State Controller’s Office
Personnel and Payroll Services Division
Decentralized Security Program Manual
The State Controller's Office (SCO) is in compliance with the requirements and restrictions of
the California Information Practices Act of 1977 (IPA). These guidelines are provided to help
departments and campuses avail themselves of the many automated applications of the SCO
system. However, these guidelines are not intended to encompass all the laws that may be
applicable or impact each department or campus.
For specific information, please consult the California Civil Code, Division 3, Part 4; Title 1.8.,
Personal Data, Chapter 1, IPA of 1977 or the IPA Officer for your department/campus.
As it becomes necessary, the information in this document may be changed or updated to meet
the needs of the Personnel and Payroll Services Program.
If the department/campus Security Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor or Authorizing
Official/Assistant Authorizing Official changes, please follow the instructions in this manual
under Security Monitor/Assistant/Security Monitor.
Revised April 2024
Copies of this document may be obtained from:
State Controller's Office
Personnel and Payroll Services Division
PO Box 942850
Sacramento, CA 94250-5878
ATTN: Decentralized Security Administrator
This record shall be maintained throughout the life of the document. Each change and published
update shall be recorded.
Description of Change
Added Add New User Form (CS & CSU)
Added SCO System Duplicate Access
PSD125A (Civil Service) Add New User Example
PSD125A (CSU) Add New User Example
PSD125A (Civil Service) Change User Example
PSD125A (CSU) Change User Example
PSD125A (Civil Service) Delete User Example
PSD125A (CSU) Delete User Example
7, 10, 14
Revised Requesting System Access Procedures
Revised Adding a New User
Revised DSA Hours of Operation
Added DSA Phone Number
10, 14
Revised Column Explanations
Added New Contact Information
CDT Client Representative List
Revised Passwords - Selection and Protection
Description of Change
Added ETHACAS Ethnicity Access
Revised PSD125A Add Example
Revised PSD125A Change Example
Revised PSD125A Delete Example
Added New Contact Information
SDD Teleprocessing Hotline
Data Guidance
2, 6, 7, 8, 9
Removed Computer Storage of Information
Removed Letter of Justification
Removed SSM I Classifications
Removed CEA, IT, Labor Relations
Removed Student Assistants, Seasonal Clerk Removed
Deleted workstations that are owned or leased by the
state agency
3, 14
Added DSA Hours Of Operation
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Objectives .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Regulatory Background .......................................................................................................................... 1
IPA of 1977 ............................................................................................................................................ 1
State Administrative Manual (SAM) ....................................................................................................... 1
Information Security .............................................................................................................................. 2
Confidentiality of SCO/PPSD Information .......................................................................................... 2
Organizational Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 2
State Controller’s Office .................................................................................................................... 2
Personnel and Payroll Services Division ............................................................................................ 2
Decentralized Security Administrator (DSA) ...................................................................................... 3
Civil Service Departments/Campuses ................................................................................................ 3
SCO System Duplicate Access ............................................................................................................ 3
Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official ............................................................................. 4
Security Authorization Forms ................................................................................................................ 5
Access Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 6
Leave of Absence (LOA) ......................................................................................................................... 6
Passwords - Selection and Protection .................................................................................................... 7
Forgot Your Password ............................................................................................................................ 8
Requesting System Access Procedures .................................................................................................. 8
Revocation and Deletion of User IDs ..................................................................................................... 8
Security Authorization Form, PSD125A- Completion Instructions ......................................................... 9
Adding a New User .............................................................................................................................. 10
Equipment Changes - Printers .............................................................................................................. 13
Automatic Security Access Deletion ..................................................................................................... 13
Security Violations ............................................................................................................................... 13
Security Awareness .............................................................................................................................. 13
Annual Self-Certification ...................................................................................................................... 14
Change of Physical Address ................................................................................................................. 14
Need Help ............................................................................................................................................ 15
PSD125A (Civil Service) Add New User Example .................................................................................. 16
PSD125A (CSU) Add New User Example .............................................................................................. 16
PSD125A (Civil Service) Change User Example ..................................................................................... 16
PSD125A (CSU) Change User Example ................................................................................................. 17
PSD125A (Civil Service) Delete User Example ...................................................................................... 17
PSD125A (CSU) Delete User Example ................................................................................................... 17
Helpful Links
California Penal Code 502
Information Privacy Act of 1977
State Administrative Manual Section 5300
Decentralized Security Guidelines
Add New User Form (Civil Service)
Add New User Form (CSU)
PSD108-Statement of Understanding
PSD040-Security Monitor Designee
PSD041-Annual Statement of Self-Certification
State Information Management Manual (SIMM)
Payroll Procedures Manual (PPM)
ViewDirect and Mobius View
California Department of Technology
The purpose of this manual is to define the State Controller's Office (SCO) security requirements
for all decentralized users of the Personnel and Payroll Services Division (PPSD) SCO system. SCO
allows access to individuals who have an authorized, legal, and legitimate business need to
access such data in the performance of their governmental duties.
Careless, accidental, or intentional disclosure of information to unauthorized persons can have
detrimental effects, which may result in civil or criminal actions against those involved in
unauthorized disclosure (please refer to California Penal Code 502 and the IPA of 1977). To
reduce the risk of exposure, PPSD has established the necessary standards, procedures,
practices, and controls to protect information resources against accidental or intentional
disclosure, destruction, or modification. This manual is designed to enhance rather than replace
existing laws, rules, and standards.
The overall objective of this manual is to document the requirements that allow all parties to
understand their responsibilities. These responsibilities include the following:
Secure, maintain, and monitor the confidentiality and integrity of SCO’s system.
Protect SCO systems against misuse, abuse, and unauthorized use.
Regulatory Background
To ensure current applicability to your department/campus specific needs, please review the
IPA and SAM or contact your department/campus IPA Officer and/or Information Security
IPA of 1977
Article 1 - General Provisions and Legislative Findings §1798§1798.1 Article
2 - Definitions §1798.3
Article 5 - Agency Requirements §1798.14§1798.23
Article 6 - Conditions of Disclosure §1798.24§1798.24b
State Administrative Manual (SAM)
Responsibilities of Users of Information - §5300 §5365.3
Definitions - §5300.4
Confidential Information Physical Security
Custodian of Information
Information Assets
Public Information
Information Security
Sensitive Information
Owner of Information
User Information
Information Security
Confidentiality of SCO/PPSD Information
All information residing on the SCO system is considered sensitive/confidential and must be
treated as such by all persons who are granted access. Therefore, the information must be
protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.
All hard copies (including printouts) of data produced from the SCO system are considered
confidential and must be processed/destroyed accordingly.
NOTE: Standard email, instant messaging, and non encrypted file transfer services
are not secure and therefore the transmission of confidential/sensitive data including
social security numbers via these services is prohibited.
Organizational Responsibilities
State Controller’s Office
The SCO is responsible for numerous statewide programs that handle confidential and sensitive
data resulting in the annual disbursement of tens of billions of dollars each fiscal year. Due to
the number, size, and complexity of these statewide programs, the proliferation of alternative
automated processing capabilities and legislation relating to data confidentiality and security
requirements, the SCO has developed a centralized approach to addressing security needs of
the decentralized departments/campuses.
Personnel and Payroll Services Division
PPSD processes payroll and leave accounting for state civil service and exempt employees, as
well as state court, and California State University employees. PPSD provides information
required to manage the personnel resources of the state and to properly account for salary and
wage expenditures. Finally, PPSD provides data to the retirement systems necessary for
calculation of employee retirement benefits and manages the state’s automated travel expense
claim system.
Decentralized Security Administrator (DSA)
The DSA acts on behalf of PPSD for the various applications used in the decentralized
environment. The DSA also manages the PPSD Decentralized Security Program, serves as
SCO's liaison with all decentralized civil service department/campus Security
Monitors/Assistant Security Monitors, and is required to ensure compliance of all SCO security
procedures as identified by SCO's Information Security Program Standards Manual.
NOTE: SCO DSA hours of operation are from 7:30-4:00 Monday thru Friday.
Ensures the implementation, enhancement, monitoring, and enforcement of the
Decentralized Security Program.
Provides direction and leadership of the security program through the development of
standards and ensures compliance with these standards.
Approves/disapproves requests from civil service departments/campuses for personnel
and payroll system application access to the SCO system.
Authorizes and coordinates activation of equipment (terminals, printers) to the SCO
Authenticates all alleged decentralized security violations and takes appropriate
corrective action.
Represents the SCO in all decentralized security matters.
Coordinates and directs Decentralized Security Program activities and reporting
Civil Service Departments/Campuses
Each department/campus is responsible for protecting their own confidential and sensitive data
contained in PPSD’s systems. This requires the designation of a Security Monitor/Assistant
Security Monitor who is responsible for compliance with the security program requirements,
and is designated as the contact person to whom PPSD will address all security matters. The
individual selected must take responsibility for the system users within their
department/campus and have the necessary authority to complete duties specified in this
Departments/campuses must report any variances from established procedures to the DSA
and adhere to Civil Code Section 1798.141798.23.
SCO System Duplicate Access
As a specific accountability, integrity, and security operational standard the State HRMS
Decentralized System prohibits duplicate accesses of any type. As a requirement and to ensure
there is no interference with the effective functioning of agency/campus internal lines of
authority and responsibility only agency/campus designated personnel; or contracted
agency/campus designated personnel, that provide personal services are granted access.
Agency/campus business components are not granted duplicative access of any type; these
business operations should communicate directly with their agency/campus designed personal
services staff if they have any questions or concerns.
Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official
The Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official is typically the Personnel or Payroll
Officer/Manager. However, each department/campus may vary in its control and authority
levels of management. The Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official must be
responsible for the personnel and payroll functions in each department/campus.
Ensures compliance with the standards and procedures in this manual, which includes
providing PPSD with the documents referenced below.
Submits the PSD041 by January 31 of each year on behalf of the department/campus.
Submits the PSD125A on behalf of the department/campus.
Submits the PSD108 on behalf of the department/campus.
Verifies access and level of access of existing staff listed on the PSD125A.
When an employee has a name change, a new PSD108 is required advising PPSD of the
Designates a Security Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor on the PSD040.
NOTE: Signing the PSD125A authorizes and stipulates that individual(s) named on the
document are bona fide employees of the department/campus and must have access to
the applications on the form in order to perform the official governmental or statutory
duties of their position as mandated in the IPA.
It is required that verification be made of users listed on the PSD125A to ensure the access and
level of access is appropriate prior to signing each page of the PSD125A.
Signature is confirmation and acceptance of this responsibility and authorization.
Security Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor
PPSD requires each department/campus to designate a responsible individual as a
Security Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor. The Security Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor
must have a working knowledge of the SCO system and applications, and the types of data they
contain as well as the different levels of system access.
Ensures compliance with the standards and procedures in this manual, which includes
providing PPSD with the documents referenced below.
Acts as the departmental liaison to DSA.
Acts as the security resource for all departmental personnel and payroll office staff as it
relates to SCO security requirements.
Maintains the Decentralized Security Program Manual and current Security
Authorization forms.
Retains the PSD125A and PSD108 for five years after the date of last access for any user
that is no longer active at that department/campus.
Submits the PSD125A.
ADDS – Lists new users on the current PSD125A; include appropriate attachments.
DELETES – See "Revocation and Deletion of User IDs"
CHANGES Additional access, reduction in access, name changes, leave of absence,
return to work.
Verifies access and level of access of existing staff listed on the PSD125A.
When an employee has a name change, a new PSD108 is required advising PPSD of the
Reviews all documents for accuracy prior to approval.
By signing the PSD125A, the Security Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor is certifying that all
appropriate security forms are completed and attached.
Reviews turnaround on PSD125A for changes.
Trains new authorized users on logon procedures into SCO system.
Immediately reports all security infractions and violations to the DSA.
Due to the size and complexity of some departments/campuses, it may be necessary to
establish an Assistant Security Monitor to act on behalf of the Security Monitor in his/her
absence. The same designation procedures apply as for the Security Monitor.
Security Authorization Forms
NOTE: The signatures of the Security Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor and the Authorizing
Official/Assistant Authorizing Official on the PSD040, are the only signatures accepted on the
PSD125A. If these signatures do not match, the PSD125A will be returned.
Should a change in the Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official or Security
Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor occur, a new PSD040 is required. If the PSD040 is not
available, you may obtain one by contacting the DSA or on our website.
State Controller's Office
Personnel and Payroll Services Division
P.O. Box 942850
Sacramento, CA 94250 5878
Access Requirements
Access to information available through the SCO system is restricted to AUTHORIZED PERSONS
ONLY. Any person requesting such access MUST meet the following criteria:
Be a current state employee and an employee of the requesting department/campus,
Demonstrate either a job-related need to the information, AND
Accept legal responsibility for preserving the security of the information (read the
Decentralized Security Guidelines and sign the, PSD108 AND
Receive formal approval from the DSA.
The SCO system contains sensitive and confidential information. Access is restricted to persons
with an authorized, legal, and legitimate business requirement to complete their regular daily
Department-Wide access to PIMS and HIST is only given to departments’ headquarters office
that have more than one location and the need for Personnel and Payroll capabilities.
If the employee's duties change, such that the need for access no longer exists, the access
privilege MUST be removed or deleted immediately via a request submitted by the
department/campus Security Monitor/Assistant Security Monitor.
Each individual approved by the DSA to access the SCO system is provided with a unique "User
The SCO Information Security Office (ISO) creates the User ID so that departments/campus
employees have the ability to access the SCO system. SCO ISO activates the User ID and
connects the employees to the approved application(s). When completed they will contact the
Security Monitor/ Assistant Security Monitor and release both the User ID and temporary
password. The Security Monitor will then assist the user to log into the SCO system and verify all
requested access is functional. When the user logs on for the first time using the generic
password, the system will prompt them to enter a new password.
Leave of Absence (LOA)
If a user is on an extended LOA, the Security Monitor should notify the DSA immediately with the
user’s name, User ID, and the period of the LOA so the User ID can be temporarily deactivated.
When the user returns to work, the Security Monitor should notify the DSA to reactivate the User
ID. Contact the DSA at [email protected].
Passwords - Selection and Protection
Access is restricted to authorized persons using passwords. Each User ID requires a password
known only to its owner.
The requirements for selecting a password are:
When you type your USERID and password always HIT ENTER
The new password must be exactly 8 characters, must contain one or more of
each of the following:
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letters
Special characters:
o ! (Exclamation Mark)
o @ (AT)
o # (Pound/Hashtag)
o $ (Dollar)
o % (Percent)
o * (Asterisk)
o _ (Underscore)
o . (Period)
o + (Plus)
o = (Equal)
o | (Pipe)
o / (Vertical Bar)
o ? (Question Mark)
You can never reuse a password.
Passwords expire in 90 days.
You may change your password at any time.
An account becomes inactive after 90 days of inactivity and then the password
must be reset.
Avoid using an obvious password such as individual's nickname or other easily identifiable
For self-protection, the password owner must:
Not reveal/share their password to ANYONE.
Not write down the password.
Not log on to provide access/use by anyone.
Always lock terminal or log off before leaving workstation.
If a user has been given a new/temporary password he/she has (30) days to logon to the system
and activate the account; if not, his/her access will be deleted.
Forgot Your Password
Contact the SCO ISO at (916) 322-8094. They will validate the owner's identity and give a generic
Requesting System Access Procedures
To request system access, each department/campus Security Monitor must perform the
Have the department/campus employee user read the Security Guidelines package and
sign the PSD108. The employee is to retain the information portion of the package and
provide the original signed PSD108 to the Security Monitor.
Ensure all access requests are documented, using the most current PSD125A.
Ensure all pages of the PSD125A are signed by both Security Monitor /Assistant Security
Monitor and Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official.
Email DSA to request an encrypted email to submit all forms electronically.
The DSA will validate the accuracy of all requests and approve requests for access to the
SCO system. The PSD125A is sent to the SCO ISO for final processing.
Once access is approved and processed, an updated PSD125A is sent to the
department/campus Security Monitor. The Security Monitor should then review the
PSD125A for accuracy and retain for future use. Contact the DSA for any discrepancies.
NOTE: The PSD108 MUST be completed by each employee that requests system access.
Revocation and Deletion of User IDs
To prevent unauthorized use by a transferred, terminated, or resigned employee's User ID, the
Security Monitor must IMMEDIATELY contact DSA by email. The Security Monitor/Assistant
Security Monitor must electronically submit all pages of the PSD125A signed by both Security
Monitor Assistant Security Monitor and Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official to
delete the user’s system access. Using an old User ID increases the risk of a security breach,
which is a serious security violation. Sharing a User ID is strictly prohibited.
If a User ID is inactive for (90) days, it is assumed that access is no longer required. User IDs will
be revoked without notice if they are not used regularly.
Security Authorization Form, PSD125A- Completion Instructions
When a department/campus or PPSD initiates any type of change on the PSD125A, an
updated PSD125A will be returned to the department/campus via an encrypted email once
the changes have been completed. Please verify that the PSD125A is accurate once it is
Adding a New User
Each employee who requires access to the SCO system must read the Decentralized Security
Guidelines and sign the PSD108. This form is required when submitted with form PSD125A, as a
PSD 125A Column Explanations:
Enter employee's last name, first name, and middle initial as it
appears on the Employment History database.
User ID Leave Blank. For SCO USE ONLY. Make no entry.
TC (Type of Change) Indicate Type of Action requested. Enter “A” to add a new user.
NOTE: There are various levels of access for PIMS, LAS,
ETHACAS, ACAS applications.
PIMS = Employment History
Enter "I" if employee will "Inquire" only. Enter "O" if employee
will "Inquire", "Update", and key "Out-of-Sequence" documents.
HIST = Payroll History
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
KEYM = Keymaster Batch Process
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
PIP = Payroll Input Processing
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
MIRS = Management Information
Retrieval System
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
DWPIMS = Department Wide
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
DWHIST = Department Wide
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
CSP = Civil Service Pay scales
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
LAS = Leave Accounting System
Enter "I" if employee will "Inquire" only. Enter "U" if employee
will "Inquire" and "Update".
MPC = Master Payroll
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
VIEW = ViewDirect/Mobius View
NOTE: The employee must have access to ViewDirect in order
ETHACAS = Ethnicity Access
Enter "I" if employee will "Inquire" only. Enter "U" if employee
will "Inquire" and "Update".
ACAS = Affordable Care Act
Enter "I" if employee will "Inquire" only.
Enter "U" if employee will "Inquire" & "Update".
SCO | ConnectHR (
Enter "X" under the application name(s) required for the
Remarks Make any remarks or comments that are applicable.
Authorizing Official
Assistant Authorizing Official
individual who is designated as the Authorizing/Assistant
Authorizing Official must sign and date each page of the
Security Monitor
Assistant Security Monitor
Legal signature (handwritten, electronic, or digital) of the
individual who is designated as the Security/Assistant Security
Monitor must sign and date each page of the PSD125A.
See Attachment, Add New User Example.
Change or Delete
To change/delete user information on the PSD125A due to a separation, transfer, or change in
name, the change/delete must be documented on PSD125A and SCO notified immediately.
Complete a “Change” or “Delete” as follows:
Enter an asterisk (*) after the appropriate name to identify the
TC (Type of Change)
Enter "C" if requesting a change to user information. Enter "D" if
requesting to delete a user.
NOTE: There are various levels of access for PIMS, LAS,
ETHACAS, ACAS applications.
Enter a brief description of the change desired, and a reason for
the change or delete.
Authorizing Official
Assistant Authorizing Official
Legal signature (handwritten, electronic, or digital) of the
individual who is designated as the Authorizing/Assistant
Authorizing Official must sign and date each page of the
Security Monitor
Assistant Security Monitor
Legal signature (handwritten, electronic, or digital) of the
individual who is designated as the Security/Assistant Security
Monitor must sign and date each page of the PSD125A.
See Attachment, Change and Delete User Example.
Equipment Changes - Printers
(Adding new/additional equipment)
When adding new or changing additional equipment (i.e., ViewDirect printers) you must contact
DSA to advise DSA of the new Printer ID. In addition, contact DSA if any users need to be
connected from the old Printer ID to the new Printer ID.
Automatic Security Access Deletion
The SCO ISO conducts a quarterly security audit that identifies individuals who have not used the
system for (90) consecutive days and automatically deletes them from the system. A secure email of
explanation and an updated PSD125A reflecting the deletion will be provided to the
department/campus Security Monitor.
Reinstatement access for an individual who was automatically deleted requires a new PSD125A and
NOTE: New users have 30 days to logon to the SCO system and activate their account. If
not, the account’s access will be deleted.
Security Violations
It is the responsibility of all users to protect SCO resources, to note variances from established
procedures, and to report such variances to their Security Monitor who shall report them to the SCO
During the time when a suspected violation is under investigation, the suspected
violator's access privileges may be revoked and/or other action may be taken to prevent
further potential harm.
All violations of security standards and/or procedures are subject to disciplinary action.
The specific disciplinary action that will be taken depends upon the nature of the
violation, the impact of the violation to SCO's informational assets and related facilities,
If applicable to the entity, the provisions of SAM 5340, SIMM 5300, and SIMM 5340-A
should be observed regarding information security incident reporting.
Security Awareness
Each decentralized user who is authorized for access to SCO system must review the Decentralized
Security Guidelines annually. All departments/campuses must provide copies of the guidelines to
each employee in their personnel and payroll offices.
This ensures that all system users are consciously aware of their responsibilities for preserving
and protecting SCO system. Contact the DSA at [email protected] for a copy of the guidelines if
Annual Self-Certification
All PPSD decentralized departments/campuses are responsible to annually certify that they
comply with the Security Program standards. The Security Monitor and appropriate level
managers should review the Decentralized Security Program Manual. In addition, apply the
standards and procedures to their respective decentralized site, as well as review the
Decentralized Security Guidelines once a year with staff.
The PSD041 is due to the DSA by January 31 of each year. To ensure compliance, a copy
of this completed form must be maintained by the department/campus for future
If the decentralized department/campus is not in compliance, a letter explaining the
deficiencies and a corrective action plan is sent to the DSA by January 31 of each year.
Annual Statements of Self Certification not received by January 31 of each year is
considered in non-compliance of the PPSD Decentralized Security Program, Guidelines
and the IPA.
If the Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official separates at any time during the
year, a newly appointed Authorizing Official/Assistant Authorizing Official must complete
and resubmit the PSD041.
NOTE: Failure to provide the PSD041 form by January 31 of each year will result in the
revocation of access for all office staff and deactivation of all personnel and payroll data
equipment to the SCO system.
Change of Physical Address
Anytime a department/campus relocates, you must contact DSA immediately so that DSA can
refer you to the System Activities Coordination & Support (SACS) unit for further assistance
(PPM section C100 & C101).
Need Help
For those departments/campuses that access the SCO network via personal computers it is
recommended that you first contact your IT staff when having problems with
hardware/software or any other equipment problems.
The following is a list of help desk contacts:
Contact Information
Hours of operation: 7:30am-4:00pm
Monday thru Friday
(916) 619-7234
SCO ISO Help Desk Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm
For assistance concerning password/User ID
(916) 322-8094
SDD Teleprocessing Hotline
For assistance concerning “Abend
messages or system/equipment problems
(916) 324-6716
Data Guidance
To request additional keying time or
additional information, contact Production
(916) 322-8132
CDT Service Desk
(916) 464-4311
CDT Client Representative List
PSD125A (Civil Service) Add New User Example
PSD125A (CSU) Add New User Example
PSD125A (Civil Service) Change User Example
PSD125A (CSU) Change User Example
PSD125A (Civil Service) Delete User Example
PSD125A (CSU) Delete User Example