Patient Label
Please return the completed form to the patient’s physician office or primary care doctor, or the Health
Information Management Department. Completed forms should be scanned into the patient’s medical
record and proxy access established once identity has been verified.
Proxy Access and Authorization Form
Access to a Child, Teen, or Adult
Cedars-Sinai, My CS-Link Record
This form should be completed by a parent or permanent legal guardian (“Proxy”) who
wants to request access to another patient’s (or your child’s) My CS-Link Record. The
Proxy will need to show a photo ID and/or relevant legal or court documents asserting
their right to make such request.
Please complete all pages of this Proxy Access and Authorization Form. Access to the
child, teen or adult’s My CS- Link Record will be through your My CS-Link Account.
Select one (1) from the following Proxy Access options and follow the instructions with
that section(s).
Child Proxy- If the patient is a minor between the ages of 0-11, Proxy will be
granted full access to the minor patient’s My CS-Link Record until the child
reaches age 12. The day before the 12
birthday of the patient, all proxy access
is automatically switched to no access. Complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of this
Teen Proxy- If the patient is a minor between the ages of 12-17, Proxy access is
limited to ensure privacy for our patients in accordance with the California
Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) State Laws around adolescent
confidentiality rights. For example, Proxy will not have access to certain aspects
like teen’s medical notes or test results, but can view teen’s upcoming visits with
all providers and message providers on behalf of teen. The day before the 18
birthday of the patient, all proxy access is automatically revoked and new proxy
access must be pursued to re-establish proxy access, if the patient desires.
Complete sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this form.
Adult Proxy and Proxy Access for Minor Patient with Legal Authority to
Consent - If the patient is an adult (18 or older) OR minor patient is
emancipated, married, self-sufficient, on active duty with Armed Forces, or
otherwise has legal authority to consent for self, consent from the patient or
permanent legal guardian is required for Proxy access to the patient’s full My CS-
Link record. Complete sections 1 and 4 for this form.
Proxy Access for Patients Without Decision-Making Capacity- Consent from
the permanent legal guardian is required to access the patient’s My CS-Link
record. Complete sections 1, 2, and 3 for this form. The patient's physician
should complete the Physician Certification section of this form.
Patient Label
Please return the completed form to the patient’s physician office or primary care doctor, or the Health
Information Management Department. Completed forms should be scanned into the patient’s medical
record and proxy access established once identity has been verified.
Section 1: Parent/Permanent Legal Guardian (“Proxy”) Information
In order to view the patient’s information, the Proxy must also obtain their own My CS-
Link account.
Proxy’s Name: __________________________ DOB: _______________________
Last Four SS#: __________________________ Phone: _______________________
Street Address: _________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ___________________
Relationship to Patient: _______________________
Note: Legal documents may be required, e.g. power of attorney for healthcare, court
order, etc.
Section 2: Patient’s Name: (Please print clearly)
If you have more than one patient for whom you would like proxy access, please print
and complete another form.
Patient’s Name: ____________________________ DOB: __________________
Medical Record Number (if known): _____________ Phone: __________________
Street Address: _________________________________________________________
City: ________________________State: ___________ Zip: _____________________
Section 3: User Acknowledgment of Terms and Conditions for Use of Cedars-
Sinai My CS-Link Record.
By signing below, I acknowledge and agree that as the Proxy:
1. I will be using my own My CS-Link account to access the patient’s, for whom I
am requesting proxy access, My CS-Link account.
Patient Label
Please return the completed form to the patient’s physician office or primary care doctor, or the Health
Information Management Department. Completed forms should be scanned into the patient’s medical
record and proxy access established once identity has been verified.
2. I will comply with the terms and conditions on the My CS-Link web page (located
at, then select the Terms and Conditions link on the
page) and this document.
3. I will keep my password confidential and not share this information with anyone.
4. I must have parental rights or permanent legal guardianship rights or the patient’s
consent to access this patient’s record.
5. I have not been denied periods of physical placement with the patient and there
are no court orders or restraining orders in effect limiting my access to this
patient’s medical records and/or information.
6. Communications on behalf of the patient through My CS-Link must be sent from
the patient’s record and responses will be received in the patient’s record.
7. There are age range limitations for My CS-Link. These age range limitations do
not affect any legal right I have to access the patient’s record by other means.
Furthermore, I understand that Cedars-Sinai My CS-Link Chart does not reflect
the complete contents of the medical record, and I can request a paper copy of
the patient’s record by contacting the Health Information Department at 310-423-
8. For a patient age 0 to 11 years, I will be granted full access to the patient’s My
CS-Link record. On the patient’s 12th birthday, I will no longer have access to
the patient’s My CS-Link record.
9. For a patient 12-17 years, I will be granted limited access due to California State
confidentiality laws specific to teen patients. On the patient’s 18
birthday, I will
no longer have access to the patient’s My CS-Link record.
10. I authorize the Use or Disclosure of Electronic Protected Health Information.
11. I understand that access to Cedars-Sinai My-CS Link Record is provided by
Cedars-Sinai as a convenience to its patients and that Cedars- Sinai has the
right to deactivate access to My CS--Link Record at any time for any reason. I
understand that the use of My CS-Link Record is voluntary and that I am not
required to use Cedars-Sinai or to authorize My CS Link proxy. Cedars-Sinai
reserves the right to revoke online access to My CS-Link at any time.
12. I understand that in some cases lab/test results will be released without prior
provider review or without prior consultation between patient and the health care
13. If my legal status changes, I will notify Cedars-Sinai Health Information
Department at 310-423-2259.
X___________________________/______________________ /__________________
Proxy Signature Proxy Name-Printed Date
Patient Label
Please return the completed form to the patient’s physician office or primary care doctor, or the Health
Information Management Department. Completed forms should be scanned into the patient’s medical
record and proxy access established once identity has been verified.
Section 4: This section is an authorization that will allow Cedars-Sinai to release
your health information to your designated adult proxy. This form should be
completed by the patient who is authorizing another person to access the health
information in his or her My CS-Link Record.
Patient Name: _____________________________ DOB: ____________________
Last Four of SS#: __________________________ Phone: ____________________
Street Address: _________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ___________________
I hereby authorize Cedars-Sinai to grant access to all my health information in My CS
Link Record. This may include sensitive information.
Proxy Representative __________________________ DOB: __________________
Last Four of SS#: _____________________________ Phone: _________________
Street Address: _________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: ___________ Zip: __________________
Relationship to me: _______________________
Notice/Restriction: California law prohibits the Proxy Representative from making
further disclosure of your health information unless the recipient obtains another
authorization from you or unless the disclosure is permitted by law. This protection may
not extend to recipients outside the state of California. This authorization does NOT
allow my Proxy Representative to (1) make health care decisions of my behalf OR (2)
access my health information other than via My CS-Link online.
Your rights/Expiration of Authorization:
As the patient/patient representative, you have the right to request a copy of this
Unless otherwise revoked, the authorization for My CS Link Record Access shall be
valid for 5 years or until terminated by the patient or Proxy electronically or in writing. I
Patient Label
Please return the completed form to the patient’s physician office or primary care doctor, or the Health
Information Management Department. Completed forms should be scanned into the patient’s medical
record and proxy access established once identity has been verified.
may refuse to sign the authorization at any time electronically or in writing. If written, the
revocation must be signed by me or in my behalf and sent to the Health Information
Management Department via mail, fax, or email.
Mail to: Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Health Information Management Department,
8700 Beverly Blvd., Room 2901, Los Angeles, CA 90048
The revocation is effective upon receipt but will have no impact on uses or disclosures
made while the authorization was valid.
By signing below, I authorize the My CS-Link access disclosure and I read, understand
and agree to the My CS-Link Terms and Conditions.
Patient Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________________
For Official Use:
1. I have given a photocopy of the signed My CS-Link Authorization document to the
2. I have viewed the Proxy’s government-issued ID on _________________by
Signature of Cedars-Sinai Staff _______________________
Printed Name of Cedars-Sinai Staff _______________________
Patient Name: ______________________ Patient DOB: ______________
Patient MRN (optional): _______________
Patient Label
Please return the completed form to the patient’s physician office or primary care doctor, or the Health
Information Management Department. Completed forms should be scanned into the patient’s medical
record and proxy access established once identity has been verified.
Physician Certification
Based on information provided to me**, I have determined that it is appropriate for the
Proxy to have access to the patient’s My CS-Link account for purposes relevant to the
Proxy’s role as a caregiver of the patient. This information may include a health care
directive previously signed by the patient/legal guardian or other information available to
me, together with my determination of the patient’s lack of medical decision-making
Physician Signature Physician Name (printed) Date Time
** Comments on Physician Certification
There are a variety of circumstances in which an adult would be making decisions for a
patient who lacks medical decision-making capacity. The physician will need to
determine whether it is proper for an adult to be given proxy access to a patient’s My
CS-Link account if the patient lacks the capacity to provide authorization for the access.
The following are observations for guidance.
1. If the patient, at a time when he or she had decision-making capacity, completed a
form of legal authorization to make health care decisions for the patient such as an
advanced health care directive or health care power of attorney, the agent (“Agent”)
named in that document may be given proxy access if the patient has lost decision-
making capacity. (Be sure to review the document to confirm the authority given).
2. Often the agent does not live near the patient and the agent has delegated day-to-
day caregiving responsibility to a local caregiver. In such cases, the agent would need
to authorize the release of health information to the local caregiver using authorization
forms compliant with federal and California law. Forms are available at www.cedars- For patients of Cedars-Sinai Medical Group, please visit Upon receipt of the authorization,
the physician should be comfortable giving proxy access.
3. If the physician has an established relationship with the patient, has determined the
patient lacks decision-making capacity, and the same caregiver is the clinical decision-
maker, it may be appropriate for the physician to approve proxy access for that
4. If the patient’s capacity to make clinical decisions returns, this proxy access should
be terminated.