History of Art and Architecture
1234 Arts Ph: (805) 893-7581
University of California, Santa Barbara Fax: (805) 893-7117
Santa Barbara, CA 93106 E-mail: [email protected]
Modern and contemporary architecture: 19
centuries, architecture and nationalism,
spatial theory, Art Deco, South Asian architecture
Urbanism: infrastructure and public space, urban theory, colonial urbanism, South Asian cities
British empire: cultural landscape of British colonialism, art and architecture of empire,
colonial material culture, cartography, sovereignty and insurgency
Subalternity and popular culture: theories of subalternity, urban popular culture, art and
politics in South Asia
Postcolonial and Critical Theory
Ph.D. in Architecture, 1997, University of California, Berkeley
Master of Architecture, 1989, University of Arizona, Tucson
Bachelor of Architecture, 1986, Jadavpur University, Calcutta
2012- Professor, History of Art and Architecture, University of California, Santa
2013- Affiliated Faculty, Comparative Literature, University of California, Santa
2017 Fellow, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London
2011-2015 Chair, History of Art and Architecture, University of California, Santa Barbara
2011 Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Queen Mary, University of London
2007 Fellow, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies, Uppsala
2004-2012 Associate Professor, History of Art and Architecture, University of California,
Santa Barbara
1997-2004 Assistant Professor, History of Art and Architecture, University of
California, Santa Barbara
2009- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Art Historiography
2017-2018 Member, Founder’s Award Committee, Society of Architectural Historians
Member, Nominating Committee, Society of Architectural Historians
2011-2014 Editor, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH Online
Member, Executive Committee, Society of Architectural Historians
2010-2014 Member, Editorial Advisory Committee, Transoceanic Studies Book Series, Ohio
University Press
2010-2011 Editor Designate, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Chair, Spiro Kostof Book Award Committee, Society of Architectural Historians,
2005-2014 Director, The Subaltern-Popular Workshop, University of California Multi-
Campus Research Group
2008 Advisor, Buildings-Landscapes-Cultures program, University of Wisconsin-
2003-2004 Chair, Founders’ Award Committee, Society of Architectural Historians
2001-2002 Member, Rosann S. Berry and Spiro Kostof Fellowships Committee, Society of
Architectural Historians
1998-1999 Member, Education Committee, Society of Architectural Historians
1985-1987 Architect, C.P. Kukreja and Associates Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
Architectural Consultant, Architecture+Design, New Delhi
2016- Core Member, Calcutta Architectural Legacies
I. Books:
Critical Approaches to Contemporary Architecture, co-edited with Jeremy White
(New York: Taylor and Francis, 2019, forthcoming)
City Halls and Civic Materialism: Towards a Global History of Urban Public Space,
co-edited with Jeremy White (London: Routledge, 2014)
Unlearning the City: Infrastructure in a New Optical Field (Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 2012; hardback and paperback)
Representing Calcutta: Modernity, Nationalism, and the Colonial Uncanny (London:
Routledge, 2005; paperback 2006)
II. Works in Progress:
Geography of Small Spaces
This book is an invitation to shift our attention to the small scale. I look at those sites that
have long been considered insignificant because of their size or location, or the minor
role they seemingly play in economic and political histories. Such spaces are
discontinuous; never front and center. They are work spaces, storage spaces, cook rooms,
pantries, necessities, bottlekhanas--spaces with uncertain names and hazy genealogies.
Noticing small spaces is not easy, as they are expected to remain invisible, contained and
confined--cells, cages, shelves. Spaces of privacy and privation, they tremor with
unanticipated potential. These small spaces, I propose, harbor the capacity to spark affect
and foster connections in unexpected ways. My examples, drawn from British colonial
India, suggest new geographies to rethink empire as a global enterprise.
Nature’s Infrastructure: British Empire and the Making of the Gangetic Plains,
This is the first book project that analyzes the mutually constitutive relation between the
Gangetic plains of northern India and the British empire. The most tangible proof and
long-lasting effect of British colonialism in India was the construction of an
infrastructural network that fundamentally altered the landscape of the Gangetic plains
between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The key instruments of this
transformation were not large capital cities or famous monuments, but a seemingly
ordinary network of provincial towns, roads, embankments, and canals. Nothing was
ordinary about this infrastructure, however: it channeled the waters of the Ganges,
created sites of administration, and connected upcountry provincial towns and cities of
the vanquished Mughal empire with maritime Bengal and outgoing trade. I focus on the
process through which information about the land was collected, represented, and utilized
to build this infrastructure, specifically the manner in which cartographic and
hydrological projects shaped the land, inaugurating new ways of seeing the plains in
aesthetic and productive terms.
Calcutta/Kolkata Co-Lab
In collaboration with Arijit Sen (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Tania Sengupta (Bartlett
School of Architecture, London), Renee Chow (UC Berkeley) and Jeremy White (UC Santa
Barbara), this is a GIS-based project of architectural documentation, historical analysis, and
stories of Calcutta’s buildings and cityscape launched in 2018. It leverages my drawing
collection that includes hundreds of on-site documentation, and of buildings designed by three of
the most important architectural firms whose practice crossed the colonial divide: Mackintosh
Burn Private Ltd.; Martin Burn Pvt. Ltd.; and Ballardie, Thompson and Matthews.
III. Edited Journal Volumes:
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, Special Issue on State,
Space and Memory, vol 73, no 4 (Dec 2014).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 73, no 3 (Sep 2014).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 73, no 2 (June 2014).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, Special Issue on Critical
Directions in Chinese Architectural History, vol 73, no 1 (March 2014).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 72, no 4 (Dec 2013).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, Special Issue on War
Landscapes, vol 72, no 3 (Sep 2013).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 72, no 2 (June 2013).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 72, no 1 (March 2013).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, Special Issue on
Architectural Representations 2, vol 71, no 4 (Dec 2012).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, Special Issue on
Architectural Representations 1, vol 71, no 3 (Sep 2012).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 71, no 2 (June 2013).
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 71, no 1 (March 2013).
Special Issue of Urban History, “Suburbs in South Asia,” vol 39 no 1 (2012), guest-edited.
Special Issue of PostColonial Studies, “The Subaltern and the Popular,” vol. 8 no. 4 (Nov 2005),
guest edited with Bhaskar Sarkar.
IV. Articles and Essays:
“Colonial Port Cities and Patterns of Urbanisation in South Asia,” in Harald Fischer-Tiné and
Maria Framke, eds., Routledge Handbook of the History of Colonialism in South Asia (London:
Taylor and Francis, 2019 forthcoming).
“Fabricating Community and Public Space in Kolkata’s Durgapuja,” Perspecta 52 (2019
“Contemporary Architecture, Crisis, and Critiquein Critical Approaches to Contemporary
Architecture, co-edited with Jeremy White (New York: Taylor and Francis, 2019 forthcoming).
“Ephemeral Architecture: Towards Radical Contingency,” in Critical Approaches to
Contemporary Architecture, co-edited with Jeremy White (New York: Taylor and Francis, 2019
“Infrastructure and Informality,” in Colin Marx, Nikhilesh Sinha and Nerea Amoros, eds.,
Informality and Transformation: Place-making, Politics, Infrastructure and Exchanges in
Informal Spaces (London: UCL Press, 2019 forthcoming).
“Roofscapes: A Speculative History of Terraces in Calcutta,” in Anuradha Roy and Melitta
Waligora, eds., Kolkata in Space, Time and Imagination: Rethinking of Heritage (Delhi: Primus,
2018 forthcoming).
“Art Deco and Empire: The Residential Architecture of Ballardie, Thompson and Matthews,” in
Michael Windover and Brigitte Elliot, eds., Routledge Companion to Art Deco (London:
Routledge, 2018 forthcoming).
“Colonial Sovereignty and Territorial Affect,” Western Humanities Review (Fall 2018), 124-155.
“Claiming the Riverfront: Building the Prinsep Ghat in Colonial Calcutta,” Tekton, vol 3,
no 2 (Sep 2016): 22-35.
“Traverse, Territory and the Ecological Uncanny: James Rennell and the Mapping of the
Gangetic Plains,” in Karen Bishop, ed., The Cartographic Necessity of Exile (London:
Routledge, 2016), 89-109.
“The Globality of Architectural History,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
and JSAH-online, vol 74, no 4 (Dec 2015): 411-15.
“Seize the Definition,” Grey Room 61 (Fall 2015): 123-25.
“New Spatial Histories,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online,
Special Issue on Space, State and Memory, vol 73, no 4 (Dec 2014): 461-63.
“Exploring Mapping: Discussions with Swati Chattopadhyay and Derek Gregory,”
disclosure: A Journal of Social Theory, vol 23, Mapping, Article 9;
“Cities of Power and Protest: Spatial Legibility and the Colonial State in Early
Twentieth-century India,” in Special Issue, Cities of Power, guest ed., Göran Therborn,
International Journal of Urban Science (Fall 2014), 1-13.
“The Politics of Popular Art in Twentieth-century India,” in Randy Martin, ed.,
Routledge Companion to Art and Politics (London: Routledge, 2014), 237-47.
“City Halls: Civic Representation and Public Space,” (with Jeremy White) in City Halls and
Civic Materialism: Towards a Global History of Urban Public Space (London: Routledge,
2014), 3-13.
“Politics, Planning, and Subjection: Anticolonial Nationalism and Public Space in Calcutta,”
in City Halls and Civic Materialism: Towards a Global History of Urban Public Space
(London: Routledge, 2014), 199-216.
“Visualizing the Body Politic,” in Arijit Sen and Lisa Silverman eds., Making Place:
Space and Embodiment in the City (Indiana University Press, 2014), 44-68.
“What is Critical in Chinese Architectural History?,” Special Issue on Critical Directions in
Chinese Architectural History, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-
online, vol 73, no 1 (March 2014).
“Metro Pattern: Art Deco Residences and Modern Visuality in Calcutta,” in Tapati Guha-
thakurta, Bodhisattwa Kar and Partha Chatterjee, eds., New Cultural Histories of India
(New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014), 373-408.
“Architectural History and Spatial Imagination,” Perspectives on History 52, no 1 (Jan 2014):
“Spaces of Conversation: The Avant-garde in 1920s Calcutta,” in Regina Bittner and Kathrin
Rhomberg, eds., Transcultural Avant-Garde Laboratory: The Bauhaus in Calcutta, 1922
(Berlin: 2013), 161-72.
“The Landscape of War,” Special Issue on War Landscapes, Journal of the Society of
Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 72, no 3 (September 2013).
“Imagining the Digital Future of The Public Historian” Roundtable Conversation,
The Public Historian, vol 35, no 2 (Spring 2013), 8-27.
“In the Shadow of Representation,” Special Issue on Architectural Representations 2, Journal
of the Society of Architectural Historians and JSAH-online, vol 71, no 4 (December 2012).
“Architectural Representations, Changing Technologies, and Conceptual Extensions,” Special
Issue on Architectural Representations 1, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
and JSAH-online, vol 71, no 3 (September 2012).
“Future of a Disciplinary Journal,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and
JSAH-online vol 71, no 1 (March 2012).
“The Historical Legacy of Suburbs in South Asia,” Urban History, vol 39, no 1 (2012): 51-5.
“Urbanism, Colonialism, and Subalternity” in Tim Edensor and Mark Jayne, eds., A World
of Cities: Urban Theory Beyond “the West” (London: Routledge, 2011), 75-92.
“Staging the Self: Photographic Representations of Benodini Dasi”, in Niharika Dinkar, ed.,
Visual Culture and Sexuality in Colonial India, Special Issue of Marg (June 2011), 15-30.
“Cities and Peripheries,” Historical Research vol 83, no 222 (Nov 2010), 649-671.
“The Art of Auto-mobility: Vehicular Art and the Space of Resistance in Calcutta,” Journal
of Material Culture vol 14, no 1 (Jan 2009), 107-139.
“Bourgeois Utopias? The Rhetoric of Globality in the Contemporary Suburban Landscape
of Calcutta,” Working Papers in Contemporary Asian Studies, Center for East and South
East Asian Studies, Lund University, Sweden (2009).
“Contours of the Obscene, Architectures of the Visible,” Third Text, vol 22, Issue 6
(Nov 2008), 769-785.
“Architecture of South Asia,” and “Taj-Mahal,” Encyclopedia of the Modern World (Oxford,
“A Tryst with Capital,” Citation, May 2007, www.ihc.ucsb.edu/subaltern/citation/
“The Other Face of Primitive Accumulation: the Garden House in British Colonial Bengal,”
in Peter Scriver and Vikram Prakash, eds., Colonial Modernities (Routledge, 2007).
Gram Theke Shahar” (Between Country and City), Anushtup (2005 Winter).
(with Bhaskar Sarkar), “The Subaltern and the Popular,” PostColonial Studies, vol. 8, no. 4
(Nov 2005).
“India,” “Charles Mark Correa,” “The Plan of New Delhi,” Encyclopedia of Twentieth-century
Architecture (London: Taylor and Francis, 2004).
“Kolkata,” in Frederick Asher, ed., The Art of India (New Delhi: Encyclopedia Britannica,
2003), 14-19.
Itihashcharchaye Barir Naksha” (The Architectural Plan as Historical Artifact), Aitihashik
vol II, no 2 (April-Oct 2003), 49-56.
“Goods, Chattles, and Sundry Items: Constructing Nineteenth-century Anglo-Indian Domestic
Life,” Journal of Material Culture 7 (3) (Nov 2002): 243-271.
“Blurring Boundaries: The Limits of White Town in Colonial Calcutta,” Journal of the Society
of Architectural Historians, vol. 59, no. 2 (June 2000): 154-179.
“Expedient Forgetting: Architecture in the Late Twentieth-century Nationalist Imagination,”
Design Book Review (Fall 2000): 16-29.
“A Critical History of Architecture in a Post-Colonial World: A View from Indian Architectural
History,” Architronic, vol. 6, no. 1 (May 1997).
“Nineteenth-Century British Attitudes Towards Calcutta and Bombay,” S. J. Neary, M. S.
Symes and F. E. Brown, eds., The Urban Experience (London: E&FN SPON, 1994): 455-467.
“Interpreting a Vision: The Graduate Theological Union Library,” Design Book Review,
Issue 21 (Summer 1991): 23-24.
V. Research Blogs:
“The Ruins of Dilkhusa Palace, Lucknow,” British Library, 2018, forthcoming.
“The Mutiny Scroll,” British Library
VI. Book Reviews:
“Colonizing, Decolonizing and Globalizing Kolkata” Buildings and Landscapes (2019
“House but No Garden,” Buildings and Landscapes vol 22, no 2 (2015), 114-116.
“Tracking Modernity: India’s Railways and the Culture of Mobility”, Victorian Studies (2013),
“Writing Popular Culture,” Book Review of Power in Print, Journal of the Economic and Social
History of the Orient, vol 51, no 5 (2008), 210-214.
“Facts on the Ground”, Interventions (Fall 2006).
“Modernity and Tradition: Contemporary Architecture in Pakistan,” CAA Reviews (October
“Kahn Libraries,” Design Book Review, Issue 21 (Summer 1991): 21-23.
2018-19 Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
2017-18 Collaborative Grant, “Mapping Urban Materiality,” Interdisciplinary Humanities
Center, University of California, Santa Barbara
Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
2016-17 Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
2015-16 Guggenheim Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
2014-15 Collaborative Grant, “Bollywood 101: The Visual Culture of Indian Cinema
Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, Co-
PI with Shalini Kakar
Collaborative Grant, Subaltern-Popular Conference, “Popular Futures:
Affect, Archive, Action,” Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University
of California, Santa Barbara
2009-10 Instructional Improvement Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara,
“Popular Culture and Modern Architecture in China
2007-08 Conference Support Grant, “Democracy by Force?” University of California
Humanities Research Institute
Collaborative Grant, “Democracy by Force?” Interdisciplinary Humanities
Center, University of California, Santa Barbara
Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
2006-07 Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
2005-09 The Subaltern-Popular Workshop, Multi-campus Research Group Grant,
University of California, Office of the President
2005-06 Faculty Award for Release Time, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center,
University of California, Santa Barbara
Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
Regents’ Humanities Fellowship, University of California, Santa Barbara
Conference Support Grant, “The Subaltern and the Popular,” University of
California Humanities Research Institute
Collaborative Research Grant, “The Subaltern and the Popular II – Re-visioning
Analytic Frames,” Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California,
Santa Barbara
2004-05 Instructional Improvement Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara,
“Contemporary Architecture in India”
Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
Collaborative Research Grant, “The Subaltern and the Popular,”
Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California, Santa
2003-04 Instructional Improvement Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara,
“Modern Indian Visual Culture,” with Bhaskar Sarkar
Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
2001-02 Senior Fellowship, American Institute of Indian Studies
2000-01 Regents' Junior Faculty Fellowship, University of California, Santa Barbara
1999-2000 J. Paul Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship, Getty Grant Program
Instructional Improvement Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara,
“Global Cities”
Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
1998-1999 Instructional Improvement Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara,
“Modern Architecture and Urbanism”
Academic Senate Research Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara
Regents' Junior Faculty Fellowship, University of California, Santa Barbara
1995-1996 National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant
1993-1994 Junior Fellowship, American Institute of Indian Studies
1996-1997 Spiro Kostof Fellowship, Department of Architecture, University of California,
1995-1996 Vice Chancellor for Research Fund Award, University of California, Berkeley
1994-1995 Graduate Humanities Research Grant, University of California, Berkeley
College of Environmental Design Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley
1990-1991 Stanley Tashiera Scholarship, University of California, Berkeley
2018 Named Fellow of the Society of Architectural Historians for “lifetime of significant
contributions to the field,” including “scholarship, service to the Society, or stewardship
of the built environment.”
2013 Nominated for the Margaret T. Getman Service to Students Award, University of
California, Santa Barbara. The award “recognizes university staff and faculty who have
demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the general growth and development of
students and the quality of student life.”
2010 Nominated for the Distinguished Teaching Award, University of California, Santa
2001 Founders’ Award, Society of Architectural Historians, for article titled, “Blurring
Boundaries: The Limits of White Town in Colonial Calcutta,” 2001. The
Founders’ Award is given annually for an article published by an emerging
scholar in the preceding two years in the Journal of the Society of Architectural
Historians that exhibits excellence of scholarship and presentation.
1997 University Commendation for Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, University of
California, Berkeley
1994 Ph.D. Committee Award, Department of Architecture, University of California at
Berkeley, for “outstanding scholarship, promise of a significant contribution to the field
of Architecture, and service to the Wurster community.”
2018 “Ephemeral by Design: Durgapuja in Kolkata,” SOAS, London, Sep
“Ephemeral Urbanism,” Symposium titled “Mapping Urban Materiality,”
University of California, Santa Barbara, May
“Urban Materiality,” Architecture History Redefined: Celebrating the Scholarship
of Dell Upton, Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, CCNY, April
“Locating Art in the Colonial Milieu,” Sunwise Turn, Dhaka Art Summit, Dhaka,
2017 “Sovereignty Makes the Monument,” Western Humanities Alliance Conference,
University of California, Santa Barbara, Nov
“An Affective Field,” Society of Architectural Historians Annual Conference,
Glasgow, June
“Colonial Sovereignty and the Making of an Affective Landscape,” Keynote,
Grounding Biopower: Inventions of Land and Landscape, Basel University, June
“Territorial Expansion and the Making of an Affective Landscape,” Landscape
and Power, Birkbeck College, London, May
2016 “Hacking the Urban Code,” Indian Institute of Architects Centennial National
Convention, Bengaluru, Dec
“Fabricating Community and Public Space in Indian Cities,” Institute of World
Cultures, Santa Barbara, Nov
“Reading Informality,” Bartlett School of Architecture, University College
London, Oct
“Reinterpreting Cities: Scale, Space, Subalternity,” Keynote Lecture, European
Association of Urban History, Helsinki, Aug
“A Good Shelf,” Small Spaces, Birkbeck College, London, May
“Seeing the City through a Glass, Darkly,” Dark Matter, American Association of
Geographer’s Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March
2015 “Globality of Global Architectural Histories,” Columbia University, Nov
“Ghats on the Ganges: Riverine Aesthetics and Politics in British Colonial India,”
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Oct
“Modalities of Indian Urbanism, 6
Distinguished Lecture, Kalyani University,
“Doing Architectural History of Modern India, Inaugural Lecture, 50
Anniversary Lecture Series, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Aug
“Genealogies of Public Space in India,” Nehru Memorial Museum and National
Library, New Delhi, Aug
“Civility, Civic Space and Empire,” Uppsala University, Sweden, April
“The Spatial Politics of Marginality,” Illinois Program for Research in the
Humanities, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, March
“Art Deco and Empire: The Architecture of Ballardie, Thompson and Matthews,”
Carleton University, Ottawa, Feb
“Anomalous Spaces: Representations of Dance Performance in Colonial India,”
Bells of Change: Dance, Film and Contemporary Performance from India,
University of California, Santa Barbara, Jan
2014 “Of Small Spaces Forgotten,” Center for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata, July
“Elementary Aspects of Indian Urbanism,” Keynote Lecture, Bartlett School of
Architecture, University College London, May
“Of Small Spaces Forgotten,” Center for Visual Culture Lecture Series,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, March
“Of Small Spaces,” Plenary Lecture, Envisioning the Indian City Conference,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Jan
2013 “The Architecture of Utopia,” South Asia Conference, Madison, Oct
“Bookscapes: Trading Knowledge in Colonial India,” University of California,
Santa Barbara, Oct
“Conjuring India: British Views of the Subcontinent 1780-1870,” University of
California, Santa Barbara, August
“A Geography of Small Spaces,” University of Kentucky, April
“City and Country in South Asia,” Benjamin West Memorial Lecture,
Swarthmore College, April
“Urban Itineraries and Peripheral Spaces,” Penn Humanities Forum, University of
Pennsylvania, March
2012 “Unlearning the City,” ThinkSpatial, University of California, Santa Barbara, Jan
2011 “Arab Spring/American Autumn: Reclaiming the Public Sphere,” Panel
Discussion, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California, Santa
Barbara, Nov
“Representing Calcutta,” University of California, San Diego, May
“Colonial Infrastructure and the Making of the Gangetic Plains,” Yale University,
“Thinking Space and Power: Colonialism and the Present,” Roundtable Seminar
on “Postcolonial Positions: Nature, Space, Power,” Queen Mary, University of
London, March
“Traverse, Territory and the Ecological Uncanny,” Eighteenth-century Studies
Colloquium, Queen Mary, University of London, March
“Provincial Cosmopolitanism: Urban Culture and Small Towns in India,” Center
for Urban Studies, University of Leicester, Feb
“Words, Walls, and the Materiality of Civic Space,” School of Architecture,
Planning, and Landscape, Newcastle University, Feb
“Writing on the Wall: Public Space and the Body Politic,” Department of
Geography, Queen Mary, University of London, Feb
2010 “Visualizing the Body Politic,” Center for 21
Century Studies, University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Oct
“Towards a Genealogy of Suburbs in India,” International Planning History
Conference, Istanbul, July
“Mapping a Mobile Land: Landscape and Governance in Colonial India,” Nineteenth-
century Modernity Colloquium,” Indiana University, April
“Cities and Peripheries,” Emory University, April
2009 “Cities and Peripheries,” Plenary Lecture, Cities: 78
Anglo-American Conference,
Institute of Historical Research, University of London, July
“Unlearning the Indian City,” Keynote Address, Conference on South Asian Urban
History, Oberlin College, May
“Fungible Geographies: Spatial Dynamics of the Durgapuja in Calcutta” in panel
titled, Calcutta’s Modernities, American Association of Geographers Annual
Conference, Las Vegas, March
“Infra-structure,” Lecture Series on State, Space, and Citizenship: Indian Cities in
the Global Era, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March
“Politics, Planning, and Subjection: the Town Hall as Public Space in Colonial
Calcutta,” International Planning History Conference, Chicago, July
2008 “Democratic Spatial Imagination and Land Acquisition in Contemporary India,”
Workshop on Voice, Violence, Democracy, Northwestern University, June
“Elite Townhouses in Nineteenth-century Calcutta,” University College Dublin, May
“Area Studies and the Problem of Space,” Roundtable: “Japan in the World”:
Then & Now (1990/ 2008), organized by the Japanese Arts and Globalizations
Multi-campus Research Group, University of California, Santa Barbara, May
“The Art of the Vernacular, the Vernacular as Art,” Symposium in conjunction with
exhibition, Rhythms of India: The Art of Nandalal Bose (1882-1966), San Diego Museum
of Art, April
2007 “The Space of Popular Culture,” The Subaltern-Popular Faculty Workshop 3: Legibility
and Legitimacy, University of California, Santa Barbara, Nov
“The Charm of Empire: Cricket and Cultural Critique,” Ambiguous Geographies
Conference, University of California, Riverside, Oct
“The Art of Auto-mobility,” Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala,
Sweden, May
“Bourgeois Utopias? The Rhetoric of Globality in the New Suburban Landscape of
Calcutta,” Lund University, Sweden, April
2006 “The Art of Mobility,” Subaltern-Popular Faculty Workshop 2: Space, State, and
Statelessness, Nov
“Modernism in Calcutta,” Global Domesticities: Denationalizing the History of
Private Life, American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Jan
2005 “Depicting Sex, Translating History,” New South Asia Conference, University of
California, Davis, May
“Building in the Metro Pattern: Art Deco Architecture in Calcutta, 1920-1960,” Society
of Architectural Historians Conference, Vancouver, April
“Bourgeois Utopias? The Rhetoric of Globality in the New Suburban Landscape of
Calcutta,” Vernacular Architecture Forum Annual Meeting, Tucson, April
2004 “Subalternity and Culture,” Cultural Studies and Gender Research Focus Group,
University of California, Santa Barbara, Dec
“Contours of the Obscene, Architectures of the Visible,” Symposium titled “Monumental
History: Photography and the Making of National Memory in India,” in conjunction with
exhibition, Traces of India: Photography, Architecture, and the Politics of
Representation, 1850-1900, University of California, Los Angeles, June
2003 “Inciting Space: Representing the Culture of Protest in Calcutta c. 1905,” City One
Conference, New Delhi, Jan
“Spaces of Terror, Erotics of Knowledge,” South Asian Languages Association Annual
Conference, San Diego, Dec
2002 “Elite Bengali Spatial Practice in Nineteenth-century Calcutta,” The City and the Archive,
Center for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, March
2001 “Translating Architecture: Classical Vocabulary and Spatial Politics in Nineteenth-
century Calcutta,” Department of Art History, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, Oct
“The Space of Architecture,” Spring Lectures, Public History Program, University of
California, Santa Barbara, May
2000 “Rethinking the Spatial Problematic,” Society of Architectural Historians Conference,
Miami, April
1999 “Teaching Urban History,” Society of Architectural Historians Conference, Houston,
“Translating Architecture,” Cultural Analysis Colloquium, University of
California, Santa Barbara, Feb
1998 “Inside-Out: Public Space and the Speech Culture of the Bengali Middle-class in
Nineteenth-century Calcutta,” Conference on South Asia, Madison, Oct
“Inhabiting Hybridity: Colonial Architecture in Nineteenth-century Calcutta,” College
Art Association Conference, Toronto, Feb
1997 “Excavating Gendered Spaces in Nineteenth-century Calcutta,” National Women for
Historic Preservation Conference, Tempe, April
1996 “The Prospect of Calcutta: from Picturesque Paintings to Health Maps,” Society of
Architectural Historians Conference, St. Louis, April
“A Critical History of Architecture in a Post-colonial World,” Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture Conference, Boston, March
1994 “Drawing Socio-spatial Boundaries -- Privacy and the Public Domain in Nineteenth-
century Calcutta,” South Asian Conference, University of California, Berkeley, Feb
“Nineteenth-century British Attitudes Towards Calcutta and Bombay,” International
Association of Person-Environment Studies Conference, Manchester, June
2018 Co-organizer, Symposium “Mapping Urban Materiality,” University of
California, Santa Barbara, May
Co-organizer, “Architecture History Redefined: Celebrating the Scholarship of
Dell Upton,” Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, CCNY, April
2017 “Gardens and Territorial Sovereignty in Colonial India,” Object-Handling
Workshop, The British Library, April
Conversation with Maya Lin, University of California, Santa Barbara, Jan
2015 Participant, Workshop on “Multiple Modernities,” Carleton University, Ottawa,
2014 Curatorial Advisor, Exhibition titled, “Bollywood 101: The Visual Culture of
Indian Cinema,” Art, Design, and Architecture Museum, University of California,
Santa Barbara, Oct
Organizer, Conference titled, “Popular Futures: Affect, Action, Archive,”
Subaltern-Popular Workshop, Feb
2013 Co-chair (with Shalini Kakar) and Discussant, “South Asia Visual Culture, View
from Below?” South Asia Conference, Madison, Oct
Curatorial Advisor, Exhibition titled, “Conjuring India: British Views of the
Subcontinent, 1780-1870,” Davidson Library, University of California, Santa
Barbara, Aug-Dec
2012 Chair and Discussant, Panel on “Urban Infrastructure,” Urban History
Association Conference, New York, Oct
Participant, International Workshop, “Starlets and Starchitecture,” York
University, Toronto, March
2011 Panelist, “Critical Conversations in the Humanities,” Workshop organized by UC
Humanities Research Institute, Beirut, March
2010 Discussant, Panel on “Urbanism in India,” Urban History Association
Conference, Las Vegas, Oct
Co-chair (with Jeremy White), Panel titled, “Democratic Transformations, Cities,
and Civic Design: Promises and Limits of Town Halls as Public Space,”
International Planning History Conference, Istanbul, July
2009 Discussant, Graduate Student Colloquium, East Asian Studies Program, University of
California, Santa Barbara, June
Chair and organizer, panel titled, “Suburbs in South Asia,” Society of Architectural
Historians Annual Meeting, Pasadena, April
Organizer, Subaltern-Popular Faculty Workshop 5: Occupation, April
2008 Panelist, “Future of the Field,” Buildings--Landscapes--Cultures Program, University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, May
Moderator, Roundtable on “Insurgency,” Subaltern-Popular Faculty Workshop 4:
“Techniques of Mobilization,” University of California, Santa Barbara, Sep
Organizer, Subaltern-Popular Faculty Workshop 4: “Techniques of Mobilization,”
University of California, Santa Barbara, Sep
Organizer, Subaltern-Popular Dissertation Workshop 3, Sep
Co-chair and Organizer of roundtable (with Jeremy White), “Planning Civic Pride: City
Halls and Spatial Politics,” International Planning History Conference, Chicago, July
Moderator, “Imported Planning Images,” International Planning History Conference,
Chicago, July
Organizer, International Conference: “Democracy by Force?,” Cairo, March
2007 Organizer, Subaltern-Popular Faculty Workshop 3: “Legitimacy and Legibility,”
University of California, Santa Barbara, Nov
Organizer, Subaltern-Popular Dissertation Workshop 2, University of California, Santa
Barbara, Sep
Discussant, Global Cities Conference, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala,
Sweden, May
2006 Organizer, Subaltern-Popular Faculty Workshop 2: “Space, State, and Statelessness,”
University of California, Santa Barbara, Nov
Organizer, Subaltern-Popular Dissertation Workshop 1, University of California, Santa
Barbara, Oct
Organizer, Subaltern-Popular Faculty Workshop 1: “The Body,” University of California,
Santa Barbara, April
2005 Discussant, “The Space Between: The Cartographic Imagination of Japanese
Modernism,” University of California, Berkeley, Oct
Organizer (with Bhaskar Sarkar), Conference titled, “The Subaltern and the Popular II –
Re-visioning Analytic Frames,University of California, Santa Barbara, Oct
2004 Co-organizer, Conference titled, “On the Edges of Development”, University of
California, Santa Barbara, Dec
Organizer (with Bhaskar Sarkar), Conference titled, “The Subaltern and the Popular,”
University of California, Santa Barbara, Nov
2003 Discussant, Panel on “Streets, Pathways, Passages, and Highways,” 18
Annual South
Asia Conference, University of California, Berkeley, Feb
2001 Faculty Advisor, Dissertation Workshop, Getty Research Center, Los Angeles, Feb
2000 Chair and organizer, Panel titled, “Between Text and Space,” Society of Architectural
Historians Conference, Miami, April
1999 Discussant, Panel on “Domestic Space in South Asia,” South Asia Conference,
University of California, Berkeley, Feb
Discussant, Panel on “Cyber Cities,” Cultural Turns 2 Conference, University of
California, Santa Barbara, Feb
1994 Organizer, Panel on “Public Space in Nineteenth-century Calcutta,” South Asian
Conference, University of California, Berkeley, Feb
UNIVERSITY SERVICE, University of California, Santa Barbara
2016-19 Member, Program Review Panel
2018-19 Departmental Diversity Representative, Graduate Division
2017-18 Member, Search Committee for Latin-American Art Historian, Department of
History of Art and Architecture
2016-18 Graduate Advisor, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Chair, Graduate Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Executive Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
2011-15 Chair, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Chair, Executive Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Chair, Outreach and Development Committee, Department of History of Art and
Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Graduate Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Architecture, Urbanism, and Visual Culture of the Ancient World
Search, 2014
Member, Art and Architecture of the Medieval World Search, 2014
2013-15 Co-chair, Lecture Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
2010-11 Chair, FTE Planning Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
2009-12 Co-chair, Senior Women’s Council
2009-11 Member, Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (CACSW)
2009-10 Chair, Committee on Tuition for Non-national Graduate Students, Academic
Member, Graduate Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
2007-10 Member, Committee on International Education, Academic Senate
Co-Chair, Committee on International Education, Academic Senate, Spring 2009
2008-12 Member, Senior Women’s Council
2008-09 Member, Graduate Council, Academic Senate
2007-08 Graduate Admissions Advisor, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Graduate Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
2003-06 Member, Advisory Committee, Women, Culture, and Development Program
2004-06 Graduate Advisor, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Executive Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
2003-04 Chair, Curriculum Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Chair, Lecture Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Graduate Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
2002-03 Member, Search Committee for Asian Art Historian
Member, Graduate Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
2001-05 Member, Executive Committee, South Asian Studies
2001-02 Chair, Lecture Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
1998-99 Member, Graduate Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center Committee on “Post-colonialism
and the Arts”
Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of History of Art and Architecture
Member, Search Committee for Modern Art Historian, Department of History of
Art and Architecture
Undergraduate Lecture Courses:
The City in History
The Landscape of Colonialism
Nineteenth-century Architecture
Twentieth-century Architecture
Modern Indian Visual Culture
Housing American Cultures
Survey of Architecture and Planning
Undergraduate Seminars:
Modern Architecture and Popular Culture
Architecture and Nature
Freshman Seminars:
Experiencing Architecture
The Sex of Architecture
Graduate Seminars:
Methods in the History of Art and Architecture (Proseminar)
Empire, City, and Material Culture
Urbanism, Colonialism, and Subalternity
The Infrastructure of Modernity
The Subaltern and the Popular
History, Nature, Space
Spatial Culture
The City as Material Culture
Anatomy of Spatial Conflict
After the Hegemony of the West
Postcolonial Theory
Colonial Space/Postcolonial Theory
Alison Fraunhar, George Flaherty, Lucia Ricciardelli, Shalini Kakar, Mahlon
Chute, Mira Rai Waits, Wencheng Yan, Anna Myjak-Pycia (History of Art and
Current students:
Mallorie Chase, Benjamin Jameson-Ellsmore (History of Art and Architecture)
Committee Member:
Lynne Horiuchi, Amy Buono, Briana Bricker, Briana Simmons, Julianne Gavino
(History of Art and Architecture)
Sarah McLemore (English)
Joshua Neves, Athena Tan (Film and Media Studies)
Current students:
Laura Dizerega, J.V. Decemvirale, Holly Gore, Maggie Mansfield, Mallory
Baskett, Samira Fathi (History of Art and Architecture)
Committee Chair:
Ruth Miller, Alexandra Schultz, Ashleigh Lynch, Samira Fathi, Taylor Van
Doorne (History of Art and Architecture)
Kim Monte, Anne Peterson (History)
Karen Bishop, Earl Perez-Foust (Comparative Literature)
Committee Member:
Alison Fraunhar, Kelly Turner, Mallorie Chase, Mallory Baskett, Benjamin
Jameson-Ellsmore (History of Art and Architecture)
Committee Chair:
Linda Teasdale, Mahlon Chute, George Flaherty, Mira Rai Waits, Andrea
McKenna, Samantha Chang, Briana Simmons, Wencheng Yan, Melina Gooray
(History of Art and Architecture)
Committee Member:
Alison Fraunhar, Cody Hartley, Amy Buono, Briana Bricker, Jing Cao (History of
Art and Architecture)