Statutory Exceptions
to the
Tennessee Public Records Act
January 2018
J P. W
J E. M
Chief of Sta
January 30, 2018
The Honorable Randy McNally
425 Fifth Avenue North
Suite 700, Cordell Hull Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
The Honorable Beth Harwell
425 Fifth Avenue North
Suite 600, Cordell Hull Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Lieutenant Governor McNally and Speaker Harwell:
On March 14, 2017, you requested the Comptroller of the Treasury, Office of Open Records Counsel, to
compile a list of exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act. In response, we submit the following
report on the statutory exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act.
The Tennessee Public Records Act helps ensure government accountability and transparency by
providing Tennessee citizens access to public records. However, statutes that make certain public records
confidential and exempt from disclosure are found throughout the Tennessee Code. The Office of the
Comptroller of the Treasury, Office of Open Records Counsel, compiled 538 statutory exceptions as of
November 2017.
We hope this report will assist your review of the statutory exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records
Act. A copy of this report will also be available on our office’s website so it may be utilized as a resource
for citizens and governmental entities faced with making determinations regarding exceptions to the
Tennessee Public Records Act.
Justin P. Wilson Jason E. Mumpower
Comptroller Chief of Staff
January 30, 2018
The Honorable Randy McNally
425 Fifth Avenue North
Suite 700, Cordell Hull Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
The Honorable Beth Harwell
425 Fifth Avenue North
Suite 600, Cordell Hull Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Lieutenant Governor McNally and Speaker Harwell:
On March 14, 2017, you requested the Comptroller of the Treasury, Ofce of Open Records Counsel, to
compile a list of exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act. In response, we submit the following
report on the statutory exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act.
The Tennessee Public Records Act helps ensure government accountability and transparency by
providing Tennessee citizens access to public records. However, statutes that make certain public
records condential and exempt from disclosure are found throughout the Tennessee Code. The Ofce
of the Comptroller of the Treasury, Ofce of Open Records Counsel, compiled 538 statutory exceptions
as of November 2017.
We hope this report will assist your review of the statutory exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records
Act. A copy of this report will also be available on our ofce’s website so it may be utilized as a
resource for citizens and governmental entities faced with making determinations regarding exceptions
to the Tennessee Public Records Act.
Justin P. Wilson Jason E. Mumpower
Comptroller Chief of Staff
Page 1
January 30, 2018
The Honorable Randy McNally
425 Fifth Avenue North
Suite 700, Cordell Hull Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
The Honorable Beth Harwell
425 Fifth Avenue North
Suite 600, Cordell Hull Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Lieutenant Governor McNally and Speaker Harwell:
On March 14, 2017, you requested the Comptroller of the Treasury, Office of Open Records Counsel, to
compile a list of exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act. In response, we submit the following
report on the statutory exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act.
The Tennessee Public Records Act helps ensure government accountability and transparency by
providing Tennessee citizens access to public records. However, statutes that make certain public records
confidential and exempt from disclosure are found throughout the Tennessee Code. The Office of the
Comptroller of the Treasury, Office of Open Records Counsel, compiled 538 statutory exceptions as of
November 2017.
We hope this report will assist your review of the statutory exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records
Act. A copy of this report will also be available on our office’s website so it may be utilized as a resource
for citizens and governmental entities faced with making determinations regarding exceptions to the
Tennessee Public Records Act.
Justin P. Wilson Jason E. Mumpower
Comptroller Chief of Staff
Page 3
Nineteen exceptions became effective in 2017, and two will become effective later, one in 2018 and one in 2019.
Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-165, related to investment records of public higher education institutions, is scheduled to expire
on July 1, 2021, and Tenn. Code Ann. § 10-7-504(u), related to law enforcement body camera video, is scheduled to
expire on July 1, 2022.
The following report provides a list of statutory exceptions which we found to the Tennessee
Public Records Act (“TPRA”), Tenn. Code Ann. § 10-7-501 et seq. The TPRA helps ensure
government accountability and transparency by granting Tennessee citizens the right to access
public records, subject to other provisions of state law that make the records condential or
otherwise not open for public inspection. Tenn. Code Ann. § 10-7-503(a)(2)(A). While the
TPRA requires records custodians to make public records available promptly for inspection,
it also imposes an afrmative obligation upon records custodians to determine whether state
law makes a record, or information contained in the record, condential.
When the TPRA was enacted in 1957, it provided for only two statutory exceptions. In
1988, the Legislative Committee on Open Records reported eighty-nine exceptions. As of
November 2017, the Ofce of Open Records Counsel identied 538 statutory exceptions .
Currently, only two exceptions are scheduled to sunset .
In addition to the statutory exceptions, it is important to note exceptions to the TPRA are
also found in Tennessee court rules, federal law, common law and other agency rules where
the legislature grants an agency authority to limit disclosure of public records. The content
of this report is limited solely to statutory exceptions promulgated by the Tennessee General
The Ofce of the Comptroller and the Ofce of Open Records Counsel greatly appreciate the
assistance and contributions provided by the various state departments and associations who
supported our research to nd exceptions related to their entities. An online version of this
report is available at
How To Use This Report
This report is organized in numerical order as the exceptions appear in the Tennessee Code
Annotated. Additionally, indices organized by subject matter and governmental entity are
included to assist in your review.
Statutory Exceptions
to the
Tennessee Public Records Act
Statutory Exceptions to the
Tennessee Public Records Act
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 4
Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
2-2-112(c) Voter registration,
Identifying information
Tennessee Secretary of State, Division
of Elections; Tennessee Department of
Safety and Homeland Security
Any unique identier [used by the online voter registration system for each applicant],
including driver license and social security numbers, shall be condential and not subject to
the open records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
2-2-127 Voter registration,
Identifying information
Tennessee Coordinator of Elections,
County Election Commissions
(a) [A] registrar shall make a reasonable effort to redact a person's social security number
from a record before such record is made available to any person other than the holder of
the number if such record is stored in a computer readable format on April 12, 1999. When
such records are rst stored in computer readable format or when changes are made to any
computer program that stores or accesses records, a registrar shall redact a person's social
security number from a record before such record is made available to any person other than
the holder of the number. The coordinator of elections shall also redact the social security
number before making any voter registration records available to the public.
(b) Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to prohibit an agency of a state, county, or
municipal ofce from using a person's social security number for internal purposes or to prohibit
a county election commission and its staff from using a person's social security number for
enforcement of the election law as provided in this title, and nothing in subsection (a) shall be
construed to limit the public's access to that record.
2-2-138 Voter lists County Election Commissions (b)(1) Such [voter] list, and any other voter registration information such as voter history, if
compiled, shall be available for purchase for a price not to exceed the cost of production.
This list shall be available to any person who certies on a form provided by the state
election commission that such list will be used for political purposes.
(2) The list, and any other voter registration information, shall be the property of the county
election commission and the state.
(d)(1) Any computerized county, as dened in § 2-1-104(a), shall make the list required by
this section available on computer diskette to any person who certies on a form provided by
the state election commission that such list will be used for political purposes.
(c) The county election commission in counties with a population over two hundred fty thousand
(250,000) according to the 1980 census shall make voter registration lists available for purchase
by any interested citizen, upon request and payment of the cost, at a price not in excess of
the cost to prepare and publish such lists. The county election commission in counties with a
population over two hundred fty thousand (250,000) according to the 1980 census shall act
upon such request within seven (7) days of receipt of the request, and reasons for rejection or
modication of such request, if any, shall be set out in writing.
2-2-138(e) Voter lists Tennessee Secretary of State, Division
of Elections
This list [of registered voters compiled by the coordinator of elections] shall be available for
purchase to any person who certies on a form provided by the state election commission
that such list will be used for political purposes only.
2-2-141(e) Voter registration Tennessee Secretary of State,
Coordinator of Elections, County
Election Commissions
All documentation provided to show proof of citizenship as well as the department of safety
database or relevant federal and state agency and county records shall be condential and
shall not be available for inspection by the public.
2-6-202(c)(6) Elections County Election Commissions Any information regarding absentee requests and applications shall be condential and
not subject to the open records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7 until the end of the early
voting period.
2-6-502(b) Voter registration,
Identifying information
Tennessee Secretary of State, County
Election Commissions
The social security number, date of birth, mailing address and electronic mailing address
contained on such application [for an absentee ballot or temporary registration or both from
any person authorized to vote absentee by mail under subsection (a)] shall be condential
and not subject to the open records law compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
2-10-211(d) Campaign nance Tennessee Secretary of State,
Tennessee Registry of Election Finance
All information entered by any candidate or campaign committee into the registry of election
nance electronic ling system shall remain condential until the information is led with the
registry of election nance.
2-10-212 Audit working papers,
Tennessee Secretary of State,
Tennessee Registry of Election Finance
(e) The detailed information received pursuant to this section for an audit and eld
investigations of reports and statements led with the registry shall be considered working
papers of the registry of election nance and is, therefore, condential and not an open
record pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
(f) After the completion and approval of an audit by the registry, the registry shall post any nding
that could result in an assessment of signicant penalties on the registry's web site, except that
audits of candidates defeated in the primary election shall not be made public until after the
general election.
2-11-202(a)(5)(C) Investigations, Elections Tennessee Secretary of State,
Tennessee Coordinator of Elections
(i) Any report of an investigation conducted by the coordinator's ofce pursuant to the
request of the attorney general and reporter and/or a district attorney general and led with
the attorney general and reporter and/or a district attorney general or a grand jury shall be
privileged and condential and shall not be deemed to be a public record.
(ii) The report of an investigation into the seating of a member of the general assembly shall be
deemed to be a public record.
(iii) If a report of an investigation appears in the news media, in whole or in part, such report shall
be deemed a public record and immediately released. All conclusions of law contained in such
report shall be approved by the attorney general and reporter before the report is released.
3-2-111(b)(2) Legislative records,
Health insurance
Fiscal Review Committee Notwithstanding title 10, chapter 7, part 1, such [health insurance data provided to the scal
review committee from health insurance issuers and from advocates of mandated benets]
will be held as condential by the scal review committee.
Source Subject Matter Government Entity Description Exceptions To Exception
Page 5 Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018
Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
3-6-308(c) Audits Tennessee Ethics Commission Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, random audit information and investigatory audit
information of lobbyist shall be condential and shall be maintained as such by the members
and employees of the ethics commission and by the ofcers and employees of the state, in
the manner and to the extent that the condentiality of tax information is maintained by the
ofcers and employees of the department of revenue and the state under title 67, chapter 1,
part 17.
3-10-108(c) Legislative records Tennessee General Assembly The provisions of § 10-7-503 shall not apply to records or information otherwise available in
printed form or to information or records otherwise exempt from the provisions of § 10-7-503.
3-12-105 Legislative records, Work
Tennessee General Assembly, Ofce of
Legal Services
(a) All books, papers, records, and correspondence of the ofce of legal services pertaining
to its work shall be kept in the ofce of legal services and all such materials are public
records except:
(1) Intraofce memoranda made by the director of the ofce of legal services or the director's
staff; and
(2) Work papers and correspondence, including correspondence by electronic mail, with any
person receiving service from the ofce of legal services.
(b) Such papers and correspondence may become public records whenever the director of the
ofce of legal services or the general assembly shall so order.
3-12-106(b) Legislative
records, Privileged
Tennessee General Assembly, Ofce of
Legal Services
All materials arising out of this [attorney-client] relationship [between Ofce of legal services
and each member of the General Assembly] including, but not limited to, proposed bills and
amendments, analyses, opinions, and memoranda prepared by an attorney are not public
records nor subject to title 10, chapter 7, part 5.
[Such materials may be accessible if so] provided by the rules of either house of the general
assembly or when released by the member for whom the material was prepared.
3-14-109 Legislative records, Work
Tennessee General Assembly, Ofce of
Program Evaluation
(a) All books, papers, records, and correspondence pertaining to the work of the Ofce of
Program Evaluation are public records except:
(1) Intraofce memoranda made by the director or the director's staff;
(2) Work papers and correspondence with any committee or member of the general
assembly; and
(3) Any material supplied to the ofce by a state or local government agency or department
which, under applicable law, would remain condential in the hands of that agency or
(c) The ofce has the authority to withhold from the public record any information supplied to
the ofce or to a committee of the general assembly or a member of the general assembly by
an individual who requests such condentiality.
(b) Such papers and correspondence may become public records whenever the speakers shall so
4-3-304(7) Working papers, Audits,
State Departments, Boards,
Commissions, Institutions, Agencies,
Authorities, Other State Entities
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, working papers created, obtained or compiled by an
internal audit staff [of grantees or of state departments, boards, commissions, institutions,
agencies, authorities or other entities of the state] are condential and are therefore not an
open record pursuant to title 10, chapter 7. “Working papers” includes, but is not limited to,
auditee records, intra-agency and interagency communications, draft reports, schedules,
notes, memoranda and all other records relating to an audit or investigation by internal audit staff.
4-3-304(9) Working papers, Audits,
Local Governments, Special Taxing
Districts, Utility Districts, Political
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, working papers created, obtained or compiled by
an internal audit staff are condential and are therefore not an open record pursuant to title
10, chapter 7. “Working papers” includes, but is not limited to, auditee records, intra-agency
and interagency communications, draft reports, schedules, notes, memoranda and all other
records relating to an audit or investigation by internal audit staff.
4-3-308(b) Condential information Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury,
Ofce of Research and Education
Accountability (OREA)
The ofce of research and education accountability shall be accorded access to and may
examine any information, records, books, data, or reports maintained by any agency of
this state, whether or not the information is subject to public inspection. . . . The ofce of
research and education accountability shall maintain inviolate any privileged or condential
information so acquired and any record or writing so dened by law.
Source Subject Matter Government Entity Description Exceptions To Exception
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 6
Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
4-3-514(b)(1) Energy, Proprietary
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC), Ofce of
Energy Programs
The Ofce [of Energy Programs] shall maintain the condentiality of all proprietary
information it may acquire.
4-3-730 Trade secrets, Sensitive
information, Marketing
Tennessee Department of Economic
and Community Development (ECD)
(c)(1) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any record, documentary materials,
or other information, including proprietary information, received, produced or maintained
by the department shall be considered public unless the commissioner, with the afrmative
agreement of the attorney general and reporter, determines that a document or information
is of such a sensitive nature that its disclosure or release would seriously harm the ability
of this state to compete or conclude agreements or contracts for economic or community
(2) If the commissioner, with the agreement of the attorney general and reporter, determines
pursuant to subdivision (c)(1) that a document or information should not be released or
disclosed because of its sensitive nature, such document or information shall be considered
condential for a period of up to ve (5) years from the date such a determination is made.
After such period, the document or information made condential by this subsection (c) shall
become a public record and shall be open for inspection.
(d) This section shall not apply to trade secrets received, maintained or produced by the
department. All such trade secrets shall remain condential
(f)(1)This section shall not apply to company documents or records containing marketing
information or capital plans that are provided to the department with the understanding that
they are now and should remain condential. Any such document or record shall remain
condential until such time as the provider thereof no longer requires its condentiality
§ 4-28-104(f)
(1) Any information received, created, or promulgated by the department of economic and
community development or the department of revenue pursuant to this section [TNIvestco
applications] on or after July 9, 2009, shall constitute a public record, as dened in § 10-7-503,
and shall be open for personal inspection by any citizen of this state.
(2) Any information received, created, or promulgated by the department of economic and
community development or the department of revenue pursuant to this section shall not: (A)
Constitute “tax information” or “tax administration information”, as dened in § 67-1-1701, and
shall not be subject to title 67, chapter 1, part 17; or (B) Be subject to § 4-3-730.
4-3-1205(d) Investigations,
Subrecipient monitoring,
Food assistance
Tennessee General Assembly,
Tennessee Department of Human
Services (DHS), Tennessee
Comptroller of the Treasury
The department's written reports submitted pursuant to subsections (b) [summarizing each
announced/unannounced physical site visit conducted by DHS during the subrecipient
monitoring process and advance notice of any announced /unannounced site visits planned
for the following three-month period] and (c) [results of any substantiated investigation by
department's ofce of inspector general concerning fraud, waste, and abuse regarding the
child and adult care food program and summer food service program] shall be treated as
condential and shall not be open for public inspection.
[Written reports are submitted to the speakers, the comptroller of the treasury, and the chairs
• the government operations committee of the house of representatives and the chair of the
government operations committee of the senate;
• the health committee of the house of representatives and the chair of the health and welfare
committee of the senate; and
• the nance, ways and means committees of the house of representatives and the chair of
the nance, ways and means committee of the senate.]
4-3-5509 Meetings, Executive
Information Systems Council (a) If the council holds a meeting covered by the open meeting provisions of title 8, chapter
44, at which subject matter will be discussed that is not condential and subject matter will be
discussed that is condential pursuant to § 10-7-504(i), the notice of such meeting required
pursuant to § 8-44-103 shall specify that part of the meeting will be a public meeting open
to the public and part of the meeting will not be open to the public because of discussion of
condential subject matter.
4-5-218 Agency rules, nal
orders and decisions
State Agencies Each [state] agency shall make available for inspection and copying after deletion of
the portions that are condential under any provision of law and payment of reasonable
compensatory fees to the agency [the following:
Agency rules, nal orders and decisions,
• Written statements of policy or interpretations adopted and used in the discharge of its
AG opinions rendered to the agency; and
• Description of current organization describing course and method of operation and methods
for public to obtain information or make submissions/requests.]
Source Subject Matter Government Entity Description Exceptions To Exception
Page 7 Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018
Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
4-6-140(c) Identifying information Tennessee Department of Correction The commissioner has the authority to delete from any [inmate records and the information
contained therein] the name of, or any identifying information concerning, any department
employee, law enforcement ofcer or informant or other inmate if, in the commissioner's
opinion, public disclosure of such name or information would place the safety of such
employee, law enforcement ofcer, informant or inmate in jeopardy. If the commissioner
determines that a name or identifying information cannot be deleted in a manner sufcient
to protect any such person, the commissioner may refuse to disclose the document in which
such name or identifying information appears.
Any information contained in an inmate record that is otherwise made condential by § 10-7-
504, shall remain condential.
4-12-113 CEO application
materials, Employees,
Tennessee State Museum (a) [A]n application for a position of museum director, materials submitted with an application,
letters of recommendation or references concerning an applicant, and any other records
or information relating to or arising out of the process of searching for and selecting an
individual for the position of museum director shall be treated as condential and shall not be
open for public inspection, if the records could be used to identify a candidate for the position.
(d) Meetings or portions of meetings devoted to discussing information deemed condential
pursuant to this section are exempt from title 8, chapter 44, part 1.
(b) After a search committee has selected candidates as nalists for the position of museum
director, the committee shall publicly announce the nalists. . . . Records relating exclusively to the
candidates selected as nalists are not condential and shall be open for public inspection, except
for a record otherwise condential under state or federal law.
(c) This section shall not apply to information relating to a candidate who did not expressly request
that the candidate's information be kept condential.
4-14-308 Trade secrets, Meetings,
Executive sessions
Tennessee Technology Development
Corporation (LaunchTN)
Any documentary materials or data made or received by any member or employee of the
corporation to the extent that such material or data consists of trade secrets or commercial
or nancial information regarding the operation of any business conducted by an applicant
for, or recipient of, any form of assistance that the corporation is empowered to render, or
regarding the competitive position of such applicant in a particular eld of endeavor, shall not
be deemed public records and shall not be subject to title 10, chapter 7 . . . . Any discussion
or consideration of such trade secrets or commercial or nancial information may be held by
the board, or any subcommittee of the board, in executive sessions closed to the public. All
applications (except the identity of the applicants) and supporting documentary materials or
data, including personal nancial records, trade secrets, commercial or nancial information
and proprietary information of applicants, and all executive sessions or portions thereof
conducted by the board, or any subcommittee of the board, for the purpose of reviewing
applications for assistance shall be condential and exempt from title 8, chapter 44.
[I]f the corporation purchases a qualied security from such applicant, the commercial and
nancial information, excluding trade secrets, shall be deemed to be a public record of the
corporation and subject to title 10, chapter 7, after the expiration of three (3) years from the date of
purchase of such qualied security, or, in the case of such information being made or received by
any member or employee of the corporation after the purchase of such qualied security, three (3)
years from the date such information was made or received.
4-21-303(d) HRC efforts to eliminate
discriminatory practices
Tennessee Human Rights Commission Except for the terms of the conciliation agreement, neither the commission nor any ofcer or
employee thereof shall make public, without the written consent of the complainant and the
respondent, information concerning efforts in a particular case to eliminate discriminatory
practice by conference, conciliation or persuasion, whether or not there is a determination
of reasonable cause or a conciliation agreement. The conciliation agreement itself shall
be made public unless the complainant and the respondent otherwise agree, and the
commission also determines that disclosure is not required to further the purposes of this
4-28-108(e) Proprietary information,
Tennessee Department of Economic
and Community Development (ECD)
Information [adequate documentary support for all proceeds and distributions related to
liquidity events] provided [by a qualied TNInvestco] to the department pursuant to this
section shall be kept condential due to the proprietary nature of such information.
4-28-109(a)(1)(B) Proprietary information,
Tennessee Department of Finance and
The department shall obtain all necessary information from each TNInvestco to support
the state's prot share percentage. Information provided to the department pursuant to this
section shall be kept condential due to the proprietary nature of such information.
4-28-110 Proprietary information,
Tennessee Department of Economic
and Community Development (ECD)
(a)(4) Information provided to the department [by each qualied TNInvestco] pursuant to this
section shall be kept condential due to the proprietary nature of such information.
[Includes the following information:
• initial report after receipt of designated capital;
• annual report due on or before 1/31;
• other information requested to help the department ascertain the impact of the TNInvestco
program both directly and indirectly on the economy of this state; and annual audited
nancial statements]
(e) To promote openness and transparency, a copy of each annual report received by the
department of economic and community development pursuant to this section shall be posted
on the Tennessee TNInvestco web site that is maintained by the department of economic and
community development.
Source Subject Matter Government Entity Description Exceptions To Exception
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 8
Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
4-28-111(a) Proprietary information,
Tennessee Department of Economic
and Community Development (ECD)
Information provided to the department pursuant to this section shall be kept condential due
to the proprietary nature of such information.
[Information Scorecard data as provided in § 4-28-113; and qualied TNInvestco's original
4-35-107(a) Reports of suspected
illegal, improper,
wasteful, or fraudulent
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury,
State Audit Committees
The detailed information received and generated pursuant to a report of suspected illegal,
improper, wasteful, or fraudulent activity shall be considered audit working papers and is
therefore not an open record pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
4-35-108 Meetings, Executive
State Audit Committees (b) [A state] audit committee may hold condential, nonpublic executive sessions to discuss:
(1) Items deemed not subject to public inspection under §§ 10-7-503 and 10-7-504, and all
other matters designated as condential or privileged under this code;
(2) Litigation;
(3) Audits or investigations;
(4) Information protected by federal law; and
(5) Matters involving information under § 4-35-107(a), where the informant has requested
(d) For purposes of providing notice of a condential, nonpublic executive session, the
agenda must disclose the general nature of discussion as described under subdivisions (b)
4-51-103(c)(2) Criminal history
background check
Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC), Governor
The results of such a [criminal history] records check [by the TBI on potential directors of TELC]
shall not be considered a record open to the public pursuant to title 10, chapter 7, part 5.
4-51-109(d)(2) Criminal history
background check
Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The results of such a records check [by the TBI on potential chief executive ofcers] shall not
be considered a record open to the public pursuant to title 10, chapter 7, part 5.
4-51-110 Criminal history
background check,
Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
(e) The results of such a [criminal history] records check [by TBI on potential employees of
TELC] shall not be considered a record open to the public, pursuant to title 10, chapter 7,
part 5.
(f) The results of such investigation [by the TBI of a criminal history records check on persons
accepting an offer of employment by TELC] shall not be considered a record open to the
public, pursuant to title 10, chapter 7, part 5.
4-51-124(a) Employees, Medical
information, Identifying
Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The following records or information in the possession of the corporation shall be treated as
condential and shall be exempt from § 10-7-503:
(5)(A) The following records or information of an employee of [TELC and of the employee's
immediate family members or household members] in the possession of [TELC] in its
capacity as an employer shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection
by members of the public: unpublished telephone numbers; bank account information; social
security number; driver license information except where driving or operating a vehicle is
part of the employee's job description or job duties or incidental to the performance of the
employee's job.
(8) Medical records or medical information of an employee [or of family members of an
employee] in the possession of [TELC] shall be treated as condential and shall not be open
for inspection by members of the public.
(5)(B) Nothing in subdivision (a)(5) shall be used to limit or deny access to otherwise public
information when le, a document, or data le can be redacted;
(C) Nothing in subdivision (a)(5) shall be construed to limit access to these records by law
enforcement agencies, courts, or other governmental agencies performing ofcial functions;
(D) Nothing in subdivision (a)(5) shall be construed to close any personnel records of an employee
of the corporation that are currently open under state law;
(E) Nothing in subdivision (a)(5) shall be construed to limit access to information made condential
when the employee expressly authorizes the release of such information.
4-51-124(a) Security Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The following records or information in the possession of [TELC] shall be treated as
condential and shall be exempt from § 10-7-503:
(2) Security measures, systems, or procedures;
(3) Security reports.
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4-51-124(a) Lottery games Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The following records or information in the possession of [TELC] shall be treated as
condential and shall be exempt from § 10-7-503:
(10) All information relative to prospective lottery games and security and other sensitive
information relative to current lottery games; and
(11) Any information concerning lottery sales made by lottery retailers unless otherwise
provided by law.
4-51-124(a)(1) Trade secrets Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The following records or information in the possession of [TELC] shall be treated as
condential and shall be exempt from § 10-7-503: (1) Trade secrets, as such term is dened
in § 47-25-1702.
4-51-124(a)(4) Procurement, Contracts Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The following records or information in the possession of [TELC] shall be treated as
condential and shall be exempt from § 10-7-503: Proposals received pursuant to
personal service, professional service, consultant service contract regulations, and related
records, including evaluations and memoranda [prior to the completion of evaluation of
such proposals by the corporation]. Sealed bids for the purchase of goods and services,
and leases of real property, and individual purchase records, including evaluations and
memoranda relating to such bids [prior to the completion of evaluation of such bids by the
[S]uch information shall be available for public inspection after the completion of evaluation of
such proposals [and such bids] by the corporation.
4-51-124(a)(4) Internal audit Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The following records or information in the possession of [TELC] shall be treated as
condential and shall be exempt from § 10-7-503:
(4) Internal audit reviews of [TELC] including any documentation and memoranda relating to
such audits [prior to nalization of such audits by TELC].
4-51-124(a)(6) Investigations Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The following records or information in the possession of [TELC] shall be treated as
condential and shall be exempt from § 10-7-503:
(6) Information obtained pursuant to investigations that is otherwise condential.
4-51-124(a)(7) Lottery winners,
Identifying information
Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
The following records or information in the possession of TELC shall be treated as
condential and shall be exempt from § 10-7-503: . . . Identifying information obtained from
prize winners including, but not limited to, home and work addresses, telephone numbers,
social security numbers, and any other information that could reasonably be used to locate
the whereabouts of an individual.
(A) [TELC] shall disclose any relevant information to a claimant agency pursuant to part 2,
[chapter 51, title 4] necessary to establish or enforce a claim against a debtor as dened in part 2;
(B) [TELC] may disclose a lottery prize winner's name, home state, hometown, and, if authorized
by the prize winner, any other information for marketing, advertising, or promotional purposes; and
(C) [TELC] shall disclose any information not subject to subdivisions (a)(1)-(4) or (a)(6), that is
otherwise necessary to assist any federal, state, or local entity in the performance of its statutory
or regulatory duties.
4-51-124(a)(9) Employees, CEO
application materials
Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
All information [and records] relative to the hiring or retention of the chief executive ofcer
or president [in the possession of TLEC shall be treated as condential and shall be exempt
from § 10-7-503].
4-51-125(b) Investigations Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
Records, documents, and information in the possession of [TELC] received pursuant to an
intelligence-sharing, reciprocal use, or restricted use agreement with a federal department or
agency, any law enforcement agency, the lottery regulation agency, or gaming enforcement
agency of any jurisdiction [as authorized in subsection (a)] shall be considered investigative
records of a law enforcement agency and are not subject to § 10-7-503 and shall not be
released under any condition without the permission of the person or agency providing the
record or information.
[Records may be released with the permission of the person or agency providing the record or
4-51-126 Procurement Tennessee Education Lottery
Corporation (TELC)
(f) Procurement documents, contracts, and any other documentation, or portions thereof,
led with the lottery procurement panel by the corporation [made condential pursuant] to §
4-51-124 . . . shall retain its condentiality, if any, and shall only be used by the panel in the
performance of its ofcial duties.
(g)(1) [Information made condential pursuant to § 4-51-124 shall not be included with
procurement contracts posted on the Major Procurement Contracts section of the lottery
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4-51-205(b) Lottery winners State Agencies The information obtained by a claimant agency [state agency seeking to recover a debt from
a prize winner] from the [Tennessee Lottery] corporation in accordance with this part shall
retain its condentiality and shall only be used by a claimant agency in the pursuit of its debt
collection duties and practices.
5-1-130 Trade secrets, Marketing
information, Capital
plans, Economic
Counties (a) [A]ny contract or agreement, together with all supporting records and documentation, that
obligates public funds as part of a county's economic and community development program
to assist new and existing businesses and industries in locating or expanding in the county
is . . . [not] open for public inspection [until] the date such contract or agreement is made
available to members of the governing body.
(b) All such trade secrets [received or maintained by a county] are condential.
(c) Any such document or record [containing marketing information or capital plans that are
provided to a county with the understanding that they are condential] is condential until
such time as the provider thereof no longer requires its condentiality.
(a) any contract or agreement, together with all supporting records and documentation, that
obligates public funds as part of a county's economic and community development program to
assist new and existing businesses and industries in locating or expanding in the county is a public
record subject to title 10, chapter 7, part 5, and open for public inspection as of the date such
contract or agreement is made available to members of the governing body. A governing body
shall publicly disclose the proposed contract or agreement in a manner that would adequately
notify and fairly inform the public of the proposed contract or agreement before voting on the
5-14-108(i) Purchasing,
Procurement, Bids
Counties All sealed bids received shall be opened publicly at the time and place xed in the
advertisement. Each bid, with the name and address of the bidder, shall be entered on a
record, and each record with the names of the bidders, the amounts of their bids, and the
name of the successful bidder indicated thereon, shall, after the award or contract or order,
be open to public inspection.
6-54-142 Economic development Municipalities (a) Any contract or agreement, together with all supporting records and documentation, that
obligates public funds as part of a municipality's economic and community development
program to assist new and existing businesses and industries in locating or expanding in the
municipality is [not] open for public inspection [until] the date such contract or agreement is
made available to members of the governing body.
(b) All such trade secrets [received or maintained by a municipality] are condential.
(c) Any such document or record [containing marketing information or capital plans that are
provided to a municipality with the understanding that they are condential] is condential
until such time as the provider thereof no longer requires its condentiality.
(a) [A]ny contract or agreement, together with all supporting records and documentation, that
obligates public funds as part of a municipality's economic and community development program
to assist new and existing businesses and industries in locating or expanding in the municipality
is a public record subject to title 10, chapter 7, part 5, and open for public inspection as of
the date such contract or agreement is made available to members of the governing body. A
governing body shall publicly disclose the proposed contract or agreement in a manner that would
adequately notify and fairly inform the public of the proposed contract or agreement before voting
on the proposal.
6-54-204 Economic development Cities Records held by a city whose primary industry is tourism that address a specic amount of
money expended in a given market for digital or traditional media or that address the specic
detail of targeted audiences identied for marketing purposes may be treated as condential
and not subject to the open records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
Nothing in this section shall prevent public disclosure of aggregate expenditure amounts for
marketing activities at any time.
7-54-107(2)(C) Trade secrets, Energy
production facilities,
Municipalities Trade secrets and condential information contained in proposals submitted for contracts for
the construction, operation or maintenance of an energy production facility and all contracts
authorized by § 7-54-105(a)(3) shall not be open for public inspection.
If provided in the request for proposals, the contents of responding proposals shall not be
disclosed to competing offerors and shall be kept secret during the process of negotiation.
7-59-305(d)(2) Cable or video
service provider non-
discrimination plans
Tennessee Public Utility Commission Plans to comply with the requirements of § 7-59-311 that are submitted by applicants
for state-issued certicates of franchise authority to provide cable or video service are
condential and are not subject to the open records laws, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
7-59-306(c) Cable or video service
Counties, Municipalities (1) The payment [of the franchise fee imposed pursuant to this section] shall be considered
complete if accompanied by a statement showing, for the quarter covered by the payment
[certain information].
(2) Any supporting statements submitted pursuant to subdivision (c)(1) [to the municipality or
county with the quarterly payment of franchise fee related to cable or video service] shall be
condential and not subject to the open records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
7-59-306(d)(1) Cable or video service
Counties, Municipalities Any records obtained by or disclosed to a municipality or county by a holder of a state-issued
certicate of franchise authority or any other cable or video service provider for the purpose
of an audit or review, shall be condential and not subject to the open records laws, compiled
in title 10, chapter 7.
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7-59-306(g) Working papers, Cable
or video service provider
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Any information obtained by or disclosed to the comptroller [during an audit of the business
records of the holder of a state-issued certicate of franchise authority for cable or video
service] shall be considered working papers of the comptroller and, therefore, are condential
and are not subject to the open records laws compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
7-59-311(d)(4) Cable or video
service provider
Proprietary information
Tennessee Attorney General and
Reporter, Connected Tennessee
Any information submitted to, or obtained by the verier or attorney general and reporter
pursuant to this subsection (d) [as to the expansion of access to broadband Internet service]
shall be considered proprietary information and therefore is condential and not subject to
the open records laws, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
7-86-317 Proprietary information Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Emergency
Communications Board
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the board shall promulgate rules and
regulations to safeguard proprietary information submitted to the board. Such rules and
regulations shall be consistent with determinations, actions, customs, and practices of
the Tennessee regulatory agency with respect to proprietary information. Any information
determined to be proprietary in accordance with such rules and regulations [Tenn. Comp R
& Regs. 0780-06-01] shall be condential and shall not be open to the public for inspection,
notwithstanding the public records provisions of title 10, chapter 7.
8-3-104(10) Executive records Tennessee Secretary of State It is the duty of the secretary of state to: give to any person requiring the same, and paying
lawful fees, an attested copy of any act, record, or paper in the secretary of state's ofce,
except papers relating immediately to the executive department, and, in the governor's
judgment, requiring secrecy.
8-4-116(c) Work papers, Financial
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Any income statements or other nancial documents led with an objection by a contracting
entity to a proposed audit by the comptroller shall become a part of the comptroller's
condential work papers and shall not be open or otherwise subject to public inspection.
8-4-407 Fraud, waste and abuse
hotline; Working papers
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury The detailed information received and generated pursuant to part 4, chapter 4, title 8 shall be
considered condential working papers of the comptroller of the treasury and is therefore not
an open record pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
8-6-112(d) Investigations, Judiciary Tennessee Attorney General and
Reporter, District Attorneys General,
The notice by the attorney general and reporter to the executive director of the district
attorneys general conference, the application for appointment as district attorney general pro
tem by an appropriate court pursuant to § 8-7-106(a), and the proceedings on the application
for criminal prosecution of a judge shall be condential. The application shall be considered
by the court in camera.
8-6-407 Attorney General Tennessee Attorney General and
All testimony, books, documents, or other writings, records or tangible objects obtained by
the attorney general and reporter pursuant to §§ 8-6-401 and 8-6-402 shall be condential
and shall not be publicly divulged by the ofce of the attorney general and reporter except in
the discharge of the duties of the ofce or in legal proceedings in which the state is a party.
8-11-112 Bank account
information, Identifying
County Trustees (a) An individual's credit card information, debit card information, bank account and routing
information, e-mail address, and telephone number acquired by the county trustee shall not
be open for public inspection pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
(b) The information made condential by this section shall be open to inspection by law
enforcement agencies, courts, or other government agencies performing ofcial functions.
(c) Information made condential by this section shall be redacted wherever possible.
(d) Nothing in this section shall limit or deny access to otherwise public information because a le,
document, or data le contains condential information.
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8-25-109 Medical records State, Counties, Municipalities (a) Any medical records submitted to, or compiled by, any person or entity providing deferred
compensation plan services pursuant to part 1, chapter 25, title 8 are condential and shall
not be disclosed.
(a) [Disclosure is permitted:]
(1) To the extent that the employee or the employee's legal representative consents to disclosure;
(2) To the extent of performing duties hereunder, to employees of persons or entities providing the
plan services;
(3) In compliance with a subpoena or a court order;
(4) To other governmental agencies; provided, that such agencies maintain the same level of
condentiality as that required by the section;
(5) To the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designees for the purpose of audit; or
(6) In any administrative proceeding or court action between the employee /legal representative
and a person or entity providing plan services.
(b) Nothing contained herein applies to statistical medical information if such information is
not identied with a particular employee. Further, nothing contained herein applies to records
concerning the identity of employees receiving or applying for benets, to the amount of benets to
which a particular employee is or may be entitled to receive, nor to any other nonmedical related
information unless such information is made condential by other statute of this state.
8-25-307 Medical records State, Counties, Municipalities Any medical records submitted to, or compiled by, any person or entity providing prot
sharing and/or salary reduction plan services pursuant to this part are condential and shall
not be disclosed except as provided under § 8-25-109.
§ 8-25-109(a) permits disclosure:
(1) To the extent that the employee or the employee's legal representative consents to disclosure;
(2) To the extent of performing duties hereunder, to employees of persons or entities providing the
plan services;
(3) In compliance with a subpoena or a court order;
(4) To other governmental agencies; provided, that such agencies maintain the same level of
condentiality as that required hereunder;
(5) To the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designees for the purpose of audit; or
(6) In any administrative proceeding or court action between the employee or the employee's legal
representative and a person or entity providing plan services hereunder.
(b) Nothing contained herein [§ 8-25-109] applies to statistical medical information if such
information is not identied with a particular employee. Further, nothing contained herein applies
to records concerning the identity of employees receiving or applying for benets, to the amount
of benets to which a particular employee is or may be entitled to receive, nor to any other
nonmedical related information unless such information is made condential by other statute of
this state.
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8-25-402 Medical records State Any information concerning an employee's medical diagnosis, treatment or referral for
treatment maintained by any person or entity providing cafeteria plan services hereunder is
condential and shall not be disclosed except as provided under § 8-25-109.
§ 8-25-109(a) permits disclosure:
(1) To the extent that the employee or the employee's legal representative consents to disclosure;
(2) To the extent of performing duties hereunder, to employees of persons or entities providing the
plan services;
(3) In compliance with a subpoena or a court order;
(4) To other governmental agencies; provided, that such agencies maintain the same level of
condentiality as that required hereunder;
(5) To the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designees for the purpose of audit; or
(6) In any administrative proceeding or court action between the employee or the employee's legal
representative and a person or entity providing plan services hereunder.
(b) Nothing contained herein [§ 8-25-109] applies to statistical medical information if such
information is not identied with a particular employee. Further, nothing contained herein applies
to records concerning the identity of employees receiving or applying for benets, to the amount
of benets to which a particular employee is or may be entitled to receive, nor to any other
nonmedical related information unless such information is made condential by other statute of
this state.
8-30-301(d) Employment records,
Assessments, Tests
Tennessee Department of Human
Resources (DOHR)
All assessments administered by the department, the total bank of questions from which such
assessments were developed and the answers thereto shall be condential and shall not be
public records or state records open for public inspection in accordance with § 10-7-503.
8-30-313(d) State employees, Job
performance evaluations
State The performance evaluations of state service employees shall not be considered public
records under § 10-7-503. Nothing in this subsection (d) shall be construed to limit access
to these records by law enforcement agencies, courts, or other governmental agencies
performing ofcial functions.
8-36-510 Medical records Tennessee Department of Treasury,
Tennessee Consolidated Retirement
System (TCRS)
(a) Any medical records submitted to, or compiled by, the retirement system pursuant to this
part are condential and shall not be disclosed
(a) except as follows:
(1) To the extent that the member or the member's legal representative consents to disclosure;
(2) To employees of the retirement system for the purpose of determining a member's qualication
for disability retirement;
(3) To the medical advisors;
(4) In compliance with a subpoena or a court order;
(5) To other state or federal agencies; provided, that such agencies maintain the same level of
condentiality as that required hereunder;
(6) To the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designees for the purpose of an audit of
the retirement system; or
(7) In any administrative proceeding or court action between the member or the member's legal
representative and the retirement system.
(b) Nothing contained in this section applies to statistical medical information if such information is
not identied with a particular member. Further, nothing contained in this section applies to records
concerning the identity of members receiving or applying for disability retirement benets, to the
amount of benets to which a particular member is or may be entitled to receive, nor to any other
nonmedical related information unless such information is made condential by other statute of
this state.
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8-37-104(a)(10)(B) Investment records Tennessee Department of Treasury,
Tennessee Consolidated Retirement
System (TCRS)
Records relating to the retirement system's review of any private equity investment shall not
be public to the extent that:
(i) The records contain condential information provided to the retirement system or analysis
or evaluation by the retirement system; or
(ii) Disclosure of the records would have a potentially adverse effect on the retirement
system's private equity program, the value of an investment, or the provider of the
8-50-112 Criminal history
background check
State (d) [A] criminal history [background check] obtained by an employer shall be condential and
not subject to the open records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
(f)(2) “Employer”:
(A) Means the state and any agency, authority, branch, bureau, commission, corporation,
department, or instrumentality of the state; and
(B) Does not include a contractor, subcontractor, a political subdivision of the state,
the department of education, the state board of education, or the Tennessee bureau of
(d) Except as otherwise required or expressly permitted by state or federal law.
9-3-405 Meetings, Executive
Local Government Audit Committees (d) [Local government] audit committee may hold condential, nonpublic executive sessions
to discuss the following items:
(1) Items deemed not subject to public inspection under §§ 10-7-503 and 10-7-504, and all
other matters designated as condential or privileged under this code;
(2) Current or pending litigation and pending legal controversies;
(3) Pending or ongoing audits or audit related investigations;
(4) Information protected by federal law; and
(5) Matters involving information under § 9-3-406 where the informant [reporting alleged
wrongdoing] has requested anonymity.
(f) For purposes of providing notice of a condential, nonpublic executive session, the
agenda must disclose the general nature of the item or items to be discussed as described
under subdivisions (d)(1)-(5).
9-3-406(a) Reports of suspected
illegal, improper,
wasteful, or fraudulent
activity; Audit working
Local Government Audit Committees The detailed information received and generated pursuant to a report of suspected illegal,
improper, wasteful, or fraudulent activity, shall be considered audit working papers and is
therefore not an open record pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
9-4-518 Qualied public
depository reports,
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury;
Tennessee Department of Treasury,
Tennessee State Treasurer, Tennessee
Collateral Pool Board
(d) Any information contained in a report by a qualied public depository required under
this part or any rule adopted under this part, which is condential by any law of the United
States or of this state, shall be considered condential and not subject to dissemination to
anyone other than the state treasurer and the [Collateral Pool] board under this part, and the
comptroller of the treasury, or the comptroller of the treasury's designated representatives,
for purposes of audit.
(e) Section 10-7-503 shall not apply to information deemed condential as provided in
subsection (d). All meetings of the board wherein such information is discussed shall be
exempt from title 8, chapter 44.
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9-8-307(a)(3) Risk management Tennessee Claims Commission The portion of the records in possession of the division of claims and risk management
containing the amount of funds reserved for each claim for the risk management fund is
condential and not subject to § 10-7-503, until the nal adjudication of the claim. The
availability of state records and documents concerning all [monetary] claims [against the
state based on the acts or omissions of “state employees"] is subject to the same discovery
defenses as are available to other parties.
9-8-311 Medical records Tennessee Department of Treasury Medical records received and maintained by the Tennessee Claims Commission are
condential and not open to public inspection pursuant to Title 10, Chapter 7.
9-8-408 Medical records Tennessee Department of Treasury Medical records received and maintained by the division of claims and risk management
shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public
pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
9-19-109 Identifying information,
Public obligations
All The identity of any owner of, or any other information by or from which may be determined
the identity of any owner of, any public obligation issued by any issuer shall be treated as
condential and not open to public inspection. The condentiality herein established shall
not be deemed to have been extinguished but shall remain inviolate in cases where such
information is in the possession of banks, trust companies, nancial institutions or other
nancial intermediaries of the issuer, including, but not limited to, registration, paying or
transfer agents.
10-7-503(b) Adoption records All The head of a governmental entity may promulgate rules in accordance with the Uniform
Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, to maintain the condentiality of
records concerning adoption proceedings.
10-7-503(b) Federal funding and
program participation
All The head of a governmental entity may promulgate rules in accordance with the Uniform
Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, to maintain the condentiality of
. . . records required to be kept condential by federal statute or regulation as a condition for
the receipt of federal funds or for participation in a federally funded program.
10-7-503(d) All records Association or Nonprot Corporation [The records of any association or nonprot organization described in § 8-44-102(b)(1)(E)(i)
are not open for inspection under subsection (a) as required in (d) as long as it complies with
any of the following requirements:
• causes an annual audit to be made in compliance with (d)(1);
• employs no more than two full-time staff members [(d)(2)]; or
• was exempt under 501(c)(3) of IRC as of 1/1/1998 and makes available to the public its
federal return of organization exempt from income tax (Form 990).]
10-7-503(e) Contingency plans Law Enforcement Agencies All contingency plans of law enforcement agencies prepared to respond to any violent
incident, bomb threat, ongoing act of violence at a school or business, ongoing act of
violence at a place of public gathering, threat involving a weapon of mass destruction, or
terrorist incident shall not be open for inspection as provided in subsection (a).
10-7-504(a)(1) Patient records State, County, or Municipal Hospitals
and Medical Facilities
The medical records of patients in state, county and municipal hospitals and medical
facilities, . . . shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection by members
of the public.
10-7-504(a)(1) Donation or
transplantation of body
All Any records containing the source of body parts for transplantation or any information
concerning persons donating body parts for transplantation shall be treated as condential
and not open for inspection by members of the public.
10-7-504(a)(1) Medical records State, Counties, Municipalities The medical records . . . of persons receiving medical treatment, in whole or in part, at the
expense of the state, county or municipality, shall be treated as condential and shall not be
open for inspection by members of the public.
10-7-504(a)(2)(A) Criminal investigative
Tennessee Department of Safety and
Homeland Security, Motor Vehicle
Enforcement Division
[A]ll criminal investigative les of the motor vehicle enforcement division of the department of
safety relating to stolen vehicles or parts . . . shall be treated as condential and not open to
inspection by members of the public.
The information shall be disclosed to the public only in compliance with a subpoena or an order of
a court of record.
Records shall not be available to any member of the executive branch except to the governor and
to those directly involved in the investigation in the specied agencies.
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10-7-504(a)(2) Criminal investigative
Tennessee Department of Agriculture,
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC), Tennessee
Alcoholic Beverage Commission
(A) All investigative records. . . of the department of agriculture and the department of
environment and conservation, . . . all criminal investigative les and records of the
Tennessee alcoholic beverage commission . . . shall be treated as condential and shall not
be open to inspection by members of the public.
(A) The information shall be disclosed to the public only in compliance with a subpoena or an
order of a court of record.
Records shall not be available to any member of the executive branch except to the governor and
to those directly involved in the investigation in the specied agencies.
(B) The records of the departments of agriculture and environment and conservation and the
Tennessee alcoholic beverage commission referenced in subdivision (a)(2)(A) shall cease to be
condential when the investigation is closed by the department or commission or when the court
in which a criminal prosecution is brought has entered an order concluding all proceedings and
the opportunity for direct appeal has been exhausted; provided, however, that any identifying
information about a condential informant or undercover law enforcement agent shall remain
10-7-504(a)(2) Investigative records Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
(A) All investigative records of the TBI . . . shall be treated as condential and shall not be
open to inspection by members of the public. The information contained in such records
shall be disclosed to the public only in compliance with a subpoena or an order of a court of
(A) [I]nvestigative records of the TBI shall be open to inspection by elected members of the
general assembly if . . . directed by a duly adopted resolution of either house or of a standing or
joint committee of either house. Records shall not be available to any member of the executive
branch except to the governor and to those directly involved in the investigation in the specied
(C) [U]pon written request by an authorized person of a state governmental agency [for the limited
purpose of determining whether a license or permit should be issued to any person, corporation,
partnership or other entity to engage in an authorized activity affecting the rights, property or
interests of the public or segments thereof, the TBI] is authorized to furnish and disclose to the
requesting agency the criminal history, records and data from its les, and the les of the federal
government and other states to which [TBI] may have access.
§ 38-8-311: [TBI investigation of LEO-involved shooting death is open after completion of
prosecutorial function by DAG; DAG may disclose prior to completion.]
10-7-504(a)(2)(A) Handgun permits,
Driver licenses, Law
Tennessee Department of Safety and
Homeland Security
[A]ll les of the handgun carry permit and driver license issuance divisions of the department
of safety relating to bogus handgun carry permits and bogus driver licenses issued to
undercover law enforcement agents shall be treated as condential and shall not be open to
inspection by members of the public.
The information shall be disclosed to the public only in compliance with a subpoena or court order.
The records shall not be available to members of the executive branch except the Governor and
those directly within the agency involved in the investigation.
10-7-504(a)(2)(A) Investigative records TennCare Bureau, Ofce of Inspector
All investigative records of . . . the ofce of inspector general . . . shall be treated as
condential and not be open to inspection by members of the public.
The information contained in such records shall be disclosed to the public only in compliance
with a subpoena or a court order. Records shall not be available to any member of the executive
branch except to the governor and to those directly involved in the investigation in the specied
10-7-504(a)(3) National and state
security, Investigations,
Tennessee Department of Military The records, documents, and papers in the possession of the military department which
involve security of the US and/or the state of Tennessee, including but not restricted to,
national guard personnel records, staff studies and investigations, shall be treated as
condential and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public.
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10-7-504(a)(4) Student records Public Educational Institutions (A) The records of students in public educational institutions shall be treated as condential. (A) Information in such records relating to academic performance, nancial status of a student
or the student's parent or guardian, medical or psychological treatment or testing shall not be
made available to unauthorized personnel of the institution or to the public or any agency, except
those agencies authorized by the educational institution to conduct specic research or otherwise
authorized by the governing board of the institution, without the consent of the student involved
or the parent or guardian of a minor student attending any institution of elementary or secondary
education, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation pursuant thereto, and except in
consequence of due legal process or in cases when the safety of persons or property is involved.
The governing board of the institution, the department of education, and the Tennessee higher
education commission shall have access on a condential basis to such records as are required
to fulll their lawful functions. Statistical information not identied with a particular student may
be released to any person, agency, or the public; and information relating only to an individual
student's name, age, address, dates of attendance, grade levels completed, class placement and
academic degrees awarded may likewise be disclosed.
(E) [I]nformation provided under former § 40-39-106 regarding registered sex offenders required to
register under former § 40-39-103 shall be disclosed unless otherwise prohibited by FERPA.
§ 49-7-1103: Institutions of higher education shall inform parents and students of students'
option to execute consent forms authorizing the institution of higher education to release certain
otherwise condential education records, as dened by federal law, to a designated parent, upon
10-7-504(a)(4) Student disciplinary
Higher Education Institutions (A) The records of students in public educational institutions shall be treated as condential. (F) [U]nless prohibited by FERPA, an institution of higher education shall disclose to a parent or
legal guardian of a student information regarding any violation of federal, state or local law or
institutional rule or policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol, a controlled
substance, or a controlled substance analogue . . . if:
(i) The student is under 21 years of age;
(ii) The institution determines that the student committed a disciplinary violation with respect to
such use or possession; and
(iii) The nal determination that the student committed such a disciplinary violation was reached on
or after October 7, 1998.
10-7-504(a)(4) Student disciplinary
Post-secondary Education Institutions (A) The records of students in public educational institutions shall be treated as condential. [(B) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (a)(4)(A) to the contrary, unless otherwise
provided by FERPA, nal results of a disciplinary proceeding conducted by the post-secondary
education institution against the alleged perpetrator shall be provided to the alleged victim of a
crime of violence (18 USC Section 16) or of a nonforcible sexual offense with respect to the crime
or offense.
(C) & (D) If the institution determines that the student violated the institution's policies or rules with
respect to such crime or offense, the institution shall disclose the following in the nal results of
any disciplinary proceeding:
• Name of student, violation committed, and any sanction imposed on student.
• May include the name of any other student, such as a victim or witness, if such student gives
written consent.
This applies only to disciplinary hearings with nal results reached on or after October 7, 1998.]
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Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
10-7-504(a)(5) Books, records and other
Tennessee Attorney General and
(A) The following books, records and other material [BROM] in possession of the ofce
of the attorney general and reporter which relate to any pending or contemplated legal or
administrative proceeding in which the ofce of the attorney general and reporter may be
involved shall not be open for public inspection:
(i) BROM which are condential or privileged by state law;
(ii) BROM relating to investigations conducted by federal law enforcement which are
condential or privileged under federal law;
(iii) [attorney work product];
(iv) [attorney-client communications]; or
(v) BROM in the possession of other departments and agencies which are available for
public inspection and copying . . . in such other departments.
(B) BROM made condential by this subsection (a) . . . shall be be open to inspection by the
elected members of the General Assembly if such inspection is directed by a duly adopted
resolution of either house or of a standing or joint committee of either house and is required for the
conduct of legislative business.
(C) Except for the provisions of subdivision (a)(5)(B), BROM made condential or privileged by this
subdivision (a)(5) shall be disclosed to the public only in the discharge of the duties of the ofce of
the attorney general and reporter.
10-7-504(a)(6) Valuations of real and
personal property
State Agencies State agency records containing opinions of value of real and personal property intended to
be a acquired by public purpose shall not be open for public inspection until the acquisition
thereof has been nalized.
[A party to a condemnation action may make discovery relative to values pursuant to Rules of Civil
10-7-504(a)(7) Procurement, Bids,
Real estate leases and
State Sealed bids, real estate leases, and individual purchase records, including evaluations and
memoranda, shall be available for public inspection only after the completion of evaluation by
the state.
10-7-504(a)(7) Procurement State Sealed bids for the purchase of goods and services, and leases of real property, and
individual purchase records, including evaluations and memoranda relating to same, shall be
available for public inspection only after the completion of evaluation of same by the state.
10-7-504(a)(8) Investigations by internal
affairs division
Tennessee Department of Correction All investigative records and reports of the internal affairs division of the department of
correction . . . shall be treated as condential and shall not be open to inspection by
members of the public.
An employee of the department . . . shall be allowed to inspect records or reports if they form the
basis of an adverse action against the employee. An employee of the department of correction
shall also be allowed to inspect such investigative records . . ., or relevant portion thereof, prior
to a due process hearing at which disciplinary action is considered or issued unless [prior to the
hearing] the commissioner of correction specically denies in writing the employee's request
to examine such records. The release of reports and records shall be in accordance with the
Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure. The court or administrative judge having jurisdiction over
the proceedings shall issue appropriate protective orders, when necessary, to ensure that the
information is disclosed only to appropriate persons. The information contained in such records
and reports shall be disclosed to the public only in compliance with a subpoena or an order of a
court of record.
10-7-504(a)(8) Investigations by internal
affairs division
Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
All investigative records and reports of the internal affairs division . . . of the department of
children's services shall be treated as condential and shall not be open to inspection by
members of the public.
An employee of the department . . . shall be allowed to inspect such investigative records and
reports [that] form the basis of an adverse action against the employee. The release of reports
and records shall be in accordance with the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure. The court or
administrative judge having jurisdiction over the proceedings shall issue appropriate protective
orders, when necessary, to ensure that the information is disclosed only to appropriate persons.
The information contained in such records and reports shall be disclosed to the public only in
compliance with a subpoena or an order of a court of record.
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10-7-504(a)(9) Animal health
certicates, Premise
identication or animal
tracking, Contingency
Tennessee Department of Agriculture,
State Veterinarian
(A) Ofcial health certicates, collected and maintained by the state veterinarian pursuant to
rule chapter 0080-2-1 of the department of agriculture, shall be treated as condential and
shall not be open for inspection by members of the public.
(B) Any data and records provided to or collected by the department of agriculture pursuant
to the implementation and operation of premise identication or animal tracking programs
shall be considered condential and shall not be open for inspection by members of the
public. Likewise, all contingency plans prepared concerning the department's response to
agriculture-related homeland security events shall be considered condential and shall not
be open for inspection by members of the public.
(C) Information received by the state that is required by federal law or regulation to be kept
condential shall be exempt from public disclosure and shall not be open for inspection by
members of the public.
(B) The department may disclose data or contingency plans to aid the law enforcement process or
to protect human or animal health.
10-7-504(a)(10) Capital plans, Marketing
information, Proprietary
information, Trade
Tennessee Venture Capital Network at
Middle Tennessee State University
The capital plans, marketing information, proprietary information and trade secrets submitted
to the Tennessee venture capital network at Middle Tennessee State University shall be
treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public.
10-7-504(a)(11) Historic research value
Public Archival Institutions, Public
Libraries, Libraries of Public Higher
Education Institutions
[W]hen the owner or donor . . . wishes to place restrictions on access to records [that
are of historical research value and which are given or sold to public archival institutions,
public libraries, or libraries of a unit of the Tennessee board of regents or the University of
Tennessee, such records] shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection
by members of the public.
This exemption shall not apply to records prepared or received in the course of the operation of
state or local governments.
10-7-504(a)(12) Motor vehicle records All, Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security
Personal information contained in motor vehicle records maintained by the Department of
Safety shall be treated as condential and shall only be open for inspection in accordance
with title 55, chapter 25.
10-7-504(a)(13) Mental health
intervention, Employees,
Counseling and therapy
All (A) All memoranda, work notes or products, case les and communications related to mental
health intervention techniques conducted by mental health professionals in a group setting
to provide job-related critical incident counseling and therapy to law enforcement ofcers,
county and municipal correctional ofcers, dispatchers, emergency medical technicians,
emergency medical technician-paramedics, and reghters, both volunteer and professional,
are condential and privileged and are not subject to disclosure in any judicial or
administrative proceeding unless all parties waive such privilege. In order for such privilege
to apply, the incident counseling and/or therapy shall be conducted by a qualied mental
health professional as dened in § 33-1-101.
(A) All parties to counseling may waive privilege.
(D) Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting a licensed professional's obligation
to report suspected child abuse or limiting such professional's duty to warn about dangerous
individuals as provided under §§ 33-3-206 -- 33-3-209, or other provisions relevant to the mental
health professional's license.
(E) [In an action against a mental health professional, this exception does not limit discovery under
Rules of Civil Procedure or admission of evidence under Rules of Evidence.]
10-7-504(a)(14) Plans for riot, escape
and emergency transport
Tennessee Department of Correction,
County Sheriffs
All riot, escape and emergency transport plans which are incorporated in a policy and
procedures manual of county jails and workhouses or prisons operated by department of
correction or under private contract shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for
inspection by members of the public.
10-7-504(a)(15) Identifying information,
Order of protection
Utility Service Providers (B) If the procedure set out in this subdivision (a)(15) is followed, identifying information
compiled and maintained by a utility service provider concerning a person who has obtained
a valid protection document shall be treated as condential and not open for inspection by
the public.
(G) After July 1, 1999, . . . the records custodian of utility service provider shall check the
separate le containing all protection documents . . . and shall redact or refuse to disclose
to the requestor any identifying information about [any person who has presented a valid
protection document].
(F) Identifying information concerning a person that is maintained as condential pursuant to this
subdivision (a)(15) shall remain condential until the person who requested such condentiality
noties in person the records custodian of the appropriate utility service provider that there is no
longer a need for such information to remain condential.
(H) Nothing in this subdivision (a)(15) shall prevent the district attorney general and counsel for
the defendant from providing to each other in a pending criminal case, where the constitutional
rights of the defendant require it, information which otherwise would be held condential under this
subdivision (a)(15).
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10-7-504(a)(16) Identifying information,
Order of protection
All (B) If the procedure set out in this subdivision (a)(16) is followed, identifying information
compiled and maintained by a governmental entity concerning a person who has obtained a
valid protection document may be treated as condential and may not be open for inspection
by the public.
(G)(ii) [After July 1, 1999, if the governmental entity accepts receipt of protection documents
and maintains identifying information as condential], then] the records custodian shall
check the separate le containing all protection documents presented . . . and shall redact or
refuse to disclose to the any identifying information of a person who has presented the valid
protection document.
(F) Identifying information concerning a person that is maintained as condential pursuant to this
subdivision (a)(16) shall remain condential until the person who requested such condentiality
noties in person the records custodian of the appropriate utility service provider that there is no
longer a need for such information to remain condential.
(H) Nothing in this subdivision (a)(16) shall prevent the district attorney general and counsel for
the defendant from providing to each other in a pending criminal case, where the constitutional
rights of the defendant require it, information which otherwise would be held condential under this
subdivision (a)(16).
10-7-504(a)(16)(I) Order of protection Courts, Court Clerks In an order of protection case, any document required for ling in a case for an order of
protection, other than the forms promulgated by the supreme court pursuant to § 36-3-
604(b), shall be treated as condential and kept under seal.
Except that the clerk may transmit any such document to the Tennessee bureau of investigation,
911 service or emergency response agency or other law enforcement agency.
10-7-504(a)(17) Domestic violence
shelters and rape crisis
All The telephone number, address and any other information which could be used to locate
a domestic violence shelter, family safety center or rape crisis center . . . upon the director
of such entity giving written notice to the records custodian that the entity desires that
such identifying information be maintained as condential [may be treated as condential
by a governmental entity and shall be treated as condential by a utility service provider
as dened in subdivision (a)(15).] The records of family safety centers shall be treated as
condential in the same manner as the records of domestic violence shelters pursuant to §
10-7-504(a)(18) Computer programs,
Tennessee State Boards, Agencies,
Political Subdivisions, Higher Education
Computer programs, software, software manuals, and other types of information
manufactured or marketed by persons or entities under legal right and sold, licensed, or
donated to Tennessee state boards, agencies, political subdivisions, or higher education
institutions shall not be open to public inspection.
[Such records] produced by state or higher education employees at state expense shall be
available for inspection as part of an audit or legislative review process.
10-7-504(a)(19) Credit card and personal
identication numbers,
Authorization codes
State and Political Subdivisions Credit card account numbers and any related personal identication numbers (PIN) or
authorization codes in the possession of the state or a political subdivision thereof shall be
maintained as condential and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public.
10-7-504(a)(20) Utilities, Identifying
Counties, Metropolitan Governments,
Incorporated Cities, Towns, Utility
(B) The private records of any utility shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for
inspection by members of the public.
(A)(iii) "Private records" means a credit card number, social security number, tax identication
number, nancial institution account number, burglar alarm codes, security codes, access
codes, and consumer-specic energy and water usage data except for aggregate monthly
billing information.
(E) [Consumer may expressly authorize the release of the information.]
(D) Nothing in this subsection (a) shall be construed to limit access by law enforcement agencies,
courts, or other governmental agencies performing ofcial functions.
(C) Information made condential by this subsection (a) shall be redacted wherever possible
and nothing in this subsection (a) shall be used to limit or deny access to otherwise public
information because a le, document, or data le contains condential information. For purposes
of this section only, it shall be presumed that redaction of such information is possible. The entity
requesting the records shall pay all reasonable costs associated with redaction of materials.
10-7-504(a)(21) Contingency plans All (A)(ii) All contingency plans of a governmental entity prepared to respond to or prevent any
violent incident, bomb threat, ongoing act of violence at a school or business, ongoing act
of violence at a place of public gathering, threat involving a weapon of mass destruction, or
terrorist incident [shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for public inspection].
(B) Documents concerning the cost of governmental utility property, the cost of protecting
governmental utility property, the cost of identifying areas of structural or operational vulnerability
of a governmental utility, the cost of developing contingency plans for a governmental entity, and
the identity of vendors providing goods or services to a governmental entity in connection with the
foregoing shall not be condential. However, any documents relating to these subjects shall not be
made available to the public unless information that is condential under this subsection (a) or any
other provision of this chapter has been redacted or deleted from the documents.
(D) Nothing in this subdivision (a)(21) shall be construed to limit access to these records by other
governmental agencies performing ofcial functions or to preclude any governmental agency from
allowing public access to these records in the course of performing ofcial functions.
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10-7-504(a)(21) Utility structural or
operational vulnerability
Utility Service Providers (A)(i) Records that would allow a person to identify areas of structural or operational
vulnerability of a utility service provider or would permit unlawful disruption to or interference
with services providedby a utility service provider [shall be treated as condential and shall
not be open for public inspection].
(B) Documents concerning the cost of governmental utility property, the cost of protecting
governmental utility property, the cost of identifying areas of structural or operational vulnerability
of a governmental utility, the cost of developing contingency plans for a governmental entity, and
the identity of vendors providing goods or services to a governmental entity in connection with the
foregoing shall not be condential. However, any documents relating to these subjects shall not be
made available to the public unless information that is condential under this subsection (a) or any
other provision of this chapter has been redacted or deleted from the documents.
(D) Nothing in this subdivision (a)(21) shall be construed to limit access to these records by other
governmental agencies performing ofcial functions or to preclude any governmental agency from
allowing public access to these records in the course of performing ofcial functions.
10-7-504(a)(22)(A) Audit working papers,
Internal audit,
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury;
State, County and Local Government
Internal Audit Staffs
The following records shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for public
The audit working papers [including auditee records, intra- and inter-agency communications,
draft reports, schedules, notes, memoranda and all other records relating to an audit or
investigation] of the comptroller of the treasury and state, county and local government
internal audit staffs conducting audits as authorized by § 4-3-304.
10-7-504(a)(22)(B) Fraud, waste and abuse
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury The following records shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for public
All information and records received or generated by the comptroller containing allegations of
unlawful conduct or fraud, waste or abuse.
10-7-504(a)(22)( C) Tests, Examinations Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury The following records shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for public
All examinations administered by the comptroller as part of the assessment certication and
education program, including, but not limited to, the total bank of questions from which the
tests are developed, the answers, and the answer sheets of individual test takers.
10-7-504(a)(22)(D) Surveys Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury The following records shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for public
Survey records, responses, data, identifying information as dened in subdivision (a)(15),
intra-agency and interagency communications, and other records received to serve as input
for any survey created, obtained, or compiled by the comptroller.
Subdivision (a)(22)(D) shall not apply to any survey conducted by the ofce of open records
counsel, created by § 8-4-601.
10-7-504(a)(23) Teacher evaluations Local Education Agencies (LEA) All records containing the results of individual teacher evaluations administered pursuant to
the policies, guidelines, and criteria adopted by the state board of education under § 49-1-
302 shall be treated as condential and shall not be open to the public.
Nothing in subdivision (a)(23) shall be construed to prevent the LEA, public charter school,
state board of education, or department of education from accessing and utilizing such records
as required to fulll their lawful functions [including] the releasing of such records to parties
conducting research in accordance with § 49-1-606(b).
10-7-504(a)(24) Proprietary information Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage
All proprietary information provided to the alcoholic beverage commission shall be treated
as condential and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public. "[P]roprietary
information" means commercial or nancial information which is used either directly or
indirectly in the business of any person or company submitting information to the alcoholic
beverage commission and which gives such person an advantage or an opportunity to obtain
an advantage over competitors who do not know or use such information.
10-7-504(a)(25) Student records Tennessee Secondary School Athletic
Records or information relating to academic performance, nancial status of a student or the
student's parent or guardian, medical or psychological treatment or testing, and personal
family information in the possession of such [voluntary] association [that establishes and
enforces bylaws or rules for interscholastic sports competition for secondary schools in this
state] shall be condential.
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10-7-504(a)(26) Employees, Job
performance evaluations
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury,
Tennessee Department of Treasury,
Tennessee Secretary of State, and
Public Institutions of Higher Education
(A) Job performance evaluations of the following employees shall be treated as condential
and shall not be open for public inspection:
(i) Employees of the department of treasury;
(ii) Employees of the comptroller of the treasury;
(iii) Employees of the secretary of state's ofce; and
(iv) Employees of public institutions of higher education.
(B) "[J]ob performance evaluations" includes, but is not limited to, job performance
evaluations completed by supervisors, communications concerning job performance
evaluations, self-evaluations of job performance prepared by employees, job performance
evaluation scores, drafts, notes, memoranda, and all other records relating to job
performance evaluations.
(C) Nothing in this subdivision (a)(26) shall be construed to limit access to those records by law
enforcement agencies, courts, or other governmental agencies performing ofcial functions.
10-7-504(a)(27) E-mail addresses Tennessee Secretary of State, Division
of Business Services
E-mail addresses collected by the department of state's division of business services . . .
shall be treated as condential and shall not be open to inspection by members of the public.
Except those [e-mail addresses] that may be contained on lings submitted pursuant to title 47,
chapter 9, or § 55-3-126(f).
10-7-504(a)(28) Procurement Local Government Entities Proposals and statements of qualications received by a local government entity in response
to a personal service, professional service, or consultant service request for proposals
or request for qualications solicitation, and related records, including, but not limited to,
evaluations, names of evaluation committee members, and all related memoranda or notes,
shall not be open for public inspection until the intent to award the contract to a particular
respondent is announced.
10-7-504(a)(29) Personally identifying
All (A) No governmental entity shall publicly disclose personally identifying information of any
citizen of the state.
(C) "[P]ersonally identifying information" means:
(i) Social security numbers;
(ii) Ofcial state or government issued driver licenses or identication numbers;
(iii) Alien registration numbers or passport numbers;
(iv) Employer or taxpayer identication numbers;
(v) Unique biometric data, such as ngerprints, voice prints, retina or iris images, or other
unique physical representations; or
(vi) Unique electronic identication numbers, routing codes or other personal identifying
data which enables an individual to obtain merchandise or service or to otherwise nancially
encumber the legitimate possessor of the identifying data.
(A) [Personally identifying information may be disclosed if] :
(i) Permission is given by the citizen;
(ii) Distribution is authorized under state or federal law; or
(iii) Distribution is made:
(a) To a consumer reporting agency as dened by the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C.
§§ 1681 et seq.);
(b) To a nancial institution subject to the privacy provisions of the federal Gramm Leach Bliley Act
(15 U.S.C. § 6802); or
(c) To a nancial institution subject to the International Money Laundering Abatement and
Financial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 (31 U.S.C. §§ 5311 et seq.).
(B)(i) This subdivision (a)(29) does not prohibit the use of personally identifying information by a
governmental entity in the performance of its functions or the disclosure of personally identifying
information to another governmental entity, or an agency of the federal government, or a
private person or entity that has been authorized to perform certain duties as a contractor of the
governmental entity.
(ii) Any person or entity receiving personally identifying information from a governmental entity
shall be subject to the same condentiality provisions as the disclosing entity; provided, however,
that the condentiality provisions applicable to a consumer reporting agency or nancial institution
as dened in subdivision (a)(29)(A)(iii) shall be governed by federal law.
§ 8-13-118(a)(2) A military discharge may be recorded with all or a portion of the veteran's social
security identication number redacted, but this is not required for recording.
(b) A county register may record a military discharge of a veteran of the United States armed
forces that is received with or without the redaction of all or a portion of the veteran's social
security identication number.
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10-7-504(d) Employee assistance
All Records of any employee's identity, diagnosis, treatment, or referral for treatment that are
maintained [separately from personnel and other records regarding such employee that are
open for inspection] by any state or local government employee assistance program shall be
condential. "[E]mployee assistance program" means any program that provides counseling,
problem identication, intervention, assessment, or referral for appropriate diagnosis and
treatment, and follow-up services to assist employees of such state or local governmental
entity who are impaired by personal concerns including, but not limited to, health, marital,
family, nancial, alcohol, drug, legal, emotional, stress or other personal concerns which may
adversely affect employee job performance.
10-7-504(e) Unpublished telephone
Tennessee Emergency
Communications Board, Emergency
Communications Districts
[Until such time as any provision of the service contract between the telephone service
provider and the consumer providing otherwise is effectuated] unpublished telephone
numbers in the possession by the emergency communications districts [or the ECB] or its
designated agent shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection by
members of the public.
[A]ddresses held with such unpublished telephone numbers, or addresses otherwise collected
or compiled, and in the possession of emergency communications districts [or the ECB] or its
designated agent shall be made available upon written request to any county election commission
for the purpose of compiling a voter mailing list for a respective county.
10-7-504(f) Employees, Identifying
All (1) The following records or information of any state, county, municipal or other public
employee or former employee, or applicant to such position, or of any law enforcement
ofcer commissioned pursuant to § 49-7-118, in the possession of a governmental entity or
any person in its capacity as an employer shall be treated as condential and shall not be
open for inspection by members of the public:
(A) Home and personal cell phone numbers;
(B) Bank account and individual health savings account, retirement account and pension
account information;
(C) Social security number;
(D)(i) Residential information, including the street address, city, state and zip code, for any
state employee; and
(ii) Residential street address for any county, municipal or other public employee;
(E) Driver license information except where driving or operating a vehicle is part of the
employee's job description or job duties or incidental to the performance of the employee's
(F) The information listed in subdivisions (f)(1)(A)-(E) of immediate family members, whether
or not the immediate family member resides with the employee, or household members;
(G) Emergency contact information, except for that information open to public inspection in
accordance with subdivision (f)(1)(D)(ii); and
(H) Personal, nongovernment issued, email address.
(1)(B) [N]othing shall limit access to nancial records of a governmental employer that show the
amounts and sources of contributions to the accounts or the amount of pension or retirement
benets provided to the employee or former employee by the governmental employer.
(2) Information made condential by this subsection (f) shall be redacted wherever possible and
nothing in this subsection (f) shall be used to limit or deny access to otherwise public information
because a le, a document, or data le contains condential information.
(3) Nothing in this subsection (f) shall be construed to limit access to these records by law
enforcement agencies, courts, or other governmental agencies performing ofcial functions.
(4) Nothing in this subsection (f) shall be construed to close any personnel records of public
ofcers which are currently open under state law.
(5) Nothing in this subsection (f) shall be construed to limit access to information made condential
under this subsection (f), when the employee expressly authorizes the release of such information.
10-7-504(f)(6) Bank account
Tennessee Department of the Treasury Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the bank account information [including bank
account numbers, transit routing numbers, and name of nancial institution] for any state,
county, municipal, or other public employee, former employee or applicant to such position,
or any law enforcement ofcer commissioned pursuant to § 49-7-118, that is received,
compiled or maintained by the department of treasury, shall be condential and not open for
inspection by members of the public, regardless of whether the employee is employed by the
department of treasury.
10-7-504(f)(7) Investment division
employee disclosures
Tennessee Department of the Treasury Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the following information that is received,
compiled or maintained by the department of treasury relating to the department's investment
division employees who are so designated in writing by the state treasurer shall be kept
condential and not open for inspection by members of the public: holdings reports,
conrmations, transaction reports and account statements relative to securities, investments
or other assets disclosed by the employee to the employer, or authorized by the employee to
be released to the employer directly or otherwise.
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10-7-504(g) Law enforcement,
Law Enforcement Agencies (1)(A)(i) [Personal information in the possession of an entity in its capacity as an employer of
such law enforcement personnel] shall be redacted where there is a reason not to disclose
as determined by the chief law enforcement ofcer or . . . designee.
(iii) The chief law enforcement ofcer shall reserve the right to segregate information that
could be used to identify or to locate an ofcer designated as working undercover.
(ii) When . . . the request is for a professional, business, or ofcial purpose, the chief law
enforcement ofcer or custodian shall consider the specic circumstances to determine
whether there is a reason not to disclose and shall release all information, except information
made condential in subsection (f), if there is not such a reason. In all other circumstances,
the ofcer shall be notied prior to disclosure of the personal information and shall be given a
reasonable opportunity to be heard and oppose the release of the information.
Nothing in this subsection (g) shall be:
(2) used to limit or deny access to otherwise public information because a le, a document, or data
le contains some information made condential by it;
(3) construed to limit access to these records by law enforcement agencies, courts, or other
governmental agencies performing ofcial functions;
(4) except as provided in subdivision (g)(1), construed to close personnel records of public
ofcers, which are "currently open under state law"; or
(5) construed to limit access when the employee expressly authorizes the release of such
10-7-504(h) Death sentence,
Identifying information
Tennessee Department of Correction (1) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, those parts of the record identifying an
individual or entity as a person or entity who or that has been or may in the future be directly
involved in the process of executing a sentence of death shall be treated as condential and
shall not be open to public inspection. . . . Records made condential by this section include,
but are not limited to, records related to remuneration to a person or entity in connection with
such person's or entity's participation in or preparation for the execution of a sentence of
death. Such payments shall be made in accordance with a memorandum of understanding
between the commissioner of correction and the commissioner of nance and administration
in a manner that will protect the public identity of the recipients.
(1) [I]f a contractor is employed to participate in or prepare for the execution of a sentence of
death, the amount of the special payment made to such contractor pursuant to the contract shall
be reported by the commissioner of correction to the comptroller of the treasury and such amount
shall be a public record.
(2) Information made condential by this subsection (h) shall be redacted wherever possible and
nothing in this subsection (h) shall be used to limit or deny access to otherwise public information
because a le, a document, or data le contains condential information.
10-7-504(i) Unauthorized access,
Information processing
and communication
systems, Government
State of Tennessee, Counties,
Municipalities, Cities, Political
Subdivisions of State of Tennessee
(1) Information that would allow a person to obtain unauthorized access to condential
information or to government property (electronic information processing systems,
telecommunication systems, or other communications systems) shall be maintained as
condential. . . . Such records include:
(A) Plans, security codes, passwords, combinations, or computer programs used to protect
electronic information and government property;
(B) Information that would identify those areas of structural or operational vulnerability
that would permit unlawful disruption to, or interference with, the services provided by a
governmental entity; and
(C) Information that could be used to disrupt, interfere with, or gain unauthorized access to
electronic information or government property.
(3)(A) Documents concerning the cost of protecting government property or electronic information
shall not be condential.
10-7-504(i)(3) Vendors, Information
processing and
communication systems
State of Tennessee, Counties,
Municipalities, Cities, Political
Subdivisions of State of Tennessee
(B) The identity of a vendor that provides to the state goods and services used to protect
electronic information processing systems, telecommunication and other communication
systems, data storage systems, government employee information, or citizen information
shall be condential.
(C) The identity of a vendor that provides to a governmental entity other than the state goods
and services used to protect electronic information processing systems, telecommunication
and other communication systems, data storage systems, government employee information,
or citizen information shall [be] condential . . . if the governing body of the governmental
entity votes afrmatively to make such information condential.
(A) Documents concerning the cost of protecting government property or electronic information
shall not be condential.
(D) Notwithstanding subdivisions (i)(3)(B) and (C), a governmental entity shall, upon request,
provide the identity of a vendor to the comptroller of the treasury and the scal review committee
of the general assembly. If the identity of the vendor is condential under subdivision (i)(3)(B) or
(C), the comptroller and the scal review committee shall exercise reasonable care in maintaining
the condentiality of the identity of the vendor obtained under this subdivision (i)(3)(D).
10-7-504(j) Identifying information Tennessee Department of Correction,
Tennessee Board of Parole
(1) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, identifying information compiled and
maintained by the department of correction and the board of parole concerning any person
shall be condential when the person has been notied or requested that notication be
provided to the person regarding the status of criminal proceedings or of a convicted felon
incarcerated in a department of correction institution, county jail or workhouse or under state
supervised probation or parole pursuant to § 40-28-505, § 40-38-103, § 40-38-110, § 40-38-
111, § 41-21-240 or § 41-21-242.
(2) "[I]dentifying information" means the name, home and work addresses, telephone
numbers and social security number of the person being notied or requesting that
notication be provided.
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10-7-504(k) Identifying information,
Victims, Criminal Injuries
Compensation Act
State of Tennessee The following information regarding victims who apply for compensation under the Criminal
Injuries Compensation Act, compiled in title 29, chapter 13, shall be treated as condential
and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public:
(1) Residential information, including the street address, city, state and zip code;
(2) Home telephone and personal cell phone numbers;
(3) Social security number; and
(4) The criminal offense from which the victim is receiving compensation.
10-7-504(l) Identifying information,
DCS records
Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
(1) All applications, certicates, records, reports, legal documents and petitions made or
information received pursuant to title 37 that directly or indirectly identies a child or family
receiving services from the department of children's services or that identies the person who
made a report of harm pursuant to § 37-1-403 or § 37-1-605 shall be condential and shall
not be open for public inspection.
(2) The information made condential pursuant to subdivision (l)(1) includes information
contained in applications, certications, records, reports, legal documents and petitions in the
possession of not only the department of children's services but any state or local agency,
including, but not limited to, law enforcement and the department of education.
Exceptions are provided by §§ 37-1-131, 37-1-409, 37-1-612, 37-5-107 and 49-6-3051.
[Pursuant to § 37-3-810(a) the Tennessee Second Look Commission may access information
made condential pursuant to chapter 1 of title 37.]
10-7-504(m) Security of government
State of Tennessee, Counties,
Municipalities, Cities, Political
Subdivisions of State of Tennessee
(1) Information and records that are directly related to the security of any government
building shall be maintained as condential and shall not be open to public inspection. . .
Such information and records include, but are not limited to:
(A) Information and records about alarm and security systems used at the government
building, including codes, passwords, wiring diagrams, plans and security procedures and
protocols related to the security systems;
(B) Security plans, including security-related contingency planning and emergency response
(C) Assessments of security vulnerability;
(D) Information and records that would identify those areas of structural or operational
vulnerability that would permit unlawful disruption to, or interference with, the services
provided by a governmental entity; and
(E) Surveillance recordings, whether recorded to audio or visual format, or both.
(1)(E) [S]egments of surveillance recordings may be made public when they include an act or
incident involving public safety or security or possible criminal activity. In addition, if the recordings
are relevant to a civil action or criminal prosecution, then the recordings may be released in
compliance with a subpoena or an order of a court of record in accordance with the Tennessee
rules of civil or criminal procedure. The court or administrative judge having jurisdiction over
the proceedings shall issue appropriate protective orders, when necessary, to ensure that the
information is disclosed only to appropriate persons. Release of any segment or segments of the
recordings shall not be construed as waiving the condentiality of the remaining segments of the
audio or visual tape.
(2) Information made condential by this subsection (m) shall be redacted wherever possible and
nothing in this subsection (m) shall be used to limit or deny access to otherwise public information
because a le or document contains condential information.
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10-7-504(n) Procurement State of Tennessee (1) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the following documents submitted to the state
in response to a request for proposal or other procurement method shall remain condential
after completion of the evaluation period:
(A) Discount, rebate, pricing or other nancial arrangements at the individual drug level
between pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmaceutical wholesalers/distributors, and
pharmacy benets managers, as dened in § 56-7-3102, that a proposer:
(i) Submits to the state in response to a request for proposals or other procurement methods
for pharmacy-related benets or services;
(ii) Includes in its cost or price proposal, or provides to the state after the notice of intended
award of the contract is issued, where the proposer is the apparent contract awardee; and
(iii) Explicitly marks as condential and proprietary; and
(B) Discount, rebate, pricing or other nancial arrangements at the individual provider level
between health care providers and health insurance entities, as dened in § 56-7-109,
insurers, insurance arrangements and third party administrators that a proposer:
(i) Submits to the state in response to a request for proposals or other procurement method
after the notice of intended award of the contract is issued, where the proposer is the
apparent contract awardee, in response to a request by the state for additional information;
(ii) Explicitly marks as condential and proprietary.
(2)(A) Any report produced by the state, or on the state's behalf, utilizing the information made
condential by subdivision (n)(1)(B) shall not be considered condential hereunder so long as
such report is disclosed in an aggregate or summary format without disclosing discount, rebate,
pricing or other nancial arrangements at the individual provider level.
(2)(B) The comptroller of the treasury, for the purpose of conducting audits or program evaluations,
shall have access to the discount, rebate, pricing and descriptions of other nancial arrangements
cited in subsection (n) as submitted in a procurement or as a report to the contractor; provided,
however, that no ofcial, employee or agent of the state of Tennessee may release or provide for
the release, in any form, of information subject to condential custody under subsection (n).
10-7-504(o) Handgun permits All (1) Except as provided in subdivisions (o)(2)–(4), the following information and records are
condential, not open or available for public inspection and shall not be released in any
(A) All information contained in any application for a handgun carry permit pursuant to § 39-
17-1351, a permit renewal application, or contained in any materials required to be submitted
(B) All information provided to any state or federal agency, to any county, municipality, or
other political subdivision, to any ofcial, agent, or employee of any state or federal agency,
or obtained by any state or federal agency in the course of its investigation of an applicant for
a handgun carry permit; and
(C) Any and all records maintained relative to an application for a handgun carry permit
issued pursuant to § 39-17-1351, a permit renewal application, the issuance, renewal,
expiration, suspension, or revocation of a handgun carry permit, or the result of any criminal
history record check conducted under this part.
(2) Any information . . . may be released to a law enforcement agency for the purpose of
conducting an investigation or prosecution, or for determining the validity of a handgun carry
permit, or to a child support enforcement agency for purposes of child support enforcement, but
shall not be publicly disclosed except as evidence in a criminal or child support enforcement
(3) Any person or entity may request the department of safety to search its handgun permit holder
database to determine if a named person has a Tennessee handgun carry permit, as of the date
of the request, if the person or entity presents with the request a judgment of conviction, criminal
history report, order of protection, or other ofcial government document or record that indicates
the named person is not eligible to possess a handgun carry permit under the requirements of §
(4) Nothing in this subsection (o) shall prohibit release of the handgun carry permit statistical
reports authorized by § 39-17-1351(s).
10-7-504(p) School safety and
security of school
Local Education Agencies (LEA),
Schools, Educational Institutions
Information, records, and plans that are related to school security, the district-wide school
safety plans or the building-level school safety plans shall not be open to public inspection.
School administrators of an LEA may discuss or distribute information to parents or legal
guardians of children attending the school regarding procedures for contacting or obtaining a child
following a natural disaster.
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10-7-504(q) Identifying information,
Photographs, Videos,
Victims of sexual offense
All (1) Where a defendant has plead guilty to, or has been convicted of, and has been
sentenced for a sexual offense or violent sexual offense specied in § 40-39-202, the
following information regarding the victim of the offense shall be treated as condential and
shall not be open for inspection by members of the public:
(A) Name, unless waived pursuant to subdivision (q)(2);
(B) Home, work and electronic mail addresses;
(C) Telephone numbers;
(D) Social security number; and
(E) Any photographic or video depiction of the victim.
(2)(A) At any time after the defendant or defendants in a case have been sentenced . . ., the victim
of such offense whose name is made condential . . . may waive such provision and allow the
victim's name to be obtained in the same manner as other public records.
(3) Nothing in this subsection (q) shall prevent the district attorney general or attorney general and
reporter and counsel for a defendant from providing to each other in a pending criminal case or
appeal, where the constitutional rights of the defendant require it, information which otherwise may
be held condential under this subsection (q).
(4) Nothing in this subsection (q) shall be used to limit or deny access to otherwise public
information because a le, document, or data le contains some information made condential by
subdivision (q)(1); provided, that condential information shall be redacted before any access is
granted to a member of the public.
(5) Nothing in this subsection (q) shall be construed to limit access to records by law enforcement
agencies, courts, or other governmental agencies performing ofcial functions.
10-7-504(r) Bank account
State Governmental Agency Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, any bank account information that is received,
compiled, or maintained by a state governmental agency, shall be condential and shall not
be an open record for inspection by members of the public. The bank account information
that shall be kept condential includes, but is not limited to, debit card numbers and any
related personal identication numbers (PINs) or authorization codes, bank account
numbers, and transit routing numbers.
10-7-504(s) Insurance verication,
James Lee Atwood Jr.
Tennessee Department of Revenue,
Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security, Tennessee
Department of Commerce and
Insurance, Law Enforcement Agencies,
The records of the insurance verication program created pursuant to the James Lee Atwood
Jr. Law, compiled in title 55, chapter 12, part 2, in the possession of the department of
revenue or its agent, the department of safety, the department of commerce and insurance,
law enforcement, and the judiciary pursuant to the James Lee Atwood Jr. Law, shall be
treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public.
10-7-504(t) Identifying
Videos, Juveniles
All, Law Enforcement Agencies (1) The following information concerning the victim of a criminal offense who is a minor shall
be treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public:
(A) Name, unless waived pursuant to subdivision (v)(2);
(B) Home, work, and electronic mail addresses;
(C) Telephone numbers;
(D) Social security number;
(E) Any photographic or video depiction of the minor victim; and
(F) Whether the defendant is related to the victim unless the relationship is an essential
element of the offense.
(2) The custodial parent or legal guardian of the minor victim . . . may petition a court of record
to waive condentiality and allow the minor victim's name to be obtained in the same manner as
other public records. Upon nding good cause shown, the court shall enter the order granting the
(3) The subsection . . . shall not be construed to:
(A) Restrict the application of Rule 16 of the Tennessee Rules of Criminal Procedure in any court
or the disclosure of information required of counsel by the state or federal constitution;
(B) Limit or deny access to otherwise public information because a le, document, or data le
contains some information made condential by subdivision (t)(1); provided, that condential
information shall be redacted before any access is granted to a member of the public;
(C) Limit access to records by law enforcement agencies, courts, or other governmental agencies
performing ofcial functions; or
(D) Limit or prevent law enforcement from releasing information included in this subsection (t) for
the purposes of locating and identifying missing, exploited, or abducted minors.
10-7-504(u) Law enforcement body
camera video
All, Law Enforcement Agencies (1) Video taken by a law enforcement body camera that depicts the following shall be treated
as condential and not subject to public inspection:
(A) Minors, when taken within a school that serves any grades from kindergarten through
grade twelve (K-12);
(B) The interior of a facility licensed under title 33 [Mental health and substance abuse and
intellectual and developmental disabilities] or title 68 [Health, safety and environmental
protection]; or
(C) The interior of a private residence that is not being investigated as a crime scene.
(2) Nothing in this subsection shall prevent the district attorney general or attorney general and
reporter and counsel for a defendant charged with a criminal offense from providing to each other
in a pending criminal case or appeal, where the constitutional rights of the defendant require it,
information which otherwise may be held condential under this subsection.
(3) Nothing in this subsection shall be used to limit or deny access to otherwise public information
because a le, document, or data le contains some information made condential by subdivision
(u)(1); provided, that condential information shall be redacted before any access is granted to a
member of the public.
(4) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit access to records by law enforcement
agencies, courts, or other governmental agencies performing ofcial functions.
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10-7-504(v) Examinations, Tests,
Licensure, Health
Tennessee Department of Health Notwithstanding any law the contrary, examination questions, answer sheets, scoring keys,
and other examination data used for the purpose of licensure, certication, or registration of
health professionals under title 63 or title 68 shall be treated as condential and shall not be
open for inspection by members of the public.
(1) A person who has taken such an examination has the right to review the person's own
completed examination; and
(2) Final examination scores of persons licensed, certied, or registered as health professionals
under title 63 or title 68 shall be open for inspection by members of the public, upon request.
10-7-508 Access to records Tennessee Secretary of State,
Tennessee State Library and Archives,
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury
(a) The secretary of state or the secretary of state's designated representative, the state
librarian and archivist, and the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designated
representative for purposes of audit, shall be accorded access to and may examine and
receive any public records or writings, whether or not they are subject to public inspection.
They shall maintain inviolate any privileged or condential information so acquired and any
record or writing so dened by law.
(b) If the state librarian and archivist or such representative, the secretary of state or such
representative and the agency head or such representative should determine that certain
administrative or otherwise open public records have been inappropriately led and designated
as condential public records, then such records shall be removed from the designation of
condential and led within the appropriate level of access designation.
10-7-513 Military discharge record All (b) The [military veteran's department of defense form DD-214 or other military discharge]
record is condential for the seventy-ve (75) years following the date it is recorded with or
otherwise rst comes into the possession of a governmental body. During such period, the
governmental body may permit inspection or copying of the record or disclose information
contained in the record only in accordance with this section or in accordance with a court
(c) On request and presentation of proper identication, the following persons may inspect the
military discharge record or obtain from the governmental body a copy or certied copy of such
(1) The veteran who is the subject of the record;
(2) The legal guardian of the veteran;
(3) The spouse or a child or parent of the veteran or, if there is no living spouse, child, or parent,
the nearest living relative of the veteran;
(4) The personal representative of the estate of the veteran;
(5) The person named by the veteran, or by a person described by subdivision (c)(2), (c)(3), or (c)
(4), in an appropriate power of attorney;
(6) Another governmental body; or
(7) An authorized representative of the funeral home that assists with the burial of the veteran.
(d) A court that orders the release of information under this section shall limit the further disclosure
of the information and the purposes for which the information may be used.
(e) A governmental body that obtains information from the record shall limit the governmental
body's use and disclosure of the information to the purpose for which the information was
10-7-515(g) Personally identifying
County Registers of Deeds A county register of deeds may redact any personally identifying information that is found
on a recorded document maintained on a computer or removable computer storage media,
including CD-ROM disk, if the records are stored in a manner that permits redaction.
10-7-516 Security systems All Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any information relating to security systems
for any property including, but not limited to, all records pertaining to licensure or registration
by owners of such systems, information, photos, presentations, schematics, surveys, or any
other information related to such security systems held or kept by any governmental entity,
shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for public inspection by members of the
10-8-102 Library records Libraries (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), no employee of a library shall disclose any
library record that identies a person as having requested or obtained specic materials,
information, or services or as having otherwise used such library. Such library records shall
be considered an exception to § 10-7-503.
(b) Library records may be disclosed under the following circumstances:
(1) Upon the written consent of the library user;
(2) Pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction; or
(3) When used to seek reimbursement for or the return of lost, stolen, misplaced or otherwise
overdue library materials.
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11-1-102(c)(1) Records concerning
radioactive materials
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC), Nuclear
Regulatory Commission
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the following records as dened by § 10–7–301
of any division of the department of environment and conservation shall be condential
and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public: (1) Concerning radioactive
materials regulated by the U.S. nuclear regulatory commission or by a state under an
agreement with the nuclear regulatory commission pursuant to § 274(b) of the Atomic Energy
11-1-102(c)(2) Endangered species Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC)
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the following records as dened by § 10-7-301 of
any division of the department of environment and conservation shall be condential and
shall not be open for inspection by members of the public: . . . disclosing the specic location
of threatened, endangered, or rare species that would not be available to the public under
federal law or regulation.
11-1-102(c)(3) Identifying information Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC)
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the following records as dened by § 10-7-301 of
any division of the department of environment and conservation shall be condential and
shall not be open for inspection by members of the public: . . .
(A) Relating to a guest's use of state parks, including a state park guest's:
(i) Name;
(ii) Home or mobile telephone number;
(iii) Address, including the street address or post ofce box number, city, state, and zip code;
(iv) Social security number;
(v) Email address;
(vi) Reservation, rescheduling, and cancellation information;
(vii) Transaction information, including but not limited to purchases of goods or services;
(viii) Payment and refund information, including, but not limited to, bank account, credit card,
and gift certicate or gift card information;
(ix) Driver license information;
(x) Vehicle registrations, including, but not limited to, automobiles, boats, and off-highway
vehicles; and
(xi) Emergency contact information.
[S]ubdivision (c)(3)(A)(vii) does not apply to aggregated statistical information that does not
contain personally identifying information.
(B) Nothing in subdivision (c)(3)(A) limits:
(i) Access to information made condential pursuant to subdivision (c)(3)(A):
(a) By law enforcement agencies, courts, or other governmental agencies performing ofcial
functions; or
(b) When a guest expressly authorizes the release of such information; or
(ii) The creation and release of an internal investigation report to persons identied within the
report, unless the report is subject to a legal privilege against disclosure.
12-3-502(g) Procurement Tennessee Department of General
Services, Procurement Division
Upon issuance of the intent to award, all data relating to the procurement shall be made
available for inspection to each respondent of the solicitation, upon request. No contract shall
be awarded by the chief procurement ofcer without providing respondents a reasonable
opportunity for inspection. The chief procurement ofcer shall establish procedures for
providing inspection by respondents to solicitations. Such procedures shall be approved by
the procurement commission
12-3-1207 Procurement Municipalities, Governmental Utility
(f) Competitive sealed proposals [not competitive sealed bids] shall be opened in a manner
that avoids disclosure of contents to competing respondents during the negotiation. The
proposals shall be open for public inspection after the intent to award the contract to a
particular respondent is announced.
(h) In conducting discussions, the purchasing agent and other municipal personnel may
make no disclosure to any respondent of any information derived from proposals submitted
by competing respondents.
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12-3-1208(d) Bids Counties, Cities, Municipalities, Special
Districts, Utility Districts, School
Districts, Authorities
[All bid responses received by a local governmental unit for goods or services to be
purchased through a competitive reverse auction process shall not be open for public
inspection until the close of the specied bid period and the award to the successful bidder
has been made.]
All bid responses received shall be made available publicly at the time and place identied in the
invitation to bid. An award shall be made to the offeror determined to be the lowest responsible
and responsive bidder at the close of the specied bid period. Each bid, with the name and
address of the bidder, shall be recorded and the names of the bidders, the amounts of their bids
and the name of the successful bidder shall, after the award, be open to public inspection.
12-4-414 Payroll records Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development
[Payroll records provided pursuant to the prevailing wage act for state highway construction
projects are not available for public inspection.]
All [other] records and documentation provided for in this part . . . shall be made available for
public inspection by the commission and the department of labor and workforce development
during normal business hours.
16-1-117(a)(6)(C) Court caseload reports,
Firearm Disabilities
Administrative Ofce of the Courts,
Court Clerks
The information reported pursuant to subdivision (a)(6)(A) shall be maintained as condential
and not subject to public inspection, except for such use as may be necessary in the conduct
of any proceedings pursuant to §§ 39-17-1316, 39-17-1353 and 39-17-1354.
16-3-404 Supreme Court Rules Tennessee Supreme Court The supreme court shall x the effective date of all its rules; provided, that the rules shall not
take effect until they have been reported to the general assembly by the chief justice at or
after the beginning of a regular session of the general assembly, but not later than February
1 during the session, and until they have been approved by resolutions of both the house of
representatives and the senate.
• Rule 31, § 11. Proceedings for Discipline of Rule 31 Mediators
• Rule 9, § 5. Ethics Opinions (c)
• Rule 9, § 10. Periodic Assessment of Attorneys (10.1)
• Rule 9, § 32. Condentiality
• Rule 41, Canon 5. Condentiality (spoken foreign language interpreters in court)
Tenn. R. Crim. P., Rule 16. Discovery and Inspection
Tenn. Court of Appeals Rule 15. Filing Documents Under Seal
Tenn. R. Civ. P., Rule 26.03 Protective Orders
Sup.Ct.Rules, Rule 8, RPC 1.6–when a lawyer may reveal information relating to the
representation of a client.
16-10-205(j) Petition for rearm
disabilities relief
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
(TBI), Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security
The TBI and the Department of Safety shall not use or permit the use of the records or
information obtained or retained pursuant to this section for any purpose not specied in this
section [related to petition to circuit or criminal courts for relief from rearm disability].
16-10-213(d) Firearms disabilities Tennessee Department of Safety and
Homeland Security
The information in subdivisions (c)(1)–(5), the condentiality of which is protected by
other statutes or regulations, shall be maintained as condential and not subject to public
inspection pursuant to such statutes or regulations, except for such use as may be necessary
in the conduct of any proceedings pursuant to §§ 39-17-1316, 39-17-1353 and 39-17-1354.
16-11-202(j) Petition for rearm
disabilities relief
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
(TBI), Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security
The TBI and the department of safety shall not use or permit use of the records or
information obtained or retained pursuant to this section for any purpose not specied in the
section [regarding petitions to chancery courts for relief from rearm disabilities].
16-15-405(j) Petition for rearm
disabilities relief
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
(TBI), Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security
The TBI and the department of safety shall not use or permit the use of the records or
information obtained or retained pursuant to this section for any purpose not specied in this
section [regarding petitions to general sessions courts for relief from rearm disabilities].
16-16-121(j) Petition for rearm
disabilities relief
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
(TBI), Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security
The TBI and the department of safety shall not use or permit the use of the records or
information obtained or retained pursuant to this section for any purpose not specied in the
section [regarding petitions to county courts for relief from rearm disabilities].
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16-20-103 Mediation, victims Victim-offender Mediation Centers (a) All memoranda, work notes or products, or case les of centers established under this
chapter are condential and privileged and are not subject to disclosure in any judicial or
administrative proceeding. . . . Any communication relating to the subject matter of the
resolution made during the resolution process by any participant, mediator, or any other
person is a privileged communication and is not subject to disclosure in any judicial or
administrative proceeding unless all parties to the communication waive the privilege.
(a) [Condentiality and privilege do not apply if] the court or administrative tribunal determines that
the materials were submitted by a participant to the center for the purpose of avoiding discovery of
the material in a subsequent proceeding.
(b) The privilege and limitation on evidentiary use described in subsection (a) does not apply to
any communication of a threat that injury or damage may be inicted on any person or on the
property of a party to the dispute, to the extent the communication may be relevant evidence in a
criminal matter. Such communications shall not be construed to be public records pursuant to title
10, chapter 7.
17-5-208(b)(2) Judiciary investigation Board of Judicial Conduct, Tennessee
General Assembly
The notice [from Board of Judicial Conduct] provided the speakers [of the general assembly]
pursuant to subdivisions (a)(2) and (3) [of private reprimand to a judge] shall remain
[U]nless the general assembly opens an investigation of such judge pursuant to article VI, § 6 or
article V of the Tennessee Constitution
17-5-303(b) Judiciary complaints Board of Judicial Conduct All complaints [of anyone having reason to believe a judge is disabled] made under this
section shall be condential and privileged.
17-5-307(g)(4) Judiciary investigation Board of Judicial Conduct An afdavit signed by a judge consenting to sanction(s) in proceeding involving allegations of
misconduct shall remain condential until it is led with the board.
22-1-103( c) Jury service Petit or grand juries Documents submitted pursuant to this section [to be excused from serving as a juror] shall
be maintained by the jury coordinator during the jury service term, but may be destroyed
thereafter. These documents are not public records and shall not be disclosed, except
pursuant to a court order; however, the jury coordinator shall maintain a list of members of
the jury pool who were excused pursuant to this section, and that information shall be made
available upon request.
22-2-302 Jury lists Circuit Courts The jury book [containing jury list compiled by circuit court (not automated list)] shall be kept
in secret by the jury coordinator under lock and key and no one shall be allowed to inspect
the jury book except the presiding judge of the judicial district or the jury coordinator.
23-3-105 Privileged
Attorneys No attorney, solicitor or counselor shall be permitted, in giving testimony against a client
or person who consulted the attorney, solicitor or counselor professionally, to disclose any
communication made to the attorney, solicitor or counselor as such by such person during
the pendency of the suit, before or afterward, to the person's injury.
23-4-104 Privileged
Lawyers assistance
programs, Attorney-client
Tennessee Lawyers Assistance
All information, in any form whatsoever, furnished to the lawyers' assistance program shall
be a privileged communication and shall be governed by the laws pertaining to the attorney-
client privilege.
23-4-105 Lawyers assistance
Tennessee Lawyers Assistance
The records, proceedings and all communications of any lawyers' assistance program shall
be deemed condential and shall not be available for court subpoena.
This section shall not prevent the subpoena of business records that are otherwise available
through subpoena. Such records are not to be construed as privileged merely because they have
been provided to a lawyers' assistance committee.
24-1-201(b) Privileged
In a civil proceeding, condential communications between married persons are privileged
and inadmissible if either spouse objects.
This communications privilege shall not apply to proceedings between spouses or to proceedings
concerning abuse of one (1) of the spouses or abuse of a minor in the custody of or under the
dominion and control of either spouse, including, but not limited to, proceedings arising under
title 36, chapter 1, part 1; title 37, chapter 1, parts 1, 4 and 6; title 37, chapter 2, part 4; and title
71, chapter 6, part 1. This condential communications privilege shall not apply to any insured's
obligations under a contract of insurance in civil proceedings.
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
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24-1-201(c) Privileged
(1) In a criminal proceeding a marital condential communication shall be privileged if:
(A) The communications originated in a condence that they will not be disclosed;
(B) The element of condentiality is essential to the full and satisfactory maintenance of the
relation between the parties;
(C) The relation must be one which, in the opinion of the community, ought to be sedulously
fostered; and
(D) The injury to the relation by disclosure of the communications outweighs the benet
gained for the correct disposal of litigation.
(2) Upon a nding that a marital communication is privileged, it shall be inadmissible if either
spouse objects.
(2) Such communication privileges shall not apply to proceedings concerning abuse of one (1)
of the spouses or abuse of a minor in the custody of or under the dominion and control of either
spouse, including, but not limited to proceedings arising under title 37, chapter 1, parts 1 and 4;
title 37, chapter 2, part 4; and title 71, chapter 6, part 1.
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
24-1-204 Privileged
communications, Crisis
response services
(b) All communications between a team member or team leader [an individual specially
trained to provide crisis response services as a member or leader of a registered critical
incident stress management team] providing, and a group participant or person participating
in, a crisis intervention shall be considered condential and no such person shall be required
to disclose any such communication unless otherwise required by law or rule of court.
(c) Except as provided under subsection
(d), no person, whether a team member, team leader or group participant, providing or
participating in a crisis intervention shall be required to testify or divulge any information
obtained solely through such crisis intervention.
(d) The testimonial privilege established under subsection (c) shall not apply if any of the following
are true:
(1) The communication indicates the existence of a danger to the individual who receives crisis
response services or to any other person or persons;
(2) The communication indicates the existence of past or present child abuse or neglect of the
individual, abuse of an adult as dened in title 71, chapter 6 or family violence as dened in title
71, chapter 6, part 2;
(3) The communication indicates the existence of past or present acts constituting an intentional
tort or crime; provided, that the applicable statute of limitation has not expired on the act indicated;
(4) All parties involved in the crisis intervention, including the individual or individuals who received
crisis response services, expressly waive the privilege and consent to the testimony.
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
24-1-206 Privileged
communications, Clergy
(a)(1) No minister of the gospel, priest of the Catholic Church, rector of the Episcopal Church,
ordained rabbi, or regular minister of religion of any religious organization or denomination
usually referred to as a church, over eighteen (18) years of age, shall be allowed or required
in giving testimony as a witness in any litigation, to disclose any information communicated
to that person in a condential manner, properly entrusted to that person in that person's
professional capacity, and necessary to enable that person to discharge the functions of
such ofce according to the usual course of that person's practice or discipline, wherein such
person so communicating such information about such person or another is seeking spiritual
counsel and advice relative to and growing out of the information so imparted.
(b) The prohibition of this section shall not apply to cases where the communicating party, or
parties, waives the right so conferred by personal appearance in open court so declaring, or by an
afdavit properly sworn to by such a one or ones, before some person authorized to administer
oaths, and led with the court wherein litigation is pending.
(c) Nothing in this section shall modify or in any way change the law relative to “hearsay
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
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24-1-207 Privileged
(a) Communications between a patient and a licensed physician when practicing as a
psychiatrist in the course of and in connection with a therapeutic counseling relationship
regardless of whether the therapy is individual, joint, or group, are privileged in proceedings
before judicial and quasi-judicial tribunals. Neither the psychiatrist nor any member of the
staff may testify or be compelled to testify as to such communications or otherwise reveal
them in such proceedings without consent of the patient.
(a)[Communications may be revealed without consent of the patient when:]
(1) In proceedings in which the patient raises the issue of the patient's mental or emotional
(2) In proceedings for which the psychiatrist was ordered by the tribunal to examine the patient
if the patient was advised that communications to the psychiatrist would not be privileged, but
testimony as to the communications is admissible only on issues involving the patient's mental or
emotional condition; and
(3) In proceedings to involuntarily hospitalize the patient under title 33, chapter 6, part 4 or title 33,
chapter 6, part 5, if the psychiatrist decides that the patient is in need of care and treatment in a
residential facility. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the exception is limited to disclosures
necessary to establish that the patient poses a substantial likelihood of serious harm requiring
involuntary hospitalization under title 33, chapter 6, part 4 or title 33, chapter 6, part 5.
(c)(1) Privileged communications between a patient and a licensed physician when practicing
as a psychiatrist in the course of and in connection with a therapeutic counseling relationship,
regardless of whether the therapy is individual, joint, or group, may be disclosed without consent
of the patient if:
(A) Such patient has made an actual threat to physically harm an identiable victim or victims; and
(B) The treating psychiatrist makes a clinical judgment that the patient has the apparent capability
to commit such an act and that it is more likely than not that in the near future the patient will carry
out the threat.
(2) The psychiatrist may disclose patient communications to the extent necessary to warn or
protect any potential victim. No civil or criminal action shall be instituted, nor shall liability be
imposed due to the disclosure of otherwise condential communications by a psychiatrist pursuant
to this subsection.
See § 33-3-114: qualied mental health professional may be compelled to testify in specied
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
24-1-207(b) Patient information,
Personally identifying
Psychiatrists, Meetings
When personally identiable patient information is to be disclosed in a judicial or quasi-
judicial proceeding or any other public proceeding, the authority conducting the proceeding
shall take reasonable steps to prevent unnecessary exposure of such information to the
public and to further this section's policy of protecting the right of privacy. Such steps may
include screening of questions in pre-hearing conferences and in camera inspection of
24-1-208 Privileged
communications, Media
(a) A person engaged in gathering information for publication or broadcast connected with
or employed by the news media or press, or who is independently engaged in gathering
information for publication or broadcast, shall not be required by a court, a grand jury, the
general assembly, or any administrative body, to disclose before the general assembly or
any Tennessee court, grand jury, agency, department, or commission any information or the
source of any information procured for publication or broadcast.
(b) Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to the source of any allegedly defamatory
information in any case where the defendant in a civil action for defamation asserts a defense
based on the source of such information.
(c)(1) Any person seeking information or the source thereof protected under this section may apply
for an order divesting such protection. Such application shall be made to the judge of the court
having jurisdiction over the hearing, action or other proceeding in which the information sought is
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
24-1-209 Privileged
Attorneys and
Communication between an attorney and a private detective or investigator hired by
such attorney, while acting in their respective professional capacities shall be privileged
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
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24-1-210(b) Privileged
Interpreters, Relay
No interpreter or dual party relay operator shall be permitted or required to disclose
information obtained by virtue of facilitating any condential communication.
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
24-1-211(f) Privileged
Any and all information that the [qualied] interpreter gathers from the deaf person pertaining
to any proceeding then pending shall at all times remain condential and privileged, or on
an equal basis with the attorney-client privilege, unless such deaf person desires that such
information be communicated to other persons.
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
29-20-401(g)(3) Governmental tort
liability, Audits,
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Tennessee Comptroller
of the Treasury
Any information obtained by or disclosed to the commissioner of commerce and insurance
pursuant to an examination, audit or investigation conducted under this chapter shall be
condential and shall not be disclosed to the public. Any information obtained by or disclosed
to the comptroller shall be considered working papers of the comptroller and, therefore, are
condential. Furthermore, the commissioner of commerce and insurance shall not disclose
any information relating to the reserving of particular claims, if disclosure would likely
prejudice the fund in settling the claim.
[The condentiality of information relating to the reserving of particular claims] shall not apply to
any examination report, audit or investigative report prepared by the commissioner of commerce
and insurance or the comptroller, or to any rebuttal to such reports submitted by or on behalf of
the fund examined. However, nothing contained in this subdivision (g)(3) shall be construed as
prohibiting the commissioner of commerce and insurance or the comptroller from disclosing the
information listed in this subdivision (g)(3), or any matters relating to that information, to state
agencies of this or any other state, or to law enforcement ofcials of this or any other state or
agency of the federal government at any time.
33-3-103 Mental health and
substance abuse
Tennessee Department of Mental
Health and Substance Abuse Services
All applications, certicates, records, reports, legal documents, and pleadings made and
all information provided or received in connection with services applied for, provided under,
or regulated under this title [33- Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities] and directly or indirectly identifying a service recipient or former
service recipient shall be kept condential and shall not be disclosed by any person except in
compliance with this part [1, chapter 3, title 33].
§ 33-3-104: Information about a service recipient that is condential under § 33-3-103 may be
disclosed with the consent of: (1) The service recipient who is sixteen (16) years of age or over;
(2) The conservator of the service recipient; (3) The attorney in fact under a power of attorney
who has the right to make disclosures under the power; (4) The parent, legal guardian, or legal
custodian of a service recipient who is a child; (5) The service recipient's guardian ad litem for
the purposes of the litigation in which the guardian ad litem serves; (6) The treatment review
committee for a service recipient who has been involuntarily committed; (7) The executor,
administrator or personal representative on behalf of a deceased service recipient; (8) The
caregiver under title 34, chapter 6, part 3; or (9) An individual acting as an agent under the
Tennessee Health Care Decisions Act, compiled in title 68, chapter 11, part 18 or a person's
surrogate as designated under title 68, chapter 11, part 18.
§ 33-3-105: Information that is condential under § 33-3-103 may be disclosed without consent
of the service recipient [under seven specied circumstances, including if] necessary for the
preparation of a post-mortem examination report in accordance with § 38-7-110(e) and authorized
to be obtained pursuant to § 38-7-117(b).
§ 33-3-106: [(a) Disclosure to federally mandated protection and advocacy agency when
information is required for a federally mandated function; received information is protected by
federal condentiality laws. (b) Disclosure to organization paying for a service provider's service to
a service recipient when information is reasonably necessary to obtain timely payment. (c) Upon
determination of a an emergency substantially impairing a provider's capacity to serve, information
may be transferred to a new service provider without recipient consent.]
§ 33-3-111 (3/1/2001) (a) [When there are accusations of physical or sexual abuse or neglect
of a child service recipient, his/her] record shall not be accessible to the person accused of the
abuse or neglect, except if: (1) A court orders access under § 33-3-105(3); or (2)(A) The child's
qualied mental health professional has determined in the course of the treatment or service, after
consultation with the child, the child's guardian ad litem, and others on the child's behalf whom the
professional deems appropriate, that the release of the child's record to the accused person would
not be harmful to the child; and (B) The accused person is the parent, legal guardian, or legal
custodian of the child. (b) If the court permits access to the child's record under subsection (a),
the court shall have jurisdiction to issue any necessary orders to control access to and use of the
information by the person seeking access, including the issuance of injunctive relief.
[§ 33-3-112: Access by service recipient sixteen (16) years of age or older (3/1/2001)
§ 33-3-113: Request by service recipient of amendment of own record (3/1/2001)
§ 33-3-114: Judicial proceedings to compel testimony by qualied mental health professional
(3/1/2001) (7/1/2002)]
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33-3-108 Mental health and
substance abuse,
Identifying information
Tennessee Department of Mental
Health and Substance Abuse Services
(b)(1) The identity of a person who reports abuse, exploitation, fraud, neglect,
misappropriation or mistreatment to the department is condential and may not be disclosed
without the person's consent.
(2) The person's identity is irrelevant to any civil proceeding and is not subject to disclosure,
except in cases where a caregiver or other person is the subject of a complaint and can
make a showing that the complaint was made with malice so that the caregiver or other
person may pursue such remedies as may be permitted by law. The person may be
subpoenaed if the department or district attorney general deems it necessary to protect the
service recipient who is the subject of the report, but the fact that the person made the report
may not be disclosed.
(b)(1) [The person's identity may be disclosed] as follows:
(A) As necessary to carry out the laws cited in subsection (a);
(B) To employees of the department as necessary to investigate the report;
(C) To the abuse registry;
(D) To the appropriate district attorney general;
(E) By order of a court with jurisdiction over abuse, exploitation, fraud, neglect, misappropriation or
mistreatment; or
(F) By order of a court or administrative law judge in a proceeding involving sanctions or
disciplinary actions against a caregiver or an entity accused of abuse, exploitation, fraud, neglect,
misappropriation or mistreatment, when it appears to such court or administrative law judge that
the person making the report is or may be a witness to facts relevant to the proceeding.
(a) Section 33-3-103 does not preclude making reports of harm or granting access to records if
making reports of harm or granting access to records is expressly required by:
(1) The Child Abuse Reporting Law, compiled in title 37, chapter 1, part 4;
(2) The Child Sexual Abuse Reporting Law, compiled in title 37, chapter 1, part 6; or
(3) The Adult Protective Services Law, compiled in title 71, chapter 6.
33-6-624(e)(5) Petition for assisted
outpatient treatment
Courts [Before ordering an outpatient treatment plan, the court shall hold a hearing which] shall be
condential, and a report of the proceedings shall not be released to the public or press.
Unless the proposed patient requests a public hearing.
33-10-104(f)(1) Substance abuse Tennessee Department of Mental
Health and Substance Abuse Services
All records and reports regarding such pregnant woman [referred for drug abuse or drug
dependence treatment at any treatment resource that receives public funding] shall be kept
33-10-408 Substance abuse,
Alcohol abuse
Counties (a) The registration and other records of [alcohol abuse] treatment facilities shall remain
condential and are privileged.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the director may make available information from patients'
records for purposes of research into the causes and treatment of alcoholism. Information
under this subsection (b) shall not be published in a way that discloses patients' names or other
identifying information.
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36-1-102 Adoption Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
(6)(B) The adoption record is condential and is not subject to disclosure by the court, by a
licensed child-placing agency, by a licensed clinical social worker or by any other person or
entity, except as otherwise permitted by this part.
(6)(C) The adoption record shall not, for purposes of release of the records pursuant to
§§ 36-1-127 — 36-1-141, be construed to permit access, without a court order pursuant to
§ 36-1-138, to home studies or preliminary home studies or any information obtained by the
department, a licensed or chartered child-placing agency, a licensed clinical social worker,
or other family counseling service, a physician, a psychologist, or member of the clergy, an
attorney or other person in connection with a home study or preliminary home study as part
of an adoption or surrender or parental consent proceeding or as part of the evaluation of
prospective adoptive parents, other than those studies that are expressly included in a report
to the court by such entities or persons. Information relating to the counseling of a biological
mother regarding crisis pregnancy counseling shall not be included in the adoption record for
purposes of release pursuant to this part without a court order pursuant to § 36-1-138.
(26) The home study shall be condential, and at the conclusion of the adoption proceeding
shall be forwarded to the department to be kept under seal pursuant to § 36-1-126, and shall
be subject to disclosure only upon order entered pursuant to § 36-1-138.
(40)(C) This [post adoption] record is condential and shall be opened only as provided in
this part.
(41)(C) The [preliminary] home study shall be condential, and, at the conclusion of the
adoption proceeding, shall be forwarded to the department to be kept under seal pursuant to
§ 36-1-126, and shall be subject to disclosure only upon order entered pursuant to
§ 36-1-138.
(45)(B) [The sealed adoption] record is condential and shall be opened only as provided in
this part.
(46)(B) [The sealed] record is condential and shall be opened only as provided in this part.
(6)(B) [P]rior to the record's becoming a sealed record or a sealed adoption record pursuant to
§ 36-1-126, the adoption record may be disclosed as may be necessary for purposes directly
related to the placement, care, treatment, protection, or supervision by the legal custodian, legal
guardian, conservator, or other legally authorized caretaker of the person who is the subject
of the adoption proceeding, or as may be necessary for the purposes directly related to legal
proceedings involving the person who is subject to the jurisdiction of a court in an adoption
proceeding or other legal proceeding related to an adoption, including terminations of parental
rights, or as may otherwise be necessary for use in any child or adult protective services
proceedings concerning the person about whom the record is maintained pursuant to titles 37 and
(6)(C) [For purposes of release of the records pursuant to §§ 36-1-127 — 36-1-141 without a court
order pursuant to § 36-1-138, the adoption record shall not be construed to permit access to home
studies or preliminary home studies or any information obtained by the department, a licensed or
chartered child-placing agency, a licensed clinical social worker, or other family counseling service,
a physician, a psychologist, or member of the clergy, an attorney or other person in connection
with a home study or preliminary home study as part of an adoption or surrender or parental
consent proceeding or as part of the evaluation of prospective adoptive parents, other than those
studies that are expressly included in a report to the court by such entities or persons.]
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36-1-111 Adoption Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS), Juvenile Courts and
(a)(3) All court reports [based upon the home study or preliminary home study for use in
the surrender, or parental consent proceeding, or in the adoption] submitted under this
subsection (a) shall be condential and shall not be open to inspection by any person.
(p)(2)(A) The original of the surrender executed before the court shall be entered on a special
docket for surrenders and shall be styled: “In Re: (Child's Name),” and shall be permanently
led by the court in a separate le designated for that purpose maintained by the judge, or
the judge's court ofcer, who accepted the surrender and shall be condential and shall not
be inspected by anyone without the written approval of the court where the le is maintained
or by a court of competent jurisdiction with domestic relations jurisdiction if the le is
maintained elsewhere.
(p)(2)(B)(i) The original of the surrender executed before the persons authorized under
subsections (h) and (i), or, in out-of-state correctional facilities under subsection (j), shall be
maintained in a separate le designated for that purpose, which shall be condential and
shall not be inspected by anyone else without the written approval of a court with domestic
relations jurisdiction where the le is maintained.
(ii) For surrenders executed under subsection (j) in federal and state correctional facilities in
Tennessee, the original shall be led in a secure le in the ofce of the warden, which shall
not be open to inspection by any other person.
(q)(2) The surrender led pursuant to subdivision (q)(1) shall be recorded by the court and
shall be processed by the clerk as required by subdivision (p)(2)(A).
(r)(2)(B) In order to preserve condentiality, the court clerk or the court shall have a separate
adoption order of guardianship minute book, which shall be kept locked and available for
public view only upon written approval of the court.
(r)(5) Any other court that receives a surrender or parental consent or in which a surrender
or parental consent is led pursuant to subsection (q) subsequent to the surrender shall,
upon notication by the rst court, send the original of the surrender or led pleading to the
rst court and shall retain a certied copy of the original in a closed le, which shall not be
accessed by any person without the written order of the court.
(a) All court reports submitted under this subsection (a) shall be condential . . . except by order of
the court entered on the minute book. The court shall, however, disclose to prospective adoptive
parents any adverse court reports or information contained therein, but shall protect the identities
of any person reporting child abuse or neglect in accordance with law.
(p)(2)(A) Within ve (5) days, a certied copy of the surrender shall be sent by the clerk or the
court to the adoptions unit in the state ofce of the department in Nashville.
(p)(2)(B) [A]fter ten (10) days from the date of the surrender, the original shall be sent to the
adoptions unit in the state ofce of the department in Nashville and a copy shall be maintained by
the warden.
(r)(6)(D) A copy of the surrender, the motion and any resulting order shall be sent by the clerk
to the adoptions unit in the state ofce of the department in Nashville, which shall record the
surrender, the motion, and the order and their dates of ling and entry for purposes of tracking the
child's placement status and the status of the adoption process involving the child.
(v)(2) The prospective adoptive parents or entities from which the child was removed shall be
necessary parties at the preliminary hearing and the nal hearing, and the court may order the
department or a licensed child-placing agency or licensed clinical social worker to provide any
necessary information or court reports concerning the welfare of the child as it may require.
(y)(3) Certied copies of all such surrenders and orders modifying any order of guardianship shall
be sent by the clerk to the adoptions unit in the state ofce of the department in Nashville.
36-1-116(e) Adoption Courts (2)(A) [The following] information shall be made a part of the adoption record, but shall be
condential and shall be placed in a sealed envelope within the court le or shall be led in a
protected electronically maintained le and shall remain under seal and shall not be open to
inspection by any person or agency:
[• certied copy of the surrender and copies of the medical and social information obtained at
the time of the surrender;
• any court reports based upon home studies that were ordered by the adoption court.]
(6) A protective order may be granted as well upon showing, by a preponderance of
evidence, of good cause to restrict the information [court lings in adoption actions by public
or private agencies or parties, offered as proof of parentage, termination of parental rights,
or related to establishment or termination of guardianship when adoption court has ordered
review by all parties to the case]. The protective order shall be drawn as narrowly as possible
while still offering the protections the court found to be warranted.
(2)(A) [The records shall be open to the Department of Children's Services] or the licensed child-
placing agency or licensed clinical social worker to which the order of reference is issued under
this subsection (e), [or as directed] by written order of the court or as otherwise permitted under
this part.
36-1-118(e)(4)(B)(ii) Parental rights Juvenile Courts Except as otherwise provided by this part [1, chapter 1, title 36], all such records [relating
to revocation of surrender or parental consent, dismissal of guardianship order or adoption
petition, or custody or guardianship] shall remain condential in the les of the juvenile court
and shall not be open to any person.
[The records may be available to] the child's legal custodian or legal guardian, or pursuant to a
written order of the court, or to the department that may be investigating a report of child abuse
or neglect or that may be responding to an order of reference by the juvenile court, or to a law
enforcement agency investigating a report of child abuse or neglect or that is investigating any
crime involving the child.
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36-1-125 Adoption Courts, Tennessee Department of
Children's Services (DCS), Licensed
Child-placing Agencies, Licensed
Clinical Social Workers
(a) All adoption records [whether not yet under seal, sealed or unsealed for any reason], any
post-adoption records, and any adoption assistance records are condential and shall not be
subject to disclosure except as provided in this part [1, Chapter 1, title 36].
(b) Adoption records, home studies or preliminary home studies may be utilized by the judge
of the court, by the clerk of the court, or by the DCS, or by a licensed child-placing agency or a
licensed clinical social worker, in any act consistent with the litigation of the adoption, custody
or guardianship proceedings involving a person in any court, or for the placement, study, or
supervision of a person for whom an adoption or custody or guardianship proceeding is pending
in any court, and which records may be necessary to carry out such judge's, clerk's, department's,
agency's, or social worker's duties consistent with the law.
(c) If any adoption records, sealed adoption records, sealed records, post-adoption records,
adoption assistance records, home studies, preliminary home studies or information obtained
in connection therewith are required by court order under this part to be disclosed for any legal
proceeding other than the adoption proceeding or termination of parental rights proceedings, the
court in which they are to be utilized shall enter a protective order to restrict their further disclosure
or dissemination. Such records, studies, or information shall not become a public record in any
legal proceeding.
§ 36-1-120 (h) Notwithstanding the sealing and condentiality of adoption records pursuant to this
part, the clerk of the court in which adoption proceedings have occurred, upon being furnished
verication of the identity of the requesting person, shall furnish to the adopted person, adoptive
parents or their attorney or attorneys, upon their request at any time, certied copies of the nal
order of adoption or re-adoption or nal orders dismissing such adoption proceedings. Nothing
other than certied copies of the nal order of adoption or re-adoption or nal order dismissing
such adoption proceedings shall be released pursuant to this subsection (h).
§ 36-1-133: DCS shall provide to specied persons nonidentifying information about the adopted
person and such person's biological or legal relatives.
§ 36-1-134: Provision of information between parties.
§ 36-1-135: Updated medical information.
§ 36-1-138: Court orders for release of information
§ 36-1-144: Information provided to adoptive family.
36-1-126 Adoption, Surrender of
parental rights
Courts, Tennessee Department of
Health, Tennessee Department of
Children's Services (DCS)
(a) All adoption records, court reports, home studies, preliminary home studies, other reports
or other documents or papers or other information concerning the placement or attempted
placement of a person for adoption, or other information concerning the litigation of the
adoption or attempted adoption of a person, which information is in the ofce of the judge
or clerk of the court where the adoption was led or where the surrender or conrmation of
parental consent or revocation of a surrender or parental consent was taken, or any such
records, reports, or documents in the ofces of a licensed child-placing agency, a licensed
clinical social worker, or in the county, regional or state ofces of the department of health,
or in the county, district, and state ofces of the department of children's services, shall be
placed and remain under seal, except as provided herein or in § 36-1-118(e)(4), or in title 68,
and shall be condential and shall be disclosed only as provided in this part. [Only applies
after entry of nal order of adoption, nal order dismissing the adoption, an order revoking
the surrender or parental consent, or order dismissing, or at the conclusion of, a termination
of parental rights proceeding led in conjunction with an adoption, or upon conclusion of all
termination of parental rights.]
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36-1-127 Adoption All (a)(1) On March 16, 1951, . . . all records related to persons who had been adopted, all
records concerning a person for whom any records were maintained and that may have
related to an adoption or attempted adoption and that were treated by the department
of human services, the former department of public welfare, the courts, the department
of health, or any other information sources as a sealed record or sealed adoption record
involving an adoption or attempted adoption of a person, became condential, non-public
(b) [Effective January 1, 1996, records related to adoptions that were nalized prior to March 16,
1951, or were never completed due to the abandonment of any further necessary activity related
to the completion of the adoption prior to March 16, 1951, or all records existing either before
or after March 16, 1951, concerning a person who was subject to the care and supervision, or
subject to placement for foster care of adoption by any agency described in subdivision (a)
(3), and are in the ofces of the clerk of the adoption court, the department of health, any child-
placing agency (whether or not chartered or licensed), the department of children's services, or
in any other information source shall be made available to specied eligible persons pursuant to
subsection (b)(3).
Records related to adoptions that were nalized on or after March 16, 1951, shall be made
available to eligible persons listed subsection (c)(1)(A). Records should not be released pursuant
to subsection (c) if the situations in subsection (e) apply. Subsection (f) requires completion of a
sworn statement that the requesting party shall not violate the contact veto and procedures.
Subsections (g) & (h) provide the specic process for requesting access and apply to both
subsections (b) & (c).
Effective January 1, 1996, the basis for judicially-ordered opening of all records pursuant to part 1,
chapter 1, title 36 shall be the provisions set forth in § 36-1-138 and any other relevant provisions
of that part.]
36-1-304 Adoption Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
(a) The department shall establish and maintain an advance notice registry. Notwithstanding
any other law to the contrary, the advance notice registry shall not be considered part of the
post-adoption record or any other record or paper subject to release under § 36-1-127(c),
and the information contained in the advance notice registry shall be condential.
(b) The advance notice registry shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
(1) Name of each person who has duly led an advance notice request;
(2) Address given by the person as the mailing address at which any postal contact by the
department with the person should be made;
(3) Date and place of birth of the person ling with the advance notice registry;
(4) Persons or class of persons affected by the request; and
(5) Advance notice period.
36-3-623 Domestic violence
shelters and rape crisis
Domestic Violence Shelters, Rape
Crisis Centers
The records of domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers shall be treated as
condential by the records custodian of such shelters or centers.
[Records are not treated as condential if:]
(1) The individual to whom the records pertain authorizes their release; or
(2) A court approves a subpoena for the records, subject to such restrictions as the court may
impose, including in camera review.
36-3-624(e) Domestic abuse death Interagency Domestic Abuse Death
Review Team
An oral or written communication or a document shared within or produced by a domestic
abuse death review team related to a domestic abuse death is condential and not subject to
disclosure or discoverable by a third party. An oral or written communication or a document
provided by a third party to a domestic abuse death review team is condential and not
subject to disclosure or discoverable by a third party.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, recommendations of a domestic abuse death review team upon
the completion of a review may be disclosed at the discretion of a majority of the members of a
domestic abuse death review team.
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36-4-130 Mediation, Marriage (a) When the parties to a divorce action mediate the dispute, the mediator shall not divulge
information disclosed to the mediator by the parties or by others in the course of mediation.
All records, reports, and other documents developed for the mediation are condential and
(b) Communications made during a mediation may be disclosed only:
(1) When all parties to the mediation agree, in writing, to waive the condentiality of the written
(2) In a subsequent action between the mediator and a party to the mediation for damages arising
out of the mediation;
(3) When statements, memoranda, materials and other tangible evidence are otherwise subject to
discovery and were not prepared specically for use in and actually used in the mediation;
(4) When the parties to the mediation are engaged in litigation with a third party and the court
determines that fairness to the third party requires that the fact or substance of an agreement
resulting from mediation be disclosed; or
(5) When the disclosure reveals abuse or neglect of a child by one (1) of the parties.
36-6-107(b)(4) Child abuse, Child
custody, Identifying
Courts Where the court makes ndings of child abuse or child sexual abuse under former § 36-6-
106(a)(8), the court may only award visitation under circumstances that guarantee the safety
of the child. In order to guarantee the safety of the child, the court may order: . . .[t]hat the
address of the child and the non-perpetrating parent be kept condential.
36-6-224( e) Child custody Courts If a party alleges in an afdavit or a pleading under oath that the health, safety, or liberty of
a party or child would be jeopardized by disclosure of identifying information, the information
must be sealed and may not be disclosed to the other party or the public.
[The court may order the disclosure of identifying information] to be made after a hearing in which
the court takes into consideration the health, safety, or liberty of the party or child and determines
that the disclosure is in the interest of justice. Nothing in this subsection (e) shall be construed to
require sealing of any information or records maintained by the state or a local government except
identifying information in a custody or visitation action brought under this part.
37-1-131(a)(2)(F) Juvenile records,
Student records
Local Education Agencies (LEA),
Juvenile Courts, Schools
[When a court enters an order requiring notice to be given to a school principal in writing of
the nature of the offense and probation requirements, if any, related to school attendance
concerning a delinquent child, t]he information [regarding the nature of the offense and
probation requirements (if any) and the plan setting out a list of goals to provide the child an
opportunity to succeed in school and provide for school safety, a schedule for completion of
the goals and the personnel who will be responsible for working with the child to complete
the goals] shall be shared only with [persons specied in exception to exception]. The
information is otherwise condential and shall not be shared by school personnel with any
other person or agency, except as may otherwise be required by law. Notication in writing
of the nature of the offense committed by the child and any probation requirements and the
plan shall not become a part of the child's student record;.
The information shall be shared only with the employees of the school having responsibility for
classroom instruction of the child and the school counselor, social worker or psychologist who is
involved in developing a plan for the child while in the school, and with the school resource ofcer,
and any other person notied pursuant to this section.
37-1-131(a)(2)(K)(ii) Juvenile records,
Student records
Local Education Agencies (LEA),
Juvenile Courts, Schools
The information [given to the school principal that the child has completed an inpatient
mental health treatment program and the transition plan which sets out a list of goals
to provide the child an opportunity to succeed in school and provide for school safety, a
schedule for completion of the goals and the personnel who will be responsible for working
with the child to complete the goals] is otherwise condential and shall not be shared by
school personnel with any other person or agency, except as may otherwise be required
by law. The notication in writing of the nature of the offense committed by the child, any
probation requirements, and the transition plan developed pursuant to this subdivision (a)
(2)(K)(ii) shall not become a part of the child's student record; . . . If an information release
is executed in compliance with § 33-3-109 that provides the principal or other designated
school personnel access to certain information concerning the child, the principal or other
designated school personnel may work with the child's mental health provider to develop this
The information shall be shared only with employees of the school having responsibility for
classroom instruction of the child,
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37-1-136 Juveniles, Assessment
Juvenile Courts (h) This section shall be limited in application to any assessment report or materials used
in the creation of an assessment report in juvenile courts located in any county having a
metropolitan form of government with a population of more than ve hundred thousand
(500,000), according to the 2010 federal census or any subsequent federal census.
(a) All reports and materials compiled by the juvenile court in connection with an assessment
report shall be condential, shall not be public record, and shall not be disclosed, except as
specically authorized by this section. . . . Assessment reports and related materials shall not
be subject to any court subpoena.
(e) The materials, records, and assessment reports compiled by the juvenile court for use as
discussed in this section are to be maintained separately from public court records. When
a child who is the subject of such an assessment report reaches an age when they are no
longer under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, the assessment report and all materials
used to compile the information in the assessment report in possession of the juvenile court
shall be destroyed.
(b) Access to assessment reports and materials shall be granted to the following people, ofcials,
or agencies only for the following limited purposes:
(1) A court ofcial or employee for the purpose of compiling information, administering assessment
tools, preparing reports, and assisting children and families with accessing identied services and
programs. The court ofcial or employee may disclose relevant information, but not the actual
assessment reports or materials, to professionals or other agency providers as needed to assist
the child and family in accessing services and programs;
(2) An attorney for the child to use in representing the child or a guardian ad litem for the child for
use in representing the child's best interests; or
(3) The child who is the subject of the assessment report and the child's parent or legal guardian.
(c) A juvenile court judge, magistrate, or district attorney general may be provided with a
limited report concerning a child adjudicated delinquent. The limited report may contain service
recommendations developed from the assessment report for the purpose of reviewing the
appropriateness of the recommendations.
37-1-151(b)(4)(F) Identifying information Juvenile Courts Upon motion of either party, upon a showing of domestic violence or the threat of such
violence, the court may enter an order to withhold from public access the address, telephone
number, and location of the alleged victims(s) or threatened victims of such circumstances.
The clerk of the court shall withhold such information based upon the court's specic order
but may not be held liable for release of such information.
37-1-153 Juvenile court records,
Juvenile Courts (a) Except in cases arising under § 37-1-146, all les and records of the court in a proceeding
under this part are open to inspection only by:
(1) The judge, ofcers and professional staff of the court;
(2) The parties to the proceeding and their counsel and representatives;
(3) A public or private agency or institution providing supervision or having custody of the
child under order of the court;
(4) A court and its probation and other ofcials or professional staff and the attorney for the
defendant for use in preparing a presentence report in a criminal case in which the defendant
is convicted and who prior thereto had been a party to the proceeding in juvenile court; and
(5) With permission of the court, any other person or agency or institution having a legitimate
interest in the proceeding or in the work of the court.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if a court le or record contains any
documents other than petitions and orders, including, but not limited to, a medical report,
psychological evaluation or any other document, such document or record shall remain
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), petitions and orders of the court in a delinquency proceeding
under this part shall be opened to public inspection and their content subject to disclosure to the
public if:
(1) The juvenile is fourteen (14) or more years of age at the time of the alleged act; and
(2) The conduct constituting the delinquent act, if committed by an adult, would constitute rst
degree murder, second degree murder, rape, aggravated rape, rape of a child, aggravated rape of
a child, aggravated robbery, especially aggravated robbery, kidnapping, aggravated kidnapping or
especially aggravated kidnapping.
(e) Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, where notice is required under § 49-6-3051,
an abstract of the appropriate adjudication contained in the court le or record shall be made and
provided to the parent, guardian, or other custodian of the juvenile, including the department,
and this abstract shall be presented to the school in which the juvenile is, or may be, enrolled, in
compliance with § 49-6-3051.
[Pursuant to § 37-3-810(a) the Tennessee Second Look Commission may access information
made condential pursuant to chapter 1 of title 37.]
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37-1-154 Juveniles, Law
Law Enforcement Agencies, Juvenile
(a) [L]aw enforcement records and les [related to proceedings within the jurisdiction of
juvenile courts] shall not be open to public inspection or their contents disclosed to the public.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if a court le or record contains any
documents other than petitions and orders, including, but not limited to, a medical report,
psychological evaluation or any other document, such document or record shall remain
(a) [Records are open if] a charge of delinquency is transferred for criminal prosecution under §
37-1-134, the interest of national security requires or the court otherwise orders in the interest
of the child. . . . [I]nspection of the records and les is permitted by: (1) A juvenile court having
the child before it in any proceeding; (2) Counsel for a party to the proceeding; (3) The ofcers
of public institutions or agencies to whom the child is committed; (4) Law enforcement ofcers
of other jurisdictions when necessary for the discharge of their ofcial duties; and (5) A court in
which such child is convicted of a criminal offense for the purpose of a presentence report or other
dispositional proceeding, or by ofcials of penal institutions and other penal facilities to which
such child is committed, or by a parole board in considering such child's parole or discharge or in
exercising supervision over such child.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), petitions and orders of the court in a delinquency proceeding
under this part shall be opened to public inspection and their content subject to disclosure to
the public if: (1) The juvenile is fourteen (14) years of age or older at the time of the alleged act;
and (2) The conduct constituting the delinquent act, if committed by an adult, would constitute
rst degree murder, second degree murder, rape, aggravated rape, rape of a child, aggravated
robbery, especially aggravated robbery, kidnapping, aggravated kidnapping or especially
aggravated kidnapping.
(e) Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, where notice is required under § 49-6-3051,
an abstract of the appropriate adjudication contained in the court le or record shall be made and
provided to the parent, guardian, or other custodian of the juvenile, including the department,
and this abstract shall be presented to the school in which the juvenile is, or may be, enrolled, in
compliance with § 49-6-3051.
[Additional exceptions are provided by §§ 37-1-131, 37-1-409, 37-1-612, 37-5-107 and 49-6-3051.
Pursuant to § 37-3-810(a) the Tennessee Second Look Commission may access information
made condential pursuant to chapter 1 of title 37.]
37-1-155 Juveniles, Fingerprints,
Photographs, Audio and
video recordings
Law Enforcement Agencies (b)(5) All [child] ngerprint and photograph records maintained pursuant to the authority
of this section shall be condential and used for law enforcement purposes only, or as
otherwise permitted by law.
(a)(1) Such ngerprint le and photograph shall only be accessible to law enforcement
ofcers, except as provided in § 37-1-154, and shall be maintained separate and apart from
adult ngerprint les. The custody and maintenance of those ngerprints and photographs
shall be the responsibility of the agency taking the child into custody.
(2) Law enforcement agencies shall not disclose such ngerprint or photograph les, except
as permitted under § 37-1-154.
(e)(3) [T]he photograph or recording [made as permitted in (e)(1) to be used as evidence]
shall not be considered a public record and shall not be released to the public except by
order of the court having jurisdiction over the charges brought against the juvenile.
Except as permitted under § 37-1-154.
37-1-403(h) Reports of harm,
Identifying information
Hospitals, Clinics, Schools, Other
organizations responsible for the care
of children
[I]f any hospital, clinic, school or other organization responsible for the care of children
develops a procedure for internally tracking, reporting or otherwise monitoring a report
pursuant to this section, the identity of the person who made a report of harm pursuant to this
section or § 37-1-605 shall be kept condential.
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37-1-409 Reports of harm,
Identifying information
All, Tennessee Department of
Children's Services (DCS)
(a)(1) Except as otherwise provided by this section and §§ 37-1-612 and 37-5-107, reports of
harm and the identity of the reporter are condential.
(a)(2) Except as may be ordered by the juvenile court as herein provided, the name of any
person reporting child abuse shall not be released to any person, other than employees
of the department or other child protection team members responsible for child protective
services, the abuse registry, or the appropriate district attorney general upon subpoena of the
Tennessee bureau of investigation, without the written consent of the person reporting. Such
person's identity shall be irrelevant to any civil proceeding and shall, therefore, not be subject
to disclosure by order of any court.
(a)(1) [W]hen the juvenile court in which the investigation report is led, in its discretion,
determines the testimony of the person reporting to be material to an indictment or conviction[,
then identity of reporter can be disclosed].
(c) In addition to such other purposes as may be directly connected with the administration of this
part, the department shall also grant access to information to those persons specied in § 37-1-
§ 37-1-403(d) Any person required to report or investigate cases of suspected child abuse who
has reasonable cause to suspect that a child died as a result of child abuse shall report such
suspicion to the appropriate medical examiner. The medical examiner shall accept the report
for investigation and shall report the medical examiner's ndings, in writing, to the local law
enforcement agency, the appropriate district attorney general, and the department. Autopsy
reports maintained by the medical examiner shall not be subject to the condentiality requirements
provided for in § 37-1-409.
See also § 37-5-107 regarding condentiality of DCS records.
37-1-506 Expungement Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
(b) Upon receipt of an order of expunction of the charge for which the child was placed on
county probation, the department shall expunge that child's information from its records.
(c) Upon receipt of an order of expunction of the charge for which the child received
prevention services, the department shall expunge that child's information from its records.
37-1-506(a) Identifying information,
Council of Juvenile and Family Court
[T]he council may require identifying information to be reported in order that the council
may more accurately track recidivism rates and other pertinent trends relating to juveniles.
Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, identifying information received by the council
shall be condential; shall not be published, released, or otherwise disseminated; and
shall be maintained in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations regarding
condentiality. The council may publish data and make such data available to properly
concerned agencies and individuals, or to any person upon request. Any such publication or
release of data shall be limited to non-identifying information.
37-1-605(d) Reports of child abuse or
sexual abuse
Child Care Agencies, Preschools,
Nursery Schools, Kindergarten,
Elementary Schools, Secondary
(2) [A]ll school information and records relevant to the alleged abuse or sexual abuse, if
requested by the parent or legal guardian [shall be] edited to protect the condentiality of the
identity of the person who made the report, any other person whose life or safety may be
endangered by the disclosure, and any information made condential pursuant to federal law
or § 10-7-504(a)(4).
(3) For purposes of this subsection (d), “school” means any public or privately operated child
care agency, as dened in § 71-3-501, preschool, nursery school, kindergarten, elementary
school or secondary school.
(2) The information and records described in this subdivision (d)(2) shall not include records of
other agencies or departments.
37-1-607(a)(2) Child protection,
Child Advocacy Centers In those geographical areas in which a child advocacy center meets the requirements of
§ 9-4-213(a) or (b), child advocacy center directors, or their designees, shall be members
of the child protective investigative teams under this part and part 4 of this chapter for the
purposes of provision of services and functions established by § 9-4-213 or delegated
pursuant to that section. In such event, child advocacy center directors, or their designees,
may access and generate all necessary information, which shall retain its condential status,
consistent with § 37-1-612.
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37-1-612 Reports of child sexual
abuse, Investigations
Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS), Juvenile Courts, Law
Enforcement Agencies
(a) In order to protect the rights of the child and the child's parents or other persons
responsible for the child's welfare, all records concerning reports of child sexual abuse,
including les, reports, records, communications and working papers related to investigations
or providing services; video tapes; reports made to the abuse registry and to local ofces of
the department; and all records generated as a result of such processes and reports, shall be
condential and exempt from other provisions of law, and shall not be disclosed, except as
specically authorized by chapter 5, part 5 of this title, and parts 4 and 6 of chapter 1.
(g) The name of any person reporting child sexual abuse shall in no case be released to any
(e) The department may conrm whether a child sexual abuse investigation has been
commenced, but may not divulge, except as permitted under this part, any details about the
case, including, but not limited to, the name of the reporter, the alleged victim, or the alleged
(b) Disclosure may be made to persons and entities directly involved in administration of this part,
(1) Department employees, medical professionals, and contract or other agency employees who
provide services, including those from child advocacy centers, to children and families; and
(2) The attorney or guardian ad litem for a child who is the subject of the records. Information
shared with such persons and entities does not lose its character as condential.
(c) [A]ccess to such records, excluding the name of the reporter, which shall be released only as
provided in subsection
(g), shall be granted to the following persons, ofcials, or agencies for the following purposes:
(1) A law enforcement agency investigating a report of known or suspected child sexual abuse;
(2) The district attorney general of the judicial district in which the child resides or in which the
alleged abuse occurred;
(3) A grand jury, by subpoena, upon its determination that access to such records is necessary in
the conduct of its ofcial business;
(4) Any person engaged in bona de research or audit purposes. However, no information
identifying the subjects of the report shall be made available to the researcher unless such
information is absolutely essential to the research purpose, suitable provision is made to maintain
the condentiality of the data and the department has given written approval;
(5) A court ofcial, probation and parole ofcer, designated employee of the department of
correction or board of probation and parole or other similarly situated individual charged with the
responsibility of preparing information to be presented in any administrative or judicial proceeding
concerning any individual charged with or convicted of any offense involving child abuse or neglect
or child sexual abuse;
(6) An attorney or next friend who is authorized to act on behalf of the child, who is the subject of
the records, for the purpose of recovering damages or other remedies authorized by law in a civil
cause of action against the perpetrator or other person or persons who may be responsible for the
actions of the perpetrator;
(7) An attorney or next friend who is authorized to act on behalf of another child, who has been
the victim of other abuse by the same perpetrator, for the purpose of recovering damages or
other remedies authorized by law in a civil cause of action against the perpetrator or other person
or persons who may be responsible for the actions of the perpetrator against such other child;
provided, however, that:
(A) The name and identity of such other child shall be revealed only to the attorney or next friend
of such other child, to the parties and to their respective counsel in the civil cause of action in
which such damages or other remedies are sought, and to the trial judge who presides over the action;
(B) An appropriate protective order must be entered prior to such disclosure; and
(C) Before any attempt is made to introduce into evidence in the civil cause of action either the
records or information obtained from the records, written consent must be obtained from:
(i) Each parent or guardian having sole or joint custody of such other child, if the child has not yet
attained the age of majority; or
(ii) The former child, if such child has now attained the age of majority; and
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(8) Members of the Tennessee claims commission, its staff and employees of the division of
claims and risk management for the purpose of determining if:
(A) A claim led with the commission based on facts contained in the record constitutes a
compensable criminal offense under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act, compiled in title 29,
chapter 13;
(B) The offense alleged occurred; and
(C) The claimant’s injuries were the result of the offense.
(d) The department may release to professional persons such information as is necessary for the
diagnosis and treatment of the child or the person perpetrating the sexual abuse.
(g) The name of any person reporting child sexual abuse may be released to employees of the
department or other child protection team members responsible for child protective services,
the abuse registry, or the appropriate district attorney general upon subpoena of the Tennessee
bureau of investigation without the written consent of the person reporting. This shall not prohibit
the subpoenaing of a person reporting child sexual abuse when deemed necessary by the district
attorney general or the department to protect a child who is the subject of a report; provided, that
the fact that such person made the report is not disclosed.
(h) For purposes directly connected with the administration of this part and part 4 of this chapter,
the department may disclose any relevant information to the court, administrative board or hearing
ofcer, the parties, or their legal representatives in any proceeding that may be brought in any
court, or before any administrative board or hearing ofcer, for the purpose of protecting a child
or children from child abuse or neglect or child sexual abuse. In the event of any disagreement
between the department and any other parties as to what information should be disclosed,
the court, administrative board or hearing ofcer may enter an order allowing access to any
information that it nds necessary for the proper disposition of the case. The court, administrative
board or hearing ofcer may order any information disclosed in such proceeding to be placed
and kept under seal and not to be open to public inspection to the extent it nds it necessary to
protect the child. This provision shall not be construed to allow any person to gain access to any
identifying information about a child who is not the subject of the proceeding.
37-1-705(d) Juvenile court records Juvenile Courts and Clerks All records used in, or otherwise related to, teen court proceedings shall be condential
to the full extent provided by current law, except as necessary to permit functioning of the
teen court. Nothing contained in this section shall, in any manner, alter the condentiality of
records or proceedings under current juvenile court law.
37-2-408(a) Foster care Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS), Foster Care Review
All records, reports, permanency plans, reviews and reports of the foster care review boards
or any material prepared in connection with the planning, placement or care of a child in the
care or custody of the department of children's services or in foster care with any agency or
person pursuant to this part, shall be condential and shall not be a public record.
[The records] shall be disclosed only for the purposes directly related to the administration of
this part, or as permitted pursuant to the provisions of § 37-1-409 or § 37-1-612, or as otherwise
determined by the department of children's services to be reasonably necessary or reasonably
required and as directly related to the provision of any services needed by the child.
37-2-411(b) Foster care, Identifying
Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
All personal information and records obtained by the department pursuant to this section
[in the preparation and issuance of an annual report on foster care in Tennessee] shall be
condential and may not be disclosed in this report in a way that could identify any individual,
adult or child, in foster care or receiving assistance from the department or other child care
37-2-414(b)(3)(C )
Criminal history
background check,
Foster care
Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
[DCS] shall maintain the condentiality of the [TBI] investigation results and shall use the
results only for purposes of determining a person's eligibility to become a kinship foster
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37-2-415(c )(2) Foster care Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
All information [shared with foster parent regarding
(A) certain pending petitions or adjudications of delinquency;
(B) behavioral issues;
(C) history of abuse;
(D) special needs; and
(E) current infectious diseases] shall remain condential and not subject to disclosure to any
person by the foster parent.
37-3-810 Condential information,
Meetings, Investigations
Tennessee Second Look Commission (b)(1) Except as provided in subsection
(c), investigatory meetings of the commission shall not be subject to title 8, chapter 44,
part 1 and shall be closed to the public. Any minutes or other information made condential
pursuant to state or federal law and generated during an investigatory meeting shall be
sealed from public inspection; provided that the commission shall comply with subsection (c).
(c) Notwithstanding subsection
(b), the commission shall conduct meetings that are open to the public to periodically make
available, in a general manner that does not reveal information made condential pursuant to
state or federal law, the aggregate ndings of its reviews and its recommendations.
(d) All information made condential pursuant to state or federal law acquired by the
Commission in the exercise of its duties
(1) remains condential after being acquired by the Commission;
(2) is not subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in any criminal or civil
proceedings; and
(3) may only be disclosed as necessary to carry out the purposes of part 8 of chapter 3, title 37.
(e) A person is not prohibited from testifying in a civil or criminal action about matters within such
person's knowledge that was obtained independently from any commission meeting.
37-4-101 Juveniles Interstate Commission for Juveniles Article III.H. The interstate commission's bylaws shall establish conditions and procedures
under which the interstate commission shall make its information and ofcial records
available to the public for inspection or copying. The interstate commission may exempt
from disclosure any information or ofcial records to the extent they would adversely affect
personal privacy rights or proprietary interests.
37-5-105(15) Identifying information Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
Any child-specic information [included in reports of child maltreatment and the criminal, civil
or administrative disposition of all allegations, by type, of child maltreatment and, by type, of
disposition, including data regarding the victims and the perpetrators, collected by DCS] shall
be condential, except as otherwise provided by statute.
37-5-106(a)(22)(B) Identifying information Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
The identity of any individual who reports to or participates in the reporting system [regarding
the safety of those served by DCS and of DCS employees] shall:
(i) Be sealed from inspection by the public or any other entity or individual who is otherwise
provided access to the department's condential records under this title;
(ii) Not be subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in any civil proceeding.
The identity of any individual who reports or participates in the reporting system shall (iii) be
disclosed only as necessary to carry out the purposes of the reporting system.
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37-5-107 Identifying information,
Reports of Harm,
Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
(a) All applications, certicates, records, reports and all legal documents, petitions and
records made or information received pursuant to this title that directly or indirectly identify a
child or family receiving services from the department or that identify the person who made a
report of harm pursuant to § 37-1-403 or § 37-1-605 shall be kept condential and shall not
be disclosed, except as provided by this section [37-5-107] and §§ 37-1-131, 37-1-409, 37-1-
612 and 49-6-3051
(e) Any person or entity, including the commission on children and youth, provided access to
records under section 37-5-107 shall be required to maintain the records in accordance with state
and federal laws and regulations regarding condentiality. Violation is Class B misdemeanor.
(i) Release or disclosure of the identication of the person making a report of harm in accordance
with § 37-1-403 permitted only upon court order [(c)(2)].
[(b) DCS may use or release information:
1. to provide services to the child and
2. to person providing system or program evaluation.
(c) DCS shall release information:
1. to TN child abuse or fatality review teams;
2. upon court order to LEA, grand jury, or court;
3. upon written request to governmental entity to carry out responsibility re protecting child from
abuse and neglect in compliance with 42 U.S.C. § 5106a(b)(2)(ix);
4. for public disclosure as required by 42 U.S.C. § 5106a(b)(2)(x); special release for "near fatality"
& redaction of le;
5. to a person providing system or program evaluation at request of DCS;
6. to the Commission of Children and Youth pursuant to TCA Section 37-3-103; and
7. upon written request, release records to person who is subject of report and parent/guardian of
child not perpetrator or involved/responsible for alleged actions.; records must remain
(d) DCS shall to disclose records and informationto members of the general assembly pursuant to
specied procedures.]
37-5-512(a)(3) Investigations, Licensure Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS), Tennessee
Department of Education, Tennessee
Department of Human Services (DHS)
(B) For purposes related to that determination and any appropriate licensing or approval
action, the departments of education and human services shall be permitted access to
the department of children's services' records; provided, that any information contained
in any record of the departments of education or human services, or records relating to
the investigation of the report of harm by the department of children's services shall be
(C) Nothing herein shall be construed to permit the release of the name or identifying
information of any person reporting child abuse or neglect under chapter 1, part 4 or 6 of this
title [37].
(C) For purposes of this subdivision
(a)(3), the rules of the department of children's services concerning release procedures for due
process purposes shall apply to the release procedures of the departments of education and
human services regarding perpetrators of child abuse validated by the department of children's
(B) Information shall be released:
(i) Only in the proceedings concerning any certication, licensing or approval action or injunctive
action by the department of education or human services permitted by title 49, chapter 1, part 11,
or title 71, chapter 3, part 5;
(ii) As otherwise permitted by the restrictions and conditions for the release of condential records
of the department of children's services pursuant to title 4 and chapter 1, part 4 or 6 of this title [37];
(iii) As otherwise permitted by the department of children's services' regulations concerning
procedures for release of information of validated perpetrators of child abuse; or
(iv) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, including any provisions related to expunction
of records under title 40, the limited release of condential records pursuant to this section shall
not alter the condential character of such records, which shall be maintained, as necessary, to
protect children.
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37-10-304 Abortion, Juveniles Juvenile Courts and Clerks (b) The court shall ensure that the minor's identity is kept anonymous. The minor shall be
allowed to proceed under a pseudonym and shall be allowed to sign all documents, including
the petition [for an abortion], by that pseudonym. In any proceedings involving the use of
a pseudonym by the minor, the court shall require one (1) copy of the petition to be led,
under seal, that contains the true name of the minor. This copy of the petition shall be kept
in a separate le, under seal, and shall not be available for inspection by anyone, except as
provided in subsection (h).
(f) A court that conducts proceedings under this section shall issue written and specic
factual ndings and legal conclusions supporting its decision and shall order that a
condential record of the evidence be maintained.
(h) All court les, documents, exhibits, and all other records lodged in or subject to the control
of the court shall be kept condential and under seal. However, no information shall be
released for these purposes that would tend to identify any minor who has made use of this
(h) Statistical summaries of these proceedings may be compiled for such reporting purposes as
the supreme court may by rule require or allow.
38-1-304 Identifying information,
Statutory rape
Juvenile Courts and Clerks, Law
Enforcement Agencies
Reports [of pregnancy believed to be indicative of statutory rape] made under this part, and
the identity of the person ling the report, are condential.
Except when the court having jurisdiction determines the testimony of the person reporting to be
material to an indictment or conviction.
38-1-402(d) Report of animal cruelty,
abuse or neglect
Law Enforcement Agencies Nothing in this part shall expand or limit condentiality requirements under existing law
relative to child or adult protective services. The name of any employee of a child or adult
protective services agency who reports known or reasonably suspected animal cruelty,
abuse or neglect shall remain condential.
38-6-106(c) Background
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
(TBI), Nominating Commission;
Governor, Tennessee General
Assembly, Tennessee Supreme Court
All condential information reported [by TBI] to the governor, speaker of the senate,
speaker of the house, or chief justice pursuant to subsection (b) [concerning any person
who has asked or agreed to be considered by the governor, speaker of the senate, speaker
of the house of representatives or chief justice for appointment to a position of trust and
responsibility, including, but not limited to, positions relating to homeland security] shall
remain condential. Any background investigation [of TBI Director candidates] requested by
a nominating commission appointed pursuant to § 38-6-101 [from TBI, federal government
or private entity], and any background investigation delivered to the governor by the
commission, shall be treated as condential.
38-6-106(d) Job applications, State
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
(TBI) Nominating Commission
The Commission appointed pursuant to § 38-6-101 is authorized to contract with a private
entity [to recruit and screen applicants for TBI Director]. Names of applicants and related
records shall remain condential, except to the extent such records are received by the
[When applicant names and records are received by Commission and Governor, the information
has the same protections under § 10-7-504 as a state employee or applicant.]
38-6-106(g) Background
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
(TBI), Chair of Standing Committee of
the Tennessee General Assembly
Any report [background investigation of any gubernatorial appointee to the position of judge
of the supreme court, court of appeals, or court of criminal appeals whose appointment
will be considered by the committee as provided in § 17-4-102] provided to the chair of the
[standing committee pursuant to § 17-4-102] shall be treated as a condential record that is
not open to public inspection.
38-6-118(d) Criminal offender
and pretrial diversion
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Except for the purpose of certifying to judges and district attorneys general the information
required in subsection (b), the expunged criminal offender and pretrial diversion database
created by this section is not a public record and shall be maintained as condential by the
[TBI] shall forward all information on expunction orders to the administrative ofce of the courts for
the sole purpose of ensuring the expunction of records from the databases maintained pursuant to
§§ 16-1-117 and 16-3-803(i).
38-6-120 Fees Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
TBI can charge $29.00 for criminal history record
38-7-110(c) Medical records,
Investigations (law
enforcement), Post
mortem examinations,
Autopsies, Toxicology
State, Counties, Municipalities Medical records of deceased persons, law enforcement investigative reports, and
photographs, video and other images of deceased persons shall not be public records.
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38-7-110(d) Post-mortem
examinations, Toxicology
reports, Autopsies
Tennessee Department of Health -
Post-Mortem Examination Division,
County Medical Examiner or Coroner
(1) Upon written petition by the district attorney general, supported by afdavit or testimony
under oath from a law enforcement ofcer that the release of portions of a report of a county
medical examiner, toxicological report or autopsy report may seriously impede or impair the
investigation of a homicide or felony, a court of record may order that those portions shall not
be subject to disclosure as a public document and shall remain condential. The court shall
cause a record to be kept of any testimony given in support of the petition, which record and
all related documentation shall be sealed by the court and open to inspection only by a court
reviewing the proceedings.
(2) The court shall order to be held as condential only those portions of the records the
release of which would impede or impair any such investigation.
(d)(2) The court may order public disclosure of any record that has previously been protected
from disclosure, upon written application of the district attorney general; provided, that the court
shall order that the records shall be open to public inspection upon the indictment and arrest of
all suspects in the underlying homicide or felony, or upon the closure of the investigation into the
underlying homicide or felony. Upon any such closure of the investigation, the law enforcement
agency shall immediately inform the district attorney general, who shall, in turn, promptly notify the
court of the altered status of the investigation.
(3) Any person aggrieved by an order directing that any portion of a report of a county medical
examiner, toxicological report or autopsy report shall remain condential and not open for public
inspection may petition the court having entered the order to set aside or modify the order. A
copy of any such petition shall be served on the district attorney general. The court may order
disclosure of the records previously sealed, upon the showing of a compelling reason for the
disclosure. In any order granting a petitioner access to any such records, the court may make
provisions as it deems necessary in the order limiting further disclosure of the records.
(4) Nothing in this subsection (d) shall be construed as limiting the right of any defendant in any
criminal proceeding to obtain discovery of any report of a county medical examiner, toxicological
report or autopsy report as provided in Rule 16 of the Tennessee Rules of Criminal Procedure.
38-14-101 Criminal history
background check
State, Counties, Municipalities Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact. Article IV. (c) Procedures. Any record obtained
under this compact may be used only for the ofcial purposes for which the record was
requested. Each compact ofcer shall establish procedures, consistent with this compact,
and with rules, procedures, and standards established by the council under Article VI, which
procedures shall protect the accuracy and privacy of the records, and shall:
(1) Ensure that records obtained under this compact are used only by authorized ofcials for
authorized purposes;
(2) Require that subsequent record checks are requested to obtain current information
whenever a new need arises; and
(3) Ensure that record entries that may not legally be used for a particular noncriminal justice
purpose are deleted from the response and, if no information authorized for release remains,
an appropriate “no record” response is communicated to the requesting ofcial.
39-13-313(d) Human trafcking
resource center hotline
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
All calls made to the human trafcking resource center hotline, the content of any
conversation thereon and the telephone number from which the call was made is
condential, is not an open record and not available for public inspection.
Except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction when necessary in a pending criminal
39-14-144(f) Shoplifting settlement
agreements (minors)
Courts, District Attorneys General If a written agreement is entered into between the merchant and the person [who (or the
parent or guardian if a minor) willfully took possession of merchandise from a retail merchant
with the intent to convert the merchandise to personal use without paying the purchase price]
responsible for damages and penalties pursuant to this section concerning the liability of the
person and the payment of the damages and penalties, the agreement and the contents of
the agreement shall remain condential as long as the parties to the agreement continue to
adhere to its terms.
[Agreement is open if parties fail to adhere to terms.]
39-14-145(c) Shoplifting settlement
Courts, District Attorneys General If a written agreement is entered into between the merchant and the person responsible for
damages and penalties pursuant to this section concerning the liability of the person and the
payment of the damages and penalties, the agreement and the contents thereof shall remain
condential as long as the parties to the agreement continue to adhere to its terms.
[Agreement is open if parties fail to adhere to terms.]
39-15-202(a) Abortion All, Medical Providers Such [informed written] consent [by a pregnant woman to the performance of an abortion]
shall be treated as condential.
39-15-203(d) Abortion Tennessee Department of Health Each record and report made pursuant to the section [by a physician regarding the
performance of an abortion] shall be condential in nature and shall not be public record
open for inspection.
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39-15-210(c ) Abortion Law Enforcement Agencies (c)(1) In the transmission of the embryonic or fetal tissue sample [extracted during the
abortion on a minor who is less than thirteen (13) years of age] to the appropriate law
enforcement ofcer, in order to protect the identity and privacy of the minor, all identifying
information concerning the minor shall be treated as condential and shall not be released to
anyone other than the investigating and prosecuting authorities directly involved in the case
of the particular minor.
(2) Where the minor has obtained a judicial waiver of the parental notication requirements
pursuant to title 37, chapter 10, part 3, condentiality shall be maintained as provided in that part.
39-17-436(e) Names on drug registry Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
The Tennessee bureau of investigation shall remove from the drug registry the name and
other identifying information of persons who are convicted of a violation of the offenses
described in subsection (a) ten (10) years after the date of the most recent conviction.
Employees, Handguns Higher Education Institutions, Law
Enforcement Agencies
The employee's name and any other information that might identify the employee as
a person who has elected to carry a handgun pursuant to subdivision (e)(11) shall
be condential, not open for public inspection, and shall not be disclosed by any law
enforcement agency with which an employee registers.
Identifying information about the employee collected pursuant to subdivision (e)(11) shall not
be disclosed to any person or entity other than another law enforcement agency and only for
law enforcement purposes.
[T]he employee's name and other information may be disclosed to an administrative ofcer of the
higher education institution who is responsible for school facility security; provided, however, that
the administrative ofcer is not the employee's immediate supervisor or a supervisor responsible
for evaluation of the employee. An administrative ofcer to whom such information is disclosed
shall not disclose the information to another person.
39-17-1316(j) Firearms Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Upon the determination that receipt of a rearm by a particular individual would not violate
this section, and after the issuance of a unique identifying number for the transaction, the
Tennessee bureau of investigation shall destroy all records [except the unique identifying
number and the date that it was assigned] associating a particular individual with a particular
purchase of rearms.
40-6-304(f) Wire tap recordings All, Law Enforcement Agencies (1) All recordings of wire, oral or electronic communications [intercepted by any means
authorized by this part or §§ 39-13-601 -- 39-13-603] shall be treated as condential and
shall not be open for inspection by members of the public. . . . All duplicate recordings or
written transcripts shall be treated as condential and shall not be open for inspection by
members of the public. . . .All wire, oral or electronic communications that are not disclosed
while giving testimony retain their condential character and shall not be open for inspection
by members of the public. Immediately following duplication or use while giving testimony,
the recordings shall be returned to the judge issuing the order and resealed under the judge's
(2) Applications made and orders granted under this section shall be treated as condential
and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public. Applications and orders shall
be sealed by the judge and custody shall be wherever the judge directs.
(1) Upon an order of the issuing judge, the contents of any wire, oral or electronic communication
may be unsealed and used while giving testimony, pursuant to § 40-6-306(c). The presence of
the seal provided for by this subsection (f), or a satisfactory explanation for the absence of the
seal, shall be a prerequisite for the use or disclosure of the contents of any wire, oral or electronic
communication or evidence derived therefrom under § 40-6-306(c).
(2) The applications and orders shall be disclosed only upon a showing of good cause before a
judge of competent jurisdiction.
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40-12-209 Grand jury proceedings Investigative Grand Juries, District
Attorneys General
(a)(1) No person who by virtue of the person's ofcial position has knowledge of the ling of
an application for consent, the action of the committee [comprised of two (2) members of the
district attorneys general conference and the attorney general and reporter for consent to le
a petition to have an investigative grand jury convened to consider the matters specied in
the application] on the application, the ling of a petition to convene an investigative grand
jury, or any action on the petition, shall disclose that knowledge except in accordance with
this section.
(2) All written records of applications, committee action, petitions and orders are declared to
be condential and subject to disclosure only in accordance with this section.
(3) A grand juror, an interpreter, a stenographer, a typist who transcribes recorded testimony,
a district attorney general or any person to whom disclosure is made pursuant to this section,
§ 40-12-210 or § 40-12-212 shall not disclose matters occurring before the grand jury except
in accordance with those sections. No obligation of secrecy may be imposed on any person
except in accordance with this section.
(b) Disclosure . . .of documents and proceedings before a grand jury convened under this part
may be made to:
(1) The district attorney general for use in the performance of the district attorney general's duty; and
(2) Government personnel . . . deemed necessary by the district attorney general to assist the
district attorney general in the performance of the district attorney general's duties.
(c)(1) [Such persons] shall not utilize those documents or proceedings for any purpose other than
assisting the district attorney general in the performance of the district attorney general's duties.
(2) The district attorney general shall promptly notify the judge convening the grand jury
pursuant to this part of the names of all persons to whom disclosure of grand jury documents or
proceedings is made and shall certify that the district attorney general has advised the person of
the person's obligation of secrecy under this part.
Tenn. R. Crim. P. Rule 6 (k) Secrecy of Proceedings; Exception.(1) Grand Jury Proceedings
Secret. Every member of the grand jury shall keep secret the proceedings of that body and the
testimony given before it, except as provided in Rule 6(k)(2) [Exception to Rule of Secrecy. The
court may require a grand juror to reveal the testimony of a grand jury witness: (A) to ascertain
whether the grand jury testimony is consistent with that given by the witness before the court; or
(B) to disclose the grand jury testimony of any witness charged with perjury.]
40-28-119(c) Parole, Employees Tennessee Board of Parole The board [or parole] may make rules, as it deems proper, as to the privacy of the record
[which may include social, physical, mental, psychiatric and criminal information for every
inmate considered for or released] and of the records of its employment bureau, and their
use by others than the board and its staff.
40-28-401 Adult offenders Interstate Commission for Supervision
of Adult Offenders
Compact Article VI.5
The Interstate Commission's by-laws shall establish conditions and procedures under
which the Interstate Commission shall make its information and ofcial records [related to
supervisio of adult offenders] available to the public for inspection or copying. The Interstate
Commission may exempt from disclosure any information or ofcial records to the extent
they would adversely affect personal privacy rights or proprietary interests.
Article II.I. “Offender” means an adult placed under, or subject, to supervision as the result of
the commission of a criminal offense and released to the community under the jurisdiction of
courts, paroling authorities, corrections, or other criminal justice agencies.
Compact Article VI.5
In promulgating such rules, the Interstate Commission may make available to law enforcement
agencies records and information otherwise exempt from disclosure, and may enter into
agreements with law enforcement agencies to receive or exchange information or records subject
to non-disclosure and condentiality provisions.
40-28-504(b) Victim impact statements Tennessee Board of Parole Written victim impact statements shall not be made available to the public and shall be
considered condential.
40-28-505(h) Identifying information Tennessee Board of Parole (1) Any identifying information concerning a crime victim or a crime victim's representative
who has been notied or requested that notication be provided to the victim or the victim’s
representative pursuant to this section shall be condential.
(2) “[I]dentifying information” means the name, home and work addresses, telephone
numbers and social security number of the person being notied or requesting that
notication be provided.
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40-32-101 Expungement State, Counties, Municipalities, Courts, (a) All public records of a person who has been charged with a misdemeanor or a felony
shall, upon petition by that person to the court having jurisdiction in the previous action, be
removed and destroyed without cost to the person [upon certain events].
(f)(1) All public records of a person who has been charged and convicted with a
misdemeanor or felony while protesting or challenging a state law or municipal ordinance
whose purpose was to maintain or enforce racial segregation or racial discrimination shall,
upon petition by that person to the court having jurisdiction in the previous action, be
removed and destroyed without cost to the person, [upon certain events].
(b)(1) “Public records,” for the purpose of expunction only, does not include arrest histories,
investigative reports, intelligence information of law enforcement agencies, or les of
district attorneys general that are maintained as condential records for law enforcement
purposes and are not open for inspection by members of the public and shall also not include
records of the department of children's services or department of human services that are
condential under state or federal law and that are required to be maintained by state or
federal law for audit or other purposes. (2) “Public records”, for the purpose of expunction
only, does not include appellate court records or appellate court opinions.
(c)(2) This section shall not be construed to deny access to any record to the comptroller of the
treasury . . . for purposes of audit investigation . . . [who] shall protect the condential nature of the
records that are not otherwise public under other statutes.
40-35-205(b) Investigations Tennessee Department of Correction With the concurrence of a defendant, a court may direct the presentence service ofcer
[appointed by the commissioner of the department of correction] to begin the presentence
investigation before the adjudication of the guilt of the defendant. Nothing discovered by
the presentence investigation may be disclosed to the district attorney general, the court
or the jury before acceptance of a plea of guilty or a verdict or nding of guilty unless the
defendant concurs. If the presentence investigation is begun before the adjudication of guilt,
the information discovered shall be disclosed to the defendant or defendant's counsel, upon
request, after the court's acceptance of a plea of guilty or a verdict or nding of guilt.
40-36-302(f) Community based
program notices
County and Municipal Law
Enforcement Agencies
The notices [including the identity, criminal record and location of the alternatively sentenced
criminal offenders from a community-based program set out in subsection (a) that provides
housing for alternatively sentenced criminal offenders sent to the chief law enforcement
ofcer(s) of the county and of the municipality in which the housing facilities exist] shall be
in compliance with the condentiality provisions of title 33 and shall also meet the privacy
requirements of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,
compiled in 42 U.S.C. § 1320d et seq.
40-38-111(i) Identifying information District Attorneys General, Courts, Law
Enforcement Agencies
(1) Any identifying information concerning a crime victim obtained pursuant to this section [of
the Victims' Bill of Rights] shall be condential.
(2) “[I]dentifying information” means the name, home and work addresses, telephone
numbers and social security number.
40-38-114(b) Information provided to
victim by DA
District Attorneys General The prosecuting attorney shall confer with the victim before the commencement of a trial. Any
information received by the victim relating to the substance of the case shall be condential,
unless otherwise authorized by law or required by the courts to be disclosed.
40-39-206(e) Juveniles, Sexual
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
[I]nformation concerning a violent juvenile sexual offender set out in [§ 40-39-206(d) placed
on the TBI sex offender registry] shall be condential.
Except as otherwise provided under § 40-39-207(j) and any other provision of law.
40-39-207 Sexual offenders Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
[Records previously public shall be removed from the Sexual Offender Registry upon court
order when an individual les a request for termination or if the offense is expunged.]
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41-1-121 Employees, Drug tests Tennessee Department of Correction (c) The commissioner shall require precautionary measures to ensure the condentiality of all
[drug screening and conrmatory] testing information and results and shall not release any
testing information to anyone other than the tested employee without written permission of
the tested employee.
(d) If conrmatory tests verify the use of a controlled substance or controlled substance
analogue affecting the employee's job performance pursuant to subsections (a), (b) and (c),
the commissioner shall be empowered to take appropriate disciplinary action based only
upon the employee's job performance and pursuant to title 8, chapter 30. The commissioner
shall provide employee counseling and rehabilitation with reasonable accommodation and
support of the rehabilitation program. Following successful completion of a rehabilitation
program and two (2) years of unimpaired job performance, any reference to testing or
rehabilitation shall be expunged from any and all records. Reasonable efforts shall be made
to safeguard the privacy of any employee required to enroll in a rehabilitation program.
(e) If the initial or conrmatory test results are negative, any information, including the results
of the test, shall be expunged from all les and records after being made available to the
tested employee.
41-7-109(e) Employees, Criminal
history background
Tennessee Corrections Institute The results of such a criminal history background check [on a potential employee] shall not
be considered a record open to the public, pursuant to title 10, chapter 7, part 5.
41-21-408(b) Employees, Inmates Tennessee Department of Correction If the release of the information [regarding an act of violence committed by or against any
guard, employee or inmate] would endanger or compromise the security of any inmate or the
security of the institution, the warden or chief administrative ofcer shall have the discretion
to classify the information and maintain the condentiality of the information.
41-51-102(e) Inmate medical
information, Infectious
Tennessee Department of Correction,
Any Person
This section does not authorize the release of condential information to members of the
public in violation of § 10-7-504. For the purposes of this section, any person [who may have
been exposed to a serious or life-threatening disease or pathogen] informed of the results of
any inmate's test for infectious diseases shall treat the information received as condential.
41-51-103(b) Inmate medical
information, Infectious
Tennessee Department of Correction,
Any Person
This section does not authorize the release of condential information to members of the
public in violation of § 10-7-504. For the purposes of this section, any person [collecting the
dead body of an inmate and the funeral home to which the dead body is carried] informed of
the results of any inmate's test for infectious diseases shall treat the information received as
43-35-101 Dairy information Tennessee Department of Agriculture,
Southern Dairy Compact Commission
Article VI, § 15 (b) Information furnished to or acquired by the [Southern Dairy Compact]
commission ofcers, employees, or its agents pursuant to this section shall be condential
and not subject to disclosure except to the extent that the commission deems disclosure
to be necessary in any administrative or judicial proceeding involving the administration
or enforcement of this compact, an over-order price, a compact marketing order, or other
regulations of the commission. The commission may promulgate regulations further dening
the condentiality of information pursuant to this section.
Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit:
(1) The issuance of general statements based upon the reports of a number of handlers, which do
not identify the information furnished by any person; or
(2) The publication by direction of the commission of the name of any person violating any
regulation of the commission, together with a statement of the particular provisions violated by
such person.
45-1-117(f)(3) Employees, Criminal
history background
Tennessee Department of Financial
The department shall maintain the condentiality of all criminal history records information
received pursuant to a check as condition of employment.
45-1-120(a) Financial institutions,
Departmental records
Tennessee Department of Financial
No information from the records of the department shall be revealed without the consent of
the commissioner.
Information may be revealed with the consent of the commissioner.
§45-18-112 authorizes the Commissioner to disclose information obtained pursuant to chapter 18,
the Check Cashing Act to certain governmental agencies as deemed proper.
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45-1-126 Banks, Savings and loan
Tennessee Department of Financial
(b)(1) Compliance review documents are condential and are not discoverable or admissible in
evidence in any civil action arising out of matters evaluated by the compliance review committee; and
(b)(2) Compliance review documents delivered to a federal or state governmental agency
remain condential and are not discoverable or admissible in evidence in any civil action
arising out of matters evaluated by the compliance review committee.
(a)(2) “Compliance review documents” means documents prepared for or created by a
compliance review committee.
(c) Subsection (b) does not apply to any information required by statute or regulation to be
maintained by or provided to a governmental agency while the information is in the possession of
the governmental agency to the extent applicable law expressly authorizes its disclosure.
45-2-103(a)(3)(C) Banks Tennessee Department of Financial
Information obtained by the Commissioner [of Financial Institutions under § 45-2-103
related to control of a bank] is condential and is subject to the condentiality requirements
contained in § 45-2-1603.
45-2-614(b) Regulatory ratings Tennessee Department of Financial
For purposes of this subsection (b), “regulatory rating” means a condential regulatory rating
established, assigned or accepted, pursuant to agreement with a federal regulatory agency,
by the department to assess the condition of the bank. The rating shall at all times remain
45-2-1603 Banks, Examinations Tennessee Department of Financial
(a) Information obtained by the department of nancial institutions in making an examination
into the affairs of the bank shall be for the purpose of ascertaining the true condition of the
affairs of the bank, shall be privileged and condential, shall not be subject to subpoena, and
shall not be disclosed by the party making the examination to any person
(a) The Commissioner is authorized to make the following disclosures from reports of examination:
(1) Within the department in the course of ofcial duties;
(2) To the federal deposit insurance corporation as provided in § 45-2-804 and to the federal
reserve board, or its duly authorized representative, as provided in § 45-2-505;
(3) To the federal reserve board, or its duly authorized representative, in the case of an application
to form a bank holding company if the principal afliate bank to be acquired is a state bank or
to the federal reserve board in any other circumstance when the commissioner believes that
disclosure is in the interest of sound banking regulation;
(4) To the United States comptroller of the currency, or the comptroller's duly authorized
representative, in the case of an application of a state bank for conversion to a national charter or
to the comptroller in any other circumstance when the commissioner believes that disclosure is in
the interest of sound banking regulation;
(5) To the United States department of justice, federal bureau of investigation, state district
attorneys general, Tennessee bureau of investigation or the attorney general and reporter in the
case of any suspected criminal violations discovered during the course of an examination;
(6) In any administrative proceeding or court action led by the commissioner or the department to
which the commissioner is an actual party;
(7) To the directors of a state bank as provided in § 45-2-1602;
(8) The comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee for the purpose of an audit of the
department of nancial institutions;
(9) The state treasurer and commissioner of nance and administration pursuant to § 9-4-402;
(10) To other state nancial institutions regulatory agencies;
(11) To the federal consumer nancial protection bureau, federal trade commission, United
States department of labor and the securities and exchange commission, or their duly authorized
representative, when the commissioner believes that disclosure is in the best interest of sound
banking regulation;
(12) The department of commerce and insurance; and
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(13) The United States department of justice, federal bureau of investigation, state district
attorneys general, Tennessee bureau of investigation, state attorney general and reporter, internal
revenue service, Tennessee ofce of homeland security, United States department of the treasury
and the nancial crimes enforcement network for purposes of information sharing to promote
enforcement of and compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act, codied at 12 U.S.C. § 1829b,
12 U.S.C. §§ 1951-1959, and 31 U.S.C. §§ 5311-5332.
(e) [The commissioner may, when under a validly issued subpoena, waive the privilege and
produce bank examination reports and other documents under the provisions of a protective
(f) Condential information regarding insurance, securities and investment functions of nancial
institutions, and known or suspected violations of the insurance, banking or securities laws, may
be shared among the departments of nancial institutions and commerce and insurance, the
district attorneys general for the respective counties, the Tennessee bureau of investigation and
the attorney general and reporter. Information disclosed by the commissioner under this section
shall not become matters of public record by virtue of the disclosure absent a waiver by the
commissioner, or a protective order as provided for in this section.
45-2-1717(c) Condential information,
Banks, Tennessee
Securities Act
Tennessee Attorney General and
Reporter, Tennessee Bureau of
Investigation (TBI), District Attorneys
Condential information that is communicated by the commissioner pursuant to this section
[violations of banking and securities laws], whether the reporting is required or authorized by
law, remains condential in the hands of the agency to which the information is reported, and
does not become a matter of public record by virtue of this communication.
45-3-807 Savings and loan
Tennessee Department of Financial
(a) An association may decline to disclose its books, papers and other records, except:
(1) Pursuant to court order or subpoena;
(2) To the commissioner and any authorized examiners, attorneys, or other employees of the
(3) To the members of the board of directors of the association; or
(4) To the holder of a deposit account, or a member or a stockholder to the extent of records
concerning the deposit holder's, member's, or stockholder's respective account only.
(b) A stockholder may make written request for access to other books, papers, and records of the
association for any proper purpose, in which event the association may request a determination
from the commissioner as to whether a proper purpose exists, and the determination of the
commissioner shall be conclusive.
(c) A stockholder may include in the stockholder's written request that a communication be
transmitted to the stockholders of the association, and upon payment of reasonable costs therefor,
the association shall cause the communication to be transmitted to the stockholders immediately,
subject to regulation by the commissioner.
45-3-814(a) Savings and loan
Tennessee Department of Financial
The information obtained by the commissioner or any examiner in making an examination
into the affairs of the association shall be for the purpose of ascertaining the true condition of
the affairs of the association, and shall not be disclosed by the party making the examination
to any person, except that the examiner shall make a report of the condition of the affairs of
the association ascertained from the examination to the commissioner and except that the
commissioner may take action as a result of the report as provided by this chapter.
The commissioner may in the commissioner's discretion disclose reports of examination to other
state nancial institutions regulatory agencies.
45-5-209 Industrial loan and thrifts Tennessee Department of Financial
(1) The requirements under any federal or state law regarding the privacy or condentiality
of any information or material provided to a multi-state automated licensing system, and any
privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules of any federal or state court,
with respect to such information or material, continue to apply to the information or material
after it has been disclosed to a multi-state automated licensing system. The information or
material may be shared with all state and federal regulatory ofcials with consumer nance
industry oversight authority without the loss of privilege or condentiality protections provided
by federal or state law, including the protection available under § 45-1-120;
(4) This section supersedes any inconsistent provisions of title 10, chapter 7, part 5,
pertaining to the records open to public inspection.
(5) This section does not apply to information or material relating to publicly adjudicated
disciplinary and enforcement actions against persons subject to this chapter that is included in a
multi-state automated licensing system for access by the public.
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45-7-216 Money transmitters Tennessee Department of Financial
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all information or reports obtained by the
department from an applicant, licensee [to engage in the business of money transmission] or
authorized agent are condential . . . are condential and may not be disclosed or distributed
outside the department by the commissioner or any ofcer or employee of the department.
(a) The commissioner is authorized to disclose condential information to any local, state or
federal agency in a manner the commissioner deems proper and to the Conference of State Bank
Supervisors and the Money Transmitter Regulators Association, provided that these associations
have entered into condentiality agreements with the commissioner. A licensed money transmitter
is entitled to access to a copy of the report of examination on the money transmitter prepared by
the commissioner or the commissioner's designee. The report of examination in the possession of
a licensee shall remain condential and shall not be subject to subpoena.
(b) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the commissioner from releasing to the public a list of
persons licensed under this part or from releasing aggregated nancial data on the licensees.
§ 45-7-225(f): It is the duty of the commissioner to submit to the district attorneys general for the
respective counties of the state any criminal violation of this part known by the commissioner to
have occurred in the county. The commissioner shall also report the violation to the appropriate
division of the Tennessee bureau of investigation. The commissioner may provide the information
to the attorney general and reporter or the appropriate federal authorities, or both, as the
commissioner deems proper. Condential information that is communicated by the commissioner
pursuant to this section remains condential in the hands of the agency to which the information is
reported, and does not become a matter of public record by virtue of this communication.
45-7-229 Money transmitters Tennessee Department of Financial
(1) The requirements under any federal or state law regarding the privacy or condentiality
of any information or material provided to a multi-state automated licensing system, and
any privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules of any federal or state
court, with respect to such information or material, shall continue to apply to the information
or material after the information or material has been disclosed to a multi-state automated
licensing system. The information or material may be shared with all state and federal
regulatory ofcials with money transmission oversight authority without the loss of privilege or
the loss of condentiality protections provided by federal or state law, including the protection
available under §§ 45-1-120 and 45-7-216;
(4) This section shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of title 10, chapter 7, part 5,
pertaining to the records open to public inspection.
(5) This section shall not apply with respect to information or material relating to publicly
adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions against persons subject to this chapter that is
included in a multi-state automated licensing system for access by the public.
45-8-221 Business and
industrial development
corporations (BIDCO)
Tennessee Department of Financial
(a) Information obtained by the commissioner of Financial Institutions, or any nancial
institutions examiner, in making an examination into the affairs of the BIDCO, shall be for the
purpose of ascertaining the true condition of the affairs of the BIDCO, shall be privileged and
condential, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be disclosed by the party making
the examination to any person.
(a)—(d): Except that the examiner shall report the condition of the affairs of the BIDCO to the
commissioner, and except that the commissioner is authorized to [disclose to listed persons made
under safeguards designed to prevent further dissemination of condential information. The
commissioner has the discretion to authorize the requesting agency or department to use the
documents under a protective order approved by the commissioner and designed to prevent the
unnecessary further dissemination of the documents.]
[In the commissioner's discretion and in the interest of justice, and when under a validly issued
subpoena, the commissioner may waive the privilege and produce examination reports of BIDCOs
and other related documents under the provisions of a protection order entered by a court or
administrative tribunal of competent jurisdiction where the order is designed to protect from public
dissemination the condential nature of the information so disclosed.]
45-12-125 Flexible Credit Act,
Tennessee Department of Financial
(a)(1) The requirements under any federal or state law regarding the privacy or condentiality
of any information or material provided to a multi-state automated licensing system, and
any privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules of any federal or state
court with respect to such information or material, shall continue to apply to the information
or material after the information or material has been disclosed to a multi-state automated
licensing system. The information or material may be shared with all state and federal
regulatory ofcials with consumer credit oversight authority without the loss of privilege or
the loss of condentiality protections provided by federal or state law, including the protection
available under § 45-1-120;
(4) This section shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of title 10, chapter 7, part 5
pertaining to the records open to public inspection.
(5) This section shall not apply with respect to information or material relating to publicly
adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions against persons subject to this chapter that is
included in a multi-state automated licensing system for access by the public.
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45-13-505 Nationwide mortgage
licensing system and
registry, Licensure
Tennessee Department of Financial
(1) Except as otherwise provided in P.L. 110-289, § 1512, codied in 12 U.S.C. § 5111, the
requirements under any federal or state law regarding the privacy or condentiality of any
information or material provided to the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry,
and any privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules of any federal or state
court, with respect to such information or material, shall continue to apply to the information
or material after the information or material has been disclosed to the Nationwide Mortgage
Licensing System and Registry. The information and material may be shared with all state
and federal regulatory ofcials with mortgage industry oversight authority without the loss of
privilege or the loss of condentiality protections provided by federal or state law, including
under § 45-1-120.
(3) Information or material that is subject to a privilege or condentiality under subdivision (1)
shall not be subject to: (A) Disclosure under any federal or state law governing the disclosure
to the public of information held by an ofcer or an agency of the federal government or the
respective state; or
(B) Subpoena or discovery or admission into evidence in any private civil action or
administrative process, unless with respect to any privilege held by the Nationwide Mortgage
Licensing System and Registry with respect to such information or material, the person to
whom such information or material pertains waives that privilege, in whole or in part, in the
discretion of such person.
(C) [T]his section shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of title 10, chapter 7, part 5
pertaining to the records open to public inspection.
(3)(D) This section shall not apply with respect to the information or material relating to the
employment history of, and publicly adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions against,
mortgage loan originators that is included in the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and
Registry for access by the public.
45-15-109(c)(4) Title pledges, Licensure Tennessee Department of Financial
The information submitted by title pledge lenders pursuant to this subsection (c) [the renewal
application required under § 45-15-106(i), in every odd-numbered year] shall be condential
and may not be disclosed or distributed outside the department by the commissioner.
[T]he commissioner is authorized to disclose condential information to any local, state or federal
agency, as the commissioner deems proper.
45-15-123 Title pledges, Licensure Tennessee Department of Financial
(1) The requirements under any federal or state law regarding the privacy or condentiality
of any information or material provided to a multi-state automated licensing system, and any
privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules of any federal or state court,
with respect to such information or material, continue to apply to the information or material
after it has been disclosed to a multi-state automated licensing system. The information or
material may be shared with all state and federal regulatory ofcials with title pledge lending
oversight authority without the loss of privilege or condentiality protections provided by
federal or state law, including the protection available under § 45-1-120;
(4) This section supersedes any inconsistent provisions of title 10, chapter 7, part 5,
pertaining to the records open to public inspection.
(5) This section does not apply to information or material relating to publicly adjudicated
disciplinary and enforcement actions against persons subject to this chapter that is included in a
multi-state automated licensing system for access by the public.
45-17-122 Deferred presentment
Tennessee Department of Financial
(1) The requirements under any federal or state law regarding the privacy or condentiality
of any information or material provided to a multi-state automated licensing system, and
any privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules of any federal or state
court, with respect to such information or material, shall continue to apply to the information
or material after the information or material has been disclosed to a multi-state automated
licensing system. The information or material may be shared with all state and federal
regulatory ofcials with deferred presentment services oversight authority without the loss of
privilege or the loss of condentiality protections provided by federal or state law, including
the protection available under § 45-1-120;
(4) This section shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of title 10, chapter 7, part 5
pertaining to the records open to public inspection.
(5) This section shall not apply with respect to information or material relating to publicly
adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions against persons subject to this chapter that is
included in a multi-state automated licensing system for access by the public.
45-18-119(f) Check Cashing Act Tennessee Department of Financial
Condential information that is communicated by the commissioner pursuant to [§45-18-119]
remains condential in the hands of the agency to which the information is reported, and
does not become a matter of public record by virtue of this communication.
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45-18-124 Check Cashing Act Tennessee Department of Financial
(1) The requirements under any federal or state law regarding the privacy or condentiality
of any information or material provided to a multi-state automated licensing system, and any
privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules of any federal or state court,
with respect to such information or material, continue to apply to the information or material
after it has been disclosed to a multi-state automated licensing system. The information or
material may be shared with all state and federal regulatory ofcials with check-cashing
industry oversight authority without the loss of privilege or condentiality protections provided
by federal or state law, including the protection available under § 45-1-120;
(4) This section supersedes any inconsistent provisions of title 10, chapter 7, part 5,
pertaining to the records open to public inspection.
(5) This section does not apply with respect to information or material relating to publicly
adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions against persons subject to this chapter that is
included in a multi-state automated licensing system for access by the public.
46-1-218(b) Financial information,
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Chancery Court of
Davidson County
The petition [for determination that the cemetery company no longer be required to continue
to make contributions to the improvement care trust fund or that the contributions be
reduced] shall be accompanied by an audited balance sheet prepared by a Tennessee
certied public accountant showing the nancial position of the cemetery company from the
date of the petition seeking relief. All nancial information submitted shall be kept strictly
condential and shall be subject to a protective order limiting access to the information to the
court and the attorney representing the commissioner.
47-18-106(g) Consumer affairs, Trade
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Division of Consumer
No documentary material, merchandise, or other information, including trade secrets,
obtained pursuant to a request under this section [enforcement of the Tennessee Consumer
Protection Act], shall be produced for inspection, copied by, or its contents disclosed to,
any person other than an authorized representative of the division or other proper law
enforcement ofcial for the purpose of prosecution
[Unless otherwise ordered by the court for good cause shown, with the consent of the person who
produced the material or information, and division may use copies of the documentary material
produced in accordance with this section and merchandise impounded under a court order as it
determines necessary in the enforcement of this part.]
47-18-1604(a)(2) Audits, Fantasy sports
Tennessee Secretary of State The secretary of state shall . . . [r]equire that all licensed fantasy sports operators contract
annually with a third party to perform an independent audit, consistent with the attestation
standards established by the American Institute of Certied Public Accountants, to ensure
compliance with this part. Upon completion of the audit, the audit report shall be submitted to
the secretary of state for examination and inspection. These records shall be condential and
shall not be open to public inspection pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
47-23-101(a) Insurance policy
Public Lender, Mortgagee, Assignee, or
(1) When a borrower is required to keep real estate insured and to furnish evidence of
such insurance to a lender as a condition for obtaining or keeping the loan, then the lender,
mortgagee, assignee, or creditor is prohibited from disclosing to other persons or parties,
directly or indirectly, information with respect to the expiration dates of such insurance or
other insurance policy information so as to enable any person or party to solicit the insurance
or any renewal thereof, without rst obtaining the written consent of the policyholder for such
disclosure to be made.
(2) No other person or party shall request the disclosure of such information, so as to facilitate
solicitations of the insurance or any renewal thereof, without rst obtaining the written consent of
the policyholder.
(3) No lender, mortgagee, assignee, or creditor shall use any of the information contained in a
policy of insurance for the purpose of soliciting insurance business with respect to the insured real
property from the borrower.
47-25-1706 Trade secrets Courts In an action under this part, a court shall preserve the secrecy of an alleged trade secret
by reasonable means, which may include granting protective orders in connection with
discovery proceedings, holding in-camera hearings, sealing the records of the action, and
ordering any person involved in the litigation not to disclose an alleged trade secret without
prior court approval.
§ 47-25-1702(4) “Trade secret” means information, without regard to form, including, but not
limited to, technical, nontechnical or nancial data, a formula, pattern, compilation, program,
device, method, technique, process, or plan that:
(A) Derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known
to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by other persons who can obtain
economic value from its disclosure or use; and
(B) Is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its
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48-1-118(a)(1)(A) Investigations,
Tennessee Securities Act
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The commissioner, in the commissioner's discretion, may: [m]ake such public or private
investigations within or outside of this state as the commissioner deems necessary to
determine whether or not any person has violated or is about to violate any provision of this
part or any rule, regulation, or order hereunder, or to aid in the enforcement of this part, or in
the prescribing of rules hereunder.
48-1-127(d) Financial exploitation
of designated adult,
Tennessee Securities Act
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
All records [relevant to the suspected nancial exploitation of a designated adult] made
available to the commissioner under this section [which may include historical records or
records relating to the most recent disbursement as well as disbursements that comprise
the suspected nancial exploitation of a designated adult] shall not be open to inspection by
members of the public under § 10-7-503.
48-101-511 Charitable solicitations Tennessee Secretary of State Registration statements and applications, reports, and all other documents and information
required to be led under this part or by the secretary of state shall be public records in the
ofce of the secretary of state and shall be open to the general public for inspection at such
time and under such conditions as the secretary of state may prescribe.
48-101-513(i)(2) Charitable solicitation Tennessee Secretary of State No donor list, information or documentation, required to be maintained under this subsection
(i) [related to paid solicitor], which is obtained by the secretary of state pursuant to this part,
unless otherwise ordered by a court for good cause shown, shall be produced for inspection,
copied by or its contents disclosed to any person other than an authorized representative
of the secretary of state, the attorney general and reporter or the attorney general and
reporter's representative, or other proper law enforcement ofcials for the purpose of
enforcing this part or prosecuting other criminal or civil violations, without the consent of the
person who produced the information or documentation.
48-101-514(a)(1) Investigations, Charitable
Tennessee Secretary of State The secretary of state, upon the secretary of state's own motion or upon complaint of any
person, if the secretary of state has reasonable ground to suspect any violation of this part or
any rule thereunder or to aid in enforcement of this part, may publicly or privately investigate
as the secretary of state deems necessary any charitable organization, professional solicitor
or other person to determine whether such person or organization has led any registration
application or other information required under this part that contains false or misleading
statements, has conducted any solicitation of contributions by any unfair, false, misleading or
deceptive means or manner, or has otherwise violated any provision of this part.
49-1-302(f) Tests Tennessee Department of Education,
Tennessee Board of Education
All statewide tests developed or provided by the department [of education] to measure
individual student progress and achievement, all banks of questions, all eld testing
documents used as background for the development of the tests, and all answers shall be
kept condential when and for so long as is necessary to protect the integrity of the tests.
49-1-606(b) Teachers, Job
performance evaluations,
Tennessee Department of Education,
Local Education Agencies (LEA)
(1) The estimates of specic teacher effects on the educational progress of students will
not be a public record, . . . .The estimates [of specic teacher effects] made available to the
preparation programs shall not be a public record and shall be used only in evaluation of the
respective teacher preparation programs. Each institution or postsecondary system receiving
the estimates shall develop a policy to protect the condentiality of the data.
(1) The estimates of specic teacher effects on the educational progress of students . . . will be
made available only to the specic teacher, the teacher's appropriate administrators as designated
by the local board of education and school board members.
(2) The estimates of specic teacher effects on the educational progress of students may be made
available to parties conducting research for, or on behalf of, the department, schools, LEAs, or
postsecondary institutions; provided, however, that the estimates made available shall not be a
public record and shall be used only for research purposes. Each party receiving the estimates of
specic teacher effect data for research purposes shall execute a signed data sharing agreement
with the entity providing the data that includes provisions safeguarding the privacy and security of
the data.
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49-1-703(2) Student records Tennessee Department of Education,
Tennessee Board of Education
The state board of education shall develop, publish and make publicly available policies and
procedures to comply with FERPA, § 10-7-504 and other relevant privacy laws and policies.
(2)(C)(i)(a) Unless otherwise approved by the state board or permitted in this part, student
data maintained by the department shall remain condential.
(A) Access to student and de-identied data in the student data system is restricted to:
(i) The authorized staff of the department and the department's contractors who require access to
perform their assigned duties;
(ii) LEA administrators, teachers, school personnel and the LEA's contractors who require access
to perform their assigned duties;
(iii) Students and their parents; provided, however, that a student or the student's parents may
only access the student's individual data;
(iv) The authorized staff of other state agencies as permitted by law; provided, however, that within
sixty (60) days of providing such access, the department shall provide notice of the release to the
state board, the education committee of the senate, and the education administration and planning
committee of the house of representatives, and post such notice on the department's web site;
(v) Parties conducting research for or on behalf of the department or an LEA; provided, that such
access is granted in compliance with FERPA and other relevant state and federal privacy laws
and policies and that the department shall provide notice of the release to the state board, the
education committee of the senate, and the education administration and planning committee of
the house of representatives, and post such notice on the department's web site;
(vi) Appropriate entities in compliance with a lawfully issued subpoena or court order; or
(vii) Appropriate ofcials in connection with an interagency audit or evaluation of a federal or state
supported education program.
49-4-903(c) Student records, Lottery Tennessee Student Assistance
Corporation (TSAC), Tennessee Higher
Education Commission (THEC)
Postsecondary educational institutions that enroll students receiving scholarships or grants
under this part shall provide all information required by TSAC and THEC that is necessary
for administering, reviewing, and evaluating such programs. TSAC and THEC may choose to
collect data from higher education institutions or through the University of Tennessee system,
board of regents or the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association. TSAC
and THEC shall maintain condentiality of individual student records in accordance with the
Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. § 1232g).
49-5-5632 Evaluation data,
Tennessee Department of Education,
Teacher training Programs
[Annual evaluation data for teachers and principals graduating from the programs] made
available [by the Department of Education] to teacher training programs shall not be a public
record and shall be used only for the purpose of making improvements to the program. Each
program receiving the annual evaluation data shall execute a signed data-sharing agreement
with the department of education that includes provisions safeguarding the privacy and
security of the data.
49-6-808 Emergency response
Local Education Agencies (LEA) (c) Building-level emergency response plans shall be condential and shall not be subject to
any open or public records requirements.
(a) LEA shall make district-wide and building-level school safety plan available for public comment
at least thirty (30) days prior to its adoption; provided, that only a summary of each building-level
emergency response plan shall be made available for public comment.
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49-6-815(d) Firearms Local Education Agencies (LEA), Law
enforcement agencies
The joint written authorization of the director of schools and the principal of the school given
pursuant to subdivision
(b)(2), the notication transmitted to the chief of the appropriate law enforcement agency
pursuant to subdivision
(c)(1), the names and contact information of any person authorized to carry or possess a
rearm on school property pursuant to subdivision
(c)(2), any listing or compilation of names or individual names of persons who are authorized
to carry or possess a rearm on school property, whether the director of schools and the
principal of the school have or have not issued joint written authorization to carry or possess
a rearm on school property, or any other document, le, record, information or material
relating to the carrying or possessing of a rearm on school property pursuant to this section
that is received by, transmitted to, maintained, stored or compiled by the director of schools,
the principal of the school, any LEA, or city, county or municipal law enforcement agency,
shall be condential and not open for public inspection.
49-6-816(i) Employees, Handguns Local Education Agencies (LEA), Law
Enforcement Agencies
The notication transmitted to the chief of the appropriate local law enforcement agency
pursuant to subdivision
(f)(1), the names and contact information of any employee authorized to carry or possess a
concealed handgun on school property pursuant to subdivision
(b)(1), any listing or compilation of names or individual names of persons who are authorized
to carry or possess a rearm on school property, whether the director of schools and the
principal of the school have or have not authorized an employee to carry or possess a
rearm on school property, or any other document, le, record, information, or material
relating to the carrying or possessing of a handgun on school property pursuant to this
section that is received by, transmitted to, maintained, stored, or compiled by the director
of schools, the principal of the school, any LEA, or county or municipal law enforcement
agency, shall be condential and not open for public inspection under title 10, chapter 7.
49-6-1401(a)(3) Student health
Local Education Agencies (LEA) [Health report card produced by schools carrying out a program to identify public school
children who are at risk for obesity is "condential". The report provided to the student's
parents or guardians presents] the result of the child's BMI-for-age screening, along with
basic educational information on what the results mean and what the parents or guardians
should do with the information.
49-6-1601(b) Reports of child abuse or
sexual abuse
Child Care Agencies, Preschools,
Nursery Schools, Kindergarten,
Elementary Schools, Secondary
Once notice is given pursuant to this section, the principal or other designated person
shall provide to the parent or legal guardian all school information and records relevant to
the alleged abuse or sexual abuse, if requested by the parent or legal guardian . . . edited
to protect the condentiality of the identity of the person who made the report, any other
person whose life or safety may be endangered by the disclosure, and any information
made condential pursuant to federal law or § 10-7-504(a)(4). The information and records
described in this section shall not include records of other agencies or departments.
49-6-3007(i)(7) Student records Local Education Agencies (LEA), Law
Enforcement Agencies, Juvenile Courts
Upon issuance of a standing order by the juvenile court, LEA ofcials shall be allowed to
release student record information to local law enforcement agencies and to juvenile justice
system ofcials to assist the ofcials in effectively serving the student whose record is
released [related to enforcement of compulsory school attendance]. Ofcials and authorities
receiving the information shall not disclose the information to any other party without prior
written consent of the parent.
[Release authorized with prior written consent of the parent.]
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49-6-3051(d) Juveniles adjudicated
Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS), Local Education
Agencies (LEA), Schools, Courts
The abstract [provided under § 37-1-153 or § 37-1-154] and information [related to
adjudication of student as delinquent for specied offenses listed in (b)] shall be shared only
with the employees of the school having responsibility for classroom instruction of the child
and the school counselor, social worker or psychologist who is involved in developing a plan
for the child while in the school, and with the school resource ofcer, and any other person
notied pursuant to this section. The information is otherwise condential and shall not be
shared by school personnel with any other person or agency, except as may otherwise be
required by law. The abstract or other similar information provided pursuant to subsection
(a) and the plan shall not become a part of the child's student record.
49-6-4213(k) Student records, Drug
Local Education Agencies (LEA) (1) If a student is tested in a drug testing program and the results of the test are positive,
all records of the test, request for a test or indication a student has been tested shall be
condential student records in accordance with § 10-7-504(a)(4)(A).
(3) The principal or school counselor of the school in which a student who tests positive in a drug
testing program is enrolled shall provide referral information to the student and to the student's
parents or guardian. The information shall include information on inpatient, outpatient and
community-based drug and alcohol treatment programs.
49-6-5105 Student records Tennessee Department of Education The commissioner shall use the identication numbers furnished under this part for the
purpose of tracking students and for other statistical reports or surveys, but for no other
purpose. Listings of student names and identication numbers shall not be public records.
§ 49-6-5101(e): The department [of education] shall establish, to the extent authorized by the
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g), and any regulations
adopted pursuant thereto, a mechanism for a person or entity to have different types of access to
the information contained in the database, to the extent that such information is necessary for the
performance of a duty or that such information may be made available without posing a threat to
the condentiality of a student.
49-6-6001(c) Assessment tests for
Tennessee Board of Education, Local
Education Agencies (LEA)
All tests developed or used to implement this section, all banks of questions, all eld testing
documents used as background for the development of the tests and all answers shall be
kept condential when and for as long as necessary to protect the integrity of the tests, and
accordingly, are exempt from the requirements of § 10-7-503.
49-7-120 Research or services by
public higher education
institutions, Identifying
information, Trade
secrets, Propriety
information, Patentable
Public Higher Education Institutions,
Tennessee Department of Economic
and Community Development (ECD)
The following records or materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, received,
developed, generated, ascertained or discovered during the course of sponsored research or
service conducted by a public higher education institution, or in the course of fullling a grant
agreement between a public higher education institution and the Tennessee department of
economic and community development, shall not be open for public inspection:
(1) Patentable material or potentially patentable material;
(2) Proprietary information;
(3) Trade secrets or potential trade secrets, including, but not limited to, manufacturing and
production methods, processes, materials and associated costs;
(4) Business transactions, commercial or nancial information about or belonging to research
subjects or sponsors;
(5) Summaries or descriptions of sponsored research or service, unless released by the
(6) Personally identiable information; and
(7) Any other information that reasonably could affect the conduct or outcome of the
sponsored research or service, the ability to patent or copyright the sponsored research or
any other proprietary rights any person or entity might have in the research or the results of
the research, including, but not limited to, protocols, notes, data, results or other unpublished
writing about the research or service.
(c) Nothing in this section shall prohibit voluntary disclosure of the records or materials by the
sponsor or by the public higher education institution with the consent of the sponsor.
49-7-140 Identifying information Public Higher Education Institutions,
Public Higher Education Foundations
Records and information that concern gifts to public institutions of higher education or
foundations established under § 49-7-107, and that include the name, address, telephone
number, social security number, driver license information, or any other personally identiable
information about the donor or members of the donor's family, shall not be open for public
Upon request, the attorney general may review all records or information concerning gifts to public
institutions of higher education, and to foundations established under § 49-7-107, including all
personally identiable information about the donor or members of the donor's family.
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49-7-154(a) CEO application
materials, Employees
Public Higher Education Institutions [A]n application for a position of chief executive ofcer of a public institution of higher
education, materials submitted with an application, letters of recommendation or references
concerning an applicant, and any other records or information relating to or arising out of the
process of searching for and selecting an individual for a position of chief executive ofcer of
a public institution of higher education shall be treated as condential and shall not be open
for public inspection, if the records could be used to identify a candidate for the position.
[A]fter a search committee has selected nalists [no less than three (3) candidates selected by a
search committee as the group from which one (1) or more candidates shall be recommended]
for the position, a record relating exclusively to the candidates selected as nalists shall not be
This section shall not apply to information relating to a candidate who did not expressly request
that the candidate's information be kept condential.
49-7-165 Investment records The University of Tennessee and State
University and Community College
(b)(2) [R]ecords relating to the University of Tennessee's or the state university and
community college system's review or analysis of any alternative investment or any
investment therein shall not be open to public inspection pursuant to title 10, chapter 7, part
5, if:
(A) The records contain condential information or information that could be commercially
reasonably expected to be kept condential when provided to or by the public institution of
higher education, or any analysis or evaluation of an alternative investment by the public
institution of higher education; or
(B) Disclosure of the records reasonably could have an adverse effect on the public
institution of higher education's investment program, the value of an alternative investment,
or the person or entity that provided the information for or to the public institution of higher
(d) Nothing in this section shall limit access to records by law enforcement agencies, courts, or
other governmental agencies performing ofcial functions.
49-7-825 Identifying information Tennessee Department of the Treasury,
Tennessee Baccalaureate Education
System Board of Trustees (BEST)
(a) [The BEST] board and any ofcer, employee, agent or contractor of the board shall not
disclose personal information about any person obtained by the board in connection with the
purchase of tuition units or the making of contributions to any educational investment trust
fund account under this part.
(b) The board and any ofcer or employee of the board may release information described in
(a) under the following circumstances:
(1) To an institution of higher education in which a beneciary may enroll or is enrolled. The
institution of higher education shall maintain the same level of condentiality as that required
under this section;
(2) To the extent that the beneciary, purchaser or their respective legal representative consents to
(3) In compliance with a subpoena or a court order;
(4) To the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designees for the purpose of an audit of
the board;
(5) To the internal revenue service for the purpose of ling reports of distributions made under the
program; or
(6) In any administrative proceeding or court action between the purchaser, beneciary or their
respective legal representative and the board.
49-7-2005(b) Criminal history
background check
Tennessee Higher Education
Commission (THEC)
The commission may require as part of the application for initial authorization of a
postsecondary educational institution criminal background checks for all owners and
directors of institutions not accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United
States department of education. The results of the background checks under this section
shall be condential and not open to public inspection.
49-11-613(a) Identifying information,
Vocational rehabilitation
Tennessee Department of Human
Services (DHS), Division of Vocational
It is unlawful, except for purposes directly connected with the administration of the vocational
rehabilitation program and in accordance with regulations, for any person or persons to
solicit, disclose, receive or make use of, or authorize, knowingly permit, participate in, or
acquiesce in the use of any list of or names of, or any information concerning, persons
applying for or receiving vocational rehabilitation, directly or indirectly derived from the
records, papers, les or communications of the state or subdivisions or agencies of the state
or acquired in the course of the performance of ofcial duties.
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49-12-301 Student records,
Proprietary interests,
Personal privacy rights
Interstate Commission on Educational
Opportunity for Military Children
Compact Article IX. The member states hereby create the "interstate commission on
educational opportunity for military children." The activities of the interstate commission
are the formation of public policy and are a discretionary state function. The interstate
commission shall:
F. Establish bylaws and rules that provide for conditions and procedures under which the
interstate commission shall make its information and ofcial records available to the public for
inspection or copying. The interstate commission may exempt from disclosure information or
ofcial records to the extent they would adversely affect personal privacy rights or proprietary
49-13-145 Identifying information,
Student records
Charter Schools [A chartering authority or a public charter school approved to operate one
(1) or more schools in the district shall not release] to outside parties without prior written
consent from the parent or eligible student [the student names, ages, addresses, dates
of attendance, and grade levels completed in accordance with § 10-7-504 and the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), compiled at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g provided to it
by the LEA].
49-14-103(a) Working papers;
Internal audit; Reports
of suspected illegal,
improper, wasteful or
fraudulent activity
Tennessee Board of Regents, State
University Boards and the University of
Tennessee Board of Trustees
The detailed information received pursuant to a report of illegal, improper, wasteful or
fraudulent activity or any ongoing investigation of the activity shall be considered working
papers of the internal auditor and shall be condential under title 10, chapter 7.
49-50-1408(b) Identifying information;
Reports of
falsication, waste or
Tennessee Department of Education Reports of alleged falsication, waste or mismanagement [under the Education Truth in
Reporting and Employee Protection Act of 1989] shall be condential only to the extent the
person reporting requests that the person's name not be revealed.
50-3-302(d) Identifying information,
OSHA investigations
Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development
The name, job title and other information that may be used to identify a witness who is
interviewed during the course of an investigation [related to occupational safety and health
under chapter 3, title 5] shall be considered condential and shall not be a public record
pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
50-3-304(a)(3) Identifying information,
Notice of OSHA Violation
Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development
Upon the request of the person giving the notice, the person's name and the names of
individual employees referred to in the notice [of belief by an employee that a violation of
a safety or health standard exists that threatens physical harm, or that an imminent danger
exists] shall not appear in the copy or on any record published, released or made available
pursuant to § 50-3-305.
50-3-702(b) First report of work injury Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development, Bureau of
Worker's Compensation
The employer's rst report of work injury records that are maintained by the bureau are
After completing a standard authorization form, which shall be provided by the bureau, an
employee or an employee's attorney may obtain a copy of any report that concerns the employee's
work injury. Nothing contained in this subsection (b) shall be construed or implemented to alter or
amend existing law pertaining to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Form 300
reports. This section does not apply to a collective bargaining agent as certied by the national
labor relations board (NLRB).
50-3-914(a) Trade secrets Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development
All information obtained by or reported to the commissioner pursuant to any section of this
chapter [Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1972] that contains or might reveal a trade
secret or is otherwise privileged shall be considered condential for the purpose of that
The information may be disclosed to other ofcers or employees concerned with carrying out this
chapter or when relevant in any proceeding under this chapter.
50-6-131 Medical records Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development, Bureau of
Worker's Compensation
Medical records provided to the bureau of worker's compensation in the course of its
activities and the review of settlements pursuant to this chapter [applicable to injuries
occurring on and after July 1, 2014] shall remain condential and shall not be considered to
be public records.
50-6-405(b)(3) Workers' compensation
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Tennessee Department
of Labor and Workforce Development
Filings pursuant to this subsection (b) [evidence of the employer's nancial ability to pay all
claims] shall be kept condential by the commissioner of commerce and insurance and shall
not be construed to be a public record pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
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50-6-405(c)(4)(C) Financial statements of
self-insurers for workers'
compensation claims
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Tennessee Department
of Labor and Workforce Development
(4)(C) Financial statements led pursuant to this subsection (c), individual member
nancial statements, work papers, notes, internal documents generated by the department
of commerce and insurance or any other information obtained by or disclosed to the
commissioner of commerce and insurance pursuant to this chapter [by group of employers
qualifying as self-insurers] or any regulations promulgated under this chapter, shall be
condential and shall not be disclosed to the public.
This provision, however, shall not apply to the examination report prepared by the commissioner of
commerce and insurance, nor to any rebuttal to the examination reports submitted by or on behalf
of the group examined. However, nothing contained in this subdivision (c)(4)(C) shall be construed
as prohibiting the commissioner of commerce and insurance from disclosing the information listed
in this subdivision (c)(4)(C), or any matters relating to that information, to state agencies of this or
any other state, or to law enforcement ofcials of this or any other state or agency of the federal
government at any time.
50-6-421 Workers' compensation
insurance policies
Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Security, Bureau of Worker's
(a) [A]ny information relating to workers' compensation insurance policies obtained by the
administrator of the bureau of workers' compensation to ensure compliance with the law shall
be deemed condential and shall not constitute a public record, as dened in § 10-7-503.
(a) [P]rovided that such information may be used by any state agency, or vendor designated by
the state, for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the law.
(b) The following information obtained by the administrator [relating to such insurance policies]
shall constitute a public record, as dened in § 10-7-503, and shall be open for personal inspection
by any citizen of this state:
(1) Employer name and business address;
(2) Workers' compensation insurance carrier name and business address; and
(3) Workers' compensation insurance policy number, policy effective date, policy expiration date,
policy cancellation date, and policy reinstatement date.
50-6-915 Construction services
provider and workers'
compensation exemption
Tennessee Secretary of State Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, records maintained by the secretary of state
relative to the construction services provider registration and to the workers' compensation
exemption registration, other than records displayed on the registry established pursuant to
this part, shall not constitute a public record as dened in § 10-7-503 and shall not be open
for public inspection.
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50-7-701(a)(1)(B) Unemployment Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development
Information obtained pursuant to the administration of this chapter [the Tennessee
Employment Security Law] shall be held condential and shall not be published or be open to
public inspection in any manner revealing the individual's or the employing unit's identity.
Other than to: (i) The extent necessary for the proper presentation of a claim for unemployment
insurance benets;
(ii) Public employees in the performance of their public duties and to their duly authorized agents
and contractors for the purpose of performing such duties; provided, that the safeguard and
security requirements of 20 CFR 603.9 (b) and (c) are met;
(iii) State and local child support agencies for the enforcement, collection and establishment of
child support obligations, for the location of child support obligors, and for the establishment of
paternity. Information disclosed to the state and local child support agencies may be provided
by them to their duly authorized agents, working under contract or otherwise; provided, that the
information provided to the agents is limited to only information on individuals who are child
support obligors or who are sought for establishing paternity, and the information is used only
for the purposes of establishing and collecting child support obligations, locating child support
obligors, and establishing paternity. Any agent of a state or local child support agency who
receives information under this section shall be required to comply with all regulations, restrictions
and safeguards provided in § 303(e)(1)(B) of the Social Security Act, codied in 42 U.S.C. §
503(e)(1)(B), as determined in regulations issued by the United States secretary of labor;
(iv) Any party or the party's legal representative at a hearing before an unemployment hearing
ofcer or the commissioner’s designee to the extent necessary for the proper presentation of
a claim. Any documents, records, afdavits, testimony, or other information introduced into the
record at any hearing before an unemployment hearing ofcer or the commissioner’s designee
shall not be held condential and shall be open to public inspection, unless expressly prohibited
by other state or federal law or by administrative or judicial protective order. Hearings before an
unemployment hearing ofcer or the commissioner’s designee will be open to the public, subject
to rules the agency prescribed in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act,
compiled in title 4, chapter 5, and applicable federal law;
(v) The bureau of TennCare, the ofce of inspector general, and their duly authorized agents
and contractors, for the sole purpose of investigating the eligibility of TennCare enrollees and
applicants; provided, that the information disclosed to the agents shall only include TennCare
enrollee and applicant information, and that the information shall be used only for the following
purposes: verication of eligibility for TennCare, verication of TennCare enrollee access to health
insurance other than through TennCare, and determination of whether the enrollee is being
charged and is paying correct TennCare premium amounts. It is further provided that, before any
agent or contractor may have access to the information, the agent or contractor shall execute an
agreement with the bureau of TennCare or the ofce of inspector general, warranting that any
information obtained as provided in this section shall remain condential, shall not be disclosed
by the agent or contractor to third parties or subcontractors, and that the agent or contractor shall
limit the use to the purposes set forth in this section. The agreement shall further require that the
contractor or agent return or destroy all condential information received during the course of the
contract or agency, and use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure other than as
provided for by law and by the contract or agency agreement. Nothing in this subdivision (a)(1)(B)
(v) shall be construed to prevent the ofce of inspector general from sharing the information with
other public agencies, including law enforcement agencies, in the performance of the ofcial duties
of the ofce of inspector general and those agencies, as may be otherwise provided by law; or
(vi) To the individual or employing unit to whom the records relate, or to their agents with a written
authorization from the individual or employing unit.
50-7-701(a)(2) Unemployment Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development
Information obtained by the division of employment security pursuant to the Social Security
Act, § 1137, codied in 42 U.S.C. § 1320b-7, as added by § 2651 of the Decit Reduction Act
of 1984 (Pub. L. No. 98-369), shall be held condential in accordance with subdivision (a)(1),
§ 1137(a)(5) of the Social Security Act, codied in 42 U.S.C. § 1320b-7(a)(5) and regulations
described in § 1137(a)(5)(B) of the Social Security Act, codied in 42 U.S.C. § 1320b-7(a)(5)(B).
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50-7-701(c) Unemployment Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development
All letters, reports, communications, or any other matters, either oral or written, from the
employer or employee or former employee, to each other, or to the department, or to
or by any of the agents, representatives or employees of any of them, which shall have
been written, spoken, sent, delivered or made in connection with the requirements and
administration of this chapter, shall be absolutely privileged, and shall not be made the
subject matter or basis for any suit for libel or slander in any court.
50-9-106(a)(2) Employees, Drug Tests All A copy of this documentation [written record made of the observations leading to a controlled
substances reasonable suspicion test within twenty-four (24) hours of the observed behavior
or before the results of the test are released, whichever is earlier] shall be given to the
employee upon request, and the original documentation shall be kept condential by the
covered employer pursuant to § 50-9-109 and shall be retained by the covered employer for
at least one (1) year.
50-9-109 Drug free workplace
All (a) All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda and drug or alcohol test
results, written or otherwise, received by the covered employer through a drug or alcohol
testing program are condential communications and may not be . . . disclosed in any public
or private proceedings.
(b) Covered employers, laboratories, medical review ofcers, employee assistance
programs, drug or alcohol rehabilitation programs and their agents who receive or have
access to information concerning drug or alcohol test results shall keep all information
(b) Release of the information is authorized solely pursuant to a written consent form signed
voluntarily by the person tested, unless the release is compelled by a hearing ofcer or a court
of competent jurisdiction pursuant to an appeal taken under this section, relevant to a legal claim
asserted by the employee or is deemed appropriate by a professional or occupational licensing
board in a related disciplinary proceeding.
(d) This section does not prohibit a covered employer, agent of the employer or laboratory
conducting a drug or alcohol test from having access to employee drug or alcohol test information
or using the information when consulting with legal counsel in connection with actions brought
under or related to this section, or when the information is relevant to its defense in a civil or
administrative matter. Neither is this section intended to prohibit disclosure among management
as is reasonably necessary for making disciplinary decisions relating to violations of drug or
alcohol standards of conduct adopted by an employer.
(e) A covered employer shall notify the parents or legal guardians of a minor of the results of
any drug or alcohol testing program conducted pursuant to this chapter. Notwithstanding any
other provisions of this section, an employer is authorized to disclose the results to parents and
guardians and an employer shall not be liable for any disclosure permitted by this subsection (e).
53-10-306 Controlled substances
database records
Tennessee Department of Health (a) Information sent to, contained in, and reported from the database in any format is
condential and not subject to title 10, chapter 7, regarding public records, and not subject
to subpoena from any court and shall be made available only as provided for in § 53-10-308
and to [those listed] persons in accordance with the limitations stated and rules promulgated
pursuant to this part, or as otherwise provided for in § 53-10-311.
(e)(1) Information obtained by law enforcement personnel from the database may be shared with
other law enforcement personnel or prosecutorial ofcials only upon the direction of the ofcer
or agent who originally requested the information and may only be shared with law enforcement
personnel from other law enforcement agencies who are directly participating in an ofcial joint
(2) Any information obtained from the database that is sent to law enforcement personnel shall
also be sent to the district attorney general of the judicial district to the district in which such ofcer
or agent has jurisdiction. Likewise, any database information sent to a TBI agent or DEA agent
shall also be sent to the TBI director or the assistant special agent in charge.
(3)(A) Information obtained from the database by the judge of a drug court treatment program may
be shared with personnel of a drug court treatment program.
(B) For the purposes of this subdivision (e)(3), “personnel of a drug court treatment program”
includes a judge of a drug court and any person employed by the drug court and designated
by the judge to require access to the information in order to efciently administer the drug court
treatment program.
(4) Any information obtained from the database that is sent to a judge of a drug court treatment
program shall also be sent to the district attorney general of the judicial district in which the
judge has jurisdiction. (f)(1) To ensure the privacy and condentiality of patient records,
information obtained from the database by law enforcement personnel shall be retained by the
law enforcement personnel's respective department or agency. The information obtained from the
database shall not be made a public record.
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53-11-408(a)(3) Information concerning
individuals being
treated with controlled
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
[The TBI may] cooperate with the United States drug enforcement administration by
establishing a centralized unit to accept, catalogue, le and collect statistics, including
records of drug dependent persons and other controlled substance and controlled substance
analogue law offenders within the state, and make the information available for federal, state
and local law enforcement purposes. It shall not furnish the name or identity of a patient or
research subject whose identity could not be obtained under [§ 53-11-408(c)].
54-1-403 Litter reports Tennessee Department of
Transportation (TDOT)
(b) Litter reports, whether made via the Internet, e-mail or telephone, shall be deemed
condential. Neither the identity of the person making the report, nor the specic information
compiled in the report, shall be available to any person other than an ofcial or employee of
the department having responsibility in the administration and enforcement of the program.
[(a) Litter reports shall include, at a minimum, the following:
• offender's motor vehicle registration number, Tennessee plates only;
• make and model of the offender's motor vehicle;
• date and time of day the littering offense occurred;
• approximate location at which the littering offense occurred;
• person or entity who committed the littering offense, whether driver, passenger or accidental
discharge from a load; and
• item or items improperly discharged from the motor vehicle that are the basis for the littering
54-1-504 Procurement Tennessee Department of
Transportation (TDOT)
(3)(B) All proposals received by the department in response to the [request for proposal
(RFP) to solicit a Construction Manager/General Contractor(CM/GC) proposal], and any
documents used by the selection committee to evaluate and score the proposals, shall
remain condential and not subject to disclosure to any proposer or to the public until after
the department issues a written notice of award as provided in subdivision (3)(E;
(2)(A) The RFP used to solicit a CM/GC proposal shall be reviewed by the selection
committee established under subdivision (1). Prior to the issuance of the RFP, the selection
committee shall approve the proposed RFP indicating that the RFP complies with the
requirements in this part, in a closed meeting that is not open to the public and by a majority
(4)(C) The department's detailed construction cost estimate, and any construction cost
estimate prepared by an independent third-party estimator, shall not be disclosed to the CM/
GC, and shall remain condential and not subject to public disclosure until after award of the
contract for construction of the project;
(4)(E) Based on the contract plans, specications, special provisions, and other contract
terms and conditions compiled by the department, the CM/GC shall prepare a guaranteed
maximum price, including any authorized contingency, for construction of the project. When
completed, the CM/GC's proposed GMP shall be submitted to the department for review.
The CM/GC's proposed GMP shall otherwise remain condential and not subject to public
disclosure until after award of the contract for construction of the project.
54-1-506 Procurement Tennessee Department of
Transportation (TDOT)
After the protest period has expired, and the contract for pre-construction services has been
awarded, the department's procurement les shall be subject to public inspection pursuant to
§ 10-7-504(a)(7).
54-6-105(f) Proprietary information State of Tennessee, Counties,
Municipalities, Agencies or Authorities
of such Governments
This independent audit shall be conducted by an independent consultant selected by the
responsible public entity, and all such information from the review shall be subject to public
disclosure pursuant to § 10-7-503 or any other law; except, that no proprietary information,
which is condential pursuant to § 54-6-107, shall be subject to public disclosure.[For any
project with an estimated cost of over fty million dollars ($50,000,000)]
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54-6-107 Proprietary information State of Tennessee, Counties,
Municipalities, Agencies or Authorities
of such Governments
(a) All solicited and unsolicited proposals received by the responsible public entity pursuant
to § 54-6-106, and any documents used by the responsible public entity to evaluate and
accept or reject the proposals, shall remain condential and not subject to disclosure to any
proposer, affected jurisdiction, or to the public under § 10-7-503 or other law until after the
responsible public entity selects a proposal to enter into a public-private initiative; except,
that, at all times under this chapter, proprietary information and all solicited and unsolicited
proposals that are withdrawn by a private entity [pursuant to (b)] shall remain condential and
not subject to disclosure to any proposer, affected jurisdiction, or to the public pursuant to this
subsection (a), § 10-7-503, or any other law.
(b)(6) Any information determined by the responsible public entity to be proprietary shall be
exempt from disclosure under § 10-7-503.
55-10-114 Accident reports Tennessee Department of Safety and
Homeland Security, Highway Patrol
(a) All accident reports by persons or garages shall be for the condential use of the
department of safety or other state agencies having use of the records for accident
prevention purposes, or for the administration of Tennessee laws relating to the deposit
of security and proof of nancial responsibility by persons driving or the owners of motor
(b) No reports or information mentioned in § 55-10-114 shall be used as evidence in any trial,
civil or criminal, arising out of an accident.
(a) The department of safety may disclose the identity of a person involved in an accident
when the identity is not otherwise known or when the person denies having been present at the
(b) The department of safety shall furnish upon demand of any party to the trial, or upon demand
of any court, a certicate showing that a specied accident report has or has not been made to the
department in compliance with law.
§ 55-10-115(b) The department shall receive accident reports required to be made by this part
and may tabulate and analyze those reports and publish annually, or at more frequent intervals,
statistical information based thereon as to the number, cause and location of highway accidents.
§ 55-10-108(d) The report under § 55-10-108(b) shall not be considered condential within the
meaning of § 55-10-114(a). Copies of any reports of a motor vehicle accident investigated by the
department that are on le in the various district ofces of the Tennessee highway patrol shall be
made available for inspection by the parties set forth in this subsection (d), and may be obtained
from the station by paying the fee of four dollars ($4.00).
§ 55-10-108(f) Any report of a motor vehicle accident investigated by the department or prepared
pursuant to subsection (b) shall be open to public inspection as a public record under the public
records laws compiled in title 10, chapter 7. It is an offense punishable as a Class A misdemeanor
for any person to knowingly use the report or information contained in the report for solicitation that
is prohibited by a standard of conduct or practice of any profession licensed by the state.
55-10-423 Ignition interlock data Law Enforcement Agencies, Courts All documents, records, identifying information, monitoring data or results and other
information recorded, collected, maintained, transmitted or stored by an ignition interlock
provider about or concerning an interlock program participant is condential and not available
for public inspection. All such information shall retain its condentiality when it is transmitted,
electronically or otherwise, maintained and stored, examined or used by a monitoring
Only authorized employees of an ignition interlock provider or monitoring authority may view any
document made condential by this section.
55-12-209 Insurance verication,
James Lee Atwood Jr.
Tennessee Department of Revenue,
Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security, Tennessee
Department of Commerce and
Insurance, Law Enforcement Agencies,
Any information obtained by the department of revenue, or its designated agent, from
the insurance verication program ("James Lee Atwood Jr. Law") is for the sole use of
the department of revenue, the department of safety, the department of commerce and
insurance, law enforcement, and the judiciary to effectuate this chapter and is not a public
record for purposes of title 10, chapter 7, nor discoverable in the course of legal proceedings.
(c) A law enforcement ofcer from a jurisdiction that has reasonable access to the program shall
utilize the program to verify proof of nancial responsibility as required by § 55-12-139.
(d) Nothing in this part precludes a law enforcement ofcer from a jurisdiction that does not
have reasonable access to the program from utilizing the program to verify proof of nancial
responsibility as required by § 55-12-139.
(e) Nothing in this part prohibits an automobile liability insurer from using the services of a third-
party vendor to comply with this part.
(f) This part shall not apply to motor vehicles insured under commercial automobile coverage;
however, insurers of those vehicles may participate on a voluntary basis. Automobile liability
insurers shall provide commercial automobile customers with evidence reecting that the vehicle
is insured under a commercial automobile policy. Sufcient evidence may include an insurance
identication card that clearly identies the policy as providing commercial automobile coverage.
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55-19-112 Examinations Commercial Driving Schools (a) Written examinations [used by commercial driver training schools] shall be maintained in
a manner that ensures the integrity and condentiality of their contents.
(b) All electronic examinations used by commercial driving schools shall be maintained in
such a manner that ensures the integrity and condentiality of the examinations.
55-25-104 Personal information in
motor vehicle records
Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security, Tennessee
Department of Revenue, County Clerks
(when acting as agents)
The Department[s of Safety and of Revenue, and county clerks when acting as agents of
such departments], and any ofcer, employee, agent or contractor thereof, shall not disclose
personal information about any person obtained by the department in connection with a
motor vehicle record.
§ 55-25-105: (a) Personal information shall be disclosed for use in connection with matters of
motor vehicle or driver safety and theft, motor vehicle emissions, motor vehicle product alterations,
recalls, or advisories, performance monitoring of motor vehicles and dealers by motor vehicle
manufacturers, and removal of non-owner records from the original owner records of motor vehicle
manufacturers to carry out the purposes of the Federal Automobile Information Disclosure Act, 15
U.S.C. § 1231 et seq., the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1901 et
seq., the National Trafc and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, 15 U.S.C. § 1381 et seq., the Anti-
Car Theft Act of 1992, 15 U.S.C. § 2021 et seq., and the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.,
as amended, and all statutes and agency regulations enacted or adopted pursuant to the authority
of, or to attain compliance with, these acts of congress.
(b) personal information shall be disclosed for use in connection with matters concerning the
federal selective services system.
§ 55-25-106: Personal information may be disclosed to any requesting person, if the person
demonstrates in the form and manner the department prescribes, that such person has obtained
the written consent of the person who is the subject of the information.
§ 55-25-107(b): Various permitted uses.
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55-25-107 Personal information in
motor vehicle records
Tennessee Department of Safety
and Homeland Security, Tennessee
Department of Revenue, County Clerks
(when acting as agents)
(a) The department, or any ofcer, employee, or contractor of the department, shall not
knowingly disclose or otherwise make available to any person or entity:
(1) Personal information about any person obtained by the department in connection with a
motor vehicle record, except as provided in this section; or
(2) Highly restricted personal information about any person obtained by the department
in connection with a motor vehicle record, without the express consent of the person to
whom that information applies, except uses permitted in subdivisions (b)(1), (b)(4), (b)(6),
and (b)(9); provided, however, that this subdivision (a)(2) shall not in any way affect the
administration of organ donation initiatives in this state.
(b) Personal information referred to in subsection (a) shall be disclosed for use in connection with
matters of motor vehicle or driver safety and theft, motor vehicle emissions, motor vehicle product
alterations, recalls, or advisories, performance monitoring of motor vehicles and dealers by motor
vehicle manufacturers, and removal of nonowner records from the original owner records of motor
vehicle manufacturers to carry out the purposes of Titles I and IV of the federal Anti-Car Theft Act
of 1992, compiled in 15 U.S.C. § 2021 et seq., the federal Automobile Information Disclosure Act,
compiled in 15 U.S.C. § 1231 et seq., the federal Clean Air Act of 1992, compiled in 42 U.S.C. §
7401 et seq., 49 U.S.C. § 30101 et seq., 49 U.S.C. § 30501 et seq., 49 U.S.C. § 32101 et seq., 49
U.S.C. § 33101 et seq., and, subject to subdivision (a)(2), may be disclosed for use as follows:
(1) By any government agency, including any court or law enforcement agency, in carrying out
its functions, or any private person or entity acting on behalf of a federal, state or local agency in
carrying out its functions;
(2) In connection with matters of motor vehicle or driver safety and theft, motor vehicle emissions,
motor vehicle product alterations, recalls, or advisories, performance monitoring of motor vehicles,
motor vehicle parts and dealers, motor vehicle market research activities, including survey
research, and removal of nonowner records from the original owner records of motor vehicle
(3) In the normal course of business by a legitimate business or its agents, employees, or
contractors, but only:
(A) To verify the accuracy of personal information submitted by the individual to the business or its
agents, employees, or contractors; and
(B) If the information so submitted is not correct or is no longer correct, to obtain the correct
information, but only for purposes of preventing fraud by, pursuing legal remedies against, or
recovering on a debt or security interest against the individual;
(4) In connection with any civil, criminal, administrative, or arbitral proceeding in any federal,
state, or local court or agency or before any self-regulatory body, including the service of process,
investigation in anticipation of litigation, and the execution or enforcement of judgments and
orders, or pursuant to an order of a federal, state or local court;
(5) In research activities, and for use in producing statistical reports, so long as the personal
information is not published, redisclosed, or used to contact individuals;
(6) By any insurer or insurance support organization, or by a self-insured entity, or its agents,
employees, or contractors, in connection with claims investigation activities, antifraud activities,
rating or underwriting;
(7) In providing notice to the owners of towed or impounded vehicles;
(8) By any licensed private investigative agency or licensed security service for any purpose
permitted under this subsection (b);
(9) By an employer or its agent or insurer to obtain or verify information relating to a holder of a
commercial driver license that is required under 49 U.S.C. § 31301 et seq.;
(10) In connection with the operation of private toll transportation facilities;
(11) For any other use in response to requests for individual motor vehicle records if the state has
obtained the express consent of the person to whom the personal information pertains;
(12) In bulk distribution for surveys, marketing or solicitations if the state has obtained the express
consent of the person to whom the personal information pertains;
(13) By any requester, if the requester demonstrates it has obtained the written consent of the
individual to whom the information pertains; and
(14) For any other use specically authorized under the law of this state, if that use is related to
the operation of a motor vehicle or public safety.
(f) Motor vehicle records, personal information, or highly restricted personal information shall be
disclosed to any person by the department of revenue or the department of safety upon proof of
the identity of the person requesting the record or information and representation by that person
that the use of the personal information shall be strictly limited to one (1) or more of the permitted
uses described in this section.
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56-1-411 Insurance, Examinations,
Working papers
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(f) All working papers, recorded information, documents and copies of working papers,
recorded information and documents produced by, obtained by or disclosed to the
commissioner or any other person in the course of an examination made under this chapter
must be given condential treatment and may not be made public by the commissioner or
any other person.
(f) The parties must agree in writing prior to receiving the information to provide to it the same
condential treatment as required by this section, unless the prior written consent of the company
to which it pertains has been obtained.
(d)(1) [Report of examination is to be given to examined/subject company for review].
(d)(4) Content of an examination report, preliminary examination report or results, or any matter
relating to the reports or results, [may be disclosed to any other state or country or to the
Tennessee] department of insurance, or to law enforcement ofcials of Tennessee or any other
state or agency of the federal government, so long as the agency or ofce receiving the report or
matters agrees in writing to hold it condential and in a manner consistent with [§ 56-1-411].
(f) Access may also be granted to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners [NAIC].
56-1-420 Actuarial report, work
papers, actuarial opinion
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(b)(1) Notwithstanding § 10-7-503 or any other law to the contrary, documents, materials or
other information in the possession or control of the department of commerce and insurance
that are considered an actuarial report, work papers or actuarial opinion summary provided in
support of the opinion, and any other material provided by the company to the commissioner
in connection with the actuarial report, work papers or actuarial opinion summary, shall be
condential by law and privileged, shall not be subject to open records requests or sunshine
laws, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be subject to discovery or admissible in
evidence in any private civil action.
(c) Neither the commissioner nor any person who received documents, materials or other
information while acting under the authority of the commissioner shall be permitted or
required to testify in any private civil action concerning any condential documents, materials
or information.
(b)(2) This subsection (b) shall not be construed to limit the commissioner's authority to release
the documents to the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline (ABCD) so long as the
material is required for the purpose of professional disciplinary proceedings and that the ABCD
establishes procedures satisfactory to the commissioner for preserving the condentiality of the
documents, nor shall this section be construed to limit the commissioner's authority to use the
documents, materials or other information in furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought
as part of the commissioner's ofcial duties.
(e) No waiver of any applicable privilege or claim of condentiality in the documents, materials
or information shall occur as a result of disclosure to the commissioner or of sharing by the
commissioner under the section.
56-1-903(a)(4) Insurance, Actuarial
opinion of reserves,
Working papers
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(H) Except as provided in subdivisions (a)(4)(L)-(N), documents, materials or other
information in the possession or control of the department that are a memorandum in
support of the opinion, and any other material provided by the company to the commissioner
in connection with the memorandum, shall be condential by law and privileged, shall not
be subject to § 10-7-501 or § 56-1-602, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be
subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action.
(I) Neither the commissioner nor any person who received documents, materials or other
information while acting under the authority of the commissioner shall be permitted or
required to testify in any private civil action concerning any condential documents, materials
or information subject to subdivision (a)(4)(H).
(H) However, the commissioner is authorized to use the documents, materials or other information
in the furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as a part of the commissioner's ofcial
(L) A memorandum in support of the opinion, and any other material provided by the company
to the commissioner in connection with the memorandum, may be subject to subpoena for the
purpose of defending an action seeking damages from the actuary submitting the memorandum
by reason of an action required by this section or by regulation.
(M) The memorandum or other material may otherwise be released by the commissioner with the
written consent of the company or to the American Academy of Actuaries upon request stating
that the memorandum or other material is required for the purpose of professional disciplinary
proceedings and setting forth procedures satisfactory to the commissioner for preserving the
condentiality of the memorandum or other material.
(N) Once any portion of the condential memorandum is cited by the company in its marketing or
is cited before a governmental agency other than a state insurance department or is released by
the company to the news media, all portions of the condential memorandum shall be no longer
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56-1-917 Insurance, Condential
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(b)(1) A company's condential information [under the Standard Valuation Law] is condential
by law and privileged, and shall not be subject to § 10-7-503 or § 56-1-602, shall not be
subject to subpoena and shall not be subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any
private civil action.
(2) Neither the commissioner nor any person who received condential information while
acting under the authority of the commissioner shall be permitted or required to testify in any
private civil action concerning any condential information.
(a) For purposes of this section,“condential information” means:
(1) A memorandum in support of an opinion submitted under § 56-1-903 and any other
documents, materials and other information, including, but not limited to, all working papers,
and copies thereof, created, produced or obtained by or disclosed to the commissioner or
any other person in connection with such memorandum;
(2) All documents, materials and other information, including, but not limited to, all working
papers and copies, created, produced or obtained by or disclosed to the commissioner or
any other person in the course of an examination made under § 56-1-914(f);
(3) Any reports, documents, materials and other information developed by a company in
support of, or in connection with, an annual certication by the company under § 56-1-915(b)
(2) evaluating the effectiveness of the company's internal controls with respect to a principle-
based valuation and any other documents, materials and other information, including,
but not limited to, all working papers and copies thereof, created, produced or obtained
by or disclosed to the commissioner or any other person in connection with such reports,
documents, materials and other information;
(4) Any principle-based valuation report developed under § 56-1-915(b)(3) and any other
documents, materials and other information, including, but not limited to, all working papers
and copies thereof, created, produced or obtained by or disclosed to the commissioner or
any other person in connection with such report;
(5) Any documents, materials, data and other information submitted by a company under §
56-1-916, collectively, experience data, and any other documents, materials, data and other
information, including, but not limited to, all working papers, and copies thereof, created or
produced in connection with such experience data, in each case that include any potentially
company-identifying or personally identiable information, that is provided to or obtained
by the commissioner (together with any experience data, the experience materials) and
any other documents, materials, data and other information, including, but not limited to, all
working papers, and copies thereof, created, produced or obtained by or disclosed to the
commissioner or any other person in connection with such experience materials;
(b)(6) No waiver of any applicable privilege or claim of condentiality in the condential
information shall occur as a result of disclosure to the commissioner under this section or as
a result of sharing as authorized in subdivision (b)(3);
(b)(7) A privilege established under the law of any state or jurisdiction that is substantially
similar to the privilege established under this subsection (b) shall be available and enforced
in any proceeding in, and in any court of, this state.
(a)(2) If an examination report or other material prepared in connection with an examination
made under § 56-1-411 is not held as private and condential information under § 56-1-411, an
examination report or other material prepared in connection with an examination made under §
56-1-914(f) shall not be condential information to the same extent as if such examination report
or other material had been prepared under § 56-1-411.
(b)(3) [Provided the recipient agrees, and has the legal authority to agree, to maintain the
condentiality and privileged status of documents, materials, data and other information in the
same manner and to the same extent as required for the Commissioner, the Commissioner may
share condential information: With other governmental regulatory agencies and with the NAIC
and its afliates and subsidiaries; and information listed above in (1) and (4) with (i) the Actuarial
Board for Counseling and Discipline, or its successor, upon request stating that the condential
information is required for the purpose of professional disciplinary proceedings and (ii) state,
federal and international law enforcement ofcials.]
(c) Condential information specied in subdivisions (a)(1) and (4):
(1) May be subject to subpoena for the purpose of defending an action seeking damages; and
(2) May otherwise be released by the commissioner with the written consent of the company.
(3) A memorandum in support of an opinion submitted under § 56-1-903 or principle-based
valuation report developed under § 56-1-915(b)(3) [shall no longer be condential after any
portion] is cited by the company in its marketing or is publicly volunteered to or before a
governmental agency other than a state insurance department or is released by the company to
the news media.
56-1-917(b)(4) Privileged records
received from other
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The Commissioner . . . shall maintain as condential or privileged any document, material,
data or other information received with notice or understanding that it is condential
or privileged under the laws of the [source jurisdiction: the NAIC and its afliates and
subsidiaries; regulatory or law enforcement ofcials of other foreign or domestic jurisdictions;
and the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline, or its successor].
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56-2-125 Health insurance, Payer
claims database
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Tennessee Department
of Finance and Administration,
Tennessee Health Information
(d)(2)(A) The all payer claims database, summaries, source or draft information used to
construct or populate the all payer claims database, patient level claims data, reports
derived from the all payer claims database, whether in electronic or paper form, shall not be
considered a public record and shall not be open for inspection by members of the public
under § 10-7-503(a)(1). Further, such information contained in the all payer claims database
shall be considered condential and not subject to subpoena.
(e) [N]o information that could reveal the identity of any patient from the all payer claims
database shall be made available to the public.
(f)(2) The collection, storage and release of health and health care data and statistical
information that is subject to the federal requirements of HIPAA shall be governed by the
rules adopted in 45 CFR parts 160 and 164.
(c)(6) The committee shall develop policies to make reports from the all payer claims
database available as a resource to [insurers/employers/providers/purchasers of health
care; the use of reports shall be subject to restrictions required by HIPAA and other
applicable privacy laws and policies.]
(d)(1) As required by HIPAA, the all payer claims database shall not publicly disclose any
individually identiable health information as dened in 45 CFR 160.103. Use of the all payer
claims database shall be subject to restrictions required by HIPAA and other applicable
privacy laws and policies.
(d)(2)(A)(ii) Reports derived from the information shall only be released pursuant to rules adopted
by the commissioner of the Department subsequent to consultation with the Tennessee health
information Committee. Any release of reports shall not result in such information losing its
condentiality or cause it to be admissible, except in administrative proceedings authorized under
the rules adopted by the commissioner.
56-2-801 Insurance, Condential
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The commissioner [of the Department of Commerce and Insurance] shall maintain as
condential all information from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
(NAIC), any state or federal agency, and foreign countries that is condential in those
The Commissioner may allow for the sharing of condential [information] with the regulatory
ofcials of any state or federal agency and foreign countries [if] the recipients are required, under
their respective laws, to maintain such condentiality.
The Commissioner may allow for the sharing of otherwise condential [information] with the NAIC
[if] NAIC demonstrates by written statement its intent to maintain such condentiality.
56-3-111(b) Health care liability
claim settlement reports,
Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Medical Examiners, Board
of Osteopathic Examination, Board of
Insurance companies providing insurance coverage against civil liability for the death
or personal injury of any person as the result of negligence or health care liability in the
rendering of professional services by a licensed physician, either doctor of osteopathic
medicine or doctor of medicine, or by a licensed dentist shall report to the state board of
medical examiners or state board of osteopathic examination or the state board of dentistry
any settlement of a claim or judgment, sealed, condential or otherwise, of ve thousand
dollars ($5,000) or more that arises out of a claim of negligence or health care liability on the
part of an insured physician or dentist as distinguished from administrative matters. Such
reports are condential and not open to public inspection.
§ 56-3-111(b) The reported judgments and settlements contained in the reports, except those that
are ordered sealed or to remain condential by a court of competent jurisdiction, may be used to
fulll the requirements of the Health Care Consumer Right to Know Act of 1998, compiled in title
63, chapter 51.
56-5-107(a) Trade secrets Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
All rates, supplementary rate information, policy forms, endorsements, and any supporting
information led under this part shall, as soon as led, be open to public inspection at any
reasonable time, except any information that is a trade secret under the Uniform Trade
Secrets Act, compiled in title 47, chapter 25, part 17, as determined by the commissioner in
the commissioner's sole discretion. The insurer or ler shall have the burden of asserting to
the commissioner that the information is a trade secret. Insurers may le certain information
with the commissioner for a determination as to whether it would be held to be a trade secret
under this subsection (a). Such information shall not be made public during the pendency of
the review.
Should it be determined that such information is not trade secret information, then the
commissioner shall return such information to the insurer or ler. Copies of public information may
be obtained by any person on request and upon payment of a reasonable charge.
56-5-205 Insurance scoring model
or process lings
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
Insurers that use insurance scores to underwrite or rate risks must le their scoring models
or other scoring processes with the department of commerce and insurance. A ling
that includes insurance scoring shall include loss experience justifying the use of credit
information. The lings shall be kept condential by the commissioner of commerce and
insurance and shall not be construed to be a public record pursuant to title 10, chapter 7.
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56-6-117(g) Investigations,
Termination of insurance
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(1)(A) All testimony, documents, other information in the control or possession of the
department that is obtained by the commissioner in an investigation pursuant to this section
shall, except as provided in subdivision (g)(1)(B), be condential and absolutely privileged
and shall not be:
(i) Subject to § 10-7-503(a) or § 56-1-602;
(ii) Subject to subpoena;
(iii) Subject to discovery; or
(iv) Admissible as evidence in any private civil action.
(1)(B) Notwithstanding subdivision (g)(1)(A), the commissioner is authorized to use the testimony,
documents, and other information in the control or possession of the department in the furtherance
of any regulatory or legal action brought as a part of the commissioner's duties.
(3) In order to assist in the performance of the commissioner's duties under this part, the
commissioner may:
(A) Share documents, materials or other information, including the condential and privileged
documents, materials or information subject to subdivision (g)(1), with other state, federal, and
international regulatory agencies, with the NAIC, its afliates or subsidiaries, and with state,
federal, and international law enforcement authorities; provided, that the recipient agrees to
maintain the condentiality and privileged status of the document, material or other information;
(B) Receive documents, materials or information, including otherwise condential and privileged
documents, materials or information, from the NAIC, its afliates or subsidiaries, and from
regulatory and law enforcement ofcials of other foreign or domestic jurisdictions, and shall
maintain as condential or privileged any document, material or information received with notice
or the understanding that it is condential or privileged under the laws of the jurisdiction that is the
source of the document, material or information; and
(C) Enter into agreements governing sharing and use of information consistent with this
subsection (g).
(4) No waiver of any applicable privilege or claim of condentiality in the documents, materials,
or information shall occur as a result of disclosure to the commissioner under this section or as a
result of sharing as authorized in subdivision (g)(3).
(5) Nothing in this part shall prohibit the commissioner from releasing nal, adjudicated actions
including for cause terminations that are open to public inspection pursuant to § 10-7-503(a) to a
database or other clearing-house service maintained by the NAIC, its afliates or subsidiaries.
56-6-120(a) Investigations Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(3)(A) All testimony, documents, other information in the control or possession of the
commissioner that is obtained in an investigation pursuant to this section shall, except as
provided in subdivision (a)(3)(B), be condential and absolutely privileged and shall not be:
(i) Subject to § 10-7-503(a) or § 56-1-602;
(ii) Subject to subpoena;
(iii) Subject to discovery; or
(iv) Admissible as evidence in any private civil action.
(3)(B)(i) The commissioner is authorized to use the testimony, documents, and other information
in the control or possession of the department in the furtherance of any regulatory or legal action
brought as a part of the commissioner's duties;
(ii) Subject to subsection (b), a person being investigated pursuant to this section, or counsel for
such person, may obtain from the commissioner a copy of each and any inquisitorial order and
complaint led against the person. Further, upon initiation of a formal proceeding against any
person, the person shall be entitled to any and all discovery rights available under the Uniform
Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, or the Tennessee Rules of Civil
56-6-803(e) Insurance, Licensure Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
Upon written request, the commissioner will furnish a summary of the basis for refusal to
issue a [reinsurance intermediary] license, which document shall be privileged and not
subject to the requirements of title 10, chapter 7.
56-7-3112 Claims data, Pharmacy
Tennessee Department of Finance and
(g) All documents containing individual claim and payment information specied in
subsections (c) and (d) shall be condential records and not subject to the requirements of
title 10, chapter 7, relating to public inspection of records.
(h) A state agency administering a PBM [Pharmacy benets manager] contract may provide
the information described in subsections (c) and (d) to a qualied independent auditor in
accordance with § 4-3-1021; provided, the information is relevant to an audit authorized
under § 4-3-1021, and the independent auditor has agreed to maintain the condentiality of
the information.
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56-8-107(d) Examinations,
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(1) All testimony, documents and other information submitted to the commissioner pursuant
to this section, and all records and documents maintained pursuant to this section shall be
privileged and shall not be disclosed pursuant to § 10-7-503 or § 56-1-602, nor shall they be
admissible as evidence in any civil proceeding not brought by the commissioner.
(1) The commissioner, within the commissioner's discretion, may share the documents and
information with other state or federal agencies, or with any law enforcement authority.
(2) Notwithstanding subdivision (d)(1), any person being investigated pursuant to this section,
or counsel for such person, may obtain from the commissioner a copy of an inquisitorial order or
any complaint led against such person and a copy of any written, formal or recorded statements
made by that person. Upon initiation of a formal proceeding against a person, such person shall
be entitled to any and all discovery rights available under the Uniform Administrative Procedures
Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, or the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure.
56-9-109(d) Receivership for
delinquent insurer
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The appointment of the commissioner [of the Department of Commerce and Insurance] as
receiver shall in no way operate to bring records of a delinquent insurer under § 10-7-503.
If a third party successfully pursues a records request in the receivership court, the receiver
shall be reimbursed for the reasonable cost of producing the records.
56-9-202 Insurance, Proceeding
against insurer
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Courts
(a) In all proceedings and judicial reviews under § 56-9-201, all records of the insurer, other
documents, and all insurance department les and court records and papers, so far as they
pertain to, or are a part of, the record of the proceedings, shall be and remain condential
except as is necessary to obtain compliance . . . .Until the court order[s otherwise], all papers
led with the clerk of the chancery court of Davidson County shall be held by the clerk in a
condential le.
(a) Condential unless and until the chancery court of Davidson County, after hearing arguments
from the parties in chambers, shall order otherwise, or unless the insurer requests that the matter
be made public.
(b) Subsection (a) shall not be applicable in any proceeding where the insurer on the date of the
ling of the proceeding had derived fty-one percent (51%) or more of its revenue for the past
twelve (12) months from a contract or contracts with a governmental entity to provide health care
services to enrollees in a publicly funded medical assistance program pursuant to title 71. In
these cases, the records of the insurer, other documents, and all insurance department les and
court records and papers, so far as they pertain to, or are a part of, the record of the proceeding
and that reect the nancial solvency of the insurer, shall be open to public inspection under the
Tennessee Public Records Act, compiled in title 10, chapter 7, unless otherwise required to be
maintained as condential under federal or state law. An insurer within fteen (15) days from
the date of seizure may apply to the court for a stay of application of this subsection (b), or for a
protective order for particularized information that is proprietary in nature, the disclosure of which
would be injurious to the rehabilitation of the insurer. This subsection (b) shall be stayed from
the date of seizure until a court of competent jurisdiction rules on the application for a stay or a
protective order.
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56-9-504 Insurance, Supervision
of Insurers
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(a) [P]roceedings, hearings, notices, correspondence, reports, records and other information
in the possession of the commissioner or the department relating to the supervision of any
insurer are condential except as provided by this section.
(b) The personnel of the department have access to these proceedings, hearings, notices,
correspondence, reports, records or information as permitted by the commissioner.
(c) The commissioner may open the proceedings or hearings or disclose the notices,
correspondence, reports, records or information to a department, agency or instrumentality of
this, or another, state or the United States, if the commissioner determines that the disclosure
is necessary or proper for the enforcement of the laws of this state, another state or the United
(d) The commissioner may open the proceedings or hearings or make public the notices,
correspondence, reports, records or other information if the commissioner deems that it is in the
best interest of the public or in the best interest of the insurer, its insureds, creditors or the general
(e) This section does not apply to hearings, notices, correspondence, reports, records or other
information obtained upon the appointment of a receiver for the insurer by a court of competent
(f) This section does not apply to hearings, notices, correspondence, reports, records or other
information obtained by the placing under supervision of any insurer who derived as of the date
of the supervision fty-one percent (51%) or more of its total revenues for the past twelve (12)
months from a contract or contracts with a governmental entity to provide health care services
to enrollees in a publicly funded medical assistance program pursuant to title 71. In these cases,
the hearings, notices, correspondence, reports, records, or other information which reect the
nancial solvency of the insurer obtained during the supervision shall be open to the public under
the Tennessee Public Records Act, compiled in title 10, chapter 7, unless otherwise required to be
maintained as condential under the federal or state law. An insurer within fteen (15) days from
the notice of supervision may apply to the court for a stay of application of this subsection (f), or
for a protective order for particularized information that is proprietary in nature, the disclosure of
which would be injurious to the rehabilitation of the insurer. This subsection (f) shall be stayed from
the notice of supervision until a court of competent jurisdiction rules on the application for a stay or
a protective order.
56-10-301(d) Insurance, Reports of
material acquisition and
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
All reports [of material transactions] obtained by or disclosed to the commissioner pursuant
to this part shall be given condential treatment and shall not be subject to subpoena
and shall not be made public by the commissioner, the National Association of Insurance
Commissioners, or any other person.
[Except to insurance departments of other states;
With the prior written consent of the insurer to which it pertains; or after giving the insurer who
would be affected notice and an opportunity to be heard pursuant to the Uniform Administrative
Procedures Act, the commissioner determines that the interest of policyholders, shareholders or
the public will be served by publication, in which event the commissioner may publish all or any
part in the manner the commissioner may deem appropriate.]
56-11-103 Insurance ling Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(a)(2) For purposes of this section, any controlling person of a domestic insurer seeking
to divest its controlling interest in the domestic insurer, in any manner, shall le with the
commissioner, with a copy to the insurer, condential notice of its proposed divestiture at
least thirty (30) days prior to the cessation of control. The commissioner shall determine
those instances in which the party or parties seeking to divest or to acquire a controlling
interest in an insurer will be required to le for, and obtain approval of, the transaction. The
information shall remain condential until the conclusion of the transaction.
(b)(2) Where a source of the consideration [used or to be used in effecting the merger or
other acquisition of control] is a loan made in the lender's ordinary course of business, the
identity of the lender shall remain condential, if the person ling the statement so requests.
(a)(2) Unless the commissioner, in the commissioner's discretion, determines that condential
treatment will interfere with enforcement of this section. If the statement referred to above is
otherwise led, this subdivision (a)(2) shall not apply.
56-11-104(c) Insurance ling Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The commissioner shall give condential treatment to information submitted under this
subsection (c) [Pre-acquisition Notication Waiting Period] in the same manner as provided
in § 56-11-108.
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56-11-108 Insurance holding
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(a) Documents, materials or other information in the possession or control of the department
that are obtained by or disclosed to the commissioner or any other person in the course of
an examination or investigation made pursuant to § 56-11-107, and all information reported
pursuant to §§ 56-11-103(b)(12) and (13), 56-11-105 and 56-11-106, shall be condential by
law and privileged, shall not be subject to § 10-7-503 or § 56-1-602, shall not be subject to
subpoena, and shall not be subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil
(e) No waiver of any applicable privilege or claim of condentiality in the documents,
materials or information shall occur as a result of disclosure to the commissioner under this
section or as a result of sharing as authorized in subsection (c).
(a) The commissioner is authorized to use the documents, materials or other information in the
furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as a part of the commissioner's ofcial duties
[Listed in subsection (c)]. The commissioner shall not otherwise make the documents, materials
or other information public without the prior written consent of the insurer or health maintenance
organization to which it pertains unless the commissioner, after giving the insurer or health
maintenance organization and its afliates who would be affected thereby notice and opportunity
to be heard, determines that the interest of policyholders, enrollees, providers, shareholders or the
public will be served by the publication thereof, in which event the commissioner may publish all or
any part thereof, in the manner the commissioner may deem appropriate.
56-11-108(f) Insurance National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC)
Documents, materials or other information in the possession or control of the NAIC pursuant
to this part shall be condential by law and privileged, shall not be subject to § 10-7-503
or § 56-1-602, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be subject to discovery or
admissible in evidence in any private civil action.
56-11-201(c) Insurance ling,
Health maintenance
Proprietary information,
Trade secrets
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The [Own Risk and Solvency Assessment] ORSA Summary Report will contain condential
and sensitive information related to an insurer, health maintenance organization or insurance
group's identication of risks material and relevant to the insurer, health maintenance
organization or insurance group ling the report. This information will include proprietary
and trade secret information that has the potential for harm and competitive disadvantage to
the insurer, health maintenance organization or insurance group if the information is made
public. As such, the ORSA Summary Report shall be a condential document led with the
commissioner and shared only as stated in this part and to assist the commissioner in the
performance of the commissioner's duties, and that in no event shall the ORSA Summary
Report be subject to public disclosure.
56-11-208 Insurance, Risk and
Solvency Assessment
(RSA) information
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(a) Documents, materials or other information, including the ORSA [Own Risk and Solvency
Assessment] Summary Report, in the possession of or control of the department that are
obtained by, created by or disclosed to the commissioner or any other person under this
part, is recognized by this state as being proprietary and to contain trade secrets. All such
documents, materials or other information shall be condential by law and privileged, shall
not be subject to § 10-7-503 or § 56-1-602, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not
be subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action.
(c)(2) [The commissioner] may receive documents, materials or other ORSA-related
information, including otherwise condential and privileged documents, materials or
information, including proprietary and trade-secret information or documents, from regulatory
ofcials of other foreign or domestic jurisdictions, including members of any supervisory
college as described in § 56-11-116, and from the NAIC, and shall maintain as condential or
privileged any documents, materials or information received with notice or the understanding
that it is condential or privileged under the laws of the jurisdiction that is the source of the
document, material or information.
(a) However, the commissioner is authorized to use the documents, materials or other information
in the furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as a part of the commissioner's ofcial
duties [described in (c)]. The commissioner shall not otherwise make the documents, materials
or other information public without the prior written consent of the insurer or health maintenance
56-11-208(f) Insurance, Meetings National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC)
Documents, materials or other information in the possession or control of the NAIC or a
third-party consultant pursuant to this part [Risk Management and Own Risk Solvency
Assessment] shall be condential by law and privileged, shall not be subject to § 10-7-503
or § 56-1-602, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be subject to discovery or
admissible in evidence in any private civil action.
56-12-211(a) Insurance, Meetings Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, National Association of
Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
(a) To aid in the detection and prevention of insurer insolvencies or impairments, it shall be
the duty of the commissioner to:
(4) Furnish to the board of directors of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners,
insurance regulatory information system ratios and listings of companies not included in the
ratios developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The board may
then use the information contained therein in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under
this section. Such report and the information contained in the report shall be kept condential
by the board of directors.
Until such time as made public by the commissioner or other lawful authority.
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56-12-211(c) Insurance, Solvency,
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Tennessee Life and
Health Insurance Guaranty Association
The board of directors may, upon majority vote, make reports and recommendations to
the commissioner upon any matter relative to the solvency, liquidation, rehabilitation or
conservation of any member insurer or relative to the solvency of any company seeking to
transact insurance business in this state. Such reports and recommendations shall not be
considered public documents.
56-12-211(e) Examinations Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Tennessee Life and
Health Insurance Guaranty Association
(1) Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such request [that the commissioner order an
examination of any member insurer that the board in good faith believes may be an impaired
or insolvent insurer], the commissioner shall begin such examination. . . .the examination
report shall be treated as are other examination reports.
(2) The request for an examination shall be kept on le by the commissioner, but it shall not
be open to public inspection prior to the release of the examination report to the public.
56-13-103(c)(3) Insurance ling,
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
Information submitted pursuant to this subsection (c) [by an applicant business entity
to receive a license to issue policies of insurance as a captive insurance company
in Tennessee] shall be and remain condential, and shall not be made public by the
commissioner without the written consent of the captive insurance company,
Except that:
(A) Such information may be discoverable by a party in a civil action or contested case to which
the captive insurance company that submitted such information is a party, upon a showing by the
party seeking to discover such information that:
(i) The information sought is relevant to and necessary for the furtherance of such action or case;
(ii) The information sought is unavailable from other non-condential sources; and
(iii) A subpoena issued by a judicial or administrative ofcer of competent jurisdiction has been
submitted to the commissioner; provided, however, that this subdivision (c)(3) shall not apply to
any risk retention group; and
(B) The commissioner shall have the discretion to disclose such information to a public ofcer
having jurisdiction over the regulation of insurance in another state; provided, that:
(i) Such public ofcial shall agree in writing to maintain the condentiality of such information; and
(ii) The laws of the state in which such public ofcial serves require such information to be and to
remain condential.
56-13-108(b) Insurance ling, Captive
insurance companies
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The commissioner shall by rule propose the forms in which pure captive insurance
companies and industrial insured captive insurance companies shall report. Section 56-13-
103(c)(3) shall apply to each report led pursuant to this section; provided, that § 56-13-
103(c)(3) shall not apply to reports led by risk retention groups.
56-13-109(d) Insurance, Examinations,
Working papers, Captive
insurance companies
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
All examination reports, preliminary examination reports or results, working papers,
recorded information, documents and copies thereof produced by, obtained by or disclosed
to the commissioner or any other person in the course of an examination made under this
section are condential and are not subject to subpoena and may not be made public by the
commissioner or an employee or agent of the commissioner without the written consent of
the captive insurance company.
Except to the extent provided in this subsection (d). Nothing in this subsection (d), shall prevent
the commissioner from using such information in furtherance of the commissioner's regulatory
authority under this title. The commissioner shall have the discretion to grant access to such
information to public ofcers having jurisdiction over the regulation of insurance in any other state
or country, or to law enforcement ofcers of this state or any other state or agency of the federal
government at any time, only if the ofcers receiving the information agree in writing to maintain
the condentiality of the information in a manner consistent with this subsection (d).
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56-13-404 Insurance ling Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
Information submitted [by a Special Purpose Financial Captive company (SPFC)] pursuant
to this section [in applying for a certicate of authority to transact insurance or reinsurance
business as authorized by this part] shall be and remain condential, and shall not be made
public by the commissioner without the written consent of the company.
Except that:
(1) Such information may be discoverable by a party in a civil action or contested case to which
the captive insurance company that submitted such information is a party, upon a showing by the
party seeking to discover such information that:
(A) The information sought is relevant to and necessary for the furtherance of such action or case;
(B) The information sought is unavailable from other non-condential sources; and
(C) A subpoena issued by a judicial or administrative ofcer of competent jurisdiction has been
submitted to the commissioner; and
(2) The commissioner shall have the discretion to disclose such information to a public ofcer
having jurisdiction over the regulation of insurance in another state; provided, that:
(A) Such public ofcial shall agree in writing to maintain the condentiality of such information; and
(B) The laws of the state in which such public ofcial serves require such information to be and to
remain condential.
56-22-115(d) Insurance, Examinations,
Working papers
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
All working papers, recorded information, documents or copies thereof produced by, obtained
by or disclosed to the commissioner or any other person in the course of an examination [of
a county mutual insurance company] made under this chapter shall be given condential
treatment and may not be made public by the commissioner or any other person.
Except to the extent provided under § 56-1-411. Access may also be granted to the National
Association of Insurance Commissioners under § 56-2-801, or to any other state or federal agency
or law enforcement authority as the commissioner deems appropriate.
56-32-135 Health maintenance
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
Any information and documentation obtained by the department [of Commerce and
Insurance] pursuant to § 56-32-117(c) [supervision, rehabilitation, or liquidation] or § 56-
32-132 [regulation and oversight] [of HMOs that participate in the TennCare program or
successor program], shall be considered condential.
Unless the commissioner in the commissioner's sole discretion determines to disclose the
information or documentation.
56-37-118 Premium Finance
Company Act, Licensure
Tennessee Department of Financial
(1) The requirements under any federal or state law regarding the privacy or condentiality
of any information or material provided to a multi-state automated licensing system, and any
privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules of any federal or state court,
with respect to such information or material, continue to apply to the information or material
after it has been disclosed to a multi-state automated licensing system. The information or
material may be shared with all state and federal regulatory ofcials with premium nance
company oversight authority without the loss of privilege or condentiality protections
provided by federal or state law, including the protection available under § 45-1-120;
(4) This section supersedes any inconsistent provisions of title 10, chapter 7, part 5,
pertaining to the records open to public inspection.
(5) This section does not apply with respect to information or material relating to publicly
adjudicated disciplinary and enforcement actions against persons subject to this chapter that is
included in a multi-state automated licensing system for access by the public.
56-46-108(a) Meetings, Risk-Based
Capital (RBC) report
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The insurer shall have the right to a condential departmental hearing, on a record, at which
the insurer may challenge any determination or action by the commissioner, upon any of the
(1) Notication to an insurer by the commissioner of an Adjusted RBC Report; or
(2) Notication to an insurer by the commissioner that:
(A) The insurer's RBC Plan or Revised RBC Plan is unsatisfactory; and
(B) The notication constitutes a Regulatory Action Level Event with respect to the insurer; or
(3) Notication to any insurer by the commissioner that the insurer has failed to adhere to its
RBC Plan or Revised RBC Plan and that the failure has a substantial adverse effect on the
ability of the insurer to eliminate the Company Action Level Event with respect to the insurer
in accordance with its RBC Plan or Revised RBC Plan; or
(4) Notication to an insurer by the commissioner of a Corrective Order with respect to the
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56-46-109 Risk-Based Capital
(RBC) reports
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(a) All RBC reports, to the extent the information in the report is not required to be set forth
in a publicly available annual statement schedule, and RBC Plans, including the results
or report of any examination nor analysis of an insurer performed pursuant to this part
and any corrective order issued by the commissioner pursuant to examination or analysis,
with respect to any domestic or foreign insurer that are in the possession or control of the
department of commerce and insurance shall be condential by law and privileged, shall not
be subject to § 10-7-503 or § 56-1-602, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be
subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action.
(a) However, the commissioner is authorized to use the documents, materials or other information
in the furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as a part of the commissioner's ofcial
duties. [Information in the report that is required to be set forth in a publicly available annual
statement schedule is not condential.]
(e) [To assist in the performance of the commissioner's duties, the commissioner may share the
documents, materials, or information made condential by subsection (a) with state, federal, and
international regulatory agencies, with the NAIC and its afliates and subsidiaries, and with state,
federal and international law enforcement if the recipient agrees to maintain the condentiality and
privileged status of the document.]
(f) Disclosure of documents, materials or information to the commissioner under this section or
as a result of sharing as authorized in subsection (e) shall not constitute waiver of any applicable
privilege or claim of condentiality.
56-46-208 Risk-Based Capital
(RBC) reports and plans
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(a) All Risk Based Capital (RBC) reports . . . and plans, including the results or report of any
examination or analysis of a health organization performed pursuant to [part 2 of chapter
46 of title 56] and any corrective order issued by the commissioner pursuant to examination
or analysis, with respect to a domestic health organization or foreign health organization
that are in the possession or control of the department of commerce and insurance shall be
condential by law and privileged, shall not be subject to § 10-7-503 or § 56-1-602, shall not
be subject to subpoena, and shall not be subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in
any private civil action.
(b) Neither the Commissioner nor any person who received documents, materials or other
information while acting under the authority of the Commissioner shall be permitted or
required to testify in any private civil action concerning any condential documents, materials
or information deemed condential and privileged under the subsection.
(a) [Information in RBC reports required to be included in a publicly available annual statement
schedule is not condential.] The Commissioner is authorized to use the documents, materials
or other information in the furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as a part of the
Commissioner's ofcial duties, including as described in (c).
56-47-112(a)(5) Proprietary information Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The commissioner may require each insurer to le a summary of the insurer's anti-fraud
activities and results. The anti-fraud plans and the summary of the insurer's anti-fraud
activities and results are not public records and are exempt from title 10, chapter 7, part 5,
and shall be proprietary and not subject to public examination, and shall not be discoverable
or admissible in civil litigation.
56-50-107(e )(3) Insurance, Examinations,
Working papers
National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC)
Documents, materials or other information, including, but not limited to, all working papers,
and copies thereof, in the possession or control of the NAIC and its afliates and subsidiaries
shall be condential by law and privileged, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be
subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action if they are:
(A) Created, produced or obtained by or disclosed to the NAIC and its afliates and
subsidiaries in the course of assisting an examination made under this chapter [Tennessee
Viatical Settlement Act of 2009], or assisting a commissioner in the analysis or investigation
of the nancial condition or market conduct of a licensee; or
(B) Disclosed to the NAIC and its afliates and subsidiaries under subdivision (e)(4) by a
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56-50-107(e) Examinations,
Investigations, Working
papers, Viatical
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(1) Names and individual identication data for all viators shall be considered private and
condential information and shall not be disclosed by the commissioner, unless specically
required by law.
(2)(A) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all examination reports, working papers,
recorded information, documents and copies thereof produced by, obtained by or disclosed
to the commissioner or any other person in the course of an examination made under this
chapter, or in the course of analysis or investigation by the commissioner of the nancial
condition or market conduct of a licensee shall be condential by law and privileged, shall
not be subject to § 10-7-503, shall not be subject to subpoena and shall not be subject to
discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action.
(7) A privilege established under the law of any state or jurisdiction that is substantially similar
to the privilege established under this subsection (e) shall be available and enforced in any
proceeding in, and in any court of, this state.
(2)(A) The commissioner is authorized to use the documents, materials or other information in the
furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as part of the commissioner's ofcial duties.
(6) No waiver of any applicable privilege or claim of condentiality in the documents, materials
or information shall occur as a result of disclosure to the commissioner under this section or as a
result of sharing as authorized in subdivision (e)(5).
(8) Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent or be construed as prohibiting the commissioner
from disclosing the content of an examination report, preliminary examination report or results,
or any matter relating thereto, to the commissioner of any other state or country, or to law
enforcement ofcials of this or any other state or agency of the federal government at any time
or to the NAIC, so long as such agency or ofce receiving the report or matters relating thereto
agrees in writing to hold it condential and in a manner consistent with this chapter.
56-50-114(e) Investigations, Viatical
settlements, Fraud
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(1) The documents and evidence provided pursuant to subsection (d) or obtained by the
commissioner in an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent viatical settlement acts
shall be privileged and condential and shall not be a public record and shall not be subject
to discovery or subpoena in a civil or criminal action.
(2) Subdivision (e)(1) does not prohibit release by the commissioner of documents and evidence
obtained in an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent viatical settlement acts:
(A) In administrative or judicial proceedings to enforce laws administered by the commissioner;
(B) To federal, state or local law enforcement or regulatory agencies, to an organization
established for the purpose of detecting and preventing fraudulent viatical settlement acts or to the
NAIC; or
(C) At the discretion of the commissioner, to a person in the business of viatical settlements that is
aggrieved by a fraudulent viatical settlement act.
(3) Release of documents and evidence under subdivision (e)(2) does not abrogate or modify the
privilege granted in subdivision (e)(1).
56-51-150(a) Medical Information Prepaid Limited Health Service
Any information pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, or health of any enrollee of a prepaid
limited health service organization is condential and exempt from § 10-7-503.
Any information pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, or health of any enrollee of a prepaid
limited health service organization shall only be available pursuant to specic written consent
of the enrollee, or as otherwise provided by law. With respect to any information pertaining to
the diagnosis, treatment, or health of any enrollee or applicant, a prepaid limited health service
organization is entitled to claim any statutory privileges against disclosure that the provider who
furnished the information to the prepaid limited health service organization is entitled to claim.
56-51-150(b) Proprietary information Prepaid Limited Health Service
Any proprietary nancial information contained in contracts entered into with providers by
prepaid limited health service organizations is condential and exempt from § 10-7-503.
56-51-150(c) Examinations,
Investigations, Health
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
Any information obtained or produced by the department pursuant to an examination or
investigation [under the Tennessee Prepaid Limited Health Service Organization Act of 2000]
is condential and exempt from § 10-7-503.
Until (1) the examination report has been led and adopted by the commissioner or (2) the time, if
ever, the information is used in litigation by the commissioner or in a contested case.
Except for active criminal intelligence or criminal investigative information; personal nancial
and medical information; information that would defame or cause unwarranted damage to the
good name or reputation of an individual; information that would impair the safety and nancial
soundness of the licensee or afliated party; proprietary nancial information; or information that
would reveal the identity of a condential source, all information obtained by the department
pursuant to an examination shall be available after the examination report has been led.
56-53-109( c) Investigations, Insurance
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Law Enforcement
All documents or other information submitted to or generated by a law enforcement,
regulatory, licensing or other governmental agency pursuant to subsection (a) [for the
purpose of detecting, prosecuting or preventing insurance fraud] or (b) [reasonable belief that
an act violating § 56-53-102 [Fraudulent Insurance Act] or § 56-53-103 [Unlawful Insurance
Act] will be, is being, or has been committed] shall not be subject to disclosure pursuant to
the public records laws, codied in title 10, chapter 7, and shall be condential.
Unless disclosed by the law enforcement, regulatory, licensing or other governmental agency at
the agency's sole discretion.
56-53-111(a)(3) Proprietary information Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
The commissioner may require each insurer [with direct written premiums exceeding ten
million dollars] to le a summary of the insurer's anti-fraud activities and results. The anti-
fraud plans and the summary of the insurer's anti-fraud activities and results are not public
records and are exempt from the public records act, and shall be proprietary and not subject
to public examination, and shall not be discoverable or admissible in civil litigation.
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56-54-107 Health care liability
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(a) The information submitted to the department of commerce and insurance pursuant to this
chapter [Tennessee Health Care Liability Reporting Act] shall be condential, shall not be
subject to public inspection, shall not be subject to discovery, subpoena or legal compulsion
for release to any person or entity and shall not be admissible in any criminal, civil or
administrative proceeding.
(c) The commissioner may share information received pursuant to this chapter with the National
Association of Insurance Commissioners, other state insurance departments or other appropriate
government entities; however, the commissioner shall not share any data related to an open or
pending claim to any other jurisdiction and such shared data shall not include the license number
or any other personal identication of any health care provider.
56-60-105(d) Health care
service billings and
(1) All information made available to a provider in accordance with the requirements of this
chapter [Preferred Provider Organization Transparency Act] shall be condential and shall
not be disclosed to any individual or entity not involved in the provider's practice or the
administration of such practice without the prior written consent of the contracting entity.
(3) This subsection (d) shall not preclude the information being disclosed for purposes of dispute
resolution, enforcement of this chapter or assistance in enforcing this chapter.
56-63-109(c) Insurance fraud Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Law Enforcement
All documents or other information submitted to or generated by a law enforcement,
regulatory, licensing or other governmental agency pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) shall
not be subject to disclosure pursuant to the public records laws, codied in title 10, chapter
7, and shall be condential unless disclosed by the law enforcement, regulatory, licensing or
other governmental agency at the agency's sole discretion.
59-8-406(d) Coal surface mining
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC), County
Registers of Deeds
Information which pertains only to the analysis of the chemical and physical properties of the
coal (excepting information regarding any mineral or elemental content which is potentially
toxic in the environment) shall be kept condential and not made a matter of public record.
59-8-413(e)(2) Coal surface mining and
reclamation operations
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC)
The identity of any person supplying information [that any person is in violation of any
requirement of part 4, chapter 8, title 59 (Coal Surface Mining Act of 1987)] shall remain
condential if requested by such person.
60-1-504(b)(4) Mineral test hole data Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC), Board of
Water Quality, Oil and Gas
Require on all mineral test holes the keeping of data and the ling of such data with the
supervisor which are appropriate to the purposes of this chapter. Oil, gas and hydrologic data
obtained from the drilling of mineral test holes are deemed appropriate to the purposes of
this part. This information shall be held condential by the supervisor [TDEC commissioner or
designee] for a period of six (6) months at the request of the operator.
60-1-505(c) Mineral test hole data Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC)
All information pertaining to the application for and issuance of permits for mineral test holes
subject to this part shall be held condential.
62-1-115 Working papers,
(a) Subject to § 62-1-116, all statements, records, schedules, working papers and
memoranda incident to or in the course of rendering services to a client, made by a licensee
or a partner, shareholder, ofcer, director, member, manager or employee of a licensee,
except the reports submitted by the licensee to the client and except for records that are part
of the client's records, shall be and remain the property of the licensee in the absence of an
express agreement between the licensee and the client to the contrary. No such statement,
record, schedule, working paper or memorandum shall be sold, transferred or bequeathed
without the consent of the client or the client's personal representative or assignee to anyone
other than one (1) or more surviving partners, stockholders, members or new partners, new
stockholders or new members of the licensee, or any combined or merged rm or successor
in interest to the licensee.
(a) Nothing in this section should be construed as prohibiting any temporary transfer of working
papers or other material necessary in the course of carrying out peer reviews or as otherwise
interfering with the disclosure of information pursuant to § 62-1-116.
(b) A licensee shall furnish to a client or former client, upon request and reasonable notice:
(1) A copy of the licensee's working papers, to the extent that the working papers include records
that would ordinarily constitute part of the client's records and are not otherwise available to the
client; and
(2) Any accounting or other records belonging to or obtained from or on behalf of the client that the
licensee removed from the client's premises or received for the client's account. The licensee may
make and retain copies of the documents of the client when they form the basis for work done by
the licensee.
62-1-116 Privileged
(a) Licensees shall not divulge, nor shall they in any manner be required to divulge,
any information that is communicated to them or obtained by them by the reason of the
condential nature of their employment. The information shall be deemed condential.
(b) Information derived as a result of such professional employment is deemed to be
(a) Nothing in this subsection (a) shall be construed as prohibiting the disclosure of information
required to be disclosed by the standards of the public accounting profession in reporting on the
examination of nancial statements or as prohibiting disclosures in investigations or proceedings
under this chapter, in ethical investigations conducted by private professional organizations or in
the course of peer reviews, or to other persons active in the organization performing services for
that client on a need to know basis or to persons in the entity who need this information for the
sole purpose of assuring quality control. Disclosure of condential information pursuant to this
subsection (a) shall not constitute a waiver of the condential nature of the information for any
other purpose.
(b) Nothing in this chapter [1, title 62] shall be construed as modifying, changing or affecting the
criminal or bankruptcy laws of this state or of the United States.
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62-1-202 Peer review, Accountants Tennessee State Board of Accountancy (a) The proceedings, records, and work papers of [an accountancy] peer review committee
shall be privileged and condential and shall not be subject to discovery, subpoena, or
other means of legal process or introduction into evidence in any civil action, arbitration, or
administrative proceeding other than a state board of accountancy proceeding.
(a) Information, documents, or records that are publicly available are not immune from discovery
or use in any civil action, arbitration, administrative proceeding, or state board of accountancy
proceeding merely because they were presented or considered in connection with the peer review
(b) The privilege does not apply to materials prepared in connection with a particular engagement
merely because they happen to be subsequently presented or considered as part of the peer
review process, nor does it apply to disputes between review committees and persons or rms
subject to a peer review arising from the performance of the peer review.
62-6-124 Financial statements Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Board for Licensing
(a) The nancial statements submitted by contractors shall be treated as condential and
shall be used by the board [for licensing contractors] only for the purposes of determining the
qualications of applicants for licenses and the monetary limitations.
(b) The comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designated representative shall be
accorded access to and may examine any nancial statement solely for the purpose of a
legitimate audit, § 10-7-508 to the contrary notwithstanding.
62-20-119 Financial information,
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Tennessee Collection
Service Board
Any nancial information submitted by applicants for or holders of licenses pursuant to
chapter 20, title 62 shall be treated as condential and shall be used by the board only for the
purpose of determining qualications to engage in the collection service business.
62-27-124(b) Polygraph Examinations Law Enforcement Agencies No records [polygraph charts, question sheets, written reports, data sheets, opinions of the
polygraph examiner based on chart analysis and other pertinent papers ] obtained by law
enforcement ofcers or employees during ofcial polygraph examinations shall be subject to
disclosure under this chapter.
62-36-115 Licensure, Geologists Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
(c) The following shall be treated as condential and may not be disclosed except by order of
a court of competent jurisdiction or by permission of the applicant:
(1) Applications and other personal information submitted by applicants [for licensure as a
geologist], except to the applicant, the department, its staff or the advisory committee; and
(2) Information submitted by a reference concerning an applicant, except to the department,
its staff or the advisory committee.
(a) The department shall keep a public record of its proceedings and a register of all applicants for
62-39-301(d)(3) Criminal history
background check,
Fingerprints, Licensure,
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Real Estate Appraiser
The [Real Estate Appraiser] commission shall treat and maintain an applicant's ngerprints
and any criminal history record information obtained under this section as condential and
limit the use of records solely to the purposes authorized in this section. The ngerprints
and any criminal history record information shall not be subject to subpoena, other than one
issued in a criminal action or investigation, and shall be condential by law and privileged,
and shall not be subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action.
62-43-104 Professional employer
service providers
Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development, Tennessee
Department of Commerce and
All records, reports and other information obtained from an applicant or registrant under this
chapter, except to the extent necessary for the proper administration of this chapter by the
department, shall be condential and shall not be published or open to public inspection.
Records may be made available to public employees in the actual performance of their public
62-43-109 Professional employer
Tennessee Department of Labor and
Workforce Development, Division of
Employment Security
All information furnished [by a professional employer organization] to the department of
labor and workforce development under this subsection (c) [when ling an application for an
account number for each client having one (1) or more covered employees in Tennessee]
shall be treated as condential information as provided in § 50-7-701 and as amended.
63-1-117 Investigations Tennessee Department of Health (f) [Listed] materials, documents, and other matters related to, or compiled or created
pursuant to, an investigation conducted by or on behalf of the department [of health] shall be
condential and shall not be a public record or subject to subpoena before formal disciplinary
charges are led against the provider [health care professionals, establishments or facilities
licensed, registered, certied or permitted pursuant to this title or title 68 and regulated either
under the authority of the department of health or any agency, board, council or committee
attached to the department.]
(g) After the ling of formal disciplinary charges against the provider, only the materials and
documents upon which the charges are based may be disclosed as a public record, but not the
complainant's identifying information, identifying information of a witness who requests anonymity,
patient's identifying information, patient's medical record or investigator's report.
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63-1-136 Impaired health
Tennessee Department of Health,
Division of Health Related Boards
(b) Regulatory boards, commissions and agencies attached to the division of health related
boards, in addition to other enumerated powers and duties, have the power to enter
into agreements, provide grants and make other arrangements with statewide nonprot
professional associations or their afliated foundations to identify and assist impaired
professionals who are licensed, registered or certied by the respective regulatory boards,
commissions and agencies.
(d) All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda and other data furnished to
a nonprot professional association or its afliated foundation and any ndings, conclusions
or recommendations resulting from the proceedings of such professional association or its
afliated foundation are privileged and condential. The records of such proceedings of the
afliated foundation or association shall be used only in the exercise of proper functions of
the regulatory board, commission or agency attached to the division of health related boards
and shall not become public record nor be made available for court subpoena or discovery
63-1-138 Screening panels Tennessee Department of Health,
Division of Health Related Boards,
Medical Laboratory Board, Board
of Alcohol and Drug Counselors,
Emergency Medical Services Board
(c) Any documents or records produced at the screening panel shall be exempt from the
public records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
(b) The activities of the screening panels and any mediation or arbitration sessions shall not
be construed as meetings of an agency for purposes of the open meetings law, compiled in
title 8, chapter 44, and shall remain condential.
(c) [The exemption ends once there is a ling of a notice of charges based on documents or
63-1-150 Healthcare services Tennessee Department of Health,
Division of Health Related Boards;
Healthcare Organizations
(d)(1) Records of a healthcare organization quality improvement committee (QIC) and
testimony or statements by a healthcare organization's ofcers or directors, trustees,
healthcare providers, administrative staff, employees or other committee members or
attendees relating to activities of the QIC shall be condential and privileged and shall be
protected from direct or indirect means of discovery, subpoena or admission into evidence in
any judicial or administrative proceeding.
(d)(3) Information and documents disclosed by one (1) QIC to another QIC, and any
information and documents created or maintained as a result of the sharing of such
information and documents, shall be condential, privileged and protected from direct or
indirect means of discovery, subpoena or admission into evidence, to the same extent as
provided in subdivision (d)(1).
(f) The disclosure of condential, privileged QIC information to such [specied] entities during
advocacy or as a report to the health-related boards, or to the affected healthcare provider
under review, does not constitute either a waiver of condentiality or privilege.
(d)(2) Any information, documents or records, which are not produced for use by a QIC or which
are not produced by persons acting on behalf of a QIC, and are otherwise available from original
sources, shall not be construed as immune from discovery or use in any judicial or administrative
proceedings merely because such information, documents or records were presented during
proceedings of such committee.
(a) This section shall not apply to §§ 63-4-118, 63-5-131, 63-10-402 -- 63-10-405, 63-11-220, 63-
12-138 and 68-11-272.
63-2-101 Immunization Tennessee Department of Health (f) All information received by the department pursuant to this part from any source shall be
condential and unavailable to the public.
(g) The names of all children shall be included on the immunization registry established by
title 37, chapter 10, part 4, unless such child's custodial parent or guardian objects to the
inclusion of the child's name on the immunization registry to the department. The department
shall notify the child's custodial parent or guardian in writing within six (6) months of the
child's birth that inclusion on the immunization registry is not mandatory. Upon such written
or oral request of exclusion by the child's custodial parent or guardian, the department shall
either remove the child's name from the immunization registry or refrain from adding the
child's name to the immunization registry and conrm in writing to the child's custodial parent
or guardian that the child's name has been excluded from the immunization registry.
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63-2-101(b) Medical records (1)(A) [S]uch patient's medical records shall not constitute public records, and nothing
contained in this part shall be deemed to impair any privilege of condentiality conferred by
law on patients, their personal representatives or heirs. Nothing in this subsection (b) shall
impair or abridge the right of the patient or the patient's authorized representative to obtain
copies of the patient's hospital records in the manner provided in § 68-11-304. Nothing in
this subsection (b) shall be construed as prohibiting a patient's medical records from being
subpoenaed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(B) As used in subdivision (b)(1)(A), "medical records" includes any list of patients that is
compiled or maintained by or for such patient's health care provider.
(2) Except for any statutorily required reporting to health or government authorities and
except for access by an interested third-party payer or their designee for the purpose of
utilization review, case management, peer reviews or other administrative functions, the
name and address and other identifying information of a patient shall not be divulged. The
name and address and other identifying information shall not be sold for any purpose.
63-5-131(d) Meetings, Peer review,
Tennessee Department of Health,
Dental Peer Review Committee
All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda or other data furnished
to any such peer review committee or other entity and any ndings, conclusions or
recommendations resulting from the proceedings of such committee or other entity
are privileged. The records and proceedings of any such committee or other entity are
condential and shall be used by such committee or other entity and the members thereof
only in the exercise of the proper functions of the committee or other entity and shall not
become public record nor be available for court subpoena or discovery proceedings. Nothing
contained in this subsection (d) applies to records, documents or information otherwise
available from original sources, such records, documents or information not to be construed
as immune from discovery or use in any civil proceeding solely due to presentation to the
§ 63-5-124 (b)(2) The board may, upon nding of probable cause, require a dentist, dental
hygienist or dental assistant to complete drug and/or alcohol treatment through a program
designated by, or contracting with, the board. The board in its discretion is authorized to share
information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda or other data at the program director's
request. Information shared between the board and the program director shall be deemed not to
violate laws requiring condentiality of investigations or peer review records protected under § 63-
63-6-214(h)(1) Investigations Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Medical Examiners
All materials, documents and other matters relating to, compiled or created pursuant to
an investigation conducted by the board [of Medical Examiners'] investigators against
any health care practitioner under the board's jurisdiction, shall be exempt from the public
records act until the ling of a notice of charges. After the ling of a notice of charges, only
the information and those materials and documents upon which the charges are based are
available for disclosure under the public records act; provided, that the identifying information
of the following, as well as all investigator created documents and reports, shall remain
condential at all times unless and until introduced in the proceedings:
(A) A complainant;
(B) Any witness who requests anonymity;
(C) A patient; and
(D) Medical records.
63-6-214(i)(3) Investigations Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Medical Examiners, Screening
The activities of the screening panels and any mediation or arbitration sessions shall not be
construed as meetings of an agency for purposes of the open meetings law, compiled in title
8, chapter 44, and, to the extent required by subdivision (h)(2), shall remain condential. The
members of the screening panels, mediators and arbitrators have a deliberative privilege
and the same immunity as provided by law for the board and are not subject to deposition
or subpoena to testify regarding any matter or issue raised in any contested case, criminal
prosecution or civil lawsuit that may result from or be incident to cases processed before
63-6-221(j) Investigations Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Medical Examiners
The results of all complaint investigations by department staff shall be transmitted to the
board for resolution; however, that information shall at all times be maintained as condential
and not available to the public except to the extent § 63-1-117(g) applies.
63-6-221(l) Claims data for ofce-
based surgery
Tennessee Department of Health The claims data for ofce-based surgery reported to the commissioner under the section are
condential and not available to the public until the commissioner processes and veries the
data. The commissioner shall prescribe conditions under which the processed and veried
data are available to the public. No information shall be made available to the public by the
commissioner that reasonably could be expected to reveal the identity of any patient.
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63-6-221(s) Reportable event report Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Medical Examiners
The reporting form and any supporting documentation [related to an unanticipated event
described in (q) including information specied in (r)] reviewed or obtained by the board
pursuant to the section and any amendments to the reports shall be condential and not
subject to discovery, subpoena or legal compulsion for release to any person or entity.
The records shall not be admissible in any civil or administrative proceeding, other than a
disciplinary proceeding by the board; nor shall they be subject to any open records request
made pursuant to title 10, chapter 7, part 5 or any other law. This section shall not affect any
of the provisions of or limit the protections provided by § 63-1-150.
63-6-228 Health care data Community Health Management
Information System (CHMIS)
(e) All collected data of the CHMIS are declared to be privileged and shall not be public
records nor be available for court subpoena or for discovery proceedings.
(b)(1) “Collected data” means health care data consisting of all information, interviews or
other reports, statements, memoranda or other information furnished from all sources and
in whatever form to the quality assessment committee, together with the records, reports,
proceedings and other information used by the quality assessment committee to reach its
conclusions in the form of releasable data as dened in this section.
(e) The CHMIS, through a quality executive committee or similar committee, shall establish
particular categories of health care data and renement periods for each category of health care
data, whether such data is collected data or releasable data. Releasable data shall be subject
to the privileges and limitations of collected data for renement periods as determined by the
quality executive committee. When the renement period has expired for a particular category
of releasable data, then such immunities and privileges set forth in this subsection (e) shall no
longer apply to the releasable data for such category. The disclosure of condential, privileged
quality assessment committee information to original sources during the renement period, or
as a report by the quality assessment committee to the quality executive committee, the CHMIS
board of directors or another executive committee within the CHMIS, prior to the expiration of
the renement period does not constitute either a waiver of condentiality or privilege. Nothing
contained in this subsection (e) applies to records made in the regular course of business by
a hospital or other provider of health care and information, documents or records otherwise
available from original sources are not to be construed as immune from discovery or use in any
civil proceedings merely because they were presented during the renement period of the quality
assessment committee.
63-6-1302 Licensure, Disciplinary
records, Investigations
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
Section 8. (f) All information provided to the Interstate Commission or distributed by member
boards shall be condential, led under seal, and used only for investigatory or disciplinary
Section 9. (a) Licensure and disciplinary records of physicians are deemed investigative.
(d) Member boards may share any investigative, litigation, or compliance materials in
furtherance of any joint or individual investigation initiated under the Compact.
63-7-115(c )(3) Investigations Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Nursing, Screening Panels
The activities of the screening panels and any mediation or arbitration sessions shall not
be construed as meetings of an agency for purposes of the open meetings law, compiled
in title 8, chapter 44, and shall remain condential. The members of the screening panels,
mediators and arbitrators have a deliberative privilege and the same immunity as provided
by law for the board and are not subject to deposition or subpoena to testify regarding any
matter or issue raised in any contested case, criminal prosecution or civil lawsuit that may
result from or be incident to cases processed before them.
63-7-125 Privileged
(a) The condential communications between a client and a registered nurse who is
nationally certied as a specialist in psychiatric and mental health nursing and who is
practicing in that specialty are considered equivalent to the condential communications
between a patient and a licensed physician practicing as a psychiatrist, under laws
addressing privilege and condentiality and shall have the same protections accorded to
patient-psychiatrist communications under § 24-1-207.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent disclosure of condential communications
in proceedings arising under title 37, chapter 1, part 4, concerning mandatory child abuse reports
or in proceedings arising under title 71, chapter 6, part 1 concerning mandatory adult abuse
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
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63-7-402 Meetings Interstate Commission of Nurse
Licensure Compact Administrators
Article VII.b.6. All minutes and documents of a closed meeting [of the Commission] shall
remain under seal.
Article VII.c. 3. Providing reasonable procedures for calling and conducting meetings
of the Commission, ensuring reasonable advance notice of all meetings and providing
an opportunity for attendance of such meetings by interested parties, with enumerated
exceptions designed to protect the public's interest, the privacy of individuals, and proprietary
information, including trade secrets. The Commission may meet in closed session only
after a majority of the administrators vote to close a meeting in whole or in part. As soon
as practicable, the Commission must make public a copy of the vote to close the meeting
revealing the vote of each administrator, with no proxy votes allowed.
Article VI. Coordinated Licensure Information System and Exchange of Information
c. All licensing boards shall promptly report to the coordinated licensure information system
any adverse action, any current signicant investigative information, denials of applications
(with the reasons for such denials) and nurse participation in alternative programs known
to the licensing board regardless of whether such participation is deemed nonpublic or
condential under state law.
d. Current signicant investigative information and participation in nonpublic or condential
alternative programs shall be transmitted through the coordinated licensure information
system only to party state licensing boards.
e. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all party state licensing boards contributing
information to the coordinated licensure information system may designate information that
may not be shared with non-party states or disclosed to other entities or individuals without
the express permission of the contributing state.
Article VII.b.6. [Closed meeting minutes and documents] are subject to release by a majority vote
of the Commission or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
63-9-117(j) Investigations Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Osteopathic Examination
The results of all complaint investigations by department [of health] staff shall be transmitted
to the board [of Osteopathic Examination] for resolution; however, the information shall at all
times be maintained as condential and not available to the public except to the extent § 63-
1-117(b) applies.
§ 63-1-117(b) This section shall not apply to records that are made statutorily privileged, which
shall require for their production a release that specically identies the privilege, contains a
statement that the privilege is waived and that is signed by the patient or the patient's legal
63-9-117(l) Claims data Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Osteopathic Examination
No information [related to claims data reported to the commissioner from a physician
ofce at which ofce-based surgery is being performed] shall be made available to the
public by the commissioner that reasonably could be expected to reveal the identity of any
patient. The claims data reported to the commissioner under this section are condential
and not available to the public until the commissioner processes and veries the data. The
commissioner shall prescribe conditions under which the processed and veried data are
available to the public.
63-9-117(s) Reports of unanticipated
Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Osteopathic Examination
The reporting form and any supporting documentation reviewed or obtained by the board
pursuant to this section [related to unanticipated events described in (q) including information
specied in (r)] and any amendments to the reports shall be condential and not subject to
discovery, subpoena or legal compulsion for release to any person or entity; nor shall they be
admissible in any civil or administrative proceeding, other than a disciplinary proceeding by
the board; nor shall they be subject to any open records request made pursuant to title 10,
chapter 7, part 5 or any other law. This section shall not affect any of the provisions of or limit
the protections provided by § 63-1-150.
63-10-405 Pharmacy Quality
Improvement Program
Pharmacy Peer Review Program (b) All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda or other documents and
materials created in the course of operation of a pharmacy continuous quality improvement
program or quality assurance program shall be privileged and condential and shall not
be subject to discovery, or subpoena or other means of legal process or introduction into
evidence in any civil action, arbitration, administrative proceeding or state board of pharmacy
proceeding. The pharmacy shall hold the privilege to all information, interviews, reports,
statements, memoranda or other documents and materials created in the course of the
pharmacy's continuous quality improvement program or quality assurance program.
(b) The privilege may be waived by the pharmacy. Nothing in this subsection (b) shall affect
the discoverability of any records not solely generated for or maintained as a component of a
pharmacy's ongoing continuous quality improvement program and quality assurance program.
(c) Nothing in subsection (b) shall be construed to prohibit a pharmacy from compiling, disclosing,
reporting or otherwise using information or data that may be generated from the privileged and
condential documents and materials described in subsection (b), where the compiling, disclosing,
reporting or otherwise using of the information or data is for the purpose of conducting research,
providing education, reporting to federal or state patient safety or quality improvement databases,
developing best practice guidelines or for similar other purposes, if personal information is
redacted prior to disclosure.
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63-10-405(a) Peer review (Pharmacist) Tennessee Department of Health,
Division of Health Related Boards,
Board of Pharmacy
All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda or other data furnished to
any peer review committee, association board, organization board or other entity and any
ndings, conclusions or recommendations resulting from the proceedings of such committee,
board or entity are privileged. The records and proceedings of any peer review committee,
board or entity are condential and shall be used by such committee, board or entity, and
the members thereof, only in the exercise of the proper functions of the committee, board
or entity and shall not be public records nor be available for court subpoena or for discovery
The disclosure of condential, privileged peer review committee information during advocacy,
or as a report to the board of pharmacy, or to the affected pharmacist or pharmacy auxiliary
personnel under review does not constitute either a waiver of condentiality or privilege.
[The privilege does not apply] to records, documents or information otherwise available from
original sources and such records, documents or information are not to be construed as immune
from discovery or use in any civil proceedings solely due to presentation to the committee.
63-11-213 Privileged
For the purpose of this chapter, the condential relations and communications between
licensed psychologist or, psychological examiner or, senior psychological examiner or
certied psychological assistant and client are placed upon the same basis as those provided
by law between attorney and client; and nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require
any such privileged communication to be disclosed.
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
63-11-220 Peer review,
Tennessee Department of Health,
Psychological Peer Review Committee
(d)(1) All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda or other data furnished
to a peer review committee, associational board or governing board, and any ndings,
conclusions or recommendations resulting from the proceedings of such committees,
associational boards and governing boards are privileged.
(2) The records and proceedings are condential and shall be used only in the exercise of
the proper functions of the committees, associational boards or governing boards and shall
not become public records nor be available for court subpoena or discovery proceedings.
(3) Nothing contained in this subsection (d) applies to records, documents or information
otherwise available from original sources and such records, documents or information are not to
be construed as immune from discovery or use in any civil proceedings solely due to presentation
to the committee.
63-12-110(d) Inspections,
Tennessee Department of Health,
Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
Information received by the board through inspections and investigations shall be condential
and shall not be disclosed except in a proceeding involving the question of license.
63-12-118(c) Veterinary wellness,
Tennessee Department of Health,
Veterinary Wellness Committee
All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda, or other data furnished to
or produced by a veterinary wellness committee and any ndings, conclusions, reports,
or recommendations resulting from the proceedings of the committee are privileged and
condential. Information and actions taken by the committee shall be privileged and held in
strictest condence and shall not be disclosed or required to be disclosed to any person or
entity outside of the committee.
Unless such disclosure is authorized by the member of the veterinary profession to whom it
relates. Nothing contained in this subsection (c) applies to records, documents, or information
otherwise available from original sources, and such records, documents, or information are not
immune from discovery or use in any civil proceedings solely due to having been presented to the
63-12-138(d) Peer review Tennessee Department of Health,
Veterinary Peer Review Committee
All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda or other data furnished
to any such peer review committee or other entity and any ndings, conclusions or
recommendations resulting from the proceedings of such committee or other entity
are privileged. The records and proceedings of any such committee or other entity are
condential and shall be used by such committee or other entity and the members thereof
only in the exercise of the proper functions of the committee or other entity and shall not
become public record nor be available for court subpoena or discovery proceedings.
Nothing contained in this subsection (d) applies to records, documents or information otherwise
available from original sources, such records, documents or information not to be construed
as immune from discovery or use in any civil proceedings solely due to presentation to the
63-13-317(d) Privileged
Information relating to the physical therapist-patient relationship is condential and may not
be communicated to a third party not involved in that patient's care without the prior written
consent of the patient.
The physical therapist-patient condentiality does not extend to cases in which the physical
therapist has a duty to report information as required by law [such as § 37-1-614 child sexual
63-13-317(f) Investigations,
Tennessee Department of Health The department shall keep all information relating to the receiving and investigation of
complaints led against licensees [physical therapists and assistants] condential until the
information becomes public record as required by law.
63-22-114 Privileged
The condential relations and communications between licensed marital and family
therapists, licensed professional counselors or certied clinical pastoral therapists and clients
are placed upon the same basis as those provided by law between attorney and client, and
nothing in this part shall be construed to require any such privileged communication to be
However, nothing contained within this section shall be construed to prevent disclosures of
condential communications in proceedings arising under title 37, chapter 1, part 4 concerning
mandatory child abuse reports.
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse; also § 33-3-114: situations where the qualied mental health
professional may be compelled to testify.
63-23-109 Privileged
(a) The condential relations and communications between a client and licensed social
worker as dened in this chapter, are placed upon the same basis as those provided by
law between licensed psychologists, licensed psychological examiners, licensed senior
psychological examiners, certied psychological assistants and client, and nothing in this
chapter shall be construed to require any such privileged communication to be disclosed.
(b) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent disclosure of condential
communications in proceedings arising under title 37, chapter 1, part 4, concerning mandatory
child abuse reports.
See § 37-1-614 child sexual abuse.
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63-51-105 Peer review, Identifying
information, Liability
Tennessee Department of Health,
Division of Health Related Boards
(a)(5)(B) Pending health care liability claims shall not be disclosed by a [health related]
board to the public. Nothing in this subdivision (a)(5) shall be construed to prevent a board
from investigating and disciplining a licensee on the basis of health care liability claims that
are pending.
(a)(17) No information that is otherwise privileged under this title, and that is generated
by any peer review program, provider health program, or impaired professionals program
operated or administered by a provider association or foundation that such association has
created for peer review purposes, shall be included in any prole unless such information is
not contemplated by the particular title 63 statute as being privileged.
(f) Individual proles posted pursuant to § 63-51-107 shall not contain the licensee's home
address and social security number, unless such home address is provided by the licensee,
along with a request that it be contained in the prole, as their ofcial mailing or practice
address. Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection (f), a record containing the home
address of the licensee on le with the department of health concerning the provisions of this
chapter shall continue to remain a public record.
64-1-711(a) Bids Tellico Reservoir Development Agency Each bid with the name and address of the bidder shall be entered on a record and
each record with the names of the bidders, the amount of their bids and the name of the
successful bidder indicated thereon shall [not] be open for public inspection [before the
award of the contract.]
After the award of the contract each bid with the name and address of the bidder shall be entered
on a record and each record with the names of the bidders, the amount of their bids and the name
of the successful bidder indicated thereon shall, be open for public inspection.
66-7-107(a)(2) Identifying information District Attorneys General, Law
Enforcement Agencies
The identity of any person who provides evidence or other information that results in an
eviction or other termination of residency pursuant to this section [where the premises or the
area immediately surrounding the premises is knowingly used or occupied in whole or in part
to violate § 39-13-513, § 39-13-515 or § 39-17-417] shall be kept condential and shall not
be made a public record by the law enforcement agency or the district attorney general.
66-29-159 Work papers,
Tennessee Department of Treasury (a) Records obtained in the course of conducting an examination under § 66-29-157,
including work papers compiled by the treasurer or the treasurer's agents, employees, or
designated representatives, and any information that identies the fact that a particular
person, institution, business, or entity was or is the subject of an examination under § 66-29-
157, are condential and are not public records.
(c) [A]ny information included in a nal report [submitted to the treasurer pursuant to § 66-
29-123] that identies the fact that a holder was the subject of an audit conducted under
this part must be redacted prior to disclosure unless the disclosure falls within one (1) of the
exceptions under subsection (a).
(a) [R]ecords and information are not condential:
(1) To the extent that the person, institution, business, or entity that was or is the subject of the
examination consents to disclosure;
(2) To the extent that the treasurer, or the treasurer's employees, agents, or representatives use
the records for the purpose of administering this part;
(3) If used for the purposes of complying with a subpoena or a court order;
(4) In joint unclaimed property examinations or audits conducted by the treasurer with, or pursuant
to, an agreement with another state, federal agency, or any other governmental subdivision,
agency, or instrumentality;
(5) To the extent that the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designees use the records
for the purpose of an audit; or
(6) In the course of any action or proceeding by the treasurer or the treasurer's employees,
agents, or representatives to collect unclaimed property, to collect any unpaid interest due on
unclaimed property, or to otherwise enforce this part.
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66-29-178 Identifying information,
Personal information
Tennessee Department of Treasury (a) Information that is condential under any law of this state other than this part, another
state, or the United States, including personally identifying information, as that term is
dened in § 10-7-504(a)(29)(C), and personal information, as that term is dened in § 47-
18-2107, continues to be condential when disclosed or delivered under this part [Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act] to the treasurer or the treasurer's agent.
(a) [I]f for good cause and reasonably necessary for the enforcement or implementation of this
part, may be disclosed to:
(1) An apparent owner or the apparent owner's personal representative or attorney, next of kin, or
agent designated under § 66-29-177;
(2) A deceased apparent owner's personal representative or attorney, next of kin, agent
designated under § 66-29-177, or heir;
(3) Another department or agency of this state or the United States;
(4) The person who administers the unclaimed property law of another state, if the state
accords substantially reciprocal privileges to the treasurer and the state agrees to maintain the
condentiality and security of the information in the same manner as the treasurer; and
(5) A person who is the subject of an examination in an administrative or judicial proceeding
relating to the property.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (a), the treasurer shall include on a website or in a
database as required by § 66-29-130(b)(4) the name of each apparent owner of property held by
the treasurer. The treasurer may include on the website or in the database additional information
concerning the apparent owner's property if the treasurer believes the information will assist
in facilitating identication and return of the property to the owner, and the treasurer does not
disclose personally identifying information other than the home or physical address of an apparent
67-1-509(e) Tests, Examinations Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Notwithstanding § 4-19-101, all examinations administered by the comptroller of the treasury
as part of the assessment certication and education program, including, but not limited to,
the total bank of questions from which the tests are developed, the answers, and the answer
sheets of individual test takers, shall be condential and shall not be public records or state
records open for public inspection pursuant to § 10-7-503.
67-1-703(d) Tax return, Tax
Tennessee Department of Revenue Any return or tax information, as dened by § 67-1-1701, required under subsection (d) to
be electronically transferred with any required electronic transfer of a payment of twenty
thousand dollars ($20,000) or more shall constitute condential information, the disclosure of
which shall be subject to part 17 of chapter 67.
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67-1-1702 Tax returns, Tax
information, Tax
Tennessee Department of Revenue (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, returns, tax information and tax administration
information shall be condential and, except as authorized by this part, no ofcer or
employee of the department or of any ofce of a district attorney general or any state or local
law enforcement agency, and no other person, or ofcer or employee of the state, who has or
had access to such information shall disclose any such information obtained by such ofcer
or employee in any manner in connection with such ofcer's or employee's service as an
ofcer or employee, or obtained pursuant to this part, or obtained otherwise.
(b) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the condentiality and disclosure of any
record or document pertaining to a motor vehicle registration or motor vehicle title for which
the department has responsibility under title 55, chapters 1-6, title 65, chapter 15, or any other
applicable statute shall be controlled by title 55, chapter 25.
(c) This part [17, chapter 1, title 67] does not apply to any record, document, or other information
pertaining to a tax on the privilege of occupancy in a hotel imposed by a city, town, or county
pursuant to an ordinance, resolution, or private act. [See § 67-4-1410(a)].
[§67-1-1701(f) The name and address of an owner of a business tax license under chapter 4, part
7 title 67 may be disclosed.
§ 67-1-1704 Information may be inspected or disclosed for tax administration purposes; (b)(2) If
the commissioner determines that disclosure would identify a condential informant or seriously
impair a civil or criminal tax investigation, the return or tax information shall not be disclosed as
provided in subsections (a) and (b) and in §§ 67-1-1705(a) and 67-1-1707(a); (d) No unit of local
government nor any ofcial or employee of a unit of local government who receives returns or tax
information under this subsection (d) shall disclose such information to any person other than the
person to whom it relates, except as otherwise may be authorized by law; (e) Pursuant to legislative
subpoena; (f) For purposes of collection of unpaid taxes.
§ 67-1-1705(a) Access by attorney general and reporter; (b) Disclosure by employees of department.
§ 67-1-1706(a) & (b) Disclosure of amount of taxpayer obligation.
§ 67-1-1707(a) For purposes of audit, the comptroller shall have access to state tax returns and
state tax information without written request. Disclosure of federal tax returns and federal tax
information may be made to the comptroller if permitted by federal law or prohibition of disclosure
is waived by the appropriate federal agency. (b) Return or tax information may be disclosed to
another taxing entity (state or federal) pursuant to reciprocal agreement. (c) Tax information may
be provided in the commissioner's discretion, to state or federal government engaged in tax or
economic analysis if relevant to functions and duties, and such information shall be subsequently
disclosed only to person to whom it relates or is in a form that is not associated with or directly/
indirectly identify a particular taxpayer.
§ 67-1-1708 the commissioner is to prescribe manner and process for inspection and disclosure,
including reasonable fees for furnishing tax information.
§ 67-1-1711 The commissioner is authorized to disclose tax administration information (excluding
returns and tax information) if determined is in best interests of the State. No law shall be
construed to require disclosure of criteria or standards used or to be used for the selection of
returns or persons for audit or examination, or data used or to be used for determining such
criteria or standards, if the commissioner determines that such disclosure will impair assessment,
collection, or enforcement under state tax laws.
§ 67-1-1712(b) Returns and tax information of a Model 1 seller may be disclosed to the seller's
certied service provider.
§ 67-1-1808(j) Notwithstanding part 17 of chapter 1, or any other law prohibiting disclosure of a
taxpayer's identity or tax information, all information exchanged among the department of revenue,
the department of treasury, and any claimant necessary to accomplish the purpose of section
1808 is lawful.
§ 57-3-217(h)(1) Reports [led monthly by common carrier contracting with a direct wine shipper,
as to wine shipment and consignee information] received by the department of revenue must be
made available to the public pursuant to the open records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7 [to be
effective 07/01/2018].
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67-1-1703 Tax information Tennessee Department of Revenue (a) Tax information shall not be disclosed to a taxpayer or their designee [as provided for in §
67-1-1703(a)] if the commissioner [of the department of revenue] determines such disclosure
would be seriously burdensome to tax administration.
(b)(6) Tax information with respect to any taxpayer that may otherwise be open to inspection
by or disclosure to any person authorized by subsection (b) to inspect any return of such
taxpayer shall not be disclosed if the commissioner determines that such disclosure would
seriously impair tax administration.
(b)(1) The return of a person shall, upon written request, be open to inspection by or disclosure to:
(A) In the case of the return of an individual, that individual;
(B) In the case of the return of a partnership, any person who was a member of such partnership
during any part of the period covered by the return;
(C) In the case of the return of a corporation or a subsidiary of a corporation:
(i) Any person designated by resolution of its board of directors or other similar governing body;
(ii) Any ofcer or employee of such corporation upon written request signed by any principal ofcer
and attested to by the secretary or other appropriate ofcer; or
(iii) If the corporation has been dissolved, any person authorized by applicable state law to act for
the corporation or any person who the commissioner nds to have a material interest that will be
affected by information contained in the return;
(D) In the case of the return of an estate, the administrator, executor, or trustee of such estate; and
(E) In the case of the return of a trust, the trustee or trustees, jointly or separately.
(2) If an individual described in subdivision (b)(1) is legally incompetent, the applicable return shall,
upon written request, be open to inspection by or disclosure to the guardian of the individual's
(3) The return of a decedent shall, upon written request, be open to inspection by or disclosure
to an administrator, executor, trustee or beneciary of the decedent's estate. However, in order
to obtain the return, a beneciary must submit a sworn afdavit stating that: the afant was a
beneciary of the estate who received a distribution of assets from the estate in kind; the afant
needs the return to accurately determine the federal income tax basis of such assets; and the
afant has requested the return from the personal representative who could not or would not
provide it.
(4) If substantially all of the property of the person with respect to whom the return is led is in
the hands of a trustee in bankruptcy or receiver, such person's return or returns for prior years,
upon written request, shall be open to inspection by or disclosure to such trustee or receiver, but
only if the commissioner nds that such trustee or receiver, in the trustee's or receiver's duciary
capacity, has a material interest that will be affected by information contained in the return.
(5) Any return to which this subsection (b) applies shall, upon written request, also be open to
inspection by or disclosure to the attorney in fact or at law duly authorized in writing by any of
the persons described in subdivisions (b)(1)–(4), who are themselves entitled to the return, to
inspect the return or receive the information on their behalf, subject to the conditions provided in
subdivisions (b)(1)–(4).
67-1-1705(c) Investigations Tennessee Department of Revenue Investigative records of the special investigations unit of the department relating to potential
criminal prosecutions of persons for violation of the tax laws of this state are condential and
may not be disclosed to any person, notwithstanding any provision of this part to the contrary.
[E]xcept in the exercise of the discretion of the commissioner so as not to seriously impair tax
67-1-1710 Privileged
Attorney-client, Tax
Tennessee Department of Revenue (a) [T]he commissioner of revenue shall have no authority to obtain access to legally
privileged information, as provided for in § 23-3-105 or to condential client information, as
provided for in statute or professional rules, including the rules of the Tennessee supreme
court. Condential client information includes, but is not limited to, the identity of a client, the
nature of the matter for which representation was sought, or any information obtained by
counsel in the course of the client's representation.
(b) When the provisions of subsection (a) are asserted, the disclosure of any information
shall be made only after a court order compelling disclosure of such information is nal. In an
action to compel such disclosure, the client affected by the disclosure has the right to intervene
anonymously; any examination of the information shall be conducted in camera; and the
commissioner shall have the burden of proof to show, by clear and convincing evidence, that the
information sought is not privileged or condential client information.
67-4-722 Tax returns, Tax
information, Tax
Tennessee Department of Revenue,
County Clerks, Municipal Tax Ofcials
(c) Except as provided in subsection (d), all returns, tax information, and tax administration
information under this part [the Business Tax Act] shall be subject to chapter 1, part 17 of
this title.
(d) [T]he name and address of any present or former owner or operator of any trade or business
as appearing on any business or occupation license or application for a license is a public record
open for public inspection within the meaning of the Public Records Act, compiled in title 10,
chapter 7, and such record is not condential information.
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67-4-1028(b) Tobacco sales data Tennessee Department of Revenue Any tobacco sales data provided by another state, a tobacco product manufacturer, or
other person or entity to a data clearinghouse pursuant to the NPM Adjustment Settlement
Agreement that is also provided to the commissioner pursuant to that agreement, shall be
treated as condential tax information as dened in § 67-1-1701. This subsection (b) only
applies to information received by the commissioner solely as a result of the NPM Adjustment
Settlement Agreement.
§ 67-1-1701(8): “Tax information” means a taxpayer's identity, the nature, source, or
amount of the taxpayer's income, payments, receipts, deductions, exemptions, credits,
assets, liabilities, net worth, tax liability, tax collected, deciencies, overassessments, or
tax payments, whether the taxpayer's return was, is being, or will be, examined or subject
to other investigation or processing, or any other data, received by, recorded by, prepared
by, furnished to, or collected by, the commissioner with respect to a return or with respect
to the determination of the existence, or possible existence, of liability, or the amount of the
liability, of any person for any tax, penalty, interest, ne, forfeiture, or other penalty, imposition
or offense, administered by or collected by the commissioner, either directly or indirectly.
“Tax information” does not include data in a form that cannot, either directly or indirectly, be
associated with, or otherwise be used to identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer.
67-4-2808 Tax returns Tennessee Department of Revenue (a)[I]information obtained as a result of a merchant's efforts to comply with this part [taxation
of unauthorized substances] is condential.
[The commissioner may not disclose any acts undertaken by a merchant to comply with the
tax levied by this part (including the taxpayer's maintenance of a suit to determine liability
under such tax) and such acts may not be used in a criminal prosecution other than a
prosecution for a violation of this part.]
(b) [N]o information shall be disclosed pursuant to chapter 1, part 17, of this title unless that
information was obtained independently from any acts undertaken by a merchant to comply
with the tax levied by this part, such acts including the taxpayer's maintenance of a suit to
determine liability under the tax levied by this part.
(c) This section does not prohibit the commissioner from publishing statistics that do not disclose
the identity of merchants or the contents of particular returns or reports.
67-5-303(d) Property tax County Property Assessors, Assessing
(2) Information [relating to the assessment of property of any taxpayer] obtained pursuant to
this section shall be condential and shall not be disclosed by state or local ofcials, agents
or employees, except as authorized by this part.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to make evidence introduced by a party in court or
administrative proceedings condential, unless otherwise provided in a protective order issued by
the judge in the proceedings.
(3) Pursuant to rules of the state board of equalization, information otherwise condential may be
disclosed to:
(A) The taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized designee, upon written request;
(B) Individuals designated by a judge presiding in court or administrative proceedings, subject to
protective orders issued in the proceedings;
(C) Ofcials, and their agents or employees, responsible for the administration or collection
of taxes due from the taxpayer, but only to the extent necessary for this purpose and subject
otherwise to the condentiality required by this section.
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67-5-402 Tangible personal
property tax
County Property Assessors, Assessing
(a) [The] information required to be led or submitted by a taxpayer with regard to an
assessment of tangible personal property, or provided by a taxpayer in response to an audit
or information request by assessing ofcials or their agents with regard to an assessment of
tangible personal property, shall be condential and shall not be disclosed by state or local
ofcials, agents or employees, except as authorized by this part.
(a) [The] taxpayer's annual reporting schedule led with the assessor is not condential.
(b) Pursuant to rules of the state board of equalization, schedules, returns and information
otherwise condential may be disclosed to:
(1) The taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized designee, upon written request;
(2) Individuals designated by a judge presiding in court or administrative proceedings, subject to
protective orders issued in the proceedings;
(3) Ofcials, and their agents or employees, responsible for the administration or collection
of taxes due from the taxpayer, but only to the extent necessary for this purpose and subject
otherwise to the condentiality required by this section; and
(4) The department of human services or its contractors in the Title IV-D child support program
pursuant to § 36-5-801.
§ 67-5-401(a) [T]he commissioner of revenue is empowered, authorized and directed to open for
inspection at any time by any ofcial, body or commission lawfully charged with the administration
of the tax laws of any political subdivision of the state, all records, reports, returns and schedules,
or excerpts therefrom, led by taxpayers with the department of revenue pursuant to present laws
or those hereafter enacted.
(b) Any information thus secured by any ofcial, body or commission of any political subdivision
may be used only for the purpose of administration of the tax laws of such political subdivision.
(c) The commissioner shall furnish, upon written request of any ofcial, body or commission of any
political subdivision, certied copies of such records, reports, returns or schedules, or excerpts
therefrom, as may be requested by such ofcial, body or commission.
(d) The commissioner may promulgate such rules and regulations for the administration of this
section and x such reasonable fees to be charged for furnishing certied copies of any records,
reports, returns and schedules, or excerpts therefrom, provided for herein as is deemed necessary
in order that the administration of this section may not be an expense to the state.
67-5-701(m) Property tax relief Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury,
County Trustees, and Municipalities
Financial records led for purposes of income verication, including nancial information
reported on any application for tax relief, shall be condential and shall not be subject to
inspection under the Tennessee public records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
Financial records shall be available to local or state ofcials who administer, enforce, or audit the
tax relief program or requirements under §§ 67-5-701–67-5-703.
67-5-703(d) Property tax relief,
Disabled persons
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury,
County Trustees, and Municipalities
Any information concerning the disability status of a disabled homeowner [submitted with an
application for property tax relief] shall be condential and shall not be subject to inspection
under Tennessee public records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
[The information] shall be available to local or state ofcials who administer, enforce, or audit the
tax relief program or requirements under § 67-5-703.
67-5-704(i) Property tax relief,
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury,
County Trustees, and Municipalities
Any information concerning the disability status of a disabled veteran or the death of a soldier
submitted for property tax relief shall be condential and shall not be subject to inspection
under Tennessee public records law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7
[The information] shall be available to local or state ofcials who administer, enforce, or audit the
tax relief program or requirements under the section.
67-5-705(g)(2) Property tax freeze Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury,
County Trustees, and Municipalities
Financial records led for purposes of income verication [for the tax freeze program] shall
be condential and shall not be subject to inspection under the Tennessee public records
law, compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
[The nancial records] shall be available to local or state ofcials who administer, enforce, or audit
the tax freeze program or requirements imposed under this section.
67-5-1319 Property taxes Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury (a) The comptroller of the treasury shall require, in addition to the schedules and statements
above referred to, such additional information and take such additional evidence as to the
value of any property to be assessed by the comptroller of the treasury as may be deemed
proper. The additional information and evidence as it pertains to the assessment of personal
property shall be condential pursuant to § 67-5-402.
(b) The records of the comptroller of the treasury shall at all times be open to inspection of the
owner or owners of any property assessable under this part.
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67-6-104 Financial information Tennessee Department of Finance and
Administration, Counties
(i) Any nancial information, proprietary information and trade secrets contained in an
application to receive sales and use tax revenues pursuant to 67-6-104, or submitted with
any accompanying documents or information led with the application shall be condential
and shall not be open to the public for inspection, notwithstanding the public records
provisions of title 10, chapter 7. Such nancial information, proprietary information and trade
secrets shall not be disclosed to any person.
(b) Denitions:
(4) “Proprietary information” means commercial or nancial information that is used either
directly or indirectly in the business of any person submitting information to the commissioner
[of F&A] under this section, and that gives such person an advantage or an opportunity to
obtain an advantage over competitors who do not know or use such information; and
(5) “Trade secrets” means any materials or processes used directly or indirectly in the
business of a person or entity submitting information or documentation related to such
materials or processes to the commissioner [of F&A] under this section, and that give the
person or entity an advantage or an opportunity to obtain an advantage over competitors
who do not know or use them.
Commissioner of F&A is authorized to disclose (1) within F&A and to Department of Revenue
and Department of Economic and Community Development in course of ofcial duties and (2) to
Comptroller for purpose of audit of those departments.
67-8-109 Tax returns, tax
information, and
tax administration
Tennessee Department of Revenue The commissioner may by general regulations prescribe how much and what portion of the
commissioner's records [related to the gift tax] shall be open to the inspection of the public
and how much and what portion shall be held as condential.
The commissioner may exchange information with the United States government or with other
state governments under reciprocal arrangements made and approved by the commissioner.
67-8-404(b) Inheritance tax Tennessee Department of Revenue The commissioner may, by general regulations, prescribe how much and what portion of the
commissioner's records shall be open to the inspection of the public and how much and what
portion shall be held as condential.
[The commissioner] may exchange information with the United States government, or with other
state jurisdictions under reciprocal arrangements made and approved by the commissioner.
68-1-108(a) Claims data for hospital
patient discharge,
Medical information,
Identifying information
Tennessee Department of Health The claims data reported to the Commissioner of Health under the section are condential
and not available to the public.
No information shall be made available to the public by either the commissioner or the
Tennessee Hospital Association (THA) that reasonably could be expected to reveal the
identity of any patient.
After the commissioner processes and veries the data, it is available to the public under
prescribed conditions.
After receiving the claims data, the commissioner shall promptly make the data available for
review and copying by the THA who shall use the data strictly for its own internal purposes and for
internal purposes of its members.
68-1-119 Claims data from
ambulatory surgical
treatment centers and
outpatient diagnostic
Tennessee Department of Health (a) The claims data reported to the commissioner [by each licensed ambulatory surgical
treatment center (ASTC) and each licensed outpatient diagnostic center (ODC)] under this
section are condential and not available to the public until the commissioner processes and
veries the data.
No information shall be made available to the public by the commissioner that reasonably
could be expected to reveal the identity of any patient.
(a) The commissioner shall prescribe conditions under which the processed and veried data are
available to the public and shall establish policies for the release of HIPAA compliant limited use
data sets.
(f) Any data that is submitted to the commissioner pursuant to this section shall be made available
to the public no more frequently and no sooner after the data is submitted than the data collected
and reported by licensed hospitals pursuant to § 68-1-108.
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68-1-1006 Cancer data Tennessee Department of Health (a)(1) All data obtained from the reports required by part 10, chapter 1, title 68 [Tennessee
Cancer Reporting System Act] are for the condential use of the department and persons
that the commissioner determines are necessary to carry out the intent of the part.
(2) Information that could possibly identify individuals whose medical records have been
used for collecting data may not be included in materials available to the public.
(b) [Data obtained from the reports required by the part are also to be made available for valid
research projects:]
(1) The researcher sets out clearly the uses for which the data are desired;
(2) The researcher clearly states the reasons for which condential and personally identiable
portions of the data are necessary;
(3) The researcher assures that the data received from the department will be maintained by the
researcher with the same level of condentiality as that maintained by the department; and
(4) Upon completion of the research project, all data provided by the department and all copies of
the data shall be destroyed.
§ 68-1-1010(a) [The commissioner] is authorized to enter into appropriate written agreements with
other states that maintain statewide cancer registries, allowing the exchange of information on
cancer patients.
(b) Each state with which the commissioner agrees to exchange information must agree in writing
to keep all patient-specic information condential and to require any research personnel to whom
the information is made available to keep it condential.
68-1-1010(b) Cancer patient
Tennessee Department of Health Each state with which the commissioner agrees to exchange information must agree in
writing to keep all patient-specic information condential and to require any research
personnel to whom the information is made available to keep it condential.
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68-3-205 Vital records Tennessee Department of Health, State
Registrar, County Clerks, Court Clerks,
Other Authorized Custodians
(a)(1) To protect the integrity of vital records, to ensure their proper use, and to ensure the
efcient and proper administration of the system of vital records, it is unlawful for any person
to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in, vital records, or to copy or
issue a copy of all or part of any such records, except as authorized by this chapter, by
regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter, or as otherwise authorized by law, or by
order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
(2) Regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter shall provide for adequate standards of
security and condentiality of vital records.
(b) The department may authorize, by regulation, the disclosure of information contained in vital
records for research purposes.
(d)(2)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, or any rule promulgated pursuant to
this chapter, to the contrary, an application for a marriage license and the authenticating document
for the events of birth, death, marriage, divorce, or annulment of marriage, whether maintained
or stored by or in the possession of a county clerk, court clerk, state registrar or other custodian
authorized by the state registrar, shall be considered a public record, and further, that veried
information from such documents may be provided upon request. Nothing in this section shall be
construed to permit the disclosure of information contained in the “Information for Medical and
Health Use Only” section of the birth certicate or the “Condential Information” section of the
certicate of marriage or certicate of divorce or annulment, unless specically authorized by the
state registrar for statistical or research purposes. This data is not subject to subpoena or court
order and is not admissible before any court or judicial body.
(B) Veried information from birth records may only be provided by the state registrar or the local
registrar in a local health department in a county with a population of two hundred fty thousand
(250,000) or greater, according to the 1970 federal census.
(C) Certied or noncertied copies or abstracts of birth certicates of persons in the federal
witness protection program shall be provided only to a person requesting a copy of the person's
own birth certicate or that person's supervising federal marshal.
(D) A certied copy or other copy of a death certicate containing the cause of death information
shall not be issued, except:
(i) Upon specic request of the spouse, children, parents, or other next of kin of the decedent or
their respective authorized representatives;
(ii) When a documented need for the cause of death to establish a legal right or claim has been
(iii) When the request for the copy is made by or on behalf of an organization that provides
benets to the decedent's survivors or beneciaries;
(iv) Upon specic request by local, state, or federal agencies for research or administrative
purposes approved by the state registrar;
(v) When needed for research activities approved by the state registrar;
(vi) Upon receipt of an order from a court of competent jurisdiction ordering such release; or
(vii) Upon receipt of a written request from a department representative authorized by chapter 142,
part 1, of this title to obtain the records.
(E) The state registrar and other custodians of vital records authorized by the state registrar to
issue certied copies shall, upon receipt of an application, issue a certied copy of a vital record in
the registrar's or custodian's custody, or a part of the vital record to the registrant, the registrant's
spouse, children, parents, or guardian, or their respective authorized representative. Others may
be authorized to obtain certied copies when they demonstrate that the records are needed for the
determination or protection of their personal or property rights.
(e) When one hundred (100) years have elapsed, after the date of birth, or fty (50) years have
elapsed after the date of death, marriage, divorce or annulment of marriage, the records of these
events in the custody of the state registrar shall be made available to the public in accordance with
regulations that provide for the continued safekeeping of the records.
(f) Any microlm copy of a vital record in the possession of the state library and archives, or a local
library, shall be available for public inspection.
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68-3-313 Adoption, Vital records Tennessee Department of Health (a)(1) All legal documents pertaining to the adoption, legitimation or order of paternity,
together with the certicate of birth in the original name, shall be placed in an envelope and
sealed following the preparation of the new certicate.
(2) These sealed documents shall be preserved in a reproof vault in the department and
shall not be removed from that ofce, except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
(b) When a new certicate of birth has been led by the state registrar, all copies of the
record of birth in the original name in the custody of any other party shall be forwarded to the
state registrar upon receipt of the state registrar's request.
68-3-608 Meetings, Maternal
Tennessee Department of Health,
Maternal Mortality Review and
Prevention Team
(d)(1) All information and records acquired by the state team in the exercise of their duties
shall be condential and not subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in any
proceedings; provided, however, certain information may be disclosed as necessary to carry
out the purposes of the state team. (2) A member of the state team or attendee of a team
meeting shall not:(A) Release to the public or the news media information discussed at
ofcial meetings; or
(B) Testify in any proceeding about details of the team meeting, including any information
presented at the meeting, or about opinions formed by the person as a result of the meeting.
(e) Each member of the state team and any attendee of a meeting of the state team
shall sign a statement indicating an understanding of and adherence to the state team's
condentiality requirements, including potential civil or criminal consequences for a breach of
condentiality pursuant to this part.
(d)(3) This subsection (d) shall not prohibit a person from testifying in a civil or criminal action
about matters that occurred in the team meeting; provided, that such testimony shall be based
upon the person's independent knowledge.
68-5-506(e) Identifying information,
Birth Defects Registry
Tennessee Department of Health (1) All information collected and analyzed pursuant to this section [Birth Defects Registry]
shall be condential insofar as the identity of the individual patient is concerned and shall be
used solely for the purposes provided in this section.
(1) [T]he commissioner may provide access to those scientists approved by the advisory
committee [established in subsection (b)(2)] who are engaged in demographic, epidemiological
or other similar studies related to health, and who agree, in writing as nonstate employees, to
be identied and coded while maintaining condentiality as described in this section and to the
centers for disease control (CDC) for inclusion in the National Birth Defects Registry.
(2) The department shall maintain an accurate record of all persons who are given access to the
information in the registry. The record shall include:
(A) The name of the persons authorizing access;
(B) The name, title, and organizational afliation of persons given access;
(C) The dates of access;
(D) The specic purpose for which the information is to be used; and
(E) The results of the independent research.
(3) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the publishing of statistical compilations relating to birth
defects or poor reproductive outcomes that do not in any way identify individual sources of
68-5-604(c) Blood tests, Laboratory
Tennessee Department of Health The copy [of the detailed report of the standard serological test and the laboratory specimen
slip for syphilis or for rubella] submitted to the local health department shall be held in
absolute condence and not open to public inspection.
[The report] shall be produced as evidence at a trial or proceeding in a court of competent
jurisdiction, involving issues in which it may be material and relevant, on order of a judge of the
court; and provided further, that it may be used in the compilation of aggregate gures and reports,
without disclosing the identities of the persons involved.
68-5-703(c) Blood tests, HIV tests All HIV testing [of pregnant women] performed under this part shall be done in a condential
manner and the results of the testing may be disclosed only as provided by law.
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68-10-113 Sexually transmitted
Tennessee Department of Health, Local
Health Departments
All records and information held by the department or a local health department relating to
known or suspected cases of STDs shall be strictly condential. This information shall not be
released or made public upon subpoena, court order, discovery, search warrant or otherwise.
[R]elease may be made under the following circumstances:
(1) Release is made of medical or epidemiological information for statistical purposes, in such form
that no individual person can be identied;
(2) Release is made of medical or epidemiological information with the consent of all persons
identied in the information released;
(3) Release is made of medical or epidemiological information to medical personnel, appropriate
state agencies, or county and district courts to enforce this chapter and related regulations
governing the control and treatment of STDs;
(4) Release is made of medical or epidemiological information to medical personnel in a medical
emergency to the extent necessary to protect the health or life of the patient;
(5) In a case involving a minor not more than thirteen (13) years of age, only the name, age,
address and STD treated shall be reported to appropriate agents as required by § 37-1-403.
No other information shall be released. If the information to be disclosed is required in a court
proceeding involving child abuse, the information shall be disclosed in camera; or
(6)(A) Release is made during a legal proceeding when ordered by a trial court judge, designated
by § 16-2-502, or a juvenile court judge through an order explicitly nding each of the following:
(i) The information sought is material, relevant, and reasonably calculated to be admissible
evidence during the legal proceeding;
(ii) The probative value of the evidence outweighs the individual's and the public's interest in
maintaining its condentiality;
(iii) The merits of the litigation cannot be fairly resolved without the disclosure; and
(iv) The evidence is necessary to avoid substantial injustice to the party seeking it and, either
the disclosure will result in no signicant harm to the person examined or treated, or it would be
substantially unfair as between the requesting party and the person examined or treated not to
require the disclosure.
(B) A juvenile court judge shall make the ndings set forth in subdivision (6)(A) by examining the
information, in camera, and shall order the information placed under seal. The judge shall only
examine the records of a juvenile who is under the jurisdiction of the court.
68-10-116(b) Blood tests, HIV tests The results of the testing [of an arrested person's blood] [for the presence of the hepatitis
virus and the HIV/AIDS virus] shall be condential.
[(a)(1) Testing is to occur when an employee of any of the Tennessee bureau of
investigation's crime laboratories, reghter, emergency medical technician-paramedic, or
emergency medical technician is exposed to blood or other body uid of the arrested person
in any manner that presents a signicant risk of transmission of the hepatitis virus or the HIV/
AIDS virus and requests thge blood to be tested.]
The law enforcement ofcer, re ghter, emergency medical technician-paramedic, emergency
medical technician, or employee of the crime laboratory of the Tennessee bureau of investigation,
exposed to the blood or other body uid shall have the right to request the results of the testing.
68-10-117(b) Blood tests Tennessee Department of Health,
Health Care Providers
Any information provided [by the Department of Health, any health care provider, or health
care facility, any agency, individual or facility] shall be made available in accordance with the
rules provided for in subsection (c) and shall be used only for the purpose of performing the
evaluation [to determine the presence of potentially life-threatening airborne or bloodborne
diseases due to exposure , including, but not limited to, tuberculosis, HIV or hepatitis
B in the course of performing normal, authorized professional job duties, or rendering
emergency care as a good samaritan under the Good Samaritan Law] and shall be otherwise
68-11-210(c)(5)(C ) Report from Joint
Commission on
Accreditation of
Tennessee Department of Health The report from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals that accompanies the
letter of accreditation required to be submitted to the Department annually by licensed
hospitals shall be maintained as a condential record pursuant to § 10-7-504.
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68-11-211 Incident reports Tennessee Department of Health (c) An incident report or any amended incident report [of abuse, neglect and misappropriation
that occur at a facility licensed under this part and any physician's ofce where Level III
ofce-based surgery occurs] obtained by the department pursuant to this section shall be
condential and not subject to discovery, subpoena or legal compulsion for release to any
person or entity, nor shall the report be admissible in any civil or administrative proceeding,
other than a disciplinary proceeding by the department or the appropriate regulatory board.
The report is not discoverable or admissible in any civil or administrative action.
(f) The department shall have access to facility records that are allowed in part 3 of this
chapter. The department may copy any portion of a facility medical record relating to the
reported event, unless otherwise prohibited by rule or statute. This section and § 68-11-
804(c)(23) do not change or affect the privilege and condentiality provided by § 63-1-150.
(g) This section does not preclude the department from using information obtained under
this section in a disciplinary action commenced against a facility or from taking disciplinary
action against a facility. This section does not preclude the department from sharing such
information with any appropriate governmental agency charged by federal or state law with
regulatory oversight of the facility; however, all such information shall be condential and not
a public record.
(c) [I]nformation in the report may be transmitted to an appropriate regulatory board having
jurisdiction for disciplinary or licensing sanctions against the impacted facility; however, the
department must reveal, upon request, its awareness that a specic incident has been reported.
68-11-222(c) Blood tests Testing a patient's blood for the presence of the hepatitis B virus and the HIV/AIDS virus
(after a careprovider is exposed to the blood or other body uid of a patient) shall be
performed at no charge to the patient and the results of such testing shall be condential if
the facility determines to test.
68-11-238(a) Meetings, Marketing and
strategic plans
Hospitals Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, hospitals subject to the open meetings laws
compiled in title 8, chapter 44, or the public records laws compiled in title 10, chapter 7, may
discuss and develop marketing strategies and strategic plans in closed meetings, not open
to the public, and the records addressing marketing strategies and strategic plans, including
feasibility studies, may be treated as condential and not public records, but shall be subject
to subpoena.
[T]he adopted strategy or plan, and the studies that were considered in the adoption of the specic
strategy or plan, shall then be subject to the public records laws. The records shall be available for
public inspection at least seven (7) days before any vote to adopt such strategy.
68-11-255 Identifying information,
Health care facilities
Tennessee Department of Children's
Services (DCS)
Any information obtained concerning the identity of the mother, infant or other parent (when
a newborn infant is left at a healthcare facility) shall be kept condential and may only be
disclosed to the department of children's services for use consistent with the purposes of this
section, § 36-1-142, and § 36-2-318.
68-11-259(c) Trauma registry Tennessee Department of Health,
Board for Licensing Health Care
The information submitted to the board pursuant to this section shall be used solely for the
purpose of analyzing causes and medical consequences of serious trauma and promoting
the continuum of care that provides timely and appropriate delivery of emergency medical
treatment for people with acute traumatic injury.
[No information contained in the trauma registry may be made available to the public that
reasonably could be expected to: reveal the identity of any patient disclose the identity or
identities of specic reporting facilities.]
[T]he specic information required by this section that pertains to health care professionals
licensed under title 63 or this title, or health care facilities licensed under this title, shall
be condential, shall not be subject to public inspection, and shall not be used to initiate
disciplinary complaints nor be admissible in any administrative proceeding for licensure
The board shall prescribe conditions under which the processed and veried data can be made
available to the public.
68-11-262(c) Health care service
Tennessee Department of Health Information obtained by the department of health as to the amounts billed for services by a
healthcare facility, pursuant to this section, shall be maintained on a condential basis.
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68-11-304 Hospital records Hospitals (c) Except as otherwise provided by law, hospital records shall not constitute public records,
and nothing contained in this part shall be deemed to impair any privilege of condentiality
conferred by law on patients, their personal representatives or heirs.
(e) Providers, as dened in § 71-5-2503, shall make available for inspection and copying, to the
ofce of inspector general and the medicaid fraud control unit, upon request, no later than by
the close of business on the next business day, a complete set of all medical records requested
in connection with an investigation being pursued by the agency, or shall provide a compelling
reason why the requested records cannot be produced; provided, that no such records shall
be removed from the grounds of the provider's ofce without the provider's consent, unless the
ofce of inspector general or the medicaid fraud control unit reasonably believes that requested
documents are about to be altered or destroyed.
(f) On request of a provider, a duly authorized agent of the requesting agency shall sign a
document acknowledging receipt of records produced pursuant to this section. On request of a
duly authorized agent of the requesting agency, a duly authorized agent of the provider shall sign
a document acknowledging the return of specic records to the provider.
68-11-804(c)(5) Personal records Nursing Homes Each patient has a right to have the patient's personal records kept condential and private.
The nursing home shall have policies to govern access and duplication of the patient's
Except for those persons authorized by law to inspect the records, written consent by the patient
must be obtained before any information can be released. If the patient is mentally incompetent,
written consent is required by the patient's legal representative.
68-11-901(13) Patient records, Nursing
Nursing Homes [Every nursing home resident/patient has the right] to have records kept condential and
(A) Written consent by the resident must be obtained before any information can be released,
except for persons authorized under the law;
(B) If the resident is mentally incompetent, written consent is required by the resident's legal
representative; and
(C) The facility must have a written policy governing access to and duplication of patient
records and copies of the policy shall be available to all residents and their families upon
68-11-904 Nursing home
Tennessee Department of Health (a) Whenever the department [of health] conducts inspections and investigations in response
to complaints received from the public, the identity of the complainant and the identity of any
patient or resident who is the subject of the complaint, or identied in the complaint, shall
be treated as condential and shall not be open to inspection by members of the public,
notwithstanding any provision of title 10, chapter 7 to the contrary.
(b) It being in the public interest that the identity of a person described in subsection (a) shall be
protected from disclosure, the person's identity shall be provided in response to litigation, only
after a nding by the court that justice so requires.
68-11-909(b) Nursing home data Tennessee Department of Health Data meeting this criteria [nursing home resident morbidity and mortality data determined by
the commissioner to materially aid enforcement of quality of care standards and which would
be feasible for nursing homes to report] shall be collected and reported to the department as
prescribed by regulation, but shall be condential and not subject to public inspection under §
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68-11-1503 Identifying information Health Care Facility (a)(1) The name and address and other identifying information of a patient [at a health care
facility licensed by the board for licensing health care facilities] shall not be divulged.
(a)(1) [E]xcept for:
(A) Any statutorily required reporting to health or government authorities;
(B) Access by an interested third-party payer or designee, for the purpose of utilization reviews,
case management, peer reviews, or other administrative functions;
(C) Access by health care providers from whom the patient receives or seeks care;
(D) If the patient does not object, any directory information, including only the name of the patient,
the patient's general health status and the patient's location and telephone number. Directory
information shall be released to all inquirers, only if the patient has been notied, upon admission
to the hospital, of the patient's right to object to the information that may be released and has not
objected; or, if the patient is in a physical or mental condition such that the patient is incapable
of making an objection and the next of kin or patient representative does not come forward and
object; and
(E) Any request by the ofce of inspector general or the medicaid fraud control unit with respect
to an ongoing investigation. No person or entity shall be subject to any civil or criminal liability for
releasing patient information in response to a request from the ofce of inspector general or the
medicaid fraud control unit.
(d) Notwithstanding this part or any other law to the contrary, it shall not be unlawful to disclose,
nor shall there be any liability for disclosing, medical information in response to a subpoena, court
order, or request authorized by state or federal law.
68-11-1503 Medical records, Pictures Health Care Provider (a)(2) A health care provider shall have in place a policy to protect the dignity of a patient,
even if the patient dies or becomes incapacitated, by limiting the use and disclosure of
medical records, images, videos or pictures intended to be used for appropriate medical
educational purposes, even if the patient's information is de-identied. The policy shall
include when and to whom it is appropriate to use and disclose the patient's information,
and when a written authorization from the patient or their authorized representative is
required, whenever it is reasonably possible to obtain it, prior to use or disclosure. If the
patient becomes incapacitated or dies, and there is no legal representative for the patient,
the patient's next of kin will be considered to be an authorized representative for the patient.
When required, the written authorization will include the core elements required by 45 CFR
Parts 160 and 164, “Standards for Privacy of Individually Identiable Health Information.”
(d) Notwithstanding this part or any other law to the contrary, it shall not be unlawful to disclose,
nor shall there be any liability for disclosing, medical information in response to a subpoena, court
order, or request authorized by state or federal law.
68-18-213 Licensure records, Soil
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
Except as otherwise provided by this part, the following shall be treated as condential and
may not be disclosed except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction or by permission of
the applicant:
(1) Applications and other personal information submitted by applicants, except to the
applicant, the commissioner, department, its staff, or the SSAC [Soil Scientist Advisory
Committee]; and
(2) Information submitted by a reference concerning an applicant, except to the
commissioner, department, its staff, or the SSAC.
68-24-301(a) Student health
Local Education Agencies (LEA) Every physician or other medical professional who makes a diagnosis of or treats a person
who is believed to be enrolled in school in a kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) for
a drug overdose, and every chief administrative ofcer of a hospital, clinic, or dispensary in
which there is a case of drug overdose of such a person, shall report such cases to public
school ofcials under rules of the department of health adopted to ensure that such reports
are not in violation of federal or state laws requiring condentiality in treatment of drug
abusers. The reports shall contain nothing more than the type of the drug, the school in
which the student was enrolled, and the name and address of the reporter. School ofcials
shall share such reports with law enforcement agencies when the school ofcials deem it
necessary as a means of controlling drug problems in the schools involved.
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68-29-107 Infectious diseases Tennessee Department of Health,
Medical Laboratory Board
The reports [by owners or directors of laboratories of infectious diseases for the protection of
the public health] submitted shall be deemed condential and not subject to public inspection.
68-55-204(d) Identifying information,
Traumatic brain injury
Tennessee Department of Health The information [regarding a person with Traumatic Brain Injury] provided pursuant to this
section shall be used only for the purposes stated in this chapter and shall only be used in
accordance with the rules promulgated by the commissioner and, in all other instances, shall
be condential records as dened in § 10-7-504(a)(1).
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-20-13-.08(2) The department may use or authorize use of the
compiled data for purposes that are necessary to provide for or protect the health of the population
and as permitted by law. Patient identier information shall only be used for the purpose of
providing services to those individuals. However, for departmental internal use only, such
information may be used to verify deaths reported to the Division of Vital Records.
68-102-113(b) Published codes Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, State Fire Marshal
Published nationally recognized codes approved by the parent code groups, published
amendments to nationally recognized codes approved by the parent code groups and
published lists of acceptable materials and items tested and approved by a nationally
recognized testing agency or laboratory are exempt from this provision [that records
be indexed and published, kept up to date, and made available for either sale or public
68-102-132 Investigations, Fires Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance
All such records [a record of all res occurring in this state and of all the facts concerning the
res occurring in the state, including statistics as to the extent of the res and the damage
caused by the res, and whether such losses were covered by insurance, and, if so, in what
amounts, made daily from the reports made to the commissioner by the commissioner's
assistants under this chapter] shall be public, except any information secured in an
investigation under this chapter, which the commissioner, in the commissioner's discretion,
may withhold from the public.
68-115-207 Applicant records,
Medical records,
Financial records,
Condential information
Tennessee Department of Commerce
and Insurance, Tennessee Athletic
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), the commission and the executive
director shall keep condential:
(1) Any information, including, but not limited to, an applicant's social security number, that
the commission or the executive director receives concerning an applicant for the issuance
of a license pursuant to this chapter that is declared condential by law and that is provided
to the commission by the applicant, another governmental entity or the Association of Boxing
(2) Any information contained in an applicant's medical records, if the information is not
relevant to the commission in determining whether to grant a license to the applicant;
(3) Any information relating to the nancial records of an applicant or licensee; and
(4) Any information required to be disclosed to the commission and kept condential pursuant
to federal law.
(b) The commission shall reveal the information set forth in subsection (a):
(1) Upon the lawful order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
(2) To any person, upon the request of the person who is the subject of the information; and
(3) In the course of the necessary administration of this chapter.
68-140-314(b) Investigations, Identifying
Tennessee Department of Health,
Tennessee Emergency Medical
Services Board
(1) [With respect to enforcement or disciplinary actions for a violation of the Emergency
Medical Services Act of 1983,] the identifying information of the following, as well as all
investigator created documents and reports, shall remain condential at all times, unless and
until introduced in the proceedings of a hearing conducted by the board:
(A) A complainant;
(B) Any witness who requests anonymity;
(C) A patient; and
(D) Medical records.
All materials, documents, and other matters relating to, compiled or created in the course of
an investigation conducted by the department pursuant to this section shall be exempt from
the public records act until the ling of a notice of charges.
(1) After the ling of a notice of charges, only the information and those materials and documents
upon which the charges are based are available for disclosure under the public records act,
compiled in title 10, chapter 7.
(2) This section does not modify or limit the prehearing discovery provisions set forth in the
Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, part 3.
Source Subject Matter Government Entity Description Exceptions To Exception
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Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
68-140-319(1)(D) Ambulances Ambulance Service Providers Except as otherwise provided by law, such patient's [ambulance service provider's] run
record or records shall not constitute a public record, and nothing contained in this part
shall be deemed to impair any privilege of condentiality conferred by law on patients, their
personal representatives or heirs. . . . As used in this subdivision (1), “run record” includes
any list of patients that is compiled or maintained by or for such patient's ambulance service
provider, but shall not include the dispatch log.
Nothing in this subdivision (1)(D) shall impair or abridge the right of the patient or the patient's
authorized representative to obtain copies of the patient's hospital records in the manner provided
in § 68-11-304. Nothing in this subdivision (1)(D) shall be construed as prohibiting a patient's run
record or records from being subpoenaed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
68-140-602 Meetings, Database Interstate Commission for EMS
Personnel Practice, Tennessee
Department of Health
Section 10.B.6. All minutes and documents of a closed meeting [as provided in Section
10.B.5] shall remain under seal.
Section 11. D. Member states contributing information to the coordinated database may
designate information that may not be shared with the public without the express permission
of the contributing state.
Section 10.B.6. [Closed meeting minutes and documents are] subject to release by a majority
vote of the commission or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
68-141-105 Identifying information Tennessee Department of Health,
Poison Control Centers
A regional poison control center may provide the services described in § 68-141-104, either
directly or through contract with other facilities or agencies. Appropriate measures shall be
taken to ensure the condentiality of information about individuals to whom treatment for
poison exposures is provided in accordance with guidelines established by the commissioner
of health.
68-142-108 Meetings, Child fatality Tennessee Department of Health, Child
Fatality Prevention Team, Local Child
Fatality Prevention Team
(d) Meetings of the state team and each local team shall not be subject to title 8, chapter
44, part 1. Any minutes or other information generated during ofcial meetings of state or
local teams shall be sealed from public inspection. However, the state and local teams may
periodically make available, in a general manner not revealing condential information about
children and families, the aggregate ndings of their reviews and their recommendations for
preventive actions.
(e)(1) All otherwise condential information and records acquired by the state team or any
local child fatality review team in the exercise of the duties are condential, are not subject
to discovery or introduction into evidence in any proceedings, and may only be disclosed as
necessary to carry out the purposes of the state team or local teams and for the purposes of
the Sudden, Unexplained Child Death Act, compiled in chapter 1, part 11 of this title.
(2) In addition, all otherwise condential information and records created by a local team
in the exercise of its duties are condential, are not subject to discovery or introduction
into evidence in any proceedings, and may only be disclosed as necessary to carry out
the purposes of the state or local teams and for the purposes of the Sudden, Unexplained
Child Death Act. Release to the public or the news media of information discussed at
ofcial meetings is strictly prohibited. No member of the state team, a local team nor any
person who attends an ofcial meeting of the state team or a local team, may testify in
any proceeding about what transpired at the meeting, about information presented at the
meeting, or about opinions formed by the person as a result of the meeting.
(e)(3) This subsection (e) shall not, however, prohibit a person from testifying in a civil or criminal
action about matters within that person's independent knowledge.
68-142-205 Meetings, Fetal and
infant mortality
Tennessee Department of Health, Fetal
and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR)
Program and Review Teams
(b) Except as required to be disseminated by rules and regulations promulgated pursuant
to this part, any meeting minutes, documents, records, or other information acquired,
generated, or reviewed during the meetings or while otherwise carrying out FIMR duties and
responsibilities shall be condential and not be subject to disclosure as public records.
(c) Except as required to be disseminated by rules and regulations promulgated pursuant
to this part, none of the information acquired, generated, or reviewed in subsection (b) is
subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in any proceeding, nor may any person
testify in any proceeding about the information or the opinions formed as a result of the
review of the information.
(c) This subsection (c) shall not, however, prohibit a person from testifying in a civil or criminal
action about matters within that person's independent knowledge.
68-202-217 Proprietary information,
Radiological information,
Nuclear materials
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC)
The commissioner [of TDEC] shall establish procedures to ensure that information supplied
to the department, as provided by this part [Radiological Health Service Act], and dened as
proprietary by regulation [Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-20-04-.10], is kept condential and
is not revealed to any person without the consent of the person supplying such information.
[S]uch information may be utilized by the commissioner, the department, the United States nuclear
regulatory commission, other appropriate federal agencies, or as necessary to comply with
applicable federal law. The commissioner shall establish procedures that proprietary information
will be maintained in a manner consistent with applicable federal law. Proprietary information shall
not include the name and address of license applicants.
Source Subject Matter Government Entity Description Exceptions To Exception
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 106
Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
68-212-109 Proprietary information,
Hazardous waste
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC),
Underground Storage Tanks and Solid
Waste Disposal Control Board
The board shall establish procedures to ensure that information supplied to the department,
as provided by this part, and dened as proprietary by regulation, is not revealed to any
person without the consent of the person supplying such information.
Rule 0400-11-01-.09 (5)(d) Material data collected from private sector recovered materials
processing facilities shall be considered proprietary business information if requested by
the private material recovery facility, and shall be protected as such and not be disclosed
in a non-aggregated format. Data ownership information shall not be disclosed in this
circumstance unless authorized by the data originator to do so.
Proprietary information does not include the name and address of permit applicants. Proprietary
information may be utilized by the commissioner, the board, the department, the United States
environmental protection agency (EPA), or any authorized representative of the commissioner or
the board in connection with the responsibilities of the department or board pursuant to this part or
as necessary to comply with federal law.
68-212-205(d)(1)(A) Hazardous waste Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC),
Underground Storage Tanks and Solid
Waste Disposal Control Board
Such [hazardous waste remedial action] fund may also be used for any of the following
(A) Provide free, voluntary, condential, on-site technical assistance to hazardous waste
generators to assist them in evaluating their hazardous waste generation and to identify
opportunities to reduce generation of hazardous waste and to recycle and reuse that which is
68-212-306(b) Hazardous waste
reduction progress
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC),
Underground Storage Tanks and Solid
Waste Disposal Control Board
Except for the information reported to the department under § 68-212-308, the annual
[hazardous waste reduction] progress report [prepared by a generator] shall be retained at
the facility and shall not be considered a public record under title 10, chapter 7, part 5.
However, the generator shall permit any ofcer, employee or representative of the department at
all reasonable times to have access to the annual progress report.
68-212-311 Hazardous waste Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC),
Underground Storage Tanks and Solid
Waste Disposal Control Board
A [hazardous waste reduction] plan or annual progress report [under § 68-212-306]
developed pursuant to this part and maintained at the generating facility shall not be
considered a public record under title 10, chapter 7, part 5. The board shall establish
procedures to ensure that information supplied to the department, as provided by this part,
and dened as proprietary by regulation, is not revealed to any person without the consent of
the person supplying such information.
However, the summary information on waste reduction activities submitted to the department
may be utilized by the commissioner, the board, the department, the United States environmental
protection agency (EPA) or any authorized representative of the commissioner or the board
in connection with the responsibilities of the department or board pursuant to this part or as
necessary to comply with federal law. Copies of any Form Rs, provided to the state and the EPA
shall be available to the public from the Tennessee emergency management agency.
68-215-108 Proprietary information Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC),
Underground Storage Tanks and Solid
Waste Disposal Control Board
The board shall establish procedures to ensure that information supplied to the department
as required by this chapter, and as dened as proprietary by regulation, is not revealed to
any person, except as provided in this section.
Proprietary information shall not include the name and address of the owner and/or operator
of petroleum underground storage tanks. Proprietary information may be utilized by the
commissioner, the board, the department, the United States environmental protection agency
(EPA), or any authorized representative of the commissioner or board in connection with the
responsibilities of the department or board pursuant to this chapter or as necessary to comply with
federal law.
69-3-113 Secret formulae
or proprietary
manufacturing processes
Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC), Board of
Water Quality, Oil and Gas
(b) [Secret formulae or proprietary manufacturing processes shall not] be available to the
public for reasonable inspection and copying.
(a)(1) [When] the board [of water quality, oil and gas] or the commissioner has reason to
believe [a person] is causing, or may be about to cause, pollution, or any person having
information concerning such person, upon request by the board or commission, such person
shall furnish the board or the commissioner all pertinent information required in the discharge
of duties under this part.
(a)(2) Under this section, information includes . . .secret formulae and proprietary
manufacturing processes.
(a)(3) All information shall be used by the board only for purposes of water quality control.
The board or the commissioner has the power to issue protection orders to prevent public
dissemination of any secret formulae or proprietary manufacturing processes, except that
such orders shall not extend to information concerning waste products discharged into the
waters of the state.
69-7-305(1) Trade secrets Tennessee Department of Environment
and Conservation (TDEC)
If requested and if it is deemed necessary by the commissioner to protect trade secret
information as dened in § 47-25-1702 [received in the annual collection and compilation of
water quantity data and other quantity information, including data and information on uses of
water and well data], the commissioner shall keep such trade secret information condential;
71-1-118(a) Welfare lists Tennessee Department of Human
Services (DHS)
The welfare lists referred to in § 71-1-117 cannot be used for political or commercial
purposes and no one will be permitted to copy such a list.
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Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act
71-1-131 Child and spousal
support services
Tennessee Department of Human
Services (DHS)
(a)(1)(A) The records of the department, its contractors or agents concerning the provision
of Title IV-D child or spousal support services shall be condential and information in such
records shall not be subject to public inspection by any person or entity and the records
shall not be used in judicial, administrative or legislative proceedings or for law enforcement
activities, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, information that is required to be
provided to the department of human services, its contractors or agents by the department
of labor and workforce development shall not be further disclosed or utilized except to the
extent permitted and for the purposes allowable pursuant to § 50-7-701 or under applicable
federal or state law or regulations.
(a)(1)(B) Any information provided to the department, its contractors or agents by any
other state or federal agencies or other entities, that is required by federal or state law
or regulations to be provided to the department as part of the department's Title IV-D
responsibilities to establish, enforce or modify child or spousal support, but which information
is otherwise protected as condential by the laws or regulations of the United States or by
any state's, territory's or other government's law or regulations, shall also be condential,
and shall be held by the department in a condential manner. Such information shall also
not be subject to public inspection by any person or entity and shall not be used in judicial,
administrative or legislative proceedings or for law enforcement activities, except as
otherwise provided in this section.
(a)(3)(A) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section and any other law to the
contrary, no information shall be disclosed by the department pursuant to this section from
Title IV-D records maintained by the department, its contractors or agents when:
(i) A protective order has been entered against one party and the release of information from
such record would disclose the whereabouts of the party or the child for whose benet the
protective order was entered; or
(ii) The department, its contractors or agents have reason to believe that the release of
information concerning the whereabouts of one party or the child to another person may
result in physical or emotional harm to the party or the child.
(a)(4) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, when any information regarding a consumer
report, as dened in 15 U.S.C. § 1681a, from a consumer reporting agency is obtained by
the department, its contractors or agents, such information will be kept condential and will
be used solely for the purposes of establishing an individual's capacity to make child or
spousal support payments or in determining the appropriate level of such payments, such
report shall be condential and will not be available by subpoena or court order for any civil,
criminal, or administrative proceeding, law enforcement activity or for any other purpose,
except for the purpose of the establishment, enforcement and modication of child or spousal
support obligations by the department, or by any federal, state, territorial, or foreign child or
spousal support enforcement agency, or by their contractors or agents.
(a)(5) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any nancial information obtained from a
nancial institution by the department, its contractors or agents regarding an individual shall
be condential and will not be available by subpoena or court order for any civil, criminal
or administrative proceeding, law enforcement activity or for any other purpose, and shall
be disclosed only for the purpose of and to the extent necessary for the establishment,
enforcement and modication of child or spousal support obligations by the department, its
contractors or agents or by any federal, state, territorial, or foreign child support enforcement
agency or their contractors or agents.
(a)(6) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any information that is required to be given to
the department of human services, its contractors or agents by any requirement of federal
or state law or regulations as part of the department's responsibilities to enforce child or
spousal support, but that is otherwise not subject to subdivisions (a)(4) and (a)(5), and that
is otherwise ordinarily protected by federal or state law or regulations from disclosure or
use because it is protected as condential information, shall be condential and shall not be
available by subpoena or court order for any civil, criminal, administrative proceeding, law
enforcement activity, or for any other purpose. Such information shall be disclosed only to the
extent permitted by such federal or state laws or regulations, or only for the purpose of and
to the extent necessary for the establishment, enforcement and modication of child support
obligations by the department, its contractors or agents or by any federal, state, territorial, or
foreign child support enforcement agency or their contractors or agents.
(a)(1)(C) Except as limited by subdivision (a)(2), the department, its contractors or agents may
disclose any information in the records of the Title IV-D child or spousal support records for
purposes directly connected with the establishment of paternity or the establishment, modication,
or enforcement of child or spousal support in any judicial or administrative proceeding or for the
administration of any part of the child support program.
(a)(2) [Unless information] provided to the department pursuant to any federal or state law or
regulation for purposes related to the establishment, enforcement or modication of child or
spousal support under the Title IV-D child support program is otherwise specically protected
from further disclosure or further use by any other federal, state, territorial or other government
law or regulation, the department is specically authorized to further utilize or further disclose any
information from the Title IV-D child or spousal support records for any purposes that it determines
in its sole discretion are directly connected [with certain specied activities].
Source Subject Matter Government Entity Description Exceptions To Exception
Statutory Exceptions
to the
Tennessee Public Records Act
Statutory Exceptions
to the
Tennessee Public Records Act
Subject Matter Index
Subject Matter Index
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 108
Abortion 37-10-304; 39-15-202(a); 39-15-203(d); 39-15-210(c)
Abuse, neglect or exploitation 71-6-103(j)(5)
Access to records 10-7-508
Accident reports 55-10-114
Accountants 62-1-115; 62-1-116; 62-1-202
Actuarial opinion of reserves 56-1-903(a)(4)
Actuarial opinion summary 56-1-420
Actuarial report 56-1-420
Adoption 10-7-503(b); 36-1-102; 36-1-111; 36-1-116(e); 36-1-125; 36-1-126; 36-1-127; 36-1-304; 68-3-313
Adult abuse, neglect or exploitation 71-6-118; 71-6-125(e)
Adult offenders 40-28-401
Agency rules, nal orders and decisions 4-5-218
Alcohol abuse 33-10-408
All records 10-7-503(d)
Ambulances 68-140-319(1)(D)
Animal health certicates 10-7-504(a)(9)
Applicant records 68-115-207
Appraisers 62-39-301(d)(3)
Assessment report 37-1-136
Assessment tests for graduation 49-6-6001(c)
Assessments 8-30-301(d)
Attorney General 8-6-407
Attorney-client 3-12-106(b); 23-3-105; 23-4-104; 67-1-1710
Attorneys and investigators 24-1-209
Audio and video recordings 37-1-155
Audit working papers 2-10-212; 9-3-406(a); 10-7-504(a)(22)(A)
Audits 3-6-308(c); 4-3-304(7); 4-3-304(9); 29-20-401(g)(3); 47-18-1604(a)(2)
Authorization codes 10-7-504(a)(19)
Autopsies 38-7-110(c); 38-7-110(d)
Background investigations 38-6-106(c); 38-6-106(g)
Bank account information 8-11-112; 10-7-504(f)(6); 10-7-504(r)
Banks 45-1-126; 45-2-103(a)(3)(C); 45-2-1603; 45-2-1717(c)
Bids 5-14-108(i); 10-7-504(a)(7); 12-3-1208(d); 64-1-711(a)
Birth Defects Registry 68-5-506(e)
Blood tests 68-5-604(c); 68-5-703(c); 68-10-116(b); 68-10-117(b); 68-11-222(c)
Books, records and other material 10-7-504(a)(5)
Business and industrial development corporations (BIDCO) 48-8-221
Cable or video service provider 7-59-306(c); 7-59-306(d)(1); 7-59-306(g)
Cable or video service provider non-discrimination 7-59-305(d)(2); 7-59-311(d)(4)
Campaign nance 2-10-211(d)
Cancer data 68-1-1006
Cancer patient information 68-1-1010(b)
Capital plans 5-1-130; 10-7-504(a)(10)
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Subject Matter Index
Subject Matter Source
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Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Subject Matter Index
Captive insurance companies 56-13-108(b); 56-13-109(d)
Cemeteries 46-1-218(b)
CEO application materials 4-12-113; 4-51-124(a)(9); 49-7-154(a)
Charitable solicitations 48-101-511; 48-101-513(i)(2); 48-101-514(a)(1)
Check Cashing Act 45-18-119(f); 45-18-124
Child abuse 36-6-107(b)(4); 71-6-203(8)
Child and spousal support services 71-1-131
Child custody 36-6-107(b)(4); 36-6-224(e)
Child fatality 68-142-108
Child protection 37-1-607(a)(2)
Claims data 56-7-3112; 63-9-117(l)
Claims data for hospital patient discharge 68-1-108(a)
Claims data for ofce-based surgery 63-6-221(l)
Claims data from ambulatory surgical treatment centers and outpatient diagnostic centers 68-1-119
Clergy 24-1-206
Coal surface mining and reclamation operations 59-8-413(e)(2)
Coal surface mining permits 59-8-406(d)
Community based program notices 40-36-302(f)
Complaints 63-13-317(f)
Computer programs 10-7-504(a)(18)
Condential information 4-3-308(b); 37-3-810; 45-2-1717(c); 56-1-917; 56-2-801; 68-115-207
Construction services provider and workers' compensation exemption registration 50-6-915
Consumer affairs 47-18-106(g)
Contingency plans 10-7-503(e); 10-7-504(a)(9); 10-7-504(a)(21)
Contracts 4-51-124(a)(4)
Controlled substances database records 53-10-306
Counseling and therapy 10-7-504(a)(13); 63-22-114
Court caseload reports 16-1-117(a)(6)(C)
Credit card and personal identication numbers 10-7-504(a)(19)
Criminal history background check 4-51-103(c)(2); 4-51-109(d)(2); 4-51-110; 8-50-112; 37-2-414(b)(3)(C)(iii); 38-14-101; 41-7-109(e); 45-1-117(f)(3); 49-7-2005(b); 62-39-301(d)(3)
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 10-7-504(k)
Criminal investigative les 10-7-504(a)(2)(A)
Criminal investigative records 10-7-504(a)(2); 10-7-504(a)(2)(A)
Criminal offender and pretrial diversion database 38-6-118(d)
Crisis response services 24-1-204
Dairy information 43-35-101
Database 68-140-602
DCS records 10-7-504(l)
Death sentence 10-7-504(h)
Deferred presentment services 45-17-122
Dentists 63-5-131(d)
Departmental records 45-1-120(a)
Disabled persons 67-5-703(d)
Subject Matter Source
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 110
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Subject Matter Index
Disciplinary records 63-6-1302
Domestic abuse death 36-3-624(e)
Domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers 10-7-504(a)(17); 36-3-623
Donation or transplantation of body parts 10-7-504(a)(1)
Driver licenses 10-7-504(a)(2)(A)
Drug free workplace programs 50-9-109
Drug tests 41-1-121; 49-6-4213(k); 50-9-106(a)(2); 71-3-1204
Economic development 5-1-130; 6-54-142; 6-54-204
Elections 2-6-202(c)(6); 2-11-202(a)(5)(C)
E-mail addresses 10-7-504(a)(27)
Emergency response plans 49-6-808
Employee assistance programs 10-7-504(d)
Employees 4-12-113; 4-51-110; 4-51-124(a); 4-51-124(a)(9); 10-7-504(a)(3); 10-7-504(a)(13); 10-7-504(a)(23); 10-7-504(a)(26); 10-7-504(f); 10-7-504(g); 39-17-1309(e)(11)(B)(ii); 40-28-119(c);
41-1-121; 41-7-109(e); 41-21-408(b); 45-1-117(f)(3); 49-1-606(b); 49-5-5632; 49-6-816(i); 49-7-154(a); 50-9-106(a)(2)
Employment records 8-30-301(d)
Employment searches 10-7-503(f)
Endangered species 11-1-102(c)(2)
Energy 4-3-514(b)(1)
Energy production facilities 7-54-107(2)(c)
Evaluation data 49-5-5632
Examinations 10-7-504(a)(22)(C); 10-7-504(v); 45-2-1603; 55-19-112; 56-1-411; 56-8-107(d); 56-11-108; 56-12-211(e); 56-13-109(d); 56-22-115(d); 56-50-107(e); 56-50-107(e)(3); 56-51-150(c);
66-29-159; 67-1-509(e)
Executive records 8-3-104(10)
Executive sessions 4-3-5509(a); 4-14-308; 4-35-108; 9-3-405
Expungement 37-1-153; 37-1-506; 40-32-101
Fantasy sports operators 47-18-1604(a)(2)
Federal funding and program participation 10-7-503(b)
Fees 38-6-120
Fetal and infant mortality 68-142-205
Financial documents 8-4-116(c)
Financial exploitation of designated adult 48-1-127(d)
Financial information 46-1-218(b); 62-20-119; 67-6-104
Financial institutions 45-1-120(a)
Financial records 68-115-207
Financial statements 62-6-124
Financial statements of self-insurers for workers' compensation claims 50-6-405(c)(4)(C)
Fingerprints 37-1-155; 62-39-301(d)(3)
Firearm disabilities 16-1-117(a)(6)(C); 16-10-213(d)
Firearms 39-17-1316(j); 49-6-815(d)
Fires 68-102-132
First report of work injury 50-3-702(b)
Flexible Credit Act 45-12-125
Food assistance 4-3-1205(d); 71-5-304(5)
Food stamps (SNAP) 71-5-304(5)
Subject Matter Source
Page 111 Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Subject Matter Index
Foster care 37-2-408(a); 37-2-411(b); 37-2-414(b)(3)(C)(iii); 37-2-415(c)(2)
Fraud 56-50-114(e)
Fraud, waste and abuse hotline 8-4-407; 10-7-504(a)(22)(b)
Geologists 62-36-115
Government property 10-7-504(a)(i)
Governmental tort liability 29-20-401(g)(3)
Grand jury proceedings 40-12-209
Handgun permits 10-7-504(a)(2)(A); 10-7-504(o)
Handguns 39-17-1309(e)(11)(B)(ii); 49-6-816(i)
Hazardous waste 68-212-109; 68-212-205(d)(1)(A); 68-212-311
Hazardous waste reduction progress reports 68-212-306(b)
Health care data 63-6-228
Health care facilities 68-11-255
Health care liability claim settlement reports 56-3-111(b)
Health care liability reporting 56-54-107
Health care service billings 68-11-262(c)
Health care service billings and reimbursements 56-60-105(d)
Health insurance 3-2-111(b)(2); 56-2-125
Health maintenance organizations 56-11-201(c); 56-32-135
Health professionals 10-7-504(v)
Health services 56-51-150(c)
Healthcare services 63-1-150
Historic research value records 10-7-504(a)(11)
HIV Tests 68-5-703(c); 68-10-116(b)
Hospital records 68-11-304
HRC efforts to eliminate discriminatory practices 4-21-303(d)
Human trafcking resource center hotline 39-13-313(d)
Identifying information 2-2-112(c); 2-2-127; 2-6-502(b); 4-6-140(c); 4-51-124(a)(5); 4-51-124(a)(7); 8-11-112; 9-19-109; 10-7-504(a)(15); 10-7-504(a)(16); 10-7-504(a)(20); 10-7-504(f); 10-7-504(h);
10-7-504(j); 10-7-504(k); 10-7-504(l); 10-7-504(q); 10-7-504(t); 11-1-102(c)(3); 33-3-108; 36-6-107(b)(4); 37-1-151(b)(4)(F); 37-1-403(h); 37-1-409; 37-1-506(a); 37-2-411(b);
37-5-105(15); 37-5-106(a)(22)(B); 37-5-107; 38-1-304; 40-28-505(h); 40-38-111(i); 49-7-120; 49-7-140; 49-7-825; 49-11-613(a); 49-13-145; 49-50-1408(b); 50-3-302(d); 50-3-304(a)
(3); 63-51-105; 66-7-107(a)(2); 66-29-178; 68-1-108(a); 68-5-506(e); 68-11-255; 68-11-1503; 68-55-204(d); 68-140-314(b); 68-141-105; 71-3-119; 71-3-513; 71-6-118; 71-6-125(e);
Ignition interlock data 55-10-423
Immunization 63-2-101
Impaired health practitioners 63-1-136
Incident reports 68-11-211
Industrial loan and thrifts 45-5-209
Infectious diseases 41-51-102(e); 41-51-103(b); 68-29-107
Information concerning individuals being treated with controlled substances 53-11-408(a)(3)
Information processing and communication systems 10-7-504(i); 10-7-504(i)(3)
Information provided to victim by DA 40-38-114(b)
Information related to child protection investigative teams 37-1-607(a)(2)
Inheritance tax 67-8-404(b)
Inmate medical information 41-51-102(e); 41-51-103(b)
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Inmates 41-21-408(b)
Inspections 63-12-110(d)
Insurance 56-1-411; 56-1-903(a)(4); 56-1-917; 56-2-801; 56-3-111(b); 56-6-803(e); 56-9-202; 56-9-504; 56-10-301(d); 56-11-108(f); 56-11-208; 56-11-208(f); 56-12-211(a); 56-12-211(c);
56-13-109(d); 56-22-115(d); 56-50-107(e)(3)
Insurance ling 56-11-103; 56-11-104(c); 56-11-201(c); 56-13-103(c)(3); 56-13-108(b); 56-13-404
Insurance fraud 56-53-109(c); 56-63-109(c)
Insurance holding companies 56-11-108
Insurance policy information 47-23-101(a)
Insurance scoring model or process lings 56-5-205
Insurance verication 10-7-504(s); 55-12-209
Internal audit 4-51-124(a)(4); 10-7-504(a)(22)(A); 49-14-103(a)
Interpreters 24-1-210(b); 24-1-211(f)
Investigations 2-10-212; 2-11-202(a)(5)(C); 4-3-304(7); 4-3-304(9); 4-3-1205(d); 4-51-124(a)(6); 4-51-125(b); 8-6-112(d); 10-7-504(a)(3); 10-7-504(a)(22)(A); 29-20-401(g)(3); 37-1-607(a)(2);
37-1-612; 37-3-810; 37-5-512(a)(3); 40-35-205(b); 48-1-118(a)(1)(A); 48-101-514(a)(1); 56-6-117(g); 56-6-120(a); 56-8-107(d); 56-11-108; 56-32-135; 56-50-107(e); 56-50-114(e);
56-51-150(c); 56-53-109(c); 63-1-117; 63-6-214(h)(1); 63-6-214(i)(3); 63-6-221(j); 63-6-1302; 63-7-115(c)(3); 63-9-117(j); 63-12-110(d); 63-13-317(f); 67-1-1705(c); 68-102-132;
68-140-314(b); 71-6-103(j)(5)
Investigations (law enforcement) 38-7-110(c)
Investigations by internal affairs division 10-7-504(a)(8)
Investigative records 10-7-504(a)(2); 10-7-504(a)(2)(A); 71-5-2516(a)
Investment division employee disclosures 10-7-504(f)(7)
Investment records 8-37-104(a)(10)(B); 49-7-165
James Lee Atwood Jr. Law 10-7-504(s); 55-12-209
Job applications 38-6-106(d)
Job performance evaluations 10-7-504(a)(23); 10-7-504(a)(26); 8-30-313(d); 49-1-606(b)
Judiciary 8-6-112(d)
Judiciary complaints 17-5-303(b)
Judiciary investigation 17-5-208(b)(2); 17-5-307(g)(4)
Jury lists 22-2-302
Jury service 22-1-103(c)
Juvenile court records 37-1-153; 37-1-705(d)
Juvenile records 37-1-131(a)(2)(F); 37-1-131(a)(2)(K)(ii)
Juveniles 10-7-504(t); 37-1-136; 37-1-155; 37-1-154; 37-1-506(a); 37-4-101; 37-5-107; 37-10-304; 40-39-206(e)
Juveniles adjudicated delinquent 49-6-3051(d)
Laboratory tests 68-5-604(c)
Law enforcement 10-7-504(a)(2)(A); 10-7-504(g); 37-1-154
Law enforcement body camera video 10-7-504(u)
Lawyers assistance programs 23-4-104; 23-4-105
Legislative records 3-2-111(b)(2); 3-10-108(c); 3-12-105; 3-12-106(b); 3-14-109
Liability claims 63-51-105
Library records 10-8-102
Licensure 10-7-504(v); 37-5-512(a)(3); 45-12-125; 45-13-505; 45-15-109(c)(4); 45-15-123; 56-6-803(e); 56-13-103(c)(3); 56-37-118; 62-20-119; 62-36-115; 62-39-301(d)(3); 63-6-1302;
Litter reports 54-1-403
Lottery 49-4-903(c)
Lottery games 4-51-124(a)(10)
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Lottery winners 4-51-124(a)(7); 4-51-205(b)
Marketing and strategic plans 68-11-238(a)
Marketing information 5-1-130; 10-7-504(a)(10)
Marketing plans 4-3-730
Marriage 24-1-201(b); 24-1-201(c); 36-4-130
Maternal fatality 68-3-608
Media sources 24-1-208
Mediation 16-20-103; 36-4-130
Medicaid 71-5-2516(a)
Medical information 4-51-124(a)(8); 56-51-150(a); 68-1-108(a)
Medical records 8-25-109; 8-25-307; 8-25-402; 8-36-510; 9-8-311; 9-8-408; 10-7-504(a)(1); 38-7-110(c); 50-6-131; 63-2-101(b); 68-11-1503; 68-115-207
Meetings 4-3-5509(a); 4-12-113; 4-14-308; 4-35-108; 9-3-405; 9-4-518; 24-1-207(b); 37-3-810; 56-11-208(f); 56-12-211(a); 56-12-211(c); 56-46-108(a); 63-5-131(d); 63-7-402; 63-12-118(c);
68-3-608; 68-11-238(a); 68-140-602; 68-142-108; 68-142-205; 71-5-197
Mental health and substance abuse 33-3-103; 33-3-108
Mental health intervention 10-7-504(a)(13)
Military discharge records 10-7-513
Mineral test hole data 60-1-504(b)(4); 60-1-505(c)
Minors 39-14-144(f)
Money transmitters 45-7-216; 45-7-229
Motor vehicle records 10-7-504(a)(12)
Names on drug registry 39-17-436(e)
National and state security 10-7-504(a)(3)
Nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry 45-13-505
Notice of OSHA violation 50-3-304(a)(3)
Nuclear materials 68-202-217
Nurses 63-7-125
Nursing home complaints 68-11-904
Nursing home data 68-11-909(b)
Nursing homes 68-11-901(13)
Order of protection 10-7-504(a)(15); 10-7-504(a)(16); 10-7-504(a)(16)(I)
OSHA investigations 50-3-302(d)
Parental rights 36-1-118(e)(4)(B)(ii)
Parole 40-28-119(c)
Patentable information 49-7-120
Patient records 10-7-504(a)(1); 24-1-207(b); 68-11-901(13)
Payer claims database 56-2-125
Payroll records 12-4-414
Peer review 62-1-202; 63-5-131(d); 63-10-405(a); 63-11-220; 63-12-138(d); 63-51-105
Personal information 66-29-178
Personal information in motor vehicle records 55-25-104; 55-25-107
Personal privacy rights 49-12-301
Personal records 68-11-804(c)(5)
Personally identifying information 10-7-504(a)(29); 10-7-515(g); 24-1-207(b)
Petition for assisted outpatient treatment 33-6-624(e)(5)
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Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Subject Matter Index
Petition for rearm disabilities relief 16-10-205(j); 16-11-202(j); 16-15-405(j); 16-16-121(j)
Pharmacists 63-10-405(a)
Pharmacy benets 56-7-3112
Pharmacy Quality Improvement Program 63-10-405
Photographs 10-7-504(t); 10-7-504(q); 37-1-155
Physical therapists 63-13-317(d)
Pictures 68-11-1503
Plans for riot, escape and emergency transport 10-7-504(a)(14)
Polygraph examinations 62-27-124(b)
Post mortem examinations 38-7-110(c); 38-7-110(d)
Premise identication or animal tracking 10-7-504(a)(9)
Premium Finance Company Act 56-37-118
Privileged communications 3-12-106(b); 23-3-105; 23-4-104; 24-1-201(b); 24-1-201(c); 24-1-204; 24-1-206; 24-1-207; 24-1-208; 24-1-209; 24-1-210(b); 24-1-211(f); 62-1-116; 63-7-125; 63-11-213;
63-13-317(d); 63-22-114; 63-23-109; 67-1-1710
Privileged records received from other jurisdictions 56-1-917(b)(4)
Proceeding against insurer 56-9-202
Procurement 4-51-124(a)(40); 4-51-126; 5-14-108(i); 7-54-107(2)(C); 10-7-504(a)(7); 10-7-504(a)(28); 10-7-504(n); 12-3-502(g); 12-3-1207; 54-1-504; 54-1-506
Professional employer organizations 62-43-104; 62-43-109
Property tax 67-5-303(d); 67-5-1319
Property tax freeze 67-5-705(g)(2)
Property tax relief 67-5-701(m); 67-5-703(d); 67-5-704(i)
Proprietary information 4-3-514(b)(1); 4-28-108(e); 4-28-109(a)(1)(B); 4-28-110; 4-28-111(a); 7-59-311(d)(4); 7-86-317; 10-7-504(a)(10); 10-7-504(a)(24); 49-7-120; 54-6-105(f); 54-6-107; 56-11-208;
56-47-112(a)(5); 56-51-150(b); 56-53-111(a)(3); 68-202-217; 68-212-109; 68-215-108; 71-5-142; 71-5-197
Proprietary interests 49-12-301
Psychiatrists 24-1-207; 24-1-207(b)
Psychologists 63-11-213; 63-11-220
Public obligations 9-19-109
Published codes 68-102-113(b)
Purchasing 5-14-108(i)
Qualied public depository reports 9-4-518
Radiological information 68-202-217
Real estate leases and purchases 10-7-504(a)(7)
Rebate Amounts for Drug Manufacturers 71-5-197
Receivership for delinquent insurer 56-9-109(d)
Records concerning radioactive materials 11-1-102(c)(1)
Regulatory ratings 45-2-614(b)
Relay operators 24-1-210(b)
Report from Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals 68-11-210(c)(5)(C)
Report of animal cruelty, abuse or neglect 38-1-402(d)
Reportable event report 63-6-221(s)
Reports of child abuse or sexual abuse 37-1-605(d); 49-6-1601(b)
Reports of child sexual abuse 37-1-612
Reports of falsication, waste or mismanagement 49-50-1408(b)
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Reports of harm 37-1-403(h); 37-1-409; 37-5-107
Reports of material acquisition and disposition 56-10-301(d)
Reports of suspected illegal, improper, wasteful or fraudulent activity 4-35-107(a); 9-3-406(a); 49-14-103(a)
Reports of unanticipated events 63-9-117(s)
Research or services by public higher education institutions 49-7-120
Risk and Solvency Assessment (RSA) 56-11-208
Risk management 9-8-307(a)(3)
Risk-Based Capital (RBC) report hearing 56-46-108(a)
Risk-Based Capital (RBC) reports 56-46-109
Risk-Based Capital (RBC) reports and plans 56-46-208
Savings and loan associations 45-1-126; 45-3-807; 45-3-814(a)
Schools safety and security of school building 10-7-504(p)
Screening panels 63-1-138
Secret formulae or proprietary manufacturing processes 69-3-113
Security 4-51-124(a)
Security of government buildings 10-7-504(m)
Security systems 10-7-516
Sensitive information 4-3-730
Sexual offenders 40-39-206(e); 40-39-207
Sexually transmitted diseases 68-10-113
Shoplifting settlement agreements 39-14-144(f); 39-14-145(c)
Social workers 63-23-109
Software 10-7-504(a)(18)
Soil scientists 68-18-213
Solvency 56-12-211(c)
State employees 8-30-313(d); 38-6-106(d)
Statutory rape 38-1-304
Student disciplinary records 10-7-504(a)(4)
Student health information 49-6-1401(a)(3); 68-24-301(a)
Student records 10-7-504(a)(4); 10-7-504(a)(25); 37-1-131(a)(2)(F); 37-1-131(a)(2)(K)(ii); 49-1-703(2); 49-4-903(c); 49-6-3007(i)(7); 49-6-4213(k); 49-6-5105; 49-12-301; 49-13-145
Subrecipient monitoring 4-3-1205(d)
Substance abuse 33-10-104(f)(1); 33-10-408
Supervision of insurers 56-9-504
Supreme Court Rules 16-3-404
Surrender of parental rights 36-1-126
Surveys 10-7-504(a)(22)(D)
Tangible personal property tax 67-5-402
Tax administration information 67-1-1702; 67-4-722; 67-8-109
Tax information 67-1-703(d); 67-1-1702; 67-1-1703; 67-4-722; 67-8-109
Tax returns 67-1-703(d); 67-1-1702; 67-1-1710; 67-4-722; 67-4-2808; 67-8-109
Teachers 10-7-504(a)(23); 49-1-606(b)
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program 71-3-119
TennCare 71-5-142; 71-5-143(e); 71-5-197; 71-5-2516(a)
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Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Subject Matter Index
TennCare Foundation 71-5-107(f)(2)(G)
Tennessee Securities Act 45-2-1717(c); 48-1-118(a)(1)(A); 48-1-127(d)
Termination of insurance producer 56-6-117(g)
Tests 8-30-301(d); 10-7-504(a)(22)(C); 10-7-504(v); 49-1-302(f); 67-1-509(e)
Title pledges 45-15-109(c)(4); 45-15-123
TNInvestco 4-28-108(e); 4-28-109(a)(1)(B); 4-28-110; 4-28-111(a)
Tobacco sales data 67-4-1028(b)
Toxicology reports 38-7-110(d)
Trade secrets 4-3-730; 4-14-308; 4-51-124(a)(1); 5-1-130; 7-54-107(2)(C); 10-7-504(a)(10); 47-18-106(g); 47-25-1706; 49-7-120; 50-3-914(a); 56-5-107(a); 56-11-201(c); 56-5-208; 69-7-305;
Trauma registry 68-11-259(c)
Traumatic brain injury 68-55-204(d)
Unauthorized access 10-7-504(i)
Unemployment 50-7-701(a)(1)(B); 50-7-701(a)(2); 50-7-701(c)
Unpublished telephone numbers 10-7-504(e)
Utilities 10-7-504(a)(20)
Utility structural or operational vulnerability 10-7-504(a)(21)
Valuations of real and personal property 10-7-504(a)(6)
Vendors 10-7-504(i)(3)
Veterans 67-5-704(i)
Veterinary wellness 63-12-118(c)
Viatical settlements 56-50-107(e); 56-50-114(e)
Victim impact statements 40-28-504(b)
Victims 10-7-504(k); 16-20-103
Victims Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 10-7-504(k)
Victims of sexual offense 10-7-504(q)
Videos 10-7-504(t); 10-7-504(q)
Vital records 68-3-205; 68-3-313
Vocational rehabilitation 49-11-613(a)
Voter lists 2-2-138; 2-2-138(e)
Voter registration 2-2-112(c); 2-2-127; 2-2-141(e); 2-6-502(b)
Welfare lists 71-1-118(a)
Welfare recipients 71-3-1204
Wire tap recordings 40-6-304(f)
Work papers 3-12-105; 3-14-109; 8-4-116(c); 56-1-420; 66-29-159
Workers' compensation insurance 50-6-405(b)(3)
Workers' compensation insurance policies 50-6-421
Working papers 4-3-304(7); 4-3-304(9); 7-59-306(g); 8-4-407; 49-14-103(a); 56-1-411; 56-1-903(a)(4); 56-13-109(d); 56-22-115(d); 56-50-107(e); 56-50-107(e)(3); 62-1-115;
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Governmental Entities Index
Governmental Entities Index
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 117
Administrative Ofce of the Courts 16-1-117(a)(6)(C)
All 9-19-109; 10-7-503(b); 10-7-504(a)(1); 10-7-504(a)(12); 10-7-504(a)(13); 10-7-504(a)(16); 10-7-504(a)(17); 10-7-504(a)(21); 10-7-504(a)(29); 10-7-504(d); 10-7-504(f); 10-7-504(o);
10-7-504(q); 10-7-504(t); 10-7-504(u); 10-7-513; 10-7-516; 36-1-127; 37-1-409; 39-15-202(a); 40-6-304(f); 50-9-106(a)(2); 50-9-109
Ambulance Service Providers 68-140-319(1)(D)
Any Person 41-51-102(e)
Assessing Ofcials 67-5-303(d); 67-5-402
Association or Nonprot Corporation 10-7-503(d)
Attorneys 23-3-105
Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors 63-1-138
Board for Licensing Contractors 62-6-124
Board of Dentistry 56-3-111(b)
Board of Judicial Conduct 17-5-208(b)(2); 17-5-303(b); 17-5-307(g)(4)
Board of Medical Examiners 56-3-111(b); 63-6-214(h)(1); 63-6-214(i)(3); 63-6-221(j); 63-6-221(s)
Board of Nursing 63-7-115(c)(3)
Board of Osteopathic Examination 56-3-111(b); 63-9-117(j); 63-9-117(l); 63-9-117(s);
Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners 63-12-110(d)
Board of Water Quality, Oil and Gas 60-1-504(b)(4); 69-3-113
Bureau of Worker's Compensation 50-3-702(b); 50-6-131; 50-6-421
Chair of Standing Committee of the Tennessee General Assembly 38-6-106(g)
Chancery Court of Davidson County 46-1-218(b)
Charter Schools 49-13-145
Child Advocacy Centers 37-1-607(a)(2)
Child Care Agencies, Preschools, Nursery Schools, Kindergarten, Elementary Schools,
Secondary Schools
37-1-605(d); 49-6-1601(b)
Child Fatality Prevention Team 68-142-108
Circuit Courts 22-2-302(4)(B)
Cities 6-54-204; 10-7-504(i); 10-7-504(i)(3); 10-7-504(m); 12-3-1208(d)
Collateral Pool Board 9-4-518
Community Health Management Information System (CHMIS) 63-6-228
Connected Tennessee 7-59-311(d)(4)
Coordinator of Elections 2-2-141(e)
Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges 37-1-506(a)
Counties 5-1-130; 5-14-108(i); 7-59-306(c); 7-59-306(d)(1); 8-25-109; 8-25-307; 10-7-504(a)(1); 10-7-504(a)(20); 10-7-504(i); 10-7-504(i)(3); 10-7-504(m); 12-3-1208(d); 33-10-408;
38-7-110(c); 38-14-101; 40-32-101; 54-6-105(f); 54-6-107; 67-6-104
County and Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies 40-36-302(f)
County Clerks (when acting as agents) 55-25-104; 55-25-107
County Election Commissions 2-2-127; 2-2-138; 2-2-141(e); 2-6-202(c)(6); 2-6-502(b)
County Medical Examiner or Coroner 38-7-110(d)
County Property Assessors 67-5-303(d); 67-5-402
County Registers of Deeds 10-7-515(g); 59-8-406(d)
County Sheriffs 10-7-504(a)(14)
County Trustees 8-11-112; 67-5-701(m); 67-5-703(d); 67-5-704(i); 67-5-705(g)(2)
Court Clerks 10-7-504(a)(16)(l); 16-1-117(a)(6)(c); 68-3-205
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Governmental Entities Index
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Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Governmental Entities Index
Courts 8-6-112(d); 10-7-504(a)(16)(l); 36-1-116(e); 36-1-125; 36-1-126; 36-6-107(b)(4); 36-6-224(e); 36-6-624(e)(5); 39-14-144(f); 39-14-145(c); 40-32-101; 47-25-1706; 49-6-3051(d);
55-10-423; 55-12-209; 56-9-202
Dental Peer Review Committee 63-5-131(d)
District Attorneys General 8-6-112(d); 39-14-144(f); 39-14-145(c); 40-12-209; 40-38-114(b); 45-2-1717(c); 66-7-107(a)(2)
Division of Business Services 10-7-504(a)(27)
Division of Consumer Affairs 47-18-106(g)
Division of Elections 2-2-112(c); 2-2-138(e)
Division of Employment Security 62-43-109
Division of Health Related Boards 61-1-138; 63-1-136; 63-1-150; 63-10-405(a); 63-51-105
Domestic Violence Shelters 36-3-623
Educational Institutions 10-7-504(p)
Emergency Communications Districts 10-7-504(e)
Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) Program and Review Teams 68-142-205
Fiscal Review Committee 3-2-111(b)(2)
Foster Care Review Boards 37-2-408(a)
Governmental Utility Boards 12-3-1207
Governor 4-51-103(c)(2); 38-6-106(c)
Healthcare Organizations 63-1-150
Higher Education Institutions 10-7-504(a)(4); 10-7-504(a)(18); 39-17-1309(e)(11)(B)(ii)
Highway Patrol 55-10-114
Hospitals 10-7-504(a)(1); 37-1-403(h); 68-11-304
Incorporated Cities 10-7-504(a)(20)
Interagency Domestic Abuse Death Review Team 36-3-624(e)
State, County and Local Government Internal Audit Staffs 10-7-504(a)(22)(A)
Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice 68-140-602
Interstate Commission for Juveniles 37-4-101
Interstate Commission for Supervision of Adult Offenders 40-28-401
Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators 63-7-402
Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children 49-12-301
Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission 63-6-1302
Investigative Grand Juries 40-12-209
Juvenile Courts 36-1-118(e)(4)(B)(ii); 37-1-131(a)(2)(F); 37-1-131(a)(2)(K)(ii); 37-1-136; 37-1-151(b)(4)(F); 37-1-153; 37-1-612; 49-6-3007(i)(7)
Juvenile Courts and Clerks 36-1-111; 37-1-705(d); 37-10-304; 38-1-304
Law Enforcement Agencies 10-7-503(e); 10-7-504(g); 10-7-504(s); 10-7-504(t); 10-7-504(u); 37-1-154; 37-1-155; 37-1-612; 38-1-304; 38-1-402(d); 39-15-210(c); 39-17-1309(e)(11)(B)(ii); 40-6-304(f);
40-38-111(i); 49-6-815(d); 49-6-816(i); 49-6-3007(i)(7); 55-10-423; 55-12-209; 56-53-109(c); 56-63-109(c); 62-27-124(b); 66-7-107(a)(2)
Libraries of Public Higher Education Institutions 10-7-504(a)(11)
Licensed Child-Placing Agencies 36-1-125
Licensed Clinical Social Workers 36-1-125
Local Child Fatality Prevention Team 68-142-108
Local Education Agencies [LEA] 10-7-504(a)(23); 10-7-504(p); 37-1-131(a)(2)(F); 37-1-131(a)(2)(K)(ii); 49-1-606(b); 49-6-808; 49-6-815(d); 49-6-816(i); 49-6-1401(a)(3); 49-6-3007(i)(7); 49-6-3051(d); 49-6-4213(k);
49-6-6001(c); 68-24-301(a)
Local Government Audit Committees 9-3-405; 9-3-406(a)
Local Government Entities 10-7-504(a)(28)
Local Health Departments 68-10-113
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Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 119
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Governmental Entities Index
Medical Laboratory Board 63-1-138; 68-29-107
Medical Providers 39-15-202(a)
Metropolitan Governments 10-7-504(a)(20)
Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division 10-7-504(a)(2)(A)
Municipalities 6-54-142; 7-54-107(2)(C); 7-59-306(c); 7-59-306(d)(1); 8-25-109; 8-25-307; 10-7-504(a)(1); 10-7-504(i); 10-7-504(i)(3); 10-7-504(m); 12-3-1207; 12-3-1208(d); 38-7-110(c);
38-14-101; 40-32-101; 54-6-105(f); 54-6-107; 67-5-701(m); 67-5-703(d); 67-5-704(i); 67-5-705(g)(2)
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) 56-11-108(f); 56-11-208(f); 56-12-211(a); 56-50-107(e)(3)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11-1-102(c)(1)
Nursing Homes 68-11-804(c)(5); 68-11-901(13)
Ofce of Energy Programs 4-3-514(b)(1)
Ofce of Inspector General 10-7-504(a)(2)(A); 71-5-2516(a)
Ofce of Legal Services 3-12-105; 3-12-106(b)
Ofce of Research and Education Accountability (OREA) 4-3-308(b)
Petit or Grand Juries 22-1-103(c)
Poison Control Centers 68-141-105
Post-Mortem Examination Division 38-7-110(d)
Post-Secondary Education Institutions 10-7-504(a)(4)
Procurement Division 12-3-502(g)
Psychological Peer Review Committee 63-11-220
Public Archival Institutions 10-7-504(a)(11)
Public Educational Institutions 10-7-504(a)(4)
Public Higher Education Institutions 49-7-120; 49-7-140; 49-7-154(a)
Public Higher Education Foundations 49-7-140
Public Institutions of Higher Education 10-7-504(a)(26)
Public Lender, Mortgagee, Assignee, or Creditor 47-23-101(a)
Public Libraries 10-7-504(a)(11)
Rape Crisis Centers 36-3-623
School Districts 12-3-1208(d)
Schools 10-7-504(p); 37-1-131(a)(2)(F); 37-1-131(a)(2)(K)(ii); 47-1-403(h); 49-6-3051(d)
Screening Panels 63-6-214(i)(3); 63-7-115(c)(3)
Southern Dairy Compact Commission 43-35-101
Special Districts 12-3-1208(d)
State 8-25-402; 8-30-313(d); 8-50-112; 10-7-504(a)(7); 38-14-101; 40-32-101
State Agencies 4-5-218; 4-51-205(b); 10-7-504(a)(6)
State Governmental Agency 10-7-504(r)
State and Political Subdivisions 10-7-504(a)(19)
State Audit Committees 4-35-107(a); 4-35-108
State Library and Archives 10-7-508
State of Tennessee 10-7-504(i); 10-7-504(i)(3); 10-7-504(k); 10-7-504(m); 10-7-504(n); 54-6-105(f); 54-6-107
State of Tennessee, Counties, Municipalities, Agencies or Authorities of such Governments 54-6-105(f); 54-6-107
State of Tennessee, Counties, Municipalities, Cities, Political Subdivisions of State of Tennessee 10-7-504(i); 10-7-504(i)(3); 10-7-504(m)
State Registrar, County Clerks, Court Clerks, Other Authorized Custodians 68-3-205
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Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Governmental Entities Index
State University and Community College Systems 49-7-165
State Veterinarian 10-7-504(a)(9)
State, County, or Municipal Hospitals and Medical Facilities 10-7-504(a)(1)
Teacher Training Programs 49-5-5632
Tellico Reservoir Development Agency 64-1-1711(a)
TennCare Advisory Commission 71-5-143(e)
Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission 10-7-504(a)(2); 10-7-504(a)(24)
TennCare Bureau 10-7-504(a)(2)(A); 71-5-107(f)(2)(G); 71-5-142; 71-5-197; 71-5-2516(a)
TennCare Foundation 71-5-107(f)(2)(G)
Tennessee Attorney General and Reporter 7-59-311(d)(4); 8-6-112(d); 8-6-407; 10-7-504(a)(5); 45-2-1717(c)
Tennessee Baccalaureate Education System Board of Trustees 49-7-825
Tennessee Board of Education 49-1-302(f); 49-1-1703(2); 49-6-6001(c)
Tennessee Board of Parole 10-7-504(j); 40-28-119(c); 40-28-504(b); 40-28-505(h)
Tennessee Board of Regents 49-14-103(a)
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) 10-7-504(a)(2); 16-10-205(j); 16-11-202(j); 16-15-405(j); 16-16-121(j); 38-6-106(c); 38-6-106(d); 38-6-106(g); 38-6-118(d); 38-6-120; 39-13-313(d); 39-17-1316(j); 39-17-436(e);
40-39-206(e); 40-39-207; 45-2-1603; 53-11-408(a)(3)
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) Nominating Commission 38-6-106(c); 38-6-106(d)
Tennessee Collection Service Board 62-20-119
Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury 4-3-308(b); 4-3-1205(d); 4-35-107(a); 7-59-306(g); 8-4-116(c); 8-4-407; 9-4-518; 10-7-504(a)(22)(A); 10-7-504(a)(22)(B); 10-7-504(a)(22)(C); 10-7-504(a)(22)(D); 10-7-504(a)(26);
10-7-508; 29-20-401(g)(3); 67-1-509(e); 67-5-701(m); 67-5-703(d); 67-5-704(i); 67-5-705(g)(2); 67-5-1319
Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) 8-36-510; 8-37-104(a)(10)(B)
Tennessee Coordinator of Elections 2-2-127; 2-11-202(a)(5)(C)
Tennessee Corrections Institute 41-7-109(e)
Tennessee Department of Agriculture 10-7-504(a)(2); 10-7-504(a)(9); 43-35-101
Tennessee Department of Children's Services 10-7-504(a)(8); 10-7-504(l); 36-1-102; 36-1-111; 36-1-125; 36-1-126; 36-1-304; 37-1-409; 37-1-506; 37-1-612; 37-2-408(a); 37-2-411(b); 37-2-414(b)(3)(C)(iii); 37-2-415(c)(2);
37-5-105(15); 37-5-106(a)(22)(B); 37-5-107; 37-5-512(a)(3); 49-6-3051(d); 68-11-255; 71-6-203(8)
Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance 7-86-317; 10-7-504(s); 29-20-401(g)(3); 46-1-218(b); 47-18-106(g); 48-1-118(a)(1)(A); 48-1-127(d); 50-6-405(b)(3); 50-6-405(c)(4)(C); 55-12-209; 56-1-411; 56-1-420; 56-1-903(a)(4);
56-1-917; 56-1-917(b)(4); 56-2-125; 56-2-801; 56-5-107(a); 56-5-205; 56-6-117(g); 56-6-120(a); 56-6-803(e); 56-8-107(d); 56-9-109(d); 56-9-202; 56-9-504; 56-10-301(d); 56-11-103;
56-11-104(c); 56-11-108; 56-11-201(c); 56-11-208; 56-12-211(a); 56-12-211(c); 56-12-211(e); 56-13-103(c)(3); 56-13-108(b); 56-13-109(d); 56-13-404; 56-22-115(d); 56-32-135;
56-46-108(a); 56-46-109; 56-46-208; 56-47-112(a)(5); 56-50-107(e); 56-50-114(e); 56-51-150(c); 56-53-109(c); 56-53-111(a)(3); 56-54-107; 56-63-109(c); 62-6-124; 62-20-119; 62-36-115;
62-39-301(d)(3); 62-43-104; 68-18-213; 68-102-113(b); 68-102-132; 68-115-207; 71-5-142
Tennessee Department of Correction 4-6-140(c); 10-7-504(a)(8); 10-7-504(a)(14); 10-7-504(h); 10-7-504(j); 40-35-205(b); 41-1-121; 41-21-408(b); 41-51-102(e); 41-51-103(b)
Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development 4-3-730; 4-28-108(e); 4-28-110; 4-28-111(a); 49-7-120
Tennessee Department of Education 37-5-512(a)(3); 49-1-302(f); 49-1-606(b); 49-1-703(2); 49-5-5632; 49-6-5105; 49-50-1408(b)
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) 4-3-514(b)(1); 10-7-504(a)(2); 11-1-102(c)(1); 11-1-102(c)(2); 11-1-102(c)(3); 59-8-406(d); 59-8-413(e)(2); 60-1-504(b)(4); 60-1-505(c); 68-202-217; 68-212-109; 68-212-205(d)(1)(A);
68-212-306(b); 68-212-311; 68-215-108; 69-3-113; 69-7-305(1)
Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration 4-28-109(a)(1)(B); 56-2-125; 56-7-3112; 67-6-104; 71-5-197; 71-6-203(8)
Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions 45-1-117(f)(3); 45-1-120(a); 45-1-126; 45-2-103(a)(3)(C); 45-2-614(b); 45-2-1603; 45-3-807; 45-3-814(a); 45-5-209; 45-7-216; 45-7-229; 45-8-221; 45-12-125; 45-13-505;
45-15-109(c)(4); 45-15-123; 45-17-122; 45-18-119(f); 45-18-124; 56-37-118
Tennessee Department of General Services 12-3-502(g)
Tennessee Department of Health 10-7-504(v); 33-10-104(f)(1); 36-1-126; 38-7-110(d); 39-15-203(d); 53-10-306; 56-3-111(b); 63-1-117; 63-1-136; 63-1-150; 63-1-1006; 63-2-101; 63-5-131(d); 63-6-214(h)(1);
63-6-214(i)(3); 63-6-221(j); 63-6-221(l); 63-6-221(s); 63-7-115(c)(3); 63-9-117(j); 63-9-117(l); 63-9-117(s); 63-10-405(a); 63-11-220; 63-12-110(d); 63-12-118(c); 63-12-317(f);
63-13-317(f); 63-51-105; 68-1-108(a); 68-1-119; 68-1-1010(b); 68-3-205; 68-3-313; 68-3-608; 68-5-506(e); 68-5-604(c); 68-10-113; 68-10-117(b); 68-11-210(c)(5)(C); 68-11-211;
68-11-259(c); 68-11-262(c); 68-11-904; 68-11-909(b); 68-29-107; 68-55-204(d); 68-140-314(b); 68-140-602; 68-141-105; 68-142-108; 68-142-205
Tennessee Department of Human Resources 8-30-301(d)
Tennessee Department of Human Services 4-3-1205(d); 37-5-512(a)(3); 49-11-613(a); 71-1-118(a); 71-1-131; 71-3-119; 71-3-513; 71-3-1204; 71-5-304(5); 71-6-103(j)(5); 71-6-118; 71-6-203(8)
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Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act — January 2018 Page 121
Statutory Exceptions to the Tennessee Public Records Act – Governmental Entities Index
Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development 12-4-414; 50-3-302(d); 50-3-304(a)(3); 50-3-702(b); 50-3-914(a); 50-6-131; 50-6-405(b)(3); 50-6-405(c)(4)(C); 50-6-421; 50-7-701(a)(1)(B); 50-7-701(a)(2); 50-7-701(c); 62-43-104;
Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 33-3-103; 33-3-108; 33-10-104(f)(1)
Tennessee Department of Military 10-7-504(a)(3)
Tennessee Department of Revenue 10-7-504(s); 55-12-209; 55-25-104; 55-25-107; 67-1-1702; 67-1-1703; 67-1-1705(c); 67-1-1710; 67-1-1703(d); 67-4-722; 67-4-1028(b); 67-4-2808; 67-8-109; 67-8-404(b)
Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security 2-2-112(c); 10-7-504(a)(2)(A); 10-7-504(a)(12); 10-7-504(s); 16-10-205(j); 16-10-213(d); 16-11-202(j); 16-15-405(j); 16-16-121(j); 55-10-114; 55-12-209; 55-25-104; 55-25-107
Tennessee Department of Transportation 54-1-403; 54-1-504; 54-1-506
Tennessee Department of Treasury 8-36-510; 8-37-104(a)(10)(B); 9-4-518; 9-8-311; 9-8-408; 10-7-504(a)(26); 66-29-159; 66-29-178
Tennessee Education Lottery Corporation 4-51-103(c)(2); 4-51-109(d)(2); 4-51-110; 4-51-124(a); 4-51-124(a)(1); 4-51-124(a)(4); 4-51-124(a)(6); 4-51-124(a)(7); 4-51-124(a)(9); 4-51-125(b); 4-51-126
Tennessee Emergency Communications Board 7-86-317; 10-7-504(e)
Tennessee Emergency Medical Services Board 63-1-138; 68-140-314(b)
Tennessee General Assembly 3-10-108(c); 3-12-105; 3-12-106(b); 3-14-109; 4-3-1205(d); 17-5-208(b)(2); 38-6-106(c)
Tennessee Health Information Committee 56-2-125
Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) 49-4-903(c); 49-7-2005(b)
Tennessee Human Rights Commission 4-21-303(d)
Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Programs 23-4-104; 23-4-105
Tennessee Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association 56-12-211(c); 56-12-211(e)
Tennessee Public Utility Commission 7-59-305(d)(2)
Tennessee Registry of Election Finance 2-10-212; 2-10-211(d)
Tennessee Secretary of State 2-2-112(c); 2-2-138(e); 2-2-141(e); 2-6-502(b); 2-10-211(d); 2-10-212; 2-11-202(a)(5)(C); 8-3-104(10); 10-7-504(a)(26); 10-7-504(a)(27); 10-7-508; 47-18-1604(a)(2); 48-101-511;
48-101-513(i)(2); 48-101-514(a)(1); 50-6-915;
Tennessee Second Look Commission 37-3-810
Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association 10-7-504(a)(29)
Tennessee State Board of Accountancy 62-1-202
Tennessee State Boards, Agencies, Political Subdivisions, or Higher Education Institutions 10-7-504(a)(18)
Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) 49-4-903(c)
Tennessee Supreme Court 16-3-404
Tennessee Technology Development Corporation (LaunchTN) 4-14-308
Tennessee Treasury Department 9-8-311; 9-8-408
Tennessee Underground Storage Tanks and Solid Waste Disposal Control Board 68-212-109; 68-212-205(d)(1)(A); 68-212-306(b); 68-212-311; 68-215-108
Tennessee Venture Capital Network at Middle Tennessee State University 10-7-504(a)(10)
The University of Tennessee and State University and Community College Systems 49-7-165
Towns 10-7-504(a)(20)
Utility Districts 4-3-304(9); 10-7-504(a)(20); 12-3-1208(d)
Utility Service Providers 10-7-504(a)(15); 10-7-504(a)(21)
Veterinary Peer Review Committee 63-12-138(d)
Veterinary Wellness Committee 63-12-118(c)
Victim-Offender Mediation Centers 16-20-103
Vulnerable Adult Protective Investigative Team (VAPID) 71-6-125(e)
Subject Matter Source
S C Nashville, Tennessee 37243 615.741.2501