence of three nitrogenous bases, hence the Triplet
Code. Although taking the four bases in all combinations of triplets (4
) results in 64
arrangements, some amino acids have more than one code or codon. Additionally, the
codon AUG species both the amino acid methionine and a “start” codon, while three
codons serve as “stops” and do not code for amino acids.
How can four nitrogenous bases (A, T, C, and G) code for the 20 amino acids in polypeptides?
Students work in pairs to answer the following questions in writing. You can present the
questions in a worksheet or read them orally, one by one, pausing to allow the students to
process and answer each question.
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
1. If each nitrogenous base codes for one amino acid (4
), how many amino acids can
you code for?
2. What if you take the bases two at a time? For example, what if AT specied one amino
acid, and TC another? How many amino acids can you code for? In other words, 4
= ?
3. If you answered 16, youre close, but thats not enough. ere are 20 amino acids,
not 16. What if you take the four bases three at a time? How many amino acid
codons result from 43?
4. If you answered 64, congratulations! You are correct! If each arrangement of
three consecutive bases species one amino acid, there can be 64 possible code
words—more than enough to specify all 20 amino acids and then some. With that
information, explain the term synonymous codons? What does the word synonym
mean in an English class?
5. Why is the “language” of DNA said to reside in the Triplet Code?
Common student misconceptions about the Triplet Code are (1) that one nitrogenous
base codes for one amino acid, or (2) that three amino acids code for one nitrogenous
base. You can address these misconceptions by asking for a student volunteer to go to
the board and show, in writing, how he or she deduced that three nitrogenous bases are
necessary to code for one amino acid. e students classmates can critique whether or
not the students reasoning is logical. (You can use this “teaching moment” to describe
dierences between positive and negative criticism.)
Students work through a series of questions to determine the connection between
nucleotide base sequences of DNA and amino acid sequences. e activity allows students
to interpret or dene the Triplet Code.
Instructional Activity II: Using the Dictionary
is activity takes the above concept one step further by asking students to transcribe a
DNA sequence of nucleotides to a sequence of RNA nucleotides and, in turn, a sequence
of amino acids. Students oen forget to substitute uracil (U) in RNA to thymine (T) in
DNA. Some students might still think that in the Triplet Code, three amino acids code for
one nitrogenous base. Additionally, they might have diculty reading the dictionary of
amino acid codons. You should visit each student group to make sure they are correctly
interpreting the dictionary.
Students work in pairs or small groups to answer the following questions in writing.
Instructional time is short—approximately 10 minutes.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Inquiry for Students
1. Given the DNA sequence 3ʹ…ATTTCAAACGCATACGAT…5ʹ, what is the
sequence of mRNA that can be transcribed from this sequence?
2. How many amino acids are coded for by this sequence?
3. Using the “dictionary” of the genetic code in the gure below, translate your
mRNA sequence into a sequence of amino acids.
Figure 5: The Genetic Code. Note that this is this the translation of mRNA codons and is read
the 5’ to 3’ direction.
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Students can compare their responses to the questions by sharing them with another
group. Or, a member of each group can go to the board and illustrate the groups
transcription of the given sequence from DNA→RNA and the subsequent translation of
the mRNA sequence to a sequence of amino acids. You can ask students to resolve any
discrepancies in their answers.
In a quick activity, students are given a short sequence of DNA nucleotides and are asked
to write down the sequence of mRNA that can be transcribed from the sequence. Using a
dictionary of the genetic code, students are then asked to translate the transcribed mRNA
sequence into a sequence of amino acids.
Instructional Activity III: Translation Steps
At this point, many teachers chose to present details of translation through a lecture
or a PowerPoint presentation. However, the following inquiry-based activities are
examples of more eective strategies for student engagement and learning. e suggested
activities raise questions, and questions from students are good indicators of their level
of understanding. You can create a rubric of essential features that should be included in
each visual representation. Students should work in pairs or small groups. ey can nd
information in their textbook, the Internet, or other sources approved by you.
Background Information
e process of translation is fundamentally the same in bacteria and eukaryotes. A
cell interprets a genetic message in DNA and synthesizes a polypeptide. What other
“ingredients” are necessary? What are the roles of mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, ribosomes, and
amino acids in polypeptide synthesis? Where in a bacterial cell does translation occur? A
eukaryotic cell? is is a good time to review cell structure and function.
e basic concept of translation is that as a molecule of mRNA is moved through a
ribosome (rRNA and protein), codons are translated one by one into a sequence of amino
acids—the primary structure of a protein. To summarize, translation consists of three
distinct stages: initiation, elongation, and termination. Initiation begins when a ribosome
attaches to a region near the 5ʹ end of the mRNA. A tRNA with the anticodon UAC
carries methionine to the mRNA at the complementary “start” codon AUG. Elongation
continues as each mRNA codon is read, with tRNAs carrying specic amino acids to
the ribosome. As each new tRNA arrives, the polypeptide chain is elongated by one new
amino acid, growing in sequence length according to the codons on the mRNA. When
a “stop” codon on mRNA is read, termination occurs with the release of the completed
polypeptide. Once the polypeptide is completed, interactions between amino acid R-
groups result in secondary and tertiary structures.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Suggested Activities
1. Students can describe key steps in the process of translation by using a visual
representation such as a diagram with annotation. e concept can also be
presented as a poster project.
2. Students can revise or rene a visual representation of translation.
3. Students can generate a Jeopardy-type game to learn and review essential terms
associated with the process of translation.
4. Students can design a board game to take players through the steps in translation.
5. Students can generate a PowerPoint presentation or video describing the three
stages of translation. For example, group 1 can describe initiation; group 2 can
describe elongation; group 3 can describe termination. Students can nd a rubic
for translation in their textbook.
Both you and the students can assess the eectiveness of the group visual representations
or presentations with respect to scientic accuracy, clarity, creativity, and usefulness based
on the teacher-generated rubric. Students can make suggestions about how to increase the
eectiveness of the presentations.
Students are asked to model the steps in translations by choosing an appropriate
instructional activity designed by you. Each activity can be modied to address dierent
learning styles and time constraints.
Instructional Activity IV: For Further Study
is activity is set out in the pGLO Bacterial Transformation Lab (Appendix B). e
experiment consists of three parts. In Part A, the students consider crucial scientic
investigative background. In Part B, they follow a procedure to transform bacteria with a
gene that encodes for green uorescent protein. In Part C, they collect data and analyze
their results in order to determine how successful they were in causing a phenotypic
change in E. coli bacteria.
Background Information
For information in DNA to direct cellular processes, it must be translated into
polypeptides. e protein products determine the metabolism and thus the cellular
activities and phenotypes upon which evolution operates. Because DNA is a universal
molecule, its information, when transcribed and translated, can be expressed as a
phenotype, and phenotypes are usually observable.
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
In this experiment, the students will perform a procedure known as genetic
transformation—a key technique in biotechnology. What are some possible applications
of genetic transformation in agriculture, environmental science, and medicine? e
complex, advanced procedure allows the students to transform E. coli bacteria with a
gene that codes for green uorescent protein (GFP). e real-life source of this gene
is the bioluminescent jellysh Aequorea victoria. GFP causes the jellysh to glow in
the dark. Following the transformation procedure, the bacteria express their newly
acquired jellysh gene as an observable phenotype; they produce the uorescent protein,
which causes them to glow a brilliant green color under ultraviolet light. is activity
is an opportunity for the students to revisit Griths 1928 experiment identifying a
transforming factor” later identied as DNA.
For more thorough background information, along with the complete student
experimental procedure and reection on the activity, refer to Appendix B. It is also
strongly suggested that the students perform all three parts of the experiment, including
the investigative background; however, if time constraint is an issue, the teacher may
perform the actual experimental procedure as a demonstration and ask the students to
analyze the results.
In this extensive laboratory activity, students perform a procedure known as genetic
transformation—a key technique in biotechnology—in order to investigate how bacteria
can use gene transfer to acquire new, observable phenotypes. If the transformation is
successful, the bacteria will incorporate the pGlo plasmid and express a new, observable
phenotype: e bacteria will glow in the dark. Additionally, some E. coli colonies will
demonstrate resistance to antibiotic. e experiment demonstrates the universality of
DNA and its expression. You should allow time for class discussion of the experimental
results by allowing each student group to explain their conclusions. e rest of the class
respectfully critiques each group until you are satised that each member of the class
understands how the information in DNA is expressed as a phenotype. is experiment is
a connection to the next lesson, the regulation of gene expression, and to natural selection
and evolution.
Lesson 6: Gene Regulation—
the Operon Model
Plan the Lesson
Connections to the Course Outline
e content of this lesson addresses the following areas of the AP Biology course outline:
Big Idea: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information
critical to living systems.
Enduring Understanding: Structure and function in biology involve two
interacting aspects: the presence of necessary genetic information and the correct
expression of this information.
Students are able to explain why regulation of gene expression is necessary.
Students are able to describe by visual representation the components of the operon.
Students are able to describe by visual representation the lac operon of inducible
gene expression.
Students are able to describe by visual representation the trp operon of repressible
gene expression.
Common Student Misconceptions
e rst challenge for students is to understand that the operator region of the operon
controls transcription, and that the promoter region controls translation of the structural
genes to polypeptides. Students should be able to explain this dierence clearly. A second
challenge is to understand that the dierence between the lac and trp operons is small,
but signicant; students oen confuse the inducible response of the lac operon with the
repressible response of the trp operon.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Teach the Lesson
Students can learn how the environment controls gene and protein expression through
the inquiry-based embedded classroom assessment “Operon” (Appendix C). Provided
materials, students construct models of the lac and trp operons and use them to develop
answers to probing questions provided by the teacher. First, students reveal their
understanding of the operon model by expressing the role of each of the components.
Next, they are asked what happens if the promoter and operator are reversed and whether
or not transcription will occur under the new circumstances. e students are also asked
to consider evidence that would imply a mutation of the regulator gene that increases,
decreases, or deactivates gene expression. Finally, students are provided with a scenario
in which expression does not occur and are asked to apply their model to pose questions
that might be tested to explain this observation. You should spend time with each group
and ask several additional questions that have been prepared in advance. Details of
the embedded classroom assessment, along with the student worksheet, are found in
Appendix C.
Background Information
Structure and function in biology involve two interacting aspects: the presence of
necessary genetic information and the correct expression of this information. Genetic
material controls the production of cell products and, in turn, these products determine
the metabolism and nature of the cell. Most cells within an organism contain the same set
of genetic instructions, and although some genes are continually expressed, the expression
of most genes is regulated. Why? Why do cells place limits on gene to protein pathways?
In terms of eciency, regulation of pathways allows better utilization of energy and
resources, thus increasing metabolic tness. But what signals control gene expression?
Environmental signals and cascades involve both regulatory and structural genes that,
when activated or inactivated, control synthesis of polypeptides. Gene regulation has been
studied in the bacterium E. coli, a common organism that lives in the digestive system
of humans. e DNA of E. coli contains sequences of DNA, called operons, that direct
particular biosynthetic pathways and serve as models for gene regulation in both bacteria
and eukaryotes. Four components of the operon model are (1) a regulatory gene that
produces a repressor protein; (2) the promoter region that serves as a binding site for
RNA polymerase; (3) the operator region that can block the action of RNA polymerase;
and (4) the structural genes that can be transcribed and translated into polypeptides,
including enzymes.
e lac operon in E. coli controls the breakdown of lactose. In the lac model, the repressor
protein is usually active, and the structural genes are blocked, preventing transcription
and translation of enzymes required for lactose metabolism if lactose is absent. However,
when lactose is available, the repressor protein is inactivated, thus allowing the structural
genes to be activated to produce enzymes necessary for lactose metabolism. Since a
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
substance is required to “turn onthe operon, the lac operon is an example of an
inducible response.
In the trp model of an E. coli operon, the repressor protein is usually inactive, allowing
for the transcription of structural genes necessary for the production of the amino acid
tryptophan. When present, tryptophan binds with the repressor protein, inhibiting
production of tryptophan synthetase; thus, the bacterium no longer needs to synthesize its
own tryptophan. Since the structural genes stop producing enzymes only in the presence
of an active repressor, the trp operon is an example of a repressible response.
Students investigate mechanisms of gene expression and regulation by constructing
models of the lac and typ operons and then use their models to develop answers to
questions provided by the teacher. Students also use their models to pose questions that
might be tested to explain an observation when gene expression does not occur.
Alignment with AP
Aer students complete the lessons in this curriculum module, they can use the AP
Biology Exam questions to check for understanding of the processes involved in the
transfer of information from gene to protein. e questions are intended for use as
formative assessments and should not be used as summative assessments. Students can
think-pair-share” by answering questions individually, pairing with another student, and
sharing their responses to the practice questions to justify their answers. You should
provide time for students to present their answers and rationales for answer choices.
You should also give feedback on the accuracy of answers and provide clarication on
misunderstandings possibly embedded in the student rationales.
Sample AP Biology Free-Response Questions
Excerpted from Form B, Question 1
A dierence between prokaryotes (bacteria) and eukaryotes is seen in the organization of
their genetic material.
a. Discuss the organization of the genetic material in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
b. Contrast the following activities in prokaryotes and eukaryotes:
Replication of DNA
Transcription or translation
Gene regulation
Cell division
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Excerpted from Question 3
Protein synthesis is vital for cell growth and metabolism.
a. Describe transcription and translation.
b. Identify similarities between transcription and translation.
c. Identify dierences between transcription and translation.
d. Describe structural changes that can occur to a protein aer translation to
make it function properly.
Excerpted from Question 1, part (b)
e human genome illustrates both continuity and change. All humans are nearly
identical in coding sequences and have many proteins that are identical in structure and
function. Nevertheless, each human has a unique DNA fingerprint. Explain this
apparent contradiction.
Campbell, Neil A., and Jane B. Reece. 2005. Biology 7th ed. San Francisco, CA:
Benjamin Cummings.
College Board. 2001. AP Biology Laboratory Manual. New York: e College Board.
Watson, J. D., and F. H. C. Crick. 1953. “Molecular structure of nucleic acids: A structure
for deoxyribonucleic acids.Nature 171, no. 738 http://www.nature.com/nature/dna50/
Appendix A
From Gene to Protein: A Formative Assessment
for AP Biology
Julianne Zedalis
The Bishop’s School
La Jolla, California
It is expected that students who successfully complete AP Biology will be able to apply their
understanding that living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information critical
to life processes. Aer completing AP Biology, it is also expected that students will be able
to correctly construct a molecule of DNA and use it to model the processes of replication,
transcription, and translation.e following activity is a formative assessment that provides
students with an opportunity to construct a short strand of DNA based on historical evidence
provided by the work of Watson, Crick, Wilkins, Franklin, et al. First, the students should read
Watson and Cricks Nature article,A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid,available for
free download at http://www.nature.com/nature/dna50/archive.html. Additional sources of
information can be provided by a textbook, the Internet, lms (e.g., e Double Helix), or other
sources approved by the instructor. e activity can be expanded for further study; for example,
the students can use their constructed DNA sequence to distinguish between DNA and RNA;
to model the processes of replication, transcription, and translation; and to predict the eects
of DNA mutations on polypeptide synthesis.
If students incorrectly visualize the structure of DNA, they cannot understand the
processes of replication, transcription, and translation. Common student misconceptions
about the structure of DNA are the following:
A molecule of DNA consists of chains of nitrogen bases linked together, rather
than identifying DNA as a polymer of nucleotides consisting of a nitrogen base, a
ve-carbon sugar (deoxyribose), and a phosphate group.
e nitrogen bases randomly pair with each other, rather than adenine pairing
with thymine, and cytosine with guanine.
e two strands of a DNA double helix run in a parallel direction, not antiparallel,
where the “leading” strand runs in a 3ʹ 5ʹ direction, and the opposite or “lagging
strand runs from 5ʹ 3ʹ.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
In addition, students oen incorrectly identify the two types of chemical bonds (hydrogen
and covalent) present in DNA and also confuse ribose and deoxyribose sugars.
Teacher Protocol
Provide small groups of students with construction paper, markers, and scissors. With
little guidance, ask them to construct several (at least 24) DNA nucleotides based
on the Watson and Crick model. For example, using dierent colors of construction
paper, a student can cut out ve-sided polygons to represent deoxyribose, rectangles to
represent nitrogenous bases, and circles to represent phosphate groups. Once students
have constructed several nucleotides, ask them to assemble a short sequence of DNA.
Aer each group has constructed their model, the instructor will distribute the student
worksheets, which are intended to assess whether they have correctly assembled an
accurate model of a short sequence of DNA. Once the students have constructed their
model of DNA, you can introduce the concept of mutations by adding, inserting, or
deleting nucleotides. Ask the students to describe, using a visual representation, the eect
of change on the original nucleotide sequence.
Aer students have had an opportunity to construct their molecule of DNA and answer
the questions in the student worksheet, the teacher interacts with the student groups by
asking predetermined questions in an interpretive framework and assessing the students
understanding of the concepts. An example of an illustrative interpretive framework for
this formative assessment follows the student worksheet.
In-Class Formative Assessment
Student Questions (to be answered aer student groups think have they accurately
constructed a model of DNA):
1. e work of Watson, Crick, and others provided evidence that DNA is a polymer
of nucleotides. What is a polymer? What is the advantage or signicance of
polymers as opposed to monomers?
2. Can you identify the monomers that make a polymer of DNA? Whats unique
about them? How do they dier in structure from the monomers that comprise
3. Two sugars comprise nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Can you identify one
structural dierence between deoxyribose and ribose? Between deoxyribose and
glucose? Can you identify the h and the third carbons of deoxyribose?
4. Beginning with a molecule of deoxyribose, to which carbon did you add a
molecule of phosphate? To which carbon did you add a nitrogen base? What type
of bond connects the sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base?
5. How many nitrogen bases are there? Can you distinguish between the structures
of purines versus pyrimidines? Which two bases are purines? Which two are
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
pyrimidines? How did you model the dierent types of bases? (For example, if you
cut out rectangles to represent nitrogen bases, did you use two dierent sizes, one
size for adenine and thymine, and another for cytosine and guanine? Why should
you have done this?)
6. What would happen if dierent-sized nitrogenous bases bonded together? How
could this change the dimensions of the double helix? Would this change the
orientation of the two strands?
7. What is the historical scientic evidence that supports that DNA is a double-
stranded molecule? Please describe. How can two strands of linked nucleotides
form a double-stranded molecule, i.e., a “double helix”?
8. What types of bonds connect the nitrogen bases across the middle of the double
9. What are two reasons why adenine always pairs with thymine and guanine with
cytosine? What scientic evidence supports this pairing of nitrogenous bases?
10. Do your two strands of DNA run in a parallel direction or an antiparallel
direction? Are they oriented in opposite directions? Can you identify the 5ʹ and
3ʹ ends of each strand? What does this mean? Does one strand run in a 3ʹ
direction and the other in a 5ʹ 3ʹ direction? Why does directionality of the
strands even matter?
11. A molecule of DNA must be stable enough to accurately carry genetic information
and transmit this information to a new generation of cells, but also be able to
change. How does the structure of DNA support this phenomenon? In other words,
what makes DNA complex and stable enough to carry genetic information but
also able to change and transmit information during the processes of cell division?
(Remember, changes in DNA provide the “raw material” for evolution.) You may
be creative in your answer. For example, can you explain to Captain Zork visiting
from the planet Zenon why DNA is THE molecule of heredity for earthlings?
12. Challenge Question: What does it mean that DNA has “built-in redundancy”?
Why is this an important phenomenon with respect to DNAs ability to carry
genetic information?
“From Gene to Protein” Student Worksheet
You (the teacher) are called over to a group of students who claim that they have
accurately assembled a strand of DNA. You immediately notice that they have used two
types of ve-carbon sugars in their model, ribose and deoxyribose.
Q: I notice that you have used both ribose and deoxyribose as the sugars in your
molecule. What do they have in common as molecules?
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
A: Both are ve-carbon sugars.
Q: You are correct. However, what is one key dierence between them? What does the
prex “de” imply in deoxyribonucleic acid?
A: To take away something. Like detoxify.
A: (hesitantly) at deoxyribose has one less oxygen than ribose?
Q: Youre both right. So, if DNA is an acronym for deoxyribonucleic acid, which sugar is
a component of a DNA nucleotide?
A: Um, like, deoxyribose.
Q: Great. e rest of your molecule looks good. Please replace your ribose sugars with
You approach another group, who seems condent that their model accurately meets
the requirements of a molecule of DNA. However, you notice that their double helix has
rungs” of dierent dimensions.
Q: I notice that your molecule has a really strange shape. Some of the “rungs” are longer
than others. No reman would be able to climb up that ladder! Do you remember a
key piece of scientic evidence supporting that each rung had the same dimensions?
A: (Students look puzzled.)
Q: Hint: e scientist was a woman who was awarded a Nobel Prize posthumously.
A: Rosalind Franklin! She took an X-ray diraction photograph of DNA. (Note: is
student will ultimately receive a “5” on the AP Biology Exam!)
Q: And?
A: e rungs were all the same size, just like a ladder.
Q: What parts of nucleotides make up the rungs?
A: Nitrogen bases—adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine.
Q: Do all nitrogen bases have the same molecular structure?
A: No. Adenine and guanine have two rings, and thymine and cytosine have one ring.
A: And that guy Charga discovered that the amount of adenine equals the amount of
thymine, and the amount of cytosine is the same as guanine.
Q: So what does scientic evidence tell you about the structure of DNA?
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
A: at the rungs must be the same size. at A pairs with T and C with G.
Q: Great. Heres a bonus question: Which two nitrogen bases are purines, and which two
are pyrimidines?
A: Uh …
A: (gulp)
Q: I’d be sure to look that up before tomorrow’s quiz.
While you were assessing the work of the previous group, a student has been frantically
waving you over to her side of the room. e constructed double helix of her group looks
accurate, the uprights are composed of sugar–phosphate linkages, and the nitrogen bases
are correctly paired across the middle. e students have even sketched in two hydrogen
bonds between each adenine–thymine pair and three hydrogen bonds between each
guanine–cytosine pair. However, each strand has an additional phosphate attached to their
3ʹ ends, and the two strands run in a parallel direction, not antiparallel.
Q: is looks good except …
A: Huh? (looks crestfallen)
Q: What are the monomers of DNA?
A: Nucleotides.
Q: What are the three parts of a nucleotide?
A: Deoxyribose, phosphate, and nitrogen base.
Q: Great. To which carbon of deoxyribose do you attach a phosphate group?
A: Uh …
Q: Remember the hint I gave you? ink phonetics.
A: Fosfate and … ve! ey sound the same! e phosphate group is attached to the 5ʹ
carbon of the sugar.
A: And the phosphate of one nucleotide is attached to the sugar of the next nucleotide in
the sequence. (Student quickly removes the extra phosphate groups.)
Q: Bingo! I asked you to do a little detective work about how scientists worked out the
structure of DNA. Do you remember what Watson and Crick discovered about the
directionality of the two strands?
A: One runs up and one runs down?
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
A: ats lame. e term is “antiparallel.” One runs from 3ʹ to 5ʹ, and the other runs from
5ʹ to 3ʹ. Like a divided highway.
Q: Did anyone read ahead in the text about DNA replication? e directions 3ʹ to 5ʹ and
5ʹ to 3ʹ will become signicant.
A: (eagerly raising hand) During replication, each template strand is “read” in the 3ʹ
to 5ʹ direction because of DNA polymerase, and the new strand is assembled 5ʹ to
3ʹ. When the helix is unzipped by helicase, the activities on the leading strand dier
from the activities on the lagging strand. A scientist named Okazaki…
Q: Great. I’m glad you read ahead. e bell is about to ring. Dont disassemble your
molecule. Well use it to study DNA replication tomorrow.
Interpretive Framework
An interpretive framework is a reection on these questions:
What are the challenges that students are likely to encounter while trying to
answer these questions?
What might you see or hear that alerts you to these problems?
How could you respond to help students surmount these barriers?
Each learning environment is dierent. Each teacher brings his or her own expertise and
selection of learning experiences to reach the goal. Each classroom is dierent. All of
these factors require that, for an eective use of a formative assessment, the teacher must
personally reect on the answers to these questions.
e rst challenge is helping students understand the Watson and Crick model of
DNA. Students oen think that a molecule of DNA consists of chains of nitrogen bases
linked together, rather than nucleotides consisting of a nitrogen base, deoxyribose, and
a phosphate group. Students also incorrectly pair the nitrogen bases and sometimes
attempt to pair a purine with a purine, or a pyrmidine with a pyrmidine. If this is the
case, the teacher can review the evidence (i.e., Franklins X-ray diraction photograph
and Chargas work) Watson and Crick used to determine the dimensions of the DNA
molecule and the consequent nitrogen base pairing. e teacher can use the analogy
comparing the DNA double helix with a typical ladder students can nd in the garage at
their houses: e rungs are the same size.
Perhaps the most dicult concept about the structure of DNA for students to understand is
the antiparallel directionality of the two strands. is phenomenon was dicult for Watson
and Crick to understand as well. Students likely create parallel strands, with each beginning
and ending with phosphate groups.is is why it is essential that students construct their
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
DNA molecules by building individual nucleotides rst and then assembling the nucleotides
together. By doing so, they are able to visualize the and 3ʹ ends of the molecule. Another
tactic is to review the structures of sugars; students can number the carbons to identify the
and carbons. Understanding DNAs directionality is essential if students are to understand
the dierent activities on the leading and lagging strands.
Appendix B
For Further Study—pGLO Bacterial
Transformation Lab
Background Information
Genetic transformation has implications in agriculture, environmental science, and
medicine. In this experiment, students use a procedure to transform bacteria with a gene
that codes for green uorescent protein (GFP). e real-life source of this gene is the
bioluminescent jellysh Aequorea victoria. e green uorescent protein causes jellysh
to glow in the dark. If gene transfer and transformation are successful, the bacteria will
express their newly acquired jellysh gene and produce the uorescent protein, causing
them to glow a brilliant green color under UV light.
Students learn about the process of moving genes from one organism to another with the
aid of plasmids. In addition to one large chromosome, bacteria naturally contain one or
more small circular pieces of DNA called plasmids. Plasmid DNA usually contains genes
for one or more traits that may be benecial to bacterial survival. In nature, bacteria can
transfer plasmids back and forth, allowing them to share these benecial genes. is
natural mechanism allows bacteria to adapt to new environments. e recent occurrence
of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is due to the transmission of plasmids.
Bio-Rad’s pGLO plasmid encodes both the gene for GFP and a gene for resistance to the
antibiotic ampicillin. pGLO also incorporates a special gene regulation system in which
the gene for GFP can be switched on in transformed cells by adding the sugar arabinose to
the nutrient medium. Selection for cells that have been transformed with pGLO DNA is
accomplished by growth on plates with an antibiotic. Transformed cells will appear white
(wild-type phenotype) on plates without arabinose and uorescent green when arabinose
is included in the nutrient agar medium.
e students will be provided with the tools and a protocol for performing genetic
transformation and determining the degree of transformation eciency in an organism
in order to further explore the one gene–one polypeptide hypothesis and the concept of
phenotype expression in an organism.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Refer to Instructor’s Guide, Biotechnology Explorer: pGLO Bacterial Transformation Kit
(see http://www.bio-rad.com/LifeScience/pdf/Bulletin_9563.pdf), for materials and
experimental protocol. is kit is available for purchase from Bio-Rad Laboratories at
www.bio-rad.com (see the Bio-Rad “life science education” catalog). Alternative bacterial
transformation labs can be purchased from other vendors, including Carolina Biological.
You should also consider tapping into resources at local colleges or biotechnology
companies that oen donate supplies to high schools.
Instruction Time: ree parts—one 30-minute discussion of prelab considerations, and
two 50-minute laboratory periods on separate days.
Part A: Prelab Considerations
e teacher should discuss the following considerations with students on the day prior
to experimentation. ere are many considerations that need to be thought through in
the process of planning a scientic laboratory investigation. Since scientic laboratory
investigations are designed to get information about a question, the rst step is to
formulate a question for this investigation.
Consideration 1: Can we genetically transform an organism?
Which organism?
1. To genetically transform an entire organism, you must insert the new gene into every
cell in the organism. Which organism is better suited for total genetic transformation—
one composed of many cells, or one composed of a single cell?
2. Scientists oen want to know if the genetically transformed organism can pass its
new traits on to its ospring and future generations. To get this information, which
would be a better candidate for your investigation, an organism in which each new
generation develops and reproduces quickly, or one that does this more slowly?
3. Safety is another important consideration in choosing an experimental organism.
What traits or characteristics should the organism have (or not have) to be sure it will
not harm you or the environment?
4. Based on the above considerations, which would be the best choice for a genetic
transformation: a bacterium, earthworm, sh, or mouse? Describe your reasoning.
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Consideration 2: How can we tell if cells have been genetically transformed?
Students should recall that the goal of genetic transformation is to change an organisms
traits (phenotype). Before any change in the phenotype of an organism can be detected, a
thorough examination of its natural (pretransformation) phenotype must be made. Ask
the students to look at the colonies of E. coli on their starter plates and list observable
traits or characteristics.
e following pretransformation observations of E. coli might provide baseline data to
refer to when attempting to determine if any genetic transformation has occurred.
a. Number of colonies
b. Size of:
1. the largest colony
2. the smallest colony
3. the majority of colonies
c. Color of the colonies
d. Distribution of the colonies on the plate
e. Visible appearance when viewed with ultraviolet (UV) light
f. e ability of the cells to live and reproduce in the presence of an antibiotic such as
1. Describe how you could use two LB/agar plates, some E. coli, and some ampicillin to
determine how E. coli cells are aected by ampicillin.
2. What would you expect your experimental results to indicate about the eect of
ampicillin on the E. coli cells?
Consideration 3: The Genes
Genetic transformation involves the insertion of new DNA into the E. coli cells. In
addition to one large chromosome, bacteria oen contain one or more small circular
pieces of DNA called plasmids. Plasmid DNA usually contains genes for more than one
trait. Scientists can use a process called genetic engineering to insert genes coding for
new traits into a plasmid. In this case, the pGLO plasmid carries the GFP gene that codes
for the green uorescent protein and a gene (bla) that codes for a protein that gives the
bacteria resistance to an antibiotic. e genetically engineered plasmid can then be used
to genetically transform bacteria to give them this new trait.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
Consideration 4: The Act of Transformation
is transformation procedure involves three main steps. ese steps are intended to
introduce the plasmid DNA into the E. coli cells and provide an environment for the cells
to express their newly acquired genes. To move the pGLO plasmid DNA through the cell
membrane, you will:
1. Use a transformation solution of CaCl.
2. Carry out a procedure referred to as heat shock.
3. For transformed cells to grow in the presence of ampicillin, you must provide
them with nutrients and a short incubation period to begin expressing their newly
acquired genes.
Part B: Transformation
Students follow the experimental protocol provided by the teacher.
Review Questions
Have the students answer the following questions before collecting data and analyzing
their results.
1. On which of the plates would you expect to nd bacteria most like the original
nontransformed E. coli colonies you initially observed? Explain your predictions.
2. If there are any genetically transformed bacterial cells, on which plate(s) would
they most likely be located? Explain your predictions.
3. Which plates should be compared to determine if any genetic transformation has
occurred? Why?
4. What is meant by a control plate? What purpose does a control serve?
Part C: Data Collection and Analysis
Data Collection
1. Observe the results obtained from the transformation lab under normal room
lighting. en turn out the lights and hold the ultraviolet light over the plates.
2. Carefully observe and draw what you see on each of the four plates. Put your
drawings in a data table. Record your data to allow you to compare observations of
the “+ pGLO” cells with your observations for the nontransformed E. coli.
3. Write down the following observations for each plate.
a. How much bacterial growth do you see on each plate, relatively speaking?
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
b. What color are the bacteria?
c. How many bacterial colonies are on each plate (count the spots you see)?
Analysis of Results
e goal of data analysis for this investigation is to determine if genetic transformation has
1. Which of the traits that you originally observed for E. coli did not seem to become
altered? List these untransformed traits and how you arrived at this analysis for
each trait listed.
2. Original trait—analysis of observations: Of the E. coli traits you originally noted,
which seem now to be signicantly dierent aer performing the transformation
procedure? List those traits and describe the changes that you observed.
3. New trait—observed change: If the genetically transformed cells have acquired
the ability to live in the presence of the antibiotic ampicillin, then what
might be inferred about the other genes on the plasmid that you used in your
transformation procedure?
4. From the results that you obtained, how could you prove that the changes that
occurred were due to the procedure that you performed?
Ask the students about the uorescent green color that is observed in the E. coli colonies,
reecting on the source of the green color. What are the two possible sources of
uorescence within the colonies when exposed to UV light? Ask the students what they
observed when they shined the UV light onto a sample of original pGLO plasmid DNA.
Which of the two possible sources of the uorescence can be eliminated? What does this
observation indicate about the source of the uorescence?
Tell the students to look at their four plates again in order to discuss the interactions
between genes and the environment. Do they observe some E. coli growing on the LB
plate that does not contain ampicillin or arabinose? Is it possible to determine whether
these bacteria are ampicillin resistant by looking at them on the LB plate? Very oen an
organisms traits are caused by a combination of its genes and its environment. Ask the
students to think about the green color they saw in the genetically transformed bacteria:
What two factors must be present in the bacterias environment in order to see the green
color? What do you think each of these two environmental factors is doing to cause
the genetically transformed bacteria to turn green? What advantage would there be
for an organism to be able to turn on or turn o particular genes in response to certain
conditions? Can you think of other examples?
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
If transformation is successful, the bacteria will incorporate the pGlo plasmid and express
a new, observable phenotype: e bacteria will glow in the dark. Additionally, some E.
coli colonies will demonstrate resistance to antibiotics. e experiment demonstrates the
universality of DNA and its expression.
e experiment demonstrates the universality of DNA and its expression.
Appendix C
Operon: A Formative Assessment for AP Biology
Sharon Radford
Paideia High School
Atlanta, Georgia
It is expected that students who complete AP Biology successfully can describe the
operon model of the mechanisms through which controls are placed by the environment
on protein expression. It is expected that they can create, describe, and use models
that explain the behavior of biological systems. A goal of this course is to help students
practice the critically important skill of posing scientic questions that might extend or
rene a model.
Instruction in the lac and trp operons should be treated separately so that students do not
get them confused. However, both are included in each step of this formative assessment
because this tool is intended for use aer the students have had an opportunity to work
toward an understanding of these models of the control of expression.
e level of detail for these processes that is appropriate for AP Biology can be summarized:
lac operon: Repressor is usually active and the structural genes blocked from
transcription; corepressor (allolactose) inactivates it, allowing the structural genes
to be transcribed into galactosidase.
trp operon: Repressor is usually inactive so that the structural genes are transcribed
and tryptophan is produced. Tryptophan itself binds with the repressor when it is
present, stopping production of tryptophan synthetase.
is assessment assumes that the students have had the opportunity to make a model of
the mechanism of gene expression. Simple models can be made from construction paper,
or the students can be creative and make more elaborate models. However, each model
should contain a regulator, promoter, operator, and structural genes.
In this assessment, the students are asked probing questions in order to reveal their
understanding of the operon model by expressing the role of each of these parts of the
model. First, they are asked what happens if the promoter and operator are reversed. is
should reveal whether or not they understand the role of the operator as the site at which
transcription begins. en they are asked to consider evidence that would imply mutation
of the regulator gene that either increases, decreases, or deactivates repression. ey are
then asked to consider evidence that would imply mutation in the operator. Finally, they
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
are provided with a scenario in which expression does not occur and asked to apply their
model to pose a question that might be tested to explain this observation.
In-class Assignment
Using your understanding of the operon model of the regulation of protein expression and
the physical model you have constructed of the gene sequence that controls expression,
work with your group to develop answers to these questions. Record your answers in your
lab notebook with drawings of your model and annotations that illustrate your reasoning.
Lac operon
1. What happens if the promoter and operator in the lac operon are reversed? at is,
does the rate of galactosidase increase, decrease, or remain unchanged, and why?
2. What happens if there is a silent mutation of the regulator gene in the lac operon?
3. What happens if there is a missense mutation of the regulator gene in the lac operon?
4. What happens if there is a nonsense mutation of the regulator gene in the lac
5. Could a mutation of the regulator gene be present without producing a change in
the rate at which protein is expressed?
6. What happens if there is a mutation in the operator gene in the lac operon?
7. If lactose is not broken down when it is present, how could one determine if the
problem is one of regulation?
Trp operon
8. What happens if the promoter and operator trp operon are reversed? at is,
does the rate of tyrptophan synthetase expression increase, decrease, or remain
unchanged, and why?
9. What happens if there is silent mutation of the regulator gene in the trp operon?
10. What happens if there is missense mutation of the regulator gene in the trp operon?
11. What happens if there is nonsense mutation of the regulator gene in the trp
12. What happens if there is a mutation in the operator gene in the trp operon?
From Gene to Protein—A Historical Perspective
Interpretive Framework
An interpretive framework is a reection on these questions:
What are the challenges that the students are likely to encounter while trying to
answer these questions?
What might you see or hear that alerts you to these problems?
How could you respond to help the students surmount these barriers?
Each learning environment is dierent. Each teacher brings his or her own expertise
and selection of learning experiences to reach the goal. Each classroom is dierent. For
an eective use of a formative assessment, all of these factors require the teacher to
personally reect on the answers to these questions.
e rst challenge is to understand that the operator region of the operon controls
transcription, and that the promoter region controls translation of the structural genes.
Students should be able to clearly explain this dierence.
e second challenge is to understand that the dierence between the two operons is
small but signicant. Both operons use a regulatory protein, which is encoded in the DNA
separately from the rest of the operon. In one case, the regulatory protein (repressor) is
active until it is deactivated; in the other case, the regulatory (repressor) protein is inactive
until it is activated. In other words, students should be able to demonstrate with their model
that the enzymes to break down lactose are normally not produced unless lactose is present,
and that the enzymes for tryptophan synthesis are normally produced unless tryptophan is
present. Students should be able to distinguish between the two without confusion. It helps
if students can see that one pathway is for the breakdown of lactose, and the other is for the
synthesis of tryptophan.
Question 5 challenges students to think about the role of the structural genes as well as the
regulator genes. Students may come up with various hypotheses, but they should be able
to demonstrate their hypotheses with their model.
A primary goal of a formative assessment is to provide a platform for teachers to reect
on how their practices relate to student learning progressions. e anticipation of student
responses to predetermined questions is a natural component of planning for instruction
using embedded classroom assessments. Upon completion of the assessment, both the
teacher and the students can reect upon its eectiveness as a learning tool.
A Curriculum Module for AP Biology
For the Teacher
1. Do you understand the principles behind a formative assessment?
2. Do you think the formative assessment model serves as an eective, inquiry-based
teaching tool?
3. Based on the examples, do you think you could/would write your own formative
assessment like this and use it to teach a particular concept or concepts?
4. Do you think anticipating, diagnosing, and responding to student thinking through
formative assessments are eective teaching/learning tools? Why or why not?
5. If you incorporated a formative assessment like this in your course, did any
student misperceptions surprise you? Did you believe that your students would be
able to answer your questions and then discover that some could not?
6. Do you think a formative assessment like this will provide greater opportunity
(1) for your students to work more collaboratively, and (2) for you to interact and
engage with your students on a more personal level?
7. Do you think a formative assessment like this will adequately prepare your
students for more formal assessments, i.e., classroom tests and the AP Exam in
this discipline?
For the Student
1. Do you feel that you learn more by doing or by listening? Please explain.
2. Do you think a formative assessment provides an opportunity for a better
interaction with your teacher while trying to learn a particular concept? Why or
why not?
3. Do you enjoy opportunities to work collaboratively with your classmates? Does a
formative assessment provide opportunities for more collaborative work?
4. Did the formative assessment capture your attention and interest? Did you feel
more engaged in the subject? Did the scenario make the material more relevant to
your life? Please explain.
5. Would you be able to write a formative assessment for your peers?
About the Contributors
Jamie A. S. Kelso teaches AP® Biology and biology at e Bishops School in La Jolla,
California. He spent ve years working as a biologist for the University of Floridas
Institutional Center for Biotechnology Research, where he worked rst in monoclonal
antibody development and then in applying various biotechnology techniques to study
fragile freshwater sh species.
Julianne M. Zedalis teaches AP Biology and forensic science at e Bishops School in
La Jolla, California. She has received several teaching awards, including the Presidential
Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching and Siemens’ AP Teacher of
the Year Award for California. She has served on the AP Biology Redesign Commission
and serves on the AP Biology Review Advisory Panel and the AP Biology Curriculum
Development and Assessment Committee for the College Board. She holds the Balgrosky-
Hinshaw Endowed Faculty Chair in Biology at e Bishops School.
Sharon Radford currently teaches at Paideia School in Atlanta, Georgia. She has taught
Advanced Placement Biology for over 20 years, and has served as a reader and table leader
at the AP Exam reading. She served on the board of directors of the National Association
of Biology Teachers as director at large from 2005–2008. In 1992 she was a summer fellow
in the Woodrow Wilson program in Bioethics and she was an Access Excellence Fellow
in 1995. She participated in the Human Genome Project workshop: Genetics Education
for Middle and Secondary Science Teachers; Ethical, Legal, Social and Technological
Implications in 1994 and 1995. She was recognized as an outstanding teacher by NABT in
1992 and by the Siemans Corporation in 2005 and 2006.
Arnold Best teaches both AP Biology and human anatomy and physiology at Tri-
Cities High School in East Point, Georgia. He is currently a member of the AP Biology
Curriculum Development and Assessment Committee.
Gordon Uno is the chair of the Department of Botany and Microbiology at the University
of Oklahoma. He has edited, authored, or coauthored several textbooks, including
Principles of Botany, Handbook for Developing Undergraduate Science Courses, Biological
Science: An Ecological Approach, and Introductory Botany Workbook. He currently serves
on the board of directors for the American Institute of Biological Sciences and is a
member of the AP Biology Curriculum and Development Assessment Committee.