© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
Transform Procurement with SAP S/4HANA®
and SAP® Ariba® Solutions
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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
3 Trends in Procurement
7 Procurement Solutions from SAP
10 Recommendation for SAP Customers
11 Ariba Network
12 Source
14 Procure
15 Decision Tree for Operational Procurement
21 Settle
22 Solution Extensibility
23 BenetsandNextSteps
The procurement function goes through constant
change as chief procurement ocers (CPOs)
continue to deliver bottom-line savings but
increasingly focus on value creation for the
company. CPOs need to work with their teams to
respond to the following key trends that disrupt
the way CPOs currently run the procurement
Hyperconnectivity: Every supplier, consumer,
and machine is connected, disrupting estab-
lished business channels, processes, and
Big Data: The limits of twentieth-century
computing power are gone. Networking and
in-memory computing allow for the creation
of new business opportunities previously
Cloud computing: Both technology and soft-
ware infrastructure are now leased to eliminate
barriers to entry. Project timelines are short-
ened dramatically, and customer relationships
are becoming increasingly direct.
User experience: Enhanced user experience
through technology and easy data access using
mobile devices are quickly becoming basic
requirements as smartphones and tablets
become mainstream in the workforce.
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Trends in Procurement
SAP embraces digital transformation with SAP S/4HANA® as the digital core
and supplier collaboration enabled by SAP® Ariba® solutions. Today, many SAP
customers running solutions such as the SAP Supplier Relationship Management
(SAP SRM) application want to understand which solution set SAP recommends
to address their new challenges. This paper targets our enterprise customers and
provides an overview on how they can transform their procurement function
to stay relevant and focus on the value for the business.
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Today, the following solutions are widely deployed
and support the procurement function of our
SAP Suppler Relationship Management
SAP ERP application, the materials manage-
ment component
SAP Contract Lifecycle Management
SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management application
SAP Sourcing application
SAP Ariba solutions
Business intelligence oerings
The business cases that procurement builds
around IT projects are usually centered on the
same key value drivers that have been used over
the past 10 to 15 years, the same ones that drove
many decisions for SAP to become the strategic
partner to deliver the procurement solutions
such as those listed above.
Most of the CPOs we speak with have achieved a
high degree of spend under management. Today,
they are focusing on two issues:
Providing more value to the business: engaging
with the business on topics such as evolving
from selling only products to delivering solu-
tions and services
Becoming a strategic advisor: monitoring
market innovations and connecting innovative
new suppliers with engineering to leverage their
latest technologies
For more than 40 years, SAP has been working
closely with CFOs and CPOs to deliver best-
practice processes and software solutions that
allow nance and procurement to continuously
improve their value contribution to the company
and help drive bottom-line impact.
Integration of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Ariba
solutions and SAP Fieldglass solutions provides
access and outreach to partners and suppliers
outside the four walls of the organization.
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What has changed, however, are the practices that CPOs implement to capture value, as shown in
this table.
Value Driver Value Capture – Today Value Capture – Future
Costs of procurement as
percentage of spend
Ownership by procurement func-
tion of operative, tactical, and
strategic tasks to drive savings
Operational tasks are automated
run electronically. The pro-
curement function has fewer but
more-experienced employees
that are focused on value cre
ation and strategic activities.
Spend under management
Rollout of catalogs to address
indirect spend
Guided buying (curated shop-
ping) offers state-of-the-art user
experiences and in-context trans
parency on policies and workflow
approvals. Address functional
buyers, such as facilities, market
ing, and IT, with in-context collab
oration and predictive
information such as preferred
Percentage of electronic
Supplier portals for purchase
orders and invoices
Business networks enable collab-
oration with an ecosystem of
trading partners in a fully auto
mated, end-to-end process.
Number of procurement FTEs
per €1 billion of spend
Automation through catalogs
Spot-buy capabilities reduce
sourcing efforts. Increase sup
plier responsibilities through the
Discount capture rate
Scanning solutions followed by
electronic approval workflows
Touchless e-invoicing provides
immediate visibility. Increase
in payment terms is supported
with supply chain financing or
dynamic discounting.
Number of invoices per
accounts payable FTE
All invoices are processed
Electronic processing of invoices
occurs after rules-engine
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CPOs should choose their procurement platform
based on its ability to support them capturing
value with tomorrow’s best practices.
As procurement becomes more actively involved
in the core business of the company and works
more closely with plant managers, heads of supply
chain, and others, leading CPOs will look at mea-
suring their impact with the following key perfor-
mance indicators (KPIs) of the core value chain.
Value Driver Value Capture – Today Value Capture – Future
New-product lead time
Minor or no supplier innovation
triggered by procurement
Fostering adoption of supplier-
driven innovations in highly
outsourced environments
Quotation for components
during design
3D printing of components
Supply chain recovery time
Standard supplier collaboration
by e-mail, mail, and workflow
Electronic supplier collaboration
in manufacturing and supply
Supplier risk management
Asset uptime
Manual ordering
Sensor-driven ordering of spare
parts as part of predictive asset
management scenarios
Buying and specifying Internet-
of-Things-ready assets
Supply chain resilience
Hold inventory
Inventory minimized by vendor-
managed inventory
Rapid refills
Enhanced logistics
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Procurement Solutions from SAP
Integration of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Ariba
solutions and SAP Fieldglass solutions provides
access and outreach to partners and suppliers
outside the four walls of the organization. From a
nance perspective, for example, this means that
treasury and accounts payable will have accurate
and real-time views of cash positions and digital
transactional data (eliminating paper) that open
up more opportunities to leverage early-payment
discounts with suppliers using either buyers’
own funds or the capabilities of the Ariba Supply
Chain Finance solution.
Together, SAP S/4HANA, SAP Ariba solutions,
and SAP Fieldglass solutions cover the global,
integrated, end-to-end, source-to-pay process.
This includes guided buying, collaborative sourc-
ing and contract management, operational pur-
chasing, supplier information and master data,
inventory management, plan-driven procurement
and supply determination, services manage-
ment, and invoice and payables management.
This table shows the key capabilities provided by
SAP solutions.
The integration of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Ariba
solutions and SAP Fieldglass® solutions enables
a tangible step change in performance, speed,
visibility, and control. With SAP S/4HANA as the
digital core, organizations have the ability to
manage massive data in order to run live with
access to real-time digital visibility into all cor-
ners of their operations. SAP S/4HANA covers
all operational procurement processes, including
purchase requisitioning and order processing,
invoice processing, order conrmation, and oper-
ational contract management. Procurement is
supported by real-time embedded analytics
across all spend segments, enabling improve-
ments in the performance, visibility, and usability
of procurement processes.
As shown in Figure 1, SAP Ariba solutions extend
these core operational processes with guided
buying, collaborative sourcing and contracting,
and networked-based, end-to-end supplier col-
laboration to deliver a new, guided, and simplied
user experience that reaches all employees of a
company and meets the expectations of a new
generation of millennial users. With SAP Ariba
solutions and SAP Fieldglass solutions, organiza-
tions have the added visibility into suppliers’ abil-
ity to commit and fulll goods and service orders.
They can collaborate on changed order priorities,
track shipments, provide service entries, and
share delivery schedules, forecasts, and inven-
tory across the extended supply chain. These
capabilities are designed to enable real-time col-
laboration that optimizes the supply chain and
reduces supplier and supply chain risks.
Figure 1: Procurement Solutions from SAP
Supplier collaboration with Ariba® Network
Guided user buying
Collaborative sourcing and
contract management
Operational purchasing
Supplier management
Inventory and basic
External workforce
Invoice and payables
Procurement analytics
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Solution Area Key Capability
Ariba® Network for supplier
PO, invoice, and service entry sheet automation
Supply chain automation
Payables automation
Open application programming interfaces (APIs) and
business-to-business integration
Supplier profiles
Event management, RFx documents, and contracts
Guided buying
Guided services and materials requisitioning
Policy configuration
Category buying channel management
Collaborative sourcing and contract
Creation and supplier collaboration
Category management, projects, and workflow
Bill of materials, workflow, and syndication
Operational contract management*
Source assignment*
Operational purchasing
Self-service requisitioning#
Purchase order processing*
Purchase order collaboration
Managed catalogs (internal and external), price validation,
and content enrichment
Requirements processing*
Supplier management
Supplier discovery
Classification and segmentation*
Third-party risk and data augmentation
Supplier evaluation*
Inventory and basic warehouse
Goods issue and receipt
Basic warehouse management
Basic shipping
External workforce management
Contingent worker lifecycle management
Services purchasing and entry*
Vendor management system
Invoice and payables management
Invoice workflow and exception management
Invoice collaboration
Invoice processing*
Contract invoicing
Dynamic discounting and supply chain finance
Accounts payable*
Procurement analytics
Spend visibility*
Real-time reporting and monitoring*
*Core capability oered with SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management
#For cloud deployments with SAP Ariba solutions and for on-premise deployments with SAP S/4HANA
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SAP customers and partners have the exibility
and choice to adapt to their evolving business
requirements by changing their existing on-
premise SAP solutions. Customers that have
Supplier Lifecycle Management, or SAP Sourcing
can work with their SAP account executive to
leverage our cloud extension policy. They can
decide to reallocate elements of their installed
on-premise solutions to SAP Ariba solutions or
SAP Fieldglass solutions, replacing the aected
on-premise license and maintenance with public
cloud subscriptions.
All spend – from low-value, nonsourced items to
catalogs and maintenance, repair, and overhaul
(MRO) spend, services, and direct materials – is
supported by SAP’s vision for digital procurement.
Now, all purchasing can be managed in one place
and in a highly collaborative, real-time manner
because it is all digital, from SAP S/4HANA across
the network to your suppliers. The coupling of
SAP S/4HANA with Ariba Network expands the
reach of digital communications way beyond your
With its extensibility options, SAP S/4HANA
helps organizations chart their own journey
while delivering the innovations at an increasingly
faster pace and staying ahead of the curve.
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Recommendation for SAP Customers
how this relates to their current SAP software
implementations. This is best done by reviewing
the key processes within the procurement line
of business (see Figure 2).
Customers are asking SAP for recommenda-
tions on how best to take advantage of this con-
tinuous stream of innovations delivered with
SAP S/4HANA, SAP Ariba solutions, and
SAP Fieldglass solutions. They also want to know
Figure 2: The Source-to-Settle Process
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All processes across sourcing, direct and indirect
procurement, and payments are natively con-
nected to the Ariba Network in the following ways:
Most of the solution requirements have a need
for collaboration and must match the process
of the supplier. Sourcing needs
to match with the supplier’s sales marketing
process, buying with the supplier’s dispatch
process, and paying with the supplier’s
receivables process.
With the need for a high level of adoption
comes the need for a service to welcome and
onboard all suppliers at scale.
The network is key to automating business
processes. It goes beyond transmitting docu-
ments to understanding context, checking and
correcting documents, and returning to sender
when agreed-upon business rules are not met.
Customers should reduce slow and costly
paper-based processes by extending opera-
tional procurement with supplier collabo-
ration over the Ariba Network. Customers
should evaluate new supply chain collabora-
tion features that extend the Ariba Network
beyond pure purchase order and invoice
collaboration to supply chain message
types, such as exchanging demand fore-
casts, schedule agreements, and component
inventory and consumption.
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Customers should plan to adopt Ariba
Collaborative Sourcing (including contracts)
and replace current sourcing solutions
that are part of SAP® Supplier Relationship
Management or SAP Sourcing applications.
Customers in manufacturing and consumer
industries should evaluate the new, inno-
vative capabilities for direct material sourc-
ing in SAP Ariba solutions. Operational
contract management will be available in
The sourcing and contract lifecycle solution is
part of SAP Ariba solutions, and it is deployed in
the cloud. It supports the following activities:
Getting the best prices is the biggest lever and
the way to get measurable value early on in
your deployment journey to SAP S/4HANA.
Procurement has the authority to bundle
indirect spend across suppliers. In direct pro-
curement, getting better prices with higher vol-
umes is done in partnership with engineering.
A good example of this is the platform strategy
in the automotive industry, where synergies are
created by using the same component in many
dierent models and by adapting specications
during live auctions.
Managing risk is critical, and only a collabora-
tive sourcing tool helps ensure that you engage
only with suppliers that adhere to the strictest
standards of quality, delivery, and integrity.
Managingspecications makes sure that we
know exactly what is bought. For indirect spend,
this is asking stakeholders or analyzing previ-
ous spending projects. For direct, it is integrat-
ing with engineering and planning systems.
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Use Case: Execute Sourcing in SAP Ariba® Solutions
Figure 3: Integrated Sourcing and Purchase Order Creation
SAP Ariba® solutions
Sourcing requisition
Request for quotation
Quote rewarded
Create purchase order
Implement the Ariba Sourcing solution to gener-
ate incremental savings by tapping into the large
supply base of the Ariba Network. Once business
is awarded, continue operational processes in
Value capture:
Increase spend under management with
Ariba Sourcing
Increase savings percentage per year through
professional supplier selection
Increase percentage of spend that is e-sourced
Reduce nonsourced and free-text purchase
Integration: Native integration between
SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba solutions is
available for this use case.
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The indirect procurement process is sup-
ported by SAP Ariba® solutions, SAP
S/4HANA® Enterprise Management, or a
combination of the two. Customers need to
evaluate the amount of their potential sav-
ings for indirect spend to determine their
For an on-premise deployment, and in
cases where basic indirect procurement ca-
pabilities are sucient, customers can move
indirect procurement to SAP S/4HANA En-
terprise Management. Areas where this solu-
tion oers major improvements over SAP
ERP or SAP SRM are usability, embedded
analytics, global search across master data
and business documents, and cross-catalog
search for self-service processes. Custom-
ers should leverage the Ariba Procurement
Content solution for catalog provisioning
and Ariba Network for transaction collabora-
tion with suppliers.
For a cloud deployment or when indirect
spend is a signicant cost driver, customers
may consider the Ariba Procure-to-Order
and Ariba Procure-to-Pay solutions, replac-
ing indirect procurement currently imple-
mented with SAP SRM or SAP ERP. SAP
Ariba solutions generate savings by lever-
aging guided buying with consumer grade
shopping, mobile buying scenarios, and by
addressing functional buyers such as mar-
keting, IT, or facilities.
Both sourcing and payables processes are usu-
ally independent of what you are buying and very
similar across spend categories. This is dierent
for the central part of the choose-buy-pay ow. It
varies considerably by industry and by what you
are buying.
Request: Indirect Procurement
Potentially, indirect demand can come from
every person in the company. Users should be
guided through the process, want to spend
as little time as possible with procurement, and
might want to use their mobile devices.
Demand also comes from all sorts of sensors:
think Industry 4.0. Demand from sensors is hard
to predict and may come from scenarios such as
a shop-oor worker zapping a QR code on the
bottom of the bin as she takes the last box of dis-
posable safety gloves. Or a temperature-warning
sensor goes o on a piece of equipment, requir-
ing an engineer to be dispatched.
Successful indirect procurement requires the
High adoption can be achieved only by making
sure all users and all suppliers are present and
correct in the system.
To achieve compliance, guide users simply and
painlessly to preferred suppliers, following com-
pany policies in a way that is easier than send-
ing e-mails.
The solution must be easy to use and enable
untrained users to use the system at any time,
from anywhere, and from any device to get the
job done.
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Figure 4: Transformation to SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management and SAP Ariba Solutions
Ye sIs inventory and production
relevant in operative
Is SAP® SRM deployed
in a hub model?
Ye s
Keep SAP SRM running
(currently no transfer
path to SAP S/4HANA
Enterprise Management
to build up hub
deployment scenarios)
Size of potential savings
in indirect
Consider transforming operative
procurement currently in
Ariba® Procure-to-Order
and Ariba Procure-to-Pay
procurement in
Analyze self-service features
implemented with SAP
S/4HANA Enterprise
Management and transform
to that solution once
functional t exists
SAP Supplier Relationship Management applica-
tion. Depending on current usage, the transfor-
mation path to SAP S/4HANA Enterprise
Management and SAP Ariba solutions looks
slightly dierent, as shown in Figure 4.
As described above, SAP customers are running
operational procurement with the SAP ERP
application (materials management) or with a
combination of materials management and the
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Use Case: Guided Buying to Address Functional Buyers
Figure 5: Guided Buying
SAP Ariba® solutions
Guided buying
Create purchase order
Purchase order
Send purchase
order to supplier
Create goods receipt
Receive invoice
from supplier
Supplier: receive electronic
purchase order
Supplier: send electronic
ship notice
Supplier: send
electronic invoice
Support functional buyers, such as those in mar-
keting who usually follow procurement processes
only on a pro forma basis, with guided buying,
and enforce better control. Continue operational
processes in SAP S/4HANA and communicate
with suppliers over Ariba Network.
Value capture:
Increase spend under management by address-
ing functional buyers with guided buying
Increase percentage of e-invoices
Increase number of invoices processed by
accounts payable FTEs through e-invoicing and
a rules engine in Ariba Network
Increase the discount capture rate through
reduction of average invoice-approval time
Integration: The SAP Ariba Procure-to-Order
solution is connected to SAP S/4HANA through
SAP Process Integration technology. Native
integration is planned for future enhancements.
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Use Case: Buying Nonsourced Goods
Figure 6: Self-Service Procurement
Leverage content provided from your suppliers
through their catalogs maintained in the Ariba
Network. Execute the operational procurement
process in SAP S/4HANA.
Value capture:
Decrease maverick spend with broad catalog
coverage of items
Decrease number of procurement FTEs per
US$1 billion in spend by shifting tasks to
Integration: Native integration between
SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba solutions is
available for this use case.
SAP Ariba® solutions
Browse catalog
Select item to buy Create purchase requisition
Create purchase order
Launch self-service
SAP oers one of the most complete suites
of software solutions – including cloud and
on-premise solutions – for procurement on
the market today, covering the entire process
from source to buy to pay.
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Customers should consider implementing
SAP® Fieldglass® solutions for service pro-
curement scenarios if it is important who
provides the service (temporary labor or pro-
fessional services, for example). For scenarios
where the “what” is more important, follow
your strategy on indirect procurement: either
transforming from materials management in
SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA® or implementing
SAP Ariba® solutions
Procure: Services Procurement
Customers increasingly use their ecosystem to
get tasks done by commissioning services.
For services where success is highly dependent
on who does the job, it is critically important to
identify the right candidates from a broad eco-
system of contractors, manage statements of
work, and ensure you pay market rates.
For services where the scoping of complex
engagements around the what” and “how
much” is important (think maintaining and
mowing 100,000 square meters of lawn), the
focus is on maximizing preferred-supplier
savings and eliminating overbilling.
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Procure: Direct Procurement
For SAP customers, the key element of the direct
procurement process is SAP S/4HANA Sourcing
and Procurement. The needs in direct procure-
ment are fundamentally dierent from indirect.
Demand in direct procurement comes from make
to stock (MRP runs), make or engineer to order
(project system), and service orders (service or
maintenance orders).
Issues such as compliance or adoption are
replaced by the need for high automation, data
integrity, and speed:
Automation is driven through digital connec-
tions from back-end systems straight to the
digital systems of supply chain partners.
Data integrity is key for seamless execution
across functions in your company with com-
plex, hierarchical data objects.
As the procurement function takes a more
prominent role in the company to ensure a
stable and fast supply chain, speed is critical.
It is the role of procurement to react quickly on
disruptions from global suppliers and to hear
about them immediately through supplier-
Procurement is supported by real-time
embedded analytics across all spend
segments, enabling improvements in the
performance, visibility, and usability of
procurement processes.
risk technology across the network. As supply
chains become agile, changes to demand
forecasts in SAP S/4HANA are communicated
to your suppliers in real time.
Customers should transform direct procure-
to-pay processes currently implemented with
the materials management component in
the SAP® ERP application or with the SAP
Supplier Relationship Management application
to SAP S/4HANA® Enterprise Management to
benet from increased usability, embedded
analytics, and real-time material requirements
planning. Customers should plan to extend
the process ow to suppliers with the Ariba®
Collaborative Supply Chain bundle and
integrate with the Ariba Sourcing solution to
better leverage supplier innovations, design
for reduced cost of goods sold, and speed up
the product innovation lifecycle.
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Use Case: Materials Shortage Triggers Replenisher to Create a Purchase Order
Figure 7: Integrated Purchase Order Processing
Leverage new capabilities of SAP S/4HANA
Sourcing and Procurement to order stock-based
materials. Increase overall order process cycle
time by collaborating electronically with suppliers.
Value capture:
Increase asset uptime by reacting to material
shortages early
Increase percentage of electronic invoices
Increase number of invoices processed by
accounts payable FTEs through electronic
invoicing and the rules engine on Ariba Network
Increase discount capture rate through reduc
tion of average invoice approval time
Integration: Native integration between
SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba solutions is
available for this use case.
SAP Ariba® solutions SAPS/4HANA®
Analyze inventory levels
for spare parts
Create purchase
Create purchase order
Send purchase order
to supplier
Create goods receipt
Receive invoice
from supplier
Supplier: receive electronic
purchase order
Supplier: send electronic
ship notice
Supplier: send
electronic invoice
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This is achieved when you eliminate paperwork
and e-mails and start communicating digitally
with suppliers – a key element in your journey to
“lights-out shared services.
For SAP customers, the key element of the
reconcile-and-pay process is SAP S/4HANA
Finance. New cash management dashboards
provide real-time information as you automate
accounts payable communication. Capabilities
such as supply chain nancing and dynamic dis-
counting allow you to establish close relations
with your suppliers and create win-win situations
for the respective treasury departments as they
optimize days payables outstanding (DPO) and
days sales outstanding (DSO), respectively.
With the new capabilities of SAP S/4HANA, we
address the key requirement of all customers:
automation and reduction of administration.
Customers should plan to adopt
SAP S/4HANA® Finance to support
accounts payable processes. Customers
should evaluate SAP® Ariba® nancial
solutions such as AribaPay™ to optimize
payment terms and turn the treasury
department into a prot center.
AribaPay frees buyers from capturing and maintain-
ing supplier bank account information and removes
the risk of fraud associated with paper checks.
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Figure 8: Extensibility Concepts in SAP S/4HANA
Cloud edition
On premise
Key-user extensibility
Managed extensibility
Key-user extensibility
Classic extensibility
User interface
In-application extensibility
User interface
Database (SAP HANA)
Database (SAP HANA®)
extensibility on
Cloud Platform
 Public APIs;  SAP;  Customer or partner
interfaces (UI) based on the SAP Fiori® user
experience, integrate with other cloud applica-
tions, or build new applications.
In-application extensibility with built-in tool sets
enables customers to adapt the UI layout and
context, create custom elds and tables, create
and extend analytical reports or forms, and
change the business logic. Customers running
solutions on premise get classic extensibility to
change or adapt the UI, application, and data-
base, compared to cloud solution customers.
With its extensibility options, SAP S/4HANA
helps organizations chart their own journey while
delivering the innovations at an increasingly
faster pace and staying ahead of the curve.
SAP provides two powerful extensibility concepts,
as shown in Figure 8:
Side-by-side extensibility with SAP HANA® Cloud
Platform enables customers of both on-premise
and cloud solutions to build completely new user
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Benets and Next Steps
around optimization potential for cost reduc-
tion, process eciency, scal control, and
cash management (see Figure 9).
Plan the digital transformation. Execute a
benchmarking assessment and create a joint
point-of-view document. Adopt the business
case and conduct a readiness check.
Start migration and transition planning. Dene
migration and implementation strategy, includ-
ing dependencies and prerequisites for the
target cloud scenario. Address security and
privacy requirements. Create a migration
and transformation plan, including timeline,
service levels, and priorities.
Execute technical implementation including
system integration. Run technical tests. Migrate
data and implement functions based on ready-
to-use business-process templates. Perform
system checks and business-process tests and
analyze operations impact.
Execute change management. Enable suppliers
to successfully adopt collaborative business
commerce practices and tools by conducting
administrator and user training.
Today, more than 20,000 SAP customers use
SAP ERP (materials management) or SAP Supplier
Relationship Management for procurement and
sourcing. To ensure you can take advantage of our
procurement strategy, we have developed an
approach to jointly review your business processes
and develop your procurement road map.
With this approach, we:
1. Analyze your current usage
2. Discover new value-adding scenarios and
opportunities for digital transformation
3. Run the implementation to drive maximum
value capture
To execute jointly on procurement transforma-
tion, leverage the following SAP services:
Identify expected value and benets. Attend
a value discovery workshop. Uncover busi-
ness priorities (including combination with
SAP S4/HANA) and dene target cloud sce-
nario (cloud or hybrid). SAP will develop a
collaborative value assessment centered
All purchasing can be managed in one place
and in a highly collaborative, real-time manner
because it is all digital, from SAP S/4HANA
across the network to your suppliers.
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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
Figure 9: Improvement Opportunities for Source to Pay
Cost reduction
Rationalize supply base through spend visibility and
centralized sourcing
Negotiate better pricing based on advanced negotiation
tools and insights into consumption history
Save on ad hoc purchases through demand
management and spot quoting
4%to15% in average unit price reduction*
Fiscal control and compliance
Control maverick spending, risk, and fraud through use
of contracted suppliers and preferred specications
and terms with standard, repeatable buying processes
Ensure supplier compliance to preferred terms with
reconciliation of invoice, purchase order, receipt,
and contract
US$20 million in contract leakage per $1 billion of spend*
Drive sourcing productivity through deep spend
analytics and immediate supplier discovery
Reduce supply chain operation costs, such as content
management, supply chain planning and execution, and
order processing
Reduce cycle times and increase accounts payable
productivity through invoice process automation
40%to60% in operating cost reduction*
Cash management
Avoid unintended cash ow drainage with a formalized
payment-terms strategy
Realize early-payment discounts and supply chain
nancing margin sharing through shorter invoice
processing cycle times and greater percentage of spend
on discount or nancing
Capture rebates on high-volume, low-value spend
through card programs
$1 million to $2 million in savings
per $1 billion of target spend*
*Source: SAP performance benchmarking and SAP organizational change management practice
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