2018-2019 School Year
ASB/Class officer
Election Packet
Dear Student Government Candidate:
Thank you for applying for an ASB/Class Elected position. Keep in mind: while being in Student
Government is an exciting and rewarding experience, it requires an immense time commitment. Your full
dedication and effort will be vital to your success. Making a difference at Clovis East High School is in
your hands. Good luck with the election process and remember to have fun!
In addition to your application, we require you to turn in a petition for office, a grade verification form,
and an application for leadership. We also require your participation in elections/speech filming, which
are scheduled to take place on Monday, April 16
& Tuesday, April 17
. In addition, an election panel will
interview you, and their score will be added to your teacher recommendations and the popular vote.
Scores/votes will not be revealed to applicants at the conclusion of the election process.
Included in this packet is a timeline of dates and deadlines, campaign rules and regulations, and all
necessary documents that will need to be completed. Please keep dates and deadlines in mind. Failure to
do so will jeopardize your chance of running for office. All candidates should also familiarize themselves
with the Clovis East High School ASB/Class Officer job descriptions and duties, located within this packet.
Remember, the election process starts now. Be sure to be on time with all paperwork and requirements.
READ THROUGH THIS PACKET! If you have any questions or concerns, contact Mrs. Burress in the
Activities Office or email me anytime at sarahburress@cusd.com. I’m excited to work with you!!
Mrs. Burress
Activities Director
Clovis East High School Activities
Home of the
Clovis East Activities Director: Sarah Burress
Assistant to the Activities Director: Jahnava Adams
2940 Leonard, Clovis, CA 93619 Activities Office: 559.327.4318 FAX: 559.327-4190
sarahburress@cusd.com jahnavaadams@cusd.com
Candidate Timeline
Candidate Informational Meeting: Friday, April 6
at lunch. Location: 403
Election Packets DUE: Wednesday, April 11
by 3:30pm
Leadership Application Packets due Wednesday, April 11
by 3:30pm for anyone running for office
Campaign Week is 4/12 – 4/20 (all participants must campaign; posters, etc. must be approved by Mrs.
Burress in the Activities Office before hanging/distributing; all posters must be removed by the end of lunch
on April 20
or no results will be announced). Please see campaign rules for more information.
Panel Interviews are scheduled 4/12 4/20 (these are part of your overall scores).
Election Speech Filming is Monday, April 16
and Tuesday, April 17
at lunch. (See speech guidelines on
your packets; all speeches must be approved by Mrs. Burress). Please note: you may not campaign on or
around the voting area. Anyone conducting campaigning in the voting area will be disqualified.
Voting is scheduled the week of April 16
in English classes. Winners will be announced the following week.
The ASB Election Committee clearly defines the requirements for all candidates.
These requirements state that a candidate must:
1. All election packet materials for ASB are due by Wednesday, April 11
2. Set an example of high character and responsibility prior to, during, and after the election process.
3. Be a member of the Associated Student Body.
4. Only run or hold one student council office during the school year.
5. Maintain a 2.5 GPA (at all times throughout the application process, in all grading periods of current school year,
at all times during the 2018-2019 school year).
6. Be free of any financial obligations.
7. Have a good conduct and attendance record; must not have been suspended for any reason during the current
school year, and must maintain these requirements while in office next year. Must have a good behavioral history
(no suspensions, no more than 1 referral to SRC, not be included on the ineligibility list at any time, etc.)
8. Receive positive feedback from your teachers
9. Each officer shall be enrolled in the leadership class or another class appropriate for duties of office with approval
of Activities Director.
10. All members of the student council must purchase an ASB card/Activities Pass (see Mrs. Burress for financial
11. All candidates must participate in the election speech filming/lunch event that will take place on April 16
April 17
12. All candidates must actively campaign for their position during campaign week April 12 – April 20.
It is the candidate's responsibility to turn in his/her completed petition packet/application to the Activities Office by
3:30pm on April 11
. It must be complete with all appropriate signatures and references, stapled neatly in this order:
ASB/Class Elected Position Application
Intent to Run Form
Petition for Office (requires 20 signatures)
Copy of Speech (typed)
Leadership Application (separate application packet).
Each candidate must attend the candidate’s information meeting on April 6
(location 403).
Failure to complete all required paperwork, gather all signatures needed, and/or missing the candidate information
meeting will cause you to be ineligible for running for office.
Candidates should be aware that, if elected, they will enjoy one of the most exciting and rewarding educational
experiences of their high school careers. However, they must also be advised that holding an ASB Office involves a great
deal of work and time and many MANDATORY events and duties that must be fulfilled!
The ASB Election Committee clearly defines the requirements for all candidates.
If elected or appointed to a student body office for the 2018-2019 school year, I must fulfill ALL the duties of my office
as required by the needs of the office, the activities schedule, my class advisors, and the Activities Director.
Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including possible removal from office and class, also
determines your grade in class.
In addition, I will:
1. Abide by and uphold all the rules and regulations set forth in the Clovis East Student Handbook for all students
2. Comply with the student code of conduct set forth for CUSD and CEHS co-curricular activities
3. Become a member of and participate in the ASB Leadership Elective
4. Maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average with no F’s
5. Maintain a 90% or better attendance record
6. Support and attend all school activities to the best of my ability and attend all leadership class sponsored
activities, except when excused at least one week in advance by the leadership advisor
7. Attend meetings or work as needed on school activities before school, during school, breaks, lunch, after school,
or whenever necessary to fulfill the obligations of my student government position
8. Be familiar with the Clovis East High School Fight Song, Alma Mater, Constitution and School Rules.
9. Participate in the planning and execution of all leadership class activities
10. Attend summer meetings as required (Leadership Camp is required. Camp will be held July 30
August 1
. Financial assistance is available – speak with the Activities Office for information).
11. Work pro-actively with the Activities Director to resolve any schedule /participation conflicts with other school
12. If elected my actions as an officer and representative of CEHS must reflect respect for the school rules,
personnel (staff), student body, and the reputation of Clovis East in the community. Actions and/or choices
that do not appropriately represent Clovis East may result in disciplinary action, including possible
removal from office and leadership class.
13. I will complete all my obligations as a leadership student, class officer, and/or ASB officer for the entire school
year or forfeit my right to participate in subsequent years.
a. Please note, this includes homecoming float construction and/or skit production, dance committee
meetings and events (formal, prom, sadies, etc.), class/officer meetings, etc.
14. Be willing to serve the Clovis East High School students and staff to the best of my ability
15. Truly believe that every day is a great day to be a Timberwolf!
Being in the leadership class is critical since all student council meetings are conducted during class time. It is also
imperative to meet with your fellow council members on a daily basis to plan and implement many of the activities on
campus. If you're not present, you can't have input.
Each candidate must campaign during CEHS Campaign Week (4/12 – 4/20).
Candidates should utilize signs, posters and other campaign materials that may be beneficial to their campaigns. All on-
campus posters must be approved by the Activities Director. Posters may be put up on Thursday, April 12
. Remember,
all posters must be approved prior to posting. After your campaign materials are hung, please take a photo and send it
to Mrs. Burress sarahburress@cusd.com so we know you’re campaigning.
The posters must be positive and may not "put down" other candidates. GOOD TASTE is expected.
The following rules must be adhered to regarding your campaign posters:
1. All campaign materials must be in a positive spirit and good taste. No negative campaigning will be permitted.
2. Posters may not be made with school supplies.
Paint and paper must be supplied by the candidate.
3. Posters may not be hung on any painted surface, glass surface or on the Administration building. Signs may be
posted on bulletin boards and on brick or concrete surfaces, only.
4. All posters and any campaign materials MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR BEFORE
5. Use only BLUE PAINTERS TAPE to hang posters.
This must also be supplied by the candidate.
6. Candidates may not spend more than $25.00 on the ASB Election.
7. No consumable hand-out material allowed.
8. Any defacing or removing of a candidates’ posters or flyers will cause that student to be dropped from the
9. After your campaign materials are hung, please take a photo and send it to Mrs. Burress sarahburress@cusd.com
so we know you’re campaigning.
Depending on the type of infractions:
Removal of all poster and campaign materials.
Removal of name from ballot
The candidate must supply ALL materials including paper, poster board, paint,
brushes, and BLUE painters tape. If you need assistance, please speak with the Activities Office.
All persons running for office must participate in the election speech filming, taking place on Monday, April 16
, and
Tuesday, April 17
. You will film your speech and it will be shown before voting takes place. Please see application and
election rules for additional information. Use these questions as a guideline for your speech, if you’d like.
Each candidate must plan a well-organized and significant speech of at least 30 seconds and no more than 1 minute in
length (minimum 1 minute/ max of 2 minutes for ASB President) to be given to the student body. You cannot walk up
and just say vote for me or any other one liner. This should take the following form:
1. The speech must be given by the candidate.
2. Speech must be positive in nature and not attack any other candidates or current officers; must relate to the
position you are running for, and represent the school in a positive way. Speech will have to be approved by
the Activities Director and is due when you submit your application.
3. There are speech guiding questions listed below. Any other idea must be approved by the Activities Director.
You must present the exact speech you turned in, or you will be disqualified.
4. No costumes can be worn and no props can be used during your speech.
Possible questions to Guide your Election Speech:
Why are you running for office?
Why do you feel you are a leader?
What community service or community organization experience do you have?
What organizations/activities have you been involved with in school?
What would people, who know you, say are your good qualities?
What is the number one contribution you hope to make to the school next year?
How will you carry out the specific duties outlined for your particular position?
How do you feel about spending time outside of school to perform your responsibilities?
What ideas do you have to get more students involved in school activities?
How do you feel about the effectiveness of student council (ASB)?
What are some things that you have proved in the past to show you are applicable for the position? (past
What are some things you dislike at CEHS that you plan to change when you’re in office? Or, what things would
you like to see happen at CEHS that are not happening now?
These are just a few questions to help you form your speech. Please take this seriously. Practice your speech and make
sure it meets the time requirements.
These requirements remain in place even if you are running unopposed.
your final draft to your completed application packet.
Inter-School Council (ISC)
If you are a junior or senior and are interested in applying to be a part of ISC, you must run for an ASB/Class Elected
Officer or Commissioner position. ISC Applications will be available online by April 6
By signing below, I am stating that I have read and understand the conditions above and I agree to
enroll in the Student Leadership class, be a 24/7 Leader, and follow the Code of Ethics. I understand if
I am in leadership and get a Code of Ethics violation, I will be removed from the program and could
earn a Withdrawal/ Fail (W/F) on my transcript.
Candidate Signature:
All ASB & Class Officers must:
Be voting members of Student Council
Must maintain a 2.5 grade point average.
Be active and positive in all school activities throughout the year.
Take Leadership class as your elective (exception is Commissioner of Performing Arts)
ASB Officers must be a Junior or Senior, (President and Vice President are Seniors ONLY)
Be an active member of your class rally club.
Help in set-up and tear down of all ASB, class, and school-wide events such as rallies, homecoming,
dances and class fundraisers.
Attend ASB meetings (weekly) / Class meetings (bi-monthly)
Attend all meetings and mandated activities.
If an elected student misses two meetings or events, the
officer may be removed from their office.
Attend Leadership Camp (held July 30 – Aug 1). Financial assistance is available speak to Mrs. Burress
Be prepared to accept additional duties that can be added to any office by the school
administration or Activities Director.
ASB Executive Cabinet
ASB President: The ASB President shall serve as chairman and direct the activities of the Student Council.
He/She will also serve as the official representative of the Student Body and liaison to the administration;
develop the agenda and call student council meetings; present council decisions to the Administration when
negotiation is needed; represent the school in community functions; other duties as assigned/implied.
Must be a Senior to run for this office.
ASB Vice-President: The ASB Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President if/when the President is
unable to perform those duties. He/She shall: be in charge of Community Service activities; assist the President
with the agenda for Student Council meetings; keep a current file on each club or organization on campus
containing club constitutions, membership, officers, finances, etc.; and, oversee the actions of all clubs and
organizations. He/She will also act as a leader in the development of new clubs and facilitator of the Student
Senate. Must be a Senior to run for this office.
ASB Secretary: The ASB Secretary is in charge of: recording the Council and Student Body proceedings;
providing for all correspondence and communications between the ASB and individuals and groups outside
Clovis East; gathering information and placing announcements in the morning announcements concerning
student council. Write at least one story per month for the CUSD Today Newspaper.
ASB Treasurer: The ASB Treasurer is responsible for: giving treasury reports at the ASB meetings and
maintaining an accurate record of student body and leadership finances; organizing and coordinating
fundraising programs for student body and leadership; completing/compiling/submitting requisitions.
ASB Commissioners (Appointed positions)
ASB Commissioner of Spirit: This officer serves as Student Council Representative of the Spirit and Rally
committees; is responsible for coordinating all school rallies and assemblies with the Class Rally
Commissioners; works in conjunction with Commissioner of Athletics and Activities Director in promotion of all
athletic programs and spirit events such as rallies, pre-game festivities, half-time festivities, etc.; coordinating
and developing existing and new events aimed at increasing and fostering school spirit such as rallies, noon
time activities, athletic events, homecoming, spirit weeks, etc.
ASB Commissioner of Activities: This officer is responsible for: supervising and assisting in the planning of
Student Body activities; decoration of dances or other student council activities; planning, promoting, and
supervising said functions; assisting in the planning, organization, and implementation of Homecoming week
activities; improving and promoting a positive, productive image of Clovis East High School; publicizing
events/activities of the school; and, promoting school activities in the school newspaper; Planning, set-up,
execution and cleanup of lunchtime activities (one activity per week). Assists/over-sees community service
requirement for ASB clubs.
ASB Commissioner of Athletics: This officer is responsible for: the promotion of all athletic programs
concerning the student body; working in conjunction with the Athletic and Activities Directors in promotion of
all athletic programs and meet seasonally with the coaches; working with the Commissioner of Spirit on
building school spirit and participation; gathering/disseminating information concerning athletics in the
morning announcements; and, updating public information. Organizes committee to assist with REC athletic
banquets; powder puff; lunchtime athletic events, senior nights, communication between athletics and
leadership for participation in ASB events (rallies, lunchtime activities, etc.); Makes sure captains attend monthly
planning/informational/Student Senate meetings.
ASB Commissioner of Communications & Promotions: This office is responsible for gathering information
to the student body through the school announcement website, updating the school website with these
announcements, (done with the help of the Activities Office Secretary), and updating the communication
boards weekly around campus. Promoting all ASB, Student Council, Clovis East related events. This includes
designing, printing, and distributing any posters, flyers, or web-site material. Responsible for getting word out
about events to press and public (includes
Wolf Howl
School Board
bi-weekly article submission, CUSD News
as well as student body. Responsible for contacting public/vendors, etc. Has involvement in weekly newspaper
articles regarding student activities. In charge of the daily bulletin (includes compiling info from teachers on
daily basis), publishes monthly activities calendar, publishes toilet talk.
ASB Commissioner of Electronics (Audio/Visual): Set-up, operation, take-down of PA system and other
electronic devices as needed. This includes lunchtime activities, athletic events, rallies, assemblies, etc.;
assistance with any other electronic needs (talent shows, video filming, video editing, special presentations,
etc.). Responsible for training class officers/other leadership students on the electronic systems; responsible for
staffing at all events (when audio is needed); Assists with possible end-of-year leadership slideshow;
Coordinates senior farewell rally video; helps with other video needs, as assigned.
ASB Commissioner of Appreciation & Recognition: Organization of staff/teacher appreciation throughout
the year, helps with other ASB/staff/student recognition throughout the year and at CEHS events. In-charge of
new student recognition program, which attempts to get CEHS students recognized in all areas (academics,
clubs and organizations and athletics). Basic photojournalistic record keeping of the year. Each ASB event
needs to be documented (running rallies, event set-up, etc.). Assists in gathering photos for rallies, banquets,
etc.; Must research and keep all articles in the local papers that deal with Clovis East High School; Ensure all
school events get recognized and recorded.
ASB Commissioner of Clubs & Performing Arts: This officer is responsible for: notification and publicizing of
visual, performing, and industrial arts activities; work with clubs to coordinate Food Fairs and other sponsored
club activities; encouraging clubs to put on school events (lunch time activities, dances, etc.), recognition of all
organizations within the arts and clubs/organizations; work with club advisors on recruiting leaders within
clubs to participate in school activities; serves as a liaison between off-campus programs (i.e.: ROP, CART, etc.).
Keeps track of club activities; initial new club/current club communication; monthly planning meetings with all
class/club officers; attends other ASB class/club meetings.
In charge of class fund-raisers. Plans, develops and organizes all areas of the class fund-raisers.
Must meet with Class Advisors and develop agendas and run all club meetings. Attends monthly
Student Senate meetings; attends ASB meetings as assigned.
Spokesperson at class meetings and student representative at all school and public events.
Plan/attend all class sponsored events, including homecoming, dances, etc.
Attend all class meetings
Serves as advisor to the President, ready to fulfill the President’s duties and responsibilities if the
President is unable.
Responsible for class shirt design and sale.
Plan/attend all class sponsored events, including homecoming, dances, etc.
Attend all class meetings
Serve as class liaison to our feeder schools
Keeps an accurate record of all meetings dealing with the class.
All notes are typed up after a meeting - one copy is kept for the class records, one copy is given to the
Class Advisors, and one copy is turned into Activities Office. (All minutes need to be typed up and
returned within a one week period.)
Plan/attend all class sponsored events, including homecoming, dances, etc.
Attend all class meetings
Responsible for class budget and finances.
Reports to officers/committees on financial balance.
Reports monthly to Clovis East High School's Financial Secretary and signs check invoices pertaining to
their class.
Plan/attend all class sponsored events, including homecoming, dances, etc.
Attend all class meetings
Keeps scrapbook and picture portfolio of all class events, activities, sports and awards.
Submits theme/general class info to Activities Office.
Must research and keep all articles in the local papers that deal with Clovis East High School.
Must use personal camera or have access to one in order to record all school events.
Senior Class Historian is responsible for the development of the Senior Slideshow
Plan/attend all class sponsored events, including homecoming, dances, etc.
Attend all class meetings
Works with ASB Commissioner of Spirit in all aspects of organizing and preparation for school rallies.
Organizes committees which create decorations, set-up and tear down and participates in rallies.
Coordinates and develops existing and new events aimed at increasing and fostering school spirit at
rallies, noontime activities, athletic events, etc.
Plan/attend all class sponsored events, including homecoming, dances, etc.
Attend all class meetings
The following areas must be divided up between class officers. More information will follow.
o Athletics
o Communication & Promotion
o Electronics (Audio/Visuals)
o Appreciation & Recognition
Additional ASB Position Grade Sheet
**Students and Parents: Please read this section carefully
In addition to the 36 School Service Hours, 10 Spirit Points, 10 Community Service Hours, Daily Class Participation,
Mandatory Events, and Citizenship Grade, the above positions also require the following duties listed below. These duties
will either be checked off as completed satisfactory or unsatisfactory. This will factor in to the student’s overall Leadership
grade by the following criteria.
0-1 Unsatisfactory Checks = Student can earn up to an A
2 Unsatisfactory Checks = Student can earn up to a B
3 Unsatisfactory Checks = Student can earn up to a C
4-5 Unsatisfactory Checks = Student can earn up to a D
6 or more Unsatisfactory Checks = Student will earn a F
See examples below….
Example 1: a student may do all required hours, spirit points, and class participation that would give them a 100%
(A) grade but missed 2 of their ASB duties (that they decided to run for and commit to doing), then they would
earn a B on their report card.
Example 2: student does hours, points, participation, etc. that was 85% (B) and completes all ASB duties
satisfactory, then they would still earn a B on their report card.
Example 3: a student may do all required hours, spirit points, and class participation that would give them a 100%
(A) grade and completes all ASB duties satisfactory, then they would earn an A on their report card.
Being an ASB Officer is a coveted and prestigious honor. Many students run for ASB and if you/your student is
voted in by their peers, they need to take it seriously. In addition, it is a major college résumé builder and
students are going to earn that right to put it on there.
By applying, you are indicating that you understand the commitment involved for students who hold an ASB
Office and understand that in addition to the normal grade policy found in the Clovis East Leadership Syllabus,
you/your student will also be responsible for ASB Position Specific Duties and understand and fully support the
grading criteria as explained above.
Grading sheets are based off the responsibilities for each position listed on page 5-7 in the application.
ASB/Class Elected Position
CHECK the office that you are running for:
I, _____________________________________ have read
through the duties and obligations of the office of
I understand that an elected office takes a lot of
time and is a big commitment. I will follow the
guidelines of the office and will do everything that
is asked of me. I also realize that I will be
representing Clovis East High School at all times.
Both on and off campus, I will follow and support
all rules and regulations that are prescribed by
Clovis East High School and the Clovis Unified
School District. If I fail to follow rules or do not
perform the duties that are asked of me, I know
that I will be removed from the office and
leadership class.
I have read through the entire packet and understand the election procedure. I approve of my
son/daughter running for an elected office.
Cell #:
Grade 2018-19:
Student ID#:
Counselor Signature:
Cumulative GPA:
SRC Authorized Signature: (please list any disciplinary issues that this student faced in 17/18 school year):
Elected ASB Offices:
ASB President
ASB Vice President
ASB Secretary
ASB Treasurer
ASB Sprit Commissioner
Appointed ASB Commissioners:
ASB Commissioner of Activities
ASB Commissioner of Athletics
ASB Commissioner of Communication & Promotion
ASB Commissioner of Electronics (Audio/Visuals)
ASB Commissioner of Appreciation & Recognition
ASB Commissioner of Clubs & Performing Arts
Elected Class Officers:
Class President
Class Vice President
Class Secretary
Class Treasurer
Class Historian
Class Spirt/Rally Commissioner
Candidate Signature:
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Shirt Size:
Current GPA:
Clovis East High School
ASB Petition for Office
I believe the participant listed above is the best candidate for the job. I will not petition for anyone else who’s
running for office because my support is behind the said candidate. (Fill out info below)
*As a prospective candidate, it is your job to make sure this form is filled out completely and neatly. Incomplete
forms will not be accepted. This petition is to be turned in with your completed packet to run for ASB or class
office. Duplicated signatures will not be accepted on petitions for the same position. Failure to comply with
set procedures may result in disqualification.
ASB Officer / Commissioner
Why I am qualified to run for this office because: (along with personal characteristics, you may submit a list of
accomplishments, service projects, or events in which you have participated)
What I plan to do to fulfill the specific duties of this office:
If I am not elected to office or if my first choice is already taken, I’m interested in applying to be/running for
ASB Commissioner of ________________________________________________________
(list second choice)
This position interests me because
I think I would do a good job as this commissioner because
Additional comments, including any other commissioner positions you’re interested in:
Grade 2018-19:
I am interested in becoming the _______________________________________________________ officer / commissioner.
(list first choice)
There are only 50 spots available
Don’t miss out!
July 30
August 1
@ Regional Learning Center in Sonora
$180 (includes transportation/meals/lodging)
For financial assistance, contact Mrs. Burress
may attend Leadership Camp!
Permission slips are available in the Activities Office!
2018-2019 ASB/Class Officers MUST ATTEND!
Clovis East Activities Director: Sarah Burress
Assistant to the Activities Director: Jahnava Adams
2940 Leonard, Clovis, CA 93619 Activities Office: 559.327.4318 FAX: 559.327-4190
sarahburress@cusd.com jahnavaadams@cusd.com
Clovis East High School Activities
Home of the
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The annual Clovis Unified School District Leadership Camp will be conducted at the Regional Learning
Center in Sonora, California, July 30
through August 1, 2018. Meals and lodging will be provided at this
beautiful camp facility. The students will depart on Monday, July 30, 2018 at 7:00 a.m., from the parking lot
that is located between Buchanan High and Alta Sierra Intermediate schools. Students need to arrive by
6:30 a.m. for a bag check! Please be prompt! The group will leave for home from the Regional Learning
Center on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at approximately 10:00 a.m. The buses will arrive at the Buchanan
parking lot at approximately 1:00 p.m.
We are anticipating a great time as the student leaders from Buchanan High, Clovis High, Clovis West, Clovis
East, and Clovis North join together to make plans for a terrific 2018-2019 school year. Inter School Council
(ISC) student facilitators will be contacting your son or daughter by phone sometime in late July prior to
camp to give you specific details.
To sign up, your student must have the attached forms completed and the $180 at the time of signups.
Please make checks out to Clovis USD. We can only take 50 students and it is a first come, first served basis.
o -You’ll also need clothing/items for your groups themes (more details to follow)
o We will be using this time to pick themes for the Back to School Rally, Homecoming, Sadies, Winter
Formal, Prom, etc., as well as to plan additional fun events! Have a new idea you want to make
happen? This is the time to do it.
o Come on….get creative!
If you have any questions, please contact the Clovis East Activities Office at (559) 327-4318. We look
forward to an amazing camp experience!!
Sarah Burress
Activities Director
CUSD LEADERSHIP CAMP --- Parent Permission Slip
** Please print neatly and clearly **
Student’s Name: ____________________________________________ Grade 2018-19: ___________ T-Shirt Size: _________
Home Phone: ____________________________ Student Cell Phone: __________________________ Do you text? _________
Student Email: _______________________________________________ Did you apply for Leadership? _________________
Address: _____________________________________________________ City: ____________________ Zip: _____________________
My son/daughter has my permission to attend the Sonora Leadership Camp from July 30 - August 1. We
understand the responsibilities of representing Clovis East High School at the school and district sponsored
camp. Violation of any rule will result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken. I agree to pay $180.00
to Clovis East High School in order to attend the camp and understand that the money and permission slip
are due to the Clovis East Activities Office by Monday, June 4, 2018 if spots are still available.
make checks out to Clovis USD.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Student Signature Date
Please Print
Student Name ______________________________________________________________ ID# _______________________________
Address __________________________________ City ____________ Zip ________ Phone ____________ Cell ________________
Insurance Co. ___________________________________Policy No. ______________________Group No. ____________________
Insurance Co. Address ____________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________
DOB____________________ SS#_______________________________ Date of Last Tetanus booster ______________________
Are you allergic to any medications? Please list: _______________________________________________________________
Any other allergies? Please list: _________________________________________________________________________________
Presently taking any medication?________________________________________________________________________________
****Please note: for your student to bring any medication with them (including over the counter medication, vitamins, supplements,
etc.), you must have the “Medication for Student Trips/ Off-Campus Activities Formcompleted and Turned In****
Contact Lens? Yes No Inhaler? Type __________________________________________________________
Person to contact in case of emergency:
1. _______________________________________Phone Hm. _________________Wk. _________________Cell _________________
2. _______________________________________Phone Hm. _________________Wk. _________________Cell _________________
3. _______________________________________Phone Hm. _________________Wk. _________________Cell _________________
My son/daughter has permission to participate and travel to Leadership Camp with Clovis East High School.
Should it be necessary for my child to have medical treatment while participating on the trip, and if the
District is unable to contact me, I hereby authorize Clovis Unified School District personnel to use their
judgment in obtaining medical services for my child.
Parent/Guardian Print Name__________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date