July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 i
Table of Contents
ARTICLE 1 - RECOGNITION .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Recognition. .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Classifications Excluded. ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 New Classes. ........................................................................................................................................ 1
ARTICLE 2 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ................................................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 3 - NON-DISCRIMINATION ..................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Employee Rights. .................................................................................................................................. 2
3.2 Non-discrimination. ............................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Use of Gender. ...................................................................................................................................... 2
ARTICLE 4 - ASSOCIATION BUSINESS ................................................................................................................ 2
4.1 Association Business. ........................................................................................................................... 2
4.2 Collective Bargaining Activities. ............................................................................................................ 2
4.3 Association Solicitation. ........................................................................................................................ 2
ARTICLE 5 - ASSOCIATION SECURITY ................................................................................................................ 3
5.1 Check Off. ............................................................................................................................................. 3
5.2 Indemnification. ..................................................................................................................................... 3
5.3 New Hires. ............................................................................................................................................. 3
5.4 Bulletin Boards. ..................................................................................................................................... 3
5.5 Right of Access. .................................................................................................................................... 3
ARTICLE 6 - HOURS AND OVERTIME .................................................................................................................. 3
6.1 Regular Hours. ...................................................................................................................................... 3
6.2 Work Week. ........................................................................................................................................... 3
6.3 Workday. ............................................................................................................................................... 4
6.4 Work Shift. ............................................................................................................................................. 4
6.5 Work Schedule(s). ................................................................................................................................. 4
6.6 Rest Periods. ......................................................................................................................................... 4
6.7 Meal Periods. ........................................................................................................................................ 4
6.8 Definitions. ............................................................................................................................................. 4
6.9 Overtime. ............................................................................................................................................... 5
6.10 Court Appearance Overtime ................................................................................................................. 5
6.11 Callback Overtime. ................................................................................................................................ 6
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 ii
6.12 Voluntary Overtime ............................................................................................................................... 6
6.13 School Resource Officer (SRO) Special Assignment Overtime ........................................................... 6
6.14 Overtime for Out-of-Town Assignments. ............................................................................................... 6
6.15 Standby Time ........................................................................................................................................ 6
6.16 On Call Detectives. ..................................................................................................................................... 7
6.17 Safety Release. ..................................................................................................................................... 7
ARTICLE 7 - MILEAGE AND PER DIEM ................................................................................................................. 7
7.1 Mileage. ................................................................................................................................................. 7
7.2 Per Diem. .............................................................................................................................................. 7
ARTICLE 8 - HOLIDAYS .......................................................................................................................................... 7
ARTICLE 9 - SICK LEAVE ....................................................................................................................................... 8
9.1 Accrued Sick Leave. ............................................................................................................................. 8
9.2 Definitions. ............................................................................................................................................. 8
9.3 Statutory Leave Unpaid. ..................................................................................................................... 9
9.4 Utilization for Illness or Injury. ............................................................................................................... 9
9.5 Integration with Worker’s Compensation. ........................................................................................... 10
9.6 Sick Leave without Pay. ...................................................................................................................... 10
9.7 Bereavement Leave. ........................................................................................................................... 10
9.8 Limits to Sick leave Usage and Accruals. ........................................................................................... 10
9.9. Light Duty ................................................................................................................................................... 10
9.10. Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) ....................................................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE 10 - OTHER LEAVES OF ABSENCE .................................................................................................... 11
10.1 Criteria and Procedure. ....................................................................................................................... 11
10.2 Jury Duty. ............................................................................................................................................ 11
10.3 Non-Service Connected Appearance. ................................................................................................ 11
10.4 Service Connected Appearance. ........................................................................................................ 11
10.5 Conferences and Seminars. ................................................................................................................ 11
10.6 Reimbursement of Tuition or Fees. ..................................................................................................... 11
ARTICLE 11 - VACATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 12
11.1 Accrual. ............................................................................................................................................... 12
11.2 Continuous Service. ............................................................................................................................ 12
11.3 Accrual Limitations. ............................................................................................................................. 12
11.4 Leave of Absence Without Pay. .......................................................................................................... 12
11.5 Vacation Selection. ............................................................................................................................. 12
11.6 Death or Termination. ......................................................................................................................... 13
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 iii
11.7 Vacation Sellback. ............................................................................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 12 - PERSONNEL FILE ......................................................................................................................... 13
12.1 Inspection. ........................................................................................................................................... 13
12.2 Employee Response. .......................................................................................................................... 13
12.3 Employee Receipt. .............................................................................................................................. 13
12.4 Employee Name, Image, and Likeness. ............................................................................................. 14
ARTICLE 13 - DISCIPLINE AND DISCHARGE..................................................................................................... 14
13.1 Discipline. ............................................................................................................................................ 14
13.2 Discharge. ........................................................................................................................................... 14
13.3 Probationary Employee. ...................................................................................................................... 15
ARTICLE 14 - SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES ....................................................................................................... 15
14.1 Grievance. ........................................................................................................................................... 15
14.2 Time Limits. ......................................................................................................................................... 16
14.3 Grievance File. .................................................................................................................................... 16
ARTICLE 15 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................... 16
15.1 Use of Building. ................................................................................................................................... 16
15.2 Information. ......................................................................................................................................... 16
15.3 Posting of Work Rules. ........................................................................................................................ 16
15.4 Class Specifications. ........................................................................................................................... 16
15.5 Safety. ................................................................................................................................................. 16
15.6 Uniform Allowance. ............................................................................................................................. 16
15.7 Other Employment. ............................................................................................................................. 17
15.8 Shift Trading and Trading of Days Off. ............................................................................................... 17
15.9 Training Day. ....................................................................................................................................... 17
15.10 Drug and Alcohol Policy. ..................................................................................................................... 17
ARTICLE 16 - SENIORITY .................................................................................................................................... 18
16.1 Definition. ............................................................................................................................................ 18
16.2 Layoff, Reduction in Class and Recall. ............................................................................................... 18
16.3 Notice of Recall from Layoff Status. .................................................................................................... 19
16.4 First Line Supervisor Return to Bargaining Unit. ................................................................................. 19
16.5 Seniority List. ....................................................................................................................................... 19
ARTICLE 17 PROBATION PERIOD ................................................................................................................... 19
ARTICLE 18 - COMPENSATION .......................................................................................................................... 19
18.1 Salary Schedule. ................................................................................................................................. 19
18.2 Pay Periods. ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 iv
18.3 Form of Compensation. ....................................................................................................................... 20
18.4 Pay Differentials. ................................................................................................................................. 20
18.5 Medical Savings Account. ................................................................................................................... 21
18.6 Working Out of Classification. ............................................................................................................. 21
ARTICLE 19 - RETIREMENT ................................................................................................................................ 21
19.1 PERS ................................................................................................................................................... 21
19.2 RETIREE WORK BACK ...................................................................................................................... 21
ARTICLE 20 - INSURANCE................................................................................................................................... 22
20.1 Plan and Contribution. ......................................................................................................................... 22
20.2 Workers’ Compensation. ..................................................................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 21 - STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS ........................................................................................................... 23
21.1 No Strike. ............................................................................................................................................. 23
21.2 No Lockout. ......................................................................................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 22 - PREVAILING RIGHTS ................................................................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 23 - PRODUCTIVITY ............................................................................................................................. 23
ARTICLE 24 - SAVINGS CLAUSE ........................................................................................................................ 23
ARTICLE 25 - TERM OF AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................ 23
ARTICLE 26 - EXECUTION/SIGNATURES .......................................................................................................... 24
EXHIBIT A SALARY SCHEDULE- Final numbers for each year may be changed slightly due to rounding ..... 25
Incentive Pay. ................................................................................................................................................... 26
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 1
Agreed to and to be in effect between the City of Medford, Oregon, hereinafter called the "City", and the Medford
Police Officers Association, hereinafter called the "Association", made and entered into for the purpose of fixing
the wage scale, schedule of hours and conditions of employment affecting members of the bargaining unit.
The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the full and complete agreement between the parties on matters
relating to employment relations.
1.1 Recognition.
The City recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of establishing
salaries, wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for all regular employees who are members of the
bargaining unit. For the purpose of this agreement, a regular employee shall be an employee who works a
regularly scheduled week of 20 hours or more. Employees in the position of Community Service Officer for Patrol
shall be permitted to work 25 hours and not be considered a regular employee. All reference to employees in this
agreement shall be construed to mean regular employees, and not irregular, temporary (not to exceed 120 days),
or part-time (less than 20 hours per week) employees.
The bargaining Unit shall consist of the following classifications:
Community Services Officer
Crime Analyst
Forensic Technician
Police Officer
Police Records Specialist
Property Control Specialist
1.2 Classifications Excluded.
It is further agreed that classifications that are supervisory or confidential are excluded from the bargaining unit.
1.3 New Classes.
New classes may be developed within the Police Department by the City, and a wage scale assigned thereto.
The City shall forward the new class and wage scale to the Association for review of the wage scale. The contract
will then be subject to reopening to include wages, hours and working conditions for the new classification.
In addition to rights specified elsewhere in this agreement, the City shall have all legal and customary rights
including, but not limited to, the exclusive right to determine the mission of its constituent departments and
divisions, boards and commissions; set standards, types and frequency of services, exercise complete control
and discretion over its organization, operations, and the technology of performing its work; determining the
procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion; direct and supervise employees; take
disciplinary action, for just cause, relieve employees from duty due to workload deficiencies, reduction of budgeted
positions, reallocation of work assignments and other justifiable causes; establish and administer the fiscal budget;
evaluate employee performance; determine the content of job classifications; assume all necessary actions to
carry out its mission in emergencies and other situations of unusual or temporary circumstances; take all
reasonable action necessary to assist employees in their career development through special training
assignments; maintain the efficiency of its operation and determine the means, methods, and personnel by which
such operations are to be conducted.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 2
The rights of employees in the bargaining unit and of the Association are limited to those specifically set forth in
this agreement, and the City retains all authority, powers, privileges and rights not specifically limited by the terms
of this agreement. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this agreement, each
had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not
removed by law from the arena of collective bargaining. It is agreed that this document contains the full and
complete agreement on all bargaining issues between the parties and for all for whose benefit this agreement is
made. In the event a conflict between the provisions of the agreement and any rule or regulation heretofore
existing, the provisions of this agreement shall control.
3.1 Employee Rights.
Employees shall have the right to form, join and participate in the activities of employee organizations of their own
choosing, for the purpose of representation matters of employment relations. No employee shall be interfered
with, intimidated, restrained, coerced, or discriminated against by the City because of their exercise of their rights,
and the City will follow all Federal and State statutes with respect to those rights.
3.2 Non-discrimination.
The City and the Association agree that the provisions of this agreement shall be applied to all employees in the
bargaining unit without illegal discrimination as to race, color, creed, national origin, age, sex, religion, mental or
physical disability, union affiliation, political affiliation, or any other class protected by Federal or State law.
3.3 Use of Gender.
Wherever “they” or “their” is used, it will refer to employees regardless of gender and can refer to a single employee
or plural.
4.1 Association Business.
The City agrees to allow time off with reasonable prior notice without loss of pay for members who are designated
Stewards or shift representatives (not to exceed ten (10) representatives for Association business unless such
absences hinder the normal operation of the department. No more than two such employees may be off at one
time without prior approval. A list of said representatives will be provided to the Human Resources Director each
fiscal year and each time there is a change in steward or representation.
To this end, exclusive of bargaining activities and critical incident response, but inclusive of grievance
investigation/resolution, the Association will be granted a total of ten (10) hours per month to designate for said
business. The Association shall be compensated for representation of members in an Officer Involved Shooting
(OIS), use of force or critical incidents on a 1:1 basis in which their participation and representation is necessary
for an Association Member. Any time outside of the representative’s assigned work schedule for OIS, use of force
or critical incidents will be entered electronically in the City’s timekeeping system.
4.2 Collective Bargaining Activities.
The time for collective bargaining activities shall be mutually agreed upon by the City and the Association. When
mutually agreed upon collective bargaining activities occur during the regularly scheduled working hours of
members of the Association bargaining team, they shall be allowed time off with pay for that purpose. The City
shall be notified by the Association of the names of designated representatives. No more than four (4) such
employees may be off with pay at any one time. The Association will make every effort to consider the
requirements of the department in utilizing time off.
4.3 Association Solicitation.
Except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, during their working hours, Association members shall not
engage in solicitation for membership in the Association, the collection of fees or dues for the Association, or
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 3
carry-on other business activities of the Association, provided that this provision shall not prohibit conversations
concerning Association matters which do not interfere with the work and duties of any City employee.
5.1 Check Off.
Any employee who is a member of the Association, whether full or associate, or who has applied for membership,
shall sign, and deliver to the Association, who shall forward to the City, an original assignment authorizing
deductions of membership dues in the Association. Such authorization shall continue in effect from year to year
unless revoked or changed in writing. Pursuant to each authorization, the City shall deduct such dues from the
salary check of said employee each month. The amounts deducted shall be transmitted within ten (10) days to
the Association.
5.2 Indemnification.
The City shall not be held liable for errors in deductions provided in this article unless the City upon written
notification from the Association, fails to correct the error within one month. The Association agrees to indemnify,
defend, and hold the City harmless against any claims or suits brought against the City as a result of this article.
The Association shall provide the City prior written notice of at least one month of any change in dues amounts.
5.3 New Hires.
The City will notify the Association of all new hires within 30 days after their having been employed, furnishing the
Association with the new employee’s name, mailing address, and position for which they were hired.
5.4 Bulletin Boards.
The City agrees to allow wall space within the Police department not to exceed 3 x 4, for a bulletin board to be
used by the Association for the posting of notices and bulletins relating to the Association. All items so posted will
bear the signature of the official of the Association.
5.5 Right of Access.
Association Business Representatives shall have the right of reasonable access to the work areas of the
employees represented under this Agreement but will not unreasonably interfere with the employees’ work. Prior
to gaining such access, the Association Business Agent will first contact the supervisor of the affected employee,
if on duty, and if that supervisor is not on duty, the patrol shift supervisor will be contacted concerning the visit.
Clearance for the requested access shall be gained from the contacted supervisor prior to such visit. In no case
will such access be unreasonably denied.
6.1 Regular Hours.
The regular hours of work each day shall be consecutive time except for interruptions for lunch periods.
6.2 Work Week.
The work week shall consist of a seven (7) day work schedule with five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days, with
two (2) days off; four (4) consecutive ten (10) hour days, with three (3) days off; or a 12-hour work schedule as
defined below. The seven (7) day work schedule will begin at the start of the employees’ first day of work and
end 168 hours later.
Those assigned to a 12-hour work schedule will follow a cycle of 12, 12-hour work shifts and two (2) eight (8) hour
work shifts. The work week will normally consist of three (3) consecutive 12-hour days followed by four (4) days
off. However, it is understood that an employee will be required to work 26 eight (8) hour shifts on scheduled
days off to assure a total of 2,080 hours of scheduled work per year and no more than 171 hours scheduled per
28-day work cycle. Any of the eight (8) hour shifts may be assigned for training. Officers assigned as Dog Handlers
or Agitators may elect to schedule their training shifts in blocks of four (4) hours on scheduled days off. The 28-
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 4
day work cycle will begin at the start of the officer's first day of work and end 672 hours later.
The work week as defined in this section shall not apply to sworn probationary employees, who may be assigned
at the discretion of the City.
The work week and days off may be modified by the City to accommodate voluntary training assignments without
incurring an overtime obligation.
6.3 Workday.
The workday for employees shall consist of an eight (8), ten (10) or 12 hours of work within a 24-hour period
including rest periods, briefing, and training periods but excluding the meal period except for sworn personnel,
CSO’s and code enforcement (i.e., the 24-hour period will begin at the start of the employees workday and end
24 hours later). An officer assigned as a Dog Handler will be assigned to a shift consisting of three ten ((10)-hour
shifts and one eight (8)-hour shift and will be paid an additional two hours each week for care and maintenance
of the canine(s).
6.4 Work Shift.
Each employee shall be scheduled to work on a regular shift, and each employee shall have regular starting and
quitting times.
6.5 Work Schedule(s).
Work schedules showing the employees’ workdays and hours shall be posted on the department bulletin boards.
Except for emergency situations and for the duration of the emergency, changes in work schedules shall be posted
seven (7) days prior to the effective date of the change. This section does not apply to a probationary employee,
or an employee approved for and assigned to light duty. The City may, for assigned training, change an employee
working a 12-hour schedule to an eight (8) hour schedule after notifying the employee seven (7) days prior to the
effective date. The City and the employee may mutually agree to waive the required seven (7) day notice.
In the event the City elects to change from an eight (8), ten (10) or 12-hour work schedule for a work team, the
City will provide at least 30 days notice of said change to the employees covered by this agreement and the
6.6 Rest Periods.
A rest period of 15 minutes shall be permitted for all employees during each half shift, which shall be scheduled
by the City in accordance with the operating requirements of each employees duties and shall be considered on-
duty time. Employees working a 12-hour shift shall be allowed an additional 15-minute rest period, which shall be
scheduled by the City in accordance with the operating requirements of the Department.
6.7 Meal Periods.
All non-sworn employees except CSOs and code enforcement shall be granted an unpaid 30-minute meal period
during each work shift. Sworn employees and CSOs and code enforcement shall be granted, whenever possible,
a 30-minute meal period during each work shift which shall be considered part of their work day. To the extent
consistent with operating requirements of the department, each meal period shall be scheduled in the middle of
the work shift, or as near thereto as possible.
6.8 Definitions.
For purposes of this agreement, the following definitions shall apply:
“Base salary rate” means an employee’s hourly rate at their assigned grade and step. Unless otherwise provided,
references herein to base wage shall mean base salary rate exclusive of any pay differentials.
“Regular rate of pay” means an employee’s base wages augmented by applicable salary differentials such as
educational/ certification incentives and assignment pay, consistent with the definitions for calculating overtime
under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 5
6.9 Overtime.
An employee shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular rate of pay for overtime
work under the following conditions, but in no case will compensation be received twice for the same hours:
A. All work in excess of the scheduled work day (8, 10, or 12 hours).
B. All work in excess of 40 hours in any one (1) work week, except for police officers.
C. All assigned work for police officers outside their scheduled work week.
Mandatory overtime shall not be assigned on an employee’s regularly scheduled days off prior to or immediately
after a scheduled vacation.
All employees “scheduled days off” shall begin at the scheduled completion of their last work shift prior to the days
off and end at the first minute of the calendar day designated as the employee’s next regularly scheduled work
All overtime claims shall be submitted through the electronic timekeeping system at the end of the period of
overtime worked.
Overtime shall be available on an equal basis so long as the employee has the skills and abilities to perform the
assignment. Except for emergency situations, the City shall electronically post all scheduled overtime
opportunities for a minimum of three (3) days (72 hours) where practical, or until filled, whichever comes first.
Employees shall be permitted to electronically sign up for overtime on a first-come, first serve basis.
Employees shall be limited to sign-ups for one (1) shift per overtime posting. This limitation will apply for the initial
24-hour period after the electronic posting. Once that 24-hour period expires, any officer may bid for any of the
remaining shifts.
Sergeants may sign up for electronically posted overtime if the overtime detail is less than 24 hours from its start
time and there are still unclaimed shifts.
6.10 Court Appearance Overtime
A. All court appearances scheduled more than three (3) hours prior to the beginning of an employee’s
assigned shift, more than three (3) hours after the completion of an employee’s assigned shift, or on a
scheduled day off, shall be compensated at the overtime rate for a minimum of four (4) hours. Such
compensation is intended as full compensation for all court appearances falling within the four (4) hour
B. All court appearances scheduled within three (3) hours after the completion of an employees assigned
shift will be compensated as regular overtime worked. Such time will be computed from the time the
employee would normally have gone off-shift to the completion of their court appearance. Similarly, all
court appearances scheduled within the three (3) hours immediately preceding the beginning of an
employees assigned shift will be compensated as regular overtime worked. Such time will be computed
from the beginning of their court appearance to the beginning of the employees shift.
C. If an employee had paid approved time off and is called back for a court appearance, this will be
considered a scheduled day off, if the court appearance was scheduled prior to the time off being
approved, this will be considered a normal workday.
D. An employee who is absent from duty due to injury or illness and whose appearance is mandated by a
court, shall have such appearance time deducted from sick leave time which is charged against the
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 6
6.11 Callback Overtime.
A. Employees who have been released from their regular shift and who are "called back" for duty (excluding
voluntary overtime) shall be compensated at the overtime rate for a minimum of four (4) hours. Such
compensation is intended as full compensation for all assigned work falling within the four (4) hour block.
B. Employees called into work within three (3) hours preceding the beginning of the employee’s assigned
shift, shall be compensated as regular overtime for the actual time worked in one (1) hour increments.
6.12 Voluntary Overtime
Upon supervisory approval, an employee who voluntarily leaves work unfinished at the end of their scheduled
shift and returns to work at a later time to complete the work shall not receive callback pay. Any time worked
outside the normal work schedule will be paid overtime at the overtime rate for actual time worked.
Sworn and non-sworn employees who volunteer to work overtime assignments will be paid at the overtime rate
for actual time worked.
An employee who voluntarily serves on a department related committee(s) or specialty program(s) outside of their
normally scheduled shift, will be paid for the actual time served in one (1) hour increments at the overtime rate.
6.13 School Resource Officer (SRO) Special Assignment Overtime
School Resource Officers who are required to work overtime specific to their assigned job description (i.e school
events, sports, dances etc.) shall be compensated at an overtime rate for a minimum of four (4) hours. Special
event(s) overtime must be pre-approved by the Special Services Sergeant.
6.14 Overtime for Out-of-Town Assignments.
When an employee is assigned "out-of-town" duties (including court attendance and training), their work schedule
shall be adjusted to accommodate such assignments (if necessary and if the City has enough advance notice to
reasonably do so). Claims for overtime not approved in advance must be accompanied by documentation, if
possible, or a written explanation that such overtime was unavoidable. The employee shall seek all monies due
the employee from other parties for services related to such assignments and shall turn such monies over to the
6.15 Standby Time
Standby time is defined as time when an employee is held in reserve and ready to be called for duty. Employees
who are placed on standby time must be able to respond to duty within 30 minutes of notice. While on standby
time, employees must refrain from alcohol use and be fit for duty.
Once placed on standby time, the employee will be compensated for at least one (1) hour of time regardless of
duration. Compensation will be paid at the employee’s base rate of pay (no incentive pay) at the rate of one (1)
hour of straight time pay for every hour on standby.
The safety release clause (6.16) in the Association agreement does not apply if placed on standby for duty time.
However, if called in for service, the safety release clause will be in effect. Employees are responsible for notifying
the appropriate supervisor immediately if they are no longer able to be on standby status. Employees will remain
on standby until released by a supervisor.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 7
6.16 On Call Detectives.
Police Officers assigned as Detectives may be directed to be on call. Those employees on call shall be required
to carry their city-assigned mobile phones after work hours and on weekends and/or holidays when they are away
from their residence. On-call personnel shall remain within 30 minutes driving distance of Medford Police
Department and must refrain from alcohol use and be fit for duty.
The on-call period will begin on Friday at 6:00 p.m. and conclude the following Friday at 8:00 a.m.
Any detective on-call on a City observed holiday, shall not be required to use their time off accruals to cover the
Detectives, with the approval of their supervisor, may waive or trade on call assignments. Any detective who
becomes ill during the on-call assignment shall their supervisor and be relieved of the on-call assignment. Upon
notification of an ill employee, the supervisor shall notify the next detective on the on-call list to be placed on call.
An employee shall receive ten (10) hours of compensation at their regular rate of pay.
6.17 Safety Release.
An employee who is required by the City to work 16 or more hours in a 24-hour period shall be guaranteed at
least eight (8) hours of Safety Release time off before being required to work their regularly scheduled shift or
portion thereof. When practicable, prior to working 16 or more hours in any 24-hour period, the employee shall
make the on-duty supervisor aware that the employee believes their current work assignment may result in the
employee becoming eligible for Safety Release time off.
An employee eligible for Safety Release time off under this section shall not suffer any loss of pay due to Safety
Release time off during their regularly scheduled work shift.
7.1 Mileage.
An employee authorized by the City to report for special duty such as schools, conferences, training, etc., outside
the corporate limits of the City of Medford, excluding Police firing range, and excluding department training within
15 miles of the Medford Police Department requiring the use of a personal automobile for transportation to such
location shall be compensated at the current IRS rate per mile for the use of such automobile. Such mileage shall
be computed from the normal work site. The City may, at its sole discretion, provide a City gas card for the cost
of gas to and from the normal worksite and the actual site of the special duty when a City vehicle was made
available. At no time will the City pay for gas under this section for personal travel outside of the mileage driven
to and from the special duty work site.
7.2 Per Diem.
When an employees duties require them to travel outside Jackson County, the City agrees to provide meal and
lodging expenses in accordance with Administrative Regulation titled Travel and Training Expenses.
Excluding Records Specialists and Patrol Officers It is understood that employees assigned an eight (8) or ten
(10) hour day work schedule that includes City Hall holidays will use eight (8) or ten (10) hours of vacation leave
or compensatory time for each official holiday throughout the year during or because of which the Medford City
Hall is customarily closed. Newly hired full-time employees required to take off on a legal holiday will receive full
pay for each legal holiday that occurs within 30 days following hire date without using leave. Vacation hours or
compensatory time will be used for each of the following holidays:
New Years Day
Martin Luther King Day
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 8
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Employees shall not be paid for any holiday for which they receive time loss pay under the workers compensation
With supervisor approval and based on a reasonable departmental need, employees may adjust their work
schedule during a work week that has a holiday as recognized above.
Patrol Officers and Records personnel who are regularly assigned to work on a City designated holiday shall be
paid one and one-half times their regular pay for all hours worked on the observed holiday.
9.1 Accrued Sick Leave.
Accrued sick leave shall be earned for the purposes stated herein by each employee at the rate of four (4) hours
for each full pay-period of service commencing with the date of employment. Sick leave for the pay period shall
not be accrued if the employee is on a leave of absence without pay equal to eight (8) or more hours, except if
the absence without pay qualifies for protected leave purposes.
During protected leave or temporarily in a reduced schedule following expiration of protected leave, an employee
must be in a paid status for at least one (1) hour over one-half of the regularly scheduled work hours in a pay
period to receive the accruals for that pay period. An employee using donated leave time must be in paid status
using other available accrued leave for at least one (1) hour over one-half of the regularly scheduled work hours
in a pay period to receive the accruals for that pay period.
Each June 30 sick leave in excess of 960 hours shall be cashed out at 50% of the employees base salary rate
and placed in the employee’s HRA VEBA Trust account established pursuant to Section 18.5.
Upon retirement of an employee sick leave in excess of 520 hours shall be cashed out at fifty percent (50%) of
the employee’s base salary rate and said payment to be deposited in the employee’s HRA VEBA trust account.
All remaining hours shall be reported to the Oregon Public Employees Retirement system as unused accumulated
sick leave for purposes of calculating service credit for retirement benefit purposes.
An employee who terminates employment with the City for reasons other than retirement or career ending on-the-
job injury shall be entitled to no cash compensation or HRA VEBA payment for unused sick leave except that all
remaining hours shall be reported to the Oregon Public Employees Retirement system as unused accumulated
sick leave for purposes of calculating service credit for future retirement benefit purposes.
9.2 Definitions.
For Article XI, the following definitions shall apply:
“Spouse” means a husband or wife as defined or recognized under Oregon law or a same-sex domestic
partner who has completed an Affidavit of Marriage or Domestic Partnership.
“Child” means a biological, adopted, or foster child; stepchild; legal ward; individual who has or had the
employee standing in loco parentis; and same-sex domestic partner’s child. Child may be an adult or a
“Parent” means biological, adoptive, foster or stepparent; an individual who stands or stood in loco
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 9
parentis to an employee when the employee was a minor; parent-in-law, and parent of the same-sex
domestic partner.
“Grandparent” means the biological, adoptive, or foster grandparent.
“Grandchild” means the biological, adopted, foster, or stepchild of the child of an employee or the
employee’s spouse.
“Parent-in-Law” means the “parent” of the employee’s spouse
“Sibling” means biological, adopted, or foster brother or sister of the employee.
9.3 Statutory Leave Unpaid.
Unpaid leave is granted in accordance with AR 217 Protected Leaves.
9.4 Utilization for Illness or Injury.
Employees may use sick leave for an illness or injury of the employee, spouse, or child.
In cases where an employee is unable to provide advance notice of the need for sick leave usage by completion
of an electronic leave request, the employee must complete the leave request on the day the employee returns
to work.
Except as required by state or federal law, sick leave may be used during periods that the employee is under an
enforced quarantine in accordance with community health regulations, or restricted due to exposure to a
contagious disease in accordance with a doctor’s order.
Sick leave may also be used for annual or routine medical/dental/vision appointments that are scheduled at least
24 hours in advance, for the employee, spouse, or child. If an employee does not complete a sick leave request
form at least 24 hours in advance of the need for the absence, the employee shall not be eligible to utilize accrued
sick leave. However, the employee may use other accrued leave for the absence. Department supervisors may
authorize the use of sick leave with less than 24 hours notice to accommodate a change in a previously approved
appointment provided department needs are not affected.
Notification Requirements
In the event of illness or injury, the employee shall notify their immediate supervisor or on-duty supervisor, of the
absence due to illness or injury and the nature and expected length thereof, as soon as possible prior to the
beginning of their regularly scheduled work shift, unless unable to do so because of the serious nature of the injury
or illness. If such supervisor is unavailable, employees are to follow departmental procedures for notifying other
departmental management staff of the need for their absence.
An employee who is unable to complete the regularly scheduled shift due to illness or injury shall, prior to leaving
work, notify their immediate supervisor or on-duty supervisor.
Healthcare Provider Certification
The City may require a healthcare provider’s statement establishing the employee’s fitness for duty so long as
there is a reasonable belief the employee may not be able to safely or appropriately fulfill the responsibilities of
their position. In the event of an extended absence for an illness/injury, prior to allowing the employee to return to
work, the City may require a doctor’s release stating that the employee may return to their normal duties without
restrictions. If the City asks for the certification, the City will pay for each certification.
Uses for Protected Leave Care Giving
For protected leave, where the employee needs to care for, or arrange care for, a parent or grandparent with an
illness or injury, the employee may use up to one shift of sick leave per occurrence. Accrued vacation, holiday or
compensatory time may be used in such cases, at the discretion of the City. The City may not unreasonably
withhold approval of the use for said purpose.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 10
9.5 Integration with Workers Compensation.
When an injury occurs in the course of employment, the City’s obligation to pay under this sick leave Article is
limited to the difference between any disability payments or time loss payments received under workers
compensation laws and the employee’s gross salary. In such instances, no charges will be made against the
employee’s accrued sick leave.
Light-Duty Integration Employees that return to work in an approved temporary light-duty position and receive
supplemental payments from the workers’ compensation carrier will be allowed to retain such payments as it
relates to the period of light duty. In the event the employee declines an approved light-duty job offer, the City
and the workers’ compensation carrier will cease to provide payment for light-duty or time loss.
9.6 Sick Leave without Pay.
Upon application by the employee, or in the event the City determines under section 9.3 that the employee is
unable to return to work, sick leave without pay may be granted by the City for the remaining period of disability
after accrued sick leave has been exhausted. The City may periodically require the employee submit a healthcare
certification from a physician during the period of such disability. The City agrees to continue medical benefits
through the elimination period for disability insurance.
9.7 Bereavement Leave.
An employee shall be granted up to three (3) days bereavement leave with regular salary in the event of death of
a spouse, parent, child, sibling, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or step-grandchild. Concurrent with the
benefit described above, employees will be granted additional leave as provided by and in accordance with the
Oregon Family Leave Act.
9.8 Limits to Sick leave Usage and Accruals.
Sick leave shall not be used or accrued during layoff periods. Sick leave shall not be used during a scheduled
leave (i.e. vacation or holiday) if the employee and/or family member has an injury or becomes ill.
9.9. Light Duty
The City will strive to assign light duty which encompasses work normally performed within the scope of the
employee’s classification, i.e., report writing etc. Employees understand that if they reject the light duty offered
they may not be able to work light duty. For those employees injured on or off the job, the City will not require an
employee to work a light duty assignment in which an employee can articulate how the assignment can be
detrimental to their safety. In the event the employee declines an approved light-duty job offer, the City and the
workers’ compensation carrier will cease to provide payment for light-duty or time loss. The City shall allow upon
employee request a 4/10 or 5/8 schedule for all light duty assignments.
9.10. Paid Leave Oregon (PLO)
The City agrees to provide all employees in the bargaining unit with benefits required by law through the PLO
program. The City will make all required employer contributions and the employee will pay the portion of their
required contributions through payroll deductions. The City will follow the rules as outlined by the State of Oregon.
The City agrees employees may choose to supplement the PLO benefit by utilizing accrued paid leaves (including
sick leave, vacation leave, and compensatory time). Employees shall use sick leave first, if available. When sick
leave is exhausted, employees may choose the order of accrued leave usage.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 11
10.1 Criteria and Procedure.
The City will consider a written application for leave of absence not to exceed 180 calendar days, for unpaid leave,
if the City finds there is reasonable justification to grant such leave and that the work of the department will not be
seriously hindered by the temporary absence of the employee. The City may terminate or cancel such leave by
30 days written notice mailed to the address given by the employee on their written application for such leave.
Such leave shall not be approved for an employee for the purpose of accepting employment outside the service
of the City; and notice that the employee has accepted permanent employment or entered into full-time business
or occupation may be accepted by the City as a resignation.
Any employee who is granted a leave of absence without pay under this section and who for any reason fails to
return to work at the expiration or termination of said leave of absence shall be considered as having resigned
their position with the City and their position shall be declared vacant; unless the employee prior to expiration of
his/her their leave of absence or prior to the termination date has furnished evidence that the employee is unable
to work by reason of sickness, physical disability or other legitimate reason beyond their control, and seeks an
extension of leave for such reason. Such a request for extension shall be in writing. An extension shall be granted
only for a specified period of time, and only if the City determines that the request is reasonable and justified, and
that the extension may be granted without unduly handicapping the operation of the department.
10.2 Jury Duty.
Employees shall be granted a leave with pay for service upon a jury on days when the employee is normally
scheduled to work. The employee is required to waive any jury duty pay for each day of jury service when the
employee is paid by the City. The employee shall be entitled to receive and retain mileage reimbursement for jury
service. Upon being excused from jury duty for any day an employee shall immediately contact their immediate
supervisor for assignment for the remainder of their regular work day.
An employee required to appear for jury duty that is scheduled to work either the swing or graveyard shift shall be
reassigned to day shift for the number of days actually required to serve as a juror or report for jury selection.
When temporary reassignment of day shift personnel is necessary to meet the operational needs of the
department, the prior notice required by section 6.5 shall not apply.
10.3 Non-Service-Connected Appearance.
A leave without pay shall be granted for an appearance before a court, legislative committee, judicial or quasi-
judicial body as a witness in response to subpoena or other order by proper authority compelling their attendance
under penalty prescribed by law.
10.4 Service-Connected Appearance.
Leave of absence with pay shall be granted for an appearance before a court, legislative committee, judicial or
quasi-judicial body as a witness in response to a subpoena or other order by proper authority compelling their
attendance under penalty described by law in connection with the employees officially assigned duties, including
the time required for travel to court and return to the employees headquarters. The employee shall seek all fees
due them and turn such fees over to the City.
10.5 Conferences and Seminars.
When attendance is approved by the City, employees will be granted paid time to attend conferences, seminars,
briefing sessions, training programs, and other programs of a similar nature that are intended to improve or
upgrade the employees skill and professional ability.
10.6 Reimbursement of Tuition or Fees.
In the event the City directs any employee to attend any formal training courses, all tuition, books, and incidental
fees will be paid in full by the City. Any employee may initiate a training request subject to the approval of the
City. The denial of such request shall not be grievable by any means.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 12
11.1 Accrual.
Employees shall be eligible for annual vacation time with pay, which shall accrue in accordance with this Section.
A. From Hire Date to 60 Months Service. Full-time employees shall accrue vacation time at the rate 7.667
hours per pay period or 184 hours per year.
B. After 60 Months Service. For full-time employees with more than 60 months and less than 120 months
of continuous service, vacation time shall accrue at the rate of 9.167 hours per pay period or 220 hours
per year.
C. After 120 Months Service. For full-time employees with more than 120 months and less than 180 months
of continuous service, vacation time shall accrue at the rate of 10.5 hours per pay period hours of vacation
per pay period or 252 hours per year.
D. After 180 Months Service. For full-time employees with more than 180 months and less than 240 months
of continuous service, vacation time shall accrue at the rate of 12.0 hours per pay period or 288 hours per
E. After 240 Months Service. For full-time employees with more than 240 months of continuous service,
vacation time shall accrue at the rate of 13.667 hours per pay period or 328 hours per year.
11.2 Continuous Service.
For purposes of this section, a break in continuous service shall be defined as occurring if an employee has unpaid
leave in excess of 15 consecutive calendar days, and such absence shall be deducted from the service date of
the employee. Time spent by an employee on protected leave whether paid or unpaid, and paid time off shall not
be considered as a break in service. Time spent on other types of authorized leave shall not be counted as part
of continuous service, provided the employees returning from such leave and employees on laid off status, shall
be entitled to credit for service prior to the leave or layoff.
11.3 Accrual Limitations.
The maximum vacation that may be accumulated by an employee is vacation credit for two (2) years. The City
shall establish the procedure to notify each employee at the time of the first semi-monthly salary payment date
each month of the amount of vacation time accrued by said employee. No payment shall be made for vacation
time lost by an employee because of accrual limitations, unless the failure to take vacation is caused by the Citys
insistence that the employee be at work during a vacation period already scheduled for them.
11.4 Leave of Absence Without Pay.
Vacation leave for the pay period shall not be accrued if the employee is on a leave of absence without pay equal
to eight (8) or more hours, except if the absence without pay qualifies for protected leave. During protected leave
or temporarily in a reduced schedule following expiration of protected leave, an employee must be in a paid status
for at least one (1) hour over one-half (1/2) of the regularly scheduled work hours in a pay period to receive the
accruals for that pay period. An employee using donated leave time must be in paid status using other available
accrued leave for at least one (1) hour over one-half (1/2) of the regularly scheduled work hours in a pay period
to receive the accruals for that pay period.
11.5 Vacation Selection.
Vacations shall be scheduled on a first come first served basis except that no vacation shall be scheduled
earlier than the first of the month, 12 calendar months in advance. Vacation requests in the current rotation
period will be approved or denied within 21-days; failure to respond is considered approved. If the employee’s
immediate supervisor is unavailable, vacation shall be submitted to the Division Commander for their review.
Employees shall have the right to determine the dates and duration of their vacation time and may use the
equivalent of 12 months accrual of vacation in a year, subject to the following:
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 13
A. Scheduling required for public service based upon the needs of an efficient operation.
B. The availability of vacation relief.
C. The City’s right to arrange scheduling.
Vacation time shall be selected based on seniority, provided, however, that each employee will be permitted to
exercise their right of seniority only once during a consecutive 12-month period and for one block of time
only. Conflicting requests for vacation leave shall be resolved based on prior scheduling. Seniority can only be
exercised 60 days or more prior to the scheduled time block and excludes priority selected vacation.
Priority selected vacation is when a Patrol or Records employee can bid a work week block of vacation time that
becomes guaranteed. Priority selected vacation time shall not be canceled by the City once approved. After the
completion of each shift bid, the City shall post a vacation bid sheet for two weeks. The most senior employee
within each classification and team shall be afforded the first selection of vacation for the upcoming shift bid
period, followed by the next most senior employee, and so on. Each employee shall be allowed to select one
continuous week (vacation/holiday and comp time included) from the portions of the shift bid period in which
vacation is available. After the priority selected vacation bid as provided for above, all additional vacation will be
scheduled subject to regular vacation selection.
11.6 Death or Termination.
In the event of termination of employment of an employee who is otherwise entitled to vacation credits, the
employee shall be entitled to payment for earned vacation leave. In the event of death, earned but unused vacation
shall be paid in the same manner as salary.
11.7 Vacation Sellback.
An employee may request and be paid for up to 176 hours vacation annually. Pay for vacation hours must be
requested of no less than 20 hours, leave time for which the employee is paid will be deducted from the employee’s
leave bank, and the employee must have 40 accrued vacation hours remaining after any sellback. Payment for
hours cashed out under this section shall be at base salary rate exclusive of differentials. Vacation leave sellback
shall occur only three (3) times within any fiscal year for the cumulative limits noted above. Vacation leave sellback
is a voluntary option to the employee and is not required.
The employee will give at least three (3) weeks’ notice to their supervisor in writing of the employee’s wish to
exercise this option.
12.1 Inspection.
Each employee shall have the right, upon request, to review and obtain a copy of any document in their personnel
file, exclusive of materials received prior to the date of their employment by the City. The official personnel file
shall be maintained by the Human Resources Department.
12.2 Employee Response.
An employee may respond, in writing, to any item placed in such personnel file, and said response shall become
a part of said file.
12.3 Employee Receipt.
Each employee shall receive a digital copy of materials placed in their personnel file that includes evaluations,
written reprimands, demotions, suspensions, or discharge. It is understood that receipt of materials does not
necessarily indicate agreement by the employee with the material placed in the file.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 14
12.4 Employee Name, Image, and Likeness.
The employees of the Medford Police Department are the best reflection of Community, Professionalism, and
Respect that the Department can offer to the public. As a result, images and videos of employees engaged in the
work of the Medford Police Department are often taken for these purposes. The City of Medford reserves the
right to take photographs of employees, volunteers, events, and guests. Employees serve the public and in
general there would not be an expectation of privacy while performing job functions.
The City of Medford uses photographs, photographic images, names, and audio/video recordings for general
publicity in publications, on its website, on social media, in public relations, promotions, and advertising, etc. Your
presence in or around Medford Police Department facilities and/or City properties, as well as City of Medford
sponsored events, or performing job functions constitutes your consent to capture and/or use your image or
likeness without remuneration.
The Medford Police Department does not collect release forms from its employees for the use of images or films
taken at the Department of while engaged in work functions. The Medford Police Department understands that
there may be employees who may wish to not be photographed or have their image used for City-related purposes
and can opt-out by going to the Employee Online dashboard and completing a Photo Opt Out Waiver.
Unless a fully completed Photo Opt Out Waiver is on file, your image and/or likeness may at any time be captured
by still photography, videography, or other photographic or electronic means. The City of Medford reserves the
right to use any such image, photograph, video, or the like for City related purposes.
Those who do not want to be photographed and have completed a Photo Opt Out Waiver are responsible for
notifying the camera operator of their opt-out status, and/or removing themselves from any event where
photographs/videography are in use. Failure to do so may result in the employee’s inclusion in a photograph or
recording and will be treated as a release, allowing the City to utilize that photograph, or recording accordingly.
Certain events (Coffee with a Cop, Christmas Toy Run, Popsicle Patrol, Officer Engagement Activities, etc..) and
positions (SRO, K-9, LVT, etc..) have a heavy emphasis on public relations and public engagement. Signing up
to work those events or accepting those positions implies consent for use of any such image, photograph, video,
or the like for City related purposes.
13.1 Discipline.
No regular non-probationary employee shall be disciplined or discharged except for just cause as defined by ORS
236.350 (2). Discipline may include but not be limited to written reprimands, suspension, temporary reduction in
pay, and termination. All disciplinary action imposed upon an employee may be protested as a grievance through
the regular grievance procedure.
Discipline shall be done in a manner which will not embarrass the employee before other employees or the public.
Upon request, any employee required to appear before a City representative to discuss matters for which
disciplinary action is being contemplated, shall be allowed to have an Association representative present during
the discussion. The City will follow all Federal and State statutes with respect to the rights of employees under
investigation to include ORS 236.350 through 370 Disciplinary Actions Against Public Safety Officers.
A written reprimand shall be placed in the personnel file of the affected employee. Upon the employees written
request, the City will remove any written reprimand from the employees personnel file if no other written reprimand
or disciplinary action occurs within 24 months of the initial or subsequent reprimand or disciplinary action,
provided, however, that the City may maintain within the employee’s personnel file all records of any disciplinary
action greater than a written reprimand.
13.2 Discharge.
If the City determines there is just cause for discharge a notice shall specify the principal grounds for such action.
Unless withdrawn or otherwise resolved, the dismissal decision will be determined at the end of due process.
Protests of the discharge of any employee shall be made through the regular grievance procedure set forth in
Article 14. The Association may process a grievance concerning any discipline greater than a written reprimand
in Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 15
13.3 Probationary Employee.
This Article shall not apply to any employee on probation as defined in Article 17.
14.1 Grievance.
A grievance shall mean a claim by an employee, and/or the Association that there has been a violation of the
contract. For the purposes of this procedure, "immediate supervisor" is an employee who is not a member of the
bargaining unit and who has direct administrative or supervisory responsibilities over the grievant in the area of
grievance. "Days" as used in this procedure shall be calendar days.
Step 1 - Immediate Supervisor and Manager. The grievant shall discuss the grievance first with their immediate
supervisor with the objective of informally resolving the grievance. Said discussion shall occur within 15 days
after the grievant becomes aware of the grievance. Within ten (10) days after initial discussion with the immediate
supervisor, if the grievance has not been solved informally, the grievant shall file the grievance in writing with their
immediate supervisor’s manager. The manager shall hear the appeal and render a written decision within ten
(10) days after receiving the grievance.
Step 2 - Chief. Within ten (10) days if the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of their grievance at level
one, they shall file the written grievance with the Chief. The Chief or their designee shall schedule a meeting to
hear the appeal and render a written decision within ten (10) days after receiving the grievance.
Step 3 - City Manager. Within ten (10) days if the aggrieved is not satisfied with the disposition of their grievance
at level two (2), they shall file their appeal with the City Manager. The City Manager or their designee shall hear
the appeal and render their decision within ten (10) days after receiving it. In the event of a discharge, the
employee/Association may start the grievance at Step 4 Arbitration and must do so within ten (10) days of the
effective date of the discharge.
Step 4 - Arbitration.
A. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at level three (3), it shall,
within ten (10) days file notice of intent with the City to appeal the grievance to arbitration.
B. Within ten (10) days after such notice of intent, the City, and the Association, unless they can
mutually agree to an arbitrator, shall request a list of arbitrators from the Employment Relations
Board. This list shall consist of seven (7) arbitrators who reside in Oregon, are on the ERB list,
and who are also members of the national Academy of Arbitrators. The arbitrator shall be
selected from this list by the striking method.
C. The findings of the arbitrator shall be limited to the terms of this agreement and the arbitrator shall
have no authority to amend, modify, alter or add to or subtract from this agreement.
D. The arbitrator shall designate the losing party. The expenses of the arbitrator, the arbitrator’s fee,
the hearing room reservation fee and the cost of the jointly requested transcript shall be paid by
the losing party, as determined by the arbitrator. All other expenses incurred by either party
including but not limited to representation fee, witness fee or transcript requested by one party,
shall be paid by the party incurring the expense.
E. The decision and award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties.
F. Each party shall be responsible for the payment of their own witnesses and advocates, except
that the grievant employee, witnesses and two Association representatives shall be permitted to
attend the arbitration proceedings on duty without loss of pay.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 16
14.2 Time Limits.
All parties subject to these procedures shall be bound by the time limits contained herein. If either party fails to
follow such limits, the following shall result:
A. If the grievant/Association fails to respond in a timely fashion, the grievance shall be deemed waived.
B. If the City fails to respond in a timely fashion, the grievance shall proceed to the next step.
14.3 Grievance File.
All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a separate
grievance file and may not be placed in the personnel file.
15.1 Use of Building.
The City shall permit the Association’s continued use of City buildings, provided there is no interference with
normal activities. Advance notice for scheduling purposes shall be given to the City. The City agrees to provide
the continued use of existing bulletin boards.
15.2 Information.
Either party will provide information which is a matter of public record or Public Employee Collective Bargaining
Act (PECBA) requirements to the other party upon request.
15.3 Posting of Work Rules.
Administrative Regulations, department policies, and the Employee Handbook will be distributed electronically
and made immediately available to staff.
15.4 Class Specifications.
If during the life of this Agreement the City changes or modifies the class specifications, such changes or
modifications shall be forwarded to the Association. Nothing in this clause is intended to restrict the right of the
City to make such changes. Such changes will be subject to bargaining for wages only upon request by the
15.5 Safety.
The City is committed to the concept of adequate levels of service and safety within the Police Department. The
City shall comply with all such applicable safety regulations.
15.6 Uniform Allowance.
Uniforms, approved footwear and other protective clothing or safety wear required for an employee by law or by
the City shall be provided by the City. Employees thus provided shall wear such uniforms, other protective clothing
and safety wear in the manner required by law or the City. No employee shall wear or use any such protective
clothing or safety wear provided by the City save and except on the job. Upon approval of this agreement and
except as provided below, each Police Officer, Community Service Officer, Property Control Specialist, and
Forensic Technician shall be provided with $600 for the purchase and maintenance of approved footwear during
the period of this agreement.
A Police Officer/Detective assigned to plain clothes duty shall be provided a clothing allowance of $200 for each
quarter in such assignment payable on the first pay day following the assignment. It is understood that this amount
includes funds for the purchase and maintenance of approved footwear during the period of this agreement.
Crime Analysts shall be provided a clothing allowance of $125 each quarter for professional attire as defined by
the department. This allowance includes the cost of footwear.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 17
15.7 Other Employment.
In accordance with Administrative Regulation 208 Outside Employment, outside employment shall be permitted
only with the express prior approval of the City Manager/designee. Any employee with outside employment
commencing on or after the effective date of this Agreement shall notify the City thereof within 30 days after the
effective date of this Agreement. To deny outside employment the City must find that it violates one of the following
A. That such employment is in conflict with the interest of City employment;
B. That such employment detracts from the efficiency of the employee in their City work;
C. That such employment is a discredit to the City employment; or
D. That such employment takes preference over the requirements of City employment.
15.8 Shift Trading and Trading of Days Off.
Shift trades and trading of days off between employees shall be permitted with approval by the affected
supervisors. The City shall suffer no liability for overtime as a result of such trades granted except in the case
where the City has approved the trade and the employee is not able to fulfill the trade due to employer-ordered
time off such as administrative leave. If an employee who is scheduled to work as a trade day cannot fulfill that
assignment due to illness or injury the employee shall submit an electronic leave request for the missed trade.
15.9 Training Day.
The parties agree that employees may be scheduled for monthly training. However, requests submitted for time
off on a scheduled training day will be approved using the same criteria as requests for time off on a regular work
shift except for mandatory training days. This will not impact time off approved prior to the scheduling of the
15.10 Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Employees covered by this agreement agree to follow the provisions of the City’s Drug and Alcohol-Free
Workplace Policy/Administrative Regulation incorporated herein by reference except as follows:
A. An employee utilizing any prescribed medications or controlled substances that may affect their ability to
safely perform assigned duties must immediately report this treatment to their supervisor. The use of
medications or controlled substances as part of a prescribed medical treatment program is not grounds
for disciplinary action. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to determine from their healthcare provider
whether a prescribed treatment may impair job performance. Failure to report the use of a prescribed
medication or a controlled substance which an employee has been informed may affect their abilities to
safely perform assigned duties may subject an employee to disciplinary action. In the event there is a
question regarding an employee’s ability to safely perform assigned duties, clearance from the employee’s
healthcare provider will be required.
In the administration of the above-referenced regulation, employees are afforded the following rights:
I. The employee shall have the right to an Association representative up to and including the time the
sample is given. However, this provision shall not unreasonably delay testing. Nothing herein shall
restrict the employee’s right to representation under general law.
II. If at any point the results of the laboratory testing procedures specified in this Article are negative, all
further testing shall be discontinued. The employee will be provided with a copy of the results and all
documentation on the testing will be sealed and maintained in a secure place. All negative results
will be kept confidential by the City.
III. Any employee who tests positive shall be given access to all written documentation available from
the testing laboratory which verifies the accuracy of the testing equipment used in the testing process,
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 18
the chain of custody of the specimen, and the accuracy rate of the laboratory.
IV. If the results of the test are positive, the employee shall have the right to grieve in accordance with
Article 14 of this Agreement.
V. Prior to an employee being questioned or evidence being obtained that may be used against them in
a disciplinary action they will be advised of the purpose of the investigation and informed that:
“The purpose of this interview and possible collection of physical evidence is to obtain
information which will assist in the determination of whether administrative action is
warranted. You are going to be asked a number of specific questions and may be asked
to submit to evidence collection procedures, within the scope of this policy, regarding the
performance of your official duties. You have a duty to reply to these questions and/or
submit to evidence collecting procedures within the scope of this policy. Disciplinary
action, including dismissal, may be undertaken if you refuse to cooperate or fail to reply
fully and truthfully. Neither your answers nor any information or evidence obtained can
be used against you in any criminal proceeding. The answers you furnish and the
information or evidence resulting there from may be used in the course of disciplinary
proceedings which could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.”
B. Any changes in Policy/Administrative Regulation which alter the terms and conditions of employment shall
be subject to bargaining under PECBA.
16.1 Definition.
Only regular employees shall have seniority. Seniority shall be attained following the completion of the
probationary period and shall thereafter be established as the employees length of continuous service in the
employees job classification and continuous service from last date of hire within the bargaining unit. Seniority
shall be broken or terminated if an employee:
A. Quits.
B. Is discharged for just cause.
C. Is laid off and fails to respond to written notice as provided in this Article, section 16.3.
D. Is laid off work for a period of time greater than 24 months or a period of time equal to their seniority,
whichever is shorter.
E. Fails to report to work at the termination of an extended leave of absence.
F. While on a leave of absence accepts employment without permission.
G. Is retired.
Seniority shall apply by classification in the matter of layoff, recall, reduction in class (and its inverse), vacation
and days off.
16.2 Layoff, Reduction in Class and Recall.
Employees will be laid off and/or reduced in class in the reverse order of seniority in a job classification. During
a layoff or reduction, senior employees will be allowed to bump back to lower classifications from which they were
promoted in which they had attained seniority. Employees bumping to a lower classification shall not suffer a loss
in pay until the beginning of the next pay period at which time their salary shall be adjusted to the step in the range
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 19
closest to but not greater than their current salary. Recall of laid off employees shall be the reverse of the layoff
procedure. Seniority shall not be accrued during any period of layoff.
16.3 Notice of Recall from Layoff Status.
Notice to an employee of recall from layoff shall be made by certified mail sent to the last address provided to the
City by the employee. The employee shall have 14 days to return to work from the date of receipt of mail notifying
that employee of their recall from a layoff status or the employee will forfeit all seniority. Recall rights shall expire
two years after the date of layoff.
16.4 First Line Supervisor Return to Bargaining Unit.
An employee promoted to a first line supervisor’s classification outside the bargaining unit may voluntarily return
to the next available bargaining unit position that they were was promoted from during their probationary period
or within a three (3) year period after their promotion with the approval of the City. The City may return a first line
supervisor to the next available bargaining unit position they were was promoted from during the probationary
period or during the first three (3) years after promotion. It is understood that the returning employee shall return
to the next available classification held, for example Police Officer, not the assignment within the classification
(Detective, Motors, Corporal, etc.). The returning employee shall retain their seniority earned while a bargaining
unit member under this Agreement.
A first line supervisor cannot use this Agreement to grieve a demotion or denial of a voluntary request to return to
a bargaining unit position since the decision by the City was taken against a non-bargaining unit employee not
covered by the labor agreement.
16.5 Seniority List.
The seniority list is a listing of all current employees within the bargaining unit and their respective seniority order,
date of hire in bargaining unit, date of entry into present class and present classification. The City agrees to
update this seniority list annually on July 1 of each year, posted electronically.
Every new hire employee or employee hired into a different classification shall serve a probationary period from
hire date until 12 months after successful completion of the employee’s training program. The probationary period
may be extended if an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence for 30 or more calendar days. Extensions due
to an unpaid leave cannot be greater than the actual time the probationary employee was off. By mutual agreement
between the Association and the City, probation periods may be extended to address performance issues. The
Association recognizes the right of the City to terminate probationary employees for any reason, with or without
cause, and any such termination shall not constitute a violation of this contract.
18.1 Salary Schedule.
Employees shall be compensated in accordance with the salary schedule attached to this Agreement and marked
Exhibit "A", which is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. The salary schedule will be
increased as follows:
Effective July 1, 2024, an increase of 8%
Effective July 1, 2025, an increase of 5%
Effective July 1, 2026, an increase of 4%
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 20
If any position not listed in the salary schedule is hereafter established by the City, the City shall designate a job
classification and pay rate established by the City. Such pay rate shall be subject to negotiation upon request by
the Association.
18.2 Pay Periods.
Employees shall be paid on a semi-monthly basis. In the event a regularly scheduled pay date falls on a Saturday,
Sunday, or a holiday, the last preceding workday shall be the regular pay date in lieu thereof.
18.3 Form of Compensation.
Compensation for authorized overtime, call-back and holiday work shall be paid unless compensatory time is
requested by the employee. Such time shall be credited at time and one-half. An employee may accrue up to a
total of 80 hours of such compensatory time. At the request of an employee, the City shall pay off compensatory
time at the employee’s regular rate of pay (base salary plus salary differentials) as part of a regular paycheck,
provided the employee requests a payoff of at least 20 hours and provides 15 working days notice. At the end of
the fiscal year, compensatory time left on the books shall be paid off at the employees straight-time rate.
Compensatory time may be taken upon the request of the employee and scheduled on a first come first serve
basis unless a senior employee has requested the time off 30 days prior to the actual day. The City may override
prior scheduling and selection when required to do so because of operational needs.
18.4 Pay Differentials.
A. Shift Differential. A Police Records Specialist assigned to work the swing or graveyard shift shall
receive a three percent (3%) pay differential for hours worked. A one and one-half percent (1.5%) pay
differential shall be granted for a shift beginning between 12 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
B. Motorcycle/Traffic Officer Pay. A Police Officer assigned to operate a motorcycle shall receive a five
percent (5%) pay differential for the period assigned to that capacity. A traffic officer assigned to the
STAR team and certified as a reconstructionist shall receive three percent (3%) pay differential while
assigned to the team. The traffic officer must maintain the certification to receive the incentive.
C. Dog Handler Specialty Pay. A Police Officer assigned as a Dog Handler shall receive a five percent
(5%) pay differential for the period assigned for each dog under their direction as compensation for the
maintenance of the canine(s) on off duty time.
D. Training. An employee covered by this agreement who is assigned to train a new regular employee
shall receive a five percent (5%) pay differential for actual training hours.
E. Lead Assignment. Police Records or Property Control Specialists assigned as lead workers shall
receive a five percent (5%) pay differential for the period assigned to that capacity.
F. School Resource Officer. A Police Officer, assigned as a School Resource Officer shall receive a five
percent (5%) pay differential for the period of that assignment.
G. Language Differential. An employee who demonstrates the ability to converse in Spanish shall receive
a pay differential of four and one-half per cent (4.5%). The city shall schedule an examination in
conversational Spanish, as necessary, and upon certification of proficiency by the examiner, said
employee shall receive the pay differential, commencing on the first day of the payroll period following
the examination. The Chief of Police, in consultation with the Human Resources Director, may approve
other languages for compensation under this section. An employee receiving a language differential
may be required to recertify for proficiency to maintain differential pay.
H. Detective. A Police Officer assigned as an investigator shall receive an eight percent (8%) pay differential
for the period assigned to that capacity.
I. Computer Forensic Detective. A Police Officer assigned as a Computer Forensic Detective shall receive
a 5% certification pay once the officer has received the certified Forensic Computer Examiner
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 21
Certification, or other agreed upon certification. The detective must maintain the certification in order to
retain the incentive.
J. Corporal. A Police Officer assigned as a Corporal shall receive an eight percent (8%) pay differential for
the period assigned to that capacity. During the assignment the officer shall not qualify for additional
compensation when acting in the capacity of a Sergeant or when training an employee.
K. Temporary Investigator Assignment (TIA). TIA is a two-year assignment with mandatory rotation with no
additional compensation.
L. Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) A Police Officer certified as a DRE shall receive five percent (5%) pay
differential while engaged in DRE investigations and training, including court appearances.
18.5 Medical Savings Account.
The City shall contribute 1.2% of an employee’s base salary rate to each employee’s account under the Voluntary
Employee Beneficiary Association Medical Expense Plan for Public Employees in the Northwest (commonly
known as the HRA VEBA Trust) under Section 501 (c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code. In addition to the
percentage contribution, the City shall contribute $100 per pay period to each employee’s HRA VEBA account.
18.6 Working Out of Classification.
Any person covered by this agreement who is assigned the responsibilities and carries out the duties of a position
or rank above that which they normally hold for more than one-half (but no less than four hours) of their normal
work shift shall receive a ten percent (10%) pay increase for the total time so acting. This Article shall not apply
to voluntary training assignments to other bargaining unit positions for periods not in excess of thirty calendar
days. No employee may volunteer for such assignment more than once a year.
19.1 PERS
The City will continue to participate in the Oregon Public Employees Retirement System, or its successor as
determined by the State of Oregon. For employees participating in Oregon PERS on the effective date of this
agreement, the employee contribution--currently six percent (6%) --will be paid by the City. The City will also pay
the employee contribution to the Oregon Public Service Retirement Program for each employee hired after August
29, 2003.
The City and the Union Association agree to the following provisions establishing a retiree work-back program for
members of the Association. Any member of the Association’s bargaining unit that meets the requirements for
retirement under PERS/OPSRP programs is eligible to participate in the Work Back program, subject to the
following terms and conditions:
a. Employees will give the City written notice of their planned retirement date and their request to
work back at least six (6) months in advance.
b. Unless the Police Chief determines allowing the employee to work back would not be feasible
for financial or operational reasons, each employee who requests to work back will be allowed to
do so. Employees are still part of the Union’s bargaining unit for the duration of their work back
period and are subject to the provisions of the CBA not expressly modified by this Article.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 22
c. Employees will be limited to working back for six (6) months after which their employment will
end. The Police Chief may terminate the work back agreement before six (6) months for
operational (i.e., non-disciplinary) reasons. However, employees may not be disciplined without
just cause.
d. The employee will be assigned to work their regularly scheduled shift by seniority.
e. Employees working back will accrue sick leave amounts as defined by Oregon state law.
Employees may use sick leave for any purpose allowed under the CBA or the law.
f. The employee is not eligible for trade time and does not accrue or get paid vacation time,
compensatory time, or holiday pay during their work back period.
g. The employee may take leave without pay in lieu of vacation no more than 96 hours total in the
six (6) month work back period. If an employee is sick beyond 48 hours, they must provide the
Police Chief a doctor’s note confirming their inability to work.
h. The employee continues to receive their regular hourly rate prior to separation including all
i. The City is not obligated to pay any form of PERS, or IAP to employees who have retired and
returned to work under this section.
j. Medical, vision, and dental insurance will continue to be paid by the City during the calendar
months of the work back period.
k. The City will lay off retirees who are working back prior to laying off any regular status bargaining
unit members.
l. Promotional announcement will be made from current eligibility list at the beginning of the
retiree’s work back period.
m. Eligibility for any work back employment will be based on the following criteria:
i. No last chance agreement.
ii. No corrective action plan in place at time of retirement.
iii. No more than one (1) written reprimand or higher
20.1 Plan and Contribution.
Employees shall be enrolled in medical, dental and vision insurance through an insurance company selected by
the Association. For coverage beginning January 1, 2025, and through the term of this agreement, the City’s
monthly contribution shall be the same dollar amount the City pays for the premium of the City’s lowest cost
insurance plan. If the employee should choose a higher cost insurance plan, the employee will be responsible for
any cost over the City’s contribution. For the term of this agreement, the City’s plans shall remain equal to or better
than the City’s overall insurance plans in effect at the time this agreement is signed.
Should the Union select another insurance plan or carrier whose composite premium is less than the City’s current
composite premium for their lowest cost insurance plan, the City shall contribute the difference between the
premium of the City’s lowest cost insurance plan and the monthly premium amount to each employee’s HRA
VEBA account, said deposits to occur on a per pay period basis.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 23
The City shall pay the premiums necessary for life insurance coverage in the amount of $50,000 (face amount
may be adjusted based on age, for example, age 65 or 70, depending on the group policy) and long term disability
20.2 Workers’ Compensation.
Each employee will be insured under the provisions of the Oregon State Worker’s Compensation Act.
21.1 No Strike.
Employees, as individuals or as a group, will not initiate, cause, permit, or participate or join in any strike, work
stoppage, or slowdown, picketing, or any other restrictions of work, at any location in the City during the term of
this contract. Employees in the bargaining unit, while acting in the course of their employment, shall not honor
any picket line established in the City by the Association or by any other labor organization when called upon to
cross picket lines in the line of duty. Disciplinary action, including discharge, may be taken by the City against
any employee or employees engaged in a violation of this Article. Such disciplinary action may be undertaken
selectively at the option of the City and shall not preclude or restrict recourse to any other remedies, including an
action for damages, which may be available to the City.
21.2 No Lockout.
There will be no lockout of employees in the bargaining unit by the City as a consequence of any dispute arising
during the period of this Agreement.
All rights, privileges and working conditions enjoyed by employees at the present time, which are not included in
this Agreement, and which constitute employment relations as defined in ORS 243.650(7), shall remain in full
force, unchanged and unaffected in any matter during the term of this Agreement unless changed by mutual
It is the intent of the parties to achieve and sustain maximum productivity per employee during the term of this
agreement. In return to the City for the wage rate and conditions herein provided and consistent with the principle
of a fair days work for a fair days pay, the Association pledges its agreement with the objective of achieving the
highest level of employee performance and efficiency consistent with the safety, good health and sustained effort.
Should any portion of this contract be held contrary to law, such decision shall apply only to the specific portion
thereof directly specified and all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the
duration of this Agreement. Upon such declaration, the parties agree to immediately negotiate a substitute, if
possible, for the invalidated portion thereof.
This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of this agreement, and except as amended or modified, shall
remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2027, however, no retroactive wage shall be granted any employee
who was not an active employee in a position represented by this bargaining unit on the first of the month during
which this agreement was adopted.
Notwithstanding the above, the salary schedule included in Exhibit A is effective July 1, 2024. Any change in
differentials is effective on the first day of the pay period following execution of this agreement. All other provisions
of the agreement are effective upon the date of execution of the agreement.
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 24
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 25
EXHIBIT A SALARY SCHEDULE- Final numbers for each year may be changed slightly due to rounding
Agreement Between City of Medford & Medford Police Officers Association 2024-2027 26
Incentive Pay.
Employees, except for Police Officers and Crime Analysts, upon completion of their probationary period, shall be
eligible for incentive pay for DPSST certification and/or for college credits which are acceptable to the Oregon
System of Higher Education as credit towards a Bachelor’s degree. All incentive pay shall be figured on base
salary rate.
College credits toward Bachelor’s degree - 1% for each 18 quarter hours of college credits (at least a C grade or
equivalent) up to 162 credits - 9% of base salary rate (maximum).
Bachelor’s Degree - 1% of base salary rate.
NOTE: No employee shall suffer a reduction of actual dollars of incentive pay as a result of the implementation
of this provision. However, the incentive pay of such employees shall not be increased except as may be proper
in accordance with the above formula.
Incentive Pay for Police Officers and Crime Analysts. The following incentives for education and certification
shall be available:
Employees, upon completion of their probationary period, shall be eligible for incentive pay for DPSST certification
and/or for college credits which are acceptable to the Oregon System of Higher Education as credit towards a
Bachelor’s degree. The time spent on extended military leave of a probationary employee shall be credited
towards the time required to receive incentive pay. However, such time shall not be credited towards the
employee’s initial probationary period.
All incentives shall be figured on base salary rate.
Incentive pay for college credits toward a Bachelor’s Degree earned as of the date of adoption of this agreement
shall continue to be paid at the rate in effect on the day before adoption of this agreement; not to exceed 5%.
This same grandfathering provision will be applied to employees currently with education incentives but not
eligible to receive them until they are off probation.
Following adoption of the agreement, for employees hired after the adoption of this agreement, the following
education incentives will be used once they complete probation:
Associate Degree or equivalent (60 semester units; 90 quarter units) 2.5%
Bachelor’s Degree - 5% of the employee’s base salary rate.
The maximum education incentive shall be 5% of the employee’s base salary rate.
DPSST Intermediate Certification - 2% of the employee’s base salary rate.
DPSST Advanced Certification - 5% of the employee’s base salary rate.
The maximum certification incentive shall be 5% of the employee’s base salary rate.
Examples - A Police Officer with a Bachelor’s degree and Advanced DPSST would be eligible for incentive pay
of 10% of their base salary rate. A Police Officer receiving 2% for educational credits as of 6/30/07 and
Intermediate and Advanced DPSST certificate would receive incentive pay of 7% of their base salary rate. A
Police Officer receiving 6% for educational credits as of 6/30/07 and an Intermediate DPSST certificate would
receive incentive pay of 7% of their base salary rate.