This paper presents preliminary findings and is being distributed to economists
and other interested readers solely to stimulate discussion and elicit comments.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal
Reserve System. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the authors.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Staff Reports
Monetary Policy, Financial Conditions, and
Financial Stability
Tobias Adrian
Nellie Liang
Staff Report No. 690
March 2016
Revised December 2016
Monetary Policy, Financial Conditions, and Financial Stability
Tobias Adrian and Nellie Liang
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 690
September 2014; revised December 2016
JEL classification: E52, G01, G28
We review a growing literature that incorporates endogenous risk premiums and risk
taking in the conduct of monetary policy. Accommodative policy can create an inter-
temporal trade-off between improving current financial conditions and increasing future
financial vulnerabilities. In the United States, structural and cyclical macroprudential
tools to reduce vulnerabilities at banks are being implemented, but these may not be
sufficient because activities can migrate and there are limited tools for nonbank
intermediaries or for borrowers. While monetary policy itself can influence
vulnerabilities, its efficacy as a tool will depend on the costs of tighter policy on activity
and inflation. We highlight how adding a risk-taking channel to traditional transmission
channels could significantly alter a cost-benefit calculation for using monetary policy,
and that considering risks to financial stabilityas downside risks to employmentis
consistent with the dual mandate.
Key words: risk-taking channel of monetary policy, monetary policy transmission,
monetary policy rules, financial stability, financial conditions, macroprudential policy,
leaning against the wind
Adrian: Federal Reserve Bank of New York (e-mail: to[email protected]). Liang: Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve (e-mail: [email protected]ov). The authors thank Raymond
Lee and Benjamin Mills for excellent research assistance and Stijn Claessens, Fernando Duarte,
Rochelle Edge, Thomas Eisenbach, William English, Simon Gilchrist, Luca Guerrieri, Harrison
Hong, Michael Kiley, Andreas Lehnert, Jamie McAndrews, Frank Packer, Jeremy Stein, Lars
Svensson, Skander Van den Heuvel, Michael Woodford, and an anonymous referee for helpful
comments. The views expressed in the paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Board of Governors, or the
Federal Reserve System.
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Conceptual Framework for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability ........................................................ 3
3. Monetary Policy Transmission and Financial Stability .............................................................................. 5
A. Nonfinancial Sector .............................................................................................................................. 5
B. Asset Markets ...................................................................................................................................... 7
B. Banking Sector ................................................................................................................................... 10
C. Shadow Banking ................................................................................................................................. 11
4. Macroprudential Policies ........................................................................................................................ 13
A. Nonfinancial Sector ............................................................................................................................. 14
B. Asset Markets ..................................................................................................................................... 15
C. Banking Sector .................................................................................................................................... 16
D. Shadow Banking ................................................................................................................................. 17
5. Interactions between Macroprudential and Monetary Policies ............................................................. 19
6. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Using Monetary Policy to Lean Against the Wind ........................................... 22
A. Increase in Unemployment ................................................................................................................ 24
B. Probability of Crisis ............................................................................................................................. 26
C. Elasticity of Crisis Probability .............................................................................................................. 27
D. The Risk Taking Channel in the Cost-Benefit Analysis ........................................................................ 27
7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Literature .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Tables .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
1. Introduction
Monetary policy works by affecting financial conditions. This paper addresses how monetary policy also
affects financial stability, and the roles for macroprudential and monetary policies for reducing risks to
financial stability. A growing body of research indicates that accommodative monetary policy given
financial frictions can increase risks to financial stability by leading to buildups of financial vulnerabilities,
which can increase future downside risks to the real economy.
In particular, recent research is
advancing on how accommodative monetary policy affects financial vulnerabilities, such as excess credit
of households and businesses, compressed risk premiums for asset prices, and high leverage or maturity
transformation at financial intermediaries. In addition, because accommodative policy can create an
inter-temporal tradeoff between improving current financial conditions at a cost of increasing future
financial vulnerabilities, consideration should be given to risks to financial stability in the setting of
monetary policy. How it should be considered will depend on its relative effectiveness and interactions
with macroprudential policies.
In this paper, we provide a broad review of transmission channels of monetary policy through financial
conditions and financial vulnerabilities, and document a significant role for monetary policy in the
buildup of financial vulnerabilities. Financial frictions such as asymmetric information have been
foundational for macro models that include credit cycles and the effects of asset prices on collateral
values and borrowing constraints. Other financial frictions that could result in vulnerabilities include
agency costs, institutional investor sticky nominal return targets, and financial firms’ risk models and
limited liability. Moreover, individual borrowers and lenders might not have incentives to take into
account their effects on aggregate debt when they make their own private decisions. These financial
frictions can lead to an inter-temporal tradeoff between financial conditions and financial stability for
setting monetary policy, where loose financial conditions based on time-varying risk premia in asset
prices and risk taking by borrowers and lenders could lead to higher future vulnerabilities that make the
system more prone to amplify negative shocks.
Macroprudential policiesboth structural through-the-cycle and cyclical time-varyingare usually
viewed as the primary tools to mitigate vulnerabilities and promote financial stability. These regulatory
and supervisory tools, such as bank capital requirements or sector-specific loan-to-value ratios, may be
used to lean against the wind by tightening financial conditions in a targeted way, and to shore up the
resilience of the financial system to possible adverse shocks, such as the bursting of an asset bubble.
Monetary policy works similarly to lean against the wind, though it is not targeted. It may be less
efficient than macroprudential policy if the financial vulnerability is narrow. In addition, it does not
directly increase resilience in the same way that higher capital at banks can. These considerations
support the current prevailing approach of a clear separation in responsibilities: Monetary policy should
Financial conditions refer to broad funding conditions, including risk premia for risky assets above the risk-free
term structure. When financial frictions are present, policy may need to be set tighter or easier than neutral to
achieve an optimal policy outcome. Accommodative policy refers to a stance of monetary policy that is more
expansionary than would be the case in the absence of financial frictions.
focus on the inflation-real activity trade-off, and conditional on the stance of monetary policy,
macroprudential policy should be used to mitigate vulnerabilities to achieve an acceptable level of
systemic risk.
Proponents of an alternative non-separable approach point to the effects that monetary policy has on
financial vulnerabilities in addition to financial conditions. They also would point out that
macroprudential policies may have limited reach to regulated financial firms, and restricting their
activities may simply push the activities into a non-prudentially regulated sector. In the U.S., this sector
is extensive: nonfinancial credit market debt held by nonbank financial firms greatly exceeds debt held
by banks (Figure 1 and Adrian, Covitz, and Liang, 2015). Debt held by nonbanks, which includes
securitizations and entities funded by short-term liabilities, hit a peak in 2008 at over 100 percent of
GDP, larger than the debt held by banks.
In contrast to macroprudential policies, monetary policy will affect costs for all borrowers and lenders
it “gets in all the cracks” (Stein, 2014). Moreover, monetary policy is less subject to the criticism that
regulators are making non-market credit allocation decisions. Relatedly, monetary and macroprudential
policies should not be separated given their similar transmission channels to the real economy through
asset prices, credit, and financial intermediation, and the policy stance of one affects the effectiveness
of the other.
The clean separation view is supported by cost-benefit analysis of “lean against the wind” policy in
Svensson (2016). In that framework, the costs of monetary policy to lean against the wind are a higher
unemployment rate in the current period, and the benefits are reduced borrowing by households which
leads to a lower probability of a financial crisis in the future, an explicit recognition of an inter-temporal
tradeoff. He concludes the costs greatly exceed the benefits, based on parameters from the Swedish
economy on credit growth to monetary policy, and estimates of the probability of a crisis based on
Schularick and Taylor (2012). Ajello, López-Salido, Laubach, Nakada (2015) allow for monetary policy to
reduce the probability of a crisis in a DSGE model, and they find some role for adjusting monetary policy
based on the US economy, but by very little given the probability and the elasticity with respect to
monetary policy is small. Gourio, Kashyap, and Sim (2016) examine the welfare implications for using
monetary policy to lean against the wind, and derive positive net benefits when the costs of financial
crises lead to plausibly large permanent losses in output.
Our paper is a contribution to this debate. We provide a review of current research on the effects of
monetary policy on financial vulnerabilities through an endogenous increase in risk-taking, channels not
typically considered in traditional macro models. This review creates a strong case against the
conclusion that the costs of a lean against the wind policy would always greatly exceed the benefits.
We then review the research on roles for macroprudential and monetary policy to mitigate
vulnerabilities, including the limitations of macroprudential policies in market-based financial systems.
Finally, we present analysis of the costs and benefits of using monetary policy to lean against the wind,
by using Svensson’s (2016) cost-benefit framework. We use this framework because it offers a very
transparent way to highlight some key assumptions which are critical to estimating the net cost-
benefits, specifically about the severity of a crisis, the likelihood of a crisis, and its sensitivity to
monetary policy if monetary policy is used pre-emptively. While we show the net cost calculation is
sensitive to assumptions, the primary objective of the analysis is to highlight that more research is
needed to better quantify the magnitude of monetary policy on financial vulnerabilities through asset
prices and endogenous risk-taking.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section two provides a conceptual framework for
the relationship between monetary policy, financial conditions, and financial vulnerabilities, also
considering macroprudential policy. Section three reviews recent literature on the transmission
channels of monetary policy, particularly focusing on the potential buildup of financial vulnerabilities,
using the financial stability monitoring framework described by Adrian, Covitz, Liang (2015), as
summarized in Table 1. It focuses on specific financial vulnerabilitiesA) pricing of risk, B) leverage, C)
maturity and liquidity transformation, and D) interconnectedness and complexityacross four sectors
1) asset markets, 2) the banking sector, 3) shadow banking, and 4) the nonfinancial sector. Section four
discusses how financial vulnerabilities can be addressed with macroprudential policy tools, section five
reviews papers that consider the interactions of macroprudential and monetary policies. Section six
provides the cost-benefit analysis. Section seven concludes.
[Insert Table 1]
2. Conceptual Framework for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
This section describes in more detail the framework for an inter-temporal tradeoff between financial
conditions and financial vulnerabilities for monetary policy. This tradeoff is typically not considered in
the literature on monetary policy. In traditional monetary policy settings, the inflation-real activity
tradeoff determines the stance of financial conditions. For example, in typical new Keynesian models,
the Taylor rulewhich describes the stance of monetary policy with respect to inflation and real
activityis derived by taking first order approximations around the steady state, thus explicitly
abstracting from downside risk considerations.
As discussed in detail in this paper, when financial intermediation is added to these models, interest rate
changes can also affect loan supply through credit market frictions, such as asymmetric information
between borrowers and lenders that gives rise to an external finance premium. The size of the external
finance premium depends on the balance sheet conditions of the borrower: When interest rates are
low and asset values rise, higher net worth of borrowers arising from higher collateral values eases
borrowing constraints and allows for excess credit accumulation. In addition, accommodative monetary
policy may lead to an increase in risk taking by financial institutions and investors: Low interest rates
could incent investors who have nominal return targets to reach for yield. Low rates could pressure
profit margins of banks and incent them to hold riskier assets, or higher asset values could lead them to
underestimate risk, given their risk-management models and limited liability corporate structures. Low
rates that boost asset values also may incent carry trades based on short term funding, often secured by
the assets, and allow for excessive maturity transformation. These channels for monetary policy lead to
an increase in vulnerabilities, leaving the financial system less resilient to adverse shocks, and hence
raising future risks to financial stability.
Cost-benefit analysis is a useful framework to contrast the traditional models with those that consider
financial intermediation. In traditional models without financial frictions, increases in credit would
reflect improved economic fundamentals, and the costs of using monetary policy to reduce credit and
the probability of a crisis would far exceed the benefits. But in models with financial intermediation and
frictions which lead to financial vulnerabilities, there may be net benefits to using monetary policy since
less credit and lower asset valuations could reduce the probability and severity of a future recession.
This framing highlights a few issues that are important for this paper. First, financial conditions and
financial stability are not the same. Declining asset prices and higher volatility due to downward
revisions to expected cash flows are a deterioration in financial conditions, not signs of financial
instability. A financial system that is performing its function to allocating capital, and without the
fragilities of borrowers or lenders to amplify revisions to the outlook, is a stable financial system. That is,
financial stability reflects a resilient financial system that is less likely to amplify adverse shocks; financial
instability arises when negative shocks are amplified by vulnerabilities, leading to nonlinear outcomes
and tail events.
In addition, monetary policy works through financial conditions on expected economic outcomes, but
risks to financial stability involve potential tail risks. The tail risks to future macroeconomic outcomes
manifest only in some states of the world, when adverse shocks are realized. These dimensions are
important because they greatly complicate efforts to incorporate financial stability in the determination
of monetary policy. Policymakers would need to look beyond expected conditions for downside risks
that arise with uncertain probability in the future. Thus such outcomes can be discounted readily, but
when they occur the consequences can be severe. Future downside risks are difficult to include in an
objective function.
The distinction between vulnerabilities and risks is a fundamental one. Vulnerabilities are the
amplification mechanisms which amplify adverse shocks. Risks are the realizations of adverse shocks.
While the dimensionality of risks is very highand risks are thus difficult to monitor and assessthe
assessment of vulnerabilities is more manageable. The paper thus focuses on the tradeoff between
financial conditions and financial vulnerabilities.
3. Monetary Policy Transmission and Financial Stability
This section reviews empirical and theoretical studies about the linkages between monetary policy,
financial conditions, and financial stability. As highlighted by Table 1, we could summarize the monetary
policy transmission channels either by four sectors of the financial system or by vulnerabilities. We
chose the former because existing studies are much more focused on sectors. In either case, however,
it is the combination of vulnerabilities across sectors that increase the potential for systemic risks, rather
than any individual category on its own. The monetary policy transmission channels in the four sectors
for financial conditions and vulnerabilities because of financial frictions can be summarized as follows
(see Table 2):
A. Nonfinancial sector: Easier monetary policy eases borrowing constraints and boosts credit
growth, but endogenous risk-taking of lenders can reduce underwriting quality and increase
debt burdens of borrowers who do not consider externalities of de-leveraging.
B. Asset markets: Easier monetary policy improves financial conditions by lowering the risk-free
term structure and increasing risky asset prices, but agency problems and investors’ reach for
yield behavior can lead to compressed risk premiums and a greater risk of a price reversal.
C. Banking sector: Easier monetary policy increases lending, but endogenous risk-taking and risk
shifting can lead to higher leverage of banks and broker-dealers, and greater loan supply.
D. Shadow banking: Easier monetary policy increases financial intermediation outside the banking
sector, but endogenous risk-taking and increasing asset prices can lead to higher leverage and
maturity transformation not backed by deposit insurance.
[Insert Table 2]
A. Nonfinancial Sector
Financial conditions
Easier monetary policy leads to an expansion of credit by encouraging borrowing at lower
interest rates. In macroeconomic models without financial sector frictions, credit growth represents an
increase in demand to finance household and business spending. The balance sheet channel is a
standard transmission channel for monetary policy, which emphasizes the impact of policy on the net
worth of borrowers when lenders face asymmetric information (the seminal contribution by Bernanke
and Gertler (1989) was further extended by Kiyotaki and Moore (1997), and Bernanke, Gertler and
Gilchrist (1999)). Empirical evidence on the balance sheet channel, often referred to as the “financial
accelerator,” is extensive. For example, Levin, Natalucci, and Zakrajšek (2004) find a sharp rise in
external finance premiums for businesses during the 2001 recession, and Iacoviello (2005) shows
changes in home equity affects household borrowing and spending by more than a conventional wealth
effect. Violations of loan covenants, which often are tied to the net worth of the borrower, may be a
mechanism through which monetary policy leads to cutbacks by firms in investment and employment
(Chava and Roberts, 2008; Falato and Liang, 2016).
Financial Stability
The literature generally finds that large shocks are needed for the financial accelerator to
matter. Furthermore, in the financial crisis of 2007-09, borrower balance sheet frictions alone were not
sufficient to explain the large observed amplification effects on the economy. As a result, the literature
has been evolving to add additional frictions to explain nonfinancial sector credit and its interactions
with other imbalances, including high asset valuations and fragile financial intermediaries.
Rapid private credit growth has been found to be a robust predictor of banking crises, and the
cumulative growth as reflected in the credit-to-GDP gap for the private nonfinancial sector is viewed as
a high quality (high signal-to-noise) indicator for the likelihood of financial instability (see Borio and
Lowe (2002), Borio, Drehmann, Tsatsaronis (2011)). Borio and Lowe (2002) suggest it is the interaction
of credit and asset prices that is most costly to the economy when a credit boom unwinds, and that this
combination may be a byproduct of strong demand pressures from accommodative monetary policy in a
low inflation environment when monetary policy is focused solely on price stability.
Excess credit may also arise because borrowers do not consider the externalities when making their
individual borrowing decisions. Lorenzoni (2008) generates excessive borrowing ex ante and excess
volatility in investment ex post, due in part to limited ability to commit to future payments. Borrowers
have limited access to outside funds, so they are forced to fire-sell assets when they are hit by bad
shocks. Inefficiencies arise because borrowers do not consider the general equilibrium of fire sales on
asset prices. Korinek and Simsek (2016) in a model of deleveraging, show that borrowers do not take
into account the negative externalities of leverage on aggregate demand when they make their own
borrowing decisions, which leads to excessive credit. In their model, tighter monetary policy could be
used to address aggregate demand externalities caused by leverage.
Target rates of return that lead to “reach for yield” or risk management practices based on past volatility
could also lead to excess private credit. Accommodative monetary policy in these situations could lead
to lower risk premiums and increased risk-taking at lenders (as discussed below), and more credit at
riskier borrowers. For example, Becker and Ivashina (2015) document that insurance companies’ reach
for yield behavior is more pronounced during economic expansions, which they can test because credit
ratings used to determine requirements are imperfect measures of risk. They also find greater bond
issuance by riskier nonfinancial corporations with more pronounced reach for yield by insurance firms,
suggesting ex post greater systematic risk and volatility).
Whether the monetary policy transmission channel to excess credit is direct or indirect through financial
intermediaries, the consequences of a forced unwind of excess private-sector credit are substantial.
Jorda, Schularick, and Taylor (2013) in a cross-section study show that excess credit growth in the period
preceding a business cycle peak tend to be associated with more severe recessions, in both normal
recessions and those associated with financial crises. In a study of private nonfinancial credit in the U.S.,
Aikman, Lehnert, Liang, and Modugno (2016) find in a threshold VAR analysis that the implications of
greater financial conditions (investor risk appetite) and the credit-to-GDP gap depend on whether the
credit gap is above or below its trend. When it is below trend, looser financial conditions lead to a
sustained economic expansion and modest increase in the credit gap. However, when the gap is above
trend, looser financial conditions lead initially to an expansion, but over time lead to a sharp increase in
an already-high credit gap, which sets the stage for an unwind and a recession.
In the household sector, Mian and Sufi (2009) show that a rise in household leverage measured at the
county level, likely due to an increase in the supply of credit, is a strong predictor of recession severity.
Mian and Sufi (2012) suggest that lower demand driven by the deterioration in household balance
sheets is responsible for a large share of job losses during 2007-09. For businesses, those that are more
leveraged are forced to make larger cuts in investment and employment upon default or loan covenant
violations (Opler and Titman, 1984; Chava and Roberts, 2008; Falato and Liang, 2016).
Credit stresses at households and businesses also can lead to mounting losses at financial institutions.
Such losses that impair capital adequacy of regulated banks and shadow banks can restrict credit
availability and further reduce aggregate demand through an adverse feedback loop in which less
aggregate demand reduces the value of collateral and makes it more difficult for the nonfinancial sector
to service their debt, further increasing losses to the financial sector (He and Krishnamurthy, 2012c,
Brunnermeier and Sannikov, 2014a).
B. Asset Markets
Financial Conditions
The most direct transmission channel of monetary policy is via the expected path of future short
rates. Monetary policy also impacts the pricing of risky assets, such as in equity, credit, housing, and
other risky asset markets, through expected cash flows and risk premia. Bernanke and Kuttner (2005)
document that positive monetary policy surprises generate negative stock returns, not mostly through
the effects on real rates but through its effects on expected returns or expected future dividends. In
addition, others have shown that easing of monetary policy tends to reduce credit risk premiums on
corporate bonds (Greenwood and Hanson, 2012; Gertler and Karadi, 2013; Gilchrist, López-Salido,
Zakrajšek, 2015). Bekaert, Hoerova, and Lo Duca (2013) find based on the dynamics of the VIX that
tightening shocks lead to increases in investor risk aversion.
Moreover, a number of studies document that the majority of movements in asset prices reflects
movements in the equilibrium compensation for risk. For example, the time variation in Treasury
returns primarily is due to changes in the pricing of risk rather than to changes in expectations of future
short rates (see Campbell and Shiller, 1984, Cochrane and Piazzesi, 2005, Cochrane, 2011). Similarly, the
majority of variation in credit spreads is due to investors’ compensation for the risk of potential credit
losses in the future rather than expected losses (see e.g., Elton, Gruber, Agrawal, and Mann, 2001, and
Huang and Huang, 2012). For equity prices and house prices, valuation measures such as the dividend
payout or the price-to-rent ratio tend to exhibit swings that are larger than can be explained by
fundamentals (see Campbell and Shiller, 1988 for equity returns, and Case and Shiller, 2003, and
Campbell, Davis, Gallin, Martin, 2009 for house prices).
But the link from monetary policy to asset prices does not necessarily suggest that loose policy increases
risks to financial stability. For that to happen, compression in risk premiums must be accompanied with
a buildup of other financial imbalances. We turn to a discussion of these issues next.
Financial Stability
High valuation levels in asset markets are a financial vulnerability if combined with leverage and
maturity transformation of financial sector lenders or high credit of nonfinancial borrowers that could
lead to an asymmetric unwinding of risk premiums.
Of course, it is difficult to assess in real time when
valuation levels are excessive, this can only be judged by historical standards using asset pricing models.
For example, in the run-up of equity market valuations in the late 1990s, many argued that the very high
price-earnings ratios were justified by a structural break in productivity. Similarly, in the run-up of
house prices in the early-to-mid 2000s, many argued that high price-to-rent ratios were sustainable
because of improved credit intermediation technologies and less volatile household income. In our
monitoring approach, high valuations that are supported by structural breaks, because “this time is
different,” would represent a vulnerability that warrants additional attention. In particular, rather than
focusing on whether or not valuation levels can be justified, the focus should be on potential systemic
consequences if prices were to fall. Asset pricing models for interest rates, credit products, real estate,
and equities are needed to assess valuations and are an important first step in assessing overall system
Accommodative monetary policy combined with financial frictions may lead to high valuations and
compressed risk premiums for financial assets for a number of reasons. Rajan (2005, 2006) argues that
low interest rates can lead to compressed risk premiums because they increase the incentives for
investors to “reach for yield.” This incentive arises because some investors operate with constraints,
such as fixed nominal rate targets tied to their liabilities, or asset managers have contractual
arrangements in which their compensation is based on returns above a nominal level. For Treasury
securities, looser monetary policy, combined with investor behavior, can lead to lower real term
premiums for Treasury securities than can be justified by fundamentals. Hanson and Stein (2015)
provide evidence that monetary policy shocks induce sizable effects on distant forward real rates, likely
due to lower term premiums, which they show is consistent with yield-oriented investors who prefer
current income to a holding period return. When monetary policy loosens, these investors rebalance to
longer-term bonds, so as to mitigate a decline in current yields, thereby boosting longer-term bond
prices and reducing term premiums. This mechanism is similar to unconventional monetary policy, such
as asset purchases of Treasury securities, which work by lowering term premiums. It represents a
potential risk to financial stability if combined with leverage and maturity transformation.
Early literature on monetary policy and asset price bubbles considered such bubbles without consideration of
financial frictions (e.g. Bernanke and Gertler, 1999). We discuss that literature in detail in Section 5.
Monetary policy also could lead to a compression of risk premiums by increasing risk taking at financial
institutions. In theoretical contributions, Allen and Gale (2000, 2003, 2007) provide models where
bubbles in real estate prices can arise because of agency problems between investors and lenders (risk
shifting because lenders do not observe the risky investment), and as credit expands. Low interest rates
can encourage investors to purchase a risky asset, boosting its current price. The expectation of future
credit expansion will also raise current prices, though at the same time increase the likelihood of a
future crisis. They argue that expectations about future credit are determined by monetary policy.
Adrian and Shin (2008) focus on the empirical relationship between monetary policy, asset prices, and
financial intermediaries. Looser monetary policy increases the ability of intermediaries to take on
leverage, which in turn impacts the pricing of risk (see also Adrian, Etula, Muir, 2014 and Adrian,
Moench, Shin, 2010). This evidence suggests that loose monetary policy fuels risk taking which in turn
leads to a lower price of risk, and lower contemporaneous risk. However, that compression in risk and
the pricing of risk tends to increase forward looking risk, as it fuels leverage due to lax risk management
constraints, giving rise to financial stability concerns as low risk premia and low volatility thus contribute
to a buildup in imbalances, which is referred to as the “volatility paradox” (Brunnermeier and Sannikov,
Morris and Shin (2014) and Feroli et al (2014) posit that unlevered asset managers who are evaluated
based on their relative performance provide a channel for monetary policy to generate sharp rises in risk
premia not related to changes in fundamentals. Loose monetary policy may lead to greater flows to
funds that are managed by asset managers, who want to avoid being the worst performer since
investors can redeem assets. Fund flows lead to increases in prices, generating momentum and a
feedback loop between flows and prices. But when investors believe monetary policy may tighten, the
aversion by asset managers to underperformance can create a sharp jump in risk premia. They
document this channel for risky bonds, though they do not find empirical support in Treasuries or
Accommodative monetary policy in a setting with financial frictions can lead to sharper declines in prices
in the event of adverse shocks than if risk premiums were constant or unrelated to those frictions. In
addition, time-varying risk premia suggest that periods of compressed risk premia can be expected to be
followed by a reversal of valuations. pez-Salido, Stein, Zakrajesek (2015) test this hypothesis directly.
Periods of narrow risk premiums for corporate bonds and high issuance of low-rated bonds are useful
predictors of negative investor returns in the subsequent two years, building on Greenwood and Hansen
(2013). The negative returns, in turn lead to a contraction in output, which likely owes to a pullback in
credit supply. Their study provides direct evidence of an inter-temporal tradeoff between
accommodative current financial conditions at some future cost to economic output. In addition,
Claessens, Kose, and Terrones (2012) show that recessions associated with house price or equity price
busts tend to be both longer and deeper than other recessions. Their study analyzes 44 countries from
1960 to 2010, and finds this pattern for both advanced and emerging economies.
Even so, more work is needed to determine if the jumps in risk premia are sufficiently large to pose a threat to
financial stability in the absence of high leverage and maturity transformation in the broader financial system.
B. Banking Sector
Financial Conditions
Besides its impact on asset valuations, monetary policy has traditionally been viewed to work
through the banking sector, mainly as lower policy rates lead to an increase in the volume of lending
(see Peek and Rosengren, 2013 for a review). The bank lending channel posits that easier policy relaxes
borrowing constraints of banks, shifting credit supply (Bernanke and Blinder, 1988; Kashyap and Stein
1994). Bernanke and Blinder (1992), Kashyap, Stein and Wilcox (1993), and Bernanke and Gertler (1995)
provide empirical support for the bank lending and balance sheet channels, based on aggregate data, as
monetary policy tightening lead banks to shrink lending. Kashyap and Stein (1995, 2000) show that
banks that are small and less liquid, and have fewer margins to adjust to a loss of reservable deposits,
reduce loans by more when policy tightens. While many studies support the lending channel, recent
developments in financial markets, such as growth of securitization, suggest the channel through banks
may have become less of an amplification channel for monetary policy (Loutskina and Strahan, 2009).
Capital requirements may influence the impact of monetary policy on bank lending. Peek and
Rosengren (1995) show that an adverse capital shock that makes a capital constraint binding will cause
banks to shrink assets and liabilities. When comparing capital-constrained to unconstrained banks, the
unconstrained were more able to increase loans in response to an easing of policy.
Financial Stability
An increasing number of papers have focused on the link between the stance of monetary policy
and the risk-taking behavior of banks, which increases vulnerabilities and risks to financial stability.
Loose monetary policy can encourage banks to take on more risk on both the asset side and the liability
side. On the asset side, banks can reach for yield (Rajan, 2005), which will increase the share of risky
assets. On the funding side, loose monetary policy increases incentives to use more short term funding.
Stein (2012, 2013) and Adrian and Shin (2010) show that increases in policy rates are associated with
declines in short term liabilities.
Recent papers provide cross-sectional evidence of the risk-taking channel, in which monetary policy
affects not just the quantity but the quality of credit. The risk taking effects depend importantly on the
amount of bank capital, where higher levels of capital mitigate incentives to reduce the quality of credit.
Jiménez et al (2012) use detailed credit register data in Spain to show that lower rates leads to greater
risk taking, more credit to riskier firms, and this effect is greater at banks with lower capital. Dell’Ariccia,
Laeven, and Suarez (2013) look at this channel in the US, and find a relationship between ex ante
riskiness of loans and bank capital. Paligorova and Santos (2012) evaluate loan spreads on syndicated
loans in the US and find that required spreads for more risky to less risky borrowers is lower in periods
of looser monetary policy, and is stronger for banks with greater risk appetite. Maddaloni and Peydro
(2011) find that low rates lead to softer lending standards in both the US and Euro area, which is greater
if rates have been low for an extended period, supervision is weaker, and securitization activity is
greater. Altunabas, Gambacorta, and Marques-Ibanez (2010) show unusually low rates for an extended
period led to a sharper rise in expected default probabilities for banks, consistent with greater risk
Monetary policy also affects the leverage of financial institutions. Drechsler, Savov, and Schnabl (2014)
model the effects of monetary policy by affecting the external finance spread that banks pay to
leverage. Easing of monetary policy leads to lower leverage costs for banks, which increases risk taking
and lowers risk premia. They document that an external finance spread for banks (the funds rate Tbill
rate) moves closely with the fed funds rate. Adrian and Shin (2010, 2014) document that broker dealer
leverage is endogenous and highly procyclical, owing to the way in which risk management is conducted.
Adrian and Shin (2011a and 2009a) link the procyclical leverage to monetary policy, showing that tighter
monetary policy tends to lower risk taking of broker dealers, leading to an increase in the pricing of risk,
with associated contractionary macro consequences. In addition, Adrian, Moench and Shin (2009, 2010)
link leverage management to aggregate economic activity, and show that shocks to dealer leverage
impact macro activity through the pricing of risk. Adrian and Boyarchenko (2012) and Nuño and Thomas
(2014) provide theories that rationalize these facts within dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE)
models. In Adrian and Boyarchenko (2012), higher leverage is further associated with an increase in
financial vulnerability in the form of systemic risk.
C. Shadow Banking
Financial Conditions
Shadow banking can be defined as maturity transformation, liquidity transformation, and credit
risk transfer outside of institutions with direct access to government backstops such as depository
institutions (see Adrian, Ashcraft, Cetorelli, 2014 for a recent overview). This intermediation takes place
in an environment where prudential regulatory standards and supervisory oversight are either not
applied or are applied to a materially lesser or different degree than is the case for regulated banks. The
shadow banking system decomposes credit intermediation into a chain of wholesale-funded,
securitization-based lending.
The shadow banking system transforms risky, long term loans (mortgages, for example) into seemingly
credit-risk-free, short term, money-like instruments. The creation of money-like shadow bank liabilities
complements traditional forms of money creation (Gorton and Metrick, 2012). High-powered money
can be created only by central banks. Commercial banks create broader forms of money, such as
demand deposits. Shadow bank money creation occurs primarily in the commercial paper market and
the repo market, and is funded by money market funds and short term investment funds. Shadow bank
Shadow credit intermediation is performed through chains of nonbank financial intermediaries in a multistep
process that can be interpreted as a vertical slicingof the traditional banks’ credit intermediation process into
seven steps. Pozsar, Adrian, Ashcraft, and Boesky (2013) explain the seven steps of shadow bank credit
intermediation in detail. The seven steps involve 1) loan origination, 2) loan warehousing 3) pooling and
structuring of loans into term asset-backed securities (ABS), 4) ABS warehousing, 5) pooling and structuring of ABS
into CDOs, 6) ABS intermediation, and 7) funding in wholesale funding markets by money market intermediaries.
liabilities can substitute for money in the private sector’s asset allocation. Sunderam (2014) shows that
shadow banking liabilities respond to money demand shocks. Gallin (2013) provides a comprehensive
map of the amount of short term funding from the shadow banking system to the real economy, based
on the flow of funds statistics. Short term money creation by the shadow banking system also furthers
monetary policy transmission.
Money creation in the shadow banking system is at the root of the breakdown of monetary relationships
in the U.S. Until the early 1980s, the relationship between money growth and nominal output growth
was very stable, a fact usually labeled as stable velocity of money. Schularik and Taylor (2012)
document that credit began to grow rapidly and decouple from broad money since the early 1970s, via a
combination of increased financial risk and leverage outside of non-monetary liabilities at banks. Since
the shadow banking system became a quantitatively important contributor to credit intermediation,
shadow bank money creation has led to a highly time-varying velocity of money. This reflects the
feature of the shadow banking system that it responds quickly to changing financial, economic, and
regulatory conditions.
Financial Stability
The shadow banking system, which is less constrained than banks by prudential regulation, leads
to a greater transmission of monetary policy through a higher degree of endogenous risk taking. The
greater risk taking may be evident in higher leverage, and greater maturity and liquidity transformation,
allowing the system to operate at higher levels of risk taking and increasing the potential for systemic
financial crises. The presence of shadow banking thus steepens the risk-return tradeoff relative to an
economy with only traditional banking, making monetary transmission faster, but also riskier.
A generic model of shadow bank intermediation that features such a steepening in the aggregate risk-
return tradeoff has been proposed by Moreira and Savov (2012). Intermediaries create liquidity in the
shadow banking system by levering up the collateral value of their assets. However, the liquidity
creation comes at the cost of financial fragility as fluctuations in uncertainty cause a flight to quality
from shadow liabilities to safe assets.
Per definition, funding sources for shadow banking activities are uninsured and thus runnable. In many
ways, the fragility of shadow banks due to runnable liabilities resembles the banking system of the 19th
century, prior to the creation of the Federal Reserve and the FDIC. During that time, bank runs were
common, and they often had severe consequences for the real economy. The shadow banking system’s
vulnerability to runs bears resemblance to bank runs as modeled by Diamond and Dybvig (1983).
Shadow banks are subject to runs because assets have longer maturities than liabilities and tend to be
less liquid as well. Gorton and Metrick (2012) document the run on the shadow banking system at the
beginning of the financial crisis of 2007-09, as investors began to question the value of subprime
ABCP since 2004 wasat least in partattributable to regulatory arbitrage triggered by a change in capital rules.
Acharya, Schnabl, and Suarez (2013) document that the majority of guarantees were structured as liquidity-
enhancing guarantees aimed at minimizing regulatory capital, instead of credit guarantees, and that the majority
of conduits were supported by commercial banks subject to the most stringent capital requirements.
mortgage collateral. Covitz, Liang, and Suarez (2013) show that ABCP programs that held subprime
mortgage securities were more likely to be run if they had weaker liquidity and credit support, as
commercial paper investors are especially sensitive to being paid in full and on time. Moreover, for
programs able to issue paper, spreads were wider and maturities were shorter, pointing out their
inherent fragility and source of financial instability.
In a run, shadow banking entities have to sell assets at a discount, which depresses market pricing.
Martin, Skeie, and von Thadden (2012) provide a model for a run in repo markets. In their model, repo
borrowers face constraints due to the scarcity of collateral and the liquidity of collateral. Under
sufficiently adverse conditions, self-fulfilling runs can occur. Duarte and Eisenbach (2013) quantify repo
runs and find large spillovers, with potentially systemic effects.
Another source of financial stability risk emanating from shadow banking is related to the perception of
tail risk. Misperceived tail risk matters for monetary policy as it impacts estimates of downside risk to
real activity and inflation. An early paper warning of the financial system’s exposure to such tail risk was
presented by Rajan (2005) who asked whether financial innovation had made the world riskier. Rajan
(2006) later notes that financial intermediaries have incentives to show superior performance in periods
when financing is ample, which leads them to take on tail risk. Shadow banking activity is often tailored
to take advantage of mispriced tail risk, making the shadow banking system particularly sensitive to tail
events. Such tail risk might be mispriced ex-ante, either due to irrational or due to rational reasons.
Gennaioli, Shleifer, and Vishny (2013) posit that actors neglect risk based on behavioral evidence. When
investors systematically ignore the worst state of the world, overinvestment and overpricing during the
boom and excessive collapse of real activity and the financial sector during the bust are generic features
of shadow credit intermediation.
Coval, Jurek, and Stafford (2009) point out that the AAA tranches of private-label asset backed securities
behave like catastrophe bonds that load on a systemic risk state. Neglected risk also manifests itself
through over-reliance on credit ratings by investors. For example, Ashcraft, Goldsmith-Pinkham, Hull,
Vickery (2011) document that subprime MBS prices are more sensitive to ratings than ex post
performance, suggesting that funding is excessively sensitive to credit ratings relative to informational
content. Merrill, Nadauld, Strahan (2014) show that life insurance companies with low capital that were
exposed to unrealized losses in the early 2000s increased their holdings of highly rated securitized
assets which offered higher yield per unit of required capital, reflecting perhaps neglected tail risks. In
contrast, Chodorow-Reich (2014) finds only limited evidence of reach for yield behavior at financial
institutions: for money market funds that the interaction of low nominal interest rates and
administrative costs forced the funds to waive fees; funds with higher costs reached for higher returns in
2009-11, but not thereafter.
4. Macroprudential Policies
This review of papers provides considerable evidence that monetary policy affects the buildup of
vulnerabilities narrow risk premiums, excess credit at borrowers, and higher leverage and more fragile
funding in the financial sector. However, adjustments to monetary policy to reduce these vulnerabilities
may at times come into conflict with its primary mandates to achieve price stability and full
Macroprudential policies can improve the intertemporal tradeoff for monetary policy by pre-emptively
lowering vulnerabilities of the financial system. For example, increasing capital requirements may
reduce risk shifting by insufficiently capitalized banks that leads to lower quality loans and increases
vulnerabilities. Higher capital could be set through enhanced structural requirements, but may be more
costly than a cyclical time-varying capital requirement, since it will remain at its constant high level at a
credit-cycle peak, when investors are firms already are highly risk-averse and reluctant to extend credit.
However, decisions to implement cyclical policies raise difficult timing issues for policy makers, and may
be subject to the criticism that macroprudential authorities are raising capital requirements to restrict
credit by too much when future costs to financial stability are highly uncertain or are releasing capital
too soon when concerns about bank default are still high.
Cyclical policies vary widely by their implementation costs: Relatively inexpensive actions include
increased supervisory scrutiny targeted to specific firms and activities, communications by authorities,
or public recommendations by financial stability coordinating or decision bodies (such as FSOC in the
U.S. or the FPC in the U.K.) to regulators, financial institutions, or market participations. At the other
end of the cost spectrum, a countercyclical capital buffer could imply significant capital raising and
international cooperation.
This section reviews the literature on cyclical macroprudential tools. Empirical evidence is mostly from
emerging market economies, which may limit the insights for advanced economies with more complex
financial systems, in which leakage of activities from the regulated to unregulated sectors can
undermine the effectiveness of these tools. In addition, the governance framework for implementing
such tools may vary considerably, with fewer regulators in emerging market economies than in
advanced economies. Table 3 summarizes existing macroprudential tools for each of these sectors.
[Insert Table 3]
A. Nonfinancial Sector
Macroprudential tools to address emerging imbalances in the nonfinancial sector aim primarily
at improving underwriting standards to reduce borrower debt. For example, increasing loan-to-value
(LTV) ratios or debt-to-income (DTI) ratios on mortgages can limit the exposures of households and
businesses to a collapse in prices, thereby bolstering their resilience. Theoretical evidence on the
effectiveness of LTVs is mixed. Goodhart et al (2012) study LTV limits in conjunction with capital and
liquidity regulations. In their model, LTV tools are relatively ineffective in the presence of asset price
booms. One reason is that as the rise in asset prices boost collateral values, it becomes relatively easier
to satisfy LTV constraints. Bianchi and Mendoza (2015) find some welfare benefits of an LTV in a model
that incorporate that borrowers will borrow more than socially optimal because they do not consider a
debt deflation spiral arising from binding collateral constraints based on falling asset values. But they
also find a constant high LTV can be costly because once the deflation spiral occurs, the best outcome
would be to relax the borrowing constraint and allow a higher LTV.
In cross-country empirical work, Kuttner and Shim (2013) provide evidence based on 57 countries that
limits on debt service-to-income ratios can help to restrain housing credit, thereby moderating the cycle,
while LTVs are less successful at restraining credit growth since credit can increase with real estate
values. Cerutti, Claessens, and Laeven (2015) document the use of macroprudential policies for 119
countries over the 2000-13 period, covering many instruments. Advanced countries are found to mainly
use borrower-based tools, and find a significant reduction of growth in credit, notably in household
credit. The effects are smaller in open economies and usage comes with greater cross-border borrowing,
suggesting some avoidance. This evidence suggests that macroprudential policies can help manage
financial cycles by mitigating household credit growth.
Because of significant differences across countries in financial system structures that could change the
effectiveness of macroprudential tools, case studies may be a constructive analytical approach. In the
U.S., there is some evidence that the use of LTVs and maturity caps in the early 1950s, as imposed by
the Federal Reserve Board, were effective in reducing housing starts, but Congress removed that
authority, partly reflecting uneasiness with the Fed targeting particular types of credit growth (Elliott,
Feldberg, and Lehnert, 2013). In recent years, a number of countries have increased loan-to-value ratios
on residential mortgages to limit an increase in exposures of households to a collapse in prices, and to
lean against rising real estate prices. For example, Hong Kong has increased LTVs multiple times on
residential mortgages in the past decade to mitigate the house price boom. As prices have continued to
rise, they have also “stress-tested” borrowers for resilience to increases in interest rates. Korea
imposed LTV and DTI limits on households, which appears to have reduced mortgage loans, housing
transactions, and house prices in the six months after implementation. The Bank of Israel took several
steps between 2009 and 2011 to rein in a housing boom, including a supplementary reserve
requirement for banks’ mortgage loans with high LTVs, increased capital requirements for mortgages
with floating rates and high LTVs, and restricting the adjustable interest rate component of mortgage
loans. Canada has employed a mix of LTV and DTI restrictions, in addition to maturity caps and
mortgage insurance limits, to restrain a build-up in household leverage and house prices. With time, the
experience of these efforts will be important contributions to the profession’s understanding of these
B. Asset Markets
Macroprudential tools could be used to lean against increases in asset prices or to mitigate risks
from a subsequent downturn in asset prices, by tightening underwriting standards such as LTVs and
DTIs. Other tools include countercyclical capital buffers, or higher risk weights or sectoral capital buffers
for regulated firms. In addition, if asset prices are being fueled by leverage, standards could be
tightened on implicit leverage through securitization or other risk transformations, or by limiting the
debt provided to investors in either unsecured or secured funding markets by raising margins and
Empirical evidence of the effectiveness of macroprudential tools to lean against rising asset prices is
scarce, and limited to effects on house prices. Kuttner and Shim (2012) find that LTVs and exposure
limits at financial institutions may help to reduce house price growth, using a sample of actions in 57
countries. Looking at recent specific cases, the use of LTV limits combined with other actions in Hong
Kong, Korea, and Canada may have mitigated some growth in house prices (Igan and Kang, 2011, Wong,
Fong, Choi, 2011, Almeida, Campello, Liu, 2006). Kuttner and Shim (2013) in a later study show for the
same countries that low short-term interest rates contribute to house price increases and credit growth,
but cannot account fully for the booms and busts. Dokko et al (2009) show that monetary policy
deviations from the Taylor rule explain only a small part of the rise in house prices in the U.S. leading up
to the financial crisis.
To mitigate the consequences of an asset price boom and bust, the set of macroprudential tools
available are basically designed to reduce leverage and unstable funding at financial firms and at
C. Banking Sector
Macroprudential tools that could offset excessive risk taking in banking include the new Basel III
countercyclical capital buffer, which can be built up in boom times when the cost of equity is relatively
cheap, and deployed in downturns when the accumulation of capital is expensive. A build-up during
extended boom times would result in a higher capital buffer, leaving banks better positioned to
withstand large adverse shocks. A release of the countercyclical capital buffer in a downturn would
offset pressures for banks to deleverage, thus mitigating the potentially adverse amplification of forced
deleveraging during an economic downturn. In principle, the build-up and release of the buffer would
be a function of the pricing of risk, whereas capital required for microprudential objectives would be a
function of physical default risks.
A tool that is similar to countercyclical capital requirements, but that works in a more targeted fashion,
is sectoral capital requirements. Sectoral capital requirements would be built and released like a
countercyclical buffer, but higher or lower capital charges would be for specific asset classes.
Other policy tools include supervisory guidance and stress tests. Supervisory guidance, which could be
used to signal a need to improve risk management practices around potential future risks, is by design,
flexible and can be effective (Bassett and Marsh, 2014). Supervisory stress tests can address emerging
vulnerabilities by adjusting the severity of the macroeconomic and financial scenarios, in practice
working to offset pro-cyclicality inherent in capital regulations (Liang, 2013). Stress tests can also
highlight potential salient risks, such as a sharp rise in term premiums when interest rates have been
low for an extended period. However, because excessive tightening of prudential regulations for banks
can be expected to push financial intermediation into the shadow banking system, especially when the
The Federal Reserve issued for public comments a framework for implementing countercyclical capital buffers in
December 2015.
pricing of risk is low, macroprudential policies aimed at SIFIs should be complemented by prudential
policies for the shadow banking system.
Empirical evidence is limited, since the use of traditional microprudential tools has not really been used
to achieve broader financial stability. Higher bank capital ratios are found to reduce the probability of a
crisis (Anundsen, et al, 2014), and Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (2010) study finds that higher
capital requirements lower tail risk, but also lower GDP growth for a number of years. Aiyar, Colomiris,
Wieladek (2016) use UK minimum bank capital requirements to estimate the impact of capital on credit
supply and find that bank lending reacts substantially to capital requirement changes. However, Aiyar,
Colomiris, Wieladek (2014) find substantial leakage of capital regulation as foreign banks partially offset
the impact of capital requirements on bank credit supply.
An alternative way to evaluate macroprudential tools is in the context of DSGE models. Analysis of
macroprudential tools in the presence of banking frictions within equilibrium models is rapidly
developing. For example, Kiley and Sim (2012) examine a setting where banks face an external finance
premium. Modigliani-Miller is assumed to fail so that debt is cheaper than equity and outside equity is
the most expensive form of funding. The key friction in Kiley and Sim is the pecuniary fire sale
externality across banks, reflecting bank balance sheet problems. Kiley and Sim evaluate policies to lean
against credit growth, against asset prices, and against loan spreads. In particular, they analyze a pro-
cyclical capital buffer (interpreted as a tax on leverage) aimed at closing the gap between private and
social costs of bank debt. In their setting policies for loan spreads work best. While Kiley and Sim
feature a monetary policy rule, they do not look at the interaction of the monetary policy rule with the
macroprudential instruments.
D. Shadow Banking
Regulatory capital and accounting rules in the pre-crisis period had created significant incentives
for banks to shift assets off balance sheet into shadow bank special purpose entities (SPEs). Since then,
bank regulatory and accounting reforms have been adopted to restrict regulatory arbitrage. For
example, Basel III reforms have increased the capital charge for providing explicit support to shadow
banks, assuming a higher drawdown rate under the LCR for credit and liquidity facilities, and the
Financial Accounting Standards Board adopted new rules that require sponsors to consolidate many
previously off-balance-sheet transactions. These reforms should help reduce shadow banking that is
done for the purpose of regulatory arbitrage. That said, more stringent banking regulations could also
increase incentives to move some activities away from banks, especially if demand for credit or for cash-
like assets strengthens.
Macroprudential policy tools that affect shadow banking are not well defined, and are very
heterogeneous across entities and activities (see Adrian (2014) for a review). While shadow banking
activities are often regulated for market conduct and market functioning, most shadow banking entities
and activities are not subject to prudential regulation. As a result, the availability of macroprudential
policies for shadow banking is limited, though there is an international effort underway to improve
shadow banking regulation.
One possible tool to address pro-cyclical incentives in secured funding markets, such as repo and sec
lending, is minimum standards for haircut practices, to limit the extent to which haircuts would be
reduced in benign markets. Margins and haircuts effectively set the maximum amount of leverage that
borrowers can take on. Margins and haircuts are set by exchanges, clearing houses, brokers-dealers,
and in repo transactions. In practice, however, such margins and haircuts are set from a purely
microeconomic risk management perspective. Macroprudential considerations would promote higher
through-the-cycle margins because they could materially reduce the ability of shadow banking
participants to take on excessive leverage in expansions.
Goodhart, Kashyap, Tsomocos, Vardoulakis (2012, 2013) consider the impact of margin constraints on
shadow banks, capital and liquidity requirements on banks, and loan-to-value limits on borrowers in a
dynamic equilibrium setting. The presence of a shadow banking sector generates fire sale externalities
on the banking sector and the household sectors, as haircuts tend to rise in times of stress. Limiting
shadow bank leverage by setting margins pre-emptively can mitigate this fire sale externality, but comes
at the cost of reduced credit intermediation in the boom. Goodhart et al do not find countercyclical
capital requirements on banks to be particularly useful at preempting systemic risk in the presence of
shadow bank intermediaries, as the shadow banking system can arbitrage the increased capital
requirement. Instead, the joint usage of countercyclical capital requirements and countercyclical margin
setting can be more effective. However, a constraint on the effectiveness of capital and margin policies
is the fact that collateral values are increasing in asset price booms, making capital constraints
ineffective as preemptive tool, though they are still useful as a prudential instrument. For pre-emptive
purposes, Goodhart et al find liquidity requirements to be more effective in constraining risk taking.
However, the tightness of liquidity requirements is tightly linked to the stance of monetary policy, and
safe asset availability more generally.
Stein (2012) studies central bank policies in the presence of shadow bank intermediation. In Stein’s
setting, shadow bank intermediaries create money-like short term debt. Due to an externality, shadow
banks issue too much short term debt, creating excess vulnerability to financial crises. Stein points out
that balance sheet policies of the central bank can be a useful complement to traditional monetary
policy through open market operations, as balance sheet policies affect the value to the shadow banking
system of issuing short term debt, and hence regulates the magnitude of excess vulnerability in the
shadow banking system.
The Financial Stability Board, as directed by the G20 Leaders, has been developing policy recommendations to
strengthen the oversight and regulation of the shadow banking sector. The set of proposals attempt to: 1) limit
the spillover of shadow banking risks to the banking sector, 2) reduce or eliminate the first-mover advantage in
U.S. money market mutual funds that makes them vulnerable to runs, 3) assess and mitigate risks of other shadow
banking entities, 4) assess and align the incentives in securitization, and 5) dampen risks and the pro-cyclical
incentives in secured financing.
5. Interactions between Macroprudential and Monetary Policies
Since the transmission channels for macroprudential and monetary policies are intertwined,
consideration should be given to whether monetary policy should incorporate financial stability
An early contribution by Bernanke and Gertler (1999) evaluates whether monetary policy
should react to asset valuations. They argue for a flexible inflation targeting regime which considers
asset prices only to the extent that they impact the inflation-activity tradeoff. This view used to be
accepted widely, especially with respect to equity market bubbles, as the burst of the late 1990’s tech
bubble appeared to be successfully offset by easing monetary policy.
There were some exceptions to these arguments. Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno (2006) argue that
monetary policy which focuses narrowly on inflation may inadvertently contribute to welfare reducing
boom-bust cycles in real and financial variables.
The authors show that a policy of monetary tightening
when credit growth is strong can mitigate such problems. In addition, Christiano, Ilutz, Motto, and
Rostagno (2010) document that stock market booms tend to be accompanied by low inflation. As a
result, interest rate rules that focus narrowly on inflation targets will destabilize asset markets and the
broader economy. Interest rate rules should thus be adjusted for asset valuations, for example by
allowing an independent role for credit growth, to reduce the volatility of output and asset prices.
More broadly, since the financial crisis, the new Keynesian literature has focused on incorporating credit
supply into monetary policy models. Gertler and Kiyotaki (2011) develop a canonical framework to
analyze credit market frictions and aggregate economic activity in the context of the 2007-09 crisis,
augmenting Bernanke and Gertler (1989) and Bernanke, Gertler, Gilchrist (1999) with a financial sector.
Gertler and Kiyotaki (2015) add a banking sector that features bank net worth and liquidity mismatch,
which gives rise to bank runs, as in Diamond and Dybvig (1983). Woodford (2010) proposes a Keynesian
IS-LM model augmented with financial intermediary frictions, based on Curdia and Woodford (2010). In
that setting, the financial intermediation friction gives rise to a state variable in addition to inflation and
real activity. That state variable can be mapped into credit spreads (loan less policy rate), which in turn
enters into the optimal monetary policy rule. Optimal policy thus is explicitly dependent on credit
supply conditions. Woodford (2011) studies optimal monetary policy in a setting with financial crises
and finds that inflation targeting rules should consider explicitly the possibility of financial crises.
Gambacorta and Signoretti (2014) compares the performance of Taylor rules augmented with asset
prices and credit supply, building on the setting of Curdia and Woodford (2010), to more standard rules
with flexible inflation targeting. They find that even if financial stability is not an explicit target for
More broadly, a theory of the interdependence of macroprudential, fiscal, and monetary policies is provided by
Brunnermeier and Sannikov (2011, 2014a, 2014b). Their “I-Theory” stresses the importance of spillover effects that
link price stability, financial stability, and fiscal stability, and the difficulties of separation of the stability concepts.
For example, financial instability prompts financial intermediaries to shrink their balance sheets and create less
inside money. Consequently the money multiplier collapses and Fisher deflation pressure emerges. This increases
the real value of banks’ liabilities and worsens financial instability. Also monetary policy redistributes wealth to
the ailing sector by changing the relative value between government debt and money in order to stabilize the
overall economy.
See Adrian and Shin (2006) and Gertler (2006) for related arguments.
monetary policy, monetary policy rules that respond to borrower balance sheets and credit supply in the
presence of supply shocks result in a better tradeoff for inflation and output stabilization. In particular,
indicators of financial sector leverage should directly enter into an augmented Taylor rule, and pre-
emptive monetary policy enhances welfare.
Gilchrist and Zakrajšek (2011, 2012) evaluate monetary policy rules that augment the Taylor rule with a
credit spread. They use a New Keynesian model, augmented with the standard Bernanke, Gertler,
Gilchrist (1999) financial accelerator mechanism, which is capable of producing the dynamics of the U.S.
economy during the recent financial crisis. The benefits of a monetary policy rule that incorporates
credit spreads arise as asset prices anticipate the beneficial effects of such a rule in mitigating the
financial frictions. In a calibration of the model to U.S. data, the spread-augmented policy rule dampens
the negative consequences of financial disruptions on real economic activity, while engendering only a
modest increase in inflation. pez-Salido, Stein, and Zakrajšek (2015) also suggest the importance of
asset prices and credit supply conditions for the setting of monetary policy.
In practice, monetary policymakers may already be considering financial stability objectives to some
extent, even if these objectives are not in their explicit mandates. For example, with a simple quadratic
loss objective function, policymakers would minimize the square of the expected value of the gap
between output and potential output, and the variance of output (Kocherlakota, 2014; Stein, 2014).
Financial stability risks are reflected in the variance term. When the gap between actual and potential is
large, the variance around output would have less weight in the objective function. Moreover, when
the gap is large with output well below potential, looser monetary policy might also reduce the variance
term, by strengthening the balance sheets of borrowers and lenders.
However, when the output gap
is close to zero, financial stability considerations would have greater weight in reducing variance. In this
situation, a trade-off may emerge as accommodative policy to promote current economic growth could
lead to a build-up of vulnerabilities that increases the variance of output or downside risks to output in
the future. This formulation emphasizes that considering risks to financial stability is not inconsistent
with the mandates of price stability and maximum employment.
Of course, the consideration of both financial conditions and financial stability in the conduct of
monetary policy is not without possible costs. Conceptually, incentive problems between price stability
and financial stability could arise if clear priorities are not set (Smets, 2013). For example, ex post
monetary policy easing in a credit bust to inflate away some of the debt overhang could generate an
inflation bias. If there are political pressures to not lean too hard against the wind, or to not engage in
credit allocation, central bank policy makers with responsibilities also for financial stability may have
incentives to use monetary policy ex post, which can then risk price stability.
Some models that incorporate both macroprudential and monetary policy show that macroprudential
policies are less costly. In Farhi and Tirole (2009, 2012), financial intermediaries make private choices
about leverage and maturity transformation, taking into account anticipated monetary policy responses.
Loose interest rate policies increase the likelihood of future crises because they provide incentives for
For example, in a financial crisis, the positive impact of looser policy on risk taking can improve financial stability.
greater maturity mismatch because central banks ex ante cannot commit not to inject liquidity after a
crash, leading to excessive risk taking in the aggregate. Farhi and Tirole (2012) argue that pre-emptive
macroprudential policies, such as limits on short-term debt or restrictions against hoarding liquidity at
financial firms, would increase welfare, to offset incentives of firms to correlate their risks.
Korinek and Simsek (2016) consider the relative efficiency of macroprudential and monetary policies in a
setting where borrowers do not take the negative aggregate demand externality of leverage into
account, resulting in excessive risk taking. Monetary policy is constrained at the zero lower bound,
giving rise to a shortfall in aggregate demand. An interesting result of their model is that debt limits (or
mandatory insurance) can improve welfare, while a rise in rates to reduce leverage could prompt a
recession, and borrowers may want to borrow even more to smooth consumption. In addition a rise in
rates transfers wealth from borrowers to savers, providing another incentive to borrow. Thus,
macroprudential policies are more efficient than monetary policies for reducing excessive leverage.
Efficiency requires setting a wedge between borrowers’ and lenders’ relative incentives to hold bonds,
whereas interest rate policies create a different inter-temporal wedge that affects all incentives equally.
Kiley and Sim (2015) in a model with financial intermediaries and asset prices find that monetary policy
acting according to a simple rule reacting to financial imbalances may not improve welfare, and will
depend on the source of the shock, which is difficult for policymakers to identify in real time. For
example, tighter policy to respond to shocks at financial intermediaries might enhance welfare, but
monetary policy to offset a rise in credit-to-GDP because of a positive technology shock would not. The
combination of macroprudential and monetary policy can generally improve welfare in their setting.
In addition, monetary policy tightening can put financial institutions closer to default, resulting in risk
shifting incentives, leading them to take on more, not less risk. A theoretical setting that studies this risk
shifting effect is presented by Dell’Ariccia and Marquez (2013) and Dell’Ariccia, Laeven, Marquez (2014).
While risk shifting is theoretically possible in that setting, it is usually dominated by the first order effect
which links rising rates to lower risk taking, when capital constraints are not binding. However, Landier,
Thesmar, Sraer (2011) investigate the lending behavior of New Century Financial Corporation, a large
subprime lender in the run-up to the 2007-09 crisis, and find evidence of risk-shifting. As the Fed began
tightening rates in 2004, the increase in rates led to a large, adverse shock in the value of the loan
portfolio that New Century held for investment purposes. New Century reacted to this loss to the value
of its assets by lowering underwriting standards and issuing deferred amortization mortgages. These
loans were riskier, and more sensitive to housing valuations, substantially increasing risk taking. New
Century’s shareholders thus gambled for resurrection, as their equity value was low, and their risk taking
incentives (due to limited liability) were large.
In summary, there is an expanding literature to address the question of whether and how monetary
policy should consider financial stability. These models include financial frictions such as asymmetric
information, which lead to effects of asset prices on collateral values and borrowing constraints,
institutional investor sticky nominal return targets, financial firms’ risk models and limited liability, and
agency costs. Moreover, individual borrowers do not have incentives to take into account their effects
on aggregate debt when they make their own private decisions. Such financial frictions can lead to a
buildup of vulnerabilities and a more fragile financial system in the future that is more prone to amplify
negative shocks and end badly for the economy. At the same time, there are costs to using monetary
policy for financial stability. For example, consideration of financial stability could lead to an inflation
bias, moral hazard, and welfare reductions because tighter policy is too late to stop a credit boom or it
tries to stamp out credit growth that reflects technology gains rather than excessive borrowing. More
research is needed, but there is considerable evidence to suggest that models for the conduct of
monetary policy need to incorporate more financial sector features, in particular time-varying risk
premia and risk taking.
6. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Using Monetary Policy to Lean Against the Wind
We use Svensson’s (2016) framework to illustrate how adding the risk-taking channel of monetary policy
through asset prices and borrower leverage could significantly change a cost-benefit calculation for the
use of monetary policy to lean against the wind (LATW). Svensson has posted a spreadsheet for his cost-
benefit analysis in a simplified two-state example and has invited alternative assumptions, though his
own extensive sensitivity analysis based on a multi-period model is that none appear to overturn his
conclusion that the costs of LATW policy exceed the benefits.
We use the two-state example since our
primary aim is highlight some key assumptions for the net cost calculation, and to suggest that more
research is needed on the estimated parameters.
The spreadsheet analysis is collapsed to two states crisis and non-crisis. The analysis is to compute the
costs and benefits of a LATW policy, defined as raising interest rates by 1 percent for four quarters, and
compare the welfare costs of LATW unemployment outcomes to unemployment outcomes of an initial
baseline path (when the unemployment gap is assumed to start at zero).
In this framework, LATW
monetary policy works through traditional mechanisms by reducing credit and increasing
unemployment. There are no asset prices or lender or borrower behavior in the model, so a higher
monetary policy path does not raise risk premiums or rein in risk-taking. Consequently LATW does not
reduce the severity of a subsequent crisisthe size of the unemployment increase in the crisis state
and it reduces the probability of a crisis by only a minimal amount in his model.
In Svensson’s analysis, the benefits of LATW is to reduce credit and then the probability of a crisis. He
estimates that raising the policy rate (i) by 1 percentage point for four quarters leads to a decline in
household credit, a maximum of 1 percent (as estimated from the Riksbank model). Because monetary
policy is neutral in the long run with respect to credit, the level of credit rises back to baseline by the
end of the 40 quarters, with credit growth peaking at around 16 quarters. Lagged two-year credit
Svensson’s spreadsheet is available at
benefit-analysis-of-leaning-against-the-wind-v3x.xlsx. Note that the key assumptions in the spreadsheet that
Svensson provides and is used for these figures, in which he collapses the model to two states, will not capture the
variation over time in the probability of a crisis. But in this model, credit is neutral with respect to monetary
policy, so high growth rates are offset by low growth rates, suggesting the probability of a crisis relative to baseline
can be negative and offset by positives. The spreadsheet uses parameters from periods when it is possible for
policy to reduce a probability of a crisis relative to baseline.
Note that the terminology is crisis and non-crisis, but the model does not have a financial sector, so the two
states could also be called recession and non-recession.
growth then is used to determine the probability of a crisis using estimates from Schularick and Taylor
(2012). Based on peak credit growth, the probability of a crisis start is about 3%; and assuming the
economy stays in a crisis for 8 quarters, the probability of being in a crisis (p) is 6%. The effect of a
higher policy rate on the probability of a crisis (dp/di) is estimated to be -0.1%. That is, a higher policy
rate i of 1 percentage point would reduce the probability of a crisis from 6.0% to 5.9%.
In terms of the costs of LATW, raising i by 1 percentage point leads to an increase in the unemployment
rate (dU
), in the non-crisis state by 0.5 percent (line 2 of Table 4), relative to a change of 0 in the
Baseline (dU
), line 1, where dU
is the increase in the unemployment rate where i = L for LATW or B
for Baseline, and j = C in the crisis state or N in the non-crisis state. The model assumes that the
increase in the unemployment rate once a crisis occurs is 5 percent, regardless of whether or not
policymakers choose LATW (dU
= dU
=5 percent, lines 1 and 2). This assumption is critical:
Policymakers receive no payoff in the form of a smaller rise in unemployment in a future crisis from
choosing LATW policy. Below we illustrate the sensitivity of the expected cost and benefit estimates to
alternative assumptions for the size of the unemployment increase in a future crisis state.
Table 4. Estimated costs and benefits of LATW policy in Svensson when the unemployment increase
in a future crisis is 5 percent for Baseline and LATW
Non-crisis state
(1) Baseline Unemployment (ppt)
= dU
+ dU
(2) LATW Unemployment (ppt)
= dU
+ dU
(3) Baseline welfare cost (U
(4) LATW welfare cost (U
(5) LATW Welfare cost increase
relative to baseline (line 4 line 3)
(6)Probability weighted cost
(for p=.06)
(1-p)*.25 = .235
(7) LATW Expected Cost
- U
+ p*(U
– U
= .235 + .315
= .55
(8) LATW Expected Benefit
= -(dp/di)*[ U
- U
= - (-.001) * [30.25 - .25]
= .03
The expected welfare cost of LATW policy assuming that (dU
= dU
=5) (shown in line 7) is the
probability weighted welfare cost from higher unemployment in a non-crisis state and higher
unemployment in the crisis state. More generally, the expected welfare cost can be graphed as a
function of alternative values of dU
, the increase in unemployment under LATW policy in the crisis
state relative to dU
=5. Specifically, point C on the expected cost line in Figure 2 refers to welfare
costs of 0.55 in the initial case.
The expected benefit of LATW policy is also plotted, and point B (line 8 in the table) represents the initial
case (dU
= dU
=5). In this initial case, the expected benefits of .03 are considerably lower than the
expected costs. With the parameters of the initial case, the increase in unemployment in the crisis
under LATW would need to be 4.1 percent, about 0.9 percent lower than the assumed 5 percent, for the
expected benefits of LATW to equal the expected costs.
Figure 2. Welfare Costs and Benefits of LATW for alternative values of unemployment increase in a
future crisis relative to an increase of 5% in Baseline
Below we provide sensitivity analysis for three critical assumptions: (A) the rise in unemployment in a
crisis; (B) the probability of a crisis; and (C) the elasticity of the probability with respect to a change in
the policy rate.
A. Increase in Unemployment
Svensson assumes that the rise in unemployment even after LATW policy is still 5%. If we were
to assume instead that LATW policy should reduce credit and reduce the severity of the crisis when it
occurred, then costs of LATW policy would be lower. For example, as shown by the Cost Line (for p=6%
in Baseline), if dU
is 4.5% (less than dU
=5%), the costs of LATW policy would be .23, roughly half the
costs when dU
is 5%. If the assume rise were even smaller, if dU
were 4.0%, the costs of LATW
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Increase in unemployment in crisis state under LATW
relative to increase of 5 percent in crisis state under Baseline
Cost, p = 6%
Cost, p = 10%
Benefit, dp/di = -0.1%
Benefit, dp/di = -1.0%
Cost (p)
policy would be negative, and net benefits would be positive. That is, the costs of LATW policy decrease
substantially if the policy were to lead to reductions in the size of the increase in unemployment in a
future crisis.
Benefits also vary positively with the increase in dU
but the slope is very small, reflecting the estimate
that a rise in policy rate barely reduces the probability of a crisis. A smaller rise in unemployment in a
crisis from LATW policy (4.5% rather than 5%) would reduce the benefits of LATW policy, but only by a
Svensson cites Floden (2014) as an estimate of the effect of higher debt on the severity of the recession.
A one percentage point higher household debt-to-income ratio in 2007 results in an increase in
unemployment during 2007-2012 of 0.02 percentage point (indicating a decline of dU
from 5% to
4.98%), a very small effect. Other empirical studies provide strong evidence that higher credit growth
results in more severe recessions, suggesting that a smaller increase in unemployment from LATW policy
is an alternative reasonable assumption. Unfortunately, most other studies have focused on the effects
of credit growth rather than the level of credit on the severity of a recession, or the effect on output
rather than unemployment. Floden (2014) also looks at both the level and growth of credit, and finds
they are both significant in explaining a subsequent decline in output, though only the level is a
significant factor in the unemployment rate regression.
Jorda, Schularick, and Taylor (2013), in a study of 14 countries with data starting in some cases in 1870,
provide evidence that more excess credit growth in the period preceding a recession (relative to growth
of the previous expansion) substantially increases the adversity of the subsequent recession, for both
normal recessions and financial recessions (those with substantial losses to the banking sector). Their
estimates show, for example, that in a normal recession, by the fourth year after the cyclical peak, the
economy would be well into a recovery, with real GDP per capita estimated to be 3.8 percentage points
higher than the cyclical peak. In the case of a financial recession, however, the economy would still not
have fully recovered, with the GDP per capita level at -2.8 percentage points below the cyclical peak for
average pre-recession excess credit growth. The strength of the recovery also depends on excess credit:
in a normal recession, had credit exceeded average levels by one standard deviation, real GDP per capita
would be lower by1.8 percentage points less, at 2.0 percent, and in a financial recession, real GDP per
capita would be lower by 3 percentage points lower, at -5.8 percent, in the fourth year after the
peak. While these estimates suggest significant effects for excess credit on lost output in the
subsequent recession, it is difficult to convert their estimates to the effects of a 1 percentage point rise
in the level of credit, given their measure of excess credit.
Mian, Sufi, and Verner (2015) also show that a steeper rise in household debt-to-GDP predicts higher
unemployment and lower output over the medium term, based on data for 34 countries from 1960 to
2012. Specifically, they document a one standard deviation increase in household debt to GDP growth
in the three years before a cyclical peak leads to a 0.82 percent increase in the unemployment rate in
the subsequent three years (and a decline in GDP growth of -2.1 percent). Their estimates imply that a
one percentage point increase in credit growth in the three years before a cyclical peak would lead to a
rise in unemployment of .13 percentage points, and a decline in output of -.37 percentage points.
Sutherland, Hoeller, Merola, Ziemann (2012) examine a sample of OECD countries from 1950 to 2010
and document that recessions occur twice as often and output declines during the recession are larger
for high-debt versus low-debt levels (based on de-trended debt to potential GDP). They also document
that high debt levels lead to substantially greater volatility in output and consumption, and suggest that
average effects miss an important cost dimension for households who are risk averse.
More recently, Gourio, Kashyap, and Sim (2016) model a tradeoff of LATW policy in a new Keynesian
DSGE model. Their model highlights, as does Svensson (2016), that a tradeoff exists for a LATW policy
relative to a policy based only on the output gap. They show reduced credit comes at the expense of
higher volatility in output and inflation, and then also highlight under what conditions welfare would be
higher with a LATW policy despite the higher volatility. An interesting result is that if crises lead to
permanent losses in output, which they argue are substantial, rather than just temporary losses
associated with more typical business cycles, the benefits of LATW are greater. Their estimates of the
severity of crises are measured as the gap between actual output and potential output at the onset of
each crisis. They show that for the U.S. in the most recent crisis, this cost is 10 percent of output,
despite the fact that the unemployment rate has almost returned to its natural rate.
While the research is growing, much more research is needed for robust estimates of the linkages from
monetary policy to household and business credit, and then the effects of credit on the severity of a
subsequent recession. Studies usefully have different samples, but some focus on credit levels and
others on credit growth, and what is viewed as average sustainable credit growth differs across the
studies. What is clear is that debt levels in some expansions can become very high and the subsequent
contractions can be more severe. But the differences in studies makes it difficult to settle on a single
reliable estimate of the elasticity of unemployment or output to a change in credit.
Furthermore, broader financial conditions might be important conditioning variables for the severity of
crises and hence for monetary policy. For example, Adrian, Boyarchenko, Giannone (2016) show that the
conditional GDP distribution depends significantly on financial conditions such as credit spreads, term
spreads, and market volatility. In particular, such variables forecast sharp movements in the downside
risks to GDP growth which should be taken into account in setting monetary policy even under flexible
inflation targeting. Aikman, Lehnert, Liang, and Modugno (2016) find that the nonfinancial credit-to-
GDP gap is an important conditioning variable for economic activity, since monetary policy is less
effective when the credit gap is high. The ineffectiveness is consistent with it being harder to stop a
credit boom once one is underway and that the transmission of short-term policy rate to distant forward
rates is significantly more muted when the credit gap is high, in the spirit of Hanson and Stein (2015),
who link the transmission of reductions in short-term policy rates to declines in forward rates and term
premiums to the behavior of reach for yield investors.
B. Probability of Crisis
Another important parameter for the expected cost of LATW policy is the probability of a crisis.
The estimations based on the sensitivity of household credit to interest rates in Sweden imply a
probability of crisis start of 3%, about once every 30 years, and being in a crisis of 6% (assuming weak
growth for two years). In the US, since 1975 there have been 5 recession starts (1 in 8 years), in which
two (1990 and 2008) involved significant financial sector stress.
Based on these estimates of a crisis
start of 5%, it is reasonable to evaluate the sensitivity of the costs of LATW policy if the probability of
being in a crisis were 10%.
In Figure 2, we show the expected cost curve if the probability of being in a crisis is 10% rather than 6%.
The slope of the cost curve steepens significantly as a function of the crisis probability, and the costs of
LATW policy fall below the benefits at less modest reductions in unemployment severity from LATW
policy. While at the rise in unemployment under LATW in a crisis of 4.5% is not significantly different
from the Baseline, if the rise in unemployment were just a little lower at 4.3% or lower, the costs of
LATW policy become less than the benefits.
C. Elasticity of Crisis Probability
Given the very small benefits and the relative flatness to changes in assumed increases in
unemployment in a crisis under LATW policy, we also explore the sensitivity of benefits to an increase in
the elasticity of the probability of a crisis to a change in the interest rate. The proposed estimate of -0.1
is small (would reduce the probability from 6% to 5.9%). The current literature does not provide much
guidance for alternative estimates of this elasticity. In fact, changes in credit growth from a change in
monetary policy are typically evaluated in models that do not consider time varying pricing of risk or
endogenous risk-taking by financial intermediaries, and likely underestimate the sensitive of credit to
monetary policy. We assume alternatives for the purpose of illustrating the sensitivity of the estimated
benefits. For example, if dp/di=-1 for p=10% (the blue dashed line, Figure 2), the benefits of LATW are
notably larger. For this parameter, if we assume again that the rise in unemployment under LATW
policy is 4.5%, the benefits of LATW policy exceed the costs. Indeed, with this higher elasticity, LATW
policy starts to yield positive net benefits when dU
=4.6%, shown by the vertical line labeled
Alternative. That is, under alternative assumptions for the probability of a crisis and its sensitivity to a
rise in the monetary policy rate, even a very small benefit in terms of a smaller rise in unemployment
from LATW policy (a rise of 4.6% rather than 5.0%) would suggest that LATW policy has net benefits.
D. The Risk Taking Channel in the Cost-Benefit Analysis
These observations support more testing of the sensitivity of the cost-benefit calculations to
other estimates for the probability of crises and its sensitivity to monetary policy. The emerging
research reviewed above suggests that models that do not incorporate the effects of monetary policy on
endogenous risk taking of borrowers or financial institutions would likely lead to an understatement of
the sensitivity of probability of a crisis and the severity of a recession to monetary policy.
The banking crisis that started in 1988 and includes the 1990 recession has also been labeled a financial crisis by
Laeven and Valencia (2008). More than 1,400 savings and loans and 1,300 commercial banks failed during 1988-
1992, and the cost to the government amounted to $180 billion, more than 3 percent of GDP.
E. Implications of the Cost-Benefit Analysis
To summarize the sensitivity analysis, the result that costs exceed benefits rely critically on
assumptions about the change in unemployment in a recession or crisis, the crisis probability, and the
elasticity of crisis probability with respect to the interest rate. For example, as illustrated by the
calculations above, if the rise in unemployment in a crisis following a LATW policy was even just 4.6%
rather than 5%, the conclusion that the costs of LATW policy would exceed the benefits would not hold.
More research is needed to pinpoint the parameters for this cost-benefit calculation before applying the
initial conclusion.
Of course, even if credit growth, or risk taking, were amplifiers, it does not mean necessarily that
monetary policy should target credit, or risk taking. Alternative tools, such as LTVs, DTIs, bank capital,
may be better suited to reduce excess credit because it can be more targeted. But in a complex
advanced financial system with banks and nonbank financial intermediation, macroprudential policy
may not be effective because restrictions on regulated firms may push the activities into the
unregulated sector.
7. Conclusion
The stance of monetary policy is transmitted to the real economy via multiple channels. In asset
markets, the pure expectations channel is complemented by a risk-taking channel, reflected by changes
in the pricing of risk. These changes in the price of risk can be evident in asset markets, the banking
sector, shadow banking, and nonfinancial sector borrowers. As financial intermediation has become
increasingly market-based, the risk-taking channel has become more important, particularly in the
shadow banking system which relies principally on asset prices to support short-term funding. Risk
taking associated with expansionary monetary policy can cause the buildup of vulnerabilities that can
generate systemic financial crises when adverse shocks hit.
Even if monetary policy were to contribute to the buildup of vulnerabilities as both theory and
empirics support it does not mean that monetary policy should target these vulnerabilities. Most view
macroprudential policies as the first order defense against such buildups of vulnerabilities. However,
macroprudential policies only directly affect a limited set of financial institutions due to shadow
banking, have limited international reach, and are potentially subject to long implementation lags.
Monetary policy, on the other hand, impacts funding conditions for all intermediaries, more
immediately, and has some global reach. Cost-benefit analysis of the use of monetary policy that does
not incorporate the role of asset prices and credit may not be robust. While these arguments may lead
to a conclusion that is uncomfortable because of the higher burden on monetary policy, cleaning up
after the bust has proven in the long wake of the Great Financial Crisis to be extremely costly. More
research is needed to evaluate the efficacy of macroprudential and monetary policies, independently
and jointly, to prevent the buildup of vulnerabilities and to mitigate the consequences of busts on the
real economy.
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Table 1. Monitoring Vulnerabilities in Different Sectors (Adrian, Covitz, Liang 2015)
Price of risk
Maturity/ liquidity
and complexity
(1) Nonfinancial
standards (LTVs,
Leverage and debt
service burdens of
business, and
Use of short-term
or floating rate
(2) Asset markets
Risk premiums and
non-price terms in
equities, credit,
real estate
Term premiums for
Investor leverage
Carry trades
Mutual funds
Derivatives and
(3) Banking sector
Risk taking in credit
and rates
Regulatory capital
ratios, banks and
Market measures of
risk and capital
Post-stress capital
from stress tests
Financial firm
Secured and
unsecured funding
Systemic risk
assets and liabilities
Common asset
holdings, correlated
Size, critical
functions, TBTF
(4) Shadow banks,
Financial markets
Securities issuance
Regulatory capital
Hedge funds
Use of derivatives
to mimic leverage
Agency REITs
ABCP conduits
Repo markets
Sec lending
New financial
Table 2. Monetary Policy Transmission on Financial Conditions and Financial Stability in
Different Sectors
Financial conditions
Financial stability
(1) Nonfinancial
Borrowing conditions
Balance sheet channel
Credit growth (credit/GDP)
Deterioration in underwriting standards
Excess leverage
Fire sale externalities
Negative demand externalities
(2) Asset markets
Risk free term structure
Higher asset prices
Lower risk premiums
Compressed risk premiums
Reach for yield because of nominal targets
Supported by leverage from an external
finance premium, asymmetric information
Asset managers that prefer yield income or
are evaluated based on relative performance
Low volatility and low risk premiums
Procyclical risk management practices
Mismeasurement of risk
(3) Banking sector
Credit channel
Pro-cyclical leverage of banks and dealers
Procyclical risk management practices and
inflated collateral values
Risk-shifting channel reduces the quality of credit
Low bank capital
(4) Shadow banking
Liquidity creation
Maturity transformation by
nonbank intermediaries
Pro-cyclical dealer intermediated leverage
Procyclical risk management practices and
Excessive maturity transformation
Short-term funding fragilities
Regulatory arbitrage
Table 3. Macroprudential Policy Tools in Different Sectors
Financial stability
Macroprudential Tools
(1) Nonfinancial
Deterioration in underwriting standards
Excess leverage
Fire sale externalities
Negative demand externalities
Limits on underwriting standards, such as
LTVs and DTIs
Limits on adjustable rate loans for
borrowers, stress test borrowers for rising
(2) Asset markets
Compressed risk premiums
Reach for yield because of
nominal targets
Supported by leverage from an
external finance premium,
asymmetric information
Asset managers that prefer
yield income or are evaluated
based on relative performance
Low volatility and low risk premiums
Procyclical risk management
Mismeasurement of risk
Underwriting standards for debt, like LTVs
and DTIs
Sectoral risk weights at banks
Countercyclical capital or liquidity buffers
Margins and haircuts
Limits on short-term collateralized funding
(3) Banking sector
Pro-cyclical leverage of banks and
Procyclical risk management
practices and inflated collateral
Risk-shifting channel reduces the
quality of credit
Low bank capital
Higher capital and liquidity requirements
Countercyclical capital and liquidity
Sectoral risk weights
Supervisory guidance, exposure limits
Supervisory stress tests
(4) Shadow banking
Pro-cyclical dealer intermediated
Procyclical risk management
practices and inflated
Excessive maturity transformation
Short-term funding fragilities
Regulatory arbitrage
Monitor for regulatory arbitrage and
reduce regulatory and accounting
incentives to move activities from
regulated sector
Higher minimum haircuts or margins
Tighter standards on securitizations