Policy Statement of the Federal Trade Commission on
Biometric Information and Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act
The increasing use of consumers’ biometric information and related marketing of
technologies that use or purport to use biometric information (“biometric information
raise significant concerns with respect to consumer privacy, data security, and
the potential for bias and discrimination. The Federal Trade Commission is committed to
combatting unfair or deceptive acts related to the collection and use of consumers’ biometric
information and the marketing and use of biometric information technologies.
As used in this document, the term “biometric information” refers to data that depict or
describe physical, biological, or behavioral traits, characteristics, or measurements of or relating
to an identified or identifiable person’s body. Biometric information includes, but is not limited
to, depictions, images, descriptions, or recordings of an individual’s facial features, iris or retina,
finger or handprints, voice, genetics, or characteristic movements or gestures (e.g., gait or typing
pattern). Biometric information also includes data derived from such depictions, images,
descriptions, or recordings, to the extent that it would be reasonably possible to identify the
person from whose information the data had been derived. By way of example, both a
photograph of a person’s face and a facial recognition template, embedding, faceprint, or other
data that encode measurements or characteristics of the face depicted in the photograph
constitute biometric information.
Recent years have seen a proliferation of biometric information technologies. For
instance, facial, iris, or fingerprint recognition technologies collect and process biometric
information to identify individuals. Other biometric information technologies use or purport to
use biometric information in order to determine characteristics of individuals, ranging from the
individuals’ age, gender, or race to the individuals’ personality traits, aptitudes, or demeanor.
Many biometric information technologies are developed using machine learning or similar data-
driven processes that require large quantities of biometric information for training” or testing
The Commission has been analyzing consumer protection issues related to biometric
information for over a decade. Among other examples,
in 2011, as the commercial use of facial
This Policy Statement does not confer any rights on any person and does not operate to bind the FTC or the public.
In any enforcement action, the Commission must prove the challenged act or practice violates one or more existing
statutory or regulatory requirements. In addition, this Policy Statement does not preempt federal, state, or local laws.
Compliance with those laws, however, will not necessarily preclude Commission law enforcement action under the
FTC Act or other statutes. Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. § 801 et seq.), the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs designated this Policy Statement as not a “major rule,” as defined by 5 U.S.C. §
In some contexts, the terms “biometrics” or “biometric technologies” have been used to refer specifically to
technologies that are used to identify individuals. We use the term “biometric information technologies” to refer to
the broader category of all technologies that use or purport to use biometric information for any purpose.
See, e.g., Press Release, FTC, FTC to Host Identity Authentication Workshop (Feb. 21, 2007)
https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2007/02/ftc-host-identity-authentication-w (announcing a
public workshop on topics including biometrics and other emerging authentication technologies); You Don’t Say: An
FTC Workshop on Voice Cloning Technologies, FTC (Jan. 28, 2020), https://www.ftc.gov/news-
recognition technology began to take off, the FTC hosted a public workshop, “Face Facts: A
Forum on Facial Recognition Technology.”
The workshop brought together stakeholders from
government, academia, and industry to discuss the then-current capabilities and commercial uses
of facial recognition technology, as well as potential consumer benefits of and privacy and
security concerns about such technology. Following the workshop, in 2012, the FTC published a
report entitled “Facing Facts: Best Practices For Common Uses of Facial Recognition
Since 2012, some biometric information technologies, such as facial recognition
technology, have made significant advances. For example, NIST found that between 2014 and
2018, facial recognition became 20 times better at finding a matching photograph from a
Such improvements are due in significant part to advancements in machine learning,
along with data collection, storage, and processing capabilities sufficient to support the use of
these technologies.
Simultaneously, many biometric information technologies have become less
expensive to deploy.
Owing in part to these developments, the use of biometric information
technologies is increasingly pervasive. For example, the use of facial recognition and other
biometric information technologies in physical locations such as retail stores, arenas, airports,
and other venues is reportedly growing.
FTC, FACE FACTS: A FORUM ON FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY (Dec. 8, 2011), https://www.ftc.gov/news-
Recommendations in this report remain relevant, such as reasonable data security protections for biometric
information and appropriate data retention and disposal policies and procedures.
6 (2018), https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2018/NIST.IR.8238.pdf; See also NIST, Press Release, NIST
Evaluation Shows Advance in Face Recognition Software’s Capabilities (Nov. 30, 2018)
See id.
See A.K. Jain et al., 50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities, Pattern
Recognition Letters 79 (2016) 100 (stating that “exponential improvements in computing and storage have enabled
the deployment of more powerful algorithms to process the captured biometric data” and discussing how, “cloud-
based biometrics can facilitate rapid analytics (e.g., recognizing a face using a smartphone camera, where
the phone accesses the cloud).”)
See id. (“[E]xponential improvements in the performance and cost of processors and memory have already played
a dominant role in the development of better biometric sensors. . . . In the case of biometric recognition, the direct
impact of the rapid improvements in [integrated circuits] is the development of smaller, cheaper, and higher quality
biometric sensors.”).
See, e.g., National Retail Federation and Loss Prevention Research Council, 2022 Retail Security Survey: The
State of National Retail Security and Organized Retail Crime, 17, https://nrf.com/research/national-retail-security-
survey-2022 (stating that 12.3% of respondents were implementing or planning to implement facial recognition for
loss prevention); Fast, Frictionless Biometric Payments Gaining Ground in Grocery Stores, P
YMNTS (May 24,
2022) https://www.pymnts.com/news/retail/2022/grocery-stores-will-be-big-winners-this-holiday-season/; Aaron
Mok, These 16 US airports are reportedly testing facial recognition technology on passengers that could roll out
nationwide next year, B
USINESS INSIDER (Dec. 6, 2022) https://www.businessinsider.com/these-16-us-airports-are-
reportedly-testing-facial-recognition-tech-2022-12; Kashmir Hill and Corey Kilgannon, Madison Square Garden
Uses Facial Recognition to Ban Its Owner’s Enemies, NYT
IMES (Dec. 22, 2022)
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/22/nyregion/madison-square-garden-facial-recognition.html; Randy Wimbley
and David Komer, Black teen kicked out of skating rink after facial recognition camera misidentified her,
During this same time period, the use of facial recognition and other biometric
information technologies and the risks they pose have been the focus of significant public
scrutiny and concern both in the U.S.
and abroad.
U.S. states and localities have passed laws
specifically focused on regulating the commercial use of facial recognition and other biometric
information technologies.
The requirements in these laws vary for example, banning the use
of facial recognition in certain locations,
requiring signs at the entrances of commercial
establishments that collect biometric identifiers,
or requiring consent to collect biometric
In 2019 and 2021, the Commission also brought enforcement actions against
companies that allegedly misrepresented their use of facial recognition technology.
Consumers, businesses, and society now face new and increasing risks associated with
the collection and use of biometric information. For example, biometric information can be used
for the production of counterfeit videos or voice recordings (so-called “deepfakes”) that would
allow bad actors to convincingly impersonate individuals in order to commit fraud or to defame
or harass the individuals depicted.
Large databases of biometric information may also be
attractive targets for malicious actors because of the information’s potential to be used for other
FOX2DETROIT (July 14, 2021) https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/teen-kicked-out-of-skating-rink-after-facial-
See, e.g., Privacy in the Age of Biometrics: Hearing Before the Subcomm. On Investigations and Oversight of the
H. Comm. On Science, Space, and Technology (2022), https://www.congress.gov/event/117th-congress/house-
event/114964?s=1&r=8; Facial Recognition Technology (Part III): Ensuring Commercial Transparency &
Accuracy: Hearing Before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (2020),
https://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByEvent.aspx?EventID=110380; Rebecca Koenig, New Advocacy
Campaign Calls for Banning Facial Recognition on College Campuses, E
DSURGE (Jan. 22, 2020),
See, e.g., Proposal for a Regulation Laying Down Harmonized Rule on Artificial Intelligence, European
Commission, 2021 O.J. (C 206), https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/proposal-regulation-laying-down-
harmonised-rules-artificial-intelligence; Global Privacy Assembly, Adopted Resolution on Facial Recognition
Technology, (2020),
See, e.g., Washington Biometric Privacy Protection Act, Wash. Rev. Code § 19.375 (2022) (effective July 23,
2017); Prohibit the Use of Face Recognition Technologies by Private Entities in Places of Public Accommodation in
the City of Portland, P
ORTLAND, OR., CITY CODE Chapter 34.10 (2022) (effective Jan. 1, 2021); Biometric Identifier
Information, N
EW YORK, N.Y., ADMIN. CODE §§ 22-1201 1205 (2023) (effective July 9, 2021). Even prior to
2012, two states, Illinois and Texas, had enacted biometric privacy laws. See Illinois Biometric Information Privacy
Act, 740 Ill. Comp. Stat. 14 (effective Oct. 3, 2008); Texas Capture or Use of Biometric Identifier, Tex. Bus. &
Com. Code § 503.001 (effective Apr. 1, 2009). Additionally, states’ comprehensive privacy laws address biometric
information. See, e.g., Colorado Privacy Act, 2021 Colo. Legis. Serv. Ch. 483 (S.B. 21-190) (West) (effective July
1, 2023).
PORTLAND, OR., CITY CODE Chapter 34.10 (prohibiting use of face recognition technologies by private entities in
places of public accommodation).
NEW YORK, N.Y., ADMIN. CODE § 22-1202(a).
740 Ill. Comp. Stat. 14/15(b).
Complaint, In re Everalbum, FTC File No. 1923172 (May 6, 2021); Complaint, United States v. Facebook, No.
19-cv-2184 (D.D.C. July 24, 2019).
For example, in 2020, the Commission hosted a workshop to address the potential benefits and risks to consumers
of technology that allows researchers to create a near-perfect voice clone with less than a five second recording of a
person’s voice. FTC, You Don’t Say: An FTC Workshop on Voice Cloning Technologies (Jan. 28, 2020),
illicit purposes, including to achieve further unauthorized access to devices, facilities or data.
These issues pose risks not only to individual consumers, but also to businesses and society.
Even outside of fraud, uses of biometric information or biometric information technology
can pose significant risks to consumers. For instance, using biometric information technologies
to identify consumers in certain locations could reveal sensitive personal information about
them—for example, that they have accessed particular types of healthcare, attended religious
services, or attended political or union meetings.
Moreover, without clear disclosures and
meaningful choices for consumers about the use of biometric information technologies,
consumers may have little way to avoid these risks or unintended consequences of these
Some technologies using biometric information, such as facial recognition technology,
may perform differently across different demographic groups in ways that facilitate or produce
discriminatory outcomes. For example, research published by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) found that many facial recognition algorithms produce significantly
more false positive “matches” for images of West and East African and East Asian faces than for
images of Eastern European faces.
The research also found rates of false positives to be higher
See, e.g., Joseph Cox, How I Broke Into a Bank Account With an AI-Generated Voice, Motherboard, VICE (Feb.
23, 2023), https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy7axa/how-i-broke-into-a-bank-account-with-an-ai-generated-voice;
Parmy Olson, Faces Are the Next Target for Fraudsters, W
ALL STREET JOURNAL (July 7, 2021),
https://www.wsj.com/articles/faces-are-the-next-target-for-fraudsters-11625662828 (reporting, among other things,
the successful hack of a Chinese facial recognition system by fraudsters who uploaded videos they had created from
high-definition photographs purchased on the black market). Researchers have reportedly demonstrated techniques
for replicating and using non-face biometric identifiers such as fingerprints to circumvent access controls. See, e.g.,
Alex Hern, Hacker fakes German minister's fingerprints using photos of her hands, T
HE GUARDIAN (Dec. 30, 2014),
her-hands. Unauthorized access could also be achieved using synthetic identifiers created by combining biometric
information about a large number of individuals. See Philip Bontrager et al., DeepMasterPrint: Generating
Fingerprints for Presentation Attacks (2017),
See, e.g., 50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities, Pattern Recognition
Letters 79 (2016) 80–105 (discussing that “biometric system[s] may be vulnerable to a number of security threats . .
. which may eventually affect the security of the end application.”); Bobby Chesney and Danielle Citron, Deep
Fakes: A Looming Challenge for Privacy, Democracy, and National Security, 107 California Law Review 1753,
1758 (2018) (discussing that some harms of deepfakes may be “distortion of policy debates, manipulation of
elections, erosion of trust in institutions, exacerbation of social divisions, damage to national security, and disruption
of international relations.”).
n.4, at ii (recommending that businesses consider the sensitivity of information that may be collected by facial
recognition systems in light of the locations in which the systems operate).
TECHNOLOGIES, supra n.4, at iii (summarizing recommendations about providing clear notice and choices to
consumers about the use of facial recognition technology).
See FRVT Demographic Effects in Face Recognition, NATL INSTITUTE FOR STANDARDS AND TECH.,
https://pages.nist.gov/frvt/html/frvt_demographics.html (last accessed Aug. 31, 2022); N
DIFFERENTIALS (2022), https://pages.nist.gov/frvt/reports/demographics/nistir_8429.pdf; NATL INSTITUTE FOR
in women than men, and in the elderly and children compared to middle-aged adults.
Demographic differentials may be even more pronounced when analyzed intersectionally (e.g.,
when comparing light-skinned males to dark-skinned females, rather than simply males to
females and light-skinned subjects to dark-skinned subjects).
Similarly, some biometric
information technologies, such as those that process facial images or voice recordings, may be
particularly prone to error when the subject of the analysis is a person with a disability.
In light
of this potential for bias, such technologies can lead or contribute to harmful or unlawful
discrimination. This is particularly concerning when such technologies are used to determine
whether consumers can receive important benefits and opportunities or are subject to penalties or
less desirable outcomes. For example, if biometric information technologies are used to provide
access to financial accounts, a false negative may result in the consumer being denied access to
their own account, whereas a false positive may result in an identity thief gaining access to the
If biometric information technologies are used for security surveillance, false
positives may result in individuals being falsely accused of crimes, subjected to searches or
questioning, or denied access to physical premises.
In light of the evolving technologies
and risks to consumers, the Commission sets out
below a non-exhaustive list of examples of practices it will scrutinize in determining whether
companies collecting and using biometric information or marketing or using biometric
information technologies are complying with Section 5 of the FTC Act.
See, e.g., Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru, Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial
Gender Classification, 81 Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 1, 11 (2018) (assessing commercial gender
classification systems and finding that all three performed worst for females with darker skin tones).
EMPLOYEES (2022), https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/americans-disabilities-act-and-use-software-algorithms-
and-artificial-intelligence (noting the potential that technologies analyzing the voice will be less accurate for
individuals with speech impediments); S
(2020) (noting practical considerations that may affect the accuracy of facial analysis technology for individuals
with certain disabilities).
See generally, Joseph Cox, How I Broke Into a Bank Account With an AI-Generated Voice, Motherboard, VICE
(Feb. 23, 2023), https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy7axa/how-i-broke-into-a-bank-account-with-an-ai-generated-
In some instances, biometric information technologies may utilize algorithms and/or artificial intelligence. The
guidance below is consistent with and builds on previous publications by the Commission and Commission staff on
those topics. See, e.g., FTC, C
fairness, and equity in your company’s use of AI, FTC: B
US. BLOG (Apr. 19, 2021) https://www.ftc.gov/business-
guidance/blog/2021/04/aiming-truth-fairness-equity-your-companys-use-ai; Andrew Smith, Using Artificial
Intelligence and Algorithms, FTC: B
US. BLOG (Apr. 8, 2020), https://www.ftc.gov/business-
Other laws and regulations enforced by the Commission, including but not limited to the Children’s Online
Privacy Protection Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 6501–6506) and its implementing Rule (16 C.F.R. Part 312), the Health
Breach Notification Rule (16 C.F.R. Part 318), and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act’s Safeguards Rule (16 C.F.R. Part
314) and Regulation P (12 C.F.R. Part 1016), may also govern the collection, use, or storage of biometric
False or unsubstantiated marketing claims relating to the validity, reliability, accuracy,
performance, fairness, or efficacy of technologies using biometric information
As with other types of technologies, false or unsubstantiated marketing claims relating to
the validity, reliability, accuracy, performance, fairness, or efficacy of technologies using
biometric information constitute deceptive practices in violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act.
These claims can mislead both individual consumers and businesses that use these technologies.
If prospective users rely on false or unsubstantiated claims in choosing one product over another,
honest technology vendors who do not oversell their product’s capabilities may be placed at a
competitive disadvantage. Moreover, if business customers rely on these claims to use
technologies that don’t work as promised, they may ultimately harm consumers by, for instance,
wrongly denying them benefits and opportunities. Thus, the Commission intends to carefully
scrutinize claims about these technologies.
As with all marketing claims, the law requires that representations about biometric
information technologies be substantiated when made—that is, persons or individuals making
such claims must have a reasonable basis for their claims.
For example, businesses should be
careful not to make false or unsubstantiated claims that technologies are unbiased. Claims of
validity or accuracy are deceptive if they are true only for certain populations and if such
limitations are not clearly stated.
Further, businesses must not make false or unsubstantiated
claims about real-world validity, accuracy, or performance of biometric information technologies
when the claims are based on tests or audits that do not replicate real-world conditions or how
the technology will be operationalized by its intended users.
Businesses also should not make
false or unsubstantiated claims that the technologies will deliver particular results or outcomes,
such as reductions in rates of theft, violent incidents, fraud, or the elimination of bias in hiring.
See Complaint, FTC v. Aura Labs, Inc., No. 8:16-cv-2147 (C.D. Cal. Dec. 2, 2016) (alleging company’s
representations that mobile application measured blood pressure with accuracy comparable to a traditional blood
pressure cuff were false, misleading, or unsubstantiated); Complaint, FTC v. New Consumer Solutions, LLC, No.
1:15-cv-01614 (N.D. Il. Feb. 23, 2015) (alleging company’s representations that a mobile application could detect
melanoma by analyzing pictures of consumers’ skin were false or unsubstantiated).
See, e.g., FTC Policy Statement Regarding Advertising Substantiation, appended to In re Thompson Med. Co.,
Inc., 104 F.T.C. 648, 839 (1984), aff’d, 791 F.2d 189 (D.C. Cir. 1986). Where a company’s claims of accuracy,
efficacy, or lack of bias refer to specific facts or figures, they must generally be supported by a high level of
substantiation, such as scientific or engineering tests. See also Thompson Med., 104 F.T.C. at 822.
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Everalbum, FTC File No. 1923172 (May 6, 2021) (alleging company’s representations
that it was not using facial recognition unless user enabled it were deceptive, where the representations were true
only for users in Texas, Illinois, Washington, and the European Union, and users outside of those locations were not
provided a setting to turn off facial recognition); In re J.B. Williams Co., Inc., 68 F.T.C. 481, 1965 WL 92965, *5
(1965), aff’d, 381 F.2d 884 (6th Cir. 1967) (claims that product could reduce fatigue were deceptive, where product
was efficacious only in a small minority of cases where tiredness symptoms were due to an iron deficiency, and was
of no benefit in all other cases).
See Opinion of the Commission at 43-46, In re ECM Biofilms, Inc., FTC File No. 1223118 (Oct. 19, 2015)
(laboratory tests performed under aerobic conditions were not competent and reliable evidence of biodegradation in
landfills, which are anaerobic environments), aff’d, 851 F.3d 599 (6th Cir. 2017).
Claims that significantly involve. . . safety,” as well as claims relating to the performance or other central
characteristics of a product or service, are generally material. FTC Policy Statement on Deception (Oct. 14, 1983),
appended to Cliffdale Associates, Inc., 103 F.T.C. 110, 174 (1984). See also Complaint, In re Tapplock, FTC File
Deceptive statements about the collection and use of biometric information
False or misleading statements about the collection and use of biometric information
constitute deceptive acts in violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act, as does failing to disclose any
material information needed to make a representation non-misleading. In recent years, the
Commission has taken action against businesses that it charged with engaging in deceptive
practices related to the collection and use of biometric information.
The Commission will
continue to carefully scrutinize businesses’ conduct in this area to ensure they are not misleading
consumers. Businesses should not make false statements about the extent to which they collect
or use biometric information or whether or how they implement technologies using biometric
Businesses also must ensure that they are not telling half-truths—for example, a
business should not make an affirmative statement about some purposes for which it will use
biometric information but fail to disclose other material uses of the information.
The use of biometric information or biometric information technology may be an unfair
practice within the meaning of the FTC Act. Under Section 5, a practice is unfair if it causes or
is likely to cause substantial injury to consumers that is not reasonably avoidable by consumers
themselves and not outweighed by countervailing benefits to consumers or competition.
discussed above, the collection and use of biometric information can create a serious risk of harm
to consumers. Such harms are not reasonably avoidable by consumers if the collection and use
of such information is not clearly and conspicuously disclosed or if access to essential goods and
services is conditioned on providing the information. For instance, if businesses automatically
and surreptitiously collect consumers biometric information as they enter or move through a
store, the consumers have no ability to avoid the collection or use of that information.
Our past cases illustrate that collecting, retaining, or using consumers’ personal
information in ways that cause or are likely to cause substantial injury, or disseminating
No. 1923011 (May 18, 2020) (alleging that representations that smart padlock was secure were deceptive, where
padlock had foreseeable information security vulnerabilities and could be quickly unlocked by unscrewing the back
panel); Complaint, FTC v. Lifelock, Inc., No. 2:10-cv-00530-MHM (D. Az. Mar. 8, 2010) (alleging that
representations that service provided complete protection against all forms of identity theft were deceptive).
See Complaint, In re Everalbum, FTC File No. 1923172 (May 6, 2021) (alleging that the company misrepresented
that it was not using face recognition unless the user enabled it or turned it on); See also Complaint, United States v.
Facebook, No. 19-cv-2184 (D.D.C. July 24, 2019) (alleging that the company misrepresented that users would have
to “turn[ ] on” facial-recognition technology, violating a provision of a prior Commission order that prohibited
misrepresenting the extent to which users could control the privacy of their data).
See Complaint, United States v. Twitter, No. 3:22-cv-03070 (N.D. Cal. May 25, 2022) (alleging that statements
that users’ telephone numbers provided for two-factor authentication would be used for security purposes were
deceptive when the company failed to adequately disclose that such numbers would also be used for targeted
advertising); Complaint, In re Sears Holdings Mgmt. Corp., FTC File No. 082 3099 (Aug. 31, 2009) (alleging that
respondents’ statement that they would track consumers’ “online browsing” was deceptive in light of failure to
adequately disclose tracking of nearly all of the Internet behavior occurring on consumers’ computers as well as
certain non-Internet related activities taking place on those computers).
15 U.S.C. § 45(n); see also Letter from the FTC to Hon. Wendell Ford & Hon. John Danforth, Ranking Minority
Member, S. Comm. on Com., Sci. & Transp., Consumer Subcomm., Comm’n Statement of Pol’y on the Scope of
Consumer Unfairness Jurisdiction (Dec. 17, 1980), reprinted in In re Int’l Harvester Co., 104 F.T.C. 949, 1070,
1073 (1984) (the “Unfairness Policy Statement”).
technology that enables others to do so without taking reasonable measures to prevent harm to
consumers can be an unfair practice in violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act.
For example, the
FTC has previously charged that businesses have engaged in unfair practices by failing to protect
consumers’ personal information using reasonable data security practices; by engaging in
invasive surveillance, tracking, or collection of sensitive personal information that was concealed
from consumers or contrary to their expectations;
by, in certain circumstances, implementing
privacy-invasive default settings;
by disseminating an inaccurate technology that, if relied on
by consumers, could endanger them or others;
and by offering for sale technologies with the
potential to cause or facilitate harmful and illegal conduct like covert tracking, and failing to take
reasonable measures to prevent such conduct.
Additionally, the FTC has charged that certain
discriminatory practices can be unfair.
Though many biometric information technologies are
new, businesses must continue to abide by longstanding legal requirements and obligations.
In order to avoid liability under the FTC Act, businesses should implement reasonable
privacy and data security measures to ensure that any biometric information that they collect or
maintain is protected from unauthorized access—whether that access stems from an external
See generally, Privacy and Security, FTC (last visited Mar. 29, 2023 11:28 AM), https://www.ftc.gov/business-
guidance/privacy-security (collecting the FTC’s published business guidance related to data privacy and security).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Lenovo, Inc., FTC File No. 1523134 3134 (Dec. 20, 2017) (alleging that preinstallation
of ad-injecting software that, without adequate notice or informed consent, acted as a man-in-the-middle between
consumers and all websites with which they communicated was unfair; and that failure to take reasonable measures
to assess and address security risks created by the preinstalled software was unfair); Complaint, FTC v. Vizio, Inc.
Case No. 2:17-cv-00758 (D.N.J. Feb. 6, 2017) (alleging that collection of sensitive television viewing activity
without consent and contrary to consumer expectations, and sharing of such information with third parties, was an
unfair practice); Complaint, In re Showplace, Inc., FTC File No. 1123151, (Apr. 11, 2013) (alleging that rent-to-own
store’s use of monitoring and tracking software installed on rented computers was an unfair practice).
See Complaint, United States v. Epic Games, Inc., Case No. 5:22-CV-00518 (E.D.N.C. Dec. 19, 2022) (alleging
that developing and operating a ubiquitous, freely-available, and internet-enabled video game directed at children
and teens that publicly broadcasted players’ display names while putting children and teens in direct, real-time
contact with others through on-by-default lines of voice and text communication (even after instituting an age gate
on the service) was unfair); see also, Complaint, FTC v. Frostwire LLC, Case No. 111-cv-23643 (S.D. Fla. Oct. 11,
2011) (alleging that distributing an application with default settings that caused or were likely to cause consumers to
unwittingly publicly share files already present on, or subsequently saved on, the consumers’ mobile devices,
including, among others, consumers’ pictures, videos, and documents, was an unfair practice).
See Complaint, FTC v. Breathometer, Inc., No. 3:17-cv-314 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 23, 2017) (alleging that failing to
notify consumers or take corrective action upon learning that device measuring blood alcohol levels was inaccurate
was an unfair practice).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Support King, LLC, FTC File No. 1923003 (Dec. 20, 2021) (alleging that the provider
of software called Spyfone,” which allowed users to surreptitiously monitor and track others’ devices, unfairly
failed to take reasonable steps to ensure that the purchasers use the monitoring products and services only for
legitimate and lawful purposes); Complaint, In re Retina-X Studios, LLC, FTC File No. 1723118 (Mar. 26, 2020)
(alleging a failure to take reasonable steps to ensure that monitoring products and services that required
circumventing certain security protections on mobile devices would be used only for legitimate and lawful purposes
by the purchaser); Complaint, In re DesignerWare, LLC, FTC File No. 1123151 (Apr. 11, 2013) (alleging that
furnishing rent-to-own stores with monitoring and tracking software to be installed on rented computers was an
unfair practice).
See Complaint, FTC v. Passport Automotive Group, Case. No. 8:22-cv-02670-GLS (D. Md. Oct. 18, 2022)
(alleging that imposing higher costs on Black and Latino consumers than on similarly situated non-Latino White
consumers was unfair); see also Elisa Jillson, Aiming for truth, fairness, and equity in your company’s use of AI,
US. BLOG (Apr. 19, 2021), https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2021/04/aiming-truth-fairness-
cybersecurity intrusion or an internal incursion by unauthorized employees, contractors, or
service providers.
Businesses must also take care that their own collection and use of biometric
information is not likely to cause substantial consumer injury.
Determining whether a business’s use of biometric information or biometric information
technology violates Section 5 requires a holistic assessment of the business’s relevant practices.
In making such assessments, the Commission will draw on applicable lessons that can be derived
from its past work—including, but not limited to, in privacy and data security matters.
Importantly, in some situations, the adoption of a contemplated practice may be unjustifiable
when weighing the potential risks to consumers against the anticipated benefits of the practice.
For example, if more accurate, less risky alternatives are available, using a technology that is
proven to have high error rates may present unjustifiable risk to consumers, even if the
technology is more convenient, more efficient, or more profitable for the business considering
implementing the technology. The Commission’s assessment will take into account factors
including, but not limited to, the following:
Failing to assess foreseeable harms to consumers before collecting biometric
Prior to collecting consumers’ biometric information, or deploying a
biometric information technology, businesses should conduct a holistic assessment of the
potential risks to consumers associated with the collection and/or use.
For example,
assessments should take into account the context in which the collection or use will take
place and the extent to which the specific biometric information technologies to be used
have been tested by the business or a third party.
The results of testing should be
evaluated in light of how well the testing environment mirrors real world implementation
and use, including the particular context in which the technology will be deployed.
Assessments should also consider the role of human operators. Businesses should not
conclude without evidence that the involvement of a human operator is sufficient to
mitigate risks to consumers. Businesses should assess whether deploying a biometric
information technology system leads to or contributes to outcomes that disproportionately
harm particular demographics of consumers. These assessments should take into account
Collecting or retaining biometric information without any legitimate business need or keeping that information
indefinitely creates an increased risk of harm to consumers. See, e.g., Complaint, In re BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc.,
FTC File No. 0423160 (Sept. 20, 2005) (alleging a failure to employ reasonable and appropriate data security
measures where, among other things, the company created unnecessary risks to sensitive financial information by
storing it for up to 30 days when it no longer had a business need to keep the information); Complaint, In re
Residual Pumpkin Entity, LLC, FTC File No. 1923209 (June 23, 2022) (alleging that company created unnecessary
risks to personal information by storing it indefinitely on its network without a business need).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re EPN, Inc., FTC File No. 1123143 (Oct. 3, 2012) (alleging a failure to assess risks to
consumer personal information it collected and stored online.)
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Lenovo, Inc., FTC File No. 1523134 (Dec. 20, 2017) (alleging that respondent’s failure
to take reasonable measures to assess and address security risks created by third-party software it installed on
laptops it offered to consumers was an unfair practice); Complaint, In re SettlementOne Credit Corp., FTC File No.
0823208 (Aug. 17, 2011) (alleging that respondents failed to assess the risks of allowing end users with unverified
or inadequate security to access consumer reports through respondents’ portal).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Upromise, Inc., FTC File No. 1023116 (Mar. 27, 2012) (alleging unfair conduct, where
defendant allegedly engaged a service provider to develop software that it distributed to consumers but failed,
among other things, to assess and address risks posed by the software by testing, post-deployment monitoring, or
other means).
whether technical components of the system, such as algorithms, have been specifically
tested for differential performance across demographic groups—including
Failing to promptly address known or foreseeable risks,
including by failing to
identify and implement readily available tools for reducing or eliminating risks.
instance, if there is evidence that a particular biometric information technology is often
prone to certain types of errors or biases, businesses should proactively take appropriate
measures to reduce or eliminate the risk that such errors could lead to consumer injury.
Steps taken to address risks may include organizational measures, such as policies and
procedures to appropriately limit access to biometric information.
They may also
include technical measures. For example, businesses should timely update relevant
systems, including both software components like algorithms and hardware components
that are used to capture, process, or store biometric information, in order to ensure that
the systems operate effectively and do not put consumers at risk.
Engaging in surreptitious and unexpected collection or use of biometric information.
In some situations, such conduct may be unfair in and of itself. For instance, businesses
may violate the law if they use or facilitate the use of biometric information or biometric
information technology to surreptitiously identify or track a consumer in a manner that
exposes the consumer to risks such as stalking, exposure to stigma, reputational harm, or
See, e.g., FTC v. Wyndham Worldwide Corp., 10 F.Supp.3d 602, 624-26 (D.N.J. Apr. 7, 2014) (holding that the
FTC’s complaint adequately stated a claim for unfair data security practices where it alleged, among other things,
defendant permitted its hotels to connect insecure servers to its network, including servers with outdated operating
systems that could not receive patches to address known security vulnerabilities), aff’d, 799 F.3d 236 (3d Cir. 2015);
Complaint, FTC v. Equifax, Inc., No. 1:19-cv-03297-TWT (N.D. Ga. July 22, 2019) (alleging failure to implement
reasonable procedures to detect, respond to, and timely correct critical and other high-risk security vulnerabilities
across Defendant’s systems); Complaint, In re Lookout Services, Inc., FTC File No. 1023076 (June 15, 2011)
(alleging respondent’s failure to adequately assess or address the vulnerability of its web application to widely-
known security flaws).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Residual Pumpkin Entity, LLC, FTC File No. 1923209 (June 23, 2022) (alleging a
failure to implement readily available protections against well-known and reasonably foreseeable vulnerabilities);
Complaint, In re Compete, Inc., FTC File No. 1023155 (Feb. 20, 2013) (alleging a failure to use readily available,
low-cost measures to assess/address the risk that data collection software would collect sensitive consumer
information it was not authorized to collect).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Residual Pumpkin Entity, LLC, FTC File No. 1923209 (June 23, 2022) (alleging that
Residual Pumpkin failed to establish or enforce rules sufficient to make user credentials hard to guess and failed to
implement patch management policies and procedures to ensure the timely remediation of critical security
vulnerabilities and use of obsolete versions of database and web server software that no longer received patches);
Complaint, FTC v. Equifax, Inc., No. 1:19-cv-03297-TWT (N.D. Ga. July 22, 2019) (alleging failure to implement
or enforce reasonable access controls to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive personal information).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Residual Pumpkin Entity, LLC, FTC File No. 1923209 (June 23, 2022) (alleging failure
to implement patch management policies and procedures to ensure the timely remediation of critical security
vulnerabilities and use of obsolete versions of database and web server software that no longer received patches).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Aaron’s, Inc., FTC File No. 1223264 (Mar. 10, 2014) (alleging that allowing
franchisees to install software facilitating surreptitious collection of private information on rented computers was an
unfair practice, and noting that consumers were unable to avoid harm because collection was surreptitious).
extreme emotional distress.
Additionally, as discussed above, failing to clearly and
conspicuously disclose the collection and use of biometric information makes such
collection and use unavoidable by the consumer. Injuries to consumers may also be
compounded if there is no mechanism for accepting and addressing consumer complaints
and disputes related to businesses’ use of biometric information technologies.
Failing to evaluate the practices and capabilities of third parties, including affiliates,
vendors, and end users, who will be given access to consumers’ biometric information or
will be charged with operating biometric information technologies. Businesses should
seek relevant assurances and contractual agreements that require third parties to take
appropriate steps to minimize risks to consumers. They should also go beyond
contractual measures to oversee third parties and ensure they are meeting those
requirements and not putting consumers at risk.
Such oversight may include
organizational and technical measures (including taking steps to ensure access to
necessary information) to supervise, monitor or audit the third parties’ compliance with
any requirements.
Failing to provide appropriate training for employees and contractors whose job duties
involve interacting with biometric information or technologies that use such
See, e.g., Complaint, In re Support King, FTC File No. 1923003 (Dec. 20, 2021) (alleging that respondents’
SpyFone monitoring products and services substantially injure device users by enabling purchasers to stalk them
surreptitiously); Complaint, In re Retina-X Studios, LLC, FTC File No. 1723118 (Mar. 26, 2020) (similarly alleging
respondent’s products and services substantially injure device users by enabling purchasers to surreptitiously stalk
them); Complaint, FTC v. EMP Media, Inc., No. 2:18-cv-00035 (D. Nev. Jan. 9, 2018) (alleging that defendants
published consumers’ intimate images without consent in a manner enabling the public to identify or contact the
individuals depicted, causing a number of harms to consumers including an unwarranted invasion of privacy into
consumers’ lives, depression, anxiety, loss of reputation, safety fears, medical and legal costs, and lost time, was
See, e.g., FTC v. Wyndham Worldwide Corp., 799 F.3d 236, 241 (3d Cir. 2015) (affirming denial of motion to
dismiss FTC’s complaint alleging unfair data security practices, which included allegations defendant allowed hotel
property management systems to connect to its network without taking appropriate precautions, such as ensuring
that the hotels implemented adequate information security policies and procedures); Complaint, In re GeneLink,
Inc., FTC File No. 1123095 (May 8, 2014) (alleging that company unfairly failed to employ reasonable and
appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access to consumers’ personal information because, among other
things, it failed to provide reasonable oversight of service providers); See, e.g., Complaint, In re Upromise, Inc.,
FTC File No. 1023116 (Mar. 27, 2012) (alleging failure to take adequate measures to ensure that its service provider
employed reasonable and appropriate measures to protect consumer information and to implement the information
collection program in a manner consistent with contractual provisions designed to protect consumer information).
See, e.g., Complaint, In re SkyMed Int’l , Inc., FTC File No. 1923140 (Jan. 26, 2021) (alleging a failure to provide
adequate guidance or training for employees or third-party contractors regarding information security and
safeguarding consumers’ personal information); Complaint, In re Zoom Video Communc’ns, Inc., FTC File No.
1923167 (Jan. 19, 2021) (alleging that failure to implement a training program on secure software development
principles contributed to unfair conduct).
Failing to conduct ongoing monitoring of technologies that the business develops,
offers for sale,
or uses
in connection with biometric information to ensure that the
technologies are functioning as anticipated, that users of the technology are operating it
as intended, and that use of the technology is not likely to harm consumers.
The Commission notes that a practice need not be equally likely to harm all consumers in
order to be considered unfair. In determining what constitutes reasonable practices to protect
consumers from potential harms associated with the use of biometric information, therefore, the
Commission will—and businesses should—consider the practices from the perspective of any
population of consumers that is particularly at risk of those harms.
Finally, the Commission wishes to emphasize that—particularly in view of rapid changes
in technological capabilities and uses—businesses should continually assess whether their use of
biometric information or biometric information technologies causes or is likely to cause
consumer injury in a manner that violates Section 5 of the FTC Act. If so, businesses must cease
such practices, whether or not the practices are specifically addressed in this statement.
See, e.g., Complaint, In re ASUSTeK Computer Inc., FTC File No. 1423156 (July 18, 2016) (alleging a failure to
perform vulnerability and penetration testing on software that respondent offered for sale, including for well-known
and reasonably foreseeable vulnerabilities that could be exploited to gain unauthorized access to consumers’
sensitive personal information and local networks).
See, e.g., Complaint, FTC v. Equifax, Inc., No. 1:19-cv-03297-TWT (N.D. Ga. July 22, 2019) (alleging failure to
implement reasonable procedures to detect, respond to, and timely correct critical and other high-risk security
vulnerabilities across Defendant’s systems); Complaint, In re SettlementOne Credit Corp., FTC File No. 0823208
(Aug. 19, 2011) (alleging that respondents failed to implement reasonable steps to maintain an effective system of
monitoring access to consumer reports by end users).
See, e.g., Unfairness Policy Statement, supra n. 36, at 1074 (“[S]ome may exercise undue influence over highly
susceptible classes of purchasers, as by promoting fraudulent ‘cures’ to seriously ill cancer patients.”); Complaint, In
re Philip Morris, Inc., 82 F.T.C. 16 (1973) (alleging respondent engaged in an “unfair and deceptive act and
practice” by distributing free-sample razor blades in home-delivered newspapers, which posed a particular hazard to
young children).