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WebCenter 24.07 Release Notes
1. Introduction
The WebCenter 24.07 Release Notes provides an overview of the new features and updates
in WebCenter 24.07. It only covers the changes since WebCenter 24.03.
Note: WebCenter 24.07 is aLong Term Support release”. See the WebCenter Release
Scheme for details before planning an update to WebCenter 24.07.
f you are updating to WebCenter 24.07 from a version prior to WebCenter 24.03, we
recommend reading the release notes of all newer versions to get a comprehensive overview
of all the latest updates. You can find the Release Notes on the product DVD and the
documentation page of WebCenter:
or System Requirements, see WebCenter Server System Requirements.
1.1. Highlights of the 24.07 Release
WebCenter 24.07 features important additions to the Dashboard form builder framework. For
Tasks, it is now possible to create an optimized Dashboard form for a specific Task Type
which with a minimum of configuration will be used in place of the traditional Task Execution
Page when coming from links in either To-do lists or Task notification mails. Also, the
improved synchronization of Task Specifications and Project Attributes will extend the range
of use cases where the new UI framework can be successfully applied.
n the Named Configuration functionality, support for Basic Lists, Menus, and a set of System
Preferences and defaults will complete the support for many important configuration types.
Also, the System Comparison functionality have been extended in the mentioned areas just
as Attribute vale comparison is approved to access differences more accurately.
In the WebCenter Viewer, we have added an all-new function, “Reference File Viewing” to
automatically (or manually) show a reference document next to the primary document without
these two views being synchronized when zooming or panning. This will make it easy to
configure the display of one or more reference documents when a given artwork document is
To ease the setup of more complex workflows and dashboard forms, the JavaScript External
API has been extended with the ability to take direct advantage of the WebCenter SDK
without having to use any middleware. This function will allow making SDK calls as the
current WebCenter user and process the response using a new XPath API for XML result
For Packaging Content Management (option), a new Content Sheet PDF export workflow
option will improve the options to share complex content specifications with users not in
he InDesign Artwork Automation module (option), the preview Viewer function has been
improved with the ability to do change content and preview directly without shifting context.
he Variable Data Printing (VDP) module (option) has been improved with new, handy ways
of updating content from within the Viewer context with better on-the-fly data preflight. More
options for creating output from VDP documents have been added to the WebCenter
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2. Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Highlights of the 24.07 Release .................................................................................. 1
2. Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2
3. Release Content ................................................................................................................ 4
4. Licensing and IT Requirements ......................................................................................... 4
4.1. Licensing ..................................................................................................................... 4
4.2. IT Requirements .......................................................................................................... 4
5. Knowledge Base ................................................................................................................ 4
6. New and changed features in WebCenter 24.07 .............................................................. 5
6.1. Dashboard Improvements ........................................................................................... 5
6.1.1. On Document Added Scripts executed when duplicating a document ................ 5
6.1.2. Allowed extensions is only checked when dropping files on a Drop Zone .......... 5
6.1.3. Improved read only behavior for forms for completed Tasks / Inactive Projects . 5
6.1.4. Configure columns for Document References to be always pinned .................... 5
6.1.5. Open Task Dashboard from Notification .............................................................. 5
6.1.6. Synchronize Project Attributes and Task Specifications ..................................... 5
6.1.7. Improved External API support in Dashboard Scripting ...................................... 6
6.2. Search Improvements ................................................................................................. 6
6.2.1. Configure column to be always pinned ................................................................ 6
6.3. JavaScript API extensions .......................................................................................... 6
6.3.1. Improved the JavaScript Editors .......................................................................... 6
6.3.2. Making SDK calls using the JavaScript API ........................................................ 6
6.3.3. Parsing XML using the JavaScript API ................................................................ 6
6.4. Viewer ......................................................................................................................... 6
6.4.1. Reference File Viewing ........................................................................................ 6
6.5. Discussions ................................................................................................................. 7
6.5.1. Improved UI/UX of Discussion ............................................................................. 7
6.6. Notification Center (New testable option).................................................................... 7
6.6.1. Notification Center ............................................................................................... 7
6.6.2. Download Ready Notification ............................................................................... 7
6.7. Configuration Management: Named Configurations ................................................... 7
6.7.1. Support for Menus ............................................................................................... 7
6.7.2. Support for General Preferences ......................................................................... 7
6.7.3. Support for System Default Document Types ..................................................... 7
6.7.4. Improved Support for Lists ................................................................................... 7
6.7.5. Quick navigation during Impact Analysis ............................................................. 8
6.7.6. Improved Comparison of Attribute Values ........................................................... 8
6.8. Audit trail improvements .............................................................................................. 8
6.8.1. Adding Lists actions to the system history ........................................................... 8
6.8.2. User Management History improvements ........................................................... 8
6.9. Authentication improvements ...................................................................................... 8
6.9.1. Expiration of Sessions for all Login methods. ...................................................... 8
6.10. Packaging Content Management (Option) .................................................................. 8
6.10.1. Warnings in NFT .................................................................................................. 8
6.10.2. CHILI Optimization ............................................................................................... 8
6.10.3. Export Content sheet to PDF ............................................................................... 8
6.11. Variable Data Printing Support (Option)...................................................................... 9
6.11.1. Expand VDP Artwork Workflow Node .................................................................. 9
6.11.2. Outdated VDP Preflight report indication ............................................................. 9
6.11.3. Upload multiple assets from Viewer .................................................................... 9
6.11.4. Translated feedback for VDP Preflight ................................................................ 9
6.12. InDesign Artwork Automation ...................................................................................... 9
6.12.1. Details View ......................................................................................................... 9
6.12.2. Change, Preview and Apply Content within the Viewer ...................................... 9
6.12.3. Concurrency Support for InDesign Server ........................................................... 9
6.13. File Storage Improvements ....................................................................................... 10
6.13.1. Data Integrity Checking ...................................................................................... 10
6.14. Troubleshooting Tool Improvements ......................................................................... 10
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6.14.1. Workflow Engine Status Test ............................................................................. 10
6.15. Usage Tracking ......................................................................................................... 10
6.15.1. Opt Out............................................................................................................... 10
6.16. Performance improvements ...................................................................................... 10
6.16.1. Site Defaults loading .......................................................................................... 10
6.16.2. Attribute value loading ....................................................................................... 10
6.16.3. Systems with a large amount of Workflows ....................................................... 10
7. Installation and Deployment changes .............................................................................. 11
7.1. Search Index Rebuild ................................................................................................ 11
8. Additional Upgrade notes ................................................................................................ 11
8.1. Export to Excel workflow node configuration change ............................................... 11
9. Known Limitations ............................................................................................................ 11
9.1. No support for mirroring CAD file when creating a CAD Graphics 3D view .......... 11
9.2. No support for Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014 and older ................... 11
10. Solved customer issues ................................................................................................... 12
10.1. List of resolved Customer issues in WebCenter 24.07 ............................................. 12
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3. Release Content
The release media of WebCenter 24.07 includes:
The WebCenter 24.07 DVD (July 2024) that includes WebCenter 24.07 and
ArtiosCAD 24.03 Enterprise installers
Esko Software 24.07 (July 2024) Engines Software Installation DVD with Automation
Engine 24.07.
WebCenter Release Notes (this document is also available on the installation DVD)
ArtiosCAD Enterprise and WebCenter Documentation (PDF format).
1) An update to ArtiosCAD 24.03 Enterprise build 2540 or later is mandatory for WebCenter
24.03 (on the application server only).
2) An update of the License Manager (installed from the ArtiosCAD installer) is mandatory
when updating from WebCenter 24.03 or older.
3) Installation of boards and ArtiosCAD defaults is mandatory to work correctly with CAD
documents in WebCenter.
4. Licensing and IT Requirements
4.1. Licensing
WebCenter 24.07 requires WebCenter 24 licenses. You must install ArtiosCAD 24.03 and the
new licensing components that come with this installation. Both the Local License Manager and
the Network License Manager must be updated.
4.2. IT Requirements
5. Knowledge Base
You can use the Esko Knowledge Base to find articles containing tips & tricks to Esko-related
Esko Knowledge Base (all products):
All articles related to WebCenter:
To limit your search, edit the Search field to contain both WebCenter and your criteria. The
special keywords AND and OR can be used with brackets and wildcard characters (? and *)
to refine the search.
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6. New and changed features in WebCenter 24.07
6.1. Dashboard Improvements
6.1.1. On Document Added Scripts executed when duplicating a
If an On Document Added Script is defined on a Document Reference, and the user duplicates
a Document using the inline Duplicate action, the On Document Added Script is executed.
6.1.2. Allowed extensions is only checked when dropping files on a Drop
Browsers do not allow to check file extension reliably while the user is dragging a file. The Drop
Zone will indicate as green while user is dragging, even if the dragged file is not allowed. When
dropping the file, the extension can be checked: files with invalid extensions cannot be
uploaded. If invalid files are dropped a warning message is shown to the user.
6.1.3. Improved read only behavior for forms for completed Tasks /
Inactive Projects
Dashboard forms have improved automatic read only behavior for completed Task and Inactive
In a Dashboard Form for a completed Task, all fields are shown as read only.
When "allow changing Attributes of Inactive Projects” is turned off, all fields in a form for an
Inactive Project are read only. This includes all fields for (nested) Documents displayed in the
Project Form.
When “allow changing Attributes of Approved Documents” is turned off, all fields in a form for
an Inactive Document are read only. This includes all fields for (nested) Documents displayed
in the Document Form.
6.1.4. Configure columns for Document References to be always pinned
For Document References displayed as List Layout in Dashboards it is now possible to
configure them to be automatically pinned when the form is displayed.
6.1.5. Open Task Dashboard from Notification
It is now possible to configure a Dashboard Form that replaces the Task Execution Page, this
can be configured in the Task Type. When opening a task from e-mail notification or any list of
tasks in WebCenter, the Task Dashboard Form is shown.
The settings for Dashboards linked to a Task Type have moved to a new section Dashboards.
The Execution Dashboard that was previously used for To Do Feed and Focus Layout is now
renamed to Card Dashboard.
A new Execution Dashboard property allows to configure the dashboard to use on the Task
Execution Page.
6.1.6. Synchronize Project Attributes and Task Specifications
When “Synchronize Project Attributes and Task Specifications” is enabled in the task type, the
Project values are now synchronized when opening a Task Form.
The behavior is the same as in Attribute Category Forms.
A new mechanism is introduced to prevent accidental overwriting of updated information when
using Task Dashboards with synchronization. If a user has a Task Form open and an external
system or other user changes Project Attributes for the Project of the Task, the Task Form will
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show a warning when trying to complete to avoid overwriting the changes to the Project that
the user did not see.
6.1.7. Improved External API support in Dashboard Scripting
It is now possible to make calls to local WebCenter SDK using Dashboard Scripting. The calls
are executed as the current user.
An improved request builder is added (see HTTP.externalApi() and HTTP.localWebCenter().
It is possible to evaluate XML using XPath (see XML utility XML.xpath()).
6.2. Search Improvements
6.2.1. Configure column to be always pinned
In search it is now possible to configure columns to be automatically pinned when showing
Search Results.
6.3. JavaScript API extensions
6.3.1. Improved the JavaScript Editors
Editors in WebCenter that can be used to write JavaScript now use the same component used
by Dashboard scripting. The update brings improved autocompletion support, documentation
and validation in the JavaScript workflow node and JavaScript rule action editors. Additionally,
the documentation for the different scripting API’s is now made available within WebCenter.
6.3.2. Making SDK calls using the JavaScript API
It is now possible to make SDK calls to the current WebCenter in the JavaScript APIs,
applicable to Dashboard, Workflow Engine and Rule Engine JavaScript scripts.
To make an SDK call in the JavaScript API the existing doExternalAPI call methods can be
used, WebCenter now comes with a built-in External API called “WebCenter SDK”, this special
External API will take care of authorization and authentication to the current WebCenter.
A request builder utility has been added that facilitates configuration of complex external API
calls, as an alternative syntax to the existing ‘API.doExternalApiCall’ methods. The request
builder can be accessed by using the ‘HTTP’ utility in any JavaScript editor (Dashboards,
Workflow JS Nodes, JavaScript Script Rule actions) and provides detailed autocompletion
options. The generated requests can be submitted by calling API.sendRequest.
6.3.3. Parsing XML using the JavaScript API
The WebCenter JavaScript API now supports working with XML data, this can be done by using
the “XML” utility in any JavaScript editor (Dashboards, Workflow JS Nodes, JavaScript Script
Rule actions).
The parsing of XML data can be done using XPath expressions; look at the JavaScript API
documentation for more information.
6.4. Viewer
6.4.1. Reference File Viewing
It is now possible to show two different assets side by side in the Viewer with independent
navigation controls.
A new Reference Files panel is introduced which allows to open another file without going into
comparison mode.
It is possible to control the set of available Reference Files for a document by defining a
Document Reference REFERENCE_FILES. If Reference Files are defined on a document, the
Reference Files panel is automatically shown when opening the viewer.
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6.5. Discussions
6.5.1. Improved UI/UX of Discussion
Enhanced the UI/UX for discussions in all locations where discussions can be viewed
including the Content Sheet dashboard block and the Discussion widget in the Viewer. The
changes provide a cleaner, more structured representation of the content.
6.6. Notification Center (New testable option)
6.6.1. Notification Center
If the system is configured to enable the Notification Center, then notifications sent by the
system will pop up in real time for 10 seconds. While the notification is visible a user can click
to dismiss the notification or perform any action within the Notification. Notifications sent to a
user will all be available to view from the notifications page. If there are unread notifications on
this page the icon for the Notifications page will change to draw attention to the unread
notifications. From the notifications page a user can manage or perform any notification specific
6.6.2. Download Ready Notification
For users of the Download As feature the system can be configured to show real time
Notifications. When the system is configured in this way the system will flash a notification for
10 seconds when a requested document has been converted into the requested format and is
available for download. Users may click to remove this popup or click within the notification to
start the download of the file.
6.7. Configuration Management: Named Configurations
6.7.1. Support for Menus
It is now possible to add a Menu to a Named Configuration and migrate the Menu definition
with Named Configuration Export/Import.
6.7.2. Support for General Preferences
It is now possible to add General Preferences to a Named Configuration and migrate the
General Preferences with Named Configuration Export/Import.
All settings on the General Preferences (except for Host Name + URL) are index, compared
and migrated.
6.7.3. Support for System Default Document Types
It is now possible to System Level Document Types to a named configuration. When added,
document type settings are indexed, compared, and migrated with the named configuration.
If a project uses Default system settings for Document Types, the Global Preferences
Document Types are added as a dependency.
6.7.4. Improved Support for Lists
List support in Named Configurations is improved. The system now makes a better distinction
between managed lists and lists based on database views.
It is possible to compare and migrate basic lists (a list based on excel file with Flush Data turned
on) using built-in database credentials. For Basic Lists, following information is compared:
- Column Definition
- Data file location
- Sheet Name / Root XML node
- Data file
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Note: the database table contents are not compared, only the supporting files are considered
for comparison.
Advanced Lists (Lists with Flush Data turned off and lists based on database views) are indexed
and their column definition is compared, however migration is not supported yet. These lists will
become a blocking dependency on import if they are not available on the target system.
The Named Configuration overview page gives an overview of the advanced lists that require
manual migration.
It is possible to exclude a list from the Named Configuration and use it as a boundary.
6.7.5. Quick navigation during Impact Analysis
A navigation menu is added to the impact analysis page to quickly navigate in large Named
6.7.6. Improved Comparison of Attribute Values
The comparison Attribute Values and Document References Value Comparison is improved.
6.8. Audit trail improvements
6.8.1. Adding Lists actions to the system history
When creating a new List, Deleting the List data, or Deleting the List, a new entry is added to
the System History for the corresponding action.
6.8.2. User Management History improvements
Audit trail has been changed to follow the convention of mentioning the old and the new value
in the User Management history.
6.9. Authentication improvements
6.9.1. Expiration of Sessions for all Login methods.
When logging in as a user that has reached their maximum number of sessions, you can now
choose to expire your other sessions and continue your login. This is applicable to all
authentication methods supported by WebCenter.
6.10. Packaging Content Management (Option)
6.10.1. Warnings in NFT
On the first load of the table content, a loading indicator will be shown for the elements which
have smartnames. After loading of the referenced contents, the loading indicator will be
updated to a warning icon if there is any warning for that particular element or otherwise
The initial loading time of the table content document has been reduced as the referenced
contents are loaded separately after loading the table content.
6.10.2. CHILI Optimization
The integration between WebCenter and CHILI (Option) has been optimized by adding
configurable timeouts and preventing duplicate saves from the Side-by-Side view by disabling
the Save button once it is clicked.
6.10.3. Export Content sheet to PDF
A new workflow node, Export ContentSheet to PDF has been added to export a content sheet
as a PDF report.
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By default, the report can be generated with either of two predefined layouts: Grid Layout and
Print Layout. In the workflow node, the preferred layout can be specified. The layout can be
configured using a setup file on the server. A default setup file is provided with Grid Layout and
Print Layout configured. See the WebCenter documentation for more details.
Note: Changes to the setup file structure will also affect the Export to Excel workflow node, so
the existing setup file needs to be updated to the new structure to prevent the Export to Excel
workflow node from failing after the upgrade.
6.11. Variable Data Printing Support (Option)
6.11.1. Expand VDP Artwork Workflow Node
This new Workflow Node enables you to expand your Variable Data Printing Artwork Template
into separate PDF files or a single multipage PDF for a subset of the variants. A use case for
this is to create a PDF for proofing, or to have a subset of variants available for download. The
output PDF files can be uploaded in the project as separate documents, or as a single ZIP file.
6.11.2. Outdated VDP Preflight report indication
The VDP Preflight Report in the Viewer will now show a message when the report is outdated.
This happens when the artwork, the dataset, or any asset was updated after the report was
6.11.3. Upload multiple assets from Viewer
The VDP Widget now has an Asset Manager in the Viewer that allows you to upload multiple
documents and get an overview of the available assets for VDP.
It is now also possible to use a document reference for managing VDP Assets (VDP_ASSETS),
this allows for limiting which assets are available and customizing the target folder for
documents uploaded from the Viewer.
6.11.4. Translated feedback for VDP Preflight
The feedback messages from VDP Preflight and Bulk Preflight are now translated to the
language of the user opening the VDP Preflight Report in the viewer.
6.12. InDesign Artwork Automation
6.12.1. Details View
From the INDD Panel in the viewer users can now see more relevant information about the
content which is being referenced by a placeholder. For PCM content you will be able to see
the actual localized content value and language and for images you will see a thumbnail.
6.12.2. Change, Preview and Apply Content within the Viewer
When viewing an InDesign template within the viewer users with edit permissions to the Content
Source can now swap content references within the viewer, preview their changes and then
save their changes to their content source.
Any references modified during the view session will be clearly marked to the end user until
that have been saved.
6.12.3. Concurrency Support for InDesign Server
The InDesign Server can now be configured to handle requests in a concurrent fashion. This
should allow up to five users to concurrently launch INDD files in the viewer and apply and
preview content changes. An InDesign session will be active for 10 minutes, after which the
user will need to establish a new session.
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6.13. File Storage Improvements
6.13.1. Data Integrity Checking
When using the file migration tool to migrate files from one storage location to another, the
migration tool will now also validate the integrity of the files. This is done by calculating a
checksum of the file during migration and comparing this checksum with the checksum of the
source file stored in the DB. If the source checksum does not match the calculated checksum,
the file will not be migrated since WebCenter detects an anomaly.
6.14. Troubleshooting Tool Improvements
6.14.1. Workflow Engine Status Test
The Workflow Engine Status troubleshooting test (WCR14_TST_800) has been extended to
provide the following information:
Total amount of running Workflows
Total amount of tokens used in these Workflows
Total amount of triggers used in these Workflows
Total amount of wait triggers used in these Workflows
Total Extra Token Data Entries in these Workflows
The amount of Workflow events per second
This information was previously only accessible on the Workflow Engine administration page.
6.15. Usage Tracking
6.15.1. Opt Out
SaaS customers can now review the Esko Privacy Policy and choose to opt out of WebCenter’s
usage tracking features.
6.16. Performance improvements
6.16.1. Site Defaults loading
The mechanism responsible for synchronizing the Site Defaults (system level preferences)
between the Application and Web server is rewritten in WebCenter 24.07. This will result in a
reduced load on the database server and an overall improvement in loading times.
6.16.2. Attribute value loading
The mechanism responsible for loading attribute values in WebCenter was optimized to no
longer be affected by database statistics on attribute value tables. This will result in more
predictable attribute value loading times, which will make the loading of attribute values more
6.16.3. Systems with a large amount of Workflows
A new deployment option makes it possible for systems with many Workflows and Tasks to
split the underlying database table in two parts. One part contains the metadata of the task, the
other part contains the workflow information. This splitting allows the database to manage the
metadata table more efficiently which will increase the performance of lookups.
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7. Installation and Deployment changes
7.1. Search Index Rebuild
Discussions will not be visible without a Search Index rebuild when upgrading from any earlier
version of WebCenter.
8. Additional Upgrade notes
8.1. Export to Excel workflow node configuration change
The Export to Excel workflow node can fail after the upgrade unless a server configuration file
is adapted to follow a new structure. See section 6.9.3 Export Content sheet to PDF for details.
9. Known Limitations
9.1. No support for mirroring CAD file when creating a CAD
Graphics 3D view
The new (23.11 and later) CAD - Graphics implementation in the WebCenter Viewer does not
support creation of a 3D view with graphics overlay if the CAD file is Mirrored compared to the
Graphics file.
9.2. No support for Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server
2014 and older
From WebCenter 24.07 onwards, there is no support for Windows Server 2012 (all editions) or
SQL Server 2014 and older. Customers using any of these versions, should upgrade to a
supported OS and Database version. See WebCenter 24.07 Server System Requirements for
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10. Solved customer issues
10.1. List of resolved Customer issues in WebCenter 24.07
CS Number
Improved detection of rotated braille in Viewer.
Fixed issue where renaming a group would cause tasks
assigned to a role with that group as a member to no longer be
found in Search.
Fixed issue where Searching on very long project names which
also contained characters with accents failed if no quotes were
put around it to look for an exact match
Enhanced user control with configurable timeouts for API wait
times and thumbnail preview generation. Extended Ajax call
wait time to 5mins.
The view files generation flow for "Create ColorCert job"
workflow node was changed to start a preview task only after
the workflow transaction is committed.
Fixed issues with Dropzones in Dashboards in Safari
Due to invalid character text content validation failing, now we
handled that by removing invalid character while copy/paste
Fixed an issue where only one saved search date filter was
supported per dashboard. Now the same date filter can be used
in multiple saved searches on a dashboard
Fixed issue where Searching on very long project names which
also contained characters with accents failed if no quotes were
put around it to look for an exact match
Persistent customizations no longer get deleted when changing
customization via UI.
Fixed issue in Search where the drop downs for filters linked to
a list sometimes went missing.
Fixed a stability issue in the shutdown logic of the WebCenter
CADX component that leads to creating process dumps on the
Fixed issues with Drop zones in Dashboards in Safari
Fixed issue where approval with password recheck does not
work when doing multiple sessions as a delegate
Added the management and limiting of the number of
concurrent Cloud OBGE requests, based on capacity, to avoid
overwhelming WebCenter under high load.
Fixed issue with Administrator with Group rights (for Lists and
Templates) in Projects, Folders, and Discussions
When Restricted Task Assignee is changed, workflows creating
this task need to be updated. This fix notifies in the editor that
the workflow needs to be resaved when the restricted Task
Assignee is changed for a manual task in the workflow.
Fixed issue that loading data fails in complex dashboard forms
Fixed issue where router node would not show newly added
values of a restricted set specification/attribute
Fixed issue in Attribute Category with setting futures date/time
in combination with Daylight saving changes.
Fixed a bug which causes deadlocks when running the create
projects workflow node with move documents option selected.
The deadlock occurred when the node is run concurrently for
the same source project
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CS Number
Rewrote queries for attribute loading in an attempt to get more
predictable database performance.
Fixed an issue in the Workflow Engine that prevented workflows
from starting, filling the step processing queue.
Fix rights conflict for user with both admin rights, and admin
rights for project templates.
Due to illegal Unicode character text content parsing failed, now
we handled that in RCK by removing illegal characters while
A small change in behavior was done to approval tasks in
search. When searching for approval tasks for documents that
have moved to a different project, the approval tasks for older
versions of the document will now show the current project
instead of the original project. This is done to align the
behavior with the behavior for the latest version of a
Behavior before WebCenter 24.07:
Approval tasks on the LATEST version of a document
will show the project where the document is currently
sitting (no matter where the approval happened).
Approval tasks on the NON-LATEST version of a
document will show the project where the document
was sitting before the move (where the approval
Behavior in WebCenter 24.07:
Approval tasks on the LATEST and NON_LATEST
version of a document will show the project where the
document is currently sitting (no matter where the
approval happened).
The reason for this change is that now all approvals
are retained, even if the original project is removed.
Fixed crash when saving a form when a visibility script is
defined in a nested dashboard on an attribute block for which
no attribute is selected
Order of Attributes initialization on Attribute Category
configuration page is enforced now. It prevents Attributes to be
visible in the list of available attributes twice and thus also
prevent them to be inserted in Attribute Category more than
Fixed issue with Administrator with Group rights (for Lists and
Templates) in Projects, Folders, and Discussions
Fixed issue where approval with password recheck does not
work when doing multiple sessions as a delegate
Fixed migration issue causing saved searches to lose the
"Custom Action Tags" setting
Fixed issue where triggering a manually triggered selective re-
index to fix issues with the search index can slow the crawler
queue to a standstill for hours, days or weeks, depending on the
amount of items that need to be updated. In practice this just
ant the search crawler stopped working and the server
needed to be restarted.
Fixed stability issue where Search Crawler stopped processing
(stability issue introduced in 22.07, but extremely unlikely to
ever happen)