Las Positas College Student Government
Meeting Minutes Instructions and Template
Below you will see an LPCSG meeting minutes template. Please note that this is a template example.
Minutes are a summary of what occurred during a meeting. You are not required to write word for word report of
the meeting. You can find many examples of meeting minutes on the LPCSG Agendas & Minutes
webpage or by
doing an Internet search. The Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) has a SSCCC YouTube
channel with a Minutes and Agenda Workshop video which may be helpful.
Minute taking can be a difficult task. Some people have the ability to only refer to notes while others also choose to use
meeting recordings such as Zoom videos and transcripts or digital recorder recordings from in-person meetings.
Be advised that as a minute taker, you may politely ask the person speaking in a meeting to repeat, speak up, or spell their
name if needed. Although, it is suggested that you keep this practice to a minimum. You may also consider the use of
name digital or paper tags/plaques/tents. Additionally, please refrain from the use pronouns he/she/him/her and use the
person’s name "first initial. Last name format" (Example: L. Wiedemeier). There may be exceptions to this rule when the
gender of the person speaking is known and titled on their Zoom name.
You are advised to visit the LPCSG Agendas & Minutes
webpage to locate and download the current LPCSG agenda to
work on. You will find that all agendas and minutes posted on the website will be a PDF file.
1. Visit the LPCSG Agendas & Minutes
webpage to locate the current LPCSG agenda to work on. Do NOT use the file
that may have been shared via email as the file may have been edited prior to posting. Using the file from the Internet
ensures that you are working with the most current and publicized file.
2. Download the PDF file onto your desktop or C: Drive of your computer.
3. Locate the downloaded file on your desktop or C:Drive of your computer NOT from the opened Internet tab
4. Open the file as a WORD document. You may open the file by one of two ways-
a. From the desktop, hover your mouse over the PDF version of the document. Right click to view option to Open
with… Chose WORD
b. Open the PDF file and Save As Word Document either from the File options or CTRL +Shift + S.
* Many of you may prefer to use Google Docs. You may do so for the purposes of sharing with other members of the
LPCSG cohort and editing. However, you MUST save the file as a WORD document before emailing the file as an
attachment to the Program Coordinator of Student Life and Leadership. WORD documents are required for easier edits
and conversion to a PDF file for posting online for the Student Life Office Staff.
5. Edit the file using the template suggestions below. Note you should review the document line by line to avoid missing
areas that need to be revised to reflect the particular meeting minutes you are creating. The highlighted items on the
template should be used as an example of particular items to specifically watch for in creating/editing minutes.
*Most important items of concern:
Title of the meeting
Title of the document-Minutes not agenda
Time and date of the meeting
Call to Order indicate the title and name of the person and time meeting is called to start
Roll Call Attendance of the members when taking roll call: P-Present (use parentheses and PP noting time of
departure and return if someone steps out of the meeting such as to take a call, etc.), A-Absent You may also use
EA for Excused Absence UEA for Unexcused Absence if known, T-Tardy (use parentheses to note arrival time if
someone enters the meeting after the start of the meeting) You may also use ET for Excused Tardy or UET for
Unexcused Tardy if known
Quorum of how many voting members and advisors are present in the meeting
Approval of Agenda indicate name of person who motions, seconded, and if approved by consensus
Approval of Minutes indicate name of person who motions, seconded, and if approved by consensus
Guest Speaker indicate title, name, company represented of the person speaking. Summary of message provided.
Public Comment indicate title, name, company represented of the person speaking. Summary of comment.
Special Orders Indicate name of person speaking and summary of discussion. Specify if action was
recommended including motion, second, and voting results (Roll Call and Aye, Nay, Abstain or total of each vote
if roll call not required).
Unfinished Business Indicate name of person speaking and summary of discussion. Specify if action was
recommended including motion, second, and voting results (Roll Call and Aye, Nay, Abstain or total of each vote
if roll call not required).
New Business Indicate name of person speaking and summary of discussion. Specify if action was recommended
including motion, second, and voting results (Roll Call and Aye, Nay, Abstain or total of each vote if roll call was
not required).
Officer Reports Summary of report provided.
Announcements Summary of message provided.
Good of the Order Summary of discussion and information provided.
Adjournment indicate the title and name of the person and time meeting is called to end
Once you have completed your meeting minutes:
1. Remove these instructions pages, the agenda cover sheet (if you created your minutes from the agenda), and any
editing notes/comments used when writing.
2. Double-check the document both using a spelling and grammar check function or software.
3. Proofread your document including double-checking the spelling of names and titles.
4. Save the document as a WORD document. It is suggested that you name the file with the date meeting and title of
document. Example: 6.10.2021_LPCSG Student Senate Meeting Minutes.
5. Submit your meeting minutes as a WORD document file attachment in an email to Josué Hernández
, Program
Coordinator of Student Life and Leadership. You may choose to Cc Adria Anderson-Kelly, Administrative
Assistant for Student Life, and any additional persons that the minutes may be of interest to.
All agendas and minutes must be reviewed and approved by Josué Hernández, Program Coordinator
of Student Life and Leadership, or Shawn Taylor, Director of Student Equity and Success, before they
will be posted on the LPCSG Agendas & Minutes
webpage. Submit your document(s) within a
reasonable amount of time before the Ralph M. Brown Act required 72-hours of the meeting to allow
for reviews and edits as needed. (Special meetings require 24- hour notice and are limited to agenda items.
Emergency meetings can only be called by an Administrator/Advisor and should not be held unless there are
health and safety concerns that require immediate attention.)
Agendas and Minutes cannot be altered once they are posted for public review.
Las Positas College Student Government
Regular Student Senate Meeting
Monday, August 23, 2021 | 2:00 PM
I. CALL TO ORDER (1 min)
President K. Johnson calls the meeting to order at 4:30.
Kyle Johnson - President (Chair) -P
Lara Wiedemeier - Vice President -P
Yasmeen Ibrahim - Director of Legislation -P
Jacqueline Carrillo - Director of Communication -P
Amy Attia - Director of Events -P
Tyler Rivas - Inter-Club Council (ICC) Chair -P
Sara Kim - Las Positas College (LPC) Student Trustee -P
Vacant - Director of Finance -N/A
Vacant - Director of Programs & Services -N/A
Revise when advanced senators are appointed
Thomas Blakely -P
Nezrin Hasanly -P
Add as new senators are appointed
Shawn Taylor - Director of Student Equity and Success -A
Josué Hernández - Program Coordinator of Student Life & Leadership -P
QUORUM (1 min)
Example: Quorum is established with 14 out of 15 voting members and 1 advisor
Example: Motion: To approve this agenda; approved by consensus
Example: Motion: To approve this agenda; approved by consensus
VI. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes per person) Students and members of the public are encouraged to
speak on any topic during public comment. Each individual is limited to three minutes. If students or
members of the public wish to address an item on the agenda during the meeting or ask questions during
the meeting, they need to be recognized by the Chairperson by both raising their hand and speaking out
their name. Their comment is limited to three minutes. (CA Education Code 72121.5 and Government
Code 54954.3)
Example: XXX will share information/present/discuss xxxxx.
of topic
Presenter Name
Brief description (20 words or less) of item to be discussed
Time limit
COVID Vaccine
Kyle Johnson
Kyle Johnson will open the discussion on the COVID
vaccine mandate on our campus.
15 minutes
Lara Wiedemeier
Lara Wiedemeier will recommend appointing prospective
LPCSG Senators.
5 minutes
Appointments to
Lara Wiedemeier
Lara Wiedemeier will recommend appointing LPCSG
Senators and Executive Board members to committees.
5 minutes
Planning of
Upcoming Events
Amy Attia
Amy Attia will share information regarding the planning
status of upcoming events.
10 minutes
The Market
Josué Hernández
Josué Hernández will share information about The Market
scheduled for September 21, 2021.
5 minutes
of topic
Presenter Name
Brief description (20 words or less) of item to be discussed
Time limit
of topic
Presenter Name
Brief description (20 words or less) of item to be discussed
Kyle Johnson - President (Chair)
Lara Wiedemeier - Vice President
Yasmeen Ibrahim - Director of Legislation
Jacqueline Carrillo - Director of Communication
Amy Attia - Director of Events
Tyler Rivas - Inter-Club Council (ICC) Chair
Sara Kim - Las Positas College (LPC) Student Trustee
Vacant - Director of Finance
Vacant - Director of Programs & Services
Revise as advanced senators are appointed
Thomas Blakely
Nezrin Hasanly
Add as new senators are appointed
Shawn Taylor - Director of Student Equity and Success
Josué Hernández - Program Coordinator of Student Life & Leadership
President Kyle Johnson adjourns the meeting at 5:34