Solver in Excel
Optimize Financial Decisions using Analytics
Created by: Calliope Cortright ’23
Intro to Solver
Solver is an add-in for Microsoft Excel that allows the user to optimize the value in a
particular cell by allowing the program to change values in other cells. This is useful to
make decisions in an environment where the decision maker wants to maximize profit or
minimize costs, for example. The program is able to adapt to a variety of situations, and
it is useful in many financial situations.
Solver is a tool for data analysis. It gives the user peace of mind with the assertion that
a particular decision is the optimal one with respect to a defined output. This tutorial will
first give a broad overview of Solver and then explain some use cases within the realm
of financial decision-making.
1. Accessing Solver……………………….…………………………………...…… 2
2. Solver Functionality……………………………………………………….……..... pg. 3
3. Solver Outputs……………………………………………………………..……… 5
4. Use Case: Solver in Capital Budgeting………………………………………… 6
5. Use Case: Solver in Pricing Decisions………………………………………… 8
Much of the information in this tutorial and the examples shown are from Professor
Terry Reilly, an Associate Professor in the Mathematics, Analytics, Science, and
Technology Division. The material in this tutorial is covered in great detail in Profesor
Reilly’s Financial Simulations class. However, Solver is introduced in other classes at
Babson, including AQM and Optimization Methods.
Accessing Solver
Solver is an Excel add-in, so the first step in using Solver is to ensure that it is
loaded on your computer. The Solver option is shown in the Data Tab. Click on the data
tab, and look in the area at the far right of the ribbon (shown here in the yellow circle). If
Solver is listed here as an option, skip to the next section. If Solver is unavailable, follow
the following steps to install the add-in.
Click on “File” and then on “Options.” This
will bring up the menu shown to the right. Along
the left of the pop-up window is a menu
containing options. Select the “Add-ins” option
(highlighted in yellow). From here, Select the
“Go…” button (highlighted in orange).
Once you have selected this, a new
window will appear
with the add-in
options (shown to the
left). Check the box
next to “Solver Add-in” (highlighted in yellow). Once this box
is checked, select “OK” (highlighted in orange).
Once you have completed these steps, Solver
will show up as an option on your ribbon. Navigate to the
“Data” tab and look in the area to the far right of the ribbon.
You will find “Solver” (see below).
Solver Functionality
To get acquainted with Solver,
click on this “Solver” option in the
“Data” tab. The pop-up menu in the
image to the right will appear. Before
diving into use cases, we must
become familiar with each of these
inputs. This section will go through
each of the inputs highlighted on the
image to the right.
Objective Cell: Highlighted in orange is
the objective cell. In this box, you will
link the cell that you want to optimize.
For example, if we want to maximize
total profit, we will put the cell for total
profit in this box. If we want to
minimize risk, we will add the cell that
quantifies risk in this cell. Keep in mind
you can only optimize one cell. For
example, you can not maximize profit while also minimizing risk.
To: Highlighted in green is the area where you must designate whether you want the
cell noted above to be maximized or minimized. You also have the option to set that cell
to a specific value that you will type into the box to the far left. Keep in mind that you
can only select one option here.
Variable Cells: The objective cell cannot change without some of its inputs changing.
Variable cells are inputs that you will let Solver change to optimize the objective cell. For
example, to maximize profit, you may let Solver change the number of units we
produce, so the number of units produced would be a variable cell. In this box, cells
must be linked that do not contain a formula (they
must be constants) so that Solver has full range to
change these cells.
Constraints: Often, in optimization scenarios, the
situation is bounded by constraints. For example, in
the units produced example, we may only be able to
produce a specific number of units. Therefore, we
must add these constraints by clicking on the “Add” button. The pop-up to the right will
appear. On each side of this inequality, cells must be linked. You can also change the
inequality in the middle to be less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, equal to, or
“int” (meaning the cell to the left must be an integer), “bin” (meaning the cell to the left
must be binary - 0 or 1), or “dif” (meaning the cells to the left must all be different from
each other). Once you have filled out this constraint pop-up, click OK to close the
window and go back to the Solver window, or click Add to add the constraint and then
immediately add another one.
Non-negative toggle: The toggle highlighted in pink above, when selected, will force all
variable cells to be positive. Think about if this constraint applies to your situation.
Solving Method: You must choose a solving method in the drop-down menu highlighted
in red. “Simplex LP” can only be used when all constraints and the objective are linear
(i.e., no products, division, or excel functions). “GRG Nonlinear” should be the default
when this is not the case.
Solver Outputs
Once you click “Solve” in the Solver
window, the following pop-up will
come up. Important insights can be
drawn from the Answer report and
Sensitivity report (obtained by
selecting these options in the
“Reports” field before clicking “OK.”)
Answer Report: The answer report
will tell you several things about the
optimal solution, including the
original and final value of all
variable cells and if the constraints
are binding. Binding constraints can
not change without changing the solution. If a constraint is non-binding, the answer
report also tells you the slack that exists on this constraint.
Sensitivity Report: The sensitivity report tells you how much the values of the variable
cells and the constraints would have to change to change the optimal solution. This is
useful in an environment where nothing is certain.
The Answer and Sensitivity Report will be covered in much greater detail in classes that
use Solver.
Use Case: Solver in Capital Budgeting
Suppose you
are in charge of
making a decision in
which you must
decide which projects
to fund among a
group of nine
projects. You have a
budget for the next
two years, and you
hope to optimize the
NPV of the projects in aggregate. The information for each project and the budget are
included in the excel image above. Each project has a cost in year one and year two
and the NPV that it generates.
Setting up the Excel for Solver: You must first think of how to set up the Excel sheet in a
way that allows for an objective cell and variable cells. In this case, the variable cells
(highlighted in green) are created as binary variables to tell the user if these projects are
funded or not. Then, the total NPV (highlighted in orange) is calculated using a
sumproduct of the binary “funded?” variable and the NPV of the project. It is also
important to lay out the constraints in an organized manner. In this case, the constraints
(highlighted in blue) are that the costs of the projects selected (calculated as a
sumproduct of the year one cost and the binary “funded?” variable) are less than or
equal to the available budget.
Running Solver: Click on “Solver” in the Data tab. First, set the objective cell by linking it
to cell C10 (the Total NPV). Then click the “Max” toggle to ensure that NPV is
maximized. Now, define your variable cells as the green “funded?” cells. For
constraints, click “Add,” then select the used cells on the left side and the available cells
on the right side. Because these are both “<=,” these two constraints can be added
separately or together. Also, the variable cells must be binary, so add this as a
constraint. This is a linear problem, so we chose Simplex LP. Clicking “Solve” will give
you the following solution. This tells us that we should fund projects 1, 3, 4, 6, and 9 to
optimize NPV.
Use Case: Solver in Pricing Decisions
Often Solver can be used internally in a firm to decide the optimal price for a
product in terms of profit given a particular elasticity of demand. The excel below shows
this problem.
Setting up Excel:
Suppose that our
company sells suits. It
costs us $225 to make
each suit. This is not a
number we can change,
but we can change the
amount that we sell the
suits for. Therefore, the
price cell is highlighted in
green because it is a
decision variable. The elasticity is also set. The linear demand curve is defined using a
slope and intercept, the former is a function of the current price, current demand, and
elasticity, and the latter is a function of current price and current demand. We are
maximizing the profit obtained by suit sales (highlighted in orange).
Running Solver: Click “Solver” in the “Data” tab. The first step is to set the objective
value to the profit and
indicate that we are
trying to maximize this
number. Next, indicate
that our variable cell is
the Suit Price in E4.
There are no
constraints in this
model, so leave this
blank. This is a
nonlinear problem
because multiplication
and division is used to
influence the suit
profit, so GRG Nonlinear is selected. Click “Solve,” and the optimal suit price comes out
to $317.61.