Spring 2024 Electronic Arts Application Guidelines Page 1 of 11
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Electronic Arts Application Guidelines | Spring 2024
Application & Portfolio due 5:00PM Monday, February 26, 2024
The Electronic Arts faculty will review applications for admission to the Audio, Animation,
Interactive New Media (INM), and Video tracks in the Bachelor of Science in Electronic Arts
program starting Monday, February 26, 2024. Please note that Animation track applications
are only accepted during the Spring review process.
All candidates will be evaluated on the following criteria.
Creative potential and demonstrated ability in one area of the Electronic Arts curriculum
(Audio, Computer Animation, Interactive New Media, or Video)
High standards of academic and creative excellence
Ability to communicate and collaborate effectively within team structures
Technical, aesthetic and problem-solving skills
Ability to meet deadlines and to be self-directed
Spring 2026 Application Timeline
Friday, February 9 Application forms available
Monday, February 26 Applications due by 5:00PM
Friday, March 22 Interviews Conducted (Tentative Date)
Note: Results of the Application Review are not communicated until all of the scheduled
interviews have been conducted.
Candidates who are not selected this semester are encouraged to meet with their advisor to
discuss coursework and directions for improving their portfolio and may reapply to the program
during the next application window. Exceptions may be considered at the EA faculty members
discretion. Consult your academic advisor.
Admission Requirements
Complete the following 9 hours with a GPA of 3.00 or higher before making a portfolio
application to the program:
Foundation Courses (6 hours): Complete two courses from: ART 110(3), MED 365(3),
MUS 216(3). Students must complete the foundation course required in their
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option area before submitting their portfolio application to the program. Required
foundation course for each option.
o Audio Studies: MUS 216(3)
o Computer Animation Studies: ART 110(3)
o Interactive New Media Studies: ART 110(3)
o Video Studies: MED 365(3)
Pre-admission Core Course (3 hours): Complete one course from ART 210(3), ART
230(3), or MED 361(3). Note: Computer Animation students must complete ART 230.
INM students must complete ART 210.
Note: All EA majors must complete all three foundation courses to satisfy graduation
Graduation from the Electronic Arts program is contingent upon acceptance into the program,
completion of all required courses, and successful completion of the junior/senior portfolio
Transfer students who brought in at least 30 hours are welcome to apply to the Electronic
Arts program on a “probationary” basis if they are currently in-progress with their third pre-
admission course.
Transfer students who have 60 or more transfer credit hours with at least one pre-
admission core requirement complete or in-progress may apply forprobationary” admission
status to the program. For Audio Studies majors, MUS 216 must be in-progress or
completed. For Video Studies majors, MED 365 must be in-progress or completed. For
Animation/INM majors, ART 110 must be in-progress or completed. If you are unsure if this
applies to you, please contact your advisor.
Required Application Contents
The application is due February 26, 2024 by 5:00PM as a folder submitted through your MSU
OneDrive account. Your application must include the following items. Instructions and
templates are available further down in this document.
Portfolio Playlist
Digital Portfolio
Application Form
Essay Response (See prompt questions in application)
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Resume of relevant experience
Digital Portfolio Requirements
Your portfolio must include a minimum of two and a maximum of three examples of
animation, audio, video, and interactive new media relevant to the track you are applying to. At
least one example must come from the foundation course in the track to which the
student is applying, and at least one example must come from course work outside of
your declared EA track.
Example An EA Audio applicant would apply with at least one work from their EA
Foundation Course - MUS 216, and at least one work chosen from one of the following
courses outside of the Audio Track emphasis: ART 110, ART 210, ART 230, MED 365.
Include only your best work! A portfolio with two examples of excellent work is stronger than a
portfolio that includes two pieces of excellent work and an example of mediocre.
Total duration of all electronic pieces submitted must not exceed 15 minutes. You may
use excerpts of projects when appropriate. If you do so, please indicate this clearly in your
portfolio playlist. Include suggested navigation for interactive multimedia projects.
Formatting files
Format all digital portfolio items according to the guidelines below. Portfolio items that are not
formatted correctly may be disregarded by the EA faculty.
Audio files .wav PCM format
Video files .mp4 H.264 format, 1920×1080 pixels max resolution, 8 Mbps target
Still Images .jpg format, no larger than 1600 pixels on longest side.
Interactive media Package project in a self-contained, executable form (Windows and
Mac) if possible. Otherwise, include a high-quality video of the project in action.
o Processing Use File Export Application. Make sure “Windows” and
“Mac OS X” platforms and “Embed Java” are checked. Include the exported
“application.macosx” and “application.win64” folders along with the .pde file(s)
containing your code.
o p5.js Place your .html, .js, and any other required asset files in a folder inside
your portfolio. If using the p5.js Web Editor, click File Download to get a .zip
archive of your project containing the necessary files to include in your portfolio.
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Include a text file named README.TXT containing instructions for how to launch
your .html file.
o Unreal Engine Refer to online documentation on how to package your project
Include your packaged project inside a folder inside your portfolio.
o Unity Refer to online documentation on how to publish a build
(https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PublishingBuilds.html). Include your published build
inside a folder inside your portfolio.
o Other Contact Colby Jennings ([email protected]) for
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Application Organization
Place your playlist, portfolio files, application form, essays, and resume in a folder named
Name your digital portfolio files according to the pattern, “ItemNum_Course_Title.FileType”.
Your first item should be your playlist, named “00_Playlist.docx.” Number the rest of your
portfolio items sequentially. Put your strongest work first. Projects that are comprised of a set
of multiple, still images (max. 5 images) should have each item numbered and lettered (ex.,
01a, 01b, et cetera) in the order that they should be viewed. List outside work after projects
completed as part of a class.
Name your application form, essay, and resume “LastnameFirstname_Title.docx” (or .pdf).
Animation Track Example
📂 SugarRebecca_EA_Animation_SP24
Audio Track Example
📂 MarleyRobert_EA_Audio_SP24
Video Track Example
📂 WaititiTaika_EA_Video_SP24
Interactive New Media Track Example
📂 McCarthyLauren_EA_INM_SP24
o digitalPaint.pde
o index.html
o p5.dom.min.js
o p5.js
o sketch.js
o style.css
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Submitting Your Application
Each MSU student receives 1TB of storage on Microsoft OneDrive connected to your MSU
email address. Upload your application folder to your allocated MSU OneDrive storage.
For more information about accessing and uploading files to OneDrive, refer to the information
on the MSU Help Desk (https://experts.missouristate.edu/display/KB/OneDrive+for+Business).
When you have all files organized and uploaded to your MSU OneDrive storage, share a link to
your application folder via email to BCJennings@MissouriState.edu.
It is very important to read the instructions and properly organize your application folder. Having
read over the application form, should you have questions about how to properly construct or
submit your application please reach out to your advisor or Colby Jennings
(BCJenning[email protected])
If you have questions about the review itself, speak with your advisor or contact Colby
Jennings (BCJennings@MissouriState.edu) or Andrew Twibell
Electronic Arts faculty are able to provide information regarding the application process.
Art + Design Joshua Albers, Andrew Goodwin, Colby Jennings
Media, Journalism, and Film Jon Mabee, Joy Millana, Andrew Twibell, and Weiyan Wang
Music Darcy Stevens
Do not delay! Applications will not be accepted after 5pm on February 26.
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Application Form Template
Copy and paste the template below into a new Word document named
LastnameFirstname_ApplicationForm.docx”. Complete the form and include the document
in your application folder.
---------------------------------------------------- Begin Template ---------------------------------------------------
Electronic Arts Application | Spring 2024
Name Click or tap here to enter text.
Phone Click or tap here to enter text.
MSU Email Click or tap here to enter text.
Total Credit Hours Click or tap here to enter text.
Area of Emphasis (check one)
Computer Animation
Interactive New Media
Statement / Essay
What you hope to get out of the Electronic Arts program? What will you bring to the EA program
if you are accepted? How will the EA program help you meet your long-term goals? What can
you do with your craft / creativity to positively impact community and culture?
Please address the following items in a single, well-organized essay.
Understanding that the Electronic Arts program is built on collaboration, ethical
leadership, cultural awareness, and critical inquiry, what are your aspirations for the
Electronic Arts program and your career after Missouri State University?
Why is this path, and particularly your emphasis area, important to you?
Given the culture in which we exist, with the concerns of accuracy and credibility, what
role do / can content creators fulfill moving towards a more authentic and creative media
(2000 words max)
Click or tap here to enter text.
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Signature Click or tap here to enter text. Date Click or tap here to enter text.
By signing or printing your name above, you agree that you have read the attached guidelines
and understand the conditions of this review.
----------------------------------------------------- End Template ----------------------------------------------------
Digital Portfolio Playlist Template
Copy and paste the template below into a new Word document named
Complete the form and include the document in your application folder.
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---------------------------------------------------- Begin Template ---------------------------------------------------
Digital Portfolio Playlist | Spring 2024
Name Click or tap here to enter text.
MSU Email Click or tap here to enter text.
EA Track Click or tap here to enter text.
Digital Portfolio Item 1
Project Title Click or tap here to enter text.
Duration Click or tap here to enter text.
Course (semester and year) Click or tap here to enter text.
Project summary Click or tap here to enter text.
Description of your role Click or tap here to enter text.
Why did you include this piece? Click or tap here to enter text.
Digital Portfolio Item 2
Project Title Click or tap here to enter text.
Duration Click or tap here to enter text.
Course (semester and year) Click or tap here to enter text.
Project summary Click or tap here to enter text.
Description of your role Click or tap here to enter text.
Why did you include this piece? Click or tap here to enter text.
Digital Portfolio Item 3 (delete this section if not applicable)
Project Title Click or tap here to enter text.
Duration Click or tap here to enter text.
Course (semester and year) Click or tap here to enter text.
Project summary Click or tap here to enter text.
Description of your role Click or tap here to enter text.
Why did you include this piece? Click or tap here to enter text.
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----------------------------------------------------- End Template ----------------------------------------------------
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Resume Instructions
Create a professional resume that outlines your relevant experience, achievements, and
honors. Save your resume as a document named
Include the following sections (as applicable).
Projects and Professional Experience
List roles on projects and positions of employment (include date ranges). Describe key duties
for each project/position.
List proficiencies with tools, techniques, and methods relevant to your field.
Academic Experience
List degrees and certificates completed and in-progress. Include institution names and
locations, and dates of completion (where applicable).
Awards and Achievements
List any awards, achievements, and honors that reflect on your work ethic, skills, community
involvement, et cetera.