Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
JRTE, 421, 5172
Wiki as a Collaborative Learning Tool
in a Language Arts Methods Class
Kathryn I. Matthew
Emese Felvegi
University of Houston—Clear Lake
Rebecca A. Callaway
Arkansas Tech University
e purpose of this study was to determine how contributing to a class wiki affected the learning of pre-
service teachers enrolled in a language arts methods class. Participants included 37 preservice teachers
enrolled in three sections of a field-based language arts methods class during two semesters. Data col-
lection included online observations of the development of the wiki pages, students’ reflections period-
ically posted in WebCT, final reflections, e-mail correspondence, interview transcripts, and researcher
notes. Studentsreflections indicate that contributing to the class wiki led to a deeper processing of
the course content and was personally beneficial to the students in spite of persistent technology chal-
lenges. (Keywords: collaborative learning, preservice teachers, technology integration, Web 2.0, wiki)
Wikis are collaborative Web-based environments that allow multiple users to
easily and quickly contribute content. ey are dynamic, constantly changing
Web pages where readers become authors and editors. Wikis are a Web 2.0 ap-
plication, which allow for “distributed participation and collaboration” (Knobel
& Lankshear, 2006, p. 81). ese applications allow users to upload, build, and
create content on the Web (omas, 2008). Web 2.0 reshapes the Web into
global communities that anyone can join and where everyone can contribute
(Parker & Chao, 2007; Tapscott & Williams, 2008). Members of these global
communities collaborate as they create knowledge rather than just take in
knowledge (Farabaugh, 2007; Mitchell, 2003). Extending these global com-
munities into the classroom requires students to take responsibility for creating
shared knowledge with their classmates.
Collaborative Learning and Wikis
Wikis harness a groups collaborative, creative energy to produce shared
knowledge that benefits everyone (Evans, 2006) with at times unexpected
results (Wells, 1999). In a collaborative online community, each student’s ideas
and knowledge are available and are a resource for everyone in the class (Hewitt
& Scardamalia, 1998). “e posting and pooling of ideas generate sparks of
creativity as others react, reflect, have their insights deepened or changed and,
in turn, contribute something new” (Dearstyne, 2007, p. 30). As students com-
bine their research, analyze it, and come to common understandings, a synergy
develops (Achterman, 2006). Students discover that their collective answer
is better than their individual answers (Evans) and that, as they produce new
52 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
knowledge, they are advancing the collective knowledge of the group (Grant,
2006). Working together, students generate online materials that reflect what
they have learned and show connections between their prior knowledge, the
course content, and their personal experiences. During the collaborative work
of creating a wiki, the community of users develops trust and gets to know one
another (Evans). Collectively the users take ownership in the project, take pride
in their work, and develop an appreciation of the contributions of the other
Effective Learning through Wikis
In classrooms, students may not have time to read and build on each other’s
work; however, in collaborative online environments, they are given this op-
portunity (Hewitt & Scardamalia, 1998). Research, discussions, and reflections
started in the classroom can continue online. Reading and reflecting on course
content outside the classroom increases students’ understanding and retention
(Ball & Washburn, 2001). As they contribute to a wiki, students are creating
course resources and building course content in a shared space where they can
add, delete, and revise their writing (Engstrom & Jewett, 2005; Evans, 2006;
McPherson, 2006; Parker & Chao, 2007). Further, as students write their
course content, they learn the material better than if they only read the text-
book (Evans). Students do need to be reminded of copyright laws that prohibit
copying and pasting content from other Web sites and the importance of giving
credit for others’ work (Belle, 2003). Also, students need to understand that the
collaboratively created text is owned by all of the contributors (Botterbusch &
Parker, 2008), and even though their writing is published once it appears on the
wiki, it can still undergo revisions as others react and respond to the writing and
make changes (Locke, 2006).
Giving students autonomy with regard to the scope and content of the wiki
results in a better wiki (Richardson, 2006). However, students do need an orga-
nizational structure for the wiki (Engstrom & Jewett, 2005; Evans, 2006). Once
the structure is provided, professors become moderators of the wiki rather than
supervisors (Farabaugh, 2007; Mitchell, 2003; Wheeler, Yeomans, & Wheeler,
2008). To assist in moderating the wiki, professors can elect to receive e-mails
every time the wiki content is edited. ey can track these e-mail messages to
confirm that all of the students are participating, to determine if students are
editing existing content or adding new content, and to determine how much
content individual students are contributing. Disproportionately low contribu-
tions by some students is referred to as social loafing; however, students who are
logging in to the wiki and lurking rather than contributing may still be learning
(Wheeler et al.). Autonomy and a clear organizational structure allow students
to take ownership of the wiki and contribute personally meaningful content.
Technology Concerns
Users share control of the flexible wiki environment, which fosters the de-
velopment of collaborative online projects (Engstrom & Jewett, 2005; Jakes,
2006; Robinson, 2006). Wiki software enables users to easily and quickly edit
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
Web pages using their Web browser; they do not need any specialized technical
knowledge. e wiki softwares editing and graphics tools are basic compared to
todays complex and ambitious desktop publishing tools. Settings and prefer-
ences are limited; at times what is displayed when editing the page is not the
same as what is displayed once the page edits are saved. For example, uniform
indentations and line spaces may not be uniform once the page is saved. Al-
though the wiki software is easy to use, students with older equipment, those
who do not have easy access to the Internet, or those whose only computer ac-
cess is on campus find that contributing to the wiki is burdensome (Farabaugh,
Editing the wiki pages can be open to the public or limited to a select group
of users with a password, although only one user at a time can edit a page. As
users contribute to the pages, unintentional edits, such as accidentally deleting
others’ words, occur, and inaccuracies appear. Just as contributors collaborate to
add to the pages, they collaborate to reconstruct and correct them (Bold, 2006).
Also, wikis track the revisions made to the pages and allow users to revert to
previous versions (Robinson, 2006). Users can track and compare additions, de-
letions, and changes to the pages. Tracking changes in the wiki pages over time
provides insight into students’ collaborations, reflections, and learning.
To prepare preservice teachers to use Web 2.0 applications in their future
classrooms, they need opportunities to learn to use the applications and op-
portunities to use the applications as they learn (Mitchell, 2003; Oliver, 2007;
Wassell & Crouch, 2008). Luce-Kapler (2007) calls for teaching that engages
students in the processes of learning content while learning new technologies,
such as wikis. Further, Mitchell (2003) sees the need for additional research that
examines ways preservice teachers can use technology for learning and critique
the technology as they use it. Carr, Morrison, Cox, and Deacon (2007), Evans
(2006), and Grant (2006) note the need for additional research focusing on
the uses of wikis in education, particularly when instructors assign and assess
specific collaborative tasks.
To integrate technology into preservice teacher training, the professor asked
preservice teachers to create a class wiki and to learn how to use the technology
as they learned the course content. is study examines how preservice teachers
contributions to a class wiki situated their learning in a context that facilitated
their understanding and learning of the course content. is section defines
situated cognition, constructivism, and communities of practice. It seeks to
explain how participating in the wiki enabled students to construct their own
knowledge as they participated in a community of practice. Additionally, it con-
nects these theories with previous research on the benefits of wikis.
Situated Cognition
Situated cognition recognizes that social and physical contexts are integral
components of learning (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Hur & Brush,
2009). For learners to fully understand concepts, they must learn and use them
54 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
in the social and physical contexts in which they are embedded (Brown et al.).
Situating the learning in context ensures that the learning is memorable and
can be transferred to other activities. Further, Brown et al. contend that when
learners work in groups to solve problems and negotiate understanding, the
cognitive burden is distributed throughout the environment. us, “… situ-
ated cognition implies that the activities of person and environment are parts
of a mutually constructed whole” (Hung & Der-ang, 2001, p. 4). Students’
collaborative contributions to the wiki demonstrate to them that their collec-
tive knowledge is greater than their individual knowledge, and that by working
together they are creating new knowledge (Evans, 2006; Grant, 2006).
Constructivism holds that learners actively construct knowledge by interpret-
ing new knowledge based on their prior knowledge (Kuiper & Volman, 2008).
Constructivist approaches to learning provide students with opportunities to
participate in authentic activities that require them to interact with their envi-
ronment and create their own understanding (Jonassen, Carr, & Yueh, 1998).
Constructivist teaching moves students beyond just the accumulation of knowl-
edge; it involves them in critically thinking, reflecting, and using the knowledge
(Tynjal, 1998). In constructivist classrooms, students have opportunities to
learn through social, collaborative activities that occur in a meaningful context
and allow them to make connections between their prior experiences and their
new experiences (Willis, Stephens, & Matthew, 1996). In these learner-centered
classrooms, teachers take on the role of facilitators who guide students as they
explore their environment and construct their own knowledge. Just as teachers
are facilitators in their classrooms, they also become facilitators of the wiki to al-
low students to create their own knowledge (Farabaugh, 2007; Mitchell, 2003;
Wheeler et al., 2008). Socioconstructivist theories hold that learning is socially
constructed by “competent participation in the discourse, norms, and practices
associated with particular communities of practice” (Kuiper & Volman, 2008,
p. 244).
Communities of Practice
As students create and share knowledge in the wiki environment, they partici-
pate in communities of practice where the process and the product are equally
important (Carr et al, 2007). In communities of practice, learners collaborate
as they pursue a common goal (Wenger, 1997). Commitment to a common
goal enables members of the communities to work together and to learn from
each other as they acquire a shared understanding (Wenger). With Web-based
systems, these communities of practice are not constrained by classroom walls
and can be situated in various learning contexts (Hung & Der-ang, 2001).
Palmer (1997) suggests that teachers form learning communities around the
subject they are teaching by presenting students with critical data to examine
and the space in which to examine the data. Wikis are one example of a shared
space where students come together as communities of learners to examine a
subject. Community members create and share knowledge as they generate
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
content for the wiki pages (Wheeler et al., 2008); hence, the wiki becomes an
online repository of shared knowledge (Sheehy, 2008).
To summarize, wikis have the potential to enhance students’ learning because
wikis situate learning in an authentic context, ensuring that the learning is both
memorable and transferable. Wikis provide students with spaces in which to
construct their own knowledge within a community of learners who share com-
mon goals.
Purpose of the Study
e review of literature explains how wikis situate learning as they facili-
tate students’ knowledge construction while participating in a community of
practice. Wikis have the potential to provide structure and support for students
as they collaborate, create, and learn from one another; hence, there is a need
for ongoing research on the inclusion of wikis in classrooms (Grant, 2006).
Consequently, this study is part of an ongoing research project to determine
the potential of a class wiki to enhance preservice teachers’ learning of course
content. e following research questions guided this study:
How did contributing to a class wiki affect students’ learning of the 1.
course content?
What were students’ perceptions of contributing to a class wiki?2.
What technology concerns arose when using a wiki?3.
e researchers used case-study methodology to examine the benefits and
challenges of contributing to a wiki in a language arts methods class. According
to Bogdan and Biklen (1998), a case study is a “detailed examination of one
setting or a single subject, a single depository of documents, or one particular
event” (p. 54). A case study is situated in authentic contexts that provide insight
into complex events and environments. e researchers selected case-study
methodology for this study, as the wiki was situated in an authentic learning
environment involving complex events.
Participants and Procedure
e 37 participants were preservice teachers enrolled in three language arts
methods classes taught by the first author. Two sections of the class were taught
in a spring semester, and one section was taught the following fall semester. e
majority of the students (35) were undergraduates; however, two were gradu-
ate students. ese classes were field-based at an elementary school in southeast
Houston. Demographic information is routinely collected at the beginning of
field-based classes, and students are asked to self-identify their gender and eth-
nicity. ere were 3 male students and 34 female students. Ethnic backgrounds
included 20 Caucasians, 14 Hispanics or Latinos, one Asian, one Asian-
American, and one African-American. To assist in gathering data for this study,
students were asked to indicate the year they were born; participants ranged in
age from 20 to 47 years of age.
56 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
Participation in the wiki was a class requirement, and students’ contributions
to the wiki were part of the course assessment. However, students were given
the option of not having their reflections included in the study. Students were
asked to sign consent forms if they agreed to have their reflections included in
the study. e consent forms were placed in a sealed envelope that was given
to the professors secretary, and professor did not open the envelope until after
submitting the grades for the course.
As part of the course requirements, students added course content to a class
wiki housed on PeanutButter Wiki at e wiki
consisted of 40 pages, including an introductory front page, a table of contents
page, 11 pages covering course content, and a 26-page dictionary. e course
content pages include (a) oral language, (b) phonological and phonemic aware-
ness, (c) alphabetic principal, (d) literacy development and practice, (e) word
analysis and decoding, (f) reading fluency, (g) reading comprehension, (h)
development of written communication, (i) writing conventions, (j) assessment
and instruction of developing literacy, and (k) viewing and representing. ese
page headings align with the Texas English Language Arts and Reading Educa-
tor Standards (SBEC, 2002) and the National Council of Teachers of English/
International Reading Association Standards for the English Language Arts
(NCTE/IRA, 1996), which serve as a framework for the course content. Each
wiki page contained a sidebar with links to the other pages to facilitate naviga-
tion through the site.
Prior to the first class meeting, the professor e-mailed preservice teachers
an invitation to visit the wiki and provided the password for logging into the
wiki. During the first class meeting, the professor explained the project to the
students and introduced the wiki as an easily accessible online environment for
them to create a shared knowledge of the course content. Additionally, although
the professor received e-mails when students made edits and periodically
reviewed the wiki pages, she did not make edits to the pages or offer comments
on the pages. e professors stance as an observer ensured that the students had
autonomy regarding the content of the wiki.
ese classes met at a local elementary school where district policy prevented
the class from having Internet access during the spring semester. By the fall
semester, Internet access was granted; however, the districts Internet blocking
software did not allow access to the wiki. Hence, the introduction to the wiki
consisted of screen shots of the pages in a PowerPoint presentation. e profes-
sor gave students a handout with screenshots and step-by-step instructions for
adding a definition to the dictionary pages of the wiki. is introductory as-
signment was designed to give them practice in adding content to the wiki and
to help them overcome any anxiety they might have about contributing to the
wiki. e professor had sent invitations to join the wiki to the students through
their university e-mail accounts, which some students do not check on a regular
basis. After the introduction, the professor collected students’ preferred e-mail
addresses and sent invitations to those e-mail accounts.
e preservice teachers formed groups with two or three members, and
then each group selected a wiki page that they would monitor throughout the
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
semester. Each groups responsibilities included deleting inappropriate or inac-
curate content, adding links to Web pages related to the topic, adding links to
other wiki pages, adding dictionary entries that pertained to their wiki page,
and formatting the page. During the last week of class, each group was respon-
sible for making final additions and edits to their wiki page.
roughout the semester, the preservice teachers were required to add course
content to the wiki pages. e course syllabus indicated which assigned read-
ings corresponded to each wiki page. After reading the assigned textbook pages,
discussing the course content, completing in-class activities, and tutoring el-
ementary students at their field-based placement, the preservice teachers were to
share what they learned with their classmates by contributing to the class wiki.
ese contributions could be in the form of adding content to already existing
pages or adding new pages to the wiki. Students were told that postings might
include summaries of what they read in the textbook, connections between
their textbooks and their personal experiences of learning to read and to write,
questions about teaching reading and language arts, connections between their
field experiences and the course content, and connections between their profes-
sional development activities and the course content. e professor established
three checkpoints during the semester at which time she required students to
post about their wiki use in their personal folders in WebCT course manage-
ment software. ese posts included brief descriptions of their edits and addi-
tions to the wiki pages, as well as a reflection on their experiences contributing
to the wiki. Students also used WebCT to record their field-based experience
journals and e-mail communication, and the professor used it to post class
handouts and resources.
Data Collection and Analysis
Data collection included online observations of the development of the wiki
pages, students’ reflections periodically posted in WebCT, final reflections,
e-mail correspondence, interview transcripts, and researcher notes. At the end
of the first semester, the researchers randomly selected five students to partici-
pate in interviews about their experiences contributing to the wiki pages. e
researchers designed the interview questions to elicit additional comments from
the students regarding their participation in the wiki and to confirm informa-
tion found in the reflections. Interview questions are included at the end of the
article (see Appendix, p. 71).
e second author, a graduate research assistant, conducted the interviews.
e researchers analyzed the data using the constant comparative method
(Glasser & Strauss, 1967). Relationships identified through analysis of initial
observations and discussions were continually refined through the data col-
lection and analysis process, and then continuously fed back into the process
of category coding. Categories began to emerge through constant comparison
of episodes (Merriam, 1988). NVivo 8 software facilitated data analysis. e
researchers transcribed and entered the interviews into NVivo, along with
all digitally recorded data sources. e researchers independently read stu-
dent reflections and interview transcripts, then separately noted 23 emergent
58 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
subcategories across the data from 338 data sources containing 562 references.
NVivo calculated interrater reliability (Kappa coefficient) based on the percent-
age agreement of the coding queries performed by the two coders, the first
and second authors. Interrater reliability was .88; coding discrepancies resulted
from differences in the lengths of the strings marked in NVivo. e researchers
discussed and resolved all discrepancies.
e data analysis revealed themes and categories that addressed the original
research questions:
How did contributing to a class wiki affect students’ learning of the 1.
course content?
What were students’ perceptions of contributing to a class wiki? 2.
What technology concerns arose when using a wiki? 3.
e impact on students’ learning was evidenced by their reflections on the
benefits of reading and rereading the wiki pages and by the connections they
made between their prior knowledge, prior experiences, and new learning. Re-
garding students’ perceptions of the wiki, they noted that it was personally use-
ful, they established ownership of the wiki, and they could foresee ways to use
the wiki. Initial technology concerns and problems lessened as students grew ac-
customed to using the wiki software; however, technology concerns remained. A
detailed analysis of the results follows, including information on lessons learned
from the students’ suggestions regarding changes in the wiki assignment.
Impact on Students’ Learning
As students contributed to the wiki pages, their reflections on the process and
their interview comments revealed that they spent time reading and rereading
the pages. As they researched content to add to the pages, they made connec-
tions to their prior knowledge and experiences, to the content they were learn-
ing in other classes, to their tutoring sessions with elementary students, and to a
variety of Internet resources.
Reading and rereading. Unlike individual writing assignments, posting to
the wiki pages required students to be cognizant of their peers’ contributions.
Students’ online reflections and interview comments indicated that they were
continually reading and rereading their classmates’ postings in order to add new
and relevant information while avoiding redundancy, knowing that the content,
quality, and the usefulness of the wiki was in their control. As one commented,
“So as not to post duplicate information on each wiki page, I was forced to read
through each and every bit of information on a page before researching and
posting to it.” Some students noted that, as the semester progressed and the
wiki pages grew longer, there was more material to read through. is meant
that, to avoid reposting information already on the pages, the students invested
more time and effort in learning and researching the course content to find new
material to post. One student noted that this was a good thing: “I like these
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
later postings, as I had to read every posting again to make sure nothing is du-
plicated.” ese reflections about rereading to avoid duplicating information on
the wiki also indicate students’ ownership of the wiki and their concern about
the content on the pages. Continually reading and rereading the wiki pages led
to a deeper understanding of the course content and enhanced retention of the
Reading and rereading the wiki pages resulted in students building on each
others’ work, as one student reflected: “Someone had already named some good
strategies to improve reading comprehension. I found some more in the text-
book, so I listed them underneath.” In this instance, she just contributed to the
already created list and did not extend the material. In another post, she noted,
“Someone had already given a good example of how oral language develops, so I
found some fun activities on the Internet that help develop oral language.” She
advanced the groups collective knowledge by adding activities to teach the skill,
which provided her classmates with a way to apply this knowledge in teaching
situations. us, the information posed by one student served as a foundation
for another student to build on and to enhance the collective knowledge of the
community of learners.
Not only were students reading and rereading the wiki pages, they also re-
ported careful reading of the course textbooks. eir quests for relevant material
to contribute to the wiki led them to read and reflect on the content in their
textbooks. As one student wrote, “I enjoyed this assignment because it forced
me to jump into the textbook in a way that I would not have done on my own
time.” Another student reflected, “… I was forced to reread some information
in the textbooks and really think about ways to elaborate on what was read.
e word forced appeared in reflections and interview transcripts, indicating
that, had it not been for the required wiki assignment, the students would have
spent less time reading and studying their textbooks. Hence, contributing to the
wiki required students to carefully read their textbooks and to synthesize what
they learned. e careful reading and synthesis of the reading led one student
to note, “It gave me a much better understanding of what it was I was read-
ing versus just going through the motions of having to read the chapters.” is
careful reading of the textbooks persisted throughout the semester, as evidenced
by this comment: “On the last post I really focused on content and dug into the
textbook and found a lot of information.” As students read, they compared and
contrasted the information in their textbooks and on the wiki pages to ensure
that they understood the material in order to add meaningful content to the
wiki. is comparing and contrasting of information from different sources “…
gives me a better understanding of the material and embeds it into my memo-
ry,” wrote one student.
Connections. In 39% of the sources, almost one fourth (23.6%) of all coded
references note or reflect on the types of connections the students made while
taking the class: activities outside the confines of this course, their own teach-
ing practice, materials found online, and textbooks from this course as well as
from other courses. In their searches for content for the wiki pages, students
looked for connections within the materials posted on the wiki pages, as well
60 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
as across textbooks, online information, class discussions, class activities, their
tutoring sessions with elementary students, and other classes in their teacher
preparation program. Approximately 10% of the sources reference textbooks
used in classes, and more than 50% of the textbook comments and reflections
referenced textbooks from other classes. e students were clearly reaching
beyond the confines of their assigned materials and making connections with
what they were studying in other classes. As they learned the course content,
they were building on their prior knowledge to aid them in understanding their
new knowledge. Or as one student noted, “I could actually relate what I already
knew and maybe even things I didnt realize I knew and put them in context.
During an interview, one student mentioned her efforts to find new informa-
tion to add to the wiki pages. She reported using her previous textbooks and
Internet searches to find information her classmates might not find. Wanting to
find information that others had not found, and needing to find information
not contained in the textbooks, led students to Internet searches. For example,
writing conventions was the focus of a standard and the title of a wiki page;
however, the course textbooks did not define that term. To contribute to that
page, a student did an Internet search and then added the definition of the term
to the wiki. She wrote, “I provided the information of what a writing conven-
tion is. I could not find anything about it in the text, so I found a good defini-
tion online.
Internet searches revealed not only new information and definitions, they also
enabled the preservice teachers to find activities for teaching students. One suc-
cessful Internet search prompted this reflection: “I was really excited to find so
many activities you do to help students that are struggling with specific reading
and writing techniques.” Many added external links to Web pages with descrip-
tions of what could be found on them. Some added content from the Web sites
and included a link to the Web site as a citation.
Weekly tutoring sessions with students in the elementary school where the
class is field-based began during the fifth week of class. ese sessions give the
preservice teachers opportunities to immediately apply the information they
are learning in the course. Encounters with struggling elementary students led
the preservice teachers to the wiki to search for ways to help the students. After
finding ideas on the wiki, a student posted, “I was really excited to find so many
activities you could do to help students that are struggling with specific reading
and writing techniques.” e wiki pages became a resource for their tutoring
sessions, as evidenced in this comment: “I like how each wiki page gives activi-
ties to use when teaching; this is a very useful tool and resource.” Preservice
teachers typically enroll in more than one field-based class each semester and
tutor students in each of these classes. One preservice teacher noted how the
wiki helped her prepare for tutoring in another field-based class: “I enjoyed this
activity because I am currently working with a second grade student for another
class, and he has been held back once and is struggling again this year. I looked
up areas I know that he is weak in so that I could not only complete the wiki
assignment but also gain insight on how I can help him develop stronger skills.
Being able to use the wiki in more than one class showed the students how
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
their courses build on one another and that their courses provide them with the
knowledge and skills they can use in different teaching situations. e practical
application of the information from the wiki pages to their tutoring reinforced
that contributing to the wiki page was beneficial.
Contributing to the wiki reinforced classroom activities and extended class-
room discussions. For example, one student reflected, “We had gone over these
strategies in class so I found them and put them on as a reminder. I also liked
the hint that gave an idea for teachers to go back and assess each time they are
with the child and follow their progress.” She reinforced the course content by
adding it to the wiki and extended the course content by including the idea on
how to assess students in order to chart their progress.
Wiki postings were also an opportunity to explore answers to questions
students posed, as evidenced by this reflection: “During the class I heard several
students wondering why it was we were asked to write daily for 30 minutes
on a topic of our choice, so on Standard IX [writing conventions], I added the
answer to their question.” Although this was not part of the conversation, this
student saw the wiki as an opportunity to add to the collective knowledge of the
group by reminding them why 30 minutes of writing was required during each
class period. Working together as a community of learners ensured that students
recognized that they were all responsible for the learning of all the members.
Preservice teachers’ contributions to the wiki pages indicated that they made
connections between courses in their degree program, professional development
sessions, tutoring sessions, outside readings, and Internet research. Making
these connections resulted in this comment: “It’s amazing how each of us come
up with very helpful and interesting ideas on the same subject.” Students came
to recognize that their classmates had unique knowledge and that, when they
collaborated on the wiki, the collective knowledge of the group became a valu-
able resource for them all. As students added to the wiki pages, they extended
their learning in this course as well as their learning in other courses by making
connections between the courses. A student recognized this benefit when she
wrote, “I think that the wiki pages will be very useful for studying for all of my
classes because a lot of the same information is covered in my other classes.
Making connections reinforced students’ learning and made it memorable,
thereby enhancing retention of the material and their ability to use the informa-
tion in a variety of teaching contexts.
Assignments in other courses also led students to make connections between
their classes. A special education class assignment provided a student with infor-
mation to contribute to the wiki. She wrote, “In another class of mine we were
assigned a disability and through my research for that topic, I stumbled across
some, what I thought was, valuable information for language arts teachers as
well.” is is another example of how the students worked to find information
for the wiki that they did not think their classmates would come across on their
own as they worked to add to the groups’ collective knowledge. Connections
to other classes also resulted in students revisiting prior learning and gaining
a deeper understanding of their prior learning. As one student noted, “ese
wiki pages provide an opportunity for me to research terms that I have heard
62 Fall 2009:
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in some classes but never really used.” e student recognized that the knowl-
edge she had of these terms was inert, and contributing to the wiki provided
an opportunity to make the words a meaningful part of her knowledge base by
situating them in her current learning environment.
Students’ Perceptions of the Wiki
Almost one fourth of all references (132) included preservice teachers’ feelings
about the wiki, possible future uses of the wiki in the students’ own practice,
or the extent they felt the wiki was beneficial for their learning course content.
Although the students noted that contributing to the wiki required a great deal
of time, they also determined that it was worthwhile. During the course of the
semester, the students’ comments indicated that the wiki had become person-
ally useful to them, that they assumed ownership of the wiki, and that they
discovered future uses for the wiki. eir original perceptions of the wiki were
that it was just another class assignment to be completed for a grade. is initial
skepticism changed as they came to realize that the wiki was actually a very use-
ful tool and was beneficial to their learning and their future teaching.
Personally useful. Contributing to the wiki pages required students to spend a
great deal of time reading, researching, synthesizing, and adding content to the
wiki pages. As one student reflected, “It was a challenge because you are looking
for information and at the same time learning as you research.” Writing content
for the wiki pages required that students first understand the content. Develop-
ing this understanding was not easy, as students had to make connections be-
tween their previous knowledge and experiences and their new knowledge and
experiences. As they read and researched, they synthesized what they learned,
applied their learning in their tutoring sessions, and shared their learning with
their classmates by contributing to the wiki. ey learned that the groups col-
lective knowledge was greater than their own, and that they could learn from
each other as noted in this reflection: “When you collaborate with your peers,
I feel that it is easier to come to a conclusion or express an idea.” What at first
was just another class assignment to complete for a grade became a valuable
learning experience. For example, one student noted, “At first it seemed like a
waste of time and just another way to keep us involved in busy work, but I have
learned so much from it.” is sentiment was echoed in another students final
I have learned so much from doing this assignment this semester. I
think you learn more than you realize just by researching each topic.
ese standards we are contributing [to] are very important, and it’s
nice to understand them now because honestly in the beginning it was
just a bunch of words to me.
is “bunch of words” was personally meaningful, and the knowledge the
student gained was knowledge that she would retain and use.
Students reflected on specific personal uses for the wiki, with 13.1% (44) of
the sources and 13.5% (76) of all references mentioning or reflecting on the
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
possibility of incorporating wikis into their work. One student commented,
“Our wiki pages are actually going to help me get through my internship this
semester!” She was using the materials on the wiki to plan her lessons during
her internship or first semester of student teaching. Individual students reported
on ways they benefited from the groups’ collaborative efforts. For example one
student noted, “e part about the wiki pages that I found to be most useful
was the dictionary. If I needed help with anything instead of looking it up in
the book I just pulled up the wiki pages.” Adding to the dictionary became
more than an introductory assignment to the wiki pages. Another student
reported in her reflections that she searched the wiki pages for words and defini-
tions that she thought should be in the dictionary and added them. Another
student also reported evidence of the dictionary’s usefulness when she added to
it as she encountered unfamiliar words while reading her textbook. e wiki
became an integral part of their learning environment.
Just as the preservice teachers discovered ways to use the wiki pages to help
them as students, they also discovered ways the wiki could help them as parents.
Four students commented that resources on the wiki helped them teach their
own children to read and to write. In a reflection, one mother posted that
she found an activity on the wiki for motivating reluctant readers. As she was
struggling to find ways to motivate her daughter to read, she decided to try out
the activity. Armed with a blanket, some carefully selected picture books, and
snacks, she invited her children to go outside to read and to snack. Her reluc-
tant reader was soon reading and snacking. Students’ ability to find personally
meaningful content on the wiki that they could use to help themselves and to
help their children contributed to the sense of ownership of the wiki.
Wiki ownership. As contributing to the wiki was a course assignment and
students were assessed on their contributions, it was not surprising that 43% of
all the posts (146) mentioned the edits made to the wiki pages and 47% of all
references (267) discussed the types of changes the students made on the wiki
site. ese edits and changes reflect the care and effort that students put into
the creation of the wiki pages. Giving the students autonomy on the scope and
the content of the wiki facilitated their assumption of ownership. Knowing that
the content and ultimately the quality and the usefulness of the wiki depended
on them, students took ownership of the wiki as evidenced by comments such
as: “e pages are interesting and it is fun to make something that is our own.
Students recognized that, not only was the wiki theirs, but it was important: “I
liked adding to the wiki pages because I felt like I had ownership over some-
thing important.” Students realized that the wiki was not an assignment to be
completed, turned into the teacher, and never seen nor used again. is was an
assignment that resulted in something valuable that they and other students
would continue to use. ey knew that the wiki was going to be there for them
in the future and that each semester, new groups of students would be contrib-
uting content. As one reflected, “When you work hard on something and col-
laborate with others you want to see how it progresses and changes, and I know
I want to see how others add to this project.” eir pride in ownership resulted
in students telling students in other classes about their creation of a wiki: “I
64 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
have told others about the wiki pages we worked on for our class and everyone
thinks it [is] amazing that we were able to do it.” Valuing students’ knowledge,
giving them a framework for the wiki, and allowing them autonomy for devel-
oping the wiki resulted in students taking ownership of the wiki.
Future uses. Although there are relatively few responses, 2.4% (8) of the
sources and 1.8% (10) of all references discuss concrete ideas for future use of
a wiki; the large number of responses in the Personally Useful and Ownership
categories show that the motivation and technical skills are present for these
preservice teachers to integrate wikis into their teaching. One student, mindful
that she was a member of a community of learners, noted in her reflection not
only future benefits for herself, but also future benefits for her classmates when
she wrote, “Not only does this information help me to prepare for bilingual
education teaching challenges, but it also gives general education teachers tips
on how to better serve ELL students they will have in their classrooms.” ese
preservice teachers were making the transition from student to teacher as they
recognized that the wiki contained information they would need in their future
classrooms. is transition was further evidenced by reflections such as “…
reading through the pages is very beneficial for a future teacher” and “… I
found very interesting information that will help me in my future classroom.
Students’ contributions to the wiki and their reflections showed that, over
the course of the semester, they came to see themselves as teachers. Whereas it
is expected that students make this transition during their field-based courses,
their reflections on their contributions to the wiki provided evidence that this
indeed was happening.
Five preservice teachers considered ways they could use a wiki with their
future students. One posted, “I hope to eventually teach upper level grades and
have a wiki page or a class website.” A second preservice teacher saw a wiki as
a resource for students and their parents as evidenced in this reflection, “I love
the idea of a wiki and will try to perhaps start and maintain a wiki page for my
students and their parents.” Collaborating to create the wiki taught the preser-
vice teachers to use technology as they learned course content, and this student’s
posting indicates that she was ready to use her skills in her future classroom.
Another preservice teacher envisioned having her middle school students create
a wiki. She posted, “ey could have a group and pick a topic and the teacher
could help them start their own wiki.” She not only envisioned this, she was
also making plans to implement a wiki in her classroom.
Using the wiki to learn course content gave the preservice teachers ideas for
how to integrate technology into their own teaching. Most important, the wiki
demonstrated to the preservice teachers the value of allowing their students to
collaborate to construct a shared knowledge. ey came to understand that
meaningful, authentic class assignments requiring collaboration resulted in deep
learning. As one student reflected, “e wiki pages were an interesting way to
learn the concepts because I did not realize that I was actually learning without
studying the book.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
StudentsTechnology Concerns
Advanced technology skills were not required for editing the wiki page, and
the same skills that students used in word-processing documents transferred
to editing the wiki pages. However, 10% of all references (56) explained the
technology difficulties students encountered while working on the wiki. ese
included complaints about not being able to log into the wiki, not knowing
how to enable cookies, not having prior experiences working on shared docu-
ments, not being familiar with the refresh button, and deleting the content of
entire pages.
Students’ technology concerns revealed that some of them lacked technology
skills it was assumed they had already acquired, such as enabling cookies, work-
ing on shared documents, and clicking the refresh button in their Web browser.
Editing the wiki pages required that students have cookies enabled in their Web
browsers, and three students reported receiving error messages about not having
cookies enabled. For example, one student e-mailed, “I am having problems
signing on to the wiki pages. When I enter the password and my name, the
computer says the cookies on this computer are disabled.” With instructions
from the professor, two students enabled cookies on their home computers, and
one student brought her laptop computer to class for the instructor to walk her
through the process. During the first semester the wiki was used, two students
reported during class that they could not edit a wiki page because someone
else was currently working on the page. Realizing that students did not have
previous experiences with sharing documents over the Web, class discussions
ensued explaining why only one person at a time could make edits to the
pages. Students realized that they should not wait until the last minute to make
edits, as access to a page might not be available. Another difficulty arose when
students edited their pages, clicked save, and received an error message. When
this was mentioned in class, other students responded that this had happened to
them and that the solution was to click the refresh button in their Web browser.
Sharing their technology concerns in class led students to realize that their
classmates were resources to turn to when they encountered problems. is real-
ization resulted in students immediately posting in WebCT for assistance from
their classmates when they encountered technology challenges. ey recognized
that, as they belonged to a community of learners, the collective knowledge of
the group was available to them all.
During the second semester, the introduction to the wiki included informa-
tion on enabling cookies, sharing documents, and clicking the refresh button.
Students’ inability to enable cookies, lack of experience with sharing docu-
ments over the Web, and not knowing to click the refresh button suggested that
perhaps they had not taken the required technology course. However, unofficial
transcripts showed that all of the students in the classes had recently taken the
technology course and received either an A or a B. Although the technology
course required that they use Web browsers and complete assignments on the
Web, for some students this learning was not memorable and was not trans-
ferred to this new situation, the class wiki. Some preservice teachers’ inability
to transfer their technology skills to the wiki indicates how important it is that
66 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
they have technology integrated into all of the courses in their degree program
if they are going to successfully integrate technology into their own classrooms.
One student, who reported having taken several technology classes and
reported using technology in her job, noted seven technology concerns in her
reflections. is student was among those randomly selected to participate in
an interview, in which she stated that she considered herself an experienced
technology user and reiterated her concerns about the limitations of the wiki
software. For example, she stated, “I noticed the font I see on the edit page and
the actual font applied after save were different. Obviously, this is a bit frustrat-
ing and the preview page should display the correct format.” Another student
posted five reflections indicating problems with the technology. is student
was the oldest student in the group and the most willing to try new things.
She was the only student who added new pages to the wiki and was one of the
students who deleted the contents of an entire page of the wiki. It seems that
contributing to the wiki was most challenging for the technology-savvy student
and the most adventurous student. When specifically asked about technology
concerns during the interviews, only one additional student reported problems.
Although students may have had technology concerns they did not report, it
seems that overall the wiki software was easy for the students to use.
Accidentally deleting the contents of entire pages was a persistent problem
over the two semesters, and it occurred twice each semester. Panicked calls and
e-mails to the instructor and pleading posts on the discussion board of WebCT
for help from their classmates followed these disastrous events. e introduc-
tion to the wiki included information on how the wiki tracked their edits and
allowed the instructor to delete unwanted edits, including those that deleted the
contents of a wiki page. Additionally, the instructor reassured the students that
if they deleted the contents of a page, she would refer back to the e-mails that
were sent after each page edit and determine who had contributed to the page.
is information was not meaningful to the students until they accidentally
deleted all of a pages content and discovered that clicking the refresh button or
logging out of the wiki and logging back in would not restore the content. In
all four disasters, deleting the last edit restored the page; however, the success-
ful restoration of content did not ease all of the students’ fears about making
changes to the pages. Even though students were required during the last week
of class to edit and format their pages, some resisted, and as one noted, “I was
tempted to change all the text on the wiki page to match the same size, font,
and color, but was afraid to wipe out any of the information.” Hence, not all of
the wiki pages had final edits completed at the end of each semester, as students
found it difficult to edit each other’s work, in part because of a lingering fear
that they would delete the entire contents of a page.
Although technology problems persisted throughout the semester, students
had ample opportunities and successes in adding and manipulating content. is
was evidenced by the fact that 40% (136) of the sources and 44.3% (249) of
all references discuss activities, content, definitions, internal and external links,
new pages, and visuals added to the wiki. Additionally, after overcoming initial
technology problems, completing the dictionary assignment, and periodically
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
making posts to the wiki, students’ comments reflected a growing ease with
using the wiki. One student noted, “Editing the third wiki reflection was even
easier than my last one. I felt really comfortable adding to them.” Another
student reflected, “In my experience with contributing to the wiki, I found that
entering content was easier than I expected. I was nervous about entering the
wrong information, entering things that others might not agree with, or delet-
ing something on accident.” Although this student began to feel more confident
in her ability to use the wiki software, she had lingering concerns about others
critiquing her posts and accidentally deleting content from the wiki. Additional
experiences contributing to Web 2.0 technologies such as wikis and blogs will
perhaps make students more comfortable with posting information on the Web
that others might critique or change. Additional opportunities to use Web 2.0
technologies will also provide students with the skills and confidence they need
to use them effectively.
Lessons Learned
Preservice teachers’ suggestions for ways to improve the class wiki assignment
included assigning roles within the groups, so that the group members would
not be redoing and undoing each others final edits to the pages. ey also
suggested assigning different levels of access to the pages to prevent changes to
their pages during the last week of class, when final edits were due. is would
prevent their classmates from going in during the last week of class and adding
additional content that frequently resulted in changes to the formatting and
necessitated additional checking for accuracy of content. However, the software
used for this wiki does not allow for assigning levels of access to individual pag-
es. e preservice teachers expressed concerns about the veracity of the Internet
sites that their classmates referenced and concerns about the accuracy of the
content posted on the wiki pages. ey also expressed concerns about content
from books that students had not properly referenced and content that students
had copied and pasted from Internet sites. A reference section was placed at the
bottom of each page to include bibliographic information for books cited on
the page. e professor instructed group members to delete any information
that had been copied and pasted directly from other Web sites. e preservice
teachers’ suggestions for improvements focused on their roles as contributors
and their responsibility for the quality of the content, which reflects their feel-
ings of ownership of the wiki.
Contributing to the class wiki required students to collaborate as they cre-
ated shared knowledge that enhanced the collective knowledge of the group.
As students read and reread the wiki pages, they developed an appreciation of
their classmates’ knowledge and recognized it as a valuable resource, as noted by
Hewitt and Scardamalia (1998) and Parker and Chao (2007). To contribute to
the wiki pages, students first had to understand what their classmates knew and
then research to find new information that would build on what their class-
mates wrote. Building on each others work required the preservice teachers to
68 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
be actively involved in the creation of a collaborative product (Dearstyne, 2007;
Richardson, 2006); this required them to compare and contrast what was al-
ready posted on the wiki with the content they found in their course textbooks,
textbooks from other courses, and Internet sites. Comparing and contrasting
the information from diverse sources led to deeper processing of the material,
which confirms research by Mayer (2002). Using textbooks from other classes,
as well as assignments from other classes, produced a synergy (Achterman,
2006) that enhanced classmates’ understanding of the course content.
e preservice teachers perceived the wiki as personally useful for them as
students, as parents, and as future teachers. e wiki was not just another class
assignment to be completed for a grade; it became a collaborative endeavor
that contained the collective knowledge of the group that benefited them all.
Finding it personally useful led students to assume ownership of the wiki and
to make it their personal repository of information. As one student noted, “e
wiki pages were exceedingly useful for me. ese collaborative pages of our
work helped me to better understand the textbook, the lectures in class, also
including my tutoring sessions and even on some of my other classes.
Wikis, as with other Web 2.0 applications, are relatively easy to use and de-
ploy. Although the preservice teachers had persistent technology problems with
the wiki software, its ease of use enabled them to focus on learning the course
content rather than on learning to use a new technology. As advocated by
Mitchell (2003), Oliver (2007), and Wassell and Crouch (2008) these students
learned to use the application as they learned the course content. However, for
students with limited access to computers and limited access to the Internet,
contributing to the wiki was burdensome, as also noted by Farabaugh (2007).
Web 2.0 applications, such as wikis, require students to actively participate
in the creation of knowledge rather than passively absorbing knowledge (Wells,
1999). e collaborative knowledge creation resulted in the preservice teachers
deeply processing and learning the material. Further, they combined knowledge
gained from other teacher preparation courses with the new knowledge gained
in their language arts methods class, which resulted in a deeper learning of
the course content and a rich understanding of the connections between their
courses. As one student summed up her participation in the wiki, “It was fun
being a part of something so innovating [sic] and different.
Kathryn I. Matthew is an associate professor in the School of Education at
the University of Houston—Clear Lake and director of the Greater Hous-
ton Area Writing Project. (Address: Kathryn I. Matthew, EdD, University of
Houston—Clear Lake, 2700 Bay Area Blvd., Mail Code 306, Houston, TX
77058; E-mail: [email protected])
Emese Felvegi is a consultant for the Department of Assessment and Evalu-
ation at the Educational Authority of Hungary and a graduate student at the
University of Houston—Clear Lake. (Address: Emese Felvegi, University of
Houston—Clear Lake, 2700 Bay Area Blvd., Mail Code 306, Houston, TX
77058; E-mail: [email protected])
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
Rebecca A. Callaway is an assistant professor in the School of Education at
Arkansas Tech University. (Address: Rebecca A. Callaway, EdD, Arkansas Tech
University, 104 Crabaugh Hall, Russellville, AR 72801; E-mail: rcallaway@atu.
is research was funded by the Faculty Research and Support Funds, an
internal university grant. We would like to thank the preservice teachers who
participated in this study and the reviewers who provided invaluable feedback
on the original version of this article.
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Journal of Research on Technology in Education
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Interview Questions
How did you prepare for posting on the wiki pages? 1.
Probe questions: Did you read the wiki pages before you posted? What
impact did this have on your learning? What did you do before you
posted on the wiki pages?
How did your group decide what changes to make on your wiki page?2.
What resources did you use as you searched for content to add to the 3.
wiki pages?
Can you tell me about any connections you were able to make between 4.
LLLS 4434 and other courses you have taken?
How did adding to the wiki pages impact your learning the course con-5.
Can you tell me about a time when you were able to use or apply infor-6.
mation that others had posted on the wiki pages?
How would you use a wiki in the future? 7.
Probe questions: Do you have any ideas on other ways a wiki could be
used? What do you think are the long-term benefits of using this wiki?
72 Fall 2009:
Volume 42 Number 1
Copyright © 2009, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191
(U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], All rights reserved.
How are they different from other collaborative projects you have partici-8.
pated in?
Probe question: What are the drawbacks of using a wiki?
Did you have any experience editing electronic/online documents prior 9.
to attending this class?
Probe questions: How was editing the wiki pages different from other
types of editing you have done on electronic documents (for example,
other Web pages or class assignments?
When you were working on the wiki pages did you encounter any tech-10.
nical problems?
Probe question: Can you tell me about them?
What kinds of edits did you make to other students’ postings on the wiki 11.