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Government Invoicing (G-Invoicing): Rules of Engagement
Bureau of the Fiscal Service (Fiscal Service) has developed a comprehensive Government-wide solution,
known as G-Invoicing, that will enhance government-wide financial management and improve the
quality of Intra-governmental transaction (IGT) Buy/Sell reporting by:
Providing a common platform for brokering all IGT Buy/Sell activity
Implementing a Federal IGT Buy/Sell Data Standard
Federal Intra-governmental Data
Standards (FIDS)
Providing transparent access to a common data repository of brokered transactions
Reducing the number of adjustments processed through Intra-governmental Payment and
Collection (IPAC) and Central Accounting and Reporting System (CARS)
Facilitating the reconciliation and elimination of IGT Buy/Sell activity from the Financial
Report of the U.S. Government (FR)
G-Invoicing’s use by federal entities (entities) for all IGT Buy/Sell activity has been mandated by Fiscal
Service under the authority of 31 U.S.C. 3512(b) and 3513. The G-Invoicing transaction lifecycle is
dependent upon both trading partners agreeing at key steps of the process: General Terms &
Conditions (GT&Cs), Orders, Performance Transactions and Fund Settlement. Entities are encouraged
to begin leveraging G-Invoicing functionality as trading partners become engaged to ensure compliance
with the mandate. entities may benefit by first focusing on implementing transactions that are intra-
departmental (i.e., transactions in which the entity is both the Requesting and Servicing Agency) to
expedite the use of G-Invoicing and aid in change management. Entities will also need to consider
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) vendor readiness when engaging with trading partners beyond
Buy/Sell data is defined through the Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Volume I, Part II, Chapter 4700,
Appendix 8, as reimbursable activity in which goods or services are transferred between two entities.
The TFM also utilizes Reciprocal Categories (RC), which are financial statement lines that offset each
other to assist in the elimination of federal activity at the government-wide level in preparation of the
FR. Refer to TFM Volume I, Part II, Chapter 4700 for the full list of RCs. Buy/Sell activity is included in the
following RCs:
RC 22 Accounts Receivable/Payable and Other Liabilities
RC 23 Advances/Prepayments and Deferred Credits
RC 24 Buy/Sell Costs and Revenues
To facilitate IGT Buy/Sell activity, G-Invoicing has developed four stages:
1. GT&Cs
2. Orders
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3. Performance Transactions
4. Fund Settlement
Each of these stages maintain and facilitate the communication of data that will play a key role in
the reduction of IGT Buy/Sell differences. There are two ways to set up Agreements in G-Invoicing
based on which entity is responsible for the creation of the Orders. Under a Buyer-Initiated Order
(BIO) the Requesting Agency is responsible for creating all the Orders under the GT&C. Under a
Seller-Facilitated Order (SFO) the Servicing Agency is responsible for creating all the Orders under
the GT&C. There cannot be a mixture of BIO and SFO under a single GT&C.
In addition to the four stages listed above, G-Invoicing has also developed a solution for low dollar,
high volume transactions known as 7600EZ. With 7600EZ, entities are provided with a more
efficient, streamlined process to achieving fund settlement by combining the Order and
Performance stages into an EZ Invoice. The Servicing Agency will initiate all 7600EZ transactions
through G-Invoicing; however, the Requesting Agency will have an opportunity to review and
reject the 7600EZ transaction within the number of rejection days determined by the type of
7600EZ. Both trading partners must agree to 7600EZ on the GT&C. The G-Invoicing application will
not allow entities to create a mixture of Orders and 7600EZ transactions under a single GT&C. Each
7600EZ transaction must be less than or equal to $10,000.00 ($10k) except for the business lines
(identified below) that have been granted exceptions to the $10k limit.
The business lines which have been granted an exception to the $10k threshold include:
1. GSA Fleet Leasing
2. GSA Global Supplies
3. GPO Print/Publishing
This Rules of Engagement document should be used by those entities with IGT Buy/Sell activity as
they transition this activity to G-Invoicing in compliance with Fiscal Service’s implementation
mandate. Throughout this document, the appropriate protocol for entity’s interaction within the
application is established through the documentation and/or communication of:
A) The Scope and Type of Activity to be Facilitated Through G-Invoicing
B) The Implementation and Maintenance of New Orders: Implementation Deadline of October 1, 2022
C) What Do I Do If My Trading Partner is Not in G-Invoicing?
D) Fiscal Year End (FYE) Crossing Best Practices
E) Additional System and Business Rules
F) The G-Invoicing Trading Partner Directory
G) Appendices
1. References to Official Guidance Pertinent to the Use and Implementation of G-Invoicing
2. Flowchart for Trading Partner Engagement
Rules of Engagement
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A) The Scope and Type of Activity to be Facilitated Through G-Invoicing
1. All federal IGT activity associated with the Buy/Sell IGT category as defined by TFM
Volume I, Part II, Chapter 4700, Appendix 3. IGT Buy/Sell transactions are identified
through RCs 22, 23 and 24. Note: Entities may continue to leverage credit cards for
Buy/Sell activities in line with Department of the Treasury (Treasury) guidance and
2. IGT activity that is not considered Buy/Sell should be excluded from G-Invoicing. Entities should
continue to facilitate these transactions through current policy and procedures. These types of
transactions should continue to be settled through the IPAC application. Example transactions
that will continue to be facilitated directly through the IPAC application include but are not
limited to non-exchange expenditure transfers, benefits transactions with the Department of
Labor and Office of Personnel Management and custodial transfers between two entities other
than the General Fund of the U.S. Government.
3. Intra-Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) transactions (i.e., transactions that occur within a single
TAS) are not required to be included in G-Invoicing. Entities should continue to facilitate these
transactions through current policy and procedures. Even though these transactions are not
required in G-Invoicing, entities may optionally document and process them through G-
Invoicing, if desired. These transactions would follow the current processes and flows in G-
4. Entities must implement G-Invoicing for New Orders by October 1, 2022. The mandated
implementation deadline of October 1, 2022, for New Orders includes Orders with a Period
of Performance (POP) beginning October 1, 2022, or later.
5. Entities must implement the entire G-Invoicing transaction lifecycle which includes GT&Cs,
Orders and Performance Transactions that initiate fund settlement. (See TFM Volume I, Part
II, Chapter 4700, Appendix 8)
6. A new IPAC Transaction Sub-Category data element became optionally available in December
2021 to help entities categorize their transactions flowing through IPAC. This data element
became required in the User Interface (UI) on October 1, 2022. This data element will
become required in the IPAC Bulk File on October 1, 2023. On October 1, 2025, the Buy/Sell
option will be removed from the IPAC Transaction Sub-Category selection. At this point all IGT
Buy/Sell activity must be implemented in G-Invoicing.
B) The Implementation and Maintenance of New Orders: Implementation Deadline of October 1, 2022
1. G-Invoicing is designed to facilitate IGT Buy/Sell activity between two entities that have
established their readiness to transact in G-Invoicing. Both trading partners are required to
successfully broker transactions through G-Invoicing.
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2. The mandated implementation deadline of October 1, 2022, for New Orders includes Orders
with a POP beginning October 1, 2022, or later. Orders that are included in scope of the G-
Invoicing mandate must implement the entire transaction lifecycle which includes GT&Cs,
Orders and Performance Transactions which initiate fund settlement. Note: Entities are
encouraged to implement GT&Cs even if they aren’t ready to complete the entire
transaction lifecycle in G-Invoicing; however, they should not implement Orders until they
are also ready to create Performance Transactions in G-Invoicing.
3. Compliance with the TFM mandate for New Orders will be measured by a progress metric that
compares the dollar amount of the entity’s Performance Transactions in G-Invoicing against the
entity’s Buy/Sell balances by TAS in the Government-wide Treasury Symbol Adjusted Trail
Balance System (GTAS) application.
4. Fiscal Service will measure a federal entity’s G-Invoicing implementation progress on the IGT
Scorecard on a quarterly basis beginning in Q2 of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023.
5. GT&Cs have an Order Originating Partner Indicator (OOPI) to control which entity initiates
the drafting of all Orders within the GT&C (i.e., Partner 1). An OOPI of “S” indicates that the
Servicing Agency is Partner 1 and is responsible for initiating Orders under a GT&C. An OOPI
of “R” indicates that the Requesting Agency is Partner 1. The OOPI is required on the GT&C
and cannot be changed once an Order has been created under the GT&C.
6. Entities agreeing to engage in SFO arrangements by selecting an OOPI of “S” on the GT&C
should have a clear and preferably documented understanding of how an SFO partnership will
be executed. Treasury recommends the following actions:
a. Servicing Agencies should maintain a well-defined, transparent process and/or automated
solution for capturing required Requesting Agency’s data, which will be utilized to
generate a G-Invoicing SFO.
b. Servicing Agencies must ensure they afford Requesting Agencies the ability to define the
TAS in which the Servicing Agency should execute their Performance Transactions against
to obtain reimbursement for goods and/or services provided. Servicing Agencies must
afford Requesting Agencies the ability to provide more than one TAS on an SFO.
c. It is the responsibility of the Requesting Agency to provide their TAS to the Servicing
Agency for inclusion on the SFO. Servicing Agencies must leverage the TAS provided by the
Requesting Agency. If the Servicing Agency does not agree with the TAS that the
Requesting Agency provides, adjustments to the TAS must be made by the Requesting
Agency via the formal Order data collection process referenced at the beginning of this
section. Under no circumstances should the Servicing Agency change the TAS provided by
the Requesting Agency.
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7. Entities also have the option to select 7600EZ for low dollar/high volume transactions
(Orders that fall under $10k). The 7600EZ process is an alternative streamlined path to fund
settlement. This functionality is a separate workflow from the current Buyer Initiated Order
and Seller Facilitated Order processes. Note: there cannot be a mix of 7600EZ and Orders
created under a single GT&C.
8. Within G-Invoicing, the Requesting and Servicing Agencies must agree on the FOB Point at
the Order level to establish which partner’s Performance Transaction will initiate fund
settlement. The FOB Point also specifies the point at which the Servicing Agency transfers
ownership of the goods or services to the Requesting Agency.
a. As entities are implementing G-Invoicing they need to establish business processes that
will allow for all FOB Point scenarios (Source/Origin, Destination and Other). System
limitations around FOB Point should not be a long-term reason that entities cannot
broker Orders with varying FOB Points.
b. Entities also need to understand the impact of choosing one FOB Point vs. the others. If
entities agree upon FOB Point Source/Origin, fund settlement is automatically generated
after the Seller has delivered/performed goods or services and completed an
appropriate Performance Transaction within GInvoicing. If entities agree upon FOB Point
Destination or Other, fund settlement is automatically generated after the Requesting
Agency has 1) completed its receipt and acceptance process and has entered an
appropriate Performance Transaction into G-Invoicing or 2) the amount of Constructive
Receipt Days have expired and the application applies an approval on behalf of the
Requesting Agency, whichever occurs first.
C) What Do I Do If My Trading Partner is Not in G-Invoicing?
1. In the instance that one or both entities have not yet established readiness to transact in G-
Invoicing at any level (GT&C, Order and Performance Transaction), the IAA should be
facilitated through use of the 7600A/B paper forms as noted in Section B.3 above. Doing so will
ensure the required FIDS data attributes will be captured and ease the process of converting
the Order to G-Invoicing when possible.
2. Fiscal Service will continue to maintain the G-Invoicing Trading Partner Directory and work with
entities that have not established G-Invoicing readiness.
D) Fiscal Year End (FYE) Crossing Best Practices
1. At year-end when crossing fiscal years, entities need to follow the appropriate guidance for intra-
governmental Buy/Sell transactions from various sources.
2. Entities should follow the specific guidance in OMB Circular A-11 to reduce obligation balances as
necessary prior to FYE. (e.g., Economy Act Scenarios)
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3. Entities should have the necessary controls in place to ensure they are following guidance within OMB
Circular A-11 and Treasury Financial Manual Year-End Closing Bulletin.
a. This is key in ensuring that Orders/Obligations are being approved timely and the budgetary impact of
new Obligations is being recorded appropriately before they expire at FYE.
4. Entities can refer to U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAOs) Red Book for a list of case studies
involving GAO decisions and opinions, judicial decisions, statutory provisions and other relevant sources
pertaining to the principles of Federal Appropriation Law.
E) Additional System and Business Rules
1. An Agency Account must be created and users (system and/or human users) must have
roles/permissions assigned.
2. A Partner ID and System ID must be established by each entity client and each Partner ID must
be assigned a digital certificate to access G-Invoicing through an API Gateway. For additional
information regarding integration, please reference the G-Invoicing System Integration Guide
located on the Bureau of Fiscal Service G-Invoicing website
and work with your Agency
Implementation Team (AIT) Lead and/or the G-Invoicing Production Support team to determine
the right approach for to support your interfacing.
3. An Order cannot be initiated in G-Invoicing until an agreed upon GT&C has been approved by
both the Buyer and Seller and is in “Open for Orders” status. Similarly, a 7600EZ Invoice
cannot be initiated in G-Invoicing until an agreed upon GT&C has been approved by both
trading partners.
4. Performance Transactions cannot be initiated in G-Invoicing until an agreed upon Order has
been approved by both the Buyer and Seller and is in an “Open” status.
5. To close an Order in G-Invoicing, the following Order Closure Rules must be followed:
a. The Requesting Agency is the only agency that can request an Order closure.
b. Only data identified as required in the SM&VR may be sent by the Requesting Agency. All
other data will be ignored. An Order cannot be updated and closed at the same time.
c. The net sum of certain Performance details recorded against each Schedule in the Order by
the Servicing Agency and sometimes by the Requesting Agency must be equal. Specifically:
1. If the Schedule is Advanced (including future Advances), the Advances quantity
must equal the quantity Delivered/Performed.
2. If the FOB Point is ‘Destination’ or ‘Other’ and the Schedule is not Advanced, the
total quantity Delivered/Performed against a Schedule must equal the total
quantity Received/Accepted.
3. If the quantity Received/Accepted is provided, the total quantity
Delivered/Performed against a Schedule must equal the total quantity
Received/Accepted. If FOB Point is ‘Source’, Received/Accepted is not required.
d. The Order cannot be closed if any Performance is in pending settlement ‘PND’ status. All
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Performance must be settled to close an Order.
e. Each Schedule within the Order must be concluded in at least one of the following ways:
1. Unpaid quantity is zero, meaning that the Schedule was fully performed (and paid),
or that the Schedule Quantity has been modified down to the amount that was
performed (and paid).
2. The most recently reported Performance of Type ‘035’ (Delivered/ Performed), be it
positive or negative (aka, adjustment) has a Final Performance Indicator of ‘F’
(final), meaning that the servicing agency considers the Schedule fully performed.
3. Order Schedule has been cancelled.
F) The G-Invoicing Trading Partner Directory
1. Fiscal Service has established a G-Invoicing Trading Partner Directory on Max.gov
to reflect the
status of Agency Location Codes (ALCs) targeted to be used in G-Invoicing. It also lists the G-
Invoicing points of contact for each ALC. Each entity should review the G-Invoicing Trading
Partner Directory to ensure their ALCs maintain and reflect the appropriate status. Any updates
needed to the Trading Partner Directory should be included in the entity’s quarterly G-Invoicing
Agency Implementation Plan (AIP) updates submitted to Fiscal Service. Requests to update the
status of specific ALCs should be made by submitting the
Invoicing TPD ALC Implementation
Status (also known as the Attachment B) template to the [email protected] mailbox and
Fiscal Service will update the directory accordingly. The G-Invoicing Trading Partner Directory
reflects the status for both Intra-departmental Readiness and Intra-governmental Readiness as
well as providing a Target Date under three new Column Headers: GT&C Activity, Order Activity
and Performance Activity.
2. New Columns in the G-Invoicing Trading Partner Directory
a. The GT&C Activity column reflects an ALCs readiness to transact at the GT&C level
within G- Invoicing, as noted in the Readiness column, but are not yet ready to transact
Orders and Performance Transactions within G-Invoicing. An entity should only indicate
their readiness to transact at the GT&C level if they have business that is ready to begin
transacting GT&Cs for the specified ALC. There are three sub-columns within the GT&C
Activity column that identifies whether the ALC is ready for Intra-departmental activity,
Intra-governmental activity and a target date for when they will be ready for this
activity. These three sub-columns are further explained below.
b. The Order Activity and Performance Activity columns reflect an ALCs readiness to
transact at the Orders and Performance level within G-Invoicing as noted in the
Readiness column. This stage of the G-Invoicing transaction lifecycle indicates that an
ALC is ready to execute the full front to end process within G-Invoicing. Like the GT&C
Activity column, the Order Activity and Performance Activity columns have three sub-
columns that identifies an entity’s readiness for Intra-departmental activity, Intra-
governmental activity and a target date for when they will be ready for this activity. An
entity should only create Orders in G-Invoicing when they are ready to execute the full
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transaction lifecycle in G-Invoicing. Entities should not create Orders until they are also
ready to create Performance in G-Invoicing.
c. The Intra-departmental Readiness column should reflect the readiness level of an ALC
to transact within G-Invoicing with entities within the same department (Example:
Treasury to Treasury).
d. The Intra-governmental Readiness column should reflect the readiness level of an ALC
to transact within G-Invoicing with entities outside of their department (Example:
Department of the Treasury with Department of Defense).
e. The Target Date column should reflect the date in which each ALC will be ready to
perform GT&C Activity, Order Activity and Performance Activity.
f. The API/UI column should reflect whether an ALC is going to transact primarily through
an API or manually through the UI.
3. Definition of Statuses
a. Awaiting Onboarding status will reflect ALCs that have not yet established production
accounts within G-Invoicing and are not ready to transact GT&Cs, Orders, or Performance
Transactions within G-Invoicing.
b. Production Account Established status will reflect ALCs that have been established in
G-Invoicing production but are not ready to transact GT&Cs, Orders, or Performance
Transactions within G-Invoicing.
G) Appendices
1. References to Official Guidance Pertinent to the Use and Implementation of G-Invoicing
a. TFM, Volume I, Part II, Chapter 4700
b. G-Invoicing MAX.gov Page
G-Invoicing Trading Partner Directory/POC Listing
Agency Implementation Plans
c. Intra-governmental Transactions Working Group (ITWG)
1. Meeting held the 2
Tuesday of every month. Email [email protected]easury.gov to be added to
our distribution list.
d. Bureau of Fiscal Service’s G-Invoicing Training Webpage
1. Link to register for webinar-based training
2. Independent Training Resources (Recorded meetings/videos available 24/7)
3. Agency Implementation Plan Templates
e. Bureau of Fiscal Service’s G-Invoicing Program Website
1. Frequently Asked Questions
2. Federal Intra-governmental Data Standards (FIDS)
3. System Mapping and Validation Rules (SM&VR)
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4. XML Data Samples
5. JSON Services
6. Future G-Invoicing Features/Enhancements
7. System Integration Guide
8. System Interface Specifications
9. G-Invoicing Program Guide
10. G-Invoicing Playbook
11. G-Invoicing Training Resources (Self-paced and Scheduled Sessions)
2. Flowchart for Trading Partner Engagement
a. Taking into consideration your Entity’s readiness, you can determine how to engage with your trading
partner based on the chart below:
Ready for GT&Cs
Ready for Orders and Performance
Trading Partner Engagement
transactions via
transactions via
Negotiate GT&C in
Complete 7600B
transactions via
Negotiate GT&C in
Complete 7600B
Negotiate GT&C in
Complete 7600B
Negotiate full
lifecycle in G-
Negotiate GT&C in
Complete 7600B
Negotiate full
lifecycle in G-
Negotiate full
lifecycle in G-
A response of “Yes” indicates that your trading partner is ready to transact that activity within G-Invoicing.
A response of “No” indicates that your trading partner is not ready to transact that activity within G-Invoicing.