Personal Statement Worksheet
Access to Law School Program
This worksheet is intended to help you brainstorm ideas for your personal statement through
the process of writing down and reflecting on your many varied experiences. Try not to self-
edit yet—the following exercises are intended solely to help you start putting words and ideas
on the page. You will not be asked to share your responses with other Fellows or Law
Students, but you can use this worksheet as a starting point to discuss essay ideas with your
Listing Exercises
Instructions: Below, there are several questions about different aspects of your life. Please list as
many answers to as many questions as you would like. Feel free to leave some questions
completely blank. The questions vary greatly by topic to demonstrate the wide range of topics
that a personal statement might cover.
(1) What was your favorite class in college or in any other academic program you’ve been a part
(2) Do you have any hobbies or unique talents?
(3) What are some work experiences you’ve had?
(4) What are some volunteer experiences you’ve had?
(5) What are your favorite books, movies, and/or authors?
(6) Which relationships in your life are most important to you?
(7) Name an individual(s) who inspires you.
(8) Other experiences or ideas?
Timed Exercises
Instructions: For the first timed exercise, we will ask each person to speak for 4 minutes.
(1) How did you hear about this program and why did you decide to join/take the affirmative
step to apply? (Law students in the group can share why they decided to apply to law school)
Instructions: For each writing exercise, you will be given the specified amount of time to free-
write your answer to the question. One of the mentors in your group will tell you the start and
end times. Write as much as you can, in any style that you wish (poetry, listing, full sentences,
(2) Please write about a prized personal accomplishment. (7-minute exercise)
(3) Expand on any one of the answers to the listing exercises above. (10-minute exercise)