“Filter bubble” algorithmic recommendations have
limited effects on polarization: Naturalistic,
short-exposure experiments on YouTube
Naijia Liu
, Xinlan Emily Hu
, Yasemin Savas
, Matthew A. Baum
Adam J. Berinsky
, Allison J.B. Chaney
, Christopher Lucas
, Rei
, Justin de Benedictis-Kessner
, Andrew M. Guess
, Dean
, and Brandon M. Stewart
Department of Government, Harvard University
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Department of Politics and School of Public and International Affairs,
Princeton University
Operations, Information, and Decisions Department, the Wharton School
of the University of Pennsylvania
Department of Political Science, Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Sociology and Office of Population Research, Princeton
Department of Sociology, Princeton University
September 4, 2024
NL, XEH, YS are co-first authors. Direct correspondence to JdBK, AG, DK, and BMS. Author con-
tributions at the end of the document. This project is supported by funding from the Ash Center for
Democratic Governance and Innovation and the Shorenstein Center for Media, Politics, and Public Policy
at the Harvard Kennedy School; a New Ideas in the Social Sciences grant from Princeton University; an
unrestricted Foundational Integrity Research: Misinformation and Polarization grant from Meta; and the
National Science Foundation (Political Science Program Grant SES-1528487, “Collaborative Research: A
New Design for Identifying Persuasion Effects and Selection in Media Exposure Experiments via Patient
Preference Trials” 2015–2021). Thanks to Jim Kim for excellent research assistance building the video plat-
form and L. Jason Anastasopolous for collaboration in the very early stages of the project. We thank Drew
Dimmery, Aleksander Madry, and Michelle Torres for their feedback, the Wharton Behavioral Lab at the
University of Pennsylvania for financial support and operational assistance and the Princeton Center for
Statistical and Machine Learning for computational support.
An enormous body of work argues that opaque recommendation algorithms drive
political polarization through the creation of “filter bubbles” and “rabbit holes.” Draw-
ing on four experiments with nearly 9,000 human users, we show that manipulating
algorithmic recommendations to create these conditions has limited effects on opinions.
Our experiments employ a custom-built video platform with a naturalistic, YouTube-
like interface that presents real YouTube videos and recommendations. We experimen-
tally manipulate YouTube’s actual recommendation algorithm to simulate “filter bub-
bles” and “rabbit holes” through the presentation of ideologically balanced and slanted
choices. Our design allows us to intervene in a feedback loop that has confounded the
study of algorithmic polarization—the complex interplay between supply of recommen-
dations and user demand for consumption—to examine effects on policy attitudes. We
use over 130,000 experimentally manipulated recommendations and 31,000 platform
interactions to estimate how recommendation algorithms alter users’ media consump-
tion decisions and, indirectly, their political attitudes. Our results cast doubt on widely
circulating theories of algorithmic polarization by showing that even heavy-handed (al-
though short-term) perturbations of real-world recommendations have limited causal
effects on policy attitudes. Given our inability to detect consistent evidence for algo-
rithmic effects, we argue that the burden of proof for claims about algorithm-induced
polarization has shifted. Our methodology, which captures and modifies the output of
real-world recommendation algorithms, offers a path forward for future investigations
of black-box artificial intelligence systems. Our findings reveal practical limits to ef-
fect sizes that are feasibly detectable in academic experiments and we conclude with
implications for future research.
The ubiquity of online media consumption has led to concern about partisan “information
bubbles” that are thought to increasingly contribute to an under-informed and polarized
public (1). Prior work has focused on cable TV or textual news, but with the rise of new
forms of media, the most pressing questions concern online video platforms where content
is discovered through algorithmic recommendations. Critics argue that platforms such as
YouTube could be polarizing their users in unprecedented ways (2). The ramifications are
immense: more than 2.1 billion users log in to YouTube monthly, and popular political
extremists broadcast to tens of millions of subscribers.
Empirical research in this setting has long been stymied by enduring challenges in the
causal analysis of media consumption and its effects. While observational studies allow re-
searchers to study media in realistic settings, they often conflate the content’s persuasiveness
with selective consumption by those who already believe its message. Experiments mitigate
the issue of self-selection by randomly assigning participants to view specific videos, but this
comes at a cost: forced assignment often eliminates freedom of consumption or limits choices
in ways that do not reflect real-world settings (3, 4). In turn, this makes experimental results
difficult to generalize to the real-world challenges of greatest importance—whether media
causes polarization among the people who choose to consume it. The challenges of studying
this phenomenon are heightened for social-media platforms—such as YouTube, Facebook, X
(Twitter), or TikTok—because their underlying recommendation algorithms are black boxes
the inner workings of which academic researchers cannot directly observe. While work such
as www.their.tube has powerfully demonstrated that recommendation systems can in theory
supply politically polarized recommendations, evidence on the prevalence of this polarized
supply has been limited. More importantly, few existing research designs attempt to con-
nect this algorithm-induced supply of polarized media to demand-side changes in consumer
watching decisions, much less the effects of this consumption in terms of polarized attitudes
and behavior. The result is a contradictory set of findings providing differing estimates of
the amount of potentially-polarizing content, but few investigations of the effects of that
content (5–12).
To test widely circulating theories about this phenomenon, we develop a new exper-
imental platform and design to estimate the causal effects of black-box recommendation
systems on media consumption, attitudes, and behavior. We designed and built an online
video interface that resembles YouTube and allows users to navigate a realistic network of
recommendations—the set of options shown after an initial “seed” video, the subsequent op-
tions that follow after the chosen second video, and so on—that are directly scraped from the
existing YouTube algorithm. Starting with this naturalistic reproduction, which maximizes
the ecological validity of the study, we randomly perturb the recommendations shown to
users after each video. We continuously track demand-side behaviors such as choices among
the recommended videos, skipping decisions, likes, dislikes, and “save to watchlist” actions
during their 15–30 minute watch session.
Existing theories of polarizing recommendations come in two variations: “filter bubbles,”
which serve mostly static recommendations based on prior behavior (13), and “rabbit holes”
which offer dynamically offer increasingly extreme content (2). We address both of these
phenomena in separate experiments—focusing on “filter bubbles” which we find to be more
empirically common on YouTube.
In the “filter bubble” experiments (Studies 1–3) we use a multi-wave survey to explore
how experimental intervention causes individuals to change policy opinions, increase partisan
animosity, or alter attitudes toward mainstream media in two issue areas. Figure 1 provides
a graphical overview of the design. We then evaluate the “rabbit hole” hypothesis by con-
structing curated sets of video sequences that are either constant or increasing in extremity
and randomly assign participants to watch them in a single-wave study. Below, we present
the results of these four studies with a combined N of 8,883. Our analyses draw on over
130,000 experimentally manipulated supply-side video recommendations; more than 31,000
demand-side user decisions to watch, like, dislike, and save to watchlists; and a host of out-
comes that measure recommendation-system effects on affective polarization, media trust,
and policy attitudes. All experiments were preregistered with the Open Science Framework
(see SI 3).
We consistently find that while changes in the recommendation algorithm do affect user
demand by shifting the types of videos consumed and the amount of time spent on the
platform, they ultimately did not produce the theorized effects on political attitudes in a
substantial way. This is despite the fact that we do see effects from the assignment of ini-
tial seed videos to ideological moderates. We emphasize that this evidence does not rule
out the possibility that YouTube is a radicalizing force in American politics, because our
design does not address long-term exposure or potential effects in particularly susceptible
sub-populations. Yet, in the most credible study of algorithmic polarization to date, we
observe only minimal attitudinal shifts as a result of more extreme recommendations, call-
ing into question widely circulating, unequivocal claims about the influence of algorithmic
Figure 1: An overview of the design in Studies 1–3. In the first wave, participants answer a
series of questions. One week later in the second wave, participants are randomized to a seed
video and a recommendation system from which they choose future videos to watch. After
watching five videos, they take a followup survey. Experiment 4 uses a similar design in one
wave but participants are randomly assigned to a sequence of either constant or increasingly
extreme content.
recommendations on political polarization. We are not claiming that polarization from rec-
ommendation systems cannot be found anywhere, but the consistent lack of short-term effects
suggests that it is not everywhere.
In the next section, we briefly review the related literature and describe the testable
implications of existing theories that characterize YouTube as a radicalizing system, both
in terms of shifts in user demand and the effects of those shifts on political attitudes. In
Section 2, we describe our survey experimental design, the video-recommendation platform
that we built to conduct it, and a manipulation check we conducted to evaluate whether
users perceive partisan signals in thumbnails. In Section 3, we present the results from four
studies on two policy issues—gun control and minimum wage—detailing the lack of evidence
for claims about algorithmic polarization. In the final section, we place these findings in
a broader context—re-emphasizing the limitations of what we can know about long-term
effects or small, but vulnerable, populations—and propose directions for future work.
1 The Radicalizing Potential of Algorithmic Recom-
One of the primary theoretical perspectives on YouTube—and algorithmic recommendation
systems more generally—contends that users’ initial preferences trigger algorithmic personal-
ization, which can generate polarization (see e.g. 2). Recommendation algorithms maximize
certain outcomes (watch time, engagement) at the expense of others (long-term satisfaction,
information quality). However, the inner workings of these systems are generally opaque
apart from occasional published technical details (14–16). Prior work has noted that the
circular logic of recommendation-system development, which trains recommendation algo-
rithms on user data that is itself driven by prior algorithmic recommendations, can lead to
unanticipated consequences such as homogenization of user behavior (17).
1.1 Theories of Polarization
We draw a distinction between two forms of the argument that recommendation systems
contribute to polarization. One is that “filter bubbles” can form when ranking systems are
optimized for predicted engagement, resulting in potentially polarizing effects of consuming
information from the resulting like-minded sources that appear on the feed (1, 13). Research
on the filter-bubble effect has often focused on personalized search results on specific queries
(18), with recent studies finding a strong role for user preferences and heterogeneity across
topics (19). Looking specifically at social media, the most recent evidence shows that content
from congenial or “like-minded” sources constitute a significant share of what users see on
Facebook (20), and this is driven in part (though not mostly) by algorithmic personalization
The second form of the argument leverages the “rabbit hole” concept which posits a
sequential element to algorithmic curation. Whereas filter bubbles are conceptualized as
static—users encounter more ideologically congenial content, compared to an uncurated
platform—rabbit holes imply that the curation process serves up content from one’s pre-
ferred side but with increasing extremity or intensity. For example, Tufekci (2) argues that
YouTube’s recommendation algorithm “promotes, recommends and disseminates videos in a
manner that appears to constantly up the stakes.” She suggests that this occurs via a feed-
back mechanism in which algorithmic curation reinforces users’ preferences, which then drive
even more extreme content over time. Similarly, a Wall Street Journal feature on YouTube
recommendations found that “[w]hen users show a political bias in what they choose to view,
YouTube typically recommends videos that echo those biases, often with more-extreme view-
points” (22). To show the existence of “rabbit hole” phenomena, both a static (correlation
between user preference and curation of congenial videos or channels) and a dynamic (al-
gorithmically served videos become more extreme over time) element must be established.
Many existing studies of YouTube recommendations focus on the static element. For ex-
ample, Hosseinmardi et al. (8) find a correlation between preferences for content elsewhere
on the internet and political video channels on YouTube. Other studies attempt to esti-
mate “pathways” between categories of content on YouTube, such as channels classified as
mainstream or radical (6, 7). We are aware of one study that attempts to estimate whether
algorithmically driven video consumption becomes more extreme over time: Haroon et al.
(23) show a significant—but slight—increase in the average extremity of videos shown to
sock-puppet accounts as more up-next recommendations are followed. However, extremity
in this study was determined by estimating the ideology of Twitter accounts that share links
to specific videos, a method that may be sensitive to the sparsity of the data.
1.2 Approaches to Studying Opinion Change
The circular interaction between past preferences (which shape the set of recommended
videos and how users choose among them) and consumption (which shapes future preferences
by changing recommendations and user tastes) leads to severe challenges in the study of
media persuasion and preference formation. There is a venerable social-science tradition
that has used experiments to understand the persuasive effects of films and videos (24).
The standard “forced-choice” design assigns one group to a video condition with another
assigned to a control or placebo condition, with neither group provided alternatives or given
the option to avoid the stimulus (e.g., 25). This allows analysts to cleanly estimate the
effect of forcing the entire population to consume one piece of media instead of another. Yet
this counterfactual quantity focuses entirely on media supply and neglects the interplay with
user demand. As a result, it is of limited value in studying high-choice environments when
self-selection is the primary determinant of media selection. More recently, scholars have
studied the interaction of user choice and media effects in a related literature on partisan
cable news (3, 4, 26). A key insight of these works is that the persuasiveness of partisan
news varies across individuals with different preferences: effects are different for those who
prefer entertainment, compared to those who prefer ideologically congenial news sources
(27). Related insights inform the current literature on the effects of digital media and social
media (28–30).
To account for the role of user demand in persuasion, Arceneaux et al. (3) develop active
audience theory, which emphasizes people’s goals and conscious habits in deciding what types
of content to consume. On the one hand, some people may prefer to consume partisan or
biased media (26, 31, 32); on the other, this media can alter future preferences. Crucially, the
interaction of these phenomena could unleash a spiral of rising polarization and self-isolation
(33). Recent work has sought to estimate the causal effect of partisan media specifically on
those who choose to consume it (3, 34, 35)—the quantity that matters most in real-world
polarization, since a substantial part of the population voluntarily opts out of exposure.
The existing literature on algorithmic recommendations can similarly be broken down
in terms of media recommendations (supply), media consumption (user demand), and the
effects of this consumption on user preferences and attitudes. Existing work has generally
focused on understanding the demand side of the problem. In an influential study, Ribeiro
et. al. (7) collect video metadata, comments, and recommendations covering 349 channels,
more than 330,000 videos, and nearly 6 million commenting users. By connecting com-
menters across videos and following networks of recommendations, the authors find that
commenters in less-extreme “alt-lite” and “intellectual dark web” (IDW) channels are more
likely to subsequently comment on more extreme “alt-right” channels. They also observe
a substantial share of channel recommendations from alt-lite and IDW videos to alt-right
channels, but they find no evidence of direct recommendations from mainstream media to
alt-right channels. These findings are consistent with alternative but less extreme sources
serving as a “gateway” to more extremist content—but this observational audit methodology
cannot disentangle the role of the algorithm from that of user preferences, nor can it assess
the effect of consumption on attitudes or behavior. Brown et. al. (9) use a different design to
examine the correlation between the supply of algorithmic recommendations and policy atti-
tudes at a particular moment in time, breaking into the supply-demand loop by eliminating
the role of user choice. Participants log into their own accounts, are given a starting “seed”
video and instructions to click on the first, second, etc. video recommendation video; the
network of recommendations is then explored to a depth of over 20 choices. They estimate
a modest correlation between self-reported ideology and the average slant of recommended
videos but, counterintuitively, find a consistent center-right bias in the ideological slant of
recommended videos for all users. Haroon et. al. (11) extend this approach to examine
the interaction between supply and demand, using 100,000 automated “sock-puppet” ac-
counts to simulate user behavior; they argue that YouTube’s recommendation algorithm
direct right-wing users to ideologically extreme content. However, in another experiment
using sock-puppet accounts that initially mimic the browsing history of real users, Hossein-
mardi et. al. (12) show that YouTube’s recommendations quickly “forgets” a user’s prior
extremist history if they switch back to moderate content. Haroon et. al. (23) show through
a sock-puppet study and a longitudinal experiment on 2,000+ frequent YouTube users that
nudges can increase consumption of balanced news and minimize ideological imbalance, but
that there is no detectable effects on attitudes.
Other work has used observational methods to study the correlation between demand
and policy attitudes, rather than seeking to estimate how an intervention would change
those attitudes. Hosseinmardi et. al. (8) examine the broader media ecosystem by tracking
web-browsing behavior from a large representative sample; they show that video views of-
ten arise from external links on other sites, rather than the recommendation system itself,
and conclude that consumption of radical content is related to both on- and off-platform
content preferences. Chen et. al. (10) similarly combine a national sample and browser plu-
gins to show that consumption of alternative and extreme content, though relatively rare,
is associated with attitudes of hostile sexism; they further show that viewers tend to be
subscribed to channels that deliver this content. This suggests that personal attitudes and
preferences—as reflected in the decision to subscribe to a channel—are important factors
driving consumption of extremist content, though it does not rule out the possibility that
algorithmic recommendation systems play a role in initially exposing viewers to this content.
Taken together, the results imply that though algorithmic recommendations may shape
the experience of using video platforms, their effects may be subtler and more complex
than we might expect from a simple “rabbit hole” model of radicalization. At a minimum,
observational evidence suggests that users’ choices to consume content can also reflect their
preexisting attitudes and non-platform preferences. There is also limited evidence that
“rabbit holes” exist in practice. While much of the work has focused on the recommendation
or consumption of ideological content, there is very little research on the causal persuasive
effects of the self-selected content or the algorithms that recommend it.
1.3 Testable Implications
We build on these existing lines of work by developing a realistic experiment to estimate how
changes in recommendation-system design (a supply-side intervention) affect user interac-
tions with the platform (demand for content) and, through changes in the content consumed,
ultimately cause changes in political attitudes. In our main design, participants are presented
with an initial “seed” video and, after choosing to watch or skip it, are offered four videos
to select for the next round. By carefully pruning and rewiring the real-world YouTube
recommendation network, we create two realistic recommendation algorithms: a “slanted”
algorithm (which we call 3/1) that primarily gives options from the same ideological per-
spective as the most recently watched video (mirroring a “filter bubble”), and a “balanced”
algorithm (which we call 2/2) that presents an equal mix of supporting and opposing per-
spectives. Unlike existing work on the persuasive effects of partisan media, we allow users to
choose up to five videos in a single, continuous viewing session. This design mimics real-world
viewing behavior and allows us to account for how demand-side choices shape the supply
of videos subsequently available to view in a sequence. By experimentally manipulating ac-
tual YouTube recommendation networks, our approach combines the causal identification of
recent media-persuasion experimental research with the realism of recommendation-system
audit research. This produces a research design that can credibly estimate the causal per-
suasive effects of recommendation algorithms. It allows users to choose the content that
they wish to consume, but it prevents this freedom of choice from confounding inferences
about the algorithm’s downstream effects. By increasing the slant of the algorithm beyond
the current levels, we also side-step a challenge inherent in observational studies conducted
after YouTube’s 2019 algorithm updates—the fact that they are limited in what they can
say about algorithm’s polarizing potential before those changes were made (10). Platforms
like YouTube are a moving target (36, 37) but our design suggests that even implementing
a dramatically more slanted algorithm has limited effects on opinion formation.
In the analyses that follow, we argue that widely circulating claims about algorithmic
polarization imply four testable hypotheses. First, because user behavior is heavily shaped
by platform affordances and recommendation systems are designed to influence video con-
sumption, prior observational work (7) suggests that random assignment to a balanced or
slanted algorithm will powerfully affect user demand, as measured by the content that users
immediately choose to consume. Second, since online video systems are part of a broader
alternative-media ecosystem (38), supply-side changes in the recommended content may af-
fect other, second-order components of demand, such as the trust they place in various types
of news sources (29, 39, 40). This builds on previous work that found one-sided media con-
sumption drives suspicion and distrust of the news media more generally (39–41). One-sided
media consumption can eventually lead to even more worrisome outcomes, such as people
relying less on new information and lowering their opinion of out-party politicians (26).
Because slanted videos are believed to have a persuasive effect, a third testable hypoth-
esis is that randomized assignment to different algorithms will indirectly cause changes in
users’ specific attitudes on the topic of the videos—in our studies, gun control or minimum
wage. Such effects could unfold through a variety of mechanisms, including framing of the
issue (42), cue-taking (43), or new policy-relevant facts (44). Finally, we examine whether
manipulating the recommendation algorithm has a more general second-order impact on af-
fective polarization, rather than just issue-specific polarization. This is because prior work
has shown traditional media’s role in affective polarization (45)—emotional attachments to
one’s partisan ingroup, as well as distaste for the outgroup—which may be heightened by
the slanted and inflammatory content that recommendation systems often suggest.
While existing claims imply these four testable hypotheses, a pressing claim is whether
we would expect those effects to appear in a short-exposure experiment. We describe our
study as short-exposure because it is not positioned to identify effects that might come from
prolonged exposure of watching videos over many months or years. Aside from innovative
encouragement experiments (28) which encourage, but do not force, participants to consume
media outside of real-world settings, the majority of the experimental literature is based on
short exposures. We conducted an expansive review of all PNAS studies in the last decade
that met two criteria: they (1) presented a treatment (e.g., video clips, reading materials,
or images) in a human-subjects experiment; and (2) examined participants’ decisions and
opinions following the intervention (see SI 15 for details). The median length of exposure to
persuasion stimuli was 101 seconds. Many of these studies deliver quite strong effects such
as Tappin et. al. (46), which examined the persuasiveness of microtargeted videos on policy
attitudes. The average duration of their video stimuli was 52 seconds and their maximum
exposure was 70 seconds. Like many other studies with short exposure to media stimuli, they
demonstrate that these interventions can indeed have significant effects on deeply entrenched
political attitudes (they studied immigration and welfare policy, which we view as roughly
comparable to our gun-rights issue and far more entrenched than our minimum-wage issue).
At an average of 18 minutes, our “short” exposure is an order of magnitude longer than
these prior studies, providing a credible empirical evaluation of the first-order implications
of the existing narrative on algorithmic polarization.
2 Experimental Design
To address the challenges of research in this setting, we developed a new experimental
design that randomly manipulates algorithmic video recommendations through a custom-
built, YouTube-like platform. We provide brief details below for Studies 1–3, deferring
additional details to the Materials & Methods Section.
We gathered real YouTube videos on two policy issues (more on the issues below), collect
actual YouTube recommendations for these videos, experimentally manipulated these recom-
mendations to be slanted or balanced, and then sequentially presented the videos and their
following recommendations to experimental subjects in a realistic choice environment. We
continuously monitored how users chose among recommended videos, whether they skipped
forward or watched videos in their entirety, and how they otherwise positively or nega-
tively interacted with the video. To test whether recommendation algorithms had an effect
on attitudes, subjects were surveyed in two waves occurring roughly one week before and
immediately after using the video platform.
Our platform and its recommendations were designed to closely approximate both the
viewing experience and the algorithmic recommendations of YouTube. Upon entrance to
the platform, respondents were shown a “seed” video on a topical policy issue: on gun
control in Study 1, or on the minimum wage in Studies 2 and 3. At the conclusion of
the video, respondents were presented with four recommended videos to watch next, drawn
from the actual YouTube recommendation network. Respondents selected another video
from the recommendations, watched that video, and then were presented with another set
of recommendations. Each respondent watched up to five videos, with four opportunities
to choose among different sets of recommendations. Respondents were required to watch at
least 30 seconds of each video before they were allowed to skip ahead to the end of the video.
Throughout their time on the video platform, respondents could interact with the platform
by indicating whether they liked or disliked the video they were watching, and they could
save the current or recommended videos to watch later.
Figure 2: Video platform interface and recommendations. The left panel shows the
video-watching interface for an example video in Study 1, and the right panel shows an
example of recommendations that were presented to respondents after finishing this video.
Studies 1 and 2 had a third, follow-up survey wave occurring approximately one week after the experi-
mental video-platform session.
Videos on the selected policy topics, along with their recommendations, were identified via
the YouTube API, validated, and classified for valence. Our experiments manipulated both
the slant of the initial “seed” video (liberal or conservative) and the mix of recommendations
presented to subjects after they watched each video (balanced or slanted in the direction of
the previous video), for a total of four conditions. Based on the pre-treatment political
attitudes, respondents were divided into liberal, moderate, and conservative terciles with
the ideologues (liberals and conservatives) only being shown the like-minded seed. After
watching or skipping each video, respondents were presented with four recommended videos
that were either “balanced” (two recommendations matching the ideological direction of the
previous videos and two from the opposite perspective) or “slanted” (three matching and
one opposing).
Our main outcome, policy attitude, is measured with an index formed from responses
to five (Study 1) or eight (Studies 2–4) survey questions on the relevant policy, which we
averaged into a measure that ranged from 0 (most liberal) to 1 (most conservative). We also
include measures of media-trust, behavior on platform (interactions with the video platform)
and affective polarization. We analyze post-treatment attitudes using regressions that control
for a set of attitudes and demographic characteristics that were measured pre-treatment per
our pre-analysis plan. Our main analyses examine the effect of the slanted recommendation
algorithm (vs. the balanced algorithm) on our outcomes.
We recruited large and diverse samples (within the confines of modern survey sampling)
across all studies using MTurk via CloudResearch and YouGov (Studies 1–3 include approx-
imately 2,500 participants each). Study 1 was started in June 2021, Studies 2–3 were started
in April 2022, and Study 4 was started in May 2024.
2.1 Policy Issues
In order to have a well-defined measure of video valence, extremity, and policy attitude, we
limit our studies to one policy issue each. Study 1 covers gun control and Studies 2–4 covers
minimum wage. This naturally induces a limitation that we can only speak directly to these
topic areas. The claims in the polarization literature have largely not been qualified by
topic. Indeed, Tufekci (2) argues that (at least in 2018) YouTube was “radicaliz[ing] billions
of people” across countless issue areas—vaccines, diet, nutrition, exercise, gun policy, white
supremacy, 9/11, and more. In our choice of issues we had to trade-off between issues raised
in the polarization literature but where there would be serious ethical implications (e.g. white
nationalism, pro-ISIS videos, and vaccine skepticism) and more common policy topics. We
chose gun control because it connects with some of the most visceral examples of rabbit holes
(e.g. conspiracies in school shootings). We chose minimum wage to find a case that was high
profile, but but less divided along partisan lines. In the qualitative case-selection language,
the strong and weak partisan divisions on these topics of gun control and minimum wage
policy, respectively, mean they could perhaps be regarded as “least likely” and “most likely”
issues for persuasion effects (at least among high-profile topics). Regardless, we emphasize
that our evidence is specific to the gun control and minimum wage debate; it could be that
effects exist in other topic areas.
2.2 “First Impressions” Experiment
Our design changes the balance of recommendations and allows users to choose videos in an
ecologically valid way—by observing the thumbnail, channel name, and view count. This
does not ensure that they are able to select content based on valence if they are not able
to perceive the valence from the thumbnail. In an experiment reported in SI 11, we use the
video recommendation interface to collect participant evaluations of the partisan leaning of a
video. Our results show that participants have a higher-than-chance ability of discerning the
political leaning of a video based on the recommendation page. However, there is substantial
heterogeneity across topics and video-ideology, with conservative minimum wage videos being
particularly easy to guess and liberal gun control videos being particularly challenging. We
also use a computational baseline (GPT-4V) to assess how much visual information is present
even if participants don’t discern it. We find that GPT-4V is able to achieve 84% accuracy
overall (91% for minimum wage and 69% for gun control)—substantially exceeding human
2.3 “Rabbit Hole” Experiment (Study 4)
Studies 1–3 take the existing YouTube algorithm as a starting point and artificially “slant”
it to boost prevalence of similar ideological position (magnifying the “filter bubble” phe-
nomenon). Our real-world recommendation data suggests that this captures real-world pat-
terns on YouTube well. We analyzed video transcripts to measure their ideological extremity
and found that recommendations did not get increasingly extreme—in fact, we found that
extreme videos led to recommendations that were slightly more moderate (see SI 14). Conse-
quently, the experiments derived from this real-world data also do not get more extreme; in
other words, Studies 1–3 capture the “filter bubble” phenomenon but not the “rabbit hole.”
This is consistent with observational work on YouTube using sock-puppets by Haroon et al.
(11) who found only “substantively small” extremity increases over video sequences.
For Study 4, we developed an experiment that would artificially intensify the extremity of
videos to assess the effects that viewing such sequences might have on minimum wage political
opinions. In this experiment, we again divided participants into three groups (conservatives,
liberals and moderates). Conservatives and liberals were assigned to an ideologically aligned
sequence that was constructed to be either constant in extremity or increasing. Moderates
were assigned one of the four types of sequences. In contrast with Studies 1–3, this study
was conducted entirely in one wave (asking opinions before and after the video viewing) and
did not involve choosing videos to view. In this sense, it provided a substantially stronger,
but less ecologically valid, treatment.
3 Results
We first present side-by-side results from Studies 1–3 to permit comparisons across issue
areas and sampling frames. Our first two sets of results examine the “algorithmic effect of
being assigned to an ideologically slanted recommendation system, compared to a balanced
one (corresponding theoretically to a “filter bubble effect”). We begin with algorithmic
effects on liberal and conservative “ideologue” respondents in Section 3.1 before proceeding
to algorithmic effects on “moderate” respondents in Section 3.2. In Section 3.3, we present
a second set of results that examine the effect of assigning moderate respondents to a liberal
seed video, compared to a conservative one, when users are subsequently allowed to freely
navigate the recommendation system. Finally in Section 3.4 we present the results from the
“rabbit hole” study.
Each section below presents estimated effects across a variety of outcome measures. We
group these outcomes into four families, based on the hypotheses described in Section 1: (1)
demand-side outcomes relating to media consumption and user interaction with the plat-
form; (2) demand-side outcomes about trust in media; (3) attitudinal outcomes measuring
issue-specific polarization; and (4) attitudinal outcomes relating to general affective polar-
ization. Throughout, all hypothesis tests reflect multiple-testing corrections as described in
the Materials & Methods section. Plots show 90% and 95% confidence intervals with robust
standard errors; we use color to denote the results of hypothesis testing and emphasize that
readers should only interpret results that remain significant after multiple-testing correction.
3.1 Algorithmic Effects Among Ideologue Respondents
We first examine these algorithm-driven effects among ideologues (i.e. those in the lowest
and highest terciles of pre-treatment policy attitudes). Figure 3 shows the effects of a
more extreme recommendation system for liberal respondents (on the left) and conservative
respondents (on the right). Each symbol denotes one of our three studies: filled circles are
estimates from our first study, on gun policy; triangles are estimates from the second study,
on minimum wage policy with a Mechanical Turk sample; and diamonds are estimates from
our third study on minimum wage policy with a YouGov sample.
The top panel in both sets of results shows the effects on respondents’ platform interac-
tions. For both sets of respondents, we find that a more extreme recommendation system
caused respondents to choose more videos from the same ideological slant as the video they
had just watched, relative to a balanced set of recommendation videos. The liberal frac-
tion of videos chosen by liberal respondents assigned to the slanted (3/1) algorithm was 5
percentage points higher than liberal respondents assigned to the balanced (2/2) algorithm.
Similarly, the liberal fraction of videos chosen by conservative respondents assigned to the
slanted algorithm was 13 percentage points lower than those receiving balanced recommen-
dations. This is consistent with the increased availability of videos: if respondents were
choosing randomly, it would be about 12 percentage points higher in the ideological direc-
tion of the seed video (which, by design, was matched to the ideological orientation of liberal
and conservative respondents).
The lower panels of Figure 3 respectively show the effects of the recommendation slant
on policy attitudes, media trust, and affective polarization. We find few significant effects
on any other outcome among ideologues. The one exception is the effect on policy atti-
tudes in Study 3 among conservatives. In this study, respondents assigned to view more
slanted recommendation videos reported post-treatment attitudes that were slightly more
conservative (0.03 units on a 0–1 policy index) than respondents assigned to view balanced
recommendation videos. Importantly, the estimated effects are quite small. For instance,
the upper limit of this 95% confidence interval for the effect of the recommendation system
on conservative respondents in Study 1 is 0.04 units on this 0–1 policy index, equivalent to
Figure 3: Effects of recommendation algorithm among ideologues. Both panels
show the results of more algorithmic recommendation slant (vs. balance) on behaviors
and attitudes among ideologues (those in the first and third tercile of pre-treatment policy
attitudes). The left panel shows effects among more liberal (i.e. lowest tercile) respondents,
and the right panel shows effects among more conservative (i.e. highest tercile) respondents.
Grey points and error bars represent estimated effects that are not statistically significant
after implementing multiple testing corrections, while blue points and error bars represent
those effects that are still statistically significant after multiple testing corrections.
16% of the respondents moving one level up on each of the index’s five-point components.
3.2 Algorithmic Effects Among Moderate Respondents
Our results examining the effects of recommendation algorithms among moderates appear
similar. Again, the more slanted (3/1) recommendations appear to influence respondents’
Because we find no substantial effects on attitudes in the wave 2 data from studies 1 and 2, we did not
analyze the wave 3 data.
Figure 4: Effects of recommendation algorithm among moderates. Both panels
shows the results of more algorithmic recommendation extremity (vs. balance) on behav-
iors and attitudes among moderates (those in the middle tercile of pre-treatment policy
attitudes). The left panel shows effects among those respondents assigned to a liberal (i.e.
pro-gun control or pro-minimum wage) seed video, and the right panel shows effects among
respondents assigned to a conservative (i.e. anti-gun control or anti-minimum wage) seed
video. Grey points and error bars represent estimated effects that are not statistically sig-
nificant after implementing multiple testing corrections, while blue points and error bars
represent those effects that are still statistically significant after multiple testing corrections.
choices of videos, compared to the balanced (2/2) ones, and in two instances significantly
affected the amount of time respondents spent on the platform. Figure 4 shows the effect of
the more slanted recommendation system for respondents assigned to the liberal seed videos
(on the left) and the conservative seed videos (on the right). As in the previous section,
respondents assigned to the slanted algorithm chose to watch a higher proportion of videos
that resembled the seed video. In other words, respondents assigned to a liberal seed and
slanted recommendations were more likely to choose liberal videos, compared to other liberal-
seed respondents who received balanced recommendations. Similarly, respondents assigned
to a conservative seed and slanted recommendations chose liberal videos at a lower rate,
compared to other conservative-seed respondents with balanced recommendations. Among
moderates assigned a liberal seed in Study 3, being assigned the slanted recommendations
appears to have increased the total time respondents spent on the platform by 7.3 minutes
on average, while moderates assigned a conservative seed video in Study 1 with slanted
recommendations appear to have spent 4.9 minutes less time watching videos on average
than those assigned a balanced set of recommendations. These effects are quite large given
the average watch time of 18 minutes. This may be because the sample skews liberal overall,
meaning that the “moderate” tercile is still somewhat liberal. In this case, being forced to
watch a conservative video and then being presented with three more conservative videos in
the first set of recommendations could plausibly decrease satisfaction and time spent on the
platform, despite subsequent freedom of choice.
Despite these large effects on media consumption, the slant in recommendations appears
to affect political attitudes only minimally among moderates. Nearly all the effects of the
recommendation algorithm on policy attitudes, media trust, and affective polarization ap-
pear statistically indistinguishable from zero. The one exception is again in Study 3, where
it appears that moderate respondents assigned the conservative seed video and slanted rec-
ommendations reported opinions that were slightly more conservative (0.05 units on a 0–1
scale) than respondents assigned to balanced recommendations. The small size of these
estimates and their relatively narrow confidence intervals suggest that the general lack of
statistical significance is not simply due to small-sample noise, but rather a genuinely small or
nonexistent short-term attitude change. That is, we can rule out anything greater than these
quite-modest immediate effects on policy attitudes caused by more extreme recommendation
3.3 Forced-Exposure Effects Among Moderate Respondents
We assess the effects of the randomized seed video among moderates. These effects most
closely mirror the effects of a traditional randomized forced-exposure study, as they measure
the effects of being assigned a conservative rather than a liberal initial video—often referred
to as attitudinal persuasion. However, our results differ in that after this forced exposure,
we allow users to freely interact with the platform and choose which videos to consume.
The results of these analyses are presented in Figure 5, showing the difference in outcomes
between those respondents assigned to a conservative seed video compared to those assigned
to a liberal seed video, among those respondents who received recommendations in a more
slanted mix (3/1, on the left) or a more balanced mix (2/2, on the right). In the slanted
recommendation system, being assigned to a conservative video led moderate respondents
to choose a much lower fraction of subsequent liberal videos than those assigned to a liberal
video, as the top left panel shows. This effect disappears when moderate respondents are
assigned to the balanced recommendations: watching a conservative seed video made respon-
dents no more or less likely to choose liberal videos from the recommendations presented to
them, as shown in the top right panel.
The effects of the assigned seed video on moderates’ attitudes, presented in the lower
Figure 5: Effects of seed video slant among moderates. Both panels shows the results
of a more conservative seed video on behaviors and attitudes among moderates (those in
the middle tercile of pre-treatment attitudes). The left panel shows effects among those
respondents assigned to a 3/1 recommendation algorithm, and the right panel shows effects
among respondents assigned to a 2/2 recommendation algorithm. Grey points and error bars
represent estimated effects that are not statistically significant after implementing multiple
testing corrections, while blue points and error bars represent those effects that are still
statistically significant after multiple testing corrections.
panels of Figure 5, suggest slight persuasion effects. Respondents assigned to the slanted
recommendations who were assigned a conservative seed video reported slightly more con-
servative policy attitudes than those who were assigned a liberal seed video, as shown in the
second panel on the left side of Figure 5. These effects, again, are muted among those re-
spondents who were assigned to the balanced recommendations. These respondents reported
policy attitudes that were not discernibly different when assigned to either the conservative
or liberal seed video. We observed no other effects on attitudes that were statistically dis-
tinguishable from the null hypothesis. That there are some detectable effects on policy from
the forced choice assignment gives us confidence that the algorithmic assignment would be
able to detect an effect if one existed.
3.4 “Rabbit Hole” Effects (Study 4)
Finally, we present the results of Study 4 which constructed artificial sequences on the min-
imum wage which were increasing in extremity or held constant in order to test the “rabbit
hole” hypothesis. This design is distinct from Studies 1–3 in that it is a single-wave study and
respondents are assigned to a fixed sequence of videos (they do not choose recommendations,
comparable to the YouTube “Autoplay” experience or the “YouTube Shorts” interface). The
results of these analyses are presented in Figure 6, showing the effects on policy attitudes for
different causal contrasts. Assignment to the increasing (vs. constant) sequences appears to
have no effect on ideologues or moderates. The only discernible effect is a modest effect of
the seed assignment for moderates, consistent with the results in the previous section. This
suggests that any algorithmic effect for “rabbit holes” that exists is likely far smaller than
simply being assigned to watch conservative or liberal video sequences.
Despite these null short-term results on our overall attitudinal index, it remains possible
that recommendation algorithms expose viewers to new ways of understanding or inter-
preting a policy issue that might eventually lead to long-term persuasion. An exploratory
reanalysis of Studies 1–3 proposed by a reviewer suggested that this might be the case: when
extracting more-conceptual survey questions from the overall index to analyze individually,
we found patterns that were consistent with algorithmic effects on conservative participants’
understanding of minimum-wage issues. In Study 4, we therefore sought to assess whether
algorithmic interventions exposed viewers to unfamiliar information by asking participants
about whether they learned anything from watching the videos. Almost 90% of partici-
pants reported learning something new. An analysis of the open-ended responses suggests
that this learning was diverse including general knowledge, impact on businesses/the econ-
omy/poverty, automation, wage stagnation and political dynamics. We did not find evidence
that algorithmic interventions affected the amount of self-reported learning. For details on
the exploratory reanalysis of Studies 1–3, see SI 9; for learning in Study 4, see SI 13.
4 Discussion and Conclusion
In her 2018 New York Times opinion piece, Zeynep Tufekci provides one of the clearest
articulations of YouTube’s role as a radicalizing force in American politics. She paints a
picture of YouTube’s ability to recommend users ever more extreme views of what they are
already watching—Donald Trump rallies lead to white supremacist rants, Hillary Clinton
videos lead to leftist conspiracies, and even jogging leads to ultramarathons. She writes,
It seems as if you are never “hard core” enough for YouTube’s recommendation
algorithm. It promotes, recommends and disseminates videos in a manner that
appears to constantly up the stakes. Given its billion or so users, YouTube may
be one of the most powerful radicalizing instruments of the 21st century. (2)
Policy Attitudes
(unit scale, + is more conservative)
−0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2
Conservative vs. Liberal
Constant Extremity
Conservative vs. Liberal
Increasing Extremity
Increasing vs. Constant
Conservative Seed
Increasing vs. Constant
Liberal Seed
Increasing vs. Constant
Conservative Seed
Conservative Ideologues
Increasing vs. Constant
Liberal Seed
Liberal Ideologues
Minimum Wage Policy Effect Size
(95% and 90% CIs)
Conservatives Liberals Moderates
Figure 6: Effects of “Rabbit Hole” treatment on policy attitudes. This panel shows
the causal contrasts in Study 4. The top two rows show the effects of being assigned to
an increasing extremity sequence on ideologues (those in the lowest and highest tercile of
pre-treatment attitudes). The next two rows show the effects of being assigned to increas-
ing sequences amongst moderates within each assigned seed. The last two rows show the
only significant effects which are the effects of the seed conservative seed assignment among
moderates given that the sequences are increasing or constant. Grey points and error bars
represent estimated effects that are not statistically significant after implementing multiple
testing corrections, while blue points and error bars represent those effects that are still
statistically significant after multiple testing corrections.
The implication of this argument—and the assumption of many scientific studies that followed—
is not only that YouTube’s recommendation algorithm presents more extreme content to
consumers, but that the presentation of this extreme content also changes their opinions
and behaviors. This is a worrying claim that applies not only to YouTube, but to any of the
increasingly numerous online systems that rely on similar recommendation algorithms and,
it is claimed, all pose similar potential risks to a democratic society (47). The weaker claim is
that recommendation algorithms induce “filter bubbles” which could produce similar types
of opinion changes. Yet if these claims were true, one would imagine that users in our study
who were recommended gun-rights videos would have shifted their attitudes substantially
toward support of gun rights, and those who were recommended gun-control videos would
have moved substantially toward support for gun control.
Of course, in many ways the situation we can test with our experimental design is not the
entirety of the story that Tufekci (2) and others describe. It remains possible that months- or
years-long exposure to personalized recommendation systems could lead to the conjectured
radicalization. Work by Centola (48) has shown that repeated exposure is important to
behavior contagions. It also remains possible that there are heterogeneous effects—though
we failed to detect heterogeneity in exploratory analyses examining the moderating role of
age, political interest, YouTube consumption, and college education.
Finally, we cannot rule
out the existence of a small—but highly susceptible—-population that cannot be detected
with our sample sizes.
Nevertheless, by providing real subjects with naturalistic choices over the media they
consume, based on actual recommendations from YouTube in nearly 9000-person randomized
controlled trials, our study arguably represents the most credible test of the phenomenon
to date. Widespread discussion of YouTube’s radicalizing effects are difficult to reconcile
with the fact that we fail to detect consistent evidence of algorithmic polarization in this
experiment of either the “filter bubble” or “rabbit hole” form. Notably, the narrow confidence
intervals on attitudinal effects show that even the maximum effect sizes consistent with our
algorithm system results are small, relative to recent experiments on media persuasion with
approximately comparable stimuli and our own seed effect estimates. Experiments that allow
for respondent choice in videos may tend to have smaller persuasive effects than in traditional
forced-choice settings, in part for the simple reason that allowing realistic choice in media
consumption leads to fewer users consuming the opposing viewpoints that could persuade
them. Our results also align with recent work showing the limits of selective exposure in
online media consumption (49, 50), which implies that only a limited set of people will
consume highly imbalanced media when given the opportunity. Our results with forced
exposure in Study 4 provide larger seed effects, but still no system effects.
Although our study does not provide convincing evidence that the recommendation-
system manipulation affected attitudes, we do observe changes in behavior: the balance of
recommended videos appears to influence subsequent video selection among moderates and
(depending on the seed) total watch time on the platform. Potential decreases in platform
watch time as a result of unwanted or unexpected content exemplify the kind of problem that
recommendation algorithms are likely intended to solve. This kind of divergence between
attitudinal and behavioral effects on social platforms is a potential area for future research.
One shortcoming that our study shares with nearly all research on YouTube is that, by
taking existing platform recommendations as a starting point, we hold the set of potential
videos that could be shown—the supply—as largely fixed, apart from the experimental per-
The only moderating factor identified in these exploratory analyses was gender.
turbations in exposure that we induce. Yet like users’ behavior, the production of content is
dynamic and subject to incentives. As Munger elaborates (51, 52), the interplay of supply
and demand may be an underappreciated factor shaping the choices available to users as
they experience the platform, regardless of the specifics of any recommendation system. A
full understanding of the impact of streaming video platforms such as YouTube requires si-
multaneous consideration of interacting and self-reinforcing processes in the supply, demand,
and effects of media consumption.
Finally, while our experiments cannot rule out the possibility of some level of radical-
ization on some subset of the population on YouTube, it provides some guidance on the
complexity and scale of an experiment that would be necessary to detect such an effect.
Our multiple large-scale survey samples appear to approach the limit of the number of ex-
perimental subjects that can currently be recruited for studies as time-intensive as the ones
presented here—suggesting that if algorithmic polarization has smaller effects than we were
powered to detect, it may be difficult to ever identify them under controlled conditions.
Sobering though this conclusion may be, our goal throughout the design and execution of
this study has been to maximize our chances of observing a true effect despite hard budgetary
constraints. If radicalization were possible, our choice of policy areas—both of which were
selected for their low to moderate levels of preexisting polarization—should have enabled us
to observe attitudinal change. Similarly, our selection of real-world video recommendations
from YouTube represents the most realistic attempt that we know of to replicate the slanted
recommendation algorithms of social media platforms. The results from our four studies
thus collectively suggest that extreme content served by algorithmic recommendation sys-
tems has a limited radicalizing influence on political attitudes and behavior, if this influence
even exists.
5 Materials and Methods
This study has been approved by Princeton University IRB (#12989) and the other institu-
tions via Smart IRB (ID: 3931). All participants consented to the experiment at the before
the initial survey, with consent materials provided in SI 1. All replication data and code will
be made available in Dataverse on publication.
5.1 Collecting the Videos
We base our experiment recommendations on real recommendations from the YouTube API.
To obtain a videos recommendations we start with the related videos that the YouTube API
provides for each video. From these we selected the subset of recommendations that were
on the same policy topic and took either a liberal or conservative stance on the policy, as
determined by a combination of hand coding and supervised machine learning. For both
topics, we first conducted a round of coarse screening for topicality. For gun control, we
used crowd workers on MTurk to create a hand-labeled training set for a cross-validated
support vector machine, which was then used to select videos for inclusion. For minimum
wage, we used crowdsourcing to classify all videos. Inter-rater agreement ranged from 80%
to 85% across multiple rounds of classification. The authors then conducted a final round of
manual validation. We arrived at our 3/1 and 2/2 experimental proportions after analyzing
YouTube recommendations on the gun-control topic and finding that, among videos with
a discernible ideological direction, roughly 60% of recommendations of the same ideology.
The 3/1 and 2/2 experimental conditions thus bracket the average real-world proportions,
increasing realism. SI 2 contains more details about construction of the recommendation
trees, hand-coding, classification, and validation.
Two aspects of this process deserve additional discussion. First, to our knowledge, there
is no formal documentation explaining the relationship between the recommendations ob-
tained from the YouTube API and those that are shown to actual users in the web or app
interface. To investigate this, we conducted a validation exercise comparing API recommen-
dations to those presented on the YouTube web interface in actual browser sessions to an
anonymous user, both starting from the same video. Aside from some instances in which
the web interface deviated to off-topic recommendations that would have been eliminated
by our trimming procedure, the two sets of recommendations are largely the same. See
the supplement for more details. A second point is that, like most prominent audits of the
YouTube recommendation algorithm (e.g., 6, 7), we do not observe personalization based
on a user’s watch histories or past engagement. This is an important scope condition, as
Haroon et. al. (11) find (modestly) increasingly ideological recommendations for automated
sock-puppet accounts. With that said, our design allows us to experimentally manipulate a
recommendation algorithm that is actually deployed in the real world—the generic YouTube
algorithm that makes suggestions based on the currently selected video—allowing us to tar-
get a well-defined estimand that remains informative for policy questions about algorithmic
recommendations, even if we cannot study the personalization process directly (53). Specifi-
cally, the videos recommended by our design remain relevant as long as personalization does
not fundamentally change the type of recommendations made, but rather only shifts their
relative rankings.
5.2 Additional Study Details
Studies 1 and 2 respectively recruited 2,583 and 2,442 respondents on MTurk via CloudResearch,
Study 3 drew 2,826 respondents from YouGov, and Study 4 recruited 1,032 respondents on
MTurk via CloudResearch. In recruiting our experimental subjects, we used approval re-
quirement qualifications and attempted to recruit a balanced set of political opinions on
Mechanical Turk. We had difficulty recruiting respondents that fit these criteria, suggesting
that we might be reaching the upper limit of how many people can be recruited on Me-
chanical Turk for such time-intensive studies. Our sample from a larger and more expensive
subject pool, YouGov, ran into similar issues, suggesting that there are limits to the subject
pool available for interrogating these questions more broadly.
Our main policy attitude outcome is an index formed from responses to five (Study 1)
or eight (Studies 2 and 3) survey questions on the relevant policy, which we averaged into
a measure that ranged from 0 (most liberal) to 1 (most conservative). These scales were
quite reliable: for Study 1, α = 0.87; study 2, α = 0.94; and study 3, α = 0.94. We also
pre-registered an exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation for these questions. The
proportion of variance explained by a single dimension is 0.68, 0.72, and 0.73, respectively.
Refer to SI 8 for question wordings. Our media-trust questions were taken from standard
batteries used in research on political communication (e.g. 3), while our measures of affec-
tive polarization were similarly taken from validated measures of out-party animosity (e.g.
54). Following our pre-registered plan, we assessed the effects of the video recommendation
algorithm by comparing the post-treatment attitudes of respondents in different experimen-
tal conditions, based on the same liberal-ideologue, moderate, and conservative-ideologue
subgroups used in treatment assignment. We analyze post-treatment attitudes using regres-
sions that control for a set of attitudes and demographic characteristics that were measured
pre-treatment per our pre-analysis plan. Our main analyses examine the effect of the slanted
recommendation algorithm (vs. the balanced algorithm) on respondents’ video choices; their
platform interactions; and their survey-reported policy attitudes, media trust, and affective
Specifically, in the policy-attitude, media-trust, and affective-polarization analyses, we
control for pre-treatment versions of all outcomes in the hypothesis family, defined below.
In the platform-interaction analyses, we control for age, gender, political interest, YouTube
usage frequency, number of favorite YouTube channels, whether popular YouTube channels
are followed, text/video media consumption preference, a self-reported gun enthusiasm index,
and perceived importance of the gun policy issue. We pre-registered the use of the Lin (55)
estimator (using demeaned controls, all interacted with treatment) but found this to produce
an infeasible number of parameters. As a result, we instead use controls in an additive (non-
interacted) regression with robust standard errors. These results are substantively similar
to the unadjusted results.
Study 1 and the MTurk sample for Study 2 contained an additional “pure control”
condition that involved watching no videos. Per our pre-registration, we committed to only
using this control condition if there was a newsworthy event related to the policy issue under
study, which did not occur during either study. We conducted stratified randomization to
these experimental conditions based on respondents’ pre-treatment political attitudes on the
policy subject. Respondents in the most liberal tercile (“liberal ideologues”) were only shown
a liberal seed video, meaning that the only randomization for these subjects was between
the balanced and slanted recommendation algorithm. This avoided forcibly exposing liberal
participants to conservative viewpoints that they did not voluntarily consume, improving the
realism of the study. Similarly, “conservative ideologues” initially in the most conservative
tercile were only exposed to conservative seed videos. “Moderate” respondents, defined as
the middle tercile of pre-treatment attitudes, were randomly presented with either liberal or
conservative seed videos.
5.3 Multiple Testing Correction
To account for the four families of outcomes, we conduct multiple-testing corrections fol-
lowing our pre-analysis plan and the recommendations of the literature (56, 57) to control
the false discovery rate while properly accounting for the nested nature of the tests. We
examine three layers of hypotheses: (1) whether the experiment had any effect on a family
of outcomes, broadly construed; (2) which subgroup and treatment contrast generates the
effect; and (3) the specific outcome on which the effect manifests. The correction proceeds
as follows. Within hypothesis families that survive the first-stage assessment of overall sig-
nificance, we proceed to disaggregated examination of individual hypotheses. The initial
“layer-1” family-level filtering is conducted using Simes’ method (58) to combine layer-2
p-values (defined below) across the six treatment contrasts. This tests the intersection null
that no version of the treatment had any effect on any outcome in the family. Because four
hypothesis families are tested, an additional Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) correction (59) is
applied to the family’s Simes p-value before interpreting the layer-1 results. We say that a
family “survives” if its BH-corrected Simes p-value is less than 0.05. Within each hypothesis
family and treatment contrast, layer-2 p-values are obtained by an F -test from a multiple-
outcome regression, testing the null that the contrasted treatment groups are identical on
all outcomes in the family. (If an F -test for joint significance cannot be computed for the
multiple-outcome regression due to numerical issues in the variance-covariance matrix, we
will fall back on an alternative, more conservative procedure in which we conduct separate
regressions for each outcome and combine them with the Simes method.) We only seek to
interpret a family’s layer-2 p-values (which correspond to specific treatment contrasts) if the
family survives layer-1 filtering (indicating that some effect exists for some treatment con-
trast). To interpret layer-2 p-values, we first apply a BH correction to the F -test results, then
multiply by an additional inflation factor (one over the proportion of surviving families) to
account for selection at layer 1. Finally, for treatment contrasts that survive layer-2 filtering,
we examine which specific outcomes in the family are affected. These layer-3 p-values are
obtained by disaggregating the previous analysis into single-outcome regressions. As before,
a BH correction is applied to account for the fact that multiple outcomes are evaluated; in
addition, inflation factors for layer-1 and layer-2 selection are also applied.
5.4 Measuring extremity
We tested numerous approaches for measuring the extremity of the content and ultimately
determined that GPT annotations of political extremity—based on full transcript, channel
name, and thumbnail image—appear to perform best when compared with human annota-
tions. Specifically, we utilized OpenAI’s GPT-4V, which can incorporate visual information
from a video’s preview thumbnail, which can often be informative. We evaluated a num-
ber of other approaches from recent work, including Lai et. al.’s (60) pretrained model
using title/description metadata and Hosseinmardi et al. (12) expert classification of the
channel/creator extremity. However, we found that these approaches performed poorly in
recovering our own human labels, and we ultimately concluded that it was essential to in-
corporate the actual transcript of arguments made in the video. See additional details in
SI 12.B.1.
Author Contributions: NL, XEH, YS, JdBK, AG, DK, and BMS developed the research
designs. NL, AJBC, and CL collected web data. NL, XEH, and YS gathered, classified,
and experimentally manipulated recommendation networks, with support from RM and
DK. JdBK, AG, BMS, and RM designed and implemented the main survey, with support
from MAB, AJB, XEH and YS. NL and DK designed the video platform, and NL collected
platform browsing data. NL, XEH, YS, JdBK, AG, DK, and BMS designed and implemented
analyses. JdBK, AG, and BMS drafted the original manuscript, and everyone edited it.
Corresponding authors are listed alphabetically.
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