Compensation Plan
Houston ISD
This Compensation Plan
serves as an eective guide and
recruitment and retention tool grounded
in clarity of compensation processes
aligned with Destination 2035,
which also showcases HISD’s
commitment to strategic stang and
performance assessment through
competitive compensation.
– F. Mike Miles
Superintendent of Schools
Compensation Plan
Houston ISD
Table of Contents
Compensation Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Compensation Management Process ............................................................ 4
New Hire Pay Determination ................................................................. 4
Salary Adjustments ......................................................................... 5
Pay Periods ............................................................................... 8
Work Calendars ............................................................................ 8
Pay Strucutre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2024–2025 Salary Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2024–2025 Pay Placement Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2024–2025 Fixed Hourly Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2024–2025 Principal Pay. ................................................................... 18
2024–2025 Substitute Teacher & Administrator Earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2024–2025 Hourly Leacturer Earnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Supplemental Earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2024–2025 Incentives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2024–2025 Stipends & Extra Duty ........................................................... 21
2024–2025 Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2024–2025 Dierential Compensation. ........................................................ 22
2024–2025 Bus Driver Supplemental Compensation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2024–2025 Summer School ................................................................. 22
Acting Pay ............................................................................... 23
Crafts & Trades Pay ....................................................................... 23
Hazardous Duty Dierential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Other Compensation Information ....................................................24
Compensatory Time ....................................................................... 24
Grant-Funded Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Return from Protected or “Held Harmless” Leave ................................................ 25
Overtime Pay ............................................................................ 25
Interns. ................................................................................. 26
Paid Time O Beyond Accrued for Exempt Employees ........................................... 26
Support Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 3
Houston ISD is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation,
gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by law. e District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, e Americans with Disabilities Act, and the
Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, as well as board policy not to discriminate in such a manner (not all prohibited bases apply to all programs).
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 4
Job Evaluation & Market Valuation
Job evaluation is a systematic process for determining the relative value of various jobs within the district. Once a
position has been in use for a period of time, re-evaluation may become necessary if the scope of the job has changed
Once a positions relative internal value has been established through the HISD job evaluation process, the
Compensation Department determines its dollar value in the external marketplace. To accomplish this, the
Compensation Department conducts internal/external surveys that allow comparisons with various types of positions.
rough combining the information obtained from both the job evaluation process and the market valuation process,
jobs can be assigned to appropriate pay grades, which are tied to specic pay ranges.
Over time, any number of changes can be made to an employee’s pay rate. From cost-of-living adjustments to
performance-based increases to promotions and demotions.
e Compensation Department also monitors and occasionally may recommend adjustments to employee pay and the
supporting structures to achieve external competitiveness and internal equity. New policies may also be adopted from
time to time, which are not retroactive unless expressly so provided.
A reclassication may be required when there is a substantive change in the duties and responsibilities of a job
that may occur due to changes in the organization, type of work, stang requirements, technology or when the
classication (title, job grade, or status) assigned to the job is incorrect based on the actual job duties. e primary
goal of a reclassication is to ensure that the work being performed corresponds with the job description. As such,
reclassication may or may not result in an increase or decrease in salary grade. An employee’s pay after the
reclassication must fall within the newly determined salary range. Any changes in pay will be considered in relation
to internal equity and external market equity; the complexity and/or scope of duties and responsibility; and how
critical the skills are to the completion of department or division goals.
Recommending a Salary (Minimum to Midpoint)
is section applies to positions whose pay is not determined by a pay placement table
(for example, it does not apply to Teachers or Police Ocers). Hiring managers will have
the discretion to select and recommend a salary to Human Resources to include in the oer
letter. Upon selecting a candidate, hiring managers will provide Human Resources with a
salary recommendation and a completed Salary Recommendation Checklist, which may be
found in HISD’s Compensation site.
Recommending a Salary (Above Midpoint)
is section applies to positions whose pay is not determined by a pay placement table (for example, it does not apply
to Teachers or Police Ocers). All salary recommendations that are above the midpoint of a pay range require that
a completed Salary Recommendation Checklist be submitted by the requesting hiring manager’s chief to the Chief
Human Resources Ocer or designee for nal approval, and informing Finance for budgetary purposes.
is Compensation Plan may be amended or updated as necessary to align with the mission of the district.
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Evaluating Prior Work Experience
To maintain consistency and equity, HISD may consider past experience of its new
employees in determining the initial pay rate assignment. Because of the importance
of establishing the validity of credentials, HISD employs a formal process for granting
advanced pay placement for prior work experience.
Creditable Years of Service
An important part of the HISD salary administration process is the determination
of a creditable year of service. is measure determines whether an employee
qualies for base pay increases in association with overall pay structure
enhancements which may be made.
n 90 days of full-time service or 180 days of half-time service earned during 12 months as dened by TRS
Guidelines. Employees who work less than half-time are not eligible to earn a creditable year of service.
n 90 full-time equivalent days at HISD or another school district. Equivalent full-time days have been calculated
by multiplying the total number of days worked by the percentage of time employed in the district.
Experience credit cannot be awarded for experience in current school year even if the 90 days of full-time service is met.
To receive service credit for prior work experience, new hires under a Teacher Placement Table must submit service
records within 30 calendar days of start date to receive a retroactive starting pay adjustment. Otherwise, the eective
date of change is the date upon which the Compensation Department receives the ocial service record. It is the
responsibility of the employee to provide all ocial documentation.
A promotion occurs when an employee moves to a dierent position with a
higher salary grade. is move acknowledges the employee’s enhanced skills
and responsibilities, ensuring their pay aligns with market standards and
internal fairness. To qualify for a promotion, an employee must:
n Be a regular full-time or part-time employee (not temporary).
n Meet the minimum qualications of the new position.
Promoted employees will be placed at the minimum of the pay range of the
higher grade, or keep their current pay, whichever amount is higher. Exceptions
may be allowed by the Superintendent.
Lateral Transfers
Not all job changes result in a salary increase. A lateral transfer
occurs when an employee competitively moves to a vacant position
within the same pay grade. Competitive lateral moves may
consider a salary increase only if the new duties signicantly
dier. Exceptions require additional justication and
approval by the Superintendent.
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 6
Voluntary and Involuntary Demotions
A voluntary demotion happens when an employee applies for and is selected for a position with a lower pay grade.
Eective the date of change, the employee’s salary shall be decreased to the minimum of the pay range of the new
role. If the position falls under a pay placement table (for example, Non-NES Teacher Pay Placement Table or Police
Ocer Placement Table), the salary shall be adjusted based on years of experience.
For Chapter 21 employees, an involuntary demotion that is performance based will not impact the employee’s salary
for the current school year. Eective the start of the new school year, the employee’s salary shall be decreased to the
minimum of the pay range of the new role. If the position falls under a pay placement table (e.g., Non-NES Teacher
Pay Placement Table or Police Ocer Placement Table), the salary shall be adjusted based on years of experience.
For a performance based involuntary demotion of a non-Chapter 21 employee, eective the date of change, the
employee’s salary shall be decreased to the minimum of the pay range of the new role. If the position falls under a pay
placement table (e.g., Non- NES Teacher Pay Placement Table or Police Ocer Placement Table), the salary shall be
adjusted based on years of experience.
Any involuntary demotion that is non-performance based will not impact an employee’s salary for the current school
year. Eective the start of the new school year, the employee’s salary shall be decreased to the minimum of the pay
range of the new role. If the position falls under a pay placement table (e.g., Non-NES Teacher Pay Placement Table
or Police Ocer Placement Table), the salary shall be adjusted based on years of experience.
Exceptions may be allowed by the Superintendent.
salary adjustments (continued)
Equity Pay Adjustments
e Human Resources Department periodically audits pay rates within classications to identify potential pay
problems. It is also the responsibility of the department or division to bring to the attention of Human Resources any
signicant pay problems that may exist in their organization structure. A department or division Chief may initiate a
pay equity adjustment whenever he or she determines that the present level of compensation of an employee or group
of employees is at a level that:
1. it results in an unusual level of turnover of employees in the group; or,
2. it results in the aected department experiencing signicant diculty in recruiting candidates to ll vacant
positions; or,
3. it results in a disparity in current paid rates for similarly classied employees in that unit; or,
4. the level of compensation is substantially below the comparable level of compensation for similar employment
outside the HISD; and,
5. the present level of compensation has substantially reduced the districts’ ability to deliver services.
Individual equity increases shall be based on one or more of the following: Internal equity, external competitiveness,
years of service, and quartile within the salary range. All equity pay adjustments are subject to review to ensure
compliance with applicable policy and procedures, and approval
by the department or division Chief and the Compensation
Department. Funds for any approved equity pay adjustment
must come from the authorized budget of the aected
department or division and needs review and approval
from Finance’s Budget department
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 7
Salary Adjustments (continued)
Work Schedule Changes
Due to business needs, employees may have their work schedules adjusted by their administration. An employee whose
work schedule is changed but who continues to occupy the same job or position will be compensated at his or her
current hourly rate of pay, adjusted for the new work schedule.
Pay Above Maximum
If for any reason, an incumbents base pay exceeds the maximum of the grade, the employee’s pay will be “red circled.”
is means that all base pay rate increases will be withheld until the base pay rate falls within the range, at which time
the incumbent will be eligible for future increases. Any exception to this policy requires prior approval by the director
of the Human Resources Department.
Teacher Adjustment
Employees who receive the teacher adjustment amount assigned to employees on the Teacher Initial Compensation
Placement Table will retain this component as long as they are continuously in a position on any Teacher Initial
Compensation Placement Table.
Employees who transfer to positions on the Master or Technology Pay Scales or leave the district will not recover the
teacher adjustment amount if they move back to any Initial Compensation Placement Table through transfer
or rehire. eir compensation would be based on experience.
Teacher Allotment
e former career ladder supplement now carried as teacher allotment will continue. No new teacher allotments will
be added for new employees or rehires. Teacher allotment is not considered to be a component of an employee’s base
salary and is not used to calculate an employee’s position in the salary range. Teacher allotment is deducted from an
employee’s salary when calculating promotional increases or other adjustment amounts.
Teachers who transfer to positions on the Master or Technology Pay Scales or leave the district will not recover the
teacher allotment amount if they move back to the Non-NES Teacher Salary Table through transfer or rehire. eir
compensation would be based on experience.
Employees currently under the Teacher Adjustment or
Teacher Allotment programs will be grandfathered in.
No new employees are eligible for these programs
eective 24-25.
Work Calendars
HISD employees are paid as follows:
Salaried employees are paid over 26 pay periods.
Hourly employees are paid for every pay period in which there are earnings.
View HISD’s 2024-2025 Payroll Calendar at
Employees are required to work the number of days specied within their positions
annual work calendar.
Employees who work 227 days or more during a school year are considered 12-month employees.
Employees who work between 198 to 226 days during a school year are considered 11-month employees.
Employees who work 197 days or less during a school year are considered 10-month employees.
Specic work calendars are published at
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Salary Tables
Salary tables
are determined for
2024-2025 and are
subject to change
annually upon
board adoption
of the employee
compensation plan
as part of the
annual budget.
Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum
37 $64.22 $85.10 $105.98
36 $58.39 $77.37 $96.34
35 $53.08 $70.33 $87.58
34 $48.25 $63.94 $79.62
33 $43.86 $58.12 $72.38
32 $39.87 $52.84 $65.80
31 $36.25 $48.03 $59.82
30 $32.95 $43.67 $54.38
29 $29.96 $39.70 $49.44
28 $27.24 $36.09 $44.94
27 $24.76 $32.81 $40.86
26 $22.51 $29.83 $37.14
25 $20.46 $27.12 $33.76
24 $18.60 $24.65 $30.70
23 $17.65 $22.41 $27.91
22 $16.45 $20.65 $25.72
21 $16.24 $20.38 $25.38
20 $16.03 $20.11 $25.05
19 $15.81 $19.85 $24.71
18 $15.61 $19.58 $24.39
17 $15.40 $19.33 $24.07
16 $15.21 $19.08 $23.76
15 $15.00 $18.82 $23.44
37 $133,577.60 $177,008.00 $220,438.40
36 $121,451.20 $160,929.60 $200,387.20
35 $110,406.40 $146,286.40 $182,166.40
34 $100,360.00 $132,995.20 $165,609.60
33 $91,228.80 $120,889.60 $150,550.40
32 $82,929.60 $109,907.20 $136,864.00
31 $75,400.00 $99,902.40 $124,425.60
30 $68,536.00 $90,833.60 $113,110.40
29 $62,316.80 $82,576.00 $102,835.20
28 $56,659.20 $75,067.20 $93,475.20
27 $51,500.80 $68,244.80 $84,988.80
26 $46,820.80 $62,046.40 $77,251.20
25 $42,556.80 $56,409.60 $70,220.80
24 $38,688.00 $51,272.00 $63,856.00
23 $36,712.00 $46,612.80 $58,052.80
22 $34,216.00 $42,952.00 $53,497.60
21 $33,779.20 $42,390.40 $52,790.40
20 $33,342.40 $41,828.80 $52,104.00
19 $32,884.80 $41,288.00 $51,396.80
18 $32,468.80 $40,726.40 $50,731.20
17 $32,032.00 $40,206.40 $50,065.60
16 $31,636.80 $39,686.40 $49,420.80
15 $31,200.00 $39,145.60 $48,755.20
37 $106,862.08 $141,606.40 $176,350.72
36 $97,160.96 $128,743.68 $160,309.76
35 $88,325.12 $117,029.12 $145,733.12
34 $80,288.00 $106,396.16 $132,487.68
33 $72,983.04 $96,711.68 $120,440.32
32 $66,343.68 $87,925.76 $109,491.20
31 $60,320.00 $79,921.92 $99,540.48
30 $54,828.80 $72,666.88 $90,488.32
29 $49,853.44 $66,060.80 $82,268.16
28 $45,327.36 $60,053.76 $74,780.16
27 $41,200.64 $54,595.84 $67,991.04
26 $37,456.64 $49,637.12 $61,800.96
25 $34,045.44 $45,127.68 $56,176.64
24 $30,950.40 $41,017.60 $51,084.80
23 $29,369.60 $37,290.24 $46,442.24
22 $27,372.80 $34,361.60 $42,798.08
21 $27,023.36 $33,912.32 $42,232.32
20 $26,673.92 $33,463.04 $41,683.20
19 $26,307.84 $33,030.40 $41,117.44
18 $25,975.04 $32,581.12 $40,584.96
17 $25,625.60 $32,165.12 $40,052.48
16 $25,309.44 $31,749.12 $39,536.64
15 $24,960.00 $31,316.48 $39,004.16
37 $99,669.44 $132,075.20 $164,480.96
36 $90,621.28 $120,078.24 $149,519.68
35 $82,380.16 $109,152.16 $135,924.16
34 $74,884.00 $99,234.88 $123,570.24
33 $68,070.72 $90,202.24 $112,333.76
32 $61,878.24 $82,007.68 $102,121.60
31 $56,260.00 $74,542.56 $92,840.64
30 $51,138.40 $67,775.84 $84,397.76
29 $46,497.92 $61,614.40 $76,730.88
28 $42,276.48 $56,011.68 $69,746.88
27 $38,427.52 $50,921.12 $63,414.72
26 $34,935.52 $46,296.16 $57,641.28
25 $31,753.92 $42,090.24 $52,395.52
24 $28,867.20 $38,256.80 $47,646.40
23 $27,392.80 $34,780.32 $43,316.32
22 $25,530.40 $32,048.80 $39,917.44
21 $25,204.48 $31,629.76 $39,389.76
20 $24,878.56 $31,210.72 $38,877.60
19 $24,537.12 $30,807.20 $38,349.92
18 $24,226.72 $30,388.16 $37,853.28
17 $23,900.80 $30,000.16 $37,356.64
16 $23,605.92 $29,612.16 $36,875.52
15 $23,280.00 $29,208.64 $36,378.88
Grade Minimum
Maximum Grade Minimum
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 9
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2024-2025 SALARY TABLES (continued)
Chief of a Division $215,000 $235,000 $255,000
Division Superintendent $215,000 $235,000 $255,000
Deputy Chief $200,000 $215,000 $235,000
Senior Executive Director $190,000 $215,000 $235,000
Executive Director $170,000 $182,500 $195,000
Director 2 of a Department $150,000 $162,500 $175,000
Director 1 of a Department $130,000 $142,500 $155,000
Cross-Functional Team Member (CTM) $110,000 $122,500 $135,000
Curriculum Designer 2 $100,000 $110,000 $120,000
Curriculum Designer 1 $90,000 $100,000 $110,000
Coordinator 2 $85,000 $95,000 $105,000
Coordinator 1 $75,000 $85,000 $95,000
Senior Manager $70,000 $80,000 $90,000
Senior Analyst $70,000 $80,000 $90,000
Project/Program Manager 2 $65,000 $75,000 $85,000
Analyst 2 $65,000 $75,000 $85,000
Executive Assistant (Chief/Division) $65,000 $75,000 $85,000
Executive Assistant (Unit) $60,000 $70,000 $80,000
Ofce Manager 3 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000
Project/Program Manager 1 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000
Analyst 1 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000
Ofce Manager 2 $55,000 $65,000 $75,000
Specialist 2 $50,000 $55,000 $60,000
Ofce Manager 1 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000
Specialist 1 $45,000 $50,000 $55,000
Assistant Ofce Manager 3 $40,000 $47,500 $55,000
Assistant Ofce Manager 2 $35,000 $42,500 $50,000
Assistant Ofce Manager 1 $30,000 $37,500 $45,000
Clerk 2 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000
Clerk 1 $30,000 $32,500 $35,000
Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Central Ofce
Salary Table
Salary tables
are determined for
2024-2025 and are
subject to change
annually upon
board adoption
of the employee
compensation plan
as part of the
annual budget.
Grade Minimum
MaximumGrade Minimum
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 11
Salary Tables
& Operations
Salary Tables
Salary tables
are determined for
2024-2025 and are
subject to change
annually upon
board adoption
of the employee
compensation plan
as part of the
annual budget.
Salary tables
are determined for
2024-2025 and are
subject to change
annually upon
board adoption
of the employee
compensation plan
as part of the
annual budget.
Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum
17 $59.22 $78.46 $97.71
16 $53.83 $71.33 $88.83
15 $48.94 $64.84 $80.75
14 $44.49 $58.95 $73.41
13 $40.45 $53.59 $66.74
12 $36.77 $48.72 $60.67
11 $33.43 $44.29 $55.15
10 $30.39 $40.26 $50.14
9 $27.63 $36.60 $45.58
8 $25.11 $33.28 $41.44
7 $22.83 $30.25 $37.67
6 $20.76 $27.50 $34.25
5 $18.87 $25.00 $31.13
17 $36.25 $48.03 $59.82
16 $32.95 $43.67 $54.38
15 $29.96 $39.70 $49.44
14 $27.24 $36.09 $44.94
13 $24.76 $32.81 $40.86
12 $22.51 $29.83 $37.14
11 $20.46 $27.12 $33.76
10 $18.60 $24.65 $30.70
9 $17.65 $22.41 $27.91
8 $16.45 $20.65 $25.72
7 $16.24 $20.38 $25.38
6 $16.03 $20.11 $25.05
5 $15.81 $19.85 $24.71
4 $15.61 $19.58 $24.39
3 $15.40 $19.33 $24.07
2 $15.21 $19.08 $23.76
1 $15.00 $18.82 $23.44
Building Service Manager I $23.00
Building Service Manager II $25.00
Building Service Manager III $30.00
Custodian $15.00
17 $123,171 $163,201 $203,232
16 $111,973 $148,365 $184,756
15 $101,794 $134,877 $167,960
14 $92,540 $122,616 $152,691
13 $84,127 $111,469 $138,810
12 $76,479 $101,335 $126,191
11 $69,527 $92,123 $114,719
10 $63,206 $83,748 $104,290
9 $57,460 $76,135 $94,809
8 $52,236 $69,213 $86,190
7 $47,488 $62,922 $78,355
6 $43,172 $57,202 $71,233
5 $39,247 $52,002 $64,757
17 $75,400.00 $99,902.40 $124,425.60
16 $68,536.00 $90,833.60 $113,110.40
15 $62,316.80 $82,576.00 $102,835.20
14 $56,659.20 $75,067.20 $93,475.20
13 $51,500.80 $68,244.80 $84,988.80
12 $46,820.80 $62,046.40 $77,251.20
11 $42,556.80 $56,409.60 $70,220.80
10 $38,688.00 $51,272.00 $63,856.00
9 $36,712.00 $46,612.80 $58,052.80
8 $34,216.00 $42,952.00 $53,497.60
7 $33,779.20 $42,390.40 $52,790.40
6 $33,342.40 $41,828.80 $52,104.00
5 $32,884.80 $41,288.00 $51,396.80
4 $32,468.80 $40,726.40 $50,731.20
3 $32,032.00 $40,206.40 $50,065.60
2 $31,636.80 $39,686.40 $49,420.80
1 $31,200.00 $39,145.60 $48,755.20
Position Pay Rate
2024-2025 SALARY TABLES (continued)
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 12
Grade Minimum
Maximum Grade Minimum
Grade Minimum
Maximum Grade Minimum
Salary Tables
Salary Tables
Salary tables
are determined for
2024-2025 and are
subject to change
annually upon
board adoption
of the employee
compensation plan
as part of the
annual budget.
Salary tables
are determined for
2024-2025 and are
subject to change
annually upon
board adoption
of the employee
compensation plan
as part of the
annual budget.
14 $27.24 $36.09 $44.94
13 $24.76 $32.81 $40.86
12 $22.51 $29.83 $37.14
11 $20.46 $27.12 $33.76
10 $18.60 $24.65 $30.70
9 $17.65 $22.41 $27.91
8 $16.45 $20.65 $25.72
7 $16.24 $20.38 $25.38
6 $16.03 $20.11 $25.05
5 $15.81 $19.85 $24.71
4 $15.61 $19.58 $24.39
3 $15.40 $19.33 $24.07
2 $15.21 $19.08 $23.76
1 $15.00 $18.82 $23.44
14 $56,659.20 $75,067.20 $93,475.20
13 $51,500.80 $68,244.80 $84,988.80
12 $46,820.80 $62,046.40 $77,251.20
11 $42,556.80 $56,409.60 $70,220.80
10 $38,688.00 $51,272.00 $63,856.00
9 $36,712.00 $46,612.80 $58,052.80
8 $34,216.00 $42,952.00 $53,497.60
7 $33,779.20 $42,390.40 $52,790.40
6 $33,342.40 $41,828.80 $52,104.00
5 $32,884.80 $41,288.00 $51,396.80
4 $32,468.80 $40,726.40 $50,731.20
3 $32,032.00 $40,206.40 $50,065.60
2 $31,636.80 $39,686.40 $49,420.80
1 $31,200.00 $39,145.60 $48,755.20
16 $32.95 $43.67 $54.38
15 $29.96 $39.70 $49.44
14 $27.24 $36.09 $44.94
13 $24.76 $32.81 $40.86
12 $22.51 $29.83 $37.14
11 $20.46 $27.12 $33.76
10 $18.60 $24.65 $30.70
9 $17.65 $22.41 $27.91
8 $16.45 $20.65 $25.72
7 $16.24 $20.38 $25.38
6 $16.03 $20.11 $25.05
5 $15.81 $19.85 $24.71
4 $15.61 $19.58 $24.39
3 $15.40 $19.33 $24.07
2 $15.21 $19.08 $23.76
1 $15.00 $18.82 $23.44
16 $51,402.00 $68,125.20 $84,832.80
15 $46.737.60 $61,932.00 $77,126.40
14 $42,494.40 $56,300.40 $70,106.40
13 $38,625.60 $51,183.60 $63,741.60
12 $35,115.60 $46,534.80 $57,938.40
11 $31,917.60 $42,307.20 $52,665.60
10 $29,016.00 $38,454.00 $47,892.00
9 $27,534.00 $34,959.60 $43,539.60
8 $25,662.00 $32,214.00 $40,123.20
7 $25,334.40 $31,792.80 $39,592.80
6 $25,006.80 $31,371.60 $39,078.00
5 $24,663.60 $30,966.00 $38,547.60
4 $24,351.60 $30,544.80 $38,048.40
3 $24,024.00 $30,154.80 $37,549.20
2 $23,727.60 $29,764.80 $37,065.60
1 $23,400.00 $29,359.20 $36,566.40
Nutrition Services Attendant $15.00 Nutrition Services Team Lead $18.00
Position PositionPay Rate Pay Rate
Position Pay Rate
Bus Driver (0-1 year) $20.00
Bus Driver (2-5 years) $25.00
Bus Driver (6+ years) $30.00
Bus Driver Trainee $15.00
Field Trip Bus Driver $25.00
Micro Bus Driver $15.50
Transportation Attendant $15.00
2024-2025 SALARY TABLES (continued)
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 13
NES Salary Tables - Elementary School
0-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
$75,478 $79,478 $81,478
0-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
PreKindergarten $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
Kindergarten $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
1st Grade $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
2nd Grade ELA $73,000 $77,000 $79,000
2nd Grade Science of Reading $73,000 $77,000 $79,000
2nd Grade Math $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
2nd Grade Science/Social Studies $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
3rd Grade ELA $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
3rd Grade Science of Reading/Social Studies $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
3rd Grade Math $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
3rd Grade Science $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
3rd Grade Art of Thinking $80,000 $84,000 $86,000
4th Grade ELA $80,000 $84,000 $86,000
4th Grade Science of Reading/Social Studies $80,000 $84,000 $86,000
4th Grade Math $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
4th Grade Science $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
4th Grade Art of Thinking $80,000 $84,000 $86,000
5th Grade ELA $80,000 $84,000 $86,000
5th Grade Science of Reading/Social Studies $80,000 $84,000 $86,000
5th Grade Math $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
5th Grade Science $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
5th Grade Art of Thinking $80,000 $84,000 $86,000
Elective teachers $64,000 $68,000 $70,000
Learning Coach $53,000 $56,000 $58,000
Teacher Apprentice $68,000 NA NA
Special Education $86,000 $90,000 $92,000
Special Education Support $65,000 $69,000 $71,000
Special Education Paraprofessionals $35,000 $39,000 $41,000
PreK TA $35,000 $39,000 $41,000
See pg. 18 See pg. 18 See pg. 18
Asst. Principal See pg. 18 See pg. 18 See pg. 18
Counselor $80,000 $84,000 $86,000
Nurse $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
Ofce Manager $55,000 $59,000 $61,000
Asst. Ofce Manager $45,000 $49,000 $51,000
Copy Clerk $35,000 $39,000 $41,000
Salaries for Years of Experience Completed
The salaries above reect starting salaries or salaries before the evaluation rating. NES teachers evaluated in the 2023-2024
school year will receive a stipend for their performance rating. A person’s base salary may increase every two years by the
average of the two stipends. (See incentive pay plan.)
The formally “NES aligned” schools will now be NES schools and therefore will be placed on the salary plan outlined above.
The retention incentive for working in an NES school for the 2024-2025 school year is $4,000 and only applies to the
returning Chapter 21 instructional employees of the original 28 NES schools. Principals, APs, Teachers, and Counselors are
eligible for the $4,000 retention incentive if returning to their original NES campus. Nurses are eligible for $1,000 retention
incentive if returning to their original NES campus.
NES teachers may earn district-level stipends outlined in the 2024-2025 Compensation Plan.
For campuses with combined elementary & middle school, or middle school & high school, the Principal, AP, Ofce
Manager, and Assistant Ofce Manager salaries correspond to the higher grade level on salary table.
2024-2025 SALARY TABLES (continued)
0-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
Salaries for Years of Experience Completed
Certified bilingual education teachers serving as teacher
of record for bilingual students at NES campuses are
also eligible for a $5,000 stipend during the 2024-2025
school year.
Pre-Kindergarten (BIL) $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
Kindergarten (BIL) $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
1st Grade (BIL) $75,000 $79,000 $81,000
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 14
NES Salary Tables - Middle School
0-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
6th Grade ELA $86,000 $90,000 $92,000
6th Grade Art of Thinking $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
6th Grade Math $81,000 $85,000 $87,000
6th Grade Science $81,000 $85,000 $87,000
6th Grade Social Studies $74,000 $78,000 $80,000
7th Grade ELA $84,000 $88,000 $90,000
7th Grade Art of Thinking $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
7th Grade Math $81,000 $85,000 $87,000
7th Grade Science $81,000 $85,000 $87,000
7th Grade Social Studies $74,000 $78,000 $80,000
8th Grade ELA $84,000 $88,000 $90,000
8th Grade Art of Thinking $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
8th Grade Math $81,000 $85,000 $87,000
8th Grade Science $81,000 $85,000 $87,000
8th Grade Social Studies $74,000 $78,000 $80,000
Elective teachers $65,000 $69,000 $71,000
ELD interventionist $85,000 $89,000 $91,000
Learning Coach $55,000 $58,000 $60,000
Teacher Apprentice $68,000 NA NA
Special Education $86,000 $90,000 $92,000
Special Education Support $65,000 $69,000 $71,000
Special Education Paraprofessionals $35,000 $39,000 $41,000
See pg. 18 See pg. 18 See pg. 18
Asst. Principal See pg. 18 See pg. 18 See pg. 18
Counselor $88,000 $92,000 $94,000
Nurse $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
Ofce Manager $60,000 $64,000 $66,000
Asst. Ofce Manager/SIR/Registrar $50,000 $54,000 $56,000
Copy Clerk $35,000 $39,000 $41,000
Salaries for Years of Experience Completed
The salaries above reect starting salaries or salaries before the evaluation rating. NES teachers evaluated in the 2023-2024
school year will receive a stipend for their performance rating. A person’s base salary may increase every two years by the
average of the two stipends. (See incentive pay plan.)
The formally “NES aligned” schools will now be NES schools and therefore will be placed on the salary plan outlined above.
The retention incentive for working in an NES school for the 2024-2025 school year is $4,000 and only applies to the
returning Chapter 21 instructional employees of the original 28 NES schools. Principals, APs, Teachers, and Counselors are
eligible for the $4,000 retention incentive if returning to their original NES campus. Nurses are eligible for $1,000 retention
incentive if returning to their original NES campus.
NES teachers may earn district-level stipends outlined in the 2024-2025 Compensation Plan.
For campuses with combined elementary & middle school, or middle school & high school, the Principal, AP, Ofce
Manager, and Assistant Ofce Manager salaries correspond to the higher grade level on salary table.
2024-2025 SALARY TABLES (continued)
0-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
$80,059 $84,059 $86,059
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 15
NES Salary Tables - High School
0-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
AA Studies/AP Human Geography $76,000 $80,000 $82,000
Algebra II/PreAP $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Algebra/Strategic Math/PreAP $90,000 $94,000 $96,000
Anatomy/Chemistry $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
AP Bio/Anatomy $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
AP Bio/Forensic Science/AP Env Sys $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
AP US HIST/World Hist $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Art of Thinking $85,000 $89,000 $91,000
Biology/ PreAP Biology $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Chemistry/PreAP/Env Systems $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
CTE (Non-Foundational Programs of Study) $76,000 $80,000 $82,000
CTE (Foundational Programs of Study)* $81,000 $85,000 $87,000
ENG I and II ESOL $88,000 $92,000 $94,000
ENG III/AP $88,000 $92,000 $94,000
ENG IV/AP $88,000 $92,000 $94,000
English I/PreAP/Reading I $90,000 $94,000 $96,000
English II/PreAP/Reading II $90,000 $94,000 $96,000
English II/Reading II $90,000 $94,000 $96,000
English III ESL $88,000 $92,000 $94,000
Env Systems/ AP Env Sys $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Environmental Science $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Environmental Science & Bio $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Environmental Systems $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Environmental/BIO PreAP $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
ESOL & Interventions $88,000 $92,000 $94,000
ESOL 1/LDA $88,000 $92,000 $94,000
ESOL 2/LDA $88,000 $92,000 $94,000
Fine Arts, ROTC, Electives, Health $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
Geometry $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Geometry ESL $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Geometry/PreAP $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Geometry/PreAP/Algebraic Reasoning $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Geometry/Pre-Cal $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Government/Economics/AP $76,000 $80,000 $82,000
IPC/BIO PreAP $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
LOTE $85,000 $89,000 $91,000
LOTE (Computer Science) $85,000 $89,000 $91,000
LOTE (Span 1) $76,000 $80,000 $82,000
LOTE (Span 1/2) $76,000 $80,000 $82,000
LOTE (Span 1/2/AP) $85,000 $89,000 $91,000
LOTE (Span 2/ Native Speakers) $85,000 $89,000 $91,000
Physics/PreAP $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Physics/PreAP/Env Systems $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Pre-Cal/Adv Math $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Pre-Cal/Adv Math/Algebraic Reasoning $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Pre-Cal/PreAP/AP Calculus $83,000 $87,000 $89,000
Psychology/Sociology/AA/MA $76,000 $80,000 $82,000
Reconnect/Grad Lab $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
World Geography/PAP W. Geo $76,000 $80,000 $82,000
World History/AP $76,000 $80,000 $82,000
Learning Coach $55,000 $58,000 $60,000
Teacher Apprentice $68,000 NA NA
Salaries for Years of Experience Completed
2024-2025 SALARY TABLES (continued)
0-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
$82,780 $86,780 $88,780
NES Salary Tables - High School (continued)
0-2 years
3-4 years
5+ years
Special Education $86,000 $90,000 $92,000
Special Education Chair $86,000 $90,000 $92,000
Special Education Support $65,000 $69,000 $71,000
Special Education Paraprofessionals $35,000 $39,000 $41,000
See pg. 18 See pg. 18 See pg. 18
Asst. Principal See pg. 18 See pg. 18 See pg. 18
Counselor $90,000 $94,000 $96,000
Lead Counselor $95,000 $99,000 $101,000
Nurse $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
Ofce Manager $65,000 $69,000 $71,000
Asst. Ofce Manager/Data Controller - PEIMS (SAR) $55,000 $59,000 $61,000
Copy Clerk $35,000 $39,000 $41,000
HS Registrar $70,000 $74,000 $76,000
Testing Coordinator $64,000 $68,000 $70,000
Athletic Coordinator $64,000 $68,000 $70,000
Magnet Coordinator* $64,000 $68,000 $70,000
Salaries for Years of Experience Completed
2024-2025 BASE SALARIES - HIGH SCHOOL NES (continued)
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 16
*Approved CTE foundational programs of study (FPOS) include
Entrepreneurship, Health Informatics, Distribution and Logistics
and Networking.
*Magnet Coordinator position only applies to those HS
campuses with magnet programming.
The salaries above reect starting salaries or salaries before the evaluation rating. NES teachers evaluated in the 2023-2024
school year will receive a stipend for their performance rating. A person’s base salary may increase every two years by the
average of the two stipends. (See incentive pay plan.)
The formally “NES aligned” schools will now be NES schools and therefore will be placed on the salary plan outlined above.
The retention incentive for working in an NES school for the 2024-2025 school year is $4,000 and only applies to the
returning Chapter 21 instructional employees of the original 28 NES schools. Principals, APs, Teachers, and Counselors are
eligible for the $4,000 retention incentive if returning to their original NES campus. Nurses are eligible for $1,000 retention
incentive if returning to their original NES campus.
NES teachers may earn district-level stipends outlined in the 2024-2025 Compensation Plan.
For campuses with combined elementary & middle school, or middle school & high school,
the Principal, AP, Ofce Manager, and Assistant Ofce Manager salaries
correspond to the higher grade level on salary table.
2024-2025 SALARY TABLES (continued)
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 17
Yrs. Exp. Yrs. Exp.10 mo. 10 mo.11 mo. 11 mo.12 mo. 12 mo.
0 $64,000 $70,845 $77,690
1 $64,250 $71,122 $77,993
2 $65,000 $71,952 $78,904
3 $65,500 $72,505 $79,511
4 $65,750 $72,782 $79,814
5 $66,000 $73,059 $80,118
6 $67,000 $74,166 $81,332
7 $67,500 $74,719 $81,939
8 $68,000 $75,273 $82,545
9 $68,500 $75,826 $83,152
10 $69,000 $76,380 $83,759
11 $70,000 $77,487 $84,973
12 $70,500 $78,040 $85,580
13 $71,000 $78,594 $86,187
14 $71,500 $79,147 $86,794
15 $72,000 $79,701 $87,401
16 $72,500 $80,254 $88,008
17 $73,000 $80,807 $88,615
18 $73,500 $81,361 $89,222
19 $74,000 $81,914 $89,829
20 $74,500 $82,468 $90,436
21 $75,500 $83,575 $91,650
22 $76,000 $84,128 $92,257
23 $76,500 $84,682 $92,864
24 $77,000 $85,235 $93,471
25 $77,500 $85,789 $94,078
26 $80,000 $88,556 $97,112
27 $80,500 $89,110 $97,719
28 $81,000 $89,663 $98,326
29 $81,500 $90,217 $98,933
30 $82,000 $90,770 $99,540
31 $82,500 $91,324 $100,147
32 $83,000 $91,877 $100,754
33 $83,500 $92,430 $101,361
34 $84,000 $92,984 $101,968
35 $84,500 $93,537 $102,575
36 $87,500 $96,858 $106,217
37 $88,000 $97,412 $106,824
38 $88,500 $97,965 $107,430
39 $89,000 $98,519 $108,037
40 $89,500 $99,072 $108,644
0 $80,000 $85,361 $93,608
1 $80,667 $86,072 $94,388
2 $81,333 $86,784 $95,168
3 $82,000 $87,495 $95,948
4 $82,667 $88,206 $96,729
5 $83,333 $88,918 $97,509
6 $84,000 $89,629 $98,289
7 $84,667 $90,340 $99,069
8 $85,333 $91,052 $99,849
9 $86,000 $91,763 $100,629
10 $86,667 $92,474 $101,409
11 $87,333 $93,186 $102,189
12 $88,000 $93,897 $102,969
13 $88,667 $94,608 $103,749
14 $89,333 $95,320 $104,529
15 + $90,000 $96,031 $105,309
Teacher Pay
Salary tables
are determined for
2024-2025 and are
subject to change
annually upon
board adoption
of the employee
compensation plan
as part of the
annual budget.
Non-NES Teacher
Salary Tables may
change each year.
Employees cannot
estimate future salaries
based on their gaining
a year of experience.
Previously approved
hold harmless amounts
and other components
of pay are not
increased by annual
pay adjustments.
Counselors will receive a component
of $1,000 in addition to their salary
calculated from their respective rate on
the teacher table.
Hourly Teachers will be placed on a step
based on their experience at the time of
their hire and will receive Board approved
increases thereafter. eir hourly rate will
not be reduced due to changes in the
number of years included in the steps.
Non-NES Teacher Table includes
Dyslexia Interventionist, Librarian,
LSSP Intern, Media Specialist, Nurse,
Social Worker, Speech erapist
Assistant, Teacher, and Teacher Specialist.
Non-NES SPED Teacher Table includes
Chair-SPED, Diagnostician, LSSP,
Speech erapist, and SPED Teacher.
Non-NES Foundational Program of Study Teachers will receive an additional $5,000.
Approved programs of study include Entrepreneurship, Health Information, Distribution
& Logistics and Networking.
Program of
Study Teachers
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 18
2024-2025 pay placement tables (continued)
Police Ofcer
Pay Placement
Salary tables
are determined for
2024-2025 and are
subject to change
annually upon
board adoption
of the employee
compensation plan
as part of the
annual budget.
Yrs. Exp. 11 month 12 month CaptainSergeant
0 $54,000 $63,818 $90,000 $110,000
1 $55,000 $65,000 $91,000 $111,000
2 $56,000 $66,182 $92,000 $112,000
3 $57,000 $67,364 $93,000 $113,000
4 $58,000 $68,545 $94,000 $114,000
5 $59,000 $69,727 $95,000 $115,000
6 $61,000 $72,091 $96,000 $116,000
7 $62,000 $73,273 $97,000 $117,000
8 $63,000 $74,455 $98,000 $118,000
9 $64,000 $75,636 $99,000 $119,000
10 $65,000 $76,818 $100,000 $120,000
11 $66,000 $78,000 $101,000 $121,000
12 $67,000 $79,182 $102,000 $122,000
13 $68,000 $80,364 $103,000 $123,000
14 $69,000 $81,545 $104,000 $124,000
15 $70,000 $82,727 $105,000 $125,000
16+ $71,000 $83,909 $106,000 $126,000
Training Ocers Pay:
Police ocers will receive
an additional 25% of their
hourly rate for training new
ocers. is special rate
of pay only applies for the
specic hours that they
spend performing this
job duty.
2024–2025 fixed hourly rates
2024–2025 principal pay
Employees placed into
hourly positions not listed
here should be assigned the
minimum pay rate for the
positions salary grade.
e pay rates below apply to NES and Non-NES Principals and Assistant Principals. New outside of district
principal hires will start as “Novice” for the purposes of LEAD and compensation, with the following exception:
If a principal has been serving the principal role for 3 or more years, they will start as “Progressing II.”
Position Pay Rate
Crossing Guard $18.31
Patrol Ofcer (Certied Police Ofcer: non HISD) $31.13
Hourly Principal - Leadership Development $55.00
Parent Tutor - HIPPY Program $16.84
Prog. I Prog. II Prof. I Prof. II Exemp. I Exemp. II Novice
Elementary $110,000 $120,000 $130,000 $140,000 $150,000 $160,000
Middle $120,000 $130,000 $140,000 $150,000 $160,000 $170,000
High School $130,000 $140,000 $150,000 $160,000 $170,000 $180,000
Elementary $115,000
Middle $125,000
High School $135,000
Prog. I Prog. II Prof. I Prof. II Exemp. I Exemp. II Novice
Elementary $80,000 $90,000 $100,000 $110,000 $120,000 $130,000
Middle $85,000 $95,000 $105,000 $115,000 $125,000 $135,000
High School $90,000 $100,000 $110,000 $120,000 $130,000 $140,000
Elementary $85,000
Middle $90,000
High School $95,000
Principal & A.P. pay from 23-24 will be “held harmless” for 24-25 if performance data warrants a lower salary.
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 19
2024–2025 substitute Teacher & Administrator Earnings
Position Rate
Non-Degreed Substitute Teacher. Limited to 5 days in the same position.
Cannot be placed in a long-term position.
Degreed Substitute Teacher
Must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher
Texas Certied Substitute Teacher (Degreed) $20.00 per hour
HISD Retired Certied Substitute Teacher (Degreed) $20.00 per hour
Substitute Principal $60.00 per hour
Substitute Assistant Principal $40.00 per hour
Long-term is only available to the degreed, Texas certied, and retired certied substitute teacher. Long-term is
any assignment that is over 10 consecutive workdays in the same assignment. e long-term hourly rate is $21.00
per hour.
A dedicated substitute teacher is eligible for ve (5) state leave days. Unused leave days are forfeited upon release or
resignation from the assignment. Dedicated substitute teachers are eligible for health benets and participate in the
Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS).
2024-2025 hourly lecturers (should not be used for part-time certied teachers)
Position Rate Code
H00076 $24.84 per hour Hourly Lecturers – Degreed
H00075 $24.84 per hour
Hourly Lecturers – Non-Degreed Special
Schools Critical Skills
H00077 $16.54 per hour Hourly Lecturers – Non-Degreed
Hourly Lecturer: Under direct supervision, provides one-on-one blended
learning instruction in core academic subject areas to help students
prepare for standardized or achievement tests, master assignments, and
to reinforce learning concepts presented by classroom teachers. Discusses
assigned duties with classroom teachers and develops web-based lessons
to provide targeted tutorial support.
2024-2025 Substitute Teacher & Administrator earnings
$20.00 per hour
$19.00 per hour
2024–2025 incentives
Nutrition Services Merit Certication Incentive Program
e objective of this program is to provide motivation to employees to obtain certication in organizations associated
with Nutrition Services and Leadership Development†. is merit program ensures employees are supported,
developed, and challenged to grow.
e Merit Certication Incentive Program achievements will be paid out to employees who personally reach specic
levels within organizations associated with school nutrition and leadership development†. Only the highest earned
certication level as of March 31, 2025 will be paid in May 2025. e maximum payout amount to an employee who
achieves the highest certication levels is $2,500 annually. In order to receive a merit certication incentive,
employees must complete a minimum of 15 CEUs (training hours) if hourly or a minimum of 30 CEUs if exempt
by March 31, 2025 (exception: Food Service Attendants must complete a minimum of 6 CEUs by March 31, 2025).
Organization Certication Payout to Employees
TASN or SNA* Level 1 $200
TASN or SNA* Level 2 $400
TASN or SNA* Level 3 $600
TASN or SNA* Level 4 $800
TASN Level 5 $1,000
Society for Human Resource Management† PMQ $1,000
TASBO RTSBA** $1,500
SNA SNS Credential** $1,500
*Employees are only eligible to receive a merit certication incentive payout from TASN or SNA, not both.
**Employees are only eligible to receive a merit certication incentive payout totaling $1,500 for
TASBO RTSBA or SNA SNS Credential, not both.
All other merit certication incentive combinations cannot exceed $2,500 annually.
Nutrition Services Team Lead who trains LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) program participants
will receive an additional $1,500 for the fall semester and an additional $1,500 for the spring semester, and nutrition
services personnel who complete the LEAD program will receive a payout of $200.
An additional $1 per hour is paid to nutrition services personnel covering for team leads in their absence at a campus.
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 20
Bus Driver Incentive
$5 extra per hour will be granted for weekend eld trips.
NES and Non-NES Teacher Incentives
Refer to for NES and Non-NES teacher incentive pay plans.
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 21
2024–2025 Stipends & extra duty
2024–2025 ALLOWANCES
Organization Rate Description
Refer to DEE
Up to $600 a
Up to $75 per
Car allowances are established when a job is designed. When a position
becomes vacant, the assignment of a car allowance can be considered
again. The Superintendent may authorize a car allowance of up to $600
a month.
Telecommunication allowances are limited to exempt employees.
Exceptions for some non-exempt employees will be made in circumstances
where they are in the eld and do not have access to a district phone.
With pre-approval from the chief of the business area and based on
job type, certain HISD staff needing to use cell phones, pagers, and
other electronic devices for district business may be provided with a
telecommunication allowance. Employees receiving the telecommunication
allowance are not eligible for other district-funded cell phones. The
telecommunication allowance assignment must receive approval from
theChief of the business area and be funded by the department.
Principals are eligible to receive $75 per month and assistant principals
are eligible to receive $35 per month.
The Superintendent may authorize the payment of relocation expenses for
employees hired into principal positions and positions on the Master Salary
Schedule and Technology Salary Schedule. If an employee leaves before
the completion of one year of service, 50% of this amount must be repaid.
If you receive a car allowance, you are not eligible to receive mileage
reimbursement for in-district travel; however, you are eligible to receive
it for approved travel outside of the district.
Procedures for obtaining professional trip authorization and
reimbursement limits are outlined in the Finance Procedures Manual.
Stipends and extra duty are used to compensate for duties performed that are not related to an employee’s primary
job, such as time spent before and after school and for days worked outside of their normal duty schedule.
For a list of approved stipends and extra duty at HISD visit
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 22
Dierential compensation will be paid to an employee who works in the following assignments: non- exempt crafts/
trades, non-instructional or administrative support employees who are regularly assigned to a mid-day, evening, or
overnight shift, if the employee works a minimum of six (6) consecutive hours per shift. Exempt employees are not
eligible for dierential compensation.
n Dierential pay will be paid when an employee performs or is assigned on a regular schedule to work evening or
graveyard shifts (which may include lock-up responsibilities), or cover for a lead position.
n Dierential compensation will be prorated based on the time served in the function or position. When
employees transfer out of temporary assignments, dierential pay associated with the former position will be
discontinued. Employees are not eligible for shift pay dierential during vacations or other absences.
Shift dierential hourly pay rates:
Shift Duration Shift Differential Shift
Evening $0.50 per hour 3 p.m. to midnight (or 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. for police ofcers)
Overnight $0.75 per hour Midnight to 6 a.m. (or 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. for police ofcers)
n A bus driver assigned to special education or alternative education route will receive a six percent (6%)
increase over regular hourly rate of pay for the duration of the assignment.
n Bus drivers are guaranteed a minimum of 6 hours of work each day if they drive both an A.M. and P.M.
route (Mondaythrough Friday). is 6-hour guarantee also applies to Micro-Bus Drivers and Transportation
Bus Driver Supplemental Compensation rates and related guidelines are subject to change at any time.
2024–2025 summer school
ese rates apply to the
summer that falls in the
year 2024.
e Superintendent of
Schools has the authority
to approve special rates for
summer school programs.
Paid Via Stipend
Hourly Rate
Assistant Ofce Manager $14
Custodian $15
Crossing Guard $20
Nurse $40
Police Ofcer $40
Grad Coach $40
Learning Coach $5,500
Teacher $2,000 per course (possibility of $8,000 total)
Inclusion Teacher $2,000 per course (possibility of $8,000 total)
AI Teacher $2,000
Teacher Apprentice $7,000
Principal / Admin on Duty $10,000
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 23
A regular employee assigned to perform duties of a higher-level position on a temporary basis will receive temporary
additional pay which is equal to the incremental dollar value of the promotional adjustment. is temporary additional
pay is payable each pay period for the length of time assigned.
Employees serving in an interim role for more than 30 calendar days will receive retroactive pay back to the
beginning of taking on the role.
Employees in nonexempt jobs moving to exempt jobs will not be eligible for overtime pay or hours.
Employees will receive a temporary increase by the policy outlined above.
Nonexempt employees can receive acting pay for another higher-level nonexempt position. e overtime
rate for non-exempt employees is calculated according to the acting pay rate calculations dened above.
For positions requiring certications, the employee must meet the requirements of the certied position.
e pay rate will be determined by the Hiring Manager using the Salary Assignment Guidelines.
If the annual pay increase occurs during the interim period, the employee holding the interim position will
receive the percentage increase applied to their current salary in the interim position.
Once the interim period is over, the employee shall return to their previous position and their temporary
additional pay shall cease.
When the interim period is complete, the employee’s salary shall be adjusted to their previous salary
level plus the annual salary increase based on their regular job.
e Superintendent must approve acting pay for any assignment exceeding one year.
Hazardous Duty DifferentiaL
For employees that have a certication or license that the district is using, the employee will receive $2,500 per year
($208.33 per month). is request must be signed by the Chief Operating Ocer. ese positions include, but are not
limited to, Engineers, HVAC Master, Environmental/Asbestos Manager, IPM designee, Electrician Master, Roong
Master, Plumbing Master, and Alarm Communications Master.
Skilled craftsmen may be hired temporarily to supplement the normal workforce.
ese employees can be paid a competitive rate for their respective craft and such
authorizations and approved rates may be made only by the Chief Operating Ocer.
Skilled craftsmen include: Engineers, electricians, painters, general maintenance workers,
roofers, HVAC technicians, sheet metal workers, and plumbers.
Employees involved with hazardous material removal of asbestos abatement as well as
wrecker services will receive a $1.00 per hour Hazardous Duty Dierential over their
base hourly rate of pay for actual hours worked. is work is performed in hazardous,
uncomfortable, and dangerous conditions. is dierential will be administered through
the payroll system as a separate pay item. Hazardous Duty Dierential is a work-based
decision and must have management authorization.
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 24
Compensatory Time must be PRE-APPROVED by an employee’s direct supervisor.
Non-exempt Sta
n Regular and hourly status non-exempt employees are eligible to earn compensatory time at the straight time
to forty hours, and time and a half for time worked over forty hours. Compensatory time should be used within the
pay period it is available or within reasonable period or converted to overtime pay as dened by law.
n Starting with compensatory time earned in the 2023-2024 SY, compensatory time must be used by the end
of the employee’s current work calendar. Any unused comp time will be paid out.
Regular Status Exempt Sta
n Regular status exempt employees are eligible to earn and accumulate up to ve (5) compensatory days up to
a maximum of 40 hours each year for work SIGNIFICANTLY BEYOND THE SCOPE of the employees
normal duties. e administration of compensatory time is at the discretion of the Chief or Division
Superintendent. Compensatory time must be used by the end of the school year in which it was earned.
Unused compensatory time may not be carried over to successive school years.
n In emergencies of the district, the Superintendent may grant up to three (3) additional days of compensatory
time each year to designated groups for work signicantly beyond the scope of an employees normal duties.
ese three (3) days are in addition to the up to ve (5) compensatory days referenced above.
n By the nature of their positions, exempt employees are often required to work beyond a “typical” forty- hour
workweek. Compensatory time is not intended to be used to compensate for each incremental hour worked
beyond forty hours per week; rather, compensatory time is intended for use in recognizing work signicantly
beyond the normal scope of duties required by the position.
Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay.
New grant-funded roles must go through the
normal job evaluation process.
Salary amounts budgeted for in the grant application
are only approximations until approved by the
compensation department.
Salaries for grant-funded positions will be determined
in the same manner as other HISD positions.
Employment in positions funded through grants
will cease when the grant ends.
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 25
Refer to the Districts online DEC policy series (Legal, Local, and Regulations) for position and pay implications by
leave type, if any.
Exemption status is a legal determination based on a comparison of job duties to a series of Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA) tests and the applicable case law. An “exempt or non-exempt designation is then assigned to the job
and applies to all employees who perform that job. e Legal department has the nal determination of a jobs
FLSA status. FLSA status is a legal compliance decision, not a measure of job worth.
In addition to these federal and local laws, HISD has district and department requirements for advanced approval of
overtime hours; regardless of approvals, if a job has been determined to be non-exempt and an employee in that job
works overtime, the employee must be compensated or receive compensatory time.
While paying for overtime is a legal requirement, scheduling overtime is not an entitlement. Employees should not
view overtime as a permanent part of base pay and should understand that these earnings are exible.
When an employee moves from a non-exempt to an exempt position, through a reclassication of a job,
Compensation sta will analyze possible pay loss because of the change and determine if any action is necessary .
e general rule under the Fair Labor Standards Act is that all covered employees must be paid at least 1.5 times
their regular rate of pay, which may be a blended rate, for all hours physically worked over forty in a workweek.
A non-exempt employee must receive an overtime premium of one-half their regular rate of pay for all overtime
hours worked.
Paid time o (sick, personal leave, paid holiday, and vacation) does not count towards the 40-hour calculation.
e HISD workweek begins on Monday at 12:01 am and ends on Sunday, at midnight Non-exempt employees and
hourly non-exempt employees may be given 1.5 hours of paid compensatory time o for each hour of overtime
worked rather than paying a premium rate for the overtime.
Managers are responsible for documentation of approval to work overtime and the number of hours each
employee worked. Overtime must not exceed 10% of total pay of sta. Supervisors are responsible for balancing
overtime pay over all hourly individuals.
Earning of either compensatory time or overtime must be approved in advance by the
supervisor or designee. All the above compensatory time must be properly reported per
procedures in the Finance Procedures Manual.Nonexempt employees are compensated for
all hours worked.
Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay. Administrators and exempt administrative
support employees are often expected to work more than a “typical forty (40) hour workweek.
Exempt employees are compensated with a salary, versus an hourly wage. For exempt sta
completion of work assignment is a primary emphasis. Since there is no overtime pay for
exempt sta, the number of hours is of secondary importance.
Overtime will be monitored centrally through monthly reporting reviews.
2024-2025 HISD Compensation Plan | 26
e pay of employees hired on a temporary basis as “Interns” (or “Student Workers”) is $15.00 per hour.
Interns are typically assigned specic tasks or projects relevant to the organizations needs. is allows them to
contribute to real work and see the impact of their eorts. rough these diverse internships, participants not only
gain hands-on experience but also contribute their skills and fresh perspectives to the school districts operations. e
program serves as a valuable training ground, preparing interns for future careers in their respective elds while
providing the district with enthusiastic talent and additional resources. Overall, the internship experience fosters a
collaborative and dynamic environment that benets both the interns and the school district.
e District will not allow docked days for exempt employees who have exhausted state and local leave and are absent
beyond their allocation, except as permitted by District board policy. A “docked day is when an employee is denied
pay because the employee does not have sucient leave time to cover an absence. erefore, a manager must not
reduce an employees salary to make up for an employee taking more paid time o than he/she has available. Instead,
HISD will reduce an exempt employee’s accrued paid time o hours to cover for the partial or full-day absence. If the
employee does not have enough available paid time o, employee will have to request unpaid leave and paycheck will
be short by the number of those unpaid hours, and disciplinary action will be taken, as appropriate.
Support Type Contact InformationFunction
Stipends &
Extra Duty
Paycheck, deductions, withholdings, tax forms, time
& attendance, and related matters.
Compensation plan, job evaluations, pay grades and
ranges, salaries, incentives, and related matters.
Stipends, extra duty, and related matters.
General HR support.
Houston Independent School District
Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center
4400 West 18
Houston, Texas 77092-8502