Direct Marketing Advisory Board
The Direct Marketing Advisory Board is a standing group with an active membership made up of designated
operators of Universal Postal Union member countries and private-sector companies and associations. It
functions under the auspices of the UPU Postal Operations Council and is self-financed.
DMAB mission and vision
The mission of the DMAB is to foster the growth of direct marketing through postal services, contributing
to economic and market expansion by increasing market knowledge and developing the expertise of postal
stakeholders at all levels. Its vision is to empower every member with innovative direct mail and digital mar-
keting solutions that grow enterprises of all sizes in any location.
Created in 1995 as the Direct Mail Advisory Board, its mandate and activities have been renewed at each
successive Congress and have evolved over time. Initially focusing on direct mail only, it was remodelled to
include other postal direct marketing channels at the 2012 Doha Congress, with the name changed to Direct
Marketing Advisory Board to reflect its growing mandate.
Major highlights for 2024
DMAB tech sessions
Webinars (Innovation Talks)
Global Panorama research publication
Direct marketing seminar
UPU direct marketing course in French
Cross-border DMapp system review
Direct marketing case studies
The UPU Direct Marketing Advisory Board (DMAB)
DMAB activities and projects
The current DMAB activities and projects are based on the work proposals of the Abidjan Business Plan
approved by the Abidjan Congress in 2021 and are described in detail in the DMAB Business Plan 2022–2025 :
Value proposition
The DMAB strives to provide its members with training, research, communications and networking to pro-
mote and support postal direct marketing activities and pre-serve the value and volume of mail.
In addition, DMAB members have privileged access to webinars, DMAB Tech sessions, guides, business leads,
market insights and case studies on direct mail and digital marketing, especially on cross-border market op-
portunities and tips. The new, comprehensive set of DMAB value propositions is categorized into four pillars.
Direct Marketing Services
What is direct marketing ?
According to one classic definition, direct marketing is broadly defined as “any database-driven process of
directly communicating with consumer or business recipients, whether existing or prospective customers,
to obtain a measurable response or transaction via one or multiple channels for the purchase of a specific
product or service”. The market context within which direct mail operates has changed considerably over
the last decade, as the universe gets increasingly virtualized and digitalized into a metaverse. Today’s mul-
tifaceted marketing strategy will comprise a mix of both physical and digital channels, with varying levels
of effectiveness.
Tapping into growing cross-border direct marketing opportunities
Global trends
Average annual international advertising mail volumes per region (2017–2021)
Regional trends
Domestic advertising mail trends per region
Trends analysis
Data from the UPU’s postal statistics database indi-
cates that the volume of annual international direct
marketing (169,133,082 items) equates to only 0.2 %
of domestic volumes (108,569,650,020 items). The
Eastern Europe and Northern Asia region has the
highest international direct mail volume, while the
Western Hemisphere region records the highest do
mestic direct mail volume.
International and domestic direct mail volumes for
Africa are generally lower than for other regions.
Direct marketing is largely confined to national
markets, neighbouring country markets and same
language-group markets. Given the rapid growth
in cross-border e-commerce, postal operators can
support local entities in reaching out to existing
and prospective cross-border customers through
omnichannel direct marketing campaigns. Studies
show a strong correlation between digital marketing
tactics and the foreign market growth, performance
and competitiveness of large firms and SMEs alike.
*Figures represent only DOs that reported
DMAB membership
Membership of the DMAB is open to all designated operators of UPU member countries with an interest
in fostering the development of direct marketing through postal services. Other wider postal sector play-
ers such as advertising, technology, printing and marketing companies and associations may also become
“non-postal members” of the DMAB.
Membership fees
Joining fee, payable only once at time of registration
Postal members joining fee : 2,000 CHF
Non-postal members joining fee : 3,000 CHF
Annual membership fee
Postal members:
- Least developed countries : 500 CHF
- Other developing countries : 1,500 CHF
- Industrialized countries : 2,000 CHF
Non-postal members : 2,500 CHF
For more information on becoming a member :
For queries, please contact:
Abby Bossart
DMAB Secretariat
UPU Postal Operations Directorate
Weltpoststrasse 4
3015 Berne
Tel +41 31 350 35 93
As a member, you will have access to de-
tailed, relevant, up-to-date information
on direct mail markets worldwide, and will
have the chance to network and bench-
mark with fellow members who are key di-
rect marketing industry players and postal