Sample Oil and Gas Lease and
Surface Use Agreement
Oil & Gas Accountability
Project —
A program of
Texas Oil & Gas Accountability Project
P. O. Box 470567 Fort Worth, Texas 76147
940-389-1622 • http://texasogap.earthworksaction.org
A program of EARTHWORKS • 1612 K St., NW, Suite 808
Washington, D.C., USA 20006 • 202-887-1872 www.earthworksaction.org
Sample Oil and Gas Lease and
Surface Use Agreement
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Sample Oil and Gas Lease and
Surface Use Agreement
Introduction .........................................................................................7
Surface Use Issues and Brief Explanations ..................................... 9
Sample Surface Use Detailed Provisions ....................................... 17
Sample Oil and Gas Lease .............................................................. 31
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Dear Reader,
We are pleased to provide you with this sample oil and gas lease and surface use agreement. We hope this infor-
maon will help address many quesons you have about oil and gas development on your land. We also encour-
age you to review our publicaon, Oil and Gas At Your Door? A Landowners Guide to Oil and Gas Development.
Chapter III of this publicaon contains “Tips for Landowners.” The guidebook is available on-line at hp://www.
Briey, we want to be sure to point out the following:
SURFACE USE AGREEMENTS: One of the tools available for protecng surface property and surface owner qual-
ity of life is the Surface Use Agreement. Oil & Gas At Your Door? examines the pros and cons of negoang these
agreements, and provides samples of what others have been able to negoate.
LEASING: Mineral owners have the opon of leasing or not leasing their minerals to oil and gas companies. If
they choose to lease, there are some ps contained in Oil & Gas At Your Door? to help ensure that the lease
meets their needs and protects their interests.
WHAT TO DO WHEN THE LANDMAN COMES CALLING: A landman is the name given to a man or woman who
serves as the companys contact person with the public who may be an employee or contractor with the oil or
gas company. Some of the tasks that landmen perform include: researching courthouse records to determine
mineral ownership; locang mineral/landowners and negoang oil and gas leases and other agreements with
them; and conducng surface inspecons before drilling.
What to do if contacted by a landman:
1. When interest develops in your minerals, you may be approached by phone, mail, or in person. The landman
or lease broker may determine your interest in leasing by quong you an oer. You should write the oer
down or get it in wring.
2. Do not sign or agree to anything (e.g., a lease or surface use agreement) without understanding the terms
of the agreement or geng professional advice. You may want to contact an aorney or organizaons that
work with landowners. You may want to talk with your neighbors and others who have been in negoaons
with oil or gas companies. It may be helpful for you to read through the landowner proles that are scaered
throughout this document. The lessons learned by others may help you to gure out your own strategy for
dealing with oil and gas company representaves.
3. Stand your ground. Some landmen may use inmidaon taccs or threats to pressure you into signing an
agreement. For more informaon on inmidaon taccs, see the story “Threats and Inmidaon: This is
Negoaon?” and also Peggy Hocus story, in Chapter IV in Oil & Gas At Your Door?.
4. Put together a list of issues important to you before you begin negoang with the landman. Remember,
everything except your name and the legal descripon of the property is negoable.
5. At any meeng with a landman, document as much as you can. Take notes, or beer yet, tape record your
meengs. Or have someone else sit in as a witness.
6. Understand who it is you are dealing with. Research the oil or gas companys track record. Talk with neigh-
bors and other landowners who have had to deal with the same company. Find out, if you can, details of
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agreements reached between the company and other surface owners (e.g., if they oered to test your
neighbors well water, they should do the same for you).
The Texas Railroad Commission (TRC) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality each maintain
a database of oil and gas violaons. To look up violaons on the TRC website you rst have to know that
they are called a “Severance.
Look in the right column and scroll down to “Most Popular Links.
Click on “Online Research (Queries)”
Find the box tled: “Oil & Gas Data Queries”
Click “Launch Applicaon.” This will open the Severance Query Criteria box
Fill in Query data (this is not very user-friendly and can be challenging to nd all the data required).
To look up violaons on the TCEQ website:
Look in the middle secon and nd “How Do I”
Click on Track complaints, enforcement
7. Consider signing a lease or negoang a Surface Use Agreement (both are discussed below). If you are
going to sign a lease, consider negoang the Surface Use Agreement either before or at the same me
that you negoate the lease.
KNOWING YOUR LANDMAN: You may want to ask your landman if he or she is a cered landman, and
whether or not he or she belongs to any professional landmen associaons, the largest one being the Ameri-
can Associaon of Professional Landmen (AAPL). Many of these associaons have codes of ethics that land-
men agree to follow. For example, the AAPL Code of Ethics state that:
The Land Professional, in his dealings with landowners, industry pares, and others outside the industry, shall
conduct himself in a manner consistent with fairness and honesty, such as to maintain the respect of the public.
If you believe that the land professional has used inmidaon taccs, or has lied to you during the negoa-
ons, you should call the landman’s associaon and report the incident. For example, the AAPL has an Ethics
Commiee to which you may direct complaints. Their address is: American Associaon of Professional Land-
men; Ethics Commiee; 4100 Fossil Creek Blvd; Fort Worth, Texas 76137. Phone: 817-847-7700.
Gwen Lachelt, Director
Earthworks’ Oil and Gas Accountability Project
Contact our Texas oce:
P. O. Box 470567 Fort Worth, Texas 76147
469-293-1338 • hp://texasogap.earthworksacon.org
Texas Oil & Gas Accountability Project is a campaign of Earthworks • www.earthworksacon.org
Surface Use Issues and Brief Explanations
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Surface Use Issues and Brief Explanations
The following table provides a comprehensive list of provisions that a landowner may want to include as
components of their oil and gas lease or surface use agreement. A brief explanation of the provisions is
included. In a separate document, detailed language is provided as an example for each provision below.
These provisions should be selected carefully to meet each individual landowner’s needs. Many will have to
negotiated, and it may be important for a landowner to set some priorities and then only seek agreement on
the most important provisions. These matters are complex and a landowner may want to obtain advice from
an attorney with expertise in oil and gas law.
Surface Use Provisions:
Before Drilling
Surface Owner
This provision defines the legal owner of the leased
premises, who will be referred to as the "Surface Owner."
The Surface Owner should then designate an agent to
receive all notices from the Lessee and make decisions on
the Surface Owner's behalf until otherwise stated.
Development Plan
Before commencing any drilling operations or seismic
operations on the leased premises, the Surface Owner
should review and approve the Lessee's development
plan describing any proposed operations.
Location of Facilities
The Lessee agrees to contact the Surface Owner prior to
the commencement of each individual separate well, any
geophysical operation, or any other operations to place
such facilities so that they will interfere as little as
reasonably possible with the Surface Owner's surface use.
Compliance with Laws
Compliance with Laws
This provision requires the Lessee to comply with all
federal, state and local laws and regulations in connection
with any operations or production from the leased
premises. This includes laws governing land use,
conservation, pollution control, the protection of human
life and health, and general regulations concerning safety
of the property.
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Disposal of Waste
Provides that the Lessee must keep the leased premises
free from trash and debris at all times during the term of
the lease. It prohibits the Lessee from burning or
disposing of any trash on the premises.
No Disposal or Storage Allowed
This provision prevents storage of any equipment and
materials on the leased premises not currently used in the
Lessee’s operations. It also prevents pit liners and other
oil and gas waste from being buried or disposed on the
leased premises.
Equipment During Drilling Operations
Fencing of Equipment During Drilling Operations or
Reworking Operations
The Lessee must fence all areas of operations surrounding
each well and related facilities prior to the
commencement of drilling or reworking. The Lessee must
also fence all pits on the premises within one week of the
cessation of operations.
Fencing, Firewalling, and Maintenance of
Production Equipment
The Lessee agrees to fence all Christmas trees (an
assembly of valves, spools, and fittings used for various
types of wells), pumping units and any other machinery
constructed on the leased premises. Firewalls must also
be constructed around all tanks, separators, and other
receptacles containing liquid. The fences and firewalls
must be maintained and kept painted.
Fences and Gates
Fences and Gates
The Surface Owner may request that the Lessee install
and maintain fences, gates, and locks or cattle guards
above all pipelines and on all access roads. The Surface
Owner shall have a key to all gates and all gates and
guards will become the Surface Owner’s property at the
termination of the lease.
Gate Guard
During any drilling or reworking operations on the leased
premises, the Lessee must post a guard at the outside
gate to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the
Lessee's Employees Activities On-Site
No Lease Houses
The Lessee has no right to construct any lease housing or
lease camps for employee housing on the leased
Surface Use Issues and Brief Explanations
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Notification of Lessee's Employees and Contractors
The Lessee must apprise every contractor, subcontractor,
and employee who enters the leased premises of the
provisions contained in the lease. Additionally, every
employee, contractor, and subcontractor acting under the
Lessee’s authority must have in their possession written
authorization from the Lessee. The Surface Owner has
the right to request documentation from any worker at
any time.
Removal of Persons
If anyone is found on the premises in violation of
provisions in the lease, they will be considered a
trespasser and the Surface Owner may file charges
against the trespassing party. Further, if any of Lessee’s
employees or representatives become objectionable to
the Surface Owner, the Surface Owner may give written
notice to the Lessee, who then has ten (10) days to
remove such parties from the property.
Monitoring & Inspections
Annual Inspections of Surface
At least once every lease year, the Lessee shall inspect all
operations and facilities on the lease premises with the
Surface Owner to determine compliance with the
provisions of the lease. The Lessee will be responsible for
paying all monitoring costs and performing any repairs or
remedial measures the two parties have agreed upon.
The Lessee and all persons acting on Lessee’s behalf must
carry the following insurance at all times when they are
on the leased premises: Worker’s Compensation and
Employer’s Liability Insurance; Commercial General
Liability and Umbrella Liability Insurance; and Business
Auto and Umbrella Liability Insurance.
All provisions in the lease will take effect to the benefit of
the Surface Owner and the Surface Owner’s respective
heirs, successors, representatives, and assigns. This lease
will also be binding on the Lessee and its successors and
If the Lessee fails to perform any of the obligations set
forth in the Surface Use Agreement or fails to cure any
breaches, the Surface Owner may: (i) perform such
obligations on Lessee’s behalf and recoup the costs, (ii)
sue the Lessee for specific performance, or (iii) obtain
recovery of damages for the breach.
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Construction and Maintenance of Roads
The Lessee is prohibited from constructing more than one
road to each location on the premises and is required to
restrict all travel incident to the production of wells to the
single road. The Lessee must consult with the Surface
Owner prior to locating any roads, and the Lessee has no
right to use any existing roads on the premises without
consent from the Surface Owner. The Lessee is
responsible for maintaining all roads used in Lessee’s
operations and may be responsible for removing the
roads after drilling operations are completed.
Surface Damages and Equipment Removal
Care in Operations
All operations by the Lessee on the leased premises must
be conducted so as to not unreasonably interfere with the
Surface Owner's use of the surface. The Lessee also
agrees to take all necessary steps to prevent its
operations from: (i) contributing to soil erosion on the
leased premises; (ii) polluting the soil or waters of the
premises; (iii) damaging crops, grasses or other foliage or
trees; or (iv) harming or injuring the animals or livestock
owned by the Surface Owner.
The Lessee has no right to dig any pits on the leased
premises without the Surface Owner's written consent,
except if the pits conform to Railroad Commission
requirements and are removed promptly after completed
Removing of Equipment and Casing
The Lessee has six months after the termination of the
lease to draw casing and remove all property and fixtures
placed upon the leased premises. If the Lessee fails to
remove such property, the Surface Owner may take legal
action to remove such property, at Lessee’s cost, or take
possession of the property and dispose of it as he deems
Restoration of Surface after Drilling Operations or
Reworking Operations
Within three months after the cessation of any drilling or
reworking operations, the Lessee must: remove all pits
and dumps; remove all debris and equipment; restore the
surrounding land; and generally restore the surface of the
land to the same condition and quality it was before the
commencement of such operations.
Surface Use Issues and Brief Explanations
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Seismic Operations
In the course of any seismic operations under the lease,
the Lessee agrees that no shot holes will be used (a drilled
hole in which an explosive charge is placed before
detonation). Also, in the event any water wells or tanks
are damaged during seismic operations, the Lessee is
liable for any damages that result.
Surface Damages
The Lessee must pay the Surface Owner reasonable
compensation for all use of or damage to the surface
estate. The Lessee's obligation to compensate the
Surface Owner for any damage shall exist whether or not
the damage is due to the negligence of Lessee, its agents,
employees, or independent contractors.
This provision allows the Surface Owner to negotiate
what the minimum compensation payable to the Surface
Owner will be for specific types of surface uses.
Salt Water Disposal
No salt water disposal well may be drilled on the leased
premises without a separate written agreement with the
Surface Owner. Additionally, if at any time it becomes
known that salt water is escaping onto the property, the
Lessee must promptly take the necessary steps to stop
the leak.
Water Protection
This provision should be included in a Surface Use
Agreement if the leased premises are located within a
watershed, aquifer, or area with wetland habitats. This
provision seeks to protect the quantity and quality of the
water, as well as the habitats and water beds.
Water Wells
No water well may be drilled by the Lessee on the leased
premises except with the Surface Owner's prior written
consent. If the Surface Owner consents to the drilling of a
water well, the Lessee must compensate the Surface
Owner for such water at a rate to be decided between the
two parties. The Surface Owner shall have access to the
water well, but only in amounts not to interfere with the
drilling operations. The Surface Owner may request that
the Lessee remove the water well when operations cease,
but the Lessee has the option to keep it.
Use of Abandoned Wells as Water Wells
In the event that any well drilled on the leased premises is
abandoned as a dry hole or ceases to produce in paying
quantities, the Surface Owner has the right to request
that such a well be turned into a water well. The Lessee
will be responsible for plugging the well and turning it
over to the Surface Owner to complete a water well.
Surface Use Issues and Brief Explanations
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Wells and Pipelines
Abandonment of Pipelines
Before the abandonment or removal of any pipeline, the
Lessee agrees to offer its purchase to the Surface Owner
for the salvage value of the pipeline. If the Surface Owner
does not wish to purchase the pipeline, the Lessee must
remove the pipeline, restore the surface to its former
condition, within ninety (90) days after the termination of
the lease.
Location of Wells and Pipelines
This provision allows the Surface Owner to determine
how close to any residence the wells and pipelines can be
located. The Lessee must also agree to consult with the
Surface Owner prior to laying any pipeline so as to locate
the lines in an area where it interferes as little as possible
with the use of the surface estate and is not less than
thirty-six (36) inches below the surface of the ground.
The Lessee must: plug and abandon all wells in
accordance with the rules and regulations of any
governmental agency having jurisdiction; remove all
casing and pipe from abandoned wells to a depth of at
least three (3) feet below ground level; and remove all
other obstructions in such wells. The Lessee also agrees
to indemnify and hold the Surface Owner free from any
obligation or liability to plug the wells imposed by any
governmental regulation.
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Wildlife and Natural Features
Erosion Control
The Lessee shall construct all roads, drilling locations, tank
batteries, compressor stations, pipelines and allied
installations in such a manner as to prevent erosion.
No Hunting or Fishing or Recreational Use
This provision specifically excludes the Lessee from any
rights or privileges of hunting, fishing, and any
recreational activities on the leased premises; these rights
are expressly reserved to the Surface Owner. If the
Lessee or any of the Lessee's agents are found to violate
this provision, they will be considered a trespasser and
are subject to prosecution under the laws of the State of
Prevention of Fires
The Lessee agrees that it will use its best efforts to
prevent fires on the leased premises. This includes
equipping all vehicles and well sites with fire suppression
equipment and treating the entire leased premises as a
Removal of Artifacts and Natural Features
The Lessee shall not remove any artifacts (arrowheads,
minerals) or natural features (antlers, firewood, plants,
cacti, animals, birds) from the leased premises.
Vegetation and Plants
The Lessee must attempt to minimize the clearing of
brush and the removal of trees or any other vegetation or
plant life in conducting its operations on the leased
premises. The Lessee must also not remove or cut any
mature trees on the leased premises without the Surface
Owner's written consent.
Wildlife and Livestock
Under no circumstances, may any wildlife or animals be
intentionally killed, injured, harassed, chased, or
disturbed in any way during the operations on the leased
premises. However, the Surface Owner agrees to help
assist the Lessee in removing potentially dangerous
animals from an immediate operation area.
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Sample Surface Use Detailed Provisions
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Surface Use Restrictions
1. Surface Owner. The owner of the surface estate of the Leased Premises is _____________________
(hereinafter referred to as “Surface Owner,” whether one or more). Surface Owner hereby designates
___________________________ as Surface Owner’s agent to receive all notices, give all consents, and make all decisions
regarding use of the surface estate by Lessee until Lessee receives notice from Surface Owner of revocation of such
agent’s authority. The address of Surface Owner’s agent is ________________________, and Surface Owner’s agent’s
telephone number is __________________________.
2. Development Plan. Prior to commencing any operations for the drilling of a well or for seismic
operations on the Leased Premises, Lessee shall prepare for Surface Owner’s review and approval a development plan
(the “Development Plan”) describing such proposed operations. The Development Plan shall fully describe the operations
proposed to be conducted by Lessee, and shall contain at least the following:
(a) If the proposed operations to be conducted are seismic operations:
(i) a plat of the Leased Premises showing the source and receiver lines proposed to be used, and
identifying any houses, barns, lakes, tanks, water wells, subsurface water lines, electric lines and other
improvements on the Leased Premises.
(ii) the name of the contractor that will conduct such operations, and the name and telephone
number of personnel of such contractor who can be contacted at all times while such seismic operations
are being conducted.
(iii) a description of the method or methods and equipment to be used to conduct such seismic
operations and the time of day such operations are to be conducted.
(iv) the estimated commencement and completion dates of the seismic operations.
(v) if Surface Owner consents to the use of shot holes, the depth of the holes, the size of the
charges to be used, and the method to be used to plug the shot holes.
(vii) evidence of liability insurance for the seismic operations.
(b) If the proposed operations are for the drilling of one or more wells on the Leased Premises:
(i) a copy of the application to drill and drilling permit for each well to be drilled, and of the Water
Board Letter showing the estimated depth of fresh water to be protected by surface casing.
(ii) a schematic of the proposed well location for each well to be drilled, showing the proposed
location of the well and of each pit (if pits are allowed) or tank to be used in connection with the drilling
and completion of the well.
Sample Surface Use Detailed Provisions
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(iii) a plat of the Leased Premises showing Lessee’s proposed road or roads to be constructed to
the well site, and a description of the materials and methods to be used in construction of such roads,
and of any proposed improvements to existing roads Lessee proposes to use.
(iv) a schematic of the wellsite showing how the wellsite will be used in the event of completion of
the well, and what portions of the drillsite pad will continue to be used for production operations, the
location of tanks, separators and other production facilities; and a plat showing the proposed routes of
any gathering lines to be installed for the production and gathering of oil or gas to be produced from the
(v) A description of all methods and construction proposed for the prevention of runoff or erosion
from the pad site, pipelines and roads and for the prevention of contamination or pollution by runoff
into any tank, lake, stream or other body of water on the Leased Premises.
(vi) A list of names, addresses and telephone numbers for all contractors and subcontractors to be
used in the drilling and completion of the well, with names of personnel who can be contacted in the
event of problems or emergencies.
(vii) The name and telephone number of the employee of Lessee who will be the Lessee’s
representative at the drillsite during the drilling and completion of the well.
Lessee shall provide the Development Plan to Surface Owner at least sixty (60) days prior to the proposed date for
commencement of operations for the construction of the pad site for the well. Surface Owner shall have thirty (30) days
from receipt of the Development Plan to review and approve or object to same. Lessee agrees to meet with Surface
Owner, if requested, to answer questions and address issues with the proposed Development Plan. If Surface Owner
makes no objection to the proposed Development Plan within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof, Surface Owner shall
be deemed to have approved the Plan. If Surface Owner objects to any part of the Development Plan, Surface Owner
shall do so in writing to Lessee and shall propose reasonable alternatives to any portion of the Plan to which Surface
Owner may object.
After approval of the Development Plan, Lessee’s activities on the Leased Premises shall be conducted in accordance
therewith. If Lessee makes any changes to the Development Plan, Lessee shall communicate such changes in writing to
Surface Owner for Surface Owner’s review and approval. If and as additional wells are proposed for drilling on the Leased
Premises, Lessee shall update and revise the Development Plan as needed, and shall provide the additional information
required above for each such new well.
3. Location of Facilities. Lessee agrees to contact Surface Owner prior to the commencement of each
separate well and prior to the commencement of each separate geophysical operation or other operation. Except in
emergencies, such notice to Surface Owner must be at least 72 hours in advance of such operation. Prior to locating any
pump stations, compressors, tank batteries, or separators on the Leased Premises, Lessee shall notify Surface Owner and
shall consult with Surface Owner to locate such facilities so that they will interfere as little as reasonably possible with use
Sample Surface Use Detailed Provisions
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of the surface estate. In any event, no wells or other surface equipment or facilities may be located closer than one
thousand feet (1,000’) to any residence or closer than five hundred feet (500’) to any existing barns, pens or other
ranching operational facilities located on the Leased Premises without Surface Owner’s written consent. It is understood
that Lessor grants to Lessee such surface rights as are reasonably necessary for Lessee’s operations hereunder; however,
notwithstanding any other provision in this Lease to the contrary, Lessee shall not dig canals, drill or use injection wells,
place pipelines, establish telephone or electrical lines, employee housing or other structures on the Leased Premises for
exploring, drilling for, producing, treating, storing or transporting minerals from any lands other than the Leased
Premises. Lessee shall provide to Surface Owner a surveyed centerline description of the location of all roads and
underground pipelines and flow lines constructed by Lessee on the Leased Premises, in suitable form for recording, so
that all such lines can be located by the Surface Owner by reference to the description.
4. Compliance With Laws. Lessee shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations in
connection with Lessee’s operations on, and production from, the leased premises, including without limitation, those
governing land use, conservation, pollution control, pesticide and herbicide application, endangered or threatened
species preservation and irrigation. Moreover, Lessee covenants to comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and
regulations regarding safety, protection of the leased premises, protection of property, protection of wildlife (including,
without limitation, endangered species), and the protection of human life and health.
5. Litter. During the term of this lease, Lessee shall keep the leased premises free from trash and debris at
all times. Under no circumstances shall Lessee bury, burn or otherwise dispose of any trash, debris or foreign material of
any nature on the leased premises. Lessee shall provide covered dumpsters at all drill sites while drilling operations are in
6. No Disposal or Storage Allowed. Pit liners and other oil and gas waste shall not be buried or otherwise
disposed of on the Leased Premises. All such waste shall be removed from the Leased Premises and properly disposed of
in compliance with all Environmental Laws. Lessee may not use the surface of the Leased Premises for storage of pipe,
fuel, lubricants, treating compounds, or any Hazardous Materials, or for maintenance yards or facilities. All equipment
and materials not being actively used in Lessee’s operations shall be stored offsite, and when equipment or materials are
no longer being used for operations on the Leased Premises, same shall be immediately removed from the Leased
7. Fencing of Equipment During Drilling or Reworking Operations. Lessee agrees to fence the area of
operations surrounding each well location prior to commencement of operations for drilling or reworking. All pits dug on
said land in connection with Drilling or Reworking Operations shall be fenced within one week after cessation of such
operations, and the fence surrounding the general area of operations shall, at the option of Surface Owner, be removed.
8. Fencing, Firewalling and Maintenance of Production Equipment. Lessee agrees to fence all Christmas
trees, pumping units and other machinery placed on the Leased Premises and to maintain such fences in good repair at all
times during the continuation of this Lease. Firewalls must be constructed and maintained around all tanks, separators
and other receptacles so as to contain a volume of liquid equal to at least 1.25 times the total volume of such tanks,
Sample Surface Use Detailed Provisions
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separators and other receptacles located within the boundaries of the firewall. Lessee shall keep all tanks and other
equipment at each well location painted, and shall keep the wellsite and all roads leading thereto free of all noxious
weeds and debris.
9. Fences and Gates. Lessee agrees that Lessee will not cut or go over any fence or fences on the Leased
Premises at any time or in connection with any operations on the Leased Premises, without first obtaining Surface
Owner’s express consent thereto in writing. If Surface Owner consents to the cutting of a fence, the cuts must be made at
the place designated by Surface Owner; and Lessee agrees, prior to cutting any fence of Surface Owner, to brace the
existing fence adequately on both sides of the proposed cut so that when the fence is cut there will be no slackening of
the wires. If the fence cut is an outside fence of Surface Owner’s property, Lessee agrees, if requested by Surface Owner,
to install and maintain a substantial iron cattle guard capable of turning cattle promptly after making such cut. A welded
pipe gate shall be installed across said cattle guard, and when not in actual use, the gate shall be kept locked by Lessee. If
Surface Owner does not request a cattle guard, then Lessee shall install a substantial metal gate, which shall be kept
locked by Lessee when not in actual use. Surface Owner may install Surface Owner’s own lock in addition to Lessee’s lock
on said gate. If the fence to be cut is an internal fence of Surface Owner’s property, Lessee agrees to install a substantial
metal gate or cattle guard, whichever shall be designated by Surface Owner, in such opening. Upon termination of this
Lease, or the portion thereof on which any cattle guard and gate are located, such cattle guard and gate shall, at the
option of Surface Owner, become Surface Owner’s property or be removed by Lessee and the fences restored to their
original condition. So long as this Lease shall remain in force, such gates and cattle guards shall not be removed and shall
be maintained in good condition and repair, capable of turning cattle. Any gates in fences must be installed only at places
and in a manner reasonably approved by the Surface Owner. Lessee agrees to promptly close all gates and lock all
outside gates which Lessee and Lessee’s agents, servants, employees, guests, invitees or independent contractors may
use in Lessee’s operations on the Leased Premises, to prevent the escape of cattle or stock through any open gate.
10. Gate Guard. While any Drilling Operations or Reworking Operations are being conducted on the Leased
Premises, Lessee shall cause a guard to be posted at the outside gate through which Lessee’s employees and contractors
are passing for access to the drillsite, and such guard shall be responsible for preventing unauthorized persons from
entering the Leased Premises.
11. No Lease Houses. Lessee shall have no right to construct any lease housing or lease camps for housing
Lessee’s employees on the Leased Premises (other than mobile units used during Drilling or Reworking Operations).
12. Notification of Lessee’s Employees and Contractors. Lessee shall apprise every contractor,
subcontractor and employee who enters upon the Leased Premises, at a minimum, of the provisions of this Lease
pertaining to prohibitions against fishing and hunting, vehicle access, and surface use and protection, prior to such party’s
entry upon the Leased Premises. Every such employee, contractor and subcontractor acting for Lessee under the
authority of this Lease shall have in his possession written authorization from Lessee to be present on the Leased
Premises, and Surface Owner and his agents and representatives shall have the right to require him to present such
written authorization for inspection upon request.
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13. Removal of Persons. In the event anyone connected with Lessee’s operations is found upon the
premises in violation of the provisions of the lease or the Surface Use Agreement, they shall be considered as a trespasser
and the Lessor may file such charges as may be appropriate under the laws of the State of Texas against such party or
parties. Further, if any of Lessee’s employees, agents, representatives or contractors are, or become, objectionable to
Lessor, for any reason, Lessor may give written notice thereof to Lessee and, if Lessee does not voluntarily remove or
exclude any such party from the leased premises within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice, Lessor shall have the
right to eject such party from the leased premises and prohibit such party from thereafter entering upon the leased
14. Annual Inspections of Surface. No less often than once during each Lease Year while this Lease is in
force, an inspection of Lessee’s operations and facilities on the Leased Premises shall be conducted by Lessee and a
designated representative of the Surface Owner, to determine whether Lessee is in compliance with the provisions of this
Lease pertaining to the surface estate. Lessee shall provide Lessor with a written copy of the results of such inspection. If
there are any respects in which Lessee is not in compliance with this Lease, the parties shall agree upon what measures
shall be taken to bring Lessee into compliance and upon a schedule for performing all acts necessary to bring Lessee into
compliance. Lessee shall thereafter perform such repairs and remedial measures as the parties have agreed upon, within
the time agreed upon. If for any reason Lessee fails to perform such agreed-upon repairs and remedial measures within
the time agreed, then Surface Owner shall have the right (in addition to any other remedies) to perform such repairs and
remedial measures, and Lessee shall, upon demand by Surface Owner, promptly reimburse Surface Owner for such costs.
15. Insurance. Lessee, at its own expense, shall maintain a general liability insurance policy (covering both
bodily injury and property damage and covering its indemnity provisions of this Lease) in an amount of at least $1,000,000
combined single limit. Lessee shall also, at its own expense, carry worker's compensation insurance as required by law.
Said policies shall (i) name Lessor as an additional insured (except for the worker's compensation policy, which instead
shall include a waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of Lessor), (ii) be issued by an insurance company which is
reasonably acceptable to Lessor, and (iii) provide that said insurance shall not be canceled unless thirty (30) days prior
written notice shall have been given to Lessor. In addition, such insurance provided by Lessee shall be primary coverage
for Lessor when any policy issued to Lessor is similar or duplicate in coverage, and Lessor’s policy shall be excess over
Lessee’s policies. Said policy or policies or certificates thereof shall be delivered to Lessor by Lessee upon commencement
of the lease and upon each renewal of said insurance.
16. Inurement. The provisions of this Exhibit shall inure to the benefit of Surface Owner, Surface Owner’s
respective heirs, successors, representatives and assigns, and shall be binding on Lessee, its successors and assigns.
17. Remedies. If Lessee fails to perform any obligation set forth in this Agreement, Surface Owner may,
after written notice of such breach and a 30 day period for Lessee to cure such breach, (i) perform such obligation on
Lessee’s behalf, in which event Lessee shall promptly pay to Surface Owner the cost incurred by Surface Owner in such
operations, or (ii) sue Lessee for specific performance of such obligations, or (iii) obtain recovery of damages for such
breach. The parties agree that the measure of damages for any breach of the provisions of this Exhibit shall not be limited
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to the market value of the property, but shall be not less than the cost of performing the obligations of Lessee for which
Lessee is in default. In the event the Surface Owner must resort to legal proceedings to recover any damages payable to
Surface Owner hereunder or to enforce any provision or covenant herein contained, Lessee shall reimburse Surface
Owner for all costs, including reasonable attorney’s and expert witness’ fees, incurred by Surface Owner in such
18. Construction and Maintenance of Roads. Lessee agrees to construct not more than one (1) road to each
location on the Leased Premises and to confine all travel incident to the drilling and production of such well to the single
road. Lessee shall consult with Surface Owner prior to locating any road so that they may be located so as to interfere as
little as reasonably possible with Surface Owner’s use of the surface estate. Lessee shall have no right to use existing
roads on the Leased Premises except with Surface Owner’s consent. Lessee agrees to maintain all roads used by Lessee in
Lessee’s operations on the Leased Premises in good condition and repair during the period of Lessee’s operations on the
Leased Premises. Lessee shall construct and maintain terraces across roads where necessary to prevent erosion. When
any roads constructed by Lessee are no longer used by Lessee, if Lessee has constructed any character of topping, such as
caliche, blacktop or otherwise, on such roads, Surface Owner shall have the right to require Lessee to remove such
topping from the roads and to restore the surface of the land to substantially its former condition. If any employees,
contractors, employees of oil or gas purchasers, or others authorized to use lease roads by virtue of this Lease fail to
confine their travel on the Leased Premises to the designated lease roads, Surface Owner shall have the right, in addition
to any other remedy provided under this Lease or by law, to deny further access by such person to the Leased Premises,
to treat such person as a trespasser, and to receive compensation from Lessee for any damages caused by such person to
the Leased Premises by reason of his use of portions of the surface of the Leased Premises other than the designated
lease roads.
19. Care in Operations.
(i) Lessee shall be responsible for all acts occurring as part of its operations on the leased
premises whether they be reasonably foreseen or unforeseen. All operations conducted by Lessee, its agents,
contractors, or assigns relative to this Lease shall comply with federal, state and local law, statute, regulation and/or
order. Lessee's failure to comply with any federal, state, local law or any regulation or order of any enforcement agency
having jurisdiction over Lessee's operation shall be a default of this lease.
(ii) Lessee shall at all times use the highest degree of care and all necessary safeguards to prevent
its operations from (a) causing or contributing to soil erosion, or to the injury of terraces, grades, or other soil-conserving
structures on the leased premises; (b) polluting or contaminating any environmental medium including the surface or
subterranean soils and/or waters and ambient atmosphere in, on, under or about the leased premises and surrounding
properties; (c) decreasing the fertility of the soil; (d) damaging crops, native or cultivated grasses, fruit or nut trees,
timber, or pastures, consistent with the purpose of the Lease; (e) harming or in anyway injuring the animals, poultry, fish
or livestock owned by the Lessor or by his tenants and kept or pastured on the leased premises; including the erection
and maintenance of fences, gates, and cattle guards where necessary for such purposes; or (f) damaging buildings, roads,
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structures, ensilage pits, improvements, farm implements, or fences. Lessee shall dispose of salt water and waste oil in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas Railroad Commission
or other governmental authority. Lessee shall clean up, remove, remedy, and repair any soil or ground water
contamination and damage caused by its presence or release of any contaminant in, on, under or about the leased
premises, whether or not caused by the negligence of Lessee, its agents, employees, licensees or independent
contractors. Lessee shall pay to the person beneficially interested in the harmed object all damages caused by its
(iii) Lessee shall not use land application on the leased premises for the disposal of any drill cuttings or
residual waste.
(iv) Lessee shall not use, dispose of or release on the leased premises or permit to exist or be used,
disposed of or released on the leased premises as a result of its operations, any substances (other than those Lessee has
been licensed or permitted to use on the leased premises) which is defined as a “hazardous material”, “toxic substance”,
or “solid waste” in applicable federal, state or local laws, statutes or ordinances.
(v) Lessee shall ensure that its operations and equipment do not cause or contribute to a nuisance or
contamination, including, but not limited to, noise levels, emissions into the air or discharges into soil or water.
(vi) Prior to any surface excavation, Lessee shall set topsoil aside for the express purpose of recovering
any areas to be graded at conclusion of activities requiring excavation. Within ninety (90) days of the conclusion of such
activities, weather permitting, Lessee shall grade all areas as nearly as practicable to the original contours following
applicable state regulations and spread set aside topsoil evenly to its original depth. Lessee shall purchase and plant
graded areas with the desired seeds meeting Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department (TPWD) regulations.
(vii) Lessee shall notify Lessor prior to the removal of any standing timber in a sufficiently timely manner
so as to allow Lessor to obtain an appraisal of such timber by a qualified forester. Lessor shall have the option to take
payment from Lessee for said timber prior to its removal or to take possession of said timber after its removal by Lessee.
If Lessor opts to take possession, Lessee shall cut and set aside logs so as to be accessible, exercising due care in cutting
and handling said timber so as to preserve its market value. Lessee shall remove any uprooted stumps from the leased
premises at Lessor’s request.
(viii) Lessee shall plan surface operations in a manner that will reduce or minimize the intrusion to crop
fields. In the event that such intrusion cannot be avoided, Lessee shall compensate Lessor for the damage at current
market value for the projected yield at full maturity.
(ix) Should any “pollutant”, “hazardous material”, “toxic substance”, or “contaminated waste” be
released on the leased premises requiring the notification of the TCEQ or other governmental entity, Lessee shall notify
Lessor immediately after notifying the governmental body using the same means communication.
20. Pits. Lessee shall have no right to dig any pits on said land except with Surface Owner’s written consent.
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21. Removal of Equipment and Casing. Lessee shall have the right at any time while this lease is in force and
effect and for six (6) months after its termination, but not thereafter, to draw casing and remove all property and fixtures
placed thereon and, if Lessee fails to remove such property and fixtures within said six (6) months it shall be conclusively
considered that such property and fixtures have been abandoned by Lessee, and the Lessor may take possession thereof
and dispose of same as it deems appropriate without accounting to Lessee; it is provided, however, that Lessee shall not
be relieved of its responsibility and obligations provided elsewhere in this lease to plug any well so abandoned and to
clean up and restore all well sites and other locations on said lands.
22. Restoration of Surface after Drilling Operations or Reworking Operations. Within a reasonable time
after cessation of any Drilling or Reworking Operation, not to exceed three (3) months, Lessee shall level all disturbed
areas remove all debris and all of Lessee’s equipment and material, restore the surrounding land so that it will support the
crops or natural range vegetation thereon, and generally shall restore the surface of the land to the same condition and
quality as it was before the commencement of such operations. All remaining cleanup of the drillsite shall be completed
within four (4) months after completion of operations. Lessee shall remove any caliche or other topping used in the
construction of the location and shall, if Surface Owner requests, spread and properly compact any such removed topping
on any road or roads on the Leased Premises or access roads thereto.
23. Seismic Operations. In the conduct of seismic operations under this Lease, Lessee agrees that no shot
holes will be drilled or used. All seismic operations shall be conducted using the Vibroseis method. In the event any
water wells or tanks shall be damaged or ruined as a result of such seismic operations, Lessee shall be liable for the
damages occasioned thereby, and shall be obligated to redrill any water wells so damaged to replace the water supply.
Upon completion of seismic operations, Lessee agrees to promptly and properly rake and pile all debris, and restore the
surface of the land to the same condition as it was before the commencement of such operations. Lessee and Surface
Owner’s designated representative shall make a joint inspection of the premises before Lessee commences any seismic
operations thereon, to determine the location of the proposed lines and the condition of all fences, gates, roads, water
wells, buildings and other improvements in the vicinity of the operations and to agree upon the most convenient means
of access to the property for both parties. Lessee shall notify Surface Owner’s representative again when seismic
operations are completed, and such representative and Lessee shall again inspect the property.
24. Surface Damages. Lessee agrees to pay Surface Owner reasonable compensation for all use of, or
damage to, the surface estate (or any incident of the surface estate) owned by the Surface Owner, which use is made or
which damages are incurred in the exercise of the rights granted to Lessee by this Lease. LESSEE’S OBLIGATION TO
estate is leased, Lessee agrees to pay the surface tenant prior to Lessee’s entry on the property for all damages to crops,
cattle, livestock, grass and other property of the tenant situated on the Leased Premises resulting from Lessee’s
operations thereon, and for costs of agricultural activity on the Leased Premises, including costs of land preparation,
where the surface tenant has expended funds and efforts preparing lands for crops but has not yet planted the crops. In
any event, the minimum compensation payable to Surface Owner for Lessee’s use of the surface shall be:
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(i) for well locations, tank batteries or other surface locations used or operated by Lessee, ________________
and No/100 Dollars ($_____________) per acre;
(ii) for pipelines and flowlines on the Leased Premises (with no above-ground facilities) shall be _________ and
No/100 Dollars ($__________) per rod;
(iii) as compensation for use and damage caused by roads constructed or used by Lessee, the sum of
_______________ and No/100 Dollars ($_________) per mile; such payment shall be due within thirty (30) days before
Lessee’s commencement of construction of any road;
(iv) for reasonable and necessary damages to the surface estate resulting from seismic operations: for 2-D
seismic operations,_______________ and No/100 Dollars ($_________) per mile of seismic line, and for 3-D seismic
operations, _______________ and No/100 Dollars ($_________) per acre of lands included within the seismic survey. In
addition, prior to entering the property, Lessee shall pay for any damages to growing crops, and for any costs of re-
cultivating farmland necessitated by Lessee’s seismic operations.
In addition, if the surface estate is enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (“CRP”) or any similar program
limiting the use of the surface, and if Lessee’s use of the surface disqualifies any part of the surface estate from
participation in the program, Lessee agrees to reimburse Surface Owner for any refunds or penalties Surface Owner may
be required to make as a result of such disqualifications. Payment of such compensation shall not relieve Lessee of its
obligation to restore the surface estate as nearly as possible to its original condition, and Surface Owner shall be entitled
to obtain specific performance of Lessee’s obligations to fully restore the surface estate and/or such other remedies as
are provided in Paragraph 17. Payment shall be due prior to commencement of construction at any location.
The stated amounts of minimum use and damages payable for roads and other facilities and for seismic damages
as provided above shall increase on each anniversary date of this Lease by the same percentage as the percentage
increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the
Department of Labor, from the most recent prior anniversary date of this Lease to the then current anniversary date of
this Lease. If such Index ceases to be published, the parties shall agree upon a similar published index for use hereunder.
Lessee shall have no obligation to calculate or pay any amounts attributable to the increase provided for under this
Paragraph until thirty (30) days after Lessor has notified Lessee of the dollar amount of any such increase and the
Consumer Price Index statistics used by Lessor or Surface Owner to calculate such increase. Upon Lessor’s receipt of any
payment from Lessee hereunder to which a price increase is applicable, Lessor shall notify Lessee of the additional
amount due by reason of such increase and of the method used by Lessor to calculate such amount, and such additional
amount shall be due and payable thirty (30) days thereafter.
25. Salt Water Disposal. No salt water disposal well may be drilled on the leased premises without a
separate written agreement with the Lessor. If at any time it becomes apparent that salt water is escaping (whether into
subsurface formations or onto the surface of the ground) Lessee shall promptly take all necessary steps to stop the escape
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26. Water Protection. The leased premises are located within the watershed of the ____________ River,
one of Texas’ pristine rivers, and near the head springs located _______________________. The _____________ River
and associated habitats are home to a number of unique plant and animal species including the federally listed
_______________________. The _____________ River is supported from the outflow of ___________________ Aquifer
located underneath the said property, and is dependent on this underground system for its water quantity and quality.
Canyons and creek beds within said land drain into this sensitive aquatic system and unique river. Lessee shall prevent
the contamination of the ___________ River watershed and any and all waters in, under or on the leased premises,
whether in surface tanks or any other type of storage, in creek beds or river beds, and any and all surface and subsurface
water bearing strata or formations. Lessee shall not use water from Lessor’s wells, stock tanks, streams, lakes, ponds,
water pipelines, storage tanks or other water sources existing on the leased premises.
27. Water Wells. No water well may be drilled by Lessee on the Leased Premises except with Surface
Owner’s prior written consent. Any water well drilled by Lessee on the Leased Premises shall be drilled, cased and
completed in compliance with all rules and regulations of state or local authorities applicable to the drilling and
completion of water wells to be used for livestock or domestic purposes. If Surface Owner consents to the drilling of a
water well to supply Lessee’s drilling or completion or hydraulic fracturing operations, Lessee agrees to pay Surface
Owner for such water at the rate of $_________ per barrel used, and Lessee agrees to install and properly calibrate and
operate a meter to measure the water used. At Surface Owner’s election, any water well drilled by Lessee upon the
Leased Premises shall become the property of Surface Owner upon termination of this Lease as to that portion of the
Leased Premises upon which such water well is located, or sooner upon written request of Surface Owner, if in the
judgment of Lessee such water well is no longer needed in connection with Lessee’s development operations on the
Leased Premises. If Surface Owner so elects, the casing in any such water well or wells shall not be removed by Lessee,
and Surface Owner shall thenceforth assume all risk and obligations attendant to Surface Owner’s ownership and use of
such water well or wells. Surface Owner may use water from any water well drilled by Lessee at any time, as long as
Surface Owner’s use does not interfere with Lessee’s use of such well. Lessee may not use any fresh water from the
Leased Premises for any waterflood or secondary recovery operations. If Surface Owner does not elect to assume
ownership of such well, then Lessee agrees to plug and abandon same in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
28. Use of Abandoned Wells as Water Wells. Lessee agrees, immediately after the surface casing is set in
each well drilled under this Lease, to run a gamma-ray neutron logging survey from the surface of the ground to the total
depth of the surface casing to be set in such well, to determine the presence of the water sands and other minerals in
such interval. Lessee shall pay the cost of such logging survey. In the event any well drilled on the Leased Premises is
abandoned as a dry hole or shall cease to produce in Paying Quantities, Lessee agrees, before plugging such well, to
tender such well to Surface Owner; and if Surface Owner shall elect to accept same for completion as a water well, Lessee
agrees to install a cement plug in the bottom of such well, at such depth as Surface Owner shall designate, and a
removable swage at the top, and shall turn over such well to Surface Owner for completion as a water well; but Surface
Owner shall first execute the necessary forms and applications to the Railroad Commission of Texas or other regulatory
agencies relieving Lessee of any further liability. If Surface Owner shall not accept such well, Lessee shall plug and
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abandon such well in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Railroad Commission of Texas.
29. Abandonment of Pipelines. If Lessee shall construct any pipeline on the Leased Premises, Lessee agrees,
before the abandonment or removal of such pipeline, to offer same to Surface Owner; and Surface Owner shall have the
right to purchase same by paying therefor the salvage value of such pipeline. If Surface Owner does not elect to purchase
the pipeline, then Lessee agrees (if Surface Owner requests) to remove the pipeline, and to restore the surface of the land
to its former condition, within one hundred eighty (180) days after substances have ceased being transported through the
pipeline, and in any event within ninety (90) days after this Lease has expired as to the lands upon which the pipeline is
30. Location of Wells and Pipelines. No well shall be drilled or associated pipeline installed within one
thousand two hundred feet of any residence or within five hundred feet (500’) of any barn or other improvement now in
existence or hereafter constructed on the Leased Premises. Lessee agrees to consult with the Surface Owner prior to
laying any pipelines directly associated with a well so as to locate such lines to interfere as little as possible with the use of
the surface estate; to bury and maintain all pipelines to a depth of not less than thirty-six inches (36”) below the surface
of the ground, so as not to interfere in any way with the clearing or cultivation of such land; and to “double-ditch” all
pipelines, keeping the surface soil segregated and returning it to the top of the ditch after the line is laid. Upon payment
of reasonable compensation for damages caused to the surface estate or improvements thereon, Lessee shall have the
right to construct pipelines on the Leased Premises in connection with the production from the Leased Premises, but such
right to construct pipelines on the Leased Premises may not be assigned to a pipeline company or anyone else who owns
no interest in the Leased Premises. Lessee’s right to construct such pipelines shall not include the right to construct any
pipeline compressors.
31. Plugging. Lessee shall plug and abandon all wells in accordance with the rules and regulations of any
governmental agency having jurisdiction, shall remove all casing and pipe from abandoned wells down to a depth of at
least three (3) feet below ground level and three (3) feet below the bottom of any water bottom in which same may be
located, and shall remove all other obstructions in such water bottom. Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold Lessor
harmless from any obligation or liability to plug imposed by any governmental regulation or agency order.
32. Erosion. The construction of roads, drilling locations, tank batteries, compressor stations, pipelines and
allied installations by Lessee shall be in such manner as to prevent erosion.
33. No Hunting or Fishing or Recreational Use. This agreement does not include any right or privilege of
hunting with firearms or with dogs or otherwise on the Leased Premises, nor of fishing on the Leased Premises, nor of any
recreational use of the Leased Premises, all such hunting and fishing and recreational rights being expressly reserved to
Surface Owner. Lessee agrees that none of Lessee’s officers, agents, servants, employees, representatives or contractors
will bring any dog, firearm, fishing tackle, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or other illegal substances upon the Leased
Premises and will not fire any weapon or firearm or consume alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or other illegal
substances thereon. Lessee’s agents, officers, employees, representatives and contractors shall not bring any
recreational-type vehicle on the Leased Premises, except vehicles used solely for Lessee’s operations, or bring
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motorcycles, dune buggies, or similar vehicles on the Leased Premises. If any such person shall violate the provisions of
this Paragraph, such person shall no longer have any right to go on, or to be on, the Leased Premises, and if such person
shall go on or be on the Leased Premises, he shall be a trespasser and subject to prosecution under the trespass laws of
the State of Texas. At all times while on the Leased Premises, Lessee’s officers, agents, employees, representatives and
contractors must carry such identification as Surface Owner shall reasonably require, and may be required to place such
identifying marks on any vehicles brought by them upon the Leased Premises as Surface Owner may require. Any person
on the Leased Premises without such identification may be required to leave the Leased Premises immediately.
34. Prevention of Fires. Lessee agrees that it will avoid causing any fires on the leased premises. Lessee
shall equip all vehicles and well sites with fire suppression equipment sufficient to prevent and extinguish wildfires.
Lessee shall consider and treat the leased premises to be a NO SMOKING AREA.
35. Removal of Artifacts and Natural Features. Lessee, and its agents, employees or contractors shall not
remove any antlers, arrowheads, artifacts, rocks, plants, firewood, cacti, animals, birds, minerals or other natural features
from the leased premises.
36. Vegetation and Plants. Lessee shall minimize the clearing of brush or the removal of trees or other any
other vegetation or plant life in its operations on the leased premises. Lessee shall not remove or cut any mature trees in
its operations on the leased premises without Lessor’s prior written consent.
37. Wildlife and Livestock. Absolutely no wildlife or animals (including, but not limited to, snakes)
shall be intentionally killed, injured, harassed, chased or disturbed in any way during the operations or
production from the leased premises. Lessor shall assist in removing potentially dangerous animals from an
immediate operation area, if requested.
19. Care in Operations. All operations by or for Lessee on the Leased Premises shall be conducted in such a
way as not to unduly interfere with Surface Owner’s or Surface Owner’s tenants’ operations on the premises, it being
understood that the Leased Premises are owned and held by Surface Owner primarily for cattle and livestock ranching
and farming purposes. Lessee agrees that all operations hereunder will be conducted having due regard for the
continued use of the Leased Premises by Surface Owner and his/her other lessees and assigns. Lessee agrees to take all
reasonable steps to prevent its operations from:
i. Causing or contributing to soil erosion or to the injury of terraces or other soil conserving
structures on the Leased Premises;
ii. Polluting the soil of the premises or the waters of the reservoirs, springs, streams, or wells on
the premises or adjacent thereto;
iii. Damaging crops, grasses or other foliage or trees whether natural or improved, cultivated or
not, of whatsoever nature; or
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iv. Harming or injuring in any way the animals or livestock owned by Surface Owner or Surface
Owner’s tenants and kept or pastured on the Leased Premises.
Lessee shall at all times use reasonable care in all of Lessee’s operations on the premises, to prevent injury or
damage to the grass, crops, cattle, livestock, buildings or other property situated thereon, or to water wells or tanks
located thereon. Lessee agrees not to allow any waste oil or salt water to flow over the surface of the Leased Premises,
nor to allow same to drain down any draws, drains, creeks or ravines, nor allow same to contaminate any tanks, ground
water or underground water thereon; but Lessee shall dispose of such salt water and waste oil in accordance with the
Rules and Regulations of all governmental agencies and authorities having jurisdiction. Lessee may not “land farm” any
contaminated soils or produced substances without Surface Owner’s written consent. Lessee shall pay for any damages
resulting from any contamination of the premises by salt water or waste oil or any other substance resulting from
Lessee’s operations, whether caused by Lessee’s negligence or otherwise. The measure of such damages shall be the
greater of (i) the difference between the Market Value of the property before and after such contamination or (ii) the cost
of remediation of such contamination. If any well, pipeline, tank or other receptacle or facility of Lessee on the Leased
Premises spills, leaks or discharges water, oil or other fluids, Lessee shall not permit such fluids to flow unrestrained over
the Leased Premises but shall contain same, preventing it securely from penetrating, seeping or flowing into any fresh
water on or under the premises or into any creek, tank, reservoir or water course on the Leased Premises. Lessee shall
have the duty of seeing that no such fluid shall injure the surface of the Leased Premises or penetrate fresh water
formations beneath the surface. Any water bearing stratum encountered in the drilling of any well will be securely cased
and/or cemented off in accordance with state and/or federal regulations so that the waters therein will not be
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Sample Oil and Gas Lease
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Sample Oil and Gas Lease
THIS AGREEMENT made this ______ day of ___________________________, 20__, between
Lessor (whether one or more), whose address is
Lessee, whose address is
1. Grant of Lease. Lessor, in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars and other good and valuable consideration,
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements of Lessee hereinafter contained, does hereby grant,
lease and let unto Lessee the land covered hereby for the sole purpose and with the exclusive right of exploring, drilling, mining and
operating for, producing and owning oil, gas, sulphur and other liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons produced in association with oil or gas,
together with the right to make surveys on said land, lay pipe lines, [establish and utilize facilities for the subsurface disposal of salt
water and other liquid wastes produced from the leased premises,] construct roads and bridges, build tanks, and other structures on
said land reasonably necessary for Lessee's operations in exploring, drilling for, producing, treating, and transporting said minerals
produced from the land covered hereby[, and the non-exclusive right to conduct seismic surveys thereon].
The land covered hereby, herein called the "Leased Premises," is located in the County of _________________________, State of
Texas, and is described as follows:
For the purpose of determining the amount of any bonus or other payment hereunder, the Leased Premises shall be deemed to contain
____________ acres, whether actually containing more or less, and the above recital of acreage in any tract shall be deemed to be the
true acreage thereof.
2. Term. Except as expressly provided below, and unless sooner terminated under other provisions hereof, this Lease
shall remain in force for a term of ________ years from the date hereof, hereinafter called "Primary Term", and as long thereafter as
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Operations, as defined in Paragraph 5, are conducted upon the Leased Premises with no cessation of more than sixty (60) consecutive
days. This is a "paid-up" lease, and no delay rental payments are necessary to maintain this Lease in effect during the Primary Term.
3. Royalty.
(a) Delivery and Payment. As royalty, Lessee covenants and agrees:
(i) to deliver or cause to be delivered to the credit of Lessor, into the pipe line or other receptacle
to which Lessee may connect its wells, ____________ of all oil, condensate and liquid hydrocarbons produced and
saved by Lessee from the Leased Premises, or from time to time, at the option of Lessor, Lessee shall sell Lessor's
share of such oil, condensate or liquid hydrocarbons with Lessee's share and shall pay Lessor ____________ of the
Gross Proceeds (as hereafter defined) received by Lessee or any Affiliate of Lessee (as hereafter defined) from the
sale of all oil, condensate and liquid hydrocarbons produced and saved from the Leased Premises;
(ii) to pay Lessor on gas and casinghead gas produced from the Leased Premises, payable on a well
by well basis:
(1) when sold by Lessee in an arms-length sale to an unaffiliated third party, ____________ of
the Gross Proceeds received by Lessee from the sale of such gas and casinghead gas, or
(2) when sold to an Affiliate of Lessee, ____________ of the Gross Proceeds, computed at the
point of sale, from the sale of such gas by such Affiliate of Lessee; and
(3) when used by Lessee (other than for Operations on the Leased Premises as hereafter
provided), ____________ of the market value at the point of use.
(b) Affiliate of Lessee. For purposes of this Lease, an "Affiliate of Lessee" is any corporation, firm or other
entity in which Lessee, or any parent company, subsidiary or affiliate of Lessee, owns an interest of more than ten percent
(10%), whether by stock ownership or otherwise, or over which Lessee or any parent company or Affiliate of Lessee exercises
any degree of control, directly or indirectly, by ownership, interlocking directorate, or in any other manner; and any
corporation, firm or other entity which owns any interest in Lessee, whether by stock ownership or otherwise, or which
exercises any degree of control, directly or indirectly, over Lessee, by stock ownership, interlocking directorate, or in any other
(c) Gross Proceeds. For purposes of this Lease, “Gross Proceeds” means the total consideration paid by the
first purchaser which is not an Affiliate of Lessee for oil and gas produced from the Leased Premises, except that (1) Lessor's
royalty shall bear its proportionate part of severance taxes actually paid by Lessee attributable to production from the Leased
Premises, and (2) no royalty shall be payable on gas used on the Leased Premises for production operations or compression or
dehydration of gas produced from the Leased Premises [and (3) Lessor’s royalty shall bear Lessor’s proportionate part of any
costs of transporting oil, gas or liquid hydrocarbon products paid to any third party which is not an Affiliate of Lessee]. In
(i) If gas produced from the Leased Premises is processed for the recovery of liquefiable
hydrocarbon products prior to sale, and if such processing plant is not owned by Lessee or any Affiliate of Lessee,
“Gross Proceeds” shall include (a) the consideration received by Lessee (or any Affiliate of Lessee) from Lessee's (or
any Affiliate of Lessee's) sale of such liquefiable hydrocarbons plus (b) the total consideration received by Lessee
(or any Affiliate of Lessee) from the sale of all residue gas, less Lessor's proportionate part of severance taxes
(ii) If gas produced from the Leased Premises is processed for the recovery of liquefiable
hydrocarbon products prior to sale, and if such processing plant is owned by Lessee or an Affiliate of Lessee, “Gross
Proceeds” shall include (a) *80% of] the total consideration received by Lessee (or any Affiliate of Lessee) from the
sale of all products extracted from such gas, plus (b) the total consideration received by Lessee (or any Affiliate of
Lessee) from the sale of all residue gas, less Lessor's proportionate part of severance taxes thereon.
(d) Duty to Market. Lessee shall place oil and gas produced from the Leased Premises in marketable
condition and shall market same as agent for Lessor, at no cost to Lessor (except as provided in (c) above.
(e) Post-Production Costs. Lessor's royalty shall not be charged directly or indirectly with any of the
following: expenses of production, gathering, dehydration, transportation, fractionation compression, manufacturing,
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processing, treating or marketing of gas, oil, or any liquefiable hydrocarbons extracted therefrom. If any contract by which
Lessee or an Affiliate of Lessee sells oil or gas produced hereunder makes deductions or adjustments to the price to account
for costs of production, gathering, dehydration, transportation, fractionation, compression, manufacturing, processing,
treating or marketing of oil or gas produced from the Leased Premises, or any liquefiable hydrocarbons extracted therefrom,
then such deductions shall be added back to the price received for purposes of computing the Gross Proceeds upon which
royalties are to be paid hereunder.
(f) Due Dates of Royalty. All royalties that may become due hereunder shall commence to be paid on the
first well completed on the Leased Premises within ninety (90) days after the first day of the month following the month during
which any well commences production. On each subsequent well, royalty payments must commence within sixty (60) days
after the first day of the month following the month during which any well commences production. Thereafter, all royalties on
oil shall be paid to Lessor on or before the last day of the month following the month of production, and all royalties on gas
shall be paid to Lessor on or before the last day of the second month following the month of production. Royalties not paid
when due shall bear interest at five percent (5%) above the prime rate quoted in the Wall Street Journal as the base rate on
corporate loans at large U.S. Money Center Commercial Banks, commencing at the rate as quoted on the date such payment
was due, and fluctuating thereafter as such rate fluctuates. Interest charges shall commence on the date payment is due and
shall continue until payment is made in full. In no event shall the interest rate charged be greater than the maximum allowed
by law.
(g) Right to Terminate for Non-Payment of Royalty. If royalty is not paid by the date due, Lessor may give
Lessee written notice of nonpayment of royalty, by certified mail, return receipt requested, and if Lessor's royalty is not paid
on or before expiration of thirty (30) days from Lessee's receipt of such notice, Lessor may terminate this Lease and evict
Lessee forthwith. However, if there is a bona fide dispute or a good faith question of royalty entitlement (either as to
ownership or as to amount), based on an attorney's written opinion furnished to Lessor prior to the expiration of such thirty
(30) days, Lessee may pay the disputed portion of Lessor's royalty to a trustee to be selected by both parties, to be retained by
such trustee and invested in interest-bearing accounts pending resolution of the entitlement issue, with the interest to belong
to the successful party. If the parties do not or cannot agree on a trustee, Lessee may tender the royalty into a court of
competent jurisdiction by Bill of Interpleader, to be so held and invested by the clerk under the direction of the court. If the
royalty is so paid to such trustee or to the court within the time provided, then Lessor shall not have the right to terminate this
Lease for nonpayment of royalty.
(h) No Division Or Transfer Order. It shall not be necessary for Lessor to execute any division or transfer
order in order to be entitled to payment of royalties due under this Lease. Lessee and any purchaser of oil or gas produced
from the Leased Premises hereby waive the provisions of Section 91.402(c)(1) of the Texas Natural Resources Code which
entitle a payor of royalties to require a signed division order as a condition to payment.
(i) Third Party Payments. If Lessor agrees to accept payment of royalties from a purchaser of oil or gas
produced from the Leased Premises, or from another party designated to distribute royalties other than Lessee, Lessor's
acceptance of such payments shall not relieve Lessee of its obligation to pay royalty hereunder except to the extent of
payments actually received by Lessor from such third party, and if such third party fails to pay any sums due as royalty under
this Lease, Lessee shall remain fully liable therefor, whether or not Lessee has received payment for production from such
purchaser or third party.
(j) Right to Audit. Without limiting Lessor's rights or Lessee's obligations under any other provision of this
Lease, commencing on the completion date of the first well drilled on the Leased Premises as a producing well, no more often
than once in any three-year period during the term of this Lease Lessor shall have the right to have an audit of the books,
accounts, contracts, records, and data of Lessee pertaining to the development, production, saving, transportation, sale, and
marketing of the oil, gas, and sulphur produced from or attributable to the Leased Premises conducted. If the exceptions or
deficiencies in royalty payments by Lessee as revealed by the audit (the “audit exceptions”) are, either by agreement of Lessor
and Lessee or by a final, non-appealable judgment binding on the parties, determined to be more than the cost and expense of
such audit to Lessor, then Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for the cost of such audit within thirty (30) days after the earlier of (i)
the date of the agreement of the parties respecting the amount or amounts of the audit exceptions or (ii) the date upon which
a judgment binding on the parties and determining the amount or amounts of the audit exceptions becomes final and non-
appealable. If the audit exceptions are, either by agreement of Lessor and Lessee or by a final, non-appealable judgment
binding on the parties, determined to be less than the cost and expense of the audit to Lessor, such cost and expense shall be
borne by Lessor.
(k) Security Interest. Lessor hereby retains a lien and security interest in all rights of Lessee in the Leased
Premises granted by this Lease to secure Lessee's payment of royalties and compliance with the other terms and provisions of
this Lease. Lessor also retains, and Lessee grants to Lessor, a security interest in (i) all of the oil and gas produced and saved
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from the Leased Premises or lands pooled therewith, under and pursuant to this Lease, and (ii) all proceeds of sale of such oil
and gas and all accounts arising therefrom (the "Collateral"), to secure Lessee's payment of royalties and compliance with the
other terms and provisions of this Lease. In addition to any other remedies provided in this Lease, Lessor, as a secured party,
may in the event of Lessee's default in any obligation of Lessee under this Lease proceed under the Texas Uniform Commercial
Code (the "Code") as to the Collateral, in any manner permitted by the Code. In the event of default by Lessee, Lessor shall
have the right to take possession of the Collateral, and to receive the proceeds attributable thereto and to hold same as
security for Lessee's obligations or to apply it on the amounts owing to Lessor hereunder. The Collateral includes as-extracted
collateral, including minerals to be financed at the well head of the wells and accounts from the sale thereof. This Lease, when
filed in the real property records where the Leased Premises are located, shall constitute a financing statement under the
(l) Single Payor. If, by reason of assignments of undivided interests in Lessee's interest in this Lease, more
than one party becomes entitled to a portion of Lessee's share of gas produced from any well on the Leased Premises, and if
any or all of such co-owners elect to take their share of gas in kind, resulting in split-stream deliveries of gas to different
purchasers, Lessor shall be entitled, at Lessor's election, to require the operator of the Leased Premises to pay and account to
Lessor for all royalties due on gas production from the well or wells from which split-stream deliveries are being made, so that
Lessor shall not be required to receive royalties from more than one (1) purchaser or party on the same gas stream. If Lessor
exercises such election, the operator of the Leased Premises (or of that portion of the Leased Premises upon which the split-
stream production is located) shall pay to Lessor all royalties due on such gas production and shall provide production
statements from all purchasers of such gas showing the amounts sold and the price paid therefor, with any applicable
adjustments. Such election, if made, shall not relieve any party otherwise liable for payment of royalties from such liability,
and all parties owning an undivided interest in all or any portion of the Leased Premises shall be and remain jointly and
severally liable for the payment of all royalties due on production therefrom..
4. Shut-In Royalty. If there shall be a well on the Leased Premises capable of producing gas or gas and condensate in
paying quantities, but from which neither gas nor condensate is sold or used off the Leased Premises for lack of a satisfactory market
(which well is herein sometimes called a "shut-in" gas well), Lessee may pay or tender to Lessor, as shut-in gas well royalty, a yearly
sum equal to Fifty and No/100 Dollars ($50.00) multiplied by the number of acres subject to this Lease at the time such payment is
made. The first such payment of shut-in gas well royalty is to be made on or before sixty (60) days after the day on which (i) such well
was shut in or (ii) this Lease ceases to be in force by any other provision hereof, whichever is later. Succeeding payments may be made
annually thereafter on or before the anniversary of the due date of such payment; and if such shut-in gas well royalty shall be paid or
tendered as above provided, it shall be considered for purposes of this Lease that such well is producing gas in paying quantities for a
period of one (1) year from the due date of such payment, and for like annual periods thereafter; provided, however, that the payment
of shut-in gas well royalty shall not prevent the termination of this Lease as to portions of acreage covered hereby, in accordance with
the provisions of Paragraph 6 hereof. Notwithstanding the making of such shut-in gas well royalty payments, Lessee shall be and
remain under the continuing obligation to (i) use all reasonable efforts to find a market for said gas and to commence or resume
marketing same when a market is available, (ii) reasonably develop the lands then subject to this Lease and (iii) drill all such wells on
the lands then subject to this Lease as may be reasonably necessary to protect same from drainage by wells on adjoining or adjacent
lands. All payments or tenders provided for in this Paragraph shall be made to Lessor. This Lease may not be maintained in effect
solely by the payment of shut-in royalty for any one period of more than two (2) years or for a cumulative time of more than two (2)
years in the aggregate.
5. Operations,” “Drilling Operations,and “Reworking Operations.
(a) The term "Operations" as used in this Lease shall mean only (i) the production of oil, gas or other
hydrocarbons in paying quantities, (ii) Drilling Operations (as hereafter defined) or (iii) Reworking Operations (as hereafter
(b) The term Drilling Operationsas used in this Lease shall mean the actual drilling of a well, together with
such work in the hole as is necessary to properly complete or abandon the well, conducted with good faith and due diligence
and in a good and workmanlike manner. Drilling Operations shall be deemed to have commenced when a derrick, a rig and
machinery capable of drilling to a depth sufficient to test a prospective oil or gas horizon have been erected, and when such
well has been spudded in and the rotary bit is rotating under power. Sidetracking, re-entering, reworking, recompletion,
plugging back or repairing of an existing well shall not constitute Drilling Operations. Drilling Operations shall be deemed to
have been completed (whether as a dry hole or as a producing well) on the earliest of the following dates: (i) the date on
which the initial potential test is run; (ii) the date on which a dry hole is plugged; (iii) the date thirty (30) days after the date on
which the total depth has been reached in Drilling Operations; (iv) the date certified to the Railroad Commission of Texas as
the date a well has been completed as a producing well; or (v) the date the completion rig moves off location.
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(c) The term Reworking Operationsshall mean actual work in the hole of a well previously completed as a
producer, in a good and workmanlike manner, prosecuted with reasonable diligence, in an attempt to recomplete or repair
said well to return it to production or to enhance production. "Reworking Operations" shall not include swabbing of a well or
applying soap sticks or other chemical treatment to increase or restore production.
6. Partial Termination. Upon expiration of the Primary Term, or upon cessation of “Continuous Drilling Operations”
(as hereinafter defined), whichever is later, this Lease shall terminate as to all the lands and depths then covered thereby except lands
and depths then designated by Lessee, in accordance with the requirements of this Paragraph, to be within a "Production Unit" (as
hereinafter defined) assigned to each well then producing in paying quantities on the Leased Premises or lands properly pooled
(a) Continuous Drilling Operations. Lessee shall be considered to be engaged in Continuous Drilling
Operationsat the end of the Primary Term for purposes of this Paragraph if Lessee is engaged in Drilling Operations on the
Leased Premises at the end of the Primary Term, or if Lessee has completed or abandoned a well within ninety (90) days prior
to the end of the Primary Term; and Lessee shall be deemed to be engaged in Continuous Drilling Operations for as long
thereafter as Lessee conducts Drilling Operations on the Leased Premises with due diligence and with intervals of not more
than ninety (90) days between the date of completion or abandonment of one well and the date of commencement of actual
drilling of the next well. If Lessee is engaged in Continuous Drilling Operations at the end of the Primary Term, then such
Continuous Drilling Operations will be deemed to have ceased when Lessee fails to commence actual drilling of a well within
ninety (90) days after the completion or abandonment of the preceding well, and this Lease shall thereupon terminate except
as to Production Units assigned to wells then producing in paying quantities from the Leased Premises or lands pooled
therewith, as provided in this Paragraph.
(b) Production Unit. A "Production Unit," for purposes of this Lease, is a designated area of land around a
well having the minimum amount of acreage necessary to obtain a regular permit for the drilling of a well, as required by the
field rules of the Railroad Commission of Texas applicable to the field from which such well is producing. Each Production Unit
shall be limited in depth to one hundred (100) feet below the deepest perforation in any well on such Production Unit.
(c) Maximum Sizes of Production Units. Notwithstanding any density rules applicable to any well, however,
no Production Unit assigned to any well shall exceed the following sizes:
(i) If the well is classified as an oil well under the Rules and Regulations of the Railroad Commission
then in effect, the maximum size of the Production Unit shall be __________ acres [if the well is producing in
whole or in part from formations less than __________________ feet beneath the surface, and ___________
acres if the well is producing from formations located wholly below ___________ feet beneath the surface].
(ii) If the well is classified as a gas well under the Rules and Regulations of the Railroad Commission
of Texas then in effect, the maximum size of the Production Unit shall be __________ acres [if the well is
producing in whole or in part from formations less than __________________ feet beneath the surface, and
___________ acres if the well is producing from formations located wholly below ___________ feet beneath the
(iii) If the well is classified as a horizontal oil well under the Rules and Regulations of the Railroad
Commission then in effect, then the maximum size of the Production Unit shall be determined by the following
formula: 40 + .05 X L, where L = the length of the horizontal lateral component of the drainhole of the well, from
the first take point to the last take point.
(iv) If the well is classified as a horizontal gas well under the Rules and Regulations of the Railroad
Commission then in effect, then the maximum size of the Production Unit shall be determined by the following
formula: 80 + .05 X L, where L = the length of the horizontal lateral component of the drainhole of the well, from
the first take point to the last take point.
If at the time Lessee must designate Production Units in accordance with this Paragraph there is a well or wells on
the Leased Premises producing from a field for which no field rules have yet been adopted, then Lessee shall designate a
Production Unit complying with the size requirements listed in (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) above, as applicable, and Lessee shall, if and
when requested by Lessor, proceed with diligence to apply for field rules for such field; and when such field rules are adopted
by the Commission, if such field rules provide for proration units smaller than the maximum Production Unit sizes provided
for above, Lessee shall designate a Production Unit for such well complying with such field rules, and shall release the lands
no longer included in the Production Unit for such well or wells; provided, however, that Lessee may maintain this Lease as to
such excluded lands if Lessee commences Drilling Operations on such lands within sixty (60) days from the final adoption of
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such field rules, and continues such Drilling Operations with no cessation of more than sixty (60) consecutive days until
production is established, in which event Lessee shall designate Production Units and this Lease shall remain in force as to the
units so designated as provided in this Paragraph.
(d) Configuration of Production Units. Insofar as possible, taking into consideration the productive limits of
the producing interval and the configuration of the Leased Premises, the lands included within the Production Unit for a well
shall be in the form of a square or rectangle. Every effort shall be made in designating Production Units to avoid releasing
small or irregularly shaped portions of the Leased Premises, or portions not contiguous with other released portions. Acreage
assigned to wells producing from different zones may overlap, and shall overlap when necessary to comply with the
requirements of this Paragraph. If a well is producing from more than one formation, its Production Unit's size and
configuration shall conform to the Railroad Commission rules applicable to the well which provide the largest Production Unit
(subject to the size limitations stated above). If all or a portion of the Leased Premises is included in a pooled unit, then for
purposes of this Paragraph all the lands within the pooled unit shall be considered a part of the Leased Premises, and the size
and configuration of the pooled unit must conform to the requirements of this Paragraph for a Production Unit.
(e) Maintenance of Lease after Designation of Production Units. As to acreage and depths which are
included within a Production Unit, this Lease may be held in force after the termination of the Primary Term or cessation of
Continuous Drilling Operations, whichever is later, only by Operations conducted (as provided in this Lease) on such Production
Unit (or lands pooled therewith); and Operations conducted on one Production Unit (or lands pooled therewith) will not
maintain this Lease in force as to any other acreage included within any other Production Unit, but such production or
Operations will maintain this Lease only as to the acreage within the Production Unit or Production Units upon which such
Operations are being conducted.
(f) Recordable Release. Upon termination of this Lease as to any portion of the Leased Premises, Lessee
shall deliver to Lessor a plat showing the designated Production Units around each well (and designating the depth) and a
partial release designating such Production Units in compliance with the requirements of this Paragraph, suitable for
recording. Such release shall include a release of the depths below 100 feet below the deepest perforation of the well with
paying production in each Production Unit, respectively.
7. Partial Releases. Lessee shall have the right at any time and from time to time during the term of this Lease to
release from the lands covered hereby any lands subject to this Lease and thereby be relieved of all obligations thereafter accruing as
to the acreage so released, provided that (1) Lessee may not release any portion of this Lease included in a pooled unit as long as
Operations are being conducted on such unit, and (2) any such partial release must release all depths in and under the lands so
8. Holding Over. If Lessee continues in possession of the Leased Premises after termination or expiration of this
Lease (whether such termination occurs by the lapse of production or otherwise), other than for the purpose of plugging abandoned
wells, removing equipment, and restoring the Leased Premises as required by this Lease, Lessee shall be considered a tenant at will.
The terms of this Lease shall continue to apply to Lessee's continued possession, provided that (i) if Lessee produces and sells oil or gas
from the Leased Premises, Lessee shall owe to Lessor royalties from the sale or use of such oil or gas in accordance with Paragraph 3
above, except that royalties on such production shall be 50%; (ii) Lessor shall have the right to evict and remove Lessee and Lessee's
property from the Leased Premises at any time; and (iii) Lessee shall be liable to Lessor for any and all damages suffered by Lessor as a
result of Lessee's continued possession of the Leased Premises.
9. Pooled Units.
(a) Right to Pool.
[Lessee shall have no right to pool the Leased Premises with other lands without Lessor’s prior written consent. If
such consent is given, then pooling shall be subject to the following provisions:]
[Subject to any limitations provided below, Lessee is hereby granted the right, at its option, to pool or unitize any
land covered by this Lease with any other land covered by this Lease, and/or with any other land, lease, or leases,
as to any or all minerals or horizons, so as to establish pooled units.]
(b) Manner and Effect of Exercise of Right to Pool. Lessee shall exercise said option as to each desired
pooled unit by executing an instrument identifying such pooled unit and filing it for record in the public office in which this
Lease is recorded, and furnishing a copy to Lessor. Each of said options may be exercised by Lessee at any time and from time
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to time while this Lease is in force, and whether before or after production has been established either on the Leased
Premises, or on the portion of the Leased Premises included in the pooled unit, or on other land unitized therewith. A pooled
unit established hereunder shall be valid and effective for all purposes of this Lease even though there may be mineral, royalty,
or leasehold interests in lands within the pooled unit which are not effectively pooled or unitized. Any Operations conducted
on any part of such unitized land shall be considered, for all purposes, except the payment of royalty, Operations conducted
upon that portion of the Leased Premises included in the pooled unit.
(c) Allocation of Pooled Minerals. There shall be allocated to the land covered by this Lease within each
such pooled unit (or to each separate tract within the pooled unit if this Lease covers separate tracts within the pooled unit)
that proportion of the total production of unitized minerals from the pooled unit which the number of surface areas in such
land (or in each such separate tract) covered by this Lease within the pooled unit bears to the total number of surface acres in
the pooled unit, and the production so allocated shall be considered for all purposes, including payment or delivery of royalty
under this Lease, to be the entire production of unitized minerals from the land to which allocated in the same manner as
though produced therefrom under the terms of this Lease. The formation of any pooled unit hereunder which includes land
not covered by this Lease shall not have the effect of exchanging or transferring any interest under this Lease (including,
without limitation, any shut-in royalty which may become payable under this Lease) between parties owning interests in land
covered by this Lease and parties owning interests in land not covered by this Lease. Neither shall it impair the right of Lessee
to release as provided in Paragraph 7 hereof, except that Lessee may not so release as to lands within a pooled unit while
there are Operations thereon for unitized minerals. At any time while this Lease is in force Lessee may dissolve any pooled
unit established hereunder by filing for record in the public office where this Lease is recorded a declaration to that effect, if at
that time there is no well located on the pooled unit which is producing or capable of producing oil or gas in paying quantities.
(d) Separate Tracts. If this Lease now or hereafter covers separate tracts, no pooling or unitization of royalty
interests as between any such separate tracts is intended or shall be implied or result merely from the inclusion of such
separate tracts within this Lease but Lessee shall nevertheless have the right to pool or unitize as provided in this Paragraph 9
with consequent allocation of production as herein provided. As used in this Paragraph 9, the words "separate tract" mean
any tract with royalty ownership differing, now or hereafter, either as to parties or amounts, from that as to any other part of
the Leased Premises.
(e) Size of Pooled Units. Pooled units created hereunder shall not exceed the size limitations set forth in
Paragraph 6(c) for Production Units.
(f) Termination of Pooled Units. In the event that this lease terminates for any reason as to any lands that
are then included in a pooled unit, then at Lessor's election (i) Lessor may terminate the pooling authority granted by this lease
as to such tract, thereby removing such tract from the pooled unit, or (ii) Lessor may continue the effectiveness of such pooled
unit as to such tract, in which event Lessor shall become a tenant in common with all other interest owners in such unit and in
all production therefrom, effective as of the date of termination of this lease as to the tract included in such pooled unit. In
the latter event, Lessor's interest in revenues from production from the pooled unit shall not be reduced by any drilling,
completion or operating costs incurred prior to termination of this lease as to the lands included in such pooled unit.
(g) [Limitation on Right to Pool. Lessee shall have no right to pool the Leased Premises with other lands for
the production of oil or gas unless either (i) all of the Leased Premises are included within the pooled unit thereby created,
or (ii) it is not possible to form a proration unit which would be entitled to the maximum allowable under the rules of the
Railroad Commission of Texas from "excess" acreage within the Leased Premises (acreage which is not already assigned to a
proration unit for a well or wells located on the Leased Premises); and in the latter event, all of the excess acreage within
the Leased Premises must be included in the pooled unit so created.]
(h) Outstanding Royalty Interests. If there are royalty interests in oil and gas in the Leased Premises now
owned by parties other than Lessor, Lessor makes no warranty or representation that this Lease grants Lessee the power or
authority to pool such royalty interests, but in the event of pooling hereunder Lessor's royalty on production from the pooled
unit shall be calculated and paid as if Lessee had the power, and had exercised the power, to pool such royalty interests,
whether or not Lessee in fact has such authority.
(i) Pooling of Less Than All Of Leased Premises. In the event a portion or portions of the Leased Premises is
pooled or unitized with other land so as to form a pooled unit or units, Operations on, completion of a well upon, or
production from such pooled unit will not maintain this Lease in force as to the land not included in such pooled unit or units.
This Lease may be maintained in force as to any land covered hereby and not included in such pooled unit or units in any
manner provided for herein.
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(j) [Insert here any special limitations on pooling.]
10. Assignment. The terms “Assign and “Assignment as used in this Paragraph include any transfer of a legal or
equitable interest in the operating rights in all or any part of the Leased Premises, whether by sale, sublease, farmout, or otherwise, or
through a participation agreement, pooling agreement, operating agreement, area-of-mutual-interest provision, or any other type of
Assignment or agreement to Assign. A mortgage of Lessee’s interest shall not constitute an Assignment requiring Lessor’s consent, but
any sale made pursuant to a power of sale granted in any mortgage shall be subject to the terms of this provision and shall require
Lessor’s consent to the assignment to the purchaser at such sale.
[The rights and estate of Lessee (or any permitted Assignee of Lessee ) hereunder may not be Assigned without the prior written
consent of Lessor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Lessor’s consent shall be deemed to be ‘reasonably withheld’ if Lessor
reasonably determines that the proposed assignee or transferee is not likely to have the ability to perform the obligations imposed
on Lessee by this Lease, including, without limitation, obligations concerning payment for damages and injury, restoration of the
Leased Premises and indemnification. Lessee shall provide Lessor reasonably sufficient information concerning the proposed
assignee or transferee to allow Lessor to make such determination. Any Assignment by Lessee without Lessor’s prior written
consent shall constitute a material breach of this Lease.]
[The rights and estate of Lessee hereunder may be Assigned from time to time in whole or in part and as to any mineral or horizon.]
No Assignment by Lessee (or any assignee of Lessee) of all or any portion of or interest in this Lease shall relieve Lessee (or any assignee
of Lessee) of any liability for breach of any covenant, warranty or other obligation of Lessee hereunder, whether theretofore or
thereafter accrued. Each assignee of all or any portion of the rights of Lessee hereunder agrees to be bound by the provisions of this
Lease to the same extent as if such assignee were an original party to this Lease. Notwithstanding any Assignment by Lessee of a
segregated portion of this Lease, default by Lessee or any assignee or subassignee of Lessee in any covenant or condition in this Lease
shall constitute default as to the entire Lease. Lessee shall within thirty (30) days of the Assignment of this Lease or any part thereof
notify Lessor of such Assignment and furnish Lessor a true copy of any Assignment. All notices to Lessee hereunder may be given to the
Lessee named herein, notwithstanding the Assignment of part or all of this Lease. No change or division in the ownership of the Leased
Premises, royalties, or other moneys, or any part thereof, howsoever effected, shall increase the obligations or diminish the rights of
Lessee, including, but not limited to, the location and drilling of wells and the measurement of production. Notwithstanding any other
actual or constructive knowledge or notice thereof to Lessee, its successors or assigns, no change or division in the ownership of the
Leased Premises or of the royalties or other moneys, or the right to receive the same, howsoever effected, shall be binding upon the
then record owner of this Lease until thirty (30) days after there has been furnished to such record owner at his or its principal place of
business by Lessor or Lessor's heirs, successors, or assigns, notice of such change or division, supported by either originals or copies of
the instruments which have been properly filed for record and which evidence such change or division, and of such court records and
proceedings, transcripts, or other documents as shall be necessary in the opinion of such record owner to establish the validity of such
change or division. If any such change in ownership occurs by reason of the death of the owner, Lessee may nevertheless pay or tender
such royalties or other moneys, or part thereof, to Lessor.
11. Proportionate Reduction. This Lease is made without warranty of title, express, implied or statutory. It shall be the
responsibility of Lessee to make title examinations sufficient to satisfy itself as to Lessor’s right, title and interest in the Leased Premises
and the rights of Lessor to execute this Lease. In no event shall Lessor be obligated to refund or repay any amounts paid to Lessor in
consideration for the granting of this Lease. Lessor's rights and interests hereunder shall be charged primarily with any mortgages,
taxes or other liens, or interest and other charges on the Leased Premises, but Lessor agrees that Lessee shall have the right at any time
to pay or reduce same for Lessor, either before or after maturity, and be subrogated to the rights of the holder thereof and to deduct
amounts so paid from royalties or other payments payable or which may become payable to Lessor and/or assigns under this Lease. If
this Lease covers a less interest in the oil or gas in all or any part of the Leased Premises than the entire and undivided fee simple estate
(whether Lessor's interest is herein specified or not), or no interest therein, then the royalties and other moneys accruing from any part
as to which this Lease covers less than such full interest, shall be paid only in the proportion which the interest therein, if any, covered
Sample Oil and Gas Lease
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by this Lease, bears to the whole and undivided fee simple estate therein. Except as provided in Paragraph 9, all royalty interest
covered by this Lease (whether or not owned by Lessor) shall be paid out of the royalty herein provided.
12. Force Majeure. Should Lessee be prevented from complying with any express or implied covenant of this Lease
(except payment of money), from conducting drilling or reworking operations thereon or from producing oil or gas therefrom by reason
of scarcity of or inability to obtain or to use equipment or material, or by operation of force majeure, any Federal or state law or any
order, rule or regulation of governmental authority, then while so prevented, Lessee's obligation to comply with such covenant shall be
suspended, and Lessee shall not be liable in damages for failure to comply therewith; and this Lease shall be extended while and so
long as Lessee is prevented by any such cause from conducting drilling or reworking operations on or from producing oil or gas from the
Leased Premises. However, no event or cause stated in the preceding sentence shall be effective to extend the Primary Term of this
Lease more than ninety (90) days beyond the end of the Primary Term of this Lease specified in Paragraph 2 above.
13. Indemnity. Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless Lessor and Lessor's heirs, successors,
representatives, agents and assigns ("Indemnitees"), from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, loss,
damage or expense of any and every kind and nature, including without limitation attorneys’ fees (hereinafter “Claims and Losses”) for
injury (including death) or damage to persons or property (including environmental damage to the surface or subsurface estates of any
person, firm or corporation) arising out of, incidental to or resulting from (i) the operations of or for Lessee or Lessee's servants, agents,
employees, guests, licenses, invitees or independent contractors, (ii) the enjoyment of this Lease, (iii) the exercise of any right granted
hereunder, and/or (iv) any obligation imposed hereby), and from and against all costs and expenses incurred by Indemnitees by reason
of any such Claims and Losses; and each assignee of this Lease, or an interest therein, agrees to indemnify, defend, protect and hold
harmless Indemnitees in the same manner provided above. Any assignee of any rights of Lessee in this Lease shall likewise be obligated
to defend and indemnify Indemnitees in the same manner as the original Lessee herein. Such indemnity shall apply to any Claims and
Losses arising out of operations conducted under or pursuant to this Lease, howsoever caused. LESSEE'S OBLIGATION TO DEFEND AND
APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES OF STRICT LIABILITY. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Lease.
14. Access to Information. Lessee shall provide written notice to Lessor of Lessee's entry upon the Leased Premises to
drill. Lessee agrees to furnish Lessor, upon request, copies of all title opinions covering the Leased Premises, copies of all filings made
by Lessee with the Railroad Commission of Texas pertinent to drilling and completing wells, copies of all daily drilling reports, full
information as to the production and sales from wells on the Leased Premises, and a copy of all gas contracts or any other agreements
pursuant to which Lessee shall sell, use, transfer or dispose of any hydrocarbon substance or product extracted therefrom which was
produced from the Leased Premises. Lessor shall have the right to inspect, audit and copy all records of Lessee pertaining to the
production and sale of oil and gas from the Leased Premises and the calculation and payment of Lessor's royalty hereunder.
15. Reasonable Development. If oil or gas is discovered on the Leased Premises, Lessee shall develop the Leased
Premises as a reasonable and prudent operator. Lessee shall protect the oil and gas in and under the Leased Premises from drainage by
wells on adjoining or adjacent tracts or leases as a reasonable and prudent operator. Neither the rentals, royalties nor the shut-in gas
well royalties paid or to be paid hereunder, nor any other provision of this Lease, shall relieve Lessee of the obligation to reasonably
develop the Leased Premises and to reasonably protect the oil and gas in and under the Leased Premises from drainage by wells on
adjoining lands or leases. Lessee agrees to notify Lessor of the need to sue an adjoining owner, lessee or operator for damages
resulting from drainage or for damage to a common reservoir. If Lessee intends to make a claim or to file suit for such drainage or
damage, Lessee will notify Lessor and will represent Lessor in such claim or cause of action without cost to Lessor unless Lessor notifies
Lessee in writing to the contrary. If Lessee recovers damages as a result of such claim, either by settlement or judgment, Lessor shall be
entitled to share in such recovery pro rata in accordance with Lessor's interest in production from the Leased Premises whether or not
Lessor is a party to such settlement or judgment.
16. Ratification. Neither the acceptance of royalties, shut-in royalties or other payments by Lessor (regardless of any
notation thereon or instrument accompanying same), nor Lessor's execution of any division order or transfer order or similar
instrument, shall ever constitute or be deemed to effect (a) a ratification, renewal or amendment of this Lease or of any pooled unit
designation filed by Lessee purporting to exercise the pooling rights granted to Lessee in this Lease, or (b) a waiver of the rights granted
to Lessor, or the obligations imposed upon Lessee, express or implied, by the terms of this Lease, or remedies for Lessee's breach
thereof, or (c) an estoppel against Lessor preventing Lessor from enforcing Lessor's rights or Lessee's obligations hereunder, express or
implied, or from seeking damages for Lessee's breach thereof. Lessor's agreement to accept royalties from any purchaser shall not
affect Lessee's obligation to pay royalties pursuant to this Lease. No instrument executed by Lessor shall be effective to constitute a
ratification, renewal, extension or amendment of this Lease unless the instrument is clearly titled to indicate its purpose and intent.
Sample Oil and Gas Lease
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17. Seismic Operations. Lessee shall have the right to conduct seismic operations on the Leased Premises, and to
contract with third parties to conduct seismic operations, for Lessee's own account and use. If Lessee contracts with an independent
contractor third party to perform seismic operations on Lessee's behalf, Lessor shall nevertheless be entitled to deal only with a
representative of Lessee in connection with such operations, and shall not be required to contract or negotiate with such independent
contractor. Lessee shall have no right to grant permits to any third party for the conduct of seismic operations on the Leased Premises,
or to divulge, license or sell the results of Lessee's own seismic surveys on the Leased Premises to any third party who has no interest in
the Leased Premises. Lessor shall have the right to conduct seismic operations on the Leased Premises, and to grant permits to third
parties for the conduct of such operations, and Lessor shall be entitled to all consideration paid by any third party for such right, and
Lessee shall have no interest in or right to such seismic information.
18. Surface Provision. [choose alternative A or B]:
Alternative A:
Lessor is not the owner of the surface estate, and Lessor makes no warranty with respect thereto. Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify
and hold harmless Lessor from and against any and all liability for injury or damages to person or property caused by or resulting from
the operations of Lessee, its employees, agents, invitees or independent contractors, whether such injury or damage results from
negligence, strict liability, or statutory liability of such parties or otherwise.
Alternative B:
Lessee agrees to perform and comply with all obligations pertaining to use and protection of the surface estate of the Leased Premises
set forth in Exhibit A Surface Use Restrictions, attached to and made a part of this Lease. Lessee agrees to cause all its employees,
independent contractors and invitees who are present upon the Leased Premises under the authority of this Lease to comply with such
provisions, and Lessee will be responsible for such compliance. Lessee agrees to provide its employees, independent contractors and
invitees who are present on the Leased Premises with a copy of such Surface Use Restrictions and to ensure that they are fully familiar
with same.
19. Notice of Breach. In the event Lessor considers that Lessee has not complied with all its obligations hereunder,
both express and implied, Lessor shall notify Lessee in writing, setting out specifically in what respects Lessee has breached this
contract. Lessee shall then have sixty (60) days after receipt of said notice within which to meet or commence to meet all or any part of
the breaches alleged by Lessor. The service of said notice shall be precedent to the bringing of any action by Lessor on the Lease for
any cause, and no such action shall be brought until the lapse of sixty (60) days after service of such notice on Lessee. Neither the
service of said notice nor the doing of any acts by Lessee aimed to meet all or any of the alleged breaches shall be deemed an
admission or presumption that Lessee has failed to perform all its obligations hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the notice and
remedy for failure to pay royalties when due shall be as provided in Paragraph 3(f) above.
20. Notices. All notices which are permitted or required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
been duly given if delivered personally, sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or sent by special carrier (such as
Federal Express or UPS), with signature required, to the Lessors and to Lessee at the addresses set forth at the beginning of this Lease
or the last changed address of which parties hereto have received written notice in compliance with this Paragraph. Notice shall be
deemed received on the earlier of (i) the date delivery is made or refused, (ii) the date a third attempt is made by special carrier to
deliver and obtain a signature, or (iii) the fifth business day following the day on which a United States Postal Service notice is left in a
mailbox or office with respect to such notice stating that it requires a signature to be delivered and giving instructions as to how the
addressee can obtain delivery. Any changes of address by Lessor or Lessee shall be delivered by giving written notice to the other in
compliance with this Paragraph.
21. Place of Performance. This Lease shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. All obligations of Lessee shall
be performable in the county or counties in which the Leased Premises are situated.
22. Severability. Should any one or more of the provisions in this Lease become, or be determined to be, void, invalid,
or wholly or partially unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect despite such determination(s).
Sample Oil and Gas Lease
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23. Binding on Heirs, Successors and Assigns. All of the covenants, obligations, and considerations of this Lease shall
extend to and be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, assigns, and successive assigns.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed on the date first above written.
COUNTY OF ______________
This instrument was acknowledged before me on the _____ day of _______________________, ______,
NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Texas
Sample Oil and Gas Lease
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TO OIL AND GAS LEASE OF __________________
This Exhibit is attached to the Oil and Gas Lease referenced above, and shall govern all matters pertaining to the
Lessee’s use of and operations on the surface of the Leased Premises.
Texas Oil & Gas Accountability Project
P. O. Box 470567 Fort Worth, Texas 76147
swilson@earthworksacon.org • 469-293-1338
Texas Oil & Gas Accountability Project is a
campaign of Earthworks • www.earthworksacon.org