WebSphere Liberty z/OS
Shared Class Cache
Version Date: September 13, 2018
See "Document Change History" on page 16 for a description
of the changes in this version of the document
Beena Hotchandani
IBM WebSphere Performance
WP102766 at
© IBM Corporation 2018
WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Table of Contents
Basic concepts........................................................................................................................................................ 4
OpenJ9 Documentation........................................................................................................................................... 5
Benefits and Performance Information.........................................................................................................6
Benefits of shared class cache................................................................................................................................ 6
Performance of shared class cache........................................................................................................................ 6
Server startup time................................................................................................................................ 6
Shared class cache and AOT................................................................................................................7
Memory footprint savings with shared class cache...............................................................................8
Effect of shared class cache on throughput............................................................................................................. 8
Shared class cache and startup time for 100 Liberty servers..................................................................................9
Operational Details........................................................................................................................................10
WebSphere Application Server traditional: default cache sizes, names, and location...........................................10
Liberty: default cache sizes, names, and location.................................................................................................10
Specifying a non-default cache name.................................................................................................................... 10
Specifying a non-default cache size...................................................................................................................... 10
Specifying a non-default cache location................................................................................................................ 11
Displaying shared class cache information............................................................................................................ 11
Cache size limit..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Destroying an existing shared class cache............................................................................................................ 13
Tuning the shared class cache ............................................................................................................................. 13
Summary and References.............................................................................................................................15
Summary............................................................................................................................................................... 15
References............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Document Change History............................................................................................................................16
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
When a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) first starts up, Java class files have to be read in and
processed into JVM internal class representations. These internal representations can then be
referenced by Java code executing within the JVM. Once created, the read-only elements of the
object can be stored in shared class cache and referenced from there. The overhead of this activity
typically occurs during JVM and application startup in what’s often referred to as a “warm up”
Imagine the ability to store the created class representations in memory so the next time the JVM
starts the startup time can be reduced. Imagine further the ability to have multiple JVMs access the
same in-memory cache, allowing faster startup for all JVMs sharing that cache. That's what's
behind the "shared class cache" function of the IBM SDK for Java on z/OS
. That function came in
back in IBM JDK 5, which was almost 10 years ago.
For WebSphere Application Server, the ability to share JVM class cache between regions can take
several forms:
For WAS traditional z/OS -- you can share class cache between multiple servant regions, or
between servant regions and adjunct regions. You can share between multiple control
regions as well, but you can't share between control regions and servant/adjunct regions
For Liberty z/OS -- you can share class cache between multiple instances of Liberty.
Basic concepts
Shared class cache (SCC) is created using the JVM option -Xshareclasses.
Every shared class cache has a name associated with it. You can take the default name,
which is sharedcc_%u (where %u is the current user name), or you can specify a name, for
Other JVMs can be directed to use that shared class by coding the same JVM option.
The default location for shared class cache meta-data is under the
/tmp/javasharedresources directory, but you can change that with either a
controlDir= suboption
, for example:
For WebSphere Application Server z/OS traditional, you can code the JVM option by
manually editing the jvm.options for the server, or by updating the option field for the
server process in the Admin Console. For Liberty z/OS, you code the JVM option by
creating and editing a jvm.options file in the same directory where server.xml resides.
In either case, the server must be restarted for the JVM option to take effect and the shared
class cache to be created.
The shared class cache lives beyond the life of the JVM. If you stop your JVM and restart it,
the previous shared class cache is still available and ready to use.
You can explicitly delete the cache
. An IPL of your system will delete any defined shared
class caches
. Do not IPL just to clear the cache; using the explicit delete method.
See "Operational Details" on page 10 for more on how to use shared class cache.
1 This is why controlled benchmark tests often involve a period of activity before the formal measuring takes place. That's to insure the
measured results are after the classes are created and loaded.
2 Shared class cache is a function of the IBM JDK on multiple platforms, not just z/OS. The focus of this document is z/OS.
3 This is because the control region runs under a separate storage key from servant and adjunct regions.
4 Or cacheDir= statement. That results in the same output as controlDir= statement.
5 See "Destroying an existing shared class cache" on page 13.
6 The -Xshareclasses option has a suboption snapshotCache, which will create a snapshot file of an existing non-persistent shared
cache. The restoreFromSnapshot suboption will restore a new non-persistent shared cache from a snapshot file. See
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSYKE2_8.0.0/com.ibm.java.vm.80.doc/docs/xshareclasses.html for more on these
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
OpenJ9 Documentation
The following link provides a full set of details on shared class cache:
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Benefits and Performance Information
Benefits of shared class cache
There are several benefits of using shared class cache:
Faster start time -- A fresh shared classes empty cache gets populated by the first JVM
JVM as it loads Java classes, so the overhead costs are minimal. Thereafter, the
classes are already in memory and partially verified. Therefore, the loading of the
classes from a populated cache is faster that loading classes from disk. The benefit is
this: from the second time onwards the server startup time is much faster, since many
classes are pre-loaded.
Less memory used -- There is also a memory footprint reduction when using shared
class cache, as the cache is backed by shared memory segments. In case of WAS
z/OS, when more than one servant regions is sharing the same cache the memory
savings per servant region is the size of shared class cache
Performance of shared class cache
This feature improves performance since class byte codes need to be loaded only once.
Specifically, server startup time can be improved quite a bit. There are some savings in memory
footprint as well.
We performed various runs with different options and here are some results.
Server startup time
We ran a comparison of WebSphere Application Server Version 9 traditional
using a
125MB shared class cache. The objective was to measure the time -- both elapsed and
CPU -- for the server to initialize. The results are summarized in the following graphic:
As you can see, with shared class cache the server startup time was 29.5% less elapsed
time, and 53.5% less CPU time.
7 To be precise, the memory savings is only the size of the "ROMClass bytes", "Class debug area used bytes" and "Zip cache bytes" in the
shared cache. Other data in the cache (the AOT and other metadata) doesn't represent a savings, but rather a tax for using the cache.
Also the cache may contain free space, which doesn't contribute to the memory savings.
8 WAS "traditional" is the controller/servant region model, as opposed to Liberty.
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Lower is better
Lower is better
29.5% reduction
29.5% reduction
53.5% reduction
53.5% reduction
WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Shared class cache and AOT
AOT stands for "Ahead of Time," and it refers to an option of the JVM to compile methods
ahead of usage
. The combination of shared class cache and AOT further reduces server
startup time:
Note: AOT is enabled by default when a JVM is started with -Xshareclasses. To disable AOT
requires the use of -Xnoaot, which is not generally recommended for production usage.
The message of this chart is that AOT -- enabled by default -- provides an incremental
benefit for server startup time. It may involve a very slight degradation of throughput.
9 As opposed to allowing the Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler to decide when to compile the classes, which may be after several iterations of
execution. There are pros and cons to using AOT vs. JIT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahead-of-time_compilation
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Lower is better
Lower is better
WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Memory footprint savings with shared class cache
The following graphic illustrates the memory savings with shared class cache for each of the
region types of a WebSphere Application Server traditional server
Effect of shared class cache on throughput
We ran a throughput test using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) benchmark workload and
compared the throughput with no shared class cache, with the default size of shared class
cache, and with a larger shared class cache. The results are shown next:
Generally speaking, the shared class cache size should not affect throughput much, if at all.
The differences seen here might best be explained by minor fluctuations in the results between
runs. That does not mean the size of your shared class cache is meaningless. There is a
process for sizing it to your workload. See "Tuning the shared class cache " on page 13 for
more on determining the optimal size.
10 In this example, a 125MB shared cache for a controller region, and a separate 125MB shared cache for one servant and one adjunct.
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Lower is better
Lower is better
WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Shared class cache and startup time for 100 Liberty servers
Here's a picture that shows how shared class cache can improve the time it takes for Liberty
servers to start:
The column on the left is the time it took to start 100 Liberty servers with shared class cache
enabled, and the column on the right is the time it took for the same 100 servers on the same
system to start when shared class cache was not enabled: 2.19 minutes vs. 7.23 minutes.
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Operational Details
In this section we will offer some of the details around shared class cache.
WebSphere Application Server traditional: default cache sizes, names, and location
The default shared class size for WebShere Application Server is shown in the following table:
Version 7.x
Version 8.x
Version and higher
Control Region
50MB 75MB 75MB
Servant Region
50MB 75MB 125MB
Adjunct Region
50MB 75MB 125MB
The default class cache names are as follows:
WAS z/OS Version 7.x WAS z/OS Version 8.x
Control Region
webspherev70_%g_control webspherev80_%g_control
Servant Region
webspherev70_%g_servant webspherev80_%g_servant
Adjunct Region
webspherev70_%g_adjunct webspherev80_%g_adjunct
Where %g is the UNIX group ID used by the control region, servant region, and adjunct.
The default size changed in, but the default names remained the same.
If you start a WAS z/OS server and the jvm.options specifies -Xshareclasses with no
other suboptions, then the sizes and names shown in the tables above will be used.
The default location for the shared class cache is /tmp/javasharedresources/.
Liberty: default cache sizes, names, and location
For Liberty z/OS, the shared class cache is automatically enabled so no -Xshareclasses in
the jvm.options file is needed. The default size is 60MB, which by our testing appears to be
sufficient. The location in the file system is:
Where WLP_USER_DIR is the directory under which your Liberty server is running.
Specifying a non-default cache name
If you wish to share cache between a servant region and the adjunct region, you would
manually change the default name using the name= suboption on -Xshareclasses, for
Then when two JVMs -- for example, a servant region and an adjunct region -- both have
jvm.options settings with that value, they would share a class cache
Specifying a non-default cache size
You can set the cache size using -Xscmx. For example, the following two jvm.options
statements will create a cache with name myCache, and specify a maximum size of 200MB:
11 As noted, the control region is unique in that it's uses a different storage key, and therefore its cache can not be shared except between
other controllers.
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Specifying a non-default cache location
You can also specify the directory path where you want to create the shared class cache. This
is done with the controlDir= suboption
. For example:
Note that multiple suboptions are separated with a comma.
FYI: The normal behavior is for the JVM to fail to start if the class data sharing fails for some reason.
The nonFatal suboption allows the JVM to start even if class data sharing fails. Normal behavior
for the JVM is to refuse to start if class data sharing fails. The JVM will attempt to connect to the
cache in read-only mode. If this attempt fails, the JVM will start without class data sharing.
Displaying shared class cache information
If you wish to display basic information about the shared class caches under the default
location, then issue the following Java command:
java -Xshareclasses:listAllCaches
That would yield output something like this:
>java -Xshareclasses:listAllCaches
Listing all caches in cacheDir /tmp/javasharedresources/
Cache name level cache-type feature OS shmid OS semid last detach time
Compatible shared caches
myCache1 Java8 64-bit persistent cr Wed Jul 11 16:07:11 2018
myCache2 Java8 64-bit persistent cr In use
myCache10 Java8 64-bit persistent cr Fri Aug 10 12:39:17 2018
If you wished to display basic information about shared class caches under a specific non-
default location, then issue the -Xshareclasses command and name the directory:
java -Xshareclasses:controlDir=/mySharedLoc,listAllCaches
The printStats suboption will display details about a specific shared cache:
>java -Xshareclasses:controlDir=/mySharedLoc,name=myCache,printStats
Current statistics for cache "myCache":
Cache created with:
-Xnolinenumbers = false
BCI Enabled = true
Restrict Classpaths = false
Feature = cr
Cache contains only classes with line numbers
base address = 0x000003FFE4C57000
end address = 0x000003FFE87FE000
allocation pointer = 0x000003FFE5BCFBD0
cache size = 62913952
softmx bytes = 62913952
free bytes = 33092912
ROMClass bytes = 16223184
AOT bytes = 6424756
Reserved space for AOT bytes = -1
Maximum space for AOT bytes = 8388608
JIT data bytes = 147584
Reserved space for JIT data bytes = -1
Maximum space for JIT data bytes = -1
Zip cache bytes = 1130480
12 Or cacheDir= suboption. They both have the same effect.
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Data bytes = 363936
Metadata bytes = 529884
Metadata % used = 1%
Class debug area size = 5001216
Class debug area used bytes = 2021474
Class debug area % used = 40%
# ROMClasses = 6243
# AOT Methods = 2648
# Classpaths = 3
# URLs = 93
# Tokens = 0
# Zip caches = 21
# Stale classes = 0
% Stale classes = 0%
Cache is 47% full
Cache is accessible to current user = true
Cache size limit
The maximum theoretical limit of cache is 2GB. The size of the cache you can specify depends
upon the physical memory and swap space that is available to the system. The cache for
sharing is allocated by using IPCS. The following shows some example display commands for
cache and associated semaphores:
-> ipcs -m
IPC status as of Fri Aug 10 12:15:02 2018
Shared Memory:
m 8003604 0x6177dd4d --rw-rw---- ASCRA1 WSCFG1
m 8003605 0x6177db4d --rw-rw---- ASSR1 WSCFG1
m 8003606 0x6177cb4d --rw-rw---- OMVS WSCFG1
-> ipcs -mx
IPC status as of Fri Aug 10 12:15:07 2018
Shared Memory:
m 0x6172454d OMVS WASADMIN 16 1M 16777216
m 0x6177dd4d ASCRA1 WSCFG1 125 1M 131072000 1365 0x000002000c800000
m 0x6177db4d ASSR1 WSCFG1 125 1M 131072000 1320 0x0000020004b00000
m 0x6177cb4d OMVS WSCFG1 75 1M 78643200 33555635 0x0000020000000000
-> ipcs -sx
IPC status as of Fri Aug 10 12:20:37 2018
s 0x8177dc4d ASCRA1 WSCFG1 0 0 0 0 L
s 0x8177da4d ASSR1 WSCFG1 0 0 0 0 L
s 0x8177ca4d OMVS WSCFG1 0 0 0 0 L
The shared page size of z/OS UNIX Systems Services (USS) is fixed at 4K pages in 31-bit
mode and 1MB in 64-bit mode.
The shared class cache will persist beyond the life of any JVM connected to it. To remove a
shared class cache, either use the destroy suboption of -Xshareclasses, or re-IPL the
z/OS system.
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Shows three caches
created after WAS
traditional startup
Shows three caches
created after WAS
traditional startup
Shows the pid (example 1365 for the
Adjunct Region) associated with the cache.
Shows the pid (example 1365 for the
Adjunct Region) associated with the cache.
Shows the associated semaphores
of the shared class cache
Shows the associated semaphores
of the shared class cache
WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Destroying an existing shared class cache
You can explicitly delete a cache with the destroy suboption. For example:
java -Xshareclasses:name=myCache,controlDir=/myCachePath/,destroy
Note: In this case that's a Java command entered in a UNIX shell environment, not coded as a JVM
option for an application server.
Or you can use the IPCS command, which tends to be a more reliable method. The ipcs -mx
command will show the PID associated with the server's shared memory:
/<WLP_USER_DIR>/servers/.classCache/javasharedresources > ipcs -mx
IPC status as of Tue Aug 21 10:39:00 2018
Shared Memory:
m 0x611b780f SYSTEM WASADMIN 60 1M 62914560
The ipcs -m command will provide the ID of shared class cache:
/<WLP_USER_DIR>/servers/.classCache/javasharedresources > ipcs -m
IPC status as of Tue Aug 21 10:40:20 2018
Shared Memory:
m 8196 0x611b780f --rw------- SYSTEM WASADMIN
The ipcrm -m <id> command will delete the shared cache from memory:
/<WLP_USER_DIR>/servers/.classCache/javasharedresources > ipcrm -m 8196
What remains are the semaphores, which you can query with the ipcs -s command:
/<WLP_USER_DIR>/servers/.classCache/javasharedresources > ipcs -s
IPC status as of Tue Aug 21 10:42:16 2018
s 4100 0x811b770f --ra------- SYSTEM WASADMIN
And delete with the ipcrm -m <id> command:
/<WLP_USER_DIR>/servers/.classCache/javasharedresources > ipcrm -s 4100
An IPL of the z/OS system will result in any defined shared class caches being removed. If all
you wish to do is clear shared class cache, we do not recommend this approach.
Tuning the shared class cache
In general, you should seek to maximize the number of shared classes, which implies tuning the
size of the shared class cache to share the maximum number of classes.
Note: As a reminder, for WAS z/OS traditional, you can't share classes between a Control
Region (CR) and a Servant Region (SR) or an Adjunct Region (AR). That's because of
the CR uses a different storage key from the SR or AR. You can share between CRs,
and you can share between SRs and ARs. But you can't share between CR and
The shared cache size can only be set when creating a new cache. That means if you need to
resize the cache, it needs to destroyed and re-created. When tuning a cache size, the most
important thing is that you run a typical workload when performing the sizing. Using a non-
typical workload when sizing may result in a poorly tuned size when more typical work is run
The following illustrates the "iterative approach" to tune the shared class cache size.
Note: The commands that follow assume the shared class cache is in the default location.
You can use a non-default location. That involves using the controlDir= suboption
to specify the location.
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
First, check to see if shared class caches exist, and what names they go by:
java -Xshareclasses:listAllCaches
If there are no shared class caches, go back to the jvm.options files of the servers
and set the -Xshareclasses option, then restart the server.
Then, use the printStats suboption to display information about the shared class
cache, for example:
java -Xshareclasses:name=webspherev70_%g,printStats
That will yield a listing of the statistics for the shared cache like we showed on page 11.
Look for the "Cache is <value>% full" statement at the end of the listing.
If the cache is 100% full, then you will need to destroy the cache before setting a larger
value in the server jvm.options file. For example:
java -Xshareclasses:name= webspherev70_%g,destroy
Next, enable shared classes with a larger cache. We recommend increasing the size by
50%. Do this with a -Xscmx option in the jvm.options file. See "Specifying a non-
default cache size" on page 10 for an example. Stop and restart the server to pick up
the new size size.
Exercise a typical workload so the Java class files get loaded into the shared class
cache. Be sure to exercise the workload for a long enough period of time so all the
typically used classes get loaded (this is the "warm up" period we mentioned earlier).
Check the cache size again using the printStats suboption. If the cache size is still
100% full, then destroy the cache, increase the size by 50% more, restart the servers
and check again.
If the cache size is less than 100%, then the optimal size is one that achieves a cache
utilization in the 95% to 99% range. You can calculate that by subtracting "free space"
from the "cache size" values provided by the printStats subption.
Iterate on these steps until you achieve a shared class cache size that achieves an
optimal utilization of the cache for the workload you are exercising.
Another approach is to size the cache to some value you expect to be much more than is
needed for your workload. Then run your workload, and use the printStats suboption to
display information about the shared class cache. Compare the "cache size" value to the "free
bytes" area to come up with the bytes used. For example:
cache size = 209715200
free bytes = 93092912
Would suggest that your used cache was 209715200 - 93092912 = 116622288. The cache should
therefore be sized to something where 95% to 99% utilization is achieved.
Finally, another approach is to use the soft limit feature by setting a -XX:SharedCacheHardLimit, and
run with the shared cache verbose option, it tells you how much data it tried to store into the cache but
could not. This gives a hint at how much bigger the shared cache needs to be, for example:
JVMSHRC818I Total unstored bytes due to the setting of shared cache soft max
is 2195456. Unstored AOT bytes due to the setting of -Xscmaxaot is 0.
Unstored JIT bytes due to the setting of -Xscmaxjitdata is 0.
In this example, the cache size used resulted in 2195456 bytes not being able to be cached. Therefore,
the cache size should be set to a value that allows those 2195456 bytes, plus a buffer of approximately
5% more cache size. See:
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Summary and References
This paper provided some ideas on shared class cache performance in a z/OS environment,
and how to tune it to give best results. Making shared class cache too big will not help in
performance but might hurt depending on your configuration, size and usage of memory.
There are articles, white papers and other documentation on shared class cache which gives
detail information on the subject. Some of the references are:
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WP102766 – WebSphere Application Server z/OS Shared Class Cache
Document Change History
Check the date in the footer of the document for the version of the document.
September 11, 2018 Original document at time of Techdoc creation
September 13, 2018 Updated with assigned WP102766 Techdoc number, plus made a few minor
End of WP102766
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